CaptainSparklez 2 Faces His Darkest Fears in DeceasedCraft Ep. 19

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hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of dead crap brought to you by the like button and also Apex hosting code captain sparkle Link in the description is going to grab you 25% off a Minecraft server you can play the series with your friends check them out so what I’ve done just in the last few minutes is I dug into the area where we had the engineers workbench only to discover there was a Wandering trador he’s lost Health not because I was trying to break a piece of wood and I hit him with an axe but just because he had lost Health before uh due to causes definitely so I decided to turn this into a little um ocean simulated ocean Al Cove and um what we can do is we can bring our boys in we can bring our boys in and then they’re going to have such a good time being here in the water oh man we’ve got our little otter Sanctuary going in full force now the problem is I don’t have the uh ability to um get grassed down here cuz I don’t have silk touch at the moment so we’re running a little bit um lacking in the Aesthetics department for sure for sure when it comes to the uh the dirt but eventually I’m sure I’ll get silk touch we could cycle for it if we wanted to cuz it is tier one and um then we’d be able to bring some grass down but this is good dude make a grass Trail I don’t want to expose the outside into here hey guys are you enjoying it down here yeah the wandering Trader is is going to take care of you and your life is going to be great I hope you’re all happy now okay I know people have been really really worried about the otter and now I feel like they get to live an incredibly good life inside this beautiful enclosure and not have to think about the apocalypse going on outside hey Mark thank you for raing hi everybody we’re playing a zombie apocalypse mod in Minecraft it’s a very fun mod actually this is one of my favorite mod packs of all time it’s very excellent it has guns like 50 caliber weapons it’s very cool so what we’re going to do oh I also switched over to juice because the juice actually has sugar and fruit as opposed to the soda which just has sugar I didn’t realize the juice was also updated to do sugar but obviously the MREs are like Tip Top Notch um right what we need to do today obviously got to keep trying to find those 50 cal and uh hit up the libr or the the not the library the atory so let me think I think I might actually want to make some more of the uh 762 bullets actually think I want to make more of the 762 bullets I’m going to get some more lead bring it on over and then the brass gives you like four pers so that would be like three stacks 180 if I brought over 16 I think something like that let’s see how it goes over here keep that bullet production going so we do we can just throw that in there and then all we got to do right is throw those in there and then I’m pretty sure bullets just they just happen they just happen we just get bullets it’s so nice that like past us set this up so that we can just profit from it isn’t it it’s so great great doesn’t does the juice give aluminum like the soda I don’t think it does if anything it would be like a waxy box or something like that a wax y carton Juice Box thing oh look at that oh look at that I wish that you could use just the create press cuz I don’t think that you can make the metal press go any faster even if you apply more power I don’t even know if you can do upgrades I think it just like is the speed that it is and that’s all but now yeah now we throw those into there and we’ll have enough bullets to go around and that it’s all we get is that going to be enough is that going to be enough should we do anymore I I mean if we’re going to go into the lab especially if we’re not just going to drop down all the way to the bottom immediately we need a little bit more so it is just a little bit more gunpowder and I don’t want use all my lead but I guess it’s as long as we have some cuz it’s one full Ingot for the 50 cow which is kind of crazy but anyway we can just do how much do we have left all right I think it gets three bullets per casing so let it run out and um be good make sure to subscribe to Captain Sparkles 2 to stay tuned for more of this series and check the playlist if you’ve missed any episodes and you want to catch up and uh see how it is that we got here all right there we go hopefully that combined with the enchantment will serve us well all right everybody well it’s time let’s rock and roll all right you guys are going to be safe I don’t actually need this fence anymore you know what I don’t need this they can’t get over here they’re in their little they’re in their little enclosure they’re in their little enclosure and we’re good don’t need to worry about that all right let’s run it back here we go actually do I have wait is this thing full oh does it oh dude I can refuel the car let’s go you know what I should do also in between episodes maybe give this a little Paving maybe be able to actually bring the car all the way to our elevator door too service valet parking it’s me I’m the valet which is highly preferable really not a fan of valet parking Valley parking is one of my least favorite things I wish they just let you park your car like why do I want to why do I want to hand this off to someone else it’s just no matter what no matter what tier of car either it’s just uncomfortable like I don’t I I would I want to be the one who damaged my car not someone else right I don’t want to hand I don’t want to hand this bad boy over to someone who doesn’t treat it with love and care like I do look at this look at this beautiful thing oh my God you can x-ray glitch and find what is under ground here you just learned a little technique that’s kind of nice little jardon cheers in I’ve caused 19% damage yeah but that’s but I also splatter at a cockroach but you know bug Splats happen every time you drive the car but again that’s my 19% damage I know how it’s happened and I’m responsible I own that someone else returns my car with 19% damage that’s not okay I’m going to be really annoyed yeah just a few bug Splats you know I went for a drive earlier today and I just am getting massive bug Splats all over my helmet all the time now um really obstructs your vision actually it’s really inconvenient I now know what it’s like when uh you know motorbike people ride motorbikes and and they get splat on their helmet and if you try to wipe it away it’s just doesn’t work very well you just kind of smear it and it’s like oh okay doesn’t work until you get like detailing fluid and stuff like that um oh sleepy time little sleepy time probably a good idea can you get the peel away yeah I um F1 visor tear offs yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean it would work probably but also I don’t need these I don’t need these in my inventory I definitely don’t need them someone said earlier that they were trying to sleep to my VOD and then I went to the Wasteland and the so I hope you guys are enjoying the beautiful beautiful sounds of the Wasteland here we are all right he’s just done just done so we’re hitting we’re hitting this lab over here right and what we’re going to do I do need to get the water skin out no don’t do it don’t do it water skin into hot bar we replacing probably the bucket of water yeah all right and then I also need to just confirm what does the okay so these buildings are the four stripes on top those those are bullet casing buildings we’re going to this lab there are a ton of bullet casing buildings around it do I hit those up first or probably first probably first cuz if I get the 50 count I can print some bullets before we jump into the lab the zombie noises invaded your dreams the other night oh no sorry about that dude sorry about that all right all right all right wait um I definitely have hit up like some of the bullet buildings around here some of them but let’s look around oh yeah also 100% the reason why that other lab had the missing walls and stuff it’s it’s because I hit it with the missile it’s 100% I went there in the thumbnail world the building was perfectly fine so yeah I blew it up with a missile um it happens you know you got to do what you got to do some wow that is a doozy of a drop um you know sometimes you got to just rock it down an intoxicats wrong bullets fitty Cal fitty Cal God so many laoo there’s so many laoo do I I don’t know man do I just do I grab stuff do I grab stuff from here cuz I’m already here although I’m also at the same time like what are you doing why are you in my inventory I’m at the same time like uh maybe I should conserve space if I’m going to go into the laboratory and then you know but also if I just grab the stuff here maybe I’ll do one and then we’ll come back for the others later you know one loot one loot one Scoot and then just Mark the others later in case we want to come back to them I have so many redundant bullet casings I mean it is worth grabbing the uh I’m getting Co I’m getting cold wait what’s happening right now this is the craziest thing I’ve ever seen in my life I’m getting I’m getting cold what in the world what in the world okay two means I’ve done a full loot why have I I’m incapable like whatever side I run to last is going to be the end it’s uncanny it’s uncanny my ability to do that it really is laoo no that’s just actually wrong it’s actually just incorrect guess I can grab the stuff out of the chest that’s easy enough and worry about the others later all right it was right here I’m glad that we know what these look like on the mini map now though oh God not a hord building and no Laos no La I mean sorry laoo uh 50 k 50 k and those ones we already did have any others hold up hold up I love the fact that um when you’re in uh when you’re in the map it actually does pause the game so you can just take a moment inspect things com it down slow it down do what you got to do H that’s a slab running out of blocks already we got another here okay that was a sound that I didn’t like 50 cal 50 cal God no 50 cal come on 50 cal God no 50 cal no 50 cal I don’t need these projectiles or the blueprints anymore I don’t think goodbye see you guys later peace out wow there’s a lot of mens yikes Get Wrecked another building bro why is every building a hord building I having terrible luck today every building I go oh my God oh my God everyone and no 50s no 50 cows none at all there’s a prante outside not a prante outside anymore I don’t need the various buttons in my backpack wait oh my God I’m actually like wrecking this building oh what already zombies appear to be getting last I guess it’s smaller building there no new zombies I didn’t even know you got clear a hoarde that quickly wow that was kind of sick um you’re so right I don’t need those random buttons in my backpack what if but what if oh or maybe not it’s just extra space okay and okay where are the God damn wa did I I didn’t do that one that’s new one oh wait I got to I got to put the thing freck [Applause] off why am I getting hot again I don’t understand why am I getting hot again bro I’m not even getting bullet casings I’m getting nothing here [Music] sorry I should say bullet oh high carbon steel though that’s nice no bullet mold dude the last three places that we’ve been into don’t even have any bullet molds oh these guys are so annoying all right do we have any other we have like one more we have one more bullet [Applause] thing it’s okay guys I’ve been practicing rocket spliff rush and just um making sure I’m good at my Rocket jumps as you saw there I managed to get up to the roof of the building and it was very effective so all according to plan bullets bullets it’s the wrong oh my God why are there so why am I getting so many blocks I don’t don’t wait what I just keep getting more blocks I don’t know why they just keep showing up in my inventory what’s happening Phantom blocks just appearing from the land mine okay let me see so there are a lot more bullet buildings over here a there’s so many more bullet buildings over there too there’s probably more bullet buildings up there I think I hit up every bullet building in this area there are so many there’s so many if I haven’t actually done it though where’s the closest one few more over there uh let me head over this way probably just a sunk cost at this point but I’m so determined I just just want the bullets how do I go to the wrong how do I go to the wrong side of this every time 50 count 50 cal 50 cal 50 cal ah every time it looks like a syringe it just get gets my hopes up and I think this is the one I’ve finally found it and then my life is ruined come on come on come on that’s not it that’s not it that’s the wrong one I will have I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten every single type of thing you can get at this point other than other than the 50 count I think the 50 cal is the only one left okay we got two up here I’m trying to just vom it dude and then after that you know it’s like we can uh we can rest easy hit up the lab knowing that we’ve got everything we could ever need that doesn’t even have a bullet mold crazy crazy W it’s not the right one oh I know there’s just every time I go anywhere it’s just new after intoxicates them oh good another freaking or building oh it’s pante oh it’s a pante inside the building and uh-oh uh uh uhoh I don’t I don’t like it when this happens God next thing I know there’s going to be a freaking intoxicates everything is dying surely I’m not just going to die here oh God he’s right there he is right how did I know this is going to happen this is how it goes this is how it goes it’s because the intoxicats spawned in guys it’s not working well right now one sec where am I where am I uh is this the place that I I think this is the right place yes yes okay it is which does mean that the the mans is over there yeah mans is over there oh God prante in the building pante in the house prante no longer in the house pante obliterated what about bullet casing bullet casing fre fre freaking freak I do have to go fast I do have to get out of here fast as hecm no ah okay okay intoxicates 100% incoming got to move got to move got to move got to groove oh yeah okay get out of here ow what did I hit ow what am I hitting why am I in pain I’m bleeding that’s why bleeding oh hey I almost no let me get I’m going to rescue I’ll rescue you I’m going to save you no oh good job elephant good huh oh he’s invisible on top of the elephant that’s what happened there I was very confused can we sleep can we sleep we can sleep I was like what I was like was the elephant dying because the traitor was dying no stop don’t don’t don’t you idiot you [Applause] fool what does he have no it’s actually not that great I also don’t have any money to be fair oh this is so sad this is so sad somebody saved him oh God I can’t it hurts me I think because oh no no no no no oh god oh I can’t wait it hurts me to the things I do for wildlife [Music] no that’s really sad right there what is that a an emu egg I got an emu egg what the heck oh better better save that but I got be careful of uh whoa my gun did a thing there real quick okay just because we think wandering Traders are annoying doesn’t mean the elephant deserves it okay wait is this near the I haven’t been in here I guess I have been in here everybody I have been in I have been in here I just didn’t mark it I just didn’t mark it okay well everybody I think it’s time to go into the laboratory and um be be we just get to be sad you just get to be very sad um now oh god what the what just H what is happen what is going [Music] on gang’s all here gang’s all here how we doing on the uh how are we doing okay still got good ammo you guys need to chill you guys really need to chill wow almost jumped on that land mine almost jumped okay here we go oh yeah yeah yeah yeah okay there was a is there a o elevator P how did you even get here do we want to grab some um gear boxy poos oh we want to grab some gearbox oh my God there’s some there’s some elevator shafts here we take all of them maybe possibly that’s a spawn arino in there mhm I don’t think I need all the elevator shafts probably but we do take gear boxes we do take gear boxes yes sir oh oh oh I didn’t see this place last time oh this is a nice little uh what is that oh that’s the that’s the bad guy that’s the bad guy yeah it was hard to tell from just that there but that is in fact the bad guy that’s not the prante that’s the worst version of the prant what am I oh hi I think the internal server is a a bit angry today about something I don’t know what but angry about something is there more uh stuff over on this oh this is the staircase this is the stair tell me the intoxicates being filled with junk so all right also haven’t run into a hord building what over here what’s over here holy freaking holy mother of oh my holy HV accumulators oh well we found all the hvp accumulators we could ever need in the entirety of our existence oh some of them are some of them are poopy pants though we only want the hvs wow uh hvs hvps H oh my God okay look I know everybody is going to be like just run to the bottom but also are they only stand to 16 well it’s fine cuz we other abilities mvy oh that just MV ew hvps don’t stack beyond that okay never mind we’ll leave them behind um go to the bottom and loot the upper levels after okay fine men if you insist oh is there something secret there might be something secret back here though what is this what the what the heck what the heck okay the people are saying go to the bottom first so I’ll go to the bottom first this seems like a rapid way to do it I found the secret uh I found the secret staircase yeah it’s good thing I no longer revolting I would have been done so jump yeah just do a roll just do a roll I’m sure if you do a roll it’ll be it’ll be chilling oh this is actually this is the way ow well maybe not not exactly but um ah I see I see what happened there see what happened there where the heck am I what is this place hope it connects to the bottom huh got a little mining Expedition okay nothing in there cool little uh tool boxes and stuff like that what what what is this place what are we what are we doing in here where are we did it’s our way out this just the bottom of the shafts um curious if I just you know one here oh wait a second hello anybody home oh okay yeah things things are a little okay I may need to break I may need to go break some spawners in here real quick oh good there’s a freaking in the is that the a drilling machine that’s crazy bro oh God I think there’s just spawners everywhere ow ow pain suffering more Spa there’s so many ow spawners so many spawners also and we can oh my God wait oh those are in case chain drives I was like are there gear boxes like all day long on the ceiling there it’s a s anything else oh God dang it okay don’t need everything for the moment let me get out of here oh yeah hopefully I don’t get sick from going into that thing that looked like it was there to you know protect some people from bad things are there any shells no shells wonder what’s there like this place is gigantic the the military base was one thing this place is is a whole other level of CRA oh wow okay no that’s cool that’s cool a lot of uh biohazard gas mask fully healed some gaps oh yeah I checked the corpses I don’t I don’t think they have anything I don’t think we’ve ever checked a corpse that actually had anything useful on it so far what is this whoa oh it’s this place hey guys okay all right it’s Katana time it’s Katana time Katana is the way to go here I was full auto with you yeah there we go it’s more like it now that we got the bullets yeah it’s time to say hello to my little friend what’s down here yeah I need to find a key card for this thing I guess did this lead back to the mining area oh okay was just like a little obstructed I was like why doesn’t this connect or anything oh my God look at this thing goes all the way up let me gra let me grab these real quick sorry guys I I really like gear boxes they’re kind of my favorite ouch my feet what is that a mechanical saw I hope that we don’t necessarily need any of the create stuff in order to actually activate this thing but all right so this is how we get into the F God this is cool though I like the laboratory on beond I see how it all ties together oh my God what is this a large fueling tank automatically fills the stuff that uses fuel okay I mean is that like something that’s good I don’t know all right what’s up here oh more stuff okay ooh morphine morphine’s nice oh wow few gaps few breathing modules nothing is ever in the safes and I don’t I don’t know why it’s like such a disappointment oh that’s a few gapples that’s a handful of gapples right there I don’t think we need all the armor and stuff handful of breing breaching modules let’s see part of national Army set all right boom boom boom good good good very good I got to I got to kind of pick and shoose I don’t think I can take everything otherwise I’m going to fill the backpack and I’m going to have to dip out early wait is this all Iron by the oh it’s all Iron thank you thank you that is a lot of iron I appreciate that take the medium fuel tanks [Applause] M but they’re not going to stack unless they actually have like fuel fuel in them let me see let me see I’mma put I’mma put that in there that in there fuel tanks what does it have they will stack in the backpack medium medium large gross I’m out of blocks unfortunate sad guess I can probably mine up a few they’re pretty quick and easy to break hey guys hey guys all right is this iron oh my God this thing is entirely iron holy heck bro this thing is all Iron anyone need a beacon don’t touch me I’m slightly worried I might not have brought enough drink and I’m going to run out and be thirsty and I’m going to have to go home and that’ll be most unfortunate okay very very goodoo very good what’s in here oh yeah this is the drilling machine thing this is not a oh my God blocks of brass blocks of Steel encased fans ooh o any ammo by any chance that’d be pretty any oh my God blocks of blocks of brass big big big big for manufacturing ammo very good oh no you guys can’t get in that’s just that ight hway okay again can’t middle Mouse these it’s kind of messed up it’s kind of messed up it’s real messed up actually gear boxes oh I love it I also love how many case fans I’ve gotten and I’ve still not really used any so um you’ll have to forgive me on that one my bad [Applause] do I want to just uh do that so Stacks yeah that would be a good idea could serve some inventory space Oh my God oh my [Applause] God I don’t even know what to do I don’t even know what to do with this do I grab all the like there’s so many gearboxes and fans and andesite cases I hate to break this thing it’s like a cool looking design but I also don’t think it’s a functional thing oh my God so it’s like the military base that’s where you get the weapon High tier the laboratory that’s where you stock up on the create stuff apparently do it loot everything oh man I don’t know I don’t know I think it looks too cool and are we going to use this many drills are we I don’t think we are we already have a couple drills on us we already have a bunch of I I it’s just too cool yeah I get it there’s a lot of them in the other laboratory so it’s not like we’d be taking the only one but feel too bad people worked hard on this place got overrun by zombies it’s a tragedy they were trying to save the world in this place they were trying to save the world and they sacrificed themselves for it they weren’t successful but oh wow there’s actually stuff on the corpse no kidding wait magnetic card the key card guys that’s the key card no way oh I actually could use another Drive actually no what I need is another crafting grid surely surely somebody here has a crafting grid right right oh guys it’s another magnetic card okay they don’t stack oh man disc drive it’s all disc drives what about what about the other stuff train controls we love train controls okay so that’s all elevators do I is that a crafting Grid it’s a crafting grid My Heroes thank you thank you so oh my God it’s another crafting grid oh my God my heroes they have two crafting grids this is beautiful well do we go into the freaking portal is that what we do now and we worry about looting other stuff later okay we Loot and we scoot here we go well we portal and then we jordal all right I’ll level up my skills here we go big range Damage Big Range damage heck yeah and then what do we have one point left there yeah a little bit of heat resistance all is good for us spelunker zero points and athlete two points man we’re already Max movement speed how about we just get big stamina big stamina check more of the bodies I’m not ready wait am I actually not ready uh uh okay hold on let me just hold on quick quick quests quest Quest quests right let me just block this off or close the doors just in case someone is telling me I’m not ready I’m going to heed that warning cuz I don’t want to die in another dimension that I have to travel back to the Wasteland into the bottom of the laboratory into the dimension again in order to recover my stuff that sounds bad oh oh God okay is all over the news when the creation of the Gateway was completed a new world right for the picking just waiting for the next wave of pioneers the beginning of the end the Gateway at the heart of the lab now lies shut and requires an AC activation key find it in the laboratory any more ammo for my BMG it’s time to Traverse the Gateway use the magnetic card on the portal be prepared for the worst oh God okay no it says be prepared for the worst presumably this language was not updated like it’s always said be prepared for the worst guys when it came to the Wasteland there was like no warning about any of it was just like make a gas mask go to the Wasteland if he is actually saying be prepared for the worst without me having experienced this I need I need more I am I am not ready to go in here I am going to need a lot more yeah okay so we really are going to have to find the old 50 cal aren’t we we’re going to have to find the 50 cal this is It’s become essential oh is this a new is this something here I got a little food [Applause] area oh yeah this just the food Zone over here imagine regular zombies being as threatening as the intoxicats quite unpleasant very unpleasant you might even say yes don’t like that not one bit even not one little bit what are this air duct with some fluid these are having some rendery bits aren’t they okay where where’s the SP ah there it is sure why not sure why not we’re here let’s load up on all this Stu you think an auto shotty would be good we have an aa2 we just don’t have ammo I don’t know if I’ve I must have gotten ammo uh a bullet mold for shotgun right I had to have gotten a bullet mold for shotgun there’s no way I haven’t I’ll have to check when I get home F what is these wa it’s a cool like folding door thing what is oh is the elevator has seen better days is what happened here o that’s cool wait anite door from create you could almost do that as an elevator entry huh bet that’s easy to make that’s why I’m not going to loot it I bet it’s really easy to make I’m really worried I’m going to get out and and it’s just going to be like Mr to have a 50 caliber thing um there is a yeah yeah there’s another thing right X Factor um we read this one okay something about we need to find this in the lab right we got to find this somewhere in the lab well how do we go where where’s our uppies oh oh I see okay what is this oh ooh electrical combat ax okay that actually seems sick that actually wait oh but it’s really slow unfortunate ooh the foul that’s another gun oh that’s another gun I think we have the SKS pretty sure we got the SKS before but tell me we’re going to get 50 cal tell me we got 50 Cals coming in here tell me we got f i I swear to God tell me we got 50 Cals in here pretty please pretty please wait I need that there oh yeah this this is vanilla Minecraft 100% 100% all right gunpowder big plays big plays big plays fitties fitties fitties fides please M60 oh damage 11 uh5 is that’s a machine gun I think isn’t it pretty sure eight gunpowder sacks I mean it’s like kind of part for the course we’ve gotten a lot of gunpowder sacks on which is find by me oh there’s even [Music] more unfortunately I’m assuming 50 cal is exclusive to the military base which is oh hello oh hello Mr gunpow oh I don’t have the hoe necessary for this fitty Cal fitty Cal holy freak oh my god dude we’re getting we’re getting stuff in here I don’t think I have that I don’t think I have the M249 I wasn’t expecting military base 2.0 inside of here wish I brought the hoe didn’t bring the hoe make sure to like the video for like some military base kind of Lo here guess it makes sense you know you got to protect the Cure more gun batter Stacks Winchester bullets for days we got banelli we already have a banelli we already have the SKS definitely definitely gunpowder oh my god dude this is adding to our gunpowder reserves so much um jeez jeez scar oh SCAR H is good I’m pretty sure that thing does that thing does 13 damage and it’s part of the spec op set I think scar is like really huge except the 308 Winchester we don’t have a significant amount of and I think they’re expensive let me see 308 Winchester is a is it a big boy no no it’s normal you only get two per um but I do like this thing is I’m pretty sure it’s full auto it does way more damage and and yeah I think that’s good that’s really good oh another SCAR H dang G3 battle definitely have that um foul we just got that mutant have that clearly uh fou just got that 249 got that we’re good how many Winchesters do I I have a lot of Winchesters actually right now y’all want to try this out let’s try this out really quick get rid of you get rid of you get rid of you and hello to this and oh this doesn’t take the forgrip this takes the other thing I guess Mark 14 uses the Winchester ammo let me see Mark 14 where is it where is it where is it this thing oh 16 damage what the heck what the heck that’s even crazier what is the ammo situation does it have less in the oh it has less in the magazine it’s literally half half of the magazine okay and sorry I just want to mention really quickly I have seen a few people who are unhappy at my use of the word clip and I just would like to apologize to those people I do not know no guns and therefore I improperly utilize um certain terminologies and I would just like to um apologize for this I should do better I should do better I will do better and um yeah anyway so I’ll I’ll do better I’ll learn I’ll learn about the the the guns the guns and stuff like that um I we need to make the grip thing here okay this thing yeah so I get it it’s not full AO but if this thing is doing almost double damage then I’ve been basically doing single tap for ages anyway so I’m fine conserves ammo okay we’re good there I think we’re good woo didn’t expect the laboratory to be like military base 2.0 we didn’t find the scar in the military base so kind of a huge pickup for us all right let’s check it let’s check how this thing does can we one can we one shot some one shot some fools up in here let’s check it oh wait oh actually problem that I’m going to face though this thing isn’t Enchanted so I’m going through a bullet at a time oh he died with he didn’t even get to finish his cookies that’s so sad anything more in corpses in here oh wow this guy was about to build that’s so sad the death of a Hermit um all right there we go didn’t survive the apocalypse um missed a wait missed a room upstairs in the Armory seriously oh yeah I did miss room upstairs in the Armory you’re so right about that this the barracks oh part of the oh this is a fancy helmet actually that’s high tier High Caliber spec ops boots hey guys this is actually just full on spec ops gear hey grenades that’s awesome is that a o Soldier armor part of the soldier set yeah that’s that’s top tier that’s top tier as well boy oh boy that is just some top tier goodies that we are getting wow we what a place what a place all right I think we might need to take a trip home um I want to run into zombie where are the where the zombies gone to man okay we went up here actually was where where was the staircase again where did I come in I came in uh somewhere um yeah was by the M oh you know what I can do you go back well I could go back through the mine underground I guess I could just do this to be fair do we Bre Bre it’s a one hit it’s a one hit oh my [Applause] God yeah we like this yeah this gun uh this gun does some scarring oh oh it’s a lot of armor ignore uh 308 is a sniper round oh so I’m basically AR sniping right now H that’s as good as it gets is it worth like going into another floor just to oh well we need to see the project whatever oh this is where the stairs were right right right so is there okay there’s just an electrical thing on every floor I get it I get it Advanced Electronics let’s check out the other uh let’s check out the other floors they can’t all be like the bottom floor bet they’re different yeah that stuff is also o looting three wait books wow books oh this is oh God oh my God they’re really good books guys they’re really good books they’re like power books of oh no oh geez I can’t take all of them looting three maybe I take uh some Pro oh god oh no sharpness this is where my backpack gets obliterated this is this is where the backpack goes bye-bye and I have to leave I can’t I can’t do that um uh dioxine thank you for the five sub gifts very much appreciated very cool wait a minute is this the is this the stuff by any chance is this the fancy uh liquid yeah I should have brought shulker boxes this is my my mistake I messed up on that one um is a Refinery oh my God it’s a freaking refiner I probably have enough to be able to make that back at home but um wait is this the thing is this the stuff I don’t know uh there are shulkers on some floors what am I wait what are you say to grab the refinery I don’t know that I have enough stuff for that um oh it’s Diesel and seed oil ah got it grab the refinery okay I mean I definitely have the resources that would have gone into this but that’s fine free bonus I guess I don’t know if I I don’t know if I room in my Big B guys this might not work out don’t I need seed oil for or something I definitely do need it for the manufacturing of the Cure thank you oh there’s a lot of stuff over here this is every oh my God every floor is going to be this isn’t it man oh man okay get of that get out of that get out of that oh just dur blast and and golden apples xfactor we found it we found it that’s the that’s the stuff that we needed right there but how much do we need that’s the question do we need a lot of it oh my God iron as well you only need one okay well then what we got what do we got more I’m going to get more I mean if it’s if it’s right there I’m going to get more Fe not much oh each one has a th000 uses okay okay quick look here just want to see what’s oh is this just the kitchen it’s probably food in here yeah just you know some tasty puffer fish R God I love it so good scar is crazy scar goes hard not again all right I I don’t need all this I don’t need all this we’re good on MREs seriously we’re so good on MREs I’ll put the vending machine in the vending machine we’ll call it good as if there was no water huh what does that mean whoa like a frog uh mine 1. time oh one and a half times faster underwater that’s pretty cool can I just like straight equip those right now they probably go in an existing trinket slot that I can’t yeah no okay all right guys honestly think that um we’re good here we’ll we have to come back regardless this is an uncomfy sounding place I can sleep oh fish for the otter okay fine is the same kind of floor up here it is oh it’s yeah it’s just all the same stuff although there’s a little bit more some other fluid in that room I don’t know what oh God the kitchen here is frecked oh wait what am I doing I should have used a snipe around on that that was silly guns in the kitchen guns in the kitchen heck yeah oh my God more guns in the kitchen I got like five bucks oh my God there’s so many guns in the kitchen this is ow wow this is America guns in my area so many of them okay you guys want me to get some fish I get some fish I get some fish aquad Dashers oh wow we’re finding good stuff here okay tropical fish I actually don’t know if the otter eat the fish or not what is this dark nellu nelumbo maybe the antithesis but the lava is still burning you can walk on lava oh interesting okay wait what is this pu fish liver uh when attacking with 30 chance of applying poison wait did it say immune to poison oh my God wait these trinkets are crazy stop it oh yeah close man’s got some man’s gotun he went out fighting I wish we had more 308s though it would be better oh my God oh my God all right Jesus guys guys guys I got to go I got fish so I got fish we’re going to come back later this thing has too much too much to handle all the way up again how is it thunderstorming I I literally slept it’s not thunderstorming uh I feel like there is an intoxicats with me are we okay all right we’re not getting intoxicated that’s good news so here’s what needs to happen we got to go home we got to dump all of this and then our price primary thing has basically got to be bro we this thing obliterates this is the best semi-auto gun that we have gotten so far wow wow and it has what is the full Magazine on it it is 27 thing pops off two hits no way two hits that’s crazy there’s so many bullet factories over here did I hit up every single one of them you know maybe there is a bullet oh I’m doing big on oh my God dietary effects are popping off right now I don’t know if I went up to that one let me get some of this really quick might have to build with it my inventory is very very full at the moment I don’t think I went in this one no I didn’t I can just hit up a few before we go God it’s not the right thing no no all I feel is sadness and disappointment I’m pretty sure we hit the ones up here right pretty sure this is all stuff that we’ve done but let me just double check in case oh wait there is actually one down there okay uh I should I should I should stop doing that I should stop doing that because I’m not I’m not conserving ammo God more 30 30 freak I don’t know why I’m grabbing it I know that I have that stuff no no fitty G the pain goodbye uh another one here okay I hadn’t hit this up before so we got more we got more chances 1% oh it’s you nope no man’s got some health for sure how did I miss this must have been the intoxicates around oh you are you’re tough but not Tough Enough for the scar come on God 50 50 5050 50 the Winchester bullets they look the same they look the same in the mold cast and every time it just gets my hopes up got to look out for mines got to look out for M oh God that’s not cool okay I hate you I hate you I hate you ow I’m freaking myself up there is an come on come on no no no come on no okay the mens are setting off all of the Kabooms we’re going to I wait there’s other ones too right this one hasn’t been looted oh this one’s been looted we do this did we do this no didn’t go in here oh is it going to rain now foxes stop what does the fox say that wasn’t a good impersonation that was pretty poor actually 50 50 nope I’m going to end up finding a building it’s going to have like two of them in it or something and be like oh that’s why that’s why we couldn’t get it is this two bullet buildings put up against each other no we’ve been in that okay guys guys what happens if I jump off that I feel like it’d be fun but also dangerous let’s just go home let’s just go home dude the animals are attacking it’s just animals [Music] everywhere it must not be like summer anymore because I’m definitely more survivable um my temperatures aren’t building up like crazy granted it’s raining right now but still okay uh I think we’ve hit everything there basically we’ve hit uh we haven’t hit all the bullet things down that way so this is like we have to hit that area up I’m sure there are some spots some bullet factories that like haven’t been hit yet but I think we’ve got almost every single one in this area so um trip home and then we’ll head up the South but yeah I just need to be able to make 50 cal ammo cuz I yes and then and then shotgun ammo production or something like that well people are recommending that’s a good idea for going into the uh the super fancy dimension thing all righty and away we go that was I would say a pretty successful run through the lab we didn’t get too wrecked granted it was more like uh they were really military suited zombies they were pretty squishy without any armor on him so I do not dude I don’t know what to expect on the other side of that portal I’ve got no idea I have not spoiled anything for myself regarding that okay back home door to door parking lovely that didn’t Splat an otter on the way back I would never do that I would never be so cold and heartless as to Splat an not stop accusing me of things I never did this is lies and slander lies and slander all the way down I hope that I can afford the um okay let me see so God we got so many freaking trinkets your puffer fish is immune to poison is kind of awesome where does it go it’s in the trinket slot which is currently experience magnet wait can I no that’s that’s not it oh it’s the magnet slot I do like my magnet most of the time most of the time wait it goes in the top slot H whatever it’s fine let’s throw that stuff in running shoes I think are unbeatable yeah all right hey um hey friends how you guys doing m what what happened what happened to the OT what where’s the wandering Traer and why is he on the other side of the wall wait are they all inside of each other no no what is happening right no oh the wandering trasor is invisible cuz it’s night time guys they didn’t get into the subway that’s not what happened are oh did he oh yeah maybe the wandering traitor splashed an invis pot on them maybe that’s what happened maybe that’s what happened well there’s no way that the otter drown there’s no way the otter they [Applause] I’m sorry okay it is not my fault if I created a water enclosure for the Otters and they drowned that is not my fault that is just that is that’s just Evolution not working that wait they can’t drown do they actually not have the ability to drown if they don’t have the ability to drown then then then dude I don’t I don’t know what do mean too tiny of a SP this is fine this is a fine space for the otter this does not make sense I just went in here by the way to give my guys some freaking delicious food oh wait that’s actually how you tame them why is he sticking his head in the sand like that bro there’s no way how would they do why would they do that to themselves I’m upset right now I’m so upset with this I’m so upset with this this is just un unacceptable absolutely unacceptable guys guys I got to I got to empty out my inventory I got to freaking oh my god um this is just I don’t know what to do I I don’t know what I don’t how did how did the otter get how did this happen how did this even happen this is just tragic this doesn’t make any sense I didn’t I didn’t do anything wrong I didn’t do anything wrong I did everything right I I loved them and and and then this happened as a result I loved them and then this happened why would this happen why would they do this to me I don’t understand well all I all I can do now is do I have any more Toms by the way have one I have one and the rest of the levels are going to go bye-bye have the other otter shown up yet no why no stop that is not my fault that is not my fault they didn’t know that was not Suffocation it drowned it drowned that was not it did not suffocate in the S it drowned it drown an otter drowned I didn’t do how was I supposed to know they can’t handle water they are literally otter are ocean creatures how could I ever know that they would die I didn’t trap them in in an enclosed aquarium I gave them a beach I made a beach I know that they can drown and that they’re mammals I gave them a beach they didn’t know to exit the water they didn’t know how to exit the water oh my God wait is it a it might be oh oh is it a [Music] oh oh wait a minute oh wait a minute oh oh I might have done something bad I might have done something bad I might have done something bad I might have created a Vortex whirl pool of Doom that caused the otter to not be able to swim out and they perish as a result mhm um right right right um that might be on me that might be on me oh dear I would like to apologize to everyone but mostly the otter for what I have accidentally done without realizing that was um that was a mistake that was a mistake that I made right there um I’d like to yeah I’m sorry guys I’m really sorry about that one my poor my poor friends my poor friends um man well let’s put that crafting there now hey we hey guys on the plus side we might be down otter but we do we are up crafting grids um you know actually would it be better up here I think it’d be better on the second level probably cool very good I I would like to shout out to the people saying easy mistake to make thank you I feel terrible about it I really did I messed that one up quite badly and um I’m sorry I’m sorry and I hope one day you’ll find it in me to or in you to forgive but we’ll see anyway let me I’m going to drink a few juices and see if I can get my sugar up and then I’ll just switch back or fruit up and then I’ll switch over to porty after yeah the wandering Trader to be fair I had I had asked him to supervise and clearly he didn’t follow instructions otherwise he would have known to place some water down and um then everything would have been fine he would have got Source blocks into place and everything would have worked but uh yeah that no he was not that that guy was not stuck in the vortex of Doom he simply he was not he was not stuck in the vort he was fine all right so so this thing it can it takes a grip I don’t know what oh that’s a bayonet or something like that is that a muzzle break I think um but we can do a four grip on here which is what a muzzle compensator horizontal recoil minus 25 sound radius minus 12 isn’t that a good thing muzzle compensator you can hold shift over the gun your inventory for attachment info really let’s see whoa dude I plus 25% rifle damage right now for the spec op set that’s huge dang um okay mini scope IR [Music] laser um muzzle compensator breaker so is this something I actually want to add here six steel plates um and then the other thing we have the suppressor so we’re good there and then we want the four grip specialized grip additional ads speed but yeah a lot of accuracy in Recoil and stuff like that um alum inum rubber leather aluminum R and do I have any fancy leather left I do H exciting yeah thank you thank [Applause] you cool does take a while to scope in on that but um oh muzzle breaker both Barrel attach same as a suppressor okay so what is this slot then oh that’s the laser slot isn’t it that’s the laser slot okay so yeah the only other thing that we could upgrade here is to get the super duper extendo mag but that you have to loot from the military base we haven’t found it we didn’t get lucky in the last one so all right for the death of the two otter I hereby sentence the wandering traitor to Doom the sentence shall be carried out out immediately he really isn’t actually he doesn’t have anything great and he’s making really annoying noise and you didn’t supervise the otter you were supposed to keep them alive how dare you damn oh okay that’s uh that was brutal oh man Katana time boys that’s how we deal with the otter the otter Traders traders to all otter kind how dare they okay so do we do it do we do one more search mission and and try to freaking find the you know what I might do hold on 308 we have the the mold this thing takes a 308 what do I print some 308 really quick you know since this Scar the scar is popping off the scar is insane we got a ton of gunpowder the thing that we are lacking most God how much should I get oh my God that’s so much gun pwder holy frick thing that we’re lacking most is lead actually um just get another bit there at least it’s only nuggies at least it’s only nuggies the lead there gunpow there and um brass in there and that should get us some wait no no no stop oh God stop stop stop I Wrong oh God damn it God damn it wrong thing there we go that dumb I messed up I messed up I messed up wrong bullets okay stop making those stop making those wrong bullets wrong bullets need to stop stop making those okay there we go I should have pulled them out of the chest that was my mistake I’m going to need to get more brass and gunpowder potentially here that was a oopsy doopsy our brass and Lead probably so sad about the daughters man I’m so sad about that wait that’s a gun all right there’s my Winchester bullets man see it’s like who needs the uh who needs the other other automation when you get so much in the way of um brass and gunpowder already how we looking here how we oh my god I’ve got a freck load absolute freck load I mean this thing being on semi-auto I think our semi-auto plus reclaimed yeah I think we’re good I think we’re good for a bit okie dokie well one final quick trip hit up the bullet factories see if maybe we can find a 50 cal and go from there oh good that’s just what I needed to have to deal with the Blood Moon while I’m in the Wasteland okay so uh quick check here oh so we actually are going to need to go south in order to get to the other other Wasteland spot is different I’m sure that oh wait I’m sure the Wasteland blood moon wouldn’t shouldn’t be difficult right no it’ll be great okay well on the plus side I have been I haven’t been here anywhere before so I just have to not die I just have to not die cuz uh yeah I I can’t sleep anywhere around here there’s not really a a clear area so we just have to not die [Applause] okay no Goomba stoage done he’s done he’s gone he’s see you later all right blood moon Wasteland blood moon Wasteland here we go here we go here goes nothing here goes nothing and that ain’t it there are some creepy sounds happening right now that’s for sure though oh you’re so right way point the freak out of it oh God how can I forget this um where was it was right here um and way point entrance thank you for reminding me of that that would have been not great okay bullets bullets oh freak off course oh that’s a military base right there oh hi guys uh we’re uh wait waiting for Server we’re waiting for Server hold on I’m just trying to go off of the uh go off of the map to find all the stuff waiting for Server stop oh not again oh this isn’t good this isn’t good okay keep getting teleported outside oh oh now it’s okay now we’re back we good wrong thing that’s not the bullet mold that’s the wrong one that’s the wrong one keep some I think it’s I think it’s just incorrect pop him in the to um I guess just taking the old perimeter out here ow ow I mean I think there’s definitely more mobs than usual that we’re dealing with right now hello Cara is going to send me a text message nope sad 50 50 5050 God wrong one it’s the wrong one it’s the keep giving me the Winchesters um more over here oh my legs outow that’s another mine oh god um good job buddy you’re doing great thank you for helping me out with that one ow the par fire freak okay come on please I beg of you I beg of you I only ask for one thing don’t want to give it to you m M M M oh God damn it I should fill up my gas canister here thank you come on man come on hello wait are we um okay how much is oh there’s actually still a lot down here that’s good should I okay let me go around the perimeter of this place though there are a lot of [Music] mens look God dang it I get so excited Every Time come on come on woo people people were waiting for me to give up they were waiting for me to give up on the whole thing they were like just take the laua just just take the laua dude just settle it’s fine but we stuck with it we stuck it out and we got the dub oh man it happened it happened loot the military base I mean maybe we will maybe we will but guess what guess what we don’t have to do it right now because we can we can just take that as a little take military base a little bit of a bonus even maybe done done done done man we’re going to be 50 cal plus the SCAR H that’s going to be just that’s going to be just crazy that’s going to be crazy no one’s going to know how to deal with me maybe these freaking guys all right we run it back that is mission accomplished now we can focus on bullet production the only thing that we might want to look into is the um the mining machine from immersive engineering God that is a creepy guy right there easy to take down but creepy guy oh yeah also you’re oh God so I don’t know if uranium is special production or if it’s mined like if there is uranium ore and we can just get that and be good God I don’t oh get the lead from the military base okay so hold on quick check though right cuz the 50 Cals if we want to do the basic then it’s lead ah yeah yeah yeah me seal that up if we want to do the basic it’s just lead but if we want to do the auto assembly then it is uranium uranium can you mine you can get uranium ore it’s from immersive so the ore is there but it’s rare it’s not rare your any is just an ore you can mine so if we were to make the mining machine from immersive engineering which I think is listed at the bottom of the bullet automation thing right the industrial mining machine probably needs a lot of power if I had to guess um but I think this thing works differently than like the Quarry I think it works in the same way as the pumpjack where you do like a survey it tells you if there’s good ores and then you just like it doesn’t actually matter what’s in the chunk it just is like a it’s a totally separate thing and then then that machine oh that you would not bother with you’ve never found uranium ah got it I see well that’s most unfortunate then isn’t it um so wait in that case mineral how much is this to make is this only a one time use by the way CU this is only if this is only one time use this is uh yikes it’s a bit of a yikes there just use the helicopter as a mining rig just Missle the ground and be like yep all right we’re good yeah yeah by the way hello Mr Quin uh good to see you yeah we’ve made progress today though we’ve done some good stuff it’s just now 50 I mean we could just do 50 cal production with the crafting recipe as well if we wanted to and just get LED from the military base and do it that way but it doesn’t make it quite as sustainable um excuse me I did not kill the otter the wondering Trader did please get it right and back home ready to go you know what I’ll do I’m going to make one mineral survey thing and I’m going to just see what it what it shows when I do it at home why do you guys why do you guys tell me I’ve killed otter I didn’t it was the wandering Trader’s fault please please I can’t I can’t deal with this I can’t deal with the the weight of the slander on my oh you read the immersive manual there is a mineral deposit section okay let me just make the old mineral thing cuz you know otherwise you have to make the whole donger um but anyway tell me that this is not a one time use right it does say actually durability 300 so what if we just run it right here this block can’t be used in a mineral survey okay whatever you say this block can’t be used in a mineral Sur day let me get the immersive engineering manual just in case if it’s a little if it’s going to be a little Annoying then I’ll learn it in between episodes and we’ll execute next time but Dang if I could Mass produce some fitties that would be big that would be big all right here we go let’s let’s run it out here what does it look like is it running I don’t know if it’s running wait um seems to be trying thinking uh but one sec they say hold longer okay bye bye bye bye-bye buddy okay hold longer longer there are no mineral traces here well that’s just not okay I thought every chunk would at least have like something that’s kind of crazy what about here no mineral traces no mineral tra oh durability is staying up though no mineral traces overview and resources mineral depos deposits deposits of ore found around your world are nothing new to you what you have so far left out of consideration are mineral veins which contain a mix of different ores due to their wide and thin spread the average minor can’t find them but a special machine might be able to do that okay survey tools venture out each sample you take of the same vein gets you a more accurate read what it contains where it originates know the veins can overlap so you might find traces of different veins quite close to each other also note if a vein is dug from far away the excavation site will be extracted inefficient um okay after narrowing down use a core sample drill yeah okay took you a few hours to find a lead deposit oh God so what you’re telling me is that uranium is fricked like there’s there’s no way that uranium is is going to happen what if there’s uranium in the Wasteland that would make sense wouldn’t it that would make sense oh God all right guys well you know I don’t think this is going this might be an off camera sort of expedition and then we’ll figure out if it’s viable or not um but yeah thanks for tuning in I hope you’ve enjoyed make sure to like the video subscribe to the channel um turn on notifications check out Apex house you can use code cap and sparkles to grab yourself 25% off your first month and um play this with your friends and I’ll see you next time

This video, titled ‘The Lab | DeceasedCraft Ep. 19’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-04-30 17:00:16. It has garnered 41481 views and 2119 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:05 or 5705 seconds.

DeceasedCraft is a Minecraft mod pack in which we must survive a zombie apocalypse while searching for a cure. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: Deceasedcraft Playlist:

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  • Falling for Blocks: Minecraft Melody (S2 E1)

    Falling for Blocks: Minecraft Melody (S2 E1) In the world of Minecraft, where blocks collide, Our heroes embark on a thrilling ride. Casual and Catalina, lost and apart, Searching for elements with all their heart. In the Aether they roam, a dimension unknown, Seeking the four elements, their quest has grown. With Ariane by their side, they’ll face any test, To reunite and find peace, they’ll give their best. But obstacles loom, challenges arise, Will they succeed, or meet their demise? Stay tuned for the next episode, the story unfolds, In the world of Minecraft, where adventure molds. Read More

  • ✧ ᴇᴛʜᴇʀᴇᴀʟ ᴄʀᴀꜰᴛ ᴘʜɪʟɪᴘᴘɪɴᴇꜱ ✧ ᴊᴏɪɴ ɴᴏᴡ! ꜱᴜʀᴠɪᴠᴀʟ | ᴀᴅᴠᴇɴᴛᴜʀᴇ | ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛꜱ!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.6 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.6 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The Creeper’s Got Style

    Well, at least the Creeper can rock that green color better than most people can! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Live 2024

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Live 2024 Welcome to Minecraft Live, where the fun never dies, Join us on September 28, for a big surprise. From Mojang HQ, we’ll bring you the scoop, New features and updates, to make you whoop. For ASL, BSL, and audio descriptions too, We’ve got you covered, for a great view. Tune in at 1PM EDT, don’t be late, For Minecraft Live 2024, it’s gonna be great! Read More

  • When you spot a hot mob in Minecraft 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    When you spot a hot mob in Minecraft 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you see a mob in Minecraft and suddenly forget how to run in a straight line, zigzagging like you’re in a game of Minecraft dodgeball. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Thrilling Survival Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Thrilling Survival Experience! Welcome to! Today, we stumbled upon an exciting Minecraft episode by Swordartgamer1063 where they are collecting woods from their tree wood farm in their survival series. Watching players explore, extract raw materials, craft tools, and build structures in Minecraft is always fascinating. If you are a fan of Minecraft gameplay and enjoy watching survival series, then you definitely need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine the thrill of exploring a procedurally generated, three-dimensional world with virtually infinite terrain made up of voxels alongside other passionate Minecraft players. Minewind server IP is YT.MINEWIND.NET. Join now and immerse yourself… Read More

  • Flowser: Minecraft RP server ending tomorrow?! 🔥

    Flowser: Minecraft RP server ending tomorrow?! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘La Fin Du Serveur Minecraft RP Sera Demain …’, was uploaded by Flowser on 2024-08-17 00:04:07. It has garnered 3173 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:06 or 9546 seconds. ➤FOR DONATIONS! : Read More

  • The Haunting Minecraft Mod

    The Haunting Minecraft ModVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Minecraft Horror Mod Can Hear You…’, was uploaded by Kiply on 2024-08-31 13:00:00. It has garnered 651972 views and 8282 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:45 or 1785 seconds. This Minecraft Horror Mod Can Hear You… ❤️ Subscribe and 👍 LIKE to support the channel and see more videos like this! ✔️ FOLLOW ME ON OTHER STUFF 😀 Twitch: Discord: Twitter: Instagram: Edited by: @Editor_Ethan In this scary simulation challenge we find the horror mod a quiet place and the giant dweller worm, and the boiled one in… Read More

  • “Saahosins: Pirate King Eats Devil Fruit!?!” #clickbait

    "Saahosins: Pirate King Eats Devil Fruit!?!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘KING OF PIRATES #bloxfruits #onepiece #minecraft #gaming #trending #shorts’, was uploaded by Saahosins on 2024-07-19 06:11:24. It has garnered 467 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. ALL MYYYYY FELLASSS HOW!!!!! SEEDHI BAAT IDHER H LINK BS mod ___________________________________________ TOP 5 BEST DEMON SLAYER MOD/ ADDON FOR MINECRAFT PE 1.19+ Top 6 Naruto mod/addon for Minecraft pe 1.19+[HINDI]#india TOP 5 BEST BEN 10 ADDON/MOD FOR MINECRAFT PE |1.19+ TOP 5 BEST ATTACK ON TITAN MOD/ADDON FOR MINECRAFT PE TOP 5 JUJUTSU KAISEN… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build with Anas – Must See! #minecraft

    Insane Minecraft Build with Anas - Must See! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘make this in Minecraft #minecraft #builds #shorts’, was uploaded by Anas Minecraft gamer on 2024-04-09 11:40:49. It has garnered 4413 views and 159 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • “NEW Minecraft 1.21 SMP Live – Join Mr Offline NOW!” #PojavLauncher

    "NEW Minecraft 1.21 SMP Live – Join Mr Offline NOW!" #PojavLauncherVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.21 Public Smp Live Join Now #PojavLauncher #Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr Offline on 2024-08-08 21:11:20. It has garnered 45 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:11 or 2951 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play PojavLauncher (Minecraft: Java Edition for Android)! Join my smp. IP: Discord: Thank you for watching my PojavLauncher (Minecraft: Java Edition for Android) stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sigma Gameplay Secret! #shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Sigma Gameplay Secret! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SIGMA MOMENT #shorts #ytshorts #minecraft #sigma’, was uploaded by Blue Red Gaming on 2024-08-30 07:30:06. It has garnered 11330 views and 314 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. maizen minecraft bahasa indonesiamilo and Chaj and mikey indonesiamaddy telugu gamer chip and milo techno gamerz proboiz 95 gamerfleet skibidi toilet techno gamerz minecraft anshu bisht mikey and ji bahasa indonesia minecraft shorts ayush more jj and mikey maddy telugu gamer minecraft techno gamer mikey and dream jj and mikey minecraft 100 days ayush more minecraft ماین کرافت ayush more roblox… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Manhunt FINALE with Admin Powers!

    Insane Minecraft Manhunt FINALE with Admin Powers!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Manhunt, But I Have Admin Powers FINALE’, was uploaded by Bubbo on 2024-04-21 17:00:37. It has garnered 70456 views and 4347 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:05 or 1025 seconds. Download now 1v1.LOL on mobile for FREE! A fast-paced online multiplayer & battle royal game. Choose your champions and gear, and build your way to victory! Minecraft Manhunt, But I Have Admin Powers FINALE… In this video, @Baablu and @Fantst try to hunt me down before I speedrun Minecraft and beat the Ender Dragon, I can use admin powers like opening… Read More

  • ☢️🔫 Best Minecraft 1.8 Server Coming July! 🔫☢️

    ☢️🔫 Best Minecraft 1.8 Server Coming July! 🔫☢️Video Information This video, titled ‘☢️🔫Neste mês de julho você verá o melhor server do minecraft 1.8🔫☢️’, was uploaded by clearxnode on 2024-07-19 00:34:28. It has garnered 44 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:12 or 72 seconds. Opening date on the discord server!!! Discord: IP: Site: Nick: modesmashf777 Tags: #twinsmc #rustex #rastex #rustexremake #rastmi #rustme #rust #rast #rastexremake #raid #raid #raids #minecraft #minecraft #mine #survival #modless #rustminecraft #rustmeminecraft #rustmeguide #rustmefragmovie #rustmesandbox # rustmeip #rustexip #minecake #dayzgameplay #rustmesurvival #survival #rustmeminecraft #dayzpvp #minecraftdaisy Servidor Rankup 1.8, Servidor de skywars 1.8, Servidor com maquinas 1.8,… Read More

  • Orijo Gri – I Stole Their House! 😂

    Orijo Gri - I Stole Their House! 😂Video Information This video, titled ‘I stole their house! 😂I stole their house! 😂’, was uploaded by orijo gri on 2024-05-29 14:15:51. It has garnered 484 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. @PigPong I stole their house! 😂I I got revenge for Minecraft Steve by stealing the bad guy’s house. There was a surprise twist at the end in which Herobrine saves me from a Minecraft Sugar Crash Meme. Watch until the end to see it yourself! #minecraft #shorts #tiktok #minecraft #shorts #tiktok minecraft revenge, minecraft herobrine, minecraft steve, minecraft house, minecraft shorts,… Read More

  • Friendscraft SMP Semi-Vanilla 18+

    Welcome to Our Grief-Free Server! Are you 18+ and looking for a welcoming community to build medieval and classical structures with? Join our server where we take our time to enjoy the game. We have events and our server is up 24/7. Apply for our whitelist here! Read More

  • The villagers love it!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Pen > Sword: A Minecraft Meme

    Well, I guess in the world of Minecraft, the pen must be a pretty powerful tool if it scored a 42! Maybe it’s enchanted with the ability to write really persuasive messages to mobs. Read More

  • Crafting an Oozing Potion: Minecraft Magic Unleashed!

    Crafting an Oozing Potion: Minecraft Magic Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, where potions brew, There’s a new one called oozing, with a slimey hue. Mix it in a still, with a block of slime, And watch as its effects take you on a wild climb. PopcornRazer here, your guide in this land, With updates and tips, all delivered by hand. Subscribe to my channel, for more Minecraft fun, And let’s explore together, under the sun. Join me on Twitch, Twitter, and Instagram too, For all the latest news, and updates that are new. Share the love, with a like and a share, And let’s spread… Read More

  • Minecraft Villager Oi Oi, Hot Damn!

    Minecraft Villager Oi Oi, Hot Damn! Why did the Minecraft villager say “oi oi”? Because he was trying to get the attention of his fellow villagers, but they were too busy mining diamonds to listen! #minecraftproblems #villagerlife Read More

  • Creating Adorable Townhouse Shops in Minecraft!

    Creating Adorable Townhouse Shops in Minecraft! Creating the Most Adorable Townhouse Shops in Minecraft! Looking to build the coziest townhouse shops in Minecraft? Join in on this creative Minecraft build where you will be guided step by step to create these cute townhouse shops. This video showcases a unique approach compared to the previous videos in the Cozy Mountain Resort series. Feel free to share your thoughts on which style you prefer! Building Process In this video, the focus is on constructing charming townhouse shops that add character to your Minecraft world. The step-by-step instructions make it easy for players to follow along and recreate… Read More

  • Minecraft Dungeons Fail

    Minecraft Dungeons Fail The Rise and Fall of Minecraft Dungeons Introduction Minecraft Dungeons, a spin-off of the wildly popular Minecraft game, took the gaming world by storm with its unique take on the dungeon-crawling genre. Players were drawn to its charming graphics, engaging gameplay, and cooperative multiplayer features. The Beginning The game’s release was met with excitement and anticipation, as players delved into the various levels, battling mobs, collecting loot, and exploring the vast world of Minecraft in a new light. The introduction of new weapons, armor, and artifacts added depth to the gameplay, keeping players hooked for hours on end. Part… Read More

  • “Insane YouTuber Hack: Sub Boost Potion” #clickbait

    "Insane YouTuber Hack: Sub Boost Potion" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘구독자 늘리는 포션#shorts’, was uploaded by 공갈 on 2024-05-31 09:00:17. It has garnered 116879 views and 5624 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #Minecraft #minecraft 🔔If you find me here, please click subscribe🔔 Mode information 📷Link to sign up for ‘Gonggalgal’ membership (Vlog) 👉 Various inquiries (we will respond as quickly as possible) 💚E-mail: [email protected] 💜Instagram: Read More

  • Minecraft Survival: Long Tunnel Challenge

    Minecraft Survival: Long Tunnel ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘SURVIVAL IN LONG TUNNELS IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by The World of Cartoons on 2024-08-31 09:00:31. It has garnered 5346 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:33 or 1653 seconds. SURVIVAL IN LONG TUNNELS IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • 🔥EPIC DRAGON Encounter in Hardcore Minecraft #100days

    🔥EPIC DRAGON Encounter in Hardcore Minecraft #100daysVideo Information This video, titled ‘🐲 Mon Premier Dragon en #hardcore sur Minecraft ! #100days #minecraft’, was uploaded by Nebulus FatGame on 2024-07-24 15:00:14. It has garnered 1557 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. 💪 My First Dragon in Hardcore on Minecraft! |🔷✅ GOAL ➡ 10,000 Subscribers!! 🔷| #minecraftshorts #minecrafthardcore #minecraftmemes #survivalminecraft #shorts #100dayschallenge Read More

  • Insane Build! Watch me Create My Dream Home

    Insane Build! Watch me Create My Dream HomeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building My Starter House’, was uploaded by ItsMarloe on 2024-04-20 13:00:11. It has garnered 10950 views and 743 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:28 or 1468 seconds. Chilled Minecraft let’s play to relax/study to! Welcome to episode four where today we are starting construction on a starter home! World Seed: 17 🔵Twitter – 🟠Instagram – 🟡Discord – 🔴Second Channel – ⚫TikTok – 🟣Twitch – 🌟Shaders – 🎨Resource Pack – & My own custom pack (available to download for my YouTube members and Twitch subscribers) Mods… Read More

  • The Silence Minecraft Mod: Terrifying Gameplay with FlappyJacky

    The Silence Minecraft Mod: Terrifying Gameplay with FlappyJackyVideo Information This video, titled ‘We Played the SCARIEST Minecraft Mod | The Silence’, was uploaded by FlappyJacky on 2024-04-12 19:00:06. It has garnered 6332 views and 173 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:49 or 409 seconds. Join the discord: This video, we played one of the scariest Minecraft mods called the Silence. If you enjoy, make sure to subscribe! some boring tags: —————————————– Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is… Read More

  • “SHOCKING: Find Out When Your Base Will Be Attacked! 😱” #Minecraft

    "SHOCKING: Find Out When Your Base Will Be Attacked! 😱" #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Age will attack your base?😵#minecraft #shorts #mrbeast’, was uploaded by カミル on 2024-05-09 01:00:18. It has garnered 16400 views and 553 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to the channel❤ Thank you for watching! Please subscribe to the channel 😚 X (Twitter) KEYWORDS AND RELATED INFORMATION: minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft SMP Tower Build!

    Unbelievable Minecraft SMP Tower Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Filling out the tip (of my tower) [VOD] Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by Exinerate VODs on 2024-09-25 19:57:17. It has garnered 41 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:26:50 or 12410 seconds. Minecraft SMP stream from September 25th 2024 Follow me on Twitch! Subscribe to my main channel! @Exinerate_EZX Check out my Instagram! Join my community Discord! Check out my TikTok Read More