BRICK: Shocking Survival in Minecraft – EPIC 1000 Days [SEASON ONE REVEALED]

Video Information

What’s up guys and welcome to a small recap video about the first season of Minecraft hardcore here on the channel it’s been a long time since I’ve uploaded something so I’m sorry for that but now I try to keep up the upload schedule a little bit better again with

A new Minecraft hardcore series I hope you like the first episode it is going to be released in a few weeks from now but for now I have edited a small recap of the first season with this A Thousand Days movie as you can see I am here in

My old hardcore world and when I hit F3 you can see that we were at about 1,300 days so I thought it might be cool to have a small compilation of all the adventures we have faced in this world so feel free to leave a like or comment

On the video and I am very very happy to be finally back so now enjoy this Thousand Days movie and I’ll see you next time so there we are in a brand new h hardcore world I am very very excited for this project and as always we will get some

Wood with this wood we are able to make a lot of progress because we can craft our first crafting table and then we can create the first Tools in our adventure wind tools but we won’t stick with those for long because I Min some Cobble to get the next upgrade already to replace

The wooden tools then I decided to collect some more cobblestone for future stuff to happen for example a small furnace or more stone tools the next thing I needed to do was to find a nice and cozy spot to put my base on and therefore I took a quick look onto my

Map where I also found some looting spots right ahead and a very sweet looking place at the north side of that Lake you can see there so I decided to get over there and on the way I killed some sheep for a bed and some sugar cane

For bookshelves when I arrived at my new spot but I created a very spartanics camp with only my crafting table and the furnace I crafted before I went around the lake again to collect some more of that Sugar canane I wanted to have as much sugar canane on stock as I could

For the beginning because it was one of my goals for this episode to get a level 30 enchanting table as soon as possible so after collecting those I decided that it was time to craft myself the first bed before I would get some wood chopping work done N With my place cleared a little bit I wanted to get down into the mines to obtain enough iron ore to make myself a full iron armor I was able to find a lot of useful stuff like coal and Lapis but also my first pieces of iron ore I

Already found a lot of resources but the Deep slate slowed my process a lot because I only got those silly old stone tools and I guess that’s also why I got a little bit sidetracked by looking onto my map again where I found a small village in the west that I definitely

Wanted to visit on my way I met some very friendly cows yeah very friendly so now something more pleasant I hope [Applause] Is Wow what a loot but I guess you shouldn’t ask the villagers what it cost everything hey I told you not to ask so after this small misunderstanding I planted all the crops I found and then I went back to the mine where I got even more iron and also this great great

Looking cave with a M shaft already in it and I couldn’t believe my luck so I lit up the cave and try to collect as much resources as I possibly Could while exploring the cave and the abandoned M shaft I met my first really evil opponent in this world because I freaking hate cave spiders because of their annoying poison attack and in Hardcore Minecraft those attacks can mean the end for your life so I needed to extinct them restlessly and as fast

As I could because every attack could have been the end for me and also my hardcore world yeah I guess I did it so I went back to the surface where I put all the iron I got into the furnace and in the meantime I decided to get the first residence for

My base I built up a small stable before luring my new friends into the camp at first I went for some cows which I bred immediately to get a larger leather I I mean I mean cow cow population and then my iron ore was melt down and I could

Start to craft the missing parts of my iron armor I was very very happy to get that off my list with my new and completed iron armor it was finally time to also upgrade all of my tools to iron before luring my second wave of friends to the

Camp this time I went for sheep because I needed their wool for future projects but it did not stop with sheep there were four other cows that I had the pleasure of welcoming to my settlement of course I also BR the Sheep when I was home again and then it was

Time to hunt for some Diamonds [Applause] I went down to Y level minus 58 because this should be the perfect height to find diamonds it didn’t took very long to find my first vein of diamonds and there were perfectly fitting five pieces of diamond which will be perfect to craft craft a diamond pickaxe and a

Enchanting table I was very glad I found diamonds that fast and so I could craft myself everything I needed to reach my next goals but sadly I also needed to sacrifice some of my dear new friends in the process because I really needed the letter for my bookshelves so I crafted

My bookshelves and I noticed that I was pretty low in wood so I decided to get some More A This wood was way too much for just 15 bookshelves and the reason for that is that I was going to build the mop Farm above the lake because then I could jump off all the time without dying and in the process I witnessed the dumbest squid

Ever wow for the mob farm I would need to craft some Scaffolding in order to get up high enough and therefore I collected some strings from the M shaft and then I went on another journey to find Bamboo somewhere and then I found this Village ah what a peaceful adventure and as a reward I managed to find a jungle biome with a bunch of bamboo for me to collect which is perfect for the farm but also for future building projects because these scaffoldings are a huge quality of life Improvement I guess I got like six

Stacks of those and with a full inventory I finally sail back towards [Applause] home with the resources I gathered I was able to craft three stacks of scaffolding which will be more than enough for me I built them all up and started to create the mob Farm N N N Building this Farm was very easy and I think I got it within 45 minutes and it was absolutely worth the time I spent my next hours to try to get some Fortune onto my diamond pickaxe but I absolutely lost it because it took way too long for my taste I needed to like

Reroll about 20 times before I finally got my fortune 3 Unbreaking 3 and efficiency for diamond pickaxe I was very happy and it was an absolute waste of time then I simply wanted to jump off the platform into the lake but my heart nearly stopped working because I took

Half a heart of damage and I thought this was it with the series I really don’t know what happened there but with my new OP pickaxe it should be an easy way to find enough diamonds for a complete Diamond gear and it really was I found so many diamonds and also

Collected some deep slave for building with later it was a absolute dream finding diamonds never gets old and after I collected a good Half Stack I couldn’t wait any longer and I crafted my full diamond armor which takes off one more goal of my list of course I

Also upgraded my tools one more time and this time it was The Shining Diamond upgrade I also decided to put my loyal iron armor respectfully to rest before equipping my new diamond armor I I mean just look at the Bea beauty of those Diamond gear after that

I went back up to the mob farm to enchant all of my new stuff and I can tell you this took a lot of time I guess I was slaying and enchanting for like 3 hours I guess but it was worth every single second trust me [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Wo [Applause] [Applause] w [Applause] [Applause] as I said this took a lot of time and I needed to Sidetrack myself with some good old wood chopping I also needed this wood because this was the wood I was would need to reach the final goal for today’s episode the starter house so

I chopped down every single tree that I could see to build my house first I started with a small frame I didn’t want to build it that large so I decided to go for a small Oak lock frame with a little Terrace at front I guess I have

To admit that I was kind of excited to get to work on my house and therefore I built the walls with scws planks and oak wood stairs because I wanted to keep it nice and simple and because I thought the colors would fit the area I was

Building in I got some small decorations done and then I already put the floor into my house which I then textured a little bit by replacing some of the laabs with trap doors as you can see this gives the plain floor some kind of more variation and I think it really

Turned out nice for the foundation I went for stone bricks and then it was time for me to work on the roof for the edge of the roof I took some Spruce Wood because I really like the combination of this mid dark wood type and the Deep

Slave bricks I wanted to use I think the Deep slay blocks really are a Improvement for the look of some bungs I don’t know why but this dirty looking dark ray really fits into simply everything in my eyes and that’s why I love building with them I guess you will

See some kind of deep slay variation in every of my buildings in the near future it took some time to complete the roof but in the end I was very satisfied with the way it looks H after this it was time for me to work on the worst part of building the

Interior I don’t know why but I hate building interiors and I guess this is the reason why the interior of my house mainly consists of chests I made a second floor for my bed and a pillow to stabilize the roof I guess and not to forget the nice fence

Around and then there already came the am of chests that I would need to store all of my stuff it was a great time and can you guess what could be more worse than building Interiors exactly item sorting but I quit complaining and started sorting and I have to admit that

It was absolutely worth the time because now I got everything focused inside my house and I could work from here from now on one of the last steps for me in this episode was to terraform my Island a little bit in order to get some decorations fit in it later on so I

Enlarged my spot a little bit and filled all up with dirt before creating a small pathway around my house to access it more easier of course I cannot build a pathway without the right kind of decoration and I decided to use oak leaves and use some of the tough to

Texture the ground a bit in order to give it more like kind of details you know and with this pathway the only thing left was to surround my crop field with a small little Cobblestone wall in order to defend it from enemies and give it a nice little Natural Touch last but

Not least I wanted to add some custom Lantern posts and therefore I built up with fence posts on top of a brick wall and then I added a lantern hanging down a trapo on top so now the crops can also grow by night time I think it really

Turned out pretty cozy but I would love to read your thoughts about that in the comments down below so here we go again I’m very excited for today and the first thing I did in this episode was to add more important enchantments to my gear like looting three for the sword efficiency 4

Unbreaking three for the hoe and respiration three for my helmet my plans for the future are absolutely crazy and I will need my op gear in order to farm all the resources I’ll need for that so with that in mind I combined my gear with the new Enchanted ones and then it

Was already time for me to work on my first goal and therefore I ask you can you tell me one single thing that is more satisfying than a diamond mining compilation I don’t think so so I went into the mines again and I did around 8 hours of digging tunnels Mining Ores and

Diamonds because I really wanted to have a full diamond beacon in order to be able to farm all the necessary resources I will need for the trading Hall so yeah Enjoy [Applause] I mean just look at the pure amount of diamond ore I found and that’s only one huge collection I made I was really satisfied with the way it worked out despite the 8 hours I lost on that but in the end it was truly worth It And because I absolutely love the look of diamond or getting mind I got another time lipse of me breaking them with my fortune 3 pickaxe as you can see there’s another or Tower right next to me but you’ll have to wait for that one to be

Mined a little bit and with all the diamonds I collected I could finally build up the full diamond Beacon and for those who don’t know a full Beacon needs exactly two stacks and 36 of iron gold emerald diamond or netherite blocks and I’m very happy to call a full diamond

Beacon my own the only thing that’s left for the beacon to work is the actual Beacon so I needed to get into The Nether in order to kill some wither skeletons for their heads and therefore I built a nice little Mage Tower which includes my portal we got deep slate

Again as a foundation and at the center I built up my portal frame in a little larger scale than normal then I added the walls consisting of spruce and O wood logs because I wanted to get a kind of mystical look to it without interrupting my general style of

Building at this point so I stripped some of the locks and added some ornaments to the wall and I can tell you that this Tower is going to get an upgrade in the future because I got a lot more ideas for it to be implemented so here you can see the full building

Process and as you can see I used more of the spruce locks to build myself up and for the corners I’m going to use some more deep slate bricks because I told you that I absolutely love this block for the four sides I went for a very simple design consisting of spruce

Wood and some walls I didn’t want it to have any Windows because inside there’s going to be built a spiral staircase which leads you up on top of the tower where you can probably enjoy the Epic view over the town in the future the roof who would have thought is going to

Be a deep slave brick roof combined with most brucewood stairs very predictable I know but for the second roof I actually actually went for deep SLP bricks again with oak wood yeah calm down calm down don’t get too excited on the very top of the tower I then put one of the new

Lightning rods to get some Lightnings to strike on that Tower in order to kind of power the portal you know so here you can see the result and as I told you I’m not quite happy about it but I think it’s enough for now I also added a

Little textured area around the tower to make it look more natural and easier to connect with the Pathways in the near future now I could finally travel through the portal directly into the depths of the ne I had a strange spawn which was a little bit dangerous too but

Fortunately I was able to find a fortress pretty fast and I got excited for all the loot in there and I actually found a decent amount of it while exploring and looting I also went into a blood lust or you know like uh bones and stuff

I needed to kill those guys for their heads in order to spawn the wither later on which drops the nether star for our Beacon and one of the skeletons actually dropped the first one of them right there now we had two more to Go I interrupted my nether trip for a quick addition of my op here because the blazes really turned me crazy they were sniping me from all sides and that’s why I made myself a overpowered bow so now I had the appropriate counter Measure I have The High Ground with all three heads collected it was time for me to go back home and prepare for the first first boss fight in our hardcore World so I created the Wither in the underground to keep all my buildings safe and I have to admit that the fight wasn’t challenging at all due to the reason he was stuck in this tunnel I had an easy game shooting at him at first and then hitting him with my powerful SW

In the end I striked him down and collected his starshaped heart to finally craft my beacon and that is also the last thing we had to do in order to activate the beacon I went back up took the material necessary to craft one and there we go our first full diamond

Beacon is finally here the first thing I did with this Unleashed power was to break the ore Tower as I promised most of the ores were deep slate ores so it still took some time but it was fine for me I was happy about reaching the first main goal

For today now I wanted to work on the second goal but at first I built up a provisional sugar cane Farm by placing some observers above Pistons because I wanted to have paper for some Firework and I guess you know what I need those for then I visited my Village again and

This time I didn’t only took the thir puras but also two of the local residents for my trading Hall later these two are the starting point of a population of emerald Traders but that’s not their only purpose but more about that later I had a discussion with some

Enderman and then I combined their eyes with some of the blaze powder to get the Eyes of Ender and I guess now you can tell for sure what I’m up to do my blood lust didn’t stop at the Wither and that’s why I now also wanted to find and

Kill the Ender Dragon mostly because I needed the shulka shells for shulka boxes in order to be able to farm materials more efficient later so I made my way to the stronghold and I had the baddest luck at all one of the 12 Eyes of Ender I had was destroyed on the way

And the portal had zero eyes in it so I had to travel back home just to get one more Eye of Ender to activate the portal So here I was and I could finally activate the end portal to the dragon it was a pretty painful Process but not as painful as it would get for the dragon I destroyed all of his lifes spending crystals and then I started to attack him directly I heard his screams of pain and I made him responsible for all my pain of the last 30 minutes he

Fought a good fight but after all my blood lust brought me and another Victory the blood lust was finally calmed I took the Dragon’s egg as a reward for the fight and then I made my way into the end in order to search for some n cities to kill shalers and find

An elytra it didn’t took very long to find one and I was very happy to find that much Shulas that I could kill after some time of exploring and slaughtering I could finally manage to get across a floating ship I sniped the passengers and then I started to make my way over

To the ship by throwing a very risky ender pearl at the stern of the ship I stole the dragon’s head as a further Trophy and then I found what I came for in the cargo hole of this floating ship my first elytra was waiting for me this

Means I can now fly wherever I want to go and that makes farming resources a lot easier but most of all the Shel boxes make my life easier because I can transport an enormous amount of materials at once and now I don’t have to go out every half hour to get new

Stuff farming is exactly what I plan to do and I’m pretty excited to see how many resources I’ll end up needing to build my dream trading Hall so I looked up a portal in the end that leads me back to my cozy Overworld in order to start the material a Gathering And after the farming work was done I started to expand the area I wanted to build in a little bit and also making sure that the whole thing looks natural so that there are no strange corners or edges that could disturb the image of the surroundings as you can see I did a

Decent amount of terraforming and now the area was perfectly prepared for my lovely villager trading all I had an exact plan on my mind how I wanted this to look so I placed my ender chests and all my shulka boxes and began the building process I think this took me

About 12 hours in total to complete and I can promise you guys that we are not done with the trading Hall there will be an update episode coming in the future where I will upgrade and connect all the buildings that I’m not quite satisfied with right now in case of the trading

Hall I was not unhappy about it but I had so many ideas I wanted to add that I needed to stop at some point in order to continue later on oh no I need to strip all of that oh it’s done whoopsie I enjoyed the time building and I hope you

Do too with watching the time lapses of me building it was a lot of fun and as you can see I also managed to build the interior in a pretty simple way there is not much space for a lot of decoration but definitely Enough Chambers for villagers I wanted to have a basic

Amount of every important profession in this Hall so that that I can trade for everything they got to offer I hope you don’t mind seeing timelapses but it was the best way for me to get everything packed up in one video that doesn’t run like 10 hours or

Something you can write down in the comments down below if you want to see more or less time lapses in the future at this point it was time for me to add a little bit like a lore of this place so I decided to create two watchtowers with guards that protect the valuable

Treasures of the trading Hall I think it turned out pretty nicely so I mirrored it on the other side as you can see I also completed the interior and you can also write down your opinion on my style of building in the comments because I personally think

It’s a little bit too dark with all the Deep slate and dark oak but I think it depends on Personal Taste next on my list was a little planning session because as I said before I have ideas for this place and those ideas require a little planning ahead one of these ideas

Was to build a kind of Forge or Workshop where research is done with the traded emeralds I tried to connect the building to the hall as much as possible to make it clear that this is also still a part of it but I also added a separate entrance for Traders the idea behind

This building is as I said that not entirely harmless experiments are carried out here which could have possible consequences for the world in addition the emeralds also have a dark origin but I also have to admit that I am very happy with the interior this

Time I’m kind of proud of me I guess my second idea was a bit simpler because on the right side I set up a small horse stable where the arriving merchants and guests can give their horses some rest I think I will probably upgrade the stable again in the future but I’m actually

Pretty happy with it and what of course must not be missing in a stable are horses so I grabbed four Saddles and four armors and went in search of four inhabitants for the stable I found all four pretty quickly tamed them and then assigned them to their respective armors

Depending on their stats and brought them home I have found two brown one black and one white horse and now it’s up to you to name these four write down your suggestions in the comments and the names that I like best will get a h for

Me anyway and will be named in the next episode thank you thank you all guys for your support as I said before I want to connect all the buildings later so I had to create some kind of pathway ahead of the table and also to show that this

Spot is very well attended to Finish the build for now I then did a little decorating by putting up hay bales building water jugs and turning redstone ore into a sort of apple crate with that done I could continue on the actual trading Hall but before we do that I’m

Going to need some Blackstone from the nether in order to continue my work and on this occasion I also collected some ancient Debris I found 41 agent debris in total and this is perfectly enough for all my gear to be upgraded except for my sword because I still wanted to add some enchantments to it later on but the rest of it got their welld deserved upgrade listen to that epic sound I

Truly love this game and because I could even upgrade my hoe to netherite you can hear it a second time real satisfaction now I’m ready to continue working to explain the next building project it is necessary to go a little deeper into the details I have told you that I want

To create a kind of story for each Place we’ve already covered the lore of the workshop and now I want to tell you the reason for these huge tanks these tanks hold the collected essence of the villagers which is released when they trade with with you in common language

This Essence is often referred to as experience points this Essence is piped up to the tanks for further research into the power of emeralds any damage or Consequences to the word from this unnatural research are yet to be seen but I can assure you that there will definitely be some for example unnatural

Sources of danger spreading throughout the world and sending their Sinister minions to wreck havoc on the inhabitants of this world so much for that but let’s move on to another function of my trading hall because as you can see I’ve built a sort of pipe system here that collects all

The experience points as you trade and feeds them into a sort of filter system that pumps them to the tanks I built two of these one on each side and I think I did quite well on that next up I just want wanted to decorate a little bit by

Building a sort of backyard where goods are delivered and then this happened BR I was peacefully working on my decorations when this guy snuck up behind me and left me with one heart I had the Fright of my life and also had to put on my chest plate right away for

Safety I completed my work by building a few smaller tanks aot barrel with mysterious contents and a few other small things that seemed useful I also built a few blocks from the few emeralds I traded and found a single ore that I placed there as well at the end I

Dedicated myself to something less important namely the fountain which is actually in the middle of the marketplace the marketplace will also be in one of the next episodes but I wouldn’t have made it this time in case you haven’t realized it yet I again really like working with deep slate but

As I said I might upgrade the whole thing again in the future of course I haven’t forgotten the task from the last episode because you were supposed to write me suggestions for the horse names in the comments and for that I first grabbed some name tags and immortalized

You with your suggestions in this series on the one hand we have morbius who has now been named after maybe morbius is a true fighter and will surely live up to his name in the future thank you very much maybe for your suggestion secondly we have suit here which is short for

Suit of speed suit was named by Flame and both suit and I are very grateful for this suggestion with this name it will be easy to defeat our enemies the next suggestion comes from cus and it is Invincible for the White Horse with the diamond armor a really fitting and

Powerful name that goes great with the horse thanks to curus for this suggestion the last of the bunch is Phoenix and Phoenix was also named by maybe and much like the namesake magical bird he will also Rise From the Ashes and join us on every Journey thanks

Again to maybe so much for the horse names I am very grateful that so many have participated in this task I think some really nice names came out of it and now it’s time for the actual video so to start off today’s episode I first dealt with the actual area on which I

Want to build exactly in the middle of the island was a slime chunk which is great to build a corresponding Farm actually I wanted to build a slime Castle on the island but that turned out to be a failure I set my markers and started Digging to complete the first Farm I then built a collection system for the items at the bottom of the farm and added a few Iron Golems to each layer the Iron Golems attract the slimes causing them to Fall Into the Depths and burn on the magma blocks a very practical form the actual

Design is made by Eric on his period who is a German Minecraft creator you can find the original video and the link to his channel in the description down below next I outlined the respect chunks to see exactly where and how much I have to remove all four chunks are of course

Removed by hand whereby the beacon from the last episode was a great [Applause] [Applause] help [Applause] halfway through the first chunk I ran into a problem and it was water water is extremely annoying to remove so I decided to loot an ocean Monument kill the Elder Guardian and empty this Bunch WS the Elder Guardians were no big deal and so I fought my way through the

Monument and was eventually rewarded with enough sponges time to travel back and continue my [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] work [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] there we have it the last stones of the first chunk I duck the whole thing took me about 4 hours and should now be repeated three more times but for now chunk one is officially Done During the last chunk I got the rarely stupid idea to use TNT I thought it would make everything go faster and easier but the fact is that it only made things much more difficult for me this chunk took me the longest just under 6 hours I really had nothing to laugh about and

Besides it was extremely annoying to have to constantly rebuild my beacon however this was necessary because otherwise it would have taken much longer in the end though this silly idea couldn’t stop me from mining the last chunk completely and down to the Bedrock the only thing the Farm Island is

Missing now are the actual Farms so the first Farm I dedicated myself to was the sugar cane farm and it was a real challenge I had not calculated anything beforehand and I must say that I had underestimated the amount of resources that you need for The Observers and pistons Alone nevertheless I managed to build a few layers with the available resources and the profit from this is already impressive the farm is unfortunately not lossless but such a farm would not have fit efficiently into one Chunk as I mentioned before this Farm alone costs me an enormous amount of resources which is why I ran out of iron for the Pistons pretty quickly therefore it became necessary to build an iron farm above the slime chunk the design of the farm is from Chalker craft you can

Also to find the link to the video and the channel in the description down below for the farm of course I needed villagers I got them in my trading Hall then I brought them by mine cart to the island where they can now serve a new purpose namely being threatened Day and

Night by a zombie to spawn iron Golems after I got the farm up and running I dedicated myself to my second bottleneck namely the Redstone for this I looked for a witch hut to build a redstone Farm I found the closest Hut about 4,000 blocks from my spawn so I’ll set up a nether Highway later the build

Was pretty quick and easy and the design is also from shulka Craft so now I have not only a redstone Farm but also a farm for glowstone glass bottle spider eyes sticks and Sugar So with that the first Farm is complete let’s move on to the cactus [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] farm [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] The cactus farm was by far the cheapest of all though I have to admit that it was the most annoying to build I will end up merging the farm with the bamboo Farm to create a bone meal and XP farm which mainly justifies building the farm so now the second Farm is also

Complete next up I briefly dedicated myself to designing the pumpkin and melon farm but paused after a few layers because I ran out of resources again instead I started designing the castle on the island during the course of the video I kept going back to the Redstone

Farm partly I have waited 24 hours at a stretch at the farm and had simply switched on my PC overnight the whole thing takes quite a long time of course and while I was waiting for the iron I then started to build on the castle I started with the entrance to also test

The idea with the Slime castle and the base is once again deep Slade and Spruce Wood I actually wanted to create a slow transition from normal blocks to Blue concrete powder blue terra cotta and then to slime the idea looked pretty good in my head but as you can see that

Idea pretty much fell apart so it all has to go [Applause] Again so I had to rethink I just wanted to follow through with the original design of the base and that’s how I built the walls of the [Applause] castle in the meantime it occurred to me that sugar cane was being produced all the time and I wanted to collect it so I

Built a collection system to transport all the items to the top and store them there in chests brief explanation the farmed sugar cane is collected in a chest at the bottom which is connected to a hopper this Hopper leads into a dropper which is powered by two observers causing it to constantly

Output items these items then go into a water flow that leads to a water elevator that takes the items up and into Hoppers and chests again as long as you are on the island the chunk is loaded and the system works without problems the whole system will be used

Later in the other Farms too as you can see the system works quite well and brings all the items to the surface now I could continue the work on the wall After I had completely built all the walls I dedicated myself to a first Watchtower design I’ll tell you in ADV V this design will not stand the test of time I got carried away and didn’t really think about what I was building which is why I didn’t like the tower at

All at this point I wanted to build with prismer blocks so I got to work and converted the nearby Temple into a guardian Farm the design was once again done by Eric on this period and with this we already have the next Farm complete now the tower has to go again it was replaced by a somewhat simpler design which I also like much better what do you think feel free to write your opinion in the

Comments I repeated the design on all Corners before moving on to the next project next up I made sure that the whole castle would fit naturally into the area to do this I buil a kind of foundation of rocks on which the castle will be Built I think the whole thing fits quite well to the area and also the beach behind the Fortress offers a lot of potential to implement the one or the other project in the future here is another little f failure for one of the towers above the collection systems but here is the

Actual attempt I went with a different color palet this time I used granite in all its variations as well as white concrete powder to texture the buildings at the same time I decided for myself that I would like to build the entire Castle this way I’m actually quite happy

With the design it looks better than expected and it’s basically just to cover the collection system that’s why I think that will be enough let’s move on to mirror it on the other side the next building was again a bit more complicated it was about covering the

Iron farm for this I built a kind of main hall of the castle which however now serves only Optical purposes overall the whole thing worked well so I continued with another complex on the right side of the castle I built a kind of tower which should serve rather

Military purposes in relation to the lore of the place therefore the tower has a rather sparse decoration however I thought of a second use for the tower because in the course of recording I didn’t realize that we had already reached day 500 of the hardcore world so

I erected a monument at the tower to document our progress in the world from now on this is the Tower of the 500 I am proud to have already lasted 500 days I hope many more will follow but enough rambling now it’s back to work I have devoted myself next to the building behind the main hall which should eventually serve the purpose of a chapel I also connected another building which

Will later be part of the gardens and also leads down to the Farms again I tried to use a different block pallette than before the mix of cleanstone and end side looks good in combination with Spruce Wood and the prismarine blocks but of course I couldn’t resist using

Deep slate again shame on me after I also took care of the backside I continued with the keep of the castle this keep protects the Nobles in case of attack or in times of Crisis it holds enough space for all the inhabitants of the castle and is built of solid Stone

After that I devoted myself to the interior as you know this is not my specialty which is is why I completed the interior but did not equip it with furniture or decorations if you have any ideas on how and what I can decorate the interior with feel free to post it in

The comments I look forward to reading your suggestions and here you can see the result I also reworked the tower by adding a simple window design and all that’s left to do now is to create the garden of the Castle There’s actually not much to say about the garden I threw everything green into the garden and tried to arrange it nicely after that I took care of a path through the garden that leads to the building I mentioned earlier this building serves as a kind of research

Lab for unknown plants where the mage of the castle deals with all unknown plants that slowly appear in the world that would complete the castle on the surface and the time it took me to do it gave me the resources I needed to do the rest of the Farms The last of the Four Farms is the bamboo Farm I need the bamboo mainly as a fuel for the XP farm this time I also built the farm lossless which is why I needed an enormous amount of rails and mine cards to collect the bamboo and Lead it

Into a chest the whole thing took another 6 hours in total I invested over 90 hours in the Farm Island the the last blocks placed I finished the building process of the Four Farms actually five if you count the relatively pointless slime farm in the further course I tried

To think of a system for the XP and the bone meal I decided to work with water streams again and to introduced the whole thing via Hoppers into the respective systems in my tests the farm worked flawlessly and gave me enough XP to be able to repair my tools regularly

All this will be covered in wood and stone later for for the moment however I’ll spare you further details it was only important to me that the items lead unhindered from the respective chests into the ovens and composters this was again regulated by droppers and observers my original plan was to

Produce enough bone meal with the Farms to supply a wood Farm but since I’ve already put in 90 hours the conversion will follow in an upcoming episode and that would complete the entire Farm Island it was both Nerf wrecking and a lot of fun the Four Farms will supply me

For the rest of my life and will hopefully produce enough bone meal for a huge wood Farm in the future ah wasn’t that a fulfilling episode the only thing left for me to do is to bring some winter magic into our beautiful little hardcore world and here we go winter is

Here finally look at the wonderful snow everything is decorated and I think you know what I’m going to do I’m flying to our newly built C castle and now I start to build a Christmas tree this tree is just for you because your support since my first video is incredible over 50

People have decided to subscribe to my channel and this tree will act as a thank you of course we cannot miss to decorate the tree and to put a kind of star on top I didn’t really know what to go with so I ended up choosing a gold

Block to top the tree look at that what do you think about my Christmas tree and that’s it for today guys I am so glad I got this episode done in time and now I am also very proud to present my first Christmas episode I hope you enjoyed

Today’s episode if so please leave a like and a comment and if you don’t want to miss any more episodes in the future please consider subscribing to the channel there are some projects planned for the next year and the next episode is already in the starting blocks but

This you will get to see only in the New Year I wish you only the best for the next year C celebrate and have a good time thanks for all your support and now have fun with some beauty shots at the end and I’ll see you next [Applause] [Applause] time Oh look berries great I take those and you wow so many berry bushes perfect for a potion or maybe a soup or Jam I don’t know I take it but wait what the heck this is crazy is that an axel loal but it looks so different it looks it

Looks like dead but it lives I I think it’s cursed or something but who in the world could do such thing I I need to help you I need to rescue you but from who who could do such cruel thing to an axal oh no What It has begun so the first thing I had to do was to craft a huge amount of shalka boxes because we will definitely need them to transport all the resources we need it was a struggle to fit all the boxes into the Ender Chest somehow I just have way

Too many items and it’s about time to start looking for a storage but I guess that we’ll have to wait the exal need my help my first goal to help the creatures of the sea was to destroy the natural habitat of these and other creatures and

Store them in my inventory to be able to build a suitable and specious appropriate decoration typical human isn’t it I collected a lot of corals and sea pickles which will later fit perfectly into the tanks of the Exel loal Sanctuary next I needed sand because the

Tanks I just mentioned are made of glass so you can watch The Little Critter swim and play I’m not sure yet if I want to build a sand dup later which is why I’m still mining manually for Now That should be enough for now so now quickly back home I first placed all the full boxes in the the marketplace so I wouldn’t have to carry them around it also makes it much easier to keep track of items and craft more later then I set

Off again because the next thing I need is a lot of Terra Cotta fortunately I had my beacon with me which made terracotta farming much more pleasant and Faster [Applause] [Applause] N [Applause] So about an hour later I was able to cross terra cotta collecting off my to-do list as well what I had unfortunately forgotten was that I still had to melt all the sand into glass which I then also quickly made of course the whole thing takes time and I used

This time to cross two more resources off the list namely the stone and the wood the stone I then directly processed into bricks and made other items like stairs and slabs from it before I started chopping wood I also gave the Terracotta a new coat of paint and then

Crafted all the other items that I wanted to to [Applause] [Applause] Use As you can see I really farmed a huge amount of wood which then also had to be converted into new items which cost me another whopping 2 hours next and also last on the list was mud so for the third time in this episode I set out to

Find a biome the swamp biome was a bit of a challenge for my PC which is why I had to turn off the Shader here the farming in the swamp was so annoying that I decided to build a mut farm with this it is much easier to Farm Mud the

Farm design this time comes from IL mango and the link to the video and to his channel can be found in the description down Below for the farm to work it needs dirt and water so I quickly collected two shulka boxes of dirt and started farming mud of course these mud blocks must first be turned into mud bricks and for that you need one thing above all wheat wheat is

Essential for mud bricks and I only had a limited amount of wheat so now I set out on my fourth journey to look for villages that I could steal the hay BS from fortunately I found a lot of villages to loot near my base so the hay bals could be collected quickly however

I discovered a rather special Village an abandoned zombie village I Googled it and found out that these Villages seem to be quite rare an abandoned Village also known as zombie village is the abandoned variant of the village that has zombie villager inhabitants in place of normal villagers and run down

Buildings where some blocks are replaced by cobweb and V a regular village in Minecraft Java has a 2% chance to spawn as a zombie village pretty lucky huh I think I already have the right idea for this place maybe a pirate Village we will see the next step

Was terraforming again I had to prepare the building site for our Sanctuary to have enough space to Build [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] and then the construction started I wanted to divide the building into four corridors with a main hall in the middle in this Hall is later the main pool which also leads into the itive side pools everything is connected by water pipes so that the axotal have plenty of

Space to swim on the other wall there are some fountains but they serve only decorative purposes and now let’s enjoy the time Lapse N In the meantime I had to adjust the terrain in which all buildings stands to ensure smooth access I decided to artificially expand the river curse with an additional the river Branch on top of that there was a good amount of rock work that just gives the building a natural look it would be terrible if our new home for axotal visually marked the landscape that’s why I put as much effort as I could into making it look as natural as Possible As you can see the whole thing worked quite well and now our building is perfectly integrated into these surroundings once that was done I could get back to the artificial River branch which I also wanted to look as natural as Possible of course an artificial River must not lack paths and bridges which is why I have already ventured here to a first variant in the future certainly one or the other bridge in the one or the other different style is added next I try to cut an entrance into the Rock which will

Be the Cornerstone for the entrance of the exor rotal at this point another small River will later lead inside where the exor rotal can first receive Medical Care and then be relocated to the water tank what no good building should be without are of course the decor deorations especially along the Rocks I

Have made a lot of effort with stone stairs and slabs as well as leaves and sugar cane to give the whole thing a pleasant look but now back to our Axel loal entrance first of all a lot of dirt and stone had to be removed before I could

Pull the tank down from the main hall above so that everything is connected so that as few barriers as possible are put in the way of the Exelon As you have seen I also decorated the tunnel with mud bricks because I just love the look of this new block what do you think of the new blocks feel free to write me your opinion in the comments and make maybe tell me which block in general is your absolute favorite block

To build with after all the hard work was done I turned my attention to the tank decoration I built a large Rock in the middle to which I then added Coral Sea pickles and kelp I have given myself the greatest effort to make the whole thing look as beautiful as possible the

Whole decoration can of course also be found in the upper corridors the light sources here are appropriately sea lanters which we have an infinite supply of thanks to our extremely efficient Guardian Farm I don’t think I need to tell you much more about the lore of

This place we have to help the axotal of our world as they are obviously afflicted by some mysterious plague as the Sentinal of this world I was only too happy to dedicate myself to this Task After that I made up my mind about the wall design and I decided to keep the whole thing rather simple and plain which is why I have equipped the room only with mud bricks terracotta and of course sea lanterns in this way nevertheless a quite cozy room has

Emerged and here here you have the result I decided to add a few sugar canes after all this way we stay simple but still get some color in it I hope you like it one of the last things I wanted to do was to set a sign of solidarity for the

Exal in our world by honoring them with giant statues on the roof of our Sanctuary which will also be a beacon for all frightened creatures looking for help In the community tab I asked you as a teaser for this video for a name for our pink friend here and the name that stuck in my mind is the suggestion of mattio Santana namely Pinkerton pinky mcdouglas I think this is a great name and of course the other colleagues should not

Go empty-handed so feel free to write your suggestions for the others in the comments to provide an even more pleasant home for these stray exles I then went in search of relatives and friends of theirs I looked for aelia trees which Mark the location of lush caves there I found some Lively and

Peaceful specimens which came along very willingly on that occasion I also caught some tropical fish because if you don’t already know they are the only food Axel are satisfied with everything else is simply killed by them I think in total I was able to find five Axel and explore

Some really nice caves I really have to say that these new caves do the game a lot of good and I think in the future one or the other project around these caves will be realized back at home I jumped into the lukewarm water of the main tank and separated the

Lower from the upper half because I wanted to breed and let them all arrive I was very proud when the first little Axel loal babies swam in my tank because that makes me even if only indirectly the exal dad in the future I will expand the exal population and with every new

Episode you will see more and more of them swimming around in our Sanctuary and here you can see the final result I must say that I have rarely been more proud of her project than I am now hopefully we are now one step ahead of the Plague But that’s not all the whole project has cost me one thing Above All Else time a lot of time in which I have mined sand farmed terra cotta and chopped wood and that’s why I’m done with chopping wood from now on I decided to build a fully automated wood Farm in combination with

A bone meal Farm to never again have to farm wood long and inefficiently surprisingly I also had everything in my boxes that I need for this except for the honey blocks which is why a bee farm must now be built First the design is once again from shulkercraft and is overall really easy to build I just had to help myself to Mother Nature’s counter Again by stealing bees Nests with all the resources together I set out for the only suitable place for our farm our Farm Island one more Beacon set up later the work could Start Nah After that was done I first dedicated myself to the bone meal Farm whose design this time comes from E mango here Moss blocks are constantly generated which are then processed by composters to Bone my small construction at the output of the farm ensures that each product is immediately fed into the

System of the tree farm the tree farm on the other hand comes from Vol trucks and works with a TNT duper overall this Farm works extremely efficiently and can Farm Spruce as well as jungle Oak and Birch locks with this my wood worries are over the only thing left now is to decorate

The room a bit I would say that I show you with a time Lapse And here we go that should be it for today guys I must say these two projects have been a lot of fun and I think it’s great that we have contributed to the safety and survival of the creatures in our world and that we have eliminated our wood bottlenecks forever sooner or

Later you’ll find out what this strange plague is all about but for now thanks for watching and for all the support I can hardly believe how fast we grow together and what great people I meet in the comments if you guys want to grant me another wish just keep it up I’m out

At this point enjoy the remaining scenes and I’ll see you next time and once again I find myself at the beginning of an episode in my small stter base and sort items out and into the chests in the meantime I have such an enormous chaos that I have problems to find a

Completely empty sha box definitely a small storage upgrade has to follow next but we will see for now I have to take care of it manually my plan was to get some grow at this point because I need gravel to make concrete together with sand and dye so I quickly repaired my

Tools especially my shovel and then I was on my way again I was looking for a Windswept gry Hills biome because together with the elytra that was the easiest way for me to get a lot of gravel quickly don’t be surprised my internet was down at the time of the

Recording which is why my skin strangely didn’t load but that does not matter the important thing is that I could find enough [Applause] gravel when digging I was a bit over Zess and that’s why this happened yep my beautiful freshly repaired shovel broke and I didn’t have a replacement with me fortunately I had already collected enough gravel at this point and could therefore make my way back home back at the base I immediately

Set to work crafting a new shovel in the midst of my mess I found two Diamond shovels that I was able to put together to get efficiency 5 I then Enchanted a third shovel because we don’t do things by Hales here after forging the three shovels into one I grabbed one of my

Netherite ingots and made myself a brand new shovel and this time with an additional Sil touch after I then briefly made sure that there is enough wood I collected different dyes together because today’s project will be very colorful so we need different colors for one of the last

Dies I still needed cocoa beans which I also quickly got from one of the nearby jungle biomes of course including jungle wood in order to be able to multiply the cocoa beans afterwards it went on with the large search for sheep I needed quite a lot of wo for the project and up

To this point I did not have my own large population of sheep so we have to go on the [Applause] [Applause] journey about four stacks of wool later I returned home while I was away glass continued to be melted down here at the base as there is now a chunk loader in our nether Tower which ensures that everything within three chunks is permanently loaded when we are not

Around very useful I can only recommend besides all the wool I needed white concrete which I made from the collected gravel sand and white dye with all the materials collected and after a good nap in our Cozy home we headed to the site where our project

Will be built but first and once again a round of Terraforming My plan for today’s project was to build a structure that consists of two modules on the one hand we would have the left part which will later house a kind of entrance hall with small stores in which so to speak the donor of the resource should be paid homage in the right part

There is a small motel where Travelers can rest in our budding Village also the arriving Merchants who want to go to the trading Hall can spend the night here with the banners that are placed we complete the first part of the construction or almost because of course

Here again a single banner was missing so quickly back and after I almost broke my neck at my own front door I then actually managed to place the last Banner which would complete the Sheep Motel what do you guys think isn’t that a cute building the next task on my list is the

Expansion of our village I would like to try from now on to steadily Implement more buildings and more projects within the village which serve more cosmetic purposes for this we need first of all a few paths because with that I can better orientate myself how much space is left

To build and where what kind of building fits as I said the first part of today’s project is already finished however we are only now getting to the real core of the whole thing because in the basement of the left complex comes a wool farm with all the wool colors that the game

Has to offer and therefore here follows the preparation work for It after taking care of digging the cellar I briefly made sure that we can enter and exit unhindered by lining a small passageway into the room underground this by the way is one of the first times I’ve used Birchwood for building maybe more will follow in the

Future of course the seller must not remain so empty so I marked the individual Chambers with the appropriate colors and added around the necessary constructions which are needed to farm Wood In keeping with the very colorful design of today’s project I decided to decorate the ceiling again with aselia leaves and flowers I find the aselia flowers create a very cozy and Lively atmosphere so I added them to the farm and with that the basement of the sheep Motel would also be finished

That’s it for today isn’t it no definitely not because now the seller of the seller is to follow in which the whole technology will be for this I need 16 Hopper mine carts to collect the shoren wool and transport it to the collection system as mentioned at the

Beginning we still need our new line of defense against evil on the maintenance level of our wool Farm 16 beacons are now built which should equip us with additional skills and powers to be able to craft them we need a certain item and I guess you know which item I

Mean these items are wither skeleton skulls to get them I want to build a wither skeleton Farm in the Nether and for that we need a fortress located in a Soul Sand Valley fortunately I have my good old world map on which I could look

Very far ahead to see if there is a fortress somewhere which is suitable for our purposes I compressed the whole thing a bit at this point but overall the time it took me to search was pretty short about half an hour then I had arrived that was my luck because I was

Really afraid of the nether Expedition that’s also the reason why I built a portal to the Overworld right upon arrival which was kindly ignited for me by a blaz to minimize the danger I decided to build a nether Highway above the nether ceiling and for this I needed

A lot of ice because The Fortress in the nether is about 4,000 blocks away from our first portal in this video I only put the foundation stone for the nether Highway because to expand it would have gone beyond the limits of the video and of course I had not collected

Enough ice so I had to go back in the middle of the work to get more in addition I also spawn proof the nether Highway with buttons on gas that shoot at me and break everything I had no desire and that would finish the basic construction to get from the ceiling of

The nether back down to the Fortress I then tried to destroy the Bedrock with a simple construction of pistons and TNT I had my problems with that in the beginning but after a short time the Bedrock had to give way to my concentrated power of technique and TNT

Or maybe I watched the tutorial more concentrated which you can find in the description down below to get down I used a few letters and after that I was off on a very dangerous and exciting Mission because what I had to do first was to place a button on every single block on which something could spawn to secure the Fortress for the Farm the whole thing was very dangerous because of course all mobs that could spawn with time only spawned in the areas where I was not yet thereby enormous amounts of blazes spawned which shot at me permanently very nerve-wracking but I did it and so I could now go home and get the materials

For the farm first I collected a few Nether Bricks before grabbing my boat and sailing back across the ice [Applause] [Applause] And again back to the nether you have to keep in mind that about 4,000 blocks have to be covered each time the farm this time comes from more things you can find the links to his channel and the video in the description down Below Yeah And here we go the farm is ready and after a short test whether the farm works I packed my things again and went home one more time this time I wanted to forge a brand new sword to be able to give the wither skeletons a good run for

Their money I decided on a Smite five sword together with looing three and sweeping Edge because wither skeletons belong to the creature class of the undead and are therefore especially sensitive to Smite I name my sword with sper although I will change the name later in addition to the previous

Enchantments I got myself mending so I do not have to worry about the repair the last step to the op sword was the upgrade to netherite but before that of course I had to put our previous combat partner to a well-deserved rest then quickly upgrade and now we can start

Farming with a skeleton skulls all in all I spent more than 2 hours at the farm during this time I made myself something to eat and what I noticed while editing this video is that I had forgotten to close the room so that at any time monsters could have come in and

Killed me I wasn’t in my gaming room something could have happened otherwise and this scene proves it the zombie just came in and attacked me if I hadn’t been back again at that point the series would have been over right there fortunately I survived and after building the farm and another trip

Home I had finally collected enough heads to spawn and kill the withers and where is the easiest and fastest place to kill 16 Withers exactly in the end so I went to the end because I need the bad Rock portal in the middle of the island

For it there I duck a small cave to be able to set up the necessary construction I must say that this method is really forbidden simple because in this way I needed only barely one minute to get a Nether Star and the Wither made no problems not necessarily fair but

When it comes to the safety of our world no method should be too bad for us besides we are still talking about the Wither one of the biggest villains in our world that should be okay I guess And with that we struck down the last wither with this we have collected 16 nether stars for 16 beacons which we could of course craft directly afterwards with this nothing should stand in the way of protecting our settlement at this point I have decided to rename my swords so that the names

Correspond to their respective tasks now I own the Smite 5 Wither Skeleton killer weapon on the one hand and the Wither sper on the other hand which has given the withs the juice and for now it is time to rest old fellow and with placing the beacons the farm is 95%

Complete these beacons now provide me with their cosmic power which I will probably need in the future feel free to write me your opinion about the farm down in the comments I really love the look of the farm and I am eager to hear your thoughts on it the last thing we

Need now are of course the Sheep I first brought four sheep with a lead to the wool Farm there I then BR the Sheep until I had 16 pretty annoying but after a while I had it done and now I just had to push them into the chambers not stressful at All He Yeah [Applause] After this task was completed I quickly made a few visual improvements and the wool Farm was 100% complete therefore I could also directly take care of the next project now that I had already planned the pass I next planed the approximate location of the mark stands

That I wanted to build and here you can see the construction of one of the very first houses in our settlement unfortunately not as a time lapse because the replay recording was broken this house serves no special purpose it is only for optical needs maybe sooner

Or later I will let a villager move in here this villager could possibly be named after a member of our community but that was just an idea you can write me your opinion about it in the comments this time I used a slightly different block pallette the black back Stone in

Combination with the dark oak gives a pretty good look of course the roof had to be built with deep slate again speaking of deep slate you can be very curious about the next episode if you like deep slate and here again the finished house I am very satisfied and I

Would be very happy if we could continue this style in the Future also in the interior I have given me this time more effort but I will try to increase further in the Future then it was time for our Market to finally get going wool is perfect for this to build the different Market stands and I’m glad that we now have a wool Farm in our world and that we can build more with it we are once again in

The time-lapse section of the video so enjoy in addition here we a few custom trees and I must confess that I have found something that I can do even worse than designing Interiors something about these trees bothers me and I will find out what and fix

It then I found a great inspiration for a crane on Pinterest that I thought was pretty cool for our Market Place therefore he has a small crane that helps to move the delivered Goods of the merchants and of course not all Merchants can afford to stay in the quite exclusive sheep motel and

Therefore there is a small Campground with campfire and enough space for the wagons and Goods at this spot from the second house I built there is a time lapse and here I also try to continue the style of the first house what do you think about the Interiors in

This video I like it pretty well but I am curious about your opinion at the very end there was a small texture session for the past and with that the first step to the marketplace would be done small spoiler in the next episode I

Will work a bit more on it because I am not satisfied yet but for today this will have to do the job and of course I haven’t forgotten your name suggestions for the exles from the comments in the last episode there were some brilliant suggestions and it hurt my heart that I

Couldn’t use them all our first friend the white Exel now Bears the name Heisenberg for all eternity a great name thanks a lot for that the yellow friend was next in line from now on this one shall bear the noble name of Bob Bob and I thank you for the suggestion the name

Of our last blue friend I have struggled very hard but he will be called from now on the name blue spars a very nice name about which I was very happy thank you for your great support and your suggestions well unlike usual we start today with some time lapses because I

Stupidly forgot the recording in OBS therefore you see the wood farming and the preparation of the terrain as a time lapse I hope you don’t mind but I guess that wouldn’t have differed on the other hand either I didn’t have to farm deep slate because I had more than enough of

It in my chest which will soon be beautifully sorted and after everything was prepared the building process of the menion began for the foundation I once again decided to use the simple stone bricks to create a little contrast to the dark deep slate blocks of course Spruce Wood must not be

Missing from one of my constructions where I use deep slate so the whole mansion is built from Deep slate and Spruce Wood for the windows I imagined Blue Glass paints and I think they also fit very well with the chosen block Palette the Mansion will consists of two floors on the one hand there is the storage system on the lower floor where there is room for about 50 items as well as some backup chests in the corridors on the other hand the Mansion has a second floor which I will tell you more

About later there must also be space in the fundament because there is a construction of water glass and ice for transporting the Items N The roof of the building consists of a kind of attachment so that the building does not look too flat later I had the idea that that we could build an ideal entrance for approaches with the elytra which I unfortunately did not realize in this video but maybe in the Future and here we are with the finished facade of the Mansion I really like it and I’m looking forward to work in the new storage because it will save us a lot of running around and also the mess will soon be over as you can see there are

Still empty flower pots on the Windows which will probably be decorated with blue flowers later oddly enough I didn’t manage to do that in this episode either because I simply forgot about it and you will see why soon of course this was only the first step to an effective storage the first

Thing I had to do was to provide some light so that monsters couldn’t spawn and interfere with me building the storage the chest with the corresponding Hoppers and the Redstone construction must of course also find room N The storage system with the Hoppers and the comparators should be common knowledge to the most of you for the item transport however I decided against hoppers in order to maintain the performance that’s why there is a transport pipe made of water and ice at this point of the storage and hopefully

This also explains the glass tubes in the foundation of the building the items are later loaded from a chest into a dropper which shoots them into the water pipe with the help of two observers to avoid ugly glass pipes in the storage the items run under the floor and are

Transported back up with the help of Soul Sand where they can pass through the next module the whole thing continues until everything has been sorted or the items for which there was no room are back in the chest for the storage to be fully functional we need appropriate filter items which I renamed

On the envil until it broke the filter items are necessary so that later the coric blocks are sorted I had to do the whole thing about 50 times but compared to what was to follow that was the easiest part next I took care of the item frames in order to immediately recognize which

Block is which chest we need item frames and they need a lot of leather for crafting and leather comes only from cows horses or Lamas and so you know what we unfortunately have to do with the sacrifice of this last cow I finished the search for leather now back

Home and with the collected resources we can now craft all the necessary item frames which can then of course be placed straight away now comes one of the most exhausting parts of the video sorting all the items that are supposed to go into the storage I had to choose a

Priority because our storage as nice as it is only serves temporary purposes for our current needs it is good enough but in the future I would like to build a storage that can hold all the items that you can get in the game at least that’s

My plan for the future in order to sort everything correctly there must be at least 41 of the respective items in The Hoppers furthermore all Hoppers must be filled before this system can be used at all because items that would otherwise end up in the leftover chest are sorted somewhere where they don’t

Belong did I just say that the Sorting was the hardest part well I was wrong because that brings us to the worst part of the video the Redstone technique it drove me crazy that I had to rebuild it so many times and to top it all off a

Lot of things went wrong I think the scenes speak for themselves I really had a lot of fun doing it and I also looked at the footage and saw that the whole process took me about an hour just the trial and error but then finally everything worked out I threw exactly 64

Slabs into the system at this point and looked to see if those 64 slabs would arrive luckily they did and the quick L out of the game shows how broken I was there again one should say that Minecraft is not hard work next I dedicated myself to the

Decoration just a few flower pots with aelia saplings extinguished campfires and a few crates here and there of course lanterns must not be missing so that no monsters can spawn I also took some glowberries to give the decoration a glow up you know because of glowberries n never mind at this point

Strangely enough I put strings under the glowberries although I could just have shered them so they wouldn’t grow any further strange mistake but not too bad then I took care of a small rework of the staircase in front of the Mansion because I did not like it at all I think

However that the demolition of the old staircase has not pleased all because well see for yourself either another cowardly attack on my life or a poorly conveyed criticism of my construction decide for yourself the damage was quickly repaired and therefore not too bad at all and here we start with the previously mentioned

Second floor first I took care of a actual floor so that we can build properly also a corresponding illumination may not be missing of course and and also this is built completely in the style of our Mansion the whole floor will serve as a kind of expedition base I plan to plot future

Projects and missions from here and to document the progress of our world as well as mysterious and unique occurrences definitely write me your thoughts on this idea in the comments I’m really excited about it in between I went to the trading hall because I really needed some bookshelves for the

Second floor floor while editing the video I just realized that an enchantment table would also fit on the second floor maybe later but for now let’s deal with the Villagers I had to fly to the farm Island again and again to get new sugar canane for paper all in

All the trading also took quite a bit of time but an idea came to me if we manag to get let’s say 750 likes on today’s video we will completely transform the Farm Island in another video I believe we can do this and thank God we removed

The strange custom trees from last time at this point the trees will be replaced by Vanilla trees for the time being until I have dealt with the topic of custom trees better at least there will be a small tree stump Left Behind from the first tree to remind me of my

Failure what also fits to the second floor are of course the relics of our past or the trophies of our defeated opponents on the one hand the Egg of the dragon and on the other hand there will be a nether star later and to document the progress of our world we use as

Already mentioned Maps which are updated every few episodes so that we can still look at the progress of the First episodes Later then followed the second part of the Upper Floor for which I needed the traded bookshelves here comes a library which can also be enhanced by the new bookshelves of the 1.2 20 update the corner with the books should become very cozy so I added a little decod among

Other things of course lanterns as well as a cozy sofa with plans for relaxing reading the literary works of our world if you’re wondering what the lect turn in the middle of the library is all about we’ll come back to that in a moment for this I first needed a feather

For which unfortunately a chicken had to give its life from the feather of this chicken as well well as the Inc of a dead squid and a book now our book of books is created in which we can hold all observations which concern bad changes of the world for example the

Strange axotal plague in the C of time it becomes a relic of time which relates to our settlement next comes another round of sorting many items that I often like to build with should find their place in the storage as well as several resources such as iron and diamonds which we need

Over and over again the whole soring took an hour again because I had to fly back and forth between the starter house and the Mansion we have an incredible amount of items and I’m glad that we finally have a sorted storage so I don’t have to search Anymore as I said the whole storage is only temporary there is not enough room for all items which is why the corridors should also be used these chests in the corridors are still sorted in the classic way but marked with signs so that everything is properly what do you

Think about the storage do you like it I am so happy that we now have something like this in our World for our Expedition base and the documentation of our world we need mainly maps and for this we need paper again paper can be found on the Farm Island again and we have enough Redstone and iron in our storage together with a cartography table we started with the

Elytra creating the maps was a breeze I got everything built so far onto the maps at least what was in our starter area finally the maps only only had to be put into the frames and we are done with the first big world map in time many more maps should follow here

Capturing their respective periods maybe all 10 episodes if we get that far so far we’ve started few on the dangerous projects but I’m quite happy about that in the near future the First World Tour will follow because I want to show you everything in detail again and share

Some insights behind the scenes and my thoughts with you and how could it be otherwise now comes the time lapse part first I took care of a redesign of the market stance because some of them seemed a bit rough and just too big you know therefore the

Adjustment the second upgrade is to the Sheep hotel from the last episode the whole terrain was pretty empty overall so I tried to keep it themed with bright plants and occasional piles of wool for sale I am very happy with how it turned out and the bright purple and pink

Plants along with the aelia leaves really fit in nicely with the Area next came a few minor improvements around the emerald Forge which are also not yet finished the most important thing for me was that the path fits thematically to the already adapted part of the settlement and therefore lanterns trees and aelia leaves are used here again

The last project I’m tackling today is a small upgrade for the starter house area this includes a small dock for fishing as well as an enlargement of the animal enclosure so that the cows and sheep can breathe again in addition there is of course again the decoration for all the

Paths with aelia leaves and lanterns finally I removed our small lava Farm which in the future we’ll rather find place in the Mansion this area was especially important to me because I had not taken care of our little house very well so Far and here we go again guys we have finally finished today’s episode it was a long way for me because some of the work was really annoying but overall I had a lot of fun today and I am very happy that we could solve our biggest

Problem yet and now we have the perfect place to plan and start some Expeditions throughout our beautiful world F For Well let us play what’s up guys and welcome back to a new episode of our Minecraft hardcore Adventure it’s been a long time but we are finally back and as you can see we are live in our deep slake Mansion for the first time because I would like to

Thank you all for your patience and all the support you really are a great community and I’m lucky to have you today we finally continue with our world but I must admit that the world was very briefly in danger because normally I am now at the point where I would start a

New world because I have the feeling that I have already done everything in this one but since we are in hardcore mode that would be a bit of a waste so I’ve simply overcome that feeling by finding a new place to start an entirely new project for today’s episode I’m

Super excited to see what you guys have to say about today’s project so don’t be afraid to post your opinions in the comments I’ll read every single one and answer them if possible and also the YouTube algorithm likes it when you write comments diligently so yes thank

You but now enough chatter let’s see where today’s episode will take us all right here we are I flew really far to find a slightly higher place where I can build the foundation stone for a completely new kingdom you have already been able to follow a large part

Of the planning as a Long play so I don’t need to say much more about it at this point only that I finally found a use for Burge wood during the planning this time because the surrounding birge forest was directly converted into the framework of the project which required

Over four shulkers full of birch but exactly this very tedious planning which I would call Step Zero now leads us to the first official step of episode 7 the terraforming to do this I unfortunately had to use up all my dirt supplies and in between I kept destroying beautiful

Far flung areas by digging them up at high speed leaving nothing but Wasteland my idea was to build the Tower foundations plant at the top which were are partially floating in the air all the way down to the base of the mountain but unfortunately the mountain is a bit

Too steep on one side for this which would have resulted in the towers ending up looking like columns that were much too long the simpl solution for this logically just build two new and somewhat higher levels sure you know who made it The two new levels of the Mountain of course cannot float in the air consisting only of dirt they need a connection to the actual ground that seems to make sense that’s why I frequently stucked up on tons of stone in the Deep slate Mansion so that I could once again build artificial Cliff

Walls like the ones you already know from the exal sanctuary only this time much much bigger you really don’t want to know how long that took especially it was extremely annoying because I didn’t have any torches from home and therefore monsters appeared again and again which made my work more difficult until I

Could make torches out of found coal and Birchwood know who made it I I think the shots speak for themselves I like the new Cliffs very much I think they blend in well with the rest of the mountain and you get the impression that these levels may have been carved into the rocks by the people living here to make

Room for the new Royal house I was also able to improve my building skills this way so while I was watching my favorite streamers on the side I could fully concentrate on working on the cliffs and that really was a lot of Fun And we are already done with step one everything is prepared and planned so that we can now slowly but surely start building the actual castle for that however I wanted to cross one important thing of my list namely to form a suitable staircase to the castle I’m very happy with the building side

Because the mountain does a very good job of setting the later Castle apart from from the rest of the landscape and above all making it stand out nevertheless I would like to clarify again distance to the lower part of the kingdom and therefore I have still taken

Care of the staircase in the last part of step one so a quick jump down from my little observation platform and I’m ready to go with the staircase I again tried very hard to make the whole thing look natural or rather as if only small adjustments had to be made to the actual

Landscape I took great pains to avoid avoid sharp corners and edges and instead build everything relatively organically I’ll work on this more in the future video and also adjust it to the city that will be Added but now we are done with terraforming and all the planning at this point I was not aware of how much work would still be waiting for me because to be honest these shots here were taken in miday and probably do not even represent a quarter of what I

Wanted to achieve but there’s no use complaining I just love this game and that’s exactly why it’s a pleasure for me to take the next step to the foundation this step felt by far the longest I wanted to provide a shallow transition for for the towers so I

Started with Cobblestone then moved to Enders side and built the rest with regular Stone while building my own planning frame kept getting in the way so I had to remove it as well very tedious but absolutely worth the effort in my Opinion Also keep in mind that I had to keep flying several thousand blocks in between to replenish my supply of stone unfortunately I was not smart enough to build a nether portal until very late Oops After what felt like half an eternity I was finally finished with all the walls and all the towers apart from the decoration and the roofs of course however I had imagined that no wall should be built on the back side of the castle but instead it should be replaced

By a bridge on which the guards of the castle could constantly Patrol this bridge was a bit more complex to design but in the end it was also built Quickly the bridge I actually imagined rather ostentatious but still it should be fortified according to its purpose namely the defense of the Fortress therefore I have also used stone bricks here and the bridge additionally supported with pillars to ensure stability I think the bridge is is very beautiful and fits perfectly with the

Rest of the Castle to finish off the bridge and make it usable I added a floor of spruce slabs and trap doors which was also used in the rest of the castle in the end there will almost never be a member of the royal family on the battlements of the castle so it should be comfortable

Enough for the guards with their muddy armor boots to do their Duty Inside the towers several floors had to be installed from time to time to compensate for the different heights of the walls but even this was not a problem so now that this step has also been completed we can consider step two as finished and instead proceed to step three a proper

Entrance for this step I had to experiment a little bit in the beginning to find a style that I like like and that corresponds to a royal entrance gate mainly I tried to use different stairs and slabs to create different patterns and ornaments feel free to

Write me what you think of the design in the comments in fact building the entrance probably took the least amount of time which I was really happy about after the long wall and Tower session this gate was also a good opportunity to get a little creative again and try out new

Methods and possibilities in any case I am once again very happy with the result and I hope you are too I also used a new building style for the roof by dividing the roof into different parts and building them a few blocks backwards to match the position of the previous Parts

This way the entrance gate looks a bit more detached from the rest of the Castle As you can see this time I also use Bal from time to time for building and this is simply because I want to approach new blocks step by step to be able to constantly improve and step out of my comfort zone with this Building completed we’ll

Jump to step four which is the towers In this step we will continue with the design of the towers and above all give them Aspire after a short phase of thinking and finding the design of the individual Towers was already decided all Towers will be built and decorated in the same style except for one of the

Towers which will have a special function however you will learn more about this later this step also marks about half of the entire construction however I feel feel like that was still the shorter half if you know what I mean there was still a lot to do at this

Point and we were still in May so yeah anyway I’m only telling you this because I want you to get an idea of how long a project like this can take as with our Castle on Farm Island the roofs are once again made of prismarine but this time

Of prismarine bricks which I think match the color of the rest of the castle really well in total the castle has 10 Towers which which I built in step four so all are finished by step five all Towers actually serve only the purpose of better defense and display of the

Power of the royal Dynasty in the Middle Ages it was often the case that Towers were always built as high as possible as this was supposed to symbolize power and closeness to God so it seemed only logical to build as many high towers as possible

In between I had to fly to the guardian Farm again and again to stand there for several hours so that I could continue building with prismarine blocks and I don’t even want to know how often I did that in the course of the project the guardian Farm is in dire need of an

Upgrade that’s for sure finally the last blocks are placed which mean the completion of all Towers all in all a very long but also a very relaxing job and here you can see again the result of this long work depending on where the towers are placed the decorations differ slightly from each

Other but all in all nine of the 10 towers are identical But wait N9 out of 10 what’s that all about you ask well the 10th and therefore the last Tower is the in-house Mage Tower which gets a special design we are in a mystical medieval world that is threatened daily by both known and unknown evils so from this point of you

It can’t hurt to have your own Mage at Kurt who can protect the castle and its inhabitants with powerful spells and weapons in emergency situations or save them from Dark Forces who is capable of wielding such power you ask we will find out soon trust Me the Mage Tower is generally a bit wider than the others because of course an alchemical lab has to fit in their later as well as powerful magical ingredients and Potions the design of the Tower is significantly different from the others I was inspired by a user

On Pinterest named I am pixel you can find the link to his profile on Pinterest Below in the video description feel free to take a look there the completion of the Mage Tower also marks the end of step four we now come to a very engaging part of the video which

Again took me a lot of time and especially a lot of stone we are talking about step five the main Castle then let’s get to work first I just replaced the entire frame with stone and raised the walls previously indicated by the frame again a lot of stone was used

Up and I had to fly back several times to get more I have spared you this procedure at this point and instead created a small transition for You my idea was to surround the entire main building with a second battlements with watchtowers in the corners to create an additional line of defense however the main Castle itself unlike the walls and the towers should be characterized by many and large Windows as well as more frequent decorative

Elements I kept looking at how the whole thing looked from a distance and thinking about what elements could still fit into it in the end I decided on a clock shaped ornament which now decorates the front of the main house also the roof is again built of

Prismarine bricks and at this point it might be worth mentioning that once again I didn’t take care of the interior in this video all this will follow in a later video or maybe as a Long Play next I wanted to build two additional Towers but they are more or less nonfunctional and serve more the purpose of a decorative column in front of the main house only the lower part will be walkable but in the top of these columns you could place a beacon that

Symbolizes war or peace depending on the color of the light beam once again I followed the rule that higher also means better and more powerful I think these smaller Towers make the castle look a little bit more impressive also without these two towers the main house would

Kind of look like to flat and probably get lost in the buzzle of the other structures around it but I really have to remember the idea with beacons because unfortunately I only thought of it while writing the script another point that will be added later I guess I

Should start making a list of things I want to add not that I lose the overview for the second small Tower I have created a quick time lapse because I can hardly wait to continue with the Project after these two towers were also completed I thought about how to proceed it was really a lot of fun for me to be able to decide so freely and think step by step about how the castle would be put together and what I could add next

And in which place in the end I decided to complete the second Battlement by adding two more Towers to the back of the castle so I turned my attention to the rear Towers which needed to visually match the style of the main house but still serve a more defensive purpose

Again so I tried again to work with more decorative blocks and ornaments to create a clear boundary to the towers of the wall I think the bottom line is that I also managed quite well or what do you say guys as you can see the roof of the

Main house is still not finished because it was so incredibly time consuming to farm prismarine again and again so that I had left my PC on again overnight while I stood AFK at the farm to get enough blocks only then was I able to finish building the spires of the last two watcht

And as if it wasn’t enough that my PC consumed an entire night’s worth of electricity to generate some virtual materials for making virtual blocks to build a virtually existing Castle I was then also hared by Annoying flying wash racks while I was building delaying the completion of the towers yet

Again I’m just kidding they are far worse than Phantoms because after a cozy nap in the rain nothing was left of the offenders but wet Ash so 1 to zero for me I guess after this mattera was cleared up I could finally and I really mean finally finish the remaining towers with which

We would have once again completed a large part of the castle we are slowly but surely approaching the end and I am so curious what you will say about the result in the end I invested the remaining prismarine blocks in the construction of the roof move be before I ran out again oh

Man but anyway let’s continue with step six The Fortress Tower I consider this step to be the core of the entire construction because everything I have told you so far about the height and the associated demonstration of power is topped by this Colossus this gigantic Tower is the center of the defenses and

A real stronghold for all Invaders anyone wishing to enter the castle whether guests or attacking troops must first pass through the spiral staircase inside this complex dodging volleys of arrows fired from above and Hot Tar an almost impregnable architectural Masterpiece without equal I have hardly ever put as much thought into the

Construction and design of a building as I did with this one basically however it is still very simple constructed the tower consists of a foundation of stone which contains a winding staircase which is the only way to the top other paths past the tower are even more heavily fortified and equipped with numerous

Guard posts this makes the castle the fort KNX of our hardcore world and I am incredibly proud of it in addition to the foundation of the Fortress there are now two more roofs with Vantage points as well as opportunities for firing at attackers inside and outside the castle grounds

This Colossus in combination with an own Mage should be warning enough for all those who have evil in mind surviving an attack on our Castle is nothing short of a miracle with this part of the castle I couldn’t help but embellish a few things inside that have been bothering me as well but

Here too I remained very minimalist and have not yet made any major changes except for a few small things the construction of this huge tower has again extended over several real days but it was enormous fun to work on it so feel free to leave a like a comment or

Even subscribe to the channel so you can be a part of the future of this emerging Kingdom with the last part of the roof complete the complex is finally finished and ready to be put into operation guards will now Place themselves at all important defensive posts and perform their Duty as Defenders as you can see the Fortress fits perfectly ly into the overall image of the castle and of

Course makes it look even more intimidating and Powerful with this almost all the buildings are finished although there are still a few missing but we can now move on to step seven the preparation for the Royal Garden a Royal Garden Of course does not simply consist of some trampling paths and flower beds the Royal gardeners at the Kurt take care that everything keeps its order therefore I had first taken care to adapt and reshape the terrain into something less wild with stone bricks I try to create different levels

On which then again different flowers plants and decorations can stand the whole thing is connected by small stairs and paths but I spare you the details and show you the result rather again on the basis of a small transition as you can see the garden inside the castle is

Quite small which is simply explained by the GE geographical location more elements of a Royal Garden can also be added later of course what must not be missing in such a p Royal household is an in-house Chapel where the priest at kurur says Mass every Sunday Faith

Strengthens the people both in God and in their rulers faith is very widespread in this land Farmers pray to the gods so that their fields Will Survive the next summer drought and always bear abandoned fruit soldiers too of feel inspired by their deep connection to the gods

Through their faith in battle and fight even more relentlessly for the Kingdom so you see it is important in this land to always build enough places to which people can go on pilgrimage in their greatest need that was pretty quick so far we have prepared the garden to a

Large extent only once the decorations and the plans will follow later now we continue with step eight the backside The backside is to become more or less the private area of the royal family with opportunities for relaxation since I’m not going to work on the interior design in this video I guess it’s enough to tell you that the design of this building complex is supposed to be based

On this Spa I plan to have several pools with warm water in this area as well as seating areas for space spending time together today I only got As far as finishing the building but the rest of the work is still going on my list what you can see here is simply another

Entrance that will later lead into the main hall of the castle creating a connection between the dungeon area and the bar I had this area planned out as well which is why the ugly frame had to be removed first later in the dungeon area you will find all sorts of

Scoundrels and traitors who have betrayed the trust of the guards and proved themselves Unworthy of this Kingdom as you can see in the upper left corner I initially connected the dungeon in the spa with a wooden floor but this turned out to be a bad idea because the

Whole thing looked a bit too shabby for the king to walk along so the floor had to be removed and replaced by Stone instead in the course of the rebuild however I took Direct Care to insert and theide from time to time to make the floor look a little more used Poo and that’s it the last stones are set which would be the connection between spa and dungeon erected and with that we have already completed the largest area of the castle we are already at the beginning of June with the recordings which clearly points to the end of the video I

Am very excited to read what you have to say about today’s episode so please don’t forget to leave a comment the castle has already really taken shape and there’s actually only one last step missing but for that I had to re-equip myself at home however I would like to

Allow myself a small recap at this point our new Castle is almost ready so far we have accomplished a lot among other things we have adjusted the mountain a bit so that we have enough space for the construction of our Castle as well as future projects so with that

We have left step one behind us second we took care of the foundation which was very boring and took a long time but wasn’t really hard step two done step three on the other hand was anything but boring a truly enjoyable work that demanded a lot of creativity

And that even though I forgot a small part next on the list we had the towers and I really enjoyed working on those as well as it was really fun to come up with a design that didn’t look strange even from a distance step for The Towers also completed at this

Point with the main Castle I’m really glad that my planning ended up working out the way I wanted I can’t stand it when I end up with odd or even numbers somewhere and then have to come up with different designs for the walls all in

All it worked out very well one of the last two steps was building The Fortress and I really enjoyed everything about that and I hope you did too so in the future we are already safe from any attacks in between we also briefly took care of preparing the garden although

This was rather a minor matter compared to the other steps the latest step we’ve taken is of course the back of the castle with the associated connection to the front so we’ve really accomplished a lot up to this point which is why it’s now also time to devote a little time to

The things that have fallen by the wayside for example we would have two incomplete Towers to de at the side entrance now also completed furthermore at the back of the castle I took care of replacing the dirt with stone so that it looks a little more civilized the bare

Dungeon area also got an upgrade the window you can see there in the center will later belong to the main hall in the castle last but not least the entrance area directly behind the castle gate got a little glow up so there are cobbled paths there now as well so what

Remains now but to devot a little to the decoration of the Garden in Step 7.2 know who made it the first thing I did I really wanted to have a greenhouse in the castle Garden because I think that some of the members of the royal family despite their ancestry are passionate about

Banii so I wanted to build a greenhouse here I stayed relatively rustic although I think the design looks very good with the dark org wood and the white glass of course only the very finest fruits and vegetables are grown here and tended with Care by dist servants

Made with the decoration in the outside area I could really let off steam again and even if the entire Castle is my fantasy and my creativity it was something else to be able to work so freely on the garden the whole thing really made me want to do more and I

Have firmly resolved to do more in the organic area in the future so that I can also improve in this direction moreover some of you have wished for this and I take your wishes to Heart in between I kept walking around the area using F3 to find places where monsters might spawn

And to light up those places at this point you can watch me fail over and over again I wanted to build two large glass domes but for some reason I couldn’t managed to build a dome that looked good on my own in the end I had to resort to a website and

Build the whole thing step by step according to instructions probably another reason to practice things like that but here again the final attempt as I said this time with the help of a Website however I did didn’t need any more help decorating the Dome various large flowers are used here again as well as glowberries bamboo and sugar cane these glass domes represent so to speak the highlight of the Royal Gardens and that’s why I have given myself again especially much effort I want bees to

Fly around there later which is why I decorated everything with enough flowers for honey also of course the honey from the Royal Garden is reserved exclusively for the royal family a common citizen will probably never be able to taste this honey I had to get the hives from

Home at the very end because I knew that a few were still hiding in my chests overall I also made an effort to texture all the pathways using different blocks to build them while I have to admit that the paths didn’t turn out quite the way

I wanted them to but I’m still happy with how they look there we go a nice and cozy spot for all the buzzling bees the second glass Dome is right next to the first just one level above I didn’t deviate from the design for the second

One it just got a little bigger the decorations are the same and also this Dome should later become the home of several little Piece in the end I still had one or the other Corner in which neither flowers nor decorations stood of course this should definitely change which is why I tried two things on the left side in the video you can see the area directly next to the second Dome where I have built a

Chill out area with a cozy seating area and hanging glowberries as a decoration and a light source also a small self-made tree may not be missing there of course on the right side you can see me building a small pond area which is again one level above here I first put

Up a few small smaller custom trees which were then supplemented by various hges in the center of this area is a self-built pond which is often visited by the high priests as the water springing here is believed to have magical powers prayers are said to ensure that the spring never runs dry

The princess also spends many hours at this place perhaps the reason for her outstanding popularity and Beauty who knows the very last area I worked on is the area where the guards of the castle train fortify themselves with good food and mend or improve their equipment and

Weapons for this I have again browsed on Pinterest and stumbled among other things on an archery range which I find extremely suitable for our Castle so I was inspired by it and quickly designed my own little shooting range where the soldiers can now practice their skills with a bow or the crossbow somewhere

Outside the actual castle grounds I also envisioned a military Barracks with more such buildings to come a horse stable could also have been built but unfortunately there was no longer enough space for that but then to improve the equipment there comes a small shelter for melting metal and forging new items

In this way these soldiers are always prepared for any eventuality the area was of course as it should be again decorated with various elements such as Hedges and a corresponding path indicated with different blocks for the soldiers a more muddy and unimed walkway is probably quite appropriate because

The heavy armor boots are not meant for delicate marble floors and sink anyway at every opportunity in the mud therefore I am very happy with this area and I hope you are Too well guys here we are the castle is ready we’ve just completed the last step and with that being completed there is nothing more to do at this point I am super super happy with the result and I’m already looking forward to the future where we will gradually breathe

More and more life into this Kingdom I had an enormous amount of fun working on this project I really thank you guys for watching the video this far furthermore I really appreciate your support look forward to more content in the future at the end however I would like

To give you the statistics of today’s project a total of 82 recordings were made 113 time lapses were rendered and all that in 446 Minecraft days in real time the whole thing took well how long actually have you been paying attention in this episode I’m going to

Collect every single armor trim there is in the game due to the new 1.20 update I hope you enjoy the update as much as I do it really improves the aspect of adventuring and I think they really came up with something there it took some time but here it is the

Episode in which I will search for the new 1.20 armor trims in order to create my own armor style in the game therefore I made this spard in a creative world so that I can get an overview about the different locations of the new items some of them are really meant to be

Found easily however some of them are really getting me worried about losing the world because there are structures that I haven’t been paying attention on yet but we will see what’s coming and that’s of course not all of it I’m also going to build a beautiful Museum to

Display the different armor Styles and I’m really looking forward to use some of the Cherrywood or cherry leaves for that I promise you guys this is going to look amazing when it’s done if you don’t want to miss any of the future episodes then please consider subscribing it is

Completely free but it helps me out a lot and I really appreciate your support also don’t forget to comment your opinion on the new update because I’m really interested in your thoughts but now let’s get right into today’s episode I’ve started my new adventure by flying across our world but before I

Could do that I had to craft myself a brush with which I can easily clean the new treasure holding suspicious blocks like sand and gravel I’ve crafted some more in case they break faster than I was expecting not very long after I started my journey I stumbled upon an

Abandoned shipwreck which has been eaten by the Sands of a beach I took the opportunity and cleaned it out and so I became the owner of my first piece of armor trim the coast armorr which can only be found in the Shipwreck a very good omen for our adventure I guess

After I enjoyed my luck enough I took the rest of the treasures from this chest here and went back on track with the coast armor trim I have collected the first of 16 more and I was curious about finding the rest of them some minutes of traveling further on I found

Yet another new feature of the update I’m speaking of the trail ruins in which can be found four more armor trims I found those by simply looking onto the world map where you can see if there are blocks that don’t fit the area like terracotta or gravel every now and then

I also flew upon some pumpkins but that’s okay I guess in the end I found one and I started to excavate immediately in order to find my first treasure what could this update hold up for me which of the artifacts is waiting for me inside my my first piece of

Gravel it is uh it’s a brick brick found a brick hilarious Minecraft as a punishment for the runes I thought I’d might be able to quickly dig up some more Treasures by completely Excavating and destroying this antique ruin in terms of quickly I got really messed up

Because the whole thing took me about an hour of work and I really underestimated the way you have to treat those artifacts but as you can see I still found another armor trim upon the other broken bases and statues I guess I’ve broke several Treasures within the process and I’m really sorry Minecraft

Please don’t let me die on The Journey the second one also did not let me wait too long for it to appear upon all the sand and dirt in this single ruin I could manage to find the Razor and the shaper armor trim and so I took

Care of the rest of the suspicious blocks before getting back on track yet Again there was also a lot of junk that could be found like candles and glass paints but also some more of the new signs and a lot of those clay patterns which can be used to craft vases later on I guess I even found some more of the

Racer and shaper armor trims but unfortunately not another new one by the way if you like watching me digging up some Treasures I am currently streaming Uncharted 4 on Twitch so come join me if you want I tried to get the platinum trophy there and it’s been a really good

Adventure so far with that being said the ruin is completely done and empty and I could manage to get two more armor trims which is a really good rate for one ruin this means we can continue our journey because there are still two more ruin armor trims left which I have to

Collect a few minutes away from this location had been the second Trail ruin which I found Again by using my world map this time the structure was hidden under tall spruce trees but the Terra cutter was the perfect sign for me to investigate the location it hurts my

Soul when I think about the destruction I caused above these ancient ruins I think next time I want to build a project around one of those ruins in order to keep up the history of those places but nevertheless eventually I started to dig up this ruin too I’ve

Made a big time lapse on the one hand and and on the other hand you can see all the stuff I found within this structure it didn’t took me too long to find the third armor trim the host trim and by the way if you don’t want to miss

Out on any future updates and videos I recommend you to subscribe to the channel it’s completely free and you can always unsubscribe if you wish to but it helps me out a lot so I really appreciate every one of you doing so good things will happen if you subscribe

For example me finding the fourth and therefore last armor trim that can be found inside a trail ruin you see I told you of course I’m just joking but I really found the last wayfinder armor trim but I couldn’t help myself so I needed to clear up all the other stuff

Before returning back on our Adventure once again I just left a digging site all messed up and destroyed but at least I found everything I came for namely the host and the wayfinder armor trim which completes the set of Trail ruin trims the next structure I found was more of a coincidence like the

Shipwreck again namely the Pillager Outpost all in all it was no challenge to get the Sentry trim except for me fighting a bunch of pillagers even though I aimed like a drunken wandering Trader in the end I managed and this adds surprisingly one more trim to the collection I am really curious ious

About how all of those are going to look like when I add them to some chest plates or helmets later on which material do you think am I going to use write down in the comments but hey don’t spoil yourself next up I flew around the world

To find an untouched jungle biome in which a jungle temple could spawn eventually I found one thanks again to my world map I really recommend you guys using such a mod in your own world too at least in terms of adventuring after after entering the temple I first got stupidly shot by an

Arrow before taking a closer look inside the first chest around the corner in this chest was nothing but a spicy stench which hasn’t bothered me enough to give up once again I destroyed an ancient structure and I really believe my world is cursed now by the

Old gods in the end I still found the wild armor trim which brings me to a collection of seven trims in total so we are almost halfway through for the next Target on my list I had to visit a website called chunk base where you can simply put in the seat of your

World and then it shows you all the structures that have been generated in your world I needed the help of this site to find a freshly generated ancient city and I have been flying around in my world for quite a long time now which is the reason for me needing help with this

Chunk base really helped me out for this video which is why you can find the link to the website in the description down below so I selected the structure I needed and the website showed me that a new ancient city would be generated around 5,000 blocks away from the original spawn so

The chances for me finding this randomly would have been around zero I was very happy about the help and so I switched back over to the hotcore world and started flying towards the coordinates I wrote down soon enough I could manage to find the location right next to a

Beautiful new Cherry biome and I just started to dig straight down I was pretty frightened about me needing to find and loot some ancient cities I really felt like losing the world in the process which is why I played this in a very careful and slow way I think the

First city took me around 2 hours to loot and I’ve have not even been to all of the chests there first of all I wanted to have an overview about the area and also a good spot to jump down without triggering any shrier or sensors

So I took a good look around and after I finally leap of faith be down I began to explore the City by simply placing wool everywhere I went I think I didn’t even took one step or a small jump without having placed a wool block or a piece of

Carpet before that’s just how frightened I was after reaching the ground it didn’t took too long for me to find the first chest and I have to say that I couldn’t believe what was in there the most dangerous structure in Minecraft in my opinion and I’m going to have to search for two

Specific items in this case the loot of the first chest was a very bad Omen one single Golden Apple nothing else I really thought I couldn’t manage to find all of the armor trims at this point but anyways I continued my exploration there were so many hidden

Structures of the old people of this world that I asked myself of how they could end up like that forgotten and hidden inside an underground cave system which has never been touched by the least amount of sunlight but anyways I still found some treasure chests around that contained a

Lot of random loot like potions and skull blocks it went really well until this happened I broke the wrong block and a shrier got triggered due to the reason I’ve never visited an ancient city before I thought that this was the moment when the Warren spawns but fortunately the shers need to be

Triggered multiple times but I still panicked in this situation I made my way through a nearby wall that I wanted to dig through as fast as possible but in the end I even found another city that was hidden behind exactly that wall I couldn’t believe it but it was true I

Shot up my map and there you can see that there were two ancient cities that are connected to a giant underground metropoly at least it seemed like of course I’ve also started to explore those ruines as well and I quickly found another chest that once again contains

Some very specific loot which also gave me some inventory solving problems I had my concerns about the inventory space because I couldn’t really figure out a way to place down my Shulas in order to store all the unnecessary items but I would say in the end my struggles were

Absolutely worth it because this chest had something very special to offer me right there there it contained the first of the two foundable ancient city armor trims the W armor trim and that has taken at least half of a load off my mind once again I struggled with my

Inventory but eventually I could obtain one of the two hardest to find items in the new update at least in my eyes unfortunately I couldn’t manage to find the second one too which means that I had to return just a quick disclaimer from the editing table I’ve Googled the chances

Of finding a silen armor trim and there is actually only a 1.2% chance to find one in one of the ancient city chests this is just something I didn’t know but I guess it is necessary to know in order not to get frustrated too fast but so

Much about that now let’s continue with the episode after this hell of an adventure I was very pleased with seeing the sun again and I luckily duck up in the middle of the cherry blossom Forest which gave me another peaceful Vibe then I could finally relieve myself with jumping around happily because I’ve

Survived the hardest structure so far on my list I put all the loot inside my shulka boxes and with the w armor trim I’ve already gathered half of the entire collection the next step for me was to build a nether portal in order to search for the nether armor trims which are the

Second most dangerous items to collect in this episode the rip armor trim was used to be another very rare item to find inside a nether fortress which again kind of worried me I did not want to spend a lot of time flying around the lava sea in the nether I definitely

Didn’t but in order to try and shorten this term a little bit I once again visited the chunk base map and selected the nether for my seat this gave me the opportunity to write down coordinates of fortresses and bastions that haven’t been generated yet this made the whole

Operation a lot easier and I’m very glad I could use this website arrived in the nether I first needed to find a way into the free realm of this place in order to use my elytra on the way to it I found my first Fortress by accident it was

Hidden inside the Netherrack but I unfortunately had no luck in all of the chests there however I had my luck in another way because at the end of some random stairs inside the Fortress has a Bastion been generated which was kind of a strange coincidence

But I took it gladly for the Bastion I once again went for the slow and careful way because I had a decent amount of respect of the piglins and their golden axes so I choose the bow for my weapon of choice and Dead with most of the piglins from a safe distance while

Looting some chests again eventually I managed to get down to the bottom of their Bastion where they stored all their gold blocks and also one more chest there could have probably been the snoot armor trim inside the chest which is going to be the only reason for me

Having ever visited and looted this structure I would have said that if it was the case that I found this nude armor trim there but I didn’t and so I had to continue the search for it before leaving I took all of the gold blocks

Because I mean why not right when I had made my way out I trapped all of the remaining piglins inside their own Bastion so that they starve to death by time at least I guess they do do they even eat but due to the reason I haven’t

Uploaded something in a while by the way I’m sorry for that you are going to have to wait for the next episode in order to find out if I could manage to find all of the armor trims without dying and what I’m going to build for those to be safe and

Sound in the last episode we’ve accomplished to collect half of the entire armor trim collection ction already today we’ll continue the journey with part two of The Great search for all the new 1.20 armor trims but the main part of this video is containing the construction of a Fitting Place for

All the new armor styles to be displayed I’ve been thinking about building a huge temple-like Museum that is built with an bright and colorful block pallet using some of the new building blocks in the game I know you’ve probably seen so many great 1.20 builds already but I’m especially proud on my

Because it fits the area perfectly and I am curious to hear what you think about it last episode left me in the nether searching for the SN and the rip armor trim and I would say that’s exactly where we continue today’s Journey if you enjoy today’s video then leave a like

And subscribe to the channel it’s completely free but it helps me out a lot thank you so much guys so here we are back to our adventure weo where I’m still trying to find the remaining armor trims searching for them was not as as easy as I was maybe expecting it because

The spawn rates seem to be poorly on those two I’ve looted so many chests while visiting a bunch of fortresses and bastions but the only thing I could find was a whole load of gold and some of the netherite upgrade templates which are not as bad as you might think those

Upgrades are the only possibility by now to upgrade your diamond gear to a netherite one but I guess you already know that so I was thankful for those as well but it bothered me that I wasn’t able to find what I was looking for eventually I found this Fortress here

Which was like the 10th or something that I had looted at this point but Minecraft had something special to offer for me after a long search and flying around for ages it seems I finally found the rip armor trim which makes it a total of nine armor trims thank you so

Much Minecraft Gods so there was only left one single item that I had to obtain in the nether before I could leave that hell too after some more traveling and more disappointing best questions I eventually found this one which was located at a very good spot to

Get an overview first before entering I saw some chest that seemed to be pretty easy to access so I shoot my shot first I had to kill some more piglins who defended their best sh bravely but no chance for them against me and my bow I built over a Netherrack Bridge directly

Leading to the chests some last tries of Defense by the piglins and then I had reached my objective inside this chest that the piglins had defended so well could have only been one thing and it was this nud armor trim finally this also means I can finally leave this

Awful place because I’ve gathered everything I came for the only thing I had to do now was to build up a nether portal in order to get back to the Overworld for this I looked up a more quiet location without any gests and began to build the portal at that point

I wasn’t even thinking of feeling more lucky than I already did but there was was waiting a giant surprise for me but as always in life it had to get worse first before getting even better and that’s why I had to wait for 4 minutes doing absolutely nothing this also means

That my Nether Portal had spawned directly under an ocean Monument which gave me the opportunity to obtain the tight armor trim a very lucky surprise which I just realized the moment when I was already heading home of course it still annoyed me at that point and so I

Did the only reasonable thing I could possibly do I Waited after waiting that couple of minutes I tried to act as fast as possible before I get hit by another mining fatigue luckily I found the way up pretty easily and so I started to search for The Elder Guardians to kill them there were three of them in total

And I kept using my torches to gain bubbles again to breathe on while I was fighting those creatures of the sea with sword and bow the first one already dropped me the tight armor trim and I think at that moment I also realized how lucky this journey had become but I kept looking

For the others because mining fatigue still was active on me so I’ve even had no other choice than that after killing the remaining two Elder Guardians I could finally break myself free from the ocean monument and fly back to our town in order to Sal all of the found loot

Into our storage with the tight armor trim as our property now I’ve managed to find 10 of the 16 armor trims which means we are very close to the end I took a quick break at home to sort my inventory again and then I used chunk

Bases seat map again in order to find a freshly generated strong stronghold the stronghold can hold up the eye armor trim and after I quickly duck straight down which is a great idea when you in hardcore mode I already found the stronghold and a library hiding inside I

Did not expect it to find it in the first stronghold I traveled to but my luck still not has left me I guess the first chest I looted contained number 11 of 16 together with some books and paper next thing that happened was that I found a structure by accident again

Namely the desert temple on the board and the creative world from last episode I marked this structure as an easy one and so it was there was absolutely no problem obtaining the Dune armor trim but the fact that Mojang has given us as players a reason again to invent on

Those structures is a real Improvement of the game in my opinion the next structure I invented on was used to be everything else than easy on the board I described it with the word medium but I guess I should have adjusted it a little more you won’t believe what happened to me while

Searching for the Vex armor trim before I’ve even entered the Mansion I took a quick nap on top of a tree and then I packed my stuff and entered the awaited evil apparently the wax armor trim isn’t as rare as I thought it was because after searching a few rooms inside the

Structure and killing some pillagers I made my way pretty easily to the right end of the corridor I really need to let this scene be uncut because I could not believe most Jang would hand me out this armor trim that easy look at that guys I really expected me to fight some vexes

In order to get the VX armor trim but apparently I happen to do anything like that don’t get me wrong I was very thankful for that and the worst of the structures was still waiting for me so I did not waste any more time in the

Mansion and made my way back to our home base few moments later my journey led me into the end Dimension where I was about to collect like number 15 of 16 the armor trim I was looking for was the spy armor trim and they can only be found

Inside an n city complex on top of one of the towers in the third ncity that I’ve had visited I eventually managed to find the spy armor trim after I killed some annoying Shulas we did it guys except for one more armor drum we have collected every single one of them I am

Pretty excited to see what all of them are looking like when I apply them to some actual armor but before I could do that I took the portal back to the Overworld where I first put all the templates inside one Sher box unfortunately there was still one big

Thing missing that I had to do in order to complete the whole new Collection I had to revisit another ancient city to find the last and the hardest to find armor trim the silence armor trim you know guys this could very well be the end of our series The Warden is not an enemy you want to take on unprepared and I had not the intention

To prepare myself because I just wanted to take some quick looks inside the chests there some quick looks that were kind of worthy danger look at that I found two enchanted golden apples in one chest the spawn rates for this are minimal but still I could manage to find

One could that possibly be a good omen for my search if I could manage to find the last armor trium we will find out in the next episode don’t forget to like And subscribe and if you don’t worry I’m just trying to be funny because I think

I’m just a slightly bit afraid but anyways I took the two golden apples and made my way back to the Overworld where I followed the next coordinates and so it went on for quite a bit I think in total I went through five ancient cities but I also haven’t looted them

Completely every time you’ve told me in the comments that I could have used some night vision potions and this is absolutely true but as you can see my brain doesn’t work that complex after I leap of faithed me down again I started to explore one more ancient city slowly

But surely I was also running out of wool and carpet so I got a little nervous as well I built some wool bridges in stairs to get down on the ground and there I always try to surround every sensor and shrier that I saw due to the reason chests are making an

Awful loud sound when they get opened I also tried to cover them in Wool too I did that so many times and I slowly went out of wool as well as out of Hope but then I got presented from Minecraft one more time we’ve made it my friends we found

The silence armorr which is completing our collection to a total of 16 armor trims and this also means I can leave the ancient cities thank the gods I was very happy about finding the last piece for our collection and I ignored all the rest of the chests down there and went

Back up when I was out of danger I felt a little bit relieved that I had managed to find all of those without dying and losing our world that’s it my friends the end of our journey I would love to hear what you think about the adventure

We’ve been through in the last two episodes all of the 16 templates will be safely stored inside the Deep slate mansion and I can finally start building the template Temple for them to be displayed there we go now we only need to figure out how to build the temple

And what materials we could use to do that I would say it’s time for some material Gathering With all the materials we need it’s now time to prepare a fitting area where we can build our Temple starting off with removing this tree we begin with the building Process first off I flattened out the area a bit this helps me to mark the place where the building would stand in the end you know the drill my friends no episode without a decent amount of Terraforming when this was almost done I started to frame the building’s fundament which contains of quartz this time I planned out the temple to be a bright and colorful building this time so you’ll probably won’t see any deep slate being used today in addition to the core room of the temple where all

The armors are going to be displayed there will be a walkway around the temple like in those Chinese gardens where there’s gravel everywhere you know Minecraft could really use some kind of decoration like bonsai trees or what do you think Mojang please give us bonsai trees for the roof I used some Mangrove

With this time and I really need a farm for those because they were kind of annoying to farm the walkway around the temple is topped by a layer of cherry leaves because I absolutely adore the effect they create and I think this is perfect for our Temple inside our new

Building I added some chains hanging from the roof in order to connect some slabs to them where the name of the respecting armor style is going to be written down at therefore I used the brand new Cherrywood hanging signs which are a perfect addition to the building

The only thing I forgot to add are some vases crafted by the new patterns we found but it wouldn’t be a Minecraft Hardcore episode by Brick without mentioning The NeverEnding list of the things he still wants to add why not add one more objective right but here you

Can see the final result except for some decoration our Temple is completed feel free to write down in the comments what you think of that building it’s not a tall one but I absolutely love it it’s the perfect start for me for the new 1.20 builds there are only a few things

Left to do in today’s episode for example placing down 16 armor stance after I did that I eventually started to craft an iron armor for every single template and I used amethyst charts to be the material of choice for the armor trims unfortunately I did not record any

Gameplay from this except for the replay data so I had to create some shots for you with the replay mod instead I used up all my diamonds in the process of duplicating the different templates so that I had to go down to the mines in the middle of the process in order to

Find some more in the end I did it and I even decorated my own neite armor with some amethyst charts of course I used the silence armor trim to decorate myself as a small reference for our Adventure with that also being done completely I used the remaining materials to decorate the place a little bit and there we have it our own template temple with all the new 1.20 armor drms collected and displayed inside I truly love this place and if

You do so too then please let me know in the comments it is really important for the algorithm to write comments so please don’t hold you back if you don’t want to miss another episode then also subscribe to the channel it’s completely free but it helps me out a lot thank you

All for watching and I’ll see you next Time You Oh

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE – SEASON ONE RECAP]’, was uploaded by BRICK on 2023-10-23 17:00:08. It has garnered 550 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:02 or 11642 seconds.

#minecraft #minecraftsurvival #recap

Welcome to this 1000 Days movie! Even though I recently died in my first hardcore world, I just wanted to give you guys this movie as a small recap of all our adventures so far. Season one really was a special series for me because it set the stone for me as a better hardcore player. I hope you enjoy this 1000 Days Movie! ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Minecraft Minecraft Survival Minecraft Hardcore Survival Minecraft Hardcore Survival Series ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


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visual improvements from VANILLATWEAKS: ~ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Sunscriber Count: 1845 ❤️ This series is mainly inspired by @aCookieGod , @Wunba , @NotNotBrock , @BlueNerdMC and so on.. There are of course many many more amazing creators that I adore, but I especially love those people and their content, and it’s only fair to mention them because they inspire me and my own content. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

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    Allizzles' Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 #fairycore’, was uploaded by allizzles on 2024-03-10 02:15:40. It has garnered 1268 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:14 or 2534 seconds. the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 In today’s filler episode, I show off some house expansions that include a cozy kitchen and pantry. I also do some decorating, loot bag opening, go back to the dragon lair, and expand the spawner room a little more. 🧺 ⊹ Welcome to my fairycore… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘relaxing #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #gaming’, was uploaded by Minecraft Hyper on 2024-02-29 00:30:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Kindly support us by subscribing and giving us a thumbs up. ——————————— which armor is the strongest? minecraft mob … Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Kid’s Base on 2b2tpe

    Unleashing Chaos in Kid's Base on 2b2tpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trashing a kid’s base – 2b2tpe’, was uploaded by Void 2b2t on 2024-06-18 17:31:12. It has garnered 32 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:02 or 122 seconds. dsc: voidfx2 #2b2tpe #minecraft #anarchy Read More

  • “🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds – SHOCKING Tips! 🤯” #youtubeshorts #viral

    "🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds - SHOCKING Tips! 🤯" #youtubeshorts #viralVideo Information हा टू इंप्रूव योर बिल्ड सो उसके लिए तो भाई आपको ये सब ब्लॉक्स लगने वाले हैं और साथ ही साथ ये कुछ इस तरीके से स्ट्रक्चर बनाने के बाद यहां से अपने को थ्री ब्लॉक्स ऊपर के साइड में बिल्ड करने के बाद टोटल फोर ब्लॉक की हाइट और यहां पे अभी अपने को छत बनाने के बाद डोर लगाना है और देन स्टेयर्स व लगाने के बाद कुछ इस तरीके से फ्लोर चेंज करने के बाद अपना रूम दिख जाएगा गाइस और देन यहां पे अपने को थोड़ा बहुत डेकोरेशन के लिए रिया लगाना है और… Read More

  • Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!

    Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!Video Information [संगीत] आ डू इट ऑन माय ओन सो आई ग गेट थ्रू इट एंड द ओनली थिंग आई नो इ ट लव वट आईम डूइंग नेवर गिव अप नेवर स्लोट आई फाली प्रू इ नेवर लिन टू द नोज आई जस्ट वा कीप मूविंग कीप मा हेड अपन आई एक्ट हेड अप अ फैक्ट नेवर लुकिंग बैक आ कीप माफ न ट्रक की मा हेड अपंग स्ट्र मूविंग फील आई डों बल मा ट मू अलो पुश माफ ट बी द बेस्ट विथ नो े विथ एव बे सी माय मेसेज स् स्प्रेड एंड आईड सो मेनी ड्रम्स… Read More

  • Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯

    Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯Video Information hey why did you touch that video I said no anyways you are cute This video, titled ‘Don’t Touch The Video 🤪’, was uploaded by Mind Mines on 2024-02-28 14:05:26. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Don’t Touch The video Wait For End 🥰 #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #viral #minecraftshorts #noobvsprovshackervsgod #scary #funny #creeper #tower Description 2.5KLikes 80,728Views 27 Feb2024 minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey… Read More

  • Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars – Fuwawa POV

    Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars - Fuwawa POVVideo Information [音楽] [音楽] L [音楽] [音楽] OG あN [音楽] [音楽] H [音楽] [音楽] あ お [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] T [音楽] DET [音楽] [音楽] OG [音楽] OGDET [音楽] N [音楽] [音楽] に 入りました入って [音楽] おこんばんはでござる こんばんは ロド です大変お忙しい中ちょっとたくさんの方 がなんかやりたいって言って集まってくれ てありがとうございます集まんなかったら 小ない予定だったんで本にありがとう ございますありがとうござい ありがとう面白かったからさややり た 日はえはさんに泥棒だけやってもらったん ですけど今日はみ警察もやって もらっますのしお [音楽] 願いいらっみで本当に自由な感じなんでは ありますがじゃああの本番に参加せず今日 は来てくれるっていう感じになった ありがとうございました本当にすいません お忙しいいや行きたかったロ驚けほ行き たかったんですが今日高野菜があると 聞きつけてえやってまいりました月やき ですよろしくお願いします おずやりたいって言ってくれてたやり たかったいやごめん本当にごめんね スケジュールごめんねえとんでもないすい ませんちょっと本番参加してないです小加 き [音楽] [音楽] ますでいいみたい感じなんだ [笑い] [音楽] ねっアキルタルですアローナアロナ アアロナナナじゃよろしくお願いします願 し楽しみ楽しみやったそしてえなんか すごいなんかすごいなんか隠れてる隠れて ますかいそんなことないですそんなこと ない自己紹介しときますかあブンブンブン ゴスの 番長始めですよろしくお願いしますよしお パチ こちお願いしますね今日はきっと逃げ切り そして警察もやってくれるのかなと思い つつ期待してますポリやりたいやりたい 頑張ってください捕まえられないけどな ポリいや無理 リそ挟んでる挟んでるふわもこさん サンドずるいずるいずるいずるい [音楽] どうもワもこのこの グやめ てああ喧嘩はダメだ よえじゃあいつものやってもらっていい ですかふわもこさんたちあじゃあもこ ちゃんやりますかあふわはこっちですね こっちちはさないよふわわだ よよだよ2人合わせてふわもこです パ今日よろしくお願いし ます 可愛いい可愛いな今日はきっと2人で一緒 に警察やってくれるんだろうなええそれ あい警察ってこと大丈夫ですか ねないです大丈夫ですよ一緒にぜひやって もらいたらと思いますよろしくお願いし ますはいよろしくお願いします頑張りて りり… Read More


    🔥 DOMINATING FENIX FACTIONS SERVER! 🔥 [Carioca]Video Information como ao vivo cal aí calma [Música] Rapaziada Só Bora calão se inscrev já entv Alô test só Bora cal se inscr tá ligado Eita bot Alô T alô só Bora raz at assimo que tá piorando com você likezão se inscrev no tá tá ligado Eita bot Bora calma aí rapaziada vai rapaziada aqui bora bora bora bora bora bora bora ai [ __ ] não sei nem o que tá aco entrar naqu calma aí rapaz voltei rapaziada tô tão T vivo T vivo voltei pão só Bora mano tá acontecendo o que só só voltei… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:50:13. It has garnered 400 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Compass Craft

    Compass CraftCompassCraft; a server with a heavy focus on player driven world-building, our vision is to create a truly dynamic and ever evolving RPG experience on Minecraft. As a result, we’ve built a server where players have control over every facet of both themselves and the world at large. Whether it be through your race, class and skills, or the alliances you make and gear you’re equipped with; you, the player, have the ability to guide the progression of your character and influence the world at large, in any way you see fit. History is waiting to be scribed, how will… Read More

  • Spuds SMP – GriefPrevention, McMMO – Germany – 1.20.4

    Edit: It’s version 1.20.6! Hello there adventurer! Are you a big fan of potatoes and McMMO? Look no further! Spuds is the perfect server for you. At Spuds we have McMMO, land claims and markets. We also allow bugs and duping, so there’s nothing stopping you from making that big farm! The server is hosted in Germany on a dedicated server to ensure a lag-free experience. I hope to see you there, Fred with staff IP: Read More

  • KravatBOX

    KravatBOXTRTieBOX, the ultimate Player vs. It is a Minecraft server designed for Player (PVP) experience. With custom maps, the best add-ons and a friendly community, every battle is unique and exciting. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a new player, TieBOX is the perfect place to sharpen your skills and dominate the competition.Features:Special Arenas: Fight in carefully designed arenas that cater to every play style, from intense melee combat to strategic large-scale battles.Balanced Gameplay: Enjoy fair combat with balanced kits and classes that make sure no one has an unfair advantage.Regular Events: Participate in exciting events and tournaments with special… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!

    Minecraft Memes - Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!I guess you could say the villagers are really “steaking” their claim against the pillagers! Read More

  • Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale

    Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We’re rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, no time for complaints. With WorldEdit in hand, we’ll build it 1:1, Every block in place, under the virtual sun. Follow us on Instagram, for more Minecraft fun, The.minetects, where the building’s never done. With music from NCS, our soundtrack to create, As we craft and build, our imaginations take the bait. So join us in the world of blocks and pixels, Where creativity flows, like digital crystals. Rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, a monumental task, But with teamwork and rhymes, we’ll complete the task. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems Read More

  • Unlock Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unlock Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and connect with fellow players. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with unique challenges and opportunities. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From building epic structures to engaging in thrilling PvP battles, the possibilities are endless. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on an unforgettable Minecraft adventure. Don’t miss out on the fun -… Read More

  • Sneaky Animal Farm Build in Minecraft!

    Sneaky Animal Farm Build in Minecraft! The Ultimate Minecraft Animal Farm Build Welcome to the world of Minecraft Survival, where creativity and efficiency collide! In this episode, get ready to witness the most epic animal farm build ever seen in the game. 🐄🐔 Efficiency at Its Best Step into a realm where every block placed serves a purpose. This animal farm is not just for show—it’s a powerhouse of productivity. Learn how to optimize your farm for maximum efficiency and output. Key Features: Step-by-step guide for building the ultimate animal farm Tips and tricks to boost efficiency and productivity Detailed walkthrough of the farm’s layout… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Day 6 – GPU Dying?! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Day 6 - GPU Dying?! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Returns (Day 6) | GPU !goal (its dying) !tip | Wolv21 | 2024.06.10’, was uploaded by Wolv21 on 2024-06-10 17:40:56. It has garnered 90 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:57:20 or 17840 seconds. ▲ Remember to leave a LIKE/SUBSCRIBE if you enjoy the Video m/ Helps the Pack Grow! ● Best Support on Patreon – ● TIP: YOUTUBE ● MAIN: ● CLIPS: ● STREAM: SOCIAL ● KICK: ● TWITTER: ● INSTAGRAM: ● SNAPCHAT – ● FACEBOOK: ● STEAM:… Read More

  • Sharkmuse Minecraft Livestream

    Sharkmuse Minecraft LivestreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Stream | SHARKMUSE Livestream’, was uploaded by Sakura Meg. Cheryll Ch. ♡ [SHARKMUSE] on 2024-03-18 07:15:07. It has garnered 39 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:05 or 9245 seconds. ꒰Livestream Rules And Infos!꒱ Disclaimer: My content is not for kids, Vtubing is actually not even for kids to begin with, even if you see me streaming random shit in kid games, my content is aimed for slightly more mature audience or people who can stomach my things, though I am mostly a Seiso Vtuber, that doesn’t mean that Vtubing… Read More

  • Insane Shizo Meltdown: Jalisco Destroys SLD Clan

    Insane Shizo Meltdown: Jalisco Destroys SLD ClanVideo Information This video, titled ‘sld clan get owned by Jalisco’, was uploaded by Egesfxd on 2024-06-17 22:12:47. It has garnered 101 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:54 or 234 seconds. tags; minecraft, minecraft bedrock, 2b2tpe, 2b2tmcpe, hack, hacking, crystal pvp, crystal pvp montage, crystal, pvp, pvp crystal, 9b9t crystal pvp, crystal pvp, illegal items, 9b9t incursion, 2b2t escaping spawn, 2b2t backdoor, 2b2t,minecraft crystal pvp, minecraft end crystal pvp, 2b2t pvp, 2b2t spawn, 2b2t pvp montage, 2b2t crystalpvp, 9b9t crystal, 9b9t – spawn pvp, 9b9t, 9b9t 00 pvp, pvp montage, crystalpvp, 0b0t pvp,,anarchy pvp,9b9t… Read More


    INSANE MODERN MINECRAFT HOUSE BUILD - WATCH NOW!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘BUILDING MY DREAM MODERN HOUSE IN MINECRAFT: CAN YOU BUILD LIKE THIS 🔥🔥’, was uploaded by RonJon OP on 2024-03-06 11:00:46. It has garnered 123 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:35 or 695 seconds. BUILDING MY DREAM MODERN HOUSE IN MINECRAFT: CAN YOU BUILD LIKE THIS 🔥🔥 🏠 Welcome to My Dream Modern House Build in Minecraft! 🏠 In today’s adventure, I take you through the step-by-step process of creating my dream modern house in Minecraft. From the initial blueprint to the final touches, watch as I transform a simple… Read More

  • elefse’s Epic Escape: Minecraft’s Scariest Challenge

    elefse's Epic Escape: Minecraft's Scariest ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I Survived Minecraft’s Most Scuffed Event’, was uploaded by elefse on 2024-03-08 18:30:23. It has garnered 122 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:48 or 588 seconds. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements… Read More