Building Stampy’s World in Minecraft with Community!

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Hopefully it goes live it might do that weird thing where it like starts for a second and stops oh I think it should be working now so hello everyone uh so yeah what it is indeed working that is good hello hello everyone in the chat and yes happy New Year hello

Uh I’ll make sure to set the max players the war so you don’t have the issue of it looking like it’s full I’ll just do like 10 okay I heard myself we’re good you can build a slime room that is good Alexander that’ll be helpful you get any ores let mine them I

Have Fortune pickax your Ario or however you say that my bad if I absolutely screwed that up I’m very bad if you guys don’t haven’t seen the pin comment yet and hello Crystal I think crystal is the one who want to work on yeah so have a

Room that’s idiots like me only is I I’m going to hate myself doing it uh no one else except members and staff will be allowed in the lava room and I don’t know if Ryan’s putting up a sign yet I don’t have the wood for it so I

Don’t know he wants to do it I’ll go work on lava room I guess I’ll get the painful room done is that one St we need some more glass yeah I’m going to go so yeah uh I I think I’ll put a sign up so only members and staff will be

Allowed down here but I put a bunch of builds in the description that you guys can work on if you need something to do just check that out and what the there’s a zombie in the floor that was so weird that was that that was a weird glitch but yeah

Uh uh I forgot who these people never seen him for the new name um all right I don’t know which part the wall for we should start next I’m thinking we do the walls we’ll do the interior last cuz like that’s the hardest I mean that’s the next hardest

Part I kind of want to work on slime farm but I still won’t be out until next month unless you’re streaming January 5th I don’t think I will be probably won’t be until next suay that will be streaming he used to be in the server well he has to be in the server

To play So someone can go get glass if they want to I’m doing that right now hello ninj craft where the peep guy needs to either be in the server or not allow uh let me just empty out oh I Wast the glass come on I want empty empty out some stuff okay so he’s

Fine um have you done the lake yet no I think we’re waiting on cuz Payton said you were going to do it so we’re waiting on you though get working on it later maybe today I don’t know I feel like it’s day honestly thank you Nino craft so yeah

Resp so I’d give him like ask him specifically if he doesn’t answer he said he was in both the Discord servers can I get in the world please all right I’ll invite you is it full yet uh 1 two 3 4 1 two three 4

Five we only have nine so you should be able to join um so yeah if we see anyone else come down here you will be kicked so just a warning cuz we don’t really because since lava happens if you grief at all you’re banned for life I don’t

Care we had some issues last time we did a community War like the one guy did I don’t know if any if you like me to help in the world I can all right just make sure you have me add ninj craft and be in the Discord

Server I might have to still not responding what about me different YouTube name um I got to change the max players I’m going to do 20 just cuz we have 10 right now but but I just put a bunch of stuff in the description that you guys can

Work on like we’re opening up the clubhouse now so you guys can start work on that I don’t think you’re banned I don’t think we banned him yet cuz we didn’t really figure it out uh what else um we did the set the Slime for which I

Think someone was going to start work on and I set a new mob trap as well yeah cayen is allowed in the in the lava room you’re you’re fine if you want to go down there and help cuz you’re remember um yeah so we’re going to work on the walls of this next

Uh uh what else someone should start doing the bridge s in the uh if someone wants to work on the bridge between the uh AO island in the main area they can but I don’t know if the the train is all set for that yeah IG is also a possible

Thing just check the description if you want some ideas uh we’re pretty much as of last time no going in the sheep farm unless you remember unless you’re having W that’s like the only thing no messing with the Villagers we can’t have any Escape at all we should make we got to

Make like a community wool chest so people can get wool I think we’re pretty much already done with this side of the house so if you guys want to just start the clubhouse that’ be good I don’t know what people might be just Gathering materials right now Discord is the I put

It in the description it’s like one of the first links H I got a bunch of s smelting right now I’m just going to sit here and wait a bit should I start getting some lava if you want to I thought I had seven buckets but I only have five right now weird

Oh died you should get dripstone to get that could be easier to get lava that does take a longer though and just going in now I like going back and forth to Discord that was Ryan’s second death did he fall in the lava room I think he must

Have or he went to the nether I don’t know um can I build mittens tree uh I don’t know if we’re at that point on the list so not right now uh let me I got to check the list to see what what we need to

Do see we’re not going to do the dogghouse right now because we don’t have materials for that yet you could do the lake terrain the lava room or we’re doing the lava room could do the igloo the bridge clubhous all the clubhouse stuff and the slime farm yeah that’s that’s pretty much all

We really need right now thank you Happy New Year too uh let’s see so how are we going to do the walls for this room um I say we just well the Walls Start down here technically and they go up four one the Cobblestone already there oh

Yeah how much Quest you have right now I have a stack give half oh wait we still need if someone wants to go get sand right now and a bunch of glass that would be helpful if I know cake a bake is a Big M material gatherer

So he can go get it cuz I he always likes to grab lunch uh kind got some glass too yeah uh so do we need like Source blocks in every part of the wall for the lava or not not for the wall all you need to do is just put it over the

Edge okay let me see how these walls go so it can be 2 4 6 8 10 12 1 16 18 20 I’ll come I’ll come to you if you need to get come here thank 12 13 14 15 16 17 this guy isn’t in the Discord I’m

Pretty sure yeah Eddie Rock I’m pretty sure he’s banned from the Discord he was trolling once thank you cake of for the diamonds if you want to go get sand then now you can um I’m just going to put this diamonds in my Ender Chest so no one takes

It maybe I want to kind of get a a sword today a diamond sword I thought you were B I don’t know this chest some stuff I might be someone under like a similar name that I’m thinking of I think he’s talking about the other Discord server I have maybe a lot of

Glass probably like at least 10 more stacks at least one glass for every sand is uh you don’t have to get like sand say that but okay Sandstone at least Sandstone or Sandstone takes a lot more materials but at least for glass you only need to smell one thing uh let’s see

Uh I’m kind of really doing nothing right now we’re just kind of waiting on the glass or can we start placing the lava yet or do we really need like the glass first need the glass first yeah because don’t want the lava going everywhere I just realized and then we all just

Die I I don’t really know what to do right now cuz cuz I don’t have any glass H well Payton I think no did you just came in the lava room did you not see the sign Eddie like said no one in the laa room except for members and stuff how many

Time have you spent on this world uh just add up all how long all the streams have taken and that’s how long hi happy New Year just want to say good job all your hard work how long do you take thank will take you to finish I don’t know how long it’ll

Probably take a still a longer time to complete probably like um I don’t know another probably another year or so depends on how how much we do on this how much streams we do go to bed oh R brought a bunch of furnaces down for stre cooking bad

People it’s it’s going to be a bit hetic with 11 people I think hello tornado yeah we’re going to need 11 people to get to sleep so hopefully the sign down in front of the sheep farm helpful um we might need a bit more beds in the

Lobby but I’m not there probably is enough to rout the house but might as well just get more you can go to the sheep farm to sleep just get out immediately cuz afterwards there are some beds down here you can use if you really need to so we’re going have to have these

Dirt blocks like visible in the lava Room it looks like oh we don’t need a dirt block that’s too much extra you guys take more players to join sure if you want to just make sure you’re in the Discord that’s a big thing that I keep on seeing two more two more who’s not sleeping two

More if you don’t go to bed in like the next minute you’re getting kicked I’m kidding but seriously they’ll go to bed I should have download the the thing that allows you to deal with only one person uh I added someone back who isn’t sleeping Moises isn’t sleeping I think

He’s looking for a bed though like I said if you need to there’s beds in the sheep farm down in the Villager area if you need too oh someone else did someone else join cuz we have 12 now whoever just joined can you leave real quick so we can uh sleep because you’re

Probably who who joined actually who is this guy it might be blue shot uh who’s visible hello zinc just I’ll ask know who visible storm is I think I think it might be blue shot I’m not sure uh we might need a bit more beds though I’m not

Sure like I said there’s beds in the in the uh sheep farm anyone needs to I don’t care yeah man go go make yourself a bed and he’s not he’s one that’s not asleep yet um I think just it’s just I know there’s a bit hard or

Uh I just want to know what your name is just so we know who you are Lego fortnite maybe but not today let’s see um I’d say like uh warn people to go to sleep we’re we’re warn to kick honestly that’ll actually get people to go to

Sleep I can tell visible storm is not like in the area so he’s the last person he’s the last person me that’s the last person we need everyone else is asleep right now more are you in yeah it’s it’s the guy who joined I should we can wait I next time

I do extreme someone has to remind me to download that uh one person sleep everyone it turns the day thing cuz I’m pretty sure that exists who is not I know it’s not too far like the spawn isn’t really too far you just have to go straight forward

Oh if you need help just look look at the coordinates on my screen uh come on come follow me follow me right over here follow me there’s a there was an extra bed open near me like I said sheep farm as well there’s main hall guest room

And okay so who isn’t sleeping now cuz we got everyone I got the visible guy me and my altar in bed who’s the last person now who isn’t sleeping we need one more one more person I don’t know who isn’t sleeping right now I see someone B in around Ryan

Ryan is isn’t sleeping I think he’s the last person I think he’s trying to find the other guy oh he is the last person okay all right oh yeah we did it finally took five minutes now honestly though like get better now you guys know any I can’t just if you have sand

Just uh just tell me if you have it and then come outside or tell me to go outside the room thank you though for the sand yeah I know I just forgot I was going to do it this time but I kind of forgot to I know there’s it I know it’s

Like a mod or something you could do but uh it I think it’s it’s a mod you can just get some Cobblestone there’s a cobblestone room there’s a tools chest with some stuff in it if you want to grab it I don’t think this block is actually here actually wait never

Mind give me the glass thank you the thing is the glass from here I put some glass here yeah you did okay there is glass cooking in the the room lava room as well okay so if you want to transfer all the sand upstairs if there’s any still left

You can transfer it down here there is a yeah farmed come on I wasted a glass we’re making good progress the lava if you want to do that like that’d probably be good I lagged out you should be able to join back or if I need to

Invite you I can uh I Al I got to grab some extra I’ll just grab a bit of cobblestone to build up for the lock so I just need to place it on the for like the last block of glass or whatever behind it I just have to place it behind the

Glass the lava whatever um sorry I’m not I’m I do I just have to place the lava like right behind the glass uh I mean probably need a I mean we’re almost done we I think we only really need the this point I think three should be

Enough there is uh I Noti this right if you go to the reference right where I am there is a glass broken cuz there’s a lava on top of it this world is cool oh thank you thank you I’ll invite you back now yeah we don’t need much need

The interior glass and the uh I will die to get out easier so yeah I think that’s um you want to bring the um the sand down to the lava room you’re allowed to you want just put in the F the furnaces uh so I got the GL some lava now so okay

We’re going to need to build like the glass area to put it in first have glass yet there do you remember to break out that one glass like it’s like it’s right on right here that fourth glass should be broken now yeah you can do that that’d be

Helpful I have lava in the slime interesting I think there I think on the world seed there is lava down there block so four blocks goes out three out three lagging and then it goes all the way around two blocks away I think we’re set

On the glass right now not yet we still need the uh stuff for the roof but other than that we should be good adaptive so make sure these all have to be Source blocked so remember that remember which ones you place those in okay I don’t know somehow you can I put

A whole list of stuff in the description we can talk about it later I don’t know you could stay here I don’t care I put a hole left of this the last time who who put a mud block down here or is it just something is it possible I

Can get unbanned from the Discord Sunday I don’t think now is the time to really talk about it but maybe dang iass uhoh uhoh no come on oh I tried to get out of the lava but I crouched instead so that that wasn’t helpful I’ll go get some more sand I guess

Unless uh cake is back with some sand nothing lava people are doings are going nicely that’s good I would’t work on the rooms yet I work on the walls first cuz the walls are pretty important obviously yeah do should I do the middle glass thing that like uh yeah probably

That’d be a good idea to get marked out you don’t really have to put that many Source blocks in that one let me just go to the start marking at the end Corners you got to put block that’s about it and then there’s no glass up there I’ll just outline this part right

Here first oh nice we need use one more glass to F finish the the two block thing around the outside and we’re we’re almost we’re getting close to done with this room actually just a lot more lava to do all right so that that thing that goes around is

Complete unfortunately I’m going to have to break this furnace because it’s in the way uh we might have to break out you put them in the furnaces ready what happen all right let me put that cor her and we go another five to five right now glass oh thanks for moving the

Furnaces that’s that’s helpful yeah you can go down if you’re going to drop off sand that’s always good he can come down he’s alive he’s dropping off sand for us hey I think he’s playing sand get out yeah if you want to drop off the sand you can do that all you

Want like give it to one of us I guess I don’t know thank you I think I got like five Stacks from him I think we’re going set on glass for now so we don’t really need any more sand unless don’t want to collect put that’s always good I’m

Sure uh we might if anyone wants to grab another furnace or something uh I don’t I think we’re fine on getting lava we don’t really need much help you can go yeah I think we should we got four people here getting lava is not that bad honestly you can go work

On that’s like a big mission right now A lot of people are working on that oh really you could get some other or just help out I guess I don’t really think we need much materials at the moment oh nice you can put in these like

Trenes you want all right I think we’re good with this middle I think we’re good with like the the glass on the floor I don’t think these are broken out are they broken out on the floor I don’t think though there I think those are all intact it’s only like I think he’s

Saying there is glass in the middle I can’t do that mind I think he’s trying to say there’s glass in the middle but I don’t think there might be just go work on the uh clubhouse walls with Mo and I saw it won’t let your join back that’s

Weird I’ll try and invite you again that too you could help Farm Diamond how long how long I can’t I don’t have PlayStation I think you might be able to add me still on Xbox but I don’t know if it works uh I’ll probably be string be some

Iron and chest up there just don’t use all of it please please maybe try restarting the your Minecraft I don’t know what why won’t let you connect back uh surprise isn’t laggy with all the people well it’s running fine it is kind of lag I remember at one point last time we

Did a community stream it got really laggy at one point but I think that was cuz of me cuz I had like some issues with like uh there’s no more iron someone took it all I think we used it all last time there was like 40 left at the beginning

When I I just made two buckets and I had 40 left and put it back so someone musts to took all of it again B guys again if you need iron tools just make only what you need you don’t really need iron armor that that we don’t espe for people

That AR like always on here like anyone that’s not a member don’t use the iron for things that you don’t need at all you the one who inspired me to start YouTube thanks for the mo motivation no problem ninja craft hopefully you do well on YouTube and do stuffff wow a has

Returned aan has returned I can’t believe it really where if you go on the Discord server he chat he just said some stuff oh W I think it was on vacation yeah we’re I don’t know why he put that path yet we gotta like open up that area just to put lava down

Anyway I’ll put like something above it though who three people are not asleep is your Al sleeping yeah I got both me and my Al sleeping uh remember okay storm is going I think some people have a little trick to do uh no everyone’s here I thought just

Go find the bed quickly please it’s I think you guys know where the beds are at this point who else is not asleep I know I’m not I’m not sleeping so two other people are not asleep yeah two others are not who is moving uh oh just remember I thought you I know

You already told I already told you where the beds are and you’re still wandering around just go just go to sleep it’s in the main room I already showed you where it is I checked on him a week ago to see if he’s okay he’s just taking a break from

Discord yeah I guess we all need break sometime all right am I the last person apparently there’s 10 people in here now oh someone is Ryan sleeping I’m asleep no I don’t not right not now cuz I I want to be authentic as possible who so who joined then

Cuz what the science of love garden say I think we got rid of them who’s building a castle someone was last time but we’re not allowing them back cuz they were doing some stuff yeah they were trolling they did some lava things not it didn’t say

Anyone joined yet 10 people in game I see somebody moving around oh no wait they must have been in the nether that makes sense actually oh must have been someone that’s why okay we’re good there we go finally let’s take five minutes again we got to get better at this

Guys just when we say sleep time go to your bed like I saw some people wandering around I think by this point you guys should know where the beds are it’s not really hard to find them or just bring yourself just get yourself a bed that’s not if you can’t find one

Just get get your own all right I’ll work I’ll help with the roof again we’ll see how much I still have a bunch of sand too if we need to cook more yeah this one’s empty that one need needs a lot more I’m going to get cobblestone so I

Put actually I don’t need it yet I’ll save it for a bit all right open up the roof so be easier to put lava down so we don’t die every second we try to do it should we do the walls first um I said we get the inside bit

First like all the uh little pockets there since that time consuming some people I think cenzi start doing it already he did like half of it already that part should take should take not much time uh I don’t know why this one furnace isn’t cooking anymore oh I have Sandstone that’s

Why I have stack of sandstone of anyone who’s building the clubhouse who wants it wait I want I haven’t seen the clubhouse stuff please can I join uh just make sure you have me added and are in the Discord server oh creeper in the water get away get away please don’t

Blow up I mean if you’re in water that’s fine I’m using your early tutorials rain but you know I got to do it to make it easier for us to put lava down on the C actually I could I mean actually I don’t really need to do this will you be streaming

Tomorrow I will not be streaming tomorrow because I have school uh I’m using your early tutorials on Captain Rex plays but I only realized this channel exists I thought you just quit YouTube well here’s the thing I’m not actually Captain Rex play I’m actually a different person but I just

Continued his Series so he did quit YouTube but I’m just a different person who continued it if that makes sense I know a lot of people still haven’t realized yet that re or I continue the the series but it should be more people should come as they progress through the

Tutorials looks like Ryan’s already starting to roof and I fell in again that’s that’s I can’t get to the water room be careful make sure you blck off the ceiling as you do this so you don’t have anything burning I don’t as you put lava down

Make do that I wouldn’t do it with dirt though I’d save dirt dirt eventually there’s death for me and cayen right now now let’s place the glass mods where we need you playing Lego fortnite I played it a few times but I’m not really sure how the I I don’t have

Anything that can stream Nintendo right now I don’t have like a capture card or whatever but I have played it and to be honest it it it’s all right it’s not the best it’s a bit boring sometimes but it’s fine it won’t let me join that’s weird I don’t know what’s happening cuz

Other people have been able to join the laa room was one of the room I had trouble with when building it it is a hard room to build I have to go now make walks progress well goodbye I’ll see you in another stream hopefully or sometime

Else oh there you go you’re able to join now I don’t know what up going on come on Lego fortnite is basically Minecraft yes it is I also can’t join um I might have to add you back still I just need to know your name just uh invite Stampy he probably won’t

Join though we I’ll try but he won’t join cuz he’s playing something else I’m building Clubhouse that’s good and if you still can’t see it just tell me your username and I’ll invite you to I just added you back so So make sure you’re also in the Discord server as well that’s another thing cuz if you are not that it not helpful invite Danny he probably won’t join either I don’t think he does any Stampy stuff anymore but I did I remember like a a bit ago it was like a month or

Something I saw him on the Lovelier world at one point which was interesting what yeah he was all in the world I didn’t join though I don’t know what he was doing maybe he’s just looking at it but I saw him on it so I don’t know maybe he’s getting back in the

Stampy or he’s just looking at he probably just looked at it for Old Time sake cuz I know he I don’t know where but he said he was like done with the world or whatever I mean it I’m I would I I would like build continue it

But I’m not a good Builder so so yeah it wouldn’t really work out too well cuz I don’t know how to build things good well if anyone else wants to like continue that would be an interesting thing and maybe you could get Stampy to notice you and he can do another video

Series on it like he did with the other with the updated version like a couple years ago I hold up here that you got toix uh the glass up here like I’d rather have the whole thing open so we can put lava down so we

Could see and not have to like do this where we can’t tell and there’s some cobblestone on the side here you’re going have to break all this the lava ain’t going down we’re almost done with the roof though W world is a very stressful build yes it is okay

I I’m not good at building in Minecraft like making things look good so I don’t I wouldn’t really be good for that but maybe in the future it’ll be an interesting idea no we’re good with that we already have plenty of glass we’re about to I’m about to finish the roof

Anyways I really need one more glass okay so that’s all the glass for this I’ll start working on the the the lava in the room this stuff I’m going to start working on like the thing that goes around or whatever that lava part we’re pretty much we’re getting almost done with this I

Think like I said if you guys find any like ores that like you want me to mine with Fortune I’ll do that something like diamonds would be nice to get more of if we need more sure uh I don’t know what I think I I think

After I’ll mine them oh half a heart skeleton creeper every oh God I knew that was going to happen um I think Mo is sandstone I’ll probably help with the clubhouse after I might start the inside of the clubhouse after a hot and I don’t want everyone

Person who tried to do tutorials on staff’s world or love your world gave up on it yeah whoever put in the nether item test there is a specific nether test NE is very common I think I put it in there where is I put it in there I think

So I don’t know where the Netherrack chest is oh God there’s like a bunch of creepers and skeletons this is not it’s not fun I can’t well I can’t sleep I I can’t sleep cuz I’m in the nether I’ll do uh I don’t know should I just stay in

The nether so L people have to sleep or should I come back uh you could stay in the nether if you want but who knows how long it’ll take people sleep yeah L World tutorials that world is a lot of details it just takes forever to do unlike

Stan’s World very his world has very simplistic builds basically it’s always like a square and not any details at all so yep that that’s why well your world is just very hard cuz it’s very tedious and you just takes a long time to do go to bed guys go to bed how many

People are waiting uh five out of 10 right 6 out of 10 whenever it’s night time everyone should head straight to bed and while you guys are figuring out the bed situation I’m going to go to the bathroom because I’m just waiting in the nether for you guys to go to

Sleep box up or dig down or something I don’t know so you don’t die come on go to bed people go to bed get some more materials anything need help mining I don’t know five out 10 guys come on go to bed D I didn’t I have returned back uh

More oh Ander says he wasn’t sleeping but he I don’t know if he’s sleeping or not one more guys don’t worry we already have a don’t worry toasty we already have the nether for lava so we’re fine La of all time there’s infinite lava on the nether basically and it’s right next to

Us oh God there’s an end whoever the bed I God I’m going to go up there and you are going to get something oh God go to bed well I’m dead there who is the last person not sleeping it’s someone else besides you I just died so I came back but I’m right

Next to a bed so I can sleep is Ryan sleeping oh now it’s two more great again you guys should already know where like the beds are go to bed then here’s someone walking around so I think it might be toasty cuz he say he’s found the lava source or something down

The farm he yeah he’s he just came up just remember if you’re going mining or whatever bring a bed with you cuz always buy a bed from the villagers or just make a bed with all the wall we have okay so it’s the last just I think it would just be a

Good idea just have a bed with you at Old Times so you don’t have to walk around to go get one just place it down go straight to sleep and then you can work back on your builds but time to go back to no we’re good with the wool right

Now we don’t need sheep farms all we have like the best sheep farm we have the goated sheep farm uh I don’t really I don’t really think we need materials right now all we really need is just people building stuff and maybe just constant supply of people bringing stuff back uh Ryan there

Is two Cobblestone right here that haven’t been broken out on this side uh of the lava room so you might want to get that I’m just going to get some lava and start finishing up this side area I don’t know who else is again we already have the nether for

Lava so we’re fine with lava getting lava sources ah God here I have like nine buckets I can help you out for a second I might as well grab lava I’m down there anyway I just spawned in the weird Spa I just spawn right on top okay cuz I was in the

Guest room that’s why I’m pretty sure you have lava source now in the lava room but it’s not infinite so you can’t do the same thing with they should add an infinite lava source the game minutes I me there is is the whatever you call it the the drip Stone

Thing baby zombie come on I just want to get some lava but there’s like 5,000 mobs in the nether oh my God I can’t do anything in the nether without dying supposed to be I Lally can’t get one bucket of lava I’m probably going to get to like

50 death by the end of today hello one two 3 Garfield Roblox I know there is like the lava thing you can do with like drip Stone but that is a pretty tedious way to get lava infinitely cuz it takes like a long time for actually F Well oh my God so many

Mods oh my God I think some people might be working on the the the slime farm which is good yes I’m just going to replace all this with my lava and I’m just going to die I play Minecraft now my Roblox got banned last year oh that

Sucks but at least Minecraft is fine to play as well I’m going to set my spawn in this room so I don’t spawn on top of the house anymore we aren’t turning TNT on after last time there’s no we’re not turning TNT on sorry somebody tried

Doing some stuff with TNT last time so we can’t trust anybody here with TNT sorry just shouldn’t hard to dig out though go make your own food that there’s a farm available for food at least the lava has been going nicely but there is a block that you kind of

Missed Ryan and make sure there’s supposed to be a block that comes out in the lava room like a source block that I don’t know if you place a block there yeah R this block is there’s actually supposed to be a lava coming down right here sorry about

That down not to can you not please next time if you come down here we’ll we’re going to have to kick you cuz we don’t need more sand so we shouldn’t be seeing any more people putting sand down here and we don’t need anyone else getting lava right now

So yeah Ryan you kind missed the block over here too and this corner up here there is a lava missing and also there’s one that’s supposed to be out like right here like this block yeah there we go I fixed it I just missing a glass of this

Apparently no I there’s supposed to be missing glass there oh really if you go on the real and go to that spot it will be there there was a missing glass I don’t think we have that tutorial I don’t think I have that unless it’s a mistake

But we have that and if we need to update it I guess we’ll have to update it later but yeah you kind of missed one in this corner which is a bit tough to get to I want to see I just want to break out the glass and just replace it

Probably be the easiest way I know oh I know Moises had a lot of sand but I don’t know I think he just needed it for like the the this stuff okay whoever put a ladder in here is good uh yeah Eddie we don’t really need

You in the nether Gathering lava we said we only only four of us really need to get lava so you shouldn’t really be in the nether we’re only we are the only ones who really need to be gathering lava cuz four of us is fine to get lava last time

We only had three people or four people I think and we did it pretty quickly I already I already told you there’s like some other stuff you could do too ladder I guess that’s helpful but what are you doing in there don’t be going in there is it the sheep farm room yep

Oh I’m watching body I mean uh if you Payton you could put like a double chest like outside if you want just put like a community wool chest but it’s up to you cuz I don’t think we really need any wool no one really needs wool right now yeah we don’t I think I might start the inside of the clubhous today like the hallway so we have like that set up so we can start like the rooms in a future video cuz I think next time we’re going to start preparing for the Ender Dragon Battle so we’re we’re probably not going to do

Much building next time maybe a bit and then after that will be the Ender Dragon pattle which I don’t think we’re going to do any building that time oh my fire I don’t really need it what’s going on again I I haven’t seen anyone do the

Lake yet if they if you want to do the lake terrain that’s always available but I think mainly the clubhouse walls and the the slime farm are the two things that you can help out with cuz I mean the clubhouse walls are going to take a while cuz it’s a pretty

Big area how long will we be streaming for probably for another hour and a half not really sure right now you always go get sand yourself it’s not really too hard at one point we’re also going to have to go out into an ocean monument and oh God get all that for the

Inspiration room which maybe if if maybe we could do that before the Ender Dragon like at the same stream that could be like a detour remake before we go to the stronghold I think we should go to sleep now yeah I’m real quick we probably only need eight to

Nine ender eyes cuz we just use the seed to find stronghold well last time we actually went to the stronghold and and we need we there’s yeah there’s only one Ender eye in it so we need like uh 11 Eyes of Ender to complete the portal I mean Endermen are easy to

Find uh but you were the best YouTuber well thank you a lot two people left two people need to go to sleep again down there right now at this point we should all be in bed pretty quickly cuz you guys should be able to know where where all the beds

Are maybe I don’t know where Ryan went he might not be sleeping yet there’s one person left or someone just came back from the nether right think Cen is asleep but he’s pretty efficient in that who else needs to come two people left come on you don’t

Really need to be in okay I need to find a new bed now I’m going to phizzy Tower actually I’ll just go to the guest room cuz someone stole my bed in the hallway and just what yeah just what is so we don’t have to deal with 12 people going to

Sleep I think only staff and arm should fight the dragon yeah that’s what we’re going to plan on doing we already that was like already set in stone so cuz if we had a whole Community fighting it would just be too chaotic and I think it’s just a special perk for members and

Stuff pretty soon I’ll open up memberships on my channel so we might have more people oh there’s an Enderman in the house of course there is well kill him where are you I hear him BR I don’t know where he went oh he’s behind

Me dude where did he go End come on come on did he drop an i Ender he dropped an ender pearl that’s good yeah next time we’re going to focus on getting some diamond armor at least better tools and equipment you can buy Villers yeah I’ll do I’ll probably just

Do a bunch of trading stuff but also enchantments too I think so we looks like he got the the lava on the sides done looks like at this point it’s just the roof and hello Aiden Aiden’s been working on uh okay me try I don’t think it’s a Thing game Rule okay good now we don’t have to worry about everyone sleeping at once oh is that actually like a thing yeah I think now so I don’t have to download a mod it should we can test it out the next next time it comes night I think I like since you have your

Alt you could just put your alt to sleep since you’re very close to bed well in the dogghouse door is unlock to L I guess you could fix it we don’t really we have to worry too much about the dogghouse right now we’re still working on the

H still working on getting mud and all that okay buckets full of lava uh I don’t know okay I I appreciate you building all the walls and stuff to make it safeer already it will help out can I join of course retic I think I have you added

Already if not you just have to add me I already know you’re in the server so just make sure you follow the rules and stuff I’mma help Ryan out with like the the the glass God oh God I think we’re all dying here well there’s another death for Ryan hello Mr peely

Pro fix what the door I don’t know which door you’re talking about right now if it’s this one uh you should be able to join then or exotic it should be on like the friends thing And yeah if if you don’t then just you have to tell my username I don’t think these are too low cuz that’s just the door that’s that’s don’t think that’s too low I think it’s fine right now if if you think it’s too low it’s because the four this is the floor level

Right here this is where the floor goes not you’re not going to have to dig out until we l here and yeah we’re don’t don’t start the dog house yet cuz we we’re not building the old dog house so yeah we don’t have to don’t do that yet cuz don’t need

To wreck or Rex you might be offline too I don’t know you probably can just join from like the SC like the friend screen oh I know can’t really see much I have a lot of people added looks like we’re almost done there’s just a few missing spots and

Then the lava room I believe should be completed and we just need to figure out this middle part too I don’t know where what Payton’s went up to I haven’t seen him in a little bit all right like there’s too many people working down there like there’s

No point in me helping there we’re about to be finished with it so okay good you know I thought the LA room was going to be worse because of all the things you said but it was pretty easy actually just the floor was a bit tedious and then everything else

Just didn’t take too long now we’re just got to work on this part do we need any more lava or do I or are we fine with this we might need a few Source blocks I think I think they’re just working on this part

Okay good uh now I think we just need to fill in some of the sides yeah these parts need to be Source blocks and then we’re done with it U let me see add your back and I’m going to go work on the clubhouse with everyone I probably will just be doing

The probably just be doing the the hallway cuz I think everyone else is working on the outside let’s see Hello tornado yes we did do a lot of progress on it I I I don’t think I added you back actually I I just added a account I hope

It’s the right one I need help on the slime farm if anyone else wants to work on that can that’s not top of the priority list right now so okay we got him in let’s go two more I got a bunch of lava so I think we’re good on the lava

Room you guys ready to finish this up for once and this will be pretty sure this is the last area of the I can’t I don’t know which direction of the house it is whatever this section of the house is uh uh is that it all right looks like the lava room is

Completed and this GL I don’t know why does that glass texture look so weird weird I think didn’t block up those tunnels cuz some of those tunnels are actually really important uh it’s just a weird glitch I think but looks like the lav room is finally

Complete come and see it Ryan come and see all all the lava and it’s glory yay we finally completed it no no have we don’t have to worry about it anymore now basically all we need to do in this house is the clubhouse that’s that’s all we really

Need to work on right now and then we’re pretty much done with the house uh also the secret base I guess that’s technically a different part of the house to do still I’m going to start working all the hallway sure since we complet it I I’ll

Let people go in there but just don’t take the lava out you can go go see it need lava I have some Ryan don’t worry where is the lava I’ll just give it to you come come on the ground I have like four buckets left if you need any more I put like

More lava on the ground yeah I don’t need any more buckets right now I think I’m good now I got to clean out my inventory it’s full of weird stuff thank you for gold it’s done yes sure but just do not break any glass or anything okay Ryan if you need any more

I have more buckets for you oh no that one burned oops come on here we go I’ll give you another one that’s the last one I have right now it looks pretty it looks pretty good after you finish it just make sure coal or something up here let me

Know I’ll Oro one of you guys I’ll start working on the hallway through the clubhouse I have I already have Sandstone on me what is it I put all this stuff cuz I don’t need it thank you I’ll help us out I don’t think we’re going to need lava anytime soon

Where do we put where’s the Netherrack chest uh it’s like a single chest I think it’ss like the entrance the I think see there we go just need to put some stuff away uh I do have I put a grass block in one of the chest in case we’re going to

Need to spread Cass I can’t yeah it won’t be a pain anymore to get lava now I’m just going to put all this stuff away uh I don’t need these buckets anymore I am back the lava room was one of the parts that issue trying to get the lava f

I mean it’s not very hard you want this wood I ain’t working on the walls really if you want to some of this wood here I’m probably going to have to go get some wood for myself to start this uh and dude I am lagging fast yeah I just started lagging a

Lot someone just lagging someone must have done something someone must like broke I don’t know I I don’t think it was TNT or anything oh my God I can’t move so laggy usually my controller doesn’t Drift But it’s drifting a lot now probably because it’s laggy what you say all right yeah

That’ll be helpful you can get me some wood so I can start this hallway we have plenty of gold right now we don’t need to worry about that I have bunch of food I I have Sandstone already I have some torches or someone already did the hallway I

Guess uh I’ll do the staircases then which part is the staircase all right here it is oh sorry someone I don’t know what happened someone must have done something thank you for the wood I would blame it on the villagers but like it usually isn’t that laggy

Near the villagers yeah you can join Sandstorm just make sure it’s you should this time make sure you’re doing something instead of like just following me around because I don’t I can get materials myself Sandstone Sandstone uh I need to get some stairs I can’t imagine how long this is

Going to take I mean this is the 10th episode go make some then there’s there’s plenty of farm things it only taking 10 episodes to get to this point right now usually only like 3 hours or so each time two or 3 hours I don’t know what has happened but it’s gotten really

Laggy in the last like 5 minutes of playing I’m going to go mine some tree over here looks like I already did no wait there’s a tall one think it has to do people in this server I think it was that’s kind of weird though because it wasn’t really lagging too

Much before it’s been lagging a little bit for like the entire time but like it’s not been that bad till now I don’t know I don’t think anyone’s join for like in the last couple minutes I think Ry is Ry is Ryan start that mob farm right now cuz I thought he

Said he was going to make one why is it lagy is it laggy uh that’s not really helpful right now can I help out I’m on your server and I’m Blue Frog oh yeah you can join make sure you can help out but yeah got plenty of people thank

You plenty of people on in the world right now how you going to get bamboo for the mob trap I already have I went exploring like a few episodes ago and I got bamboo so all you need to do is just go plant it and we’ll be

Fine I mean there’s easy bamboo farms that we can make to get a bunch quickly just going to make like a stack of stairs that should be good I’m going to get all this I’m going to get Esther okay you can do the other side cuz I was

Going to do like the the left side so you could do this other stair part so how many stairs do I need I need three up here pretty easy yeah there we this is a infinite World so there is other places besides stampy’s actual world we can go outside the

Boundaries uh do you say right now I do not really need the movie theater area to be dug out we’re not we don’t need to focus on that right now so I wouldn’t advise going and building that right now yeah that’s what I’m thinking definitely yeah I don’t have a shovel

For this I mean I this the most people had youever had on fa at one time that would make sense this is fa yeah it’s probably the amount of people it’s getting really laggy now jeez I someone must have done something on the server or I don’t know okay let me place the

Block Please one two three two three uh we do need a bit of glass right here no uh wait you actually got that stair yeah we’re good that’s good stairs are fine right there uh I got to get this there’s like glass right here that we’re going to have to place

Sometime oh it’s night time we can test out our new command and see if that works oh there we go it worked that’s that’s good now we don’t have to worry about having 15 people drops on the ground so like if there’s things on the ground pick them

Up is it because I’m mining snow that’s probably why cuz snow generates a bunch of stuff very quickly it’s probably why now I’m thinking about it just make sure like get get all stuff so annoying are worst thing ever who left the floating tree probably I thinkc do this area

I I think I don’t know I have Sandstone I’ll just I’ll do oh I’ll place the Sandstone that you need it won’t it’s not too hard not too troubling to do it oh let’s see did I do this correct I think I need to bring this Sandstone up a

Walk and then I can place the roof of this I think we can get the outside of this done by the end of the stream today but I don’t think we’re going to start any of the interior for this I mean more wood will always be helpful over here I place some torches

Uh I’ll get all the the sandstone in that we need I don’t know if I have a this is all the s I only had like a stack so I’m about to run out soon of sandstone but I’ll get some more later let’s see this one goes up to the same

Height yeah it is pretty laggy this is kind of annoying I forgot we got also have a row right here I I have a phone for or another mobile device for a reference I’m actually playing on the phone it’s actually the opposite right now I’m playing on the phone right now

And my references on the IPad uh okay so this is where the clubhouse is going to be so we don’t really need to worry about that too much right now I might need to we have start mining out the area down below we got this pretty much good for

Now uh I was maybe I should do the roof right here I don’t think we don’t have to really worry about the sand Clubhouse walls for now wait a minute yeah that’s what no yeah and then we got stair no this one doesn’t have stairs no no

Stairs this one is different for some reason with no stairs the other side has stairs welcome to Stampy’s house where nothing is symmetrical no no stairs good progress I see the clubhouse Wing is progressing yep who what was Ryan talking to I think just because we’re breaking

So much right now it’s becoming laggy with the m stuff yeah but we’re I think the front side is it’s pretty much almost complete someone’s going to have to get rid of this Castle right here the backside and is going to need a bit more work at this

Point I know I was working on that but it gets laggy and laggy you know I’m the inside uh I’m going to start going downstairs with these stairs Let’s see we need four stairs no three h it’s same on both sides yeah so I might need some help

Digging out if anyone wants to help yeah this lag is starting to get a bit unbearable uh oh there’s a zombie here I’m going to need a lot more Sandstone though cuz right now I do not have much sorry about that oh someone dug it out already hello we have Comon to me

You all right so it should be good for like the stairs part now I got to like focus on these walls which might take a bit to do okay so this side just needs one more row I don’t know how how long this the ceiling goes for three

I can’t really reach here cuz it’s kind of hard to cuz of the stairs there you go there’s that one God I click place the wrong PL um let me place this uh I think I’ll just have about enough to finish off this row so I can place the torch

But I’m going to need a bit more Sandstone if anyone wants to give me some um so we got that row this is actually not wood here this is sandstone in the middle and we got to do the other side that’s the same thing oops this is not all wood right here

This is sandstone right there I don’t have any Sandstone right now so that’s why I’m not placing any currently let me do the roof on this side to finish that up two three one two three h get these Oak walls Place someone else got sand so that’s

Good yeah place it there and then we got a few more on these sides uh there is a torch on this part and we do have one here probably one right there this does not this one is missing two blocks H oops Yeah we need a bit more Sandstone oh sorry about

That this staircase is coming together though I’m going to have to go M up my pickaxe another stream I mean if you want to do a slime farm you can the mob trap was also something we had on the list not the old one the new one and

That one requires dirt and stone so if you want like we have a bunch of cobblestone that you can put in the furnace or terrain as well but that’s pretty much just the house for now we’re we’re getting close to done we’re getting close to done with the house since we’re starting the

Clubhouse so we’ll be done with with the house soon and I think after that we’ll be doing like the egloo and cuz I think I saw we have to do the lith house the egloo so that area we’re going to be doing that area next um and

Then we’ll probably be starting the fun land I think like the golf courses and after that cuz we’re pretty much generally going in the order Stampy did so we’re not going to go straight to the town after the house we’re going to be doing some other stuff

First cuz fir first off if we went straight to the town and just did the town build in order then we’ all we need like different materials each time and we have to get a bunch of stuff if we go in the order stamped here we gradually

Get the materials we need like as the builds as we progress through the builds we progressively need more rarer materials I guess you could say I don’t know it’s hard it’s just cuz the older builds require less rare and less hard to get materials the newer ones take a bit

Longer uh yeah this area I need to go get a bunch of sandstone if anyone has a bunch they like to give I need Sandstone I also need to go to the bathroom again what is it yeah fill it in there it goes in the corner if you want

To just give me the Sandstone too you could also I could just place it for you oh my drift is so bad today thank you yeah that’s that’s where it goes and also make sure I get down here we’re just going to have to uh oops

Uh make sure you have it right here as well uh I might I don’t know why we have stairs right here there should not be stairs uh here get rid of that this Worf is just going to continue down for like four or five yeah so it should be five of this Oak

Roof and then after those five we’re gonna have something that comes down to three so one two three four five okay good we don’t really need you to spam the chat okay so then now this doesn’t come down there this is going to go right here yeah okay so then we should be

Good and on top of the door just have that three now we just need sand Stone and wood but wood is easy cuz I already have all it we you shouldn’t be rude to people it doesn’t really help us out with building oh well I will put I can’t place any torches

Yet cuz I need Sandstone but I’m pretty sure the hallway is almost complete yeah we’re just missing a bit of sandstone and I’ll I’ll help out with the walls and I’ll probably I don’t know what else we really need to do today someone’s doing terrain H I need to

Go the bathroom again so I might do that real quick uh I’m not I don’t really want to go mining right now I need will place some of this Sandstone away and I’m probably going to get some more wood for myself theoretically can enter creative soon since that’s what stany obviously

Did yeah but this is staffy survival and we’re going to actually build his world all on Survival we do have a bit of cheats on not really though we’ve always been survival we’re not going to get materials from creative mode or anything like that so yeah I’m gonna be right back

Everyone so see you guys in like 30 seconds Eddie what are you doing in theep farm I saw that hello everyone you doing in the seep Farm I have returned I don’t think we need wool for the the clubhouse right now tell me what you’re doing in the

Sheep farm or I’m going to enforce the rule everyone loves creative I just see it as the easier survival mode true but this isn’t staffy just building staffy of world this is I mean it says in the name staffy survival oh okay just uh there is a sign right outside though

Just for everyone’s knowledge thinging be underneath the balcony terrain is the Sheep lagging people pick up these materials one it’s probably lagging a bunch of wood gathered up and then I got to get some Sandstone unless anyone else is gathering it okay good ran uh I was going to go check on

The you guys take this these snowballs I don’t want to carry these if only Stampy could see our progress that we made in survival once we get to the point where you start using creative it be it’s going to be a bit more impressive I hope there’s water down in

The SL Farm of Co there is looks like there’s still a lot to be done but I know it’s it’s a big area so yeah and also if you’re going to need wool for like the the gravestone there is pink wall in the carpet chest if anyone wants that all right

So I’m waiting on Ryan to get some Sandstone CU I just kind of want to finish off the the rest of the hallway besides that yeah we do that at the end anyway you don’t need to at the end of the stre don’t it I know you’re trying to help out and

Stuff by like organizing but it would be really more helpful if to work on like building and stuff since we have that needs to be done still and I’m going to work on this little area right here oh my God the lag is so unbearable right now people aren’t picking up

Materials people picking up materials up there it was like I saw a bunch of materials up there earlier can you guys please pick up materials if there is stuff up there yeah there is a lot of materials guys I take open up your inventory and collect that stuff please it’s very laggy

Oh my God this is actually the most unplayable game in Minecraft I’ve ever had he people please pick up the materials and place them in chests or something cuz right now yeah we have storage there we need I want to have a good experience for everyone but if if

No one’s going to listen and pick up materials then we aren’t going to do any more of these materials to used at some point well next stream V like snowballs and stuff please we’re going to use snow a good amount actually no should save it do you not

Remember the White House cuz that has plenty of snow in it I don’t know why no one’s picked up all this stuff over here we have got to do if you don’t know where the Cobblestone and stuff chests are remember there is a cobblestone and dirt

Room I don’t know why no one’s picking up materials down here thank you Ry what pick it up thank you just make it in snow blocks and it’s not that big of a deal we’re going to use the blocks anyway yeah we also use we can use uh Crystal snow Farm as

Well yeah but that takes extra time more materials so getting the snow now is also very good so make sure you guys just pick up all the stuff cuz I see no one’s still listening and not picking up materials still it should be it’s not that hard to

Really just go over and pick it up and you always can place in storage later too my inventory is full well you can empty it it’s not a big yeah just go empty it it’s not hard if you’re worried someone’s going to do your job it doesn’t really matter

I don’t really care how much you do just make sure to pick up the block so we don’t have lag yeah that’s good uh good we’re doing terrain anyway so like that’s fine there’s just some other people who who aren’t who are just leaving them behind and not emptying their inventories materials anyway

Like I think I’m just going to start working on the wall now cuz I finish up the hallways pretty much so I’m going to do this wall right here and if someone wants to do the path right here that would be very helpful yes it’s only going to need virgin Spruce for this

Path sorry if we’re we’re being a bit harsh about the sand uh blocks but it’s just just a bit easy make it a better experience for everyone I said I don’t know when the next stream is going to be at this point cuz I’m starting school again and that is going

To be a bit of a schedule mixup cuz now I don’t have much free time to do stuff which means I don’t know when the next stream will be at this point I’m hoping next weekend but right now I’m not very sure uh it’ be helpful if you can move out of the

Way okay oh wait let’s not go there we got this two so these three are blocks and then they have regular sand or stairs come on yeah you’re you’re not doing it correct make sure you’re looking at your reference just so you know what you’re doing uh one

Two I don’t like placing stairs now I got to continue this part I think there’s two wood oh wait I forgot this goes back on wait a minute this isn’t stairs this is planks sorry about that uh uh that’s not stairs it’s planks I mean slabs right here I forgot I just looked

At it wrong okay goodbye so someone can make slabs real quick that would be helpful someone didn’t finish this over here either which isn’t good someone needs someone goodbye uh I’m going to go make some slabs or he’s going to make it okay thank thank you that’s good I think it should be

Enough no right here and then it’ll come around the rest of the way oh let me get my Sandstone back so I can do this part yep all the way down should wa to the end so we need six Sandstone no seven so you got one two three four Five six seven so all that is there and then we got three on each side and we have that balcony uh let me get up here I’m going to need a bit more wood so I’ll go get something two three four five there we go I’ll just fill in as

Much of this as I can H now you’re doing I think you’re doing it right let me grab this you have done it correct okay looks good uh good job on the terrain too that always helps out now I need a lot more wood box uh I’m probably going to be ending in

Like 20 minutes this stream I think we got a lot done today which is good hopefully we can finish up the walls I know we had a few people leave so you don’t have as much on but I hope most people are working at the walls on this at this point cuz we

Really need that to be starting to be completed yeah Mo has been working hard on the front I’m experiencing lag again so make sure you’re picking up those blocks still someone yeah that’s probably where someone was experimenting with TNT before I found the place where someone was doing TNT last

Time oh next to the clubhouse Hill where the giant dirt pillar is I think we can guess who that was wondering Trader has appeared in the love garden what does he have not really melon seeds too late I mean he does have fish in a bucket but we don’t really need

That fish in bucket yeah I don’t think wandering Trader is going to be useful anymore uh maybe from time to time they might be I don’t know what other materials they would give us that we need I’m going I might work on the paths actually behind the

House if we have any Spruce left and B I don’t know do we have any Birch saplings cuz I don’t know where where all those have gone cuz I need a lot more Birchwood for this unless it’s somewhere else oh it’s getting really laggy again I will probably I’m going to mine

This tree right here the giant tree that I know thanks the Payton know how to mine God can some people I’m getting really laggy someone’s not picking up blocks or something I don’t know what most people are doing at this point but make sure please to be picking up your blocks and

Not leaving them on the ground that’s not very helpful it’ll only make the game Run worse and no yeah I’m getting really laggy right now now so oh my God who is not doing stuff cuz I’m getting I’m freezing every other second at this point oh I’ll come down there in a

Second all right just grab whatever materials there is down there yeah I’m get any or getting very laggy what is going on I picked up all my stone I who is it someone’s I think someone is not listening to us and is not picking up their materials this whole I think someone’s

Been not listening this whole time cuz I experienc lag a lot there there got to be some people somewhere that there’s a bunch of materials just there still now I’m going to work on the path right here and start doing that I don’t have any birchs but I have a bunch of

Spruce so I can start this part uh oh why why r and hit me with a snowball I mean I do have these two just to start it let’s do this Spruce here and I think it becomes like four blocks at this point yeah and it I don’t think it I

Think it goes all the way to the end m a bunch of or down there Farm I got to move the nether portal as well I got to remember to do that I don’t need that there anymore let okay down here uh if you have any ores just show me

Where they’re at mine them that oh here oh we got a lot in that one we got total of 14 that’s pretty good that’s good um check down here red right here thank you for the shovel try and place the the path on where the water is so we don’t have it

Like coming in I’m going to need to man my pickaxe soon hopefully Ryan makes that mob farm soon okay I got some coal that will help mend it up oh mo just died right in front of me okay what’s going on Payton H what have you been up to

Mining uh I’m about to finish the path I’m not entirely sure if we’re going to get the walls done today I there’s a lot of walls there so we got to dig out a lot still mhm I think we I’m going to end in like 10

Minutes so yeah I’m not going I don’t really want to go for too long today since I got do some other stuff I don’t really need help with the spruce right now I really need the Birch to be completed and now I got the spruce done someone needs to get all the birch

Looks like this wall is coming together as well and I’m looking at I’m thinking about it can you start the dog house no we’re not we don’t have mud so we can’t do that we don’t have the materials yet for it we need a bunch of mud and we’re also

Going to need chorus fruit block I can’t say we’re going to need chorus plants so at this point we do not really need anyone starting the Dog House it wouldn’t really be too helpful and if you’re thinking about making an old one that would just not really be helpful as well

But I’ll put all this stuff away I don’t need all this spru I don’t know why I have so much grass we have so much grass now we got four blocks of grass somehow I have dou I got gr uh let’s see I don’t really have any oak wood so

I can’t really do much with that but I might just get rid of all this cobblestone just going to put this all away I don’t know why my controller is drifting so much today it must be the lag yeah it’s probably the lag you probably got it me I Dro It On The

Ground uh well progress is looking good thank you guys for helping out today I I know for a fact that we’re not going to be getting this done today this uh clubhouse walls but at least we got the some of the paths and stuff thank you I’ll go work on some of

The walls I was going to finish this God my drift is getting so bad oh do as much as we can before we end up getting off the stream for today so yeah there it’s I know it’s like a big mountain it so it does take a while to do for for the

Clubhouse oh my God I hate this controller drifting so much uh let’s see Rie I said don’t go in there so don’t go in there again please unless you specifically need wool and you’re allow that’s it yes so we got another row of this on

Top the library is going to be a bit hard to do when we get to that that’s going to be a bit tedious uh who joined I’m guessing CWC yeah you’re a bit late CWC since we’re going to end soon but better late than ever I guess God lag is

Unbearable it’s only worth for like me and the other people just the host yeah the host doesn’t struggle as much we already have a l book by the way the drift it just kind of annoying we’re making good progress I know we’re not going to get this entire

Wall done but at least most of it will be started we got a lot of it done I guess you can start digging out if you really want to but let me see I think I’ll go for another like five minutes or so okay 5 minute warning or something

Oops maybe I’ll just do a bit of this part right here uh I don’t know how longer I’m going to kill Sandstorm so if you want to still be on you better get on pretty soon sure I mean if you really want to do it it doesn’t matter to me like you

Can only find more diamonds you’re the one digging out the slime farm anyways which does require a lot of things uh right now I don’t think it’s the best time cuz I I’m going to be busy with other stuff after this well I mean we got like one wall of

The clubhouse pretty much completed just need to do the other side depend next time will’ll be a more chill stream I need more wood that’s what I was thinking about uh if you want to join back mango but I’m pretty I’m going to be ending pretty

Soon so you probably will only be on for like 3 minutes until the stream ends yeah next time we’re going to be getting prepared for that so yeah P I guess me and Payton will sort the wool Farm in like a couple minutes okay that’s good I don’t have I don’t

It let’s see oh mod well I guess just take it for now we’re not going to we don’t really going to do the dog house until we get back from the end and actually have everything we need for that let me see where are you okay all right I’ll go two more minutes

Left so two minute warning everyone who is working on stuff until I go off next stream won’t be a community one so if you want to join back you’re probably going to have to wait a couple weeks cuz I’m not I know my effort I for the UFO is above this but I

Don’t think we have to do that yet what why are we at the wrong oh wait I cuz I’m want fence okay we’re good so then this part is going to go down I to get some food for dinner uh I don’t think you’re going to be able to

Get back on Sand store because I’m pretty much going to be ending in like a minute or two we’re definitely not gonna be getting this entire Mountain area right here broken out but in like a minute so I don’t know how much left of the of this we’ll be able to do

Um I think that’s all build for today I think we end it here uh the stream at least and I’ll get off the world soon hello Zach Alexander you want me to help out in next stream uh next stream we probably going to be members and staff only but the

Next time I do a community stream is likely you could probably be able to join we we did get a lot of the clubhouse wall was started and ready to go I finished this area of the house and people been doing other stuff too like the slime farm which was pretty

Good to have done and also a bunch of terrain a remember I will open up membership soon on the channel you’re just gonna have to wait a few more weeks until I get the watch hours it will open up pretty soon though uh yeah I need more I need a few more watch

Hours I can’t spell I don’t know why anyways uh yeah thanks to everyone who helped we did a lot of good progress today and I’ll check out the slim Farm before I go see the progress looks like a lot of progress is being made which is always

Good good thing about the slime farm is we won’t have to worry about it getting accurate cuz since we’re on the seed it should already have most things accurate except for like some cobblestone stuff but yeah thank you guys a lot for watching and we’ll see you guys in the

Next stream which might be next weekend but who knows goodbye

This video, titled ‘Building Stampy’s Lovely World In Minecraft Survival – With the Community!’, was uploaded by TheLegoLink on 2024-01-02 10:51:09. It has garnered 496 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:19:26 or 8366 seconds.

Hello, In today’s stream I will be building Stampy’s Lovely World in survival with you guys!

HOW TO JOIN: -Be in my STAMPY discord server: -Add me on Xbox: TheLegoLink8567 If you are caught grieving, building something not related to what were are making or going in restricted areas you will be kicked and not allowed back. Things you can build today: Slime Room, Lake terrain, Clubhouse exterior, New Mob trap terrain

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