BUILDING A RAID FARM in Hardcore Minecraft! LIVE 🔴

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Okay we are live let’s go ahead pop out chat copy link paste layout editor website paste save changes top chat goes to live chat copy that share copy video link and now we put in a stream announcements at notifications live now uh gonna continue figuring out which

RAID Farm to use and hopefully we actually start building today then we put the link hey someone got first I don’t know who because it did not printed in chat congratulations to whoever got first that’s funny why did it not put it in chat very interesting what’s up fire Mochi how’s it going

Welcome to the stream welcome welcome welcome all right um today was a very productive day for me I got three tick tocks done and one of and The Tick Tock that I posted today is at like 400 000 views it’s pretty swag I got scammed I’m always first oof foreign

I literally don’t even know who redeemed first because normally it would like write it in chat and it would say who redeemed it but it did not it didn’t say who who redeemed it so I don’t even know I could check on like stream Labs but do

I really care you know what I will we’ll check was it Cubans again because apparently you’re able to redeem it before the stream starts which is very weird and there’s no way for me to turn it off unfortunately uh history yeah it was Cubans Cubans redeemed it like a minute ago

Through see I think I’m actually not sure if Cubans redeemed it before stream started or if Cubans is just just has realized I don’t know if you guys have realized but I’m pretty sure that it works much faster if you do it through the website rather than

Through chat so do it through the website if not I did oof if it’s Cubans bro that guy is gonna feel my wrath what’s up blocks balls for real okay so today we’re gonna continue trying to figure out which RAID Farm to use I’m gonna try to use Nash’s raid Farm

I’m I downloaded the schematic I now need to I don’t know like where it has to be placed and stuff so I’m going to attack better pull up um oh no they found my ancient technique oh no what’s up Jitter how’s it going make Chronos raid Farm um anyways

Skelly really immediately was like make Chronos right from like dude it’s so Kronos raid Farm was so not user friendly at all so that’s why I’m not gonna do that one I have to put this lymatic into my light map into my schematics folder real quick one second paste there we go okay

That raid Farm now I have the schematic better gamble at all Cubans gambling is turned off gambling has been turned off for a couple days I like Phantoms that is insane what are you you’re crazy you like Phantoms why gambling was turned off a few days ago actually because I didn’t I realized

I didn’t like what it was doing to my chat okay so I’m just hopping into this world even though this isn’t like the right one stick okay let’s see if we can I got scammed gotta be against the rules yeah for real oh there we go no grade okay let’s see

Yeah that’s literally you gotta be insane to like Phantoms I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say before the words I like Phantoms that is crazy what help do you need oh I don’t know I just don’t know like where to align it I take it that this blue that this big box

Is actually gonna just be the thing that we align it with though and I probably have to align it with the blue line like so and then I think I have to build it down further right shut your eyes it’s 4am for me it’s not 4am though

Um yeah liking Phantoms is crazy like I’m a self-proclaimed psychopath and I even I don’t like Phantoms how why why do you like Phantoms what compels you to like Phantoms that’s crazy that is like real psychopath Behavior they literally serve no purpose other than like being insanely annoying they don’t do anything

Because they give Phantom membrane but what do you even use Phantom membrane for once you get mending Phantom membrane is absolutely useless do I line it up with the blue thing like this stream not work oh you’re the stream isn’t working for you another day another stream what’s up Carol slow

Falling potions that’s fair but still are you on multiplayer are you doing Crystal PVP Crystal PVP is the only usage of Phantoms and I think they could have just given you know what I you know what I have thought for a while I think that we should get rid of oh

This is very similar to the other one I think that we should get rid of phantoms and then replace Phantoms or replace Phantom membrane in that crafting recipe with um with feathers just make it use feathers instead you have an elytro slow falling is not very useful true feathers yeah Phantom memories are

Useful once every 10 100 000 years what’s up XO how’s it going I think we should get rid of Phantom’s W take well I think that we could also put them in the end and that would be kind of neat if we put them in the end or made

Them I also think that there should be a potion like that just makes Phantoms go away to encourage Brewing like a potion that’s just like Monster Energy Drink potion potion of Monster Energy drink and then it just makes you not have to use it okay name it Celsius yeah there you go yeah

Celsius drink Celsius potion Phantoms guard the elytra in the end that could be cool that would be like the that would be like an acceptable way to use them like I feel like no one would complain about that oh so this doesn’t have a sorting system right

It just has the the wool okay so you would have to add you would have to add the uh you’d have to add the sorting system but I can do that that’s fine monster repellent do you like that farm I have not tried it yet so maybe

I have to see if it works first let’s see if it actually works log counter or not not command block log counter there we go okay and what are we doing on stream today I’m still trying to figure out what end farm or uh what raid Farm to use

This one I have been informed is good and I if it’s user friendly and doesn’t break every five seconds like the other one I was using then I’ll use it but I am worried because most of them break every or the other one I tried break every five seconds what’s up Jack how’s

It going um so tack do I is it the same steps or well what are the steps here relative to the other one enchant Dash from 4 sharpness five I don’t know it doesn’t even have to be relative to the other one what are the what are the steps for turning this bad

Boy on I assume you need a good sword and then if I hit this okay if I hit this it does do a thing I don’t know what it does nice forehead thank you I worked hard on it oh Jesus oh it uses TNT ah that’s interesting or really came for

The forehead yeah saw your comment on the video that you’re working on a new gold Farm any updates on that looking for one for my realm oh don’t build the new gold Farm is not is not for multiplayer don’t build on a realm

Um it’s it it can work on a realm but if other people are on it’s not a good idea and also you don’t you probably almost definitely don’t need that much gold just build my 225k version like most people even on servers aren’t gonna need five thousand four hundred

Gold Blocks per hour you know W short today slash Yesterday by the way thank you man Tick Tock is making is making things difficult for me but it also pays me a lot so it’s fine well hopefully it pays me a lot um Tick Tock has started paying more

Money to to uh creators who make videos that are longer than a minute long so I posted my um texture pack short the other day that I made got has like a it gets me like a dollar and change per thousand views and that’s like really really good right but the

Thing that sucks is that I can’t easily post things to to YouTube shorts I can’t like easily post that to YouTube shorts due to the fact that uh due to the fact that it’s like a different length Okay let’s see if I die here

Due to the fact that it has to be above a minute and YouTube shorts have to be below a minute okay so let’s see what happens in this raid Farm okay um it appears to be nothing I I probably had to hit it attack once

Okay that’s kind of what I figured is it going to start working after oh I got oh no here I’m scared of these hey Dave then wait 15 seconds or so okay so I have to I assume I have to uh like first get bad Omen then hit it once or

Get bat home and start the raid hit it once wait 15 seconds and then do I start hitting it again Dave helped Nash build the farm so you should know some things swag love you pum thank you all right let’s try that again I’m I have high hopes for this but we’ll

See if it’s two if it’s not like like I need something user friendly-ish so if it is very hard for me to get it working then okay attack once then wait 15 seconds it’s still in design phase so it’s not 100 yet word see tack tack loves to tack

Was like telling me to use this but I but then like Nash came to stream and was like oh well it’s not done yet and I was like oh so maybe I shouldn’t use it um there’s an issue that needs to be fixed oh okay I probably shouldn’t use it then um

I feel like I’m struggling with the steps here as well tack doesn’t get it dude tack is like such a big fan of you Nash that like literally this Farm could like have a 100 chance of killing you in your hardcore world and Tack would still

Be like no it’s the best it’s the best raid Farm that’s ever been created I swear like it could literally kill your firstborn son in real life and attack would still probably shout it out attack his King okay I I don’t know if I oh wait what

Does this switch do does this what a see I need the I need the steps let me get a sign let me write down the steps to use this on off okay so this is off right now so I had to turn that on I take it

Oh okay I was like what what does this do I see it’s linked to there it’s like chrono’s startup is the same okay foreign hopefully it works more consistently than Chronos startup then because my when I was using when I was trying to use Kronos it was absolutely not working

And I hated it Least Complicated raid Farm yeah we’ll see I mean it doesn’t look horrible it’s not doesn’t look as bad as Chronos but then again the sorting system isn’t in here so I attack once do I need to wait in here let’s see

Wait I think I did this have to be off to start okay turn lever off first okay yeah yeah sorry it is exactly like the it is very similar to the Chronos or it’s like the same okay so you have the lever off lever off you get that omen

Start raid you hit once then turn lever on is that is that the correct order of steps no okay do you need a Vex suppressor I don’t think so but oh the no was to the Vex suppressor question so that is the correct order of Step the I answered and okay cool

All right so lever is off we get bad Omen we come over here we start raid we hit once and then we turn lever on all right I’ve been Omen for another 30 seconds so let’s hurry this up all right raid has been started I hope I

Chunk aligned this correctly so hit once turn this on and then we just wait 15 seconds or so someone said I will wait oh you wait for spawn okay my bad okay turn that bag off you need to wait for spawn first okay I am not gonna lie

I don’t understand raid Farm mechanics at all especially stacking ones so thank you for not being like Oh my gosh this freaking well you might be saying that internally but if you are that’s understandable honestly what am I looking at here okay so get this hit once wait for spawns I think

Hit once wait for spawns now wait okay wait for spawns and then turn the machine on Okay so so lever off yet bad omen and go and go to farm to start it then hit once wait for mobs to spawn then turn lever on have I waited long enough

I think it may have not worked you don’t understand raid Farm mechanics I just don’t understand raids or Farms that’s understandable did you pay schematic oh and replace the villagers okay I forgot yeah I did paste the schematic stinky villagers y’all always gotta be replaced so Nash what’s the difference between

This farm and Kronos because I see like it looks different but like how do does it use less villagers or what’s what’s like the uh what’s the problem you were aiming to solve I’m just curious as someone who also designs Farms you know was there like a issue

That you were like that you saw with Kronos or did you just want like higher rates or something eventually less laggy problem is spawns at wrong time it’s better better he he just write the English version what taxes straight up said it’s better doesn’t it have very similar rates so

What makes it better then if it if it has I believe it has like similar rates I don’t know if it’s faster or not I don’t know the exact rates of this Farm but um what makes it better then okay 23 dude what the frick man I’m so popular that’s crazy

I didn’t know I had 23 people watching me that’s kind of nutty why am I not why am I not killing all of them first and then doing it like this this is way easier I realized that last time on like the last set of villagers and then I did

It again and realized it like on the last set of villagers 23 people because you’re building dashboard well we’ll see if I actually build this one you know it’s made by Nash and Dave oh that’s why it’s better it’s his username this is Goofy my bad can you show sub chunk box too

Sub chunk box like this this box you mean I aligned it with the blue lines I don’t know if that’s what I was supposed to do or not that’s so nutty is crazy yeah greetings from Brazil been watching a lot of your videos recently cool welcome in Bruno wrong Blue Line

What blue line well actually you have to replace the farm and clear I have no idea check sign oh yeah wait the sign has no text on it Hello Go to skin the schematic sign also has no text on it that’s just how it pasted in I imagine it might have something to do with updating I don’t know if you made the schematic in the previous version but since signs are now editable maybe it did that maybe it broke the sign

Zero zero zero oh is the sign supposed to be at zero zero zero so wait this zero eight so it’s supposed to be here Oh interesting wrong Blue Line huh the blue lines both look exactly the same but I think but that is interesting that they that it actually matters okay cool I’ll just move the schematic down then all right stand and say your sub chunk position I’ll see if I remember when

H stand he’s isn’t getting bad Omen 5 better than bad Omen one I don’t know if for a raid Farm it does yes the texture pack is is different oh does my texture pack change that oh wait I don’t even have a texture pack on should be zero zero zero okay so when

I’m standing this is zero zero zero so I just move it down to be right here like that and then now it’s this blue line and then I just have to delete all of this then I think yes move down eight okay cool thank you

Let’s just uh is that the edge of that oh you know what hold on um what is my coordinates uh negative one seven four six or six I said four six I said geez 92 negative one thousand one and then we’re just gonna fly up here and

Um and then we’ll do here air okay cool bye villagers see you guys love you all right so now I think this is placed in the right place 76 is the origin and now I kill all of the villagers and replace them good luck Nash I’ve got to sleep see you

Later Dave thanks for hanging out Nash should be mod Nash has come to two streams I’m not gonna make Nash mod this is Nash’s second stream being here I would get the mouse reward redeem one day I will good luck it’s not that expensive honestly but

Just saw your video on the ravager iron farm that looked great thank you I appreciate it I tried to make it look great and I’m glad it came out pretty nicely oh chat disconnected did my stream die or did the chat exclusively disconnect did my stream just die for anyone or did

It just did just the chat die it’s up okay cool Nash tank is your number one fan no your stream is up all right cool for me I don’t know if it said this for for any of you guys but for me it said uh stream chat disconnected please wait while we

Try to reconnect you oh it said it again stream died I feel like Ferb is just lying to me should I pull up my stream on my phone so that I can check we all love Tac true does that sometimes it didn’t die anime and Zach are lying

What are you building we’re building a raid Farm or well we’re trying to figure out which RAID Farm to use and um it’s a little difficult because I’m very stupid and I need like a user-friendlyish raid farm so I’m going through a couple different designs I’m

Not very stupid I’m just a little stupid but I’m going through a couple different designs and we’re trying to figure out which one is going to be the least likely to kill me in my hardcore world because chances are I’ll build something wrong or I’ll I’ll I don’t know like

I’ll forget the steps to turn on the farm and if that happens I don’t want to just have a billion vexes spawn and kill me or whatever you know also I just need a raid farm that works consistently I tried Kronos and it was not working consistently whatsoever so you know

You want you could do my 30 game tick one if you don’t need to if you don’t need too much Redstone I’m not um I don’t mind oh well I I don’t need like insane amount of amounts of redstone but I’d like some you know I don’t need like crazy amounts okay so

I replaced all of those so are we now good to go are we now good to try this what’s up James hello there Minecraft time for real Oh Hello is my stream dead is it dead I don’t even know is it dead oh it’s not okay no no that time it literally I Got a notification that my stream died it said Street literally it said stream has disconnected attempted to reconnect so that time it literally did disconnect

But I didn’t I didn’t know if it reconnected fast like quickly you know okay anyways so now I just need to follow those steps which are lever off the lever is off then get that Omen and go to farm to start it then hit once then wait for mobs to spawn then

Lever on right turn lever on those are the steps I believe it died okay it’s fine now cool oh no your stream died quickly type exclamation point gamble all to reconnect gambling isn’t even here anymore guys all right okay so let’s just go effect give dashboard for bad omen wee Okay raid farm raid is started so lever off hit once wait for mobs to spawn oh yay they spawned now turn lever on and now we just hit at I assume 10 game ticks are we hitting it back interval 10. all right cool stream keeps dying bro

A random fight me for just trolling you it’s working okay cool I will be patient then hello is that supposed to happen oh I didn’t build the nether side that’s probably why that’s happening Maybe perhaps are all where are the you’re not supposed to be here you’re not supposed to be here

Uh oh I think that’s not supposed to happen you need to link the portal yeah that’s my B if I turn this back off will it stop the thing when did you start your hardcore World um it’s gonna be two years in a few in a few uh months

Said if okay that’s one way to do it um it’s because of the nether probably yeah that would explain it I forgot to do that dude I really wish that light matte or that uh yeah that light madica could make multi-dimensional schematics I feel like I don’t know once I get my computer

Science degree I’m I’m a fork the code and uh and make it able to take multi-dimensional things set a despawn bot oh just like put one way over here so that they despawn instead of like a big lava tub I was using this for ravagers it was just a long drop

I don’t think he wants to use box yeah I don’t use Bots but I will do it for this for the sake of this I’ll do it uh for testing purposes all right I like to name my bots fun little things that subtly tell you to give me all your money

Um anyways we’re about to escape the matrix with this with this computer hacker technology skills yeah I’ll use carpet mod I will use carpet mod for the auto clicker but I just don’t use Bots because I don’t know that it’s a single player world so it feels a

Little cheaty to me to use Bots okay let’s make sure this other portal is also linked Okay cool so the portals are now good let’s go ahead and do this thing all right so this is this is on right now we have to turn that off

I’ll wait a second and now we will give myself bad omen and then we will attack this once and then I will sit here and wait for the mobs to spawn when you have the 3am depression okay and now I flip this and now I attack at 10 game ticks

And we can reset the counter because it’s I think it’s working hopefully 444 is a good time true tip 444 oh I guess it was for some people imagine not being an Eastern Standard Time oh okay sick we got two raid bars as well that means I’m pretty sure it’s

Working like the pink shirt thank you me too this is one of my favorite shirts unfortunately it’s very old and I’ve worn it a billion times so it’s in a little bit of rough condition but I can buy it fortunately the company that sells it still sells it like three years

After I bought it so I can like I can buy it again if I want to so after five minutes if you want uh you reset counter after it’s running at full speed okay cool after five minutes man raid Farms cause so much fps lag they’re not horrible for mspt but they cuss

Kronos was the same where I was running at like one FPS watching this Farm run you know Colleen’s apologies comedy Colleen’s apology is quite funny her team didn’t think that she can sing yeah foreign and I like to think I have a pretty decent computer but raid Farms just messed me up dude

Best rates okay after five minutes we do it so we just gotta sit here and chat then let’s very let’s just like take a look around then in the meantime um so out of curiosity Nash what is this Farm it’s a raid farm so Nash you said

There’s like a problem with the farm what is that problem and is it a like drastic enough problem that I should like absolutely not build this right now because this is working quite well so far and it was a lot easier to get running and then uh than the Kronos red Farm

Like the Kronos raid Farm I could get running but it killed me in in what we’re killed one of my bots I guess um who is Nash Nash’s Nash like what’s its name it’s then uh nug raid farm right I need to make sure are you another YouTuber yes I have the

Best gaming computer did I say that are you quoting me I don’t think I said that it’s because it spawns at wrong times sometimes interesting huh okay raid Farms are very scary to me I’m so like I don’t know I just I just worry that

I’ll just like wake up and be dead you know or like if I left it running overnight I would just wake up and be dead the next morning so that is a concern of mine um are you religious I am not but then you will have content no the

The issue with that is that I won’t have content have you seen sandiction’s upload schedule since he died a few months ago it’s been he hasn’t posted in like months because it takes because once you get a million resources you can make videos really fast but when you are

First starting the world you can’t so yeah he hasn’t posted in five months oh I guess to be fair he he didn’t post that often anyway but I don’t know just get autobit totem and Phil what is auto totem is that a mod I was literally thinking

It would be a nice it would be cool to have a totem right to have a totem like have a little system that just drops totems to you and then in between click you do a click and then you click F twice and then you do a click again and

So if your totem ever ever runs out you just pick up a new totem and put it into your off hand Auto totem is a hack oh that seems like that seems bad I feel like a macro that does that would be reasonable I don’t know how to make

Macros but I’m sure I could figure it out right like couldn’t you couldn’t you theoretically just drop a bunch of totems on you on me and then if I pop a totem you just have it so that every like in between clicks it hits F twice so that the totem gets picked up

And then swapped with your sword into your offhand hey Dash do you know how to spell the name of the farm it’s Nash n-a-s-h I don’t think it’s not released yet though okay it’s been five minutes right all right so now we reset the counter and we see the the rates

Which are very high gosh dang that’s quite quite Speedy of rates what raid Farm design is this Nash raid Farm yeah just a warning you might die in the next 20 minutes to two okay so I’m not gonna build this then what what would call is what would cause

Me to die is the mob spawning at the wrong time right don’t mind that message being in all caps yeah I’m definitely not gonna build this if I might just if I might die within two to two within 20 minutes to two hours that’s not very good

I think he fixed that though well Nash did just say it himself so this is a big risk building in hardcore since these raids tend to spawn lots of raids and you get insta killed by vexes correct don’t build it right now until I make sure it runs for 100 hours I’m

Going to implode so far it looks like the issue is fixed okay man that sucks because I was planning on building a raid Farm today it’s going to be tragic if Nash comes out with like a really crazy good raid farm and then like a day after I build a different one

Or like a couple days whom would you like to collab uh if you could on YouTube currently testing so yeah I don’t know that’s why I told you about it um he wants to collab with me no I want to stay as far away from Challenger as

Possible I’d like to collab with like Ian that would be cool um I don’t know I’m not really that big of a collab guy though collab with Mr beat yeah for real well I probably what’s the rates of this thing again like in terms of redstone

It’s 32 000 Redstone per hour like I probably would AFK for like one hour and just sit there and if I start dying I would run away from it right like if should be 33.6 still whatever Ian is cool Bo got roasted by Dash which drops yeah well I I haven’t been

Running it for that long so I imagine it will uh it’ll get there probably maybe um it’s probably because of the TPS the TPS is fine actually but I think it’s probably it’s just like when you like for my gold Farm I don’t like take the rates until I’ve been testing for like

An hour or at least an hour because the far the like rates aren’t going to be like correct also am I supposed to pick up all these items is that fine like it’s not that big of a deal I can always just like put like cover or you know

Fill my inventory with items but yeah that’s fine okay so probably why rates are kind of low right now oh that would make sense and that’s why Leon Edwards what AP left the Discord oof okay Nash so do you think should I build this farm and just not leave it running for like

What would kill me you said I might die within two within 20 to 2 hours 20 minutes to two hours would it be vexes because could I build a Vex suppressor and then not have that issue vindicators so reset counter again if you’re full inventory vindicators will kill me interesting how

Do the vindicators get to me do they spawn in here or do they spawn over here and then climb up the ladder and kill me it’s not vexes Vex is never worthy issue it hits through the trapdoor really so how big it falls at the wrong time because it

Spawns at the runtime so if I hypothetically had like Resistance 2 and and uh full protection armor would that still be an issue is that still a thing is that still an issue like would you die or would it just like do a little bit of damage like

I guess my question is how often are they going to hit you that or how often do they spawn at the wrong time that it could hypothetically hit me because like if I have regen I should just constantly regenerate the heart or whatever that it

Deals to me let me test it okay cool what’s up pesto Dino how’s it going probably kind of rare timing yeah that’s what I’m thinking and my thinking is Nash thinks he fixed it right and I will use this raid Farm only when I’m sitting right there if vexes aren’t the issue

And I start like vexes would be like I’m not gonna die to a Vindicator okay if a Vindicator attacks me once through the wall I will just run away I’ll stop using the farm I’ll turn it off and I’ll stop using it right and I will be

Sitting in front of my computer for the whole time that I use the farm and I only need to use it for like an hour because like it’s so it’s such insanely High rates that I only need to use it for like an hour and then I assume if

Nash finds like oh they’re like I figured out how to fix the problem right I assume that I could just change that small component or whatever that fixes the problem it’s it’s hopefully not going to be like a full redesign of the farm like hopefully Nash won’t be like okay you

Gotta rebuild the whole thing villagers Gotta Die and everything you know Nashville fix everything word hello Pastor Dino bro just greets his girlfriend like another viewer my bad what armor do you have brought for uh Thorns three mending yeah I’ve brought for uh Thorns three Unbreaking three mending um

You know feather falling I have the works I’m pretty sure my armor has every enchantment on it except for except for uh uh Swift sneak and we fix it yes we can there’s this one in such a high number in such a high number that I don’t

Really know if a couple of indicators spawn at the wrong time then hit you till you die binding yeah also binding yes nether right and I’ll make sure to wear my chest plate while using the farm how’s it going Panda welcome in who do you think is gonna win this year

Sebum I don’t know who either of those people are Nash God leather armor yeah you know God leather armor okay see I don’t know I guess I haven’t tested it for that long but I haven’t taken any damage yet but then again maybe it could happen I was just looking at my YouTube

Statistics and my most popular video only has like 30 views get better for real I’m back what’s happening have you updated your world to 1.20 I updated it to 1.20 like two weeks ago and I kind of regret doing it though because my favorite Bedrock breaking machine doesn’t work anymore and it’s tragic

My most popular event has 2 million views is that true it’s impressive um we’re just doing a raid Farm bro 1.20 sucks 1.20 is fine I’m just mad that it that it broke the uh the Bedrock Breaker man I liked my Bedrock Breaker or it wasn’t

Mine I liked I liked The Inferno Bedrock or uh update suppression system to break bedrock it was so good and so easy Nash has the best Bedrock breaking machine it broke the Bedrock Breaker and slicing portals oh really l tack are you in Nash IRL friends that’s a good question

Yo what’s good what’s up Nero how’s it going said JK yeah Nash is my son real Nash’s dashes Alter Ego oh yeah I just realized we do have very similar names Nash except I have the pum for Nash you should rename yourself Nash pum for that’d be funny

That would definitely uh actually don’t do that you would like no need to split the surf search traffic between us one thing that I like about my name is that when you search for me you find me because no one else has a similar name Nash melon eight

Make new Kronos raid Farm design that one is literally that one doesn’t it’s not single player friendly what’s going on with your frames raid Farms are really laggy so that’s what’s going on with my frames they’re very laggy oh see that’s pretty close to uh that’s pretty close to 33k

I would say that just make the farm and just don’t AFK overnight yeah I won’t for real when I searched Nash’s Channel I couldn’t find it there’s some random famous rust YouTuber named Nash dang so Vindicator would do one heart of damage and I think he would heal by then okay

My most popular video has 400 plus videos bro you got 400 videos on your video that’s wild so it is your choice see I am enjoying how it’s not I’m enjoying the fact that it didn’t break in two seconds like Kronos Farm did and but you know I should probably do it I

Should do a test of like TPS if I actually had the ravagers die due to like lava like um like Chronos dies to Lava 400 views I’m stupid yeah or no what are you talking about my most popular video has over oh wait I don’t upload

Bro is this the 100K of Nash this is the like almost 900k of Nash which is pretty epic wait so Nash when you were did you just go and test like if how much a Vindicator did or did you did you actually get hit by The Vindicator because like

I know you said you thought that you fixed it so I’m just wondering oh wait you didn’t even send the updated schematic did you I downloaded a schematic the schematic that I’m using is from is from uh uh it’s from a couple days ago

I don’t know if I know you said you were gonna send an another schematic it’s from the 18th is there a newer schematic that I’m supposed to be using oh no oh man are you in a public server or am I missing something this is just a world

Dash if someone will make your new gold farm when you release it how long will you say it will take them we’ll probably take them I don’t know like I would say like 24 hours I’m currently running it though wait are you saying yes to you need to send a new schematic

Now who’s your raid farm this is Nash’s raid farm that we’re trying out and we might we might it might actually be it might actually be kind of Swag we might actually wind up using it it’s seeming pretty good so far but I’m a little worried about dying because

Apparently it’s had issues with that yes I need to send a new one okay swag so is this one the one that I might get hit by ravagers once or uh the the vindicators once in a while it’s the best raid Farm wait why are emeralds dropping from the

Top I don’t know man I think that’s a visual glitch it’s one of those things where the emeralds are just drop or like I’m pretty sure it’s one of those things where the emeralds aren’t actually there or they’re like stuck on a Ledge I don’t

Know if you know how that happens if an emerald is like stuck on the ledge it’s just continuously dropping even though it’s actually just like up there I have 480 pumpkins let’s go guys nice nice Carol lag lag you need to make a statue dedicated no I’m not for the last

Time I’m not I don’t know who that is I’m not doing that oh you’re already getting spawns at wrong time oh really nice this is the old version though but oh wait what changed from the old version to the new version the the spawns at wrong time thing is still is

Still an issue in the in the current version right okay I’m gonna send a new schematic I want to try it right now sure Nash I will try it Dash are these explosions from TNT dupers yeah now she uses TNT dupers to pre-damage the uh to pre-damage the

The Raiders which is pretty cool actually no it’s from creepers how many game ticks this is running at 20 TPS and it’s uh running at 28 msbt on mine why not use drip Zone I don’t know I am I am interested in what the uh what the

Benefits are I guess of drip Stone I guess one benefit is that it makes the farm different like I know personally I wouldn’t like the farm would probably not be that different if it didn’t use something different you know I don’t know word that’s crazy anime meat riding Challenger bro should use

End crystals dude honestly what if I just pre-damage the the Mobs with my sword 1.20 of it and how many ticks is a new raid being spawned I don’t know that’s a question for Nash man stacking raid Farms are cool I don’t know I don’t really understand how they

Work other than you’re just well I actually think I do it’s just you constantly start new raids and oh I assume do you need is is it that you need six villagers in order to start a raid so we’re just every like few ticks we’re starting three raids like

Every whatever 10 ticks or something and so it’s just doing a lot of raids row needs to pre-damage the ravagers the ravagers just go into The Nether and die or in despawn but I’m not using bots so actually that is one thing that I need

To do okay if I stop is the way you stop using this the same as the other one where I just stop attacking it’s so one has job in enough time okay That’s why they’re cool what just stop attacking okay do I leave this switch on or do I uh and despawn okay that’s the Strat all right cool I still didn’t do lava going out yet what lava going out yet what does that even mean okay we’re just gonna dump this off of

Here okay that’s a pretty epic Farm I must say I’m glad that it was much easier to get to work than the other one um I am thinking that I kind of want to I’m thinking I kind of want to use this Strat again to kill the ravagers in much

Less time this kills the ravagers a lot faster than lava so I think we’ll do this and then I’ll just I’m just gonna attempt is this 99 I have so many temp files I really need to get rid of them but I I’m too lazy sure to kill remaining mobs okay number

One best raid Farm in the world guys Challenger is just Anime and ALT trust me Source I made it up but what about the pillagers that ride the ravagers that won’t kill them oh that’s a good point okay fair enough I guess I just need to build a big lava box then

I guess all right fine I’ll just build the big the big lava box from this the Riders also go to Nether yeah yeah that’s weird because in like most cases aren’t um isn’t like aren’t passenger or aren’t Mobs with passengers not able to go through Nether Portals why are

Ravagers different Minecraft is such a wacky and inconsistent game it just has rules that it makes up and then doesn’t follow um and I I think that’s another example I I find that all the time where it’s like it’ll be like I don’t know Enderman can’t teleport to

This but then they can and it’s like but but you but the wiki said that they can’t um you need to work out your shoulders to get big arms swag bruh you don’t really need to kill the ravagers faster you could uh you could if you want Saddles oh yeah

I need all those Saddles I use water to separate the rider from ravager interesting oh wait so for for this farm for your farm does do the Riders not go through wait where the frick did the thing go where did my portal go I can’t find it guys I’m lost I’m lost help

I mean I’ll just go find it in the Overworld it’s pretty nearby Nash created Minecraft really that’s pretty impressive I didn’t know that hi Nash thanks for creating this game it’s a pretty good game I like it um they do okay the fact that Challenger calls me broke

Because I have under 1K points where all while he also has under 1K points yeah sounds like a challenger thing to do honestly um okay now where is this nether portal at oh it’s facing the other way weird it’s fine though it don’t even matter all right now that’s pasted in

And now come into the portal I said go into the portal oh it’s not lit ah bam okay cool Challenger does not have 325 000 points he does really I didn’t know that I think if you do the if you do the leaderboard command it would show you Challenger then right

Oh wait did did Nash send the new one did he send it in my Discord or did he not send it yet oh I don’t think he sent it I don’t even know is Nasha he I hope so otherwise I’m just misgendering him repeatedly or them repeatedly I should say

Nash what happened to The Goth version of the farm is there a dark mode Bob just died oh no Okay so I didn’t do the actual fix I’m a he okay cool um oh so it so it didn’t you didn’t fix it that’s unfortunate hmm should I just should I just go with

Another raid from I’ll send my SP version where it ran fine but is it okay if I send a lazy wiring sure wait SP what does SP stand for oh single player in my single player I fixed it I tried different fix in server okay my pronouns are no shower word

Yes you can send your single player I forgot Nash send the goth version yeah I do want to decorate mine a little bit I think other than I think I just have to use I’m probably just going to build it out of cobblestone though to be honest

Because most because I want it to be like like raid or like illager themed you know and 99 of illager themed blocks are going to burn so I’ll probably just replace the this with Cobblestone and call it a day that will be the only change that I make

Maybe I’ll replace this with cobblestone as well but I really can’t decorate it that much at least I guess I probably could build like if I covered everything in slabs and stuff could I theoretically build like a housing around it I don’t know exactly how um how raid spawning works but if I

Like had a big box built around it but it was all covered in slabs would it be fine no life grass bad no sun I made a saddle farm in Minecraft uh Carol Carol why would you know Carol ah I thought Carol was cool all right Carol that’s that’s your first

And only warning if you say something like that again I will ban you permanently so let’s just not do that I would dang man that’s unfortunate that’s real that’s real sad I’m gonna add those to the list of banned words I didn’t even see it no need to know guys I’ll send in the moderator chat what they said so that you guys can see so that you guys will just be aware um so y’all will be aware what they even

Said so that you guys can ban in the past foreign yeah oh thank you Nash I got the schematic downloaded swag Dash it needs Sky access with a Pillager spawn I think if you try to link I think I will try to link you something that explains it okay

We can see oh you can my bad I’m your best friends since kindergartner no gimme mod no me I’m not giving anyone mod dog okay thank you for the schematic Nash all right let’s try the new one then Nash said that he fixed

The issue in this one so if I die I will personally be suing I will be taking you to court Nash over my hardcore world and over emotional distress that you have caused me just kidding I trust you with my life Nash I know I won’t die using Nash’s Farm because

No way tack would hype would hype Nash up if uh if it was not working you know don’t use the scam I didn’t fix startup okay startup is not good that’s the thing I wasn’t worried about that oh what there’s no way Carol just dropped the hard R in chat they

Didn’t they did that thing that people think is really funny where you try and get a streamer to say the n-word by like avoiding chat filters and so I just went and I had them ban I had all of those I’ve had people do that

In twitch before so I had it banned and twitch but YouTube doesn’t have that band so I just banned a bunch of variations of that phrase so hopefully people won’t be able to do it now but I wasn’t worried about that Nash is gonna have to make an apology video yeah for real

Nash better make a ukulele song for me or else I’m gonna be sad I expect a ukulele apology video If I die I don’t even care if you don’t know how to play the ukulele Nash why not just copy and paste their message and ban the word oh I because

Um it’s one of those things where you can type in a million different variations of the same message so I just typed in a bunch of different ways that you could potentially type that message and one of them was the exact way that they said it but

Guys there’s 10 to the power of 99 genders there are however many genders who cares like I don’t understand why people care at all just let people live their lives honestly does not matter to me like at all at all if someone decides they want to identify

As whatever they want to identify as um yeah anyways guys three squared is six yeah that’s true as a as someone who has taken math I know that that’s indeed correct they sent an apology message in Discord okay oh let me accept DM from Nash I’m gonna

Add Nash as a friend we’ll see if Nash accepts my friend request but dude I was about to say that Jitter yo Jitter give me a high five I was gonna say bad sense of humor you got an unbanned request on Discord it’s not I didn’t even ban them I just

Timed them out for 10 minutes I’m pretty sure didn’t I yeah I just timed him out for X actually five minutes hey Dash what design are you using I think I’m maybe gonna use nashes I’m not a hundred percent sure it’s because you know how like twitch

Got on band requests yeah high five I’m kidding bro yeah yeah except my friend request no I think I’m gonna use Nash’s but I am a little worried because I don’t know Nash hasn’t instilled like massive amounts of confidence in this Farm to me because they are saying that like sometimes that

I might die oh it is the dark mode one that’s the see this looks nice ah so pleasing to my eyes I don’t have a trilly it’s not like insanely bright wonderful see this one is nicer um bro has beef with Challenger you got a farm helper added but not your mod

Oh Challenger literally like I have said like 20 times I don’t I don’t have a a friend request from you I can’t add you as a friend because there is no friend request from you I don’t have one it might be because I’ve ignored your friend requests in the past but I

Literally do not have a friend request from you so I can’t add you as a friend even if I wanted to you should add me because I told you about Nash no literally says pending request well for me it shows that I have no friend requests that are pending so oh

Oh oh I just got one see there we go oh okay Challenger finally sent it now I got one now I can accept Challenger Challenger welcome to the exclusive Club of people that are my friends I never noticed not gonna lie you never notice what what is the advantage of having Dash friended

Um that is just cool I guess can I join uh yes I’m just gonna start answering yes to people who ask that question and then I’m not going to send them any friend request just to be a little bit of a troll just a little bit of a silly guy

I’m just gonna be like yes and then not give them any IP or anything you know it’ll be funny why did you accept Challenger in your friends list Challenger’s a mod well Dash to start the raid farm from this scam you need to be in tick freeze I

Can’t use tick freeze in my I can’t use tick freeze in my uh in my hardcore World unfortunately wait so what’s the what’s the difference with this oh it doesn’t have the on off switch and maybe other stuff oh that’s very man I should just build the ends at this

Point I’m gonna waste two I’m gonna spend two entire streams just trying to figure out what raid Farm to use and not even starting them like oh my goodness now you can use it until I figure out startup wait I can use it and how how do I start

It if I can’t if I if you haven’t figured out startup these types of streams are good not gonna lie thank you just build the ends oh from Brian is the chat work for me again it does thinks he’s from Phineas and Ferb for real yeah or my other 30 game tick one

Which is two times Ian’s rates maybe we’ll do the other one from Nash see as much as I wanna build this it seems like Nash needs to finish the farm and then I’ll build it um or and then maybe I’ll eventually build it one day um what about the

Out of curiosity why do you recommend the 230k one as opposed to the 446k one I’m not using paper so and it says it’s it says it works I’ve built Nash raid Farm nice well only from creative just build mine okay Dash so you can build my 30 game

Take one which you won’t die from Vex is two times the ends rates so 100K emeralds and nine thousand which drops 400k one is very laggy okay says 20 game ticks but is it but you know what I’ll trust you I don’t feel like I don’t feel like doing any more

Testing I’m just gonna we’re just gonna build the 20 the the 200 oh there’s like a whole tutorial for that oh dang good job on making a whole tutorial that’s tutorials suck dude so so good on you for making a block by block is there a schematic for it if you’re on purpose

Normal schematic mod okay I need to read the description um no this is far more some paper and also with a norm oh it works with a normal Auto clicker that’s cool platform at y 277 has to be glass or mobs will spawn there Nash’s best tutorial person

I’d have to go to sleep though so good night I will be better next time okay okay Carol see you later I’ve built that farm before I recommend and World download cool make sure not to build over the 10 spawnable blocks in the spawning platforms and if you’re feeling thinking

About making Deca around the farm to make sure it’s spawn proofed if the bottom armor stand doesn’t jump Above The Cauldron then you will need the minecart killing chamber or you can set armor stand ticks to true and okay that’s I don’t need that if you want to

Make this Farm one dimensional you can use the schematic at the bottom tutorial is out um yo 5000 iron axes dude I’ve always needed 5000 iron axes per hour that’s awesome sick dude that is for paper stuff oh okay cool one time I got banned because the owner

Said that the farm was too op P don’t take it personally when we delete it how did you know I’m eight dude I’d be impressed honestly I would be so impressed like imagine being this smart at eight years old oh this is okay don’t worry about this

Um is the modified schematic for is the modified schematic for the um for the single dimensional version or is it do I grab the normal schematic or modified one I should probably watch the video right at least part of it to probably the explanation portion I’m not gonna follow the tutorial apologies Nash

The farm does work on paper cool it’s 1D and Minecart killing okay normal all right cool a lot of solutions to problems will be included in the description um if you want to go straight to the tutorial if not you will be seeing okay cool I want the short tutorial

Is there talking in this or is it just going to be text because if it’s just text I’m gonna oh yeah I’m just muting it sorry player attacks every 30 game ticks and I use bubble column to transfer the signal upwards cool I feel like I’ve seen this before or

Maybe actually no does does Ian’s Farm also use the bubble columns to transmit the signal upwards I use the same killing chamber enxo4 used his farm will be included in the description cool same pod as my last red farm with one game tick offset basically the same spawning platform I

Used in my last Droid form just 10 spawning spaces this time cool um trapdoor and Scaffolding is used to give one game tick offset cool so one question that I have about raid farms in general is I highly recommend doing this to see if the farm will work in your world or not

Here are the materials you will need why is it so cheap um wait what was I gonna say Ian’s looks very similar okay National video gives me so many memories no I didn’t talk for that Nash doesn’t talk oh fair enough don’t worry about video see I want to know what things are

That’s just for testing on servers okay so I don’t need to do this part sub chunk info that seems important I’ll be referring a lot to the subject position and it is very important that you sub trunk a line or else this Farm will not work

You won’t need a bigger raid form than this no that’s for paper stuff okay cool um yeah probably not one thing one question I have is is the way that you make the rates higher on a raid Farm is that literally just adding more villagers or is there well I’m sure

There’s more that goes into it and of course lag and stuff is always a concern if you’re when you’re getting these higher rates but like is is the main difference between this and Ian’s just like you added a couple more sets of villagers that uh move back and forth

I’ve asked that exact question before Oh really nice no does it have the same amount of villagers as Ian’s or is it my Wi-Fi turns into ashes after I play a silly game let’s go okay let’s download the schematic and just paste it in and we’ll we’ll use it um

Nash has been very helpful throughout this I just want to get a raid Farm honestly I don’t need more than 9 000 drops per hour um or more than 9 000 freaking of anything per hour and if I ever need more gunpowder than that I’ll just build a better I’ll just

Build us a gunpowder specific farm and it will be fine um for now at least we’ll have a raid farm and we’ll have gunpowder and we’ll have Redstone it might not be as much as like if I built um breads but uh at least I won’t die so

Ian had two game tick raid shifting I’ve won oh okay interesting I’ll give World download isn’t there a World download in here I see the World download here I just downloaded the schematic I actually kind of like doing doing it based on the schematic though for the reason of um of

I feel more secure in this or I I it like teaches me how to place the schematic you know oh see yeah I think I think the schematic does mess with the signs that’s interesting Challenger uh yeah I think it’s the unreliable one wait this is what is the unreliable one oh no

I’m scared just pay attention while you AFK you never know yeah I well I mean even for this I’ll probably AFK for like an hour and put it on my second monitor while I like script a video or something so that I can be nearby so

Do I place this down here or do I place this is it like that or is it above don’t worry about what I said okay this Farm is pretty dang reliable all right just AFK while you’re FaceTiming me I FaceTime you Challenger I was unaware of this

Create a bot that pauses the game the moment you take damage it would does the sign say anything no it doesn’t um the bot if the bot paused every the moment I take damage it would take down it would pause every time I starve signs are bugs yeah bro plays it for hours

Okay so you should I watch the little tutorial section or is this fine let’s watch the little tutorial section so that I align it correctly right now my sub trunk position is four three nine and my level is 67. I will be referring to the sub-chunk position and Y level is

Very important that you subtrunk a line or else this Farm will not work it can be found here in the F3 menu screen cool during the video you’ll be able to see my sub chunk thing this is a nicely made tutorial I like it to find a good

Location for the farm turn your render distance to six and make sure there’s no land around you cool so when you stand on that glass you should be at zero one zero okay let’s just see that when I stand on the glass I am at I’m at zero zero zero

I should be here oh like on the sign I think because I’m assuming the positioning would be similar but maybe you’re right and maybe it is should it be one block higher than this I don’t think I showed how to align the schematic one more up okay it’s like this all right cool

All right let’s just move this guy over then oh wait where is this currently I I want to build it closer to the ocean so I just have to move it down by intervals of 16 then so I think this is gonna be correct right no it would be right here

It’d be right here then and then I can move it what is this I’m gonna move in another 16 down oh okay we can move another couple there we go so like that is pretty good that’s uh yeah that’s 80. don’t paste it next to me oh yeah I know

I’m not going to I’m gonna I just wanted to align it using this one and then I’m gonna move it real far away I’m gonna move it like a couple hundred blocks away now um why are you moving it down because I want it to be nearer to the ocean

Ellen bring out the whole ocean as DJ Khaled once said okay we’re just gonna fly over to here and then let’s just make sure this is aligned within the chunk I like how the squid made his way into the schematic any good schematic involves at least one squid in it that’s

Why my schematics aren’t good they don’t have enough squids all right let’s paste that in oh no squid no no rest in peace all right a GTG see you later also you can use scroll wheel I know but it doesn’t move as fast as using as using uh the buttons because you can

Move by five at a time I think you can even move it by 10 at a time but I don’t know how to do that okay so this uh uh okay so we killed the villagers and spawned them back in um let’s kill all the villagers and then

Spawn them back in to make sure this works correctly So for this Farm just get bad Omen and attack every 30 game ticks okay so I don’t the setup to use the farm is not like a bunch of steps that’s kind of awesome I like that um or you could do it like every 10 game ticks and hit it once

Do it like my 10 game ticks wait for mobs to spawn and then attack Okay wait so can I so so I can just like start attacking though and they won’t break things because if it won’t break things then that’s fine bro it’s 5 37 p.m also you can put a bad Omen Bank really easily I have a I have a uh

Uh freaking thing I don’t remember what it’s called I have a Pillager Outpost relatively near my thing so I’m not gonna I’m not gonna build a Battlement Bank I’m just gonna use that I think link portals don’t forget oh yeah you right you’re right wait where are the portals at oh they’re

Here okay hi hi portals how’s it going do I also I also build a big old box around here or also build a big old lava box wait where is the portal man I cannot find it oh there we go okay now put that there light the portal

Big old lava box has been done the nether oh no this video will be your most famous video because you’re building a Nash Farm we’ll see we’ll see about that if this video gets like a billion views then I will personally drive to Nash’s house and give him a kiss

If if he consents to that and if he lives in the U.S because if he lives elsewhere I don’t think I’ll be able to drive to him unless he lives in Mexico then no drive to my house he lives in Mexico or Canada maybe I could drive there

So get bad Omen and attack every 30 game ticks swag I miss the squid maybe I should get would it would it break the farm if I got a squid and put it there in my real world all right player or wait effect give dashboard for bad omen

I just attacked this thing or do I have to go in here or something I’m in USA oh cool rip squid yeah Nash thoughts on what he said no one is gonna drive to your house ever go all the way in Crouch under okay and then I just hit this guy

Stand inside the armor set go on top oh like on top of the armor stand like this is fine where I am oh I won the raid I forgot to to click I think You started attacking too late yeah that’s understandable happens to the best of us is the thing gonna I have the raid Victory thing when does that go away oh there we go okay do peaceful difficulty then hard I well I just had to wait a second oh there we go hey guys

Hey Mr ravagers and whatnot and other guys oh I gotta add a Tang hit man I hate adding sorting systems I gotta add a sorting system understandable though Can You remake squid game I’m gonna make a squid game for season two you know but okay it’s working oh wow that’s that’s

Quite a few materials I need to just like add a hopper here though Set block I don’t want to move either copper and now we’re just gonna add one right underneath it with wool easy dub white white wool there we go now counter white and reset that bad boy cool I have storage and World download so you can paste scan from there oh cool hey

Bro can you say hi Gasho what’s up hi hi Gasho uh I really love your vids man keep it up thank you I don’t know if I butchered that pronunciation I hope I didn’t swag dude noise that’s very high rates either way like that’s that’s plenty for me and if

I don’t die that’s the that’s the most important thing to me you know not dying is is pretty is pretty important I would say how is the hopper not getting full because it’s because Hopper no cooldown or uh not not Hopper no cooldown unlimited Hopper speed you know dang

We’ll reset the timer the counter now that it’s going at like full speed I ran it for more than a hundred hours of carpet oh cool dude I designed a like a really fast gold Farm but it runs at like 48 mspt so so I can’t run it I can’t like test

It extensively so if I want like I the most I’ve tested it for is like 16 hours because I just left my computer running with it on for like 16 hours straight it sucks building like that building like a really fast farm that does not run very quickly

I’ve AFK overnight many times never died swag what happens uh raid starts we kill Raiders and then I get and then profit I think can you invite your girlfriend to play with you she does not play Heart on my hardcore World okay I’m gonna go right

Now let me know how it goes all right I will thank you for the help Nash I’ll be sure to uh you know credit you and whatnot um yeah all right this design seems to be very good thank you Nash for Designing it this design seems to work quite nicely this

Is a good Skin Walkers don’t scare me okay Ferb just says things man or really just be saying things and like do I know why no but do they say things yes yes they do say things analog horror isn’t scary I think it depends on which one it is

Urban scubuk isn’t scary planning to join s p can you show me the old squid game nah you can watch the video if you want to see the old squid game it’s still exactly the same as we left it my squid game is very similar to the

Olympics in uh the uh the Brazilian Olympic Games stadium where it is abandoned and has not been touched for several years go watch the video on his channel I laugh at his bad Urban spookas I don’t even know what that is this is a lot of drops per hour that’s

Swag 10 000 redstone I mean I guess Nash said it’s like 9 000 but still 9000 Redstone is pretty epic I must say okay so we just gotta get the schematic with the sorting system then okay and then so if I do if I stop attacking is that if I stop attacking

Is it oh it starts another raid if I attack again interesting so if I just so like the way to stop it I guess is just run away I take it it is just like leave the area what’s up shandu how’s it going welcome to the Stream

Do you spawn them okay so it is just like fly away all right cool so let me get the schematic then because apparently there’s a world that there’s a sorting system in the schematic or in the World download I mean World download download I’m excited guys I’m gonna finally have

I’m gonna finally have gunpowder I’m gonna be able to I’m gonna be able to fly places it’s gonna be so great it’s a small sorting system though I uh new oh you’re a new subscriber thank you oh okay well maybe I’ll have to expand it is it a shulker box loader hopefully

If it’s not maybe I will just have to uh build my like add my own but and by my own I mean like add one that I stole from someone else and then just put on slap it on there no it’s okay so I’m not even gonna bother opening the World download then

All right let’s just go back and open that up and we’ll make it it’s just a simple sorting system for 200 000 drops for oh actually I guess then again I didn’t I didn’t tutorial a I didn’t tutorial a I did not tutorial or I didn’t do a shulker box for my 200k

Gold farm so hindsight I should have but you know what it’s no big deal Dash is gaining Subs fast recently thank you made it today’s stream yay POG what’s up BB how’s it going challenge with the type of guy to ask someone for their lunch money and not

Try to appear threatening Truth or Dare truth also guys I don’t know if you guys know but I’m going to Maryland uh with my girlfriend for the weekend so I won’t be able to stream there will be no streams this weekend maybe Sunday night

If I get back early enough but I have no idea when we’re getting back so probably not I would not count on it just so you guys know sorry apologies but um I’m meeting some of her like extended family and stuff so should be fun um Okay so

I just have to make sure that uh I just have to make sure that’s that we don’t have any freaking issues with uh stuff so this is a sorting system and shulker box loader I kind of want to just steal the one from I think I’m gonna do that I think

I’m just gonna steal the shulker Box loader from the uh from the other Farm am I going the right direction no I’m not not at all I think I’m just gonna steal the shulker Box loader from this guy because it’s pretty good oh this is no this is Nash’s Farm whereas from this

Guy because it seems to be pretty good um I don’t think I need this many though oh wait I hate this though I hate having I don’t have this much Redstone and stuff you know we’re gonna use a normal one I lied how many seconds have you slept this week um 42 516. Exactly Um I already knew that I live on your roof you got 500 Subs in three days I did man why are y’all keeping track of my subscribers better than I am or more than I am oh gosh dang I got how many how many views is my Tick Tock at let’s see

Oh it’s almost at 500 000 views guys that’s so pog and that Tick Tock is just a promotion of one of my YouTube videos which is even better like that Tick Tock being the one that blew up is so awesome because it just gets vid it just gets

Views to my Enderman farm tutorial you’re in Creative not hardcore he’s dude wow that is an astute observation Yeah I’m just uh I’m setting up we’re making the schematic for a raid farm so that I can build it um shulker box loader dang wait hold on guys pretend forget forget about that bit and I’m gonna read the message again and I’m gonna do a different bit during creative mode not hardcore

What no I’m not this is hardcore what do you mean this is Hardcore this is my world I did a really big perimeter and um now I just got rid of every all the blocks in a in a pretty big area doesn’t it look nice I know right he’s cheating he’s creative

Ban him from life dude getting banned from life is crazy imagine getting banned from life you have lost your living privileges Dash from the slept a hundred fifteen thousand seconds this stream I haven’t been sleeping this stream this week I don’t know is that like a real number

I think I said like 40 I think I said like 15 000 which is like a really small amount of sleep cancel him I know right he made the Flying Farm remake squid game man I don’t want to just do the same video over and over okay

I don’t I don’t intend on remaking squid game on until the season until the next season drops okay how do I align these um Wait can I how do I align the items to then go across here um I think the way I’m gonna do it is gonna be we’re gonna grab sea pickles and we’re gonna oh actually no sorry we’re going to probably put yeah we’ll do it like this

I do a little bit worry that I will mess up the farm and have mob spawn but we’ll do a little test before I spot before I start it again to make sure mobs won’t spawn anywhere that I uh in the thing that I did so we’re gonna extend this by one right

We’re gonna extend this by one and then we’re gonna take a trapdoor we’re gonna put that there and then we’re going to put uh some sea pickles like how many C pickles do you do is it just one is it two is it two C pickles um foreign can you make experiment

I have a tiny bit of water left I will just finish it what’s up Mitchell hornets have passed so I took the amount of seconds in eight hours and time stood by four oh I probably haven’t gotten exactly eight hours every night but I don’t know um

Oh wait how do I do this see this is one thing that I’m not a huge fan of about this Farm do you think do you think I can do this you think I can make it so that um will this break anything if I put oh

Wait oh is there supposed to be a block here oh there is ah if I put a slab here would it be fine would it impact anything I hope not but it might but I really want to have a slab there and have all of the items come into one water stream

If I put that like so foreign s will slide to there or actually honestly why not just do it the other way okay so now we do that right just do the setup he had I don’t I didn’t even download the World download all right fine let’s see what this yeah

Honestly the setup he had probably is fine okay oh I already I already extracted it so that’s good now I just gotta open it up uh saves put this in here and now let’s log out I don’t duel people under 1K oof or shaming bro get poor shame

How does the water work in this ah interesting interesting oh that’s neat what’s up with this water here does it just slow the items down that’s that’s very interesting okay we can we can honestly do this design but then I want to add actual shulker box loaders to it and that’s fine I

Think what we’ll do though is I think we will break this right we’re gonna break this and we’re going to add our shulker box loader so the way that I’m gonna add the shulker Box loader is not using this or the way that we’re going to align the

Items is going to be using a c pickle so we’ll have the items blue ice is gonna go so there’s gonna be a piece of blue ice right here and then right and then there’s also going to be a trapdoor right here to stop the water from flowing

And then there’s gonna be a c pickle Um right here to align the items so that they will flow down here in the sorting system which we’ll build Iron bars we’ll grab iron bars I assume Raiders are not going to be able to spawn on iron bars that should manually increase nose watch time to like 300 for the funny that would be pretty funny I could oh you know what I remembered today guys do you

Guys remember how a while back I was like guys if you get any good clips of me I’ll give you something but then I realized I couldn’t actually give you anything now that I can manually increase your watch time if you if you guys take a clip of me and

I use it for a tick tock I’ll give you like a thousand points I’ll just like add it manually to your thing so now there’s like actually perks for if you if you take a clip of me I will give you something and that will

Be like a thousand points but I have to actually use it in a tick tock and also if you constantly clip me to the point where I’m where it’s annoying it like if you’re just like constantly doing any clip in the hopes that it’s that it’s up to my standards then

I will probably just start ignoring your clips so just be wary of that you know what happened to the 3D bucket texture I don’t even have any texture packs on right now which is what happened to them it’s just that I don’t have any texture packs on stick

Shulker box loader slice there we go okay let’s go ahead and rotate rotate rotate okay so that’s gonna be our little thing um yeah that looks good and I don’t know how many of these I need I don’t need all of the um these are One X Joker these are 1X

Shulker box loaders so I think I think I need like how many um how many of these am I gonna need each one can do like 9 000 items per hour I believe so I’m gonna need so I’m gonna need um I don’t re I’ll do like three emerald and then three gun

Powder three we’ll do three Emerald oops three Emerald three gun powder three three Emerald three gun powder um three glowstone three Redstone three bottles so that’s fifteen three three emeralds three gun powder three Redstone three glowstone three Redstone so yeah I think it is 15.

You can just make a 6X well six X’s are harder to build and they’re also huge I could build a 6X but they’re like very large if it was a one wide tileable 6X that would be a different story but I might as well just build a bunch of them

Honestly in my opinion uh three six nine ten eleven 12. 13. 14. 15. okay there we go oh uh carpet force uh no uh container creative open containers forcefully true change permanently yes there we go we’re just gonna get rid of all of these like a so

And then we’ll add items to it you’re even Broker Than Challenger who’s Broker Than Challenger oh Ferb lost like all of their points as an L did you check if the items can get to the last loader I didn’t yet but I will I’m gonna Add Water

I’m building using the insane name glass Bam let’s get rid of those Take all of the stuff out of these guys Bam okay cool now I can get rid of that and now I can put a thing right here and then I can add another water like so and now we’re barely good to go I think I just need to get these stuff out of here

Do any of these have stuff in them okay they don’t all right now we just need to take our freaking these blocks and then we get some emeralds we got some Redstone we get some Gunpowder we got some glowstone we got some glass bottles those are the things that we want I believe And bam bam Bam Bam That’s okay so three of these then three of these I actually am not sure I might only need one of these per but it’s whatever because it’s only nine thousand so I might need two of them but I I like to go excessive sometimes

I like to be a little extra from time to time okay there we go Dash when someone does redeem duel do uh do you go on Legacy or what I go on whatever server you want to Dually on if you want to do me on like Hypixel

I’ll do you on Hypixel if you want to duel me on Legacy that’s fine too as long as it’s not like your server I’m not gonna duel you on I’m not gonna do you on like a random server that I’ve never heard of because that’s sus but I’ll duel you on like

You know uh most servers take your gambling addiction elsewhere thank you glumpster do you know cpvp I’m terrible at it but I do know it I don’t think those Hoppers can pick up the items we’ll see I think they can though can’t they I might have

To add another pickle though I I think I might I think I have to add another pickle but I think they can yeah see I mean some of the items went all the way to the end to be fair but yeah they’re aligned didn’t see the pickles there no worries I’m a sports betting addict okay let’s see dueling speedrunning I don’t even have that mod but yeah you could probably duel me in speed running

There is a mod that makes speed running able to like that makes speed running duels pretty cool okay um one thing I have to do is hook up some chests to these um chests and we need to fill those chests with shulker boxes like so and then I’m going to Bam Bam

Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Batman Bam Bam bam bam Bam Bam okay let’s see if these are now working um oh right now we have all of them like all of them are going into right now all of the uh oh why are there items in here what the frick that’s weird

Right now we have uh all of them would get distributed in the same thing what I’m going to do though is we’re going to add a couple chests at the bottom that will then be good so we’re going to add some chests down to here

And mobs can’t spawn on glass so I don’t think we should have any issues or uh Raiders can’t spawn on the glass so I don’t think we’ll have any issues with that hopefully bam bam bam yeah that’s that’s good I should honestly build all of them this

Way oh guys I just realized yo dude I’m so excited an album is dropping from like this really good rap group tonight and I’m excited I’m gonna listen to it probably at midnight when it comes out because I I’m literally just driving I’m literally just taking a five hour car

Ride tomorrow so I’ll just be sleeping for a lot of it so I don’t need to be like well rested you know you listen to rap yes that’s funny why would I not listen to rap I listen to like weird rap though you know like like uh I listen to like jpeg

Mafia and the rap group that I’m really excited that they’re dropping is Paris Texas I like brockhampton a lot rest in peace so sad that Brock died and Hampton also died but you know it is what it is oh I’m I’m a big fan of like colorful production wrap you know

Um hush for he reads one chat and skips the rest yep Death Grips I’m okay with Death Grips I’m not a huge fan of Death Grips but I like a couple of their songs Guillotine uh get got is good um I don’t know there are a few songs by

Death Grips that I like that’s Death Grips is a little too weird for my liking though most of the time I like life growth life grips I prefer life grips in case you don’t know who life grips is it’s just KERO Caro Bonito caracara Bonito is just the exact

Opposite of Death Grips so some people call them life grips Dash you have to do a challenger what is he doing Mitchell bought me a duel I bought Challenger a duel with Dash wait really challenge is about to knock Dash from the store wait are you serious all right let’s go Challenger

That’s funny all right let me hop on let me hop on lunar you’re welcome Challenger watch what did that what did I say that’s so funny am I BET’s on Challenger let’s see we’re doing best two out of three though remember that Challenger if you lose I’m putting you up for adoption

I’m scared now bro at least this one at least this one isn’t right like 50 000 points isn’t riding on this one that’s funny at least 50 000 points ain’t riding on this one so I don’t have to be that worried no way for absided with Challenger yeah

For real dude I bet on dashboard everyone W Mitchell in the chat all right sorry guys I’m just launching lunar are we doing the same are we doing like the same thing as last time I wonder if Challenger actually did like I wonder if Challenger actually did do any training after last time

Or if bro was just like all right I got this UHC I practiced It’s a dash poem for versus Challenger duel I’m not in it verb you’re slow did my stream die for anyone else or did it reconnect so fast that no one even noticed that’d be cool if no one even noticed I don’t know if y’all were like it died for me okay

If my stream ever randomly dies that’s just because I don’t know the Wi-Fi is bad I just man this sucks I just bought a different an Ethernet um I just bought like my dad was loaning me his uh ethernet to USB adapter because my you my ethernet through my the

Ethernet that I have through my uh uh through my freaking computer appears to be broken oh wait is it we’re on Hypixel right so the ethernet that hooks up directly to my computer appears to be broken so he lent me his and it was working for a

While and then I ordered one because I was like I don’t want to steal his and now my it’s now it’s not working you’re getting destroyed all right maybe I wonder if Challenger warmed up for this because then he definitely has an advantage but whatever

Oh wait do I have audio hold on let me get audio to work there we go good luck Broski thank you Yeah you running now you’re running Foreign oh Oh geez Hey calm down Oh hey Oh what happened to my water it just disappeared bro just lit himself on fire Oh get clapped get clapped bro what is dash doing what do you mean just absolutely demolishing Challenger Challenger doesn’t want to have a rematch Challenger sucks bro you’re so bad oh Challenger does want to have a rematch I’m I am so bad you right oh whoa hey now Uh well we’ll chill for now no I won’t that’s actually a lie oh Challenger knows how to use fishing rods now that’s wild oh all right calm down okay all right all right I see how it is wait there we go your Challenger kind of sucks with this

Bow okay never mind I lied it’s not that bad oh I’m higher on health than he is Oprah’s done for oh he’s done for bro it is so over for Challenger oh I’m out of I’m out of arrows wait why spare me nah bro nah

None of them use rods I’m sorry you’re a faster he’s using rods oh Challenger don’t got the don’t got G heads anymore GG oh Challenger oh bro both are noobs at 1.8 dude how do you lose dude I literally don’t play 1.8 ever and bro still loses [Laughter]

That’s so funny oh my gosh Challenger’s so dog bro bro even tried to whip out the fishing rods which I’m terrible at dealing with them bro still lost dude’s combos are just bad bro just does not bro can’t combo I’m so good at predicting why do you think I won squid

Game for real it’s your turn to put him up for adoption who wants Challenger I forgot to warm up why would you not warm up bro oh then again though Challenger it was cut it was pretty fair because I didn’t warm up either my warm-up for for that

PVP was just me me working on a farm so to be fair it wasn’t it wasn’t like an unfair match-up you know it was not an unfair match we both were not warmed up so so that’s so funny dude beating Challengers has got to be like

One of my top top 10 favorite things I need some quick money from Challenger you’re so bad at Bed Wars there’s no way you’re that good I’m not bad at Bed Wars dude do that I used to be I used to be pretty good at Bed Wars

I think I could probably beat you at Bed Wars too but you got rolled in what every time we played Bed Wars when we were playing in four like in fours yeah but like that’s also I’m not the only person to do to play I’m not the only person who is

Responsible in bed Wars but also I used to be way better at Bed Wars now I’m not as good I’m not the only I’m not the only important person in in that you’re just bad I don’t care it’s all you oh okay my bad you right you’re right

What is this boat here for why is there a boat in this corner has this always been here Captain Bank oh hi Nash oh okay cool that’s a bad Omen Bank oh swag so just grabs a captain back in the day dash used to be a

Slightly better at PVP but he for real fell off at least make it 1K what are we doing I just want to win for once selling Challenger that’s gotta be racist Whoa man anime calm down oh this says fire respect okay let’s see if my sorting system is working and stuff

I did used to be I did used to be good at PVP but I you know it’s similar to it’s very similar to to me um doing speed running I’m not that good at speed running anymore because I stopped doing it that’s what happens with everything if you stop

Doing it as often you’re not going to be as good at it so I’m still impressed that I beat Challenger there oh there was a there was a sword right here okay I’m teachable it’s just I was letting him win no way what’s up XXX one XXX

Effect give Dash fun for bad omen did I respawn them oh wait this is just in the World download I think I just assumed that they were fine do I need to uh maybe hit it once in order to get it to work oh why is it not working oh

My bad you’re right you’re right smart smart guy I forgot that I had my difficulty off player Dash from 4 attack interval 30. animated dual dash dude anime would get absolutely smacked if I feel like if I can be Challenger I would be able to beat anime so easily

Oh I think it didn’t work because uh oh wait no it did never mind I thought it didn’t work and but I was just assuming that because oh wait why are there items there are some items that are not aligned correctly that’s interesting how did these items land here oh there’s

Just supposed to be a block here white stained glass there we go yo I got hero of the village foreign you need numbers I wonder what the like how many how many of the items are not getting are getting uh how many items are getting through I guess is my question

Emeralds are fine I just don’t want I don’t want uh gunpowder Redstone or glowstone to get through but I that might some of it might get be getting through because I didn’t align it well or something oh see I see why am I seeing items sliding onto how the heck does that even

Happen I think I can just replace this with a chest and then it will fix that right I’m literally never playing Minecraft again I got rolled by a Minecraft Youtuber a hardcore micro yeah not even like a bit not even like a PVP YouTuber you got rolled by a by a hardcore player

Twice not even to mention bro got rolled twice by a hardcore player that’s my favorite part it’s not like it wasn’t an exclusive one-time thing bro got rolled twice by a hardcore player will that align them properly I hope so man’s cheating wow yeah you right my bad

I’m sorry I didn’t mean it this is not my hardcore world this is just a World download I’m gonna build this in my hardcore World though I think I didn’t despawn the mobs properly or maybe I did oh no wait was that oh I think it’s just the captain Bank yeah the captain Bank uh was what happened there do you want to buy a challenger no I don’t I was the one who just beat him

Why would I want to buy a challenge or he’s a disappointment to me he should beat me easily bro Why would I buy Challenger dude Challenger just disappointed me do not sell him to dash I don’t want him you’d have to pay me to take him off your hands a disappointment is crazy dude you gotta pay me to take Challenger from you brown brown herb do you want them yeah who wants

Challenger is it normal it is right that there are like little little brief pauses in between massive waves of ravagers coming and doing their thing or massive waves of uh illagers doing their thing that is normal right it’s really cool I love watching the shifting floor mechanism just like let

All of them through that’s so cool I said put the Challenger in the bag I’m gonna resell him to you for 1K the demand for money went up bro stealing me because I’m so valuable bro I think I think I would be better off having no

One on my team than Challenger on my team that’s how bad he is oh see this appears to be working I don’t think we’re losing as many items We’re not losing we’re only losing emeralds we’re not losing uh much Redstone or any of these guys that’s good that’s crazy the disrespect you’re as valuable as a fake penny that’s crazy bro Yep how come crazy isn’t spelled like crazy I don’t know man it’s cray-cray for challenge is getting roasted Challenger deserves it after that loss bro that was embarrassing I would resign as mod if I was if I had just gotten owned that hard dude I would never show my face around here again

They put me in a room a rubber room a rubber room with rats and rats make me crazy um I’m gonna do an auction okay cool do I hear 1K is this how much you’re paying us to take him because I need a little bit more than that to take Challenger

Don’t start it yet not yet oh no Redstone Dust got through how the frick did Redstone Dust get through how did the Redstone Dust make it through there how dare it all right I I already stole him back dude take Challenger for 500K once again am I receiving 500k for

Challenger or am I getting 500 or am I paying 500k for a challenger because Challenger is not worth 500k that’s like that’s excessive maybe five dollars five dollar at most you know and that’s just for his like organs and stuff that’s just for the sake of like yoinking the kidneys and then selling

Them um my organs dude I’m bullying Challengers so hard but it’s so fun it’s so funny I’m just kidding Challenger you know I love you but you are dog at Minecraft PVP and that’s okay not all of us can be the great Dash pum for Challengers with four dollars minimum

Okay yeah she just destroyed his organs in your duel for real nah I’m better than you bro duel me again and beat me then like oh is carpet ex is uh is XP no cooldown turned on right now uh it is okay I don’t use that oh is there gonna be does lag

Oh I wonder I don’t know if Nash is still here but is there gonna be issues with the XP orbs building up and causing lag if I don’t have XP no cooldown turned on I got a thousand levels from that farm before XP no cooldown makes getting massive

Amounts of levels so easy that like it’s not a flex at all to be like wow I got so many levels from this Farm like if you use XP no cooldown it will take like no time at all want me to tell him to hop on the stream

Um do you know attack is it going to cause any issue the item the entities of the XP orbs might just despawn so it might be fine but I am a little worried how the frick did this get up here this is looking like a good like it’s

Going to be a good Farm so I think for the last 30 minutes of stream actually I’ll probably just start decorating this right I’ll just make it look decent he’s worth less but it’s okay I’ll duel for a hundred beautiful would buy me for like 200k was the question again

Is is having XP no cooldown turned off gonna be an issue with lag from the XP orbs I don’t think so because they combine but I’m not a hundred percent sure and I would rather it not be an issue you know foreign ER here I don’t think so yeah Jitter are you here

It’s really interesting oh it’s detecting that okay never mind what does this do this isn’t connected to anything is it so what does this do That’s the manual clicker he’s hopping on stream cool the manual clicker if Auto clickers are banned or something oh how does how does this click for you how to what is I don’t understand how that would work but it’s for manual clicking is it just you look at it and then you

Click every time the light turns on it doesn’t it shows you when to click okay I guess that’s fair you’re too expensive for how worthless you are see I want to decorate this a bit before we build it how much lava is used in this Farm

Though I want to make sure that it won’t burn down if I is there any lava in here because like am I able to make this all out of wood or is there lava here I don’t see any lava but I’m not actually sure but it does not look like there’s any

Lava in it no Lava swag okay so I can build it out of wood and make it look all pretty I could also like build a like housing for it but I don’t want to do that that’s too much work I just want to make

It on theme and make it out of logs and cobblestone um sure animate Challengers the swaggiest and I pay you in hydrates uh that’s unfortunate hydrid has been redeemed and I am out of water I will be right back guys I gotta go uh I gotta go

Fill up my water bottle be right back oh and I also will have to change the mouth in a second okay be right back guys BRB Foreign And I have my water tank told me Dash I had a question I did um one sec okay so my question was I noticed XP cooldown was turned on and it doesn’t appear to be a problem so far but I wanted to check if having it

Turned off since I don’t I don’t use any like any of that kind of stuff or like Bots I wanted to check if having it turned off would cause any lag also I have a unrelated to the farm but more related to tutorials in general question or like like farm videos question

And my question is about I just thought of this while I was downstairs my question is about why if you know like why do you use a tiny URL relative to I usually use um I usually use Google Drive links but I’m wondering if tinyurl allows you like does that allow you to

Does it like do you have a certain amount of storage because I have to pay like it’s only two dollars a month but I pay for my Google Drive and I’m wondering if tinyurl is like infinite and and or free or it is Tiny you are one of

The redirect things it’s not like ad fly is it I don’t know oh I am a tiny URL just looks better okay does does tiny URL link to um is it linking off what is it linking to let me see oh yeah it’s linking to MediaFire

MediaFire is free right and I like it has ads but you’re not getting paid for that right that’s just the ads go to MediaFire and then the MediaFire MediaFire runs off of the ads I assume Dash oh yeah my bad I forgot about that change your mouse yeah my bad um okay

Let’s change the mouse I only have 20 minutes left to stream but we will but uh the mouse is only for 10 so which Mouse we getting oh no dang it that’s my least favorite one okay I’ll have to maybe I’ll use tiny URL in the future

I just thought of this because I started using the thing for my uh for my Instagram posts it’s basically um you know how like you know how like when you redirect to YouTube Dash suffering is funny is it just when you say my name how do

You get how do you red square for name I think it’s if you add them so you know how like when you are on Instagram and you try to go to YouTube it opens it in browser rather than in the actual tab um I I tried this thing this morning

That was uh it’s it it’s just a thing that makes it so that your link will actually try to open the app which is just a much better experience for most people but the thing that I realized oh wow it’s actually running fast enough now that we’re losing items okay so I need

To add an extra item filter because I don’t want to lose any Redstone Redstone is precious to me um so I I had that working right or I have that working but it gives you 500 clicks free and I’ve already used a fourth of them which is actually really

Cool because it lets me know that um that means that 125 people have already clicked from my Instagram reel to my YouTube tutorial which is swag um that’s a lot of people but I think I’m gonna have to start paying for it if I want I I will probably have to start

Paying for it which is not swag my thinking is depending on how much money I make from like Tick Tock once depending on how much money this Tick Tock that I just made makes me maybe I’ll just pay for it but we’ll see or depending on how much money tick

Tocks tick tocks now that I’m in the Creator beta program make maybe I’ll pay for it okay yeah so I need to yeah look these things are oh I wonder if this is happening because are these guys full oh these guys all broke see that’s why it’s not working

I was gonna say that’s the reason we’re losing items player Dash fun four stop let’s just peaceful there we go paste error rip no I don’t think it’s a paste error I think it might have been um because they it was fine before I think it may be something to do with

Oh actually maybe it is I don’t know I was thinking Hmm would that be caused by Pace oh is it because uh are these dispensers stuck in like oh no they’re not stuck in true mode or something hmm interesting by the way what loader is that this is a

Glasses loader oh see how the fricked items get through there what the heck see oh that’s so weird how did how did that wind up not being full man this mouse is so difficult to use actually it’s not that bad the main issue with it is that there is no scroll

Wheel on it not having us oh yeah how Okay so that’s very weird not having a scroll wheel is a problem oh yeah see why are all of these winding up with some this doesn’t even have this has 40 items in it why did that what the frick and how did that happen

Glass’s loader has been very reliable in the past why is it not being reliable right now oh yeah so since it doesn’t have a scroll wheel I can’t access anything but I can’t access my S my eight and nine slot because my eight nine slot I use my eight and nine slot

Oh I have my ticks tick rate 20. I was like how why am I not able to do this fast enough there we go It also doesn’t have middle Mouse click so I at least I don’t think it does oh wait it does why does it have middle Mouse click but no scroll wheel who designed this this is the word this mouse is awful why would you have middle Mouse click but no scroll wheel

That seems like horrible design doesn’t it my tripping or is that like really stupid because like who is using middle Mouse click more than the scroll wheel you know Redstone for dash equals not Challenger yeah Challenger knows about I no Challenger knows nothing about bombs hence the roll

All right let’s just get rid of these guys and then and then that one okay let’s see if it works now scroll wheel on side no there’s no scroll wheel on this the only I wonder if maybe you can use like I haven’t like looked up the manual

It would be really what would be cool is if they had it so that like if you press down this button and then scroll the ball it worked it worked as a thing by the way Dash your hand cam is on I know that’s the point that’s because

This air scroll wheel like VR always this Baroque bum getting mad he’s so poor yeah for Real uh have a good night okay let’s try this Farm again then except let’s use a bot so that I can fly around and just do my thing Um layer player Steve spawn oh Steve already has the sword player Steve attack interval 30. let’s just copy that and then uh earn the difficulty on uh effect give Dash or uh give Steve bad omen I can’t tell if he started a raid or not foreign

Oh there we go okay it worked nice all right so now now we can uh now we can do our thing Dude dude oh the 10 minutes is almost up swag okay it doesn’t appear to be working I think I maybe messed something up oh is Steve in creative mode slash game mode survival Steve you don’t have the Talking Stick dang bro does not have the Talking Stick

I really don’t know what’s going on all I know is that Ferb does not have the Talking Stick guys that’s all that I know it’s that Ferb don’t got the Talking Stick foreign doesn’t yeah this guy is instigating this Challenger guy is instigating ah this Challenger guy needs to get banned honestly

This Challenger has a bad influence on the on the Stream Uh counter counter White um and now let’s just reset that like so laughs okay cool so let’s see if let’s see if maybe I built maybe if there’s something wrong with this or maybe it’s just not working I’m not sure um okay we just gotta wait a minute until it

Until it is working well herbs so poor he doesn’t have wood planks to make a Talking Stick yo got em bro Mitchell doesn’t have the trees to make a Talking Stick that you just use Mitchell’s roast right back on them Dash timers up swag thank you I was actually about to say that

Though I was pretty sure it was I was pretty sure it was up I was about to do that verb doesn’t have the saplings to plant a tree to make the Talking Stick dang that’s unfortunate for Ferb man I can’t believe we spent two whole streams just trying to figure out which

Red Farm to use that’s crazy and I haven’t even decorated it yet which I want to do light decoration on it it’s not going to be anything crazy it’s just going to be building it out of wood are these almost full gosh dang bro this guy needs to hurry up and fill

This guy is almost filled hopefully it will work oh I think they’re filling oh yeah okay it looks like it’s working now Epic full stack I see how did that wind up in there honestly I mean it’s not a huge deal but that’s weird how did that wind up in the

Wrong spot I guess the items just are a little unpredictable Maybe that’s very loud very loud not very scary because I just saw it in chat and the beginning part isn’t that loud so it’s not just like a sudden loud noise it’s like I have a second of brace for it

But it’s still annoying Whole shulker box full of just bottles how have none of these filled yet there we go oh yeah see the glowstone is the sometimes they’re winding up in the wrong spots which I don’t know why that is but it’s not a huge enough deal for me to do a different shulker box loader

I don’t know I don’t care enough about it Nash he’s definitely late game this should be enough Redstone until you get more late game right yeah at what point out of curiosity at what point is is not like at what point am I gonna be using so much Redstone that

Like how late game do you have to be that 9000 Redstone per hour isn’t enough it’s kind of wild he was just he was scared of making raid Farms no I was just waiting why read for him just now I was just waiting until I

Got to a build that I had planned I made a Pillager themed Village and so I built I’m building all of my well I built two earth like I built like three of them already but I’m building one more Pillager Farm Pillager related Farm in near it um

That’s that’s why I’m four thousand I’m four thousand almost four thousand four hundred days into my hardcore world I’m very late game but I just haven’t built a raid Farm because I was waiting until I got to the project that I wanted to do the raid Farm in

Same with like I don’t have a mob switch yet because I have a build that I’m gonna do for it so like I have there are some things that like I could have built in like the first hundred days of my hardcore world but I I saved them for projects so

When we when you break bedrock using 500 000 Pistons oh that’s fair yeah you know what breaking a lot of Bedrock is true so in single player though I could always just I’m pretty sure in single player I wouldn’t need to break 500 000 Bedrock because couldn’t I just I could

Just turn down my render distance and then only break a few chunks worth which would be I don’t know not like 50 000 or something I’d probably do that Dash where you’ve been getting your totems I just do raids manually when I need totems I don’t really pop totems

That often I think I’ve popped five or maybe six so I don’t have to replenish my stock very often verb you should try to you should talk to Mitchell about how his words hurt you and ask him to stop Mitchell trying to not use the Talking Stick comeback impossible

Dude I don’t know what’s happening in my chat but it’s funny I just see people fighting and I like it please Mitchell don’t bully me anymore bro Ferb don’t have the talking dick that’s wild I don’t like it Wait what Mitchell accidentally wrote dick instead of stick so they just wrote verb shut up you don’t have the talking dick the the message got deleted but it was funny so I said it out loud so that you guys could all so that you guys could all hear sorry guys

We’re always trying to use the Talking Sticks okay tank did you talk in Chronos VC or no uh it wasn’t an accident maybe it wasn’t now I see the message still actually so you guys couldn’t enjoy it did I say couldn’t I thought I said could

There’s no such thing as an accident for real man Nash this Farm is very good thank you for all your help I’m gonna have to give you like like a little bit of a super special shout out you know rather than just being like this Farm was designed by Nash I’m gonna

Have to be like this Farm was designed by Nash and he was very helpful in like telling me when I was being stupid and using the farm wrong yeah this Farm is pretty swag though I just added the little sorting system and now we’ll be getting lots and lots

Of items I have to actually build this in my world but you know whatever I don’t know why some of them are winding up in the wrong places but I don’t even care honestly it’s not that big of a deal it ain’t that big of a deal

Enjoy the farm I will I will you should thank me for introducing you guys back I’m I’m gonna actually specifically ban you from chat so that you can you can’t even comment like you should thank me to ashpam for uh for showing you guys to each other

I’m gonna I’m like if I see your if I see you comment that I’m going to remove the comment Mitchell the type of guy to go to a beach and wait I was reading that anime based what is based oh deleting it no I was reading it

What’s up MD how’s it going welcome in dang I got the I got the whole technical Minecraft Squad and by Tech the whole Squad I mean Nash and MD and sort of me I sometimes do things ban him from the stream yeah for real and me Challenger should I get Ian in

Here or no gotta get ready for school leaving soon oh really your school starts soon oh wait no sorry I’m confusing you with zardor wait MD are you in college yet I don’t remember how old you are don’t say I just I’m cure I don’t remember if

You’re are you going away to college or are you just getting ready for like High School bro has school yeah I have like a month until school Tac do you actually have are you like personally connected with Ian because I know Ian a little bit but

Would Ian I’ve heard Ian is pretty quiet would you if you if you tried to summon Ian would he come here don’t do that though I don’t want to piss off Ian for no reason you know like yeah I don’t I don’t want to like

Annoy Ian for no reason but no he won’t yeah that’s what I figured High School final year oh dang Cool Tech is definitely not a friend of Jack Attack is not a friend of tech dang bro attack don’t get Ian here I don’t think he could anyway

I assume that even if I like personally added Ian on my Discord he would probably have the notifications turned off for like everything because he’s probably in a lot of discords like I have like I have my notifications turned off for everything except for personal mentions from pretty much every server I’m in

Um so if I ever don’t see like if I’m in like your Discord server and I don’t watch your video or something don’t be offended it’s just because I don’t like getting added I will I’ll watch it probably eventually but I just have it set for there are like a

Couple servers that I have them I have YouTube notifications on for people those are YouTube notifications is where I get notified for things you know I got all notifications turned on for MD I gotta I gotta subscribe to Nash honestly let’s get all notifications turned on

For Nash as well there we go all notifications are turned on for Nash you’re welcome Nash I’m now your 1000 and I don’t even know because it doesn’t give me the exact number but I’m something I’m your something subscriber That should apply to nugtech I don’t really have time bro’s your number one fan yeah become a member of Nash channel does Nash have memberships on honestly good if you do though oh I don’t think he does yeah I don’t see the join option so I couldn’t even if I wanted to I don’t really do that type of stuff what memberships would be the type to swim into what is that sorting system picking up the totems it doesn’t it just burns them or will actually more accurately just count them with a hopper counter but um I don’t think I would apply to nug Tech

Just because I don’t really have time to do like I bare I don’t have that much time to stream I spend most of my time editing so if I were to if I were to play on like nug Tech I don’t know if I would get as much

Content as I would just playing on my personal hardcore world and I would probably not have nearly as much time to play on my hardcore world if I was also playing on an s p so I probably wouldn’t apply to any SMP except for like lifesteal

That’s like the one SMP that maybe I would be willing to put a pause on my hardcore videos for a while to play lifesteal because lifesteal is seems really cool it seems like it lifesteal honestly though seems like it’s getting overly convoluted to me like I used to be a

Bigger fan of it and then like I saw spoke literally just like hacking into the server and like doing the most crazy things and it’s like man I don’t know I understand that it would probably get boring if everyone just continuously did Regular traps but it seems like it’s getting excessive now

Dash on life steel would be so good spoke is wild yeah dude that video was great but love from India thank you that video was great but it was also like it made me like dang I I feel like I would not be qualified the new season will

Have no hacking well that’s good like I was like dang this is literally so much work for that no pearls or anything oh really huh it was like this dude did so much this dude went absolutely like sicko mode and like I don’t know I don’t think I would uh personally do

That I would just set up some fun traps and stuff AP just left the Discord yeah I heard that except that was like earlier no totem seems like a bad rule that’s why the rules are so strict now are there no totems uh oh spoke great spokes great I love

His vids but he’s just so effing wild 2000 Withers the cleansing Wormhole he’s he caused season two three and four to end they’re on season five now that’s wild or netherrite why no netherite seems weird I have to go to school today at eight oh that sucks

I want to see the shulker Box unloader this is just a shulker box loader I don’t have a shulker box unloader looks nice thank you ow I don’t know how are sticks winding up in here that is so strange importa the L Redstone s mucho man my Spanish is so bad

It’s okay though um yeah look at that that’s beautiful this is the best stream ever no joke thank you season five is no nether at Armor or swords no totems pearls disabled no hacks and xsplits like always bespoke always runs away true you can keep the cookie I gotta get those gains

Dude that’s that’s a lot of rules interesting yeah I mean I personally watched lifesteal a lot in like like two years ago I watched life steal a ton and I think it was a lot simpler back then it was just like people building traps and now it’s like

Spoke builds us a Quantum accelerator in real life so that he can freaking in Minecraft get the tick to warp by one single tick for the sake of gaining a command block there’s no there’s no gold Farms or Raid Farms interesting season two was the simple time yeah

Yeah so I don’t know if I would even want to build like join lifesteal um but I don’t know maybe if they invited me I would be much more inclined to say to say yes than if I had to like apply if I had to like actually apply I might

Just be like nah that’s too much work to like make an application video life still would be such good stream content though true true if you get invited 100 except yeah I mean there are also so many bigger creators than me on there that I would I would be very very

Inclined to to accept one thing that I always look at when I when people invite me to smps is are is am I the biggest Creator on there because as much as I also want like the concept of the SMP to be good and professional and whatever I also want

The creators on there to give me a boost and I want them to be good at content creation I have gotten invited to a number of smps where I will look at like the list of creators who are on there and some of them won’t even have videos

Like some of them will literally not have posted a single video and I’m like how are you on this content creator SMP you haven’t posted a video you have 10 subscribers and then like there was one that I got invited to where I literally the largest Creator below me was 1 000 subscribers

Which is respectable but like it would like there was one person with a thousand subscribers and then everyone else was like under a hundred and I was like dude I don’t wanna like I would be doing lots of favors for the other people on this SMP but I don’t

Think they would be doing me favors you know I also think I clicked on one of their videos and they had like that little like hey what’s up guys it’s it’s me uh my name’s Jimmy John this Jimmy John and today we’re gonna be doing a

Minecraft Let’s Play and I was like dude why like I’m not joining a Creator SMP with a literal six-year-old okay who’s like probably playing on Bedrock Edition like gonna be cross-platform playing this dude’s probably on his phone right now recording this off of like this dude’s probably recording this off of

Like a printer like I was just I was like I’m not joining this bro Dash on Discord why is Farm help higher than Discord then Discord what do you mean Farm help higher than Discord what does that even mean it’s me Jitter I said Jimmy John but can

You make it easy to read from like for starter I don’t have any idea how to design raid farms and there are quite a few good raid Farm designs out there that so I don’t really feel like doing it I only design Farms that don’t have

Farms already for them or if there is a problem that I see with the farm I’ll try and design one that fixes that problem but like this Farm seems to be very good and I so I don’t really feel the need to I don’t feel the need to like

To design my own there are plenty of them also I think I’m supposed to be FaceTiming my girlfriend right now um so I’m gonna have to end the stream I was supposed to end 12 minutes ago hey I’m new to stream who made that raid

Form it looks really good it was me I designed it no just kidding guys it was Nash shout out Nash for Designing this epic farm anyways guys bra attack see you later Dash see you guys thank you Nash for all the help thank you for Designing this epic Farm

More promotion hold on let me let me just here guys before you go also here I’ll spam Challenger spams the Discord and I’ll spam Nash’s YouTube channel all right see you guys thanks for hanging out bye everyone see you guys not tomorrow see you guys Sunday or Monday uh it’s

Gonna be a couple days so see you guys bye everyone

This video, titled ‘BUILDING A RAID FARM in Hardcore Minecraft! LIVE 🔴’, was uploaded by DashPum4 on 2023-08-18 17:14:54. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Commands: !points: Tells you how many pumpkins you have type !redeem, then a space and then one of these options: first (1): …

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  • Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu Survival

    Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Over Smart Zombies: Survival Challenge in Minecraft Telugu | GMK GAMER’, was uploaded by GMK GAMER on 2024-05-11 03:30:07. It has garnered 18448 views and 1213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:13 or 973 seconds. ✔ Follow Me On Insta : ✔Join My discord : gmkgamer minecraft gmkgamer minecraft telugu Telugu Minecraft _______________________________________________________ My PC Specs : Monitor – Asus 27 inch 144hz 2k Processor – AMD Ryzen 7 5800x Graphic card – NVIDIA RTX 3080Ti Motherboard – Gigabyte B550 Aorus Pro Ac RAM – 32GB (16+16) Corsair Vengeance… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in Minecraft

    Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy)’, was uploaded by Quick Fix on 2024-03-15 13:00:33. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy) In this video I will show you how to make a working nuke in minecraft also how to make a nuke in minecraft pocket edition. Watch video till the end and learn how to make a nuke in minecraft no mods and how to make a nuke in minecraft. Create a Sensor Nuke… Read More

  • Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won’t believe it! #minecraft

    Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won't believe it! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, de van fizika #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #vicces #kovix’, was uploaded by kovix on 2024-07-22 11:43:07. It has garnered 106890 views and 4197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft but with physics #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #funny #kovix inspiration: The server was provided by Woodcraft 💙 this is a minecraft smp, which is an abbreviation of survival multiplayer, this is a server where there is no bedwars minecraft game in Hungarian, I am Hun Hungarian, so this is mc in Hungarian, mc Hun, Hungarian server woodcraft is… Read More

  • Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮

    Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXELMON SIÊU CẤP *TẬP CUỐI | LỘC CHINH PHỤC ARCEUS TỐI THƯỢNG VÀ CHIA TAY TẤT CẢ POKEMON❗’, was uploaded by Lộc Zutaki on 2024-08-19 02:00:13. It has garnered 447526 views and 10839 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:50 or 3230 seconds. ✔️MINECRAFT PIXELMON SUPERIOR *FINAL EPISODE | LOC CONQUERS THE SUPREME ARCEUS AND SAY GOODBYE TO ALL POKEMON❗ 📺Hello everyone, I’m Loc and I’m just a new Youtuber so I hope you can guide me and help me enthusiastically. 💒If you like the video, don’t hesitate to click the like button… Read More

  • Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!

    Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAYING GOD OF WAR FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! (and minecraft later) *LIVE*’, was uploaded by Josh Bad on 2024-05-23 08:15:58. It has garnered 95 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:08:34 or 18514 seconds. Read More

  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

    Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft - FULL MOVIEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 2.5 Days In Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-09-01 21:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Okay bro. It’s time to be serious na. Im back now- Like im really back i have said it before but i mean it now. Yall ready for this grind … Read More

  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

    Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #shorts #furiousfortune’, was uploaded by Furious Fortune on 2024-05-31 13:37:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #furiousfortune #shorts #battle *Disclaimer:* The … Read More

  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

    Join a Relaxed Long Term Community! About Us: The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by Antimony_Sb and a creative director. The server offers a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature environment without a planned end. What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla? We offer unique features such as Dynmap, Bolt, mcMMO, GSit, FlareDeathMessages, Pets, Cosmetics, Decorations, and more. We are an international community with English as the primary language. We have a summer event starting soon and are developing a second server named “Flare Adventures” inspired by MMORPG games. Feel free to drop by… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIE

    Minecraft Memes - MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIELooks like someone needs to pass Minecraft spelling class before they start making movies. Read More

BUILDING A RAID FARM in Hardcore Minecraft! LIVE 🔴