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actually I’ve wanted to tell you for a long time that I incredibly enjoy spending time here with you just look at this it seems like kmo is flying to his lighthouse right now behind you by the way he invited us over this evening and he’s probably getting ready for our arrival wait don’t you think someone is watching us right now it seems like I don’t notice anything unusual except that there are no gummy crocodiles on the yacht hey look towards the shore immediately very lucky you noticed me right after I finished filming did he really film us with that camera I think that’s really the case so let’s try to catch him as soon as possible hey Jax stop immediately or it’ll only get worse for you once we catch you it’s too bad that I don’t care at all because I’ll just lock myself in my basement maybe you have some plan on how we can get back at him I think we definitely need to teach him a lesson for this filming us without our permission is very bad it seems like kmo is in his lighthouse right now so we can go there and ask for his help that’s a really good idea so let’s get to it as soon as possible honestly this morning I didn’t even suspect that we’d have to teach Jax a lesson now we definitely need to do it and besides that we need to take his camera I think that’s exactly what we need to do because otherwise he’ll continue filming everyone in the amazing circus without their permission besides that we definitely need to delete the very videos he filmed while we were swimming together it looks like he’s coming down to us right now hi girls I was watching you so I can guess that you want to get back at Jack somehow right now so you should come with me to my cave right now you’re absolutely right so quickly show us what you’ve prepared and please tell us your prank plan first you need to come into my cave I just need to get something from my chest so you’ll have to wait a few seconds I really hope you have enough spare time please hurry up because I have no intention of waiting for you forever and now I’ll show you everything immediately explain to me what you’re doing it looks like he’s going to lock me in this stupid caveo it seems you’ve really gone crazy actually I just decided to prank you a little today I can’t imagine how I’ll spend an eternity without my friend hey ragi do you have any way to get out of there right now unfortunately I can’t damage this armored glass at all in that case I’m heading to the Cane’s circus for help right now just look at her she actually hopes Kane can help her stop messing with my head because I won’t fall for your stupid tricks and we’ll still go to ask Caine for help guys I didn’t suspect kmo would come up with such a stupid prank today and really wanted to ask him for help but now let’s quickly go into the circus and try to find kane hey Kane what are you doing right now unfortunately I’m trying to fix my magical flask because someone broke it last night since you’re here maybe you can help me actually the thing is ratha is having a bit of a problem right now let’s go there quickly and on the way you can tell me all the details of what happened actually kmo decided to pull off some incredibly stupid prank and locked her in a cave I really hope you have some tools with you to break the armored glass of course I have my magic pickaxe with me that I never take out of my pockets especially for such cases cfmo is doing something near the cave where he locked ratha hey calmo immediately explain to us why you came back to this cave again it seems that before flying back towards the lighthouse he decided to throw some strange potion at ragath Kane just look at this it seems it was a teleportation potion but we still need to break this glass and get inside we need to make sure she didn’t manage to hide somewhere inside the cave but it seems she’s not here please explain to me why you came into this cave with her in the first place I’ll definitely tell you about it a little later but right now we need to think very carefully about where we can find ratha I can only assume that she teleported straight to kao’s Lighthouse so we must go there and search everything inside that’s a really good idea and besides while we were swimming in our Lake today Jax was filming us with his camera without our permission wait it seems like I don’t understand at all how she ended up falling here this is really bad so we need to help her as quickly as possible there’s an old staff of mine hidden not far from here quickly follow me it’s very close to the entrance of the lighthouse wait do you want to explain to me what your old staff is doing here if this is cfo’s home I’m pretty sure he would never think to search the area around his house well okay now try to help our friend with your staff somehow the staff is incredibly old but I’m sure I can help her come to her senses wow it seems like it really works it seems the last thing I remember is kmo throwing some potion at me luckily that’s exactly the last thing that happened so girls do you need any help with your prank for Jack I think you’ve already helped us enough today so you can go rest I absolutely agree Kane of course go back and rest at your circus well now we still need to come up with some plan for our prank do you have any ideas wow I just remembered that I have some cool thing at home that we can try to use in our prank wait then why did we even ask anyone for help if we could have gone straight to your house I didn’t realize I could forget about such an important thing specifically at the moment we decided to go to kfmo I had no other ideas so I just agreed with you I think we should first go up to the second floor of my house so I can show you what I prepared for the prank wow it looks like you have an anvil here on the first floor floor that we can definitely use for the prank that’s actually a great idea because we can try dropping this anvil on his head do you really think he won’t lose Consciousness from such a hit I think that won’t happen because this Anvil is made entirely of jelly so we can try to use it without any problems wait are you sure you can really carry it do you underestimate me so much that you think I can’t lift a jelly Anvil I was just asking out of politeness now let’s quickly head through the tunnel between your houses and see what he’s doing in his basement wow just look at this it seems like he’s discussing something with calmo right now please speak a little quieter otherwise they’ll definitely hear us and run out of the basement before we can start our prank let me get a little closer to them did you really manage to get all the footage I ordered in one go you just saw it all with your own eyes Rea I hope you heard that Jax was filming on camera by a special order from kfo this is really terrible and I can’t understand why he agreed to do this well take this camera quickly and get out of my house before anyone notices us I’ll definitely contact you again for your services hey Jax have you completely lost your mind oh please someone help me right now it won’t be as fun for now is when you were filming us while we were swimming hey Raga what did you just do you just told me to drop the Anvil on his head a minute ago did you really decide to drop a real anvil on my head just because I filmed you I couldn’t have predicted this morning that he would be doing some stupid job for cough at least we taught him a lesson are you sure that after such a strong hit his head won’t swell I think you absolutely shouldn’t worry about that because the Anvil was made entirely of jelly hey Jax it seems we need to check if you’re okay my head really hurts a lot so please explain why you did this explain to us right now why you were working with cough Mo it’s just that he promised me so many carrots that I couldn’t refuse his terms I hope you understand that after this we will never hang out with you again right now I’m going to film a video for My next client hi everyone I just came out of Kane’s house now I want to find some of my friends to invite them for a walk together I really hope I can find someone here near the circus maybe I’ll even go inside and look for someone near Kane’s magic flas wait what is that it seems like I see a very strange white ghost right in front of me apparently it’s heading towards McDonald’s and I have no idea what to do although no it seems I was wrong and the ghost is flying towards ragi and Jax’s houses I really hope they aren’t there right now otherwise the ghost might cause them some inconvenience I need to make sure as soon as possible that no one is in the houses or at least warn my friends if they are actually there it would be great if I can get there before the ghost but it’s unlikely since it’s already somewhere near the houses I’ve never seen anything like this in our amazing digital circus but right now hey JX have you seen anything unusual here just now hi pomy honestly I have no idea what you’re talking about since I was just watching TV the thing is right now there’s a real ghost flying around our amazing digital circus I want to admit that I’m incredibly afraid of ghosts I really hope I never see one with my own eyes I think we definitely need to check this tunnel between your house and ratha’s house wait what tunnel has ratha been coming here and spying on me all this time actually that’s not important right now so hurry up and follow me because we still need to search every corner here at least it seems like no one’s here and I’m incredibly glad about that we definitely need to tell all our friends about this ghost that’s actually a very good idea idea and now let’s finally go up a bit higher and try to look for the ghost in these rooms too I’m incredibly afraid of meeting it but we still have to try to find it oh no don’t go up to the top floor under any circumstances hey Jax stop immediately and describe the ghost you saw I just saw the ghost you were talking about there so I’m getting out of here right now are you completely out of your mind I absolutely can’t explain this to you in simple words well guys it looks like I’m completely alone here I didn’t even suspect that Jax was so cowardly that he would be scared of some harmless G ghost it seems like I’ve stopped being afraid of this ghost as far as I understand I have no other choice but to continue searching alone oh it seems that only now I started to understand what scared him so much while I was working out on these exercise machines a very strange ghost flew into my house and threw some potion at me after that I started to look like a real monster do you have any idea how I can help you it seems that I have absolutely no ideas except to go outside right now and look for Kane or CMO do you happen to know where this very scary ghost is right now the last time I saw it was when it threw the potion at me and broke my window on the second floor this version seems quite logical because the window is actually broken let’s finally get outside because I’m tired of being in the house by the way I think it would be much more sensible to go to Kane’s house and ask him for help right now that’s a very good idea because I think he is unlikely to refuse to help us because he’s our best friend Jax was very scared of you and ran to his house actually I’m a bit upset because although I started to look significantly worse after the strange potion he was so scared of me as if he had seen an abstraction most likely he just mistook you for the the ghost let’s hurry up and go to Kane’s house and go down to his lab wait what is that right next to Kane’s house did he really try to move his lab into the open air as far as I remember it was Jax who wanted to build his lab here and even stole the alchemy table from kao’s Lab that looks quite ambitious I hope that soon he can at least build a roof here so that everything doesn’t get flooded by the next rain I also hope so because I’m already tired of going down to Kane’s house every time nevertheless for now we have absolutely no other choice so let’s go down there as soon as possible let me try to find something while you go out into the hallway and make sure no one sees us doing this I guess I’ll head to the secret room and check if Kane is there right now apparently my fears were completely unfounded so I’ll go back because ragath should have found the right potion by now thank you so much for making sure no one came in here I found the right potion so I’m going to use it as soon as possible do it right now and then we’ll come up with a way to get rid of that very strange ghost together can’t you see that I already look like before nevertheless I want to thank you once again for helping me now let’s immediately go and look for Kane because we definitely need to tell him about the appearance of this ghost you know actually I think I’ll go back home because I didn’t finish my workout since the ghost interrupted me well all right I’ll go to the circus alone today is a very strange day because everyone keeps leaving me all alone at least I’m very glad I have you my dear digital viewers by the way I really hope Kane is at his circus right now because otherwise I have no idea where to look for him I hope he can find some way to explain to me where this strange White Ghost came from in our amazing digital circus wow there’s ‘s a burger right in the middle of the road and I can guess that the ghost left it here let’s quickly go into the circus and tell Kane everything that happened today hey Kane what are you doing here right now hi PNE quickly tell me what’s happened to you right now a strange ghost is flying around our amazing digital circus and do you happen to know where the ghost is right now I have no idea but I can tell you that the ghost is very aggressive because it threw some strange potion at ragath don’t worry about it because right now we’ll grab some gear and go search for that cheeky ghost by the way it’s quite possible that this is all just a prank by koffa I’ve already grabbed my favorite staff so we can go find this strange ghost to teach it a lesson for what it did in that case let’s run somewhere quickly tell me where you last saw this ghost actually I last saw the ghost when it was quickly flying to ratha’s house when I got there to find out what happened the ghost had already disappeared do you know how ragi is feeling after the encounter with the ghost don’t worry about that because she’s fine now since I helped her become beautiful again that’s really great now let’s continue our search I really hope we can find the ghost somewhere near our friend’s houses otherwise it will keep flying around our amazing digital circus just look at this window in ratha’s house that the ghost almost broke right in front of my eyes but it seems I heard some strange sounds from Jax’s house so let’s quickly go up to the top floor and see what’s going on there right now hey pomy please stay downstairs on the staircase because right now I’m going to try to deal with this nasty ghost let me through and let me see how you fight the ghost I can’t let you get too close otherwise I might accidentally hit you with my staff it seems I’ve already dealt with it show me where the ghost is right now there’s nothing surprising here because the ghost was was in this shower stall it’s really great I’m incredibly grateful to you for being able to deal with this ghost and defeat it by the way if you have any other problems be sure to call me for help I hope we won’t have any more problems today right now I’m going to Jax’s house to invite that coward to walk with me guys something very strange happened today in our amazing digital circus I heard some weird noises right from this cave that’s why I want to go there now and check what’s going on I need to do this as carefully as possible because otherwise I might get noticed it seems I absolutely don’t understand what Kane and Jax are doing there together I told you that she would definitely notice us even in such a hidden Place hey guys calm down immediately and explain to me what’s going on here actually you were never supposed to know about this cave this is our secret meeting place with JX why are there so many different potions on the walls actually you shouldn’t be worried about that at all this is our cave with cane not yours all right guys if you really want that then I’ll leave guys right now I’m going to climb to the top of kao’s Lighthouse and try to find him there to tell him everything that happened here I hope he helps me understand this situation because I absolutely don’t understand what the guys were doing in this cave right now I’m climbing to the top and we’ll try to find him in his personal lab he seemed to tell me something about Brewing some new potions today I hope he didn’t lie to me and maybe he’ll even let me test some new potion at least I hope he’s at home hey hi kfmo I urgently need to tell you something hi pumy tell me quickly what happened to you you might not believe it but I met Kan and Jacks in the cave near your Lighthouse please tell me more specifically which cave you met them in I immediately noticed a huge number of potions scattered all over the place you just described my secret cave I need to go there immediately and find out what our friends are up to hey gummy crocodile get down from the lighthouse roof immediately well it looks like the gummy crocodile doesn’t want to come down then I need to get to the cave as soon as possible and try to save my friends otherwise CMO will definitely punish them maybe I made a big mistake when I told cfmo about what’s happening in this cave but I had no idea it was his cave and certainly didn’t think he would get so angry at my friends for spending time there wait I think I hear some strange explosions coming from the cave where all my friends should be I need to show you Kane’s new room quickly and run to the cave by the way guys don’t forget to subscribe to our Channel and like our videos now I’m finally going to run into the cave and check what happened I hope nothing bad happened to my friends and they are all okay I don’t think kmo did anything really terrible to them oh no guys look at this my friends are lying unconscious right in the middle of this cave they can’t hear me at all so I’ll probably take one of the potions hanging here and try to help them with it I’m not 100% sure this will work but it looks like I have no other choice let’s try using this on Cane first oh no guys it looks like this was a disappearing potion and Cane vanished right before my eyes hey pomy explain to me immediately what happened here and why I lost Consciousness he told me he wanted to teach you a lesson for spending time in this cave so what are we going to do now do you have any ideas on how you can help me there are still a lot of different potions here so I’ll try to use one of them right now oh no guys not this it was really a stupid idea after what happened to Kane when I threw a potion from this cave at him right now I definitely need to find where my friends could have teleported to I think I’ll go to the circus first and try to look for them somewhere on the second floor if I can’t find them there I think I’ll go to m hey what’s this well pomy I hope you enjoyed the prank on our friends as much as I did explain to me immediately why they disappeared when I tried to help them I replaced all the potions in the cave with teleportation Potions you’re very lucky because I’ll tell you where your friends are now maybe you could at least tell me Advance where they are now okay I’ll tell you that they’re currently in the secret room in kan’s house wait are you sure they’re okay after the teleportation I’m 100% sure that all the potions I left in the cave are completely harmless I just wanted to teach them a little lesson hey look at that it seems ragi is coming towards us right now I scared ragi a lot yesterday so I’d better not be seen by her hey Raga what are you doing here hi pomy do you happen to know where all our friends suddenly disappeared to since this morning I haven’t been able to find any anyone except you I’ll be able to help them very soon I think it’s safer for you to go home for now I actually came outside to take a walk with someone we will definitely walk with you a little later but make sure to come get me when everything is sorted out all right guys I hope right now I can find Kane and Jax without any major problems I really hope kmo didn’t lie to me and my friends are actually here I can’t even imagine where else I could find them let’s check the lab first and see if they’re there it looks like I’ll have to check the other rooms too they might be in the secret room behind this hatch but I don’t have a shrinking potion to check this Theory so let’s go into the last remaining room together and check if my friends are here hey look at that they’re really here it looks like they’ve lost Consciousness again and now I need to find some way to help them as soon as possible I think I can find a restoration potion without much trouble in the continuation of the secret room there’s always some kind of chest here and I need to check what’s inside let’s look in there quickly and find out what awaits me inside it looks like I was absolutely right and now I can help my friends with the restoration potion let’s hurry back to the cage and use this potion on them I really hope this works and my friends recover after such a tough day wow it actually worked explain to me immediately where we are please get us out of here as soon as possible I’m starting to feel claustrophobic I’ll just open this door and now you can get out of the cage without any problems please tell us what happened because the last thing I remember is talking to you in some cave guys the thing is you entered cfo’s secret cave without asking for his permission I think I’ll definitely deal with him for deciding to suddenly dictate his rules let’s all calm down and just go for a walk together no way because I’m going to get back at him right now for what he did Kane please stop because I think there’s no need for this I’ve already grabbed my staff so there’s no way you’ll stop me hey Jax explain to me immediately what you’re holding in your hands the gummy crocodiles gave me this bottle in return for my help if you want I have a couple more bottles thank you for the offer but I’ll pass what did you do to help the gummy crocodiles that they decided to reward you for it I just told them where kfo keeps his most secret potions so they could pull off a little Heist wow that’s really interesting I didn’t think gummy crocodiles were so generous we need to go to ratha’s house right now now because I promised her we’d invite her to walk with us that’s a great idea because we really did plan to walk with her yesterday so she wouldn’t be in danger in return I promised her that we’d invite her for a walk today I think that as soon as she comes out to us we can invite her to a picnic we haven’t done anything like that for a long time so I think she’ll definitely agree today Jax and I prepared a very cool surprise for you where is Jax now he should be somewhere around here probably right above yes I just decided to explore the circus a bit today I’m so glad you decided to join us yes I just mentioned it I’m about to give it to you by the way something seems to be happening outside I don’t see anything it’s completely calm there look at the beautiful weather the plan works what are you doing why are you trying to tie me up with this roof you just decided to prank you no I won’t give in to you easily you won’t catch me in anyway you all seem very suspicious today don’t come near me oh my God why did you throw that potion at me you understand that I might disappear right now if anything I’m not involved Jax decided to throw the potion now you definitely won’t escape from us what are you doing this it’s not funny at all hey you why am I in the cage with the gummy crocodile we decided to move you here so you could see in it for a while have you completely lost your mind why would you just leave me here we couldn’t think of anything better than just locking you in a cage wait I think I understand I knew it you’re trying to prank me again Jax didn’t you notice this isn’t our friend sorry I really didn’t notice that hey you let me out of here I don’t want to be here I’m really scared of him wait don’t leave me here alone it seems your friend has betrayed you maybe we can somehow make a deal and find Common Ground did you meet all my conditions I’ll let you go okay I’m ready for anything just let me out quickly before the Bandit crocodile comes back don’t rush me or I’ll change my mind and besides I don’t have any tools with me check the chest hooray there’s a magic pickaxe hey gummy crocodile let me out of here please I don’t want to sit here oh no it looks like he’s really angry gummy crocodile help me break this grid I don’t want to be here that clown locked me up on purpose so I couldn’t get out it would be really good if you helped me because I don’t want any trouble thank you so much for deciding to help me now I need to go about my business I don’t really have anything to do and I don’t know what to do stop pushing me I don’t like it I understand that you’re upset because we came to your home sorry it won’t happen again I need to urgently tell Kane about everything I hope he’s at his circus right now because this story is really unusual look the gummy crocodile decided to catch a lot of seafood again I’ll need to ask him for a couple of shrimp later because I really love them I am very angry at that clown now I can definitely handle it because he doesn’t even suspect anything and anyway he said I should help him but honestly I’m not going to fulfill his conditions because he didn’t help me get out of this cage the gummy crocodile let me out I’ll need to make a trap for this clown so he falls into it kfmo you will really regret this prank now by the way he completely removed the defense line now we can pass without fear of falling into the lava stop shouting so loudly you’re disturbing me while I’m eating cake you can have some cake too you completely lost your mind why didn’t you free me from that cage I just wanted to create a little Adventure very lucky that the gummy crocodile was kind if you’re interested I put that pickaxe there okay that’s not important come with me I want to show you something wow you prepared another surprise for me I’m very happy I’m not going to obey you because you just admitted that you were guilty of everything and you set up this whole prank on purpose actually it’s strange that that rabbit didn’t suspect anything as far as I know he has a very good sense of smell and should have detected my don’t try to distract me look there’s a secret route here so you suggest I go down there alone of course there will be a lot of potions waiting for you I knew that rabbit stole all my potions again thank you so much now you definitely won’t see anything because you fell into my trap I doubt you’ll ever get out finally my plan works out this is for your bad behavior sit there and think about what you’ve done omy what’s going on here I decided to teach kmo a lesson today for pranking me that’s really bad news now you all need to be very careful because he can use this let’s forget about him for now we’ll let him out some other time but not today I wouldn’t keep him there for too long because he might get very angry and turned into an abstraction by the way I need your help there’s a big carrot storage behind my circus and I want to move some to my place did you happen to ask Jax for permission he said I could take carrots anytime so I don’t see the point in finding him and asking for permission it would be very bad if he gets angry with us bubble hi we haven’t seen each other in a long time bubble I’m So Glad You Came From The Candy Kingdom you’ll need to pass on the intelligence data later I would never have guessed he was a scout wait look he threw some potion at us yes that’s the potion I gave him to protect himself what effect does it have could you tell me I already forgot if you want we can test it now but I’ll try it on myself just hope I don’t turn into an abstraction Kane bubble just disappeared right before my eyes look what’s happened to you you now look like a monster it seems this is a potion that takes away Beauty looks like I’ll have to walk around looking ugly for a while you’ve been planning to do that for a long time write it down somewhere on a piece of paper and put it in your pocket so you don’t forget now I need to think about how to get my appearance back because I don’t want to stay this ugly I’m starting to feel very insecure because I’m losing my superpowers let’s deal with that later wait someone blocked the passage are you sure this cave isn’t abandoned most likely Jax did this on purpose it’s a special defense made entirely of carrots I’ll remove it quickly you’re doing well by the way I see someone there it’s a now we know about all your supplies guys please don’t touch anything here I’ve been collecting these carrots for a long time I don’t want to part with them it’s okay I’m not mad at you anymore he’s very strange and scared today open it quickly it has a lock on this side I always forget about that sorry for almost panicking Jack stop don’t run there otherwise you might release kmo and we’ll have big problems don’t do it stop chasing me I don’t like being followed all day I apologize to you why are you still running after me if you don’t stop I’ll swim away from you don’t even think about going back to the secret room calmo is in there right now now and if you release him you’ll have huge problems Kan please stop him he seems to have gone mad I don’t understand why he’s doing this he just went down into that room now he definitely has no chance to get out of there we need to check what’s going on oh my God I heard some bang look that clown is flying up to his Beacon we need to get down there immediately and see what’s happened to our friend it looks like he’s in trouble then let’s not waste any time and check it out I’ll probably have to go first guys don’t forget to like And subscribe to our channel it’s true without the support of our viewers we would have lost a long time ago go quickly and see what happened and I’ll come down right after you I think this rabbit will never grow up I hope he’s okay it’s very empty here oh my God kmo you just flew to your beat that was my prank I sent my double home and you thought it was me you learned to use your clones and where’s our friend I teleported him into the void so he might have big problems guys I went into McDonald’s to grab a bite just look at how many very sweet Donuts are left here after princess Lou visited our amazing digital circus last night I somehow completely don’t understand where Jax suddenly disappeared wait what is that I see over there in the window just look at that it seems like right now Jax is taking a bath in a Jacuzzi right in the middle of the road with cane I totally can’t believe it so I need to go to them immediately and ask how this even happened immediately explain to me what is going on here it seems you came at a very inappropriate moment and most likely you completely misunderstood everything I suggested he test my new jacuzzi which I’m going to install at my place very soon to be honest it still seems strange to me that you were bathing here together it seems you should stop thinking about about this because there is absolutely nothing strange about it it looks like I should go home now hey Kane don’t you think Jax is behaving a bit strangely today I didn’t seem to notice anything unusual by the way I recently got something very unusual that I want to show you right now I agree because I have nothing to do right now guys make sure to like And subscribe to our Channel and don’t forget that our episodes come out only thanks to your support however first we need to go to the circus I need to check if my animals have run away because it seems I forgot to close the gate when I left the circus so let’s do this right now otherwise it could be very bad of course let let’s go to the circus and check if you’re so worried about it it seems everything is indeed in order my memory didn’t fail me this time so let’s quickly go to my room I’m going to show you a very cool golden ring that has magical powers I’ve really never seen a ring that has magical powers before it seems we’ve already arrived at the place so let’s quickly go into my room and I’ll show you everything honestly it’s incredibly cozy here and I love coming here to visit you you’ll have to wait a bit because I first need to look for that ring in my nightstand by the bed I hid it there so that if the gummy crocodiles want to steal it just look at that it seems bub has come to visit us apparently he also wants to see that Golden Ring you told me about actually I lost him a few days ago and didn’t even think he would return to the amazing digital circus all right take this ring quickly and you can let bubble hold it to see what effect it has maybe you could at least tell me how exactly to use it to make it work quickly let bubble hold it and he will increase in size right before your eyes this is really interesting so I’ll do it right now apparently he took the ring and now we just have to wait a bit to see it in action wow this is truly incredible I’ve never seen any anything like it I told you it would work and now everyone who takes this ring will immediately grow several times larger now bubble quickly give me back the ring before you decide to fly away somewhere for a few days again now Take This Ring I promise to give it to you always wear it with great responsibility because if you lose it something terrible might happen if it falls into the wrong hands thank you so much but I think it’s time to go now all right and if you ever need anything you definitely know where to find me guys you can’t even imagine how happy I am with this gift from Cain right now I’m going to my house to hide this ring because if I just walk around some gummy crocodile might attack me and take the ring Away by the way I just realized that placing the jacuzzi right in the middle of the road was indeed a great idea on such a hot day everyone passing by would definitely want to take a dip well let’s hurry to my house and the most important thing is not to lose this Golden Ring along the way all right it seems this place is perfect for leaving the ring here no one will be able to find it and right now I’m going to go upstairs and take a bath wait I think I just heard some strange noises it seems I just imagined it so I’ll probably go to the sink and wash up a bit wait guys what is this it seems I don’t understand at all where these gummy crocodiles came from I’ve never seen three of them at once so I don’t even know what I can do to get them out of my house not only that but it looks like they somehow found out about the ring and have already gone down to the first floor hey crocodiles get out of here immediately and give me back my golden ring because it’s a gift from cane guys it looks like I have no idea what to do now and how I can get my ring back apparently I will have to ask ask someone for help because I can hardly deal with this problem alone I have no choice but to go back to Kane’s circus hey CMO explain immediately what you are doing here quickly tell me where you got it from and why the gummy crocodiles are so interested in it I just left the ring downstairs on the first floor and went upstairs to take a bath apparently someone told them I got the ring it’s very unfortunate that they decided to do this so we absolutely have to get that ring back because I also want to try it out and grow several times bigger Kan gave me this ring and told me not to give it to anyone under any circumstances I think your response is completely irrelevant since your ring is now with the gummy crocodiles okay I will listen to you because I can hardly deal with them alone just please promise me that you won’t use the ring for too long I’m not going to keep the ring forever just look at that it seems one of the gummy crocodiles is still using the ring and is now truly gigantic do you have any idea how we can take the ring back from the gummy crocodile I always have my magic staff with me I’ll try to enchant the gummy crocodiles so that they give us your ring themselves and we don’t have to fight them that’s really a good idea so let’s quickly go to their yacht to see if your plan works I’ll try to distract them right now so that kmo can succeed hey gummy crocodiles come here immediately because I brought you a second magic ring my plan has almost worked and now they’re very scared of me let’s quickly go to the edge of the yacht and watch for the exact moment he throws the golden ring so we can see where it falls otherwise wow just look at that he threw the ring right into the water and now he’s as small as his friend now as per our agreement you should give me the ring so I can see how it actually works just promise to tell me how it goes when you grow bigger I’m incredibly lucky that you’re so naive hey kmo have you lost your mind did you completely forget our agreement I don’t care at all so I’m flying to Kane’s circus oh no guys not this it seems I’ve made a really stupid mistake most likely right now the circus is in danger because I trusted kfmo and agreed to let him use the ring now I need to hurry to the circus as soon as possible because Kane will definitely need help it seems I hear some explosions hey kmo stop what you’re doing right now I’m going to destroy this entire circus and no one will be able to stop me oh no guys I absolutely don’t know how to stop him now do you want to explain to me why you decided to give him the ring I specifically asked you to keep it safe and not give it to anyone he tricked me into giving it to him so there was nothing I could do about it please stay here and bubble and I will handle this and stop him I really hope that Kane comes up with a way to stop him as soon as possible guys just look who I met while walking through the water slides right now Kane and Jax are swimming together in our it looks like they’re having a great time and talking about something I think they won’t mind if I join them hey guys tell me what you’re up to hi pomy honestly I didn’t even think you’d come out to hang with us today honestly I thought so too because it’s been a long time since we asked you to join us by the way pomy just look how great I’ve gotten at balancing in the water now I can swim with only my head sticking out of the water this will be very useful that’s really cool and you’re amazing for learning to do that thank you so much for appreciating my efforts since you’re here with us today do you have any ideas about what we can all do together right now actually I do have a a couple of ideas by the way I completely forgot to show you how oddly the kmo lighthouse has changed wait I don’t notice any changes at all you’re not supposed to notice anything because I said that just to steal your pants Hy have you gone crazy give me my pants back immediately I can’t get out of the water without them really return Kane’s pants immediately because only I have the right to steal other people’s clothes honestly guys I want to tell you that I’ve never stolen someone’s clothes before I didn’t even realize it would be so much fun stop right now or we’ll never be friends with you again after what you did I’m not going to return Kane’s pants because actually I had a task to steal wait I don’t understand what task you’re talking about did someone really make you steal my pants for some kind of reward I’m not going to tell you about it because that was one of the conditions of the task guys just look it seems like my friends stopped chasing me and are now discussing something on the yacht however I’m not interested in that at all because I need to go to Jax’s carrot Warehouse right now you’ll soon find out who wanted me to steal Kane’s pants here’s a small spoiler this person wears a yellow suit if you’ve already guessed who it is be sure to write it in the the comments however I’m already here and why is no one here and it looks like I’ll have to wait a bit actually I love the carrot storage until kmo decided to blow it up after Jax annoyed him for some reason hey hi kmo finally you’re here I’m ready to assume that you did a great job completing the task that’s absolutely true in that case finally give me those pants and you’ll immediately get the well-deserved reward I promised you then take these pants as we agreed and finally give me the potion you’ve been telling me about for so long I really hope you’ll like the effect of this new potion wait it seems like someone is watching us wait that’s bubble and he’s definitely going to run and tell Kane everything right now catch him as quickly as possible if you really can guys I couldn’t even suspect that bubble had been watching us all this time apparently Kane specifically sent him to find out who needed his pants at least I have this really cool potion that kfmo gave me as a reward I’m going to use it right here and now I’m definitely going to do it in the circus because in the worst case scenario there’s a magic vial nearby that will help me return to my original form if needed I really hope this potion has some cool effect wow just look at my new appearance I didn’t expect that as a reward for the task CMO would give me a beauty potion now I must head to Kane’s house right now to find out what’s happening there I really hope kmo managed to outrun bubble before he told Kane everything otherwise I’m in big trouble if he finds out that I’ve been collaborating with kfmo all this time it seems like Kane is standing at the entrance to his house I need to run closer immediately because I can’t hear what’s going on I’ll go down now and take a peek in the laboratory because I’m sure he should have headed there hey Kane I hope bubble didn’t manage to tell you anything before I AR actually he told me everything and now I know that you got that task from Cosmo I’m incredibly disappointed in you because I never expected you to collaborate with him for some pathetic Beauty potion you could have just asked me I would have made the same potion for you for free but it was much more interesting and fun this way I think I got your hint I will never help you with your problems in the amazing digital circus again okay I’m sorry please don’t leave me I’ve already said everything guys it seems I’ve really angered Kane since I’ve never heard him so mad at anyone before apparently I’ll have to apologize to him so he stops being upset with me right now I’m going to McDonald’s where Jack should be and I’ll ask him for advice on a gift for Kane so he’ll forgive me he’s been in the amazing digital circus longer than I have so he should definitely know what Kane likes the most I could give him toothpaste to keep his teeth Sparkling White but I’ve never seen toothpaste in The Amazing digital circus hey Jax I actually have a very urgent request do you happen to know what Kane likes I have to tell you I can’t even remember what exactly he likes I think he definitely enjoys watching silly shows on a turned off TV maybe you can think of something I can give him to make him forgive me for stealing his pants the essence of the question remains unchanged although I have one good idea you could give him a whole box of toothpaste don’t you know there’s no toothpaste in our amazing digital circus at all oh it seems I really forgot about that then we only have one backup option I have a very beautiful ring at home that I’ve kept for a long time specifically for such a situation let’s go there right now and I’ll help you earn Kane’s forgiveness I really hope the gummy crocodiles haven’t stolen it since I last saw it that’s really a great idea and maybe you also have some toothbrushes at home of course I have toothbrushes so let’s quickly head to my bathroom and I’ll give you some I heard that Kane’s toothbrushes are running out so this is definitely a good gift you can easily take these toothbrushes I have a whole box of them in my basement thank you so much for this because I’m sure Kane will definitely like this gift now we just need to go to my bedroom and look for the gold ring in the dresser near the bed it’ll be incredibly disappointing if as I said the gummy crocodiles have stolen it sometime before it seems I found what we need so take this ring thank you so much for your help because now I can easily earn Kane’s forgiveness with such gifts I really hope it works out for you and he stops being mad at you for your absolutely silly prank on it by the way Jack haven’t you noticed my new appearance at all because I haven’t heard a single compliment from you yet of course I noticed you’ve transformed a bit and now I can proudly say you look just as good as ratha now I can finally head back to house without any problems to apologize to him for stealing his pants I really hope he’ll like the gifts Jack’s helped me find I need to go downstairs as quickly as possible and try to find Kane in one of his many rooms to my surprise I have no idea where he could be in his own house maybe he went to the circus after all so I think I’ll have to go there right now oh hi Kane what are you doing here I told you to forget the way here stop being mad at me because I actually brought you some gifts to apologize did you really manage to find toothbrushes somewhere it seems you guess you parasite bubble come back here and give me back my toothbrushes do you really want to try to escape into the void guys it seems I didn’t have enough time to give Kane both gifts as you probably guessed bubble just ate the toothbrushes I gave him and then flew off into the void for some reason I think I can easily leave this ring in the lab when Kane returns home he’ll definitely forgive me when he sees such a beautiful gold ring that’s somehow a little stuck in the textures now I can finally go for a walk in our amazing digital circus without feeling guilty guys as you probably already guessed today I arranged the most real picnic right now I’m going to McDonald’s to invite Jax with me wow just look at this gummy crocodiles are up to something on the yacht apparently they had a disagreement and now they’re fighting at the very top of their yacht I think we’ll definitely figure this out later but hey Jax quickly tell me what you’re doing here hi pomy just a few minutes before you came the gummy crocodiles turned my entire McDonald’s upside down I barely managed to clean it up it seems like I saw them up to something on the yacht when I was coming to you apparently they are now dividing the m money they stole from your register they really did manage to collect a lot of money so we need to urgently find a way to teach them a lesson do you have any idea how we can do that but I’m sure we’ll definitely come up with something by the way what is this strange cocktail you have here in the blender this is my new signature cocktail that I recommend you try right now maybe we’ll deal with that later hey Jax I think we can try to take it with us and use it against the gummy crocodiles I already managed to change so let’s run quickly to the gummy crocodiles yacht actually I completely forgot about this potion so it’s incredibly good that you managed to find while I was busy just look at this it seems they don’t regret what they did at all I don’t think it’s a big deal because as soon as we get to their yacht they will definitely regret deciding to rob me let’s hurry because I don’t think these gummy crocodiles will just let us onto their yacht gummy crocodile immediately return all the money you stole from the McDonald’s register oh it seems I accidentally broke the ladder crocodiles return all the gold coins right now that’s absolutely true because we are about to throw a very dangerous potion at you hey pomy help me quickly don’t worry I’ll throw the potion we found at McDonald’s at them right now it seems I hit one of them wait absolutely nothing is happening actually you hit me with that potion not one of the gummy crocodiles it seems I have no idea what I’m going to do now in that case I’ll take all their food because they certainly don’t need that much wow it seems they really do need that food so they’ve decided to chase me off their yacht I need to try to escape from here as quickly as possible and come up with a way to save Jax I think he’ll have to stay locked up on the gummy crocodiles Yacht for a while right now I’m going to cfo’s Lighthouse I’m going there because cuz I’m more than sure that Kane will be incredibly angry with us if he finds out that we decided to attack the gummy crocodile’s yacht nonetheless I had absolutely no other choice because I couldn’t possibly break that iron cage with my bare hands I really hope kfmo is at home and I won’t have to search for him all over the amazing digital circus I really hope he’s somewhere on the Upper Floor of his lighthouse hey hi calmo immediately explain to me what you did that made Jax incredibly small and why you left him there I accidentally threw some unknown potion at him unfortunately I couldn’t open the cage with my hands I already have an idea on how we can save him from the gummy crocodile’s captivity quickly come down with me and I’ll show you a special magic staff that I can lend you to save your friend I didn’t expect such generosity from you just please promise me that you’ll definitely come back tonight and return it to me guys just look at how cool this ancient staff is that kmo lent me now I need to get back down to the yacht as quickly as possible via this giant water slide just look at this it seems that the gummy crocodiles are not stepping away from the cage where Jax is now I really hope this magic staff will help me drive them off their own yacht otherwise I can’t even imagine what I’ll do there I think I definitely need to hurry the gummy crocodiles might harm Jack if they suddenly figure out how to open their own cage from the outside hey Jack please hurry they’ve almost figured out how to get me out of here hey gummy crocodiles get out of here immediately don’t you see the giant magic staff I have in my hands I think you’ve never seen anything more powerful so listen to me wow guys it seems I managed to drive them off now I just have to break this iron cage hey JX tell me how you’re feeling right now I’m fine but please try to break this iron cage with your magic staff after this you must tell me where you got it because I want to get one just like it it looks like I really did it thank you so much for coming back to the yacht and saving me but also tell me how you managed to hit me with that potion in the first place but right now we need to come up with a way to restore you to your original size let’s try to go down and look for it in the hold hey just look at this it seems the gummy crocodiles have already used that potion on themselves try to hide somewhere and I’ll be back for you soon guys just look at how gigantic this gummy crocodile has become apparently they also managed to find some ropes on their yacht and now he’s going to catch and tie me up I need to get out of here as quickly as possible hey gummy crocodile back off immediately or I’ll enchant you with this staff look at that it seems his friend is trying to save him by pulling him back onto the yacht incredibly lucky because otherwise I doubt I could have escaped from this gigantic gummy crocodile now I need to come up with a way to save Jax from captivity once again I think I’ll have to ask Kane for help because I have no other choice left let’s head to the circus to find him I really hope I can find him there and won’t have to search all over the amazing digital circus and run to his house I want to suggest he use his personal computer and programming skills to change Jax’s size so he can escape from the gummy crocodiles on his own hey hi Kane what are you doing here right now right now I’m feeding my sheep if you have nothing else to do you can join me actually I need your help because right now Jax is stuck on the gummy crocodile ship first explain to me what that strange staff in your hands is actually kofo lent it to me so I could deal with the gummy crocodiles well okay then I’ll definitely help you right after I put the food back in the chest for the Sheep now I need to get to my computer as quickly as possible to enlarge Jax using the command line please do it as soon as possible it looks like I’m almost done and now you must give me that strange staff so I can study it carefully maybe calmo decided to trick you and because of that staff you might turn into to an abstraction let’s run as quickly as possible toward the gummy crocodile’s yacht just look at how huge that gummy crocodile has become guys please help me as soon as possible because he’s actually shooting at me with his bow can you do something about this gummy crocodile as quickly as possible now I’ll try to deal with him using the staff you gave me we need to run away somewhere and hide in the circus otherwise Kane might accidentally hit us with that staff like a few days ago guys it looks like Kane is doing a great job handling the gummy crocodile however it’s become twice as big but I’m sure this is part of his plan to fight it otherwise well we have to ask someone else for help pomy yesterday evening Kane invited us over so we have to go there right now by the way don’t you want to prank Jax I think it’s a really great idea so we’ll definitely do it today in that case let’s first drop by Kane’s circus and see what he wants to show us I think after that we’ll go to McDonald’s and properly prank Jax honestly I can’t wait to see what exactly he wants to show us today just look at this it seems like he built some kind of giant trampoline I can guess that this trampoline is what he wanted to show us and that’s why he invited us over today hey Kane what is it that you’ve built here hey girl girls this is my new trampoline which I use to jump on with my cars if you want I can also offer you to try out this trampoline that’s really cool but you seem to want to show us something completely different you’re absolutely right and thanks for reminding me because I almost forgot come with me to the circus and I’ll show you what I’ve prepared for you I know you’ve wanted to prank Jax for a long time since he pranks you every day so I prepared something especially for this occasion I prepared a little quest for you tell us quickly what is this map about on this map a red cross marks the spot where a special chest with various items for pranking Jax is hidden honestly I think today’s episode will be incredibly interesting so make sure to subscribe to our Channel and like this video Now quickly grab the map and let’s go find the secret chest after you prank him be sure to come back to the circus and tell me how it went well then let’s hurry outside to take a good look at the map Kane gave us I really hope we can navigate it and it doesn’t turn out to be too confusing quickly put down the map and see where exactly we need to go that’s exactly what I’m going to do right now I’ll put this map right here in the middle of the road it seems like the map indicates we need to go to the roof of McDonald this is really interesting because I’ve never climbed onto the roof of McDonald’s before do you have any idea how we can even do that I think you don’t need to worry about it at all because we’ll come up with a plan as usual once we’re there let’s first run to McDonald’s and see if there’s anything useful there wait maybe we should check the chest to look for a ladder that’s a really great idea wow look at this pomy honestly I didn’t expect there to actually be a ladder here right now I’ll set it up so we can climb onto the roof of this McDonald’s without any particular problems I think it’s going to be incredibly cool because very soon we’ll be a able to prank Jax who is currently on his shift at McDonald’s I’ve already set up the ladder so hurry and climb up climb onto the roof as soon as possible and definitely look around by the way look at this through this glass ceiling we can watch Jax making another batch of burgers right now that’s really awesome but we still haven’t found the chest Kane told us about so let’s carefully look around it seems that I completely don’t understand where the chest is hidden the secret chest is not on the McDonald’s roof itself but on top of the giant sign you’re really great for finding it now let’s look inside wow I didn’t expect there to be so many different prank items I think we can catch him with this web and after that we’ll throw this strange potion at him and see what happens that’s an absolutely brilliant plan so let’s do it right now let’s quickly go to the glass ceiling and see how we can best get down I think we can just jump from here because that way we’ll act most unexpectedly for him I think you can catch him with the web and you can give me the potion to throw at him in that case take this potion and I’ll catch him with the web and then follow with this rope girls have you gone completely crazy explain to me immediately where you came from now you won’t get out of here because I’ll put a huge amount of web around you let me out of here immediately or I’ll get incredibly angry at you for this actually we came to get back at you for all your silly pranks on us and besides all this we also have a potion that I’m going to throw at you right now I hope you at least know what effect this potion has before throwing it at me and fortunately for you we have no idea what this potion will do to you it seems something is happening to me and I feel worse and worse with each passing second I think our prank is over now we can finally go outside and discuss everything that happened are you sure he’ll be okay after this potion don’t worry about it at all hey cough explain to us right now what you’re even doing here I heard you discussing something very loudly so I couldn’t pass by without checking what’s going on oh no guys not that it looks like he lost Consciousness right now girls it seems like you really have gone crazy don’t you understand that you can’t use such items on your friends because it can be very dangerous maybe we’ll come up with some way to help him right now how do you even imagine that if none of us has a recovery potion apparently we’ll have to go to Kane’s laboratory because it’s the closest well in that case let’s go there right now just promise me that you’ll never do anything like this again I hope you won’t throw unknown potions at your friends for pranks anymore it looks like we really made a very stupid mistake by not asking Kan what effect this potion has honestly I couldn’t even suspect that our harmless prank could end so terribly I thought that after this potion he would just shrink or his head would turn into a pancake nevertheless we can’t turn back time so we just need to help him recover so let’s hurry down hey calmo have you already managed to find the right potion just promise me that you’ll return the exact same potion to Kane later otherwise he’ll definitely suspect me of theft he’ll definitely return it later promise me that you’ll never do anything like this again and right now I’ll go home we’ve already promised you that next time we’ll definitely consult about the potion’s effect well now we need to hurry to McDonald’s I’m more than sure that Jax is already tired of lying there completely unconscious hey Kane what are you doing here girls did you really decide to steal a potion from my lab and thought I wouldn’t notice Jax is lying unconscious in McDonald’s right now wait how is that even possible let’s hurry to help him he passed out during our prank so we need to help him recover as soon as possible I really hope he won’t be too mad at us for this he’s really lying there unconscious tell me exactly how you managed to do this when your prank was supposed to be harmless it happened after we used the potion we found in your secret chest didn’t you realize you absolutely shouldn’t use it okay let me give him the recovery potion right now I hope it really helps him wake up otherwise I don’t even know what we’ll do while he’s unconscious hey guys where am I Kane please save me they tied me up in a web and knocked me out with a potion don’t worry I’ll break all the webs around you it seems the girl’s prank on you really got out of control get out of here all of you I don’t want to see you after what you did to me I hope you never come up with such a crazy idea again well let’s just go outside right now and take a walk with you ratha that’s a really good idea but I want to invite you to come to my place first I need your help with something I don’t think I can handle it without you I guess I can help you if we go for a walk together afterward I hope the task you have for us isn’t too hard and we won’t be stuck at your place for a long time otherwise it’ll be like last time when we spent several days cleaning your basement nonstop guys right now I just ate at McDonald’s and finally got back home to take a bath before bed to do this I first need to go upstairs and if you haven’t seen my new jacuzzi yet then you absolutely have to like it by the way don’t forget to subscribe to our Channel and like our videos wait what is this hey guys immediately explain to me what you’re doing there you just misunderstood everything so please wait a bit and we’ll explain everything to you better do it as soon as possible or I’ll get even angrier at you we ended up here against our will cough made us come here and spy on you explain to me why he needed this at all I have no idea why he needed it but he promised us a good reward for spying on you hey Jax come here immediately and explain to me why you were spying on me while I was bathing the thing is C told the absolute truth I think we should all just forget about what happened here and pretend it didn’t happen hey Kane let’s go right now to CMO and get our promised reward that’s really a great idea so let’s go there as soon as possible guys stop immediately because I haven’t let you go yet honestly guys I still can’t understand why my friends agreed to spy on me for some stupid reward now I want to get back at them for this and do something nasty in Kane’s circus I can hardly handle this alone so right now I’m going to ratha’s house to ask her for help with such a difficult task I really hope she’s home now and I don’t have to look for her all over the amazing digital circus first I need to go upstairs and check the second and third floors of her house because she usually spends time here to my surprise she’s not here for some reason this is really strange because most of the time when she’s home she’s working out in her gym apparently I’ll have to go down to the basement and look for her there because I can’t even imagine where she is now she also decided to install a real jacuzzi at her home hey hi ratha I came here to ask for your help because I’m going to get back at Kane and jack it seems I absolutely don’t understand why you’re going to get back at them today they were spying on me while I was taking a bath in that case we really need to get back at them somehow do you already have any ideas about this that’s exactly why I came here because I have absolutely no ideas I was hoping you could come up with something I’m ready to suggest a somewhat adventurous prank in this Locker I have some Dynamite and we can use it to blow up Kane’s circus do you really think it’s a good idea to blow up his circus just because he was spying on me I’m more than sure it’s a perfectly reasonable plan for Revenge it seems today’s prank on Kane will be truly incredible since we’ve never tried blowing up Kane’s circus before by the way today Kane and Jax also tried to spy on me but I managed to chase them away before they could see anything it seems you were incredibly lucky and you did a great job it’s a shame I didn’t notice them before I started bathing wait what is this hey kmo immediately explain to us what you’re doing here I actually came here to find out how my subordinates handled the task I gave them better immediately explain to me what task you gave them at all I just asked them to watch you while you were bathing immediately explain to me why you told them to do this and how does it benefit you at all I’m not going to explain anything to you I’m going to the gummy crocodile’s yacht because Cain is already waiting for me there to get his reward stop immediately and explain to me why you gave them such a task to be honest today he’s acting incredibly strange and I’ve never noticed such behavior from him before honestly guys I absolutely don’t understand what made Kane do something like this and spy on people while they’re bathing usually it’s Jax who does this alone I completely agree with your opinion and also can’t understand why Kane agreed to do a stupid task from kmo it seems that right now Kane and kmo are standing on the gummy crocodiles yacht And discussing something very animatedly while they can’t see us we need to go to the circus as quickly as possible and try to blow it up as we planned let’s finally go inside and find the most suitable place for a small explosion wait guys hey ratha immediately explain to me where you were that I even lost sight of you I just wanted to take a closer look at what Kane and kmo are discussing on the gummy crocodile’s yacht now let’s finally go up to the second floor of the circus to place the dynamite somewhere here I think the best option would be to blow up this giant hay stack because it’s been annoying me a lot lately quickly place the dynamite in have you completely lost your minds immediately explain to me why you decided to blow up the wall of my circus and a whole bunch of hay oh please forgive us you shouldn’t be concerned about that at all because you weren’t supposed to see this chest it looks like I found some kind of potion get out of here immediately because now I have to rebuild an entire wall of the circus it’s because you were spying on me while I was bathing all right I’ll forgive you but only if you agree to test my new potion okay but at least tell us what this potion is honestly I have no idea because I received this potion as a reward from CMO for successfully completing the task honestly I’m incredibly curious to see what will happen to ratha after this potion look at this CMO is spying on us right now oh no not this oh no I can’t allow you to look at me if I look this awful right now I’m going to my home and will never leave it again but wait ratha you should still have the potion you found in kan’s chest hidden in the giant hay stack I think you should try using it on yourself I have no idea what to do now I can’t live normally If I Stay this ugly forever we can try putting you in the magic flask and maybe that will help somehow actually that’s a really good idea so why don’t we try that in that case quickly get into the flask and I’ll try to remember the settings for the magic flask that Kane told me I think I need to press these buttons and then start the mechanism wait I think I forgot to activate one more parameter oh no guys not this now because of my very stupid mistake ratha has turned into a real abstraction and now she’s running straight at me hey Kane just a minute ago ratha turned into a giant abstraction right before my eyes immediately explained to me how this happened I just forgot to press the necessary button on the control panel before starting the mechanism it seems this isn’t working at all so we need to try something else please be very careful because she might engulf you at any moment after an eternity in The Amazing digital circus I’ve learned to handle them well I really hope Kane can handle the abstraction and nothing terrible happens to him I’ve already lured the abstraction back into the flask and now you need to correct your mistake please try not to mess up this time and press exactly the buttons that are needed this time I won’t forget to press the button to make the left light come on hey Kane it seems I’ve done everything right now it’s very good that you really learned from your mistakes besides you must help me rebuild the circus wall that you blew up with dynamite for some reason actually you were spying on me and I really didn’t like it that’s clearly not a reason to blow up my circus I think Kane is right about this so I believe we should help you rebuild the circus wall that we broke so right now we’ll go up to the second floor of the circus and quickly handle the construction work guys it seems that I accidentally ended up in some very strange cave there are so many targets hanging on the walls here I definitely need to check what’s in this chest unfortunately there’s absolutely nothing here so right now I’ll head to Kane’s circus to tell them everything that’s happening here just look at the beautiful room he recently built for himself as far as I understand he should be inside right now wow guys just look at this it seems that Kane never told me he got a stuffed toy that looks like Jack hey pomy why did you enter my room without permission and even better explain why you brought a stuffed toy with you when I came here it was already here and apparently it’s trying to do something on the computer in that case let’s see what exactly it’s doing oh no no no my code is open on the computer right now Kane immediately explain to me what all this means I really hope nothing happens to you right now hey Jax was it you all this time explain immediately why you decided to delete Kane from our amazing digital circus without Cain the amazing digital circus will turn into a real mess Jack stop immediately we must teach you a lesson for what you did oh no I have to run now I still have a lot of important things to do today guys it looks like Jax is planning to play a few more pranks on us today apparently I’ll have to team up with kmo to somehow oppose him unfortunately I didn’t see which way he ran so I’ll have to look for him it would be even better to try to bring Kane back to our amazing digital circus however unfortunately I absolutely don’t know how to use a computer Compu and I doubt I can do it myself hey kmo I’ve been looking for you for a few minutes if you’re looking for me to try to bring Kane back I can try to do it right now in that case try to do it as soon as possible unfortunately all the files are deleted here so I’ll just try to press random key combinations and maybe it will work hey kmo immediately explain to me how you did that I told you I just hit the keyboard with my fist and it worked thank you so much for bringing me back to the amazing digital circus do you happen to know where Jax is right now unfortunately I couldn’t track him but it seems he was running towards calfo’s lighthouse in that case I’ll head there right now you try looking for him somewhere else that’s a really great idea but right now we’re being attacked by a gummy crocodile you’re absolutely right and that’s why you need to run away from here as quickly as possible I’ll try to distract it and you run home and check if Jax is doing anything there if you need me again be sure to look for me in my circus that’s a really good idea so right now I’m heading home I hope Jax hasn’t had time to set up any pranks there otherwise I don’t even know what I’ll do in such a situ ation I might even have to go back to the circus and ask Kane for help wait guys what is this it seems I didn’t make it in time and Jax is already in my house hey Jax get over here and explain why you decided to prank us all today didn’t you like my prank and even better explain to me how you ended up in my house right now I’m going to take a dip in your jacuzzi and you won’t be able to stop me why do you think I won’t be able to stop you get out of my house immediately or I’ll call someone for help or throw a disappearance potion at you I’m telling you you can’t do anything and I’m already in your jacuzzi I think it’s time for you to leave so please do it as quickly as possible in that case I’ll have to leave through the window I’m going back to the circus and I’ll tell Kane everything that doesn’t scare me at all because I paid the gummy crocodile to take care of him oh no guys if that’s really true I can’t believe it right now I’m running home and if you want you can invite me to walk together hey pomy tell me immediately if you managed to find JX if so where is he now of course I found him and right now he’s trying to hide in his house guys you’ll never catch me so you can stop right now by the way py to deal with the gummy crocodile I even had to lock it up because this this time it was very persistent for some reason this is really cool now let’s deal with Jack we’ve cornered him so now we can handle him without any problem to ensure he doesn’t try to prank us again today explain to me immediately what potion you threw at him I actually intended to throw a completely different potion at him do you at least have any idea what we should do now I think we don’t need to do anything because he definitely deserved to disappear what are you talking about he’s our best friend hey just look at this it seems he simply teleported let’s hurry and follow him to see if it was just your imagination did you even see which direction he ran unfortunately know but I saw him fly away right before my eyes I have absolutely no idea how that’s even possible I think we need to go search for Jax right now what is this it seems there’s a giant Bridge right behind me let’s run there as quickly as possible because that’s actually the exit from our amazing digital circus if you want you can cross this bridge right now and leave this place forever but wait how is that even possible wait could it be that this whole time it wasn’t Kane py I hope you really enjoyed all the pranks we decided to pull together with Jack guys I absolutely can’t believe what’s happening I think kmo is trying to trick me into going onto this bridge besides that I’m going to throw this potion at you so you forget everything that happened here what will happen to me now hey guys where am I this place looks incredibly similar to Jax’s carrot storage oh no I absolutely can’t believe it because there are stuffed toys of jacks everywhere they don’t react to me at all so I’ll try to take a few barrels of carrots from here this should definitely provoke some reaction oh no guys look at this it seems the toys got very angry with me and threw some potions at themselves come on pomy calm down and stop running it’s just a little prank hurry up and give us some feedback on our work I hope you really enjoyed everything I love the prank because I played the main role wait guys was this really just your silly prank at some point I started thinking I was dreaming nope we just managed to make a new transformation potion that turned Jax into a small stuffed toy but now that it’s all over I officially invite you to my housewarming party because I built a new room right in the circus let’s go there quickly I’ve wanted to see what’s inside for a long time I hope this isn’t another silly prank because I didn’t like it at all hey guys just look at my new computer by the way py this is where I put Jax and when he was pressing random buttons I pretended that he managed to delete me from the amazing digital circus I really hope you enjoyed that part of the prank is this whole series really just a big joke as shocking as it may be that’s exactly the case unfortunately I need to go back home because I still need to prepare a few potions hey guys if we don’t have any more plans for today maybe we can all go on a picnic together that’s a great idea because after a hard day I wouldn’t mind a couple of tasty Burgers well guys It’s Time to Say Goodbye right now I think I’ll have a great time with my friends and just relax guys as you may have already noticed ratha and I have decided to swim in our Lake I really love swimming here with you because the weather is great today it’s really wonderful but why haven’t our friends joined us yet I also invited Jax to join us but I don’t know when he’ll arrive what’s that hey guys what are you doing here you need to come underwat with me right now to see this tell us immediately what you saw there better yet explain why you were spying on us I wasn’t spying on you just look down and you’ll understand what is this I’ve never noticed anything like this in our amazing digital circus before quickly go down and take a closer look wow this is truly incredible do you happen to know what this room is for it’s a special hidden cell to lock kfmo in when he misbehaves I hope we never end up in this cell ourselves this place really scares me we’ve seen everything here so maybe we should head out you can go back to the surface I’ll stay here because I have some unfinished business I really don’t like this place it feels like it has some sort of negative energy hey what are you doing here Kane explain to me how you ended up here here this is an absolutely secret place and no one except me and Jack should know about its existence please don’t be mad at us we’re already leaving I hope you understand me well and won’t tell anyone about this place looks like we won’t be able to swim in our Lake today the guys have turned it into a real construction site guys be sure to like this video and definitely write in the comments your guesses about what exactly the guys are planning to build in that very secret space looks like we’ll have to entertain ourselves today actually maybe that’s even better just look how fun it is to jump on this trampoline it is really fun but maybe should still go to McDonald’s to grab a bite wow that’s a great idea in that case let’s head there as soon as possible I hope we can find something to eat there because Jax isn’t at his work place wait I don’t understand why there’s only carrots on these tables it looks like we’ll have to share this burger between the two of us today honestly I wouldn’t recommend eating it because who knows how long it’s been here in that case I’ll try to find something fresher in the fridge hey what’s going on here Copo explain why you’re on the roof of McDonald’s hey guys do you happen to know where Kane and JX are right now actually we don’t know because we haven’t seen them today honestly I can tell from your faces that you’re lying to me tell me immediately where they are or it will only get worse wait it looks like someone is breaking the wall of McDonald’s right behind you gummy crocodile have you gone completely crazy look at this it seems like he’s here to steal all the carrots he’s also planning to steal all the money from the register we need to stop him as soon as possible before he escapes to his yacht look at this it seems he’s stolen so much money from the register that it’s falling out of his pockets as he runs don’t worry about it guys I’ll throw a shrinking potion at him right now that’s really good because now that he’s tiny we can handle him without any problems I think I’d better take him to my lighthouse to teach him a proper lesson for stealing I’ll take out my fishing rod right now and use it to lead the gummy crocodile to my lighthouse look at this ratha I actually think it looks pretty cute the Tiny Gummy crocodile flying around is really funny now that we’ve dealt with the gummy crocodile I think we should return the carrots to McDonald’s if Jax notices they’re missing he’ll be incredibly upset you’re absolutely right so let’s get back to McDonald’s as soon as possible it looks like kmo has almost led the gummy crocodile to his lighthouse honestly guys I never suspected the gummy crocodile would suddenly decide to steal the carrots today it’s actually become routine and the only difference is that sometimes he steals carrots and other times he takes money from the register now let’s finally go into McDonald’s and put all the carrots back in place just look at this one of the walls is damaged because of the gummy crocodile we need to fix it before Jax returns to his workplace of course let’s fix it as soon as possible because I’m sure he’ll be back very soon I’ll just grab the necessary blocks and this wall will look brand new in no time I really hope you have some construction skills so it will be unnoticeable that something happened here just look at how well I’m doing it really looks like nothing happened here except the barrel of carrots is missing but right now let’s go outside to check how the wall looks from the outside look at that it seems like Jax is running towards us right now I think we need to run away as quickly as possible return the money you stole from my register immediately you just misunderstood everything hey guys why are you yelling at each other Kane can you believe it the girls just robbed McDonald’s with the gummy crocodile who stole it we just picked up what fell out of his pocket wait did the gummy crocodile really Rob my McDonald’s again this is really bad and we definitely need to teach him a lesson there’s no need for that because kmo has already taught him a lesson unfortunately it looks like my McDonald’s is operating at a loss today I think I’ll stay here and help Jack sort out his problems you girls can go wherever you want and have fun in the meantime tomney maybe we can go to our amusement park and have some fun there that’s a wonderful idea so let’s head there as soon as possible by the way why did we suddenly stop riding our roller coasters actually it’s broken right now and Kane has been forgetting to fix it for a long time we need to remind him about it and soon we can finally ride the carts again I think if our viewers give this video a lot of likes Kane will definitely agree to help us I think he won’t be able to refuse our beloved digital viewers so guys make sure to be active I think we can walk around these roller coasters a bit more just please be very careful ratha I hope you remember that something is broken here so always watch your step ratha have you lost your mind I just asked you to be at least a little careful I can’t believe this guys it looks like she did it on purpose let’s quickly see what happened to her down there oh no not this it looks like she really lost Consciousness from falling from such a great height I need to come up with a way to help her as soon as possible I think I need to find a healing potion or at least ask Cain for a first aid kit hey CMO I need your help immediately it seems I heard some screams while I was walking around the circus we were just walking here and at one point it looks like ratha tripped over something and fell straight down of course Let’s help her as quickly as possible because she our friend in that case do you have any ideas on how we can help her actually I always carry a healing potion that I can try to use on her I think you shouldn’t waste any time and do it right now wait I need to aim a bit there and now she should recover very quickly it looks like you hit her with the potion and now we just need to wait a bit look at that guys thank you so much for helping me because I have no idea what I could have tripped over up there shortly before I met you I found out where Jax and Kane have been all day stop immediately because Kane told us you’re not allowed to go there I don’t care at all so I’ll be there in a minute oh no guys it looks like we didn’t do what Kane told us to do now kmo knows about the secret cell where Kane wanted to put him in that case I think we should go after him right now to help our friends that’s a great idea so let’s go back to where we were at the beginning of the episode we can’t just leave our friends in trouble

JAX – Minecraft on 2024-07-07 21:00:32. It has garnered 974 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:10 or 4030 seconds.

POMNI Spies On CAINE & JAX in The Bathroom! AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS in Minecraft

In this video, Jax is once again trying to have fun with Pomni and RAGATHA in the pool! Today, you can expect interesting stories and amusing adventures with Pomni and her friends. Be sure to watch the video until the end, as there’s something exciting waiting for you.

Credits: GLITCH / Gooseworx

#digitalcircus #amazingdigitalcircus #pomni #minecraft #mine

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic community, Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. But why should you join Minewind? Well, just take a look at the latest Minecraft video trending on YouTube. While it may not be about Minewind specifically, it showcases the fun and creativity that Minecraft has to offer. And that’s exactly what you’ll find on Minewind – a place where you can unleash your imagination, build amazing… Read More

  • SHOCKING: POMNI KISSED JAX?! Minecraft Digital Circus Ep 2

    SHOCKING: POMNI KISSED JAX?! Minecraft Digital Circus Ep 2Video Information This video, titled ‘POMNI KISSED JAX IN THE BATHROOM! ARE THEY A COUPLE? Amazing Digital Circus Episode 2 in Minecraft’, was uploaded by POMNI – Minecraft on 2024-06-23 20:00:03. It has garnered 4493 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:35 or 3995 seconds. POMNI KISSED JAX IN THE BATHROOM! ARE THEY A COUPLE? Amazing Digital Circus Episode 2 in Minecraft In this video, Jax is once again trying to have fun with Pomni and RAGATHA in the pool! Today, you can expect interesting stories and amusing adventures with Pomni and her friends. Be sure… Read More

  • Insane Unboxing: WTF Facts by MrBeast

    Insane Unboxing: WTF Facts by MrBeastVideo Information This video, titled ‘mrbeast unboxing this box ๐ŸŽ || #mrbeast #ytshort’, was uploaded by WTF Facts on 2024-03-01 03:12:17. It has garnered 0 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. mrbeast unboxing this box ๐ŸŽ || #mrbeast minecraft minecraft challenge #mr short video #short #new challenge video beast #mr beast hindi video #hindi video #challenge video #challenge #mrbeast #viral short #tranding #mr best mr beast meme mr beast song mr best lego car mrbeast youtuber mr beast island mr beast phonk mr best indian mrbeast ishowspeed mr beast in german mrbeast mr… Read More

  • ULTIMATE MLG WATER BUCKET TIPS & TRICKS! ๐Ÿ”ฅ #gamesforkidshub

    ULTIMATE MLG WATER BUCKET TIPS & TRICKS! ๐Ÿ”ฅ #gamesforkidshubVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft Tips & Tricks mlg water bucket ๐Ÿชฃ #gamesforkidshub’, was uploaded by Games For Kids Hub on 2024-06-14 15:45:04. It has garnered 247233 views and 6813 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Read More

  • Save Herobrine from HellRoFro: Epic Spear Challenge #shorts

    Save Herobrine from HellRoFro: Epic Spear Challenge #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘help herobrine. throw spear Challenge #shorts’, was uploaded by HellRoFro on 2024-03-06 03:15:10. It has garnered 10106 views and 452 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Minecraft : How to Build a Modern House Tutorial (Easy) Minecraft #NotBook #minecraft Minecraft,Minecraft tutorial,minecraft builds,minecraft building,minecraft tutorials,minecraft design,minecraft interior design,minecraft build tips,minecraft building ideas,minecraft simple tutorials,minecraft easy tutorial,minecraft shorts,minecraft short tutorials,minecraft building video,top 5 minecraft builds,5 minecraft interior designs,5 minecraft designs Read More

  • Arrzee’s EPIC Superhero Roleplay SMP is BACK!

    Arrzee's EPIC Superhero Roleplay SMP is BACK!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Enhanced Heroes RETURN! – Custom Superhero Roleplay SMP’, was uploaded by Arrzee on 2024-05-04 23:00:09. It has garnered 28089 views and 1268 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:52 or 652 seconds. Minecraft’s Custom Superheroes FINALLY return, and are now on a brand new world! After failing to stop Infinity Ultron and losing Snowcon, the Enhanced regroup to track down the mysterious figure that’s been following them since they escaped to this new universe. This is the 1st episode of Enhanced Season 2! If this your first time watching the roleplay SMP series… Read More

  • Ultimate 24/7 Minecraft SMP Live – Join Now! #GirlGamer #NetherMadness

    Ultimate 24/7 Minecraft SMP Live - Join Now! #GirlGamer #NetherMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SMP LIVE 24/7 SERVER | JAVA+PE | ROAD TO 2 K | #minecraft #nether #girlgamer’, was uploaded by Mahzo on 2024-07-13 13:27:18. It has garnered 278 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:51 or 9891 seconds. MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SMP LIVE 24/7 SERVER | JAVA+PE | ROAD TO 2 K | #minecraft #nether #girlgamer wondercraft smp ip :- WONDERCRAFT IP Java Ip : Pe Ip : Port : 19132 Discord :- About me – hello my name is mahzo . i m from earth i hope u… Read More

  • Minecraft Prank Gone Wrong ๐Ÿ˜  #viral #gaming

    Minecraft Prank Gone Wrong ๐Ÿ˜  #viral #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ˜ก Oh No Again Prank On Me In Minecraft #viral #prank #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by MR_FIRE_PLAYZ on 2023-12-26 05:00:02. It has garnered 2615 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Mutant Zombie vs Golems!

    Insane Minecraft Battle: Mutant Zombie vs Golems!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mutant Zombie vs All Golems โ€ข Minecraft mob battle’, was uploaded by RikoSHerka on 2024-07-15 05:00:34. It has garnered 2789 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:29 or 629 seconds. #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Shorts: BIG Sword vs BIG Creeper! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    Insane Minecraft Shorts: BIG Sword vs BIG Creeper! ๐Ÿ˜ฑVideo Information This video, titled ‘Have A Big Sword Or A Big Creeperโ€ฆ | Ein | Minecraft | Aphmau | Zane | Aaron | Kim #shorts’, was uploaded by Ein – Shorts on 2024-02-21 19:10:00. It has garnered 11846 views and 817 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

  • Revolution SMP – Semi-Vanilla

    ๐ŸŒŸ Revolution SMP ๐ŸŒŸ Join us in Revolution SMP, where every player can leave their mark on the world, forge lasting friendships, and be part of a story that continues to unfold with every new adventurer who steps into the world of Revolution SMP. Whether you’re a seasoned builder, a daring explorer, or someone looking to unwind and chill, Revolution SMP welcomes you to be a part of our exciting journey. Let the adventure begin! Features: โœจ Custom Enchants: Discover unique enchantments that enhance your gameplay experience. ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ Grief Prevention: Build and explore with peace of mind knowing your creations… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Why I made this spicy Minecraft meme

    I guess you can say this meme is a solid 7/10, just like my dating profile! Read More

  • Blower Fish Empire: Episode 2 – War & Fall

    Blower Fish Empire: Episode 2 - War & Fall In the world of Minecraft, where the blocks are bold, The Puffer Fish Empire, a tale to be told. Warriors clashed, in a battle so grand, The fall of the empire, in the sand. Karrru, the hero, with a heart so true, Reporting the news, in rhymes that flew. The Blower Fish Empire, now in despair, Karrru’s rhymes, filling the air. So hit that like, share, and subscribe, For Karrru’s rhymes, you can’t deny. In the world of Minecraft, where stories unfold, Karrru’s rhymes, worth more than gold. Read More

  • Nether Portals of Love! โค๏ธ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Nether Portals of Love! โค๏ธ๐Ÿ”ฅ When you accidentally walk through the nether portal with hearts and end up in the friend zone. Read More