BluJay – First time LIVE in 7 Months! | Minecraft Let’s Play Bedrock | Stream 1

Video Information

Thank you foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign okay let’s see if I remember how to do this hey guys wow how long has it been um we’re back man I’m so happy to see all of you here I’m so happy uh just to see the excitement and uh the camaraderie of

Everybody coming back together this is just super exciting and uh I couldn’t be happier uh that’s a face and voice I’ve missed forget where the point there it is right there joining the dog man oh man have we got a lot to talk about

Most of all I just want to hear from you guys well uh we got no plan tonight we’re just gonna hang out we’re gonna play some Minecraft we’re going to go mining for a little bit go diamond mining we’re gonna do some sheep shearing sheep’s here on Tuesday

And uh we’ll just hear from you guys and see how you’re doing I mean maybe I’ll tell you a little bit about what I’ve been up to for seven months good gracious it’s been seven months since we last hung out together so guys it’s so

Good to have you back here thank you for coming how many people are here tonight already we got 87 people 87 people hanging out man I I just gotta say again hold on Timberwolf thank you for joining the iron tear appreciate it I just gotta say I was a little nervous yesterday

When I pulled the trigger on and on launching the uh the return video episode one and uh you guys just freaking blew my expectations out of the water very very excited thank you so much for the huge support all the comments all the likes all the views just everything it’s been awesome thank

You guys so much uh little red hand thank you for 12 months 12 months monster you were here the whole time I time I’m gone you’re like this guy’s probably not coming back but I’ll just keep my membership here just in case oh hey by the way this just this just showed up

It’s got my new logo on it I’m gonna try not to tip it because it’s got Dr Pepper in it it’s got my pirate ship base from the Bedrock guide season one and uh it’s got hold on let me find it where’s he at there he is it’s me [Laughter]

I actually was inspired by my actual legitimate Minecraft cup that I use all the time and still have used for the last seven months even though I wasn’t playing Minecraft I still use this Minecraft cup every day I just couldn’t get away from it couldn’t do it Shadow thank you for

Joining the diamond tier good grief and in me one of the the new hats they are so sick yes I so before I relaunch the channel I re redid All of My merch uh just because I have a new logo and I didn’t want to keep the old one around

If we were going to use a new one right so uh new hats new shirts new cups uh new water bottles new everything and I’m gonna be switching it out relatively often like this is probably my favorite completed base that I’ve ever had because it’s probably the only completed base I’ve ever had

Um but as we get some more things done in the let’s play Bedrock world I’m gonna be updating the Tumblr with like some new builds and stuff because I got some cool stuff in store for you guys you’re gonna love it it’s gonna be really exciting so

Wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait I’m confused what is what is SF Shadow just sponsored mean Scott Heller just sponsored what does that mean I’m so confused like I don’t know the new YouTube lingo does that just mean you joined the membership or did you sponsor somebody

To join the membership I’m confused guys yeah so new logo new feel new ideas new exciting things coming down the road 109 people here already hanging out and we’re just getting rolling man come on thank you new stream Labs I don’t know what that means I have no idea

I have no idea so Mike back to this my cup came today it was on my doorstep at like 6 45 this morning I wasn’t expecting it to get here until a little later today but it was here when I woke up so I’m happy

Um I have uh a t-shirt that I ordered for myself I ordered my boys a couple T-shirts as well and uh what else did I get I got a couple new hats for myself with my new logo so this is probably the one of the last times unless we just

Feel like being a throwback throwback Thursday stream or something uh last time I’m gonna wear the old logo for a while uh because my my new hats are gonna be here hopefully tomorrow or Thursday I hope if you haven’t seen the new logo yet then just look somewhere on the channel it’s there

Guys wow who all has not seen the video from yesterday yet anybody all right I’m loading into the world here but I’m keeping my camera only for a minute uh because I’m actually standing inside the build for episode two it’s done I finished it last night

I’m gonna look at it really quick just just because I can oh oh it’s so good yes it’s so good oh I love it hey hey blue jay awesome to hear your deuce and tones and see your bearded face once again the beard is still here man it’s still here

Still here I think I watched it twice Iris thank you for watching the video twice it’s incredible all right here here we go let’s get into the game hey we’re here in the branch mine which you can see we haven’t done a whole lot yet we’ve got

That row started and I think we did one more there’s there’s a row and there’s a row we did a little bit of diamond mining we did some Diamond binding for my episode two which you know obviously you’re getting spoilers here we got full diamond right do you like that you like that

Uh I I actually just uh just made that about a month ago and actually to be to be honest I made it with my old logo and then I’m like I want a new logo so I had to like swap out the the transition a little bit but thank you

Minotaur for the 25 blue jay is back welcome back you have truly been missed by so many people me being one of them thank you so much I’ve missed you guys too so much for real um hold on there was one question about patreon uh is your membership patreon

Only uh so patreon and YouTube members have the same Rewards uh it’s I’ve honestly just set it up to be simple uh that’s one of the things we’ll talk about tonight I’ve set it up to be simple so that it’s simple for me and fun for you right so uh all of the

Tiers are the same the prices might be slightly different between YouTube and patreon just because uh YouTube does not let you set custom prices there’s like preset that you can select from a drop down menu so I got them to match as close as possible for most tiers uh but

Basically you’ve got like membership of the infinitry server only and then from there up it’s like membership of the infinitry and an armor stand in the world with iron armor or an armor stand with diamond armor or an armor stand with netherright armor or a villager named after you uh some simple

Things that I can easily put in the world that will uh be a way to remember and thank you for your contribution to the community and um and it’s just something that I can easily easily do without getting too distracted that was one of the things

That I was like when I came back I was like really stressed about the patreon stuff and I’m like how can I keep this simple like how can I just simplify this because I know like you guys are generous you want to help with the community and and support the continuing

Endeavors here uh but I wanted to make sure that I was it was keeping it simple because I didn’t want it to be a stressor to where I became overwhelmed and then that became a thing I had to focus on all the time uh oh so that’s

One of the things that I wanted to mention I used to have a uh bring a friend option to the the Minecraft server the infinitry server uh that is going away it’s already gone from patreon uh but any existing bring a friends are going away uh end of January just again to keep

Things simple and I didn’t raise the price back up to where it was before I just left it low I left it at like two bucks like two bucks to join the infinitry uh and that way if you want to sponsor a friend you can still technically do that just on a separate

Account so um yeah simplifying everything so I can focus on creating content and being efficient with my time being responsible with my time and all of that yeah that was a big rabbit Trail based on a question about patreon but yes patreon YouTube memberships they’re the same just two different ways to join

Hmm so glad it’s not on Subs only I don’t really do Subs only like I want everybody that joins the chat and joins the streams to subscribe like I would love that it would be fantastic if you did am I missing things I think I left some Redstone back here somebody

Probably said something uh I want everybody that watches to subscribe but I’m not gonna limit my chat and Community experience just to people that have subscribed so some people just want to test the waters first and I get that that’s fine message email I have to set my back up

Again hey if you want to is mad lad here what’s up dude have you been over your break oh my gosh if I’ve been so good man I like I took I probably took a solid two months where I didn’t play Minecraft at all after I quit like the last live stream

That I did back I think it was like June 4th 5th something like that the last live stream that I did it was two months later the next time I played Minecraft like I didn’t check out any of the new update stuff I didn’t care I was just like you

Know what I gotta be done if I’m gonna be done I’m gonna be done and I took two months off and after a couple months of playing like OverWatch and Destiny uh I was like oh man I really got the urge to be creative again I just poked my head inside of

Minecraft world for a little bit and I played on my old let’s play Bedrock World from like the original season which I’m not even calling a season it’s like it was like an experiment I didn’t get much done holy smokes tex-medic what the heck thank you so much welcome back blue we

Missed you missed seeing you around so glad to have you back I’m so glad back I can’t talk I’m so glad to be back too thank you that was huge huge Ralphies thank you so much for joining the diamond tier membership uh yeah I just I took I took several

Months off and then I I played like twice I played Minecraft twice and I’m like yeah that was fun but I’m still not ready for that let’s go back to Destiny and OverWatch I bought one today we’ll see how long it takes for me to get it takes it to get to Mexico

Yeah dude I hope uh I hope it gets there quick thank you so much I did see your message about the cup oh man yes words are hard words are very hard um but yeah so I I just had a really good time playing Destiny and OverWatch

With some of my uh in real life friends back in Ohio where I used to live uh we just we just played video games together and I took nights off like just to hang out with my my wife we watched a bunch of different TV shows and you know

Played some video games like oh gosh there were so many nights that we just sat on the couch and played she played Animal Crossing and I played something else because I’m not a huge fan of Animal Crossing myself like it’s okay but I’m like I’m gonna play something else

I think I played Lego Star Wars well while she played Animal Crossing and we just hung out it was fun it was good it was good to just not have any stressors after I got off work it was like time to focus on uh family and hanging out and

Not rushing back to the desk to jump onto Minecraft though uh uh I don’t know how to say your name I’m gonna call you int C4 oh Henrik I know I know who you are and Rick thank you so much joining the iron tier um but yeah so that was good

Um there was just some other things I won’t go into great detail about this uh but there’s just some other things that I’ve been kind of like dealing with personally uh and have been dealing with personally for a long time uh just some things deep down inside then I’m just like

I probably should work that out so over the last seven months I’ve actually uh it’s actually just been since October I actually started seeing a counselor to just kind of talk through some things that I needed to work through and that’s been really healthy for me and has

Allowed me to kind of open up about some things that I didn’t really know were like right down in there um and then we had this uh Bible study at our church it was called uh uh well I don’t know I don’t want to say what it’s called because I don’t want

You guys know where where I live but we’ll just say it was a Bible study in my church and basically it was it was on uh um working through some of again it was like a Biblical approach to counseling it was like working through some issues

That you’ve got going on and like one thing that I had uh that I was working through was like this anger and I’m like didn’t really know I was an angry person because you probably couldn’t tell from my live streams uh but it actually it was really kind of weighing me down in

Some ways and so I had an opportunity to work on myself had an opportunity to uh kind of talk through some of the things that have been the root of that issue and uh it’s just been awesome it’s been awesome to kind of grow as a person and

Uh have a healthier outlook on life healthier mindset and a healthier outlook on the work-life balance uh because that was one of those things that was uh also just kind of dominating my life as well so yeah we’re in a much better spot I’m excited I’m happy I feel light as a feather

So it’s good we’re all good Wayne’s World thank you so much for joining the infinitry 50 bucks and I’ll tell you where the no green dare No Gray actually doesn’t know where I live he does Tex you got a warning what you get a warning for

I need a building life balance KD what’s up dude Katie was texting me pictures earlier well not texting discording uh pictures earlier of his uh his port on his kingdom series that he’s finishing up Top Notch super cool stuff if you haven’t seen killa’s uh kill a drone KD

If you haven’t seen his videos worth a look he’s a fantastic Builder he likes to be hard on himself and say he’s not that good but I think he’s really good got warned about emojis oh man stupid Bots I’m sorry it’s been seven months and I still haven’t fixed the Bots

I’ve had all this time and I haven’t done it uh I was building a new base in my friend’s realm do you have any suggestions for how to start buildings uh Yes actually this is one thing that I was gonna talk about tonight as well uh open up a flat creative testing world

And just start building for me I had to start thinking about okay what practical things do I want early on in the world and uh what fun things can I do to build around those and uh so I’ve got a I’ve got a an app an application called Trello uh it’s

Actually a web app where you can download like an app on your phone or whatever it all syncs across the cloud uh but I it’s basically just an ideas board you can drop ideas you can drop links to pictures articles things you’ve seen online uh and take notes and then

Just start compiling a list of ideas and so that’s what I did the entire month of November uh was I I populated my Trello board with ideas and then I started organizing them into okay what’s episode one gonna be what’s episode two gonna be what’s episode three gonna be and I got

Actually I’ve got like the first 20 episodes planned solidified I know what I’m doing for the next 20 episodes and then after that I started going through one by one building them in Creative testing worlds uh now I don’t have all 20 of them built but I have

General ideas of what I’m gonna do and I’ve got about half of them already completed which is kind of crazy we found diamond look at that whoa ah so in order to get good ideas for a base just start writing them down and start thinking through practically what

You want to do and what sounds fun to you that was one of the things that I feel like I was missing toward the end of uh my last run at YouTube before I quit for seven months uh I I was really missing the fun aspect of Minecraft I

Was like okay I got this Elven Village that I’m gonna do um that’s the idea what am I gonna build inside Elven Village I don’t know and so I was going week to week not knowing what I was going to build next I had General ideas what I kind of wanted

To do but had no idea how to execute it no idea how to pull it off and so spending all of November and half of December uh just building and planning in a creative testing world has freed me up just to have fun playing Minecraft because I know exactly what I’m gonna

Build I have a way forward and uh yeah yeah it’s gonna be fun it’s gonna be a good idea Katie says I’m not a great Builder I’m just too stubborn to give up hey sometimes persistence makes greatness right General ideas [Laughter] is this seriously oh okay we found five

Diamonds so far I was like have we found enough diamonds to even replenish this pickaxe once it’s dead never give up never surrender so I’ve I’m kind of taking a new approach to Tools in Minecraft can I tell you what I’m what I’m gonna do at least early game

I have a chest full of all of my first tools uh actually these are not even my first set of diamond tools this is my first set of diamond armor because I don’t have enough to replace it yet but I’ve uh burned through almost an entire diamond pickaxe already on uh episode

Two’s build and I’m gonna I’m not going to fix it I’m not gonna repair it I’m not gonna do anything with it I’m gonna leave it in a chest and then find a place to put it in the world somewhere on display and that that’s gonna be that so now

That I have like this diamond sword this diamond shovel ax pickaxe Etc I’m also not gonna worry about repairing these because I feel like it takes too much effort to repair tools for what it’s worth early game so I if I get mending before this pickaxe breaks ain’t gonna happen

Uh then I’ll put mending on it and keep using it but if if not I’m just gonna use it until it breaks and then I’ll move on to the next diamond pickaxe I’m Not Gonna Keep like 500 pickaxes around just to finally repair them someday because there’s so many diamonds in the

World once we get villagers it’s going to be pretty useless to go diamond mining unless we want to build with them or like just stockpile uh so that’s my approach to tools I’m gonna use them until they’re dead and then once we get mending we’ll use them until I fall into lava right

Hey I sent you a quote like that the other day uh we are what we repeatedly do therefore Excellence is an act it’s a habit yeah killadrone has actually dropped some knowledge on me in the last couple of days and uh it’s giving me some stuff to think about for my

Approach to YouTube and life and setting goals and all of that toasty Puma what’s up brother good to see you uh do you dive mine what is dive mining Crown can you explain what that is to me I don’t think that I know wait until the one by one hole shows up

Yeah that’s coming what’s your plan for this world oh I got tons of them but I’m not gonna tell you yet all right what I will tell you is this episode one we built a jungle ruins crop Farm and in my uh I’m coming back video that that

I released if you if you guys saw that cool if you didn’t I’ll just basically tell you the gist of it it was only a minute two minutes long something like that um hold on ah no agree um okay so nogri I I tested my alert box

For like this the stream alerts and stuff and it worked but I don’t know why the creepy explosion is not working is it redeeming it is it taking your points are they broke dang it I just put in a bunch of new sounds too poop hold on one second give me give me

One second and then we’ll go back to what I was talking about I’m just pulling up stream Labs here so I can see if cloudbot is even turned on Cloud about yes it’s turned on loyalty did I spell it wrong I don’t think so I mean like you guys are getting points

The cloudbot’s working hold on hold on hold on hold on don’t mind me just doing nothing okay try it again [Laughter] is it gonna work this time is it gonna work hmm anybody anybody want to throw a creeper sound at me for science there it is but I don’t want it to show

Up on the the screen how do I keep it from showing up on the screen let’s see redeem via chat it doesn’t have an option for me to not have that show up what hold on foreign somebody try it one more time please the creeper one specifically just move that later

Well I can’t move the layer down Eric because then it’ll hide the donation alerts as well and we want to recognize people for donating we don’t want to I want to not do that the blue jay is alive that’s right JD I’m here I’m back is it gonna work That didn’t work that way hold on Okay I’m not gonna spend so much time on it tonight I will just I’ll just not worry about it okay okay I’ll try not to look at the notifications on the screen they are all the way over here so unless I see them out of the corner of my eye you’re

Probably safe to scare The Living Daylights out of me anyway back to what I was talking about I was talking about plans for this world stop it no one actually got me um I was talking about plans for this world right and uh uh if you saw episode one we built a

Jungle ruins crop Farm and I mentioned in my I’m coming back video that I’m not gonna have like a base but that doesn’t mean that I’m not going to have themed areas and kind of like mini bases that we can keep coming back to again and again and again uh so

Excuse me good gracious I need some water um so you’ve already seen the jungle ruin crop Farm so jungle theme is going to be our first area and we will be in the jungle for about I think the first six episodes and then after that totally shifting gears something entirely different

You’re gonna get me you’re not gonna get me with a phantom a hundred feet underground come on you gotta try harder than that um so yeah after episode six we’re gonna leave the jungle we’re gonna go somewhere entirely different with an entirely different set of builds and themes and we’re gonna

We’re gonna sit there for five six seven episodes as well then I believe we’re coming back to the jungle again for a couple episodes to do a few more things uh that fit better in this area than anywhere else that I have planned so far and then I think closer to around

Episode like 18 to 20. we’re moving into a third location uh to build an entirely different theme in entirely different location so it’s going to be rapid movement we’re not going to stay in one place for too long and that’s not to say that we won’t come

Back it’s not to say that we’ll leave things unfinished uh navdas Hey thank you so much for joining the diamond members welcome back brother uh so yeah we’re gonna be shifting around the world and it’s a different approach to Minecraft than I’ve done before and I don’t know if anybody else

Plays that way if they do please enlighten me but like the common thing for people to do honestly is to like stick to one area and just build there and make that their home until the season is over and then uh you know a year later they’ll start season two

And season three a year after that and it’ll be just like focused on one thing what I found is I get bored doing that and uh I kind of get stressed thinking about oh gosh I’ve already built like the same thing four times in this area

What am I gonna do different this time and if I just leave if I just go somewhere else and do something entirely different and allow me to stretch my creative brain my my creative muscle then it opens up the opportunity for me to come back with fresh ideas so oh

Controller Play Hold On actually stole this idea from prowl I’m not gonna lie I got a I’ve got an Xbox controller that I haven’t used in probably three years I have used it I know that it works here we go we’re gonna play with a controller for five minutes

Oh my gosh this is gonna stink it’s a good thing I’ve been playing uh Minecraft on the switch with my boys okay here we go controller play you ready oh my gosh okay that’s Crouch that’s jump I should I should have tested this before the stream started laughs

Oh man I can’t use my hotkeys this is horrible speaking of prowl any plans for a crossover no I don’t have any plans for uh doing anything like the Bedrock guide again or doing any collaborative like single or multiplayer worlds or anything like that uh I will do like one-off

Things with other creators if opportunity presents themselves but no I don’t have any plans to go back to like the guide or anything like that I just want to focus on this world and you know honestly this is pretty much gonna max out my time for survival

Um because I’m not coming back to YouTube with the same like fire and drive oh my God it’s the ward and I’m like what is that is that Thunder it’s the warden I’m not coming back to YouTube with the same like drive and fire that I had before uh to like I’m

Gonna create content five six nights a week I’ll stream three nights a week I’ll record and edit the other nights and we’re just gonna we’re gonna crank it out my mindset is 100 coming back to have fun hanging out with you guys pushing out highest quality content when

It’s ready uh and you know what if it takes a week and a half to put out a video it takes a week and a half to put out a video we’re just here to have fun hang out I just say that Minecraft is what 30 million blocks in either Direction

Staying in one location is pointless yeah it’s true like let’s explore the world a little bit let’s see some sights let’s stretch our legs and you know what like this is a single player world I’m I’m the richest player in this entire world I own all the resources I own all the

Land nobody owns more than me in this entire Minecraft world I’m basically the Elon Musk of let’s play Bedrock right I can do whatever I want I can go wherever I want I can build whatever I want whenever I want so we’re gonna do it we’re gonna we’re

Gonna stretch her legs We’re not gonna stay put Chi blue why are you upside down I took that uh I took that oh no hello don’t you worry we’re not going any further this direction that seems like a horrible plan I’m just gonna take a picture around hey look there’s shriekers right there

Are there any uh are there any sensors though skulk skulk sensors I don’t see any over here I don’t know I’m not gonna mess with it though I ain’t doing it I’m going back I’m going back not with a controller also impressed that blue has managed to

Make all of the joint popping sounds not come through the mic hold on look look look did you hear any of that let’s go controller Warden encounter would be so entertaining though what headset do you use okay so this headset I’ve had for I want to say I’ve had this headset for

15 years I’ve had it for so long it is uh AKG I was like who what’s the company that makes this it’s an AKG k240 headset and uh yeah it I mean it works great the only problem with it the only problem with it is it’s uh it’s

Got a wire on it I wish it was I wish it was Wireless but you know what good quality sound with a wire that’s fine I do have like this uh I just dropped it on the floor I’m not gonna get it I’ve got a j Labs uh

Bluetooth headset as well uh that I was gonna try to use for Content creation but it doesn’t work very well but it works great for like if I’m just playing by myself and don’t want a wire hanging out in front of me um if I’m not going to be using the

Microphone or anything like that uh it works great for like meetings for work and things like that so I’ve got a couple different headsets but this is the one that I primarily use for Content creation and the like wired headsets for the wins for the win I know

Wireless headsets often suck it’s kind of true it’s kind of true I preferred wire I prefer wired can’t be bothered with battery changes so the the jlabs headset that I have it’s like super super cheap for a Bluetooth headset like I I just want something simple I want

Something that I can just like play video games and go to meetings and um it only cost me like 50 60 bucks I think something like that the battery on that thing is unreal I when I first got it I used it like all day every day for

10 days before the battery was dead it was insane absolutely insane Lord help you if you get a heads with the microphone there’s almost none that are Wireless that have a mic worth anything oh yeah the jlabs headset that I have that has a mic on it

It’s garbage it works fine for teams calls for work but that’s about it anything else it’s hot trash hey blue chat wants to know if you’ve died yet that’s for me to know and you and you to find out hot trash for teams calls too uh I mean it really is but like

Who needs best audio quality for teams called it lasts 30 minutes you know you just need to be able to talk in here has it been five minutes yet feel like it’s been five minutes Blick in the next minute if you did die oh sorry I just had something in my eye

That was neither confirmation nor denial of any said death in this world all right I feel like it’s been five minutes we’re going back to going back to mousy now seeing keyboard oh so much better uh 199. can we get it can we pay to get a death count salty and Piper foreign

Okay I will tell you the truth in as few details as possible yep I’ve died once I’m not gonna tell you how you’re just gonna have to watch episode two all right died once and it was the stupidest way I could have died I’m so mad about it

Nope it was not a one by one hole probably jumped into lava that’s your signature I’ll just let you guys keep guessing I will confirm it’s not a one by one hole you’ll you’ll just have to wait and see in episode two if it’s lava or not or something else hundred dollars to me and I’ll let you know how yeah I’ve already told no gree so if you

Pay no GRE a hundred dollars he’ll tell you personally how it happened fine water creeper then man I am not had too great a luck with diamonds so far on this excursion no joke when I was recording my video uh my episode two for diamond mining I found like 35 diamonds in about

40 minutes so far we have five diamonds to our name and we’ve almost burned through this whole pickaxe watch me fall into lava now that’d be hilarious right not gonna happen oh man all right I guess we’re gonna have to do nogri’s favorite thing it’s gonna litter

Your lava down there oh see see this is why you don’t stand on top of the block you’re mining it’s like in those cartoons where they’re like sitting on a tree branch and they saw off the wrong side of the tree branch and they hang there for about 30 seconds

And then they fall it doesn’t work that way it doesn’t work that way in BLB no locks no blocks left behind you’re right they actually just fell into lava they’re dead now they’re gone mods times me up for answering Blues question hey more diamonds

Hey if my mods timed you out I’m sure it was for good reason I’m just saying they don’t they don’t just time people out Jim hey blue long time no see what’s up we’re back oh I hear you I hear you zombie Mod’s own chat I don’t question anything my mods do ever

Hand-picked you asked me how to dive mine oh okay well how do you do it put it in chat one more time it was probably because you were spamming it too many times I must have missed it I’m sorry put it in chat One More Time mods don’t don’t

Mute him for this time oh I promise I’ll read it he should question us he decided to mod we decided to mod for him so clearly or not a sound mine I’ll write it down okay to dive mine you swim into a horizontal hole then get the water and you can swim

In a one by one hole it saves durability interesting not sure why he even modded me maybe so don’t get blamed for anything I don’t know I I question it every day I just need to on module aren’t you supposed to be in bed right now tired

Only prowl and Will are crazy enough to do that walking through Walmart watching Bedrock Good Times hey it’s just as good a place as any to watch some Minecraft right 14 minutes Blue staying up for you since you started early I appreciate it bro this music brings back memories oh yeah

Dude like I went back through and hand-picked my favorite songs from stream beats and then like picked a few additional that we didn’t really use before and so yeah we got the songs man the mods needed someone to blame so blue jay gave them someone to blame blame no green

It’s good it’s good you got a good amount of yours tonight I haven’t checked for a hot minute how many people are here right now oh my gosh there’s almost 200 people in here why are you here watching me play Minecraft wow hi everyone hit the like button everybody

Hey can every anybody go uh go click on the video from yesterday and tell me the like account how many likes we got on it I set a challenge for anybody that watched the video to hit the like button and if we hit 1 000 likes on the video

I would go raid an ancient city in episode two now episode two is all but finished at this point I’m just kind of waiting to see if we hit that thousand like challenge if uh if we do I’ll go read the ancient city if not we we gave it a good old try

Last time I checked it was just under 700 which is absolutely absurd to me they’re 683 thank you so much pure Fallen Angel s and nogri and Aaliyah and Ozark everybody that said 683 thank you uh yeah so we’re still uh we’re still about 300 shy of that goal

So we’re close we’re close but I’m just I’m just I’m still blown away like I left for for seven months and we have a video that people have liked 700 times that just makes no sense to me like why are you guys still here

Why do you still like me I left you for seven months laughs it just wouldn’t let me like the video more than once well you gotta unclick it and then re-click it um it’ll subtract the other click and add the next one but at least you tried so

Is it too bad for you you can’t cash in Chipotle for points no joke earlier in the year I think it was like March time frame I got an email from Chipotle saying I was in the top 0.5 percent of Chipotle rewards members that seems like a problem

Wait there’s no really okay calling it a night now glad you’re back good night everyone blame Westie is now in effect goodnight No Gray thanks for hanging out brother jumpy hello how are you doing everybody spam some emotes for jumpy Jumpy’s the one that made the emotes so everybody spam the emotes

Your channel once or twice a week to see if there was a post saying you were coming back it’s for a little bit hope to catch you here again another time so what world is this this is the brand new let’s play Bedrock world we just started it well technically I

Started it early December which is when I recorded episode one and uh we’ve been slowly uh working our way through getting geared up here so episode one dropped yesterday we have uh jungle ruins theme going on to start well actually we’ll pop over there here in just a little bit I plan

To go do some sheep shearing in just a little while so actually as soon as this pickaxe breaks we’ll probably head over there for a little while maybe we’ll come back down to the diamond mines a little later tonight uh to see if we can try our luck

Again but for now we haven’t got much this is this world is Blue’s latest project to start and not finish I mean I do deserve that like that is my reputation unfortunately but this time I’m gonna start and not finish it because I’m just gonna play in it forever right

Here’s kind of my other idea for creating content and staying motivated so YouTube is a weird animal like YouTube really really really really likes consistency the algorithm algorithm likes consistency so if you’re uploading once a week it wants you to upload once a week or it’s going to stop recommending you

So there’s this like unspoken pressure to be consistent and I mentioned in my my coming back video uh that the consistency was kind of the enemy of creativity and progress and fun for me because I was so focused on pushing out that next video pushing out that next live

Stream uh that I forgot to have fun with Minecraft in a sense and so I’ve spent a bunch of time planning getting ideas and there goes the pickaxe uh and building a bunch of those ideas in a creative testing world so that they are ready for videos when those videos should arise

When I and I say win because it’s probably gonna happen sooner or later I’m gonna try to keep up as much as I can but when I finally hit that backlog when I finally build my last build that’s in my creative testing world and I say I have nothing left to build

That is when I will take another break it won’t be seven months I promise but it also will not be I have to throw something together to get a video ready for next week what it’s probably going to look like is I will take a break at that point for a month

And YouTube is gonna hate it they’re gonna be like why are you not pushing out your uh your every eight days video that you always do right when I run out of ideas YouTube algorithm who cares it’s fine we’re here to have fun right

So if I run out of ideas and I’ve run out of of builds that I know that I can push out and are of quality and fun I will take a break probably for a month where I will do nothing in Minecraft but sit in my creative testing world and

Start building stuff again to build up another backlog during that time oh hold on hold on I almost just spoiled my build for you hold on no you cannot see it you cannot see it you might have just seen the interior but you’re not going to see the exterior

The exterior is a real special part the interior is fine um but actually let me um can you kind of used to this here real quick I want to toss some of this in here um yeah so if I run out of ideas I’m gonna take a month I’m gonna start

Building some things building up another backlog of creative ideas and fun ideas that we can build in Minecraft man I just I oh man I just I might have to fix a few things in here um during that time I will not be focusing on any videos there will be no

Video content being released but I will still try to live stream about once a week I would think so that way one I can produce the best quality content that I can for you guys two I don’t feel like I’m overwhelmed and stressed and have to push something out just for the

Sake of pushing it out and then we uh we keep this YouTube thing rolling because we’re excited we’re planned up again and we’re ready to go so yeah it’s it’s the general plan for right now we’ll see what happens we’ll see where it goes

But here we are we’re back at the uh the starter area almost got me I saw the notification all right are you open to any suggestions 100 like Okay so again I’m not gonna spoil anything for my future of this world because I want to leave it open handed just in

Case I want to change some plans this is my first build right we did this in episode one this is the junk oh no GRE told me to slow down when I was spinning in the video he’s like don’t spend so fast uh this is my episode one crop Farm

It is a jungle ruins crop Farm I’ve got some lore behind it a little story about why this is here in the world and I’m gonna try to do that for every build at least that I do in this area fun it adds to the the experience and

The reason why we’re building things right uh so we’re going to build in this area for five to six episodes and then uh we’re going to move to an entirely different location and the new location is going to have like a completely unrelated theme and I can’t really talk about it yet

Because I don’t want to I don’t want to spoil it but let me just put it this way I’m open to community suggestions and I’m open to any idea any theme could be anything you can think of because we’re gonna like just build ridiculous stuff and have fun in this world right

I can understand why blue wants to spin fast the dress doesn’t flare out if you spin slow oh my gosh I’m not gonna twirl for you on the camera so uh I will say this though YouTube chat for live streams is probably not the best place to suggest builds

Uh because as you can see already we got 202 people here and a lot of you guys are chatting can we at least get a curtsy no stop it uh a lot of you are already chatting and it’s easy for me to miss the suggestions so the best place to leave suggestions

Is either in the comment section of a video because I do read every single one of those and I try to reply to as many as possible uh or join my Discord community and leave the suggestion on the let’s play Bedrock Channel uh and that way I will go back and be

Able to see that after the live stream is over so 100 Community suggestions are welcomed I would love to hear your ideas oh my gosh that actually freaked me out um yes leave the suggestions we’d love to hear it this horde of uh zombified piglens here Chris P bacon you’ve already seen it there he is we’re keeping this guy okay we’re keeping that guy he’s gonna become a pet somewhere in the jungle I don’t know where yet I don’t have a I don’t have a home for him yet but the rest of these guys are gonna go okay

This is Challenge number two for episode number two I’ve already mentioned it in the video that has not been released yet so you’re getting a little preview here’s the challenge The Challenge from episode one was the ancient city raid which is still up in the air as to whether we’re gonna do it

Or not we’ll have to see this is Challenge number two if we hit X number of likes I haven’t determined what that’s going to be yet we’ll see if we hit X number of likes I will break this fence right here I will punch one of these guys

And then I will fight them all off and only leave where’s he at where is he where is he at where’s my friend hello I don’t know where he is we’re gonna leave crispy bacon alive it’s gonna be hard to do because they’re all gonna be coming at me especially crispy bacon

That’s Challenge number two we’ll punch all these guys if we hit a certain number of likes and fight them all off and try to leave crispy bacon alive and then we’ll give him a home in the jungle it’s gonna be ridiculous it’s gonna be stupid it’s gonna be so fun oh

Man all right so we’re over here in uh where I’m kind of calling my jungle starting base area oh I had to check for a second I’m like it’s getting darker they’re actually Phantoms out right now see look here’s all my first tools and armor we’re gonna toss the the diamond

Armor in there as soon as we have enough diamonds to replace the the current I’ve got some shears we’re gonna Shear some sheep share some sheep for a little bit uh because I need a ton of wool for a future project down the road I don’t oh I don’t know where to put

This stuff ah we can do here let’s put it there for now it’s fine we’ll we’ll reorganize later but yeah I again I’m telling you guys I have planned so far ahead that if my release Cadence is what I think it’s gonna be I’ve probably planned out six months worth of content

To where uh I know exactly what we’re going to be building and making six months from now and I’m not mad about that I think that’ll keep me motivated and excited and uh one of the well not one of the several of the builds that we’re going

To be doing here in the next few episodes and in uh future area are going to require different colors of wool and we actually already have that wool selected and ready to Shear so we’re gonna do that for a little while tonight okay off my work call so you’re not muted anymore hey

You didn’t have to tell me I was muted I know you don’t listen to me anyway I’m actually really scared I’m gonna accidentally hit one of these guys or a creeper’s gonna blow up that fence it’s horrible so yeah this is your opportunity to ask questions in the chat whatever you want

To do whatever you want to say uh because literally this is all we’re doing right now we’re jumping around and cheering sheep we won’t do this as long as we went mining because I know this is not the most exciting thing in the world but it gives me an opportunity to talk

To you guys fine guys I’ll spoil all of his builds for the low price of a hundred thousand something black there are a few trusted people that I’ve sent screenshots of like pretty much every build that I’m gonna do to kill is one of those people I send him

Screenshots I’m like what do you think of this do you like it and he’s like it’s fine it’s Bedrock Edition you suck baby blue Peach thanks for joining the iron tier I appreciate it foreign puggy does know a few I broke my my shears oh no

I’ve tried to I’ve tried to only uh let a few people in on the the builds it’s a handful of people just because like I I’ve got an itch to show somebody I’m like oh look at this really cool thing that I thought of do you like it and

Kill is like it’s fine you suck but then it prevents me from you know blasting it to Twitter to the entire Community when I want to keep it a secret for now let’s do I would just throw it on Twitter and then you guys wouldn’t be surprised when the episodes came out

Remember if you need ancient city advice I’m a semi-expert team I’m gonna hit you up man I don’t know if you plan to build them what I’ve seen is cool wait you’re cheating on me I thought I was the I thought I was special on lowering your fights to 75 000 Subs Mike hello how are you doing Rocky hello how you doing all right let’s take a break and allow a few of these guys to regrow their wool here and we’ll deposit what we have you get to see I’ve actually already been doing this for a little while I spent like

Three hours the other night while I was just like watching Netflix sheer and cheap so there you go you’ve got a decent amount of wool already but I’m telling you I’m gonna build something massive that needs a ton of that stuff and a ton of that stuff and

Then another thing that’s massive that takes a ton of that stuff and a ton of that stuff one thing that’s not so big that takes those three and so on and so forth so we got we can sit some use out of this we’re gonna need a lot

Uh Lana thank you so much for joining the infinitry uh so anybody that has joined the infinitry tonight or anybody that’s joined memberships uh bear with us as we clean up the mess a little bit that is the allow list of infinitry there are people that are not part of

The community anymore that are still on the on the allow list and can get on the server and there’s people that probably should be on there that maybe I’ve overlooked and haven’t gotten to yet if you are just signing up tonight or you don’t have access to infinitry yet uh

Make sure your YouTube or patreon depending on what you sign up for is linked to Discord to your Discord account and then once it is you should get automatic access to the patreon channels on Discord there is a gamertag channel in the patreon only area drop your gamer tag in

There and we’ll get you on the allow list then you’ll be able to join the server play on infinitry not a big deal all right so it’s it’s a few steps on your part to get it done but once you’re there you’ll be on the world and be good to go all right

Foreign what’s good on Netflix right now okay so I have tried probably three or four times to finish The Walking Dead and I just like I had to take breaks here and there I watched it pretty consistently while it was still airing early on

Uh but then I just kind of gave up on it for a while but now that it like the show is officially over it’s done season 11 is finished uh I’ve been slowly working my way through that because I just I want to know what happens I don’t

Expect it to be anything groundbreaking but I just I want to know what happens so I’m watching through that right now I’m about halfway through season 10 I believe so honestly when season 11 hits Netflix I think next week or in a couple of weeks

Uh I should be able to burn through that relatively quickly and then honestly I’ll move on to something else I don’t know what yet it’s been I think it’s been over a year since the last time I watched through the Marvel stuff but I’m kind of getting the itch

To watch through Marvel again which is getting more and more of a challenge because they keep releasing more and more things but like oh that classic Iron Man The Avengers movies like everything up to in-game it’s like oh it’s such an experience I want to experience it again

Uh I never watched The Walking Dead while it aired but that’s not new fair enough uh that’s that’s pretty much the only thing I’m watching right now at least on my own uh my wife and I are watching Hell’s Kitchen a little bit here and there which is also an experience

Just like watching like and guessing what Chef is gonna like make it through the end and see who’s like oh yeah they’re definitely out they’re gonna be out of here in a couple weeks and then you’re like why are they still here we’re like four rounds from

The end and this person’s still here they’re terrible get them out have you watched any of The Walking Dead spin-offs I watched like half a season of Fear The Walking Dead uh I I do kind of want to watch it I haven’t seen any of the other spin-off stuff is it worth watching

Hi blue jay long time no see you sorry I’m late watching Game of Thrones hey nice welcome back Tammy welcome back to streaming yeah welcome back to watching the stream good to be here it’s been binging old Kitchen Nightmares all Kitchen Nightmares is so good such a good show Jay just pop

Killing you’re gonna make threats like that I was lost when you took the break not long after blue left yeah Killen and I kind of went on a Hiatus about the same time his his was shorter and more like sporadic mine was just like I’m done I’m out and I was gone for

Seven months true truthfully like I didn’t know what the future was gonna hold at that point back in June of 2022 I really was done like I really was gonna just hang it up and call it a day and that was it that was gonna be it

But uh I got into late October and I really started watching Minecraft videos again and getting the itch to play and like oh man this like I missed this it seems so fun and uh I thought about what it would look like to come back and I talked with my wife about it

And started making plans and here we are so it it honestly was a up to October time frame end of October mind you not even like early it was like the last weekend of October I was like yeah I’m still not coming back I’m enjoying just being off and

Living life so but here we are we’re back we did it beside the return of blue jay it has been a crappy start to the New Year I’m gonna put one of my fur babies down yesterday uh Happy New Year everyone oh I’m so sorry that’s that stinks that’s really hard

Hope you’re doing okay I know that’ll take a little while to heal and and be okay from that but hey it’ll get better so uh not to segue off of a a sad conversation there but speaking of fur babies uh that’s another thing that we have been up to uh

In the last seven months back in September August end of August uh circumstances aligned for us to uh get a bernadoodle puppy and she is absolutely adorable she is like just about six and a half months old now and is already like almost 60 pounds she’s gonna be like 70 to 90 probably

Puppy stream she’s probably in the other room right now she will not sit in my office anymore she used to sit in my office and just like lay on my chair mat and uh wouldn’t be a big deal now it’s like she will sit up against the door and

Whine because she’ll want to go out and like be around the house so most of the time she’s not in my office anymore I was a mod he ignored he ignored me more when I was a mod are you not a mod anymore why are you not a mod

I don’t feel like I unmodded anybody did you unmod yourself can you do that is that even possible it’s important to know that blue got her more or less on mole day awesome mod on Twitch okay do it has been so long since I’ve been on Twitch

It’s been years since I’ve been on Twitch foreign [Laughter] oh not at all not at all in fact like one of the things that we discussed when I started talking about coming back to YouTube was like still prioritizing family time and time with her at night and um you know it was important to me to

Keep that a priority and important to her to keep that a priority and so you know I’m I’m spending a little bit more time right now getting things up and running uh but like tomorrow and Thursday I won’t be at my desk after work after work is over I will be hanging out

With the kids and then I will be hanging out with a wife after the kids go to bed and for the next two nights I won’t even touch Minecraft not doing anything um and uh I’m I’m just kind of leaving my schedule open-ended yes I’m gonna stay consistent

Yes I’m gonna like get stuff done throughout the week but I’m also going to like have several nights in a row where I’m like tonight’s a hangout night like what was it it was like two nights before two nights before New Year’s Eve I had no plans I had no idea what was

Gonna happen in the evening and so I’m like maybe I’ll work tonight maybe I won’t uh we ended up watching the first Knives Out movie uh which I have seen several times and I think is hilarious um but we ended up watching the the first Knives Out movie so I’m like okay

I’ll just do this tonight instead of playing Minecraft so like I’m I’m taking that approach to content like family content and that’s kind of the order you know what I mean so obviously there are going to be nights where I’m like hey I can’t hang out tonight I’m working tonight but then

There’s gonna be other nights where I’m like hey I’m not working tonight because I’m hanging out tonight you know what I mean so it’s kind of like an open-handed thing and honestly I think that’s going to keep me excited about continuing to create stuff not overloading myself like I did before

I kept myself too busy is what it was sorry I’ll retire back to the notebook do the wrench by your mind family content killer I get it your last live twitch was October 7th 2021 that’s crazy so anybody I’m gonna preface this with this anybody that knows because I’ve sent you

Pictures don’t say anything don’t do it anybody that doesn’t know any guesses what we’re going to be doing with these colors of wool hear what you think we’re building I think it’d be hilarious to hear your ideas you can’t control me obviously since you’ve been away I gave

Chipotle another shot and honestly it wasn’t terrible I would get it yet nice Westy said I stopped playing Minecraft when you did yeah like a few people in the community just kind of stopped when I stopped as well like one of those things man Westy do you think he’ll ever play again

Who do you think you are the man uh iron farm a Rainbow Soccer Stadium a giant blue jay a giant Chipotle statue if that would get me the attention of Chipotle and they would sponsor me I’m not I’m not below building a Chipotle statue I’m happy to do that

Evidently not a wool Farm it’s too early for a wool Farm we can’t do that yet we’ll build one eventually I paused because of college starting up I’ve been too busy that’s fair I understand I stopped playing infinitry after blue stopped it’s fair I get it oversized version of your latest crop

Farm we’re gonna build it triple the size Huggy nose these are the ruins of the ancient Chipotle civilization I should I should somehow work Chipotle into the lore of this Village that would be freaking hilarious 30 minutes of hearing sheep making sheep noises just getting too much okay how

About we how about we do a few more minutes of of sheep shearing and then we’ll go back to the mines is that okay what time is it right now 9 21 streaming for about an hour and a half uh I found him too tuckered out after

Getting the kiddo down I want to play Minecraft I still enjoy it but yeah I get it Family First absolutely made one of your content nights make and keep a notebook of ideas no whatever you find entertaining or beautiful or especially noticed that week remote star Nanny that

Is a fantastic idea and actually a practice I have already adopted uh I don’t have a notebook but I have a Trello board which is a notebook honestly um my Trello board is chock full of ideas some fleshed out some just way underdeveloped some just a word

Um of an idea that we want to want to do in Minecraft so and and what I’ve been making a practice of as well is like any time something inspiring hits the Noggin I’ll pull out my phone open up Trello really quick and just write it down so I

Don’t forget it later and then I’ll close my phone and not give it another thought and then when I’m ready to flesh out the idea I’d be like oh that’s kind of cool I’m glad I wrote that down and then I’ll start working on it working it out

So that’s honestly been my process for the last couple months it’s just anytime I’ve had an idea writing it down um prowl is live he he told me earlier he was uh doing some gaming channel stuff tonight I don’t know how he would spy me spy on

Me on here like he doesn’t have access to this world nobody does it’s just me and my my camera account friend uh they used to grow the food for Chipotle who used to grow the food for Chipotle and Thomas says I want to build a wanted to build a dungeon

She said we don’t have room for one I was talking about Minecraft uh can I build a dungeon in our house please no no room for that all right let’s deposit this wall we’ll we’ll build another pickaxe and then we’ll go mining again okay maybe Blue’s building a giant brow

Statue to light the light on fire oh man Katie I didn’t know you and prowl still talked Kayla I’ll uh I’ll DM me later foreign ‘s over here look at me there’s a place since you took your break I picked up seven days to die and played it a little while that’s cool

Played Minecraft since I quit and how many of you are gonna start playing again because I’m back the other thing that is sad for me uh we thought a new world was the problems you had making the mob farm there was so many problems you overcame is tough to just let go

Fair enough Scott here got his notification but I’m staying here hey nice thanks for hanging out are you and probably gonna do another collaboration no no plans at this point I am going to be solely focused on this project it’s going to take pretty much all the time that I have

If opportunity comes up to do like simple one-off things that I can do with other creators then 100 I’m open to the idea um but as far as like anything consistent like another Survival Series this will be it this will be it all right let’s go burn through another pickaxe shall we

And before we get over to our uh mine no spoilers for you you’re doing a one-off with me okay I didn’t want to mention it just yet just in case uh you didn’t want to reveal it just yet but yeah I will be doing a one-off video with killer drone sometime soon

And uh it’ll be fun I’m excited about it This build is so good I hope you guys like it I really do stopping in to say hello sir and welcome back Ajax thank you playing horses trying to build the same thing um oh did I have any I do have a few over here look at that all right

All right here we go back into the diamond mine we just did those two maybe we’ll try our luck uh that’s the ancient city that way I don’t want to go that way this time I’m gonna go this way we’ll try our luck this way this time and maybe we’ll

Have a few more diamonds this direction that one with Katie will be awesome uh can’t wait for that I know me too it’s gonna be fun oh wait it was a secret it’s in my video how is it a secret and I didn’t know oh okay I must have missed that part honestly

Yeah so uh Kila is gonna invite me to come on to his kingdoms World on Java Edition don’t tell anybody um but his uh his kingdoms world I’m gonna jump on there and he’s gonna show me around uh and I’ve I’ve watched his videos and I’ve seen his pictures and

All of that so I generally know what it looks like but it’s it’s always different seeing it in person so he’s gonna invite me to come on there and take a tour and uh he’s gonna show me around which is gonna be really fun so how to play the Java version nope no

Clue midnight thank you so much for the twenty dollars Super Chat glad you’re back missed the content I’m glad to be back as well thank you Blues memory and secrets make it seem like he just walked off the set of Clerks I’ve never seen clerks so I can’t

Laugh at that reference because I don’t I don’t know what it means I don’t get it will you play Java version with the controller it’ll probably help no I’ll play I’ll play mouse and keyboard I’ll play mouse and keyboard stop it I also had another idea for the video

But I’ll run that by you later I think you could be a cool added thing I I was open the water lava would eat the Water Source I was actually worried that it was going to like oh no please don’t please don’t Katie’s world is nice it is it’s very cool

You see they’re adding a sniffer in the 1.20 update if so do you like it I voted for the sniffer so yes I did see that uh and yes I do like it I think it’ll be fun I think it’ll be fun I don’t have high expectations for 1.20 to be honest

Uh considering they have not revealed much of anything that’s going to be in it so to me I’m wondering if maybe this is an off year where they’re not going to do a major update uh because caves and cliffs took so much of their time that uh they just needed some time to

Regroup I I honestly don’t know what they’re doing to to be frank like I think they faced a lot of backlash some of it Justified some of it unjustified like when they delayed part two of caves and cliffs uh midnight thanks for joining the diamond tier I appreciate it

When they split caves and cliffs into two parts and pushed part two back it was because of the pandemic everybody just started working from home everybody was stressed like 100 get that decision absolutely what they needed to do uh but drawing out the warden and the ancient city into a completely separate update

I feel was a little bit of a stretch so like three updates three years worth of content for caves and cliffs and the warden it it felt vastly underwhelming to me and I think there was a lot of community backlash over that like there was a meme

About it being caves and cliffs part three to be honest like but I don’t know what conversations go on behind the scenes I don’t know what they talk about like I’m not in their meetings I’m not part of the company so uh they may have had good reason for doing that

I don’t feel like the warden was a fully fleshed out idea I felt like it could be better given the time that they took to do so I don’t feel like the rewards are very worth going into the ancient city for I think it’d be fun for Content I think

It’d be fun to watch me like try not to summon the warden and freak out when I do uh but as far as the rewards like I don’t really care about the recovery Compass I don’t think it’s that great I don’t know what else to say uh but

1.20 like so far what we know about it is bookshelves uh bamboo wood camels and the sniffer to me that doesn’t feel like a major release uh Ryan Brown welcome to the infinitry membership thank you so much so honestly I’m oh I’m holding 1.20 in

An open hand like hey it could be great it could be just another minor update and we’ll see what they do next year you know what I mean but what I do know is there’s plenty of ideas I have for Minecraft that are not dependent on an

Update and I’m excited about those so the only thing better than fresh cut pineapple is pineapple on Pizza I do like some pineapple on Pizza I know that is a big topic of debate with people but is the sniffer even guaranteed in 1.20 yeah yeah it got voted on in uh Minecraft

Live which ironically enough I wasn’t watching or I wasn’t playing Minecraft at the time uh but I watched Minecraft live just because like I haven’t missed one in years I want to watch it so I watched it I voted for the sniffer and they did confirm it’s coming in 1.20

None of my ideas depend on an update I I think that’s honestly the best way to approach it like play the game regardless of what they’re gonna update in the future play the game as if it’s never getting updated again if you’re waiting for some new feature

To fulfill your creativity and sense of fun and Adventure you’re probably playing Minecraft wrong because there’s so much in the game to do maybe so much of it is old news and things we’ve done before like I wish they would take some time to update the end and maybe they’re working on it

But do you remember when when uh in cities came out and how big of a deal that was like before the end was just like the end Island the Ender Dragon and that was it and then they added the the end Islands the outer islands with the I keep calling ancient cities within

Cities in the elytra and the shulkers and everybody was like oh this is so cool but that’s been in the game for so long now and what they did with the nether they could definitely do with the end I think that they give it some time and give some creativity to it

Some new blocks some new rewards some new features there could be some really cool stuff they can do with the with the end Ryan Brown thank you so much for the dollar Super Chat I submit I’ve been playing a lot of I’ve been having fun playing a lot of modded in Java lately

I think that’s what a lot of people are doing right now I think a lot of people are kind of jumping on the the modded track which if you’re a Bedrock player you don’t really have that option so here we are in vanilla survival you know

But yeah modded is definitely a way to play the game if it interests you uh I was scared of the engine City before the update no not so much I’ve only been to the ancient city one time it was it was in uh August September August or September a couple months

After I quit I’m like I’m gonna jump in the game and just go walk around ancient city and see what it’s like yeah it is a little terrifying it is like the experience alone I think is interesting the justification as a player for going there nah unless you are just looking to be

Scared out of your pants a couple of times before you get used to it there’s not a whole lot of reason to go there all of the things you just said I want none of it I want inventory updates and lighting updates okay I could I could agree with you there

I want an end update but I also want those things like an inventory update and a lighting update would be fantastic and one thing I was thinking about today that would be really cool as well is like just in general if they’re doing graphical updates if they’re doing a

Lighting update what I would love is like a depth of field option because like we have the uh what is it right here in video we have the field of view so you can like adjust how far away you can see things uh so just like a little secret for you when I

Take my thumbnails I drop it all the way down to 30 most times unless I’m too close to it and I can’t capture the whole thing uh but 30 is where I take my thumbnails just gives it a more like cinematic kind of view uh I would love depth of

Field like if I’m looking at something up close like this I want the background to be blurred much more like real life if I’m holding my hand like this and I’m looking at my hand right now like I see my hand but everything else around it is blurred I

Think it’d be really cool like it’s a graphic choice that doesn’t exist in the game right now Ryan Brown man just dropping the dollars thank you depth of field would likely be easiest to implement RTX actually would it mad lad is that even possible now like can it be done

Through third party or is it like ingrained in the code that we can’t touch I don’t need new blocks and things until I can adequately use the blocks that are in the game I want inventory options I can agree with you there if you download field of view changer

You can make it go to 30 with one button like Java fair enough it just involves controlling what direction the primary rays are sent in dude you’re speaking like Japanese to me right now I don’t understand it would have to be written into the game’s Shader source code okay that stinks

That stinks if RTX worked properly oh my gosh don’t even get me started on that like mad lad you are a saint for doing what you do because you develop a pack that looks incredible 30 of the time if it is your fault I’m gonna adjust sit on my leg for a minute

RTX man it is the it is the project that was outsourced and abandoned as fast as it was released like I will turn RTX on in the world for the first time after loading it more diamonds yes I’ll turn RTX on I think I haven’t I don’t even have it loaded right now

I will turn RTX on and when it comes up everything is reflective things that should not be reflective or reflective grass is reflective it looks like a puddle of water sitting on top of the grass so then you have to exit out of the game

Or out of the world and reload the world for that to go away and then it’ll work and I’ll be like playing around in RTX it’ll be fine and then I’ll forget that I have RTX turned on I’ll save and close the game and then I’ll exit completely out of

Minecraft and then the next time I load Minecraft I’ll be stuck in a crash Loop for who knows what reason right and the only way to get out of that crash Loop is still not going to get me with the Phantoms in the cave the only

Way to get out of that crash Loop is to go into the options.txt file and turn Ray tracing from one to zero and if you don’t know how to do that you’re in a crash Loop and have to uninstall the game and reinstall it in order to get it start working again

Like it’s a nightmare it is horrible it needs so much attention but I don’t think they have either the desire or the resources to put into it because they outsourced it to Nvidia in the first place because they didn’t have the desire or resources to get the super duper craft graphics

The super duper Graphics Pack which was originally what RTX was supposed to be they held on to that thing for like three years and then they’re like I wanna doing that we can’t and so they gave it to Nvidia and then Nvidia took it and limit it only to their RTX cards

And then after it was pushed out it’s just like nothing’s been updated it it works horribly there’s so much potential with it and it’s just completely untouched so there you go there’s my rant about RTX it has so much potential it’s great when it works I think it looks fantastic

At least at least mad Lads pact does like mad lad’s pack is on point it’s so good because I’ve messed around messed around some other RTX packs and they’re not as good but because of some of the downsides of RTX as a feature set itself it just it brings poor experience to something

Fantastic like defined PBR [Applause] my laptop is not RTX capable I didn’t have an RTX capable laptop until about a year ago and and even then like it had some issues but over the last year it’s gotten worse way worse I was so badly that I could tell you

What I’ve been working on recently but all I can say is at the moment it’s probably going to be one of the coolest projects you’ve ever seen on bedrock I can’t wait can you give me a time frame when when can we see it when are

We gonna get to see it is it like a month six months a year I can’t wait I’m excited aggro thank you so much for the ten dollars sorry I’m late to the party welcome back hey it’s good to be back thank you Blue Jay’s really mad that he bought an

RTX graphics card just for it to suck laptop anyway and so I’m like if I’m gonna spend money on a gaming laptop I’ll get one with an RTX card in it fine likely April this year that’s my birthday month happy birthday to me I’m excited all right I’ll keep my eyes peeled

Mad lad bringing out the cool stuff holy smokes like seriously we’ve been doing nothing but Branch Mining and sheep shearing tonight and there are still 203 people here hanging out thank you absolutely nuts I’d be gifting memberships but I got a patreon membership instead oh that’s all right that’s all right Stockholm Syndrome

That I’m not I’m not lying I’m not even I’m not just trying to like puff up your head or anything I missed your snark comments it’s one of the reasons I came back that was a lie but still I love it I love it I’d be more upset that I wasn’t a

Special big creator that got a free graphics card in order to make an RTX video yeah I do Wonder like if they’re gonna do any kind of graphical overhaul to Minecraft they can’t leave that untouched they have to do something with it if that’s if that’s something that’s coming

Shaders are such a core part of what Minecraft is Java shaders Bedrock used to have shaders to take that feature completely away or to give us like a half-hearted feature like RTX is right now if they’re gonna do a graphic overhaul they can’t leave that alone they gotta

Fix it I gotta do something with it I just want to use the ad unironically for once in my life thoughts on Roblox I’ve never played it I have no idea wait buttons it’s your birthday I’ve heard it is the the mo m o of Bedrock since it was introduced oh

I can remember the first time I played Minecraft it was an iPad on my iPad I bought it just out of curiosity and I was like I don’t know what to do I have no idea what to do in this game so I searched for YouTube videos like

How to play Minecraft and I found mumbo jumbo that was like the first YouTuber I ever found you remember how absolutely terrible it was when it came out and even with better together it was still bad when I first started playing Minecraft on my iPad way back in the day

Uh it did not have infinite worlds it did not have redstone it had powered rails but they were automatically powered just by placing them on the ground it did not have any kind of redstone mechanics there was no hunger there was no enchantments there was no experience nothing

It was a shell of what it is now there was no nether there was the nether reactor do you guys remember the nether reactor you could create the Nether Reactor and it would just like build a big square of Netherrack and you’d fight piglens in it or zombie pigment as they were called

Then or Pocket Edition it wasn’t all that much worse since you weren’t going from a relatively feature-rich and almost on parody Legacy console to bedrock another reactors were pretty fun I remember the Minecraft 2011. yeah so when I first started playing I I was able to run across the entire world in like

Three minutes it’s like it’s like corner to corner before the sun could set it’s like it was so tiny and and three months later after I first started playing Minecraft they introduced infinite worlds I’m like this is the coolest thing ever and then the rest is history then they

Introduced Redstone and poppers and pistons and all that fun stuff I’ll age myself my first my ever Minecraft video on my Channel That’s unlisted was for the jungle update 1.3 that’s a while ago bro keeps minding the block under him waiting for lava to be under it I

Remember making fun of nugury so hard when he first played Minecraft it’s so hard it was honestly it was actually an accident that I even played Minecraft 100 because I was like I was into playing mobile games and uh iPad games at the time which I still play a few

Like I play Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes pretty consistently uh no gray has to remind me to play from time to time because we’re in a a guild together uh but I was playing Clash of Clans at the time and my wife and I were talking

To somebody and she’s like oh you know you you play that Minecraft game right like no I’ve never played Minecraft before it’s like I play Clash of Clans she’s like no it’s totally Minecraft like no it’s Clash of Clans and after we talked about it I went home

Later that night and I’m like I wonder what Minecraft is though because I’ve never played it I don’t really know what it is so I found it on the App Store it was like seven bucks like every other game on here is either free or one dollar so if this game is seven

Dollars and people are playing it it must be pretty good so I ended up buying it that night and uh yeah that’s how I got into Minecraft everyone getting Pocket Edition for 10 cents in an Android market sale yeah Minecraft will never go on sale ever again there’s no reason for them to

Put it on sale they don’t need to people will buy it anyway who’s gonna play Minecraft Legends when it comes out anybody gonna play that I I really had high hopes that dungeons would be a much bigger success than it was I think it’s kind of

I think it’s days are numbered at this point I don’t know that they’re going to develop too much more for it since they’re kind of writing these like seasonal quests or whatever they’re not really really releasing new content um I think dungeons days are numbered but Minecraft Legends potential

Wolf you’re an animator that’s cool what kind of things do you animate I think Legends is going to be what they wanted dungeons to be I think so too I really do it was like one of their first I guess it wasn’t their first like they did the

Minecraft story mode but it was like Minecraft story mode was barely a game I guess I don’t know I didn’t really play it I tried I tried it like once I think but Minecraft dungeons was like their first attempt at a legitimate spin-off game in the Minecraft Universe

And I think they did a great job with it like I enjoyed it there are definitely some some things that would have made it better that I don’t think they’ll ever do because their target market is kids but is a good attempt I think Minecraft Legends is going to be much more

What it should and could be than what dungeons is I do Blockbuster I’m currently doing a lot more blender animations maybe some short movies not related to Minecraft that’s cool wasn’t Minecraft Earth the first spin-off yeah but again that was a mobile game it was trying to it’s trying to feed off

Of the popularity of Pokemon go and and I just don’t I don’t think it worked cave cave cave cave with all this mining I really wish blue knew what a Shaker sounded like I oh I know what a shraker sounds like I’ve been in an ancient city before it’s terrifying

Oh have I been confusing the Shrieker sound for the Phantom sound is that is that why you guys kept playing that sound diamonds yay or Diamond we’ll see yeah one wow I’m not even scared you ain’t gonna get me I need to figure out a way to turn those stupid video

Notifications off I used to have them off when I played like that creeper sound all the time on the channel because I was like the only sound I had I used to have it off to where it wasn’t showing the notification on the screen and the option isn’t there

I don’t know how to do it so I’ll have to I’ll have to do some research for the next live stream get that working right New Year who this it’s me hey more diamonds pop it you’re not gonna get me you’re not gonna get me

Uh I need to get streamlabs I heard it’s good right now I only use OBS in the tools it has there’s pros and cons to both I’ve used both in pretty significant capacity and I’ve just kind of landed on obs as being the one I prefer there’s another one yay

There are some things about streamlabs that I like but I still prefer obs I really like I don’t think it’s gonna be as big a deal these days for me maybe maybe it’ll matter at some point okay now I’m gonna now I’m gonna start getting scared now that I know that

That’s the speaker sound because I’m actually gonna think I’m near an ancient city um uh streamlabs has the capability of separating your overlays live while you’re streaming so that you can record like just the gameplay without your camera being captured on the gameplay and I think it might be possible with

Third-party tools with OBS but probably not to the same level of quality as stream labs and it’s not a it’s not a built-in feature yet with with obs I think they need to implement that at some point but I don’t know when it’s gonna happen foreign where’s my Branch where’s my branch mine

I’m lost I think it’s down there let’s go up here first see if I can find a few more diamonds I’m about to turn 54 and I still play almost every day you know what it’s a fantastic game it is a game for anyone and everyone

Regardless of how old or young you are I hear an Enderman please don’t get mad at me oh there’s a creeper over there look at that come here buddy got him I saw a lush Lush cave particle yeah there’s a few Lush caves around the blue jay to turn off the visual

Alerts in streamlabs you go to alert box cloud redemptions and you disable the alerts hold on hold on streamlabs you guys don’t let me die while I’m looking this okay don’t don’t let me die don’t do it um streamlabs alert box stop it bad extremely oh my gosh that scared me

Okay so blue jay’s next five builds are stop it kill a drone little turd general settings layout alert filter um Donation subscribers members super chats merch collaborative oh Cloud about Redemption there it is cloudbot Redemption alerts disabled yeah okay so I’m gonna try another one do it do it do it try to scare me happy to see you again happy to be seen happy to see you too thanks for coming foreign [Laughter] Okay so that I don’t think it worked because I disabled the alerts but now I’m not hearing the sounds so let’s see can I or text delay alliteration sound image listening variations ugh I don’t know I don’t know all I know is somebody just redeems the creepers or not creeper or

The innerman sound and I didn’t hear anything nor did I see anything so I’m not sure that’s the solution let’s try again aggro I appreciate the help though thank you we’ll figure it out at some point hopefully before the next stream bad Westie bad Westie alerts are tied to the sounds if you

Remove the gift PNG in the alerts setting then you’ll get the Wanted effect oh okay all right I’ll I’ll keep looking into it a little later I don’t want to spend too much of the stream doing that cushion we’re not going to be doing the stuff on here that we want to do

Where’s he at don’t climb up there try to get me I’m gonna climb down here get you go away actually I need that not the potato just a zombie flesh I hope you have to stream if you have time okay it’s only 10 o’clock we got time

Sorry for derailing the stream no not at all you’re being helpful I appreciate that it’s all good I don’t know where my branch mine is I have no idea I’m lost help does anybody know well look there’s a dark space we haven’t been there yet let’s just go there

Maybe there’s diamonds in here can somebody find the replay footage hey look diamonds but also okay just this is that stuff it’s fine it’s fine we’re good a diamond two diamonds nice isn’t the branch mine right right next to a lava flow but I’ve killed a couple

Of lava flows since we’ve been down here so I don’t know boom Uh blue jay anyways you have a remove armor Redemption but Fred Lopez has not said what he wants removed all right so Fred you redeemed remove armor what do you want me to take off any piece of armor you won’t chest plate okay five minutes no chest plate starting right now

I need a timer on my stream deck again it’s 1003. I don’t know where to go I’m lost do you still like the farm you built in first episode of course I like the farm I built in the first episode what’s not to like it’s a great Farm

I really just feel like I’m running in circles please somebody help me please somebody help me I literally am running in circles I don’t know where the heck to go there’s a lava flow is the branch mine there I don’t think so follow your torches I can’t because

They’re too confusing now like here they are like their torches on the right with those torches on the left right there because we backtracked and went somewhere else um lost I’m lost I’m really really lost this way oh oh oh oh we found it Any plans to bring back the Bluetooth train yes always gonna have a Bluetooth train in the world and I’m honestly I’m not sure there’s much room for improvement on what we did with with the last one where we like stood on it in the middle and it fired snowballs both directions

That’s a pretty pretty freaking good design the only thing that could improve it is if it moved forward two spaces instead of one just to kind of double down on our TNT I’m gonna have to jump into the testing world to figure out how to do that I

Think somebody has figured out how to do two spaces but I don’t know if it’s possible with my design I have to play around luck yeah okay KD it was totally luck hey look more diamonds I would say that cave was just a giant waste of time but we actually found like

Four diamonds in there so I’m not mad 22 22. not like eight on our first branch mine this evening was one of the coolest machines ever I really really had fun designing that with uh with no grie and zero cruel they uh they both sat in a testing world

With me for like three hours and it wasn’t until like the last 15 minutes that we finally got something that was like yes this is perfect this is gonna work they were both so patient with me because I was determined to keep going I’m like no this is gonna work we’re

Gonna get something the Bluetooth train is what happens when your mom says we have Thomas at home laughs And then you blow it up on pg-1 yes I did blow it up 100 accidental three hours I don’t think we’ve been on a call for three hours I have a Bluetooth in my server yes yeah I don’t know when we’re gonna build it yet but we will we will at some point

I think the way that I will improve it this time if I can’t figure out a way to get it to move two blocks forward instead of one is just build a really cool station for it like that’s it like that’s that’s what that’s what it’ll be we can’t really do

Anything aesthetically with it because it’s a flying machine you can’t really build anything around flying machines but yeah so about that puppy puppy stream or riot all right maybe one of these days I’ll I’ll bring the puppy in all right feeling baby sleep Branch mining is unbearable it’s unbearable especially when you don’t

Have uh efficiency I have no enchantments we’re doing this completely without enchantments but you know what we’re getting diamonds it’s fine I do have a plan a soon plan for enchantments at least early game beginner enchantments uh and a longer term plan stop it uh longer term plan for

Uh being able to get consistent enchantments and things that we want versus like random roles you know I want to see a puppy I woke up this morning and chose anger timer Oh yay chest plate whoopee villager of use plans show us the puppy do you watch sports

Uh yes I mainly just watch football and at that mainly just watch the Colts which has been wildly unentertaining this year it has been a massive train wreck we are the laughing stock of the NFL which is not a fun thing to say people here only 158 likes let’s go yeah

Thank you thank you for the reminder it’s a time for him to chat against you press one for Buffy oh my gosh rip to the Colts yeah they’re horrible uh it was to the point yesterday where I was like or not yesterday Sunday I want them to lose

I don’t want a higher spot in the draft please just lose out let’s call it a season all right I will go see if my wife is asleep if she’s asleep because the puppy sleeps in our room I’m not gonna go in and wake her up and

Cause a bunch of commotion okay I will do what I can don’t go anywhere I’ll be right foreign foreign puppy ever she’s tiny come here oh come here come here thank you there she is say hello hey hello hey good girl fluffy puppy here let me see if I can

Get her on my lap so happy oh okay there she is super cute puppy time all right tell me once again I’ll be right back don’t go anywhere I know it’s not a tiny puppy foreign she’s like over 60 pounds now at six months old she’s gonna be big

Um her name is Ray like Ray from Star Wars there was a time when uh my sons and I were playing Lego Star Wars a lot and my youngest son loved playing as the character Rey so he would pretend like he was Rey all the time running around the house and so

That’s what we came up with laughs so Ray Ray we call her Ray Ray she’s a cute doggy no she’s not tiny she’s huge there you go uh he had to get a dog because Blue Jays and cats don’t get along that’s true not like for real I’m so allergic to cats

Can’t do it I cannot do cats Rey from Star Wars changed my mind 10 out of 10 dog one out of 10 names you spelled it wrong r-e-y not r-a-r-a-e come on oh man we were doing so good somebody banned that account please we’re two hours into the stream and we

Finally got a bot seven months away and they still find their way here so I actually okay so I’ll give you this I went back and re-watched the sequel Trilogy and it’s not fantastic but it’s also not horrible I like the sequel movies which I I saw something the other day

I saw something the other day where people were like mad about uh Rey being so overpowered with no training and like if you go through the story of A New Hope like just a New Hope alone okay not counting Return of the Jedi or Empire Strikes Back

Dude like jumps into an X-Wing having never flown an X-Wing before and blows up a Death Star when nobody else could uses the force to do it and everybody’s like race too Luke did the same thing calm down their finest movies as terrible as Star Wars movies I don’t know

I go back and forth it’s been a while since I’ve watched them I kind of want to watch them all again like from start to finish not just the sequels weren’t that bad go get the dog I like her better do you like the new Star Wars Disney Plus shows I do

Uh well let me let me put it this way I love the Mandalorian I thought Kenobi could have been better but it was decent I thought book of Boba Fett was weird I still enjoyed it but I want like I want Boba Fett to like go hunt people down not

Be the anti-anti-hero that most every other movie is doing these days I just want him to be who he was supposed to be but it is what it is uh do you watch bad batch new season this week I have seen the bad batch and I will probably watch the new season

For sure dropped bombs in an exhaust tube shouldn’t have been like that anyway are you talking about are you talking about the Last Jedi because I I have a scientific explanation for you as to why that worked so many people are up in arms about the

Bomber at the beginning of the Last Jedi like there’s no way it should have worked oh I forgot about Andor Andor was so good Andor was so good good storytelling good character development good tension so good yeah I approve I approve the vandor okay here’s why people need to shush it

Shush shush it about the bomber in The Last Jedi okay we’re gonna come back we’re gonna come back I’m gonna come back for that everybody’s saying there’s no reason that the bombs should have dropped like they did because there’s no gravity in space one is a sci-fi movie get over it ew

Every ship in Star Wars has artificial gravity they’re walking around the Millennium Falcon should they be floating around there’s gravity in there literally the bomber that they use to bomb that giant Star Destroyer that everybody’s up in arms about the pilot Falls from The Command Deck down to the bottom bam

Falls because there’s gravity inside the ship when they release the bombs to drop down the gravity inside the ship launches those bombs straight down because there’s gravity and then from there because there is no gravity or friction in space they continue in the same direction that they started it’s easy

It’s easy to figure out it’s momentum exactly people like to poke so many holes in things that have no have no weight to them if you didn’t like the plot if you didn’t like the character development that’s one thing but like this this the bombs thing just let it go Let It Go

So many reasons I hate The Last Jedi that’s not one also there’s no sound in space or any space Wizards so you know exactly there yeah like the cool sounding lasers that you get from the x-wings and the and Boba Fett’s ship and the star destroy like all those things you

Wouldn’t hear it there’s no sound in space absolutely no sound no spoilers zombie feast all right we’ll go get some zombie flesh I need to go get another pickaxe really quick we’ll go down one more branch mine we’ll go get that diamond that we left there we’ll go get

We’ll go get that and then we’ll do a little bit more Mining and then we’ll probably call it a night okay foreign oh poor sheep I wish you guys could see what just happened to that sheep but you can’t not yet now you can see that’s unrealistic yeah because waving

Your hand in someone’s face is proven to change people’s minds against their will yep I need I just needed to roll all this in here for now all right that’s fine that’s fine oh there’s no there’s no coal in there oh there’s no coal in there either when you go coal mining

What if what if we go coal mining like what if we take a break from the uh diamonds let’s go get that last Diamond that we found and maybe we’ll go uh we’ll go hit up the iron level mine so we’ll get some some coal that sound good let’s do that we’ll

We’ll switch it up we’ll switch it up um that and that toss that in there actually let’s get rid of that get some more blocks consolidate some of our space I don’t need a single potato I have so many potatoes all right uh zombie feast coming up coal is just baby diamonds

Saddles I got I got saddles I’ve been fishing I’ve been doing some fishing in the world and no spoilers Cole’s diamonds that didn’t generate low enough in the world right you are I do believe that I have enough diamonds at this point to replace my armor I know it’s not like needing

Replaced yet but I don’t want to risk losing my first diamond armor in the world was it this one I think it was this one pretty sure it was this one we’ll see don’t die off screen it’s not allowed just dude just show them the massive Igloo you made already spoilers

An igloo in a jungle that’d be unique uh did you use zombie piece yet no but I’ve got it ready to go from when I get hungry which look I’ll bounce a bunch of times then I’ll get hungry That would be a jigloo can’t wait to see the creeper statue hmm that’d be a good idea but it is not a creeper statue sorry Mmm delicious food I’m sick I’m a torch can’t wait to see that Warden fight hey I didn’t say there was going to be a warden fight

All I said was if we get a thousand likes on yesterday’s video I would raid the ancient city that doesn’t mean I have to summon the warden maybe because I’m an amateur it would still happen anyway gold that was a happy accident I’ll take it I Can Dream can’t I

You still on the Dr Pepper blue I’m trying to cut back but yes one of the things that I’ve done uh aside from today I did not sleep very well last night and I wanted to have energy for the stream tonight so I have had more than one Dr Pepper today but

My New Year’s not resolution because it’s not really a resolution it’s just like a lifestyle change that I’m making it just happens to coincide with the new year basically I wanted to get through the holidays uh is that I’m like limiting myself for now to one soda per day if that

And eventually I’d like to come back to even even less than that but at the rate that I was going like the first day that I did this on January January 1st I had like horrible caffeine headaches all day but I still did it I made it through the

Entire day on only one Dr Pepper I didn’t go for any more I just drank a bunch of water and I suffered through the caffeine headaches and then uh well today’s only the third so yesterday was much better uh I fear that I’m gonna be on a caffeine headache again tomorrow because

I had more than one Dr Pepper today but is it real Dr Pepper or SodaStream Dr Pepper real Dr Pepper hmm caffeine headaches are the worst I’ve done the same thing yeah it’s not fun it really is not fun because it’s one of those things where I’m like

Okay I could I could just go grab a soda and I could take care of this real quick I won’t have a headache anymore or I could suffer through 24 hours and then live a healthier lifestyle so you know it is what it is uh uh I haven’t started this one yet let’s

Go here how many torches do we have oh not very many hopefully we find some cold sounds like you with coffee see I I just can’t do coffee like I don’t like the flavor I don’t like it and I don’t really like hot drinks either I know there’s iced coffee but man

Like I like hot chocolate once in a while but then like if it’s hot during the summer I don’t want a coffee I want a soda something with ice in it look at that coal right away What should I think out of your back without you there was nobody to stop prowl from convincing everyone that mending bows are better many bows are terrible you guys are getting bad advice drinking a Java monster every morning to 200 milligrams of caffeine than a soda for lunch and possibly one for dinner

And from that to nothing oh I bet that was difficult for a few days welcome back blue glad to have you back buddy hey glad to be back thanks for coming to hang out bad advice from prowl is he doing Redstone again bows are terrible

I actually you know I I have been kind of curious to like give it a try at some point just to see not right now because that’s dumb like it’s early game I have like 45 arrows to my name it seems like a bad idea but

I do have a mending bow in my chest that I fished up from the water I think maybe I let it despawn I don’t remember but yeah I’ll give it a try I want to give crossbows a try like I’ve wanted to use a crossbow for a

Very long time and I’ve just never gotten around to it foreign ER Oh yay we can eat food again uh I refuse to do the caffeine headache again I drink at least two caffeinated drinks a day fair enough so with my uh with my blue jay cup with

Dr Pepper I’ve got my massive Minecraft cup with water in it foreign I almost just spilled my water all over my desk yikes pop soda Cola same stuff but people fight over what’s correct it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter but it’s but it’s soda if you if you say anything else you’re wrong

Soda or Coke that’s all it is my favorite is watching guys get off of pre-workout I’m happy I never did pre-workout let’s pre-workout I don’t know what that means does anyone actually fight over that maybe my Pepsi is not a Coke yes it is it’s another thing people fight about that I

Don’t really care about like Pepsi versus Coke I don’t care they’re both the same they both taste the same to me they don’t really but they’re both like the same concept I’ve never been out to eat and heard a waiter say is uh is Coke okay it’s like everybody asks for Coke and

They’re like sorry is Pepsi okay nobody ever apologizes for Coke oh hello massive drop that I could die in no thanks Pepsi real sugar is great I don’t know if I’ve ever had Pepsi real sugar if I have I’m pretty sure I I would think it’s great too

Blue is not a true midwesterner it seems I was born and raised in Indiana and then I lived in Ohio for seven years and then I moved back to Indiana used to be called Pepsi throwback at the marketing ringsville Maybe we never really had Pepsi in the house my grandparents had Pepsi

And so when I when I went over to their house once in a while we had Pepsi growing up as a kid but aside from that like we normally had Coke oh he’s a real midwesterner he likes Ohio State [Laughter] I am apathetic towards Ohio State like

I don’t dislike them nor do I think like yay that’s my team because like while I lived in Ohio for seven years I’m from Indiana and I don’t really follow a lot of college sports the only reason I was rooting for Ohio State on New Year’s Eve

Is because uh you have to pick a team when you’re watching a game that you have no investment in and Marvin here in yours on there dude like my childhood Manning Marvin Harrison Reggie Wayne all of those guys Dallas Clark Robert Mathis like that’s when excuse me my voice correct

That’s when the Colts actually were a good team hey gamer rants thanks for uh for subscribing there appreciate it and Tessa Hayes thank you [Applause] there’s no in between for Ohio State you’re either extremely annoying fan or you hate Ohio state they’re these are mutually exclusive

All right I guess I’m an annoying fan oh man I can’t wait till we get enchantments that’s gonna be so nice mending on all my tools efficiency Unbreaking things last longer we cooking we’re still a little ways off from that but hopefully not too long has anyone tried sun-kissed cherry

Limeade I can’t say that I have Dr Pepper with peanuts is that a thing hey look another thing that I could fall into and die horrifically come here zombie don’t you punch me off I’ll punch you off go bye battle beam and Bedrock Edition I gotta get rid of those notifications

Man they’re totally ruining the scare tactics for you guys I see it pop up out of the corner of my eye and I immediately know it’s coming look here’s the reason I like new Subs better they don’t know me yet so they don’t judge me and as harshly as my mod

Team LOL new Subs equals best subs uh blue you should really take advantage uh of the furnish glitch and get your XP up so you don’t have to worry about it could but I just feel weird using that specific one because with with the original XP furnace glitch

You had to put work into it every item that you used to get XP had to be smelted the problem I have with the existing XP glitch is that all you gotta do is take a stack of items and just like just rapid click in and out of the uh

The furnace output slot that feels way too cheaty to me at least with the original furnace glitch you like you had to smelt things yes it banked all of the XP and you would get massive amounts of XP depending on how many times you’ve smelted things in that furnace

But like it still felt legitimate to me this feels too cheating I don’t know I guess that’s where I draw the line that really broke oh yeah 100 percent like if you if if you smell one iron if you smell one iron uh not nugget just iron ore I guess it’s

Raw iron if you smell one raw iron into an Ingot then leave that one Ingot sitting in the output of a furnace and take 64 iron you can swap back and forth the one and the 64 right now and it will just give you infinite XP over and over it’s insane

It’s a cool glitch but to me that’s on the same level of like duping blocks I just don’t do it copper vein yeah I’m I’m not really gonna pick up too much copper right now I’m limited on storage space and I already have a lot of it

I’ll grab it when it’s in front of me but I’m not gonna go out of my way to mine copper right now I need more like actual blocks and iron and coal than I need copper there are quite a few things that I’m going to be building early on that are

Stone based so I’ll take what I can get out of the andesite Cobblestone field I’m still surprised it’s there uh it’s been a hot minute yeah they’ve they’ve not moved very quickly on this one but it’s the holidays man like who moves quickly on anything during the holidays

Holidays just ended so I expect them like sometime in the next couple of weeks probably to work that glitch out and get it out of the game uh so one thing I wanted to mention about uh memberships because we’ve had several new members sign up tonight or people refresh their memberships uh the

Different tiers of membership give you a different type of armor on an armor stand in the world if you qualify for that or a named villager if you qualify for that um I don’t have any way of redeeming that yet so those rewards are on hold until

I’ve got a place to put armor stands and armor to fill them up with like I don’t have any access to ancient debris yet so netherright armor not going to happen until we have access to that so I’m going to do my best to write the names

Down uh just in case you choose not to renew your membership a month from now because that’s probably how long it’ll take me before I can get armor stands in the world so I’m gonna write names down of current members and what tier they’re at and then I’ll true up that list in

February and we’ll uh we’ll get the armor stands in the world for you guys so foreign I think it’d be doable I hope trying to think through my first success it might be two months to be honest it might be two or three months I’ll write the names down you’ll get

Your armor stand you’ll get your armor I’ll make sure it happens all right I’ll keep my notes to stream as per usual thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you that’ll make it so much easier on me too I’m too broke for membership I got a

Zero interaction take it or leave it hey dude that’s 100 awesome like well not awesome but you’re broke but I don’t expect anybody here to do memberships I’m I’m PR I’m appreciative of people that do but I appreciate just as much people that can subscribe can like can

Comment can turn on notifications all that stuff like that that drives the channel forward so you being here is just as important thank you streams tended to distract them and keep them from completing things in a timely manner so honestly dude like I’m glad you brought that up because that’s

Something else I’ve been keeping in mind as well uh I’ve removed some of the previous like stream redemptions because I either thought one they just got kind of old and we needed something fresh uh or they did take too much time away from what we were trying to do in the Stream

So while I still want streams to be fun and uh to have some level of audience interaction uh we’re gonna try to keep things to a minimum as far as stuff that would take me too far off track for too long so like the boss fights

Maybe later down the road if we’ve got a good handle on our our stream situation maybe we’ll bring that one back because boss fights are fun to do on streams um but I just I don’t want to be fighting an Ender Dragon every stream or every other stream or fighting three Withers and

Than having to clean up a mess and then I’m just way behind on projects you know what I mean so I’m letting videos determine the pacing of the channel and then streams will kind of come alongside that does having notifications on help or is it watching your videos quickly that

Helps having notifications on reminds you that a video has been released by a creator that you’ve turned on notifications for which will prompt you to watch it sooner and if you watch it sooner then YouTube is more likely to push that video in the algorithm and in search results

So yeah it does help if you slow roll a video like if you get 5 000 views on a video in one day YouTube is more likely to push that video in searches and in suggested videos than it is if you got 5 000 views on that video over two weeks for example

So if people are reminded to watch a video then yeah it absolutely helps because people that have notifications turned on are more likely to be like I could pop that on really quick it’s only a 15 minute video versus like scrolling through the timeline uh maybe I’ll watch that later

Or maybe it just gets lost in a feed of 200 subscriptions like maybe maybe you’re subscribed to 50 channels like is my thumbnail gonna stick out from somebody else’s maybe I hope so that’s what I’m trying to do with my thumbnails uh but if you have notifications turned

On you’ll get a specific hey Blue Jay just dropped a video be sure to watch that so yeah it actually really does help it’s not just something uh every YouTuber says because they’re supposed to say it ah Westy block it block the bot block the bot thank you oh yes the mighty algorithm

Oh hail the mighty rhythm of Aldo oh no these Bots are back yeah I know I don’t know how to get rid of them like honestly I’ve put like specific words and do not allow in chat and somehow some of these keep slipping through it’s really dumb

Music XP used to joke about starting an sap called episode one so every episode has an episode one The Alcove wouldn’t know what to do welcome back to episode one today on episode one you gotta say it like 15 times in the intro so that it’ll pick it up on closed captions as

Well a story hit that notification button yep subscribe click the Bell click the like button comment any interaction is good interaction on a video or a stream it really is it really is today on episode one I started doing a little building off camera so here’s a city laughs Okay good night blue good night chat so happy you are back I’m so happy that you’re back too thanks for hanging out have a good night we’ll see ya more creators in CC the auto generated ones are no good I I honestly I thought about giving that

A solid try for videos and trying to do it in a creative way like create a font creative pop-ins things like that but then like going back through and uh scripting the entire video from start to finish there there is no good way that I’ve found to quickly automate that

Uh without like just literally going back and word for word typing out the entire video um so I just like it’s something I thought about when I came back to YouTube but I’m like yeah I just I don’t have the extra time to put into that maybe one day I will but

Right now I don’t have time oh we’ve been streaming so long that our intro song has come back around to the beginning of the playlist look at that time is it 10 50. oh man we’re almost coming up on three hours subtitles on videos more in a joke

Fashion it’s too much work for me to do in the entire video yeah like I considered splitting the difference and doing it on like important parts or like the voice over parts of the video uh uh but again I haven’t found a good way to do that quickly and automate it

So maybe uh maybe down the road after I’ve gotten things kind of settled in we’ll see all right let’s ditch that we’ve already got a lot of that there is no end just constant beginnings I like it I like it I thought about doing the Automation and

Then going back to edit any any mistakes but no way I’m gonna do the whole thing fair enough and just make up stories on closed captioning blue goes mining for a few hours and sheer sheep I need to talk I need to talk to not Brock a while back

He found a way to subtitle someone automatically if you figure it out please let me know I’d love to know I just got used to CC when my kids were little I don’t actually need it fair enough I I honestly think if if there’s a way

To do it creatively and a way to do it quickly for me I think it’s a good thing to have in videos like it adds a level of interactivity it’s another level uh of engaging your senses like yeah of course you’re watching the video but you’re also reading what’s being

Said while you’re hearing it unless you’re using closed captions because you’re hearing impaired like if you’re actually listening to it and reading it it’s more engaging because you’re you’re you’re doubling down on taking in that information you know so I I think it could be a good tool to

Have if there’s a good way to do it foreign oh I hope my pigs are okay oh I hope they’re okay oh no I don’t need any more piglets Pro cell good night thanks for hanging out good to see you again I can’t watch a show or a movie without

CC been that way for years fair enough go away lava need to brainstorm another Pig pun name yes we do crispy bacon this pickaxe has to be breaking sometime soon hearing impaired makes it an accessibility thing and I would rather have captions added to the Bedrock game

Than offhand and I really went off hand fair enough it’s great to see you streaming again hey it’s great to be seen CC definitely helps on the shows where speeches quiet but sound effects are loud you can keep the volume down low uh for the noise and still understand the talk yep precisely

Crazy trucker Saul T roast I like that one please send that over to me on the let’s play Bedrock uh channel on my Discord server fantastic I don’t know if we’ll use it for uh the the existing piglens this time but I’m gonna keep that name in my my back pocket

Maybe we’ll use it but maybe we’ll just keep it for later either way I think it’s a hilarious name salty roast Bacon bits I shall try no promising though that’s right I bet Westy wrote it down already and we broke it we broke it we broke another pickaxe Three diamond pickaxes broken in the Stream is it three or four I think it’s three This has been a really productive stream like building up our Diamond Supply early game getting a little bit more sheep shearing done note to self turn down the sheep sounds next time we do that on stream and or just do it by myself so you guys aren’t annoyed

How did you know how did I know you already wrote it down you write everything down be safe you probably just wrote down that I said you write everything down have you seen Dora the Explorer when you said we broke it I heard it in her we did it tune

Uh I have seen Dora the Explorer it’s been a very long time though which is why Westy makes the big bucks yep because I was getting the names of people who gave the suggestions fair enough that’s probably more important anyway sheep sound redeemed to reverse it on blue [Laughter]

Not even just like one sheep like a horde of sheep oh that’s cows oh my gosh I’m tired all right Blue Jay I need to head out for the night got to start back work in the morning I’ll catch you later bro thanks for hanging out

I need to see pictures of your finished did you finish it if not that’s okay no spoilers not this time have you buried any mobs yet nope not yet that was pretty funny though burying that horse and like digging it up on live stream you guys you guys just thought that was hilarious

That was really funny foreign what’s hanging oh you guys didn’t see that nor gets a joke because you didn’t see it hold on look the zombie hanging in the vines what’s hanging oh not you anymore apparently you are serious about no spoilers you caught it every time I’ve worked worked

Really hard over the last couple of months to get like these builds down to what I really think they should be and I’m very excited about them but I don’t want the first time they are seen to be done on stream I really want them to be experienced through the video

So I’m I’m really trying to keep a tight seal on it for now but don’t worry you’ll get to see it soon I’m still trying to figure out when the video is gonna release because like I said I’m taking the next couple of nights off of content stuff anyway I’ll

Send screens tomorrow I’m putting up uh getting up before work to finish okay cool cool cool have a good night buddy thanks for hanging out you’re awesome um uh I’m planning on taking the next couple of nights off of uh content stuff just to hang out and uh be with fam so

Uh I don’t plan on doing any more finalizing of the video until at least Friday uh and at that point if we’ve hit a thousand likes on the video it’s quite possible that we will by then uh I’ll go ahead and read the ancient city and include that in the video and

Then hopefully release the videos Saturday or Sunday maybe Monday so that won’t even be a week between videos I don’t think that’s going to be the norm but I’ve already been working on this episode too since last week so we’re we’re a little ahead of schedule I expect probably a release Cadence of

About one video every six to ten days depending on how extensive the build is uh yeah so there you go that’s what we’re going to plan for look at that we still have pigs and we still have zombie piglens is Chris here Chris P bacon oh there he is hi hey friend

Hey hi can you tell me how to get your skin it is not available for download I actually just revamped my skin by the way well I didn’t I paid somebody to do it Bannon blocks uh I’ve I’ve uh linked them on Twitter before I’ll try to remember to do that again uh here soon but they gotta get rid of a few things really quick

They did a commission for me and redid my skin made some updates to it so now look the pants actually have a little bit of texture to them uh the shirt has some texture to it the hair is much better looking in the front and the back

Overall it looks pretty much like what you’re used to Blue Jay looking like but just with a little bit more depth and texture so there you go yay yay new skin new skin uh you didn’t see it in yesterday’s video because I had already recorded that video by the time I commissioned

This skin to be redone so there you go now let me put that armor back on all right guys I think that’s where I’m gonna call it tonight we uh we’ve done three hours of Mining and sheep Sheeran and I think we’ve gotten quite a bit

Done tonight so guys thank you so much this was awesome it was so good to see some familiar faces here and see some new people coming to hang out I’m again just blown away at the massive support between yesterday and today uh just with me coming back to YouTube after seven

Months of taking a break uh plenty more content to come in to come plenty more content coming whichever way you want to say that a lot of really cool stuff that I think you’re going to enjoy so hopefully you’ll stick around for more streams and videos and

Uh if you want to hang out with me in Discord or on Twitter or on Instagram all those links are in the the uh the thing down there the description oh oh already mentioned it already man check out the the new stuff the cups the hats if that’s interesting

To you no pressure of course guys love you all appreciate you thanks for coming back see you next time goodbye foreign

This video, titled ‘First time LIVE in 7 Months! | Minecraft Let’s Play Bedrock | Stream 1’, was uploaded by BluJay on 2023-01-04 04:48:07. It has garnered 4276 views and 421 likes. The duration of the video is 03:06:45 or 11205 seconds.

After 7 months, I’ve returned to making Minecraft Bedrock Edition Content! Let’s hang out and talk about the past 7 months and look forward to the future of Minecraft here on my channel!

Seed: -732673132470336512


Channel Point Redemptions:

Commands: type !redeem (reward name). Example: !redeem BossFight ConsoleController (8,000) RemoveArmor (3,500 points) YouNameIt (10,000 points) ZombieFeast (2,000 points)

Sounds: CreeperExplosion (1,000 points) EndermanScream (1,000 points) GhastScream (1,000 points) Phantom (1,000 points) Shrieker (1,000 points) Warden (1,000 points)

Patreon: Discord: Follow me on Twitter: @BluJayGames Follow me no Instagram: @BluJayMC

#Minecraft #LetsPlayBedrock #MinecraftBedrockEdition #MinecraftLetsPlay

BluJay Games is an Official Partner of Nodecraft and they have graciously provided our Patreon Servers! If you’d like to start your own server, use my creator code for the best deal!

Sign up at and get crafting with your friends! Creator Code: blujaygames

Music: Streambeats by Harris Heller

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  • savdude – Insane New Music Disc – OMG Reason 7 #minecraft

    savdude - Insane New Music Disc - OMG Reason 7 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Music Disc – For a Reason 7? #minecraft#shorts#cricket’, was uploaded by savdude on 2024-05-05 14:54:48. It has garnered 390 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Minecraft Holi Edition Mod FOLLOW ME : Instagram ► Discord ► #Minecraft #But#savdude#op #holi #happy holi #holi festival #holi holiday Read More

  • Aurous

    AurousWelcome to Aurous! We listen to community suggestions and always have a twist or special thing going on. Read More

  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 Survival Community Events

    TheCrib Server TheCrib is a Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy based server that focuses on quality of life features and values the player experience. The server supports both Java & Bedrock versions. Server IP: Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: Wiki: Read More

  • 🌊 Castaway Cove | 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Friendly Island Survival 🏝️ | 🍍Custom Fruit & Fishing 🍍 | 🦜 Jobs & Economy 🦜 | 🏝️ Furniture 🏝️|

    IP: castaway.smpmc.usArgh Matey, Welcome to Castaway Cove!! We’re a unique take on Skyblock/AcidIsland where you can carve out your own slice of paradise on a private island, cultivating a variety of exotic fruits such as coconuts, pineapples, and bananas. Watch your orchards flourish under the warm tropical sun, providing you with a bountiful harvest to enjoy and trade. But that’s not all – the crystal-clear waters around your island are teeming with vibrant aquatic life, just waiting for you to explore. Try your hand at fishing, and discover an array of new and exciting species. Whether you’re tending to your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When Minecraft hits different

    Minecraft Memes - When Minecraft hits differentWhen you spend hours building a masterpiece in Minecraft and then accidentally delete it with one wrong click… yup, sometimes it really do be like that. Read More

  • Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun!

    Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun! In the world of Minecraft, we play a game of guess, With my brother by my side, we put our skills to the test. Guessing items and blocks, in this virtual land, Creating funny moments, with each move we planned. Don’t cheat, we say, as we laugh and we play, Bringing joy and excitement, in every single way. If you want to join us, just leave a comment below, We’ll welcome you with open arms, in this Minecraft show. So come along, let’s have some fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Guessing and laughing, in this… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

    Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATING CRYPTO CURRENCY! Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of creating crypto currency in the modded questing survival game, Encrypted_. Join them as they explore new possibilities and challenges in this innovative gameplay experience. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis introduces players to a fresh take on the classic Stoneblock gameplay. Dive into a world where creativity and strategy collide to create a unique gaming experience. Watch as Nik and Isaac navigate through this new generation of Stoneblock, uncovering hidden treasures and overcoming obstacles along the… Read More

  • Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!

    Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft: Learning spells’, was uploaded by Jacobee1101 on 2024-03-25 03:20:34. It has garnered 63 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:58:37 or 14317 seconds. Powered by Restream Read More

  • The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Portals

    The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft PortalsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-19 09:00:18. It has garnered 416 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:20 or 1880 seconds. CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shorts

    Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dangerous 2B2T server in minecraft #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SBOXO GAMING on 2024-05-19 09:59:27. It has garnered 10772 views and 364 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE Secrets

    Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Different types of redstone clock – Minecraft Pocket Edition’, was uploaded by Lightning 626 on 2024-06-10 22:00:20. It has garnered 116 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:45 or 225 seconds. In this video I show you different ways to make a redstone clock a key component of many other builds. If you are interested in using clocks effectively check out the other ideas on my channel page @Lightning626-ys9ef Read More


    ULTIMATE TUNNEL HOUSE BUILD OFF - NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER!!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: EN GÜVENLİ TÜNEL EVİ YAPI KAPIŞMASI! – Minecraft’, was uploaded by EmirhanCTN on 2024-02-24 14:00:26. It has garnered 1056679 views and 14063 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:17 or 1517 seconds. 💥NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: BATTLE TO BUILD THE SAFE TUNNEL HOUSE! – Minecraft💥 ➡️Adam’s Channel: ➡️Ahmetin Channel: If you never want to miss the Minecraft Fun, confinement, horror and mystery videos I make, turn on notifications 🔔 so you never miss new videos. 🟥SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR FREE➡️ 🟧You Can Join My Discord Server➡️… Read More

  • Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!

    Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘For-Project – набор на ПРИВАТНЫЙ и ВАНИЛЬНЫЙ РП сервер Майнкрафт Джава и Бедрок – 1.20.1!’, was uploaded by For Project – Minecraft on 2024-03-23 07:30:40. It has garnered 171 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:02 or 62 seconds. For-Project – Private vanilla RP server Minecraft/Minecraft for Bedrock and Java on 1.20.1 and 1.20.40+. Submit a request to the Discord server – We are looking forward to seeing you! ———————————– TAGS ————– ———————— survival 1.15.2, private server 1.15.2, wipe, wipe on a private server, rp minecraft, rp, RolePlay, roleplay ,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage – SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraft

    EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage - SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘VIDEO RE VIVIDO | Minecraft PVP Montaje #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by Susro on 2024-06-13 21:00:35. It has garnered 452 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. This is a Minecraft PvP Montage, pot pvp, playing in skywars not bedwars without using any client like lunar client, making the best, best combos Comment how you liked the video! 😄 📢 My Social Networks ⚪ TWITTER: 🟣 TWITCH: 🟠 INSTAGRAM: ⚫ TIK TOK: 🔵 DISCORD: 📧 Contact: [email protected] ⚔️ Join this channel to access… Read More

  • TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerX

    TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerXVideo Information This video, titled ‘Im a Good-Player ^^’, was uploaded by GoodPlayerX on 2024-06-23 12:27:34. It has garnered 48 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Im uploading again IGNORE #minecraft #boxing #pvp tags: tags:stimpypvp,stimpaypvp,stimpy,stimp,stimpy pvp tutorial,stimpy vlog,stimpay,1v1 with stimpy,pvp,pvplounge,painfulpvp,skywars tips,minecraft pvp,painfulpvp vlog,tips,alting,hypixel,faction,practice,cheating,java edition,hypixel tayber,tips and tricks,bedrock edition,hypixel network,hypixel skywars,faction battles,hypixel mega mode,minecraft (video game) painfulpvp minecraft,hcf factions server,hypixel mega skywars,minecraft hardcore factions,minecraft,soup,pot,arcane,tournament,1v1,alt,comb0s,stimpay,stimpy,stimpypvp,im pack,optic,kiting,alting,mushway,fighting,factions,practice,settings,parapots,cheating,paintrain,mutations,orilation,painfulpvp,fattiicazzituoi,minecraft,pvp,minehq,hcteams,hcsquads,itsjhalt,lolitsalex,cool,fights,kohi,badlion,uhc,zigy,forrestbone,invis,raid,invisible,vanillaraids,invisraid,viperhcf,meezoid,reframe,kraqqen,br0,evan_40,veltpvp,velt,velthcf,duohcf,minihcf,mediumhcf,sulium,how,to,hcf,howto,hardcore,server,video,soup,pot,1v1,arcane,combo,texture,jewdah,jewdah jerseys,jewdah 11 potted,disabledsenses vs jewdah,byrez vs. jewdah [11 potted],tewchaynz,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft mods,minecraft funny moments,minecraft funny,1v1,pvp,destruction,rape,,lunar client,bypass,cheating,hackusates,verzide,bcz,kyzuko,dreamer_420,italy,america,stimpy,lunar,kohi,zonix,badlion,zuiy,sythee,stimpypvp,painfulpvp,lolitsalex,potpvp,dreamer,latenci,marcel,comb0s,eum3 pack,eum3 edit,release,cheatbreaker,eddeh,cheaters,hypixel,minecraft survival,mineman,minemen,minemen club,survival games,minemen club ip,render settings,leomaster60,leomaster60mc,leomaster 60 mc,leomastersixty,lunar combotage,minecraft,minecraft pvp,kohi sg,pot… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!

    EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s fix the house on Minecraft. 🌫️😻🐨🐰🦁 #minecraft #songs #babyzoo #animation’, was uploaded by Zoo Zoo on 2024-01-11 19:18:06. It has garnered 1063 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. 🌟😻SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME🌟😻 #babyzoo #kidssongs #babysongs Hi kids! 😻 Our little animals have moved to the world of Minecraft! 😺 Merry adventures await them! They will have to collect resources, jump over the lava in the mine, fight the skeleton and build a house! 🪵🪨🌋🏡 Will they be able to cope with everything… Read More

  • SteamCraft Modded SMP – Whitelisted – JAVA – 1.20.1 – 18+ – Economy – Create Focus

    Join SteamCraft Community Click here to join Welcome to SteamCraft We welcome all 18+ players to our community. At SteamCraft, we believe in the magic of Minecraft and the creativity it sparks. Our mods enhance the experience, offering new challenges and opportunities for innovation without overshadowing the core of what makes Minecraft great. Whether you’re an architect of grand designs, an adventurer in endless landscapes, or a master of Redstone, there’s a place for you here. Join Us Today Join us and be part of a community where every block placed, every adventure embarked upon, and every interaction matters. Here,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft players

    Minecraft Memes - Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft playersUpdating mods is like trying to assemble IKEA furniture – it’s always a pain, but you’ll feel accomplished once it’s done! Read More

  • Temple Discovery: Minecraft’s Newbie Adventure

    Temple Discovery: Minecraft's Newbie Adventure In Minecraft’s world, I take my first step, Exploring the temple, where secrets are kept. Crafting tools and battling foes, Unraveling puzzles, as my journey grows. Join me on this adventure, full of delight, As I navigate through day and night. Will I conquer the temple’s test, Or will I face a challenging quest? Follow me on Instagram, for more fun, Watch my video, see what I’ve done. Subscribe to my channel, don’t miss a beat, In the world of Minecraft, where victory is sweet. Read More

  • Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥

    Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥 Looks like the cat has a purr-fect plan to take down those creepers! Watch out, Minecraft world, this feline means business! 🐱💣 Read More

  • Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share

    Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share Minecraft Texture Pack Share: Cute Fox Villagers, Polar Bears, and More! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to spice up your gameplay with some adorable additions? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore a fun and exciting texture pack shared by a talented Minecraft player. We Don’t Bite Texture Pack One of the highlights of this share is the “We Don’t Bite” texture pack. This pack brings a whole new level of cuteness to your Minecraft world with features like cute fox villagers and lovable polar bears. The attention to detail in this pack is truly impressive, making… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

    Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024 Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft. Today, we stumbled upon a breathtaking video titled “The best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly captures the essence of what makes Minecraft so special – creativity, community, and endless possibilities. As you watch the stunning visuals and immersive gameplay showcased in this cinematic masterpiece, you can’t help but feel inspired to join a Minecraft server where you can unleash your own creativity and connect with like-minded players. That’s where Minewind comes… Read More

BluJay – First time LIVE in 7 Months! | Minecraft Let’s Play Bedrock | Stream 1