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we’re play Minecraft I like you cut G right um we are playing Minecraft hardcore if OBS would find Minecraft then we would be playing yeah also doing it on the latest snapshot cuz I’ve never ever beat a Minecraft hardcore playthrough so we got to do it don’t we why why is OBS just doesn’t give a [Music] [ __ ] come on come on I got to like jump St like um change that no Okay window capture is Minecraft not OP not [ __ ] Firefox [Music] Arm playing my it’s not there I got an idea un full screen [Music] it why this is impossible it’s GG arm what the [Music] sigma what I want the soundboard hang [Music] on yeah that that’ll do I guess [Music] oh but it don’t [ __ ] work but why is it so hard to capture Minecraft I can do it like that and just zoom it in slightly guess that works okay now let’s get your stupid that sound up um I’ll give it right there we go wait maybe if I make it capture Minecraft as it’s not in full screen and then full screen it and it will work come on we playing Minecraft um what the sigma this [ __ ] work before holy [ __ ] I’m not doing all that I guess I got to do this give me one second fellas um what the [Music] shma okay copy’s path Okay click here to open your graphic settings I don’t know how they did that huh browse add what the [ __ ] options high performance save [Music] heyo gang it didn’t [ __ ] work oh restart Minecraft what the sh a good start of the stream but I will be trying to do an all advancements thing I’ve just got to make sure I stay on [Music] the um Captain sparkle side of the Minecraft community and not the dream SMP side you know or it just won’t open oh never mind it’s opening yes don’t diddle the fiddles hey it worked oh wait I want it to capture my cursor so you can see what I’m doing um it is low gang I don’t remember you have to remember experiments we want 1.21 we [ __ ] with the maces I’ll just turn everything on [Music] anyone wants to seed it’s Callum smile wait bonus bonus chest [ __ ] thingy in this game looks [ __ ] ugly without shaders holy actually [ __ ] myself it was loud why did I spawn up in a tree oh Village why is my game feel awful what is this God knows can’t run Minecraft looking ass [ __ ] Gateway laptop Acer Aspire B I’m shaders on I cannot I am in a pre-release no that isn’t wrong that’s right I am in a pre-release [Music] we got their maces and [Music] [ __ ] oh it’s already over GG we lost the heart wa I should do it Ultra Hardcore where I don’t regen hearts that’d be funny right [Music] food um what the sigma um what a [Music] sigma I restarts the [ __ ] thing what the what the shma what advancements do we have oh it doesn’t show you unless you actually do them I do have this program in the background tracking them so uh it’s like is it actually working oh yeah two biomes visited it’s just it just works that’s that’s sick no [Music] Goku probably a Bitcoin miner nah Captain Sparkles uses it that’s how you know it’s legit he made Revenge I trust him with my life wait what kind of map is that is this just a normal map no yeah cuz we’re going to need to find like um a woodland Mansion for um what are they called totems of undying oh I’ll take a [ __ ] oh no hell no oh I [ __ ] already Waits GG restart get the [ __ ] out of the way just not found consent that’s [ __ ] is that allow we allowed to say that it’s what the sigma to be fair it should just be what the sigma as well I will probably change that one one advancement let’s go um what the sigma huge oh take a stop saying take a sausage oh coal let’s let’s level up [Music] two advancements one sausage at row there’s like 50 [Music] achievements take 50 [Music] oh I know what my Minecraft looks shy smooth lightings are for no reason what I actually want the sigma oh trust it’s meta game how the [ __ ] can you see that Oho it’s obvious no it is obvious hell no hell yeah melons I’ll take melon wait I’ve got to try each one of each food isn’t it oh wait I’m still on iron is there a blacksmith uh oh wait wait another achievement what a deal oh there we go uh trade with a villager at the what the [ __ ] it’s her what the sigma why that’s such a hard achievement to get why does that exist I got to take a villager to the build height limit oh actually it kind won’t be that hard you just make a bubble colum column what the [ __ ] is that I love him can we take him what the sigma it makes stupid noise can you hear it it goes oh when you sprint next to it he hides in his little shell I forgot that they added armadillos hit me out what the [ __ ] poor armadillo how big is this stupid ass [Music] Savannah keep trying to zoom with the SE key I’m in vanilla Minecraft that’s not possible oh another one there’s another wait they’re everywhere there’s another one there’s another one that’s based what the sigma build a boat uh let me just Minecraft sweat mode you know screenshot your coordinates you know where you are give me that [ __ ] hopefully no one with a trident kills me bro why is it all Savannah where the [ __ ] is this Lion King Zim bab [Music] way jungle um chicken okay we need to get some iron armor is like UT most priority hopefully this um there’s just someone against the wall over here that would be nice there copper as much as I hate it I think we need it for some achievements something to do with lightning rods cuz they don’t know how to make it actually useful in the game so they put an achievement behind it also build [ __ ] with it poo beans no iron though rip rip jungle what else is in Jungle pandas do I have have to make all the animals [ __ ] is that an achievement this is Minecraft streams PG do I have to make all the animals [Music] um mate no I still don’t like that how do they make sex PG wait this is Hardcore how the [ __ ] am I going to do a raid I’ve got to like sit back with like a power five bow and just snipe them all surely four achievements doesn’t matter if I break my bed I ain’t respawning anyway oh iron uh let me just make a couple torches Mar brownly I don’t really fancy drowning but I’ll have a luck NADA chicken holy [ __ ] the world’s burning [ __ ] you chicken forest fire average California day fortnite give me another Village or something or like a ravine I just need iron it’d be nice to have like iron in a ravine cuz it’s lit up there’s nothing down there to kill me well I should probably stay on the water and find a treasure map so then we can do get some iron from that and I I don’t know if you need a conduit oh you do you definitely need a conduit by the end of the game cuz there’s one to get all the effects on you at once and conduit powers in enough oh hello bad lens bees as well what about [Music] Goodland I remember when these used to be called Mesa Biomes they still are to me I don’t know why they changed it imagine me putting time sleep 30 at the end of the program and then wondering why it doesn’t work properly there’s loads of gold in these and there might be an above ground ohas they’re [ __ ] everywhere above ground um abandoned MRA shut there’s iron two oh there’s some more by there I have any gold I know where to go oh my God I’m glad I got wait to do the soundboard without um like just people spamming it now okay Raft One 20 years yeah I do know I’ll have to get that oh [ __ ] that place you wish fish that wants pay world I will be getting the mle I’ll be getting I I plan on it all I will probably die before then but we we can try yeah love Grand M Sha told you I feel like they’re going to be useful oh my Lord uh I don’t fancy that let’s make a sword oh got a blast furnace well no because that’s that’s the TTS sound you can get a crossbow I ain’t got no string a many achievement oh yeah I know what you mean my current like goal is I definitely need well I can’t see I need totems of undying oh [ __ ] he hurts Jesus Christ almighty you need armor more than anything hardcore don’t [ __ ] about okay iron armor is the thing we need okay zombie I sleep skeleton real [ __ ] that oh oh um well I mean I need um um all the CDs in advancement one scammed this could be useful name tag do we need it um I don’t think spiders fit through a like a one by one hole maybe they do I don’t know but I want some [ __ ] for a b oh yeah they will one there no this should [Music] make huh that’ll do yeah yeah yeah that’ll do ah where’d he go where the [ __ ] did he go oh he’s above me ow oh I probably should have done this at the top shouldn’t I cuz I climb I’m stupid oh skeleton what the [ __ ] I wasn’t expecting the skeleton jockey okay um perfect that’s the perfect amount that’s what exactly what I wanted uh for a we can make a bow I know we need a crossbow for achievements but we’re just making a bow for now and a fishing rod um if you name tag an enemy Sher oh yeah I forget you need shers as well for the how do we get here there more focused on the Conduit um right let’s turn all this head hay into bread full stack okay is it me or is this music ever so slightly more in my left [Music] ear or am I going absolutely crazy another skeleton jockey are you on [Music] crack okay um anyone deep down I am on the latest snapshot so we got Ma’s armadillos oh hope wait it’s night time for example need the ward to get dark wait darkness is a [ __ ] effect oh God all the more to prep for I’ve got other achievements to worry about first to be quite Fair like I just pressed this and I saw I saw um this one here and I was already like ah maybe this is a bad idea I can’t be bothered doing all that I mean that’s easy but like that’s a pain uh there’s a bit of iron I guess we’ll take it it’s got silk touch on it we might need it can I repair this no that wasn’t there I could annoying okay now we need I want to find a village I could make an iron pickaxe and try and just get full gold armor instead because it’s something and Gold’s everywhere in the Mesa like I can find it on the surface you end something tra wait you can just cheese that okay fair enough okay um I’m looking for let’s find an ocean cuz I don’t fancy mining for armor I would rather just find it in treasure chest or or or or I I believe me I’ve played enough Minecraft I know about 90% of the achievements unless they were added like just then for example Crafters crafting Crafters I have no idea what that is know the sneak oh yeah I know sneak 100 chisel Buck Shelf I don’t know I say this is hard hell yeah that’s why it’s going to be good I fired I hope that came up on the mic that’s Stone on gravel I’m Pro I’m going to fail many times but it’s infinite content glitch cuz I will do it whoa um where get gold armor for now I mean I definitely need some form of armor my ship blows up my hearts disappear what’s the button for coordinates F3 hello again what you want to oh you’re [ __ ] you’re cheating wait they got rid of it oh wait wait wait debug chats F3 + one there you go you’re using the cheats you’re using the speedrun tactics I know about them oh [ __ ] a [ __ ] coral reef find the berry treasure yeah I don’t know how I don’t remember exactly how it works so we might just do it the legitimate way and find a sunken ship are there any oh there’s one there okay what else do we have to do bees cadps I forgot frogs are in this now yeah balanced diet is one of the things so I need to eat one of everything got to kill one of every enemy I’ve got a nice thing showing up on my screen past the thing I’ve been completely zoned out what was the ship is that the ship oh it’s there oh we need these as well don’t we armor trims the same one Coast yeah um wait so I need to go south Southeast that way oh but there was a thingy over here oh [ __ ] it let should go this way wait is this Southeast oh yeah [ __ ] it let’s take a detour let’s go here the nether portal oh I need Trident as well holy [ __ ] throw away joke and very very frightening um no chest yay Golden Apple I need to eat one of those wait no I need the cocoa beans cuz I also need to eat a cooky for an achievement yeah um can you mine this with a stone no let’s go we need conduit for how do we get get here shift F3 it’s F3 and one now they changed it we’re on our way we’re on our way how far away is this bloody thing must be a way to change the pie chat um you want that one you on that one oh he by here I out different things on it no this only that one they might have gotten rid of it they might have nerfed it either way we are here let me help you how to find treasure I got map doing it the oldfashioned way but here we go here’s the fun part where you got to dig I mean it’s easy though I’ve got my M just the matter of where is it now random number nine chunk coordinate nine oh my God what the [ __ ] about 69 minus 69 it’s too there too many [ __ ] things simply have map no I don’t have shovel though where the [ __ ] is it me just very treasure always generates trunk coordinate nine the X and Y axis always facing East go up hang on I will kill every sand I will kill all the sand oh [ __ ] oops I have built a hall by that I mean I have dug a hole oh it’s this way it’s this way I will find it the oldfashioned way I am not speedrun tactics oops found it what am I doing there the right thing oh no diamonds need that 16 that’s that’s good 169 now we can now we can actually go mining a little bit um let me just get rid of that get some wood make a crafting table need that um Iron pick we do need that but I also need suiting up it’s fine I can make an pickaxe still [Music] boom hell yeah get rid the chicken for now I can get that anyway you have a very small UI that’s how I like it what you want [ __ ] GUI Bally too big it’s like UI jump scare we don’t mess with UI jump GE yeah it’s perfectly average size uh let’s find a village to just set up shopping because I’m going to want to do [Music] our I am definitely going to want to do raid at some point cuz I need totems of undying definitely we have 11 achievements apparently although this isn’t up to date what the [ __ ] planting the past oh it sniffers they nerfed swords in the snapshot ow I ain’t making another iron tool stone sword is Stone axe is not better than an iron sword I don’t care what you say there is no shot in hell I don’t even have stone what um what the sigma that’s an um what the sigma what the [ __ ] did they do to axes why why would they do that are they stupid nine are they dumb do crits with ax nah you know what we should do crits with mace and wind charges no that isn’t wrong try to crit please okay here you go I will do a crit on a chicken there you go you happy you’re saying all this [ __ ] about crits at this daytime what I meant to crit the sun wait oh no I don’t have it oh wait I should have take taken those water breathing potions on that chest just give me a Village I don’t want to build a house cuz I want to build a house near a village so we can well villagers achievements raid Farm Etc Dolphins Grace horses wait did I no my juice world no no I am not As I Am Alive oh boat [ __ ] better be something good in this boat where are you going right now I’m looking for a village why am trying to stick to the ples biome uh wait it’s usually here no then it’s by over there [ __ ] I’ll take um Moss I can use I’ll take it cuz you can spread it you don’t have any carrots uh I do need poisonous wait we’ll take the poisonous potatoes purely because I need to eat one wait do I need to eat suspicious stew [ __ ] it let’s take that as well okay we don’t go that way no Village That Way Forest need a village or like a Pillager out post Woodland Mansion if we’re extremely lucky Christ by lucky I mean kind of unlucky cuz we’re a bit underprepared for that come on health go down I’m buy health I mean hunger bro why your axe broken oh that’s why it takes forever to charge I don’t need a compass I don’t need no compass [ __ ] I left my bed somewhere uhoh whoopsie that Village couldn’t come at a better time I don’t want to hide in a hole pleas um okay Birch Forest is not the play wait I guess I could just go out to see I don’t know and I guess oh uh don’t kill me oh okay that’s two Foods I’ve to to see what here see see see I am not je world no drown please jungle I no just a hill snow that’s goats I’m not juice World poool either go on goats flower Forest wait is there an achievement to do with goats now probably keep dark Under the Mountain oh well I’ll have to wait I am unprepared iron um that creeper don’t give a [ __ ] about me one one iron the hell that’s such a cool little cutout in the mountain what the Sheep oh sheep good I got Lea boots so I can through the snow there’s a there’s a bonus sheep give me wo I need a bed oh why are you um got to be careful with what I say [ __ ] the [ __ ] he’s Invincible come on there’s got to be a village here somewhere never lucky if someone starts thring a triing not me now it’s all over that’s all I’m saying um wait I don’t f the point there raw beef that’s another there you go there’s another fo down oh [ __ ] I need a shield I never use Shields but I feel like I’m going to have to in this should probably take a pumpkin I can’t be H my everything’s full [Music] what the sigma there’s light over there flower Forest what is this biome sunflower Plains that’s that’s [ __ ] Village make a village game hungry again uh carrots there’s another one there’s 40 different foods I’ve got to eat there’s one right there honey I don’t got no bottle get a goat horn I am focusing on the village right now we know where the mountain is though we can go back I don’t I can’t be asked making goats smash their heads into walls right now we need to gear up cuz I think even with the armor I’m wearing I’m still one shot to a creeper no speak of the devil I’ve not even going a chance it need rabbits a baby zombie that was a blue flower where are The Villages well they’ve all packed up and left they sound like okay I see what’s wrong with axes now they charge up way too slow but they’re good for creepers I guess Peach one good thing about hardcore cuz you’re playing carefully your levels go up and they don’t go down the [ __ ] this D’s got extended reach hacks who’s got kill Ora he using a client hello fellas wait get out of bed in my bed my bed my bed thank you he grew up what the [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] he shrunk again a cat yeah I can fish oh a saddle as well this is my chest now best friends forever rather we’re about to get the achievement wait ow what imagine I fish up like a a massive bow that’ be that’ be huge um what the sigma um what the sigma fish when your inventory on the H wait what throw a fish out of your inventory and then hook it when it’s on the ground you got fishy bit fish fishy business achievement the more you know wait do we have enough iron to get um I think it’s tactical fishing I don’t remember when you Chuck one in a bucket is it called tactical [Music] fishing oh it is look at we go what was that one though oh just an a all look out for trees with flowers on them what are they called but my brain’s gone Minecraft music making me sleepy that do that’s enough to tame a cat surely Wait no that’s troll let’s just eat the carrots bush is bro it’s on a tree they leaves wait wait oh you love fish come here came too fast hate Damon cats why can’t it should be like [ __ ] dogs not like [ __ ] dogs but you know what I mean wait if I just pin it in the corner brute force it down its throat okay it don’t work like that just run at them it’s faster than me [ __ ] he’s faking me out wait no you love fish come on you love fish stop being a [ __ ] [ __ ] I didn’t even move du wielding can’t resist me now come on you’re for an achievement this [ __ ] cat y [ __ ] you I’ll go get another one like you don’t deserve any fish just run it’s too quick stupid ass cat lucky for me there was the exact same cat in here a minute ago somewhere I think it fell down this hole fell down a hole there you are you [ __ ] [ __ ] I got one it’s too quick BR just eat it you love fish [ __ ] it if this one doesn’t do it I’m going to kill myself in game you’re [ __ ] forceful taming okay let me take that I need that let me take that as well get ourselves a horse I guess or maybe there’s mining somewhere wait is there no Farm in this Village [ __ ] poor ass never mind there it is what there has to be seeds where else these read to animals let’s just get armor look for a massive hole in the floor as making my own is not as good he got scammed oh yeah they just closed itself because it’s smart and cool and I don’t know why it does that I can’t figure that one out AR what the hello hole in the floor hello hello oh and then I got two in a row another one okay iron this ain’t going to lead to anything is it nope of course not why would it phenomenal good Ravine water cave yeah I I will suffocate I am not even going to attempt to chance that if I wasn’t in a hardcore world I would wait let me just just so I know door yeah no not worth just find a normal cave and don’t be drowning in your [ __ ] hardcore world find a nice cave that doesn’t want to kill me as much got torches whatever Abby shower it’s Melly oh gold pick yeah I I know bro I’ve been playing Minecraft for wait can I find out how old oh it’s over okay we’re good can I find out how old my Minecraft account is I’m actually going to Google it I do yeah I’m not killing that you want me to go back to kill him one shot just half Health me oh okay hang on we need to log in I I see how old my Minecraft account is um I think it was this account I made it let’s have a look um wait how do I why you are boring okay see you I don’t want to die in the first episode the [ __ ] click now you click the arrow and SEL like Network what the [ __ ] no I don’t oh I can’t find out my game is broke what hello game what the [ __ ] oh that’s why fix okay we’re good but there is no way in hell I am killing a trident zombie that does five hearts of damage to me two hits and then we have to restart no thank you useless get fixed boy I’m not playing Terraria no bed get up [Music] um he doesn’t tell me that’s annoying I wish he did wait I’ve probably been playing Minecraft for longer than some like people in my chat of being alive that’s kind of sad yikes fair enough got the Minecraft [Music] um what’s it called where you do that AI F what’s the word I’m looking for aha that’s what we’ve been looking for well the word is AI manipul manipulation there you go it came out okay soon as we got proper armor then we’ll have a little bit of security to actually do things properly oh hello I have any arrows the [ __ ] do I do about you bro he’s like n you’re not coming over here I guess that looks arm no okay we’re good should have taken some of that water in a bucket I don’t like that oh more iron [Music] we’re almost good for like a full set do I did I bring I got some wood we can do it down here wait what the [ __ ] deep slay already well why level six what the [ __ ] just came into the cave scared our coal wait go back up coal doesn’t spawned any weird choice of moang Mo yangs but they did it [Music] nonetheless wait oh no smoker resp nah you you’re [ __ ] with me I ain’t that dumb oh it’ll be a funny YouTube Trad Mark short full iron armor less chance of death now we can go get diamonds make another pickaxe and then make a bunch of torches hello okay Diamond time perhaps uh this torch is the have a diamond or death I don’t like the locker down there wait I can make a shield no I can’t I don’t have enough wood I what the [ __ ] wait oh [ __ ] it’s dead I’m dead round two okay Shields we need Shields low gang too good job bro I forgot plus they still wait no uh it’s that one hopefully this time I don’t have to walk 20 million miles oh I like the look oh and there’s a thing there already okay this is this much better stream very moment of death it is what it is onto the next one what um what the sigma give me one [Music] sec e hello someone just showed up at the door like food delivery it’s pay World by the way you have to be a member for the the sounds strange okay I like this seat a lot better [Music] though fell no um some woman came to the door and was like oh delivery pay for this we were like we haven’t ordered nothing there’s a hair stuck in my [Music] mic you see my face going SC oh [ __ ] whatever um what the sigma that is very um what the sigma [Music] there’s any other sound you want just ask um what’s the sigma Oh I thought that was iron scammed I wish they paid for the food you know and they just gave it us fre food glitch that would have be nice oh my God I need to know what else I need for um member stuff don’t need more emotes although this this emote makes me laugh every time I see it look at it so stupid do you want to know something absolutely crazy I can’t do it I’m not a member um what the sigma the program filters myself out become a member then should I do it as a funny should I should I become member of my own channel pay yourself money no I just lose like two pound there’s no paying myself money wait would I I want to know what happened should I do it just I want to St next to my [Music] name um what the sigma Umma Umma I’ll do it in a bit pay yourself less money than you get I thought I had a FNAF one I don’t remember I I um I didn’t add the fortnite one yet I’m going to there okay let’s do it right now [ __ ] it wait can I not download them fortnite how do I download it oh there we go made with voice what’s this fortnite okay it’s the right one fortnite fortnite there we go you now should have fortnite um yeah I want to live here oh we can get goats as well from over there I think okay let’s just go mining I guess we like oh we need food okay we need a village again oh speak of the devil someone typed fortnite who is a member fortnite okay where’s the whole clip fortnite very quiet I might need to turn that one up fortnite fornite bro it’s a black bro white sheep white sheep black baby one of them’s cheating which one of you cheating fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite okay we get it we understand fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite Willi the foes lost it you broke it now you spammed it too much fortnite fortnite ask just not do it instead hell yeah steal your mom’s credit card donate all to me fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite [ __ ] we got more Fort fortnite fortnite fortnite oh [ __ ] that’s a bit too much bread fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite can we B it fornite fortnite yeah it’s don’t worry she’ll get B fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite it’s like when I first added the fortnite the soundboard it was like this fortnite fortnite [ __ ] hell fortnite fortnite who’s not ready for that random buzzer holy [ __ ] fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite get out fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite forttnite fortnite fortnite fortnite how the hell is YouTube not blocked you from saying that yet okay my thing against so you weren’t even copy pasting it all of those were typed fortnite okay I typed it oh Jesus what fortnite fortnite why is a stone ax and and iron ax the same fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite okay that’s enough fortnite now fortnite fortnite please fortnite fortnite fortnite forn so much fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite she not going to stop fortnite fortnite it’s over this is Minecraft n this is fortnite fortnite create creative mode fortnite fortnite Be Love mods fortnite oh [ __ ] I keep running out torches fortnite stop now that’s enough fortnite fortnite oh no why is that one so loud oh I need to like equal I I need to go through them all and make them all the same volume bro loads of people in fortnite only works for members members only perk okay fortnite and it only works when people remind me to turn it on how did he knock me forward they did not add the random [ __ ] thing from fornite ow okay I definitely need to work with the the volume levels fortnite fortnite spam wrong bro I will have to turn it off that [ __ ] too loud to spam axes suck don’t I have left pinky finger that’s a very specific form I don’t have a FNAF one apparently I don’t remember what I have and what I don’t have the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] they hurt a lot dead yes it does naked Grandma sound effect what do what I can’t add sex sounds no unfortunately that would get me banned probably find some bell down there family fruit and oh I think I know fortnite [ __ ] laugh is that Juice N that’s piss give me one more iron y wait yeah red the [ __ ] it’s over you can’t beat the Wall are you still up there TR this two wall of flashh to Terraria never [Music] um I got no wood fortnite okay I want Diamonds oh [ __ ] hell there are enough things down there I didn’t look at you uh can I make him like come up here teleport up here oh how do I get the [ __ ] down oh he did come up wait where is he o um what the sigma I’m try I was trying to figure out what that meant trying to make me say mean stuff um what the sigma indeed ruce those shorts for the subs I got to do funny things for shorts he’s trying to make you say that you will [ __ ] any thingy take stop saying take a sausage got him ow where is [Music] he I’m lost um I don’t know is it up or down [Music] GG what what the sigma you ain’t got no kid this is not Diamond level we’re almost out with wood wait we’re actually going to get [ __ ] ow oh [ __ ] hello how do we get down there without [Music] dying there a skeleton or a zombie with gold [Music] armor oh we can go this way the nice way I’m ignoring iron at the minute cuz I need to save a pickaxe durability [ __ ] or I’m not going to be able to get out of here [Music] oh [ __ ] bye-bye okay um gold what level are we on 23 [ __ ] bro why is he dripped out the woo what the [ __ ] ow can I please get some diamonds I add that one as well ofter fortnite fortnite night okay fortnite get them diamonds fortnite fortnite fortnite get them fortnite diamonds fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fornite fortnite fortnite fortnite for fortnite time I don’t think I physically can can I fortnite I don’t know fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite what I’m a paying Man true two go [ __ ] yourself oh bro I need three prop one iron armor is good need obsidian oh we need five then broken oh never mind know you didn’t you just typing it wrong fortnite fortnite oh hello ow [Music] oh don’t you [ __ ] dare no no no hey one H okay let’s not go around there we need better food this food sucks I regen so slow we need higher saturation food ner why don’t we have a nerd star we need a nerd St I’m going to say I think [ __ ] swords are better I don’t have to wait as long oh there’s loads of wood there okay arm I can make a bow no I can’t make a bow I can got the sticks okay bro why would you do this you’ll also destroy your aors blueberry nah bro it didn’t work it only works with the word wrong no cold wood blueberry [ __ ] fornite I’m going to make a DI sword I think it’s better fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite I fortnite fortnite let’s make a bow fortnite Fort fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite hey it only works if you member your fortnite’s ain’t doing nothing okay let’s get this [ __ ] four arrows make another pickaxe just in case where is there SK I don’t know what which one it would be I don’t know if that would get me copyright strike bro souls are so much better [ __ ] Met game me uhoh give me arrows ah oh my God he’s taking my head off um what the sigma the sigma this guy’s going to hurt dropped a bow oh it’s my bow what the [ __ ] I dropped my bow hang on I’m eating time out okay we’re good he dropped a bow he has a spoon [ __ ] you [ __ ] they [ __ ] off with the skeletons oh [ __ ] okay that was close we good though we alive zombie with a spoon spoon zombie I look opium I’m heroin I would love better food than bread though look like the Les’s [ __ ] up where there there’s two it’s Sil they got to come to me oh my lordy Lord on a lordy [ __ ] poo poo smelly bum hole what the sigma I just need one more Diamond I mean to three more diamonds wait what am I doing I go back up go back up make a shield make a shield all as well another [ __ ] bow there nice Speed Run it’s not a speed run it’s a slow run I Tak him my time oh [ __ ] off it’s going a little bit out of hand I may have to start policing it the one thing is I wasn’t going to place it and then yeah I hate the shield cuz how much it takes up of your screen but it’s kind of necessary because of these [ __ ] skeletons and it’s an achievement not today thank you hey join the Discord if you want to see [ __ ] something yeah what he picked up his bone much as I hate Shields they are quite goated Diamond hello I say unmod turn to members only members only chat wait how do I how do you do that that’s it pay to win pay to win oh there we go members only ni he’s uninstalling how do I turn it off where was is it yeah okay go oh [ __ ] what why does he just ignore the shield sometimes are you going to do it do what YouTube told me to turn into to members only it’s toxic [Music] unmod anyone that isn’t mod what every wait what Oh you mean like member I ain’t touching anything [Music] um diamonds hey diamonds it’s SP oh my God perfect oh perfect love to see it I’m now I’m playing a game pro I don’t need to have money any people become member on their own accord oh [ __ ] I need a lava like uh should make a bucket of water as well and we can get obsidian oh wait let’s just xow I [ __ ] poured water on his ass you’re not coming home after that one oh there is too many of those oh [ __ ] I’m low ow okay so as soon as we get a oh [ __ ] this Shield don’t work the light on my keyboard died is it out of battery or is it like running low on battery so it turned itself off to power saving mode my mouse does that oh my Lord why did the [ __ ] shield never work bro there’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight skeletons over there nine 10 around me oh my Lord give give me a break suppose we can get obsidian above ground oh hello yeah I think that’s play okay now we do the fun dig all the way up so let we get obsidian we can make a enchantment table we can do some Voodoo [ __ ] turn my armor into SK armor okay oh my God we got ages maybe we just dig directly up is that a bad idea probably do I care no up we go can you gift Subs in this chat I know you can but I don’t know how it works gift says oh wait you got to enable the fact that you should be able to get what the [ __ ] you could disable gift Subs like for yourself that’s weird why would anyone do that how you gift I’m not sure got I I don’t know myself I know it’s possible H oh wait do I have okay I do have a bit lapis wait wait wait I need a little bit of leather don’t blow up the leather sh we got that [ __ ] we got that [ __ ] I’m about to blow thank you this is what I need my Jon it that’s how he says it he doesn’t go I am about to explode he don’t [ __ ] about he is in fact about a blow bookshelves oh hello give me that [ __ ] I need to protect I’m back okay go m hello again right um let’s eat an apple we need more foods eaten and now what shma um what the shma now we need to find lava lava I think we should focus on just getting like fall diamond armor first then Focus focus on the advancements where’s my shield oh be could to devil I need four obsidian I don’t really oh wait oh okay I can fix this portal as well not that I need to go to the nether no I’ll just collect the obsidian cuz I don’t really need to go to the nether right now and I still kind of want to move to that Cherry Blossom Place yeah why is there an achievement for getting what fortnite you’re trying to make it say oh what the fortnite no but now I want to fortnite I just ignored the what the sigma wait isn’t there an achievement for hold getting this um what the sigma yeah I don’t really need a respawn anchor though to be honest oh wait yes I do even though I can’t respawn um there’s an advancement for it okay so I need 14 obsidian is like enough 18 if we’re making a pretty poor we got 10 about nine now we got 10 oh we’re just going to get 14 so three more I Love mining obsidian such a fun part of the game I mean we could go to the nether I don’t see why though we don’t really need anything right now I mean you can get diamond armor out of bastions but probably EAS to get diamonds 14 don’t mind if I do another one mark it down another food eating um is that snow what why do I get an achievement for sinking oh there not powder snow snowy slopes the [ __ ] such a weirdly small biome what the SI how do these work who it stupid ass gohost um what this Shima right [Music] um we need sugarcane for bucks Buck shelves but that’s probably not the best way of doing it don’t really need level 30 right now as long as we have just like Protection One on everything imagine imagine it’s this way the flower Forest is this way I accidentally almost switch my game mode to creative horse horse all right now we can play the game [ __ ] where’s the [ __ ] was that a creeper no where’s the the stupid Cherry Blossom biome oh there it is we shall live there can I join your world no is solo hardcore it ain’t no server okay right we go up that build base well build base I might just dig a hole into a wall oh wait wait wait wait no we go over to this Village wait is this the village we were just at I don’t think so and steel bookshelves cuz we need the bookshelves [Music] got the [ __ ] Riddler in [Music] chat be funnier if you put the quotations around just girl not your girl I’d make a funnier joke [Music] what the [ __ ] this this ain’t no Village two houses what why are they segregated what oh wait I like this I live in Iceland I not like the the Wy Vick Iceland racism in Minecraft yeah those those houses over there are for the the minority what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] where the hell did he come from get up [ __ ] sound like you’re about to say a color nah [Music] now that’d be [Music] racist oh brewing stand there’s going to be a brewing stand in here yes old Callum would say it what the [ __ ] it’s got to be like slander is this shelves by shelves on me bookshelves no I don’t that one kind of building luck he’s going over to the minorities to beat them up [ __ ] Iron Golem can’t trust any of [Music] them don’t [ __ ] say w what the hell okay no bookshelves I’m going to live on top of the hill you know look down on the villages okay let’s play Don’t Die to powder snow [Music] I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good okay there doesn’t seem to be any there’s nothing up here you sound like stupid goat wait [ __ ] that that hill over there’s taller oh I should just tame that horse then I can just run around easy wait um [Music] bro this Horse is [ __ ] disabled it’s got like two hearts better be quick good [ __ ] only took time thinking about that I want he was pondering it how to tame a horse in Minecraft sick it’s relatively quick I don’t even remember how quick horses are meant to be wait it’s kind of Speedy oh [ __ ] powder snow there’s an achievement for standing on Powder snow is in there with leather birs wait there’s another Village is this the village I ransacked I think it might be well we’ll find out now whoa yes yes it is okay let’s set up shop I’m just going to set up shop in this Village for now what’s the horse’s name fortnite I don’t even have to ask oh [ __ ] doopop right uh let’s Pro one on my um let’s make new um oh make a new helmet can’t really afford all new set you give me iron hold it hold it you a [ __ ] Golem wait this one will hold it hold it hold it he just looks at me okay we making new hell B enchant don’t enchant okay um I ain’t going to get enough of that so yeah what the [ __ ] oh prop one three levels though sick I guess f it sick oh I don’t have enough [ __ ] it Unbreaking oh we got projectile protection that’s not bad all right now now now we have Sigma that’s funny right 2020 colum will beat me a I seriously doubt it okay let’s move up sharp where the [ __ ] fortnite there’s fortnite come here a fortnite wait it’s actually kind of a zippy horse okay I’m going to I’m going to live on that other Hill can horses walk on Powder [Music] snow it seems so orate can’t jump though it’s disabled it’s actually crippled but it’s quite fast okay we’ll live on this hill Oh Oh actic Fox wait yeah that’s a problem wait achievement achievement achievement I don’t get an achievement for that just remove powder though from the game at that point I don’t know I don’t know if I [ __ ] with it oh maybe over there not on the hill so then we can actually do stuff yeah I think that’s the play fortnite there bunny rabbits now okay we’re going to stick to the original plan we’re going to live in the Cherry Forest I kind of want to live like on a dock like dig a hole into the mountain I’m going to do that I I I’ve received a vision horse don’t like water though it’s broke hang on seems to be every like hour it just stops I don’t know why but it does there you go oh can horse not go in boat I thought every mob can go in boat [ __ ] hell well he didn’t go in boat but he’s spinning you about to take off what the [ __ ] oh you stay there then stupid [ __ ] holes I only wanted to go by here um by there looks good like [ __ ] dig it out into a big cave and then I oh wait this is going to be sick but just for now obviously we just dig a little bit up I probably shouldn’t put too much time into the base considering it’s a hardcore World um what the sigma what the sigma indeed what day is it Thursday okay on Saturday we’ll be doing the the best stream you see the vision what games are planned uh just everything I’ve already played before build bits of houses the entrance is this that’s the vision but we’ll do most of that next time games are planned uh do some Pokemon infinite Craft um what else did I play Maybe maybe finished Calamity maybe [Music] um what else did I play which gave me views let’s have a like Elden Ring finish that up Pokemon infinite Fusion I don’t think there’s anything I can really do with that chat play stuff probably do a chat plays yeah can’t do that but that will be on Saturday to celebrate one year even though it’s it’s just a little bit off it’s not here exactly but it’s just better to stream on Saturday let me just drop everything right here for but anyway that’s good for now I will I am out of here once again shout out members rties s mil and name I’m not confident enough to pronounce anyway see you people tomorrow I don’t know what tomorrow will be it depends what I’m in the mood for I tried to redownload Legends arus but I suck and couldn’t get done in time so we got 19 advancements we travel 13 biomes but it’s looking good it’s looking good as long as we get a bunch of diamonds for diamond armor we’re fine anyway byebye what the

This video, titled ‘Trying Minecraft Hardcore All Advancements’, was uploaded by callumsmile on 2024-04-18 19:53:22. It has garnered 62 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:36:47 or 9407 seconds.

I will become the GOAT and do this shit on the latest snapshot


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  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Custom NPC Adventures!

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  • Unbelievable Fight Night in Minecraft Wrestling!

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  • 1000 Stories: My Insane Minecraft Museum!

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  • Prosper SMP Vanilla 1.21 DiscordSRV Bluemap Coreprotect Voice Plugin Age 16+ Crossplay

    Join Our Minecraft Community! Our community is built around a shared interest in Minecraft, and we also enjoy playing a variety of games together on our Discord server. Minecraft is at the heart of what we do, so come check out our Discord and Minecraft SMP! We welcome new members who are dedicated players with similar interests. We always have major build projects in progress, and our community is friendly and mature. While we don’t have many rules, we do not tolerate disruptive behavior. No hackers or griefers allowed, just be respectful to others! All members must join our Discord… Read More

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  • Uncovering Gumball and Darwin’s Secret Base in Minecraft!

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  • NUKE DESTROYS CITY?! Which Xmas House Wins? 👀

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  • FREE JOIN Minecraft SMP Server 24/7! 😱🎮 | Navdeeep_playz #live

    FREE JOIN Minecraft SMP Server 24/7! 😱🎮 | Navdeeep_playz #liveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP LIVE || PUBLIC SMP 24/7 JAVA + BEDROCK | FREE TO JOIN #live #smp #minecraft’, was uploaded by Navdeeep_playz on 2024-01-07 07:01:04. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:23 or 143 seconds. Hello GYS MY NAME IS NAVDEEP IM Making CONTENT FROM INDIA OF UP UTTAR PRADESH SOCIAL MEDIA HANDLE ————————————————————————- discord _ whatsup – Instagram – ——————————————————————————— #minecraft #livestream #turnip #gaming #turnip_live #games #gamingvideos #livetipsandtricks #mobilegames #minecraftlive #minecraftvideos #minecrafttipsandtricks #minecrafthighlights #youtuber #turnipclub Thanks for the Support thanks for watching and love… Read More

  • 🔴 Join the Mayhem! Sniper SoapMC on Cubecraft and Hive!

    🔴 Join the Mayhem! Sniper SoapMC on Cubecraft and Hive!Video Information and what is going on everybody Welcome to the stream let’s have a good day let’s have a good day welcome everybody shall we uh get into it give me a second shot still got to set just a little bit of things up huh d d all right should be good to go see if anybody wants to hop on oh I still to do that well we are in egg Wars so yeah oh my goodness hold on guys Where is the man welcome everybody to the stream hold on we’re gonna get going a second… Read More

  • “Insane Collab: ZenMaster Plays GTA 6 in Minecraft” #shizoclickbait

    "Insane Collab: ZenMaster Plays GTA 6 in Minecraft" #shizoclickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘GTA 6 MİNECRAFT’I GEÇTİ #gta6 #minecraft’, was uploaded by ZenMaster on 2024-01-18 12:22:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. gta 6, gta 6 trailer, gta 6 trailer reaction, gta 6 leak, gta 6 leaked gameplay, gta 6 trailer official, gta 6 trailer rockstar, gta 6 … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Skybattle! Join NOW! 🔥| GreenMC

    EPIC Minecraft Skybattle! Join NOW! 🔥| GreenMCVideo Information ये क्या हो गया चालू हु रा स्टार्ट हो गया अबे रुक जा देख चैनल का लिंक भेज मुझे मैं देखता हूं रुक जा मेरा फेस आ रहा है क्या रुक जा अबे तेरा गेम प्ले ऑन है ना हा तेरा गेम प्ले आ रहा है बढ़िया है पर दिख रहा है गेम प्ले रख अभी बंद मत करयो भाई मेरा वेबकम इसमें क्यों रिकॉर्ड हो रहा है कौन सा चैनल है मैं भी देखूंगा हां देख दिख रहा है अभी आवाज आवाज आ रहा है कहां आ य लिंक भज डिस्को प सेंड कर सच में चालू… Read More

  • TheBritishRunner exposes shocking Minecraft lies – must see!

    TheBritishRunner exposes shocking Minecraft lies - must see!Video Information just like my previous video on Mama Max I went into the making of this video with a desire a desire to know more about the serious allegations being made towards those who once surrounded or were a part of the Dream Team see too many times have we seen allegations being made with no evidence to suggest the claims were to be true and yet the public believed every word of the accusers with 8% of Americans report rep ing that they had been accused of false allegations of domestic abuse child abuse and or sexual assault… Read More

  • Seven Swords PvE main server

    Seven Swords PvE main serverA chill server with an owner who loves hanging out with players. if you like it here I hope you will share it with your friends and help us get big! Read More

  • Ironclad Vanilla SMP Whitelist 6YearOldMap HermitCraft Style No Resets No Spawned DynMap 1.20.4 ViaVersion+Backwards

    IP: Other Important Links Join our discord server Check out our Live Map Recent Updates Ironclad Vanilla has updated to 1.20.4 About Ironclad Vanilla Minecraft Version: 1.20.4 Ironclad Vanilla is a whitelisted Semi-Vanilla server with a thriving community and dedicated staff providing support and prevention. Enjoy a trust-based trading system and maintain your progress worry-free! Server Rules 1. No Griefing/Stealing 2. No Cheating 3. No inappropriate Language 4. PvP guidelines 5. No Spamming/Advertising How to Join our Community To join our whitelist, complete the application and submit it through Discord or the comment section below. Whitelist Application Template: Username:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – spotted a Herobrine?

    Well, I guess you could say this meme is a solid 19 out of 10! Read More

  • “Summoning the Warden Golem: Hot Tips & Tricks!” #minecraftmemes

    "Summoning the Warden Golem: Hot Tips & Tricks!" #minecraftmemes “When you try to spawn a warden golem in Minecraft but end up accidentally summoning a horde of angry chickens instead. Looks like you’ve got some egg-stra trouble on your hands!” #minecraftfails #chickenarmy Read More

  • Bamboo-Powered Super Smelter Madness!

    Bamboo-Powered Super Smelter Madness! Minecraft Hardcore Season 7 Episode 31: Super Smelter & Mushroom Farm Introduction In the latest episode of Hardcore Minecraft Season 7, our favorite streamer Doc Brennan embarked on a mission to enhance the quality of life in his base. With a focus on creating a super smelter and an automatic mushroom farm, Doc set out to streamline his resource gathering and processing. Super Smelter Setup Doc’s decision to build a super smelter stemmed from the need to eliminate the manual smelting process for his projects. With a vision to integrate the smelter seamlessly into his storage system, he meticulously… Read More

  • JJ & Mikey CAPTURED by Mystery Hand in Minecraft Maze!

    JJ & Mikey CAPTURED by Mystery Hand in Minecraft Maze!Video Information all right let’s get started today we’re playing speedrunner versus Hunter oh I love that game now the rules are simple if I can slay the Ender Dragon without dying first I win mhm before that if I die even once Mikey wins M I’ll get you JJ I’m winning today okay but look what I have is it okay if I use this magic paintbrush uh Magic paintbrush what is that oh this yeah it’s a paintbrush that creates whatever you draw H I’m not sure I understand but fine whatever okay let’s go 3 2 1… Read More

  • Escape Sonic Nightmare: Minecraft Maizen Challenge

    Escape Sonic Nightmare: Minecraft Maizen ChallengeVideo Information hang on huh what’s up wait a sec of course that’s it what is there a clue this house yeah is covered in cameras you’re right that means if we hack into the security feed we can watch the footage from last night I’ll get the computer set up H okay do it all right Focus Focus I’m in I found last night’s footage awesome but is the richest man in town just staring into space I guess I wonder what’s going to happen weird H H wait H look by the door there’s someone there or something… Read More