Building Japanese Villages in Minecraft

Video Information

Hello everyone hello hello Hello Louise Castro hi Alisa love your videos hoping you have a great stream here’s $4 thank you so much you have contributed to a good cause ears got Blasted hello everybody hello hello welcome to NS what neats village The neats Village gen Genus beans or rice obviously rice NS rise up neats will win neats will win thank you for the $5 Ura or what fore fore there Alisa I never see you in your Discord server that’s because I am busy a lot currently on train I like your elbows not too sharp I

Don’t know what is it even supposed to mean yo what is what is having sharp elbows supposed to mean do you speak mandrin I don’t speak Mandarin I know uh uh um I don’t know this is why you’re a neat love your work keep it up never change

Sharp El elbow rice no life what do you mean don’t dis rice man you looking pretty blue today that’s cuz I have a blue light here I can change it hold on there we go how about numbers in uh Mandarin uh yo I think

Yo uh no I don’t know I don’t know how to count in Mandarin do you ever tie your hair back LOL I’m trying to comb my hair with my hands because it’s Tangles because I have a hood here whenever I like walk around it Tangles my hair in the back a real human Being I’m a real human Being join stream to see Japanese style Villages not someone grooming their hair well you got to be patient okay no patience what do you need Subway Surfers what do you want like Subway Surfers in the background just being like oh sorry don’t have immediate gr like immediate satisfaction John see this Mandarin is

Better than yours I don’t speak Mandarin that’s why I don’t know any Mandarin people in my family don’t speak Mandarin oh God uh can you please put on Family Guy Clips I need satisfaction you need satisfaction damn G would be sad thank you for the $5 you contributing to

A good cause the cause I am sorry cracking my hands this cause I am getting here is so I am going to Japan next month and I need uh equipment for streaming in Japan right now I don’t have it cuz my phone is like really ass

I have like hold on I have like a Motorola that just like is that just crashes whenever I like use anything and stuff so I need money to get a iPhone so I can stream I already have a gimbal I had an iPhone before but I don’t have it anymore unfort fortunately

Cuz it wasn’t actually my iPhone but when I go to Japan I’m going to be doing IRL streams and uh going to be streaming going to buy beyblades goh Maui mazui a gimbal what did you call me so you’re going used to be spending the holiday days in Japan yes I

Am is this your first time going to Japan no it’s not I’ve already been to Japan once last year how long will you be staying in Japan will you are you excited to visit anything there uh I’m going to be staying there for three weeks I’m just excited to see my uh

Friend in Japan I have some friends in Japan uh are iPhones good for streaming yet a while ago they overheated when streaming but that might have changed I think they’re fine I tried uh using an iPhone to stream before it seemed to have worked fine but uh yeah I have a friend in

Japan uh I call him nabii but his name is uh miso um and and he lives uh close to kto but I would like to see him again he is very tall so like I’m I’m already tall and it gets to the point when like uh in Japan

When I go onto the train and stuff I had to duck my head like this I had to like bow when I go get onto the train a little bit because uh the the doorways could hit the top of my head so but like my my friend he’s actually taller than me

Even yes I have uh I have a uh uh booking I’ve already booked a hotel 612 Hi Elisa Hello Duck Lord how are you I have to duck in transit in Canada can’t imagine in Japan Jesus how tall are you I’m 6 feet tall in in Japan a

Lot of the doors for like trains and stuff are around 6 feet tall is the hotel expensive actually no hotels are quite cheap in Japan tall is requirement to be friends no but for for some reason anybody I meet happens to be very tall for some reason doing good though my Discord was

Disabled have you considered modeling I was mod I was a model once there was no actual jobs though so I actually I was part of an agency for a bit but no jobs unfortunately so I was just like you know what this is lame I’m just gonna like do my own

Thing okay real question though cuz I am going to Japan how long did it take for you to protect your Japanese asking as I’ve been struggling with my Japanese lately it really depends on the person and how much you how much you practice uh but generally if you want to get like

Pretty fluent in Japanese depends on like what level but if you want to get like basic conversation uh if you really try like practice very consistently I would say two years uh if you want to be very fluent like living like able to live in Japan like without much problem I would

Say four years four or five years generally is uh I would say that’s around how much you should like you should need to be that proficient you struggle with Japanese you’re not just you’re just not reading or listening enough yeah like cuz I know a lot of people who try to learn

Japanese and they only use textbooks and I think textbooks aren’t exactly good I think when you’re you should you should only learn use textbooks at most in like uh in the beginning of your learning process and then you should always move away from using textbooks like try to use like actual

Stuff that’s meant for Japanese people not for foreigners like you should try reading like books like actual books here like I read uh Suz aaduki and also games for example like Dragon Quest Dragon Quest is a very good game for people who are like maybe N3 N3 and

Above if you’re at that level you should be able to play Dragon Quest with some effort it should take some time to get used to it but eventually you could you would get used to the the the vocabulary in it um a really good book for maybe like

N4 people who are like N4 would be uh K KES KES so Kian is a genuinely a really good book for people who are around like N4 is I struggle with Kani can’t remember how to write them then just practice writing them like just do like flash

Cards and just like write them down or whenever you see a kanji that you don’t know how to write down just write it down it’s literally just repetition do you read Japanese novels I I read light novels I don’t actually read like full novels I have uh I have

One uh novel that my my friend recommended to me uh it’s called G I could actually probably show you it maybe I can get it look this book this is a book my friend recommended me M4 no so excuse me for English speakers if you want to learn Japanese

There are is a a dedicated test for um speakers for like foreign for like English to Japanese speakers I think well foreign speakers right and it’s divided into five five levels N5 N4 N3 N2 and N1 so N5 is like very beginner it’s like really Elementary schooler level at most

Not even like like maybe kindergartener level Japanese N4 is maybe like elementary school or Japanese uh N3 is maybe like like mid Elementary School to late Elementary School Japanese um N2 is maybe like Middle School Japanese uh I think like N1 is like high school Japanese and usually typically After High School

Your your actual like language skills don’t improve that much so so it’s like yeah although for N1 you need to learn so much Japanese you could probably be like any you could probably do most jobs if you have like N1 in Japanese because uh you have to learn a

Lot of kanji a lot of kanji you could probably even be like a lawyer or like translate documents and stuff like that like professional documents uh most can write maybe up to Kani kaniu level Kani yeah I think I think like for the con test I think I learned the average for most

People is around four like con level four is average for like anybody who’s completed like education so you can expect most people to be around four or five in kante which is I think generally around N2 uh N2 and N1 in between no probably more like N1 closer to N1 I think cuz

Like for me I think I did I do like a I have on the switch um what is it SM SM wait uh I I forgot the word thank you what’s the top one favorite in both game and manga my top one game H that’s a little bit hard I I don’t

Know I like nurota I like the story a lot um what else uh for like manga oh I like chainsaw man a lot chainsaw man’s really nice your video’s been popping off lately I know right A friend of mine is N4 but is very fluent in conversation I mean you could

Be n like you can be like a certain level but have different varying skill levels in like different parts of the language like for example um you can be N4 but very fluent in very specific topics like for example you could be uh really good in like

Specific topics that are related to like buying stuff or stuff that you need right but you as soon as someone like talks about stuff like this world lines and SpaceTime Continuum obviously you’re not going to be like so uh so good I think you don’t have to take a

Test like jlpt consuming Japanese contents like video games is the best way to learn Japanese I think this this is true I think the best way you can learn Japanese is just by consuming Japanese content funn funnily regular books and stuff go Way Beyond N1 stuff like do dama

DOI whenever for some reason everywhere for some reason there well it’s because it’s like flavor text right NS will win NS will win around I for Japanese I I my Japanese skill level at least for like reading reading and listening is around N2 I would say N2 it’s in between N2 and

N1 uh although my Japanese gets like really rusty sometimes so I need to work on it I need to make sure I I keep uh refreshing my brain so I I try my best to like read although recently I haven’t been keeping up with it I haven’t been reading very much lately

Like I need to make sure I keep up with reading s how know you would variety shows be more helpful since it’s helpful for people speaking little naturally natural compared to dialogue yeah I would say so I like um I like uh um uh yeah I like watching like Japanese variety TV and

Stuff I know 500 kanji over 2,000 VAB I still can’t read children’s books it could just be you don’t know enough grammar but like 500 kanji and 200 vocab is still not very much generally before you even start to be able to read like uh decently difficult

Books you need like probably more like 6,000 you probably need like 6,000 vocab and like 1,000 kanji I can’t lie the worst part about learning through consuming media is trying to learn how to speak because recognizing words versus making sentence seems like a whole different diens mention yeah like making sentences is so

Much different than uh just consuming especially cuz you yourself have to be like sort of well versed in the topics you’re talking about how tall are your parents uh my parent my dad’s the same height as me and my mom’s like similar height to me she’s like a little bit

Shorter of course yes that’s a big thing I have to keep going or else it gets Rusty real quick I didn’t like even for me I’m not like the best at being super consistent with like my my Japanese upkeep wello how does anybody memorize all those symbol little symbols we just have

A simple alphabet the thing with Japanese though that I find is that if you get really good at reading Japanese you can actually read it a lot faster than English thank you for the $20 uh what’s it like streaming live to 500 people that’s enough to fit a small

Stadium looked it up uh yeah it is kind of like daunting to me that there’s so many people watching me especially cuz I’m not really much different than I used to be uh congrats on the channel growth would you ever do collabs with other artists

SL animators uh if so work can I reach out the thing is with collabs as I don’t know how to make it like the best content possible so I’m going to need figure out like an interesting way to introduce collabs to my channel but the thing is I want to do it right

I don’t want to just do like collabs and like not provide anything interesting to like the the person or also like vice versa if it’s like there’s not any Mutual connection or like anything good maybe I could do some sort of interview like like series like hot ones or

Something except it’s just with art I don’t know I’ll just need to think of something but right now I’m not really open to collabs sooner or later a th people watching eventually eventually I’ll have a th people watching which is going to be crazy but uh what I think is that like

If you actually learn to read Japanese like very fast it is faster to read Japanese than it is to read English I think in my opinion cuz the Kani makes it a lot easier to read the sentences um people think like in English because you have spaces it’s

Easier to differentiate but I think like the Kani is so much easier to just read cuz like usually when you’re reading you could see the Kani and then you assume the word that comes after it already so it’s like you read it before you even

Like see it so all you see is really the kanji and then you’re like oh I already know what this sentence says I think I already know I’ve already pretty much deciphered it right I think the kanji system if you actually it requires the

User to know a lot more but once you do know a lot more it’s actually a lot better in a lot of it’s better in a lot of ways in my opinion consuming me is so easy after some time though it doesn’t feel like studying to be honest but consider

Something I haven’t scary while honestly I can see why thank you for the $3 Alex Alex the lurker pat pat p thank you so much you’re contributing to a good cause we have 666 donate 66616 can you convey more information with less words yes I would say so Japanese is really good

At just having you you can just get so much more out of like less words letter is word therefore a sentence is less letter I guess yeah yeah that is a way to put it it’s like more like cuz you see the cons you already know like the meaning It’s

Associated with so it’s like you kind of just as know already what the sentence or what the word is or the sentence is about at this at this rate we might be able to actually get to our our IRL Japan stream goal we’re almost there we’re like maybe we’re 22% that’s like

One5 that’s freaking awesome speedrunners also use the Japanese version of games so they don’t have to go through as much dialogues if they chose a different version that’s actually kind of interesting I didn’t know I didn’t know that sounds like if you read emojis or something and you just knew what it

Meant yeah I guess kico go to Japan go Japan stream go gool we got to get the Japan Gold Stream we got to get it boy we got to get this we can do this n will win NS will win guys we will win any good movies or something you watched

Lately me recently I watched like Blade Runner that’s a that’s a stream i w or that’s a movie I watched recently it was like pretty good yeah it was honestly not bad like the original Blade Runner not like the new one not the not the literally me for

Real for real Ryan goling Blade Runner but like the the where hold on there’s pillagers in my house thank you for the 20 send a neat to Japan thank you thank you so much P PCH P thank you for the first Super King dxy thank you for the $20 patch p you

Have contributed to a good cause we won’t let you down n n will be Victorious uh hold on I need to there we go original Blade Runner defined the cyberpunk aesthetic I think yeah it’s like it’s got the look to it it’s just the cyber Punk show or not show

Movie thank you for the $5 Tyler spin patch pat p patch patch PCH first time donator patch patch patch thank you so much very appreciated you are contributing to the good cause show us the game play okay hold on I need to there we go I fellas do you want to see my

Uh me so this is neat neat Village this is my house here there is just pillagers in here though uh wait they’re raiding my house get out of here you freaks no stop ow oh they’re killing each other I’m a neat with Bad Manners needs needs have to live by a

Code needs have to have good manners regardless of her degeneracy we still have morals okay I had the bad Omen on me I need the I need milk what’s your skin care routine my skin care routine is genetics like like I feel bad for for telling people my skin care routine because it’s

Literally I just wake up and I just wake up that that’s that’s all I do super tiny hallway is because it’s a Maia it’s like very it’s like a townhouse so I need to figure out where these monsters are because they keep keep stopping me from sleeping there’s still monsters

Nearby thank you for the $20 oh my gosh 20 SGD patch patch PCH thank you so so much you’re contributing to a good cause the IRL stream in Japan everybody will be very happy for you because you you you made you helped make the IRL stream in Japan

Happen oh that’s where they are okay that’s dangerous get off the roof get off the roof get off the roof you’re not supposed to be there get out of here what do you say when people ask you what you do for work I say I’m a professional meat I don’t know like

Before I would say like I I’m like maybe an illust I’m an illustrator it’s kind of difficult to say because I don’t want to say I’m just unemployed because that sounds bad but welcome To this is the ultimate neat Village here wait what there’s a hole here why did it explode I guess there was a creeper that blew up while I was AFK oh by the way I love the house you did I mean it’s beautiful isn’t it this is

Like super beautiful town here lots of Tourism it’s going to be lots of Tourism it’s very Lively there’s a farm over there thank you for the 10 Canadian anything for our Japanese Queen thank you very much p p p p thank you for the first time donation

Oh gonna be very cool this is going to be me in Japan I’m going to be like uh hold on command command five no I don’t know the the command it’s going to be like me I’m going to be like hey guys look I’m in Japan and I’m going to kill this spider

In Japan I made like a Ramen House look I made this Ramen Shop here it’s more like a gudon shop it’s based around like when I went to Japan like what I the gudon shops I saw how they have this like u-shaped table here where so they they prepare the food in the

Little Kitchen here so in the kitchen they prepare the food and then the server comes out with like your food and then they serve it to everybody on the tables here and I thought that was really cool so I try to like replicate it here um and then I have some like wooden

Beams on the top here I added just like a lot of detail now that’s Australia with the size of the spiders and uh this is the Shoku where this is just the din dining hall oh there’s an Ender that put a thing here dirt block where are the gardens I haven’t

Made any Gardens yet cuz I don’t really have many PL plants but this is really similar to just like stuff I’ve seen in Cal stuff like this and trying to get the essence of like a Japanese like super traditional looking Japanese place I even have a Tory

Gate I have a I have a proper Tory it looks beautiful it’s amazing just it’s just like Midnight Diner restaurant true that’s true I really like that show that show is pretty good I’m from Cambodia that’s the Cambodian flag so saai sck Day sock day 10 out a

10 have you played ghostwire Tokyo I actually have that game is it me or is a Tori uneven on one side I’m pretty sure it’s even the Tor is even I believe damn she’s speaking the language oh you know some of kamay just kamay come on sorry it is even needs deafening Pachinko

Parlors true the why she knows so Much C I am Cambodia LS ah Come ah ninja jumping skills I’m showing off a little bit of my my Village my neat Nea is very cool we need to give NS UB die perhaps Ain’t No Way s just you just see Fish past you build all that in survival mode yes I

Do I do I’m a student but I consider myself a neat I basically don’t go anywhere I mean that’s a lot of people that’s a lot of people not just neats but I guess it is associated with being a neat how long have you been a neat

Um is this $3,000 for buying every beyblade available no it’s for buying an iPhone to stream uh getting a Wi-Fi router like a portable Wi-Fi router and also uh for going like spending money Mone to go to places that are interesting in Japan out of the Cockroach apartment yet

No I’m not I’m still in the Cockroach apartment I got a lot of money recently from the store like the sticker store and stuff which is really good and I’m very grateful for it but I need to save it so that I don’t get evicted just in

Case there’s a drought for example if if like my YouTube channel goes like South and like I get banned or something I I’m still able to like um keep paying the rent so I’m making sure I have like a save a good savings and then I can start like actually expanding

Jeez there’s so many chickens look at all these chickens oh my God why would you get banned I don’t know you could get banned for like a random very random things on YouTube sometimes it’s not like I’m trying to get banned but it’s just like worst case scenario

She keeps it pretty real it could happen if YouTube goes under you got a plan yes I do have a plan it’s like I’d probably just lean more into the business if uh anything like that does happen do you have pressure no not really where is my herum of female

Villagers really want to go go to Nima Island the whole island basically is an art museum really I never heard of it thank you for the five Canadian dollars comfy artsy NE with the dash of tism YouTuber thank you for the5 PCH p p p it would be it’s going to be funny

That I like become known as like the tism YouTuber it’s like I guess kind of unintentional that I end up just being known for for that I have the oh yeah I have the little boots down here the mini Ginger right here welcome to the race

Fields uh what else sticks why is so much garbage in here what was I going to do again oh yeah I was going to show how to build a house when you go to Japan will you go to Akihabara or Shinjuku yes I will be stopping by there probably because I’m

Going to be staying mostly in Tokyo and ulaka what is autism I’m I’m kind of autistic let’s just say I’m a little bit strange I’m a little bit funny there’s something a little bit funny about me and people notice I do the funny oh there’s a bucket in here yes bucket

Thank you for the $20 since you see me speak I hear so here here take it you’re awesome a a Alisa Alisa is the purveyor of strange and spectacular Cambodian flag honestly Cambodian is like such like the most like random language to know it is kind of funny that I know it

Would hotels in Japan be cheaper than Canadian rents actually unironically probably there are some if you know how to book like Japanese hotels properly and where to look you can probably find some for like $30 $40 a night okay now I just saw the thumbnail on Minecraft world is making Lisa Smile

What a happy place you speak it yes I do speak some a little bit you’re indeed the funny that’s why we’re here what that’s why you guys are here damn thought you guys were just here cuz you’re down bad and like just absolutely down horrendous and you want a parasocial

Relationship with your with your e EGF or whatever man who knew women can be funny gez that’s cheaper than rent here in the city yeah it like Japan can be like really cheap like really cheap e homie I’ve had years of being he commodi and being neat this year I broke in the

Cycle and just found your content you so relatable I love your art I hope I could hustle to get my art game up wish you luck fellow neats excuse me I’m sorry I wish you luck fellow neat you can do it I Believe In You Believe In the Journey not the not the

Goal eism damn no need to call me out like that I don’t know I’m just saying y got guys sometimes especially when especially when I get like the new viewers you guys just like are so D bad like bro come on it’s like I make a whole I make a

Wholesome post about like like some food or something like oh I like this food cuz it’s very delicious and you’re like oh I want to marry this girl please please marry me now or it’s like I want to impregnate this woman I’m like bro

Come on man why it got to be like this I just want to eat my udon I just wanted to eat my udon and like Are You acoustic I don’t know maybe I’m digital I’m pretty acoustic I think I think I’m pretty acoustic I mean like come on like I’ve

Literally been sitting like this in my chair the whole time what did I join in on I’m just I’m just trying to talk about some weird comments I get for my wholesome comment for my I mean my wholesome content it’s not fair why do I keep getting such down bad

Comments I’m new here this could might be my third time visiting your stream thank you for stopping by and taking your time to stop by but I’m glad you’re enjoying my stream acoustic you sit like xqc I feel like xq is probably also autistic not going to

Lie like I can sense the autism in him like especially when he talks about like OverWatch or something it’s like yeah he’s probably autistic who else do I think is a I think Mr Beast is also autistic to be honest I don’t know if he’s like diagnosed

Autistic but I have a feeling that he’s kind of autistic I agree must read now hi xcz got the tism and he also the brain rot sad combo $2 May hat but guess what subscriber RZ thank you for the $2 Raphael course my subscribers have the most

Riz bro like I got some like insane like comments not just comments like people go out of their way to email me like down like really down Bad Emails like I don’t know if it would be very appropriate to go into them but like I get people like in my emails

Asking me to send them my like my panties or something and I’m like what the some I’m like someone went out of their way to write an entire like get into their email log into their email like email email me a proper email and tell me that like some random person online

It’s like bro I’m just like yo what the like why I’m like bro you went through all that effort just just to say that I’m like dude come on you’re better than that come on you can’t even say you’re acoustic like that’s not even like an

Excuse at that point it’s like no I just suck at Social like uh situations no it’s more than that at that point bro came with his rism in chat God forbid I want to buy secondhand clothes they really looked at the draft and went Yep this is it yeah some people

Are just like that for some reason was it written formally like a business mail yes they they actually written it like formally it’s like hey uh could I get like a pack of your stickers and also your panties with it I’m like yo wait a minute why did someone email me

This I’m like man has like insane RZ he’s like man man has like the craziest RZ or there’s like people in my DMs like trying to hit me up asking for a girlfriend I’m like what what do you want like why why are you asking me this like

Bro and the funny thing is a lot of the a lot of these people are like more than 10 years older than me I’m like what there’s like like people asking me that are like like almost 40 like asking me to like go date with them I’m like bro you’re like

Closer to my you’re like almost as old as my dad attention most likely wow this Village is really cool straight that’s a straight up 4chan user no doubt it’s like my emails are whack not even just my emails but like my shop like my my Shopify like messages they’re crazy sometimes

The struggle of being an acoustic female I know it’s awful these guys don’t know you’re a lesbian I’m not a lesbian but I wouldn’t say no to like swinging both ways to be honest for chance users aren’t usually into old women like Alisa if you know what I’m

Get I mean you know like the memes there’s like a meme that like people talk about with like 4chan or no there’s like one meme on like redded that people posted like on of a fourchan thread and they were just talking about like M Miss misato in like the in a thread or

Something and they’re talking about like the the girls in Evangelion and someone posted like Miss bisato and they’re like yo they’re like yo who had gay ax had an adult women Fetish oh God it’s like yeah who who a gay next had an adult women fetish it’s like like bro who says don’t die that’s ilal I’m I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good bro an adult woman f who at gain ax had an adult woman [Laughter] fetish it’s like

Bro it’s like you come on bro you good it’s like you know I don’t think you should be into anybody but adult women like yo for fortun’s wild like that on top of like the fact that people on forchain just tend to be like for the sake of being

It’s kind of like almost like a culture in a sense like it’s like the it’s become just like the 4chan culture to be an it’s like being a New Yorker you have if you’re not an in New York you’re going to be pushed around that’s just how New York

Works it’s like in fortun if you’re not an on forchan you’re going to get bullied but that’s just how it works on forchin people still saying 3dp 3D PT sanang Sun 3D woman it’s like you have to act that way yeah I don’t know it’s like you just get

Bullied for like not being an it’s like kind of weird great comparison yo CU just checking cuz your face was mad red my face is red I guess cuz I was dying cuz someone had an adult woman fetish apparently I women you could be like dark in Stein’s

Gate is like oh first yanan she may be a 3D woman but she has a 2d heart I I built this hotel it’s very cool I’m very proud this was the last thing I built this this hotel here very fun very fun to build this I

Have a lot of rooms here like this hallway looks really nice and then you have like these small rooms with like the beds the cool beds I like the cool beds but Fortune is really good of finding people somehow it’s like when you put enough like autists to the job

They will they will like find people for some reason like there’s so many people on 4chan that are just like terminally online that have like nothing better to do that they’ll just like do like tasks just for the sake of doing tasks guys from forchan made a wholesome

V dating visual novel there are some people on fortune that are genuinely wholesome Fortune I mean fortune has one rule and that’s don’t post lud of Yota after all you mean acoustic true foran is dark bro yeah there’s a lot of wacky stuff on forchan forchan is like raw internet

Culture but I feel like people of forchan are probably going to go the same way that like uh I don’t know if you know like the Quake Community or something like Quake Quake live that Community it’s probably going to go the same way as like the Quake Community eventually

Fortune is either very wholesome or very dark that’s just life sometimes too though that’s just how it works deep diving into four chain I like like reading some like green text sometimes times they’re kind of funny there like green text of like it’s like be me

Um be me in like jars and put them in in my closet in my closet forget about them move out and then they explode like two years later from just like the gas buildup mom and sister complains about the house smelling like like it’s like why it’s like bro

Thank you for uh the five pat p thank you first donation uh if you mix the water bucket with milk does it make mayo that’s not how that’s not how you make a mayo though Mayo’s made with oil oil and water or oil and uh eggs not water and milk that’s just diluted

Milk why would you put in the closet I don’t know it was just some green text it was like it was like maybe some they’re like an like a they just didn’t want to leave the room or something and so they just like in like like jars

Or something I don’t know I don’t know don’t ask me thank you thank you slotto for becoming a super neat Alisa I need to know where you got your chair from from right now it’s an emergency I I got this from my friend this is here I was having a good day it’s

Like bro I don’t I don’t get these 4chan like green texts they’re like they whack they are extremely whack Alisa do you want to be a neat and millionaire yes I do obviously I who doesn’t want to be rich like actually though if you don’t want to be rich you’re

Lying you’re just you’re just lying just straight up just just be more honest you’re just lying Lisa you actually consider yourself a neat of course I do I’m a neat after all forbidden Nutella this Village is cozy I have so much construction work to do on it still I’m kind of procrastinating

Because I’m like just having fun talking about dumb green text I want to be an udon millionaire an udon millionaire that would be kind of nice to be not going to lie if you had all the udon in the world but the problem is

Is what if it goes all it all goes bad the udon’s going to go bad so if you’re an udon millionaire you need actual money to actually keep it fresh then you’re going to be like broke you’re going to be udon broke in like a week because all the udon went bad that

Would be sad uh how long did you spend on this Minecraft house I I don’t know on one house maybe it takes me about like a few hours like four hours maybe I just kind of like passively work on this as I go you should make a small currency called

Neat bucks I already use I already say neat bucks maybe I should make an actual neat neat bucks it just has like my face on it no it needs to have an anime girl on it thank you for the $2 Rex mcraft gun I don’t have a Minecraft gun I’ll kill you

With a gun that I make in Minecraft maybe I’ll kill you with a Minecraft cannon how about that how do you get neat coins uh I don’t know maybe I could make like a crypto currency and just like uh I can convince people to buy my my neat bucks

Cryptocurrency and it’s just like a complete konzi skin and I scam people you know like like a bunch of those other YouTubers that’ be kind of funny make a bunch of people back into neats again but it would be base because it has an anime character on it Logan Paul true true Logan

Paul pump and DP and need bucks it was cool while it lasted guys okay your house is ugly what do you mean it’s ugly what about Udon crypto udon crypto love ooo tubers Alisa do you know about the story uh Gintama by hii uh you mean like the the anime like

Gintama I know Gintama Gintama is pretty funny there’s a lot of memes that come from Gintama neat neat FTS no the house is acoustic it is special thank you for the 2500 CLP you are contributing to a good cause to the Japan IRL stream thank you

Very much p p p thank you so much it’s almost 10 uh can you try speaking Spanish Ola Amigo Ola estas um uh I don’t know I I don’t know anything else I’m going to fill in these walls here like this so I like to build like a tiny like a

Dark wooden like base here and then I like to fill the rest in with like Birch cuz Birch is lighter it looks nice favorite Japanese band or singer H I’m not sure actually oh is like pretty nice there’s a neat ideology it’s called ug if you move you lose it’s kind of

Interesting I never heard of it though say one okay rock one okay rock is also pretty good have you tried doing a 3D work and blender a z brush uh I have I used to actually there was this like one time I wanted to make a fighting

Game um and I I tried to make like 3D models or something uh and I tried to like make a 3D model and blender it uh it was okay I guess it was something wasn’t particularly good at like um making models right the Kani looks very similar I got them

Confused if you work you lose I like to build these houses with like a very specific like Dimensions because when you make the dimensions a certain uh like a certain Dimensions it makes it makes making the roof easier so I usually like to make like

Nine by or one two 3 four five six seven eight nine yeah it’s like 9 by n or like 9 by something one two three four five five one two three four five six seven eight nine so yeah 9 by9 if you make your houses like buildings 9 by9 it makes

Making the roof a lot easier to build so that’s why I like to build it like 9 by9 oh you’re so cool neat Senpai you’re doing this in survival mode props to you thank you I am it is the the duty of the most powerful artist in the world of

Course we’re actually really we’re getting somewhere with our goal we’re almost like a quarter we’re 25% damn that’s insane actually we’re a one quarter of the way there that’s Crazy old got a are you leaving now coffee blend C coffee Bender the Bender of coffee I want a victory sandwich this is your Victory sandwich who is Japan Japan is a smelly weeb that’s who Japan is are you building a powerful house I’m building a shop so I want this to be

Like a main downtown area in this town so this is going to have a lot of the shopping districts or the shopping uh like the shops the hotel like a yeah a hotel and stuff like that I might also have like some Craftsman or something stuff like

That just like the basic stuff you know uh do you play gotcha games why you so Asian dog I don’t know I didn’t choose to be so Asian it’s like damn damn God why you make me so Asian it’s like I can only see slits

Damn it’s like damn I can only see slits and every time I I get a math question wrong I have like PTSD flashbacks okay damn bro didn’t know it had to be like that but okay I missed the first hour of the stream how much has the has she dissed

Canada actually funnily enough I haven’t dissed Canada yet this stream I guess I’m very famous for my Canada dissing I like personally I like Stein Stein I think that is my favorite anime because the characters are very relatable are you growing out your bangs my Lord yeah I’m trying to grow out my

Bangs a bit cuz my bangs are like kind of like thick cuz I cut them very like bluntly I want to get some of those like like seethrough bangs almost but I need to grow up my Banks to actually get make that happen I’m just probably going to get

Like the my Banks cut in Japan good dunk it was low hanging you know the funny thing is like when I talk to my cousin too I talk to my cousin and he’s like he watches my stream sometimes too and even he knows the Canada rants I I I go on

About like I maed about it so much it is kind of funny though he’s like man man why do you com why do you why do you dunk on Canada so much I’m like cuz they deserve it he’s like yeah but like even my cousin even in my own

Family I’m famous for my Canada rants at this point do you recommend the Mac for art I generally recommend like if you want like depends on your workflow if you have a dis like less linear workflow uh Mac is really good for that cuz it’s really easy just to bring up

Like other stuff like notes uh your notes and then your um other stuff and like uh airdrop is also really good for bringing your your like uh images or your files across like the your your devices but if you say you need you’re like more like an engineer your process is more in

Like one single program and you need compatibility and like sheer power I think Windows is probably better but for like a like more creative types generally Mac is better because it’s Mac is better for like more spontaneous workflows I find it’s more geared towards that hi half got half half for hob to

More subtitles teach us Japanese I can’t read the subs Creeper Creeper Creeper oh man so we back in the M got our pickax swinging as a de Dev Mac is beyond finicki one single laptop can have like three versions of Hardware it’s just enough to break everything interesting most devs avoid

Mac your pitch accent is very low tier not impressing me oh man feels bad man my pitch accent is my pitch accent game is weak I am Udi that you speak Japanese honestly like a lot of people when they like see me they assume I’m like half or

Something I’m not half I would say like if you usually when you see like half Asian people they look more more white like they look more on the white side generally like for example uh Cay or uh Cay or what is it uh what’s his name oh thank you Claud claudes for the

50 50p P You’re are contributing to a good cause um but generally like half Asian people they look more they look more on the white side usually more often than not I feel like they look more on the white side you sound white in my opinion I mean

Obviously I don’t have like a uh accent or maybe a little bit of an accent when I go online people can still clock me as like Asian like people can still tell like when I’m on VR chat for example um C is half Japanese right yeah she is half

Japanese uh C is half Japanese um who else uh I believe emirichu is or emiru em emiru is half chin um who else uh yeah amiru is half Chinese uh K is is uh half Japanese but in honestly in my opinion for like most half like people who are

Half generally they look more like white than Asian it’s just something about like the white features just being like uh I think it’s just something about like the white features being more prominent Joi oh yeah Joi is half as well yeah he’s half Japanese I would say like although Joi

To me looks more on the Asian inside which is not usual with like half people maybe it depends on the lighting but like he to me he looks more Asian Kay and like emiru amiru I think emiru thing with emiru though is that she she puts on makeup that makes her

Look more Asian but when you if you see her without makeup she looks more white and K just K just looks more on the white side it’s just a thing I’ve noticed that happens to be with like with like half Asian people it’s just the white is just more

Prominent Markiplier oh yeah Markiplier you know for the longest time I couldn’t tell that Markiplier was even Asian at all I thought he was just some I thought he was a normal white guy like I thought Markiplier was just was just white I looks mad Asian though I don’t

Know to be honest I think she looks more on like the white oh T tens is half Vietnamese too right tens have tens also looks more on the white side Mar I just thought he was just straight up white like I didn’t I couldn’t it’s like it’s because he has

The beard because it covers a lot of his face but like when if he like when he Shades the beard and you can see his jaw you can tell he’s like mixed Asian but for the longest time I watched marli for so long I couldn’t tell he was I

Couldn’t tell he was Asian at all I thought he was just a just a normal white guy and then he said and then like in one video he’s like talking about how he’s like half Korean or something wait he’s Asian like wait a minute Mark literally has the Asian eyes he

Does a little bit yeah he does have a little bit of the Asian eyes I just never noticed it’s like you can I can tell now cuz like I can I noticed like his nose is like a bit Asian looking his eyes are a little bit Asian looking but like

Because he has such a big jaw he’s got like such a like strong bone structure cuz he looks like a chad unironically Markiplier looks like an absolute Chad like his facial structure his facial he is like such a Chad facial structure it just makes him look more like Caucasian thought Mark was Native

American square jaws are pretty common in Korean men in my opinion really oh maybe I just need to go to Korea to see for myself I don’t really have a huge like repertoire of like what Korean people look like he’s a Chad like markipler he does look like a

Chad like he has he has the Chad voice he’s got the Chad jaw man’s like huge too man’s built like a bull Michael Reeves oh yeah Michael Reeves he’s half white half Filipino again when I saw Michael re I just thought he was just white like just white when I first saw saw

Him it’s like but I think there especially a lot of Asian people when they see like someone who’s like maybe like like mixed or something or or even just like lighter skin for an Asian person they just assume they’re like mixed which is like really weird as people just think about it a

Lot I guess it’s like are you are you half it’s like no I’m not not half I’m just really pale because I don’t go outside I don’t have like super stereotypical looking Asian features at first I could tell Michael was part Asian but I didn’t know from

Where yeah it’s a little bit hard to tell with like certain demographics if you’re not used to them excuse me excuse me sorry what Michael is half Pinoy I’m full and I didn’t even recognize him as one of us yeah yeah it’s just for some reason like

Some Asian people just can’t tell when they see another Asian person it’s really weird maybe it’s just cuz Asia’s like really homogeneous so they’re just not used to like mixed race People Uh BP means you had rice and breakfast I actually haven’t had rice in a while I normally eat a lot of rice uh but recently just to like keep down cooking time I’ve just seen like uh cooking meat or chicken I’ve been eating mostly like chicken chicken’s like relatively cheap it’s also pretty

Filling Marco is Hawaiian Filipino I don’t he’s Korean isn’t he he’s half Korean half American asan R like rice a lot it’s meanwhile salmon price. jpeg yeah salmon is like insane where I am oh my God Frederick l in Korean I like the Korean LOL it’s kind of funny I don’t know how

You pronounce it how do you pronounce the Korean LOL like the the backwards F looking thing I know in Japanese it’s like kakasa Oraka it’s k oh I see I saw you at Sonic Boom I should have said hi then were you the person like awkwardly walking around me being

Like like you see there was like one person while I was recording that seemed like they’re like wanting to talk to me but they didn’t actually talk to me they’re like awkwardly like hovering around me but they didn’t actually like say anything they’re just like this pretty tall white guy with like a

Ponytail or something like a brown brown hair guy with like a kind of Scruffy beard and like a trench coat uh yeah I don’t know I don’t know if that was you there was somebody hell are you the awkward person I don’t know I’m a pretty awkward person all the

Time wow how specific I have a very visual memory I can remember how people look like pretty easily CL must have been a Discord mod no they were like tall skinny like guy CR Co white boy no I’m not even saying it to be insulting I’m just saying what do you look

Like re what do I I look like you look like if akie from Street Fighter 6 was like a dude we all look like that your artist buff does so Discord Mor can’t be skinny I know someone who claims to remember being born poor guy uh Fong no not Fong Fong doesn’t look

Like Aki though this is an unpopular thing to say but I like awkwardness most people don’t for some reason I think most people like awkwardness cuz awkwardness shows like vulnerability it I think it’s just more of like the LA or like the LA or like California culture that doesn’t like it

They’re always like you need to be super confident all the time gatekeep uh gatekeep gas like geeky girl boss am I right boys girl totally destroyed the guy and all I wanted to say was hello Lal no it wasn’t the guy that approached me in the

Video it was it was uh that was my friend I know there was like some people in my in my comments that were just like it’s like oh my God uh the worst she can say is no uh her the worst or the worst you can

Say is no bro goes up to her gets rejected that wasn’t the that wasn’t the guy cuz that the guy in the video that you heard was like my friend cuz I went to Toronto with my friends a couple friends she just not stream Minecraft but also

Builds very well yeah of course I build really I’m a pro suburbs are so awkward with saying hi to people I miss being in the city suburbs are just kind of awkward in general cuz like there’s no like people people your age I do not believe that you have

Friends how dare you say that excuse me jiggle physics are you not from Toronto no I’m not from Toronto I visited Toronto I’m not from torono burp number three town reminds me of Spirited Away I guess it is just the like traditional Japanese Town looking

Thing I got like a the the genh con here uh I got the tokonoma uh the entrance with like the the tatami and I have the kitchen the so the kitchen here and it has a little chimney in the roof here and uh there’s like a table here and then there’s a

Nak right here here you want to feel better about Canada just look at the USA hey at least if I lived in the USA I could I would there would be a lot more job opportunities at the very least the saddest thing about Canada is that just so like little

Mobility like if you don’t like do your own business there’s so little like social or like economic Mobility because there’s just so few jobs there’s like no jobs what what is what is this guy doing get out of here get out of here boy No No he set me on fire take that

It’s not so good here either though hey at least you haven’t had like literally every single company that’s like promising bought out by the us cuz you are the US like literally Canada is like wow we have this company that’s very promising but they just need a little bit of

Effort to get off the ground uh screw it we’re going to cut all funding to it and they’re going to be bought out by the US and so we’re just going to be giving free money to the US I’m just like bro come on like we could use those jobs you

Know like even Tim Horton isn’t even like owned Tim hortens isn’t even a Canadian company anymore job opportunities might be more than in the US but I envy Canada for other things Canada has like like the same problems as the US for like most regards maybe the crime

Rates aren’t quite as high but they’re still quite high for a first world country the only word I know is wait I fell in the hole the hole there we go uh if a company is relying on Government funding it’s not viable well well Aerospace requires stuff like that that’s

Something we had in Canada until we shut it down Sada is a good goodbye in when you say s you shouldn’t expect to see the person again for a long time so in Japanese if you say uh like in Japanese if you say like mat or Jan usually it means that you’re

Going to see the person tomorrow or you could say mat mat but then if you s like don’t expect to see the person again like say if they’re a stranger you say s not a that means like goodbye just just goodbye thank you for the $1 p p

P you contributing to a a good cause the neat cause yeah my Japanese teacher never let us say style not until the end of the semester that’s funny dang running into the night by y SOI just got darker after I learned that Sada means not actually like seeing each other again

NE what up Alisa what up brother brother is this Creative Mode no this is survival yeah the the yaku by Yi is actually like fairly dark even if you know Japanese though the the references you m it makes are not very direct so even Japanese people wouldn’t exactly be

Able to tell what it’s about unless they’ve read the novel it’s like it alludes to it but it’s not like saying it exactly straight up so it’s like it could like what I thought what I thought originally when I heard it I thought it was just a regular

Like uh breakup song or maybe not a breakup song but like a um like a bad relationship song or something right but uh or make not maybe not breakup uh makeup song like making up with someone turns out it’s a lot darker than that because it’s based off of a novel um

How much percentage you get from ads I know ads should be watched till the end just to take some percent uh I think when you for me I get about $2 per thousand views like $250 per thousand views of excuse me I get about $250 per thousand views

For like ads but on ironically the best thing you can do for like uh YouTube side without actually straight up donating is if you have like YouTube like YouTube Red I think it’s called YouTube red right uh like if you pay for premium YouTube and you watch my videos I get a

Lot of I got a lot more revenue from that sorry this phone doesn’t have a kanji most Yi song is based off of novels I mean that’s their whole gimmick I think it is a pretty cool gimmick though I hope you didn’t reply to me during an

Ad I might have actually replied to you during an ad but um yeah if you want to give me the most ad Revenue as possible on ironically having YouTube red and then watching my videos will give me the most without straight up just donating or like giving supers or being a YouTube

Member do you do or collabs for business I’m not really open to that right now like for like business commissions sometimes I do commission streams so you can donate to me on my like during my stream and I’ll do like a hour sketch or something ads are making me mad these

Days it’s like 4 before the video starts and you can’t even jump anymore yeah or it’s called YouTube premium oh called YouTube PR I thought it was like YouTube red or something I don’t remember hello did you make all this yes I did I built all this with my own hands

And I built this in an area that looks reminds me a lot of Japan so like the mountains here I saw these mountains I’m like oh this reminds me of places I went to in Japan places in cir very nice I’ve been studying Japanese for like five years now

Uh have you seen the dis disastrous life of uh shaki shaki no I haven’t why are you building Japan cuz I think it looks cool so yeah it is this would make sense to be like because like this is like neat Village it makes sense to make it like a

Weeb village wouldn’t it I have a cool hotel here I want to put like a tao drum in here like a bell or maybe like a bell cuz like you normally in like these shrines or temples you some like hotels even you’d have like a a bell cuz it’s uh in Buddhist

Rituals uh in the morning for the to wake up the monks they they ring the bell every morning I don’t know if it’s to wake up the mons but they always like ring the bell or something T Tao mention Muki dat’s biggest fan is NE Hotel hiring I play Tao

Tao Tao is very cool I like Tao Tao ta taon is really good I it’s fun I don’t have like the little little drum set though you have a Shinto Gateway cuz it’s Japan Japan is very Shinto Buddhist well Shintoism is basically just like reskinned Bud or Shintoism is basically like reskinned

Buddhism like most of Shinto’s like rituals and like beliefs are from Buddhism or it’s like altered from Buddhism you may YouTuber is uh the famous YouTuber is possibly a neat in Japan in Japanese what other stuff may you build may I ask I’m probably going to build stuff like an

Onen some shops I I want to build a a a shrine like a temple some excuse me some Gardens I’m kind of uh gassy I like that you Embrace ego death it’s really unusual for Content creators well that’s because a lot of content creators are are Godless or well they they’re

More Godless Behavior they don’t know how to cond conduct themselves I guess I just in general don’t like the way a lot of content creators uh conduct themselves they’re not most content creators are not very good people maybe it’s like they pretend to be good people but I finally figured

This out thank you for the $33 p p thank you so much you’re contributing to a good cause the the IRL Japan stream cause they are really not authentic yeah a lot of people don’t like a lot of people are kind of sick of like YouTubers being inauthentic YouTubers are more obsessed

With like numbers numbers and like uh retention rates and stuff but they they’re not I think what people actually want is just someone who’s relatable someone someone who they can see in themselves and someone who has good values right like uh I don’t know like PewDiePie I think one of the reasons why

PewDiePie has like stayed uh stayed relevant for so long is because he’s he seems like a genuinely just like an honest good guy same with Markiplier Markiplier he’s just seems like such a nice guy same with like Matt Pat or like whatever right they they seem like honest

People honest hardworking like good good people right um usually the people who don’t aren’t like very honest or like authentic they end up falling out eventually because people catch on retention rate uh retention rate is the amount of the amount of time your viewers watch the video like the percentage what a cool

Guy finance and fitness YouTubers are the worst yeah that’s true they seem like quite dishonest I mean they can be because YouTube just pays them like like mad cash just for being a finance YouTuber you know like the you know like the CPM of like some of those Finance

YouTubers they get like per thousand views they get like over like $20 some of them $20 or even more like even $40 some of them per thousand views so they don’t even need to get a they don’t need to get a lot of views to get high like

Income they can get so much income by selling a course and then like and then get just like living off of like uh views cuz it they just pay so much Roblox R ban this person they’re spamming your build is nice thank you my stickers ared thank you I’m glad they arrived

Sometimes I worry if like my the stickers actually arrive to people on time uh but like I can only do so much I can just give them to like the the the delivery person and after that it’s just I just had to Hope that they get to the

Person uh some people might like put in the wrong address or something I think that’s that’s just their fault if they put in the wrong address you should put the right address guys if you believe it or not if you want the stickers to get

To you you need to put in the correct address sorry but that’s just how it has to be I don’t know you I don’t know where you live I’m almost finished painting a Min sorry I haven’t been that active today thanks for streaming though it’s fine Cofe friender you are doing a great

Job okay I’m going to head out thanks for the funny stream and have a good life thanks for stopping by I’m glad you enjoyed your time do you watch Trash taste yes yeah I do watch Trash taste sometimes not not often cuz like personally it’s like

Um I watch Trash taste uh a little bit but it just seems like kind of like a like meme meme banter I guess it’s almost like adolescent banter I don’t know how to say it’s not really like my thing so like some of their arguments are kind of like funny but they’re just

Funny but then like uh yeah they’re just funny for like a bit but then like once you watch like a couple of them you already know what they’re kind of going to do already do you stream on Twitch as well or just YouTube I just stream on YouTube

I just try to keep it simple I don’t care as much about like getting like the twitch donations or whatever I don’t really care I just want to create content I can’t even draw a stick figure properly but your videos motivated me to learn I mean that’s that’s the point of

Them that is that is great though that you are drawing do you have Kofi no I don’t have Kofi I just have well I use I just have like the YouTube Revenue the one of episode I heard about was the one with Hassan when he just

Said one piece is communism I was like no like I mean like being communist is like Hassan’s whole thing isn’t it like I don’t actually watch like Hassan ab’s like um videos or streams I see like a couple clips of him but he just really seems to be full

Setting the whole like socialist thing which is like really it’s really weird to me to see that like um twitch is allowing like twitch is allowing people like that to succeed like people who are just all about like Politics as like their only thing I would think that the company

Would generally want to be apolitical if they want to survive in the long term but uh yeah it’s just like he he just kind of says like communist talks about communism and uh yeah it seems to be about it I like how sbody has wrong takes sometimes I mean a lot of his

Opinion like he just if he just says stuff on the spot then it’s like he might not know things he seems to be really good at just talking on the the spot and like getting people to like uh follow I don’t know I never met the person so look pretty comfy over

There what he says is often very wrong even about communism yeah I don’t know I never really watched his stream so I don’t know thank you for getting me better at drawing you’re welcome thanks for trying doing your best that’s what it is that’s what it’s about you got to live

Um you got to live like u in the present you got to live with all all the Care that is a a very zen zen way of living I guess a Zen way I know I would just say a Buddhist Buddhist principles are good principles that’s why I stick to

Them I was raised a Buddhist and I’m still am a Buddhist I still abide by uh Buddhist principles I think they’re good principles I think if I stick to them and I try to interpret them as best I can I I will be a good likable person uh a good likable respectable

Person I wouldn’t want to be someone my grandma wouldn’t exactly be proud of seeing I think other people should be should strive to be respectable people too Zen Buddhism because well this stuff isn’t just Zen Buddhism that’s the thing it’s also like uh Thada Buddhism uh Mahayana

Buddhism oh I think ven Buddhism is still considered Mahayana Buddhism but um it’s just a Buddhist principle it’s not just Japanese Zen Buddhism that that says stuff like this it also takes a lot from toist principle DST DST principles and confusion as principles as well but it ends up getting kind of

Blended into like one thing another day of internal cable your video is really cute trying to inspire inspirate in your content and bring videos from YouTube much love from Brazil thanks I’m glad you like my content uh I’m glad you like my content I’m glad it it inspires people it’s like

That’s that’s the important part about it in the end that’s why I create it and I think that’s what keeps me going with it I I’m just walking around here because I’m not really doing anything that productive I’m kind of tired to be honest I’m like too tired to build but I

Can talk I guess do you prefer the night or day I prefer the day I’m just going to talk for a bit I’m just going to go on face cam talk to the chat a bit see how you guys are doing Alan wat is my intro to

Zen hey I’m currently in the hospital as my hand is fractured and I’m scared as hail I hope you get better soon uh I will send my purse to you please please recover well sorry I’m not more like emotive I’m just kind of autistic doing okay is pretty depressing out there yeah that’s

True as a Hassan viewer Hassan is really well read on contemporary politics news history I disagree with him on some things but there’s on the whole he’s trying to keep uh help create a better world H interesting by the way do not eat your silver play button idiot

Uh pick up a 3D printed Beyblade X launcher connector so you can launch two B at the same time for easier battles yo that’s a good idea that’ be cool never thought I would think the ring girl was cute you mean SLE people say I look like SoDo so much they’re

Like oh it’s literally SoDo from The Ring man it’s cuz my Skin’s so pale what am I doing for again and where am I you are in the neat the ultimate neat Club thank you for donating it’s to a good cause it’s for the IRL stream in

Japan we’re like a quarter of the way there that’s insane we’re $800 there we’re $800 of the way there that’s crazy I am very grateful can you do a jump scare or like excuse me I’m kind of gasty [Laughter] today I’ll be like I’ll actually be Sonical there you go ghost need ultimate need I’m afraid pretty close accurate l m it’s I got to be more crackly I got to be like more like you know what I mean you know how was [Laughter] like I was looking up the images and you started doing that I’m so

Scaroused damn this is going to give me nightmares tonight I’m I’m literally Sako thank you for the $5 though you like my SoDo impression I’m literally SoDo I thought she was faking but she ain’t right I don’t know man I’m kind of weird I’m kind of

Acoustic you can be a good actor LS I mean I’m like attractive I’m tall I think maybe the only problem if I was an actor is that I’d be taller than most of the other actors Kai I was napping to this and that woke me up so fast

Alisa need Taco when will you collab with Mr Freddy [Laughter] f good afternoon from Japan hello har Haruki you got to be more I RI me IRL going to go take a nap aggressively then wake up and get drenched in fake blood good luck with the money thank you for the 10 Canadian buckaroos pun pun P thank you so

Much like that girl from the jingi EO mangas that made me sad CU it look like you’re drowning in your hair BR Nails in the movie are scary maybe next Halloween I should do a sadical cosplay that’d be kind of [Laughter] funny it’s like people are still down

Bad for SoDo though like bro she’s trying to kill you and you’re like oh please kill me Tomy Tom yeah I guess Tom l i get your comments about the down bad Chatters now there’s so many of them they’re even in my emails like come on

Man bro is asking for my panties in the email in my emails I’m like come on like bro you’re better than that like God damn it consistent with the step on me girl think that people like the idea of the Asian lady coming through their

TV oh please come out to my TV please down B individual I think you could do a good Odo chimaru cosplay too I’m not sure who Odo chimaru is more like a clicker from The Last of Us good Impressions though oim is a snake guy Naruto oh

Really uh I really like your art also a question do you speak Japanese R gamer Sakura red red gamer Sakura you got the sound for you got a you’d be perfect for Orochi Mario cosplay it’s super gender neutral and doable huh maybe I can search up Orochi Maru oroi Maru I haven’t watched

Naruto bro Orochi Mario looks like Kiss bro looks like he came from Kiss I look more like his daughter though from like boruto for a they you uh wait you’re in Japan now no I’m not in Japan I’m in uh I’m in Canada did you watch bokei Boi The Rock yes I

Have why did I get the stream recommended I don’t speak Japanese I speak Japanese but I also speak English bro going to see Dr Pepper and akih Haba and go crazy I was like oh DK pepper yo that’s awesome I love Dr Pepper do you actually consider yourself a

Neat yes I do consider myself a neat bro speaking in war crimes have you watched chainsaw man I haven’t watched the anime but I I have read the entire manga Ser or I watched up to I read up to 13 where they introduced like Asam you don’t speak English you’re

Having delusions come back to us H hell Ramona Flowers who’s Ramona Flowers is it from Scott Pilgrim oh it is she has pink hair Christina in sh 17 17 hello came here from the bade stream and I thought you were wholesomely entertaining thank you so much thank you

I a lot of people say I am very wholesome for yeah this channel is a weird mix of wholesome and down bad I really love it at least a nice outfit today thank you I have a cool this is a cool sweater it’s it’s my my colors are met

Um how do we know that when you’re speaking in Japanese you’re not filthy franking us I literally talk to the Japanese people in in chat though and also filthy Frank filthy Frank speaks fluent Japanese he just trolls people it’s like so true one message is like super

Wholesome and there one random going are you single it’s I don’t understand why people are like that Alisa join my band as lead guitarist Lee guitarist I don’t know how to play guitar FY Franco hey I know a lot worse words than that in Japanese tiye needs to make a comeback

Yeah tyy is like pretty based I like TIY it is very cool doel in my opinion Alisa has a basis Vibe I got like maybe I I feel like I could pull it off but it would hurt my hands NY NY she’s just saying balls I told my Sensei you taught me the

Meaning of she wants to have a word with [Laughter] you bro why do you tell your teacher what about chasu no craft Min craft oh M best friend sleepover Vibes yeah I’m yeah yeah yeah yeah z z z z you how uh welcome to the NHK is your life story

I love welcome to the NHK it’s very deep Alisa what’s your opinion on non monogamous I don’t I don’t know I’ve never even I’ve never seen anybody have a non- monogamous relationship but uh I would say for most people it is not good the to hirosima Nas

Alisa did you listen to K-pop m uh any new great Japanese means like Chu or uh an old Dam bicycle bro you know of uh What uh I don’t I I haven’t looked into the new Japanese memes I I’d had to talk to my Japanese friends more but uh

I I haven’t been talking to through a while for a while because I’ve been OT busy I’ve been busy like uh just doing YouTube stuff I can speak Japanese God not chigu chigu chigu is funny Che how’s the scale of Japanese comedi in Toronto there is a Japanese comedi in

Toronto but they’re not like it’s not very big oh yeah lots of videos recently it’s been great I’m glad you like it I’ve been trying to get good at Minecraft building recently you just got to do it if you want to get better you just got to like I recommend you try to

Get a reference from real life of a building style you want to do and then you base it off of the real life thing first and you try to replicate it in Minecraft and then you just work from there you just work your skills better try to look on YouTube to

See what techniques other people are doing like I don’t know Ethos Lab stuff like that we don’t talk about cheese youon I used to use Japanese all the time but since Co I stopped practicing and I’ve forgotten so much uh I mean you got to practice it

More you can always start again it’s going to take a bit to get it back but like it’s it’s uh it’s going to take a while but you can definitely do it I believe in you I think someone else asked um what for Japanese artists what do you recommend

Uh depends on like what kind of era do you want like uh like new newer stuff or like older stuff cuz um recently I’ve been listening to some like older stuff like spits or like Cher chitty uh and like The Spits uh what else like uh Mr

Children Mr Children is like a funny name but Mr Children um what else Sakana action is also like fairly old um for like new stuff you want like you want to listen to like voni uh imas imas is really popular uh Ado Ado is also really popular uh Fuji Kazi

By the way there’s a Japanese communist song called gambaru very Japanese name for a communist song you reminded me of sheep Jing I I get that quite a bit Mr Children Mr Children sounds like an adult F fetish bro is like pretty cool cuz uh they’re like pretty

Funny uh what else uh Genie high Genie high is also another one uh if you like J like traditional Japanese instruments used in songs you can uh listen to wagi wagi band Waki band or like if you’re like really heavy rock music you can listen to the uh sasi sa sases sases

Fourth no no something SBI uh or suspended force uh polka dot Stingray is another band my my friend recommended me they’re pretty good uh the oral cigarettes or one rock is another really popular band um yeah um what else I also like to listen to a

Lot of electronic music so like T pite or chamia um thank you for the $3 D Diego rart redart redart I don’t know how to pronounce that sorry uh thank you for the first donation patch p p thank you so much contributing to a good good cause Asian Kung Fu Generation yeah

Asian Kung Fu Generation uh baby metals also good azamar aamari Amari no I think it’s amazarashi isn’t it amazarashi amazarashi uh they amazarashi made my hero Academia like that not they didn’t make the anime they made the intro for It It’s like that song the uh I love that song even though I don’t watch my hero Academia heroa heroa my hero Academia uh so for Indian food for Indian food uh I have tried Indian food and it’s very delicious I’ve had like um there was people around like my

Neighborhood one there was like a Pakistani family I think that like moved in and uh they invited me to like a house party and they had amazing food it was like lamb Curry or something delicious it’s a bit spicy but it was like fine but then the use of spices

Like M that’s it was actually very good um other than that like the authentic like Pakistani food I had uh I haven’t really had much Indian food to be honest thanks for the five Canadian uh dollars would you collaborate with other canine artists on art projects it’s a little bit difficult

Like cuz I had to go out of my way a lot for collaborations and stuff so maybe I can make a series where I do collaborations with people in like a controlled way but I want to make sure it’s like done right I want to make it

Entertaining so I’ll have to think of something for collabs like maybe I can make my own version of like hot ones for example but for Arts uh for those restaurants I’ve only been to Mata so my only experience with uh with G is Mata so I don’t really know like Ska or uh

Uh for Fore doesn’t your hair tickl y Yos my journe is in Japan the curry you’re talking about is called chicken TI masala most probably they had a bunch of different like uh different places different like Foods ah I see for me I’ve only eaten at uh

Uh it’s nice and comfy here I’m glad you like it uh would you ever do art for a video game yes I would but it’s very timec consuming so maybe later in the future I would definitely want to but right now I think you is the best ha Bruh Bruh like uh G

For for Bo ah when I went to Japan though it was quite different I think when uh when I went to Japan they were quite kind to [Laughter] me there are JP versions of down badge folks I could imagine just Asian people in general are very down bad thank you for the

$75 I can’t believe I’m doing this to you next time Jesus Christ thank you so much thank you so much Jesus 75 p p thank you Pia is great because you can order without Japanese true you can use the the machine have you thought of selling your art as

Nfts I have before I you just need to spend like a lot of money to actually like produce it as an nft I think you need like $300 to actually turn an artwork into an nft which is quite expensive I didn’t wouldn’t I didn’t think I would be able to sell it for

That much I mean aside from like the people online saying like nfts are like the devil or something uh I just didn’t feel like I could really make money off of it like yeah like the red red ginger red pickled ginger in America is so much different than um uh Japanese red pickle

Ginger what’s it called uh red like the red pickle Ginger uh what is it called again I forgot akag akag yeah akag like the akag in America versus the akag in Japan is very different it’s so so different um and I I I really love

Akag when I went to Japan I also love Nat as well and all the all the Japanese food but like when I have a Japanese food in Canada it’s very it’s not very good in my opinion Benny sha oh Benny shoga right it’s Ben shoga is like really good

Uh yeah it’s just like the like the like the food like the ramen in Japan or like the ramen in America I actually I went to I went to um what is it yeah I went went to a Ramen place in New York that claimed to

Be the best ramen place you can get in like New York and when I had it it was way too greasy it was too fatty like it had so much grease in it I was like why is this so greasy this isn’t very good ramen Ben

H I was like oh this is so greasy such greasy Ramen but like in Toronto actually I I go to a Ramen place called toim it’s very good they have like a a light light show you and it’s like that one’s my favorite

A i b i I searched it up I like what was it again nand go by the way you should build a Japanese Castle in your Minecraft world I should did you say toan Boku in Toronto yes yes I mean toan Boku in Toronto that is my

That is my favorite uh ramen restaurant it is run by actual Japanese people so the ramen is very good original Chinese chachu is still best I always get the tonot tonu at Musashi and Shinjuku i’ never been there maybe when I go to Japan this this December I’ll I’ll go try

It I think we all root for you because there’s just something about rooting for an underdog who is beating Goliath it’s so satisfying yeah it’s like well it’s the whole neat thing I’m a neat after all I hope that when I go to Japan a bit

I’ll I’ll warm up my Japanese again it will come more fluently but it’s uh my Japanese is because I haven’t practiced it in a long time it’s very Rusty and so it’s like the words don’t come out right in the sentences don’t come out right

And I have a little bit more of an accent right now are you a big fan of soba I do like soba it is it’s pretty good but it’s not like my favorite maybe I just need to go to a specialized soba restaurant because my experience with soba is having it on the

Shinkansen in the eki Ben in the little eky Ben there had like a soba thing so it was like decently decent but it was like maybe if I had fresh soba like freshly made SOA with like some nice SCH you that would be like really good you become zero language when you

Come back it’s hilarious no I remember when I came back from Japan English almost sounded like a foreign language to me it was really weird like even though like I I speak English my entire life I come back to like uh like Canada and then I hear people speak

English like if I hear someone say like sore like something like sore I think in my head sort it right or if I hear someone say something that sounds similar to Japanese it automatically my head just turns to Japanese I’m like oh that sounds like a Japanese word it’s

Like really weird it’s like for like a lot of English speakers when they go to if they don’t know any Japanese at all and and they go to Japan and they hear people speak Japanese they try to pick out English words in Japanese you should try

Yen I don’t know how to pronounce that s it Spanish has some similarity to Japanese you’re cutting your own bang stream the bangs are getting a little long maybe I should like actually I’ve noticed when I hear people speaking like Hindi I noticed like some Japanese in it like I like a

Lot of Hindi words like Indian languages they almost sound Japanese to me yokoh ah ah y I see y yokoh ah man the yomata is so difficult for names honestly Karina is always the one I misrecognize as Japanese or some words that sound so similar I guess that’s true they are very similar

Languages interesting it’s a bit strange but Korean sounds like nothing like to Japanese to me at all yeah I find like for me like I don’t really pick up on like Korean sounding Japanese I found like some Indian languages sound like a little bit Japanese to me but Korean not so much

That’s really neat observation I’m half Indian so I’ll try to pay more attention next time my family is talking new subscriber here just question I have been waiting to ask have you considered living in a third world Asian country like the Philippines I have considered living in like Thailand

Or Vietnam maybe I don’t know if that would be considered uh third world though interesting observation a friend of mine had studied Japanese had the same observation that its grammar structure is similar to Hindi as compared to something like English well it’s cuz like in Canada

There’s a lot of Indian people and they speak like Hindi and stuff so I hear it a lot and sometimes when I hear them walking by I think like oh are they speaking Japanese and it’s like no they’re actually just speaking Indian or like Hindi not IND Hindi and I’m like

Oh weird Hindi sounds a lot like Japanese in some ways uh the Japanese and Indies go back somehow I think it’s because of the introduction of Buddhism to Japan cuz Buddhism has been with Japan for such a long time and I think it was introduced through China from India

So uh originally you have like the Indians like uh Buddhism was originally a uh part like a derivative of Hinduism and so they brought hind like Buddhism to China so it became Chen Buddhism and then the Chinese brought Buddhism to Japan and that become Zen Buddhism

Someone who has grown up with an Indian mother in no way have I ever thought it was similar to Japanese maybe because I am so familiar with the language budism I see that’s so interesting Buddhist influence everywhere yeah Buddhist Buddhism is very influential Scorpio have you ever heard of my lady maker yes

I actually know my lady maker uh so what it just affected their language development because they’re learning from the OG Hindus I think it was something like that I don’t actually know though Z is a match up of taism and Buddhism hardcore stripping away of structure H is Shintoism derived from Buddhism as

Well yes actually oh you want me to spe J so you can read uh what the ah y Kaai br’s got to go thanks for the time I enjoyed it you grow up Japan and how in the world can people remember kanji I grew up in Canada uh kanji is just difficult to learn at first but once you get the hang of it it’s not too difficult

Thank you for the 200 uh thing grading fellow NE and autis love your streams please keep up thank you so much for the donation it’s for a good P cause PCH p p for the IRL Japan stream your uh Bako is m for chak what she got 1K whoo y hi for all

Then Cho this which is the most difficult to learn reading listening writing speaking in Japanese I think for me because I don’t have friends I don’t have many friends it’s difficult for me to listen or listen and speak is very difficult for me but that’s just because I didn’t

Learn I mostly learned from reading $50 love your art excited for the Japan streams good night for now thank you so much thank you for your contribution to the N cause we’re almost $1,000 guys can we make it to $1,000 today can we get to a third of the of the uh thing of the goal

I think we can do it come on guys but thank you so much for the 50 please reply in English I don’t know uh okay I’ll reply in English then you’re still showing your dangerous I’m just trying to read I’m trying to read thank you for the $48 Jesus Christ thank

You so much p p p p we’re almost there we can do it guys NS can win NS will win we can do it it pat PCH PCH thank you so much thank you no shampoo we’re almost there she got snowflakes in her hair I didn’t man I’ve been busy I I haven’t

Been keeping up my hygiene unfortunately py did you say n gang rise and Ne I want you to be te serious thank you higuchi I did I think we definitely can thank you for the CLP I want to give you big donation how much do you want me to

Give tell me I’ll give you the exact amount a big donation a million dollars million buckaroos how about that bet you can’t do that huh uh met Jesus oh my God 1K we did it we did it need need one million Roblox all of your bank money

Bro what’s this donation for this is so that I can do an IRL stream in Japan I will do an IRL stream in Japan ah we can do it 1,000 neat bucks I get what if I get a th000 neat box it’s it’s not it’s not a

Job I I am a professional you don’t understand you don’t understand I am a professional i a how much does a flight to Japan cost on average I think it costs like $3,000 to like for a two-way like there and back I YouTube doesn’t allow for 1 million La

You mentioned a more reasonable amount Please thank you anyways any amount is more more than like I could ask for to be honest thank you so much for the two 2500 CLP very very good thank you so much you are contributing to a good cause the neat cause you know what I’m

Going to do in Japan I’m going to buy Beyblades and I’m going to buy I need to buy a chisel set and I also need to buy beyblades I promised Chad I would buy beyblades in Japan fulfill this 3K we can do it meats can do it we can do

It we can do it we can do it $5 better get some sick BL blades can you do a shop if I stream going through business would you be interesting to see analytics I can’t show like my analytics cuz a lot of that I it has like private information so I

Wouldn’t want to do that CU like there’s like people’s addresses and stuff and also like my passwords and my information so I can’t exactly show you directly on Shopify but I can maybe make graphs for you about it and stuff but thank you so much for the $5 p p p

I have been to the kameda before but I I maybe I could buy the Beyblades there that would be very cool I can buy Beyblade X I can buy D or there’s like the is it but uh they have like the Beyblade manga and you can get the um what is it

Uh Phoenix Phoenix Feather I think phoenix feather and then Phoenix Wing they’re doing advertisings for that I really want the phoenix feather Beyblade that’d be so cool I need to get the codal codal magazine though the Tua from Japan Channel recently did a video how much two spend in Japan

Phoenix Wing is the main release there’s like the thing in cotal codal where you can get the phoenix feather pling on adding more sticker designs yes I am but uh I don’t know I’m kind of tired I it’s 12:00 I should go to bed now I’ve been trying to catch up

On sleep but it’s like I yeah I should probably go to bed to be honest and I’m kind of hungry I need to eat something well thank you so much for watching my stream very happy to see you guys again um definitely a lot of new faces here

And uh some reoccurring ones very grateful for all of you I think I should maybe like moderate some more people so or I not not moderate more people set people as more people as mods because there is a lot more people in the chat so I need people who would be willing to

Uh moderate and who are trustworthy so thank you to people who watch the stream thank you for the people who donated uh see you again sometime and hopefully we can actually get this stream going in Japan yeah m

This video, titled ‘How I build Japanese style villages in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Alisa Chung on 2023-11-29 05:47:45. It has garnered 35044 views and 1753 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:51 or 13011 seconds.

In this video I will show you how I tackle building Japanese style buildings in Minecraft, I will go through my thought process and a general step by step on how its done

If you want to decorate your belongings try out my stickers:

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  • Gidthekid450’s CRAZY secret revealed – Why he hasn’t uploaded #minecraft

    Gidthekid450's CRAZY secret revealed - Why he hasn't uploaded #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sorry for not uploading… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Gidthekid450 on 2024-01-09 22:38:32. It has garnered 275 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. super sorry for not uploading im not really up to the work to upload i mean making videos the first week was one but doing it over and over again gets pretty hard (ignore tags) #gaming #sorry #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minemen #minemenclub #club #fireball #fighting #pvp #1v1 #sword #swordfight #apologize #upload #uploads #more #happy #sad #newyears #newyear #christmas #nothingood #lunarclient #client #badlionclient #badlion #lunar #gamingshorts Read More

  • “EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net’s Minecraft Adventure” #gaming

    "EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net's Minecraft Adventure" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming’, was uploaded by ADAM NET on 2024-05-30 12:29:00. It has garnered 39 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:51 or 411 seconds. Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming ———————————————————– guys this is my new Minecraft survival video and first series in Minecraft please support me and comment if you like my video and not _____________________________ Tags(ignore)- #minecraft #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraftpe #gamerfleet #anshubisht #technogamerz #ujjwal #minecraftsurvival f/minecraftinhindi #minecrafthardcore #minecraft100days #inhindi #minecraftfunnygameplay #trending #viral #Minecraftpocketeditionsurvivalseriesinhindi… Read More

  • DOMINION – Semi-vanilla 1.20, Whitelist, Hermit-Like, 18+, SMP

    Dominion Server Welcome to Dominion Server Dominion is a community of like-minded adult players who want to experience vanilla Minecraft without limitations like land claiming or RPG elements. With a focus on community and player interaction, we offer a true “hermitcraft-like” experience. Join our community of kind-hearted individuals for weekly events, monthly competitions, group projects, and more. Our whitelist process keeps the server safe from trolls and griefers. To apply, click HERE Learn more on our website: Our Founding Philosophies: The Vanilla Experience Dominion preserves the vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins like mcMMO or Jobs. Donators receive no in-game… Read More

  • Minevita Survival – CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!

    Minevita Survival - CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!Minevita is the go-to spot for a chill and community-driven Minecraft Survival server! 🌟 We listen to our community and update very often! 🎉 Join us at, and let’s make some memories together! 🕹️✨IP:→ 🛠️ Survival→ 📜 Claims→ 🪑 Furniture→ 🏘️ Towns→ 😊 Friendly community→ 🎩 CosmeticsJoin our Discord for frequent updates and exclusive rewards! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Failures

    Minecraft Memes - Epic Minecraft FailuresWell, I guess you could say it’s really “mining” for those upvotes! Read More

  • The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale

    The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Conspiracy theories, mysteries profound. Herobrine lurking, in the shadows he hides, Players beware, as the truth collides. Dark secrets unravel, in blocks and in code, Unsolved mysteries, on a treacherous road. Conspiracy theories, part of the game, Intriguing and thrilling, never the same. So dive into the lore, with a curious mind, Explore the unknown, what will you find? Minecraft’s depths, endless and vast, Conspiracy theories, a spell they cast. Stay tuned for more, in the world of blocks, Minecraft’s mysteries, like ticking clocks. Conspiracy theory in Hindi, a tale to tell,… Read More

  • Minecraft Herobrine’s Lit AF Base 🔥

    Minecraft Herobrine's Lit AF Base 🔥 Why does Herobrine need a base in Minecraft? Doesn’t he already have the whole world to haunt and scare players? #ghostlyproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft

    Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft Recreating the Star Wars Tatooine Cantina in Minecraft Are you a Star Wars fan looking to bring a piece of the galaxy far, far away into your Minecraft world? Look no further than this step-by-step tutorial on building the iconic Tatooine Cantina from Star Wars in Minecraft. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, this project is sure to delight fans of both franchises. Getting Started To begin your Tatooine Cantina build, gather the necessary materials such as sandstone blocks, wooden planks, and glass panes. You’ll also want to choose a suitable location in your Minecraft world… Read More

  • 50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!

    50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 HOURS as a NECROMANCER in Medieval Minecraft’, was uploaded by Doublesal on 2024-06-16 15:00:27. It has garnered 4075 views and 263 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:26 or 2246 seconds. I Survived 50 HOURS in Medieval Minecraft! Join me as we explore dungeons, battle bosses, and cast a few spells along the way! Patreon: Discord: Twitch: —————————————————————————————- 🔵BISECT HOSTING🔵 👉Code “Doublesal” for 25% OFF Modded server! 🎮 —————————————————————————————- 100 days in minecraft,minecraft 100 days,100 days in minecraft modded,100 days,minecraft hardcore,minecraft,i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft,i survived… Read More

  • Uncovering Ghost in Minecraft

    Uncovering Ghost in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found ghost in Minecraft #minecraft #shortfeed #short #viral’, was uploaded by MiniMiners on 2024-04-04 02:13:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Nolik’s Insane PVP Moments on

    Nolik's Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.questVideo Information This video, titled ‘Пвп моменты на’, was uploaded by Канал нолика. on 2024-05-03 15:57:35. It has garnered 1101 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:44 or 764 seconds. Support me by liking and subscribing! ds:nolikezka006. 2b2t, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, 2b2t, server, vulture, Russian 2b2t, server without rules, bettez 13, bettez 13, survival, analogue of 2b2t, tubituti, Ukrainian 2b2t, better beast, server IP 2b2t, bettez13, Russian 2b2t, tubetube , 2b2t cheats, anarchy minecraft, 2b2t history, construction, anarchy, 2b2t history, history 2b2t, base, minecraft 2b2t, new 2b2t, 2b2z, 2b2t how to enter, anarchy 2b2t,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge – Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge - Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Hari Di Minecraft Hardcore Fear Nightfall (Part 2)’, was uploaded by Jumper id on 2024-03-31 08:24:25. It has garnered 309303 views and 17972 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:12 or 4392 seconds. 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore But Using The SCARIEST Modpack Ever – want to know how the story and excitement is, how my brother and I defeated all those scary monsters? And did I succeed or not in completing the 100 day challenge? let’s just watch the video.. hope you all enjoy it, see you next video 🙂 Download Link:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java Tricks

    Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java TricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make your minecraft clean and smooth??(pojav+java)’, was uploaded by Thunder_Warrior on 2024-05-16 11:03:02. It has garnered 396 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:10 or 250 seconds. Subscribe pack link:- @ArenaPlayzZ @TufaniGamerOP @pubixd @SpunkyInsaan20 #minecraft #texturepack #minecraftmods #viralvideo #fpsboost #viral #trending my DC:- mod minecraft java texture pack minecraft texture pack best texture pack for pvp pojav launcher pvp best texture pack texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack pvp pvp texture pack Minecraft… Read More

  • Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!

    Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!Video Information This video, titled ‘CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME)’, was uploaded by Baba on 2024-06-21 16:00:11. It has garnered 11478 views and 339 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:25 or 1465 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME) Me in the ALL GIRLS SCHOOL! (STORYTIME) I WENT INTO THE ALL-GIRLS SCHOOL (STORYTIME) LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: KICK: DISCORD JOIN! HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: ●Twitter: ●Instagram: ●TikTok: ●Discord: ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi

    Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5’, was uploaded by Atom Guy on 2024-02-28 10:30:21. It has garnered 169474 views and 17127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5 seed 1 = 28000016 seed 2 = 6942694259176815774 1.19 only minecraft Malayalam Games Explanation In Malayalam atom guy NFS heat GTA gamer Malayalam shorts facts mallu game shorts game facts gaming shorts gaming facts game shorts Malayalam gaming facts Malayalam gaming… Read More

  • Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #Minecraft

    Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘💀 #pubg #freefire #minecraft #bloger #igrog_uzb’, was uploaded by Igrog_uzb on 2024-04-08 02:04:03. It has garnered 422 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘! Minecraft???’, was uploaded by spunky playz on 2024-01-13 14:05:43. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #life #spunky #memes stay safe ! keep Smiling ! Todays Minecraft memes is minecraft! Minecraft traps in different times !!!!!!!!! and also very useful for you and you can try it in your minecraft world and yet keep subscribing Love you guys #share #support #subscribe #minecraft #viral #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #meme #shortsviral #viralshorts #smartypie #pewdiepie #dream #mrbeast #technogamerz #anshubisht #GEvids #casetoo #pigpong funny memes, unusual memes, memes for… Read More

  • Fox Geopolitics

    Fox GeopoliticsHello and welcome to Fox Geopolitics! We are an inclusive and small friendly server of people from many walks of life who have come together to form a new modded 1.19.2 Java server focused on worldbuilding on a vanilla minecraft world! Our theme is set in the 1860s-70s, and we are constantly improving things based on community feedback. We offer mods such as Create, Valkyrien skies & Eureka, Immersive Engineering, and a regulated and period appropriate mod for basic guns. Our server has been released for almost a week now, and we are looking for more fun people to join… Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focused

    SolarionSMP - SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP Join Us: Discord About Us We are a whitelisted SMP server inspired by Hermitcraft. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community for all players. Our Vision At Solarion, we use plugins like Drop Heads, SinglePlayerSleep, and more to enhance gameplay while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Community We welcome players of all playstyles and host various projects and events to keep everyone engaged. Commitment to The Vanilla Experience While we use quality-of-life plugins, we avoid game-altering features like teleportation or virtual currency systems. Application Process Join our community by following our whitelist process…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I’m not a smart man, but math ain’t my game

    Minecraft Memes - I'm not a smart man, but math ain't my gameWell, at least he knows his priorities – getting that high score in memes! Read More

  • Glid DOP Twitch Stream Highlights

    Glid DOP Twitch Stream HighlightsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:35:10. It has garnered 413 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. @GlidingtheoW Read More

  • Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card

    Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Redeeming your gift card is how you’ll arrive. To start the process, follow these steps with care, And soon you’ll be building, exploring everywhere. First, scratch off the code, it’s your key to the game, Then head to the website, where you’ll enter your claim. Input the digits, make sure they’re all right, And soon you’ll be playing, day and night. If you encounter issues, don’t fret or despair, There are tips and tricks to help you repair. Check your connection, your account, and more, Soon you’ll be back in the… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭 When you accidentally fall into a pit of lava in Minecraft and all you can do is cry emoji 😭😭 #minecraftstruggles #gamerproblems #memesfordays Read More

  • Back in the Scary German Underground

    Back in the Scary German Underground Exploring the Depths of Minecraft in German Learning German Through Minecraft Adventures Embark on a linguistic journey with Monday Morning as they delve into the world of Minecraft to teach German through comprehensible input. By merging language learning with gaming, Monday Morning creates an engaging and immersive experience for learners. Through observation and interaction, players can absorb new vocabulary and phrases while having fun. Join the Discord Community for Practice For additional practice and support, Monday Morning offers a Discord server where learners can interact with fellow German enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced learner, the community provides… Read More