BlueRainCloud’s Terrifying Encounter in Block Game!

Video Information

Eventually Gordon’s going to realize that I can’t hear him holdo let me make sure the audio is working resume okay yeah yeah I can’t hear you oh okay hello you got room absolutely swag you can join us if you want to um I posted the code and muted if you

Want to join kind of late sorry it’s okay it’s okay we have time we have time what [ __ ] Give me one moment okay Gordon he’s deed Gordon Gordon Gordon I Gordon can you hear me Gordon can you hear me yes I can hear you it’s the violent yes for me okay okay oh there we go yeah set on push a gay ass feature yeah okay swag is gonna join us don’t be throwing

[ __ ] how do you even pick [ __ ] up discover the ghost type play with another investigator capture a three star ghost photo and find the bone how do I oh it’s G just like Lethal lethal it’s like lethal company I might need to turn change my Crouch back to control now that I’ve

Played games more feels weird having a see guess who uninstalled it no it won’t take long okay good good good you’re good control pick up e drop it g special T special not the white eyes not the white eyes inventory swap Q Journal J Global push to talk B

Okay you laugh because we’re different I laugh because I just farted we are not the same Gordon I think you have issues maybe I don’t want to Jo swag swag please no playing with just Him equals me getting left in more situations where I will be

Terrified and I am very scared in this game I know I have a YouTube video coming out soon that that’ll display how scared I get but also this live stream please please I won’t be inappropriate I promise I Pinky Promise will be inappropriate loading in yeah can’t get the granola bar

Open oh there we go it got really cold in my room just now I got to fix settings oh I spend most of my time in the truck time revived you can revive people in this game what since when I’m looking at statistics right now and it says times revived zero I didn’t

Know we could revive people in this game Ghost identified six ghost misidentified six objectives completed 21 curse possession uses zero cursed HTS trigger to Mo deaths too rage most played location 10 Ridge View Court yep tarot cards if you get a certain card I didn’t even know there were tarot

Cards in this game so fun fact I guess can’t wait to level up and get more things Gordon have how when’s the last time you played Faz Gordon hi swag a while yeah yeah you’re coming through fine all right good because uh I I decided to give um voice activation a chance

Have you never played with voice activation I didn’t hear you said have you never played with voice activation I’ve always played with P talk because I because I’m streaming oh no I tell I was going say I think this is the first time I’ve streamed Faz wait really yeah way no I’ve

Recorded it plenty of times you play on stream at one point nope I swear I did I’ve never played it on stream I have only recorded it oh okay then I do not know okay okay okay let me look put them both at 70 or I’ll put Gordon at 69 and then audio

Master I found a Reddit post and someone put on the Reddit post saying that if you switch to Windows voice oration mode it makes the Spirit Box questions you can ask pretty much anything stupid okay I kind of want to try that Gordon why are you throwing all of the jangle

Blocks oh wow we have great mins I used to do this all the time SC oh shoot Crouch control fix this I was going say I had to change mine from C to control well I’m used to it but I’ve been playing lately so it actually has bounce mechanics that’s sick the

Basketballs yeah no I didn’t huh this have you played not much to be honest I get scared I can’t play by myself so it’s always experience okay let’s let’s pick a little pick a place pick a place yeah take just to start we’ll be fine do I that work definely what that defitely

Works oh yeah that did work Jesus Christ what level are you at Gordon Gordon’s at level 11 you’re at level 21 and I’m at level five that says a lotet was like level two something I think Jesus okay also I don’t know why you’re wa wait wait you’re really quiet Gord little

Loud okay ready up I do have the window Windows push voice acation on so I’m G to ask stupid questions get ready shut the [ __ ] up says that Windows voice recognition allow can ask almost any ridiculous short question it’s much more fun than going where are you where are

You so I’m I’m a little afraid of what we can ask it I’m not goingon to lie oh that’s the fastest this is loaded in Oh I thought I didn’t buy flashlight oh I bought the bad one oh [ __ ] me that was it’s okay huh did you grab anything besides the flashlight

No I don’t know what SWAG grabbed Nathan did you grab anything okay huh probably normal we’re supposed to set it at a difficulty grab the notbook and the video cam I don’t want to do that can I get one more space no okay did anyone grab a thermostat okay take me for [ __ ]

Am yes say the one who refused to grab anything I grabbed [ __ ] I grabbed exactly what you told me to oh well when I told you gra you said I don’t want to do that because I was being mean what oh Jesus in the room [ __ ]

It’s what do you mean it’s in the dining room oh yeah take a photo of the bone oh I didn’t see it there’s something over here too hold on oh yeah isn’t doesn’t that mean pter guys no it’s but Poss there could be else but we don’t know

Yet I put the book on the dining table all right El that scared the [ __ ] out of me was that bad see it it’s scary where did I put the freaking photo cam where oh it’s right goddamn here I’m an idiot son of a [ __ ] I forgot completely I’m

Scared where’s your video camera in in my hand right there right here facing the facing the okay there I just placed One oh my God ohow to turn my voice Cher and be creepy right yeah I guess kiding I don’t think I don’t think we’ve ever played a game where the ghost has been in the dining room I got stuck in the Tripod there I forgot that was a

Thing did turn off my light yet don’t do that I don’t mind if I have my light but I didn’t have it yet jeez don’t do that to me holy Crap who’s Gordon nothing all right it’s not fies hi Ken not much EMF why did you move to YouTube because is [ __ ] twitch that’s why oh it threw something over here what it throw oh picture uh I couldn’t stream on Twitch without dropping frames which was weird I shifted to

YouTube and I haven’t had any problems dropping frames unless literally my internet what happened what is that what is what is that it’s a microphone do you use OBS or streamlabs OBS I just use OBS regular OBS D we kind of left Gordon alone problems twitch does I am right here twitch does

Have problems your sanity is super low well it’s because I used the mirror a few times that’s why what does the mirror do that’s weird then yeah that’s you’re decent oh you guys took photos the ghost touched this oh used the CRF just tried to hunt Gordon did it wait that doesn’t make

Sense Cru that’s the only reason in my life by the way what’s your podcast about I saw that you have podcast ads um it’s a podcast where I interview small content creators like myself um swag has actually been on it um as well as pikaat gamer and the next person that’s going

To be on it is Spooks Spooks to and then after that zenan so clearly names that people don’t really know because it is a podcast about interviewing small streamers oh yeah we got he’s going to have a blast for that uh grab the uh the light at your Fe I can’t oh

Okay I’m scared how stupid are how stupid are you are you brain dead I see someone’s breath Che the wait no don’t do not do not write down breath though because that’s changed changed that oh I just saw something in the dots did you yeah where’s the

It’s been outside of the room so it says it’s like 65 yeah it’s it’s dropping like a [ __ ] rock though yeah how dumb are you how dumb are you stupid idiot [ __ ] Gordon I forgot oh [ __ ] if I start posting again should I could I go on to honestly you just have to

Apply and we talk about anything everything I don’t care how consistent you post what your follower account is none of that does that does that seeing breath not count as freezing Tims can I steal the uh yeah black white oh this is definitely this is definitely an early Hunter what the [ __ ]

He we got freezing temps confirmed so it’s yeah that’s early Hunter of some sortz um should check for orbs don’t leave me Gordon no that’s not funny ORS that’s we got to make sure we only have two so far or do we have a third I mean we got the

Momentarily yeah but I don’t know if that counts though I tried a bunch afterwards and it didn’t do anything we got orbs wait if it’s a Spirit Box it’s an hre I’m GNA go do the candle test what an H oh see if it blows out

The candle if it blows the candle it hunts me no matter what so see if that works I oh stream elements is working oh my God okay hold on hold on it’s going to be spammy for a little bit guys I apologize I will fix the bots in a little

Bit swag I was trying to see if a bot would work all right if it hunts me I’m so sorry if it hunts us I’m so sorry there a lot of oh that I think it was an event that was an event I didn’t like that was

I ain’t doing this [ __ ] I ain’t doing this [ __ ] I told you I saw dots did you well yeah but we know it’s a UR unless unless we know mimic isn’t it that I can go test again I go make sure 50 right yeah yeah bring a motion

Detector with you it’s one of the uh the goals oh is it yeah detect detect motion with a motion sensor I thought we got dots though got dot that’s not a motion sensor so if we got freezing temps ghost orb and dots then it’s a UR MH but mimics mimics can mimic one

Thing oh youim there’s [ __ ] God damn it it’s my closet get out hello byebye a okay lights off some salt shut the [ __ ] up you want me to go back and watch the camera for the um candle yeah I’m going to do that I’m out I’m out we got no I’m

Out swag needs to stay in there the longest he’s at [ __ ] 80% swag you’re 80% sanity is what’s [ __ ] us over you need to stay in there he needs to get his down his is priority of getting I swear okay there it is I’ll come back when I feel like did who’s

That so he said it’s definitely your right that’s not funny you’re not funny you actually I thought it was hun you need help throwing [ __ ] [ __ ] not pretended what’s the objective gets check mark we’re out of here I’m keep going the did he just die nice [ __ ] off

Oh that was UN I want to leave I thought it’s yet I want to leave did you pissed of yourself yet I want to leave no stay in the closet far as anybody knows you’re not okay I take so long for us to go down no no got it we got it go

Now I tried to leave I tried to leave get back in the closet I tried to leave I tried to leave and locked it as soon as I reached it it locked it yeah we’re yeah we’re good good oh my God Terri yeah that’s all I heard I was like

Get back in the closet I took my headphones off because I thought it I I took my headphones off cuz I thought it was going to kill me wait you’re sure it was below zero for freezing temps right freezing temps is anything below like 32 degrees F no it’s below zero

Because it’s Celsius isn’t it I use Fahrenheit oh so it said below 32 did it say 32 or was it just above it it was at 32 32 is not necessarily mark it goes 30 35 goes up by five doesn’t it oh it might have yoai would have been Spirit box that is

Try to human voices that can usually be found haunting family homes talking near yoai will piss it off which we did often only hear voices close to it okay fair well my bad for saying we had freezing to it’s all good when I picked that difference of

Three hold on I hold up a second I need to check something let me un add all my stuff I thought I unlock do you think it might be affected because I don’t have tier two things no no no that doesn’t matter oh I had one of my old load outs I’m stupid

Oh okay God I I hate this this stupid interface so dumb all right hold up hold up hold up uh yeah I have my old Flashlight selected that’s why is it bad if I want to do the same location again not really but we can just do like any house it doesn’t

Matter that one seemed the least scariest oh all doesn’t matter all them are going to be scary you [ __ ] kidding me I know that was terrifying that’s I’m sweating like literally sweating oh that’s not that bad I have to like okay hold on I gotta turn off a bot

In my chat I might do it through my phone Sor I’m trying to fix the goddamn thing hold up S this this interface is so confusing to me have that unlocked don’t have that don’t have that I can that’s bad dots notebook Spirit Light my or I guess now it’s

Called I’m not going to bother with the head cams for now uh good flashlights candles parabolic photo salty salty okay we’re good now okay all right now I got some of my stuff in here sorry about that I don’t know why I did that little two has no head deat there we go

Jez all right we go should be can we do sorry oh I’m good I was saying that my thing should be good can we do intermediate is that okay that’s we just played on amateur yeah that was that was terrifying that was not that bad it was

Fine honestly that was a lot easier than I thought be except we get we can do one more amateur gu okay I think I got everything wait but why is there I guess we can do intermediate why does it not let me add more than one UV flashlight I don’t

Understand um wait wait blue blue your um yeah un add the tier one on I think on your end yeah there we go there we go that did it I think hopefully I don’t you got to add no it didn’t it didn’t hold Gordon do you have anything

Added there no the [ __ ] D I do not understand this goddamn thing yeah the [ __ ] the shop is never made proper sense to me oh my God this shop is so annoying to me who am I showing are we okay so we’re doing Willow Street okay it’s terrifying this is

Terrifying I don’t want to be here I to fix okay I think I’m making some sense how this is supposed to work I’m trying to add another um tier two UV light that’s I’m trying to do you’ll see the like box of that shows how many you have in

Total to the right of that you see the vehicle like the truck and it say a number out of the number that’s how many are loaded right now okay if you try to put the number to when you go back to the equ list in like

The lobby it shows you be like AER one and a don’t I have no idea how to [ __ ] with the and I took away on my okay that’s weird I don’t understand it’s like giving a tier one and a it’s because you’re hosting you don’t have TI two unlocked I don’t Maybe

That’s that’s weird and yeah three regular flash why does it do that that’s annoying huh what difficulty are we on intermediate oh okay I was like why is the breaker off for St amate never mind there’s a bone there’s a foot I found a bone I don’t know where that is basement

Goodbye that was terrifying okay huh the Bone’s over here where the bone at right there it’s a foot oh it’s a foot like ghost is in the basement babe I don’t know where it is it’s in the basement of theage Y it is the switch Gordon I don’t like alone you open

You there you go I’ve never done that before wait what I actually was fun fact Jesus Christ dad dropped me on like on put me on the bed and then I just kind of bured off and I can see your breath you flirting with me you flirting with me hide

Andek no no please no nope do that Gordon don’t leave me don’t leave me don’t leave me don’t leave me don’t leave me Gordon you’re so mean to me I’ve never played this location before Oh that’s me both of you here I don’t like this game do you have any uh inventory no

No you can put one of the video cameras down grab some the spear box I turned it on instead of picking it up go please don’t leave me though he just left the the Ouija board here I swear I thought that was a [ __ ] door we’re here flickered the lights for like a

Second oh door touch let’s see ifies no thingies okay no thingies I think you touched the door okay yeah I did that wases almost walk in front of me you know exactly where where it is or we just putting things in the hallway just said basement I’m freezing we have

Freezing no freezing it’s just above it’s just freak uh do we have camera set up yet down here one on the tire it flickered the lights where do we hide if it starts hunting yes uh that actually be a good thing to go check Gordon just let’s go look fors while we wait

Okay are you going to the truck I am currently the truck can you shot and ORS there what are you looking For no no no no I’m I can I wanted to leave I don’t like being in the house swag tried to get me to look around the house by myself I’m scared atast so far nothing on Dots you want to grab anothera and head back into setup I guess that is barely visible yeah I’ll I’ll set up an angle for like just do this be the or one here uh put on the tripod and then press F on the tripod yeah that

Works look at the tripod base and press f I don’t like this all right blue why is the door locked we’re not fine we’re not fine I want out no no no NOP NOP I hate this game oh [ __ ] I told you there was a hiding Spa in the garage why didn’t you

Run I didn’t know where I went to go so here’s the thing it offended the first time and then I’m like oh we’re fine and then it would it hunted on like in front of me right by this camera I’m like oh I’m [Laughter] [ __ ] I was just

Dead oh we can’t move the cameras either basement stairs and the hallway that’s so dumb like dude it’s touching everything down here I don’t like this game he has to come in here now yeah I know I mean what we can do is we can look for dos and then if it’s dot

Okay down I’m actually going to Che writing I couldn’t find I you can’t see the book when you’re dead you should be able to no I’ve had this problem even oh wait yeah it’s right here I can’t tell isting in it I can’t tell that’s writing oh my God okay get

An item we got throw at we got to him we got him all right where in the [ __ ] truck probably I’m going to get him I’m I’m I’m going to get him to follow me this I nice can of spray paint you know ghost raing that’s one thing Gordon you missed

It thank you Gordon no Gordon you missed it again you son of a [ __ ] look at the Gordon look at the book Gordon look at the book look at the B look at the book look at the he’s stupid Gord Gord dare oh it’s hunting it’s

Hunting dude how how much obvious do I have I don’t know well we were trying to tell you that there was well that makes sense Gordon I was throwing a spr can you to guide you to the writing book I saw it but I was looking for a third piece what

Was the second piece SC I saw ghost orbs right as that thing started hunting ghost orb appeared so it was ghost orbs and writing and then it knocked the [ __ ] camera over oh my God but I was going to wait for you to get back to be like is

That normal does it usually appear after a hunt and then it [ __ ] kills both of you within the span of like a minute I think it just appears yeah no it hunted sorry it evented and then it hunted literally in front of me as I was going to the

Basement to check to turn or to put the cameras down and that’s when I just like oh I’m dead oh God okay I gotta go because think friend ofine was fun yeah byebye byebye I don’t want to play this game anymore okay what do you want to play instead um how about

Minecraft okay okay I don’t like this game I do not like this game yes I am a scaredy cat a big old scaredy cat can I I can’t edit it while I’m live I’ll edit it later when I end the Stream I love that he’s still in the he’ll leave eventually there he

Goes I need Gordon on Def and I need to open Minecraft it was an hour of Chaos an hour of playing a game I don’t like to play at all whatsoever I’m such a scary cat like I I cannot handle it it’s too Much Gordon’s still Deen how do I tell him he’s still Deen Minecraft is opening it decided I wasn’t what oh okay it’s kind of rude yeah I don’t like that game and just two of us means that you will leave me alone in that house and I don’t want

You to leave me alone in that house I not I’m not a fan honestly I think I’d be braver to do that [ __ ] in person than in phasmophobia I will never know because I don’t have friends that go on ghost hunting Adventures I don’t want friends and make content like Sam and

Kobby I think it’d be fun to be on one to Kobe’s videos that is probably not going to happen in my life freaking P SMP here to play some games wonder if Kyle’s still on the server he has not hello who Jo VC hi rat oh I don’t know

CU he might have realized I was live too he doesn’t really join when I’m live he does not like when I am live actually he’s not even online right now is he no he’s not swag was on swag left a little bit before you got on swag was playing phasmophobia with

Um and then I said I’m done and switched to Minecraft because I got scared oh I need to I didn’t realize that I didn’t have Discord audio on you guys W weren’t heard until now it happens happens to the vegetabl it’s okay well how are yall doing doing

Well chilling PL some Breaking Point smpp need to unwind after playing phasmophobia honestly sometimes I’ll play I can never I can never do it for long but I’ll scary Ro yeah the suspense the suspense is what gets me yeah my anxiet I get that anxious

Okay that’s I think that’s why I hate F so much is because you’re just waiting waiting for them to hunt yeah and so then I get freaked out damn I really do okay we’re going to be mining out more of the basement today because I would like to get it even further in

This completion process you would like to have a basement I would like to have a complete basement yes that would be a nice thing to have you know yeah you know an easy convenient place to hide bodies oh oh no that’s not the kind of

Basement I have it’s ah it’s more like a why not make it the kind of basement it’s more like Mass it won’t ever be a place you can hide bodies with that attitude list it’s a mass production of things I shouldn’t have yeah you’re catching what I’m putting

Down you have a me lab in your basement yeah Cal the [ __ ] down Walter [ __ ] you wal wal wal I [ __ ] my pants what the [ __ ] okay calm down oh my I keep trying to push up my glasses but I’m wearing contact today so I keep stabbing

Myself I dude I do that when I’m not wearing my glasses I Conta and I don’t even wear contacts it’s just days where I’m like I don’t feel like wearing my glasses today and then I poke myself in the nose and I go oh yeah yeah I don’t

Need to push up something I’m not wearing I know it’s not even I can’t go days without my glasses I have to have either contact or glasses I can’t I gen I have Vision I can’t see without see mine’s not that bad so I can do anything without them you lucky don’t

Let it get to don’t let it get to don’t let it get bad don’t do it I think that’s why sometimes I even give my eyes a break from my glasses your glasses like sometimes you’ll get a headache because it keeps sliding up and down yes absolutely I really actually I get

Headaches for pretty much everything so oh that doesn’t sound fun I’m it’s not it’s really not it doesn’t sound like it present or future what what game are you playing technically it’s past present and future but I don’t really feel like playing that anymore because I’m sick

And tired of the same [ __ ] happening so it’s present or future it’s it’s going to be Hearts of Iron are still ours I’m leaning towards Hearts of Iron future well [ __ ] I guess I’m G to go commit know space war crimes absolutely I need to put fortune on this

Pick oh no this is like my either way one pickaxe gets Fortune the other pickaxe gets gets um death yes thank you for remembering you know um you okay okay I gotta let my brain catch up for a second no my I need M this is hard talking is hard talking is

Hard um when you go mining do you take like your fortune pickaxe or like when you just go out mining like in the world you go like fortune or Sil clch oh Fortune take your Sil touch instead I will tell you why because if you take this o touch to get the ore

Then you can collect more or then you would be able to if you got the fortune then you take it back to your base and then you break it all you will get more than you would get taking the fortune Fair Point okay because at the

Fortune it would drop like four raw iron instead of just one iron or block and now you have more [ __ ] in your inventory yeah I actually never thought about that usually what I do is I just take my sub touch into The Nether so I can mine the

Nether gold because instead of getting like five nuggets I get a whole block and then I can get a whole Ingot from that [ __ ] yeah it’s the same principle just in the Overworld as well okay so yeah a little tip plus then it’s also much safer because um then uh

When you have like all your stuff um when you go and it your base and everything it’s much safer to like mine it and everything plus then it’s just easier a little I said a couple extra steps but it’s in the long run it’s much more profitable yeah yeah nothing thing that work

Yeah you’re like me when there’s a word I can’t say no matter what so you’re kind of like me when I try to say that word I just get excited about stuff and then my brain and my mouth don’t match up yeah yeah pretty much my brain knows what it wants to

Say but it also doesn’t like everything’s going so fast that my brain is jumping between like like beginning middle end of what I want to say so then when I say it I end up Mex mixing up my words yeah I do the same thing yeah yeah that’s what I’m saying

Nice I haven’t played that game in forever oh my gosh guy you should play together some okay okay okay it’s okay if you don’t want to I don’t know if like I do see of Thieves it’s a pretty fun game for our I I know I’ve play I mean I’ve played it

Before but it wasn’t my favorite that’s fair some people in my community would like kill me for saying that because they came came from a community where they played CF thees it’s all right I know that it’s not everybody’s favorite but I I do enjoy um

Uh like my favorite part of it is like creating like routes for myself I will create like little r okay um so okay wait no that’s off okay anyway um yeah I um there was this game have you ever PR pop chop yes oh my gosh that was there was this one

Island where you had to basically go around and trade stuff to gain money and then you could upgrade your ship and stuff and my dad and I in that game we literally created trade routes that’s fun yeah so it was so the C really reminds

Me of that so every time that I play it I’m like one of my favorite things to do is collect chairs like the little chairs you get yeah I will have nothing on my ship other than like 10 chairs and then I just go around fishing fa enough

Yeah it’s a great confusion tactic as well because then if anybody tries to board me I just have like 10 chairs on my deck and no Treasures it’s great they’re like what is this [ __ ] hi welcome to myip take pun intended pun most definitely intended oh um Sky I have a question

Yes do you like um like the 2D platform of like Terraria or like that like like let’s say Terraria uh stardy Valley that’s kind of examples of that more so Terraria um I’ve never played terrarium for games much like that and I I tried to ask if stardew was

Like an example of that because I hated star stardo I mean ter is just the other way instead of being top down and it’s sideways yeah I don’t know what you mean by that uh oh have you ever seen an ant farm yes like the it’s like that but a video game oh

Okay right I I mean I’m not fully understanding I think um it’s okay um because I was asking because if you like Terraria then you might like a game called Starbound because it has similar Graphics but it’s more leaning towards like and it has a story line to follow

Instead of rather than Terraria Terraria is more like would be like more like Minecraft story line it would uh yeah but it’s really I I okay I really like it um it has a lot of lore that you can find around the world and there’s like different civilizations that you can

Find it’s is really really cool my my sorry my favorite part after uh after you beat the game then you can go around to different like these big portals and you can exate them and everything and um when you go through the portals you can also find like

Pieces of like it’s almost like um rooms and you have to find um in certain dungeons you have to find like a pieces of an alphabet to put them together and then you can buy that alphabet so you can actually translate the room and figure out what the rooms say is

Mm sorry you’re good really like it don’t apologize for liking a game well I’m apologizing more because I feel like I’ve got been on forever I mean I’m kind of at the point right now where my brain is like here but not here so I’m kind of not a good active

Participate in this conversation it’s okay I’m kind of just like M Minecraft understand okay I just enjoy being around people that’s good it’s always nice to be around people very I’m very very social and I moved somewhere where I don’t know anyone so I get all my social interaction from Discord so kind

Of I think that’s why people don’t understand when I’m like I really want you guys to hang out with me and they’re like but we’re we’re working or we’re hanging out with people in real life and I’m like well that’s great for you but I don’t have

That that’s that’s amazing for you but how dare you yeah I’ll probably be able to hang out more um next week because I have to go I’m going house sitting yipp I love that so was my guess correct no No I fell in a hole that went down a lot further than I thought it was going to go oh no we’re good though I did it again it’s a good thing I have like butt loads of cobblestone on me right now I should that’s what I should um I my

Laptop was running super slow so I’m like you know what I should just do like a factory reset because there is genuinely there was just one file One Singular file that I wanted to P because everything else is on Steam so I’m like okay I’ll just do this so this

Way I can just I don’t know a lot of times if it’s small enough I just put that one thing that I want to save on Discord and then factory reset I just saved it to a Thum that that works too I I don’t know where mine

Is but I could do that if I ever want to do that so I should get twitch again on my laptop that’s what I need to do twitch I don’t stream on Twitch anymore what do you stream on then um YouTube oh you will be the first YouTube search on

My laptop after the reset yeah oh probably sign in Google uhoh my pass for For I was playing fast I got too scared and I got off so I’m going to update the stream information when I’m done streaming so that nobody gets misled oh no B rck I disconnected you but okay was totally misled I’m sorry I got too scared you can go back and watch

Watch on your own time and see me get scared on your own time like it’s a school assignment that you’re doing at home don’t forget your pen and paper to notes yeah yeah I want you to take notes of me being scared and then I want you to report

Back to me on my Discord server in a VC and tell me your notes it’s okay there’ll there will be a short fobia video this Friday well and if it’s not out this Friday it’s because I didn’t pressure my Editor to get it done on time but it’ll be out

Soon but I’m not evil so I’m not going to rush him since he has school things yeah no not happening I thought so so you you’re failing the assignment um and I’m going to have to call your parents okay and I’m going to have to tell them how you’re 30 years

Old and watching a 20-year-old play Minecraft you know I can’t believe D wielding yeah it could it would probably go faster but I’m not doing the assignment Court listen here you little [ __ ] I’m telling you it’d be a good idea to do the assignment or I’m going to

Look up your parents I’m going to call them good Lord about the parents the yes the parents I forgot to do this part of this so now I’m going to get flooded with water dual building I spelled it wrong you spelled what wrong you can try okay I’ll try oh

God don’t why do you why why do why because he’s one of my mods and this is how our friendship works and he loves me and he knows I want actually do this that’s yeah so I can poke fun at him all I want all all I want attitude

Know that’s like me with Jonah I don’t know if you saw it in the chat the other day but I can’t remember exactly what I called him but then Alexia immediately just started saying I know right great yeah I love hanging out with Alexia a they’re so cute they are so

Cute the cutest they’re like they’re like me and Gordon when we were at our at the beginning of our relationship now Gordon hates me and doesn’t love me like he [ __ ] you mean jokes all jokes yeah that’s what I thought that’s what I thought mm mm I’m going to break up with

It all jokes I’m kidding Gordon I do love you I love you more that’s kind of gay he’s not denying it we have known each other for a long ass time C what’s it been like like five years now four four years now I think four four or five one or

Two maybe three I think I no because I’ve known Mike for four or five years I’ve known you for like three to four that’s crazy yeah yeah I’m surprised some people put up with me for that long you know oh my God pretty sure we met in 2020

2020 or 2021 one of the two yeah because I I I did a lot of Star Wars RP in during quarantine people are watching nice yeah know I I’ve been all over the Internet for a long time don’t fall down the hole a long long time no I

Have the story of my channel that’s a that’s a story all right and I don’t know if I should save that for like a later live stream or when I get on a podcast I I just don’t know miss those days I do miss the days of the Star Wars server

Though I’ve been thinking about trying to find a new RP server to be honest or once again owning my own I don’t know if I have the same Community I did back then though that that’ be interesting it feels so weird thinking that 2020 was four

Years I don’t know how to feel about this yeah it’s weird to think of it’s just it’s also like kind of normal at this rate yeah Miss I I do miss though like some uh some of my friends that I was um that I hung out with when I first started

Streaming um they were they were amazing and um they I honestly I got a little too into it making content in in the bad way I let it get to my head and so they called me out for it and it was a lesson I had to learn and I

We don’t talk much anymore some of them I still do there’s a couple of them though that we’ll probably never reach out yeah hard yeah it’s it’s hard but you know a lot of times the friends that you like started out with aren’t the ones that ride along for the journey cuz

After I lost those friends I met um atel who’s in my chat and I also call Core because on the star wars server his character name was core um my character name was Ginger and yes it’s because I’m a ginger anyways I’m I’ve got too much [ __ ] cobblestone and I met click

Um kind of before I met them though like the same some of the people that were in the friend group that left me that stayed um also met them and kind of introduced me to that side of Discord I should really do him click again I figure out if he’s married yet

Or not like that’s what I want to know ask that man if he’s had a baby yet okay it’s been four years and if he’s still with his girlfriend I hope they’re married no um so much so much has changed Jesus yeah um but then after like the

Um we stopped role playing like when the server started to die and we all got busy because we all became adults I started to meet um a lot of the people that I make content with today so it’s it’s been probably like two 2ish to three-ish years of knowing

Them um and that’s Kyle Ace Pika Gordon which Gordon became my partner see almost three years um and then doing the podcast and pixel conon has had me meet zenan old um unlimited swag AKA Nathan Spooks um God there’s so many people and I just can’t think of names right now

And I’m I’m classifying that as I’m horrible friend no sometimes I’m joking I love them I’ve love I love all the people that I’ve met along the way and I love all the people that are still here and the ones that aren’t anymore and so many people have helped me grow and learn

Oh yeah I I definitely was a dumb kid who just wanted to be famous and to get rich off of this and then once I got out of that dumb kid face I was like I just want to make people smile and make friends and I would love to do this full-time because

I hate having a real job but if it’s not a possibility it’s not a possibility like yeah well you’re doing a good job thank you it’s fun very fun yeah and I did join a company with a lot of the people that I’ve mentioned uh with Kyle Ace Pika uh Snicker sneer Isabelle

Choose Absol on and I think that’s everyone um whoever I missed can I’m you can kill me I’ll allow it no um and we’re planning to do a u modded Minecraft series soon as a company you know what kind of mods you’re gonna include um I think Kyle’s

Been hinting at like using the um I think it’s called the craft mod craft something with craft I don’t know I’ve not been following mod ideas I’ve I’ve just been like a Minecraft server that I can play on whenever I want yes yes Minecraft Minecraft dude my brain my brain craves

Minecraft more than I realize okay I need mobs to spawn I want to my pickaxe CU it gives me anxiety or let’s trade with villagers I think I have things to trade with possibly possibly I wish one of them would trade Cobblestone because dear Lord they do give you XP right they do

Okay I’ll do a little bit you doing a little bit of what T off some people you know darkov you’re one of those people huh you could make a pretty much xp generator with a cobblestone how can I do that so if you make um in theory if you make

Uh so if you put a um I can’t remember where you put the put a lever near somewhere around furnace and oh my God turn it on and off of like whether it that will go into a hopper and you just continuously smelt things and then just send it through the

Hopper it will collect the like the experience in there so when you finally take something out it will just give you a bunch of experience nice oh my God also if you set it up with a pry it and then what was it uh you can use bamboo as a fuel

Source and you just create make the like can’t remember what it’s called but it’s basically like a b a bamboo generator to consistent like to constantly make uh the bamboo for fuel so then you could just continuously smell stuff yeah I mean I was already planning on having Auto smelters and a giant

Bamboo farm so just making it into an XP source is smart it basically you could just make like exp batteries that’s fair fair point especially with how much you’re mining oh yeah and I’ve got more mine plus then it would give you a lot ofuse or terraforming if you’re wanting

To flesh out as well why don’t you put your your torch at the bottom because I’m stupid I didn’t even think about that until you said it dig out the bottom layer and then a bunch of torches and then yeah that is a thing Jesus is not that you’re stupid it’s

Just your brain is turning off because mine it says zone out in mine is what yeah that’s what’s going on right now this dude you know those like [ __ ] things you put up your nose you run water through it so it clears your sinuses yeah I just watched a dude put

[ __ ] lemon tequila in it and do it oh God and only response I saw is I can now smell colors what the [ __ ] believe it I I would do it only so I could say I could did I did it and then I would not ever do it again I mean that would

Burn that’s why you do it you do it for the B no no you don’t you just don’t you’re not supposed to do that yeah you’re not yeah but it’s fun doing it so be honest with You I just had a song pop in my head just because of the way like just because of how you said the Words I oh my gosh I remember that song how uh house house that was built on Miranda Lambert yeah that’s the feeling that I’m going through right now I forgot that song existed ineh y oh my go iost in this world and forgot stuck it’s stuck in my head now but I

Can’t remember how it goes so let’s the melody is also stuck in my head now that’s the pain of this I’m just going to open Spotify and play it and make sure nobody else can hear it and just sing It you guys are going to get serated because it’s stuck in my head That’s all I remember hold on that’s all I I got should be right here oh there it is I alls be in a minute in a minute Grandma drink your prune juice I go killed my grandma I ate my grandma I ate my grandma time Don’t St backroom what it guar but you didn’t know under The dog is bued in the yard I could this place feel Brokenness I Could From the house build Me Homes and Garden magazines by NA and by Daddy to Mama’s dream broken inside here it’s come else I could find Iar memory from the house that build me I got lost in this world and forgot who I Am Place Broken El shoot a puppy yeah in the face why Jesus Gordon aggressive you should do um Jesus Christ the little heart blocks half majority of chat there we go also you should do some cover videos I would love to thing is I am dis like dysfunctional when it

Comes to doing caraoke oh in the face and I don’t know how to play an instrument so I can’t do it without nothing left of his head Cordon nobody can see notna be an open G so they don’t know what is happening and you’re just talking about blowing somebody’s brains

Out dude just killed himself a grenade okay you have to be specific I didn’t blow anyone’s brains out I blew his [ __ ] brain to bits like there’s nothing left was those gun not live cover song yeah but I I mean like I know to like maybe record cover videos and

Like release that but also I hate my own voice it’s kind of dam and half the time when you guys are like your voice is so pretty when I’m just singing Just because I’m like I think you’re lying to me but thanks I have no reason to lie though so

That’s fair fair point I that’s what I’m saying understand well too [ __ ] bad okay all right I get it choosing violence it’s very good okay Jesus Christ y’all are just running into my bullets Gordon’s having fun being a men this is great he’s off in his own

Little world fighting people what if you have a backpack please so I can steal it you already know my feelings about your singing I actually don’t kindly remind me this apple juice expired how do you feel about my singing H core how do you feel about my singing not another one

Come on I’ve already killed like Gordon hates it I actually love your singing voice but sometimes you do it at inconvenient times I do because I enjoy doing it I I do very much enjoy singing he’s just going to keep on going isn’t he yeah no nice try

Why why are you so mean to me okay I got to get I got to get something else stuck in my head would you like a suggestion sure all right you want one in a different language or English English I I only really know English like the only song that’s slightly not

In English is des despacito and I really only know it As if you listen to songs enough then you just start because all words are are just sounds in a specific okay every language Apple cheese jeans boots with the fur the fur the whole club was looking at her she hit the floor she hit the floor next thing you know

Anyways ever B say it again Cyclone Baby Bash you got a body moving like a cyclone that one yeah I do not know that one well enough my dad listen to it in the car whatever plac that’s great you guys you guys want to see how

Much I don’t need um uh copper I don’t bother to smelt it I don’t bother to smell you know what that is fre XP it Is is it sad that I know mostly country music list I know mostly country music country music is pretty good it’s what I it’s just what I was raised on really that’s oh my gosh I should check and see o I see theves has been downloading this entire time and it’s only at

48% big goof aren’t you a country girl though so of course you know country sugs listen I might have been raised around cows and horses but that doesn’t mean I’m a country girl technically technically no I I think you guys are delusional dulu um as one would say fine you can

Think what you want but the the truth I think your opinion is invalid your mama listen listen okay okay listen what about my I already forgot what the number of stairs is 8 16 24 32 + 4 is 36 yes so 36 oh my gosh yeah he is what a

Nerd can you call him a nerd for me and yeah give me a second thank you the only delusional one here is you blue thanks thanks I appreciate it um I am delusional I think I’m also delusional but just in the wrong way that’s fair I understand that

It be what it be would be would it be I feel like singing again but I don’t know what to sing that’s funny I don’t know it well enough I legit only know my body moves like a Cyclone do it all night yeah I know it but I not confidently enough to actually sing it other than a Mur I also do not know desit what you know um majority of all country music oh my goodness Um try to think of something there’s some pop songs that I Know um popong in my head like I know the genres but at the same time they all smell together head over my head over my to to Fix Over My Head by Echo Smith oh have you ever heard uh was it Mama broken heart oh yeah say my M broken heart actually I know majority of it from the beginning yeah I cut my bangs with some rky kitchen scissors I scream name to the neighbors Expense my M’s phone started ringing off the h Yeah I don’t know that one well enough I used you at a point in my Life broken heart I do know life is a highway but once again not as well is a High there’s a few that if you like if my brain can think of it I can sing the entire song but only a few others if I’m listening to the music I can sing the entirety of it oh yeah cuz then the the tune just reminds me of how it’s going

Yeah you I think I would have tried to focus more on having a music a career in music but it gave me anxiety oh there’s only like when you’re in school you do choir and when you can’t really read music well you don’t get far and never been able to I never I

Never learned Lear how to read music so I sort of learned I just also didn’t how so like I understood everything right okay but I didn’t know how to transfer that information into the singing portion oh okay so a lot of the times I would just go

Off of what I was hearing around me and then once I got the hang of it without my teacher like pointing at me I would just roll with it and so like a lot of times I’ve just didn’t think I do good in the music Atmosphere but I really do want to

Write music I want to sing but you know that’s not an opportunity I think I’m going to get anytime soon maybe later in life yes there’s so many years ahead of me you never know I am only only 21 I just turned 21 and December and majority of the time people

Don’t die until they’re in past their 70s so I got like 50 years ahead of me yeah singing professionally is hard I know I know that’s it’s it’s scary and even then like I would never do like like what school kind of taught want you to do which was like Broadway

Or just professional choirs or I do like pop music or country and a lot of the time those people write songs and then just add something to it or they make the melody first and then add lyrics to that and that seems easier than anything else but I’m still scared to do it

Expec I say some people I I think a lot more people live to 100 nowadays oh boy a lot more people live 100 nowadays my ins my ins have been did I really I wasted so much deep site doing that technically my hands are going to three

Okay I had to perform once for an event and I needed so much practice to make sure I was at the right pitch see but were you performing your own songs or like what was going on there because if you’re performing your own song [ __ ] if

Your own right pitch bro it’s your song [ __ ] it up [ __ ] it up yeah and like honestly when you perform live you’re gonna be nervous it’s gonna happen and then a lot of the times people when they’re nervous their voice cracks um I can vouch I’ve definitely had my voice crack on stage

Before I did theater it was covers see that’s the thing huh are you good at Discord am I good at Discord yes what does it mean if a friend request fails if a friend request fails um might possibly be blocked I don’t really know it was

Covers I don’t know either yeah I don’t know I mean a lot of I don’t get why like you’d have to do so much to be at the right pitch for a cover like the whole point is that you’re covering the song so it’s not going to be like the original

Either that or you have the wrong name is what uh core said who’s also pretty good at Discord we both used to be Discord moderators for another Server Well yeah it is a bit weird you going on the person profile and you sent them a friend request and then it it still didn’t do it oh then it’s probably being blocked yeah yeah because it does have the like possibly the name is wrong double check that the username is correct message Oh well I’m probably gonna get off and hit the hay okay so good night good night sleep well talk to you guys later yep bye o this like’s being blocked by someone you want to be friends with say nothing anyways I mean I definitely don’t think

I’d ever like want to perform on a stage if I did music though I think I’d probably stick to doing like covers in YouTube videos If I ever actually have the courage to like record and post them and if anything I try to do it when

I have like better cameras and and maybe a friend that knows how to play guitar or ukulele or maybe teach myself how to play Guitar ukulele who knows I have so many years ahead of me Max is probably going to join now okay case you can’t

Talk do you think he’s going to be a obnoxious I’m Sor the ways that make me mad at him maybe maybe okay we’ll force you to sing cover songs you don’t need to play an instrument for cover songs listen listen I know you don’t need an

Instrument but like a lot of times doing covers like it’s weird if you don’t have the music in some way so I’m got to play like karaoke from YouTube or some [ __ ] I don’t know either you guys can always force me to do it on streams and I will sing

Anything without music but I like if I’m doing a legitimate video no no I’d rather perish thank you very much company Christmas album next year finally going to happen it’s called headphones fine fine headphones I I just company Christmas album if we do a Christmas album I call doing [ __ ] either Jingle

Bells or Jingle Bell Rock okay okay that’s what I call cuz list listen listen mostly Jingle Bell Rock though I love Jingle Bell Rock jingle bell jingle bell jingle jingle bell jingle Swing I would do that I would absolutely do that Carol Bells no I joke about it every year it’s going to happen at some point see I can see you being able to convince me and then me being able to maybe convince a couple other people but Kyle you do

Realize we’re the only ones that are like M like have done anything musically music wise right well P might have because he he hangs out with his friend that does that does music but I’m pretty sure everyone else in in the company is not really music people I’m never making this deal with

You what this guy made a deal with said if she if she bought me the 3070 RTX graphics card I said she could Peg me he came back one day saw that in his uh computer oh God 370 and she has this look on her face oh

God I’m never making that deal with you I would never actually do it did you hear the joke Max no a guy made a deal with his girlfriend that if she could if she bought him the 3090 RTS they making him a it and he comes back one day from work

And sees in his computer wow that looks like a brand new RTX 3070 it looks over as girlfriend a girlfriend has that face he’s getting pegged and he doesn’t have a choice I would like to hear Eli sing though Kyle you have a point I am live just in case you are not

Aware Max I want to play fast with you guys we already played fast I do not want to open it again no she she got scared I’m sorry I have to hold it playing with me and Gordon and the twin oh wait it’s only four player yeah

If there’s a different method we use to play the game we have a sort of um doctrine of like no [ __ ] around these ghosts are to be beaten not to be OB like they are to be observed and beaten not to be scared of um and there’s a methodology to finding

Them then again I wonder what would happen if we got gav and to play this game you know after the raccoons uh he starts question like uh starts asking random questions and [ __ ] he’s like no stop none of this information would help what you can ask the ghost all sorts of

Questions and they’ll answer them no Gavin will just be like yeah they not gonna [ __ ] understand him either no he’ be like this ghost is SLU and then he’s start pounding on the walls where are you there one ghost named Ivan just one yeah and then he’s just be like like I Smith

No you guys are dumb we’re not dumb I think you’re dumb well big dum dum stupid idiot looking yeah bubblegum dum dum bubblegum dum dum looking ass that reminds me of [ __ ] high school thank you very much for making me feel young okay what are you playing Minecraft she’s playing Minecraft I’m playing

Breakpoint how are you oh wait what how are you playing breakpoint doesn’t say you’re playing it it’s through Ubisoft I don’t own it through Steam oh then I don’t think we could play no you cansoft games it requires you even if you have it on Steam to register with your Ubisoft

Account now you can play it through either so like I got Assassin’s Creed and Ghost Recon wildlands on Steam I owe you make a Ubisoft account sign in and it links it so you can play it on either okay so it’s never caused a single problem

For me she’s had a hard time but maybe it’s because it was Assassin’s Creed which is a bit old game you [ __ ] that are talking too much sorry I now owe my community a 24hour stream because I was mean to you wait when were you mean I literally called you [ __ ]

Idiots what do you mean when was I mean well I mean we did light a table on fire well actually that was the combin that you guys did light the table I literally said don’t light it on fire I closed the cap to the gas can and then I

Just see boom and the table’s on fire and I’m like oh [ __ ] and I throw the whole [ __ ] stove and I’m like and you’re just like for those of you that don’t have any context to this because we haven’t really talked about much when we went camping we were cooking with white gas

Aside from the campfire and as we were trying to figure out how the [ __ ] to get it putting white gas in we uh we spilled a little bit of it on the table but it was rain Gordon lit it on fire so I couldn’t tell what was white gas what

Was just wet table no no no and like I light at the [ __ ] stove and it to engulf the table in Flames so I was just thinking to myself like let’s see if this is white gas and I just flick the light just go and the entire table just

Engulfs some Flames I was like nice and then it hits me like a second later I like I need to move the [ __ ] stove right now that [ __ ] was gone Flames start like going over it and meanwhile Sky Gavin and Harris are over by the fire going you [ __ ]

Idiot and I’m just laughing myself like trust me folks I’m a professional it’s not a camping trip unless one of the two of us starts a extremely dangerous gas fire whether accidental or on purpose well it was fun though the thing is I I don’t believe any court system could

Identify whether or not it was accidental or not like there’s no no detective no one like there’s there’s no way to tell it was schro dinger’s accidental table schinger Gordon let the table shers who gave him the [ __ ] lighter fluid again hell that’s how we started the

Fire I was just like oh um the gas in this Lantern’s not good so I poured it out onto a log I was like Gordon see if this a light boom okay yeah let’s put on top yeah I actually thought it wasn’t going to work I was just like okay it’s

It’s dead gas because it’s been sitting in a basement since the 80s or something it was an old white Gas Lantern yeah it wouldn’t work well turns out I wasn’t using the valve right and then just as I figure out how the valve worked I lose

The gas cap so like it’s the whole Lantern’s useless that thing would have been nice that thing would have been a flood light in all directions but I lost the gas cap um but no that that white gas [ __ ] that camp G camp fuel whatever it’s called

Apparently it it’s it works very well um I’m not certain of the age of the gas and the lantern but uh dear God do I not want to use that [ __ ] again near you Gordon I mean you had to be on top of your game with that stove we had to be

Pumping that [ __ ] up honestly I think because of how cold it was we didn’t need to pressurize it as much as we did or maybe it wasn’t the temperature but like when we unseal the C it it released fuckload of pressure p that thing like every five six minutes

Giving it like four or five pumps yeah the way I’ll figure out the fine-tuning of it but like that thing that specific stove like you could tell how old that was when you picked it up like when you looked at it that thing’s probably at least 40 years old and it

Worked like a charm once we figured out how to use it right um the problem is the heat the the you know the pipe that sends the gas in has to get warm that’s why it would just straight up burn like a candle for a bit and then it would

Look like a stove um but it’s old warp I’m G make a bomb out of that they’re just nering out now we’re not learning out we’re talking about bad [ __ ] this is how our Stove Works Mage I want for Donald Trump that quote unquote man deodorant so bad what

It it’s supposed to smell like whiskey campfire and gunpowder just take the three of those and put them in a soap what yeah this so we’ll clean you and those things well the alcohol will kill [ __ ] but it depends on what whiskey you use like 35 proof or 35% eh l

Level where it’s like 15 50 is like that’s that’s minimum that’s how much it should be yeah no whiskey starts at like 35 I hate whiskey whiskey is like [ __ ] holy water to a demon for me if you come at me with a you know handful I have a thing of whiskey and

I’ve been like slowly chising away it it’s not my favorite in my opinion vodka goes down smoother and I’d rather drink that yeah I’m a whiskey G but whiskey honestly it mixes pretty good with like Dr pepper I feel like vodka wouldn’t but vodka would mix well with like more

Fruity things like lemonade or like orange juice or something like that vodka’s just the best you see it’s the best it’s hard now I may not like the Russians but they knew what they were doing when they made vodka I’ll say Rah is a good starter

That was that was what I had I can’t confirm exactly we watch the [ __ ] black pearl the other day it was fun the Black Pearl you mean Hearts caran one curse of black PE it’s a great um the um good when I was when I was younger I went to Burger

King with my brother and he was just like don’t have any of your Coke and then when we got home I had some of the Coke and he’s like wait snatches it pours some suspicious fluid into it he’s like try this and I was like tastes like

A Sharpie now was it Ramen Coke it was Ramen Coke and he told me that they it was going to happen one day and I knew that that was it I was like there’s no way this is that good and that’s how the obsession start no that’s

That’s how I became an alcoholic he honestly honestly alcoholic you have you have not had the curse I mean a blessing of being able to go out drinking with me because not only will I drink you under the table but I will drink myself under

The table by that I mean you’re going to have to roll me out out of the table and drag me into a vehicle and take me home see my hangover I don’t have one and me being boozed lasts like an hour so what I’ve always done is I drink until I

Start like feeling the boozing then I slow down a lot cuz if I know if I keep going I’m going to farm it but then I immediately lose the buzz and I’m just like okay I’m just gonna keep drinking but I don’t want that I want that good

[ __ ] I want it in me yeah you and me are cut from the same clock so I I [ __ ] once that buzz hits I slow down finish what I’m drinking or nurse a drink which would be like a beer or like something I can just sit and Sip and enjoy and then

Once the buzz wears off after like an hour 45 minutes like give me another one give me more do you want to know what the there’s like a fine tune percentage but my thing I think you should try this is get a nice tasting IPA if you like

IPA and then do two shots within 20 minutes so once Sam Adams an IPA I think um but Sam Adams [ __ ] um oh yeah do do Sam Adams like get about half that in you do a shot wash it down with some Sam Adams don’t have any I started I I had

Smearing off ice in my fridge because I wanted to try them and so I did that is a chaser to Whiskey I was like this is illegal this is a [ __ ] great oh yeah chasing to chasing with more alcohol is dangerous but if you’re like controlled

And you you’re like trying to pregame it hits you [ __ ] that that [ __ ] that’s how you start you know to start smooth you got to start hard you got to hit the ground running like me I’ll go balls deep starting off no oh my God then again

Um I’m also the kind of person where it’s just like if if the if a single drop crosses my lips I throw my keys to someone and I’m like do not give these back to me or take me home yourself so I’m semi- responsible but the tree just it looks

So friendly like it it looks like it wants a friend that is not does your car hug it I want to hug it while going at 50 miles an hour oh 50 nah you can survive that 50 you know you e that right uhhuh nothing um no

Um I remember there was this one I can’t remember remember tell you about my late uncle sheral they had the his his parents a funeral yeah my uncle and his parents died in like a very short amount of time um and he was the youngest of many siblings it

Was sad and so they all had the the funeral at the same time it was one big ceremony massive one and they came back to my house after and they cracked open this like legendary bottle of something I don’t remember what it was some scotch or something don’t trees if they start speaking

Vietnamese no them yeah you bur them that’s or you do what the Marines did is they had something called the thing I think it was the M8 thing it was just six m9a Bazookas strapped to the [ __ ] of a top of a [ __ ] tank to the [ __ ] of a tank

Yes to the F to the top of a [ __ ] tank but they didn’t load it with like they could load it with you know obviously any tank rocket but instead they s use something called beehive rounds which were just full of [ __ ] steel darts each one had like 10,000 and so everyone

Was like oh it won’t work and you just see this thing turn towards like the trees that start speaking and bo bo bo boom and they stops talking don’t tell Gavin about these dude but the we stopped using them a long time ago but the best thing was is on that you had

Those six bazooka rounds or Bazookas you then had one 50 caliber spotting rifle it was just a [ __ ] 50 caliber machine gun with tracers so you could like like these things weren’t aimed precisely you just had a turret that moved and angled and they just kind of hit somewhere in

That general direction you had that 50 cal machine gun full of tracers and they had 30 cal machine gun on it too so the Marines had 300 of them I think they brought them into Vietnam that’s one of the remembering reasons why they wouldn’t attack Marines is because they would just get [ __ ]

Obliterated well I mean that’s kind of what the Marines do exactly tempy soy [ __ ] everyone in that general direction as they send like 60,000 flut Chets in a general area I mean Marines are Rifleman you know first but like honestly Marines are like the shotgun of

Of the gun world like they’re just like the [ __ ] super hardcore suppressor get down in that trench sweep that [ __ ] that is they are the the shotgun of it you know it’s a shame when I hear it because there’s a bunch of U Marines I think they reservice

Technically uh Marine Reserves at the hotel I work at because the government’s there and they’re providing security or something I don’t know I really have no idea why they’re there but I feel like I should leave the call are we overwhelming it too much for your I feel like it’s a little too

Much okay I mean I can either shut up or know I think I’d rather you guys just keep talking so I’ll dip and come back come back when one of us dies got it oh that’s gonna be a long time well is there any gas in my room no

Is there any gas in your room Gordon uh there’s a canister of lighter fluid in my backpack yeah he’s going to die first yeah yeah he will oh no actually the lighter fluid’s in my backpack dumb [ __ ] set on fire actually no you can set me

On fire pretty easily by I I think it just doesn’t do a lot to me okay I’m Gonna Leave the VC I’ll feed his okay they don’t listen anyways um no good Jesus they took over like I don’t even remember the last thing I was talking about

Um did you know that there’s a mass amount of silverfish in my walls for some un Aken reason but right now I’m just focusing on trying to get as much of this mind out as I can oh now my shovel my shovel and my sword have broken now should make new

Ones let’s do that the boys get very much into it when they’re talking though it’s it’s very entertaining but sometimes it is also very overwhelming I would say one would say um and no no hate to them absolutely love them they just talk too much when they’re together that is when they’re by

Themselves they’re the quietest [ __ ] people I’ve ever met okay and that’s that’s that’s what makes it a little bit concerning just a little bit okay there’s Cobblestone over here of course there’s Cobblestone kind of like me and click H not really I mean you guys were good about talking on your

Own um they’re not they are they’re not good at talking on their own no dear Lord how hard it is to get Gordon to have a normal conversation with me sometimes like and I mean like as a couple we have our moments where we talk nonstop but

Sometimes he’s just he’s so quiet but his best friend comes around and suddenly he’s the loudest person and I don’t understand it it’s kind of unfair how much longer do you think this is going to take me not that much longer honestly a lot of it’s

Open I just I wanted to get this part done like since I started working on it well since I got a pickaxe decent enough to work on it earlier today which thanks to Kyle is he Stiller he is thanks Kyle not it’s a guy thing I wouldn’t be

Surprised no no more it is night time I’m going to go to sleep with the villagers my bad now [ __ ] no seriously the the guys are you guys are great they’re great but they are overwhelming at times a lot of people are overwhelming to me and honestly and it’s it’s because a lot

Of the times they talk about things things that I don’t know how to add on to or um meeting new people is overwhelming um poor villager yeah he just got kicked out of his bed and told to stay awake it’s my thing um what they do to be kicked out of their

Bed um they had the closest bed that’s what they did that’s all it was it’s all it took having the closest Bed I don’t like I don’t really so much I done until like like look at it I’ve done so much so much less for me to do ah this okay

Oh that’s oh it’s where the stair is maybe it’ll just will it break on the stair I didn’t think so it’s okay as an expert introvert what you do is focus on your own thing while people talk around you that’s what I did that’s what I just did with the boys

I was like but this feels a little bit like a stream takeover to me so I’m gonna like make a comment and then leave the VC I don’t know it’s funny to me this portion is easy to do because majority of it’s gravel it’s what I did when you did your

Thing back then but I did what is my thing I’m so confused what did I do I don’t understand Minecraft thing okay I feel like I there was a time in my life where I was maybe just a little more social and now I just don’t remember what that feels

Like because I I like I moved across the country to a place where I don’t know anyone that’s an emerald mine I don’t know anyone so I don’t have any people to meet in person and like hang out with and a lot of my internet friends

Stopped being as active as they used to be I don’t know I just things change you know it’s interesting I I like being social I do but I think I get more overwhelmed by it nowadays than I like used to it’s scarier than it used to be is what it

Is very scary being social part of growing up yeah you Kyle left oh no maybe he’s actually finally packing since he has a flight he has to catch tomorrow he also said he needed to finish a an assignment so I hope he’s finishing his assignment we’re going to do a little bit

More and then I’m going to sign off and actually go hang out with the boys and ask them some questions that I don’t want to ask on stream he personal L imagine doing homor and you’ve just exposed your IP to my YouTube channel I actually don’t know who that

Was gonna play a game then yeah I’m just gonna finish this little patch and then sign off for the night if you guys um if I stream Breaking Point another time and I’ve done a whole lot more you can’t say anything I’m probably Matic also I’m avoiding doing my lore so

Let me let me do everything but my lore okay well I’m signing on for the night you guys have a fantastic time um check out my YouTube shorts and keep an eye out for the new video and please please please subscribe okay mwah mwah MW be safe sa

Play your little games get some sleep

This video, titled ‘I got spooked then played block game’, was uploaded by BlueRainCloud on 2024-01-12 16:13:38. It has garnered 22 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:40:31 or 9631 seconds.

During The stream I played a few rounds of Phasmophobia with UlimitedSwag and Gordon. I then switched to minecraft and talked with a few people while working on my basement!

Join my discord to talk or play games with me

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Me Rifan

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  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

    Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!Video Information hello like And [Applause] subscribe nice hey [Music] okay oh my oh [Music] no no God go go go okay let’s [Music] go what wow yeah boy Yahoo oh my God yeah boy go go go yes yes yes [Music] yes [Music] Yahoo [Music] nice [Music] okay here we [Music] go [Music] M nice a few moments later [Music] nice go go go not bad not [Music] bad yeah boy yeah boy m [Music] m [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow go go go hey what what the oh my God yeah boy [Music] no God not bad not [Music]… Read More

  • Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️

    Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️Video Information if you install aquam maray into your Minecraft world you will experience a Bethesda style Quest and storyline to begin you need to visit the ice maze this location is filled with ships owned by pillagers that are trapped in the ice one of the ships will host the captain who drops to Shell horn which summons Captain Cornelia a ghostly boss with Unique Mechanics That Make Her difficult to defeat once you defeat her you can obtain items like the three bolt helmet and frozen keys the keys can be used to open Frozen chests found within… Read More

  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

    10x World's Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!Video Information and boom our swimming pool is officially done are you guys ready to have some fun in the sun Alexa you could have dibs on jumping in the pool first oh no I’m not jumping in that disgusting dirty umy pool what but it’s like a bajillion degre outside I am so hot and I spent a lot of time making this pool look at how big it is we can all fit inside no um this pool is too small and it’s dirty I hate it what it’s not that dirty there’s just a little bit of… Read More

  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

    Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid - Minecraft Tutorial DanceVideo Information en [Musique] haut en bas à gauche à droite allez maintenant tous ensemble en bas à gauche à droite This video, titled ‘#tutorial #minecraft #dance #15april #princesspuzzle #savetheprincess #funny’, was uploaded by Hermain. Hamid on 2024-05-24 18:50:44. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

    🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft ServerVideo Information yo everybody what is going on and welcome back to another episode of Sky Block ladies and gentlemen this is the brand new Sky Block series that we are going to be recording here on the channel I just released my brand new Sky Block server Venture MC yesterday so if you guys want to hop on and support the server it is absolutely crazy this this is going to be my best Sky Block series I’ve ever posted and this is truly the best Sky Block server I have ever been a part of so the IP… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

    Insane Minecraft Battle - Graidgaming Episode #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT character vs Animation | Graidgaming. episode #2’, was uploaded by Graid gaming on 2024-02-26 18:16:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to my channel: @Graidgaming Like and write a comment under this video. It makes me … Read More

  • Ahrne MC

    Ahrne MCWelcome to the pixelmon region of Ahrne! We hope you have a great time and stick around for a while. We have many exciting challenges and hope you are ready to Catch em’ all Read More

  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

    Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP, a modded SMP where you can live your medieval dream! Use your powers to assert dominance and expand your kingdom, whether it peacefully or through battle. You’ll find many different kingdoms over these ever-expanding lands, each offering their own trades and knowledge. Will you bring yourself as a heroic knight? Or an esteemed priest? Perhaps a necromancer, summoning minions from the dead. Bring forth your prowess NOW! Join our active Discord community to expand our horizons: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Golden Age

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Golden AgeBack in the old Minecraft days, we had to walk 15 miles in the snow just to find a single block of diamond. And we liked it! Read More

  • Basement Blues: Minecraft’s Fearful Muse

    Basement Blues: Minecraft's Fearful Muse In the depths of Minecraft, a voice did call, From the basement, a mysterious thrall. Heartbeat racing, down the stairs I crept, Into the darkness, where secrets were kept. The voice whispered tales of fear and dread, In the basement, where shadows spread. But I stood strong, my courage unfurled, Ready to face the mysteries of the Minecraft world. With each step, the voice grew near, Telling stories that filled me with fear. But I pressed on, determined to see, What secrets lay waiting for me. In the basement of Minecraft, a voice did speak, Of adventures and challenges… Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More