Chat Controls My Minecraft Game! CRAZY

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Hello I’m ABX toy cat and democracy is incredibly important so why don’t we apply it to our Minecraft videos indeed we should expect high standards like Democratic decision- making and indeed the ability for the people to decide from even the Minecraft runs that you watch on this platform and so today that

Is precisely what we’re doing people voted for a random seed and so we’re playing Minecraft on a random seed except every few minutes the chat will be making a decision so if you’re watching this in the past you’ll see like a top Chat thing on the right there

And that is made up of people who have subscribed to this Channel and have been for at least 10 minutes it’s a weird criteria that YouTube lets you set but anyone who has subscribed to the channel will be deciding and uh indeed all of you watching will be deciding exactly

How this run goes will it be successful will it not be I’ve absolved myself of all of the uh burdens of that decision because instead as your lord and indeed not not indeed your not not a grand dictator today but instead as your Democratic decision maker I will tell you exactly how it

Goes so first things first I need to decide where I’m going to head you can look at this seed and you can immediately see there are three possibilities one is to go into the water and hope for something in the ocean there are shipwrecks there there are Ocean Monuments there there fun

Things the second is to find the nearest cave You’ll Always Find a cave in a world and the third is to go searching for a a land structure like a desert temple a jungle temple a village at something like that usually the village but you know let’s open up opportunities

There so chat you will decide which of those free places will be going the ocean a cave or a land structure let’s call it a village to be simple but a structure on the land I am incredibly curious as to what you pick because they’re all very different ways to start

A Minecraft world everyone needs to chop down a tree sure although even that is arguably obsolete if you find a village um but we’re going to be deciding indeed I say we’re going to be deciding chat is is immediately off to a grand decision they want to find a structure I would

Say uh so I’m kind of curious like are people going to pick the best decision each time the most interesting or is there going to be a weird mix where maybe it’s funny to pick you know sometimes people will pick the funniest option um and sometimes that is not

Ideal uh in a democracy um by the way yeah so good to see everyone here saying structure uh by the way I see a lot of familiar names it’s nice to see you all hi I’m ibx to cat it’s been been a a whole year since I last streamed that’s

Everyone’s favorite joke right is when you when you say it’s been a year uh and uh also wow I found a very big cave by accident but we’re not going into it we’re going to find a structure instead I man I really can’t get over what a

Cool cave that is um but yeah let’s uh let’s find out what the structure looks like because this pole is now over we are on course for a structure and so uh yeah it actually show us how many when the poll is officially closed how many

Votes there were as well and you can see the weird stats and the breakdown but all I can can see on my screen is that 46% of people 45% of people now have voted to find a structure and so let’s see if we can’t find ourselves a village

Um 227 boats uh 45% structure 27% cave 26% uh go to water the other way around those last two but yeah let’s let’s Now kill all the mobs we find on the way to a village cuz we might be going for a while and maybe also get some feathers I

I can’t believe it was the last uh last stream I did was uh Sky Block it was the first time in forever I realized just how valuable feathers can actually be because how often do you really need to craft arrows in an actual survival world also yeah we’re going to end up with

Every single meat Source by the time we get there which honestly is again not ideal but we if we need to survive we’ll appreciate it so looking for a structure is a simple enough task in my opinion you just head in the direction where you see land over there that’s a village by

The way easy I’m I’m pretty sure that’s a village so let’s head towards it and while we’re on the way we need to decide what we’re going to do when we get there I mean we get to a village and we can immediately make some big decisions

Right we can start trading with the Villagers or we can kill the Iron Golem get some good stuff from him or we can go the third the radical solution here and just dig straight down from the village uh because we might find if we’re lucky down there a stronghold

Indeed uh villages on Bedrock only Bedrock as best I know um 10 to generate above strongholds the first three uh and that doesn’t mean that every village has a stronghold but almost every stronghold in the inner ring has a village and so about a one in 10 chance of digging down

Into a uh into a stronghold is that a chance you’d like us to take well in the next poll let’s find out shall we um the will of toy cat for a New Year says Nate Reagan I do have a plan to bring back the will of toy cat Nate don’t you worry

It’s uh it’s on it’s on the on the table uh I also have a fun idea for a stream kind I I wanted to mix it in today but I figured it might be confusing is Minecraft but I get a certain amount bigger or smaller every X amount of time

Or x amount of whatever also um twin are you happy about the chunk render distance changes on reals finally oh yeah it’s it’s incredible I am a big big big fan of that so yeah um what should we do when we get to the Village chat

Should we um you know should we trade with the Villagers option number one option number two is should we kill the Iron Golem and option number three is uh oh yeah a dig down for a stronghold so you know or even even easier let’s make

It more fun here just Dig Down for the stronghold or don’t dig down for the stronghold um I think there’s an interesting thing about this I so one of the interesting Parts about democracy if you so if you live in a lot of countries you probably I think not every country

Engages in referenda which is not just um usually so what what people love to say when they’re defending something that’s bad about the uh the system in the US is they’ll say actually it’s a republic and not a democracy as if a republic is not a version of democracy

But usually the distinction is um like if you are if you elect representatives to do things on your behalf it’s kind of considered like smart democracy because you can trust those people to be educated on the issues they’re voting on and also to make sure they’re educated

On every single vote in a way that the public just doesn’t care about I can’t tell you out of the last 10 things that were voted on by the UK Parliament I’d be able to tell you two or three of them maybe but I guarantee most people can’t

Tell you all of them let alone how they feel about it so uh generally having that step in between is important but in the case of referenda which is where you ask the people directly you might think that’s the most direct form of democracy and therefore it’s the most direct way

To see what people think by the way we are digging down from this Village I’m going to cook some food because I’ve got very little of it assuming there is a place to cook it in this Village which is a big assumption and then we’re going

To dig down of s it’s not a direct democracy yes so here’s the interesting thing the uh the problem with direct democracy um which again I’m I’m a big believer in the idea of like well should we just assume people are dumb I don’t think we should um it’s a belief I start

To question as I you know but right right it’s something I I really don’t think is that like oh yeah people are just too stupid to decide for themselves it’s uh it’s it’s in my opinion is kind of a backwards uh take on things however

It is what a lot of people believe when they think that indirect democracy is great is that like yeah you can’t trust people in that way however um the interesting thing about direct democracy where everyone decides like we’re doing today is how you phrase the question is

Very can affect the results in a really interesting way so by the way if we’re going to dig down from the village we want to do so from as close to the center as we can but the center of this Village is very inconveniently placed so

We’ll break a couple of hay bells to get some bread cuz I don’t have a furnace right now and we’ll just go for it I guess so assuming there’s no Lava down here which is a hopefully good assumption we’re just going to make up this wood into a crafting table and

We’re going to see where it takes us it’s going to be a fun time let me tell you um I vote K beini as first lady says James Weston sorry we’re not an indirect democracy I it’s not that I don’t think you’re too stupid believe me I think

That uh the the the Mr general public I you know he’s he claims to be a general but I I’ve seen his uh I’ve seen his stupidity sometimes so um yeah I think um I think the weird thing uh is that also dig down or dig up if you’re from

Australia yeah playing playing playing uh Minecraft in Australia sounds sounds like it’s way too hard how how does anyone keep track of all these uh but more seriously I think um kenia’s first lady wow you know I I I I said that this wasn’t uh how it worked in this system

But actually I’ve changed my mind on that one Kini is officially the first lady uh of today’s stream so if you have any uh secondary Democratic issues you better believe that’s a a thing you can go for by the way um but yeah I think the the the struggle with direct

Democracy is how you ask the question will change a lot so I bet if we ask the question now do you think we should trade with the Villagers or dig down instead of Dig Down yes or no you’d get a different response just even though

It’s still dig down or don’t dig down um and interestingly you’d expect that fewer people would vote don’t dig down if it’s just trading whereas right now in theory don’t dig down should have more choices but actually a lot of people will glob to that we react very

Interesting to different scenarios uh 17 votes decided it can’t be more democratic than that dig East toy cat okay which way is east I I can go east I think I can do a good job at that but um yeah so I um trusting people do the right thing is more

Dangerous than trusting people to always do the wrong thing the I think the actual truth of it is that humans are very good at getting special getting good in like a specific field I’ve seen people who are really really really good at what they do but that doesn’t mean you’re good at

Everything that you do um there’s the interesting difference there between being highly competent means being highly incompetent in some Fields um in the same way that like I don’t know you you wouldn’t trust your president uh even if you loved your president I don’t know who who your president is right now

Or if you live in a country with a president also I’m oh god oh man um so if there’s a if there’s something behind me I’m just screwed um this is going poorly for me but it’s okay I’ve got more wood I can make some food uh I’m

Going to make some food in fact in fact you know actually let’s go a step further than just saying we’ll make food let’s cook up the St wooden pickaxe and just get something yell for myself anyway um hope you had a fun New Year’s says Dasher I had a very fun New Year’s

Actually thank you for checking um yeah I just want to eat like one good pork chop that’s all I need and then all my other problems will go away sorted oh and then we should probably cook up some iron for a pickaxe too n you know oh

Actually there is iron right here it’d be silly not to if it’s that close by yeah a very good news actually um you know I I can eat the rest of the food oh no uh what do you chat do I get to eat the rest of the food or not 54% of

People are saying oh 53 is saying yes this is this is the closest poll that decides my future chat I won’t eat it until the results come in of course that that’s a beautifully evil poll option though um man that is uh vote for a national mob

Yeah the so if I don’t I don’t know if you care or love your president but you don’t want him to do your plumbing and in the same way you don’t want me to do your plumbing because let me tell you there’s one thing I know for sure and

It’s that I don’t know Plumbing oh it’s a it’s a pretty bright cave so we’re going to continue to dig down looking for a stronghold at this point the odds are not great but you know there have been worse odds in the world and uh so yeah chat has decided by a 50

Surprisingly close margin that I do get to eat the food thank you thank you very kindly uh I will not put this food to waste I will make sure that it counts and uh so yeah let’s make a crafting table we’ll make six bread cuz I think we just need

Some to get us through this and I’m also going to make myself an iron pickaxe cuz I’m pretty sure I’m running out of uh am I out of wood no where’s the sticks it’s just okay that’s why um I’m pretty sure I’m running out of the stone pickaxe

Right now can’t be 100% sure obviously but it’s looking pretty bad so let’s keep digging down and hope we dig down fast enough uh that no mobs fall in this hole after me cuz it’ll be a whole problem if I can so chat thank you for trusting me with the

Decision to eat some bread I I I will make this a worthwhile piece of bread I love my president so much toy cat is my president I voted for him so uh let’s let’s let’s do a quick vote inde indeed to see who is your president I’m pretty

Sure uh I I think I know the choice on the ballot but you know we’ll we’ll see how it looks um also as a fellow resident of the United Kingdom I believe we need a king in this society says chimar yeah so that’s that’s uh there’s a really uh compelling case I don’t

Believe it personally but I have to admit it compels me um amongst people who really oh see that’s why you do this strategy by the way I’d have fallen into a cave if I hadn’t uh if I had not prepared properly for this which but thankfully as a as an intelligent voter

I’ve been looking into the issues and I realized that this could have been a problem so I’m going to instead of going down like that uh oh it’s a hard choice for president chat um but uh yeah you know thank you thank you thank thank you graciously for

Declaring me to be your president it was a very close poll um but I I have I have a hard decision to make now I found while looking for the stronghold I found a giant cave not just the normal cave oh and deep slate coal wow I found the

Rarest St in Minecraft chat wow look at that this is the genuinely wow what a freaky crazy thing so uh yeah this is it’s a little known fact but because coold doesn’t like to generate so low down finding it in the Deep slate layers is near impossibly rare this is if you

Do find this in your world you probably don’t care but if you do make sure you save it for later deep uh silk touching that is incredibly fun uh I don’t know what to do with it but what I will do for right now is I’ll quickly decide um

What whether we should explore the cave or keep digging down because if we explore the cave uh so I’m going to place a torch up here just so I don’t get lost if we explore the cave on the one hand we’d get some uh you know get R

We might find diamonds this early on in a run but if we look look for the stronghold still we might you know it’s it’s like a thing that might might get need to get done first so I’m going down okay it’s very very very dark in here so

I always recommend doing a torch run when you go into a cave first also that’s not Diamonds oh I need to use the pickaxe as a weapon or I will die okay I I will die either way it seems um so there is a mob behind me but I’m going

To live by running away from it um as long as a mob doesn’t appear in front of me right now I’m going to do great so caving is going well for me thank you for giving me the ability to eat more food I think I’d be dead without it and

Uh yeah I could do have a little bit of uh ore maybe would do elf me if I could find some it’s okay if I don’t find or though it’s it’s perfectly great so chat is voting for caving okay you know you’re choosing you’re choosing violence

Today in the in the literal way but I’m going to make this work I’m going to make caving work as your as your president dutifully elected I will make sure uh that we will in fact go caving correctly what is okay so up here we go

Oh plenty of iron up here oh so much iron actually so we’re going to mine both piles of iron eating in the meantime and we’re going to use this to make a full set of iron armor or something like that and then we’ll use the armor to take on the stronghold if

We find one it doesn’t look great on the odds of a stronghold but it’s not impossible yet it’s just getting less and less likely uh how is there no tough diamond or yeah I think I think seeing a tough version of each or would be pretty

Fun I don’t but but I say that and then it’s like well it’d be fun the first time you found it and then what so yeah 59% people decided I am going for a stronghold I mean I’m going caving before a stronghold also thank you Casanova for becoming the 458th channel

Member welcome to the club I hope you’re doing wonderfully uh indeed uh thank you for bringing us closer to 500 members I ever you know we we we hit 500 members once in the the gifted era but uh I don’t think we’ve been there like you know since we stopped counting them or

Since you know YouTube bra uh I I I think since the time where they have stopped counting um I think it’s been it’s it’s pretty cool to imagine we could get close to that again uh so thank you to everyone of every every other one of the 458 members too uh

Appreciate wait 457 members too I mean every one of the other 457 but also especially kasan NOA you know it’s a hard thing to say like oh yeah thank you to this one in particular without also saying oh yeah but also less thank you to everyone else right It’s the weird

Thing about um do you want to know something fun I I there’s a fun there’s a story that relates to this I swear it’s not off topic although really is it a toy cat stream if we don’t go off the topic eight times in a row by the way no

Diamonds so far pretty bad but um so I uh after the a few streams ago I mentioned at the end I was going to go get some discount Bakery items and uh I mentioned just briefly like oh yeah well The Woman by being really nice to this

Customer in front of us like leaving the Hill for like 10 minutes is actually being really in poite to the rest of us in a weird what do you want to know something fun um but uh yeah every in in a uh by by being really polite to One customer

You’re kind of being impolite to another one and this is a it’s a fun thing that like I think is interesting about like to be nice to someone is in a in a way any any type of inclusionary is exclusionary because you are inherently excluding people some number of people I

Think a lot of people think that like places that are trying to exclude them or like doing it from some evil space but really it’s usually like oh yeah well it’s actually that we’ve only you know I think it’s only offensive when you say oh yeah this is the most we’re

Inclusive to everyone except people who aren’t everyone which is actually a surprising number of people in my opinion that’s probably uh a little bit wild and out there but I I think the I think the thing that a lot of people uh don’t realize is that to to inherently

You know to give favor to a group of people means almost disfavoring everyone else uh it’s uh it’s something something I find interesting but so I I mentioned this while I was just uh casually in line uh to the person next not the person I was with I should say wasn’t

Talking to a stranger and the person in front of me was about to buy all of the discount Goods there and it was like that is a really interesting point you make there and you know I’m going to be nice right now um I’ll let you go in

Front of me and you can pick whichever uh you know pick whichever pastry you want first cuz he was he was about to have the last one and so by making this like casual point at a bakery I got some discount baked goods whereas the guy in

Front of me was about to take them all and decided not to just upon hearing my little thing and uh so yeah the stranger was he was he was very nice I uh he he let me pick first and then I was like no no no no no you you tell me

Which of these you prefer and you can make sure you have that and he’s like well I’m not really sure how I feel about this one and I was like okay I I’ll take it we’re good also I can’t uh I can’t actually smell anything in the

Furnace yet because I don’t have any coal so that that was a successful trip so now chat um I’m glad you got to know something fun you did all vote to hear it apparently um so chat now I’ve got enough to smelt up uh the question is

Now should I wait till my iron armor is done and then go looking in the stronghold or should I put my furnus going and then just start digging down so armor first or stronghold first cuz it’s going to I’m I’m going to have to do uh there’s going to be a bit of

Waiting before I can get armor and I don’t want to do the waiting without your consent chat also go left says Zs Splash oh which way is left there’s so many lefts um oh no oh I don’t like this at all I don’t like any of what I’m seeing

Right here so even though I don’t want to mine the Deep slate cult I think I’m going to have to just to get some amount of resource or I could get away with not by placing this on the ground there and cooking the first bit of iron with it

Getting enough iron for a bucket and then coming back with a lava bucket boom so wait for armor or my other left says Rose Pentacle ah go this way okay let’s let’s do it easy uh thankfully I’ve got a cooked pork shop if it weren’t for chat and the

Extra food things would go very poor um also uh yeah I uh wait for armor don’t die says uh jacn Clifford oh Lord so wait for armor don’t die uh yeah dying is bad I would like to come out as firmly anti-de we are going to have to

Use our last pieces of wood for a crafting table but it’ll be worthwhile it’ll be 100% worth it I’m pretty sure I and then we’re going to use that to make a bucket and then we’re just going to jump off using the bucket I don’t want

To I don’t want to be near this zombie anymore oh ouch should have should have suspected that could have happened don’t know why I didn’t really go down here oh that was very weird quickly burn the zombies I’ve now got the best weapon in

The game by the way yeah oh he’s got no he’s got my he’s got my coal I I want my coal back please oh no he’s he’s not got it for me well that was a mistake but we all learn something valuable at some point in our lives um

Celest is onto something you know I I I I I I really like this idea actually um so one of the important parts of a democracy cuz you know I I think the the wording of a question genuinely changes how people feel about it this first came

Up in my life because I lived in the United Kingdom during a certain referendum maybe you’ve heard about it uh might have a nice pment to describe what the what the Britain did to maybe exit somewhere but uh by the way thank you lobbying attempt uh find a cat in

The village and name it oh I I can’t see it on my screen right now um find a cat in the village and name it what should I name the cat Okay I’m going to I’m going to risk death for this name it democracy so here’s the fun thing I think that a

Healthy part of a functioning de de Democratic state is the ability uh to say oh no no I’m going to die how did we both die by the way wow I I really died after death also can I just say something ignoring that I died right

There I I was I’ve got to learn to be less aggressive in the situations but ignoring that I died for just a second did you all hear that not block sound when I died is that a bug or is that is that just how the game works um so now

Chat there’s an interesting decision should I go back and get my stuff you know I can immediately go down there and do that or should I wait a bit first you know should I should I get something else done you know it’s it’s it’s always

A choice you uh you don’t have to get your stuff to be successful um ignore that he died yes SL no uh it’s a feature I heard the noise it’s the game singing about your demise says Celeste by the way good to see you also

Um so yeah go back we could do something else we could we could live a new life as a sailor we could uh we could take up life as a farming villager uh we could you know we got lots and lots of choices not all of them have to be getting my

Stuff but it looks like people are saying get my stuff oh in smaller numbers though okay so uh but yeah there is a uh there’s a real value you might argue to because one of the problems with democracy is everyone’s vote is counted equally regardless of how much you care and so

I’ve seen lots of people try to address this you can either say make it harder to vote make it so you pay some amount but that feels like it’s really saying oh yeah let’s try and make people who don’t have money vote less that’s I think people feel bad about that as a

Concept but instead what if you can just spend time talking to your fellow voters about what it is that you think they can do and what if the amount of time you got got with those fellow voters went up as you spent more money well I think uh

As someone who loves having questionable takes I like that system um I I think there’s probably a limit to it though and also you have to try and have some form of Truth in the like I think ads are really fine as long as they are

Truthful even cuz even truth can be like lopsided but if you can lie to people the whole concept of the World falls apart but if everyone tells the truth I I I don’t think it’s bad and so as long as you have a real and valid uh you know

Like a idea you can you can bribe me to hear that idea or you like and you know what you might I don’t think you can override a vote but I do believe uh that you can basically Institute your own Vote or maybe you can you know help sway

Something if it’s a if it’s an evenly decided vote but someone gives me yeah I I think democracy works well with a nice little counterbalance of money it’s all about sincerity once you can fake that you’ve got it made I believe what they say is you you got to

You’ve got to fake sincerity until you make sincerity um with the Dig armor boat was swapping 4951 back and forth I felt like I had too much parent democracy is the one who decides when it ends I had that from at the start of the stream Vick salmon actually um at the

Start of the stream I uh I had to end the poll for what we’re going to use by the way 54% of people said go back in the end which is interesting that it got so close but we will not become a Boatman just yet instead I’ll get some

Food I’ll go get get go back get my stuff I’ll finish fin the stronghold task and then we can start a new one or maybe we could say well we didn’t find a stronghold at y z what are the odds of there being one below that I think

That’s a pretty reasonable stance uh so yeah we’ll go back we’ll get our stuff and then a new vote can occur so I’m going to do the bare minimum I can to make sure that I don’t die right now uh that means getting myself two pieces of bread that seems like a reasonable

Numbers okay this is not the right building and then actually we probably need more than two bread yeah I’m going to going to going to make that guess right now so how should we get down into the hole if we if we pour water in there

We’d have a way up and down but there’s no well nearby so we’re going to have to find one we could dig a really long trench from the sea yeah that’s not a bad idea to me uh I think we should do that I think we’ll dig a trench or we

Could get a bucket up here um getting a bucket means killing a Golem which you know is a is a is a whole activity or we could just bring some hay bells and keep falling on them repeatedly yeah actually that what okay so this is how to get

Your stuff back if you fell down a hole this is a very Niche piece of advice but I’m going to give it to you for free right now chat here’s what you do you find your big hole you make sure by the way you’ve eaten first cuz you’re going

To need to regenerate no matter what you do uh let let me let me give you the big life Pro tip so once we eat one more time now I can I if I fell down onto a hay Bell I would still die from this

Height but if I fell down from a hay Bell 10 separate times I would take basically no damage so one as you can see and then two as you like The Falls individually are going to be much smaller and so the collective fo is also much smaller okay

And so as long as we do that effectively which it looks like I’m going to we’re great everything’s fine nothing went wrong with that I have all my hay bells back there are none litter in the spot and so let’s grab our iron which is now mostly smelted really I was just dying

Because I couldn’t I was dying because of how bought I was dying of boredom that’s what I’m trying to say um and so now I’ve sorted that problem I’ve even got some spare food to come with me so let’s get right out there as soon as my

Furnace is done smelting I believe chat said make some armor and if I had done so I probably wouldn’t have died so let’s let’s let’s take that valuable lesson let’s make some let’s just make a chest plate for now the rest of it is important but the chest plate is what

Will keep me alive the rest is kind of secondary so cat was dying to get down aren’t we all dying to get down sometimes and then we’re also going to take a lava bucket with us because lava’s valuable having a honestly it’s crazy when you think about how valuable

Lava is that you just find these huge Lakes of it hanging around your world but yeah that’s a point for for another time maybe um I think uh chat said keep digging sorry well okay chat if you want me to keep digging we keep digging let’s go um

So oh no no got to got to kill him first so now as you can see I’ve got this armor on which means that he is going to become much less a problem oh he’s skeletons have good AI I’ve always always forget that one so just burn the

Skeleton alive come on this is this is this shouldn’t be this hard okay there we go just just why can’t I place it down on him there we go that that basically killed me in the end I think Ashley killed me is is very close to

Ashley being true um but I did burn the skeleton so I mean you know kind of winning in my own little way okay so I’m just just going to walk away from that hope the skeleton is gone skeleton is not gone um with this zombie

I’m going to try a little bit more of a effective technique so I’m going to try and get the zombie right next to me here right then I’m going to punch him back into this and then once we’ve done that effectively I’m just going to there we

Go oh no okay that did thought that would work better than it did I’ll be honest with you okay we’re doing fine the skeleton’s gone and the spider is in his place and I can get back and make myself a sword because clearly that’s the thing I

Actually need to survive I think a sword will go a lot further than anything else so now we make the sword we go digging down because that’s what chat wants I believe in chat’s uh god-given right to uh say say words at me and uh oh there’s

A lot there’s just so many zombies do I have to kill them all okay fine I’ll kill the Zombies so I can go di in chat um also um as an American uh can someone please explain to me while there’s 50 stars on flag even though Canada is a

State oh oh why am I reading chat when I’m on such low Health uh so now let’s eat the r flesh to get back up to High Health I will die in an instant if anything bad happens anywhere but outside of that I’m doing pretty well right now so break the furnace even

Though it’s a source of light and now let’s go down in a gentle careful way that hopefully doesn’t involve my death I think a shield would be a good investment but I don’t have the wood for it so Whoops a Daisy so straight up or straight down I chat

Says straight down I think that’s a bold Choice chat but I’m willing I’m willing to to work with you on this one maybe bold decisions oh are what we need right now so let’s eat the rotten flesh oh yeah this is this is looking real dire for me huh break this one and

Then look we’re safe we’re going to we’re going to close that off just to be sure and we’re going to close that off too we just don’t want any risks around here and then we’re going to continue I I really don’t see what we’re going to

Find down here chat I just I just don’t know what we’re looking for dig straight down without using the two block methods as C last now that now that would be a fun uh that would be an experience you know actually why would why why why just say

That would be an experience why don’t I show people what an experience that would be um but yeah I I think after looking down I think it’s fairly clear uh by the this is this is Maybe saf way of doing the two block method if you

Want to like feel a little bit better off but yeah after digging down enough I think we can say nothing down here at least nothing worthwhile so let’s now place our Cobblestone and get ourselves out to where the beds and the sleep and the good stuff is uh let’s V until get

Accent for the remainder of the stream you know what’s my accent be for the next uh next couple of minutes chat you you can you can decide I’ll uh I’ll give you that right let’s see see what you do with it so I want to use the crafting

Table real quick hopefully not get hit by the zombie just so I can make some food and not die immediately it’s all I want in life sometimes all I want in life most of the time really please cook your raw food you know you sound like my mom you

Wait you you s who who are you my my my my parent my teacher who are you my you what’s the funniest version of this actually uh you sound like uh you sound like something bad also Russian Welsh um so now oh wow we got we got we got a couple of zoomi

Choices now so chat we can either go straight to the nether at this point if we’re if we’re trying to beat the game which you know it’s always a good goal we can go to the ne we can we can live our life there or we could try to gather

Some more resources from structures the ne’s a nice place it even has structures there if you want it but there are also overw World structures which we could gather some more uh resources for um do a person in a servant accent try and imitate a British person oh I love

England oh uh you I I actually have family from England uh they moved here when I was just a little boy actually they moved when my grandfather was a little boy but my great great grandfather was from England like I I’ll talk like he did oh jully H chaps I’m

Going down to the pissa right now and I’mma get myself some beer to drink with my fishing ships there you go that’s you’re welcome that’s you sound like a health inspector a Health Inspectors all Southern in your mind um so yeah using lava is a bit messy you have to kind of

Like place it and then wait and then res scoop it um but after doing that I should end up with okay I’m just going to end with a lot of lot of lot of fiery uh stuff right here but if I put out the fires now okay there we go that’s some

Pork chops and I’m just going to push this pork into the fire so we can get some more pork chops easy so now I can cook up my raw beef at my own pace and we can go to the nether because that is what chat wants honestly

It is crazy if you think about it that like I wish I’d got the go to the never request before coming all the way up but I can I can make this work I’ll make a big ladder or something maybe yeah we can if I don’t see lava which actually

There’s a blacksmith in this Village oh this whole time I okay you know this is this is why looking around for structures is important but yeah 52% of people want me to go to the Nether and so we’re going to yeah once you find a lava cave that big

There’s just there’s no comparison like there’s two you know a whole who in two whole pieces of lava here um but you need 8 10 to go to the nether oh actually fre obsidian two lava there one in my inventory we’re pretty close to going already this is why I wanted to

Wait on Crafting the the stuff and uh so yeah how should we go to the nether should we find a ruin portal or should we use some lava below the ground I think um like there is a big lava pit down there already we do know about it

But it would kind of be backtracking so we could also find a ruined portal and uh you know it might take a while but it is an above ground structure I guess too so it’s a it’s kind of a way to blend the last two options together maybe um

If you want to do it that way which I think is a good idea in general but I’m not the boss I am your your faithful servant chat I am your faithful uh servant chat um with that said oh look how look how nice this mountain is over

Here I don’t see a ruin portal wait actually do I see a ruin portal I don’t see a ruin portal here yet but I bet I could from on top of that mountain so if I had a saddle I’d be using it right now but since I don’t we’ll just go up the

Casual way and I’ll grab a bed actually while I’m here I I can’t stand just randomly being around at night if you can avoid it you might as well avoid it and you better believe I can so we’ll take a bed except I hate their color

Scheme who who wants yellow no one wants yellow you know what color we want in our beds give you a clue it starts with with m m and ends with d um speaking of uh things we’ve got a tip from oh it’s uh it’s it’s a super chat from low Le Jane

Super uh they say can you do the gritty I actually cannot I I know this is a this is a boomer thing to say and be like oh I don’t know the fortnite but I genuinely do not know any fortnite dancers uh I think I know flossing uh

But it’s like uh yeah there’s a I’ve heard that there was a big controversy that they stole the dances I thought that was interesting but uh it’d be it’d be like asking I I I think it’s something that’s almost to be shamed of as being like yeah I don’t know a

Certain area of Pop Culture I get this whenever I talk about music that like yeah I don’t really listen to music when people say like oh yeah I I know I I I know that she’s a terrible human but I love Nicki Minaj’s music I’m like oh I

Don’t I don’t know that that is is music but I appreciate your opinion I don’t know that uh you know like I I I I learned about a new genre recently called drill um and you know I was excited I thought it’d be all sorts of noises of people doing DIY around the

House apparently it’s it’s like a sub genre of rap that is specifically about doing bad things uh I I think that’s fun personally I I like the idea that sometimes you don’t want to listen to a song to have a good time you want to be like hearing about the bad times that

Someone else has had um but yeah there’s a there’s a whole uh world out there also wow cool cave very cool cave I love I love this opening just straight from the uh Savannah here this is why I love um this is why I absolutely love to see

Um like random seeds is cuz you just never know what you’re going to get genuinely this one seed has never been loaded up by a human before statistically it could be it could be it’s actually a very common seed but you know I I’ll show you the seed towards

The end of the video if you want to use this for yourself because wow looking at it this is something stunning huh um I have gone from not cool to violently uncool over the years I think actual cool right I I think most people agree

When you when you really look into it is that what a lot of people try to demonstrate as being cool is like taking uh something from someone else and trying to use it as your own in a way like oh yeah I am cool because I I

Know the words this but I think what is actually cool is knowing yourself well knowing that be you know like if being weird and pretending that you’re not is much weirder than if you’re just like Yep this is who I am how I am try to be

Considerate of others try to care about their feelings and thoughts but if you shape your personality to the people around you you’ll never succeed because there’s always a better version of who you’re trying to emulate than you um speaking of trying to emulate things I

Have not found a ruin portal yet chat is is is is what they want the ruin portal 63% if you do uh but it it’s looking pretty bad my odds which is wild because it’s usually the most common structure oh actually I see one right okay do you see one over

There if only I had a spy glass right now I see red I’m like 70% sure so 289 vots are in and people are saying that I should find a ruin portal and I think I just did I’m fairly sure um whether it has lava where it’ll be useful all

Different questions but let’s go for it right now um i’ be bullied for liking Minecraft to Celeste I I will you know I don’t know I don’t know any ages or anything I would say like below a certain age it it might even be as high as like 16 for some

People but if you’re if you’ve got decent surroundings and friends it’s much lower than that oh we found lava here too so I’ve got backup lava if it comes to it let’s go to the ruin portal and then let’s come back here if it doesn’t work um I am I am the best

Version of me because I don’t exist a sacrificial lamb 456 I don’t understand that but I get it I I I I I agree with it just because I don’t just CU it doesn’t make sense doesn’t mean that I can’t find it to be compelling as a fult um I’m the best

Version of myself because I’m the only version of myself yeah it’s it’s the it’s the dumbest thing people say all the time but it is true is like yeah uh it’s wait it’s best to be wait there’s a song so I went to a surp I think it’s

Shockingly common in the UK to have like very religious schools like kind of snuck in there and so um one of the weird things is we had to sing like songs every day in the school and so one of them was it’s best to be what best at

What you’re best at don’t try to be something you’re not better by far to follow your star better by far to be who you see who you are it’s crazy you know that’ll be really important things like medication I need to take that I can forget about you know what was the last

Time I forgot about you know I when was the last time I had to take me there can be like okay that if I’m traveling sometimes times I get yeah that there’s like a thing I have uh and I I’ll forget that I have like an issue that can give

Me some pain and I’ll remember 20 plus years after um that right still to this day I can tell you all about like oh yeah yeah there’s uh that’s that’s how the song goes um also I have to break this crying obsidian I don’t I don’t

Know why they put the crying obsidian in the portal it’s like they want me to cry honestly so chat we’re ready to go to the nether now I’ve got a Nether Portal what’s the first thing I should do when I’m in there I guess we could we could

Wait to make this decision to after also where did I get all this obsidian from was it from this chest that I opened and forgot about also I didn’t have a way to actually light this so I’m so glad it has a fire charge very very very handy

Stuff I’ll put all of these random things in there if I need them they’ll be easily ready and uh yeah let’s do it also um drop everything and make a spy glasses Cova see that that’s what I’m talking about that that is the lobbying that I’m down to accept in this case I

Don’t think I can because I haven’t found amethyst anywhere otherwise I’d be like okay this isn’t a democratic decision but I believe in making it anyway um but today I won’t be doing that obsidian came from a blacksmith I thought I got free obsidian from the blacksmith but I must have gone six

Without realizing also I hear a drown so I’m just going to look in the direction of the drown he doesn’t care about me but I care about him just like all of you chat just because you don’t care about me or yourself doesn’t mean I don’t care about you you in a very

Parasocial way I mean if there were none of you who would vote on my polls like uh what to do in the nether find a fortress find a Bastion find a war Forest those are the three best things in the never in my humble opinion if we’re going to make progress in beating

The game we’re going to need to find one of those three things sooner or later and so let’s see what you think we should go to First obviously we’ll look for all three but we’re um obviously I will if I find one before the others I should say um that will change some

Things but uh that that is the plan that we’re going to follow so we’ll place down the lava there real quick and then just immediately after Place some water on top it will make a bit of a mess but it’ll save me one obsidian might come up

To be important later if it doesn’t then I won’t have regrets oh no oh that’s fine it’s I have a second fire charge I was ready for this situation or the game was at least so I don’t have any more lava so we just Place Another obsidian

There it is kind of crazy that you can’t like this should be a NE portal right chat can we all agree that something about this just is wrong it just it just doesn’t feel okay but uh yeah that said let’s place down our bed cuz you never

Know what’s going to happen uh maybe a torch too and then place the stone slab over over over over over there just to keep me safe in the future speaking of being safe in the future um yeah so that was the lobbying attempt I I love the

Idea of the spy glass also dropping everything I know you mean drop everything in a literal sense or a in a in a metaphorical sense but it kind of sounds like a literal sense like okay for this $2 are we dropping it all go and find some stuff also finding a

Fortress is the most common option let’s see if we can do that chat I think there’s a similarity between the three things we can do in the ne oh no chat you’re wrong finding a Bastion is what we’re going to do first no we’re going to we’ll still look for a fortress even

Though we just found a Bastion so Dasher uh queen of coordinates is here right now thankfully um because otherwise I always recommend writing them in chat but over like your in game chat but uh today we’ve got that covered thankfully very nicely and so we’re going to make a

Nice Cobblestone Bridge across this little uh thing we find ourselves on just to avoid a little bit of Mining and uh we should probably also make some gold armor um yeah I should get some wood soon we’ll go find a warped for I guess we’ll find whatever wood we we can

Um actually wait this this is maybe a source of gold armor right I need a shield by the way I I really really really need a shield and I need one quite bad cuz I’m about to head into a dangerous place uh and there’s no wood

Anywhere near me so okay let’s kill them as they come over this hill they’ll die oh yes problem solved okay please don’t remember I just hit your friends I don’t think they’re going to I think I think thankfully they’ve forgotten all about that uh you know as as they should I

Believe if you believe in uh in the idea that you can be re itated then you’ve got to you’ve got to remember that when people die or when people commit a crime as long as they later put on the armor that shows there on your side you’ve got to immediately forgive them otherwise

You’re not really a believer in prison you’re just a believer in punishing people okay so now we make this box just a little bit more secure maybe make like a wall there as well just really go for as much as we can to make the never secure and let’s

Go back in there I um I’m better than ingame chat I don’t cover half of the screen exact you’re not exactly Dasher it’s the honestly half of screen is a is a vast understatement when it comes to actually typing it in I do I have to say

I don’t know where the the Bedrock chat design comes from on a fundamental level like why why is it this big it just it leaves me of a lot of questions okay so I’m going to chop down some wood while I’m here just it seems as though that’s going to come important

At the very least we’re going to craft some leggings a shield and a um leggings shield and some boots maybe and I think that’ll be good enough for me I’ve got a second iron swords s great wait why are we leaving the nether don’t worry I’m just I’m I’m getting

Myself some goodies before I go back in there it just seems like a good idea to me to go in with a shield uh personally I you know may maybe crazy maybe silly but uh yeah I’ve got full set of armor now feeling pretty fine about it all and

Uh we’ll take out these arrows which I you know they seem very valuable and all but we’ll take them out put the shield there instead and let’s go back in okay so vote forever you can wear clothes sacrificial L 456 okay chat this might break the YouTube terms of service

Um but according to uh sacrificial L 456 we’re going to be doing strip Minecraft now so uh you can now vote on what I should remove a piece of um you know actually yeah you know let’s let’s let’s let’s make things fun chat uh if if you’d like you can vote on

Uh which which piece of my clothing is least necessary or indeed which piece of clothing uh should I upgrade maybe we could say it that way we’ll take it off until we find a better piece of clothing uh you decide chat which piece of my clothing do I need to

Remove maybe for upgrade reasons maybe maybe you just want to see some suffering it’s it’s your choice uh while we look for a fortress which is your previous Choice um I um replace socks with goose mask helmets this is not only fans says

Plume uh I I I I still think one of the smartest things I ever did but I never committed to was using only fans but to sell Minecraft maps I just I think it’s too good of an idea uh too too too genius for for the for the era that it

Came in sadly also yeah going this way is not resulting in anything valuable it’s resulting in a lot of fiery stuff though I don’t like anywhere you can find a gas so uh shoes remove linger say act now you know I’ll be honest with you my Minecraft character is usually not

Wearing fun choices on the pole it’s it’s you who gets to decide chat between the chest plate the leggings the boots or a real life sock oh man people people want me to we it seems as though the the only fans but Minecraft concept really is kicking off today

Um I uh I hope that that’s a good thing uh for your santies chat okay so I am now going to get across to we’re going to go through the Bas salt Delta you can’t find for bastions and Bas salt delts so they’re usually a bad idea to

Explore for that reason but because we’re only looking for a fortress and because we need to look in a different direction this is this is the least bad decision to do okay so chat is overwhelmingly deciding also um combat the rise of okay oh god um I um Supernova gasanova

343 uh you want to combat the rise of the invisible polar bear and you’re questioning where we stand on the spy glass um also wow we found a war Forest no that’s not a war Forest it’s just it’s just gray um so to come to oh well

It was a W for us never mind chat I know I know you voted for the Fortress but the game is voting against you the game is giving is giving every other vote more say than yours and I don’t like that Minecraft is clearly being undemocratic right now listen to the

Will of the people will you Mojang and uh yeah more seriously this is I would have found would eventually it looks like ouch I was sure that wouldn’t hurt me but I was I was sure wrong um so in a lovely lush green place now

I like it here a lot it’s nice however technically we are in the best version as we got to the XL first oh that’s nice to think isn’t it it’s not it’s not it’s not the way I see it all but you know it’s nice it’s nice to think so I’m

Going to go find some lava I’m going to cook up my meat and then we’re going to finish exploring this warp Forest it’s nice to know we’ve got lots of ways of getting ender pearls we just don’t have any ways of getting blaze rods which happens to be the ever important crucial

Part the pie but still this is good enough for me is there a nice Vine for me to fall on down there if not I’ve got hay bals I’ve got hay bals we’re fine and so let’s scoop up the lava put it in my furnace and cook up some beef let’s

Do it we I need more food and it’s a good thing I brought some with me so chat I do I go back to the Bastion now Alo I’m taking up a sock now okay I didn’t mean to get so in a democracy stream but uh

Oo I am now slightly colder in my one foot um but that’s okay it’s a you know when when you get into the streaming game you accept that one day uh you know like VI numbers are going to decline you’re going to become uh a streamer who

You know starts uh taking off taking off clothing for money and uh you know I’m glad it happened this way chat I’m glad it happened this way so if I have any string which I don’t I could make a fishing rod right now and I could tame a

Uh no I couldn’t tame a Strider without a saddle anyway there’s too many steps involved in in The Strider process honestly but yeah we’re going to break this furnace in a few seconds and we’re going to probably move these two items off into there and so go back to Bastion

Kill Enderman oh I was I I want to find a fortress but you know what go back to Bastion or kill Enderman they’re two good choices really I uh I taking off body parts you know one day um I you know I guess oh Lord I’m so dead chat

I’m so dead okay I’m not dead wow with a shield everything gets so much easier huh the the biggest Minecraft pro tip is just have a shield you just got to get your timing right in combat and everything goes well so 53% of people are saying kill Ender

Oh man there’s so many of them by the way okay you know what it would be silly not to kill Enderman when you see this this many and thankfully chat agrees with that um so I’m going to go crazy on this just all of you come over here I’ve

Got all the swords in the world let’s go wild let’s do it I hope I kill more than like one or two end sometimes you get this many and they just will end up not dying oh yeah two end deaths wow that that was a good start to uh to any run I

Think uh you know good good cool chat really good cool and then we’ll we’ll we’ll go we’ll we’ll go onwards to a fortress after this we could even use the Ender pears to help us find the Fortress it’s never like the most convenient way to do it but it it might

Work out just great um so I can’t removing his other stuff will break YouTube’s T services yeah Shields are op for real yeah I feel as though uh the most OP items in Minecraft is a it’s like a real thing a lot of people don’t realize

Is that there are some items that are just next level compared to others um do you know about s and Ste Lo’s videos almost every time I hear about s anding videos it’s someone with like free views that is making that drama up about themselves so

That they can get someone anyone to come check them out it’s um it’s a really interesting business model because the idea that like being hated is better than being not cared about is is not only you know like that is that’s the reason we get seral Killers that’s the

Reason we get people who will do horrendous things is cuz like their parents don’t care about them enough and ultimately if you think about it uh as as as your boy can prove it’s uh YouTube’s favorite Minecraft streaming often um I think uh ultimately you know like it isn’t there a a corollary

Between uh in the same way that our relationship is Parish socially kind of works both ways and that like you know not truly being fully aware of each other does does work both ways maybe ultimately we’re all each other’s uh both Childs and parents maybe I’m all of

Your uh I’m your internet parent chat and you’re all of mine too you need to give me the validation that I need to give you the good advice that you need to hopefully not die if we can all do that together we we’ll do the very best

So um yeah I think um now he has uh yeah so um I think uh I got arrest this day killing some corlex we have video footage oh that’s crazy go to your room young man says qu r y no you you go to your room young man you know I want to

Make a joke here about like oh yeah imagine imagine the parenting Dynamic where everyone’s each other’s parents but I feel like to some extent like a the the the weird thing about relationships is to some extent you’re always you’re emulating something from your parents like people don’t like to

Admit it like I uh my brother is really freaked out he’s got his his girlfriend is very similar to um his his mother and um he he he’s really freaked out by the idea he’s like this isn’t like I don’t like that there are similarities there

Um you know like that’s not that’s like an uncomfortable thing to him but it also it kind of makes sense that like yeah if you see one relationship um if you see the first relationship and the one you spend most of your time observing is that between

Your parents so like yeah probably makes sense that you you see some Coral eras in yourself and so to some ever extent the way that you’re friends with people also has that effect like the first time you see adults being friends is your parents probably statistically right

Um and so given that that’s true it kind of makes some sense also um technically we all related as we have a common ancestor down the line that’s true too therefore it’s basically okay if you uh if you if if you if you date your sister it’s basically okay because we’re all we’re

All each other’s like 10,000 cousin so uh there you know TR trust me on that one I did the southern accent earlier so you can trust me when I say I’m an expert on brother sister relations um and uh yeah let’s get out of here now I

Think um going back to the Bastion isn’t going to help me with NE rods so I’m just going to get out of here in the safest way I can uh that’s a tricky thing to do but we’re going to do it anyway and then we’re going to find the

Never Fortress I know that this direction is a good odds of yielding me the right thing so I’m going to try and just follow the terrain as best I can yeah that was a a really good thing my parents weren’t friends unfortunately say Celeste I think that is actually so if

If I could make a a posi a guess that the rise of like households that like break up makes the like it makes itself more likely if the first relationship you see is like two people who hate each other you’re like yeah it’s pretty normal if you’re like attracted to

Someone that you should hate them about half the time there’s a there’s a lot of people it’s surpris it’s shockingly common that you see that amongst people’s like attitude towards like yeah I hate them but like isn’t that what makes someone perfect it’s like ooh I don’t know about that I don’t I

Don’t think that you should be despising everyone that you potentially want to spend the rest of your life with but that’s just me um hey thank you Timothy Cedar becoming the 459th channel member purple cat I love it too um I think I should be heading home

Why would you want to do that your family lives there I uh I generally had that for a while of like yeah like no one’s like overly infused to be of their family right that’s not like a that’s not a real thing it took me a very long while to

Realize like no actually a lot of people really like their family it’s a it’s one of their sort but you know in a way you if if that is you you miss out on a large part of truly understanding friendship if you think the Friendship

Is just like oh yeah it’s when you find people that are like your family but worse that’s also going to be damaging I reckon um so yeah I’m still going to keep heading towards a fortress cuz you can’t not have one but at some point it it becomes a real tricky Challenge and

So on the way to the Fortress chat should we make a side quest it’s been a while since we had one should we give our I can’t believe I survived that without damage that’s actually pretty impressive I think I I hope you agree chat um but yeah this is a mess of a

Scenario it’s too tight of a gap I’m not going to continue going that way I’m going to instead I don’t have enough a pickaxe either I could go up and then go like around yeah I guess up and around is the best we’re going to get we’ll see

Where it takes us um subscribe so I get more kids says cini that’s what you got to do are you going to die you’re backing yourself into a corner yeah learning when it’s happening cuz a large part of never exploration is about knowing uh stuff like that seeing that it’s happening and

Working around it is is hard to do but ultimately is what I’ve got to do so we’re going to make this a little bit smoother so hopefully I can look back at this and see exactly where I’m meant to go it’s a very smooth cut staircase and now there’s no misunderstanding that but

Yeah this just leads to a dead end here uh Fortress or side quest chat yeah I like that that’s uh it’s a good way of wording it oh should we go in here oh is that is that a side quest on the way to the Fortress I

See okay so given that I’ve gone this way for as far as I can Al did you hear the ghas scream but not open it very bizarre um so yeah this is a scary time to be fighting a ghast but why don’t we oh I almost fell on the lava that so why

Don’t I take this ghast here I can take a brewing potion brewing stand I can make potions right now right no I need even if you find a brewing stand you still need blaze rods to actually activate it annoying parts of Minecraft if you ask

Me but let’s get down from here let’s do this you’re never truly in a corner now that console edition is gone says bow uh 999 oh funny you mentioned that today’s let’s play is all about the console thing being gone Harrison gave me a really cool stat um big credit to him he

Said um cuz he he kept track of it I’ve now been playing Minecraft Bedrock for longer than I was playing Minecraft console edition uh which really like shook me I was like oh guess I’m officially a Bedrock YouTuber now huh I didn’t hear the gas screen can

You please recreate it for me please says uh big salmon oh it was uh she went like um I believe that was how it went and so uh yeah it was a it was a horrifying one honestly I wonder what the analytics from this stream will be S

Celeste I am curious okay so I did something a bit sneaky chat I want to I want to confess this to you right now I put the chat on subscriber only mode um knowing that some number of people would subscribe just to make the decision so I

Am curious looking back how many people will that be will there be any people who subscribe just for that um you know like uh I think a lot of times subscribing seems like because of the way that YouTubers sell subscribing like people just started saying subscribe

Don’t ask me why just do it and a lot of people just would do so and then they said subscribe most people don’t do it and the every time YouTubers talking about subscribing it’s in a very self motivated way and so a lot of viewers here subscribe and they’re like oh yeah

I’m I don’t need to do that unless you know like it’s it’s hard to see the benefits as a viewer of subscribing but I I think there are a ton of benefits to subscribing to channels that you like um and I think a lot of people don’t just

Do it don’t do it not even out some conscious hatred but just ultimately because they’re like yeah why why would I need to and so giving people just that little incentive to subscribe might be something um actually not chat right now if if so you wouldn’t be able to tell me

If this wasn’t true you could tell me I guess if you’ve been subscribed otherwise also we’re going on a side quest chat okay so I’m in the never anyway right and uh you’ll notice I’m uh I’m having a bit of a dire time I want to make some regeneration potions I’m

Going to go on a side quest to kill as many Ghasts as I can because I find that regen potions make bedrock so much more bearable with the slow regen and so let’s just get we need at least three gas TI right or at least I guess a GH tier some

Sand uh some water bottles I guess so we just need to get some sand later and then we can make some regen potions uh which is also going to require the blaze R I guess but I would like that to be a fun s happy New Year hey happy New Year

Thank you I I’ve set up my stream terribly today so that I have no idea uh who just tipped that but thank you I I hope you’re having a happy New Year um okay so I need to eat and then I need to crouch and then I need to read this tip

I don’t know why the E didn’t work there hey Chris H thank you uh Merry Christmas and many Happy New Years to you I uh I am also wow eating just does not work right now something something weird about the world um thank you very much um I

Appreciate it a lot Chris H uh benefactor um that’s such a fancy word to use right I like it a lot also um kind of need to hold back on the amount of Fes I have to be honest says pin also I think I see a fortress right no I’m

Imagining it there’s no Fortress over there um so we’re just going to that’s the way I want to go but it’s very dangerous looking so we’ll dig down to the lowest point okay that’s not what I was hoping would happen and then we’ll just Bridge

Oh okay so that would have been de if I thank God that happened just now would have just been immediately over um so Bridge all the way across here and then just pull down I will find find this Fortress and I will get myself a regen

Potion so I’ve got myself gas here you also need blaze rods uh glass bottles and oh we found a whole new biome by the way ooh this might a more fun side quest could be we should get some food sorted I’ve got one cooked beef and I hate making mushroom stew in

The ne let’s get some more beef shall we everybody loves a bit good bit of beef um thank you very much okay I’m just going to move my my thing up there there we go thank you very much over um so spy glass side quest 2024 okay tell me where I can easily

Find amist give me give tell me oh that was weird that was very weird I am not not a huge fan of what I’ve Just Seen but it’s okay I’m now going to make a hoglin trap uh I don’t know the mechanics of this just yet but we’ll

Make the hogins follow me up into a place where they will be laved you know I’ll just walk over to the hoglands we’ll do it that way just there we go all the lava goes everywhere and then we’ll finish them off from a distance where they won’t get burnt alive okay

Perfect they’re dead I don’t know how the second one died at the same time as the first that I was actively swinging a sword at but I don’t get to question it I do get to get eight cook pork chops though maybe a few more soon okay so the

The polin’s on fire things are good for me yeah that is 11 cooked pork tops that was a nice little side quest chat uh should we do some though you know it’s not a side quest if you only get 10 cooked pork chops we should get enough

For a whole run wait is that do you see that over there I saw some gold no I didn’t what did I see I saw something hey thank you or cast for being 460 of Channel member I would love to hit 500 members again this year uh and thank you for

Bringing me slightly closer towards it very successful hunt yeah usually usually hunting hoglands goes so much worse for me I’m very pleased when it something as simple and useful as that that so if we go up we’ve got more land to explore but we’re looking for

Hoglands so I’m not it’s not my number one priority if we could just get our hands on a lot of hoglands down here I’d be happy of that too um in this in the sense that we’re not going to find any of that though I’m going to chop down a few Crimson

Woods uh and then make another pickaxe and an axe so we’ll combine the swords together that’s easy enough to do easy peasy uh I’m going to throw out my just absolute garbage items like why why do they let you pick these up honestly um then we’re going to make a crafting

Table and then we’re going to make a set I guess we’ll make an iron axe seems like a good backup and an iron pickaxe and then okay that’s fine gas can’t hurt me I’m over here she’s over there you can’t be hurt by things that are far away it’s a widely known truth

Of the world and now we can just chop down a few of these blocks so we have blocks from we need to bridge out to get stuff as often is the case uh because intentional game design trade with piglins for obsidian to not have to go back to any old portal yeah I

Like that idea quite a bit actually you know what chat should we trade with piglins or should we keep looking for a fortress you get to decide on a particular side quest or main quest effectively which one do you want me to

Do now I think i’ I I I I I kind of did my pork chop side quest I I can do more as we go through it but there are piglins right here so side quest main quest let’s work it out as a as a collective chat um so can’t do Return to

Sender that was actually kind of my first side quest if you think about it also I heard a hoglin no I hear piglins similar noises to be fair um yeah I did a nice return to send it earlier it’s kind of hard to do on Bedrock I played

Java recently and it works so nicely there I I’m jealous I’m going to be honest with you I’m really jealous but yeah let’s uh okay chat they want the trades they want the trades bad and so you know what what you want you shall

Get and then we’ll get a ton of wood oh there’s there’s so many more over here I’m going to see if I can uh move this I I guess we’ll move the end pearls we no these might save my life I’ve got to have them out there just in

Case it is the Lifesaver and then we’re going to go grab all of the gold and give it to these guys instead so piglins go so there’s a lot more piglins so the trades will happen faster okay there we go we’re good uh I’m looking for obsidian I’ve got three

Of it right now if I ended up with more that would be great and we’ll drop down trees in the meantime nice little side quest moment we got here uh make sure oh more ender pearls wow good trade for end Pearl and I even got some uh Fire charges to relight the

Portal love to see it love to see it got some gravel uh opposite i’ love to see it but it’s nice to see anyway nice to see they want to they’re trying their best and that’s what matters um we got some black stone black Stone’s always useful honestly a good

Piglin trade can really help you out on the nether uh that is my observation we we didn’t get any real obsidian we just got a bunch of crying obsidian you know if I wanted crying obsidian then I take obsidian I don’t know to a to a to to to

To it’s really sad movie um I was going to take that to a darker place and I had back out the last minute by the way also for a quick Return to Sender you know just to just to respond to the lobbying real quick yeah but I mean goodbye

Drops okay so we didn’t get any obsidian so we are going to have to go back to our portal but I’ve now got enough blocks that hopefully it’s a while till we need to go there so I’m going to go back to my crafting table I’m going to make a ton of

Slabs and we’re going to just bridge over there I mean it seems safer than the Alternatives yeah let’s just let’s just do the really reasonable task of bridging out cuz I can always end a p to save my life later yeah this is very smart chat well actually no chat before

I do this I have to ask you should I bridge out across the lava lake or should I go up and around you get to decide I’m I’m not going to do something uh dangerous without your approval and consent because this is a democracy and that’s what democracies are about chat

Um are there New Year New Year’s Eve fireworks in the UK or is that just a us thing uh yeah in London they do some pretty big ones um I went to look at them for the first year in like a decade cuz my house is like on a hill kind of

Um was kind of pretty it was very nice so uh yeah we’ll see what we’ll see what the poll says you know what chat we have no we have no idea of knowing um also arrows for the end fight yeah I got two arrows for the end fight that’s a good

Number could do something with that um so 70% of people are saying bridge over The Lava you not chat your wish is my command let’s go brid in let’s go bridg in so yeah this is this is a usually very smart technique uh actually it’s it’s going lower only 62% now 64% okay

The votes are clear the Democratic will of the people has been decided and it is up to me to respect it let’s go bridge over lava if I ever detect something bad is about to happen I’ve got enough ender pearls I can just throw one uh willy-nilly no

Concerns uh but this will okay okay this is scary but I’m only going to do it over land oh yeah chat this was a good decision you won’t regret picking this one this is perfectly safe there are no downsides to doing it and that’s why you

Should do it all the time uh 63% of people thought this was the better way and I agree with that 63% of people because look where we got to it’s a bit of a weird place but we’re here now aren’t we I guess I should probably use

Some blocks to get down make some soul sand at the end of the path and then use some black stone I guess oh you can’t properly do okay there we go Stack Up stack down and we’re here to go nice okay so that was great that worked very

Well I would go as far as to say I could chop down some more trees for some more slabs quite easily uh but right now I think we’re doing just well and so I’m going to continue heading towards where I believe a nether fortress could be

Which is about 400 400 in a given Direction once you pass 256 apparently it gets much worse so if we check that corner and we don’t see something we’re probably not going to find something but still it’s a nice idea to try so let’s now stack up oh it’s a it’s

Another Crimson Another War Forest so as you can see SL using using black Ma on it’s just very inefficient compared to using slaps uh that you get right from the the forest here so let’s now turn that into slab slap slabs nice and then let’s use those slabs to go

Across I do have some fears especially when I’m this close to Lava cuz one hit I wouldn’t even notice till it was too late but uh yeah bridging over lava is just a real real good idea you are doing this surprisingly well uh proud of you thank you thank thank you internet uh

Internet father mother whatever we all are appreciate uh appreciate your praise uh really really help me get over uh the lack of hugs I had as a child and hopefully as a result we’ll all move oh we actually did find it thank you chat it was your encouragement and your

Support that allow me to find this so now once you get to a fortress there are two parts to a fortress there’s the parts where the blazes spawn that’s one of the two key areas and there’s the part of the loot so what should we for first we’re obviously going to get into

A random part and we’re going to have to defend ourselves but what what should we be looking for blazes or loot you get to decide chat you are the kings of our of our Democratic process and so how would you like it to go okay so this this this was a

Surprisingly smooth nether by the way right I am I am very shocked by how smooth I can’t even be mad at that can I I can’t even be mad I I timing was so perfect I I didn’t realize how low of a fool that would be I knew I would

Survive the fool I didn’t realize I wouldn’t survive the Fool If I Was withered and that’s on me that’s on [Laughter] me okay so we’ve got to go a long way to get back to my death coordinates um I’ll wear an iron helmet and I’ll use my blocks to

Get there um I uh I’m going to get some food if there’s any lying around too you know I’m sorry food you’re looking real tasty right now you’re looking so tasty food oh look at the food look how tasty it’s looking oh yeah tasty food I found

It also I don’t know why they’re running so weirdly but it’s their problem not mine okay so there we go go oh yeah taste tasty tasty tasty food all of all of it is mine um so uh yeah I think uh donating for luck thank you night fight

You know I wish oh so first of all thank you by the way just for comments first click a 2024 thank you merry Christmas happy New Year good Easter um to you all looking forward to great Friday okay so we died at 324 minus 324 so we died in that direction

But my God is that a tricky direction to head in uh so we’re just going to go yeah we’re just going to go I always regret not bringing food the first time I try to get my stuff back chat should we go back and get more food I won’t do

It if you don’t want me to so we’re going to have to put on hold people want me to get loot before I go to the the Blazers by the way but first I have the more important thing should I just bring food with

Me cuz it is a long way it’s a very long way um um I’ve got some rabbit level with me at least I mean I I could use that that to do something right oh it’s so it’s such a long way I have to even go around nope nope yes see I’m very

Curious I was not ready when Valentine’s Day stuff came out before the uh the new year you know that’s uh the real risk of the also go get food is 50/50 yes no 62 yes no it’s interesting chat will always vocalize one opinion but the actual majority will often vote another way

There’s got to be something to be said about that you know something about vocal minorities maybe um but uh yeah leaving leaving aside my opinions on I don’t know I’m sure there’s a funny way to end the sentence like well leaving aside my opinions on going to the movies um I

Think the the biggest problem is that we are going to need to get some form of like we can kill chicken we can kill rabbits all day you know should we kill rabbits all day but we can we need to work out a way to cook them or we need

To we’ll go to the Village we’ll get the ha Bells that’s the solution it’s over there it’s a bit of a pain but we’ll make it work it’s funny I I was I had such a I had such a great such a great never run

It was going so well for me until the moment where I said it’s going pretty well for me huh and then immediately it fell apart and I I don’t know how if I appreciate that from the game if I’m being 100% honest I think I would prefer that

Didn’t happen in future um but ultimately also wow these Villages are really close by that’s the one I went to at spawn I think get Dand lions for stew oh yeah get some nice nice sus stew going on there um make a poll for which food you should get that’s a fun option

Uh but most people have decided that I should get food is this the comedy section of YouTube say ocean liquid I think uh I know I know I know you are you were making a funny by saying that really but um the interesting thing about YouTube as a whole is I think a

Lot of creators realize that to like maintain an audience like getting an audience you can do almost anyway but maintaining an audience requires being interesting in some way um and one of the most one of the most common ways that we find people interesting in our life is if they make us laugh

Something about laughter is more powerful than almost anything else uh the his stuff is going to despawn it’s not going to despawn we’re fine you don’t you don’t have to worry about why but we’re fine that there won’t be any despawning if you are worried about why

The answer is that your stuff only despawns when you’re in a four chunk radius of it or within your simulation distance of it which means when we’re not in the nether it literally cannot despawn which is good because I don’t want it to despawn you know I’m I’m

Going to go ahead and say I have a an opin on this which is that I would like no despawning so that’s the only hay Bell I found I hope there are more because if there aren’t then I came all this way for a lot of

Nothing I think I came all this way for a lot of nothing chat so what we can do with our lot of nothing is we can hope there’s a furnace nope I took the furnaces with me um so we there’s got to be more hay bells it’s never just the

One hay Bell right you never just one pile of hay bells that would be silly so there’s potatoes there okay it’s potatoes it is I don’t like potatoes as a food source uh but when it comes to it I will eat potatoes it’s better to eat potatoes

Than to starve uh I’m Irish so you can trust me when I say that um also uh the villagers have been in a famine in your absence I know right guys like come on you don’t I don’t know how they could be having a famine right now I just went

Into the village and they had so much food for me also to cat you should tame the Democracy cat oh yeah the cat I would love to tame a democracy cat what about a poll if we should cook them or not the cooking them is quite hard I

Guess I’m only four Cobble deep slate away from doing so um how would we get four I can cook them in the nether if I found a good fuel source so I’ll bring some wood with me to make some cooked potatoes if there’s a better fuel source

You can think of you got to let me know right now CH that’s very important um do not cook potatoes says AR do I okay you know that’s should we cook the potatoes chat it’s apparently a pole I don’t know I don’t know when this became Democratic but you I you know I’m

Starting to see the value in a dictatorship all of a sudden just kidding also kelp yeah Kelps are very dense food if you’re willing to cook it but the fact that it requires cooking is white it’s a bad food um free Iron and you can use laa says the sane

Mongs yeah I mean if I just killed the Golem really that’s what you’re saying Al so yeah chat are we cooking our food okay so I I know how to cook my food I uh I mean besides throwing it in a furnace which is the obvious thing to

Say I’ve got a plan to cook the food you’ve just got to trust me on this one you passed coal a little bit ago but I mean would I was I going to mine the coal with my my rabbit hide side not wasn’t it called rabbit lever when did

It change to rabbit hide is this a is this a British English thing does anyone know also this is so so enticing of a cave I love the wave that caves generate now some people will mock it but I love it personally uh real potatoes are a forbidden

Snack I should e a potato in real life I’ve um I did a I recently did a hellofresh you know like the meal delivery order and um my my meal was the most basic thing ever I just got it cuz it was like 60% off and it’s literally

Staks and it’s it’s like an expensive ingredient it was cheaper than buying the ingredients I found but um so it’s come with some potatoes to make fries out of and it’s like it’s such a boring meal should I just eat some raw potatoes chat like instead of cooking up some

Rosemary salted blah blah blah blah blah fries just like just eat potatoes I’m going to starting potatoes uh you know it’s the New Year I’ve got to be healthy everyone knows that raw food is healthier because it’s because it comes that way don’t ask why raw food is

Healthier because if you ask then it means that you don’t believe uh but now we’re going to go cook the food but in the never I didn’t chop down any trees by the way um but that’s fine I think that I left it in a Crimson Forest so to

Get down there which is where I want to go I’m going to have to make a leap of faith oh and then immediately die because okay that’s fine so then we have to go across here we’re going to get down because it’s the oh man this is

Going terribly for me okay this is this is fine though I’m fine uh so he doesn’t have a crossbow it could be worse chat and we’re heading out to oh yeah Lord this is this is this is no boy no uh 67% of people think that I should cook my

Potatoes that is a good idea if I’ve ever heard one so to get back to where we were when we died we’ve got to go this way it is positive and oh what what how did that chat I think lava is op if it can do that it hurt me while I was

Jumping over it which to be fair is how lava would work in real life but that’s not what I really want to be hearing right now uh so this Crimson Forest I went to and then where did I went I think I went up there maybe did I went up there

I must have went up okay this is my this is my boss moment this is when you have no food okay this is a horrendous death situation to try and recover from oh god oh this is this is hard um okay so this is this this is a really

Really rough one to get through don’t eat your potatoes drink them that death sound though why does the death sound happen I I was doing something for a challenge a while ago that never came to be um I uh you know Challenge videos is one of the weirder types of videos I do

On this channel it’s uh they anyway but anyway so come come back to my point um so here we are we’re down that worked now we just got to get back to my stuff without triggering any pigment um but yeah I was just dying over and over again and it was just that

Noise was driving me insane it was like these deaths don’t feel fair you know when you die and you feel like it’s not your fault it’s never a good sign but uh not only do these deaths not feel fair but also okay we we good but also just every time I was getting

Treated to this noteblock sound and just and just why yeah this is bad says Renee see I’m a big believer in taking a bad situation like this where a lot of people might just rage quit and say look I died on the way to dying to get my

Stuff I’ll just I’ll just call that GG and You’ be valid to have that opinion honestly I would never say you have to continue but I think continuing on when you hit these lows is what makes the the high so much better feeling honestly I I

Really do enjoy it I really I do find there to be some real joy in that okay so chat uh I’m going to oh man that was such a weird gas fire I’m going to get back to where I’ve got to be which I believe is going up

There so I’m now going to break some twisting but you know I’ll just use no I need I need some of this I need just even if it’s just like forfeit being a to craft something would be like nice later and now let’s stacky our way out

Then I am good I am surviving I am thriving my coordinates are 324 – 343 so this direction about 700 blocks is where I di um and the moment I start recognizing things is the moment things get good that’s the way I see things so I think

I’m AB a above where I was last time which means I’m going to try to gradually fall down to where I was before I’m going to eat a potato just every now and then just just have a little potato break you know how it is

Oh oh that was a bad death oh it’s such a lame death it’s over with me there’s just nothing you can do about that just you you just such a lame death isn’t it funny there’s like this happens every time we’re like oh things are going well then it’s like oh things

Not going well at all um didn’t know I’d be getting therapy in a democratic Minecraft stream says uh E Lee I I always sneak in a little bit of therapy when no when no one’s looking I’m like okay so while while while you’re all focused on the Minecraft

Here’s a piece of advice uh to help you with that okay so this that was my last death Loop chat this time I’m getting out of the death Loop um it really does feel a bit like Groundhog’s Day but every day every time we get just a little bit

Better uh was there a note block sound I didn’t hear it I didn’t hear a note block sound did you chat why why does it happen sometimes and not others I I would love to speak to someone who makes Minecraft who just understands these things at this point

Though it almost feels like from from the times I do speak to developers because Minecraft is this huge property no one really owns Minecraft I mean like Microsoft owns the rights to Minecraft but it’s not like uh in when you know like because it’s not an idea

That one person holds you know very close to them very dear um it means that there’s this fun problem where like if you were to ask why does that happen I don’t know that anyone would like someone might know about the bug report that’s happened but if they don’t know

About the bug side or they don’t play enough Minecraft themselves they’ll be like oh yeah that’s weird I don’t know it’s not a it’s not a decision that I’d be involved with and like almost everyone would say yeah not not a me decision and so it means that you get

Like weird things where you have to hire people who are really good at what they do in their area of the game but then you hire people who have like conflicting opinions for their separate area of the game and that’s like almost the near impossibility to avoid

Um it’s something I think is interesting at least is that we uh you inherently have to have conflicts and there’s no like original design Vision some some people would argue having a Visionary is bad but one one of the interesting consequences is like yeah no no one could tell you why certain things

Are in Minecraft no one could tell you the value of certain things just that when they have debates about them more people say yeah it’s worth keeping more than it’s worth removing um that’s not my department Al I almost fell down the Gap while reading that comment that’s

Sure so I’m going to not read the chat for a second are you excited for the Minecraft movie says Ryan how about I crowdsource that opinion chat am I excited for the Minecraft movie I would love to know I I’m not entirely sure right now but I’m hoping that I will be

Sure soon I’m hoping that with your health I can be very sure so I knew see here’s my stuff I’m doing well again chat I’m picking it all up the potatoes are here I just have to get to a place where I can cook them which is coming up soon um

So yeah I’m democracy at its highest says Ryan yeah I uh I do think that there’s a there’s a compelling idea in democracy so um do you remember I in fact if you’re if you don’t care about politics I’m really happy for you and I’m glad that you don’t have an engagement with

This but do you remember there was this real weird push in the early 2010s um for like oh man I just wish there were more principled politicians like I hate all these guys that just like say whatever it takes to get them elected that was like a real take and it was one

That like I felt and I agreed with like yeah people who say non-controversial things like act like they’re saying something so wild and controvers it’s it’s dumb um I think the I think one of the biggest problems uh that many people see is like yeah these people are just saying what

It takes to be popular but the counter side to that that everyone’s realizing they hate too is like oh people who are people who are meant to represent you who aren’t representing you and what you believe in but instead something else that they believe in actually that’s

Really dumb like if you think about it it’s almost insane that anyone would oh how where did that ghast hit me from why am I dead why did it beep twice when I died that time I was doing so well I was doing great chat I was doing

Incredible it was all so well ah man the death Loop is over okay so what you do when you get trapped in a death Loop chat I I’ve got ender pearls and I’ve got a a nether fortress I just have to all I have to do is get there reasonably

Right so I get a stone pickaxe I get a stone sword enough stuff to do the basics of defending myself and I’m also going to get myself a gold piece of armor those few things alone will give it all for me um the piglin with gold armor look very proud of your

Death okay it’s the chat um it turns out first of all I’m very divided about what I think about the Minecraft movie I’ve decided that I I mostly like it I’m I’m very on board of it but also you know there are some reasons why I would not

Be excited and why about 48% of me believes that use the Overworld to travel to your never location that’s not a bad idea at this point bow 999 so minus fre oh that’s a long way that’s a long way that is a bad idea objectively um let’s do it though I

I like okay CH actually no let’s not do it without consent of the people should I go back into the nether again once I’ve got some stuff or should I try and travel as far as I can in the Overworld and then you know like uh you like

Appear in the middle of it and do it that way I mean if I do it that way I I’ll have my nether portal right where I need to go let’s do a vote it’s democracy time chat everyone loves some good democracy also thank you for the

Donation for luck night Fox I uh night fire sorry um not Fox is is an old YouTuber friend of mine which is I guess honestly add Knight to something and it sounds so much cooler like night cat so much cooler than just cat uh travel the Overworld it’s more

Fun Jack blacker Steve is going to be interesting at least it’s not Chris plat there’s no way Jack Black is Steve you You’ made that up probably but the if if that’s real the fact that it sounds made up is concerning but I’m pretty sure

It’s made up I’m like 70% sure um so uh less chance your stuff despawning says Ryan the over World sounds fun yeah it’d be a long journey yeah we can find a saddle though we can make it pretty quickly um I guess we would’t be a put

The horse in a boat so it all becomes moot at that point so I’m going to grab myself a bucket now just get it out of the way also thank you I Elisa stubs sweet cat what do you think you would have done for a living if YouTube hadn’t worked out glad to

Finally catch a stream again so I I used to say uh the response to this I used to give was the reason I became a full-time YouTuber back in 2013 was because I was working quite hard to get a job in computer science I thank you oras um but I was qu working

Quite hard to get a job in computer science and uh there were these recruiters who came to the school uh they work for people who I now know are widely hated by the way but they’re like yeah we have this well-paying entry job that if you have this qualification that

You’re currently doing you apply for us and you’ll immediately get a job that pays you uh I I it was it was a decent amount I was like that’s a good goal my I’ve always been quite a financially motivated person because I never had much financials to to be to have the

Luxury of not being and so um when when I heard that yeah just just all you got to do is finish this course and then do some basic job for us for large amount of money by the way large by UK standards like I think it was 30,000 um

I was like oo yeah that’s that’s that sounds like a life go one so um during the uh during my last year of college I was earning about that from YouTube while doing it like in a parttime of college and I was like wow I could have

A job that I loved and also uh have the ver will he hit me from down here I hope not I can have a job that I loved and also have the benefit of uh potentially throwing more time at this and doing better right um and so one of the um one

Of the answers I used to give was like yeah I’d probably be in that job but actually I think after looking at how I deal with regular hours um like I don’t mind working really really hard uh at something but I kind of have to be able

To like pick my own schedules and take my my own breaks to to really like to really be good at something if I if I try it any any other way it goes like fairly poorly and so uh yeah I think that um I think that realistically I’d be doing something self-employed Myself

By now even if it’s just like on the side um what that would be I don’t know I I I feel like there’s a whole I mentioned before one of my biggest what my weirdest regrets not necessarily biggest regrets cuz I I don’t know if

It’s a good industry or not but one of the things that really kicked off in the last um five years was what one of my I had a I had a business partner when I was about 13 cuz I wasn’t old enough to have a PayPal account that I needed to

To run the business that I was in so I had a really good uh business partner who was just like yeah you can you can work with me you can use my stuff and like uh we we went in together on the site and he was kind of like a I don’t

The word would be like he’s he was a good like hands off like let me make decisions that when when he thought that I was making them right but um when when my uh when me and my business partner eventually went ways he was like if you

Want to join me on my next venture it’s this thing that’s just starting up it’s called Drop Shipping um and I you know it’s going to be huge you you’re going to be able to make thousands a month of this thing and I just laughed it off I

Was like ah I don’t know I I I you know I haven’t really I I wasn’t sure about it and I was just terrified about paying taxes at the time I was 14 and I I was just I was terrified beyond all belief about the idea that like oh yeah if I

Don’t if I don’t pay my taxes I’m screwed also I have no idea how to pay taxes and if I ask anyone they might tell people that I’m not paying taxes again I’m I’m age 13 14 I’m I’m freaked out about the government I I now know

That I I would have earned below the the threshold but before actually paying them but I didn’t know at the time it was just terrified and so um yeah I think I I I if I’d have just followed him into that like Drop Shipping became this huge industry and to have been that

Early right would be nuts cuz I just didn’t understand the value ad he’s like yeah so someone orders a TV from you and then you ship it from China and it’s like I think that’s what people are already doing but the thing I didn’t realize that was smart was that instead

Of shipping it to you and you ship it to the customer you ship straight from the manufacturer to the customer like that that step is like revolutionary um because it means that you only only pay to ship once and it’s usually a very cheap shipping because

It’s by a boat most of the time and it’s like yeah that’s that’s CH changes the game so um no one knows how to pay taxes um says uh calabama calaban Whitey yeah I am fully convinced if um if the UK had a system um like a

Tax return system that was like yeah so instead of your employer working it out for you and then taking the money from your payment if you had to manually pay the government each year so many people would not know how to do it or they wouldn’t be able to save up the right

Amounts like I I For Better or Worse regardless of what you think about the pros or cons of it we could not have a government of the size that we have right now if it weren’t that most people were employed by other people so that’s

Like a key part of it and if it weren’t that there was some way to automatically take that money um very very fascinating they should teach it in schools yeah it’s I I think if they taught it in schools you might have like a more Frank conversation with your parents about it

Afterwards and depending on who your parents are that conversation would like get political real quickly maybe um I’m I’m really grateful that like when I was a child I didn’t have like adults in my life like feeding politics into my ear like um I think it was like I was like

16 or 18 first time someone was like look here’s my take I think that when the the more money you earn the less you actually use Services something like that and I was like that’s an interesting opinion thought thought back on it using my own words I uh I said

Like oh yeah well instead of of doing this what if it was this and they’re like well I don’t like that either um I remember having a long conversation about like do we even need a military I was on in my life but anyway one of one

Of the things that I um and then being like well it allows us to like project influence it was uh if you want to know if you want to just don’t don’t tell him but I I believe it was my biological father one of the first like 10

Conversations we had I was just like well we don’t really need a military do we and he and he he’s like a exmilitary guy he’s like but what if there’s if there’s a war on the at leas tomorrow then you know we need to be able to like

Show that we matter by being in there and he just anyway coming back to my point is um yeah I I wish I’d been involved in Drop Shipping but I wouldn’t have started YouTube If I was so it’s one of those weird um it’s one of those

Odd things where the more successful you are at something might mean that you miss your next big opportunity on the next thing um it’s one of the benefits of failure is you get to keep trying new things as you go through failures a lot of people like to believe that they’re

Going to have one they pick one job and that’s the best one and always Etc but actually it’s not always the case right so um interdimensional Bounty Hunter says James Weston aren’t we all interdimensional bounty hunters at least interdimensional bounty hunters um L my dad is a major Trump supporter he

Constantly sends me videos on propaganda for it see yeah that’s that’s what I mean in like that’s like ugly to do that to a child right I I think think anyone who believes that they need to just keep pushing things on someone politically I I don’t know I I I think even honestly

The idea of sharing things politically is so painful to me it’s like even if you know that someone’s going to agree with what you’re saying that’s not useful if you if you you even got to know like I I think you’ve got to know that someone doesn’t agree and accept

The push back and try and actually want to learn from it also we found a ruined portal we go to the never now and would be somewhat close to where I died but I want to get a lot closer chat I want to get a lot lot closer I can’t believe I

Just found a woodland mansion in a real challenge so um since chat has decided we’re traveling to the never death by the Overworld chat you can also decide keep traveling or take a side quest and go to the Woodland Mansion I mean look at it it’s so big how can you not want

To go to it um if you believe your side is Right wouldn’t it be easier to wait for a child to determine what they think and then have a conversation about it don’t ask people believe in religion that question that’s the lesson I I learned

Uh very early on do not don’t do it you you regret it um but yeah I I think um I I’m I’m excited to see what we’re going to do are we going to the are we going to the mansion or we’re going to keep going I’m going this direction

Either way until we decide um I can burn it down by the way also I mean uh no chat side quest is looking real real popular right here um wow chat chat wants me to go to this Wen Mansion you know what chat I’m glad we have the

Parasocial relationship we do I hope I I hope that you’re looking forward to this this burner down as much as I am get a totem so you won’t die oh that’s really clever actually Yay yeah totem time totem time let’s do it okay so I’ve got a wooden

Sword and I haven’t slept in a bed in about 2,000 blocks so what I’m going to do is I’m going to be very tactical of how I approach this uh I’ve got 30 planks let’s climb up to the top Windows I’m going to try and go

Through this Forest do I have food I’ve got carrots okay so with just carrots a golden pickaxe uh and a wooden sword can we get a totem of undying let’s find out okay so I I really do think that this is a scary option but a necessary scary

One okay so the side quest is happening it’s locked in place now let’s now make a ton of slabs and climb up the side of this thing and then once we get too high we have to place the slabs like a block further out

Until we get to where we want to be and then slap and a slap and a slap okay so if there are any evok in here we’d go in but there’s not we want to go one floor further up so now stack and we’re just going to stack up it’s it’s the easiest

Way I think and then once we get to more Builds on the side we can go off those and then oh what are we doing here there we go we’re on the top floor so it’s a bit dark here but we might find a secret room it’s so dark what do you think’s

Behind here chat what what do you think it is it’s uh is it it’s the hi X room oh okay that’s a good room okay chat it’s it’s going to work out very well for the inside there um so we’re just going to place a slab underneath

This and then we’re going to water it up and then we’re going to break into the top floor here oh yeah look at okay so it’s so dark I can’t see anything right now chat I I actually there’s only one way to see things right now I’m going to

I’m going to love with you we all know what it is let’s quickly make a light source just a temporary one and now I can see what’s happening so I’m inside the room which is good um and we’re going to just uh walk outo totem then burn it down okay chat you’ve

Decided that burning it down is not just a short-term way in it will instead be my long-term strategy oh is this room just worthless then I thought it was the one with the the stuff above it but I must be wrong that must just be the

Ceiling oh oh no it is it is there it is there okay we’re great we’re fine I’m going to break some more blocks hope they don’t burn before I do it place the stairs here and hey oh okay that’s scary just blow up over there please not over here just over

There that’s all I ask thank you so then we’re going to quickly you know we don’t need to light it I can see with the Moonlight I’ve got a nice armor trim I’ve got a chain chest plate that will be important some bones they won’t be

Important but you never know and oh a diamond chest plate and a diamond hoe so the diamond hoe is better than my sword right Diamond ho time okay this is my favorite time okay this this is a bit of a chaotic run but it’s going to work

Chat it’s all going to pull together is that a regular villager no it’s a zombie villager he’s just he’s just attacking a guy um so now we’re going to sneak past this room and just get out of there while no one’s paying attention it should be easy enough to do and now

Let’s go find an iller and kill him with my diamond ho it’s a bit of a weird phrase to have to say but trust me when I say I’m only doing it cuz I have to I’m going to let that just happen I’m going to break in and let’s find him

Where where is the evoker it feels like we’re playing peaceful sometimes today like there’s there’s no mobs and then there’s always mobs there must be a bug which means they spawn in some chunks or something more often than others would love to spot what it is but yeah we’re just

Going to keep burning down the place to so we know which rooms we’ve been in I haven’t found a single fell yet which is a concern yeah where are they all at are they on the second floor or the the the the the floor below this one

Uh okay so this is nice this is oh that just went away immediately oh okay so we’ got one guy oh I got an UGA okay ugab boogers will I want so I’m going to quickly just um get past this this is a big deal oh and that’s why that is

Exactly why um so I’m just going to run run run away um I don’t want to die uh at least not today so I’m going to quickly equip my diamond chest plate I came for the ugab boogers says Harrison how’s it going I uh I was mentioning

Earlier uh that it was because of you that we knew that the let’s play had been in Bedrock longer than the Xbox edition I thought that was a really cool set I was uh I was saying it if it weren’t oh no I’m so dead I’m so dead

Where where did where did he come from was there there was a hole back that chat I’ve got bad news for you I didn’t bring a bed with me I didn’t think I needed to to be honest with you and I’m learning the the error of that

Plan um he was already there who’s ready for letu us play 600 it’s a big one it’s a it’s a real big one um I can even uh assuming it’s not out yet or we can do it after the stream Harrison oh god what

The f I want that iron sword so bad it’s he’s got a 7.5% chance of dropping it it’s not my enchanted iron sword I’ve never seen an enchanted one from a zombie please it have been so cool right can we all can we all agree would have been

Cool okay so we’re not we’re not all the way lost we’re not all the way away from where we wanted to go I think we go on this way so we went to negative positive negative so we want to go this way and that way um and then we’ll get our stuff new

Vote go to something else if it’s far away okay so how am I going to get back quickly we could use a boat but it looks like a yeah we’re going to go V the Overworld and we’re going to find we’re going to I’m going to get that totem of undying

If I had a totem of undying I wouldn’t have died trying to get a totem of undying which is why I need a totem of undying chat we can all agree on that um you had an enchanted sword wow never saw that either yeah I like seeing

A zombie with a shovel common seeing a zombie with a sword ooh red rare seeing a zombie with an enchanted sword like crazy rare um I would watch 600 Let’s Plays and I would watch 400 more yeah that’s a a very real uh very real number of people agree with you on

That I feel guilty having suggested the I’ve suggested another death Loop side quest you know isn’t that sometimes the beauty of something like this we we’ve hit our lowest point we want to give up we want to say why are we doing this again how did I get to the point where

I’m but instead I say nah I’ve still got I’ve got two important things that you don’t otherwise have I’ve got knowledge of the world I know exactly where I’m going and I’ve got more importantly than that I’ve got the exact location of a bunch of stuff hanging out together

Those two things together will take me a real long way thank you Miss P driver lady smes many times appreciate you you mad lad smiley face thumbs up heart I vote for all the Minecraft fire and IRL staying warm safely BTW okay Minecraft fire

Fire okay you know I by the way in case you in case you are curious about my real life staying War plan last year I I had such a ridiculous electricity bill that I was like doing the bare minimum to like stay hot and I end up paying like basically you know

Hundreds of pound for electricity that like didn’t achieve anything for me but this year I was just a bit more like okay let’s cut it down the tiniest bit but still get what we want from it it’s interesting there’s something weird about like paying a lot and getting

Nothing feels so much worse than paying a little bit more than a lot but getting most of what you want um there’s some there’s some psychology in that somewhere but yeah also wow I ate that Apple so fast you see how fast I was oh lightning that’s

Fun okay not often we get a good round of lightning also we got better food this time remember how I wanted hay bells so bad well I got hay bells so bad um also make a boat yeah I’m going to make a boat bird the way also the spider

Just knocked me into a fenc area okay so I’m just going to knock myself out of here real quick I’m going to find a crafting table or make a crafting table even and then we’ll have all of the all of this that we want forever and ouch ouch please

Don’t I’ve got I’ve got things to do spider so uh we pay more in gas in the summer so we don’t have to worry about the bills in the winter yeah I think that’s why they basically set you up that way um in in the UK uh you pay not for the

Electricity you use that month like that goes to your account but usually it’s recommended you set some arbitrary amount and that way you you build up a balance during the summer to pay off your your your debt during the winter basically um also I do not think I’m

Going the right way I I don’t remember going across the ocean oh I do actually with the shield I I remember perfectly so I’m going to have to set I’m going to have to quickly just make some bread real quick make some bread just real quick and then eat some food real quick

Just one no one’s looking just get some food in there cuz I saw i s drowned and you never know when they’ve got Trident you just never know so um yeah we’re now only a thousand blocks away from where I died which is then not that far away from where I need to

Be I didn’t uh see do it again also um there’s a bug where you can eat apples while running says uh 12 emier I love silly bugs like that I really can’t say that I um I don’t care what the bills are I must have cool for sumers

Sleeping I think the things that hurts about bills it’s the same reason that people hate the idea of rent like I think it’s weird to me that people hate rent more than they hate bills I think it’s because bills there’s like you know everyone’s aware you’re using something

Something and there’s no like there it you know it feels a bit more tangible than like the idea of like oh yeah rent is just there is some guy who makes money every month while you lose money um but like I I think the craziest thing

Is like yeah there’s a lot of things that are basically just required in the modern day to survive they cost a lot of money and you must find a way to make that money every month and there’s something like terrifying about that to me I also sometimes that money just

Arbitrarily goes up a ton whoopsie like imagine if there was like oh yeah there’s a there’s a war going on in Ukraine right now so everyone’s wrench just gone up 40% sorry sorry you know like it’s a hard time for landlords people would be like outraged but you

Hear like oh yeah because even though we use mostly wind and solar because wind and solar had to meet the same price um that gas has gone up to because we price things by last available kilowatt hour uh whoopsy turns out that now um also Peter Gross put the sock on law says

Renee uh sorry you know if you want to bribe me to put a sock on uh we can do reverse only fans what that be like only haters some fans no fans yeah let’s do a no fans I guess yes put the sock back there’s a pole for it

Apparently um map looks almost like Mexico yeah I threw a little bit of Mexico in there too I I look at I look at Minecraft maps and I see countries as well um but like what what I was saying is like um also I have oh that was a

Weird place for lightning to strike I have no idea how I where I am right now have I got a coordinate wrong did I make such a Al so no fans just go to toy cat and you can join the no fans so uh the sock is going back

On chat good news my my cold foot is going to become a warm foot uh a very Bigfoot some might say um these days renting is actually cheaper than mortgaging you don’t have to worry about what maintenance costs are says Tut to cat um I think renting actually is

Smarter than a mortgage in a depreciating Market um in a it and also only if you also have enough excess to invest as opposed to oh a trail ruins chat do you want to go on a side quest or you know we’ll we’ll stick to our main quest we’ll stick to our

Previous side quest I should say cuz that needs to help me with my main quest which will be great but um this is the oddest thing my comments have led to says sacrificial lamb 456 you’re welcome you’re very welcome do some archaeology no way to predict the market

Says uh Miss Pat and Driver lady I think in general though so it’s it actually it actually is quite easy to predict a market in the macro sense generally certain assets go up and generally some assets go down some people say like well you can’t predict the market and so I’m

Going to put lots of money into my car and it might go up in value it’s like it might but it’s very overwhelmingly not going to statistically um and uh you know like in the same way like a house can go down in price the same way stocks can go down

Individually but the aggregate of stocks has not gone down for more than like a 4year period in a row like they’ve always recovered from their four from their every time we have a crash you know like Wall Street Crash in 1928 if you had if You’ surviv the 1920s crash

You’d have like a 100 times more money today than you had back then like if you didn’t sell anything if you if you if you if you bought in at the highest point and then had to suffer through all those losses as long as you didn’t sell

You would have lost money um but I know I’m just I’m a Minecraft Youtuber don’t take my word for it on finance um wait go watch my finance Channel if you want to take my word for it but I I hate renting because you’re the woman of your

Landlord if they want to sell SL renovate SL movement Etc they can kick you out and mess with your life I love the way they do it uh I’m going to I’m just going to Vibe out that you’re in the UK uh cuz we have a very big private

Landlord class here I love the way they do it in the US where generally landlords are big faceless corporations and generally people hate big faceless corporations but let me tell you I love renting from a big faceless Corporation let me just let me say that right now um

Because they they were very very simple about like there was no like COI like ooh this works this way or that way it’s like oh no yeah the here is your rent pay it every month we have a guy on staff who runs maintenance cuz we know

The maths works out that paying for maintenance is cheaper than not paying for maintenance also yeah I have to I have to kill these guys and not get killed by anything else uh actually this is a good way to kill ugab or kill the kill the Axeman I guess um I’m I’m just

A Minecraft Youtuber don’t my word from Finance go my fin channel for that 10 out of 10 thank you big salmon I’m glad you like It I I I I thought it was fun so I’m glad you did too um why are you playing Bedrock Edition and not Java Edition oh it’s because I it’s cuz I hate medium siiz salmon I just have a have a real real phobia of them really so I got my

Stuff back now chat and I’m about to get a lot more stuff as you see because all I have to do is kill the ugab man uh there was an ugab man just over here he might have fallen through the ground though there he is he’s in the dog no

That’s not ugab man the ugab Booga man is somewhere else um so I’m going to run away from this uh and I’m going to just okay we’re fine we’re fine so yeah I can never okay so I actually I’ve learned oh wait where when did he get there okay so I’ve

Learned that uh I’m going to punch him they attack so weirdly they’ve got such odd attack like you see that the way he’s like not looking at me but he’s still attacking me okay so I’m just going to keep dying over and over again getting that death sound until I can get

My weapon back there’s my weapon I got got it okay and now I can attack him properly perfect he’s dead so we have to do this for every single one will’ll be find because I have got terrible survivability right now but if we do that which I have just done I have all

My stuff back all I lost was experience and now I can kill the ugab man wherever he is oaba man where are you there you are right no that’s not ugab man either yeah as long as you find enemies in a nice and closed space they’re very easy

To kill and so I recommend using blocks specifically for that reason Al lot okay so yeah we got them lots of emeralds by the way more emeralds than I was expecting to have where is my ugab Booga man he was just he was just firing his

Lost at me so I’m going to put some fire up real quick and I’m going to see like he definitely did just shoot some at so is oh he is in here oh okay so that’s bad probably goes about saying we going to go up here and we’re going to eat and

We’re just going to we’re going to deal with that in a second he was right in there see if I lit up the place correctly as I’m now realizing we have to do we did down great but yeah there’s a skelet to get rid of the skeleton I’m

Going to do the very easy and logical thing which is burn the ground under his feet when he’s not looking or do that that works great too okay so okay ugab man is mad he has feelings about my feelings on him but that’s okay cuz he is going to be dead and that

Means a totem for me so I could go for a second totem right now but I think that might be cheeky in this environment uh I will get the bow out though I’ve got no arrows for it so I can I can I’ll get it out just to intimidate people with

Though they want to attack me they’re going to have to go through my bow so I could use just the one totem and dying but imagine this scenario chat imagine I die with the totem undying then you know having one is having none having two is having one um so let’s find

Some that’s not one what’s over here no ugab man not interested oooga man we see any wow this is such also by the way the chat the vote was to burn down the place once I got my totem so just to stay true to that part of the vote here you go don’t

Worry chat I got you I got you covered um we are going to continuously burn uh zombies and we’re going to work towards the direction we wanted to be going anyway which is you know this this this was a this was a mildly interesting visit oh see I hate this I should have

Burned you when when you were alive um cuz he’s dead now that’s that sentence made sense if you just focus on the fact that he’s dead now so to get through here this is something fun that you can now only do because of the uh oh actually you get through before anyway

So yeah because of the free because of the fact that you can fit through smaller gaps you can do this now very very useful uh oh climb down and around and here we go okay so now we’re going to get to our never death point which is about 300

200 um also uh chat has anyone here seen the show OA I want to make a joke about ha looking for the death sound but needing to just play Minecraft I watched the OA recently and uh yeah there’s this if if you’ve seen the OA if you haven’t

Seen the OA it’s the most ridiculous like it’s a show that starts really heavy sci-fi and then Works down to medium sci-fi and then when you’re not looking it’s like ah we’re heavy sci-fi again we got you um and it like kind of plays up like is it is this is this science

Fiction magic or is it real we don’t know um Your Spawn is now set in a burning Mansion says Dasher I wouldn’t have it any other way Dasher I wouldn’t have it any other way so we you know know just to be fair actually just to be you know like make

Sure that we really get it we’ll burn down the forest uh connected to the mansion too just in case the mansion fire goes out the forest fire should hopefully you know reignite that fire at some point you never know when your arson is going to catch up with you

Remember the only reason they ever catch people in arson is the stuff that doesn’t burn down they can’t prove what you did from ashes they can only prove what you did from the stuff that didn’t burn and so really good arsonists never get caught okay so we need to go to 2600

2700 in the overw world should be real easy um but yeah basically in the OA um very questionable show um wouldn’t recommend it but I’m apparently recommending it um yeah guy guy guy is real big believer in the idea that after death you make a little noise in your

Ears and he he kills people over and over again so he can hear the noise don’t don’t I don’t understand it actually now that I say it out loud but it’s it’s a it’s a it’s a great show to put on in the background um or great

Show if you I think it’s it’s one of those shows where they thought they’d get another season and so they have a really cool Cliffhanger they they have a cliffhanger where it turns out everyone is actually British and it’s and and I that that that sounds to me like an exciting part

Of way for things to go to responding at fire mention is him connecting with his old flame after death I’m going to be buried and eventually decomposed see you know that’s the funny thing right is you might after you die you don’t even know what happens to you

You might be burned alive well burn not alive you might be burnt you might be hung drawn and carted it’s a lot of possibilities all you know what’s what’s crazy to me is like there’s some it takes like years for your bones to go missing right so your skeletons can be

Found in the ground forever I I think it’s wild that there are billions of skeletons in the ground right now that there are there are tens of billions of Bones just hanging out in a box somewhere and it’s like why do we put them in a box why did we put like

The amount of money that we spent on those bones like if you think about it on the macro sense not on the human level on the on the humanity level instead of the human level I guess it’s like why why is why is that also

Um I think uh I hope they cannibalize me is a is a valid valid I if you if you request it people legally have to do it that’s how Wills work um pretty sure just pretty sure that’s how that works at least um so is it worth getting the

Steak when it’s in such a big hole I’m going to do it but I’m not happy about it okay so now we’re going to get back up and out chat it’s been aot a little while since we made a democratic decision so should we sleep in this

Village that we’re passing right here or should we power through uh you know no no naps for us and just go right the way uh to our nether point or at least the nearest like NE point we can make um oh there’s three villagers here oh that’s

So interesting so take a nap make a little spawn point or do we live life on the edge spawning in a burning Mansion is pretty funny right um you know to help you decide uh I’ll take the bed with me I have it pre pre-prepared and uh you know based on your decisions

We’ll see where it goes we should do a vote what happens to toy cat after he dies you know let’s do it let’s uh my death shall be that there’ll be nothing left of me says gender yeah I I I really want there to be nothing left of me too

That’s like a a fear or rather I want there to I guess the other theory is what if we one day can you know revive people and then you you’ve burned the only parts of you that might have a life you’d feel real silly about that I

Reckon you you’d be you’d be a little bit disappointed with yourself um so I’ll put all the dumb stuff in here and then I could just go to the nether right here chat this is a good location it’s it’s only about it’s it’s really close yeah this

Is this is a good location let’s use it so taking a nap is is it’s favored I’m going to set that spawn point and then I’m going to have to mine a whole I’m going to have to make a let’s do it let’s let’s let’s commit commit to the bit um make a

Crafting table make some sticks I’ve already got some sticks actually so I can make an iron pickaxe just because there is a gold block here might be useful who knows and then we’re going to have to make the weirdest n portal ever actually wait there’s only two pieces of lava

Here right we need no there’s three pieces there’s exactly enough lava for this to work no there’s not we need one two three four and we’ve got one lava two three lava so even if this works perfectly it’s still not good enough so we’ll take a nap here and then

We’ll we’ll continue through for the night um if you have half million EUR you can be frozen in the future until the future’s Tech to bring you back to life um yeah I uh I think that’s uh a fun thing I I I I I’ve looked into it

It’s in Germany right the Cyro how do you even say it Cyro preservation Cairo preservation I’ve assumed it’s Cyro but it could be chyro oh I okay well now I definitely can’t do it chat so that’s the good news I should bring a bed with me anyway though actually you know there were

There were villagers there’ll be more villagers on the way if you had a clone would you kill it no um because otherwise then the Clone will want to kill me and then he’ll kill me um I learned this in a Tom Scot video yeah it’s a it’s a really quirky idea um

And I think I I liked the the fact that even the people behind it were willing to say yeah we don’t know to be honest with there’s no evidence right now it’s just it’s it’s it’s it’s better than 0% chance there and that’s that that is the

Part that appeals to me is like well you know like you can accept that you are fully dead great or you can try I mean if you if you if you try and don’t succeed you’re still dead but if you try and do succeed you’ll be like man I almost didn’t do

This um give us money now so you might be arrived later maybe yeah the the downside you would I guess argue is that like you are depriving that money from your heirs and relatives but like I don’t know I I think the the idea of giving money to people after you’re dead

Is a really it’s a really weird one if you think about it kind of critically right like you you are like it’s a it’s a better alternative to happen to your money than it going nowhere but if you could benefit from your money that you spent your effort you you traded your

Time for money and then you’re going to you’re going to give the money to people that it might damage in some way the the number of family feuds that appear cuz people see funerals as free money and all that noise it’s just isn’t it easier

To not isn’t it just easier to not um I think the answer is yes so um whole lot of daisies yeah it’s it’s a pretty full of flower field we’re running through right now I would like to see a village cuz otherwise I’ll be a little bit away

From my spawn point and that’s kind of bad I’ve got a totem now though I can’t a totem and a Shield this is the ultimate defensive strategy chat try and kill me right now it’s impossible um if you have immortality you have to live through the end of the

World you know that’s a that’s the scary thing about the idea of immortality uh like versus the you know the the the Sci-Fi concept the the imaginary version is like yeah you live as long as you want the Sci-Fi version can be like yes immortality means that you’ll never die

You can be trapped in a cement mix and you’ll wake up over and over again and then die immediately afterwards you know not ideal also um if people were brought back to life a long time after they died they wouldn’t have any more money once their family members

Would be dead no one would remember them what’s the upside oh so keep in mind if if you give me the choice right now right um if you say to me oh yeah we can like you can you’ve lost all your money toy cat you have no money left you can

Either die or you can be alive I would pick be alive I maybe I’m maybe that’s a sign that I’m I’m uh you know finally over uh you know maybe that’s just this the sign that I actually care about life in a way that people always told me I

Would but I I think alive with no money is better than is better than not alive with no money uh cuz that’s the actual alternative it’s not it’s not dead with money cuz Dead with money isn’t a thing it’s alive with no money or Dead with no

Money I’m picking alive I’m I’m going with it I’m controversial take controversial pick I know but we that’s that’s what I would go for and uh if you wouldn’t I I I respect that but also do I respect that I don’t know that I do so

Yeah I’m going to use a lot of this obsidian to keep the water from flowing over here um okay it’s still flowing just fine yep it’s still FL just fine um also um second lobbying payment democracy cat it’s a shame that we we haven’t found a

Name tag or really gone near any like body of water near the thing it’s a good idea though I I love I love the idea of democracy cat I really do I want to should we should we get a democratic cat seems like a fun idea who doesn’t love

Democracy and cats if you don’t love one of those two things oh no no no no o yeah that’s fine though we’re great we’re doing fine there’s plenty of lava here and I am going to use it so now we put the water

There and oh no no no I just I okay it’s fine it’s fine I’m learning it’s funny how bad this goes for me so frequently but there we go now now we’ve removed the worst of what can go wrong I can now come in here and scoop

Up some lava and and lava goes here doesn’t work on top I always forget it doesn’t work on top um so we got to put the got to put the actual block of Okay lava lava goes there water goes thank you so much Nate sofa uh welcome back to the cooler clack Club

The you know one sec uh welcome back to the coolest CEST Club as the 461st channel member um also uh democat says uh gentle Le Democratic don’t you mean you know as uh I I that’s that’s a very good message there sacrificial lamb very well H out

Love it a lot high quality um so this is going to go my God how am how am I this bad at my I guess the lava burned it away that’s how it happened okay so now we just have to keep on breaking ways down in here thankfully there’s enough

Lava from these two pits that I don’t ever need to seriously consider what what could go wrong here but yeah Pro tip don’t turn your lava into obsidian if you want to go places it just it just doesn’t work okay so chat should I go

Back and get my stuff first or should I kill the blazes first um it’s been a very long time since I dropped that stuff do I even feel a connection to it anymore whereas those blazes I need to kill those regardless right so maybe we should just maybe they should be the

Priority you can decide chat you can decide we’ll go to the Nether and you will pick I hope we get a good nether spawn so we’re going to 324 minus 343 we’re not that far away from it right now as you can see uh in fact we’re

Right here by the uh where the bridge would be I bet y look there’s the bridge see that bridge was a small idea oh halfway through the bridge oh that’s very annoying actually I don’t want to chance it with a pay bail but there is nothing else I can do

Uh I guess I could follow this this way to the Fortress Yeah that’s what I’m going to have to oh that’s that is very risky uh do I have another Choice what’s option three here uh oh option three is Diet looks like okay so I’ve got a shield I’m just

Going to crouch whenever enemies come past me doing a very good job at that um yeah I am so screwed chat uh my stuff is going to start despawning really soon I don’t know what to do about that so I’m running through and I’m hoping for an

Option C which is that this way takes me through there without having to go through the mess it looks like it might yeah there’s going to be a nice gradual path down and I can take smaller jumps with hay bells and if they don’t work I’m not

Dead which is exactly what I’m here for okay so small jump with a hay BT ouch I placed the ha Bell just fine just just didn’t didn’t save my life or anything uh small jump the hay Bell usually don’t have to worry it’s such short Falls but if you’ve got uh Bedrock

Regen you really do and then we’ll eat the cooked beef as soon as the hunger goes down and that will keep me going while I pick up my stuff uh so safe I did that very safely I’m now on the other side of the nether fortress to

Where I died but I’m on the ground which is where oh okay this is bad I have I have no blocks I am not okay that was not what I was expecting to happen uh and I need to get over there quickly we’re going to break

As many blocks as we quickly can it might be faster to chop down a tree I’m not sure I’m just I’m just doing what it takes to get to get to my stuff um okay remember my my bed is very far away from my nether portal it looks like

I’m in the clear right now I I’ve got the totem I could sacrifice and just jump in so I I can think about that if it comes to it if the alternative is my stuff dying like if I it’s better for my totem to die than all of my stuff um

That’s a that’s a true fact right there so let’s let’s let’s get over to to it oh there we go it’s alive chat yeah if you doubted me now is the moment you have to feel silly uh throw this all on the ground oh arrows it’s nice iron

Helmet and then pick up some more stuff and then throw more stuff on the ground um I I don’t know if I want a piglin walking around with stuff but that’s fine uh I’ve got two shields on me right now I’m going to combine them together

Cuz a big Shield is better than two small Shields I’m going to combine the two iron pickaxes together cuz that is a good idea and uh yeah it’s about as good as I can reasonably get away with right now warp fungus isn’t a need even is one

Plank uh yeah this is great everything is wonderful here CH oh ender pearls Ender pears oh God the ender pearls they’re so important they’re so so important okay so that is good that we fixed it so this iron pickaxe is full I’m going to want a second iron pickaxe

Though so we’ll drop the we’ll drop the gravel for it no we’ll drop the two dirt for it I’m going to drop the Nuggets to actually I’m going to turn the gold into things and then drop the gold chest plate as well then I’m going to drop

The single steak I’m just going to eat it and then that gives me some more inventory space nice chat I made it I’m alive are you you proud of me as my parasocial internet parents I I hope you are um so now we just stack right in

There or we could ender pearl but I’m going to stack no reason why just just that’s a better bet actually there must be some Crimson wood on the ground here somewhere is there Crimson wood anywhere yeah there it is okay I want that so that was that that’s that’s a that’s a

Lot of blocks that’s that’s very valuable I’m going to drop the single torch on the ground um just seems like a good idea and oh I’m getting burned from where oh from up up up there so at least they burnt the the piglin so I’ve never

Seen a piglin fight of Blaze before chat be honest with me have you ever seen a piglin fight Blaze oh he’s going to do it he’s okay I need to see him do this I need I need to see It so you can attack a blaze without a blaze being able to attack you if you go at a funny angle yeah I I need to see who wins this fight chat who do you think has oh wait what did he just turn into a zombie piglin

What what just happened oh that’s the that’s the blazing straty that’s distract me no okay okay that’s a hoglin also very bad I’m just going to get myself into a mountain where I can’t be hurt oh what happened what happened in any of that just there does anyone have any

Clue be honest with me if you know what happened there I would love to hear about it um but I have a theory that no one does there was just an event and the event just just did a thing oh I I hope I didn’t look at you okay I didn’t we’re

Good can eat another bread very important and then we’re going to run up and so I I now know the way I’ve got to do this I’m going to so this this is my favorite little like weird Minecraft hacky thing but it really it really is

Just so good it just it just does it all for you you just bone meil some twisting Vines and now you two can be in a another Fortress and then we just stack at the top break a block break another block and we’re in and just like that where the blazes

At there the blazes at okay so we’re going to we’re going to make a little pile of this just stay safe and then we’re also going to make a little thing over here just to stay safe just uh just to make sure we’re safe and now we’re

Going to go kill some blers um I do need a space to pick up blaze rods don’t get me wrong but uh then we’ll be ready for this chat I think Blaze attacks work like lightning it was a bug I think I remember hearing about it where why did

The Blazers it could have been a despawn based on what just happened there like there were two blazes I was scared of them so I turned away and then they were replaced by wh skeletons maybe the same thing happened that was such a weird issue to

Have okay so we’re going to make regular ones of these through the Fortress just an important thing to have didn’t realize that it’s tall enough for someone to go over but that’s okay I can attack him okay oh there’s so many over here okay so having a a diamond hoe is not the

Ideal weapon would like to remind everyone this is not my first choice it’s just a choice um and also that you can pick anyone you want to be and then you can be that person if you like oh yeah the Diamond H is just as good as any of these other weapons

I’m pretty sure right is iron ax is five or so I’ve got a flint and steel that I just don’t think I need so I’ll drop it for some blaze rods Blaze Rod two Blaze Rod one and then we’ll pick up some more gold and honestly let’s let’s drop in

The gravel it’s just not that good the lever as well these these items are just just not getting me the mileage that they need to and so we sh be using them okay so kill you easy stuff so the outside part of the Fortress Is out over

There so if we want to get the really easy Blaze this is where it’s going to be let’s quickly make that as a safety backup quickly eat we are slowly running out of that precious precious food and let’s do this I do actually need some blocks later I’ve got the

Stems it’s fine so out here I’m going to find some Blazers or in here it look kind of looks like okay that is scary that’s very scary don’t want any part of that so let’s go criticals everywhere and get my third Blaze Rod I guess I’m doing this the old school way just

Crawling through a a nether fortress hoping for the right thing to spawn use the axe please use the iron sword oh do I have an iron sword in my inventory that I’ve just been that’s funny that it’s just been there I’m like I don’t have anything chat I swear I

Don’t uh so I do see over here there’s a uh a blaze I’m pretty sure was that a blaze I saw yeah that’s a blaze I see so we’ll lure over the Wither Skeleton he’s an easy kill and then we’ll get the blaze who is not wanting to be the

Same yeah that was that was a much easier process is this a blaze spawner actually there must be one around here there always is oh yeah look at this perfectly in okay so in we go eat the bread make a little tunnel that makes it easy for me to get in and

Out okay so this this post is doing a lot of heavy work for me right now right now we are out okay so chat if we want to get out of the nether what do we want to do next are we going straight oh Lord this is the this is Hell on

Earth this right here is Hell on Earth I somehow survived that I’m pretty pleased myself um you know what you can say I play recklessly chat but sometimes recklessly is what it takes to get the job done no it’s not no it’s not no it’s not not at all oh there’s there two

Blazers there there’s just one okay so there’s more Blazers over there I need to make a big big big stack up and then I need to avoid all of these Blazers too while also avoiding all of these Blazers I’m going to make a big little corner there we go we’re fine w

Okay so how’s the weather no that’s how the weather is oh the weather is bad in the nether I thought I was fine I was so sure I didn’t know the blazes could see me back there I really didn’t think that okay well I’m fire resistant now and

I’ve also got some regen uh those are both problems also look how many blazes I’m killing and just not getting any blaze rods I am I am the H okay we good I’m going to have to get a shield out real quick that was a good totem though

It did it it did its job no one can say it did it um and that’s that’s a sixth Blaze Rod if I want it we always get a seventh Blaze Rod especially in moments like this uh I think it’s just safer you come all this way to the nether you

Might as well also okay that’s that’s no good this is no this whole thing is no good this is a bad place for bad people and bad mobs um so I’m going to sit right here and I’m going to sit in third person cuz I’ve learned that’s the thing

You’ got to do cuz you never know when mobs are going to come and get you oh Lord and where did you come from so bad let me out of this mess I just need a blaze rod just any Blaze Rod okay so yeah that’s that that was

That was a well dealt with situation all things considered um I think I want out though I think I am actually going to just take out yep there’s a there’s already a blaze over here which is great where did you come from it’s not there okay okay so we we’re fine we’re

Fine we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine chat we’re fine um if I just keep them both in front of me if I keep everything in front of me I’m just going to walk out of there and oh okay everything is fine I’m just going to I’m just going to keep

Everything okay put a block there okay chat I am live I am live no one can say I am not I’m just going to take a second I’m going to breathe after that everything is going just fine so um the uh the economy is uh it’s going through some things right now I

Hear huh oh yeah you hear about the the base interest rate is uh it’s going potentially down or potentially up it’s uh it’s a it sure is a fiscal environment we find ourselves in um the the big the big thing worth noting is that sometimes uh the things go good and also

I I tend to find that in the world things are good and sometimes things are not good these are my adult opinions that I’m talking about because everything is fine and I am very capable of dealing with them there we go that’s my Blaze Rod I just need to get it I’ve

Got it I’m getting out now I’m out not my problem anymore oh that this is my problem apparently there’s a lot of lava between me and not my problem let’s a how do where do they come from everywhere I’m never not being snuck up on by a wither skeleton I don’t know how

That is somehow true but I I assure you it is is so is it safe it must be let’s go no wither skeletons no wither skeletons okay we’re out no we’re not no we’re not oh Lord okay I need some skeleton arrows so this is great perfect got some arrows and I’ve

Gotten out I am finally out for actually you know I don’t want to say I’m finally out yet let’s wait till we are finally out to say that we’re finally out I’m going to start digging this way where there’s no more blazes uh and I’m going to just I’m

Going to dig this way and then I’m going to keep walking and somehow that wasn’t enough for him to get the hint that he should leave me alone it’s crazy how when you don’t want them probably helmet oh we’re out of helmets I have to make a gold one or

Something just to avoid one more potential risk point in this but I did it I did it chat everything is fine but everything is actually fine yeah people always saying that things go poly but I think this is proof that everything everything in the Stream just now went great genuinely

Wonderful um and they still are continuing to so this is a big fool to take on a vine um I know I could make it but I would be so close to dead if it fails so it’s always worth doing something like this just for

When it how did how did that fail I you saw the vine it was in my face but it’s fine um so we’re going to go back the way that we originally came to get here uh so we have to find the co the the big

Bridge made out of that stuff yeah I see it and so my nether portal is just up there somewhere so it’s it’s actually really really close by so chat how is the stream going let me know your vote in chat right now give me give me your

Call I want to know is the stream going fine or is it actually perfectly fine uh it’s definitely one of those two that’s that’s for sure yeah getting getting around the never is so handy with these things like give give Mojang credit this is a genius of an invention just hiding

In plain sight and we we don’t give them credit for it okay so we have to jump onto this then stack up a few more more blocks and I hope nothing knocks me off at the last second because here we are we’re back in the Overworld

Woo okay so now that we are back in the over world as you can see I very clearly am now I must decide uh well I’ll keep the twisting Vine for the the end I guess uh I’ve got four arrows for my bow and uh I’ve got some silly blocks

And now I can make some fenders I can make lots and lots of fire fenders uh I’ll make 12 of I’ll make 10 of them I don’t know like we’ll start with eight actually let’s start optimistic and we’ll see where we’re going we’re going this way let’s go find our end

Portal so we lost through one at 2300 2100 and we’re going basically just negative on the Zed um it’s a real easy Journey let’s do it ooo um so yeah chat the stream is going perfectly fine so um should we go straight to the stronghold or should we

Make a little stop along the way uh you know maybe go to like a village like find some food uh do some Inventory management get a get a helmet going uh or do you think we should just go straight to the stronghold it can all be done in there

Chat you decide what happens next uh site quest for a spy glass you know I would like a spy glass anyone anyone seen the amethyst if you found some I’d make it work level up at a village you do have to sleep at a village to level up it is widely known

Also good see you Nate sofa um I want to know the the reason behind your username are you actually just a sofa called Nate is it short for Nathan also um also wood who needs wood in this economy let’s let’s be real um you know see I know I know fancy adult

Talking Words uh gry Alex good to see you too by the way um good to see another friendly name so second totem says so ah totems are for cats no one I don’t need any totems not not not today that’s for sure um so I am I was inspired by another

YouTuber Molly soda oh I like I like the idea I like the I like the Twist on that it’s Unique Enough by itself that it doesn’t sound like it is just a a knockoff with which is nice ibx toat your time in the Neville is so stressful

I should have opened a bottle of wine you know what you should open a bottle of wine do it right now anyway you know it’s 10 p.m. it’s not 10 p.m. where you live it’s 10 p.m. on stream time which is the only time that

Matters um I love that we got enough ey Enders that we can genuinely oh I would almost I was going to just walk and just not think about it but I knew I had to knew I had to be cautious there let’s jump in and let’s keep on going um have

You seen that we didn’t start the fire parody we didn’t rig the mob vot that’s a funny that’s a funny premise for a for a song I Like It um streams should work like casinos no clocks Allowed no pay attention to the time uh no also don’t pay attention to how much

You’re spending time or MoneyWise um I uh I do wonder sometimes if like cuz sometimes uh I I I I tend to find some streams are like very reliant on like their you know like big you know donors like in the case of this stream if you think about

It we have about 10,000 people between 5 and 10,000 people who will like tune in at some point to watch a stream and off those you can see 461 become members and then of those I think like five people are uh like the super member tier uh and

Some people like who aren’t in that super member tier still tipping like you know every single stream or you know like uh you know once a week but like big amounts and so you all kind of reliant on the bigger uh like Dons in a

Way and so uh in a way maybe maybe it is like that’s a real point that you got to uh you know it’s like against my own interest to say this but maybe maybe you should be encouraging people to like keep an eye on that or maybe you should

Go the opposite way and say actually the way that we stop that becoming Something That We’re relying on is like if you enjoy the stream and you haven’t thought about tipping before maybe maybe now’s the time you could use your time right now to do some some uh a

Little bit of lobbying like uh our good friend celest here is doing you could uh you can okay if there’s fish around and we can find a cat we’ll make the we’ll make the Democracy cat let’s let’s do it uh you know Celeste we’re we’re in let’s

Let’s do this and uh yeah you you get uh ultimately you can show your support or you can just have your name shot up on the screen whichever way you want to see it it works both ways regardless of which way you want it to be seen so

We’re going to get some raw salmon just four of it should be good look at the tiny salmon wow couldn’t imagine playing Java where that doesn’t exist um and let’s grab these things um should a real time clock be added to the for screen people forget their options when they can’t see/ hear

Them okay you know what the stronghold could be there oh yeah let’s let’s give it a check no it’s that way it’s probably going to oh it’s not dead yet very nice so um sorry I can’t I only have 200 to last me the year you know

Gendo here’s here’s my advice spend 180 of that um getting yourself wait no send what you want to do is you want to spend 5 of that uh on a on a bus ticket to your local train station spend the spend another 2030 of that getting a train

Into London spend the other 175 on tips to your boy toy cat thank you Celeste one more lobbying payment you know at this point it would be rude not to have a democracy cat here is here is the Dem the de the Democratic Democratic option welcome Democrat Democrat there we go

He’s our new friend and just like any good new friend we’re going to be bring him along with us as we go to terrible places so yeah um that’s what I recommend doing 200 make it work um once you’re in the center of London you do

You do what they did in the olden days and you you go around asking people do you have a job for me and they’ll say no that’s not how this works sir and then you I know you you go on the street and then you then you ask nicely like please

Need some money to give to my favorite streamer and then that’s that’s then you take 10% skim off the top of that as a processing fee and wow you’ve just worked out how to be a service provider uh name tag the cat demo I would love to

But I name tags are such an odd item to come by in my opinion like how many chests have I gone through oh I got a I got an achievement for receiving a gift from a tamed cat in the morning totally didn’t try to he

Gave me a gift what did he give me chat what of this looks like it came from a cat also I’m clearly not making the potion let’s accept that right now and we have an inventory space um we are Financial advice of toy cat yeah you know what I uh I’m

Glad uh I I’m I’m glad to see that it’s sinking through this this high quality stuff I give out for free on stream if you’ll believe it but no thank you um we had an I remember earlier right but I didn’t even add it um thank you Dr

Doctor uh for becoming a channel member welcome to the club um 5 462 we’re just 38 away from the go appreciate anyone watching uh who’s even considered helping us reach it welcome to the Democratic People’s Republic of toy cat okay it’s going to be below this Village right here it’s just too perfectly

Aligned to not be so we’re going to throw one eye offender off we’ve gone past the village but again usually you don’t travel, 1500 blocks and then perfectly for a village it does sometimes happen but usually you don’t so now we know how powerful lobbying is we officially know how

Powerful lobbying is so I’m going to be honest with you today chat I’ve uh I’m I’m taking the side quest option that you’ve all said and I’m coming into this Village and I’m making myself just a little bit more powerful one of those ways is going to be I’m making a helmet

Again you got to have a helmet in Minecraft oh I can’t make a hel I’ll make a gold helmet maybe but then I can’t have a golden apple um so one of those ways I’m going to kill an iron golem and then make a helmet thank

You thank you so much Victory shouts NZ Happy New Year to you too Happy New Year too to you Happy New Year to can you use a shield on a Golem let’s find out oh you can oh not very well though oh very okay so don’t use a shield on a Golem that’s

My Pro tip um it’s useful to know you don’t you don’t think about it um for some reason he can’t come over here uh is it a trick oh it’s a trick it’s a trick and then we’ll get in a little hole we’ll finish the Golem and then

Once we finish the Golem we’ll we’ll make the helmet We need oh no you did this to me you monster cats can give Phantom membranes fun fact you know we say people say that the Phantoms are necessary cuz oh okay the cats alive I have the salmon I don’t

Have the salmon I’m sorry I ate the salmon that you need it’s fine the cat will live the cat will be great not the democat the democat thankfully has enough Health to survive this catastrophe that we are going through right now um beds are brilliantly ballistic at battering The elusive Ender

Dragon of delil and doom on the bedro version they’re actually not I know that was just a what’s the word fun play but it’s not true so I have to let you know and we’re going to make a golden apple it just it just feels good and so now

Let’s find out if we’re digging we’ll make a shovel to actually they’re not actually ever that important but you know let’s make one let’s just let’s just have one so um all cat should have eight totems undying now that’s an idea nine likes you know how everyone’s doing

Hardcore Minecraft now it’s pivot away from Hardcore and into the nine life world into a world where you know that you have just nine lives and once you start the the life’s are eventually going to be used up okay so I’m going to throw an eye offender it’s okay it’s

Under that Village there’s no question there’s no question so now we can just dig down below it find the stronghold find the dragon call it a day I believe you beat Minecraft once you’re in the end right used the shield on those amethyst golems in a map oh yeah yeah

The weird the weird amethyst golems that were called Ender Golems for some reason so not cool idea would be taking the end make it more amethyst okay but let’s uh the Bedrock of society is Big salmon thank you Celeste I like that reference I was wondering like that

Sounded like it came from something real smart now I realized that was a me tweet so I should keep a hay Bell out just in case it comes to it but it won’t it won’t come to it we’ll be fine uh I haven’t actually slept in this

Village so we really need to keep that bed in focus um more than the shovel really yeah there we go leave the shovel on the ground in case if we come into a big pile of gravel we’ll appreciate the gold shovel though okay so I’m going to I’m just

Going to dig down and get to okay okay we’re fine we’re fine I don’t see a stronghold yet I always hate this part of the process where it’s like oh you might be in the right place you might not be who knows so if you look in a cave and you

See a big flat wo you know that it’s hiding the stronghold from you uh that sounds like a like paranoia thing but I just mean that’s like where it goes and so let’s see is there any Big Flats in this cave not that I can see so let’s eat some

Bread hope the cat doesn’t die from stepping on some of these spikes by the way I bet they never considered the inter interaction oh Lord let me out of this okay I’m fine oh there’s diamonds wow that’s nice it’s a nice little treat um so I’m just going to jump my way up

Here ouch doing just great and uh oh there’s so many of you guys I don’t think this is a reasonable amount of you for there to be so I’m just going to walk through it is fun that you can use drip stones to place blocks

Off uh place a block on top that and then just walk away just while no one’s looking just get away from that noise and uh yeah okay you know let’s finish them that’s do it perfect easy okay so now now that they’re all trapped or gone let’s dig down some more I mean

It’s probably going to be down right just we we we’ll start digging down to at a time oh where what how why what’s the other thing that’s hitting me oh it’s a skeleton so the skeleton thankfully doing a very poor job but still didn’t appreciate you doing that friend okay so

Now we Dig Down few blocks at a time that way and then we dig down this way to compensate few blocks this way two blocks this way it’s a slightly better version of the whole dig two blocks a whole a time cuz you can’t get it wrong and accidentally

Die I guess you can like now you can start going this way for a few blocks and then back to this way and as long as you can see a block below there we go we’re in chat we’re in found me a stronghold and I found it in the very

Middle too I it seems like that always tends to be close enough to be being true now that we’re in we’re going to take the bread fight the zombie oh he’s got a sword see it’s it’s oh it’s it’s uh it’s got some durability left in it

Too I’ll combine the two swords together and get a slightly better sword oh God look at my two swords together yeah so handy going to shut that door cuz that’s where the skeletons are and I’m going to go to wherever the end room is which is apparently right here oh what a

Smooth for oh and it’s got look at this it’s got three if enders in oh what a smooth Fortress battle that was oh I’m actually going to die to silverfish right now um it’s not what I want from life it’s not what anyone wants for life

To be honest um so I’m just going to walk out real quick I’m going to stand in a corner and make one ey offender just make one uh can you can you bounce Shields you can bounce sfish off of a shield that’s funny to me that that

Works U so I’m just going to stand right here you see the way this okay we’re just going to walk past okay they’re attacking each other in we go none of this matters to me place a a bed down there respawn Point set and then stacky

Stacky stacky in we go okay not stacky stacky stacky stacky uh in we go no problems for me that was just that was a smooth entrance to the end nothing went wrong there and so now we’ll finish the dragon I can’t see any issues that could come with this um but

You know just cuz I’m in a hurry I’m going to throw an end Pearl just all the way over there just get me into the into the midst of the action as quick as we can and then we’re going to look up and we’re going to see where the dragon is

Oh okay everything’s fine I have a Apple specifically for this situation actually uh and so I’m going to get said Golden Apple out right now um it might help with my Staying Alive ability um especially if the dragon flies down on me again I should have eaten it I’m

Going to eat it now uh just seems like a good idea oh no Democrats no the Democrats how could they do that to you oh man it’s not not going good for me today okay so there goes my golden regen so I I don’t know how that could have

Happened I it was impossible to imagine that bringing the cat to the end was a bad idea and yet somehow it turned out that it was I uh it’s crazy to think that these things can happen at any time to anyone but just remember that it

Always can um and yeah we’re going to have to turn down the end or it’s going to get impossible I always forget whenever you’re playing Minecraft you just got to accept that yeah the End Dragon is just poorly mixed I turned down my in-game sound they need to have a toggle just

For the dragon noises that’s what they really need so let’s get close again let’s go for it attack a bunch and then she flies away and eat some bread uh I’ll I’ll take down the smallest Towers too it’s like it’s it’s easy it’s right there why wouldn’t I we’ll take down

This one as well uh fun fact on Bedrock you don’t need to take down the towels it’s yet to be worked out with this game design or or what this is oh what’s Happ what’s happened oh I’m in acid that’s why I got my hit in L so he he will stay

For a really long time before leaving just have to not get hurt again oh so loud vote if we’re killing the dragon that’s a good point we haven’t done a vote should we kill the dragon chat I don’t know I don’t know if we should you you just assume when you come

To the end that the dragon should die but that is a pretty big assumption isn’t it chat should we kill the dragon yes or no if we’re going to we’re going to start on democracy you know with the what seed should we use we we did a

Random seed we’ve got to end on Democracy chat should we kill the dragon yes or no give me give me the answers make sure you give them to me soon cuz we’re about to make a pretty pretty vital decision on this actually um I uh

It’s a big one to make it’s uh it’s a very important one honestly we we decide the fate of the realm and we’re going to do it right now thank you so oh oh God I hope your 2024 doesn’t suck thank you sofp first of all

Okay so the good news for the person who said uh that I the people who say uh that I should in fact not kill the dragon it looks like I might just not it looks like that might be a okay this is I’m dead okay good news we’re not

Killing the dragon chat has decided and I am backing their decision GG thank you for watching uh we’ll play the credits now that was a great oh that was a great time that we had in the end there and uh thankfully we decided just in the nick of time that

Actually uh by a margin of 51 to 48 we won’t be killing the dragon actually and so unfortunately without killing the dragon you can’t go back to the Overworld um very very sad I know but uh it’s true and so given that that is the

Case we will be uh calling this a run I had a very wonderful time here today I uh I I made some great friends not least with the dragon uh got you know had some new members uh made a new parasocial uh Bond of all of you and most importantly

Realized uh that democracy is beautiful and uh ultimately the only thing you can ask for in life is that you have random strangers on the internet who will one day tell you exactly what you do as I have right here but as you can see I’m

Going to make sure we don’t kill the dragon one more one more actually no no no no you didn’t see that thank you for watching dragon’s alive look she’s doing great thank you for watching goodbye she’s great everyone’s one

This video, titled ‘Democratic Minecraft Run (Chat Decides)’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2024-01-02 22:34:55. It has garnered 9977 views and 635 likes. The duration of the video is 02:54:23 or 10463 seconds.

Every 2 minutes the chat votes

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  • Ultimate MCPE Realms REVEALED! Join Now! 🚀

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  • eventyretmc Hejsa alle sammen I er velkommen til at join Discord få mere info om server Info om vad der er der inde : Fede giveawes : Gode staff : fed server : gode Info God dag fra staff team Read More

  • Memelands – Vanilla 15+ SMP Whitelist No resets 1.20.4

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  • The Bluemoon SMP

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  • Minecraft Memes – “MCPE YouTuber Exaggerates Like Crazy”

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  • Larisa: The Hot Minecraft Cave Dweller! 🔥

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  • Experience Virtual Reality in Minewind Minecraft Server

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  • The Truth About ATERNOS Servers

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