Chaotic Alchemy Guide – Minecraft Create Above and Beyond – Episode #13 – Modded Minecraft

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Hey guys this is backdrift and welcome to another episode on create above and beyond if you love the create mod redstone engineering and minecraft automation then this is definitely the series and the mod pack for you so be sure to hit that like button subscribe and turn on the bell for notifications

So you never miss when another video comes out so in the last episode we finally finished up infernal mechanisms and abstruse mechanisms we also got this awesome tear armor which is indestructible we also got our magic feather and this rending gale which is now enabling us to fly so if you did

Miss last episode the playlist is linked down in the description you guys can go and check it out so in this episode we want to start moving forward with the quest log so if we look at the overview we currently are right here on the list

So we have invar machinery going we have our inductive mechanisms completely automated our sync machinery and our abstruse mechanisms completely automated so the next step is actually in chapter four which we already have unlocked so in chapter four the end goal is the calculation mechanism which is actually

The last mechanism that’s produced in the modback and to automate calculation mechanisms the item that we are after is silicon so there are several ways to get silicon in this pack one of the ways that you can get it is automating all of this stuff in here so there is ice charges and

Silicon compound which requires sand and you start off with basalt and all kinds of stuff to get you the silicon then when you get the silicon you can actually convert it into printed silicon and the printed silicon when passed through a sequenced assembly with two and a flash drive under an inductive

Mechanism you get calculation mechanisms but there’s actually an alternate route to get silicon and that is through chaotic alchemy so this is chapter 4a which is optional but it’s technically an alternate route for you to be able to automate silicon this is quite a crazy extra little step that you can do and

This is what i’m going to try and tackle in this episode not only is this a way for you to automate silicon but it is also a way to automate all kinds of other items so here’s a brief overview of how to get started with chaotic alchemy so there are three basic invar

Machines that you have to build to get this going the first one is the fluid encapsulator so the fluid encapsulator uses molten glass to create reagents from resources so here is an example we have the andesite reagents which i just kind of think of like essence of the

Particular item is what the reagent actually is so with the fluid encapsulator you can bind together a mill a bucket of molten glass with some andesite cobblestone and that gives you the andesite reagent now some of these reagents are a bit more complicated to make for example the emerald reagent you

Actually have to use a mixer mixed together lead and certain course reagents with the particular catalyst which we’ll get it into a minute and that produces the emerald reagent which will then give you the emerald dust which can then be compacted into the actual item so the next machine is

The reagent extractor this actually lets you take the item out of the particular reagent or convert the reagent into the item itself the base chance of actually getting it back is 75 but this is boostable i’m not exactly sure how it’s boostable just yet i don’t

Know if you have to use components or whatnot but we’ll be tinkering around with that now for these actual catalysts which are necessary for certain recipes for example like the emerald to get these it’s a little more complicated so there’s a particular combination of reagents that you have to actually mix together

And put that in front of an alchemical laser which i’ll get into in a second but this combination for example for the gemstone catalyst you have to combine reagents for four separate gemstones but the combination actually varies for each world seed which is actually pretty cool so in the experimentation to actually

Get to the catalysts you need to use the centrifugal separator to analyze those catalysts because when you combine together four different reagents if you don’t find the right combination you’ll actually get i think it’s called a mundane blend or something like that and you can dump it into here and it will

Actually give you clues as to what the correct combination is and how close your combination is to that and if your brain is now completely fried have no fear i’m going to demonstrate how all of this works so the first thing i’m going to do is get my

Hands on all of the different types of reagents i think there’s 36 total 37 if you count silver but i don’t really know if silver is relevant right now because i want to get all of the catalysts going and to get the catalysts you need to experiment with the base reagents so

Essentially each reagent can be created just by taking some of the original item and crushing it down into the dust so for example sapphire reagent can be created by taking sapphire and crushing that down into sapphire dust most of this stuff can actually be purchased sapphires actually can’t be purchased i

Think so that might be one thing we might have to figure out a way to do that so first and foremost we need to get our hands on as much of these reagents as possible we’ll figure out which ones are the bottlenecks and then kind of see

What we can do from there but i have some grinding to do so to show you the base process with something simple like andesite i have this magma crucible set up where i’m dumping sand in so we get one piece of sand equates to 1000 000 millibuckets of molten glass then we’re

Pumping that molten glass into the fluid encapsulator so all we would need to do is put the actual dust into here and we’ll get the reagent so for example i have this pulverizer over here we put an endocyte cobblestone into here it will get pulverized down into that actually oh no actually for

Andesites i feel like the jaguar for andesites you don’t actually need the dust you just need the base andesite cobblestone so we can just dump that right into the fluid encapsulator over here and bam we have andesite reagents so essentially i’m just going to do this

I’m probably going to try to get about a half a stack of each of the reagents i mean some of them are going to be a little bit more difficult to get so once again this is the grind i’m gonna keep going so just from poking around

With the items that we have in the storage unit i was able to get four of the six different types of reagents completely gathered up so we have the igneous category the herbal category the volatile and the metallurgic so the igneous is a bunch of different types of

Stone like granite and gabbro and diorite the herbal is actually flowers we were able to gather up a bunch of flowers from the nearby uh flower field that we have over by the village um volatiles just i it’s like uh mob related uh i i think that’s kind

Of the best way to describe it and a couple other things like there’s netherwarts and gunpowder and blaze powder and slime and then the metallurgic has a bunch of different types of ingots so we have iron zinc copper nickel gold and lead so the thing that

We’re going to try to do now is try to get the catalysts so we’ll start with igneous so the igneous catalyst once you actually get it um you can keep reusing it in recipes depending on what you’re making so for example let’s read about this if this is

Unlocked you have gathered all reagents of the ignis category the ignis catalyst can be created by a combination of four reagents of this category in the alchemical laser it’s recommended to always take notes of previous results this way it is not uncommon to find the solution in under six attempts so essentially

There are four random ones of these in a particular combination and they can be repeated that create the igneous catalyst and let me show you guys what i mean so i’m going to grab all of the igneous ones right now and we’re going to head over

To this setup over here so the laser that it was talking about this is what we have so we have an invar machine with an orange laser lamp on the front of it for some reason there’s some sort of visual glitch i can’t actually see the lamp all

I can actually see is the lights i don’t know if any of you guys experienced that let me know down in the comments if there’s a way to fix this so then you have to power the lamp which we’re doing with this lever and then once you

Actually punch the invar machine with a deployer which will happen right now it releases a high energy beam so we put the actual reagents into this minecart with a hopper and when the energy beam shoots at it it creates the alchemical reaction and that is how we would get

The catalyst once we find the correct combination of four of the reagents so let’s do a quick example here so if i put four of the basalt reagent in here and then i activate the high energy beam it actually hurt me a little bit we end up with a mundane alchemical blend so

Obviously for basalt isn’t the correct combination to get the igneous catalyst but what we can do with this now is it says we can place it in a centrifugal separator to analyze it and see if we have any of the correct ones but since this is all bad salt essentially what

We’re going to determine with this is is basalt in the correct combination so let’s head over to the centrifuge separator so we’ll pop this mundane blend into the separator and it’s actually going to take a second but it’s currently analyzing this blend and when we’re done we’re going to get a specific

Number of ash redstone and glowstone dust so what this means actually is that we have one of the reagents in the correct place so for every redstone dust that you get that means one of the reagents that you put in the combination is actually correct but it is in the wrong place if

You get a glowstone dust that means one of the reagents you put in is correct and is in the right place so the fact that we got one glowstone dust this means that basalt is part of the correct combination so i’m currently keeping some notes in a spreadsheet but i’m

Going to plop down some signs just so you guys can kind of see our progress so i’m going to write down igneous catalysts it doesn’t fit cat uh list and below it i’m going to put the ingredients so right now all i know is that basalt is part of it so as we

Continue we’re going to try and determine the correct ordering so like i said the order of the reagents does matter so for example if i do basalt stone gabbro and diorite let’s say diorite is correct but it’s supposed to be there like i said when we put that mundane

Blend into that centrifugal analyzer it will give us a redstone dust because it will that tells us that the diorite is a correct reagent in the combination but it is in the wrong spot glowstone dust out like i said that means you have something in the correct spot and it is

The correct correct reagent so for the heck of it i’m going to try this combination i know basalt wasn’t the right one but just let’s just see what we get from this one so i can give you guys a secondary example so we’ll go ahead and activate the laser

And we’ll put this into the centrifugal separator and we’ll see what we get from this so in this case we got three redstone dust and what that means like i said before is that means three of the reagents that we used are in the combination but they’re all in the wrong

Spot so if we did get glowstone dust that would mean we have one in the correct spot that’s the correct reagent so this is the method that you kind of have to do trial and error over and over in order to find the correct combination for the catalyst so i’m

Gonna grind this out a little bit more and i’ll keep you guys posted on what we find after a little bit of experimentation i have determined that basalt and granite are part of it and andesite is not a part of it so what we can do now is

Since i know i’m not going to need any of the andesite i can start just throwing this stuff away and there’s a cool trick that we can do to determine the correct position of the ingredients that we know are in it so with basalt for example if i put basalt in the first

One in andesite in the following three i know that andesite isn’t in it so i can use this method to determine the correct position of the basalt so i can try this one and check for a glowstone output i can check this one i can check this

Combination see i i’m just gonna try a bunch of different combinations to determine the correct position of the basalt and then we’ll do the same thing for the granite then once we know those positions it’ll be a little bit easier for us to determine where the other

Ingredients are supposed to go as well so they should only need a couple more tries and we should be able to find the correct combination for the ignorance catalyst so a couple more experiments and we have determined that granite is the second ingredient bath salt is the third ingredient and andesite and

Diorite are not in the combination so that means the combination consists of gabriel basalt stone and granite so i know granite is in the second position and i know basalt is in the third position so that means the first in the fourth position is either gabbro or stone so we have two

More tries maybe we’ll get lucky on the first one and we will determine that catalyst so this is the first one i think this is gabbro in the first position stone in the final position let’s test this bad boy out and i think that was it there we

Go we got the igneous catalyst so that’s the process of for getting the catalyst so now we have to do this for the five other reagent types so i’m gonna go ahead and grind out the other three that we have so once again we have the herbal the volatile and the metallurgic we’re

Gonna go ahead and get the catalyst recipes for those and i’ll check back with you guys when we have that ready then mmm alrighty so we’re now all set with all six of the different catalysts so i went ahead and got the remaining reagents that we needed to do the gemstone and

The crystalline catalysts which is what we were missing so for the gemstone you need diamonds rubies emeralds sapphires lapis lazuli and cinnabar and for the crystalline you need arcane nighter nether quartz appetite service quartz and sulfur so we got all of these six recipes and i have them marked out

On the wall over here so i don’t forget them now regarding how easy each of my recipes are all of them are pretty easy because they all have items that are farmable or purchasable except for gemstone for gemstone we need sapphires and sapphires are not purchasable or

Farmable so you have to go mining for these between y level 1 and 30 and that is really annoying if we have to end up doing that so the next step is to get our chaos catalysts now to get the chaos catalyst you have to follow the same

Experimental procedure that you do to get the regular catalysts but instead of using reagents you have to use the catalysts themselves so a random four catalyst combination will yield the chaos catalyst now the chaos catalyst is what we’re after because mixing this with any particular reagent will actually transform it into another

Reagent so for example if we pass in say the fuchsia reagent with the chaos catalyst that might actually turn the future reagent into a diamond reagent so the idea here is we have to discover which one of them will turn into silicone and hopefully it’s one that is easily producible because if

Not then we’re gonna have to go and do all of this anyway and this whole thing would have been a waste of time so some more experimentation i have to do to get this chaos catalyst um like i said hopefully we don’t have to do too many with the gemstone catalyst because i

Don’t think i have much sapphire reagent left maybe like 10 of it or so so anyway we got some more cracking to do and i will show you guys the final product and hopefully we get lucky so i just tried my second combination of metallurgic gemstone crystal and igneous

And we got three glowstone dust back meaning that three of those are correct and are in the correct spot now since i was only able to make five of each type of catalyst well that’s i mean i could make more but i want to try to conserve as much as i

Possibly can what i’m going to do now is i’m going to run that same recipe back a few times but i’m going to introduce this glowstone accelerator now what this does is you put it in the fifth slot in the hopper minecart and it will actually tell you a random catalyst

That is in the correct spot and the way that it actually tells you is it doesn’t actually consume it so i’m going to do the exact same one that i just did so that was metallurgic or is that metallurgic gemstone crystal and igneous then we’re going to run this through

With the accelerator in the final slot and it actually tells us that gemstone of course that’s in the recipe is in the correct spot so if we do that a few more times using the accelerator we’ll be able to determine what catalysts are in the correct spots

And it’ll make it a lot easier we won’t have to make so much of them so let’s keep cracking okay so using the accelerator i would have been able to determine that gemstone is the second slot crystal is the third slot and igneous is the fourth slot now the first

Combination i tried was herbal metallurgic volatile igneous and i got one correct and one that was in the right spot from that one and i know that igneous was in the fourth spot in that one which means that that one was correct and that there was one other one that

Was correct but was in the wrong spot now herbal was in the first spot in that one and that was wrong so that means the first one has to be volatile now i’m fairly certain that my logic is correct so let’s give this a shot the only other option would be is

If the first one was a duplicate of one of these three which is also a possibility let’s just hope it’s not the dreaded gemstone okay so volatile gemstone crystal igneous fingers crossed yes we got it so now that we have the chaos catalyst we can now do what they call

Transmutation i believe it is so the next thing we need to find out is which one of the reagents transmutes into silicon so armed with the chaos catalyst you will find all manner of transmutation pairs among the reagents above simply put the cast catalyst in a few jars of one reagent the

Transmutation is lossy so few jars meaning that sometimes it won’t actually convert it into anything you might lose it uh put one reagent into the hopper cart and find a different reagent returned after activating the laser mind that the catalyst is never consumed in the process so we always have that

Catalyst one of the reagents should lead not to another known one but to the reagent of silicon if this turns out to be one that is reasonably accessible you can consider choosing this path of production over the main one for chapter four so for example if i dump in the

Chaos catalyst and we’re gonna put in five gabriel which is one that i don’t really care to lose and we shoot it with the laser it should turn into another random one and that turns into appetites and actually we got all five of them back which is pretty cool so i

Essentially have to go through and determine what each reagent transmutes into what other reagents so it’s just another grind let’s keep on cracking hopefully i get a couple good ones i’m actually hoping for a future project that we can easily farm diamonds because the diamond reagent can

Be extracted into the diamond dust and the diamond dust can actually be compacted down into diamonds so we could make an infinite diamond farm if we get one that’s reasonable so let’s get cracking i almost forgot if you guys are following along once you find the transmutation pair you know that the

Reverse is also true so what i mean by that is we know that gabriel transmutes into appetite this also means that appetite transmutes back into gabriel so you don’t have to do as many you should only have to do 16 reagents to find out all of actually i think it’s like 16 or

17 because you could also get the silver reagent which isn’t actually craftable i don’t think uh we can actually double check that so that i don’t give you false information so the silver reagents yeah you can actually oh yeah you can you can use uh silver dust but um that

One’s just kind of a bonus one it’s off to the side over here and you can and also of course we’re gonna get the silicon reagent as well so this isn’t gonna take that long uh we’re just gonna have to go on and grind it out anyway

Stop rambling let’s go okay so i think we got lucky um we found out that lapis turns into silicon and lapis is actually purchasable with silver which is pretty cool so we can get the silicon no problem or we could actually mix together nickel another quartz it’s probably easiest to just

Purchase the lapis and then transmute it into the silicon that actually will be super simple um but the crappiest part about this whole thing is as far as my math is concerned i believe diamonds and sapphire are the transmutation that we’re stuck with here let me just triple check this

Yeah so sapphire turns into diamonds diamonds turned into sapphire that sucks i was hoping to have a massive diamond farm i i don’t know if we’ll be i i’ve no idea if we’ll be able to do that now so actually how do you craft sapphire um

Is this simple so copper and arcane so arcane we can transmit from lead which we can buy okay and copper um we can buy that too if the need arose but we can also transmute it from cinnabar which we can also buy so i guess it’s not the end of the world so

As a side note i had a future project in mind and looks like we’re getting raided that required 70 000 diamonds so i’m going to try to set up a super fast diamond farm um not sure if that’ll be in this episode but uh yeah but anyway we now have our

Transmutation for silicon so let’s get cracking on that i don’t have a similar setup to what i did with the feathers over here i set up a purchase for lapis i actually swapped out the diamond purchases because we’re not going to really need many of those

And like i said we have a project planned where we’re gonna be farming up a ton of those anyway so we’re farming up the lapis we’re dumping it into this ender chest down here and we’re feeding it into the contraption inside of the base that is now producing silicon

Reagents and this my friends is the contraption i am talking about i’m actually pretty proud of how much i was actually able to compact this so i’m gonna try and explain exactly what’s going on here so we have an igneous extruder which is done using zinc machines essentially it’s just got lava

And water on either the two sides and it is producing cobblestone the cobblestone has been then being fed into this pulverizer and the pulverizer when you pulverize cobblestone has a chance to produce gravel flint and or sand the sand is being siphoned off into this drawer over here along with the flint

The additional is just getting voided and then the gravel that’s produced is actually being fed into another pulverizer which pulverizes the gravel down into sand if we didn’t produce any from the first step then the sand is being fed into this magma crucible over here which is melting it down into the

Molten glass that we need to get the reagent so i don’t know if you guys have experienced this but i had some kind of a glitch with the molten glass coming out of the magna crucible so it was getting fed into this flute encapsulator over here where we’re actually making the lapis reagent

And once it actually emptied out completely it wouldn’t feed any more into it it was super weird like it wasn’t able to oh a little bit of lag there it wasn’t able to actually take it out of the magma crucible but i fixed that by putting a

Fluid cell above the magma crucible and then feeding the molten glass into that and pumping it out of the fluid cell instead of the mag crucible kind of an odd little bug let me know if you guys have experienced that down in the comments so here’s where the other ender

Chest with our lapis is we’re feeding that lapis into a pulverizer over here and producing lapis dust the lapis dust is then being fed into the fluid encapsulator where it is getting bottled up into the reagent then the reagent is actually being taken out and fed over

Here into the mine cart with a hopper which is buried under that little area over there so this was kind of difficult to come up with a way to do this because a minecart with a hopper you can’t put like any sort of funnel or shoot or any other

Type of thing underneath it that would suck items out of it so i have just a plain old vanilla item filter here which is filtering out the silicon reagent and feeding it down here into this drawer so inside of the the hopper mine cart we have our chaos catalyst the lapis is

Being fed into it and we have our laser set up over here which actually have connected up the deployer is actually connected up to a speed controller down there which is on the absolute slowest setting one rotation per minute so we get a pulse about once every 18 seconds

And that is enough so that we can keep up with the lapis that’s being fed into it and so that lapis doesn’t actually get backed up in here so we get about 10 15 lapis between each pulse and then that is plenty of time whatever gets converted into the silicon

Reagent to get sucked out by the item filter let me know if you guys have any questions about this or if you’d like to use this contraption yourself let me know and i can send you the schematic so that is chaotic alchemy completely done

I’m glad we were able to do that so now if we go back into chapter four we now have this extra little branch over here so we don’t have to deal with all this crap to get silicon so i think that’s about all the time i have for this episode chaotically

Is actually really fun once again if you guys have any questions leave them down in the comments or if you’re interested in anything that i’ve done i can send you schematics once again if you guys were able to follow this guide and complete chaotic alchemy on your end

Then be sure to hit that subscribe button below for notifications i’m producing trying to produce at least one video a week i create above and beyond so stay tuned for future videos and be sure to leave a like as well and share with your friends i will see you guys again take care You

This video, titled ‘Chaotic Alchemy Guide – Minecraft Create Above and Beyond – Episode #13 – Modded Minecraft’, was uploaded by Backdraft on 2022-03-19 14:00:19. It has garnered 1429 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:24 or 1644 seconds.

Welcome to the 13th episode of Minecraft Create Above and Beyond mod pack! In this episode we get into chaotic alchemy, making catalysts, the chaos catalyst, and transmutation for silicon!

This world is a single player survival Modded Minecraft Java Edition 1.16.5 server running the Create Above and Beyond mod pack!

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Be sure to share this video with a friend! Chaotic Alchemy Guide – Minecraft Create Above and Beyond – Episode #13 – Modded Minecraft

Chapters: 0:00​ – Intro 2:21 – Chaotic Alchemy Explanation 5:26​ – How to farm Reagents 7:11 – Getting the Catalysts 14:34 – Getting the Chaos Catalyst 18:57 – Transmutation 22:50 – Farming Silicon



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    Becoming Ben 10 in Minecraft with Incredible Addon The Exciting World of Minecraft Addons: Becoming Ben 10! Exploring the Possibilities In the vast universe of Minecraft, players are constantly finding new ways to enhance their gaming experience. One such way is through addons, which allow for the incorporation of new characters, features, and abilities into the game. One particularly exciting addon is the Ben 10 addon, which enables players to transform into the powerful alien hero Ben 10. Unleashing Your Inner Hero With the Ben 10 addon, players can take on the role of Ben Tennyson and harness the incredible powers of his alien forms. From the… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic community, Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. But why should you join Minewind? Well, imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity and build to your heart’s content. Whether you’re into survival mode, PvP battles, or simply exploring new landscapes, Minewind has something for everyone. Plus, with regular updates and events, there’s always something new to discover on Minewind. So why wait? Join… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days Underwater In Minecraft!

    Surviving 100 Days Underwater In Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Days In An Underwater World In Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by Legundo on 2024-04-27 16:00:33. It has garnered 250551 views and 4578 likes. The duration of the video is 03:07:14 or 11234 seconds. I Survived 100 Days in the most difficult version of the Ocean in Hardcore Minecraft Minecraft’s Oceans are pretty calm and peaceful, but what if you added over 100 mods to fill the seas with Pirates, Anglerfish, and the story of a drowned Captain dwelling in the deep? Take all of that, and then make the world 99% water and you… Read More

  • Future of Minecraft: 2023-2050

    Future of Minecraft: 2023-2050Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2023 To 2050 #shortvideo #viralvideo #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by ITS ME EAGLE on 2024-03-21 00:37:00. It has garnered 8 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Minecraft 2023 To 2050 It’s Me Eagle minecraft 2024, minecraft mods 2024, minecraft 1.20, minecraft 1.21, minecraft mods 1.20.4, farms minecraft 1.20, minecraft farms, create 1.20, minecraft full guide, create mod minecraft, minecraft ultimate guide, minecraft complete guide, minecraft beginners guide, minecraft tips and tricks, minecraft villager updates minecraft quiz    minecraft song ,   minecraft varo ,   minecraft video ,   minecraft villa ,   minecraft walls ,   minecraft… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Insanity – Players Create Games!

    Ultimate Minecraft Insanity - Players Create Games!Video Information This video, titled ‘Players are Making Games inside of Minecraft…’, was uploaded by TheDerpyWhale on 2024-01-27 18:00:15. It has garnered 22007 views and 849 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:53 or 1193 seconds. Players are using Redstone, datapacks, and mods to create games within the game of minecraft and some of these projects are insane! In this video, I show off some amazing creations, mods, builds, and datapacks the Minecraft community has made! ★ Subscribe to see more! All links can be found here 1) I cried Posted by mighty_gab 2) Made my first… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Parkour Madness – Satisfying Pixel Art Compilation!

    Ultimate Minecraft Parkour Madness - Satisfying Pixel Art Compilation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art Full Compilation ( PPL Request Compilation Part 58 )’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-09 05:47:21. It has garnered 80 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:06 or 426 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art Full Compilation ( PPL Request Compilation Part 58 ) you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but… Read More

  • Uncover Hidden Treasures in AloeKado’s Minecraft Adventure Build

    Uncover Hidden Treasures in AloeKado's Minecraft Adventure BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Map to Secrets – AloeKado Minecraft Adventure Build Part 59’, was uploaded by AloeKado on 2024-04-05 10:32:04. It has garnered 121 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:32:12 or 12732 seconds. 1:01 Skip Setup Today i’m making a map for all the secrets inside Jellie’s Tempel and working on the interior of one of the big buildings in the new town. My Adventure Build playlist: Read More

  • Minecraft PE/BE: Rengoku vs Akaza | Demon Slayer Boss Fight!

    Minecraft PE/BE: Rengoku vs Akaza | Demon Slayer Boss Fight!Video Information This video, titled ‘Rengoku Vs Akaza | Demon Slayer in Minecraft PE/BE | Demon Slayer Anime #shorts’, was uploaded by Awakener97 on 2024-01-07 07:30:09. It has garnered 552 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Rengoku Vs Akaza | Demon Slayer in Minecraft PE/BE | Demon Slayer Anime #shorts #youtubeshorts #pixelart #edit #demonslayer #anime #mrbeast #viral #video #minecraft #onepunchman #sonic #speedosonic #addon #minecraftpe #minecraftjava #game #gameplay #viralshorts #genos #garou #fubuki #demon #cyborg #herohunter #edit #tanjiro #muzan #demons #zenistu #inosuke #hashiras #heroupdate Read More

  • “DAY 23: Survival Nightmare in Minecraft Mod Pack 💀” #horror

    "DAY 23: Survival Nightmare in Minecraft Mod Pack 💀" #horrorVideo Information This video, titled ‘DÍA 23 Sobreviviendo al Mod Pack más aterrador que pude crear en Minecraft 💀 | #minecraft #terror’, was uploaded by JhomoshTV on 2024-04-21 01:32:42. It has garnered 1427 views and 72 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. ════════════════════════════════════════ ══════ ► JOIN ME DISCORD CHANNEL: ► FOLLOW ME ON MY TWITCH CHANNEL: ► FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: ► FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: ► BUSINESS OR COLLABORATION EMAIL: [email protected] Read More

  • Insane Modpack Alert: Minecraft’s Raspberry Flavored Westoro

    Insane Modpack Alert: Minecraft's Raspberry Flavored WestoroVideo Information This video, titled ‘Raspberry Flavored: Minecraft’s Most Unique Modpack’, was uploaded by Westoro on 2024-04-01 17:04:20. It has garnered 31760 views and 2399 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:57 or 297 seconds. In this video I talk about the raspberry flavored modpack in minecraft Modpack Download: Read More

  • Unlock the Ultimate SMP Experience with Bundles!

    Unlock the Ultimate SMP Experience with Bundles!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Best Simple SMP Application..’, was uploaded by Bundles on 2024-03-23 21:56:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Simple SMP Application (dont judge im new to this lol) ignore: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, … Read More

  • Ember Wing SMP – semi vanilla

    Behold, noble adventurer! Embark on a wondrous journey to Ember Wing, the Java Minecraft server now compatible with Bedrock. Join forces with comrades from different platforms, forge bonds, and explore a realm of possibilities. Features: Ascend to wealth and prosperity Trade treasures at the majestic castle Establish your shop at the local Market Stay connected through the central Nether Portal Support Ember Wing for in-game rewards and perks Info: Version: 1.20.4 Whitelist: Yes Platform: Java and Bedrock Join our Discord for more updates Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting Memes Like a Boss” 😎

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting Memes Like a Boss" 😎Looks like this meme leveled up with a score of 23! Must have some serious XP points. Read More

  • Diamonds in the Rough: Mining for Fun in Minecraft

    Diamonds in the Rough: Mining for Fun in Minecraft In the depths of Minecraft, I found a cave so deep, Exploring its darkness, my heart starts to leap. With pickaxe in hand, I mine through the stone, Hoping to find diamonds, shining and known. The blocks break away, revealing a glint, A diamond so rare, my excitement does tint. I gather them up, my treasure so bright, In this vast world of pixels, a true delight. So join me in this journey, through Minecraft’s domain, Where adventure and discovery are never in vain. Like, subscribe, and share, let’s spread the word, Of the wonders of gaming, where stories… Read More

  • 🔥🔥🔥 SCARY AF Portal Upgrade! 😱😂 #minecraftmadness

    🔥🔥🔥 SCARY AF Portal Upgrade! 😱😂 #minecraftmadness Why is the portal upgrade so scary? Did they add a jump scare feature or something? Watch out for those zombie pigmen popping out at you! #minecrafthorror Read More

  • Wheel Chooses My Minecraft House!

    Wheel Chooses My Minecraft House! The Wheel Decides: Building a Minecraft House Exploring the world of Minecraft can lead to endless possibilities, especially when it comes to building your dream house. In a recent video, a Minecraft enthusiast decided to let fate take the reins by using random generators to determine the design of their new home. This unique concept was inspired by popular content creators like LDShadowlady, Dangtaht’salongname, and lilsimsie. Embracing Randomness With the help of random generators, the player relinquished control over the design process, allowing chance to dictate the style, layout, and features of their Minecraft house. This approach added an… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Adventure! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon an incredible video showcasing a futuristic train station built with the Create Mod. The attention to detail and creativity in this build is truly inspiring. If you’re a fan of futuristic and sci-fi builds, this is definitely a video you don’t want to miss. But why stop at just watching? Imagine being able to create your own futuristic masterpieces in a dynamic and thriving Minecraft community. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With an active player base and… Read More

  • Surviving 24 Hrs in Minecraft Trail Chamber

    Surviving 24 Hrs in Minecraft Trail Chamber The Thrilling Adventure of Surviving 24 Hours in the Trail Chamber in Minecraft Embark on a heart-pounding journey as players attempt to survive 24 hours in the Trail Chamber in Minecraft. The challenge is set, the stakes are high, and the outcome is uncertain. Will they conquer the odds or fall victim to the treacherous environment? Unveiling the Secrets of Minecraft As players delve into the world of Minecraft, they are met with a myriad of challenges and adventures. From surviving in hardcore mode to exploring new updates and features, the game offers endless possibilities for exploration and creativity…. Read More

  • 6×6 Gamerz Reveals Easiest Alchemy 50 Method!

    6x6 Gamerz Reveals Easiest Alchemy 50 Method!Video Information This video, titled ‘The SIMPLEST Way To get Alchemy 50 In Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by 6×6 gamerz on 2024-04-26 09:00:21. It has garnered 209 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:45 or 1665 seconds. #hypixel #minecraft #6x6gamerz #subscribe #hypixelskyblock #hypixel_skyblock_guide Remember to hit that Subscribe button so you never miss out on our latest gaming content! [Playlist] [Social] ▹Discord: [About] ▹Welcome to 6×6 Gamerz, your destination for all things gaming! Join us as we dive into the latest game releases, walkthroughs, tips and tricks, and more. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the… Read More

  • Minecraft Trees Vanishing?! RUN!

    Minecraft Trees Vanishing?! RUN!Video Information This video, titled ‘If The Trees In Your Minecraft World Disappear… RUN!’, was uploaded by Drewsmc on 2024-04-12 15:45:02. It has garnered 1550 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:08 or 1088 seconds. If The Trees In Your Minecraft World Disappear… RUN! For Minecraft Xbox Series S, Minecraft Xbox One and Minecraft Pocket Edition/MCPE Also Minecraft Ps4 edition and ps5 edition because all console editions are technically the same apart from the new xbox one bedrock version of minecraft which is different. ►TWITTER: ►FACE REVEAL Instagram : 🔥 NEW MERCH: SECOND MINECRAFT… Read More

  • I became IRON MAN in Minecraft?! 😱 Village Raid!

    I became IRON MAN in Minecraft?! 😱 Village Raid!Video Information This video, titled ‘IRON MAN’a Dönüşüp Köy Yağmaladım!!😱 – Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by Hanedan on 2024-04-10 12:00:28. It has garnered 799 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:34 or 634 seconds. Thank you for watching 🙂 We are now on this server: 1.16.5-1.20.4 port:19132 mobile version 1.20.51-1.20.71 website: Subscribe and Like the Video Don’t forget to throw 🙂 #minecraft #survival Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Build: Small Village in Creative Mode | HU Smart Gamer

    INSANE Minecraft Build: Small Village in Creative Mode | HU Smart GamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘I build Small Village in Minecraft Creative mode 2024 Day 3139’, was uploaded by HU Smart Gamer on 2024-01-04 09:00:46. It has garnered 67 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:22 or 142 seconds. I build Small Village in Minecraft Creative mode 2024 Day 3139 Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SMP SERVER LIVE | X45Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SMP 24/7 JAVA/ PE SERVER MINECRAFT LIVE |💜315 #minecraft #minecraftlive’, was uploaded by Gaming.X45 on 2024-01-17 06:35:11. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:04 or 64 seconds. This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio Read More

  • Unbelievable: Secretly Obtaining ILLEGAL SWORD🗡 on Lifesteal SMP

    Unbelievable: Secretly Obtaining ILLEGAL SWORD🗡 on Lifesteal SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I Obtain ILLEGAL SWORD🗡 In This Lifesteal SMP’, was uploaded by Dark demon OG on 2024-04-09 09:35:07. It has garnered 201 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:42 or 162 seconds. Discord Link👇 _________________________________________________ In this thrilling Minecraft video, join me on an epic journey within the Lifesteal SMP server as I reveal the secrets behind obtaining the elusive and forbidden ILLEGAL SWORD. Watch as I navigate through challenges, master enchantments, and engage in intense PvP combat to acquire this legendary weapon. Embark on an adventure filled with strategy,… Read More

  • Unlocking Mind Powers in Minecraft?!? | Part 1

    Unlocking Mind Powers in Minecraft?!? | Part 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Telepathy Part 1 #minecraft #tiktok #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by iyfl on 2024-01-08 22:00:51. It has garnered 23417 views and 1207 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Minecraft Telepathy Part 1 #iyfl does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.19 challenges in 2023! Today iyfl plays not Minecraft, But Water Rises or… Read More


    "INSANE: PARKING MY FRIEND in EPIC MOB FIGHT!" 🤯🔥 Minecraft ⛏Video Information This video, titled ‘Ich PRANKE meinen FREUND in einem BARRY MOB BATTLE! – Minecraft ⛏’, was uploaded by Semlaki on 2024-01-16 15:18:04. It has garnered 57518 views and 2341 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:49 or 3049 seconds. Semlaki and @ukri-mc are having a mob battle! Mob Battles include BARRY, op mutants, op bosses, mobs, monsters and many other things, but Semlaki uses a drawing/painting mod in Minecraft that allows him to cheat! Will his friends notice that he’s cheating? Will Semlaki win? Will Ukri lose? Watch the video to find out! 😀 ↪ I PARK… Read More

  • OMZ Trapped as a FAMILY on ANTARCTICA! EPIC Minecraft Parody

    OMZ Trapped as a FAMILY on ANTARCTICA! EPIC Minecraft ParodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘OMZ Trapped as a FAMILY on an ANTARCTICA in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Roxy and Lily,Crystal)’, was uploaded by Omz Fan on 2024-03-05 13:00:07. It has garnered 24544 views and 264 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:24 or 1224 seconds. 🥰This video is a parody of the best minecraft YouTuber! Please do not write angry comments, because this is a video of an Omz FAN!😍 in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: OMZ Trapped as a FAMILY on an ANTARCTICA in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Roxy and Lily,Crystal) 🔥 Press like to this video and… Read More

Chaotic Alchemy Guide – Minecraft Create Above and Beyond – Episode #13 – Modded Minecraft