Wild Late Night Stream with Huhni! Can’t Believe I’m Still Awake!

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Can can like someone explain why this isn’t picking up where is my Minecraft come on hello oh I just disconnected let’s go Okay Minecraft there we go ah that took a while Lego fortnite nah N I already announced in the JX Discord now I can’t do anything else on the stream I’m

Sorry if I read that earlier well you didn’t write it earlier but if I knew earlier we could have done that because like realistically who’s going to join the stream um but yeah that’s the background music because they don’t have it on yet welcome to the stream I’m not losing the daily December

Streak that’s what H what’s happening here um yeah an IRL friend literally just reminded me a couple minutes ago which is also right after I got home um because I had like driving license and stuff after school today so I didn’t really have time until

Now and damn this is the first time and I’m awake after my uh my bedtime isn’t that crazy yes I go to sleep at 9: usually well I I pr I like get ready for bed and like at 10: I’m always sleeping now so yeah this just kind of crazy I can’t

Post something today so I need to save it exclamation mark huh just was 1:00 a.m. I don’t know what’s the time for you it’s 9:00 p.m. here age 18 you have a bedtime well I have my own bedtime like my parents don’t care um not

Anymore I’m 18 like I I could be awake the entire night if I wanted to but I like having a sleep schedule you know because I’m never tired during the day I’m I’m actually not which is like probably crazy to you uh because I know all of you don’t have a sleep schedule

But that’s how it is if you have a sleep schedule I know you’re not tired during the day isn’t that crazy and yeah before school I usually also like do some stuff either I work out or I edit a video or anything like that um so that’s why yeah

Usually go to sleep pretty early never left the Border server since 9:00 a.m. oh my gosh that’s crazy that is crazy well since I don’t have a job I’m going to eat sleep early tonight let’s go so clim welcome to the stream I’m I’m going to get my appid real quick because

I’m I have to keep tag tapping out to see chat but that’s not ideal hold on I’ve got it right here just put that in place real Quick where is my stream view Channel View Channel late nth stream with hone it’s 9pm AKA past my bedtime that’s right right there’s a Real Madrid match then what’s the match if you want to I mean you don’t have to watch the stream you know oh my gosh climby oh my gosh AOS

Two uis chat that’s crazy good luck joining what good luck you are joining or what micro’s becoming boring you say that one day after quitting M the yes SMP Team Al someone griefed your base I was there a few minutes ago damn that’s crazy well it only could have been not quick

I’ll see you in the break all right all right see you stink all right uh let’s just do the the normal thing real quick um which is Live on YouTube right now no let’s not now um join the games if you want to search search hoony on YouTube yipp

All right and we’ll go in a few lobbies hold on this is nine all right 10 eight seven by the way for the YouTubers here watching um this is how you do it this is how you do it in case you didn’t know yet it’s one of the OG YouTuber tactics on here

Um yeah you wouldn’t know that’s crazy all right let me go in bedwars you can all snipe if you want to just don’t like Target too bad just play the game normally you know while you’re in my game if you join uh where here why why why why I don’t hear anything reload

Resources I still don’t hear anything what that is so weird I’m banned for some reason it’s not you though for sure well for some reason is a weird reason ah screw music uh and sound we don’t we don’t need it let me put on some some Minecraft music

Though is Minecraft music uh like copyright free it should be right yeah I know that pix step had some copyright issues but except that Minecraft music sure 10 hours I’m not going to stream for 10 hours but let’s let’s hear it you got banned by jol the B when I

Didn’t even log on today that really Weird um input there we go okay let me put my voice a bit louder and then I think this should be good with the audio levels oh oh [ __ ] wait what okay I guess I didn’t uh didn’t even miss a single iron here a three and for sound yeah I’ve also got

Just this button in bad line to not use it because I’ve got a 65% keyboard me oh oh wait there are sounds it’s just quiet yeah you really can’t hear it but I heard like a buying sound a minute ago this is really really quiet

Um what was I going to say right 65% keyboard meaning I can’t use any F3 plus anything keyboard combinations cuz I have to press down FN as well and then there’s some other combinations that yeah it’s it’s a bit annoying oh my God what how did I not win that that’s crazy

Oh wait I I forgot to advertise how can I oh no I can hear theame sounds now hopefully it’s not like louder for you but for me it’s like very quiet Still what what that that confused me so bad and why did the music get so loud all of a Sudden huh okay that that was what what where do you come from what oh come on all right fair enough fair enough you can snap if you want I’ll go never reminded it’s 9:30 oh okay okay just check the ctis on the Ser I guess the amount of sticks I

Crafted oh that’s tough cuz you have like a lot of sticks like even per villager trade you have a lot of Sticks I say 100,000 you again welcome to the stream maybe 100,000 is a bit too much I’ll say 50,000 oh [ __ ] 160,000 all right all right all right Live on YouTube right now okay that’s actually crazy and now the music is quiet again I I don’t like this playlist so far it’s not that good probably can’t even hear it I can barely right go go go I’m not missing my

First Rush again that’s not happening oh my gosh my hands are cold as well this is no not not not optimal but no matter what happens in game I can just say it’s past my bedtime so it’s it’s not even my fault you know and who could have known I got home this

Late today um I don’t know if I mentioned it already I had um like pra PR prais what is is this is there a word as such as praxes in English I don’t know but I had driving lessons um and yeah today I had like a night Drive thing which is mandatory to

Be allowed to the exam um so I had that today so that’s why I’m home very very late oh but good thing for me it’s winter and the sun sets very early as well so in the summer I wouldn’t even have been home yet now like that would have taken

A minute what where did he go is he up there emeralds time crafted guess emeralds time crafted what what does that mean you craft emeralds should have seen that one coming but is till Christmas yeah I guess if you’re in the US like we celebrate Christmas on uh 24th

Usually not just usually but always I was going to school some guy on the motorb was going fast in the rain tried to break it just lit off damn yeah reer over here as well so for for for a run cuz I missed well no I I took the wrong TR rain home

And so I had to like run home for 20 minutes cuz I got off as at a different bus stop train stop then I should have is red going to get my bed now cuz that would be like really annoying now I’ll just B real quick it’s probably he’s probably still going to

Get my bed isn’t he oh no oh come on I’m so bad right now oh my gosh this is awful but you know why that is not even my fault okay enough of that rain welcome to the stream wait no you’re not rain I’m sorry damn the hilarious jokes that’s

Crazy get out of here oh come on what there we go why he still has a bed how do you still have a bed I wasn’t able to break it in time last time will I be now watch and find out no wait what oh my the second Gap

Disappeared I hate DRX for that oh my gosh when you hold the Gap in your hand and you have two gaps the second Gap just disappeared and that’s why the breaking animation stopped as well all right I’m Ray no you’re not rayan when did you start not not

Defending your bed um I don’t know sometime when I played with trophies but it’s a good idea I have a I have a new B defense as well that I want to try I’ll try this game maybe then I’ll I’ll win that’s a good idea it’s a good idea

I don’t know who came up with a bit defense I think it was was it quick no it wasn’t quick who came up with it hold on vain I think when he was supposed to defend the de the bed and well he didn’t um he came up with a

Really good bet defense that I’ll try out now it’s going to help it’s going to help Trust Alex welcome to the stream haven’t seen you in a bit it’s been maybe two days but yeah sure all right I’ll show you the bit defense it goes like uh wait one two one Two yeah that’s going to work it’s going to work trust he going to be so confused that he doesn’t know where the real bed is cuz it’s so hidden as well no the real bed yeah just watch and find out oh wait I I forgot to no yesterday

Oh I yesterday I wanted to record something with the YouTuber um I told him I’ll DM him in a few hours I didn’t [ __ ] I forgot uh yeah I’m going to do that after the stream hopefully when will you stream on the B server I did yesterday chill out I don’t

Know it’s like I don’t know I I can’t do it every day cuz I’ll be honest the Australians were quite hard to deal with sometimes they were all talking about their stupid skins the entire time which did not contribute to the stream at all and yeah the whole stream was pretty damn boring

In general ah okay there we go see the bit defense already H oh you can’t be for real I’m not going to respawn in time but I’m going to respawn in time to kill him and get my revenge go go no oh come on it’s it’s too late guys it’s too late

When you while you’re awake it’s like 5 hours past the bed time that’s what I’m saying dude that’s why I’m losing ah it’s awful They were the main source of content during the stream they were talking the entire time I couldn’t even Trion didn’t say a thing because of him all I remember was them talking about a skin that looked like [ __ ] or something I they had a lot of

Skins um that they tried out and like stream couldn’t even see them which was like the bad part part of it you got a sweat I I could um well I I should but I don’t know if I can that’s the question um I just got to defend my bed

Real quick hold on there we Go okay maybe the B defense isn’t helping either I don’t know wait do I still have enough blocks to get over there it’s like a very short map right no I don’t should I snipe nah that’s good like this I was trying to talk to H and that explains why he wasn’t speaking Huh when did you try to talk oh during the stream I don’t know maybe okay I I think I’m going to get I’m going to get this first no come on not even that guy I can kill without dying I should stream survival and not dra TS at this late time

What what are those hits those hits did you see that he he like double hit me is it normal to have your teacher’s phone number um depends I have like a few teacher phone numbers as well um it’s just cuz cuz I do I don’t know I I mean it if

You have it for a normal reason then it’s not weird you know all right are there like chill games on dryx I know there Sky Block but that’s that’s a bit too boring isn’t it especially because it gets reset every single month that’s like kind of annoying

Nah Noah okay no it’s all good he didn’t know I F fell down oh I don’t have I don’t even have blocks what okay it’s fine I’ll kill him when he gets out like right now take damage please thank you nah nah Okay I blocks I blocks I blocks I got to play good I got to play good oh my gosh no no no no I’m good on that I’m good on that no thank You I just need some dogs real quick okay he listened thank you thank you s the bridges chill stupid bridge cuz we get added to the subjects group if we want to ask them like darting on duck duck ridling on what what are you talking about thought you

Were talking about your teacher’s phone number but I I I don’t think anymore because they’re saying jic now what ho ho yeah I’ll I’ll kill you in a second just you wait just you Wait I’m like almost done I just don’t have iron armor but that’s fine I need iron armor I’ve forgot Minecraft music in the background go go go go go go I can get him bro does not want to take knock back oh there we go ha he didn’t expect that one woo he

Said do Mickey Mouse I don’t know if I can hold on let me mute real quick oh boy oh boy what’s happening no I can’t I can’t not at the moment I was able to do a good Mickey Mouse once but that was a while ago now I don’t I

Don’t want to fight you right now all right there we go juked oh he doesn’t even have a bed never mind didn’t Juke him then I thought I was going to get his bed now because of it how do I get money in your server use level up the slash skills

If you do such skills you’ll you’ll see like a menu pop up and if you level up those skills then you get money or you can also sell stuff on the ah right iron armor there we go I just need a few more of levels here for one more of these there we

Go also I think I still have the chicken problem I don’t know what the chicken problem is sounds scientific hey hey oh [ __ ] what what’s happening does he want to does he want to screen or is he just surrendering is the chicken Fireball yeah it is there’s also a pearl

Chicken okay so I guess he wants a screen I don’t know I don’t know what his plan is you just threw it off am fan thank you join this stream bro you’re honor it right now kayen welcome to the stream you should stream the advancement server

Tomorrow I might I might what time you going to finish the live I don’t know when I feel too tired it’s going to be before 11: p.m. it’s 9:30 right now cuz like at 11: I definitely got to sleep I need my8 hours I know if I go to sleep at 11: I

Can still dude well just play normally I’ll get your bed later fight Maybe I’ll get it later maybe Hussein will probably husin will let let me not fight husin right now let me not with his diamond Armor let me just go to middle middle and chill a bit you know have a fun time in here which country are you in uh Germany oh no I think he’s going to me oh no Somalia oh yeah yeah I’m from Somalia you got me I was always pretending to be

German and I’ve put on a fake accent as well but you you caught me damn I’m rich hold on I need one more kind of oh oh H’s getting white damn Blue’s already out of the game what oh he disconnected the heck who lost trophies plus a killer okay no

He he’s allowed to lose trophies Bros got like I don’t know 3,000 trophies or something that’s crazy okay zard wise bed so I have oh my gosh Nah it’s all good it’s all good is right behind me oh my gosh well at least the’s winning that’s not something GG that’s fine we should do a stream damn that’s a great idea I’m going to do that right now I saw him there a lot too what in

Somalia internet trash I’m waiting in lob well you should join the LOB 24hour stream tomorrow wait how how do you get these ideas why would I do a 24hour stream tomorrow what I am back welcome back got to welcome the people here are on anyone clown has a a life for chicken

Can best time ever Oak greed let’s go L pink who is pink oh the guy who left yeah L pink how can he freaking loser I was joking well then you miss out on 60 Euro best contributor rewards yeah I is doing a 30 yearo uh contributor rewards so I’m doing

60 how did you get YouTube rank um I killed a senior mod and then they gave me YouTube rank I’m I’m kidding obviously uh I I applied you need like I don’t know a th000 subs or something and I I have that bar to sleep stream live stream eat

Stream and whatever stream and sleep stream well so so you’re saying I should do 24 stream is that is that what you’re saying I’ll join next season sick sick sick SI sick uh join the Discord already maybe it’s in this description maybe it’s not though I don’t

Know or maybe you have already I I I wouldn’t know I’ve not been doing much this season cuz well we’re not pushing the season for for anything crazy but next season will be kind of crazy but I feel like every single time that I I pick up Clans again old Clans revive

Like uh crens is Reviving cheers or something is Reviving and they all announced that after I said I’m going to be uh pushing for trophies next next season can I join the clown if you’re going to be active you can yeah um it’s going to start on well I

Guess January 1st I would assume uh but then you’re not going to be at home are you are you going to be at home at all this uh this like thing fan um how’s it called it yeah you know break winter break can I join till January 1st yeah then you have to join like now though cuz like that’s soon oh come on that’s annoying I’m I’m doing so good I already got got nine emeralds and he just gets my bed where did he even come from that’s what that’s weird that is really

Weird only blue makes sense to get my bed not white oh he’s he diagonal brid from over there that’s crazy bro is a bit crazy that’s C okay all St hey I wasn’t I didn’t have time to equip I only have diamond armor stop there we Go what’s a CL I know the meaning what’s the context uh on dryex you can like Farm trophies and there’s a clan leader board and stuff grind to be the best yeah I’ll be back in January 7th okay okay all right in party invite no Clan Clan invite shiny

Pikachu yep invited so you’re on do you want to join like the party all right I’m I’m good equipped now sure all right all right after this game red no yes red but no red no reded red sup new dude damn you’re already getting welcome by our active clan

Members yeah good night stinky good night yeah oh I keep forgetting that you have Diamond rank dude that’s crazy bro so cool uh Fireball and then secret item secet secret item him not welome none damn bro toxic that’s crazy wait I can get his bed cuz he’s toxic hold on I’ll Revenge you

Pika I knew that was going to happen but I wasn’t ready for it any oh oh sh White’s here what the [ __ ] get out of here white I’m trying to No I’m trying to kill hsein for once and not get killed by him like how it usually is you

Know except for build YC cuz there I win sometimes over 50% of the times I win I keep getting uh people dming me oh I killed trient in a one V one I’m like yeah that’s kind of what happens when you can fight against tridon no offense to tridon of

Course this is familyfriendly no swearing hoonicorn what did I say and the fact that I didn’t even me I didn’t even realize that you wrote hoonicorn like that it just it was yeah it’s it’s easier to pronounce you know even when I already announc how to pronounce the name it’s just easier this Way okay Hussein’s still in the game that’s like kind of deadly that’s yellow Limitless man Gojo Trent is newbie he’s like above average but yeah that’s like still pretty bad on dratic no he he’s he’s not bad but he just doesn’t win that’s the problem yeah yeah that that describes it very well actually he’s not bad he just doesn’t win wait wait am I getting a bed right

Now that’s crazy against R 21 Q if you were in the Stream you would know you could have defended yourself that’s what you get for not being in the Stream I told him to sub to hone he wasn’t subscribed wait Triden wasn’t subscribe to me that’s wild oh what no why why white

Why why just get someone else oh wait part already invite shiny shiny go drink a Chucky milk and go to sleep I do not want to be [ __ ] no I’m lactose intolerant go to sleep and I’m not girl it’s only 40 minutes past my bedtime girl Al I haven’t uh announced no

Haven’t haven’t promoted the stream and not on YouTube on draic yet so my God YouTubers please screen you wrote that in party chat smart go to sleep with why you new doesn’t matter if I’m losing though like I don’t care about stats and I don’t have trophies on so it’s all good hey

Oh P got tropy oh no hold on hold on hold on I got to change music in a second because P’s got trophies on we got to win and we actually like lose a lot Pik if we lose so we’re not going to good job right I’m dead I’ll be a

Human shield for you ah you didn’t split all right uh let me change the music real quick okay you guys know what’s going to come you know you know you already know don’t you um no no that’s no that’s not how it’s here three two 3 two one

Go oh hello oh no I’m I’m not I’m not healed up I’m not healed up we’ll get him we’ll get him here we go of the Rails you know it’s time to raise our sales it’s Freedom like you good job P good job fast I’ll be there in a

Fast I can’t the lyrics oh P’s eliminated all right what is this music the best music on streams yeah Pik there’s like red coming from the right and I didn’t kill him cuz I’m bad even though we still have I have the music on um yeah he’s like right in our

Base well I got this one but there’s another one behind You nice that you can hear that with stream delay up girl super high high up in the sky okay nice you got him I’ll go mid real quick you know that you’re my superar no else take me This get ready for this let’s do no come on see yes see your casual anime music knew it it’s not anime music nothing with this is related to anime if I put on Pokemon music that’s more related to anime there’s a Pokemon anime but like there are no Nintendo ele uh

Not Nintendo but like you know Super Mario and stuff they they don’t have Anime nah n I’m going to kill him this time never mind it’s all good it’s all good it’s all Goods of you jump with me grows with me yeah is he behind me no okay weird thought he Was oh those are finals well one of them was a final Oh’s gone okay superar no else take It there only one yellow guy left H where is he though oh he’s at yellow okay okay makes sense I’ll equip real quick My Stream is always delayed yeah of course it’s just normal uh yeah let’s get that real quick and then that should be it if it’s not then that’s Annoying did you leave his base I think so yeah bro sad guy don’t get yourself banned I don’t I don’t think like backing is Allowed he’s here and for what for specking but P got him GG that’s that music is at such a late night damn no rails against it it used to be this loud wait actually oh [ __ ] that’s really good that’s really good then just got 11k ping I played for your buddy P that’s

Why I’m supposed to play n ah okay okay I get it but we’re back to we’re back to Minecraft now cuz we already run that W that trophy game p can you turn off trophies please don’t don’t want to be try Harding again that was it was hard at 900

P.m. but didn’t want to lose this streak of course not what it can’t be that I’m losing the daily December for the first time in 3 years so no I just claimed the rewards for the last last 16 Seasons real yo sick do you mean season 16 or last 16

Seasons okay do you have tropies disabled Pik what’s your relationship with your father healthy good I don’t know he’s like a father to me amazing late night jokes with Hone D oh wow we’re getting some some changes in this music that’s crazy I don’t have any more blocks but they don’t know that damn BR a parkour Pro you’ve got competition oh what the heck how did he kill you get down here so you can get killed there we

Go um can you drop me some blocks when you hear this actually no don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t that’s fine I’m going to die here anyway no I’m not thank you where oh here okay thank six blocks okay okay I mean it was enough so yep one two it wasn’t enough

Oh there we go it was enough it’s all good nice bro did a mistake oh easy bro easy Hy listen to you are my special no thanks I’m good on that right now what about your mother I I live a healthy life with healthy relationships luckily like only thing that’s kind of

Happened is that my parents are split but like yeah that’s whatever easyl get good what you said that well uh like while I killed the other guy so why what what’s the context here I one abha welcome to the stream hello hello yes Pika

Bro okay I guess I will just get him on my own then that’s fine but like that was an interesting choice that was interesting all right let’s yeah oh 3M thingy is from stream ah wait hold on boop boop got to save some blocks here you you’ll get some

Dropped but it was also like six or something oh [ __ ] three emeralds Emerald to easy I’m watching on 144p that’s uh okay your choice I mean you you don’t need to see anything um cuz we have Minecraft music and very amazing commentary and that’s all that matters

Right who cares about the gameplay I’m pretty bad at the moment anyway oh he’s going to put the blocks to use oh God damn my is that bad what that bad okay yeah I I know the feeling I used to watch um YouTube on my Nintendo no no no Pika I’m sorry I’m

Sorry no I’m sorry I’m sorry Pika [ __ ] um what was I saying oh I used to watch YouTube on my Nintendo um cuz I had to like oh my gosh no I had to like give my phone to my uh parents sometimes oh my gosh but they didn’t know about dude what is

This um but they didn’t know about my Nintendo and so I watched YouTube on there in 144p uh cuz well that’s like the screen resolution basically no it’s a bit more than that but I couldn’t afford 720p I know that much I’m so good at this game good job P good

Job please call me Chad what have you done to be deserved to call Chad is that actually your iral name cuz that’s kind of sick not going to lie but it’s probably Fatima your name which is not as sick as uh Chad I’m afraid there like a like a yellow guy no

Racism he’s like actually yellow in game you know get out of here what you killed Pik that’s not fair that’s that’s not okay that’s not acceptable okay I’ll uh get revenge for you do I really need to do this now Okay let’s go oh well that’s a problem it’s not easy get kill stream sniper see Bo a good one sleep well and early cuz sleep schedules are amazing and very important I am s sacrificing mind though for the daily December is oh so it’s the clan leader guy okay okay okay got it so like he’s Pro then but I just destroyed him all Right what did he say to someone who he killed like uh the 3M guy here that’s also in the game said uh told me that he killed someone and said what was it scratched by a chicken or something as like a toxic kill message yeah amazing ah he saw

Me my equip is uh very amazing for winning this fight and getting this bed I’m very confident in my abilities that was sarcasm that didn’t even work oh no how hell no I’m good on that thank you time to wake at at 7 a.m. to cry at 6:00

A.m. wait the timer will be off it will be off Indeed I thought I thought I thought easy it’s it’s all it’s allra sarcasm I I shouldn’t have won that I’ll be honest well to be fair I did play that smart there he has a diamond sword what the freaking freak why do you have a diamond sword I still lose that’s so

Sad has kb2 on a sword no I was head bumping that’s why I don’t know if that concept is new to you but he’s popping off yes cuz of the epic music in the background right now which definitely isn’t like sleeping music at the moment or as the boot would say in my

Classic anime music go away well that TNT didn’t work how it was supposed to ah all right GG that was a good game don’t make me use my domain on you what that mean I was using mobile data the whole day there go 1 wait it only

Uses at 1.2 a whole day oh that’s good to know CU I really want to get slimed is there something wrong with me is it good that I don’t know what slimes is is that a good thing he’s talking about anime stuff no I’m just saying

That AB boot says this is an anime playlist all right Pik you ready we’ll see okay back back to back to normal things back to Casual playing Minecraft music wait mushroom what the freak what the freak it’s a mushroom how did how did mushroom appear here in

Which Lobby you are I am in Minecraft what the freak is a mushroom um it’s it’s that epic mushroom the Squeaker W Pro B oh my gosh who’s red Gan 1 2 3 four and just in case okay a Pik there like right here I killed one you killed the other guy he’s not going to kill the other guy is he yeah that’s what I thought Pika

Go so unreliable as M my head get in here we got to say that fast I said it like as soon as I saw it what what what are you doing you’re just going to die we don’t have a bed What is that guy doing damn no ground kind of op okay well I I guess we’ll just go at it then and like die if we do that’s fine nice B you we could also go mid go mid oh no yeah yeah let’s go mid cuz we’re going

To die like very oh well I guess Pik did not want to go mid that’s fair enough though that’s fair enough okay let’s see what Pik pik’s plan is unon can you do go practice in One V one me my us um sure after we watch Pik clutch this

Incoming yeah he noticed all right let me find real quick I I couldn’t be bothered to to try and understand the name all right uh dual CR y yeah but you see finally a stream that I can watch well it’s not going to go for very long right guys we’re we’re doing dels

Now apparently if anyone else wants to duel me uh tell me the IGN right I’ll I’ll do not white when cryptic doesn’t want not white yeah P we do it per in a second when you go do the T th000 push-up stream dude what look at my streams I’ve already done

It why does no one of those accept hold on I’ll do the Pika thing all right I I’ll go through the list cryptic you didn’t accept if your name is cryptic I really can’t be asked to read oh wow P was inside of me I couldn’t

See ah yeah one mistaken you’re dead in this game GG all right and then the next one was X Force wait really yeah like last Sunday I did the th push-up stream pre Gap cringe cringe you are cringe get lava get lava again that’s right that’s what you get from pre gapping

Dude I love Minecraft music it’s amazing I didn’t listen it to it in so long and I thought like cuz it’s a late night oh my gosh that’s [ __ ] loud mo mo subscrib to the channel thank you Mo Mo for the sub nice name nice name gosh

Stop is not three he should be like dead right what when did he Gap that I didn’t see he it said three oh all right GG true pre gers are cringe that’s right uh wait okay so who was the first person let’s no I’m going I’m going

Through the the YouTube chat list I’ll do the people in the YouTube okay so cryptic CP what c r y p RTX okay bro just gave up the next person was not white let’s see if not white accept accepts this time okay and after that is not the sad

Guy who wrote in YouTube chat okay don’t don’t accept then that’s fine the sad guy one but see there we go but my name was you’re not on the server I sent you a dual request two times and now you just left you’re not in the tabis anymore so I can’t really

Send you a request ah BS don’t do that again oh [ __ ] that that bow was kind of good not going to lie that lava was also kind of good on his end when you streaming yes what can’t hope I’m not late to late night stream no no no of course

Not okay who was next okay but we’ll give we’ll give kryptics he’s literally not even online oh my gosh we’ll give the other guy as well a second chance what was his name the other guy not white white last chance Last Chance accept the damn request what kind of clicking method I’m

Butterfly clicking mostly where you from I’m from Germany that you say late night oh my gosh that is so loud Joshua Bal subscribe to the channel thank you Joshua uh I’m from Germany and it’s almost 10: p.m. I usually go to sleep or get ready for sleep at 9:00 so

This is very late night for me it was uh just a very good title um yeah so I’m from Germany I couldn’t have guessed with that name couldn’t have guessed okay wait who’s next sad guy already did uh gamer boy Caden I came here after you killed me in

Doers nice welcome to the Stream okay the dude doesn’t accept that’s amazing then I will do Pik wants build your see but Pik you’ve got like a Time Advantage now this this D doesn’t count okay this one doesn’t count got a Time Advantage you’re used to being up this later is he sarting in okay where’d your lava

Go a what’s what is happening Pika what are you doing did I get rid of that one I’m not sure I think I get he got it back I think I think oh that shot went right over his Head does he have water wait py do you have water GG shouldn’t have said that this one doesn’t count ah damn it want to dual sure press sure press okay you’re not online okay I didn’t doal cold today that’s not cold okay I’ll I’ll do yeah I just don’t

Write your IGN in the YouTube chat anymore I just I’ll just accept I will just accept the IGN’s that I see in chat that I didn’t duel yet best of three are you are you for real I’ll just destroy him again as easy as that without a single mess up

[ __ ] nice all right I wanted to dual cold Dark fan yes I wanted to dual Dark fan what are your thoughts on Roblox this is pretty fun but I don’t like that the majority of gen ala is growing up with Roblox rather than with Minecraft

Cuz I I I don’t want Minecraft dying you know and if they grew up with Minecraft only and not Roblox as well that would be better how do I duel you SL duel hoorn just do that in game but first I got to duel this YouTube guy no debuff

E pots imagine imagine using pots on JX that’s crazy all right that’s going to take a long time time or I just die early I mean that would work too I like so a I wanted to pull into his ping but it didn’t really work I don’t play this

Kid we got to play like a good good kid after this likey for example like a really good kid you know I think hits wise I’m winning but pots wise I’m definitely not nice thank you thanks for the heal and now the stage entered where I

Can’t hit anymore hold on let me just shake my hands crack my bones oh he’s walking sideways because it’s faster damn that’s Crazy all right we can continue oh I I was hitting him with my steak my meat I don’t like how there’s like Pearl cool Downs that shouldn’t be a thing like why is that why does it exist you only have 16 anyway so it doesn’t really matter that much does it I don’t

Have like speed anymore that’s not too good I’m going to die aren’t I oh no is he also drinking yeah he is you could have killed me easily I was like on one damn I’m playing against the YouTuber that’s crazy I’ll be famous okay I got I got a single click I

Can’t butterfly click anymore in my hand sword I’m not used to clicking for this long yeah with One clicking no chance my six CPS all right GG with you what with my meat bro didn’t you quit YouTube uh I did for a while where’s that soap is that a soap Emoji I don’t

Know oh mushroom hello I didn’t D you yeah yeah there’s a lot of people that didn’t D yet I’ll try to go through the list I kind of mess up that start but he doesn’t know the routes so that’s a good he also doesn’t know the Skip and so with that I have

Pretty much one I think GG right send a request people oh there we go I’m finally able to do there again GG oh best of three we’ll just do that again I’ve never seen soap Emoji I think it’s like a YouTube thing I don’t think it’s in keyboard Oh Oh wait [ __ ] he’s

Good like green play yeah I’ll do you I’ll do you okay I’ll do you too I’ll accept dual request right here you sure I didn’t mean to why why why is this your no I’m not doing that I’m not doing that I’m sorry let me let me send the

Duels cuz if I click on accept green plays I get dueled with cryptic which is kind of weird oh wait I think three Mar is I kind know I really D the guy dual three um here thing how do we have 17 people watching in a

Late night stream this bow would do a lot of damage okay wait this the clan leader guy he’s supposedly a pro yeah he’s pretty good I’ll not lose uh not win this one one PM I would maybe have a chance but probably not even that yasa subscribed

To the channel yasa thank you for the sub presco subscribed to the channel presco my man thank you I’m getting those those late night Subs here oh GG I was not keeping up with that with that at all okay didn’t do this one yet either again

There’s a lot of people that didn’t do yet I’ll I’ll try to go through everything is he a Blue Cow that’s crazy get lava get lava no excuse me okay J okay I don’t remember that not forget yeah I’ll not forgive this up for that one do me no debuff nah

Cringe kid like takes so long and you got to click so much what’s the point it’s like boxing with extra steps I know I know it existed for before boxing and back then it was considered cool but I didn’t play it back then so oh I guess I’m too New Gen for for

Pot PVP yeah big mistake GG it excuse me like that Tik Tok guy can you clip the thing there’s like a clipping feature on here can you just clip the thing and send it to me on Discord because I have no idea what you mean am I really playing combo now wa Limitless you reading

This no backup armor okay when armor breaks equals dead in a way okay thank you let’s go is this the no hit delay thing yeah it is all right we do till armor break is he like fighting he says I’m trash did he even drink your

Pot is that an empty bottle in his hand oh oh no you have three that’s why so you probably did eat it drink yeah you’re going to die if you don’t Gap like now I think yeah I think that should be like the case oh he he Rel but too late

GG that clip looks H sauce damn broken aim at him so good thank you thank you thank you gapple it’s called gapple ah soup is there a soup kit oh [ __ ] there is a soup kit hold on let’s now I got I got to First go through this did I dual

Green plays yet I don’t think so dual green plays bu see okay who else did I did I not duel Yet going to a debuff no I’m not going to a debuff what is this guy that’s like a aim trainer right there with this freaking 400 Ms bro don’t take knock back then okay jeez someone say bad ping is a disadvantage that’s an advantage right there knockback please nah that’s Wild is he like constantly jumpers setting maybe but even then it shouldn’t okay okay red boy wait red did I do each sir yet I think I did Red no no no no okay I think I DED everyone all right I’ll do p Shiny Pikachu soup dude I haven’t played soup in ages

That’s crazy it’s been actually ages probably like over five months when I first left Jtic nice souping but not so nice aiming let’s see if he outlives me because of his souping abilities but his currently non-existing aiming abilities I used up two soups P what do you have to say to that oh my gosh kind that was close oh [ __ ] GG dude what was that Pik come

On I mean I I am doing daily December maybe I’m just getting better who knows why do I always dual kryptics when I click on anyone else it’s always stupid I didn’t even free up I didn’t realize which kids were playing GG says M’s gotten worse

Damn that’s crazy wait Let’s do let’s do a good old Sumo tournament SL Sumo join slash Sumo join fast before it auto starts on accident I wonder if they fix the bag way you can get blocks here but I’m not going to try on Steam stream because I don’t want to get

Banned that would not be nice co do you know if they fixed it it is fixed okay right let’s uh Su start Sumo start but what isn’t fixed is this hole in the barriers I love it so good oh kryptics wait what oh cryptic died

Dam I think I won my last four Su Sumo tournaments except one where where kon’s won dude K is actually insane that’s crazy but except those except that I usually win my Sumo tournaments so let’s see how it goes today oh he tried finding the hole but damn

That doesn’t sound good uh anyway he got teleported while trying oh no P what the heck wait sh let me let me do it better real quick oh [ __ ] what the heck no I jumped I say while jumping again right that was close that was close I tried

Jump resetting which is when you get hit you jump um but instead I jumped after the hit and yeah not smart six people remaining that’s an interesting name Right damn still people thinking uh I thought you quit yeah I did I’m back ah easy bro easy I’m on 21 day daily streak right now Yeah oh Oh wait [ __ ] this is the the The Final Duel I’m in the finals I got to win this oh yes yes Gg gg all right that’s a that that’s a good ending for today’s stream the first late night stream with hone I’m going to sleep wait it’s past 10 p.m. [ __ ] that’s crazy what is that moan I didn’t moan I I don’t ever a moan on stream I no I never

Do brether one Play Combo no where you from Germany right that that’s that’s enough for today tomorrow I’ll stream again when you did D me want to duel I I’m pretty sure I did I’m pretty sure I did uh oh wait no you’re not hin I keep

Switching you guys up that’s crazy that you’re not hin is Like A New Concept to me okay wait no no no no no I’m I’m I’m sorry okay good night I got to go send the clip in Jen what is Jen Discord send it in Discord if you didn’t thank you

This video, titled ‘Late night stream with Huhni 🙂 – (it’s 9pm aka past my bedtime)’, was uploaded by Huhni on 2023-12-22 10:04:13. It has garnered 150 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:16:22 or 4582 seconds.

Minecraft Bedwars, Skywars, PVP, 1v1s, and more live on stream while playing with viewers! Anyone can join, Cracked/Tlauncher and Java alike.

Become a channel member to get access to amazing perks and support me ^-^ https://youtube.com/@huhn/join

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    UNLOCKING GOD TIER ENCHANT in Minecraft Prison!Video Information hello everybody Welcome to today’s episode where we are here on M lucky on their op prisons back for another episode guys it’s been like 2 days since we actually uploaded a video here on my YouTube channel but the reason for that is because my computer broke and I had to fix it and to be honest it took me like 2 days to fix it I had some issues but as you can see PC is repaired and we are able to record and upload basically every 2 days which I’m really excited for so before… Read More

  • Insane Enderman Pranks in Monster School!

    Insane Enderman Pranks in Monster School!Video Information [Music] [Music] I got and back keepy I’m show I got that I got that I got that back keep in the I’m with I got that I’m with I [Music] [Music] got This video, titled ‘monster school: Enderman Minecraft animation’, was uploaded by Anujagaming@ on 2024-02-22 14:11:44. It has garnered 3 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. monster school: Enderman Minecraft animation Read More

  • FrozenSMP Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist 1.20.4 13+

    fbievan – Founder of FrozenSMP FrozenSMP is a Minecraft server community on Discord for players who enjoy the game. Server Info Version: 1.20.4 KeepInventory Off Difficulty: Hard Datapacks Used OnePlayersleep Double Shulker Shells Player Head Drops We also have a creative server for testing ideas. What We Provide Grief protection and rollbacks A community Fully in-house operated server Discord bridge Live-updating Map Simple Rules No Griefing Don’t steal Respect other players and their boundaries No exploits/glitches Our principle: Moderation is the last resort, not the first. Plugins Used Carbon Chat DiscordSRV Coreprotect Luckperms (internal use) Freedomchat Interested in joining? Click… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft won’t add inches to your…inventory!

    Looks like Minecraft doesn’t want you to have a bigger “pickaxe” after all! Read More

  • 5FPS Minecraft Challenge: Can You Conquer the Lag?

    5FPS Minecraft Challenge: Can You Conquer the Lag? In Minecraft with 5FPS, a challenge was set, To find diamonds, a task that caused much sweat. With lag so severe, movement was slow, But determination pushed through, a diamond glow. Facing mobs with only three hearts to spare, Each step taken with caution, a true player’s dare. Exploring caves, finding iron and more, In the depths of the game, a thrilling lore. A spawner discovered, a chest to explore, With loot to gather, a chance for more. A creeper’s hiss, a moment of fear, But skill prevailed, victory near. In the Lush cave, a glimmer of hope, Diamonds… Read More

  • Just another day in Minecraft: Lava Edition 🔥

    Just another day in Minecraft: Lava Edition 🔥 “Just another day in Minecraft: accidentally punching a creeper instead of mining a block. RIP to my house 😂 #minecraftproblems” Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Tricks

    Insane Minecraft Build Tricks Unlock Your Creativity with Minecraft Crazy Build Hacks! Are you ready to elevate your Minecraft building skills to new heights? Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, the Minecraft Crazy Build Hack video is here to revolutionize the way you approach construction in the game. Get ready to be amazed by a plethora of innovative building techniques, secret tricks, and creative strategies that will take your Minecraft world from ordinary to extraordinary! Discover Game-Changing Build Hacks From hidden passages that will leave your friends in awe to jaw-dropping landscapes that will make your world truly unique, this… Read More

  • Insane! Rebuilding FNAF 2 Pizzeria in Minecraft!

    Insane! Rebuilding FNAF 2 Pizzeria in Minecraft!Video Information today I bought F FNAF 2 Pizzeria but it is kind of destroyed so we’re going to have to fix it and I think we have the materials to fix it in this truck Let’s see we have oh creative pizza fast coins old Freddy mask and a pizza box but they’re all closed so I think what we should start with is we should get one of these creative pizzas and we’re going to eat it so we can get into creative and get into the pizzeria all right now let’s fly over and let’s break in… Read More

  • The Mystery Pillar: Minecraft Curse Version #31

    The Mystery Pillar: Minecraft Curse Version #31Video Information kita kasih penerangan dulu guys ini gelap banget soalnya Oke seperti ini ini ya goanya Wih gede banget di sini mobs juga masih jarang ya oke weh pickxe Kita habis pickxe batu Kita habis guys Apakah kita harus menggunakan iron Wow ini gede banget coy weh cave-nya gede banget ini sih kalau [Musik] ini Wah itu guys Wah cave-nya gede banget sih ini Oke sini karena ada Iron ya kita bakalan ambil Airon coba mengekplore ke arah sana ya Karena kemarin kita dari sana kita coba ke sana entah lautan oh wah This video, titled ‘Ada Pillar Misterius… Read More