Yukki Riko’s CRAZY Minecraft Adventure!

Video Information

[Musik] never [Musik] love and I need and fory Do you love me Are you ring you never me and I need [Musik] you [Musik] [Musik] yo guys Oh my God rahajang wangi rahajang wangi [Musik] guyso absen absen Bang entarlah gua m absen akiran Wat Suara gua kok [ __ ] yo Ha guys It’s your

Boy Welcome to my stream guys What the [ __ ] you are insane anyway Halo people people yang aku sayangin kita saatnya main Minecraft dengan apa word baru gak usah udah lama gak m wel welome welcome welcome Halo sayangku ohit Dead Bro rumah gu di mana anjirangan ABS Ar anjir setah saya Kin

Ke rodon sama 14 bulan Thank you Thank you Thank you akhirnya come ke member welcome guys welcome back Jadi gimana guys untuk hari hari apa Selasa ya gimana selasanya guys ap udah punya pacar belum guys Apakah kalian udah punya pacar belum Mama pakai topi proyek ini bukan

Top I Anjir ini Topi buat bocah di Jepang yang anak kecil-anak kecil tuh Anjir gak boleh guys bukan topi proyek anjing Des Tumben gak pakai skin yang ada TT kan lagi puasa Bang gimana sih puasa mah dikurung ak sih Puasa dikurung Bang ggak boleh engak boleh bejat sih

Puasa pacar aduh siapa tuh bukan gua sih gua mah gak ada pacar tapi kalau kalian mau apa [Musik] siherrade anj Thank you oh guys baru guys seperti Biasa cuy apakahudah punyaan guys guys find some beaches please Ayolah guys udah 2024 guys bentar lagi 2025 loh ini loh udah 3 bulan di 2024

Nih Jur cepat banget anjing Masa kalian engak punya pacar sih Bang Bang kalau ng nonton Rico beneran datangin rumah jam 3. ya Iya beneran enggak bohong gua Oke I will come at your house Oke and I’m gonna you oke belum belum punya pacar is putus l kok putus l cari lagilah

Bro thank you welcome welcomen for you thank you welome welcome ini udah buka boleh kali Emang iya emang gitu guys aturannya guys kalau udah buka boleh yang agak anu gitu Ang boleh Emang boleh aku kira tuh Kalian puasa tuh perlu akal ikut join member thanking ini apa

Anjir loh kok gua gak ada ininya guys apa What the [ __ ] quality per tidak gak ada itunya guys apa namanyaance simulation apa gara-gara mod gua k ya cara punya teman feminim kayak mana mana Gua tahu anjing bro why ask me Bro why kiranya mau bikin proyek gak Topi buat

Bocah Jepang kalau misal pergi ke mana gitu l kayak SD kan kan bias anak-anak Jepang pada jalan kan gitu kan ya pakai top ini gitu ya bang R jadiin jadiin aku tumbal proyekmu Please aku tak menerima wongong cabulang pleas Enchanted pip udah ke London Thank thank you kalau kamu satu kamar sama kamu

Ngapain What the That’s insane pakai pirik emang boleh buat gue yang pakai pat ini oh [ __ ] What the base gua di mana C Ya emang boleh enggak nerima yang cabul tapi dirinya sendiri jokesnya terlalu vulgar emang iya Ang Enggak ah emang aku vulgar guys Enggak kan guys Aku anak [Musik] [Musik] baik

Tin atas000ya all my viers guys itu [ __ ] dumb ass BR Thank you Bangin r.000ya No Money Back guanty Oke thank you If You broke i’mcking give mone Ok monyet lu kok monyet sih bro got no Bites got no H know no no Bites Oh iya Paul guys I forgot waitnya apa guys

Eh kelebihan Anjir nah tu guys kamu gak buka server buat Mabar sama viewer dulu pernah ya tapi kena hack gak kena hack juga sih tapi maintainnya gak susah Bang karena Minecraft kan game yang minggu-mingguan gitu kan jadi kayak gak ada AC player bas Po yang sangat normal Iya dong Bro I’m normal

Bro Gua pernah bikin Jo gakah kan on kecil banget anjiry normal Yes I’m normal Bro Why not normal for you Ayolah Bang Kan aku normal Bang normal pakai banget Rum di mana anjing my house bas my guys R pernah ditawarin sama jktv gak Bro Boy D

N lu bayang jktvtuber ada ada Trap Aning entar udah kayak oh my Jing cowok gu kan Jing cowoky malam ke malam kitawarin jomok 48 betul real real Dam d apa D Bro D gook namanya cuy Yes [ __ ] D Bro tempat Berak kan tempat berak mah tidak aku gak ada banyak banget Anjir

Bro aku akan dukung kamu ak Bang gua kalau masuk apa masuk Jombok 48 mati gua ng I’m dead Bro isinya aduh ha semua Loh kamu gak tahu kalau aku tuh masuk kon 48 Anjir kelepon 48 anjing Ini kebanyakan enggak sih apanya hm enggak sih Entar ya

Malas ini Cowek apa cowok gua Cowek Bang Iya gua Cowek ah kelepon Iya kelepon KLP cuy klp48 ituh gua ada gua yukiriko tuh real gua yang bagian bagian editor gitu Gua gak bisa n makanya gua bagian belakang layar gitu oke time to ke witcraft guys let’s go Jangan gitu entar server sebelah ngak

Muik Bagaimana Anjir server sebelah tuh I don’t [Musik] know R gak nostalgia dengan ptuber enggak nostalgia mulu Anjing belum ada belum ada 4 tahun anjing Bang kau mantan cyber Cherry Bell the [ __ ] Cherry Bell is Aning ini kenapa Dynamic lighting gua gak bisa itu dah guys apa namanya engak bisa kayak on

Gitu bro Why oh ada Map ya goblok malah gua jatuhin Aning nah engak tahu chari Bell apa chari Bell I don’t know the that Masa gak tahu gak F caring puasa Bang Gak ngapain gua puasa Bro jam berapa sekaranguh seram anjing samp sana gelap G kayak 4 cuman zaman zaman dulu gak sih

Bro gua aja JKT 48 gak tahuih s s n maktir satu gelang Thank you kakin atas satu gelangnya Thank you Thank you Gak ada pasani Bang than you bar Thank you Thank you Cherry BRI GB What the [ __ ] GB is girl band grou band zaman-zaman sinjr

Si J sih Gua tahu ya si J tuh yang cowok tuh gak sih yang cringe Bro gua dulu gak ngikutin artis Indonesia sumpah sumpah sumpah Kay gua direstrik dari orang orang-orang pada tahu ngikutin artis gitu kan gua kayak gitu gua dulu kayaknya di restrik dah dari dunia per

Indonesia lu dulu gua nonton The tetin Titans Bro type [ __ ] tetin Titans Apa kartu Network anjing gua Ber ke sini nih kayaknya nih gua gak tahu sumpah kalau ngikutin artis Indonesia gitu orang gua Dar di kobur baru tahu dia dari podcastnya anjing gua kayak anjing ini ternyata dari kobosi dulu gitu kan ternyata

Bocah pelawa gitu kan gua kira dari kar udah dari dulu kayak gede gitu kan R jadi kucingk Kucing Ha what the [ __ ] re Lubu enggak di Paki siang sore kartun Ber lu Nonton Avatar enggak Avatar enggak ikutin gua gua ngikutinnya Marvel aku gak suka Avatar aneh jujur masak botak bisa bisa kontrol

Elemening mana ada tanda plusnya lagiing kok plus sih panah ya panah tu emang gak pernah non Hitam Putih k dulu pernah sekali sih Tapi gua lupa per dulu pernah nonton kucing peduli apa kucing peduli Aning cat care careat SC bukan plus my B my B guys baru saja mengirimkan dukungan.000 thank Kak atas

Titiknya Bang atas000yakk you udah tahu Mio mirzan the fck Mio mirzan anjing motor anjing Yamaha Mio Wow gak bisa yaupa Jend gua ke guys tapi jauh banget Aning gua k Why Wow gua pengen bikin video horor guys sumpah sumpah video horor yang bukan bukan kayak lima pernah makan hantu

Bagian keempat gitu enggak tapi video yang bikin [ __ ] ber gak perc please bikin bulu guduk berdiri Nah itu itu guys tion sick gak engak engak no He SH Bro vog horor gua peng bikin video yang aneh gu Jo baru saja mengirimkan dukungan.000h mau di man pun kalauak nama lengkap

Dijama Ken sih di man kalau gak lengkap dipanggil Jo name is Jo Jo Mama kan juga jokes Bro Jo Mama is the best bro the Isah udah malam lagi apa gua camping a ya gak ada bet go Oke balik guys main aja ya atas se yang punya foramaktik H datangak ada ini gu

Mati lu gua gak ada ini Anjir goblok c jadi membat video horor kayak menarik ini guys Mas si browser gua nih Ini guys Gua pengen bikin gini Anjir Ih keren banget sumpah wait di manana sih Wa history hisoryory gua mau beli senjata di Roblox nanti kembali lagi Oke kalau udah beli senjata [Musik]

Jangan guys mana sih my PIN bu Aning guaa kemar ada bagus banget anjing Kayak pernah gua tunjukin gak ke kalian guys cah keren banget anjing Gua suka cok sama video-video begini Anjir ahil ya he tak ada tak Ri aku boleh nonton Bang manca gak enggak oke you cannot youot Bro

Entar kalau misal lu nonton orang lain gua bakal ke rumah lu jam gua ke rumah lu apa ini nah nah ini guys Ih keren banget Anjir videonya su gua peng bikinin video gini C kita nobar cuy Oke nobar cuy wait wait to mino MC no nah ini gak sih any guys Nah gak

Sih yaho baru saja mengirimkan dukung 5000 cobalah ke sini R Thank you kak titik atas 5000 cobalah ke sini R malas kamu jauh copyright kah Enggak kok gak kok Ih bagus banget gua pengen gini C kalau di jam scan gua unsap Oke ini apa guys [Tepuk tangan] tuh [Musik]

Gila keren banget Anjing tuh guys Gua pengin bikin video gini Anjing sumpah I will dedicate my life to make this kind of [Musik] movie guys [Musik] ini guys B guys this look so cool kalian ja nonton room tour as betul guys Gua sebenarnya setan guys kok lu tahu

Sih Gua Hantu sebenaran guys no Aku nih gak nyata guys sebenarnya nih aku cuma Iya begitu aha Bang pleas Bang Bang janganlah marah Bang Bang Wow Bang kenapa gak bisa ya hello why why can I use my damic kalau ada yang lewat pasti lucu iah ah bikin ah besok gua bakal ke rumah

Hantu oh my god takutnya kalauisal rumah hantu gak punya hantunya gimana guys apakah termasuk rumah hantu guys kayaknya enggak sih bayangin lu ke rumah hantu tapi gak ada hantunya gitu terus malah ada gua gitu kan alamak seks Amin a joking Please lu mau buat konten kayak gitu Cari rumahnya di mana Lah

Emang harus rumah enggak kan bisa hutan bisa rumah orang bisa bisa rumahmu bisa kamarmu ya kan guys penonton kalauu ke kamarmu boleh enggak Kalau aku kamarmu Boleh enggak aku ggak nakal kok Oke aku gak nakal kok Boleh banget Oke Oke kalau kamu ke kamar aku jadi beda konten nanti R Emang

Iya kamu kira Oh [ __ ] Kamu kira aku kamarmu gak bawa apa-apa gitu gimana kalau misalnya gua ke kamar itu bawa rantai bawa gunting rumput bawa pisau daging bawa tali jangan digigit Enggak kok gigit mah gua engak pernah gigit ya biasanya kalau Setelah gua gituin baru gua B gigit sih

Biasanya sih nyalamin mau ngapain anjil lu maemtilasi gua enggak Gua cuma anu apa ya ya menyenangkan kamu aja sih Masa gak mau sih H masa gak mau sih Kan kamu suka dimilasi i gak sih insane Bro Pakai Shad gelap Anjir gak mau pengen sih I’m like Bro I can Dam

Oh SH pack nih besel quity viewer let’s go kita bikin konten guys tuh gelap kali Bang aku gak suka kayak bloomingbooming gini Anjir aneh kelihatannya buta mataku nih big big minta diikat yes yes ngomongomong soal mengkuliti guys kamu gak mau guys guituin guys kamu gak mau menarik sampai ini guys apa bikin rumah

Yes Wow the [ __ ] B Bro I I’m so bad bro takut pber ni menadi psikopad yalah loh lu gak tahu kah gua tuh didaftarin di vtuber ID itu sebagai apa anjir The Horror usias anjing lu gak tahu guys Gua tuh udah nama gua tuh masuk ke dalam daftar l

Youtuber Indonesia gitu loh kali enggak tahu itu loh kali enggak tahu padahal deskrii deskripsi singkat tentang gua tuh The Horror entusias gitu loh lu enggak mau sih lu kalau semalnya gua tiba-tiba suka sama lu ini kan terus gua pengin lu nih buat gua makan kan ya jangan marah dong gimana sih mana sih

Bang contoh Gua benar-benar suka sama lu nih kayak Anjir siapa Ma jadi tumbal guys siapa Nak jadi tumbal guys buat kisah cinta gitu ahil nak Siapa yang mau jadi tumbal buat kisah cinta kita Oh my [Musik] God Apa ya kyosia nih kyosia nih ini namanya kayak baguseng kayak contoh nih

Gua suka banget sama kyosia gitu kan Terus ya gua ya gua ya gu gua dapetin kyosia gitu apapun caranya kyosia lu suka gua kan lu enggak suka gua ya gak apaapa sih paling hilang beberapanya gitu kamu mau sup gak terbuat dari cairanku kamu harus mau makan supnya ya kalau ggak aku marah

L supnya bergizi kok kos kau mau gak fbo kangak gua cewek gak bosan My Body good have e it you have to eat it OK please please ok Oh beda itu anjirak sih yo gua kirim ok give me your address creampp goodp lu Tom itu gak sih yang yang Adam drivers good

Goodp SP rasa live IG anjing Gua jual Oke per body fluid apa per bnya berapa ya r.000 kali ya contain dengan bad water gue keringat air mata dan a little bit of love juice the that I was joking Ok Oke tapi kalau semisalnya beneran Kalian mauak beli

Kok000 doang cuy Pasti enak dah kan gua kan save beli lma beneran nih bayar kredit anjing r.000 doang Bay kredit Bang What tidak bocor bocor bocorinya bercanda pjand entar dicium Creeper nangis Enggak pernah guys te k ice ice fun became a member Thank you Thank you udah London Thank you Thank

You Welcome F auto borong a for real guys Ih keren banget Anjir bentuknya Tam lu bilangnya harga 20k tapi entar nya R juta enggak beneran Anjir kan kan dibikinnya pakai yang udah ada gimana sihu tinggal per aja kan dari gua it’s easy Bro Tinggal bikin kan gampang cuy gampangykir apa 2 jutaan Aning

How to make a child with a girl What lu benaran 20 k dap yesir 2 juta lu hidup di antar iya anjing dari Indo ke mexiko 2 juta Iya kah gua dulu peng gua dulu pernah beli di stiker kan stickker Fenty itu di kayaknya di

Finland dah iu gitulah gitu kan di UK at iu dah lupa gua stickker Fenty kan satunya tuh Harganya 3 dolar Aning stiker Fenty tuh satu 3 dolar anjing bro terus Ya udah gua check out kan ongkirnya berapa tahu gak cuma 2 dolar doang anjing literally ya laring Bro

Inse masak dari UK ke sini 2 dolar doang ini totalnya tu en en kan gua beli dua kan sticker Fenty kan en Del I dolar kan gitu ongk 2 juta koreya dari Jepang jalan kaki an tapiak datang itu gua udah Cheek out Anjir taah BR gua beli di di tahun 2021 tuh ingat

Gua 2021 awal-awal 2021 tuh enggak datang-datang yang udah 3 tahun cuk sumpah terus gua kan 2022 gua kontak kan Halo Kak ini gimana ya Kok belum sampai-sampai ya gitu kan padahal resinnya ada Anjir tapi gua gak tahu cara ngeceknya gitu kan 2022 tuh gua kontak kan personen kan gitu dia

Bilangnya Oh lagi mau dikabarin gitu kan Iya tidak dikasih cok Kayaknya emang hilang sih guys hilang di apa hilang di jalan gitu tapi gak apa sih cuma 2 dolar doang kan Anjir masak bensin aftertur cuma 2 dolar kan gila anjing broing onkir 2 juta dari Galaxy Andromeda anjing

Bro kita ke bulan a gagal mulu Anjing artemis one Bro it’s [ __ ] failingak k itu kan uang gua dulu kan dari Paypal lagiah support artis Let’s goang darar tapi gua Ang berharap gakak Berharap datang si bukan kan sekarang harga Dolar kan r.000 kan dulu masih.000000800 gu ya

It’s F sementara diin Jan Tapi jujur kalau misalnya datang beneran gua suka an gua teriak Beneran ya kalau datang beneran gua teriak an oh my tapi kan ya Bro realistik Aning bayangin pengiriman antar negara ya cuma 2 dolar anjing that that is not [ __ ] possible Ok stickernya ged apa

Kecil 15 15 15 cm 15 cm Yes 6 inch by 6 inch eh se p Del se or si I forgot 7 in by 7 in 6 inch ya sekitar 15 kali 15 atau 12 Kal Kalau gua jadi member bakal dapatempap t aja [Musik] oke di EV anime langsung bisa I tapi kan

Gua isengiseng aja g Karena kan stinya kan jual Ar aslinya kan Gar Asya dia Kayak bikin bisnis kecil-kecilan gitu Bikin apa gambar terus jadiin stiker gitu kan gitu ya udah gua kayak udah gak apaalah sekalian ngikut gitu kan Oh my God gak nyampe-nyampek bangsat gak bisa D guys

But it’s fine gua udah punya stickker Fendy gede di motor gua aman aman It’s fine guys okeer you got this way Rif Thank you Thank you Thank you Welcome member ngomong Fenty gak mau Fenty m Bro fent itu Tingginya berapa ya [ __ ] F oNe anjing

150 cman lah gitu Fenty ya gua 168 bro oke 70 gitu no gak cocok anjing motor boleh laki tapi aksesor harus ada gambar bini betul guys real real banget Ting 160anang Iya gak ah ini gak ada baket sisa Anjir doang item over ih Puh semua Anjir Oke S kita mining

Cuy i anjing gua tuh Momi guys Oke I step on you oke yang mau gua step klik satu guys sekarang guys Entar gua bakal ke event anime terus entar kalian chat aja kan gitu R kamu di CF 17 ya gitu arentar gua bakal bilang iya gitu lu

Pengin gua step gitu Ar gua bakal bilang eh Ar gua bakal nanya kalian lu pengin gua step gitu kan the [ __ ] i was joking a what di kota gua satu gungan kunci 25.000 tapi di murah banget [Musik] Anjar bercand guys Guys jangan joke Bang gua pengen step on peopleang

Bang OK It’s not normal guys theck guys inse BR don’t bet PR I Aning CF gas malas aku peng kec guys tapi gua takut B Bang pleas janganel gua please than guys bercana guys guys guys kalian gila Aning De fuckingan Bro Tapi jujur guys kalau semisal gua bukan

Vtuber nih ya tapi Gua suka Gua gitu kan dalam Maksudnya tuh gua viewer Rico nih Yuki Rico nih gua juga mau sih k Bro Bro I mean like e i mean like you know mean please R on my [ __ ] pussy guys Oke R your feet into my pussy

Please bangana Bang a Bang Bang kam kapa Serius Bang gua pengen sama Riko diinjak kan bagian kemalin gue kemalin nih terus di gesek-ngesek itu kan Oh My [Musik] God no I was joking please I was joking guys Ok oke eh goblok mati gua goblok lah kok gua di sini

Tidak tidak Fortune 3 gua cuk alah guys kayaknya harus pakai ini sih guys apa [ __ ] man Yah gak bisa cuk tidak wait guys Gua gak mau hilang ini gua anjing salah anjing ah host World Nina pembelajaran Bro [Musik] Can i edit my world guys dihardcorin gak enggak enggak gak

Gak B gimana Open backup folder 825 Oke Mas R Mas R Bang was joking gak bisa gu ganti ya gim cara gantinya [Musik] guys Open folder folder di folder tu aku data dat ya dat Advan bisa sih folder nah ini Bray yang Ma cari Bray untuk apa jujur kalau bisa seang

Real real real where to find backups How to backup How to back up Minecraft World nah ini guys otakku ini melayang What the [ __ ] insane Bro kalian gila guys Oke gak boleh e 20 38 20 25 nah ini guys let’s [Musik] go mana belan katw di Bang Bro gak boleh

Gak boleh gak boleh gak boleh Minecraft data Lion iniah anjing word foldernya Oh ini Guys kita bikin baru guys berarti gu gua tutupong ini dong ini gak sih nih guys Gua tunjukin guys kekuatan hker let’s [Musik] go selamanya please kecuali B Anjir Bro kalian gak suka Boba gua guys Pal Aku

Udah lama-lama numbuin kok kalian gak suka sih Jahat banget kalian ih yaah D disengel tapi jomaknya masih Tir SSS loh jomok kan bercanda jomok kan bercanda guys gimana sih kam kok gak suka jomok sih guys bukannya Kalian downbed juga ya J si guys [ __ ] Down B guys

Oke cuma masukin Udah kudah kok ini gua kasih apa kasih ininya bam bam Apakah bisa guys hilang Oh gak let’s go gak hilang guys aduh hai jomoknya let’s go Anjay pintar banget gua Anjing Alah si boy Aku pintar banget Bang soalnya aku hacker ya Sebenarnya aku hacker guys loh kok ngulang gak apa

Sih let’s go lah ini mah gua sebelum bikin ini Anjir apa Sebelum gua bikin ini anjing apa namanya kodok itu guys I gak sih I forgot fam Oh ya Salah salah tidak tidak aku ngulang B What the [ __ ] is that Bro Are you [ __ ] FR ahil n ke

Ini rumah gua masih di sini Anjing kodoknya hilang ya kodoknya hilang kan Ada kan Ada ada ada apa ada kereta kan di sini kan harusnya tapi malah hilang guys ini rumah gua Anjing Eh enggakeng Apakah hilang guys Apakah hilang guys Iya hilang cuk tidak aku udah susah-susah guys bisa sih di conttrol

Z [ __ ] man tindakusnya minus R up data engkernya sesat backup Oh ya gua masih punya ini guys anjing pantas backupnya 2023 Anjir goblok c Mama hilang anjing tidak kita ngulang [Tepuk tangan] guys akuulang ja Aning guakhat G lihat tang ahil nak Tam sodam It’s fine guys It’s fine Maafkan saya se saya harus

Mulai mundur sudah waktu jam-jam Oke tidur good night guys tidak aku sangenya ngulang guys [Musik] no tidak saves okeah bisa nih wait Lunar CLI menangis anjing bro It’s fine guys paling besok udah bisa gua recover gampang guys ngat lah ngat lah bangant the Bro kalau gak bisa enggak sih Gua juga

Jarang main Minecraft anjing bro yang penting akun follow gua gak hilang guys atau akun apa akun apa ya I don’t know man man [Musik] man reflek hayang Jajan apa hayang jajan Aning Oh ya udah ya aku sange mana aku sange lu kok gak ada aku sange Bang aku sangenya di mana

Aku Mamaku suka kamu What the [ __ ] semua terjadi karena Lu terlalu ngj l tapi beneran guys Bro Bro guys kalau semisalnya ya semisalnya ya gua tuh cuma Vier ronya biasa gitu kan I will letinging my pussy with his fing feet Ok okees guys ini mau di mana Anjir kitu gak tahu

Anjing gak ada yang benar cok F Man ini mati Iya gak sih Iya kan mati kan ini F Man ini mati anjing ini mati nih terus Bu juga mati Tuh kan mati kan tuh bubang mati tuh jauh banget Anjir ini di mana coba Thank you kak H FBI join ke ric London

Thank you Thank you Thank you Ner Thank you Bang Thank you Bang 100 like pakai bny r malas kar MC terus buka lagi harusnya word sisa copy P langsung muncul Udah aku udah aku mainin Bang jadi ya udah hilang cuk It’s fine it’s fine masa bikin baru sih guys apa guys

Guys Aku suka Bapakmu Ahi nah [Musik] Anjay peaceful lah peaceful lah normalnya normal Nah apa ya ah maksimal ini guys apa namanya ehak De apa namanya i w your B Cool let’s go bang kamu jangan nangisang pickx class dewamu hilang Untuk yang kesekian kalinya Bro It’s fine Gua tinggal ngecheat anjing

Nih goblok cok Gi BR it’s [ __ ] easy guys Oke tu gampang guys give you eh berapa 20 Gimana sih cara tuh ya oh ya terus oak oak planks oaklock gitu kan 6 eh goblok anjing give you o lock ock 64 Hah give you a lck 64 nah gitu guys Oh my

God gila apa sih Kok gua udah dapat Diamond guys the [ __ ] That’s so easy guys game apa nih Alah si boy Aduh apa sih game apa sih ini guys game apa nih guys youtuber of mining youtuber of mining bangsat Bang si anjing tker bangetnya kan Iya kan Nih gua bisa nih Eh

Bro mati gua mati gua oh gakuh anjing hender Dragon anjing tingi banget tadi gua lar anjing anjing Kara dia udah ada He anjing mati gua no tidak aku mati jangan diamondah l k mana nih sem ngotak dong ya Maaf Bang ganti Gan gimana cara clear itu guys apa clear apa namanya nah ini

BR dengan harta nih aku akan memanggil Bapakmu Oh kill ya kill m eh Ender Dragon Minecraft gak bisa Anjir kalau gak level 3 plusq atau apalah What gak usah guys aman Guys kita tinggal menjauh dari er Dragon kill a Goblok ah tah berarti a tuh gua ya Coba kill eh eh

Eh dah sama aja anjing berarti kill Oh oke gua gak tahu anjing t lu [ __ ] you guys okeus m Oh gitu guys I forgot Guys oke Goblok ah give a n blok ingot deng nah ini Bray gu makud Bray dia gak sih guys sword give

E eh berarti kalau kill a tadi udah mati semua Berarti si apa ender dragonnya Oke that was good apa sih give a n ch ch nah give Boots give kok go sih Give Give n n helmet nah let’s go guys weck in guys Ok fake Real Me Tu kan udah full

Masih R gua udah lupa anjing gua dulu gini C tapi gua udah lupa sekarang [Musik] forg gak mau Oh I ini guys Gi gak ada bisa ya apa Enchanted book dahah gak ada isinya tapi ada isinya guys tidak kebanyakan z f Man Gimana caranya langsung keluarin gitu Anjir ah bikin cas lah CH

Nah nah eh Nah let’s go bang sekalian udah capek gua ngelihatnya Oh gitu guys enchange Wow Fortune hah ya gak bisa guys Coba ya enhance Fortune eh targetnya a Fortune tig ya what that’s So Cool enhance a mending ih seru banget guys ternyata game Minecraft tuh gampang banget ya aku kira susah

Guys wow wow wow ker banget guys Oh my god halo halo asik banget ya Minecraft ya oh my god oh my god ketw Bang You Gay Bro menurut kalian mending fire aspect apa sharpness guys atau smite mending apa sih bennya sih knockb gak si si tapi kobble level 10 enhance

Ya enhance knockback ya Eh ad goblok anjing enh e KN back bening sharpness kan Oh maksimal dua guys sharpness Lev f f Oh bisa C smite kurang oke oke enchange e mending mingnya penting banget dah sih tuh guys gila cuy fire aspek gak sih guys enchant eh salah salahah enchanan

Apa nih byak banget Anjir Frost Walker Infinity loyalty multioting unaking speeded coba spam warden mati gua Anjing gak mau gua cok malas kita tes drive dulu Bray enchant a fire aspect yah nah ini m lu ketar-ketar duluan Bangs sebelum spaw kok lu punya gini gak apa-apa guys give give Torch nah ini BR

Mas ihil [Musik] guys Gang banget guys Oh my God Bocil mah bisa m tuh Alah si boy Bocil mah bisa guys ini guys Iya gak sih guys Bocil mah bisa banget giniah tidur gua Anjing sumpah mau jam berapa sinini ya okelah gua bakal Udan Ca Pak knockback Emang belum knockback gua Oh

Ya belum c ench e knockb level 2 ya tadi terakhir tu yah doang Aning salah Bang knb keak sih Oke Guys untuk live kali ini I have fun with myet Armor An masih sakit banget Anjir What the berc Bang jangan bunuh aku bang give a b apa nih ket

To Coba Ak enggak bisa Gak bisa tadi maksimal level du let guys perkara mati jadi hker ingat guys hker itu adalah Minecraft player yang tersakiti guys karena Fortune 2 dia hilang gitu minin gitu guys Oke that’s me oke so ya than you guys udah nonton guar Thank

You dan ya ketemu lagi Guys besok guys Oke besok gua bakal nonton live kayaknya Insyaallah Thank you for watching me thank you thank you thank you and I’ll be see you guys tomorrow Guys besok gua bakal live kemungkinan besar ya guys karena besok gak ada apa-apa semoga gak ada apa-apa tapi ya Yah

Begitulah cuy aku tipis sumpah guys give a stick stick namanya Minecraft Hah kok gak ada Pork C Pork let’s go Oke thank you guys dariirk thank you guys absen I Bang absen Bang guys bagi yang perlu namanya disebut silakan ketik satu karena kalau gak ketik satu gua bakal ke rumah oke

Oke thank you KL frame Bita mikazuki ada siapa nih skipy B ka B skipy Yuki nipnip k Bita ada mazan Yuki Zumi k H Diamond ada zw sea Udah Bil udah ada thank ada thanu G bye pe [Musik] mah

This video, titled ‘「 MINECRAFT 」HALO SAYANGKUUU’, was uploaded by yukki riko on 2024-03-20 04:15:16. It has garnered 896 views and 126 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:22 or 4642 seconds.

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2024 – under whysixriko supervision💖 #vtuber #vtuberindonesia

  • Pixelated Savior: Cyberpunk City Heroics

    Pixelated Savior: Cyberpunk City Heroics In the cyberpunk city, a hero takes flight, Inspired by the tallest building, reaching new height. Minecraft 1.21, with shaders so bright, Solas adding depth, to the city’s delight. For the schematic, just drop a line, Litematica ready, for your design. Follow Maizie, on Twitter and Insta, For more Minecraft magic, a true master. Read More

  • Mining in Minecraft: Dark Fear Strikes Twice

    Mining in Minecraft: Dark Fear Strikes Twice In the depths of Minecraft, fear of the dark, Our hero sets out, on a daring embark. Searching for food, in the wild and the wide, Digging a hole, with nothing to hide. A mini cave found, a treasure to behold, But problems arise, as dangers unfold. Glitched creatures lurk, in the shadows deep, Our hero must fight, to stay out of sleep. Planting seeds, in the plantation so green, A peaceful end, to a journey unseen. Like and subscribe, to follow the tale, Of mining in Minecraft, where legends prevail. Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting and adventurous Minewind Minecraft Server. If you’re a fan of survival gameplay and love the thrill of building your own underground base, then Minewind is the place for you. Imagine exploring vast landscapes, battling dangerous mobs, and teaming up with other players to create a thriving community. That’s exactly what you can experience on Minewind. With a dedicated IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, joining the server is easy and seamless. While watching epic YouTube… Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Illegal Acts & Hindi Hacks

    Minecraft Mayhem: Illegal Acts & Hindi Hacks In the world of Minecraft, secrets unfold, Unspeakable things, hidden and bold. Illegal bases, build hacks so sly, Unspeakable Minecraft, reaching new highs. Arsewooo’s channel, full of fun and delight, Bringing gaming news, shining so bright. With rhymes and emojis, the story takes flight, Minecraft Hindi, a true gaming delight. From Bixu to TechnoGamerz, the legends in play, GamerFleet and AnshuBisht, leading the way. Illegal build hacks, myths to debunk, In the world of Minecraft, never be sunk. So subscribe, show love, to Arsewooo’s great feat, 1K subs, a milestone to meet. Keep the rhymes flowing, the gaming news… Read More

  • Dragon Encounter in Minecraft Mod Madness

    Dragon Encounter in Minecraft Mod Madness All The Mods 9: A Minecraft Adventure Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with the All The Mods 9 pack, featuring over 400 mods, countless quests, and a built-in proper endgame. In this new series, players will delve into the world of ATM 9, building a Minecolonies city while seamlessly integrating tech mods into their creations. What Sets All The Mods 9 Apart? Unlike other popular mod packs, All The Mods 9 offers a unique blend of well-known mods alongside newer and lesser-known ones. This diversity ensures a fresh and exciting gameplay experience for both seasoned players and newcomers… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft 1.21 Seed Showdown

    Ultimate Minecraft 1.21 Seed Showdown The Exciting World of Minecraft Seeds Exploring the vast world of Minecraft is always an adventure, especially when you stumble upon a God Seed like the one featured in this video. Whether you’re playing on Java or Bedrock edition, the thrill of discovering a rare and unique seed can enhance your gameplay experience. Unveiling the God Seed In the video, the player delves into the realm of Minecraft, showcasing the incredible features of the God Seed. From lush landscapes to hidden treasures, this seed is a testament to the endless possibilities within the game. Java vs. Bedrock Edition One… Read More

  • Diagonal Barn & Stables in Minecraft – Easy Tutorial

    Diagonal Barn & Stables in Minecraft - Easy Tutorial Exploring the Versatile Diagonal Barn, Stables, and Storage in Minecraft Step into the world of Minecraft where creativity knows no bounds! Today, we delve into the intricacies of building a versatile structure that can serve as a barn, stables, or storage facility. This beautifully simple design is perfect for various themes, from Medieval to Fantasy and even Modern Minecraft worlds! Never Leave Your Animals in the Rain Again! With this stunning building, you can ensure that your horses, donkeys, cows, sheep, pigs, camels, and more are sheltered from the elements. Say goodbye to leaving your beloved animals out in… Read More

  • RealismCraft: New Dynamic Worlds!

    RealismCraft: New Dynamic Worlds! Exploring RealismCraft: A New Frontier in Minecraft RealismCraft has taken the Minecraft community by storm, offering players a breathtaking and ultra-realistic gaming experience like never before. With its stunning graphics and immersive gameplay, this new addition to the Minecraft universe is truly a game-changer. Unleashing RealismCraft RealismCraft introduces dynamic worlds that push the boundaries of what players thought was possible in Minecraft. From lifelike textures to realistic lighting effects, every detail in this game is meticulously crafted to create a truly immersive experience. Players can explore a world that feels more alive than ever before, with stunning landscapes, realistic… Read More

  • Sneaky Baby Kidnaps Efe and Friends! – Minecraft

    Sneaky Baby Kidnaps Efe and Friends! - Minecraft BÜYÜCÜ BEBEK EFEKAN ve ARKADAŞLARINI TUZAĞA DÜŞÜRDÜ KAÇIRDI! 😱 – Minecraft Merhaba Arkadaşım! Akademi_Craft kanalında Türkçe ve eğlenceli Minecraft videoları, zengin fakir videoları ve oyun tadında parodi videoları bulunuyor. Eğlenmek hepimizin hakkı, bu yüzden yeni videoları kesinlikle kaçırma! Önceki ve Önerilen Videolar Önceki videoyu izlemek için buraya tıklayabilirsin. Önerilen videoya ise buradan ulaşabilirsin. Akademi-Craft Oynatma Listeleri Akademi-Craft’in oynatma listelerine aşağıdaki linklerden erişebilirsin: Liste-1 Liste-2 Video Detayları Videoyu sonuna kadar izleyip abone olup like atarsanız çok sevinirim. Videoları beğendiysen “Like” (👍) atabilirsin. Ayrıca kanalımıza “Abone OLursan” çok sevinirim. Videolarımı kaçırmamak için BİLDİRİM ZİLİNİ (🔔) açmayı da unutma! Uyarı Tüm videolar… Read More

  • LEGO Technic vs. Minecraft Polybag Showdown

    LEGO Technic vs. Minecraft Polybag Showdown LEGO Technic & Minecraft Polybag Builds Embark on a journey of creativity and construction with LEGO Technic and Minecraft polybag builds. Join Jay, an AFOL LEGO hobbyist, as he delves into the world of building with LEGO bricks in his spare time. Let’s explore the exciting builds featured in this video! Build Preview The video kicks off with a tantalizing build preview, setting the stage for the construction adventure that awaits. Get ready to witness the magic of LEGO bricks coming together to form intricate creations. Dripstone Cavern Polybag 1 Step into the enchanting world of Minecraft with the… Read More

  • Mystery Revealed: Minecraft Iceberg Layer 3

    Mystery Revealed: Minecraft Iceberg Layer 3Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Iceberg – Layer 3’, was uploaded by marlboroluvur on 2024-06-19 10:15:14. It has garnered 2286 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:04 or 1864 seconds. Any feedback or changes I should make? Lemme know down below 😀 Read More


    STRIVERSUMIT - SHOCKING NEW REVEAL! 😉Video Information This video, titled ‘New Episode Out 😉’, was uploaded by STRIKERSUMIT on 2024-07-10 13:30:31. It has garnered 4201 views and 151 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #gaming 🎮 Welcome to STRIKERSUMIT ! 🕹️ 🚀 Dive into the ultimate gaming experience with STRIKERSUMIT , your guide to the vast world of virtual adventures! 🌐 🔥 Immerse yourself in a universe where pixels come to life, as we explore the latest and greatest games across genres. From heart-pounding action to mind-bending puzzles, this is the hub for all things gaming. 👾 What… Read More

  • Minecraft Kids Song: Crazy Tricks with Siddhi and Babu!

    Minecraft Kids Song: Crazy Tricks with Siddhi and Babu!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft song for kids | New Generation Rhymes | Kids Cartoons | Kindergarten Songs’, was uploaded by Siddhi and Babu show on 2024-07-09 08:03:55. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:00 or 120 seconds. Newborn Baby Songs | Newborn Baby Songs & Nursery Rhymes | Popular Collection Of Rhymes | Popular Collection Of Newborn Baby Songs| Collection Of Rhymes For Kids | very special compilation of Nursery Rhymes | New Generation Rhymes| New Generation Poem | New Generation Kids Song | New Generation Music for Babies |… Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Minecraft Challenge | PietSmiet

    Unbelievable twist in Minecraft Challenge | PietSmietVideo Information This video, titled ‘Damit hat keiner gerechnet. | Minecraft Challenge’, was uploaded by PietSmiet on 2024-02-29 19:05:00. It has garnered 141234 views and 5959 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:15 or 2955 seconds. That’s bitter! You can find our merch with shirts, hoodies and caps on https://pietsmiet.store Don’t miss any livestreams and follow us on http://twitch.tv/PietSmiet More videos from Minecraft Challenge can be found in the playlist on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5JK9SjdCJp_jPpLReQoYtqqJBBNLczl5 More videos from Minecraft Challenge are available earlier on PietSmiet.de: http://ptsmt.de/p/104797 This is a multiplayer Let’s Play gameplay of Minecraft. We played the game on the… Read More

  • Unveiling Demonic Secrets in New Town | Minecraft Roleplay

    Unveiling Demonic Secrets in New Town | Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Demon’s in a New Town – Demons Life Trailer MCTV//Minecraft Roleplay’, was uploaded by Night_Films on 2024-03-31 06:41:42. It has garnered 147 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:08 or 308 seconds. A Demons MCRP ROLEPLAY thumbnail by @JackHeptic #mctv #minecraft #minecraftroleplays #roleplay #mcrp #minecraftrp #demons #supernatural Cast @MrMatrix69 Read More

  • 🔥ATS MAXXA LIVE – JOIN FOR FREE NOW!!🔥 #minecraft

    🔥ATS MAXXA LIVE - JOIN FOR FREE NOW!!🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PUBLIC SMP LIVE HINDI | JAVA + PE 24/7| CRACKED SMP|FREE TO JOIN| #minecraft #herobrinesmp’, was uploaded by ATS MAXXA LIVE on 2024-07-13 04:43:32. It has garnered 98 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:28:52 or 8932 seconds. public smp,public minecraft smp,minecraft smp,minecraft,minecraft smp servers,public minecraft,public minecraft server,public java minecraft,minecraft public smp,minecraft server,public bedrock minecraft,join public smp,join minecraft smp,free to play minecraft smp,minecraft public smp 1.19,minecraft public cracked smp server,smp,survival minecraft server,minecraft survival server pe,minecraft hardcore,minecraft survival server,minecraft server ip ⭐️──────⋆⋅☆⋅⋆──────⭐️ ✨ Connect with me on social media! 📸 Instagram… Read More

  • 🔨Ultimate Minecraft Starter House Tutorial 🏘️

    🔨Ultimate Minecraft Starter House Tutorial 🏘️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔨How To Make Starter Minecraft Wooden House 🏘️” || Minecraft House Toturial Video || Not Yash 09’, was uploaded by Not Yash 09 on 2024-06-05 18:30:21. It has garnered 3 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:49 or 229 seconds. 🔨How To Make Starter Minecraft Wooden House 🏘️” || Minecraft House Toturial Video || Not Yash 09 IN THIS VIDEO I WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO MAKE STARTER HOUSE IN MINECRAFT THAT WILL HELP YOU TO MAKE A HOUSE IN YOUR SURVIVAL WORLD THIS IS EASY TO MAKE AND ITEM LIST IS… Read More

  • Uncover the Secret in Minecraft Original AMV/MMV

    Uncover the Secret in Minecraft Original AMV/MMVVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Find” A Minecraft Original AMV/MMV’, was uploaded by Starline_Creationz on 2024-01-08 17:00:22. It has garnered 152 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:21 or 201 seconds. Welcome to my channel, on this channel you will be seeing just a little not many non-related topics, but what you all will be seeing mainly on this channel is Minecraft Related Content and more of AMV/MMV’s! Subscribe, Like, Turn on the Notification bell so you never miss a single upload! Credits: @NightBirdTheAnimus @ArcticWoLfANIMATIONS_ @Alansilvershadow @LilDaeDreamer @EthanAnimatez @JeffVixTM @K2AnimationStudios @CaptainSparklez @AntVenom @TheKingApdo @fredisaalanimations @ShadowCreeperAnimations @ThunderAnimations152… Read More

  • CraftUniverse Bangladesh

    CraftUniverse BangladeshWelcome to CraftUniverse Bangladesh, an excellent Minecraft server known for it’s amazing experiences. We are a laid-back, no grief, economy, SMP server where we value community above all else. The server is running 1.20+, and everyone is welcome as both Java and Bedrock players are free to join! The server offers a variety of plugins that enhance the player experience while also staying true to Minecraft’s roots such as keep-inv, player warps, grief prevention, and more! Show your support for the server by voting to earn free ranks which grant perks such as VIP rank, cool prefixes, money, vote crate… Read More


    Welcome to StellarismC! Join our brand new survival style server at play.stellarismc.net! We are looking for active players to join our journey. With a great discord community and amazing staff, there’s plenty to explore. Drop your discord below for more details. Experience jobs, prestige’s, skills, and more! Read More

  • Novadia {1.21} {Semi-Vanilla} {No Griefing}

    Novadia {1.21} {Semi-Vanilla} {No Griefing}The Novadia Minecraft Server is happy to open its doors to all players for the 1.21 update – Tricky Trials!We are a community-centered server focused on player interaction and sense of community. Here’s what you can expect from our server:Vanilla-adjacent gameplay – at the core, Novadia focuses on vanilla gameplay, but includes minor modifications that provide interesting depth of gameplay to the server, such as player heads, or being able to sit on stairs.Friendly community – Minecraft is always better with friends and new players, and during your time on the server you will no doubt meet new people looking… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s OP Power Trip

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's OP Power TripSteve: “I’m not abusing my powers, I’m just creatively exploiting them for my own amusement. Plus, who’s gonna stop me? The sheep?” Read More

  • Minecraft Hollowed Wardin Oi Oi Oi Hot Meme!

    Minecraft Hollowed Wardin Oi Oi Oi Hot Meme! When you accidentally hit a pig in Minecraft and suddenly hear the entire Hollowed Wardin village chanting “Oi Oi Oi” in unison. It’s like a piggy protest rally! #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Dinosaur Survival Gone Wrong

    Dinosaur Survival Gone Wrong Exploring the World of Minecraft with 迅猛龍 Meet 迅猛龍: The Minecraft Enthusiast 迅猛龍, also known as 龍, is a high school student with big dreams of reaching a million subscribers on his YouTube channel. Specializing in creating Minecraft videos centered around original survival gameplay and server adventures, 龍’s content aims to entertain and engage his audience. With a desire to join the 伊甸伺服器, he invites viewers to support his journey by hitting the subscribe button. Episode Highlights In a recent video, 迅猛龍 shared a thrilling tale involving a close encounter with a Velociraptor in Minecraft. The video showcases his… Read More

  • Minecraft: Memes & Mayhem

    Minecraft: Memes & Mayhem Minecraft – Episode 1 – Did it for the Meme Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft with Clifton3D in Episode 1 of his gaming series. Join him as he delves into the realm of creativity, survival, and endless possibilities. Exploring the Minecraft Universe As Clifton3D ventures into the vast landscapes of Minecraft, he encounters a world brimming with resources, creatures, and challenges. From building intricate structures to battling hostile mobs, every moment is an opportunity for adventure. Building Blocks of Creativity In Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. Clifton3D showcases his building skills by constructing elaborate… Read More

  • Gracie and Best Friend Pregnant in Minecraft?!

    Gracie and Best Friend Pregnant in Minecraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Gracie and Best Friend Pregnant In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Gracie on 2024-07-10 11:00:42. It has garnered 80679 views and 414 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:48 or 10848 seconds. Gracie and Best Friend Pregnant In Minecraft! Gracie, Jamesy, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft. Follow Jamesy! – https://www.youtube.com/@JamesyMCYT?sub_confirmation=1 Follow Our Roblox Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/@JamesyGracie?sub_confirmation=1 Follow Louie’s Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/@LouieMC?sub_confirmation=1 Gracie is Jamesy’s Girlfriend. Its spelled Gracie, not Gracey or Grace Z. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • Minecraft Hacks: Element X Code Fun

    Minecraft Hacks: Element X Code FunVideo Information This video, titled ‘I coded more of ur STUPID ideas to Minecraft’, was uploaded by Element X on 2024-06-15 14:00:26. It has garnered 1565019 views and 31885 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:53 or 833 seconds. Click this link https://sponsr.is/bootdev_elementx and use my code ELEMENTX to get 25% off your first payment for boot.dev. That’s 25% your first month or your first year, depending on the subscription you choose. I coded your horrible ideas to minecraft. i dont know why your ideas are so horrible. But i just do them because it’s painful and fun. Bruh… Read More

  • Unbelievable gameplay in Minecraft – Must watch now! #viral

    Unbelievable gameplay in Minecraft - Must watch now! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Don’t worry I’m here @minecraft @shorts @viral’, was uploaded by RenderLegendOP on 2024-05-01 06:33:55. It has garnered 4 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Don’t worry I’m here @minecraft @shorts @viral thanks for watching 😍❤ minecraft #minecraft shorts #shorts #minecraft short #gaming #minecraft animation #realistic minecraft #minecraft tiktok #minecraft rtx #minecraft gaming shorts #minecraft viral shorts #shorts minecraft #minecraft meme #minecraft memes #cash minecraft #minecraft challenge #minecraft but #minecraft mod #minecraft mods #minecraft funny #minecraft hacks short #minecraft viral video #minecraft but challenge #minecraft trending shorts #minecraft… Read More

  • Unbelievable discovery in Prehistoric Minecraft 1.0 by lilB2k!

    Unbelievable discovery in Prehistoric Minecraft 1.0 by lilB2k!Video Information This video, titled ‘Prehistoric Hardcore Minecraft 1.0’, was uploaded by lilB2k on 2024-06-04 06:08:11. It has garnered 42 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:45 or 13185 seconds. #live #minecraft #lilb2k I AM ALSO LIVE ON TWITCH @lilB2kk Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Tip: Build Modern House in Seconds! #35

    Insane Minecraft Tip: Build Modern House in Seconds! #35Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EASY WAY TO BUILD A MODERN HOUSE (#35)’, was uploaded by Fevel on 2024-03-12 08:30:12. It has garnered 18 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:48 or 1188 seconds. Support me to complete 1k🙏mambers❤️☺️ #minecraft #easy #house #tutorial #song #MinecraftMadness #EpicMinecraft #MinecraftAddict #BlockbusterMinecraft #CraftingMania #MinecraftMayhem #PixelatedParadise #BuildingBlocks #Minecraft →Minecraft: How to Make a Modern House – Tutorial →Thumbs up & Subscribe for more =)https://youtube.com/@Fevelyt →Interior Tutorial Video: Minecraft: Large…=)https://youtu.be/OVHBVg01Kek ▼More House Tutorials▼ 👉https://youtu.be/rpWKd79v1Ao👈 👉https://youtu.be/OVHBVg01Kek👈 👉https://youtu.be/cUBUYgjadlc👈 👉https://youtu.be/9AZZbnUuIRY👈 _________________________________________________ MINECRAFT _________________________________________________ Minecraft is a highly popular sandbox video game where players have the… Read More

  • Insane Survival Challenge: 100 Days in Minecraft Stone Age

    Insane Survival Challenge: 100 Days in Minecraft Stone AgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days Of Minecraft Hardcore In The STONE AGE!’, was uploaded by PaulGG on 2024-02-24 15:00:39. It has garnered 204781 views and 7290 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:05 or 3605 seconds. I Survived 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore I Survived 100 Days Of Minecraft Hardcore IN A STRAIGHT LINE! ➡ https://youtu.be/98iCWuQYRls Use Code PAULGG For #GFUEL ➡ https://gfuel.com/collections/shakers/products/paulgg-shaker-cup Check Out my 100 Dyas In BETTER Minecraft ➡ https://youtu.be/h2CLjWebHQg (I Survived 100 Days In BETTER Minecraft Hardcore (Full Movie) Check out the first 100 days In An OCEAN WORLD! ➡ https://youtu.be/g90LrmQl_qU… Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Free Fire vs Minecraft! 🔥🔨 #viralshorts

    Epic Showdown: Free Fire vs Minecraft! 🔥🔨 #viralshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Free Fire vs Minecraft❓#shorts #ytshort #viralshort #comparison’, was uploaded by Short creater 07 on 2024-07-22 13:10:38. It has garnered 503 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Free Fire vs Minecraft❓ Comparison Free Fire and Minecraft are vastly different games, catering to different audiences and offering unique experiences. Here’s a comparison based on several aspects: Gameplay Free Fire: Genre: Battle Royale. Objective: Be the last person or team standing by eliminating other players. Gameplay: Fast-paced, matches last around 10 minutes, focuses on shooting, survival, and strategic positioning. Minecraft:… Read More

  • Minecraft Tiktok Hack Goes Viral! #Shorts

    Minecraft Tiktok Hack Goes Viral! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tiktok hack #minecraft #hackminecraft #shorts #hacks #viral’, was uploaded by Itz4ffanshortz on 2024-03-07 18:29:50. It has garnered 11663 views and 316 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Bot Coitus Metal Talk!

    EPIC Minecraft Bot Coitus Metal Talk!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Bot coito, Insanamente 2 de Metal, Platica Y No sé xd’, was uploaded by DanMDxD on 2024-06-19 17:13:01. It has garnered 121 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:19 or 5599 seconds. Join The Channel Discord: https://discord.gg/7GNUMj7d Minecraft god. Questions about me, dragon ball, anime, series, movies, video games, manga, tastes, etc. xd whatever the fuck you want. I love you so much Dragon ball, Minecraft, Halo, Resident evil 4, Halo. Sometimes we talk, react, watch discord, play xd whatever Live from the channel where we talk and react to… Read More

  • AstralPixelmon

    AstralPixelmonA aventura Pokémon que você esperava chegou! Venha se juntar a nós na Rede Astral e embarque em uma jornada épica repleta de desafios, batalhas emocionantes e a captura de Pokémon incríveis. astralpixelmon.net Read More

  • Oakleaf SMP – Origins Mod – Community, Creativity, Fair Play

    Introduction: Welcome to Oakleaf SMP! A Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server focused on fostering a vibrant community and encouraging creativity while maintaining freedom. What to Expect: Community and Creativity: Join a welcoming community where collaboration and creativity thrive. Fair Play: Respect others’ builds, no hacks or cheats, consensual PvP. Origins Plugin: Experience Minecraft like never before with unique origins. Helpful Features: Informative Discord channel, active moderators. Server IP: oakleaf.apexmc.co We welcome new players from all walks of life to join our server. We are not whitelisted, so feel free to visit anytime! Join Us Today: Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/gK8YDcNCGc Java IP: oakleaf.apexmc.co… Read More

  • 🌑NightCraft 2.5 | Vanilla+++ | Europe Server | New Dungeons+ | New Generations🌑

    🌑NightCraft 2.5 | Vanilla+++ | Europe Server | New Dungeons+ | New Generations🌑The NightCraft 2.5 minecraft server is the second and a half season of the original Vanilla+++ minecraft server, we have rethought the server pass system, so now almost anyone can get on it! If you have any questions, you can write to the discord – https://discord.com/invite/yQZeeYG8B5 telegram – https://t.me/animalworldtwitch or at least on twitch when I stream there – (2) night_sculptor – Twitch Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – vertical half slabs are garbage

    Minecraft Memes - vertical half slabs are garbageWhoever thought vertical half slabs were a good idea must have been building upside down! Read More

  • Minecraft’s Stone System: A Messy Quest!

    Minecraft's Stone System: A Messy Quest! In Minecraft’s world, the stone system’s a mess, Caves, sandstone, Nether, and Prismarine, no less. Exploring the depths, facing challenges with glee, In The End, a new adventure awaits, you’ll see. With music like Penguin and Pyramid’s beat, And Coral Rise from Minecraft Dungeon, a treat. So dive into the game, let your creativity flow, Minecraft’s world is vast, with endless stories to show. Read More