CaptainSparklez 2 – Minecraft: All The Mods 8 Ep. 35

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Hello everybody and welcome back at long last to all the mods Pete we hope you enjoyed your time off and and seeing concerts and going and doing exciting things and um in popular demand it’s me I know the most popular demand of the series oh Dean dang okay well this server is still

Brought to you by our sponsor Apex hosting if you’re interested in grabbing yourself a discount of 25 off your first month of server hosting maybe playing some all the mods with your friends or vanilla Minecraft or a new mod pack whatever floats you go check them out

Links in the description use our codes and you’ll get that discount and uh you can even have the server AFK while you’re doing stuff and you can get things like plutonium and polonium which I think should hopefully be enough for us to make the SPs which is so cool

Um how’s everybody doing it’s so nice that your stuff could be done all AFK you know like this that’s very very nice I’m I’m very happy for you so your bees don’t work for you unless you’re there to supervise them well I mean it’s just that you have to build all these

Different pieces to it right so uh uh there there’s a lot of there’s a lot of moving Parts you know yeah but yeah I mean you don’t you don’t have to it’s it’s fine don’t worry about it good for me I guess interesting the reactor is not

Going was it just shut down oh it just shut off one of the processes in the physician or the facile fuel production oh we just went for somebody so it doesn’t actually have fuel ah what happened oh my God wow he did it casually drops that nice

Job crazy wow how many uh how many sessions did you put in uh I I mean I I had one multi-hour uh session like okay kind of you know I was doing the stream-a-thon stuff so I just kept going and going and going so we just got it done

I’m sure boss yeah wait so nothing is coming out of here it’s saying like that I thought it was like Jordan was the problem Jordan yeah we’ve been friends for a long time right yeah I’m just trying to figure out what’s wrong with the wait what’s going to lose three ones

In why is the oxygen or hydrogen not feeding in here I’m confused oh is it not venting excess oh there we go sorry Zine yeah what’s up just casually discarded Fawn we’ve been friends a long time yeah yeah whatever hang on oh I just really wanted to get

The physical fuel working again is all you’re good stay humbles that uh and as your friend I like to do things for you what happened time wait I don’t know why we’re a hemming uh so from what I understood you didn’t seem to like that uh making what was it

The uh that that Soul steal stuff oh you got a B for it I have 41 000 ingots for you sir wow that’s pretty cool sounds very fancy okay yeah I didn’t even think about the bees being able to produce it that’s crazy I’m here to abuse you both

Well I have no idea why my physical fuels stopped producing there’s some issue with like the hydrogen or oxygen is not going into the thing so but I’m not gonna worry about it I’m not gonna worry about it because we have all the plutonium polonium to make the SPs

And we can just wire the power in Via other methods sick anybody know how many casings we need for the SPs like 60 something let’s see I think we’ll look it up SPS macca I think he’s gonna try and do it faster than made 60 casings

Why are you so good at these things Yeah okay and then and then structural glass or something right yeah 123 of that three ports and a coil okay I only probably want like six coils and then yeah you you definitely want six coils for sure for sure all right let’s make those up so Zine

Are you actually are you producing like be physical duel and stuff it’s hard knitted oh bison I think it was something that I said I think it was something that I said it was because I got really sidetracked as he was trying to do say

The nice things that he did as a friend I didn’t appreciate him enough and now I feel really bad for what I’ve done it’s just a shame on me really I think he’ll get over it though do you are you sure I’m not sure I mean

Like you guys have been friends for a while what kind of gifts what kind of gifts does he like if you’re gonna give him like a I’m sorry GIF like what would you would you give him a b yeah you would give me a b I didn’t realize you popped back in yeah

I thought I I thought I earned an a jeez oh I meant be yeah I know I was just playing uh okay anyway yeah um what was the question I didn’t hear the question I just was able contextually to put it together that I perhaps was being discussed if

If Jordan was going to get you a gift because you were upset with him and he wanted to make it up to you what that gift would be yeah I don’t see a scenario where even if I was upset with him Jordan would get me a gift

I’m gonna go for a little bit I mean here’s the thing I’m not I’m not like a big gift person because I don’t like to get gifts and so um your love language isn’t gift giving or getting yeah I am always a fan of like no gifts please for anything any any way

Shape or form I found that as I reached adulthood and and you know I had a cool job and everything but most anything that I needed or really wanted that I would that would be within any reasonable range for someone else to get me exactly

Not for myself you know so it’s like you know is there anything you want yeah a new laptop but I’m not asking that for you I’m just saving up myself you know exactly so yeah it became a you know here I got you this and it’s just thanks so

Find somewhere to store it for you yeah some more on that one my family would ask me like what do you want for Christmas and I’m like I don’t know I will say anything I’ve probably already bought it you know what food food is a good gift like chocolate that I’m not

Asking for chocolate but like if someone absolutely has to do something food’s a great gift yeah and they want to just give me like chocolate or something then I’m actually like that’s pretty cool but also you don’t need to do that what are those little boxes that you can get for

People like holiday boxes that come with a bunch of different sweets and baked goods and like chocolates and stuff I don’t know I give box and I’m like this is delicious like I love this everything about this the meat boards and stuff like that yeah exactly but see that’s why charcuterie boys you

Gotta like you got to give like the the personal ones right not like laptops and you know stuff like that just like the little things that you either make by hand or like I don’t know buy something I got that too yeah it gets it gets a little tough like

Relationship wise a figure at least for me doing when I if I have someone who I’m with that uh gift giving is like important to them you know like they that’s how they express themselves is by you know creating something or or or giving something and and you know I mean

In thought and I I recognize the uh thought and the investment of them and and that it’s done with an expression of care and I appreciate all of that and get all that but it is not invested in the thing and so it’s like thank you for

This I I love that you thought about me everything like that but whatever the thing is I’ll just put it to the side and then sometime later you know they’ll see that I’ve put it to the side it’s like oh I guess you didn’t care that

Much about that it’s like true I didn’t give a crap about that but I recognize what you did and thought that was very sweet and then I was in trouble yeah it’s like I care that it came from you yeah if it came from somebody else I

Wouldn’t care about it at all yeah it was it was meaningful the the gesture to me can be meaningful but the object is not yeah that’s the issue is that almost anything that someone is going to purchase in the reasonable realm of expense for a gift is it’s very unlikely

That I have not it’s very useful thought of getting that myself already and so it’s gonna end up being something that’s not really gonna get to use yeah like if there’s something that’s 30 bucks that I’m looking for I probably will just you know get it next paycheck

Okay I hope I’m making the SPS correctly fingers crossed every time I hear SPS it reminds me of this software that I always heard my my stepdad he would use and it was like the most expensive thing in the world called SPSS and it sounded very complicated I didn’t

Fully understand it but he said it was like it’s been like twenty thousand dollars a year on a license or something like that it was just like what oh software you know enough about it now to describe it a little bit no because I think it’s I

Think it’s like not really widely used anymore it’s kind of deprecated but it’s super pricey server software uh-huh oh no um but 20 000 per year isn’t a terribly expensive license once you get into Enterprise like Oracle uh I mean Oracle by the corporation I worked for we had

You know six figures of Licensing this year I download Java for free with a bunch of dummies yep the same thing come on a bunch of dummies dude if you think about it like what’s the point in different coding languages they all do the same thing at the end of the

Day I mean yeah it’s all just ones and zeros when it all comes down to it all you’re telling is like different ways of making ones and zeros I mean that’s kind of silly honestly well I mean there’s a couple different arguments there and interesting things

First off is you know it you could say the same thing about human language and it’s like it’s kind of silly that there’s groups of us that speak different languages we should just speak the same language we’re all trying to just communicate yeah what the frick

Guys so but uh the crazy thing about uh programming languages is depending on what level they’re at quite a few of them will compile down to another programming language and multiple I mean wait so they’re cheating they’re cheating they’re just using another programming language below them yeah it’s basically an abstraction layer if

You think about it like uh like um PHP I believe compiles down to C which then compiles down you know to uh uh Assembly Language like there’s um I mean and even Assembly Language I don’t think is you know your ones and zeros like it’s instructions still so

That it’s it’s layers all the way down um and it’s it’s weird and crazy but at any rate the the uh the reason there’s a uh the the reason there’s multiple programming languages is stated best in an XKCD uh comic panel and comic panels are great when explained but the first

Panel is uh two people holding two different chords and it’s problem You Know chords connection incompatibilities between two different ones uh there’s no standard uh panel two is solution uh you know create their own standard that now universalizes everything and handles everything and then panel four is problem there are three different

Types of chords that are now uh you know competing with each other and whatnot the point being is is everyone’s like I have my idea and I’m going to do it and it’s the best and so they put it out there and then someone’s like oh my God

Who made this I have a better idea and that’s why standards bodies exist and how it gets painful coding I I mean I I I will make an attempt at some point to find it for you okay thank you literally I typed uh um XKCD and Google suggests was like

Staggers I was like yes yes that’s that’s what I’m looking for hey any of you guys happen to uh no what block is like the input output for the SPs thing SPS port uh is it well that’s the power one right or does it also be Universal it’s it’s both oh okay

So do I need an extra one because I I want to have um six of the zappy things firing but then I need do I need like an extra one in order to do the input output yeah I probably need to well no I have six I just didn’t know if

More than one could go on one two for the input and output okay so I need I need eight basically total yeah for sure okay no gold oh no what is that a good three four to bother oh my balls I know sometimes they hurt oh it’s okay we’re good we’re good we’re

Good I thought I made a big boo-boo I thought I made a real big boo-boo there we’re okay thank God for that yeah that was a close one that was a close one indeed so Z now that you have a hundred percented the bees what is next in your world

I was actually talking about that uh a minute ago um that was when it was deaf and stuff but uh oh okay everyone seems like whenever I run into a problem and it’s annoying to solve it a problem in front of me right now but I solve it but along

The way someone says you could just use modular routers to do that and I have never learned modular routers so I’m I’m slapping down some modular routers and trying to see if I can’t get an idea of what it’s doing everything I I I’m new to it so

Literally I’m reading the book Pete I don’t know if it’s exciting yet um I know that you’ve you’ve done some though haven’t you yeah I actually fell in love with modular riders in Beach season three because I’d never done it either but I was I would always hurt her like I’ll

Just use routers I’m like yeah yeah no routers yeah I mean that’s how I’ve been up until now is it’s like it’s not the I I’m like yeah but I’d have to learn it and I don’t know it so I I know this solution and I’d work around it but yeah

You know there’s there might be better Realms and worlds and lives so I kind of want to try and figure out how it do what are we feeding for ANSI matter again I’ve forgotten the input but my biggest problem right now is that I don’t have in front of me a problem

That I’m trying to solve like I’m looking around like I just have things running oh you’re just trying to learn how to use it in the first time actually solving anything so without a task then I just sit here and look at a dumbly like uh I guess I could connect to chest

Maybe all right we’re gonna put we’re gonna do a training course then okay okay use the router to take an item from this and put it into this okay all right welcome to modular routers this is a highly flexible mod what I like about modular routers though

Is there’s literally just one block that doesn’t need power like there’s nothing else to it it’s just the block itself I slap down the power and then was like oh that didn’t connect okay all right well maybe it’ll need power when I do upgrades or something that was that was my thought

Should I wait until you get to that chapter I mean you know whatever if you’re like here I’ll give you the overview then I will listen to you and be happy if you’re like you know here’s your task I shall return then I will I will try not to uh disappoint senpai oh

It never needs power because it’s stupid but yeah I I had kind of picked up that based off of contextually you’re saying it doesn’t need power but yeah okay um so modules are inserted into a modular router tell the router what to do so it seems like I’m gonna need some

Modules we need to we need to get the Fizz on fuel up and running again I’m very disappointed in myself okay yeah this is very this is a big disappointment Frick you need a constant input because you use all the waste for pull out name yeah yeah pretty much and

It’s all yeah it’s all fricked and it’s it’s kind of all fricked which is a bummer yeah yeah all right I built like that little platform above the setup that you had if it wanted to get like morphiso fuel running so I can get back to working on that

Um here’s the deal I’m gonna come back in 10 minutes and if there’s no solution to get items from the chest into that chest I’m gonna be pissed oh goodness gracious don’t disappoint me well it’s okay if you do though because I disappoint myself sometimes it’s fine

Okay so yeah all right oh man yeah I just need to figure out why it’s being um dumb and it like it seems like this thing over here should it should be supplied on both sides the infuser with sulfur dioxide and oxygen but it’s just not doing it which is kind of

Kind of ballsing me up you know or hydrogen or something like that like there’s hydrogen but it’s just not going in just try breaking and replacing it honestly because I wasn’t sure why the oxygen wasn’t going through either oh I mean no I hadn’t tried that yet I thought that was a

I thought that was too obvious the solution but you know what tech support says just never know they say just uh turn it on and off because sometimes that works all right let’s see and I was away for this long and I still didn’t queue up my 100 000 enthused alloys

What are you doing it um what are you doing if not queuing up a hundred thousand infused Alloys that’s what I’m thinking I don’t know whatever I’m doing not the right thing apparently mm-hmm so what else did you do in the great state of Los Angeles other than go to music

Uh oh so this was actually kind of fun so because I was staying down there for a few days I’m like if I just travel using Ubers I’m probably gonna rack up like a thousand dollars because LA and ubering um being from where I live did not expect

The prices to be that high but holy God uh glad I rented a car but I uh I got down there and was like okay I’ll see this car rental place I’m like I’d prefer to get a BMW just because that’s what I drive normally I’m like if I’m

Gonna Be Strong driving in La I’d prefer to be behind the wheel of a car that I’m familiar with at least so I’m like oh okay this is a little bit more expensive but I’ll get like a series because it’s like the standard that they have and so I get to the place

After the shuttle from the airport and they’re like okay cool we got a three series for you and I’m putting my payment info and everything and right before I confirm my card they’re like oh actually so about that three series that you were looking for there’s a

Problem with it don’t think we actually have it or not because the scheduling wouldn’t line up and I’m like oh great okay do you have but they had like an M8 right God I wish yeah so I’m like do you have any other BMWs and he’s like yeah do you

Want a seven series I’m like I’d prefer not to drive a boat around L.A for five days I feel like I don’t have a panic attack um do you have anything smaller like a 2 Series because I thought I had seen that earlier and he’s like all right let me

Go into the back and see if we can find anything I’ll be back in a minute okay go into the back yeah yeah so I’m like not really expecting much I’m like all right if they can’t find anything I’m just gonna go for like a Camry or something I’m not

Gonna like force anything else and he comes back after a minute and looks at me and he says so just to be clear you’re fine with smaller not bigger right and I’m like yeah it’s like okay you want a Z4 it’s like that’s what you have isn’t it

Yeah I’m like oh nice two road trip to La basically pretty much yeah I got to it was like yeah I we can just give it to you it’s not gonna cost you anything else which was actually like an insane deal he’s like I’m gonna give you this upgrade all

You gotta do is rate me five stars and I’m like brother I’ve already done that but uh yeah so I got to drive around the newer model of the car that I drive because mine’s from 2012 and this one was from like 2020 too um so it’s like a whole different car

Pretty much yeah you got the Toyota Supra yeah it’s kind of nice I don’t like how it drives in comparison to mine but all the like new tech features while it was a little overwhelming was like damn I kind of wish that my car had some of this but

Yes I got to road trip and drive around La for a bit I hate driving during the day would not do that again it’s not very fun no it’s not I don’t want to do that again but anytime I got past like 10 or 11 and nobody was really on the road I

Was like oh this is nice yeah so that was fun it was a nice little unexpected thing because I was originally gonna road trip down with my car just to have it with me I’m like that’d be nice to just drive around La with my car but hey turns I didn’t have

To nice one day I’ll see you here one day one day my schedule got so busy I ate so much good food I realized like oh there’s all this beautiful food because I went to Koreatown for a couple of days and just had like a bunch of different like

First and oh it’s like cold noodle soup and oh it was so good all the food that I ate was fantastic and I’m so sad because I know that none of that is up here I can’t I mean up here but you lived in this area for a while didn’t

You knew that you were gonna not have that when you moved right sometimes you just block it out of your thoughts sometimes you just try not to think about it I mean I didn’t live in L.A I lived in like the Ventura area so

I didn’t go to La too too often I only lived in West Hollywood for like a year but I also didn’t really go outside much so hmm understandable yeah they’re going outside it’s a little scary I actually I go outside every day now because my gym is sort of like

Outside it’s in like a covered covered it’s in like a covered porch so it is outside but it’s just like covered um so I do go outside and so I in a way I touch grass sort of that’d be for real yeah it’s uh it’s new new experience you know pretty new yeah

It’s a big sub mm-hmm um okay how any progress made on figuring out what the frick happened with my production here oh I guess I’ll just break the cable and place it down again and we’ll see what happens where’s it going Z eke what do you what if I break it’s in

The chest you told me to put it to where does my hydrogen go wait wait yeah where does my hydrogen go oh that was weird but like beam because I didn’t have my stuff reloaded looked like it was just shooting into the ground I’m like what’d

You set up underneath I I see that too but uh uh and so I was like initially like thinking okay that didn’t work is it because it’s not facing it and stuff and then when I broke this chest to move it thinking it had to be in front the

Stuff popped out of it was like oh it is it is actually working because yeah the The Beam on the send does not appear to be correct wait is this sir oh that’s supposed to be oxygen not hydrogen wait how did hydrogen end up in both of these wait what is that

Oxygen there’s that I can’t tell what’s what I was just about to start working on speed upgrades and stuff like that oh yeah yeah Um oh did the pipes did the pipes do stupid things oh God they do exactly what you tell them to do those cross with each other did the streams cross I think my streams crossed yeah how did I do that wait how the frick did that happen they definitely

Weren’t crossed at one point what oh no I’m trying to remember if this is the one that’s I figured out what happened what happened yeah oopsied yeah I just I crossed my streams somehow I think it must have like run out at some point and then if bad things happened

There we go yeah so I think I think one of the materials basically ran out and then the pipes that were not connected joined because it became empty and then yeah that makes sense now I need a you did not do that I did not know that

Oh God so I set up an exporter into an uh refined storage uh Block doing the uh pattern Auto build that I uh you know with the crafter to automatically fill the patterns but I had not connected it with cable to the other refined storage stuff and it started running anyway it

Does not need to be cabled on it will work through the block that it is pointing at so oh really I just have an exporter just floating out there against the block with no cabling and it worky that was kind of suck oh that’s modular routers doing cool things nothing to do

With modular routers just how storage works okay now the streams are not touching hey there we go perfect Maybe is it perfect God I hope it is it does definitely doesn’t render the uh uh second stream properly I wonder if we move not the way it should be

Trying to remember how to work this module okay it makes huge direction am I looking gigantic plays hooray zero y’all definitely not showing right speed zero were oh e Oh it’s internet isomer yeah there we go whatever you want are you doing the fling yeah I was doing the flooring nice all right guys we are probably gonna need to make more reactors um yeah physical I feel is going like it’s generating some stuff at the moment

Which is pretty cool but I’m talking about anti-matter uh just more of the um the Whatchamacallit you know what I’m you know what I’m I mean the the the reactors that are I can take this out of here um talking about the reactors from Power those ones um yeah for more power

Yeah cool I guess I think we’re good there do we have the oh we don’t have the industrial turbine outputting into our power supply Dewey I don’t think so I should do that laughs the the numbers never change but so much is happening foreign what do you mean

You’re like a Rain Bird sprinkler never been told that before but I’m okay with it yeah the center the receive module is definitely are working right the sender modules definitely are not doing so hard on the render but guess Levi does it land if it lands in the

Inventory does it pick it up uh no so I’ve got a modular router right here okay mode is grass with a vacuum Hopper so I wanted to basically have it fling over the chest and that would put it into it I see but it’s grabbing it right there I mean that works yeah

I think the thing about modular routers is it’s just like dumb brain entertainment you could set up something and then just watch it for like five hours yeah I can see where uh like I I actually could see the uh uh you know utility here

To some extent like I again I think that I’ll need to encounter uh challenges that will force me to use it in order to really get it down but that’ll you know just kind of getting a okay it’s this block you do that you do that and getting started there means okay I

Understand what I’m looking for in I have this problem is there a module that will do what I’m trying to do you know yeah I think the distribution module a distributor module is probably my favorite out of it just because you can set it to eight different targets so you

Can have like eight different inventories all being pulled into the same blocks if you just have a bunch of outputs or whatever or say like there was a chest or something underneath all of these beehives they’re actually then you have those sorted into an inventory really quickly without nanolite cables and stuff yeah

These beehives all are in on the from this side left out on the right and do not cross the streams but so yeah because of the uh because of one just bees being dumb but two uh because of the you know render lag and also just bad AI pathing

Of Minecraft and and its overhead uh I think it might be night time right now and I’m just not realizing simulation bees so they they don’t come out of their hive they just oh they just work inside the hive and then you you put the

Feeding slab in front of it with the uh blocks that they won’t need to pollinate up to three and uh so that’s what the you know basically in here there’s only prosperitys and they use that uh Prosperity Shard block Etc nope not night time that’s how this is all set up and then

I’m just pulling out of it obviously and it just goes into random whichever one centrifugee where are you I I want to see what it is that you were doing oh okay I just changed it to where there’s fewer bees um oh my God this is so fancy looking

Now are you automatically squishing bees uh no no you still it’s still hand squish bees I’ve squished a lot of bees but it is still you we you you put them in through the corner and then you take care of business business um but uh yeah so again there’s a module

That you can put into it that turns it to into a simulation uh Hive and so bees don’t exit once they’re put into it and then you get these feeding slabs you put it directly in front of the hive and you can put the the ones that it wants to uh uh

Pollinate off of in those and so as long as they’re compatible then they will do all the things there is the Rancher B which only works by um literally like ranting livestock so that’s what this one is um because I couldn’t I could not get it

But it so it had to have cows to actually pollinate on and I think it would have been hilarious but I I tried and a cow in a jar did not work as a pollination block I think I think that would have been fantastic they should have made it work

Minecraft mods are in the same studio all working together this is we would live in that life I kind of wish we did Alfred was the in chat when I was saying that so hopefully it’s going to be out of magic there yeah so

Um so at any rate it’s you know where it gives us some extra stuff and resources and filled out the the okay Quest book and seems to be running fairly well yeah nice job there are certain types of bees that are considered solitary bees that are like

Start the starter ones and they will not use a hive they will only use nests so that’s they’re still like some Basics here but we don’t really care about them uh and then and then uh off to the north I was flying around and found where the

Uh uh where all the bees end up if the chunks aren’t loaded and so like when I had the great skeleton and zombie apocalypse um I I went out there and just found a whole a whole pile of bees just zipping around uh oh and spent spent a good long

While collecting them all I don’t think it’s too much of an issue now there’s a couple bumblebees and stuff but uh yeah they were like there there was probably 50 to 100 bees that were just on the out unloaded barrier right over there so what was over here speed pathing is

Stupid it’s where the CH it’s where the chunks didn’t load right so the the so the bees would wander until they’d move to that and then they’d stay there because they oh they aren’t being you know calculated anymore were you streaming when you saw like all them

Loaded at once well it wasn’t like overwhelming Loden it was just I opened my map and I was like let’s look for a bit oh my God there’s so many bees right there um so yeah but yeah it was live then that was probably pretty funny though it uh you know

It became after a while it’s it’s literally the all of these resource mods whether it’s mystical agriculture whether it’s bees whether it’s the chickens you’ve done they’re all the same thing just a different implementation you know speaking of Standards uh like coding languages yeah so you know it’s it’s basically the same

Thing you did with the chickens uh in stone block two where you’re just taking the time to mix them together and make it happen and then get the next one and and and set it up and have a place for it and all that don’t count your chickens before they mix

Once I realized there was a bee breeder block that was very helpful because originally I was like trying to feed the bees like I pulled out and then have them flying and try and pollinate them and then chase down them and their baby and then people were like hey there’s a

Block where you can do it and I was like that’s much more convenient I don’t want to be caught chasing down babies they’re gonna get some weird looks yep yep yep yep yep but also didn’t realize how good of a display block the feeding slabs make

You just throw three blocks in there and it’s just like good for I thought I thought it was just uh I thought it was just a label yeah I thought you just had um which I’m gonna call it some item frames on them and then I was like oh no

This is actually for the bees yep yeah this is a really cool thing it’s a cool block um and then the I was able to use a little bit like from smashing bees um which is my new punk rock uh name as well but from smashing you need a guitarist

I uh got genetics from them and uh so like there’s a few bees that don’t normally that are that are nocturnal you know and they won’t pollinate it uh during the day but I was able to turn them diurnal by applying the jeans from those types of bees to them so that uh

In our very elongated day server uh they are still productive how did the days become so long uh it had something to do with some cryptic language that ended with false like C plus plus oh interesting no more like do day night cycle due date night cycling oh okay

All right did you not get it I’m kidding I got it I was like are you sure no I totally got it you can explain the joke if you need to sometimes I get whooshed but that actually wasn’t one of them all right now I’m currently trying to add more um things

Trying to add more reactors so that we can generate things faster more power for more power I’ve heard faster is better oh I’ve heard the opposite level your expectations my king foreign so Mech reactors are best for power um I hope that I don’t go through our

Backlog of coal again with what I am currently doing I hope so too but should you we have Solutions we do let’s go I love also you can use like you know blaze powder or something instead uh um or possibly lava can you I don’t know I’m just saying those are those are

Traditional combustibles that are in the game that you could investigate oh I don’t know boys I will be back I’m not back in the quick time just know I’m throwing hands at my demons are you getting your food I wish I really thought I wasn’t feeling

Well you know I’ll be back oh no not again your teeth his teeth guys uh this is so sad I hope his teeth feel better someday yeah you okay me yeah I’m good oh okay how are you doing um I am doing pretty okay pretty okay you know you know the huge

The use non-committal how’s how’s the new place um I mean it’s cool ATM a First ATM we’ve done with you you there I don’t think so no I don’t think so I’ve been here before I’ve been here before yeah I’ve never not been here before

Um no I think I think this is like the second session Frick balls ah God dang it did the wrong thing I did the wrong thing well Frick balls and what was the last one coal All Balls oh I yeah I because I I’m pretty sure I

Mentioned a snake appearing in your last uh last time we talked yeah we we’ve we’ve been here once before at least but um I mean it’s still relatively new in comparison to having been at another place for eight years before but it’s uh it’s nice like I was saying a little

Little touching of the grass kind of um taking place now via uh having to having the workout area kind of set up in a little outdoor bit so that’s nice I mean it’s it’s we’ll see how it ends up going when when weather uh becomes more

Regular during the winter so it may end up being something that’s less desirable but um we’ll figure it out sure in the meantime maybe it’s nice if you end up putting a little an opening closure over it to keep keep the rain off or something but yeah I feel yeah I feel

Let’s see where where you’re thinking mhm um but it’s it’s cool it’s uh it’s very quiet there’s not a lot of like stuff there’s far less helicopters and stuff like that it’s not just you know it doesn’t have as much noise going on and um yeah it’s got a bit more room like

More more area huge tracks of land um I love huge tracks you know huh well that’s cool I’m glad you’re enjoying it um one of the things that we do to ourselves on a uh with with homes and stuff is you get a place and then you

Know you’re there over time and you start having things just naturally break down or you know have problems just because you know it just using stuff can deteriorate them and so you end up with a door that squeaks and a floss at the leaks and stuff you know just life

Things that and and they all just become this uh these little minor annoyances about the place and quirks and then you’re like I should get someplace new it has all these problems it’s I just oh my goodness it’s it’s it and in order to sell it you end up fixing all the stuff

That made you annoyed with it in the first place oh yeah so the old house right here so you’re like this place is kind of nice now again like dang oh no so that’s exactly yeah I mean that that happened at um an older uh an older condo that I lived at

Um this was in like 2014 and I never really you know put too much focus into the furniture or ever making it kind of look nicer and then when I went to sell it um the realtor was like hey let’s let’s stage it okay I guess sure we can do that and

They set up the staging and all of a sudden I’m like I kind of like this place now yeah well thanks yeah uh well I’m already committed but that place did sell very quickly so um is that one of the reasons you focused on the new place like making

Sure you had art and everything around or um I feel like you you had said at one point when you were kind of introducing it that uh you were making a more concerted effort to I know I just did that because I figured I was going to be

Living there for a longer period of time for eight years right so yeah eight years is a perfectly decent amount of time yeah yeah uh so yeah no that was just in the interest of making it more of a actually a living space that looks like a living space rather than being

Completely sparse um so yeah but fortunately now you know I have that art that I can set up at the new house in it so it instantaneously rather than having to like accumulate it over time it can kind of as soon as I clear out all these boxes can look nicer sure

Are you uh someone where you’ll have boxes still shoved in a closet by the time you move into the next place uh moving from the old place to here absolutely yes no so so absolutely there were things that stayed in boxes the entire eight years and then y’all moved

Over here because the movers just you know going yeah um but that that cannot be afforded here it’s it is a major cleanup job that is ongoing at the moment I have um big stacks of boxes currently in the living room that are set up like eventually once I go through everything

Ready to give away unless we want to do like multiple uh Goodwill truck coming and picking things up I’m hoping that like the Goodwill truck will come and pick things up because otherwise we have to rent a U-Haul because I do genuinely think that uh probably 80 80 percent of everything that came

Is going to go wow yeah it’s bad it’s really bad wow yeah I uh I I definitely am guilty of that where yeah uh I just like I I don’t know like kind of have always lived a little bit bachelorish I guess um where it’s just once I have the

Things that I need then I stop worrying and focusing so much on all that extra stuff and then you know sometime goes by you know a month or two months or eight years and I still have boxes in a corner that I I haven’t dealt with and you know and

I like it drives me nuts because I’m not a big stuff guy I I I’ve talked to you I’ve told you before but like in my mind it’s stuff it’s these things you feel almost obligated to have or you tell yourself when you’re there like maybe I

Might need this sometime and you never do but you worry that you do because as soon as you get rid of it you’re like as soon as I get rid of this I’m gonna need it again so you keep it forever and ever and ever and ever

Um but like I have a box of that has like all my childhood toys and I’m just like what the hell am I supposed to do with this like it feels weird to be like I should just throw it in the garbage or something you know but and it’s all

Ratty you know giving it to Goodwill seems like here kid have my uh you know barely still has fur on it stuffed toy but it’s just you know like what what is the expectation here and uh so it just ends up in a box that I just move around

And like I I genuinely 100 literally have a box that is labeled stuff I don’t use but I can’t throw away and it’s just a box that just that’s fair I I think it’s I think it’s still sealed from three moves ago and it’s just like

Yep here it is so uh but I’ve always it’s really stupid but I when I bought my first place I was like okay you know I’m I’m young and dumb and I’m Mr Handyman because my dad was always really handy and I was like I’ll be like

My dad my dad can do it I can do it and so I was like I’ll repair the walls and fix all the stuff and make it nice and to an extent I did but what I learned was doing all that is a pain in the butt

And so like unfortunately it over biased me towards where now it’s like putting anything in the wall I’m like I don’t know if I wanted to it’ll create a hole that’ll have to yeah I’m so I still resonate with that I just end up with like bare walls because it’s like I

Don’t know if I want to then I have to fix it later I had to patch I had to patch so many holes man I had so many holes and and and people are like oh just do a little drywall and I’m like you know they do it in a quarter of a

Second and then you you put it on and you’re like this stuff is like 18 million times harder to work with than it looks like in that YouTube video like what the heck you know yeah they make it look pretty easy when they’re good at it

Yeah 14 coats in and you’re like it’s still uneven so yeah I uh I I end up with like uh you know what I like is White Walls but I I really am trying to get better at decorating and making it a home instead of it just being a place

I also have a certain degree of paranoia about like what if I hammer into a pipe or something like that and then everything’s running forever you don’t have that paranoia no I don’t I don’t have the anxiety Factor like you uh do but um I I certainly like I mean it’s a very

Slight possibility but then again you definitely know where the pipes are in your house or something you’re just threading around randomly do you do gen I don’t know that the location of all pipes at all times well I mean I’m just saying like the only time a pipe is going to be and

It will always either you’re in like the central like you have multiple multiple floors here in the central wall that kind of everything moves up and down on or you’re hammering into a wall that has a bathroom on it on the other side or in that side like there’s nothing but what

If you do that what if you do that yeah and you go outside you turn off the water main and you call up that’s just that’s not a fun the thing your water starts to spray your water starts to turn off your water main right yes of

Course but your water is gonna start oh you know actually though you know funny funny story about that which holy frick it could have been a really bad day could have been a really bad day um so I had uh my toilet at the old house worked on

Um a little bit because it like the I don’t know some component in the toilet bowl just stopped working and the problem was that in order to access this nut that had to be tightened it was in like a the toilet was very pressed up against the wall and without just fully

Taking the toilet off in order to access and tighten the nut it required this like annoying wrench that had to be like squeezed into the area and attempt to tighten it well it turned out he didn’t tighten it enough and so I uh one morning I’m like you

Know going to poo and I walk over and I hear Rushing Water and I’m like oh frick what is going on and um I go into the bathroom there’s water that’s on the floor it’s not like a crazy amount fortunately I caught it like pretty quickly but it’s just

Basically free-flowing from the tank into the bowl um and so I immediately turn off the water at the angle stop and but it’s still like dripping and so I think I think initially oh shoot the angle stop itself is like failed and it’s still dripping a little bit of

Water out even though it’s shut off so I go and shut off the the water main to the house only to find that I just like go test a sink it’s still flowing just fine it’s all good Still Water still water flowing despite the water main being shut off

Um you you let that run for a minute or two because yeah yeah no I know you have to you have to drain out all that stuff but no no it’s it’s so anyway fortunately I I then discovered that it wasn’t the angle stop that failed it was just that

That where that nut kind of disconnected it was just dripping out of there from the tank so it was the tank that was dripping down on the floor so it was okay it wasn’t a failure at the wall but I learned because it was the first time I ever

Shot the water main off to the house or had to that valve just wasn’t working so I’m very happy that a false alarm caused me to realize that so then I had the water main valve replaced and now it works just fine but that would have been disastrous if something happened where

That thing actually had to be shut off and it wasn’t working oh boy yeah you do want to make sure your water main is uh you know working as appropriate Um yeah it’s Plumbing is an interesting thing but interest and and you are lucky as well because those uh those valves they put on the toilets usually are pretty cheap and pretty crappy I mean you know like it crap um most plumbers that I know would be like

Do not trust those you know do not believe in those they are they are a lie in a lot of cases um you know like you hope it works and and ideally it does but their failure rate is not insignificant from what I am to understand are you you’re you’re talking about the

Angle stops themselves you’re talking about within the tank the toilet tank no the angle stops themselves like what the light comes out of the wall and the valve that’s right there that then goes up to the toilet yeah those little cheap metal things yeah those are they fail regularly

I mean the in yeah because they they’re they’re typically not like a if they’re a quarter turn ball valve then that’s one thing but it they’re they’re usually I don’t know the different types and stuff like that but they’re usually a cheaper type and it’s just not

Trustworthy I don’t like I’m not saying that they always break like but I just well usually the turning the ones that require multiple turns you’re just screwing something that is clamping down rather than that the handle ones are are fully blocking like yeah and can’t get

The ball valve ones are fine yeah so a quarter a quarter turn ball valve is a pretty decent valve uh I mean I’m sure there’s good ones and bad ones but that’s a much nicer one but the ones where you just turn the the thing those are help those are horrible

Well that’s basically almost every angle stop of the wall is one of those things I don’t sure I don’t think I ever see a line feeding into a sink or toilet that isn’t one of those um fortunately hasn’t hasn’t failed on me yet and hopefully it will not in the

Future I mean I think that goes for all of us you know hope this works but uh oh we need to actually go fetch some of those dimensional shards that are everywhere that we never actually go fetch hmm I’m back by the way I just came back to

Story time so I wasn’t saying anything oh hey man uh show us your plumbing stories on you some part of my valve is failing currently yeah oh no generally so uh it’s probably not a uh uh Sicky Sunday kind of not well maybe it is a

Sicky Sunday for Pete but not not on stream something yeah yeah oh yeah no when I was uh traveling back I felt like a little bit crummy one morning and I said oh God I hope this passes it didn’t oh this is a multiple day thing

Oh I mean yeah I was uh I left like a couple days early like earlier than I intended because I was only in Seattle for a day and I was supposed to stay up there for a few days but I woke up one morning the day I was traveling to

Seattle and I’m like my throat’s feeling a little weird oh so I was like oh I hope this passes by tomorrow and the next day it came and I’m like oh this has not passed yet and actually it’s gotten worse okay hey uh I’m gonna go get a hotel and not in fact

I was talking to my friend I’m like I’m not gonna infect your entire family with something I might possibly have so I traveled or I got a hotel and I took like a covet test and I’m like okay this is covid then I’m probably boned because

I’m in a hotel that has Wi-Fi that’s three up and down I will suffer for two weeks wasn’t covered so I’m like okay cool I can travel home probably if I’m feeling well enough so I got a flight at like three and I’m like barely surviving but

I’m good I’m like okay I’d feel fine enough to travel the mask on and I don’t think I’m gonna get anybody sick uh and then I got home and yeah I don’t know I caught a stomach bug I don’t know from what but yeah I’ve been reeling with that for the past day

I’m on I’m better now ish but it’s been uh yeah last day’s been yeah a lot of a lot of valve failures and uh clogging toilet okay problems whatever yeah Jordan was like oh no your teeth and I was like I don’t think he’s talking about his uh throw up situation

You wish it was your teeth in pain how are your teeth by the way I’m doing good yeah just been the uh aligners for a little bit adjusting to those but it’s been good it was only tough for like the first couple of days getting adjusted but yeah

I’m gonna have these for about 18 months so yeah sooner or later yeah now that uh you’ve had them a bit it’s not quite as obnoxious so we’re painful for you yeah not really I mean I am on like my second week uh retainer so like the first couple of days was like

Oh this hurts a lot again which is like just something I’m gonna have to get used to at the beginning of every week but it’s manageable now um I am it’s been a very very long time God bless that I since I’ve had a stomach bug and I actually oftentimes think about

Like it is inevitable I know at some point in the future in my life I am going to be up at 2AM keeled over the toilet and just having absolutely gone a whole time and I know it will happen at some point in my life but I just

I just want to do everything I can to avoid that that’s why I was telling Jordan I’m like I’m really sorry that we didn’t see each other but on the good side of it like I don’t know if I was infectious at any point but oh you might have saved

That from happening wow I might have saved you a slight trouble because if we did have any chance to hang out it would have been toward the tail end and ah yeah and then it would have been towards my tail end okay what is the dimensional Shard uh or code I wonder um

Anybody know how do I show the data again is that f3h okay nice nice guys what one is it what is it what’s the one please help I don’t know which one it is I wish it were easier than this I wish you could just drag Forge or instrument okay cool cool thank

You you guys are Lifesavers I’m sure there’s a way to math this out dimensional shard something really nice about copying off your own password I don’t remember how to set up a giant facile-fueled production at Max Capacity but pass me did oh yeah for that I really I like that too

Especially you know when you’ve gotten like uh when you’ve done setup for like a particular kind of I don’t know thumbnail or something like that right wait can you why do you have no idea like you only have to be smart once in your life and then you’re just good that

Part’s just covered why do I have no oh there’s the energy cool yeah in having infrastructure set up is uh is pretty cool I agree wish I hadn’t understood and I have everything yeah now I’m I’m concerned if I end up at uh you know twitchcon or

Something for a day if I drop by there what if I what if I I’m gonna get immediately sick yeah I probably will I probably will I don’t think you will actually give confidence in my immune system or something like that I do you should have been going outside a little bit more

Recently you’re fortified I don’t think that going outside into the covered porch deck area really counts as exposing myself to germs that I’m going to build tolerances to in probably more than inside your home you know just a little bit if you want to accelerate it you could just like go

Outside and eat a little bit of dirt my dad would add nipples in the morning my dad would definitely advocate for that he’s a big fan he’s a big fan of trying to uh you know if it was dropped on the ground or something like that builds character just eat it oh yeah

I’ve lost it doesn’t roll a couple times and it’s probably good yeah wait what why are you doing that what huh why why is this thing mining sapphires why doesn’t it have power uh uh you could remove the sapphire stuff no I know that’s the thing I I disabled

Them all but it’s mining it anyway huh what are you doing oh my God is it stupid it’s doing the thing where it’s like not being smart um uh yeah so stupid basically yeah yeah that is true now that I’m in a house with someone else it is like

Double the odds of getting sick though oh no for both of us oof that is kind of rough it’s it’s tough to be you that is kind of rough dude it it could get it could get bad here any moment sorry don’t want to live with someone

Else uh it’s not you it’s just really don’t want to get sick and I don’t know where you’ve been what about like oh say that to someone and see how they react s what about like just imagine having like not only a kid but like multiple kids and just

You know how often everybody must just be sick at all times just think about that uh leg rats that’s a that’s a Minecraft mod item um how’s your guys lithium production I think Pete is making lots of it right lithium production I’m not handling that at the moment oh lithium’s like another

Step after right that’s what it is yeah well that’s just part of the fissile fuel like I’m not I wasn’t working on but you have to be generating some or are you not no I think you you Pro you do another brine Tower thing in order to make lithium don’t you

Uh so that works you like reprocess it or something like that I know you get it out of the thermal evaporation controller stuff right oh yeah you do yeah just Brian into liquid lithium um how tall can those be again I know they were like up to 18 in Heights

And then some lithium for something yes what you need it for a I have created induction oh the big induction Matrix thing yeah yeah you can come over here and use the evaporation powers that are already built and just repurpose those because I only needed these for sodium and we

Already have uh max amount of sodium sure I was just gonna pop a couple Towers up but yeah I mean if you want to keep like the mechanism stuff in the space area unless you prefer to have like your stuff that you’re working on down in the

You can do it here if you want to okay thank you you’re very accommodating sorry release halfway through I’m like God I’m being annoying Earth you are not in the slightest and you are appreciated and when we were talking about uh at the beginning you were like backed by popular demand

Um the reason I said yeah that’s actually true or whatever it was I said um is because I had someone who I think they were a little confused but nonetheless the the spirit and the idea was there um oh here we go they uh they commented on one of my videos uh for

I believe it was either sevtech or RL craft and said this looks like it’s gonna be a pretty good series can we add Pete to it and uh I was like probably not yeah they’re on to something it’s a couple can we go back in time can we build a

Time machine I think we should it’s a couple years old but obviously the people are demanding Pete be involved and so Ergo by popular demand Pete is here if I learn how to time travel wait you don’t I thought that’s why you were here uh know how to time oh that’s why I’m

Here oh okay well I thought we brought him on because he knew how to make time machines does he not oh back in time to handle something Jordan oh there are a lot of things I would change my machine yeah he’s bringing me on one of them

No no no no no no no not at all three years and you’re like ah actually maybe this wasn’t a good idea so a mistake was made oh I’ve been putting stuff into my backpack instead of into the system the worst how does that not work

Okay there we go you didn’t build it right it’s just one of those stupid NBT recipes that just doesn’t work with shift clicking or Auto crafting you know stop being mean sorry my bad this guy looks very sad it’s me I’m the guy why are you sad

You called me stupid I did not do such a thing a nickname in high school was NBT huh you’re so stupid it’s his stupid NBT thing and then he tied onto the NBT and that’s where you guys oh got it I understand thank you for clarifying that

One I speak I speak fluent Jordan it’s it’s uh it’s fine I’m happy to help bridge that Gap you speak fluid forcing my fluid Jordan not fluid Jordan that we don’t want to we don’t want to send uh stop and Archive of their own uh off on an adventure

The rat conversation pop up on my YouTube feed um oh yeah yeah yeah yeah there’s a nice conversation by me that was one of my smarter moments it happens every now and again you know it really does are you sure I’m positive yeah no I but what if you I

Mean it is pretty hard to imagine a snake like eating a rat hole so giving it a little sippy cup with blender like that please [Laughter] why are rats why sippy cup can I ask you a question what happens when you put something in the blender

What do you wait what it will blend what does it turn into a form of frappe yeah okay a smoothie you wanna see I didn’t think a rat smoothie yeah I didn’t think that for a little bit I turned into like dust or something no it’s not what I thought what did you

Think for breakfast [Laughter] oh God that’s how you make ratatouille so Cara would like bring rats out for her snakes to eat but when I would go on her stream I would hear this like sound in the background and my brain equated that to like a blender so I’m

Like nothing else in this Holy Land would make such a violent sound and so I thought like oh these Frozen rats just get like put in the blender for a little bit just to kind of turn the bones up just a little bit but just to break it

Down a little make it a little chewable exactly yeah just a little Shred the bones just a tiny little bit you know yeah that’s not the way other people perceived it I I think the way I was getting at was that I thought that the rats would be

Liquidizing the snakes would drink the red do that not it’s not where my brain was going but that’s the backstory perilous blow dryer to heat them up which makes sense it does I just didn’t I understand but it’s at the time that was not how I was perceiving it it

Sounded like a like a blender man I haven’t used a blow dryer in a while I I like specialized blenders for rats yeah do you order them specifically for their ratchets but Cara does oh yeah oh so she does oh okay sounds great there’s also a dedicated uh rat freezer oh yeah

Versus them in a certain way where they’re uh no no it’s just it’s frozen but the bones don’t no it’s just dedicated yes it’s it’s a it’s a donut open inside freezer and then I guess that makes sense like you know if you’re trying to get like a

Bag of frozen vegetables you don’t really want them like next to some rats like yeah that makes sense yeah the problem is it’s I’ve opened it before on accident several times and and you just see what it literally literally has its own like how do you no okay so basically

There’s two adjacent freezer compartments in the wall and I’m still getting used to things and so it’s the top one I don’t know why it’s why is it the top one and not the bottom one why isn’t it the bottom one so anyway I know exactly it absolutely it’s your bottom

One it should but it’s the top one and so I’ve opened the top freezer compartment I’m like oh we’re at okay uh and then I open the bottom one and I’m like oh ice cream great so I’m just imagining those little like magnets that you put on like uh uh

Dishwasher that says dirty clean and you flip them over there’s just one in the freezer it says rats inside rat’s not inside I just have to put down dead open inside on the front of that one um hey guys are you want to do a lot more

Work because I was thinking of queuing up a one uh a 1048 Million store or a storage part I’ll queue up the Alloys after you do that then okay that’ll have to probably be on Sunday but you know oh you need me to wait until Sunday for

That I depends how long this takes it might take a while Holland is one craft deck I don’t know it doesn’t give me an ETA on it it just does there’s percentages huh look at the crafting monitor it tells you the percentage of The Craft progress okay let’s see uh

Well it says it’s at ten percent I can’t imagine that to be correct there’s no way it’s at 12 13 no way are you calling it a liar yeah uh I mean I guess the furnace does work pretty quickly but that seems that’s fast that seems fast for a 1048

Million like this is the this is a beefy beefy boy I think it’s gonna slow down I think it’s gonna hit yeah now it’s slowing down okay it hit 21 and then it went oh on second thought I have a lot to do here why is it not just accurate like it’s a

Computer the game already knows what’s gonna happen like just be smarter uh I don’t know like why do why do progress bars get stuck at 95 percent like it is really long it’s gonna take you know how you know what you have to do just figure it out

So Pete to be clear I can hijack one of these evaporative Towers yeah you can hijack all of them if you want I I I do not want I just want one but I would prefer if you did so we are actually limited right now by

The speed at which the furnace can be dumped out um so I’m gonna the problem is I can’t call in another um stack upgrade because oh there’s one thank goodness because our crafting is occupied but I can get six million fists out of fuel damn do we really that’s pretty sick

Yeah was there like backup or not backup but like some in the buffer I don’t oh you know what it was probably oh because all the other stuff had like build up in the pipes so when you turn it back on it’s just like let’s see what is a creative importer huh interesting

Interesting huh that’s something that’s gated behind like the ATM sir no it’s not even it’s just like it’s pretty accessible despite it being called creative so I am about to make this the problem is I won’t be able to cue one up until this is all done unless I just

End the process maybe give it up anyway there’s multiple creators or Crafters that might slip maybe oh you think you might you don’t know I don’t know if this needs to wait or if it’s hmm um this is using 10 kfe this uses doing 40. no that’s this thousand so is that

Why you use the quantum entangler as entangle borders because the flux Point can’t deliver enough no the internal reporter is just to manage uh wait oh this is for power yeah um what I’m saying is your your resistive is using 10 kfe or this is only which can probably be lowered

Significantly by the way okay Ken Kathy is overkill if you look at the temperature on these it’s like 80 000 then you definitely do not need it to be that hot yeah I don’t have I don’t have that much temperature so I’m thinking I need more even if you don’t you need less

Um yeah I’ll just use a Quantum entangle upper because I slapped it on the reactor um I just had it set up like this previously so I’m like I’ll just do this again sure so I’ll just throw one of those on and be good um how should I click on thermal sodium

Or I haven’t used a natural power Nitro power there you go configuration card there we go hey it has power is there a creative accent oh do I get wait you can change it yeah if you type it in and click enter oh so that’s where I was boofing it might have

Been that the plug could do the fine uh do it fine I just hadn’t said it right so yeah so that should be going now yeah oh hey look we have lithium now oh no that’s limited but okay so now I need to take the lithium and

This loses all of its contents when I break it right uh the content should remain inside of the blocks if you break it and then place it again but why would you need to oh because you need to report okay I need to yeah I need to Output the

Lithium which I don’t have yet yeah it should be stored in the multi-block so I can just break it and and put the block back with a port and uh we’re good to go okay cool I mean perfect thank you so we need it yeah we need to concentrate it I believe

This is a this is The Incredibles moment like or wait no what is it no that was it was SpongeBob which one was it no no it’s incredible so it’s like well you’re making lithium yeah you want to see me go do the whatever and then SpongeBob or it was

SpongeBob okay yeah want to see me do it again oh the introduction cells yeah those are this thing is probably I’m assuming this thing is probably full yeah ultimate pipe upgrade figure out what the heck the name of the content straighter is uh Frick the rotary and then there isn’t there a

Better one should become Shredder I’m sorry I I got the reference wrong just wrecked oh you think we can do double pipe inputs is there a better what’s the best like pipe it can be gotched ultimate sorry that’s the one you’re right what about the logistical transporter

128 a second and that’s not that great um what is the best with you uh sorry I just oh we need an Infinity pipe upgrade yo we can do that oh no we can’t do that oh that requires a star Shard oh gee mini Christmas it’s a good one then

What’s the problem it looked so promising and then it was like ooh I can’t make yeah two star bunkle shards hmm that’s not gonna work why not wait Barrel on the furnace and then just sounds like quitter talk really oh wait that could freaking work what does this extinguished torch doing here

I accidentally placed torches with my pickaxe on occasion right clicking with my pickaxe will place a torch oh it extinguishes because we’re in space yeah that’s cool uh Minecraft will ever out of space dimension huh oh do you think Minecraft is the end not kind of like that

Oh I think the end is space oh yeah I’m not sure on that one I kind of call it space-ish I just don’t have all the patterns fall out you know you can just breathe in space but it’s not working well that’s a good point oh just moved the furnace oh I could

Just move the furnace that’s very true that’s very true that’s a good point I will do that that was a lot of levels stored inside there huh what do you know you don’t like that and get that do that and then we do Auto input on and then we need the augment

Factory yeah okay cool then we need the power my Flings all right and back is going to be the output would be an output that’ll be an input and then we’ll see if this just goes uh room room psychic this is all right guys here we go let’s find out how well this

Works all right Speedy all right Speedy guns yeah it should be speedy are you talking about because I’m I’m being I’m hopefully being super duper Speedy right now fingers crossed oh wait it’s still my thunder man okay good drive fast cars but yeah oh my God

I have never smelled it things faster in my life come over here come over here Zen I just I just if you thought if you thought we were cranking Hogs before you have no idea come to the over here uh come to the ultimate unobtainium furnace um to my window

Trying to figure out where the Waypoint is oh that’s right foreign nope you just shut me out look at this look click that Barrel click that Barrel the barrel click the barrel oh nice oh okay you don’t even see it you literally don’t even see it it just it just

Happens the furnace is crazier yeah why does it do it in like chunks the crafter it’s like the way the crafter initiates recipes or something like that I don’t know there’s this guy here he just dropped down from above I’m dead now this is POD racing now this is POD racing

Um well well well uh we are pretty yeah we’re a bit over time but it’s been a it’s been a good good return back we’re also keeping Pete from potentially not places he needs to be so yeah wait huh I’m just looking out for you we were

Just talking about how you think if I wasn’t here I’d be in the toilet Maybe oh you know trust me if I needed to go I would I’d be gone you know I would not have a choice ow why am I dying oh I’m out of oxygen

That this is a slightly annoying fact of our placements here oh my God it made it it made the 1048. holy heck oh my God it did it all of them or just a singular one a singular 1048 but that’s a that’s a massive massive thing I don’t uh I had to build

Uh a couple extra um discs because we did fill up our drive so I added a number of discs to it oh I mean if if you wanna if you want to do another another one you’d like this is this is basically probably all of our drives combined and way more so cool

Um but but I did it for the uh improbable probability device because it’s one of the required things so anyway ah I see but yeah um all right well well I try to figure out how to not suffocate we would like to thank our sponsor for this uh series uh providing the server

We’ve been playing on uh Apex hosting be sure to check them out the links are are in our description if you want to play with your friends you can use those links save yourself some money on the first month and that will go directly to helping us and we appreciate that so

Thank you to them for sponsoring thank you for checking them out don’t forget that we do create these live we are streamers by trade uh Jordan’s a YouTuber but we don’t we we try to give him that step up um so you can see us at captainsparkles Pizza Hut and Zine uh come throw some follows and see all the extra content doesn’t make it up into the videos and then uh yeah if you have enjoyed this video please hit that like button and if you haven’t already chosen to do so we do hope that you will choose to

Subscribe and turn on notifications thus I turn it over to you fine gentlemen is there anything else that you wish to impress upon the people for me I’m good we’re doing great other than the part where this doesn’t weird oh we just don’t have any no just kidding we’re good I’m doing great

Bye-bye bye guys later

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: All The Mods 8 Ep. 35’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2023-09-05 00:00:04. It has garnered 20138 views and 875 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:38 or 5558 seconds.

Today we convert energy into matter Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring this series! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: ATM 8 playlist:

X33N: Pete:

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  • Experience Thrills and Chills on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Experience Thrills and Chills on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about an exciting Minecraft server that is taking the gaming community by storm. If you’re a fan of the game and looking for a new and thrilling experience, then Minewind is the place for you. Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive in a vast and dynamic environment filled with endless possibilities. That’s exactly what Minewind offers to its players. With a dedicated community of gamers from all around the world, you’ll never… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Adventure!

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  • Join Minewind: Build Your Mega Base in Style!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Ben 10 Experience!

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  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Minecraft Fun!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Control in the Circle

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  • Join Minewind Server for Thrilling Adventures!

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  • Mikey & JJ ATTACKED by SNAKES in Minecraft

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  • EPIC MINECRAFT Server Gameplay with Seb! You don’t want to miss this!

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  • MineKage

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  • Dad Energy MC Server: Vanilla SMP 1.20.4 Java Fabric Whitelist Hermitcraft-inspired Mature Family-Friendly

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  • NovaNexus Skyblock

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  • Ultimate Guide to Playing with Real Mods on Minecraft Bedrock

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  • Experience Nostalgia on Minewind Minecraft Server

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  • Top Minecraft Foods REVEALED!

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  • SHOCKING! Mikey and JJ discover secret underground treasure in Minecraft! (Maizen)

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  • The Ultimate Minecraft Cheat Code

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  • 250 EDD – XD? Mind-Blowing Minecraft 2023 Gameplay!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Stone House Tutorial – Build Like a Pro!

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  • Exclusive Minecraft Server Live! Join Now for Giveaways!

    Exclusive Minecraft Server Live! Join Now for Giveaways!Video Information आ जा आ व आ र हेलो लेट चेक आ रही है कि नहीं आ रही है स जस्ट एक सेकंड हेलो यस परफेक्ट लाइ पर ओके हेलो आ जा आने आ जाओ आ जाओ मैं बुला लेता डिकोड से हेलो ब्रो मैं आ गया यस तुम आ गए अच्छी बात है या यो विवेक भाई व अब ठीक है ना यार अब तो को दिक्कत नहीं है ना सब को बला लेता हूं हेलो हेलो व आ रही है मेरी गाइस भाई थोड़ा यस या नो तो टाइप कर दो यार तुम्हारे पास पहुच कौन सा मोड… Read More

  • Insane!!! PS Plus April 2024 Free Games Revealed!!

    Insane!!! PS Plus April 2024 Free Games Revealed!!Video Information well hey guys how’s it going I turned over the camera so it will be more obvious what’s going on here it is mind bugling because left is right and right is left for me right now I’m going to do this for this video we’ll see if I continue with that I don’t think I am cuz it it is already kind of Wy let me just a second do this it’s so much better so much better we’re going to suffer through it together I already decided so we’re going to suffer through it together like… Read More

  • “INSANE GAMING: HIDE THE EVIDENCE” #clickbait #trending

    "INSANE GAMING: HIDE THE EVIDENCE" #clickbait #trendingVideo Information they call she smile on her face she with roll This video, titled ‘GET RIDE OF THE EVIDENCE #youtube #dop2#trendingshorts #games#minecraft#viral #totalgaming#gameplay’, was uploaded by CRAZY GAMING on 2024-01-04 01:43:55. It has garnered 2605 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT TIME MACHINE BATTLE WITH BASTIGHGVideo Information wir befinden uns in einer 10 Jahre alten Minecraft Version hier in der 1.8 machen wir eine kleine Zeitreise und machen heute ein dre gegen dre Boss Monster Battle welches Team wird heute als erstes den wither Enderdrachen und elder Guardian besiegen wer es als erstes schafft gewinnt das gesamte Battle es wird super interessant denn diese Minecraft Version und die gesamte Welt ist echt sehr sehr alt lasst unbedingt einen like da schaut bei allen Kanälen vorbei abonniert alle Kanäle abonnieren vor allem auf diesen Kanal wird mich unfassbar freuen und schreibt gerne in die Kommentare ob… Read More

  • Surviving 500 Days in Minecraft! Epic Strategies Revealed

    Surviving 500 Days in Minecraft! Epic Strategies RevealedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft surving 500 days in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Coolgamersminecraft4 on 2024-02-26 08:55:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello guys welcome to my brand new yt coolgamersminecraft4 this is my new permanent channel please subscribe to it thank you … Read More

  • HunterTales

    HunterTalesStart your journey now on HunterTales! Hello and welcome to HunterTales! This is an anime influenced RP server where you get to customize your own character and path through community events and more. While it is anime inspired it is completely original, the server has plenty of content to enjoy so we hope to see you on! There will also be a $15 store credit reward for the player who manages to get the most players invited to the discord! We do hope to see you on and help this community grow into something great! Version: Minecraft 1.17.1 (No Mods)… Read More

CaptainSparklez 2 – Minecraft: All The Mods 8 Ep. 35