Zetro – I Built an UNLIMITED Sugar Cane Farm in Minecraft Hardcore!

Video Information

This is so annoying i’m constantly running out of fireworks i mean i can go afk for gunpowder but this is not exactly the best sugarcane farm i need an automatic sugarcane bomb so first off i suppose any materials so first off i think i’m going to grab all

Of the chests because i know we’re going to need those but guess what i’m prepared look at all this wood i’ve got already oh mine off camera there’s a stack of chests i think three stacks will be enough of course there’s still a bunch of materials that i need to get

Including grass oh i’m just ruining my world aren’t i okay you know what instead of collecting random amounts of items let’s do this the proper way i’m gonna grab some materials just to make one of the farms and then i can calculate how many items i’m gonna need

To make the giant farm oh yeah also please i just made an instagram make sure to follow it is at zetro low underscore if you want to see all the irl stuff i gotta do and maybe some behind the scenes of the videos make sure to follow me i’d appreciate it i’ve

Already made some posts on there so if you go check those out i’d appreciate it trust me it’s the best instagram in the world right so i have the materials right here to build the first sort of farm i guess so we need to go block and

Then rails so then i can put the minecart on the rail this is what’s gonna i guess collect up all of the items and obviously in the real version it will go across all over the farms but now i need a bit to hold all of the

Water so we can put the grass wait will this work no we put the grass there and the water there so i can actually place the sugar cane and then we go piston oh observer no way i think we need a block here yep so i can place redstone there

We go and that should actually be it that looks so odd but now just gonna grab a couple of bits of sugarcane and boom sugar cane now if i place this please work please work fingers crossed amazing and usually it would land in there it would have a whole case around

It but unfortunately at the moment we don’t have that but at least we know it works amazing now you know what time it is back to zitra’s drawing board baby no god please no no so let’s say we’re gonna make 30 rows across [Laughter] Oh my goodness so i best start collecting these materials then so anyway back in my hard school world let’s pop a list up on the screen now of all the things i need to grab and then we’re going to start off with probably the easiest thing and that’s redstone

Because i’m pretty sure i’ve already got enough so all i need for the redstone is just under four snacks so if i grab four stacks i’ll be completely fine i think we might have enough so i’m just gonna take these four stacks i guess the rest

Can just be chucked in here so there we go that is the first item fully collected and next up on the list is dirt although i don’t actually have that much of it already sorry not dirt grass i thought where did i put that grass from earlier that i collected how have i

Lost it already [Applause] ah here it is so if i can just collect up a little bit more halfway baby oh wait halfway baby oh there we go we’re all sorted so you can sit in there hey man do you want to help me make a sugarcane farm

I literally save all you guys the villagers are setting off fireworks no way i did not know they did that this is how you treat me yes i’ll just do this on my own right how do i make these rails and also how many do i need again

Oh yeah 240. so let’s grab some iron wow that’s a lot of iron grab some sticks it’s fine you already know i’m rich i can make them oh wait there’s some here once again we’re going to make like four snacks there’s one two three and four we are whizzing through this i

Mean i’m getting the easiest materials first but still are you proud of me oh wait i’ve just realized i now have to get all of the blocks and there’s a lot of them they’re not the hardest plot to get but there’s there’s a lot double stone oh here we

Are getting a little bit oh there’s a bit more and a bit more come on please sometimes more oh wait i need the furnaces too and some coal because the blocks i’m going to be using are like the stone bricks i’ll pop them up on the

Screen now meaning i need to smell all of this cobblestone wait why am i doing it here i think we know where i need to do it hello buddy right let’s get placing yeah should be enough i’m just gonna go fill em or cobblestone all of you burn

Now i’ll take all of that thank you very much so if i can just finish grabbing all this and make it all into these well i hope this is enough it should be where am i gonna build this thing by the way should i just like put it here next to

That farm so it’s just like loads of farms in a row i will but it means i’m gonna have to do a bit of flattening out let’s do this i’m saying it like it’s a bloody james bond mission Here we go now that i have this nice flat area i can at least make the bottom layer of the farm just to make sure i guess we’ve got enough room and make sure it kind of works so i think we’re going to start out the way of the

Creeper farm so about here then we go across 30 and then of course the rails for the minecart oh wait there’s no way the minecart is gonna be able to travel across that i think i may need some power rails okay i would okay here we are gold sticks

Redstone nice nice there’s the redstone there’s the sticks and there’s the gold we’ll just make six for now and we can make some torches so i’m guessing that’ll be fine let’s just check seems good to me okay now that i know it works i may as well just like build the

Rest of it that i can with the materials i have then we’re gonna have to move to the uh the more difficult materials to get hello there so this can go all across here just like so oh wait i am an idiot sandwich what are you an idiot

Sandwich oh no wait i’m not i’ve done it right what am i talking about and then i need to put blocks here because this is where the water is gonna sit i still oh oh no oh wait i have an idea take out these make some of these see some of this works

Oh finally like i said this is where the water’s gonna go look at that we’ll make a little enclosure so it can’t get out as well easy peasy now bear with me one second now i suppose all i can really do now is just add some sugar cane without the

Final materials which i’m gonna get in a second i’m just uh kind of delaying it because it’s gonna be so difficult well i suppose i could add the block above the water as well and then i think there needs to be a block here for the redstone ah lovely jubbly now here is

The difficult part i need to get hundreds of pistons and observers wish me luck so as you can see this is where the journey began getting 240 observers and 240 pistons it was a tough job and it literally took me hours and hours to grab all the materials

Luckily i still had a lot of redstone from mining 20 000 but i still needed a lot of other materials but in the end i managed to get it done and it was time to build those eight layers of sugarcane farms and let me tell you by the end of

This video this farm is insane so i’m just placing these pistons quickly first but i actually had a pretty good idea for the observers so hopefully you guys agree with so there’s all the pistons placed but i had an idea why don’t i just place one observer on each layer

And then when this one gets high enough then all of these will be broken rather than observers all the way across i think that would be much better and look at it now i’m realizing these have all got to go these have all got to be on this layer

And of course our one observer here i think this is perfect now all i have to do is head to some sand grab it all up smelt it all up hello horse and that is pretty much the sugarcane farm complete you can see the glass here it

Makes it so all the sugarcane doesn’t fall over and then just get lost here and despawn and it gets collected up with this invisible minecart wait where is it here we are and there we go it’s going um i think we might have to make a little adjustment there

We go and i can officially say this is now a fully working sugarcane farm i’ve sorted it so we’ve got a chest and we have all the sugarcane going here look at that we’ve already got a stack with flying throat so yeah i can officially say that is technically the first farm complete Maybe this wasn’t such a good plan so i literally got i think one piston push if that’s what you call it but one round of sugarcane which did give me a stack and 12 but it definitely could have been a lot more if i just had more observers so

We’re gonna try this we’re gonna put an observer here here here here and here so they’re nice and spread out so now time for another hour test okay now an hour later and just a few tweaks later with the pistons and stuff i’ve managed to

Get it working a lot better than it was before and i think we pretty much have ultimate efficiency okay well ultimate efficiency would probably be an observer over every single piston but i think time wise this would be so much better so now i need to try and stack another

One of these on top of here and actually get it to work this is gonna be uh interesting to say the least but i’m gonna try my very best This is probably the most expensive storage system i’ve ever seen but it’s the only thing i can think that’s actually gonna work so i guess we’ll just go with that although i have one issue and that is the fact that i have literally no glass whatsoever so first

Of all i need to find some sand but probably a bigger area of sand rather than just like one of these that would be nice the only problem is where do i find one oh okay this looks like enough hopefully maybe i don’t know oh okay

Yeah this is good this is good shovel time [Applause] [Applause] here we go we can now have glass on the farm to make sure all of this sugarcane doesn’t get out and i’ve still got a bunch in that chest ready to do the next farms should be good i think i’m gonna keep these sides just stone brick for

Now rather than glass i don’t really like how the glass is like split by the storage system but it doesn’t matter too much in fact i’m gonna put glass here as well just so the whole front is covered okay i’m actually so hyped to see how

This is gonna look by the end especially after i’ve added all the decoration oh this is gonna be the coolest thing i’ve got in my world now that i was starting to get the hang of actually building these farms it was time to just keep stacking it and stacking it stacking it

Stacking it and guess what stacking it and i pretty much stacked it until i no more materials left to do so this has to be the most insane thing on my world so far look at the minecarts going in different directions but look at the sheer amount of anvils i have in the

Middle this is insane this is probably the worst storage system you’ve ever seen i don’t mind i’m rich with iron you saw the last two videos but it seems that i am running out of materials and we can’t just have this farm looking like this have you seen my videos before

Look at this thing just standing on its own there’s no way i’m leaving it like that so time to build more pizza time this is going to be big come on let’s get rid of all of this and it’s gone but we can’t forget about this guy my

Deepest condolences mate you gotta go i’m sorry don’t worry man maybe i’ll plant one of these saplings one day and now with that all sorted we are on the mission for more materials oh yeah do you see i uh i disenchanted my boots yeah i’m not gonna lie frostwalker gets a little bit

Annoying sometimes to be honest tell me in the comments if you agree because i hope i have some people agreeing with me so like i said you know me i’m minecraft hardcore’s richest youtuber i’ve got the redstone i’ve got the iron but you know i don’t have to finish this build off i

Don’t have the quartz because if i go down here you can see that i’ve literally used every last one i’ve had on this build so yeah i’ll admit it i don’t have any quartz oh yeah and you know how this behind me really isn’t symmetrical someone in the comments had a good idea

There you go you’re welcome anyway yes so i’ve literally got no quartz and i have a proposal to make you guys i’m gonna grab an empty shulker here i’m gonna take this to the nether and if i can’t get a full shulker of quartz in under an hour then i will literally

Throw away 20 diamond blocks yep straight into lava i guess start the timer now Um hello oh i shouldn’t have done that okay here’s the deal i’ve just got back from the nether and i got three full shulkers of course and even more in my inventory it seems like um it wasn’t exactly a fair bet maybe so you know what here’s

What i’m gonna do i know you guys like to see me suffer because you’re just that nice to me i’m gonna go ahead and burn ten whole diamond blocks yes i’m really gonna do it because you know what i didn’t exactly do a fair bit can we

Just get some like ripped diamond blocks in the comments because i’m doing this for you guys are you ready i know you want to see me suffer one do you ever look at someone and wonder what is going on inside their head are you happy now i

Got my quartz you got your diamonds in the lava can’t believe i just did that for you guys you’re welcome although quickly what i want to do before we actually go and build this like this way and extend it a bunch is make it look a

Bit more snazzy okay so here’s how we’re gonna do it so first of all what we’re gonna do is head to the gold farm i’m not sure if this is gonna look good so it’s gonna be a bit of an experiment gonna head up here i’m gonna go afk for

A bit so i can get loads of gold [Applause] six and a half hours later now now now what am i gonna do with this gold i’ll show you what i’m gonna do i’m hoping i actually have enough to be honest okay so the next morning and i’ve done that

Does it look good i don’t know i’m kind of on the fence about it i feel like it’s like marmite either really like it or really really don’t like it you know what i’m gonna leave it for now and every time i just show it in the video just take a look

And then maybe we’ll have our minds made up by the end of the video but i’ve got uh i’ve got a feeling we might be changing this so of course i’ve got my quartz now next of all i think i’m gonna get loads of cobblestone because of course observers they need cobblestone

Probably grab a shulker or two okay down to the mine place these down and well get mining Oh wait i have uh i have an idea to speed this up just gonna head down here just gonna take you quickly sir no big deal i can have one of these ace two please oh that’s so much better okay i reckon that should be enough cobblestone

Of course he got a couple of shulkers and i’ve literally stacked up my inventory as much as i can hello there mate no you’re getting way too close so we’ve got the quartz we’ve got the cobblestone i can literally fill these shulkers right now with redstone if i

Want to which i do straight down the underground base once again pop that there pop that there grab a bunch of this turn it into redstone pop it in here and there we go two shulkers of redstone we might even need some more now i have this dirt but i think i need

To get grass there we go there should be plenty of dirt maybe if i’m lucky i’ve got a bit left over i’ll make myself a little dirt mansion subscribe if you want me to build a dirt mansion i’ve got a little bit of cobblestone burning just to make

A bit more stone brick but i’ve just realized something i need to actually head back down here and i need to take back this bad boy because all of this iron needs to be used to make anvils don’t be taking my iron blocks okay give that back in fact you know what i’m

Going to disrespect you right now wait a minute i have an idea that might work hello guys and after killing every single wine golem how much iron do i have oh you know what that’s not gonna cut it we need to build an iron five ladies and

Gentlemen yep i’ve said it i’m gonna build an iron farm so then i can get to finishing this ultimate sugar cane farm so first of all let’s dig out some space now we’re gonna fill this water back in real quick give me a second okay i’m

Gonna be real you guys right now okay i’m not looking forward to building this farm and you know why are you og zetro viewer if you are then you’ll know why just know that this is not gonna be a pleasant experience for me because of what happened on my first article world

If you know you know right we’ve got the materials i know you didn’t click on this video to see me build nine farms so let’s just get this bad boy done in a time lapse So now that the iron farm was made i literally had everything i needed to make this farm the biggest sugarcane farm that i’ve had in minecraft article which is what i did and it was the most tedious task but it turned out well see for yourself Yes ladies and gentlemen is finally complete after many gruelling hours well actually days of building this farm it is done and i was actually gonna build it a bit wider like maybe one of these sections wider but i mean let’s be honest i already don’t need all of this gunpowder

It’s already way too big even the anvils are getting filled up and not just that front one but all of these going all the way back as well just just look at this it is nuts although there is one thing i want to do now so of course first thing i’m going

To be doing is taking out all of these blocks here and i’m really hoping this is going to work because that’ll make life so much easier but we’ll have to see so if i do that okay and then go like that okay i think this might work

Now what i’m going to do here is just use these chests and anvils to make a bigger storage system so it needs to go chest chest chest chest last chest break all of these blocks in like underneath and then place all these hoppers that are attached to the chests like so is

This working end result it is all right we’re sorted we now have a more efficient way of make doing this storage it can all just sit down here and i might even have to extend it even more but for now this works now something that might be a

Little bit hard is i need to make this thing look cool the first thing on the agenda is get rid of all this gold it doesn’t look great let’s be real maybe i’ll add it back like little bits of gold when i actually decorate it properly but for now it’s gotta go

Hopefully you guys agree with me that it just doesn’t look great oh my god i’m all half heart ah so much better but we need to transform it still and i know the exact block for the job oak logs meaning ladies and gentlemen i need to build a forest and then i

Suppose just take it all down again so i’ve had a good idea first of all i want to surround these corners with logs like so and i’m now realizing after placing all of these that i might not have enough wood but we’ll see what happens let’s get the other four corners done

Real quick oh this is already looking ten times better but now i think we can actually add wood across here pretty much on this right okay i think this actually looks okay as long as we maybe cover up this part here or we can do that after i’m

Actually wasting so much glass by doing this so dumb oh well if it’s gonna make this farm look good i don’t give a flip did you actually think i was about to swear i think the stone brick and the logs actually works really well together now there’s just one more thing i want

To do for decoration well maybe two more things first of all grab all these planks and i want to have it so it’s almost like there’s big wooden planks going across like it’s like holding it together so i’m just going to chuck these planks on then put some torches

Down and then i shall see you when the farm is finally done hello grass 2 000 years later and ladies and gentlemen after many many days of hard work i can finally say that my sugarcane farm is done i’ve tried to go for like a bit of

Like almost like a palette look you know like wooden pallets i think i’ve basically gone for that and i think it looks very sick and as for efficiency um yeah it’s it’s pretty good oh my goodness look how many chests are full already this is insane definitely not

Gonna have to get sugarcane ever again it also looks really cool so hopefully you enjoyed this video i’m gonna go fix up these boots and i’ll see you in a bit bye

This video, titled ‘I Built an UNLIMITED Sugar Cane Farm in Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by Zetro on 2022-08-26 11:13:12. It has garnered 251359 views and 9654 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:08 or 1208 seconds.

I Built an AUTOMATIC Sugar Cane Farm in Minecraft Hardcore! I Built an UNLIMTED Sugar Cane Farm in Minecraft Hardcore!

FOLLOW MY INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/zetrolol_/

In a Previous Minecraft Hardcore World, I Built the BEST Automatic Farms in Minecraft Hardcore! And this was great because it meant that I had UNLIMTED LOOT. I even Built the BIGGEST Firework Farm EVER! | Minecraft Hardcore to get myself unlimited fireworks but i have NOTHING like that in this world! Which is why I decided to Build The BEST Automatic Sugar Cane Farm in Minecraft Hardcore today! In the past I Built a GIANT Creeper farm as well to make sure i had the gunpowder to match the sugar cane! SO now that i’m all geared up, i’ll never have to worry about getting Fireworks in Minecraft Hardcore AGAIN! My Last world was great! I Mined 10,000 ORES, I Exploded Over 10,000 TNT, I Mined a 100×100 area to BEDROCK in Minecraft Hardcore… So many amazing memories. But as that season came to an end… Minecraft Hardcore Season 3 BEGINS! I Survived 1000 Days in Minecraft Hardcore… I Hope you enjoy this series and here’s to 2000 Days of Minecraft Hardcore!

FOLLOW ME: – https://www.instagram.com/zetrolol_/https://twitter.com/ZetroLolhttps://www.twitch.tv/zetro_tv

Thanks for watching 🙂

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    Welcome to our ATM9 Minecraft server, where adventure awaits at every turn! Dive into the ultimate modded experience with AllTheMods 9, where the possibilities are truly endless. Explore a vast array of mods curated to bring you unparalleled excitement and creativity. From futuristic tech advancements to magical realms of mystique, there’s something for every player to enjoy. Engage in thrilling quests, master intricate machinery, and unleash your imagination like never before. Join our community of passionate players and embark on an unforgettable journey filled with discovery and camaraderie. Whether you’re a seasoned modded Minecraft veteran or a newcomer eager for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting with a twist”

    Just like my math test score in high school… not great, Bob. Read More

  • Crafting an Auto-Tub: Minecraft’s Wet Dream!

    Crafting an Auto-Tub: Minecraft's Wet Dream! In Minecraft, a bathtub automatic and neat, Step by step tutorial, a project complete. With Forge and shaders, the scene will be bright, Luxurious rooms, a true delight. Subscribe for more, suggestions are key, In this blocky world, creativity is free. English may falter, but the passion is clear, Minecraft tutorials, spreading joy near and dear. Read More

  • Lost in Minecraft’s cursed portals! #hotmeme

    Lost in Minecraft's cursed portals! #hotmeme These cursed portals are probably leading you straight to the Nether, where you’ll be greeted by a horde of angry pigmen and ghasts. Good luck getting out of that one! #minecraftproblems 😂🔥🐷 Read More

  • Crafty Watermill Wooden House

    Crafty Watermill Wooden House Minecraft: Building a Wooden House with a Simple Watermill Embark on a creative journey in the vast world of Minecraft where imagination knows no bounds. In the latest Java (PC) version 1.20.1, players can dive into the realm of construction and design to build a stunning 2-story wooden house complete with a large watermill. Let’s explore the key elements of this exciting project! Setting the Scene with BSL Shader v8.1.01 ago2 Enhance your visual experience with the BSL Shader v8.1.01 ago2, which adds depth and realism to your Minecraft world. The shader brings out the vibrant colors of the… Read More

  • Dino pranks friend by becoming SIRENHEAD in Minecraft!

    Dino pranks friend by becoming SIRENHEAD in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft as SIRENHEAD To Prank My Friend!’, was uploaded by Dino on 2024-05-30 22:17:58. It has garnered 1312 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:32 or 12992 seconds. Today, I Morphed into SIREN HEAD and then I pranked my friend as a SIRENHEAD in Minecraft By Morphing Into a OP SIREN HEAD to Prank My Friend with this Minecraft mod! I Fooled my friend in Minecraft by I pretended to be TREVOR HENDERSON in Minecraft by becoming a Cartoon Cat Cartoon Dog Bones Worth Siren Head using the Morph Mod!… Read More

  • Chally07 Takes Loyalty SMP by Storm

    Chally07 Takes Loyalty SMP by StormVideo Information This video, titled ‘LIVE / MINECRAFT / LOYALTY SMP / SUB GOAL 1.1K-1.5K’, was uploaded by CHALLY07 on 2024-02-17 06:18:14. It has garnered 42 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:21 or 5181 seconds. Come and Hangout PSN: CHALLY07 Yo, WELCOME to the channel here you experience first hand what it sounds like when a British person speaks or occasionally rages, I play mostly campaigns and survival games like The Spider-Man series, GTA V and Minecraft, you might get to see the once in a lifetime fortnite stream if your lucky. Lol Socials: Tiktok-chally07… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Malayalam Gameplay by PRINS YT!

    INSANE Minecraft Malayalam Gameplay by PRINS YT!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT malayalam!!’, was uploaded by PRINS YT on 2024-05-02 04:09:09. It has garnered 287 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:15 or 5715 seconds. Ꮇ𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐭 Join Now.. 𝗕𝗘𝗔𝗦𝗧 𝗔𝗡𝗔𝗥𝗖𝗛𝗬 __ 𝗕𝗜𝗦𝗛𝗠𝗔 𝗔𝗡𝗔𝗥𝗖𝗛 __ [Java]ip in1.nexnodes.tech:25574[ʙᴇᴅʀᴏᴄᴋ ip in1.nexnodes.tech Port : 25574 BEAST ANARCHY DISCORD LINK Must join in discord DISCORD LINK https://discord.com/invite/WkBnGxCxvw Server owner →PRINS YT →MSLPRO Tags #minecraftmalayalam #minecraftanarchy #howtojoinserver #KGFANRCHY #beastanarchy #bishmaanarchy #malayaleescraft#minecraftmalayalam #minecraftmalayalam #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftserver #minecraftanarchy #minecraftanarchyserver YOU’VE BEEN INVITED TO JOIN A SERVER BEAST MODE 🔫 55 Online 401 Members Joined Message @PRINS YT to select PRINS… Read More

  • Cheat code to build epic elevator in minutes!

    Cheat code to build epic elevator in minutes!Video Information This video, titled ‘Build a WORKING Minecraft Elevator in Minutes! 🛠️’, was uploaded by ChristopherLor on 2024-04-22 14:04:54. It has garnered 114 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:26 or 386 seconds. Ready to elevate your Minecraft experience? 🛠️ Discover how to build a WORKING Minecraft Elevator in just minutes! In this video, I’ll guide you step-by-step through crafting an efficient and operational elevator in Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a Minecraft newbie, this tutorial is packed with strategic plays and essential tips to enhance your gaming adventure. From gathering… Read More

  • Insane! Realistic Ender Dragon in Minecraft MOD!

    Insane! Realistic Ender Dragon in Minecraft MOD!Video Information This video, titled ‘Too Realistic Minecraft milk ( minecraft MOD )’, was uploaded by Epic Ender Dragon on 2024-02-28 16:02:16. It has garnered 13485 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Get ready to revolutionize your Minecraft experience with our new mod, “Too Realistic Minecraft milk”! This incredible mod adds fully realistic milk to the game, complete with the look, flow, and behavior of the real thing. Read More

  • Shoto185 – Battle DEMONS with GUNS!

    Shoto185 - Battle DEMONS with GUNS!Video Information This video, titled ‘FIGHTING DEMONS with GUNS in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Shoto185 on 2024-04-11 21:03:54. It has garnered 86 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:39 or 699 seconds. HUNTING DEMONS WAS NEVER THIS FUN 🟢Socials and my Music: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-de/artist/7F9Z9seaGXxW4YxIvaevp9?si=3wYac1evQ32-t5HnBOkcRQ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/shoto185 Reaction Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzLZdKrfHu6jEPwVMQ5bPMg All my links Music, Merch etc: https://linktr.ee/Shoto185 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shoto185 Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@shoto185a Discord server: https://discord.gg/BzTBhRme3Z FIGHTING DEMONS with GUNS in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftscary #minecrafthorror #minecraftmods shoto185,shoto185 live,cave dweller,Scary Minecraft,Cave dweller,scariest minecraft mod,100 Days Horror Modpack,Cave Horror Minecraft,dweller,creepy craft,scary minecraft,minecraft dweller,minecraft gun mods,minecraft gun mod,minecraft guns,minecraft demon,minecraft ghost,minecraft… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Pekora saves Kaela from Stronghold! | Vtuber Universe

    SHOCKING: Pekora saves Kaela from Stronghold! | Vtuber UniverseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pekora luckily found Kaela and stopped her finding the Stronghold【hololive JP】【Eng/JP Sub】’, was uploaded by Vtuber Universe on 2024-05-19 05:25:38. It has garnered 32007 views and 732 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:04 or 184 seconds. Source:[Minecraft]Hololive Hardcore Minecraft begins! Day 6 Peko![Hololive/Usada Pekora] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_fi3bf8znQ [Minecraft]#5 Wither runs, I come. Wither comes, I run. ok desu[#Holo server hardcore Minecraft] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCAAktA5keo @usadapekora @KaelaKovalskia If you want to see more clips from me Please don’t forget to Like, subscribe, and turn on notification ________________________________ BGM: 魔王魂 https://maou.audio/ Sound Effects: https://soundeffect-lab.info/sound/anime/ Vspo! License number: 04737 Read More

  • INSANE Farsi Minecraft Hypixel gameplay #shorts

    INSANE Farsi Minecraft Hypixel gameplay #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘no comment #shorts #farsi #hypixel فارسی #ماینکرافت #ماینکرافت’, was uploaded by Samstrix on 2024-05-12 10:01:09. It has garnered 9831 views and 178 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. #shorts #short #shorts #minecraft #iran #bedwars #persian #gaming #Persian #pvp #Persian #Minecraft #Minecraft Read More

  • “INSANE Baby Zombie Monsters School – Help Nuggets Win in Minecraft Rank 6974” #Shorts

    "INSANE Baby Zombie Monsters School - Help Nuggets Win in Minecraft Rank 6974" #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘[Gegagedigedagedago] Help Nuggets Win In Level Up Rank 6974 -Baby zombie #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Baby Zombie Monster School on 2024-03-28 11:00:27. It has garnered 75135 views and 2725 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. more video https://www.youtube.com/@babyzombiemonsterschool/videos #monsterschool #minecraftanimation #shorts #cameraman #nuggets #gegagedigedagedago Read More

  • Emerald Falls

    Emerald FallsLand Claim | Semi-Vanilla | In-Game Ranks | mcMMO | No Clutter | Custom Items | Cross-Platform | PvE Welcome to Emerald Falls! Despite launching in late 2023, our project leverages years of team experience to great effect. We’ve reimagined SMP servers, offering well-refined, well-balanced, and engaging gameplay free from unnecessary clutter. Join our welcoming community of skilled players who share your passion for authentic SMP adventures. Your forever Minecraft home awaits! play.emeraldfalls.net Read More

  • Deep Season SMP Semi-vanilla Java 17+ Whitelist Proximity Voice Chat

    Hello, Deep Season SMP Server Join our community of active players striving to create a hermitcraft-like experience. Have fun together in a chill environment where you can unleash your creativity. The 1.20.6 server just launched with a fresh map! Server Details: Few vanilla tweaks datapacks Dungeons and Taverns datapack for cool structures Access to 1.21 features Proximity voice chat available Bluemap for web map viewing Important Rules: Minimum age: 17 years old Be kind, no bigotry No griefing, duping, or cheating (except TNT entities) Join us on Discord Explore our bluemap for more! Read More

  • MeisterBuilder.net 1.20.6Your new CityBuild server!

    MeisterBuilder.net 1.20.6Your new CityBuild server!MeisterBuilder.net 1.20.6Your new CityBuild server!Our CityBuild server is whitelisted and can be accessed through a real money purchase onthe website to keep trolls away from the server!Welcome to MeisterBuilder.net!This server was born out of an idea to start a project with the community of streamer HousemeisterHD. We have now tackled this and brought the MeisterBuilder server to life.The server runs on version 1.20.6 and is therefore very up to date.MeisterBuilder is an exciting Minecraft citybuild server that allows players to express their creativity and building skills in a virtual world full of possibilities. The server offers a variety of exciting… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – We wait. 🔥

    The suspense is killing me, just like all those creepers outside my house in Minecraft. Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme madness!

    Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme madness! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftshorts #viralshorts #trendingshorts Read More

  • Breaking Boundaries in Minecraft

    Breaking Boundaries in Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft: Story#7 MMV [Break You] Introduction In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible. The Minecraft Story#7 MMV [Break You] series continues to captivate audiences with its unique blend of storytelling and animation. Exploring New Horizons Players are taken on a journey through stunning landscapes and intricate structures, all brought to life through the power of Mineimator. The attention to detail and creativity on display in each episode is truly awe-inspiring. Original Song The series features an original song by Divide Music that perfectly complements… Read More

  • Doctor Wasabi SHOCKS viewers with HELLO THERE! 💥

    Doctor Wasabi SHOCKS viewers with HELLO THERE! 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘HELLO THERE! 🥰 | Chatting with Viewers LIVE ☕’, was uploaded by Doctor Wasabi on 2024-04-03 05:12:34. It has garnered 108 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:05 or 5705 seconds. In todays livestream, I work on some shorts builds while chatting with YOU! My viewers! I do hope you like it! #minecraft #goodvibes #mc Read More

  • Minecraft Episode 5: Very Scary

    Minecraft Episode 5: Very ScaryVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft lets play Episode 5 part 2 – Very Scary’, was uploaded by JacobSplat on 2024-03-21 16:51:05. It has garnered 22 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:34 or 1054 seconds. Read More

  • Dunners Duke finds rare Rickson sign on 2b2t!

    Dunners Duke finds rare Rickson sign on 2b2t!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2b2t Update 1.20. Stash Hunting. Found Rickson Sign’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-04-19 15:00:06. It has garnered 263 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:03 or 2763 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2b2t has become a legendary realm where chaos reigns supreme. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world where the only limit is their imagination. Prepare yourself for a journey like no other,… Read More

  • “Unbelievable: Kattos Builds Biggest Minecraft Structure!” 🔥 #minecraft #builds

    "Unbelievable: Kattos Builds Biggest Minecraft Structure!" 🔥 #minecraft #buildsVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Legnagyobb Minecraft Építmény… 🔥 #minecraft #build #myths #magyar #kattos #tipsandtricks’, was uploaded by Kattos on 2024-02-24 14:00:02. It has garnered 180345 views and 11224 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Did you know this building existed? SUBSCRIBE!!!!! – minecraft smp, smp, survival multiplayer, server, bedwars, minecraft in Hungarian, minecraft hun, mc in Hungarian, mc hun, Hungarian server, minecraft hungarian, playthrough, minecraft de, hardcore hungarian, skyblock hungary, minecraft legend, – minecraft, minecraft monster school, monster school, animation, minecraft animation, Vtuber, monster school animation, monster school challenge, monster school funny, minecraft… Read More