Bozo Squad Takes on Parkour Worlds?! 🔥 | Release Countdown |

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e [Music] welcome to the stream chat what is Good Fellas how are we doing today chat today is a very special day today is the release of Parkour worlds most likely is from what I’ve heard hi’s last official game mode the last release of a hive game mode other than Sky Block not sure if that really counts it probably should but this will be the last game mode getting released on the hive which is pretty dang cool um a little bit sad but I think it’s a good direction for the server in terms of just updating the gamees they have but you know it’s it’s going to be a special day Chad it’s going to be a special day anyways we should we should get moving here we should get moving here then so let’s get gaming okay alrighty Chad boom let’s turn that way down thank you okay make sure this doesn’t Echo all right sick guys all right we’re good we’re good welcome random stuff welcome um Yi welcome Nick welcome Drago welcome demo welcome y welcome Blasio welcome Eli welcome TTT welcome green welcome to the stream everybody you look like a hoglin is crazy Mr D boy what’s good hello hello TF welcome to the stream what’s good dude can we Duel not at the moment not at the moment we’re gaming here all right Chad so you see in the timer in the bottom in the bottom left there we have 18 minutes until the release of Parkour worlds roughly I’m pretty it’s it’s pretty on the spot there’s like a couple seconds off maybe but that shouldn’t matter so hello to the Drago but Chad we got to I think we can fit in a couple Customs here was the lobby that everyone is in I don’t know um is there a big Lobby right now let’s see what Hub defects oh this L is empty dang okay um let’s see what about Momo’s Hub is this the same Hub it might be regardless I think I I don’t know I don’t know about a super super crowded Hub at the moment there probably will be one at release for sure but it’ll be fine all righty Chad let’s let’s play let’s let’s queue up the tradition we got to play SkyWars before we play parkour worlds so here let’s let’s go to little r here wait H you done my M and search for new city and new he highlight thumbnail cck on the website um not right now Nick not on stream sorry I I don’t I don’t know what you’re talking about okay do/ QC parkours is there it’s probably not no it it won’t be there yet it won’t be there yet unless unless it is I don’t know maybe it will be we’ll see I don’t believe so yep no it’s not not there quite yet it will be soon though it will be soon 16 minutes Chad 16 minutes we all right that then you that that that’s pretty interesting all right could you just send me the map that might be way easier all right boom all right yo hello Nick what’s good welcome to the stream how you doing man what’s up okay wait there we are and now we’re ready to game here oh 15 minutes from me no way you yes sir we’re getting there almost almost time for release I’m excited to see what it is I feel like I still have not like seen too much on what it what the game actually consists of I mean if it’s just parkour or whatever this Packer very boring yo blo thank you for the two2 D bro you have face on your friends list by chance I I do yeah yeah I got you man I got you all right we I have full prop four netherite armor on the SMP you’re actually you’re insane bro you’re insane boom okay I will admit the only but I don’t don’t like about this pack are the diamond ores I think I mean most of the ores are fine I think the diamond ores are kind of weird though I think they should pop more all right let’s see dude come here oh thank you for that sword I appreciate it that oh my God that was his main sword too that’s so funny and he’s cooked GG mine now bud nope I’m fighting you now you’re my battle oh hi there Drago um I’m just going to let you do your thing there every this pack is a cartoony feel but the ores have a bland yeah it’s kind of weird to the side because I more interesting all right I’m the only one in chat with a high pfp crazy I don’t know man I I don’t think people normally just use like their player as their pfp I think they just have like a different pfp that’s not Hive all right boom okay how about we get let’s get ourselves a little actually I do remember the very very beginning of the squad of bozos like literally the first night and that was it cuz I we were actually supposed to make the original plan was to make the channel like the day after the night I made it and we were just going to like play stuff and then record a bunch of different clips for short and all that but I got excited and made the channel the night before and just posted some random garbage video that was the first video that you can see I mean it’s if you go down to the shorts and scroll to the bottom that that would be the first one but the very very first like night of the channel it was literally just like a hi The Hive logo that I took from my TV screen and then we changed it almost immediately to an absolute abomination of a pfp for like multiple months I do not know how stood for so long some of you might know what I’m talking about I don’t think any I don’t know if anyone here was is old enough to like be there when it happens but I think I think I think some of you may have seen it I’ve showed it a couple times we all right okay let’s queue in here let’s go guys how many more minutes we got 12 minutes to release let’s go dude okay very excited chat lots of shortcuts yeah man I mean one thing I think this game mode is going to be good for like I think it’ll just be like gravity I think it’ll be a pretty Sim similar situation to gravity where would just be like a chill game and you kind of turn off turn off your thinking because like personally like I love Hive like just doing random parkour And Hive like I’ve sat there I don’t know how much time I’ve spent just sitting in the SkyWars Hub just doing that parkour over and over again like it’s it’s just kind of relaxing sing Escape at the start of cave by the way really I did not know that I’ve never even like I’ve done cave maybe once like it’s just too out of the way I don’t I don’t like it it’s just too much too long I like the other one much better all right there we go okay let’s do wait I actually have like no what I have no armor bro what is this what is this armor what the heck bro this is not nice okay so boom let’s go so they can’t be their IRL for the re unfortunate home in a bit W yeah I I was like my mom told me I had to go on a walk with my brother so I like speed ran the walk so that I could be home fast enough like actually stream this cuz I missed bedwars release day so I figured I I definitely needed to be there and live for parkour worlds release day I mean I’d be there on release day but I want to be there when it released I haven’t I haven’t been here like streaming for the release of a game mode I don’t even know if ever honestly does it want to come out now I don’t know bro it didn’t want to come out yesterday but they they can’t cancel it with like 11 minutes left they just can’t do that bro I refuse to believe although Hive does some silly things Gally okay okay he has an emo shoot this guy is suddenly much more Rich than he was by the way hello George what’s good man they with 3 minutes do they really when do that I going to get delayed bro that would be so Hive man that would be such a hive moment all right you’re cooked G gez let’s good yeah if they delay it I’m actually fuming dude there’s so many people live right now like doing the countdown streams boom all right okay come on come here bud you’re cooked but actually he might not be cooked here take five with five flavors because you can’t hand who building your online all right fine if you want a pearl Let’s Chill get over here bro okay I really have to pause fighting this guy so I can skip your dumb ad 56 second ad I’m glad I skipped that bro I am so glad I skipped that oh my God all right let playing with o cries when bedwars oh my goodness that’s crazy why don’t you like bedwar bro we love bedwars bedwars revive The Hive we okay W ooh don’t know when I got that but I’ll take it all right come here bud come me your lungy l ly 90 you’re cooked GG’s get the void thanks all right oh who oh that well I I was going to fight you but okay cheater zi is a crazy IGN bro putting cheater in your name is like such a terrible idea b y Holo Cosmo what’s up when ghost Invasion Prestige dude if if they if they add that that’d be crazy I don’t see why they would but it would be funny all right cor worlds are going to be used for those Java vids where they do parkour with telling droids bags dude that’s crazy that’d be kind of goofy remember when piglin Mafia was doing this those I remember when piglin Mafia was like uploading tons of those like just like random shorts of with like Minecraft Parkour in the background we all right there we are in 10 minutes let’s go chat wait eight minutes now8 minutes dude that’s crazy we’re almost there it’s almost time chat yo let’s go man okay Chad should we play one should we should we chill in the The Hub should we chill in the hub or should we play one last game I want I want to be one of the first to play it we’ll play one last game I don’t think we’ll miss it there’s no way we miss it I think we’ll get I think we’re good one final game here and then we’re going to then we’re going to chill in the hub I’m sure there’ll be one Hub that’s mostly like full of everybody but it’s do line right now right I’m only eight friends online at the moment oh eight friends online six remotes six in other regions let’s see oh my goodness hello Ryland Prime oh Angel is in this evening angel my goodness there we go okay all right I’m going go see you already see you have it going man have fun in the release hopefully you get to see it let get that CS off the screen don’t know why that’s there what the heck lashio hold up it’s Blasio y there you go okay boom give me this I’m Batman oh astrology is in this too why do I know like everyone in this Lobby what the heck I have to download stuff to join Hive I don’t know maybe it’s probably cuz a bunch of new textures and stuff for the new update that’s what I would assume they probably got a bunch of different custom models and stuff all right I wonder if any lobbies have it yet there’s always like one lobby that gets it early we got to keep checking Q sub on all oh my goodness incredible three more to go man five minutes Chad five minutes six minutes I can’t tell five minutes I’m going to say five all right yeah per you’re good bro bro he’s cheating okay [ __ ] let’s let’s go let’s go in the lobby let’s find the bus in lobby here Laura Laura is online oh effect YT are you ready for parkour worlds oh my God wait bedw war is going to hit 9k players H that’s insane dude SkyWars is also peaking actually I think SkyWars is literally about to peek let’s go yo chat I don’t know if we’re getting alted but we’re also about to hit 3.5 3.6k again let’s go just a micro Hub kind of oh my God Avery doors oh my ay doors is ignoring me ay doors oh she’s trying to get a screenshot my bad I think she’s attempting a screenshot of the players all right my good yo chat 3.6 again whoa incredible I’m pretty sure it’s aled but whatever okay let’s go dude the YT Rings all right as long as we just stay in this Hub it’s going to eventually become the YouTuber Hub actually did defect just leave the Hub it might not now oh no defects here okay this will hopefully be the Hub it’s all the YouTuber oh there’s Flora we got a high rank in here now I think this is going to be the Hub chat join up join up if you have me added join up my Hub and me back I just did bless you I just did 36k let’s go YOLO britz welcome to the stream but are we ready for parkour worlds wait guys hi Hive sign Chad Hive sign Hive sign time guys I think it’s Hive sign time I believe so wait hold up do I need to like get people Chad it’s kind of the tradition wait Chad get get in get in get in we’re going to the hive sign hold up I’ll pick people up if we need to party and War people are not added it should not be that hard to get into this Hub I mean I could but it seems kind of timeconsuming we have like three minutes left so we’re not going to be chilling in this hub for too long all right let’s go there we go up here fellas okay my goodness dude all right defect def why’ you jump out of my car bro not cool I’m getting in this guy’s car oh I can’t join due to everyone I have ADD is a hub rat bro that’s crazy that is pretty silly my goodness dud oh my God it’s blue SP Blues acknowledge my existence sir up up okay that’s F that’s fine with me Blues that’s fine with me that’s okay whatever all right my goodness okay this is this is exciting chat all right please I want to be in cool it’s not really that special we’re going to be here for like another 2 minutes it does not matter it does not matter there we go my goodness bro evening flura [Music] hello my goodness dude Chad this is hype this is hype man I’m ready I’m ready to go we okay how much time do we have 2 minutes I feel like that slightly inaccurate I’m going to wait until it hits 1250 then we’re going to set to 1 minute come on least change time yep all right there we go so now we got we should have a timer accurate pretty much down to the second just got here what I missed not quite we’re about to go we’re about to go man it’s almost much time CH one minute hope I think it’s the Hub should reset or R after like you new hubs or something that’s time to go all right I got to watch the countdown got watch the countdown chat 30 34 33 32 31 all right I should probably not count that that might get annoying here in time let’s go dude let’s go me not right now not right now my goodness dude so was 20 seconds chat 20 seconds Dre ging you are behind okay 14 13 12 11 it’s open parkour worlds parkour worlds go Chad go y all right I guess we’re just starting here there’s Cosmo all right man it’s rooftops time I don’t know what this is I have no clue okay we’re going to game oh there’s like stars okay there’s like a currency that’s cool might be nice oh my God this is like more challenging parkour slightly it’s nothing incredibly rigorous yo okay let’s go dude this is cool I like I like the all the building around this as always with hi team looks pretty good kind of glazing kind of glazing but it looks nice Chad why does Wi-Fi only seem to work in this room yo W oh my God yo these PS are sick that’s a cool feature all right man let’s go I I I won Chad I’m the best I’m actually incredible all right wait no shut up shut up shut up ad shut up oh my goodness okay let’s go yo hello plot rism what’s good hello glitch BR Cube okay chat what what why did I get kicked what what happened to my Hub what happened to my Hub man where Park no nope NOP nope parkour worlds parkour worlds there we go okay we already did rooftop wait I have so oh that’s cool so you have to do like you have to unlock them we have to do rooftop wait so I think we have to do rooftop two more times to unlock the next one I think that I he getting kicked what the heck come on come on please let me in we got to go fast we got we got to speedrun before we get kicked come on no shot please there we go oh this is new this is new okay I think we have to do three I think there’s three in here yeah that makes sense all right let’s go let’s go get all the stars okay don’t die I’m Flawless so far C we haven’t fallen once which you know slightly cool I guess I think that’s something this it’s nice that the Stars kind of show you where to go too that’s also nice get on high F Chad I ruined my street where are the parkour worlds do SL do SL Q do SL Q you should be able to get in let’s go dud boom I haven’t seen them in the hub yet but you can do SL Q to get in all right let’s go up here yeah this will be great for like the story time videos or something like random videos like that I feel like people eat this up okay I just fmed the I’m so bad all right eventually I’ll get decent times for all these but right now we’re just kind of exploring checking them out okay I should not fall into these very bushes I should avoid doing that I’m actually terrible I’m okay first real deaths chat first real deaths kind of kind of unfortunate but we’re we’re we’re fine we’re fine oh wait okay where oh up here okay all right that’s two Chad that’s two so I believe that gives us 40 we need one more oh my goodness high rank oh it’s real menu how you doing hello sir he let’s go parkour time oh he went small wait oh I can set things be small and stuff all right yeah death okay I think it’s I think it immediately goes to your death run preference which is nice I like that good feature okay I thought that would be boost me for some I’m terrible I’m terrible I’m the worst parkour World Player shower thought High shower thoughts is about to go crazy chat Parkour world’s even about it’s essentially just parkour that’s what it is it’s a show game it’s a parkour world that’s what it is not much more all right oh there we go up here okay all right this one’s a little bit more confusing in terms of the path there we go I just want to unlock the next area so this is the last Parkour in this world I guess you would call it I think that that’s kind of the point it’s called oh it’s Dynam I I had a I had a conversation with that man in the YouTube comment section all right there we go chat that’s the last one that’s the last one so leave this world okay so now that we’ve got 60 we can go to the Jungle sick okay thank you ever just subscribe chat appreciate it all right so now oh my God like no one’s here yet so are we like the first people to do this are we like the first people to be in this parkour I think there’s a couple other people but there’s like no one here everyone is in the first world bro okay this is actually way harder this is like sowh challenging parkour at least a little bit first tank it’s slow we’re going to cook all right okay and there we go got that up here bam y okay that’s like actually kind of a hard jump like I can’t lie some of this is not easy like it’s not challenging for me quite yet but like for mobile players this Ain this ain’t easy parkour for mobile players bro this is actually a little bit hard I’m actually excited for some of the later worlds then I wonder if they’ll make you do like a Neo or something that might be miserable if that makes me do a Neo I’m actually whining bro I’m actually whining on the high forms okay wait please okay I think these are meant to get gradually more difficult I believe is the goal here cool little Lily Pad thing like that I’m a fan okay wait I don’t think I was supposed to do it that way the use of the Coco hard what okay never mind we’re good we got to keep that momentum there we go yo oh my God no no no no no no okay dude why is this challenging I was not expecting this I thought it’d be like chill let’s speedrun the parkour it’s out yes sir man I’m on the second world already I’m speedrunning Hive parkour worlds man bro what no okay okay that’s not chill that’s not chill Hive we got to have the things work please thanks that’d be great um all right boom boom this is a long parkour okay fine fine fine that’s okay that’s okay with me yo yo hello C welcome wel to the stream what’s good dude okay there we are there we are all right I think the Strat is to not jump on these cuz I think that cancels it somehow all right let’s go let’s go this way wait where are we going now oh we’re going here there’s a guy right here it’s like the first person I’ve seen in this world this is like actually so underpopulated and no one is here yet dude we’re like the first people on this we’re about to go to the next World too I think oh shoot wait we’re getting ped this is my op chat we can’t get passed by this guy I need him to die yo we’re speedr running we’re going to be one of the first people to beat parkour worlds chat trust I’m going to cook there’s four in Jungle oh shoot all right yeah there wait no five there’s five what the heck that’s crazy come on okay oh all the way this way boom boom boom I feel like I’m getting a no I think that I think you might think there’s five because of the amount of stars but there’s been a lot more stars in these ones than there were in the other ones I think I believe anyways oh are there more oh there’s another one there is yeah yeah yeah Co Cavern conundrum let’s do it dude let’s see let’s see what what’s up with Cavern conundrum over here all right boom boom boom boom boom boom boom I’m on to Adventure right now ah sick man cool yet also unfortunate were we was there a skip there oh no you just go around it just it just baits you bro it baits you with that okay you can’t go there yet what the heck what the heck I’m I’m being scammed oh ky’s in the hub hello K all right let’s go dude keep cooking whoa wait no no no no no no all right we’re gaming guys I don’t know what when I get that other star though like there’s one down there that I just did not get I I hope I get back there because if not I’m cooked man I got to figure out how to get it how bad is it it’s not bad like some of this parkour is actually hard which surprised me I thought it was just all going to be super easy but it’s got it’s getting harder as I’m progressing so I assume like the last world is going to be like actually challenging part for and maybe they might even throw in a Neo I’m placing the best there might be a Neo somewhere we okay or something like some actual like challenging jump we okay I’m sure Hy doesn’t want everyone just to speed run through this at least like not super experienced players like this is not going to be super easy yo hello Jason welcome to the stream how you doing man all right we got some speed here hopefully okay is that the end that’s the end okay all right is there any more oh wait okay we did miss that we have there’s one more parkour but we missed one there’s one we can still get I think yeah it’s over there how do we get to that how do we get to that coin oh my God wait how do you how do we do this how do we do this oh right here right here right here right here cly there we go okay we found it and then you can go back all right cool all right that’s that’s good that’s good we got it now we got it all right W let’s go one more one more in this world one more in this world get Cosmetics I don’t know we’ll see there’s probably like a thing okay no that’s not that one hi yeah for Prime okay yeah there’s the this is the last one in the second world let’s go we’re so fast bro we’re actually cooking I I think I’m lowkey want to be going to be like one of the first 100 people to beat this game to beat all four worlds I think there’s four maybe there’s five I don’t know oh my God I jumped I jumped on the thing it I I’m such I’m folding I’m terrible how we do this I’m terrible at slime JS bro join PS bro why can’t can I do this I’m the worst parkourist on the planet okay Drago’s right there okay there we go is that a 3 in one I thought that was a two in one I thought it’d be easy okay th no K I think this is the hardest one I’ve done so far all right wait okay so you have to do that jump oh my goodness I thought that was like a coin that you can get off the path off the beaten Trail all right right dude okay we’re following death run death run mechanics sick oh the speed on this that’s why it was like weird I was like what’s happening okay come on dude oh my God I’m back here me one parkour is actually hard okay come on dude what why can’t I do that jump like so yeah that’s 128 I’m using a 128 xack right now okay I think I hit the fence is what happened there we go please okay okay okay okay okay wait now I got to get that wait no I’m cooked I’m cooked wait I have to die now I need that I need that star we go I went the fast where do we goon is taking the running it first of email oh what AAR is please please please pleas please pleas [Music] pleas what’s scam bro okay this is a scam this is a scam I just left the parkour I just left the parkour I just left the parkour the amain thing I’m actually enjoying it I can’t lie I’m I’m having fun but this is actually hard I’m I’m having serious problems with this does have levels has times though which is kind of the same thing in this sense we okay chat dude this course is actually hard as someone has been playing Minecraft for literally like 10 years I’m I’m struggling with this okay like there’s no way a mobile player can beat this right like unexperienced players there’s no shot they even beating this how are they going to do in the later levels this is actually like a hard game mode to beat come on all right all right all right all right all right cook okay we’re back here again oh it’s that that’s ky ky is awesome a parkour oh shoot okay yes all right dude what what what oh my God I know KY is like actually kind of known for parkour I almost just left again I need to take this thing out of my hand bro I’m going to accidentally leave I keep jumping there I’m cooked wait you can just do the can you just do that oh my God you can just do this I I bro bro bro bro bro this course is impossible this parkour is easy this is not this is not easy bro I’m struggling okay I didn’t get that wait is this like the same thing what the heck okay what the a four black jump bro okay I have not played Parkour in literally years like I have not played a parkour map in like maybe five 5 to seven years it might have been that long like no joke I just do like the same SkyWars parkour okay finally dude I think we’re done with that world I think we’re done with that one yes so we can go to City now we can go to [Music] City oh my Lord okay chat let’s see what this let’s see what the third world has got to offer wait why can’t we go okay there we go W okay first parkour dude it’s so empty okay there’s quite a few wait are the lobbies all in one Hub I think they must be bro n actually maybe not I think it might this might just be a city world I’m not as ahead as I thought I was or maybe I was ahead and then I folded on that one try Okay J right now I know man dude how do you do this chat chat what what what what okay oh my Lord EAS he jump it bro it was not good my my inputs were not going through bro chill all right wait oh that was not intended to do like that okay what the heck um back up here then I was like right at the end of this room bro I’m sure overtime people will devise plenty of shortcuts for this okay sick right now we’re not really worrying about time we’re just worrying about getting everything done we about being hopefully being one of the first people to complete this or like within like the first 100 hopefully bam wait wait all right sick now these we got to do fast they will disappear okay W and we keep going okay wait I thought I had to jump on that to give a shout out to Adam let’s go Adam Adam Adam is the w okay okay that one that that one done all right so we did this all right let’s do this one let’s do this one man okay and not pvps I think w Wait where okay there’s the entrance I thought I saw it and then I didn’t cuz I’m bad we all right and we keep going wait oh this way all right dude come on come on come on come on come on man nah nah please please all right yes sir yes sir keep going you can just jump you can just train rooftop what hey oh my God I’m bad wait yeah I’m sure but I want to like beat the game cuz that’s cool I’m sure your rooftop will probably be the most competitive one cuz it’s like kind of like the in terms of like speedrunning I think rooftop might be we’ll see we’ll see what people speedrun the most or what what at the at the end we’ll see I I’ll have to like look through and see what my favorite is cuz some of these are pretty good like they’re they’re hard but they’re CH they’re like they’re in a level where it’s challenging enough where you can do it but it’s also not just like too easy I think they’ve found a good balance but they are definitely getting harder I have noticed all right we dudee wait hold up wait how do I not notice dude this isn’t Hub boys they brought back like a little mini arcade Hub that’s so cool yo that’s kind of sick actually let’s go man dude it’s been has it really been like a year and a half since they deleted the arcub like that’s crazy it’s been like a year I think it’s at least been a year since they deleted the arcub just wild all right down here now Subway scramble chat Subway scramble let’s [Music] see all right dude you know I feel like this is going to be my chill hiive game where I just play these or I might just keep doing the the SkyWars parkour over and over again no bro yeah I have these are definitely getting quite a bit more challenging to maneuver all right Subway scramble I’m enjoying this one this one’s kind of cool nice Vibe nice vibe to it but hello hello Aubrey how you doing welcome to the stream sorry Chad if I’m it’s been 2 years since the update for arcade okay I thought I had bro if I had to like leave parkour that that would be terrible has it really been two years since the arcade up that’s crazy second on third on hours F yeah it’s insane we okay all right down here back out all right the build by the way like people pass up all these builds but these like dude the builds that are made for these maps are insane like just building one of these parkours would take like weet deant 2 all right come on man we cook cook cook cook cook okay come out June 3rd 2022 it’s been 2 years since the arcade update That’s crazy dude that’s crazy actually families over 11 Grand 1 years is too long it’s time for a change shut up ad oh my God oh my God go away I don’t care playing parkour worlds ignore me I’m sorry man I I I’m I see you Aubrey I’m I’m not looking at chat much cuz I’m like gaming here I’m trying to get all these done quickly wait where are we where’ we go oh okay I didn’t I didn’t see the end thing I didn’t see the end all right let go man I think there’s one more over here okay we we have two more parkour today hello Ryland Prime here R Ryland Prime and blues are right here so the some of the YouTubers are clearly getting a little Head Start oh please no all right we be can we beat Ryland yapper Prime on this one chat yapper Prime going to do it first try all right boom I like like him scoping this out for me wait has he done this already he seems like he really knows where he’s going okay come on there we go there we go another one another one we’re catching up to him a little bit did I collect that star please tell me I collected that okay I did all right all right one more par one more parkour it’s this one hi serber serber didn’t acknowledge me all right please go go go go go all right wait shoot okay we just cook we just cook it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine fine guys I’m actually so bad I’m actually so terrible bro come on come on come on please all right there we go all right we’re out here now sick okay A lot of people are on this parkour this section must be hard cuz everyone’s gathered right here dude oh my God I can’t see hold up let’s just turn players off for this shoot bro okay we just got to get that momentum I’m bad can I fall please thank you [Music] dude okay I I’m starting to see why everyone’s here I’m starting to see why everyone’s here okay there we go there we go we can turn people back on now we did it we did it we CH W song real bro real love you to what’s good welcome to the stream where’s the stuff what stuff what’s up Le Bark oh my goodness dude okay okay keep going keep cooking there we go there we go all right W and we go on this okay two more stars we’re near the end of the parkour this is the tail end of it all right one more star yep um not right now okay there we go let’s go I think that’s that world done that’s the world done CH we got it we got it we got it let’s go okay last World I believe oh wait no is there another one yeah we’re on the last World okay volcano Time volcano okay everything is in the same world so we oh wait Who’s down there of course it’s defect bro of course defect is here I can’t no defect’s going to beat me bro they have homework Ah that’s unfortunate man okay let’s go dragon’s [Music] dare oh my God this is hard yo Chad we have actually challenging parkour mayday mayday mayday okay we got that star I just needed that star we got to get all the stars chat wait where are we I get taken out oh I got taken out of the parkour completely shoot hang on with bam he’s right there broe okay oh my God bro dude dude dude oh my God okay we got the star but like I keep dying man I keep dying but why do I get put back here why here there’s there’s five parkours in here chat there’s five parkours dude I’m getting put back at spawn dude I need to get to the first checkpoint man there like levels in this there’s not but there’s there’s like worlds you have to unlock the parkour is great like this is I think this last world is like actually really hard dude I’m why do I why my back at the spawn every single time I die we have to take our time we have to take our time chat I think this might be I don’t know which one’s the hardest but this is really hard if it gets harder than this I’m actually scared bro cuz these are the first couple jumps of this parkour this is literally the start okay all right oh yes okay okay okay okay okay okay okay these are four I think these are four four four blocks four block jumps that’s crazy all right oh my God okay okay okay okay okay that’s a three and a [Music] half dude okay all right all right all right all right just keep going just keep going dude I can’t do that jump come on man come on come on yeah yeah brother oh my God please okay yes there we go dude what are these jumps what are these jumps bro what are these jumps I’m not selling these are actually hard like lowkey these are genuinely hard jumps the best tech solutions for small businesses with the power to unlock AI experiences through Intel corra processors okay these are easy all [Music] right okay okay well I’m locked in I’m locked in I’m I’m not even looking at chat bro I’m not even looking at chat I’m sorry bro what what dude these last parkour are actually insane come on man all right I think I figured out the system there I figured out the system for that jump that’s Jump’s easy now now we got that one down okay never mind never mind then F fine then it’ll be hard forever and I’ll never beat this I’ll never beat this freaking please bro okay we need that momentum can we go back should we go back from the moment I think I think we can just do this though bro come on what is this man this easy clogs this is not easy parkour it might look easy but it is actually like difficult this parkour is like actually hard bro dude doesn’t help but it makes you jump early okay [Music] dude dude dude dude dude dude what please please I don’t I don’t know the rooftop stuff like the first three worlds are lowkey easy like maybe there’s a couple things in the in like the third world that are hard first two worlds are literally the freest thing on the planet but this last world is actually hard okay we got to go here to here am I going the wrong way or something no I’m not this is just a hard job okay it’s so racist merch is officially out in no way W yo hello dark MC welcome to the stream dude I’ve been on this jump [Music] forever I’m actually um parkour worlds [Music] chck wait wait can we scam this can we scam friend all right cool I like that guy dude what Chad I cheated I’m a cheater wait can we go up here no I sell I have to leave wait do I have to my game crash dude my game crashed my game crashed are you serious right now I think everyone crashed I think it’s down I think it’s down I’m seeing everyone in the hub now did it crash can we join it it’s not it’s not down or it’s not like okay okay we’re back we’re back we’re back we’re good we’re in can we go back in the game though okay okay we’re alive we have we have to do the first section again oh my God I’m actually I’m actually fuming dude I’m actually [Music] fuming okay I don’t know what y’all are reing about don’t get momentum that’s like half of parkour and now we have to get to the first checkpoint before we can like please dude all right yeah you like you need M you need jump momentum there that’s not going to work like I don’t know what yall are Ying about just just the jump gets banned from parkour world real I’m cheating guys sorry I cheated parkour worlds it was to Boron already I needed to cheat my game crashed I think a lot of people are crashing I think you’re right about that one I think we have to go back okay all right checkpoint please wait why am I getting the stars back what the heck all right there we go okay okay okay okay okay dude that jump man I can’t I can’t I actually can’t do the jump bro I actually can’t do it I actually can’t do the jump it’s impossible please please please yeah easy parkour you don’t need meum but like this you actually [Music] do I don’t get it I don’t get it I I I’m actually considering like is that am I doing it wrong I must be doing it wrong dude like how how is that a jump how is that a jump okay I’m fing I’m fing okay right here ch right here I could have made that I could have made that so easily bro I just dude there’s no way I don’t think this is possible on mobile I don’t I think so bro bro bro come on shut up Ed shut up I’m I’m locking in it’s the ad it’s the odd bro go away go away shut up okay or complicated I’m not bro it’s not it’s a hard jump oh my God it’s like three and 1 half and also diagonal it’s like three up in diagonal which makes it like pretty much the furthest you can do right okay where am I Landing so if I go here I can land on either one of these so I think I do this and like tilt it a little bit I’m okay I jumped early on that [Music] but okay okay just keep just keep trying it fine if if don’t over complicate it just keep going just keep going like bro I’m so confused all right yes okay okay okay we have a checkpoint we have a checkpoint yes dude okay whatever we have a checkpoint now we have a check we’re okay we’re okay everything is fine all right whatever whatever I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m relieved I’m relieved we’re finally okay dude I don’t okay I don’t think that was the way I was supposed to do that I think I probably could do it that way but don’t think that was the intended path bro all right I don’t know if I should take my time on these I think these are jumps you’re supposed to just kind of go all right okay okay okay all right we’re about we’re a little over halfway through the parkour now did we get that checkpoint oh my God we didn’t bro no I thought that would count please is that Avery doors okay Avery doors is ahead of me I can’t let this happen wait no Avery D is starting the parkour okay Avery’s starting this I don’t know how many she’s completed though I don’t know if she this is her first one in this or not we’ll see okay keep swimming okay these ones are free I got a little glitch there I got a little glitch glitched okay come on dude come on I win wait you beat it you got 400 no that’s crazy dude congrats man that’s impressive wait we can go this way hold up we got to I didn’t even see that there’s another path and we have to go there cuz coin okay got don’t really care for going this way should we try it though should we try it at least once I I think we should give that way a go I do not know how you’ve got all 400 yet though that’s crazy all right no we’re not trying that way that way is too hard dude I’m actually so terrible I need to beat this today I will not I will not stop until I’ve beaten all these Maps yo um Rick which one’s the hardest which which one is the hardest have you beat dra have you I mean you’ve done dragon’s dare how does that compare to the rest of the ones in World 4 I’m on it right now and it’s and it’s bad bro it is hard yo hello peely welcome to the stream gr is the hardest by a lot okay cool good to know we have that out of the way then or we’re getting that out of the way give me 8 minutes dang bro I can’t get that jump well that’s where we got this out of the way then chat then we’re like done yeah I’m yeah I’m seven minutes in right now I I have 13 of the Stars oh my god dude yo hello firls welcome to the stream and thank you for subscribing bro I appreciate it I was stuck in the later part’s that at bro I wait what the heck can I skip that Chad there’s got to be barriers there right cuz that looks possible ah dang it they protected it now I sold that now I sold like okay Drago was caught up to me shoot that jump is the easiest in my opinion listen bud this is from the opinion of someone who has completed the game this is the by far the hardest Parkour so this is not easy I I was thinking if the other ones were this hard I’m actually cooked D cuz this is a little bit insane please dude all right okay I’m on world 3 W okay how you do that jump how do you do that jump how do you do that jump bro I cannot get it for the life of me for the life of me I cannot get that jump the back teleported to me the end that’s crazy please please okay okay okay my world too W go show you the trick if you’d like to have you done it already Okay we’re going to go back I’m terrible I I was trying to get okay a dors is here now a dors is cracked parkour so I’m going to follow her oh she tried that route all right please bro [Music] dude bro I’m actually so mad what are you serious are you serious wait is there a 10-minute Max is there a 10-minute Max to the parkour is there a 10-minute Max or something wait chat we did we all get kicked did everybody get kicked hold up could not connect you the target server not available hive Minecraft bro bro what [Music] I didn’t get KCK Fair how is the parkour going yeah Broke My Controller bro I’m not but I was on EU okay we’re heading over to EU we’re going to EU hello okay chat I think na is down for some reason second world SMH I am on the fourth world Momo oh my God bro please come on and is fine it ain’t down bro it wouldn’t let me join all right we’re going to try over here right now too crazy okay all right I was able to join this one it’s fine I don’t get that much EU lag so I think we should be okay oh my God yo everyone’s on this now uh hiden okay can we hide players please all right okay now we got to restart this dude what how do I have to restart man on every device no you’re capping you’re cing dude there isn’t even enough time to do that yet okay please we got that wait we need we need to get that star wait did it restart my stars oh my God it did it did dude why are my stars in this world reset again what in the world come on man come on a [Music] bro dude okay bro there’s no way there’s no way you can beat this on every device already that’s crazy I I I I I I have no words I have no words for this parkour bro oh my God all we’re going turn player small size okay there’s George right there what’s up George dude no I Chad I’m bad at parkour I never claimed to be good at parkour but this is hard dude this is hard stuff yo hello Ian the lad thank you so much for the raid dude appreciate it let’s go W Raiden oh I’m actually having a seizure I’m going to have a seizure I’m going to die I I I might just give up I might just give up now bro I we need to beat this thing today should I take it should I try a different parkour cuz clearly this is the hardest one I’ve been told that supposedly this is the hardest one so by quite a bit too should we try the other ones see how we doing that might not be a terrible idea dude oh my God please please man the rooftop worlds bro I’m telling you I why would I go back there I’ll do it later I don’t know why I would do rooftop I I did that it’s like literally the easiest one this is this is so racist bro bro this parkour this parkour is not possible that’s the point why would I go back to it I need to beat the game dude I need to beat the game before I do it all right all right okay how’s this guy doing it really not working okay there we go now we just got to make this jump first checkpoint done okay that’s that’s a relief [Music] okay okay we sail smoothly no Pro okay we’re just going to keep going see how that works out for us okay not well not well got in trouble do something easy until something easy is hard and something that makes no sense at all please tell your your dad to refine that sentence Oh okay my God my God bro it’s okay okay this section stinks but we can do it I sh I’m actually I’m actually fuming at this dude does make sense I I don’t know about that one man I don’t know about that one that that does not make a whole lot of sense uh okay all right it’s this jump again all right I’m just jumping early I need to just be good I just need to be good at the game that working in the garage Jim well that okay that’s different cuz you have fatigue in that cuz when doing that you have fatigue and then that that works completely differently that’s not the same by the way I did the jump while yapping I think I should just Gap more and then maybe this parkour will be easy okay I hate that jump all right okay okay yo cook okay it’s this jump shoot said fuming yes I did though okay okay I hate that jump so much all right just need to chill I think I think I just need to chill I just need to just need to relax I’m myad it’s hard it’s hard it’s hard it’s hard it’s hard come on come on cool your beans all right demo I need to just cool my beans just cool my beans demo says just think about flowers puppies and rainbows you know what I’m saying like sunshine lollipops rainbows everywhere that’s the Strat guys that’s the Strat just don’t think just don’t think thinking is over overrated oh my God I’m crazy yeah okay the Strat turn off the brain turn off the brain don’t even need to think hi parkour easy peasy thinking thinking what’s thinking I don’t know I haven’t even been here yet man this is a new section okay okay we’ve we’ve discovered the Strat just don’t think all right maybe all right don’t think all right wah we wa I’m the best parkourist in the world World trust guys trust okay we have to climb up [Music] here okay that’s not nice um whatever there’s so many people right here oh my God supposedly this is a hard part I think or one of the hard Parts I think that’s going to break I don’t are these like breaking or something I don’t know what they’re doing they’re kind of goofy man they’re kind of goofy I’m not a fan okay whatever though my goodness all right we’re five minutes in okay bro I sold that so hard I got the okay yo demo how’s the S SMP going demo how’s the S SMP how’s the S SMP man I just need to distract myself what’s up how’s that been doing you guys got full netherite yet we when was the last last time I fun incredible how many parks could I in two weeks what about hotels all right all right shut up how much am I spending on travel when your questions there’s ER the virtual final ass to help okay okay okay okay okay only of would you like is only language yes yes yes yes dude okay okay okay okay f 17 out of 20 chat we’re right there one more star one more Chad that’s it we did the hardest one we did the hardest one dude wait I’m missing a star there’s why you mad I’m missing a star are you serious where is it I’m so confused do we finish what star did I miss okay I thought that would be a free jump I thought that would be a free jump I was sadly mistaken um whatever okay whatever these are free okay well we complete it but I’m missing a star where thought be back there or something let’s see can we check back there how far can we just go back here I think we can oh my God I’m bad okay wait we got to figure out what what’s back here what star didn’t I get I’m pretty sure I went everywhere did all the other stars can’t see anything in the moment you dude I I finished it I finished this parkour but I can’t figure out where the heck I’m missing a star I’m so confused where is it then where is the star not 100% okay whatever every is whatever bro I I’m so confused I’m genuinely baffled bro where is the where is the star okay do we have to redo it and like look out for stars so for how do you fortnite how’d you do that dragon’s in let’s go Drago hype there’s why you mad it broke and I got an extra bro that’s crazy actually congrats on that hi there why you mad okay where where is this extra star I just got to keep looking out but like there aren’t any other stars anywhere like I don’t I’m so confused bro I’m so confused chat you know we’re going to we’re going to come back we’re going to come back for it we’ve done it we finished Dragon’s Den I need one more star but whatever we’ll make up for it here let’s do magma meltdown I was told Dragon down is the hardest Avery can you back that up is Dragon down the hardest or okay I can’t miss any stars so I got to like be looking out for that we yeah this is so free bro I think I was meant to do dragon Den last I think that’s what I was what was meant to happen okay dang it all right whatever right we got the star we got to keep going R row hold up wait actually can we just go up there that’s probably a thing we can do dang it wait is this a hard jump I don’t like that very much oh we’re going to turn players off all right there we go W my goodness man oh okay okay okay okay okay all right whatever whatever oh there’s a star over here we have to go that way though oh we have to go both ways that’s so crazy that they make you do that we have to go back for that star see yeah now we got now we got a like backtrack here we pick it up okay we picked it up W all right that was good that was a good way of doing that so now we can just redo that take the easy path and be good then with all we got 49 out of four I heard it broke for some people that’s kind of funny W pugon Avery was saying they got 419 sub congrats I’m still cooking here I to I took forever on freaking Dragon’s Den man and now I’m still missing a star I don’t know what I missed in Dragon’s Den but I apparently missed one star and now I can’t figure it out okay there we go there’s that one done okay let’s go do bone Basin let’s do bone Basin all right we all right that’s two three just got to watch out for alternate paths cuz that’s where we they get me here these missing Stars best number let’s go okay come on now every yeah one away from 4 420 it’s kind of crazy yeah I don’t know I wonder if someone does have 4 420 I wonder if they someone’s done that I mean I’m sure I’ll hear about it if it happens yeah that’s crazy okay come on man we okay there we go okay keep keep trucking wait where there we go right here there we go okay w w w w now you got that there sick okay oh wait okay I almost fell off yeah no these are much easier than dragons man these are so much easier I should have started with these dragons were just like the first one I saw as I went in okay okay here we go [Music] yes let’s go dude and there we go Hye Hye Hye H all right along these funky things there we go I think this is the last checkpoint yep there’s 20 star we are done let’s get out of here okay that’s all the ones here there are two more was I’m waiting for Bal boo crazy dude we got two more parkours before we try to go find that last star thank you for subscribing by the way I think that was Uno sub we love onzo it’s the fair Rose Guy Rose guy wait no what the heck why do I get put back here wait where’s the last one though oh I think there’s one down there where is the last one there’s one two four there’s another one somewhere I think all right let’s just cook the Pharaoh guy to St too that’s crazy that’s crazy Pharaoh guy all right boom okay keep just keep cooking just keep cooking oh I did not see that P I gota be like looking out for these extra paths I can’t be missing coins I I have to go back like I do in the freaking dragons of course I miss one dragons man I have to do dragons again so I can get one extra coin please all right let’s just go there we go W just keep moving let’s go we’re cooking we’re cooking guys yeah this parkour is free there we are we oh my God and there’s all of the rest of the coins that’s funny okay where’s this last one cuz there’s another parkour but I don’t see it man who down here oh there it is I didn’t see it on the other side there okay dungeon Dash all right come on man let’s cook it’s dungeon dash time we you think I glazed over the star like I almost did to that one is that what happened in Dragon like I can’t imagine right one volcano but I suck yeah know like the volcano all of them are really easy except for Dragons essentially like the D actually this one actually G me a little bit of trouble here but I got to say like dragons is definitely by far the hardest one if we can get Dragon’s Den out of the way actually I would recommend doing all the other ones before Oh my God bro please please hurry up please go faster yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes like anything before volcano like was literally the easiest thing like you could one try every sing every single other parkour but some some of the ones in here are actually hard TI I’m just going to AFK that feels valid yeah I am getting a little bit of fatigue too but I want to finish this all in one go I want to do everything in one stream [Music] here dude why can’t I do that jump I’m just jumping bad okay we just got to stop thinking I think I found was the strategy we my goodness man I’m just bad I’ve come to the conclusion after years of not doing parkour I’ve become incredibly washed I didn’t even know I had players on here I thought I didn’t cuz no one was here this is a very unpopulated parkour bro okay okay okay okay okay all right there we are there we are make sure we’re not missing anything before we keep going they pretty easily hide something in here all right W that’s the checkpoint okay these jumps are hard shoot I think this might be the second hardest as far as I can tell come on man we’re going to go back yikes are these fours I think these are fours wait are these four block jumps on with no momentum are you serious what yo dude come on come on come on hive really are you serious right now we got we got to get that set jump here like that’s I think that’s how you have to do it bro come on please I just like angle it or something get less of a turn okay yes there we go yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes can’t fall now can’t fall now I need to where’s the chest Point wait check Point’s over there D I’m screwed oh wait no we’re good I think wait what’s that okay that’s a 31 Up 3 one up all right but we have two we have two blocks of space get over here okay okay okay I don’t know how to do this wait this doesn’t feel right okay okay checkpoint checkpoint checkpoint okay whatever whatever whatever that’s fine that’s fine that na or EU I’m on EU right now because I moved over here to get rid of there like I know Ed wasn’t working so I moved over to you okay please please please please please please please yes a tell to spawn I know yeah that’s kind of annoying all right all right all right yeah know I I’ve done everything I’ve finished all the parkour except for this one I’m about to finish this but I’m missing a star I’m missing a star on Dragon’s Den of all the parkour is literally the hardest one so now I have to go back and redo it it or at least do it until I find the star okay oh let me see parkour worlds I haven’t even pay attention to it okay no that was a good run missing on Jungle map uh well at least those are like easy though like I think pretty much anything other than the volcano was pretty Elementary there were a couple sections in like City that were kind of kind of weird but I think most everything outside of volcano is pretty pretty easy are you serious that was one jump away and I did an extra jump are you kidding me right now now dude are you kidding me please okay I need to stop thinking a little bit cuz last time I cooked whenever I just stopped thinking all right boom let’s just keep going let’s just let’s just rush it all right that’s annoying whatever that’s annoying okay yikes dude if he first two jumps actually kind of kind of silly it Tak me seven minutes on this parkour this one’s not as hard as dragons but it is probably the second hardest I think did I just finish my my first parkour thing bruh I think a lot of people are done but I’d probably there’s probably like 200 people are finished I’d assume I don’t know I don’t know I don’t have the stats but that’s why okay 99 100 We Are One coin away from finishing so we have to go back to Dragon’s Den we have to sort this out it’s in Dragon’s done but yeah look everybody is here I just about everybody’s almost finished all right we’re going to we’re going to turn on small so we can watch some people just in case they I I kind of want to scout it out but I’m just going to like pay ATT ition always see if there’s any like offro I can take that has another star on it where Dragon Den it’s the uh it’s the one to the left when you as the right as soon as you spawn in volcano okay uh just got to keep checking for these Stars man I just don’t know where they could be it’s so odd they adding more I’m not sure maybe in the future or probably I’d guess but if they do they’re going to be hard bro if they’re harder than this I might be cooked that might make take me like a week to finish it I’m hoping I can do this but yeah I mean I’ll be able to do it it it might take me 10 minutes or so to be able to do the whole course again I mean I I’ve gotten all right at it did it like pick that one up so I remember how I did that I like kind of cheated it well it sucks I think it’s good update I mean it’s not like a game you’re going to play forever and ever but I think it’s a good game I think it’s it’s very it’s challenging enough that it’ll take people a long time to complete and it’ll um it’s easy enough at least at the first ones where like you can just kind of mindlessly do it but I think they found a good thing between it I’m I’m presuming there will probably be future worlds like it feels like that’d be a pretty easy update to do you wouldn’t really to change anything or any balancing you just have to add another world ah bro I hate that you spawn back here it’s so annoying 100 GG’s blip blip is finished congrats I just I’m so confused on what I’m missing 405 start 405 that’s crazy yeah okay we’re going to go this way oh my God what am I doing oh I’m so sweaty now bro I’m actually sweaty and like my my hands are starting to hurt it be kind of wild if people start like speedrunning the entirety of Parkour worlds like all 20 that might be kind of crazy to see I’m sure there’ll be some psychos bro okay oh my goodness man all right I’m just going to I’m just going to lock in my God bro this is insane this is insanity bro okay like I might have to scout everything out see if what I’m star missing until I get all the stars yeah I’m I’m waiting on the I’m waiting for that I think you’re supposed to get that Diagon is that too long it might be what if I do that now that’s just silly dude I’m actually so mad man I’m I haven’t raged I I haven’t like legit felt like turning off my computer from games in such a long time oh my God okay we’re going to try going try this okay that works all right sick keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming okay cool all right we’re on this section but let’s let’s look let’s look for offshoots okay cuz I like I couldn’t see the thing so surely must be in here Kid rages over Minecraft parkour that’s crazy oh it’s blabby I’ve seen like all the YouTubers here kind of funny still looking for that star man deep breaths deep breast man okay I should not Rush that one losing a sorry but you’re cooked you’re cooked bcra haven’t beaten it man I I actually have I’ve beaten all of them I’m just missing a star and I don’t know which one I’m so confused cuz I looked around and I’ve gotten all of the stars like there there are no stars bro there’s no stars left and yet it still says I’m missing one I think while while everybody else got the glitch that they got extra Stars I think I got I got negative bro they gave me negative stars there are secrets are where for different I know there’s like different routes but I haven’t seen another one here like where okay I ain’t telling brosi I I’m going to kill this guy bye-bye oh my God bro cozy McQ this guy did I’mma take this guy off streamer bot by the way um clock were I’m helping clock get a list of some streamers but um he’s developing a thing called streamer bot which will we’ll have like it’s like a list of every single like Hive streamer so basically ever stream Hive and it will tell people which ones are live so you don’t even have to be like have be subscribed to every Hive YouTuber to know so if you’re ever looking for a hive stream you can just look at the bot and you’ll tell everybody in this live so that’s kind of a cool thing yo hello Nick what’s good man I’m still experiencing Eternal suffering where is the other [Music] pth okay come on like I’ve done all this already I’ve done all of it I’ve done everything this parkour worlds I I’ve beaten all the maps there there I I just can’t I I’ve beaten all the maps but I can’t like there I’m supposedly missing a star and I have no clue where it is ah please mean bro I I stream fors yeah bro I’ve completed all of the maps now there’s just no sight of this star there’s supposedly another star and I no clue where it is and no I can’t do this jump for the life of me man H I’m actually considering just hopping off I’m considering it taking a break or something making four and five block they can’t be five block but yeah like man these are hard back down never what never give up okay we’re going to try this no that’s not is that is this closer hold on this might be closer oh my God it is closer oh there we go that’s Rel leaving all right we’re back here now so let’s look for extra I there it is there it is yes screw getting another time bro I’m done I’m done leave World wait what do you mean what do you mean 377 out of 400 wait wait wait what do you mean wait what do you mean wait huh wait what okay that’s completely done wait what am I missing what am I missing what I’ve got all 100 I I’m in junk or something but I like skip entire wait there’s five for I missed one in rooftop then I think I missed so I think I missed one in rooftop cuz I only counted four in rooftop okay well at least it’ll be easy bro I I I missed two entire Maps wait that means I did get extra then I got five extra okay at least that’s good okay there there W be behind all right all right let’s get this done man so we’re going to 407 we’re going to have 407 coins at the end of this that’s Hye that’s hype guys let’s go oh my God it’s so refreshing to have this easy parkour bro it’s this is so refreshing you just Breeze right through it all oh wait I I I forgot I I I’m so used to like oh oh here’s another four block jump oh my God okay yes okay okay this is it bro we got we got one more basically okay wait no wait am I cooked what the heck I got to go back here went the wrong way whoopsie okay and there we go last two on this now we have one star left one thing left one par that’s it that’s it now we’re done with all the parkour worlds not forever cuz I got to refine my times but then we’ll have all the stars which will feel so good there we go wait oh shoot thought I was supposed to jump down there we can almost like turn our brain off for this like this is not we don’t really need to think is just easy easy that crazy bro where are we now okay your AR very secret you can exceed yeah I mean they I I was thinking they would be like hidden somewhere but there were not it was just a slightly different route we okay bro come on what the heck oh yes five four three oh we ignore that we ignore that that didn’t happen wait hold up we we wait we have three left J three left three left two one and zero we’re done baby we’re done wait wait and that’s parkour worlds 4 400 wait I got 47 4177 out of 400 let’s go babyon hey there it’s Ashley and a little thing I love about the that’s crazy that’s funny dude there’s no shot 4 wait hold up I got to take the I got to take the sub counter off of itom 417 out of 400 all right we did it took us at time like almost an hour and 30 minutes an hour and 30 minutes to do all the maps all 20 so GG’s man I’m looking forward to the the new worlds hopefully in the future don’t know when that those will come out yeah Jackie if you got on early enough and you were playing there was a bug and it kicked people and you could get extra Stars so um the highest I’ve seen I I have the second highest I’ve seen I don’t know if anyone who has higher other than Avery doors Avery doors got 419 which might have been the Mex not sure um cuz like if you get 420 you’re out of the map so I don’t know if anyone can get 420 we’ll see either way very happy with that 2,000 people playing car for worlds and bedwar has not gone down bro dude yo how many people are playing Hive right now how many people are on here [Music] Hive 21.9k That’s crazy dude that’s crazy we got much more really dang I don’t know how you do it I don’t even know what the glitch was I just got extra 37 minutes in the last bino oh my god dude Dragon’s Den I’m assuming yeah that one was on the world it’s a total yeah Dragon’s Den was brutal all right chat I think that’s that’s good I got to hang out with my family a little bit chat so I’m GNA go do that I’m GNA give you guys a raid I might stream later we’ll see because I got a cook today but I’m I’m probably going to stream later chat so I will see you guys then in the meantime let’s go raid let’s get a raid chat wait sub subathon yo far Rose subathon oh my God he’s at 53 hours already yikes okay chat well this is going to be hype my goodness all right Chad go subscribe to phoh donate if you guys some extra cash I guess he is going to be streaming for a long long time so I’ll see you guys later and as [Music] [Music] always ISS

This video, titled ‘Hive Live But PARKOUR WORLDS?? | Release Timer |’, was uploaded by The Squad Of Bozos on 2024-06-16 06:43:08. It has garnered 284 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:16 or 6616 seconds.

I am a Minecraft Bedrock youtuber that mostly does content on the Hive. I try to give all my energy into the stream so everyone can enjoy. I trust that your subscribed but hmm…my goofy senses are tingling and I sense that maybe you AREN’T subscribed. OOF thats an L. go sub now. #hive #hivecs #minecraft

Server Ip: Server Port: 19225

📞Contacts📞 —————————————————— Discord: The Squad Of Bozos#4893 Discord Server: Username: SquadOfBozos Java Username (don’t bully): TacoBladeGamer —————————————————— 🚓Mod Requirements🚓: Be here ACTIVELY more at least a month and be a good chatter (don’t be toxic, don’t swear, etc.) Just follow the rules and be a good guy and with time, ill give you moderator. However sometimes, I have enough and simply don’t need any mods so be understanding with that as well. ——————————————————

✅Goals✅ —————————————————— 1.5k by August 2.5k before end of 2023 Become the biggest hive streamer —————————————————–

Big thanks to everyone who helps me with the streams as well! I appreciate all the company from other creators while live and while not live. Tags for algorithm B) #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock #hivebedrock #mcpelive #hivepvp #minecraftpvp #hivepvp hive pack folder,pack folder mcpe,cranexe pack folder,minecraft hive pack folder,mcpe pack folder,hive pack folder 16x,hive pack folder mcpe,best the hive texture packs,hive texture pack,pack folder hive,levitating,hive montage,pack folder,pvp texture pack mcpe,best pvp texture pack bedrock,best pvp texture pack mcpe,mcpe pvp texture pack,mcpe texture packs pvp,minecraft hive,the hive,hive,hive skywars,hive minecraft,hive shaders,best hive texture packs, hive treasure wars,hive bedrock,top 5 mcpe pvp texture pack,potpvp,pack folder,potpvp pack folder,pot pvp packs,best packs for hive networkpot pvp packs forhivevasarpot pvpmistahive pack folder for hivepacks for hivebest marketplace packsminecraft bedrock market place pvp packspvp packs minecraft market place,top 5 mcpe pvp texture pack,top 5 minecraft pe pvp texture pack,mcpe pvp texture pack fps boost, how to get custom texture packs on ps4, how to get custom texture packs on Nintendo switch, how to get custom texture packs on xbox, best marketplace packs for hive, marketplace pvp packs, PVP packs on the marketplacehive pack folder, pack folder mcpe,mcpe pvp texture pack,mcpe pack folder,pvp texture pack mcpe,pack folder hive,pvp texture pack mcpe 1.18,mcpe texture packs,mcpe pvp pack,mcpe texture packs pvp,mcpe pvp packs,pack folder,best hive pack folder,cranexe pack folder,pvp pack mcpe,mcpe packs,hive texture pack,mcpe pack,texture pack pvp mcpe,mista,texture pack minecraft pe 1.18 pvp,minecraft pe pvp texture pack,pack pvp minecraft pe 1.18,best pvp texture pack bedrock,best pvp texture pack mcpe,top 5 mcpe pvp texture pack,top 5 minecraft pe pvp texture pack,mcpe pvp texture pack fps boost, best potpvp packs, potpvp, marketplace packs,minecraft texture pack, bedwars texture pack, realistic minecraft texture pack, texture pack, minecraft realistic texture pack, pvp texture pack mcpe, minecraft trailer texture pack, best minecraft texture pack, how to make a texture pack in minecraft, pvp texture pack hive skywars, hive skywars pack folder, hive skywars packs, hive scrims packs, hive scrims, hive scrims pack folder, hive sumo, hive sumo packs, hive sumo pack folder, best skywars packs, best pack folder, hive sumo pack folder, hive scrim pack folder, hive skywars release,hivemc,hivenetwork,hivepe,hivebedrock,hivetw,hivesw,hivesg,sg,tw,swmcpe, mcpe live, minecraft, minecraft live, mcpe hive, mcpe hive live, mcpe hive server, mcpe livestream, mcpe hive livestream, minecraft livestream, minecraft hive,, mcpe skywars, mcpe skywars live, mcpe treasure wars, mcpe treasure wars live, grinding treasure wars, mcpe the hive, voice reveal, mcpe voice reveal, mcpe stream, minecraft stream, mcpe cs live, mcpe custom game live, custom games with viewers,mcbe hive live, mcbe hive server, mcbe livestream, mcbe hive livestream, minecraft livestream, minecraft hive,, mcbe skywars, mcbe skywars live, mcbe treasure wars, mcbe treasure wars live, grinding treasure wars, mcbe the hive, voice reveal, mcbe voice reveal, mcbe stream, minecraft stream, mcbe cs live, mcbe custom game live, custom games with viewers, thehivelive, minecraft stream, minecraft bedrock, minecraft pocket edition, dipsler

  • Naruto Portal in Minecraft 2024

    Naruto Portal in Minecraft 2024 Minecraft: Creating the Naruto Portal in 2024 Exploring the world of Minecraft is always an adventure, especially when players like UzeMing take it to the next level. In a recent video, UzeMing embarked on a journey to create a portal inspired by the popular anime character Naruto in the year 2024. Building the Portal UzeMing started by gathering materials like Flint and Steel, along with additional items like orange and black walls. With a 4×5 size in mind, the portal began to take shape. The intricate design showcased UzeMing’s creativity and attention to detail. Entering the Portal As the… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.2 Encore

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  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft PVP Experience

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  • Mining Madness: Bnuuy SMP Minecraft Mayhem

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  • Craft 3D Minecraft Model on Mobile

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  • Crafty Cramming: Minecraft Exam Eve!

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  • Sneaky Guide: Creating SpongeBob Portal in Minecraft 2024

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  • Bamboo-Powered Super Smelter Madness!

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  • Escape Sonic Nightmare: Minecraft Maizen Challenge

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  • INSANE Minecraft Survival House Build Tutorial!

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  • “Insane Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft – Join FREE! 😱” #lifesteal #smp

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  • Mind-blowing Mystery Revealed at The Dock! – Tales of Ry #2

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  • EPIC Rainbow TNT tutorial in Minecraft!

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  • Unleashing Herobrine’s Ultimate Power! #Minecraft #Animation

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  • Pixelated Forever

    Pixelated ForeverWelcome to the extraordinary realm of “Pixelated Forever,” a groundbreaking Minecraft server crafted by Forever Global! Dynamic Multiverse Quests and Adventures Skills Challenges Build Competitions Custom Plugins and Features Player-driven Economy Community Events Read More

  • Earth-Lifesteal. Earthsteal. 1/1500 scale Earth. Steal hearts, risk death. Under new management. Conquer and have fun!

    Join our Java only Discord server! Join us at No cracked accounts allowed If you ask without reading first, be prepared to be teased! Build freely with server rules protection Feel free to build large structures like the Statue of Liberty and unleash your creativity! Read More

  • Vanilla Catholic Community Craft!

    Vanilla Catholic Community Craft!Catholic Minecraft Community Server!1. No Swearing2. No Griefing3. No PVPVanilla with:worldeditworldguard (to prevent griefing!)Looking to build a comfy server for Catholics and Christians.Started today! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Chain + toilet paper holder = anvil sound 😂

    Minecraft Memes - Chain + toilet paper holder = anvil sound 😂I guess I’ll have to start charging admission for people to come hear my bathroom orchestra! Read More

  • Minecraft math madness #meme

    Minecraft math madness #meme “Why do I need to learn algebra when I can just mine diamonds in Minecraft and become rich?” 🤣 #MinecraftLogic #MathIsOverrated Read More

  • Ultimate Jukebox in Minecraft 1.7-1.20

    Ultimate Jukebox in Minecraft 1.7-1.20 ComputerCraft Jukebox Program: Play Any Music Disc in Minecraft Hello everyone, this is Out-Feu. Today, I will present you a Jukebox program made with ComputerCraft that allows you to play any music disc, vanilla or modded, in Minecraft. The original program was created by “The Juice” and shared on the ComputerCraft Subreddit 6 years ago. This program offers a user-friendly interface where you can easily select and play your favorite music discs. Jukebox Features The Jukebox program displays all your music discs, both vanilla and modded, in an organized manner. You can click on a music disc to change… Read More

  • Old MacDonald’s Cow Chaos

    Old MacDonald's Cow Chaos Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play (Day 6) – Old MacDonald Had 2 Cows Join Solomon, also known as PCG, on his daily Minecraft Survival Let’s Play journey as he navigates the world of Minecraft in a relaxed and engaging manner. Dive deep into the world of Minecraft with Solomon as he builds, explores, caves, and works towards collecting all 145 trophies available for the game on PS4/PS5. To add an extra challenge, natural regeneration is turned off, requiring health to be regenerated by eating golden apples or using potions. Building and Organization On Day 6, Solomon focuses on… Read More

  • Spectra Libitina Ch. V&U – VSMP Server Debut!【Minecraft】

    Spectra Libitina Ch. V&U - VSMP Server Debut!【Minecraft】Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I can’t believe I muted hi everyone hello everyone welcome in and Welcome to our very first time on the vsmp which is pixel links uh vtuber Community server it is invite only and we will be having a great time perhaps even with a certain wonderful um blue creature yes I hope you all are very very excited I’ve seen you guys be absolute creatures about this you guys you guys really really really wanted me to join the server so I’m very happy um I’m very happy very… Read More

  • New Heart Nether Portal Found in Minecraft Maizen!

    New Heart Nether Portal Found in Minecraft Maizen!Video Information hey JJ JJ you’ll never guess what I found here follow me yeah what’s it see what is that is it this is a nether heart we need to jump there I wonder what’s inside there’s definitely treasure somewhere inside want to check it out yeah okay huh wait what no way what is it huh wo that’s a long way to the bottom of the hole it looks like there are slime blocks down there for us to jump on Wow me first sure yum be careful I guess it’s my [Music] turn let go of me… Read More

  • 🚀Minecraft Mini Build Hack Exposed!🔥 #shorts #viral

    🚀Minecraft Mini Build Hack Exposed!🔥 #shorts #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-07-12 12:32:28. It has garnered 10504 views and 299 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Astronaut Tutorial in 60s! #shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Astronaut Tutorial in 60s! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Real Astronaut Tutorial in Minecraft | #shorts’, was uploaded by Itz vedant gaming on 2024-01-11 11:15:00. It has garnered 7474 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Real Astronaut Tutorial in Minecraft | #shorts #shortsfeed #viral #trending #gaming #minecraft Yotube channel @Itz_vedant_gaming_ Tag :- minecraft minecraft astronaut astronaut in minecraft astronaut in the ocean how to make astronaut suit in minecraft minecraft tutorial minecraft astronaut tutorial make a astronaut in minecraft astronaut how to make astronaut in minecraft how to make an astronaut in minecraft how to build an… Read More

  • “LIVE Valorant with Insane Indian Player!” #valorantindia

    "LIVE Valorant with Insane Indian Player!" #valorantindiaVideo Information [संगीत] आ [संगीत] हे हे [संगीत] [संगीत] हेलो हेलो गाइ वेलकम बैक एवरीवन टू अनदर स्ट्रीम ऑफ वलरेंट और आज अपन वापस से वलरेंट में आ चुके बहुत टाइम बाद आई मीन आई गेस हो गया रहेगा एक महीना लोर को लेके तो आज अपन खेलने वाले वापस से रं वालर में हम मचाएंगे कमाएंगे और थोड़ा बहुत रैंक पुश करेंगे क्योंकि अभी फिलहाल लटू है ट्राई करूंगा प्लट वन जाने का उसके बाद ट्राई करेंगे डायमंड वन उसके बाद ट्राई करेंगे एेंट वन वैसे अपना गोल है एेंट वन बत होप से हो जाए आई गेस आई… Read More

  • LamboShiv – INSANE Minecraft TikTok HACK! 😱🔥 #shorts

    LamboShiv - INSANE Minecraft TikTok HACK! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information [संगीत] तो गाइस दोबारा से आ चुके है अपने यहां पर m की [संगीत] बोट कहां लगा भाई तो चलो लग गया भाई मेरे को लगा कि यार काम ही नहीं करेगा भाई तो बोट तो लग चुका है तो इसको यहां पर अब बारी है इसके अंदर ले जाने की अगर मैं यहां पर एंड में गया तो ये वाला This video, titled ‘THIS MINECRAFT TIK TOK HACK BLOW YOUR MIND 😱😱 #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by LamboShiv on 2024-04-07 03:06:23. It has garnered 5213 views and 219 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54… Read More

  • “Insane UHC Minecraft anime – You won’t believe what happens!” #clickbait

    "Insane UHC Minecraft anime - You won't believe what happens!" #clickbaitVideo Information je suis là je su là c’est poli ah de grille MGA frérotin je suis forme adulte là what the fuck This video, titled ‘Pov : Le mec ne veut pas drop #minecraft #anime #uhc #bleach #bleachuhc #gaming #clips’, was uploaded by walkinou on 2024-06-12 13:00:29. It has garnered 878 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Read More

  • 100 Days Surviving Parasite Apocalypse in Minecraft

    100 Days Surviving Parasite Apocalypse in MinecraftVideo Information verschiedene Ressourcen die ich nutzen könnte ich habe meine Waffe nachgeladen und mich darauf vorbereitet falls es innen Parasiten geben würde und mann ich habe voll ins Schwarze getroffen Alter das war ein Dungeon und es gab auch Parasiten ich musste sie bekämpfen denn wenn ich sie nicht bekämpfen würde würden sie versuchen mich anzugreifen und ich würde eliminiert werden This video, titled ‘Ich überlebte 100 Tage in einer PARASITEN-APOKALYPSE in Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by GEPIXELT on 2024-05-28 22:00:33. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds…. Read More

  • SHOCKING Trick! EASY Way to Get OptiFine 2024 – Download Now!

    SHOCKING Trick! EASY Way to Get OptiFine 2024 - Download Now!Video Information hello everyone, welcome back to another episode of tech it simple. in today’s video, I’m going to show you how to download optifine on your device. optifine is a free videogame utility software, that enables you to run Minecraft much faster. it is a popular optimization mod. this program supports hd textures, and various configuration options so you can customize your game the way you want. go to your web browser, and in the search box type in optifine download. click on the very first search result, and you can choose to show all the versions by clicking… Read More

  • 🌋MagmaCraft Season 2! Vanilla SMP HermitCraft VoiceChat

    Looking for New Members! If you’re eager to play Minecraft 1.21 with an active community, join MagmaCraft SMP! We offer a fun and interactive experience with optional voice chat. Who are we? MagmaCraft SMP is a fresh server looking for new players. Season 2 has just started, so now is the perfect time to join our community! How to join? Simply click 👍 to join our Discord server and fill out a quick application. We’re excited to welcome new faces! What we offer: Fun, active, and friendly community 24/7 Minecraft Server with lots of RAM Voice chat for a more… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this dank moss?

    Minecraft Memes - Is this dank moss?I guess they finally found the elusive moss block in Minecraft! No wonder it’s got such a high score, it’s a rare find! Read More