Zozo: Hardcore Minecraft Warden Dragon – 100 DAYS of Survival!

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On day 1 I spawned in as a baby dragon. “Woah I’m no ordinary  dragon, I’m a Warden Dragon!” I opened my mouth and shot out some dragon  breath, then shot off a sonic boom. They were   both pretty weak, but still cool! That’s when  I noticed a nearby Ender Dragon and Warden.

“Hey, I have the same powers as  you guys, you must be my parents!” My mom and dad were excited to see me,  and everything was happy, but suddenly,   a big Buff Evil Steve came out of nowhere! “What’s this? A Warden and a Dragon  combined?? I already hate dragons,  

But a dragon combined with  a Warden is even worse!!” “Run Zozo, we’ll hold him off!” I wanted to help, but she was right, I  was too weak! As I watched the battle,   I saw that Buff Steve was able to destroy my dad! “No! How can he be so powerful?!”

Buff Steve then captured my  mom. I had to hurry away. “You get back over here, or  your mom will never be free!” “Don’t worry about me, run to a  portal and destroy it behind you!” I listened to my mother like any good boy should,  

And ran away before Buff Steve could capture  me. I ran into a Nether portal to escape!  On day 2 I came teleporting  through a Nether portal,   landing in the Overworld. I turned and shot off  my sonic boom, destroying the portal behind me.

“I don’t know how much time that buys me,  but I have to get stronger to save my mom!” If I was going to save my mom, I had to  get the gear to do it. Using my claws,   I began gathering up some nearby  materials in order to build a base.

“I don’t need anything fancy yet, I just  need something that can keep me safe.” Speaking of being safe, I was  suddenly attacked by a bear! “Get back, I have claws too!” But trying to win this fight was  foolish- I had no choice but to run.

“Oh boy, it looks like the overworld  is just as dangerous as the Nether!” I kept running until I found  myself on a nice steep mountain. “If I hollow this place out, this  could make for the perfect base!” Excited with the idea, I got right  to it, building my base. I have so  

Many ideas of how I can improve it,  but we’ll start simple for now. Soon,   the start of the base was ready. I feel like  it’s going pretty good so far! Tomorrow will   bring me one step closer to saving my mom. On day 3 I kept mining down into the mountain,  

When I popped out on the other side. But as luck  would have it, there was something unexpected! “Is that… an ender dragon nest?” It looked like there was an egg  inside of it too! Just then,   a phantom appeared! He got closer  to the egg- he was going to eat it!

“Oh no you don’t! The dragons are my friends!” The phantom clearly didn’t  expect anyone to be here,   and I was able to hit him hard. In  no time, I managed to take him out! “Finally! It feels good to not run  away for once. And what’s this?”

The phantom had dropped some phantom  skin, which I picked up. With it gone,   I was able to get really close to the egg.  That’s when I saw there was a note nearby. “My dear child, if you are reading this, then  something has happened to me. I was setting out  

In search of food for us. It is very likely  that a powerful being called Steve may come   after us. He collects powerful creatures  like us dragons. Take care and stay safe.” “Oh no, it’s not just me, dragons  everywhere are in trouble! It’s  

Not enough to just save my mom from Buff  Steve, I’m going to have to defeat him!” I quickly picked up the egg to take it back  to my base. I could keep it safe there. 

On days 4-5, I arrived back at my base. I got  right to work building an incubator for the egg.   If it was going to hatch safely, it needed a good  environment to thrive in. Just as I finished up,   I heard a noise outside. I ran  out and saw even more phantoms!

“Oh man, you guys really want this  egg! Well, just try and take it!” The phantoms did their best to take me out,   but they were no match for me. They would have  to try harder than that if they wanted to win!

With the two phantoms defeated, I picked  up the phantom skin they had dropped. “Oh, I know just what to make with this!” I went over to my crafting table and  used the phantom skin to make myself   some phantom skin armor! It was  about as strong as leather armor,  

But it would be better than nothing. On days 6-8, I was starting to get   hungry and decided to go look for food. I was  a little nervous about leaving the egg behind,   but if I couldn’t get food, then  no one would be able to protect it. I soon came across a village.

“Hi there, please, do you have any food to spare?” The villagers took one look at me  and ran away! I guess they weren’t   used to meeting friendly dragons…  or friendly wardens for that matter. “Well, no one is around so… bon appetit!”

I got right to work attacking the animals around.  Sure it felt bad to hurt other animals, but hey,   a dragon’s gotta eat! And there’s  no way I was going to eat a salad. “At last, I found you!” I looked and saw Buff Steve standing there.  

This time he had on Dragon Armor-  he was even stronger than before! “You! What do you want?!” “Isn’t it obvious? You!” He clearly wasn’t in the mood to chat, and I  had no choice but to fight! I started swinging,  

But it was clear he was too strong. How was  I ever going to defeat someone this powerful? “Looks like you’re all mine!” I saw a window to escape, and I took  it! I had to get out of there, and fast!

“Agh, you might have slipped away this  time, but mark my words, I’ll find you!” He was probably right, but today was not that day. On days 9-10, I had made it back to my base.   That’s when I heard a noise  coming from the incubator. “Oh no, the egg is in trouble!”

I ran into the room to find the egg was  still there… but it was hatching! Suddenly,   a small baby ender dragon climbed out! “Are you… are you my mom?” “Who me? No, I’m Zozo!” “Oh… so where’s my mom?”

“I- I’m not sure. But she left this note in  your nest. It was there when I found you,   and then I brought you here to keep you safe.” The little dragon read the note. I guess being  able to read was a gift us dragons get at birth.

“I see. Hmm. I wish I could have just  stayed in my egg, it’s sad out here.” “Hey it’s okay! There’s a lot of  cool things to do in the world too.” “Really? Like what?”

I thought about it for a moment, then told her to  follow me. I instructed her to mine out a big room   in the mountain, because we were going to build  a cool statue! I wanted to be sure we built it  

Out of sight though, so Buff Steve wouldn’t  be able to find our base. The little dragon   seemed to really enjoy the creative process, and  was much happier as we finished the first part. “This is a good start, but do you have  any guesses as to what it’s going to be?”

I then got to work building her a room to stay  in. I knew how hard it was to get your mom taken   away from you so I wanted to be sure she was happy  and comfortable. Soon, her room was completed too! 

On days 11-12, the little dragon  came out of her room to chat. “Hey Zozo, what’s my name?” “Oh! I guess you were born yesterday and could  probably use one of those. How about… Siveth?” “Siveth? Yeah that sounds cool! Oh and Zozo? “Yeah Siveth?” “I’m hungry.”

“Oh, right. Hang tight, I’ll get  both of us something to eat!” I went out into the land to try and  find some crows to eat. After a bit   of searching I spotted a few. As I got  closer though, I spotted a human nearby. “Oh no, it’s Steve!”

I went to run away, when they called out to me! “Wait! Little dragon!” That’s when I realized it wasn’t Buff Steve.  I waited until they got a little closer. “Hey! Don’t worry, I’m not here to  hurt you like Steve. My name is Alex.” “What do you want?”

“I want to help you- Steve and I  used to be friends, but not anymore.” “What happened?” “Steve and I used to adventure together,  along with our friend Briana. One day we were   exploring the nether, and came across the nether  dragon. The dragon didn’t mind us being there,  

Until Briana decided to mess with the dragon’s  eggs. There’s something magical about them,   and Briana got too close. The Nether Dragon  destroyed her as the three of us tried to   escape. I was sad, but Steve was angry. He  vowed to take revenge on all dragons. He  

Finds them and locks them away in his base as  revenge. Through this he has become stronger,   but more evil, turning into what he is today. I  feel like it’s my responsibility to stop him.” “Thank you for sharing that  with me… He captured my mom,  

And my friend’s mom. If we  team up, we can stop him!” “Yes! I was thinking that as well.  Although I think it’s important for   me to keep searching for more dragons,  so I can warn them about Steve. But here,  

Take this horn. If you ever need  to talk to me, you can use this.” I took the horn and thanked her for her  help. Maybe we could defeat him after all?  On days 13-15, I continued looking for food as  I thought about everything Alex had told me.

“Oh no, it’s that bear again!  I have to fight him off,   otherwise I might not find more food for days!” I was stronger now, so I charged in to fight. The  bear was still really strong, and really packed a  

Punch! But everyone was counting on me- I couldn’t  lose! I kept swinging and finally took him out! “What’s this? I feel so much more powerful!” Suddenly I leveled up, growing  in size and gaining more hearts! “Woah, I feel amazing! If I keep growing like  this, maybe I can actually stop Buff Steve!”

I quickly gathered up the chickens, and  started leading them back to the base.  On days 16-19, I arrived back at the  base with the chickens. I got right   to work building a coop for them to  live in. Once the coop was complete,  

I went over to Siveth to tell her  about the chickens, and also Alex. “This Alex sounds really nice! But I do have  one question about everything you told me.” “What’s that?” “Why are we eating eggs? Dragons come out  of eggs too, so that seems kind of weird.”

“Uhhh yeah I dunno. It’s different.  Try not to think about it too much.” I left Siveth to think about life,  and got to work building a mine. I   might be able to grow in strength, but I  can also build strength by making better   armor and weapons. Speaking  of which, I found some iron!

“Oh perfect, I can finally get rid  of my leather armor! This is great!” I collected as much iron as I could carry, and  then headed back to the base. Back in the base,   I smelted down all of the iron, then used the iron  to make myself a fresh set of armor and weapons.

“I’m feeling better already!” On days 20-22, I woke up with   a bad feeling in my stomach. I went to  Siveth’s room and saw she was missing! “Siveth? Siveth where are you??” Just then, I heard another sound- it was the  horn Alex had given me. She was calling me!

I ran out of the base toward the sound. Maybe Alex  knew what had happened to her! Soon, I saw Alex. “What’s going on?” “Zozo, I called for you as soon as  I could. I caught sight of Steve-   he was chasing a baby dragon.  That’s not your friend right?”

“I don’t know- it might be! She  wasn’t in her room this morning!” “Oh no! I’m not strong enough to face  Steve yet, but I’ll tell you where to go.” Alex explained where she saw them, and I  hurried off. I soon got to the place Alex  

Described and saw Steve was about to  capture Siveth. I had to do something! “Hold it right there Steve!” I jumped between the two of them. “Agh out of my way, I hate dragons,  and this one is no different! Wait,  

You’re that warden dragon I saw earlier.  You’re the worst kind of dragon of all!” “Quick Siveth, run!” Steve wasn’t paying attention, and Siveth was able   to get away. Steve was then so distracted by  her escaping, that I was able to escape too! “Hang on, you’re not getting away this time!”

Steve chased after us, and I tried to knock  him back while Siveth got away. He was still   too strong, but I was able to get enough  hits in to stop him from capturing us.   Siveth managed to get away. Soon after,  I was able to lose Steve in the trees.

Siveth and I met back up,  then hurried back to the base.  On days 23-26, Siveth and I  arrived back at the base. I   was really worried about what had happened. “I’m so sorry Zozo, are you mad at me? “That depends, what happened?  Did Steve find our base??”

“No! I left to go and find more supplies to  upgrade our stuff, when Steve came out of   nowhere and tried to grab me. So you don’t need  to be mad, because he didn’t find our base.” “I would have been worried if he found our base,  

But I’m mad that you left! You could have been  captured and I would have never seen you again!” I could tell Siveth felt really bad. “Look, it’s okay. I’m sorry for being mad.  I know you were just trying to help. But  

Right now it’s too risky. Promise me  you’ll stay at the base from now on?” “Okay, I promise. But Zozo?” “Yeah?” “Before Steve popped out, I did see something  interesting. I think you should go check it out.”

Siveth explained where I needed to go, and she  was right, it DID sound like a good place to go. “Nice one Siveth! I’ll go take a look.” After a bit I arrived at the  place she described. It was   a large temple. I stepped inside and was  immediately attacked by a bunch of husks!

“Oh go drink some water you dust heads!” The husks did their best to bring me down,   but I took them out first. After the last one  had disappeared, I saw something interesting. “Oh, and what might this be?” I took a look and saw that  there was a bone sword!! “Wow, this is cool!”

That’s when I realized that the sword also gave  me a special ability. Now I could spit spikes! “Now that. Is. Awesome. And mildly confusing.” I tested it out, sending spikes shooting  out at the wall. As I hit the wall,   murals started to appear. Just then,  a mummy came out and attacked me.

“Ah! Someone is jealous of my spittakes!” I kept launching spit spikes at him,  slowly wearing him down. He was not a fan,   but it didn’t matter, because I had to  survive this! Soon enough, he was gone! “So what’s up with these murals?”

I took a closer look and realized they  told the story of an epic adventure. One   you can watch if you search for my channel-  Zozo, Z-O-Z-O! This is when I survived 100   days as Moses! You’ll really like that  one if you’re liking this one so far. 

On days 27-31, I had left the temple and  arrived back at my base. As I entered my base,   I could barely recognize Siveth.  She was now the same size as me! “Wow Siveth, you’re even stronger now!  And I know just the way to celebrate.”

Siveth and I headed out to do some more work  on the statue. Siveth felt like a little   sister to me, and I was happy to have someone  on my side. Together we could do anything! We  

Were finishing up the next part of the statue,  when Siveth had a thought of her own to share. “This is looking good… but something isn’t quite   right. Feels like it could  use a different material?” “Hmm I think you’re right!  And I know just what to get.”

I took off to grab the material I had in mind. “I’m a little bigger now.. I wonder if I can fly?” I gave it a shot, and found that  while I couldn’t fly, I could glide! “Well that’s better than nothing!”

I soon arrived at the bottom of the  hole, but was soon attacked by stradlers! “Out of my way, I’ve got a statue to save!” The stradlers did their best to knock  me down, but they were no match for me! With them out of the way, I quickly  found what I was looking for.

“This amethyst is just what we need! I can’t  wait to see if it looks good on the statue.” I mined up as much amethyst as I thought we’d  need, then got ready to head back to the base.

“The statue is going to look amazing now!” On days 32-35, I was on my way back to the base,   when I was attacked out of nowhere by piglins! “What are you nosy oinkers doing out here?!” I fought them off using everything I had,  

Until the last of them were defeated.  That’s when I heard something nearby. “Hey! Were you hiding from  the piglins? It’s okay now.” “Ahhh the dragon is talking to me!!!” The villager was so scared, and tried to  get away from me. But just then another   piglin popped out and started chasing after him!

“Hey watch out!” I rushed over and took on the piglin.  In no time, I was able to defeat him! “You saved me? Wow, thanks!” “No problem! Where did all of  these piglins come from anyway?” “I’m not sure, but my village is full of  them! We could really use someone like  

You to come and clear them out for  us. Would you be willing to help?” “Say no more, I’m on the case!” On days 36-39, I followed the villager   back to his village. As we got closer, I could  see he was right- the village was full of piglins!

“Let’s try to get a better  view of what’s going on.” We snuck around the outside of the town to  get a better viewpoint of what was happening. “You see that structure in the middle of the town?  That’s where everyone is probably hiding out.”

“Got it. Hang back, I’m going to  rush in there and get everyone out!” “Woah hang on! I know you took those guys  out back there, but those were just low   level scouts. You can’t hope to take on  all of those guys down there at once!” “Okay, so what do you suggest?”

“It will be night time soon  enough. I think we might be   able to sneak in and get everyone out safely.” “I’m good with that plan. We’ll give it a shot!” On days 40-43, the villager and I waited for  

Nightfall. Soon we saw that the piglins had begun  falling asleep. It was time to make our move. “Let’s do this!” We snuck into the village, doing  our best to keep quiet. Even the   smallest of noises could wake  up the piglins! Which just then,  

There was a clang. My new villager friend  had accidentally bumped into something! “Sorry!!” It was too late though, the piglins  were awake, and not happy to see us! “Looks like it’s plan A after all!” My new friend was right. These piglins were much  stronger than the scouts I had fought outside the  

Village. What he wasn’t right about though,  was my ability to take them on! I was tough,   and the piglins fell one by one as I took  them out. Soon enough, they were all defeated! “Zozo you did it!” We then went over to the scared villagers,  who weren’t exactly happy to see me.

“Don’t worry everyone, he’s a  friend. I know dragons can be scary,   but Zozo here was the one who rescued  all of us. We owe him our lives!” The villagers were happy to find  out I wasn’t there to eat them,   and it felt good for people to see me as a hero.

“Thanks again Zozo. And in the future, if there’s  anything we can do for you, just let us know.” “Will do. Now I’ve got a statue to go work on!” On days 44-49, I returned to my base and got to  

Work adding the amethyst to the statue. Siveth  was right, this was just what it needed! “Alright! Now we’re making some good progress,   but still have a ways to go.  What do you think so far?” All of the building and rescuing from the  previous days had made me realize how badly  

I needed to be protecting myself from attack,  so I made sure to do some work on the base.   We were going to need strong defenses and  traps if Steve ever found us. It had been a  

While since I had run into him, but I was sure  something was going to happen with him… soon.  On days 50-53, I received a message from Alex!  Steve and his goons were on the way to my base! “How did they find us?!”

“All I know is that he was  told something by a villager. “A villager? After everything I did for  that guy, he still didn’t trust me!” “Oh no, not the guy that was working  with you, just someone from his village.” “Still. It’s a shame they would sell us out  

Like that. Well thanks for the  warning. I will go tell Siveth.” I ran over to Siveth. “Get ready Siveth, they’re coming for us, and  we’re going to be in for the fight of our lives!” Meanwhile, outside the castle, Steve soon  arrived with a gang of other players.

“Ohhhh Zozo. The jig is up. We’re here  for you and that little friend of yours!” “I don’t care what you want! We didn’t do  anything to you! Let us live our lives in peace.” “Peace is not an option. Attack!”

Steve motioned for two of his soldiers to  charge. As they got closer to the door,   our traps started firing arrows,  which quickly took them out. “Grr, you’re smarter than you look! But  there’s plenty more where that came from!” Next up came an archer who did their  best to try and disable our traps,  

Shooting flaming arrows into them!  Unfortunately, that seemed to do the trick,   and the traps stopped working. Two griefers  came up to the door, laid some TNT, and lit it. But suddenly, the traps came back to life,  taking out the archer, and trapping the  

Griefers in! There was an explosion, which took  them out, but also took out the traps and door! The base was open now though, and the players  started to run in. But not before falling   into my pitfall trap! Another noob tried  running in too but fell right in the hole.

Just then someone vented in through the side and  took a look in the hole. Unfortunately for them,   their spec ops teammate popped in  and knocked them down the hole. “These guys really need to  learn to work together.” He filled in the hole, and the  rest of the team charged in. “Bring it on!!”

The players charged at me, while  I did my best to fight them off! “Leave us alone! We didn’t do anything to you!!” Most of the players were pretty weak, but I could   hear someone setting off explosions  in the background. I had to hurry! I had defeated most of the players,  

When one stronger one with a  flaming sword stepped up to fight. “Look man, you don’t want to mess with me!” The player simply attacked. His flaming sword  was really strong, and kept setting me on fire! “Yeah okay I see why people don’t  like dragons’ fire breath. Ouch!”

He was tough but my attacks were getting the  job done. I could tell he was getting weak,   and I got him lined up with the edge. “Have a good flight!” I hit him hard, sending him flying over the edge. Just then, I felt the energy surge through me,  

And I grew into an even bigger  dragon, with more hearts! “Yes! I feel amazing!” Just then, I heard Siveth let out a cry,   she was in trouble! I looked and  saw she had been captured by Steve. “Hahaha! Say goodbye to your little friend!” Steve ran out of the base with Siveth in chains.

“I’ve got to stop him!” I ran out of the base, but two more of Steve’s  players were waiting for me. They weren’t very   strong, but they gave Steve enough time to get  away. I knocked them out, but it was too late. “Hang on Siveth, I’ll find you!” 

On days 54-57, I got out the horn and  gave Alex a call. She arrived soon after. “Zozo, you look so sad, what’s wrong?” “They got Siveth! I’ve never felt so hopeless.  Do you know where they might be taking her?”

“I’m sorry Zozo, I really wish I could help,  but I have no idea where they could be going.” I could tell Alex felt really bad, and she  offered me some raw beef to cheer me up. “Look we’ll find her. In the  meantime, let’s get this place  

Fixed up. You won’t be any use to Siveth  if they come back and capture you too.” I agreed, and Alex and I got to work repairing  the base. We had soon finished up the repairs,   but I was still feeling a little bit down.

One thing that I thought might help though,  was working on the statue. Alex offered to   help on that as well, which made me grateful  to have a friend in her. I was so worried   about myself and my problems, I hadn’t really  thought much about what Alex was going through.

“Thanks for all of your help Alex. I  know you’re going through a lot too,   so it means a lot you are willing to help me.” “Anytime Zozo. Now take care, I’ve  got some things to take care of.” I said goodbye and got ready for  bed. Tomorrow I would figure out  

What I needed to do to save Siveth! On days 58-62, I headed into the mines.   I didn’t know where I needed to go to find  Siveth, but I knew I needed to be stronger   before I could do anything anyway. As I explored  the mines, I was suddenly attacked by silverfish!

“Ack these guys have always grossed me out!!” They were quick little buggers, and  hard to hit! Lucky for me though,   I was able to take them out  without taking too much damage. I continued into the mines,  and soon found some diamonds! “Excellent! This is just what I need!”

I swung my pickaxe and gathered up   lots of diamonds. I was going  to have much better gear now! With all of the diamonds collected, I made my  way back out of the mines. Back in my base,   I got right to work crafting  all of the diamond gear I  

Could. Steve wasn’t going to know what hit him! On days 63-66, I woke up with a brilliant idea! “I might not know where Steve is,  but I know someone who might. And   something tells me they are not  going to be happy to see me.”

I took off toward the village I had  saved days earlier. It was time to   have a chat with the villager who ratted me out. As I arrived in the village,  I saw my friend from earlier.   I explained the situation to him,  as well as who I was looking for.

“I’m sorry to hear it but I can’t say I’m  surprised. Billiam has always been the   village rat. I know just where you can find him.” We headed off and found Billiam. “Woah, woah, woah, you’re uhhh,  bigger than the last time we saw you.”

“I am. I’m quite a bit stronger too. I can break  little villagers like you with no problem.” “Ohhh wow, uhhh yeah well… you’re  not going to do that are you?” “That’s up to you. My home was attacked by Steve  and his goons. My friend was taken prisoner. I  

Can’t forgive this, but I might be able to look  past it if you tell me where I can find her.” “I- I’m sorry, but I don’t know  where they would have taken her.” “Uh oh, that’s the wrong answer.” I took a deep breath, and got ready to blast him.

“Wait!! I’m telling the truth! I don’t  know where they would have taken her,   but I can tell you where to find  Steve’s messenger that I talked to.” I thought about it and decided that was probably  the best thing I was going to get from this guy.

“Alright then. Looks like today’s your lucky day.” Billiam spilled everything he knew  about where I could find this messenger. After he had told me everything, I headed out. “Something tells me Billiam is not  going to be very welcome in his   village anymore. Sounds like that’s  in the best interest of everybody!” 

On days 67-70, I arrived at the  fortress that Billiam had told me about. I charged up to the base, and  immediately started attacking the guards. “Where is your leader?? Where is Siveth??” The guards weren’t interested in  my questions, and simply did their  

Best to fight me off. But my friend was in  danger, and nothing was going to stop me! “Out of my way tin heads!” As I fought my way through, I soon came  across an even bigger guard. This guy  

Was tougher than the first ones, but I wasn’t  going to let that stop me. He swung at me and   did some serious damage- it really hurt! But  I swung back, and was able to take him out. “The bigger they are, the harder they fall!”

I had made it into the castle,  and more of the big guys were   trying to take me down. They swung, I  dodged, and knocked their blocks off! “Hang on Siveth, I’m coming!” On days 71-74, I had officially  

Made it into the fortress. It was as if the  whole base had been alerted to my presence,   as every bad guy in the  place was swarming in on me. “I don’t care how many of you there  are, I’m going to make it to the top!”

As I knocked guard after guard out of my way,  I eventually found myself inside a library. “Wait a second, what’s this?” I had found some kind of special item! “With this, I have the strongest  spike attack I can get!”

Excited with my new ability, I immediately  put it to the test. There were some guards   up on the balconies, and I  managed to take them out. “Oh yeah! Whoever this guy is,  he’s in for a real surprise!”  On days 75-78, I made it to what looked  like the lair of the castle’s boss.

“You there! You must know where Steve is  keeping his prisoners. Tell me, or else!” “Ha! You really think I’m going to help a  dragon? Look at me. Steve has been stealing   the power of the dragon’s to make us stronger,  and there’s no way you’ll be able to defeat me.”

“What? What does he hope  to gain from all of this?” “Not only will he finally destroy all dragons,   but he will become a powerful dragon  himself! Then no one can stop us!” “Yeah well, this dragon isn’t going  to let that happen. Bring it on!”

The henchman and I started to fight! I did  my best to fight him off, but since he had   been given dragon powers, he was incredibly  strong! This wasn’t going to be a simple fight. “Do you really think Steve will let  you live your life once he’s king?  

He’s going to turn on anyone who  has even a little bit of power!” “Silence! You don’t know what you’re  talking about. But it doesn’t matter,   because you’re going to lose.” It looked like there was no talking sense  into this guy. The fight was getting intense,  

But it was time to end it. I focused all  of my energy, used all of my attacks,   and at long last, I won! The  henchman was nearly defeated. “No! How could I lose to a measly dragon!” “Last chance, tell me where Steve’s base is!” “Never!”

The henchman leapt forward to attack  me, but I took him out instead. “Well, maybe there’s something  around here that can help me out.”  On days 79-84 I started taking  a look around the castle. “Wait, what’s this?” Inside of a chest was a bunch of golden apples.

Suddenly, there was a sound  outside. As I ran out to look,   I could see Steve in the distance,  and he was looking right at me! “Ahhh Zozo, just the one I was looking for!” “What do you want Steve! Where’s Siveth?”

“Who? Meh who cares. All you need to know  is that I finally finished my potion.   The power of the dragons is finally  mine! I received word you were here,   so I thought I’d let you be the first to see! Steve drank down a potion, and  suddenly started to change. He  

Turned into a disfigured, but powerful, dragon!! “Steve, what have you done!?!” “Hahaha! Here, let me show you up close!” Steve took off into the air and  flew toward me! I was strong,   but not strong enough for this. I couldn’t  even fly yet! I had no choice but to run!

“Come on Zozo, what’s the  problem? Afraid of a little fire?” I kept running toward my base, as Steve  continued to chase me. I had to get to   cover!! We ran across the land and I finally  snuck into my base. Steve flew around for a bit,  

But realized he couldn’t fit  inside. After a while, he left. “I fear for the worst with  Siveth, is she still alive?!”  On days 85-89, I got out of bed after  a sleepless night. I had no idea if   Steve would be waiting for me outside,  and I couldn’t risk going out there.  

I went back over to my statue. I had  planned on completing it with Siveth,   but I was worried I might not have that  chance. I worked on completing the final part. “Well, it’s all done. It reminds me of  Siveth, and she would have been proud of  

What we did here. I only hope I can avenge her  and save everyone else from Steve’s insanity.” I was feeling more confident than before  and stepped over to the ledge. Maybe I   was strong enough to fly? I leapt over the edge,  

And sure enough, I was able to  get my wings going, and fly!! “Yes! Finally!” I took some time to get used to flying.  Luckily, it looked like Steve had left   the area. I was able to get some good practice  in, when I heard Alex sounding off on her horn.

I flew toward the sound and  saw Alex was waiting for me. “Zozo, you did it! You’re  flying! This is great news!” “Thanks! I just wish I knew where Steve’s base  was. One way or another, I’ve got to end this.” “Well I’ve got some good  news for you- I found it!”

I couldn’t believe it! Maybe now we could finally  get revenge for all the wrongs Steve had done.   Even though I was feeling stronger though, I was  still worried about how we Could defeat Steve. “Steve is afraid of anything that might harm him,  so he likes to keep that close to him. When we  

Get to his base we should take a look around,  there might be something there that can help.”  On days 90-94 I flew to Steve’s base. As I  landed outside the base, I met up with Alex. “Wait a second, how did you  beat me here? I was flying!”

“Oh! I have a Nether Highway set up  so I can get around pretty quick.” “Oh yeah that’s a good idea!  So have you seen Steve?” “Not yet. I think you should  be good to head inside. I’ll   wait out here and let you know if Steve shows up.” “Sounds like a plan. Stay safe.”

I took off and flew over the wall,   landing in the courtyard. The place  was full of half dragon guards! “Oh man, what happened to you guys?” As I fought off the guards, I realized that  these must have been Steve’s failed dragon   transformation experiments. That guy was twisted!

Even though they were failed experiments,  they were still really strong! I was able   to hold them off, but I lost some  pieces of my armor in the process. “Whew okay, that was tough! Let’s move  in deeper and see what we can find.”  On days 95-97, I moved even deeper into the base.

“Geez, this place is huge!!” I soon found myself in what looked  to be a forge room. I decided to   take a look around and see if I could  find anything that could help me in my   fight. There was a cool dragon statue  nearby. Then I noticed a chest near it.

“I wonder what could be in here?” I opened the chest and saw it  was full of netherite gear! “This just might give me the  boost I need to win the fight!” I kept on exploring, when suddenly I was  attacked by some more of Steve’s minions! “How many of you guys are there?!”

I smacked as many of them out of the way  as I could. If there were guys down here,   I must be getting close! I was finally  going to be able to get my revenge! After I defeated the last of the minions,  

I came face to face with another one  of Steve’s stronger dragon guards. “The last fight against one of you was  hard, let’s hope this time can be better!” We both sprang into action, hitting each other  and firing off different attacks. He was still  

Really strong, but my new equipment was doing it’s  job! I managed to get him lined up with a cliff. “Hang onto your horns!” I gave him a good whack and sent him  flying over the edge to his doom.

“Bet you wish you had the power to fly!” On day 98 I moved even deeper into the   base. It was starting to get really cold  and wet- how deep underground had I gone?? “More guards, no problem!” At this point I was getting pretty good  at fighting these guards. That’s when  

I realized that there was a dragon  in a cage nearby. It was Siveth! I   defeated the last of the guards,  then hurried over to the cages. “Hang on, I’ll get you out!” I used my sonic attack and opened up the cage,  freeing my small friend. I was excited to see she  

Was still alive, but had a question to ask her. I  was scared to ask, but I had to know the answer. “Siveth! I’m so happy you’re alive. Have  you by any chance seen my mother down here?” A sad expression came over Siveth’s face.

“I have, but unfortunately she’s gone.  We were only both here for a short while,   but I believe she saved my life.” “What do you mean?” “When Steve came to extract her powers from her,  she gave him even more power than she needed to.”

“More power? Why would she do that? That  just let him turn into a dragon sooner!” “It’s true, but you have to  understand that she was out of time,   and Steve would have used my power next. He  was going to figure the transformation out,  

But your mom sacrificed herself to be  sure Steve wouldn’t need to hurt me too.” “Wow. I understand. She was  always looking out for others.” “She also told me that she believed in you, and  knew that even if Steve was able to harness dragon  

Powers, you would be able to defeat him. She  told me to give this to you when you arrived.” Siveth tossed something out on the ground. “Warden’s Heart! This was a gift to my mom  from my dad! I had always heard there was a  

Special power inside of it that combined  the power of the dragon and the warden!” But before I could investigate any further,   I heard a noise from Alex’s  horn. Steve must be here! “Come on Siveth, let’s get out of here!” On day 99, Siveth and I arrived back outside  

Of the base. Alex was waiting  and we hurried over to her. “Watch out! Steve is-” Just then, Steve came smashing down  into the courtyard in his dragon form. “Sorry to break up the party! But you  three have been getting on my nerves!” “It’s over Steve. You might look like a dragon,  

But you will never truly be one. It’s  time for you to pay for your crimes!” “Is that so? Well come and get me WARDEN!” “Warden?! Zozo! Use the Warden’s Heart!” I quickly grabbed the Warden’s Heart and  activated it. I felt an amazing amount  

Of energy flow through me, and I leveled  up into my strongest, most powerful form! “I can feel the full power of the ender dragon and  the warden within me. You’re going down Steve!” Steve let out a growl as we started  to fight. We flew around launching our  

Dragon’s breath at each other. The sound  of our battle could be heard for miles! “Give it up Steve, I have the  power of the two most powerful   beings in the land- you can’t hope to defeat me!” “You’re just a freaky mix of two creatures!” “Hey man, look who’s talking!”

I finally landed a powerful blow, which  brought Steve down to his final heart.   I soared high and divebombed  him, delivering the final blow! “Agh no!!” Steve started to explode,   as his head spun violently. His entire  being was glitching out of existence! “And stay out of our land!” On day 100, Siveth, Alex, and  

I all made it back to our base. We had lost our  families and close friends, but together we would   be our own new family. And if anyone else was  ever in trouble, we’d be here to help them out!

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as a WARDEN DRAGON in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2022-12-24 18:15:00. It has garnered 14262818 views and 69182 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:13 or 2173 seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a WARDEN DRAGON in Hardcore Minecraft!

#minecraft #100days #wardendragon #warden #enderdragon

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  • EPIC Steve vs Pillager in MINECRAFT ANIMATION!

    EPIC Steve vs Pillager in MINECRAFT ANIMATION!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT ANIMATION | STEVE ALEX VS PILLAGER | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Raythal Gaming on 2024-01-16 12:45:04. It has garnered 2586 views and 174 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. MINECRAFT ANIMATION | STEVE ALEX VS PILLAGER | #minecraft This is a minecraft animation | In this vedio pillagers raid on a village and Steve and Alex save the village | Insta- https://www.instagram.com/raythal_gaming?igsh=MWNqc3U5Nnkyd2Iwcg== Discord- https://discord.com/invite/m6vU577xt9 Love you so much guys | please support me | ‎#minecraft  #bgmi ‎#TechnoGamerzOfficial  ‎#GamerFleet  ‎#AnshuBisht  Minecraft Survival series| minecraft world | Minecraft Gameplay Minecraft Survival… Read More

  • The Pankalo: ¡Lo que ves te sorprenderá!🤯 #cursed

    The Pankalo: ¡Lo que ves te sorprenderá!🤯 #cursedVideo Information This video, titled ‘No tiene sentido🧐 #minecraft #humor #minecraftmemes #cursed’, was uploaded by The Pankalo on 2024-01-13 23:51:56. It has garnered 16017 views and 1442 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Live Grind on Asur SMP LIVE!

    Insane Minecraft Live Grind on Asur SMP LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Asur SMP Live Grind…[Minecraft Live survival ]’, was uploaded by Asholic Gaming on 2024-01-08 04:10:36. It has garnered 44 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:36 or 2736 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip ASHOLIC GAMING: https://profile.turnip.gg/wrYneCvFjCXeL3AVA Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!, Become a… Read More

  • Discover the SECRET Zoonomaly Koala Dimension!

    Discover the SECRET Zoonomaly Koala Dimension!Video Information This video, titled ‘How To Make A Portal To The ZOONOMALY MONSTER KOALA Dimension In Minecraft’, was uploaded by MelonCraft – Minecraft on 2024-04-06 08:00:10. It has garnered 432 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:11 or 191 seconds. How To Make A Portal To The ZOONOMALY MONSTER KOALA Dimension In Minecraft Hello, I’m Melon Noob. Like and subscribe to watch interesting videos on this channel. #minecraft #portal #meloncraft #melonnoob #minecraftnoob #minecraftportal #noob #zoonomaly #mcpe #addon #addonmcpe Read More

  • You won’t believe what happened on a normal day

    You won't believe what happened on a normal dayVideo Information This video, titled ‘normal day ft. futureclient.net’, was uploaded by Ownedme on 2024-06-15 08:47:24. It has garnered 413 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. crystal pvp, minecraft, pvp, drdonut, cpvp, minecraft pvp, donut smp, crystal, donutsmp, smp, crystal pvp montage, marlow, minecraft hardcore, tier 1, marlowww, minecraft crystal pvp, minecraft smp, marlow crystal pvp, drdonutt, itzrealme, donut, end crystal, dr donut, vanilla pvp, survive hardcore, hardcore, best minecraft player, crystal pvp guide, vanilla crystal pvp, clownpierce, rasplin, respawn anchor, vanilla crystal pvp montage, live, livestream, golfeh, lurrn, tier list, 1.20,… Read More


    INSANE LUCK?! OPENING 100 GRINDING CRATES FAST! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘OPENING 100’S OF GRINDING CRATES! (MINECRAFT FACTIONS)’, was uploaded by Beadle on 2024-04-11 22:00:28. It has garnered 90 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Crate opening video on minecraft factions. —————————————————————————- IP: play.Cosmicpvptest.com DISCORD: https://discord.gg/znjqTD3aam STORE: https://buy.cosmicpvptest.com WEB: www.Cosmicpvptest.com MORE: solo.to/Cosmicpvptest.com —————————————————————————- Tell your mom hi for me. 😘 Enjoy the video? Hit the like button and subscribe with post notifications. SUBSCRIBE TO ME NOW! @RealBeadle If you are a sub i love you and you are cool. periot. 😊 MY SOCIALS: @RealBeadle on SnapChat, Twitter, and… Read More

  • Boring Souls SHOCKINGLY Transformed!

    Boring Souls SHOCKINGLY Transformed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Type Soul Is Boring’, was uploaded by Note on 2024-05-02 01:07:51. It has garnered 1377 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:15 or 315 seconds. Like and Subscribe if you want more Minecraft, Roblox, or Anime Content. Comment for things you want to see or tell me what I can do better. The quality of this video could have been better. I understand that and wish to continue to improve; any feedback is helpful. Intro by https://www.youtube.com/@UC2C_I9VpCe3UVmH3NRT9hUA Intro song – Croosh Anymore Outro song- Suzume by Nanoka Hara ▬▬▬▬▬ Background Songs… Read More

  • RageStorm SMP

    RageStorm SMPJoin the RageStorm SMP today! Do ‘kits when you join. Defend your self and build a team. There is /tpa . Lifesteal included rs.mcpro.io:41515 Read More

  • Bloom SMP – Semi-vanilla | SMP Survival | English | Java & Bedrock | Crossplay

    Welcome to Bloom SMP! The perfect place to play Minecraft Survival, have fun, and make new friendships. IP = play.bloomsmp.net Joinable on versions 1.9 – 1.20.6 Features: Anti griefing Cross play A welcoming community An active Discord A friendly staff team Regular events Bloom SMP is not modded, but contains gameplay-enhancing plugins. Keep things friendly to ensure a good playing experience for everyone. Website: https://bloomsmp.net Discord: https://discord.gg/bloomsmp Read More

  • Nu Towny – Java & Bedrock Crossplay: Towny, Jobs, Quests, Dungeons, Economy, AdvancedEnchantments

    🌍 Welcome to **Nu Towny**! 🌍Experience a brand new take on the classic Towny survival with a twist. In **Nu Towny**, we’ve taken the traditional Minecraft gameplay and enhanced it with unique features, custom plugins, and a player-driven economy.Java/Bedrock/Console IP: Bedrock/Console Port: 25565⭐ ** AdvancedEnchantments **: Custom enchants, Enchanter & Tinkerer.🏡 **Towny **: Start your own town or join an existing one. Make friends, build your dream home, and create a thriving community with players from around the world.💰 **Economy**: Our server features a balanced and player-driven economy. Trade, barter, or set up your own shop to become the… Read More