CaptainSparklez 2 – Minecraft Ragnamod Ep. 36 – Chaos

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Hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of ragnamod brought to you by our sponsor MC Pro Hosting they host the server that we are creating boxing rings on and um they can also host a server for you if you check out the links in the description you will

Get 25 off your first month of server hosting you can give it a try maybe load up ragamog give it a try yourself or play some Vanilla Minecraft or they also offer other games if you’re interested in some variety so thanks to them for sponsoring and check them out

Um Pete it looks like you have uh things to share with us and I was in remember a while ago when you were saying that there were some people that were upset that you were doing so much off camera in between episodes uh yes you wanted to partake

You’re happy to be taking that flag you uh sorry listen I I small thing about me I have either of you guys played satisfactory I have played satisfactory it makes one of us uh it’s good I’ve played it through a couple times and once the new update

Comes out of Early Access I’ll probably play through it again that’s sick yeah so I I tried playing it on YouTube balancing a series I didn’t really do like long streams at the time um I may or may have spent about five out of the 14 episodes that I filmed

Messing around with parkour creation stuff and people got this is satisfactory yeah in satisfactory um and then I stopped uploading the series because people were mad at me and it wasn’t doing well and all I wanted to do was build parkour and not play the actual game I realized that that was two

And a half years ago and I haven’t worked through those issues yet so here I am creating a race track basically basically the same thing so um you can tell me to stop at any time but if not anyway I want nothing more than for this to turn into a racing series I

Want him to continue to add and expand into the racetrack until the final episode we finally do it no no no no no this looks this looks like we can actually this my this is drivable potentially maybe patient over here is like nah man I’m very impatient Sunday

We race oh Sunday okay Sunday is right bro wait is there is there an F1 race this weekend is there is yeah ours apparently well no but I’m just saying like we can be they are the support they are the support race for us if if there is a race this weekend

Uh I’ll just say there is and call it good or if there isn’t we are the F1 race for this weekend and it’s it’s on Sunday it’s crazy dude that was the that was the joke that I made then you were like no not not really and so but then

You took it you know what yeah that happens to me regularly and I feel like I need to I need to have it for myself one of those one of the times yes okay this happens to me in like you’re usually the one who does that what yeah

I would say so Jesus Christ what did I sign up for here no boxing match apparently oh my God no when I’m in like try to talk me into fighting an unfair fight so he can feel better yeah yeah go on when I’m in real life social situations very very not regularly

Um I I have on so many occasions you know made a joke or something like that and nobody acknowledges it and then someone just goes and repeats the line like a few seconds later and then gets laughter from everybody around and I’m just like I’m I said I said that but

Okay nobody cares now is what’s important you’ve got it like comedy is about timing and delivery and you can say the line but you got to be able to deliver the line okay Mr victim blamer oh oh okay okay yeah yeah you poor victim uh-huh man

He’s out to get me today so um anyway so so do do we want to are we working on like would you like more help expanding the racetrack or or is this or do you feel like you’ve got it and we should we should work on other things today

Down with whatever you want to do the last thing that I want to set up is that I want to add a little bit more obstacles to the Aquatic ruins over here just because it makes sense two main ones that you build over here which by

The way I did kind of freshen up a little bit I kept the actual obstacles I just made it a bit more in line with the build style of the track you decided to make it like very punishing if you don’t hit the shortcut well yes yeah yeah exactly exactly

Um and then it’s pretty much the same over here it looks like just with different block textures that you replace so yeah that’s yeah it just goes like the way I’ve had it around the map is that every like the ground block The Aquatic ruin or whatever is usually only

Used for the floor that makes sense yeah cool nice scene happens to everybody eventually what did I do it’s the sticky situation oh yeah okay sorry what happens I’m not ashamed actually idea I’m still I’m still chuckling at the unstreamable joke I told in the chat but don’t worry about it

No no no no no no I typed it in our Discord but no no it’s not it’s not oh wait I didn’t read hold on now everyone’s gonna be like no no no no no no no no no no no no no that’s a good one uh uh yeah

Definitely can’t give that one nope that’s not getting there until you’re on like the last leg of your career by your own choice okay guys last week of streams here’s my Discord logs by the way we’re gonna react to these live hey so do you guys I had an idea

Um speaking of things that we’re not supposed to make it to stream and stuff would you like to fight the chaos dragon by any chance right now maybe today I I don’t know like sure yeah I would love to yeah someone someone was saying that

You need to uh uh AFK more was that clicking I think think I was near him the Morgan uh you know for a while yeah yeah yeah they would want everybody they everybody on you you think that uh to there also most of the comments were either people insisting they still hear

The key press oh that’s good that’s exciting that they didn’t hear the key press and demanding it back that was that was the majority of the comments that’s gonna be a tough one the latter one but but I what I can do is I’m gonna try to work on being mindful of really

Just slamming the key down just slamming it yeah the majority of my comments were people typing first so you know it just you know how many people have you banned today I it’s best we not discuss because I’m with you like if there’s an odd ball that decides to write first

When joining a twitch stream as it begins I just bop them out of there for the day and say you need to think about that I occasionally get those in in Chad I I see them I don’t I just kind of whatever but because it’s it’s uh you

Know it see it feels like a little bit of uh in in a YouTube channel it’s more persistent and immutable but you know and twitch chat it just it Scrolls away and it’s gone so but at any rate hey by the way Zine um yes I wanna this is uh

The environmental Tech stuff is is pretty wild in the end I hadn’t seen you do stuff over there is it just like able to be more efficient in the end or get different stuff you need to go to the you get different stuff but you also

Need to go get to get like the top stuff you need to be in the end or then okay is this that is the uh zerothium is that the top yeah yeah we’re it’s topped here fancy top it’s a fairly large at this point it is a very big boy indeed is

This a multi-block yeah it hasn’t it doesn’t Auto build function though I think if it’s still it it does it’s kind of goofy but yeah it auto builds a little bit um and I it’s disabled now like we have plenty of everything so it’s just kind of it’s not powered but

Um yeah this is that mining drill you were talking about for a bit right or is this a different thing yeah this is this is this is the void Miner all right guys so I’m actually I’m thinking I’m just doing a little little I love to think all the time um I’m

Doing a little flight trip flight trip to um zero uh ten thousand right yeah okay and we’re gonna see how this this goes for us it might be bad I should put down a Way Stone before we actually engage yeah you should you should drop away or bring a

Way Stone and drop that waste Stone actually we should all touch that way Stone and then you should touch it yeah we should all oh um is this gonna work from this range or is it going to give me trouble it’s working that’s brilliant with a capital T yep

That Taylor Swift goat song trouble with a capital t is from The Music Man which is not exactly Taylor Swift but good call man oh you were you were right there oh I used my warp Stone oops I can fix this you know for our guys published so many songs on Spotify

You think you’d get a reference to the music man but I guess not oh I actually uh Zine I saw that you your submission on Spotify I looked you up yeah yeah you must have been really bored one day I just no actually

Um it was I think it showed up as like a recommended similar artist from um from my Spotify or something like that so oh you’re my new thumbs down got it are there thumbs up and thumbs down on Spotify no no um okay well cool I mean you know that’s that’s neat yeah

I’m sorry did you listen to any of the music or did you just see not yet okay that’s just cool you he existed and that’s as far as he was willing to go before he was like nope and that’s fair that’s again that’s perfectly Fair good old good for you

Um I I no but I just I was saying I saw it was there and then and then uh yeah I was but I was like I was doing other stuff at the moment and wasn’t really listening to music at the time I was like I was yeah anyway

No I I I get I get it I do other stuff a lot too sometimes for too long generally I try and do other stuff as well I am doomed you’re spotting so many chunks the server so mad yeah the server’s a little upset right now uh I

Mean I am flying kind of kind of fastly I’m also just trying to access all right I can’t I can’t yeah I can’t even click onto a wastestone right now okay I’m flying as well so that’s the problem we should probably have one person just hit

60. hey I got the waste or the that no excuse me not the waste of my crafting grid that I tried to open five minutes ago open because I stopped flying yeah um at 10K I’m just waiting for chunk you know what I could do you know what I could do is

You guys stop Flying um I’m gonna bring back a Way Stone to silk touch I can be the one to fly out and then you can waste Stone out there does that sound okay wasn’t that that was the plan originally yeah oh then what well I didn’t know

Where you guys were flying then I thought you guys I’m at the main base I’m having the The Way Stone flip open 400 times at me because I kept clicking it and now yeah I know that feeling mode and I’m just like stop the worst though

Is when you try to open up a chest and then it just does the who definitely all right well it’s um it’s trying it’s it’s trying which is weird because like there’s not that many blocks to generate on the end Islands no but anyway we’re going we’re I’m only 2 000 blocks away

So we’ll get there like your zero two thousand or your zero eight thousand uh I’m zero eight thousand gotcha gotcha gotcha um I don’t want to make you feel less important but I’m at 9 600 if that would make things easier that’s why the server is angry I’m at our base

All right so I’m just gonna go home and let Pete handle this then um yep all right you got this Pete man he you stole his Thunder I made you feel less important and I’m incredibly sorry I well I was just like I was trying to take it slow for the server

And and beats gun yeah so you know what the stars of beefy boy can handle it because it’s an MC Pro Hosting server exactly that’s true description save 25 indeed okay well I’m back here so Pete’s gonna be in charge of taking us to the chaos dragon okay

He’s gonna get there and then not have a oh well no you just need so he needs two way stones he needs one to put down for himself and one to silk touch uh to bring back to us basically um so what uh what was the inspiration for

The boxing ring with the cyclopsis and like how does it play into the course can they actually pick you up in the van and eat you they definitely can and that’s why I love them uh do they pick up the van like with you in it or does

It try it try it okay let me see it’s really funny uh there’s no van in the system at the moment where are the names uh I only have one I don’t know my inventory uh uh where the other van is there one on the track somewhere oh Hornet Hornet hold on Hornets

What the frick it’s actually called The Hornet man uh uh what happened what happened I have mine and Pete has his I have one in in my inventory yes do I have to hold on I might have two I do not have to uh oh wait is it that one

Nope it’s not that one it’s not named dinnerbone um huh put one down at the uh beginning okay well may need to go back to Sonic Craft and find the third one I don’t know what would have happened but someone stole our car it’s probably the Cyclops

Here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go oh boy oh that’s right why did I not hit the why did why did that not hit the thing what the frick that’s a weird thing I’ve noticed is that like the first time that

You use a jump pad it doesn’t jump as far as it should the first but the first time only you just have to like well you guys didn’t hit the the Big Boost initially to get up to the oh is it like a one-time thing yeah it’s like the server needs to cue

The height distance or some weird stuff huh oh it worked this time there you go uh so the thing is that you have to try and shimmy the car away from it what the what oh he he’s you can’t kill the Cyclops the rule is that you cannot

Right no no I got that but he so he started eating the van not me that is very interesting [Laughter] more interested in eating yeah what’s up did you happen to break a shaft uh on the create system because you couldn’t run the bit Auto crafter and so you

Broke a shaft to disable the wheels no I certainly did not hi how you doing what did I break I I don’t it’s someone had broken right here I did not do that and the first instinct first instinct is me he just he just thinks it’s me 100 people Target 100

Without hesitation not even not even feeling bad about it I was just a little bit like who I was just like literally someone broke this piece right here I assume because this was running and if that piece is there uh well well then everything breaks but they broke it next to the clutch

That disengages it so you don’t have to break everything and so I was just like ooh Why but I cry but I didn’t break anything here though it would no it lit I mean I just had to put the piece back I was just more like

I like wondering why when we’re next to the clutch that we felt the need to break the the piece to say engage it that’s what the clutch does okay but anyway no idea and I’m sorry I broke that I I’m sorry for I’ve driven a manual transmission so I know what a

Clutch is it’s been a good story thank you I thought it was very interesting um I I’m interested interesting if I need to learn how to drive a manual I’ll go to you first I’ve got you I’ve I’ve got you on the instructions for sure cool don’t worry

Okay good uh so is this is this the way to the chaos dragon yep wait you found one chaos yes okay um how do we lose all right do we do we lose everything what’s the current status we don’t have keep inventory do we uh wait P yeah

Which which one are we going to oh I haven’t I’m gonna bring it back oh okay you okay in your thing and then Zane did you right click yeah I’ve right clicked it nice I mean you could it if needed be you could have put it in the Emmy system we

Could have taken place and put it back in and then you could place it but regardless it’s all done yeah no we’re good we’re good we’re good it’s like it’s swick there there were options come on over all right I’m stoked and Chaos yes okay oh yeah no this looks this does look

Familiar this does look familiar so why are we okay all right do we have to I can’t remember do we have to do a spawning thing or it’s just there uh all I remember is just everything okay um I don’t know oh yeah oh it’s doing the stuff

So oh yeah we’re just getting into this then okay uh oh wait do I swap do you want me to swap that’s so loud wow that looks much cooler than when I originally thought this um Holy balls wow I just took out half my

Life did it he did he oh God are we am I in danger I don’t have protection on my stuff very in danger we are very in danger uh uh okay I’m gonna The Way Stone might be a little close to the action potentially maybe oh mace oh no I

Wish to go to home base I want to go to home I want to go oh my God I was home I went home I need protection wait I need protection or I’m gonna die I’m gonna die why even the hell is going on right now

Are you guys are you guys uh can can you hold for like a second while I get big protection on on this stuff okay cool hey please okay so this is freaking awesome hold on okay alligator is prop five oh it’s out of protection uh oh oh that’s not great

I’m glad you had this idea to do well before without I forgot charging anything I forgot about my any sort of prep for what we know is the hardest I forgot I forgot I forgot about I forgot about my armor not me I could get my old

Arm maybe I’ll get my old armor I’m gonna get my old armor uh uh armor we haven’t even heard it’s we like I haven’t even figured out how to break one of its uh crystals um like it literally still has 14 CR oh God did you die that was that was pretty

Much all my life how much damage were you taking right now uh I mean it took me down into colors of Hearts I’m not sure it took me from it took me from my pink to my to my green and blues whoa whoa whoa he’s he’s

Gnarlier now wait oh my God why can’t I fly why can’t I fly with the purple oh there we go wait why can’t I fly anymore that’s the thing is right now yeah he’s drawing you in okay now you can fly because he’s not dealing any damage to me really

Direct attacking I’m not taking any damage you’re crazy I don’t know how to like you can’t even break the crystal oh okay now he still has 14 crystals we can’t even take that down what we are we’re in silliness this is silly how do you take down the Christmas if

You don’t punch them I don’t know I don’t want to fall out of the world oh god oh Jesus Guardian Withers what the heck are those It’s only like the tier one chaos Dragon what happened that’s nice are they oh okay where are they I have one of your uh morganos oh should I use the morgano oh we don’t have to I can switch to my uh oh he’s hurting he does hurt kind of he

Hurts a little bit yep he hurts he hurts howdy what is your armor setup mate you’re literally wearing a forgotten hat yeah house I think we need to have him shooting some crystals you don’t even have protection on your chest plate that hurt me a lot ow I’m getting hurt

Lots yeah yeah definitely that’s not good that’s not gonna go I gotta holy heck this is not okay this is exactly what you should have expected what you signed us up for I didn’t think it was gonna be this bad why would you not you I thought we were

Powerful no I thought we were about we don’t even have draconic stuff I am going home for now uh oh my God first one to give up no no no no I’m not giving up let’s just we can just pause we need to get it get rid of all the

Crystals first and then yeah um so he has to I think he has to hit his own Crystal and then it makes it uh vulnerable and then we have to follow up and break it oh that would explain why the gravity is so strong near the crystals

Oh you get pulled down further the closer to a crystal that you are so that would make sense um I don’t want to do this without you okay hold on so you have the crystalline are you flying using uh Mana uh why a flight from the insanium chestplate

Oh you just need the chest plate for it okay oh yeah he just destroyed nope I’m getting pulled in oh wait it made a bunch of noises okay I’m heading back I’m heading back I’m coming back I’m coming back I think Crystal pointing to us pointing at the ground

I feel like there’s probably some information that iconic will tell us a little bit of on oh I hear noises coming from yours oh wait Pete did you hit the uh did you hit the crystal I haven’t hit it I’m just near it what is that sound it’s me hitting it oh

Oh God oh God Oh God also I think the reason why I’m not taking damage might not be because of my armor it might be because of a uh a ring that I have what the Rings sorry what were you guys saying I I was under a lot of noise well I think I have a bottle

I think uh hold on let me check what my rings are I feel so attached to him I’m just trying to run away pulling me in man I know right stab myself into a hole okay let me check yeah I’ve done that so this which is nice

Uh that’s not the cause of it but that’s a nice thing at least Um oh might be that wait fire creepers fire nope nope oh that makes sense I have indestructible on that so it never breaks that that would probably do something yeah I wouldn’t be surprised I gotta do something or ruin the entire challenge what are those two things

Um I’m pretty sure that they went and they were like the chaos Dragon isn’t challenging enough let’s do more and that’s what happened since last time we fought the chaos dragon I mean it’s been a good long while maybe you know they just I didn’t realize no idea what to do

What is the uh okay so a no happy sound huh these Withers can’t touch me mostly I just am stuck against the the dragon not being able to move anywhere I just need to figure out like how how do we get up to the crystals

Oh also this is a really nice bubble to have for this kind of fight specifically uh oh that’s like the fancy thing in RL craft oh my God fall into the void it’ll teleport you up where you are to 255. oh it’s the it’s Mario dude oh

It’s Mario dude yeah you know the brief moment of quiet uh the guy who pulls you back on the track Mario Kart yeah yeah dude this is the Mario guy noise is that coming in so I can move particle beaming you like what’s happening right now oh I don’t know but

I wanted to get near a crystal but there were blocks around it they were glitching me I was thinking maybe that’s what was or with that thing maybe it could destroy a crystal how do you break a crystal this one’s trying to figure out I thought that maybe that beam if it goes

Through a crystal could break it That is a very terrifying sound does not seem to be oh uh it sounds like the start of the Swedish House Mafia sound that’s exactly they sampled from the Chaos Dragons one to the other unless someone’s over at that one oh so can you beat on

Beat on wait oh you got oh so it’s the one that he’s targeting you did it you can see up at the name that it’s that he’s down yeah yeah so okay so he picks one and he like exposes it basically well no he was targeting P like Pete stood behind it

Okay she still didn’t break it out these things just have some kind of life to them okay yeah it took a while he’s got to uh he’s got to go through I had mine that where I was like when I was hitting it was like ding ding ding and getting

Stronger and so I think if I hadn’t fallen off I might have been able to get that one oh God that aggro to somebody uh the dragon’s sort of looking towards me all the withers are going to me right now he says as Withers go against Pokemon

Well oh okay there’s a few Withers going to me my forward velocity is increasing very quickly at the moment like you’re getting you’re getting sucked into the Dragon well I’m behind a crystal and it’s pulling me and every time it fails to pull which is about five times a second

I’m getting faster and faster oh that’s slim into the ground and die here did we just spend our life doing that doing this because this seems boring yeah I don’t I don’t know what the uh don’t know what the exact method is to win this 1 14th of the way there

Jose now I would argue that the vanilla yikes dragonfly is rather boring so I I mean I don’t disagree I’m just saying I’m not sure this one is compelling at the moment either if 90 of it is him going babe sorry that was the song okay anyway um

Thanks if I could fly up there let’s go very fast do you think I wonder if it disables uh Britannia flight whoa hey they broke open my cage okay so what happens if I like go and if if you go underneath the beam what happens down here

Does he beam you up oh no okay this is probably I don’t want to be here situation but okay he’s doing the charge up thing please oh okay so that’s probably where we needed to be on one of the things okay he took out about 20 Hearts there I think

I just can’t get oh God can’t get up to the crystal pulling every time I get there I feel like we need to get him into a different mode and then go for the crystals like I think the reason he’s sitting in the same mode over repeatedly is because

We’re blocking ourselves or avoiding it and so he’s not ever actually going into like the next mode oh my God he’s got me down to like almost dead I’ll do it Sparkles killed Pete it’s like the good old days that’s uh oh Sparkle’s quiet is because he’s laughing that’s his that’s his uh

Get my stuff real quick that’s just what Pete or what Sparkles do hey he’s doing the beam again oh God he’s gonna take me a minute okay did I lose some stuff there it is ah I might have lost a bob or two oh dear

Can it all fit in the inventory is that the issue we’re kind of working on that right now Do you want me do you want me to grab the stuff and bring it back I’m good we’re just fight the dude okay all right there’s still more stuff in there knocking my eyes knocking my player away here do you do you want me to give you the totem really quick so

You can just grab your stuff no I’m good I I got my knockback and uh or my uh invincibility one on I’m fine okay the explosion immunity thing all right what was that Bobble I will try to make that really quick um yeah if any consideration I could also

Take off the explosion one because I didn’t realize that one Bobble for me was gonna make the thing not deal me any damage so it in the same sense I kind of also have an invulnerability I only died because I stepped 20 feet in front of Jordan’s AOE damage the swing of this

Yeah that was that was I I didn’t realize that that would hit you guys and do big damage I thought that was gonna I was gonna try to see if it would hit the dragon which it clearly didn’t so I mean if you run first into a fire

And the person can’t control the fire who’s their fault uh probably me who who put the fire out there yeah it’s not exactly a trolley question I would disagree in a way that’s just me um so are we are we allowed to use this dormant creeper Spore so it basically nullifies all damage

From what I’ve seen because the thing is it does have durability I threw on indestructible because I just I went on a field trip one day and just threw on a bunch of bobbles to make everything better around like so I didn’t have to worry about creepers and stuff

But that basically makes it so you don’t take any damage during this fight I think I was getting damaged from the withers gradually a little bit um otherwise without it I think with my gear two seconds in the blast and I was down 90 of my health like you guys so gotcha

Um let’s see I mean I can make we can make more confit be all these if I can um access rats I mean I’ve the yeah I guess they probably I don’t know whether they are better that’s considered better than the devil’s stuff Epic Air Oreo or not the

All right does it does it regen you like a 10 Hearts every tenth of a second not 10 Hearts it reaches me fast and it gives me a bunch of extra Hearts but it doesn’t give me let me see hand Hearts every second I am I am down Hearts so I

Will eat this and see how it does I guess I don’t know what my Max hearts are um because I’m wondering I wonder what a full set of armor with blast protection eight plus would be like against this guy I guess if it is yeah that and protection on your armor

Can you do blast and it’s just you can only do two protections right I think so yeah because I have fire resin I’m pretty sure you could put blast on there if you good okay let’s see what is okay so I think probably in santiam’s chest plate but crystallized obsidian on

Everything else and then I guess maxed out blastprot and um and protection yeah I’ve only been using the crystallize just because I haven’t ported everything over to the insanium armor because I think personalized is a little bit better armor value and toughness I’m pretty sure they’re insanium it does yeah the

The uh the toughness is way way higher than incinium um can betania flight work through the the dragons things yeah the dragon’s draw is painful it like not really there’s like some areas if you’re far enough away that it can work but it’ll still pull you down for the most part

Can we do that is there any better gear we can make though to be honest because I still feel like yeah goober is the best that we can make I believe umer into the J.I again I’m so mad at myself uh it’s not the dragon the dragon

Armor it has less uh armor toughness though it has more um armor value but not by much actually I mean the Christmas obsidian might actually be better or oh yeah dracon wait let me see you draconic um are is that I don’t think that draconic armors are in here though like wyvern nope

Really really far pitch Mecha suit oh actually uh no no but maybe um how far are we from the uh what’s the iron armor looking hundred armor 100 toughness um that one iron armor ow the multi armor sorry multi-armor oh that’s the that’s the like end game stuff isn’t it

It’s gonna be a yes oh yeah I know we’re a little ways away from them just just a little ways away from those yeah okay because I’m thinking I mean okay I’m going to experiment so you need the Mecha suit as a crafting ingredient for those just one little part

Little part just one little one little part one small little tidbit um oh wait I’m gonna go give something a little try the dragon steel stuff is pretty wait what is that that’s 11 oh wait no these are better than Dragon steel never mind um foreign

Oh God isn’t a wyvern he’s beaming me from 4 billion miles away holy crap I went down to three hearts I was so far away oh this oh okay why I see wyvern chest piece got it and then draconic chest piece I see yeah you don’t know how much protection

They are but they’re probably they’re probably good yes if it’s made the same mod I would hope that that’s enough to take on the boss yeah clueless Maybe yeah we just need to work on the draconium ingots actually it’s well that’s what uh that’s what I the create

Stuff like that’s how you get to a draconium so that’s why I was looking at that is that’s the step for draconium that does sound like a better pitch okay so I you know the gear that I have I’m gonna go in with my gear and I’m just gonna

See how long I last with a direct Beam at me I mean I had about four seconds with the direct beam maybe it goes quick your your health goes real quick yeah I have I have no idea how many hearts I have but it was uh it was like zot Zane you last longer than four seconds I

Don’t believe I hmm okay I mean blast protection high level could actually make a difference because it was your blast immunity that was saving you even from was the the direct beam was that hitting you and you weren’t taking damage I wasn’t taking damage from anything except the weather’s and that only

Brought me down like maybe 10 Hearts after two minutes of them hitting me that’s interesting the withers can’t the withers can’t do anything to me but uh the beam was definitely melting me melting my actually it takes me down some HP but yeah no I

Think we could do it if we had Max Plus front it did hurt a lot but it’s definitely a nun it’s the kill I’ve got nothing I’ve got glassprod eight on my on my chest plate foreign yeah I died okay so so it went a little quicker than you thought um

What is green is that 30s oh God oh God red yellow green no red orange yellow green I have I don’t remember all the I don’t even know all the color combos at this point ah about 36 horse and died in about a second okay so all right got it so maybe

Maybe we need to work on the draconic armor um from my like he took me through yellow green blue purple pink other pink weird kind of fleshy pink and most of red so at least nine different sets of Hearts he took me down in that time and

I got away literally with one heart left by the time I broke line of sight okay um cool so draconic which I don’t think is as far away as we might expect um no like yeah that if we get the Precision machines we should be able to start making uh getting them going

Precision machine is the Precision machines needed for draconic ingot yeah it’s a it’s a create thing to start putting the pieces the draconic stuff together the awake the zirconium dust into ingots oh is that sequenced assembly yes got it go oh wait we need creative Essence and nanowright crystals we uh yeah yeah

That’s a little ways away well was it creative or insanium it’s creative we have nanorite crystals that’s fine oh yeah but the the create the middle the middle is the problem is it’s a little problem hey that’s a step let’s see salamander’s eye is doable that’s not a big deal

Although we might need to farm those legendary dimensional is I don’t even know what a dimensional is or how to get there but we’ll figure it out for life’s Essence is easy tiny antimatter and we need the antimatter antimatter is something that uh uh Kilroy said a few times is is a process

So Pete’s done that right does it matter oh yeah I’ve done that it takes a while though cause like how much antimatter is needed how many pellets a lot yeah getting antimatter like getting your first one the process setup that’s not too bad getting a lot of it oh it doesn’t get

Better once you have it set up uh it it’s a Time sink you need a lot of well what do you use hold on what do you use to make antimatter we use forgotten everything oh God uh we need four uh Polonius essence so we need nine but eighty percent

Chance of nine so like 60 basically 50 or 60. 60 pellets yeah is that is that a lot oh that will take a while oh just like real antimatter this is it’s very realistic then huh so backing it up a little bit you remember when we were diving into

Mechanism for a short little while and yeah we’re like we don’t need to build the biggest fishing reactor maybe we should got it might be good to do that unless you could Time in a Bottle this process which that would be insane if you could I don’t even know if we would have

Enough in the time of a bottle to even make a dent but what is endumium oh okay interesting we need an endumium Singularity boy this is a this is a whole thing have we made the um creative crafting core or the crafting core thing oh no we haven’t we gotta okay I don’t

Think I’m gonna work I’m gonna start working on some of the extended crafting stuff that’ll be very fun while you’re doing the create things let me uh set up uh or do you if you want to but uh those the the uh plates and stuff like that

Should be really like the elite Catalyst and components and all that that should be very Auto craftable and save you a ton of time and stuff to create the luminescence to create the catalysts that you know they’re needed okay do you I mean if you want to set it up you can

I just but we should get that set up before going too far down that road sure that makes sense um I was just looking at the lower level stuff for some of the Machinery like the black okay so black Iron so can you do oh boy what the [ __ ] the assembler with

Environmental Tech I have not have you made the assembler for environmental Tech uh uh what the heck is assemble yes I think so hey that’s all very low level stuff even if we have but I think I did I think there should be one down on the in somewhere

Oh yeah you have okay you have that set up yes you do you do it’s on auto crafting as well brilliant okay that’s nice that’s nice I possibly a dragon really just sitting there huh when are you coming back don’t scare you off he’s like where’d my friends go

I also love how uh cyclic has an antimatter evaporator and it’s just made with blue dyed sponge and sugar it’s just called an anti-matter evaporator y good old cyclic just cyclic things those don’t need to be there I think what I want is shafts there coal and let’s see um uh what else

I don’t it’s not possible to Auto Craft astral sorcery stuff right not that I know of okay this way all right well let’s try to make some of this uh let’s see heck fire would never allow that well the good news is that we have three books of maxop blast protection already

Let’s just um were you saying though that that isn’t that’s not enough though I I have no idea but I’m I’m sure when we actually make the new armor or just any armor that we wind up making for the boss fight Chuck another blast Pro is probably still a good idea I don’t

Actually know if you can enchant draconic that way um yeah well if in the case that we can we have that there okay okay all right so these I need to deployers I can go around and round and round all right so I got 64 of those and um can I make it Okay starting to get pieces put together oh my Cyclops is attacking me how do I do the uh spell infusion stuff again with side metal so that you have to get the gun and create the spell and shoot it yeah I don’t think I have the gun

Um I think it’s just in the system I don’t have it I know that what’s it called I don’t see gun uh saw nope um sign metal CAD assembly yeah it’s not in the system so I don’t know okay I’m looking for it real quick trying to remember how it all works um

Oh is it in the table over here probably could be I just crafted another one and dropped it in but if there’s one on the table uh pieces on it nope it’s not there okay it’s like the van it’s just missing there we go oh God slightly better okay spell infusion and

Regular old cogwheel guys what do I what do I do how do I do this thing do I just shoot oh it was the was that the shoot the coal in the end but make sure that it has it has to have something in it or something like that

Drop on ground and shoot with the gun uh okay that’s not working um I and I need to do it in the end is this it though infusing Redstone and gold no let me see is the module in here no uh uh did you leave the uh there’s

Something some infusion thing that I need to put in the gun in order to shoot the stuff in the end to make the ebony substrates what the heck is this Giants what the Pete Isn’t that cool I’m just trying it out for the first time oh that’s big yeah Jordan there’s your

Uh there’s your thumbnail whoa what happened there uh I’m working with the how do you pronounce or whatever that is that sounds great yeah it’s uh projector it can project these into the world what do they do it’s this block uh look cool I guess I’m standing on it right now okay

Yes yeah ah oh you can resize free transform fancy change the color are you just looking to get infusion I need a Spell bullet you know I’m looking to make more ebony substance and that’s the stuff that you just shoot with coal and yet we need Ebony and Ivory which

We’ve done this before we have the stuff in the system I just don’t know where the thing is I can’t see it either but uh if you if you want I can put it together or if you want to look at Psy in the quest book the PSI metal if you

Click on that it walks you through pretty much everything you need to do okay it gives you kind of the the four one one oh so sick of the sign metal ah I see I see okay so um to get Simon ingots you need to put the trick infusion on a bullet and

Insert them in your casting assistant device if I go to your spell program and select any square and search freaking Fusion now right click the spell programmer with a Okay so trick trick wait how do I search wait what why does this say spectator mode

Hold on what the frick you need to turn the oh this is not an actual thing I see got it this is the actual thing I thought Zine gave me a I got it okay so I can do that and then oh okay now I do this and I search something um

Did I mess up did I do something but I did something bad didn’t I I messed it up was I I was supposed to have the bullet infused or something like that before I went in there everyone’s saying rip in the chat um okay so yeah I don’t I don’t get how

This works at all doesn’t have ammo um okay I don’t know I you need to assemble the gun with all the components so we had a working one but that one has disappeared got it um okay why does it let me do that why did it let me do that then that’s

Very silly okay let’s try that again um what other compo do I put the Spell bullet in for I can’t I dude I’m not I need to like watch a tutorial I’m not gonna be able to do this um I basically need to watch a tutorial

On this so I I’m probably not going to be able to do this in this episode um did is there anything that I can explain I mean I I just I don’t know how to assemble a thing that’s going to accept the greater transfusion what not uh or

Yeah I don’t I don’t know so it’s the greater infusion what you’re trying to get in is it does it say it needs greater infusion or just regular infusion no it whatever to makes the ebony substance it sorry it’s trick Ebony and Ivory that it needs but I have

No idea how you search it says you need to search and I can’t search for anything so I don’t know um so is trick ever ebony oh trick Ebony and Ivory and uh so like I found most of those on the kind of the pages in a little bit pages in

What where are Pages oh yeah okay so if you right click on the trick and inside the spell programmer then you get the pages that you can have and the first they’re all like operators and Cur stuff but if you I’m right clicking nothing is happening on trick reader infusion right click oh

Our is this thing is this thing locked to you I it’s what I was I like are they spell like oh this is locked to you okay so I’m not crazy I literally couldn’t do anything I had I had no idea okay so which one which one do you need

Uh Ebony and Ivory okay and then do you have a Spell bullet uh yes I do strolling at me thank you and I think now I don’t know whether that one worked or not uh uh do we have a cad because you need the cad core like the

Cad core the battery there’s a cad but I don’t know if you need to craft a new one if you need to craft a new one then I have that uh uh what other pieces the socket something I’m missing to be to be able to add bullets to it um

Sorry I’m just running through menus are you scared like going through from Kevin in order to do that right click the spell program with a bullet and put this in your cat assembler yeah but I don’t have a cat assembler but you oh okay okay I think I see that it’s that guy

Okay so that’s still great infusion no wait that’s this is like this is one of those things that like everyone was like oh you should get into that it’s it’s got a lot but holy crap it’s a confusing setup all right I think this gun will do it for you okay cool I’m Um just watching the power tick up here uh oh boy this is very energy consuming to make the black Iron Ingots and we can’t be them I don’t think nor can we oh boy that’s expensive uh cool so this thing is ready to shoot

I think so you might need to do at the end I know some stuff need to be done in the end I believe that is true why did I accidentally pin something there we are there we go uh yep that worked does this thing have infinite uses is it like yeah

Like when you shoot it you should see a Mana bar basically appear on the right and it refills and so you can just continue to use it but this thing is basically it’s like purpose built and you can keep using it for this over and over sure yeah got it okay cool

Um yeah we need 10 million uh well yeah we need 10 million Fe for every four black Iron Ingots so okay they’re expensive that’s some Fe mm-hmm how much do we produce at the moment uh I think not I mean we have we have a decent

Amount we not 10 million per any very very quick amount of time but like we have that let me let me go check actually uh the system and see if it’s kind of recouped since we did the thing breastplate I taught you how to make breastplates sir uh did you forget what

I taught you I’m sorry I don’t remember things how dare I think I have to I have to bring it down beyond the yeah I’ve got to bring it down basically beyond the um threshold where it starts to recoup and then I’ll be able to see

Do you know how to make brass I think we’re gonna need uh the highest level the like energy transmitter things from Power though I think those uh psionics or whatever are them uh no I don’t think every single one of the power things is the highest level from Power

Uh let’s see the Nitros is every single one of nitro not I think there’s one that isn’t but most of them should be Nitro okay actually to be fair it does regenerate the power at about a million actually only one of them is Metro yeah he’s talking about these

Things over here yep yep yeah only one of them and then the rest of these are was this niotic Natick is the third tier what are they called again from uh energizing Rod energizing Rod give me just a second meiotic is 507 and then Nitro 707. okay yeah so they all need

They all need to be Nitro then probably unless it’s unless it’s being capped simply by the energy cables but I don’t I think it is okay well you guys already have your own solution for energy cable caps right uh what do you mean like the flux plugs

Um the wall oh the wall the Great Wall of cable yes I totally I forgot about that I forgot about that yes I was thinking more in terms of like physical items and water and not power but yes power absolutely actually you know what that is a that’s

A pretty big wall of cable right there as it is so I uh but we can always add more um only the greatest walls here just computer Lotus okay nocturnal oh I see the energies I’m not gonna spoil with you sir what I’m doing what I think you’re doing I would never

Hell yeah hmm I try and avoid whenever possible I’m so confused he saw that I’m adding all the tears to Auto crafting and so he’s like oh oh got it got it got it um let’s see did this with nine Nitro and it was acceptable speed but not great okay

Uh how do we automate inserting items into this is the question that I’m not sure about let’s see apparently I skipped blazing we need more spirited Crystal what’s the process for getting them into the thing we just right click the items into the right now I’m just right

Clicking into this I don’t know if there is a way to automate um how many items in total go into one recipe it’s four but I’m concerned like if you Hopper things in or something yeah it’ll probably just keep adding multiple of the same thing so

I’m not sure if that’s a way to do it we just need to invite a fourth person on and have each one of us put one thing in at a time again just all sit here yeah yep we can tell campfire stories basic campfire five or basic campfire I

Literally just said basic campfire because of you I meant large Ambassador and I said basic camera I have never used xnet before and this is scary to me yeah I’ve heard good things and it wouldn’t necessarily be bad for us to learn I think but I am

Unfamiliar with it as well X that’s POG I’ve used it like a tiny bit in the past and I really enjoyed it okay do you think you would know how to set it up to put in one of each specific item and then wait for it to craft and then pull

The item out and then redo probably not but I can try there’s a tutorial online specifically for automating power stuff okay so it sounds difficult enough that we gotta look something up this is the second time we’ve pulled the we’ll look this up later card this episode so this is obviously a turning

Point between chapters of progression here if the viewers can’t stop we’re on our way oh the chaos Dragon was just significantly more beefy than I I really thought that we were powerful powerful people and uh we are not that makes sense I uh I thought that you knew that we weren’t

Pretty close and so you’re just kind of playing around and so no I I figured I figured we were way better off now than we were in the last uh Sky Factory or what have you I figured we were way better off just to try and you know

Apologize or make amends or something like when I bailed I was like okay this isn’t happening all right moving on like and then it was like oh we’re trying and then I then I felt bad so I apologize there I do have Nitro stuff that uh if I

You want me to take these we can now Auto Craft these up to their top tier okay um oh did do you have them on you or you’re saying you need to hit them yeah I want to take these and because it’s a team oh they are part of the yeah I can

Make new ones but we might as well just upgrade these ones right uh yeah let me let me just wait for this to say 75 let me just start breaking them right now that keeps us charge though if you break them right now don’t doesn’t it I have

No I don’t want to risk it that’s 10 million we’ll never recover there we go wait we’ll never we’ll never financially recover from this okay stop popping me up there we go I was like thank you for the you know very high pop-up but no

Good I missed if you think about it a loss in finances just establishing a new Baseline for future Investments what do you mean that’s what I was thinking too well I mean if you go in with 100K and you lose 70 000. when you wake up the next morning you’re just

Starting with a baseline of thirty thousand and your future is yours I mean yeah I I don’t know does that make it any better 10 million fee you know I feel like that doesn’t really that doesn’t really help things much though to you still lost seventy thousand

Hey you wanna you wanna know something you want to know something interesting if you had if you had bought um a FedEx put uh yesterday um the specifically a 180 strike which isn’t even that crazy there’s been a lot of volatility in company earnings uh lately because everything is crazy that

Would have been um that was like a a 15 drop in FedEx stock would have been brought it to 180 it dropped like 23 um you would have if you bought the 180 uh made a 260 000 percent return so if you bought one for uh a dollar you would

Have made twenty six hundred dollars on that one dollar um I did not have any of those though yeah so that’s a pretty good return for a day that’s a pretty good return with options now and I I’ve successfully lost a couple hundred dollars I’m in the learning phase uh-huh

I’m in Jordan you would assume that if I make money on that stock that I would have pulled out immediately after no I would have been like okay we’ll we’ll ride this right but but if you made if you made uh if you put a thousand if you

Had put a thousand in on that that was a lot faster by the way um that was very nice wow you would have you would have walked away with with 2.6 million for just a thousand bucks how much have you been thinking about this in the past day

Well no the thing is I it wasn’t one it wasn’t one that I was looking at and also I don’t think that there was enough uh interest to be able to actually have bought a thousand of them even if you wanted to without place right they were

It was very low it was a very low volume contract so like you you probably would have been able to do that but um if you did that would have been a thousand to 2.6 million dollars overnight oh we’re out of we’re out of dialectical

Oh did we did we Oh I thought you were gonna say we’re out of power no uh we need more dielectric we need more dielectric which are we doing out of power by the way substance into Mana so yeah we need this the generator is actually fine keeping up which I’m impressed about

Oh I got confused with the dialectic was something different no we need ebony substance into the Mana to get more dielectric that’s obviously not automatable with all the Coker was gonna get some more use but misunderstood what item it was no Coker used for you sad day it’s it’s rough

All right so yeah hopefully that speeds that up and then whenever you’re running out of the generator uh oh snow ah we’re good where was I with deployers okay cool I think that’s the biggest percent gain I’ve ever seen in one day though on something what was the percentage again again 260

000. that’s insane has it stayed at that value since I mean I know it’s only been a day but well I mean you you would have that you would have sold that immediately it open um but it was it was the one that was expiring today because it’s it was a

Friday expiry on it the closest date so um these aren’t like regular stocks they’re basically like a contract to sell or buy stock at a certain price and it’s so trading the option too and so it gets really confusing on the whole concept until you’ve really kind of

Thought about it a lot so yeah it the contract like it would have been a contract that yesterday would have been going for pennies because everyone’s like oh it’s going to expire tomorrow and there’s no way that FedEx is going to drop for 20 so these are basically

Worthless but if someone wants to buy them from me for a quarter then here you go and then the drop that wasn’t expected happened and so it was like so yeah the person on the other side of that was very disappointed was very disappointed I did that I mean lightly with with a

Bed Bath Beyond when you know that was going to the moon and then I was like I don’t think it is and so it was like I had gotten some stuff and was like well I can either hold on to these and watch them become worthless or I can you know

Hand them off to someone and take half my bag instead of a full bag and and just walk off with it and that’s how I ended up with there oh but you made you made money no no no oh you didn’t make it I was still a bag holder but uh got it

I uh I I just you know made lost lesson I might have that’s that’s you know when I when my that’s my investment strategy lose less than you might have uh Capital preservation is is very important the number one rule is don’t lose money before before making money so yep

Did we run out of power just now or did I just do it I’m doing my best there we go uh okay remember you got a battery in your head that’s got 140 million Fe e if you ever get that desperate Oh I thought you were like talking you were

Actually making like some kind of comment about the human brain being Incredible or something like that and I wasn’t yeah okay anyway starting a literally this time well not literally because you’re talking about the game but I I thought literally in the games literally in the game yeah yeah

I thought you were gonna say like yeah you you have your brain is so magical and has so much power and ability in it and stuff like that so if you remember I’m gonna come back if you lose all your money you can uh no you still have your

Brain you still have your brain okay that’s going the correct direction actually I feel like you’d probably lose a bit of it just because of the deterior thought process you’d have you know like every bad thought kind of degrades your brain quality a little bit like if

You were going to try and resell it in the black market they’d be like ah this person lost a lot in stocks their brain’s not that high quality we should uh get a better one well I mean just think about if you like have to show say your accountant

Um your your 1099 that you get at the end of the year and it it and they’re well versed enough in stocks and they recognize some of the symbols and they’re judging you for it yeah they’re like really you went for that play okay all right live your life King

I guess my financial advisor would never judge me right guys right guys right guys guys are you there ow bad skeleton uh what is the next step basic component did you hey speaking of which did you were uh did you did you get in touch with your financial advisor or you did

Does your oh yeah so I good lord well now I feel like I feel like a dick because the the his assistant apparently like downplayed um things like he was on his deathbed well no he was he was in the hot he’s old and he was in the hospital with

Kovid and so I don’t I don’t know that he was actually on like a a respirator um but it sounded like it wasn’t great and so then all but his his assistant was like he was just oh it was a minor medical procedure which made it sound

Like it was some kind of scheduled thing like I don’t know maybe it’s something with his need needed work or something like that and so I’m just like could you have told me about this before oh I’m so glad you’re my last you’re my only client that stuck with me through

Covet thank you for being it’s so loyal and you’re like ah what I’m scared of is that the assistant told you that you know kovid as a older person was a minor minor medical issue I mean maybe it’s just like maybe I shouldn’t be telling him that oh he dead

I don’t I don’t know wait oh that’s not oh this doesn’t work because I need 14 million belts don’t I hey dude what is it that I need under them deployers I think it’s deployers deploy no not deployer uh Depots oh wait what the frick oh no so anyway he’s he’s

Recovering that’s good yeah so I got I got a call uh yesterday and he told me what had happened and I was like oh I feel a little bit late [Laughter] remove all evidence yeah uh uh okay so great you’re feeling better man I was really worried take your time

Yeah no I I yeah we can take all the time you need no rush here whatsoever uh yeah anyway but um yeah so like uh but so yeah the taxes the sorted out um and yes everything is good wait do I know I don’t need the diet at the end

I’m good happy exactly I mean yeah well you still had to pay the extra taxes right so I mean is it happy but still yeah I mean I the taxes were what they were but at least I got an explanation on everything and yeah well uh fun

Extremely I had a lot of it fun um it sounds like you had fun sounds like it was a great time this here and this here oh Time in a Bottle yes Balls indeed okay let’s just do here okay I made a basic component how exciting then it gives me another oh my God I know I need to make every single level of the freaking do we even need like the different levels of the crafting tables or like do

We just work our way all the way to the end one uh I don’t know if you need to build off of them or not so it’s like I would I would try and just work my way to the end one but I that could be problematic um oh that’s pretty straightforward so

Basically it’s just a lot of needing the black Iron pretty much so I need a stack of them free hoppers three deployers small cogwheels and then I also need large cogwheels which I don’t know was I just discovered the beauty of the Gantry shaft from create and I can say I’m

Quite happy I showed you that that was what I was using with the the movable like minor drill that I made pretty early on I mean oh my God it was that it would show you very memorably but yeah that was the Galaxy shaft is pretty darn

Cool you can do some great things with it I didn’t know that was the thing that you had hooked up on I thought it was a different process because I remember another moving thing that I think was using something else but I’m remembering now he remembers I do remember

Oh no once you take it to the auto crafter it cannot be upgraded oh no thank you no thank you what so once you take the so you know how the crafting tables are like recursive and you use right uh yeah so once you get the Quest for the uh Basic Auto crafting

Table or when you turn it to the auto crafter you can’t then convert it to the next level so it’s like why would I do that rather than just getting it all the way up to the ultimate crafting table and then turn that one into the auto

Crafting why would I waste all my resources doing the first three quests in that line that seems silly it is a little bit um well Kilroy just ruined my day so uh cool cool what a killer I do he told me I didn’t need to do what I

Was doing and I’m just like cool cool uh I thought I needed Depots underneath the deployers and it turns out he apparently you don’t and cool cool cool well at least to have them for future endeavors yeah yeah yeah yeah that’ll be very useful here’s your daily dose of cope

I need more copium oh there’s a lot of xerothium crystals that’s nice oh well this is so much better than I thought this would be wow okay placed an attack as it turns out we’re going to be using these energizing orbs a lot it looks like yeah

I very much need to automate this process I’m being told got it mm-hmm how many do you need I don’t know the answer to that at this very moment but um probably a reasonably good amount of them oh yeah can you make uh multiple orbs that’s a good question like can you just

Line these up next to each other let’s see so we need we’ll divide the power and make it slower got it so it won’t actually make a difference let me see right so how do I get this process started it’s a gold plate right the chances of this actually working are

Next to none I like those thoughts okay something’s not working so we’re off to a start I mean the item is already in the hand so I don’t think that’s it nope oh hey you need to power the deployers right uh we need some glowstone our conflicts are not compatible with

Gantry movement or with super glue and I am extremely sad whoa might be the worst day of my let’s see copper the worst day oh my God I can’t believe it okay so I need a breast tunnel yeah okay we’re making a little bit of progress here just just a tiny bit wait

Where did the a thing go where did the uh oh is it over here oh that’s what it was yes it is I needed uh the best funnel um what oh okay uh uh let’s see you know you’re right using blocks is definitely better for this I got it I

Got it there we go cool there we go oh okay that’s right there we go I think this works it’s a lot of redstone for each of them that’s fine yeah foreign oh boy um so everybody are we reaching a potential stopping point thing I just got Precision Time pieces working curious um

That works you can come take a look what is did you like make a watch I mean I made so in order like for awaken draconium or if you look at Precision uh time mechanism Precision mechanism you can see sequence assemblies that’s what this is so

Uh if you have if I make some gold plates basically that’s the starter Point I’ve already got the the deployers but what they’ll do is you have to send it around and put the pieces onto it five different times so you put that in there and then it’ll actually add the

Piece like a like a assembly table and keep working that around until it either breaks it or if it finishes it and so it adds it has a percent chance of failure yes then it slurps it back up in there that’s uh so you can send those

Down and it just kind of starts putting it all together why in the world and then what are these used for uh oh uh some jammed yep we have uh we had ourselves uh incomplete oh these are incomplete did I run out of have I already ran out of materials

Maybe I’ve already ran into my materials yeah um did that break all of them I don’t think it broke I think it just got hung up these are these are useful for a couple different things but also like making the awakened draconium that is part of

This process right yeah I I knew it was there for the draconic but like does this this makes what are you making now the thing that you’re making now no I needed just the like I just need the the sequenced assembly so to be able to do

This what what the I don’t thinking the Precision mechanism like that’s used in the the create hands and arms and stuff so it’s like if we did more crate mechanisms that’d be useful but primarily uh at the moment the it was more just getting the uh the sequenced building in

Place that was the that was the primary goal got it this is really cool fancy I think it’s kind of neat the way that it works um so I always thought it was kind of just a neat like crate just does interesting things in how it goes about putting

Pieces together and all that it is very cool once giant Factory at work it’s the idea uh anyway I am good to end when uh desired I don’t know why it’s so banging good as well don’t you want to start coming out really quick uh what was that

There come here over to your race track tell me or do your little thing you made here yeah and at the beginning bit okay let me know if you prefer it this way or not just making the noise walk through it what oh do you just do a Maho thing yeah

It’s a fog projector oh that’s kind of we don’t have to use it here but I was wondering if you thought that it was a cool enough idea to implement somewhere I think it’s kind of cool yeah okay that’s interesting so where wait how did you where is that located

It’s on his I had to put a honeycomb block above it because they’re invisible okay but you can toggle if you’re right like you can toggle camera on or off and there’s a bunch of different settings that I don’t know how they actually work but I like it I like it that’s cool

Keep it okay well damn okay the eaters all right well is everyone at a stopping point I think so oh what the frick all right well uh we want to thank our sponsors for hosting providing the server that we’ve been playing on guys if you would like to play on a server

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Don’t forget we do create these live as it happens you can see it captainsparkles and Pizza Hut Choice TV scene throw a follow and see all the content that doesn’t make it up into the videos and of course if you’ve enjoyed then please uh hit the like

Button and subscribe if you haven’t press the Bells all those fun things and uh leave a comment letting us know what you thought what you’d like to see different and uh how pretty beat is so anything for you guys nope I think that’s it that’ll be it for me all right bye guys

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ragnamod Ep. 36 – Chaos’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2022-09-19 00:00:02. It has garnered 64546 views and 2244 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:38 or 5678 seconds.

Oh boy we back in the bad place Thanks to MCProHosting for sponsoring this series! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: Ragnamod Playlist:

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  • Crafting an Oozing Potion: Minecraft Magic Unleashed!

    Crafting an Oozing Potion: Minecraft Magic Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, where potions brew, There’s a new one called oozing, with a slimey hue. Mix it in a still, with a block of slime, And watch as its effects take you on a wild climb. PopcornRazer here, your guide in this land, With updates and tips, all delivered by hand. Subscribe to my channel, for more Minecraft fun, And let’s explore together, under the sun. Join me on Twitch, Twitter, and Instagram too, For all the latest news, and updates that are new. Share the love, with a like and a share, And let’s spread… Read More

  • Creating Adorable Townhouse Shops in Minecraft!

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  • Minecraft Madness Unleashed!

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  • Jazzy Campfire: Minecraft’s Smooth Jazz Radio 🎷

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  • Surviving Hell Rock: Minecraft Series 1.21

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  • The villagers love it!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Pen > Sword: A Minecraft Meme

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  • Minecraft Villager Oi Oi, Hot Damn!

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  • Minecraft Dungeons Fail

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  • Minecraft Survival: Long Tunnel Challenge

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  • Insane Build! Watch me Create My Dream Home

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  • “SHOCKING: Find Out When Your Base Will Be Attacked! 😱” #Minecraft

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  • Mind Control: TF2 YouTubers forced to join my Minecraft server

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  • Krishna Raja vs Zombie in MINECRAFT 🧟‍♂️👊🏼 #shorts #viral

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  • SoulPvP

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  • Nothing SMP Modded Whitelist 1.20.1 13+

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  • Chill Tushar Fan Club – Haunted School Trip 😱 || Part 1 || Minecraft Horror Story

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CaptainSparklez 2 – Minecraft Ragnamod Ep. 36 – Chaos