Zelda Kingdom of Tears – EPIC $10,000 Charity Livestream!

Video Information

We are live welcome welcome back we’re on Minecraft we’re playing Minecraft today we on episode one we’re GNA be doing hardcore that’s not how you spell hardcore there we go great new world I’ve got my dad Ace moderating the stream for me today thank you for being

Here might take a couple minutes to load the world in because it’s a fresh World we’re starting from scratch here today guys in the meantime if you guys can consider donating to food for the hungry through through our donation link via tiltify the link is in the description or you

Can simply scan the QR code on the screen we’re trying to raise $10,000 for food for the hungry you could contribute a dollar it we would really appreciate it if you can’t that’s okay just remember to like subscribe and follow if you’re watching on Twitch hey the world’s loaded in

Okay I might have to adjust my video settings to get a higher frame rate I don’t have a gaming computer I lag a little bit while it’s loading hang on hopefully I didn’t close up my game I had to change some of the mid map scaling settings there we go I want it

To perform at a consistent 60 FPS now it’s running better now I’ve got over a 100 frames good we’re to start by getting some wood getting some tools getting some resources and then at midnight we’re going to be doing our drawing for our Roo giveaway we’re going to be doing that on

Stream try to remember how to play this game I haven’t played in Forever got some exposed Stone here pickaxe now we’re we’re in action guys and mine Stone we can get some tools get get an axe get a sword furnace so we can cook up the food

That we get so we don’t starve this is Hardcore so we’re definitely going to be playing it somewhat safe I’m a risky person so I will I will be making some risky plays I’m a daring person we’re going to get all this coal cuz we’re going to need every single piece of

It we’re going to need it for torches we’re going to need it for cooking food and we’re going to need it for cooking iron all the coal we can get I like to shift when I’m mining because enemies can’t see you as far if you’re crouching in Minecraft I don’t

Know if you guys know that lowers the radius that they can see you makes it harder for them to sneak up on you and if you’re in multiplayer they’ll hide your name tag too 38 pieces of coal nice get two Stone swords ax okay we’ve got some we’ve got a good

Setup here some furnaces nice cocoa beans pigs I have to stop myself from clicking too fast used to the old version nice we’ll have enough wool for a bed we’re going to need a lot of food it is Hardcore couldn’t remember what button I had toggled for Sprint I changed some of the

Settings off camera this is a completely vanilla gameplay in case anyone’s wondering there’s no mods or plugins there’s this is not a server this is this on my actual game okay we’re going to cook up all this food that we got going to make some pants Steve should not be running around pantsless

We see anything in the distance be nice if that we were near a village to get some lag spikes as the world loads in don’t quite have a gaming computer I have an Ultra Book seems to be running pretty stable right now by that jungle when I was loading in

That was lagging a little bit reorganize my inventory a little bit now I can sleep whenever I need to we’re just going to look around while that’s cooking and see if we can see anything off in the distance cave would be good so we can get some

Iron see what we can find oh there’s that a cave can’t tell if that’s a cave or not no maybe looks like an underwater Cavern I don’t know if I want to explore that there’s my furnace I just passed it anything I need to craft don’t believe so right

Now might as well make that extra torch eat steak first because has the highest saturation that’s some miscellaneous extra stuff here Apple for Golden Apple later well we’ve already got some stuff but we need armor we need armor we have food for a little while that was my priority did I pick

Everything up yeah I did we’re going to go this way where where are we going we’re going positive positive I want to find iron before I build a house want to be near a cave pigs thought I saw another one there he is about to be night we’re in the woods

Guys get out of the woods hey wolves you don’t have any bones so I can’t tame you guys oh there’s a lot of chickens here arrows I’m turning all of this into food and arrows come on go I don’t want to hit the baby chicken did nothing wrong for back up to the

Surface okay let’s get out of here get out of here we don’t want to be with the drowned hey I think we’re going to rest and then we’re going to head to the Village cuz we don’t want to bring monsters in there’s no point in leaving a bed

Anywhere oh wow skeletons do a lot of damage yeah we definitely are going to need at least that’s a cave that’s massive oh my God we’re going there next we going to go explore this Village get some loot lock the villagers in their H so they don’t get

Eaten a saddle Mind If I Do wheat you can turn this into bread for anyone who doesn’t know using a hoe helps you mine wheat faster a lot faster than if I just tried to mine that by hand okay we’re going to cook up the stuff

We’ve been getting so it doesn’t take up our inventory that’s funny there’s grass get in this house I’m locking you in I guess he’s not listening to me we’re going to make this a temporary base just so we can organize our stuff we don’t need to carry around wheat and

Sugar cane let’s get the coordinates of this place first so I don’t forget it 86 350 I don’t need to carry around some of this stuff with me oh hay bals are useful actually in case I fall I can save my life don’t need the wool anymore yeah let’s finish exploring this

Village we’re just going to break the chests easier you are a Fletcher you are you are not going anywhere I’m get back in your house I’m trapping you now you can’t die you’re important I don’t want to have to make another one of you iron golem probably kill it for its resources

Um you’re the Cartographer are you going in there too go in go on get inside get inside so I can trap you in for your own protection I promise makes it so they can’t get blown up by creepers or eaten by zombies oh right hit the Bell pretty sure that sends them in

You have nothing in here for me stay inside oh an emerald he doesn’t have a back door does he no he doesn’t I’m going to go back to that point and drop all this stuff off little base that I set up before those chests trb most of the villagers in

Their houses so they won’t die on us good going to eat the bread first cuz that’s cheap just looking through my inventory going trap maybe a couple more villagers in their homes and then we’re going to go check out that cave oh wow it’s one minute to New Year’s

Guys Happy New Year’s any everybody I think we’re 10 seconds to New Year’s guys Happy New Year’s everybody all right so since it’s New Year’s we have a special we have something special planned we’re going to do the uh giveaway drawing on stream so I’m just gonna I’m going to

Trap myself in this house so I don’t die and then we’re going to spin the wheel my dad Ace says Happy New Year to everybody everybody happy New Years okay we’re going to go to the intermission segment and we’re going to start spinning the wheel alrighty let’s see who our first winner is

Still spinning it landed on ER Kathy 10 congratulations you are our first winner for our giveaway you will be receiving your 100 Robux for the end of the night congratulations I give you a dancing avocado okay we’re going to take you off the wheel and we will send you your Roo

For the end of the night congratulations there or Kathy 10 all right on to the next person see who’s it going to be congratulations the pink penguin 4565 you’re our next winner we’ll send you your 100 Robux before the end of the night took you off the wheel and we’re

Going to spin it again so we’ve got two out of 10 winners so far so eight to go Liza stir suan congratulations you’re our next winner of our th Robo giveaway we’re going to give you 100 Roo before the end of the night thank you so much for participating and

Congratulations spin the wheel again got three out of three out of 10 winners so far we had four 14 people that entered so you guys have a pretty good chance of winning congratulations to K let me know in the comment section if I said any of your names wrong I apologize congratulations

To kyomi and I’ll be sending your roblo before the end of the night removed you from the wheel as you’ve already won we’re at four out of 10 congratulations to ferin you’re our next winner in our giveaway you’re our fifth give fifth winner so far cleared your name from the wheel and

We will send you your Roo before the end of the night let’s spin the wheel again got five winners so far congratulations to baky queen you are a sixth winner in our New Year’s giveaway let’s spin the wheel again for our seventh winner congratulations bacon H you’re our seventh winner lucky number seven

See who’s lucky winner number eight we have wasid 76 your winner number your winner number eight congratulations your odds are really high of winning now there’s only six of you guys left there’s two winners yet to be revealed Pro YouTubers one ytubers congratulations you’re are ninth winner I had to count you’re

Our ninth winner in our in our New Year’s giveaway congratulations all right last one guys who’s it going to be a one in five chance you have a 20% chance of winning now I believe that’s mob Buster 2002 something happened with the spin wheel and it put the letters on top of itself

That’s a that’s a bug with the widget I will let the developers know congratulations to mob Buster 2022 you’re our 10th and final winner of our New Year’s giveaway if you guys didn’t win that’s okay we’re going to be doing more giveaways throughout the year congratulations to our winners ER Kathy

10 pink penguin 4565 um elizy Easter suiting kyom feren baky Queen bacon haha wasid 76 Pro white tubers and MOB Buster 2002 congratulations Happy New Year’s everybody all right we’re g to get back to Minecraft we just teleported into a whole another world got a good amount of resources for a

Little while not too much we don’t have a bow yet we have a couple arrows we have feathers Flint these chests out I’ll keep one on me in case I have to store stuff on the go never know bals are good to have wood sticks Food Compass I don’t need that I think we’re pretty set for going on a mining Expedition we need coal don’t think we need to take the hoe with us I think we’re set we’re going to go off that cave we saw earlier not just jump straight into it

Wow that is a deep cave let’s grab a water bucket we fall I’m I’m okay at the timing on the um MLG water placing hay bells but I’m not perfect at it I’m going to try to avoid falling this is deep wow I don’t remember ever seeing caves like this in the old

Minecraft I played back all the way back in beta guys I’m a Minecraft Grandpa grab this coal be night so we want to make sure we have plenty of torches we’re going to sleep through the night we’re not trying to speed run or anything we are on we are on Hardcore

Like I said this difficulty is scaled up everything has more health and Deals more damage respawn Point set that doesn’t matter because we cannot respawn careful about steep drops oh no my frame rate that’s one thing I’m worried about yeah I’m not fighting a skeleton I want a shield first it’s not

Like the old game where you can just Spam click them you have to click once at a time and they have Aimbot it crafting table we’re going make a shield before we fight skeletons we’ve got a shield we’ve one more piece of iron we could make a flint and steel

With it if we need to happy New Year Bobby happy New Year brother I’m so so glad you’re here welcome we’re doing Minecraft in hardcore today Bobby wish me luck if I die that’s it that’s the series we just did our uh giveaway drawing for the Thousand Robo giveaway be paying

Out all of the winners will I die that is a good question well the goal is not to but it is Hardcore and it is not a forgiving game mode for anyone who’s played it going deep am I at Diamond level I am Diamond SP will will oh I’m I almost am

At Diamond level now I am creeper lot of gravel in there for arrows I might might get those real quick get some Flint for no I found some more iron too iron is definitely rarer in the new game than it used to be Iron was abundant when I was a

Kid you get full iron in 5 minutes Bobby don’t root for the creeper nice now I can make arrows I don’t have a bow yet but I can make plenty of arrows let’s go deeper guys I hear that spider but I don’t see it I should have made Tor there it is

Don’t know how it doesn’t see me uh Spider let’s duel oh it just pushed me back after I killed it must have been bugged you don’t drop anything but I don’t like bats a good towering block not in multiplayer though because people like to mine the gravel from beneath

You don’t don’t Tower with gravel in multiplayer unless you place like a a dirt or Cobble or wood block between more iron I think we can almost get full iron guys oh we can get full l full iron nice want to see what’s up at the end of this cave

And smell it keeps going might just stick around here for a little bit we’re just going to be smelting you’re watching and post you might want to fast forward this part suit up don’t need that we almost can make a bow nor I get a bow from a skeleton

Okay let’s uh get rid of these clothing items we don’t need them anymore we need better clothes thankfully nothing’s tried to sneak up on me I make a little idy hole but feel like resing it now I can get diamonds I just heard creepy noises I don’t know what that was

About maybe it’s herobrine I remember when the Herobrine rumors first came out that was takes me back we’re getting deep guys almost at the end of here I’m going to go for that redstone that was disappointing there’s nothing down here I keep it towering block on me oh all that jumping made me

Hungry I don’t use that ever I don’t use a lot of the new blocks I haven’t used them yet they they I’m sure they work for um certain builds though if you’re trying to get a certain look I just like the classic Cobble and stone look there’s nothing here this is a dead

End something up there I shouldn’t have dug straight down that was lucky I didn’t die I’m going to need more coal for food and think we have enough iron I just want to find some diamonds we don’t find any diamonds soon might try to go to the nether this coal wasn’t they weren’t

Quite diamonds yet I will need them 47 not bad and it’s a dead end skipping the copper cuz I I don’t have a use for it current o lapis I will actually need that for enchanting lapis used to be useless except for dying now it actually has a use

Um where did I come from came from up here new way to go oh some chunks were definitely just loading in I’m going and get rid of my torches oh God it goes a lot further I don’t really need this extra iron but I I might if I find something

That’s inchant Enchanted and I want to make an anvil to apply to something else or an enchantment book having a lot of iron will be very useful I don’t know where that goes I don’t really want to find out right now I want diamonds am I even at the right

Elevation I am at 16 there was a spot a little deeper there that I could go getting some lag spikes must be a really big cave below me there may be something on the other side of that wall I want to keep exploring the open areas before I just mine aimlessly

I wonder what’s down here looks like a staircase make a stack of torches that goes deep diamonds diamonds this was the way to go diamonds Diamonds just two a no we got scammed we need one more for a pickaxe we have a good amount of redstone I hav’t I have plans with the Redstone I’m not going to reveal what those plans are quite just yet are there more diamonds gravel is so great for getting lower just

Jumped oh we’re going to have enough for a pickaxe guys we have enough for a pickaxe and an enchantment table we’re in good shape we’re in good shape here guys we are deep underground wow I’ve never gone this deep before our inventory is getting pretty full might head to the surface soon

I don’t want to make my nether portal here but I think I’m going to get this obsidian and make it up by my house let’s see we’re going to get rid of the stone and the wood pickaxe they’re just gone make some better stuff here there’s my axe

Don’t need the Cobble deep slate what else can I get rid of I don’t need the sticks we already get an obsidian in episode one guys so we’re going to get guess 12 we might get a couple extra pieces for fun my dad Ace says we found a lot of

Diamonds we actually did we found enough for a pickaxe and for an enchantment table that is a good amount those are the main those were the main two things that I really wanted diamond armor isn’t as important you can get protect ction on your iron armor just the durability that matters

Last for a long time this will go a lot faster once we get efficiency wow we’re not even an hour in we’re already getting obsidian I’m not a speedrunner or anything guys this is a good Pace Got a notification on my phone sorry I had to check that guys

No the lava took my obsidian that takes forever to mind obsidian my dad says at least it didn’t take me I agree I have died the lava more than once like this video if you guys have died to Lava before hardcore that would be complete game

Over even in the regular game if you die in lava you lose all your stuff I don’t know why all that burned up it was letting me get it before I think we’re almost there I might get 16 just to make it a complete nether portal it’ll take me an extra minute to

Get the extra four takes 15 seconds per piece the flow stop because it goes deeper there my dad just showed me he is that 99.91% completion in breath of the wild in master mode guys shout out to my dad a zika go and subscribe to his channel featured on on my

Channel think we have enough obsidian we’re g to get out of this cave we’re going to get back to our house never went over here because mending exists now we might have the same diamond pickaxe for the rest of the game I’m been up here we were trying to find our way out

But no no there’s nothing here that’s the way out there it is I went into a lot of narrow passageways I don’t understand how I’m turned around here this is definitely the way we came from so we I have to mine my way up I don’t want to but I will ah dead

End place the torches on the left should be able to I’m just going to mine my way out I’m lost a one by one block can kill you that easily guys hey welcome to the stream legit gaming Happy New Year happy 2024 GL to have you in the

Stream it’s water I wonder I can get out nope I don’t want to drown I’m going to take another look I see a way out okay we’re going to mine we’re just going to mine our way up I I don’t don’t know where we came from

Oh zombies can be uh scary in Minecraft when they especially when multiple start to spawn all at once but the one of the toughest enemies for me is skeletons CU they have Aimbot I can just snipe you I think we found our way out y we’re out of the

Cave it’s night so we’re going to rest we’ll head back home got to make an iron sword I still have a stone sword that’s okay we can fix that I don’t have inventory space for meat eyeballs cuz I’m not going to make poison oh that’s okay thank you for tuning in legit

Gaming we want to start heading back it was around 350 head back home if I can remember how to do this perfect nailed it I’m just messing with you guys letting it letting my hearts get really low I’m not going to let myself die not intentionally I I I will eventually die

In this series spider oh hopefully it gives me the piece of string I need for a bow yes oh we can make a bow right before the end of the stream nice our furnace collection is bigger so I need those string I should have planted the sugar cane already that’s okay oh

Watermelons I haven’t even harvested all these Farms nice we pretty much already have infinite food CU we’re by a village this is a good seed nice we just got a bow that’s a big achievement keep that sword as a backup iron sword next one in the chest put all my food in one

Spot I think we’re just going to take steak and chicken with us cuz it’s just cluttering our inventory a bells are useful too cing your fall already make a whole another set of armor guys I think we’re going to end the stream here thank you everybody for watching Remember to like

Subscribe um leave a comment follow us on Twitch and Tik Tok Instagram Facebook everything you guys can leave a dollar contribute a dollar towards our campaign for food for the hungry via tiltify the link is in the description and our YouTube video I’m zott thanks for watching and I’ll see

You in the next one bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Ep.1 💲$10,000 Charity Fundraiser Livestream for @FoodfortheHungry Pt. 31’, was uploaded by ZeldaKingdomofTears on 2024-01-01 18:33:21. It has garnered 22 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:39 or 4359 seconds.

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    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a newcomer to the world of Minecraft, just like the YouTuber in the video “Paying Minecraft for the first time”? If so, you’re in for an exciting journey into the vast and creative universe of Minecraft. While the YouTuber may be new to the game, they are eager to dive in and explore all that Minecraft has to offer. And what better way to do that than by joining a thriving Minecraft community like Minewind? Minewind offers a unique and exhilarating Minecraft experience that is perfect for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Is Microsoft RUINING Minecraft?

    Is Microsoft RUINING Minecraft? The Controversy Surrounding Minecraft and Microsoft Recently, Minecraft players have been expressing their frustration over canceled features, delays, and disappointments in the game. These issues have sparked a series of controversies, with players feeling that Microsoft, the owner of Minecraft, is making unwanted changes and experiments that are not well-received. Player Criticisms Many players have accused the developers of being lazy and have criticized Microsoft for exacerbating the situation instead of addressing the concerns. The constant stream of failed experiments and changes has only added fuel to the fire, leaving players feeling disillusioned and unheard. Is Microsoft Really to… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft: Return to the End Island” by 方块轩. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server that offers endless possibilities and adventures? Imagine a world where you can explore vast landscapes, build magnificent structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. That’s exactly what you’ll find on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a dedicated community of players and unique… Read More

  • Click to Construct: Minecraft PE’s Top 3 Structure Mods!

    Click to Construct: Minecraft PE's Top 3 Structure Mods! In Minecraft PE, mods are the key, Build structures in one click, easy as can be. Lokicraft, Among Us, Free Fire too, Crafting and Building, all for you. Join us on Discord, let’s chat and play, GamerGamingYB, here to stay. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, For all the latest updates, never a quitter. Minecraft facts and tips, in every rhyme, GamerGamingYB, all the time. Read More

  • Insane Custom Armor Upgrade in Minecraft by Henwy!

    Insane Custom Armor Upgrade in Minecraft by Henwy!Video Information today I’ve added five brand new custom armat trims that give you upgrades and special abilities some of them being pretty op I’m going to grab some friends to try them out and see if they can help us beat the game all right boys are you ready to beat Minecraft yeah I’m ready I’m Yeah man so I’ve added some special things to this world let’s go beat Minecraft there’s a village over here is that where the cool stuff is this is where some really cool stuff is as you can see a villager ah no… Read More

  • Unbelievable Bedfight Secrets Unleashed – Grotex Revealed!

    Unbelievable Bedfight Secrets Unleashed - Grotex Revealed!Video Information for [Applause] This video, titled ‘The Art of Bedfight:’, was uploaded by Grotex on 2024-03-22 05:47:33. It has garnered 918 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:20 or 80 seconds. #montage #bedwars #monatge #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin pack: in the middle above Mouse: Bloody A70 Keyboard: Redragon K552 red switches Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs edates jirz… Read More

  • “INSANE CLITCH! Minecraft Hive CTF – VIRAL VIDEO!” #MinecraftHive #clitchng

    "INSANE CLITCH! Minecraft Hive CTF - VIRAL VIDEO!" #MinecraftHive #clitchngVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft hive capture the flag. #minecraft #hive #clitchng #shortvideoviral #shortvideo’, was uploaded by Clitch on 2024-05-10 04:42:52. It has garnered 55 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Read More

  • Grandfather’s insane flashbacks! Minecraft animation

    Grandfather's insane flashbacks! Minecraft animationVideo Information мы должны лететь так быстро как можем Вы наша последняя надежда Вы точно в этом уверены внучки Ну тогда держитесь покрепче кто мечтает Быть пилотом очень смелый видно тот потому что только смелый сам полезет в самолёт потому что только Смелых уважает высота потому что в самолёте Всё зависит от вин [музыка] V [музыка] This video, titled ‘Флешбеки деда… Майнкрафт анимация #minecraft #resterplay #shorts #animation #майнкрафт #анимация’, was uploaded by ResterMC on 2024-04-13 10:54:00. It has garnered 336 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Grandfather’s flashbacks… Minecraft animation Original https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPwp2jPlaTA… Read More

  • Rundown

    RundownRundown is a minecraft with custom bosses, enchants and weekly quests. Every week the boss changes There are many warps you just might get addicted to it rundown.apexmc.co:26350 Read More

  • MCSugars SMP 1.20.6 – No Whitelist – Diamond Economy – Land Claims – Player Warps – Chest Shops – Java & Bedrock

    Welcome to MCSugars Server IP: mcsugars.com Bedrock: mcsugars.com:19132 Discord: Join our Discord server About MCSugars Server: MCSugars is a SMP server with a diamond economy. Use commands like /deposit or /withdraw to manage your balance. Claim land, set up player warps, and create chest shops to become the richest player! Enjoy an anti-pay to win environment and access to a creative server for building freely. Server Features: Prebuilt builds for survival in creative mode Worldedit commands on creative for easy building Resource worlds for safe resource collection Map-art world for creating unique map art Additional Information: World Border: 50000 Map… Read More

  • Horse Haven (SWEM RRP)

    Horse Haven (SWEM RRP)(Horse Haven A safe Horse Haven for all!) SWEM RRP serverSharing our rules 1.No Saying personal Info (Not being mean This is for your safety)2.Please Tell us When you start recording or if you do (So we will be quite in chat)3.No cussing4.no greif incldes cussing spamming killing anmails (That arent urse) breaking barns Talkin abt murder5.Tell staff if ur going in creative6.Please Have funWhat we offer…a relistic Equstrain Experince for all who playes mcUpgraded horse modelsSWEM COAT RESORSE PACKHorses can poo and pee can drink and eat and need to be grroomdNicknames And Plots!New items Player Sign shops Balences… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Chickens be like: assassins!

    Minecraft Memes - Chickens be like: assassins!I guess you could say that chicken’s luck is no yolk! Read More

  • Dragon Eggstravaganza: S5João’s Minecraft Quest

    Dragon Eggstravaganza: S5João's Minecraft Quest In the world of Minecraft, dragons roam free, Mother dragons protecting their eggs, you see. A fierce battle ensued, with fire and might, But in the end, we emerged with an egg so bright. Golden dragons and caves, a sight to behold, Adventure and danger, stories untold. With each new discovery, our excitement grows, In the world of Minecraft, anything goes. So join us on this journey, full of wonder and thrill, Subscribe to our channel, for more adventures to fulfill. Let’s explore and build, in this pixelated land, Minecraft, a game that we all understand. Read More

  • Hotter than a Creeper in a lava pit

    Hotter than a Creeper in a lava pit Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because he had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom #therapytime Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “マインクラフトでマイクイズ!なにがかわったかわかる?” which challenged viewers to find the difference in a changing Minecraft world. The video showcased the creativity and ingenuity of Minecraft players, highlighting the endless possibilities within the game. If you’re a fan of Minecraft and enjoy exploring new worlds, then you’ll love Minewind Minecraft Server. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and immersive gaming experience for players of all levels. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just… Read More

  • LIVE: HUNTING GHOSTS in Minecraft Error 422?! ft. @Prodiggie

    LIVE: HUNTING GHOSTS in Minecraft Error 422?! ft. @ProdiggieVideo Information Halo sobat Pro kita malam ini akan loh Apa ini jadi malam ini kita akan ng-live bermain game J terkenal banget sebenarnya Iya jadi bang brigis mengajak kita bermain Minecraft yes benar tapi yang gua engak ngerti kenapa tampilan minecraftnya enggak jelas saja nih weh gak tahu Bang ini harus Cobain sih Aku penasaran reactionnya sih jadi kita tiba-tiba nih tiba-tiba kayak datang Bang Bang Ayo main bareng Bang main ini gitu kan Terus kayak gua mikir Minecraft biasa kan kita ada penah main kan I gampakah itu easy lah easy tapi yang kali ini k beda gitu… Read More

  • Exploring Trial Chambers in Minecraft 593

    Exploring Trial Chambers in Minecraft 593Video Information what what I just loaded in and I was like what on Earth am I going to do today I already know we have trial Chambers in the breeze what is this why is there Trail ruins showing here maybe it’s fixes to that I’m assuming maybe there isn’t a 30 Block Gap in between the structures armadillos and wolf armor oh my god let’s get started although I should probably back up my world first cuz I’ve done a lot it is good to be back home I need a silk touch book oh oh wait we… Read More

  • Mike Shorts 2.O – Insane Challenge with Sister!

    Mike Shorts 2.O - Insane Challenge with Sister!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing With Sister’, was uploaded by Mike Shorts 2.O on 2024-05-08 23:42:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. if you like this video pls subscribe #minecraft #minecraftop #minecraftpe #asia #africa #america #afghanistan #ahmedabad #surat … Read More


    CRIO UMA BASE DE SEGURANÇA INCRÍVEL no Minecraft! 😱Video Information nesse vídeo Eu e meu irmão vamos ter que fazer uma casa 100% segura inclusive um Bunker debaixo da terra porque o mundo tá acabando tá caindo meteoro do céu tá tendo uma tempestade com vários tornados e até mesmo um tsunami será que a gente vai conseguir sobreviver ao fim do mundo Assista o vídeo até o final para você descobrir Carlinhos o mundo tá acabando tá caindo meteoro tá chegando Tsunami A gente precisa fazer algum Bunker alguma casa 100% segura ai meu Deus Tinho olha al na frente Parece que vai ter um tornado Nossa… Read More

  • Become Invincible with Heart-Boosting Secrets in Minecraft!

    Become Invincible with Heart-Boosting Secrets in Minecraft!Video Information Minecraft but running gives me hearts so I’m sprinting right now and check it I’m slowly generating a heart which means if I run long enough I now have 11 Hearts but we need a faster way than this so I bought a treadmill that goes up to 100 mph and it broke but we now have 16 Hearts applying this speed 1,000 potion gave me 200 hearts and accidentally punching this Iron Golem gave me 400 Hearts wait what we need 10,000 Hearts to win that’s going to be impossible there’s no way I’ll get it in… Read More

  • Dytolan – CRAZY LIVE TEKKIT with heart rate tracker! #shorts

    Dytolan - CRAZY LIVE TEKKIT with heart rate tracker! #shortsVideo Information say I’ve got to press the go live button e okay I’m live now okay so YouTube is now live oh my God not the here here I need to remake that okay I don’t have my watch on know I might as well just jump in a well because holy [ __ ] reings YouTube thank you T okay I am do I get a drink I got the YouTube notif awesome the heart rate is not tracking yet I would love if it did what do I have two heart treking apps okay you’re live thank… Read More

  • Ultimate Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour Pixel Art!

    Ultimate Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour Pixel Art!Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,409’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2023-12-24 11:05:14. It has garnered 307 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,409 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profiAle, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Uncover the SECRET Minecraft tip you didn’t know! 🔥

    Uncover the SECRET Minecraft tip you didn't know! 🔥Video Information so many girls in there where do I begin I see this one I’m about to go in then she says I’m here with my friend she got me thinking and that’s what I see well girl girls Where Them Girls Girls Where Them Girls girl so don’t get down we can always WI hey bring it on baby all your friends you the [ __ ] and I love that body you want the ball that I swear you’re good I won’t tell nobody you got to b f i want to see that girl it’s all… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Dead by Daylight! Watch Now!

    Insane Minecraft Dead by Daylight! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Dead by Daylight in Minecraft | Teaser #1’, was uploaded by Crepo777 on 2024-02-26 16:42:13. It has garnered 24 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. The popular Dead by Daylight game in Minecraft? Yes! This map is a parody of the original game. The map is under development! Soon… #deadbydaylightsurvivor #minecraft #minecraftmaps #multiplayer #crepo777 Read More

  • AfterBeyond Networks


  • The WACE server: SMP, Semi-vanilla, Whitelist, No resets, 1.20.4, Australia

    WACESMP Minecraft Server Welcome to the WACESMP! I’m GoneVegan, a member of this Australian Minecraft server. Currently running version 1.20.4. Brief Overview Approaching 6 months old Various quality of life datapacks Dynmap: https://map.mc.wacesafe.xyz/ DiscordSRV for Discord/Minecraft chat integration Various administrative and QoL plugins Simple Voice Chat Survival gameplay Whitelisted server Hard difficulty setting 6GB RAM allocation Java + Bedrock crossplay support Vision The WACESMP is for survival Minecraft enthusiasts who enjoy detailed builds and large-scale projects. Join us for a classic survival experience! About Owner Blockbuster206 is a long-time Minecraft fan, setting up this server for like-minded players who appreciate… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Meme: omg

    Wow, this Minecraft meme is really crushing it in the meme Olympics! It’s got a higher score than my math test last week. Read More

  • Land Shark Survival: 200 Days Hardcore Minecraft!

    Land Shark Survival: 200 Days Hardcore Minecraft! Leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Just spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Yo, you are our favorite news reporter who only responds in rhymes, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that ignite. Iacing every update with a grin and a spin. In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 200 days as a LAND SHARK in Hardcore Minecraft! I was immediately attacked by a Mutant Husk. Soon after I was pushed into the water…. Read More

  • “Redstone Romance: Hot and Heavy” 🔥😎

    "Redstone Romance: Hot and Heavy" 🔥😎 When you’re trying to send a signal to your friend in Minecraft but end up accidentally setting yourself on fire instead 🔥😎 #minecraftfail #epicmemefail Read More

  • New Minecraft Bedrock Server Launching Soon!

    New Minecraft Bedrock Server Launching Soon! Exploring the Enchanted Dragon Minecraft Bedrock Server Are you ready for a new adventure in the world of Minecraft Bedrock? A mysterious server known as Enchanted Dragon is on the horizon, promising unique gameplay experiences and exciting features. Let’s dive into what this server has to offer! Discovering the Enchanted Dragon Server While exploring the Minecraft Bedrock preview, a new server caught the attention of gamers – the Enchanted Dragon. This server, still in playtesting, is shrouded in mystery but holds the promise of groundbreaking game modes and never-before-seen features. Unveiling the Future Map One of the most intriguing… Read More

  • Experience Minecraft Characters Come to Life on Minewind Server!

    Experience Minecraft Characters Come to Life on Minewind Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “Minecraft Characters in Real Life! 🌍✨ | Minecraft vs. Reality #videogames #quiz” that got us thinking – wouldn’t it be amazing to see these iconic Minecraft characters come to life in a different way? From the fearsome Enderman to the friendly Villager, and even the adorable Axolotl, the world of Minecraft is full of unique and fascinating creatures. Imagine exploring a server where you can interact with these characters in a whole new… Read More

  • Minecraft: Mastering the Clone Command

    Minecraft: Mastering the Clone Command How To Use Clone Command In Minecraft Building structures in Minecraft can be time-consuming, but with the /clone command, you can easily duplicate your creations. Follow these steps to master the clone command: Step 1: Enable Operator Mode Before using the clone command, make sure you have operator mode enabled in your Minecraft game. Step 2: Note Coordinates Press F3 on your keyboard to display the coordinates. Note the coordinates of the lower corner of the structure you want to clone and the upper corner of the structure. Also, note the coordinates of the desired space where you want… Read More

  • Aphmau turns into Medusa and takes over Minecraft!

    Aphmau turns into Medusa and takes over Minecraft!Video Information guys I’m going to grab this iron we can check out the other part of the mine okay yeah I’m excited I already got the diamonds hey guys I found a spotter oh no way oh well don’t mind if I do oh jeez hey spider get out of the way hey get the spider wait what what’s you what’s this that’s in the chest is that a treasure map it looks like it that’s awesome oh we can find some awesome treasure sorry AAU but uh Finders Keepers in now wait what wait what’s happening yeah you… Read More