BUBBA’S EPIC REACTION to Skyblock! Minecraft

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Uh hello are you going to start there we go hello oh sorry I was talking to my program okay the stream sometimes when you stream through the scheduled stream it takes like 20 seconds to actually kick up which when you sit there wait for it to launch is like forever in a day

So like are you going to work uh hello wait what you deing bam stream bam stream uh put the tab back on Bubble day just in case someone decides to type in there okay got all my chat boxes up change that to live chat always I want to see everything it’s like everybody’s

Up uh is the r stream going yeah I just had to refresh okay okay well hello we’re doing bubba day today we have Mr Bubba um we are on Minecraft I don’t know what I just hit I just loaded some kind of world oh that’s

My other world okay and I still have all my stuff okay uh so we’ve got a fun exciting well I think it might be fun exciting idea right here as you can see on stream we’re going to see how Mr Bubba um reacts to it and see if he’s actually

Gonna be super down for this or super hate me for bringing him into this so do this baa day all right we have an official name all right you are allowed sir to join now and see what kind of wonderful headaches and heartaches and all the aches that I’m about to put you

Through all right I got no idea what’s Happening I’m in okay you you’re actually allowed to to look around now this looks the same as the last time I was here 3 seconds yes except for you didn’t get to what the actual part of this was this is all Aesthetics this isn’t the the thing oh okay that’s the

Thing the the big giant letters up there Sky Block yes we are playing Sky Block it is I don’t know what that means it is uhar apparently it’s a challenge map it’s designed to make you think and play Minecraft in a way that maybe you never even considered okay uh so hit

Play oh we do not have much [Laughter] space there is a lava bucket and there is a block of ice in here okay that is all we got the not that’s not quite all we got okay we got this we got a tree top of over there no we don’t got that I

Saw that so the only one of its kind so so what are your initial feelings here let’s do it I assume we got to get to that chest is that the goal do you want to get to the chest yeah cuz all I got in here a bucket of lava and some ice

Which presumably we can use to turn into water and then maybe we can make Cobblestone out of flowing lava okay um I now we got to be careful about how we do stuff because if we move anything or if we lose it we could potentially [ __ ]

Ourselves mhm so hold on double tap to run is still on I might kill myself yeah that that might be good is mine mine is also on I probably should turn that off as well that’s probably uh how do I even do that do that mouse and

Keyboard I guess I assumed mouse and keyboard but I also feel like I should have seen that when I was in there the first time let see auto jump is awful keyboard gameplay yeah I turned that on what do you mean not why would I not want full keyboard game

Play uh so tracce look up look down left right uh attack destroy attack destroy is Q what pick up block is X maybe I don’t want full keyboard if I have to do all that Stuff I’m not seeing the double tap for definitely a run was it just in a different like in the game option or something I checked into game didn’t see it uh friendly fire I’m going to turn do we want to leave that on or we want to turn that off totally your

Call make the game a lot more interesting if we have to be careful about hitting each other off the thing yeah you can turn it on if you want well what do you want to do you want to leave it on or you want to leave it off how

How how aggressive do you want this to be turn it on turn okay leave it on friendly fire on apparently fire spread I’m not seeing the whole run thing all right well I guess well I’m going to have to look at that later because we’re going to have to worry

About food at some point so y all right so we can make cobblestone with that so um are we going to have to leave one of these blocks as grass so we can is grass important for any reason like don’t like sheep eat grass to get uh wool

Yeah because if we destroy this it turns into dirt right so we wouldn’t have or does grass just grow on dirt over time it grows on dirt over time and there’s no shepis on this island it’s just you me and our tree friend okay so uh do we

Want to now we got to think about this if we start chomping down the tree stuff’s going to fall off the leaves and they’re going to fall off the edge so we want to kind of expand around the tree first so we can catch everything that falls that would make

Sense we could we could take some of the excess from over here okay so around the chest yeah so you probably want to be crouching to to catch it right so it doesn’t fall off the edge and you don’t fall off the edge yeah why is there no audio what

Internation oh I hear audio how deep is this uh look like it might be three blocks deep three okay I’m I’m yoing I’m doing the hole don’t dig down underneath your feet okay yes there is it is it is three layers deep do we want to take the dirt

Underneath the chest and just leave the floating chest or do you think that’s going to be dangerous if we ever like drop something or something to the chest I was going to leave it but we may end up having to take it yeah I can I can

Leave one block underneath it take the block underneath yeah yeah that could work okay um how dangerous do we want to be doing we want to take the oh you just left the game sir why did I just leave the game just left the Game I don’t know why that happened I was trying to fix my audio and I minimized maybe you can’t minimiz uh I don’t know I wouldn’t think that would be a thing let me let me also min minimize okay I’ve also minimize and I brought it back

Up and I’m still in the game okay well since I’m already out I’m going to uh restart it and see if that fixes my audio problem Okay I guess I’m going to continue to try to flect some dirt yes do we want to remove one of the dirt in front of the chest oh yeah we could probably do that cuz we also need a place to be able to jump back up [Applause] from okay congratulations challenge complete

Expand your Island now complete oh is that all we had to do uh I think there’s 50 challenges that was One good good so Should does does if we break it by hand does it change what it drops or does it like have to drop organically are you referring to like the tree leaves leav yeah the leaves will drop something different if we attacked them with shears but for shears

We would need two pieces of metal okay which we don’t have correct so should I just take all the top soil and then we can just put it well but can we put it back that’s going to be the question because we can’t exactly build out anymore challenge complete expand your

Oh I guess you got the challenge two or something yeah it like exploded okay so we got to think about the space so we may not be able to cover entirely under the tree because we got to have enough blocks to be able to do the the lava and

The water right yeah that’s true and how oh my goodness that was loud it was so should we do that oh we should maybe we should have done that first and use the Cobblestone to cover the tree because we could if we don’t take out the top block

I don’t think the leaves Dr and we could have made tools to make the to get the Cobblestone o how how are we going to like actually do this like the The Ice how do you turn the ice into water uh I’ve never I I I have I have some experience with

Minecraft but it’s not exactly extensive and they added so much [ __ ] so how many blocks do we need for this do we still have enough here to do it um well I think I think we actually are going to want to use like somewhere where we’ve got

Some some falling you know like some falling action so we could thin this out some what do you mean by falling action like you see how we have over here and there’s like there’s layers uhhuh I think we’re going to need those layers because we need the lava to pour and flow

Away but we also need somewhere for the lava to sit and take up more than one well does it only have to take one spot and then when it flows into the water it breaks the Cobblestone yeah but I don’t know how we’re going to get enough water well you

Just put like a lava here and you put a water there and then one they have meat in the middle uh and then we don’t have so if the Water Source touches the lava source then the lava source turns to obsidian just dig a hole for the water

To fall down into so it doesn’t flow out right so if you if you dig two here oh hey there’s a Bedrock oh that’s convenient okay and then you put lava here water here won’t they both flow down down and they’ll be separated by this block so they can

Never terally touch each other yes this this is exactly what I’m referring to this is perfect also we have Bedrock down here so I guess that’s a thing yeah this is where I was trying to get with that okay so with is this would this

Work or is or we just I think this would work or is the idea work and we have to fix it wow we’re High we’re above the clouds yeah we are okay so I’m going to equip the lava bucket okay should I use the dirt that I

Pulled from the hole to surround the tree or should I hold on to it um hold on to or we going to use the Cobblestone to do that the the rain won’t do anything weird with the lava you don’t think I don’t know I’m going to put the dirt in

The chest that way if there’s something happens to me we still have the dirt I about fell off just to put the dirt in the chest I’m hoping the lava was so fall off that corner okay well here we go okay question do we want the lava next to the

Chest so if we drop something Burns it or we want the lav over here and have the water over there this probably makes more sense please don’t turn into obsidian immediately okay yeah so I think yeah there’s like little black smokes so I think the rain is not enough to Snuff it okay

All right that’d be kind of a shitty game mechanic I think I’m going to crouch while I’m sitting here on the edge of the island so I don’t fall off yeah good call okay so now we need so I guess just put the ice cube right next to it and

See if it just the lava will thaw it out or maybe not be since it’s raining maybe it’s just warm enough from the atmosphere to to melt it and uh maybe punch it I don’t want to break our only ice and have it just shatter into literally

Nothing well I mean it’s next to Lava so if that’s not going to melt it yeah I don’t think dropping it into lava is going to be the solution I think punching it is a reasonable first step and then throw it in the lava okay here we go oh it’s it’s so

Scary it’s going to break oh my goodness it worked okay so I guess we could technically just do this did you just get hit by lightning uh I took a lot of damage you just flashed red uh go stand under the tree oh what if our tree burns down dead suck would you

Want to at least get some of the wood I guess wait what if the Cobblestone just goes into the lava um oh hey hey we got obsidian we totally [ __ ] that up that didn’t work maybe we should have put it back one more block that’s what I’ve decided

Now okay well challenge man finished we lost oh I’m still falling oh wow this is far oh wow you can go really uh I died yeah you didn’t deserve that I’m sorry okay no that that was fine this is dead anyways that was actually kind of funny I wasn’t expecting

That um so I guess just follow to your death and go to main menu and we’ll uh I’ll delete that world and we’ll try this again yes we uh we have much to learn ah I feel like we were on the right track though yeah I think so too I

Think this will be fun I’m definitely interested in this bubba day second try uh wellow that lasted what 10 minutes and we [ __ ] it up all right new one’s up you can join So so so you like the idea or you hate it yeah no I definitely like the idea I I figured you’d like really really like it or absolutely hate me for putting you in through this and I didn’t know which maybe both are you get back in I was looking

For a way to change my resolution because my resolution was questionable but I don’t actually see it under video setting seems uhoh oddly enough that’s not great it seems like a very video settings kind of thing so wa this is this is Minecraft I bet he said it uh on the way

In going back to the launcher one sec okay I I think my resolution looks fine I don’t think I messed with it though I changed the UI scaling by negative one and that may have been enough for me but like when the challenge completed thing came up it not

Only took up the entire screen but hung off of the screen like started to see was like not entirely on the page and I was like that doesn’t I hate it when my Discord overlay doesn’t show up on games I might have to get out of

Discord and get back in real quick while you’re fiddling with that okay I’ll be right back I I like to have the voice indicators on the game for everybody to see talking I am back welcome Back game overlay still does not seem to be functioning it’s just weird like just some games is just does oh I apparently just completely exited out of the game oops well that’s not going to work did you hit Escape yeah it seems hyper sensitive to hitting Escape I think that’s what got

Me out of the game the first time oh that makes sense that’s what I’ve concluded anyway over time all right uh so Sky Block complete all 50 challenges of Master Sky Block view challenge board and track your progress and do it all without hitting Escape or [ __ ] up your

Run turning your water into obsidian that you know we knew there was a chance yeah I didn’t I didn’t think it’d be able to spread if it was going down like that yeah I agreed with your assessment like the there was a there was a corner Block in the

Way but clearly it needs more space to be satisfied so maybe we need to place the water first and have it like two blocks back and have the lava two blocks back that way it’s channeled and they can’t like go up a incline or something I yeah I do like what you’re

Saying jeez are you getting in here or what yeah I was still looking for resolution settings but I couldn’t find it so I’m joining it okay we can see about taking a break in a couple hours and maybe you can B it with it some more then okay all right

Hit the giant play button yeah yeah yeah you about ran off the world because I hit play and it directed us both in okay go go go we we kind of know more what’s going on we’ll use Cobblestone to expand against the trees so we got to get get

The cobblestone generator up first so then we don’t lose dirt no no no what you doing we don’t need to do that get put the put the dirt back no okay let’s let’s keep the island as much intact as we can so we don’t fall okay so water needs to be a little

Deeper okay here’s the Bedrock this is as deep as we can go and then we want two this way two that way that seems reasonable uh water there lava over here yeah extend the chances of completely inating ourselves by one block mhm okay there we go see that that looks

Better because it doesn’t look like it’s going to bend mhm and hopefully this not being near lava still causes it to turn into water instead of well if the lava can’t flow up I I can’t imagine the water good I just mean I hope it doesn’t break instead of

Turning into water cuz it’s not touching the lava we’ll find out we’ll find out it turned into water okay sweet now hopefully I don’t fall to my death trying to get this Cobblestone hey okay I didn’t get the Cobblestone off of that you want to crou on the

Other side to see if you can get it uh you didn’t get it because if you don’t break Cobblestone with a pick I don’t believe it generates an it okay so we need some wood then yes which we can get from this tree we just don’t want to

Take the isn’t like if we leave the top block Wood block the leaves won’t disintegrate I think as long as wood is touching the leave pattern it won’t so I’m thinking I’d pull this middle one right here okay I’m walk next to this just in case it breaks to the side or

Whatever should we before we before we risk it hold on hold on I got four dirt in my inventory I’m going to bank the dirt that way if I fall off um I think we we’re going to use the Cobblestone extand so we don’t like risk losing our dirt or

Moving it on necessarily because if we can get a wooden pickaxe then we can get the cobstone right then we just have infinite blocks to expand around the tree to catch the leaves okay yes all right right yeah I just don’t want to lose one

Of these wood blocks to do you think we might I mean I don’t know what direction it’s going to fly I assume if we’re I think with two of us huging usually just drops in placeat right just on the Block that you destroy it from here we Go I got it okay next one okay uh one should be enough we got to make a crafting table first though oh you’re right oh no so grab the bo the trunk okay I made a crafting table okay here we go trunk I’m hugging you yes

Beat the wood with your wood oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh okay we put that next to the chest so it’s not like in our way the the crafting table yeah uh did you craft a thing no cuz uh I have only four wood or four Oak planks

How many more do we need just one more one more thing yeah this should do it oh your face right now looks hilarious you are floating in the air over the edge am I I mean as much as you car you punched me off last

Time I would say you deserved it but you didn’t not that time there’s lots of times where I deserve it that was actually one of the few times that it was not oh that’s right Um these need to be turned into sticks yes you need at least two sticks and hopefully we get enough Stone to catch leaves that way we can get another sapling because then we’re going to need more wood M okay all right here we go are you ready yep I am in

Position there it is grab it it’s gone uh okay I guess I don’t have wait why is tab not bringing up my inventory hold on why is my inventory not coming up what button is inventory E I changed it to tab because yeah I need to change it to tab hold

Up I thought I had changed that to tab yeah because e is just gross okay all right you do it I’ll jump in and then jump back out I think I think yeah I think you swim in the water and yep and go just strafe

Left got it I did not get it did you get it I got it though yeah it came to me ah I’m I’m okay I I was not moving you ran into that I was well the idea was to stand on the Block so I drop on it but

Uh yeah that was a wrong choice I did not get anything on that did you get that nope oh no I didn’t get that I lied I have two I have two okay we’re going to run of food at h i I got that it fell in the

Water how many of these do we think we need about just like jump out of the water in off the edge this is dangerous part of that answer depends on where we are trying to go with them uh the other chest uh I think we just just

Want to make a plot hold on let’s let’s see where we’re at because you have so much durability on that we want to we want to catch the leaves so we need as much cobblestone as we think we need to catch the leaves uh is there a way to

Like make something that will give us more blocks out of cobblestone or something like in improving efficiency like getting more blocks from just one Cobblestone yeah I do not know the way to do that because like if you make stairs don’t you get three stairs for

Like or don’t you get more stairs from blocks that you use or something like that no you get fewer stairs if you combine six Cobblestone blocks you get four stairs or something like that oh okay well never mind so we don’t have enough yet all right how much durability you have on

That pick like 80 to 90 % okay so we’re still good I also have the ability to use Cobblestone to make a more durable pick with right you okay so okay good we’re good we should be good then okay you got to stop like not finishing breaking the block because I

Got to jump in and then I get hit yep I I get nervous cuz I see you moving around and then I stop and then I make the problem worse yes just go for it because I’m trying to time your break yep I we got a we got a system now much faster Too yeah don’t worry about me worst case I just lose Cobblestone nothing really important on me because we’re going to need food at some point all right let’s see what we got for blocks here okay that going to be enough you think I have 11 what have you

Got I’ve got seven nice well I’ve got the outer edge of this I don’t know if they’ll pop off the edge from underneath but I have at least the under hanging like I’m flush with the top at least needs more over here that’s all I have so I’m now flush with

This Edge do we want to go one more out just to be safe so if it like breaks and pop off a block adjacent to it yeah we can do that um looks like we still need one here and then like one layer entirely around so how many blocks is that 1 two

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 like 17 blocks is roughly yeah okay ready yep that one Burn yeah that one got burned that one burn that one burned I had good timing on that too that just went the wrong way damn

It mine oh no you got that one oh don’t get hit with lightning yeah that sounded horrible I hope the tree doesn’t get caught on fire is there a way we can put like a brick on top of the lava so it doesn’t go at least on the top it only have one

Panel to go through the lava it’s a good idea then we don’t have to worry about stepping in it okay ready yep that was good thinking a little little less nervous now yeah that has improved efficiency as well because the the idea is hopefully it hits off the Cobblestone block

Instead of going into the fire uh-huh and a lot of these you’re just grabbing which is wonderful yeah you get popped before I even get in the hole oh you got that one I think I save that one from Lava yeah we got to hurry just before that tree gets caught on fire how many you got 16 okay that should be enough I got seven okay I saw that lightning happen underneath us God damn it how many lightning strikes is there going to be all right I’m out of

Stuff okay okay do you want to remove this block well we need to do another Edge on this Edge I think don’t we yeah we need to go one more on this Edge like so and then you could probably take this block out I just needed to set that to be able to set it over the Cobblestone okay grab the trees oh and then I’ll I’ll be on sapling Duty here it comes okay do you want to work on getting more Cobblestone while I

Watch this yeah I can do that because we’re going to need food and it doesn’t seem like there’s any food here so maybe it’s in the other one the other chest over there yeah oh that sound like it broke do you have enough Cobblestone to

Make a stone one I made sure to never have fewer than three beautiful look at you thinking I really want to get these leaves destroyed before the freaking lightning hits it oh you popped the lava and I saw the light go up I was like no these leaves are taking forever to

Disintegrate I don’t think a single block has disappeared yet I got a sapling so something did well was that from you just mining it out the top I don’t know is there is there wood still in there I would put the no I would put the sapling in the chest so if

Something happens we have the sapling safe I I feel like banking is going to be a significant part of our time initially I don’t know these don’t seem to be like going out I suppose you could try punching them yeah but I don’t want to like I

Don’t know if there’s a loot table drop percent chance like a differential between it naturally popping and you Popp it if we got a sapling does since we’re like guaranteed should I just try it anyways to see what we get oh we might be able to get apples off of this that’s

True so am I leaving it or am I punching it I’d say go ahead and punch it okay so far I’m not getting anything I got a stick okay see there are drops oh I got an apple nice starve you [ __ ] I haven’t seen a sapling

Yet but we have at least one so even if if this doesn’t give us a sapling then then we’ll know and we can still make another tree oh got sapling nice so I got one stick one apple one sa bling I’ve got 31 cobblers uh should I

Put the tree right back in the same spot it was I guess since we got it marked out now all right do you want the apples since you’re doing a lot of the work I am not hungry yet so I’m two bars under my Hunger how are you not hungry I don’t

Know all right I’m going to save it for now that way we we have it banked okay oh I just hit the shift button oo are you doing okay with the Cobblestone or should I go back to jumping in uh I’m losing more than I was when you

Were here can we make like a slab so this is it so high it’s like not as intrusive and we can walk over it or do we need like a stone cutter or something to make a slab to make a slab if we use a crafting

Table that is a way that we can get more efficient use out of cobblestone like what you were talking about I can take three Cobblestone and make three or make it six slabs oh can you uh-huh so that is that is what you were asking about earlier

That is something I didn’t think about but I think is is definitely okay well then we should do that uh we could have used slabs so we wouldn’t have to mine so much Cobblestone yes correct well you don’t want it on top of the Cobblestone and now we we can walk

Over it so now it’s a lot nicer it’s less inconvenient mhm you know I I thought well man it would suck if a mob spawned but if we could get a skeleton we could use bone me on the tree uh do we want to do we want to like cap the water

Too uh that way like nothing falls into it or we like [ __ ] up something with it falling into it doesn’t seem to be particularly bad right but I don’t want to accidentally place a block where our water source is either oh I see

Um you know what I mean I do and I’d put one on this side too just uh so it doesn’t have an angle from this side to potentially get rid of our water source block yeah yes safe proof we’re child proofing our Island so we may if I break these

32 cobblestones or even just like half of them into slabs we may be able to get to the other Island if we straight line it I would so Bank bank like six Cobblestone just for tools or whatever and then just burn the rest of them that way we always anything

We want want to keep for whatever reason we need a bank that way if you if the idea is if you die at any time we don’t lose anything important right and I don’t know mobs are going to spawn maybe the lava block is enough like to keep it from happening

It can we make torches well we don’t want to waste the wood yet is a good idea though I wonder how Phantoms are going to work since we don’t have a bed or we just have to like dig into the dirt sounds horrible we might have to put like a roof over

This okay I have banked a stone pickaxe so wonderful are you interested in my straight line project uh yeah I mean I want to if there’s no food over here and the only guarantee is apples and you could potentially starve I feel like hopefully there’s something over there mhm

Question though yes what’s going to happen when you hit that sand we got to be careful with it is it going to fall you’re asking good questions because that sand or gravel it looks like it’s a different color material and there’s a cactus so to me that means sand right CU

Cactuses only spawn on Sand yeah so tell me when I’m getting close to it okay you’ve got you’re about halfway right now I think you’ve raised a great point it’s definitely can we like dig under it so we can catch the sand that’s yeah that’s that’s where I’m at mentally okay

Uh supplies we got a pig we got a pig we got a pig uh we need to catch this thing like right now uh we can’t do it in the lava block though get in the hole Pig get in the hole get get no no don’t fall off the edge get in the

Hole get in the hole you’re almost in the hole get in the hole wait I think he’s too big for the hole is he yes uh we need to expand the hole Holes expanded come here Pig come here Pig I can’t believe we got a [ __ ] pig he’s

Also going to be able to get out of a single block CU you can climb that oh um uh problem there is a hole back here you want to get some Cobblestone to like patch this y because we can’t put it on the Block underneath you because that’ll be a lava

Block well there’s like no good angles over here uh if you give me some slabs then maybe I can help we should be like using slabs exclusively from now on till we have like proper materials because that like doubles our building components yeah seem to be just throwing them to

Yourself I agree with that I don’t the pig is like following you it loves You okay three slabs that’s all you’re giving me I only have nine oh okay there’s two more okay um I need to get more Cobblestone but we got this pig suddenly I was trying to get in the hole and then I was forgot that I was C

Crouched oh the pig is in the hole no the pig’s going to fall off oh oh oh God oh God the pig oh the pig does appear to be able to fit in one block though oh he’s like pushing against me he’s going to push himself off I don’t

Know what to do I don’t either I I if I’m afraid to move uh is there a way you can patch this from the outside uh hi Pig I don’t know if I can like not very easily I don’t want to I feel like if

I’m going to place a block it’s going to like suffocate me or the pig okay excuse me pig I need to oh oh I got a brick can you build off of that from up there Uh yeah can you go out though like around something not while the pig not while the pig’s right there Uh that might be a bad choice but oh oh god oh okay God that was a crisis oh hey I can just click from the other oh give me give me some more slabs I can build from the underneath from the dirt slabs okay go go get some more

Cobblestone so we get more Building Material okay I think I think it’s at least can’t Die oh it’s in the hole it’s in the hole can you can you cap this before it jumps back up I have zero slabs uh just stick something in there oh never mind it got out of the ho I put most of my things in stock anything can you get rid of this

Cobblestone that way we can trap it in the middle as opposed to next to the edge actually no I I I kind of want to trap it next to the edge that way if something happens to the lava it doesn’t just pour out kill our Pig

I think we can probably do it with well maybe not okay so all right let’s see if we can get the pig in a hole here come on Pig let’s let’s go in the hole let’s go go to your new home no not the edge not not the edge come on in in

The hole in the oh no you were so close you you were doing so well oh yep yep yep all the way get him cap it cap it no oh I about fell off I have a dirt on me I am capping or banking this

Dirt T come on look come come see your new home yeah yeah come yeah see look it’s all it’s fun in here see get in the hole I’m going to cry if I push this off the ledge no you’re right there no why would you not fall into the

Hole so I think we got to oh okay fine we’ll we’ll just we’ll just have to watch the pig and if it gets to the hole we can cap it got him he’s trying to get out we’ll let you cap oh beautiful we have a pig will that despawn

Maybe well if it does it does I still want to like kind of hold it there just in case we get a second one mhm I think the only way to guarantee an animal won’t despawn as a name tag yeah we definitely don’t have access to that

Maybe I’ll just sit here and just get cobblestone this way that might actually be genius oh if I don’t drown oh [ __ ] oh you’re so splash I’ve got five this is working like right here I here’s the pig just plant my face into the cobblestone that tree is doesn’t not seem to be

Growing grast how long do trees normally grow long time several Minecraft days I think all right I got 15 blocks what do you got 35 think that’s enough to get to there over there and then build down the build down is what get me a little worried let me get to 40

Okay okay I’m at 40 I’m going To bank five from this load and then get some slabs Going okay so I mean we could try to make stairs right would stairs allow us to go down oh what did you just do craft 30 stone slabs oh okay so apparently we’re on the right track yep okay um okay I’m going to start looking

To see what we can do with I’m going to I’m going to get the dirt and wood and stuff in my inventory just to see what we can make with Okay because I think that’s going to be huge context clues yeah so six Cobblestone is three stone we already know about planks Cobblestone wall is six I don’t and we get six so I don’t know what we use or how we’ use that four stairs for six Cobblestone so we lose two and

Then Moss brick which we don’t have access to Moss we have stone tools campfire is an oak wood oak log Oak log three sticks and a coal oh we can make a furnace with Cobblestone couldn’t we yes and then we could burn the the wood for coal soulfire campfire have you done

Anything with a soulfire campfire before I don’t know what that is I have seen it it’s a normal campfire except for it’s blue how do we get an oak wood log do we need like Silk t for that uh oak wood log is I have one with me that’s what uh

Gets created when you take out the tree trunk oh is that new to craft it you have to craft it into planks oh well keep the oak oak wood then because apparently it’s important for cat fires and a soul soil what’s a soul soil I know so Soul Stone um our soul

Sand I think it’s yeah I don’t know not something we have here okay furnace which we probably need to make a smoker is a smoker new new TM well it’s new new to me yeah I don’t remember what it does that is unique so it takes two oak wood two oak

Logs and a furnace brewing stand Blaze Rock rod and stone lever we know about levers Observer what’s an observer uh it’s for building smart people Contraptions so it takes six Cobblestone two redstone dust and a nether quartz dropper dropper might be useful that takes red stone dispenser is

A bow and a red stone Pon is dark oak planks I don’t know how we’re going to get those or if we can get those iron OT and red stone why would it require specifically dark that’s what it requires uh smithing template Sentry armor trim what uh diamonds diamonds and

Diamonds and some kind of weird trim thing that I don’t know hey golden apples we can if can we get gold though I don’t know where we’re going to find any gold oh we can make andesite if we had durite we can make durite if we had nether quartz coarse

Dirt have you ever heard of coar dirt yeah it’s a dirt that doesn’t grow grass on top you have to mix gravel and dirt together in a crisscross pattern I use it a lot okay but to make coarse dirt is two dirt and two gravel mhm but you get four coar

Dirt so can we make dirt if we can find gravel like can we generate like double our dirt if we find gravel yes I don’t know yes I don’t remember if coar dirt lets you grow things the way that normal dirt does or not but yes potentially that and

If we’re just looking for the word dirt the answer is yes so it doesn’t behave like regular dirt is what you’re saying it definitely behaves different than regular dirt I don’t know which parts tried ho it it cannot be tilled I’m pretty sure cuz you can only

Hold yeah I don’t think it can be tilled so I’m I’m here I don’t want to get any closer cuz you’re absolutely right we touch that it falls it’s a trap we got to get under it first it’s a trap and I’m trying to figure out how to

Lower if we open the chest will it will the sand fall I’m sure but I’d rather not lose the sand if we can help it uh so how are we going to build down can you isn’t there like can you build like a trap door and then like or even with the

Slabs doesn’t it since it takes half a slab can’t you like build one in front of you and then try to build under it and it like goes underneath it or something that’s what you see currently okay like uh this was the one I was on I

Placed a slab with a step down so like H nailed it and then I’m like all right now how do I go lower can’t you put a trap door and then try to build underneath the trap door and then it will hover underneath uh because the trap door you

Can put it on the top but it has that a full block spacing so actually place like underneath what a full block would be maybe I does that make sense not fully but if you think we can execute on it do we have the resources for a tra I

There’s like six six wood I think I’m a mad man I’m sprinting on this one by one pathway I think there’s six wood planks for for two I only have two oak logs in here so that’s technically enough for a trapo but it will burn most of our wood

On two tiles of stuff well we have a tree planted should should I wait until the tree grows up or should I just try this unless unless you want to unless you want to grab the water oh yeah we could could use a water elevator couldn’t we

Well that could also easily get out of control though just make sure you don’t have anything important on you and I’ll hold the bucket that way if you fall we don’t lose the water or the bucket or do you want to try the trapo idea I want to keep trying to come up

With a way to step down from here so you don’t want me to to do the trapo not not yet okay I will Bank the the wood then I’m going to grab some of these cobblestones and turn them into slabs so I can try to help stuff

Okay wo 30 stone slabs didn’t you already do that yeah I feel like I see an obvious potential not flaw but would have made this a little easier is if you would have made this bridge from the bottom of the dirt yep yep I noticed that as Well which is technically still an option just a parallel Brit there’s a creeper what look at our Island I see it um so that was a concern that I was concerned about I think I I said the concern about that you did you did all right um

Um have fun I’m going to go play with the creeper one good punch it’s just got to be sideways do you have your pick on you yeah okay um I’m going to put a shield of blocks in front of me oh there’s another Pig well we got to get back there then

Then yeah well working on that oh I just watched a pig fall to its death what the pig’s still up on the on our platform though it may have been an additional Pig fun there may have been a third Pig maybe uh vesting in a sword or an axe or something would be

Good oh do you need me to break those for the recovery uh yeah if you want good work on that wish that tree would hurry up and [ __ ] grow okay now the question is is our other Pig down there can we just push this in

With our other pig shall I bust the roof oh no oh you why Pig why why why you like that oh no our pig’s gone our pig is whoa what is happening um I am on the floor um the tree has grown hi Pig this is an interesting um

Oh yeah you are prone I am swimming you should see my icon right now I I see how you [Laughter] are H um so should we just kill the pig then if it’s just or is that the pig from underneath and or did the pig from underneath is that what we saw that

Fell it had to have been that one that fell I think I don’t know how it fell though like there’s no yeah I don’t know either but there’s no point keeping the pig at least for now till we have a better enclosure or way to like read

Them immediately or you know or more space like actual fenced space so they don’t have to be like underground or whatever yeah we could should we kill this thing could we could expand our area just a little further and then surround it with Cobblestone walls okay yeah you want to

Do that walls are 1.5 tiles High which prevent animals from jumping over them we’re going to need a lot more Cobblestone than we currently have that do that I feel like we should start the bridge over uh with with it being lower with it being

Lower but hey we got a tree now so now we can try TR trap doors if you want let’s yeah yeah we we could give it a go okay I’ve got a pretty good spot down here if we just wall it then we could just shove them in the hole that way

It’d be easier to push them off too because we can just okay push them off the edge a limited wall space instead of having to wall everything I like it um I do need your assistance of getting up though oh wait the the pig fell in the other

Hole where did it even get there because of the hole that we did the check on the pig would have thought that tree would have blocked it uh apparently no because the pig was underneath when I was prone he was like talking to me and stuff that’s true I thought that that

Was all just spawn situation but I guess not what if we could do that on purpose do something where we can force oursel proned like that that’d be interesting that would be interesting that’s tactician level game I didn’t even know that was possible I thought we’ just suffocate or something

Right I’m not getting any oh I got an apple I kind of want to leave the rest of this to kind of despawn naturally because I didn’t get any another sapling off of that I like got an apple that is not good news um might want to cover up the pig though

Just so doesn’t fall down there we don’t see it or something um with that space I don’t think it’s got any options okay or I I’ll just sit at the top that way if it falls no I was talking about like saplings or stuff in the

Tree I’ll just sit on top of the hole so if it falls hopefully I catch it you want this wood um you can probably put it in the well I’m I’m guarding the hole oh okay sure so like maybe one trap door and then a bunch of cobblestone so

We can bridge over there from a lower angle you can only make trap doors in groups of two but yeah we can get one I mean that’s fine a thing of trap doors Yeah do you have any sticks you don’t want my inventory is Empty that sticky found did we use it something I put in chest I don’t see it in the chest uh I definitely put it in the chest did you maybe use it for the spare pickaxe or something that was after the spr pickaxe I thought but I don’t know maybe I suppose it’s

Possible I don’t I see okay I need it was a pig and ate it Oak trapo okay okay well these leaves seem to be disappearing but nothing seems to be coming out of them classic they were dissolving got two more chances to get a sapling so if we don’t get another

Sapling off the tree we got one sapling left I’m be very concerned yes I will hate that so what do we do if we don’t get another sapling that’s just all the wood we have and we can’t make tools without wood yeah oh look at you with a pretty Fence you’re so Pretty come on leaves give me a sapling we like we have to have a sapling and that tree had a bunch of leaves too You’ think we’ get one or two saplings off of it we did get an Apple okay the pig throwing area is established are going to release the

Pig release the pig the pig is released wondering how much longer I need to stare at these leaves should I just break them or should I let them Sol since we need a sapling we need a Sapling oh there went one nothing I’m not having good feelings about getting a sapling from this same eventually I think we need to make some torches and then like make a space for some mobs to spawn that way we could potentially get like bone meal and stuff

To be able to grow the tree faster H I want to break this Leaf so bad by also oh the the pig is now free I’m going to cover up this hole like good free or bad free uh he just found his space Oh okay

He he he has now discovered that he is free hey what’s that out there what a moon no in front of the Moon and to the left it looks like another island with a tree I am not seeing what you’re saying I see clouds in the moon there’s an island out there Shale

Is there you got to believe me I it’s not an illusion I certainly don’t see it I believe that you see it I don’t see an island I see nothing but clouds it’s very far away uh what’s your what’s your distance set to my draw distance I increased it when I

Booted um it is set to 60 chunks he mine’s set to simulation distance 12 junks but I don’t know what that means is that the same what what are what menu were you in general video uh render distance is 50 chunks you said you have your set to 60 yeah I just

Buffed it to 75 how many chunks are we going here okay how do I have a save button or do I just get out I just exited okay yes I do see or whatever there it’s got a tree on it I don’t think there’s supposed to be an island though

Technically I think this supposed to be just these two things and that’s it so I don’t know if that counts or not what it’s only these two things that looks like basically like our original Island just set up again yeah it’s supposed the original so this was the

Closest thing I could find to the original challenge map um you see the zombie with the shovel yes I see the zombie with the shovel uh so I don’t technically know if that’s supposed to be in it um or not but this was the closest thing I could find to

The original so if we want to go check it out we can I’m not going to say that we’re not allowed to okay but I didn’t know that existed uh is it worth like can he drop the shovel can we because that’s an iron shovel can we potentially get that if we

Kill him correct should we should we build like a mob Arena that we could drop down into so we can fight it and get potentially get the drop it’s a decent idea so like the same thing with the pig but for mobs uhhuh uh let’s not build it by the I’m

Going to plant the other sapling that way that can start growing okay uh probably want to put it like in front like by the pathing somewhere so we’re on the path we can just jump down into it or something agree I am out of slabs does that look like you’re going

To be a little bit closer on that lower path to to get underneath the sand uh I didn’t specifically take a look but I just know conceptually that like looks like we might have to go like one down maybe two yeah you think I have not looked recently but

About what I was I’m watching that zombie we’re really going to have to invest in a like a door or a wall or torches at some point because this is going to get dangerous especially if a skeleton spawns that can shoot arrows at Us we could also potentially lift the slab up by one where it would let its light out but we wouldn’t be able to step on it but it’d be a bigger risk to Cobblestone destruction during the mining process but it would give our Island light well if you look it already

Is giving her Island light even with the c like it’s much brighter here than it is over there see the shade yeah that’s true because it St and starts spawning until we started bridging out it looks like it’s just enough light to cover the top of the island

Yeah our pig is trying to escape he wants you he wants your pets uh we have a problem what is it skeleton is behind the zombie that is not ideal I started putting slabs down there I see you careful I want to pull that I think there’s there might be two zombies now

Yeah yeah there definitely are so are you having fun so far oh yeah for sure oh you trying to just get down there very interesting and fun idea look how much we’ve done with just the limited amount of stuff we’ve been given so far mhm we have a

Pig we have a pig do you want do you want to name the pig we can name the pig what do you want to name p Hank okay what do you want to name the pig I I didn’t think about it I just Hank Hank isn’t that like the most stereotypical

Name you can make name a pig no pork he is maybe but isn’t there some media where there’s like a Hank the pig and so that’s like a I don’t know of Hank the pig there’s Hank the cow dog okay Hank was the name that I gave to the spider

That lived above uh the hallway at work for a while until he mysteriously vanished never to be seen again did he come give you kisses oh there’s another zombie it’s getting a little out of hand I feel yeah why are they only spawning on the top bridge and not the bottom

Bridge I don’t know I don’t think verticality supersedes spawn points does it don’t think So yeah because that’s like the well why did our light just get low going clear maybe it’s just getting darker if I look straight up it looks like there’s a giant black eye just looking down at us unsettling you see it oh I guess it depends on oh we got a

Tree oh it’s got like vines on it oh except for Vines can only be captured if we have skizzers oh okay so should I go ahead and just break it anyway son uh oh man look at those V isn’t it so pretty Mm should I just go ahead and punch it Anyway I don’t see a good way for us to get metal so notless that zombie is going to drop his iron shovel should we build the bottom platform underneath a little bit so when the sun comes up and burns them we can get their drops or do they only drop if

They if we kill them oh good point didn’t think about that so uh the arena is almost done okay um so we can just pull them over here before the the sun well it’s still raining so they got we still got a little bit of time okay do you want to

Put like a fence or like a half wall or something so they can’t we can’t fall over they can’t fall over that is my intent but you can’t even walk through most of it because of the height okay so I have to trim it and then okay make

Sure the leaves can still catch whatever Falls yeah I’m going to be putting a new roof in in place everything I’m destroying is going to be replaced with a slab okay and then we’ll just put like a Stairway or something up to the top or

Should we just get rid of the top one entirely well no we want the top because if they’re spawning uh we we also want to be able to jump down in the arena from here too if we have to so make sure you don’t cap all of it off

Okay so should should I start collecting the wood on the tree to try to get another sapling or are we leaving it or what are we doing yeah I don’t think there’s anything we can do about it special Vines we we got to do what we got to do

Will the vines stay if I take out the wood block they do wait what can we climb these oh man that’d be cool if we could like climb the V oh we can climb the vines mhm so we could just have just magical staircase just here for

Reasons no they I did the last wood Block M broke oh that made me sad okay I’m I’m going to be on sapling watch so if you need something yell okay it’s still raining so we got a little bit of time for the mobs because if we could get the

Skeleton to hit the zombies that would help so should I let all of these naturally dissolve and not hit any of them or should I do like half and half for half and half maybe I still don’t know if it makes a difference I still haven’t seen a single drop from just a

Naturally dissolving one to be honest is it just like a small chance per because I feel like it used oh sapling nice I have sapling I have it I have the Holy sapling put it in the chest we need to we need to start a religion around saplings now I’m putting in the

Chest we we need to we need to start a sapling religion we do also that kid over there another sapling two more saplings we are truly blessed this day it’s the rain the oak father Has Smiled upon us it’s like it’s like uh Odin but it’s

A tree it’s like an INT with like one Ey which actually makes sense lwi because uh he would still be in uh combat like aggression versus Zeus and lightning would hit the tree and that would be bad so it still all works we got three saplings three saplings three [ __ ] saplings oh yeah look at that look look look at

That gold right there see that’s the real theth it just shows you like depending on your circumstances how much more valuable basic normal stuff is uhhuh like apples when there’s like no food suddenly valuable okay it’s kind of goobery but we got a small Arena and I think it’s

Time we these hold on no no no let’s let’s finish the leaves good call good call the holy leaves more gifts from the oak father should I just go and break the rest or we still want to let them dissolve naturally what did you do to get the

Saplings I left them leave them we still have our Pig I wonder if something happened with the spawn or like another Pig tried to spawn in with the pig or something and that’s why it died yeah because this one still seems or maybe it despawned when we went out too far well

I I don’t think it despawned I think it somehow escaped I watched a pig fall yeah you did say that yeah I think it likes its new home better yeah it’s less stuck so it’s not going to be pressing yeah wow the music got real kind of

Gloomy did you hear that uhuh my music is still in the middle of a tune it was already mine’s like G who who who like it’s got some real deep vibrations going gotcha mine kind of sounds like something out of New Alexandria from Halo Reach but with more hope and

Inspiration we definitely need that right now while it’s raining we have mobs threatening us and uh it’s not looking great yeah I’m so oh there goes another Leaf got one one more block left still nothing I mean we got the three saplings which was amazing but yeah like a stick

Or an apple or another sapling like give me something out of the leaves not a whole lot of nothing hi piggy what you doing baby how do we know what all the challenges are oh the zombies uh we need to catch the stuff follow me follow follow me follow

Me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me hurry just a little further buddy ow ow ow ow ow I hurt you get the shovel bones no no no shovel bones bones I bones I have bones uh can we make I I want to I need

To keep checking what we can actually make so we can only make B with MES there’s nothing else we can make with them okay okay I have bones I am taking a sapling and I’m boning it nice I I am Bing the sapling enjoy tree shocked shocked that this is the

Result I mean it took all six bone meal so that kind of sad but so we already don’t have going it was a short lived time of rejoicement see if we’ll be blessed by this tree yeah there is definitely another Island over there it it looks funky

Because kind of looks like our Star Island but also looks like it’s got something else like sand or a different material or something there two group it makes it very tempting I mean look I say if we can make it we get it like technically that’s outside of what I had

Planned but [ __ ] it why not uh if we if we can make it over there I don’t see why it should be like off limits except for if you just want to be hardcore original challenge thing that would take a lot of blocks to get over there though just saying tons

Tons absolutely tons if it was like 50 plus chunks away 16 blocks per chunk well I mean it has to be it has to be at least 60 because I was on 50 and you saw it on 60 mhm oh so far I’m not seeing anything

From the tree and it’s like half gone I hate That kind of want to make our platform a little wider so when I’m looking around for leaves I don’t accidentally Sprint off to my death yeah I’m also half hearts so at some point probably going to oh sapling nice oh blessed as long as we get one sapling

Per tree I’ll be happy I’ll be super happy if we get two per tree ah stick if I get another Apple are you okay with me eating it we already have two banked definitely because I am I took the sacrifice trying to get those mobs

Over you did I took an arrow to the knee Actually took the mirr to the face but that would have been the joke piggy pigy still here okay I wonder if if we like the render distance we got too far away when we came back into render distance that’s what happened to the pig where it got

Like in the wrong block or something and got eated perhaps oh sapling nice Too sapling trees trees good trees good how you doing on the bridging project over there the lower Bridge has reached the destination but uh the fact that we are one off still is sapling three yeah we’re up to five saplings oh we may yet live I dude I I thought we

Were going to get screwed when we’re down to one sapling I thought that was it I thought that was going to be game over um so have you tried trap door to get lower or no I don’t understand that plan of yours you have to do that so put

The place the Trap and have it closed and then try to place the block underneath and I think it should Florent a block underneath because it’s supposed to take a full block but it’s higher so you can try to like Place underneath it and then it should force it a full block

Underneath I would I would think does that make sense nope but I’m going to try it okay well I got three leaves left and then I can come over and assist I am worshiping the tree I am doing my daily prayers the oak do has seen us that’s

Right oh you’re going to have some potential spawning over there just FYI it’s going Sun’s going down should we try to make a furnace to try to make some torches or should we just leave them spawning and try to get stuff from them uh I still hear the pig so we still have

The Pig I mean worst case we could always bring the water over oh got another stick I attempted to apply the trapo don’t know if I did it right but it definitely didn’t do what I hoped it would do can we eat the rotten flesh is

That a thing yeah you can it will make you feel woozy maybe Oh wrong button sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I didn’t mean to I’m sorry how do you how do you see like your stat like what it does to you uh I think it just slowly hurts you

A little bit or hurts you a little when you eat it or something but fills your hunger I don’t know you got well my hearts are going up okay uh I Phantoms yep ah Arena go to the arena go to the arena so I had gained Hearts now I have lost

Hearts yeah I didn’t see like I didn’t see where like where it said what my status effect was or anything or how how how long or oh we have zombies coming at us hey look they spawned on the L lower deck they did oh not that one

Though I was hoping you drop more flesh so I can eat it human flashh no not I put some FL in the trunk upstairs yeah I don’t want to go upstairs right now I was that [ __ ] up there oh we still have the leaves I forgot about the Leaves Can

We is there any way to that we could kill it I mean hit it with a pickaxe enough times and it’ll die is there any way we could like trap it down here like if I bait it would it swoop down under here underneath so it can’t fly away

Maybe but Fant PHS aren’t just one and done I didn’t think what do you mean I thought Phantoms were like once you start getting Phantoms you just start getting Phantoms so like we trap one I feel like the game just going to be like here’s two more I thought the frequency

Increased by how many days you haven’t slept I don’t know maybe that’s going to become increasingly more of an us problem oh ow that hurt a lot I don’t want to do that again I have half a heart left you are so close to De oh I I

I think I’m just going to chill here I think we need to build some uh some housing some I never thought we’d have to build houses for protection and a void but apparently that’s going to be a thing because uh I don’t want to do this

Again and I don’t want to just sit here in the arena with Mobs staring down us while I have half heart and a sapling oh you have a sacred sapling yes so you must protect me do you want to give it to me oh the last

Leaves didn’t drop anything no I don’t I want to I will protect it with my life which is half a heart by the way y okay so this is the G chatting part of the stream where we just kind of hang out while night’s going on and we try not to

Die how do we get beds we need wool spiders oh spider spawn and then get the string make it because you can make wool block a wool out of string right yeah I think you can like three string though is a three string four string hey that did that creeper just

Despawn I didn’t see a creeper there’s a creeper on the top by the cactus oh no it’s just so dark no I think he did to spawn there’s a bunch of zombies up there now do you see the zombies by the cactus yeah I do they kind of look like Cactus maybe

Maybe just behind the Zombies oh y that’s still up there incoming zombie oh Yep you can’t have my sapling I will eat your running fles oops whoops that was like the only place he could do that too God damn it no no don’t do that just uh put like a fence here well an expanded roof is good because no because we need to be able to

Jump down here from the top look right there no I I want easy access I don’t want to have to try to jump in a hole in an emergency like when the Phantoms spawn Phantom we’re safe here take these out I don’t I don’t like that’s no that’s too

Much it was the closest thing to a home we had you’re my Home yeah take this brick out thank you oh get it get it I you have one half he what are you doing he was stuck and he was facing away that was the perfect time to [ __ ] hit him this is why I’m the protector of the Sacred sapling because I have

More bravery than you I have more courage I have more sanity apparently not because there’s a phantom spawned above us I hate pandom I hate the fact that they introduced Phantoms yes Phantoms very bad should I go should I go bait those zombies with half a heart probably not

You got a pickaxe you’ll be you’ll be in front of me oh you wanted me to go bait them with you no but I’m going to run past you after I bait it I need your flash Phantom what if the Phantom swoops in though and not you off

Well then that’s a risk I’m taking uh why do you get boarded surf fist yeah he just immediately stopped tracking me hello hey buddy yeah come get me come on come on I see you f oh nope see look at this barehanded taking a zombie this this is why I’m the protector of

The Sacred sapling damn it no food oh it’s almost day that’s a good thing yes yes I I mean that a phantom G nope nope he’s just not in the same place I looked and he was it was clear and then I looked up a little bit more and went oh

[ __ ] he’s just changed locations where he’s hiding out up there we got to get to that chest today do you have any idea what’s in it no I just know it exists do you even know what the rest of the challenges are nope oh that’s on how do we technically

Win uh to you don’t want to play anymore I guess oh okay I I don’t know if there is a win no I thought there were X number of challenges tring well I mean yeah we can look at the Hub thing and see what the challenges are but like I I

Never bothered to do that okay in the original map I don’t think there was challenges it was self-imposed challenges gotcha if that makes sense yeah you just that Phantom’s still up there buddy wait do they go away there he goes now he’s burning oh I wonder if we can

Catch if he drops something that’s what I’m watching for Like a creeper spawns up behind us or something okay so I’m sure we’re both agreed that it’s totally okay if I take an apple yeah absolutely I I have deserve oh this is going to be the most delicious apple ever I almost hit you again please don’t do

That oh that is the most tasty the Apple I have ever consumed in my entire existence I’m up to two hearts now um how how how upset would you be if I eat the other Apple do it and you’re not here to accidentally hit this time yeah so apparently I need a full

Hunger bar and you get Health to 1 and A500 Apparently okay I feel a little better now okay did you try the trapo thing or yeah but you still need tell me how you feel about My ATT beep okay uh yeah so if you go to the side here and then try to click underneath it it should spawn like underneath I would Think nothing H uh let me go grab some slabs like fell off but uh I was holding C so I’m okay uh did you want to put some fences on this corner or you already did it it’s handled um I’m going to take some of this Cobblestone make some slabs no not fences

I’m not running with Scissors if we had scissors that would be great I wonder if maybe you need a f block to do it see like that see where there’s like that Gap there I do there should be a way to do it the other way do you want to you

Want to grab that how do you h Hey you forced yourself hey there uh you want to like mine this block slab Okay uh how about this one I like the one closest to the island Yeah I wonder if we need another trap door and then maybe we can like use this to do it like be able to place underneath or something are you low enough to be able to place underneath I don’t know I think I need another trapo to find out I don’t

Think you need another trapo to find out they’re extremely expensive and I don’t know that they’re adding that much value why why can you not do it with the two that we have because I need the or I need a block that can force a block underneath like that

Though we got we got 14 oak logs it’ll be fine how much are trap doors six it’s an experiment yeah this these two were in my original be experiment while the experiments on I maybe I need to try a full block instead of a slab maybe

That’s I tried a full block didn’t do anything different I’ll use a full dirt block well that’s not what I meant to do I don’t even know where that went it’s behind you is oh okay um hopefully I can get this back you God you’re so fast like This Uh that’s not it that’s not it so tempted just click the sand block and build underneath that way if you click the sand block so and it’ll fall right uh I I am I am concerned about that Yes man I uh didn’t mean to do that you want to M that got I feels like I don’t know if the control works like proned like this I’m so worried that I’m going to fall off you look so precarious I feel precarious sir the hell I mean I feel like it’s closer to

Try to place something underneath like if that Feels So Close like I just feel like am I just missing the placement maybe how how do how do this opening doesn’t seem to matter God damn it Alex yo block thank you there’s got to be the way to build down right got to

Be or do you want to just get up and do the water and just be able to build down the one that we need I mean I’m I’m okay with trying the water route I am uncomfortable about being the one in the waterfall I’ll do it

Okay there’s got to be a way to do this yeah I hate how short Minecraft days are and how long the nights are yeah okay I’m here with the water where do you want it okay um I don’t want to place it too close to sand to potentially update the block or whatever

Um so I guess like right there okay uh it also needs to be on a real yeah there we go block yep okay um uh sheep sheep sheep sheep sheep sheep two of them three of them we have three sheep get the pen um our pig’s gone oh so the

Pin doesn’t work so it must like when it Cycles spawns it must kill everything else in the spawn or something can you get can you get Wool by killing a sheep I you used to but I think they changed it kill one anyways yes one kill them all kill them all murder the

Sheep that’s enough that’s three that’s enough get a bed get a bed get a bed I’ve got okay I’ve got the wood give me the the wool give me the wool we need to make a furnace so we can uh cook this meat too all right you need

To make a make a get get all the Cobblestone slabs and uh make a shelter for us because the Phantoms might be coming here pretty soon too not if we sleep where do you want the bed but there’s only one bed we have to both sleep no all the f are

Here the shelter the shelter my hands were completely off my mouse and keyboard when I got hit oh this is fantastic this is this is so much more fun than I thought it would be with an island with nothing on it oh this is intense I forgot that we

Both had to sleep I was wondering what you were talking about uh can do you have enough to make a furnace so I can cook this so I can get some more Hearts yeah also do we have a tree yet no okay oh I can’t make it I feel like I

Just destroyed like the biggest excitement that watch out there’s a skeleton up there oh I think he just like fell down fell off into the trapo do they do they not do they not know what trap doors are ah craft a furnace um I just guess put it like where you’re

Standing by the stairs under the stairs yeah that’ll work oh nope it’s a I guess is a b slap oh that that work uh did you bring wood or sticks a very very small amount okay so what you need to do is put the sticks in the burn and then put

The log on the top and then we’ll make a coal and then the coal will last longer to cook stuff but I don’t yeah okay so put the and you want the do you want a log or do you want me to break the log into

Wood actually don’t know if we need a coal because I don’t know if a coal I think coal might be more fuel than we need just to cook two two or three lamp chops okay so maybe just I guess start with sticks and see where that takes

Us I put two of the pork chops put all your mutton in first before you put the fuel in and then put two sticks in put one in just to see where we get and then put the second one in if you need to next to nothing oh yeah that stick ain’t

Worth anything and then we just waste that but this is learning so now we know so do you want to make a coal or do you want to just put one of the wood logs in and see if that’s enough to cook all four let’s do a log okay log log’s

Definitely going to do one I don’t think it’s going to do four no I don’t know it’s going to do two no it’s not how many logs do you have get out of here phantom tree do we want to see how planks do uh I I think we should make a

Coal because I think we’re wasting resource so I would put like One log in the bottom One log in the top and try to make a coal okay I’m going to eat this I am chop ah food okay hopefully that will make okay so one log equals one coal

Sweet and then we put the coal in that should be more than enough to cook all three I would think yeah see look how much it’s yeah we definitely need to make logs in the coal look how much more fuel we just got out of that yeah like it’s so much more

Fuel so much more so much that’s what I was saying that I think we’re going to Overkill the fuel with the coal but compared to what we were losing I feel like that’s better yeah okay um uh how how are you on hunger and health uh still good so can I take all

Of these yeah food food Health hey there’s no mobs tree Phantom well Alex I feel so much better right now I feel just revived I feel like I’m almost back to full capacity I love that oh oh oh oh oh oh I’m at Full Hearts yay I am back in the game

Baby let’s go play with a phantom where’d you go come on come on come on Phantom oh nope failed off I want to see if we can like catch the Phantom down in here and just Beat It To Death doesn’t want to seem to come down here though I

Benefit don’t they drop like membranes or something what are we going to do with a membrane the one that died earlier didn’t drop any oh there’s another Phantom there is now two Phantoms uh I don’t know that’s I wanted to get one and then go look in the

Crafting table and let it tell me what I can do with it I see spider where on the top top bridge to go get they don’t I’m going to they don’t cook do they string beds yeah I I know I know the the reason why we would

Want they don’t cook during the day right no but we’re not doing anything right now anyways you’re right don’t don’t hit it off I got an i or you got an I did you get string no what can we do with an ie isn’t can’t we like make a potion out of It where you uh check that if you go to the crafting table with it in your inventory will show you the recipes you can make watch out the phoms might still be up there yeah they’re they’re not burning yet okay now they’re burning see if we can catch anything that they might drop

Oh thought that one was diving at me oh no don’t don’t die okay well I didn’t see any drops but it died outside our platform that made me sad tree sacred Oak make sure you face the sun do your daily prayers okay so did you see anything you do with the

Eye uh actually I put the eye in the treasure chest cuz I was not finding any options we make a fermented spider eye we need a brown mushroom and sugar oh we make a grindstone Crimson planks what are Crimson planks what was that oh you scared the [ __ ] out of

Me two Crimson planks sticks and a cobblestone slab is a grindstone so we can make a fermented eye with sugar and a brown mushroom all right uh don’t you want the water so we can use it to get down yes but I needed more Stone I did not so I had to reinstate

The yeah make sure you don’t die with that water all right I am at I am at the sand okay so you are you are ready I am waiting okay let me make the pick oh I forgot about the tree that’s a sapling oh I’m coming back saplings got it

I’m watching it you can go back to Cobblestone just let me know when you’re ready to water dive another sapling nice sapling good wood Okay uh if you’re ready I can grab it here we go do we want to just break these leaves so we don’t forget about drops yes sapling sapling ah I feel a little bit more comfortable about our sapling population yes I still feel nervous deploying our water

Elsewhere but oh I just did the double tap and almost wonder that all right I am in position you’re so slow don’t push yourself off the edge with the water that is specifically why I’m adding some expanded set here also uh like get a little thing to stand on like I’m doing

Yeah thought you said you couldn’t put it on a regular or slab uh I didn’t expect to be able to okay wish me luck good luck do you have anything on you yeah for the resources everything important great all right that is all the regular blocks I

Have okay retrieve the water yep oh I about sped off the edge and I’m going to go put the water back yeah and I’m going to put the lamb chops in the chest I’m carrying with me oh my you just you just did that highrisk operation with the lamb CH you absolute

Goober could have been bad could have been bad I mean you could have fell off with the water that would have been worse you’re right that would have been substantially Worse did I put the blocks in a good enough spot yes this looks very worthable still want to figure out how to get this to work I also put some slaps down there I guess you have to be careful because like the slabs don’t stop you from falling if you’re crouching or is that only because it sees that there’s a block for it’s only because it sees that you’re it’s like taking a step uh it it

Stops you from going greater than 05 go look at that look at all the clearance we have underneath this now MH see that was easy that was easy no no no risk at all good good thinking with the water elevator make sure not to accidentally bump the sand

Sand yeah I want to try to make enough clearance so you can walk under without have to like jump or accidentally hit it or what pig pig we have a pig and it’s in the the the area the farm P yeah so should we hold it or should I just go ahead and

Kill it because last one yeah the last holding didn’t really go so well did it sorry piggy you’re being sacrificed to the Wood Oak God I have a pork chop we going to put the pork chop in the furnace okay do you have all the slabs you need or do you want help

Or uh well I had enough to complete more or less what we need I think I would like to expand it slightly more before we initiate the next part well I think the sand goes straight down right so as long as we have I mean it’d be nice to have it

Expanded but like it’s not necessarily necessary type thing yeah no I think that’s correct uh so do you want to expand it or you just want to see what’s in the chest uh I I don’t think it’ll take very long to expand it just a little bit more

And given the challenges we’ve had with navigating down there if it goes straight down I’d like to still have a ring around that that we can right maneuver do we have enough wood now that maybe I could get some tools yeah because actually that’s a great idea you just been depending on pickax

Bo like I’d like how a wood or a stone sword or stone ax and or actually wouldn’t a wood axe wouldn’t a wood axe double as a weapon so you just like a pickaxe and a wood axe would be good I think just a pickaxe is reasonable in other words you don’t want

To waste too many resources that’s what I just I even gave you the brand new one oh thank you definitely considered giving you you my very slightly used one if you would have done that I would just would have made a new one for Myself I’m dangerous now I’ve survived this long with bare hands now I have a weapon yes but see the thing about the wood axe is it doesn’t unlock any new parts uhhuh like everything you can retrieve with a hand you can retrieve with a wood axe it just speeds it up and

The quantity we’re working with is not enough but doesn’t the wood axe have more damage than the pickaxe for a weapon it does so wouldn’t it still be useful because you use a to and a weapon if we think that the fights are that much of a concern I feel like the

Actual fights we’ve had have been pretty under control fighting with a stick but yeah it is the highest it does more damage than a sword actually it’s just not ases it tactical what’s the point of a sword um swords if you time them correctly you can do like a swipe like

That this kind of a cleave effect and can hit more than one thing oh okay and and you can swing it more yeah yeah it’s like a sweepy type deal okay that should be enough for me to make some more slabs for us to go do the but I actually usually don’t use

Swords I usually main axes as combat weapons in this game for that purpose okay oh no it’s yeah the sun’s going down better hurry up cuz if we get a creeper or skeleton it’s going to be a bad day okay we’re ready okay I’m going to stand

Down here just to grab sand if it collapses you want to just open the chest and see if that’s going to trigger it okay 10 obsidian a melon and pumpkin seeds I mean that’s food okay uh so you want to try jumping on the St yeah put a block next okay block update

Didn’t do it uh can you can you actually step on the sand I can I can apparently step on the sand okay you want to get that Cactus uh does Cactus have any harvesting I don’t know but it’s resources oh that did it that did it good thing

You had that platform down here yeah uh i’ go ahead and run back you know for Phantoms yep I was really hoping for something better something more yeah what do you mean we got obsidian we could go to the we could go to the nether is that is that the

Goal like once we place that obsidian wherever we place it it’s there forever well we’ll just make a nice obsidian portal place the question is is do we need to make a obsidian like house for it because is there going to be anything on the other side that’s going to come

Through true I don’t know um so this little go to HUB thing if we click this we go back to the hub and yeah you’re going to ignore that it exists and never click it oh so never click it yeah I I couldn’t find a way to get rid of

It so how do we check if the challenges are you that worried about the challenges I mean that that’s I like a goal okay and now that we’ve reach there we need a new goal so I thought the challenges might be good goals and I thought maybe it might give me some

Context as to why it just gave me three cactus a melon food and a melon well we can we can grow more watermelons out of the seeds right can’t you craft seeds out of the melon I don’t know isn’t that food source yes yes you can well that’s why you got the

Mel can’t you make food out of the pumpkin pumpkin seed yeah but but can you not like do something with the pumpkin too like is there like skeleton isn’t there like pumpkin pie or something like that you do maybe I usually just eat a lot of bread okay if

You want to go back to the hub I will I will say you can go back to the hub check challenges if you’re in a place that there’s no way you would like be able to get attacked or [ __ ] with like so if we make the little Housey homes

And you go in there and you lock yourself in then like I feel like since nothing’s going to happen to you anyways then I think it’s fair that you go and check the hub for the challenges but we’re not there yet so you want to build

A house in the morning with your bed okay oh yeah cuz I still have our bed hostage yeah yeah we need two houses one for me one for you unless you want to share you want to share one with me I I’ll share a room with you Alex we should probably

Share a house I’ll share a bed with you too that would make the most sense unfortunately just staring at the skeleton is there any it brings me great woe to admit that but tree is still not grown I don’t see any Phantoms you know they’re not out there

I’m going to bank the sand before something happens to me that’s true I’ve got 20 sand where did you put the bed do you still have the bed on you I still have it you need to bank it what are you doing you fool it’s banked along with the there’s two

Skeletons the obsidian and the CA Oh you left the chest that was a free chest it’s true I’m surprised there’s no Phantoms like I’m glad but slightly I guess if there’s no Phantom should we be doing something uh I guess you could build your Hut oh I could also I could work in

The yeah there you go some more resources I will uh do my daily drowning good this is my religious practice now is I’m baptizing myself every day for the new day that’s right in the name of the oak father in the name of the oak father I flood my myself

Myself you provide yourself nutrients like a Tree taking in water from around your roots I am a root I have nothing but an extension to provide nutrients for the oak father this water is noisy mhm spider all right ceasing the practice do you want to go get it yeah we got to get that that Silk all right

Well you get down here and I’ll go bait okay if I’m good enough I might be able to get the skeletons to hit each other oh man I’m going to go Bank my materials because there’s a strong chance that arrows going to knock me off the platform true we probably need to extend

The platform a little bit like widen it yeah okay I’m actually a little concerned now this is not going to be good oh yes I got the other skeleton hit the other skeleton silver war they’re fighting each other they have a bone to Pi each other oh [ __ ] oh

Hi oh don’t hit it off I got a bone nice the other one’s incoming Ow I got three bones and I hurt I have four Health Hearts left I hurt a little bit I’m going to I’m going to eat one of our Foods wait shouldn’t we make a hoe and start planning some of that stuff yeah it’s a great great

Plan I’m SE that’s the sort of that’s the sort of tool that does add new function 1 two three we don’t have any sticks I have to make some sticks spider’s coming is it yeah oh he he coming there’s a creeper there too I got oh string I got two string oh

Two string how uh how many do we need we need four string yeah probably four holy crap all there’s so much more stuff that just unlocked in the like potential armor stand bunch of sticks and a smooth Stone slap oh we can make smooth Stone can’t we yes Oak

Signs warp signs there is even a little bit of purpose to it if we get some metal cuz we can make a stone cutter power rail just needs to Redstone some gold item frame so much things that just like unlocked my potential crafting thing glistering melon we get some gold

Chunks I’m going to make all over a bone into bone meal yeah good yeah that’s fine melon seeds I’m going to make the melon into seeds yep that’ll last a lot longer die die die die we also need a safe area to plant because we don’t want

To step on it cuz that could ruin it can we make a this Al Loom important uh I don’t even know that a loom functions I think that’s what we make like the white banners and stuff with maybe oh that’s right yeah that’s for trip wire hook iron stick and wood redstone

Torch oh what is this firework star small ball white gunpowder and bone meal I’m just looking to see if there’s anything else there’s feathers now a brush is a feather copper and a stick leads are string and a slime ball arrow is a feather oh yeah there’s

Feather from the chickens I’m dumb um stick and a flint crossbow when did they add crossbows a while back like you remember when I haven’t played this for a while are you familiar with pillagers yeah I I was around when villagers got added no not villagers pillagers what’s a

Pillager they’re dark villagers with crossbows that roam around the the Mongolian villagers yeah I suppose yeah cuz they raid and so IR trip wire hook yeah crossbows are great we can make a bow if we get one more string but then we have to have arrows but what about a fishing rod

Could we get food out of the water I don’t know how a fishing rod works but that’s sure sounds like something that would be possible all right I’m going to make a hoe um well but why don’t I just plant it on this Edge on the other side of the

Slabs because then we can use the water to grow things faster I like what you’re saying okay yeah because we don’t usually walk on this side anyways right yeah I don’t think so okay well um we should add some slabs over here though so when we break

It for food um it doesn’t just fall everywhere oh my God I break Bricks now look horrifying what me falling down to get the the the do almost full yeah it was fine everything’s fine don’t worry about it uh do we have a tree no um at some point we probably want to

Still make those Huts that way when it’s like lightning out or Phantoms we can get that done so if you want to maybe work on that or something that might be good okay uh where do we want the okay I’m going to I’m going to start the seed

Right next to the chest because we don’t really ever walk next to the chest feel like that’s probably one of the safest spots oh but doesn’t it it needs like a full block to like put the Mel does it have to be dirt or can it

Just be any surface next to the seeds for the melon to drop on I do not know but it’s a good question I’ll just make I’ll just make some more slabs and then just make it up like a full block that way it has an option to okay so pumpkin

Seeds guess all I’ll put one block away well I don’t want them sharing the same block right probably yeah probably not cuz they’re both big fat yeah goofers well and that takes away a potential spawn Block O this is not as white as I thought I’m going to going to add one

More one more here because I about fell off about took a right tumble uh do you have any more can you give me some more okay important question yeah do I use the bone meal on the watermelon or the tree we have a bunch of saplings I mean

Not like a bunch but like enough we need the melons we need the food to to reproduce okay so melon I think so got like two more slabs on you that didn’t throw it far enough I do M all right here we go melon time oh

Oh that’s as far as it goes right I can’t actually force a melon I can only just force the growth I do not know I uh all of my farming has been wheat well should I try it again just to because I don’t necessar want to waste the bone

Meal though I can try one and see what happens yeah oh no it physically won’t even let me okay answers that question all right tree oh powerful tree bless us with your hey not feeling blessed it’s not are you okay with the houses kind of like breaking off of this

Area like off of the bridge a little bit we widen up the bridge and then go okayy if you do that just keep in mind that we need to be able to safely get to them so if mobs are spawning out there and then we’re going to have to figure out we

Going to have to make a door or something so they can’t just go into our little hidey holes this is true I’m just trying to I think like if you extend it out through this way it would be fine because then we have kind of like an Escape Route

Into the houses okay yeah I like that and then you can still use those as a wall to obstruct them from doing stuff I almost kind of want to push out the capture Arena like one full ring around so it gives a little bit more space so we don’t have to worry

About them flying off the edge yeah and then maybe do the fence up one more block high does that make sense yeah okay I yeah I definitely would like to have this especially like underneath the top rail so you can run back with the top one obstructing your run back that

Would then then it would be too wide that that that would be a lot safer I think mhm we could also if we really want maximum safety uhhuh we could make the bridge three wide and then put walls along the I like that yeah that that

Would be good too make it extremely safe to Traverse we can make Sandstone with this sand we could we I think we what the point of that would be yeah I’m just going through to see what we can make yeah okay yeah makes sense and then we can make glass oh we

Can make TNT if we have gunpowder which we could get from weel yeah I don’t know if I want to play with creepers right now you know what I want I want that other chest that you even go get that’s what I want you okay sorry yeah I almost I

Opened up a hole I didn’t expect to open up and making that noise right as I walk over you does not make me feel very comfortable sir mhm I didn’t want to make that noise uh do I get a chest back if I bare hand it or do I need a what

Axe that’s I think you should get it if you’re barehanded but uh or find out yes I got it okay okay uh I’m going to get these trap doors back can we use trap doors as an a stop Gap if there’s a bunch of mobs coming at

Us that we don’t want to place or fight with maybe because then we could just open them and and create a opening to the wall or or wall I guess but I was thinking like a we could stand on it for a bridge and then if we don’t want stuff

We can oh open it so they fall death it’s like oh there’s a bunch of creepers coming hurry open up the trap door and then we can just watch them fall off yeah that seems practical okay should I institute that like here um sure yeah so something like that and then we

Can walk on it kind of want it on the top block though so I think I just might have wasted it uh hopefully I get this trap door back guess okay um I don’t have any more slabs so if you put one slab right there just so I can place the drop door

Correctly uh if I put it right there then there’s not going to be room oh right because oh yeah yeah um I was thinking what you might do is put it like in place of where you’re standing essentially like we break that part of the bridge well I guess that’s

What I was going to do but I thought we’re going to do the three wide and right here this was going to be the actual pathway and this were going to be walls on the side oh that okay I I’m now retroactively following that’s why I

Wanted a one higher so it’ be flush but maybe it’s just better that it’s not because if we place a a slab if well if we destroy it the trap door still stays right or is it attached to the block like it’ll still stay in the air

So then we can destroy the full block and put a slab back I think you could put two trap doors if you want and it’d be a a wider Gap think oh are you talking about like here and here yeah right but I wanted them to be flush with

The the platform so if you put put this might waste the trapo but if you put a slab right in front of you so it makes a full block yeah if I if I do that then I put a trapo I guess that’s higher than I was thinking

Okay well destroy destroy the full block I want to see if the trap door stays because I need to know this okay be careful This Will Destroy okay yeah so the trap door does stay yeah and so what I was trying to do is put it flush with the the ground is

What I was attempting yeah you can’t walk on that though can you oh you can yeah you can walk on that so that that actually might work because it’ll make it easier to open and close that and if we’re putting a wall or fence on the other side it doesn’t

Really matter oh I guess you can’t walk on it wait why can you walk on it from this side oh because I was crouching that might actually be a nice like safety feature to be honest or do you want me just put it down one I’m kind of leaning towards down one

Okay so it be like that and then you can put SL on the or half slab or do you want two two trap doors that way it’s a greater space yeah two trap doors sounds interesting like that uh-huh that’s a try now mob oh spider I’m going to go get the spider here

Ready uh yeah hey buddy a shame if something hit you from below oh that’s such a creepy noise he’s mad he’s skittering oh that is a hor come on come on come on oh there is a hole there I did not realize you had a gap I was pushing Back

Against The Wall I was like oh this is too far yeah that’s where I was open and I have a chest and a trap door oh my goodness that’s where I was oh you wouldn’t have been able to go all the way we have a pumpkin it’s nice bust

It so did that drop any that just gives four seeds if I break it in my inventory we need sugar and an egg to make pumpkin pie okay but SE is way more than we had so break that one into four Ed just put in the chest for

Backup yeah so we have a second chest should we do like a backup chest and like a use chest so we know what we’re saving what we can actually use that way if you put materials in one chest I know I can use them like safely good idea mhm

Okay I’m going to put the backup chest back here so like it’s away from everything so what like three saplings for back up all the sand I guess we with the cactus and obsidian string we’re going to use I’ll put the pickaxe some of the Cobblestone put the eyes because we

Don’t know what to use them for anyway some sticks I’ll put like half the wood and half the dirt or should I put all the dirt I’m going to put all the dirt just because we don’t really know what to use it for right now so that’s like our oh [ __ ] breaking

Case of glass chest yeah and then we can just use everything else that’s in this other chest oh bucket bucket I definitely going to put in the in the uh don’t use pile MH I still think we should make a nether portal and go see what’s over There that’s almost got to be what the obsidian for right but we got to have a place to put the portal first like yeah well make make our rooms make make our rooms first so we have a safe spot and then we’ll we’ll see about making like a another gate

Room and we also have that other Myst I just fell in a hole oh okay apparently you put a hole here there’s a Hole by the tree that I just fell in good thing that didn’t go to the void because we would have lost four Logs okay I guess I’ll see if I get some Cobblestone while I’m waiting for Leaves oh so it’s way faster if you dig the Cobblestone from the like if pointed at the edge towards the dirt than if you look straight down at it like the Cobblestone regen is so much faster like look at this what are you doing different I’m just so I’m I’m

Looking at where the dirt meets the Cobblestone and Mining that instead of looking straight down and it just goes so much faster for some reason well now it’s not yeah there you go see look how fast it like that’s so fast yeah like this is so much better I don’t

Have any idea how that works but I love it I’m already up to 20 incredible and that’s not counting the ones that are caught in the water yeah I’m already up to 25 like this is so much faster truly I don’t know why but like so I’m basically like a like like an

Ingame inch off of the where the dirt and the Cobblestone mine is yeah so I’m one two I’m looking at the fourth Square in the texture or the third square and the texture of the Cobblestone and that’s where I’m Mining and it’s just I’m already up the 40 like

I can almost just hold this down I don’t know why but it is so much faster I’m up to 52 blocks three saplings three saplings three saplings praise to the Oak father right I just made a stack and a half of slabs absolutely incredible I saw a creeper over there

But he seem to have despawned will mobs spawn if you’re in the area like if I stand on this bridge will they spawn another sapling that’s four saplings it’s so good so Good do you need slabs yes okay I’ve got a stack and a half now Nice yeah if you just look at it right it just works better what a strange little secret works for me clearly oh my pickaxe broke but I’m already up to another 25 blocks that is huge news H I don’t see any more hosle mobs I guess they decided they didn’t

Want to deal with us that tonight yeah we were too tough for them took out that spider and everyone’s like nope mhm oh this is so much faster this is so nice like I don’t even really mind this I am loving that for us so we haven’t had anything spawn on our

Little Islands I wonder if we have to be away from it for like passive mobs to spawn because after we you know there there may be some sort of like small radius around the player that it won’t spawn thing yeah because it’s always spawned when we’re on the other end

Messing with the sand yeah it seems to happen like once per endgame day uh getting there getting there uh I about fell off where is there a safety issue uh I was working working on the wall oh hold on if you do you want to do

The wall in blocks or do you want to do it in walls what you mean blocks and walls like fences yeah fences I think fences with yeah and and fences are 1.5 tall so it really helps make sure that okay yeah that sounds good so are you going to do it from

Ground up or you putting like a half slab and then the fence uh I was going to do it from the ground okay cuz since it is 1.5 tall oh uhoh careful uh but since it is 1.5 tall um it’ll cover that distance in its own

Right guess I will go get some more Cobblestone then yes Cobble Cobble Cobble Cobble so one thing I just thought of mhm uh our little trap area is not going to work against like spiders is that a problem the like drawbridge yeah I don’t think so also question does this bridge even

Matter if we’re done with the sand and everything or are we just going to use it as like a just a small mob spotter just to have little bits at a time till we like make an actual mob spawner or are we just going to use this pathway

Double as the nether portal Bridge yep yeah there’s it was a whole other place where we’ve invested a bunch of resources so I felt like reuse it yeah we should repurpose it into something well I I don’t know why we can’t just put the nether portal over here it’s pretty

Reasonable like we already have a little like stairway and a platform down here for it yep and with the drawbridge to cut off bad things that might come through yeah I think there’s a lot of good thoughts happening right now gas just spawns through the Nether Portal H that could be less

Good that’s why I think uh having a house for it would probably still be good if a gas comes through what do we even do scream nothing else nothing else is going to kill it scream like little babies still haven’t got no water yet it’s kind of sad okay so Cobblestone wall um

Yes I like having the like Gap underneath I think it actually looks kind of nice so you get like this like magical suspension feeling and it covers a lot of space that way yeah because this is almost up to the player height and then you don’t have to worry

About jumping off because you can’t even jump mhm actually can’t you like run faster if you have something to bounce your head off isn’t that a thing probably I do think that’s a thing actually I apparently forgot to plant a sapling oh no sorry sorry please forgive me the oak father

Frowns I will go baptize myself so good please forgive me of my sins wash them away man as we found some wheat seeds oh yes my favorite if we got enough grass surface we could actually potentially get some grass some Tall Grass to spawn and then

All grass drop wheat seeds oh really uh what if we bone Mill the grass could could work will that give us grass seeds I don’t know I haven’t tried okay where’s this legendary place which you’re something about four squares away from the dirt or so like two or three squares from where the

Where this dirt meets the Cobblestone so like put your Crosshair where they join and go down like two squares on the texture of the Cobblestone sometimes it takes a couple times uh move over to like the edge so like more towards where my person is that corner you don’t I don’t know the

Right corner yeah the right the right side of it so not working for you just keep playing around with it till you find us the Sweet Spot maybe it’s just a host Advantage thing here we go oh’ you find it found it like you know you know it’s a thing

Because you watched me doing it yeah I have made significant progress on the bridge love that question yeah how are we going to light the nether portal how do you normally light a nether portal with fire the magma can we just stick the lava on or something I don’t know but doesn’t it

Consume the fire charge that you use it on so would we lose our lava if we did that well that’s an unthinkable scenario so I no longer want to try that is there any way any other way we could create fire without like a flint steel uh I don’t

Know pumpkin hey your pumpkin’s here we throw a pumpkin at it yes um can we catch wood on fire yes I don’t know if that it will accomplish what you are trying to accomplish but it can be done well is there a way we can like light the log

With the lava and have the fire spread to the portal if we have a lot of wood I mean we have some wood uh are you going to make stairs go to the spawn area too like the initial Island also keep in mind you still have a hole down

Here would you like me to patch this hole there we go so right now you have to crouch to get in I didn’t know if you liked that as a security measure or not uh I mean is that going to stop mobs from getting in it would stop a Skelly bones or a

Zombie I think but I don’t believe it would stop a sper um it would if it doesn’t have three blocks wide to which it doesn’t so I think this doorway would stop any proba I haven’t seen Phantoms in a while have you noticed that I have noticed that and

I’ve loved it like they just stopped spawning maybe they got bored I don’t know if I’ve have we seen Hostile Mobs well yeah because we killed spiders and stuff even after the phandom stopped we definitely have not got any passive spawn so I wonder if we have to be like away from this

Area for them to spawn or something because it always happen when we’re both at the nether side of the sand side Sand Island oh spider are you wanting to help fight this yeah okay I’ll go grab it if you’re ready hey buddy you want some pets oh no he wants my

Blood here he comes ding it’s only one we need one more and we can make a second bed one more and we can make one additional wool oh nine more and we see now you’re the one just destroying all my hopes and dreams yeah sorry to break it to well fine be that

Way I was all excited I understand but it was for a future that couldn’t be alternate time Li is this the Minecraft first yes where where for string makes three wool or you can make a bed with one wool imagine how powerful that would be you just make a bed with one wool

Very powerful is it this fast Cobblestone just so much better yes I love it so much it’s like a 5 to one ratio like you can get five Cobblestone blocks for the time took you to get one up before mhm I have I have 60 blocks right now was such a great

Discovery Skelly I’m assuming we’re just going to wait for him to melt yeah I don’t have not his his drops are nice but less not necessary yeah compared to the you just about fall off no did I look like I fell off you made a noise like you about fell

Off oh no I was saying like uh it’s not a ooh exciting oh like like spider like we we need that we got to have that that’s right oh so maybe this would in sensify you to go to the nether if we go to the nether

Maybe we could find gold and then we could we could use the apples to maybe get like a zombie villager and then we can see about like converting the zombie oh [ __ ] what villager uh I kind of fell into the lava hole how do you fall a lava hole I was

Getting too close to the oh pumpkin I was getting too close to the hole and I fell in isn’t the lava hole C or you just mean the place where the lava goes in and makes not lava the Cobblestone yeah do Cobblestone block I got you yeah but

If I say they’re too long I’ll fry yeah yeah yeah which is not good still the lava hole the lava still goes to that block I’ve already broken three pickaxes doing this because it’s so fast this warms my heart just like the lava warms the

Probest so was was this a good bubba Day idea this a great Bubba Day idea this is awesome CU you see now why I thought you might absolutely hate it no why did you think that because it’s just a block in the sky and you go figure it out

Like I like a good challenge like the the thing about like I normally don’t like short-term Minecraft games because the point of Minecraft for me usually is go build them some big castle or big city and it’s not enough time right but this had its own little

Objectives which is why I was so worried about the challenges because that’s that’s what I’m here for is like I’ve been given a quest that’s what I want to complete I want to prove I can do I feel like you’ve been given more than just a quest you’ve been given like a whole

World that’s empty and said go forth and create you’re you’re you’re Steve the God right now Steve the god did realize that like we we’re like physically making this world that’s you know I hadn’t really considered it but it’s a fair point I’m going to go play with the

Skeleton okay have fun be safe I go home for dinner I don’t know about to be safe part ow ow ow ow ow ow oh there’s another one I got ambushed I got pincered attacked a Ambush wait a attack do you need help uh I kind of yeated them off

The side nice so no it’s too bad you can’t like pick up their arrows to reuse them I 100% tried that Early you got to be careful because if you do it wrong you can still get hit by them wait really yeah if you do landed on the ground if if you do it like one that’s embedded in the side and you pick up that block the arrow will fall and it

Can fall into you still causing damage oh I did not know that okay bridge is complete oh look how nice it looks and it’s even complete with a Crouch spot at the at the front so only addition layer of security yeah only me and you can get through it sun’s coming

Up I guess I could have waited a little longer for that to get the skellies But I wanted to finish the bridge yeah I took half my hearts doing it but o I wanted it to be finished now that we’re going to be sealing this off though we’re going to

Need some torches for the inside probably okay and so for that we’re going to need to burn L yeah yeah I’m good with that I think what I’m going to do if you’re okay with it put One log in and throw three in through the system and see what I can get

Out yeah you might be able to get two if you could get two call off one log that’s actually pretty significant what I always had to do was just uh use one log to make a coal initially and then I put the coal in and just get

As many coal out of the logs as I could potentially do right that’s tyly what how I do it that’s a hole don’t want That Okay I got quite a bit out of that hey build a platform 24 blocks away complete what does that even mean build a platform how many blocks did it require for a platform I wonder I don’t know I just connected it to the platform that we had underneath the sand I I I

Have this idea of making it like this little stairway down into that platform to make it kind of like aesthetic I guess I like it I like that and uh when I connected it to the underneath of the sand it that’s when it popped do we got a tree or anything over there

Yeah we do we do currently have a tree which I suppose we should probably chop down for Uh for wood well that’s why I was asking I’ll come back and do That I think you’ve just like tripled her Island space yes which is great or at least I for one am very enthused about it is that going to interfere with uh Leaf spawn shouldn’t okay uh go go see see what you think about the bridge I’m this bridge is so secure I’m

Going to uh put a some dirt blocks over by the watermelon because that watermelon still has like not produced okay good job yeah thanks I don’t know if it has to be dirt but like it’s not doing anything so it’s not doing anything so you’re oh watermelon

Instantly yes but not on the any of the dirt things that I just put oh wow did just dump out a ton of melon slices seven slices there so many slices and a pumpkin uh so should I just turn these all the seeds or like most of them and

Then we can eat a couple let’s do most and then we can have a little bit of extra food do you want one or two I’d like one right now to eat actually and so then I’ll eat one too because I desperately need food oh I needed two as it turn

Up well how many of these do you want me to turn the seeds and how many are we eat yeah turn turn the rest of seeds I’ll eat the other one later it’s fine because the more seeds we get the more opportunity we have yep agree completely

That’s why I’ll revisit that later so should I take out some of the dirt and like make a kind of expand the farm a little bit more this way or should I just try to place them wherever I can on this little bit that we have should we like mine out these dirt

And then replace them with Cobblestone so we can use the dirt relocate the dirt elsewhere yeah actually is probably a good idea did you pick up any saplings or anything yet negative okay we’ll leave this one for the tree because we got that going mhm um do you want to place this with

Cobblestone because it’s next to Lava when I pick this up yeah ready all right all right 3 two 1 you know as well as I do what just happened you just screwed us yep we were doing so well yep we were doing so well we should have picked the lava up first we should have picked the lava up first Alex we were just getting food we had

Trees for days mhm and then now we have a limited am we had a beautiful Bridge yep truly beautiful all right so uh I guess we’re restarting well uh not necessarily if we can get to the nether well I guess I don’t know how to get to

The nether without what about the other Island I don’t think we have enough blocks to get there that’s far that is very far uh fight to the death no no fight to death fight death bad fight to the death fight fight to the death no no no no Alex don’t do

This you you started this by eating me off the platform it was your mistake that was deserved it was my mistake all right are you ready to restart again no we haven’t tried to go to the other platform with the supplies that we have okay I

Have lucky for you I have a bunch of slabs but I don’t think it’s enough can only try here you go you can convert the wood into slabs I guess yeah uh there’s still some stuff in the chest you could grab I guess we could grab the emergency

Cobblestone the emergency wood this is an emergency this is so sad I’m going to stare at you the whole way I also have five watermelon seeds on me so they give me ideas the that’s that’s almost like a legitimate threat like I have valuable resources on you you kill me they’re going Uhuh do you think we’ll make it yes are are you happy that I made so many slabs for the Bridge Project yes I got some fences you could probably to use that we could like potentially use as stuff to step on vences are precarious to walk on though because of

Their yeah well what else are we going to do fair I don’t know looks like we’re getting closer not really it actually feels like we’re not even making progress it looks almost the same distance away is it fake I don’t know but that would be hilarious that would that would actually

Make me pretty happy to be honest I don’t think you have enough blocks I don’t think we’re going to find out also mobs are probably going to spawn on this and it’s probably not going to even matter it doesn’t even really look like it’s getting any closer I

Agree it’s like that Mirage in the distance of the Oasis uhhuh because it looks ex it almost looks exactly like our starting Island it does with whatever that white yellow the sand that could be the sand yeah so it could be like the sand past the island so it’s like a complete

So maybe it’s just a like an image or like a copy paste just just in case outside the bounds of the world or something just to if you mess something up or something but if we can get to it and it is the starting area that means there’s another lava in there that’s

That was my inspiration are you out of blocks no are you close to out of blocks yes are your hopes and dreams being crushed right now should we check the Hub uh I suppose if since this is a dead run we can check the Hub that’s

Fine I must be on a block to teleport you didn’t have much left anyway so we don’t have enough to make that it’s not teleporting me must be on a block to teleport I think you have to be on a not slab you want to see how far we got like

Complete all 50 challenges do the challenge board to track your progress craft a bed we could have done that we were so yeah you could have done it I would I would count that as completed yeah build a sugarcan farm how are we supposed to do that throw a giant red

Mushroom oh the nice yellow the once we have done is kind of nice uhhuh build an infinite water source oh oh we should have done that why didn’t we do that because I don’t I don’t know how we can with only one scoop in order to build it we would need

Two water I think if you like scoop the water fast enough can’t you trick it in the thinking that there’s two water source blocks uh so I the only way I know to build an infinite water you got to have two Source blocks yeah you got to have

Two Source blocks but I thought there was a way that you could like pick up the water and set it down really really fast to the point where the game thinks that there’s two and then you can get infinite and then it doesn’t matter but maybe they either fix that or maybe I

Miss for remember hello we supposed to get uh water blocks maybe from like if we could find snow and turn that into water is that a thing maybe is there anything here were we supposed to take anything from here with us no this is just a setic we you

Can’t even like oh you can’t even mind oh yeah you’re right plus I’d be cheating this didn’t used to exist this is just like a way to for people to still be able to play it basically all right are you ready restart no not yet what do you mean no

What do you what what do you hope to accomplish I want to see what’s over here you can do that after we like restart the map you got spr jum ow the cactus hurts fake bread collect green dye that you can do from the cactuses 10 jackeline 10 foot kisses 10 fish 10

Ender pearls bunch of different wool types just tons of different wool types I don’t think I care about wool types we do it we do it if not whatever build and light another portal is in fact one of the things craft a bow and collect 64

Arrows collect birch logs how do we get Birch here some of my question here I’ll be right back while you’re looking at okay [Laughter] all right you think you’re ready to restart now yeah okay we’ve learned a lot so save and quit can you not just hit the restart

Button if thing I can’t can but I I like just deleting the world and starting over oh okay I feel like it’s just it feels right dead run the world gets deleted not restarted just completely well you you done [ __ ] up Sky Block Bubba day third attempt ATM because I can’t spell attempt

Apparently raing the [Laughter] world world is up you should be able to join hit play when you’re ready okay should we get the Cobblestone first and then replace everything so we have all the dirt to relocate it later or should we do the dirt now and then build the lava stuff um let’s

Let’s get the Cobblestone thing going get a little bit of stuff to work with and then early on do the replacement like make a better starting area first that we can actually utilize yeah um so same path as before I think lava goes in ice goes in break the ice build a cobblestone

Generator okay now we need to be able to mine the Cobblestone so we get the tree M put the bucket up you fo are you my ENT tree or I was not at the time mining the tree hey I got that wood I got that the other wood uh we

Only we need I think we needed three last time okay okay you should be good to start that process God this is so precarious I like the little bit that we had last time yeah things were much better okay that’s down broke that into sticks put this into wood wood into Cobblestone

Killer the first time I break this it’s going to move to here I’m starting my prayers all over again shouldn’t I be able to bring back fast gather if I can get the angle right uh I would think so I’m trying to not hit you in the face oh I can

Move is a not working not so far maybe I need to move I don’t think that should matter but is it not working doesn’t appear to be I think you need to cap that lava so you don’t waste as much oh yeah good call good call okay uh back to

Work is it just not working doesn’t look like it do you want to try yeah I can try okay maybe you have to have a stone pickaxe because this doesn’t mine it fast enough in order to do the quick spawn so makes sense sense it does let me try with this Stone

Room so was just like keep this wood as a backup for now we can yeah looks like it’s working now yep that was it I wonder if it’s cuz it’s breaking it before the previous generation has time to actually fully recede or something so the lava is already touching

It it has to do something with the speed because this mes so much faster maybe it’s like a server thing so like I think the Block’s still there or something mm mhm do you have any cap on playing today uh I think Taylor wanted to do something with me this evening but she’s

Very likely to come home from work and then want to take a nap so I expect we’re going to have quite a bit of time that’s good because I want to I want to fully invest some time into this today yes I’d like to get back to where we

Were well I think we’ll get back much quicker I think we will too especially with this fast mining this is so much nicer this is so much nicer do you want to start the Expansion Project so I can start getting stuff off the tree so we can grow that while we’re

Doing this yeah that’s a good idea we so before we go any further yeah I suggest getting the lava in the bucket and putting it in the chest we take out all this dirt and replace it with stone slabs okay that way we don’t have this the

Repeat incident yes and it would also give us a better place to start and then we can move the farm away from where we’re like actively oring yeah Agree and if we leave the dirt block underneath the chest we’ll always have a Green Block if we need it to like spread I don’t I don’t haven’t played enough to to know if dirt blocks will actually generate grass on their own or not I feel like they will but for sure

It helps if You Can Touch to another green so we don’t want to une Earth all the green at Once yeah watch out I’m digging uh what’s up I think I just lost a dirt it happen sorry um is there are we going to be able to replace the dirt that I’m like actually actively standing on with stone not easily I would say that future Us’s

Problema but if we can get that dirt now uh do you want to throw me like a stack of slabs guess what I could do is I could I do something like that’s not what I wanted something like this and then as long as I’m close I it

Should be able to grab the dirt right and then just replace it with Cobble okay yeah in theory I see what you’re saying like that yeah all right because I just the more we do it now the less we have to worry about it later mhm

And that gives us way more dirt to work with because we were not utilizing all of our dirt not at all hardly any and now when we make like the animal pen and stuff like that we can have way more space you have a pick can you mind that yes

Um here take this one be like a bird with this mouth open fee did you just get that dirt maybe it looked like you stole it oh God it’s getting dark hopefully nothing spawns here M okay water should I just build up now where we’re at and

So I don’t [ __ ] up the where the water is and then we can replace it somewhere else before I do anything I forgot about that um yeah rebuild where you’re at right now God we’re already going to have like so much more space now Uh do you got any more slabs yep okay so how how big do you want me to do this you want slabs or at least go big enough to catch the tree yeah okay does not make me feel comfortable so loud too uh I only have three slabs left do

You have any more or this is all the slabs I have left I’ve got 18 cobblestone on me so we still got some blocks to use our plan is to rebuild the engine in the same spot though right so I can go ahead and put a little bit of

Cobblestone around here what I was going to ask you is do you want to just rebuild it down here and that way we can just completely get all of the dirt and just move our entire operation down here okay and we can move the chest in the crafting table and just move and

Just relocate everything okay I have 10 slabs left and 18 Cobblestone so do you want to build like a a lava pit down here yeah we can do that um how best to do so should I just start building a container down here for it yeah I think

Maybe we put it do you want in the middle or do we want to put it like in a corner or something The Middle’s not that bad as long as we cap the lava it gives us plenty of room to stand trying to think of like what dimensions I need so something like

This that be one so we put the S SL there that one can go there then it can drop into here and then one two that look right I think so I don’t like the holes though I feel like it might be weird about the holes okay that’s better okay so yeah I

Placed the lava there it goes this way we move the water there using the bucket okay uh so move the water first and then I can finish getting out the dirt can’t do that all right well okay go ahead and put the lava in then that’s right we got

One and I’ve got I need to make some more Slabs okay so I got some more slabs oh that no that’s not an issue right if it bends that way because it’s going to make cobblestone anyways because it won’t make the water the Water Source block that’s not going to touch the Water Source block right it shouldn’t okay you’ve removed

The water right so I can take this out yeah and then oh but if I move that dirt block it might incinerate uh can I I don’t know if I can I think I Min the block underneath the lava which I probably shouldn’t have done but it doesn’t seem to be moving in

Any way hold on let me let me look here oh yeah we have a lot there is definitely a hole underneath at the lava is running through yeah so the question is but we need we need something to for it to fall through for the

Water if I do this I could put the water here in this like elevated space and not permanently but it would let it run down solidify and yeah do that oh well that was bad bad idea turns out it ruined it game over we should have capped the lava

Yep did not imagine there would be that much water we’re learning so much from this though like this is a lot more water than I had imagined happening H we’re learn we’re learning so much up be Okay all right game is Up all right I guess we will be right back take a short break see look I’m going to clip it because it’s said feces and I’m going to S like sh think sure it is poo poo no yay because you know he needs all the

Help he can gets yes he does I’m I hit my coold Downs already I blew my load as you so eloquently Put that’s a fiery death Target located you missed I hit you that time no you skipped off to so you can hit the play button whenever you’re ready Yeah I actually think I think it’s great because I’m actually learning more doing this than I think I’ve ever learned in just like regular Minecraft because it it limits your focus so much that it’s super interesting like how crucial mistakes and stuff are it’s true and we are getting wrecked by some

Mistakes it all comes I I want to find a way to dup our water in our lava that’s we need to be able to have a backup somewhere eventually and it clearly based on the challenges it’s possible so well once we uh once we get the generator set up we

Will be so much more secure like we’ll never have to worry about a mistake again because it’ll be capped off and there really isn’t besides user ER anything I kind of thought we already were there in the one that was going well but then we were like well but we

Should probably yeah that that’s probably some ofat my fault because I should have I should have capped it and if it was capped I don’t think it would have mattered well the problem mostly came from oh you you mean the one that we just did yeah yeah yes that would have

Been fine the one before was just cuz the place I was looking to put the thing happened to be also where the lava block was behind it mhm okay I got three wood break the Wood round four fight I use some of the wood to make a crafting table here up more wood and this sticks and take sticks and put some I feel like it’s really changed our mindset of Minecraft and how to start it and what you can do

With it yeah okay and then this isn’t fast enough to get un automated so I’m just got to sitp through it Didn’t there used to be some kind of like uh option that you could do to like see your coordinates and all that stuff yeah like F10 or something f8 or it’s one of the F commands I don’t remember which one I don’t know if it’ll work in this

Edition or if it was a Java thing but okay and then now I have enough to this tap it and now the fun begins Hey Alex yeah you’re doing such a good job thank you I’m clapping for you I see That yeah I just because that could tell us like what biome were stuff in I’m wondering if biomes are going to be important because isn’t there different mobs that spawn in different biomes uh that was true in the mods that I played so presumably is also true in

Base although there’s not really that many different mob types are there like yeah there is there’s tons of mobs now there’s so many mobs that I probably couldn’t even list all of them like the Hostile ones just in general there’s like witches there’s zombies there skeletons there’s slimes there’s Blaze there’s zombies there

Zombie pigments there’s isn’t there a new one uh besides zombie pigments that’s in the Nether um maybe just Pigmen um I think they renamed Pigman was what happened no I think there’s two types now I think there’s the Pigman and then there’s the zombie pigman which are the zombie versions of the Pigman

Goa like you have zombies and villagers and then zombie Villagers okay now our next iteration of this should be exactly like it including the too deep on this I think that’s important well there wasn’t even a bottom last time I don’t think oh okay or maybe maybe I’m wrong maybe I missed that all right so are we ready to try

This again yep if you want to start digging I’m getting your slabs now okay well you have to move the lava before I can start digging you’re right so we might as well just throw me the slabs throw throw me the slabs there we go be careful I am clearing the

Way this is the way scoop okay and you might clear out the Cobblestone here get that out of my way damn it I did it again for some reason that one dirt just likes to fly so farther than everything else okay I’m going to start by like actually making some of the platform

First and then go down that have I covered got enough to cover the leaves think so uh yeah I think so and we can always move the tree into more central location once we move the cobblestone generator too so that that won’t be hopefully as much of an issue

Oh that could have been bad I almost stepped into the hole I kind of wonder if uh it would behoove us to put like two layers on our main thing for like uh it could be a a slab layer and then a real layer or something but something where they’re not

Connected uh and if we break one layer of it we don’t just have a pit to a this uh yeah that’s fine right now I just want to get the surface area yeah yeah agree so we can get the relocate the generator so then we can start making blocks

Again all right I have one slab left it looks like you still have blocks yeah here’s two more slabs okay I’ll use those for capping if you got full blocks then you can start making the chamber this is already so much more space all right I do have full blocks So oh we’re off by one we’re not aine enough oh we can fix that later once we get the get it running and we can make more blocks yeah it’s just that’s going to I’m trying to figure out how this going to play into the generator cuz that’s what part of no no

No you don’t need to do the whole thing you can you only need to do like half we’ll move that dirt and well I guess I’m out of building materials we also need to be worried about the tree right now do we need to finish the fre first so it drops all of

Its goodies actually we can’t even reach all of its goodies so I’m shocked you can reach this I’m just worried about moving the magma to directly underneath it but I guess if we cap so okay so this is going to be the bottom of the two two

Holes so this is going to be so you need to go one two so you got to have a two block Gap where I’m standing that’s going to be the the F okay uh and so then we Need that make sense I think so I do have some dirt that we can use and I can it’ll be easier to replace now that we have the Cobblestone floor I don’t love whatever just happened there what happened like the light just went out oh yeah I don’t Know creeper spawns and kills us all that’s One Okay um here do you have enough to make some more slabs so I can make a step to get up yeah thank you ah that sounded like a creeper was that was that lightning yeah okay I’ve got seven slabs if you want to move the lava over and then I’ll cap it immediately

Okay that looks better that looks more correct yeah and then I put the water and to okay cool do we do we want to cap the water too yeah not like that it just decided I must have wanted to place two slabs uh you might want to hurry up and

Mine that Cobblestone so that turns into Cobblestone that way it doesn’t burn tree stuff there we go is tree stuff falling now not yet uh do you want to remove this slab that’s uh yeah that’s extra sure y I want it as clean as possible so I know what I’m working with

Yep okay think the move is successful now we need to replace that dirt on the that’s on the edge with the water well not with more dirt you know what that was not the correct move all right I’ll move it you uh place he there we go

Uh we got dirt down here that needs to be replaced you want just throw it down no you just put that in my way all right you want to work on getting some more Cobble Stone yeah tree does not seem to be like disintegrating should I hit

It uh if you do let me not be mining while you do but yeah I’m fine that okay I just did like a column just to see if that will help disintegrate it I just don’t want to catch on fire and we lose saplings because if we don’t get another

Sapling this Run’s already done yep [Applause] we have 48 dirt right now yeah that’s pretty powerful I might have to manually do this tree because that’s still not dissolving okay go for it there’s a sa plane that just went over the edge what nope Po got got I

Thought I saw a sapling but then I thought I heard the drop the the like pickup noise but I think it might have been you doing the Cobblestone and then you said that I was like no I saw I did see a [ __ ] sapling come on rain bless us with another sapling

Please in the name of the oak father please father favly on us I kind of don’t want to I kind of want to leave the rest just in case but it it wasn’t like disintegrating at all all right I put the sapling in the chest just in case something happens got another sapling

Yes oh is that another one three saplings it went in the water Smiles on us today okay so go I need more slabs have you got more Cobblestone 64 okay give me give me slabs so I can work on the base of the platform

Okay here you go thank you uh you got to give them to me I’m trying you got him yeah okay All right I am back okay we have a substant substantial platform going now I see that it is filling my heart with happiness okay so I just have two more dirt I need to get I’m going to have to remove some of the this Cobblestone I

Don’t know if the water’s going to hit me when I do this no Okay cool so this will be an easy replacement awesome oh that’s water though um this might be bad find out I don’t want to lose this dirt though yeah you got a lot of special dirt

Uh well just be I got one more left I got to grab is there any way you can cap it from coming to the side here temporarily mhm just like uh I don’t know if you can see what yeah that perfect okay got it you can put it

Back uh something seems wrong about this what that should be too deep should is it yeah it’s only one deep okay okay that’s better did that rebre it uh oh y that re broke it wait nope that’s bad no hold on I know what’s I know what’s I know it’s

Wrong that that was my fault okay now it should be fixed yes now it looks good and okay do we while we are Dorking with that want to use the waterfall out this right side to just go ahead and get a started Point lower than the Sand Island sounds good to

Me okay so I’m actually going to undo what you just did for just a moment oh okay yeah so we don’t even have to move the water that’s smart yes less less chance for things going wrong correct okay now I do this maneuver with 25 dirt in my inventory correct no absolutely

Not in fact put as few things outside the handful of cobblestone you need for the objective and then do the maneuver okay before I do that I want to plant a dirt so we can start growing another tree okay that’s reasonable um trying to think of where

The best place to do it would be uh we don’t you have enough slabs to maybe put the tree like over here so we can catch it how many slabs does one need to do that I mean like half a stack or a full stack would probably be good I got 58

Normal that would make a bunch of slabs just make it all into the slabs and give them to me because I’m need them for the bridge platform Anyways all right beautiful I’ll expand this real quick and then I’ll get the starting zone for the bridge okay which I’m just going to call the nether Bridge because I I think we’re going to plan on converting the San Island into Nether world once we get There how far down do you want to go I think we just need to go down like two or three right but do you want to go down further just in case we need to go down deeper for any reason sure I mean we can so I don’t know if elevation like

Affects some of the stuff we can do like uh mobs or like rain we find like a snow area where we can get snow and I think that opens up a lot of possibilities for us I’m going to need more slabs okay That should be enough to catch leaves I hope I think just th yeah thow down all right uh I don’t think I have anything important here we go to my death please don’t die Oh I’m going to suffocate if I don’t pay attention here I am precariously falling on the edge of the Water no big deal can you make it back yeah okay it’s just uh do you think it’s going to be an issue that we got rid of all the grass oh [ __ ] did we yeah I don’t see anything [ __ ] that was my Bad um maybe I I forgot about that I’m not even going to lie it is a fine I’m fine everything’s fine don’t worry about it I don’t actually know if that’s going to be far enough down that should be definitely be plenty okay so I didn’t have enough blocks to get

All the way to the surface but we could drop drop down there or you can give me more blocks I can try to build like a staircase up down to the surface how far down are you going uh if you just give me like another Half Stack it’ll be fine okay um

I’m going to put a dirt block just like out here in the corner and hope that like grass grows on it okay maybe if we hit it with a bone meal grass will grow that’s what I’m wondering there’s what I’ve got I’m going to have to go back to work should be enough

I just see a block just go flying off the edge I’m I’ve seen Cobblestone fly off the edge because of the it’s going into the water and just getting yeed oh I didn’t think about that like must why did I just see cobone go flying

Off the edge that must have been why I wasn’t working originally then I was like why am I not working why am I not working okay so it’s precarious but I have I have uh a thing to walk all the way down there now so you can cap that

Okay okay you should be good okay very dangerous stairway but it is functional man I’m so mad at myself for taking out that grass I I kept thinking that’ be safe underneath the chest and then I completely hauled everything out and totally forgot about it y that’s okay I think the bone meal

Strategy should work I sure hope so and if not the only thing it’s depriving us of probably is wheat that’ be huge though yeah weed is nice but it requires a lot of Space okay we want a bridge over there so we can start getting food and stuff or yeah what you want to try to do yeah I think uh get in the bridge is how we start to get spawns yeah yeah and bone meal might be important right now you like our new generator

Yeah oh this is hecking precarious I didn’t have the materials to make it safe yep safety is for nerds and for Later so I’m starting to think that maybe the s saplings got light source from the lava and helped it grow like even at night so I wonder if I placed it too far away from the lava and so that will only grow during like the day

Oh should I move it back towards the lava I don’t know that’s an interesting concept because I don’t think the light source which just because of space basically just the starter area was enough to for the light from the lava to generate and now we cover much more space than

Before and without a tree we’re going to run out of sticks to be able to use for tools also shouldn’t we be growing more than one tree at a time I am I don’t know why I’m just now thinking about that I’ve thought about it a few times

But space has always been the problem that I saw cuz with especially with like the oak trees that grow big like that they’d be stepping on each other but now that we’re opening with space solving issues like that was the kind of thing I was just starting to get into the

Thinking of where we were at on the good run okay well I’ll try to increase the space and then I’ll think about I’m going to place like a couple sapping near the lava source and see if that actually matters whoa what happened I think I just sawed the Pillager things you were talking

About a group of three just spawned on the bridge and just yeed themselves they had crossbows and some other stuff those are pillagers uh you were about to be in very serious trouble they spawned in like a trio and they like bumped into each other and then

Fell off the platform such as the Pillager way that was did one of them have a big old flag I did not see a flag cuz usually one of them has flag and if you kill the guy with the flag then you’re affected with a malice that if you enter

A village while that flag or while that malice is still on you it causes a Pillager raid and like dozens of the things will attack the village and just start killing everyone oh really yep you either have to drink milk or wait it out before going to any vill drink milk

Drink milk yeah why I don’t know why that’s this I I have no idea that’s a great question A glass of milk a day will keep do you have a pickaxe on you yeah okay because I did not get enough Cobblestone to make another pick I also have Cobblestone not a tremendous amount but enough well as long as I’m just for warning you I I have broke my pick and I

Do not have the resources to oh we don’t have a an extra pick stashed away we do not for emergencies oh we don’t have the wood for this but for what to be just making tools left and right we got to be I have two sticks exactly to make

Another emergency pick all right hand those sticks to me they’re in the chests even better they are no longer in the chest would you like this pick or would you like this pick put in the chest put in chest and then when we get another tree you can make me another pick I

Don’t want to we do still have the wooden pick from before would you like that uh no I want to keep it in there just for emergencies because I completely forgot about that and that would have been like a Breaking Glass breaking glass in case of extra extra

Emergency yeah okay but I I built I burned through mine I just made a ton of slabs to increase space hey look at my platform yeah it’s pretty it’s also got oh you could get a you can get a music disc if you get that skeleton to hit that

Creeper a music disc yeah oh you don’t know about that no yeah there’s a thing where if you have a skeleton do the final blow killing blow on a creeper it will drop a music disc I did not know that oh yeah that that that was added a long time ago

Oh there’s a zombie now at least a creeper no creeper yeah as you can see I am very very much expanding our space yes are you on the top block or the lower block spot I don’t know why because some things won’t place on a half slab lower

Block uh I believe I’m on a lower block because I like having the little tiny space between stuff I think it’s neat okay well some stuff is uh not going to play nice with that so we’ll want to make like how I was doing with the house how it was like the lower

Block area and like a step up we’ll want to do that at some point cuz there’s going to be some items that or some objects that won’t play nice yeah that’s the case you can fix it I mean it’s not it’s not hard to fix you just put a slab

Down yeah I just I just figured since you’re actively slabbing large swads i’ give you the heads up now okay so I’m going to put pre-install some areas is that too close to put a tree or should I put it like there Spider oh we’ve lost our sheep so yeah we need that spider uh oh we got we got no killing field this time we’re not no I’ve got some slabs though I can make like a platform down here do you have any Cobblestone make some fences I got a little bit how six fences I mean that’s enough to make a corner so at least we can back up and fight it without falling off right in Theory oh it just got super dark I don’t like it when it does that yes agree okay I’m on my last stack of slabs is this big enough or do you want something bigger I got enough slabs to bring it one more out Sun’s about to come

Up okay um so fence along here here hold on I’ve still got 50 slabs oh you had a lot more slabs I said I was down to my last 64 oh when you said here it comes here it comes here it comes keep coming come on Spiderman okay

Do you want to put okay well I guess we’ll just have to try to not fall off but I was thinking you could put the fence on the back line here in there like Corners so we can back up into it oh I was doing it so that we would not knock it

Off I think there’s enough space that as long as we’re controlled on our string hits I’ll go get more okay and I’ll put the string in the save box I’m just going to use the rest of my slabs to expand this platform so we have a killing platform for the future okay

Because it’s going to be very important that at some point we need to make a mob spawner agree but this is just a controlled way to be able to do that right now kind of like having this it’s almost like that secondary floor you were talking about mhm so it can catch [ __ ]

If we accidentally mine through some of our base not all of yeah I’d also like to install safety features on the stairway down uh probably sooner rather than later just falling off with it’ll be fine okay the platform down here is significantly better but if you make some fences you

Can just put on the sides you don’t even put down slabs or anything okay damn it we still don’t have a tree I think I think that sapling right there in that corner should be fine and I’ll put this one like right here all right we got three saplings

Planted do we have any unplanted saplings no okay so this is we’re all in at this point we’re all in putting all our trees in the dirt instead of all the eggs in the basket yep all the trees they in the Dirt um donkey said that they were doing stuff with friends but if we’re still playing later they absolutely want to come and play okay oh that’s ugly you could have just put a fence there oh that’s so gross why is it gross cuz it’s solid and stuff just put a fence

Here you you could put one fence right here and be fine and then they have the cool floating magical Sky building effect that you’re look you’re making that look like a m shaft wall yeah that’s how I envisioned it gross I want to see the Magic oh hey should we go get the other chest yeah don’t you just love this Crouch area right here yes very good that was a joke just in case that wasn’t clear yeah I got the impression it was so far this dirt block has not generated any grass I don’t think that it

Will yeah because then then we can start growing uh watermelons and stuff we go get that chest yeah you don’t even need that I SL piece just just the fences is is good enough well I needed something to attach it to cuz the fence needs to go up

Because we go up so I actually I was not meaning to be a slab I meant for it to be one of these so I could do that yeah and then you can just mine that quarter piece out I could yes there you go that’s better see now it looks all magical

Floating and stuff like that thanks I hate it do you really yeah I missed the I missed the piece that used to be there I I liked how it looked on our other one some of the magic floaty is cool I only used those I used all fences I didn’t

Use any solid blocks yeah what you what you did on the uh the thing and how we had the other thing going is definitely cool this well then put a fence here in the corner that’s what I did on the other one I didn’t put a full

Cobblestone I just put a fence here in the corner that is a fence and then built it up from a fence no you had you put a right here in the corner you put a full Cobblestone block put a fence here is what I’m saying attach it off of this

One so you get your corner piece but it’s a it’s a fence it’s not a full block yeah there you go yeah yes I’m fine with that yeah I’m also fine with that’s that’s what I did on the other on the other fence rail yeah hurry up and grow trees I love you

You’re so pretty oh you’re so small now but you’re can grow up so big and strong you’re going to destroy all the other little baby trees yeah these two obviously got light cast from the lava where the other one is not it’s just sitting there in

Darkness mhm can we like make a torch and put it on it or do I just need to build all these by the lava source oh we need to go get that chest that’s what we need to do yeah hurry up before it gets dark okay should I just hit the

Sand or do we want to build up to the chest or hit the sand then to get the chest and the cactus oh right we probably need to build up to the chest should I just hit the sand anyways get it out of our way um sure I am punching the sand and

Nothing’s happening will I get the sand block if I just punched completely uh yeah It didn’t break like when you did it it did not I think cuz when I did it it hit me in the head I wouldn’t break all of it let’s use it as a way to get up there right oh yeah I guess that makes

Sense where did the cactus go oh I have two pieces of it was there only two pieces or did we lose a piece must El to piece okay got all that okay chest okay you got the chest all right you want to get the rest of the sand then yeah we got a

Treat how you like our platform this time around it’s pretty nice we got a lot more space we haven’t spent as much time goofing around on the other side of the world though to spawn animals uh yeah hopefully they’ll still spawn I’m wondering since like sheep and stuff

Do they require dirt to spawn like grass dirt oo probably because they usually didn’t take long for them to spawn over here and we haven’t seen a single one since we started changing to Cobblestone yeah I bet where’s that give me that chest so I can make the emergency

Chest no give me the ch stick I see the stick my stick two saplings from the oak father Yes we have been blessed truly all right um now that we’re getting sticks again I need a hoe and I need a pickaxe okay do you have the new wood

I put it in the emergency chest let me go grab some yeah uh I want to leave like at least three logs in here till we generate more yeah uh I need some more dirt for Farms so I’m going to go ahead and take some of that

I also got two more sticks off the tree all right it’s in the chest I wonder does water bleed through Stone and does verticality matter in what context for farms for the water to be saturated for the dirt oh I you can tell I think uh yeah I need a ho first yeah I have that now for you um you just put in the chest so we have less inventory issues there we go sapling where I picked it up nice all right so if I put dirt

Block now the chest and st’s going to be way we might uh you want to move the chest and the crafting table to somewhere else yeah I’m also going to take these saplings and put them in the emergency chest ow uh when you get time you might work on

The cage Arena so we can start fighting mobs down there too okay yeah because those are just going to start being in the way of the farm that I’m going to build down here oh mistakes were made mistakes were made oh yep that’s not good um

I where where where is it safe to place hold on I’ll fix it I got the Cobblestone uh I think that was the magma spot yes that was the mistake what no I placed it on the side nope mother okay that one was my fault I’m just going to jump off the

Edge now with all the food oh I’m sorry that was my fault ah that happen let’s let’s speedrun it that what with this one no we’re going to Speed speedrun it we’re going to Super speedrun it also does it keep telling you that your world’s on easy because I keep

Telling it to unlock and go to normal but it doesn’t seem to want to do that it did indicate it was on easy but yeah see I keep turning any sort of pop ups here I keep turning the difficulty to normal for some reason it still turns it to

Easy then I don’t like that uh yeah I don’t I don’t I mean I’m changing it in the settings before I create it but for some reason it doesn’t actually change it which upsets me because I want to play on at least normal I do not know fifth ATT 10 Brady

World all right rolls up I that one was my I thought I hit the side and apparently I didn’t so how did it become an issue in the first place because there was a extra cobblestone on the corner and I was going to clean it up so I could start making Farm stuff

And it was the lava container because we had didn’t fully flush off the side so I just thought it was a miscellaneous block like a burr that just need to be cleaned up but it was actually part of the container yeah we should deep in the container this time

Or we need to put like a different like a smooth stone or something so when you see it you know it’s part of the lava container so we could get a furnace and then like get smooth Stone so when I see smooth Stone I’m like oh crap lava I’m

Inside you yeah I didn’t like that all right here we go how fast can we do this not fast enough did that wood just yeat itself off the side I think it did it just ye itself off the corner of the world that’s great that’s horrible oh it’s fantastic all

Right I’m putting it in the chest so there’s no issues oh hey at least we can save the grass block this time yeah you’re right um so to that point I’m going to mine a piece of dirt I’m going to put it behind the chest oh well that count is expansion

Even though it wasn’t a new block um that way hopefully it will grow grass and then I can try to remember not to move that one worst case I’ll try to remember to leave the one under the chest and if you see me over there just remind me

Okay I would just make a stone pick as soon as you have the availability too that’s what I’ve been doing okay but we got to get the wood pick for at least a little bit right okay and Gra he uh once you get about a full stack of

Cobblestone turn them into slabs given to me and then I’ll work on that part okay you might make a slab just cap the lava though so you that’s good idea don’t lose as much because I want to start getting tree stuff as soon as possible I put the remaining slabs in the Box

It’s not showing that I my little character when I’m crouched anymore for some reason that’s weird I don’t know if I like turn that off somehow or still showing it forly okay I am out of slabs not for long I wonder if the first tree that you do the leaves

Don’t dissolve just so that you have the availability as a player to get them when you need to or can so you don’t lose a potential sapling or something that could Be Oh we have grass on the dirt block that I plac behind the chest excellent that was actually pretty quick actually that was okay I have a pretty substantial platform underneath the tree now so I’m going to go ahead start breaking that down okay uh-oh I have not seen a sapling

Yet oh oh was that one oh that’s a stick this may be a dead run already stick come on we got to have at least one sapling uh no Sapling sad start over well there there’s nothing else to do that was nobody’s fault that time true we were due for a run where we didn’t get enough saplings back though yeah I still hate that says some settings are locked by template Creator and I hit unlock settings and I said

Unlock anyways changed to normal and still doesn’t do it we seem to be failing jying on okay it’s up I forgot the name it this this is the six attemp though and then hit play whenever you are ready that was a good start too that was a nice

Platform I was hoping to get far enough how long I could go and make something to eat and he’d be able to keep going not yet I mean I can start this round if you want to go do that I’ll get through my opening phases at

Least okay okay we need to like both be on the side of this tree because last time I lost a a wood Block all right there you go o that could have been a mistake I almost took out the lava chamber block oh I about got a face full of lava W You got enough for slabs that I could start working on stuff that was going till 30 that way I can give you a stack of 60s slabs yeah that’ be good getting really good at the start yeah thank you yeah because now I kind of want to rush the

Tree so we can see if we get a sapling Mhm n all right uh you want to help me do leaves oh way nothing accidentally gets caught on fire yep got a sapling beautiful okay you can go back to your work now my work here is done oh another a second sapling oh yes yes that’s what I like to

Hear the I see that one did you grab it or yeah I grabbed it a third sapling oh oh there’s another one to your right oh the oak father Has Smiled On Us for our suffering this is such a good run another one no way another one another

One she just a give me give me there appears to be our second sapling it’s like what five s five sapl five saplings Jesus well I think we’re we’re on a good start for saplings this run yeah um i’ put bunch more okay you grabbed them already cool yeah you want

To throw me a pickaxe yeah uh yeah here you go C it’s what I have that’s fine I’m just going to use it for clean up right now because sometimes I miss and do double Blocks do you want to do water level now or do you want to wait we should do any of the Prime mistake opportunities early and then we should seal up against those mistakes so moving the water if we’re going to should be done early and

Then um I think we should put a full set of blocks around the the sealant areas to reduce likelihood of springing leaks uh I still like the idea of doing smooth Stone so you could just visually tell yeah but I I’m I’m so part of me is good for that but

Then the other part of me is we got to get further along to be using resources to make smooth Stone but if we wait till we get further along we’re once again messing with the engine later and then we just mess like our first good one got

Got messed up by trying to make it less likely we mess it up so I’m kind of on the fence like it’s not an easy resource we got to burn stuff very valuable right now wood to get to it right but if I if I plant a bunch of

Those saplings then we’ll have plenty of work is the thing that’s true Having more layers will also make it safer if we make a mistake in here though too cuz every once in a while I accidentally start hitting the wall behind me uh-huh okay there’s a metric derp ton of slabs in the in the crate I’m going to go start

Something to eat okay I haven’t eaten yet today and I would like to okay although it’s only five it’s not as late as the light in the room would imply time winter is coming Uh I do want put some saplings Out or I don’t place that right so glad I got that sapling back when I punched it that could have been a bad [Applause] disaster I mean I totally didn’t punch that sapling Alex so that’s three saplings planted I want to see how that goes and plus I need more space before get any more Going He where’s the lava block not there okay that is good so that’s the lava block so those are the GRE problem ones I don’t want to mess with that till we just actually scoop the lava out or something so I think I’m just going to build around and just increase the

Platform size for the moment so we don’t have any more dead run accidental stupid issues I did that once I don’t want to do it again I don’t want to be the cause I guess I could start bridging over to the Sams something I can start doing I want

To get enough space for these leaves and stuff first though every time that Lightning goes off it sounds like a creeper exploding it’s not make me feel comfortable whoops good whoops or bad whoops it’s um inconsequential whoops okay I hit Escape when I came oh okay yeah knocked me out

I’m fine with that whoops yeah that whoops I’m okay with I’m not back for very long but I’m back okay uh long enough to maybe put the lava up and we can redo that chamber and stuff uh yeah we can go Ahad and move it

If we want just so I can get that dirt out of the way let me know when it’s empty uh all right so I need to knock this off grab the bucket scoop all right I have scooped the lava okay I’ve put the lava in the chest

That is a tree I don’t want to do that okay that is Stone so I know that’s water oh Jesus ah uh I can’t clean that up I got it okay water is not as critical as lava magma be careful as you fix this you’re very close to the source

Uh that right here I need you to move I don’t think that you want that I was making sure you couldn’t Place something in the source block be fine okay I problem is I have to get in here to get that bottom dirt block don’t don’t you’re I’m going to

Put the floor out you don’t want to be in there do we need every dirt block every dirt block okay that should be good Okay uh grass you took the crafting table hold on hold on what happened to the safety grass did you destroy that it wasn’t on this run that was on the last run so I just got to make sure not to take the one off the chest uh you want to move the crafting

Table in the chest and I’ll just leave that one float in in fact just as a reminder I’m going to put a dirt line out here to try to get it to grow away from where we’re going to be dealing with most of our main stuff

Yeah oh we’re still on the wrong PL distance it’s all Loy do you want me to unflat it no it’s fine how do I get back up is there a way up right now uh no here I’ll get you a spot over here uh thanks all right do you want to start

Moving the lava and then we can just take the water out and I can take all the water chamber stuff uh yes where’s where’s the new we got a new facility for this no we need to build one do you have any cobblestone on you yeah okay there’s nine Cobblestone

That’s all the full blocks I have where do you want it wherever you want to put it we can move trees if we need to I just put that for the because at the time it was close to light source you want me to move the trees it might be fine shut up

I only have three slabs on me uh so I probably want to slab The Source uh I guess I wouldn’t matter because you’re going to put a full block there anyways right yeah oh well whatever I have two slaps left okay is this right almost good catch should be good I have no way up now do you have any slabs on you I have one oh

Hello okay well you have enough to cap that’s all I need I got one so if you put down a full block and I can put a slab down we can get up okay grabbing the magma going to put it in here [Applause] okay going to grab the water

Going to put it in here we need to knock it back one start getting materials [Applause] again okay this should be ready to go okay you have another uh cap the water I do not have the resources okay you got a pick barely all right all right I’ll get

Some okay and my food is ready all right I’ll do this while you go do that okay it’s really weird how there’s just this magic spot for this if we could put a block on the other side of this block that doesn’t like get destroyed as easily you could

Just hold down the mouse button we wouldn’t have to let go I wonder if I put like a dirt block or something on the other side of it if that would not mine quickly enough that you could just hold the button down so you don’t have to let off

Oh I wonder if the trees have enough clearance to even grow right now I didn’t think about that of course the stuff wasn’t there at the time either one Two one two three four this one might have been fine one two three four okay hopefully those are far enough apart just going grow Oh tree damn it sometimes the trees I think are just trying to make us a prison I tried to climb up the stairs that I just made and the tree grew right as I did and I couldn’t move apparently I got another sapling and I didn’t even see it drop

That’s exciting oh another sapling we love saplings here all the saplings it’s also weird that like the first one always is the slow one and then you can hit the fast spot it’s got to be something to do with the timing the lava expansion yeah all the game ticks and all that

Mhm I wonder if you initially break it then it gets a lot of the flow and then you’re breaking it so fast that the sub subsequent flows are already in progress and it doesn’t recognize that the block isn’t there yet so it just thinks it’s continuously flowing when it’s not

That’s that’s the direction I’m leaning for sure if not exactly that something very akin to it yeah okay what project do you want to try to work on next you want to start working on bridge nuts need my hamburger stuff it down your face faster I’m

Trying we got [ __ ] to do man you don’t have time to eat yeah bridge bridge seems good right did you hear what I was saying about putting a back plate on this so we could just just hold down the trigger and don’t have to let

Up yes a back plate would be a good idea do you know what material is strong enough to or maybe like a wood type since we don’t have a wood axe that might break slower so we can do that one of the obsidian blocks will we have an

Extra I don’t know that was mostly a joke I think Wood’s probably a better idea what if I just put like a an actual just like wood chunk like just a log yeah so that will work as long as you do the fast method I don’t know if it will

Work if you do the slow method this is so much nicer dude you can just sit here and hold the trigger down you know what we should do make a trap door next to this so we don’t have to sit there and keep proning your face will just be closer and you

Can just hold the mouse down okay again make a trap door so you can force yourself down so you don’t have to hold Crouch you can just uh do that is the Crouch required to make the timing thing work uh no but it’s required to pick up

All the blocks that don’t get oh yeah tossed into the thing sapling yeah I got three saplings from that tree so far love that I haven’t seen an apple since like the first game yeah where’s our food we also haven’t even seen any the wrong spot for that though oh hey we

Could put a trap door down this thing breaks super slow with a pickaxe oh yeah it’s I guess it’s about the same but this is probably less important or this is more important to have than the trapo what were you saying I haven’t seen any animal spawns

Since the first game either yeah it probably has to do with like the dirt or something mhm here you go what do you think of this now you have to sit there and just hold Crouch it looks insane seems to be working well Though yeah works pretty pretty nice okay so far these other trees haven’t grown they should have enough clearance I don’t know why they wouldn’t uh I’m going to go ahead and see about putting some more tree placements out Okay I want to try to keep it within the light level of lava if I can Should I just put like a massive dirt well we’ll have a bunch of dirt once I go to grow the farm but I could just like relocate all of our dirt somewhere else to see if it will spawn passive mobs yeah I do think we should make a large dirt Square

Could even behoove us if we do it in part um across the bridge so it’s like further away from our spawn so maybe they’ll be more likely to spawn yeah we can do that you want where do we want to put the chest and crafting table probably somewhere we can reach it

Up here Right um yeah or we just need to finish building out these supports for this cuz we’re going to extra thick This well we’re going to build like a platform underneath like we did last time right so we’ll have a we’ll have a safety net doing that so we don’t need to make this like extra thick or anything I me a safety net to keep us from killing our

Sources oh gotcha yeah just killed us too many times I’m not dealing with it okay well I guess I’ll move the chest and the crafting table again then yes do That So you want two two levels layers basically yeah yeah yeah okay that means I’m going to have to get rid of my like stair case option thing here it’ll be worth it we’re going to just attach the staircase to the outside of whatever we Do make some more slabs to fill some of this in that’s that’s two squares so I should be able to put crafting table on chest like here okay putting away my dinner now so we’ll be back again okay then we’ll be active again okay oh this is so much nicer

Okay uh that should up Tree why is this the only tree that’s spawning wonder if these are just like too close or Something Okay hopefully those tree placements are a little bit better Oh see if that works I guess might have to move them out Further oh that’s a hole Are you dying no just a handful of cffs I’m back all right oh a stick oops I fell oh a stick good thing you didn’t far where it mattered all right so you have been hard at work while I hung out and at Burgers how how have things progressed oh there was a

Stick uh working on getting more trees to actually grow okay so far only the one tree seems to be Growing sapling is this is this how you use this yeah and I just get my face close enough so when it uh thing Falls I can uh catch the stuffs [Applause] okay good call in the trapo wall thing it’s in fact very resilient like it [Applause] mhm so now you don’t have to crouch and you don’t even have to let up you can just yeah go go go the focus free version Oh was kind of nice

Also got like this really weird stair stuff going and what’s the objective of the stair stuff just so get try get down yeah okay Do you like the new placement of the stuffs yes yes this is good we got a furnace doesn’t look like I’ve done much but I have done stuff yeah you’ve done quite a Bit we have not capped the AWA yet oh probably be a good idea yeah yeah I believe I have some safety grass up there yes yes there is a single piece of grass left good Oh another thing a grass screw so Swift it’s a little bit Swifty get Swifty Should we start worrying about a safe haven from Phantoms here pretty soon yep or do we just want to build that in with the fight Arena oh yeah it was a good combination we had going before all right I’ve got 30 slabs you got any more slabs to get

Me and I can start working on bridging or something yeah here’s four thank you so much here’s 64 there we go that’s better How bad do you want to try to go to that other Island like that’s way in the distance The Mirage Island I don’t think it’s real based on our attempt to get there and it really didn’t feel like it got any closer I I think it actually is a

Mirage you still kind of want to go check though don’t you no not even a little bit we spent so many resources and didn’t make any progress I don’t think it’s real thought it looked like we didn’t make any progress maybe we did it was just so far

Away there’s also no mention of it in the lava bucket yeah that’d be amazing I just don’t think it’s actually there I think it’s a visual bug which is sad it’s not the answer I wanted it to be but it is the answer I believe this is not the answer you looking

For all right I am making the the mob plank okay and it’s dark so I very much could be getting yeated off the edge here shortly at any minute like yeah really because they could spawn right on top of me mhm and just knock me off so if you hear some Screaming shouting

Even I I’m sure it’d be abrupt startled screaming oh okay or or something to that effect where you going straight for the safety Bridge yeah so safe need more Cobblestone though oh wait did we need to get it lower are we already lower you’re already lower I’m

On it you are on the case you know what you’re doing I got the grass growing way oh hell away from us like I’ve been I’ve been working what have you been doing shoving your face yeah exactly I put a whole bunch more stoble slab Sabo slab you’ll love them that’s it

60 there’s more that’s better we make some fences I could put some fences on this uh stairway too well wouldn’t that be cool too bad I just used all of my remaining Cobblestone for even more slabs cuz I felt like I hadn’t done enough I I hope some of those trees

[ __ ] grow up here here pretty soon because we’re going to start considering wood in a minute we still actually got quite a bit of wood don’t we like for Sky Block terms um I have one stick and one wood block oh okay so we need a tree oh but

We got we got four oak logs yeah yeah we’re we’re good for a little bit Yeah four oak logs that’s I also have an extra pickaxe if you need it I’ve got two on me okay I I’ve been trying to build in bulk yeah do we have a do we have one in

The safety box probably just the wood one unless we put something else in there even the wood one is better than not having one at all yeah just so we can get the Cobblestone mhm it keeps us from dead in ourselves in that manner man I did a pretty good

Job for eyeball this I almost hit dead I think I did hit dead center on this thing going to straight to the island I have reached the island perfect I have three slabs left yep dead center underneath it that’s pretty good for eyeballing agree you’re still going to hate my stairs

Though they’re better but you’re still going to hate it all right we want just a ton of walls to go along there fences yeah or I guess they are called walls yeah sorry I’ve been playing Dink and they’re fences well they’re they’re called fences when they’re wood as well so okay that may

Also be what you’re thinking of yeah these stairs are pretty AIDS but it’s they’re better than last time yeah I agree so they’re not AIDs that is that is a misconception that is what they call a falsity sir falsity that is a factoid oh good use of the word factoid I you’d appreciate

It so many don’t use it correctly yes we have we’ve actually had that conversation is that why is that yes that’s why I used it if we cap the top of this water Would we not have to go into it to get blocks anymore we could just get them from the top Solid

Question and then we’d be completely safe on water and stuff until we get another idea on how we could be even more safe oh yeah I’m just picking these up so much more better nice life is what you make of it and mine more better lately the water is

Still catching it though I wonder if we just like do a little Fountain runoff from underneath and then we could just go down there and collect them so we don’t have to actually jump in the water you know what I mean you like we did with the lava and dig a block down

So then we could just catch it that way that Mak sense not enough for me to go execute on it but I think I can actually see what you’re indicating yeah I can do it here in a minute I just want to get some more stone or Cobblestone where is the water [Laughter]

Ah bridge is looking good mhm not quite what I was hoping for ahuh apparently a torch uh redirects water what yeah I thought and maybe it’s just the bin that it’s at but now we have a nice little water spout there a little Fountain

Okay oh that’s you I was like oh we got a mob yeah so now one person could be mining and then the other person could just go check the fountain and just use that for like resource stuff oh oh mistakes were made how did the lava become exposed no no I didn’t

I I crawled too far up into it and I was like huh I wonder if this is going to let me do it because I like was out from underneath the trap door I was like I want to see if this works and I broke it and then it pushed me into

The Cobblestone block and then I was just pushed into the lava block what did you lose uh just Stone stuff like pickaxe and like a sack of cobblestone why aren’t these trees growing I don’t understand I the one tree this corner tree seems to be the only one that actually consistently

Grows I don’t know like I’ve moved them way away from each other you think it’s just time or do you think that torch maybe isn’t enough light they maybe need more torches I don’t feel like light’s the big issue but I don’t know maybe they don’t like their raised platform maybe

They don’t have enough grass nearby I don’t know I don’t think grass should matter right dirt not enough dirt nearby maybe the light source isn’t properly elevated or something all right I’m going to try that and I’m I’m going to leave this one oh this one’s light

Sources it doesn’t even have a light source it’s just this corner block that I place for mobs I’m going to leave this one just on the side and see if that changes anything maybe it’s just not enough time or something I guess all right when you get a chance I

Need like tools and blocks if or do you want to go get all the sand stuff uh the sand stuff is ready I don’t have the resource is to provide you with too much but I do have okay well just keep it just just keep it then um I’ll just wait till tree

Spawns so we got a platform big enough okay I’m going to go ahead and dump the sand then good with that yeah oh all the sand broke this time did you get all the cactus pieces I got two no I got three Apparently one was

Stuck on top of the chest H did you see the fountain yeah what do you think for that we didn’t get the achievement for 25 or for a platform this time though did we uh building a platform 25 blocks out or whatever I guess not uh it’s because the

Sand didn’t merge this time it it broke was the sand related to us getting the challenge yeah I connected the sand to it and that’s when I got the platform achievement last time uh okay um if you give me a hoe If you have enough I can start making melon

Farm do we we got we got three sticks how many pickaxes do you have one and a half one is for you here it is no keep keep both of them and make me a hope because we’re going to need food at some point there’s you ho suppli are low where’s the water

Source is it this one’s the Water Source One Two that’s drop So yeah thank w you look like you’re just swimming in place you look like a little kitty with like floaters just flailing around might have to move the stairs okay seeds are planted oh what’ you do that for there’s

A whole bunch of blocks that aren’t aren’t getting through like they’re just stuck in spot like okay eight plus uh I have not fully figured out how to do the fountain yet yeah I don’t think also have you noticed that no mobs have spawned oh tree oh uh the platform isn’t big enough

To grab the leaves though do you can you get slabs nope but I got Cobblestone to make slabs okay Just throw them in a chest it’s just easier that way I accidentally hit already for Minut so I wonder if they were just too close together because now this tree is Grown oh tree I saw it broccoli Cloud as soon as soon as it pops broccoli Cloud these trees all rock in the Brock you got one more for this corner I should do and then like some stuff for steps we get up to the tree I have wood okay Wood’s in the chest I’m taking this pickaxe now okay so what I did is I slid too far

Forward and I was out from underneath the trap door and I mined it and then I dropped down and then it spawned and then pushed me into the source lava block because I couldn’t back by the same space as the Cobblestone I’m glad the source lava

Block was way stronger than you I get out of here this is my spot well it would could have been nice to push me into the water block that would have been better would have been better but um you know it did what had to be done did you start mining that other

Tree I would do that and build a way to the tree oh and build a platform for the tree okay W I got I’m going to have a bunch of slabs here in a second yeah this tree is not mine ready yet so I expanded the fountain by one

Block and hopefully that will fix the getting stuck issue hopefully you need more slabs I almost walked right off the edge that would have been awful or if you just want to start on the tree I’ll do this okay because it should be barely Covered Oh there’s two saplings at the other tree that’s a priority that’s why I called it there’s also a stick on one of the leaves we love sticks sticks sticks baby got a nice little platform going now Power Platform by Microsoft by Microsoft Edge brought to you by the world’s browser Microsoft Edge first browser makes this oh sapling Internet Explorer is still technically out there even if it’s not I thought they finally got uh retired it’s retired but it hasn’t hasn’t exited existence it’s just not supported

Anymore yeah but if you go to try to use it like I don’t I don’t think it even like works now right oh it still works textraw had to go to Great Lengths to make sure that it was uh not open openable oh really mhm essentially if you try an open

Internet Explorer it just uh you meant Edge what it redirects to Edge oh sorry you said you the way you said that I thought there were oh creeper like that I thought there was something going on at the edge and I was oh no no I was so

Confused I was like what what’s going on there is actually a creeper on the edge now that you mention it but yeah that’s I was calling the creeper oh okay that that I was there is a creeper there yeah I have a sapling on my toolbar I still haven’t seen an apple in

Like forever apples don’t exist anymore apparently only Windows only window is the fountain better now um UNS sure maybe how you doing at the nether portal are we actually going to do another now we don’t have a way to light the fire thought we’re going to try lava and

Wood there go there ah that that was bugging you yep uh check the fountain when you get back over here and what am I checking for just blocks to grab yeah there was there was a block is it getting stuck though yes I don’t know how to fix it I thought I had fixed it but apparently not There’s a whole bunch that have actually pushed through the trap door uh I did that they were getting caught by the water and the wasn’t getting them so I opened it up I was about to put a trap door so we could just get in there and grab them

Easier and do it that way okay so we don’t have to keep taking out the source block thing or the cap block trap door would just be easier to get in and Out I can find a [ __ ] trap door where the hell are the trap doors do I not have enough wood to make a tractor is problem you used two which is probably all you made right well I’m looking in the CR yeah I didn’t have enough wood it takes six I only have

Four uh you’re standing on it I don’t want door to face that Way there we go now we can just get in and out easy if we need to for get at that that seems like a good idea oh we didn’t check the tree to see if anything else spawned Le oh okay tree new tree ah you did not build these steps very

Well I used what I had on me which was not much well we should be able to start rocking and roll with all this wood now there’s a beehive what there there is a I didn’t know that was a thing like I knew existed but I didn’t know they could just spawn

Anywhere same maybe it’s the tree that we have what do we do with it I don’t even know how to do bees I don’t know how to do bees and did all the bees don’t they don’t they need like flowers or something I don’t know we don’t another

Tree oh we got all kinds of trees Now What do how do we TR how do we be I I have no idea I’ve never be how do we Be ow but that’s got to be huge right like you got be does does it got to be it’s got to be it’s got to be oh another it’s got at least a be so it’s kind of bugging me that oh we got a skeleton do we have a skeleton no

That’s Cobblestone did you build something at the end of this yeah was the way I got the achievement you needed to have a real block oh well that looks like a mob from the distance and it needed to be attached fully so I am destroying this okay also have you

Noticed that like nothing’s been spawning on this yeah I wonder why because we kind of need those mob spawns maybe we need to send it out even further maybe because we actually have light over here now that shouldn’t matter I would think um I’ll just just do

This maybe get them to spawn on the top because they weren’t really spawning on the bottom ones last time also I’m I’m like I’m like 90% sure you can prevent mob spawns by uh being they can’t spawn on the half slab spot they have to be in the top

Slot and this whole thing is are you talking about like uh top slab bottom slab yeah they have they have to spawn on a top slab or full block yeah oh everywhere that’s indented by one they can’t spawn so should we just throw a bunch of

Slabs at the end platform oh be bees we got bees look at how plump they are they’re Huge how how do so like I I we just let them do we just let them oh man these leaves are in way so what do we do do do this do the bees have to have the leaves on the tree or can we just get rid of all the leaves

And leave the wood it’s not in the most optimal spot for us all right there at least we can get up and down and work can we like eat the bees or like do the bees do honey unlikely like how how how we be how do

Bees if I knew any of the Alex you got to replant some at least a sapling oh another tree they’re kind of Cute the bees yeah yeah plump little lads yeah we need to try to get some skeletons so we get some bone meal to try to get some flowers or something and then we can try to get the grass for uh bread well at least we got trees spawning again that was driving me

Nuts Yes H that break um cann’t we just put more slabs on the platform where we have so it’s not so ugly wouldn’t that make them top slabs like that they make it a full block yeah I suppose it would or do you want your ugly platform here instead no that’s that’s fine I

Just used what I had I didn’t have slabs I had full block yeah this is gross but they should so is the top bridge is that is that spawnable because I think those are flush with the full blocks right yeah so that that would still work right that’s right okay do

You want to uh do you want to work on building the fight Arena while I work on getting that where mobs can spawn then because I didn’t know lower slabs couldn’t spawn stuff I forgot about it yeah I can do that I also just found four saplings

From the oak nice oh hi be he just came gave me a kiss sweet I just heard a weird noise was it the be maybe it was like be buz no it was like something being inserted or done like a drop off or I I it was hard to describe what I just

Heard I know not but it could be I don’t have a follow-up B joke for you I’m sorry no Be what it’s a YouTube video okay so we have a full we have a full safety bridge now man those bees are just hanging out by you the bees love me the bees knees yeah or at least they have knees do they have knees do have knes yeah several of

Them okay we have oh okay I just got the built the this I wish it would share our progress on the achievements or the challenges it does you’re just supposed to go back to the hub to look at them no like I just got the 24 platform whenever unlock yeah yeah yeah

Okay I thought you like share the information how are you happy I fixed the stairs Yes actually did you even notice no but now that you’ve told me I’ve noticed uh it’s always great when a flaming Cobblestone comes into my face that is great we do love that oh I just had an

Idea okay so I wanted to put um slabs around the edge just I think it would look more like a platform instead of just an eyesore with just an elevation and then but then I thought if they can’t spawn on Lower slabs we could have that platform out there and then we

Could put fences around it on the lower slabs and then we could have like uh basically walls so we can even go down to them and fight them and just make like have a fight Arena up here in case we need it but then we could just go to

The mob spawner and just wreck face okay yeah that seemed like a good Idea uh oops what’s wrong actually mined out a block um fixed it I let that open to get the Cobblestone uh to get pushed in there and then I actually mined the block underneath it so maybe we should put a trap door on underneath too so it doesn’t just get mined

Out accidentally like I just did I mean you’ve proven it could be a problem oh sweet the block went in the water so I have to go try to fetch It uh question is how am I going to place it no that’s not where I wanted that we have been blessed with more saplings and sticks beautiful I shall plant the holy SA so that it may grow strong okay all right so there’s a trapo underneath now oh

Oh I just invented the perfect hiding spot emergency hide from everything button that is a it’s a pretty good hide from everything button I’ll admit Oh wow did you already just like break up the leaves uh for what there just the sapling just need to be planted somewhere there there was a sapling that had to have been like one of the last remaining leaves of something um I didn’t break any leaves though oh Okay So we have the fight Arena and then we have the Mob Arena yes oh man it’s so pretty having those bees just flying around it I I don’t know why but it just feels way more peaceful and like pleasing you love the bees I don’t think I’ve ever played with bees before I

Think I stopped playing when that was a thing that may have been the case they they uh I remember when they added them so I just left this as like a small platform but we can always adjust it when we go to do the nether portal here okay

I just want something small so we can start getting like bone meal and stuff oh man that that water can almost get the oh oh okay so I see what happened it actually did go through the water but then it got pushed out into that empty

Space uh I don’t know how to fix that I can hear the bees going mhm um I don’t know could put like a sign there that fix it a sign I I don’t feel like it would but maybe can I even make a sign a stick in six wood

I could just put a door there so then we could just walk in and get the stuff actually I kind of like that because then we could just go down to the Fountain and then just walk in and grab it yeah question is is there a bottom of this the answer is

No hate that so I’m going to go put a bottom on that real quick so any of the bottoms that you oh what the hell how is that a thing what’s the thing nothing don’t worry about it yeah so now you can just walk in with the door and get

It actually put the door where the tra doors are would that be better um yep there’s did you get it yeah no drop no oh there’s a whole zombie party down the other though oh is there oh yeah it’s a festive time it’s actually somewhat alarming the

Sheer quantity of them that have been born so what I’m hearing is it worked really really well yeah Oh I thought you were a zombie no the zombies are uh all gone now apparently oh do they despawn every last one of them there are like five or six mobs over Here okay maybe I fixed the fountain I don’t know oh I see Skelly spider there’s a skeleton with a helmet it’s new you want to go fight them or do you want to no let’s take him down I can’t put a door here oh we’re going to put trap doors here right oh

Yeah let me go make some trap doors do you want to you want to make anything or build anything if we have to find them back here like some fences or yeah I can do that uh Alex if you crouch you could just walk through the rail we don’t even have

To have a center I think that’s great but uh okay I’m going to go fight this creeper okay I have gunpowder I did not finish this H wonder if there if they’ll spawn while I’m standing here it feels like they probably won’t this complete guess I don’t really need to put gunpowder in the emergency chest the grass doesn’t seem to be spreading too well over here oh hello oh that’s a couple creepers highly aggressive one

Too got him good work two gunpowder let go knock this other one off try to go knock this other oh no I don’t want to explode the dirt that here it comes oh that’s right by our food yeah take the fight away from uh our source blocks nice

Spider yeah I want to be able to like Drop I’m going to oh Ender what Enderman should we try to take it he can just take blocks from us can we beat an end I’m going to try ow he hurts he might be too tall if you use

The roof Advantage nice did you get an no ender pearl nope no I did get one nice can we make an Ender Chest that would be super nice I’m going to put the ender pearl since that’s super valuable in the emergency chest I got two more string five gunpowder for So what do you think of our setup this time around seems good promising got a tree yet one of these times I’m going to say tree with a beehive I’m going to start mining it forgetting that there’s a beehive there we need to like fence it off or

Something because I’m totally just going to destroy it yeah how’s the fountain doing uh three four you got four four little cobblers that escape into the fountain right but is it getting bottled up or is it actually going down to the I don’t know botom I only tell as the one mining

Um I don’t see any in waiting yeah I got to I don’t see any in here so I hope I like it’s working fix the issue with the FL water flow but I I won’t know until we actually like see stuff from it could we actually no I guess I want

So say can we mine from the trap door and that way see if we like didn’t miss any that Way uh this could be a good way to get myself killed do you have anything valuable no car uh yeah I think this is actually a better way to do it I’m getting almost every single one and you could still just keep holding like you’ve been doing interesting because you can just press

Your face to the to the block does seem to have a very high rate of collection yeah it’s not 100% but it’s like 85 90% that’s pretty high and then I don’t know if they need going in the fountain or not there were several in the yeah this definitely seems like a higher

Rate of collection and you could still do the like quick Stone mining method on this way too so I just mined basically like a stack and a half very nice yeah this pickaxe seems to be lasting forever getting up can be a pain in the ass yeah um getting out might be

Somewhat of an issue kind of killing the idea uh just need to figure out a way to get Out all right I’ll just walk out [ __ ] it yeah no I I think that way is pretty good the no way home well you can go home now yeah because I I just opened up the back that’s all I did gotta so now you can just stand up and collect

It yeah yeah no that’s actually pretty easy you still have to open the track door and snap it to you but yeah that works do you want to try that or do you want me so I can leave the trap door up or do you want to use the meth that

You’ve been doing oh we have trees oh yeah we got all sorts of trees all kinds of trees so so your method is you just walk in here you crouch a little no you don’t even Crouch so here back up walk in open that up close it on you

Just aim towards the other trap door on the other side okay and then you just walk out to to get out feel like we’ve we’ve made some good progress on this one on this map yeah does feel that way if only they were save

Progress so we can go back to it in case of failure that’s Cheating I went ahead and stashed a bunch of extra cobblestones okay just in case we’re going to need them sapling plant I like if we see a sapling we should just immediately plant it and we should probably just start punching leaves I guess or do you want to still let them

Spawn despawn naturally I’m okay with that strategy we actually have a reasonable backlog of saplings at this point Apple first one yay I’m going to put that in the emergency chest so we can potentially use that for Villagers um do you want to keep want to do that Mob Arena or do we want to try building a another portal over there oh another tree um definitely we should consider another portal do we want to maybe we build an extension onto the Mob Arena like another Bridge off of

That that goes like not nearly as far but a little bit further and then build the nether portal there and we can do that and we need a you like you like the Mita don’t you yeah we need it I mean we we need a way to get their drops yeah

Well we can we can build like a mob grinder so they just fall from so high if you want to do that I mean that’s also a great strategy be nice if we could figure out a way to do unlimited water yeah which is clearly possible it’s literally one of the

Challenges so do you get that from like is there a way to collect it from the rain uh I tried right clicking with the bucket in the rain well would don’t you need like a I thought the collective how are we going to get a cauldron uh villagers make a Golem

Farm right that’s a thing right Iron Golem Farm yeah and we get the Villager by getting a zombie villager from mhm the nether which we also would need a golden apple which we could get the gold from uh zombie villager will just spawn in the Overworld it’s like a rare zombie spawn

Okay so we just have to wait because I’ve done that on when you had that Minecraft server that’s how I got the my villagers is I converted um zombie villagers I just made a giant castle spot took out all the Torches from underneath and then

When they spawned I just LED them up to the top of the castle and I had a spot where I just convert them gotcha all right um the Mob Arena should be safe to go into I haven’t got all the fences I want yet but but they should theorically spawn on

Top of the bridge now too which should help right yes we have a pumpkin you got another another Enderman go get Him two Enderman Nice All right I’m coming guess it’s you won’t do it I’ll do it oh they mad oh we got zombies oh they’re super mad why are they mad already I I don’t know maybe I looked at them I don’t think that I looked directly at their eyes from all

The way back there but got a skeleton too there’s a pearl oh wow the way I have this set up I can actually hit them without opening the door that’s what I’m noticing oh that was you I was like are they beaten on the door yeah I was helping uh come here AR

Man maybe I should like put out some side stuff so we can go on the sides and get around the fence and hit them mhm you got to be careful though because I don’t have any fences to P that off to watch our back oh there’s definitely another Ender here back up

You’re not like mad at me anymore okay well this works thought I put that fence up did you get the Pearl yes okay hey uh hey Alex hey check me out oh you got a helmet I’m going to put it up though because I think we need gold stuff for the piglins that’s

Right oh I have I have rotten flesh I have food food give me the flesh We have two Ender pears pearls now was that working better for you yeah it is definitely got a higher collection yeah it doesn’t look like a whole lot’s coming down the fountain oh spider where’s it at oh no it’s spawner oh well you guys could get it then it might have Stram got some zombies in there too oh spider on top got the string there’s an eye too got the eye this is actually working out way better than what we had before agree are you want to try to do like an actual mobs grinder spawner thing next

So we they’ll just to their death I still haven’t gotten any bone meil there’s like not a whole lot of skeletons that are spawning yeah what you’re suggesting is probably the right idea oh we got a zombie on the dirt path got four string that’s pretty good that’s enough for one

D oh I just realized I got gold pants oh nice put those I’m going put those away should I try to get some dirt and just like make a little platform out there to see if uh mobs will spawn on the dirt dir platform yeah probably a good idea [Applause]

Actually let see if it’s just dirt or if it has to be grass or you know however mhm have Trees oh we got Vines still no skizzers unfortunately cuz if we could actually separate the vines you could just grow it off the edge and we could have like ladders for days oh that’d be good for trying to build under oh We could build ladders would ladders help us build under maybe I think that they don’t grow on on their own though so they don’t you don’t you still can’t reach under no but can we get far enough to be able to get reach underneath a block

To to be able to build underneath it right I think I if it if it does make sense which I think it does it’s the exact same situation as we’re already up against I didn’t know yeah I think it’s the same we’re up to 12 spare saplings that is

Healthy I think I want to just like build a tree platform like a tree farm at this point we can afford it do is there a space I’ve been trying to put them about four apart but is there do you know if there’s like a space requirement between

Trees can’t place them side by side but I think as long as you every other it technically will work but the more space you give it well we want all the leaves yeah give it giv it more space is better so I would probably do like five in between each one

Okay when I would do tree farms that’s more in line with what I would and the watermelon does not want to spawn I haven’t seen a freaking watermelon yet wonder what it’s deal if we put a roof on that Mob Arena they could technically spawn at any point couldn’t

They like on top of the roof we’d have to enclose it to make a dark room that wouldn’t we I don’t know if I want to do that yeah uh do we want to make our string into fish or we want to make it into a wool block I think W block

I’m lighting the dirt blocks so hopefully don’t get spawns on it Okay nice that water melon hurry up and brw so we could get stuff off of it indeed I wonder what it considers make a house could not tell you pumpkin so this is the second pumpkin we’ve gotten but we haven’t gotten and watermelon and it’s a in a water soaked soil like on now does dumpy still on joining if I was a psychic I would share

The there’s some Cobblestone up there you can grab grabbed it hi hi I wonder what happened if you might from the top and I’m mine from the bottom if we were both mining we’d probably just end up slapping each other a bunch and no one would have a good

Time I mean guess that depends on who you ask right you know that yet I suppose unfortunately I suppose unfortunately what do you mean unfortunately yep yep you almost fall to your death yes oh you got our like little room being made I did are you expanding The

Zone over there uh yeah I want to put it out two more blocks that way I can jump off the platform down here so I don’t have to use the stairs but yes we do have a safe room at this point there we go uh I might need to move the trap

Doors up though yeah I can see that there we go okay now I can just Plum it up from the top and be like Oh spider or whatever mhm also gives us some room if we need to bait something from above like a spider or Phantoms or whatever we haven’t seen

Phantoms nearly as bad these I haven’t seen Phantoms at all uh I think it’s because you’re probably on easy I turned my difficulty to normal uh because that’s what I intended it to be played on but uh I still haven’t seen any I thought server settings determine

Difficulty that’s what I thought too but since it’s like a like a map that I got off the marketplace it’s the template settings seem to be overwriting the settings I’m telling it to use yeah which is rather annoying okay so got railings on that now that’s fully

Encased what you think are we in a position to check challenges and see if we have some specific goals we should be striving towards from that perspective I mean I guess if you want to got like a little safe Zone that probably properly check stuff oh that looks nice I like

That what is it oh Jesus that scared me we don’t have enough melons to be considered a melon farm yet we still haven’t technically built a house or a pumpkin farm oh oh finally got a watermelon 64 stone bricks so uh you previously had talked about smooth Stone

Taking it one step further into turning those into stone bricks would get us I only got three watermelon slices from that that’s weak super weak craft 20 torches furnace and a workbench I thought we had a furnace we do did you just not interact with it to get the thing that must be

It um build a small Lake well to do that we’re going to need the infinite water source collect 10 green dye if we plant some of the sand and put each of the cacti down mhm we can turn it into more cacti all 10 Jacko lanterns 10 bookcases

Collect 10 ender pearls we’re well on our way to that at least bunch of different wols for no reason kill 10 zombies we’re actually getting close too nether portal definitely is a thing so I think nether portal probably pretty high yeah craft 10 Stone buttons I that’s pretty achievable I

Suppose 20 ladders 10 levers so there like a nether next yeah that and getting the cacti growing that’s I think there’s a spider in the Mob Arena we should definitely murderize it oh I think there’s an Enderman in there too oo and a skeleton sounds like big Treasures oh

Wait oh if we get some bone me we can see if I get grass and flowers Really wish that grass would spread out faster so I can take those dirt blocks and use them if we weren’t doing it in a single line it would I think oh really a percent yeah but the problem is I wanted to get away from our main base that’s why I did it

As a line yeah so spreading it not in that direction really isn’t beneficial Ian having more than a single patch of grass is the only grass in existence is not a bad thing in my book how many more dirt blocks do you have you got like two or three that I can use

For seeds exactly to oh do you want to do put up for that or you want to give them to me so we can maybe get more melons you have to actually give them to me [Applause] okay all the meel new melon seeds are planted okay it’d be nice if we had another

Water s oh challenge complete build a melon farm oh it didn’t even say it just said challenge complete on my screen they told me it was a melon F melon F interacting with the furnace didn’t give me the furnace challenge maybe pick it up and put it back down it’s not critically holding

Anything in place right I don’t think so there you go there we go yep now mobs are spawning I haven’t no mobs spawn on the top either have you noticed that the top bridge I hadn’t actually noticed I think I think they’re lower slabs they are should I should I uh dig

Them up or should we just leave the M spawn or how it is I mean oh we could we could leave it how it is and then so no mobs will spawn we don’t have to worry about torches and then we can build the nether gate off the top Bridge yeah that’s true

Zombie zombies hi guys I kind of oh baby zombie ow I kind of like our little Mob Arena mhm watch out for that baby zombie though he can hit you like underneath the fences hate this kill 10 zinis does I go for both of us yep where are you you little [ __ ] oh

You’re behind the door how am I supposed to get you behind the door let me hit you I do not want to open that door to a little baby zombie that sounds like a mistake yeah they’re so good got it how do we plan to transport the fire over lava

Bucket lava bucket get some wood put the wood probably like at the I don’t know do we put the wood in the obsidian or do we put the wood next to the obsidian and see if the fire will spread to it that’s that’s where my concern is at

Because if we d a if we say lava bucket at all we’re opening we’re transporting our only lava Supply okay but else how else are we going to get fire I don’t know I know I don’t know I understand it’s a risk but are we going to get to the nether without

It didn’t know if there was some way we could build something that we just we could just build a bunch of wood like a huge wood line from the lava source and see if it will just like spread all the way to the nether portal like a fuse yeah I mean technically that’s

Correct yeah but the what would it burn consistently enough to actually go in a line or like is it random pick so it might like P out at some point great questions things that I don’t know do we have enough wood planks to even try that probably not that’s a lot of

Wood although a smaller version of that pretty much I think is the objective right like because we don’t want to risk the actual lava being consumed well what do you want to do you want to make a fuse and try it that way or do we

Do it the easy way and just make a super secure Bridge like we have underneath and just transport it that way and make sure nothing else happens Because unless we put a block on the lava source that’d be the only way to really screw it up right correct that’s

Just what I’m worried about because we’re we’re going to expose the lava source to our stupidity so we just put that last we build it the thing the container with the wood we build the obsidian portal all we have to do is dump the lava in and let it sit and then just

Pick it back up so there’s no block placements or anything say it again we build everything first and then we just put the lava in let it burn the stuff and then we don’t place any blocks because everything’s already set up okay and then we go put the the lava laa

Back yeah as soon as we have a portal lit yep back into the ho hey we have more grass oh wow it I just watched it spread we we were we had one in the direction now we have two in the direction nice all right so you want to start building

For another portal yep what’s your vision on this do you want to waste time building rails or do you want to just Crouch all the way so you don’t fall off and then we can build it on either side or we can even like cap the top of this off and

Build right past the Mob Arena yeah then aesthetically it’ be more symmetric yeah capping it and you did you want this H yeah maybe we should put it a little bit past the Mob Arena but maybe just like one mob Arena’s worth further yeah okay yeah not too farun s

Oh watermelon did you even see that uh-uh oh so many if you have a bucket out and scoop while you’re in a block that is entirely water what’s your question if you have a bucket out and you scoop while you’re in a block that’s completely filled with

Water but is not itself a water source block I don’t think anything happens okay okay so do you want me to turn this into into more melons or should we keep this as food uh I’m still not in too bad of shape for food but I think it’s your cool I don’t

Think I really have space without that dirt in the bridge to really make anymore so I’m going to I’m going to put half of these in the emergency chest okay and then half of these in uh the regular chest so we can do whatever with in fact I’m just going to turn one

Into seeds a seed just to guarantee that we have you know something doesn’t get accidentally Eaten okay we need a bunch of cobblestone Yes it cracks me up how the torch blocks water yeah that’s Interesting got two more string that puts us pretty close to two then halfway to two man if we could just get some bone Bill maybe we can get some honey I don’t know what we’d use it for can you eat honey about one of the cactuses grew how tall did C cactuses go

Four uh three or four I Think yeah I haven’t seen a single Phantom how did my difficulty go back to easy I changed it to normal Jesus I don’t I don’t understand why it keeps stilling that that’s annoying have our be even been out lately uh they’re all hanging out uh downstairs oh yeah they really like hanging out with you down there yeah they’re all over there what are they doing just bumbling

Around oh we have a porch to go to death got it maybe we need beds I bet you that’s what we need to make a house that would make sense well we’re working on that you get a bunch of slabs I got 46 slabs and 64 Stones okay

Well you give me the slabs I can start working on a platform for the nether be nice if we get food I can actually Sprint [Applause] yes if we go high enough can we like catch snow we are so high right now or does do we have to be like in a different biome I don’t even know if there’s a way to catch sow well if you put like platforms down

It will build up like on a surface and then you can use a shovel to get snowballs oh and then you use snowballs to make a snow block yeah and we have pumpkins so we can even make a snow man and get infinite snow

Big um yeah if I could I thought it used to be F3 where it show because that’s important because then it would show what biome you’re in my guess is this Edition Windows Edition doesn’t have all that that feels very Java Edition to me well that’s kind of upsetting that was a

Huge a huge thing because trying to look around without seeing what biome you’re in in a in something like this is MHM that’s bad new news because there’s there’s probably certain biomes for certain stuff like I think slimes only spawn in swamps right yeah and don’t witches spawn in swamps

Like witch Huts or whatever yeah also true so knowing what biome you’re in is huge I’m out of slabs I got a bunch more Stone but I didn’t make slabs like I thought I did just put them in the chest it’s just easier that [Applause] way Do we want do we want like a huge platform or just a platform enough to hold the portal and then we can just build a r around it in case anything comes out yeah probably that one okay Do you want to just use regular Cobblestone to build the wall I guess I should build we should build a portal first before we build walls yes so did you get the zombie 10 kill 10 zombies or you actually have to do it we both got it okay so I popped

One when I killed it yeah so some of them must be shared them must be still no mob spawns they were like spawning like crazy now they’re like super slow mhm of course it’s raining so any Enderman would just instantly die oh do they hate rain yeah uh water damages them uh

Trea take it down strike it down do it do it do it I have cactuses for you oh is that an apple yep yeah if we can now that we have watermel let’s try to save all the apples okay oh another Apple whoa sapling plant it

Sapling I got I got two saplings on me as well things of the oak that was a good tree that was a very good tree up to three apples powerful uh are these all lower slabs or should we worry about spawn stuff in our room uh I thought our room was bright

Enough but if we got any torches that would uh yeah I I made coal I’d have to make some torches got a zombie hey buddy hey Buddies anything for Me no nothing okay I believe our house is secure now oh I had some torches if that works torches are always helpful oh you can’t put them on the on the walls on the Cobblestone walls I think you can put them on the end point but only on but like not on the

Side though right got more grass quite a bit still nothing on that platform so I wonder does it have to be grass on the platform or does it just have to be dirt like is that you think that’d be a big enough spot that they should spawn in theory I

Would think so I know zombie zombie zombie zombie Yeah yeah give me that rotten flesh n n n I a zombie that eats other zombies wow yeah like I don’t see anywhere where it shows my status of like what my condition is and how long there’s got to be a way to see it right you would Think does sound like I hear Taylor so after she eats that might be the signal point oh hold on is that a cow and a pig and another cow what what oh three cows oh do we murder them yeah cuz they’ll probably just despawn otherwise right yeah I don’t

Know how to get them to not despawn I bet it came from this Grass Pad you think yeah finally got enough grass on it oh we just got so much stuff There do we have any more dirt that we could use seven Rod well I yeah but I have it in the safety chest I don’t want want to mess with it seven raw beef a pork chop two leather o Lea imagine if we get sheep again well yes that’s what we Need so were we like both away from that and that’s yes so maybe we need to try that where we just like both oh here’s a Skelly with some armor where we both like go to the mom Arena or something and try to get uh mobs to spawn these

Are like in full freaking armor oh you went to the top that was actually smart I was sitting here fighting him just yeah but the problem is if he would have hit you with an Arrow he could have knocked you right off that platform that is true but from he had

A good hit for me to actually go off the edge I may have fell but i’ have just Fallen to the below we have bones B so that maybe we can get flowers and stuff now oh you didn’t give me seeds come on got some flowers I probably shouldn’t hit the

Flowers for like the bees I have a seed oh man we’re going to need a better growing area than this though for that kind of seed I feel like well right now I’m just trying to get them at all it’s going to be a slow process until I get this dirt back for

Uh to use for Farms if we had more dirt in the area too that you’re doing that it might also enhance enhance what the amount you’re getting cuz like you know how you’re placing it and you’re getting like a whole area of stuff growing I get that

But right now just having it at all is yeah I’m just saying we could save some of that bone meal CU we’re not urgently requiring the output okay I need to get two dirt blocks that are not going to be taken up by melons so we got two dirt blocks left in

The emergency chest if that is not many we have once we can get rid of that bridge then we can start using more of our dirt now that we got got bread should I take out some of the Watermelons and use those dirt plots for now that we’ve got

Bread we’re not we don’t have bread we have the start of a long process of getting bread bread requires us to grow those seeds that are then going to need three combined to make bread right but once we get SE more seeds we can start because the Watermelons are taking

Forever to grow anyways and one taking out one watermelon gives me two to four blocks worth of dirt we could plant gotcha so once we start getting more seeds I wonder if the bees will do something with the flowers now I don’t know because there’s two flowers okay we need to get more

Cobblestone to start making them this nether stuff no I I got a bunch of cobblestone just need to know what you need me to do with it uh should we get the obsidian yeah all right um I got oak plant so I’ll grab that grab the

Obsidian all right how do we not [ __ ] this up carefully I think it looks kind of cool walking over the mhm mob spawner all right how how do you build an obsidian portal again never built one you’ve never built one no o i play with a bunch of Minecraft

Nerds who always do all the building like I I build structures they play the game I think it’s like two block space in the middle so I think it’s four base and then like so many high well we don’t have enough to mess

It up like if we mess it up at all can you make it like an O I think you can make it an o yeah theoretically isn’t like three High maybe can’t can’t afford to be wrong it’s got to be three High because this feels too

Short well if I do two on the sides that’ leave me two for the top and that’d be just enough sure hope I didn’t [ __ ] that up because we have no way of getting it back you want to put something in the corner so I can build off oh yeah that’s

What I was going up there I mean it looks right in Theory is the wood going to technically touch the I don’t I don’t know I don’t know how to do this me either um well I was going to put a whole in for one of them for like the lava well I guess it guess we could just do that need you to

Move I just put the lava there should we try it flush or should we try it like up next to it or should even have like a piece in it you want to try up next to it or in it we can always see how this looks and

Then just get more wood and try it again yeah that’s true all right all do you want to get the lava or do you want me to get the lava you can get the lava I don’t I don’t want to be wandering trador what wandering Trader we don’t have any emeralds though h

Huh red red sand cherry sapling Fern glow stone light gray dye and gunpowder but we have no emeralds I want a cherry blossom sapling uh do we murder the llamas and get the leads that’s kind of what I was wondering although what are we going to oh we could tie up the

Animals well we can use it to like if we want to catch like a zombie villager we can use it to lead him around I guess we just killed the wandering Trader I guess he wandered here wrong town Buck I was like what’s in the Mob

Arena I’ll look at you sprinting hey we got some trees we can deal with real quick I’m going to put the leads in the emerg thing for right now okay so sapling sapling Apple sapling sapling Apple two more saplings this tree was blessed I got three saplings and an

Apple thank you o Oak father I got five saplings and that was it but for the blessing that’s that’s a huge blessing okay oh Apple I need a apple here bucket I have bucket okay okay we need to expose the The Source do we want to take the cap off we

Want just take a side block off and get it from the side so we don’t have to recap it might be a good idea you want to open it up is this is this a side block I believe so should we do it I don’t want to incinerate this chest

Full of things by messing this up no if you do it the one I’m standing on it should be fine it’s surrounded by Cobblestone yeah this one right here yeah because we we double lered it remember I have lava lava being transported oh that Sun’s going

Down we’re off to see the wizard the wonderful Wizard of the nether skeleton spawns and knocks me off the platform deployment has to be perfect oh I see light oh I see fire it’s burning she’s a burning I’m going to have the lava bucket ready just in case it burns

Through and starts spewing everywhere wait you probably should build a platform to like step on just in case oh yeah lava is spewing out the oh we got a we have a lit nether portal all right all right oh I am on fire are you going to survive I don’t

Know I can’t see what my Texs are I am I am I have survived okay let’s go put I have the lava bucket I am waiting for lava to dissipate before I move okay okay everything is on fire I am slowly and gently getting off yeah it’s starting to turn night

Please please move I don’t want to get caught with a skeleton behind me or a creeper you just hear a pop we made our own nether for it and lit it isn’t this exciting acally puts lava into the water okay I am I am very clearly placing into the

Crevice I I am I’m I can’t even see into the crevice I can’t even see into the crevice and I’m going to okay Mission successful question mark that’s what it feels like oh we have creeper and skeletons in the in the thing I need to grab some food

Though and should we put on the golden armor or have one of us put on the golden armor uh I we don’t want to get destroyed if we have to do like piglin stuff though I thought that’s what we were going to do when we went into the nether was that’s where the

Pigin uh yeah we we can each put on a piece okay I’ll get my helmet you get your pants since that’s who originally got what yeah um I’m not going to equip it yet though because I’m going to go fight this skeleton and stuff oh I have a bucket oh

God I about made a drastic mistake that would have been bucket is deposited I feel like we need to narrate anytime we have a rare item that would be like hey did you put that up oh no I am transported the bucket I still have the

Bucket ow ow ow ow skeleton stop stop stop stop you’re hitting me oh the skeleton might kill me oh I have killed the skeleton that is a lot of arrows on the door I have two arrows nice no bone meal though oh no two bones uh should we do it for grass seeds

Uh let’s hold let’s just hold it for now and check out the Nether and maybe we’ll deter uh no I think we should check out the nether when there’s not mobs spotting underneath the pathway I guess that makes sense But yeah I can Bank it that’s fine I need food I am two and a half hearts we got raw beef in here and raw pork chop the beef will take like four of yours I think there might be some more mobs in there I can’t tell it could be

The arrows in the door yeah I was eating up the rotten flesh first okay because that’s renewable true still no Phantoms I love it personally or or we could use the bone meal on the wheat seeds n that just expedites a resource as opposed to generates a new resource

And when we’re not like struggling we should focus on generating resources that weren’t there before all right I’m cooking food we could we could also try using bone meal on the platform in the center to see if it causes grass to grow I don’t know if

It works that way though uh I didn’t see any grass grow when I was doing the flowers and stuff but I didn’t do it like directly on I can try it real quick yeah I mean I’m kind of curious if you can do it directly on a dirt block it

Might be a complete waste though which is not an expedite no I can’t even click it on dirt oh okay so that means on the run that we uh had dirt or no grass there was never going to be grass I’m going to leave that grass

There because I don’t know if it will help with the bees okay like I’m sure it’s flowers but off we can always just chop it and I don’t know if like having grass there will help the grass spawn faster you want some pork chops or some steaks I’m not hungry enough for

Steaks I’d be better off with like a melon slice or something we do have two melon slices I might take one of those oh there’s a bunch of mobs we can go grab okay at least I think I saw movement yeah another Skelly I need like a

Shield or I can distract them while you hit him from the top that seemed to work ow well Shields would require iron got it let up another bone yeah I’m wondering if maybe I should put like some fences on the side so I don’t get nailed with arrows trying to approach the door

Mhm but I’m at full health and I have another bone really don’t want to get that wheat growing because then we can take out some melons and start actually getting food we can use if that’s where you think we should use it you can well like what what other purpose

Besides maybe like trees could we even use it growing more chances at seeds over here you want to do that that instead well let’s go to the nether or no we were waiting to go to the nether right you want me to use one bone and

Leave one or use them all for for grass seeds yeah I mean you raise a fair point of what are we saving them for but we can put do we have any in the emergency chest bones no yeah we should put yeah put one in oh spider and zombies oh bunch of Z

Creeper it’s a full house in here oh creeper I almost blew that up I didn’t realize it was going to Target me like that ow oh Jesus hi what’s up how did you how did that happen um the zombie hit me while I was in mid

Jump do you have to jump in order to hit him uh it seems like it does more damage gotta whether that’s true or not I don’t know it justs more Damage Rten flesh okay sun should be up here pretty soon we got enough Building Materials in case we need to build something on the other side yes is this our moment it might be I have like no building materials long we be relying on you I’ve got 64 cobblestones six more

Cobblestones five Woods okay 24 slabs four torches do we want these Cobblestone here just in case we need to run away really fast yeah don’t mine those while standing on them build and light a nether portal all right said what’s on the other side of the nether portal yeah guess we’ll find out

Building train uh we have glow stone two mushrooms oh another ice block sugar cane and a birch sapling and another chest we got to get these Shrooms okay uh get it did you get it yeah or look like you did no I did okay um this is not what I expected one issue I foresee is uh how are we going to build down here if we ever have to build down because there’s

Not exactly uh water allot in the nether yep uh I think this was our entire trip to the nether I thought the nether was going to be you know actually reversible nope well but we might we could do mob spawns here what maybe they give us more resources or different

Resources just building some platform stuff around this but I’m just thinking like how do we build down if we have to mhm because only lava unless we’re going to go swimming in lava okay I have a very small strip of stuff around this all right back to the Overworld

Yeah that was well we got sugar we can make pumpkin pie um we probably should build behind this a little bit just in case we walk out the wrong way yeah it’s very disorienting when you’re in the yeah you can’t cow chicken What oh can we breed stuff with wheat like can we breed cows and chickens like isn’t chicken seeds I don’t know what cows are is cows wheat that feels right should we see how long that chicken lasts to see if we can get eggs from it sure we need eggs for pumpkin

Pie okay we need to get this other ice block down like immediately we should use it to create an infinite water source that then yeah where do you want the infinite water and then I can actually move water to an actual Farm instead of putting it right in the face of everything

Mhm we got a chicken oh we got another watermelon then we could actually have like a watermelon farm and a wheat farm yes we have a double chest big news also the birch trees might be nicer to build besides this Oak so there was a birch uh sapling

Sapling yeah that explains how we were supposed to get Birch okay I have the ice block playing with water should I go get the lava bucket yeah but with no lava in it well right but still the lava water hi chicken which means we’re also going to have to water out of this

Prison we’re up to nine watermelon yep when you want to free the water I’ll snag it h do you want to go beat on that ice we have water make a chicken soup so it does not jump off oh make a chicken a coup uh we’ve been having an issue with them

Despawning uh we tried putting them pigs and stuff in a hole earlier but they just despawn so we don’t know how to keep them from despawning so we’re just hoping he runs around lays an egg uh okay so we can start making some pies come bucket it

Up all right got be caddy Corner the oppos opposite corner we have infinite water now I can relocate this Farm stuff yeah first put put the water back into the machine I will recap it and all future water needs I have an egg wait if I have an egg and we spawn a

Chicken maybe it won’t despawn I don’t know like if we breed stuff maybe it won’t despawn I don’t know what the despawn rules are outside of name tag prevents it well there’s definitely other stuff that keep stuff from despawning but you you have to listen for that pop so every time it doesn’t

Egg we also need to build a spot for potential Chickens we also need to build a small Lake which I don’t want to touch our infinite water source this is going to just stay just like this cuz it’s infinite well do you want to make a second infinite water source I do that is that’s my

Thought just put it like on the other corner here or something I had specifically not picked this corner cuz our house was over here but maybe uh well I want to make a farm over here anyway so we can just put it over here somewhere Lake by the farm

Sounds reasonable oh yeah look at all this space we got yeah if you got a bunch of blocks you can just start building out not yet but will soon and then I can get all this Dirt away from the center from the generator and then we can have like actual Farm space

Mm which I feel like maybe having a small mob grinder would be good because then we can sit there and keep getting bone Meal oh are you not using slabs these are slabs well the first ones were so I can get started but well are you raising it on purpose yeah because with the water it’s not going to play nice with the we’re we’re off this is not a oh so you’re going to put like

A strip like a okay gotcha yeah it’s got to get raised so that we’re working with whole blocks or else it’s going to get real weird I just I wanted to I wanted to go out further and then do it that way I have more space on this side of

The dirt so I could put dirt on both sides gotcha well once I get going we can do whatever we need to back here I just needed I didn’t want to build the whole thing on we’ll have to put torches on here if those are because those will be top slabs

Correct hi chicken you want to do you want to lay another egg for me but we are now in a position that we can afford torches right uh that reminds me I got to oh we have a tree um I want to I’m going to more Stone sapling oh we got another

Tree those bees don’t seem to be doing a whole lot yeah I don’t know what bees do because we got like flowers up here and are they still just down in the bottom of the depths FL I knew these love depths yeah I guess wow this big Oak has got like all

Kinds of wood in it it’s not very conducive for chopping though yes spread out Big Oak I love the dark Oaks because you can do 4×4 and they’re just amazing for wood yeah it’s so concentrated and you’re just spiraling down yeah you could just build a ladder upward basically but look

At all the leaves we could potentially get [ __ ] from that seems like the the plus of this mhm oh we should probably put our special gold away huh I’m still wearing gold pants yes that that is absolutely a thing that should happen okay my pants have been put away oh my

Goodness we’re got so much stuff off these leaves oh I’m looking at five saplings yeah I’m not even halfway through the leaves yeah if if there was a way to do this on purpose this this would have been is there a way to force this wait they grow I

Think well obviously they grow I’m look I’m cutting it down I’m saying is there a way to force one every time because sometimes you can like build stuff around stuff Force certain sizes yeah what what I meant was I think if you just let an oak sit long enough it goes

To the next size out oh does it I thought I I may be wrong but I believe that that’s a factual statement I don’t usually do that so I’m certainly not an expert but yeah value is clear given I just collected but this came from a sapling we didn’t just let it

Wait wait like so like it went from a sapling and just became this yes I don’t know then that’s what I’m saying is there a way to force that every time like if you want a Big Oak every time you put four saplings next to each

Other you know stuff like that yeah a way Force we have the saplings to try that now but we didn’t do four saplings so I don’t know if that that’s the same actually I don’t think that parameters it works with Spruce that’s how you get a super Spruce

But yeah I I I hear you you do not know the answer though oh I overshot do you want to check the chicken it was on the stairways last time I saw check yeah that’s where I checked him just a few minutes ago and he was see if he had oh what

Goodness he’s gave us one egg he did give us one egg so I have nine saplings on me 18 blocks of wood where can we plant these mushrooms uh I think they have to have a low light level but I don’t know if they have to

Be on dirt I think you can just do them on Stone cuz they supposed to like grow in caves right I think I just heard a egg did I hear an egg I thought I heard the pop I see the chicken yep egg I heard I heard the pop you’re talking a

Bit I have another egg nice yeah we definitely need to try to get these mushrooms to grow because that would be good food um we got some stuff in the mobs oh what do these bees do Jo they’re best well their best isn’t good enough because we put out flowers for them and

They’re just doing stupid stuff you need to put like a door on the freaking okay so where can we put these mushrooms to where they can start growing and we need some more Dart should I put them like in the Mob Arena I feel like that would be a bad

Idea we might have to build like a cave because I think they need like a small I still have a bucket of water on me that’s the bucket build a nest beehive I don’t I don’t know if they work that way in this That’s a Creeper I guess we could like well I’d say we could try to throw them in the ne but they’d probably not be spawned like they wouldn’t be loaded yeah chicken what are you doing just keeps getting caught on the stairway silly chimpin we still haven’t got any more grass spread which is Disappointing I would like to make like a dedicated Tree Farm though but we need more space you’re working on your leg first and then maybe do that yes I think we need to build a platform in the Nether and see what mobs spawn and see what resources we can get from

Those yeah that’s reasonable uh so I got like five sings from that tree all right I need to put my gold hel good think you need bigger than that for a lake you think so I I figured I’d start with this uh Someone yelling at you elato Mr robato uh Pillager with a banner on the on our main platform it’s over by the infinite water oh no okay let me put away the bucket that I’m holding it cannot be RIS tell me when you’re ready I’m ready all right let’s go let’s do this oh

That’s a crossbow oh that’s a crossbow don’t hit them off so we can get their stuff wow I got a banner is that all of them I thought there were I thought there were usually three or four so I’m a little confused why there’s no I have a

Banner hey chicken survived would you like some watermelon yes sorry I accidentally hit you thanks I got a little carried away spamming we have an illager oh they’re called illagers sir I have an illager B not pager so illagers is like the species uhuh pillagers are like the actual

Raiders I think there there is some sort of discrepancy unless I’m just totally wrong but I I’m pretty sure Pillager is involved somehow okay I definitely don’t know enough um we have we have a banner that though okay yeah illers are the species uh and pillagers are the actual like

Raiding parties why that was listed as an iller one I assume it’s just cuz the face is an iller oh okay but I was not in fact insane would been nice if they dropped the crossbow sometimes they do did they drop anything else that would have been good uh they didn’t this

Time but do you know if any spawns that would have been good uh crossbow is the main one I can think of so is there a way to get rid of this debuff so if we ever get villagers we don’t get up raid yeah time okay and

Milk unless you’re going to bucket a cow next time we get one that technically would work so far the chicken hasn’t despawned I think as long as we stay in this area probably still be here yeah oh I just heard pop got his egg okay good uh when you’re done building a lake

Do you want to build a spot to try to spawn the chicken eggs see if we can just keep chickens um yeah oh he must be like right behind you that was loud oh here just yeah he was at my feet we have two eggs don’t we have three eggs did you bank

It no it’s with me I’ll put it in you know better if it was more important than one egg that is 80% likely to not SP that could be the egg that could be the I I’ve seen people spawn an egg on one throat there’s a

Pumpkin we could oh we should plant the sugar cane so we can get pumpkin pie yes uh that also needs to be plant planted in sand I think so we can I think it just needs to be planted next to water source yeah um but it has to be

Dirt or sand I think I don’t think it has to be stand specific but we have spare sand right so I’m going to use that well if this was not big enough to be a lake you were right you also make a giant water uh ball yeah that was when I found

Out that uh I was correct in slabs being a problem uh-huh um I put it on one of the slabs even though it was a top slab so I thought it’d be fine yeah and it’s like you want under it oh the sand has to be touching the the

Water all we we go that’ll do [ __ ] it has been put away well keep working on your leg more more I’m going to need more Stone if we fed the chicken SE would it more likely to lay eggs great question or seeds only for breeding I uh we’re hitting lots of

Questions that are outside the scope of my usual Minecraft before I already have three saplings I’m not even done with Poli there’s an apple oh hey we have a Vine still sitting here oo and that grass is not moved I wonder will the grass spread if it has something on

It I don’t know that may limit it well the bees aren’t even up here anyway so I’m going to go ahead hit the grass off of it at least um I probably have enough cactuses to do whatever you were going to do whatever I was going to do yeah like

Green dye or whatever we going to use it for oh yeah yeah yeah we got to get to 10 oh okay and having a double chest is nice well we have six we have 39 saplings that’s glorious we need to start we need to figure out how to grow

These mushrooms is what we need to do yes if you make some fences like a stack of fences and I can try to duplicate our Mob Arena thing for like in the nether to see if we can get anything okay uh is that the chicken walking into

My swing radius it is oh I heard an egg got it we have four eggs chicken is now away I’m going to put out should we put the mushroom farm on the back side of our house like off the edge there on the little sure because it’s out of the way

It doesn’t interfere with the rest of our build stuff going on I can see if it spawns enemies it’s kind of secure yeah I don’t know what light level mushroom I think it’s like a very like you have to have light but it’s like the lowest light you can possibly have

Mhm and we need to like completely close it off to Darkness besides like a torch or two torches or whatever it is and then there’s a way to like you could use water and levers and trap doors or whatever to have them come all

The way to you so you don’t have to go man manually pick them that’s pretty Advanced actually I think that’s like basic one well you can use trap doors and water to to push a lot of like uh we wanted to do a wheat farm you just have

Like a lever next to some trap doors and it will just push all the wheat and stuff to you man I always ran out there and just hacked through it all I am not an efficient Minecrafter yes that that is app parent but I also usually play mine colonies

So I don’t know what that is I have it’s a mod that lets you build a city and and people exist like not villagers but like so it’s kind of like that game Colony but Minecraft what there’s like I think there’s a game called Colony like on

Steam where you set down like a command block and then like certain people take their commands from that block and go do whatever you need you have like farmers and then you have like soldiers and you have like different jobs basically that sounds right yeah you do have those sort of things for

Sure cuz you have guards and Barbarian raids will happen oh that sounds interesting after you get to a certain size Barbarian raids start coming and so you got to have walls and they can scale your walls so the walls have to be like also defendable oh okay you employ guard

Bir they’ll try and kill your citizens did you give up on the lake no that’s what I’m working on right now okay check in you seem to be in a block let’s get you out of the block get out of a block melon feeling Melancholy don’t ever do that

Again did it make you Melancholy no no it didn’t can you imagine though if it good I probably would hate myself because of how melano you are build a small Lake I did it now complete how much bigger did you make it double nice

Uh do you want to just like finish it to this Edge now just so it’s even can do oh treat going to need more Stone than I have wait for this chicken to just run in front of us while we’re like hacking out a tree or something yeah that’s what I was nervous

About when I I was doing mining earlier oh I only got one sapling off of this tree it’s disappointing in this day and age kind of we expect Oak father’s been good to us I I I really make it sad that the bees were doing so much and like

Following us around and they were like actually floating around and stuff and now they’re just stuck under the platform and I don’t know how to fix that if I just mine a hole here will it like come up out of it I do not know the chicken is drowning

Itself okay I have released a be watch out there there’s holes on this side seems like they’re like trying to get back to their nest or something and they’re getting stuck because they’re i’ I’ve released them and they’re going back into their beehive so maybe that’s all they wanted

All this time oh chicken please don’t fall in the holes I don’t have the resources to be doing this okay I have saved the chicken but I definitely I think we’re going to have to need to like have permanent holes there for the bees and just put

Like uh railings and stuff around them because their pathing I think is just stupid well do they maybe that’s why we haven’t been getting honey or whatever because they haven’t been able to get back to their hive yeah did do if you fix the hole while they’re up above the platform do

They just go back under the platform probably I I just plugged it so the chicken would fall off oh egg can you get that probably oh oh they’re back the evil is back I don’t know where the egg is at but I’m running for cover okay

Where is the egg I don’t know but I have mushrooms on me I’m going to try to bank them real quick all right I Bank the mushrooms are they up here on the top yes yes oh the Phantoms yeah Oh I thought you were talking like the

Illers No No I don’t want to fight a phantom that’s why okay I want I want that egg though yeah I don’t know where it was I’m going to bank arrows apparently I got arrows on me somehow I’m going to bank the wood and the stick I might as well bake the

Cobblestone I I want that egg you don’t happen to have it on your inventory I never passed uh no I don’t damn it I don’t know where it popped either like I heard it I don’t see it here anywhere [ __ ] did we just lose the egg I think we

Did it hasn’t existed long enough to despawned has it I don’t know maybe that it fell or got hit or maybe it just popped over the edge it’s with the chicken in a most precarious place I have retrieved the egg did the Phantom move no he’s still up there he

Is very much still up there he’s just waiting here he com oh he’s like fainting come down here you chicken yeah that’s right come on come on the chicken’s different come on I got an axe with your face on it I think he’s die bombing you he’s t

I don’t know what he’s doing oh are you finally coming down he’s like die bombing you for some reason oh I hit him and he didn’t like that he didn’t like it come on you Coward Coward yeah when I get a minute I’ll try to fix the holes for the bees but um all right I’m just going to go back to mining this oh we got a bunch of stuff at the spawner mob spawner it should I think it should be safe since

There’s like a roof to come over Here yeah he’s die bombing you oh there is a spider I think that’s a good reason for me to stay in my bunker yeah even though you’re in the bu he’s still die bombing you fool so it it does do more damage to jump because I can kill a zombie in

Three hits when I jump and I am not killing them in three hits now you’re killing them in three hits yeah if I jump interesting or it’s a lot more than that if I don’t jump it’s like four or five um I have another string there’s another Tree I still hear that guy out there dive he’s just right on the ceiling just staring at you hey you should have seen that he was just face planted into the ceiling just trying to get at you I was like I hear him where the hell is he say on the

Ground right I need to get cobblestone so I can fix That [Applause] I don’t know if that was an egg pop or that was a cobblestone I do not know is the chicken even here anymore uh I’ve been in the bunker either the Phantom killed it or it killed itself or despawned so I don’t see it or hear it it was a good

Run well but I kind of want to know me going over to the arena and him over on the dirt platform was that far enough for him to spawn maybe and you were down on think so I’m there’s no way me being in the bunker was far enough away unless

He was way out on the well he was like halfway down the dirt path when I went to go get the egg yeah that’s true if he stayed over there he may have despawn from that assortment But okay well it’s almost day you should be good oh there’s a spider on the mushroom platform did he yep he came out of nowhere and got me got me yeah he likes you like he wants your your uh everything where did the spider go oh he’s like on the

Roof oh spider’s gone he uh was climbing the wall I hit him and then he went into the void oh I hear an Enderman dying oh there’s illers at the portal oh Yep I think I just heard an Enderman die but I don’t know where oh the bees are actually finally at the flowers what would you kill killed an Enderman I thought Enderman could survive during the day he probably spawned in your River underneath or something so there’s villagers at the

Nether portal you want to go take them out okay oh this might be a bad idea because if they hit us the crossbow oh yeah and we don’t have this is notest I don’t I don’t have anything important on me I’m going for it you got your leather

Armor I if we wait till it goes into The Nether Portal then they’d be close range all right I’m going to Sprint I’m going to Sprint for it I hit him into The Nether Portal all right you want to stay out here and I’ll go into the portal

Yeah good luck yeah I’m going to need it surprise oh God I I I just got hit into the void do not go through that nether portal I couldn’t even see and I just got hit o well that Happen have they come back have they come back out they have not done anything of the sort yeah I couldn’t I haven’t even fully like spawned yet I was getting hit we do not have a proper platform over there we need to definitely work on that

Should I go back in yeah this is your best time to go back in while you got nothing it says it’s kind of cheap because it says building terrain while you’re getting shot I hit them off the into the void I don’t see any other ones I think the other ones

Might have just walked off the edge yeah I think we’re clear yep I think we’re good okay I’m portaling oh there’s no reason for you though I hate the fact that you can’t see like anything same like that’s super annoying yeah you see your your water Trail yeah I did see my water

Tre at least the bees are above the platform now all right I’m going to go get some more Stone after I get this tree oh they are going for the flowers good good bees I wonder if we like build a around the tree if we can funnel it into like a bigger

Tree like on purpose I just want to see if this will work or it’ll just cause the tree not to spawn Apple sapling Apple sapple stick uh fully grown wheat oh nice uh you want to go ahead and break that but keep the seed don’t replace the

Seed because I want to plant the dirt over by the other water so we get it out of our work space Oh So Many saplings just got five saplings from that tree I think the second I finished that this watermelon just spun nice that flying I wonder if I move the light

Source if I have it blocked off like that oh two more watermelon yes oh we can make an actual like proper water well we don’t have the dirt to make too many stuffs mm I think what I can do is I can give the melons one place to spawn the

Melon so it’s less dirt so it’s two dirt instead of like five dirt for watermelon yeah how many seeds did you get just one per so two did you Bank them that’s what I’m doing now okay you need to bank anything else while you’re here just the wheat the wheat

Uh yeah we really need to get some skeletons we need to really like figure out how to increase our mob spawn Are you okay if I take some of the grass turt uh you can yeah just our best source of growing more grass right but that’s three more blocks it can take and still leave like five five blocks of grass we may want to move some of the

Dirt from the platform over there then cuz I think that’s what’s spawning our our Wildlife I mean just if you want my opinion I think all of our Wildlife is spawning on those like four grass Pates right but the more we can the faster we can get it moved down to the

End faster I can just make a huge patch of it and then we can spawn all kinds of stuff yeah do you have a plan on how to move it down there is that what you’re working on that’s what I’ve been working on this whole time that’s why I have a

Line out in the middle of nowhere no I mean like a real plan not the waiting 18 hours for it to one at a time go down there cuz it’s not moving very fast the way we’re currently doing it unless you want me to bring all the dirt o back

Over here and just do it right in the middle of our work area that’s the only other option unless you know how to make grass clo faster doing it more than one at a time we may have to like build under it in order to move it back but I think the

Fastest way to get over there is if we made the path down there much wider okay and then we just started pulling from the back end wide or something yeah that’s exactly what I was thinking cuz you saw how fast the little patch that I made grew compared to well I get more

Slabs tunnel underneath so I can get the dirt safely because I don’t want to lose that yeah definitely don’t lose any totally agree with that I just got a bunch of birch sings I think I’m going to start switching to Birch saplings because I like how they grow taller yeah than the the

Oak and There’s uh we have I’m going to put two of the Birch saplings down in emergency chest why does it sound like there’s a slime squish squish squish squish it might be the bees I think they’re going into the hive now I’m I think I’m going to

Use do we have two bones yeah we have two bones I’m going to use one of the bones in the emergency chest and have one there so I can turn in Bow meal to try to get some more flowers for these bees because they seem to actually be using them now What are these uh bricks in the nether like these glowing ones and do we think there’s anything inside this block of glowing stuff if we M some of it out and replace it with Cobble uh so it’s glowstone it’s just kind of like a light source you can

Use it underwater it’s just a brick of light basically I think you can use it for some recipes but I don’t know exactly what they’re for can it be mined by a pick or will it shatter uh I think it turns into glow stone with

A pickaxe and then you can just remake a glow block from the glow stone but I don’t know if you get enough to equal to make the same block or not I don’t remember yeah gotcha um the grass does seem to be spawning faster uh when I put two next to it so

I’m going to take two blocks I’m going to dig it out and I’m going to put it kind of like keep advancing it down the line So the plan is working so far ow I have added some extra security to the nether so if you’re turned around

You will hit you can’t just walk off uh and if you go forward there’s plenty of safety n nice but you try and back up you won’t go anywhere blocked uh that still sounds good better sorry I’m working on like three different projects at once so I’m kind of splitting my focus

Here yeah if you if you walk next to The Beehive all you hear is squish squish squish oh wait if you pick up flowers can’t you place them back down yeah oh well we should do that and get more flowers on blocks cuz we have flowers

I was trying to spawn through bone but we could just place them down for the be oh I hear Phantom I don’t know if that affects brass spawns that sound like he hit you yeah did Heavy damage too I think he likes you because I probably died or something so my sanity

Isn’t oh like could put flowers on non-grass blocks I’ll just do that that way any non-grass or just like dirt just dirt non non-grass dirt I I was just I was putting it on the grass thinking that I needed to but if I can just put it down the line here

So the bees can use them then I don’t have to worry about it being on the grass blocks and I can move them I can move them down however yeah he doesn’t seem to be interested in me yeah I uh I put myself back in the bunker oh I know why it’s

Squishy what there’s honey dripping out of it ooh but I don’t know I don’t know how to get it it’s the honey block blocks like drips underneath hitting the Cobblestone that’s what the squishy sound is do we need any pumpkins for any reason yeah we need to make 10 Jacko

Lanter wow that’s a lot yeah you think one pumpkin seed will be enough off or you want two let’s do two all right also how are we supposed to make any Jacko lanterns that would require scissors does it yeah I don’t know how we’re supposed to be getting scissors Iron Golems

Uh through the convoluted process of spawning villagers and then making the villagers scared and gos and sure thought there was a Creeper down here but he just spawned by the time I walked over there I wonder if we just put mushrooms on that platform if they’ll start like generating even though we haven’t

Closed it in yet could try it yeah I mean until we get enclosed at least that gives them the opportunity to grow I guess CU can’t we make like mushroom stew or something out of this I think so which was probably also a challenge and we need to grow a giant red

Mushroom yeah that we can do with bone meal I don’t know if I should put it where there’s like a little bit of light or just put them in complete dark um I guess I’ll just do like one of each yeah this look like the edge I

Can’t play them I got slabs I can’t place them on these that makes sense um just put like uh a slab here then one like where there’s just like a little tiny bit of light oh I can’t put I guess they got to be on dirt Oh I thought they okay well I

Thought thought they could be put on Stone but I guess Not watch out you got your Phantom still after you I forgot you still got your friend dangerous place to be a creeper over there well what happened to my experience bar it’s like all greened out all greened out yeah it’s like a dark green and there’s like no number or

Anything it’s not filled in any way I could tell uh did it reset to zero because you died that is what happened minecra yeah we’re doing H Sky Blocks uh Alex it my turn Alex prob probably pretty soon what’s up we have a wander Trader is he got anything good I don’t

Know but one of his llamas is dying underneath the platform he’s got he’s got a blue ice BL which would be potentially nice brain coral block white blue dye sand he’s got sand we could use more sand than Cherry sapling emeralds no we do not also it looks like it is about that

Time so we should find our stoping uh I don’t think we’re going to get that llama oh wait maybe if he drags it over to the bottom platform is it just dangling on the platform it it sure is horrifying yep wow that is just unsettling uh you want to call that a lost

Cause no uh there’s a be yeah uh oh did he just did he no Trevor was up there I think I I knocked him oh okay I I thought you I thought he may have just bounced enough times that he got pulled through the Earth okay well so you’re saying you’re

Done for the day yeah it looks like it okay this was good though and and we did really well finally yeah finally oh we could still mess it up later yeah we definitely need to find a way to get emeralds like villagers get emeralds so when that watering trador shows

Up we can and if we can find a way to dup the magma I’d feel a lot better about that as well cuz that’s our biggest weakness still I don’t know how do we do that though because I don’t know any way to do that

Yeah all right I’m trying to see if I can get this bee out unless lava dupes the same way as water but which is I guess if that were true we’d still need a second lava are you talking about like uh four like if an a water glitch yeah I

Highly doubt that that’s how that works yeah where is this B um right there where from the hole Yeah ahead uh it’s like one or two oh okay and I was sprinting not crouching I would not be standing where I’m about to mine the I hear a phantom

Still yep he’s up there being angry okay that be is free hopefully I won’t have to put like another hole in it seemed like once I freed the other ones they were good but if you come up to The Beehive there that zombie villager no that’s a zombie

Villager that could have been everything like right here he’s dying he’s got an eye patch what can you do all I mean we don’t have any way of converting him I don’t think yeah I don’t think so because we need uh weakness potions right I have no idea how to convert zombie

Villagers I don’t remember how to make I don’t remember how to make a weakness potion all right I’ve gone into the bunker okay all right um well it was fun it was a very good time good idea not a bad idea at all I probably should just

Go ahead and Bank what I have and then also get in the room just so I not don’t have anything in my inventory in just case something funky happens with your like character save spawn right yeah I need to figure out what to do with the honey too

Yes but that’s why it sounds like slime see it’s very squishy yes it’s very slashy so all right everybody I guess that’s the end for Bubba day we finally on our 6th to 10th uh got a successful world going finally I’m proud of us so I guess see you next month see you

Next month all right well have a good day you too bye bye all right everybody I guess that is it for the Bubba day I I think that was a pretty decent start that was some fun um unfortunately had to leave I thought we were just getting going but that that

Should leave it open for us to be able to do quite a bit next time uh I may play some dink after I take a short break I don’t know we’ll see we’ll see if I’ll be back or not but uh had fun hope everyone has a good day Andor night bye

This video, titled ‘BUBBA DAY! What’s his reaction going to be to Skyblock? Minecraft: (1)’, was uploaded by Shale3 on 2024-01-07 03:14:24. It has garnered 1 views and likes. The duration of the video is 08:43:41 or 31421 seconds.

Minecraft is a crafting survival game, that allows the player to remove and place almost every block in the game. The entire world is made from block that can be removed and placed as the player sees fit. Watch out for mobs though, especially at night!

The game being played (Minecraft): https://www.minecraft.net/en-us


GuliKit KingKong 2 Pro Hall Effect Controller (No more stick drift): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0878QMPKH?tag=shortcircuit05-20&keywords=gulikit%20kingkong%202%20pro%20wireless%20controller%20for%20nintendo%20switch%20first%20bluetooth%20controller%20with%20hall%20effect%20sensing%20joystick%20no%20deadzone%20auto%20pilot%20gaming%20motion%20sense&geniuslink=true


Music for Starting Soon Screen: https://elements.envato.com/horror-glitch-trailer-M66HLN7

XSplit: https://www.xsplit.com/

DaVinci Resolve Studio: https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve/whatsnew

Streamelemetns: https://streamelements.com/

Seen.gg: https://seen.gg/

Reactive (by Fugi): https://reactive.fugi.tech/

Treat Stream: https://treatstream.com/

———-Music (different playlists I may use)———-

Songs from Evanto Elements (Audio Jungle): https://audiojungle.net

———-My Channels———- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Shale3

Kick: https://kick.com/shale3

Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2613294

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Adventure! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a thriving community and endless possibilities for exploration and adventure, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Join players from around the world on Minewind server and experience the thrill of survival gameplay like never before. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Explore unique biomes, build epic structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles with other players. With regular events and updates, there’s always something new… Read More

  • Arrow Door Trap Survival

    Arrow Door Trap Survival Surviving an Arrow Door Trap in Minecraft Imagine the thrill of narrowly escaping an arrow door trap in Minecraft, where every move could mean the difference between life and death. As players navigate through the game’s challenges, they encounter various traps designed to test their survival skills. The Arrow Door Trap One of the most notorious traps in Minecraft is the arrow door trap. This deadly contraption consists of hidden dispensers that shoot arrows at unsuspecting players as they pass through a doorway. The key to surviving this trap is quick reflexes and a keen eye for spotting potential… Read More

  • Crafty Noob vs. Herobrine Hunters: Outsmart or Bust?

    Crafty Noob vs. Herobrine Hunters: Outsmart or Bust? In the world of Minecraft, a noob did appear, Chased by Herobrine, filled with fear. With three hunters on his tail, he must outsmart, Or face defeat, torn apart. Through forests and caves, he ran with might, Dodging arrows and swords, in the dead of night. His heart raced fast, his breath a gasp, But he knew he had to complete his task. With every jump and every block he placed, He raced against time, in this thrilling chase. But Herobrine’s eyes glowed with a sinister gleam, A nightmare come to life, not just a dream. But the noob… Read More

  • Discover a New World on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover a New World on Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you ready to embark on a new adventure in the world of Minecraft? If you’re looking for a unique and exciting server to join, look no further than Minewind. With its thrilling gameplay and vibrant community, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Imagine being transported to a world where anything is possible, where you can build, explore, and conquer alongside fellow gamers from around the globe. The possibilities are endless on Minewind. So why wait? Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your journey towards endless fun and excitement. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be… Read More

  • Crazy Minecraft Build Hacks

    Crazy Minecraft Build Hacks Unlock Your Creative Potential with Minecraft Crazy Build Hacks Are you ready to elevate your Minecraft building skills to new heights? Look no further than this comprehensive guide filled with innovative build hacks that will revolutionize the way you approach construction in the game. Whether you’re a seasoned architect or a beginner, these tips and tricks will inspire you to create jaw-dropping structures that will leave your friends in awe. Secret Tricks and Creative Strategies From hidden passages to stunning landscapes, this tutorial covers a wide range of creative techniques that will take your builds to the next level…. Read More

  • Bringing Minecraft to Life in Reality

    Bringing Minecraft to Life in Reality Minecraft: Bringing Game Elements into Reality Exploring the Possibilities Imagine being able to bring items from your favorite game into the real world. The possibilities are endless! From resurrection armor to capes that let you fly, the choices are exciting and diverse. The power of command blocks could make you the ruler of your own Minecraft world. With items like elytra wings, broomsticks, and even water at your disposal, the adventure would be limitless. Challenges and Laughter In the world of Minecraft, even the most mundane tasks can turn into hilarious adventures. From dealing with power outages to facing… Read More

  • DEEP DARK SECRETS: Minecraft Creepy

    DEEP DARK SECRETS: Minecraft Creepy Minecraft Creepy: Profondità Maledette Explore the eerie depths of Minecraft with the latest installment, Profondità Maledette. Dive into a world filled with mystery, danger, and adventure as you navigate through the dark and ominous landscapes. Discover New Horrors In Profondità Maledette, players will encounter a host of new creatures and challenges that will test their survival skills to the limit. From sinister caves to haunted forests, every corner of this expansion is filled with lurking dangers. Uncover Hidden Treasures As you delve deeper into the depths of Profondità Maledette, be on the lookout for hidden treasures and valuable resources… Read More

  • AI Generation Takes Over Minecraft

    AI Generation Takes Over Minecraft Minecraft Education: Hour of Code – Generation AI In this exciting episode, challenges are conquered one by one in the Hour of Code activities of Minecraft Education 2023: Generation AI. Join the adventure as each task is tackled with skill and creativity! Activities Overview The Hour of Code session unfolds with the following activities: Activity 1 Starting off the journey, Activity 1 sets the stage for the coding challenges ahead. Participants dive into the world of Minecraft Education, ready to explore and create. Activity 2 As the adventure progresses, Activity 2 presents new obstacles and puzzles to solve. Creativity… Read More

  • Subway Surfers Minecraft Mashup: Dark Mode Dash

    Subway Surfers Minecraft Mashup: Dark Mode Dash In the dark of night, Subways Surfers take flight, Minecraft world, a canvas, imagination in sight. Create, build, explore, in your own unique way, Let your creativity shine, let your ideas play. Subscribe to the channel, join the fun, Minecraft challenges, never to be outdone. Hello Kitty, Masha and the Bear, all in the mix, Map nuances of Indonesia, a Minecraft fix. So leap into the verse, let your story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that ignite, In every update, keep the essence of gaming bright. Read More

  • RealCraft: Minecraft’s Realistic Roar

    RealCraft: Minecraft's Realistic Roar In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Aajeeb99z Gamer brings realism, you’ll see. Subscribe for more fun, it’s free and a delight, Join the Discord, let’s chat and take flight. With every update, Aajeeb99z is on the ball, Crafting rhymes that entertain us all. From gameplay to trends, he’s got it all in sight, Minecraft But Realistic, a true gaming delight. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that sing, Aajeeb99z Gamer, our favorite news king. Read More

  • Blithe SMP – Semi-Vanilla – Hermitcraft like – Java

    Welcome to Blithe SMP! Blithe SMP is an active and engaging whitelisted community running on Minecraft 1.20.4. Join our community of over 250 members for a fun and engaging multiplayer experience! Why Blithe? • Active community with 10-15 players online at a time • Inspired by Hermitcraft, with server games and events • Powerful server with minimal lag • Optional mod pack for player enhancements • Creative server for testing builds How to Join Interested in joining us? Apply for our whitelist on our Discord server: Join Discord Server Rules • 16+ server • No Greifing • No Hacking /… Read More

  • MultiPixel

    MultiPixelMultiPixel is a brand new server launched in 2022 and owned by TheNeoCubest! We currently have an amazing custom Skyblock serverMinecraft servers offer a diverse range of game modes and gameplay types, which is what sets them apart from one another. MultiPixel is a Minecraft server that offers several types of games and gameplay, including Skyblock Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Take that, creepers!”

    Well, I guess you could say this meme really mined its way to the top! Read More

  • Flesh Infects Wither Storm: Minecraft’s New Twist!

    Flesh Infects Wither Storm: Minecraft's New Twist! In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of infecting the Wither Storm, so bold. With the Flesh That Hates Mod in hand, A new adventure in this blocky land. The Wither Storm, a force to be reckoned, But with flesh that hates, it may be beckoned. To change its form, its power to wield, A new challenge on the battlefield. The mods are key, to change the game, To bring new twists, to never be the same. So like and subscribe, for more to see, In the world of Minecraft, where we roam free. Read More

  • Miku’s Minecraft Beam! #mikumikubeam

    Miku's Minecraft Beam! #mikumikubeam When you accidentally combine Hatsune Miku and Minecraft and end up with a new superpower: the MikuMikuBeam! Watch out, creepers, she’s coming for you with her vocaloid vengeance! #miku #minecraft #meme #mikumikubeam #shorts Read More

  • Can’t Use Magic in Minecraft?! | S5João

    Can't Use Magic in Minecraft?! | S5João Minecraft: NÃO CONSIGO USAR MAGIA ‹‹ S5João ›› Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with S5João as your guide. Join in the excitement as you explore, build, and survive in this captivating game. Exciting Gameplay With S5João leading the way, Minecraft becomes a realm of endless possibilities. Dive into the world of construction, adventure, and survival as you navigate through the game’s diverse landscapes and challenges. Magical Elements While the title suggests a struggle with magic, Minecraft offers a wide array of enchantments and spells to enhance your gameplay. Experiment with different magical abilities to… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Are you a fan of intense Minecraft challenges and epic adventures? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a thriving community of dedicated players, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience like no other. Join forces with fellow gamers to conquer the Ender Dragon, explore new worlds, and test your skills in hardcore survival mode. The possibilities are endless on Minewind, so why wait? Dive into the action today by connecting to YT.MINEWIND.NET. See you in the game! #minecraft #hardcore #survival #adventure Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Transformation Challenge!

    Ultimate Minecraft Transformation Challenge! Minecraft: Spot the Difference Quiz! Embark on a journey through the Minecraft world with a fun and engaging spot-the-difference quiz! Can you spot the gradual changes happening? Keep a close eye as one spot transforms right before your eyes. Get ready for that “Aha!” moment in Minecraft that will not only entertain you but also give your brain a workout! Challenge Yourself with Answered Questions! If you’re up for a challenge and want to test your skills further, check out the answered questions in the following videos: マインクラフトでマイクイズ!なにがかわったかわかる?答え付き総集編(むずかしい)021-030 マインクラフトでマイクイズ!なにがかわったかわかる?答え付き総集編(むずかしい)031-040 Explore More Minecraft Ideas! Looking for more ways to enjoy… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Vault Hunter Stream with GH00STIE

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Vault Hunter Stream with GH00STIEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Short Minecraft Vault Hunter Stream’, was uploaded by GH00STIE on 2024-05-08 16:24:15. It has garnered 169 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 03:13:29 or 11609 seconds. Hey guys if you enjoy the stream please hit that LIKE button and also that nice SUBSCRIBE button you can follow me here too: https://www.twitch.tv/gh005tie https://twitter.com/GH005TIE https://www.tiktok.com/@gh005tie?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc Community Discord: https://discord.gg/eHeSp5kaUr Read More

  • Minecraft Horror: Ham and Eggs Animation

    Minecraft Horror: Ham and Eggs AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Minecraft Animation (Very Creepy)’, was uploaded by Ham and Eggs on 2024-02-26 17:16:06. It has garnered 143 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Read More

  • 🚨 INSANE Minecraft Bulgaria Flag Build! 🇧🇬🔥 #shorts

    🚨 INSANE Minecraft Bulgaria Flag Build! 🇧🇬🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building Bulgaria country #flags #mapping #minecraft #map#bulgaria #shorts’, was uploaded by MinecraftWorldMapBuilds on 2024-04-11 16:06:26. It has garnered 1348 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. it is good video Read More

  • INSANE MINI BASE in Minecraft – MUST SEE! 🏡

    INSANE MINI BASE in Minecraft - MUST SEE! 🏡Video Information This video, titled ‘smallest base in Minecraft 🏡#like#share#subacribe’, was uploaded by Sky gaming on 2024-01-12 12:13:49. It has garnered 2517 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. minecraft building ideas,lomby minecraft,minecraft building tips,minecraft shorts,build hacks minecraft,minecraft mini build hacks,minecraft new build hacks,minecraft gaming build hacks,minecraft build hacks 1.20,minecraft kitchen build hacks,minecraft secret build hacks,minecraft hacksminecraft drop reverse,minecraft reverse drop shorts,minecraft drop reverse shorts,minecraft reverse drop carpet shorts,minecraft shorts,minecraft,minecraft trending,#minecraft,minecraft letest trend,minecraft illusiominecraft build hacks,minecraft building hacks,minecraft build,minecraft build tutorial,minecraft hack,minecraft,build hack,minecraft tiktok hack,minecraft buildingn😵,minecraft illusion 😵,minecraft illusion shorts,minecraft illusions video,minecraftpe shorts,minecraftpe… Read More

  • Ruthless StevePVPs: Cleaning up Cheaters & Sweats

    Ruthless StevePVPs: Cleaning up Cheaters & SweatsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mopping Cheaters n’ Sweats’, was uploaded by StevePVPs on 2024-02-18 16:58:27. It has garnered 939 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:45 or 165 seconds. GG no hate ofc Game 🎲: 👉 Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition Information 📝About The Game: Explore infinite worlds and build everything from the simplest of homes to the grandest of castles. Play in creative mode with unlimited resources or mine deep into the world in survival mode, crafting weapons and armor to fend off dangerous mobs. Create, explore and survive alone or with friends on mobile devices… Read More

  • EPIC Monster School ULTIMATE Minecraft Memes!

    EPIC Monster School ULTIMATE Minecraft Memes!Video Information This video, titled ‘Monster school minecraft #minecraft #minecraftmemes #shorst’, was uploaded by @Hamid on 2024-03-25 23:16:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Duncan finds his dream home in MINECRAFT – BIG WOW!

    Duncan finds his dream home in MINECRAFT - BIG WOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘A house at last! – MINECRAFT BIG CHAD GUYS #11’, was uploaded by Duncan on 2024-05-13 17:30:09. It has garnered 16420 views and 968 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:41 or 1661 seconds. Join this channel to support me and get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs4br3aZLU0sOEM-3n0-6xQ/join Minecraft Big Chad Guys! FINALLY we beat our procrastination and decide to build ourselves a home! ► The Official Yogscast Store: http://smarturl.it/yogsDuncan ◄ ♥ Subscribe: http://yogsca.st/DuncanSub ♥ Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/eQ3mDJw Twitch Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/yogscast/ Yogscast Games Store: http://games.yogscast.com Check out my Humble Bundle Page: https://www.humblebundle.com/monthly?partner=duncan Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yogscastlalna Instagram:… Read More

  • Insane Solo Bedwars in Nethergames 🚨

    Insane Solo Bedwars in Nethergames 🚨Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Epic Bedwars In Nethergames Solo 🤯’, was uploaded by Retrived Gamer on 2024-05-04 11:03:53. It has garnered 147 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:32 or 272 seconds. Hello Guys I am Retrived Gamer Thanks For Watching My Video If You Like It Then Pls Subscribe 💖 Server Ip – play.nethergames.org Server – @NetherGamesMC #Youtubepescopehinhihai lol 😂 Paypal Bhi krdo Koi Garib Ka Bhala Ho Jayega – https://paypal.me/retrivedgamer Join Our Discord – https://dsc.gg/retrived-army Visit Our Website – https://retrivedmods.neocities.org/ Copyright ©️ Under Section Idk 😐 But Dont Use Content If You… Read More

  • BambooTV EXPOSED: Shocking Secrets Revealed in Part 7!

    BambooTV EXPOSED: Shocking Secrets Revealed in Part 7!Video Information This video, titled ‘part 7’, was uploaded by BambooTV on 2024-01-12 14:23:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Join my discord: https://dsc.gg/bambooyt #mcci #minecraft #lifesteals3 #blisschapter3 #infusesmp #brawlsmp Tags (ignore) Like … Read More

  • Imperiums SMP

    Imperiums SMPImperiums SMP is a vanilla SMP based minecraft server where you can create your own empire or join one if you want to, you can also go alone if you feel like doing that. List of plugins: Player Head 1 Player sleep Read More

  • Brisk PvP modded 1.20.1 Create Geopolitical Forge

    Join Brisk – A Geopolitical Server! Lead a nation, build cities, and explore magic on Brisk. Create your own nation and engage in wars with other players. Features: Less restrictive rules on griefing and theft Three major nations to choose from: Gaians, Principality of Cockshire, and Kutzians Tech tree system with locked features unlocked through voting every 2 days Modpack includes Create, Immersive Engineering, Applied Energistics 2, and more Join us on Discord to download the modpack and start your adventure! Read More

  • YarraSMP

    YarraSMPYarraSMP is an Australian hosted Minecraft server which provides players with an immersive faction-style experience. Within Yarra, you have the freedom to establish your own nation, declare wars, and strive to become the richest player. Additionally, we offer a custom PvP system that’s similar to the popular server LokaMC. Join us on YarraSMP for an best Aussie Faction adventure. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My New Whip in Minecraft !!!

    Minecraft Memes - My New Whip in Minecraft !!!I guess parents in Minecraft are more generous with gifting cars than in real life! 😂 Read More

  • Crafty Beats: Minecraft Trials Soundtrack Drops #shorts

    Crafty Beats: Minecraft Trials Soundtrack Drops #shorts In the world of Minecraft, a new update is near, “Tricky Trials” is the name, let’s give a cheer! The soundtrack is out, full of rhythm and beat, Listen on Spotify, it’s a real treat. Hyazora’s on Twitch, bringing news with a twist, Minecraft snapshots, updates, can’t resist. Join the fun, the hype, the joy, In the world of gaming, where dreams deploy. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, Crafting Minecraft news, with all your might. Keep the crowd engaged, with each line you bring, In the world of gaming, let your words sing. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft!

    Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? She kept blowing up at him! #minecrafthumor #relationshipproblems #creeperlove Read More

  • Ultimate Shader for Minecraft PE 1.20+ – Render Dragon

    Ultimate Shader for Minecraft PE 1.20+ - Render Dragon The Best Shader for Minecraft PE 1.20+ – LuaShader Welcome to the world of Minecraft shaders! In today’s video, a new shader for Minecraft versions 1.20-1.20.50+ is showcased, featuring moving leaves/nature, clear water, and soft fog for stunning aesthetic effects. This shader is highly recommended for players looking to enhance their Minecraft experience. Let’s dive into the details and explore the mesmerizing features of LuaShader. Key Features: The LuaShader brings a host of visual enhancements to Minecraft PE, transforming the game’s graphics into a breathtaking spectacle. Here are some of the standout features: Moving Leaves/Nature: Witness the beauty of… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Explosive Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Explosive Fun! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious video titled “1000 TNT in MINECRAFT” that left us in stitches. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server where you can unleash your creativity and have a blast with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts? Minewind Minecraft Server, with the IP YT.MINEWIND.NET, offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you hooked for hours on end. Whether you’re into building, exploring, or engaging in epic battles, Minewind has something… Read More

  • Importing MC Bedrock Worlds to Mine-imator!

    Importing MC Bedrock Worlds to Mine-imator! Importing Minecraft Bedrock Worlds to Mine-imator: A Step-by-Step Guide 🌎⬇️ In this tutorial, you will learn how to seamlessly transfer your Minecraft Bedrock worlds to the animation creator Mine-imator. Get ready to breathe life into your creations and animations with this simple process! Exporting from Bedrock Edition To begin, export your creations from Minecraft Bedrock Edition. This step involves saving your world files in a format that can be easily converted for use in Mine-imator. Make sure to save your work in a location that is easily accessible for the next steps. Using Chunker for Conversion Next, utilize the… Read More

  • Coke vs Water Bucket Challenge in Minecraft – WHO WILL WIN?

    Coke vs Water Bucket Challenge in Minecraft - WHO WILL WIN?Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ vs Mikey COCA COLA Build Battle in Minecraft Challenge (Maizen Mizen Mazien) Parody’, was uploaded by Water Bucket – Minecraft Video on 2024-03-07 15:00:44. It has garnered 5646 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:10 or 910 seconds. JJ vs Mikey COCA COLA Build Battle in Minecraft Challenge (Maizen Mizen Mazien) Parody This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Fan. It is just a parody! Maizen channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey Read More

  • Testing Dream Jobs in Minecraft!

    Testing Dream Jobs in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Tested Your Dream Jobs In Minecraft’, was uploaded by SystemZee on 2024-05-11 14:00:09. It has garnered 53614 views and 2470 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:12 or 1752 seconds. SystemZee and Knarfy recreated your DREAM JOBS in Minecraft. From being a paranormal investigator to a pro basketball player, will we get the job? Or will we get fired? These are Your DREAM JOBS In Minecraft! Thank you to my friends for joining the chaos: @Knarfy @MrsSystemZee @Surf @NatureofGaming @CragDyna @Coolment @AjianAja @Lightning_Aiden @UnknownKnight Instagram: http://instagram.com/syszee Discord: http://discord.gg/syszee Twitter: http://twitter.com/systemzee Vlog Channel: @alsosystemzee… Read More

  • Unleash Wealth in Minecraft with WhiteZunder!

    Unleash Wealth in Minecraft with WhiteZunder!Video Information This video, titled ‘Portal Para Ricos En Minecraft’, was uploaded by WhiteZunder on 2024-04-19 19:09:26. It has garnered 4084768 views and 406238 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Portal For The Rich In Minecraft #Minecraft #minecraftmods #WhiteZunder Read More

  • Ultimate MLG Gamer DOMINATES Minecraft! #viral

    Ultimate MLG Gamer DOMINATES Minecraft! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pro MLG god in Minecraft #viral #minecraft #youtube’, was uploaded by Topls Gamerz on 2024-02-20 09:33:56. It has garnered 1429 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More