WildWestDan’s Insane Decked Out Runs!

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Is Yeah Run for the hills we got a raid Dang It 1 2 3 4 welcome welcome come on everyone it’s a carnival party and we’re going to have some fun step up and try your luck out you could win a prize friends to spend your time with and Dan the Man himself of course he’s always family friendly you don’t have to fret he’s the hokiest

Joest cowboy on the Internet welcome welcome come on take a peek join the party where the dad jokes aren’t unique laughing till crying whenever he’s online he’s the funniest derpiest corniest punniest Cowboy around Wild West I still haven’t tried to fix [Applause] that I he had it hey everybody what’s going on I have regrets Ander was first not on my screen my screen it says Ender was first no I I don’t know I’m just just looking at my screen hey I did

A thing today o the Boston Guild uh has been using this as as as our logo for a very short amount of time like just last year we started it and uh I didn’t have a super highy version of it so now I do uh so I was drawing that today instead

Of doing runs which I should have done save that we can close it um let’s do some dick D y’all um That’s I just said hi guys oh hi q q q q anything else in there nope too high fly by the sign no cards for sale are you running sure I can can do a run all right I want you do a run just going to grab my deck so I’m

Ready um I’m missing all of my oh I know I I was doing Secrets Tonight that’s right oh yeah speaking of Secrets I’m going to attempt to complete kuas yeah me too what have you gotten secret wise that I that we share um I made it to the room but I

Didn’t actually see the thing that I was supposed to see and then it got really dark and I had to run gotcha okay so I’m farther ahead than you okay just a preemptive warning yeah if you spoil it you spoil it I’ll still do

It or maybe I should go first is it too late uh yes okay where are you now uh I’m pricking myself technically we could still switch no it’s too late it’s too late baby now it’s too late that you can you can send me the screenshot that’s not what it looks like

On my screen besides it doesn’t work and they’re also sent a screenshot so you know but mine’s the better screen because Ender uses light mode so might’s obviously better I mean that’s a good point Ender he’s he’s got a point I want to see the purple line activate purple line

Activate is it high am Cleo Cleo let’s see it I don’t know I can’t hear it is closed is open should close should open purple line started oh he I should probably get my map huh I have one already go you can just keep asking me

Over and over where are all my okay my cards are still why’ you jump past all your pork chops I don’t have pork chops why don’t you have pork chops uh because I’m I’m too cheap to actually use my ethereal cards h I don’t want to use them on a run that I

Wouldn’t yeah I wouldn’t use them I wouldn’t use them on this run either in fact I’m probably not going to hopefully okay you got to tell me what’s in the barrel because I can’t see it in free cam unless you drown and and die in which case they you to tell meability

Yeah that’s that’s cool uh one Rusty three keys six Embers two crowns later Ender I really should put that Target block back By Ender switch to dark mode I really should run around and make all the Clank right now that would not be don’t go that way you know you’re going to die right mhm okay the plan is to die but die after do from a ravager named

Nothing my goal is just to get to level three and then do spoilers y yep um so I don’t actually want to say what I’m doing do you have to go back and and do the first two steps again um I don’t want to say anything no you

Can tell me that because uh that’s I need to know when to stop watching you uh you should stop watching me when I go back to the book okay if I make it over yeah hello do you have a key scared I do I have two more yeah you said that with

The with the thing are you going rusty I am I hate going rusty when I’m doing a secret run cuz then I want to leave yeah but I can’t not go R you can’t I mean you got to repair them oh hey a slime ball you can’t just leave them there

Oh well that makes it more difficult but not Unpossible I just don’t like circling around there yeah I know it’s it’s a tough place to to Juke you’re no longer currently being chased also there is one random relocation that will put a ravager right up here quick step I hate that one f give me stuff look at all that stuff

Stuff ber okay good key behind you I’m fast is it no no I want one you want me to look for one uh I mean no cuz then you’re going to make fun at me with the ones that I can’t find that’s true that is definitely part of the plan

You know there’s a ravager right behind you right yeah that’s kind of why I went over here okay you know Will’s in here somewhere right mhm he’s in a sniper position is he mhm oh yeah uh I didn’t hear which one that was uh tread lightly ooh that’s a good

One watch out for sniper will mhm ding what was that D that was not in the ship you’re welcome can I have a key yes I’m going to just wait a little bit for some more treasure to play why don’t you just go get the key that’s on the ground right now

Well light all right maybe I don’t see one on the ground right now well that’s not the point where are you now uh by a ding that doesn’t narrow it down I’m at the Barry kind of on that you can see from the ship Berry Cove yes uh oh I should probably change

That set Che out runs with kuya btb oh hey I got Five Crowns maybe we should make a 10 look out for Davey bones he’s not there but I did make you extra Clank that wasting brud you should loot Nimble dang hey can I have a Key not this way oh why do you keep jumping on those when it hurts I know and setting off Clank I know I actually have I should probably turn block sounds up um I don’t have them on is that cuz they’re carts well no those are friendly creatures oh that’s

Nice I just kind of turned off Minecraft sounds for a bit and then forgot to turn them back on mhmh you know what happens when a frog Parks illegally Pirates Booty Pirates Booty that’s not what happens it gets towed sorry that that was really really loud for headphone users but the pirat a

Rusty repair kit we don’t have a lot of control over that nailed it nailed it I knew about that Rusty repair kit oh it’s too bad you don’t have jump boost right now nailed it I’m going to go get the ethereal cards from Pirates Booty

Okay oh hey a crown you know I would really love it if that was a I would really love it if Rusty impaled you I would not but it’d be fun hi Rusty I need these cards that are right here hold on thank you Rusty oh bye

Rusty hope to Never See You in My sights again oh there’s no oops second wind that would mean you and I would be tied for for Willie kills well I would not want that to happen oh okay do you do you ever feel like you’re getting like a second win man these trap

Doors just move all over the place I’m going to fix them on my run you know I’d really love a key maybe you should go get one thank you I’ll try I’ll try doing that next time I hate runs when you can’t get a key close squid yeah

Can I just like pick block this key real quick I don’t I I’m willing to bet he named it something different yeah um there’s no name when you hover over it so it’s definitely just an iron nugget yeah so you’d need to get it and then also rename it get an

Anvil wonder if there’s one in pearls room I don’t see one Evasion oh hey evasion thank you at least I can spend the longer struggling to find a key now and more keys can evade you there’s a ding there’s a chance oh it’s a coin D so yours saying there’s a chance it’s not a good One so many crowns on the ground right Now Ember Seeker just a coin now Co now Embers are going to be on the ground all over the place I don’t need Embers I’m not going for Embers just give me a key please look crowns and Embers no Dingle let me know if you ever want me to tell you where there’s a key um I don’t like cheating okay tread lightly you should definitely tread lightly right now kiss probably Should I lost you again I’m pirate Shish pirate Shish I almost got willed oh he’s like super sniped right now I would laugh so hard if Davy Bones opens up right now another coin the problem with this circle is there’s so much Clank that you can’t avoid

Mhm it’s just this circle that I’m used to Ember I mean it’s usually a good circleing strides bounding strides bounding strides if you wanted to go look in uh Rusty all the Clank he duess oh Duchess I have things to show you except I just had Chinese

Food so I’m worried about getting things on my uh oh no I sent you a picture never mind I have nothing to show You dang it there goes my last block oh a key kiss I found a key yeah the grid yeah uh just so you know spoiler alert it’s the only one I saw and I didn’t see it until you were already coming over here ow nailed it saw

Nothing oh good swim right under Rusty I mean I mean uh Willie what could go wrong hi Willie oh never mind it’s it’s not under willly anymore oh gosh yeah yeah I saw that okay all right now kid if you want some advice avoid the wardens thank you you’re welcome thank

You thank you I’m gonna wait so I just fill up my Hunger a little bit more Yep um what’s the what’s the correct effect to give for um for is saturation saturation yeah for Hunger yes yeah yes saturation okay I don’t know how much running around I’ve been

Doing I don’t I don’t see any any any Embers kiss I don’t need Embers but I don’t see any tell me when it gets dark for you it has not gotten dark yet exciting oh it just got dark that’s exciting or more exciting uh oh he just yelled I think I might be

Dead I just got down Here why are they so angry am I dead oh no I’m good oh it’s very dark can I get through there or how do I get down I forget I need to get like down There do you want any dungeon knowledge that’s not boilery ow does that work I mean sure Second Wind except you’re on the wrong side oh second wind’s convenient right now that was the dungeon knowledge I was going to give you this taint the side that you need thank you for that information mhm

Oh really bad at this me too sometimes I hate this floor this this yeah floor right it’s level three floor bottom stability dead is dark yet it’s not dark but I’ve made a lot of noise that’s okay as long as it’s not dark I think okay you might want to leave now all

Right should I oh no he’s right there are you going to keep talking or um do you want me to I don’t know you know what I’ll go I’m going to stop listening to you and I’m going to go do other things bye okay so let me show you guys some of the

Things that I’ve been working on um so in here hello Duchess in here is the uh all the command blocks to reset the various droppers and things um so one thing that I have added welcome back Admiral Ender is I’d actually like to see how this looks up

Here is the random mob relocation system otherwise known as the ravager wrangling system but it also does Wardens so up here we have all the the the stuff right so every time a run ends a block is placed right here so 59 different runs have happened since then

And then each time a block is placed there it runs all four of these one in nine randomizers so it will either push a piece of wool or shears if it pushes shears it will activate this randomizer here why is there a hole there that doesn’t

Make no sense oh there’s a hole there too okay is that I guess that’s just ow don’t step on that stop it stop it still stepping on that um why did why is that not filled I don’t know anyway um it’ll activate one of these this is a one in

Five so these uh shulker boxes have different levels of uh shears in them different numbers of shears so it’s a different strength level and it will run one of these five so if for example someone uh this runs this randomizer pushes the the shears then it will do

Level one will get reset but there are five possible places that the ravagers will be so we don’t know exactly where the ravagers are any of these times so it’ll push out one of these and one of these five will fire and then these are all just coordinates which I can’t see

In in uh survival mode so burnout will go to here and monkeys flinging poo will go to here and Mis calculations we’ll go to here etc etc and so that’s how this works and I’ve got a counter up here so that I can keep track so we’ve run 59

Times since we’ve installed it three times level uh four three level three has uh has done it five times level four has reset five times level two and five times level one so uh what is that 5 10 15 18 18 GG um so uh 18 18 divided by I

Forgot 59 is that is that how we do this 18 divided by 59 that’s not the typed that there 18 divided by 59 uh so about 30 30% % is running right now which is all right that’s that’s not bad so every time every time the game

Resets every time the game ends whether someone wins or dies um there is a chance that uh that we will uh that it will reset what what are you doing why is my game being weird um let’s hop over to kiss did you learn anything did you did

You get a recipe I did you did I have the recipe Bing stri and you got bounding strides and Target prce W ladies and gentlemen boys and girls non-binary folks of all ages it’s time to watch kid die it’s right there it’s almost time to watch kiz

Die I made it so far if you want to watch kids die type exclamation point target chat and kids will have the 5050 chance of getting out of the dungeon alive it’s 100% chance cuz I just got out and Vex Hunter H sweet goggles of symmetry symmetrically so other things that we worked on is uh we’ve got the forge over here this costs 50 Embers in that in that box right there K made this door actually work 3 2 1 let’s go oo adal Ender I believe just tied for

First place I think so now in the Forge we’ve got um got some storage areas here so what’ll happen is these Pistons will pull back and there’s a uh there’s a slime right there and there’s a uh a barrel that you can save your ingredients in if you’re trying to craft

A legendary card but you just don’t quite get all of the ingredients you need cuz some of them will require some RNG so the forge in the original game no it was literally just this this this facade right here and that was all you could see um what we did is we actually

Took um impulse s V’s part of his base and we just pasted it here and I just made this door so that it kind of fit and then we did a bunch of redstone underneath to make it all work so um don’t open these but if you have you

Know say um a recipe is using um ingredient two uh 4 and nine right then these torch will all go out if you put those ingredients in there these torches right here which will unlight this which will light up this one which will spit out cash

Cow um so we did all of that together you just leaked the code for Cash Cow um yep that’s true I did oh you’re already gone yep I got Eerie silence oh I’m sorry what was that I didn’t hear you e oh hey I finished the cake I’m sorry

What did you say I can’t hear you no the Cake’s full what are you talking about kuu was here 48 times now I got to wait now I got to wait um huh I think someone might have broken the uh gold or the the crowns um we’re missing 10 oh here we

Go who did it we know who did it yeah we know exactly who did it we just don’t know how okay junk Barrel no okay so where’s crowns crowns starts here goes down that way and then goes around oh it’s back to the barrel oh didn’t kuya put in like random things here

Yes did we undo those things is it is it going in the barrel somehow or no point no everything’s everything looks correct for sending them through Crown converter sound effects did you get any sound effects this is no I did not item and dropper coin needed for one

Crown there are two items in The Dropper should there be only one item in the dropper coin Barrel out coin there’s 12 yeah that’s fine that’s just the storing that’s how many coins that I have crown Barrel there’s a whole bunch but are those those are the output

Crowns right that’s yeah that’s just storing that’s just output okay well we’re going to grab some of that output will it still work even though the game’s over I don’t know I’m going to well we’ll all right we’ll just wait and see what happens in the next run if you can

Watch that while I’m uh yes hopefully not dead I I gave I gave myself the crowns for now yeah yeah that’s easy enough there’s but yeah I got an eerie silence and two tactical approach cards nice and a legendary recipe which is the best part I sent kuya my proof nice very

Happy about this well now it’s my turn and you can you can just watch you don’t have to look away yeah oh it’s very true you’re missing one too Ander I mean you can just either get one from the Armory or inside the door just push the button so what are

The recipes so there are five legendary cards here we’ll go we’ll go this way this will be the easier easier way to show you um that um Tango never quite finished so this is the the other the I can’t remember his name but the guy who

Did all of this finished them right got them to work or did they already work uh he made them work yes he added functionality to so there’s five cards and the way Tango was going to do it is he was going to hide recipes in the

Dungeon and you’d have to go into the dungeon find the recipe and then you’d have to write it down and figure out all the ingredients that you needed to get that card and then bring it to the forge and craft it together so that’s what we’ve done is we’ve implemented the

Finding and crafting method of the game so Cash Cow Cash Cow these are all ones you can only have one in your deck um every remaining card you play gains one treasure so there’s a possibility of of one treasure area spitting out treasure and it could be five or six droppers it

Could be 10 droppers probably not that many I don’t actually know um Avalanche um yes like the dungeon master quest Pearl did which which I’m also going to do eventually hopefully um Avalanche is plus one uh Ember for each card played so far so those are very

Similar one gives you treasure one gives you Embers uh but they’re like opposite so one is for how many cards played so far and then one is for how many cards played a like after oh right right right right right yeah I always forget that um Beast Master so these three are now

Permanent cards so these will play as soon as you enter the dungeon they will just play um and uh and then you still get them back kind of like some of the ethereals will play instantly like pork chop power um and uh but those go away but these are the the permanent cards

Play first and then they they end up back in your deck so every time you block Hazard there’s a 50% chance that all the ravagers will briefly glow so you know where they are too bad it’s not the wardens also um but there’s no mechanic for that um glorious moment

However there are something called command blocks yeah but you can’t use command blocks that’s cheating you couldn’t put command blocks in this game for glorious moment when an artifact is acquired you quick draw three cards and it also blocks three Hazard and three Clank which is cool and

Then boots of swiftness this one’s my favorite every card played has a 25% chance to add 30 seconds of run speed and jump boost so every card played I assume every Future Card played right it’s a permanent card oh yeah so literally every card that you play plays

So yes all future cards because it’s the first one to play yeah so to to explain permanent bit better they they’re played instantly and they last all game that’s that’s what it means it’s not just that they’re played instantly it’s that they last all game and then ethereals that are per except

For like pork chop power and tactical approach those are those do last all game no you they only work once well yeah but they give you pork chops that you can use throughout the entire game there lasting all game no they only last until you eat them they

Don’t keep giving me pork chop the whole game can eat them throughout the whole game there what should I do should I do hard or should I do deep Frost uh depends on what you’re trying to do are you trying to get is secret yeah then you can do what you want secret

Secret got a secret yeah op cards that’s why they’re legendary yeah and that’s why they’re hard to get however dad wants them super easy no I just want them easier than you want them I want them super easy let’s joke is we got this oh yeah

Except I got to get all the way down and all the way back up again and then apparently all the way back down again potentially and then I got beard hair in my mouth can I have a good luck Yeti please nope well we’re going to die pretty sure that’s how that works

So every year the extra life Discord is filled with people saying hey why can’t I use my URL from level three bottom that’s convenient that’s where I’m going uh why can’t I use my URL from last year and it’s all of January and a little bit of February and everyone’s like yeah you

Should have listened to us when all of us said change your URL last week of December wait what happens last so your your your campaign expires at the end of every year and so you have to resign up again lights going off um which is fine but because of accounting reasons they

Hold your custom URL in case there’s like a late offline donation that references your url oh two Embers two crowns Rusty uh coin three keys that was an excellent I’m going to add the target block back every time we get it I’m just like okay but there there are many more times that

I get like one Ember I don’t think I’ve gotten one of those in a while oh I I get them I get them regularly maybe you just take okay what you you just take up all the bad luck so I can have the good good uh ones

You’re welcome I mean I get my share good luck too streamer luck no streamer luck means I already died I’m surprised that more Hermits didn’t find that what the the barrel yeah so the problem is the first couple people to find it got crappy RNG and they assumed that it wouldn’t refill like

Like the Easter eggs the when they were looking for the eggs those were just a onetime thing mhm so then they never never went for it again I’m I’m surprised they never found the that secret tunnel I don’t know I’m sad that we didn’t find it on our own

But oh well wait we didn’t find it on our own no monkey bee heard about it in a video oh really literally nothing down here what videos ruin everything I know step hi bud we’ll go this way there always that one spoilers video that someone watches now they have I

Mean I wasn’t going to not watch it so that I wouldn’t get spoiled man they’re at both doors all right we’re going back out through the cuper oh he’s right there hey buddy thanks Quick Step all right listen for the next card listen for the next card listen for the next

Card check the spot and the berries ah I did to thing again I do free cam sometimes instead of Z mine’s still on F4 oh yeah mine’s X it’s very convenient unless you’re trying to zoom what second win oh excellent good at least there’s not one right here that would stink you know

What let’s go the long way whilst we’re here oh hey let’s go over here too shut up Sher I think you missed yeah you definitely missed you definitely missed yeah it’s much harder than it should [Laughter] be he uses walls yeah ding ding ding Hey Barry all right I’ll take it that’s

Worth a coin to me bounding strides bounding strides you say me that means I means I’m going up here I have no Clank block stop running so let’s try that Again let me see what uh did um am I completely off yeah start streaming all right I’m going to have to restart OBS can you type in my chat that I’ll be back some much soon yep card call out system to let players know what card gets skipped by silence I

Knew that I didn’t even know that I thought that was just part of it I should be back up I don’t know if I’m back up on YouTube with twitch maybe twitch is having a bad day all right I really should get downstairs I’m going to be getting

Downstairs I was waiting for some more clanker Hazard though but that’s fine I got 15 berries I got plenty a see internet issues yeahum I don’t want to stumble I just had two Clank blocked easy come easy go I think he’s right there yeah he right over there we’re just going to

Run over all the Clank hash cow and Avalanche also support Recycling oh cool the other three do not because they’re already done I just threw my leftover keys on the ground oh ad break uh don’t snooze it let’s let’s let it run and uh ability we’ll do uh that’ll that’ll take care of the level three ad sorry for those of you

That we’re going to get ads I apologize I have a rusty kit why am I going this way dang it also I think the upstairs ravager reset cuz I saw one in a place that I don’t normally see although no not if they were both in

The pizza room stairs cuz I have more spread out than that they never end up both over there stop spoiling it what don’t think too much about it you can know where they are well that’s that the whole point of it it’s like you’re not

Supposed to know I I couldn’t no I all I know is they’re more spread out than that I couldn’t possibly say that you know this one is this and I already played a quick step do I have more than one I must have more than one did it I

Don’t think Quick Step quick stepped oh all right you’re right there come over this way a little bit you haven’t gotten your speed I have I has this speeds okay you think that I lost the speeds well that’s normal no key over there wonder if there’s like a recipe

S probably not hey Rusty I don’t need you right now but I I wanted you to be healthy okay hey tius D T you just Tai just came into an ad being played into an ad break yeah it’s true yeah yeah but he’s a VIP so he

Doesn’t get ads I don’t think it works like I wish that’s how that work yeah don’t we all so many more VIPs would actually be remembered to be used yeah I I still wish that artist badge like if you give an emote attribution to an artist they should get access to that

Emote like 100% oh yeah I totally agree um Dutchess they don’t always give an ad it’s only if they have an ad I think Quick Step just got quick stepped yeah you got Quick Step again how many quick steps do you have I don’t know you want to look at my

Deck um it’s kind of a spread out now you could say no I mean on the spreadsheet oh oh yeah I forgot about the spread she I almost lost Quick Step or I was worried I was going to lose Quick Step while I was trying to

Jump Dan Quick Step you have three I do have three yes that’s convenient oh what did you what did you switch to Ty or what are you going to switch to trying to get away from OBS how come I really love OBS but oh l scoop nice I’m always interested in in new

Things too finicky okay yeah if it’s not working for you then it’s definitely a good idea to switch invested too much into OBS I don’t know how I just did what I just did I panic fingered and I was just like ah ah buttons Buttons it’s fine I couldn’t imagine trying to get my like uh my green screen stroke thing that I got going I couldn’t imagine doing that on anything all right I’m hearing a lot of lot of uh Pistons over there should stream again all right good night tus oh no

Good morning tus enjoy the rest of your day morning something yeah he’s he’s exactly 12 hours off from us oh oh that’s a key o got luckier than me that’s convenient oh that’s Willie okay there’s a friend ow oh got me right in the bot Duchess you may be unsurprised to

Know that he is in [Laughter] Thailand what could have uh sneak done that o who could have thought all right we need to look at those note blocks those are the saddest note blocks it sounds fine to me really I only get like three of them no I got all of them huh

[Applause] strange it’s also very slow because I usually listen to 1.5 speed she’s an Aussie I think it also sounds slower because the TPS of the server is not 20 what is it right now I don’t know but it’s definitely not 20 no you can see when Things fall or when Willie shoots

At you yeah and it goes sorry for the lack of Lights On My Face yting some of this game gets dark no it’s it’s it’s too bright and I can’t see the screen because it’s too dark it’s too much too much light in my face thanks Ty love your face by the way

Dutchess if you’re not following tyus he uh he streams in a better time for you thanks G all right now we’re going to do the scoot the the scooting not the scooting the the the the the sh that’s the oh look at that Clank block lovely I

Don’t need it on this level but look at it all Angry think they’re angry at you Dan is there Clank block on this level kids is there Clank on this level there is Clank on this level yes there is actually I thought it was just shers but no actual

Clank no there is Clank on this level there is none on level four h okay all right well that makes [Applause] sense I don’t think I touched that getting dark oh angry angry wardens that’s good stay angry at something else wardens be distracted that’s pressure plate and a Clank awesome

Second wind I don’t know if I want second wind right now oh boy are they angry I hope I’m not walking directly at them cuz I have to open up a uh a book in front of them oh hi bud that’s a lot of slime hey Dad slime’s very rare huh this

This is great news it’s exactly what we want kiss except I need to avoid pressure plates I I have to go back that way too I mean I don’t have to that’s definitely the fastest good thing is they’re making a lot of noise so Press PL Here they’re drowning out your no oh I made a mistake what actually no I didn’t I never actually opened the book it wasn’t me okay I went back and forth a couple times cool I can’t see anything and I can’t move and I can’t see cuz there’s an awful lot of pressure

Plates here all right do I dare walk past him uhhuh them do I dare walk past them okay we’re going to and Scot scoot right by here if they’re aiming for that thing can they accidentally hit me I don’t know this is something I’ve always wondered and really don’t want to

Know ow oh they might have heard that I think you’re safe cuz they’re too busy with those slime is this the stairs yeah I think it’s all right we’re scooting we’re not scooting anymore I don’t know if this door can this stair can get hazarded or [Applause] not pressure plate pressure

Plate all right now unfortunately this is directly above Them all right so I need to look down into here or something there’s something with this hole that I can’t figure Out what am I missing you probably heard [Applause] that still those aren’t buttons what can you possibly do here is there a is there a I just want to yell button ah ah oh okay well we’re we’re done now um y it is that hole is something to do with that hole

Right I’m saying nothing I wonder if I have to throw something in there I am not going to assist because it is not my secret I don’t want K to get angry at me what did the book actually say are you allowed a second copy of

That book I don’t I don’t know what do you mean I’m not we’re going back to the VOD here thanks YouTube all right back at the book it’s muted it’s dark I’ll let you do a couple runs because I want you to figure this out you’ve made it to the bottom of level

Three after a legendary recipe you must be I skipped to the second page where the wardens do the work test kuya check your DMs on Discord Kua I made it but I didn’t make it good playback speed 0.25 also this this is only a clue to

The clue that you need but you just start at a timer so you’d better speed Rock most dangerous request the wardens do your work as your next test please back to page one yeah I totally got Warden they’re all right there uh um I’m wondering if maybe I’m supposed

To put something in the hole do I have to throw something am I looking at the wrong hole would it be against the rules to run a random reset on level three wardens it said something about a timer so something in the warden’s room opens or happens

When when uh when you when you read the book and I am pretty sure but not positive that it’s um that it’s the uh it’s something to do with that hole just talking with Kua yeah yeah yeah Discord K you can hop on Discord in chat if you want

It or if you wanted to give any hints I’ll allow hints where the wardens do their work okay so exact wording I give you exact wording here um here you know we just bring this down here uh be big so I got playing in super slow mode that’s

Passed because I switch through the second page really quick you’ve made it to the bottom of level three after a legendary recipe you must be hold on wait a second alas this is only a clue to the clue that you need but you just started a timer so you had better

Speed now embark on this most dangerous of quests to where the wardens do their work is your next test Please put back on page one before leaving ah nice um I hope you I hope you enjoy your your uh your anniversary dinner so what I want to do is on my way past

That I want to go in the room and see if there is still a hole there or if that hole is just a red herring and I’m missing it cuz that’s possible too I can’t figure out a way to get into um to get into the like the hot guy poster that’s too

High up I didn’t see anything I could parkour onto I want to go look at it right now hey I can go look at it right now let’s go back to the video up the stairs all right so in the room so the question is if he were to

Actually do H don’t overthink it too late um be brighter oh it’s so dark in there I don’t see where he could even piston that unless it goes that way spoilers Ender this is all I’m doing right now fair warning there’s books there’s a loom so that’s definitely a block there the

Is ready for it next victim hang on we’ll go in a second wish I had like a half slab right there so I could stand on it so there’s room up top but I was looking for like a button on the wall I didn’t see one yeah that jump right there probably what

Ended up getting me killed all right is there anything else in the room that we See I’m going to turn my light off again that’s better yeah there’s this hole over here here but I don’t think it got real dark when I was trying to look at it did I stay or did I give up no I gave up right away that could have got me

Killed H it’s so dark in the room is the problem I might need to try and get them to go the other way also is there anything under there I think that’s a trap door so nothing else could be in that block all right thanks for hanging out

Duchess enjoy lunch thanks for good luck um all right well let’s uh let’s see what happens I don’t want to I don’t want to make the game wait too long oh and’s back I’m here hello hello spoilers ahead or maybe not have you found any of my smaller

Clue books stand no I haven’t looked okay if tell me and I’ll move it really hope the wardens got uh got randomly [Laughter] reassigned cuz it’s so dark in there I can’t see anything speak I can do this for a little bit I don’t know it might be my

Texture pack but the darkness effect is not as bad as it is for me and as it is for you guys level four well I don’t plan on doing that do you have like vanilla tweaks full bright on no I do not nor do I I

Know I do but it doesn’t work you know what I think my monitor is just really bright not working on my computer for some reason on This Server it’s weird only fabrite that I have is the uh free cam one yeah me Too two Embers Rusty repair kit no key Tre Hunter yeah I think it’s just cuz I have my brightness set very high on my monitor I do too I don’t know I see things in the darkness all right we’re just doing Barry run makes you sound like you’re crazy I see

Eyes they’re after me how did I jump there that’s new ow don’t you like that we added back the drip Stone it wasn’t even the dripstone I jumped up onto a block that I wasn’t expecting oh I do like that we added back to drip Zone here though yeah as annoying as it

Is yeah although I was sure used to jumping through without it weren’t you guys down here did y’all reset too are you just drifting back upstairs again I’m already down to hunger wait dan I forget have you found my secret yet which one was yours uh it’s level

Three no I don’t even know where yours is at all okay I would not go up those stairs no you got two ravagers right there no key Quick Step all right I’ll take the Quick Step no key yeah I got my second air card no key your second what rare card nice it

Was the uh what was it I forget oh Eerie silence how is it ow what what was it I couldn’t hear you dang it thank you let’s see that doors open was the loot spot yes that and right here right here two loot spots in the that one like

Drifted really far what just played I don’t know uh it wasn’t a card that played it was like something breaking no that’s that sound reminds me of it’s a it’s a deck shuffling oh that’s letting you know that it’s going back in your deck all right well this run is going

Terribly hunger wise hey Dan quick question mhm are you streaming it doesn’t show in Minecraft yeah I see it on Twitch I know but if you like press tab it doesn’t it doesn’t show for some Reas Reon Oh weird I know it’s almost like that should be

Automatic so I don’t have to think about it oh God that’s a lot of Hazard already could you set up a command block to do that I don’t you have for everything else is there is there a command block for uh for that status plugin um does that a

Command I actually I don’t know I don’t either I don’t think so I don’t know anything about it I don’t all right getting out of here is going to be difficult stability assuming we even get that option you should just put a sign somewhere people kid cuz people don’t pay

Attention when they first load the game and the message that show in chat I barely notice it I noticed it no you don’t do anything about it but I always make sure I set mine well see that’s the difference how do you do that thing where it like flashes on your

Screen in huge letters uh it’s like a set title thing well this runs over fall damage too m Tre Hunter I forgot I got to keep moving cuz the fire sets off the shrier can you get the rusty room I’ll let you know probably not no I should be able to

Unless he Bo okay there’s another Sher yeah shers aren’t my concern right now all right I don’t have a key yet I didn’t even notice that there was wood wood noises that came from the it’s only on the bridge yeah I didn’t know that they added that yeah he he he was

Very happy with that haven’t noticed it before hey Rusty you want to give me some pork chops I’ll heal you if you heal me do you have a um what’s it called enough berries to heal myself no you have Second Wind in your death Yeah couple oh you have one one I have

One you have no rare cards no wow I don’t have any Either after this tanks my average by looking for all these secrets I’m going to do like I don’t know a dozen easy runs why are there Pistons Behind the Walls of this that was me why uh to make people have a sense of accomplishment even if they did

Nothing does it scan to see if there’s books on the Shelf yeah there comparators there so if someone puts a book there or like anywhere or takes all the books out it’ll ex the pist Run for the hills we got raage JJ DB welcome to the stream hey how hey

Raiders what’s going on Welcome to the stream my name’s Wild West Dan and I’m going to die oh yes those regrow exactly as I needed them we’re doing some decked out again because that’s what we do how’s your stream are you lurking you’re lurking right away okay love your face enjoy your family

Time okay I have exactly enough that’s two coins that’s not helpful um lot of dings okay maybe there’s one upstairs I’m going to eat my very last Berry fill up my Hunger those coins right what what’s that you know what you can do with one of those coins right eat them

You can open my library my secret Library all right spoilers what if there was a person in the Stream that didn’t want that didn’t didn’t know that Charles didn’t know I didn’t say where it is I just said that I had One spoilers um you can just do exclamation

Point tuck by the way it’s smart enough to remember who the last person that was to say that Adrenaline Rush what does adrenaline rush do Adrenaline Rush the card that actually um adds one Hazard and every heartbeat for the next 20 seconds generates one treasure drop very convenient for for this particular

Moment hm coin but more importantly Berry okay I’m back up to full saturation and hunger finally I’m not back up to getting a key to level three I’m just going to wait here a second see if this treasure happens happens to drop right here evasion I would say that card just blocks Fork

Blank don’t say just that’s a very important card it’s one of my favorite cards in the deck I found a key oh good hopefully I will also do that was a very bad mob between you and him and that oh Dam that was unfortunate are you going to die no yep

You’re going to die no I’ll be fine just annoying how did I find doc I think I know where doc was I saw he’s on level two oh maybe I am going to die nope totally fine half a heart wow but why can’t I climb up this thing here it’s too

High really yeah oh you’re going to die so how do you get out of here uh you can jump this Cobblestone block and maybe get out oh smart go from small point of don’t take any damage or that that works which way am I trying to get to

This way uh you got to out yeah you got now you can jump on that uh one that there you go I learned that during my stream today you know you should probably try and uh use your uh second wind right now that would probably help you

Out why who needs it going to level three y’all are you going to survive level three no we’re going to get some berries hopefully hi Davey told you there was a bad mod between you and the key he’s not bad he’s overrated I got enough Clank block that I’m not super worried about

It I do have to get onto the ship though that’s a problem no there’s no problem it’s a potential problem just don’t get hit okay well now I’m going to go Bing now I’m going to go visit Rusty again see how he’s doing on uh I love

Going through this little tiny hole here see how he’s doing on uh berries nope no we’re not change of plants so close I wonder if it’s daytime or not it’s daytime so I didn’t want to be down here I might as well go look I don’t really care okay

Still don’t care oh hey a key there is I got one there is only one berry bush on this whole thing right yes yeah whoever and technically there are glowberries oh yeah I wouldn’t do that though collected those before they didn’t help all right can you eat glowberries

Yes they give half a food point so it’s not really worth it I mean it seems a little cheaty but not like so much that it it should matter but if you’re dying like Dan is and they’re worth it don’t hit me don’t hit me don’t

Hit me don’t hit me you get a lot more food exactly I don’t think they’re cheating I I’d have to ask Tango they don’t regrow they don’t no oh not unless the vine gets longer oh I didn’t know that Y okay then it is cheesy don’t do it still level four artifact that ain’t happening oh someone’s already mad at you doubtful why I just heard a yell yeah they definitely sound like they’re still directly below me lightly found a warden yeah it’s not dark so I’m risking

Eating but I haven’t found any of his friends oh hey Dan he’s right beside you he does sound like he’s right beside you you know is weird but I never thought you could push gravel with a sticky piston I don’t know why I just thought for some reason because it’s a

Falling block it just didn’t stick also hiding right below that pressure plate would be hilarious the trap door you mean yeah he definitely he definitely heard that smashing gra oh I Smash and grab did you know that that card generates 13 treasure drops but adds two planks I think that that for every

Card I mean that’s how you learn this wasn’t as fast as I was hoping hey there’s one in the ward that’s the one I saw earlier yeah and he definitely knows I’m here you might want to leave now cuz it’s spoilers I just got back and I’m very very

Dead come on come over here I’m reading for the Wardens trying to get him to sniff me over here this isn’t going to work cuz he’s just going to he’s going to want to eat my face later as soon as I open the book Dead

Run cuz I then have to walk back this way I don’t mean walk oh I found a key and a crown technically I need that but you’re not going to like who’s standing on top of it I don’t know I like one of them good well his name starts with a P just signed up to be a Carne thank you for someone for following me actually a subscription the Masters eight subscribed at tier one for 19 months thanks Masters welcome back to the Carney fam appreciate your face hey m I was first today or is was it depends on who you

Ask I can prove it so light mode I was first today why do you use light mode what happened yeah who hurt you it’s just the default I just e does anyone know does this in theater mode does this staircase ever close uh uh which one darn yes yes this one

Does second wind all right so I’m dead there’s no getting around it did you even look at the screenshot I sent in Dan’s Discord I found a key cuz most of the time I use theater mode and that’s dark mode I just hadn’t gotten to that part yet when I took that

Screenshot I have jump boost but I can’t see we’re just going to throw a coin In I stor I definitely have something wrong I was flying around looking for wardens and I ended up in Tango’s storage Room I’m glad you find this amusing kid is he right outside the door yet I find it amusing too but I’m not sure [Laughter] why and I can’t survive a trip down here to find out for myself Dan someone’s angry at yeah I’m pretty sure he’s angry

At me but what am I going to do I’m going to win this one anyway where the warden does his work found another key ow oh there’s a lever up there yeah don’t overthink isn’t doesn’t change anything oh my gosh cuz underthinking isn’t doing anything either I got to give Milo’s meds that’s

Going to be the next thing we do kids too I can hear it it doesn’t help me at all I’m probably going to give up on that and just do a run but anyway thanks Masters how’s it going my lips are sealed because I don’t want to be get in trouble with Kua

Accidentally because apparently anything that I say apparently somehow gets turned into a hint so I’m just not going to say anything two to six weeks in Texas he did the same thing with me is it still in January or February I [Laughter] hope because you don’t want to go in like August or

July K I’m willing to take hints I would almost be okay with you telling I would too it’s just the same with uh yours on level four unless he found that and I didn’t know that um he he he rewatched it and he has some new theories

This is funny I could do a I could do a l i could do a lacky run and make kuya come with [Laughter] me all right I got to AFK okay there’s a redstone block on the floor by the way K have I ever showed you um

The the thing are you are you around enough to look at things or are you semi IFK uh a lacky run Masters is when a another person comes into the dungeon with you yeah you purchase it here I said it first okay so I was explaining this earlier

But I’ll I’ll explain it again because I’m proud of it so the way we do the the random monster resets um is a redstone block gets put here and then it triggers this so 62 times we’ve run since I put this system in and then um each of these one and

Nine will spit one of these into here and it will read it and if it’s the shears it will run this one also I still don’t know know why there’s holes here I really thought I filled that so actually let’s just perfect is I

Mean okay um so then these are is a one in five so there’s this one or this one or this one or this one or that one um and that will trigger one of these to reset so I have basically five options so for the five ravagers on level one

This is one option to put them all this is another option this is another option this is another option another option and it really just just teleports burnout to here teleports monkeys flinging poo teleports miscalculations teleports Dan resetting the map again teleports monkey be wearing a costume

And they all just go to different places and that’s true for all four levels and and then I just put trackers in so I could see how often it happens oh hey oh level three just reset spoilers or reset for the last one I don’t know which

Um but yeah so that that’s how I shouldn’t have looked it up oh I was filling holes we’re going to keep filling holes I filled them okay cool throw that on the ground then was it you I was talking to kiss about how I like to throw things on the

Ground instead of just putting them like delet I do the same I don’t know why it takes too long and I’m too scared to accidentally shift click the destroy item button and destroy everything in my inventory yeah yeah nothing in mine is super super important except for my

Deck yeah so I’d rather throw it on the ground so if I accidentally throw my deck on the ground I just pick it back up yeah okay I’m going to AFK for about five minutes I’m going to go my meds and uh I will be back feel free to do a run

While I wait while I’m gone um I don’t mind and I’ll see yall in a few minutes byebye um do you want to be on microphone or do you want me to hide it let me mute it up to you I’ll mute it you don’t have to entertain bye for for For Is that really Really for For for of For for am I back I’m back I’m back I’m back hey welcome back What’s happen happening are we winning we don’t appear to be winning this one [Laughter] um we’re winning now I got y’all I don’t think this is how you spell this I am correct that is not how you spell

This all right oh nice Masters well played sir and or Madam if that is your real name let’s go all right keep it going oh I didn’t want that one I don’t know how to do my own commands good name change kiss I mean that’s a proper noun so probably

No oh was I locked still probably no really lime other lime slime is right thank you GG Coya all right we can slack off for the next few [Laughter] minutes so I can’t find Lily so she didn’t get her treats yet see Milo gets meds and then gets treats and because he

Gets treats Lily gets treats so there’s that how am I at the top of this y’all I started in the middle let’s go what oh I just got speed boost too GG let’s get all the big [Laughter] ones if this was satisfactory we could do fixmas FICO that’s good is that a word

No five multiple fives That’s My secret is I always just add an if there’s an S just whatever word doesn’t have an S add one or if you come up with one with the S take it away first all right GG oh COA I think that counted but I’m not totally [Laughter]

Sure g g we’re going again going again let’s go let’s go uh someone’s still running I don’t know who I banged my knee for Bandage nice didn’t think that would be that would work Oh nice oh banned how did we not get that only one star but we’re still moving I’m catching up to you kuya and by catching up I mean you’re getting further ahead but that’s not the point the point is I’m going to win whether the point say so or not

Wow that was impressive Masters there only one e You’re not you’re not wrong did could you just guess a word that he already guessed yep I can’t tell you how much I want to use a clipse it won’t work but I want to do it exclamation point clip that won’t work hold on wait that’s the same one we already

Did two stars I’ll take it which reindeer is the cleanest which reindeer is the cleanest comet is going to cover the screen so I can cheat uh no I can’t nailed it what ah I just saw that one what what did I just type pidz okay yeah yeah

The J is the wrong letter what oh man I’m back with internet again welcome back Casey how are you uh you came just as Co you lost the game for us that’s what happened he’s supposed supposed to be having date night with his [Laughter] wife oh is what I do that’s fair yep

That’s fair um let’s go back over here okay we’re just going to do a regular run but uh first let’s uh hello hi Dan hello I didn’t I didn’t want to Dan I didn’t want he’s in the same room as you so you don’t want to launch oh he’s looking for

Secrets I literally just just went over to him and then I’m like okay I will just fly straight Up do you want me to not listen uh I think it’s fine unless he finds it he doesn’t find it oh oh um oh no he’s about to die you’re good okay cool uh ladies and gentlemen boys and girls non binary looking for it’s time for some cursed target

Practice see he listens to he he was listening to me so it’s possible that uh he’s completely off because I’m completely off all right so I’ve got to get there and then get to that room you guys are at the same stage so uh so we can’t watch each other’s RS

What I got an artifact but not mine two 1 it’s c in there yeah you you when you died one of your uh items yeah your items into theart oh yeah that’s a that’s a yeah it won’t break anything yeah GG K GG K you um kid you running

Again no I like watching you guys now that I’ve done it now that I found it it’s funny me and z are in another race yeah now you guys are at the same exact are you gonna make me try it again I was going to give up yeah yeah no you’re

You’re going again you’re doing it well you’ve got to now I don’t have there’s nothing that I need to do no you have to I don’t peer pressure it’s a competition now you KZ how many crowns do you give me if I find it before him

Uh you you get a you get a recipe so I mean Kya how many how many uh cards will you give me if I find it you’re gonna give an incentive to the winner or just Dan I think recipe is good enough of a reward I don’t

Know but we’re going to have an entertaining race it’s for the Graham oh actually would you look at the time I got to go my stream’s over y’all all right we’ll do one more run oh does your stream normally end at 9: yeah oh I what do I care just going to work

Tomorrow I normally just go until I don’t want to and work doesn’t matter anymore um that’s what I Norm do we’ll talk about that next week’s stream I have an announcement but I can’t make it yet it’s not necessarily a good or bad one it won’t affect M Minecraft at

All what my schedule might be changing that’s all I can say right now I don’t know yet might not my wife is home oh I need to get my crown you know I don’t know if you heard it earlier D but I talked about putting a barrel opposite the one that’s already

In here and putting one piece of food in there for people that don’t bring anything other than their deck oh um K had an idea for this was probably the best one we have I just got [Laughter] ethered just got Etho by the entrance Door o I just had an idea

I can buy a dungeon lacky uh key and me and Dan can go together to solve the puzz puzzle that sounds like a great idea some of you guys like pancakes who’s got Pancakes on them I do come in here I personally like me one please the The Ice Cream Sandwich I like

That the bed oh well now we got to okay well you got to give me the rest of them then here have an ice cream I require ice cream sandwiches there you go what about what about churros do we have to do churros too or slushies do we I don’t

Know we have churros yeah technically uh do we want Buttercup cookies which is just raw chicken or Co fruit elen K I give you some of these wait is this those are golden carrot hold on and some of those ice cream Sandwiches there we go now we have lots of food hold on Tak pancakes back did you destroy the comparator yet yep okay these are specifically pancakes with syrup cuz there are pancakes without syrup oh cookies say golden carrot too oh my gosh there’s so much

Food how do you throw out all so fast um you hold down control hold and you hover over it hold control control and hover uh sorry control q and hover and then just move your mouse around just holding Q throws out everything really fast um is there other food types that we

Want oh there’s the I gave you all of my food yeah hold on I got to look at I got to look at Monkey be’s map to see what they’re actually named not map are you guys doing that dungeon lacky thingy oh we have multiple just about the

Key dungeon likey dungeon like flushy that’s popcorn okay go slushie W okay um Dan this is now for you Dan is busy there you go thanks mhm um we’re not doing popcorn oh I didn’t want to throw oh that’s going to be terrible D is ready hey the dungeon is ready you

Have I didn’t pick up the box you did nope cuz my creative inventory was full it was it was in your inventory before your creative inventory was full cuz it was in your hand yeah and then I accidentally threw threw it when I threw all the stuff on the

Ground let me get you another one do you need that food no okay I do need my room what I do need is to put my dang deck away oh I’m still in Creative can’t elytra bounce when you’re in Creative nope K can I have a second one

No duplicate it yourself I don’t have another one put my food in there all right uh so we’re doing a lacky run huh mhm anyone have any keys I don’t you have to give him the cat I thought you were going to give him

A cad No I gave you the deck that had the cad in it I have to do everything around here I gave you the box I don’t know I haven’t seen do you have any keys that you would be willing to donate to us to help figure out your card here take your

Stupid card I’m very excited about this run me too I was going to just do a level two run get a whole bunch of crowns I mean I could be your lucky we might have better luck we might have better lucky prob how many cards do

You have in your deck I just have all the treasure ones uh you’re welcome to steal my deck if you want to use my deck go right ahead yeah where is your deck on the wall in my room okay yeah I’ll use yours because you have more cards than

Me all right kids I’m going to move this hole slightly because I want I don’t know best place to put it oh Dan I added something I don’t know what you saw uh what this use your deck K behind hello hello oh yeah or do you have keys use or borrow and pay

Back no use my my deck is fine it’s got a ton of treasure it’s got a ton of uh well if he has keys that we could borrow and then pay back later oh hi make things a whole lot easier how’s date night oh hi it would be better if y’all would stop

Distracting would it be better though I don’t know um hello Fire have an elytra Shadow bullet how are you welcome to the stream we are um hi Kya we are uh we are playing decked out which is a uh Redstone survival Dungeon Crawler deck build what do you call

It ding building dungeon crawling hun training game yeah that uh it’s made on hermitcraft if you if you watch hermitcraft by Tango Tech um and it is it is a feet of I have keys of amazing Redstone um so so much Redstone um and uh it was made

Completely in survival mode and it’s kind of awesome back and we’ve been playing it a lot right now we’re trying to discover secrets that we’ve actually added ourselves that makes it sound bad but it’s it’s fun what sounds bad we addited secrets that we added ourselves yeah that’s

Okay also my deck is still better you should have used it probably what’s we got to make it a little challenging apparently it’s too challenging that’s true it wasn’t that bad for me I found it my first try like I found he had no issues yeah

All right Ander here’s my idea MH one of us goes down to the book the other one goes straight to the room and see if anything moves yeah I was thinking that myself okay I get the room and then you’re going to smack yourselves uh where do I put this dungeon likey

Kubon uh in in the deck oh is it fine if it if that makes it over 40 uh I shouldn’t have 40 in there I pulled a bunch out oh I pulled out everything that wasn’t treasure I pulled out all the Embers basically mhm wait

You have a level one key right to get to level two um technically my keys don’t count then why do you have one because one time when we did a Lackey run someone went through the door and it closed so I only use this if I need to

Get in after someone else already got in cuz if you push the button to open the door from the inside you broke the game yeah okay I get it so I have I I’m carrying one of each key right now which you’re not allowed to use if I die okay I get

It also I really need to start bringing ravager Warden costumes for this we should just put a box right there I should that way whenever I do it I don’t have to fly all the way back to my room boo hi hello what level did we get who cares let’s

Go I’m sorry who’s in Char nobody’s in charge we’re just going yeah I’ll swim you don’t have to yeah let’s get I’m going to get I like how it turned from oh hey you have to tell what lacky to do to just no I’m doing it this doesn’t

Count we’re only here for secret I even forgot to put the hood on so it really doesn’t Count oh I got picked by the berries why would you do that oh did I pick up the berries automatically sorry I should have given those to you because I have pork chops no fine all right no key I gave Keys I’ve got a key oh

Perfect yeah yeah we don’t have to worry about key okay I just want to raid level one for get some get some berries ding shreds I’m going go get the down all right I’ll go the side tunnel hopefully okay we’re not really worrying about Clank are

We nope I just this is bad I just added one so I hope not well we’ve got a problem uhoh there’s a ravager in the berries I’m inside the ravager looking at you no Quick Step I think there’s a ravager up here unless it’s you made mistakes that was a bad

Idea oh I’m not going to die if you do by the way yeah I know you left the yeah you left the actual normal barries I know without jump boost but there’s a ra there’s two ravagers between here and there nah you’ll be fine they’re just fake uh the

Warden’s right beside you Dan okay the warden there warden’s on level one now this guy just got I put it past you new relocation at it oh thank You I never knew you could relocate wardens to level one you can with command blocks right let’s do all right I don’t know what just play I don’t care uh I think it was stumble I don’t know all right your key I would just I would just skip all Lev go straight

There yep which side uh let’s go mushroom okay good I know you you prefer it yes I prefer it lot I need to eat okay eat now then I wonder if this is how the Hermits felt when they had 10 of them uh all going through the the

Dungeon oh watch the ravager two of them way we go uh and there’s one over to the left we still have bounding strides I would go up to Rusty cuz I’m not going to be able to do that without it okay I’m going to check down here and

More berries all right you go in I’m going to go to pearls I’ll get some berries okay oh the berries aren’t they didn’t grow nope really that’s a very unlikely chance yeah and we don’t have a repair kit so all right well to the door I’ll meet

You there oh I hate this jump with with jump boost I get down on the bottom ledge of that one like I did yep oh I see Hunter oh I found a key oh good shaki was wasted we are probably out of Clank block K I’ll I’ll repay you a key

I would not recommend running uh if you run down oh I need to eat I mean go down yeah I’ll go to the room mhm and see what I can see yes and I’m watching your stream so I’ll see it too too bad we didn’t have the speed run card right

Now what K yeah nothing nothing I gave a good hint and you didn’t hear it so it’s your fault it’s already dark I play him Dan for distracting me so I couldn’t hear you sorry for being entertaining as a streamer partially good luck with the Ws up

Here I don’t I don’t think I’m even going to be able to get in the room well that sounds like a you problem you’re the one that wanted to get there he wanted me to go all the way down it’s going to be a both of us

Problem I found an ember I think that’s an ember or an emerald can’t tell I wonder what this Bell does you should br a man D we have a problem what there’s a warden right where the leg turn is that’s a slime ball so I think this hole is always here

I think you’re right yeah am I so slow wait a second Coya do you just want me to rush the rush rush the book feel free to die I would not recommend that right now too late too late too late I’m in the wrong spot I’m talking to Dan there leg turn’s

Open I didn’t hear anything move please let me move please let me is there is there a delay kuya or can I just do it There shouldn’t have been a delay I didn’t hear anything I’m turned around the wrong way you don’t think I should do this right did I have to flip a page you did no well I didn’t the worm was on top of me I couldn’t flip

It oh yeah of course it is that’s the wrong book yeah that’s K’s that’s mine mine is still hidden so what do we do to find yours you go back you flip a page found the wrong one that’s funny you guys hit both of them in the

Same room I hit I know until after I had already hid mine I had no idea are you just racing died oh oh did you already push the button no okay well that was your run I’m taking that point away from [Laughter] me well GG I’m finding kisses what the

Heck I built the whole thing and then found his so yours is still in the room somewhere yep that’s a very small room there’s nothing else in there I got to look through all of the chests now hey kids can I have a copy of a book please um uh

Yeah add one okay it looks looks pretty similar uh the the style of it right um I have one please yeah all Ender had to do is flip a page and you would have known exactly what to do I’m sorry there was a w you didn’t flip the page no I couldn’t cuz

The warden the warden was uh it killed me right when I opened the Le that’s what starts the timer all right we’re gonna find a raid [Laughter] Target oh my goodness gracious hey we found another book that that counts as [Laughter] something well thanks everybody for

Hanging out I appreciate it we will be back on Thursday morning probably doing this again um in the meantime see if anybody is doing the deck out cooya roll what you roll would’ you roll uh uh four you deserve it um let’s see we got a couple of Decked Out

Players um I don’t know any of them but let’s try them and see what happens uh oh this one’s even familyfriendly and Christian that is okay exciting so Denali DTX is uh or denoid TX according to the capitalization over here um we’re gonna we’re going to try someone new so come

Along everybody hey thanks to the raid from Admiral Ender and JJ db210 and the resub from Masters for 19 months which I vaguely remember in the back of my mind as I was desperately avoiding wardens um I owe zero doar at the end of the year

So far uh I owe Kua a couple of keys maybe I’m not sure about that um and uh thanks everybody uh for uh for hanging out hope you all had fun watching me struggle and fail thanks Ender thanks kid thanks kuya for being awesome you bunch of jerks as always my name is Wildest love you all bye everybody just going to go into spectator mode and figure it out

This video, titled ‘Decked Out Runs! | FamilyFriendly | !extralife Charity Streamer | Java Minecraft’, was uploaded by WildWestDan on 2024-01-24 02:24:37. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:20:10 or 8410 seconds.


About Me: Howdy! I am a community-first family friendly charity creator who loves Minecraft, Disney, Dungeons & Dragons, and Nintendo! My current super long-term project for my YouTube Let’s Play and Twitch streams is creating the entirety of Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, as accurately as possible, in vanilla Survival Minecraft. I have been raising money for Boston Children’s Hospital through Extra Life since 2017 and as a community we have raised more than $15,000 since then! We launch a weather balloon annually with a twenty-sided gaming die attached filled with “Messages of Hope” dedicated to the doctors, nurses and staff of all children’s hospitals and their patients and families. I also have two cats who regularly take over my videos and distract me and my audience!

Monkey Mines Server Network: Monkey Mines has been running in some form or another (Browser-only, Java, Bedrock, Modded, Vanilla) since 2009. It is currently running a network of 3 maps: Our lobby which is Wild West Themed and features Dan’s “Hall of Angels” – There you can find a player head for each person who has donated to our Extra Life Campaign. Our main map is our Cooperative Survival Multiplayer Server where we all live and farm! And we also have a creative map with World Edit for those who want to test out builds before trying them on the survival server, or just feel like building something without worrying about a creeper ruining your hard work!

For access to Monkey Mines, you can join Dan on his Twitch streams and once you’ve collected enough Channel Points, you can redeem them for lifetime access to all our servers (as long as you follow the rules). For more info about Monkey Mines, visit: https://monkeymines.net


*My content is family friendly, but is meant for adults or children supervised by their parents.

Twitch: https://twitch.tv/WildWestDan YouTube: https://youtube.com/WildWestDan

Extra Life: https://extralife.wwdan.tv Twitter: https://twitter.com/WildWestDanTV Instagram: https://instagram.com/WildWestDanTV

Other links: https://wwdan.tv

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  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

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  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

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  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

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  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More

  • Minecraft Build Hacks – EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!

    Minecraft Build Hacks - EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Build Hacks Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.20 [ Part 1 ] #minecraft #shorts #shortsvideo #mcpe #build’, was uploaded by Creyou Playz on 2024-03-23 11:30:11. It has garnered 10142 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. #minecraft #short #trending #minecraftjava #mcpehindi #minecraftshorts #youtubeshortsr #youtubeshortsr #shorts #shortvideo #shortvideo #subscribe #shortsvideo #shortsvideo #status #shortsfeed #song #share #sad #music #meme #motivational #naruto #mobilelegends #m#youtubeshortsr #makeup #asmr #anime #art #attitude #army #animals #amazing #alightmotion #alightmotion #ajjubhai #minecraft top shaders 1.19 #minecraft #roblox #cake recipe #chainsaw man #chod video #cubecraft #evident #eystreem #famous water park #football… Read More

  • play.earthside.nl

    play.earthside.nlEarthside Network Survival Server Welkom bij Earthside Network, de ultieme survival server voor avonturiers en bouwers! Op onze server beleef je een unieke Minecraft-ervaring op een prachtige, uitgestrekte wereld. Of je nu een ervaren speler bent of net begint, bij Earthside vind je een gastvrije gemeenschap en eindeloze mogelijkheden om te verkennen, bouwen en overleven. Read More

  • Master Realm now live! PvE

    Welcome to Master Realm’s New Season – “The Corrupted Chunks”! Join us on our latest adventure as we explore a realm sealed by ancient gods. Unlock chunks with blocks or items to face tougher monsters, complex structures, and new mobs and items. Season Features: Explore a Corrupted World Experience Blood Moons and enemy swarms Engage in Economy & Trading with coins and exclusive items Discover new Slimefun Enhancements Conquer 100 new Dungeons & Bosses If you’re ready for a unique challenge and a diverse community, join us at Master Realm today! IP: mr.enviromc.net:25573 Discord: https://discord.gg/bwUwd9b6BS Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – German voice actor unites Jack and Wheatley

    Minecraft Memes - German voice actor unites Jack and WheatleyLooks like Jack Block and Wheatley are bridging the language barrier in Minecraft with their shared German voice actor – now that’s what I call a block-buster performance! Read More

  • Villagers vs Explosive Donut Showdown! #boom #minecraft #lol

    Villagers vs Explosive Donut Showdown! #boom #minecraft #lol Why did the villager bring a TNT donut to the test? Because he wanted to see if it would blow his taste buds away! #boom #minecraftlogic Read More