Cartoons Play – Peppa Pig Play Minecraft Compilation

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What a beautiful day stop what’s that over there oh no family get up look something’s coming at us what is this this is the first time I’ve ever seen this in Minecraft Mommy it’s called Simi hi guys today me and my family are going to play a game of Minecraft

Play the old version it will be interesting to know what the game was years ago compare it with the new one it will be fun hey kids if you haven’t watched our past videos be sure to check it out we’ve already played a lot of times in Minecraft and each time is like

The first time hi hi hi my family and I are really enjoying the game let’s get started yay new adventures I’ve been waiting for this with eager anticipation [Laughter] and so where do we begin family are we gonna go with the usual or are we gonna do something new

Well it would be nice to come up with something new like building a house and starting from there how about that sounds good why not by building a house we protect ourselves from all sorts of threats mobs won’t bother us anymore uh-huh all right that’s what we’ll do building a house in

The beginning will be really good time [Laughter] and so family we start with the tree we need lots of wood to survive and build a house we’re gonna build a huge big house with enough room for all of us so we’ll each get a stack of wood haha a stack of wood

That’s a lot kids it’s even very little after all we’re big and we need a big house right daddy understands me perfectly don’t be too lazy to get as many as you can it’s for your own good and you can make your own wooden tools they make your life so much easier

Uh sure mommy I’m going to make a craft table now hmm perhaps it’s best to do it this way craft a wooden pickaxe mine the stone and craft stone tools I think that would be perfect all right I’m on it I’m gonna dig down and you can come with me and get some

Stone for the tools okay you’re right oh by the way I haven’t even made the wooden ones yet it’s time to fix that I’m gonna start by making myself a wooden pickaxe Peppa now mommy and I are going to help you get the stone you know you need a

Lot of stone too why don’t we make a foundation out of stone the foundation do we need one in Minecraft you can build houses floating in the clouds speaking of which how would you like to play bed Warriors again later it was great to play together we went in for

The first time and won two games in a row it was awesome uh sure we’ll play sometime I liked it too I still can’t believe I won the last game my hands were shaking and my heart was racing [Laughter] I’m already making my own stone tools at

This time I hope you’ll make a couple too it’s much better than wood and with stone we can get wood very quickly okay gotta pickaxe need an ax I need a hoe and a shovel why not just do the furnace right away then I’d spend the stone and forget

About the furnace as usual hahaha stone for the furnace this time daddy you did good okay I have a stone pickaxe an ax and a shovel what am I missing a sword that’s right now I’m ready for anything all that’s missing is some iron armor

Wow that’s a lot of requests you want to walk around an iron armor you haven’t even seen the mines yet we’ve just started chopping wood and making tools that’s the stuff of Dreams you know that’s what I always liked dreaming and then making it happen let’s make sure mommy walks around in iron

Armor and I like to make mommy happy let’s do it I also like to play with George he’s so funny oh George is a funny little kid he’s always laughing and he wants nothing more than to laugh his head off at everything he’s not sad George

It’s true so let’s go find a place where we can build a house shall we Peppa what do you think yeah yeah that’s right I’m already looking for a place for us I like this clearing maybe around here there’s some good wood here too Black’s

Not bad but it’s not the right kind of wood to make a house out of black is too dark to make a house out of we need light-colored blocks Peppa you got regular Oak in there yes there is a whole Forest of different wood there are Birch and oak trees lots

Of flat areas there’s a small Lake and there are flowers all around I like this place it’s right around here try to find me and we’re here look around everyone’s here I love watching you do things differently George is doing something weird mommy’s looking after the kids and

Peppa’s hard at work getting wood ha ha ha Oh yeah it’s magical ouch why would you do that Daddy I’m sorry Peppa I just thought since we’re near a spawn point we could have a little fun if we die we can regenerate health and hunger isn’t that a good thing hmm well actually that makes sense but I

Don’t want to get into a spawn wow daddy that’s a lot of apples oh thank you I’m really hungry where’d you get them picked it off the trees you fell off the tree and didn’t see a lot of apples fall from the leaves George here you go Peppa I’m sorry for you take these apples eat them and get healthy you’re building a house aren’t you here’s some more wood for you thanks Daddy I really need this all right we got the place cleared we just need to get started and slowly we’ll build a huge house that we’ve been wanting

I’ve got plenty of wood we’re halfway home it’s so cool that we are all building together and everyone is making a contribution oh and by the way why is HP regeneration so slow that’s weird George why are you building with black wood the walls will be regular Oak

Health in this version of Minecraft is restored differently here it is very slow to regenerate that’s what Minecraft was like in the new version everything is much simpler daddy don’t you think the house is a little small it’s too narrow let’s make it a little wider

Yeah he’s small now let’s make it a couple more blocks wide let’s take all this stuff out that’s better I’ll clean up the ground inside the house in the meantime and put us a wooden floor uh-huh all right then I won’t stop you from building our house and I’ll go chop more wood

There’s no such thing as not enough wood he loves it yeah in the meantime George help me with the floor let’s speed up I’m out of cobblestone for the floor if anyone has any finish it mommy careful you’re being attacked by a spider I’ll help you it’s the middle of the night and we haven’t finished the house well we’ll manage won’t we are here Of course we can do it I’ve gone to get us some more stone for the floor and we need sand for the windows I’ll take care of that too rest assured I can handle it Problem we gotta do something about it it’s great that you’re laughing about it but now we have to be serious where you are he’s right below us Peppa he’s building a basement it’s okay it’s not that bad don’t make it harder than it has to be okay I’m sorry George and by

The way I blocked you in I hope you find a way out foreign [Laughter] George made his own basement wonderful we need glass George help me out for a second there’s zombies in here and then you can watch me while I’m mine After you get the glass if you could help us with the defense uh sure George and I are going to make this quick and protect you now George come on you can do it defeat that Cooper if [Laughter] He you got the creeper but there’s too many of them don’t take any chances get over here I’ll put the doors on for us what’s a house with Outdoors now the windows are coming up Here we go it’s beautiful just need to do the roof and the house is ready I’m on it Yay the house is ready well done George from the looks of you that defense was a tough one I’m glad you made it I can’t even count how many arrows you have in you hahaha what a beautiful day stop what’s that over there oh no family get up look something’s coming at us

What is this this is the first time I’ve ever seen this in Minecraft called tsunami we’d better not go outside it could easily carry us far away from home but so excited to see what it looks like out there whoa breathtaking Hurry up or you’ll get blown away what do we do if the roof suddenly starts leaking can we swim out let’s hope that doesn’t happen and we have time to think about it George just went boating we should follow him oh no the water’s already inside the

House we have to get out of the house right now we just built this house I’m not just gonna give it to some water daddy we’re gonna suck is that really what you want get out of here Peppa no Peppa swim under the roof there’s air in

Here yes there is this is our salvation So we’ll save under the roof swim away like George did but what’s next it doesn’t look like tsunami’s gonna stop at all it’ll fill the whole world and there will be nothing but water everywhere tsunami seems to have only one weakness mountains she can’t go higher than the

Mountains we just need to find the altitude we need to survive in this world let’s get out of our sunken house foreign We’ll all survive we’re gonna swim and look for mountains yeah it would be nice to find a mountain nearby but I don’t think that’s gonna happen we built a house on a flat plane without even a hint of a mountain go boating and look for them we only have two boats somehow

We need to figure out how to set up a craft table and make us more boats or do you like to sail like this looks like a good fit frontway that’s great we need boats I have an idea I’m going to make you a craft table do you still have a lot of

Wood left I can make boots for everyone I came to this mountain but it was flooded too good thing it was only for one block better than trying to survive underwater swim over here all right let’s start over the world is now completely drowned it’s even more

Interesting that way what are we gonna build another house oh yeah why not building a house is the most important thing in Minecraft I’m reminded of when we played one block together it feels like the rest of the world is gone I agree it’s a very similar feeling I’d say it was easier

With the tsunami after all we first played in a normal world and now the trees can only be seen from underwater and those on the mountains we can’t have a quiet game of Minecraft without something unplanned I like that a lot you never know what’s going to happen next time we play

Building a house again together again I love it again this time we don’t have to choose which blocks to build with at least some kind of house would be built and it would be great we have two little wood left the main tree is underwater it’ll take a

Long time to grow from seedlings did you notice that if you put any color block of wood in the water it’ll turn Oak after a while is it in this version of Minecraft or because of tsunami I noticed but I don’t know why I think it’s because of the tsunami it’d be

Weird if it was like that in regular Minecraft right Time we play we’ll be sure to check it out Here we go two blocks up already are we gonna do the windows uh sure A house should have glass then we should at least make openings for them they have made Solid walls and there is no place to put Windows let’s build a roof for our ugly house

It’s too expensive to make a roof out of ladders too much wood a flat roof is cool too oh that’s great all that’s left is to put the windows in and the house is ready I’m gonna make us some windows now it’s gonna look awesome That’s it our house is ready it was great to play in different worlds we’ll have to play in this world again it looks really nice Minecraft world underwater thank you for watching our video it was a lot of fun to play subscribe to the channel and like it

Don’t forget to write a comment what you think about our adventures bye everybody I’ve had tons of fun playing Minecraft thanks for watching bye bye that was great bye everyone [Laughter] well now the whole family’s here we made it all the way to the top of the Eiffel

Tower together now let’s see what the villagers have in the chest for us Hey everybody today we will play together with the family on a map with a huge City it’s gonna be fun hey hey kids let’s spend some time together with you in such a great place hello ready for a new adventure let’s get started oh yeah yay what’s the

Plan we’re in a huge City with tons of places to go every nook and cranny is interesting just look at all this beauty we can go look at all these picturesque places go into some houses and see what’s inside look where we are now there’s some huge building behind us the letter A

What it could mean I don’t know if it’s a factory or some kind of ship Docks but it’s a huge building I’ve never seen anything like it everything about this place looks incredibly beautiful let’s go down somewhere and get a closer look look how much hey there is we don’t have

Food and hay is a lot of food we have enough to last us a long time the only problem is to swim across the river and get there that’s gonna be tough I won’t jump in as sharply as you do I’ll tear up quietly slowly you find a way to get up there

You can’t get up here without destroying it we should have just gone around maybe we could have found a Bridge on the River and crossed it to get here and get that hay it’s okay I’m gonna build you a bridge that we can all climb up Here you go stand over here uh oh I fell you know what I mean thank you Peppa okay now we’re gonna have plenty of food that’s great there are so many chests here but they’re all empty that’s sad There are a lot of chests on the ship too empty someone must have taken them all George that’s a lot of hay what is this place austrial docks by the looks of it we’ll have to take a closer look inside the buildings to see exactly what’s around us

You’ll notice we’re all alone here and not a soul has been near us yet the town’s been abandoned but why wow really I didn’t even realize it there really wasn’t anyone around us maybe they’re hiding from us well what’s that there’s a sign family only I don’t understand what it says

Something in another language what a weird thing I’ll make myself some bread and come see what you found I’m already wondering what this town is and what happened to it Probably some kind of grain fresher what an impressive Construction the sign says in French that it is indeed a grain grinder it’s a French Town wow French and what kind of town would that be we need to look further here we have gathered hey now we have food we can

Look around and figure it out it wouldn’t hurt to shoot at least wooden tools so that it wouldn’t be like it was on the water where we couldn’t get to the top with instruments we can get anywhere and get anything you look here I’ll go on ahead and have

A look around it’s a big room there are underground passageways interesting There’s a railroad track here for a reason yeah I see it must be some kind of conveyor belt where the product goes and then they do something with it a factory I’ll make myself a pickaxe and get some stone for us it’ll do us good

So that’s the rock there’s a lot of it here That much will be enough let’s go into town to see the beautiful houses I’m sick of these industrial ones I want to see some architectural masterpieces I don’t get it I don’t understand what this is all about maybe a transformer for electricity hmm mommy look what we found looks like a

Repair shop Emerald blocks everywhere Foreign blocks of coal maybe it’s a coal plant for electricity you are Adventure we must cross over and get to the city there is much more to see and learn there power plants grain Grinders who needs it beautiful houses Bridges landmarks that’s what it’s all

About it’s a French city it’d be cool to get a sense of what kind of City It Is by looking at the buildings what do you think what kind of town this is by the buildings well let’s walk around see if we can find some landmarks and we’ll

Know right away if it’s a big city it’s got to be all these things Peppa remember our holiday weekend in France we saw so many interesting things then if it is Paris we can easily understand by walking the streets and of course if we find the Eiffel Tower

Everything will become clear at once oh of course I remember it was wonderful to spend time in such a famous city the capital of France George and I had a great weekend we had a lot of fun [Laughter] wow a railroad I wish I knew what kind of houses these were hmm Indescribable

Beauty and someone built this city in Minecraft so much hard work mommy daddy let’s talk about our favorite cities what is your favorite City oh Peppa my favorite city is London I spent a lot of time there and explored it in every way possible London is such a beautiful and historic City

That’s interesting daddy my favorite city is Paris I’ve always dreamed of visiting the Tower of Eiffel and walking the streets of Mount maartra and when my dream came through I was extremely happy Paris is also known for its romantic atmosphere congenating I myself can name my all-time favorite city it’s New York

City I’ve always loved its huge skyscrapers cabs and lots of stores New York is the city that never sleeps ah New York interesting choice Peppa since I was a kid I’ve always wanted to visit there and explore its many neighborhoods yes such as Rome Tokyo and Sydney

The unique culture of each City and their attractions always fascinate me wow Mom that sounds interesting I am so excited to visit all of these cities with you and learn more about them don’t worry Peppa one day we will definitely take family trips and visit all these wonderful cities

Oh really I can’t wait by the way we were walking along and we came across so many different buildings and they had flags of different countries on them what kind of street is this that has different countries on it maybe it’s not a French town at all judging by the buildings and their

Architecture we are in France after all I wouldn’t mistake it for anything how long have we been running and the city still won’t end wow the store what’s in here nothing interesting let’s go on to see the city we’ve been walking for so long and now we’re lost in a maze great hopefully

We’ll find our way out it’s all right darling Peppa knows the way don’t you I know the way he here uh no not here they’re there I found it George lead me I can’t take it anymore we found a way out daddy mommy where are you come here quickly I’m here finally

Found a way out bummy you’re the last one yeah here we go we all made it through the maze good for us whoa look how big better take a look at this Peppa it’s Paris how huge it is the Eiffel Tower the tallest structure in Paris it looks magnificent

That’s cool seeing the tower live was great and seeing the tower in Minecraft was even more awesome [Laughter] there’s a park with a bunch of small stories and museums with paintings art is everywhere come on kids are you enjoying it uh sure I’ve never seen anything like it

In Minecraft I wonder if the Eiffel Tower is life-size judging by the way the city’s built yes because you can see that whoever built this city tried very hard to create the atmosphere and Precision in the architecture of the city whoa what’s that some kind of train

Rick 20 Rolls Royce sortie 1920 is this the first train I don’t know track service Vu I can’t understand what it says oh test what’s in here a lot of books I don’t want to read anything wow potions what do they do Uh-huh what if I step on the greens Mommy look at me I’ve grown in size I’m a full grown pepper now you haven’t just grown up you’ve become a giant what did you do to become a giant here you go stand on the screen potion and become like me [Applause] I’m all grown up look at me I’m huge now I’m the size of the Eiffel Tower why is there such an interesting potion here Daddy I’m big now too wow the items we kept to ourselves have grown with us this potion works wonders [Laughter] George we’re the same height now Mommy

And Daddy have gotten so much bigger it’s not fair why isn’t it fair mommy and I are older than you the logic is clear I’m so big now that everything’s so small to me I can just jump on the Eiffel Tower now now let’s try to climb the Eiffel Tower

With these bodies I wonder if we If we get easy we won’t know until we try that’s a great idea it’ll be fun to climb the tower I’m already trying here actually it’s not easy a lot of blocks get in the way even though we’re tall I’d even say the blocks are bigger problem than if we

Were small we have to figure out something to overcome those blocks [Laughter] daddy how did you get up there you broke the blocks and climbed over which side it’s very simple it’s the first thing that comes to mind break down the blocks and make them fit then you’ll have no problem getting higher try it yourself I’m almost at the top come on Chase me

What will I find at the top I can’t wait to see I’m trying but I just can’t seem to break the blocks I feel like I’ve broken half the Eiffel Tower and I still can’t get through why is it so hard uh [Laughter] now I’ll climb quickly to the top I’ve

Been mining some wool blocks I think this should be enough to get me to the top I’ve got the first Peak now I’m gonna try to climb the next one I’m kind of stuck here I can’t seem to get any further I keep falling down the

Difficulty is that I have to stand on one block and put one block under myself to climb further as you can see that’s why I fall down and now I’ve got blocks on top of me oh good now we’ll try it another way slowly we’re right behind you Daddy just

A little bit more and we’ll get there I’ve gone up far enough it’s not much longer now Daddy are you okay everything’s fine just a little bit more uh no I don’t know there’s a peek in the way and I’m trying to tear it down to get in Foreign hey you’re here already I’ve been here a long time let’s try to get up somehow now think we’re at the top I finally made it to the top how long has daddy been here oh and Mommy’s here too well now the whole family’s here we made it all the way to the top of the Eiffel Tower together now let’s see what the villagers have in the chest for us

Wow 64 TNT and stealing Flint looks like we can’t say no to the villagers and blow up that Tower at the end of the day it’s just a game why not blow up the Eiffel Tower especially after all the time and effort we put into climbing it we’ll be the last ones up

Oops There is a charged Redstone in the tower it causes the TNTs to accidentally trigger early I hope it doesn’t explode too much it seems fine what do we need more TNT I think a little more is enough we can blow it up Daddy go ahead and blow it up we’re

Already tight on TNT it kind I’m gonna throw more on top now it’s a little small now we can light it [Laughter] Thank you This is what’s left of the Eiffel Tower there are still some blocks in the middle but the top is completely gone I think this is the end of our journey thanks guys for watching it’s been a lot of fun subscribe to the channel and put likes don’t forget to write a comment be

Sure to watch our previous videos bye everyone beautiful city and fun company it was great bye everybody had a good time bye bye I wonder what George is building I think it’s something really big sometimes I’d see what George was building I wonder how he manages to build such massive structures oh

Hey everybody today we are going to play Minecraft and build secret bases I’ve already thought of the most secret base hey hey it’ll be fun to make everyone’s own secret base see whose base is the most secret hey kids I’ve never built a secret base I’d be very interested in building one

Let’s get started I can’t wait to build my base it’ll have a discrete entrance wow really my entrance is only visible if you look let’s actually get started I’m ready okay I’m gonna create a world name will be Peppa and game mode will be creative okay all set creating The world is made you can go in and build your bases I went in I need a special place for my stealthy secret base me too special place huh that’s cool I have it easier I just need fertile soil for what I want to do that’s all I found a place but there’s a lot of grass I need to clean it up properly I just don’t like it when there’s grass around I can’t properly orientate myself in space and figure out how to build my base that’s how I found the right place without further Ado I’m going to build

My base underwater to do this I need a sponge and some glass have glass in it wouldn’t be secret I agree the glass will be visible but like I said you’d have to look hard to see and the glass looks really cool it’s great when in the

Base you can watch the life in the ocean I can watch the ocean in Minecraft even forever I think you can sacrifice secrecy for such beauty entrance to my base will be very secret of course the base will be underground to distract attention above the base I

Will build a small farm so that if someone saw my secret base thought it was just a farm and would not scrutinize it looking for a house hmm that’s it I think that a secret base should not stand out from the normal Minecraft landscape in the first place

So I’ll make it as inconspicuous as possible but with plenty of room inside first I will need to encircle roughly the location of my base with glass this will be the entrance what what do for you when you’re building underwater Oh that’s a good question everybody knows how hard it is

To build a house underwater without knowing the tricks each block of water has to be forced by another block and that takes a lot of time so the sponge helps with that it can instantly absorb a huge amount of water blocks and remove them from the enclosed spaces if you try

Hard enough you can drain the whole ocean with them they are very effective in removing water Wow Let’s show me how it works I’m very interested to see it go to my room and I’ll show you I’ll be right there I’m gonna make an entrance and show you how a sponge Works

In Minecraft okay all right now watch carefully how fast I remove the water foreign that’s really cool I’ve never seen that before thanks Daddy always happy to surprise you all right I’m gonna go build my base daddy your base is amazing but mine is just as good as yours come

On hurry up soon where I’ve already built a lot you don’t have much time [Laughter] it’s time for me to grow wheat I’ve made a small fence and to cover it all with trees would be very beautiful and secret my entrance will be with a trapdoor chip

When I close the hatch it hits me in the head and I get into a lying down position by the way such a thing could not be done in Minecraft for a long time and then is added to Minecraft ability to swim appeared such a feature isn’t it

Wonderful oh yeah that just sounds like a brilliant idea for an entrance well done Peppa good thinking come up with that little trick I saw I saw I’ve never used it until now and now it’s needed in full force I’m glad I remembered it at all [Laughter] my underwater base needs a lot of space so I dig deeper into the ground if I build everything above water the glass Dome will be too big then I won’t be able to call it a secret base my secret base will be very small I

Don’t think it makes sense to make it huge I’m building it as if I’m surviving in Minecraft and want to hide from the others somewhere there will be a big bedroom with a bed stoves a crafting table chests and maybe something else useful what’s your entrance going to be mummy

You haven’t said anything yet about what it’s going to look like I can’t wait to find out or is it a secret I’ll be sure to show it just now building some scenery next to it the entrance is going to be amazing how simple and unobtrusive it is oh

It’s a shame oh well I think too much about your bases and not enough about mine I want a lot of rooms and I want to go down to my bedroom but it takes so much time well then I’ll leave the main room in stone as it is now and I’ll make the

Bedroom in Wood like this I think it’s cute lots of rooms unusual wouldn’t it be better to make one room and have everything in it that’s what I’ll do it’ll work as a surprise effect you go down and there’s nothing there at all some cave then you see a staircase and

At the end of it is a super nice bedroom when I think about it I imagine it looks really cool I agree with Daddy but Peppa says some good things too in their own way each base will look good Peppa wants space and daddy wants practicality and a small

Room can be built very quickly and replicated if it’s too complicated maybe someone who wants to replicate our bases won’t be able to do it I wonder what George is building I think it’s something really big sometimes I’d see what George was building I wonder how he manages to build such massive structures [Laughter] wow really George you’re gonna grow up to be a builder of course he’s going to be a great Pig like me

It’s trebest everywhere he’s doing good oh yeah girl everything’s fine now making a lovely Garden Around My Little Secret Farm I’ll be making the base of the base soon wow the garden around the farm I visualized it it’s beautiful and the trees I imagined are pink sakura trees

Their leaves unfurl very beautifully in the wind when they bloom oh yeah I planted Sakura saplings around here and I’m growing them with bone meal how did you get that right I wonder it’s very simple our family loves the color pink right because we’re pink and in Minecraft there’s a wonderful pink

Tree called Sakura so I thought you’d plant it what an insightful Peppa once you grow up you can become a top-notch detective that’s what you’re good at thank you thank you I was surprised myself becoming a detective would be a lot of fun by the way detective Peppa

That sounds great that’s it I fully planted my seedlings and grown them it looks fantastic I’ll send you a couple screenshots whoa It’s really beautiful well done mommy great job and it’s just a cover for a secret base hmm not bad not bad our bases are also

Different and beautiful in their own way I like that a lot I’m sure George is doing great too and building something huge and exciting as usual and so I did finally the entrance to the secret base it goes across the water for the farm seems like a good place to me

Who’s gonna look through the farm water secret farm base your style mummy totally suits your beautiful farm with a secret base entrance Daddy how’s it going with the base did you finish the beginning yeah almost done just a little more to go I made a spiral staircase down next

Is a small bedroom with everything you need like mummy with a bed chest and all aha I get it I’m at a stage now where I’m just smashing stones in the hope that they’ll make a room and it seems to work and it seems not it’s definitely

Gonna be a room but I don’t know what it’s gonna be I want a big fancy room I’m just brainstorming and thinking as I go Peppa you’ve got yourself a problem a large underground secret base with an unusual entrance hmm anyway I’m sure you’ll do well and

You’ll have a lot of fun with it and whatever you do you’ll get a lot of experience and you can use it for other houses in the future maybe less secretive ones it’s true Peppa you are a smart girl and you will cope with any difficulties yes now it

May not be clear but the longer you do it the clearer your mind will be and you will see not only problems but ways to solve them that’s how I think Thank you for your support okay let’s just do it the way I did it I kind of like it I’m gonna do the walls I’m using pink wood I really like it I’ve got a lot of water in my base here you say the sponge is really good for that I’m gonna

Check it out for myself of course I am you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how quickly it will absorb any amount of water you want to remove Peppa and I can attest to that without hesitation yes Mommy the sponge is a godsend such a cool thing interesting and hard to find

It in the real passage in survival or it is only in the creative to build houses underwater or to remove water from the caves no of course not there’s more to the sponge than just creativity in survival it can be found in underwater caves

There are so many of them or if you kill an underwater Guardian in the same underwater cave you can also drop a sponge I would not say that it is easy to find a sponge but the possibility is there if there is a helmet with an enchantment for extra air underwater

Will be easy to get a sponge I successfully removed the excess water good thing I didn’t have to manually remove the water with blocks sponge is a useful thing you cannot forget about it when there is water that interferes in Minecraft I’m having a construction crisis again

In my bedroom I don’t understand how to do the ceiling I’m trying to make it with stairs and I’m getting some confusion ah I’ll get over it Peppa maybe you should build your Secret Base a little easier I mean sometimes the effort doesn’t justify the results what do you think

Maybe I really am doing something wrong it doesn’t look good either although I envisioned it a little differently okay I’ll make it a little easier see how it looks I have a room here May at first glance and will seem like some obscure box with a bed but I think it is cozy

Nothing fancy but genius is in Simplicity pepper what was so funny in there George let me see what’s going on I’m sitting next to George you’re a curious one Peppa yeah I see George uses a sponge and he really likes it that’s how it turned out I used a sponge

And everyone ended up needing one that was hilarious not really fun this just goes to show that the sponge is used didn’t even know about it before and how many things in Minecraft we all together don’t know yet who knows the world of Minecraft is truly huge and

Extremely attractive in every sense I think few people have explored it in its entirety they know how everything works how the world is built it’s very complicated I think there are a lot of people who have learned all of Minecraft because the game is very popular and it is

Constantly played by millions of people and not only people ha ha I’m totally confused about my ceiling it’s just some sort of maze of stairs okay I need to calm down and figure out what’s what and which stairs go where it just doesn’t work when I’ve already

Started building with stairs I’ll end up with stairs too I’m done with the ceiling and overall look in the bedroom now I just have to put up all sorts of stuff like chests cartographers tables Alchemy tables I just finished the floor and walls I haven’t even touched the ceiling yet but

I’m not going to do it with ladders it’s too long slowly unraveling this knot of ladders I kind of know how to proceed we’ve been playing for quite some time it’s way past bedtime I finished my base so let’s hurry up mommy just a couple more minutes and

I’ll be ready we’re really excited about building a secret base going into turbo build mode I’d like to push on two I’m not gonna make it I’ve got pests in here I should get rid of them All the same there is still something else that can be added to not spawn mobs need to put more light near the trees even in the daytime they managed to spawn foreign All its Glory all set so here we go in from the top hatch go down the spiral staircase and get into the bedroom there’s a lot of stuff here an anvo a table for crafting of course a bed beautiful paintings that’s it in this kind of beautiful pink

Atmosphere we enter a secret base on a farm here I have everything I need bed chests and other things Okay now I’m going to show you my super secret base this is my entrance through the hatch here we pass such a not so interesting room and go downstairs to my main room This is the room of course I did not have time to furnish it properly but to me it turned out very well Um Thank you for watching subscribe to the channel and put likes don’t forget to leave a comment what you think about our secret base bye everybody thanks for watching bye bye it was fun to play bye bye everyone [Laughter] try hmm oh no Sakura is burning here I

Urgently need to put it out otherwise this whole beautiful Forest will burn down hi everyone today let’s play a game of Minecraft with game mode hardcore let’s see if we can survive in this world hey hey Minecraft hardcore family we can do it we have played a lot of Minecraft and

With this experience it will be hard to die right hey kids of course we can do this we know Minecraft like the back of our hands alright let the game begin oh that’s great make a world I’m ready I’m ready too let’s do it all right uh-huh as long

As everyone’s ready I’m creating a world World named Peppa game mode hardcore foreign Who’s the little one here a puppy sweetie are you lost I wish I had the bones to tame you Yourself a pet pepper you’d better not get distracted because this is Hardcore and you need to prepare for the night the mobs here can be surprising I agree just got a little distracted for a second but it’s okay now I’m getting my first tree to make a wooden pickaxe

Peppa we’re going to do things really fast now because this is Hardcore so let’s talk about what we need to do first of all to survive in this seemingly harmless world of Minecraft alright come on and so the first thing we need to do is cut down a tree to make

A crafting table and sticks for tools then we make our first pickaxe in the crafting table using the wood and after the pickaxe quickly find a stone and get it for stone tools and after that find food in a bed food is needed for what is clear to restore health and to have

Energy to run and the bed is needed to wait out the night which is unusually dangerous at first with game mode hardcore it’s like this well done Peppa great job learning the perfect first step in all survival in Minecraft after all when something you like to learn something you can learn it with

Great speed the wooden pickaxe is ready now we need to find the stone no I’ll make another one a wooden ax just to have just in case and the table for crafting will break faster with it oh Daddy how are you doing did you make your stone tools yet or maybe you found

Some food almost stone tools I did make but food’s a problem we’re camped in Oak Forest there’s no watermelons here like in the rainforest but maybe we’ll get lucky and find a village with hay for bread that would be very good it’s not that hard to find a village

Though hmm maybe you can compare it to Diamonds it seems to me about as rare to find a village come on if there is one you could just miss it and go in another Direction and not find it at all although maybe it was right under your nose

You can really miss something big right under your nose wow I found a destroyed portal right next to our spawn it’s almost complete only missing one block of obsidian great luck nearby in the chest there is a golden apple golden hoe golden breastplate and steel and Flint not bad

Could be a lot worse uh that’s right how could I not see the huge portal right next to me well that’s a little bonus for you mommy with a golden apple you can survive in extreme situation though it won’t save you from a blast from a creeper that alone can kill without armor

[Laughter] I have the armor now one blast should save me the Golden Apple is very good with it I can quickly regenerate my health if I’m surrounded by mods as long as you find a portal near the spawn I found the village after running a fair distance now I have plenty of

Food and I don’t have to think about it it’s great isn’t it you on the village yet wow you’re a fast daddy I’ve always wondered how clever you are at playing games mommy’s good too so quick to learn how to play Minecraft although it took a lot of

Effort for me George actually got into the game for the first time and killed a dragon in a couple of hours how he did it is just unimaginable laughs George is pretty good at board games too little genius maybe it’s the way he approaches everything he loves it and he does it

With a lot of zeal I think that’s why he’s good at it just like we’re doing now we play Minecraft and we like it so we’re good at it I wouldn’t say I’m very good at Minecraft I could easily die on the first night and go make dinner while you

All play ha ha ha I’ll be pompous the one who taught us how to play without you we would not have known that there is such a wonderful game as Minecraft with its huge open world and a million opportunities to realize all their fantasies in reality well as in reality

In the game world but it’s cool daddy Peppa is right you are great for your Years playing games and understand the trends in video games I can’t do that no matter how much I want to for my age I’m not that old I’m so young at heart that I can understand what

Children need and give them what they want [Laughter] all right all right all right the youngest among us I found myself some iron and I’m thinking about what to do with it two iron is enough for a hoe but why you don’t need an iron hoe I don’t know can

You tell me what to do with the iron two iron won’t be enough for much as an option to save this iron and find after more and make yourself for example armor it will protect you properly and won’t break quickly like my gold one I found hmm that’s it all right well maybe

That’s the smart way out two iron really isn’t enough to make a useful thing all right then I’ll find some more iron alternatively you could make shears it takes just two iron and there’s a lot of usefulness in it you can shear sheep for wool and from wool and wood you can make

A bed with a bed will be great to sleep at night and hide from mobs hmm that’s a good one I made myself an iron pickaxe but I still have iron making shears would be great a bed is a very necessary thing I need some iron too I’m gonna jump in here

Ouch there’s a skeleton here it hurts so badly when it hits oh no I could die right now I have to hide quickly uh okay it’s all right I don’t want to waste a golden apple I gotta get out and find some decent food to recuperate it

Could get worse so I’d better save the Golden Apple for later that’s right if you’ve escaped from the skeleton and are safe now you should slowly make your way to the surface while it’s still daytime and look for food finding a village will be the best

Option but in case of emergency you can gather seaweed in the ocean and roast it it will help you at first if you are very hungry ouch skeleton ah I’m so unlucky just as I was about to leave this cave he stood up good thing I blocked him off

In time I’ll just keep going up just mining up what are you risking so much I found some iron armor in the village Forge but I don’t intend to go down that far it’s very easy to stay down there forever which I don’t want to do be careful ladies

For me it’s not a risk but part of I just need adrenaline to live to enjoy survival mommy what do you think what do you think I wasn’t thinking of taking any chances I just saw a cave half Under the Sun and thought there wouldn’t be mobs there and jumping in I

Was immediately greeted by a skeleton I wanted to find coal or iron but I found trouble it happens sometimes Ah that’s how it is I see I’ve been in these situations too don’t worry finding food is very important right now oh yeah there she is founder after all

Aha that was fast I’m gonna find some food and I’m gonna be fine I found the village too the three of us found three different Villages that’s cool [Laughter] what George you found a village too how many villages we have around here is ridiculous I found the Sakura a pink tree it’s very

Beautiful Wow I’ve only seen a tree like that in Creative to see it in the world must be very impressive it’s like I’m in a magical world the beauty is off the charts wow there is a cat in the village meow cute great I got a lot of food I made myself

Bread from hay I was seriously unlucky there is no hay in my Village how can I find food for myself now tell me try hmm oh no Sakura is burning here I urgently need to put it out otherwise this whole beautiful Forest will burn down

Daddy do your best if there is no water there is only hope for your hands go ahead daddy you can do it Thank you I was able to save the whole Forest only one tree burned down I was lucky that I was walking nearby and sore okay I’ll sleep otherwise the mobs won’t let me go down from the tree at night you did everything you could you’re my

Hero I really like rose trees they are very beautiful and the house of them is just wonderfully beautiful speaking of houses it’s time for us to build our homes for survival things in the inventory are being added and added you need to make yourself a place to rest and store things

Oh yeah I’m already doing it I found a good place on the mountain a small flying Island my house will look great here now I have a place for a house I already have everything for the house I got a lot of Rosewood sand everything is ready

We are developing quite fast we already have everything you need for your home we went to the mine and extracted a lot of boys I consider this walkthrough with game mode hardcore success wait a little longer we’re not done what if there’s a creeper behind you right now and successful completion will turn

Into a complete failure there is no one around here why so frightened well I think now that we are all ready with armor and food it will be very difficult for mobs to defeat us besides we are strong players right I’m starting to build the foundation for

My house I’m thinking of building a small house why do I need a huge one I’ve already built most of the house mummy have you started building a house not yet but I am now in search of the perfect place for my home I want a beautiful house on the seashore

To go out and look at it or even go on Long voyages and return to the house by boat my dream yeah this place seems to suit me well there is everything I need here and a village nearby great I’ll build up here then the construction of the house is in full

Swing the first floor is almost finished it’s time to make a floor for yourself I have an idea to make a floor out of wool but an unusual coat it will look strange white on pink I’ll do this I’ll paint the wool pink and I’ll find the dye in the Sakura

Forest there’s a bunch of leaves on the floor and you can make pink dye out of them I think pink wall on the floor will look great wool as a floor hmm sounds very nice moreover the house itself is made of Rosewood although if you think about it

It won’t look too monotonous I don’t even know what color would suit a Rosewood it would be strange if Daddy left the floor pink wooden so the wool in my opinion will look great okay thanks for the reply after all the wool will look good I don’t want to bother about the

House at all today I’ll build myself a box out of ordinary Oakwood if he plays hardcore next time I’ll make myself a better house huge for our whole family and how are you doing with the glass I forgot about it and had to go from the

Mountain to the very bottom to take 12 blocks of sand on the glass that was a problem for me too I built a house on the mountain just like you I had to run downstairs it was necessary to take the sand as it was coming here

But I keep forgetting about him well I did not forget that a furnace is needed for glass and took a furnace from the village I live on a beach full of sand it’s not a problem for me to find sand I also have a stove along with a stone from

Which I can make myself several furnaces and make glass faster oh yeah Daddy and I sacrificed this in order to live in the mountains as Hermits I live near the most beautiful Sakura Forest what could be better Sakura Forest near the seashore how do you like this one

And all this on a sheer huge Rock just a fairy tale not to make a roof why do I need it if I want to build just a box for a while then I will demolish it all and build a normal house as I already said it will be huge

It was very stressful to play today constantly thinking that we have only one life and a random creeper can ruin everything Minecraft can be a horror oh yeah today’s adventure is no match for the others just one in a lifetime I’ve only just thought about it after

All we could have made a mistake at the beginning and started playing Anew in a new world agree unique emotions and after all we coped with the whole family we were able to overcome the most difficult beginning in Minecraft I think we were immensely lucky that we

All found villages with food and got all the resources we needed without any problems I have made the roof Daddy how are you I’m just about to start making it let’s speed up Peppa thanks for watching subscribe to the channel and put likes don’t forget to

Write a comment what you think about our videos bye everyone it was fun to play hardcore mode bye bye thanks for watching we had a good time together bye everybody

This video, titled ‘Peppa Pig Play Minecraft Compilation’, was uploaded by Cartoons Play on 2023-09-18 17:06:05. It has garnered 8735 views and 140 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:06 or 3846 seconds.

Peppa Pig Play Minecraft Compilation,Peppa Pig Play Minecraft, and George, heir own Minecraft server and playing COMPILATION.

Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE!

Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated

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    Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!Video Information This video, titled ‘brawa #music #minecraft #musica #funny #dance #memes #roblox #duet #love #edit’, was uploaded by Kuga Guga on 2024-06-08 18:33:12. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Death Maul

    Death MaulThis server features a custom gamemode where one main player that must survive in a world with mobs and monsters possessed by other players. Their goal is to kill the main player to take their place. Six starting classes to choose from with custom items and perks. – (Ghosts) control monsters and mobs to kill the human – Abilities for each monster. Creepers blow up, spiders shoot webs, etc. – The (Human) must survive and reach level 100 to win. – Main character can choose one of six classes. – If the human dies, another will take their place! -… Read More

  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay Worldbuilding Whitelist LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to the Janitor’s Closet! We are a worldbuilding/roleplay based SMP, creating a fun atmosphere where you can build your own culture, nation, story, and impact without restrictions on era or genre. Join our unique community where you can create religions and cultures, or join existing ones! Experience lore-related and in-game events, or even host your own! Discord Info: Join our Discord here to get started. Fill out a quick app after reading the rules to join our community. Our plugins include Dynmap, SimpleVC, SetHome, Deadchest, CombatLog, Brewery, and more! Read More

  • Nexaris | Worldbuilding

    Nexaris | Worldbuilding================= Nexaris=================Nexaris is a diverse server under the Geopolitical, Nations, Towny, Roleplay, and Worldbuilding categories. Forge your Nation, make alliances, and conquer the world! Create your religion and worship your god(s). In Nexaris, politics, and territory control are crucial. Players compete to control regions, make deals with others, and join in big events that shake things up. Every decision YOU make can greatly impact the server’s history, shaping its future.We, the staff of Nexaris, try to provide the best experience for players. The server itself has not been launched yet. But it will be very soon! Join our Discord! We’ll… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Y’all really hate Keep Inventory?”

    “Why do y’all hate keep inventory? Because losing all your stuff builds character…and rage-induced tears.” Read More

  • Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango

    Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango Welcome, gamers, to a brand new day, Where Minecraft adventures come out to play. In this episode, we dive into the unknown, Exploring the Trials, with skills to be honed. First up, enchanting, a magical art, Adding power to weapons, straight from the heart. My village is thriving, with buildings so grand, And an enchanting library, where knowledge will stand. But the real fun begins, in the Trial Chambers, Where challenges await, testing our gamers. With my trusty dog army by my side, We’ll conquer each trial, with nothing to hide. So join me on this journey, filled with… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21

    Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch Introduction The Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch has been making waves across all platforms, including PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, MCPE, and PC. This glitch allows players to duplicate items in the game, providing them with an advantage in their gameplay. How It Works The Duplication Glitch is a fascinating exploit that players can use to their advantage. By following a specific set of steps, players can duplicate items in their inventory, giving them an edge in crafting and building within the game. Step-by-Step Tutorial The Hook: Players are drawn in by the allure of duplicating… Read More

  • Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft!

    Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft! Minecraft Adventures in Truly Bedrock In the world of Minecraft Truly Bedrock, the adventures never stop! PlodPlod, a dedicated player, recently embarked on some exciting new projects and challenges with the TB crew. Let’s dive into the action-packed episode! Automatic Sorting System PlodPlod showcased their engineering skills by creating an automatic sorting system for storage. This system not only streamlines the organization of items but also adds a touch of efficiency to the gameplay. With this setup, managing resources becomes a breeze, allowing for more time to focus on other exciting tasks. Triple Ender Dragon Battle One of the… Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Pokemon x Minecraft?! Mythical Cobblemon Day 1!🟢’, was uploaded by HalloweenMoonCrab on 2024-05-25 04:45:45. It has garnered 230 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 05:27:15 or 19635 seconds. Pokemon meets Minecraft?! This is wild! Welcome to Day 1 of the Mythical Cobblemon! Season 2 kicking off with a ton of fun. want to play? 📲 Discord – 🎮 Modpack - 🖥️ Installation Guide – Coming Soon it’d mean a lot to me if you’d like the video and comment if you liked the stream below! 😀 Twitter: Peep the… Read More

  • EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!

    EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Maizen – Minecraft on 2024-06-23 17:00:20. It has garnered 5280 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:12 or 972 seconds. JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥

    Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Логика Майнкрафта! #майнкрафт #minecraft #funtime #сервер #holyworld #anarchy #shorts’, was uploaded by ArianCraft on 2024-06-04 11:07:25. It has garnered 817 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

Cartoons Play – Peppa Pig Play Minecraft Compilation