Boss Fights! Bedrock Edition Achievement Guide Pt.4 ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide [Part 219]

Video Information

Hello everyone my name is pixel riffs and welcome back to the minecraft survival guide i hope you guys are having a good day today we’re doing it we’re taking on the dragon and probably some of the other challenges that this game has to offer as well a villager has

Made his way down here into the stronghold i’ve no idea quite how but i have been hard at work off camera acquiring the stuff we will need to take on the dragon today i’ve got 10 eyes of ender the appropriate amount for the portal and thanks to some villager

Trading i was able to get a ton more ender pearls i have myself an ender chest and we’re going to be getting into that once we go through to the end but i want to go through to the end and make sure that the platform there is secure

Before we do anything else really so i feel like it’s time to head down here and activate the portal we’re going to go straight into the dragon fight and hopefully nothing has gone wrong i’ve heard that there are some shenanigans afoot with the dragon fight in bedrock

Edition so here’s hoping that we get the usual just the one dragon and not like five dragons or whatever some people have been saying just gonna convert all of that lava into obsidian there for the sake of safety just in case anything weird happens when i jump in here this

Is always a bit of a nerve-wracking part of any minecraft world but without further ado let’s get to it okay we’re in the box good good that’s good as long as we’re not on a platform hanging off the island i am fine with that now let’s see if we can get up a

Little way here and i am going to put down the ender chest and grab my diamond armor because i have some enchanted diamond armor in here and i want to make sure the ender chest is somewhere accessible good there’s only one boss bar so far let’s see if we get any more

Than that i have myself a sharpness sword now i managed to get a few more swords enchanted off-camera we’ve got some ender pearls and i brought with me some potions in particular a potion of slow falling because i think that might be kind of useful for the dragon fight

Here i’ve also got a pumpkin head on me uh just in case i need that to uh conceal myself from any enderman but it looks like the dragon fight should go as planned hopefully here we go it’s been a while since i’ve been scared of the

Dragon fight but it’s uh yeah it’s a little bit weird when you don’t quite know what to expect from bedrock edition and wow i’m overshooting these crystals pretty heftily there we go got one crystal down so far the dragon can swoop down in this version which right now on

Java edition it can’t so it does feel a little bit weird to have uh have to watch the skies whoa there we go so happy we’ve at least got an infinity bow for this because that is definitely going to be kind of useful as that enderman aggro on me nope they are just

Teleporting around all crazy fair enough Okay one caged crystal is down i’m gonna try my best to whoa to not get hit by the dragon on the way back down and go for another one gosh it’s really sweeping down at me today gonna take the slow falling potion because i can hear

It coming off of the portal and it’s probably going to head towards me when it does yep there we go just missed it i think and slow falling potion is actually great for for descending from the towers and stuff as well so uh kind of handy to have in this fight we

Shouldn’t need it for too much longer hopefully i can get rid of the rest of these crystals i’m gonna peel her up to the top of this tower as well because i just can’t shoot that high for whatever reason like my aim is off today and i

Think the the aim with the bow on bedrock is slightly different to what i’m used to as long as the dragon stays on top of that central column for a while and i have a feeling i’m gonna get hit off this tower in a second so i better make it

Quick yes there we go okay that one is down can i see any other crystals from the top here or is that it i have a feeling we might just have oh no there’s one more over there well i can get a nice easy shot from it there we go that

One over there is still on fire for some reason whoa okay and while i’m here i need to get the achievement for bottling dragon’s breath so better have a glass bottle ready that’s another reason i brought the potions actually whoa yep there we go okay yep you’re still very

Much in charge here still a little bit of dragon’s breath yes there we go okay we should already have got the achievement for entering the end and now we have the achievement for bottling dragon’s breath as well it’s weird when it’s over here it seems to breathe purple but then the

Rest of the time it seems to breathe this kind of like red stuff and i don’t quite know if there’s any difference between the two oh my goodness that’s loud and the dragon killed that enderman for me thank you very much appreciate the assist now let’s see if i can get up

Here get a few hits to the head where it’s vulnerable and while it’s in the air a couple of shots with the bow before it comes into land again and we go back into sword mode all right this is going pretty well so far fingers crossed we can seal the deal here a

Couple more hits one once the dragon is down here and we should be all clear what the heck there’s another crystal up there i didn’t even see that that was still there okay well i guess we’re keeping that one in the fight uh oh gosh the dragon’s breath is all the way

Around the portal let me see if i can sneak around the back get a few swift shots to the back legs and this should be it folks yeah there we go dragon dealt with fantastic stuff oh that feels good that feels good to have beaten the dragon again it’s been a

While and there is our prize the dragon egg sat on top of the portal let’s see if we can reclaim that from wherever it teleports to and it’s just gone oh well maybe we’ll get another one when we respawn the dragon because apparently you get multiple dragon eggs for

Multiple fights on bedrock edition at least or maybe ps4 edition maybe i can’t remember anyway we have our portal out to the outer islands i feel like we should probably go and explore that right here and right now while we’re at the top here let’s do a

Quick achievement check we have the end for entering an end portal you need a mint for collecting dragon’s breath and the end once again for killing the ender dragon not too bad so far we’re at 19 hours played and some of these other achievements further down the list

Master trader and passing the time are actually doing pretty well and we’ll go into a bit more of that once we’re back in the overworld but for now i think it’s time to go through this portal and see where it takes us to the other side

And that was one loud sound effect and this is a very very close end city unfortunately does not look like it has a boat so we’re gonna have to go a little bit further afield to uh grab our electro but at least we can get shulker boxes from here shulker boxes are

Required for one achievement in particular and i actually really like the way shulkers move in this version of the game they kind of move almost like they’re in uh stop motion or something like that wow this guy is firing pretty fast as well thank goodness i got feather falling on my

Boots before coming out here otherwise i’d be taking a lot more fall damage right now okay let’s parkour our way up the tower grab ourselves another shulker shell and i think we probably don’t want to linger too long here unless there is some loot to grab which it does not seem

Like there is for this end city but no worries yes there’s our second shulker shell great stuff i’ll try and land on this chorus fruit if i can brilliant okay let’s hop down here let’s grab the shulker shell and let’s up our render distance because the best way to find

End cities in bedrock edition is just to look around you and there we go by upping the render distance to 80 chunks i can see that there is an end city over there in the distance i’m gonna head for that let’s see what we can manage i will

Also need to grab myself an ender pearl or two for the trip back but that’s not gonna be too difficult i’m hoping this is all one connected land mass that will take me to that city over there but if not we can always do a little bit of

Bridging with some materials from around us yeah that’s looking like we might have to hop over somewhere oh maybe there’s a little land bridge over there we’ll see what we can do okay one last bridge over the void and we should be able to make it to the other side where the ship

Awaits us it is right there above so hopefully i didn’t look at any enderman when i just did that quick look up and we’ll be able to make land on the other side and investigate this city we made it we made it we made it we made it okay

Let’s see do we want to pillar straight up to that first i think i might investigate the end city just in case there’s any nice loot and potentially an ender chest that we can stash some stuff in well there we go all right that’s quite the reward a few diamonds and some

Gold perfect and of course we have an ender chest here that i can throw a bunch of stuff into let’s quickly make a crafting table so we can actually make a shulker box that’s going to be exciting the first shulker box here in bedrock edition let’s put all of this stuff in

It we’ll put the gold we’ll put the diamonds the potions and stuff i shouldn’t need any of the rest of the potions i guess we’ll stuff the shulker shell in there as well some of these blocks which we won’t need and i think that will probably do it for now then

Let’s put that in the end of chest let’s grab our spare ender pearls out of there perfect stuff okay i think i’m gonna make for the ship now shouldn’t be too difficult the ship is all the way over here and with an ender pearl throw i

Don’t know if i’ve made that oh i have made it fantastic that was a really good throw actually yeah um the enderpearl trajectory and a couple of the other thrones stuff like splash potions and things is a little bit different so i was having to uh eyeball that a little

Bit but here we are right in front of the ally trail let’s get the shulker taken care of the bullet explodes harmlessly on the wall behind us victory we’ve got ourselves an elytra and a little bit of extra loot to go with it and much as i do want to stay

Here and raid the rest of these end cities there really isn’t all that much left to do as far as achievements go uh there’s just the elytra and the shulker box needed for some achievements and then the last thing we need to do is try and levitate up 50 blocks using attacks

From a shulker to get that levitation effect so hopefully we can convince this guy to shoot me with another couple of bullets there we go we are rising up already and if this works anything like the way it does on java edition we could always rely on the change in height from a

Chorus fruit or an ender pearl to get us the rest of the way but it seems like these shulker bullets are chasing us up pretty high so i have a feeling we might already have hit that target i can just use an ender pearl to get down right now

And either way we should have achieved that goal yes there we go we got a great view from up here levitate up 50 blocks from the attacks of a shulker brilliant and whether that was the ender pearl that did it or just the fact that we got pretty high from various shulkers

Hitting me that should be fine now we can make our way back to the overworld and the only time we really need to come back to the end is to get the achievement for respawning the dragon which i’ll need to make a few preparations for a little bit later and

Back across the bridges heading home to that portal that will take us back to the central island i think this has been a pretty surprising success i was expecting something at least to go wrong while we were here but it looks like we got away with it folks all right and

Portal take me home let’s get back to the overworld and i ended up back in this little village where i’ve been doing a fair amount of trading with the farmers and stuff but it’s a lovely day here in the overworld middle of the day let’s get back to the rest of the achievements

And in the process of getting back from that end city it looks like we also got beam me up for teleporting over 100 meters from a single throw of an enderpearl that might have been enderpearling down from the end city or it might even have been going through

One of the end gateways and it triggered late who knows anyway we’ve got that on the books as well fantastic stuff now the next challenge probably in our boss rush episode today is going to be the wither and i’ve made a few preparations i’ve got some splash healing potions

I’ve got all of the potions i think i will need including night vision and fire resistance because we’re probably going to be starting this off in a cave i imagine the weather in this version has a few tricks up its sleeves so i’m going to go really far away from where

We are right now i’m probably going to head back out to near the village where we found the stronghold i’m going to dig a large area at a fairly low height and hopefully we should be able to uh take care of the weather in close quarters

Looks like around here we have a pretty expansive cave area and i would not want the weather to dash off down any of these tunnels so i am going to try going a little bit further down and seeing if we can get it in a confined space but if

This thing is a an absolute warren of tunnels then it’s gonna be a little bit difficult to find it that’s assuming of course that the weather doesn’t just focus all its attacks on me and blast me into oblivion i can hear tons of skeletons around here so it seems like

We are gonna have to deal with the structure of the cave but down here at ye12 i feel like we can make a bit of a tunnel and then dig out a larger section at the end here the tunnel is mostly here for for me to retreat into if i

Feel like i’m getting attacked too heavily and i’ll try and keep the floor at an even level to stop myself from like yeah having issues there all right i forgot that i had efficiency for and not on breaking three on that pickaxe so it broke and i feel like we’re probably

Just gonna give this a try now i mean there’s really no time like the present i suppose and i don’t have a huge amount of valuable gear on me aside from the diamond armor i’ve got my potions and stuff i’ve got some golden apples as well for regen but i’ve got my smite

Sword i upgraded it to smite four and i’ve got my regular bow i think we should be able to make a go of it here’s hoping fingers crossed for me because i’m giving myself every possible advantage with these potions and stuff as well now let me just put all of this

Stuff in a chest because i don’t really feel like throwing it all away right now we might need at least some of the iron and stuff later okay if you can’t tell i’m feeling a little bit apprehensive about this fight after what everybody has told me about

It being difficult but there is really no time like the present and we need to get this thing started we will get two achievements here one for summoning the wither and one for killing the wither and let’s hope that the second one comes as easily as the first one so we’ve got

Two skulls in i’ll need to drink a few potions while the weather is charging up so let’s get those on the hot barn now in fact i may as well chug a few of these now because the fight probably isn’t going to last for eight minutes there we go that’s one

Two and three gosh this is a little bit nerve-wracking so now we’ll need a strength potion a regen potion and a splash potion of healing on the bar and i’m gonna switch the food out for golden apples okay here we go and i know that this thing does

Explode both when it gets summoned for the first time and when it dies so hopefully we’ll be able to make it through this fight here we go all right come at me and that’s probably unwise words because i feel like it probably is gonna dash at

Me when i come out of here hello okay it’s going up to the surface it looks like yep okay we can give it a couple of taps with the bow here okay yep got withered almost immediately all right we’ll need to back off get that strength potion get that regeneration potion

Okay wow taking a lot of damage already here’s hoping we can stave it off with the bow for a little while longer it’s a familiar boss but it’s doing unfamiliar things i’m gonna need to eat this golden apple real fast so i can have some extra hearts here because that wither effect

Is really really damaging me right now and it lasts for so long oh my gosh instant health please yes thank you seriously how long does this wither effect last for i’ve got it for another 16 seconds are you kidding me i’ve eaten my second golden apple and i’m not even

Close to running out of that wither effect yet oh my gosh this is ludicrous yep okay note to self we do not want to get hit by the weather at all during this fight if anything oh gosh it’s blasting the roof away from over the top of me

Yeah we do not want to get withered we don’t want this to happen oh no oh no oh no yep i cannot see myself lasting out this effect i think i’m gonna die this is insane regeneration is not helping me i’m going to need to put all

Of my stuff in a chest and come back to it because there’s no way i’m outlasting this wither effect at this point i’m sorry guys we’re going to have to take another crack at this because i’m about to die wow wow that’s tough we’re going to need a

Lot more healing potions aren’t we so that was brutal and now we’ve got to go back there and this time i’m going to bring an ender chest because i think the thing i’m most worried about is the fact that i left all my gear in a chest there

And now i have to get back to that point in order to retrieve it so at least if that’s gonna happen again i’ll try and put all of my stuff in the ender chest beforehand and that way we can retrieve it from here and we’ll make sure we’ll

Go into this the fight again with the same gear so let’s do our best to get back over there and luckily for me i didn’t fully explore this cave before i picked a spot to fight the wither i just went through a couple of different different little passageways here and

There so i am hoping that it should be fairly straightforward to find my way back to the spot where we had the fight okay yes this is looking like it this is looking like it there’s all my stuff where on earth is the wither and uh

Thankfully i can get all of my diamond gear out of here and hopefully we should still be able to fight the wither i don’t think it despawns or anything but i’m surprised that i haven’t already heard it surprised and a little bit worried nope i can hear it i can hear

Some stuff exploding around me so i’m going to take the potions again we’re going to take the speed we’re going to take the night vision i do not have fire resistance on me this time and that could end up being a problem but i’ve got some splash potions of regeneration

And i’ve got some instant health potions i’ve got a bunch of them this time hopefully we should be able to last a little bit longer but yep there’s the withers boss bar oh and immediately we get hit by one wow okay that was a little quicker than i expected it to be

Need to hit ourselves with that instant health make sure we’ve got some food on the bar so that the regeneration can kick in the weather is regenerating too though so i am going to have to go up there and hit it soon i really can’t help but feel like this wither really

Needs to be fought on the surface instead of underground so you have a little bit more room to duck and dodge out of the way uh i don’t know quite where it’s got to but i’ve got my shield up and hopefully that will be enough to

Block the wither effect if we end up getting hit by one of those skulls again okay it’s seen me it’s seen me and i’m already with it i couldn’t even see the skulls coming towards me at the time this is just insane this is absolutely insane

That’s twice now it’s killed me and i’m mostly hoping that i can go down here and get my stuff and then leave again at this point i kind of want to regroup and rethink my strategy because it’s obvious that the cave strategy is not working at

All for me right now okay here’s my stuff here’s my stuff here’s my stuff okay let’s get everything and then let’s leave again because i am clearly not ready to fight the weather yet all right well we are going to return to that problem later in the video for now i’m

Just happy that i got out with all of my gear intact so uh bye for now i’m kind of leaving an enormous massive destructive force underneath the ground here but um hopefully the village won’t mind and in the meantime at least we have the achievement for spawning the wither if

Not necessarily the achievement for killing the wither so let’s go back to some of the more calming achievements like dying different pieces of leather armor different colors for example uh i think i have a spare set in here and dyeing stuff in bedrock edition is actually done really differently to java because

You need to start with a cauldron full of water and then apply the dye to it so the water in the cauldron turns out this kind of dull gray color compared to ordinary water but then if i add red dye to it like so and have the cap in there

That’s how you dye leather armor in bedrock now let’s change that slightly by adding some blue dye so we’re gonna have a lovely purple tunic to go with let’s maybe make that a little bit more magenta by adding the magenta dye and dipping the pants in and finally add

Some orange to it which is going to have a really interesting color there we go and that should make the achievement pop although i don’t know if we need to wear this set or not nope there we go we got tie-dye outfit for using a cauldron to

Dye all four pieces of leather armor great stuff man this is so much more relaxing than fighting the wither we are only missing a few colors of wool in this chest now and three of them rely on having green dye available so we are gonna have to head out in various

Directions trying to find a desert i don’t know where one is in this world but i’m gonna guess that there might be one adjoining some of these jungles last i saw the only jungle that continued out into the distance when we had the super long render distance was this set jungle

Over here so i might build myself a boat and go and explore and see if i can find myself a desert and is it me or is the rowing animation on bedrock kind of adorable it’s a little bit strange with the the oars just kind of flapping randomly at

My sides but this is also going to contribute to the sail the seven seas achievement which we have to get by visiting all of the different ocean biomes oh and is that what i think it is over there in the distance i think we are stumbling across an ocean monument

Over there on the left-hand side see where that row of lights is under the water i think that’s the entrance to an ocean monument i won’t get too close to it right now because we have other things on our mind but yep that is definitely an ocean monument fantastic

We will need to revisit that later in the episode is this a frozen ocean right here there are some icebergs basically right next to the jungle which looks really bizarre but i guess we better go and visit that yeah this is the most bizarre little frozen lagoon i think

I’ve ever laid my eyes on in this game that’s such a strange like combination of biomes i have no words right now that’s crazy alright uh maybe that counts hopefully that counts at the very least that frozen ocean gave us the adventuring time achievement for discovering 17 unique biomes which i’ll

Take it to be honest uh i think we might have a couple of like lukewarm oceans or something to visit while i’m here there might be some different ocean volumes that i haven’t yet explored and i can’t really tell what biome i’m in at any given time on this version so i’m just

Gonna have to explore a whole bunch and hope i passed through one of them at some point or another so this right here has either got to be a desert or the largest beach i’ve ever seen and yet it does look like that is cactus and not sugarcane perfect well well well we

Finally found a desert in this world it’s taken longer than expected but i guess i haven’t really been focusing on exploring all that much all i need to do really is hop on to land and grab some of this cactus and we should be able to

Just head back to spawn with this by the time we get back there it might even be daytime so let’s set up an impromptu little cactus farm over here just in a spot that won’t get uh too much foot traffic so we don’t have to worry about

Bumping into these things although if we grow them on a block then i can walk right up to them without having to worry about uh yeah hitting my head on them getting uh getting attacked by the cactus and the remaining four can get cooked in a furnace here so that i can

Get myself some green dye because i really want to get this finished i only need a little bit more blue dye which i can probably just get from some lapis or corn flowers if i have them here need to shear the sheep to make sure we’ve got a

Little bit of extra wool and we can dye each of these pieces of wool a different color and that will get us the rainbow collection achievement for getting all 16 colors of wool at last the collection is complete looking very pretty here in the chest that’s all 16 colors and

Hopefully sooner or later the achievement should turn up don’t worry folks i haven’t forgotten about the weather i am slowly formulating a plan and i really think it’s going to rely very heavily on me having buckets of milk for the wither fight to dispel that effect because otherwise there’s just no

Way you can stand up to having wither 2 for 30 seconds that’s just absurd not sure quite how i’m gonna manage that without just having a shulker box full of milk buckets but you know what that might not be a bad strategy actually in fact while we’re at it why don’t we go

Ahead and get another achievement for naming a shulker box this is the organizational wizard achievement and we can call this one milk buckets this is going to be a little bit foreboding for the wither fight next question is what is the recipe for a grindstone in this

Version is it the same as it is yeah okay it is the same as i am normally used to all right well we can make one of those nice and quickly so we can get a disenchanting achievement i’m not gonna disenchant any of my top tier enchanted gear we’re just gonna get rid

Of the unbreaking one enchantment on this pickaxe like so and that gets us the disenchanted achievement for using a grindstone to remove an enchantment from an item i’ve got an extra pair of diamond boots thanks to some armor i crafted hastily to make sure that i was

Protected on my way back to recovering my stuff and i think somewhere in here yes there it is i have a frost walker enchanted books so i think we might as well make a frost walker set of boots now luckily they also have feather falling which is quite nice and oh yeah

I don’t have enough levels let me go and grab myself some xp real fast the achievement we’re looking to get here is let it go which just requires us to walk out onto a deep ocean using frost walker boots and i think these seem to fit the

Bill just to make sure i’m gonna head out to this section which i’m pretty sure is as deep as the ocean around here gets so hopefully the biome will match up with that looks like we should be getting the achievement for this yep we nailed it there we go using the

Frostwalker boots walk at least one block on frozen water in a deep ocean well we’ve definitely walked at least one block i think okay so i’m starting to consider fighting the wither again which may be famous last words but i think we might be able to manage it now

That i have thought to bring a few buckets of milk along and i say a few i mean like 20 at this point we are probably going to need that many for this fight i’m going to have to give up on the idea of having swiftness and

Night vision we’re just going to have to sacrifice those because we will be drinking milk constantly to get rid of the potion effects but i’ve got myself some splash potions of regen and some instant health just in case probably brew up a little bit more instant health

While i still can and then the strength two is here just so we can give ourselves the edge to finish off the wither with the last few attacks i might also try and upgrade the power on my bow to power five or at least four because

Right now it’s only three and i feel like while that’s not necessarily going to give us a huge advantage it’s still going to be better than the alternative so to get myself enough xp so that we can actually enchant some books again i’m just going to spend a bit of time

Trading with my farmers here because uh it’s peaceful and relaxing and doesn’t involve me having to think about fighting the wither again okay folks i think we’re ready i think we’re ready to try again i don’t have power four on the bow or power five i’ve

Still got path three but i do have smite five on my sword now so hopefully we get to at least make some fighting contact with the wither and i’ve got a shulker box full of milk buckets and a few of them already loaded into my inventory so

Hopefully this one will go a little bit smoother fingers crossed although i’m not gonna jinx it at this point i’m pretty sure that we are headed for disaster once again okay this corridor is looking very familiar at this point we’re not going to go in with any other

Kind of effect we’re just going to have to trust in our ability to see around us and hope that there isn’t too much lava down here the weather has fully regenerated i’ve got my sharpness 5 sword there so i might actually just tuck that away in my ender chest really

Quick while i have the chance can certainly hear it it sounds like it is very close and i’m expecting yep there it is it’s right there okay wow and i am already kind of trapped here okay let’s drink that bucket of milk real fast there we go mitigate that

Wither effect we got a hit in at least and that’s as much as i can hope for at this point it seems to fire a few skulls and then just kind of wait for a little while so hopefully if we time our attacks right we should be able to take

It on the real problem i’m having right now is just seeing where enough it is yep there we go okay okay got a couple of hits in a couple more hits with a bow it’ll be down to 50 yes there we go okay well we got some wither skeletons coming

For us now i expect yep okay it looks like the weather is invulnerable but that’s fine i’ve got a smite five sword i can take on with the skeletons all day did the weather just whoa okay oh my gosh okay well now now we have a problem now we have a real

Problem gonna dig into the wall here gotta pick up some milk gotta make sure i can heal okay oh what the heck what the heck is going on i did not expect what what on earth i don’t see where the other wither skeleton is and the wither

Seems to be like in some kind of invulnerable state right now is it just in sword mode i can’t see its health that dash attack is ludicrous and okay okay right i’m about to die okay uh i don’t have any potions or anything i need to avoid that dash attack oh my

Gosh help help help i need to get back i need to get back into whoa okay oh all right i need to regroup i need to regroup healing healing okay good man i was not expecting that dash attack to work quite that fast wow all right all

Right there’s just so many blocks in my inventory right now it’s kind of killing me here right now the worst part is i think i dropped my pickaxe somewhere in there and it might have just been destroyed because i do not have a pickaxe anymore but what the heck we’ll

Go for it anyway yep okay we are dealing some damage so it looks like the wither is not completely invulnerable we’re just gonna have to kite it around a little bit until i can get to it that is just an absolutely brutal dash attack okay okay get the

Milk get the milk heal up regenerate yes we can do this gotta get it while it’s still in this mode before it has a chance to regenerate health please please tell me we’re doing this oh my gosh i think we might have killed it i think we might have killed it but

It’s about to explode on its death rattle oh my gosh i’m about to explode too if i don’t get some milk oh dang it i died but i think the weather died too oh gosh okay right well i’m gonna have to get back there and find out what on earth just

Happened and man i know the way back to this area like the back of my hand at this point it’s really just become a matter of muscle memory at this point and this place is going to be absolutely devastated look at this look at this this is ridiculous oh

That’s all the stuff i had in my chest that’s not even my drops okay uh let me get rid of some of that let me at least put on this helmet and judging by the fact that there is no boss bar i think if we go into the

Achievements yes we did it we actually killed the wither now where the heck is the nether star please tell me it didn’t end up in lava oh gosh there’s a spider over there and i’m not really well equipped to deal with that right now man part of the struggle of this fight seems

To be just getting rid of all of the blocks afterwards oh my gosh but i think that is most of the stuff i brought with me there’s tons of like redstone and lapis on the floor that is definitely not mine there it is there it is our

Prize oh my goodness me the netherstar is here i feel like having a freaking photo shoot with this thing right now but we got it oh yes bedrock players i have a new sense of respect for you that is probably one of the toughest fights i have done in like

My entire video gaming life at this point that was ludicrous but we did it we fought the weather legit underground in bedrock edition we even exposed a bit of an abandoned mine shaft up there that’s probably worth exploring a little bit later i tell you what though if you want

A way to do that chest full of cobblestone achievement just fight the wither it’s fine super easy and while i’m here i can’t ignore the fact that it did leave some diamonds exposed so i’m gonna take these back home with me as kind of a second reward from this fight

Job well done i think ladies and gents i hope you guys enjoyed that because that oh that was harrowing that was honestly the one thing i was worried about through this entire challenge was how difficult i’d heard the wither fight was going to be but we nailed it and no i

Say nailed it we barely escaped with our lives and now we can create a beacon using the obsidian from that ender chest i just broke there it is although we do have to completely charge this up with a full tier 4 beacon in order to get the

Uh achievement for creating a beacon so i think we’re going to stash this away in the valuables chest for the time being but we are not done with this episode because we have an ocean monument to raid i figure that’s probably going to be the next step and

For that we’re going to make ourselves a conduit i have a bunch of nautilus shells from afk fishing and fighting the drowned i can make myself a heart of the sea and we should be able to activate a conduit inside the ocean monument that will help us with water breathing and

Vision down there although i probably better cook up a couple of water breathing potions as well time for me to put my money where my mouth is i guess the ocean monument is dead ahead and i will drink potion of water breathing first and then we’ll dive down into the

Front entrance and see if we can find a decent place to plant the conduit funny that should be an activation ring around the conduit so i’m not entirely sure what’s gone on there anyway we’ve only got one potion of water breathing and one potion of night vision so i guess

We’ll have to mess with the conduit a little bit later to fight our first elder guardian we’re gonna have to make our way to the front of the temple somehow and a lot of these rooms are oh okay yep we got some sea grass in here and there’s our first elder great stuff

Let’s give him a couple of chops with the sword hopefully he shouldn’t be able to do too much damage to us and yeah okay i reckon we can take this place on that’s not gonna be a problem see if we can swim around to the other side and

Cut through to one of the other rooms that way one of the guardians of the elder guardians is going to be on the top of the pyramid part of course but there is another guy lurking at the end of this corridor great stuff we’ve even

Got a pillar that we can juke around if we want to break his line of sight nice and easy all right two down one to go there’s the pillar room of course we can head through here and i imagine a way up to the central chamber is going

To be in one of these rooms but oh there’s a dolphin in here as well okay yep looks like we’re up at the top fantastic right uh one more guardian to take down and a little bit of damage to take from thorns but that is three elder

Guardians down and this whole time we’ve been fighting the elder guardians we have also been working on an achievement for killing an elder guardian which i believe is called the deep end right now the thing i’m depending on is getting mining fatigue out of the way so i can

Activate that conduit but you know what we could always take some prismarine with us and take the conduit with us as well i’m just going to wait out the duration of mining fatigue because i’ll still have a little bit of water breathing and night vision left all

Right i’ve got my prismarine let’s find our way out of here but not without picking up our mandatory trash treasure which is the eight blocks of gold from the center of the ocean monument near the back i don’t quite know my way there yet unfortunately nope there it is okay

We got it let’s grab the dark prismarine from around here and grab the gold that’s inside yep this looks like the main entrance to me i wonder why the conduit didn’t activate maybe you have to build a full activation frame perhaps anyway we can make our way out of here

Thank you so much ocean monument you are always a pleasure to visit but uh i’ll see you another day and we haven’t done much in the way of aesthetic building in this series at all because i’ve been so focused on the achievements but i feel like the center

Of this lake here feels like a really nice place to put the conduit almost like it’s an ornamental fountain of sorts so let’s make ourselves an activation frame in here want the usual uh five by five outside three by three inside but the trick is to build three

Of those rings like so all kind of centered around a single point where we are going to place our conduit we’ll put one block there and take it out once we have the conduit in place and then all of this needs to be waterlogged because the conduit won’t activate unless it’s

Underwater i actually have no idea how to pronounce this one but i’m going to go ahead and say it’s musk straumann and that is for just activating a conduit in an activation frame just like this and there it is sitting in the achievements list fantastic stuff we are at 66

Percent two-thirds of the way there and we’re gonna push for a few more achievements before you wrap up today’s episode the first thing i want to do is kill two birds with one stone and find an appropriate place to scoop a bucket of lava out of the lakes here in the

Nether i guess this spot will do and use the bucket of lava as furnace fuel to dry out the wet sponges simultaneously getting us the dry spell and super fuel achievements in one fell swoop there are a couple of weird like technical achievements that i think we

Could probably pull off while i think about it so let’s grab some cobblestone out of here let’s make some pistons and we have a really odd description for this one i’m not quite sure what to make of it the achievement is called inception and it says push a piston with

A piston then pull the original piston with that piston and i think what you have to do is place them facing into each other like that with a sticky piston and a regular piston we use the regular piston to push that one and then we use the sticky piston to pull that one

Is that what we do yeah i guess it is that’s it’s a weird one almost at 70 though nice i think we’re gonna wrap up here soon because there are a bunch of achievements related to raids and pillagers that i kind of want to get to in tomorrow’s episode for the finale but

Before we go i want to go and grab a bunch of kelp because there are two kelp related achievements one of which requires you to eat nothing but dried kelp for three in-game days so at that point we’re probably also going to pass the 100 days achievement so i’m gonna

Pick up a couple of the furnaces and turn them into smokers the better to uh have kelp production move fast and the other achievement we need to get requires you to use dried kelp as furnace fuel so uh here we go i guess probably have to wait for this bit of

Fuel to run out and for this dried kelp block to be consumed before that counts towards the achievement but uh yeah that’s gonna happen nice and easily and i guess now i have to go on a bit of a dried kelp diet so i’m going to remove

All of the other food types from my inventory we are going to be eating one piece of dried kelp and from that point onwards we have to go three days without eating any other source of food except for dried kelp which should be pretty

Easy now that i have a few stacks of it but i think i’m going to spend this time going mining to grab as much iron and gold and other beacon type materials as i can because we will need to assemble a full beacon for tomorrow’s episode and

That’s going to take a lot of mining a lot of grinding and a lot of looking for resources so i think i’m gonna call it a day for this episode of the minecraft survival guide thank you folks so much for watching we are on the home stretch

Now we’ve only got a few achievements i think more like 30 achievements but still plenty to do tomorrow in tomorrow’s episode thank you so much for watching in the meantime don’t forget to leave a like on this episode subscribe if you want to see more and i’ll see you guys soon take care

Bye for now You

This video, titled ‘Boss Fights! Bedrock Edition Achievement Guide Pt.4 ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide [Part 219]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2019-09-05 10:00:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide continues! This tutorial will show you how to get the achievements for killing the Ender Dragon, the …

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    Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java TricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make your minecraft clean and smooth??(pojav+java)’, was uploaded by Thunder_Warrior on 2024-05-16 11:03:02. It has garnered 396 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:10 or 250 seconds. Subscribe pack link:- @ArenaPlayzZ @TufaniGamerOP @pubixd @SpunkyInsaan20 #minecraft #texturepack #minecraftmods #viralvideo #fpsboost #viral #trending my DC:- mod minecraft java texture pack minecraft texture pack best texture pack for pvp pojav launcher pvp best texture pack texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack pvp pvp texture pack Minecraft… Read More

  • Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!

    Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!Video Information This video, titled ‘CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME)’, was uploaded by Baba on 2024-06-21 16:00:11. It has garnered 11478 views and 339 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:25 or 1465 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME) Me in the ALL GIRLS SCHOOL! (STORYTIME) I WENT INTO THE ALL-GIRLS SCHOOL (STORYTIME) LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: KICK: DISCORD JOIN! HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: ●Twitter: ●Instagram: ●TikTok: ●Discord: ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi

    Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5’, was uploaded by Atom Guy on 2024-02-28 10:30:21. It has garnered 169474 views and 17127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5 seed 1 = 28000016 seed 2 = 6942694259176815774 1.19 only minecraft Malayalam Games Explanation In Malayalam atom guy NFS heat GTA gamer Malayalam shorts facts mallu game shorts game facts gaming shorts gaming facts game shorts Malayalam gaming facts Malayalam gaming… Read More

  • Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #Minecraft

    Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘💀 #pubg #freefire #minecraft #bloger #igrog_uzb’, was uploaded by Igrog_uzb on 2024-04-08 02:04:03. It has garnered 422 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘! Minecraft???’, was uploaded by spunky playz on 2024-01-13 14:05:43. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #life #spunky #memes stay safe ! keep Smiling ! Todays Minecraft memes is minecraft! Minecraft traps in different times !!!!!!!!! and also very useful for you and you can try it in your minecraft world and yet keep subscribing Love you guys #share #support #subscribe #minecraft #viral #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #meme #shortsviral #viralshorts #smartypie #pewdiepie #dream #mrbeast #technogamerz #anshubisht #GEvids #casetoo #pigpong funny memes, unusual memes, memes for… Read More

  • Fox Geopolitics

    Fox GeopoliticsHello and welcome to Fox Geopolitics! We are an inclusive and small friendly server of people from many walks of life who have come together to form a new modded 1.19.2 Java server focused on worldbuilding on a vanilla minecraft world! Our theme is set in the 1860s-70s, and we are constantly improving things based on community feedback. We offer mods such as Create, Valkyrien skies & Eureka, Immersive Engineering, and a regulated and period appropriate mod for basic guns. Our server has been released for almost a week now, and we are looking for more fun people to join… Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focused

    SolarionSMP - SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP Join Us: Discord About Us We are a whitelisted SMP server inspired by Hermitcraft. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community for all players. Our Vision At Solarion, we use plugins like Drop Heads, SinglePlayerSleep, and more to enhance gameplay while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Community We welcome players of all playstyles and host various projects and events to keep everyone engaged. Commitment to The Vanilla Experience While we use quality-of-life plugins, we avoid game-altering features like teleportation or virtual currency systems. Application Process Join our community by following our whitelist process…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I’m not a smart man, but math ain’t my game

    Minecraft Memes - I'm not a smart man, but math ain't my gameWell, at least he knows his priorities – getting that high score in memes! Read More

  • Glid DOP Twitch Stream Highlights

    Glid DOP Twitch Stream HighlightsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:35:10. It has garnered 413 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. @GlidingtheoW Read More

Boss Fights! Bedrock Edition Achievement Guide Pt.4 ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide [Part 219]