Wynncraft After 10 Years – INSANE Swimmeron 2 Reveal!

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Ladies and gentlemen welcome to wincraft today I’m going to be playing some wincraft and uh I haven’t played in a very long time okay I take that back I played today and I played yesterday very little on my old accounts right and since then or before then I hadn’t

Played in probably I don’t know about 5 years and the last time I played 5 years ago I did about about the same thing where I logged on and I this is getting really annoying down here this uh continuous beeping but basically 5 years

Ago I logged on and I just kind of ran around I tried logging on with some friends they got on I actually got stuck here in the tutorial and then I logged onto my other account that was already pass the tutorial and I played wincraft for like 5 minutes with them literally just

Shooting some mobs and um getting off it was very basic but before then the last time I have played has probably probably been 8 to 10 years which is absolutely insane because I used to love this server anyways let’s just get started on this tutorial because this is really annoying the

Beeping is that’s actually Overkill ah does this mean we have to walk all the way to ragany from here yes we do all right come on unfortunately luckily it’s not that far from here just a straight path forward let’s do it well nothing to do but keep moving tasm swim on I’ll

Race you to the gate all right let’s do it wait don’t he’s already gone we’ll have to catch up to him swimon there there he goes I guess um lead the way I will try to lead the way all right let’s go we’re just going to walk on down here

I don’t suppose you know much about uh this is great that I can read this before it it disappears holy smokes that’s that’s a little bit Overkill isn’t it don’t you think do I need to go back I’m I’m a little bit confused I’m just going to go over here maybe it’s

The guy who went ahead that’s the one actually calling us over but I’m not I’m not really sure all right it is this guy all right here he is uh there you two are all right let’s keep going shift to continue yes yes we’ll be faster next time so this is

Gate marking the border between WI and something I missed it looks like it is yep are you too ready to the start of our new lives here we go let’s do it that’s so cool that’s that’s like pretty amazing for for Minecraft let’s be honest well what are you waiting for I’m

Waiting for you to let me go let me go I can’t oh wait I have to click shift to continue that is kind of annoying the province of win so this is the wi we’ve all been hearing about it’s so beautiful it really is I mean just look at it it

Really is a beautiful server it’s so well done um but yeah all right we got to talk to this guy he’s a soldier what up my bro Soldier what are you doing here all the way out what are you doing all the way out here I cannot read today

Which is bad news considering I’m doing a windcraft stream of all things uh there’s a bit of trouble up ahead they sent me and I couldn’t read it in time oh wait no it’s just beeping at me they sent me out here to intercept the new recruits all right you see this cave

Cave CES such as these often contain useful loot that can help keep you alive if you enter the cave you can find armor to protect you all right bet let’s just do it and then I know I’ve already done the tutorial but for the sake of the viewers

I’m going to be going through it just got to wait for my bro back here come on BR come on buddy you can do it you can do it it’s pretty impressive that they have these NPCs I mean it’s it’s very basic stuff but um you know all right I

Got left click this or right click it or something it’s just pretty cool that they can have them do what they do anyways so I guess we got to open the chest I actually don’t remember okay we do open the chest and we get an unidentified helmet no way walk into the

Abyss and we’re back yes that looks like it will do indeed normally these outskirts are perfectly safe but we’ve had some corrupted forces slip through recently he’s he’s talking to me backwards we’re not entirely sure how they got here either way they’ve been causing chaos they even managed to destroy the

Bridge in any case you’ve noticed your loot is currently identified yes well you’ll be able to unidentify it at the item identifier further down the path all right it’s on my left down here it’s that it’s that bro right there bro looking good I got to be honest all

Right just let me go just just please let me go we I just want to talk to this guy we’re going to give him the unidentified helmet and roll it and let’s see what we get we have got the toach I guess that’s how you say it and I guess I can put

This on now boom it’s just a leather helmet that’s one thing about wincraft that I think they could do better is the armor design because I was looking at the armor design on some of the higher level people when I was playing earlier and it’s literally just pretty basic

Diamond armor you can get hats and stuff that are kind of cool but other than that I’m not super impressed with the armor design anyways uh let’s continue what am I supposed to be doing now do I click you who am I supposed to be clicking I already clicked you

Um I don’t know what I’m supposed to do I’m just going to keep going okay there’s a a beacon there I’m sure I have to go there got identified yes I have all right wellow that Soldier wasn’t kidding this is some serious damage indeed well

How are we meant to get over to the other side of this Ravine now ug another thing gone wrong just like elar I don’t know how to say his name what’s wrong that’s weird I was just thinking about something before when but it’s gone I can’t remember I can’t remember anything from

Fruma either swimon how about you nothing it can’t be a coincidence we’ve lost all our memories at the same time right no but we can’t or sorry no but we can worry about that later for now we need to find a way past this Ravine aliar

Swim on you should look around for a way to cross it I’ll keep looking here all right I already know where it is it’s over here at the tree and while I’m here at the tree I’m going to send uh to my Discord server that I’m streaming just

Super quickly so that we can get some people in here some people in the chat if you know what I mean it’s always hype um yeah so we’re going to actually walk up to this tree and I think okay I have to right click to push the

Tree um but let me just type this in Discord real quick video notifications everyone I am streaming a fun Minecraft server called wincraft come say hello and let me click the send button one second paste send and you know what I might as well add everyone all right there we go now we’re

Back just wanted to do that really quickly boom boom boom let’s push this tree over if it’s going to work okay is it working okay it worked for sure whoa that’s one way of doing it I guess hey tasm over there all right let’s just go

Cross this tree and I’m going to ignore if they say anything else in the the chat box down below I’m just going to run through this looks like that’s an underpass up ahead we just need to get through there and we’ll be at the castle yes

Sir all right now we got a guard here excuse me ah the new recruits wait a moment there’s a spot of trouble up ahead what what’s going on a group of corrupted have sieged the underpass it is not safe to go unarmed you’ll need weapons yes give me a weapon let’s see a

Spear for you a dagger for you and a bow for you there you are let’s go put that in my why is my hat not staying on all right let’s go we expected to fight already or were are we expected to fight already I would have thought we need

Training first nabra I got this in a perfect world yes but unfortunately that trouble ahead won’t wait for you or won’t wait for you to train good luck recruits bet so another thing about me playing wincraft is when I played before if you go and look at my profile I’ve only done

12 quests and I’m like level 45 which is absolutely absurd there’s no way I should only have 12 quests when I’m level 45 and so my goal with this one is um after I kill this zombie really quick my goal with this account and this new

Profile is to actually play the game and do the quests unlike I did before which I think is going to be really fun um yeah I think we’re about to be ambushed bro oh dude we got a friend we’re doing this with let’s go he chose the uh is that the warrior

Class you can right click on the okay I don’t need to speak to the NPCs swarm on take one in the front we’ll handle the two in the back all right bet if you let me do it got him he’s dead didn’t stand a chance baby I think I’m starting to get the

Hang of this these corrupt don’t stand a chance yeah they really don’t boom these these guys are getting wrecked oh that’s that’s a guy who unfortunately died to his own sword holy smokes boom I don’t think we actually have to kill everybody but you know I’m just

Going to kill most of them anyway oh I want that Emerald yes sir is my hat not on again or did I get another one this one’s okay I can’t wear this one yet but and why are my emeralds not stacking that’s kind of strange oh well all right

Let’s keep going no another guard hello sir finally some backup help me out here here would you indeed uh what happened are you injured were you attacked by the corrupt I was injured yes but not by the undead well I’m equipped for those I’m well equipped for

Those the this issue is here cave in don’t know what that’s supposed to mean this isn’t seriously the only way through is it there’s got to be something we can do if only I wasn’t injured I could just use my weapon to cast a spell on these Boulders and get

Rid of them dude you’re a guard you’re injured and I’m a Noob with nothing but a bow come on now you there quiet one with the bow what’s your name my name is Bob uh swimr on you’re an Archer right walk up to the boulder for me all

Right all right let’s see this this Compass action right here ability tree Arrow bomb all right what is it left right right left right right oh that was left left left hold on left right right boom dude that was awesome that was a big explosion holy smokes all right straight path

Ahead holy smokes that’s actually kind of terrifying goodness gracious a let me go all right sorry I was just texting somebody real quick oh let me go all right don’t leave yet I won’t I’ll try not to corrupt skeletal Mage that dude is massive holy smokes dude he’s literally ginormous ginosa surus gamor

Quickly after that thing we needed to save the guard all right so right left left surely all right there we go big explosion dude I got another hat let’s go all right that did not explode at all I don’t know how consistent the spell is but hey that

Worked just needed some time yes sir the man himself Archer being the best as it should be always oh my gosh I did not see that I was not looking at my screen that scared me dude oh my goodness welcome to the stream live or ocean escapes what am I supposed to

Do I’m just supposed to explode this right cuz this guy’s not dying oh I was supposed to use my spell on him I wasn’t paying attention ah of course um you are going to have a time with the new stuff it’s a me Mario sorry that was really

Weird um I think you three are going to make good recruits not many can handle themselves just like you did yeah I’m kind of built different you know the Vibes dude all right just let me just let me through I keep forgetting to click shift Crouch whatever and it’s it’s kind of

Annoying I’m not going to lie hey we made it past the first part I’m pretty sure we’re about to make it to um what’s it called I’m trying to think of it but I can’t think of the name we made it we really made it yes sir yeah they dude those corrupt they

Really don’t stand a chance I’ll meet you on there in a minute if you want dude bet let’s go that be hype ragy that’s the one dude we in ragy this is so hype dude I’m so excited for this a you must be the last cu come over

Here and speak to me I will speak to you brother hello hello your friends just left they told me quite the story about what happened to you um yep welcome to the wind Province dude I’m here this is the noble Fort of ragy one of the oldest and most influential cities in the

Province dude it is the oldest your job as a soldier of wi is to stop the growth of the monsters that are ravaging the province shift um you might want to train a little more before beforehand though many lives are lost every day anyways good luck if you are lost use

The map um as is very useful if you don’t know where to go indeed take this scroll ragy whatever all right sweet dude we are in wincraft animal crossing fell through rip off you go okay I was going to ask you what game you were going to play I was actually

Playing my switch when you told me that which is kind of funny I was playing Smash Bros though combat level five why do I have two of these what in the world I’m also a little bit confused about the emeralds but all right swimr over here um Ali

Dar’s gone ahead I figured I’d stay back and wait for you to be done all right so when huh I’m going to skip that that’s way too long for me to read he’s going to give me a quest he he indeed gave me a quest well

There you go I’m going ahead of you to the end of the emerald trail to the entrance of nibula woods you should meet me there once you’ve gotten a little stronger we’ll do dude I don’t even know what my my switch friend code is I don’t even know how to access

That excuse me oh dude another reason I wanted to play um wincraft is because I’ve been playing Wizard 101 a lot recently and um it’s an MMO and I was like dude this is so fun and normally I don’t really like MMOs but the only other MMO I’ve ever liked is wincraft so

You know we’re playing wincraft because I kind of reached the pay wall on um Wizard 101 so now we’re playing some wincraft I’ll still play Wizard 101 if anybody else is watching this which I don’t think they are that is one of my Wizard 101 viewers because I have quite

A few of those I’ll have to buy the upgraded version eventually but I don’t got money to be spending on that right now so if I ever get donations maybe I’ll do that anyways that’s my little talk for now you’ll show me how to do it okay

Bet want to see me Venture Into the Wilderness what’s up enzen my man I am now a retired night I’ve spent most of my life fighting for Ragan’s Army just like you ah what a man yes indeed it is very hard to recruit follow this road all right got

To find his brother I think he said yeah his brother and Trail do I talk to you I can’t go in that cave apparently fuma who’s fuma is that one of the people I was talking to at the beginning I’m not actually sure oh also um I try to download this

Mod called voices of win so that excuse me so that um um all the NPCs would have dialogue like verbal dialogue and it wouldn’t let me add it to lunar client I know I can use it without lunar client but I really wanted to do this on

Lunar CL client because I want the mini map here for one and then like the coordinates and like all that stuff and the game also just runs way better on lunar client so I couldn’t get it to work but here we are I might have to figure it

Out in the future or just play on the normal Minecraft launcher with mods installed and get like a map mod and stuff like that but you know yeah for now I’m the voice so excuse me can’t you see I’m busy my brother oh sorry I didn’t know why yes I actually have

Something that could help you before I give it to you why don’t you help me with something first you see there’s a special kind of mushroom that grows in this cave I hear it has a certain en it has has certain energizing properties if you can bring it to me the

One energy mushroom I’ll help you out bet all right we going down dude can I even like actually let me see if I can get these um these items identified I can’t speak if you have issues try a cenal MC okay I don’t know what that is but oh

Bet I can do all of them I’m rich of course I got something I can’t even use and something else I can’t even use can I use these at least okay we just got a whole lot of things we can’t use but you know what I’m okay with

That is it allowed is this allowed cuz I’m going to say this ah get away from me all right oh my goodness this bow is so bad get wrecked nerd oh dude I just reached level two let’s go can only say it once okay bet I don’t think that’s an actual rule

Surely right you just made that up I hope I kind of hope you made that up there’s no way the server made a rule like that right like surely not oh bet give that to me oh I might actually need this sooner sooner than I think what do

I have here level four come on I need to level up oh dude that’s the mushroom all right I got it dude get out of my face bro all right we’re going up here got the mushroom bro I’m a beast where am I holy cow these guys they are they love

Me oh yeah yeah yeah is there even staff on can I go in here okay okay where am I getting hit by what am I getting hit by what the heck what was that did I just randomly die what the heck that was very strange get out of here Zombie

Chicken they’ll shell bombs bro a your back do you have the mushroom I do bro excellent now I may finally be able to climb the stairs bro you are weak if you can’t climb those stairs who knows maybe there’s treasure or something up there maybe take this ring it’s a accessory

Item you can identify at the nearby identify person it’s a very good ring for someone starting out like you there’s just one small issue excuse me to wear it you must help my friend back and ragy he’s been pestering me for days about needing help all right bet someone’s pestering him

For needing help story of my life so he said I need to identify this apparently so I will do that now can I use this bow dude I can and it’s a fast attack I prefer fast attacks all day can I wear this I can’t I got to do the quest I

Guess there’s always staff on dang dude they’re ready oh yeah this bow is way better now we’re talking dude now we are talking no way look who it is we’re going to do some quests today oh dude look at this bow this bow is sweet that’s a sweet bow I like that a

Lot it’s like gold and stuff what just happened to my screen why am I Frozen huh hello my screen just went haywire hold on okay we’re back I don’t know what happened that was very strange all right we got to do cook assistant which I think I know

Where that is if I’m correct it is right it is all right I can’t believe what is happening to me the king ordered me to bake cakes for all those new recruits dude that’s me let’s go unfortunately I don’t have the ingredients to make them nobody sells those items in the fort bro

You think you could get me two eggs one bucket of milk and three wheat grains really quickly I don’t know about quickly but I can try all right let’s do it and it’s at 8813 671 908 so okay so 13 that’s going this way and

Then one okay so we got to go around here actually can I sell these items because I think there’s a seller guy here somewhere when I was playing earlier I was messing around selling stuff here he is um I can’t use that this is not much better so I’m just

Going to sell it and then I have two of these hats I don’t need too and I’m going to keep this for when I level up cuz that’s a little bit better dude it’s so confusing like knowing the difference between like what’s better I guess I should like how

Do you know which one’s better cuz I know this one does more damage but this one has plus n health regen and Mana regen but then this one has plus4 agility and the other ones don’t so that I’m so confused by that all right I sold those items which

I can get an emerald block now I’m rich check it out okay I’m so confused by this I’m so confused why these aren’t stacking that’s so strange it’s kind of annoying me actually oh wait I got a unidentified bow where did I get that from is there an identifier here

Somewhere I have no idea see potion Merchant weapon Merchant scroll Merchant I mind that fair here we go I should have looked there first okay no more weird stacked diamonds or emeralds combat level three 5 to8 wait is this the same bow it’s literally the exact same bell all right I’m selling

This very strange but you know your game crashed Bro you’ve been on for like five seconds haven’t you oh boy hopefully you can make it on all right make my way downtown walking fast something something homebound that was beautiful yeah happens every now and then because laptop dude I was

Playing like today I was playing lcraft just kind of checking it out on my my uh other account that’s like level 45 or whatever before I actually played this like I didn’t do a single Quest or anything I was just kind of messing around and um my laptop my work laptop ran wincraft

At like 200 FPS and it was so so smooth like I mean like Smooth it was very smooth can I do this oh level N I see okay hello sir you’re not who I’m looking for one shot kill oh maybe it was just a fluke or

They already had Damage Done to them or something I’m getting all the unidentified items dude you wish yeah I was so amazed like I run it I run pretty smooth FPS on this computer um but yeah what do I need I don’t even know what I need okay I need

Two eggs one bucket of milk and three wheat so bored farmer you’re glowing I guess I talked to you hello there are you looking for cooking materials I can help with that yes um for the egg you can get them by slaying a future chickens bruh for a bucket of milk you

We have our very own Merchant selling those right over here where’s over here he looks he’s looking over there but I think he’s just doing villager things I don’t think he’s actually going to look the correct direction and what did he say about the other thing bro get out of my

Face he said bucket of milk we have our very own oh wait what did I miss something I think I missed one but I think I have to go to this guy which one do I get going to guess this one and there’s a chicken oh I didn’t mean to click on you

Sir any eggs no eggs give me your eggs no eggs again bro give me your eggs dude all right I’m killing this cow too still no eggs I have an ingredient pouch maybe it’ll go into there instead of my inventory oh wait there’s a chest right

There I didn’t loot that’ be amazing if that had eggs in it is that that’s another one of that same helmet that I’ve gotten like five times come here choni choni oh yes let’s go how many eggs do I need wait where is it I need two eggs

Okay it’s in there I have one egg please Chone wait if you jump does it do more damage wait a minute did I just find a cheat code because if I shoot him he’s on one HP where’s the other chickens oh wait maybe I can test it on a cow

Too I want to test it on a chicken though so if I I don’t know it didn’t do it that time oh wait oh I can’t I can’t farm that I can farm this though welcome to the stream random Anonymous third viewer that is here so where did that go did I get

That I don’t I don’t see that oh it shows me that it’s farming it okay where did that other one go I literally farmed that thing I don’t know and I need how many wheat do I need I need three of these so this should be my last one but

It I got scammed this one didn’t give me the wheat give me the wheat come on yes sir all right wait what what a scam oh wait there we go it just didn’t load I thought I got scammed again dude all right let’s see and now I need one

Bucket of milk so do I just kill the cows for that oh wait no he said he that it was sold somewhere dude I am so rich right now where would that be okay this is a milk sign which means this guy is going to sell me milk right yes

Sir and I think that’s everything it is so now we just go back to that that Baker nerd Get Wrecked one shot I think I just enjoy just killing the mobs it’s kind of satisfying oh my gosh he’s strong please don’t kill me I’m not what

The what the how many times do I got to kill this guy am I dead okay I think that’s the last time I have to hit him am I like going to die here okay we liveing okay we may not be living I need to get out of this

Mess okay emeralds I’m probably going to get killed because I wanted to get that Emerald no we good we good oh and I got the I got that as well I just want to level up so I can wear my other leather armor unfortunately I

Cannot dude I’m not going to lie I feel a a headache coming on I hope I wasn’t supposed to talk to anybody else before I came back here because I kind of just gathered the stuff and left do I talk to you I think you’re

Just a talent’s person why do you have a knife bro get away from me you little freak this guy’s a little demon look at him are you trying to kill me get away from me that guy’s a little freak dude ain’t no way oh wait this isn’t the right

Spot okay he’s glowing that’s that’s always good they have a hat I want that hat oh wait what the heck that’s you no way dude I didn’t know that was you dude it matches your outfit the the like the black hat and the gold rim with the

Black shirt and the gold little things on the sleeves all right you should explore around blah blah blah thank you thank you for yeah dude that’s rad no that matches really well I like that oh bro you got diamond armor I thought you starting a new account as a noob dude

That is sick you got the you got the rainbow bow it’s the rainbow is that what it’s called probably boom I still can’t wear this thing oh I need to be level five of course all right time to go spend all of my money to get this stuff identified blizzard gear

Skin I don’t know what that means all right let’s get something good something I can wear preferably all right let’s check this out we got the same hat three times don’t need that another lame hat okay this one is different negative Thunder defense what does that even mean I have no

Idea what that means at all but you know that’s cool um I can wear this cuz I’m level four sweet and that gives me plus three XP bonus and plus four spell damage dude that’s tight I like that a lot okay we got a rare item that’s cool level seven I’ll

Save that until I’m level seven um level 11 dude this one’s way better and it’s also level 11 combat level five okay well I’ll save this one I’m going to put everything I want to sell in this corner so I’m going to sell this hat this hat this

Hat I’m going to keep that one going to sell these pants keep these pants um plus one dexterity 7% oh this one’s slightly better okay interesting 6% okay so I’m going to sell these bows I don’t think I can even use that because that’s not my class okay so

That’s everything I’m going to sell what did you say in the chat I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention there’s a the Festival of Blizzard give gives you free crates and you have a chance to get gear skins and player effects I don’t know what gear skins

Mean the bow and hat I have are because of those crates oh that’s cool I want to do that is that something that was like a limited time thing or is it still going on like can I still do that party or whatever you said it was I’m rich

Overlays for weapons oh that makes sense wait I want this got to clean up my inventory oh bro it’s limited time that’s so sad wait this is unidentified I did not know that you could see them like I didn’t know they were identified unidentified items that

Were invisible kind of like I mean you can see them are anything is anything else unidentified doesn’t say there okay there’s four Fest rolls throughout the year and they’re annual oh okay that’s kind of cool actually hey there still doing well after all this time I

Am oh wait I have six skill points point and two unused abilities I think that’s in here yes um okay here we go cheap cheaper Arrow bomb or heart shatter hitting a mob directly with an arrow bomb will shatter its heart and deal additional damage I think I want to

Just get this one first just cuz it’s next oh free emeralds don’t mind if I do and free potions and a free bow that is a horrible bow I’m going to go sell it though I wonder how much I’m going to get for this bow I’m probably wasting a lot of time

Right now but three emeralds worth it oh I can get another Diamond I mean why do I keep calling it Diamond emerald block so boom boom and I need to clean up my inventory this is going to bother me where do I put everything all right we’re going to do helmets there pants

Here and oh actually I’m going to keep this one let’s do that and then put this here the bank can help and it indeed did just help pretty amazing pretty amazing how that works isn’t it all right why are you glowing you’re just going to tell me it’s a nice

Day I am still doing well after all this time it’s telling me I have more skill points that are unused but I don’t think I do all right I have I have to slay mobs one more okay I will slay more level one mobs look up I am looking

Up why am I looking up that’s a nice Mountain over there yes sir the tower oh I see oh wait that’s not you that’s the Archer wait oh there you are you weren’t in my render distance yet bro I wish I could get up there I need

To level up some more what is my I was going to say my my fov felt really low and that’s because it was really low dude I can sell this too wait a minute this one bro bro bro bro bro this one does more damage but it

Does less damage per second so I guess I think I’m gonna keep using my golden bow that’s a level four Noob I need to kill the level ones does does it count if I use o I’m going to get that grappling hook for sure okay I can still kill oh

Level one plus mobs okay cool I’m definitely getting that grappling hook for sure can I enter this yet when can I go down the cave how do I get this maybe I can blow it up nope I want to go in there dude level 12 Deltas okay so I’m a Noob can’t do

It finish quest I don’t have a quest to do I guess I just got to find somebody that I can do a quest with I want to finish killing these mobs though cuz I think if I kill 50 I’ll level up to level five and I’ll be able to put on my my

Ring and that sounds pretty exciting to me I’m gonna be honest this stream is not as uh successful as I thought it was my streams recently have been doing really well and this one is not doing great but that’s okay oh yeah keep Gathering those people yeah yeah yeah go towards her and

Then once they all huddle up at the tower yes that makes my life a lot easier all right only seven more mobs to go one two and I did it and I leveled up let’s go I knew it I knew that that would that would level me up but that here oh this

Gives me better walk spe whoa I’m fast let’s go there’s no way that’s because of the Ring right okay it’s not why am I going so fast whoa whoa back off buddy did you give me the speed you probably get oh dude look at that that one’s

Blue all right I’m going to go identify these bad boys and then find a new quest to do okay thank you for the the speed I’m zooming now I was about to say nobody can touch me but that zombie just proved me wrong before I could even

Talk dude I’m loving this speed this is awesome look how fast oh it just went away why did it go away all right I want to get these items identified sir dude please give me something that I can wear level five let’s go all right but is that any better okay it is

Better that’s this one my first legendary item how amazing all right let’s see what these got although it doesn’t oh no this is really good plus 14% health regen plus 4% XP bonus plus 18 Health that’s amazing and plus 30 Health on its own dude that’s a good piece of and plus

Three three defense that’s a great piece of gear all right lame lame lame I’m going to sell those and of course I can’t wear those but I think I can wear most everything that I have now that is in the bank so let’s go check out the

Bank uh level seven I can wear this though and I don’t have any boots that I can wear yet okay is there I think these helmets are better than this one see yeah plus 10 that’s already better and then plus oh wait these are the same thing

Okay well I’m going to put this one on and I’m going to sell these ones I keep these boots and put these P why did that just hurt me what what hurt me also where where did my sound go hold up I lost sound did my headphones die hello Headphones um all right my headphones are not working that is unfortunate for me can the stream still hear audio though that’s the question unless I accidentally somehow muted which I guess is uh oh snap I just turned my monitor off whoops let’s get that back on I meant To I don’t know what happened to my audio um try and figure this out real quick audio all right let me go on YouTube watch a video and see if it see if it works okay my audio is working just not on wincraft okay sorry about that I didn’t

Mean to have two mics on at one time time I’m having technical difficulties here clearly why is game audio not working I very confused wait am I hearing that hold on well I’m hearing something it’s just very are you doing an emote oh wait how do you do

Emotes I don’t remember the command for emotes anyways okay I got sound back it’s just very quiet all of a sudden like way quieter than it was before I have no idea what happened okay maybe I accidentally turned down the master volume because it

Was all the way at 6 which I feel like is reasonable because oh gosh that’s loud yeah let’s try 45 okay that’s not too bad just a little ding hey we’re back to three viewers no way okay it’s saying I have unused skill points but do I actually I

Do can I go here yet I I don’t know how to get that all right oo Quest what quest there’s a quest I do not see a quest you find me one okay I might be able to find me one in a second let’s gather these oh dude look

At that big guy I’m going to kill him oh he’s strong Get Wrecked nerd yeah I’m getting all these nerds Get Wrecked nerd oh my gosh oh wait they’re barely doing any damage to me am I that high level already yo what’s up Golden gamer Welcome to the stream bro thank you so

Much for joining shout you out dude shout out to you what’s going on man thank you so much for joining the stream I appreciate you appreciate you being here it’s killing these zombies you know the drill oh this guy has a key oh you know what I want to do I want

To do a dungeon or whatever they’re called those like I think I know where one is too around here all right give me that key yes sir all right they’re dead okay what why did that make that noise I’m not trying to put it on calm

Down I already have one on man my friend are watching you and we are big fans dude that’s so awesome it’s awesome to hear I appreciate you joining man and uh shout out to your friend as well who’s also watching I thought I already opened that one

Sweet new chest open yall should totally join the server it’s a lot of fun okay I’m pretty sure there’s like a cave or something around here like I think it’s here is it not or maybe that’s it is that it right there okay here it is I

Think this is not it this is a mine if you guys haven’t already subscribed to the channel and uh left a like I would appreciate it if you consider subscribing but uh yeah thanks for being here dude five viewers what in the world where you all come from thank you guys

So much for being here all right this is it this is the the cave we’re about to go in and do this thing holy smokes I got speed Get Wrecked Get Wrecked Get Wrecked oh my gosh you’re small Get Wrecked small little Noob shout out to all my small people out there

Yeah you you know I’m cracked at holding down the the right button oh bet we already got we already finished this bad boy Whoa I don’t like that it took control of my screen there okay I guess I got to open this thing whoa whoa whoa buddy come on now

30 emeralds or 30 experience experience points 13 emeralds and one blank what is a blank I don’t even know what that is I don’t I don’t even know if I want to know what that is boom Oh I missed okay thank you bro thank you bro can they even kill

You you’re probably way too strong are you still in here oh dude look that one’s big oh you’re not still in here okay that’s a person I’m trying to shoot what other games do I play um well recently I’ve been playing a lot of Wizard 101 I stream some

Fortnite sometimes um mostly I mostly play and stream bedw Wars Hypixel bedwars I’m planning on doing some Team Fortress soon and uh some other stuff but for now that’s that’s what I’ve been doing I need to go to this guy and get all this this stuff identified so much stuff very

Exciting oh dude I got a a new um a new ring that’s tight thorns and attack damage sweet I’m like kid it out all right I can’t wear that and then plus eight health that’s not as good as what I’m wearing now username is in fortnite is swimr on same as my YouTube

Channel okay this is the same bow I already have oh what’s this blank is that that looks like this dude I am chilling right now all right plus 20 Health this one gives me plus 30 so I’m going to sell that going to sell this is that the same helmet I’m wearing

Now same helmet I’m wearing now so I’m going to sell that sell this to this one all right ocean escapes this might be where I need some help which helmet is better this one that has plus4 Intelligence and 13 health or this helmet that has plus 10 Health Plus

Three air defense and plus one agility like how do you decide which one’s better I like I’m struggling with that oh wait I can wear my boots now yay like I really do not know no same bow show them again yeah so we got this helmet the soft helmet plus 10 Health

Plus three air defense minus one Thunder defense which I don’t know what both of those mean and then I have plus one agility but then on this one I only I have plus 13 which is three Health better and then plus four intelligence which one’s better and why cuz I seriously do not

Know why are they not attacking the plus 10 one’s better okay so why is that one better than the one that has plus 13 health because this also has a minus thing on it which I think isn’t great the defense the air defense yeah well what

About the the minus um of the other defense the Thunder or whatever yeah Thunder defense do I want to play fortnite with you and your friend not right now but I’m down to play another time for sure is this the same this is the same boss

Fight air is more dangerous is that like flying enemies or something else all right dude I’ll be ready to accept you give me a quest all right I guess there must be a lot of air enemies yeah next time I play I’ll make sure to accept your friend request and

Maybe next time I stream fortnite we can play together you know how to explain that okay understandable well kind of how did my defense get plus eight what I haven’t upgraded that at all have I is that for my armor okay come on bro I’m going to hide with the

Merchant oh let’s go hitting mob directly when an arrow bomb will shatter its hard okay I’ve already read that one let’s go level or armor okay I see sweet oh wait I think okay I can start this this Quest all right so I need to go to 400 which is this way

424 five okay that this that is right on this path this is where the spers are thank you thank you thank you for the three minute boost all right 424 is oh wait they placed a beacon for me very nice what’s up tasm oh it’s this guy

Again swimon there you are it’s good to see you um are you ready to continue towards debtless de debt loss it seems we’ll need to pass through the Nia Woods first I’ve heard the forest is crawling with spiders but between you and me we should be he hey you two you’re soldiers

Right I can tell from your weird fashion sense you folk are supposed to help people so help man he’s pretty forward huh oh yes of course what’s your name what you need help with I’m op I was recently uh bit by a spider and now I need your help to get a

Rare uh medicinal medicinal her herb I always say herb dude I can’t read to heal me okay it only grows in an infested cave filled with creepy crawlies and I’m clearly not in the condition to go get it myself well all right we are here to help after all

We’ll get you that herb perfect I’ll bring you to the cave blah blah blah blah blah let’s do it you Brit bruh people always bullying me for for me being half British English whatever you want to call it come on bro all right 316 on the same path I’m just going to

Run past all these oh wait this guy’s showing me the way I think I already know where it is it’s up here on the I was going to say up here on the left which indeed it is whoa buddy okay got to talk to you well here

We are the only way you can reach the cave is up this tree what you have to climb the tree to go into a cave that sounds pretty counterintuitive but you know all right just let me through please dude this speed’s kind of hard to parkour with I’m not going to

Lie Oh weird I guess I follow this oh oh goodness gracious for Sparta okay maybe I just don’t touch the spider eggs that might be a good idea what am I supposed to be doing infest infested plants exit the cave with the medicinal herb herb goodness gracious I said it

Again I don’t know maybe it comes from the spiders oh oh my gosh there’s so many is that it I don’t know what it looks like um oh gosh this is scary oh is that it no that’s a a a whatever you call it

Die how did you get the game um are you talking about this game or let’s protect the plant I guess it’s back here oh wait it’s right this is it polishness l oh I’m left clicking I’m smart is that the only do I only need one of them aha we out of here

This is just a Minecraft server it’s I think it’s um let’s see the server is play. wincraft.com if you want to join there you are it feels like we’ve been waiting for hours dude it’s been like five minutes really hasn’t been that long 10 minutes at most not even

Bro I’m build different I do this Quest fast well anyways do you have the herb it is very important to cure me yeah bro I got it I got you dog there it is aha thank you kindly for your work soldiers now about your payment let’s see what do

I have oh I seem to be out of emeralds well I can uh offer some advice bro this guy this guy’s got to be joking right you have to be tripping there’s no way let’s see I’m just going to skip that it has been a time soldiers dude this guy is messed up

That’s frustrating he seemed Shady from the start I should have well what’s done is done let’s go speak to the mayor bro Oh I thought these guys leveled up from my quest but I don’t think they did what the heck is that I’m going jump on it oh dude look at all

This stuff give me this stuff I can’t even pick it up sad all right when I jump into that cave what is going on with my screen when I jumped in that cave wherever that cave was where was that cave there it is I saw a chest on the outside of it so

I’m going to go grab that chest it was bro give me my bow back all right it was right here that’s the one I’m looking for boom now I want to go get my items that I just killed these spiders For he made have not given me emeralds but at least I can get it from these chests yeah ooh a green one that’s my first green chest chest to our client side now what does that mean I don’t know what that means I am quite literally um I just have no idea what’s

Going on okay I guess they all have a cool down on these chests so you can get them multiple times okay I was going to say it’s pretty annoying if I got to walk all the way back to get this stuff identified well I guess I’m taking everything oh my

Goodness why are they allowed to be in here my safe down here oh there’s a chest all right let’s see what these bad boys got all right these ones already are better I know that and I can wear them so I’m going to put those on and these

Ones plus 15 but they have PL I think these would be better so I’m going put those on now the bows slow attack speed I can’t even use that one yet but it’s better can’t use those either and I just got new stuff to identify sweet all right let’s identify these bad

Boys that is the same I keep getting the same bow over and over again it’s probably just because I’m in the same area I wish I could use these dude I guess that one’s not super cool but I’ve seen some of them like that’s

Sick look at that how do I look at that that is awesome I wish I could I okay that that’s what’s glitching out my game is the free look mod for some reason This Server doesn’t like the Freel look Mod play on your server are you talking

About like your wincraft the same server you’re on on wincraft or like your own personal server whoa also thank you guys so much for 895 subscribers I did not realize that two people subscrib to me whoever you were you guys know who you are thank you so much for subscribing

And uh joining the the stream I really appreciate it are you going to give me a quest yet nope all right where is the blacksmith there he is I have some stuff to give you sir all right I think that’s everything I wanted to give him here we go

All right let’s start another Quest let’s see wait I already have this one on wait I didn’t finish that Quest I thought I finished that Quest I have to go so much further now yo give me that speed boost I need that speed boost please please dude that

Hat is Big holy smokes that thing is chunky and I need speed boost please I’m begging of you please please did I get it I didn’t get it I got it let’s go thank You hold on behind what you calling me a behind what’s going on with these zombies bro why are they dancing like that dude die call me a behind or you saying you’re behind like I’m going too fast why your horse notd in his head though ah I see all right well I’m

Running oh I got what you’re saying you’re eight seconds behind my live stream and I’m demanding speed ah don’t hit me I wasn’t I mean I was kind of demanding it but I didn’t mean it like that obviously ah bro you flexing on me with that

Horse I’m going to get a horse one day trust me on that give me that Emerald yes sir I need to kill that chicken I can’t hit him once and then not kill him sorry it’s just not a possibility oh let’s go I’m faster than you now get

Wrecked oh I like that horses are easier to get now that is very good all right where okay I’m at 300 my sprinting keeps dying on me Ow Get Wrecked nerds oh get off me bro all right don’t mind if I do woolly armor what the heck is this why did it add there okay oh this is where I need to be sweet I got a helmet that’s lame but that’s okay what’s up Alvin my boy ah Travelers

Welcome to our humble Forest Town have you come to stay or are you simply passing through um I don’t know probably the ladder though we ran into a man named op who directs us to speak with you oh op I date your meeting with him when uh poorly I must apologize for him

He is um a tough man to deal with I can tell here I may offer you a small sum of your emeralds as an apology thank you this guy is the goat let’s go I hope he has not surrounded your opinion on our small town here he has not your Wi-Fi

Said no oh bro did you crash again bro or I guess your Wi-Fi crashed then feel free to make yourself at home we welcome all travelers here no matter how long their stay is dude this guy is my goat oh I got a lot of experience I

Think I just got permission to use this bow I did although this one’s a little bit slower so I don’t know how I feel about that is this server fun yes this server is very fun I’ve been having lots of fun playing this server it’s great

Um what’s the deal with my boy he’s difficult he’s the son of my sister oh who unfortunately killed by spiders some time ago bro that’s messed up that is dark now this server is super fun if you ever get the chance to try it out I highly recommend it there’s a reason there’s

Um a thousand almost a thousand people online 976 it’s a lot of fun with his father out of the picture I had to take him in he’s a grown man now yes but I fear the loss has taken a toll on us both yes truly I hope he will cease with

These ridiculous P sometime soon but I can’t bring myself more than I can give him a Stern talking to he’s a good man I truly believe that um with my whole heart it’s all right if you don’t feel the same way though I will not force you

To interact with him if you do not wish to dude same though I looked on my um I went on the wincraft website and I typed in my username where you can track the the players and stuff and see the map where you’re going and everything

And the first time I logged on to wincraft apparently was May 31st 2014 so it’s been four years now and I’m kind of surprised actually that 2014 because I thought that it was um like 2013 you know but yeah it’s really cool that it tracks that information I thought that

Was great all right I don’t need to talk to you I guess I’m going to talk to you all right we’re just going to skip through this all right I’m going to start let’s see Mushroom Man haven’t I already done this one I guess not oh he’s like this guy is right near

Me okay also I want to add some mods really quickly um I know I already have wait they’re enabled but I don’t see them anymore oh wait here we go and let’s see want to move them individually here we go and I think I just deleted one of

Them that’s great I did delete one of them one second technical difficulties I want to add these just to make it a little bit easier to be moving around and stuff because it’s it’s hard to look in the side of my screen when um I could just you know

Look at the very center at the top so all right center line is right here and I’m going to move it right about here and then I’m going to move these ones right next to it and then I also want the CU I think it will make it look

Fancier sorry I hit the mic wait where’s the compass yes very it’s very cool when Stills a such a good mod mod dude I couldn’t get it on the server I was struggling what am I looking for if it’s not called Compass what is it called like I know what I’m looking for

I just can’t see what I’m looking for did I spell compass incorrectly yeah well the thing is is I wanted to add the mod to what I already have here this mod that I Have maybe it’s like Direction it’s Direction it’s not called Compass are you kidding me that’s actually insane that that’s not called Compass all right I want it to be pretty small okay that looks pretty good I think yeah I think that’s the problem is I tried adding it to this one and it

Just doesn’t work unfortunately um I have zero more of those okay I need to talk to some guy that’s a little bit further down this way I just discovered this place and got money for it sweet oh wait he’s what’s his name Mushroom Man 16 21 16211 58 oh here he

Is swimmer on hello this place is really nice isn’t it I’d like to stay for a while longer before moving on towards deas but I will soon be ready in the meantime I’ve been thinking about what we could do to help this place I’ve maybe got something take a look at that

Villager over there he’s acting a little off he’s like got something going on I wonder yeah he does look kind of weird maybe we can leave this place better off than it was when I got here I don’t know about that buddy you’re kind of problematic although there is a chest

Here so that’s pretty nice all right let’s talk to him H hi how can I sorry I’m not reading like that how can I help you on this perfectly fine noral day give me some money and some XP please that’ll be great sorry to interrupt where soldiers traveling through this town and you

Looked like the sort of person who might need the kind of help soldiers can provide anything I can help with all you don’t look like a soldier am I the one talk oh he’s the one talking uh no there’s uh not much going on fine you caught me in my mushrooms my

Mushrooms aren’t fine they’re bad this guy is on shrooms dude uh that’s why we’re here anything we can do to help your mushrooms one two Soldier you look weak L Get Wrecked stronger but eh stronger soldiers are H you’ll be good enough maybe this is hard to read I’m going to be

Honest yes I can kill the spiders all right we’re going to follow this guy I love that the NPCs move that is so cool like the de the the the development on the server is actually very impressive it kind of made the game easier though I’m not going to lie what am I

Doing oh I just got killed the spiders right how many of these spiders know I need to kill they went crazy with it they did it looks great though it’s not super it’s a little bit nostalgic but it’s not super nostalgic just because um it look so different now like

Like the worlds look different they’re improved but I’m going to love the higher levels yeah I was kind of looking ahead on YouTube and they look awesome so what am I supposed to do now that I’m at this patch this Beacon appeared oh am I supposed to talk to him okay here we

Are okay I need to slay 12 of them which I’ve probably already done but you know let’s gather them around hey come attack me come attack me okay that’s a lot of them dead I don’t know how many more I need to kill though it’s not showing me in the

Side I feel like this should be enough but I’m not sure I’m just going to keep killing them until I feel satisfied oh never mind I’m not can I have this bow please I want that bow do I have to be out of this dialog

To get the bow because I’m just going to spam through it if I can get this bow all right did I not get the bow bruh my favorite level storywise is between 30 and 40 I think think 50 and you think 50 through 70 You’re such high level that’s insane you know what’s

Funny is the story Line’s awesome and all but on my account that’s level 45 I’ve completed a total of 12 quests and I’m pretty sure some of those were probably accidental you’re level 105 bro that’s crazy isn’t that the max level okay we need to tell the miror what

Happened okay okay we’ll go back to the mayor okay okay chill for now what is your level or something else maybe that’s that bow that I no it had a blue gem on it it was cool looking these are the same bow aren’t they they are the same bow that’s a lame wand

Okay back to the mayor oh that’s the maxed out level I see Hello Travelers you seem to be in a rush something happened I killed those mushroom Steelers those thieves oh yes I know of that guy’s Antics he doesn’t seem to be with you he

Ran off on you just as op did no when we finished clearing out the spiders we were swarmed and they took him br oh dear this isn’t good at all if they’re making moves such as this unprovoked you two are soldiers yes I would ask you to continue your travels

To deas to find Admiral ages tell him our little village needs Aid we’ll do sir of course we’ll set out immediately come on sron all right if deas is what I’m thinking of I’m pretty sure they’re adding a whole new Province so the max level will be upped from level 106 dude that’s

Legit when are they adding that all right I need to go to 537 yes dude deist what however you say I’m not sure how you say it is by far I think by far my favorite city in wincraft I love it so much just like the Town Center is amazing it’s so

Good I will always be a fan of this place what’s that that snow place called I kind of like that one too I’m on my I guess you could say my main account that’s the thing I’m the most familiar with or one of the places I’m most

Familiar with because that was the last place I was before I logged out like 10 years ago um not sure when that’s being added okay you just know it’s being added can I do this what level is this do I have enough space for this I have enough

Space surely right 1 two 3 4 five six I mean I can get rid of these if I need to okay buddy knee sack yes that’s right yeah I saw it I was I um I’m going to try this out I went there earlier today okay I can definitely do this I

Didn’t get the stuff oh well it’s probably a good thing CU I’m going to get some better stuff at the bottom of this okay you’re really high level um I don’t think I was supposed to go here but you know what he started talking to me about it so that might be

A good thing but I’m not doing that oh wait you’re here oh wait you’re down here of course all right bro just let me finish this sometimes the dialogue is really unnecessary and annoying I’m going to be honest okay I don’t know which way I’m supposed to go here whoa okay not this

Way boots okay nothing here for me it’s probably probably going to be straight but I’m still going to check every other room they are always updating about the new promises FMA fuma in the Discord I see oh this is cool oh wait here it is this is the end okay

This place is am maze dude that’s a lot of mobs that just died oh I was supposed to go down here I think I didn’t even know that I was just kind of exploring around and found it sweet I think that’s enough mobs to open this should be yes

Okay I need to get rid of some stuff get rid of that um okay I want that can I reopen this chest if I okay um I know what this is I don’t know what that is can I put that in there I can’t okay cool grab it

Emerald pouch yes sir I figured out what an emerald pouch was today actually on my um my old account oh a bow I want that I don’t know what this bowl is for do I need it I’m getting rid of that okay please give me a lot of XP I think that’s pretty

Good turns out oh my goodness turns out the uh pouches are very useful that’s a lot of stuff it can hold very good stuff oh dude they had the big hat was that you or was that somebody else that just had the big hat no I guess it’s just somebody else

Who has the big hat they seem like a low level too what are these called are these dungeons or it says cave but it feels like a dungeon type of thing there’s a lot of them I see I’m surprised Dr movie hasn’t joined the stream yet he’s like always the first person in

Here hope he’s doing all right cuz his family’s going through he told me his family’s going through some health issues and um it’s kind of taking his time he’s had to deal with that a lot so I hope he’s doing all right miss him here always miss him all right here we go

Best Province City whatever you want to call it in wincraft right here um you know what’s kind of weird is it’s showing my Blossom Cape but I’m using normally when I use um lunar client oh let’s go level nine I hope I didn’t get anything that’s probably on the

Floor only one more until your next ability Point all bro let’s go plus 20 I think mine is plus 30 right now so I don’t think I need that but I definitely don’t need this so I’m going to replace that I love that I can one hit kill these guys

What gives reward oh the the caves they’re not dungeons or something fancy hey I think they’re pretty good like the loot you can get out of them seems really good all right this is my most familiar I’m the most familiar I don’t want to talk to you um this is the

City or Province whatever it’s called that I am the most familiar with all right I’m going to go crazy and just sell everything okay I don’t think I need this bow I haven’t been using it so I’m going to sell it it’s not like it has I’m not far

Enough in the game where it’s like super important so I feel like once you’re further it’s good to have a strong bow and then a bow that shoots faster you can switch between but that might be complete load of garbage that I just said um what that’s kind of

Dumb all right let’s see what I’m wearing now plus 15 okay so what’s better I guess this one’s better I thought it didn’t have anything although that one has better walk speed and I really like the walk speed but I guess I’ll just get rid of those what does the wisdom potion

Do oh wait I got this the Escape ability dude this ability oh wait I don’t have it yet I need level 10 I love that ability so much that’s the one that makes you fly so which which item is better here is it these pants the waste apron or the

Sakoto I really don’t know I’m going to put the one with more Health on just cuz it has more health for now but what the heck is this I don’t know what that is but I’m not messing with it let’s put this like right here waste apron okay good I’ll just

Sell the other one then I’m trying to not hoard my items like I did before because even if I didn’t ever use it I would just keep it anyways so I got to sell it before I hoard it I’m a big hoarder can I throw that in there okay good all

Right let’s do all the lame things and then all the cool things at once what the heck is this oh I can’t use that oh dude that looks dope oh all these bows look dope I’m excited all right now let’s do all of the cool ones let’s see what we

Got and of course since they’re low level they’re going to be okay five fire defense -2 see this is where everything gets really confusing to me I’m not going to lie I just want to see what this looks like in my hand that’s sick that’s also pretty

Sick okay this is where it gets kind of confusing to me so we got the legendary bless wrappings which is pretty good then we got this which is plus 35 health so it’s more but it has -2 fire right but it also has good water defense and

Then it has Mana regen and spell damage and then intelligence which I don’t know what any of those do I mean Mana obviously makes you regen your Mana the blue stuff right I’m pretty sure that’s what is faster don’t really know what water defense is and I have no idea what

Intelligence is and then this one has minus two walk speed which doesn’t really attract me to that and then it has plus seven Thorns which I guess if monsters hit you it does is does it act like normal thorns in Minecraft or it just does damage back to the Mob I have

No idea I don’t know what’s going on anyways and then it’s got Earth Defense five I think I already said it have three fire defense but it has that I’m going to assume maybe that this one’s the best one the toods to rods parka I can’t wear it yet but I’m going

To assume that oh and then there’s this one too which is the same so that’s cool except this one has plus five Thorns instead of plus seven and then negative one walk so that’s kind of confusing everything else this is the same though okay let’s compare these

Two we got the nepon and o wait we already went over this I think no we didn’t we did not go over this which one’s better oh I’m so confused what’s better to have plus4 dexterity plus six spell damage plus two main attack damage and then plus 27 health or XP bonus Thorns

Exploding I’m going to need you to tell me which one’s the best idea there cuz I don’t know I don’t got a single clue what you want me to do I thought I sold this bow I guess not for your level I would say the waste apron but keep the other one

Okay I will keep the other one all right see what I can do so we got the bows to look at now oh it’s getting all so confusing this one my trident true I’m to get rid of this one then we got oh this one has slightly better

Stuff okay I’m definitely going to have this one for now get rid of that one let’s see this one’s very fast attack speed though but even with very fast it’s not as good as this one somehow cuz this one has 9 to 10 neutral damage with slow

Attack speed but does more damage per second that doesn’t really makes sense then we got this one very fast again oh this one’s got 41 DPS I can’t use it yet though but I’ll keep that and 42 oh and I can use this one and this one seems just as good

Except it has dexterity and Agility which I really don’t know exactly what those do this one’s a normal attack speed I want to see the differences between these attack speeds oh that one looks cool in my hand that one’s kind of lame and then these are the same

Okay oh that’s awesome I like how fast that is okay I’m definitely going to use this one so let’s sell these this I think I’m going to keep that one sell these and I think that’s it all right cool then we going to go over

Here going to put my stuff away yes sir oh do I even need this bow anymore um no I do not I’m going to sell that and do that apparently I had a necklace in there okay I’m going to go now because I have work tomorrow let me know if you

Need anything thank you so much like actually thank you so much live for joining and helping me out I would be a lot more lost than I am now without you so I really appreciate that guess some sleep gotta get ready for that work tomorrow is this the same okay it’s not

Negative one Health bro that’s messed up but it has EXP exploding main attack damage all right if you’re still here and you can tell me which one’s better of these two that’s mad confusing G to be honest between the Florine and the whatever this is called you do got that

Chicken to make for real the Florine okay should I keep this one or should I sell it I guess there’s no reason to hold on to it if I don’t need it right surely also welcome to the stream new viewers that I see lurking there if you haven’t already I’d appreciate if you’d

Leave a like and consider subscribing sell all right bet all right good night enjoy making that chicken without you the world would not go around we need people making that chicken yes sir all right actually I think I have a lot of emeralds oh yeah dude let’s

Go I really don’t know what to do with this bowl all right I’m GNA just stick it right there there okay this potion boosts my XP bonus okay so if I’m like doing a a big boss something I can use that okay and I think it says combat level 9 I was going

To try this before I get off but I don’t know if it’s worth it okay I need to finish this Quest I’m already on actually because I’m still on it and my boy is patiently waiting for me over here all right buddy hello and welcome to deas the central city of the province

Of win okay so they are cities in the province that makes sense here you will find Merchants from all around the province you can shop to your hearts content it is the Hub of cooperation between villagers and humans epic debtless if that’s how you say it

Also contains a bank which you can use to store your emeralds more efficiently and store any other items you have yes I’ve already been doing that I already know what’s going on all right is that it so what’s my objective now or do I have To I have to keep going and request backup okay I thought that that’s what I just did so I was a little bit confused doesn’t this one give me speed did I sell the wrong bow probably I don’t know oh wait no I saved the speed one in

There oh wait I’m supposed to be going to 513 oh this is also messed up hold on this is supposed to be here and then this is supposed to be here let’s move that really quickly there we go 513 and then 1 629 is it you where is this

Guy one six okay the green will lead me all right that’s good to hear thank you for your work elar I’ll speak to Lieutenant van to see if he’d be willing to take you into a squad sweet thank you for the opportunity sir I won’t let you

Down wait is that tasm and swimrun elar we finally made it to deas we’ve had something of an adventure to get here yes indeed we have uh you two must be the recruits elidor has been telling us all about it’s good to finally meet you though I can’t help but notice you seem

To have arrived in a rush we have right right we arrived from that place village with bad news and a request for Aid the spiders of the forest have grown hostile and a threat to the town excuse me one of their Town’s folk has captured and

Taken away in front of our eyes mayor Al sent us here to request Aid of debtless army bad news indeed very well we’ll make it or we’ll make preparations for the time being the two of you should rest and hone your skills Captain reagon here in the barracks will gladly offer some training

Sir thank you sir is there anything else we could do to actually help um all right give us the aid please whoa what just happened why did I lose connection in the middle of talking to my boys I lost connection dude thank you so much whoever subscribed I really

Appreciate you being here and uh for subscribing to the channel okay wait what happened did I finish the quest how do I see my completed quests let me go on the website real quick I want to see if it completed the quest whoops all right Windcraft I guess I should probably show you my screen if it allows me to all right just gonna move it like that there we go okay whoops here we are that’s me level 9ine Archer Mushroom Man okay so I guess I did complete it uh what is this I don’t like

This all right cool beans I need to up my defense dude and if you look at my my account that I’ve played on I was playing earlier today but just to check out the server but this was the first time I ever joined 10 years ago so that is very epic but

Yeah all right let’s get back to the server there’s this one Quest that I really want to do but I don’t know what it’s called but I’ve done it before Tunnel Trouble taking the tower I’ve done this one before I know I’ve done that one I’m pretty sure

Actually in fact I could probably check really quickly let’s see have I done this before M Maybe maybe I haven’t unless it was on a different one of my I could have sworn I’ve done that one before I guess I haven’t did I check Mage H I could have sworn I’ve have done

That one all right not that one not that one this one I think it’s this one and I want to do it I’m not talking to you boy I got a place to be and I think it’s closer Ah that’s risky but I think it’s closer yes it is closer and it’s this

Way I believe no I don’t know all right we’re going get there and then we’re going to end the stream after that sound good sounds good after I sell this somebody graciously dropped it for me to pick up I smell bacon I want bacon why is she making bacon that I can’t

Eat that one Quest that I was talking about I think it’s the corrupt passageway I’m pretty sure that’s literally like under here like there’s a passageway under here and I totally remember doing it so I don’t understand why it doesn’t show that I’ve done that Quest before maybe something just messed up

Dude I’m one shot killing these bad boys now do you ever sometimes feel like you’re a bit AFK in the head you want to meet other idiots and be smart together if so you should join the idiot thing we are fun social very nice all right let

Me oneshot you noobs cuz I’m better now oh I got to go in this direction diagonally just going to get spits of XP as I walk all right 540 I’m about 540 now so I lost my speed let’s get some Mana back so I can Sprint it’s not letting me Sprint oh

Snap I just realized my sub Count’s being hidden right now hold on now it’s not what we one now we got what wait no there we go that’s what we want and I am stuck in this thing thank you 2020 this is very far away this is one of my first quests I’ve

Ever done oh nice is this where I’m supposed to be this might be where I’m supposed to be I’m not sure though so I forgot to mention this but me and my friend one of my best friends and I when we were kids when we first played the

Server he was the guy who actually introduced the server to me um we had this crazy idea that we were going to make wincraft YouTube videos and we he bought me um headphones with a mic so that we can make wincraft videos and we never made them and right now I’m

Just fulfilling me and his dream to make wincraft videos I’m doing it for the both of us and we did this Quest together he showed me this Quest so that it’s pretty nostalgic this one is hi my name is omingo I am a resident of the M

Multic Village on the top of the hill as you may know our people came to your land years ago and this ship is and this is the ship they used they brought lots of luxurious Goods with them uh most of them got lost in the wreck but recently

A small hole has opened in the Shipwreck here it is believed that our Fortune is hidden within it unfortunately no one has been able to explore it it’s too deep no creature can survive underwater that long however my old friend Seer is a fisherman and I know he has a very

Special helmet if you convince him to give it to you this helmet will find the treasure or excuse me if you convince him to give you this helmet and find the treasure I’ll give you a part of it Sarah is out in his boat but the cave is

Next to me or but the cave next to me is a quick way over um to where does the his fishing be careful on the way though okay where’s the cave oh right there I see okay oh these guys don’t die in one shot or maybe they do oh get off

Me why won’t you die all right oh hello there we go get wrecked honestly if I just walk past them I should be fine but I would also just like to kill them so it’s fun and I get XP wait I unlocked that I thought I hadn’t unlocked that already I thought I

Needed one more point to do that let’s go it’s a normal lame bow all right where is this guy 5402 oh that’s the guy I just talked to who hello is he in this boat I think he said he’s in this boat hello anybody home sir where are you

Aha there he is dude you are short holy smokes my brother do you need anything maybe you should talk to my friend omango I think he may need some help wait don’t tell me dude I just talked to him there’s no way Al so I don’t think it was much of a

Shortcut I think this is a little bit faster maybe not I don’t know where’s the is that I think that’s the entrance right there dude I did not know I could do that spell um I’ve already talked to you brother bro I’ve already accepted this why that’s so weird whoops

I hope it doesn’t actually want me to go through the cave because I didn’t I’m so close to leveling up let’s go level 10 wait I didn’t even look at what I wanted to do oh my goodness I hope I can still get that one I hope I didn’t just block it without

Looking at it that was a nice convenient way to get up here all right yes I need your helmet please give it to me aha what is this okay I’m guessing that is this cave whoa how do I get the meat do I have to hit them oh

Wait okay I got the oil okay bro bro bro bro bro that’s cool but I need more than that yes sir me and this guy are doing the same thing at the same time maybe the meat is in here I have no idea I’m a little bit confused

By this Quest I’m not going to lie okay I’m doing it right that’s kind of annoying that you can’t get it every single time time okay nice is there another place I can go fishing aha there’s one one more come on nice that didn’t give it to me oh well we keep

Going okay that one gave it to me the other one showed that I was getting it but it it didn’t give it to me I don’t think this Quest is done the same way that it used to be done bro finish fishing please okay D I’m going to be level 11 by the

Time I finish this thing which I’m not necessarily complaining about but it’s very tedious though very tedious indeed thank you for being polite I’m waiting for me to fish let’s go okay we only need one more oh I don’t like the double arrows cuz that shoots like it doesn’t aim properly o that’s

Annoying okay hopefully this is the last one let’s go it’s nice that does more damage but like I can’t even hit this guy when I’m aiming properly I guess I just have to aim to the sides now which is kind of annoying but you know we push through

That’s going to take some getting used to yeah I got them fish you’re welcome brother all right now we got to go back all right got to find this Lost Treasure where is it I’m guessing it’s somewhere over there how do I get to that though oh this looks like a cave

What is that just something I can’t go into or I have no idea may have to go further I feel like it’s not going to be as hard as I think it is it’s probably pretty simple and I’m overthinking it surely it’s got to be somewhere on the ship right because

It’s it’s a shipwreck wait there’s a blue arrow there huh oh here we go okay I wasn’t looking in the right spot yeah I haven’t done this quest in 10 years so I I do not remember it at all I wonder if it was this complex because back then you couldn’t swim like

This so I wonder if they did it that complicated and there’s that treasure this must be the treasure he was talking about indeed oh don’t I have to so what am I supposed to do here hey there’s that portal I went through oh my gosh I have to break it

How do you break it okay come on swim all right see if we can do it I guess you just have to punch it it’s kind of tedious you have to click it 90 times all right 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 two one I did it all right wait

What how many times do I got to do this I that would actually be crazy if I had to do it more than once I’m pretty sure it’s just respawning for the next person to do the quest but that would be crazy going to do it one more time to see what happens

I’m just going to go back I think I think it’s already done I don’t think I need as many as I got you got it you found the treasure indeed Sweet let’s go that’s hype and I leveled up that’s even more hype all right let’s see what this t Town’s all

About I’m a little confused is this the same town or is there another town somewhere I think I think I’m looking for this place over here is this what I’m looking for I have no idea let’s check the map okay here’s the map that is oh wait wrong account where am

I there I am I’m being destroyed by a mob wait I don’t know what I’m looking for oh I’m just going to go back to ragy if I can figure out how to get there wow that was awesome oh we’re back we’re back sweet I don’t think I need that anymore

So someone else can have it all right let’s uh identify these items sell everything and then uh log off for the night oh sweet all right let’s add to my quest items and get all the emeralds we can get all right plus four spell damage plus four spell damage I still think that’s

Better plus 20 Health this stuff is kind of noob Lo yeah oh these actually oh plus 48 but slow speed I’m not a fan of the slow speed I’mma put these on these might be better though I’m not sure I’m just going to sell everything okay let’s

Sell oh actually I haven’t looked at that yet 45 okay I’m going to keep that one but I’m going sell everything else uh sell it yeah all right all right I think that’s it that’s all she wrote there we go then I’m G to put all of this stuff in here oh dude page two let’s

Go let’s put all this random stuff in page two page one is going to be home of the armor this helmet’s actually not bad even as a quest item all righty well that’s going to be the end for the night so yeah thank you guys so much for watching if you did

Enjoy the stream stream of course I would really appreciate it if you would consider leaving a like on the stream and also subscribing thank you so much for being here I’ll see you guys next time peace out

This video, titled ‘Logging in to Wynncraft after 10 years! | Minecraft’s biggest MMORPG’, was uploaded by Swimmeron 2 on 2024-02-08 04:08:30. It has garnered 1463 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:21:42 or 8502 seconds.

like if you like 🙂 – Subscribe to my channel @Swimmeron2 Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/9UamysT

#Wynncraft #MMO #MMORPG #minecraft #minecraftmmo

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    Welcome to KrustyKraft SMP! If you’re 18+ with a functioning microphone and past builds to showcase, we invite you to join our Minecraft Bedrock Community. Our realm is active, friendly, and inclusive with Vanilla gameplay and quality of life addons. We use Discord for communication and hold events and projects to keep things exciting. Apply to be part of our community today! DM me for the Discord Link! 🙂 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Blocky Boss: Movie Character Codebreak”

    Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had a lot of explosive emotions to work through! Read More

  • Steve’s Sticky Situation: A Web of Escape in Minecraft

    Steve's Sticky Situation: A Web of Escape in Minecraft In the depths of Minecraft, Steve finds himself trapped, In a spider’s web, his fate is now mapped. Can he escape, with skill and might? Or will he be stuck, in the web’s tight plight? The spiders crawl, with eyes so bright, Their hunger for Steve, a chilling sight. But our hero is brave, he won’t give in, With a swift escape, he’ll surely win. Watch as he jumps, and dodges with grace, Navigating the web, in this thrilling race. The tension mounts, as time ticks by, Will Steve break free, or will he sigh? Stay tuned for more,… Read More

  • Minecraft TNT Disaster v267: Explosive Comedy!

    Minecraft TNT Disaster v267: Explosive Comedy! When you accidentally blow up your entire Minecraft world with TNT and suddenly realize maybe you should have stuck to building houses instead of conducting explosive experiments. #minecraftfail #oops Read More

  • 25 Epic Minecraft Mountain Seeds!

    25 Epic Minecraft Mountain Seeds! Exploring the Top 25 Best New Minecraft Mountain Seeds Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the top 25 best new mountain seeds for version 1.21. These seeds offer breathtaking landscapes, challenging terrains, and endless possibilities for survival, exploration, and base building. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, these seeds will surely captivate your imagination and keep you entertained for hours on end. Discovering the Mountain Seeds From the towering cliffs to the lush valleys, each seed on this list promises a unique and exciting experience. Here are some highlights… Read More

  • Unbelievable ROBLOX SHREDDER by OmzCrew!

    Unbelievable ROBLOX SHREDDER by OmzCrew!Video Information This video, titled ‘ROBLOX SHREDDER!’, was uploaded by OmzCrew on 2024-08-14 01:27:08. It has garnered 189206 views and 2886 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:33 or 10113 seconds. Today Omz Crystal Luke Alexa Roxy Lily and Heather are playing roblox shredder! #roblox #omz #minecraft #minecraftmod Read More

  • Sweaky The John Mod: Terrifying Remake

    Sweaky The John Mod: Terrifying RemakeVideo Information This video, titled ‘The John Mod got a HORRIFYING Remake…’, was uploaded by Sweaky on 2024-09-24 01:05:37. It has garnered 2440 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:00 or 720 seconds. Video concept: #minecraft #john #minecrafthorror #cavedweller #manfromthefog #mickeymouse #analoghorror _________________________________________________________________________ JOIN DISORD—- https://discord.gg/3U862CeKnJ SUBSCRIBE OR I TAKE YOUR DOG ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ _________________________________________________________________________ who im recording with: @KingArthurYouTube thumbnail made by: ME Mod linked below: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/john-awakened _________________________________________________________________________ Check out Viewstats! – https://www.viewstats.com/ follow all of these or i will kick you • tik tok – https://www.tiktok.com/@sweakysneaker • Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/sweakysneaker/ _______________________________________________________________________ #minecraft… Read More


    EPIC NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE!! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘PLAY NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE || MINECRAFT LIVE || @realcoolx #shorts’, was uploaded by CoolX Gaming on 2024-08-21 04:45:56. It has garnered 3867 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:08 or 10388 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #buildsmp #shorts #shortslive #shortsfeed #subscribe #coolxgaming #realcoolx #Minecraft #minecraftbut #minecraftshorts #shorts Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! 😝 Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here ▶ 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: – paid1.hostingkarle.com:25573 You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) 📷 Instagram:https://instagram.com/coolx_gaming_?i… 🎮 Discord… Read More

  • Outrageous BMX Bedfight With My Bro!

    Outrageous BMX Bedfight With My Bro!Video Information This video, titled ‘Epic Bedfight With My Brother’, was uploaded by BMX Rowdy Gaming on 2024-04-21 11:00:27. It has garnered 13 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. https://fakepixel.fun/ #shorts #minecraft #bmxrowdy #trending #trendingshorts #trendingvideo #video . . . . . Links 🔗🔗🖇:- . . . . . Discord link:- https://discord.gg/nRfeZtBYZX . . . . . Follow on Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/bmxrowdy_gaming/ . . . . . Subscribe The Channel and like The video plz.😘😘🥰😍🙂🙃 Title ;- Minecraft Trap Hacks That Will Blow Your Mind in Seconds #shorts #minecraft Minecraft Build Hacks That… Read More

  • Insane PvP – Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PvP - Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘PvPing With A BACKWARDS KEYBOARD on PvP Legacy! #shorts #minecraft #pvplegacy’, was uploaded by Proficy on 2024-04-25 09:56:39. It has garnered 519 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. i had to change my keybinds for this… I STREAM ALMOST DAILY ON TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/proficy Discord (with mods and texutre pack): https://discord.gg/vDvR89fuFw #shorts #short minecraft pvp,minecraft,minecraft hardcore,pvp,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft pvp tips,#minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft mod,minecraft funny,minecraft manhunt,minecraft pvp guide,minecraft 1.9 pvp,minecraft smp,crystal pvp,how to pvp in minecraft,minecraft crystal pvp,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft but challenge,minecraft 1.19,minecraft update,minecraft but i cant touch grass… Read More

  • REAL Scary Minecraft Experiments

    REAL Scary Minecraft ExperimentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing Scary Minecraft Experiments That Are Actually Real’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2024-08-28 02:00:16. It has garnered 1342675 views and 21978 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:51 or 1311 seconds. Uncovering TERRIFYING Minecraft Mysteries that are actually real including the WHITE ENDERMAN and WHITE ROSE… Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! 😝 Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-g_O9HWb5B0rVDG1hLd5Hw/join 👕 Buy EYmerch: https://eystreem.store/ 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) ❤️ Tik… Read More

  • Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS… #minecraft

    Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS... #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Escaping an Ocean Full of DEATH… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Plaza on 2024-01-08 14:00:40. It has garnered 996184 views and 30352 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Plaza does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.19 challenges in 2023! Today Plaza plays not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, Minecraft… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine’, was uploaded by NOVA GAMING on 2024-08-13 01:30:31. It has garnered 14514 views and 269 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine #herobrine#minecraft #vs #smp mrbeast vs herobrine whow will win #skin #morphe #viral #steve #Minecraft #MrBeast #Herobrine #Gaming #GamerLife #VirtualBattle #creativestrategy #CommunitySupport #EpicClash #PixelatedWorld #OnlineGaming #BuildBattle #LegendVsReality Minecraft showdown MrBeast vs Herobrine Gaming legends clash Creative strategy Community-driven gameplay Minecraft battle Virtual world conflict Epic gaming duel Supernatural powers Gaming mythology Strategy and innovation Minecraft creativit Read More

  • Minecraft’s Mind-Blowing New Update – Watch Now!

    Minecraft's Mind-Blowing New Update - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Next Update Is Already Full of New Features’, was uploaded by wattles on 2024-06-18 17:57:40. It has garnered 108661 views and 3915 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:08 or 848 seconds. Minecraft 1.21.1 and Minecraft 1.21.10 are already getting loaded up with new changes to Minecraft Tricky Trials and more! Today we take a look at the new minecraft updates that have (mostly) happened after the release of 1.21! 📷 instagram https://www.instagram.com/stonegalerie/ 💗 patreon https://www.patreon.com/wattles 🐤 twitter https://twitter.com/itiswattles 📖 reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/wattles/ 👕 my shop https://shop-wattles.creator-spring.com/ ☺ SOME PLAYLISTS ☺ Minecraft Guide https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPrdt6JFbZtTi8H_XwgYXVRfI… Read More