camman18 VODS – Minecraft, But There’s Infinite Dimensions… (snapshot20w14infinite) camman18 Full Twitch VOD

Video Information

This whole thing was streamed live on twitch so if you want to be part of that chat that’s that’s up there the whole video then then go watch me live over there hey maybe i’m live right now anyways go follow do first link in this go follow it

Also this is a channel so subscribe here please please i’m begging please only a small person so pretty much this is how it works um this is this isn’t a mod i just do slash warp and then type in some random things and like oh well there’s there’s infinite

Dimensions anyway that’s that’s how it goes i i i’m just this is a bedrock one so it’s not very founder gang except i’m locked out of twitch on my laptop what a hedge you’re og hedgelord you changed your name i remember you though if i leave it

Are you gonna let us gamble i mean if a mods want to start something they can but hi everybody if i leave it because oh my god five keep inventory on so maybe it’ll go a little bit better than it than it normally does i think i’m gonna win i think i can

Actually beat the ender dragon because i have um i have um keep inventory on but uh who knows yeah myself the infinite dimension speed run rules in a notepad it’s the same thing okay i got wood exactly what i need it i don’t this is like a half nether dimension

With very bad lighting and floating things i just i want to try to not die mainly can we get a doo-doo why is the lighting so bad in this dimension what literally all of the faces going this way are just i guess if i look this way it’s just

Normal hey it’s normal why are they still chasing me timer paused oh shoot all right pretend that’s right all right we’re good i i just realized i don’t have food but i’m listening to vivid by huge i don’t know good dude how do you be a modern

S p just play a lot and i’ll recognize you eventually be my friend please now okay enough dream music hopefully there’s a stone down here what’s your s p just type in exclamation point ip hello tik tok followers i’m so alone that’s good just an orange wool okay i’ll get some wood though

I need a friend well you’re on the wrong place 109 viewers yeah yeah it’ll go down you kind of look like a bootleg harry potter dream i guess man bootleg cam this lore is this canon this is canon so uh write this in your in your dream smp note what is that

What are those what literally i don’t have optifine because this is just a version from a year ago with without optifine how do you know what dream looks like exactly what is that all right let’s not fall i’m really wasting wood here but i think i’m good

Cause orc this is more lore so many new people here yeah yeah i just don’t know what that is are those vines are you in the dream smp yeah i mean i dream keeps asking me to join but he just keeps he just keeps clout chasing why does that exist okay

I think that’s enough of it i’ll get this tree and then i’ll leave this dimension are you not going on the smp today um i probably won’t but i probably will next stream there are so many viewers omg yeah you’re You’re an og is what i meant to say cameron 18 was the dream recipe for a day then got bored exactly all right next dimension screw this place Oh i’m on a i’m on a boat it’s not loading i’m new please say hi to me hello mangy why is the lighting like this screw this lighting all right screw this to me it’s like the end but with extra boats i guess is there anything in here instant healing

Oh my god 740 bits cheer one cheer one cheer one cheer one cheer one cheer one cheer one hey hey i’m not thirty how old are you then yo ashley that’s cool that you put that next to your thing that looks epic that red thing that’s thanks for the i don’t

That he noticed me now all right next dimension whose name should i type i’ll go to the wait who was that i’ll go to the uh I’m not 30 dimension let’s see what it is that’s a lot of pennies yeah Why is it making that noise oh my god that’s annoying all right i can get some coal i mean better than better than nothing i guess wait can you even get coal with the wood picking oh you can 14 lol wait what 14 thanks for the oh oh you’re talking about oh that’s

Funny can’t believe kim is doing the speed runs how does that keep happening what all right this dimension is laggy because of all the sound i’m leaving there’s nothing here anyway all right where am i going now who who i’ll go to austria wait how did that happen did it pause again

I definitely have a secret keybind that i don’t know of all right i’ll fix it uh control all right there we go it should just go forever now 100 bits mlg dino do you next time next whoo oh my god this place is this place is epic it’s like slightly

Discolored i got you though thanks for the hundred bits go to the camera follow came in 18 dimension yeah i will i will after i get make sure i don’t forget you mlg dinah oh is that stone this is like almost normal but not

It is kind of a vibe who would it who would have moved here no it’s just an iron ore but i don’t have a stone pickaxe no oh my god oh my god mobs can spawn during daytime here i want to leave i want to leave

Stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop we’re fine we’re fine i this is so unknow i can’t okay next dimension i work i need food all right who who was it mlg dino one 1718 all right please have a good dimension really really mlg dine out man

Why does the minecraft game have more iron than my body oh i can just drink these health potions look at me go i am a pro gamer well this maybe sometimes if you walk a bit there’s like biomes so maybe there’ll be something different there’s it’s just used you like the 1.17

Update yeah it’s cool didn’t add too much then i don’t think there’s i don’t think there’s anything here wait did i do it going live tweet i did do do all right next dimension i’ll do i’ll do eggo i remember you echo Also sometimes you should get in a dimension and it automatically crashes so i’m just gonna hope that doesn’t happen i just want stone all i want is if if there’s a stone or cobblestone then like that that would be good because i already have wood which is

Pretty good maybe if i can get to the bottom okay guys would you consider yourself a stoner yeah i want some stone all right guys everyone at the same time pause the music are you guys ready the ladder clutch the ladder clutch i’m doing it i’m doing it

The ladder clutch i’ll do it on that obsidian thing get hype i’m doing it it’s too late to run a prediction look at me go i’m the greatest i’m simply the greatest Ah it’s too easy it’s too easy for people like me it just simply is i know i know it’s a little bit of a uh i’m a little bit cool is there anything shulker okay oh my god there’s two i can’t sprint anymore i need food oh no that’s my streamer yeah

What this isn’t even the bottom this place sucks okay i can get more health potions all right well this place oh maybe a bed will will help me because some of these dimensions bet explodes do a little jet oh are you little jet i know you from

The from the server i i got you thanks for the 200 bits again all right we do need a new i need food i just want food i should have killed those things in that one dimension all right thanks for the thanks for the bits though all right okay dark forest

Does it have stone underneath though or food anywhere are there mobs i feel like mobs are going to spawn what is that what is it is that what is that i’ve literally never seen this block before oh is there stone coral honeycomb can you eat this i’ve

Literally i don’t even know this was in the game what does honeycomb block do why does this sound like that make stu wait is that a thing doesn’t play minecraft clear honestly i only play on stream pretty much so maybe some parkour here and there all

Right i guess i’ll get more i’m gonna starve to death keep inventory is on though so it’s at least somewhat possible i don’t know if i’m gonna be able to win them i just want to beat the game I don’t man just eat bark i don’t all right who’s next no i got you scooter i saw you typing earlier tomorrow i will get full minecraft on nice um i don’t know if this is the best for for getting things i would honestly say this is this is the

Worst dimension i’ve ever seen all right who’s next oh my god it’s lagging all right who’s next i don’t think there’s anything here i’ll do xj yo xj dimension stop please oh chests i think there’s a food in it okay i need to get down there

I might have to do another ladder clutch all right mods run a pole will i will i hit this ladder clutch all right there’s food down there i need it i run a prediction all right i’ll just do it will i ladder clutch yes no all right predict you have 30 seconds

To predict start prediction all right i think i’m all right i get food oh there’s so many okay i need to run open that chest get the food build up so i don’t die to those things predict predict prediction the channel points will i get it yes or no

Easy easy i mean i did it last time so it should be incredibly easy there was glass panes i couldn’t even see them Guarantee no one saw those glass panes they literally of all colors they had to be dark gray so they so they blended in That’s that’s pure ridiculous you did not see them cazork you that is a lie no one saw them no no you didn’t it’s rigged it’s rigged all right man i wish i didn’t lose my stuff but i lost my merit this is like legos oh yes oh my god okay wait there’s

Nothing for me to clutch on though is there any way i can get down there those chests have apples i’m pretty sure thanks for the one thanks for the one bit my gambling addition addiction has paid off wait there’s nothing for me to ladder clutch on

Do you think i’ll die from this water i don’t have water you think you can’t stand on that oh my god i literally i could have crafted a bed i could have crafted a bed no why can’t you stand on that man all right who wants the next warp i’ll do k man

18. it’s a it’s a lucky warp it’s got to be good it simply has to be good Okay 19 how’s your day been have you eaten and hydrated today yo i got you for not i i brought water today i hydrated today jxr dimension okay i got you this dimension isn’t very good turns out so proud of me i know you should be

Wait one thought oh god is it crashing oh no i’m good have you eaten today though yes why does it keep on oh i was going the wrong way okay all right so far it’s purple you can ban whatever you want mods you can bend whatever you want i do not care

Unless it’s like something super common like it or i okay this is the worst the worst dimension i’ve ever seen do 666 oh that could be interesting i just want food i just want food oh no wait oh that’s wheat that’s that’s wheat okay this is food whoa this is cool

This is food coal blocks can you mine coal blocks with with wood i don’t can you okay coal blocks we got some wood and we got some this is this is food okay let me craft a why is that sound who hears that sound it’s really pissing me off all right

Stay calm i can’t be the only one that hears that it’s like and make bread yeah that’s the point dude did you get a haircut uh kind of rese i don’t know the last stream you were here but i mean click sound what click sound oh like the click of a trapdoor true

True missed like three streams oh yeah then i did um okay that should be enough hay bales all right slash warp follow so everyone follows me there’s some colors i don’t i don’t think anything here is very wait oh there’s like a glitch through the

What if i what’s down here why can’t i break that oh huh this seems uh i have why is it always those things it’s the same if you got stuck it’d be so funny no it wouldn’t oh i could honestly just warp all right next warp

Stop why i hate when the sky is rainbow like get a life she’s louise all right who’s next cptni that’s not funny if you’re laughing you’re a bad person why that’s not that’s not no no do not that’s not no mega lol moment that’s not funny that’s not funny

Warp not funny because it’s not oh oh this could be something okay i don’t think this is an why is that is that a tree with made of banners oh god there’s vex okay i’m out that was actually incredible it wasn’t which is the crate all right i wore hedge

Lemon next i got you okay please just warp me why are there withers spawning warp me an error warp anywhere oh thank god stone please stone why are these birch trees so tall oh it’s never stone why can it not be stone pig why can it never just be stone and

Whenever there’s pigs there’s always there’s always like zombies or something all right okay okay i like this one bit how many bits to 720 ladder watch i don’t know how many bits guys what do you think warped to i i got you fan not sorry for missing that one earlier too

For the five bits how many [ __ ] guys how many bits to 720 ladder clutch someone named 500. i mean i guess all right i wait maybe this place will have i don’t think it has i think it’s just there’s a creeper alright 800 warp fan not

S-t-q-n please i just want stone if i get stoned that would be so good Warp stone what if that worked Do you do warp lemon does stuff all right i’ll do lemon next or lemon dust stuff whatever oh my god it’s andesite it’s um i just want stone just wants all right i’ll drink my potions of healing this is honestly pretty why is there what is that

What what block is that stop stop warp lemon yes apples Oh it hurts my ears just get get everything and run all right we got some decent food get get us get the stone pick wait stone pick getting an upgrade baby that’s what you like to see all right this is going pretty good my ears hurt but

It’s a small price to play price Wait what it’s like My my head why is there so many particles please tell me this biome doesn’t have particles yes are those pumpkin it’s like floating pumpkins he came on amazing yeah that honestly was the best one and a stone axe okay this is good this is going good 500 bits all right

720 ladder club 720 ladder clutch all right next time i spawn somewhere up high i’ll do it i’ll do a 720 all right what should i do what should i do men dozie all right man man screw you mendozzi warp skep halo i mean i have to warp somewhere now

I can eat this bread actually why is it why is it blue Oh shoot ooh good thing i didn’t spawn one block to the left gotta go bye i gotta see you all right 720 ladder clutch Seven i’m i’m just gonna do it i don’t even you know i’ll play victory music because i know i’m gonna do it first try do a gamble no no no no no no i was so close i was actually so close if i was just why does every stop troll don’t troll face

Why does everyone laugh at me when i feel like you guys aren’t rooting for me all right you know what i want stone i’ll just warp stone sh should be that i hate these oh my god is that stone please please please i’m never rooting for you i’m doing it i’m doing it It wasn’t even stone it wasn’t even stone it was It wasn’t even stone it was stone bit stone stone bro Fine i’ll warp these nuts palmetto nice i hate this ship thanks for the 49. god i thanks for the 49 [ __ ] thanks for the five bits warped to celestial all right man screw these ships they piss me off it’s the five bits fan so celeste steel

I just want stone it shouldn’t be that that’s not embarrassing for me what okay stone man this is just like the end but dumb why are there pink oh my god can’t wait for you to get an elytra oh my god wait how how would i even get one though

Oh no can’t you no i don’t think they spawn warped australia all right oh pretty I hate this place Unleash this wood Look for an electron the ships alright next time i look i’m pretty sure that i don’t spawn there if i remember if i remember we’re full of love man screw australia it is upside down any stone at the bottom maybe honestly is that water i can get to the bottom

Warp to joe all right i got you after this thanks for the three bits oh my god those are good look wait can’t you like clutch with these aren’t they dropping one of them dropped is it like a rare chance what the heck all right you know watch this oh it pleased Why do you want me oh yeah you want me to warp just joe it literally placed though i need a shift oh you’re right oh thanks for the host of one i literally literally placed literally placed it what is that ice warp apple i Do some reality i am reality shifting right now hogwarts please please be in draco malfoy’s this isn’t why is it what is that ships oh my god i hate those ships so much another host of one i don’t know why that’s your brand it’s pink giant man i hate the ships

You’re in his bony hands wait who’s oh my god draco’s warped warp that’s a ice warped wah what is that noise what is that noise that’s tos that’s gotta be there’s that there’s no such thing as a coincidence Is this stone please have stone doo doo doo doo doo is that coarse dirt oh my god it’s coarse dirt you missed my bits oh my bad Wait honestly what if i alright over here i’ll turn off all right now i’ll never miss bits my bad oh but that doesn’t have the message all right all right one second all non followers and over here man how do i get rid of have you seen that coincidence gone tick

Tock yeah i have all right worked a ravenclaw i i got you fan i think i did warp to joe earlier all right warp into ravenclaw yeah i saw that coincidence guy slash warp or raven claw corgo 3 oh no is that an emo maybe i think it is

I hate this ship all right does it have the question is does it have the uh all right let me get all these ladders because i’m running out the question is does it have an elytra oh what’s on the ground wait this could be good what’s on the ground

Or possessed i got you up all right more it’s this this place is lagging all right i need to get out sometimes the lag so bad that it crashes don’t you dare try and ladder clutch all right zesty all right at least i can check for an electro oh chest all right

Elytra wait what are in these chests oh yeah these stupid the orders man this is so non delivered man that’s not canon oh my god that looks cool all right i literally am not gonna fail i can’t believe i i did it like twice in a row or something

Don’t do it i why don’t you believe i why don’t you believe resist guys why is everyone telling me not sorry you’re late you’re good why is everyone saying man screw you i’m i’m good there was fences that wasn’t even my fault that honestly wasn’t even my fault

You can do it thanks fanon warping netherright yeah that was not my fault stop omega rolling me wait a trip yeah what up tripp try vip trip man i guess i did look at the i looked at the all time k man 18 leaderboard i looked at the all time one

Uh fran jessica is rivaling jen close close to it jen used to be way far ahead all right i feel like it’s worth it to try to ladder because think about it there could be wait is that stone wait a second oh wait are those big cubes just stone Are those warp zesty i already did you missed it i guess it’s mossy cobble only one way to find out look look look look i’m doing it don’t laugh i’m warping elm out that did not happen stop stop sorry to raise my voice just got triggered

Stop i’m not i you know i retire from reading chat i’m i’m now a solo streamer or to twilight to be an alpha male all right well i had to read that one because i am an alpha male i’ve never i’ve never ridden those red i’ve never read i’ve never ridden those books

But i am an alpha male so i will i’m not a beta man that’s just simply not true why is this tree missing a stump stumpless tree tree with no stump i hate when it’s just stupid don’t stomp shave the tree yo my bad please don’t write a thread please i’m begging you

Alpha man warped to omega i got you wait remove this bit uh omega lol man screw mega lol mega lol please have stone please have stone please have stone please have stone please have stone please oh my god wait is this just the overworld what wait it’s just the the sun is really

Small mods can we have predictions yeah if mods want to run them i don’t know what they would be though will i die in the next one minute but then people are gonna be mad if i ladder clutch make it like will i get stone

In the next like 10 minutes and then run a timer or something do whatever you want dude or do nothing if you don’t want to hey omega lol is good for something maybe if it has stone i’ll i’ll apologize to omega lol never dies it was the lag so true kayla

I do never die unless it’s lag small sun is bad yo you remember because orc okay i see you cazor i see you you actually did make fanart oh i should have like put that fanart on screen at the beginning oh my god desert temple i didn’t even know

Oh my god let’s go okay this this is really good we could we could actually get stuff all right please just nothing be down there oh my God this is this is good this is good okay break that okay thorns i don’t know if that’ll be useful but you know i’ll just get everything in here i don’t think these honeycombs are sticky yeah that’s honey that’s sticky all right i got iron oh i can get an iron pickaxe oh

That’s good that’s good that’s good all right let’s so if we get like if we find diamond blocks all right let me put i’ll put a bunch of trash in this chat what will i never need glass bottle spider eye one sand one wooden pickaxe i guess maybe

Um raw salmon some of those types of wood all right one coal um maybe i’ll need coal if i’m smelting all right there are be getting ice cream i got you man no diamonds okay it’s fine though that was good that was that was still good

That was still good should i get the tnt maybe it’ll come in handy maybe it’ll come in handy or pepe all right what’s the worst that could happen can you press f3 i mean i’m gone now so Dig it oh my god i forgot to check for stone wait what was that place go away i can go back omega lol Does it have stone wait we need to go back to the desert way i can just look for more there might be villages think about it why yeah why did i warp out of there i’m dumb think about it there could be villages if there was desert temples there’s probably villages

Meaning there’s definitely like stuff i can get thank god i was able to get back is omega lol the best dimension in minecraft what’s the best dimension in minecraft oh mega lol it’s true i was forced to wait what’s the prediction well i get stoned in 10 minutes

Make sure you set a timer or you could just look down there i guess i don’t remember what it was when it started probably around 28 or something maybe 27. all right i’ll dig down and see if there’s stone because if there is i’m i’m eating good doo doo all right

Please please please what Screw omega lol who said omega lol are you that guy from tick tock no no all right there’s gotta be okay i should start killing enderman actually i’ll probably die if i try to let’s be honest here i will not warp don’t clip that warp came in 18 i already did Are you that british guy that’s friends with dream yeah i am maybe there’s no villages uh five bits warped uh fine now i have to you’re pretty good imc yeah yeah i browse the wiki occasionally man is there nothing else here it’s it’s like the uh sahara desert has

Anyone ever been to the sahara desert or the guy that declined dream’s offer to join the dreamland yeah that was me all right screw this place where was i supposed to go oh oh god do not aren’t you the guy that’s the beta male absolutely not that’s ooh

I think i’ve i’ve i’ve i no longer have a need for these chests i’ve gone beyond all right where should i go now i’m not a beta male if anyone sees if i’m not a beta male oh i hate those ships why can’t it be like a bunch of

You know jungle temples it has to be stupid ships with nothing in them all right warp apple i got you thanks for the two bits oh please have stuff oh no please i’ve it’s always stone bricks oh my god this is like so close to having stone i

Don’t know why but it just feels like it I’m not a beta do not call me a beta male keep exploring all right no way that’s not stone stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop the first mob i’ve killed monster hunter shoot i’m running do i have apples all right i guess i’ll

Get more apples from these chests watch this easy don’t even have to try okay that was lag honestly i was really lagging which was the main problem you know i am an alpha male 1 by it’s stone mountain wait how how much longer do i ask her

Do you have the timer how much longer until i how long do i have to get stoned because i can’t let the people down why does 64 of people vote no i have four minutes or it’s been four minutes can i yeah you can ban the you can ban

The word war ban whatever word you want if you think that’ll make chat better just ban it do whatever you want dude dude i just can’t do things while i’m live you know you have four minutes oh my god i have four minutes all right warp qwerty Stupid lego ship i think chat would be better if we’ve been out you’re not a mod see a mod would never say that because they know that i’m i am an alpha man comes with the job wait i already warped apple i’m pretty sure alpha alpha male 1

Alpha male please have stone stone stone stone stone warp chicken all right i just want stone at the end of the day that’s all i want just woke up to and watch your live awesome is that just bedrock why is it always a stupid color what happened to purple what was wrong

With purple warp thick you’re from tick-tock me too it’s always wood never stone it could be stone or cobblestone am i really asking for too much seriously am i asking for too much i just don’t think so omg mlg dino thanks for the gifted sub to quinn yo

Shout out shout out mlg dino yo you’re welcome for the shout out you’re welcome man man give me stone i hate this game i like this golden apple screw it i’m a savage i’m a i’m a jake pauler there’s nothing here warp please stone please i just want stone

Oh no my time’s ticking no do 500 iq okay that might be 500 iq that was zero iq that was not 500 iq i already did cameron 18. that was zero iq stone mason maybe okay you know what i’ll get under pearls because think about it all i have to do

Is technically i don’t even need stone one minute oh my god oh my god i have to go i can’t let them please just give me stone warp cam i already warped to kn18 it’s the same place oh my god tier one thanks to i’m not 30. and you

Gave me a bunch of bits earlier stop i don’t want the end thanks i’m not 30. gang gang i’m not gonna get it are people avoiding the blocked word no me when the sun and the moon ah warp bruh please what did i miss no did it crash no no

I’ll relog it’ll work hey how’s life bro it was pretty good until i went to a dimension who whoever said to go to that dimension man you’re banned you’re the sun you’ve never seen the night what does that even mean that’s not deep that’s not deep

All right i guess i have to force close and hope the world doesn’t get corrupted everybody pray at the same time one two three pray did you guys do it i’m not a beta male i have seen a woman over two times so great all right i’m reopening minecraft oh it crashed really

Oh really it crashed oh thanks for telling me thanks for telling me it’s a cam it’s mitsky i don’t know what that brand i think dude is too common to block i mean just if it’s just for this stream i mean guys don’t spam or they’ll time you out

Don’t spam or they’ll time you out if you say too many things too quickly they’ll time you out no cap all right we’re good who heard that go to what oh is that pogchamp alright please don’t be glitched please don’t be glitched please please yes all right

All right at least we made it out at least we made it out okay you want i’m getting i’m getting enderman i’m getting enderman think about it i just need ender pearls and blazer rods off i get like okay we’re doing good are your videos real or just means most of them are

A couple of them are trolls i’ve never lied i only troll please drop all right should we should i just give myself under pearls and pretend i sat here for 10 minutes i feel like that would make it guys dream did it so can i oh my god i

Just got really lucky guys that was so crazy wait i need oh my god holy crap 1 in 7.5 trillion hey man gasp wait astra do that do that one email with the open like oh my god i did it one in 7.5 trillion all right you are so annoying you are annoying

No i’m leaving this place too many oh or should i warp poggers Banana you go to the corgo i don’t know man i just want stone is it that is it that much to ask for really all right actually all i need is blaze rods so when you think about it or This is this actually is world record pace cptn this will be the first ever world record in the category so so i mean go to videos do my name i wait please whenever i get wood i hate when it’s screw this bedrock that’s warp friend jessica okay may this could be promising if

There’s stone at the bottom oh look at me go i don’t think there’s stone at the bottom so it’s so it’s not very it’s not very promising or bedrock if i get bl okay here’s the other way that i could win if i get

A water bucket no if i get a lava bucket no if i get a water bucket and find a lava pool i can make a nether portal go back to the overworld and then maybe i could just play normally and win What a because orc lava point i’d rather just have i need iron though because i need iron for buckets i need to iron for buckets so i just need i need one bucket really man i shouldn’t have made this pickaxe all right warp your mom iron dimension true iron would be good

Weak warp iron try plastic man why is there it’s just like extra chests it’s not your fault that’s that’s what i’m saying that’s what i’m saying all right hush warp uh where was i did i go to videos i think i did go to videos iron and stone please oh yeah plastic

Screw this place you got a dream and it’s not all right i got a dream oh my god is that stone can anybody tell all right i need you to get a little bit lower all right all right i’ll it might be stone though it’s worth it

What if it’s stone what if it’s stone oh there’s obsidian down here wait if i get a diamond pickaxe i can okay all right all right easy easy this is easy literally lined up for me if that was stone i’m literally gonna be wait i can just go back to that same place

Iron and stone no no we’re good we’re good we’re good easy not even hard i’ll i just want to see if it’s stone it’s it’s iron trap door well i’ll get stone in the next 10 minutes everyone vote everyone vote so i at 40 at 54.

By that time or hits 54 will i get stoned you can gamble your channel points if you get 50k you get mod i don’t like this oh my god plastic all right pretty oh that was nice how water oh yeah dream i want i do want to go to dream warp a dream

Every time it pauses for a second it scares me why isn’t it green why why is the dream dimension rainbow stop oh my god that was just what ginger whoa it’s like the oasis or what is that called in in that one movie brother bear it’s like alaska and it has that like

Rainbow thing in the sky but it’s like cerulean anyone aurora borealis that’s definitely gonna work don’t you keep on talking weakness aurora borealis easy oh my god iron blocks don’t die please don’t die okay easy all right we should make a new rule if i

Die in a dimension i’m not allowed to tp back so it’s more hard okay and okay we can get full iron buckets we should find water and lava we can win we can win official speed run this is world record pace this is world record pace all right

I need more than eight i’ll get literally like a stack i never wanna run out of iron we’re winning we’re winning we are winning i’ll add that to the list dnf or carl nap i i refuse to go to carl map but i’ll go to dnf um carl nap is just too far

Brain was just about to do that oh i was man i might be missing something great minds what is there like a mod chat or something man i’m missing out oh no i said oh i see what you did i had to look in the other i did look at the

Other monitor chat yeah i’ve i’ve multiple monitors i’m a little bit of a uh gamer all right let me craft my make sure there’s nothing else is that water oh my god is that is that water i can get i can get water buckets okay i’ll get like four just in case all

Right let me craft i need to throw some stuff out why do i have i don’t need a saddle or horse armor i’ll be so mad if later i’m like man i wish i kept that saddle all right don’t eat thorns now i’m not gonna need instant health all right we’re good

I’ll keep the arrows alright iron armor time nice the predictions thing uh i don’t know wait how much time do i have until 54 right shoot time flies timed it really does fly i’ll make like honestly i’ll make like i won’t make them all now

I’ll do five i was like an mlg now nice and what else should i get iron axe okay boom shield uh i guess i’ll everyone joined the discord click that link it’s so great all right notch dimension all right i’ll try in a second all right we’re good wait didn’t i say i

Was going to go somewhere else yeah everyone clicked that did i say i was going to go somewhere oh yeah carl nap warp oral nap ah screw oh i know i said i wasn’t gonna so it’s almost lightweight what time is it for you hedge aren’t you british

Wait didn’t you i think you said something in discord about like coming back to the us or something when are you coming back hedge go to prime actually i should go to prime warp prime go to creator of minecraft fills or my man i created minecraft i’ve been done that

Isn’t the creator john minecraft yeah there’s gonna be a war one day john minecraft versus phil’s of minecraft what oh is that stone all right screw it in a month nice are you staying or you can go to bed why do i keep having a weakness stop

Why is there a wither spawning why is that i hate these noises warp jesus wait did i go here are this just really similar is that the second time i warped to jesus i need to find blaze or another fortress wait maybe there’s stone maybe there’s stone under here

Melons great i really wanted melons literally how did they now that’s crazy huh how did they know i wanted melons awesome warp melons ah it’s always either i hate these fossil things too i mean there’s got to be something down there go to crow father all right one second

There’s got to be something down there i think it’s worth the mlg look i see see that’s see that does anyone else see that there’s like a there’s something easy easy oh it’s always glass panes what do i see why is it glass panes oh my god that it’s not funny it’s not

Ah ha ha ha oh i should i’ll go to crowfather next all right just can i place water here all right let me make an infinite water real quick and get some fill up my bucket stop a lot stop i need a screw omega lol all right oh my god

Oh my god oh my god it’s an andesite oh look diorite great deserved oh lava let me get a lava bucket I have two minutes i have two minutes i have two minutes to get stoned please stone or banana this is a barrier block Wow this is great it’s the spectator dimension oh wait awesome awesome now this now this is great this is wait that’s that’s warp notch Warp stone already tried i’ve tried i’ve tried so many times Is that the rarest mob in minecraft i’ve am i gonna take fall not even close not even close not even close oh warp cobblestone stop spawning withers i hate stone oh my god true that’s like the torture dimension i do not support villager murder wait is this gonna like go through

We’re going in boys what is this what is this terracotta i think it’ll eventually i’ll go through oh this is a i was so close i was so close to oh my god is the prediction over i think it’s over i think it’s i think i hate when it does that gives

Me hope for no reason the baby i if i get lava i can actually win actually lava you know screw stone lava all i need is lava all i need is lava not that hard it’s just lava can everyone can everyone just say it’s just lava just say that

It’s just lava someone type that i need i need affirmation it’s just lava that’s what i’m saying that’s what i’m saying it is just lava warp extraterrestrial it’s literally just it’s just lava that’s all that because then i can make another portal it’s just lava it’s that simple please give me lava

Lava it’s not lava no thanks for telling me thanks for letting me know warp lava should be easy right should be it should be so simple oh i’m on another ship who would have guessed don’t you dare type it nether will i just give me the nether it was lag

So true kayla kayla that’s god dang and astrid we were so close oh shoot i think he’s gonna lie because the leaves are gonna start decaying screw omega lol screw oh mega lol that’s right warp red red red now red i i got you wait this this maybe is something maybe

What clay omg guys dream dweeb don’t call me cam woman19 that’s just that’s just not no one oh oh raggy man screw raggy warp dream at 3 a.m do you guys see that meme so so there was like a there was there was like you guys know what lsf is

Live stream fails it’s just like it’s just like weirdos just on reddit and and someone pointed out you said eight what eight eight what i remember um anyways they posted it’s pretty much dream was like i’m donating all my uh all my uh oh i said eight oh

You’re saying dream dream pretty much set up the beginning the most i’m donating all of my uh twitch thing to charity this month for pride month and then he didn’t stream this month and people were like wait a second but like they’re literally just like and then and then he streamed

Because because he forgot i was just funny all right i just want lava are going to the infinite dimension portal yeah i’m warping through dimensions right now i just want lava world record this is actually world record pace which is the craziest thing i hate when

I spawn on bedrock you know that’s what i hate the most try canon true slash warp canon i need to be i need to be able to break bedrock world record pace baby lava so laggy please don’t call cam daddy yeah that seems like a common theme i

I don’t don’t know how that started try cameron 18 i have i hate chat don’t okay you know what maybe the whole time i try to do beta mail awesome no no no that’s great no that’s fine no no no no that’s fine that’s great you know that’s actually fine oh my god You know i’m in a good mood now extended their tier one through october january february march end april may june july october wait what man i don’t know what is that two months or something thank you i’m not big on october but july october it’s not even it’s june 30th

Warp october it’s a sign it’s a sign mlg dino you realize this is a sign right oh my god there’s definitely stone under there it’s literally a sign it has to be a sign i hate what you make me so mad what i i’m great what happened to my music july october

That’s what i’m saying warp july oh my god stop please stop anything else anything else been on this for an hour just that it’s not sad i’m gonna win i’ve never i always try to win and i never this isn’t my third time doing this challenge i’m gonna win

I’m i’m either i’m either either the save is getting corrupted or i’m winning watch this easy gotta move the timer over because of how how long this has been it literally placed it literally placed it was lag quite frankly Damn disappointed new colors hey new colors that’s right do you like to see you like to see new colors all right i’ll dig down you know what you guys just have the wrong mindset you have to have a winner’s mentality i’m gonna win i’m gonna win hey the crafting tables yeah didn’t

Didn’t have crafting tables yet so you know this this this does counter speed everyone draw my discord good good infinite water don’t ask me i’ll make a little teasing stop teasing me i already did notch is that lava is that lava that has to be lava all right all right i need

I need like 12 buckets of lava all right i think i’m out of just no i think it’s lava all right let me is this half a boat actually let me in a boat just let me in a boat please don’t stop actually get in a boat and craft a bunch of buckets

If i die i’m not allowed to return that has to be lava there’s no way that isn’t lava you have three minutes wait another prediction is going oh my god right but oh well i found lava oh my god i need to get a bucket of lava okay

All right everyone said no except for two people i do it for the two people okay okay get a bunch of buckets fill my inventory with buckets boom nice we’re doing this we’re doing it we are doing it i get 13 buckets one two three four five all right all

Right i’ll just place the water will just trickle down how have i ever thought of this purple camp i’m doing it that has to be lava or where was it that i think that’s i think that’s lava how much time do i have three minutes like i was a minute ago no

Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god is that lava that’s lava had to be phantoms there had to be phantoms couldn’t have could have just been a normal are you like on tick tock no this is somewhat demoralizing but i haven’t given up

I i’m gonna win i’m literally i’m not stopping i’m not stopping until i either i’m not stopping unless i unless the file gets corrupted i will win i will it’s not easy it’s that easy i’m not thinking long term all right redstone man i don’t need redstone

Can cam would you like gandhi quotes yeah give me gandhi give me gandhi quotes give me gandhi quotes hurry oh great my apple ate no that’s that’s awesome that’s awesome man no that’s that’s funny that’s yeah that’s great oh mega lol gandhi oh you’re in that place in that one episode

Of spongebob that squidward teleported to that’s where i am right now i feel bad for him me too The alone plays astronauts oh my god stop squidward it’s a sign warp squidward just go to bedrock what what do you mean go to bedrock It’s the brick pyramid the rarest structure in minecraft history try simon hypixel all right i’ll try simon imagine being named simon you’re setting yourself up for disappointment no i’m gonna win someone just followed named gabe really really named gabe in 2021 i mean come on man just do better

I mean you know nothing personal but you know gabe i mean come on yeah i mean you know you know there’s got to be lava here there simply has to be there simply has to be lava here what even is this place this is like where you spawn in your nightmares

Bits no why are you saying no you might be you might be oh no it’s water i already have water i guess i’ll get more because i can do jeff fatt aka the original purple wiggle oh you say so warp a jeff fat huh okay oh try trump all right come on trump

Please man man that’s why i didn’t get elected will you adopt all of us now seems like actually that water i hate this sound what did gabe ever do to you hey oh wait a second what if i never tried going in there i want out do do do

Try molten rock okay molten rock is lava if we’re speaking scientifically so it probably will work try rotten eggs why would i wait what is that oh is that quartz try nether i think i already did wasn’t another ah how long must i go i found lava too that one time

Stop stop what time is it for me it’s 8 17. does anyone here not live in the us i guess cap and potato stop because the work oh true i always always forget about that canada i mean is there really canada remember suns guys yeah i remember i just want lava

I live in the us blend in with the scenery what oh my god don’t be slabs do not be slabs please don’t be slabs Foreign is there any way i can do is there can i do anything with this wait gold can i do something with gold piglets wait what what what will do piglets give stone Oh my god i’m cracked i’m simply cracked your honor i don’t even think i need gold but that was epic stop shooting me please it’s honestly mean i’ll get a bit stop all right Great i visited every biome oh no i levitated 50 blocks or something piglens give blackstone oh god i should have got more well do i even need stone anymore honestly i don’t think i do why do i want stone so bad i guess i don’t remember well i guess i’m good

Why do i why did i want stone wow how did no one mention that what what is that i just want lava is there any way to make lava do i end prediction or are you stoned yeah do well i get lava in the next 10 minutes kind of just thought about it

For a second why why didn’t huh mossy found a lot of that no stone though Please lava please please it shouldn’t be that hard i swear i found so much earlier oh that was great so glad that that happened oh my god i’m out of food oh my wait i have uh luckily i got some of this earlier stop why is there why is there an ender dragon

I actually don’t like the sound of that crazy enough diamonds oh my god blaze oh my god oh my god this is the dimension this is the dimension i can get i can get eyes of ender my god oh my god let me turn my volume down a bit

Because of this flapping that’s gonna endure we’re doing it we are doing it no stop what even was that all right we’re winning we are winning we just need to kill we should need how many blazers we need like seven we’ve seen like seven blaze rods i’ll make diamond armor some tools and

Seven blaze rods that’s all we need if you read my message you would have gotten diamonds and i don’t want to use any of the preset ones because that’s kind of cheating there’s some preset uh ones but that’s kind of cheating all right how is that only we’re winning

I’m literally definitely going to win guaranteed so many diamonds this is like a 2013 minecraft thumbnail all right easy look away for two minutes yeah all right put all my iron in this chest because i don’t need it no more i’m done playing with you all right boom

Give me my points back man you you already bet him dude while i find lava in 10 minutes when did you start that astrid or like what time down there will it end because i’m not the big best mathematician i’m i’m more of a regular magician right

What is a magician people say it i don’t know what it is though all right It’s a mining off stream exactly you get you get it you get me alright all i have to do is kill some blaze shouldn’t be that hard all right so at 23 after your diamonds all right easy not even hard not even hard just need to kill blaze i saw one there

Better be a lot all right let me turn my render down even more because this is kind of laggy please tell me there’s there they spawn here that wasn’t just one lucky one is there a delay it’s like it depends if you’re on phone if you’re on phone but it’s like seven

Or it’s like 30 seconds if you’re on a computer it’s like it’s like uh seven seconds okay the blades are gone well at least i got diamonds here oh my god please it’s always water that water it is it’s always water never lava i soccer dom always water never lava I skinned the back of my ankle oh my god what is that I just want lava i made it to heaven i made it to heaven i didn’t think it was gonna happen oh my god there’s minecraft blocks in heaven you should look for aubie oh my god true i think if i oh my god boy i need flint and steel also So true i should need obsidian i just need obsidian and like some way to light it flint and steel or something do i flint i just need flint flint and obsidian obsidian is easy because they spawn at those end places i can actually do this i can actually do this

Oh my god obsidian all i need is flint flint and i win flint and i win hello togi’s twitch why is it taking so long okay i should need uh i’ll get 20 so i can make two portals okay i’m just gonna give myself 18 so i don’t

Have to sit here for five minutes yo it’s it’s illegal in the speed run it’s legal in the speed run it’s illegal in the speed run trust me I high code what is i hate when the lighting is bad are you playing the old dimensions version yeah wait okay i just need i should gravel notice me no actually gravel that sounds like gravel but it’s just they’re trolling me they’re literally trolling me how did the list give commands are

Sometimes legal yeah yeah yeah sometimes i haven’t seen gravel yet yeah wait no and that one oh oh my god no well omega lol it was it was in omega lol the sand one no wait what was the sand one called who remembered i’d you already mined ten abby i’m just

Quick you know what was the gravel one called was it omega space law remember though or the one with the sand with the desert temple does anyone remember what is this did you teleport into the nation you can’t touch about now if you die if you die you can’t teleport back

It was it’ll make a space law man i lost it wait a second could there be a uh fortress here fortress maybe i don’t know if they can spawn here that’s how he said no definitely i vividly remember saying that look back in the vod it was definitely if i die i

Can’t go back 100 a million percent no no a million percent 10 million percent 100 million percent all right just need gravel or lava two things gravel how how hard is it to find gravel in the grand scheme of things or a fire charge i don’t know how i would find that but

I guess piglen bartering can’t you get a fire charge right can’t you get a i think you can does anyone know any any minecraft experts in here notice me okay okay camera i hate heaven man it’s overrated it was no omega it was just lull it was definitely not just lull

It evaporated look at my bucket it’s empty don’t there’s omegle i already tried that no it was no it wasn’t man thank you so much you made my day okay that was easy frick frick is definitely gonna have good stuff in there it didn’t quite in fact it’s quite average

I’m on the beach everyone is not wait you’re on the beach what time is it for you what time is it for you young lady get back inside how many of your viewers are kids i mean uh what do you define as a kid because i mean i guess under 13 Or are you saying under 18 dude there’s got to be lava it’s a mesa with with pretty it’s a shiny mesa what is it the void There’s no lava there’s no lava i found this by watching your shorts uh yeah they’re trying no omega okay wait could flint spawn in these probably not oh oh my god what is that stone slabs yay stone slabs that’s awesome that’s really awesome more diamonds don’t need them but please

Get me out get me out i be in bed right now same please what is that shulker no wither oh my god oh my god oh my god Three raiders from felix the farmer ao felix the farmer gang dang gang i’m really just i really all i want is i just really want lava felix please just type type any arrangement of characters don’t make it too long though so i don’t have to type it hey cool person hey cool person

Please We should have an explanation one thing for the raids what oh like one of those like shout out yeah probably it’s never lava it’s never lava or a cheeseburger i will give you a cheeseburger i give me a cheeseburger i replied what is this is that bouncy it’s a bouncy it was a

Bed they were half beds what why is that a thing lava this is world record pace this is this is this is this is world record it if i tell myself it is it lapis i found literally everything need lava why do i find water so much but never lava shouldn’t

It be the same chance like his orc it should definitely be the same chance use bed oh my god you’re 200 iq use bed delight portal oh my god you’re two million iq you’re too trip okay i just need a wool oh my god you’re so smart oh my god you’re so smart

I just need wool wool is pretty common i just need wool machine wool that guy’s who was that who said that i don’t see it now oh tegan fool i should just started a gravel prediction rip just do will will i make another will i fully make another portal

I should enter that one and do will i fully make another portal in 10 minutes If you if you may m’lady milady tips fedora dude can i just go to the end there wait what if i i don’t have blaze rods yet is this bed wars not not really but Maybe dimension sheep would work Actually wool i shouldn’t wool i need to remember i’m gonna pass wool one time what do you want me to do you should just end that one wait wait what was it or just do what will i complete while i get to the or will i complete a portal

In uh 10 minutes or whatever no not welders will i complete a portal because it also could be um could be uh gravel lava anything gravel lava or wool when is the fedora stream soon or is this wool what is this black concrete great oh that’s awesome

Why is there zombie villagers watch this right next to the creeper and don’t care easy should i get these do you think does it matter i guess i’ll get a couple just in case All right is it well okay well i make a portal in 10 minutes ooh easy i’m literally a god at this game so was that stone we don’t talk about it on to the next on to the next i shoot wool emerald ore i found literally everything i have found literally everything

Ah iron ore what oh my god i’m alive okay i guess i’ll just warp again xd xd is going to be a good one i can tell i think you can make a portal oh people are voting yes people are voting yes I think i’ll get wool i think i’ll get wool because wool is kind of common because there’s so many different types there’s so many different types of wool or or types of bed i’ve seen one of those wool or bed you got this thank you kayla you’ve been

Here the whole time kayla rookie pretty sure oh my god it’s lagging get me out get me out get me out want more cheeseburger yeah oh my gosh that wool that’s old that has to be wool that’s definitely wool oh my god that’s wool give me oh why did i do that Okay i need three of the same color okay there’s three white okay i just is this a dimension where it it’ll explode when you sleep i have to test it once though so i technically need two two beds cause i need to test it i’ve been here the whole time can’t stop that

Grind yet all right i need to test it to see if it will explode Nice boom boom all right will it explode in this dimension and make sure i don’t die okay okay we just need one more bed i’m not struggling i’m not struggling we need one more bed i guess i’ll get man this is all two though i’ll get two red two black

I’ll get one red one all right i’ll just get an i’ll just find more wool i just find more wool not that hard right up there easy How much oh my god i’m running low on wood i’m good orange or black okay black shoot we’re going okay thank god i think we’ll do this whoever voted yes how did 83 why did everyone doubt me the whole time and then all of a sudden they’re like oh

Yeah now we’ll do it man all right everyone join my discord too click that thing Do do all right Nice okay where should we where should we put this i guess we’re just right here Please don’t mess up What can i build with it guess these All right please light it please light it I’ll stand on an iron block so i don’t die of fall damage all right please light it i was shifting He’s annoying yeah you can just band however you want i don’t care are you kidding me okay there’s there’s three orange up there i should have no blocks all right give me these oh i’m so close yet so far we’re using hay bales so close yet so far all right orange orange Just give me this and we’re good what how did i not pick that up this is pain this is honestly pure pain i just need i just need i’m gonna have to come all the way back up here now There’s still world there’s still world record pace i need to talk about i need to talk about society more what are your guys’s thoughts on dream my thoughts he’s a clout chaser and a terrible person all he does is cheat sorry just true why is there no Why was that the all right red okay maybe if i combine the two there’s like two blobs of wool up here where’s where’s the other one i swear there was two i guess i have to go all the way down all right honestly that won’t be that hard because think

About it i can just place this water here and then come back up not that bad wait there’s more obsidian there that’s good to know i’m gonna win this time though so place your bets will can be the ender dragon before the two hour marks i don’t know about that because i still

Have to go into the overworld then make a nether portal to go to the nether to get blaze rods find a fortress two hours honestly if i i’ll be happy if i beat it in two hours all right three minutes wait until oh my god oh my

God i have to make a portal in three minutes no way i choke this get out of my inventory you stupid i just threw out a bunch of wool oh give me orange why is there no orange no oh right here all right all right all right purple purple purple

That guy just trick shotted me okay i got this i got this i got this i got this please don’t fall oh my god all right we’re going up we have should i get more just in case i’ll get i’ll get a bit more just in case

I’ll get a bit more just in case that trick shot though i know who saw that all right we have enough for three bed wait i’ll get i’ll get one more orange too we have enough for four beds there’s no way i don’t get it once in four beds is it a server

No this is a this is like actual this is a vanilla so this is like in minecraft cam is always entertaining that’s why you should prime here and use your sub on his youtube channel so true when your salty ex viewers was dming me well two minutes okay i’m definitely gonna

I’ll put it like literally right next to it crafting table boom shoot i better not run out all right red red bed it’s good luck it’s the classic it’s the classic it’s good luck it’s the classic it’s good luck i swear to god i swear

I don’t have anything to place it on all right Put the bed in the portal oh my god put wood around it so true why do i did i throw out wood earlier put wood around it okay wait what if we get that to spread spread spread spread spread spread spread please i’m so low on wool

That that it’s the same guys that tegan guy yo he’s a minecraft veteran he is a mine whenever i say even even some please stop please please just work just work Screw this dimension screw the bed strap i definitely would have found either gravel or i would have found gravel or something by now screw the bed strut i need to find more obsidian obsidian is so easy though man oh my god blaze oh my god oh my god

Oh my god oh my god i need blazer odds stop please don’t kill me where’s my shield stop stop i’ll be so mad if i die i’m back an hour later stop No let me eat let me eat thank you okay we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re all fine we need five more and then we have the blazer odds how are you in phase oh my god there’s so many we’re good kill them with water oh my god there

Might be too many okay i have two oh my god there’s so many oh my god die he didn’t drop one finally winning am i i dropped my water bucket and all this wool is burning it’s going to start lagging please die stop oh my god no stop literally i’m dead

How do i only have two i’ve been doing this for 10 hours i’m getting mad let me just run okay okay no we’re good we’re good put water down so the blaze can’t flame yeah true all right have the blaze light the portal that could work but i feel like it’s me

But i need the blaze rods anyway later so might as well get it now no way they’re everywhere i just want to regen all right this one’s alone see look we should find ones that are alone they’re never alone they’re never alone okay nice okay we got three we just need

We just need how many more four more what four pick on someone your own size that’s what i’m saying i just wanna heal oh my st i’ve been out four hearts this whole time You’re telling the blazes to pick on someone your own side five to be safe no no no screw being safe i swear they snipe me every time like how are they so good is it on hard mode on normal high high abuse cam is the best he can beat them i hope so

I’m definitely the best all right ah please drop i need some more blocks in general i need to find out oh don’t these chests have wood all right that’s good that there’s some wood here what’s not good is me taking damage see like a my god please die nice oh my god

Astrid thanks astrid oh kayla rookie say thank you kayla rookie she’s probably on mobile so i’ll take a second thanks astrid ashford gang yo on god astra gang i would play music right now but i’m kind of i’m i’m kind of in the middle of something

Thanks astrid for the gift 11 now man and the most yo astrid really is out here societally dude no i got it i need two more i can actually do this when we see gravel or lava stop honestly should i try making the portal here honestly i feel like it’ll

Be pretty easy to get it lit if i make it here there’s just so many blazes and which one of them okay one more yo you’ve been here from november can’t escape someone just die all right last one drop drop one drop one i hate you i hate you with a burning

You just kill the bee all right screw it it’s for the b yes okay i’m making the portal i’m making the portal it has to get lit there’s no way it doesn’t get lit ow oh my god thanks for the sub oh all right please light the portal shoot

Me for once i’m asking you who was that x pobie thanks for the sub thank you please all right all right i’ll do this so it could catch on fire maybe it’s raining oh what are the chances what are the chances can someone tell me the chances it hasn’t rained this whole time

I hear oh my god what a five gifted ex-pobi who are you it’s the best day of my life i escaped yes Also expo who who thanks what you subbed and gifted five what thanks xxpoby don’t know who you are did he type anything some people that’s crazy thanks thanks bro All right let me up my render all right so i think now if i go back in it’ll put me in the nether way no i already have oh my god i can literally win i can literally win i swear if i run out of blaze rods

I can literally win what else do i need to win i can do this i have wool for beds it’s end game boys it’s the end game sub two hour oh god how far away oh yeah i might spawn pretty much should make another prediction do like will i win

No no do will i enter the end before two hours will i enter the end before two hours because i i don’t think i’ll win all right why are these guys so fast it feels so weird to be in the normal minecraft well this is like this is so weird

Thank you it’s kind of nice having mods like a bunch of them because someone’s always here who wants mod yo who wants mod right now who wants mod thanks ex pobi oh wait and five bits from i’m not 30. dude i do got this i can’t believe it started raining that was crazy

Come on smod who wants mod free mod nah probably not unless there’s someone here who’s been here for a long time but if you’re just like here like every stream eventually i’ll give you mod it’s as simple as that i can actually oh my god i can actually 10 bits me

Sorry yo now i feel bad man you gave me 10 bits shmoney yo should i give have you been here though man should i give shmoney mod have you been here the whole time schmoney yo should i give you what screw it flash mod shmoney

Did it work oh wait what if i just do this boom did it work mod why isn’t it working oh there we go wait did i type it right i think i did wait type something shmoney i’m not don’t don’t give me bits for mod you can only get mod if you’re like

Shmani is a day one you can only get mod if like you’ve been here like a long time because orca is in vip yeah it’s kazuraki right now i think schmoney’s here more than kazuo because i look at the cam and 18 leaderboard i just reset it but schmoney was top

Five before i reset it no cap that’s the best way to get mod if you scroll down right there’s a leaderboard it’s called k man 18 leaderboard and it’s just pretty much tells me who’s here the most why do i not remember who schmoney is i don’t think she talks very much

I don’t think she talks very much but she’s here a lot kind of like skeital payne friend too popular like yeah i don’t even remember you it’s skewed all here there’s no way scooter’s here by scared all are you here did i just break oh my god if i run out

Of eyes of enders i’m literally oh my god no way skeetle’s here it’s always what it’s like what man what you talking about all right rainy day huh let me turn up the sound again so sorry man hey guys look lava remember those days who is here ah i’ve came so far

Dorito yeah true what’s been happening it’s almost july july 4th do you guys like okay who goes to see the fireworks i used to but now i don’t i’m i’m too much of a streamer i stay inside and make tick tocks now does everyone else see fireworks who who wants to see fireworks

Let’s all go fireworks party i’ll i’ll i’ll i’ll go and discord and screen share like a video of firework by katy perry i mean we could do that one raider from vulgar live doesn’t isn’t vulgar a word doesn’t that mean like bad or i don’t know such a streamer yeah yeah

Can i have a rank named zesty what what does that even mean still please if it breaks thank god two the first one i threw broke but i have an extra that’s jay what thanks for the host of one kyo gang i’ve never seen fireworks up close

Really they’re cool but like it’s kind of just like a waste of time i mean it’s not like a way i mean like it’s just like not very like i’d say for the amount of time like i’d rather just do anything else you know like i mean they’re cool though if

You’ve never seen them you should probably see them they’re pretty cool i mean if if there’s some near your house i’ve always wanted to like look out the window see that’d be the best i could just be on my computer and then look out the window that’s the meta please read my comment

Okay all right oh we’re getting somewhere i’m triangulating i’m triangulating god dang it oh my god why did i have why did i throw in your trees oh man oh okay not by your own wait what you buy your own fireworks do you live in like the country or something

Oh my five dollars cringe girl are you cringe mom monkey okay yo thanks cringe girl Dude minecraft fireworks over real ones true thanks for reading my comment i got you all right this way please don’t break oh my god okay don’t break don’t break if one breaks oh my god i’ll still probably be good oh you’re doing infinite dimensions i was but then i uh

Escaped the dimensions and now i’m going to beat the game I ate cats for breakfast I was in dimensions for too long too long i’ve i’ve pstd oh my god we’re close it’s gotta be like right over here it won’t let me chat what it’s gotta be like right please don’t break please please no okay we could be good we could be good we

Could be good still chances are it’s 11. there’s an over 50 percent chance that i don’t i only need 11. one one last one okay okay we know just don’t break just don’t just don’t break and we’re fine okay okay we’re fine it’s right down here it’s right down here we’re good we’re

Good we’re good we’re good we’re fine we’re fine it’s like it’s like right here right here completely fine completely and utterly fine there’s gonna be 11. i can just feel oh i got stone age well that’s nice when before two hours i’m definitely not gonna beat the ender dragon but i might

Get i hear i hear things subtitles where i thought oh my god oh my god what is this how was there so many if you die now i’d be certain it would not be funny if i die after now i’m ending stream no cap stop two raiders from narishi thank you

All right eyes are so okay i shouldn’t keep digging down i don’t think they even spawn this high i guess i’ll look this way just just in case you dig a six foot hole how deep is the hole six feet there’s right i mean that sounds like a trick question but

What else would it be how old are you i’m pretty much 18. please oh gravel great but he used you earlier damn’s 13 with a passion oh my god whoa my game just froze that’s crazy that it just froze i mean oh i’m suffocating what what just i’m suffocating

Got to be down here somewhere oh my god the stronghold holy crap that’s so unexpected that’s guys dream it’s dream guys now please just have please have one eye in please have one eye in please screw these 12 buckets screw two pink wool oh i can make beds because of the okay

That’s two extra beds all right nice wait i put points on no wait shoot you did put points wait true should we re yeah i think we should refund it i forgot about that yeah just refund it you did put points on now wait a second all right hmm oh my god what

That’s crazy all right final prediction will i beat the ender dragon yes or no oh my god it actually is 11 eyes that’s actually will i beat the ender dragon yes or no stop what luck i know all right guys will i beat the ender dragon do a prediction

No cheating from now on if i die it’s over you don’t pete i’ll be sad all right can someone run the prediction please all right i’ve i have a good amount of blocks i guess i guess i’ll run it all right crap does okay no we’re good go back

All right well i beat the ender dragon yes or no i’m crafting beds right now crap i’m running low on on wood but i should be fine all right i got three beds four beds and get one more got four beds no bow and arrow

But a lot of water buckets oh oh god oh wait no i’ll make more should be that’s definitely enough um what can i make out of gold anything else i need does anyone have any suggestions like i guess i’ll put this shield in my office i saw this tnt i don’t think i

Have a way to light it though all right here we go for all the marbles for all the marbles baby oh god we’re good literally no one wait no one voted what wait redo it i think it glitched oh yeah because i think i let me just let me redo this start prediction

I think it glitched because i we clicked at the same time all right will i win yes or no the prediction is open prediction is open will i win yes or no bet your channel points 50k channel points you get mod i’m doing it first i just need to

Destroy these towers i don’t have bow but i can just do it with a you know screw screw the shield i don’t need it turn off 50k sadly one day nice one down let me turn down this this darn volume i almost have 100k oh my easy easy does it

It’s like 50 50 yes or no man you guys don’t believe in me oh my god you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But There’s Infinite Dimensions… (snapshot20w14infinite) camman18 Full Twitch VOD’, was uploaded by camman18 VODS on 2021-07-15 15:00:27. It has garnered 105829 views and 3802 likes. The duration of the video is 02:03:37 or 7417 seconds.

This was streamed live on twitch:

Today camman18 plays not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other Minecraft but challenge like that, but Minecraft VOD from Twitch camman18! It was HILARIOUS.

Edited and uploaded by:

Follow my main channel: Join my discord –

This Minecraft but challenge makes the funniest Minecraft videos without any funny Minecraft mods! Somehow this is the NEW funniest Minecraft video / VOD / twitch live stream ever! Instead of any other Minecraft challenge in Minecraft 1.16.5, this is a Minecraft video in Minecraft 1.17 in 2021!

The goal was to try to inform / speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a hunter / runner but it is me, camman18 from twitch / tiktok / twitter , playing Minecraft Java 1.17 and not Minecraft Bedrock.


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  • LSVanilla MK3 – SMP Semi-Vanilla Lifesteal Economy 1.20.4 Whitelist

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  • Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes

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  • Unbelievable: CeeGeeGaming Masters Minecraft!

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  • Unraveling Minecraft’s Darkest Secrets

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  • Respawn Ender Dragon tutorial with Sibia Jas!

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  • Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #Minecraft

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥

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  • NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM – DARKOMODE

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  • Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)

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  • Gidthekid450’s CRAZY secret revealed – Why he hasn’t uploaded #minecraft

    Gidthekid450's CRAZY secret revealed - Why he hasn't uploaded #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sorry for not uploading… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Gidthekid450 on 2024-01-09 22:38:32. It has garnered 275 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. super sorry for not uploading im not really up to the work to upload i mean making videos the first week was one but doing it over and over again gets pretty hard (ignore tags) #gaming #sorry #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minemen #minemenclub #club #fireball #fighting #pvp #1v1 #sword #swordfight #apologize #upload #uploads #more #happy #sad #newyears #newyear #christmas #nothingood #lunarclient #client #badlionclient #badlion #lunar #gamingshorts Read More

  • “EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net’s Minecraft Adventure” #gaming

    "EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net's Minecraft Adventure" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming’, was uploaded by ADAM NET on 2024-05-30 12:29:00. It has garnered 39 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:51 or 411 seconds. Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming ———————————————————– guys this is my new Minecraft survival video and first series in Minecraft please support me and comment if you like my video and not _____________________________ Tags(ignore)- #minecraft #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraftpe #gamerfleet #anshubisht #technogamerz #ujjwal #minecraftsurvival f/minecraftinhindi #minecrafthardcore #minecraft100days #inhindi #minecraftfunnygameplay #trending #viral #Minecraftpocketeditionsurvivalseriesinhindi… Read More

  • DOMINION – Semi-vanilla 1.20, Whitelist, Hermit-Like, 18+, SMP

    Dominion Server Welcome to Dominion Server Dominion is a community of like-minded adult players who want to experience vanilla Minecraft without limitations like land claiming or RPG elements. With a focus on community and player interaction, we offer a true “hermitcraft-like” experience. Join our community of kind-hearted individuals for weekly events, monthly competitions, group projects, and more. Our whitelist process keeps the server safe from trolls and griefers. To apply, click HERE Learn more on our website: Our Founding Philosophies: The Vanilla Experience Dominion preserves the vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins like mcMMO or Jobs. Donators receive no in-game… Read More

  • Minevita Survival – CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!

    Minevita Survival - CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!Minevita is the go-to spot for a chill and community-driven Minecraft Survival server! 🌟 We listen to our community and update very often! 🎉 Join us at, and let’s make some memories together! 🕹️✨IP:→ 🛠️ Survival→ 📜 Claims→ 🪑 Furniture→ 🏘️ Towns→ 😊 Friendly community→ 🎩 CosmeticsJoin our Discord for frequent updates and exclusive rewards! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Failures

    Minecraft Memes - Epic Minecraft FailuresWell, I guess you could say it’s really “mining” for those upvotes! Read More

  • The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale

    The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Conspiracy theories, mysteries profound. Herobrine lurking, in the shadows he hides, Players beware, as the truth collides. Dark secrets unravel, in blocks and in code, Unsolved mysteries, on a treacherous road. Conspiracy theories, part of the game, Intriguing and thrilling, never the same. So dive into the lore, with a curious mind, Explore the unknown, what will you find? Minecraft’s depths, endless and vast, Conspiracy theories, a spell they cast. Stay tuned for more, in the world of blocks, Minecraft’s mysteries, like ticking clocks. Conspiracy theory in Hindi, a tale to tell,… Read More

  • Minecraft Herobrine’s Lit AF Base 🔥

    Minecraft Herobrine's Lit AF Base 🔥 Why does Herobrine need a base in Minecraft? Doesn’t he already have the whole world to haunt and scare players? #ghostlyproblems Read More

camman18 VODS – Minecraft, But There’s Infinite Dimensions… (snapshot20w14infinite) camman18 Full Twitch VOD