“Brookella Discovers Illager Dungeon & Restores Ruins!” 💥 #MinecraftMagic

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so I’ve just started enchanting in our bit of Minecraft world but the lack is not exactly worth us all we’ve managed to get is one enchant on our X imp pick so I was thinking of ways to get books to add on to that and I think fishing is a good option as well as loot chests so I think today we will start with both some fishing and some exploring I also am very curious if fishing is any different in modern Minecraft like I wonder if it’ll give us all the same stuff or if there’ll be anything different let’s see I think this area should be deep enough for Treasure either way I love a good fishing session oh and we got a good old puffer fish let’s see what else we can [Music] get oh that was different what was that a crate I guess that fishing is kind of a moded experience wait is it break with is it an ax or a pick why didn’t I read this properly what the heck a frilled shark plushy this is is so cute what the heck okay I want more of these plushies he’s so adorable oh my gosh what’s his name it’s Sharky that’s as good as I can do and we’ve been fishing for a while but I am going to give up on it now because as you can see the river is freezing over it’s become winter which is so cool so cozy oh my fish is finished cooking pop some salmon on as well I love how the seasons are changing this snow appearing too but as we were on our little fishing platform everything just slowly became ice oh I will pick up all of these little squids because I think in Winter we are going to have a little bit of trouble with food because a lot of our crops won’t grow most of this is wheat that I planted on I think the last day of autumn and I don’t know if it’s going at all so we’ll see if we can survive our first winter but okay fishing Hall we have all of these cool new fish we have ears all of these I don’t know the this is a stingray I don’t know what we’re actually supposed to do is this placeable is it cookable is it eatable yes it’s eatable I feel weird eating all these colorful tropical looking fish I might just pop these in a little fish chest but we also got a couple more crates to open together so let’s do that and we also got a message in a jar oh my gosh it’s R rolling us no what is this game that is so funny let’s see what’s in here oh it’s a different kind of shark plushy cute this one’s really chubby and this one is some cocoa beans oh we kind of need them I guess we didn’t actually get any enchanted books though we got our first enchanted bow this is so cute Sharky and Bruce oops sorry Bruce but next we’ll see if we can get any enchanted books or any other Coot on a little exploration adventure so I’ve made our very first a backpack I think it goes in here oh you can see it on our back it’s kind of funny with the cape on though oh it only gives us three slots okay we’ll try a frayed backpack and this has 1 2 3 nine slots it’s a little bit better we might as well bring both of them with us and okay I think we’re ready if we have a look at our map there’s a few places that are on the map that I haven’t actually seen yet so we’ve got a building over here and then there’s a building and what looks like some kind of ruins over here as well as a new biome so let’s start by going to take a look at that and we can just kind of speed down the river oh okay the first thing I’m seeing is this Birch Pillager Tower over here pillagers in this mod pack are scary cuz they have axes they can throw but I still want to run in here and see what we can get I think now we’re nice and safe we’ve got flag seeds which we already have I don’t think we oh we don’t actually have carrots yet we’ll take those and a bottle of enchanting yay we’re level 30 again that’s kind of all there is here but oh look at this cool biome it’s pink and there’s stuff over there so let’s go check that out do a little water bucket and run oh there’s a villager here hello is this place a village you guys are dangerously close to the pillages this biome is so pretty though it’s like a modded cherry blossom biome it’s very small though cotton Sakura sa plant and Sakura logs they’re like a nice brown color oh lovely also going to grab some lily pads and let’s see what have we got over here it’s kind of like Village ruins o in the dead of winter where wheat will not grow I will take it oh okay they’ve actually got a whole lot of it o here’s some goodies we haven’t found any other Villages does this Village just have one villager even on the map it looks like he’s all alone we might have to come back for him and bring him home with us but in the meantime I can see a bunch more runs on the map nearby so let’s go over there oh wait we’re here already okay that was deceptively close W there’s a lot of iron and pots in this hole and also some of the runs are down here I love these little pots they gave us Ash though okay it’s very concerning there’s not much house going on with that Village but we do have this building here and it’s got really bad sound coming from it like Woodland Mansion type sounds I don’t think we’re ready for this I just want to have a little peek inside I have a feeling that the switch will open these doors maybe but also I don’t really want to try it what’s down here it looks like water okay we’re not actually that far from home I think what we’re going to do compromise is go make a good sword so that we can feel a little bit safer and then come back also if we can use up some of our levels that would be kind of Handy cuz I don’t really want to lose 30 levels but I also want to try new things and not be a total baby about it we can get sharpness one Unbreaking two or skul Smite sharpness one should we just do a roll looting three fire aspect okay I’m going to go for looting oh it gave us other things Unbreaking and smite we don’t really want Smite in the long term but Unbreaking is great I’m talking like we’re not about to just lose the sword anyway after to our death okay are we ready to fall in the oh 1 2 3 okay I see light lots of light I hear voices what was it no no no no we’re going in the other direction why do I feel like we’re going to get very lost in here I’m scared oh oh my gosh there diamonds this is good loot good loot usually means we’re somewhere not good though I’m not hearing any more noises over here though maybe they were all on the other side what’s this room oh there’s things candles I want candles and a potion of strength and swiftness oh I just realized we can kind of see on the mini map but where the guys are there seems to only be about four of them I can hear one is there another one here oh hello you’re not modded I know who you are oh oh no should we try go for him this would be better if we had a bow that was actually not too bad I think that’s about all there is down here though we seem to have gotten the loot there’s not that many rooms it’s mostly just hallways I wonder if we can find our way back oh I think it’s this way is this the hole we fell into yes it is we’re going to just pillar our way back up and we made it I’m kind of curious what’s in here oh what are you there’s yeah okay there’s a few bad guys I think that is the black of an aoker as well and I no doubt of that but on the bright side we made it back home in one piece W I’m just noticing do you guys see that icicle behind us what the heck this is so cool oh I can’t have it maybe it’s a silk touch thing I don’t think we have any more yet that is really cool though but anyway I want to get on to doing some building for today so we’ve got our stter house over here and our enchanting set up here and we have this broken bridge that spawned here which goes over to this other piece of land but I wanted to fix up the bridge and make it a part of our base and then after that I was thinking of making some Farmland somewhere over here oh my gosh slippery eyes I can’t control my walking properly and I’m hoping that by the time we’re done with the Farmland it’ll become spring and then we can actually use the crops I definitely want to use some more of this stone brick but also incorporate a bit of spruce and some lanterns so we’ve got this giant tree which is just grown so we’ll grab that along with some Stone smelting which we can turn into Mossy stone brick where is our thingy and some of it can have Vines we’ll also get some of these modded flower vines to drape over the bridge and what else oh I think we’ll grow another maple tree and then we’ll share the leaves and put them on the bridge so hopefully this grows in Winter oh yep that was no problem okay let’s start by trying to fix up the basics and then we can customize it this metal bit could go up even further like the arch could be higher than the sides let’s give it that a go yeah I think that is good and now we’ve restored all of the stone brick elements don’t mind the Cobble I think we’re going to replace it with Spruce so let’s add some of that in and see how it looks oh I kind of hate these vertical sles just cuz of the way they Place how am I supposed to it won’t even let me place it we would just use a full block there now I think it’s essentially a case of messing around with all the details until it looks good I want to do something with these little Stone pillar things here I was thinking I wonder what they’d look like if they were partly Mangrove that may be a little odd do they need to come out even further is that what it [Music] is I then added in all of the little lanterns and leaves and details to the [Music] [Music] bridge we may or may not have had a creeper accident to fix luckily it didn’t affect the bridge so we’ll just patch that up but here’s the bridge it’s looking much better or restored isn’t it cute from this angle as well it goes with the tower so nicely but I think once you have a bridge it’s probably time to add some paths so I’d really like some Co dirt to come along here to our starter house and also through the enchanting Tower this is our current shovel so I think we’ll make our first decent shovel and then go find some Co to I know there’s biomes nearby that do have it whereas Diamond so where is your other llama oh wait I found it it is very random oh wait let’s see what we can get on our shovel as well Unbreaking oh that’s a good one I don’t know where we put out wait where do we put the lapis well I guess we can’t enchant if we have no lapis that’s kind of annoying maybe we can find some while we’re out somewhere I know it tends to be low down but you never know I just want that Unbreaking before we half break our shovel oh this iron the zers oh my gosh that was actually lucky um we need a door or something thank you Minecraft then we’ll block a couple of these and we’ll see can we get efficiency oh it changed it but I mostly want Unbreaking so we’re going to try level up to level 30 [Music] [Music] please give us silk touch as well efficiency Unbreaking I didn’t particularly want that but I’ll take it and now we can easily get I think this is cost dirt for our paths yeah yes it is okay look at this we only have a few more days of winter left I am ready for spring but we also now have this brand new coost path I added some rose bushes some fences with these custom lanterns and I love these PES of leaves to go on the paths I think they’re so cute but it goes to our bridge and it also goes to our enchanting setup over here I’m feeling like our base looks much more organized now what I think could be really cute is if we had some of our less used crops just in little patches around next to the paths so this pumpkin can go here but then what if this little bit of land here was for tomatoes for example and we could just make a little kind of raised garden BB for them would that be cute I think that’ be cute we’ll punch out this bit for water and put an upside down stair and then till the land then we can grab some tomato seeds and what’s the better new tomato plants won’t even grow this season uh yes it literally SE it won’t grow this season but do we think this will be cute once it’s all grown I don’t know about the pink maybe we’ll try Mangrove or Spruce and we can put a little sign that is tomatoes like you might have a community garden and spring has officially sprung you can tell because the river is unfrozen the tree leaves are green although there’s still a lot of snow behind me and I’ve been working on the little tubs of crops so we have the Tomato one that you guys saw we’ve got our cute little tomato sign and they’re now actually growing but then over here we also have cabbages growing there’s not many yet but I think this one’s nearly done it says growth 86% in the corner then behind the cabbages we have a sweet potato one I’ve actually labeled the sign comra cuz fun fact that is what we tend to call it in New Zealand it is The Moldy word for sweet potato then the last mini veggie garden that we have for now is over here and it is Beach root these are not fully grown yet but when they are they also have tiny little cute flowers on them so they’re going to look adorable we still have other modded crops so as we expand and build more we’ll have more room to create more little crop patches I know we have asparagus and Flakes and of course it’s just like potatoes and carrots but I want to grab a spot to create a slightly bigger Wheat Field nothing huge but maybe maybe we could do over here somewhere we just need to terraform it a bit so we’ll grab some dirt and we’re filling this weird little [Music] bit these cute little birdies are hanging around while we were planting seeds I wonder if they like them oh I think we can befriend them but they’re kind of acting like parrots I don’t know if I’ll have enough seeds for you we did it and we got the best friends rubber advancement okay can we get the other one hello we did it I love their little chips and how it has a music note next to them sometimes they’re so cute you to so cute you can come sit by the Wheatfield but we’ve got our Wheatfield growing it’s not super cute or anything but it is practical and with all of our little veggie gardens our bridge that we built today and our paths and we did a dungeon I think that will be all for today so leave a like if you enjoyed this video and I will see you in the next bit of Minecraft adventure bye-bye

Brookella on 2024-03-16 13:45:04. It has garnered 33798 views and 1931 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:44 or 1004 seconds.

Welcome to our Brand new modded Minecraft Series! In this Let’s Play we’ll explore an expanded version of Minecraft, with new structures, bosses, biomes, animals, and even dimensions. We are playing Better Minecraft Fabric in 1.20.1 for this series, with complementary shaders 🙂 Seed: -1136219947043604431 Base coords: 800, 0

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Music: Daystar – Strawberry Flavor Love https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMi0dxVgqvo Stardew Valley: Winter (Nocturne of Ice) – by Eric Barone/Concerned Ape (used with permission) Other tracks from Epidemic Sound

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    Surviving Minecraft Manhunt with INSANE Mods!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived Minecraft Manhunt With The Most OVERPOWERED Mods!’, was uploaded by JeromeASF Movies on 2024-06-10 19:00:25. It has garnered 9504 views and 148 likes. The duration of the video is 03:30:09 or 12609 seconds. I Survived Minecraft Manhunt With The Most OVERPOWERED Mods! Buy My Shirts: http://www.jeromeasf.store/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS Minecraft – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrYnLkVfvVf0Qy0YOUQdk2A Roblox – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnZRyqhMZlydNijw_nUpvg Gaming – http://www.youtube.com/JeromeACE Real Life – http://www.youtube.com/Jerome ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JeromeASF Follow My Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/JeromeAceti Like me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JeromeASF Check out my Snapchat:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PE Mods/Addon 1.20+ (Insane Tips💥)

    Ultimate Minecraft PE Mods/Addon 1.20+ (Insane Tips💥)Video Information This video, titled ‘Top 5 Most Useful Mods/Addon For Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.20+ ( Must Watch😳)’, was uploaded by LightGamerzZ on 2024-05-13 12:29:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Top 5 Most Useful Mods/Addon For Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.20+ ( Must Watch ) ➜ In this Minecraft mod showcase, we explore … Read More

  • Hvappel

    HvappelHvappel is een compleet Free to Play server waar je items inruilt voor crate sleutels, en ranks krijgt door playtime te hebben, of items hebben! hvappel.nl Read More

  • Minecraft Hardcore SMP Beta Semi-Vanilla Hardcore

    Welcome to Minecrafthardcore.com! Experience one of the first actual Minecraft Hardcore multiplayer experiences. Join us for beta testing and be a part of something truly unique. Visit our Discord to see the current work in progress. Read More

  • Cubixity – Worldbuilding | GeoPolitics | Roleplay | Java AND Bedrock

    Welcome to Cubixity!We are a newly formed worldbuilding server that is focused on building history. This server promises minimal admin intervention, and when needed, a friendly, unbiased staff team. Come join Cubixity and experience a true worldbuilding server. There are no weird plugins, this is a pure worldbuildingBecome a powerful king ruling an empire spanning the globe, become a humble bartender, become a rich merchant and travel the world, or become a bum living in the slums of your local town.What we offer:A server at the beginning of history : This is a newly formed server that was only launched… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Just killed a drowned, didn’t drop its trident smh”

    I guess that Drowned just really wants to hold on to its precious trident, even in the afterlife! Read More

  • Nether portals with dial-up internet be like #minecraft #meme #shorts

    Nether portals with dial-up internet be like #minecraft #meme #shorts When you accidentally step into a dial-up internet portal in Minecraft and suddenly your game starts buffering like it’s stuck in the early 2000s. #slowpoke #minecraftstruggles Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Texture Pack Review!

    Ultimate Minecraft Texture Pack Review! Exploring Minecraft Texture Packs: Faithful 32×32 MCPE 1.21 Minecraft enthusiasts are always on the lookout for ways to enhance their gaming experience, and one popular method is through texture packs. Among the recommended options is the Faithful 32×32 MCPE 1.21 pack, known for its detailed textures and improved visuals. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft texture packs and how they can elevate your gameplay. What is the Faithful 32×32 MCPE 1.21 Texture Pack? The Faithful 32×32 MCPE 1.21 texture pack is designed to maintain the original look and feel of Minecraft while enhancing the overall resolution and clarity… Read More

  • 365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 77

    365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 77 The Frozen Biome Adventure in Minecraft Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead players to unexpected and fascinating biomes. In a recent gameplay video, the player embarked on a journey through a frozen biome that resembled the chilly weather in Argentina. Let’s dive into this icy adventure! Discovering the Frozen Biome As the player ventured through the Minecraft world, they stumbled upon a biome covered in ice and snow. The frozen landscape was a stark contrast to the usual greenery and warmth of other biomes. The icy terrain presented new challenges and opportunities for exploration. Chilling Encounters Within… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Ultimate Timecharm Hunt on Hypixel!

    Minecraft's Ultimate Timecharm Hunt on Hypixel!Video Information This video, titled ‘The QUEST for Minecraft’s SUPREME Timecharm! (Hypixel Skyblock)’, was uploaded by ThePharaoh on 2024-07-14 22:55:15. It has garnered 741 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:01 or 2041 seconds. Join me on my journey in the Hypixel Skyblock Rift Dimension to obtain the first of eight special time charms. If you enjoyed, make sure to subscribe, like the video, and join my discord server! Q: Have I quit the pit? Nope! This video is just an experiement to see if skyblock videos do well on my pit channel. More pit videos… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Recreating Australian Grand Prix in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable! Recreating Australian Grand Prix in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Australian Grand Prix in Minecraft | FC1 2024’, was uploaded by AdamsApple on 2024-03-25 09:57:54. It has garnered 923 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 01:52:01 or 6721 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/adamsapples FC1 IS BACK for a new season of racing. This 2024 season brings a bigger field of 25 racers, and live races on YouTube! Today we are live at the Albert Park Circuit for the Australian Grand Prix! My links: Discord – https://discord.gg/paeBnG8Csd Twitter – https://twitter.com/AdamsApplesPie​ AdamsApple is a channel for innovatively dumb Minecraft ideas to come to… Read More

  • “Lost in Minecraft: Day 24 Madness!” #gamingfun

    "Lost in Minecraft: Day 24 Madness!" #gamingfunVideo Information This video, titled ‘2 Week Minecraft Phase: Day 24 (in-game days) #minecraft #minecraftgaming #memes #gaming #funny’, was uploaded by Queezy99 on 2024-07-17 20:15:02. It has garnered 3202 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More