Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN – 【MINECRAFT】 Faun it, we build (open vc?)

Video Information

Foreign Thank you Thank you I was getting lost listening to the oh God listening to the the intro music it’s so good putting me in the Halloween spirit what a way to start I know we don’t have spooky music for minecraft though we just have knockoff Animal Crossing it’s not a little quiet oh is this just

The Quiet One foreign Just a bit we going to distinct Animal Crossing off to a great star way let me get into VC you can make a spooky playlist I had one at one point remember it had Rick Gastly in it do I still have those songs those files here are my folders organized oh I do

Should we listen to the Halloween playlist I don’t know the Halloween playlist is a little bit Wild on we have to do music library add folder Halloween add this folder to music add to new playlist new playlist Halloween create this one oh wait we can just

Select all of them I know how to use the computer this Karen knows how to use computers add to a Halloween playlist boom And just like that we have Halloween this is a tutorial yes is it too loud it’s just supposed to be background music it’s a little it’s a little discharge it’s not as comfy as the usual Minecraft music maybe we’ll switch back for now this is fine oh my gosh it’s really

It’s really uh really groovin Halloween started baby I’m afraid for What song is gonna play next okay this is spooky it’s quite spooky it’s fine yeah we’re doing the the pumpkin part of the tree anyway so it makes sense um how do you get in this side

You don’t is the answer I think there might be a hole over here I should probably go to sleep pumpkin spice tree oh perfect okay let’s have a little nap wait do I have beds there’s one bed one bed remains I suppose I could make more beds too maybe I should

Do I have wood Um I mean we could just steal some from the tree I feel like my inventory is not organized but when is it ever organized really It’s I don’t know it’s not ouch The Comfy Minecraft music I’m used to let’s make a couple beds four beds put them all together the barracks actually I won I won one for myself this is the barracks anyone can sleep here oh I have totems I should hold one

Just in case you never know what might happen are my shoulders hunching up how do you know why do you say that how do you know do you hack into my webcam how do you know how can you see under this cape we’re shadowing you can hear how can you hear

Can you hear my posture hold on let me get picture you block origin now you know let me sit up straight I keep looking over here because this is where am I that’s where you guys are this is where Minecraft is here this is where you guys are I’m going to send out to you okay fondant we build this is my scaffold orange wool um would it be better to build from the inside

I don’t know Is this tree and OSHA approved workplace I mean just look at it do you think it is foreign it’s really not Should we should we go inside and build it from inside I want to work on the bottom of the tree decorating the bottom also I don’t know if this is even enough for the orange section it probably needs to be bigger tired criminals hey we believe in reform here

They may have broken out of prison But they deserve a second chance at employment I think they do great work okay I’ve made a staircase the staircase needs to continue down very spooky How can I build it out this way now okay oh be careful now monsters can spawn here although it’s kind of bright from these blocks where I need to go collect the blocks How are we feeling about this this music oh I’m almost out of these I should go get more you gotta have a little bit of everything for the even spread although who knows if it will even be noticeable foreign build it just play stuff randomly And hope for the best I’m gonna run out of these like instantly it’s hard too to get around music it sounds like something this song It’s about Kevin McLeod maclioed back Cloud vibes this one it sounds like something you would hear in like a an ichio visual novel Halloween themed or Monster themed am I wrong it’s a specific reference but ichio how do you say it h dot IO it’s too many syllables You think I have that many syllables just there I don’t we shorten here We support ichio in this house it’s just itch nobody knows what you’re talking about if you just say itch though right you always said it like that if you just say itch will anyone know what do you mean Rick Gastly my beloved that familiar tune you feel as though you’re about to be

Rickrolled but alas it was just Rick Gastly instead is is this working I don’t know how it looks and I don’t know what the density of the blocks needs to be oh that’s kind of weird that’s fine so spooky there I’ve been going hard wait I was supposed to buy a theremin

To celebrate my 3D do you guys remember should I still buy one I could do the Rick Astley cover on my Theremin do it be the time I wonder how fast a theremin shifts October is the month to learn how to play the theremin if there is such a month

I wonder how fast it would ship if I bought it now one week we could still have some time spooky time with the theremin it’s one week oh oh okay I would like to collect my water please this is on prime a theremin a year of 2023 is amazing if you can

Amazon Prime a theremin theremin’s gotta be the spookiest instrument right I don’t think there could be a spookier instrument than a theremin oh why have I built it like this the xylophone like this one this is a xylophone right hi Morgan that’s true pipe organ is pretty spooky

My grandma plays the pipe organ Grandma Kieran the rare Grandma Kiran lore drop she plays the organ at her church it’s awesome it is awesome she’s an amazing pianist and organ player it is cool no no and she would be appalled that anyone even asked maybe I should go collect more materials

Let’s do it it’s nine time anyway let’s get out of this place bring me boom we got Style bring me to the en server take me home this is the one that gets in your brain and makes you go crazy maybe they will switch back to regular royalty free animal crossing soon

But this is doesn’t it put you in the in the Halloween mood I like to celebrate all the holidays around here well not all of them I guess mostly Halloween and Christmas we arrived just in time to steal ouch their beds wait where is everybody have my villagers all died

Shouldn’t there be more than this there’s Babies well these guys are safe so that’s all that really matters excuse me Um here’s some more well this song is nice this one is like RPG Maker horror Oh my God why was there a creeper there my dis ruined they’ve been freed it was an inside job to free the villagers no Oh no how could this happen how are we gonna fix this you think they died any of them who are you you get back in there get back in get get running he’s running away oh no It’s a disaster oh no you get in there get in there get in there yes yes in in okay there’s fine too yes yes okay it’s his station though does it have to be their station I suppose I could let them live together For you oh you’re just a novice wait did you steal his Workstation need their station or doesn’t for stock all right who are you oh you’re no one Died it didn’t write these guys still have the have the things wait Kyla was Kyla here hold on she’s in Chad’s wait Marissa was here too oh my goodness everyone is here I’m missing everyone’s messages would cost no such thing as freedom [Applause] oh goodness what was I doing this guy restocked right

Are they fine You think it’s fine I should fix there their cage though I was using Bruce slabs it’s all made of dirt now this music is is mind flooding me can’t think with the festive Halloween music it’s really not creeper proof I thought we had cats okay you’re restocking everything is fine stuff away

Maybe we need more glass too I should go on an adventure to get more shoulders at some point or we could get we could build that crazy shulker Farm I don’t think I’m brave enough to build it the one that may or may not destroy the server they say hey Poor creeper his items like the villagers too but he exploded I don’t want what he’s selling I don’t think he wants wants to set up shop here maybe he wants to be put in a box like everyone else Um more glass Maybe while we’re here Um who has glass ES Do you have glass you do have glass do you love you you not you you not you you okay this is probably enough stuffs don’t have a box full of glass here yeah I think I do but it’s for building this one this is for building my snowy Village which

Is sort of half built but it’s pretty cute the part that is built you have to admit it would look pretty cute if the whole thing was built which maybe it will one day but first we have to build this tree oh you’re so sold out okay Let’s leave I only got 36 of these though I should get more Masons oh Um this is the music where is dog please please it can restock right he did before I think feels like Sonic music all right I’m leaving wait maybe he restarts one more time now hello hello how are we doing today we’re doing all right did you see the creeper explode

Yeah that’s weird that’s where we’re at yeah that sounds about right for Minecraft mm-hmm I’m uh I’m getting rid of some stuff in my inventory and then I’ve gotta head over to you here to report for work today for a little bit I actually have to stream

Uh in like an hour oh what are you streaming I’m playing story of Seasons I like the farm yes yes good taste yes I haven’t played story of Seasons I bought one of them and I didn’t get around to playing it one of the ones on the switch did you

Play Harvest Moon growing up yes then you put only one of them does it count no that counts okay okay I guess wait maybe I’m thinking of ruin factory I like Rune Factory too yeah I bought one of the new Rune Factory ones but apparently I bought there are like a

Couple on the switch and I think I bought yeah the one people don’t like as much on this one oh no what one did you get do you remember remember I have to like look I thought literally the worst one my Chad says oh wait five I like your in

Fact Rune Factory Five was my first one five that’s what they’re saying probably five yeah that looks right I liked it I don’t know what they’re talking about sounds like they’re just being hypocritical is it the best one no but does does that one furry man make everything a little

Bit better yes there’s a furry man the name is I think it’s like me me I I don’t remember it starts with an M though wait is this that we played maybe there’s one with a cute green hair girl I remember one with a cute green haired

Girl but her name is Eunice and she’s from an older one and she starts kind of chubby and you can you can tell her she’s perfect the way she is or tell her to lose weight and I remember being like Oh my God does she does she lose weight if

You tell her to lose weight how many girls you like and if you’re like I prefer thinner girls honestly then she’ll um get skinny that’s kind of sad I know oh no but she is so cute I think she had like a bakery I don’t remember oh that is cute I know right

How could you ruin her like that I know let her enjoy enjoy herself let her be her who she is I love her for who she is not who she could be yeah trying to remember where the Ian part of the server is where where are you do you need an escort

I’m coming back from our house and I’m looking for the big giant bug yes once I find them I think I should maybe be able to figure out where I am but right now I’m just by the the house with the witch hat the witch hat

I never go over to this to the other parts of the server it’s like the main part oh I’m by the Neo sign okay now I need to remember where to go okay close I think that’s near right you would think the giant tree would be easy to find yeah server right But it’s just you know the loading distance man Just have to search for the area where the shadow of the tree blocks out all the sun in a million monsters spawn that’s how you know you’re close the most treacherous area okay I see I see the owl I’m going in the right direction yes I see the tree yeah

Slowly coming into frame time to die say goodbye narissa don’t enter the forest are you the value of your life you need to enter the forest do you you need to yes I need I need to go get some some uh some cotton stuff um So I can I’ve actually we’ve moved on now um really well we might need more later yeah but right now I’m working on the decorating the wool I’m not gonna be able to help you much but I’ll be there for emotional support yeah you just have to place the blocks

Randomly I don’t have the uh the thing what thing you know thing elytra yeah I can’t fly oh no you don’t need to fly this seems really hard walking around you’re so crazy I see you can’t even walk I can’t walk but you just you looked so lonely in

Here so I was like I should come by say hello emotional support is also appreciated still on my way though oh that’s amazing really this part’s all finished huh well I I think it might be a little small yeah you might need to be expanded but I’m gonna work on adding the

The details and then see how it looks and see yeah it needs to be expanded you’ve got the base the base colors going You’re not doing them on the top right because no one’s actually gonna see the top oh I actually was planning on doing the top but you were so very good point I’m trying to find you I suppose no one will see the top unless they come up here and then they

Realize it’s all it’s all a fraud no one will think it’s a fraud how where are you um here do you remember how to get inside the orange section I’m right behind you oh how’d you get up here I’ve been up here you’ve been up here I’ve tried to

Find where you were up here yeah I’ve been working over here I’m trying to do the bottom first yes the most important part the most important part and the hard part but over here is my oh okay my very sketchy scaffold yeah this looks a little

Uh the working conditions might be a bit why would I’m right so you’ll be fun yeah yeah even if you fall I won’t lose my items that’s what matters are you okay are you going crazy yet maybe maybe I think I’ve been going crazy for the duration that

I don’t blame you for the past how many months seven months too long too long and it’s not even close to being done hey you’re like a fourth of the way there almost that’s optimistic I think if it’s been nine months and I’m one-fourth the way there

Whoa but now you have kohai who will help you at least place the the wool blocks so when when we came in to help dare I say that was a lot of progress it was it was a lot of progress so we leave the cute decorating to you

You give us the the wool colors and then we will just destroy it you know plus about building this the tree part itself was also no feet because this is huge a huge build the truck was the easy part really somehow yeah but the collecting of the wood you know yeah that’s true

It’s not too bad if you have a bone meal though um I see all right let me let me watch you work girl all right if you want if you want to place Vlogs you’re also welcome too I don’t have any I have some if you want I’ll help for a

Little bit sure okay let me show you if you go back up the scaffold no you’re stuck here [Laughter] it’s fine we can we can replace your totem here yeah service we can provide thank you blessed Kieran comb the decorative blocks are in here okay they’re all the ones on the top row

Just take all of these and play some randomly yeah pretty much okay I can I can do that right yeah surely there’s no real Rhyme or Reason to it but you make it look so professionally done does it I’m just placing it randomly and I don’t know I’m like damn

This is so nice it’s so beautiful thank you people will only be viewing you from far away so it doesn’t matter too much that’s true how it looks and do you want the whole thing completely covered um at least the bottom although if you’d rather work on the

Sides where it’s a little safer you’re welcome to I will attempt uh something I’ll I’ll figure it out good luck I believe in you scared Fonda’s Empire I’m frightened are you frightened so frightened would you like to go to sleep no I’m okay unless you want to no we can probably say

I’m not too worried enough so every block of this you want covered actually on this side I’m not going to do this side yet because this side might need to expand and I already started on this side but then I realized um parkour I think over here wait let me

Or if you want to come up here you could work going this way yes okay I can do that thank you thank you for having me please I need you I’ll do my best to be good good employer you’re doing you’re doing great already oh thank you I think I need to go

Collect more honey honey blocks are one of the key features of the tree I will leave a bed by the boxes oh are you good it was just a zombie it just surprised me um I left a bed by the shulkers if you would like to take a nap I will

Thank you be off to the Ian server for a minute okay hello who joined us oh hello that’s me are you just starting yes okay thank you for joining how are you doing I’m good wrist hurts but I’m alive I know just video editing and you know like Photoshop stuff

It’s a pain I’ve actually been having like hand cramps too lately oh no we’re getting old I think you guys start doing like uh some sort of muscle exercise just to make it stronger yeah I did some like hand stretches try to massage my own hand s

Man I actually like am tempted to bite my arm whenever it’s like sore because it feels nice I kind of know what you mean yeah it’s like just kind of like a massage for me yeah like the the pinching pressure yeah yeah yeah I see uh this is Lisa does not really for me not not relatable not not necessarily but that’s okay do you ever are you the type of person never said to like put your pen in your mouth like chew on your pen odd you’re making a lot of assumptions

About me well you’re the one who you look like gum so like it’s not a bad assumption you don’t expose me in front of fauna I don’t think why would you do this what is this about collecting gum oh when I was young I had a giant gum wad that I collected

On my bed post I would chew gum and then I would put it on my bed post to I don’t know what I was doing uh but I thought I was I I thought you know so I had a giant thing of just gum pieces put together yeah two gum and the

The Risa lore here that’s like pretty pretty wonderfully cursed yeah no it was it was first indeed that is the best way to describe it did it did it dry out I mean it just but it was still like gummy you know like you ever have to

Like pick gum off the bottom of like tables you know I don’t actually know I actually haven’t uh I see I know that’s like good yeah if you’re like a waitress it’s less than fancy establishment um my kids come in their little little shits put their gum on the bottom

Of the table like oh Fisher janders hated kids yeah I’ve uh I’ve had to clean I’ve had to clean some gum off at the bottom of tables it’s not great not my favorite hobby um you could have sold your uh your gum wad if you think about it I I mean if I

Still had it now I think maybe like I could be like buying derissa ravencroft’s gum wad yeah featuring uh 230 pieces of gum all chewed by yours truly I should make it to a merch product but some sort of like gag for it uh-huh I make like slime I don’t like those

Fancy aesthetic slime yeah slime that’s supposed to look like your chewed gum sounds awful I love it we’re talking about her gum wad farisa I’m learning the lore wow I’m just she’s a special one very very special indeed I am these are the times that end up in Hollow live yeah anyway

You want to get into hello live uh tell them the weird things that you did did you did you talk about this in your audition s I don’t remember though but I’m sure they were like what the [ __ ] they’re like we need to hire her just

For this because I don’t know what she was talking about but she just kept going she’s wild we like it I think the the council thing that we all somehow talked about in our auditions was Pokemon like all of us independently talked about Pokemon and like the Pokemon movies specifically I think I mean I also talked did you I think so I don’t remember what but I genuinely remember talking about I

Talked about Pokemon too is this the trick I mentioned what did you guys talk about because I talked about how I’m boycotting Pokemon until they add another evolution oh no wait now you’ll never get the sponsorship which Evolution do you want I just I need a new one

Yeah I’m feening for a bug type Eevee Rock Evie wouldn’t that be so cute I also want to see a ghost one ghost would be good too ghost poison I need like a flying type Eevee you know like an angel I just I I’m addicted to Eeveelutions

And I need more and so the fact that they’ve skipped it like twice now I’m like you owe me two Eeveelutions every year you guys don’t release one you owe me another one and then they’re like who are you did you ever play Pokemon Colosseum oh yeah I did I did yes

I don’t know if I did you get two Evolutions to Starbucks Espeon and Umbreon you get them from the start nice man I wish I did that more I didn’t remember I’ll give more Evie’s as a starter I like that because we had two Pokemon to start off with it’s like

Double battles yeah I loved the like town with all the fountains in it it’s like um yeah I actually was really bad at it and I don’t think I ever got that it’s not that easy though I remember it being hard yeah Coliseum but maybe it was because I was a kid

Yeah me too I got to uh near the final boss fight and then like I lost and I was like I don’t really want to play right now so I gotta feel like playing right now after that loss maybe I don’t need to play anymore

I remember when I played that game I had never played like a Mainline Pokemon game yes I am really you too but I played Coliseum in like half the time when I was playing it I was like I wish I could just like go and catch Pokemon and like fight gems

But you can’t do that in this game I wish there was a game that would let me do that and I had no idea that there that’s like the standard than most Pokemon games oh my God you do that in that’s cute though it had a sequel for that game

Yeah it uh Gale of dark I didn’t yeah I only played I didn’t I finished it either but for that one you could you had an Eevee and you could evolve it to whatever you wanted I think oh yeah you’re right somehow I feel like I’m not as good at

This random placement thing as you are don’t know how to describe it ah I’m falling to my death you had totem you have total oh hell yeah totem Hey guys logged in did you see my new business oh what business did you learn I saw the llamas oh you have a lot of business it’s super cute yeah I have a llama business now the llamas in Minecraft I’m so proud of you my little entrepreneur

What do you pay with no I’m renting out lava rides uh you can haggle if you want oh wait what if you’re not here to oversee things um No Stealing llama right it’s closed yeah we’re closed right now I’m gonna help I’m going I’m going to work my shift it

Cured and cold today and now the lights are closed does that mean your business is not profitable enough you have to work a side gig oh my God It’s a cruel world yeah have you seen the economy the economy is completely crashed by the influx of emeralds

Hello feel free to grab a new totem from this chest I have one in my inventory somehow I didn’t realize I did but apparently I do so yay um so yeah I did I placed a lot I still have a lot somehow I was disproportionate it must have been how

Many I placed down of what I had some biases what is going on here she’s our words I’m understanding yeah I was super confused there Yes I don’t worry I tried my best let me have a look it was good it was good enough I don’t think you should look actually I’m looking it looks good yeah do you watch soccer oh I think I have some already okay and don’t give away my my saplings but it’s cherry

You’re 64 saplings I think I split them in half so I only have like 30 or something now I have uh just like seven to share yes yeah propagate them still that is so pretty oh I know I want to see people build stuff with the Sakura trees right

I was gonna come into the the en part over here and just plant a ton yes you should and uh build my house over there like my house because living with advent’s nice but sometimes you know Oh yeah I moved out like weeks ago I know exactly the house is falling apart I’m just gonna live in Advent then Places somewhere nearby but I forget where yeah everybody moves out you can just have the whole place to yourself yeah yeah I guess so aren’t you fortunate take care of myself okay wait you’re okay it’s my business now having Tuesdays is great you can rent one out that’s what people that’s true

Oh all right I see landlord biboo Arc She’s really trying for every business She’s growing up so fast Where is everybody else what are you guys up to I’m making sure Advent house doesn’t look like crap my inventory for my work day actually did you gain the side money Yeah we can pay I wish I don’t think we ever negotiated a salary we don’t need one yeah um food yeah is good food I have some food probably it’s too easy you guys can be more into me we know we are starving yourself nothing but watermelons is there still

Food in the chest I don’t know probably I don’t know either I haven’t checked if you if you take emeralds well it’s kind of a far walk from here you’re always welcome to visit my trading Village yeah buy a lot of food with your emeralds hmm

I wouldn’t mind if I was paid in emeralds yes yes I could definitely do that the value of the emerald has not crashed into nothingness from flooding the market or anything are you sure about that it’s still worth so much to the villagers anyway the villagers don’t know so infinitely generate emeralds

They don’t need to know it’s better that way it is better that way they can enjoy their little lives in their little boxes in my little village the boxes they can’t leave at least you’re safe I I hope well maybe not so safe really you’re a creeper blew some of

Them up oh no most likely it’s fine it just happened once in the hole the whole lifetime of the village yeah just a small accident I’m sure they have insurance those guys they don’t get the same benefits that you do but yeah they’re kind of Trapped forever you know it’s they’re doing what

They love you’ve ever heard oh God there’s the creeper in here have you ever heard do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life yeah this is the philosophy that these villagers are operating under villagers villagers oh and I’m just trying to find sand why is

It so hard to find a beach or something oh I know hold on where are you I don’t know I kind of wandered off I’m gonna try to head back I can show you you can use my sand in the chat oh thank you yeah oh thank you

People I only needed it for the sand trap so uh yeah rude kill a prankster did you get anyone else with the soundtrack three at the same time oh yeah or all four all four of Batman at the same time yeah when did we lose that member

I look forward to seeing the clip compilation of everyone it’ll be like every Hollow member and dying to be boo sand trap yeah I would die to the sand trap again and again if it would make bee boo smile oh wow what a sweetie I was really

Holding back because I was going to kill you but you know if you put lava there you could have yeah I was gonna put no I put drips drones drip stone at the bottom so it fell and stood on the drip Stone you

Would die but I put one on top of it oh this is so generous yeah thank you for not killing us biboo yeah I feel like kuamoko would have definitely died it’s just to be honest yeah you’d be like what’s going on why are we hurting oh no oh not not the twins

They’re good doggos yeah they are I can hear their sad wow Impression now oh yeah you ready hold on let me drink some water Oh um today wait wait that wasn’t good today Amazing amazing you sounded just like her she didn’t sound just like her she is her oh my god oh you have a point uh-oh this thing and I thought she was here with us in the voice chat I thought she joined are you guys good at voice impressions

No no not for me mini in there it’s just it’s not my it’s not my passion you know that’s your passion I like accents but I don’t think I can do people can you do accents a little bit let’s hear an accent um Oh dear no pressure um can I get a bottle of water perfect amazing do you like it I’ve been requesting a British member British Halloween member well it looks like you have one now yeah my dream is coming true really you want to British member yes she wants a British member then I

Guess all of Advent could maybe become a little British just for fun a little bit just a little bit my dream is coming true right in front of my eyes can you all please talk like that for the remainder of your careers okay if you really insist I guess I guess when

The Senpai is asking then I guess why not why why not I like accents I’m not very good at them same but they’re fun they’re fun should we request that they put the a requirement that you have to be British for the next application yes well we gave the secret away apparently

You just have to talk about Pokemon yeah I didn’t talk about Pokemon that means you got in on your own merits you didn’t have to use the cheat code the Pokemon cheat code would all British girls interested in joining please talk about Pokemon in your application thank you yes thank you very much

Stuff to make them lose I’ve emptied my inventory of them so I’m gonna head back to the Advent house and then probably sign off so I can rest a little bit before my stream okay what are you streaming today um I missed my my cow fauna not to be mistaken with my Senpai fauna

Oh uh story of Seasons yeah oh have fun yeah I want to see if I can finally I I definitely won’t make it to the end of the year but you know it’s fine well try not to die before that can you can you die in story of seasons Are you married yet um Lumina accepted my proposal oh you’re engaged yeah she was quick they don’t let you get married until the end of the year um your first year so basically you could romance fully romance someone and get them to be in love with you but you

Literally can’t marry them until later so that’s where I’m at Lumina yeah dude I’m Googling her her name’s Lumina and it’s story of Seasons a Wonderful Life very wonderful one I hope you guys have pretty baby I mean look at me I can imagine it already little mini narissa’s running yeah I’m

Here I’m here to clock in at work welcome welcome to work thanks put me to work do you remember what you were doing last time yeah the uh uh the light the yes the random yeah yes foreign to do that wait Marissa where did you

Leave the blocks I used all of them oh you did yeah sorry no that’s a that’s a great news yes my goal was to empty my inventory of blocks before I left you um what are we missing yellow stained glass ah what’s wrong oh oh another casualty oh ah

Do you need do you need help finding your stuff do you know where you fell I fell oh near the water okay do you think we can sleep yeah oh yeah yeah yeah um I need to find a bed I don’t have one on me give me a second I’m by the Big

Blue House is there a bear in there oh my God how could you I fell off the leaves around the tree okay I found a bed okay I’ll sleep too hold on let me go get it okay it’s dangerous at night um the sad thing is I have to tell them in

My inventory is it not automatic how does it work it could be in your off hand oh oh man I think that I saw your items I always chat saw them Wait I’m blind I flew over them I can’t oh I see them oh no the armor oh zombie get out of here Can we get rid of okay oh no no no no no no no no no so very treacherous here you need to light up the forest you need to make it like a cool little like glowy glowy Forest yeah that would be cool let’s play some glowstone in the regular trees no problem I’m just just so busy building my tree you understand just don’t have time to make it safe I understand I have to deal with all the monsters where’s bee boo she’s on her way she’s sure spawn point is out all the way back here okay it was back up yeah and so I

Just crossed her I will keep your stuff safe Workers comp again all right I guess you did you did you had clocked in I suppose We could you probably should have used your totem that we provided for you but yes you can you can have workers calm understanding boss yeah I want to keep our employees happy oh I see you guys let it go into the into the house yeah I got that for you

Because you said you wanted a cow I wanted a sister good job foreign Pick up all these trees that didn’t bloom plant them elsewhere well yeah but a lot of leads on you bee boo Yeah I’m gonna fill out the house was it you who brought the cow in I did why would you do so boo boo and she provided yeah seems to be the case I think that’s all your stuff hopefully oh wait your workers comp there you go okay as long as you saved my bed what is what’s the story behind the bed uh it’s Kyle’s bed is it did she give it to you or did you no I stole it you stole it

Do you that’s it can you give it back no okay I see yeah that’s our bee boo yep would you know if it were replaced with an identical but yes because of the the smell s extreme sniping what if we do it off stream well that’s the evil no we should do it

One saw once we’re done with this orange section I’m gonna steal one of your beds too okay is it really stealing if you’re I don’t know that’s like stealing a pen from work you know yeah technically you’re not supposed to but doesn’t care I allow it

Wait no say you don’t allow me no I allow it I allow it has a nice Senpai you can never steal from me if I allow it I can never lose This is how I will exert my senpai privileges where were the boxes of stuff again oh I see never mind yes I will not fall off this I believe you I think I need to collect more materials running low is this everything I think I’m missing a block this is correct I think

Um I will go get more stuff yes to build the tree now that I have you guys to help mm-hmm I just I just go collect items like you guys actually build yeah you guys actually build the trees none of them yeah she did she works fast

Huh wow you did work fast I approve of your speedrunner mm-hmm impressive words yeah thank you I need to find a perfect place to build my house what kind of house are you gonna make a cherry blossom house I’m gonna I’m gonna cut down all the trees

In an area and then I’m gonna just make a Cherry Blossom Field sounds good mine mine is uh near toys Farm I think a little bit high salt nice oh my look the tree will be a nice Dad I’m excited whenever you start building it I want to help I want to build a hobbit hole does it make sense lore wise no but I want one wouldn’t that make more sense I guess for who for me because because Rock the ground yeah it’s technically a cave for you I guess oh a cave oh you know you could like

Well you you’ll make your Hobbit house but an idea would be like you know you hang your house off of one of the funnest branches you know yeah I still think I could make a nest in fauna’s world free yes you can just don’t fall off of it

But yeah I think it’s a little high up for now need to wait till we beat the Ender Dragon yes please fight it I’m waiting I want to say no pressure but it’s actually yes there’s pressure please fight it with beds or without beds beds are that’s the speedrunner tactic

But for Who provided the old-fashioned way too the old-fashioned way sounds scary to be honest yeah it’s way easier than all the Terraria bosses no you think so so well we’re definitely oh okay I don’t know there’s so many ways to cheese the fights in Terraria you know like building a Fight Club

Cheese the dragon too if you want it’s harder to cheese in 3D for me yeah Kyla’s bed might be strong enough to destroy the dragon though oh you could sacrifice it no in a dramatic moment so you guys keep it safe okay I’m gonna get going and start preparing for my stream have a good stream thanks for letting me help yeah I love you guys bye bye Thank you I’m excited for Wednesday Yeah we’re playing party animals yeah I haven’t played it yet but it isn’t it like close to getting Easter yeah it’s like Gang Beasts yeah I think it’s better than Gang Beasts so like someone has more mini games or something I think it has more mini games it’s cuter for sure

Cute animal aesthetic I played it a little bit the controls are kind of hard to get used to but I think that’s like the point yeah they need a controller or can you use just keyboard um I used a controller but you could probably do both yeah babies you could do both okay

The hardest part is not getting tempted by the micro transactions by cute Cosmetics oh no were you tempted yet I haven’t bought any yet but I might have to for the stream you know yeah I don’t know is there a deer in that game if there’s a deer I want the deer

I want to unlock the deer I guess I’ll add it now if there isn’t yeah I’m losing okay that’s that’s pretty good oh I did recently buy I felt fell into temptation and Fall Guys The cat stack skin it’s just three cats stacked on top of each other it’s so cute so cute I do not blame you I would buy that too yeah I saw it it is still there I don’t think so wait maybe it might have been the weekly one maybe it’s still there I have to check now spend thirty dollars currency the skin wasn’t 30 but okay you gotta get the bundle to save money it’s like a better deal right That’s how they get you and they did get me they normally spend money on like uh gotchas or are these technically I feel like I was better before I joined Halloween and now I’m just like well I have to I’m gonna be streaming it so I look cute I gotta look cute right But I I don’t know I play Animal Crossing pocket camp Oh I do I’ve played that too oh my gosh now I can I can say again yeah get the cute stuff they have the cutest stuff I wish I had in them I didn’t want to attempt myself to get

Cute stuff but now it’s like okay yeah sure let’s yeah but I hold myself back in that game boy three monthly subscriptions in that game oh I didn’t know and I do subscribe to all three but I never buy premium currency I only buy the subscription so I do spend like

Twelve dollars a month I don’t think that’s that bad I play it quite a lot it’s not that bad like compared to like a Starbucks latte it’s not that bad the football stuff for Starbucks has come out and I’ve been going crazy have you tried it I love the apple crisp I

Tried that one isn’t it good you know what it tastes like what does it taste it tastes exactly like the Quaker cinnamon apple instant oatmeal ah I’ve never had oatmeal so I wouldn’t know but I’ve never had oatmeal no I don’t remember to taste either sort of like sweet ish

It’s I think oats are kind of naturally a little bit sweet but mostly it’s just sweet if you add sugar oh I don’t remember the taste of those times guys yeah you guys don’t eat oatmeal not really never had oatmeal I don’t know I probably end up doing cereal

My breakfast is like rice and oh yeah and thunderstorms for sure but I don’t even eat breakfast I don’t eat breakfast either do you eat lunch it’s lunch no no it’s okay people I can relate what you have dinner yeah yeah for dinner oh man lifestyle yeah some bodybuilders

Unintentional or mad I guess unintentional yeah intermittent fasting it’s not intentional though it just happens it just happens yeah in the evening and then you stream yes that’s exactly what happened don’t have time to eat before yourself I don’t know how you can stream on an empty

Stomach I I don’t know how you can suffer when you wake up because I am not hungry at all I don’t eat when I wake up I just wake up more than one hour before my screen when do you wake up people now that I think about it well my stream is four

Right so three three I made my schedule for the week and then got on Minecraft what a hard worker don’t you get hungry in like the middle of the night then no no no that’s why you’re never growing anymore yeah I mean I think that stopped a long time ago Yeah you streamed 12 hours yesterday I did and you didn’t eat at all now oh no she’s a real gamer what’s this one ramen before bed yeah but Ramen is just like all sodium and not a lot of nutrition but I make my Ramen healthier because I

Put like kimchi and tofu in and I like Ramen so it’s not all right pizza yeah there was pulling kimchi in it and vegetables so it wasn’t too unhealthy okay I can’t blame you because I ate that all the time too I don’t know at 12 hours whenever I do a

12 hour stream I always like planned and I like make food that I can easily eat during the Stream well I I did that for the one on with Kyla on like I had I had sushi in the fridge and I properly ate during that one but like this one wasn’t planned so

Did you eat before your stream at least no no oh no people but uh I finally got blocked by my mom I guess 30 12 hour stream in the week was the charm because she was like okay you I’m worried about you now maybe maybe you take care of yourself I’m worried too

It’s so sweet of your mom to like uh attract the streams and all though yeah she watches everyone every stream no yeah she watches every stream but she also watches like everywhere remember oh no oh no I’m scared hold on where was he won she has song requests for

Uh Advent okay my mom says she wants Norris said to sing Bring Me to Life by Evan oh that’s a good song Story to sing Hey Jude and a mat or Imagine by The Beatles and uh me that she wants to hear Nam or in the end for me oh my gosh your

Mom has good music taste and then she wants to hear the twins sing Girls Just Want to Have Fun all right we’ll keep that in mind yeah does your mom have a favorite besides you people um no she recently told me she really liked Cali’s unarchived karaoke but I think

She just likes hearing people sing it sounds like it yeah you were probably a hollow life fan before you got in right yeah did she did she know about hollow life too did you watch together it was just after it’s just like the last it was too much she

Has gotten super into it that’s so cute I think Logan family has because uh they have they they say they have me on like multiple devices oh my God a TV on the laptops yeah it’s very on the fault yeah that’s so cute but I’m happy at least it’s not like the

Other way where they’re like ew what are you doing yeah that’d be terrifying or that’d be sad it would be sad yeah you really shouldn’t eat though eating stream oh that’s kind of embarrassing to think about at least I did I did remember and then I ate dinner on my membership stream

Membership so people stop I guess self-conscious making chewing sounds yeah I do too some people really like like chewing sometimes yeah except unless it’s like like the squishy chewing like like noodle slurping I don’t like oh I see I see I like the crunchy ASMR like when they like crunch

Like fried chicken oh I kind of like honeycomb eating ASMR it’s also like I’m like how are they doing that because it’s so sweet right and so then yeah are you talking about the cereal or or like actual like actual honeycomb yeah oh I didn’t know you could even do that yeah

Well I don’t think you’d I don’t know if it tastes that good like it’s it would be super sweet very sweet and it has like Wax too in it oh yeah and they also like very popular within mukbang people are eating aloe vera girl makes your stomach upset but

They’re just eating it anyway I’m like oh they must not have had a good time or they spit it out and then cut it out yeah the video if you never see them actually swallow it on screen maybe they’re just spitting it out between takes oh yeah those aloe vera drinks are

Really good have you had those one where they’re like sort of like the owl pieces yeah I’ve never had oh those are good I recommend it is that aloe but no there’s also a coconut jelly ones right sometimes it’s coconut jelly oh You haven’t eaten either sure today I think I did I think I did yeah I think so yeah yeah you forgot no I think I did you think think is not good enough I’m sure I’m pretty sure I did I probably will eat more though because this one

Does things like I just eat the bare minimum until like I really need to eat more you guys need to take care of yourselves I’m warning okay guys okay happy lifestyle that’s questionable try to live a healthy lifestyle like wake up in the morning actually man

Wake up in the morning go for a walk eat lunch and dinner Bieber and I are similar for the sleeping habits oh when I was in Japan I was still streaming at the same time which is uh 7 A.M in Japan so I was waking up at like six stream

But I kind of got used to it and I kind of liked it after a while because it gets it over at um like the beginning of the day yeah because you finish your work and it’s like yeah only like noon you know the whole rest of the day for anything

Yeah I would say I just right now I’m training to operate on jst hour yeah that way when traveling you don’t have to have as much jet lag yeah when do you guys sleep we have like some sort of sleeping schedule yeah see I feel like I don’t even sleep

That early I usually sleep around like 2 A.M laughs five five four to five yeah can we fix them can we fix them I don’t know I’m sure Someday I’m sure someday someday although maybe you guys are just not like morning people I feel like that’s definitely not

I can alternate I think like if I have a reason to get up early then I will but if I don’t I’m staying in bed until I have to leave yeah yeah for me I don’t like like waking up early but I like being up early like I feel really energized like

Once I’m actually awake in the morning I’m really productive in the morning but like getting out of bed is hard because I kind of like streaming at 7am because it gave me motivation to actually get out of bed and then like once I’m out of bed I feel energized and motivated

But it’s hard to find that motivation to get up yeah I feel the same if it’s the morning I have to like leave an hour of buffer time yeah I’m the same I like sit on my phone in bed watch YouTube videos or play Pocket cam it’s not good

Some people like put their phones like far away from them so when they wake up yeah like get up turn off the alarm oh that’s a good idea it’s too much self-punishment I can’t handle that level of self-punishment oh but if you own cats they’re technically your alarm at that point

That’s true snail my cat always wakes me up yeah yeah my cats stay like um they walk all over me they start crying I’m just like I’m hugging my pillow and one of the cats end up going on my pillow so I have to like wake up like can you please get up

Cats are the best and the worst alarm clock yeah they’re so cute though so cute that you will forgive them for waking you up maybe that’s the solution to my time problem just get a cat yeah maybe or maybe a good huamoku to wake you up time for a walk

Oh I won the full Moco alarm oh that’d be so cute yeah alarm voice pack where they’re disappointed wake up to them I know oh that’s like a classic thing I feel like everybody has to do I think because we have they have we did the oh yeah

So yeah yeah yeah I did one too I was like baby wake up or so oh man I was a lot more gentle with mine good plug everybody go check out the voice packs the starting boys I think we all have starting her we’ll have one you

Can check out go buy it yeah did you guys do the new voice pack the end of the world scenario one oh no we didn’t know about it I don’t think so okay that one is also available I did that one cool like ideal like setting wise though

Yeah it is like an apocalyptic setting I was kind of surprised when I heard that they were doing like post-apocalyptic setting for voice pack it’s pretty depressing if you really think about it it is right yeah I think it was only a few en members who did it

The end of the world one it’s fun to do though like I like practicing like voice acting yeah me too did you guys write your own figure starting boys yeah yeah for Japanese that was uh oh yeah but the Japanese fun I like oh you did yours in Japanese too yeah

I’m pretty sure my Japanese is pretty bad though Thank you thank you Sushi ducky Momo demo thank you oh I saw this name Foreign See I believed in their innocence until people told me otherwise now I can never trust him again what is what is your buy you’ll buy basically it means if I have this they say it must sleepover and oh that was wrong technically there was a post

Um like there was a Twitter a Twitter artist like Drew art of like Avid in like night night clothes and sleepover and I was like oh you you are cute and then the comments were like dude no we will stop does she know and so apparently it means um was it when someone

Sneaked into somebody else’s room to do the No-No to to do that you’ll buy watch to beat yeah the beep oh no yeah yeah yeah I think it’s uh specifically for samurais but I’m not sure what what did the why does foreign Japanese lore and fun facts

I guess this is a fun fact visual novels is this the yeah I think it makes sense what visual novel would you learn that from though oh I mean there’s a lot out there turn by itself I thought it was like um an old old a traditional term is it Invited me to a field by party it’s uh Japan from medieval Japan yeah yeah oh that’s that’s some fun facts oh no we’ve learned too much I’ve learned a lot of new stuff in these past two months I’m sure you don’t want to regret any of it

Yeah it’s good to be knowledgeable yeah yeah just do a little innocence dies each time but you know it’s good sometimes huh this is this is like your kind of thing right sure he has an archiver man I used to be a lot more exactly

I used to be a lot more ignorant about like uh memes and certain things but but can’t stay that way forever when you live online that’s true remember that one time on Discord you asked what a particular word means and I was like hey doesn’t that mean headpads and then

Marissa was like no what’s wrong with the both of you and then what I remember she said like a pool and then I don’t remember the particular workout everything everything I’ve learned so far well here was from Risa really yeah me too actually I’m trying to remember

What word that was something about head pads I’m worried she gets bonked a lot thinking about she’s the one that has all the the knowledge only for particular subjects I think yeah yeah yeah not bites because of a pool or something because there’s a pool in Japan oh I remember those

That are you talking about it yeah it was uh Chad’s mentioning it too actually oh uh-huh not the same effect of a head Pat I didn’t know it was uh that meaning at first because she just randomly sent it to me out of nowhere and I was like what are you doing

Marissa did yeah I’m pretty sure let me look the chill F time oh no DM’s exposed oh oh yeah yeah she sent it uh months ago and and I replied with three question marks and then she said some other things that I should not mention

The spicy DMs yeah she said it’s a meme and I said what the heck how do you kids notice me I’m gonna confront her about this later along with that the gum the chewed up gum I know you guys aren’t getting exposed today do I have any cursed facts about myself knowledge you want to pass down to us yeah what do I have I feel like the saplings will know what can I share yes I do it’s hard to bring into mind what do I have

Deer in the Headlights Among Us jump King feet that’s cursed knowledge not about myself do you guys know jump King yeah I don’t want to play it you should play it it’s fun but anyway I think it would hurt me the guy the jump King guy once you see it you can never

Unsee it oh I’m gonna I’ll DM it to you his feet look like Among Us huh If you look at his knees they look like little oh little Among Us guys oh yeah you’re right it looks like a cross between Among Us and Yoda oh they should do a collab yeah yeah Among Us Yoda have you guys played Among Us we should play it yes

I’ll probably skip that one you can’t if it’s full yet and you have to come I’ll drag you I’ll just stay in a corner or I’ll hide and vent I’ll try my dump to the vents in fact do you do you dislike the like lying to your friends uh yeah it actually causes

Me some sort of uh nervousness I think it’s when it relates to having to defend yourself when people accuse you and yeah yeah when you’re the the what was it called The Imposter like I feel bad if I let people down so I don’t like being imposter yeah I don’t like being the

Imposter either but but the murdering is fine of course he tried to do that with us some people are so serious when they play among us and it gets too oh yeah yeah I think with people that like are close enough it’s fine but I end up playing

With I guess like strangers or random people that were also in there and they got they got really heated up I was like oh my God she just called me a [ __ ] oh my God I know is foreign I think if we played it would not be so serious

Yeah some people take it really seriously yeah yeah I think it’s uh The Rage or something yeah there’s like professional Among Us players too there are yeah well they’re I think it got really popular like streaming it so a lot of streamers like are really good at it

And just play it all the time oh oh I’ll be right back okay okay I think that’s just in general right people there’s like people who like go to extreme like take a lot of like any game competitive games seriously like that’s why I’ll never play certain games with random numbers yeah

Me too like mobas yeah I would only play mobiles if it’s if there is voice chat or yes even regular chat I will mute it Because I don’t want to get yelled at I know even like I used to play DotA in my past and even when I would play with my friends sometimes they would get like mad if we were on a losing streak and I would just be like why why so serious

It’s just a game don’t worry we’re just playing for fun right this is supposed to be fun right Just play for fun but like the people around me are super serious I get yeah me too I am I used to collecting stuff I am are you out of yourself uh I took the rest of the stuff from the box so the box is out of stuff okay I will be back soon with more stuffs mum But I think after I run out of this stuff I might have to go because I have homework I am home oh good luck on your homework thank you kind of homework yeah it’s you know it’s homework yeah good luck with your homework she already

Knows what I have to do oh that one oh that’s right I need to Ping everyone to remind them is your best because she she’s the one who’s like hey this is do here here and here she makes a list um she’s like the mini manager of Advent

Um she’s the best that’s sweet it’s gonna be a pain recording up by the way yeah oh okay it took me a while because I got pretty annoyed with how many lines I guess or takes or whatever So I’m so curious this is so mysterious that’s the point I know this is this is how Chad feels all the time oh yeah it’s a cliffhanger I’m supposed to have special information I’m not supposed to be left with everyone else wondering where’s my eyes To you more Senpai attacks Secrets always laughs okay there you go now you know yeah I’m that’s exciting now I know I’m sorry I just can’t help but to know I’m so nosy just a nosy but now now you gotta tell us things when you have two a secret for a secret for a secret okay yeah I’ll send you a secret later okay sounds good Equivalent Exchange These are all the blogs I was using Some of the link perks that people might not think about right away and being in hololive definitely Insider information if you’re already a long life then you get all the secret knowledge also free merch one of my favorites favorite perks about to join a hollow live

And you get to talk with people who like you’ve been friends yes for a long time which happened to me yes I know I feel like it’s yeah it’s different for us because like Hollow Ian already existed when all of us joined but sometimes I think about

Like how myth must have felt being like the first um generation because I love Hollow JP of course but since I don’t speak Japanese I was always more of an En fan like when myth debuted that’s when I got really into yeah that’s one that’s how I found out one round

I think it’s so amazing that it ended up being a western thing as well like no one ever expected it you know I remember like a lot of people were unsure what it would be like to have that makes sense branch and then myth just like completely blew everyone away like super talented

Foreign Let’s see let’s check them out let’s see how this is and then I watched I was like oh no I love them now here we are you fall in so deep dream come true I think a lot of people can relate to that feeling of like when a new New Gen debuts and they’re like all right let’s check them out let’s just see and then they they watch and they have that oh no oh no this is

Myoshi I now have to I now have to watch every stream that they do forever I’m so invested instantly that’s gonna feel a little bad when I do like super long 12 hour streams because I’m like you have to say and some people are like no we have I

Know I’m here for the whole yeah I can’t miss a moment I’m like it’s fine there’s some fun you can it’s okay they’re like no we must stay don’t feel bad though I think people love you your endurance streams but you need to eat you do you need to

Eat you have a BRB screen at least where you can just like sneak away and eat oh my God Pass out oh okay okay I was like people I’m gonna stream we’re gonna need an intervention you have to eat you can do 12-hour streams but please eat okay your mama’s watching remember that I know yeah I never like remember that they’re watching anyway not that I would filter

Myself even if I remembered but I don’t so sometimes I’ll unintentionally expect myself mm-hmm I’m the same way my mom watches sometimes and sometimes I’m like probably wouldn’t say this around my Mom normally but she under yeah I’m gonna I’m gonna keep my parents in the dark yeah they don’t know

Yeah oh they have like an idea but all I say is like oh I’m I’m a voice actress and it’s like oh okay and that’s that’s it that’s all I’m telling them that’s what my Grandma thinks a voice actress she my my mom tried to explain it to my

Grandma I was like no Mom don’t don’t even try it’s fine because my mom was like no I’m gonna do it and she she tried and then the next time I saw my grandma she hugged me and was like my little actress that was very sweet that’s adorable it is it is adorable

Sort of correct it’s close enough close yeah like I’m trying to simplify this you um was it talk to someone you don’t know or like have to say and like meet someone they’re like what do you do for a living because I haven’t had that situation yet

But I’ve been thinking about it oh yeah I tell people a variety of things what’s your main story sometimes sometimes I’m honest at the at the dentist one time I mean you know if they if they seem like they’re probably not a YouTuber fan then I’ll just tell them

I’m a YouTuber and they’ll be like oh cool but sometimes I I make up other things sometimes well sometimes usually I say oh I’m I’m self-employed but some often they ask more they’re like oh what do you do without being excited to stop asking for more yeah yeah I’ve said like

Influencer I’ve said sometimes I say I’m an artist and then you get people be like can I see yeah and then I have to be like I don’t know how many I don’t have any photos on my phone with me if you kind of fun if you just said I

Lied I’m actually not an artist and then they’re like why did you lie what are you you don’t want to know uh I just tell them I’m a video editor so they don’t say anything else oh that’s a good one yeah oh okay I guess you work for like

Commercials or something it’s like yeah absolutely So my advice would be boo yeah I mean really just you can say whatever okay if they asked I was gonna be like if I if I have if I have to tell you I’d have to kill you yeah go with that tell them that what if you call the cops right there

It’s like this little patient of mine just threatened me can you please get the cops here doesn’t sound suspicious at all Yeah you can tell them you’re a rock yeah a rock star yeah there we go I’m a rock star that’s a good one yeah they’ll definitely be like who who are you can I watch um I’m an underground box fan I haven’t like yeah I’m pretty underground Indie band you know

I didn’t know you wouldn’t know about it foreign Oh now big bee boo I like when people leave the voice chat the like PNG size changes it just become big me big maybe I will where can I put you oh I can put you up here ah so comfy I love your your cape it’s so cute thank you I’m so happy

To have it it’s so comfy and cute it looks very comfy I like I like capes with floof yeah me too I like wearing those in the winter you wear them that sounds adorable I mean to see this I need art of biboo wearing fluffy Hood it’s perfect for fall and winter

Do you like do you like fall and winter cold weather I I like being cold better than being hot yeah being cold you can always add another layer exactly and it’s comfy and then you can just hide in a blanket yeah drinking something hot apple crisp macchiato yes but

Um I don’t like hot drinks so I will drink ice drinks like all year even in the winter time yeah I don’t blame you because I also like I used to drinks a lot but I like I like hot drinks too I do drink ice drinks you like hot chocolate but not like

Hot hot Starbucks no apple crisp macchiato no It’s not that different from a hot chocolate right it’s like a sugary sweet drink yeah yeah but the ice version is so much better so I would never get the hot version Even if it’s really cold yeah I guess you’re outside in the cold you’ve done that before Your dedication to ice drinks is stronger than mine Do you like do you like hot drinks like do you like hot coffee um I don’t drink coffee that much I love hot tea though I drink hot tea like every day I the only two hot drinks that I will drink is hot or hot chocolate and hot green tea yeah yeah

It’s just so cozy yeah hot green tea is very comforting um I drink hot tea even in the summer oh so you’re the opposite but I though because I love them a matcha latte and I like I like both hot and iced marcha lattes but I often drink iced ones

Even in the winter or yeah yeah but I don’t drink coffee that much I just like I like lattes but I don’t really like plain coffee yeah I don’t like playing coffee either so any coffee I drink it’ll have like milk or sugar yeah yeah I’m not good with like bitter Um yeah green tea is kind of bitter though so my grandy it’s true it’s true I I guess I’ve grown to to like the taste green tea because I have green tea with like that’s it just just green tea yeah no like sugar yeah it’s the way the only acceptable way I do generally agree with you like Starbucks lattes like sugary ones I think they’re better iced yeah but if it’s a it’s a cold day sometimes you gotta get a hot one wow I go out in the snow with shorts what so with shorts

I I am a strictly no pants gang so I don’t like wearing I don’t own a pair of pants right now yeah so but I wear like I always wear skirts or dresses but I wear tights if it’s cold like thick tights oh yeah I have I

Don’t the closest thing I have to pants are like thick leggings when it’s cold but I don’t know when it’s when it’s cold without snow I get cold but if it snowing for some reason I don’t feel the cold when there’s snow on the ground for some reason this is very mysterious yeah

It’s a weird phenomenon but like I get I feel cold without snow but snow I’ll just walk out with George with shorts yeah like shorts not like shorts with tights underneath or a skirt with with stockings just shorts yeah short shorts I I only when it’s snowing I can’t I can’t fix you I’ll be sure to properly where my leggings when it’s snow yeah I got them with you I don’t wear pants either but my strategy for when it’s cold is to just wear like thick tights under my skirt yeah yeah but you just or at least socks like tall socks oh I

Don’t like socks I don’t like socks no I am I am barefoot most of the time if I have to wear shoes and socks I will but yeah I do it against my lip I see do you go outside barefoot in the snow with your shorts on yeah I this is extremely mysterious

To me but yeah I will I will go outside barefoot but then when I come back inside I’ll have to read yeah what I have to wash my feet because you know yeah your candy feet rock candy feet they’re not they’re not actually shoes they can come off okay yeah

Do the shoes taste like rock candy Um do you want to cry I don’t know not if you’ve been like walking around outside well you can try the top part or actually maybe you haven’t been walking around outside if you’ve just been Barefoot maybe your shoes are you just put those on when you have to stream

Yeah and you have business to attend to they’re just for show so maybe it’s fine you’re a Barefoot a lot yeah but I’m I’m nature this is how I connect with nature when I’m like in Civilization I wear shoes ah only when I’m in the the purest

Sanctuary of the forest do I go barefoot it should be no there’s there’s like there’s like you know you’ll step on like twigs and stuff oh okay I I dodged them I avoid them ah yes everywhere I step flowers bloom so my feet are are always blanketed in soft flowers

Cheese just spelled yeah yeah So I don’t know how you do it oh for me my my feet are protected by Crystal they’re Crystal feet right so even when you’re Barefoot yeah even when I’m Barefoot so okay I guess that makes sense yeah so you won’t step on narissa’s chewed gum yeah exactly well it won’t stick hmm

Chew gum for that long because like give me a headache when’s the flavor it goes away yeah I know what you mean I don’t really chew gum yeah me neither but I know like good for narissa sushi sushi still chew gum I don’t know if you like it I guess we

Have to ask her yeah I feel like in school gum like was really popular yeah gum was the currency yeah yeah oh why does everyone actually like it or is everyone just born and chewing gum thing so I’d just be like yeah give me some because why not mm-hmm

How many of the link you lead to gum distributors in school like went on to actually still chew gum when they graduated or was it all just just to pass the time between first and second hour I met all the people who like Bartered for gum or like distributed gum became

Like merchants and business people that would make sense they’re now an advertising or something like that Yeah I wonder like how many people everybody watching in chat have you ever been to well those of you who have graduated from high school have you ever been to your high school reunion in chat do people actually go to their High School reunions oh I see

Nose I see mostly knows that’s what I would expect yes and it was depressing oh no absolutely not because then you could learn like what actually was the Fate all of those people did they actually turn into business people but then people would want to learn your fate and

That’s something I don’t want to deal with yeah you have to whip out here if I tell you I have to kill you yeah foreign schools probably not every school maybe if schools are big enough and have people who want to organize it people lie at reunions Probably to make them seem like you know they they’re successful yeah something you have to represent yourself well but then if everybody is lying does it just like keep going until somebody’s like oh I’m the president of the United States I don’t think that’s true I don’t think you’re even 35 years old

I have fallen off but that’s okay or no you’re fine yeah I held it you lived okay do you need another one Maybe let me let me bring there’s a lot of bad guys down here oh let me help you um are you near a bed maybe we should sleep okay

Okay hold on let’s sleep Sleep I’ll I’ll come back up okay if you wanna can give you a totem so that if you fall well you’re trying to go back up you will live by the way I don’t think I’ll fall I’m right here I’ll be here just take this watch out behind you

I don’t have my weapon out people run oh you dispatched it I I didn’t even help you don’t even need me she’s a gamer wait here take this foreign it’s pretty easy over here though because there’s a gunpowder farm and a paper farm right um to the tree

Yeah it’s just gunpowder and paper Apparently Omni has a vending machine too for Rockets yeah but that will be for later because we don’t have a thing yeah you guys have to fight the dragons Please fight it do you want to watch do you want to stand there and be like go Evan yeah yeah I will watch from chat so you guys don’t have to listen to my backseating but I will watch but what if we wanted a bag no no you

Guys you guys gotta do it yourself this is an advent Advent bonding experience you can trust that I’ll be watching though how was your how is your spooky game yes it was a lot scarier than I thought I was not prepared the graphics were like

Looked kind of goofy to me like old like PlayStation one style so I thought it wouldn’t be that scary of a game I thought it would be like kind of a silly game but it was not apparently it’s like a really scary game that even like veteran horror players find uh scary

Yeah I okay because Amnesia also has like older style Graphics but no I couldn’t I’m scared Amnesia is scary there’s a couple moments especially that are terrifying I really like Amnesia though I got Pasty the the water person yeah horrify and then that’s where I stopped I actually thought the water monster

Wasn’t that scary oh but maybe it’s because I played have you ever played spookies jump scare Mansion um once and I did not do well in that game there’s something similar to the Amnesia water monster but not as scary so I think I like God used to the mechanic of the water monster

From playing that game and then it wasn’t actually as scary ah we now played it in amnesia do you have plans to play anything spooky yeah this week this week I’m playing parasocial I think I’ve never played a chiller game before so it’s gonna be my

First one I don’t know how scary they are but it’ll probably be scary for me yeah for me they can get pretty scary even though they’re so goofy But I’m kind of dreading it oh no usually they’re pretty short at least but I’ve decided might as well get into the spirit oh hi to be brave a little bit and if you play one then you can just tell people like This is all you’re getting this month I played one horror game yeah yeah I’ll have to play horror games for the rest of the month right yeah just one to say I did it yeah I think the the can or not the convenience store the closing shift

Is not that scary for a chillaz art game uh I heard night security is the worst I don’t think I’ve played that one I played night delivery I think closing shift if you need one that’s not as scary this is pretty good fun it’s like Starbucks Starbucks okay I want to play it yeah mostly you just make drinks yeah yeah and then it’s a little scary I believe in you though is this the first have you played other horror games yet on Instagram I think oh I played plasma by myself oh and I got freaked out fast food is pretty scary Yeah but I’ve already played basmo quite a bit before so I knew what to do so it’s not I I still got freaked out though but it’s a do you ever play the um the Asylum map oh no that one’s really scary and it’s big I feel like everyone hates the Asylum map

That’s a good idea though for for like a Solo solo Asylum oh boy oh God wanna increase the challenge a little bit Asylum got removed we did it I did it why there’s new Asylum map Gary made is it smaller now are replaced reworked oh yeah it’s sunny huh it’s

The Asylum is now called Sunny Meadows I think it’s so awesome but yeah it changed the school one is also terrifying yeah that one’s also scary and the prison the prison yeah yeah I like the prison too have you played devour I have I love devour you

You love yes have you played it I played it once I got jump scared once and then I was like no I love devour it’s so funny it’s funny it’s funny if you play it with friends it’s funny I I’m not I’m not opposed to trying it but at the same time just know I probably won’t be much help that’s fine yeah I would play it anytime I think the first the first and only time I played it I just hid in the cage where you’re

Supposed to put the goats and I was like okay I’m just staying here all the time they added a new map too well actually a while ago they did I think like a slaughterhouse map oh scary but the first time I played I was like really confused on what to do so

Maybe if I play with people who know what to do yeah I think you’re better though it’s kind of hard I’ve actually Beat It I really like those like silly Co-op horror games though yeah oh please I’m you know it’s not as scary if it’s like with more yeah I get way braver

Yeah if there’s even like one other person I have to put on my Brave face in front of them okay I have run out of stuff so I think that will be it for me because I gotta start on my homework yes oh yeah yeah I will get I will get food

I will give away but yeah I added more to the top so thank you it should be more pretty now thank you so much for your help I appreciate it thanks for hiring me an employee at Karen Cole please make your employee of the month I think I deserve it

You know I think you just might you just might be yay there’s there’s employee of the month come with Benefits too you can have a commemorative Banner we’ll throw you a pizza party at the office wow I love working at cure and call yeah that’s right that’s right apply today that’s right today

Okay good luck on your homework Foreign I only have the clicking the incessant clicking of the bees oh God I thought this flower was a creeper if you just look at it out of the corner of your eyes doesn’t it look like a creeper you’re still here I got no saplings in my inventory

Thank you guys for being here I have a few more honey blocks I need a new AFK at the Honey Farm I probably should build more storage too if I’m gonna do that actually I have to go into an idol meeting but I will AFK here play too much longer today

But I will go back to the tree at least need more bottles do I I guess I do need more bottles and it will be faster right it’s already decently fast though okay I’ll be right back and you can listen to fauna sweep while I’m gone be right back

So can we just appreciate nature it’s kind of beautiful I’m so good I told you right 1v1 me sapling goodbye goodbye Take my cure and headbutt attack mother trucker bonna has got your back oh I’m so good I told you right 1v1 me sapling oh Oh my name is So can we just appreciate nature it’s kind of beautiful perfect Okay hello I’m back I’ve really been enjoying the uh random collabs having Advent drop in a little more honey it’s been nice getting to talk to them more getting to know them more I feel like I’ve learned some premium curse facts like narissa’s gum and the fact that Bieber goes outside in

The snow wearing shorts and no socks and no shoes go bye I still don’t know the meaning and I don’t know if I want to know the meaning let me pretend playing scary nether noises let me at least pretend to keep my my innocent youth I don’t want to be fully fully cursed

Filled with curse knowledge it just told me well I don’t know I don’t fully understand and I don’t want to understand what did we learn about Siri she’s still kind of a mystery that’s what I thought when when she first made her Twitter or when their Twitters were first

When they made their Twitter debut that’s how I should say it oh no did I look did I make eye contact I hope not sorry I need don’t mean to bother you And I asked her what her what her favorite book is she wouldn’t tell me so mysterious foreign she talked about it a lot but she was saving it which is understandable no spoilers but that was my first impression of her was so mysterious It’s too expensive the the glowstone inflation is too much You guys are still sold out Um She’s a master in tangents she is I want to do Something with her she’s always doing interesting things like her microscope stream maybe a book club I would like to read a book with her and discuss it I wanted to be a book that she likes because I like when she passionately talks about things You had to tell her to stop eating moldy bread is that a a good cursed fact about her she eats moldy bread yes and drinking moldy milkshakes see in the mac and cheese milkshake doesn’t sound so bad anymore right moldy food in general why multiple times why I got that already meat tree

Okay I didn’t write this down so I can ask her about it next time I have many questions you’re a mystery and I would like to solve you wink don’t get her started on meat tree not the meat tree I want to know about the meat tree I’m gonna ask her

She can’t be solved that might be true but I can try Can I be solved what is there to solve I’m completely normal I’m the most normal person of all right I’ve never done anything strange my preferred milkshake is a mac and cheese milkshake and at least that’s food it’s not mold Not so weird Have I made it yet no I haven’t I need to do it I don’t know ever since we did the anniversary collab in the the cooking Studio it was like an actual cooking Studio I want to make my own cooking Studio and do more cooking streams I really like cooking and baking especially

And now like that I’ve tasted the best which is the professional cooking Studio that’s what I want I want to get like the fancy camera setup and everything I want to do it How is the tree the tree is the tree is this what it takes for hand cams to do I’m a perfectionist you must understand I don’t I don’t want to do it if it’s not gonna be the best that it can be Look at this tree it’s definitely not the best it can be this is true but it’s it’s getting there it’s going explain the tree then hey don’t don’t hate on my tree so much so I’m pushing all the wrong buttons I gotta get my screenshot get in my next screenshot except that I

Never actually used the screenshots in the thumbnail because I make my thumbnail on my laptop and I’m too lazy to go on my computer and get the screenshot so I just go to the VOD and I scroll to wherever I took the screenshot and then I just screenshot the VOD

And then it’s it’s like tiny but it’s a thumbnail so it doesn’t really matter send it yourself on Discord that’s smart usually I put in Google Drive I can never even find the Minecraft screenshots you gotta do like percent app data percent and then it’s like Minecraft and then

Screenshots look I’ll send it to myself right now Send that send that send that are these 4K screenshots How can I tell pin the folder I should or 2k not 4K I’m sorry sometimes I forget the 2K exists and I think only 4K exists heavy 2K might be 8K even we can upscale it chat GPT please upscale my Minecraft screenshots 16k Why didn’t widen 1440p is 2K doesn’t 1440 just seemed too small 1440 it sounds too small to be 2K because it’s not even it doesn’t even it’s not even 2 000. you know what I mean 1440 is smaller than 2 000. so how can it be 2K It’s the vertical pixel but why why did they use the vertical pixels instead of the horizontal pixels when the horizontal pixels are bigger don’t they usually want to use the biggest number possible big number make people happy because marketing but wouldn’t wouldn’t they want it to be bigger for marketing

I guess that’s why they call it 2K and 4K I guess I guess they do okay I’m gonna read some super chats a little bit of a shorter stream today well not really it’s pretty normal let me go to my bedroom wait I don’t want it to be

To be nighttime and I don’t want this spooky music I want I want this spooky music oh wait I should AFK oh I don’t want to go all the way back I’m gonna be lazy and not AFK I’m sorry You like my Decor my spooky decor cute pumpkin cute spooky balloon Two layers into AFK that’s right oh wait you can’t oh no you can hear the music right I think so it’s it’s making my brain explode cute hoodie thank you thank you The balloon is you you’re very cute then cute angry ghosts thank you for watching today and thank you again to my Koh hi for joining me they’re so sweet I’m happy to have people to help me this is very nice cat looking thing where on my bed I have many animals on

My bed because I’m fauna is it do you mean the iris hanging thing wind chime my wind chime is Iris themed Bikini how embarrassing I should clean that up I’m just just leaving that there truly embarrassing On display for everyone to see Summer’s over you can put it away it’s just there forever For free I haven’t used my calcini in a while it’s because I have actual clothes now I have an actual Cape I don’t need to wear the cow Kitty PNG I have real tailored clothing now the bgm is spooky do you feel afraid it’s okay I’m here I won’t hurt you

As long as you count turning you into a tree is not hurting you it was a PNG no it was a real it was real it was a real bikini it was very real okay let me read the stupas thank you thank you everyone for hanging out today

Slow but steady progress will remained on the tree we got days when the menu is it I won the win Mr obviously Buzz loose Loops there’s men second wife we need 35p CDR some oil Spirit feds nip Thurman ziply casual no high hand Freckle B gray shot orange

To the coldest tracker mortal Tom Murphy this Amaze Bubble Buster or Paul red knocks after the Kiku V7 Moon demons demons purkeys supervised Photon Moon by Andrew B plus DJ H9 blue yakari blue robot chocolate and his girl Sam is that yeah Chef Hypno Sapphire lunar squid blue Jester Viper reckons pornography Angel

Matt this is Mr Fox so you know if I see using a monkey dance version Katie artist and revelance wiper Mr HobbyTown Fest okay around the wind ringtone our man run for CBR Slender Man Kayla heliograph represent Originals copper Chef IDK LOL thank you plant on plant I’m gonna plant them all

Gotta plant them all sapling wrap Katie thank you Minecraft is the spooky game echolanda thank you as the one in charge of building the portion of the tree dedicated to fall why haven’t you taken one yet does a fall have to include a landing I’ve fallen many times

The wings thank you malicious midnight murder Minecraft Mondays snip thank you Bishop thank you thank you oh I did put Fawn in the title didn’t I Luke thank you Evan thank you rumors say that if you visit the world tree on a Monday you can hear the Wailing

Of The Haunting Kieran Spirit but that’s just a story thank you favorite Halloween costume I wore do I have any good ones I don’t know often like these days well I’ve mentioned it before that I collect um egl fashion elegant Gothic Lolita Fashion so these days I would usually just wear like a Lolita coordinate a Halloween themed one so it’s been a while since I wore like a more like costume costume

I just dress up for Halloween as a kid my favorite Halloween costume as a kid was Po from Teletubbies that was my favorite one as a kid I dress up as Pikachu ones I feel like I told you because I made a Pikachu hat myself and I also made like

A Pikachu tail it was all homemade I took like a t-shirt and I painted the stripes with like fabric paint and then I I sewed like a felt Pikachu tail and like pinned it on the shirt and then like a hat I wore to school I felt very proud

Because I made it myself sevens thank you I’m sorry to hear that I hope it heals soon one bad thank you you better be everybody stay healthy feel better beam carols thank you Patrick it’s thank you Uncle Ruby thank you hi funa October marks the start of lots of new anime and

Think out your eyes I have not looked at any anime nice big thing this season is apparently Friar and Beyond Journey’s End a fantasy that’s Melancholy sad and very very beautifully animated sounds interesting I feel like I usually just wait oh has nine out of 10 on Mal right now

Oh this is a cute elf girl it’s very good usually I just wait until the anime is finished and then I watch it The last anime that people said was so sad and I watched I did not like controversial I bet some of you liked it so I’m sorry what was it even called to your eternity I could not get into it it was like you felt like it was sad just for the sake

Of being sad and it was like an orb and I was like what is this orb learns to have feelings it was a good anime I’m sure it was good but it felt like it was sad just for the sake of being sad it gets better wait it also had that really funny

Moment right where this lady was like I love you and he was like I hate you you disgust me and he like makes a new boat paddles away that was a good moment but I haven’t checked out the new anime maybe I’ll watch it I’ll wait until everything is done and let’s see

Jail bird thank you I know I love the loading screen in the music thank you hang in there please thank you I’m glad to hear it if not thank you calm thank you thank Guillotine thank you glass is good thank you yes it’s a tree dog strings thank you

Trap cause I never fully recovered from getting over it it’s possible great shot thank you friend Knox thank you happy birthday a beatboxing happy birthday oh my gosh okay I’ll try how do I beat box again this is supposed to be members content all non-members please mute the stream

I’m just kidding you can listen you kiss I don’t remember how I did it before kiss can you even hear this boots and cats How’s that beautiful going thank you the day since our last workplace workplace accident but that’s the one because no one has been in the office for seven days and Forester thank you hey you should save your lunch money for yourself but thank you I appreciate it prevalence thank you Joshua thank you

Electric heart thank you Bishop thank you amazing thank you dark eco-free thank you sorry thank you it’s been zero days since our last workplace accident around the wind thank you true imagine if one of the Stalls just had a creeper trapped in it you’d love to see people’s faces when they find it

Well instantly shopping we have to name tag it so it won’t despawn but how do we get it so it doesn’t explode everything is thank you still bird thank you Gino thank you having ergonomic setup will help prevent wrist out do you mean to say that my anime booby

Mouse pad is not ergonomic enough I thought I thought these cushions were supposed to support my wrist enough yeah my zero two mouse pad I need to replace it with a hollow live one really not that ergonomic but it feels like nothing feels right you’re snitching thank you Hells Ahoy thank you

Really a wrist brace and sleep at night with them maybe I’ll try it I haven’t had too much it kind of the wrist pain went away after yesterday but maybe I’ll try it you should be careful with your wrists voitan thank you no not back to the evil demon Tower

Sex and blue thank you Jason thank you Big Dave thank you hungry here I am kind of hungry why didn’t you thank you thank you customer Johnson thank you without thank you I did I do recall that this anime being on their list of favors but I wouldn’t know anything about that anime

Sable King thank you happy birthday I hope you had a good birthday dinner Where’s my Birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear sapling happy birthday to you happy birthday new mallet thank you James Lovelace thank you okay dear Sandra thank you for now let’s say you switch places with an alternate fauna for a year okay and learn that this fauna treats mume and

Bae like cats doing to them all the things you do to snail are you worried this spawner will damage your relationship with them I think when I switch back my relationship might be stronger with them well I saw that bay was talking about how she appreciates like a physical friendship with skinship

So I think babe would might like it because I like to hug snail and kiss him on his little head and mume I think mume will be fine no matter what I don’t know if mume would even notice the difference don’t be pampered maybe when I come back

They’ll be like why are you so cold all of a sudden how come you’re not hugging us and kissing our heads anymore what’s up with that I have to keep it up Angela thank you taka thank you when it’s snowing it actually warms the air it’s called latent heat of

Condensation really is this a why floofy Hoots thank you awesome please thank you happy belated birthday from fawn do I even have a the Fawn preset anymore I don’t know if I do is this fun we could just make our own Essie is in the title number four is the

Number four the scary one I’m afraid to push it This is this isn’t really fun First of all no Echo second of all uh it’s too deep less deep is oh oh how does fun sound does he sound like this why do I sound like a teenage boy now yes is he supposed to sound like a teenage boy happy birthday to you happy birthday to

You happy birthday dear sapling happy birthday to you too cursed I’m sorry ashtray is that you I threw a little bit of ashtray in there I mean get out of here fun never return no where did he go the Columbus sounds creepy excuse tricks thank you

I don’t know if I can handle alien isolation I’m not sure I can I might watch a playthrough of it though Bishop thank you Luke thank you I really stepped up as a senpai I’m glad to hear it I really like hosting these collabs but really I think

You should give Advent the credit because they’re the ones who have to be brave enough to enter the open VC you know big Senpai energy I’m glad to hear it Divas thank you thank you Mr Revenge Thank you new Marlin thank you craft mac and cheese but instead of milk use eggnog

That’s so cursed I’m the least intimidating a senpai could be I think really I feel like I can be kind of intimidating sometimes I really don’t want to be but I think it’s because I’m like shy and I think Shy people are often intimidating like quiet people you know I’m not at all That’s good sometimes I worry that I’m like I’m intimidating because I’m too quiet and shy but I try not to be I try not to be grimace get out of here get out of here get go on get yeah so thank you Luke thank you Are the horn mitts articulated spider headed palps spider Peta palps are so cute they have little cat paw hands just slide her right in to the little thumbs and just saying you thank you I appreciate appreciate it oh you’re working on fun animations I would like to see

Thank you for for doing that I appreciate it You’ll tag me when it’s done yes please please do I appreciate it glad I can keep you company while you work Um let’s read the nun super chats at least oh no I opened my stream on accident Hannah’s gonna copyright strike me Um let me grab the thumbnail this game was really scary I’m just coward baby both Okay let’s read the nun Massacre soup was once I knew I could survive I got braver it’s like worse if you could survive though because then you have to run away that’s worse 10 out of 10 thumbnails thank you I thought that’s so cute a little nun peeking out I thought she

Looked kind of adorable here I didn’t think it would be that scary she looks so cute there to me she looks like like a matrushka doll you know what I mean to me she looks cute and then I photoshopped my face can you tell agree to disagree I think she’s cute

Other nuns inside that’s terrifying that’s horrifying that’s a good concept they should do that okay let me read the super thank you thank you everyone I could take Jeff as Paul or is in Katie Alexander ghosty king shark Evan Viking Raven left on rage vexil Akron to Novak

Swag mine one bad boy me some more clear identical disaster Mortal Kombat Thomas MoonPie casual Vader jeric it’s gonna praise Kevin to use and all something that are full of Diego Luke or Shake love Raphael casual Noah won the win copper Chef Vida Slenderman Mohawk me more rainy 35p Adventure where Knox Miss

Robbie Thurman and Kaiju Sam sleep once Bishop Shirkey snip with Spirit vet botan glue Scoops a fire tracker Rick obese’s mother Andrew and boys 7 Minutes gotta plant them all sapling rap KD thank you what the heck is this thumbnail though scary I thought she looks cute blowing us

Thank you pumpkin soup is thank you for the pumpkin supposed to seven thank you and then thank you oh no Bishop thank you 85 more days until Christmas slap Casual Vader thank you Eldin thank you that’s a nice little um carrot at the end of October something to look forward to I also I also love the aesthetic of Halloween but obviously video thank you Thank you oh no that is a scary nightmare oh no it sounds like one of those realistic nightmares which are kind of the worst Katie thank you That would be me one day I know I feel so lucky that Yago is he wore the Hat we got pictures because if you didn’t see yako is retiring from modeling from the photos which is understandable because I’m sure it takes a lot of time and energy he’ll be retiring from his modeling

Career it will be will be missed but I’m glad that I was able I feel blessed to get these photos before his modeling retirement a Gen 2 when will younger Gen 2 be released he’s Irreplaceable I know he was natural he is but we have the photos to remember forever Screen fun advice thank you oh no thank you Luke thank you Oh thank you for the info on the painter surreal horror a grand thank you Jeffers thank you wombat thank you okay Rose thank you yukari thank you Me too I’m also too scared to play most horror games but I love watching other people play this calm thank you Stella thank you Evelyn thank you zoinks thank you Mr Veg thank you bro man thank you happy birthday happy belated birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to

You happy birthday dear stopping happy birthday to you happy birthday Stella thank you I lost my spot Mr mcpiffins thank you thank you yeah our can did the the uh spooky intro music if you did not know it is a let me stay here spooky remix Thank you is there a better way to spend your birthday than running from nuns in the woods I think not thanks for all the fun times over the last year fauna welcome to a spooky month everyone thank you thank you and happy birthday Do you like having your birthday on October 1st to ring in spooky month are you a a fan of of Halloween you do it’s great I’m glad you hear it happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear sapling happy birthday to you

You have to be if your birthday is in October right I’m sure there’s people who hate Halloween who are born in October and I feel bad for them I’m Glad candles are you like you like October and Halloween Rose thank you I know I don’t think I think I forgot to

Chill my hat the sales are ended now goodbye hope you got it wow you could LDN thank you Luke thank you yo what is thank you Otto spoon thank you don’t sleep today I hope you didn’t have any nightmares about nuns notorious thank you thank you yes you can have a

Delayed happy birthday what if I sing it to you delay it as well from the music happy birthday to you happy birthday to you I can’t I’m not strong enough happy birthday to your family I keep putting just I can’t happy birthday to you happy birthday Warren thank you [ __ ]

Rick Roll thank you thank you Patrick thank you undefined happy birthday to you too thank you happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear sapling happy birthday to you coach John thank you tonight at 11 known bathtub user series but still at Large room Forest thank you I’m watching this

Without my glasses in 144p for the ultimate experience it truly is the deleted file thank you oh no that crazy Ken thank you around the wind thank you doll no base Bae is better companion than feinder 100 Mike Tyson thank you come and thank you dark Eco freak mortis

Thank you this is the muto thank you oh you’re awake at 7am with combinity it’s too comfy it sounds comfy you start to thank you everyone to thank you Cujo thank you the Deacon asked the bishop what he was doing over the weekend the bishop answered none of your business

You’re fat guy thank you having one year and thank you for your first Super Chat thank you thank you Patrick is the QE I’m ready camel thank you if no thank you best way to play horror games to avoid fears act like you’re the Crocodile Hunter that sounds like it could work actually

I might try that LVN thank you silly buns thank you Clarence thank you thank you Blair Witch I didn’t know that was a game Matthew thank you Benjo thank you always with the bathroom strats Ace 900 thank you thank you for first time Super Chat and happy birthday

Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear sapling happy birthday to you that crazy Ken thank you hello LLC thank you I’m also weak I understand how you feel anyway thank you oh that sounds cool I’ve never heard of it Matthew thank you Luke thank you

And this is this is a territory thank you oh happy belated birthday yes I can sing for you happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear sapling happy birthday to you thank you to power thank you coach John thank you that’s true got a coach with the wise words fauna

You are brave brave is doing something even though you are scared that’s true if you’re not scared it’s not really bravery is it a little big thank you sniffs thank you and then thank you you know Hoshi thank you I might try it babysitter bloodbath I might try it

Please listen thank you Mr Reed thank you signalus I feel like I’ve had it on my list before Albert’s good thank you Pinko Daisy thank you Diego thank you Evangelion inspiration and signal is interesting so scary thank you Wolfhound thank you Stark Mandalore thank you happy birthday to you too

I did sing for you your ghostly birthday I remember thank you awesome to thank you Mr hobby thank you thank you I still have a few other streams but I will call it here for now and catch up on the other ones next time thank you for hanging out today

Let me see let me send you over to someone I know people are streaming let me send you over two Let’s send you over to narissa since she visited us today Two Minecraft oh it’s true it’s true and this this Sunday is the cancerous 3D collab please please look forward to it I’m excited for it it will be good Who’s joining us on Wednesday a bunch of people are we’re gonna have a full Lobby I think Elisa the lobbies are eight people and we do have eight people who expressed interests it’s possible they might not be able to make it but in the end so I’m not gonna tell you exactly who

Because sometimes plans change last minute but we might have a full Lobby yeah bibu and fumumoku are confirmed I think and I think fumamoko will both be playing I believe it will be fun I’m excited I should buy Cosmetics oh no not the microtransactions well I’m sorry I didn’t have you guys up

On the screen I should have you is they count as two I have a problem but but I need to set myself apart if there’s gonna be eight people also multiple povs are good for this game so uh there will probably be multiple povs I’ll be streaming mine definitely but

I’m sure other people will also be streaming theirs it’s not like a one POV kind of game because you can run around All right thank you guys for hanging out I appreciate it tomorrow is Tuesday and I will not be showing but I put out a schedule I put out a schedule so you know when to expect me thank you for hanging out and please enjoy your spooky October

All right bye bye fun well thank you for hanging out bye bye bye thank you

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 Faun it, we build (open vc?)’, was uploaded by Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN on 2023-10-03 01:46:04. It has garnered 128781 views and 11797 likes. The duration of the video is 03:25:01 or 12301 seconds.

Minecraft Monday every (?!) Monday

✿ Artist Credits ✿ Thumbnail: https://twitter.com/D_yot_/status/1707698580562342293 Thank you so much!! 💚

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OptiFine MOD Author: sp614x and the OptiFine Team URL: https://optifine.net/downloads

Complementary Shaders Creator: EminGT Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders

✿ Hashtags ✿ LIVE: #faunline ART: #FineFaunart

✿ Twitter ✿ https://twitter.com/ceresfauna @ceresfauna ༻━━━༺ .⋅ ✧ ⋅. ༻━━━༺ 【Tsukumo Sana】 [YouTube] https://t.co/rmtApAWdl3?amp=1 [Twitter] https://twitter.com/tsukumosana

【Kronii Gold】 [YouTube] https://t.co/P3BX2MUiCX?amp=1 [Twitter] https://twitter.com/ourokronii

[Nanashi Mumei] [YouTube] https://t.co/oO4kBazKMv?amp=1 [Twitter] https://twitter.com/nanashimumei_en

【Hakos Baelz】 [YouTube] https://t.co/X17xhp1Bty?amp=1 [Twitter] https://twitter.com/hakosbaelz

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【 FauForest Rules! 】

► Be kind and respectful to everyone here! Don’t spam or troll. ► If you see spam or trolling, don’t respond. Just block, report, and ignore those comments. ► Talk about the stream, but please don’t bring up unrelated topics or have personal conversations. ► Don’t bring up other streamers or streams unless I mention them first. ► Similarly, don’t talk about me or my stream in other streamers’ chat. ► Try your best not to backseat. I like to enjoy games at my own pace, and I think part of the fun is watching me struggle, so please refrain from offering advice unless I specifically ask for help!

As long as you follow the rules above, you can chat in any language.

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【CREDITS】 Stream Layouts: Melonturtle (https://twitter.com/Melonturtle_) Logo: Gogon (https://twitter.com/gogon_illust) Custom BGM: Arkhand (https://twitter.com/the_arkhand) Emotes: Maerie (https://twitter.com/maeriette) Stinger Transition: UWU Media (https://twitter.com/uwumedia) Birthday Stream Background: reNPC (https://twitter.com/reNPCarts) Bedroom Stream Background: 7MC (https://twitter.com/7MC_Official) Starting/Ending Screen: Shieriru (https://twitter.com/shieriru_55)

BGM used □DOVA-SYNDROME HP:https://dova-s.jp/ License : https://dova-s.jp/_contents/license/ □AUDIOSTOCK HP:https://audiostock.jp/ License : https://audiostock.jp/help/usage

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  • SenpaiSpider Vs Herobrine: Epic Meme Showdown

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  • EPIC Minecraft Cottage Witch Mod – Episode 6

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  • MINECRAFT HACK: Insane Mini-Build Trick! 🤯 #shorts #mcpe

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  • EnderGaming dominates The Hive with insane BedWars skills!

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  • Westville

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  • Thugcraft Semi-Anarchy Vanilla New World No Resets

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft: Death and Destruction” 💀💀💀💀

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  • Breeze Farm: Bedrock’s 1.21 Rhyme Time

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  • The Lava-Filled Minecraft Server Bash! 🔥 #minecraft #minecraftmemes

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  • Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft

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  • Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before!

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  • Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Licenses!

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  • Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel Skyblock

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  • Exploring the World in Minecraft – Epic Adventures

    Exploring the World in Minecraft - Epic AdventuresVideo Information sausage gracias thank you welcome welcome good day good evening magy with a with another gift a beautiful gift 51 you broke the 50 streak now it’s 51 thank you so much you can even to night links too zero L yes Regular Music let’s go to regular music why am I in this very atmospheric like the world is ending kind of songs let me hold on I paused this let’s go to normal fun time music oh like this this fun music fun hanging out music in a in a world with friends yes a Hy… Read More

  • INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft Java

    INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft JavaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Granja de Oro en mi Skyblock Cap 6 | Minecraft Java’, was uploaded by Kagua on 2024-03-29 01:08:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to make a gold farm, good people, in today’s chapter I will show you my gold farm on my skyblock island, I hope… Read More

  • Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack – nfarttester Returns!

    Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack - nfarttester Returns!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody the sound’s kind of loud lower this bit hold [Music] up that looks more like it oh my God hello everybody can’t see [ __ ] it should update is it not updating let me check it updated you guys are lying to [Laughter] me thank you Maji 16 months you request the return of onion guess what in this mod pack I think you can grow onions so you know what that means you guys better be ready oh my God we’re going to make automatic onion Farms e 14 months are… Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 – Part 27!

    Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 - Part 27!Video Information here we are again with more Divine Journey 2 all right all right so um I hly was not able to do much uh in between times however I did however notice that this excavator is now finished and this is our total yield of lapis iron and even sulfur all right so sulfur will definitely you know go ahead and take care of that oh actually I’m going have to go and insert this uh manually here for this one oh actually do I do I really want to have like that copious amount of sulfur in… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! ICE SCREAM 8 TRUE ENDING IN MINECRAFTVideo Information I’m going to break you into a thousand that noise what I need to put things in order [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] B [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] o [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my life be like [Music] bro [Music] h [Music] [Music] we Boom Pow [Music] surprise [Music] what the dog doing [Music]… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!” #minecraft #twitch

    "EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!" #minecraft #twitchVideo Information portal that’s a die oh wait can drink you huh I’m drinking [Laughter] him why oh This video, titled ‘Minecraft Spider Jumpscare #minecraft #twitch’, was uploaded by WoltyBird on 2024-01-05 18:55:32. It has garnered 7061 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “Do not the Tower || Cisco’s Fantasy Medieval Adventure RPG #1 || Old School Let’s Play ” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1r4ITYhKLdY -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Read More

  • The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!

    The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!Video Information Mikey we need to do something today we’ve been sitting at home for 3 days why don’t we go to someone’s house I don’t know that would be great I think there’s someone on the phone answer the phone right hello I’m listening guys there’s a weird creature in town we need your help well we found something to do it’s the creature again and it’s us again all right let’s go get our gear and deal with this yes the same as always let’s go to the warehouse so what do you think I don’t think it’s… Read More

  • INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #Viral

    INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #ViralVideo Information noa no This video, titled ‘Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-05-06 06:30:02. It has garnered 2677 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #herobrine #evil #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCau4Rs-tvAtE23sjFFfKkcA/join ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: https://discord.gg/crBXKxqdTJ 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barnavagr/ I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For… Read More

  • Epic Craft SMP Semi-Anarchy Vanilla

    Welcome to Epic Craft! Epic Craft is a vibrant and dynamic community for Minecraft enthusiasts and gamers alike! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, our server offers a unique blend of features and a welcoming atmosphere for everyone. Minecraft SMP-Anarchy Server: Semi-Anarchy: Experience the thrill of anarchy with a twist! Our server combines the freedom of anarchy gameplay with SMP (Survival Multiplayer) elements, allowing for intense, unpredictable adventures without the chaos of hacks and cheats. No Hacking: Enjoy a fair and challenging environment where skills and strategy matter. Griefing & Raiding: Allowed but balanced to keep… Read More