Xonebros – Minecraft Realms Stream Ender Dragon Raid (Xbox One X)

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That’s hilarious here we go let’s go okay or I might be Oded right now I can’t really tell maybe I’m hey guys I need more than needed got food yeah how much food am I gonna need good man you look like you look like Odin what are you feel taller than I am taller than really crouches everybody is that everybody let’s see right bang hello oh man I always give Melanie just likes

Walking smack hey the mob spawners really well except for a doesn’t damage um when I’d fall yeah there’s a chest by the ender portal yes I’ll come back for the ceremony following you Jordan all right cool I got lost okay freak you sir oh man oh nice okay [Laughter] [Laughter] Okay should we take our group picture before we get started here this is the this is the opening ceremonies of the first quest of the ender dragon oh man that looks good I’m want to be in the middle here right here oh yeah press up on the detail you

Can see everybody uh everyone squeeze in it’s great if you stay with me okay up there I think I think that’s up freaky you gotta come to the front right there right there Oh got it got it oh that’s perfect screen shot yes oh wait I could just go like this Nice facing the wrong way okay wait a minute okay before we begin mr. make spicy the everyone take take your seats in the champion seats please be my week mister mister make spicy hair day a speech he is the the preacher and heir of the Church of the under tray

And before we take off his quest he would like to bless us all and you know give us give us a give us a speech here all right it’s rated T so prep your ears okay it is uh ready so everyone we’re girlfriend old take your seats

Okay I want you all to remember that no bastard ever went a phosphite by dying he won it by making the boss die all this stuff you’ve heard about the x1 grows not wanting to fight the ender dragon wanting to stay out of the war is

A lot of horse dung the x1 bros traditionally love to fight all real community members love the sting of battle and you were kids you all admired the champion arcade player the fastest runner the Call of Duty noscope 360 snipers the Gangji maze the x1 bros love

A winner and will not tolerate a loser they play to win that’s why the x1 throws will never lose an ender dragon phosphite the very thought of losing is hateful to the x1 throws know an army is a team it lives eats sleeps and games together as a team this solo player

Stuff is a bunch of crap the bastards over at GameSpot who wrote that stuff about killing the dragon solo did it for clickbait they don’t know anything more about real gaming than they do about fornicating now we have the finest player and consoles the best spirit and the best gamers in the world

Right here in this room you know by god I actually pity those poor Enderman bastards were going up against by God I do we’re not just going to shoot the bastards we are going to cut out their living guts and use them to grease the treads of our tanks we’re

Going to murder those lousy end of it bastards by the bushel now some of you I know are wondering whether or not you’ll freeze up and panic under fire I won’t don’t worry about well I can assure you that you will all do your duty the Enderman are the enemy waiting

To them spill their blood shoot them in the belly when you put your hand and do a pile of goo that a moment before was your best friend’s face now there’s one thing that you men and women will usually say when you get back to this town thirty years from now and you’re

Sitting around your xbox five with your grandson on your knee and he asks you what did you do in the great ender dragon rate of 2017 you won’t have to say well I was complaining about the new Star Wars movie that day in discord no you can say that I made a difference

That day you know how I feel we will be proud to lead and stand by wonderful gamers into battle anytime anywhere hey I think I think I’ve heard that speech somewhere Oh Okay thanks good we got that on video dude that is recorded or the the people for the future generation all right I think so smarter are you are you leading this are you leaving the way okay all right let’s how many do we need grab a stack or two so ender pearls will

Teleport you and have them on on a ready thing you know that you can switch to cuz you’ll probably fall from the sky and if you aim those at the ground and throw it you won’t take as much fall damage basically and if everyone gets there can everyone get a potion of each

In the third chest so you say when we fall switch yeah so watch it example so if you’re falling aim at the ground right and before you land and throw it on the ground so just right trigger and whoops I fell but let’s love trigger just just take a shot

And you’ll see what happens it’ll work you down okay yeah so take a take a stack or tube and that will help lift up all damage also we can use those to go to the pillars up top if we need but being yeah they kill the little filler

Thing so do we wanted do we want we want those two heads on for the integer or the Enderman right yeah though that’ll make the internet not famous We’re pretty good I might it I’ll do it it’s kind of hard to see I do need one didn’t even want to see in here very much other this thing they need the pumpkin heads yeah others like free time in their top four or yeah um I got one

We want to play this third person pumpkin editor except for you can’t shoot can’t aim in third person So do we want to take all our potions before the fight or after oh like during you go grab the potions like whatever may be reckless or enhance they lost eight minutes but there’s some strength twos the only lost like one minute maybe those like just like your hands or

Something okay so do I need to push out a drink and posting a fire take both right yeah when we get there there’s three fire resistance strength and swiftness okay hey let me shine just done let me invite a wingman anytime you could be mine make sure He could be a packing material as well if you want to just pillar up at the top of the crystals but maybe never runs and dirt okay They blow up so shoot them with your bow okay okay no but see where we’re at any time you’re you can be mine Hey one day my Turkish treatment room promise I I kind of am it kind of gives a bad like oh those new open their churches there’s food at the end or program okay I need an arrow arrows arrow there’s are there okay and you have the infinity bows in there

And there’s a if you have an infinity bow you don’t need you only need one area where where are the head where are the arrows oh you know what I guess I didn’t bring him over grab my early so I don’t it doesn’t wait what did you say

Jordan like great besides if you need food right now I can give you some food I’m gonna grab I’m just gonna go grab a ton of stacks in there I’ll be right back yeah you can be my wingman anytime you can be mine arrows of dragons ray those How do you enchant them let’s see see these squash patient’s oh man they’re so hard to see through Alright does somebody have the under-eye haha alright who needs arrows I got it like Maggie shot all right I’m just gonna we’re gonna just drop stacks and drop stacks drops Who needs to needs more have like a lot more satisfied And I’m gonna go put the rest in the chests actually I’ll put the VM a chest eske near your near the beds and stuff near the portal yeah and I think more arrows okay I’m gonna drop all those arrows I’m gonna grab all these bows too

Just in case someone dies and they have to come back through so there’s geared yeah that’s probably me I got some nice red as well I can put a helmet chest plate well I think I brought some iron and put in the chest so you guys can use

That make iron armor you’re not going in there and dying right away okay that’s a good idea yeah I mean I can go grab some blocks of iron if needed as well be my wingman anytime you can mindless [Applause] But if it was it could be my wingman anytime you can be mine Oh shoot hey Can I grab some food from someone real quick Thanks hey Jesus yes your computer on for the bots just just by chance oh is that bot not let me go it went sick all right everybody’s get that armored up huh so so who’s done the ender dragon before

Smarter have you I guess I have not done it I I watched a bunch of videos SK have you done the ender dragon I have not I’ve only watched videos so no I think none of us have watched nothing there is a high expected to dialogue

All right bots should be up is someone taking lead to command us to when we get in the heat of battle smarter in it okay probably I imagine are the two most juice okay so let’s we’ll make smarter smarter and SK captains as long as we find out

Where the crystals with bars around the table Brent will get in this you could pull her up in mind those away and then we could you just aim if you aim up kind of Center just a little over the pillars you can shoot the crystals from the

Ground on the blow-up okay okay also and make like a two block thing Oh you can stand under like something like this and put the flames right under man can’t get you the Enderman can’t so does dirt work any kind of block really wouldn’t oh that’s a good idea oh I like it yeah did somebody just drop a sword body

Can’t go the safety huh yeah that’s me run back to change hi warriors thanks for being at the Supreme Court it’s super helpful x1 how you doing man we’re doing the get ready to the ender drank everyone is here everyone so we are getting ready to the ender dragon here we go

I think we’re all ready alright okay here we go team there we go hi warriors so I don’t touch I just like running through town right now so yeah we were a gang it’s pretty cool through the park yeah you gotta have your sword up I

Believe you can use the ender pearls to jump from pillar to teleport from pillar to pillar too if you need to know gay so if we’re if we’re missing our shots and just can’t hit our shots that’s that’s an option as well hey why is uber bus running faster than me this

Shot is brought man and watch this later mark thank you dig hunker didn’t heat it my friend you’re not gonna need a train yeah is there a crafting table near the beds as well yes I’m gonna I’m gonna craft some armor beforehand psychotic I probably gonna start sweating for my

Nerves watching oh man whoa so I’m going third-person here because when I go marching song it’s kind of awkward in here so we are gonna go jeweler person Robot get buckets be careful we will we will be careful because I’m I’m Way behind everyone else low sprint and jump man I don’t think I’ve ever been out is that they’re all dead should we pillage it real quick I did just buy the North Scott pack so I mean

I’m just it’s just true do it well you gotta come in my favorite character yeah oh shoot I have my my name over my bed I’m so happy oh called it yeah yeah I’m gonna put my name above my bed since we’re waiting activated in a separate chest for does any what

Happening would I want to separate chest for the armor there’s fourteen years I’m gonna put the armor alright when you wake up from your slumber from dying the armor and stuff is gonna be in this chest I’m standing on right you can only sleep at night

Hey David my beds right next to yours is your green I’m great there was everyone wants to be next to me on the right side red it looks like Azula busts open slumber party two of us are slumber party baby [Laughter] stick together as your advice we just

Got away tonight so we could sleep so this is where we can respond can be a good time who I saw somebody with tin cans freaky come over here I’m gonna make you something diamond cans hey I need diamond hat okay any any other orders okay they’re in there

There’s two pants in their bedrooms you guys this is like our version of the round table all right good we need shoes anybody need if they need wood I could also use some in chairs yes there and that should work Jenkins just jump right in here it’s crazy

And set it down the portal looks awesome oh if you have a diet you can YouTube diamond helmet mark I guess we’ll have my wingman anytime Oh one more little tip before we go in one of us should go in first because sometimes it spawns on like a one block area when you like first spawn it so I don’t want like anybody just to walk off the edge and oh yeah good idea yeah do any torches

I didn’t bring torches I don’t think you really need them okay this race is more than more legit than like half of the Warcraft raids I’ve done like I’ll put the rest of my diamonds chest tube and pickaxe that’s my diamonds in there just so you know it’s I’ll see you guys later

If you need to build anything if you need to build it and you feel free to use it for sure for this photo I mark I’m gonna I’m gonna move your diamonds just to bother you there we go my question for you that is a lot of diamond it’s a lot

Right yeah it’s a lot of effort man I’ve been vennett it hey look I’ve only found 24 diamonds on this server so far so right what operation that takes all the natural resources from the seminary the people suffer can be my wingman anytime you can be mine oh wow Okay so we’re making a beacon all those diamonds can you I don’t even know what a beacon does or is yeah we need to give us a winner in the light in the air we need to kill a Twitter is it is it just a laser show or something what’s the

Point of it I mean I guess it’s so good you can see it pretty much anywhere that’s instead of you know like post or something like that allows you to get around without back we are back we’re just waiting to turn these nighttime so we can sleep slit on the braid my

Somebody’s gonna dig latrines damn it oh it’s okay so we can use it to operating the show the room it was Joe oh okay he said poop shovel and I said the truth Char’s oh yeah oh yeah oh no that’s okay go oh we lose our commanders in the middle of battle way she just left oh she’s still in the game so babies then it was Harvey invite she she did quit move she might have I got disconnected this oh yeah what’s going

On Charlie and welcome to the strain we were about to get ready to go literally just waiting for Every okay sorry about that guys my home ahem I’ve got a bit now like a crucial time it’s it’s not a real raid without a couple disconnects that’s like the middle of the day wasn’t it how long were we in church today now that you turn then dice keep my place a

Block oh hey Mark let’s throw it under balls at each other and see what happens okay are we doing closer together like three steps closer okay let’s see this okay so when right when I have the tea on three we’re going right okay got you yes all right okay I’ll call it out

Ready one two three first here all counted out ready I’ll say go when I say go one two three go Okay is the Sun down I’m ready to sleep [Laughter] so do you have to build you just find a Freaky you’re like okay there is a there are monsters over here on this end apparently because it won’t let me sleep oh my gosh just press Start and get at the camera and there’s just a another one real quick just press Start and that that shows it’s the Minecraft feed and

Hit the camera Jordan okay yeah you’re like floating share call this on magic magic dad you go do we have to move do we have to move the bed sores everybody gonna be able to sleep oh yeah okay I got I’m gonna move my bed we’ll move it over here Bambi don’t

Delay you’re gonna sleep I think everyone knows yeah that’s a good question [Laughter] get their money from the bet here I’ll go get it I’ll be the last one since I’m dreaming here it’s really boring for people to watch it black screen so is there is there anyone else on the Oh

Does everyone else have to be on the server that’s running a server okay yes yeah hold on I have you might have people I have no power I’m gonna have to boot people okay do it right at the last second because then yeah yeah if everybody’s in bed I will What I didn’t know that that kid all right I’m back in bed everybody loves jumping on the bed sat on the bed I’m asleep oh we got Gago chief and so I don’t know if kicking is an option I don’t think I can kick out only as an

Option let’s eat teleport as far as I know you don’t have to actually everybody just you don’t have to skip down and save as far as Yeah is it working I think so no I don’t know not it’s not it’s not working who’s on the server who’s on the OSHA’s oh it is we seize them we ask you let’s ask everyone to logout Oh bleep we got everyone in everyone in chat says just Lane should have saved that Okay all right I guess should we risk it does someone have a compass we could test it with a compass yeah we could kill so let’s put this way jump with a lava yeah you’re gonna do it okay you want to your house is probably the closest anyways yeah yeah that’s okay

I’m proud of you take I’m gonna win for the team to play right now on my computer and play Gandalf falls right now brave can someone someone break the blocks bodyworked good oh good we patched the hole I love a hottie oh yeah what’s going first a jump off

Fisherman’s I’m going I’m in a box in a box I don’t know that you want me to yeah yeah we’re all in a box so we should all have our so we should all have our pumpkin heads on right it’s fine do we drink our potions

Now or wait till we get you out of this box I’m gonna make I’m gonna make the ceiling bigger just let feel a little claustrophobic in here have one arrow yes I do hump the ender dragons health oh all right oh my goodness notice mr. explains

You got to put your help and I’ll put your pumpkin head on there’s all right SK already built her thing okay I made a little seat okay I want to go mine the cage up here okay okay are we supposed to are we just right now are we building fortifications

Is that what we’re doing oh [ __ ] this Enderman is like really mad at me okay hey what what is random fortifications around the map yeah I’ll do the same I got dirty you got dirty ditch I’m sorry and what are these fortifications protect us from you know from the

Enderman they can’t hit you for me okay so well I think we’re I think the plan is will eventually take our pumpkins off right so should we should we be it should I be attacking yeah does that help if I attack Enderman treat him like ads no

Not yeah okay not yet if you attack them they will they will so so so those are the crystals I guess those quickly cute things up on top that’s what we need to take care yes but you see that stuff over there on the ground over here by Azula bus

Oh there’s a do not walk in it damage its the dragon’s breath but there’s mass even if you catch it in class kitchen the empty potion bottle don’t you well after you drink a potion there’s the K I found another should I build up to the cage and then blow it up

We are we gonna do it all did somebody did somebody pick up so we should be shooting those oh the iron the iron cage around the purple thing that’s what we got to get up there and knock off yeah dragon is crazy does anybody have a pumpkin I’m tired of

Getting hurt by Enderman yes ma’am thank you I also got one okay oh no oh my goodness oh my goodness the dragon is Russia world ragged the dragon just rocked my world use your interpol I got another one I’m panicking guys in Connecticut okay how many more we got left

Oh dang I didn’t have enough dirt to get up here next one I already destroyed that crystal I’m taking Eddie’s bars here so he cannot I just can’t see anything I really serious tonight okay freak easy someone’s throwing up on what I just got and these things blow up right so I

Don’t want to be now yeah so we’ll shoot it when very shootin each then okay or you can build on early I can shoot that from there right now who’s up there that’s for you do it okay yeah I can shoot that from here just see

Arrows flip oh god and I think that was me nice job yeah we check that one out Oh dragon dragon just not rock my world [Laughter] [Laughter] Syllabus you got enough up there all right all my roots in the middle yeah I’m going up there TV it’s not fun does anybody have an extra bug – I lost my pose like that the first time yeah I got 100 down Oh dragon breath Bevan here

The dragon branch of your mind yet I’ll wing it Spicer you’re still working on that tower who was did you make it up there I’m actually what were we supposed to use our potions and the empty and the empty potion bottles make sure you pick that

Up for it achievement this is the brown stuff on the ground just go up to it because I have tried okay I mean I have another thing I guess I just feel there’s still that pillar over there yeah I’m reading out of I’m out of materials I can’t get up there yeah I’ve

Gotten everything I can I’ll try it again see oh there it is all right I’d have to pick it up another time to connect goes up to water if I can I wonder if I can launch up there with my girl you might be able to let it there it is we the

Achievement just pop data collected a couple times before it clicked over it oh oh you like me rink the dragon’s breath like thing kind of onesies but I don’t want I don’t want that that general curiosity okay it’s dead okay so now we can take her out take her out

Nice job nothing nothing nothing baby Oh where’d you go she disappears sometimes just firing arrows just fired arrows oh baby it’s coming down coming down okay so now what who knows what we do with that egg right there what was the deal I do I do okay okay

Bring the box around it like this and then underneath this block here you’re gonna want to place a torch does anybody have a torch yes okay we have a torch I forgot you needed one torch okay so now I think you can respawn the Enderdragon but I don’t know but if Yuri

I heard if you respond it sucks I hear you can leave it here and then when someone comes down to do the dragon then then it responds for them they can be upon it but if you respond it now we’re stuck in here until we defeat it again

Right yeah yeah yes leave a chest I’m here with the egg and I think he put I think he’s putting an ender crystal at each side of this fiddle and I think that’s how it’s down that that is suggesting my wingman anytime Church you can be mine

It is not the game dragon mascot find a new vendor city yeah so how do we do that do we just spread out and explore in this area yeah you’ll find like a little portal right there right right up there yeah okay yeah okay up in the air

Disappeared like a beam of power You have to climb up to it like what syllabus is doing yeah you have to make it anytime the same portal you can fall and it damaged Make us make a platform around it so you won’t fall and get hurt yeah make then you can throw a ender pearl through the portal and it will take you to the end city this is like a whole new way to whole new realm section

There’s like in math and in game so all I did I wish I would have brought lattice a lot harder though stop building straight up and climbing up they said we need to just make sure never look crowding out here it’s like you know like the first so in this red I

Hit a dragon a couple times and I think I shot one arrow out of crystal that was [Laughter] Our intercessor understand okay yeah so when you go through in there minnow right there now you don’t need to throw a pearl you just walk into but how do we you can’t walk into it because this is federal so you have to throw the Pearl no I get it

The other side oh I’m in I’m in – oh my goodness what is this place I’m in here’s some forbidden oh yeah or maybe hey if you right now my stuff should be up there somewhere but I like oh so we do we want to collect as much of the

Sender I know it’s not really used for anything I don’t think those trees everything has a use I’m taking a bunch it’s a chore gonna create and enter the adder Museum actually we should create a museum somebody dropped some brittle yeah me from various guess where do you go

I know I actually drop all your stuff yes somebody dropped some bread oh I’m good on there oh it’s so is there what else is here you’re like a villager sorry supposed to be a castles well there’s another if you guys take you back to the

End and then you have to go through the end for for like the end portal that’s at the end we go through that to get back home I don’t know what that’s for goes to the back with the ender pearl because when I died he’s at the first

Stage I bet the first stage yeah for some reason I threw my ender pearl three and I just died I don’t know where everybody went oh you guys are all over there okay I think return it will spread out a little bit thank you Supposed to go like this is already going back to Georgia I’m at the beginning I like diet and all my stuff is gone we should like put stuff down so we know where we’ve been okay where was the which one was the portal we came out of I see two portals

Here the farther one back Jordan I’m in the first stage the end I don’t see I’m like on that portal where we were all building the platform yeah yeah cuz like as soon as I threw my endergirl through it just killed me I had like respawn on

First instead yet and press Evelyn this is the Xbox one oh no this is the new edition on the Xbox one hey guys I’ll be right back yeah Like the torch trail say we and we might need to build to another I want to find a good you and yeah I see those cries yeah I’m gonna hit the other way I don’t have torches but I have Oh Welcome thank well know guys just throw in a stream we dragon and discover find a castle loot you know split the top here didn’t hurt you that much right there we go maybe I just can’t need a pumpkin does anybody have a pumpkin yes I got a

Sweet sweet okay there’s a big thank you so I have a lot of someone’s dita that actually picked that might be mine cuz when I died it was on top of the tower when we first went into might be mind is it the diamond stuff well I guess we all

Had diamonds fancy we’re smarter smarter you’re going across be my wingman anytime I’m gonna be mine big buzz it’s the torch trail here I got something you can be my wingman anytime you can be mine Yes thank you so much for the follow guys really appreciate it this is an adventure this is an adventure where that we’re on it’s like on occasion people you can be mine super helpful my friend You like watching the through a we’re all crap the famine do you still have extra pumpkins it’s so scary building a house can be my wingman anytime someone has next you can be mine family gave me Hey mark did you say you had my gear that you picked up yeah but I don’t know where anyone else is oh oh oh are you not gonna know who’s made of the crowd Sweet that is Bama still there I saw Bama carrying a pumpkin in his hand It makes you really go this look for the torture areas like how you figure out where the end portal oh yeah maybe well I say I say we why don’t we why don’t we all spread out from here no because we’re good probably be more islands right we all go in different directions

From this porch I will go mostly because I don’t have anything there the locks to mark I found what do we need to build a bridge can we just use the ender pearls to get across yeah yeah you could wait so mark are you back to the group

Yeah but you also have a chance to fall and lose everything that you already have I don’t know I’m scared are you so you fall silent mark the cobblestone yeah okay here I’ll come back to the first island since you have all my stuff

And we’ll see if we can link up okay oh yeah I’m just gonna stay I love us there should be a torch Panther mine I think if we eat the fruit and teleports across this bridge it just keeps going yeah I don’t know that was my cobblestone path

To zoo of us by the way and we’re gonna take I don’t know we’re gonna have to put out an Amber Alert for you guys okay he had SK are headed back any time I said there was you could be mine that I was All right I think I see a bridge that looks like that he’s staying pretty bridge cap back on the remaining legs Aggie we’ll find it I just feel see do can you back to the original yeah I didn’t get back there yeah yeah if you guys know where like

The original portal was where we came through that’s right next to our little torch path hey question can I go out like to the real world and then grab a map and then start mapping this place so we mean these are interesting okay I

Might do that if I can find my way back hey if you found torches then you shouldn’t be near us me and SK are over here on this main island I don’t don’t see anywhere okay let me run over there I said I’ll see you well I just ran out

Of torches and said I don’t okay I see the Braves in a music stack oh yeah but there’s there is I did find a big oh my gosh just in case you know I I trust you but you know okay stop and do one of you guys have an

Extra pumpkin oh there he is Vanna does yeah yeah I’ve got two I just ran completely out of torches I guess I’m exploring oh you mean the iron boots they gave you iron boots yeah that’s okay I’ll take them see you know what that’s a board really horrible as

If these Enderman started moving those dirt blocks that you put down right all I know is I have two dragon eggs I don’t wanna die right well he’s probably go secure that huh yeah I’ll grab Crouchback in a so I found that few places we could bridge off

Like certainly in the perimeter here Yeah I’m coming back over that second island oh man SK you’re you’re gutsy I’m just scared to do that was kidding I was gutsy until I got to this part yeah she was just like running across the bridge it looks pretty cool but I was scared

Okay so how do I go back to the regular road the right side up you go right side up you jump in the well and then you’ll spawn back at the end and then you go through the ender portal where the dragon dies right okay oh when I jump

Through I now get a title screen like I beat the game yeah yeah oh yeah this is the way David when he said there’s nothing over there right outer edges here I’m literally just standing around with my head down it’s trying to stay close to someone so I don’t currently die by

It I found the castle okay here here stay right there don’t move so I take it I should make my way back yeah I’ll make my way back to those torches on the second I’ll thank you so much yep no bummer and I’m working on that bridge

I think Ricky’s over there and if anything is that branched off a little safer here so are we if Emma found the castle are we all being backup somewhere where I’m at the I’m just waiting for senators where we first branched off free yeah I’m there as well

Just hanging out yeah I think that’s a good place to a good place to meet yeah I’m here too this is the weirdest title screen I’ve ever seen despite she’s stuck in the crib yeah yeah psychotic come get masks are gonna be a nightmare I don’t buy pretty sure this I want to

Stick through it and get it achievement that’s up to you okay do you know it’s just it’s like a board or something who is strange though I don’t know if any of you guys have a trampoline achievement and if you swing by my place there’s a setup for it oh that’s what

That’s that’s why I needed that slide huh was your place it’s on the the pac-man Road hicpac bend rail out for the Mesa go right by it so yeah we’re gonna be Bob bamm-bamm I could barely hear anyone else I got pushed away sorry but if you

Follow the main torch path you will find me and I’ve got a secondary path to the castle is that this one over here yeah I think so right the only other torches I don’t know if you can see my fire arrows or not I’m kind of lost way out here but

I’m following following my stacks of dirt I know you can be my wingman anytime there yeah I think it’s gonna be mine oh now just one pass the castle pants oh it it this way yep okay they follow this torture should be this joke bad move chef first step KC Jedi Happy Holidays

To you my friend thank you so much this is a this is a good tour doesn’t back were just in the ender world join ourselves here super fun apparently there’s a castle but we’re going for it okay I am I’m back to where the main tour back as my wingman anytime you can

Be mine no it’s How many people you got watching this stream right now we have 33 and that’s pretty good for a Friday night 34 it’s around yeah do shabby I think yeah I put a inter dragon raid so that’s kind of a heretical speech but it’s the truth

Dony and yes we beat the we beat the dragon now we’re hunting for losers let’s find out right swords okay guys be careful there can be boxes they will send you up in the air and you can fall and you will die from oh goodness

So can we kill thee can we kill those things how do you have you what do you do with those there’s one right there just use that yeah you can kill them and you and the real world and you can pick them up and carry them with you even if

They have stuff to the bus you’re flying is there a way to mind them without killing I don’t think so what if you have like so there’s there suppose I think they’re supposed to like drop fragments of their body I’m taking off my helmet I’m using my pearls that’s a good idea not bad careful there are shoulders up here I’m taking care of it now just I’m just taking all these purple blocks that I see doc another really cool lookin his father was oh yes there’s that thing that the Tagus marker

Oh man I hope I just got hit up floating I’m floating David you know I respond way back in town we’ll go back okay there’s a whole bunch of stuff that was securing the Dragon Age to make sure that I didn’t die let me I’m gonna need

To come pick up some food over here anyways I may or may not be taking a part of the indoor castle did you bring you bring a pickaxe with the silk touch but everything else I’m taking good I should bring you light nice so I’m gonna grab my stereo you have an extra no mine is

In there if Jordan picked it up you have food mark I don’t have any yet I’ve made oh do you have it David here I’ll start mining it for you is to sit with the syphilis no there’s food back at the ender portal okay I’ll just wait for

That okay yeah are you at the church down at the church hey I will run there have you not noticed that candy canes he’s gonna let everybody come and like sit on his lap take pictures yeah I think you could make a shelter box with the shelter show I have no idea how

That’s all mine was early Rose is really weird No I’m not gonna destroy it like an ender chest that’s something like only really you son of a so some somebody said that freaky be at the end there drag that in German tact we haven’t forgot my own pumpkin helmet what I left okay no there

We go it’s beef you want us to pick up your stuff so doesn’t despawn yes so it’s not very high grab it sure but don’t eat food I know I know I think maybe that’s how I died last time not even make it all the way back there

After you spawned in town David why didn’t it’s funny in the bed I have no idea it’s lad oh my gosh Oh David I think you actually have to ax the bed and then make it yourself and then see where my crazy fact I think you’re crazy

Enough okay maybe you have to like place the bed maybe should have picked it up in my place that again other than right now honey yeah just doesn’t like you yeah right Maybe when you went to the end of the end it says you don’t need a bed you are uber where the grand pooh-bah I don’t have any ender pearls to get back to work I’ll bring you in if anybody needs stack or something I can like run back

To the portal and my good for it and stuff do you know which way that is all I know [Laughter] yes yes buddy oh yes here I can run back and then you can tell me where to go this I’m gonna I used your silk pickaxe you’ll be returned slightly used

Oh I can only sleep at night well I’m glad psychotic Ages in check psychotic another good job thanks I got it yeah at all Oh God do you have any infinity both laugh yeah it’ll give a pumpkin doesn’t have a pumpkin like did you pick it up

Er too freaky I got a pumpkin freaky here you go just dropped it did you pick up I didn’t oh yeah I got it yeah I’m gonna drop you an arrow – so what else are you guys doing still there’s oh we got whiter so what did you guys

Find in the city during the town or whatever yeah I died and I should have that last we’re good to go right yeah you got pearls yes I’ve been taking this purpose I may may not have this good a lot of the power yeah me kids even more confident top I’ve been working from the bottom of that is it a cool material Yeah Oh whose guerre was freaky so so yeah are we done are we done with that place like I just went back in but these places yeah we have a few of the fun That we can come here we can come here at any time right the dragons permanently dead inside we respond it yes guys Oh David here David here I’ll drop all your stuff over here thank you much thank you much friends okay so I believe stuff looks like cheese that was yours

Cheers that was yours those ears I’m coming now come here I was tooling around enough I’ll meet you in the box soldiers and then here I’ll give you half of these just because they’re kind of cool that’s what I used your pickaxe for oh Okay behalf of that to you there so you should ever mean I’m gonna stick around an explorer joined you have my pickaxe I had a pickaxe did I oh no sorry it’s right here yes our yeah it’s a slightly used and sorry but I really wanted to get that glass

Oh and then actually this is yours all right sorry I think you had a fruit as well so what David here’s there’s just your ax and your shovel so I’m gonna come back with you so do I go across the bridge then I mean I know does that work

We gotta go through we do here is this portal over here right spicy I think it’s the portal where the dragon yes yeah the well in the middle yeah oh that’s where you got your guys are in the dragon section yes so whatever I do never do come back online I don’t die

Immediately right everybody that does us for the evening for the stream thank you so much look at the prettiest we make the entry we beat the game that’s endgame there we go thank you so much everybody for joining us this evening I’m gonna keep playing so Debbie [ __ ] you guys be the screen

You will be here I’ll be there first thing in the morning there you are morning we’re gonna be doing some magic come and join me then thank you so much everybody first I’m sticking around built a purple bridge to the good have a good rest or evening Merry Christmas if

I don’t see it before then but I will be streaming first thing in the morning so we will see you guys later thanks so much hey guys thanks for watching and we hope you like this video if you did hit that like button below and subscribe to

Our Channel don’t forget to check out more of our awesome videos we are your number one source for all things positive gaming check out our website at x1 burrows comm you can see the link in the show notes below and remember if you’re not having fun gaming you’re not

Doing it right we’ll see you guys next time

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realms Stream Ender Dragon Raid (Xbox One X)’, was uploaded by Xonebros on 2018-01-04 16:53:50. It has garnered 83 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:56 or 5756 seconds.

The epic Xonebros Community Ender Dragon Raid and Exploration. Join us over at Mixer.com/xonebros

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  • The ULTIMATE Skyblock on Penguin.gg with Julius Laguna!

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  • Insane Ultra-Luxe Mansion Build Tutorial 😱🔥 #shorts

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  • Mega Money Hack in Minecraft Animation

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  • WAR for VICTORY in Hive Live

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    😈😂 CRAZIEST MINECRAFT MOMENTS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤣🤣MINECRAFT FUNNY VIDEO || #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Devil Gamers on 2024-06-08 03:00:18. It has garnered 1728 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. 🤣🤣MINECRAFT FUNNY VIDEO || #shorts #minecraft minecraft,マインクラフト,anime,animation,game,shorts,tiktok,parotteru,parotteruanimation,funny,funnytiktok,funnyvideo,meme,memes,mostfunny,compilation,fyp,fypシ,gamer,tiktok compilation,michazike,witzke,2d animation,cartoon,cartoon animation,minecraft parody,minecraft animation,minecraft meme,minecraft tiktok,spider on the ceiling,minecraft spider,spider,spider song,giant enemy spdier,youtube short,minecraft shortminecraft,shorts,shortfeed,shortsvideo,gaming,viralshorts,viral,jj and mikey,techno gamerz,mr beast,roblox,noob vs pro vs hacker,red minecraft,herobrine,granny,skibidi toilet,roblox,sonic Hashtags- #shorts #minecraft #shortfeed #shortvideo #viralshorts #viral #gaming #mrbeast #technogamerz Read More

  • SolarionSMP- Whitelisted SMP, Java 1.20.4, Adult, Community-focused

    SolarionSMP- Whitelisted SMP, Java 1.20.4, Adult, Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP ━━━━━━━━━About Us━━━━━━━━━ We are a distinguished and whitelisted Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server that mirrors the spirit of the renowned Hermitcraft community. At Solarion, we take pride in fostering an inviting, congenial, and committed player base. Our goal is to establish an inclusive environment where diversity thrives. Join us on Java 1.20.4 for our new season! Our Vision: Here at Solarion, we have curated a compelling roster of plugins to enhance gameplay while preserving the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Some of our noteworthy plugins include: Drop Heads – Decapitate players and mobs to get their heads. SinglePlayerSleep -… Read More

  • The Phoenix

    The PhoenixNow on 1.21!Version 15!SOFTWARE USEDThis server is running using Spigot for Minecraft 1.21.XThis allows us to use an assortment of different plugins to change or enhance game play. PLUGINS USEDHere we use plugins such as:Towny, Vampire, LWC, World Edit, Chest Shops and a custom one for crafting extra items like Saddles! HISTORYThe Phoenix has been running since 2012. It used to be a private server by the name “Phoenixcraft”.The Phoenix is currently on Version 15. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Trail Update: Spice it up!

    I guess you could say this meme is blazing its own trail with that high score! Read More

  • Crafty Guide: Minecraft Building Basics for Newbies

    Crafty Guide: Minecraft Building Basics for Newbies In Minecraft, we build with glee, Creating homes for all to see. Starting simple, step by step, With blocks and books, we never fret. Night falls, the moon shines bright, We work through the dark, no need for light. Placing blocks with careful hand, Crafting a home, oh so grand. Mistakes are made, but we persevere, Fixing errors, never in fear. Left, right, up, down, we place with care, Our Minecraft creation, beyond compare. Thank you for watching, before we part, In Minecraft, we build with heart. With a sword in hand, we bid adieu, Until next time, our… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraftmemes #boom Read More

  • Boy Love: Desire for Love Part 7

    Boy Love: Desire for Love Part 7 Minecraft Animation: “Desire for Love” – A Unique Story Embark on a journey through the world of Minecraft with Martin in his captivating love story, “Desire for Love.” This series delves into LGBT+ themes, offering a unique perspective within the Minecraft community. 🌈 Exploring the Storyline Meet Martin, the protagonist of this tale, as he navigates the complexities of love and relationships in the Minecraft universe. Follow his adventures and encounters with various characters as he seeks to find true love amidst the pixelated landscapes. 💖 Engaging Characters From Martin himself to his friends and acquaintances, each character brings… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “BOB Roast by Jackbhaiya 😂 #gamerfleet #shorts #youtubeshorts.” While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a vibrant and exciting Minecraft community like Minewind? Imagine the thrill of exploring a vast virtual world, collaborating with fellow gamers, and embarking on epic adventures. Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you hooked for hours on end. Whether you’re into survival mode,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Shaders for All Devices

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Shaders for All Devices The Latest and Greatest Minecraft Bedrock Shaders Eternity Shader The Eternity Shader is a stunning addition to Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.21 and above. With beautiful sunrises and sunsets, realistic water effects, and vibrant colors, this shader is a visual treat. While it may be high-end, the visual appeal is worth it. Solar Shader Although the Solar Shader is only available for Android devices, it offers a unique visual experience. With updated support for version 1.21, this shader enhances the game’s aesthetics with impressive lighting effects and realistic water reflections. NewB Dragon Shader Designed for low to mid-range devices, the… Read More

  • INSANE! JKPlays Builds EPIC Penguin Habitat

    INSANE! JKPlays Builds EPIC Penguin HabitatVideo Information all right y’all welcome back to episode 29 of the moded Minecraft Let’s Play Quick recap from last episode um we got a portal area set up for our nether area I think we did pack up a couple wardens or attempt to I don’t remember 100% but I know for a fact we did set up our nether portal area which is this area and we did get pyro which is a fire dog pretty cool yeah with that said um I think today’s episode we’re going to be doing two different things one is the portal… Read More