WE FOUND *EPIC* TREASURE in R1chest Faction! | Cadia Factions

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Yo guys what is going on it is Royal here today back for another episode of the faction series here on the brand new season of Madia factions of course if you guys want to come check out the server please consider using my custom IP royal. mia.com whenever you guys use

That IP it does directly support me in the channel and if you guys want to help yourselves out as well as help me out even further you guys can hop on any realm on Madia and do/ redeem Royal using that code does directly support me even further and it gives you guys free

Money and free gold to start off here on factions now anyways guys if you are not caught up to date with the series so far the first episode We join a random solo on the server and we’re going to try and get rich that way because my faction uh

Breached you know the faction that we’ve been playing with for like the last I don’t even know how many Maps I’m going to say at least the last six Maps apparently they are not playing this map okay they have all split off into a bunch of different PVP factions I guess

They’re not making a base or anything like that so I had nowhere to go at all So currently in this solo faction we have about five cactus farms I finished printing in the last cactus farm that we were making at the end of the last video

This is the fono if we F warp I believe it’s CAC 4 I printed in this full entire thing and we are now down to $24 million cuz we also bought a stack of ig’s in the last video so in today’s episode I’m not going to lie this is lowkey going to

Be kind of a Rags to Riches type series because we are broke I’m not going to lie to you but in today’s episode we are going to be grinding some Expos we might even hit some voyages if we do oh wait slash fund Voyages of Blackbeard loot

Does get unlocked in about 2 days or maybe like one and a half days at the time I’m recording this and then Davey Jones tier on the 26th so we might have to hop into some of that but for this episode we are going to be doing some uh

Expos because Expos are a great way to grind without like having to PVP other players it’s straight PVE it’s straight grindy you just like put your head down and you grind you get money you get items that sell for a ton of cash so that’s what we’re going to be doing in

Today’s episode but I hopped on the other day and Dylan told me that we have got a box in the richest faction on the server all right if we F top we have a box in quackers now we just went up against quackers in the last season I

Think quackers got third I don’t think they were ever raid uh breached my old faction got second and then the other comp faction got number one I literally already forgot their name I’m not even going to lie but guys I have no clue if quackers is going to be the best faction

This map but they’re the richest faction on the server and I didn’t ask them Dylan just told me he was like yo we got a box in there and I was like all right bet I am down so we are currently a part of the faction quackers we can f leave

This little alt faction F join quackers to go over to our box I lied no we can’t bro quackers is full I literally just checked like 5 minutes ago and they were 6 out of 10 now they are 9 out of 10 what the hell happened okay I guess I

Lied um we are going to be going to the Box later in today’s episode I guess for right now we’re going to go ahead and grind Expeditions so let’s head over to the slash Expeditions we already have a set going on over here it’s nothing super crazy do have a parent mask for

The speed three now if we do/ Expedition boat we are currently on this island and this is the worst Island to grind on of all time okay the reason for that is because the mobs here absolutely blow like they are so annoying to fight there is one super easy mob but there’s one

Super hard one as well you guys will see right here all right it’s going to spawn in oh we actually got a full spawn of all of the easy mobs bro the squids this is what you want to see bro super easy to kill sometimes they jump on top of

Your head like that and IND you but that’s fine bro as long as it’s not the spiders with skeletons on top of them but right there we got 69,000 from that chest not a great amount of money here you don’t get a ton of like super good

Loot either but at the next island is really whenever you start to make money wait hold on are we fighting the boss right the boss either just spawned or it’s about to spawn let’s go fight this thing so that way we can potentially level up oh it’s about to spawn in 36

Seconds that is actually pretty lucky but we are going to be putting hours into Expeditions in today’s episode I’m going to be grinding out so much money hopefully we get a a lot of good items as well and then we’re going to be investing it straight into the box into

Spawners and hopefully make a ton of progress in today’s episode this boss does do a lot of damage especially if you’re on like it’s rotten Decay or whatever the hell that is but it usually only takes like one wave 600 XP right there and we only need to kill that boss

Two more times to level up most likely one because it takes 7 minutes and 30 seconds to respawn and then you just come over here and kill these mobs so at level 80 is whenever we will unlock the next Island which is the actual good Island that’s my favorite island because

Again whenever you hit level 100 that Island there’s PVP enabled and yeah I don’t really have any teammates to go there with and I’m not going to cap a lot of people are probably running tracers at that island so yeah i’ just rather never go there I’m going to be

Honest unless I find like a super good faction that wants to let me grind there and not kill me but I’ve really never grinded at that island ever in my entire life but I know every single chest at that island is like a couple million dollars and that right now would make so

Much money if you just grind it out and yeah these are the annoying mobs by the way the spiders literally the worst thing of all time they do so much damage and they are actually hard to hit but yeah for right now I’m going to take a

Cut until we hit Level 80 and then in the next clip we will go to the new island check out the loot there and probably join the main faction quackers just to give you guys a Showcase of our box to see what we have so far we’re not

Doing terrible but we are not doing great we’re going to change that in today’s video I’m going to set a goal for an amount of IGS in today’s video that hopefully we could hit I’m going to say like hopefully 750 IGS if not 1K by the end of today’s episode if we could

Do that that would be huge so let me kill off all these squids bro all these mobs I’ll bring you guys back in one second all right guys we are back and we actually ended up hitting level 80 quite some time ago but I did get off and take

A little bit of a break but now we are back on and tell me why they have dropped a brand new hype box bro I think it’s like a Valentine’s hype box type thing and whenever the hype boxes drop you guys know what that means for me we

Are hopping straight into some hype box battles we are going to do these four at a time four at a time is just usually the ones that I win the most if I go higher I swear to God I end up losing and if I lose we only lose four crates

So it’s not that big of a deal but let’s go ahead start this thing up bro I need some loot I saw that you can win Shillings level 100s out of these that would be amazing to win right now especially because we are so poor I have

A shilling oh wait what the hell did we just win I think that’s a sunen that’s worth $280 a full lover set is worth 300 okay we’re down 70 bucks butth yeah we do have a Shillings cave pet on our alt but it’s literally like level 20 by now

Only $170 we’re going to lose we’re we’re getting cooked we’re down $120 bro there’s no way I feel like my items are literally better as well that’s the crazy thing okay how much is this $ 250 280 bro we literally lost every single round are you kidding I

Feel like the Hellraiser is better than The Cage pet bro it’s only level one oh my God see we got rinsed right here bro that that was nuts that was nuts and we didn’t even win anything that we wanted super bad anyway it’s whatever let’s head into the enter chest four more

Right here please can we we need to win like the next however many battles we do we need to win them I can’t lie your boy needs some Loot and we we need loot bat a Shillings k bro please I saw everybody winning so many of those a battery pet

Is not is not good enough dude we’re literally losing every single round granted that one was only by $5 so highly highly winnable we just need to pull something please not a chef mask that won’t cut it and that this isn’t going to cut it either they pulled it

The Shillings cave level 100 bro 310 bucks um we need to pull something massive and they need to pull actual trash like we have and oh my God the hyper chard how much was that Ninjago okay we’re still down but we just brought it back I did not know a hybrid

Shard would be that much bro please please win this please bro pull something crazy pull something crazy hyper chard yes we won oh my God we actually just clutched that out no way bro we got the Shillings level 100 two hybrid shards that has to sell for like

A decent amount of money right I am most hyped about the Shillings cave that was an insane clutch to win that dude now we’re going to do three because we have three left so we’ll do three and three two more hype box battles right here if

We can win another Shillings pet I would not be complaining at all and okay heroic black scroll that was worth 200 bucks it was more than than that one but again these are only three crate battles so we kind of need to pull something ASAP uh they’re going to get a full

Rover set wow we got a full colossal we’re still in the lead right we’re still in the lead by like 60 bucks so just pull something solid right here and we do win I will take the full Rover armor set actually that is not bad and a

Cage P okay with an Ace Ace isn’t the greatest but a win is a win I wonder how much money this Shillings level 100 actually generates though in comparison to our other one if we Battle Royal God n i mean he has an extra 27 mil right

There that is not bad anyways EC I’m just going to open these up because if we do a hype box battle we’re going to lose cuz we just won two in a row so let’s be smart here open up these last two can we get another Shillings cave

Pet that would be massive bro please and we’re not going to get it here maybe a Hellraiser another smoke balloon that is tragic that is tragic let’s see what we win out of this one it’s looking like a Speedster probably okay oh a sunk no way

Dude no way it went past the sunken bro I do not need another Ninjago man I don’t even really derp dive like that bro this is not good final crate right here for the entire video and then we are going back to X Expeditions um yeah we didn’t really want the lightsaber oh

Bro the full lover set would have been nice okay it’s fine got another hell Razer that still is not bad at all I wonder if I can bring the Shillings cave pet to the Expeditions they usually don’t allow pets but this one doesn’t really give you a boost it just

Generates you money so I feel like you should be allowed and oh my God they allow you to bring it that is a w bro no way the reason why the Shillings is so good dude is you don’t even have to worry about getting raided bro this is

Literally just like a couple spawners in a grinder that can’t be raided I don’t really know how much money it generates but it generates money I know that anyways slap Expedition boat we did end up hitting level 80 bro this is the best island in the game right here bro

Hopefully we start making money at this new island how the hell do I get off this boat hopefully we finally start to make some real money we’re going to go check there’s already people here oh bro it’s freaking Blackwood no way and I just realized you can actually put a

Balloon on your Expedition sword I did not know that oh my God bro look how much easier these mobs are oh bless up dude this one is a little annoying but at least it doesn’t really do a whole lot of damage and there is a part where

You can get a ton of hits off on it like that there we go it just like turns into combo mode and you can get a bunch of hits off on it and just kill it but I want to see how much money we’re getting per chest here what the hell is

Blackwood doing bro is he about to rob my loot okay bang and then click this chest $572,000 from one chest is nuts I cannot lie to you bro that is amazing all we have to do plus the shilling’s cave pet bro we can sit here grind it out we’re

Going to be making millions upon Millions invest it all into the box all into spawners and just go crazy also keep in mind we do have five cactus arms currently being afked and we just got another alt or uh Dylan got another alt so we can make a 61 bro another 520k

From that chest nah this is going to be op bro I’m going to be making millions could you guys just imagine the final PVP Island I wish they there wasn’t PVP there bro like just let me go there without you know having to worry about people running tracers and aim assisting

And dying dude just let me grind another 644k bro what is the minimum you can win is the minimum 500k cuz if it just goes up from that that’s nuts I was assuming it was going to be like 300,000 minimum which is still really good but we’re

Already at $30 million bro I have barely been here that guy’s smoked This Guy’s in a corner he’s cooked like bang we just killed that horde we have two chests to claim right here it’s going to cash me out for a quick Millie that was 490k plus

715k a quick million right there okay guys um yeah I want to stay here and I want to grind for a couple of hours so I’m going to take a cut we are just going to stack up on bread Stack Up on loot I mean I know you can win at least

I hope you can win some star of the world loot boxes as well cuz those are worth like 20 million per but they are a pretty rare chance to actually get to drop from these chests I always forget how to actually check the Expedition loot oh no we found it um right click

This glass pane to show all of the possible rewards from Island 5 let’s take a look colossal armor pieces seasonal eggs mystery items Rover pieces start of the world crate pet callers oh my God bro pet callers sell for a disgusting amount of money and then the

Rest is uh it’s pretty mid I’m going to be honest with you but right here 150k to $900,000 per chest is very solid and yeah that’s basically everything so I’m going to take a cut we’re going to grind for a couple of hours I will see you

Guys in 1 second all right guys we are back and I’m not going to lie it is a couple days later um I kind of took a little bit of a break just a small little mini rest from recording a ton because I felt like I was going crazy

Before I took that little break anyways I’m fully refreshed um we have been grinding Expeditions a little bit haven’t done too much grinding I was actually already claiming my rewards and then I realized like yo you actually get extremely good stuff out of these like I got cursed Rune pouches I’m saving like

All of my pouches in here to make God sets and stuff but if we F who quackers bro they are literally full right now it’s kind of prime time on the server literally like a thousand players online so yeah I don’t know whenever we’re going to get in but we did get these

Cursed Rune pouches I did pull an equalizer 4 like I said I already started opening these and I was like I might as well maybe record some of them just in case we get anything super good and as soon as I start recording we get trash equalizer 3 is not horrible and

This is really good rates it’s not maxed but I mean it’s almost Max and yeah never mind we got rinsed okay good looks but we do have have $549 million so we have made a ton of money from Expeditions and voyages are also out now

So we might hit some of those in today’s episode as well I haven’t taken a look at the loot tables but if you can pull some stuff that I can sell for even more money it might be better than Expeditions right now but yeah I do want

To get into the faction um start building a god Set and show you guys our box I said our goal was like 1,000 IGS for this episode but like I said I did take a couple days of a break and my box member Dylan apparently ICF a ton of

Spawners and he just got super lucky and I think we’re at like around 2,000 IGS right now so that is very very solid I do have $549 million I could spend which granted probably won’t get us that many IGS if we just take a look yeah we can’t

Even afford two stacks of IGS right now bro IGS are super super expensive but we do have 115 mob spawners I think some of these actually despawned I’m not that these literally expire today so yeah let’s go ahead uh start claiming these and we will try to start opening them

I’ll just trash one of them so that way we have an inventory slot here we’re we’re not super rich so uh we’ll just open all of these like I said kind of ragster riches here every single spawner is going to count I think we just got

Our first IG right there and bang these are basically the only good spawners we got here so didn’t do really too well I mean three Ghasts um five IGS and nine magmas six creepers if I wanted to I could just sell these spawners I think

The gas and magmas go for like 2 million each but obviously I am trying to buy spawners but if you guys don’t want to buy spawners Expeditions you still get a ton of mob spawners from it like I said I haven’t even really grinded it a whole

Well listen I’m going to take another cut we are either going to get into the faction eventually and I’m going to build a Gods set and we’re going to do a little bit of PVP in today’s episode or we’re going to go hit some voyages if we

Cannot get rotated in so let me take a cut I’ll figure out what we’re doing I’ll see you guys in one second finally guys we have made it into the faction quackers I I actually don’t know okay well actually I can see it on the scoreboard we are still F top number one

Oh my God by double the amount of value okay this is an interesting faction name right here not going to lie all right we don’t have a lot of faction points but I think that’s just PVP points right yeah yeah yeah yeah we’re we’re not a PVP faction wow this faction right here

Which I think is mainly like the main like leaders and stuff of breached are ftop or F PVP points whatever the hell it’s called bro PVP top number one but anyways um our box is nothing special I just set all of this up for all of our

Like Expo Loot and stuff we have a bunch of black Scrolls set some runes up there um opened up some pets things like that so I just set this up and we also have these from the Expeditions as well two star item um okay a Grappler and then

Open this okay two Grapplers and then a mystery admin item we got a sord of trident I think that was literally like the worst things you could have got actually I think you could have got a bow which would have been a little bit worse but not any great luck out of

Those anyways yeah our box is definitely nothing special here it is pretty scuffed if I do say so myself it looks like uh Dylan just sold the box cuz there’s only 54 million in here and if I fly over here apparently Dylan just lost

A CF for 500 IGS so if we chunk info we have like literally 2,000 basically on the dot uh 34 magmas 24 gas let me go into my um Ender Chest we’ll just place down these spawners right here really quick um bang uh throw those there and

Then do we have oh yeah we do have Magus place right there bang There we go now I was going to spend my money and buy IGS and place them in the grinder but uh Dylan told me to go ahead and I F it so

If we SL shop actually can I even afford two stacks um if we can we’re going back to X oh my God this is literally my entire balance oh that’s kind of scary dude I’m not going okay well we just just bought it there was no confirmation

Or anything but we’re going to try an ICF these two stacks of IGS for another two stacks of IGS see if we can double up our profit or lose everything that we just worked for so I believe we have to go into the gold shop to get yep an item

Flip credit right here and then I think we just claim it and then warp desert is literally where everybody on the server does their trade so I’m going to see if we can find an ICF for these two stacks of IGS it’s not a lot of IG so I’m not

Sure if we will but yeah we’ll see if we can double up on profit wait wait bro Dylan just told me he’s IC F in for he’s icing his set for precious ig’s let’s in see Dylan hopefully he wins this because uh we did just lose five he’s ghosting

Okay take a look at the ICF history oh my bro see these guys are doing like a ridiculous amount of IGS I just can’t afford those right now I have two stacks not sure if anyone’s really going to take that deal but yeah there’s really supposed to be a pattern in these um

Like icfs and stuff oh what the hell bro these guys ICF like I don’t even know how many IGS this is it’s like three all around okay that’s like nothing maybe somebody will take my ICF for two stacks oh these guys just did one right here

Okay yeah yeah see this is something we could do but we do have to kind of read the board so we just went on a hot you know head streak over here and then it went three in a row for Tails it’s got to be heads again right it’s got to be

Oh this guy right here bro Inc this guy was doing ICF oh my what the why does this man have this many IGS in his inventory bro go place that down in a base Bud okay bang we have it whoa whoa whoa whoa I want heads I’m not going to

Lie message stops I want heads not going to lie wait wait whoa whoa Dylan just spammed me we’re rich I don’t know if we want okay bro I guess we’re just going to do the tals okay bro Dylan stop spamming me dog he said we’re rich so

I’m just going to ICF it he gave me Tails again bro it is what it is we’ll just take it pray to God we win this I’m going to check out the ICF history in a second because Dylan is literally spamming me bro right after I see if we

Get cooked I wanted heads and I messaged him that and then he just sent the same thing yes we won oh my God it was meant to be ICF history wait wait what did Dylan win hold up hold up Dylan ooh Oh my he ICF this guy wait bro I cut my

Losses here bro let me m him he’s trying to ICF me again said I will do six for four wait nah no no no no no no no I take my wins whenever I can get get them dude I’m out of there bro we just came

Up double the profit that is what I like to see and actually more because Dylan just went crazy as well he said eight stacks for four bro this guy’s down horrendous wait message Dylan Dylan’s telling me to do it bro okay yeah bro eight for four is kind of crazy so IC

Bro how do you send an ICF because I I want heads dude where is he you have to be within 10 blocks if we lose this we are still up because Dylan just won 15 Stacks so I mean yeah you just kind of do this bro for okay he did six Stacks H

We’re still going to take it it’s still a good good deal here let’s see if we win this I went heads this time I didn’t check ICF history but if we could win this I am absolutely done okay the only reason why I’m doing it I would have

Taken the profit and ran but Dylan came up on 15 stacks and we got cooked GG’s bro yeah we’re still up in profit against that guy um like I said Dylan literally just ICF him for 15 Stacks chunk info I don’t think he’s done placing him down but we are getting

Right back up there but now we are super super poor so I do want to make a sets that way we can PVP and boom we are almost at 3K off of that what the hell that’s actually crazy dude we are right back up there and Dylan said that other

Dude is drained I think he lost a fat ICF will be ICF history honestly icing is pretty fun bro but uh yeah I don’t like gambling anyways guys I’m going to take a cut right here I do want to make myself a Rover set I’m not sure if I’m

Going to finish the set in today’s video because I might also want to hit some voyages cuz I am literally insanely poor now and wait a minute dude slash Outpost real quick um the faction with the raid Outpost is literally F open so let’s go ahead and sell our cactus farms I’m

Going to f leave F join we are F open was that their name bang we are in okay so we’re going to TV to Dylan we’re going to sell all these cactus farms I have no clue how much money is in there cuz I have not checked it in a grip um

Bank we’re here oh my 2 million per chest okay wait these ones on the ends over here don’t have as much but that is still a lot of money you cannot use a sell one in this area wait what do you mean okay wait wait we can actually sell

Them manually if you come over here like this oh okay bang we’ll just do it like that um we can’t actually use any sell ones because I I don’t know bro the fact perms are are crazy but we can just sell them manually it’ll just take a little

Bit longer obviously cuz we have to stop at each chest but yeah instead of like 2.6 million we just got 3.4 million right there so it’s honestly going to take forever to sell all of these Farms let me take another cut well I wasn’t actually able to sell the entire Farm

Because we lost rating Outpost but I did get like 160 mil we’re going to hop into a voyage right now I have to gift 45 million bro that definitely hurts the pockets gift advate um wait yeah that’s that’s just it right hopefully that was the right guy because $45 million is

Kind of a lot to me but it’s a skip 10 Voyage so what the hell bro how are we in a box there’s no way they’re going to be able to place this here right but yeah we paid 45 mil because hopefully we make some profit out of this Voyage as

Long as we don’t die or lose a room it’s going to be guaranteed profit I don’t really know what we’re going to take um because DAV Jones is out so I don’t know what loot is good but I have not done voyages in a very very long time so I’m

Kind of hoping we don’t get cooked I haven’t gotten Shivers in forever oh bro I’m going to have to lock in for this but whenever people are running voyages I can just run these whenever they’re available get the profit dip out and whenever nobody’s running voyages we

Just go back to Expeditions as well as afking all of our farms and we will have a steady income of cash coming in all the time and after 10 minutes they finally place down the portal Jesus Christ man all right first voyage pack um first room we got is the uh oh yeah

Shooting range absolutely light work I should be allowed to freeload in this Voyage because I did pay to get in which means I am pain to get carried basically luckily this room is pretty fun so I will help a little bit watch this is a snip right here bang oh I missed it’s

Looking like we may be a little washed here boys I’m not going to lie to you I haven’t hit a shot yeah GG’s bro GG’s yeah I’m cutting the clip um guys I wasn’t recording but uh yeah we just threw the voyage I’m not going to lie um

We got death run and literally everybody got kicked out of the voyage besides me and Tyler and Tyler literally died on death run so I just I just took whatever the hell I got $11 million we just got taxed we we just got t wait are Rover leggings good they’re not good Rover

Leggings are 10 mil okay yeah GG’s bro GG’s I just lost $45 million all right Guys Tyler is a scammer so fortunately I think this video is already long enough anyway so we’re going to end this episode off right here in the next one I

Am going to be making a god Set we’re going to be doing some PVP and some more voyages in that episode as well but for right now dude that is it so if you guys did enjoy drop a like sub if you guys are new if you want to hop on and come

Check out these voyages yourself be sure you are hopping on with my custom IP and yeah I will catch you guys in the next episode of factions

This video, titled ‘WE GOT A BOX IN THE *RICHEST* FACTION ON THE SERVER! | Minecraft Factions | Cadia’, was uploaded by R0yal MC on 2024-02-29 07:06:34. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

WE GOT A BOX IN THE *RICHEST* FACTION! ———————————————————————————————– Server

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    Amadron's Modded Quest: Drone Delivery Dive! In the world of Minecraft, a new adventure begins, With Nik and Isaac, the quest never ends. Drone delivery service, a modded delight, In Stoneopolis, a new generation takes flight. Backpacks that feed us, a survival must, Encrypted_ modpack, in mods we trust. Join the Discord, for more fun and play, In this Minecraft world, where we’ll stay. So leap into the verse, with beats and art, Crafting Minecraft news, a work of heart. Spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Kelp Wall Shenanigans

    Kelp Wall Shenanigans Minecraft Hardcore Season 7 Episode 55: Kelp Wall In the latest episode of Hardcore Minecraft Season 7, the players embarked on an exciting adventure to build a Kelp Wall. Let’s dive into the details of this thrilling episode! Building the Kelp Wall The highlight of this episode was the construction of a massive Kelp Wall. The players worked tirelessly to gather resources, craft tools, and meticulously place each block to create this impressive structure. The Kelp Wall not only served as a decorative element but also had practical uses in the game. Kelp: Kelp is a type of underwater… Read More

  • Mop Villager Madness: Minecraft’s New Twist!

    Mop Villager Madness: Minecraft's New Twist! In the world of Minecraft, a new tale to tell, Becoming a Villager, hands fused, oh well. The excitement, the wonder, in this unique twist, Don’t skip the video, don’t let it be missed. Hasyblock, the player, with skills to show, In the land of blocks, where adventures grow. With Instagram and YouTube, his presence known, Crafting content, in a style all his own. Donations welcomed, support the cause, Through Saweria, Trakteer, and Social Buzz applause. Join the Discord, for a community to find, Sharing the love for Minecraft, in a bind. Shorts and videos, a format so neat,… Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft Beta 1.8: Adventure Update

    Unveiling Minecraft Beta 1.8: Adventure Update The Adventure Unfolds: Minecraft Beta 1.8 Exploring the Minecraft Universe In the vast world of Minecraft, Beta 1.8 brought forth a wave of new adventures and features that captivated players worldwide. From the removal of certain elements to the introduction of exciting biomes, this update marked a significant milestone in the game’s evolution. Biomes Galore One of the most notable changes in Beta 1.8 was the addition of various biomes, each with its unique characteristics. Players could now explore diverse landscapes, including the Ocean, Plains, Desert, Extreme Hills, Forest, Taiga, River, Swamp, Village, and Canyon. These biomes added depth… Read More

  • Mystmoor Semi-Vanilla SMP PVP Whitelist Hard Difficulty Land Claims Anti-Cheat & No Grief Paper 1.21

    Mystmoor: Vanilla SMP Mystmoor: Vanilla SMP is a small whitelisted community of enthusiasts of the classic Minecraft experience. We cherish the game’s core essence and we’re excited to welcome new members who share our passion. Mystmoor provides: Friendly staff ready to help. Authentic vanilla gameplay with sensible enhancements. Overworld in which immersive builds are promoted. The challenge of Hard mode. Strong measures against cheating and grief. No pay-to-win. Feel free to check out our website and join our Discord to start your journey with us today! Discord: Join us on Discord Website: Visit our website Instagram: Follow us on Instagram Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Get spicy with your Minecraft decor!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Get spicy with your Minecraft decor!"“I guess you could say this meme was ‘crafted’ with love… and a little bit of Photoshop magic!” Read More

  • [Hot Villager Launch] Oi Oi Oi Meme! #minecraft #memes #funny

    [Hot Villager Launch] Oi Oi Oi Meme! #minecraft #memes #funny When you accidentally launch a villager into space with a Super Launcher and all you hear is “oi oi oi” as they fly away into the distance. Minecraft truly is a wild ride. #SpaceVillagers #MinecraftMishaps Read More

  • Mind-blowing Time Travel with Rijakpreet Singh – 2013 POV @Altraxu

    Mind-blowing Time Travel with Rijakpreet Singh - 2013 POV @AltraxuVideo Information This video, titled ‘pov it’s 2013 @Altraxu’, was uploaded by Rijakpreet Singh on 2024-05-05 04:31:50. It has garnered 114 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft shorts minecraft memes herobrine gaming memes minecraft meme meme funny minecraft steveee #shorts laggy friend minecraft challenge funny minecraftjava minecraft funny minecraftshorts animation #tiktok best minecraft memes new world funny minecraft memes fyp lags minecrafthacks funny lags minecraftbedrock that laggy friend in minecraft when your dank minecraft memes gaming mandeer minecraft tiktok cartoon minecraft mods minecraft animation minecraft pov minecraft pov shorts… Read More

  • Becoming a Minecraft Master: 100 Days Challenge

    Becoming a Minecraft Master: 100 Days ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 Days – [Minecraft Creative 2]’, was uploaded by Luke TheNotable on 2024-06-15 17:00:07. It has garnered 1207327 views and 52928 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:21 or 1821 seconds. Get my new Plush today! – https://youtooz.com/products/luke-thenotable-plush-9-inch I survived 100 Days in the Creative, this is what happened… Thank you to all my subscribers you are all amazing! If you want to become one hit that sub button! Other GREAT 100 Days videos, The ORIGINAL 100 DAYS – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYzfeWaenlU 100 Days with Cheats – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RnG5T0f_IU 100 Days on XBOX 360 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsgL5k1LkIk 100… Read More

  • Insane gamer creates op armor in Minecraft pt 3!

    Insane gamer creates op armor in Minecraft pt 3!Video Information This video, titled ‘I make my fully iron armour in Minecraft survival series part 3’, was uploaded by extreme gamer on 2024-05-09 09:42:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Can a Nerd Survive Hardcore?

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Can a Nerd Survive Hardcore?Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore: Starting Fresh!’, was uploaded by NerdKambo on 2024-06-15 06:23:45. It has garnered 149 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 06:28:30 or 23310 seconds. Today we will be embarking on a new Journey! i know i have a 100 days world but tbh, i got bored and forgot what i was doing! This series will go on forever! Either on this world or many to come! I hope you enjoy! GoFundMe Link for Char: ​​https://gofund.me/c43b8ba4 ________________________________________ Follow Me: ▷ Twitter:https://twitter.com/nerdkambo ▷ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@UC-5OK1w-I2RXYTGE-eUE_zA ▷ Discord: https://discord.gg/FsD5EcCA _________________________________________ I made up… Read More

  • Dubious Dean Discovers Minecraft Wall Hack!

    Dubious Dean Discovers Minecraft Wall Hack!Video Information This video, titled ‘I clipped through a wall in Minecraft Dungeons!’, was uploaded by Dean DuBose on 2024-01-14 21:35:25. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Its crazy! #xbox #minecraft #minecraftdungeons Read More

  • Unbelievable fix for Vizag OP queue problem 😱 || Minecraft PE 1.21

    Unbelievable fix for Vizag OP queue problem 😱 || Minecraft PE 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PE Aternos Waiting In Queue “Problem Fix” 😳 || Waiting In Queue || Minecraft 1.21’, was uploaded by Vizag OP on 2024-07-13 07:14:00. It has garnered 16246 views and 1123 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:43 or 163 seconds. Minecraft PE Aternos Waiting In Queue “Problem Fix” 😳 || Waiting In Queue || Minecraft 1.21 Hello Guys, welcome in Vizag OP youtube channel ——————————————————————— ➤ ABOUT THIS VIDEO : salutation for all my youtube family, friends iss video me mene apko [ Minecraft PE Aternos Waiting In Queue “Problem Fix” 😳 ||… Read More

  • 🚨 Insane Minecraft & Valorant Action LIVE! 💣🔥

    🚨 Insane Minecraft & Valorant Action LIVE! 💣🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft & Valorant LIVE Stream! Build, Battle, and Dominate 💥🔨’, was uploaded by MrNexxt on 2024-05-12 07:51:02. It has garnered 32 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:03 or 11283 seconds. Minecraft & Valorant LIVE Stream! Build, Battle, and Dominate 💥🔨 #valorant #valorantlive #minecraft #Gaming #ChillStream Description: 🎮 Welcome to our gaming universe, where the action never stops and the excitement is contagious! 🚀 Join us for an unforgettable gaming experience as we dive into the virtual realm and conquer epic quests LIVE on YouTube! 🔥 Live Stream Highlights: 🕹️ Engaging… Read More

  • Unbelievable! From 700 to 1K Subscribers?! 🤯

    Unbelievable! From 700 to 1K Subscribers?! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘THANXS FOR 700 SUBSCRIBE| NEXST 1K|’, was uploaded by MBF TAHMID on 2024-07-05 06:03:16. It has garnered 11487 views and 778 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. THANXS FOR 700 SUBSCRIBE| NEXST 1K| minecraft,minecraft tiktok hack,minecraft tiktok hacks,minecraft hacks,testing minecraft tiktoks,real minecraft hacks,trying viral minecraft hacks,minecraft tiktok,minecraft viral hacks,testing viral minecraft hacks that are real,tiktok minecraft hacks,minecraft tik toks,tiktok minecraft,minecraft tiktok compilation,minecraft build hacks,tiktok hack,testing tiktok minecraft tricks that are 100% real,minecraft tiktok hacks 1.20,minecraft tik tok hacks minecraft,minecraft funny,funny minecraft compilation,minecraft funny moments,funny,funny fake minecraft speedruns,funniest minecraft clips,minecraft manhunt,minecraft… Read More

  • SAM’S HEARTBREAKING Minecraft FRIENDSHIP Story 😭 #Shorts

    SAM'S HEARTBREAKING Minecraft FRIENDSHIP Story 😭 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Minecraft FRIENDSHIP story will break your heart 😢 #Shorts’, was uploaded by sam is playing on 2024-06-16 06:30:25. It has garnered 12839 views and 1131 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. This Minecraft FRIENDSHIP story will break your heart 😢 #shorts TAGS IGNORE triggered insaan,fukra insaan,nischay malhan,abhishek malhan,abhishek,nischay,dimple malhan vlogs,triggered insaan roast,triggered insaan sourav joshi,fukra insaan vlog,fukra insaan bigg boss,fukra insaan live,fukra insaan song,sourav,sourav joshi,sourav joshi vlogs,sourav joshi new car,news,youtube news,neon man,elvish,elvish yadav vlogs,elvish yadav,elvish yadav song,bebika,uk07 rider,ashish chanchlani,mrbeast,technical guruji,virat kohli minecraft naruto mods , miecraft live , minecraft… Read More

  • Elysian SMP

    Elysian SMPWelcome to Elysian SMP! Embark in an exciting journey on our Origins Factions server! >> Join one of three factions or walk alongside the peaceful faction of Aethra! >> Has mods such as Lootr, Oh The Biomes You’ll Go, Better Animals Plus, Croptopia, and Origins++! >> Plenty of origins to choose from!! >> Java Fabric Server 1.19.2 !! Join us today!! You MUST be a member of our Discord: https://discord.gg/Mz6tPeVwAN elysian-smp.com Read More

  • TFL semi-vanilla whitelist

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Community! We have a friendly, global 18+ community where PvP, griefing, and stealing are not allowed. Join us for pure fun and building experiences on both Java and Bedrock platforms. Stay connected with our active Discord for gaming discussions and updates. Server Update: New World Launching on July 28th! While the server is under construction, join our Discord to meet members and stay informed. Explore our temporary creative world to pass the time. Community Features: Shopping District Nether hub for fast travel Community megabuild project Survival & Creative worlds Special Events (contests, games, and more) Gameplay… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Gotta give the people what they want, Random Video Part 2!

    Minecraft Memes - Gotta give the people what they want, Random Video Part 2!I guess the sequel was requested even more than the original, must be some good meme magic at work! Read More

  • Gate Grind: Tinker World SMP Struggle – Stream Replay

    Gate Grind: Tinker World SMP Struggle - Stream Replay In Tinker World SMP, on a quest so grand, To finish the castle gate, with tools in hand. The viewers cheer you on, with hearts so bright, As you build and create, under the moonlight. With each block you place, the gate takes shape, A masterpiece in progress, no time to escape. The challenges you face, with skill and might, Crafting and building, in the soft moonlight. Your fans adore you, in every way, For the joy you bring, day by day. So keep on building, with passion and glee, In Tinker World SMP, where you’re truly free. And… Read More

  • Minecraft Villager Oi Oi Oi meme 🔥 #lit #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Villager Oi Oi Oi meme 🔥 #lit #minecraft #memes When you accidentally hit a Minecraft villager and suddenly hear “Oi Oi Oi” coming from all directions, you know you’re in for a world of trouble. It’s like a tiny, angry mob of villagers ready to take you down for your crimes against their kind. Watch out, they may be small but they are mighty! Read More

  • Ultimate Skin Editing Guide for Minecraft

    Ultimate Skin Editing Guide for Minecraft Minecraft Skin Editing and Modification Tutorial Are you ready to take your Minecraft gaming experience to the next level? Look no further! In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to edit and modify your own skins for actions and more using Blockbench. Let’s dive in! Step 1: Get Creative with Your Skins Instead of sticking to the same old “Rana” skin, why not customize your own unique skin? Express your creativity and stand out in the Minecraft world by designing a skin that truly represents you. Step 2: Join the ECKODILES Community For even more inspiration and… Read More

  • Exploring Allay’s Fishing Hut – Let’s Play Minecraft

    Exploring Allay's Fishing Hut - Let's Play Minecraft Minecraft Adventures: Allay’s, Fishing Hut, and Exploration In the latest episode of Vanderzone MC, players are in for a treat as they embark on various exciting activities in the Minecraft world. From testing out new features to encountering unexpected challenges, this episode is packed with thrilling moments. Testing the Mini Smelter with Lava Farm Fuel One of the highlights of this episode is the testing of the mini smelter with lava farm fuel. Players get to witness the efficiency of this new feature and how it can enhance their gameplay experience. The use of innovative tools and resources adds… Read More

  • Mikey Gets Pranked While Asleep in Maizen 3D Story

    Mikey Gets Pranked While Asleep in Maizen 3D StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ made a Bad Prank on Sleeping Mikey – Maizen Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Maizen 3D Story on 2024-06-06 07:00:06. It has garnered 12011 views and 81 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:48 or 3588 seconds. JJ made a Bad Prank on Sleeping Mikey – Maizen Minecraft Animation Hello, I’m creating 3D animation based on the game Minecraft! #minecraft #animation #maizen #jj #mikey Read More

  • Capturing a Wild Girl in Minecraft Jail!

    Capturing a Wild Girl in Minecraft Jail!Video Information This video, titled ‘I PUT A CRAZY GIRL IN A JAIL CELL… ON MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by NYANA BANYANA on 2024-07-17 01:14:21. It has garnered 1647 views and 298 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:41 or 10841 seconds. #animegirl #anime #envtuber #vtuber Minecraft Server Download Cursforge 1.0 Vshojo mod origins server : port:25564 Questions? Join the discord and ask! https://discord.gg/8tkUERpe Collab with https://www.twitch.tv/parasi -Support the lil Banyana cat and her donothon here : https://streamelements.com/nyanabanyana/tip Nyana draws ! ——————————————————————- $ 20 activates tts = https://streamelements.com/nyanabanyana/tip ——————————————————————– Merch : https://otakubon.com/collections/nyana-banyana-merch-collection New model reveal here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCluEHs5e2M&t=0s •… Read More

  • EPIC FAILS in Minecraft Survival 1.20 😱

    EPIC FAILS in Minecraft Survival 1.20 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Part 1: My Unlucky Day in Minecraft Survival Series 1.20 😭’, was uploaded by GAMERZ SOU on 2024-04-28 20:34:00. It has garnered 7 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:24 or 804 seconds. Welcome to GAMERZ SOU is your go-to destination for immersive gaming content, featuring a blend of gameplay, reviews, tutorials, and more. Join us on our gaming journey as we explore a diverse range of titles across various platforms. Follow in INSTAGRAM – https://www.instagram.com/gmrz_sou?igsh=ejR5bnlwZDhiZm1h FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557523673755&mibextid=ZbWKwL THANKS FOR WATCHING **Title: “Pocket Survival: A Minecraft PE Journey”** **Concept:** Embark… Read More

  • EPIC Warden Battle on Minecraft Resolute SMP!

    EPIC Warden Battle on Minecraft Resolute SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Fought my FIRST WARDEN On Minecraft Resolute SMP – E12’, was uploaded by Dukester on 2024-04-18 19:00:19. It has garnered 897 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:26 or 1526 seconds. You are watching: I Fought my FIRST WARDEN On Minecraft Resolute SMP – E12 In today’s episode of Duke plays Resolute SMP, we meet our newest member Thom, fight a bastion with him and Miney, follow that up with a bastion on our own, and even begin designing rowhouses at the swamp! Enjoy 😀 ———————————————————————————————– Important links: Resolute Youtube:… Read More

  • “Dream_pro shares HUGE secret in Minecraft 😱 (don’t miss the surprise ending!)” #shorts #minecraft

    "Dream_pro shares HUGE secret in Minecraft 😱 (don't miss the surprise ending!)" #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Nobody Knows That 🤯 (wait for end !) #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Dream_pro on 2024-04-20 12:21:00. It has garnered 19746 views and 845 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #notch_temple #shorts Read More

  • ZappyLIVE: Watch me get my gun permit! 😱

    ZappyLIVE: Watch me get my gun permit! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘mi-am tras permis port armă pe server 😎’, was uploaded by ZappyLIVE on 2024-05-10 14:38:05. It has garnered 6509 views and 640 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:13 or 8533 seconds. Welcome, you are in bad luck! Cloud Center Partner Server (Discount Code ZAPPYTV15) Cheap Minecraft Server Hosting and more ► https://www.cloud-center.ro/aff.php?aff=709 Want to play Rustic Craft? Complete the registration questionnaire ► https://forms.gle/jyUwdeTjmMJFLEsM8 Your requests will be analyzed and if the server staff thinks you would be suitable candidates for our project, you will be contacted later on Discord. Tip ► https://www.tipeeestream.com/zappylive/donation Rustic… Read More

  • Insane Trick for Live Streamers in Minecraft! Alern’s Easy Clip (Tournament) #clickbait

    Insane Trick for Live Streamers in Minecraft! Alern's Easy Clip (Tournament) #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Easy Clip on Live Stream!!(Tournament)#minecraft #hypixel #pvp #gaming #bedwars #proof ps #moonwalk’, was uploaded by Alern on 2024-03-23 04:50:47. It has garnered 2589 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • Unleash Your Superpower: Compassion for Connecting

    Unleash Your Superpower: Compassion for ConnectingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Compassion: A Superpower for Making Connections’, was uploaded by CCM Time on 2024-05-28 13:59:42. It has garnered 5 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. #mindfulness Moments in #minecraft #368 Elevating wellness one sandbox at a time. #motivation #help #selfimprovement #mindset #relax #relaxingmusic #selfcare #viral #shorts #shortsvideo #mentalhealth #healthandwellness Find out the meaning and purpose of CCM here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fola1ZOmCEY Check out the Coffee, Cannabis & Minecraft Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/767085214082112 (Adults only, sorry kids it’s not personal, it’s a legal thing.) *”CCM Time” videos are intended for mature… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Zombies vs Chicken!

    Insane Minecraft Battle: Zombies vs Chicken!Video Information This video, titled ‘Funny Battle in Minecraft Zombies vs Chicken Anime’, was uploaded by ANIMATION on 2024-06-23 04:34:50. It has garnered 29 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:47 or 107 seconds. Ready for some unbridled fun? In this anime video you are waiting for an epic story of zombies and chicken in the world of Minecraft! What happened in this series? You are waiting for: An exciting unexpected turn of events plot. Funny moments that will make you laugh till you drop. Beautiful anime graphics that will immerse you in the atmosphere of… Read More

  • AcuaCraft Network

    AcuaCraft Network¿Buscas un servidor al que su calidad es su prioridad? Lo has encontrado. ¡Y no te pierdas nuestra inteligencia artificial integrada! AcuaCraft Network cuenta actualmente con tres modalidades, aunque con el tiempo si se recibe mas apoyo seguiremos desarrollando nuevas modalidades y aventuras. – Survival – BoxPvP – Gens acuacraft.vultam.host https://sites.google.com/view/acuacraftnt ¡Te esperamos dentro! acuacraft.vultam.host Read More

  • Hardrada Worldbuilding: Factions, SMP, Towny.

    Conquer the World with Hardrada Worldbuilding Unleash your creativity and explore endless possibilities with us! Why Choose Us? Unmatched Freedom: Build and rule your empire as you desire. Fair and Supportive Staff: Dedicated team for a balanced experience. Player-Driven Stories: Shape the server’s history and create legends. Community and Collaboration: Join like-minded players for epic adventures. Dynamic World: Your decisions shape the environment. Features: Economy and Trade: Custom shops, currency, and trade opportunities. Quests and Events: Regular challenges with unique rewards. PvP and Warfare: Test your skills in battles or focus on diplomacy. Join Us Today! Discord: https://discord.gg/YD7TbkM569 Read More