Wilson – I Spent 100 DAYS in MINECRAFT PIXELMON! [Full Movie]

Video Information

Today I decided to compile some of my favorite 100 day videos that are on the channel and turn them into a movie some of these you guys may not have seen yet so grab your drinks grab your snacks sit back and relax while you enjoy some of

My most popular 100 day videos in a 100 Days movie today I’m going to be spending 100 days revisiting one of my biggest videos ever which of course was 100 Days with dragon type only Pokémon now before I jump into the video of course if you do

Enjoy the video make sure to subscribe to the channel because if we manage to hit 28,000 subscribers I’m going to start creating 500 Days in Fusion pixelon now I know you guys want to see it because everyone has been asking for it and without further Ado let’s jump

Into 100 Days with dragon type only Pokémon on day one of course I loaded into the server and had to pick up my starter Pokémon now on the server there are some custom starters which meant that I’d be able to get dragon type straight off the bat so of course I

Ended up picking my boy dpy and before I even had a chance to load into the server I instantly had my rival Hawk triy to battle me in which he had a bag on which absolutely destroyed my Dre Hawk has also uploaded his perspective

Of this video so if you want to check it out links will be down in the description now on the server there is a free shiny claim that you can get if you link your Discord account to the server’s Discord so I did that but unfortunately I only ended up getting

Myself a shiny ad do Duo which is definitely not a dragon type so we continued on and I decided to beat hawk in my next Rival Battle I’m going to need to make my dpy as powerful as possible so I headed over to the EV grinder gave him the power bracer to up

His attack EVs and then I went in to grind the attack EVS as much as I possibly could and after I’d finally got myself perfect Eevees on my dy I headed into the level grinder to try and level up my dpy as much as possible but even

The first level which is just Raticate was a struggle for my Dy so we had to downgrade and head over to the level 10 rattatas just to try and get a few levels on this guy now of course I’m not going to spend the whole time leveling

Up my Pokemon in the level grinder it seems a little bit cheap so I decided to head out and do a little bit of exploring where I ended up coming across a raid Den which had a grov vile but unfortunately I wasn’t able to catch it

Because as you guys spammed me in the last video when you Mega revolve a septile it does actually become a dragon type so it would have been something I could have used and whilst exploring around in the Ultras space biome I ended up coming across a Gibble which of

Course evolves into one of the strongest dragon type Pokémon being Gom and whilst on my exploration I ended up coming across a beastball loot now these have a chance of dropping arus plates which I was lucky enough to get myself a draco plate but luckily for me there was a

Player under the name of and he really needed that Draco plate so I decided to trade it to him for a custom Paradox form dragapult which is a dragon type which is called depth fear now that we had this super powerful Dragon type I was super confident that

I’d be able to defeat hawk in our next rival fight and the last thing I ended up doing whilst I was in Ultra space was come across a Ultra Beast famosa now of course we had to go ahead and catch this thing but it is is not actually a dragon

Type meaning we weren’t able to use it so after exploring around for a little bit longer I decided to head out of Ultras space as I wasn’t really finding any dragon types that I would need but there was a certain one that I really wanted to find that ended up being in a

Forest biome which was the little tiny Apple Pokémon which evolves into a flapple or an apple ton now luckily for us when we caught this applin it had a Sweet Apple on it meaning we were able to evolve it straight away up into the grass and dragon type Apple ton and then

Then headed back into Ultras space because in Ultras space there are a bunch of Ray dens and I figured maybe there’d be a chance I’d be able to catch even more Dragon type Pokémon just by defeating them in the easy raid dens I ended up coming across a drapion which

Had some pretty good loot for me and then I came across a flapple which is the other version of the appin that I didn’t end up evolving so if I was able to defeat this and catch it I would have both flapple and apple ton to add to my

Team so we ended up defeating it but then when I went to catch it I threw an old B at this thing but unfortunately I wasn’t lucky enough and I ended up losing the flapple on the final roll but on the bright side there was a bit of

Silver Lining here as a naturally spawning hydron actually appeared above me which we of course ended up catching I then continued through and defeated a few more raid dens until eventually I came across an extreme Hills biome where I caught myself a jangma I then headed

On to the GTS where I ended up seeing a lucky block on there so of course you guys already know I love opening these Lucky Blocks so I had to buy it just in case I managed to get myself a dragon type because you never know with these

Things so I bought the lucky block opened it and I actually managed to get an upgrade to a uncommon Lucky Block I was feeling pretty confident now especially since this thing was now a shiny guaranteed so I opened it up and got myself a rare Lucky Block which is a guaranteed Legendary

Pokémon and finally when I went to open it again It upgraded to the final form a master bull Lucky Block which is a guaranteed shiny Legendary Pokémon which is crazy from a common lucky block all the way up to a Master B oh yeah H Oh yay yay a shiny

Ente a shiny ente obviously shiny ente is not a dragon type so we just swiftly moved on from that I then encountered myself a fryx which is a New Generation 9 dragon type Pokémon which of course evolves into the ice and dragon type Pokémon back scalibur which is a super

Strong dragon type and after I caught that it was time to head back into the level grinder to evolve all of my Pokémon up to their final Evolutions eventually I finally had my entire team up to their final Evolutions I didn’t quite get them to level 100 yet just

Because if we’re having rival battles every now and then there wasn’t really much point in leveling them up to level 100 because we’re just going to foret the levels anyway we then came across this little area that had a little Campsite in a dragon looking area on an

Extreme Hills bi him so we set up home and then headed back to the spawn to complete the little event that was happening which of course was to collect all 25 of the treasure chests now with this you get a bunch of rewards including a bunch of random Pokémon

Papers which we ended up claiming and I ended up getting myself a charmeleon and a Dratini now this is good because Charmeleon can Mega revolve into Charizard X making it a fire dragon type and of course draini evolves into Dragonite which is a pseudo legendary dragon type from generation one I then

Ed my final paper which is a specific Pokémon paper which I ended up redeeming a Goodra with me and Hulk then had a bunch of Lucky Blocks to claim so we ended up open them all up but unfortunately I didn’t end up getting myself any dragon type Pokémon so these

Lucky blocks were unfortunately very useless for me but for Hawk he ended up getting an upgrade to a legendary Lucky Block meaning he was guaranteed to get at least a legendary Pokemon which could have been a dragon type could not be one but of course knowing Hawk’s luck he got

Himself a gutina which of course is a dragon type which was not good for me I can’t lie he now had a gutina a legendary Pokémon which I did not have so I was very very scared and as a reward for getting the best lucky blocks

Out of our little challenge that we had going on there I gave him a fusion key so that eventually he’d be able to make him a dragon type Fusion Pokémon and before we get into our Rival Battle I just want to say if you are enjoying the

Video make sure to subscribe for more of these type only videos and of course let us know in the comment section what type you want to see next but without further Ado let’s jump into the battle with haulk and into the battle I end up starting with hydreon and haulk started

With his Draco fish I managed to take down quite a few of his Pokemon before hydreon went down but salaman was just fast enough to take down my hydreon in one hit now the difference with these rival battles though is the fact that obviously dragon type Pokémon are super

Strong but not only that they’re one of the only types that are super effective on themselves so when it came to this Rival Battle it ended quite quickly with my depf sweeping most of his team and as a reward I got five common Lucky Blocks unfortunately though I didn’t end up

Getting anything that good I got myself a zos and also a scra meaning I’ll be able to get a dral but I already have a hydreon so not the best rewards unfortunately Ely I then went snooping over to the fusion machine to see what Hawk was up to and to my surprise he’

Found a Pokémon to fuse with gutina he grabbed himself a Tyranitar put in the gutina and he created a gyitar the gutina and Tyranitar Fusion which looked so powerful I was so scared for the next Rival Battle and with this new knowledge I knew I would have to upgrade my team

And make it as strong as possible so I started off by catching my next dragon type Pokémon which of course was trapinch and an axu as well and then also managed to come across a mega Garchomp boss which was going to be huge because if I managed to defeat it

I’d get a Garchomp P which I could use to Mega revolve my Garchomp giving me the edge over our next rival fight I then use some of my rewards that I got like my rare candies and my exp candies to evolve my Dratini into a dragon air

And then all the way up into a Dragonite now that I had a pretty strong team I figured it would be time to head over to the gyms unfortunately though some of my Pokémon weren’t allowed in the gym like the dragapult and the dep fear which is

Paradox dragapult so I had to replace some of my members with other dragon types but nonetheless I had a super strong team and I managed to defeat so many of the gym leaders including the Electric Gym which is pretty easy for my ground and dragon type Pokémon I then

Took on the Rock Gym which I ended up taking out pretty quickly too the grass gym which was a piece of cake but then it came down to the steel gym which unfortunately I was not prepared for and I ended up getting defeated and knowing

I can’t take out a gy like the steel gym I knew I would have to do a lot more training so I headed over to the boss Tower to try and get myself a bunch of rewards and hopefully I’d be able to get some items I’d be able to use later in

Our next couple rival fights and after making it back to my house I realized that the base was looking kind of ugly so we ended up doing a bit of Maintenance work replacing all the stone with grass adding a waterfall adding trees just to give this place a little

Bit of life but during this time I ended up having an event start this event was a random tournament where every player that joined would get a random team of six Pokemon and we had to fight it out and I just want to say my team was

Pretty strong I had a soul Rock an Attis a primarina a ferosa an odino and a Piner now I was very very confident with this team it was super intense and of course the other player on the other side of the final was my rival real Hawk after a pretty difficult and sweaty

Battle which I’m not going to show you because it was it took a while I ended up taking the dub over Hawk getting my win in our first ever tournament I managed to get some crates too which ended up being a mega stone crate now with this I got myself an Amro

Site which is amazing because I also had a specific Pokémon paper which I was able to use to claim AOS and if anyone knows about Mega OS when it evolves into a mega it becomes a electric dragon type meaning I’d actually be able to use this

On my dragon type team and for winning the tournament as well before we started it me and Hulk decided that what we would do is whoever won the tournament or whoever got further out of the both of us would end up getting a fusion key now because I ended up winning I got

Myself a fusion key which I decided to use to fuse my starter dragapult with a Greninja getting me dragon ninja one of the strongest Fusion Pokémon on the server and now with my new team I was not afraid of Hawk I knew that I would just destroy him no matter what because

Dragon ninja and DEP fear are so op so I headed back over to the level grinder leveled up my team a little bit more then headed home and claimed another lucky block now with this I managed to get an upgrade to a legendary Pokémon but unfortunately again it was only a

Landeras which is not a dragon type Pokémon which is another legendary now that I’ve had to catch and not be able to use this is killing me we had big plans for our base so I bought a bunch of concrete and decided to start building the battle arena ready for our

Next Rival Battle now my idea for this was just to make a giant Pokeball have an area on one side an area on another side and have both players stand on those podiums and then have a battle and I’ll be honest it was it came out pretty

Well I’m quite happy with how the arena looked it’s going to get spruced up a little bit more later on don’t worry about that but for now I’m pretty proud of my building skills here all right guys like come on I then got my last preparations done before our next Rival

Battle getting my Pokémon leveled up a little bit more just to get dragon ninja to level 100 as Fusion Pokémon on the server get their signature move at level 100 and I needed to have that before the next rival fight because dragon ninja signature move is draconic kunai which

Is like a really powerful Dragon type version of a water shuriken so I could not pass up on that I then spent a little bit more time on the Move re Learners getting my Pokémon the best possible moves that I could and then it was time to head into our next rival

Fight I started out with my mega and Frozen hwk started out with his Fusion Pokémon between gutina and Tyranitar and the battle was pretty close I don’t want to say that I was overprepared for the fight and luckily for me it got very very close but dragon ninja was my final

Pokemon Left Alive and I ended up taking the dub once again now for this one the reward was two uncommon Lucky Blocks which I decided I felt really bad for Hawk so I gave him one of the lucky blocks but we only got a shiny ursing

And a shiny Luda Colo I then spent little bit more time getting my entire team to level 100 I then spent a little bit more time working on the base making it look a little bit more aesthetically pleasing because before with just a battlefield it did look a tiny bit ugly

And I’m pretty happy with how it turned out it looks a lot better now after that I decided it was time to get myself another dragon type Pokémon so I headed down into the ocean and got myself a bunch of fossils creating a bunch of fossil machines and the cleaners to

Clean up all the fossils and then I created another dragon type Pokémon which of course is Draco fish then while I was afking around my base waiting for the fossils to finish I had a duraladon just swimming around in the little waterfall I created so I went over and

Caught that guy because obviously he is a steel and dragon type I then also claimed myself a tyrant from the fossil machine and then headed out into a jungle I now I can’t remember exactly why I was in the jungle biome because there’s not many dragon type Pokémon

That spawn there I mean maybe I was looking for a mega boss septile or something because that’s a mega Pokemon that is a dragon type on the bright side I did end up finding myself a legendary tapu Coco which I ended up catching because you never know who won a tapu

Coco and eventually I might be able to trade it for a legendary dragon type Pokémon so it’s always worth catching them even if you can’t use them after that another tournament started and I was super confident going into this especially after my win last time although my team was not the greatest so

I headed into my battles I beat the first player then my second battle happened but unfortunately I ended up getting defeated so no rewards for me this time I then headed back over to the jungle and made a giant platform as I wanted to complete a bingo card now

These Bingo cards have a bunch of random Pokémon on them and you have to catch them to complete all of your squares on the bingo card now I didn’t want to just complete one line or one diagonal or one down I wanted to complete the entire

Bingo card to see what rewards I got so I headed out and caught as many Pokémon as I possibly could until eventually I finally completed the card but unfortunately I didn’t really get anything good I then headed back over to the level grinder to evolve up a bunch

More of my dragon Pokémon so that I could have every single dragon type Pokémon on my team we then opened up a couple more Lucky Blocks where I ended up getting myself legendary upgrade I was so excited to open this one I then got an upgrade again into a master B

Lucky Block where I ended up getting myself a shiny reram which of course is a dragon type meaning I fin finally had a dragon Type legendary let’s go come on after catching that guy I then continued my quest to get every single dragon type Pokémon to complete another one of my

Challenges for this 100 days I started by catching myself a Bagon and evolving that up to a salamance and then I also evolved an execute with a leaf stone up into the giant long necked alolan exeggutor so I headed over to the ice biome to have a certain Pokémon in

Particular spawn in for me I created a giant platform up in the sky where waiting for this Pokémon to spawn and while I was waiting I decided to head back and take on some more of the gyms where I finally ended up taking down the steel gy with help from my swords

Dancing Flygon with earthquake which made it so easy for me I then headed back to the house and Hawk showed me that he made a giant dragon type symbol which looked awesome he then also decided to flex his Paradox Pokémon being Paradox Charizard burning coat and

Then headed back over to the gyms to do a little bit more training on my Pokémon where iend ended up taking on the psychic gem unfortunately I wasn’t able to defeat it though so we headed into another server tournament now this tournament started off pretty good I had

A really solid team but unfortunately once again we made it through to round three but then got taken out and with that tournament finish it was time for our next rival fight I started off with my shiny reram and Hulk started off with a suian Goodra which I didn’t even know

He had unfortunately a lot of Hog’s team was completely different and caught me completely off guard because I trained for his old team and he changed up almost all of his Pokémon so he ended up taking the dub finally and getting himself a rare lucky block and of course

Knowing my luck Hulk ended up getting an upgrade to a Master B Lucky Block which means he’s getting a shiny legendary in Latios which is a dragon type Pokemon I can’t believe it he’s had two legendary Pokemon and they’ve both been dragons how is he getting this lucky I then

Headed back over to my ICE area and finished off cre the giant platform hoping for a certain Pokémon to spawn and if you figured out exactly which Pokémon I’m trying to get to spawn right now let me know in the comment section and I will heart your comment when I get

This Pokémon it’s going to be insane I then continued exploring a little bit longer and ended up coming across a mega X Charizard now this thing was going to be very difficult to take out but luckily my dragon inja managed to clutch up for us and take down the Mega Charizard

Meaning I now have another Mega stone that I’ll be able to use on my Charizard meaning I have a bunch more choices on what Pokémon I want to use I’m going to need to get all of the Mega Pokémon 2 which is going to be a very difficult

Challenge so I headed back to the jungle biome and eventually I came across the mega septile boss which I ended up defeating and getting me the septi light so I headed back to the base and noticed that haulk was just doing battles with a bunch of the guys on the server and if

You guys want to do this too make sure to hit me up when I’m on the server cuz I will happily have a battle with you guys it’s so much fun so I ended up watching Hawk for a little while just doing his battles with viewers and then

I finally came across at the forest I was looking for now this was a birch Forest because I needed to find a Mega Altaria Now problem here is that Mega Altaria is a dragon fairy type Pokémon so my dragon moves won’t be effective on this thing but luckily for me I ended up

Defeating it after a few tries now with that I had all of the mega stones that I needed including a mega Garchomp mega anro Mega Charizard X mega septile and finally a Mega Altaria so I threw them all out to show off the hawk and I was

Pretty happy now that I had almost every single dragon type on my team obviously I will clarify when it comes to every dragon type I’m not including every single legendary dragon type because that would be a little bit outrageous now whilst I contined to AFK on my ice

Platform I decided to buy some lucky blocks because you guys know I’m addicted to these by now like it’s bad I’m sorry sorry I think I genuinely have an addiction to these things so I opened them up but as always with gambling I didn’t get anything so don’t get

Addicted to these cuz it’s bad I then headed back over to the gyms to try and let off some steam where I ended up defeating the psychic gym then I headed on to the next gym which ended up being a ghost type gym luckily it wasn’t too

Difficult for me and then finally I was prepared and I was ready so I headed over to the final gym which of course is the Water Gym unfortunately though I ended up getting defeated which was absolutely devastating so I spent a couple days now just afking over on my

Ice platform until eventually it finally happened finally yes I got the to spawn well done if you predicted that it was a curum cuz I want to create curum white by fusing the curum and the reram together with the DNA Spicer I finally had curean white which was going to be

Super strong for me now that I had this I thought oh it’s fine I’ll go take on the gym again but unfortunately you can’t take kurum into the gym battles so I created my strongest team and eventually after a few tries took down the Water Gym and after taking out the

Water Gym I thought I was done but it turns out there was actually another gym and I ended up taking out the fire gym with ease especially because I had my depth fear with his signature water type move and after heading home to flex cure

And white to Hawk turns out that he had something of his own to flexx and he pulled out a mega Rayquaza like how did he even get when did he get this I didn’t even see it at all I can’t believe this man oh no I knew for this

Final Rival Battle I had to be super prepared so I headed back over to the level grinder and I got all of my Pokémon up to level 100 that I was going to use for this Rival Battle gave them the best possible moves and now it was

Time for the final rival fight me versus hawk to decide who is the Ultimate Dragon type trainer it was an intense battle so many Pokémon were defeated and it came down to the final two Pokémon dragon ninja versus mega Rayquaza but luckily for me I ended up taking the dub

With my dragon ninja my team was just strong enough to take down Hawk crowning me the ultimate dragon type trainer in today’s video I will be attempting to survive 100 Days with only a baby legendary Pok on now there are loads of different custom baby legendaries so make sure you stay tuned

To see which ones I end up catching by the end of the video and before we jump into the video only 7% of you guys watching my videos are actually subscribed so please consider hitting the sub button it only takes 2 seconds and I hope you guys enjoy the video all

Righty then so jumping into the server now we obviously have our choice of all of the starter Pokémon we have all of our shiny ones and all of the custom starters but not only that we also have have all of the baby Legendary Pokémon to pick for our starter there’s so many

Awesome baby Legendary Pokémon but you obviously know I have to pick my boy baby Rayquaza and here we are all right so we have got ourselves a baby Rayquaza look at this little beast let’s go he is so amazing let’s check out his move set as

Well quickly so it looks like he’s got the same ability as Ray quad which is airlock and then he also has Dragon Ascent crunch twister and ancient power now that is a pretty strong move set especially for a starting Pokémon like baby Rayquaza now I’m going to feed him

These R candies quickly oh oh Dragon Dance okay we’re definitely learning that one there we go now I’m pretty sure that baby Rayquaza can evolve but obviously since we are doing obviously 100 Days with baby Pokémon we are not going to be evolving any of our baby

Pokémon now in order to get more baby Pokémon you might be wondering well how do you get them it is unfortunately quite a difficult process what we have to do is find legendary Pokémon and defeat them and with that we have a chance of them dropping a legendary egg

And then obviously once we get the egg we just need to hatch it and then we’ll get the baby Pokémon so what we’re going to have to do throughout this 100 days is hunt down Legendary Pokémon and defeat them and hope that we get ourselves legendary baby Pokémon eggs

Now first things first I think I’m going to head onto the GTS just to see if anyone’s selling any baby Pokémon at the moment okay all right so it looks like we have two baby Pokémon on here which includes baby Pia and a baby Heatran now

In order to buy these guys though I am going to get 55k for the Heatran and 125k for the Pia and if we check out my balance at the moment as you can see I only have 15K so we’re going to have to do a lot of grinding in order to get

Ourselves enough money to buy those Pokémon all right so I have actually figured something out on our plan in order to get a bit more money so there are in the spawn at the moment these things are treasure chests now every time you find one you get an awesome

Reward like those 16 Ultra Balls right there and there are 24 of these rewards to find and apparently when you get all of them you get a massive reward at the end so I think what I’m going to do is just run around in spawn and try and

Find as many of these treasure chests as I possibly can like right here there’s one and there we go okay so we get 5,000 coins now I’m not going to show you guys everywhere they are because obviously if I do you’ll be able to watch the video

Back and just see where all the treasure chests are so I’m just going to show a couple of them and we will be back when I found all 25 of the treasure chests yo no way I just managed to get a master ball for my 15th Treasure Chest that is

Huge it doesn’t actually help us or oh no cuz we’re not really catching the legendary Pokémon we’re defeating them all so actually this master ball would be great to sell and then we might be able to get a bit of money and then afford another legendary Pokémon that

Would be huge and there we go all right we have now completed our treasure hunt got ourselves a fusion Shard as our final reward and we also have now got $65,000 which means that we can actually now afford another baby Legendary Pokémon not to mention we also got

Ourselves some lucky blocks but let’s go ahead and open up our lucky blocks and there we go all right so it looks like we have agreed with bumps six to trade the specific Pokémon paper for 20,000 poked dolls which is absolutely huge here we go there is that on there for

You sir and there we go we’ve now got 20K more which means our balance now stands at $85,000 poked dolls all righty then so it’s time to open up all of our lucky blocks that we’ve got right here so let’s place down our free common Lucky Blocks please give me something good

Swad all GL score and an upgrade let’s go all right it’s time to open up our uncommon Lucky Blocks here we go let’s put them both down please give me another upgrade yo there’s no way let’s go a rare Lucky Block upgrade come on please all right so we do need to save

This rare lucky block though because if we do open this up it will give us a guaranteed Legendary Pokémon now the problem there is obviously we are going to have to try and defeat the legendary Pokémon and and with the baby Rayquaza we have at the moment we obviously can’t

Defeat any legendary Pokémon and now what I think I’m going to do with my 85,000 that I have I’m going to have a little look on here again so I could buy the baby Pia if I waited a little bit longer or we could go ahead and buy

Ourselves the baby Heatran and because we need as much Firepower as possible I’m just going to go ahead and buy myself this baby heat tram right here now let’s go ahead and check him out uh oh um what is what is going on here I’m so sorry no baby Heatran now there’s one

Thing that this thing reminds me of if anyone’s ever played Ark survival evolved you’ve got the gas bag in that and it looks exactly like a gas bag from Ark that is hilarious I mean nonetheless so it is another baby legendary to add to our Arsenal along with baby Rayquaza

Now I’m think I’m going to go ahead and head over to the TR in area and get these guys up to at least maybe level 50 so that we have a chance of taking on a legendary Pokémon there we go let’s head over to the training area and we’ll get

Our guys up to level 50 and then we shall be back and we also did obviously get an exp all from the treasure chest so we can put that on to give us a bunch more XP and we also do have 24 rare candies and five extra large candies yes

We can get these both to level 50 but the problem is they do try to evolve when they hit Level 50 which is not what we want obviously because we want to keep them as baby Pokémon so we are going to have to get some ever Stones

I’m pretty sure so they don’t evolve whenever they do level up and we’ll find a nice little spot maybe up here on the hill and then we will open up our rare lucky block now we’ve just got to hope and pray that we get something from here

That will include one of those Pokémon here we go we got ourselves a cosmog no that is not good bro well I’m hoping we can use this guy to sell maybe or maybe trade for a legendary Pokémon that can be a baby and there we go all right so we have managed

To do a trade with mm we’re going to be giving him the cosmog and he’s going to be giving us a baby Pia so let’s head on over into the Poke Center jump onto the trading machine I’m going to add in the cosmog and he’s adding in the baby palia

And boom just like that I now have my third baby Pokémon shout out to mm let’s go look at this little beast he looks hilarious I can’t lie I have definitely gone for two of the most Derpy baby Pokémon to start with the airbag from Ark and this like what is

Even going on here all right so I think the next thing that we need to do is find ourselves a location that we can make a base now I want to make a base in a location where a bunch of legendary Pokémon spawn problem is all of the Pokémon will spawn

In different areas and it’s normally one legendary per certain area in a biome if that makes sense so I think for now I’m pretty happy with this location right here if we have the Desert Hills it means that we could have the legendary Pokémon Groudon spawn on us and Groudon

Has a baby Pokémon so if we have one spawn and we defeat it we will get ourselves a baby a Groudon I think we’re going to stand right on this block here and then boom just like that we now have ourselves a little sand pyramid house I’m not obviously the best builder but

This is definitely going to do perfectly it’s got a nice little area here little wool carpet on the floor and we have obviously all of our chest a furnace and a crafting table now when it comes to Legendary Pokémon on the server there is an increased chance of getting Legendary

Pokémon when you head into the war zone now obviously in the war zone you can’t really take a lot of overpowered po in and I definitely don’t want to take my legendary Pokémon in because if I end up losing a battle against another player they can steal one of my baby Legendary

Pokémon and then we’ll have to get even more which is not going to help our challenge whatsoever so what I think I’m going to do now is head out and catch myself six different Pokémon level them up to level 100 and then head into the

War zone to see if I can get any legendary Pokémon spawn and finally just like that we now have an entire team of level 100 Pokémon and it’s now time to head into the war zone no that’s so sad I saw a Reggie ice spawn somewhere in the war zone but unfortunately someone

Is already engaged in battle with that red eyes which means I’m not going to be able to get it luckily for me though Reggie ice doesn’t actually have a baby Pokémon variant so it wouldn’t have mattered too much to us anyway well it looks like this guy also has a baby

Zashi as well so I might try and get that off of him ah and rip it doesn’t look like I’m going to be able to find anything this time I’m I’m very determined though I want to head back into the war zone how much money do we

Have left let’s have a little look we have 24K let’s head back into the war zone I’m super determined I want to stay there until we get at least one legendary to spawn on us while talking to Lucario in the war zone he has told me that he wants a fairy psychic High

Ivy Pokémon for example something like God of War and then he’ll trade me the baby zarian so we’re going to try and make that happen later on once we finish in the war zone and get ourselves another baby Pokemon and once again still no legendary Pokémon in the war

Zone we’re going to head back one more time and if we don’t get anything we’re going to move on unfortunately just like that it doesn’t look like we’re going to be finding a legendary Pokémon in the war zone today which does suck quite a lot but sometimes that’s just the way it

Goes sometimes you get a load of legendaries sometimes you’ll get maybe one and sometimes just like that you will get none not everything was bad obviously we did get our new challenge from the war zone which is to head out and find ourselves a guard ofir that we

Can trade to Lucario in order to get ourselves a baby zarian so let’s RTP out and try and find ourselves a birch Forest as that is exactly where routes will spawn hey and there we go just like that we have found ourselves a birch Forest now I’m pretty sure it is

Currently Dawn so if we run around we may actually be able to find ourselves a route but worse comes to worse we just stick around this B for a little while and hopefully we will have a route spawn wait I think I just heard yo yes there

We go all right let’s catch this rout and let’s just hope that its IVs are pretty good okay there we go let’s do SL IVs 4 no 60% oh that’s that is still really good but unfortunately we need something 75% or higher so we’re going to have to

Continue looking come on please be the right IVs that we need oh 30 3% that is really really bad here is another one come on 59% okay we’re getting there we are getting there there’s another one come on please no 70% okay let’s check this one

Iv6 and there we go finally we have got a 76% rout right here let’s throw her out there we go all right so we’ve just spoken to Lucario and met up with him at the Poke center it’s now time to head into the Pokémon Trader put in the

Routes and he’s put in the egg there we go thank you very much sir now we have ourselves a zarian egg now all that we have to do is run around for a little while and eventually this egg will hatch into a baby zarian now I’m not entirely

Sure how long it’s going to take for me to hatch out this egg but since it is a legendary Pokémon normally eggs that have got better Pokémon inside of them for example like pseudo Legend Beres will take a lot longer than a normal EG to hatch so we might be running around

For a little while okay so I bought myself some movement pads as I’m pretty sure if I set them down in correct pattern it will mean that I can just sit here AFK while my egg hatches out for me let’s just do this and there we go all

Right as you can see I’m just now running around in a circle so hopefully this will make my egg hatch a lot quicker so we’re just going to sit here and wait for the egg to hatch there’s a a sandic COR that accidentally walked into my pads and

He’s just following me around on this thing now I guess he really wants this egg to hatch as well oh God I feel awful for this poor sandaconda he’s just being abused he’s forever stuck on here now let’s go I was just afking him waiting for this egg to hatch cuz as you

Can see right here if I can jump off the pads come on please there we go all right so as you can see right here the egg still looks like it’s going to take a very long time to hatch and while I was waiting for it to hatch we’ve had a

Groudon spawn let’s go and Groudon is especially amazing because it does have a baby legendary so if we defeat this guy we will have a 50% chance of an egg dropping from him which would be huge come on all right let’s take him on and

See what we get okay I think we’re going to start with a dragon dance okay he’s gone for the rest that’s fine he can’t hit me cuz I’m a flying type I don’t know if he even has any moves that can hurt me which is huge let’s just Dragon

Dance up with baby Rayquaza and then let’s hit it big okay cool with please there we go all right we took it down please give me an egg and there we go let’s go a baby groud on egg let’s collect that we’ve got ourselves a heat

Rock as well and a ruby there we go holy we got ourselves another egg let’s go now the one problem though with getting all of these eggs is I’ve already spent about 4 days trying to get this zarian egg to hatch and since we don’t have the

Slash hatch command it means that we’re not going to be able to instantly hatch these guys so we’re going to have to just run around for a long long time to get both of these eggs to hatch let’s head over to the warp training area because in here we can obviously get our

Pokémon up to high levels and I’m thinking if we ever encounter another Legendary Pokémon obviously Groudon was a ground type which meant that I would have an easy time because Ray quaz is a flying type but if we come up against anything else we may struggle quite a

Lot so I’m thinking we might as well get the baby legendaries we have at the moment up to level 100 and then maybe we could try to take on a gym with the ones we’ve got see how powerful they are but at least we know that we’re going to

Have another two soon we’ve just got to get them hatched okay let’s maybe not take on the level 70 straight away let’s go down a couple levels so we’re fighting things more around our level I also have now got everstones as well that I’ve put onto all of our legendary

So they don’t always try to evolve every single time we level them as well much okay this is much more our speed we should be able to take this out we are burnt though no okay let’s go into Heatran see if we can hit with like an iron head or something okay ancient

Power maybe okay cool so ancient power looks like it’s going to be the one that will do it okay this is going to take a long time of leveling so we’ll be back when we get all three of our Pokémon to level 100 and perfect just like that we

Now have three level 100 baby Pokémon of course we have baby Rayquaza baby Heatran and baby palia we have a perfect move set on all of them as well and they are all EV trained up to be as perfect as they can be now we’re going to head

Back back to the house and I’m going to spend a little bit more time just sat on here trying to get our eggs to hatch now I have spent a bunch of time trying to get these eggs to hatch so I thought I’d take a little break and head over to the

Gyms I wanted to take in this team and just see how far I can get with my free baby legendaries to start with Let’s Do Double D Dance there we go and then we’re just going to dragonclaw our way to Victory there we go let’s dragonclaw

Again just hit a bunch of dragon claws and there we go all right we have defeated the psychic gy let’s go that one was pretty easy so let’s head into the next one if we type SL gims next up is the dark gym okay I mean the dark gym

Leader is not here I’m a bit confused by that let’s try and head into a different gym and see if there’s any more Gym Leaders there okay so we’ve got another gym leader right here let’s see if we can take them on as well so it looks

Like I need to get the dark gy to challenge the next one but for some some reason the dark gym leader is not actually here so I can’t progress in the gyms well I mean it was a good run while it started let’s head off and do

Something else so what I’ve decided I’m going to do now is grab up all of these little plates right here and I’m going to head into a different biome in which another Legendary Pokémon spawns as my idea here is basically if I can get a legendary Pokémon to spawn the best way

That I’m going to get it to spawn is by afking in that biome so why not kill two birds with one stone and just hatch out all of my eggs while searching for Legendary Pokémon now there are loads and loads of different Pokémon that we could go for but the one in particular

That I want to look for is a Kyogre then we can complete the Weather Trio and have all three Groudon Kyogre and Rayquaza on our team but in order to do that I need to find myself a deep ocean and I also need the conditions to be

Raining so this one could take a little while but I think the best plan of action here is just to RTP until we eventually find an area that’s by a ocean biome wait yo yo yo yo I’m just running around right now trying to explore to try and find myself an ocean

Biome I think I have just is it in here I think I hear it hang on Yo yes let’s go so an as elf had spawned in a forest biome which is right where I am let’s go so let’s head into the battle with this

Guy now you may be wondering why I would want it as elf especially when I’m trying to catch only baby Pokémon but there is a baby Pokémon that I get by summoning one with the lake Trio so if I catch myself azelf yuxie and mespirit

I’ll be able to get myself a gutina and if I defeat the gutina and hopefully get an egg I can get myself a baby gutina so let’s go ahead and catch this as elf and then we’re going to continue looking for the ocean biome if we just quickly check

Let’s see where the yuie spawns so it looks like it spawns in the dark Forest perfect and then Mesprit also spawns in a birch Forest okay so we’ll be looking for a dark oak forest a birch forest and an ocean biome whichever one we come across first that’s the one that we’re

Going to sit in all right so we found ourselves an ocean biome I need to make up I need to find some wood as I want to make up a boat and then head out onto the ocean and then try and find myself a little spot that’s just surrounded by

Deep ocean where I can set up our movement plates and then we’re going to AFK for a little while hopefully get these egg to hatch and maybe have a Kyogre spawn if we’re lucky enough there we go right let’s grab a crafting bench put in here make a boat and let’s set

Off Perfect all right here seems like a great place to do it we just need to go and buy a bunch of blocks let’s buy a bunch of dirt probably going to be the best way to go about this let’s grab one stack of dirt and then we need to head

Down to the bottom and then just build up a little platform there we go right so let’s place these down make a little bit more room here and then like that okay perfect so now we have our little platform we are now going to just wait

Around see if we can get anything cool to spawn if not we’re just going to sit here and hat hatch out these eggs cuz as you can see hatching is going to take a long time and hatching is going to take a long time y I’m pretty sure wait oh my

God yes oh my God okay we need to get off this we need to get off this come on let us off let us off okay we’re off we’re off let’s go finally we’ve had the kyoga spawn come on let’s go Baby Woo now we just actually okay we need to

Defeat this thing and just hope and pray that it drops us an egg okay come on please Kyogre give us an egg there we go all right we got ourselves a baby Kyogre egg let’s go also we got ourselves three sapphires two damp Brocks and one water

Gem but we don’t care about any of that we only care about the baby Kyogre egg let’s go and like kid you not it’s been about 3 hours now and they still haven’t hatched I’m not really too sure what’s going on it has changed on before

Obviously like on the Cod egg it says it looks like this egg will take a long time to hatch now it says what will hatch from this it doesn’t seem close to hatching so it has got closer but for spending almost 4 hours out here just

Waiting for it to hatch seems a little bit ridiculous to me so um I might try and figure out how to get the slh hatch command or maybe just ask someone on the server if they can hatch them for me as this is getting a bit ridiculous and I

Don’t think I’m going to have enough time to hatch all of these EGS but anyways let’s collect up all of our moving pads right here and we’re going to move into the next biome to try and find our next legendary obviously we’re still looking for the other Lake trios

So mesb and yuxie so I’m just going to RTP now and try and find myself a birch forest or a dark oak forest all right there we go so we have found the Birch biome that we’re looking for we just need to find a little area now by a lake

There we go that looks perfect all right so we’ll set up our little pads again and then hopefully we’ll either hatch out these legendaries or find ourselves the Mesprit that should hopefully SP spawn in this little area down here hey and there we go finally let me just jump

Off of here there we go one of our eggs has finally hatched into a baby zarian look at how cute this guy is let’s go I don’t know why he’s flying but that is so cute I’m not sure why he’s purple cuz I’m pretty sure zaren is not purple but

We’ll take it nonetheless that’s such a cute little baby legendary let’s go I don’t know why he’s flying oh there we go wooo little doggy yo wait I’m pretty sure yes let’s go finally and we also got the mes for it to spawn and there we

Go all right we’re into the battle with the Mesprit now once we catch this we only need one more of the lake Trio which of course is yuie so after we catch this guy we’re going to head straight over to a dark oak forest and perfect we caught ourselves a Mesprit

Now we have both aelf and Mesprit we of course only need to get ourselves a you and I can’t forget to pick up these movement pads as well we need to grab these and then hopefully we can hatch out both our last baby legendaries and find ourselves a uie in the process oh

And that is actually crazy luck I went silent thinking it’s going to take me ages to rgp into this biome and I’ve actually managed to find it straight away now we just need to look for a little Lake inside of the dark oak forest and we can set up our movement

Pads once again and try and hatch these out while waiting for the yie to spawn hey and finally we have had our baby groud on Hatch let’s see if we can jump off of here come on there we go and let’s throw out our baby Groudon he

Looks so cool yo look look how cute this guy is he looks so much better than the other one I can’t lie compared to this like baby Heatran and baby Pia this Groudon is so much cooler but we still have one more egg to hatch out which of

Course is going to be our baby Kyogre so that we’ll have baby Kyogre and Groudon and our Rayquaza of course then we’ll have all of the wether Trio to complete one of our challenges for this 100 days so I’m going to be super boring again and get back on this conveyor belt and

Hopefully have yuie spawn or just hatch out another egg this is taking forever and also it hurts my head I mean look look at yeah this unfortunately is what I’ve been staring at for the past 4 hours maybe well it was 4 hours before now it’s probably up to about 6 7 hours

Maybe of just yeah yeah h help I was just eating some food I’ve just come back to my screen and it looks like our baby Kyogre has hatched let’s jump off of here if we can can I get off please wait and there’s a yuie

Yo wait what when did that spawn yo wait so we got the baby Kyogre to spawn which I’ve got to say is so cute and then we also have a yuie down here too yes that is insane let’s go ahead and catch this yuie which means we now have all three

Of the lake Trio let’s go all right and there we go we’ve caught ourselves the UI let’s head into the PC there it is right there and with that we now have all three of the lake Guardian Trio now I’m pretty sure the only thing that we

Have left to do now with these guys is get their friendship up as you can see here yeah so you’ve got the happiness which currently is at 70 I want to say we need to max out that happiness and we also need to get them to I think level

70 and then we can right click on them with the rubies and get the rubies that we need to make the red chain all right so we’ve grabbed out our three late Guardians Of course mespirit aelf and uie and we’re also going to level up baby Groudon and baby Kyogre I will

Eventually get round to doing baby zarian but obviously we need a high level Pokémon like our baby palia to take on the high level trainers and level up the rest of our team if we head over to the warp training area and then head into the level 60 to level 80 and

We will use our baby palia to take on these char ards right here which we can easily One Tap and get a bunch of levels for all of our Pokémon so essentially all we’re going to be doing here is just sitting here for a little while yo look

At that zarian that is so cool like it looks like an Anubis zarian or something like that but that is awesome yo but yeah anyway so we’re going to sit here a little while get all of our Lake Guardians up to level 70 and get their friendship maxed out and then hopefully

Get both our baby Groudon and Kyogre up to level 100 as well all right so all of our Pokémon should now have Max happiness there we go so we got 255 255 and 255 on the ukie here perfect so now I’m pretty sure if we head back to

The house we did pick up some gems when we defeated the Groudon earlier on so if we grab those out we should now be able to throw this out and I’m pretty sure if we left click there we go so we got the ruby of emotion we’ve got the ruby of

Willpower and finally we have the ruby of knowledge perfect so now we can just Chuck these guys back away in the PC perfect we can grab out our team of baby Pokémon now if we put these into our inventory we should be able to create there we go all right so we’ve created

The red chain perfect so now if we were to head over to the warp shrines area I’m pretty certain yes right here so we got the time space alter and this is used to summon Dialga Pia gutina and arus now the red chain isn’t the only thing we’re going to need obviously cuz

If you had the red chain you’d be able to summon any of these you’d think but you do in fact need the grest orb for gutina now in order to get this we are going to have to defeat a bunch of bosses as it does come as a boss drop

Luckily for us we do have the War Boss tower inside of here we have a bunch of different boss Pokémon I know there’s a bunch of common ones here but if we head up the elevator there so as you can see we have an uncommon boss here if we keep

Heading up there might be better bosses sometimes there isn’t there’s another un coming over there so yeah so when we defeat these guys let’s head into the battle right here let’s use dragon’s Ascent they are a little bit more powerful than me so we are going to have

To be very careful but when we do defeat them we do of course get well a bunch of XP for our baby zarian and a bunch of Boss drops too including a mental herb XP candy medium and of course 200 poked dolls so now all we really need to do is

Just defeat as many bosses as we possibly can and hope that we manage to get the grest orb so I guess we’ll just fill up our inventory with a bunch of Boss drops and then we’ll be back when we finally get the gracius orb and there

We go all right so we have got ourselves the grest orb right here finally I mean we’ve had quite a few trips back and forth from here like we filled up over two double chest worth of items this is crazy but luckily we got exactly what we

Were looking for which of course is the grest orb all right so we’ve made it to the warp shrines area and now it’s time to summon in gutina there is of course a 25,000 coin fee but luckily after spending a long time in the boss Tower we have accumulated the perfect amount

Of money with 31,000 poked dolls so all that’s left to do now is hope that we’re able to defeat gutina let’s put in our red chain and now let’s put in our grest orb and here we go I’m pretty certain now we don’t have to do anything else

And there he is the god of the underworld gutina okay he is only level 70 and we are level 100 so hopefully a spatial Rend takes it out in one hit there we go now let’s just hope that we got an egg and we did we got ourselves

An orb a neite scrap and a baby gutina egg there we go let’s go that is huge so now if we head back to the house open up our PC we of course have got our egg right here that is amazing come on and another thing that’s great about getting

The egg on the first try there with the rubies that you get on this server from the Mesprit Uki and as elf you can only do it once so if we failed that we would have had to make an entirely new red chain and the problem with that is

Getting another red chain would mean getting all of these Lake Guardians once again which would take forever so we got very lucky there and getting the egg that we needed come on but of course there’s always a silver lighting to everything that we do that of course is

Yes we did get the egg but we are going to have to spend a bunch of time hatching this out again so I think I’m just going to save you guys all the effort I’m going to get the movement pads back out and I will see you all

When I have finally hatched out this baby gutina let’s jump onto our movement pads and we’re just going to sit here for as long as it takes until eventually our baby Pokémon hatches from the egg and there we go just like that let’s see if we can get off this machine we have

Hatched out our baby gutina and look at how cute this guy is yo this is by far my favorite one oh he’s so cute oh I didn’t even realize wait yo we can ride the baby Pokemon that is hilarious I didn’t realize we could do this look at us

Go wait yo there’s an OA food Tower right here as well yo I didn’t even realize that luckily we don’t need a baby OA food because it doesn’t actually exist cuz obviously I guess baby U is just a cub Fu but nonetheless that is amazing that we can ride on this baby

Gutina and he is so so cute although he’s now flying away um come back man there we go look at this Legend and with that it now completes another one of our goals we did obviously complete it before but I did forget to mention that with our full team of six baby Pokémon

We have now completed another challenge which of course is to get six baby Legend AR Pokémon in the next 100 days we’ve trapped another Pokémon I’m sorry Helioptile this is your life now oh and oh no please no Karma okay we’re good we’re good I’m sure he’ll be fine but

Anyways I’m pretty happy with the team that we’ve managed to get right now and I think the last thing that we need to complete during this 100 days is defeat all six gym leaders and then take on the Ultimate Challenger so we’ve only managed to take down one of the gyms so

Far so I think it’s time to head back to the Level Training level up all of our baby Pokémon to level 100 and then head over to the gyms and start to defeat as many as we possibly can there we go all right let’s head into the battle take on

The trusty Charizard trainer and destroy him if I could hit a hydr pump thank you palia and get a bunch of levels on all of our Pokémon this hopefully shouldn’t take too long especially since we get a bunch of XP from Charizard and our legendaries are leveling up very fast

We’re just going to have to make sure to be we’re going to just have to make sure to be very careful as we only have three everstones and obviously baby gutina is not going to have one so we’ve just got to avoid leveling him up and then accidentally evolving him because that

Would not end well and there we go let’s stop the evolution of baby gutina and finally our entire team is now level 100 which of course means we now need to just make the best move set possible for each of our baby legendaries and then head over to the gyms and start

Defeating every single one of them so let’s set it over to the WMT head up stairs on the elevator and go ahead and talk to the movey learner now in here we can learn every single move that we need I made sure to leave the moves as they

Were for now just so that we could go ahead and do this afterwards and get all of the moves that we need all right there we go so we have now completed our entire set of baby legendaries on their move set so we can go through them

Quickly now have this on my baby palia this on my baby Rayquaza this is baby gutina we’ve got baby zashin baby baby Groudon and of course a baby Kyogre now if we head over to the second Gym obviously we’ve already taken out this first gym right here it’s now time to

Take on the dark gym which is the second gym leader as you can see here I need to take out all the others all the way down until the Electric Gym and after completing that it’s then time to take on the ultimate trainer obviously this is only the second Gym though so it’s

Not like it’s going to be too difficult for us to defeat and it looks like we are starting with a merro all right let’s just hit it with the spatial Ren and I avoid it no that’s not good we don’t want them to avoid it okay half HP

There we go all right this should be a really easy fight and boom just like that we sweep the entire gym with a baby palia easy peasy let’s go baby all right it’s now time that we take on the next gym battle which of course is the ground

Gym leader now this one’s going to be a little bit more difficult than usual especially because it has a lot of ground type moves and Steel type moves and a lot of our team unfortunately are weak to these moves so we’re going to have to be very careful on how we play

This origin pulse takes down the hipow on straight away that’s what we love go to baby Rayquaza here we’ll get rid of the sandstorm and we’ll predict the earthquake now we’ll go for the Dragon Dance and let’s try and hit a dragon’s Ascent but we do get taken down there

That’s not ideal now here let’s go baby palia and we will hit the hydro pump there we go all right and then we’re going to try for another hydro pump but we do get taken down unfortunately baby Kyogre let’s go for the ice beam and we

Take it down that’s huge okay we are going to have to go for another Ice Beam here but that is completely fine baby Kyogre does go down there but now let’s go into let’s go into our baby Groudon and we’re going to hit the earthquake boom okay we’ve taken it down that is

Huge okay we need to now try and take down this nid King he does hit the Ice Beam but we do survive and we hit the earthquake we need to take down Quagsire now the only thing I have for Quagsire is solar beam and we take it down and

Defeat the ground gym come on all right so we’re heading into the next gym now I’m not too sure what typing this gym is so let’s head in and find out okay so we’re up against the water gym now okay I don’t know how easy we’re going to

Take down this gym so we’re just going to give it a go and see how much damage we can do we’re just going to keep spamming the ice beams as much as we possibly can on the Kyogre here which is unfortunately going to get taken down I

Think I don’t really know what to do here let’s go into baby zarian and we’re going to go for a sacred sword which is super effective there we go all right we took down the Lapras that is huge go for a play rough and we almost take it out

In one hit that’s huge now we’ve got a zom out let’s go into a baby palia and we’re going to hit it with an earth power okay and we almost take it out but not quite unfortunately baby Rayquaza though should be able to finish this off

With an extreme speed but it does switch out okay that’s fine let’s go for a D Dance cuz we knew it’s going to recover maybe we’ll hit it with a dragonclaw it’s pretty good damage come on okay he’s going to recover again let’s go for

A d Dan hit a big dragonclaw and I have been burned that’s not ideal we do take it down which is fine now I think we’ve just got to full send it and go for the dragon as send and we hit it let’s go ooh okay so we do have the Mega

Evolution right here of the mega Gyarados but I don’t think it’s going to be too much of an issue if baby rayara wasn’t burned we would destroy this right now and we do get taken down okay so baby Groudon is our next option let’s go for the solar beam and we almost take

It down but it does get us just about if we are faster we could hit the Shadow Force but we do unfortunately go down no ah we have unfortunately lost to the water Jam so now I’m pretty sure if we try to head back into the battle we have

To wait another 5 hours and 57 minutes for before we can challenge it again no so as we’re epically failing at all of these gyms I’ve just noticed on the GTS that there is a rare lucky block on here for 250k now on the server throughout this

100 days we’ve been collecting loads of money just in case any more baby Pokémon pop up and we have 245,000 poked dolls so we are 5K away from affording that rare Lucky Block so I’m thinking we just go home and we try and sell as much as we possibly can can

Wait wait wait wait wait wait I’ve just teleported home and it says in the chat that a Hooper has spawned in the Desert Hills of biome and that is it right there no way that is hilarious let’s go I’m pretty sure that isn’t a baby version of Hooper so that isn’t going to

Unfortunately help us but we will definitely catch this guy that is hilarious let’s just throw the master ball as we aren’t even trying to catch any legendary Pokémon at the moment and there we go we have caught the legendary Hooper guys brilliant we literally just teleported back to our base purely to

Find items to sell and we’ve just caught a Hooper that spawned on us that is crazy and I’m stuck on the planet and I’m stuck on the stupid conveyor belt get away thank you right so um what can we sell from here maybe the stones let’s

Just grab out a bunch of stuff that we might be able to sell and see what we can get for it okay let’s head back over here head back over to the shopkeeper and let’s go to sell let’s just get rid of all of this stuff right here come on

Let put us at 1K left to get come on surely we can find something to sell that will make us hit that 1K Mark let’s grab out all this stuff grab out this stuff okay hopefully that will be enough let’s head back over to the shop and

There we go The Leftovers puts us just over 250k let’s head back we’ll drop off all of the stuff that we don’t need like that and now let’s head on to the GTS and let’s grab ourselves this rare lucky block for 250k right we’ve got the lucky block

Guys it’s time to open it up and let’s just hope that we get something we can defeat in order to get ourselves a new baby legendary to help us defeat the water type gym all righty here we go let’s open up our rare lucky block and

See what we are going to get come on please give me something good Pixelmon Gods yo wait aerus let’s go yes no this is really good this is actually insane oh my okay we need to defeat this thing and just hope that we get ourselves a legendary

Egg come on please let’s go for the here we go come on let’s go for the oros feere come on please give me a Pokémon egg yes there we go we got ourselves a baby xerus egg let’s go let’s grab that out thank you let’s go woohoo okay let’s

Grab out our egg next to the baby heat tram right here we’ll grab out the baby Kyogre and there we go all right so we have our xerus egg we just need to hatch this guy and then we will level him up to level 100 and then head back over to

The gyms and hope that this baby xerus will turn the tides and help us defeat the water type gym now I ain’t going to lie to you guys I ain’t going to be sat around here for so long waiting for this egg to hatch again like you already saw

How painful it was last time luckily I got in touch with the admins of a smash MC server and I managed to get myself the command slh hatch which means that I can literally just type in slh Hatch and then the number in my party of course

This is number six and a boom just like that we have hatched our Pokémon egg I ain’t going to be sitting around for so long especially on a 100 day video where we don’t actually have a lot of time I am not going to be waiting around on

This conveyor belt that entire time so we had to speed the process up a little bit and had up this amazingly cute little Bambi looking zus oh it’s so cute this is the first time that I’m seeing this baby Pokémon along with probably a lot of you guys too and look at how

Amazing this looks I mean it is just you know being dumb and oh oh dear okay you know what well I wait for the zus to finish getting its you know steps in I guess we’re going to go level this guy up and then head back over to the Water

Gym all right here we go so we’ve made it back over to the Water Gym we’ve got our baby zonas with a new move set a held item and of course level 100 it’s time to try and take on the gym again and see if we can take it any

Differently than the last time all right here we go let’s head on in come on let’s see what we can do with our baby xerus here okay I think for this turn I’m going to start off by going for a geomancy there we go all right we’ have

Put on the geomancy we’ve raised all of our special attack and our special defense and our speed okay let’s go for a Thunderbolt And there we go we one tap the toxa PEX okay now let’s go for a horn Leach we take a load of damage off

Of it there we go all right we take it down that’s huge I got to say guys this xerus is carrying me right now really turning the tides for this gym okay let’s go for a thunderbolt and we take it down again let’s go Okay so we’ve

Taken down the isumu it’s now time to take on the lantern let’s go for a horn Leach and we destroy it so well okay come on please we’ve got this a thunderbolt takes down the Lapras a thunderbolt should take down the Gyarados as well even though it Mega and

Finally we just need to take down the lantern which we destroy and we get ourselves the next gym badge let’s go baby zon is is OB come come on okay so we’ve headed into the battle against The Rock Gym Leader this time let’s go for the origin pulse to Kickstart we take it

Down which is amazing now let’s go for another origin pulse almost take down the Shuckle but baby gutina comes in next okay let’s go for the Aus feere here and see how much damage we do nice okay that’s pretty good damage let’s go for another aurus feere we do get taken

Down by the crunch but that is completely fine because we will hopefully be able to take it out on this next hit right here let’s go back to baby Kyogre hit the origin pulse now we just have to hope that we can take a

Grass Knot we do and we take down the ni Lego that is huge okay but we do unfortunately go down to the Mega Aerodactyl I think here let’s go into baby Groudon let’s just go for a big solar beam see what damage we can do

Okay and we’ll go for a brick break we do unfortunately get crit there which is not ideal H okay let’s go into baby Heatran here and we’re going to go for let’s go for the Iron Head we do get taken down by the earthquake though no

Okay let’s go to our baby Rayquaza here and we’re going to go for the dragon claw almost taking it down we survived the drawing wi beat and we take it down okay that’s huge now for the dragon Ascent we do big damage to the Crilly dragons are sent one more okay we need

To go for the Dragon Dance here we need to hope that we survive a toxic we don’t no okay it’s cril versus baby zerus will we be able to clutch up here I do not no let’s go for the geomancy we do get toxic but that is fine let’s go for the

Horn Leach try and get some of our health back it’s not going to do enough we blast and we take it down okay this is huge just got take down the shule and there we go we defeated the rock Jim let’s go woo I can’t lie these rewards

Are very me like I’ve got like almost three stacks of level bus now just from defeating these gyms all right it’s time for the next gym I’m not too sure what this gym is so let’s head in with baby Heatran okay so it looks like we’re

Against the grass gym now so Heatran was definitely the right pick take down the whimsicott with the Heatwave another Heat Wave almost takes down the reloom but we do get taken down that’s fine though let’s go into baby Rayquaza we’re going to hit the Dragon Dance now let’s

Go for the dragon’s Ascent which takes down the Cartana takes down the reloom takes down the feror takes down the celby and it takes down the Mega Venusaur all I’m stay in baby Rayquaza and baby xerus you guys are so overpowered that is huge all right here

We go let’s head into the Ghost type gym I’m going to lead off with my baby xerus hopefully I can hit a geomancy and I do get faked out that’s kind of annoying okay let’s go for the moonblast we take it down that’s huge okay we avoid the

Willowwisp that’s actually huge go for the Ice Beam on Delise big damage but we do get taken down let’s go back into our baby xerus here we’ll go for the geomancy but it does take us down cuz we don’t have the power up on no what am I

Doing I’m throwing okay baby zaran let’s go for the play rough he avoids it no okay we do take it down there Shadow Ball does get us unfortunately let’s go for the Dragon Dance and then I think we just Spam dragon’s Ascent as much as we

Possibly can and there we go we take down the Ghost Gym come on three master balls another stack of level balls blank TI some XL candies but most importantly we did actually get free mbls okay guys it’s time for the final gym leader level 100 I’m not too sure what this gym

Leader is so we’re going to have to go into it blindly I’m want to say by the all the yellow around it’s probably the electric type gym yeah okay wait but there’s a Sab ey I’m pretty certain Sab ey is not an electric type um that is

Very interesting okay uh well we know he going to go for the fake out so let’s go for a sword Dance I’m very confused right now why is there a mega a Sab eye in an electric gemm interesting okay play Ruff takes it down completely fine

We do get taken out by the sludge Wave It’s a Gengar I is this not an electric type gym it feels like it’s just the same gym we just took on what is going on go for the EQ we do a little bit of damage not a lot though we do avoid the

Power whip that’s huge just keep on just hitting up there we go we do get taken down which is fine let’s go to baby Kyogre hit the Ice Beam take that down go for an origin pulse okay we do get a shinja coming but it’s fine cuz we have

Ancient power so we take that down there go for the origin pulse we take down the Gengar Ice Beam freezes the Mis Magus now we just need to take down a bulon let’s go for the ancient power and there we go for some reason it was the exact

Same gym leader as we just took on but it does say in the chat here that it was the electri gym so maybe that’s just a glitch with that guys we have taken down all eight of the gyms in the smash m server on the curean realm now it’s time

For the final challenge we need to take on the ultimate legendary trainer who is going to have a full team of legendary Pokémon which are the grown versions of the team that I will take into that battle to see if my baby Pokémon truly can beat their adult forms let’s go find

Out so in order to get through to the arena I have to defeat all of the trainers inside of this ice cave it looks like we have to start here and it’s only a level 30 trainer so this shouldn’t be any issue for me although

It looks like oh no I am still level 100 so let’s just quickly blast through all of these guys real quick and hopefully we will see the legendary trainer on the other side of this cave okay we got a guy here it doesn’t look like he wants

To fight Long John Silvera worldlord is lighter than an average full grown adult okay thank you for that fact you weirdo um Okay so another trainer here level 20 okay this is a bit easy but I mean we’ll take it I guess this legendary trainer is meant to be very difficult so I’m

Surprised that there’s a bunch of like awful trainers that we have to fight in the first place okay let’s take on this guy as well he’s got a Mudkip and an Eevee okay and a staraptor okay now it’s getting a bit better and we’ve smashed

It out of the park once again okay I’m pretty sure this is the entrance through to the battle arena and there it is the legendary train ER that I need to defeat to become the ultimate baby legendary trainer I need to take on this guy right

Here he’s going to have a full team of adult versions of all of my six Pokémon on my team so this is going to be a very challenging battle it’s time to take on the legendary train and he froze his Pokemon on me how rude let’s head into

The battle he starts with a Groudon and I start with baby Heatran now this is going to be a very interesting fight here let’s let’s go for the Heat Wave and see what damage we can do but he takes us out with an earthquake no I’m

Sorry baby heatr so as you can see at the top here Groudon is level 95 and obviously that is because it’s baby legendaries versus Legends now the legendaries obviously have a lot better stats than the babies so to make it a little bit more fair we have changed the

Levels of the legendary trainer to give him five levels under me just to make it a little bit more balanced and see how this battle and to Hope hopefully have a super intense battle but of course baby Legends have to come out on top so let’s

Head into baby Kyogre here and let’s go for an origin pulse and there we go all right we take it down that is huge next up is gutina but we’re in the rain no we we missed the attack and he goes for the destiny Bond no okay we’ve got to switch

Here let’s go to baby gutina and we’re going to fight ruler of the underworld with ruler of the underworld he goes for the shadow fors we’re going to counter him and go for the Shadow Force too okay he’s a Miss let’s come on he misses Shadow Force cuz I’m away in the Shadow

Force right now okay and we hit a huge Shadow Force let’s go and he tries the destiny Bond but isn’t going to matter let’s take him out wait no oh no I forgot it to get carries on to the next turn no baby gutina I’m so sorry no oh

No okay come on we’ve lost two we’ve taken down two this is going to be a very oh no it’s going to be so close baby Groudon we’ve got to get a clutch up perfect match up for me let’s hit it with the earthquake this should take

Down the Heatran in one hit and there we go all right we take down the Heatran for free there now he doesn’t know that I have this move but let’s go for our Sola beam yo 50% HP but he does take down the groud oh no okay we need to

Fight water with water here let’s go in to our baby Kyogre and let’s hit it with an origin pulse no we don’t take it down down okay that’s fine that’s fine we are going to take it down on this next turn but we did lose a little bit of Health

There which is not ideal okay the xerus comes out we have got the rain up right now come on baby Kyogre and we take down xerus now all that’s left is baby Rayquaza let’s switch into our baby xerus predicting the dragon move as we are of course a Fairy Type okay he went

For Dragons Ascent instead no that’s not ideal Thunderball should do good damage and we get the crit and we take down the legendary trainer with our baby legendaries we of course still have baby Rayquaza baby Kyogre and baby xerus coming in clutch and defeating the legendary trainer for us crowning baby

Legendary Pokémon as the ultimate Legends the Pokémon anime that we all know and love is coming to an end and to commemorate that I want to relive the entire Journey from Generation 1 all the way up to Generation 8 as everyone’s favorite Pokémon trainer Ash Ketchum

Will I be able to catch every Pokémon Ash did and become the Pokémon master this is 100 days as Ash catch him now if anyone seen the Pokémon anime they will know that Ash and Pikachu are the most iconic duo in Pokémon so in order to

Start my ash run I have to have my starter Pokémon as Pikachu look at this boy I’m so happy to have a Pikachu on my team level 30 as well he’s pretty strong already from the get-go so we’ll see where this goes and we’ll head out to

Catch our first Pokémon now I think it’s time to rzp out of the spawn and try and find our first Ash Pokémon I want to catch each of Ash’s teams in order so by day 25 I want to have caught both the Generation 1 and generation 2 team of

Ash and take on two different gyms to move on to the next set of generation Pokémon teams so the first Pokemon I need to look for is of course a Pidgey and a Caterpie wait hang on there there’s a Pidgey let’s go right I just need to get into a battle with this

Thing wait what my Poké Balls aren’t working no come back Pidgey please why I’m so confused why they’re not using them okay let’s just grab the Ultra Balls no he’s flown too far oh no I don’t think I’m going to be able to get this Pidgey no come back please Pidgey

No ah no way I mean there’s loads of pidgeys up in the sky though so hopefully one we land and we’ll be able to catch that one soon oh hang on there’s a Pidgey come on down you go hey he’s landed okay we’re going to sneak

Attack him ready let’s go come on come on end the battle no I missed come on Pidgey hey there we go we’ve now gotten into the battle with the Pidgey and we will now have our second Pokemon to join Ash’s team both a Pikachu and a Pidgey hey there we go two

Metapods let’s catch one of these guys real quick come on there’s a Poké ball get in the ball please Metapod H he broke out okay never mind well I’ve just spoiled a Cy over there so I think the Caterpie is probably going to be a little bit easier to catch so let’s just

Go with this guy hey let’s go now we have ourselves a Caterpie a Pidgey and even our boy Pikachu now it’s time to head out and try and find our next Pokémon now for the next Pokémon I want to catch I want to find myself a Bulbasaur but the problem is Bulbasaur

Only spawns during the daytime so as it’s night time in the forest I think it’s time that we go do something else for a little while so let’s head through to warp training and we’ll level all of our Pokémon up just to evolve them up to their final

Form Ash did end up evolving both his Pidgey and his catp all the way up to their final Evolutions so we’ll level grinder until we eventually get ourselves a Pidgeot and a Butterfree oh here we go Metapod is evolving into a Butterfree let’s go that is one of the

Pokémon we needed to evolve oh and my Pidgey seems to be evolving into a pidgeotto as well just go evolve it into a Pidgeot and then we’ll be back and there we go we finally have ourselves a Pidgeot and a Butterfree to add to our team honestly our team is looking

Powerful now I’m so excited to catch more of Ash’s Pokémon I think hopefully by now we’ll have enough time to head back over to the forest biome so we could try and find our Bulbasaur hey and there we go we finally after a couple days of waiting found

Ourselves the Bulbasaur we have been looking for now we got to do is catch him and add into the team Honestly though from generation one Bulbasaur is one of my favorite Pokémon from Ash’s team like if you’ve seen the anime you’ll know how amazing he is when it

Comes to Professor Oak’s lab he’s always there just stopping all the fighting and being like the dad of the group he’s absolutely hilarious I love Bulbasaur now that we’ve caught ourselves a Bulbasaur we need to continue rping as much as we can until eventually we find the next biome that I’ve been looking

For so because we’ve got the Bulbasaur I think it’s only fitting that we now have head out and try and find ourselves a Charmander so I’ll be back when we finally find ourselves a mountainous biome and there we go we finally found the biome we were looking for now that

We’re in a mountainous biome we just have to run around and hope that a Charmander eventually spawns wait yo a krabby wait if I’m not mistaken I’m pretty sure that Ash does actually catch himself at Kingler at some point so let’s catch this Krabby and add it to

The team now the next Pokémon that we are looking for is a Charmander as obviously in the anime one of Ash’s strongest Pokémon is his Charizard now in order to find a Charmander though in Pixelmon I need to be in a mountainous area which is where I’ve managed to RTP

To although unfortunately Charmander is an ultra rare spawn so we’re just going to have to wait around in this mountain area until eventually we finally will get a Charmander to spawn if I am correct I think I just heard that is right I just heard the Charmander cry

While I was afking finally we’ve got the Charmander spawn yes come on that is another one that we can tick off the list to join Ash’s team and there we go guys we have managed to catch ourselves the Charmander let’s go oh I’m so happy that

I managed to catch this guy we now have two of the generation one starters if you guys know generation one you’ll know obviously we’ve got these two there is one boy left to catch and that of course is Squirtle now in order for the Squirtle to spawn we need to find

Ourselves a beach biome and with this we only need it to be night time and then we can get the Squirtle to spawn although just like with the Charmander it is a very rare spawn for Squirtle to spawn in the night time on the beach but hopefully we’ll get lucky enough to find

One yo look at this a belly ball I’ve not actually seen one of these yet this is one of the new generation 9 Pokémon in Pixelmon and he looks hilarious oh it’s such a shame that Ash never caught one of these I would have loved to have

Caught this bad boy right here we go come on we found ourselves a beach biome and at the moment all I see here is a blit buug a pumu a Volby none of the Pokémon that Ash has caught oh and there he is look at him oh on his little

Island all on his own Squirtle come over here my guy finally we’ve got ourselves a squirrel that squirrel spawned a lot faster than I thought it was going to be I was prepared to wait here for quite a few days but we managed to get very

Lucky and he spawned on the first night time that we were here so I mean I’ll take it hey there we go we have just captured ourselves a squirtle getting us all free generation one starter Pokémon the ash CAU we’re getting pretty close now guys

All we have to find now is ourselves a primeape a Muk a Lapras a Snorlax and of course the iconic f Tauros that one’s going to be a mission but let’s continue with catching more Pokémon and since we’re still around the mountainous area and around the ocean I’m going to hang

About here for a little while as there is two different Pokémon that I could possibly catch in the water and up in the hills so if you do know which two Pokémon these are from generation one that Ash has caught make sure to comment it down below and let me know what you

Think that Pokemon is Yo another generation n Pokemon look at this wiggler he looks so funny a I need to do a generation 9 video if you guys do want to see me use like maybe 100 Days with only generation 9 Pokémon just make sure to let me know and I can make

That happen but if not we’ll just have to see them in game like this we’ve got ourselves a Garian Slowpoke no that’s it yes finally there’s also a cfish down there as well but since Ash caught that in Generation 3 we can’t catch that yet because in the first 25

Days we can only catch Generation 1 and generation 2 Pokémon to join at’s team but luckily for us Lapras is a generation one Pokémon that Ash caught so let’s add it to the team now in order to get the next Pokémon that we will need to join Ash’s team we need to head

Into this mountainous forest biome now it’s going to be a very rare spawn I think probably the rarest one that we’ve had to look for yet so we’re going to be here for quite a while so while I’m waiting around I might do a little bit

Of training see if I can evolve my Krabby into a Kingler and my Charmander up into a Charizard so we’ll be back when either we evolve them or we manag to find the Pokémon we’re looking for hey there we go our Charmander is now evolving into a charmeleon let’s go and

There it is we’ve got ourselves a charmeleon we are now one step closer to getting ourselves a Charizard and that Charizard is going to be one of the strongest members of our team and there we go we’ also managed to get our Krabby to evolve all the way up into a Kingler

And perfect now that we have ourselves a Kingler as well we are now one step closer to completing Ash’s generation one team I’m so excited to get the rest of the Pokémon come on although I can’t lie I am absolutely dreading having to find those 30 Tauros it’s going to be an

Awful job but the grind continues we’re still looking for that Pokémon that we needed to find in this area so remember if you do know exactly what it is make sure to let me in the comments but if not just keep waiting until we eventually find it hey and there we go

We’ve also managed to get our Charming lean up into a Charizard let’s go I’m so happy to have a Charizard he’s going to be such a Powerhouse for our team him and Pikachu I’ve Got a Feeling are going to be the biggest carries for the Gen one team yes

Finally let’s go I’ve actually just managed to find it let’s go oh I was losing all hope for this one I was honestly about to just leave and go find something else because this one was taking so long to find if you guys commented Snorlax then well congratulations cuz you got it

Right now we just got to add this guy to our team now that I only need three more different types of Pokémon to complete my generation one for Ash’s team I need to head over to the jungle biome luckily while I was RTP I actually did Mark down

A jungle but the downside is it is 10,000 blocks away so I’m going to have to hop on Charizard and head on over to the jungle biome it took a couple days but we finally made it now the only Pokémon that we need to find here currently is a

Mankey if I’m not mistaken they’re actually quite common so I should be able to find one quite easily so I think oh hang on I think I see one down there but we’ve just got to figure out how to get Charizard to go down because with the new mechanics I don’t actually know

What the descend button is so we might just have to float up here for a minute and we’ll be back when we actually get to the Mankey now with this added to the team we only need to find ourselves a Muk and also the 30 Tauros so we’re

Closing in on completing the gem one team and there we go we have captured the Mankey now it’s time to head to a swamp biome so now that we’ve finally made it into the swamp biome which is where we need to be to catch ourselves a

Muk so I think all we got to do here is just continuously fish until eventually we finally get our eles a Muk or a grimer hey and there we go we have finally fished ourselves up a grimer now what we got to do is catch it and evolve

It up into a Muk now that we’ve got ourselves this grimer and the Mankey we just need to evolve these up into a primeape and also into a Muk and then all we will need left for Gen one for Ash’s team is literally 30 Tauros which

Is going to be a bit of a mission but I know we’ll get it done soon so let’s get these guys all leveled up and then we’ll be back we have finally evolved our Mankey up in into a primate now all that’s left to do is evolve this grimer

Into a mug and then we can head out and find more Tauros and there we go well I can’t actually see the grimer evolving but he is evolving up into a mark now that we finally got pretty much all of Ash’s team from generation one we just

Need to head out now and try and find ourselves as many Tauros as we possibly can it’s going to take a what um helicopter I guess um yeah I think now that we’ve got ourselves a mug we need to just head out and find as many

Tauros as we possibly can so let’s get going wait what yo there’s no way I’ve just rtpd and ended up finding a shiny Electrike that’s actually insane no way unfortunately though it is not generation one nor is it a Pokemon that Ash has caught so goodbye shiny

Electri oh no oh I feel so bad for that but it had to be done I’m sorry shiny electri I’m sorry man you had to go hey there we go Tauros number one we’ve actually managed to find a Tauros already so I don’t think we’re going to

Have that much of an issue when it comes to finding all these Tauros but I think we’ll just continue catching them and I will see you guys when we’ve caught 30 different Tauros there we go we’ve caught the Tauros and I’m sorry if I got you guys but there’s no way I’m catching

30 Toros since I’ve only got 100 days and I want to catch every single one of Ash’s Pokémon we’re going to have to just limit it to one of that Pokémon because there’s no way that I’m going to have enough time to find 30 Tauros and

Catch all of Ash’s Pokémon at the same time so we’re just going to take the one and continue on so now that we’ve gotten all of the generation one Pokémon that Ash had caught in his journey it’s now time to create a team of six and level

Them to level 100 so we can take on our first gym leader and there we go taking out this final Grim snout has put our entire team up up to level 100 now it’s time to go and take on our first gym all right then it is now time to try and

Take on the fairy gym now this one’s going to be a bit difficult because fairy is a very strong type but I believe in the guys I reckon we’ve got this so let’s see how we do here we go come on okay first we have got a den all

Right then okay let’s use heavy slam come on big damage nice that’s not too bad right let’s give him come on o and it’s going to take down the Snorlax okay got to go into Pikachu here and we’re going to hit him with a thunderbolt yes that is huge okay we

Know that this marwel is going to go for a sucker punch because all Mega marwel normally just run Sucker Punch so if we switch into Charizard we can set up our sword stances and hopefully sweep this marwal ooh it went for a play rough okay let’s hit it with a flamethrower it

Did hit the Sucker Punch but it’s fine because we’ve t taking it down nice there goes the den come on now we’ve just got to take down this Fable ooh big damage from the flamethrower yes come on yes Charizard come on flamethrower again yes Charizard come on yes Charizard you

Beast and we have taken down the fairy gym let’s go Charizard has done an amazing job and swept that gym for us let’s go that was huge and now that we finally beaten the first gym with our generation one team just like in the anime it’s time to retire in all of my

Generation 1 team obviously we’re keeping Pikachu on us but the rest of the guys have to be sent back to Professor Oak’s lab so it’s time to head onto a new box and head out to find a generation 2 team for Ash’s Pokémon there it is yes finally we have found

Ourselves a cindil in the anime Ash has got himself a kava so all we got to do is evolve this thing once and we’ll have us elves our next member of the team now just like in generation one Ash did catch all of the starter Pokémon in the

Joto region so we’re going to have to look now for a Chikorita Ash may not have caught a lot of Pokémon in generation 2 but he did catch some good ones and some rare ones just like the shiny knockdown now that is probably going to be the hardest one for us to

Find so I’ll just have to keep a lookout for a ho hoot wherever I go but the chances of it being shiny are going to be very low so I’m not sure how easily I’m going to be able to find a shiny knock toow oh yes there we go finally

Yeah so as I was saying he caught himself a shiny one so we’re going to catch ourselves a shiny one too but he did not catch himself a shiny Chikorita meaning this one will be usable and we can go ahead and catch the Chikorita I I

Don’t I don’t know what to say I genuinely do not know what to say there is no way that this has just happened to me again what are the odds of that I’ve just been afking here waiting for Nightfall because I want to get myself a totodile and I’ve looked up into the

Trees and I’m pretty certain I’ve Just Seen another shiny Pokémon there’s no way a shiny squet what are the odds of these shinies right now I’m finding so many it’s just such a shame that none of these shinies have been able to actually catch so just like the electri I’m so

Sorry shiny squet but you’ve got to go my guy goodbye and I finally managed to find the Pokémon I was looking for you can see his head bobbing out of the water just there it is of course the happy little crocodile Totodile let’s go meaning we now have all three of the

Generation 2 stter Pokémon in syndic Quil Chikorita and toadal now all that’s left to do is evolve our Chikorita evolve our Synder Quil and we’ll have three members of Ash’s team already and there we go we have now fully evolved our quava and our B Leaf to where they

Need to be to join Ash’s team we’ve already managed to get four of the six Pokemon that we’re going to need to join the team the only ones that we’ve got left now is Heracross knockdown and Donan and then we’ve got all of the Pokémon from Gen 2 already so let’s

Waste no time and head back out to find more Pokémon hey there we go we found another easy one of FY this one’s a pretty common spawn so didn’t take me very long to find and there we go we’ve caught ourselves a fany and we’ve just

Got to evolve it up into a D fan and there we go we are now evolving our fany into a Dom fan although we can’t actually see what’s going on but I promise you he is actually evolving there we go look at this beauty I loved

Dom fan so much look at him he’s awesome hey well now that we’ve got ourselves a Dom fan I’m pretty certain there’s only two more Pokémon that we actually need to find now which includes a Heracross and the shiny noct tole now I was waiting for a Heracross to spawn we’ve

Actually managed to come across a mega boss Heracross which is even more rare than a normal Heracross which is it sucks but it’s also quite cool because obviously we want the Heracross but instead we found a mega one obviously we can’t Mega it because Ash doesn’t Mega

His Heracross but I figured we’d try and take this guy on and see what we can do I’m not sure how well this is going to go but we’ll give it a go anyway come on no way no oh dear oh no Pikachu no I need to run this thing is

Way too strong for me Pikachu got one hit oh and there we go yes we’ve managed to get ourselves a Heracross let’s go we’ve managed to catch ourselves the Heracross meaning all this left is a shiny knock out and there it is oh no please don’t tell me to just re despawn

No no no no please no way there’s no way that that no there’s no way that that shiny hooo has just despawned on me I’ve been here for so long no I can’t believe that it just despawned right in front of my eyes oh you don’t understand how long it’s been after that

First one despawned oh my I’ve been waiting here for so long there’s so many hoot Hoots around and finally a shiny one has appeared oh my well now that we’ve got all of the Pokémon from generation 2 for Ash’s team it’s time to create the team level them up to 100 and

I’ll be back when we’re ready to take on the gym now we finally have our entire team up to 100 it’s time to take on the Rock Gym okay so he started off with mega aerodactyl this is not good but we’re going to have to switch into

Colava who is probably going to go down to this Mega cuz I need to keep my Heracross Alive come on okay that’s decent damage come on please yes okay the Mega Aerodactyl is down that is huge for us cool we did some good damage of earthquake that is

Perfect all right Heracross is sweeping right now yes Heracross oh what a legend oh thank God and we did it guys let’s go Heracross the MVP just like the last one Charizard swept for me on the last one and this time we had Heracross to FK for

Our victory over the rock gym and of course because we beat the Rock Gym it’s time to retire our generation 2 Team honestly these guys were so much fun to use but it’s now time to head into Generation 3 now to Kickstart Our Generation 3 Pokémon team we’re going to

Look for a Taillow now in order to find a Taillow I need to be waiting around in a forest biome during the daytime it’s quite a common spawn so it shouldn’t be too difficult to find but we’ll just wait around here until eventually a taor

Pops up hey there we go we have found ourselves a taor we just got to try and attack it now okay we got to chase this taor down come on tayor no don’t leave I thought this be more common but I’ve only seen this first one in the past 10

Minutes so we need to try and catch this one pleas please toow come on yes we’ve managed to get into a battle with the little taow and the reason I wanted to catch myself a taor first was purely because obviously it’s a bird and it can

Fly around and with this Pokémon I’ll be able to fly around and find loads more of the Pokémon that I’m going to need for Generation 3 which includes my favorite starter Pokémon which is Treo I can’t wait to go find myself a septile but obviously jungle biomes are really

Really rare so I’m going to have to look for one and it might take quite a while so Taylor I think was a pretty good pickup to start with because we just got to evolve it and then we can fly around on it now it’s time to head over to the

Level grinder and evolve him up into a swellow perfect now that we’ve evolved our taor into a swellow we should be able to ride this thing jump on swellow and there we go we are floating really high above it but we can ride on our swallow which is the important part so

It’s time to now go find ourselves a jungle biome hey what are the chances of that let’s go so while I was traveling to find a jungle biome we have actually just come across a cfish and cfish is one of Ash’s Pokémon he’s quite a weak

One but he is also a super cute team member now we’ve just got to find three more members of Ash’s gen fre team and then we can continue on to generation 4 o we got another Raiden I wonder what it is oh a Marie wait there it is yes we

Found ourselves a snow run let’s go and there we go we’ve captured our elves a snow run now I’m pretty sure in order to get ourselves a gele we actually need to have a male one of these or it might just be a level up I’m not actually too

Sure on how it works I just know that you can get a glal and a frost lass but we want to get ourselves a glal no we just got to level this guy up and hope that it does actually evolve into a gal but first it’s time to head into the jungle

Biome come on where’s this Treo I mean there’s a fantis down there that’s not what we’re looking for what else have we got a Mankey what else have we got so I’m pretty sure the too spawns in the trees so we’ve got to be looking up high

For this Treo where is it yo there it is yes we found Treo let’s go hey I’m so happy about this one too is my favorite starter Pokemon I love him just look at this little Legend let’s go come on I thought we were going to be spending so

Long in this biome but we managed to get it quite quickly so I’m pretty happy with that one now as you can see we have a team of five there’s only one more Pokémon that we need to catch and that Pokémon is a toal it’s going to be quite

An easy one to catch as toos aren’t too uncommon but for this one it’s going to be a lot easier if we just head through to the never I don’t think we’re going to find him in this biome in particular but we need to find him somehow so I’ll

Keep traveling around and I will get back to you guys once I eventually find a tal oh there we go luckily we can get out of this hell hole cuz now we have found ourselves tal let’s go now that we have our entire team it’s time to head

Back to the level grinder and get our entire team leveled up to where they should be and then we’re going to take on the third gym and just like that we have managed to get our glal all the way up to level 100 along with the rest of

Our team so we now have an entire team of Generation 3 Pokémon for Ash’s team that all level 100 now there’s only one more thing to do and that is to take on the third gym leader obviously as you can see here my entire team is leveled

Up I’ve got all males here other than our glal but luckily I was wrong you didn’t actually need to have a male snow run for it to evolve into glay you just had to use level ups and then it would evolve to a glal turns out you actually

Need a thornstone to evolve it into a frost so we’re all good there now that our entire team is leveled up to level 100 it’s time to head to the movie learner and relearn a bunch of new moves on my Pokémon as obviously they’re not going to have the the best move set

Right now but we’re going to make it as good as possible to give us the best possible chance of defeating this gym and here we go it’s now time to take on the ground gym let’s see how we do so they started with an extra draw so I

Think I’m just going to hit here with a flamethrower see how much damage I can do ooh seism has come out but I did get the burn which is very important here I think we just got to full send it and just hit it with a flamethrower which is

Done perfectly again one more flamethrower and we’ve taken out the seism that’s so huge come on we have been hit by the toxic which is not good and he’s hit the ice beam oh this isn’t good okay septile comes out here we’ve just got to hope that we outs spe and

Hit a huge energy ball okay okay that’s good yes energy Po’s defeated it yes we’ve taken out the nid king that is huge come on another energy pool yes come on septile we just need to take out the quag side now and I think we may

Have defeated the gym yes come on we have defeated the ground gym that is huge this team was awesome let’s go I did not think we were going to defeat that gym so easily but we actually managed to get through it which was huge and as always now that we’ve used Our

Generation 3 team it’s now time to retire them and head on to my favorite Generation generation 4 now for my first Pokémon from Gen 4 I want to catch myself a twig but in order to find a twig I need to run around in a forest

Biome during the day and it is an ultra rare spawn so it’s not like it’s going to be an easy one to find but I’ve Got Confidence if we just stick around in this biome for a little while I am sure that we will be able to find The Twig

That we need oh there it is let’s go finally we have found the twig that we were looking for let’s go now that we found this twig there’s only one more thing for us to do and that is to catch this bad boy and evolve him all the way

Up into a Tor Tera we’ve now caught our ourselves a twig now a lot of the Pokémon from the C region are all in the Extreme Hills biomes when it comes to Piximon so I think my next plan of action is going to be to find an extreme

Hills biome and wait around there until we find our next Pokémon which could end up being a Chimchar or even a Starly which will evolve up into a staraptor the other Pokémon that we’re going to need are going to be found in the swamp biome and most likely the desert biome

So let’s head out and see if we can find one of those biomes would you look at that we’ve just found ourselves was a bzel while we was searching for different biomes I completely forgot that Ash caught this Pokémon so I’ll be adding this one to my team now we’re

Going to continue looking for the biomes that we wanted before now we finally made it to the extreme Hills biome now all we got to do is try and find a Chima and a Starley so there’s quite a few different bird Pokémon that we’ll be able to find in the Extreme Hills but

Obviously we’re only looking for one in particular and I’m pretty sure it’s very common so we shouldn’t have too much of a hassle finding we just need to catch catch one of these birds okay this Starly right here is looking catchable come on let’s go no come

On come on please no how have I not hit that okay okay okay this should be it this should be it easy hit please no come on Sly down you go oh here we go yes there was one just sat on the floor and we’ve managed to

Catch it let’s go now guys I’ll be honest with you I am starting to lose hope on this Chimchar I’ve been searching for days trying to find this guy and I have not been able to find anything hang on a second yes I thought I heard a little

Chim cha cry and I was right let’s go finally honestly this has taken so long to find for our next team member that we need to add we need to find ourselves a Gligar although Gligar only spawn in the evening and at the night time so we

Might be waiting around for a little while so I think I might just AFK here or I might go look for the next biome that we need but again the next biome that we need is a desert biome and the Pokémon that we need there is a Gibble

Which by chance also has to spawn at night time so we’re going to have to just keep waiting till it becomes night and then go out and search for these Pokémon well we may not have found ourselves a desert biome but we did manage to get back to the swamp when it

Was night time meaning hopefully now we will find a gigar it’s quite a common spawn so it shouldn’t be too difficult to find I’m seeing stonies I’m seeing Griers nothing quite yet there it is come on let’s go that is huge we have finally found the gigar we were looking for now

I got to say gigar is one of my favorite Pokémon from Ash’s team as it has such a cool way that it evolves when Ash is in trouble he’s falling through this giant like Canyon I’m pretty sure and as he’s falling ashes Gligar flies down to try

And save him they throw him the Razer Fang and he evolves into a glcore midair and saves Ash such a cool moment in the anime ooh okay okay we’ve managed to find ourselves a raid den and it’s a fstar rapid Dash raid Den so let’s head

Into it with Pikachu and see what damage we can cause here we go right I don’t know how much damage this is going to do but let’s just hope it does a lot that’s a pretty good amount of damage come on now oh we are destroying this rapid Dash

Destroyed the rapid Das beat the five star r and look at all the loot we managed to get well including an ability captur that is huge if you don’t know how ability captures work basically what they do is they can switch the abilities of poke so if you catch a Pokemon and

It’s got the worst ability possible you can use this Ability capsule and potentially get an even better ability if that Pokémon can get better abilities so I will definitely be taking that unfortunately though Ash does not catch himself a rapid dash at all so we won’t be catching the actual Pokémon itself

Though perfect so now that we found ourselves a desert biome and it’s also night time because it took me so long to find this biome I now just have to search around until eventually I will end up finding a Gibble now unfortunately Ash’s Gibble doesn’t actually evolve it stays as a little

Gibble and if you’ve seen Ash’s Gibble from the anime you’ll know that it loves to just munch on everything it sees which is absolutely hilarious unfortunately though the downside to this though because it doesn’t evolve I’m going to have to try and use a Gibble in the gym unless I just don’t

Bring it but I kind of want bring the Gibble as it’s quite an iconic Pokémon yo look at this a gen n or worm that is hilarious looking look at this thing bro I love it I really want to do a video on gen n Pokémon because they’re

All just so cool so I think we’ll just wait until all the Gen N9 Pokémon are in then we will do a video on that if you guys do want to see me do a video on gen9 Pokémon make sure to let me know oh there we go yes finally that that is

What we call our good power Gibble let’s go now before we do anything else I do want to go and check what the next gym is so obviously first we had fairy type then we had what was it rock type I want to say then after that we ended up

Having ground type so we got to check what the next gym is and to me this definitely looks like it’s going to be a grass gym so we’re going to have to make sure that we have our most powerful Pokémon to take on the grass types for example our Starly turning into a

Staraptor will be super effective and perfect for a grass type gym same with our INF ferate with his fire type moves but we’ll be back and we will see exactly what team I’ve decided to bring I’ve got to tell you guys this team is extremely strong I forgot how amazing

Ash’s C team really is we’ve got this fully evolved Tor Tera we have staraa we have Infernape and we even have gcore not to mention our little pal Gibble as well and of course our Ace Pikachu as always but for the most part we have so many fully evolved mons which is rare

For a team of Ashes since every other team we’ve had we’ve had at least two Pokémon that aren’t even fully evolved but before we do anything we need to head over to the movey learner which we’re use to get a bunch of new moves and make our team as strong as possible

Before we take on the next gym so here we have it guys we have our generation 4 Ash team it’s time to take on the grass gym and see if we can defeat it okay here we go let’s take on the gym and let’s see how we do okay it did wrap

Spin but that’s fine cuz we hit the crunch again let’s hit it with an acrobatic see what that does nice got some good damage we’re still alive okay now we just need to take out amongus yes come on we have defeated the grass gym that is what we are talking about let’s

Go now that we’ve defeated the grass gym we can finally move on to the next generation of Pokémon which is Generation 5 now to start off our generation 5 Adventure we are going to be catching this pit up right here as in the anime Ash does end up getting

Himself an un feasant so this pill would be a perfect place to start now in generation 5 Ash does catch a lot of different Pokémon so we’re going to have to pick wisy when it gets to the very end to decide which Pokémon we want to use although he does use every single

Starter Pokémon for Gem 5 so we’re going to have to spend a little bit of time looking for those too now while we were waiting for an oshaa to spawn in the beach area or even just a sandal to get ourselves a crocodile we did have some something pretty amazing pop up just

Across the river from us and that right there is a Snivy now this is an ultra R spawn but it does spawn in the roof forest biome luckily I am right next to that area while I’m searching for my other Pokémon now this is an absolutely insane encounter to find already but I’m

Happy I kept an eye out in the roof Forest because this one would have taken a while unfortunately though like with some of Ash’s other Pokémon he does not actually evolve his Snivy so we’re going to have to keep this guys a little Snivy for now but I wouldn’t take it for granted

Though because Snivy in the anime is super powerful Ash had a really strong Snivy so I’m hoping that mine will be the same now it’s time to get back to the hunt and try and find ourselves another Pokémon from generation 5 come on we got a trap inch a Geodude

Scupi where’s a sandar at oh yes two sandals right next to each other that is huge perfect well we only need one of these guys so let’s go for this level 23 run right here oh finally luckily though sandal isn’t a very rare Pokémon so it

Was quite an easy one for me to find off the bat so we’re going to have to wait around here until an osat spawns then we can move on and catch a bunch more of Ash’s Pokémon I got a little bit bored of searching for my osat so I’ve decided

To just go out and explore again where I ended up finding this five star raid den of a Yan Mega now is a flying type and obviously my Pikachu is an electric type so we should have no trouble wiping this out and getting some hopefully good loot

St with Thunderball see how much that does that huge we just need to take down his Shields and then we should be able to take out this yam mega no issues at all and there we go we have defeated the Yan Mega boss and got ourselves some

Decent loot an extra large XP candy that’s pretty good a rare candy and some more large XP candies down here too along with the extra large that is pretty good now we won’t be catching the yam Mega though because obviously in the anime Ash does not catch himself a Yan

Mega as much as I wish he would yam mea is such a cool Pokémon oh there is an ultra space Wormhole right here next to this wug Trio which looks hilarious but I think we’ll go through there just have a little look around see what we can

Find yo this place is completely changed yo the ultra space is so cool another amazing feature though on the smash MC server is that they’ve added new Paradox forms to the game including Venusaur Charizard and Blastoise a past and future version of each of those Pokémon

And they are super respawn if you guys want to see me do some sort of video or challenge with the Paradox form Pokémon make sure to let me know and I will make that to happen o and there we go we’ve actually just found ourselves a rock and

Roller as well which coincidentally is actually one of the Pokémon that we need for Generation 5 so let’s catch that now I think I’m going to stick around in this biome for a little while just to see if I can get one of those Paradox forms to spawn purely to show you guys

How amazing they look if you like what you see then let me know in the comments down below and I will make a video catching all of the Paradox Pokémon there’s no way we’ve actually just managed to find the burning coat yo look at how amazing this thing looks

I can’t believe I actually managed to find one obviously I’m going to catch it but I won’t be using it because obviously Ash doesn’t get himself this amazing custom burning coat Paradox Charizard but holy does this thing look cool I really want to do a some sort of

Video maybe 100 days maybe a 24-hour challenge catching all of the Paradox Pokémon so make sure to let me know if you guys want to see that now that is some good luck I have literally just rtpd out of the ultra space desert and instantly a Swadloon has spawned on me

After the RTP let’s go as obviously in the anime Ash does have a levani so by getting the Swadloon I can evolve it up and get myself the Lani we now have an entire team of six of all of Ash’s generation 5 Pokémon team we’ve only got

A couple left to catch and then we’ll be taking on the next gym leader so I’ve come across a swamp biome and there is one Pokémon that I need to catch in the swamp biome which does unfortunately involve fishing so we’re going to be here for a little while just fishing

Away until we pick up the Pokémon that we need now the Pokémon I’m looking for has a quite an iconic scene in the anime where ash decides to only take in or only rely on this one Pokémon to take on the the electric gym and I’ll tell you

Now it doesn’t quite go as well as he wanted it to go as using one Pokémon for a gym is never a good idea and if you guys haven’t guessed the Pokémon by now it of course is palpa Toad and there we go we’ve captured the palpa toad now

Let’s move on to our next gen 5 man now I’ve decided to come back over to the rocky Little Beach area that I’ve found before as I still need to catch myself an oshaa so we’re going to wait around here for a little while and Hope that it

Spawns so I’m just going to come and chill with you Quire even though um never mind never mind we’re just going to look for the oshaa and then we’ll be back hey come on let’s go we found ourselves osat let’s go catching this osat means we are one step closer to

Taking on the gym with our generation 5 team I’m pretty sure there’s only two more Pokémon now that we’re waiting to catch and that is a Scraggy and a teig which will evolve into a pig Knight now our last two Pokémon that we are looking for obviously with the tepic and the

Scraggy they both spawn in two different biomes which include the Savannah Biome for tepic and the Mesa biome for Scraggy which are two biomes that aren’t too easy to come by so we’re going to have to continue to RTP until we eventually end up finding one of those biomes I got

Excited then I thought this was a Savannah Biome but no it’s just another desert biome and just like that we have found ourselves a savan biome now I’m pretty certain that Tepig does actually spawn during the night time in Savannah VES so we might be able to get Super

Lucky and find one straight away so I’m wasting no time in trying to find that tepic no I was so confident that that was a teig no we found a synin which is just as rare as teig but obviously we’ve already caught ourselves a syndic Quil

And use that back in generation two all right I guess we’re going to have to continue looking around for that Tepig wait I think I’ve Just Seen It come on please yes finally a teig that one took a little bit longer than I wanted it to

But the important part is we did find the teig Now what we’ve got to do is find ourselves a Mesa biome and catch ourselves Scraggy now that is what I call crazy we have traveled that far looking for a Mesa biome that we have quite literally hit the world border for the

Server oh dear this is going to take a long time I can already feel it and as always guys while I’m mindlessly looking for this Mesa biome make sure to hit the Subscribe button if you are enjoying the video and if you want to see more videos

Like this or even just 400 Days of fusions at some point soon make sure to let me know in the comments and like the video finally oh my finally we found a MAA biome oh my gosh that took so long to find I have never spent so long

Looking for a biome before you can probably tell in my voice how relieved I am right now to have finally found this biome ho so all we got to do now is find ourselves a Scraggy and then we have all of our generation 5 Pokémon for Ash’s team finally come on

Yo look at the size of this drapion he’s so small oh my gosh oh it’s so cute I wish I could catch drapion drapion is such a cool Pokemon and there we go yes finally we have found the Scraggy that we were looking for come here Scraggy join the

Team and now we’ve caught all of the Pokémon that we are going to need for Ash’s generation 5 team so let’s head over to the level grinder get all of our guys leveled to level 100 and then I will meet you guys back at the gym when

We have finally made our generation 5 team to take on the next gym leader now once again I do want to quickly check on which gym we are having next so obviously we had fair then we had Rock then we had ground then we took on the

Grass gym now it looks like we have to take on the Electric Gym which is with this weird block that’s like what what’s going on I’m assuming this is electric though by all of the electric pieces so I’m going to have to bring in my best ground

Type team I have now leveled my entire team up to level 100 and this is the team I’ve decided to go with obviously I’ve got myself my Pikachu as always I’ve got a pig Knight a palpa to a crocodile and also a boulder and levani so I’m hoping to do some good things

With this team te and defeat the electric gym so let’s head inside and see how we do here we go we are into the gym and it looks like we’re starting off with an electr fire so let’s see what we do earthquake straight away that is not

Good okay okay let’s see what we can do with a levani maybe we can grass whistle and put it to sleep what I don’t know how we’re going to defeat this gym guys okay we’re going to have to really think about this with the fact that they’ve

Got earthquake on their team and they’ve got a tapoco and a Zer Ora this is going to going to be a challenge guys so we’ll be back when we try and figure out a tactic and take the gym on once again now I’ve come back with a different plan

This time giving my Pokémon all loads of different items so I’m hoping that with these new held items I’ll be able to get the edge over the gym and defeat it once and for all okay an electros to start with and now we hit him with a leaf

Blade that’s huge let’s go okay yes we took it out though that’s huge okay and it does hit me with a U-turn but levani has done bits there that is huge let’s try and hit it with a head smash that’s good that’s good let’s hit it with an earthquake come on that’s big

Damage come on please yes we have taken out the Electric Gym let’s go that was huge all it took was us having to just change up our strategy a little bit but we have managed to defeat the electric gem which is huge now it’s time to retire our gem

5 team and head out to look for the generation six team and there we go to kick start off our generation six team we’ve already got a Fletchling right here so let’s see if we can get into a battle with it the flying Pokémon are

Always such a pain to try and attack cuz they just fly around and I can’t ever seem to hit them all right we’ve managed to get into a battle with a Fletchling so all we got to do now is just catch this guy and then continue on with catching more Gen 6

Pokémon and there we go we’ve gotten ourselves a Fletchling to start off Our Generation 6 team now Ash’s Gen 6 team is definitely arguably one of his most powerful teams with a of fully evolved Pokémon and of course he does get to the very final against Alan in the anime is

One of if not his strongest teams so I’m very excited to catch this team and take on the next gym with it now the next Pokemon that I’m looking for is a very strong fighting type Pokémon that Ash had on his team and that Pokemon goes by

The name of harucha and I want to try and find Hawlucha next as after I find Hawlucha I then want to go and look for a noiva now Noivern hatches from an egg on Ash’s team and hucha is like a father figure to this Noivern so I figured it

Would only be right that I go for the harucha first and then I go for the Noivern just like that we have found ourselves the harucha let’s go look at this guy he’s such an awesome design for a Pokémon there we go we’ve caught ourselves a harucha look at this guy

Let’s go perfect so we’ve come across the right biome that we need which is a wooded Hills bi I am so we just got to wait till night time now and then hopefully we’ll get ourselves a Noy back to spawn there it is yes come on oh no

It’s flying away okay we need to be quick to try and catch up to this thing come on right we’re going to chase this thing down and hopefully we’re going to enter a battle with it finally yes okay it finally dropped down to the floor and

We’ve managed to enter a battle with the nobat and there we go we have caught ourselves a noat let’s go now we’ve got both both Hawlucha and noat this is going to be a St of an amazing friendship for our last two Pokémon we have to revisit the swamp biome now we

Were here before when we caught ourselves a palpa to but we’re here again now because the last two Pokémon that we need to catch is Greninja and a Goodra we’re looking for a battle Bond Greninja now this means that in battle this Greninja will be able to turn into

Ash Greninja after it defeats a Pokemon and it’s going to be pretty difficult to get it to this point because ashr ninja is a super super rare spawn oh there’s no way I just got baited so hard yeah it was a Mudkip I’ve got a feeling this is

Going to be a long long day yo I didn’t even notice that I didn’t even clock it I was so prepared to get myself a Greninja I didn’t even realize there’s a gooy right here finally we’ve got ourselves something from this swamp biome and now we found this gy all that

We need to do is just wait around here until eventually we get the Greninja that we were looking for finally let’s go we’ve managed to get a Greninja to spawn yes we caught it okay let’s check it out please be battle bomb please no ah no there we go come on there’s

Another one please be the one we need no Toren again all right it’s going to take forever to catch all of these greninjas so I’m just going to get back when I finally have the battle Bond Greninja okay I’ve caught so many greninjas now you can see them all here

I’m just hoping that one of these is Battle Bond No No surely one of these has to be it yes no way we actually got it holy but we did finally get the battle bong Greninja oh it’s been so long finally yes let’s go and now that we’ve got all

Six Pokémon that we need from Ash’s team it’s time to take on the gyms once we level these guys up to level 100 okay let’s go right we’ve got our team to level 100 it’s now time to take on the dark gym I’m so excited to use this team

Though all six of them are just pure powerhouses especially with Ash Greninja on my side I’m sure I’ll be able to take this gym down no problem at all all right here we go they are starting off with a grim snil so we obviously have

Our Steel type in Iron Tail so we should be able to take this down with a crit that’s big let’s go next he’s pulled out a Greninja ooh now this is going to be powerful oh I don’t know if I’m going to be able to defeat this thing but let’s

Just go for a thunderbolt come on he avoided the hydr pump and I’ve hit the Thunderbolt and taken it out let’s go yes we did it let’s go we defeated the dark gym pretty easily with our team and we didn’t even have to use Pokémon like Talonflame hucha or even noiva and we

Only used three Pokémon that is amazing let’s go now to Kickstart Our Generation 7 team we are going to start off by catching ourselves a rowlet rowlet is super iconic in the anime as Ash’s I’m pretty certain that Ash’s rowler eats an Everstone which means it will never ever

Be able to evolve which is so hilarious but it still manages to hold its own in the final battles and there we go we’ve caught it just as easy as that we’ve now got our first gen 7 Pokémon and that is of course the iconic rowlet let’s go now

For our second Pokémon I was going to go for a ly himrock but we accidentally rtpd and ended up in a bamboo forest which is where a litten spawns now Ash caught two of the starter Pokémon in alola which were rowlet and of course Lon holy look at this a vikavolt

Spawning that is even rarer than a Lon viavolt is definitely one of my favorite gen Generation 7 Pokémon such a shame that Ash never caught one of these cuz I would have Lov to use a viol wait yo let’s go finally a l has spawned let’s

Go to be honest that didn’t take as long as I thought it would like a couple days for an Ultra Spawn I’m pretty happy with that now let’s catch this L and continue catching more Pokémon what a legend he’s definitely my favorite starter out of the free from alola out of the three

Pokémon that we’ve got left to catch from Ash’s gen 1am both of the other two are very very difficult to find other than one which is obviously the ly rock that he has so I’m in a wooded Hills now just waiting for a rockr to spawn and

Hopefully I’ll get one soon since it’s quite a common spawn so we shouldn’t be here too long the last two Pokémon I’ve got to catch are a naganadel and a Mel metal which both are extremely difficult to find so we might be here a while I’m

Not sure how easily I’m going to be able to find these last two Pokémon but there we go let’s go nice and easy we found ourselves a rock Ruff perfect we CAU The Rock Ruff as easy as that now these three were pretty easy to catch but the

Last two as I said before are going to be so difficult I think I’m going to head to ultra space and look for a nadale yo look at that no way I’m pretty sure that is another one of the Paradox form Pokémon let’s see if we can catch up to it just

To have a little look at it I’m not going to catch this one for now but I do want to check it out let’s go and see if we can get into a batt with it that is so cool the iron Wing I got to tell you

Guys I do really want to make a video on these guys so please make sure to let me know in the comments if you want to see me using Paradox Pokémon only cuz they are so cool just look at this guy I think I definitely prefer the burning

Coat to this one but it nonetheless is still such a cool Pokémon finally we’ve found ourselves an ultra jungle this thing looks insane it’s absolutely massive but luck Ally we only need to find one Pokémon here and that is the pole so we’ll wait around until one spawns now I don’t know

How long it’s going to take for this thing to spawn and I’m not sure if it spawns on the trees or on the land but we’ll keep an eye out just running around until one eventually spawns um I’m not sure what I did but this this jungle just seems to be eating itself

I’m so confused on what’s Happening no Mankey um this whole thing is just destroying itself I don’t really understand what’s happening right now so I’ll be honest with you guys I have had zero luck in finding this pole so I decided to kill two birds with one stone

I’ve basically gone onto the shop bought myself a bunch of ores off of another player and filled up an entire Shuler box full of iron ore I’ve then also placed out a bunch of furnaces too and I’m just going to smell up a bunch of ores while waiting for this pole to

Spawn because hopefully I’ll be able to get a meltan to spawn at the same time while looking for a pole to spawn then if I can manage manag to get both I’ll have all the Pokémon I need for my generation 1am and there we go we’ve now

Got all of the furnaces full of iron ore and hopefully we’ll have a meltan spawn or even better we’ll get a pole to spawn so we’ll be back when either one of the two ends up spawning wait oh no way oh finally it’s been so long there’s

No way that’s actually real yes finally we’ve gotten the meltan spawn no sign of Poole yet but we have got a melad that is huge and there we go finally we have caught ourselves the meltan that is so huge I’m so happy we managed to find this guy so let’s continue looking for

That pool I’m sure we’re going to find it now come on wait there’s no way oh my God oh my God that’s it finally yes oh look at them both together these two have taken so so long to find finally oh my gosh holy let’s go

Finally we got this little po yes oh I am so relieved that we have these two now I was so worried that we weren’t even going to catch either of these let’s go now before we head over to the gyms there is one thing that we have to

Differentiate to this team compared to all of the ones we’ve used before and that is the ability to use zoves now Ash’s Pikachu in the anime has a Pachi Z Crystal which basically allows Pikachu and Ash to use a move called 1 million Vol Thunderbolt now I’m pretty sure that

This item right here will allow me to use that with my Pikachu as well making it even stronger than it was before obviously with all the other gyms we’ve never had like Z crystals or mega stones up until now we’re able to use this small gimmick which is going to be

Amazing and hopefully will give us the edge over the next GM gym okay so I’m pretty sure by the looks of this I’m assuming that this is a steel gym now using electric moves isn’t really going to help me that much but at least it’ll

Give me an extra bit of power for when I am fighting it I’ve also obviously got my rowlet my incinerar my dusk form lrock which is one of my favorite Pokémon obviously I’ve got the Mel metal and of course I have nagell which okay

Hang on there we go now he’s not in the roof but he is such a cool Pokemon look at this Beast now actually only has it for a temporary amount of time but he does have it when he’s doing his final battle in the alola league so we’re

Going to be using it in this battle too now I think without further Ado let’s jump into the gym battle and see how we fare against the Steel type gym leader okay here we go let’s see how well we do against the steel gym all right so it

Starts with a cliff key which is completely fine cuz we can use bulk up here now we hit it with a flare Blitz now I think here let’s hit an electro web flamethrower again we get a crit on the Corb Knight and the burn that’s

Huge and we take it down and defeat the steel gy let’s go and we got three master balls as well that is huge but luckily we have taken down the steel gy with this amazing gen7 team now all that’s left is to take on the now all

That’s left is take on the eighth and final gym which I’m pretty sure is a fire type gym which is quite ironic as in the anime the champion Leon is Ash’s final battle and he does have an epic fire type Pokémon of course being the gmax Charizard I’m so excited to get

Through this we’re almost there guys let’s go now that we’re moving on to generation 8 it’s time that we unlock something new now in the anime and near the start Ash figures out that his Pikachu can gigant Max look at this chunky guy he looks hilarious oh look at his

Face well as you can tell I now have the ability to gmax my Pikachu making him 10 times stronger than before so he’ll be a lot more viable when it comes to the last gym for my first Pokémon I’ve decided that I’m going to head out and

Try and find myself a Gastly this is because of course in the anime Ash does catch himself a Gengar which is abandoned by its trainer after it joins Ash’s team it eventually learns to gigantamax and becomes super strong especially in the fight against Mani so

We got to head out and try and find ourselves a Gastly as fast as possible and there it is let’s go there is the boy that we need let’s get him in to the team now for my next Pokemon I am going to look for a Riolu and this is

Because oh there’s no way I was just about to do a little chat about it and all of a sudden there is already one that has spawned let’s go so as I was saying with rolu Ash actually gets his rolu from an egg but there are a couple

Other Pokémon that he also ends up getting from an egg in the anime throughout his journey so I’m not actually going to be getting it through an egg I’m just going to catch a normal one as otherwise if we had to do it exactly how Ash caught it in the anime

It would take so much longer but the next Pokémon that we want to catch it involves doing stuff in the water meaning we need to get ourselves a bunch of fossils so I figured for this that it would be a great idea to grab ourselves out an old friend that we’ve used before

In one of the old Generations that of course being our Lapras now we didn’t really use Lapras very often for the generation one team well I think it’s time that we get her out now because we do need to head down into the ocean oh um Lapras are you okay I guess our

Lapras is just really fat maybe I guess we’re just going to go swimming never mind that we will crab up our PC and we will head out to find all the fossils we can possibly get now we have gone back and we have four different for which I’m pretty sure

Two of these will end up being the correct ones we need I wasn’t 100% sure which ones we need so I brought back one of each of the new fossils so we’re just got to wait for these to uncover themselves and get cleaned and then we’ll see which ones we need okay

Perfect so we have the fish fossil yes that is exactly what we need and the Drake fossil both these two are the ones that we need so we don’t even need to worry about the bird or the dino because all we need to do is put the fish fossil

And the Drake fossil in together to create this bad boy right here now let’s just wait until it gets to 100% And then we’ll be back to see our new Pokémon and just like that we now have ourselves a draco fish look at this let’s go I

Absolutely love the Draco fish that Ash uses on his team in the anime it’s such a strong Pokémon but it’s also hilarious there is now only two more Pokemon that we need to find to complete our gen 8 team now one of these Pokémon is of course Sur fetched I’m not really

Too sure when surfetch spawns so let’s just quickly check that out so we type SL Wiki surf fetched and go onto spawning you can see right here it spawns in a pl’s biome in the night time it is also an ultra resawn so this might take us a little while to find okay

There is no way this has just happened a necrozma has just spawned in the Darko forest and it was actually on me as well there’s no way I could not believe this what I cannot believe it unfortunately for me I can’t really catch this thing

Oh no okay you know what I’m going to catch this thing and I’m just going to hold on to it because Ash of course does not catch himself in a crosa but at the end of the day you can’t really pass up on catching yourself in a kosma I had to

Catch this guy and look how amazing he looks it’s such a shame that Ash doesn’t use one because it would be so cool to use finally yes on the break of dawn we have a surf Edge spawn finally oh oh this took so long to find but we’ve

Actually managed to get one now we now only need one more Pokémon until we have Ash’s entire team for the most recent Pokémon anime in generation 8 now a lot of you probably know the last Pokémon that I need to look for and also let me

Know if you did guess right once I finally find the Pokémon and I’ll get back to you guys when I finally find the Pokémon that we’ve been looking for okay so we have found the biome that we need for this Pokémon now it’s just a case of swimming around until eventually we find

The Pokémon that we need unfortunately though the downside to finding this Pokémon is it’s an ultra rare spawn meaning it’s not going to spawn very frequently so we’re going to have to keep our eye out and hope that we get lucky enough for one to spawn on us soon

And then we still need to take on the champion Leon to make sure that we are the ultimate trainer just like ashes in the anime and there we go finally we have found the Pokémon and of course that is going to be a Dragonite now if you you guys did guess correctly make

Sure to let me know in the comments but for now we just got to catch this guy get him leveled up and then take on the next gym now the final thing that we need to do for this team is of course to get our Lucario to Mega revolve now in

Order to do this I can’t just go and buy some ordinary mega stone I need to defeat a mega Lucario boss and this is quite a rare spawn for me to find so I’m going to have to spend a little bit of time in the Extreme Hills biome waiting

For this to spawn and then take it on and defeat it and then be able to take on the AP and final gym leader yo Oh I thought that that just despawned on me oh my God oh my gosh oh my gosh I thought that it just despawned on me I

Was going to be so sad finally we found the mega boss Lucario come on now all there’s left to do is take this guy on and hopefully be able to defeat him in battle yes come on we have defeated the mega boss Lucario getting us a fusion

Shard 7,500 coins a normali MZ an XP candy extra large and most importantly a Lucario Knight which we can now use to Mega revolve our Lucario so let’s give it to him real quick there you go buddy now it’s time to head into the eighth

And final gym a fire type gym leader I’m sure I’ll be able to get it done I’ve got a pretty strong team and I’m very confident in every single one of them let’s take it on and hopefully defeat it here we go we’re back into the battle

And we are against the Heatran here come on okay we just need to try and hit one more move we’ll Mega Evolve and we’ll go for a Stone Edge come on we have defeated the fire gym and now that we’ve beaten the fire gym with our original pal Pikachu with

Gengar with our Mega Lucario Draco fish surface fetched and of course Dragonite now that we’ve used this entire team to take down the final gym it is now time for the last challenge the final hurdle in our step to becoming Ash we need to defeat the champion Leon let’s head over and find

Champion Leon to take him on and become the ultimate Champion okay guys I think I have found Champion Leon I’m approaching his Arena and then there he is oh my gosh here we go we’re about to have a fight with champion Leon look at him okay here we go let’s head into the

Battle and see what we can do oh okay we’re into the battle with champion Leon everything has come down to this moment come on okay we’re starting with our Dragonite our suret is just sat there on the sidelines just cheering us along let’s go for an aqu nice that’s some good damage

Let’s hit it with a dragon tail it does go for the Sucker Punch but that’s fine we’ve taken it out that’s huge okay Mr Ryme now comes out okay um let’s hit a rain dance set up but it does go for the free strike that is not good okay hit it

With an Ana tail in the rain that should do some big damage come on oh no that’s not good please Dragonite wake up no way I reckon we go to here we Mega Evolve Lucario and we go for an extreme speed yes okay we’ve taken down the Mr Ryme

With mega Lucario this is huge come on yes okay we did some damage and it went for a boom burst but that doesn’t affect me yes tck a punch again no it Noble Roar okay that’s good damage and we take down the dragapult let’s go okay now this is going to be a

Difficult one the gmax Charizard no okay it takes us down there surfed okay I think it’s poetic that we have to go into Pikachu here and we have to go for 1 million Vault Bundt everything has led to this one moment right here all the gyms all the Pokémon that we caught

Pikachu it’s all down to you buddy come On much bigger than a thunderbolt 1 million Vol Thunderbolt yes we took down the gmax Charizard and defeated the champion Leon and with that defeating Leon means we have now completed our 100 days as Ash Ketchum and have become the Pokémon master let’s go in this video I’m going to be

Spending 100 days in fighting type only Pixelmon so of course I loaded in and only had two choices for my starters that of course would be toric and Chimchar my rival hog decided that he wanted to take the Chimchar so so of course I decided to take the torchi

Blazer kin is one of my favorite fighting type starters so I’m super excited to use this guy in this 100 days me and Hawk then decided to have a little battle where I ended up defeating hwk pretty easily with over half of my HP still on my Torchic I then opened up

A bunch of random Pokémon papers where I ended up getting myself a mean sha which of course is a fighting type Pokémon meaning I’d be able to use it I then checked out the IVs of both my Pokémon with my me and shell having only 37% %

IVs and my Torchic having 94% IVs which was crazy I then headed over to the fusion area where I found a fighting type Fusion between Blazer kin and tapu Coco called Blazer Coco and you guys already know I have to get this Fusion Pokémon to fuse with my starter I then

Headed over to the level grinder where I ended up evolving my Torchic up into a Combusken and my kusin into a shiny Blazer kin and although the shiny doesn’t doesn’t look that good it was still a Blazer kin nonetheless so I was super happy with this guy I then decided

To head out into the wild to try and find my third fighting type Pokémon so I rtpd out into a forest biome now there was a massive Lake around me which was perfect for the Pokémon I wanted to catch but eventually I finally found the Pokémon I wanted and that of course was

A Poliwag now that I had the Poliwag I decided it would be a great idea to head back over to the boss Tower to grind a little bit of money and level up my Pokémon at the same time where I ended up fighting things like this boss drapion which was super difficult and

Pokémon like this super powerful Chestnut it was such a high level compared to the rest of my Pokémon so it was difficult for me to take down half these bosses but eventually after taking down a couple bosses I finally evolved my Poliwag into a powr then from powr up

Into a poly wraft obviously I could have evolved into a poly toad but that wouldn’t be a fighting type so poly was my only option here and the way he Puffs out his chest CH is such a cool animation I love this guy now I decided

To head back out and RTP into a dark oak forest now the reason for this was because I wanted to catch myself a Shroomish now to find this Shroomish I needed it to be nighttime and it was a pretty uncommon spawn so I had to wait around a little while until eventually

It finally spawned on me I then continued looking around in this Extreme Hills biome where I ended up finding myself a meta Tite which of course evolves into a meta Cham and that is exactly what I found now a mega boss meta Cham of legendary level

And I kid you not this thing was so difficult to defeat at level 97 when my highest Pokémon’s are 57 there was no way I was defeating this thing so I got completely destroyed and my entire team was defeated in one hit by this insane meta Chan boss and then waited till

Daytime where I ended up having a Machoke spawn of course Machamp the iconic generation one fighting type Pokémon this guy is is awesome and I had to catch him after heading into Ultras space there were a bunch of raid dens for me to defeat so I defeated a bunch

Of them and got a bunch of really good loot most importantly though the XP candies which I’d be able to use to evolve my Pokémon now I continued exploring around and I could not believe it I had a famosa spawn on me which of course is an ultra Beast Pokémon so of

Course I ended up catching the pheromosa as it is a bug fighting type Pokémon meaning I’d be able to add it to my team I then got a bit bored of Ultra space so I headed home and used a level grinder with my new highle ferosa to get a bunch

Of XP for my team and with all the leveling my Shish evolved into a Brum I then headed to this giant Hill where haulk wanted to build a base and it was a toxic cro that spawned so I stole it from behind him thinking I was hilarious

But it turns out that he also has a toxic cro so I didn’t really do anything I then had a great Lucky Block so I said to Hawk why don’t we use this great Lucky Block to see who wins in a Rival Battle so the winner would get the lucky

Block to open for themselves me and Hulk then enter the battle but unfortunately after a pretty hard battle Hawk ended up defeating me and getting the lucky block for himself so we decided to build a little house on top of this mountain I accidentally fell off the mountain and I

Could not believe my eyes when I was about to swim back up I heard a Poliwag and what do you know it had Sparkles it was a shiny Poliwag meaning I’d be able to get my a shiny poly which was awesome eventually though I had finally completed our fighting Dojo house I was

Super happy with how it looked with a little Lake outside a bunch of greenery a bunch of trees some bamboo and then after you enter the house we had some punching bags a little sofa and Hawk had made these hilarious little triple monitor gaming setups if you want to

Check out the full tour make sure to go check out his video as he shows the entire thing off and has a funny voice over for it too after all the messing about I then decided to take my famosa and level up my entire team in the level

Area I eventually had my Poliwag evolve into a polywell and then I continued leveling as much as possible to get my team to the highest level which of course is level 100 now that I had a full team of level 100s I created a nether portal and headed into The Nether

As there was a certain legendary Pokémon that I wanted to catch so I started digging out a massive area in the nether until I had a mega Hound Doom boss spawn on me once again this was going to be a difficult challenge but luckily I had a

Level 100 team and I managed to defeat the boss Hound Doom getting me some awesome rewards including a mega stone and a keystone so I’d be able to Mega revolve more Pokémon but more importantly a master ball which was huge especially for the Pokémon that I wanted

To catch next I then witnessed Hawk murdering a Shiny Gastly which was Madness a Gengar is a shiny especially if it Meed would have been so cool although it wasn’t a fighting type so I can sort of understand why he murdered it but then we finally had it after days

Of waiting on a platform the mar Shadow spawn I used the master ball that I’d gotten from my mega boss Hound doom and caught myself a mar Shadow my team was starting to look very good I was then just running around my base just doing random stuff me and Hulk were a little

Bit bored and then I came across two jangamo and when they evolve they become a very very strong dragon fighting type in o so I obviously had to catch myself both of these to see which one was better I then afked for a little bit longer where I ended up having a Riolu

Spawn on me and if you guys are a big fan of the channel you’ll know that my favorite Pokémon of course is Lucario I then took both my new Pokémon and headed over to the level grinder where I ended up evolving my jangamo all the way up to

A hakamo and then a hakamo into a Koo and I might be completely butchering those names and I apologize if I am I then headed over to the fusion chamber and checked out all of the different possible fighting type fusions that I could make but there was also an U

Rayquaza which is called rifu which looked so cool but I didn’t think I’d be able to get myself both an aifu and a Rayquaza and of course like I said before I was thinking about creating the Blazer Coco Fusion me and Hawk then built one fighting type team each headed

Over to the move re learner and made our teams as strong as possible giving them the best possible moves the reason for this is because we wanted to enter the war zone war zone is basically an area where a load of high level Pokémon spawn and there’s a super high chance that a

Legendary Pokémon will spawn too but the only catch here is if you end up getting into a battle with another player if you lose that battle they are able to steal one of your Pokémon which is devastating so you got to be very careful when

Heading in here whilst in the war zone a hwk engaged in a battle with another player he instantly told me that I had to hurry over to him and I was so confused on why but then I realized it was because a necros had spawned on him which of course isn’t actually a

Fighting type Pokémon but I knew I had to head over there and catch it for myself just to stop any other players from Catching it after me and hog both got out of the war zone we then decided to have a Rival Battle now with this Rival Battle we had another lucky block

On the line this time it was an ultrab Lucky Block so it would spawn a legendary Pokémon so I knew I had to try and win this one because if I was able to get fighting Type legendary my team would be unstoppable against Hawk luckily though I managed to Prevail and

Beat him in the battle meaning I won an ultra B lucky block now it’s time to open this bad boy and see what we get and I could not believe it it upgraded to a master ball lucky block I could not believe my luck but it was time to open

It and we got ourselves a shiny hoo unfortunately though the shiny hoo is not a Pokémon that we can use because of course it’s not a fighting type but it’s still pretty cool anyway now after catching the shiny hoo I wanted to show it off to Hawk but he was not having any

Of it he was so mad that I beat him me and Hulk then had a little discussion and we decided to do a little challenge for a fusion key because we both wanted to make a Fusion on the server with one of our fighting type Pokémon so we

Decided to make it into a little game basically the rules of the game are we have a certain amount of time to catch as many fighting type Pokémon as we possibly can and whoever catches the most Pokémon wins The Challenge and wins themselves a fusion key so of course it

Was time to head out and find as many fighting type Pokémon as possible luckily we lived around in Extreme Hills bi him meaning it was home to so many fighting type Pokémon for example like this hitmon Chan we have hitmon Lee Machop makuhita Memu there’s so many different fighting type Pokémon we

Didn’t count duplications though so for example if you’d already caught yourself a Machop you couldn’t then go and catch yourself a Machoke and count it as two different Pokémon that would still only count as one so I caught up all the Pokemon I could possibly find and by the

Time we made it back we both placed down a sign and then did a countdown and showed how many Pokémon that we had caught Hulk had caught four and I had caught six so I was the winner and got myself a fusion key meaning I’d be able

To create the fusion that I wanted in Blazer Coco but of course I didn’t actually have the Blazer Coco yet because I needed to get a tapu Coco so I rtpd into loads of different biomes and ended up defeating raid Den on my way to find a jungle biome which is where tapu

Coco spawns I defeated this Grotle raid de which gave me some pretty good XP candies to level up my team and this electrode raid Den which gave me a wishing piece and more rare candies meaning if I found another raid Den I’d be able to do more raid Den battles

Eventually though I finally came across a jungle biome I searched for days looking for this tapu Coco but I luckily did find something else in place of that and that was a mega boss septile obviously this Pokémon as a mega is a grass dragon type which isn’t the

Fighting type that we would need but it’s still cool to take on and defeat eventually after a long time of exploring the tapu goo finally finally spawned on me and I ended up catching it now there was only one more thing to do and that was to take my blazer kin and

My tapu Coco over to the fusion machine ADD in the fusion key and create Blazer Coco now he was such a cool pixelon fusion and I was so happy to have him on my team there was no chance that Hawk was going to defeat me now and then

Headed back to my base waiting for Hawk to come back on and then a mega boss Lucario spawned now this is amazing because I already have my Lucario and I have a mega ring because I defeated the mega bosses previously meaning all I had to do now was defeat this Mega boss get

Myself a Lucario Knight and then I’d be able to mega evolve my Lucario giving my team an even more power boost to take on hawk in our next Rival Battle so I mega evolved my Lucario and he looked amazing I’m so happy that I finally got my

Favorite Pokémon as a mega I then headed over to the eveve trainer as I wanted to EV train all of my Pokémon to make them as strong as possible after I perfectly trained them all in their EVS I headed back to the level grinder to continue

Leveling my entire team up to level 100 and you might be wondering I’ve already done this so why am I leveling them again well I’m leveling a different team to level 100 as I want to go back into the war zone soon but I don’t want to risk using my super amazing fighting

Type team just yet there’s also a feature on the server called the battle pass now with this the longer you play and the more that you do you’ll unlock more stages on the battle pass now I didn’t know about this until now so I headed on there and claimed all of the

Stuff I possibly could getting me a common lucky block and an uncommon lucky block and when I went out to use them a shiny and mmu spawned which was mad because that is a fighting time which means I’m going to be able to catch it

And have a shiny Pokémon on my team I then decided to open up my lucky blocks where I ended up getting his fighting type B Simian which I probably wouldn’t use but it’s still another fighting type Pokemon to add to the team and also opening the Greatful Lucky Block I got a

Shiny cofagrigus which unfortunately isn’t a fighting type it is a ghost type but it’s still pretty cool to have by the time I done all of this Hawk was now back online and ready for our Rival Battle so we headed into the battle and of course with these rival battles there

Is a lucky block on the line now of course last time it was an ultra B Lucky Block so this time we have put on the line a master B Lucky Block I thought I had this in the bag you know with my mega Lucario my famosa my mar Shadow I

Didn’t bring my Fusion Pokémon to this battle because I didn’t think it was quite Fair yet and I wanted Hulk to have a fusion as well so that when we had our last battle it would be a little bit more fair Hawk ended up beating me I

Underestimated his team by so much I didn’t think that he’d have such a powerful team but he did so Hulk opened up the master B lucky block and got himself a shiny Latias which is awesome to see but luckily for me he can’t use it because it’s not a fighting type so I

Don’t have to worry about that in our next Rival Battle after Hulk caught his shiny legendary I sat him down on the sofa and I showed off my shiny mfu we decided that what we would do do is have another challenge race the first person that was able to find a shiny Pokémon

And bring it back to the house would win any Pokémon they want so we rushed over to the war zone to try and find a shiny Pokémon as the odds are increased in there unfortunately though the only thing I ended up finding was a legendary spectraa I continued exploring as much

As possible trying to find this shiny Pokémon where I ended up defeating a Mega Kangaskhan boss and a mega steelix boss gave me some pretty good loot and some mega stones and then also came across this amazing five-star raid them for this Zoro AR I did not think I was

Going to defeat it but luckily with the help of my mega Lucario I was able to Prevail and defeat the raid but after I completed it there was no time to wait as I noticed a shiny Pokémon in the corner of my screen and that of course

Was a shiny score bunny so I quickly caught it as fast as I could and then headed back to base and after opening the door I didn’t see Hawk anywhere so I thought that I had won but when I turned around he jumped off the ceiling as he

Was hiding up there from me because he had already caught a shiny shelder meaning that he had won the challenge I was devastated I could not believe it I for sure thought that I had won this but he’d won and he’d now gotten his legendary of his pick now of course he

Was going to pick himself a fighting Type legendary and the Pokemon he decided to pick was a garan Zapdos which is an absolute Powerhouse I was so jealous of this Pokémon but I was also happy for him because he would need it against my Fusion Pokémon and my ultra

Beast so we’ll see what happens in our next fight now to prepare for this next fight I need to get a bunch of held items on my Pokémon so I headed over to the boss Tower and defeated as many boss Pokémon as I possibly could because the

More I defeat them the more money I get and the more boss drops I get so if I don’t get the held item my need straight away I can just buy it afterwards eventually I’d gotten all of the held items I needed including toxic orbs life orbs and even leftovers now we entered

In and I was sure that I was going to win I brought my fusion with me this time so I was very confident on this win and of course like the other rival battles we had a lucky block on the line now I won’t spoil what lucky block this

Is but if you can guess which Lucky Block we’re about to open make sure to put it in the comments and don’t cheat and don’t be cheating because you’ll see it very soon after we finally finish the battle I ended up defeating Hawk with only my Brum left the legendary Brum I

Was so happy that he survived this meaning I would get to open this lucky block now if you guys did guess the correct lucky block it of course was the god Lucky Block which spawns fre legendary Pokémon that can be either fusions legendaries or even custom textured legendaries so I was ready to

Open up the godl lucky block here we go come on and I managed to get some awesome Pokémon including a landus a Galaxy Tapo Lele and a shadow arus as you can see in the chat everyone just exploded they were all like please let me TP we need to see this God Lucky

Blocks don’t get opened often and this was awesome to see I then felt really bad for Hawk after catching my Pokémon so I decided to let him catch the landeras but his balls just went straight through the landeras because with the lucky blogs only the person that opens them can actually catch them

Which is an awesome feature meaning that no one will ever steal your Pokémon but I did find it quite funny because he really wanted to steal that landeras from me I then decided to head over to the gyms where I ended up taking the out pretty quickly as I have an awesome team

Now that are full of super strong Pokémon so I defeated the Electric Gym with no issues then I took on the Dragon Gym and also managed to take that one down pretty quickly after defeating the dragon type gym leader I was pretty happy with my team and with how I was

Performing so I decided to continue and take on the dark gym which I ended up defeating as well the only problem was when I came up against the ground gym I had a lot of issues with that gym and got defeated so I took a little break

And when I came back to the base H showed me that he managed to catch an U which I was super jealous of he now had two fighting Type legendary Pokémon so I said to Hawk how about we search and try and find me a cub Fu and make it inera

Fu as well and he was happy to do so so we headed out on a journey and ended up finding a bamboo forest now if you guys know much about Pixelmon spawns you’ll know that you need to clear out a massive flat area for them to have the

Best chances of spawning so we destroyed all of the bamboo that we possibly could until eventually I finally had the Cub Fu spawn on me getting me my legendary fighting type Pokémon now when we got back to base we realized obviously that I would have to evolve mine to an U but

Since Hulk had the water type one I decided to go for the dark type U so that I’d be able to rival him somewhat we came up with a plan to fly around on both of our legendaries to try and find an aifu Tower and after a long time of

Traveling we came across the correct U Tower we came across the dark type U Tower which of course is the one that we were looking for so I headed up to the flag at the top of the building and threw up my Cub Fu who evolved into an U

I decided to grab out both my score Bunny and my U and head over to the level grinder to level them up to level 100 now I decided because I already had a cinder rase and now I’ve got an aifu I wanted to use both of them so I headed

Over to the fusion machine and decided I wanted to fuse them both together coincidentally though Hawk was already there so I had to watch him create the exact same Fusion that I was about to make but we both sat there while we created both of our Fusion Pokémon which

Of course is Cinder Shifu such a cool Pokémon luckily for me though I now had two Fusion fighting type Pokémon on my team so I figured for sure I was going to win our next rival fight but I need to learn not to underestimate Hawk I did

Get defeated by taking his team for granted we headed back to the home and jumped on top of two of the tallest trees we could find and headed into our Rival Battle like I said before I was so confident that I was going to win this with my

Mega my two Fusion Pokémons my ultra Beast my legendary marshadow I thought that I had this fight in the bag but unfortunately I ended up losing to a glitch which I was devastated about but it is what it is sometimes you win sometimes you lose GG’s Hawk

This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 DAYS in MINECRAFT PIXELMON! [Full Movie]’, was uploaded by Wilson on 2023-10-11 15:45:34. It has garnered 20079 views and 442 likes. The duration of the video is 02:47:07 or 10027 seconds.

🟢I Spent 100 DAYS in MINECRAFT PIXELMON! [Full Movie]🟢

Intro – 0:00:00 – 00:00:20 Dragon Type Only – 00:00:20 – 00:23:20 Baby Legendaries – 00:23:20 – 01:17:42 Ash Ketchum – 01:17:42 – 02:26:30 Fighting Type Only – 2:26:30 – 02:47:06

Today I compiled some of my favourite 100 days videos in minecraft pixelmon and created a movie! I hope you guys enjoy and make sure to subscribe!

🔵Server IP🔵 play.smashmc.co

🔴 Subscribe To the Channel!🔴 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0JfhV6l5qZJKRUovFAMw8A

🔵Discord🔵 https://discord.gg/G4QVRwMXxF

🔴How To Download Pixelmon🔴 https://youtu.be/4BAq9RlZrEw

🔵The mods I have are:🔵

Journey Map, Optifine, Pixelmon, PixelmonExtras.

🟢Edited By Zenzy🟢 https://zenzyyy.carrd.co/

✔️My Friends (Make Sure to go check them out!):✔️

🔴Realhawk:⚫️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwQPAXMAC-ULAJzxIuflWgA

🔴Gin PKM:⚪️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClo7xJvhDkMn_BV1uUQE9Tg

⚫️Madness:⚪️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_EoeLyf_TORSL8_uVdm0Sg

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • Zeddy’s Wild Minecraft Cart Showcase

    Zeddy's Wild Minecraft Cart Showcase Minecraft Mod Showcase: NiftyCarts & AstikorCarts Redux Exploring the vast world of Minecraft just got more exciting with the introduction of the NiftyCarts and AstikorCarts Redux mods. These mods bring a whole new level of functionality and creativity to the game, allowing players to enhance their gameplay experience in unique ways. Features of NiftyCarts Mod: The NiftyCarts mod introduces a variety of new carts that players can use to transport items, animals, and more. From the versatile Handcart to the sturdy Supply Cart, each cart serves a specific purpose and adds a new dimension to transportation in Minecraft. Key… Read More

  • PS5 Minecraft, Sims 4 Event & Genshin Jubiläum News!

    PS5 Minecraft, Sims 4 Event & Genshin Jubiläum News! Welcome to GameFlash DE Gaming News Update! Sims 4: Reaper’s Rewards & September Update Sims 4 players are in for a spooky treat with the upcoming Reaper’s Rewards event. This event introduces over 650 new color variants and exciting items for players to enjoy. Get ready for a thrilling experience in the world of Sims 4! Minecraft: Native PS5 Version Exciting news for Minecraft fans! The native PS5 version of the game is set to release on October 22, 2024. Players can look forward to experiencing the game in stunning 4K resolution and 60 FPS. Get ready to explore… Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft Bundles

    Unveiling Minecraft Bundles Minecraft Introduces Bundles and Hardcore Mode in Realms Minecraft players have something new to look forward to as the game introduces bundles and hardcore mode in realms. This exciting update brings 16 colored variants of bundles, adding a fresh element to the gameplay experience. What are Bundles? Bundles are a convenient way for players to organize and store their items in Minecraft. With the addition of 16 colored variants, players can now customize their bundles to suit their preferences and style. This feature not only adds a practical aspect to the game but also allows for creative expression. Hardcore… Read More

  • PondFairyVods: Pog Games Galore

    PondFairyVods: Pog Games Galore Welcome to Pog Games 2: A Minecraft Puzzle Adventure! Embark on a Puzzle-Filled Journey Join Pond and Majikz in Pog Games 2, a Minecraft Puzzle map that will challenge your wits and creativity. Dive into a world where puzzles abound, and every corner holds a new mystery to solve. Get ready to test your problem-solving skills like never before! Meet Pond and Majikz Get to know Pond and Majikz, the dynamic duo leading the way in Pog Games 2. Follow their adventures as they navigate through intricate puzzles and unravel the secrets hidden within the map. With Pond’s fairy-like… Read More

  • Healthy Craft: Minecraft 1.21 Health vs. Damage Dance

    Healthy Craft: Minecraft 1.21 Health vs. Damage Dance In Minecraft 1.21, health and damage are key, Which mob reigns supreme, let’s take a look and see. The Ender Dragon, with the most health by far, A whopping 200 hit points, a true superstar. But when it comes to damage, the Wither takes the lead, With a devastating 12 hearts, it’s a force to heed. With cheats, you can boost your health to 1024, But without them, 20 hearts is all you’ll score. In battle, your damage can reach up to 19, But surviving a hit, only 10 hearts can glean. So be wise in your fights, and… Read More

  • Building Pizza in Minecraft

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  • Rhyme Time: Insane Quotes to Drop – Don’t Stop!

    Rhyme Time: Insane Quotes to Drop - Don't Stop! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, We’re dropping some quotes, like a powerful dream. Subscribe and like, if you’re feeling the vibe, Let’s spread motivation, far and wide. Drop a quote in the comments, let your words take flight, Inspire someone’s day, with all your might. Keep the positivity flowing, in this virtual land, Together we’ll rise, hand in hand. Read More

  • Fortress Frenzy: Zombie Siege in Minecraft!

    Fortress Frenzy: Zombie Siege in Minecraft! In the world of Minecraft, a battle unfolds, Safe castle under siege, by zombies so bold. Ragnar and his men, facing a fright, Against the undead, in the dead of night. The Zombie Gang, an unexpected ally, Helping in the fight, with a battle cry. Attacking the castle, with a horde in tow, Will they succeed, or will they be laid low? Subscribe now, to catch the action live, In the world of Minecraft, where stories thrive. Don’t miss a beat, in this epic tale, Where heroes rise, and villains pale. So join the channel, show your support, For… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend!

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend! I Fooled My Friend with PRIME in Minecraft! Join the Beem Team as they embark on a hilarious Minecraft adventure! In this episode, Matthew Beem (aka MBeem10 aka Matthew Beem Gaming) pranks his friend using custom Prime mods. The result? An intense and laughter-filled gaming experience that you won’t want to miss! Pranking with Prime Mods The Beem Team takes Minecraft to a whole new level by incorporating custom Prime mods into their gameplay. These mods add a unique twist to the game, allowing for unexpected surprises and plenty of entertainment. Watch as Matthew Beem uses these mods to… Read More

  • Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise!

    Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise! In the world of Minecraft, a giant mushroom grew, Secretly raised by a player, a sight so new. With zombies and plants, a battle ensued, In the realm of gaming, where fun is pursued. Subscribe to Z_Phragmites for more gaming delight, Updates on Plants vs Zombies, a thrilling sight. With each video, a new adventure takes flight, In the world of gaming, where dreams ignite. Read More

  • Villager’s Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme

    Villager's Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme Surprising Villager Logic: "I’ll trade you 20 emeralds for a piece of rotten flesh!" Oi Oi Oi Sleep Reaction: villager falls asleep standing up Minecraft logic at its finest! #shorts #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round

    Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round Minecraft Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters BONUS REMATCH Join Dream in his latest Minecraft adventure, the BONUS REMATCH of Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters! This thrilling and unscripted video brings together Dream and three hunters in an intense chase through the Minecraft world. The Minecraft Manhunt Series Dream has dubbed this series “Minecraft Manhunt,” where he faces off against multiple hunters instead of the usual one or two. In this video, the hunters include Daybroken, Harvey, and Galaxy, each bringing their unique strategies to stop Dream from completing the game. A New Challenge This time, the challenge involves Minecraft version 1.20,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations

    Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations Minecraft Mob Transformations: Unveiling the Secrets of Minecraft Creatures 🌟 Welcome to Villager’s Craft! In this video, we delve into the captivating realm of Minecraft mob transformations. Have you ever pondered under what circumstances a Zombie Villager can revert to a regular Villager or how other mobs evolve in the game? 🤔 From morph mods to in-game transformations, we’re exploring all the ways Minecraft creatures can undergo changes. Exploring Minecraft 1.21 and Beyond 🚀 In this video, we’re immersing ourselves in the world of Minecraft 1.21! We’re delving into everything from constructing the ultimate Iron Golem Farm 🛠️ to… Read More

  • Maizen’s 3D House INSIDE Mikey’s HAND?! (Minecraft)

    Maizen's 3D House INSIDE Mikey's HAND?! (Minecraft)Video Information This video, titled ‘How JJ Built a House inside Mikey’s HAND in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Maizen 3D on 2024-06-13 18:10:50. It has garnered 2698 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:25 or 2305 seconds. How JJ Built a House inside Mikey’s HAND in Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!

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  • EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!

    EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!Video Information This video, titled ‘Arceus FF gaming is live!minecraft survival island’, was uploaded by Arceus FF gaming on 2024-06-23 18:38:42. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:37 or 2557 seconds. Iam not a youtuber but we will try #videos #games @arceus ff gaming Read More

  • Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft Roleplay

    Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ketakutan Yang Ada – Bakwan: Fight Back Episode 25 [ Minecraft Roleplay ]’, was uploaded by Rolfeey on 2024-08-28 02:25:38. It has garnered 12145 views and 815 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:49 or 4009 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/rolfeey ➽ Description !! Command Night bot !spec !donate !discord ➽Read Sekuyyy ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ And Dont Forget To Like, Comment, And Subscribe For More Video !! See Ya ➽Help Me Reach 100,000 subs!! : / rolfeey​ ➽Discord : / discord ➽Contact Me : Instagram: / rolfeey2 Twitter : / yourstar_2 Discord : Rolfeey 📧Business Email… Read More

  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

    Unlocking Herobrine's Secret Powers! 😈 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine |’, was uploaded by Oprajgaming on 2024-04-24 16:56:01. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ○Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine | Tags #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #edit #minecraftshort #youtubeshort #editing #shortsvideo #minecraftshortvideo #minecraftshortsvideo #herobrine #herobrinesmp #attitudestatus #attitude #acharulipopuri #mcpe #mcpeshorts #minecraftshort #minecraftedit #minecraftedits minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

    Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by VinceyVideo Information This video, titled ‘r/TraumatizeThemBack is Wild’, was uploaded by Vincey on 2024-08-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 13654 views and 1403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Thanks for watching today’s Reddit video legends! Subscribe if you want to! My Minecraft: Shaders: BSL Shaders Texture Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft Members Access: Become a member today for exclusive videos and Discord access! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ62eviBm92rz20hE1IIIXQ/join My Links! ⬇️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vinceyreads/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/vinceyreads TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@vinceyreads 00:00 Intro 00:33 Story 1 02:56 Story 2 06:20 Story 3 07:49 Story 4 09:53 Story 5 11:22 Story 6 12:55 Story 7… Read More

  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

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  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

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  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.craftlime.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- https://discord.gg/crKw3X5TJw Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More

  • Minecraft Build Hacks – EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!

    Minecraft Build Hacks - EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Build Hacks Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.20 [ Part 1 ] #minecraft #shorts #shortsvideo #mcpe #build’, was uploaded by Creyou Playz on 2024-03-23 11:30:11. It has garnered 10142 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. #minecraft #short #trending #minecraftjava #mcpehindi #minecraftshorts #youtubeshortsr #youtubeshortsr #shorts #shortvideo #shortvideo #subscribe #shortsvideo #shortsvideo #status #shortsfeed #song #share #sad #music #meme #motivational #naruto #mobilelegends #m#youtubeshortsr #makeup #asmr #anime #art #attitude #army #animals #amazing #alightmotion #alightmotion #ajjubhai #minecraft top shaders 1.19 #minecraft #roblox #cake recipe #chainsaw man #chod video #cubecraft #evident #eystreem #famous water park #football… Read More