BrokenBones623 – The Superior Potion Brewer!!! (Best on YouTube) (Simple & Easy) [Minecraft Bedrock & Java 1.20]

Video Information

Foreign Foreign What’s up everybody it’s broken bones here and welcome to broken’s bedrock tutorials today we’re going to be showing you how to build this Superior potion Brewery what makes this potion Brewer Superior is the fact that you have the semi-automatic modes and the fully automatic modes I spent hours on

YouTube trying to find a potion Brewer that would actually do both modes and there is none I really could not find any and to do that was very simple I didn’t have to do very much Redstone out the back most of the push and Brews you

Find on YouTube are big and clunky out the back and very complicated as you guys saw in the intro it’s very easy to use all you have to do is select your ingredients let’s go ahead and select all of these here and we’ll go ahead and make the same potions we’re making in

The intro so there’s a splash potion of night vision I believe is what it is right splash potion of night vision so now if we use the semi-automatic mode you go ahead and press the button it takes those uh potions puts them down into the storage system and starts to

Brew a new batch of potions but it’ll stop right there at the one batch so as you can see we’ve brewed one batch of potions and it’s not going to continue to brew anymore that’s because that’s semi-automatic mode if we wanted fully automatic mode and we wanted to continue

Bringing potions then we hit this button right here that turns that on and as you can see it’s going to start brewing mode portions and it’ll continue to brew potions over and over and over again until this thing is full we’re right now our Barrel is full so it’s going to brew

The last batch of potions and here’s the last ingredient going in right now once these are done they will go into the hopper but then no more water bottles will come in and it’ll stop brewing and you’ll see that right now so here they go we have another ward in there but no

More water bottles are coming in because we are full if you’d like to keep it on fully automatic mode and you want to brew more potions then all you have to do is empty this barrel and once the potions come out of the hopper and go into the barrel then it’ll continue to

Brew more potions whenever you’re done brewing potions and you have as many as you want even if this Barrel is not full go ahead and turn off fully automatic mode off and it’ll stop Brewing now if you find that one barrel worth of storage for potions isn’t enough then

Feel free to go down below and add more storage down below and you can add as much as you like you could even add a shocker box loader down there if you need to refill your potion Brewer then over here is where all of your glass

Bottles go this is where all of your fuel goes for the uh brewing stand right here all the blaze powder and then up in these barrels here you can put all of your ingredients as listed right here and for you your convenience down in the description I’d have included a list of

All the different potions along with all the different ingredients that you can put in them including the boosters because the boosters are rather confusing not every potion can take every booster and I have those all listed too now say for some reason somebody came and used your potion

Brewer or maybe you used it and you took these potions out of it that will break the potion Burger which is fine it’s perfectly fine it just won’t work so if you press this button here it won’t work because what this button does it actually releases that Hopper it unlocks

It and allows the pushes to go in here and the potion Brewer detects that and dispenses new potions when it does detect that but if you’ve got these out of there and you don’t have any to put in there you don’t have any extras to

Put in there then what you want to do is you definitely need to at least load these up with another potion or an awkward potion at least which I’ve got up here for you guys so here’s your backup right here put three awkward potions up in there go ahead and refill

That and that way when you press the button it has something to go through and then it’ll continue brewing potions for you and when you’re done go ahead and take these back out and then go ahead and put them back up here for next time so with all these added features

I’m sure you’d expect something big clunky and complicated around back here for all the Redstone but as you can see it’s fairly small and Compact and we have four circuits here these are basically slices this is one circuit that’s another that’s another and this is another right here is your T flip

Flop for your on and off switch this is what makes the potion Brewer fully automatic over here we have your fully automated bottle Filling Station this takes your bottles and fills them up with water over here we have the reset circuit that knows when the potions are done brewing and resets the system

Regardless of how many ingredients it has it knows and then we’ll reset the system right at the right time over here we have the hopper Locking System which controls the water bottles going in and out and then of course we have your standard ingredient selection station

And one of the coolest Parts about this is that you don’t need to chunk align it in fact you can throw this pretty much anywhere inside your base the only thing I’m going to recommend is that you don’t have any chunk borders going through these circuits right here don’t have a

Chunk border going right here or right here that will potentially ruin the functionality of this thing it won’t definitely ruin it but it could potentially ruin it I actually had this set up over there just a few blocks that was on a chunk border by accident and it

Stopped my key flip-flop from working so I have moved it now so now we can move on with the tutorial so I recommend that you guys make sure that that circuitry back there is not around any chunk borders and let’s say where you want to put this you can’t get around to having

A chunk border on it you have somewhere in your base you really want this thing and you really really really really want it there and you have a chunk of water going right here or you have a chunk border going right here well go ahead and build it anyway it’s not going to

Hurt the potion Brewery you’ll be just fine if it does break or it does have an issue hit me up down in the comment section or hit me up down in the description on any of my social media links I’ll definitely take the time to help you and we’ll come up with a

Solution for it and with that being said let’s pop into the tutorial materialists will be down in the description to get things started you need to prepare an area that’s 25 blocks in the width just like this and then over here on these four blocks right here you will need to

Prepare some area behind your potion Brewer you’ll need to prepare seven blocks in depth and five blocks in height behind this area and then for the rest of the potion Brew you’ll need to prepare a area that’s five blocks wide and five blocks tall so to get things

Started right here we’re going to go ahead and start by placing in some blocks so come right over here to this area and go ahead and place in yourself a line of blocks all the way down to the end that should be 23 blocks in total

Right there Then over here down at the end we’re going to go ahead and take ourselves a lamp just like this place a button on the front take a barrel and go ahead and place that right there then what we’re going to do is we’re going to

Take some levers over here we’re going to skip one block we’re going to place one lever there we’ll skip another block place four levers these are going to be for all of our boosters and then we’re gonna Place 12 more levers all the way on here now your wall should be looking

Like this and once you have that done on this very last block right here next to your Barrel go ahead and place in another button then behind here behind all of your levers we’re gonna go ahead and place in a block down here just like this caddy corner to your lever block

And then bring these all the way across just like this and then any anywhere that there’s not a lever you can go ahead and break the blocks in between that’s not important so now that’s going to be looking like this we have one block four blocks 12 blocks then right

Here we need to go ahead and place in repeaters on all of these blocks going across then in front of all these repeaters we’re gonna have upwards facing sticky pistons just like that and then we’re going to bring those all the way across the length of all of our

Repeaters just like this go ahead and bring it all the way down to the end and then break out the ones in between that are not needed just like that then once you have that in go ahead and placing yourself a row of blocks on top of all

Of these Pistons just like so and then when you’re done with that go ahead and do yourself a favor Place another row of blocks just like this and then you can go ahead and break the ones out that aren’t needed just like that and then we’re going to place one more row and

This time you’re not going to break out the blocks that aren’t needed this has to go all the way to the end once you have that done when you flick these levers it should rise the Piston up just like that and then go ahead and

Do that to all these levers go ahead and flick them all in the on position once you get to the netherwork lever this lever is optional you don’t necessarily have to have that you can actually have that off if you want to or you can leave

It on I kind of like the way it looks with it on there but everything out the back doesn’t need to be here you can actually get rid of that piston just like that and that repeater and bring that block up because we always need another word that’s not really an option

We always need it even for potions of harming which only take the spider eye the fermented spider eye the reason why we need it is because this is how the farm works the whole potion Brewer depends on that netherwort going in as the last ingredient now all of your

Pistons should be extended and then we’re going to take some droppers and we’re going to place them on the fronts of these blocks just like this facing upwards just like that so we need to go ahead and put these on all of these blocks or down here and then once you’re

Done with that go ahead and take your repeaters and on all of these blocks go ahead and place repeaters going into all of those blocks and then on the back row we’re going to take redstone dust and bring that all the way down to the end

Down here right here be sure to break this Redstone out and throw in yourself a repeater like that and then here at the end you can break that Redstone place in a block and break the one underneath once you have that completed it should be looking something like this

And this essentially is your ingredient selection station all done and dusted as you can see if you go ahead and flick these levers that’ll go ahead and deselect whatever ingredient is in this one and if you turn it back on it’ll select it because then that repeater can

Power The Dropper so next we need to go ahead and grab some Hoppers and make all these things move around and we’re going to start right here at this Barrel so go ahead and grab your Hopper go ahead and place it in the back of that barrel and

Then grab yourself a brewing stand we need to place that one right there hop on top of your brewing stand we need to go ahead and place one in the top of it just like this then we need to come off of the here we need to place one into

The back of it like this if we can Crouch place that one there we go and then we’re going to crouch Place another one into the side right here just like that and then in the side of this Hopper we need to come out with another one

Right here just like this there we are all right then off of this Hopper right here we need to go ahead and Crouch Place one into there and go ahead and Crouch place these all the way across all the way to the end of the last dropper when you have that completed The

Hoppers around your potion Brewer should look something like this and then when you’re done with the top part that should look like this Bridging the gaps in which we’ve knocked out other blocks so once you have that in place now we need to go ahead and put items into

These droppers and we’re going to do that with a couple Hoppers inside of them go ahead and place in a bunch of Hoppers all the way down into the sides of these and when you’re done with that go ahead and take some barrels and go ahead and place them on top of these

This is what you should have now if you’ve got that completed and now we need to do the second layer on top of our levers right here so we’re going to come right to the front right to this block right here we’re going to go ahead

And place in two blocks right there and right there and place item frames on the front of those you’re going to take some Redstone lamps go ahead and bring those across the entire length of your potion Brewer I’m going to bring those all the way down here just like this just like

That and the ones that don’t have anything go ahead and place in a building block right there and then go ahead and take item frames and place these on the fronts of all of your lamps nice to have this and next go ahead and grab the items for those item frames now

You can place these items in any order that you want for your ingredients however these two need to be the same you need to go ahead and place a bottle right there and some blaze powder right there this is going to be for your glass bottles and your feel for the potion

Brewer then on these we can place them to any order that you like however I recommend doing it in the order that I have because I’ve actually done the work of making sure that they’re in the same order as in the creative menu right here so they’re exactly same we have night

Vision first and visibility second leaping third and so on and so forth so and if you want to follow that go ahead and place in your golden carrot a rabbit’s foot a Magma Cream a sugar and a what is that called a puffer fish and then a glistening melon and then a

Spider eye and then we’re gonna go ahead and go like this we’re gonna get rid of all of these and I believe gas tiers are next then blaze powder and then the turtle shell and then we have a phantom membrane and we also have the fermented spider AI then over here for our

Boosters we have glowstone dust we have Redstone Dust we have gunpowder and we have dragon’s breath and then lastly over here we do have our Nether wart right here this is starting to look like a really cool potion Brewer and yours should be two once you have that

Completed and then next we’re going to go ahead and come up here to our Hoppers you can leave these open if you want to but I recommend placing in a trapdoor like that or something in front of them just to kind of cover them up because

You can’t really place a stair there for decoration because then that blocks off the barrel kind of somewhat and I personally like to use iron trap doors so we’re going to be decorating with that and to do this we need to go ahead and place in two temporary blocks right

There we’re going to go ahead and place in a piston right there with a block on the bottom of it like so and then we need to actually go ahead and break this item frame right there and place in a button just like this and then we’re

Going to take some iron trap doors we’re going to place them facing just like that and then press our button and as you can see they flip up and they stay that way and they get pushed along so we can just do this all the way across all

Of our Pistons once you reach the end you’ll notice that your piston no longer pushes and the trap door just slaps like this once you’ve reached that go ahead and break all of these blocks and you should see that all of your trap doors are now down to the end go ahead and

Take your item frame go ahead and replace that with the blaze powder inside of it then we’re going to go ahead and do the rest of these Pistons over here so we’re going to do the same thing go ahead and take two temporary blocks just like this take a piston face

It in this direction right there take a block on the bottom of that one with a button and then go ahead and place in your trap doors just like this and then when you get to the middle one just like that whenever you’re done doing all that

Go ahead and break this one and go ahead and put a block right there and then go ahead and put a block right here and once you have that completed you can go ahead and remove your temporary blocks in your piston and then go ahead and

Bring these blocks all the way to the top of your barrels just like this and then over here we need to go ahead and remove these two blocks right above there we need to grab a chest go ahead and place it on top of that Hopper right

There and on top of that block that’s going to be your fuel input then we need to get our hands dirty with some Redstone over here we’re go ahead and place in a dropper right there facing in this direction towards that Hopper grab a dispenser place that on the front of

That dropper and now that’s facing into this Hopper right here then we need to come up here placing a temporary block on top of that Hopper right here like that there we go over here to this side we’re going to place in a block right there and then over here we’re going to

Place in a temporary block right there with one below it break that one out and grab yourself a comparator we’re gonna place a comparator there and then Crouch place a Observer onto the top of that one and one more up from there go ahead and come right this way and place one

Over the top facing in this direction then we’re going to place some Redstone Dust on the front of that one on top of that dispenser right there then right here we need to go ahead and break this block out and then put a temporary one here go ahead and place some water in

There and then put a block on the front of it it doesn’t have to be glass I’m using glasses so you can see it you can place a solid block there if you like once you’ve got this completed go ahead and come right here to the front we’re

Going to go ahead and Crouch place a block onto the side of that dispenser or the dropper right there which should leave you a one block Gap right here for your potion Brewer then on top of your dropper right here we’re going to place in another block right there and then

We’re also going to take a stair block we’re going to turn backwards and face that one right there just like that and then over here we’re going to go ahead and take a barrel and place that in there just like so come on top of your potion Brewer and go ahead and Crouch

Place a block on top of your Hoppers and then go ahead and place one all the way down the line of all your Hoppers once all of your Hoppers are covered go and come around back and now it’s time to throw some of the circuitry in here

First thing we’re going to do is we’re going to do the hopper Locking System which is going to come right off this block right here I’m going to come down a few blocks and over by one just like this so your block is caddy corner to that Hopper down below just like this

Then when you put a redstone torch on there it’s going to go ahead and lock that Hopper that’s going to keep your Potion bottles in the potion Brewer until they’re done brewing and then we need to go ahead and make sure that when they do get released they release until

They’re all done and we’re going to do that with a comparator just like this and that comparator is going to go go into a block like that that’s going to come down here just like this with some redstone dust on top of that one whenever the bottles are in there that

Torch will turn off because it’s powered by that Redstone and once all the bottles are into the barrel it’ll go ahead and turn back on re-locking the hopper the circuit that we just installed is going to be activated by both the fully auto and semi-auto modes

Here in the front so the first one we’re going to wire up is a semi-automatic mode we’re going to come right around back here I’m going to come right below that block that our button is on which is this block right there we’re going to

Go ahead and come down by one block like this come off to the side and down by another one just like that come out by two more so you have three blocks in total go ahead and come up by a block right there and then another one out

Right there and you should line up with your Redstone that’s right there then we need to go ahead and take a redstone dust place it on top of all of these blocks and grab yourself a repeater and place it going into that one in semi-automatic mode the potions stay in

The potion Brewer until you press that button and when you press that button the Redstone comes right over here and activates that circuit which then lets the post motions down into the hopper and into the barrel once you have that completed now we need a way to lock the

Water bottles from going into the potion Brewer while the bottles are coming out of it because if that happens it’ll suck the water bottles out too before they get turned into potions and to do that we’re going to do that with a redstone block on the side of that Hopper and yes

It’s going to lock that Hopper too but that’s our fuel input and that’s a very slow feed it doesn’t need to be unlocked all the time so what we’re going to do now is we’re going to go ahead and make this redstone block move with a trigger

And the wood the trigger is going to be coming right out of this compared to right here out of this block we’re going to place in a sticky piston right there with a Observer on its face just like that and that’s going to go ahead and push out anytime the bottles are going

Through and it’s going to retract whenever they’re done and when they retract it’s going to go into that block right there go ahead and break out this block temporarily and that when it retracts is going to power this piston which is going to push that redstone

Block up which is going to unlock that Hopper once you have that complete go ahead and test your circuit by powering this piston and unpowering it and you see that that redstone blocky gets pushed up like that that’ll unlock this Hopper allowing the water bottles to go

In but now we need an automatic way to relock that Hopper pushing that redstone block back down Hoppers transfer items at four ticks per item so we need 12 ticks in total to get three water bottles in there and at the same time we are going to need more ingredients so we

Need to trigger this circuit too so we can get another potion brewing and to do that we’re going to go and come over here go ahead and put that block back down and place in a regular piston facing straight down off of that block right there then what we need to do is

We need to go ahead and place in ourselves a Observer just like this and then we’re going to go ahead and break this Redstone right there put that up like this and then bring this Redstone up here just like that off the front of this Observer you’re going to place a

Block in right there with a repeater on its face just like this then we’re going to go ahead and put that repeater on four ticks and put a block up in front of it this will go ahead and transfer the signal over and also power this circuit giving us more ingredients but

Now we need to bring that circuit back to this piston and to do that we’re going to come back down here like that with another four tick repeater like this right there another block up in front of that one like this with some redstone dust on top of that one another

Block on top of your repeater right here and another one on the face of your piston with another four tick repeater right there now your circuit should be looking like this with three four tick repeaters and some Redstone Dust right there and remember to bring that block

Up like so then we need to go ahead and test our circuit so if we come down here power that piston when it retracts we should see that this uh Redstone gets lit up and then that also gets pushed back down so it’s going to look just

Like it is right now let’s go ahead and break that you’ll see that that goes up here’s the Redstone and it goes right back down it happens real quick believe it or not you’re almost done this is actually a functional potion Brewer now the only thing is that’s not fully

Automatic so we’re going to install that right now so in order to do that we need to come right here to this Hopper this Hopper is going to be the one right next to that chest and directly diagonally down from that Barrel right there that

Barrel is going to be this one in the front right there and that should be the hopper that’s directly above your potion Brewer so I’m going to come back around here go ahead and come up here remember that chest is right there we’re going to go ahead and come to this Hopper right

Here we need 22 items that do not go into a potion Brewer so we’re going to go ahead and place these in those four slots just like that and then that leaves one area open for one ingredient the last ingredient that we have in this is netherwort so when that comes in here

That means that the potion is on its last ingredient and when the another wart falls down into the potion Brewer that means that the ingredient is done Brewing so what we’re going to do is we’re going to detect that with a comparator coming out here and that’s

Going to reset the circuit by going into a block and we’re going to come out by a block right there and another one and then go ahead and place redstone dust on top of both bowls and as you can see the first one is powered and the second one

Is not however when an ingredient goes in there it will actually power that because it’ll have 23 items which is what two single strengths requires then down here we’re going to place a sticky piston on the unlit Redstone Block right there then we’re going to come come over

Here place an observer in that direction like this it should be facing that Redstone take a block put it on its face come over here put another block there grab yourself a repeater plug it right into that Redstone and put that repeater on four ticks once you have that circuit

Installed you now have yourself a fully automatic potion Brewer however we do have the semi-automatic mode which we did wire up earlier but we haven’t wired up the fully automatic mode which toggles fully and semi-autom modes but before we do that I want to explain to

You how this thing works so you guys can kind of understand what’s going on and I’m gonna try my best to do that without confusing you guys and we’re going to start right here at this Hopper so inside this Hopper we just did this we have all these items right here which

Allows only one ingredient at a time inside this Hopper which means that only one ingredient is going to be in here and they’re going to come in the order that they need to be in the potion and the last ingredient is going to be netherwort which is the first ingredient

To every potion which means that when it falls out of this Hopper and goes into the potion Brewer that means that the potion is done brewing and we’re ready for more stuff which means that this comparator is going to be powered while all those ingredients are going through

And when the netherwork finally falls through it’ll depower which will unpower this piston which then will throw a signal into that block which will then power this circuit which unpowers this torch which is locking this Hopper allowing all of your potions to go into the hopper and into the chest and this

Comparator will make sure that that uh torch stays off until all the potions are through because it’s powering the Redstone right here and it also Powers this piston and when all those bottles are true it’ll unpower that piston which this Observer will throw a signal into that block powering that piston with the

Redstone block on top which is locking the water bottle Hopper which then unlocks it and then this uh Observer right here Powers this circuit which then gives us more ingredients and it sends the circuitry back and around and pushing that block back down re-locking the water bottle Hopper and that is

Pretty much it now in order to make this toggleable we need to come right over here to this piston like this and we’re going to go ahead and throw in a redstone torch on the side of that one which then permanently disables the fully automatic feature in other words semi-automatic

So to come over here we’re going to wire this one up and we’re going to bring this light over to that redstone torch right there and to do that we’re going to come down here below that lamp right here just like that we’re going to come down another block just like so

Diagonally we’re going to place redstone dust on top of both the bowls over here we’re going to come up by a block like that and up by another one just like so and we’re going to place a redstone torch on the bottom of that one over

Here off to the side we’re going to come up a diagonally just like this with another one and a redstone torch on that side and no there is no redstone torch down here so what we’re going to do now is we need to come over here we need to

Place in two blocks like that and a third one right there so we have four in total so this block and that block should now be touching now what we need to do is we need to go ahead and place in a comparator into that block and a

Comparator into this block next we need to go and grab our droppers over here we need a dropper facing in this direction away from that comparator over here we need one facing up right there and then over here we need one facing to the side and then finally we need a hopper facing

Down right there and then a block on top of that one this circuit is known as a key flip-flop because it gives a temporary pulse like a button a constant output like a lever and the reason why it does that is because we’re using these droppers and these competitors for

Our outputs so what we’re going to do now is we need to put an item in there any old item it doesn’t have to be a potion I’m just doing that just because of the theme but nonetheless as you can see our lamp has gone out and that’s

Because the potion is in this now when it comes over here it’s going to go ahead and be the opposite so let’s go ahead and get that wired up we need to go ahead and break these two blocks down there and place in a torch down there

That’s going to stay off because it’s being powered by that so now that our semi-automatic mode is off if you press this button you should see that that light stays on even though the button retracts and that’s because now fully automatic mode is engaged come back over

Here and then turn fully automatic mode off just like that and your lamp should turn off next we need to go ahead and put water bottles into our system and we’re actually just going to put glass bottles into the system because that’s what this system takes and this will

Automatically fill your water bottle so we’re going to go ahead and fill this all the way full just like that then go ahead and take yourself a button place it on this block right here that’ll power that dispenser and then it’ll continue to fill up because this

Comparator here is going to detect the bottle going in and it’s going to trigger these observers which is going to repower the suspenser here so when you press that you should see that it’s going to continue to trigger until this Hopper is filled up here so as you can

See now we’ve got two bottles in there what I need you guys to do is take these two bottles out let more come in and then you’re going to grab a third one so you need a total of three water bottles if you come over here to your potion

Brewer you need to put these water bottles into the system to go just like that and then go ahead and take one netherwort and put that into the system and then we need to get some fuel we need to get a uh some blaze powder here

Once you have your blaze powder go ahead and open up the brewing stand place that into the brewing stand and you’ll see that that’s going to start turning into an awkward potion then go ahead and open up this chest place the rest of your fuel in there and remember it’s not

Going to go through because the hopper is locked but we’re good now because we got fuel in here once that becomes an awkward potion then go ahead and throw in this other bit of Nether wart right here so you’ll see that that’s going to disappear here in just a second

There you go there’s your awkward potion then go ahead and throw that in there and then what we need to do now is we need to go ahead and turn off all of our levers so if you like you can leave that lever there you can turn it on you can

Turn it off it doesn’t really matter once you’ve figured out what you want to do with your lever then go ahead and start loading in all of your ingredients go ahead and look at the item frame right here and then go ahead and load that ingredient into that one and so on

And so forth and do this all the way down and once you’ve loaded in all of your ingredients then go ahead and come over here go ahead and come to the edge of the farm we’re going to place in a block right there next to our button and

That lamp go ahead and bring it up one block above your barrels go ahead and bring that all the way across to the other side and then on the other side we’re going to do the same thing we’re going to come right here just like this

Come up one block above your barrels and then go ahead and bring that all the way across like that then grab your stairs go ahead and throw that in there like this bring these all the way across like this just like so and then we can go

Right here Place one in that way and then finish it off right there your potion Brewer is now complete this thing is fully function optionals let’s go ahead and craft our first potion so what we’re going to do is we’re just going to do that just looks because there’s

Nothing behind it but I want to turn it on and let’s do another splash potion of night vision let’s go ahead and make a splash potion we’ll make it extra long we’ll go ahead and come right over here to the golden carrot and then now we

Have a splash potion of night vision so let’s go ahead and go in here remember we have our awkward potions what we’re going to do is we’re going to do the semi-automatic mode first let’s go ahead and press the button then I want to take these awkward potions out and we’re

Going to place these up here these are just in case we won’t need the potions that are in the brewing stand and we can replace those so we can hit the button again and have those go through the system kind of kick starting the whole system so now once those are done

Brewing we should have a potion now as you can see we’ve got three splash potions of night vision which is very handy and our netherwort has come into the system telling the system that we’re now ready for another potion so what we’re going to do now is we’re gonna go

Ahead and hit the fully automatic mode and test that one and you should see that the bottles come down into your barrel and at three more water bottles are staged and the Nether wart is going to start brewing another potion and your next ingredient will be right here in

This Hopper and once again once you’ve reached the desired amount of potions even if this thing’s not full you can go ahead and turn fully automatic mode off and it’ll go right back to semi-automatic mode and that ladies and gentlemen is the superior potion Brewer this thing is a powerful machine it’s

Super easy and simple to build and it’s a lot of fun to use so with that being said I still have my helmet on from when I was using those scoots but unless with that being said I hope you guys enjoyed today’s tutorial I had a lot of fun

Building this thing this thing was exciting and I hope you guys enjoyed it too and if you did smack the like button and subscribe and I will see you guys in the next tutorial take it easy everybody

This video, titled ‘The Superior Potion Brewer!!! (Best on YouTube) (Simple & Easy) [Minecraft Bedrock & Java 1.20]’, was uploaded by BrokenBones623 on 2023-09-06 16:16:59. It has garnered 119 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:14 or 1754 seconds.

What’s up everybody!!! Today I bring forth to present to you The Best Potion Brewer on YouTube, The Superior Potion Brewer! This Potion Brewer works on fully automatic and semi-automatic modes allowing you brew 1 batch or multiple batches. This allows you to have control over how many ingredients you use. This Potion Brewer also automatically fills your water bottles for you so you can load 18 Stacks of bottles at once giving you the ability to brew 1,152 potions before reloading bottles. This a super simple to build and is a very powerful machine that you can throw anywhere in you base and for those reasons I know you will love it. Enjoy!

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17 Ingredients: Refill These Ingredients as Needed Golden Carrots Rabbits Foot Magma Cream Sugar Puffer Fish Glistening Melon Spider Eye Ghast Tear Blaze Powder Turtle Shell Phantom Membrane Fermented Spider Eye Redstone dust Glowstone Dust Gun Powder Dragons Breath Netherwart

*Boosters* 1. Increase Duration: Redstone Dust 2. Increase Strength: Glowstone Dust 3. Splash Potion: Gun Powder 4. Lingering Potion: Dragons Breath – Splash Potions only

*15 Potion Recepies* Potion Ingredients Booster #

Note: All Potions use Netherwart

Night Vision: Golden Carrots 1, 3, 4 Invisibility: Golden Carrots – Fermented Spider Eye 1, 3, 4 Jump Boost: Rabits Foot 1 or 2, 3, 4 Fire Resistance: Magma Cream 1, 3, 4 Swiftness: Sugar 1 or 2, 3, 4 Slowness: Sugar or Magma Cream – Fermented Spider Eye 1, 3, 4 Water Breathing: Puffer Fish 1, 3, 4 Healing: Glistening Melon 2, 3, 4 Damage: Glistening Melon or Spider Eye – Fermented Spider Eye 2, 3, 4 Poison: Spider Eye 1 or 2, 3, 4 Regeneration: Ghast Tear 1 or 2, 3, 4 Strength: Blaze Powder 1 or 2, 3, 4 Weakness: Fermented Spider Eye 1, 3, 4 Turtle Master: Turtle Shell 1 or 2, 3, 4 Slow Falling: Phantom Membrane 1, 3, 4

*Material List* 263 or 4 1/2 Stacks of Blocks 17 Levers 3 Buttons 18 Redstone Lamps 19 Barrels 19 Item Frames 2 Pistons 19 Sticky Pistons 21 Droppers 1 Dispenser 29 Redstone dust 23 Repeaters 26 Hoppers 1 Potion Brewer 17 Trap Doors 2 chests 6 observers 5 comparators 1 Redstone Block 5 Redstone Torches 1 Water Bucket 23 Sticks: 22 Sticks for Ingredient Hopper and 1 for Dropper T Flip Flop 24 Stairs 18 Stacks of Glass Bottles

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  • Gidthekid450’s CRAZY secret revealed – Why he hasn’t uploaded #minecraft

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    "EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net's Minecraft Adventure" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming’, was uploaded by ADAM NET on 2024-05-30 12:29:00. It has garnered 39 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:51 or 411 seconds. Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming ———————————————————– guys this is my new Minecraft survival video and first series in Minecraft please support me and comment if you like my video and not _____________________________ Tags(ignore)- #minecraft #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraftpe #gamerfleet #anshubisht #technogamerz #ujjwal #minecraftsurvival f/minecraftinhindi #minecrafthardcore #minecraft100days #inhindi #minecraftfunnygameplay #trending #viral #Minecraftpocketeditionsurvivalseriesinhindi… Read More

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