xNestorio – Minecraft but You Turn into a MONSTER!

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This is me at one mutation two mutations five mutations 100 mutations okay go back and my goal today is to reach 1 000 mutations so let’s begin at mutation zero okay so Step One is look up wait what am I looking up at oh yo wait is

That a meteor oh okay I think we gotta go over there then right so right now I’m not muted problem all right let me get some wood oh nice iron all right three iron not bad okay now we should be good all right so what’s over the hill oh that does not

Look good oh wait are those aliens hold on they don’t look very nice okay so I literally don’t have any armor and I don’t know if I should fight them straight up okay we might sneak around guys so I think I’m supposed to talk to that one right there but those seem a

Little bit hostile all right here’s the plan guys I’m just gonna go down and we’re gonna use the uranium as cover probably not a good thing oh gosh oh gosh okay don’t do this in real life not that you’re nearby uranium or anything don’t mind me I am just gonna go over

Here I’m not gonna try buying the uranium just yet but I think I should have a nice entry through the back it looks like he’s looking the other way oh wait no no no turn around oh gosh oh gosh okay okay I think it should be fine

I got okay okay buddy turn around turn around thank you very much okay once in my corner we can handle it all right how’s it going buddy it looks like you might be friendly uh did I just talk to him the alien is hungry oh he hungry

Okay now we gotta make a uranium sandwich on the screen oh wait and so that takes uranium ore okay you get preoccupied and oh my gosh we now have uranium and we can make even uranium tools don’t mind me I’m gonna grab as much as this as I can okay 33 uranium

Not bad now all we gotta get is just a little bit more iron just for our tools you’re now getting all the tools and no one sees me right oh gosh is he going to the Village okay he’s distracted let me just go the long way okay don’t mind me

I don’t think he sees me let me grab some wheat there we go and now all we gotta do is but dude right in one uranium and then we get a uranium sandwich but before we go back let me just in case I get into trouble get some

Furnaces just so I can make some tools wait why is there magma here my goodness it’s a poor Village got attacked okay real quick let’s go to cook that and get some in the meantime all right let me get that iron and now what we gotta do is make one arm pickaxe

And now we get a uranium pickaxe oh gosh all right my mutate me just holding this but one more thing and that’s with one iron sword and we get a seven attack damage uranium sword okay now if we get in a fight we should be fine but I’m

Still gonna sneak in okay let me run in real quick looks like it’s pretty free right now to just go in the middle okay he’s staring at a wall it looks like okay he just keeps staring at that wall and now Mr guy over here here’s your

Uranium sandwich did he like it oh mutated uranium wait what am I supposed to do with this is this food do I eat it let me get a little bit far away in case alien see me and so I guess let me bite into it oh what is going on I’m going to

Mouth and it’s growing hungry feed the mouth cows um we have a mouth spell nice guys this is our very first mutation and we gotta feed it now I think it talks but first thing we’re gonna do now is find a mouth oh there we go okay some couch right

There Mr mouth I have so much for you don’t mind me let me real quick do I just like right click you oh the milk eats it all right go on mouth and get your dinner there you go bunch of cows done and um still hungry it’s Whispering

A villager okay we we can try to figure that out which villager is still alive I don’t want to get the blacksmith if he’s important oh villager okay don’t mind me no aliens nearby all right sorry about this okay a little bit humidity lost again and now even more large tolls ooh

That might be who I need to talk to all right Mr blacksmith do you have the tools what oh and he does oh my gosh okay a lot of iron for a giant pickaxe at least we have the uranium for a giant ax okay buddy I’m gonna come back to you

But I don’t want the aliens to get you so I’m gonna drop you right here all right you’re gonna stay right there and I’m gonna hide you just so the aliens don’t get you and now for the iron all right so what is the uranium pickaxe do

Oh Auto Cooks yo nice okay so that’s gonna be three ironing it’s just like that but since I’m kind of squished between both sides let me just go down come on let’s find a game it should be a lot better let me real quick grab as

Much iron as I can okay so in total we pretty much needed a whole stack of iron which shouldn’t be too bad if this cave is giant oh yep they cave now we just do this fast money okay we’re back I don’t think any more

Aliens so Mr mouth it is time for you to eat oh wait where’d he go huh where did buddy go oh right so while I was gone I think they now have the blacksmith hostage how does that gonna happen all right brand new plan we are just gonna

Slowly go from the back okay wait there’s two on the side so I think we can literally just go through here all right Mr blacksmith it is time to save you real quick go on straight this way buddy oh gosh uh they’re not coming right oh my gosh they are right there

Okay let me just walk in and it’s got a straight no no no don’t leave okay well give me the giant pickaxe and give me the big giant ax there we go nice trading with you and he is probably gonna get caught again all right okay

Nope nope nope nope let me just walk this way then and this might be a good spot to eat the giant IX all right let’s see the giant X that’s gonna be one done and now the giant pickaxe oh wait I want more it’s Whispering now uranium all

Right we can hear you raining I guess probably not a good idea to uranium but whatever the mouth says I’ll do okay what’s happening now I’m a man tool and the mouth is so hungry apparently buy more food buried meteor hold on though now what mutation level 75 I’m literally

Made out of tools oh this is weird all right so it said buried meteor where exactly would a beard meteor be would it be under the meteor or somewhere around there okay let me just sneak back in don’t mind me before I do anything gotta

Get some wait wait is it mine the week quicker now because my hand is a sword oh that’s sick okay where is this Cave thing oh this might be it meteor cave okay what do we have down here then oh well like the name says literally meteor

All right I guess I gotta go right there all right don’t mind me as long as there’s no aliens we should be fine oh we have an archaeologist down there Mr archaeologist what do you want he needs a drill new craft drill all right that’s the Drone screen right now and what we

Really need is not really Stone but diamonds Four Diamonds in total I know we have zero all right so first thing let’s go and cook some Cobblestone and now all we gotta get is some diamonds which maybe it’s good luck to mine right under a meteor thing who knows let’s see

There we go finally some diamonds one Diamond please be oh it’s only two dang all right we need four in total oh and that’s quick even more diamonds only one though okay all right one more to go and the final diamonds all right let’s grab you and now with the five diamonds all

We gotta do now is ghetto Stone please be cooked oh nice actually let’s go to make some stone bricks then there we go and now all we need for a drill is three stone breaks and four diamonds and there it is good old drill do I give this to

Him archaeologist oh wait I think he’s supposed to get down oh yo it’s a working drill oh it needs power though and now we gotta craft a power source well I guess we’re going straight back down again all right watch this and now we’re getting okay power source

And so I think I just put this cool looking thing in here right all right machine turn on oh yo oh my gosh where’s that thing going wait I think I found something uranium gold well luckily I actually made a staircase all the way down that was kind of cool let’s go all

The way down I guess then and get ready to fight almost all the way down and oh oh he definitely shot gold so we got some more uranium craters but we now have a uranium Golem guy okay brand new plan how do we get down there maybe I

Just take the fall damage all right oh okay okay time for battle Mr uranium Golem I am kind of mutated are you friendly he’s not friendly he’s not friendly okay okay we gotta fight this guy okay let me fall back real quick and oh my gosh yes rejects what is this oh

My gosh I fart okay no no eat the bread look meat swallow okay okay wait let’s block him off a little bit I don’t think Buddy’s very smart so that’s fine okay this is the move right here we’re gonna block him off oh gosh stay back and then

Heal up again oh boy stay away buddy oh gosh okay okay we’re almost healed up let me eat the bread real quick and here we go this is where we kill him oh okay one hit two three and down he goes just like that and holy radium the mouth

Hungers shouting more uranium my gosh well on the bright side let’s go to grab all that and I’m gonna guess this is even more edible uranium so uh let’s go ahead and grab all of it and Mr mouth what are you gonna become now oh gosh

Eat all you want and oh wait am I missing something oh I think I missed some or where did I put it uh wait is there gonna be uranium in here then oh okay let me real quick grab you and now we can go ahead and feed the mouth even

More all right eat up buddy there we go okay oh can we maintain it again you’re part spider oh gosh he’s still here isn’t he all right well we have three arms now wait head back to the Village okay what’s going on now give me one sec

Guys I guess we’re stacking all the way up okay what’s going on in the village then oh giant mutant decal Pig and Chicken huh okay and we got a scientist and a mutation rate Mr scientist what do you want me to do exactly oh defeat them

Oh my what is something it’s got two waters nope nope stay away nope nope nope nope we are not dealing with that right now we got three swords on one arm oh gosh oh gosh even the giant pick is coming okay down goes to giant cow just like that now let’s get

The joke gosh I am so sorry about that they cannot touch me oh we also got a cow sword from him oh nice let me try out this bad boy against giant chicken sorry about this oh gosh oh gosh actually does pretty good one sorry big

Chicken down it goes and that’s all from gone I guess with that being done let’s go and talk to the scientist again all right Mr scientist that should be all of them gone now wants to try again gather some mobs up okay so maybe we can do a

Little area for the mobs all right here’s the plan we are gonna go ahead and get some of these and I think this is how I make a fence right oh uh nope that’s not how you make a fence this right here is how you make a fence there

We go and just cause we can let’s make one fence gate all right so Mr scientist we’re gonna put them right here okay let me make a small area because I don’t actually have that many fences and that should be good all right Next plan now we gotta get some wheat which hopefully

I didn’t get it all oh wait I think I saw something up here oh there we go get away Bells okay that’s step one done let’s get some good old wheat and muzzle grab this for later because we definitely need some more food and so

Now with the Wii let me get one kill at least all right Cal come straight this way the goal is to get four mobs in total so come over here we’re gonna bring you all the way to the defense gate and I might as well get some sheep

Too I think I heard one somewhere oh down there oh is that what the alien is oh gosh okay we still gotta worry about those guys Jake gone this way too all right let’s get them inside there we go okay two more to go okay I may have

Gotten too many mobs it’s okay though oh gosh oh gosh I don’t know if they’ll fit in I did not make a big enough fence nope nope nope come inside guys come on okay I think that’ll do all right Mr scientists that should be enough for the

Mutation Ray does it just start up no some mobs are weird find the disguise mobs wait what all right that right there is a normal sheep and oh my gosh it’s a little bit obvious and this right here is a mutated cow as a pig which I’m

Gonna guess we either gotta eat or something all right all of you get out oh that’s one of them there we go I think I ate one of them let me get the cow pig right there and are these dragon tail pigs huh oh he escaped all right

You guys are in there and oh my gosh um let me just go underneath this guy sorry about that brother there we go and now that should be all of them gone as a scientist what now oh he’s army with the Rays um does this mutate me oh gosh come

On oh didn’t we just become a spider what the heck now I gotta find the engineer guys this is uh getting a little bit out of hand all right now for the engineer oh wait was he always there uh he’s literally right over the hill all right don’t mind me Mr engineer

Jessica like store with spider ready to do whatever work you need me to do hope create the machine oh all right well what do we got here we’re making some random machine is this gonna mutate me oh my gosh okay a lot of iron a lot of

Redstone that shouldn’t be too hard but mutated slime balls how do I get mutated slime balls huh is there like a slime cave maybe in the meteor cave I guess that’s where we can start oh wait we might be right because at the top a mutated slime King just showed up oh

Gosh all right let’s see where this is exactly maybe it’s at the very bottom I think I see something oh okay that is definitely not normal slime all right let’s go real quick all the way down and oh they give me information slime balls okay right back nope nope nope all right

Here’s the way guys we’re gonna take down all the mutated slimes get the king out of the way and oh gosh oh gosh okay why is it keep blowing me normal looking one okay okay let’s just get down as many as we can I need 32 mutant slime

Balls let me kill the king first in case they keep spawning oh I hate slimes down he goes just like that oh we got a slime Crown oh and it sticks to my head apparently oh and uh God it fits all right well I think that might be most of

The mutated slime we need with all those guys gone let’s grab as much as we can there we go 25 and oh gosh I’m about to take out all the rest of them you give me that slime there we go and now that should be enough and now for the boring stuff

Okay now we got everything we need and a lot extra actually so first let’s start off with the Slime bowls all right let’s give them all the mutated slime you ever need there you go now he needs the Redstone so I hate the Redstone I think

It’s like a stack of it my goodness all right and now finally one stack of iron ingots I like how I’m just shaking my body while I do this that should be it okay what are we getting now Mr engineer this thing better be huge oh I finished

The machine oh my gosh okay what is this stand in place to be split oh is this gonna be JB okay let’s I guess just stand right here oh wait why is uranium coming out yo oh oh he’s mutated okay okay buddy is buff now you know what

Let’s just take this guy out I don’t think that went out it should have so let’s take him down real quick sorry about this buddy and now we get a mutated engineer like an engine huh am I supposed to put this in or do I eat this

Oh okay I think I ate it what am I picking now I become a snake Oreo I’m literally a snake and I can join a snake competition now oh I think it’s pointing that way all right let’s go all the way over there I think this might be it

Whatever this is game master all right what do we do pay the toll read the wafer and give 32 gold okay what’s the waiver oh my gosh okay they’re not responsible for accidental decapitation and build by swordfish death by coconut death by freezer huh all from tall places dihydrogen monoxide poisoning

Crushed by a giant hay Bell and even being kicked by a horse and then there’s dot dot dot it goes on for 50 more Lions what the heck are we signing this you know what before signing yet don’t don’t do this at home okay I’ll sign the

Waiver and here’s the payment 32 gold ingots let’s roll quick give it all to him and I think we should be good head inside and join your goal eat them all oh gosh all right what exactly am I eating oh my huh oh guys all right let’s eat oh we had two

All right get back here this is a weird way of snake okay you know what that’s another one God let me grab you thank you very much another snake right there another one right there and this should be the last one yeah back here oh there

We go I think that should be game whatever that game was oh wait is this another round there’s two more now all right let’s eat that one real quick and a competitor is fierce to beat him quickly this might be the final level all right now we gotta fight an

Aggressive snake villager oh my gosh okay he does a lot of damage my goodness you’d think because I’m a snake down I get more help but no oh wait no we gotta make healing okay okay let’s make one of those oh no no stay back stay back now

The real game is running away from this guy making bread on the go and not dying oh gosh okay let’s go in get a couple hits in all right he only has half his health left don’t have any more food I literally only have potatoes oh gosh not

The potatoes how about this I got an even better plan we’re making a furnace there we go we’re putting down the furnace putting the potatoes in the furnace cooking them and they’re running away and while we wait for them to do not steal the potatoes please thank you very much okay nope nope

Yes and now with the power of the baked potato we can take it down okay let’s do a couple more hits oh gosh give me another potato here we go fall back hit him again oh gosh and this is getting a little bit close okay another potato

Kill me up there we go come on okay found a baked potato and here we go and down he goes just like that and now we get an edible uranium trophy all right let’s see what we’ve become right click and here go oh gosh we’re glad to my hand I’ve

Become a monster oh what the heck am I head over to the zoo they’ll have animals to eat oh my gosh is my mouth still wanna eat this whole time all right well game master thank you very much for that where exactly am I going

Now oh it’s pointing that way now I mean if they got food they got food let’s get some more mutations going over there oh wait what someone is coming okay we found the thing but who the heck is coming hello oh this has been hello how’s it going buddy what’s up oh did

Buddy just drop me I’m an exhibit now huh find a way out guys okay well we gotta get out of here let me get some food real quick I guess all right everyone we are gonna make a way out somehow wait can I protect me mine oh nope I cannot mine right well

What the heck am I supposed to do here then maybe I gotta use these guys oh wait what if we mutate even more I’m so sorry skeleton cow we gotta test something out though sorry about this and from him we get a soul the souls give strength apparently oh and now we

Have a stroke five oh I am so sorry guys okay okay sorry sorry about this I know you guys are my cell mates but we gotta get some good strength okay now with those guys down are we strong enough to break this at least oh it’s breaking

Okay here’s the plan we’re gonna break this and then we’re gonna press the lever oh wait I could have just used my pickaxe what am I doing all right that should be good and now we should be good to go so I gotta get my stuff back the

Literally confiscated all my diamonds so let me just sneak out and okay what do we have going on down here zookeepers okay it looks like they’re pillagers and it looks like I gotta sneak around oh gosh can I make that jump no let me go this way okay to get down it probably

Gotta go through all these people and oh key required okay step one let’s try to find that key first I’m gonna slowly come down and oh my gosh don’t see me I think we’re about to go down another floor well first we actually gotta open this up so to do this old-fashioned way

We’re just breaking it okay let me just go through here and oh no no no no no no oh Jimmy where’s the key oh my gosh okay let me go in here no no key here holy this is tough to find guys I cannot find anything oh yo yo yo how’s it going

Buddy I am completely fine in myself nothing’s going on here all right buddy okay can you leave please oh wait he’s going we’re good and now he’s staring at the wall all right let me just cross the next spot and literally nothing still oh

Man okay how do I get this key then can I mine yeah I can mine oh my gosh okay hold up new plan guys we’re gonna go underneath and see if we can find it through the cells so by cell we will find the right spot I don’t think the

Zookeepers are here and this should be right in a Cell oh it worked okay don’t see me don’t see me don’t see me nothing here yet oh and that might be it guys prison key okay finally one prison key why is it in this guy’s room who knows

But let me grab that real quick run all the way back and act like nothing just happened okay let me block this off and I think if I go right here we should be good to go all right don’t mind me we gotta just go ahead and grab the key out

And now does this work I worked yes okay let’s go in here and this is myself presenter belongings oh there we go okay let me grab everything back oh and Buddy’s escaping with me let’s go and now with that being done I think we’re good to go oh and it’s the businessman

You know what I think it’s something we call this guy out Mr businessman why did you put Meep into that Zoo his guard is coming kill it and you’re free oh okay let’s take down the businessman real quick and I’ve strength five from all

The souls so I am so sorry but why is this orb so big my goodness down it goes just like that and now let’s get that mutation potion and get as far away as we can from this place all right drink up and oh gosh what are we coming now

I’ve become something oh what the heck someone is nearby wait who’s nearby oh my goodness I have now Port many mobs probably from The Souls I hey okay where is this villager oh there he is what the heck are you and right by the zoo too did you escape a fellow mutant he’ll

Bring you home but you need Wings how do I make wings oh we craft them okay so we need uranium B Wings feathers and chicken wings okay where the heck do I get that stuff then do I have to go back in here again I literally just said I

Was gonna come back oh wait B corner do I just break in then oh this might be my replacement then right let me just break in real quick get all above you there we go and now we got B wings okay throw that nope nope nope stay back stay back

Okay that’s six B wings now we need chickens and I also need some extra uranium okay no one sees me I don’t think let me break through real quick and now should be pretty easy we can go straight to the uranium oh it’s a chicken pen nice all right let me grab

You real quick thank you very much Robin’s much uranium as we can there we go and now let’s go get some chickens hold on let me get the chickens why are the chicken wings looking like that who knows but these are chicken wings apparently in a bottle Three Feathers should maybe be enough

Gorgeous case you know what that done let’s get out of here all right now that we’re back let’s go ahead and craft this thing which is gonna be feathers right here some good old Uranium on both sides then oddly enough chicken wings and then at the top two more uranium and then one

Thing of B wings and finally one B wing oh and there it is mutated Wings gain the power of light all right let’s try this out oh and I’ve grown Wings learned how to use them properly and so now we have huge Wings my goodness wait so can

I fly with them oh and we can now fly so now that we have the power of flight well where exactly are we going hello there’s a school nearby head over to learn to fly oh okay I think we’re supposed to follow these things then oh

Wait this might be up here then what are these little hoop things am I gonna fly through them it’s like flight school or something oh it really is we now have a flight teacher what’s up finish the courses from easy to expert oh okay we just go through these things then we go

All the way up and all the way down is that one done I I think that might be done okay next up we have hard and so with hard uh we go in then straight up oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay go up here

Jump all the way down oh gosh okay let’s go through the hoop and now I think we go around the thing all right last hoop in that should be number two done and now for the last one expert where we got a Propel skill I think all right can we

Belt oh wait we can’t hold up I should have done this in the first place oh gosh oh gosh okay okay this is gonna make it a little bit harder let’s go through here let’s get some elevation that’s another one done then we gotta go straight down after we get to this last

One all right go up super high here we go in straight down oh oh we did it okay another one we’re not done yet oh gosh it’s gonna be a quick turn and oh gosh Come On Come On nice we’re doing it I just gotta go a few Hoops now and

Without further Ado that should be it are we done oh you finished flight school new ability Superfly wait what a Superfly uh is it a key I guess let’s press it here goes nothing and oh three two one oh wait where are we going where

Are we going oh gosh oh gosh it has a bite of its own are we going straight to the sun oh no oh where the heck did we disappear please leader let me go ahead and talk to this guy first hello find the plutonium crown and you’ll be

Welcomed home oh uh where exactly is the plutonium Crown oh I think this might be it that is a lot of plutonium villagers what the heck right okay here’s the blank guys we’re going get the leader get out oh they’re already after me aren’t they okay all right come on we

Got string five we should be good get over here guys let me get the crown back oh okay it’s the leader oh okay he does good damage let’s fall back okay nope nope nope nope nope nope nope okay this is straight up a bad position to be in

Stay back okay that’s almost all the villagers down let me get the leader down and down he goes and now we get the plutonium Crown all right let’s bring this back all right Mr leader here we go take the crown and it already looks like

He had a clown already oh oh well I guess for the crown we knocked the Eyes of Ender for what looks like to be finally the actual final boss so let’s open the portal and without further Ado let’s go to kill the dragon here we go

Oh okay I think this might be the last thing guys oh wait I can just fly okay oh and there it is already hurt by the way may have gone hit by meteor too but it looks pretty normal so I mean if it’s perching down right now let’s go and get

Ready for the kill okay let me go in I have strength five so this should do good damage okay maybe not that much and he’s already gone wait what about the cow sword does this shoot anything wait it does shoot something it shoots like uranium let’s go let’s take down the

Dragon with what we started which is some uranium and that was like I said very quick so with that being done guys that’s gonna be Minecraft but you can mutate so with that being done because I’ll enjoy to have a great one enter this video just like this one bye guys

This video, titled ‘Minecraft but You Turn into a MONSTER!’, was uploaded by xNestorio on 2023-02-25 00:00:32. It has garnered 1328140 views and 20912 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:12 or 1452 seconds.

Minecraft but From Mutation 1 to 999! 🎬 2nd Channel: @Nestor2

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💻 Edited by: https://twitter.com/POSITIVEANGIE

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    Discover Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and always looking for new and exciting servers to join? Well, we have just the server for you – Minewind! While watching the latest video on 5 Minute Solution Channel about how to find the End Portal in Minecraft, it got us thinking about the endless possibilities and adventures that await you on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community, unique gameplay features, and constant updates, Minewind offers an immersive and thrilling Minecraft experience like no other. Imagine embarking on a quest to find the End Portal with fellow players,… Read More

  • Automagic: Industrial Foregoing’s Machine Melodic

    Automagic: Industrial Foregoing's Machine Melodic In the world of Minecraft, machines and magic collide, Industrial Foregoing, a mod to provide. Automating tasks, making life easier, But beware of the challenges, they can be a teaser. Peagasp, our fearless news reporter in rhyme, Bringing updates and facts in no time. With a grin and a spin, crafting stories with glee, Engaging the crowd, setting their minds free. Join the live streams, full of laughter and fun, As we explore new mods under the sun. Peagasp, the narrator, with eyes sharp and keen, Describing the gameplay, like never seen. So leap into the verse, let the… Read More

  • Peppa Pig Meets Dinosaur in Minecraft

    Peppa Pig Meets Dinosaur in Minecraft Peppa Pig’s Adventure in the World of Minecraft Peppa Pig, known for her love of jumping in puddles and playing in the mud, found herself in a whirlwind of unexpected adventures when she fell into a particularly deep puddle. Suddenly, she was transported to the blocky world of Minecraft, where she had to navigate through challenges and dangers to survive. Meeting a Dinosaur Friend As Peppa explored the Minecraft world, she encountered a friendly dinosaur. Together, they formed an unlikely friendship and embarked on exciting quests. Peppa’s new dinosaur friend quickly became a valuable ally in her adventures, helping… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Villagers Strike Back in Minecraft!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Villagers Strike Back in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Villager Revenge’, was uploaded by Rama8413 on 2023-12-31 10:40:23. It has garnered 2620 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Minecraft Villager Chase Minecraft Villager Meme #minecraft #shorts #feedshorts #funny Read More

  • Insane 17 Hit Combo in Minecraft PvP! #montage #clickbait

    Insane 17 Hit Combo in Minecraft PvP! #montage #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘This combo was SO clean! ( 17 hits) !!#minecraft #pvp #montage #shorts’, was uploaded by Flashisgreat on 2024-05-21 21:34:09. It has garnered 630 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Editing Software : Clipchamp, FlowFrames, Tekno’s Blur, Davinci Resolve 19 Recording Software : Geforce Texture Pack : Minemanner.zip, Fruitful, Custom ———————————————————————————————————————– Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mob Killing Technique! πŸ’₯

    Insane Minecraft Mob Killing Technique! πŸ’₯Video Information This video, titled ‘La mejor forma de matar a los mobs en Minecraft! πŸ€”’, was uploaded by Ramix on 2024-05-31 02:00:16. It has garnered 97268 views and 12721 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Did you know these incredible facts about Minecraft? βš”οΈ Server I’m playing on β†’ minelucky.org (MineLucky) 🌐Follow me on my social networks! β†’ Twitter: https://twitter.com/NotRamix β†’ Twitch: https://twitch.tv/NotRamix β†’ Instagram: https://instagram.com/RamixMC β†’ Discord: https://discord.gg/Ramix #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #Shorts Read More

  • EPIC Tokyo776 Survival 100 Days in Minecraft! MUST SEE #viral

    EPIC Tokyo776 Survival 100 Days in Minecraft! MUST SEE #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘I survival In Minecraft survival 100 day And Hard #minecraft #video #viral’, was uploaded by TOKYO766 on 2024-02-14 03:40:07. It has garnered 200 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:08 or 428 seconds. I survival In Minecraft survival 100 day And Hard #minecraft #video #viral Testing CLICKBAIT Minecraft Traps That Are True 12:22 NOW PLAYING Spending 10,000 Rs. In Minecraft πŸ’΅ 208K views 1 day ago MrGamerJay Background Music By Epidemic Sounds [This Video Is Editing By AG Media-https://bitly.ws/34GDd] New No Download , Click To Play Here has many girl games,… Read More

  • Meowlands

    MeowlandsNEVER PAY TO WIN!!!! The only way to get stronger is to PLAY! Train Abilities, Increase POWER LEVEL, use insane KI ATTACKS! Learn Ki Flight and throw your elytra in the trash! Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0886jlq98GpEVM1E7UYvGQ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SuperMeowgician Discord: https://discord.gg/6jKnsxTTXR Read More

  • Verdania roleplay

    Welcome to Verdania – Your Next Minecraft Roleplay Adventure Begins Here! Verdania is a newly created Minecraft roleplay server! We are looking for players who want to join our friendly community and create their own stories, nations, and even religions in a customized world. Join us today and start your adventure in Verdania! https://discord.gg/NQAG3kUVxJ Read More

  • Bananarine | Server of Dreams

    Bananarine | Server of DreamsCompatible with 1.8 – Lastest & Bedrock editionο»ΏWelcome to Bananarine! The Server of Dreams.Home to the best server you’ve ever seen (probably not) with many unique minigames and gamemodes!Bananarine finally brought back from the dead! We are hoping to bring some of the old community back together as well as foster a growing creative community of new players. This server has many unique minigames and gamemodes to offer.For those competitive types, we have our Factions server named “Wild Adventures” featuring custom enchants, mild forms of anarchy, and a keep inventory program and for the more vanilla experience, our SMP server… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real or Photoshopped?

    It looks like Dan and Stampy need to switch worlds and see how they cope with each other’s adventures! Read More

  • MC’s 100-Day Flight: Adventure Takes Flight!

    MC's 100-Day Flight: Adventure Takes Flight! In the world of Minecraft, the challenge is real, 100 days of survival, a true gamer’s ordeal. Day 8 has arrived, with tasks to complete, Building a horse’s home, a cozy retreat. Join the adventure, feel the thrill, Exploring new lands, with skills to fulfill. If you want to join, the server is here, MRDetox47.aternos.me:33206, have no fear. Subscribe to the channel, for more fun and delight, Tech and gaming, a perfect sight. Minecraft survival, views galore, Join the journey, let’s explore more. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, shining bright. In every… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft

    Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Magic Machines: A Wild Ride

    Magic Machines: A Wild Ride Minecraft 1.20.1 Modded: Exploring Machines and Magic in Applied Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft 1.20.1 modded with a selection of exciting mods that promise to enhance your gaming experience. From familiar favorites to brand new additions, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in this latest installment. Discovering New Horizons As our intrepid gamer delves into the realm of Applied, they encounter a plethora of innovative features that breathe new life into the game. From advanced machinery to mystical spells, the possibilities are endless. Unleashing the Power of Technology One of the standout elements of… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video featuring Skizz and Impulse getting Taco Bell. While the video may not be directly related to Minecraft, it got us thinking about the importance of finding a fun and welcoming community to enjoy the game with. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gaming experience for players of all levels. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for… Read More

  • Minecraft: Sly Country House Build

    Minecraft: Sly Country House Build Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building a Countryside House Are you ready to embark on a creative journey in the world of Minecraft? In this video tutorial, the player demonstrates how to construct a charming countryside house using easily accessible materials in survival mode. Let’s delve into the fascinating realm of Minecraft construction! Building Your Dream Home Creating a cozy abode in Minecraft involves gathering resources, planning the layout, and unleashing your imagination. With the help of Bsl Shaders and the Faithful texture pack, the player showcases the process of crafting a picturesque countryside house that blends seamlessly into… Read More

  • Unleash Power: Super Computer Build in Minecraft!

    Unleash Power: Super Computer Build in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILD MY SUPER COMPUTER in Minecraft All The Mods 8’, was uploaded by SpellitOut on 2024-05-30 14:00:28. It has garnered 62 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:03 or 1503 seconds. Today at the Spellcorp Industrial Complex we upgrade our Applied Energistics 2 setup a lot! With more storage space than I’ll ever need and a new super computer controller, we have all the room to automate everything we could ever want! Follow me on the other big sites! https://www.twitch.tv/spellitoutloud https://www.tiktok.com/@spellitoutloudly #minecraftsurvival #minecraft #modded #moddedminecraft #episode28 #createmod #create #letsplay #megabase… Read More

  • Sly Minecraft RTX Shaders LIVE

    Sly Minecraft RTX Shaders LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘πŸ”΄ Live MINECRAFT RTX Shaders with viewers’, was uploaded by Robert on 2024-05-31 00:56:31. It has garnered 166 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 11:27:39 or 41259 seconds. We are playing MINECRAFT till the end of the stream with all you lovely people, feel free to become a member for added benefits and help me do what I love. Read More

  • Secret Plan to Enchant Sharpness! | Minecraft Shizo Golfeh

    Secret Plan to Enchant Sharpness! | Minecraft Shizo GolfehVideo Information This video, titled ‘He Wants To Do What With Sharpness?… | Minecraft Funny Moments.’, was uploaded by Golfeh on 2024-03-19 01:45:36. It has garnered 4199 views and 192 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:26 or 206 seconds. DISCLAIMER! – Yo! I had to reupload this because there were some technical difficulties with the last version of the video. For those of you who haven’t seen it yet, enjoy! And for those of you who have seen it already, thanks for watching again. gg’s boys. gg’s. Watch and see what happens. Join my YT Community Discord! -… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Challenge on Hardcore Mode!!” #MinecraftSurvival

    "Insane Minecraft Challenge on Hardcore Mode!!" #MinecraftSurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘coba lagi – Minecraft hardcore mode- #Minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival#livestreaming’, was uploaded by didi _xy on 2024-01-05 02:12:22. It has garnered 53 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:43 or 5683 seconds. Hello everyone, I hope you are lucky every day, don’t forget to be grateful, brostarstarstarstar ================================} Don’t forget to support me with donations at saweria: https://saweria.co/Coconat sociabuz: https://sociabuzz.com/didi_xy/tribe discord: https://discord.gg/asrg9RF53b #honkaistarrail #honkaiimpact3rd #arknights #nikkegoddessofvictory #genshinimpact #LiveStreaming #LiveGaming #Gameplay #epicskin #guardiantales #guardiantalesguide #guardiantalestips #reverse1999 #w17 #didixy @didixy Read More

  • “Insane Tips for Fakepixel Skyblock in MCPE” #fakepixelskyblock

    "Insane Tips for Fakepixel Skyblock in MCPE" #fakepixelskyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Play Fakepixel Skyblock in Minecraft PE #fakepixelskyblock’, was uploaded by Spunky Sabin on 2024-04-07 08:49:32. It has garnered 111 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:20 or 80 seconds. How to Play Fakepixel Skyblock in Minecraft PE #fakepixelskyblock Fakepixel Ironman series: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4ScLCiGIC2Y52GXA-RoNRWR6vw3aU3cE&si=JfrDpGFR4dA8l0a8 Fakepixel money trick: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4ScLCiGIC2aoTTsc61KbwRzoTn3vKiuv&si=NSckWI4OpLyNRoMj IP to play this server: mc.fakepixel.fun Hope you liked the video if you did don’t forget to like a subscribe. Tags: #fakepixel #fakepixelironman #bestmoneymakingmethodinfakepixel Disclaimer – video is for educational purpose only.Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Gamer with NoHacksBro!

    Unleash Your Inner Gamer with NoHacksBro!Video Information This video, titled ‘3Sides.lt | GODY0LAS | #5’, was uploaded by NoHacksBro on 2024-03-21 21:58:00. It has garnered 679 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:35 or 95 seconds. #ez #nohacks #1v1 #minecraft Serveris – 3sides.lt Mano discord serveris: https://discord.gg/RZ7DfGtfrZ TAGS ( IGNORE ): Minecraft PvP, Lietuviskai, Minecraft, Lietuva, McSlime, Mcslime.lt, combos, mcprison.lt, mcprison, kaimux, mckingdom.lt minecraft lietuva, mc pvp, mckaimux, autoclicker, jitterclick, butterfly click, montage, sony vegas 18, fortis, mckoridorius, koridorius, mckoridoriuslt, mcslime community, 1×1, turnyras, lithuania pvp, csgo, miss the rage, 420, 69, nohacksbro, slime, shitpvp, pvpeditai, davinci18, editor, fortnite, omg, mc,… Read More

  • Unstoppable Musa crushes Lt5 @Oryxi0n in Wild Apple Mc 🍏πŸ’₯

    Unstoppable Musa crushes Lt5 @Oryxi0n in Wild Apple Mc 🍏πŸ’₯Video Information This video, titled ‘Beating Some Player Who Thinks He Is Lt5 @Oryxi0n 🀑 In Apple Mc.’, was uploaded by UNSTOPABLE MUSA on 2024-03-16 10:05:23. It has garnered 905 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:39 or 519 seconds. Beating Some Trash Players in Apple mc. #applemc #minecraft #lifestealsmp I DON’T OWN ANY MUSIC THAT I USED IN THIS VIDEO!! JOIN MY DC FOR JOINING MY TEAM! :-https://discord.com/invite/m8jH2Fgq TAGS(IGNORE) #lifestealsmp #minecraft #applemc #livinglegend #cpvp #herobrinesmp #lapatasmp #pojavalauncher #lapatasmpapplication #lapatasmpseason5 #senpaispider #pvp Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle – Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 😱

    EPIC Minecraft Battle - Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Noob vs pro vs hacker #short #minecraft #shorts #viralshorts’, was uploaded by BHALIYA OFFICIAL on 2024-03-05 07:30:17. It has garnered 9420 views and 555 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Voice Credit @CommerceGamerz subscribe to my channel πŸ‘ for new video of Minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker vs god house minecraft short noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft new short #minecrafttoolbox #mincraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftchallenge… Read More

  • G-Block Survival

    G-Block SurvivalG-Block Survival | Casual Survival Reimagined | 1.20! Welcome to one of the most casual enhanced survival servers for Minecraft Java edition ever synthesized! Our mission: What originally began as a private multiplayer server amongst a group of friends evolved into what we now know as G-Block Survival. Our server’s goal is to improve on what Minecraft already has to offer by including versatile, innovative features into the game that upgrade the vanilla SMP experience while also staying true to the true style of Minecraft survival. Grab your pickaxe, gear up with your friends, and let the adventure unfold! Join… Read More

  • Createville Server Modded SMP Greylist 15+ 1.19.2

    Welcome to Createville Server! Looking for a friendly server to play with others? Createville is a safe and friendly community of players who come together to build trains, sell items, collaborate on projects, and more. Join us for: Shops and custom currency Trains, Cars, Airplanes Create and its addons Organized community area A sprinkle of magic In-game voice chat To join, install the modpack and get whitelisted: Pack: Createville Modpack Discord: Createville Discord Read More

  • CivEarth v5

    CivEarth v5CivEarth is a 1:500 Earth map Minecraft server that is on its 5th version! Join a diverse community and a mature and helpful staff. We have many unique plugins for you to enjoy with a range of Towny based plugins such as Towny Resources and Siegewar with other fun plugins including , MCMMO, a digital economy, auctions, PvP Duels, fishing, quests, vehicles, realms and dungeons and much more!We are available on Java at: towny.CivEarth.net. You can now join with bedrock! towny.civearth.net, port:19132. We hope to see you around! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Freakager Strikes Back: I Needed Those!

    Looks like someone’s inventory just got freakaged! Read More

  • Hardcore Minecraft Mini Mansion Madness!

    Hardcore Minecraft Mini Mansion Madness! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Hanzi builds a mini mansion, where adventure sustains. Collaborating with hanzishanzi, the duo shines, Crafting hardcore Minecraft, with twists and turns in lines. Subscribe for more hardcore Minecraft, the journey unfolds, With challenges and triumphs, their story told. From building to surviving, every moment a thrill, In the world of blocks and pixels, where dreams fulfill. So leap into the verse, where Minecraft comes alive, With hanzishanzi leading the way, let the story thrive. In every rhyme and rhythm, the adventure sings, As the mini mansion stands tall, a testament to… Read More

  • Steve in Minecraft VS Real Life: The Ultimate Battle of Survival πŸ”₯πŸ˜‚ #shorts

    Steve in Minecraft VS Real Life: The Ultimate Battle of Survival πŸ”₯πŸ˜‚ #shorts Steve in Minecraft be like: “I can build a house, fight zombies, and mine for diamonds all in one day!” Meanwhile, in real life, I struggle to even get out of bed in the morning. #minecraftvsreallife #struggleisreal Read More

  • Ultimate Spooky & Weird Minecraft Mob

    Ultimate Spooky & Weird Minecraft Mob Minecraft’s Most Terrifying and Bizarre Mob When it comes to the world of Minecraft, players are no strangers to encountering a wide array of mobs, from the friendly villagers to the menacing creepers. However, there is one mob that stands out as both terrifying and bizarre, sending shivers down the spines of even the most seasoned players. The Enderman: A Mysterious and Menacing Mob Enter the Enderman, a tall, dark, and mysterious mob that roams the End dimension. With its eerie purple eyes and ability to teleport at will, the Enderman strikes fear into the hearts of players who… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Enhance Your Minecraft Experience

    Join Minewind: Enhance Your Minecraft Experience Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that you won’t find anywhere else. But why should you join Minewind, you ask? Well, imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, build epic structures, and embark on thrilling adventures with other players. That’s exactly what Minewind has to offer! Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind welcomes players of all skill levels. With a variety of game modes… Read More