Building a Minecart Theme Park Rollercoaster! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide [Part 225]

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Hello everyone my name is pixel riffs and welcome back to the Minecraft Survival Guide I hope you guys are having a good day today we are wrapping up our week looking at mines and mine carts and today for a bit of a fun break from some of the more technical stuff I

Thought we could have a go at something fun and today we are going to be going out finding a suitable site and building a minecart rollercoaster and for that we are going to be using possibly the greatest rollercoaster building thing that has been added to Minecraft in recent years scaffolding scaffolding not

Only looks like the kind of stuff that you could see rollercoasters built out of those kind of old wooden coasters that have all of these big structural wooden supports but they also allow you to stack stuff up from the bottom meaning that you can’t design a curve of

A roller coaster from the ground up and I really like this as a building material for roller coasters I think it’s gonna be absolutely perfect you can of course put rails on top of these things so it’s nice and straightforward to just kind of build up from the ground

And then head up to the top of scaffolding as you can climb it super easily and drop some rails down on here and use it to build a coaster we’re not gonna be able to out here though because this area is something that I’ve reserved for villages they already have

A bit of a thrill ride of their own as they come down from the village of Breda instead I want to head out to maybe a nice Plains biome or something somewhere a little bit out of the way and then maybe we could return to that area in

Future in order to build something like a theme park I like the idea of having that as a project further down the line but since this is the end of minecart week I thought it would be kind of perfect to do something in a theme park style with a rollercoaster so I’m gonna

Head out in search of an appropriate area to do that and I’ll see you guys there and after a bit of looking around I think this is probably the area I’m going to go with it’s got a nice open area here I think I’ve been here before

Judging by the fact that this tree here is decaying a little bit and I think it’s a nice confluence of biomes we’ve got kind of a neat little birch forest over there we got some mountains in the distance but a lot of nice flat open plains area where we can build couple of

Donkeys grazing this feels like a peaceful place to start our roller coaster and we can put in so much here I went it took a quick detour to my string farm by the way so I could grab a little bit more string to make the scaffolding weird we’ve got some spruce planks that

I can turn into a crafting because we are gonna need quite a lot of scaffolding for this and I think we could probably do with planting a few of these bamboo plants here and there maybe go back and farm a few more of these and bring some materials with us because a

Roller coaster is not just going to be about creating a bunch of ups and downs we have to use everything that minecraft can give us to throw at this thing we want to do a bit of landscaping we want the rollercoaster to go underground and we can take advantage of quite how easy

It is to break up the track in minecart travel and do some fun stuff with that I’m imagining at one point that the track is going to go into a mine in the ground and then maybe it’s gonna go through a nether portal and then the

Minecart is gonna drop down and we can build a section of the track underground that’s gonna look like the nether and I’m really excited about that I think that’s gonna be a fun time we will need to do a lot of digging so I should probably bring a beacon out over here as

Well but already this place is brimming with potential and if we like the rollercoaster here then in future we could always come back and design a few more theme park rides and kind of make this our theme park area so we’re about a thousand blocks out from founders

Forge so if any kind of further expansion of that city occurs then it’s probably not going to reach out this far to begin with there’s not going to be too much of a clash between this medieval steampunky fantasy kind of town and then a weird theme park area but

Already the bamboo is growing which is perfect I think it’s probably time to get started building the framework of our roller coaster and before we continue with the roller coaster project a quick update on the piston bolt which I spent a little bit of time working on

A longer stretch of and it’s now long enough that I feel like I can accurately show you quite how fast this thing travels using the coordinates over there on the left-hand side of the screen so I’m gonna hop in here this currently runs maybe I would estimate about a

Hundred or so blocks it’s really not that far quite yet but I’m gonna be working on this gradually as I go and I’m kind of happy with how this has gone so I’m gonna activate the coordinates there take a look at how fast the numbers move on the left-hand side of

The screen once I hit the button in three two one launch and there we go look at it go oh gosh we’re gonna hit the slime attack amazing stuff I’m so happy with how this is so far and I was talking about this a

Little bit as I was working on this on a recent livestream and it’s not like this is necessarily the fastest way to travel or the most material efficient by no means is this the most material efficient but there is something so so cool about traveling this way redstone powered and having it be

Hands-free and just knowing that this is probably as good as it’s gonna get for diagonal travel because those ice boat roads are grateful straight lines but in terms of diagonal pathways you’re always going to be potentially either running off the side of the ice blocks or

Bouncing off the walls a little bit and that’s gonna prevent you from traveling super fast so kind of nice to have something like this in the arsanov stuff to do plus it’s also just something that we’ve never done before something a little bit different and I like that

About this series I’m always doing something a little bit different in every video so I hope that goes some way to explaining why the piston bolt and not you know some other means of transport but I probably should have built this thing in the nether in the first place realistically like getting a

Hundred blocks in the overworld is not very far whereas a hundred blocks in the nether is 800 blocks in the overworld so it might be a a little bit cleaner of a way to do things but I’m committed to this now we’re gonna do it it’s gonna be

A long-term project but it’s gonna happen anyway let’s head back over to the main focus of this video the rollercoaster hey folks welcome back so here we are at the site of the roller coaster which doesn’t look like much from the surface but let me assure you there is a lot

More lurking below the ground you got a brief glimpse of it there there’s a couple of a mobs still hanging around from the nighttime we’re ready to be attacked and I’ll grab the string because that’s useful for making more scaffolding as you can see the scaffolding has been a pretty nice

Looking building material for the purposes of setting up this roller coaster it certainly looks authentic as far as the structure of one of those old wooden roller coasters goes and while I really wish you could curve the track a little bit more it’s kind of not super

Possible I tried to do a little bit more of curvature in the line of the scaffolding but of course the track is only ever going to be able to go at a 45 degree angle so I figured might as well just make the most of what we had and do

It that way so this section over ground is actually kind of towards the end of what I built so far and it terminates about there what I have first of all is oh I should introduce you to somebody there is a skeleton here wearing full diamond armor and he is a little bit

Flighty still I was able to get him to be preserved while I went and got a nametag by throwing him an enchanted bow that I had managed to fish out of this pond over here so we did a little bit of impromptu fishing which is why I’m

Mostly eating cooked Cod right now and this guy here has a full set of diamond armor which is incredibly rare is the kind of thing that only really happens when your local difficulty is quite high so I’m impressed that we got him here when I’d only spent a small amount of

Time here but yeah we got ourselves a skeleton wearing full diamond armor somebody in the chat said we should call him Neil because of Neil Diamond I named him Neil mcElhatton and I think I kind of want to keep him around as a greeter for the park I think that’ll be chemical

To have like a diamond armored stuff just kind of patrolling around here either that or I’m gonna kill him and if we’re looting three I might be able to get a few extra pieces of diamond armor so that is a choice that you have if you are ever confronted with a mob that’s

Wearing diamond armor if you want to kill it you might get a couple of diamond to Armour pieces to drop if you have looting three they are gonna be damaged but you can always repair them of course add mending to them that kind of thing

But if you’re in the same position I am right now I don’t really have much of a use for diamond armor when all of my stuff is pretty heavily enchanted has men everything I’ve not really used any diamonds to craft new gear for a while so the novelty of having a skeleton with

Diamond armor is kind of something that’s worth having let’s get on and talk about the the rollercoaster here because what I’ve done is I’ve tried to work a little bit with the rollercoaster as an experience as like a theme park ride rather than it just being a collection of things above ground to

Kind of like highs and lows and curves and that kind of stuff there is a limit to what you can do with minecart track because it cannot be banked in any way and it can’t really curve all that much if you want to create diagonal sections

Of track the best you can do is to zigzag pieces of rail like that and it won’t create a larger curve if you kind of curve it around with multiple things it will just create straight sections and right angle sections and it’s not all that interesting if there isn’t some

Kind of theme around it so what I would like to do is terraform sections of this maybe make it like a ride through all of the different Minecraft biomes or something like that so that it can have something a little bit more attractive to it than just a bunch of ups and downs

But I will take you through the start of the rollercoaster because I feel like we’ve crafted a really interesting experience here that I would like to share with you so you start off on this little section of powered rail here we’ll have like a ramp that you can

Embark and disembark from the roller coaster on we set ourselves in here and we start rolling down into the mine we hit a an unpowered powered rail to kind of slow yourself down so that you can look around to these caves you enter an abandoned mineshaft you might be headed

For the lava but oh no it actually turns right and sends you through a broken section of track down a spiral into what is actually a ravine that I found down here at the bottom of the world and then it sends you back up out of the ravine

You climb up this section here towards the daylight it slows down a little bit as you get to the top and then you enter the section of the roller-coaster that we discussed just now so it’s a few different sections that you can travel around a few bits that are faster thanks

For the powered rail and a few other bits which you know have a a little bit of a slower experience so that you can take in your surroundings slightly it’s still quite fast though and part of the problem with mine carts I feel is that you can’t really adjust how fast they

Travel with such precision it takes a lot of tweaking and fine-tuning a bit of trial and error and a bit of an artful touch to really get stuff like you know braking using unpowered rail and stuff like that not that this is the most artful way of doing it but obviously

You’re heading down the the slope here and you are probably going to be traveling pretty fast through this cave section if you don’t slow down so right now this is all lit up what I would really like to do is establish a way that we can have mobs hanging out in

Here either like mobs which are nametags so they don’t despawn or at least mobs which will generate naturally in here but won’t be able to get out through this section of the cave and I’ve already made a couple of attempts at blocking them from getting out here

First with slabs that limit this to one and a half blocks high that we can crawl through as a player or oil Crouch through at least and we’ve got some rails at the back here because mobs don’t like to cross over rails all that much same on this side really I haven’t

Applied quite so many of the little tweaks here but we’ve got a one and a half block high wall in most places which is preventing anything from walking out of here but right now each of these caves is lit up it would be kind of cool to add some

Theme-park touches to it maybe have some additional or blocks and stuff in the walls maybe little patches of gold perhaps even a kind of little treasure Cove where there are a couple of chests and a bandit has been smuggling supplies in or something like that something

That’s gonna make it feel a little bit more like a theme park ride like you know Big Thunder Mountain or something like that anyway as you go down into the mine shaft here it does once again feel a little bit fast so I might add another

Powered rail in here to slow it down slightly but the idea is that you come down you feel like oh you’re in an abandoned mineshaft and this track is leading you straight towards the lava maybe with a couple of more artfully placed blocks here we could conceal the fact that the track

Turns to the right or maybe we can even use that trick I showed you at the start of the week where we have a kind of four-way intersection here and all of the tracks are straight so that we take the east or south route unfortunately this heads west and south is towards the

Lava so we probably wouldn’t have a great deal of luck there but anyway as we head over here you’ll find that there is a broken section of the track and I’ve done a little bit of rudimentary kind of terraforming of this this would all probably be dressed up a little bit

Better but I like the idea that this section of the track been broken and caved in and instead of going straight over the top you end up falling down onto this section of powered track below this presented a bit of a problem for me because having this

Powered section of track here before I put this block in you would drop down onto this rail and you wouldn’t go anywhere you’d have to manually start it up again by holding forward in order to travel in any direction I got around that because I realized that you were

Actually going down onto the first block here instead of that block there and I put a block in this place and what that does is it takes advantage of some minecart behavior where if it’s on a powered rail and its resting fully against a block like this the minecart

Actually takes off on its own and this behavior gets used quite a lot in hopper minecart circuits and stuff like that basically as soon as a minecart returns to a block next to a powered rail it will rebound off that block and continue back around the circuit and that’s how

You get hopper minecarts infinitely moving themselves around collection mechanisms and stuff like that across here it goes over what I was going to dig out as a kind of custom ravine all of this was dug out thanks to the hey stubby can we have active in this area

And I thought I would just leave it at that but then I realized that there was actually a ravine further down I dug down into that ravine so I thought why don’t we add a minecart spiral kind of thing going down here and you come across the side of the ravine here so

That you can get a full look at the ravine originally I was just gonna have the minecart travel across the ravine like it does up there but then I realized you weren’t really gonna get to see all that much of the ravine for the brief few blocks it was exposed to you

If you went straight horizontally across the ravine so I thought why not have it travel along the ravine wall here attached to some scaffolding which is actually suspended up there and have a little scaffolding power in there as well and then once you’re done in this

Section we needed to head back to the surface because so little of the roller-coaster had been above ground at that point it really didn’t feel like it was going to show up much on the surface but then we climbed slowly out of here it starts off quite quickly but then

Eventually you actually need each of these powered rails to be four blocks apart in order to get the the full boost you need to get out of here and then once you’re out onto the surface it just takes you through a couple of ups and downs which like I said could

A little bit of terraforming around them we can have some hills and some Foresti sections or we can have some Mesa biome terracotta formations or something like that maybe something in the middle here or a lake or an ornamental fountain or something that the roller coaster track

Can wrap around before we head out into this section and I think from here I’m actually going to go back underneath the surface because I want to do a section where it feels like the minecart is going through the nether and while of course mine carts and stuff in mine

Carts cannot transition between dimensions the idea is that we’re going to head down into the earth via a nether portal that we’re going to set up here but the portal itself is not going to transport us anywhere instead I brought a few shelcha boxes worth of netherrack

From my storage that I had from digging out the nether hub and we’re going to transform a section of the earth down here into a kind of facsimile of the nether it’s going to look like the nether we might even if we want to bring

In a couple of mobs that are native to the nether perhaps a couple of zombie pigmen perhaps a ghast or two even if we wanted to go the full distance with it and obviously we would keep them all behind you know glass walls or something like that so that they wouldn’t actually

Be able to attack the player but there are definitely ways we could do this artfully and make it look really really good I’m also gonna have to work on lighting a little bit down here because I don’t want to just have torches spammed all over the walls I want the

Mine section over there to have lanterns and stuff like that I want some of this the nether is obviously gonna have lava and glowstone and stuff some of the lighting solutions will suggest themselves others might be a little bit trickier so I will do my best to come up

With something a little bit inventive for each of those so let’s try putting the portal around here I want it to be quite large and imposing and kind of give the player these sense that you cannot escape going down into the nether so I guess we’ll make it I guess sort of

Like a five by seven sort of deal yeah we want the player to be going directly through the center of it like that and I think hopefully we should be able to basically slide straight through that and fall down the other side I will have to check that though I’m fairly certain

We’re not gonna go through the portal or anything but I’m fairly certain we should be able to skip through the portal over the top of the obsidian frame and fall down in the block behind that so let’s give that a quick shot if I just hold

W-4 a bit there we go and through the portal and we fall great okay so we’re actually landing a little bit further down from this block here and because this is a simulated experience of the nether what we can do there is have a hole basically dug

Straight down give or take the ghost blocks here and we can end up having something that goes all the way down towards the bottom of the world hopefully avoiding that ravine that we were in a little bit before and we can dig out a large cavern that’s going to

Be basically the set for a trip through the nether I’ve dug this hole right the way down to y11 and we can kind of fill in the walls with netherrack or whatever kind of nether materials we want I am out of the range of the beacon though

Which I did not expect to be so I guess we can probably either fly up and get the beacon effect for a second or two so we can dig out a little bit here and make sure we’re not going to intersect with that ravine or we could move the

Beacon down here for a larger-scale digging operation and there we go okay at the bottom here need to hollow out a section just to make sure that we’re not going to be interrupting the ravine note that just looks like a standard cave that’s okay if we down here at the

Bottom of the world and we encounter a couple of lava lakes that’d be really cool that mean we could kind of adapt them and make it look like they were part of the nether landscape instead of having to pump in a ton of lava because lava cannot create infinite sources so

Of course we’d have to bring it all in bucket by bucket if we wanted it to look like there was a solid lake of the stuff and not just a couple of lava sources trickling from the ceiling and forming little kind of pools on the outside and

In these Shilka boxes here I have a whole heap of nether AK and I also have some magma blocks or some nether brick for maybe a kind of miniature nether fortress a bit of soul sand we can grab some gravel we’ll probably find some gravel underground there as well and we

Can make ourselves a really neat little nether biome down there which will look pretty cool once it’s done so I’m gonna head off and do a little bit more of that I need to throw all of these materials in here somewhere gosh running out of space at the moment but I think

We will be able to make a really neat little rendition of the nether down there and I’ll bring you guys back in once that’s done alright folks I think this thing is ready for a bit of a test-drive the track is not completely decorated as you

Can see but I do want to make sure that the whole thing is kind of complete it should all be connected up now and I’m fairly certain I’ve planned these things out so we shouldn’t need too much extra acceleration through a few of these bends but I will just have a quick

Run-through to make sure that everything is working right first of all we’ve got to enable the switch here I’ll try and switch that off as I leave note missed it okay I’ll have to try and get that on the way back but as before we come down through the caves everything’s a little

Slower and then we speed up into the mine shaft section and we hit lag spike a little bit of lag spike there not a big deal coming down here into the ravine section I might include something that tells you which way to look there so you can get the best view of the

Ravine but either way we come out of the top here yeah hit that powered rail just at the right speed and then make it around this section here which should have us going pretty fast now that we’ve got this powered rail section here down and around the outside and hopefully we

Should be able to make it through the nether portal this hasn’t been super consistent but yet we’ve made it through and down here we have this brand-new nether section which right now oh my gosh it’s full of creepers huh good thing we managed to pass those by a

Little quicker and once we’re around this Bend we should be able to make our way up in this spiral out of the nether section here and once we reach the surface oh yeah there we go once we reach the surface we have a couple of interesting diagonal curves

There up this section of powered rail down the other side around one little tight Bend there and back into the station where we can stop ourselves using that switch that’s pretty cool I like that a lot it’s quite a long ride as well it’s actually a little bit

Longer than I thought this was going to be so that’s that’s really really nice a good length I think for a rollercoaster right here in Minecraft so as you can probably tell from the nether section they’re having a couple of creepers in it I kind of need to do a little bit

More lighting up most of the time I’ve just got like a hole dug behind the nether rack where there’s a couple of err blocks above it and you can’t quite see but there is light being let out into the room and the torches actually provides smoke particle

Which in and in the case of the nether isn’t a bad thing it kind of lends to the atmosphere a little bit and also as you can see with the nether section this isn’t entirely finished in terms of the day core it still got netherrack to fill

In in the walls and I kind of want to do a little bit more decoration to make it look a little bit more cavernous down here like the nether actually is but I would just there’s so much nether ACTU place I just kind of got tired a bit in

The end and I would like to get this whole thing finished but I would like the idea of coming back to this as a kind of theme park project in the future and maybe doing a couple of other rides and attractions and just decorating the area so it looks a little bit nicer

There’s some fun things you can take advantage of with scaffolding as well didn’t really draw attention to this earlier but since scaffolding can be used to bridge out up to six blocks before it needs another supporting pillar you can have sections where the tracks will overlap and go underneath

Themselves and yeah this whole this whole thing really looks quite nice this section of the track here in particular is something that I owe to Joe Hill’s a little bit because he pointed out that if you have these curved sections of track going downwards here because a roller coaster is a one-way experience

You’re not meant to ride it back the opposite direction then you can actually have a curved section where the minecart will treat this as though it’s a diagonal slope even though these rails don’t exactly connect up because you can’t have a slope and a curve on the

Same block or when you’re riding down these in a minecart you it really does feel like you’re riding down them at a diagonal you’re kind of falling down the the kind of curve there and it works really super well so that’s pretty cool I’ve done that a couple more times here

And there just to lend a little bit of variety to this because you don’t want it all to just be straights and ups and downs you kind of want some diagonal sections here and there as well but overall I’m really happy with how this looks at least the scaffolding section

Of it above ground looks kind of like a rollercoaster should in my brain and I want to do a little bit more work on the decorations around here obviously but I think it’s good for a start and hopefully this has given you folks a bit of inspiration about how to build

Minecart roller coasters in your world of course you don’t have to stick with scaffolding you can make it out of whatever materials you want but the possibility to make a roller coasters and make them fanatic roller coasters as well give them kind of a theme that you can have going through the

World and have different like colors and effects and stuff like that and even biome inspired stuff like the stuff that I’ve done on this roller coaster I think it can be a really creative process and I hope you guys have enjoyed this episode of the Minecraft Survival Guide

And this whole week we’ve been focusing on mine carts and mines and that kind of stuff don’t forget to leave a like on this episode if you enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see more and I will see you guys soon take care bye for now You

This video, titled ‘Building a Minecart Theme Park Rollercoaster! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide [Part 225]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2019-09-13 10:00:09. It has garnered 235735 views and 6157 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:16 or 1456 seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide continues! Today we take part in the Minecraft tradition of building a rollercoaster using minecarts! This tutorial will show you how to build a rollercoaster, and how to make it more interesting than a few 90 degree turns and a handful of ups and downs.

The series will teach you how to master Survival Mode, and will also be my Single Player Let’s Play series!

Catch up with the Minecraft Survival Guide using the playlist:

World Seed (Java Edition): 7574084833700264939

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    Ultimate Farming in Minecraft ATM9 Minecraft All The Mods 9 (ATM9) | Mystical Agriculture & Mob Seeds Farming Join the Minecraft adventure with ChevyCoolWithIt on Twitch as he delves into the world of All The Mods 9 (ATM9) and explores the fascinating realm of Mystical Agriculture. In this VOD, witness the mastery of farming mob seeds and learn the best strategies for resource gathering and seed automation. Exploring Mystical Agriculture Delve into the mystical world of agriculture in Minecraft with the Mystical Agriculture mod. This innovative mod allows players to grow resources like never before, including mob seeds that can yield powerful rewards. Discover… Read More

  • Insane Greenhouse Build | Minecraft LIVE 🔥

    Insane Greenhouse Build | Minecraft LIVE 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Greenhouse Building | Minecraft: Technodefirmacraft Live Streaming (24)’, was uploaded by ZaangTWLive on 2024-07-25 16:39:04. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:05 or 6545 seconds. ¶ Footnote ¶ I met with a sudden Wi-Fi breakdown at the end of the streaming, so some bits might be lost when data is transfered. Please stand by. I’m sorry for such inconvenience. This clip features contents from mods like Terrafirmacraft, Better With Mods and Firmalife. Intro Music from Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Streaming Music by Terry Devine-King & Andrew… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Movie Teaser: Faaalke Revealed!

    INSANE Minecraft Movie Teaser: Faaalke Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Der OFFIZIELLE MINECRAFT FILM TEASER ist INTERESSANT….’, was uploaded by Faaalke on 2024-09-05 10:30:16. It has garnered 546 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:59 or 659 seconds. ▷ ▷ ▷ Sources: Trailer: (Kevin MacLeod) ▷ KUSS GEHT RAUS AN EUCH :3 ▷ Tags: Minecraft Kampf, Minecraft Battle, Minecraft Highlights, Challenge, Minecraft Challenge, Herausforderung,Trends, twitch, twitch streamer, streamer, stream best of, twitch clips, clips, youtube videos, thumbnails, shorts, shortform content, minecraft youtuber, content creator minecraft skins, minecraft edit, minecraft 1.20, minecraft mod, minecraft bedrock, minecraft… Read More

  • Barnava Gaming: Encounter with Demon Rengoku | Minecraft Animation

    Barnava Gaming: Encounter with Demon Rengoku | Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine chess Demon Rengoku in normal speed| Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-01-15 06:30:03. It has garnered 2483 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine chess Demon Rengoku in normal speed| Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For… Read More

  • Team based Life steal SMP – semi-vanilla smp

    Welcome to the Small Life Steal Server! If you’re looking for a small life steal server with quality of life plugins like /home or tpa, look no further! Join our lifesteal SMP through this Discord link. If you have any questions, feel free to DM me on Discord (my username is: n4m3l355_jr). Read More

  • Chromebook Minecraft Hacks: School Unblockable Track!

    Chromebook Minecraft Hacks: School Unblockable Track! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Eaglercraft lets you play, no need to subscribe. On your school Chromebook, the game comes alive, No need for downloads, just let your skills drive. Unblockable method, no need to fret, Just follow the steps, you won’t regret. With JavaScript and WebGL, the game you’ll get, In your browser, Minecraft you’ll set. So dive into the world, let your imagination soar, Build, explore, and create, like never before. Minecraft on Chromebook, a game to adore, Thanks to Eaglercraft, you’ll never be bored. Remember, this method is for educational use, Respect copyrights,… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date Night

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date Night Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Oops! 3 Years in Minecraft Survival World

    Oops! 3 Years in Minecraft Survival World Welcome Back to the Minecraft Survival World! After a three-year hiatus, our Minecraft enthusiast is back with an exciting update on their survival world. Let’s dive into the latest developments and changes that have taken place in this virtual realm. Mod Showcase: Enhancing the Gameplay The addition of mods has brought a whole new level of excitement to the gameplay. With enhanced features and functionalities, the player’s experience has been taken to a whole new level. From new tools to unique creatures, mods have truly transformed the world. Resource Pack Showcase: Aesthetics Matter Resource packs play a crucial role… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: My Minecraft 1.22 Update

    Crafting Chaos: My Minecraft 1.22 Update The “Crackhead Update” in Minecraft (1.22) Have you ever wondered what a Minecraft update created by a “crackhead” would look like? Well, look no further because a YouTuber named Troy has come up with his own unique version of Minecraft update 1.22, aptly named the “Crackhead Update”. Let’s dive into the crazy features and additions Troy has included in this wild update! Measurement Madness Troy kicks off the update with a new measurement system that adds a quirky twist to the game. Players can now measure various objects and distances within the Minecraft world, adding a fun and interactive… Read More

  • DemonjoeTV Reveals Ultimate Bedrock Website! 😱 #minecraft

    DemonjoeTV Reveals Ultimate Bedrock Website! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock’s Most Useful Website! #minecraft’, was uploaded by demonjoeTV on 2024-08-10 18:51:37. It has garnered 331447 views and 28640 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. 🔔 𝗦𝗨𝗕𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗕𝗘 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗠𝗢𝗥𝗘! (copy and paste the link if you can’t click it!) #Minecraft #MinecraftBedrock #minecraftmods Business email ► [email protected] 𝗜𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂’𝗿𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀, 𝗜 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 🙂 Read More

  • Epic Shark-Infested Minecraft Seeds

    Epic Shark-Infested Minecraft SeedsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Minecraft Seeds That’ll Haunt You Forever…’, was uploaded by Shark on 2024-08-31 19:00:05. It has garnered 99948 views and 3632 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:45 or 3705 seconds. Scary Minecraft Seeds That’ll Haunt You Forever… BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! Merch – Subscribe! – Join My Discord – My Socials Twitter – @09sharkboy Snapchat – TheLifeOfShark Instagram – @09sharkboy Facebook – Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial! 🡆 #Minecraft Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Ocean Adventure – Find Extreme Hills Biome!

    EPIC Minecraft Ocean Adventure - Find Extreme Hills Biome!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft v1.1 Long Play E200 (R35) – Ocean Survey for the Extreme Hills Biome southeast of Sandy’, was uploaded by sealchan1 on 2024-05-10 05:51:46. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:22 or 3682 seconds. The nearly landlocked Extreme Hills biome has connections to many Waterways that interconnect back to the Western Sea (maybe this is what I should call the original Ocean I spawned by). I also find a new Ocean which is reachable across a Swamplands to the south from the Western Sea. In this series… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Hack Prank!! 😱 Watch Now 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Build Hack Prank!! 😱 Watch Now 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BUILD HACK TROLL FACE 😈 EDIT ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-08-10 06:38:34. It has garnered 10371 views and 292 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. MINECRAFT BUILD HACK TROLL FACE 😈 EDIT ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos… Read More

  • Insane Spider Boss Battle in Public SMP!

    Insane Spider Boss Battle in Public SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live 🔴 Public SMP | Java + Pe | Cracked’, was uploaded by Wild Spider on 2024-08-23 15:44:06. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:41 or 161 seconds. IP:- Make Sure to Subscribe 🙂 Java IP – Pocket IP – Port – 3262 Dyn IP – if non of that work discord –… TAGS USED : ——————————————————– minecraft live with subscribers, minecraft live with subscribers pe, minecraft live with subscribers bedwars, playing live with subscribers minecraft minecraft 24/7 server free, aternos minecraft… Read More

  • Birthday Chaos: Summarizing Every Shizo Clickbait!

    Birthday Chaos: Summarizing Every Shizo Clickbait!Video Information This video, titled ‘Summarizing Every Chaos for my Birthday!’, was uploaded by ssChaos on 2024-07-29 15:00:08. It has garnered 62 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:37 or 2317 seconds. I’ve told some amazing stories over the past 3 years, let’s talk about them and this crazy game called Minecraft CHAPTERS 0:00 Intro explanation 2:42 My first ever world 4:04 Maniac SMP – Sara Chaos 9:25 No Signal SMP – Apeiron Chaos 10:48 Craft SMP – Mary and Reeds Chaos 13:11 “Voldemort” SMP – Ceci Chaos plus Charlemagne 16:36 Rulers Royale SMP – Reiner… Read More

  • Sword4000’s Insane Minecraft Hide or Hunt with Dog1234!

    Sword4000's Insane Minecraft Hide or Hunt with Dog1234!Video Information This video, titled ‘I played In Sword4000s Minecraft Hide or Hunt!’, was uploaded by Dog1234 on 2024-05-24 19:35:55. It has garnered 9495 views and 424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:59 or 1439 seconds. I played in Sword4000s Hide Or Hunt Event with the goal of being the last team standing and building the ultimate secret base and hunting down other players bases. Join My Discord: ——————————————————————————————————- Huge Thank you to Sword4000 for Hosting this event and be sure to Subscribe to both of his channels! His Main Channel: His 2nd Channel: ——————————————————————————————————-… Read More

  • CatNap vs Monster in Epic Roblox Battle! #Shorts

    CatNap vs Monster in Epic Roblox Battle! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CanNap team battle Monster #CatNap #robloxmemes #roblox #trending #shorts’, was uploaded by PurrBlox on 2024-09-08 14:00:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts. Read More

  • Unbelievable Revenge in Minecraft! 👿 #viralshort

    Unbelievable Revenge in Minecraft! 👿 #viralshortVideo Information This video, titled ‘Revenge 😈 #shorts #viralshort #youtubeshort #minecraft’, was uploaded by WHRI_GAMING_1100 on 2024-03-03 09:49:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Revenge #shorts #viralshort #youtubeshort #minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Revenge Minecraft Story. Read More

  • WawaNet

    WawaNetWawaNet is a server with many things combined into one. Our server has: SMP, RPG, Exploration, Custom Generated Structures, Adventure, Custom Bosses, Minigames, PVP Game Modes, In-game Economy, Grinding Systems, and Custom Armor/Tools. Join our server today! at: Java: IP: Bedrock: IP: Port: 25570 Read More

  • AussieSMP SMP Australian Whitelist 1.21+ Java Bedrock Discord Livestreams

    AussieSMP Server Welcome to AussieSMP Server IP: Location: Sydney, Australia Discord: Join our Discord Apply: Apply here About AussieSMP The AussieSMP is an Australian hosted Survival server with a small community of players from around the world. The server is whitelist-based so you need to apply to join. We offer a mostly vanilla gameplay experience with some quality of life features. Features The server is running the latest version of Minecraft Minimal modifications to Vanilla mechanics Player created shops for trading Teleport commands for easy navigation Land-claiming system for protection Multiple worlds with no reset plans Part of a… Read More

  • Repairing Missiles in Minecraft: Cube Xuan’s Quest

    Repairing Missiles in Minecraft: Cube Xuan's Quest In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Cube Xuan brings laughter, joy, and gains. With animations that are funny and bright, Each video a delight, a pure delight. Missiles in Minecraft, needing repair, Cube Xuan’s humor, beyond compare. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, In this virtual world, happiness is found. So follow along, subscribe and see, The magic of Minecraft, with Cube Xuan’s glee. Each video a gem, a work of art, In the world of gaming, he’s a true heart. Read More

  • MINECRAFT: The Lava Hot Meme!

    MINECRAFT: The Lava Hot Meme! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone! #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems Read More

  • Drowned Dilemma

    Drowned Dilemma Welcome to Minecraft Infiniverse Season 4! As the new season of Minecraft Infiniverse kicks off, SkyGuyJedi is ready to embark on a fresh adventure in the world of Minecraft. This season promises to be filled with exciting challenges, epic builds, and thrilling survival experiences. Let’s dive into the highlights of the first episode and see what awaits in this traditional Minecraft journey! Episode Highlights: Resource Gathering: The season starts with a focus on collecting essential resources like wood, saplings, and sweet berries to lay the foundation for survival. Exploration: Along the way, SkyGuyJedi encounters various creatures, discovers a ruined… Read More

  • EPIC Twist in Minecraft ATM 9 #11!

    EPIC Twist in Minecraft ATM 9 #11!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft ATM 9 #11] But What If They Weren’t The Final Preparations’, was uploaded by 氷上竜二Ch Hikami Ryuji Channel on 2024-09-26 03:18:23. It has garnered 27 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:55 or 9895 seconds. Stream Rules: -Don’t bring any sensitive topics like politcs, religion etc. -Be kind a respectiful to everyone -Don’t mention other vtubers unless it’s relevant to the current topic -Don’t spam -Don’t self promote -Don’t give any advices on the game being played unless asked Read More

  • Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!

    Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Let’s explore! Chatting in disguise 👁️’, was uploaded by Yomi Gardenia Ch. on 2024-08-23 00:28:02. It has garnered 214 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 05:10:00 or 18600 seconds. 👻 Yo-hooo! Hello! 🌼👻 I am Yomi, ghost VTuber streaming from beyond the grave! Today, let’s walk around and see pretty places in Minecraft! I’m Yomi, ghost VTuber streaming from beyond! Today, let’s walk around Minecraft and see beautiful places! 🌼 Minecraft is a game by Mojang. 🌼 Texture pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft ✿ ✿ ✿ 👻 Twitter →… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft world tour by coleisprettygreat

    INSANE Minecraft world tour by coleisprettygreatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft world showcase’, was uploaded by coleisprettygreat on 2024-09-07 03:06:37. It has garnered 10455 views and 1192 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:52 or 1372 seconds. interior decoration still on point Read More

  • Minecraft Français Twitch Epic Action! LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs & Eman Predictions + More! Subscribe now!

    Minecraft Français Twitch Epic Action! LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs & Eman Predictions + More! Subscribe now!Video Information This video, titled ‘[FR] LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs, Eman Predictions & + !! !subgoal !stuff !hy | Minecraft Highlights!’, was uploaded by minecraft français twitch highlights on 2024-02-11 13:09:06. It has garnered 36 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:17 or 377 seconds. Stream highlights posted daily. Please like and subscribe for more content! What was your favorite clip? Let us know in the comments below! If you own the content in this video and want to be excluded from this and future videos please contact us: PATREON ———————————————— As you may… Read More

  • Join Skeleton for Minecraft lifesteal smp 🔥💀 Now live!

    Join Skeleton for Minecraft lifesteal smp 🔥💀 Now live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥New Start of Minecraft Lifesteal smp ( public smp) | Join now’, was uploaded by skeleton is live on 2024-02-26 16:04:40. It has garnered 182 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #velorentlive #velorant Hello, Cool Gamers I am Skeleton, and I welcome you all to our fun spot. So, Today I am going to plat Valorantt. it will be adventurous and exciting. You all can join us to play. Thank you, I hope you all have enjoyed this stream so don’t forget to like it, comment, and… Read More

Building a Minecart Theme Park Rollercoaster! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide [Part 225]