Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN – 【MINECRAFT】 World tree project IKZ!!!

Video Information

Foreign Foreign Coconut Hello hello welcome welcome hello play more Minecraft today working on this tree because I feel very inspired to work on it also because it needs it needs to be done we cannot leave it like this crazy thing 700k subscriber YouTube and thank you all because of you all because of you also that

I noticed something when I got on the server who is that pakura senpai go to her I don’t know what she’s up to it’s really early danger danger I don’t know what she’s up to it’s very early in Japan right now foreign but my plan is gosh what is my plan

I was going to well we need to finish the ring trees but I kind of wanted to like level them and then do the next ringing like all on the same layer so it’s the uniform Do like a ring and bring the ring in just a little bit plan no there’s a plan we can also shave it oh it does need to be shaved so that it can be bald and beautiful satisfying once you start shaving it I’m a little bit sleepy right now I don’t know why

I think it’s because I ate too much for lunch and now I’m um nap time no napping though we got work to do and I didn’t make tea because I lost track of time there was no time okay I ate leftover Indian food for lunch yummy

Indian food is like one of the foods like it gets better okay I don’t want to sound like crony here being like Oh delicious aged sandwich whatever but it really does it gets better in the fridge yeah and it heats up well if it’s like Curry Because the longer you leave it well you should leave it too long couple days just a couple days it will the flavors will continue to develop over time I’m not the coming crony although I don’t know a sandwich so I don’t really like to eat sandwiches as leftovers like if I get a sandwich from a restaurant and I don’t finish it oh I don’t always take it sometimes I know that’s bad you shouldn’t waste food but sandwich does not

Does not do so well you know that it’s true sandwich is not the best as leftovers should I try to make these grow naturally But they won’t grow if they’re on this level because of the dirt I’m just planning out a bit Blended sandwich now this is too far for anyone I don’t think any Saiyan person would blender I’m sorry crony she doesn’t deserve this not right now not when she’s covering crony I’m sorry I need to go easy on her when she’s not here to defend herself Catching Strays she’s always catching strains crony it’s just cause we miss her right We bullied her because we love her maybe that’s what she should be eating now no oh no is it time for the return of them blendin sandwich dream Okay and then get rid of this dirt so I didn’t know what music to play during the stream today I feel like I should make another playlist another playlist of freshly grown audio stock music problem Why are you guys mad there’s not even dirt above you what’s your problem There’s no dirt above you oh light I forgot trees need sunlight or Torchlight Grow or what I don’t want to waste all my bone meal I feel like I’m wasting it okay shouldn’t I know this this is Minecraft this is not real life as much as people want to tell you that it’s real life Too many saplings before we had had too few saplings now it’s too many is it nine time yet honest good night Um Good if I started saying too many saplings I’m just gonna unsubscribe really I can’t do it like this Oh my gosh really was there really too many saplings they’re really picky these saps oh oh My goodness well it’s good to know I guess learn new things every day but yourself don’t say that about my saplings only I get to bully them I’m very protective you know I did want to join movement Bay in Minecraft I was kind of tired I’m trying to drink and drink the thing so I didn’t know so they were going on an adventure Far Far Away I believe I was watching a little bit foreign circles I maybe saw them going in

Circles a little bit I was watching them dig up treasure well I watched the first of them try to dig up treasure And I resisted the urge to back seat them in the chat or in person that’s even worse imagine that the backseat is your gen mate and they have a direct line of communication with you imagine the backseater is in your DMs I resisted the urge though Just want to help rides just want them to get the get the treasure that they deserve suspicious stew the moldy potatoes do you guys ever backseat your friends be honest if you’re ever playing a multiplayer game and you have the expertise yes all the time I know but sometimes when it’s your

Friends it’s like it just becomes advice you know helpful advice only if they ask you that’s a good rule what what is this what is this tree because I don’t know what to do yeah you have to figure out the way a phrasing it nicely you know Backseat them the art of backseat this is becoming too much there is no art of backseating just don’t do it probably is the answer don’t mean to pry but know exactly what you’re doing wrong oh that’s like what do you do because sometimes they you do just want them to figure it out

On their own but at some point it’s like I don’t know some point you gotta say something that was like the whole streams when me and mume playing getting over it that was just me back seating her and trying to to find a balance somehow Very nice ouchies that’s kind of cool this cave wraps around she did ask for it but she also could have learned on her own if she wanted to Um Can I backstage chat isn’t that what I’m doing right now it’s getting too meta I’m like telling you I’m back seating you on back seating I’m telling you the optimal way to back seats But in true back seating fashion I’ll just be like don’t do that and I won’t explain why don’t do it see deception Even watched Inception I think I did watch it back in the day when it came out it was kind of a big deal back in the day Inception felt like everybody cared about inception oh I don’t have my my hoe it holds up fairly well I don’t remember anything about it

He like wakes up on a beach at one point right I feel like that’s all I remember it’s still pretty good now it just got memed into Oblivion same with Breaking Bad how I cannot watch fuzzy madius without dying no without associating it with a certain meme even though it’s like

Wiley considered to be the best episode of the show It’s not my favorite episode though it is a really good episode I don’t think anyone can deny that Skyler wide deal Yes The Japanese version anime version I like that episode man Breaking Bad really did get memed to Oblivion but it’s still such a good show I like the episode I don’t know how to explain it without spoiling it remember which which episode it is the one where everything like all hell breaks loose that could describe a lot of

Episodes the one where Walter White is is laughing Oh yeah crawl space that’s the one you guys know that one’s my personal favorite he never laughs in any other episode does he I’m trying to think if he ever laughs if you ever displays the real human emotions what about the fly one I like fly

But then people told me that it’s like a filler episode and now I feel stupid for liking it I mean I shouldn’t it doesn’t matter if you like it you know if you like it you like it should not concern yourself with that But I was told it’s a filler episode and now I feel silly it’s like saying your favorite Naruto episode is a filler episode Not filler dude isn’t there some lore behind it like they made it because they couldn’t film or something so they were just like oh let’s just make this one I like it um the pilot is really good too Man I remember the first time I watched Breaking Bad like near when it came out and it was unlike anything I had ever seen before I was so hold on I should go to sleep I was so enraptured by the violence and then it was really popular this was

My Peak hipster era so I had to act like I didn’t like it because it got too popular so so dumb Please pass fauna it does not matter if something is popular you could still like it But that’s okay I was young and stupid As You Are it happens foreign we’ve almost connected the circle Oh wait I was feeling like this can we run this was Kyla building a guardian Farm I saw it in her title if I didn’t get to watch much of her stream oh baby she did did she make it on this server so near her house finished it oh

I’ve not watched lost but I’ve heard about a loss I’ve heard that it has a very convoluted plot Something about a light foreign that’s what I know oh yeah the numbers what do they mean don’t bother all right look at this we’re doing it we’re making a tree it’s a good but the ending sucks I hate it when that happens It’s like worse than a show just being bad is when it’s really good and then it has a bad ending it just feels like so much wasted potential 20 progress I don’t know I feel like even that is optimistic because this is the easy part like we’re getting a lot of mass right

Now for our tree But this is the easy part five percent maybe one percent so hmm it’s like so tall on this side I want it to be even huh Let me fly here let me fly here And then I’m thinking that we yeah the branches are gonna be really hard I’m nervous about that I can barely even draw a tree well let alone like create one in Minecraft so I don’t know okay because then my thought is to like Do a ring on the inside because I wanted to go in a little bit get a little bit skinnier I think I need way more oh I definitely need more saplings I’m going to go collect some iron foreign wait was that iron okay not enough no no no no not this again Minecraft saplings what should I call them to differentiate them from you More saplings Seedlings yeah what if I called you guys seedlings in an alternate universe it feels kind of cursed somehow but it’s it’s Not So Different um these chests are not going to be organized and you’re just going to have to deal with that seedlings Gross you hate cursed ceilings hey be kind to your alternate Dimension counterparts be nice okay um This is not gonna be enough room for oops all of the leaves okay yeah is that what Flora calls her her audience I bet it is flora and her ceilings cursed it’s cursed Makes me sick just thinking about it I’m sure she’s like so wholesome too she’s never cursed completely say so has a getting over its speed run of four minutes no I don’t know I don’t think she’s a gamer Flora she’s just a nice girl not that you can’t be both

I’m like digging a hole right now walk it back walk it back Flawless Japanese Oh no you’re right you can probably sing too it’s probably like a Disney princess singing every morning to her plants well I’m not that good at taking care of plants except for the saplings of course

I take great care of you but maybe Flora is like has a really green thumb but maybe she’s not as good with animals because I think I’m pretty good with animals maybe she’s not because she’s flora and I’m fauna makes sense right she’s bald she probably is a ball and

She probably wears a wing imagine her though I literally am just thinking of um oh no no ouch I’m just thinking of Aluna from blr that’s what I imagined in my head when I think of Flora literally straw man literally made of straw a carnivore she can’t be right

Wait maybe she would be wait maybe she would maybe she’d be like Keto if I’m a fauna who loves animals then she must be Flora who loves plants so she doesn’t eat them only animals I missed a spot over there I’m sure she can still do ASMR right like we have to have some similarities me and Flora we wouldn’t just be complete opposites right unless we are I don’t know my ksmr no I feel like I’m the one with the badass you’re the one who’s always clumsy

Knocking things over her as smart is probably perfect she’s not clumsy at all oh Why am I just like inventing this this lady to be better than me oh yeah maybe she does like eating ASMR oh goodbye ouch goodbye where she eats just like meat just like a giant piles of meat what are you what what why are you there barbecue ASMR

This is gonna die right the alpaca is gonna die when this happens right because they take fall damage from when they’re hanging Um that alpaca walking I should have stolen your alpacas long ago I was willing to let you be free oh Should I get a water bucket I don’t know if that will save it I know that dangling from leads is very dangerous Oh where’s your vision for alpaca If I must if I must I do love alpacas but I’m here to build a tree wandering trade or be more responsible with your animals please foreign you every time Um Um I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know it’s Flora’s doing I mean I can’t just blame all of my problems on her that’s not really fair is it Kill the traitor thank you I mean I guess it’s I am I’m acting like what how could you suggest it but it’s not like I haven’t done that before Ouch oh no I don’t want to push him off I’m afraid oh my gosh oh wait wait you need to not we dangle the alpaca over the water please oh no Oh no I think I have to move Did you see that that was kind of clean Maybe I can just push him off with the water I’m revoking your alpaca privileges sir your alpacas are going to be released into the wild Ow okay maybe I can’t I can’t be the police because I can’t get over there can’t be a police officer I don’t know how to drive a car um Ow okay Oh wait everyone’s alive oh no Okay this alpaca didn’t have the best time I’m sorry Um you no stop sit in the boat stop spinning sit in the boat there did that get rid of the lead it doesn’t oh does alpaca have to go in Go on go on why does this always happen oops hold on stop dragging your old pack into the cave oh my gosh well they’re free now I hope you have a good life alpaca cave I mean if elephants can go in caves then why not alpacas right Oh I saw some pictures of the elephants in the caves because they go in there too to like mine salt because salt is a very important nutrient I mean when you live in America and food is so salty it’s not really a big deal but if you are

An elephant and you cannot just go to McDonald’s and eat some fries you gotta get yourself somehow it’s like salt licks but in a cave but the pictures are very creepy just like a bunch of elephants following each other ouch into the caves the same caves which may contain spooky viruses I hope that the elephants don’t get any and brain worms Maybe The brain worms could be anywhere they could even be with us right now more cave talk that’s just everyday oh no before I was obsessed with caves I was obsessed with um catacombs which some might say are just man’s caves oh no oh no I don’t know how to fly

I don’t have a license for this thing oh I didn’t get hurt That’s amazing the original man cave before you had your your game or cave we had catacombs Actually a man cave and a gamer cave are different I think a man cave is more like Sports I feel Wait why did I wait huh why just invisible tree I was like why is it so small what happened I think it’s just invisible I’ll choose to believe that it’s just invisible Oh I really wish you would stop spawning these ones though Um you’re also invisible yeah if we reach the build high limit I would cry but I don’t think it’s I don’t think we did I think it’s like really high now oh look look how tall is this I think it’s tall tall enough um that’s a potato I’m trying to place a potato Okay Um one two three four five six like this I think this is okay wow that one does seem tall does it have leaves at the top It is dark let’s go to sleep It just means I’m gonna have to get back there which is always a challenge Oh that one is especially tall Isn’t it This looks so weird oh my goodness what am I doing I’m once again questioning my choices that have led me here Um Maybe I should get better scaffolding but I can’t scaffold all the way over there I don’t think I think it can only go out so far How far is it is it like eight one two three four five six oh we’re right here okay this floating support dirt work I guess it would wouldn’t it this is fine though It’s fine looks very safe very safe just taking a lot of scaffolding to create but that’s okay we have a lot of scaffolding to go around we’re definitely going to run out of bone meal and I’m not looking forward to that although I think we can go to TTT

There’s always a ton of bones there okay goes in a little bit Like this maybe Um yeah it doesn’t have to be Perfect in fact it shouldn’t be perfect because perfection Unnatural I shouldn’t say things like this crony already I already blasted her too much for the sandwich thing oh cannot come for her Perfection too goes kind of fast like this right we’re building kind of fast it’s going to be really annoying to shave all of these Which we’re going out to do very soon because we’re almost out of saplings go like this Oh okay it’s coming along ah we just have to figure out how to make it look good after all this because um just just look at it just look at this oops that’s not what I wanted I still don’t know how to use scaffolding be taller taller all the way good all right Who’s ready for their haircut we’re gonna use all of these too that might seem excessive to you but I assure you you’re ready for your haircut okay just go to the kitchen and pick your favorite Bowl preferably one that your head will fit inside of have any of you actually got to know

Bowl cut like from your mom or your dad any parent Whoosh whoosh yes like with a literal Bowl I’ve seen that in movies but does that really happen foreign mixing bowl I don’t think my mom ever cut my hair I don’t know maybe when I was really little but I think show has took me to the hairdresser luckily for me

You can yellow boys hair I don’t know though can you really I actually feel like long hair is easier to cut because it it doesn’t matter as much or like you won’t be able to see the mistakes as easily because now I often cut my own hair

Um or at least my own like bangs you just have to like cut them relatively straight and it will be fine I feel like with short hairstyles it makes a big difference unless you’re just like using the Clippers and clipping it all to the same length Yeah that’s true or shaving it I think I said last time that’s like the one hairstyle I think I could confidently cut is bald I think I could do that on anybody maybe not a cat though I’ve heard I’ve heard Tales internet and legends of people shaving cats just like regular cats and then selling them as expensive Sphynx cats I feel like it would be really hard to like how do you shave a cat’s face I don’t know also yeah that’s very messed up and I hope that does not happen

But like snail had to have his leg shaved when he went to the bed once And I don’t know you could tell like the hair started growing back really fast and then he just has like little peach fuzz I feel like you would be able to tell exactly how do you get rid of the peach fuzz I don’t think you can well I guess you just need someone

Gullible enough who doesn’t know anything about cats should be like oh yeah this is totally a hairless cat foreign do any of you have a hairless cat they’re pretty cute they’re pretty goofy I think they’re kind of I don’t want to be like too mean I mean this in a nice way

They’re kind of like ugly in a cute way you know like like a vampire bat and they have the like noses the nuts brought to your nose they’re kind of like ugly cute still cute It’s grunkly yes little little gremlins yeah do they get sunburned easily I just I like how wrinkly they are it’s kind of funny like even the head is wrinkly but then I wonder like if I shave snail will he look like that would he be wrinkly too

Or does Things cats have extra skin no I think all cats have extra skin that’s why they’re so like Wiggly you know but you can’t hold on to them they just slip out of your hand well you’ve seen the Scruff too like the cat Scruff if you like pull on

Their neck there’s like a ton of extra skin Find out I’m not gonna shave snail I don’t know I don’t know how I feel about that it’s like dyeing your dog’s hair I think a lot of dogs will not care at all if you dye their hair but I can’t help but Wonder like why um The hug with the Mohawk though Oh no have you seen those like dog grooming competitions and they like groom them in crazy ways and like dye their hair and trim it they look like different shapes You watch those over Thanksgiving with your family that’s kind of wholesome kind of a wholesome tradition oh you’re shaving maybe I should get a bonsai tree and then I can shape it into any shape that I want I don’t know first I need to like actually take proper care of the plants

That I do have I want to get more plants I think snail is over his planned destruction phase so I think if I get more plants he won’t destroy them this time but um maybe that’s expecting a lot putting too much faith there are new saplings on the ground too much faith in

The chaotic creature that is a cat Ouch My legs oh But I always make sure to get non-toxic plants just in case snail does like to Chomp on him I should get him cat grass I meant to do that see if he would like that he likes too much yeah maybe then I can put the cat grass in a cute pot too and act like it’s one of my house plans I mean it is right house plant too You think I’ll get another cat to be friends with snail I don’t know if I will I’m not sure I think snail might like being an only cat oh goodbye goodbye I don’t know if he gets along with cats is the thing he didn’t get along with clover but I think that was Clover’s fault sweet old man so I’m not sure I’ve never seen snail interact with any other cats oh my gosh I cannot land here I also feel like snail deserves all my attention you know like if I got another cat I’ll have to split my attention and snail we’ll soak up all the attention he can get The Shaving takes so long I I do something is faster than building it up by scratch though I wish that these ones wouldn’t grow the Christmas tree ones that leaves like all the way down ouch Blended Steel that is just asking for trouble I don’t think the uh chopping logs in placing them would be more efficient I think that would take way longer still even with my ax because what mine is like we got we got we have lightning rods Were you not just shave a little more just a little more off the top But doesn’t it kind of feel like a bonsai tree right now this is my zen garden Yeah who needs a little peony tiny bonsai tree when I can have a mega spruce wait it’s been an hour already wait how is it how has it been an hour it’s been like 10 minutes what do you mean it’s been an hour it’s been 20 minutes maximum I just started right

I just started the Stream don’t tell me there’s no way okay it’s kind of tall over here poop time is weird soup wait stop we cannot stop stop we said we’re not gonna bully crony anymore in this stream it’s too much oh I did this one wrong questions

You agreed to know such thing it’s my stream My Stream my rules maybe I should set a better example then foreign yet NTA My Stream my rules am I the a-hole for saying that time is a weird soup Ouch I should have slipped I should have slipped I can’t stop planting saplings more more laughs okay I really should go to sleep though oh no before Mom starts spawning all over the place and I regret it plant some plants I’ve gotta plant them all look at this is it extremely ugly Maybe but it’s something time I can’t find this thing

That feeds so trimmy won’t fix I’m excited to start like shaping it I don’t want to shave it though only shape No Shave shaving kind of annoying True though shaving is kind of annoying also kind of satisfying can’t deny that’s why you have facial hair yeah should I grow a mustache there’s like a trend with beauty YouTubers for like women to start shaving their faces because it like helps exfoliate your skin I guess gets rid of the peach fuzz

I don’t know I feel like that’s just when does it stop at that point aren’t you just doing too much They’re like it’ll make your face smoother when you apply makeup okay okay but is it really worth it to add like another whole extra thing to do every day or I don’t know how often they’re shaving their faces oh I guess it’s like it’s like pure beauty YouTuber and you

Have like the Super HD camera up in your face all the time then I can sort of understand it Um why you would want to try extra hard so that people don’t see your the peach fuzz on your face that everybody has and it’s nothing to be ashamed of even then it’s pretty pointless yes they’re just like raising the standard like too high like come on fuzz everybody has that weird Apes

Oh not me though I’m Kieran I Don’t Wanna Die monkey we’re out of saplings again we gotta shave again or just pick up the scragglers from the floor Iron too we have to do a resupply run You saw my hairy Kieran form what Wait for my debut do you remember I did show you my Harry Kirin form on debut didn’t I Do you remember in my my intro video right you don’t remember you forgot about my debut already you’re gonna go check I’m pretty sure I drew a Kieran is it me I don’t know I’ll leave it up to you please report back if it’s true or not It’s true you see it I should put it on stream I don’t have it wait do I have it I wonder if I have file deep within my computer if you wiggle your mouse really fast even if it doesn’t go any faster it feels faster that’s a pro tip for you

Sometimes it’s just about how you feel you knew that Pro Gamer tip for you right there foreign I can’t decide if the Shaving is satisfying or if it’s just annoying a little bit of both Maybe I wish it was a little faster foreign I could fly like creative mode instead of using this elytra that I still have little control over Iron hose so fast but I think even if we made like an Unbreaking three um Diamond hoe I think it would still break fast too at least iron is infinite thanks to the iron Farms ouch netherride hoe oh my gosh that’s just too much at some point it just becomes too much

I’m sorry to say but it’s true I don’t think we need another ride home Does Kyla have one I mean she probably does but even then I feel like it’s just a flex It’s worth it trust This is the Minecraft equivalent of shaving your peach fuzz face there was this um American manga that I read called peach fuzz about a ferret is know it It was like one of the first manga I ever read Foreign No it was a manga it was Anime styled there was another one it was like sorry My water went down the wrong way there was an Australian one called the dreaming it was like a horror manga but I loved that one too I don’t like how different the heights are Why is this one so tall Oh I kind of want to go look at it from over here Oh gosh I don’t know this looks horrifying What am I making It’s a blight on the server It does look like a demon Lord’s castle How tall does it need to be whoosh it looks kind of cool It’s my blight Yeah it’s a work in progress it’s kind of cool like how big it is already though you know it’s imposing already I feel like we need maybe yeah maybe one more ring and then the branches go out Maybe Like this oh shoot can I even build much higher I should check I think actually never mind this is probably sea level right is it or is it low where are we Sea level is not zero though you can go to 319 320 okay yeah we got plenty of room we’re not even to 200 yet so we shouldn’t need to worry about the build limit I’m tempted stuff filling this part in it’s because I’m getting tired of shaving

But I’m gonna run out of Vlogs really fast Draw two actually I don’t like finish one thing and then move on I just like go in a random order alone a sea pickle though I kind of want to see pickle why are so many wandering Traders foreign Do I want these I kind of want these this is my favorite flower too but it’s expensive The pickle blue eyes is good I don’t have that many emeralds on me all right fine I’ll take your entire stock whatever put in here I have unlimited emeralds only if I use the farm which I have not been doing I don’t even want to do the outside oops

Oh I don’t know if I should even fill it in yet though because I wanna hmm because I probably wanted to texture the tree you know like use different blocks for it Um there’s a girl one yeah that’s also true it’s probably still faster even if I’m tired of growing trees it’ll be rewarding but I’ll probably end up taking some out eventually okay okay I mean that was pretty easy no maybe like some dark oak for texture because we could make it

Like have really big you know how trees when you draw them you put like stripes on them we could do like really big Stripes vertical stripes it’s like dark oak yeah regular Oak too maybe even planks Maybe what would regular look like um I’m gonna build a door this is my door It’s just hard to look at the tree because it’s so big you cannot see it unless you walk far away and it’s surrounded by water Oh wait yeah what if it was like oh well if we use a glow like in and it like goes up the tree like and it’s like glowing up that would be cool We could even put like blocks like glowstone in it Cameraman account that’s kind of Genius that’d be cool if I were a good streamer I would do that who just sits over there that’d be cool Yeah see lanterns two yeah I’m gonna have to like build the roots that sounds really hard I regret picking up all of this spruce in my inventory I don’t actually need it yet um do I can you duplicate glow what is it is it even called a glow lichen can you even duplicate it with bone meal Um Shroom lights yeah those are good too ouch doesn’t look as impressive from this sign It’s too big for the island that we did oh do I have glow lichen have glow berries I think I have some in the other server it should be easy to find though oh foreign It’s gonna be huge It’s gonna be huge don’t worry Okay bedtime okay I think I’m oh I have no fondness per second I think I think I am procrastinating currently I think I’ve been procrastinating for the past however many minutes May I have some frames please hold on there’s gonna be no frames for a second Please stop me on a good frame at least please sleepy I am sleepy okay is this my my Freeze Frame could be worse it could be worse luckily I’m very photogenic so I will look good no matter what frame I’m frozen on that’s right don’t doubt it Okay I’m totally procrastinating right now oh should we go collect more materials Oh we probably we’re gonna need more iron very soon there’s an Enderman in here but we could um I guess we could do a little more first I’m gonna go from this side foreign Why does this happen every time can’t fly Need a lighter practice thank goodness for feather falling three where are you not even getting experience from why is it not breaking at all even though I’m taking so much damage oh was it from the traitor I guess yeah the traitor I suppose I’ll do this this Maybe good oh it’s raining rain rain go away do not come back another day I’m building a giant tree I hope it’s not the storm I don’t know if my lightning rods are even in the right position anymore Um good I’ll do it here then the rain is kind of comfy makes me want to play rain ambience tomorrow for the member stream we’re doing Creepypasta reading Ted the caver which I think is a pretty long one but I’m going to this is maybe a spoiler

I’m gonna set it up I’m gonna get some cave ambience will this be the finale for my fauna in cave Arc I think it will never end actually personally No I didn’t realize that Ted the caver was like a Blog it’s like blog style you know It reminds me of I used to be really obsessed with the Odessa catacombs well I still kind of am Y and I would always read Vlogs about them about people who explore them so the format is already like off to a good start already very familiar uh we need to shave more oh

I don’t want to oh there is one blog that I read like I stayed up so late reading it I was obsessed there was one room I don’t know because they’re like pictures but really if someone has a good writing style for recounting there their Adventures

In a blog that’s what can really make it and this one guy was like telling about his experiences and the catacombs and how he came upon this one room and he had to like cross some water oh it’s so gross and scary and he was like stepping on Stepping Stones to get

Through the water and then he like lost his balance for a second and he reached out the wall but the wall was not a wall not a regular wall anyway it was the the wall was completely covered with bugs isn’t that horrible I’m sorry to tell you about this

Can you imagine like being in the catacombs and you slip and you try to get your catch yourself on the wall and your hand just smooshes a ton of flies ugh it is true horror story oh I want to go read that blog again now there were pictures too

Pictures of this this room I don’t know just like one of the worst parts of caves is that there’s no natural light it’s completely dark so if you lose your light source then you’re just completely in the dark that’s why if you go caving you should always have

At least two but probably even three light sources maybe even before you gotta have like an old-fashioned like candle in flint and steel at the very least yeah like glow sticks too and extra batteries for your flashlight of course that’s like step one am I really out of dirt

I guess this is a lot of dirt don’t go in a cave yeah that’s the easy part right It’s just don’t go in there do not go in there I can open flame underground seems like a bad time they didn’t even have a flashlight when George what’s his name um it wasn’t George I need to watch man and Cave again when he went caving George cave spiders George

Yeah cave diving I think I heard that cave diving like you have every one in one thousand Dives is going to be a lethal dive which is just horrible Um hold on I got logged out of my YouTube account and I feel like they’re showing me you guys notice this the YouTube chat is like there’s like a delay they like add a delay to it I think they’re showing me the delayed YouTube chat but usually

When you’re a streamer you get to see the instant chat but I got logged out so they’re giving me the the delay chat I have to log back in so I can get the fast chat is that a feature I don’t know but it it’s very weird hold on let me go

Find my password and log back in one it’s one one one one you got it please don’t hack me please please give me the fast chat please give me the streamer privilege chat okay is it good now to say something if you hear this type three in the chat

One two three four see just four seconds now it’s weird I don’t know why YouTube does this sometimes when I’m like watching streams I’ll notice that there’s like a huge added delay like sometimes the chat on stream will show up before the chat in the YouTube chat have you guys also noticed that

I don’t know foreign that happens okay why am I going all the way up what am I doing I mean dirt do I have more dirt I need fiber internet my internet is pretty good I think I mean it’s definitely a thing because now that I logged in I see it faster oh I do not have dirt oh should I steal dirt from where though I wish I could steal it from inside the tree Take a base house oh my gosh Time for a spoon ah don’t shoot at me I don’t know why I didn’t just fly from over there help help um because it’s a big hill inside but do we even want this hill to be here you know oh my God spoon is so good

Oh we never get to use spoons full power of Destruction oh beautiful the insta mine oh I’m gonna destroy my scaffolding problem I can’t even see what’s happening wow I did destroy it Wow Imagine if we had a beacon well actually I don’t think it would get any faster because it’s already insta mining but imagine Um is it good have I destroyed the hill this ring is almost done I don’t think we have enough saplings To complete it which is a bit unfortunate because I’m also out of iron well going to the iron farm is easy enough This project this project how do I feel about it conflicted sometimes I feel like we’re really doing something here and other times I feel like I’m just creating an abomination a big Spruce abomination maybe that’s just that’s just life though that’s just how Minecraft is it’s not even done yet though

Yeah oh no can I fix this Maybe okay I’m almost out of bone meal too okay I guess we’ll go do a resupply resupply mission and then we’re done with like the second layer okay okay see almost okay I will do a third layer probably third layer and then add the branches oh Ouch did I have dirt two dirt oh I did have a little more dirt okay I’m gonna put the dirt in here and then we need to get a bunch of iron and a bunch of Bones I will not forget why is the sun setting already though Yeah the branches still they’ll go upwards don’t worry the branches they’re going to be a whole thing I feel like it could take me easily three hours to just make one branch All right um can I sleep yet Whoa were you scared were you scared did you think I was going to fall to my death just then I would never do that that’s never happened nine hours stream for three branches oh no no this is we’re gonna we might be slow but steady for this project it’s a

Marathon not a Sprint another motivational quotes that you tell yourself to not lose hope in your creation whose is this can see everything from up here cute Barn well that’s iris’s house I was watching her build it I didn’t realize it was there the snow house isn’t um crony also making a

An ice castle You wait do I remember where the iron form is here on the frames the frames okay don’t ruin it this time As you are want to do okay that’s fine right that’s good the frames oh no Okay oh yeah you can’t get bone meal too can I take this well I can make some more It’s free can I take like a lot of it though like all of this is that too much I mean yeah should I leave some poppies in there Maybe it’s a byproduct that’s true I guess it does accumulate pretty quickly We could always go to are there other more efficient ways to get it in anyway Free every time well oh so spooky you must die It’s spooky spooky oh no you can see it from all the way over here oh no just cause this is free it’s like Halloween candy you know it’s like free take one you have to be considered of everyone else who wants the free stuff too you know Oh Ouch I don’t know why I came over here I need to be over here Okay I will make some bone blocks This is not even that much we had we started with more than this Um and then I will make a million hoes we might need even more bone meal if we’re going to keep using this strategy A million what what did I say I don’t know if I want to know I’m talking Minecraft craft playing Minecraft Get your minds out of the gutter oh sapling haircut time To become bald again I mean at least we can replenish the sapling Supply this way from your hair I will grow new saplings isn’t that pretty amazing it’s like magic oh I should I should be digging from top down though that’s it was pretty cool too um can I get in from here oh yes but I destroyed the landscape oh gosh oh gosh I think my brain has been replaced that’s kind of an ominous thing to say if I just leave your brain has been replaced by Minecraft bye Clarence and Clarence only wants to play Minecraft this whole time he didn’t want to take over the world or anything you just wanted to play Minecraft foreign

Are we going to deny him that he said fauna you have to move on I can’t move on his Spirit lives on in my brain the Lord said so it said so monkey hasn’t gone to heaven in the room with you right now Clarence if you hear me Give Me A Sign

Did you hear that I think Clarence is here real Um can I fix this you’re scared don’t be afraid Be not Afraid my child your brain too will be replaced with a worm but it is all right the brain worms will excise all of our negative memories from our brain Okay let me oh shave the swan I should stop saying shave it but that’s what it is is it not essentially am I not just shaving these trees because it’s not like I’m not trimming them because I’m leaving no no leaves behind that is a scary thought though because without leaves

Plant cannot survive well maybe it can survive for a bit but it will need to get its energy from somewhere this giant tree that I’m creating is just comprised of many dead trees say that about anything made of wood though I have no leaves and I must photosynthesize The Forgotten saplings that have been sacrificed to build this giant tree this is their story Bedtime every living thing is made of a bunch of dead things that’s so true goodness what was that that was a lot of sounds it seems really dark over here It still seems really dark over here one torch is not going to fix the problem Wait guys I think I’m doing it with our bark we can survive that’s so sad the saplanes are trying their best to hold on well I’m mercilessly shave them they maintain their optimism no matter what no matter the trials I have put them through it’s okay you can ouch

Can be part of something bigger can be part of my world tree so many leaves How long would it take me to get rid of all of these leaves a long time I think ouch At least five minutes 99 days I’m pretty inefficient about it because I keep walking away oh gosh there’s even more leaves on this level look at this look at this so many All-time classic prank was shaving people’s heads while they sleep do people actually do that POV you fell asleep first at the sleepover and you just hear this sound oh God don’t get too wild they don’t even worse I have seen those memes and I do like surgery videos it’s like surgery animations And then they’re like POV you fell asleep first with the at the sleepover removes part of your brain gets pranked I don’t want to cut leaves anymore is it because I’m doing it so willy-nilly I’m not being methodical about it if I was methodical about it maybe it would be satisfying

But I’m just hacking away as if with a chainsaw I mean I figure I’ll go pick up the the remaining leaves eventually Most of them are too high to reach chainsaw means I am caught up with chainsaw man now I don’t remember if I talked about it I caught up with the manga I thought that the chapter that just came out was really good very interesting the plot is moving foreign But I don’t trust it I don’t trust it I mean there has already been some Um some sad things but overall it’s like I don’t know I don’t trust I don’t trust it Anything could happen at any moment yeah best not to get attached to anything right I Um but in the end isn’t isn’t destruction what do we what do We crave with chainsaw man isn’t that what makes it so good at least in part the the gut-wrenching It wouldn’t be the same without it ah pain but good pain it’s true You craved the funny character Dynamics I think I said that like when I was reading it I would dread every time they start like gearing up for plot because I just wanted to be like a slice of life oh oh her armor is so full somehow but then I like don’t actually watch

Slice of Life well sometimes I do but sometimes I’m like oh Slice of Life where’s the action where’s the drama and then we get drama and I’m like please no please just let them be happy please I finished season two of spy family as well that’s a slice of life thank goodness thank goodness although there’s like some serious stuff happening in that show too but it’s just sort of played off For the most part but it’s very good it’s really cute okay got this look at look at this look what I’ve done it’s a tree it’s a big old tree Season two is a man I disagree bond in it how can you say that when it has Bond s you should have had more bond to be fair it should have had more there was a serious lack of oh of bond okay I’ve made a lot I may have made too much

It’s fine okay Huh You love the tennis tournament yeah but what’s her name she makes she makes me nervous she’s threatening the family Dynamic so I don’t I won’t say anymore I don’t want to spoil it you should watch Spy fan or read it I haven’t read it but I heard it’s good

She’s great she is great but but you’re okay Um should I shave first Shaving stream haircut stream I am not on a platform that’s fine I should sleep today is their passing too quickly Wait really been two hours already wait wait why is time passing so quickly is it because I’m obsessed with Minecraft right now Fruit flies like a banana time flies like an arrow I said it backwards it does now in the same effect when I say it backwards oh this tree will be the death of me one way or another I think the next anime I’m going to watch is Mob psycho season three because I haven’t watched it still I heard it’s very good

And I love mob but I feel like I need to rewatch the first two seasons first so I can remember everything because it’s been a while and I’ve kind of kind of bad memory when it comes to Media I’m kind of embarrassed about it I often forget everything about shows

Like once I’m done watching them you’re the same yeah you have to watch re-watch every season of a show before you re-watch yeah I should do that sometimes I’m too lazy and I’m just confused for a while and then I eventually figure it out yeah like normally I just remember like my feelings

For a show like rather like I remember how it made me feel rather than what actually happened especially like the fine details or like character names I think I already forgot all the character names from like made in Abyss season two if I am especially bad with names I remember what happened though

Mostly that was certainly memorable I want to watch that again man I had to get a High Dive subscription to watch that that’s what it’s called right I just canceled the subscription and now I’m like I want to watch it again foreign Oh no too many oh too many streaming services it can only handle so many monthly subscriptions I already have Crunchyroll to be honest I have fun animation too I wish I didn’t I wish I didn’t but um you’re right I need to cancel it but like every every once in a while

There’s like anime but then I should just I could just get the subscription back if I really want to I should cancel foreign monthly subscriptions do I have a YouTube premium I do um well it is provided for us on our on this YouTube I also have it for my private YouTube

It’s unnecessary is it though I don’t know I I really dislike watching ads I mean I know everybody does I really dislike it ouch I mean even on like mobile too you know um Hmm yeah for ASMR I bet it’s useful but I don’t put minerals mineral ants in my ASMR Oh gosh oh gosh My brain is is just it’s just leaves Chopped Leaf chop leaf how many steps do I have probably not enough for the third layer yet but I might start the third layer Twitch is unwatchable because vads there are a lot of ads on Twitch but one thing I do like about twitch is that if you subscribe to a channel you don’t see ads on that channel I wish that YouTube was also like that like if you remember then you won’t see ads Or if you can turn it off Oh for members ouch Okay I might make the third layer but my question for the third layer is do we go out again or do we make it the same As the second layer Go in hold on oh no I don’t want to be in here I don’t want to be in here I don’t want to ruin the farm I don’t want to be in here let me out okay it looks like a mess right now it looks like a mess Yeah it doesn’t look like it got that much skinnier but Um it goes up one more it’ll probably be about that tall I don’t know if I’ll make it three might be tall enough could do four but render distance is also a concern and also get a bit taller with the branches foreign the lighting is so pretty this area is

So pretty in general right next to spawn it’s really I I have to make this look good because it’s so visible to everyone Huh so do we go in or out not out I think in or same if I go in it will take less trees look how the Sun sinks into the void um I might go in and then the branches will go out a lot Maybe maybe that’s the plan foreign Should I fill it in or should I build the next door I’m so indecisive it might look nice if I fill it in oh but then I was thinking not to fill it in because I want to texture it eventually fill in his texturing will be easier once it’s done anyway oh

Get around these leaves ouch how’s my armor flawless really that’s so surprising after everything I’ve put it through Um I should just make scaffolding no I should make a dirt Bridge cheaper than scaffolding nothing wrong with the little dirt Bridge in my opinion okay Boop no the leaves so many leaves scaffolding will be easier to clean that is true but we’re going to have a lot of cleanup to

Do anyway I feel like a little extra dirt is not going to make a difference at all pretty much like look what I’ve even done to the inside Um This is a big project though the biggest I’ve ever considered oh I’m just imagining how I imagine close your eyes and imagine how beautiful it will be oh wait don’t close your eyes and jump off the edge that’s not good Just imagine one day oh skeleton is way too dark the shadow that it casts is going to bring a plague of mobs to the land oh Ouch I am going to steal your bones and use them to grow trees I wonder if one could grow here foreign Close Let’s find out Okay I think it’s not gonna go oh wait maybe it’s just dirt though oh I’ll just share this place and manually Maybe fauna continues to be indecisive with everything What season are we on right now in anime is it like winter spring still winter is it almost done I know everyone’s talking about Attack on Titan please don’t spoil it for me I’m gonna watch it in 10 years when it’s finished I was keeping up with Attack on Titan

Like three seasons ago when I thought it was gonna be the final season and then it wasn’t is there anything else good that’s currently airing Oh why did I get rid of all of my hoes Finland Saga I’ve heard I’ve heard of that I haven’t heard much about it I think I heard that I think I’m getting confused with the promise Neverland even though they’re probably nothing alike at all somehow they occupy the same place in my brain anime that I have heard of but not watched

They’re very different well I heard that promise Neverland has like a really good first season and then a really bad second season but then does it like start redeeming itself or something Oops No oh ouch So I have no idea what this is gonna look like from the outside you know Because I don’t want it to be Super uniform I guess I worry about that later Maybe like right here this is like a lot of same pattern in a row it’s just sculpting right now we’re just getting the basic form down right that’s all ouch thank you Maybe can I grow trees here like this not like this like this Too small not enough space is it Construction is dangerous I’m not wearing my PPE my hard hat actually I am I literally am oh finally look it’s finally breaking all right if you don’t want to grow here that’s fine that’s fine I won’t force you to do what you don’t want to do

Let’s play strong but I’m Gonna Leave It That’s What I Call texture just trust it foreign this part is satisfying right placing it like this oh 10 streams later I fixed it 10 streams later I go what the heck who would place this block like this did I do this no way

I can get rid of this dirt too Should get rid of it even must get rid of it no dirt in my tree Okay let’s go to sleep oh yeah I could strip the bark too that’s dangerous I will start and then I’ll never be able to stop and then you cannot unstrip it that’s why I was working over here Um it’s like how you can always when you’re cutting hair you can always take off more but you can’t add anything back Laughs why does it always come down to this see why is this wall so flat I’m gonna just add some texture this is what I call texture you may call it a mistake I call it texture It’s natural Very natural oh I almost fell okay we have to Make it look nice Does this look how you make it look nice I’m not sure To something okay sure I’m calling it texture Ow ow it will end perfectly well some things about making a build this big I feel like is Maybe The Details Matter a little bit less that makes sense Because you cannot see it because it’s just a little tiny piece of a giant giant tree Or so if you’re just making a small house then every single block that you place is very important because it will have a huge impact on the overall appearance But if it’s just just one block in my giant tree No One’s Gonna notice Is this bothering you I wonder if it will bother me eventually It might be good That isn’t really what I wanted you might add visual interest a bit you just have to see it from afar then you will understand I think Maybe so I feel like this already looks kind of good you just have to imagine there will be texturing the rest too okay that is all

Of the spruce that I mined which is a little bit worrying Mew ouch oh I wanted to be cool and not use a rocket I think it’s gonna be fine oh my God Among Us Um I think it’s okay it’s gonna need like a lot more of everything um or we could just keep building simple cute things like this no no no we must we must build to the sun look at that wow wow this is cute though and then this

Oh gosh this is this is a lot of responsibility right here I have to oh no Rockets up pretty much I have to make this giant thing look pretty somehow Okay should we do the third layer now that I ran out of spruce wait what the heck it’s a traitor why are you here why why do they keep spawning up here oh All right let’s go Can I land on a high one no I wish I had just a little more Bruce but it’s fine this is fine Okay I’m gonna do this layer and oh my gosh ah We will go a little bit in Maybe This much yeah we could build lower to minimize the Gap but I think it’s fine think it’s fine people want me to do four tall anyway I wish I might not do so it’s fine Like this circle is getting smaller One two three four counting stream now oh one two three four one two three four five six seven eight nine ten that’s good that’s good have I ever counted to one thousand is that a challenge One two three four five six seven eight nine no nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 29 30 31 32 33 34 536 37 30 39 44. four one four two four three four four five four six four seven five

I’m already tired of counting it didn’t even make it to 100. this is why I say the counting is not an effective Sleep Method for me maybe that’s the point though maybe you’re supposed to get bored and one to stop whoosh ouch I’m up here now this is never a bad time

For some hair cutting hair cutting is a March That one is always highly requested I should do another like hair washing I could do cutting too but um if I cut my the One Wing that I used for ASMR by wreck it that would be kind of bad right So I just wanted to make sure to do a good job I guess Maybe it’s because hair cutting is like one of those things that oh Kyla hello no I say Corona Cute I wonder what she’s up to I know she was streaming wasn’t she streaming for like 17 hours maybe that was yesterday oh no I can’t fly I can’t fly nine hours today that’s for her that’s like that’s just any other day that’s the light day of streams Yeah I didn’t see what else she was up to in Minecraft besides the Guardian Farm I didn’t catch up see what she’s up to that I ever obsessed over European mythology or not I mean I feel like everyone had like a Greek mythology phase right I think I was talking about

Percy Jackson the other day I didn’t really have that face like you know I wouldn’t say more than others compared to others my face was perhaps not as intense even um look I don’t know mythology is fun to read about I like how I like seeing the overlap too

How different mythologies will have like the same gods just buy a different name basically and other differences too maybe foreign angels I do I like oh Fannin perhaps unsurprisingly if you watch the Halloween Videos oh no just that do you have like flaming Wheels with so many eyes pretty great it’s like I don’t know when I first watched uh Ava Evangelion I did sort of Wonder like why are they why are they called Angels they’re not very Angelic at all but they kind of are

Who’s your favorite Ava angel I mean everyone says Romeo and best girl Satya one of them The cube Um I don’t know if I have a favorite this I need to like oh I need to re-watch Ava again if I want to have a favorite ouch cause I forgot all over the angels except for one I guess Pink’s feather falling three right we felt almost full height of this and lived yeah the hacker one I think that one might have been my favorite oh my gosh no please not again not again please please that might have been my favorite because of the feeling of despair and helplessness I feel like that was like Peak despair but maybe raw meal was Peak to spare I don’t know why is my tree looking so Square over here Of course I like the despair that’s why my favorite Breaking Bad episode is crawl space because I felt like that was Peak despair well it actually wasn’t really that was just like Peak fear I think spare is definitely more Ozymandias but that was like when everything I don’t know like you don’t feel

Safe anymore oh I messed up what have I done It’s like life as you know it is changed texture I messed up my whole platform oh it’s fine fine whatever I don’t even care that I messed up my whole platform fine I’ll just continue on like this Does the Lighting Rod need to be higher in the build I know that’s how it works in real life but is that how it works in Minecraft I don’t know if that’s how it works Yes I think it can be lower than things Needs to be in the top Block in its own column that might be relevance relevant if we End up um building The canopy on top of it those are the words that I am trying to get out Oh Are you guys gonna be mad if I try to grow you here nope don’t mind at all Four hours it’s not true just three hours not four can’t fool me I think we are out of saplings already coming more Square my tree I want to look at it from afar again it’s kind of satisfying to see it from afar is it maybe it’s not look at it hmm foreign

It doesn’t look like anything maybe it’s because it’s raining we’re working on it working on it all right demon Castle it does look like a demon Castle like a nature demon would live here maybe that is what I am Maybe I don’t know if Kyla oh she’s sleeping oh good night half devil

You’re thinking of a certain Nephilim oh I made a lot again um but I won a lot okay a rainbow now we shave again we build we shave we collect we build we shave repeat eventually we’ll have a tree Maybe well you could say we have a lot of trees already

Oh don’t fall many trees become one okay let’s do this in a way that makes sense Start from the top and work your way down foreign that makes a lot more sense behind the leaves isn’t my the whole thing going to catch on fire I cannot let you guys convince me to use fire near this thing at all there’s no way

The whole thing is gonna go up in flames it will be horrible but maybe maybe you have something there what if we did though cause maybe the leaves would burn faster than the logs and then we could put the fire up before the logs all burn away yeah that could work

You might be onto something there foreign do it ah I want to so that you don’t think I’m bluffing but But I am bluffing I mean we haven’t put that much time into this all things considered like I spend a lot more hours on the rain Farm but I guess if like I can never make it pretty if I completely fail to make it pretty I could always just burn the whole thing

Down Worst case scenario at least oh No no no I we’ll keep working on this thing until it’s beautiful however long that takes not today though just in general in my life as long as I can exist here as a Kieran I will keep working on it until it is beautiful that’s the plan anyway I’m committed to this tree

I’m gonna buy a ring for this tree Show how serious I am no I could just shave these trees too they’re all gonna need to be shaved eventually so you know if you fall just like pick a train and just go to town It’s not single this is my wife you’re talking about wait have I gotten too crazy if I’m talking about marrying a tree Maybe this is too much Clarence are you there are you altering my mind sounds kind of nice I mean there’s some nice trees out there it could be good marriage candidates yeah The Giving Tree anybody anybody agree with me Professor Oak yeah Could be marriage material for sure Um do we have other trees Professor Juniper yeah pretty much all the Pokemon professors actually they’re like all named after trees a big tree from The Last Unicorn I don’t remember that but I loved the Last Unicorn I want to watch that again I love how the unicorns and that look so weird like in my opinion a unicorn should not just be a horse with a horn stuck onto its head a unicorn should be a somewhat strange mythological creature and it should not just look like a horse And I like in The Last Unicorn they don’t just look like horses they look like weird horses Which for me that’s like that’s perfect that’s a unicorn a weird horse yeah almost like a Kieran I mean kieran’s have similarities with unicorns too And Dragons You know My Little Pony I shouldn’t talk about My Little Pony I did watch My Little Pony friendship is Magic back in the day cute show you know there’s nothing wrong with it I also played with My Little Ponies as a child collecting them but those ones

Okay okay this is maybe the biggest confession that I could give for you I even watched the new My Little Pony movie well it’s not bad new anymore did it come out like a year or two ago it was cute horse girl it was a cute movie and the animation was really nice

It was pretty good see you watched it too it was the one where there’s like a war like the Pegasuses I don’t think that’s the plural the pegasi and the unicorns and the ponies all hate each other horrible world to live in so we have to reunite them all happened in that movie

Weren’t they like didn’t they like Gaslight the unicorns into thinking they had no powers or something or was it the pony do the ponies have powers of power I don’t know there were some Shenanigans going on for sure yeah well only the unit s do have magic

Right that’s kind of unfair though isn’t it and then the pegasi can fly but what about the ponies what can they do what’s their their specialty they can Farm we wouldn’t get a farm poor ponies wait was Kyle sleeping wait how long was Kyla sleeping I was just talking about ponies

They’re just there are they strong maybe they’re strong plants and animals well yeah can they talk to animals or something wait but they’re all ponies they’re all ponies though they’re all animals so can they all talk to animals Earth ponies excel in physical capabilities including strength and balance that’s just Fluttershy

I like Fluttershy Rarity was my favorite when I watched it but I feel like Fluttershy would be my favorite now I don’t know maybe Princess Twilight it’s their name is that is that loud what’s her name Twilight Sparkle that’s right that’s such a good name Twilight reference it can’t be Princess Twilight because

There’s already Twilight Princess Yeah I think I can do a Fluttershy impression what does she say she gets mad sometimes oh I’m so angry right now every pony is making me upset I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry even I was cringing a little bit when I said every pony

We cannot be doing My Little Pony Impressions on the Stream we have to draw the line somewhere ugh I have a pony Sona I probably had one when I was like eight years old are you gonna judge me for that for having a pony sauna when I was eight Yes are there um unicorn pegasi like they are both because that seems like really overpowered oh Oh oh oh oh oh they’re called alicorns oh they’re the royalty wait is Twilight Sparkle one is she even a princess Or is she just a unicorn she becomes one what you can become one she like Sprouts wings you guys know your Pony lore I should know it Reminds me of a Sailor Moon right like Princess Serenity I like Spike too he’s there’s like dragons oh yeah because there’s the wait no maybe he’s not a dragon what is Discord Not the voice program but the the villain a a what he’s a chimera a dragon Drag Dragon Quest He was cool and then he had that song by The Living Tombstone which is in my head all the time and it will never leave no matter how many years pass it will always take up valuable space there is long slabs it kinda does though it kind of does

Something something taking back the throne Oh then they have their Five Nights at Freddy’s songs too The Man Behind the slaughter I’m sorry I’m sorry for the creams that I have brought upon you probably come to my stream no you definitely don’t actually if you come to my stream and expect it to be like a a cringe-free environment

I’m sorry I don’t know if it’s ever been that way I don’t know there’s actually a lot of good cartoons that are made for kids but can be enjoyed by anyone Like my favorite Over the Garden Wall I really love Over the Garden Wall I think it is a masterpiece okay back to work oh and Ruby oh my God Max and Ruby Ruby and Max Bob the Builder I don’t know I don’t know if these are oh ouch are usually what people think of when they think of shows for children that can be enjoyed by anyone yeah I like I like Gravity Falls too Gravity Falls is good Um I feel like there’s another one Adventure Time I never watched Adventure Time I have heard people like it I should I should I like I like Marceline and Princess Bubblegum they’re cute I haven’t I’ve watched like a little bit of Steven Universe I like the music though oh like that one song which one is it You don’t know just by me saying that that’s not enough information not stronger than you I like the one this Pearl is training that girl I forgot her name is she singing do it for her yeah that one I like that song Yeah there are a lot of good old cartoons oh wait this bad it’s bad I need a platform for me to stand on a lot of good old cartoons too I saw someone mentioned ChalkZone I love that one I used to draw in my notebook and like imagine and then erase it and

Imagine that it’s going to my own chalk Zone my own personal chalk Zone I wanted it to be real so bad I love Foster’s home for imaginary friends too That one is so good And Teen Titans of course my it’s becoming very Square this tree I’m a bit worried And the Sun is setting again another day oh I’m out of dirt you just a lot of dirt more than you think foreign I watched um avatar The Last Airbender I watched it kind of recently like within the last few years because I would watch it when it came on TV but I like didn’t know how to use the internet or like watch it when I wanted

As a kid so I like had no idea what the plot was I would just like wash it when it came on random episodes But I did finally watch it all the way through who’s my favorite there’s only one correct answer here you know that it is Uncle Ira that’s the only correct answer Zuko I mean are you just saying that because I like Sasuke it does get like the best character development probably of everyone He’s so good he is he is yeah Zuko is good I like Toff too yeah she’s she was always my favorite as a kid I’m gonna run out of potatoes Arcane please say yes you don’t want me to say yes you don’t want to hear my thoughts on Arcane I don’t know I kind of thought Arcane was a little overrated I don’t think it’s bad by any means maybe my expectations were just too high yeah because everyone’s like OMG it’s like

The best show ever foreign I think it also has a lot of potential too like they’re making another season right for me it kind of just felt like they didn’t go like they didn’t go ham enough in that show like they’re presenting it to be like this you know kind of edgy adult

Kind of thing but then I don’t think they I don’t think they they go hard enough I think they need to make it darker salted donut player it’s true it’s true I think maybe it’s because they can’t kill the characters because it’s like they’re in a game

I just like I felt like the the Vibe of Arcane was like very gritty and dark you know but then the actual substance was not that dark like it should have been it should have been darker for the tone just respond LOL but yeah that’s just my opinion you

Don’t have to agree in fact you probably shouldn’t agree ouch I got his shirt but I’ll probably watch the next season I mean it was not a bad show it was a good show just for me I think it just it just was overhyped for me

It didn’t live up to the hype that I had heard about it but that’s not its fault that’s like the fault of the the hype machine favorite character don’t know if I have one arcade um I didn’t like a lot of the characters actually I found a lot of them annoying

Maybe that’s also part of the problem bye yeah yeah bye You like Victor poor Victor yeah well that one dude was really kind of annoying the main dude I don’t remember his name Jace yeah he was kind of annoying to me that’s the point is it the point to even game it can and he’s much worse really okay

Maybe it is the point but he’s like the main character or one of them you have to like put up with him a lot boy though I’m shy I’m sorry I find your boy annoying He should be worse in season two see that actually that would be really interesting if that’s what they’re going for I think that’s a good idea yeah but you’re getting danger everyone unsubscribes I’m sorry I’m sorry again it wasn’t a bad show oh who annoyed me the least um

I don’t know it’s been a while since I watched it I don’t remember that that much I liked the villain dude did I like him I think yeah yeah I thought he was cool villain yeah silco yeah I don’t know yeah bye it’s fine Caitlyn was also annoying me I think she’s is she also supposed to be annoying I don’t know but I think Kaelyn is like coming around

You know she’s she’s changing Sure yeah she’s just like spoiled you know I feel like she’ll change though she can change foreign season two when is season two happening is it happening I’ll go look from afar as one person said to look at it from afar It looks like a default generated structure in Minecraft this is like the highest burn that I can give to myself do you know what I mean like a default Minecraft Structure because those do not look good I’m sorry I’m sorry some of them are okay the newer ones are okay I think I need to shave it and then the branches will go so ominous it looks so ominous it looks so scary I’ll Trust the process I’ll Trust the process yeah you’re right I need to get food I’ll go to my house perfect for the nature devil

I’ll be so strong if I can be the nature devil um I like thinking of devils I’m intrigued by the latest chapter I won’t spoil anything but I it’s intriguing I need my fortune ho Give me the bread thank you oh don’t do that don’t do that Uh need a safe space to talk about chainsaw man spoilers though you know I won’t I won’t because everyone loves the anime there’s a lot of anime Watchers I think oh I need to make a composter And I respect the anime Watchers I respect it because I too understand like I think that I feel um more strongly not on the server I just realized that’s why we can sleep through the night probably instantly she’s probably on like the one of the other servers

Oh or the nether you’re right you’re right I wasn’t in there yeah Cause I do think like anime hits harder sometimes because you get like the emotional music and stuff Look at this what is this what is this sorry sorry I’m trusting the process it looks very dark was Bruce a mistake I don’t know I mean we can texture it and make it lighter but Uh throw these in here yeah we’ll put hanging stuff too it’ll be okay we’re still very early in the build process you’re starting to not trust the Press it’s only the second stream have some faith We’re gonna be doing this for like six months did I say glowstone fruit glowstone and glow berries and I think the glowing lichen will look really good you can put that on a tree right I hope all right time to shave I mean we got the three layers done three is enough I I think it is enough I think we can um make it taller with branches because the branches will need to be yeah I’m kind of afraid to do the branches so I guess now we shave it and then fill

It all in so I might need to chop down some more trees do some more tree farming the old-fashioned way oops foreign seeds I don’t need those by the way Tower my tree this is like the exact opposite vibe that we’re going for don’t worry don’t worry it will be good have some Faith trust the process I know even I was doubting it maybe still am but it’s gonna be okay I’m the only daughter I see some there’s

At least one other person who doubts it here Shape faster than I thought do you think Kyle is typing should I say something to tell her that I’m listening help me help me social with social interaction yeah I need to say um oh I think she might be watching if you’re watching high five You are my inspiration don’t forget to put a lightning rod thank you have a few but I probably need to move them no tea What’s appropriate what’s an appropriate laugh She might be just watching and it doesn’t even matter if I type a tiki or not watching this in real time um The sea face doesn’t look that cute oh wait hold on you can’t see it can I have a cute face I want to ask her what she’s up to she’s not streaming is she what are you working on Let’s find out not streaming maybe it’s a secret then wake up and grind Yeah I think this is more satisfying if you Get rid of the leaves methodically kidnapping Good luck with the kidnapping It’s true I am also very familiar with kidnapping villagers there are many reasons why you would want to kidnap them many farms of course I’m sure you’ll make sure they’ll always have a job a secure job Never have to worry about unemployment foreign Wishing I was fishing they’ll never again have to wish to be fishing can I messed up somehow how did I get down here I don’t know I messed up I messed up I’ll just do this section and then go oh careful oh yeah I have no idea what I’m gonna do

For the inside of this thing it’s really huge you guys made me feel like it was small but like now that I’m like looking at the inside and like how how am I gonna fill the inside up I need to fill it with like like what even with everything It’s gonna be like a house on the inside oh but I wanted to make a castle too okay I’m not gonna worry about the castle part yet for now I just worry about the tree And then I will worry about the castle once the tree is done maybe a good place to design elevators that’s true yeah to get to the top should it just be a water elevator though probably maybe a dungeon Well I’ll make it functional on the inside you know like you can have like bunch of storage enchanting and stuff oh happened we villagers inside I don’t know if I want villagers to live inside my my giant tree I don’t know I don’t know if I would have shared with them

You know do you it’s like having strangers living in your house would you want to I guess I would be convenient they can be like my my butlers okay maybe I’m convinced yeah maybe it would be nice to have like trading villagers inside the tree

That way I never have to leave my tree I can just build I could build a raid Farm inside the tree foreign but what if my house is so big that see what if my house is the castle and then they live in the trunk of the tree

They live in the face maybe it’s weird to have a bunch of people living in your basement I don’t know I mean I have a bunch of saplings and that’s not weird yeah maybe I’m used to it Sounds like kidnapping well what if it’s benevolent kidnapping villagers most villagers don’t get to live anywhere cool they have to live in the default Minecraft Structure I have accidentally isolated myself once more Maybe they’re happy like that you’re saying they could enjoy their simple lives just living with their families working normally socializing you’re saying that they’re happy like that They don’t want to come live in a giant tree trunk and live in a little tiny cell and and trade me for emeralds all day Nonsense they will be so happy here Treehouse must have Wi-Fi is there wi-fi in Minecraft you can build a computer in Minecraft right why didn’t someone make I don’t know maybe I have no idea what I’m talking about you can make a redstone computer can you make a redstone computer they

Can access the internet In order pizza with it wait Did someone do that yes you have to remake the whole internet from scratch I barely even know what the internet is on a good day it’s just a bunch of tubes or something getting attacked by sharks at the bottom of the ocean I don’t know oh Can someone explain the internet to me like I’m a five-year-old in terms of that a five-year-old will understand how does the internet even work No series of tubes how how does that make the internet and why did the internet used to be linked with your phone service explain a bunch of devices connected by wires but my laptop has no wires explain wait maybe that’s asking too much maybe now I’m asking you to explain Wi-Fi to me

Invisible wires air wires hidden wire I’m more confused than ever magnets I’ve heard I’ve heard of an electromagnetic field before I’ve heard of such a concept How does wireless charging work there’s not contactless charging yet right we haven’t gotten there yet right halfway do you you still have to have contact right Magic It exists there is Oh by induction like a stove I have nature I don’t understand technology I’ve heard of a stove before I’m familiar with this concept yes like a stove I’ve never used an induction stove before you need my special pans doesn’t it just like vibrate the molecules really fast That’s just regular Heating That’s just my food okay so I understand the concept of energy we can start from there um Take me back to my cave For making progress internet equals energy that makes sense to me right you need energy to access the internet you need power except for your phone well I mean your phone needs some some power your Wi-Fi will go down if the power goes down but you can still have cell service laughs

You need a vessel a vessel the whom tries to internet actually though how does the internet work I’ve learned I’ve learned nothing I just take it for granted it’s just bare Some tubes that doesn’t mean anything what does it mean what is a series of tubes mean what do the tubes do oh a big truck what do you mean a truck I don’t know how to drive a truck Light traveling in a glass tube does the internet travel at the speed of light my internet is not that fast that’s fiber well It’s not a big truck maybe fire fiber makes more sense maybe fire makes more sense fiber optic cables are just light you know that makes a lot of sense I need to watch a video about this fiber or copper limes you can send a signal through a wire this I understand is signal

But how how do you decode the signal what kind of how is the information stored Magic in packets is it really just binary the pulsing oh the moon is out the internet is working not by anything I’ve ever done for it So I need to learn this so then if if civilization ever collapses then I can reinvent the internet no I shouldn’t do that I’ll just accept nature you can just return to Nature we can play Minecraft in real life there’s so much that you can craft here wait let me do this

I just won’t die it’ll be fine how much technology do you think you could recreate if Society collapsed and you were it was just you I think I could recreate probably nothing pretty much nothing fire I feel like it’s actually pretty hard to start a fire

Like just from nothing if you don’t have the right tools like if you just have like a rock but yeah we could probably get it eventually I think the average person could figure it out eventually or oh like if you travel back in time do you think you could like I’ve thought

About this have you thought about this like you traveled back in time and let’s say they don’t just immediately kill you from being a witch a time travel um you can ask to meet with like the smartest people and then you can you can remember about anything you can tell them yeah so

Like the internet is a series of tubes and it’s it’s like uses electrical signals like zeros and ones like an on off switch basically and you like decode it and and then maybe like the smartest person of the time can be like oh I understand well it depends yeah maybe you have to

Start with electricity you know maybe you can be like um see there’s electrons and they move yes I mean I feel like even if you can remember like the basic structure of an atom that could help people out a lot right foreign I think any model will be fine even if

You give them the Bohr model that’s like a good start right if they haven’t discovered that yet what would this dude Society no it’s weird though do you ever think about like what if there was just someone who had a huge breakthrough there was like more than their society could have like ever

Expected from them you know oh That’s the floor that’s the floor oh yeah we probably have had those throughout history you know I wonder well I also think like well you guys know I like string theory but a lot of physicists do not like it because they think it’s kind of just like

It’s like too too trendy you know well that’s not why they just like it they’re valid reasons but it’s like maybe it’s lacking in experimental evidence for sure um but it’s kind of because like our knowledge of math has exceeded our current experimental capabilities so we’re at the limit because we cannot

We cannot build like a particle accelerator that’s good enough or big enough to find the supposed existing particles that would prove String Theory correct oh or would I’m probably not prove a credit but be you know good evidence for it so it’s like that you know like right

Now our math is like really good because we can just like sit down all day not we as in me we as in smart people who are not me smart people can just sit around all day and like compute do advanced advanced mathematics with each other

But like we’re at a limit of our physical technological capabilities until we get some crazy breakthroughs what am I doing oh no back in the day I’m sure it was like that too like think of all the like classic astronomers they probably knew so much out and we’re probably so limited

By the technology they had access to like their telescopes back in the day people were arguing the math is subjective people argue about a lot of stuff I wonder if you ever wonder like what things today that are we assume to be like obvious common knowledge

One day we’ll be like how could they be so dumb to believe that how could they oh yeah probably a lot of stuff probably String Theory yeah I don’t know I like string theory because it is a nice unifying Theory Theory of Everything I believe that there must be some unifying Theory

But I do think maybe that we just like don’t understand yet like we’re trying to recreate it with math oh this guy fell from the sky Like we’re trying to recreate it with math but maybe we’re missing a key component that would totally recontextualize everything I don’t know I’m trying to think of like an example it’s like if you’re like looking at a cat under a microscope like you imagine you’re looking at a cat but you can only look at it under a microscope and you like see a little tiny you see

Like a fur you see like a hair so you’re like oh okay it has hair and then you see like you look at the eye and it’s wet and you’re like oh okay it’s like it’s a wet creature a hairy wedge creature and you like start writing down all this

Stuff about the cats and eventually you get an idea of what it is and you’re like trying to recreate a cat but you can only view it through a microscope and maybe the thing you come up with resembles a cat but maybe it doesn’t resemble a cat at all

Even though the features match what you have observed I feel like it might be like that Like we’re just trying to put things together from what we observe but we’re missing the big picture and what we’re putting together may or may not be accurate Does that make sense They’re kind of hairy and wet So I don’t know maybe one day we’ll have a breakthrough that allows us to like zoom out and look at the cat from not a microscopic proofs perspective you know but right now we only have a microscope that’s the only way we can observe the cat so we’re stuck

And maybe maybe maybe if we keep observing it long enough we’ll get pretty close but we might be led astray or we just need a smaller cat that’s true that’s another way of of thinking of it can we pet the cat I don’t know that’s the thought isn’t it

Can you pet the cat oh These random leaves are going to be really difficult break Is it alive yeah would you be able to tell well you could tell that the cells are alive would you be able to figure figure out then it’s a one one creature and not just like a bunch of cells together Now we have saplings what does alive even mean this is also something that I think of because the way that we this is like the same thing actually the way that we Define what it means to be alive is just based on the life that we have observed in our universe

Oh but who’s to say that there can’t be life that’s vastly different from what we’ve observed Like we’re making the rules based on what we’ve seen but what if our experience is just too limited to fully understand the meaning of life what if they’re are aliens they live in our universe but their senses are completely different from ours like what if instead of you know seeing things and hearing

Things what if they don’t do that at all because we know there are other senses like what if they like detect electromagnetic fields and they live their whole existence overlapped with us but we don’t know because none of our senses are are in common and we cannot experience each other’s realities

I don’t know I feel like we would be able to detect them somehow but I don’t know I don’t know what unless there are aspects of our universe that we don’t know about and we can’t detect at all electromagnetic equals light but there’s like um electromagnetic frequencies other ones you can get there’s like this body

Modification that people get where they get a rare earth medal implanted into their finger so that they can detect EMF have you heard about that I kind of wanted one but it’s like I don’t know that’s kind of that’s maybe not something a sane person does

Okay cool but why I don’t know isn’t it cool so that you can you can detect well actually if you’re like an electrician maybe it is useful for what purpose because it’s cool I don’t know I think for me it’s like the idea that I could have a whole other sense you know

Ouch it’s like if there was a surgery that allowed you to see more colors would you get it I don’t know if I would actually because I don’t want to have surgery for no reason but if everyone started getting it then maybe maybe don’t want to be left out you know

Give me the mantis shrimp Vision right because we know there are animals that have vastly different sensory experiences from us oh I shouldn’t be here um I’m chopping like a crazy person again it’s gonna make it hard to ever get rid of all of these leaves worm vision how do worms see Blindly do you need to have an eye to see how do we Define c oh it’s starting to look kind of interesting hold on If a ship could Sail on it Okay maybe it’s I don’t know it looks kind of interesting It doesn’t look like a tree it really needs the branches Oh no that’s not what we’re making we are making the world tree of life beautiful natural tree I will make it beautiful somehow foreign mode right now just rambling and destroying leaves without thinking You guys probably know about like the I freaking know what it’s calling again but it’s like the equation that’s supposed to determine like the likelihood of intelligent life in the universe oh I’m just waiting for for them to see if they find like evidence of life in the solar

System besides Earth like on Mars there’s also I think some moons of planets that have water liquid water and we’ll probably get to see like people go to Mars within our lifetimes I mean of course I will but you probably will too because if they find More life in the universe than is pretty much guaranteed that there is Abundant Life throughout the Universe maybe even like Advanced life Advanced multicellular organisms somewhere But we could be alone too the great filter what is it again I feel like it’s gonna be like a Gotham foreign Extinction events do I have to Google this Mass extinction that prevents more intelligent life This is a prime Wikipedia material Does that mean that basically intelligent life on Earth is like a fluke or like very unlikely it does sort of seem like that we don’t know yeah that’s true foreign are producing we’re just like sending so many signals out into space like all kinds of waves but we’re not hearing anything back so

It’s like if there is intelligent life they have not developed the same Technologies or they’re too far away and the signals haven’t reached us or can’t reach us something like that they’re ghosting ghosts where they’re super super Advanced and they figured out how to block signals from exiting their solar system or whatever

Yeah they might just be really far away or they might not exist at all they use airplane mode is it true that airplane mode doesn’t do anything and it’s not important because I always turn mine onto airplane mode but I know some Rebels who refuse to who will never

Not needed anymore why do they make you is it just like so they can exercise power over you to see if you’ll do what they say unconditionally without question yes it’s a combination is it because people are paranoid and they think the plane will crash if they don’t Is it is it wait this is the real conspiracy let me say it preferences by saying this is not base in fact and is it just a thought experiment what if what if you know if you’re like at a concert or whatever and there’s a ton of people using their devices all at

Once and it like makes the cellular data really slow what if they make you turn your device onto airplane mode so that the the internet is faster for the people who pay for it the plane Wi-Fi I don’t know if it’s really a conspiracy I feel like they would want I mean it’s

Not like you have cell service in the air anyway you only have or I guess maybe so like I don’t know people using the free Wi-Fi it’s buffers so much you tell a fight to big plane It’s so bad I never have I ever bought plain Wi-Fi I’ve never done it I feel like once I start I may never stop so so I don’t allow myself to cross that that barrier no internet for me Just gotta play some switch games or read a book or watch your YouTube videos and downloading because I have YouTube premium which I do pay for it costs more than the plain Wi-Fi thank you music all the way yeah if it’s a short flight I might just listen to music

But I need like I listen to music like in the car and I’ll stare at the out the window wistfully But if it’s the plane then I do I would want a window seat if I’m gonna listen to music so I can stare wistfully out the window although sometimes there’s not much to see just clouds Ouch I’ve seen clouds from both sides now it is fun to see clouds from the plane pretty do you guys like the window seat or the aisle seat oh I do like the Window Seat but I feel like the aisle seat is better And if it’s a long flight like when I went to Japan I wanted an aisle seat because I knew I was gonna have to go to idle meeting and I I fear the social anxiety of if you’re sitting next to someone and they fall asleep

But you have to go to an idol meeting and you don’t know what to do because there’s sleep next to you blocking the way you just wake them up yeah that’s probably the normal thing to do not just like sit there and suffer and say I should have booked an aisle seats

Oh I don’t know why I did that I don’t know what I expected you prefer the coffee it’s so comfy Not sure about that one maybe you’re the pilot I hope you’re in the pilot or you’re you’re agent 47. Business class don’t know I feel like the upgrades are so expensive on planes is it even worth it it’s like so expensive I feel like it’s only worth that if you can get it for cheaper if you have a credit card or something I did fly first class once because I was

I waited too long to book my plane tickets and all the seats were full and this was like I this was when I went to Europe for a school trip and the only sea left was first class which I was very lucky I was still able to go but it was extremely luxurious

But I don’t know if it’s worth the money It’s nice to experience it once in your life Failed successfully foreign Ouch I really want to get rid of all the leaves now I know I said I hated shaving before but I’m kind of in the Zen state of mind right now Time to shave I hope you’re not attached to your hair six hours straight no no no no it’s four and a half hours right now that is it does not feel like it’s been that long is this one Minecraft is like it is a long-term project but if I shave

The leaves that’s like good a good start My favorite song by nanashi Mommy in that song I know the lyrics are not there’s the one part that goes and I always think that she says but I know she doesn’t I know she doesn’t but in my heart that’s what she says does anyone else hear that

It kind of does this is not just me oh no let me back up please Just me it’s like how I hear here Callie’s song and I The Sawmill files Nirvana Initiative for some reason stepped in gum on my way to the station the crowd squeezes out my frustration oh no I’m taking heat in the band room oh well I’ll eat a donut in the bathroom

I hear that my friend got herself a boyfriend they’re going now for barbecue on the weekend something in their pics online wait why is this making me cry human eraser can’t stop the Pacer I don’t know why I need the mashup of those two songs it’ll work I promise you

If anyone thinks that it’s gonna work the mashup will work it must I hear it in my dreams oh no I have relegated myself to an island once more oh look more leaves more leaves to chop my favorite oh I did not do this in a smart way the bye leaves by leaves

Oh there’s still so many leaves I wish they would just leave already ha ha ha ha oh guys I still like Fall Guys ouch ah that was kind of elegant did you see how I elegantly flew down you never bought it on Steam well it’s free now except that there’s a battle pass Oh how’s it looking it’s looking it’s looking let me chop these leaves please my long-term projects just just remind yourself of that People as I could but I feel like they should be placed more thoughtfully if I keep them I’m I’m going for a blank canvas first so I can make it all nice which may not be the best strategy but foreign I want to look at it again there’s a lot of big trees huh everyone keeps being like Oh it’s like this big tree it’s like this big tree yes this is my own big tree it’s definitely big looks like fun how can you say this how can you destroy me like this

I can’t I can’t what have I done to deserve this is it because I bullied you yesterday when you asked for One Direction is that why it’ll be good when it’s done one day Branches that come out now oh God the branches are gonna be so hard to build they’re gonna be so hard to build who’s insecure now I’m not this is for future fauna when I make the thumbnail for the next stream I should probably take a picture during the day though

Yeah I’ll get the trunk done first and then we can worry about the branches which I think will be very difficult nighttime shot kind of ominous no no no it’s great it’s great the Throne of the world oh my God okay that’s gonna be the next thumbnail

Then I’m gonna Photoshop this as my neck and then it’s in my head ah Okay I’m gonna call here for now I didn’t get all of the leaves but I got most of them I still think it’s pretty good progress overall laughs let’s go here yes it’s still snowing no I don’t want to talk about it don’t want to talk about it it’s so

Christmas I don’t want to talk about it Okay let me let me read some super chats Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas where I’m gonna go to an idol meeting first actually I’ll be right back Bye Thank you Thank you Foreign Um I might just read the ones from today so far I was like wait I think I messed up my my settings when I left am I louder or quieter maybe it’s fine I’m louder now how much louder is this better Zipper my Kalimba let me get my Kalimba out all right to me Read Georgetown today I need to catch up on some um I might do it in another stream because I’ve been going for a while today but thank you very much everybody right now today comfy stream more progress yeah Monday’s Minecraft and the karaoke stream and I’m doing ASMR tomorrow

We might have many super chats to read perhaps Okay let me read sentimental ghosty as you treat you someone will vote on Kaiju snip roll step Spirit bed Hyatt and then the eagle every way around the west coast of coffee or Amanda chocolates on king shark using an old tentacle this is mozo and our giggle freak tie-dye

Omelet Life Source mint cream fried rice Bishop Noah Kane Mr Robbie municipation No tracker fujis Silly buns sevens Viper banjo Slayer Jose Giorgio casual Vader reconcile and Durangos agreed to move sentient Winter black press the same copper chef thank you plant them plant them gotta plant them all gotta plant them all something wrap Trail thank you thank you I fully expected to wake up today with Maniac or super lonely slick in my head like the last time you sang them instead I was

Agreed with Nickelback golly thanks for no congrats on 700k or whatever you’re welcome I was like did I haven’t seen Nickelback I sing Rockstar did you not even get the get spared and have How You Remind Me stuck in your head who look at this photograph everything makes me laugh you had both

Just the the whole the whole the whole Nickelback discography they Blended together thank you Maniac was on Blue for a few hours did anyone get the tick tock song stuck in their heads miss you that one’s always in my head thank you Trail thinking thank you I’m sorry for the

Nickelback I’m sorry for in the curse it was already there blue robot thank you solitary Beast pieces comprise the majority of bees so they really are lonely bees Evan thank you super lowly stuck in your head like a brain with Brides la la la la la la la lonely I’m a lonely bee chocolatte thank you very much I appreciate it thank you five swordsman thank you true slaps for the slap God trees for the tree throne

I will shape the new saplings into my God tree snack thank you I’m sorry you missed the karaoke thank you Bishop thank you thank you What else foreign thank you what Mozart pumpkin spice chocolate liquor greater move thank you thank you thank you why do you send the nerd emote Why thank you the contrast of my face is burned into your monitor as it should be thank you thank you thank you Luke thank you press sandwiches they take some time to mature do they have heard of a mufuleta but I don’t think I’ve ever had one Yen way thank you I know exactly how you feel have fun I didn’t sleep well you were in my dream but I said something rude and dismissive and then I spent the rest of it feeling bad I’m sorry I’ll be more polite I hope this makes up for it I have experienced

The same thing in dreams don’t feel bad I don’t mind foreign don’t worry it was just a dream With the with Robert Pattinson where I where I was like oh I loved you in Twilight and he was like um thanks Panda boy thank you Hi karanda thank you blocked on Minecraft that’s super saffling Colin thank you Santa thank you floor is basically faint all I mean to consider this I must consider this Luke thank you I don’t know I don’t know I feel like Flora is not cursed by so much cursed internet knowledge she’s free thank you thank you it’s a mirror thank you Clarence Clarence thank you don’t worry fauna part of me will always be with you you can never fully kill a brain worm that is true though isn’t it Clarence will always live on in our memories maybe literally Cynthia thank you Lilith Rose thank you I have seen the Corgi butt heart

I have seen it it’s cursed but corgis are cute so Samurai Sammy thank you I do want to play a vampire the Masquerade bloodlines one day I will play it I wanna if we can get perms I’ll play it ornikage thank you thank you Professor introvert thank you thank you Alvaro thank you Thank you I think your name is this is something Darksider thank you do I have a reference for the tree I make it I drew it in one stream and then I deleted it But it’s from my brain flashy thank you thank you thank you thank you Bob thank you animals thank you I was missing thank you Oh thank you I hope everything was okay it wasn’t too stressful thank you Fonzie thank you one day one day we’re just like Fair song thank you I have a hair trimming joke but I must shave it for later Ryan thank you Clarence thank you Diego thank you really I haven’t heard of it I’ll Google it I can Google that All the steam review Ponzi thank you moral Tom thank you oh no you read the maid of the bismarcker now you’re dead I’m sorry I hope it was enjoyable in some way sir Lancelot thank you in a way to thank you thank you so thank you Thank you other insanity this is a vegan thank you thank you don’t deflect the volume Clarence that’s under thank you shall thank you my oceans are Brony it feels weird man hey you know the actual term is pegasister um I’m not I don’t think I don’t know

Does watching it make you a brony disaster I’m sorry I’m sorry Jonesy poo thank you snip thank you the whole movie from 1986 is a lot darker than you remember really I do want to see the difference tiger thank you black robe thank you calm thank you Thank you Buzzy thank you outrun the wind thank you techno King thank you look thank you That’d be cool if the tree’s Decor was filled with lava it wouldn’t be maybe cool yeah Do you mean leave it there just to generate the Cobblestone it’d be kind of cool if it had a lava core this is risky though it is risky imagine it’s like a glass case with a lava down the center a little risky that’s just like the flex

You’re right it would burn down for sure Thank you Henry thank you Ryan thank you true accurate hollier thank you The lightning and Sandy got it to do math for us space Corgi thank you Carl thank you love you thank you Dolphin Cruiser thank you true Um goodness me thank you no this is a physicist burn String Theory papers are published at the speed of light but this doesn’t violate causality because no information is transmitted boy boy Matthew thank you I understand I’m Gonna Learn how you do no words hey karate thank you can I explain strength there to you like you were five So basically the idea of string theory is that the whole world is comprised that’s you can’t say comprised is made up of strings clothes strings they’re like hair ties or rubber bands and they vibrate at different frequencies and this has Mathematical consequences for the universe that make it so that quantum mechanics and general relativity can be friends Frequency um it’s like it’s like the you can think of it as how fast it’s vibrating Hey Holly thank you really you were gonna plant Harry I’m teaching people about astrophysics I want to visit your Planetarium and learn about astrophysics can I go JK thank you I do need a nerd emoji I love iris’s nerd Emoji I need to to get off my butt and commission more sorry sorry I’d run the wind thank you Brandon thank you Matthew thank you It’s actually very informed thank you oh great thank you this guy thank you Anya sincere thank you Matt thank you master my first super ever during the Euro trucks Euro Truck Sim stream is that the blanket accidentally I meant to say I’ve had at least one person first encountered Beethoven my childhood fave composer during that stream and I think that’s beautiful you think

That would be pretty amazing I feel like people I don’t know if you’ve gotten so long well maybe there was like a three-year-old watching at least one person maybe maybe thank you Matt the pop wolf thank you children of time was the good reason good reason ing

I know it’s pretty high it’s pretty high I need help I need help you guys must know better you guys don’t recommend me things that have bad ratings foreign you just know if it’s like below a four I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna comment on it Zail thank you prevalence thank you there is no intelligent life here so true Skittles thank you safely bad thank you what’s up earthlings thank you it’s true I’ve been picking up your streams from light years away although I’m not sure I’d consider us intelligent life without hey you seem pretty intelligent to me Vtuber enjoyer thank you thank you guys thank you pixie thank you airplane matters if your plane has a faulty radio out demeanor with inadequate frequency filtering it’s actually very common on older planes oh like private planes maybe like small ones Matthew thank you I have to look up Dark Forest theory

That sounds scary do I want to know Dark force hypothesis is the conjecture that many alien civilizations exist throughout the Universe but they are both silent and paranoid able Space Fairy civilization would view any other intelligent life as an inevitable threat and thus destroy Any Nation life that makes its presence known as a result the electromagnetic spectrum would be relatively quiescent without evidence of any intelligent alien life as in a dark Forest filled with armed Hunters stalking through the trees like

A ghost That sounds sounds great three body problem I was gonna read that should I read it I was gonna read it maybe I should read it I am on my science fiction kick completely Um select this condo thank you Tommy thank you you discovered the Koopa pillow because of me put in two extra bags of filling that was the best sleep of my life that makes me so happy I’m glad you could have a good sleep now please sponsor me Coop pillows Todd Howard thank you yeah I’ve heard of this too like people can bid on business class flights I’ve never tried that Evan thank you Um you mean 2001 A Space Odyssey or is there another one of us in contact I my favorite alien movie is a rival I did watch 2001 in Space Odyssey I feel like I need to watch it again though I feel like I forgot a lot of it as always Wait it’s 2008 you’re right it is isn’t it no 1001 A Space Odyssey I know nothing hashun thank you I’d run the wind thank you as you think I love how the world neck is looking so far I can’t believe this Diego Thank you did I watch the Donut of Netflix anime

Look I know did the DOTA Netflix anime would not be nearly as good as Arcane there’s no way there’s no way wait does it exist wait is it real Wait it’s real wait I forgot that it’s real oh my God how did I forget about this when did it come out 2021 packets but it’s on its third season I must have I must have suppress the memory Pick up thank you and Estella thank you Merry Christmas Merry Christmas it’s real and mid I’m sure Arcane is better I’m sure but I’m still gonna be a hipster about arcane because it didn’t live up to the hype that had built up in my own brain okay that’s all this wishes for today

I’m gonna catch up on the rest on another stream thank you guys for hanging out today and take care tomorrow is member stream and ASMR two streams should be fun I will see you then and until then bye-bye fun well bye-bye Good Foreign Foreign

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 World tree project IKZ!!!’, was uploaded by Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN on 2023-03-10 05:51:32. It has garnered 148041 views and 12147 likes. The duration of the video is 04:58:33 or 17913 seconds.


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  • Insane Minecraft TADC Drawing Challenge (Episode 4)

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  • PremiumMC.Net

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  • ProsperGaming SMP | Vanilla 1.20.4 | SMP | DiscordSRV | Dynmap | Streamer SMP | Voice Plugin | No Whitelist | Inspired by Hermitcraft | Coreprotect | Age Limit 16+ | Crossplay Enabled | Java & Bedrock

    Welcome to our Minecraft SMP Server! We have created a thriving Minecraft vanilla SMP server within our gaming discord community. Join us for regular streams, roleplay, major build projects, and a welcoming community. Seeking Builders and Players If you enjoy being part of a fun, chill, and active community similar to hermitcraft, then this server is for you! Show off your building skills and your creations may even be featured in our next season’s trailer. Rules and Guidelines We keep things simple – just be mature and respectful towards others. We do not tolerate disruptive behavior. Our server is mostly… Read More

  • World of Life and War

    World of Life and WarLife and War is a multiplayer server owned by the YouTuber MATTCASTGAMING where you can fight in wars, protect the leader of your nation, or join the simple way of life and become a farmer, own a shop or even pizzeria! Work hard and maybe even buy a mansion! We have awesome mods for the server and even sports cars! Join the discord for the extra mods to join!Life and War YouTube Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Warning: Do NOT Open – Highly Spicy!”

    I guess clicking that link is like playing Russian roulette with your Minecraft game! Read More

  • YASIN CRAFT: The Hottest Minecraft Memes🔥

    YASIN CRAFT: The Hottest Minecraft Memes🔥 “When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only to realize you forgot to put a door on it and now you’re stuck inside like a clueless Sim.” #minecraftproblems 😂🏰🚪 Read More

  • Indian Bikes Driving 3D Gameplay Update

    Indian Bikes Driving 3D Gameplay Update Minecraft Mode Big Update in Indian Bikes Driving 3D Gameplay Exciting news for Minecraft fans! The popular game is getting a big update that will introduce new features and enhance the overall gaming experience. But that’s not all – this update will also bring a unique twist by incorporating Indian bikes driving in 3D gameplay. Let’s dive into the details of this upcoming update! New Features and Enhancements The Minecraft update promises to deliver a host of new features that will keep players engaged and entertained for hours on end. From new biomes and creatures to enhanced graphics and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Challenge!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Challenge! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of challenging yourself in Minecraft like Raido Gamerz? If so, you’ll love the Minewind server. Imagine surviving not just 100, but 150 days in a world full of surprises and adventures. Join a community of dedicated players who push the limits of what’s possible in Minecraft. Experience the thrill of exploring new lands, battling fierce mobs, and building your own unique creations. Connect with fellow gamers on Minewind without any limits or boundaries. The possibilities are endless, just like Raido Gamerz’s 150-day survival journey. Ready to take on the challenge? Join us… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Update Features!

    EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Update Features! Welcome to the Minecraft 1.21 Update Review! Welcome to our comprehensive review of the Minecraft 1.21 Update! Get ready to dive into the exciting new features, enhancements, and changes that this latest release brings to the beloved sandbox game. Exploring the New Features In this video, we take a close look at all the additions and improvements introduced in Minecraft 1.21. From new mobs and blocks to gameplay tweaks and optimizations, we’ve got you covered with everything you need to know about this update. New Additions One of the highlights of the Minecraft 1.21 Update is the introduction of… Read More

  • “Mind-Blowing Realistic Mahakal Statue REVEALED! 😱🔥” #shorts #trending #bholenath

    "Mind-Blowing Realistic Mahakal Statue REVEALED! 😱🔥" #shorts #trending #bholenathVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mahakal realistic statue ❤️❤️ #shorts #trending #bholenath #minecraft’, was uploaded by Aaruu OP on 2024-03-22 01:49:31. It has garnered 480 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. the frustrated gamer,building a conduit in minecraft,the frustrated gamer baldi,exploring ocean in minecraft,becoming the most evil wizard in hogwarts legacy,the frustrated gamer harry potter,the frustrated gamer baldis basics,the frustrated gamer hogwarts legacy,first time playing minecraft in 6 years,100 days in minecraft,the frustrated gamer talking tom,the frustrated gamer talking tom 2,fooling my friends with a block morph mod in minecraft! Description command prompt,minecraft… Read More

  • Haunted Seed: Mystery of Kailash Parvat

    Haunted Seed: Mystery of Kailash ParvatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mystery of Ronakpur: The Haunted Seed” mystery of kailash parvat’, was uploaded by STAR KING AR BOY on 2024-03-20 07:55:30. It has garnered 8 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:02 or 182 seconds. Mystery of Ronakpur: The Haunted Seed” mystery of kailash parvat seed in hindi seed part 2 seed in minecraft https://www.facebook.com/ahmed.bro.980967?mibextid=ZbWKwL https://www.instagram.com/3d__anime_?igsh=dnhxYTFyamFwYnN2 ranakpur temple ranakpur jain temple ranakpur dham mystery of love mystery of antarctica mystery of the world mystery of db cooper mystery of kailash parvat mystery of love sufjan stevens mystery of flight 571 mystery of… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Damage Swap Challenge! 😱 #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft Damage Swap Challenge! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But If I Take Damage Challenges Swaps… #mcaddon #minecrafthindi #shorts’, was uploaded by TM GAMING 5M on 2024-01-08 01:00:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft But If I Take Damage Challenges Swaps… #mcaddon #minecrafthindi #shorts. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Survival Adventure – Day 9 Live Stream 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Survival Adventure - Day 9 Live Stream 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival ⛏️ -| Public SMP + Exploring New Places🤩🔥| Day 9 -| Live Stream 🔴’, was uploaded by Jeet Plays on 2024-01-17 17:06:18. It has garnered 68 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:17 or 11417 seconds. Minecraft Survival ⛏️ -| Public SMP + Exploring New Places🤩🔥| Day 9 -| Live Stream 🔴 minecraft live #minecraft #minecraftlive #mcjava #minecraftpe #minecraftsurvival #mcpe #minecraftsmp ______________________________________________________________ My Social Media Handles….👇👇 Join Our Discord Server📈😁 : https://discord.com/invite/RpSNtNQzuq Follow Me Now On Instagram ➡ https://www.instagram.com/jeet_plays/ Follow Me On Twitter ➡ https://twitter.com/jeet_plays 🙂 ___________________________________________________________________________ IF INTERESTED… Read More

  • INSANE Trolling in FB Fights! 😂 | Minecraft Shorts

    INSANE Trolling in FB Fights! 😂 | Minecraft ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trolling in fb fights;) #minecraft #troll #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by Just void on 2024-04-04 18:28:26. It has garnered 894 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #minecraftpvp #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpc #pvp #minecraftmemes #minecraftserver #minecraftmeme #minecraftsurvival #minecraftonly #funny #minecraftpe #minecraftdaily #skywars #minecrafters #youtube #freethenipplemovement #minecraftbedrock #zovax #fortniteitiemshop #freevbucks #hypixel #minecraftideas #minecraftbuild #fortniteskins #ps #minecrafter #mcpe #gaming #minecrafttutorial Read More

Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN – 【MINECRAFT】 World tree project IKZ!!!