Building a MEGA base in Minecraft Hardcore in 100 days?!

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I might be obsessed I really like pink sheep so much that some of my friends think that this is an obsession obviously they are wrong just to prove them wrong I will build a mega build F around them moreover I will try to build it in just 100 days the story starts on day 774 but for the purpose of this video we will call it day one I began by packing most of the stuff that I will need for this build I was pcking because I am not going to build it next to my starter base there will be a mega build next to it in the future but it’s not time for that after episode 4 I needed a break from this base I needed a fresh start a new canvas or whatever metaphorical name I could find for this situation I started off by placing down a temporary storage and connecting the new location to the nether roof for better transportation but let’s talk about where I am going to build this episode when it comes to the nether roof it’s just behind my hoglin farm how however when it comes to the Overworld it’s next to a skeleton farm that I built in episode 2 of this series I will call this place the pink sheep Island and yes it’s actually an island Dimension island is covered with a forest at least for [Music] now [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] n and now that I have so much free space it’s time to start planning out the build itself that’s why I bring so much terracota with [Music] me the shape will change a little pretty soon especially talking about the the roof but I didn’t want to plan the whole build at once so as of day eight I started to make some custom train while I’m doing that let’s talk a little about the purpose of this video it’s not just to build a big thing in 100 days it’s to show you that building takes time cuz I am not going to finish the whole project in this video I’m going to build a lot but I’m not going to finish the whole project I’m not here to tell you how quick I can build and rub it in your face like H you you’re so slow your butt at this game get better no of course not if you ever thought about making a mega build or even any build of Swords please take your time don’t rush anything I just want to test my building skills and that’s all and as I was yapping so much I think in-game me just finished terraforming for now let’s take a little side mission and I w’t let my in game selft talk but at this moment something happens to my mic uh so none of what I was saying got recorded that means that you are stuck with me so I need a lot of dirt for more terraforming and Terra Cota for more build planning I don’t know why I chose Terra Cota to do that but I did oh yeah one more important thing to talk about is that I installed fream don’t worry the settings are not allowing me to go through walls I use it just to look at my builds and if you still think that this is cheating I I don’t care it’s my game I can do whatever after getting enough dirt in Terra Cota it’s time to build a sniffer Farm I want the build which is a future Temple to be surrounded by a magical Cherry Forest that means I want to get some fancy flowers so I repaired my tools and went to my spa chunks to try to Mark where they are I ended up marking them wrong but I will fix that when I’m going to do more projects inside the spa chunks since they are getting nerfed I will probably want to fix the that with some chunk loaders but that’s for the future the concept of the sniffer Farm is so simple that I didn’t need to use a tutorial for it it’s just a box containing sniffers with a minecart truck underneath to collect the plants that they sniff out when day 16 arrived I decided to use the newly collected terracota to plan out more of the temple I’m pretty happy with what I have here so it’s time to gather some materials I’m doing it for the first time with the interior done I should have said the building then because interior is pretty empty and let’s see how it [Music] [Music] does I think we can go to where nearby Village cuz there should be hay bals there so did I mean for this whole field to be decorational yes am I going to collect the wheel anyway also yes and it’s really weird to do that in freak so I’m going to get into the nor more [Music] [Music] position so we are done with quarter of this challenge because it’s day 25 so it would be nice to start placing blocks right so let me show you the build pet so for the base like this very base we will use for the darker spots basal maybe polished basal I haven’t decided yet stone bricks and cracked stone bricks for texture and then we will gradually make it to Mossy Cobble and green actual Moss that’s the base oh yeah and for some other dark uh spaces we will use Acasia for the window the big window we will use pink magenta and purple uh windows and for these not so white but tall windows I will use H black and purple glass paint also for the walls I will use some bricks okay occasionally brown mushrooms a granite a packed mud a lot of packed mud pmut bricks and jungle I will show you the combination so that’s what we will do with this whole uh wall oh yeah I almost forgot the thing I found raw iron looks actually pretty interesting and this will be our even lighter block like I will use it really rarely but in some places I will use [Music] [Music] it so I started filling up the blueprint of the temple using the new block palette I really enjoy how it’s looking at first I thought that I should build the temple out of bricks so I started thinking about blocks that look similar to bricks and I ended up using the other blocks and absolutely no bricks which is kind of [Music] funny [Music] despite the fact that the block palette contains a lot of blocks I decided to use just one more the raw iron was stinging out a little bit too much but I still wanted to keep it since it was a pretty original idea so I thought about it for a second decided to use wecc which stands for waxed exposed cut Cooper and we are done with the front side kind of let me go to my chitty cam not that chitty because I kep go through blocks this took us 10 days to texture and put the windows in I will change the door because I kind of hate it it’s awful I’ll change it I love how the RW copper raw iron is looking it’s pretty original to use I guess because not that much people use it also I used dirt which is also cool I guess I’m loving the colors uh the glass especially it gives a really cool effect uh but for now I want to check the sniffer Farm because it’s been running for a while while and we may have some uh torch flowers there the mine cart is going so yes a lot of flowers okay I will breed them though for an egg so it’s more efficient because we can’t just duplicate them [Music] egg I think one of the best tips I could give you about building big builds is to take a lot of breaks trust me you do not want to burn out on a build so this time I took a trip to my starter base you see I was running out of rockets like crazy so I buil a little sugar cane field since my sugar cane Farm is way too slow I will one day build a faster one using flying machines or something back to the fields nothing special just a place for me to collect sugar canane and while waiting for it to grow I built this little custom tree and I think I like it after that I visited a spruce Village next to my starter base I don’t think I ever properly showed it off in a video but here is where I do my trades in this world yeah I know I have to fix that and I planed to however that’s not today I just got a new mending book and put it on my diamond silk touch hole I need the hole to collect some cherry leaves and this shot should tell you how it’s going to look when I’m done with this part of the Forest just with custom trees instead of the normally generating ones now I will do the walls I’m going to just mindlessly build because after recording this clip I’m pretty much not going to play Minecraft for a couple of days because I’m going to a new year part party you know the whole celebration thingy uh with a couple of friends and I don’t know if I will be able to talk my voice might just get tired that’s why I will just mindlessly build because I won’t have to talk to you which I would like to but I don’t know if I will be able to so let’s do the walls also don’t find the skin I was doing a little uh skit with my friend AC I was playing a gas station worker and I forgot to change my skin hopefully in the next clip I won’t be wearing it so let’s just get into building the walls I’m pretty happy with how this tree looks and about the party it was nice I I had a lot of great time I was there with my buddy Jeff uh from the modded video uh cuz I don’t think I have mentioned it but we are friends in real life we go way back we know each other since childhood back to the Bild talk I added a gold looking trim to the walls using stripped bamboo blocks and yellow glazed terracotta after that I have built two side walls with a thought that the one on the left will be lighter than the one on the right so it’s looking like the sun is hitting the temple from a certain angle and I think I did it well the blocks in this build blend together really well so maybe not all of you will be able to tell what I in but I hope you at least like how the build is looking cuz it took me a long time this is how much I have done in 48 [Music] days there was just one problem I didn’t spound proof the build so I decided to use glow L look what I just found okay he shouldn’t despawn but how about you guys will give me some some name suggestions for this guy because sooner or later I’m spoiling some plants I’ll have a village here so he’ll be the first citizen of this Village around day 51 I finished the final wall which I call Yin Yang I told you earlier that one of the walls is lighter than the other one so this one is a perfect connection of both of them creating an effect of light SL slowly becoming Shadow since the walls are done it’s time to build a roof I want to use Black Stone deep slate and gray concrete for it I seted up beacon in a bazal Delta behind my blaze farm and mined a lot of black stone I didn’t need to mine deep slate since I had a lot of it in my chest then it was time for the concrete I also grabbed some candles and iron bars for more details on the roof spoiler I won’t use the bars it was a little bit too much so it was time to shape out the [Music] roof on day 60 I had to take a step back I didn’t like two parts of this build the roof and the doors let’s start with the roof the concept of it is great two parts with one more part of the building in between but I want to make it taller cuz in comparison to the rest of the build the roof seems awkward shy or whatever it needs to be more tall and pointy now about the door this thing just doesn’t work it looks stupid and doesn’t make sense I want the temple to be open 24 per 7 so I built the door modules kind of on the diagonal so it looked like the doors are open I’m pretty satisfied with that effect one last change I thought the glow Len would be a good call since in most scenarios it Blends in really well here however it sticks out so much that I replaced it with Lantern I think they will add up to the pointiness of the build like the pointiness of the roof uh I usually don’t use lanterns that much cuz surprise surprise I don’t like their texture that much but here it works at Day 70 I finished the exterior of the temple meaning it was time to start building the forest around I have farms for pink petals and torch flowers but I also want to add pink tulips for some variety I’m going to build a farm for them near my spawn oh hi I didn’t see you there the exterior of the base is done and I’m pretty happy with it what I’m not happy about is how the interior looks yeah pretty detailed interior you could say but before I do the interior I would like to firstly uh build some more trees because after all I want to have couple of them around the whole build so I’m prob probably going to have to customize the terrain too and also we need a pink tulip farm because they would just perfectly fit into the vibee of the forest so let’s get into it so we are here at the world now to check out how the farm is going and also that’s not half bad that’s not how bad somewhere in this direction [Music] should be a flower for us yes and we have the pink toilets okay let’s just build a [Music] farm [Music] [Music] so the farm would be done if it wasn’t for two things one I build it in the wrong spot the place where the pink tulips spawn were like couple blocks away also I figured out that underneath the nose block there needs to be a block that Chang just the state of it like stone block under a note block makes different noises and then wood blocks and so on and so on I don’t remember all the stuff but I had copper there and I replaced it with a cherry lock if I remember right but well it’s working cuz we got a pink toilet last thing to start building the forest is to get more cherry locks and leaves I’ve seen some other YouTubers Place their saplings like that and I want to see if it’s more optimal than what I usually do and honestly I don’t know if it is I’ll probably stick to spreading saplings randomly so after Gathering a lot of food wait I’m still not the best with freom and we have this much and wait wait wait wait and this much pink leaves and also not this just this just this much wood I mean logs because when we turn it to Wood we are going to have much less but that will take us somewhere I mean it’s not that bad so to like day 92 I’ve been terraforming building trees and placing flowers I even build a pond then I spent the rest of the challenge cutting down mangrove trees for the Temple’s interior and I havec the gold farm for more stuff from the bar drink farm so I think it’s finally time to look at what we have done in this episode [Music] and here we are on day 114 I think I’m not 100% sure but we went over time and well it was worth it the interior of the temple is done and I’m pretty happy with it I will use these stairs to show you the the pink sheep pen which I absolutely love there’s a lot of going on here so let’s talk about it a little so I obviously started by adding the floor then I built the pillars made out of Minecraft wood two of them are off center but sh nobody’s going to know then added the elevated pen for the Sheep I decided to use a lot of blocks that have the same color or like the oak wood but technically don’t have to be made out of it which are beehives and chisel bookshelves then I went to my starter base for some string and wax to make more candles after that I ran out of Oak so I went to a nearby Forest but there are so many of them that nobody’s going to notice if some of them are missing after that I realized how of Center the pillars are and I took them down it was a great decision cuz the carpet on the floor looked weird because of them I built some altars out of note blocks LEC turns and all other decorative blocks that I had I also added some vegetation to it then I created a custom Banner that I’m not sure what it means yet but I will make up some lore as we go I made a staircase going to another floor of the temple I’m not sure yet what to put here but I thought about a library where people of this island would store all the secrets of the pink sheep and trust me when I say it they have some juicy Secrets yes I have been working on the lore of this world and I’m pretty hyped about it back to the staircase look I put the banners on it after that I put some armor stands on some scaffolding to act like some statues and decorated the pillars with the pink banners I realized that sheep can walk on the lecterns with trap doors on top so I tested other ways in my creative world and something unbelievable happened you actually won’t believe what happened I was testing the fence from the the temple interior uh because it turned out that ships can walk over lecterns I thought they couldn’t and I just was spawning sheep like they can get every color and just as I figure out a design that they couldn’t walk through a pink sheep spawned like what are the chances of that happening just me testing stuff summoning sheep in the Creative World by the way there are some spoilers but I don’t care really and as I figured it out I got a pink sheep we officially have a creative world pink sheep a natural one this is crazy I love it I have some stupid luck with this naturally generating Pak ship it’s actually crazy anyways I replace the lecterns with mud walls and jungle fences the last thing to add were pink petals but I also added pink wool cuz I thought it could act like much more dense petals the actual last thing to do was to bring the pink sheep back home hello here you go Symphony and hello four that name’s a little weird but I love it I’m sorry Melody but you’re moving out don’t worry you’re going to like that place and I know you’re going to miss your friends but you can always visit you can always visit Melody don’t worry come on okay it started raining No it started raining but it’s quite symbolic hey the place started crying when Melody went gone that’s actually beautiful Al I want you to meet R for and Symphony your new friends they are just like you come on friends I have a pretty nice place to show [Music] you [Music] yeah and do you see this well something’s missing here but I have a solution for that hi Aon what you got there the things things you know okay what what is it it’s like a I would call it h you on like those Star Wars things right okay yeah yeah you wouldn’t mind if I just um just give me a sec don’t mind don’t don’t mind me doing that I’m just gonna wait I I forgot how that works yeah here uh don’t don’t mind me just taking this right you you wouldn’t mind me just taking the a schematic of it wouldn’t you br I just spent an hour on this no no you didn’t yeah yeah yeah I did it’s hard work okay thanks thanks bye act I would say that phase one of this project is pretty much done in the future I plan to expand the forest behind the temple custom trees custom terrain it’s going to be awesome but next to my nether portal I was thinking about the village however we will have to wait with that for another episode cuz I don’t want to spend five months on one episode again before we finish I want to give you some tips about Mega building I don’t have much experience with it but I have some and I think it’s enough to talk about one get inspired find something that will drive you crazy to finish it it can be whatever a village a city a castle whatever you think about two don’t give up I know it might sound stupid because it’s so obvious but building Mega stuff takes time so don’t discourage yourself if you won’t be able to get as much progress as you see people online do and last but not least take breaks as you could see I took several braks to build other stuff without that I could have potentially burned out and trust me there is nothing worse than a burnout when it comes to building I hoped I helped you with your future building projects the tips that I gave you don’t work just for Mega building they are for building in general you can build whatever you set up your mind to and I honestly believe in you take care and I’ll see you in the next one [Music] [Laughter] e oh

This video, titled ‘Can I Build A MEGA BUILD In Minecraft Hardcore In Just 100 DAYS?’, was uploaded by Glitcz on 2024-03-13 17:00:06. It has garnered 1091 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:06 or 1806 seconds.

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I tried building a mega build in around 100 minecraft days while giving you some tips about building. It’s been a fun challenge. I also teamed up with my friend @Akten__ He won’t be posting any yt content for some time, but when he does it will be worth it so go subscribe to him. I hope you will enjoy/enjoyed watching this video.


The music was taken from couple of sources. I used soundtracks from games Undertale and Deltarune (By Toby Fox). I also used some minecraft music by C418.

Music also provided by Kevin Macleod is Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License:

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    Sunny's CRAZY Illegal Shapeshift in Minecraft Hide & Seek!Video Information This video, titled ‘Using ILLEGAL SHAPESHIFTS In Minecraft Hide And Seek!’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-01-28 15:10:00. It has garnered 150816 views and 1972 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:53 or 6893 seconds. 👕 MERCH – Inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy #sunnycrafts #minecraft Read More

  • Sliker’s EPIC 3-in-1 Stream Highlights!

    Sliker's EPIC 3-in-1 Stream Highlights!Video Information This video, titled ‘Sliker’s Stream (2024/05/05)(Minecraft, Valorant, OmeTv, Dating Show)(2)’, was uploaded by Sliker VODs on 2024-05-06 12:45:00. It has garnered 463 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:17:14 or 19034 seconds. Timestamps: 0:00 Minecraft 11:36 Valorant 1:20:15 OmeTv/MonkeyApp 2:37:12 Waiting For Dating Show/Reacting 3:47:45 Kicked After 2 minutes 3:59:15 Reacting 4:35:35 Minecraft #kick #twitch #tiktok #sliker #funny #streamer #omegle #ometv #csgo #teamliquid Read More

  • “OMG! Herobrine BATTLE with Hostile Mobs!” #minecraft

    "OMG! Herobrine BATTLE with Hostile Mobs!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HEROBRINE VS MINECRAFT HOSTILE MOBS#minecraft #creepypieyt @creepypieyt301’, was uploaded by Creepy Pie Yt on 2024-03-25 09:54:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Surviving 1000 DAYS as a Policeman in Hardcore Minecraft – Epic Mob Showdown!

    Surviving 1000 DAYS as a Policeman in Hardcore Minecraft - Epic Mob Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as a POLICEMAN in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Powerful Mobs Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2024-07-18 01:15:00. It has garnered 14055 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 03:16:33 or 11793 seconds. In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a Police Officer in Hardcore Minecraft! 0:00:00 100 DAYS as a POLICE OFFICER 0:31:02 100 DAYS as IRON MAN 1:01:24 100 DAYS as a KNIGHT in a SECRET BASE 1:38:16 100 DAYS as a LAVA DINOSAUR 2:10:07 100 DAYS as a… Read More

  • Unleash the Power: God Set Build in F7 Dungeon 😱 | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!)

    Unleash the Power: God Set Build in F7 Dungeon 😱 | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!)Video Information This video, titled ‘grinding dungeons (f7) & building god set!! | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!?!)’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:55. It has garnered 507 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:23 or 4403 seconds. (LIVE) Twitch ➡️ #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ Discord ➡️ Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – Swurv – Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Toilet Animation in Hindi Dubbed!

    INSANE Minecraft Toilet Animation in Hindi Dubbed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Skibidi toilet 67 in Minecraft animation+Hindi dubbed @StudioTF @SkibiToons.’, was uploaded by ND_Editz_1919™ on 2024-02-25 11:31:43. It has garnered 14 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:49 or 349 seconds. SKIBIDI TOILET 67 full episode Hindi Dubbed skibidi dop dop dop yes yes full-screen version ✓ If You are the one Among 93.6% Unsubscriber Then SUBSCRIBE Our Channel To Reach Our Goal of 50k SUBSCRIBERS. This Video Is Created Just For ENTERTAINMENT Purposes Only, And Does Not Want To OFFEND Anyone! If You Had Any Issues Regarding Our Content Then Contact… Read More

  • NavaHex – Skyblock

    NavaHex - Skyblock¡Bienvenido a NavaHex – Skyblock, donde la aventura se encuentra en lo alto del cielo! Únete a una comunidad vibrante de jugadores y embarca en una emocionante experiencia de supervivencia en un mundo flotante lleno de desafíos y oportunidades. En NavaHex, podrás construir tu propio imperio desde cero, explorar islas únicas, comerciar con otros jugadores y competir en emocionantes desafíos. Con características personalizadas, eventos regulares y un equipo dedicado, sumérgete en un mundo de posibilidades infinitas mientras alcanzas nuevas alturas en NavaHex – Skyblock. ¿Estás listo para elevar tu aventura al siguiente nivel? Read More

  • Astral SMP – SMP, No Whitelist, New, Unique

    Features: No PvP: Enjoy a peaceful environment with the option to toggle PvP on or off using /pvptoggle. Custom Mobs & Armor: Face the mighty Scorpion and gear up with exclusive Skorpix armor and tools. Unique World Generation: Explore stunning landscapes and biomes with our custom world generation. Crates & Rewards: Unlock crates with amazing rewards and earn daily and playtime bonuses. Teams: Join or create teams to collaborate and conquer challenges together. Economy: Trade and earn coins through our economic system. Participate in coinflips and win big! Cosmetics: Personalize your character with a variety of cosmetic items. Minions: Utilize… Read More

  • Project: Lambda RP (Using CITY-17 GRAND PROJECT)

    Project: Lambda RP (Using CITY-17 GRAND PROJECT)Welcome. Welcome to City 17.It’s safer here.A HALF LIFE 2 inspired rp server using the CITY-17 GRAND PROJECT MAP BY KrEsHDiE ( into a what if scenario maker in this server!We have:- Lore- A discord server- Guns- And much more to come! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – How I really play Minecraft

    Looks like this meme is mining for some extra points! Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Just Trying to Survive #shorts

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Just Trying to Survive #shorts "Just trying Minecraft for a few minutes" 5 hours later "I have built a castle, tamed a dragon, and lost all sense of time and reality" #MinecraftAddict #NoRegrets Read More

  • Expanding Mega Ice Farm in Hardcore Minecraft

    Expanding Mega Ice Farm in Hardcore Minecraft Minecraft Hardcore: Expanding the Mega Ice Farm Overview In the latest episode of Minecraft Hardcore Season 7, Doc Brennan embarks on expanding his Mega Ice Farm. This ambitious project aims to maximize ice production for various in-game uses. With meticulous planning and strategic building, Doc Brennan dives into the world of Minecraft to enhance his gameplay experience. Expanding the Ice Farm Doc Brennan meticulously lays out the blueprint for expanding his Mega Ice Farm. By increasing the size of the farm, he aims to boost his ice production significantly. This expansion involves careful placement of ice blocks, water sources,… Read More

  • Insane Goals by Ronaldo in 4K! #Football

    Insane Goals by Ronaldo in 4K! #FootballVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cristiano Ronaldo 4K clips.7️⃣⚽️ amazing goals🥅#football’, was uploaded by relatable shorts on 2024-07-09 22:05:47. It has garnered 24 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:48 or 228 seconds. #blowup #relatable #youtube #real #funny #football #memes #minecraft #football Cristiano Ronaldo 4K c Dive into the majestic world of Cristiano Ronaldo in stunning 4K resolution! Experience the magic of the football king like never before as he showcases his unparalleled skills and reigns supreme on the field. Get ready to be mesmerized by the brilliance of CR7 as he dazzles with his incredible… Read More

  • TheBoyRyan’s Epic Minecraft Creations and Caving Adventure

    TheBoyRyan's Epic Minecraft Creations and Caving AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Beta | Things I’ve Made Recently + Caving (Back to Beta SMP)’, was uploaded by TheBoyRyan on 2024-03-01 14:57:42. It has garnered 1145 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:19 or 3079 seconds. Yes I said the N word. Back To Beta Discord: Members Include: @BoxBlair @D0cSpot @WammyOfficial Everyone else is DEAD Back To Beta is an ok Minecraft SMP in version Beta 1.7.3 which is exclusive to specific content creators. We are currently not accepting applications, But if you want to join then START MAKING SOME VIDEOS!!! #minecraft… Read More

  • Ultimate Herobrine Showdown: 24/7 Live Mobbattle!

    Ultimate Herobrine Showdown: 24/7 Live Mobbattle!Video Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE vs All Minecraft Mobs Combined Fight in Minecraft #mobbattle #minecraft #24x7live #horsy’, was uploaded by Horsy on 2024-04-01 03:39:46. It has garnered 460 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:22 or 2362 seconds. You have to agree i make real good content so.. Lets break Youtube Algorithms like Steveee, Alexa Real and Spectator did! Hello Guys We are going to watch, what happens if we combine all minecraft mobs.👀 And then the legendary HEROBRINE will Fight with the Incredible Combination of all minecraft mobs,😱🤔 Wait For Big Badass Herobrine :)… Read More

  • Dr. Mifo Live: Insane Minecraft Blockattck 2024! Join Now!

    Dr. Mifo Live: Insane Minecraft Blockattck 2024! Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Blockattck 2024 live, Minecraft aber Jeder darf mitspielen Road to 2500 ABOS’, was uploaded by Dr. Mifo on 2024-01-05 21:14:23. It has garnered 76 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:02:49 or 14569 seconds. Hello, I’m glad you found my channel. I’ll introduce myself briefly. I’m Dr.Mifo aka Jayden. My hobbies/things I like to do are making YouTube videos, youth fire brigade (JFW), cycling (especially in the mud), doing things with friends and much more. My biggest wish on YouTube is to get 1 million subscribers one day. I accept everyone… Read More

  • EPIC Battle: ErenBlaze WINS vs WARDEN & WITHER BOSS

    EPIC Battle: ErenBlaze WINS vs WARDEN & WITHER BOSSVideo Information This video, titled ‘CHI VINCE tra WARDEN e WITHER BOSS su MINECRAFT?’, was uploaded by ErenBlaze on 2024-02-10 13:30:12. It has garnered 20443 views and 2383 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Who wins between Warden and Wither boss on Minecraft? 🔥 LIVE at 20:30 🔴 LIVE CHANNEL: 💎 ENTER THE SERVER and DOWNLOAD THE BLAZEPACK, by subscribing! 📸 You can find the second channel, shop and all my socials here: 👍 As usual, if you liked the video, share, comment and like it! 😀 If you haven’t seen it yet,… Read More

  • Epic Fallout Civilization Simulated in Minecraft: 200 Players!

    Epic Fallout Civilization Simulated in Minecraft: 200 Players!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made 200 Players Simulate a FALLOUT Civilization in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by Adriens on 2024-04-10 23:00:27. It has garnered 103932 views and 2347 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:46 or 2266 seconds. In this “Fallout Zombie Civilization” video I had to survive Scavenge fallout cities with DeathClaws horde. Find fallout power armor to protect against DeathClaw hordes in this apocalypse. Craft fallout nuclear weapons that will bring Enclaive Armageddon , DeathClaw drones to help us scout the fallout streets of Enclaive apocalypse, vehicles to traverse the fallout apocalypse bunkers city. Build a… Read More