Cheating in Skibidi Mob Battle!

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Today I’m doing a Minecraft mob battle with my girlfriend but we’ll be using skiy mobs and what my girlfriend Zoe doesn’t know is I up this oneway glass wall so I can see exactly what mob she spawns in okay Zoe are you excited for today’s skiy mob battle I am so excited

You are so going down no way you’re definitely going down Zoe but you’re going to have five minutes to spawn in your mob so best of luck good luck Dex okay guys now we’re on to the very first round in our skiy M battle and what Zoe

Doesn’t know is I made this huge oneway glass wall so I can see exactly what M she spawns in so let’s go ahead and see what is she going to try and pull up for this first round for this first round I think I’m going to spawn in the big

Drill man and the injured cameraman wait what did she spawn in the drillman and the injured cameraman these guys are so huge wao these guys are a lot bigger than I expected so I’m not sure if I need to spawn in a whole bunch of them

What in the world these guys are so cool and wao the injured cameraman only looks awesome but the drow looks even cooler look how big he is I didn’t know Zoe was was able to get stuff from the Multiverse as well that’s absolutely crazy okay come on Dax I have to think

Of something really good so what can I even try and use for this first round okay I’m thinking since Zoe spawned in two mobs maybe I should do the same let’s go ahead and start by spawning in the Big Clock man and waa this guy is absolutely ginormous since Zoe want to

Use a multiversal mob I’m going to do the same exact thing with this guy but to pair up with this guy I think I’m going to spawn in the damage big speaker bit and wao this guy looks so cool he has like a knife sticking out of him and

He’s missing like half of his arm he’s so awesome but I think Zoe made a big mistake by not spawning in a bunch of mobs which is exactly what I’m going to do so let’s start by making a big row of our big clock bit just like this and

This is perfect they look so powerful we’ll also finish this off with a big ground a big speaker man my Army is going to be so strong if I come over to the back of the AR there should be a hidden trap door in Oh My Gosh guys look

At that that’s so awesome it might look like a grass block but as soon as you press it it acts like a trapo and right below that is is my chest and inside this chest I should have a super cool item and oh my gosh it says it’s a mom

And champ it but think looks so cool and it also makes your mobs super strong so let me give you guys a good example of what this does if I walk up to any one of my mobs and just click on them they’ll start to Glow which means

They’re super Enchanted wo they look so awesome okay let’s just walk around and go ahead and enchant a few different one of our mobs since I want my Army to be as strong as possible you know what on second thought I should probably make my

Army as strong as I can so I’m going to SP a whole bunch of them wait a second is Zoe starting to spot in a bunch of her mobs oh no guys this isn’t good if she has too many of them I might actually lose this come on Dax what can

I do to counter this and oh wait a second I have a great idea what if I play a prank on Zoe uh Hey Zoe are you there hi Dax what’s up hey I actually just found out the coolest thing ever and you honestly might want to use it on

Your mobs what is it well if you place out a bunch of cake your mobs grow super super big my guys just got like two times the height they normally are cake as in the dessert yes cake gu in the dessert Zoe what else would cake even be

I have no clue but I’ve never heard of feeding your mob’s cake so I guess I’ll try it oh my gosh guys what Zoe doesn’t know is it actually makes her mob super super small this is going to be hilarious how many cakes should I put

Down Dex oh make sure to put down as many gaks as you can Zoe okay Dax thank you so much for telling me about this oh my gosh guys any second now her mom should get super small oh my gosh guys look at that her mobs just got super

Small this is hilarious what the heck why are my mobs so small now oh my goodness guys Zoe looks so confused I can’t believe she actually fed her mob’s cake who thinks that actually makes them bigger she’s so funny it must have been the cake I need to get rid of these oh

Man but little does she know it’s way too late to make any of her moms bigger they’re going to have to fight me this small okay so well I think my arm is basically ready to go for this first round are you ready to start the mob

Battle um no can I have like another minute uh Zoe why do you need more time it’s literally already been 5 minutes stop stalling because you’re your stupid advice caused my mobs to get super small wait what do you mean Zoe my cake work for my mobs really your mobs didn’t

Shrink uh yeah Zoe did you use the right type of cake or anything what type of cake did you use uh you’re supposed to use like organic flour and like cheese and stuff cheese on cake are you serious yeah Zoe that’s how it works did you not

Do any of that no of course not you just told me to do cake oh well of course that’s why your Bobs got smaller that doesn’t even make any sense Zoe whatever Dax I’m still going to win this round so drop the wall and here we go it looks

Like the first round I started and wo you spawn in the drill B and it looks like you also spawn in the injured cameraman yeah they’re supposed to be super powerful and who the heck is this guy is the clock man and look how big and glowy he looks that means he’s super

Strong and you’re telling me your organic cake with cheese did that to him uh yeah Zoe don’t you see how big they are and how much they’re destroying your army they’re not destroying my Army I still have plenty of guys left let’s see you have like one two three wait you do

Have a bunch of guys left what the heck why did you spawn in sobody I swear you were going to spawn that much what do you mean you swear I wasn’t going to spawn in that much uh I just had a feeling you were only going to spawn

Like a few Zoe but it looks like you spawned in like a 100 of them and it seems like your guys don’t even want to fight oh gosh come on guys get out to the front line you’re all Enchanted you should be able to beat up zo’s Army oh

No it looks like my guys are dropping really fast this is not looking good for me sorry Dax looks like you’re losing this round no way keep fighting guys come on come on and wait no my big ured speaker man has got to take it out but

Yes my clockman took out your drill man come on people we need to get it together let me just go ahead and lift my big edur speaker man and I can drop him in the middle of the battle and he keep fighting all your guys off good

Luck with that my guys are going to team up on him no way my Guy’s super strong there’s no way he’s going to lose and what he just lost what were you saying Dax oh no this isn’t good I think this is one of my last come on this Enchanted

When is he get to there and fight looks like we’ll have to lift him up wait no Zoe don’t pick him up leave him right here oh no come on come on you can do this clock man beat him that stupid ured cameraman you got this come on team Zoe

We got this no way no wa what you actually won of course I did I’m like super good at this whatever Zoe that’s only one to zero don’t get too confident I’ll beat you in the next round we’ll just have to see about that Dax what in

The world guys I can’t believe I actually lost the first round Zoe ARB was just way too strong but anyways I really need to focus up and win this second round so let’s go ahead and spy through the glass to see what Zoe’s going to do I am so glad I won that

First round I’m doing so good so for the second round I’m going to spawn in one of my favorite mobs the Gman wait what did she spawn in the Gman and this guyy kind of looks lame and I’m not just going to spawn in the Gman cuz that

Would be dumb so I’m going to spawn in the clockman wait what she also had the clock man how in the world did she get that guy he looks so cool and now I have to build a giant army of them oh gosh guys Zoe is making a bunch of them but

Don’t worry I can think of something super good okay honestly I think I do have a really good idea and uh wait a second where in the world did this obsidian come from and what is coming out of it it almost kind of looks like a

Portal but guys we all know that portals don’t work on the ground right and uh wait what the heck it does look like it works or maybe it’s like right under the arena or something and wait no nothing’s underneath here it is a portal well I

Guess we’re going to have to jump in to see what’s down there hopefully there’s something cool and wao wait a second why am I in survival now and wait what the heck is that the TV woman over there uh Hey TV woman what am I doing here hi Dax

You have to complete this parkour so then you can win this item behind the glass that’s going to help you win the mob battle wait what there’s something behind the glass that help me with the mob battle okay I definitely have to do this because I lost the first round of

Zoe let me go ahead and try this parkour and good thing I’m like super good at parkour this should be like really easy for me okay let me just try a few of these chumps and oh no now there’s ladder parkour this is honestly kind of

Scary come on and perfect I made it through but it looks like now there’s iron bar cor come on let me just Crouch to make it to the end and perfect I’m doing so good just a few more jumps left and perfect T I made it over good job

Dax you did it now you just have to give me a stack of diamonds hey a stack of diamonds uh TV what but I don’t have any diamonds on me okay Dax since you don’t have diamonds I’ll give you one other option uh okay well what’s the option

I’ll do anything if everyone subscribes right now the Dax can go in oh guys come on guys you heard her everyone watching now has to subscribe come on 3 2 one t but it looks like everyone subscribed so can you go ahead and let me in now sure

Here you go all perfect okay and there is a chest over here let’s see what’s inside of this and wo it says an upgrade potion that’s kind of cool I wonder what it does hey TV woman and wait what it put me back in creative mode it’s an

Upgrade potion so when you Splash on your mobs it makes them even more powerful wo that sounds so cool it say up a creative I can just fly back now thanks so much TV woman get out of here you crazy kid okay guys perfect I made

It back to my side and this is so cool I can’t believe I got an upgrade potion but honestly I don’t know what to upgrade so I’m kind of looking at Zoe’s Bobs like I want to upgrade those so I think the first thing I actually want to

Do is build myself out a little fence so I can actually spawn the mobs in and now that I have this fence built out the last thing I have to do is just steal Zoe’s mob and in order to do that all I have to do is type in this Command right

Here and wo guys look I can see inside our inventory this is so perfect all I have to do is steal this G spawn egg and this clockman and now they’re all mine what the heck where did my spawn eggs go wait a second guys I forgot to make a

Copy of but I literally just stole it from Zoe oh no hopefully she doesn’t get mad I guess it’s just a glitch oh man okay she thinks it’s a glitch so come on let me just go ahead and put them back inside her inventory and oh gosh I just

Gave her 64 of them sheesh now I have 64 of them okay well as long as they’re back in her inventory I don’t think she’s get too suspicious let’s just go ahead and try to Spa these guys in and yeah both these guys are pretty lame but after using the upgrade potion they

Should be super strong so let’s see what this does and oh my goodness guys look it made the Titan clock man and it made a better Gman this is awesome and now that I have both of these guys in my game I can just grab their spawn egg and

Now I can build an entire Army out of them we’re totally going to destroy Zoe let me just go ahead and spot a bunch of them in the back and then I’ll spot a bunch of them in the front and honestly I don’t even think I need more than this

This guys are way more than enough to take out Zoe’s Army but I probably should get rid of this little portal over here just so Zoe doesn’t get suspicious so let me break all of this and perfect this looks good okay zo I think my Army is basically ready to go

Are you ready for this second round in our M battle yep I’m ready to go well here we go the walls have officially dropped wa what the heck is that thing this is the Titan clock band and he’s extremely strong he can probably take out all your army by himself how did you

Even get him uh because I’m super smart zoee duh I’m like an ultra genius you super super smart yeah right you had to have gotten help uh no I didn’t get any help zo I told you I’m a genius okay Dax whatever you say come on Titan clockman

Go ahead and take out all of her Army just show her how powerful you are this is not looking good for you at all way all your army is going away and I still have a bunch of my guys left seriously my guys are dropping just like that yeah

They are pretty weak it looks like you only have this like back right here but it looks like they don’t even want to fight they must be scared what the heck is going on come on guys take out the last few of them there really isn’t that

Many left okay come on just these two guys back here and I think we have this last Gman and come on and perfect it looks like I won dang I can’t believe I lost that round yeah my Army was just too strong but hey Zoe maybe you can win

The next round I definitely will perfect guys we completely destroyed Zoe having this upgrade potion was the best thing ever I have to keep with the winning streak in what the heck did Zoe just spot in yes the Titan speaker man will surely give me a win this round what in

The world she spot in the Titan speaker man this guy is so strong okay come come on guys I have to think of something super good but what can I even use maybe I can go ahead and see something cool game into my chest come on there has to

Be something in here please please please where is it oh in perfect it is right there come on what’s inside of here and what is this it says the big TV man this guy is pretty powerful yeah he does look pretty cool honestly but wait a second guys I still have the upgrade

Potion I can totally use this to get something even better let me see what this does to the big TV man come on be super cool and oh my gosh guys this guy looks so cool it looks like the upgraded Titan TVV man but oh wait a second where

In the world did my upgrade potion oh no guys I must have used it too much and it ran out of stamina oh gosh this isn’t good well at least I still have the upgraded Titan TV man this is pretty cool let me go ahead and grab a spawning

So I can spawn in more and oh wait a second it says access denied what in the world I can’t grab the spawn egg oh no guys this isn’t good now I only have one of these guys what am I supposed to do well maybe I can make him as strong as I

Can by myself let’s go ahead and use the mob enchantment book on him so he can start glowing and I mean he does look a lot cooler like this but I’m still a little bit nervous and Zoe does have a lot of tight speaker bed maybe what I

Could do to help my Army this time is by going over there to prank her and of course if I want to make it over there I’m going to have to be invisible so let me throw this cloak of invisibility that turns me completely invisible you can’t

Even see stuff I’m holding now that I’m just like this let’s sneak over to Zoe’s side and wao she does have a lot of Titan speaker man this is honestly a little bit intimidating wow these Titan speaker are so big there’s no way that Dax could spawn in a bigger mob than

This one I mean my guy is technically taller but I couldn’t really spawn an army any bigger since my axess was denied which is still so stupid but let’s see Zoe does have a lot of these guys what could I do and oh wait a second I could use the mob killer

Basically I can just fly around with this little wall right here and I can start taking a bunch of her people this is perfect what the heck why did that mob just drop oh my gosh guys Zoe looks so confused right now she’s just staring around and doesn’t know what’s happening

I’m keeping my eyes on my mobs I’m not seeing any more drop though oh okay let me go ahead and do a little bit more damage you get out more of them what the heck two more three more just dropped this is not good oh this is so hilarious

And I bet Zoe’s so confused right now good thing I still have my spaic I can just spawn more in I guess she still does have the spaic so maybe I could try something else oh wait a second I have a bunch of dynamite in my inventory so

What if I grab a cool one oh this physics Dynamite sounds super cool which other ones look cool and wo this is a lightning one let’s go ahead and try out the physics Dynamite first by throwing it right at Zoe what the heck the ground underneath me just exploded oh my gosh

Guys Zoe looks so confused let me go ahead and throw a few more of these physics dynamite oh no the ground is exploding and it’s killing my mobs this is absolutely hilarious and Zoe is so confused right now I don’t even know what she’s going to do for this round

Well before I head back to my side let me go ahead and try out this lightning Dynamite Just by throwing it in the middle and wao look at that what the heck 10 of my mobs just dropped I think it was lightning I don’t see any clouds

Though gosh wait there are any storm clouds maybe I shouldn’t throw that anymore Dax is it lightning over on your side oh yeah I just got hit with a piece of lightning actually I don’t know what’s going on I don’t even see any storm clouds or anything me neither I

Don’t know what’s going on yeah it’s kind of weird but I guess it’s out of our hands yeah I guess so oh gosh guys that was way too close okay before she gets too suspicious let me get back to my side and perfect I made it back over

But that was way too close let me take off this cloak of visibility and then let me see if Zoe’s ready to drop the walls okay Zoe I think my arm is basically ready to go for this next round are you ready to lose I’m ready to

Win Dex we’ll see about that I’m dropping down the walls and here we go the walls have officially dropped and wao you have a bunch of infected Titan speaker man infected Titan speaker man what are you even talking about uh Zoe you can see all the blue stuff on them

They’re obviously infected oh I just thought that meant they were super strong I mean they really aren’t that strong especially compared to my Titan tvman look how big he is he is super big but you only spawned in one I mean what’s the matter with you I mean I

Tried to spawn in more but the game wouldn’t let me seriously it looks like the game is rooting for team Zoe yeah it doesn’t matter look you have a bunch of them jumping my guy and he’s still perfectly fine I think I can still win this I

Think I’m still going to win cuz I haven’t seen any of my guys drop well we’ll see about that they’re all fighting in the middle now come on T TV man you can win this come on team Zoe you got this no way my guy is super

Strong I honestly feel like I could take a nap and I can wake up and I’ll still be the winner yeah right Dex don’t get too cocky of course I’m going to be cocky but my Guy’s super strong look how big he is in what the heck he got taken

Out what were you saying Dax what in the world you must have been cheating or something Zoe what do you mean cheating I just spawned in a strong Army whatever it really doesn’t make that big of a difference that’s only two to one zo so

I can still win the next two rounds and win this Dax I just need to win one more and then I’m the mob battle Champion what in the world guys I can’t believe I actually lost that round that really sucks I couldn’t grab his spot egg but

If I lose this next round I’m going to lose the mob battle so let me Focus up real quick to see what Zoe’s going to try and do H I can’t believe that’s stupid lightning made a real mess of my side yeah her side is pretty screwed up

Look at all the blocks everywhere okay this is practically fixed so I think for this round I’m going to spawn in the Titan drill man wait what she spawned in the Titan drill man this guy looks so strong and you already know I have to

Spawn in like a whole bunch of them oh gosh guys this isn’t good she’s spawning in so many Titan drillman but wo they walk super weird hopefully these guys are super powerful and then I can finally be the mob battle Champion okay come on guys I didn’t think of something

Good but what can I even use to counter this wait I have a really good idea what if I just spotted in a bunch of Skippy toilets they might not be that powerful on their own but I spotted a bunch of there’s no way I can lose this come on

Come on let’s go ahead and spot in a bunch of them and wait a second I actually have another trick on my sleeve let’s go back to our little hidden chest over here let’s see what’s inside of here and wo look there it is guys this is my personal shrinking device

Basically any of my mobs that I click on will instantly get bigger with this thing wo this is so cool okay let’s go ahead and make a bunch of them huge and wo my Army is super big now this is perfect with them this big there’s no

Way they can lose they have the numbers on their side let me just go ahead and spawn a few more and I’ll make them even bigger wait what if I make them like three times a size that’ll be awesome wao these guys are going to be like the

Leader of the army look how big they are I feel like I can even use this mob and champ to make them super glowy and strong okay zo I think I’m ready to go for this next round let’s started I’m ready and here we go the fourth round in

Our M battle has started and wao you spotted the Titan drill man and you just spawned in a bunch of skibby toilets uh yeah but look how big these guys are there’s no way they could lose yeah that guy is super big but they’re not very

Strong Dax they might not be strong as themselves but as a whole team they’re definitely stronger than your Titan drillman really you actually think so of course zo I know so these are Titans well it doesn’t matter just wait and see come on guys we can totally win this

Keep fighting and I’m seeing a bunch of your guys drop let’s go what the heck is going on this must be a joke and oh my gosh I think they all got taken out so I told you my guys as the team are way too strong whatever Dax there’s still one

More round I guess there is one more round but don’t worry I have the most perfect combination up my sleeve yeah me too and let’s go guys I completely crushed her which makes the score now 2 to2 all I have to do is win this last

Round and then I’ll be the mob battle Champion so let’s go ahead and see what is Zoe going to try and pull off for this final round I think I’m just going to spawn in all of my old mobs and wait what she’s spawning in all her old mobs

Oh no guys she has some really strong mobs this might be a lot closer than I thought and these mobs are super op but I still need to spawn in a whole bunch of them just to make sure that I actually win wait a second guys I

Actually have an idea speaking of old mobs I have a really cool idea the first thing I need to do is make a combining machine and in order to make that I have to type this command sl/ paste and wao guys look at that our combining machine

Is here basically all I have to do is put a mob on that side and put another on this side then flick the button on this side and I should get a combined mob what thinking of doing is spawning in three different bombs let’s go ahead

And try this out what I’m going to do is spawn the camer B on this side over here and on the opposite side I’m going to spawn in the TV man and the speaker man and hopefully this will combine to be a super strong skiy Mom let’s go ahead the

Lever and see what it ends up making and oh my gosh guys look at that it made the tritide this is so cool this guy is like ridiculously strong and he can totally take out Zoe’s Army but wait a second I actually have one more idea what if I go

Ahead and put the tri TI on a side over here and then I jump in on the other side and combine myself okay let me just run some Redstone over to this door so I can hop in and press the lever and this should be super awesome let’s see and

Wao did it even work I have no idea and what the heck guys look it’s the Dax Tri Titan oh this is so perfect I’m totally going to win this round let me grab my own spawning and then I can start spawning and a bunch of them and totally

Destroy Zoe okay Zoe my Army is ready to go are you ready for this final round in our mob battle yep I’m ready to win well you’re definitely going to lose I’m dropping the walls and here we go the final round has started oh my gosh is

That the Dax Tri Titan yes it is I combine myself with a tri Titan there’s no way you can win how the heck did you have enough time to build a combining machine uh because I’m a genius Zoe we’ve been over this this still looks

Like a super close match nah I think my guys are totally destroying yours look your numbers are going down so fast no way come on guys we have to win come on Dax TR go ahead and embarrass Zoe she’s never going to be be the Bob battle

Champion over me what the heck guys come on we’ve been training all year for this and look at this I have like two Dax TR times here versus all of your guys and they’re still winning hush Stacks the people are fighting come on let’s do

This guys take out the last few this is so easy I can just go take a nap should I go take a nap no don’t take a nap well it looks like you only have like two or three of your guys left this should be

Over in no time what the heck how did this even happen I lost and perfect we completely destroyed zo the DX try Titan was just way too strong whatever Dax I’m going to try super hard next time anyway Zoe are You Ready for today’s skibby mob

Battle I’m so ready and Dax you’re going down no way Zoe well you have five minutes to spawn in your mob’s best of luck anyways guys now we’re on to the very first round of our mob battle and of course I’m going to be using our

Secret wway glass that she and see with Zoe spons in so let’s just go ahead and look through and see what she’s going to do for this first round okay let me take a look inside my chest and see what I have H I think I’m going to do the

Camera Ninja ninja wait the camera ninja what in the world even is that and let’s see what this guy looks like wao this guy looks super cool he even has like four different plungers he could use wow this guy looks super strong and I’m going to spawn in a whole bunch so my

Army is super powerful oh gosh guys Zoe is spawning in so many okay we need something super good for this round let’s see and which one of our skiy characters do I want to use for this first round you know what guys honestly I think for this first round I’m going

To use the default skimy toilet little does Zoe know I have something up my sle let’s just first by spotting this guy and yeah this guy is a little bit lame and I think Zoe’s Army can take him out now what I’m going to do is make oursel

A little portal to this secret Dimension which is going to give us a painting we can use and basically whenever I draw this painting comes to life okay so let’s go ahead and build our little portal and the only way you can build this is by building it on the floor next

Up you have to go ahead and put fire all the way around it like this and then you can just light it up and wo guys look at that our portal is complete if you don’t believe this is a real portal look I’ll go right underneath and see nothing’s

There okay but now if we go inside and we open this chest we’ll have our painting with our easel and palet we can use the color okay well let’s quickly go back up here and place down our little easel and the first thing I’m going to

Do is go ahead and draw a little default skiy toilet just to represent our guy over there okay now that we have this we have to add a big Plus in the middle and then we’re just going to draw a creeper head so it knows to add a creeper into

The toilet let’s go ahead and add in some creeper eyes and then we’ll just draw our mouth and now if we look at our skinny toilet it should be a creeper toilet and oh my gosh guys look we have our creeper toilet right over here this

Guy looks so cool and now since it’s a creeper toilet anytime Zoe Bobs attack it it’s just going to blow up and blow up a bunch of them okay well now we have to go ahead and grab it spawn and now we can just spawn in a whole bunch of these

Guys okay I’m going to put down a few more and we have to make sure our army is gorbis just so Zoe gets overwhelmed and before the walls drop who do you think is going to win this first round you can either comment creeper or you can comment cameraman well anyway Zoe my

Army looks super strong and I’m pretty sure we can destroy your weak Army over there no way Dax drop drop the wall and see me beat you okay Zoe I’m dropping down the Walls let’s do this and here we go the round has started wao that’s a

Lot of explosions yep I have creeper toilets and your ninja toilets are definitely going down no wait I still have a lot more guys left yeah but my guys can just blow them all up and oh gosh wait a second they’re blowing each other up they’re blowing each other up

So I doubt you’re going to win no come on guys we can do this just keep blowing up and what they’re getting taken out too fast put them all in the middle see what happens all right let me go ahead and put them all right here in the

Center come on do something cool just blow everything up and but you still have one guy left no way wao what the heck uh I don’t know what these guys are but you do have one person left so I guess you still win this first round Zoe

What are these things I really don’t know well Zoe that makes the score 1 to zero and you need a total of three round wins to win the whole thing so don’t get too confident woohoo I win I win Dax loses okay whatever Zoe let’s just move

On to the next round then before we do that I have to ask you what is this this it looks like obsidian with some Flames around it oh uh oh good guys the portal closed uh Zoe this is just my little campfire I just have it here cuz I get a

Little bit cold at night oh that makes perfect sense well just go back to your site and let’s start the next round okay good luck what in the world guys I can’t believe we lost to Zoe that first round but I actually was smart enough to make

Sure I kept a copy of all our stuff so let’s go ahead throw our painting back and now we can keep drawing on this but before we do that let’s go ahead and spy through our oneway glass and see what Zoe’s going to do for this round we

Can’t let her win again man Max is getting really bad at these mob battles I’m definitely going to win this next round let’s see what I have to do what in the world Zoe is talking trash over there okay I’m not taking it easy on her

Anymore looks like the TV woman is what I’m going to do next wait what did she say the TV woman that’s like one of the strongest new characters and wo she looks so cool wow she looks so strong this is going to be awesome especially

When I spawn in a whole bunch for my Army oh gosh guys okay we’re going to need something super super good for this round well let’s see what do I even want to add in for this round and wait a a second I actually have the perfect idea

What if I use this multi-head toilet okay let’s go ahead and spawn him down and wa this thing is disgusting look at all the stam heads on it and look how it walks this is so gross okay but I have the perfect idea to combine something

With this and I’m actually going to be combining myself with it okay let’s go back to our painting and now we have to draw something let’s go ahead and erase this creeper over here since it was complete garbage and now we have to draw a few different heads just to the

Painting knows okay we’ll go ahead and added one more head right here and this should be good now we need to go head and add in myself so let’s go ahead and make a little green outline like this we’ll add on our little frog eyes in the

Corner just to give it some spice and now we can just go ahead and added my eyes and it should pick me up pretty well and come on let’s see if this is something cool and oh my goodness what in the world is this this thing looks so

Cursed it’s just broken everywhere I must be way too powerful I completely corrupted it but this guy does look pretty strong okay let’s go ahead and grab it spawn it and wao look it’s even called the Dax spider and now we can just spotted a bunch of these guys okay

We’ll go ahead and put down a few more and perfect well let’s see what’s something else that I could use that’s really cool okay I think I want to go ahead and add another painting right over here and we’re going to draw something else since these are spiders I

Want to make them a little bit smaller so they’ll be a lot faster okay well of course what we need to do is erase everything on this board since it’s practically useless okay now what we’re going to do is draw ourself a little red arrow pointing straight down and that’s

Because we’re going to be making all of these way smaller okay now we can do a little size multiplier and of course we have to make this out of yellow and we’re going to do5 so they’re half the height that they are now and the last thing we’ll add it is just something

That says shrink right down here and oh my goodness look how small these guys got a they’re actually kind of cute and oh gosh that’s not cute seeing them all up there I think my Dax Army is going to be super super strong and if you agree

With me go ahead and comment Dax let’s confuse everyone that hasn’t made it this far yet okay well now anytime I spawn them in there should be a lot smaller so let’s add in a bunch of these to destroy Zoe’s Army and wow these guys

Look so scary but we still do have a few minutes until the walls drop so why not go ahead and prank Zoe real quick and using this one secret mod I have I can instantly transform into Zoe’s mobs all we have to do is click on its little

Picture and now we should instantly transform into it this is going to be so awesome okay now we can just walk over to Zoe’s side and she won’t even know that it’s us this is going to be so funny and wow guys look we made it over

To Zoe’s side and we look just like all of our TV woman stack stinks Zoe rules Dax stinks Zoey rules I’m totally going to destroy Dax in this next round he’s not very good at this what the way she actually believes that okay while she thinks her Army is super powerful how

About we mess with them a little bit while she’s over there on the other side I’m going to go ahead and put down our easel again and we’re going to draw something let’s go inside here and erase everything and now we’re going to make her Army super tiny like I did for my

Side okay we’ll go ahead and write shrink on the bottom and her people should be short any second now and come on let’s see it wao her people just got so tight that’s so funny but oh gosh wait I’m still the same size I have to

Make myself small to blend in let’s go back in here and we’ll also write in Dax and oh my goodness guys we bled right in we are so tiny what the heck why did my Army get so small oh my gosh guys Zoe just realized her Army is super super

Tiny this is hilarious there’s no way I can win with my Army being this small what the heck is going on oh perfect so I knows there’s absolutely no way that she can win with her armb be this ball what do I just ask her to drop the walls

Real quick let’s just go ahead and run back to our side so she doesn’t catch us let’s just break through the wall down here and now we can run through and wo guys that was actually way too close that was hilarious well guys let’s just

Ask Zoe if she’s ready to drop down the walls and oh gosh wait a second I left the painting over here I have to go over there and break it what the heck what is this painting wait a second guys Zoe noticed oh no this isn’t good H this

Isn’t a very good painting it just has an arrow pointing down and wait does it say Dax wait what she can see that it says my name oh no this is a good guy Dax did you do this uh did I do what Zoe what are you talking about there’s a

Painting over here and my whole Army turned really small and I think you’re up to this wait a painting over there and your army turned small no Zoe I had nothing to do with that I don’t know what you’re talking about that’s funny because on the painting it says your

Name on it well that’s really weird I guess one of your people might have just wrote a painting and put my name on it since I’m so cool yeah that may be a possibility but I still think you’re the one up to it well zo I can tell you I

Did nothing can we justop the walls and start the Ball battle wait no I’m not ready my Army is still too small too bad Zoe I’m dropping the walls and here we go Zoe the round is starting oh those spiders are really ugly wait what so wait they literally look just like me

How are they ugly they’re ugly I’m sorry Dax oh my gosh well these ugly guys are completely destroying all of your tiny TV wom and oh look how cute they are Zoe they’re just adorable they are adorable but they were really powerful before you shrunk them what Zoe I didn’t do

Anything I told you that was probably one of your mobs that did it I don’t believe you first second but whatever looks like you win this round yeah you guys are getting completely toasted you only have like five or six left and just this one person left come on guys take

Her out and boom Zoe it looks like I won dang it just because my girls got small okay whatever will Zoe that makes the score one to one and I’m catching up now I’m definitely going to win this mob battle whatever Dax but I do have to ask

Why do you have paintings on your side oh um I was just practicing some of my artwork Zoe there’s uh no need to worry about these actually funny you’re in your artwork and I had artwork on my side quite the coincidence well that is really weird Zoe but let’s just move on

To the next round okay okay guys we completely destroyed Zoe that round but she did get a little bit suspicious seeing all those paintings so I think I need to be a little bit more careful but anyways using our oneway glass again let’s spy through it and see what Zoe’s

Going to do for this round okay I have to work super hard this round so Dax loses I need to win this battle no way she’s going to win I am like the best Bob battle player ever I think for this round I’m going to spawn in the the

Titan TV man and the Titan cameraman wait she’s going to Spa in two different Titans the TV man and the cameraman this is going to be so crazy here’s the Titan TV man wao this guy’s huge what in the world this guy is huge oh no this isn’t

Going to be good and then I’m going to spawn in the Titan cameraman what in the world both of these guys look so insane since these guys are so big and strong I don’t even think I’m going to need to spawn in a whole Army these guys should

Take care of Dax easy oh gosh guys he’s probably the tight TV man and tight camera are like two of the strongest characters and probably destroy anything I have okay I really didn’t think of something good for this round wait a second what if I go ahead and use this

Thing called The Buzz toilet the buzz toilet is super super strong and let’s see how it looks and wa wait what in the world happened to his head oh God it’s missing a head okay I might have broken the buzz toilet a little bit but I guess

It still looks pretty cool but since the head is broken we’re going to need to fix that so why I go ahead and combine it with something and the first thing we’re going to need to do of course is go ahead and draw our toilet and since

It doesn’t have a head we have to to make sure not have to draw one in so it doesn’t get confused now we can go ahead and draw a little buzz in the middle like that and this is perfect let’s go ahead and add our plus to the top and I

Think I kind of want to combine this with a blaze so let’s go ahead and draw oursel in a little Blaze let’s go ahead and draw some of those rods like this and then we’ll draw that little face and let’s go ahead and see how this turned

Out and wao this is so cool okay I have no idea what is going on over here it must be broken because the buzz toilet was broken earlier this is awesome we can see the little blaze rod and we have a little Blaze face and it even flies

Like the blaze I wonder if even shoots fire blows like the blaze that would be super cool well now I just need to go ahead and grab it spotting and make sure to spotted a bunch so we can completely destroy Zoe’s Army I can’t find anything

Good on this computer wait what did Zoe just say she can’t find anything good and what in the world she has a whole PC and a huge gaming monitor over here I’ve been researching how to upgrade my guys for like the past 10 minutes and I can’t

Find anything what in the world that is not fair at all Zoe’s using the internet that’s like completely cheating looks like if you use this enchantment book that means it’ll make your guys 10 times stronger sweet I have that enchantment book wait what did she say if you some

Type of enchantment book it’ll make your guys 10 times stronger there’s no way that’s a thing and what is she holding okay one guy done what in the world this guy is glowing now and wait a second he’s going to enchant the ti Dev man too

Oh no perfect now that my guys are enchanted now I’m going to go back and see if there’s anything else I can do wait anything else you can do what in the world wait a sec this article says that if I feed my mobs cake they’re

Going to get even bigger wait did she just say you feed them cake they’re going to get bigger there is absolutely no way something as dumb as that can work and I have two spare cakes what in the world she’s actually feeding them cakes any second they should get bigger

Wait no way this actually works and wait a second it actually worked look how big these guys are now wow my guys look amazing oh no this isn’t good guys I don’t think I have a chance at winning this round these guys are ginormous sax

Is so going down this round hey Dax I have a deal for you uh okay Zoe what’s up if you can beat me this round I’m going to give you 1,000 Robux wait 1,000 Robux you’re that confident Zoe yep I know I’m going to win in fact why don’t

We just drop the walls right now okay Zoe you’re going down no way and here we go Zoe the round has started wao you guys are flying yeah you have these two giant Titan men what in the world Zoe that’s not fair it’s definitely fair Dax

Well it looks like you guys can’t even reach F so I think I’m going to win this round by default no way go ahead and put all the guys in the middle what why would I do that you know what Dax I’ll just do it wait what no Zoe don’t do

That oh my God you brought everyone to the middle Zoe that’s cheating it’s not cheating Dax oh my gosh Come on my Blaze buz through it’ss have to win um how do you even get these guys they’re not even normal skibby mobs uh don’t worry about

It Zoe I got them from uh a guy on the corner of the street yeah well this painting kind of looks like a blaze and a toilet oh Zoe this is uh nothing that was just me uh practicing my art again don’t worry about it just watch the Mom

Battle well you’re very talented Dax it looks really good a thank you Zoe and it looks like I only have a few guys left how are your guys not dying they’re just super strong I fed them cake wa you fed them cake why in the world why would you

Do that cuz I read that it makes them super strong wait you read like on the internet and wait I see your whole setup over here Zoe you can’t use the internet that’s cheating why not I was just doing research oh my gosh whatever and it

Looks like the rest of my guys just died Zoe oh my gosh okay I guess he won that round woohoo well Zoe that makes the score 2 to one so if you win one more round you’ll win the entire bom battle and that’s what’s going to happen I’m

Going to win and you’re going to lose we’ll see about that I’m not taking it easy on you anymore whatever Dax good luck oh my gosh guys I can’t believe Zoe spawned like two of the strongest characters that’s not even fair at all well she only needs one more win to win

The whole thing so I have to stop taking it easy on her let’s use our oneway glass and see what she’s going to spawn in for this round okay I just need to win one more time and then I’ll finally be able to beat Dax there’s no way she

Can actually beat us guys we are done going easy on her let’s see what I have I’m going to do the TV man and the tank wait the TV man and the tank that’s like one of the most perfect combos you could have how is Zoe getting all this good

Stuff here’s the TV man and here’s the tank wao the TV man looks super cool and wow the tank actually looks awesome and let me even give my tank a cake so then he’ll get super big and strong wait what no way this works again and oh my gosh

Guys he just got ginormous what in the world wow this guy looks awesome and let me spawn in a whole bunch of TV men to support the tank oh my gosh she is spotting in so many TV men this is not good and that giant tank is so strong

Okay guys we’re going to to do something super super good for this round and wait a second I just thought of the perfect idea what if we go ahead and go into here and we grab this thing called the Rocket toilet okay let’s go ahead and

Put this guy down and E this thing is absolutely disgusting this might be the most horrifying mom I’ve ever seen well that’s not the point because we’re going to make something super super cool out of this let’s go ahead and put back down our painting and now we need to go ahead

And draw another little toilet and we need to make sure to put a rocket on it so it knows it has a rocket let’s draw in some of that rocket fuel right there and we’ll also add a little head okay well of course the next thing we need to

Do is add an A plus to the top and for this round we’re going to do something super funny we’re going to go ahead and draw Zoe we’ll go ahead and add in the head just like this of course we need to add in a couple eyes as well and we’ll

Even make the hair super long just so it knows that it’s her okay and perfect it should have taken form and wo this thing is super cursed well it does look like Zoe and it has a little rocket stuff so I guess it’s pretty cool why don’t I

Just go ahead and grab it spaic and wo it even says rocket Zoe okay let’s go ahead and spotted a bunch of these rocket zo to take out all of her Army and perfect my guys are looking so good this is like the best thing ever but I

Do want to make them a little bit more powerful so why don’t I go ahead and added another painting we’re going to go ahead and make them all bigger so let’s go ahead and smack down a painting right here and let’s go ahead and draw one of

Those Arrow things except for this time we’re going to draw the arrow going up like that and we’re going to make the size let’s say two times bigger and oh my goodness guys they got so huge oh gosh this isn’t good some of them are like dying in the wall but I think

Everything’s going to be okay you know what see all these Zoe Rockets makes me wonder what color do you think is better you can go ahead and comment purple or you can com in green and I think before the walls drop we should go on Zoe side

And prank her real quick you guys already know I have that one mod that lets me transport into Zoe’s mom so let’s go ahead and change real quick come on hopefully this works come on change us please and wao look at that guys we are the TV man okay and now

Since we look just like this we can go ahead and walk to Zoe’s side and she won’t even know that it’s us let’s go ahead and break through our oneway glass and of course we have to place it back so she doesn’t know and wao look we’re

On Zoe’s side wow my Army is so strong and I’m going to beat Dax so easily and then I’ll finally win the mob battle what in the world I mean she does have a lot of people but I think we can change that guys we’re going to go ahead and

Use this one thing called the mob killer and now I walk up to any of her mobs they will inst silly die ha this is too funny okay let’s go ahead and take a few more of these guys and this is way too funny wait did my Army just get smaller

Oh gosh guys wait she might have noticed that we killed a few of them well it’s whatever I guess I can just spawn in some more oh gosh guys she’s completely right she can always just spotted more of those guys well if that’s the case we’re going to need to do something else

Let’s go ahead and go into our inventory and let’s find a really cool Dynamite we could use and wait a second what if I use this one called the physics Dynamite now if I go ahead and throw this at the ground everything should just explode let’s see what this does and boom look

At that no something just happened and it took out my tank oh my gosh we even took out her strongest thing the tank that was too good this is not good what is going on Dax my side just blew up wait are you serious Zoe your side just

Blew up yes and it took out one of my strongest guys oh no that sucks Zoe maybe it was like a big meteor or something a meteor is that happening right now yeah there’s been a lot of random meteors Landing one must have hit your side oh man how unlucky well you

Better go ahead and fix FX that up because we only have a couple minutes until everything drops okay okay I’ll hurry oh my goodness guys she actually believed us you know what guys what we do something super super funny and throw it at Zoe set up and boom look at that

What the heck why did you throw that wait a second guys I think she thr us let me change my voice uh what are you talking about I didn’t do anything I just thought saw you throw some dynamite oh no that wasn’t me uh that was Billy

Bob Joe right over there which one’s Billy Bob Joe oh this guy right here is Billy Bob Joe Billy Bob why would you do that everybody if you try to jeopardize my Army this is what will happen to you don’t run away from me Billy Bob wait

What in the world and oh my gosh she just killed Billy Bob Joe that’s right I’m going to kill you if you try to jeopardize my win so everybody know that thank you so much for telling me Mr TV man I always knew Billy Bob was trouble

Oh yeah no problem Zoe and oh gosh that was my normal voice why did you just sound like Dax oh I’m sorry Zoe I have a really bad cold and it messes with my voice mhm okay well I hope you feel feel better oh thank you so much oh my gosh

Guys she actually believed it but I completely forgot to change my voice hopefully she didn’t get too suspicious well now that her size’s completely destroyed let’s just head back to R so we can drop the walls all I have to do is transform into my normal self and

This is perfect I’m definitely going to win with all of these rocket zo’s well anyway Zoe my Army is ready to completely destroy your are you ready for this round I’m ready all right I’m dropping the walls down let’s do this and here we go the round has beg gone

Zoe wa are those Zoe toilets yeah these are Zoe toilets how the heck did you even do that uh don’t worry about that Zoe I’m just super super talented is all you need to know H you are pretty talented and since you use zo’s they’re probably going to beat my Bobs because

I’m so powerful there’s no way they’re going to lose oh I completely agree Zoe oh there is so much fighting happening Zoe this is absolute chaos this is crazy did it take out my tank uh no your tank is still alive Zoe but he’s getting completely jumped oh man I honestly

Don’t even know who’s winning right now Zoe there is so much chaos yeah there is a lot of chaos but Dex what’s in your hand oh uh that was just a candle yeah it smells really bad in here so I need something to spice it up looked like TNT

Oh no it wasn’t TNT but hey look at that it looks like I won a man I really wanted to win but I guess there’s one more round yeah since the score is 2 to2 we have to move on to the final round and you’re going down Zoe let’s do this

Time for the tiebreaker and perfect guys now we’re on to the final round and I’m totally going to destroy Zoe but of course in order to beat Zoe we’re going to need to cheat a little bit so why don’t I use our oneway glass and see

What she’s going to do for this round since I kept all my old spawn eggs I’m just going to spawn in the old mobs wait what she’s going to spawn in all of her old mobs oh no this is going to be crazy with all these guys I’m definitely going

To destroy Dax oh gosh guys she might be right her Army is going to be super powerful but lucky for us I kept all of my spot eggs as well so why don’t we do the exact same thing that Zoe did and spotted all of our people let’s go ahead

And put down some of our Dax spiders like this and we’re also going to throw these creeper toilets even though they’re kind of weak next we we’ll go ahead and add our Blaze Buzz toilets and we’ll add in our rocket Zoe toilets I think I’m going to need more Dax spiders

Since those are like probably the strongest whatever and honestly I think my Army is pretty good to go Hey Zoe hi Dax my Army is basically ready to go do you just want to drop the walls early and lose let’s do this I’m ready to drop

The walls early and win all right we’ll see about that Zoe I’m dropping them down and here we go Zoe the final round has started wa you spawned in all your old mobs I did too how’ you know to do that uh it was just a suspicious but it

Looks like all of my D spiders are destroying your guys no way you had like a million of those at the start and now there’s like 10 left yeah but I also have a bunch of Rocket Zoe toilets so there’s no way you can win no I really

Wanted to win I still have my Titan TV man still come on your Titan TV man is just like completely surviving we need to take him out wow it’s cuz he’s super strong but you do have a lot of flying zo’s left come on guys we have to take

Him out keep fighting and beat them up beat them up and let’s go it looks like you lost Zoe no oh I really wanted to win haha Zoe you lost again but maybe you can go ahead and win the next bom battle I’m going to try so hard next

Time and you’re going down we’ll see about that anyway Zoe are you ready for this first round in the Skiby Bob battle I’m so ready and you’re going to lose this time deck well we’ll see about that Zoe you have five minutes to Spott in your mob’s best of luck anyways guys now

We’re on to the very first round and of course Zoe can’t hear us and what we’re going to do is use our secret oneway glass and spy OD Zoe to see what she’s going to place out for this first round H what should I grab out of my inventory

This time I think I’m going to do the Titan TV man wait a second Zoe just spotted the Titan TV man off the star look how big this guy is wao this guy is huge and he looks so powerful I’m going to spawn in a whole bunch to build my

Army oh my gosh Zoe is spawning in so many but look how strong this titin TV man looks he’s like 20 times my height look guys we’re going to need something super good we’re going to take off the Titan TV man and wait a second I have

The perfect idea the first thing we’re going to do is grab this toilet right here and then we’re also going to grab something called the camera okay so now we can go ahead and spotted a bunch of these default skimy toilets and wao these guys might not be super are

Powerful but when there’s a bunch of them they can definitely take out Zoe’s Army the next thing we’re do is put a bunch of these super cool camera guys down and wo these guys are the camera man they look awesome their necks are a little bit broken though I don’t know

Why they move around like that and wo they’re super fast what in the world I want to have like an insane amount on my side I want basically like every edch of my side to be covered up with Mobs let’s go ahead and throw in some more camera

People and then we’ll go ahead throw some more skiy people and we should be good to destroy Zoe okay Zoe well my Army is completely ready to destroy you this roundout can I go ahead and drop the walls drop the W Dax you’re going down we’ll see about that let’s go and

Here we go Zoe the first round has started oh my gosh there’s so much going on you spawned a bunch of guys yep I spawned a bunch of default sking toilets and the cameraman and they’re definitely going to destroy your army no way they’re so weak your arm is going down

Wait why in the world are you guys still alive I have way more people than you because my guys are super strong it’s the Titan TV man oh my gosh why is the Titan TV man so powerful all my guys are getting destroyed looks like you’re

Losing this round Dax oh no this isn’t good come on I have a few skimy toils left surely they can take them out and I have one guy left come on and up he just died aha you lose I win oh whatever Zoe well that’s only one round win for you

Don’t get too confident whatever Dax let’s just move on to the next round what in the world guys Zoe just completely destroyed us okay we’re going to need to go super hard mode if we’re going to win this bom battle let’s go ahead and spot through our oneway glass

And see what zo’s going to do I did so good that round there’s no way Dax is going to win this time it’s definitely my turn to win oh whatever guys we’re going to get something super strong and she’s definitely going to lose I think

For this round I’m going to spawn in the spider cameraman and the spider toilet wait did she just say the spider camera that’s not even the spider camera that’s like a spider speaker I don’t even know that thing is scary but wao these guys look so powerful honestly these guys are

Kind of giving me the hee jibbies but maybe it’ll do the same for dax’s Army so I’m going to spawn in a whole bunch of them oh my gosh guys Zoe always spawns in so many and ew look how these guys walk around this is just terrifying

Well since she’s spawning in so many people we’re going to do something super super good for this round okay let’s go ahead and grab something good from our inventory and where in the world did this little Forest come from uh this is super weird I have no idea how this got

On our side well I mean I guess we can go ahead and clear it out a little bit and wait there’s even a little path right here what in the world world let’s just go ahead and follow I guess hopefully nothing scary jumps out and

Wait is that a chest over there oh we have to see what’s inside the chest let’s go ahead and see and wao what is this it just says upgrade potion on it what in the world that’s really weird and wait a second I actually have a

Super good idea okay what we’re going to do is build out a little fence here and then we’re going to put our cameraman in from earlier maybe if I go ahead and splashes on this something super cool will happen and oh my goodness guys look at upgrade to the Titan cameraman oh

This guy is so cool he’s definitely going to be strong enough to take out Zoe’s Army let’s go ahead and break out this fence so he can be free and then I’m going to grab his spotting and spot in a whole bunch of them this is going

To be the craziest round ever my Titan camer are definitely going to destroy zo’s Army speaking of a Titan camera this is definitely my favorite skiy character but I’m curious which one is your favorite skiy character go ahead and comment down below which one you like well Zoe I think my Army is

Definitely ready to take you out can I go ahead and drop the walls down go ahead my Army is going to destroy yours well let’s go ahead and see Zoe I spotted a bunch of TI cameramen wa those guys are huge and you spawned in so many

I don’t know if I’m going to win this round yeah if they’re definitely going to destroy your stupid spiders over here what do you think spawning in spiders I thought they would be super powerful well yeah maybe they are powerful but not compared to the tight cameraman well

It looks like you had the perfect counter to my spiders DX uh yeah I did the tight cam is like the perfect count under any Bob you could get yeah I guess you’re right about that but why is there a forest on your side oh um I was just

Starting a farm Zoe there’s nothing really to worry about a farm that’s pretty cool yeah but don’t even worry about it let’s just move on to the next round okay you’re going down guys that round was super easy using the upgrade potion we completely annihilated Zoe’s

Army let’s go ahead and spine through a oneway glass and see what Zoe’s going to do for this round okay this round I have to try super hard cuz I have to beat Dax I think for this round I’m going to cheat a little bit and not spawn in a

Skibby mob wait did Zoe just say she’s going to she and not spawn in a skib bom what in the world is she talking about I’m going to spawn in the mutant hoglin and the mutant husk what in the world she spawned in two beut mobs that’s not

Fair it says these guys are so strong I know I’m going to beat Dax especially when I spawn in a whole bunch of them oh my goodness she has spotting in so many creatures Zoey is such a cheater since she’s spotting in that super cool stuff we’re going to do something super cool

As well well I do have the TV man and he looks pretty cool but look how small he is compared to these guys wait a second I also have a speaker B spawning and yeah he’s pretty small as well what if we go ahead and use his upgrade potion

On him okay let’s go ahead and build out another little fence around this corner and then I’m going to walk over here and just pick them up pretty much and now that we picked them up I’m just going to drop them inside of his little cage and

We can go ahead and splash the upgrade potion and oh my goodness wait it made the infected speaker man oh gosh I hopefully he doesn’t betray us like he did all the skiy characters well let’s go ahead and break him out of his cage and yeah it looks like he’s right now so

I think we’re okay I’m going to go ahead and grab his spawning and I can spot in a whole bunch of these guys and honestly I’m not even going to spawn in the TV man I’m sorry but you’re just too weak let me just get rid of you justice for

TV man okay let me spot in a bunch of these infected speaker men and this is going to be the easiest and the craziest round ever okay Zoe well my Army is completely ready to completely destroy your army this round let’s go ahead and drop the walls no wait Dax you’re going

Down and you’re going to be really surprised when you see my Army drop the wall all right let’s do this and here we go Zoe you can’t spot in mutant mobs this is cheating no it’s not it was never in the rules and it was never established what the heck they’re

Completely destroying all my infected speaker and they’re throwing sand blocks at them oh darn looks like you’re going to lose this round sorry Dax no I’m spawning in more zo you can’t stop me go ahead they’re still going to die come on let me spotted a bunch of these guys and

We should definitely be able to win and what they’re already all dead looks like you should just take your loss Zoe you can’t spot IM mutant mobs that’s just completely cheating okay starting now I won’t spawn in any mutant mobs oh whatever well I guess I have to give you

The round one for that let’s just move on to the next one yay I win what in the world guys those mutant mobs were so powerful even the infected speaker going to take them out Zoe is such a dirty cheater well you know what since she

Cheated I’m going to go super hard mode this roundout and probably spotted like the most powerful mom yet let’s go ahead and look through the glass and see what she’s going to do I know I said I wasn’t going to use mutant mobs but I was

Really just lying to Dex I’m going to spawn in the mutant skel skeleton and the mutant wither wait what in the world she spotted the mutant wither and the mutant skeleton so he just lied to me Dax is going to be so surprised when he sees my Army oh I can’t believe Zoe

She’s such a cheater well you know what I did say I was going to go hard mode this round so it doesn’t even matter when she spawns I’m going to get something super good I kind of forgot we still have this Forest here maybe we should just like get rid of all this

Stuff and get rid of this chest over here okay let’s start getting rid of all this stuff and oh look it’s just another one of these upgrade potions and wait a second it says YouTuber potion what in the world world is a YouTuber potion well I mean our upgrade potion was super

Good so I think we have to go ahead and try this guy out okay let’s go ahead and build ourself out of fence and I think I want to try doing two different mobs for this one I think first up we’re going to spawn in the default giby toilet and

We’re also going to spawn in a spider and I kind of want to see what these guys started do hey get back in your cage okay let’s go ahead and splash the Lipsy and wait a second oh my gosh it made a Nico spider and a cash toilet

This YouTuber potion is crazy and now that I have these two guys there’s AB absolutely no way I’m going to lose just look how strong they look okay let’s go ahead and break out this fence and then I’m going to go ahead and grab both of

Their spotting so I can make a super powerful army with all of them let’s start putting around a bunch of n spiders like this and ew these guys are absolutely disgusting I think they’re going to destroy zo me creatures I mean we also have the cash plates but they

Are kind of small so I don’t know if they’re going to be that powerful you know what we still do have a few minutes until the W’s supposed to drop so why do I go ahead and mess with Zoe a little bit and I actually have this one secret

B that lets me transformed to any one of Zoe’s Bobs I think I’m going to go ahead and transform into a mutant skeleton and just walk on her side wao look how cool we look this is so crazy okay but like I said we’re going to walk over to Zoe

Side and hopefully she doesn’t notice us and oh my goodness guys we made it over to Zoe side and we pl right in since we look like all the M skeletons my Army is so strong there’s no way Dax is going to win this round he’s just not very good

At this what in the world Zoe is talking so much trash but she is right her Army does look super powerful guys we have to do something about this why don’t I just go ahead and use my Bob killer and walk around and just start killing a bunch of

Zoe’s mobs and wo look they even blow up everywhere this is crazy hey where did all these bones come from oh my gosh guys look at all the bones on the ground from all of her mobs this is so funny oh no this isn’t good it looks like my mobs

Are dying or falling apart I don’t know but it’s not good and I’m not going to win this round oh this is so funny guys okay let’s go ahead and take out a few more while Zoe’s distracted on that side hey what the heck he is this guy taking

Out everyone stop it oh gosh guys she was right behind us let me change my voice real quick uh what are you talking about I haven’t done anything whoa you can talk uh of course I can talk I’m the leader of the army no I’m the leader of

The army this is my mob battle well these are my troops so I think I’m in charge no technically you work for me cuz I spawned you in I do what I want I’m going to go take out more of these soldiers stop you’re going to ruin my

Chances of winning what’s wrong with you well I mean I’m taking out all the weak ones so we’re just keeping the strong around okay well I’m just going to spawn Spa in more strong ones then uh okay well I’m going to take them off I feel like they’re weak whatever Mr skeleton

Do whatever you want I’m just going to keep spawning them in wait guys she is spawning in so many now what in the world is wrong with her okay we really need something to do because this is not good look how big her Army got wait a second I just thought about something

Super funny what if I just make her old army super small okay let’s go ahead and type in this Command right here and oh my goodness guys look her Army got super tiny wa what the heck why did my Army get so small and you’re so big oh wait a

Second guys I for to make myself small oh of course I’m still big because I’m the leader isn’t it obvious well can you make them normal size again uh no because you decided to say I wasn’t the leader so I decided to do whatever I wanted are you serious it’s almost like

You’re trying to make me lose yep now your arm is going to be super weak and definitely lose to dax’s side and speaking of Dax you know what I think I’m just going to go ahead and join his army what no I need you to win too bad

I’m out of here and oh my gosh guys we made it back on our side that was way too funny let’s go ahead and morph back into our normal self and perfect we’re back safe and sound but I did say we were going to use some mut skeleton so

Why not go ahead and grab the spot egg and to do that I can just look inside as Zoe’s inventory let’s just go ahead and type in this Command right down here and now I can just go ahead and take one of her M skeleton Spa eggs this is going to

Be perfect well zo I think my Army is ready to go can we go ahead and drop the walls yes we can go ahead and mute the walls but I don’t think I’m going to do so good this round we’ll see my arm’s going to destroy you let’s go and here

We go and wao Zoe your army is so tiny I know something happened but it wasn’t my fault uh this looks a little bit weird and wait a second I think one of your guys is helping me out no way that’s so messed up he’s supposed to be on my team

Well it doesn’t even look like you have a team anymore Zoe your guys are getting completely destroyed they really are and they exploded all of their body parts are across the field uh yeah it looks like they’re all done Zoe I think that was a round win for me yes I think you

Won that round Dax but don’t worry next round I’m I’m going to be the winner wait a second I just realized something you said you were going to use mutant mobs anymore you cheater when did I say that you said that last round um I don’t know what you’re talking about Dax I

Think you’re losing it oh whatever it doesn’t even matter because you lost let’s just move on to the next round let’s do it okay guys Zoe might have cheated that around but we still completely destroyed her our Deco and cash Army was way too powerful so now

Let’s go ahead and spy through our oneway glass and see what Zoe’s going to do man I can’t believe I lost that round I tried really hard with those mutant mobs but I guess I just got to try even even harder this time even harder what

In the world is Zoe going to do this time and I did feel something on the ground while we were battling wait she found something on the ground what is she talking about wait a second is that a potion in her hand I found this combining potion on the ground and I’m

Going to try and use it for this round so I can win wait a combining potion on the ground I don’t have one of those what the heck now that I’ve built this fence I’m going to start combining stuff wait what in the world is Zoe talking

About I think I’m going to combine a toilet with a dragon head and a wolf wait what she’s spotting a toilet to combine with a wolf and a dragon head what is this going to do now let me just splash the potion on it oh gosh what is

This going to turn into wao look it turned into a combined version wait is that a wolf toilet and wait look there’s a dragon toilet over there what in the world this is so awesome Dax is so going down this round let me spawn in a whole

Bunch just to make sure I win oh my gosh guys this is crazy guys I’m going to need something super good and we’re going to be able to beat Zoe this round but I have no idea what to do maybe I can just use a cool couple mobs like the

Buzz toilet and I can also use the TV woman and wao the TV woman looks super cool and why is the buzz toilet missing ahead is this thing broken or something well I guess it doesn’t make a difference since they are a flying bomb they should be able to take out all of

The dragons and then the TV woman should be able to take out all the wolves on the ground let’s go ahead and spotted these bunch of these guys and I want this round to be super super crazy okay I’m going to drop down a few more TV wom

And a few more Buzz toilets and this round is going to be absolutely ins insane and before the walls drop for this rounde who do you think is going to win you can either com it Dax or you can com it Zoe okay Zoe while my Army is

Ready to go can we just go ahead and drop the wall so I can beat you let’s do this but you’re going down well we’ll see about that Zoe my guys are definitely going to win and wa wait they’re already getting destroyed um I don’t even see our army did they die

Already no no no there’s still a few left and oh gosh they’re all getting destroyed what is this um it seems like they’re not very powerful did you even try this round Dex wait a second I’m going to spawn in more people don’t worry that’s not fair you can’t do that

Come on come on I have to win it doesn’t even matter Dax you’re still going to lose no watch I’m just want to get so many TV women and they’re definitely going to win and oh gosh they’re all getting taken out immediately just take your L Dex you lost this round oh my

Gosh how is your army so powerful this is ridiculous well I’ll tell you a little secret uh okay what is it Zoe I found this combining potion last battle and I used it on my mobs and it made him super strong so you can’t can’t be using

Stuff like that that’s cheating Dax it’s not cheating it’s strategy okay whatever well that makes the score 3 to2 so if you win one more round you’re going to win the whole mob battle and I’m going to win the next round so I’m going to be

The winner of the mob battle no way Zoe you’re going down just watch guys I can’t believe Zoe just destroyed us in that last round that combining potion is way too op anyways we have to go super hard this round otherwise we’re going to lose the Bob battle so let’s go ahead

And spot through our oneway glass and see what Zoe’s going to do I’m so happy I won that last round I think for this I’m going to keep it super simple and just spawn in the skibby toilet wait she’s actually just going to spawn in the skibby toilet those guys are not

That strong there’s no way she can win this but I’m going to spawn in the most mobs I’ve ever spawned in before wait what in the world she is spawning in so many okay this might be a lot closer than I thought I do need something super

Powerful this round but I have no idea what to do wait a second I have a super super good idea okay let’s go ahead and rebuild our fence and inside of our fence we’re going to go ahead and grab our Nico spot egg let’s go ahead and

Place that guy down and wao this guy is still definitely super creepy but this time I’m going to go ahead and use the YouTuber potion and the upgrade potion cuz maybe it’ll make something cool come on please do something please please and oh my goodness wait it made a DA spider

What in the world look how cool this guy looks wo it even walks super creepy well I did think about grabbing it spotting and probably spotting it a whole bunch but since it’s a Dax toilet I don’t really think it needs anything else but

I do want to make it a bit bigger and using this one thing called the personal shrinking device I can just go inside of here and click all the way around and now once I click on this guy he’s going to get super tall wo this guy is so

Powerful there’s like 0% chance that Zoe could win but I also do want to enchant him so using this really cool enchantment book I can just click on him and now look at this he’s glowing oh Zoe’s Army is definitely going down well anyway Zoe I think you’re going to be it

For a surprise this round so we going just go ahead and drop the walls let’s do it and here we goes the way the route is starting wao what the heck how did you get yourself in a mob well you know how you had those super cool potions Zoe

Yes the ones that you told me weren’t allowed yep I had a few of my own and I went ahead and used it and look at this guy wow this guy’s awesome but technically you said using the potion was cheating yeah but you use mutant mob so it doesn’t matter who cheats anymore

Whatever that guy seems super strong but I still have so many skibby toilets left yeah just watch my guy’s definitely going to Wi still you know what zo since you have so many guys I think I’m going to help with my king Dax by spawning in

A bunch of little daxes wa what the heck that’s cheating uh no it’s not Zoe you started cheating first so if I’m going to cheat it’s okay I don’t think that’s how it works but whatever you’re still going down oh my gosh there is so much fighting this is like the craziest fight

I’ve ever seen Zoe this is pretty crazy there’s so much going on and it looks like a lot of my guys are dying let’s go guys we have to win this come on we can’t let zo stupid toilets win but jeez you spawned in so many Zoe what were you

Thinking I wanted to spawn in the most I’ve ever spawned in before yeah but doesn’t look like it’s doing much my guys are completely destroying yours this looks like an easy win for me no I still have so many guys left I think your guys taking some damage come on

Guys keep fighting keep fighting and wait what they just took out my big guy zo what the heck yes I knew it I knew they could do it uh Zoe but it looks like the rest of them just got clean up by all of my guys no I really thought I

Had a chance well that just makes the score 3 to three Zoe So whoever can pull off this final round will win the whole Bob battle and it’s going to be me we’ll see about that I’ll beat you in the final round let’s go guys we finally

Caught off the Zoe and now the score is just 2 to2 so if I win this last round I’m going to win the whole entire thing but in order to win this last round I need to spy on Zoe and see what she’s going to play so I can make the perfect

Counter I’m going to make this next round Super Crazy by spotting in all my old mobs using all of my old spaic wait what she kept all those things and she’s going to spawn them all in oh no this round’s going to be crazy you know what

Since she has so many boms I think I only have one option to win this okay well the first thing I want to do is just get this normal toilet here and then I’m going go ahead and splash the YouTuber potion on and maybe I can get a

Myself toilet and wao guys look at that we got a Dax toilet this is perfect okay now what going to do is get this little pressure plate and below the pressure plate I’m going to put some TNT and I’m thinking for this we’re going to use the

Death rid TNT so once that pressure plate gets stepped on the whole Arena’s going to blow up but I do need to make sure my guy will survive the explosion so let’s go ahead and get a few of these Enchantment books and just make them super strong let’s just make sure to

Place the TNT down and this is going to be so perfect okay zo well I think I’m pretty much ready for this round can we just go ahead and drop the walls drop the wall so you can lose okay and here we go Zoe wait do you only have one guy

Yep and wait he just stepped on the pressure plate duck for cover what what’s happening Dex a Zoe do you hear that sound yeah my guy had a trap it’s going to destroy everything what that’s crazy come on please the TNTs to come down any second second now it looks so

He look at the sky wao it is destroying everything wait a second some of your guys are still alive what the heck yeah I hate to break it to you Dax but my guys are still alive oh no way keep fing Dax toilet we can’t lose this die Dax

Toilet die come on he is doing so good he’s taking out a bunch of your people there’s no way he’s going to win look at all the mutant mobs I have come on quick I have to do something let me go inside of here and I can just go ahead and grab

My shrieking device and now I’m going to make him huge what the heck Dax you can’t do that well I just did I have to win this you know what to help about even more I’m going to throw down some Dynamite this is not fair this isn’t a

Win for you yes it is so and wait a second you use mutant mobs that against the rules says who say me Zoe and boom Zoe it looks like all of you guys got taken out I win no Dax you didn’t win you cheated this doesn’t count what no

You cheated first Zoe let’s just see what the comments think all right guys go ahead and comment who you think won this mob battle well anyway Zoe are you excited for today’s skiy Elemental mob battle I’m so excited I’m going to make all of the elemental mobs and you’re

Going to lose no way my Elemental Bobs are going to be way better Zoe but you have 5 minutes to make your Elemental skimy Bob so best of luck and now guys we’re on to the very first round of our mob battle it’s Sly what Zoe doesn’t

Know is I set up a little underground tunnel so if I go ahead and walk right over here and click on the ground I have secret trap doors that I can just close up and once I walk over I have all this oneway glass so I can see what Zoe’s

Going to spawn in let’s go ahead and see what is Zoe going to do for this first round for this first round I’m going to spawn in the toilet okay well she’s just spawning in the default skiy toilet I don’t really think that’s going to do

Too much and then I’m going to hit it with my Elemental potion see what happens oh gosh let’s see what this one’s going to do guys and oh my gosh guys wait it made like a lava skab toilet this thing is so cool waa this guy’s awesome and there’s lava coming

Off of him that’s so cool okay guys quick we have to get back to our side and make our very own Elemental mod before Zoe’s Army gets too powerful wait a second guys it looked like Zoe’s already spawning in a bunch of her lava mobs oh no this isn’t good yes my Army

Is so big and powerful there’s no way Dax is going to win oh gosh guys what am I going to do we have to think of something fast well I do have a little idea but I honestly don’t know how powerful it’s going to be I want to try

Using the TV band since the TV band is one of the strongest mobs in all of skiy let’s go ahead and spot him down and wo this guy actually looks really really cool he has like the perfect coloring an awesome suit and a really cool face that

Kind of looks like it’s glitching out now what I have to do is go ahead and splash my Elemental potion and see what I get come on see super cool wait a second did this turn into a water TV man what in the world wao I can even see all

The water particles coming off of it this has to be one of the coolest mobs ever well let’s go ahead and grab his spaic because I want to make a whole entire Army out of these water TV men and this is like the classic fire versus

Water route I have no idea who’s going to win this but let me know down in the comments what you think you can comment team water or team fire well zoie I think my Army is pretty much ready to go are you excited for this first round of

The elemental mob battle I’m so excited you’re so going down no way Zoe and I’m dropping down the Walls now and oh my gosh Zoe there are so many different Elemental mobs fighting right now wow you spawned in a water mop that’s like the perfect counter to mine yeah it is

It looks like you spawned in like a lava toilet your guys are getting pretty much destroyed right now no way my guys are so powerful I don’t believe it uh actually I don’t really know Zoe this is looking like a pretty close fight oh no your lava guys might be a little too

Strong for my water guys it looks like they’re not even fighting your guys are just hanging out in the back what in the world but they’re still all dying how is this even possible their team’s just really weak decks come on water TV B keep fighting keep fighting we can’t

Lose the first round oh gosh that lava must be super strong they can barely even get close look at that Zoe yeah if the lava is very hot the water’s just going to disappear oh my gosh I didn’t even think about that this isn’t good it

Looks like we’re going to lose and it looks like I only have a few guys left come on come on guys please make it out alive we have to win we can’t lose to Zoe she’s stinks Yik sure water guys are disappearing really fast come on no I

Only have like six guys left we can’t lose to Zoe’s Army please it’s only the first round 4 3 2 come on come on keep fighting these two the strongest in the army they can pull it off for sure yeah right those guys are going down so quick

Look they’re running away they’re scared a they died okay whatever Zoe well I guess you win the first round and that makes the score 1 to zero but you’re definitely going to lose the next round no way de I’m going to win the next one

And then the next one so then I’ll be the ultimate winner we’ll see about that let’s move on to the next round oh man guys I can’t believe we really lost that first round I thought the water mob would be like the perfect round on the

Lava mobs but anyways let’s go ahead and use our oneway glass to see what Zoe’s going to do for this next round I’m so happy I won that round DX sinks at this I’m doing so much better it’s cuz I’ve been practicing oh my gosh guys Zoe is

Always talking so much trash but she’s not going to be talking trash after this round’s over this round I think I’m going to spawn in the Gman what she spot in the Gman that’s like one of the strongest mobs in all of skib he’s like the leader of all the skiy toilets and

Of course I have to hit him with my Elemental potion oh gosh guys what is this going to turn into wait a second did I make like a Diamond Gman what in the world how is it even possible wao a diamond Gman that means he’s even more

Powerful than he already is oh my gosh guys diamond is like the strongest block in Minecraft what in the world am I even going to do well we’re going to have to figure out something because Zoe spawn in a lot of her mobs and wait a second

What in the world is that that looks like some kind of portal and usually these things have really good stuff in them wao look at this the whole thing seems to be a Bedrock there’re must be something super super powerful down there well let’s just go ahead and hop

Inside and see what we can find and wow we made it all the way down into our portal and wait a second look there’s a chest over there let’s go ahead and walk up to it and what does it say the boys got your back what in the world does

That mean do you guys have my back or something what did you put in there let’s just go ahead and look inside of the chest wait a second it says upgrade potion what in the world is an upgrade potion this is an elemental mob battle not an upgrade battle well I mean I

Might be able to use this on a mob and just make it more powerful and then splash it with the elemental potion uh I guess that’s my only option well I guess the first thing we need to do is build a tiny fence just so we can put our

Initial mob inside of it now on the inside of this fence we can go ahead and put in the TV man and yeah this guy is pretty weak well I guess now if I splash the upgrade potion and the elemental potion at the same time maybe we’ll get

Something really cool come on please do something and oh my goodness what in the world is this this looks like a Bedrock big TV man what in the world we all know that Bedrock is like the strongest block for sure so there’s no way those diamonds can take this guy out let’s go

Ahead and break him out of this and then we’ll grab the spaic and whoa look at that it says Bedrock big TV man there’s no way we can lose with these guys we all know that Bedrock is unbreakable in Minecraft so there’s no way these little

Weak diamonds can take them out but let me know which one do you think is better you can comment Bedrock or you can comment diamonds well anyways let’s go head and spotted a bunch of these guys just to make sure we can secure this route for sure and then I’ll ask Zoe if

She’s ready to drop down the Walls well Zoe I’m pretty sure my Army is going to be ready and let me just say first off you’re going down this round no wa drop the wall and see what happens and here we go the round has started whoa you

Spawned in a Bedrock mob I thought I was going to have the strongest mob down there’s no way yep I have a Bedrock big TV man and we all know that Bedrock is completely unbreakable in Minecraft so you’re for sure losing and wow it looks

Like you only have one guy left and that guy just got toasted that was way too easy Zoe yikes my diamond Gman went down super fast let’s move on to the next round and I’m totally going to beat you no way Zoe and that makes a Score 1 to

One wow guys that round was way too easy and as we all saw Bedrock is like the strongest thing ever but I need to keep winning so let’s go ahead and use our one-way glass to see what Zoe is going to spawn in for this next round I need

To spawn in something really crazy so I can beat Dax I think I’m going to spawn in the speaker man he is probably like the strongest tight of all the tides I don’t really know though but he is super super powerful wait a second so we’s splashing the elemental potion let’s see

What this does and wait a second what in the world is that the speaker man kind of looks like a ghost right now wao this guy’s even bigger than the last speaker man and he’s made out of iron wait that’s iron oh my gosh I guess that does

Look pretty cool but Zoe knows iron isn’t that strong I don’t know what she’s really thinking and you know I have to get a spawn egg so I can spawn in a whole buch bunch of them oh gosh I guess if she just SP out a whole bunch

Of them the Army is going to get a lot more powerful but since it’s just basic iron I’m really not too worried and actually speaking of elements I can just go back to my portal and see what else you guys left in there for me let’s go

Ahead and run inside of here and come on it’s going to be something good and wait a second what in the what are these signs here for it says haha no portal for you Noob what the heck who in the world even put that there and I was over

There D SLA that I didn’t notice this portal but I totally did and I messed up so he can’t use it anymore wait what in the world Zoe did that I didn’t even think she noticed a portal oh that’s so mean of her but whatever I guess I’m

Going to have to make my own mob anyways but I can definitely do it since I’m like a super big genius and I actually think I do have a pretty good idea for this round what we’re going to do is use that multi- head toilet let me just go

Ahead and spot him in there so you guys can see him and wao look how disgusting this guy looks since Zoe used iron I kind of want to upgrade it a little bit and I’m thinking maybe if I throw like some gold in there maybe he’ll TR

Transform into a gold element so let’s go ahead into our inventory and grab a bunch of gold and we’re just going to shower him with it now that he’s a bunch of gold I can go ahead and splash the elemental potion on them to see what it

Does and wait a second it actually turned into a Gold version it looks like it’s not fully complete though cuz I can still see some of the white but it is gold so I’m pretty sure it’s going to be way stronger than that weak iron over

There the first thing we got to do is break him out of this fence and grab the spawning and now we can spawn it a bunch of them my Army is going to be so much more powerful than Zoe this is going to be the perfect round ever and speaking

Of army it does look like you guys are super big since they are Titan so we’re going to have to do something about that and luckily I do have this one device called the personal shrinking device but it doesn’t just make things smaller I can also make things super super big if

I click inside of here and now if I just walk over to any of my mobs and click on them they’ll get three times the size wo they look so cool let’s go around and click on a few of our mobs just to make a few of them super super big that

Completely destroy Zoe’s Titans over there and speaking of zoee I think we do have a few minutes until the walls are supposed to drop so why don’t I mess with her real quick the way that we’re going to mess with her is by building out a huge roller coaster that sends TNT

Over to her side but the first things first we have to go ahead and build this roller coaster and I’m going to make it out of purple just so she thinks I didn’t build it cuz I would never touch purple we have to stack this all the way

Over our wall and we have to be super super careful just to make sure Zoe doesn’t see us before I get all the way over the wall it’s probably a good idea for me to grab an invisibility potion just to make myself completely invisible

I can’t have Zoe C us at all and now we can just continue to build this out a little bit and I only need to go a little bit far just so we could drop the TNT and that looks pretty much good to me now we have to do is go into our

Inventory and grab a little bit of railing just so we can place it down and actually have the mine carts go somewhere let’s start putting all the power rail here and oh my gosh my boms are all the way I spawned way way too many but once I get up this High I

Should be pretty much good since they aren’t to enough to reach this High okay we only have a few left and this should be good to go but now we need to figure out what mine cart to use and oh I have the perfect idea why don’t we just use a

Lightning one to start off all I have to do is put it on our cart like this and now it’s going over to Zoe side and oh gosh it blew up early wao was that Thunder what’s happening oh my gosh guys there is so much lightning going everywhere until until I even noticed

Where in the world did that come from it’s perfectly sunny outside oh my gosh guys that was way too funny okay how about we go ahead and put another one of these lightning dynamites on the cart and see what it does this time and there

We go no no it’s happening again oh my goodness this is so funny and Zoe is totally freaking out on her side at least it doesn’t seem like it’s affecting my Army this storm must be pretty bad uh yeah I guess it really isn’t hurting her Army at all okay we’re

Going to need something a bit more powerful than that what should we even use there isn’t a bunch of crazy stuff inside of here wait a second this one’s called the air TNT what in the world is this going to do I honestly don’t really

Know but I guess we can place it up here and just see what it does I’ve never seen a arrow D before so I’m super excited to see it and wao it shot a bunch of arrows wao where are these arrows coming from this is so crazy this

Store must be really bad if it’s shooting arrows oh my gosh guys and that actually did damage to her mob so let’s go ahead and send another one over there and watch Zoe freak out no no stop shooting arrows what’s going on it is so funny guys we’re going to keep sending

Them over and there we go and boom look we even took out a few of them no my Army Dax uh Hey Zoe what’s going on why are you screaming again because there’s a whole bunch of arrows being shot on my side and first there was a lightning

Storm and I think you’re the one behind it all oh no Zoe I actually had some lightning and some arrows hit my side too I don’t know what’s going on really it’s happening on your side too and you must not be behind it yeah I don’t know

What’s going on zo it’s really crazy there was a bunch of lightning and then a bunch of my mobs took damage from these weird arrows it’s just really crazy out here we need to be a lot more careful yeah we better be careful I think I just need to upgrade my mobs and

I’ll be okay wait did you just say upgrade your mob Zoe what in the world are you talking about uh don’t worry about it Dax uh okay and wait a second what is Zoe talking about upgrading her mobs I can see her in the middle of all

Her mobs but I don’t know what’s going on wait a second she just clicked on one of her guys and it started glowing what in the world is happening haha I have this enchantment book and it’s going to make my guys e even more strong wait

What in the world Zoe has an enchantment book oh no this actually might not be good for us before Zoe enchants to many for guys we need to ask her if she’s ready to drop the walls come on quick okay Zoe well my arm’s ready can we just

Go ahead and drop the walls now I think it’s been more than 5 minutes fine we can drop the wall and here we go let’s see what happened Zoe wao your guys are huge yeah my guys are pretty big but W it looks like you spotted iron guys zo

You know Iron is super weak and wait I think I might be losing yeah you do are just smacked talking about how Iron’s weak but these guys are even stronger than normal iron what the heck how is it even possible I mean I see some of them

Are glowing but how is that even possible what did you do Zoe nothing I just used my enchantment book that I found lying on the ground wait an enchantment book Zoe that’s cheating how is it cheating where does it say that in the rules oh whatever but it just looks

Like my guys are losing this isn’t good yeah it does look like you’re losing but what’s this Stacks uh what is this and I don’t know Zoe this looks like some type of roller coaster and you’ve never seen it before cuz it looks like this is

Where the Thunder was coming from uh no Zoe it’s made out of purple when in my life have I ever touched purple I hate that color I think maybe you use purple to trick me uh no Zoe I would never do that I told you a bunch of my mobs took

Damage that’s why my mobs are losing right now oh yeah you did tell me that I guess that makes sense and it looks like I only have this one guy left come on keep fighting you can take out the rest of them and no it looks like he just

Died Zoe aw sorry Dax looks like you lost this round well whatever Zoe you just got lucky that you had that Champion book but don’t worry I’m going to win the next round and the final round and then win the bom battle no way you’re going down okay guys I know we

Might have lost the last round but I am done taking it easy on Zoe we’re going to completely Crush her this round so let’s go ahead and spy on her to see what she’s going to do I think for this round first I need to make a purple

Diamond wait a purple Diamond what in the world does that even mean it looks like she’s building out some type of fence I wonder what Zoe’s up to let me add a few of these here and then connect these there perfect that looks awesome I

Wonder what Zoe is even up to this is a really weird design and I’m going to spawn in this Buzz toilet wait she spawn in a buzz toilet what is this going to do and then I’m going to hit it with my Elemental potion oh gosh what is this

Going to do she did say purple Diamond wait a second it does look purple back there and what that does look like a diamond texture did she really make a purple Diamond Buzz toilet wow she looks amazing and I have to get her spaic so I

Can spawn in a whole bunch for the Army wait what in the world Zoe actually made a purple purple Diamond Buzz toy this is not fair well you know what since you made something out of purple what if it made something out of green and the

Green block that I can think of our Emerald blocks let’s go ahead and grab a bunch of these out and then we can make oursel a little Emerald border like she just did I’ve actually been saving this mob for a super super special round but

I think we have to use it now it’s called the combo Titan and if I put this guy down in it’s basically a combination of the Titan TV and cameraman he is so cool well now let’s go ahead and splash the elemental post on and see what it

Does and wao wait a second guys look at this it made an emerald texture Titan and Camera TV man this is so cool okay let’s go ahead and grab this guy spotting because I need a bunch of these if I’m going to destroy Zoe and even if

It was an emerald a green mob is always going to be more powerful than a purple mob but let me know what color do you guys think is better you can comment team purple or you can comment Team Green I better see no team purples in

The comments will Zoe I hate to say it but I’m pretty sure you’re going to lose this round yeah right Dex your team hasn’t been doing so well this whole time so I’m probably going to win well we’ll see about that I’m dropping down the walls and here we go all the Mad

Fighting is started Zoe H why are yours green that’s such an ugly color come on we all know that green is way better we have to win this round no way green is disgusting purple is a much better color no way Zoe but uh wait a second it looks

Like you only have no guys left it looks like all your guys got taken out what my purple diamond toilets died yep cuz my Emerald TI man is just way stronger that means you lost and I win whatever Dax we still have one more round to see who

Wins oh you’re right Z we have to move on to the tiebreaker and you’re definitely going to lose no way you’re going to need some luck to beat me wow guys that round was way too easy our Emerald combo man completely destroyed Zoe that means we have to move on to the

Final round of this mob battle to see who’s actually going to win so let’s go ahead and spy with our oneway glass to see if we can beat Zoe once and for all I think for this round I’m going to spawn in using all of my old mobs and

Then a few more just to keep Dax on his toes wait all of her old mobs these guys look completely different is that a bedrock and a diamond toilet oh gosh guys this isn’t looking good she spawning in her old mobs there’s going to be a bunch of different powerful

Characters that we’re going to have to be maybe I should do something similar but honestly I don’t even think I need to spawn in all of my old guys I think I can just spawn in two of the strongest ones which were the Bedrock big TV man

And the emerald combo man if I spawn in a combination of the these two guys there’s no way that I can lose let me know who do you think’s going to win this round you can comment team Dax or team Zoey let’s go ahead and finish with

Spawning in a bunch of these and then a bunch of the Bedrock guys and this is going to be the easiest rounde ever but it actually does look like Zoe spawn in a bunch of her people over there so why do I mess with her real quick and I

Actually have this one mob that lets me transform into any one of Zoe’s mob so if I go ahead and go inside of here I can instantly transform into her lava toilet and wo guys look at that I’m a super cool lava toilet and now if I walk

Over there Zoe’s not even going to realize we’re over there let’s quickly just fly over the wall while her back is turned in perfect look at that we made it over to her side wow my Army is so big and powerful and I’m so happy I included these extra guys Dax is so

Going down yeah she did spawn in a bunch of extra guys and her Army does look super strong but don’t worry guys we can do something about that if I use this one thing called the mob killer I can just instantly take out a bunch of her people and we’re basically going to

Shrink down her Army to be super super small this is so funny but hopefully Zoe doesn’t notice it oh gosh guys she was right there wait did I just see a bunch of people die oh gosh guys this isn’t good I think Zoe saw but hopefully she

Doesn’t catch AOS or anything well I guess nothing’s really happening I must have just seen something but I’m just going to spawn in some more guys oh gosh guys that was way too close but wait a second I actually have another super super good idea if I go ahead and grab

That shrinking device from earlier I can make her whole Army super tiny so now let’s just walk around and start making a bunch for guys half of the size they normally are this is going to be so funny when Zoe sees this tiny Army what

Why are some of my guys so small oh my gosh guys wait a second I think Zoe noticed her Army is super tiny this is insane how am I supposed to win against Dax if my guys are shrinking you know what guys I feel like we’ve done enough

And since our army is Tiny there’s definitely no way they’re going to win but let me just make a few more of these G super small I was always strong as people to be tiny hey you I saw you Shing some of my guys wait a second guys

I think Zoe saw me let me just change my voice real quick uh I don’t know what you were talking about uh I didn’t trick anyone yeah you didn’t make those guys super small I doubt it I saw you with my own eyes uh no why would I make those

Guys super small Zoe we’re on the same team because you’re trying to sabotage me so I lose against Dax uh nope you’ll never find me if I run into everyone wait what the heck where’d you go come back here oh gosh guys that was way too

Close Okay quickly let’s get out of here let’s fly back to our side and hopefully zo he doesn’t see us and oh man that was way too close let’s go ahead and morph back into our adorable self and oh man I never want to do something like that

Again Zoe almost caught us well Zoe I think I’m ready for this final round and you’re going to lose what it for all no way Dax you’re going down drop the walls and see me beat you and here we go it looks like the final run has just

Started Zoe yikes your arm is really big yep your guys are really small what in the world were you thinking Zoe I don’t want to talk about it Dax uh okay but it looks like my guys are completely D stringers this looks like another easy

Win for me Zoe dang it I really thought I was going to win this time I’ve been practicing and everything uh well obviously you haven’t been practicing look how easily my guys are beating yours come on guys just take out a few more so we can win this mob battle we

Don’t want Zoe to ever win again come on team Zoe pull through oh man my over here in the corner is getting jumped but it looks like he’s taking out a bunch of them come on you can do this Emerald man just keep kicking them in the face die

Emerald man die and boom it looks like we took out those guys perfect and there’s still a big fight going on the middle but I have no idea what is happening I can’t see your guys cuz they’re so small small that’s part of their charm they’re so small that the

Opponent can’t see them come on guys keep fighting them keep fighting them we have to win this come on team Zoe you got this and perfect Zoe it looks like you lost another mob battle that was way too easy dang it it looks like I have to

Practice some more but don’t you worry because the next one I’m going to win okay Zoe we’ll see about that well anyway Zoe are you excited for today skippity mob battle and I’ll wait a second why in the world are you so tall the important question is why are you so

Short wait what I don’t even think I’m sure you’re just like a big giant but whatever is way it doesn’t make a difference you’re going to have five minutes to spot in your mob so best of luck good luck Dax okay guys perfect now I can start on the first round and wait

A second what in the world is this this kind of looks like the speaker Man head I kind of wonder why it’s on my side and wait a second why in the world is there a staircase here it’s almost like someone decided to have a hidden door

Somewhere here let me go ahead and see and waa wait who in the world are you who are you what are you doing in my house wait what my name’s daon what are you doing on my side I have a mob battle to do I’m speaker man and this this is

My side what are you doing in my house uh wait no I swear I’ve been here first have you been here like the whole time or something yeah I live here it’s a house uh okay well I guess your house is in the middle of my mob battle but how

About this if you decide to help me win this mob battle I guess you can stay on this side for as long as you want well thank goodness but uh I’m going to need some compensation to help you oh wait you’re going to need some compensation

Uh what if I give you this wooden axe this thing looks pretty cool I don’t want that garbage uh okay if you don’t want the wooden axe then what do you want I’d want some cake you just want cake is that seriously all you want I

Want as much cake as you can give me okay let me just go inside of here and uh how about this I’ll give you like four pieces of cake how does that look that’s not nearly enough wait that’s not nearly enough that’s so much cake how

Much cake of one speaker eat I can eat as much cake as you can give me uh okay how about this what if I just fill up this entire wall over here with cake would that be enough that might be perfect oh that might be perfect okay

Let me go ahead and start stacking all this cake on this wall and then you can let me know if it’s perfect or not and if you need more I guess I can give you like a few more pieces of cake but honestly you probably don’t need this

Much anyways I definitely do okay there you go the wall is completely filled up does that have cake for you yeah that should should be just enough okay perfect well now that you’re going to go ahead and actually help me win this mob battle I guess you can come out here we

Can figure out what we’re going to do for this first round sure let’s do it but uh speaker man we kind of have a problem right now there’s this huge Bedrock wall and I have no idea when Zoe is going to spawn in what are we going

To do I thought of just the case for this uh wait you have just the case and wait what the heck did you just open up the floor of course I did I come prepared now I have this hidden glass location down here and we can see right

Up to Zoe and her build wait what what the heck wait you have like a bunch of TV screens and you have a couch and you have a bunch of beds but oh wait a second why is it all green it’s like you knew I was going to be here or something

Uh I think Green’s a pretty cool color but not the best well I totally agree with you green is the best color ever but let’s go ahead and see what Zoe’s going to try and do for this first round since we have this oneway glass here for

This first round I think I’m going to spawn in the skibby toilet wao look at that she just spawn in the skibby toilet that guy looks totally creepy yeah it’s pretty gross looking wow this guy is so awesome I need to spawn in like 50 of them in order to beat Dak

Who zoee is spawning in so many toilets on her side but now since we know exactly where she’s going to spawn in I guess we can go back to my side and we can spawn in the best thing ever you be my side but yeah let’s do it uh okay

Whatever and wait a second is this like a Pokémon over here yeah I love Pokemon uh okay I don’t really like that thing that much so let’s just go back up to my side and then we can figure something out must be a grass type Trader cuz you

Like green uh yeah of course I’m a grass type Trader cuz I like green it’s the best color ever but let me think what in the world should we even do for this first round so we spawned some tollets and I need something powerful well if

You just use my spotting to spotted a bunch of speaker bed wait what if I just use your spaic to spawn in a bunch of speaker bed well I guess that could work are you like strong enough cuz you kind of look weak to me I’m the strongest why

Do you think I live on this side uh okay I don’t know what living on this side has to do with you being the strongest but I guess I can grab your spaic and then see what I can spawn in it wao look at that I actually got the speaker man

Spaic okay this better be super strong otherwise like I’m totally going to fire you you’re not going to fire me cuz I live over here uh okay whatever this is still totally my side but let’s go ahead and spoted a bunch of these speaker and waa wait a second these guys look

Exactly like you yeah of course this is so cool and then my arm is going to be super super strong once we spawned a whole Legion of them and oh wait a second speaker man I don’t even know which one you are anymore they all look

Like you it’s cuz they are all me uh okay that’s a little bit weird and you better not do anything funny since I don’t know who you are now I would never but I kind of want to do one thing just to upgrade this Army a little bit and I

Have this one thing in my inventory called the shrinking device basically this thing makes anything as big as I want to so let me just go inside of here and then I can go ahead and change the size of everything to be 2X and oh gosh

Wait a second I broke the grass let me just go ahead and replace that and then I can click on this speaker B and wa look how tall he is now this guy is huge what in the world I bet he’s way stronger than you okay let me go ahead

And make a bunch of these guys super big so we can totally take out Zoe’s Army let’s do it okay let me just walk around and do a few more people and then I think I’m pretty much ready to go for this round I don’t think there’s

Anything else I could ever need oh we could definitely do more watch this I can make them super op and give them Buffs wait what the heck wait why is this guy glowing now what you just do I’m making them super strong stronger than anything wait how in the world did

You just do that it looks like you’re doing it with like your mind or something I told you I’m the strongest well speaker man I think our army is basically ready for this first round but you’re going to need to hide inside of this head just in case Zoe gets mad that

We’re cheating okay I’m going to hide back in my house all right have fun inside of there and Hey Zoe I think my arm is basically ready to go for this first round are you ready to lose I’m ready to win Dax well Zoe we’ll see

About that I’m about to drop down the walls and here we goes the way the first round has started and wow you have a bunch of pathetic skiy toilet no they’re super strong and whoa you spawned in the speaker man and some of them are even glowing yep cuz they’re super strong and

Oh wait a second why are all my speaker getting taken out um what were you saying Dax about the speaker how in the world did you just lose all these stupid toilets look at their face they look so ugly sorry Dex everyone knows that the speaker man’s like one of the weakest

Skibby characters so maybe you’ll have better luck next time what the heck the speaker man literally told me that he was the strongest character I guess he was just a big fat liar wait what do you mean the speaker man told you you oh uh nothing Zoe there’s nothing to worry

About let’s just move on to round number two okay what in the world guys I can’t believe Zoe actually beat us in the first round oh my gosh the speaker man literally said he was like the strongest character ever and he totally got destroyed you know what let me just run

Back inside this house and a speaker man I completely lost the first round if wo you’re eating a bunch of cake uh speaker man why are you eating so much cake uh cuz I need to restore my power power you literally got smacked around not a single one of our guys survived they

Were so weak uh well I don’t really know what to tell you but I do have a second option if you’d like uh okay well what is this second option you’re talking about well so I got this portal over here uh wait a second uh speaker man

Where in the world did you just take me this is a box parkour room there’s a special item at the very top and if you get that you could definitely beat her wait uh speaking of it I could literally just fly up there and uh wait a second

Why in the world did just put me into survival mode uh that’s what happens in this room only the strongest can get that item what the heck well I mean I guess I can do the parkour legitly if you didn’t know Speakman I’m like the greatest Parkour ever so I’m totally

Going to do this first try we’ll see about that come on there’s only a few jumps left and oh wait I’m totally lying there is so many jumps left why in the world did you even build this thing why couldn’t you just give me whatever is in

The chest because only the strong can have it I’ve conquered this and that means if you want to be the strongest you have to conquer this how in the world did you conquer this you’re super weak you got completely destroyed by all those toilets last round yeah but I’m a

Parkour bastard uh okay whatever and what the heck I just missed a jump wait what in the world speaker man I literally just fell from there can I please get like a checkpoint right there or something I guess it’s going be allowed okay perfect I back over here

And now I have to do some slab parkour wo this looks kind of difficult uh it’s very difficult that’s why it’s a challenge and wait a second how in the world are he supposed to jump around this does that even look possible look at this there’s just like a big block

Blocking this I can’t even jump that this is the first level for experts usually the weak fail this literally makes no sense at all I’m breaking this block I’m not doing this uh I guess that’s a way to do it see I’m just like a super genius even though I’m good at

Parkour I’m still super smart okay these jumps are looking a little bit hard but I think I can do this come on and then I’ll jump over here and wo there’s even an End Portal jump oh my my gosh this is so crazy speaker man I told you it was

Difficult let me just get up to the top of this and perfect and wo now there’s fence parkour this is ridiculous I honestly don’t believe you even did this oh my gosh I fell off can I please get my checkpoint back last one to be super super careful I can’t miss another jump

Let me go ahead and get a running start and perfect now on to the next part and wao this part actually looks like the easiest part of all you really put this at the end yep you got to have the hardest stuff at the very end just wait

Until you get to the ladders uh okay well ladder parkour is super easy I can totally do that see and let’s see I think for this one I need to like jump all the way over here and oh gosh that was so close I almost missed it like I

Said you only have one checkpoint left W this is actually kind of hard and oh my gosh I keep falling I thought this is going to be easy for you Dax I think I just need to jump up like this and perfect I made up to the top and now

There’s only a few jumps left and then I should be onto that chest all I have to do is this iron bar parkour and the chest is right there this is too easy one more jump and perfect let’s go ahead and see what’s inside this chest and who

What is this it says an upgrade potion so uh what in the world is this thing even do if you Splash that on any Bob they’re going to become Mega strong wao that sounds so cool okay let’s get back to the arena so I can try this out let’s

Do it okay now we’re back through the portal over here and what if I try splashing this on one of the speaker B maybe we can get something way better yeah they’re going to become super strong okay let’s go ahead and grab a fence so I can actually build out a

Little spot for our speaker and I can go ahead Splash with this super awesome grade potion and we’ll see what it does I’ll just spot him down on the floor here and now we can Splash them with it and wait a second what in the world is

Upgraded to be the Titan speaker man yeah I told you he was going to be Mega strong what the heck this guy looks way stronger than you why did you just give me this op potion this was way better because only the St have to complete the

Course first oh my gosh I don’t even believe that you even did that course but whatever it doesn’t matter either way I still got this super huge tight speaker which I can totally Crush Zoe with you could definitely be here this time okay let me go ahead and grab this

Guy’s spaic and then I got to start building out an entire Army of these super giant Titan speaker man and oh wait a second speaker bre I just realized we don’t even know what Zoe spawned for this round maybe we should go see what she’s doing yeah let’s go

Hop back down the trap door okay let’s see and wo that is so cool it looks just like a grass block but it’s a trap door that is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen yep it’s really cool oh my gosh and the stupid Titans in my way but

Let’s go ahead and see and oh my gosh he spawned a bunch of spiders wow my Army of hydro toilets looks so good there’s no way that Dax is going to win he’s honestly doing so bad this mob battle what in the world I can’t believe she

Spotted a bunch of Hydra TOs and these guys look so scary do you think we can win speaker man we can definitely beat him okay even though she has a bunch of spider Hydra TOS I still think we’re fine I mean the Titan speaker supposed to be like one of the strongest

Characters after all right it’s pretty strong but the Titan’s even stronger yeah I know okay let’s go ahead and just spotted a few more and oh my gosh this guy’s in the way I’m actually just going to take this guy out because he was annoying me what the heck you took out

One of our soldiers uh yeah I mean he was just in the way and look at this I literally just spawn another one it doesn’t even make a difference actually I have one idea for this instead of making you guys super big like we did in

The last run what if you make them super small that way Zoe actually underestimates all of them that’s a really smart idea okay so let me go ahead inside of this size changer and then I can make them like three the size and let’s click on and see what it does

Oh my gosh stop running away from me I want to see how small you can get and wao look how tiny they are now much smaller okay let’s go ahead and make all them super small and oh my goodness look how small our tight speaker are now this

Is crazy now she’ll never see it coming yeah she’s totally going to lose but uh speaker man I think you should probably go hide in the head again otherwise zo’s going to get really bad all right I’m going to go back to my cake okay Zoe

Well I think my Army is basically ready to go for this round and let me just tell you you’re in for a huge surprise yeah I seriously doubt that Dax you do not do anything that is super surprising ever well we’ll see about that I’m dropping down the wall and here we go

The round has officially started and wo your spider TOS are so scary wao is that the Titan speaker man yep except he’s like super super small which means he has to be weak right um you would think so but it’s still the Titan speaker man

Yeah I mean look how strong he is he’s completely going through all these spiders and I haven’t seen a single one of my guys drop yet oh no I’m seeing some of my hydro toilets drop come on keep eating the Titan speaker we have to keep winning what the heck come on hydro

Toilets oh man the Titan speaker was L like the most perfect counter ever I don’t know why you didn’t even think about something like that Zoe it is a perfect counter how did you even know to do that because my IQ is literally 1,5 look at this we’re destroying you Dax if

Your IQ is 1,5 mine’s 1,06 uh well obviously not cuz you just lost Zoe whatever that doesn’t mean I’m not smart uh okay well that makes the score 1 to one so let’s go ahead and move on to round number three and perfect guys we completely destroyed in the C which

Means the score is now 1 to one but I definitely want to keep up this winning streak so let’s go ahead and see if the speaker B has anything up his sleeve again and uh speaker man uh wait a second where in the world are you uh

Wait the speaker isn’t even in here anymore and wait a second the Wall’s completely covered up I wonder where he went and oh my gosh it looks like he even more cake whatever maybe I can just go down to the oneway glass side and I

Can see what Zoe’s going to try and do for this rounde and uh wait a second speaker man what in the world are you doing down here I’ve been down here doing some research uh you’ve been down here doing research on what uh I found

Out that we can make that entire wall up there a oneway glass mirror wait are you serious we can actually do that yep check out this this device whoa what the heck is this thing it says oneway glass maker yes sir oh my gosh so wait a

Second if I go up to the wall over there and I click on it will it just turn to oneway Glass yep it’ll turn to a oneway glass wall we can see everything she’s doing and have the perfect counter to whatever she’s going to do oh my gosh

That is literally perfect okay let’s go ahead and test it out so all we have to do is just click on this wall and let’s see what it ends up doing and oh my gosh wait this literally turned into glass this is so perfect speaker B yeah it’s

Pretty legit you are like an Absol genius but now let’s go ahead and see what Zoe’s going to try and do for this round let’s find out ooh I have something really good to do this round I’m going to spawn in a scientist toilet wa wait a second she spawned in the

Scientist toilet and this guy looks so creepy yeah he’s weird looking wow he looks so scary and his arms or those pointy things are super weird I’m going to spawn in a whole bunch of them oh my gosh and Zoe is spawning in so many of them okay speaker man we’re going to

Need to think of something really really good that can counter this whole thing yeah we need something super strong and wait a second speaker man what if I go ahead and spotted the super cool TV man definitely do that he’s already pretty strong okay so let me go ahead and cover

Up this fence again and oh my gosh look how cool the TV man looks I think I can definitely take off those scientist toilets we can but let’s destroy her use the enhancement potion wait the enhancement potion are you talking about the super cool upgrade potion uh okay I

Guess I can Splash it all up let’s see what this ends up making for us and oh my goodness look at this it made the upgraded TV man see we’re definitely going to beat her again what in the world this guy looks so cool and he has

A bunch of TVs and he has these super cool claws and he even has a sword on his hand oh my gosh this is like the best thing ever yeah that’s awesome okay let me go ahead and break him out of this little tier and then I can go ahead

And start spotting in a bunch of these upgraded TV to make sure we can totally beat Zoe this is perfect there’s absolutely no way we can lose this round with this super huge upgraded TV man army uh Dax Zoe’s on a couch car wait

Did you say Zoe’s on a couch car what in the world does that even mean and what the heck why she actually riding around on a couch car wee I love my couch car oh my God Zoe is not taking this mob battle seriously at all

What in the world is she even trying to do right now I’m having so much fun look I’m doing donuts okay speak this is absolutely ridiculous and since we still have a little bit of time left before the water is supposed to drop why don’t we go ahead and prank Zoe real quick

Let’s do it okay but in order to get over to Zoe’s side we’re going to need to go invisible so let me go ahead and grab a nice little invisibility potion and I can Flash it on us and then we can go over there perfect and oh my gosh we

Actually made it over to Zoe’s side this is perfect yeah we can see exactly what she’s doing wow my Army is so strong these scientist toilets are so op there’s no way that Dax is going to do anything better than this yeah honestly they do look a little bit strong so this

Kind of worries me a little bit but since we’re over here we should probably mess with all of our mobs let’s do it and I think the first thing we could do is grab a nice little Dynamite let’s go ahead and throw down some lightning dynamite and see how much damage this

Does to our army what the heck lightning just struck and it killed my couch car wait it killed my mobs too this is so not not good oh my gosh Zoe is getting so mad that lightning Dynamite was so strong yeah it was super duper strong I

Need to spawn in more people before the battle starts oh wait a second zo’s literally just spawning in more people what would I go ahead and throw a few more lightning dynamites down what the heck there’s more lightning there’s not even any dark clouds in the sky where

Could it be coming from oh wait a second there literally are no dark clouds in the sky which means there’s like no storm around maybe I should change up the dynamite to be something else what if you use the aerody dynamite wait the aerody dynamite what is that and waa

Wait this one looks so cool okay let me go ahead and throw it down in the middle of the arena and oh my gosh you see how many arrows it’s shooting what the heck where did these arrows come from Dax uh Hey Zoe uh what’s up why are you uh

Screaming at me cuz a whole bunch of arrows were just shot at my mobs wait a whole bunch of arrows are shot at your mobs too literally the same thing just happened to me wait the same thing just happened to you are you serious what the

Heck is going on I have no idea what’s going on but this is like totally crazy a bunch of my people got taking out I feel like we don’t have that much time left I know we only have like a minute left so this is going to be so crazy

Yeah I know maybe we should give each other like an extra minute just so we can make up for all the damage yeah it works for me and oh my gosh I think that was perfect Zoe actually belied that we had a bunch of arrows on our side too

That was way too perfect it was too easy like taking candy from a baby well I mean we’re still over here and we have an extra minute so what else should we probably do we should do the cherry on top and give all her mobs the levitation potion wa wait the levitation potion

Would be so funny let me go ahead and see what we have have inside of here and oh my gosh we actually got a levitation potion okay now I can just splash this on all her mobs let’s see what it ends up doing and oh my goodness look at that

All of her mobs are flying now what the heck now my mobs are floating this is not good oh my gosh and oh no they just dropped from the sky they all fell and died oh my gosh I need to hurry and spons some in ah that was such a great

Idea she has no idea what just happened and oh wait a second speaker man your invisibility just ran out wait who the heck are you uh uh I’m the owner of this Arena yeah I doubt that you’re not the owner of this Arena we’re here all the

Time and I’ve never met you that’s because I’m always invisible always invisible so you’re just spying on us that’s kind of creepy it’s my Arena I can do what I want yeah but it’s still kind of creepy to spy on people oh no guys this is a good that speaker totally

Got caught so he’s totally going to get mad at him well Mr Speaker man if you’re already over here can you help me with this mob battle I really want to be Dex I guess so I got nothing better going on wait what the heck does he mean he has

Nothing better going on was literally helping me okay Dax we have 15 seconds left oh gosh guys it doesn’t even matter I have to get back to my side quick okay zo well I think the time is basically up can we just go ahead and start this

Round yep let’s do it and oh my gosh the round has officially started and wo your scientist toilets look so strong that’s cuz they are super strong but wa you spawned in the Titan cameraman they’re huge yes I did uh wait a second speaker man what in the world are you doing on

Zo’s side uh she recruited me to help her so I’m about her side now what the heck I literally recruited you to help me you should be helping her out you give me enough cake what the heck stack you’ve been getting help this whole time

Uh no I haven’t been getting help at all zo see look I’m not even winning this round yet oh no this is such a close fight I honestly have no idea who’s going to even win this Zoe I think it’s time we use our secret weapon I think it

Is too go ahead and line it up I’m going to watch it and uh wait a second what in the world is that noise Zoe oh no this is a much bigger TNT than I thought it was what the heck wait it’s a TNT and oh

My gosh what’s coming from the sky oh no and oh wait a second did all of my upgraded TV get taken out but if you look there’s plenty of scientist toilets left that means I win what the heck zo you literally can’t use a TNT in the

Middle of a mob ble that’s totally cheating Dax I didn’t use it Mr Speaker man did Speaker man what in the world is wrong with you I decided to go to the obvious wedding side this time oh yeah uh speaker man you literally blew up your own house what is wrong with you

You’re crazy I can always build another one oh my gosh whatever well just come back and help me for the fourth round N I want to help Zoe you want to help whatever it doesn’t even matter let’s just move on I’m totally going to destroy you both oh my gosh guys I can’t

Believe the speaker Man actually betrayed has it helped out Zoe in that last round it blew up a TNT that’s so messed up well either way I still need to win this round without his help so let’s go ahead and see what Zoe is going

To try and pull up for this next round okay speaker man we need to do something super good this round I think that I’m going to spawn in the parasite toilet what do you think that’s a great idea what the heck wait Zoe literally spawn in the parasites to this guy looks so

Creepy and now I’m just spawned in a whole bunch of them oh my goodness guys this is not good at all so it has a really strong Army right now and I have absolutely nothing wait a second I actually have a really good idea for

This round what if I go ahead and spawn in the speaker woman and I also spawn in the TV woman because they’re like the most powerful characters ever look how cool they look this is totally going to be easy and if I spawn in a bunch of

Them there is no way that Zoe in the speaker man can actually beat me in this round so let’s start spawning in a bunch of them perfect I think my Army is looking pretty much good to go I should be able to take out those two with no

Trouble at all perfect I’m almost done with the house Speaker man yeah it’s looking really good wait a second did these guys literally build a house in the middle of a mob ble this makes absolutely no sense I just need to put the swimming pool and then it’ll be all

Done yeah it’s going to look really swiy I can’t believe they’re actually building a swimming pool in the middle of a mob they think this is a joke this is like super serious but you know what I kind of could just go invisible again and mess with them a little bit so let

Me go ahead and use my super cool potion of invisibility and then I can just go prank them and oh my goodness guys we actually made it over to their side and wait what in the world of Zoe just added perfect speaker man are you loving the

Pool yeah it’s amazing this is so much fun I love swimming it’s like a pool party over here yeah it’s so awesome what the heck did Zoe literally add in a diving board with her house this is like totally insane this house turned out perfect I love the inside Area it has

Purple carpet and I’m going to put a little bed and it has a chest this is just perfect for me wait a second did zo I make all of this carpet purple inside of here what if I go ahead and change this out a little bit all I have to do

Is click in one quarter over here and then click on this corner and then I can go ahead to set it to be live carpet and perfect now it looks a whole lot better oh Mr Speaker man look the carpet turned this really ugly color yeah it’s green

Now what happened I have no clue oh my gosh guys this is so funny they don’t even know what happened to the carpet we should change it to be red what the heck the carpet’s red now this is so ugly Red’s so cool no Red’s like one of the

Worst colors ever it’s right after lime green for being the worst you don’t know what you’re talking about I do know what I’m talking about guys there literally arguing about the color right now this is so funny you know what Mr Speaker man I can’t deal with this anymore and wait

A second what in the world did zo just do she just blew up the whole house she just blew up the house what’s wrong with you if I can’t have the house the way that I like it then nobody can oh my goodness I can’t believe she literally

Just blew up our house look how destroyed this site is now Mr Speaker man you start repairing the hole I’m going to spawn in more mobs because they’re falling through it oh my gosh guys this is totally perfect but I think we’ve done enough damage for this round

Let’s just head back to our side okay guys guys well I think my Army is basically ready to go for this fourth round are you ready for the walls to drop I am so ready whenever the walls drop uh I just want you to like comment

That I don’t have enough people to take out your army and here we go it looks like the round has officially started wao is that the TV woman I love her I also spawned in the speaker woman too wa that’s awesome but you don’t really have

That many mobs uh Zoe you don’t have that many mobs anymore you only have like two guys left now what the heck and they both died this is so not cool and that was perfect I completely destroyed you in the fourth round which means we

Have to move on a one final round yeah before we do that where even are you wait a second guys I’m still invisible uh Zoe I uh I’m coming down I was just underneath the arena I’ll be right there in a second underneath the arena why oh

Guys quick come on we have to go ahead and get rid of this invisibility and uh see I’m back I just had to make sure uh none of the ground was destroyed or anything like that wo you were super far away but that’s good you were making sure the ground wasn’t destroyed yeah

Exactly but now we have one FAL round so best of luck in this tiebreaker good luck Dex and perfect guys we completely destroyed Zoe in that round which means I only have one round left to totally win this whole mob battle go ahead and see what Zoe’s going to try and do for

This final round hey Dax wait what the heck speaker man what are you doing back on this side I’m here to be on your team again uh why do you want to be on my side again you literally just betrayed me it’s because Zoe started losing oh my

Gosh whatever you’re like a total traitor but it doesn’t make a difference let’s just go ahead and see what Zoe’s going to try and do let’s do it perfect I have all my old spawn EGS that means I could just spawn in all of my old mobs

Wait a second is Zoe spawning in all of her old mobs oh no this isn’t good at all she’s got have so much powerful people yeah she’s got a bunch of strong strong ones wow this is a deadly combo I’m definitely going to win this what in

The world should we even do speaker but I have no idea how to counter this let’s do exactly what she’s doing and spotted all of our old mobs let me see what I still have and oh my gosh I have so many different Spa EG this is going to be

Perfect so let’s start off with a huge wall of these upgraded TI TV BS over here and then I can Spa in some speaker even though they were like super super weak but then I can go ahead and spawn in some speaker woman as well and I

Guess I can also spawn in the TV woman this is going to be perfect okay Zoe well I think my Army is basically all ready to go for this last round are you ready to lose this mob battle once and for all Dex I’m going to be the mob

Battle champion after this one we’ll see about that I’m dropping down the walls and here we go the round has officially started and wo it looks like you spawned all your old mobs yeah I did but it’s not looking good your mobs are taking them out super easily oh my gosh I

Spawned way too many people there’s no way you can win this Zoe yeah but Dax I still have one final move before this mob battle ends uh wait a second Zoe what in the world are you talking about and what in the world is in your hand oh

My gosh you just blew up everything woohoo I’m the winner what zo you literally lost before you threw that you can’t be the winner now why not the mob battle didn’t end yet oh my gosh whatever let’s just see what everyone in the comments think okay Zoe what you

Excited for today’s realistic skiy mob battle and wait Zoe why are you like 25 ft tall I am so excited and I don’t really know why I’m so tall maybe I just grew uh okay whatever Zoe well you’re going to have a total of five minutes of

Spawning your realistic mob so best of luck Zoe good luck Dax wait did he just go through a door okay guys and now we’re on to the very first round of our mob battle but as you can see we have a little bit of problem cuz we have this

Huge Bedrock wall here which means I have no idea what Zoe’s going to be doing and of course the only way I can win is if I cheat so luckily I actually set up something a bit earlier if I walk over to the floor Sim right about here

There should be a secret trap door and oh look there it goes for this I’m going to need to go over to Zoe’s side so let me go ahead and grab myself an invisibility potion just so she can’t see me what I end up going over there

Now let’s go ahead and jump down our little ladder right here and we can walk underneath the arena and let’s open up this secret trapo right here and I’ll make sure to close it up behind me was that a trapo sound oh wait a second guys

Zo might have heard it but it’s okay I’m completely invisible and she’ll have no idea that there’s a trapo there H whatever let’s just get started I think for this first round I’m going to spawn in the toilet man wait she’s going to spawn in the toilet man okay that is a

Pretty strong skimy character and oh my gosh just look at this thing this guy is super super huge he looks really really strong and then of course I’m going to splash some of this realistic potion on him oh man let’s see what this ends up turning into and oh my goodness wait a

Second what in the world did this thing just make wao this guy is super crazy how did he get so big what in the world he is like 50,000 ft tall this guy looks super super scary and now I got to get his spawn egg so I can spawn in a whole

Bunch of them oh my goodness okay Zoe is about to spotted a whole bunch of them so I should probably go ahead and head back to my side but wait oh gosh where in the world is my trap door and I don’t even can’t even find it anywhere it’s

Just like hidden come on it has to be somewhere oh look perfect I found it let’s go ahead and close it up and then we can just run back to our side let’s Shak ourself a bucket of milk and now I’m completely un invisible but oh my

Gosh we can even see Zoe’s toilet men sticking through the wall because they’re so ginormous this is not looking too good for me well what skib bomb should I even try to do for this first round to perfectly counter Zoe’s people I think the first thing we’re going to

Need to do is build oursel out a little fence so I can spawn our mobs inside and then splash it with a realistic potion I think for this first round we’re going to be spawning in the speaker man and we’re also going to be spawning in the

Camera plunger so let’s go ahead and put both of these guys inside of this little fence and man these guys do not look realistic at all but hopefully after we’re done and we Splash this realistic potion on them they end up looking super super cool so let’s go ahead and see

What this ends up doing and wait a second what in the world these guys just got way more realistic look how tall this speaker is he’s like the same height as Zoe’s mob which means I might have made the perfect counter of those toilet men over there but then we also

Have this super cool camera right here and look at these plungers on the back of him and he has a really cool jetpack this is definitely going to be like the perfect combination for this first round but of course I’m going to need to break

Them out of this and grab each one of their spawn so I can spawn in a whole bunch of them to completely destroy Zoe’s Army and actually I have one more trick up my sleeve somewhere over here I should have a hidden trapo and let’s see

Where is it and look at that there it goes and there’s a chest inside and inside of this chest I actually have a a super super cool device which is called the size changer and basically this allows me to change the height of any

Mob that I want to for example if I just walk up to one of my camera over here and click on him he’ll become two times the height which means he’s going to be two times as powerful and of course if I go ahead and do this to all of my

Cameramen they’re going to be super super overpowered and completely destroy Zoe in this round but I can’t underestimate Zoe’s Army she does have a lot of really strong people over there so who do you guys think is going to win this first round you can either comment

Team Dax or you can comment team Zoe okay Zoe well I think I’m pretty much ready to go for this first round in this realistic skibby Bob battle are you excited for the walls to drop I’m so excited you are so going down we’ll see about that I’m dropping the walls and

Here we go it looks like the first round has officially started wo what did you even spawn in camera ninja toilets Yep this is the camera ninja toilet and I also spawned in the speaker man and it looks like you made a version of the speaker b as well yep I did the

Realistic toilet man isn’t he looking super strong honestly he does look super strong and pretty cool but I think my Army can take them out but man this is a whole dog fight I can’t even tell who’s winning right now yeah I think I’m winning come on guys we cannot lose to

Zoe keep fighting come on toilet man you got this oh no it looks like a lot of people are dropping Now Zoe I might win this first round no way my guys were super duper strong it seems like your guys are dropping wait no way I’m losing

This round come on guys keep fighting I still have so many mobs left I don’t even think you spawned in that many I did spawn in a bunch come on camera ninja and wait what my camera ninja went down too it what no way you just won

That round how is that even possible sorry Dex it looks like your guys just weren’t strong enough and what’s in your hand oh uh nothing Zoe that’s just my new iPad um okay super cool let’s go to the next round guys what in the world I can’t believe Zoe actually beat this in

That first round her Army was just way too strong for our people but it’s okay I need to focus up and I can definitely win this second round well let’s go ahead and spawn in something really really good and wait what what in the world is that thing and wait that kind

Of looks like a skiy toilet uh why in the world is there a skib toilet right outside the arena uh I don’t know but maybe I should go check it out Zoe’s probably doing a whole lot of nothing over there so I think if I just sneak

Out for a second she won’t even notice Let me just fill this back up so there’s no evidence and then we can walk over to this huge skiy toilet hopefully there’s something good in here and wait a second what in the world is this there’s like a

Bunch of lava down there and wait there’s even a little piece of obsidian why is there obsidian up there well I mean I guess I can just fly over there no problem right and uh wait a second did it just put me in survival mode what

The heck is that okay well now I can’t even fly over there anymore well I kind of do want to see what that little obsidian place over there so I guess we have to do a bit of parkour and oh my gosh I am actually really really bad at

Parkour so this is a little bit scary but come on I’m sure I can make it and wait are these lad parkour Parts oh no this isn’t good okay come on I can do this let me just jump in wo that was way too close okay just a few more jumps and

I think I’m almost to that portal and perfect look at that it wao wait it is a portal well let’s just go ahead and jump inside and see what’s down there wa once I got down here it actually put me back into creative mode so I guess I

Definitely had to be in survival in case I messed up and wait what in the world is this this looks to be some sort of chest huh I wonder what’s inside and uh wait a second what in the world are these there’s a couple spawn EGS and

Wait one says the camera woman what is this other one the TV woman well maybe these are like two really strong realistic characters that I can use but wait there was one more thing inside of there let’s go ahead and see what this thing is an oneway glass converter uh

I’ve never heard of anything like this before but I mean I guess that’s pretty cool I think oneway glass is that stuff that makes it so you can see through but the other person has no idea so maybe if I walk up to our big wall and click on

It it’ll turn into oneway glass okay since I can fly now let’s go ahead and head back through this little portal here and then I can just run back to the little base and the first thing I guess we can do is look at our two different

Spotting cu the first one is the TV woman and wo she honestly does look pretty realistic that’s kind of cool but hopefully the camera woman is a little bit better since I do like the camera woman more and wao look at the camera woman she is ultra realistic this is

Actually pretty cool okay well let me start talking about these two guys let me go ahead and try this oneway glass converter and see if we can get the wall to work all I have to do is walk up to it right here and right click and wait a

Second guys it just turned into oneway glass and now I can see everything on Zoe’s side and what the heck she’s modded like a mult I had spider to this is so creepy and wait look there’s Zoe right there G I feel like this has been taking forever there’s no way that Dax

Isn’t done yet wait Zoe says it feels like I’ve been taking forever um I really haven’t been gone that long or wait maybe I have been gone that long I don’t really remember but her Army does look really strong so I think I’m going

Have to spawn in a lot more my people if I want any chance at winning this round so let me start by spawning in a huge Legion of camera woman since I think they are way stronger than the TV woman and then in the back I’m going to go

Ahead and spotted a bunch of these TV bit and of course you already know I have to go get that size changer from earlier and then I can just click on a few of them to make them really really big okay Zoe well my Army is ready to go

Are you ready for this second round H finally Dax it took you long enough uh what do you mean Zoe I’ve literally been ready for like an hour you’re the slow one yeah I seriously doubt that whatever let’s just drop the wall so I can beat

You and here we go it looks like the next round has officially started waa this is crazy and what’s going on behind here uh nothing Zoe that’s just a skippity toilet but B it looks like your Bol head spider TOS are getting completely crushed this is such an easy

Round no this is not good I only have a few left and uh I think your last B head spider just got taken out Zoe man your army really sucked this round dang that was the quickest L I’ve ever taken we better move on to the next round because

I’m definitely going to win I really doubt that but the score is only one to one so you still have a few chances to win and perfect guys we completely destroyed Zoe in that second round but we have to keep the winning streak so let’s go ahead and spy through our

Oneway glass to see what Zoe’s doing and wait why is she building a little fence okay now that my fence is done I’m going to spawn in the Gman and the buzz toilet and then hit him with my potion wait what in the world is this going to make

And oh my goodness wait a second it just made like an ultra realistic version of the both of them they look so strong wo these look super op so much cooler than the original Buzz toilet in Gman and now that I have the spawn egg I can spawn in

A whole bunch of them oh this is absolutely ridiculous so it has a really really strong WR Army over there what in the world am I even going to do okay come on I can think of something really good let me go ahead and fix out my

Fence so I can spawn in something you know what I actually have a really really good idea what if I spotted both the big TV man and also the tin TV man and then splash them with a realistic potion to see what we can get okay first

Up let’s go ahead and put the Titan TV man down and oh my gosh this guy is so small what the heck okay let me go ahead and use my size changer and then if I make him like three times the height maybe he’ll be a little bit bigger when

We use the potion but next up we have to do the big TV man and what the heck this is the big TV man he’s like 2 in tall okay we’ll also go ahead and use a size changer on because I want them to be really really big when we use the

Realistic potion so let’s go ahead and see what this ends up making and oh my goodness wait a second I think it actually worked look how realistic both of them look they are so much more detailed now and they’re going to be so much stronger than those stupid little

Ones we spawned in okay I got to get really really serious let me go ahead and break out this fence and then I can grab both of their spotting so I can make a huge Army with the both of them and everyone knows that the Titan TV

Man’s like one of the strongest Alliance characters so I think he can wipe Zoe’s Army especially after I spotted a bunch of them but we do need to keep in mind that she has the Gat over there and the Gat is really really strong so we cannot

Underestimate him and actually let me go back to my little secret chest because I think there’s something else in there now and let’s see it oh my gosh guys look at this we have a super cool mob enchantment book basically whatever mob I click on they’ll start to Glow which

Means they’re super super Enchanted just like this big TV man right right here and if I go around and click on a bunch of these guys they’re going to become super super overpowered because they’re all Enchanted and shiny let me just go ahead and click on a few more and then I

Think I’m pretty much ready to go for this next round but wait a second I do have one little cheat up my sleeve let me go ahead and make all of Zoe’s Army super super small basically if I just type in this Command right here her

Whole Gman Army will get super small and oh my gosh look they’re so small and cute now what the heck why is my Army so small oh this is so funny you know what guys I should probably make them even smaller let’s do like25 and oh my gosh I

Can barely see them now they’re like little munchkins this is not cool at all what’s going on with my gmen oh this is the perfect chance let me see if Zoe’s ready for the wall to drop Hey Zoe my arm is basically done can we just start

This rounde already uh no Dax can I have another minute my Army just got super small uh no you can have like five more seconds how about that uh okay I’ll Take 5 Seconds up well looks like your 5 seconds are up Zoe the route has started

What the heck my mobs are super small and your mobs are super big this is not fair wait what do you mean this is not fair all my people are getting taken out how is this even possible dang just because they’re big doesn’t mean they’re strong this is awesome I won what the

Heck your little stupid G we’re just too strong how does that even make any sense they’re like half my height hey Dex there’s no need to call someone stupid oh my gosh you know what I’m going to take this G for myself and just throw them off the map maybe you should take

Notes because obviously I chose a winning mob okay you know what Zoe the next round you’re totally going to get crushed stop being all confident you’re about to go down okay whatever you say Dax guys what in the world I can’t believe Zoe actually beat us in that

Round her Army was just a little bit too strong for us but I think I can blow out this next round let’s go ahead and spy through our wway glasses see what Zoe is going to try and do for this round I think I’m going to spawn in the parasite

Toilet wait she’s going to spawn in the parasite toilet and oh my gosh this guy is so ugly look at his little dumb face didn’t you already know I’m going to splash some of this realistic potion on him oh gosh let’s see what this does and

What in the world did this just make look at this realistic parasite squ this guy is so creepy wao this guy looks super cool he’s definitely going to scare Dax I’m going to spawn in a whole bunch of him so he gets super creeped out okay guys this is not looking good

For me Zoe has a bunch of parasite toilets and I don’t even know what I’m going to do for this round I think there’s only one skib mom that could actually counter Zoe’s Army what if I spawn in the ti speaker man and what the

Heck is this thing this has to be the most unre realistic tide speaker but I have ever seen in my life this thing looks super super ugly okay well hopefully whenever I use this realistic potion it’ll get a lot lot better but let me actually go ahead and make it

Size bigger that way when it actually transforms it’ll be super huge let’s see what this potion ends up doing and wait a second I think it actually worked oh my gosh this guy looked so much better that other one was just pathetic and you know what since it is the tide speaker B

It is super overpowered I only think I need one guy in order to take out all of Zoe’s parasites but I am going to make him a little bit better by using this mob enchantment book that way he’s super glowy and overpowered and actually speaking of Zoe’s Army over there I

Think we still have a little bit of time left so what if I pranker well the first thing I need to do is get this invisibility potion and then I’ll just splash it on myself and then I can go back to where my little trapo was earlier and there it is perfect let’s

Just head over to Zoe’s side okay and perfect I have to head up this trap door right here and oh my gosh guys we’re on Zoe’s side and wow she has a lot of parasite to us I kind of feel creeped out being on her side perfect my arm is

Looking super strong and super scary I’m finally going to win the mob battle okay guys she does have a lot of people so I think if she does keep this up she actually might win this mob battle so I’m going to have to do something really

Really bad let’s go in my inventory and see what type of dynamites I have I think I have a couple really really powerful once and oh wait a second I should try this physics Dynamite let me just go ahead and throw it at the floor

Around Zoe and boom look at all of that wo there’s so much destruction wao what happened did a bomb go off oh my gosh Zoe really thinks it was a bob no zo it was just me throwing physics on my look how big of a hoer is now this is really

Funny I have to repair the hole before my mobs fall through wait she’s trying to repair the hole okay what if I go ahead and throw another one right there in the middle and boom what the heck what keeps happening guys this is way

Too funny Zoe is going to get so angry I bet we can take out like her whole army with this I know there’s only one person that can be behind this x uh Hey Zoe what’s up why are you screaming right now you just like by eardrums I don’t

Know do you want to take a guess why I’m screaming uh I don’t know Zoe why are you screaming because there’s explosions happening on my side and it’s completely sabotaging me from winning the mob battle uh I don’t know anything about that Zoe that’s a little bit weird and

Oh my gosh guys wait a second the oneway glass broke let me just go ahead and fix this before she sees it and oh my gosh I think we made it out okay did I just hear a block break over here oh my gosh guys wait zo it was right behind me why

Is there a dirt block right here it looks like somebody broke a block right above it oh oh my gosh guys that was way too close zo almost caught us you know what maybe I should change my form real quick I actually have this one mod that

Lets me transformed to anything I want to and I think I’m going to transform into Zoe’s parasite toilet and perfect here we go and oh gosh hopefully she doesn’t see us but perfect we are now the parasite toilet and I’m all on Zoe’s side and now I can just do whatever I

Want since I blended with everything and it does look like Zoe’s actually putting in a lot of work to fix this hole so hm what if I just go ahead and break a bunch of it what the heck why is this breaking oh my gosh guys she is so mad

Right now this is like the funniest thing ever you know what let me stop messing with Zoe directly and how about I use this mob killer to take out a whole bunch of her Army and make them super super weak once she’s done filling in that hole she’s going to be super mad

That all her mobs are disappearing oh wait a second she was right there guys what the heck hey I saw you kill some of my mobs oh wait let me change my voice real quick uh what are you talking about I just saw you kill some of my mobs do

You have anything to say for yourself oh no that wasn’t me uh that was Tim he’s right here Tim get over over here wait oh my gosh why she just took him out and wait why is she coming back to me thank you so much for telling me about Tim I

Always knew he was kind of shady oh yeah of course you’re completely welcome Zoe but you should know if I see you kill anyone I will kill you uh no nope I won’t do any of that I’m a totally dedicated Soldier yeah I’ll keep my eye

On you guys what the heck Zoe is going completely crazy and why in the world is she following me right now okay this is a little bit weird and I have to find some way to get out of here before she gets too suspicious so what if I just

Walk into the middle of this whole group over here and I Splash this invisibility Po and now everything’s invisible what the heck did a bunch of my people just disappear oh my gosh guys okay now that everything’s completely invisible I can just sneak back over the wall like this

And then I should be good to go back to my side and wait why are there a bunch of Zoe moms on my side we do not want any of you guys over here let me take all these guys out and now all I need to

Do is just transport back into my normal self and then I think I’m pretty much good for this round to start but who do you guys think is going to win this next round you can either comment team speaker or you can comment team parasite okay Zoe well I think my Army is

Basically ready to go can we just drop drop the walls in this fourth round yes let’s do this thing and here we go the walls have officially dropped and man you have a bunch of parasite toilets I know and you only spawned in one guy uh

Zoe do you know who this one guy is no not really what the heck this is the tide speaker red who’s like the strongest character he can totally take all your weak parasites he looks super lame what do you mean he looks super lame he’s all glowy and he has a bunch

Of fire Auto but he looks really strong yeah I’m not getting strong from this one well just wait he’s about to crush your entire Army all by himself I seriously doubt that I have so many more mobs than you come on time speaker man you have to win this if I lose this

Round that means I lose the entire b battle to Zoe parasite toilets you got this there’s not that many of them left and wait a bunch of them aren’t even fighting what the heck is this Zoe your army is so lame it’s cuz they don’t need

To fight they know that they’re going to win and wait a second guys I actually just saw a oneway glass piece over here let me just go ahead and break this so so he doesn’t see it in perfect Dax what did you just break uh nothing it was

Just a weird piece of dirt that looked like like glass and it was on my side you are always acting so suspicious during these mob battles Zoe why don’t you just worry about your army cuz it looks like my tight speaker B’s going to work yeah going to work because he’s

Trying so hard to beat me a on you can totally win this keep fighting there isn’t that many parasites left oh and wait a bunch of them are taking damage what in the world is going on Zoe I think you actually might end up losing

This one no this is not looking good oh there’s only like three left two left come on and perfect it looks like the tight speaker actually won how does it feel to take a huge L Zoe doesn’t feel great if I’m being honest well that

Means the score is now 2 to2 so we’re going to have to move on to one final round to see who the real Bob battle Champion is and it’s going to be me and perfect guys since we won that last round it means we only have one round

Left in order with this whole entire Ball battle so let’s really focus up and see what Zoe’s going to try and pull off for this final round for this final round I need to do something super creative so I think I’m going to spawn in a toilet and this space device and

I’m hoping if I Splash this realistic potion on both of them that it’ll end up giving me like a space toilet wait guys there’s no way something like this will actually work right wait a second what did it actually work what in the world is this thing yay it worked it worked

Now I just got to get his sponic and I’m going to build an army of these astronaut toilets okay this guy does look really cool I can’t even lie but I can’t believe Zoe’s little thing worked that is so crazy well okay let me Focus up I got to get something really really

Good for this round and let’s see what have I not used yet wait a second I haven’t used a Titan cameraman yet what if I go ahead and spawn this guy in and then I splash him with the realistic potion to get something really cool and

What the heck why is this guy so short this guy is literally like the same height as me but okay I guess it’s fine as long as I use this size changer on him and it’s plash with a realistic potion this should be really cool and

Wait a second oh my goodness this made like the most realistic Titan Cameran ever this guy looks so cool and you know what I’m going to spawn in a whole bunch of people this round just so we can take take out Zoe’s Army really fast so let

Me go ahead and select this guy’s spawn egg and then I can break him out of his cage and just spawn in a whole bunch of Titan cameraman and who do you guys think is going to win this crazy final round you can either comment team

Cameraman or team UFO okay Zoe I think I’m pretty much ready to go for this final round and let me just tell you you’re about to get completely destroyed yeah I seriously doubt that but I do think you’re going to get surprised by the mobs that I created well let’s see

About that I’m dropping down the walls and here we go the final route has started oh my gosh there is so much fighting right now wao you spawned in so many guys I don’t think I spawned in enough yeah and you guys are super super

Tiny so how in the world do you even think you’re going to pull this round out Zoe they’re super tiny but they’re super strong we’ll see about that I have way too many TI cameraman I don’t even think you stand a chance you never know Dax I could pull through come on guys

Keep fighting oh no I’m seeing a bunch of people start dropping we cannot lose this round Hees Dax it doesn’t look good for you come on I think my Titan cameraman can pull this out keep fighting guys come on come on come on astronaut on toilets we got this I think

The final part of the fight is starting come on Titan cameraman take out the last bit of Zoe’s Army no my astronaut toilets are diminishing there’s only a few of them left I think I’m actually going to win this no way I thought I was

Going to win and perfect it looks like I ended up winning Zoe your army sucked I don’t want to talk about it I really thought I was going to win that round well Zoe maybe you can get some better Bobs and maybe you can end up winning

The next bom battle I’m definitely going to win the next time Dax you just wait and see okay Zoe are you excited for today’s realistic skiy mob battle I am so excited okay Zoe you’re definitely going to lose but for the first round you’re going to have five minutes to

Spawn in your mobs best of luck good luck Dax okay guys now we’re on to the very first run of our mob battle and secretly before I actually set up the whole Arena I added in this oneway glass wall so I can see exactly what Zoe’s

Going to spawn in so let’s go ahead and spy through it to see what she’s going to try and do for this first round for this first round I think I’m going to spawn in the skibby toilet wa wait a second so I just spotted the SK toilet

And this guy looks so realistic wo he look looks so cool I need to spawn in like a whole bunch of them oh my goodness it’s always about to spawn in a whole bunch of these guys okay I’m definitely going to have to think of something good to do Dex what are we

Going to do she has so many people I honestly have no idea this is going to be horrible and uh wait a second uh speaker baby where did this whole Forest has come from what do you mean it’s been here the whole time what in the world

Are you talking about this thing has not been here the whole time this literally just got here it was just a bunch of like flat grass before the trees have been here the whole time I’ve been here oh my goodness well I haven’t seen this

Before but I guess we can go ahead and watch into it and wo there’s a lot of super Tall Grass this is kind of creepy and wait there’s a chest at the end over there yeah it’s been there all the time well it’s been there the whole time then

What’s inside of it I don’t know I don’t look inside the chests oh my gosh okay I’ll go ahead and look inside let’s go ahead and see it whoa wait a second we got a new spawn X speaker baby oh that’s awesome what did we get we got that TV

Man let’s go ahead and see what this guy looks like and oh my gosh this guy looks so realistic he’s super realistic this is so cool and I we buil a whole Army out of these guys we can definitely destroy Zoe skip toilets oh yeah Zoe is

Going to have no chance if we have an army of these guys wait Dax before you spawn in more people you should use this upgrade potion I have wait what in the world is an upgrade potion where did you even get this thing from I found it wait

What in the world you found it but wait what does it even do it just makes them real strong and real cool what the heck wait so it’s really like a real Ultimate Upgrade potion okay I’m going to Splash it on the TV man and let’s see what it

Ends up making and oh wait a second this guy is now the upgraded TV man he looks so cool wao he’s so tall what in the world this upgrade potion is like the crazy eest thing ever okay I’m going to grab this guy spawn and then I can build

A whole Army out of them that way Zoe will have no chance of winning and waa look at that it says the upgraded tight TV okay let me start placing down a bunch of these guys on our side and oh my goodness these guys look so powerful

We’re definitely going to cross Zoe and wait a second we should probably do one more thing to make our guys even stronger what are you thinking let me go inside of my inventory and I should be able to grab this thing called the armor editor and oh my gosh look I actually

Got it but what does the armor editor do well basically if I click on any one of these characters I can just go inside and then I can give them any weapon I want so what if we get these guys a bunch of diamond swords ooh that’s so

Overpowered there’s no way that’s going to be fair yeah I know diamond swords look some of the strongest swords in the game so let me go ahead and click on this guy here and I’ll give him a diamond sword and oh my gosh look at that he’s even holding it that’s so cool

Okay I’m going to run around and give a bunch of these guys Diamond sorce our army can be as powerful as possible we’re totally going to destroy Zoe Zoe’s got no chance okay speaker baby I think this H’s almost up for this first round

So I’m going to need you to hide so Zoe doesn’t get all mad that we’re cheating all right bye Dex see you soon all right there he goes and perfect this is going to be the easiest round ever I have so many upgraded Titan TV man there’s no

Way that zo he can win and man they’re even holding these diamond swords that’s totally awesome and oh wait a second why is this one on fire well he must be like a defect or something even though he’s not on fire anymore I’m still going to

Take him out okay zo well I think my arm is basically ready to go for this first round in the mob battle are you totally ready to lose I’m so excited I definitely think I’m going to win this round well we’ll see about that I’m dropping down the walls and here we go

The first round of our B batt has started and wao you have a bunch of skab toilets yep and then they’re super cool but wait is that the upgraded TV man why do they have diamond swords Yep this is the upgraded Titan TV man and yeah I gave them Diamond stores because I

Wanted them to be as strong as possible and look they’re completely taking out all your toilets I knew you didn’t stand a chance oh no this is not good I wish I gave my mob some weapons yeah maybe you should have thought about that but man my Titan team are completely destroying

All of your people this is the easiest round ever oh no this is not looking good for me come on you only have a few toilets left there’s only like five left that I see this is so easy and perfect I think we pretty much got your Army Beat

Now a man it looks like I lost yeah well nice Tres away maybe you can RN round two yeah I definitely am going to win round two but first what’s this Forest over here uh honestly Zoe I don’t really know I was just minding my business on

My site I turned around and this Forest came out of nowhere but there’s a chest over here oh yeah but look there’s not even anything inside the chest I told you it’s totally weird wow that is super weird I guess we could move on to the second round and perfect guys we

Completely cross zo in the first round that was way too easy but now I have to win this second round and uh wait a second why is Zoe building a fence right now what is she planning perfect my fence is complete and now I just need to

Spawn in my mobs that I’m going to combine wait did she just say she’s going to combine two different mobs what in the world does that mean so last round I took the spawn egg from dax’s TV man wait a second did Zoe just say she

Took the spaw EG from my TV man how in the world did that work so I’m going to spawn in my skibbidy toilet with the TV man and then I’m going to splash some of this combining potion on them and see what happens wait what in the world is

This going to do and wait a second what in the world did that combin to make a multi-head TV toilet that’s crazy wao this TV toilet has multiple heads this is insane oh my gosh this is one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen I can’t believe Zoe actually thought about

Making this that was so smart and now I have a spaic so I can build a whole Army wait a second and zo’s building an absolutely ginormous army oh gosh this isn’t good at all Dax STX STX uh wait a second and what the heck are you doing

Back here I thought you were hiding I know I know but I found the perfect counter for for Zoe’s toilets wait you found the perfect counter but what is it we should use a nuke toilet wait what in the world even is a nuke toilet I’ve

Never even heard of this before well you see it’s a toilet but it’s also a nuke wait what in the world that sounds absolutely crazy okay let me go ahead and spawn this guy down and see what he looks like and oh my goodness this guy

Is so scary well what in the world this is crazy yeah oh my gosh he has like two big nukes on the side and he’s like a jetpack and stuff and wo his head got even bigger this was like the perfect pick ever speaker baby you’re welcome

And I definitely start spawning in a bunch of these new toys because I totally want to take out allo zo’s Army over there this is going to be so easy and uh wait a second what in the world is Zoe doing right now I don’t know but

It looks like a lot of fun wa I’m having so much fun on my flying bathtub wait what the heck she’s using a flying bathtub right now how in the world did she even get that I’m glad I brought this along to the mob battle because Dax

Is taking forever what in the world I can’t believe she literally got a bathtub that flies for the Bob battle that’s totally ridiculous it looks like so much fun though I mean you’re not lying it does look like a lot of fun though but I think we should totally go

Over there and mess with her it sounds like a lot of fun okay so I think in order to get over there we’re going need to turn ourselves invisible so why don’t I just grab myself a nice little invisibility potion like this and I can

Just splash the both of us so come over here speaker baby and I can splash us and here we go it perfect now we’re completely invisible so we can sneak over to Zoe side and she’ll have no idea let’s go and perfect we made it over to

Zoe side and oh my gosh she’s still on the flying bath up this is so ridiculous oh my gosh I’m having so much fun but this thing is hard to steer yeah that does look super hard to steer do you see how fast she’s going right now she’s

Going so fast oh my gosh that is absolutely crazy but let’s think what’s something that we could do to mess with Zoe oh wait a second I actually have the perfect idea oh my gosh what are you thinking well I’m thinking I could use this one thing called The Bob killer and

Basically it onshot any mob so if I walk up to one of Zoe’s multi-head TV tots I can just click on it and oh my gosh I just took him out that’s so funny oh there’s no way she’s going to win now yeah exactly okay I’m going to go ahead

And take out a few of these guys and then you can take out a few as well okay Dad I’m going to take out a bunch of these guys now what the heck dude I’m literally not your dad but whatever go ahead and take out as many TV toyss as

You can I guess what the heck is that a floating wand wait a second oh my gosh Zoe literally just saw him what the heck it’s right there oh my gosh what are you doing she can literally see her W and you just took out the TV in front of her

She’s totally going to catch you now what the heck the floating wand just killed one of my mobs this is not cool Dex what do I do what do I do I honestly have no idea this is horrible if I use this potion on this person that means

That they effect will go away wait what the heck and oh my goodness this baby speaker B inv visibility ran out this isn’t good at all what the heck is this thing he’s so weird looking hey I look fine I don’t know what you’re talking about no you’re like a grown man wearing

A diaper that is so creepy but I’m dax’s kid wait you’re dax’s kid what the heck I knew Dax had to be behind this Dax uh Hey Zoe uh what’s up why is your kid over here and why is he killing my mobs uh what are you talking about Zoe I

Literally don’t have a kid at all well he’s claiming to be your kid and he looks just just like you what the heck that thing doesn’t look like me he literally has a speaker head how do you know what he looks like oh my gosh whatever it doesn’t make a difference

But that’s definitely not my kid well come get him and remove him from my side because he’s cheating no I kind of want to stay over here with you Mom what the heck I’m not your mom oh see look at that zo he literally just called you his

Mom no you look nothing like me you look like your dad I don’t know I kind of look just like you what in the world guys this is absolutely ridiculous okay speaker baby as long as you help me beat Dax this round you can stay on my side

All right thank you wait what the heck are you literally going to use him to beat me that’s so messed up yep I recruited him he’s hanging out on my side so I might as well make him useful oh my gosh and wait guys Zoe is spawning

In so many more okay quick I got to get back to my side and spawn in some more boms too and oh my goodness guys this is totally not good Zoe has so many different TV men over there and I really don’t have that many people this is

Going to be such a close round and I can’t believe that the baby speaker man is actually helping Zoe and wait why is he riding on the bathtub right now wee oh my goodness this kid is literally so dumb whatever it doesn’t even make a difference I still think I can totally

Win this round let’s see if Zoe just ready to drop the walls okay Zoe I think my arm is basically ready to go can we go ahead and drop the walls for this round yep let’s do this and here we go the walls have officially dropped it wao

Your TV B ski toil looks so creepy Zoe they are super creepy but I hope that they scare your mobs so then I can win no way my guy’s the nuke toilet he doesn’t get scared of anything the nuke toilet that sounds dangerous uh yeah they’re dangerous that’s why they’re

Totally going to take out all of your TV bed toilets yeah I don’t know about that it looks like they’re dropping and oh wait a second my guys are actually dropping super fast how does that even make sense I literally have nukes on my guys heck yeah it looks like I might win

This round oh no come on nuke to keep fighting keep fighting please I have to win this come on nuke toilets you have to fall and wait there’s only one guy left come on come on shoot your rocket and no he just got taken out oh yeah

That means I’m the winner oh my gosh that’s so ridiculous I can’t believe I actually lost that round but you know what zo I’m tired of going easy on you I’m totally going to destroy you this round okay DXs I’d like to see you try Okay speaker baby come back to my side

To help help me win this next round I kind of want to help Mom this time wait what the heck do you mean you want to help her haha the kid likes me more well I mean as long as you admit that you’re his mom it doesn’t really matter to me

Let’s just go on the third round and what in the world guys I can’t believe we actually lost that last round speaker baby totally helped out Zoe and that was so messed up CU I lost okay I totally need to focus up for this round let’s

See what is Zoe and speaker baby going to try and do speaker baby this time I think I’m going to spawn in the rocket toilet ooh that’s a great idea wait what the heck did she just spot it in the rocket toilet this guy looks so scar and

Man he has so many missiles on him wao this guy looks so cool should I spawn in a whole bunch of them oh yeah like at least 50 50 sheh 50 it is what the heck did he just tell her to spawn it in 50 that doesn’t make any sense that’s a

Ridiculous about they don’t need that many with this Army there’s no way that we can lose oh my gosh guys okay this definitely isn’t good in uh wait a second where in the world of the whole Forest just go behind me it’s like it just completely disappeared well either

Way even if that’s a little bit weird I think I have a really good idea for this round I think I’m going to go ahead and spotted the TV woman and let’s see what she looks like and oh my gosh she looks so cool and I’m also sure if I spotted a

Bunch of them they might be able to take off those rocket toilets but I do want to give them one more Advantage so earlier me and the speaker baby did have that upgrade potion let me see if I still have it and oh my gosh guys this

Is perfect I actually have it now I can just splash it on the TV and let’s see what it ends up making and oh my goodness it just made an upgraded TV this thing looks so cool okay I’m definitely going to grab her spaic and

Then I can build a whole Army out of them let’s go ahead start spawning in a bunch of them and oh my gosh this is going to be the coolest round ever but I honestly have no idea who’s going to win who do you think is going to win this

Round you can either comment team Dax or you can comment team Zoe but for now let’s go ahead and start spotting in a bunch more of these upgraded TV wom and Zoe is going to be so scared when she sees all these people okay Zoe just to

Make sure we win I went ahead I installed a bunch of turrets along the border that way when the walls drop they’re going to shoot dax’s Army wa those are so cool oh my gosh speaker baby thank you so much wait a second did Speaker baby literally throw in laser

Turrets what the world speaker baby I want to test out these turret so I’m going to spawn in a skeleton so you better back up all right oh wait he’s going to get a skeleton and oh my gosh those lasers just destroyed it wao that was awesome speaker baby this is going

To be such an easy win oh yeah there’s no way dad’s coming back from this one what in the world those laser ts are literally so overpowered how are the water supposed to win okay maybe I can spotted a bunch of upgraded TV women and

If I have like a good enough number I should still be able to pull this off come on we have to keep spotting them in okay Dax time to drop the walls wait a second I’m not ready yet can I have like two more minutes please nope it’s time

To drop the walls and oh my goodness no you actually dropped the walls what is the r is wrong with you I told you I was going to drop them it was about that time oh my goodness all my upgraded TV are getting completely shredded by all

This stuff this is ridiculous wow this is so awesome come on TV woman we have to win this keep taking them out the lasers have to run out at some point no the lasers will not run out this is so cool oh no I only have a you upgraded T

Would luck I think those are my last two over there and they still getting hit by the lasers oh yeah woohoo team Zoe wins oh my goodness I can’t believe I actually lost a speaker baby what are you even doing why are you helping Zoe I

Helped you Dan I oh my gosh well you helped me but you shouldn’t be helping her you need to come back and help me right now no don’t do it speaker baby you have to stay on my side am I being forced to choose uh no you’re not being

Forced to choose you just have to help me out yes you’re being forced to choose which one of us do you love more uh sorry Mom I’m going to go with Dad on this one are you serious speaker baby I can’t believe that you’re leaving me

Like this that’s what you get Zoe he likes me better I’ll see you in round number four whatever I don’t need either of you get off my side bye don’t talk to me ever again what in the world I can’t believe this speaker baby actually set up lasers last round it totally caused

Me to lose oh my gosh now if I lose one more round so he’s going to win the whole thing what’s wrong with you well not too much but just don’t lose another round oh my gosh well I guess that’s the only thing I can do right now let me go

Ahead and see what Zoe is going to try and do for the fourth round for this fourth round I think I’m going to spawn in the plane toilet wait did she say she’s spawning in the plane toilet and wao this guy looks so cool this is

Awesome I need to build an entire Army of plane toilets oh my gosh Zoe is literally spawning in so many of these guys okay I got to think of the perfect counter okay speaker baby she has a bunch of plain toys over there and I honestly have no idea what to do what

Should we even try and do for this round what if we use the upgrade potion on me wait what if you use the upgrade potion on you well uh that means you’re going to like die and stuff do you want that I won’t die I’ll just win uh okay whatever

You say I guess okay let me go ahead and splash this upgrade potion on you see if it ends up doing anything and wait a second uh speaker baby is that you yeah that’s me what in the world it actually worked and wao you charged into this

Hideen speaker man you look so cool oh I know I’m pretty cool what in the world you have like a bunch of rockets on your side you have a huge jet pack and a bunch of speakers you’re way better than the speaker baby hey I’m still the

Speaker baby inside you can’t talk about me like that oh wait I kind of forgot you still are technically the speaker baby but this is is perfect okay can I go ahead and like grab your spaic so I can build out a whole Army yeah here let

Me give it to you oh perfect okay and there’s your spaic and now that I have this I can go ahead and spawn in a bunch of Tide speaker B all over our entire Arena and this is going to be the most perfect round ever yeah I told you using

An upgrade potion on me was a great idea perfect my house is complete uh wait a second did Zoe just say her house is complete and wait what in the world is this this is so awesome it has a little bed and it has a little chest and I even

Put in a little pool what in the world wait a second speak baby do you see what she built that makes no sense uh no I’m the speaker man now uh okay whatever you say but what do you even think about this I can’t believe Zoe actually built

A house at the middle of a mob battle I guess she just had too much time left oh my gosh I can’t believe she actually did that but uh wait a second I have a pretty good idea what are you thinking I should definitely go over there and mess

With her and mess with her whole entire house I could totally prank her oh that’d be so fun well I’m going to go ahead and head over you got to be careful can I come with uh no you can’t come with you’re still a kid and you’re

Probably going to mess something up okay we’ll just stay here and make sure like no one in the AR get S like a fight or anything okay okay let me grab my nice little potion of invisibility and splash it on myself and perfect KN can head

Over there and perfect guys I made an order to Zoe’s side and wo her plain toilets look totally scary this is going to be such a close round wow my house looks so good it has the super cool door here’s my bed and it has these cool

Windows so I can look out at my Army and then I even included a ladder so I could go to the top of my build and I can jump into my pool wait what the heck wait what even is this door I’ve never seen anything like this before this is

Totally crazy let me go ahead and press it real quick and wo that’s so cool wait a sec did my door just open oh gosh guys why she’s coming back let me close it real quick oh that was super weird I swear I just saw it move oh my gosh guys

That was way too close but man this door is super cool I actually want one of these things I love my house so much I think I’m going to go take a nap wait a second did Zoe just say she’s going to take a nap uh okay well I guess that’s

Fine well I did say I was going to come over here and prank her so let’s see what should I even do and wait a second what if I change out all these logs over here to be TNT that would be so funny all I to do is type in position one over

Here and then fly all the way up to the sky in type of position too and now I can change any block inside of that I want to so let’s go ahead and replace all of the logs and then we can change it to be TNT and oh my gosh guys look at

This now it’s all made out of TNT that’s so funny wait what the heck my house is made out of TNT oh my go Zoe is so confused right now this is hilarious oh no I hope it doesn’t blow up but there’s no flint and steel nearby so I don’t

Know how it would oh wait a second guys that actually gives me a really good idea what if I grabb some flint and steel and then I start lighting it up all the way to the TNT over there wait what the heck why is there a fire over

Here oh my gosh zo thinks it’s like a wildfire this is not good I have to stop before it gets to my house and oops it looks like it lit up the TNT everyone back up oh no run and oh my God all of Zoe side just got completely destroyed

Oh no there’s a huge gaping hole in my side this is not good Hey Zoe I just heard like some TNT Exploder something is everything okay over there no I built a house and it exploded cuz there was a wildfire wait there’s a wildfire in explos your house how does that even

Make any sense Zoe I don’t know it doesn’t make any sense Dax but it happens uh that’s a little bit weird but why are you even building a house in the middle of a mob battle that makes no sense at all because you take forever

Dax I have so much spare time what in the world you’re talking all this trash but you’re still going to end up losing this round no I’m not I’m going to spawn in more so my arm is still big hey don’t fall off the edge uh okay Zoe well we’ll

See about that it perfect guys I think we ended up doing enough damage this round let’s just head back to our side so we can drop the walls imp perfect guys we made it back over to our side uh wait a second uh speaker man what in the

World are you even holding right now I found this cool sword while you were gone uh okay I mean that looks kind of cool but I think we’re pretty much ready for this round to start so you better be ready to fight I’m ready let’s go okay

So well I think my arm is basically ready to go for this next round are you totally ready to lose I’m ready to win this round Dax well we’ll see about that I’m dropping down the walls and here we go the walls have officially dropped in

Wo your plane toilets are so cool what the heck things are exploding uh yeah I don’t know why things are exploding that’s a little bit weird maybe it’s like your plane engine or something this is crazy maybe it is the plane engine perfect my sword’s working it’s blowing

Up everything oh wait a second speaker man did you say your sword’s blowing up everything how does that even work what the heck it’s a powerful Crystal that destroys stuff what in the world that is literally so cool this is going to be the easiest round ever this is so not

Good wait the mobs are falling on the ground come on come on we have to win this we need more explosions I have no idea who’s even winning right now this is totally insane this is totally insane and wait a second the speaker R just

Took on a bunch of them oh my gosh you only have like three them left oh no speaker baby stop intervening come on come on just a few more and perfect we took out the last one oh wait a minute I transformed back to my normal s oh well

Hey good job you helped me win this round yay I won what the heck you made me lose this round speaker baby what do you mean he literally helped you out like the past two rounds and you won because of it so you can totally help me

Out this round whatever we’re tied now so that means we have to go into the tiebreaker round speaker baby are you going to help me yeah I guess it’s only fair wait what in the world you’re actually going to help her out yeah she

Keeps losing so I got to help her out oh my God gosh whatever it doesn’t make a difference you’re totally going down yeah right Dax you are going to be the loser this time and perfect guys we completely destroyed zo in that rounde which means we have one more chance to

Win this mob battle okay I definitely have to win this let’s see what speaker baby and Zoe are going to try and pull up for the final round speaker baby first I need to make this fence before I can spawn in any mobs all right what are

We putting in it okay the fence is complete I think I’m going to spawn in the regular skibby toilet wait why is she spawning in regular Skiby toys that literally makes no sense and then I’m going to use this upgrade potion to see what happens wait what is this going to

Do and oh my gosh wait a second it made the Gman wa it’s the Gman this is perfect we’re definitely going to win this round yeah Dax doesn’t stand a chance anymore oh no guys this is good the G’s like the strongest skiy character what am I even going to do and

Wait a second I actually have a kind of good idea what if I make a big combine machine basically what this is going to do is allow me to combine any mobs just like Zoe did and to start off all to do is type in this Command right here and

Oh my gosh look at this this is going to be our super cool combining machine but I still have to add in a few things so let me go ahead and add some doors and then finally I have to add in some lasers let me just place all the lasers

Down here and I can connect them to the ceiling like this and then I have to do the other side and perfect this is looking pretty good but I’m thinking for this I’m going to combine all of my Titans to make like an ultimate try Titan okay so let me start off by

Putting the Titan camera bed on this side over here and it should look pretty cool and oh my gosh the Titan camera looks so awesome okay now on the other side I’m going to put in the TV bed and the speaker man and then once we combine

It it should go ahead and make something super super cool and finally all I have to do is hit this lever let’s see what this ends up making and oh my goodness guys look at that it actually made the TR Titan this guy looks so cool and I

Think the tri tight is basically the only thing that can actually take out the Gman so let’s go ahead and grab his Spa EG and build our army wait speaker baby I got the Gman spawn EG so we should spawn in a whole bunch of them so

Our army is super op oh he has got no chance now what in the world she is literally spawning in so many this is absolutely crazy okay quick I have just wanted a bunch of Tri Titans Okay zo I think my arm is basically ready to go

For this final round are you ready to lose once and for all Dax I don’t know why you always say I’m going to lose I’m going to win this mob battle well we’ll see about that I’m dropping down the walls and here we go it looks like the

Final round has started the tri Titan versus the Gman wa this is insane what a match yeah this is definitely a great match I have no idea who’s going to win these are like the two strongest characters of the whole series this is crazy come on Tri Titans we have to do

This come on Gman we got this and oh wait a second so wait how did you even get the Gman that doesn’t make any sense this one guy’s like trapped in a cave well I used a skib toilet and then I splashed some upgrade potion on him wait

What the heck used an upgrade potion yep sure did but it looks like you built the combining machine yeah mine’s way more sophisticated that’s a little potion mine’s way better whatever Dex come on try Titans we have to win this keep beating them up and wait I’m seeing some

Of the gmen start to fall no not the gmen come on come on keep fighting keep fighting take them all out this is not looking good more of the gmen are falling oh no you only have a few of them left so I think this is going to be

Another mop out of win for me no no come on there’s only three of them left two of them left come on come on only one left and perfect it looks like I won no I can’t believe I lost again well Zoe that was a really close battle so maybe

You’ll actually end up winning the next one and that was a super crazy video if you don’t watch another one click the video on screen bye guys today I’m doing a Minecraft mob battle with my girlfriend but we’ll be using multiversal skib mobs but with my

Girlfriend doesn’t know is I set up this oneway glass wall so I can see exactly what mob she spawns in well anyway Zoe are you excited for today’s multiversal skiy mob battle I am so excited you are so going down this time uh no way Zoey you’re totally going to lose but how

About this you’re going to have five minutes to spawn in your first mob so best of luck good luck Dax okay guys and now we’re on to the very first round of our mob battle and what Zoe doesn’t know is this huge oneway glass wall so I can

See exactly what mob she spawns so let’s go ahead and see what mob is Zoe going to try and do for this first round for this round I think I’m going to do something I’ve never done before which is utilizing the drill woman it wao wait

A second second did Zoe just spot in the drill woman and wait she actually looks kind of cool oh my gosh she is so powerful this is such a slay I need to build a huge Army okay Zoe is spawning in a bunch of these drill moment but

Wait if she spawn in the drill moment what would be the perfect counter to this and wait a second I have the perfect idea if she spawn in the drill woman why don’t I just spawn in the drill man okay let’s go over to her chest and let’s see where this one is

Okay come on I’m seeing a bunch of different things where is it where is it oh imp perfect I think this is the spaic okay let me go ahead see how this guy looks and wao he’s so tall but uh wait a second what in the world happened to his

Arms okay his arms might look a little bit broken but hey at least he’s like 20 times taller than the small drill but he can totally win this he has like four super big drills on his back and he has a super cool drill head and man he moves

Kind of fast even for being super weird but since I have a spawning now I can probably just go ahead and spawn in a bunch of these guys so let’s start placing a bunch of them down all over our we we get totally beat Zoey and uh

Wait a second why in the world are this one spawn in with a chicken that is so so weird you know what let me just this chicken and like throw it on the other side of the Arena you don’t want to be involved in this fight and what else can

I do to make my drill b as strong as possible and oh wait a second I have a really good idea what if I grab something called the mob enchantment book and let’s see which one of these do I want to use and wait speed actually

Sounds kind of cool and now that I have this basically all I have to do is walk up to any one of my mobs and just click on them and wo look at that now he’s glowing it man he’s super fast thing basically gives them like super speed so

If I go around and give a bunch of my mobs these they’re all going to be really fast they’re going to be so fast as so way mobs won’t even be able to keep up with them so let’s go around and start clicking on a bunch of these guys

A perfect you know what why don’t I even make the chicken Enchanted just because I can let me go ahead and do a few more of these and I really think that’s good enough for my Army I don’t think I need to do any more of them I’m already

Totally going to win this round but who do you guys think is going to win this first round you can either comment drill man or you can comment drill woman and actually I do have one more good idea what if I go over to Zoe side that mess

With her in her little weak army real quick but in order to get over to Zoe side I need her to not be able to see me so let me go ahead and grab something super cool this thing is called the clo of invisibility and basically as soon as

You put it on you become completely invisible you can’t even see what’s in my hand so now that we have this on let’s just walk over to Zoe’s side and see how her Army is looking and wao it looks like she spawn in a bunch of these drewer woman this round actually might

Be a little bit closer than I thought well my drill women are looking so powerful but I think I’m missing one thing in my Army wait did she say she’s missing one thing in our army I wonder what she could mean by that I’m going to

Spawn in a mutant zombie wait did she just spawn in a mutant zombie this is is it a multiversal skippity mob oh yeah this guy looks awesome oh no guys this isn’t good the mutant zombies like extremely strong and even if you take it out once it just comes back to life what

Am I going to do about this okay wait I do have a good idea what if I just go ahead and grab my mob killer and maybe this can like one shot kill it let me just walk up to him and come on and perfect I think I took him out what the

Heck my Mutant Zombie fell but it looks like he didn’t die wait what oh my gosh he just got back up not even the mob killer can take him out this is awesome you know wait ever maybe if I can’t take out the mutant zombie what if I just

Take out a few of these drill woman I’m sure if her arm is a lot smaller there’s going to be like no chance that zoie can win so let me start taking a bunch of these wait what the heck why are my drill women falling oh gosh guys wait

Zoe was right behind me hopefully she doesn’t get too suspicious of me I still have a lot left so I don’t think I need to spawn in anymore but I have to keep an eye out in case any of them fall oh wait okay she’s going to keep an eye out

So let me see she’s on that side of the Arena so what if I just do some damage on this very opposite come on this is perfect what the heck they’re falling on the opposite what the heck how is Zoe so observant how in the world did she even

Catch me now I need to spawn in more oh my gosh guys this is absolutely ridiculous you know I think Zoe is just going to keep spotting in more mobs so what if I just head back to my side and spot in even more of my drill men okay

Perfect we’re back over let me go ahead and take this un visibility cloak off and then I can just spawn it more and then we’ll be able to see who’s going to win this wome round okay zo well I think my arm is basically ready to go for this

First round are you totally ready to lose I’m totally ready to win well we’ll see about that I’m dropping down the walls and here we go the walls have officially dropped and Zoe why in the world you have a mutant zombie cuz he’s like super strong duh what the heck Zoe

You literally can’t use mobs that aren’t skiy Bobs he’s way too strong look at this he’s just destroying my drillman waa drillman I use the drill woman what a coincidence yeah that is such a coin oh my gosh your mut zombies is getting back up come on guys you can all jump

Her together and honestly my drill women are taking your drillman out uh yeah because they’re all getting beat up by this stupid mut zombie it’s like they don’t even have a chance look he’s just flying in the air and punching them all yeah but even if he wasn’t here I still

Think that I would win oh my gosh and what the heck he’s going to come again this is like the fourth time he’s gotten back up this is ridiculous he’s just super op maybe you should have spawned in one Zoe we’re not spawning in any more mutant mobs after this round this

Is totally cheating well how was I supposed to know it’s against the rules because this is a skimy multiversal mob battle not a normal mob battle in perfect we finally took him out you finally took him out but it looks like you only have two guys left and I have

So many drill women left oh no this is not looking good come on my last drill get do this and no he just got taken out oh yeah team Zoe for the win Zoe you only won because you spawn on that mutant zombie you better not do that in

The next round whatever Dax and if I do what are you going to do about it you know what it doesn’t even matter you can spawn it as many as you want cuz I’m still going to win what in the world guys I can’t believe Zoe actually spawned that mut zombie that was

Literally so cheap of her but whatever it doesn’t really make a difference I’m totally going to win this next round so let’s see what is she going to try and spotted now ooh there’s so many good things in my chest but I I think I’m

Going to use this one I’m going to spawn in the clock woman wait did she just spawn in the clock woman and wao she looks kind of lame I can’t even lie wait a sec why is her body so weird it looks like her arms are forward but her head

Is spinned around what in the world is happening this thing totally is messed up I guess all these multiversal mobs must have got it messed up when they came through the portal I guess I just need to spawn in a really large army so I still win okay she is spawning in a

Bunch of them but guys honestly I’m not concerned about this I think I can get the perfect counter and if you’re being honest I I think the drum man would have won last round but some spawn in that mutant zombie so what if I do the

Counter to the clock woman as the clock man and perfect now I have the spawning let me go ahead and put him down and whoa wait this guy looks super cool he is way bigger than those stupid clock women he looks way stronger too but uh

Yeah his arms are also messed up I don’t know what in the world happened to him that is a little bit strange but I guess I can go ahead build on Army just as big as Zoe just to make sure I can totally win this round and perfect I think I

Spotted enough guys for this round I’m totally going to beat Zoe’s Army in uh wait a second what in the world is that thing on Zoe’s side what the heck is this a portal where in the world did this portal even come from I don’t remember this coming from anywhere ooh

It’s like a hallway and there’s a chest at the end of it wait a second there’s a chest at the end of it what in the world is even in that chest oh my gosh there’s a God potion wait did Zoe just say there’s a God potion uh what in the

World even is a god potion this is exactly what I needed I know exactly what to do with this I’m going to Splash it all over my mobs and it’ll make them super powerful wait what what is this going to do and oh my goodness they just

Got so much bigger wait they’re even bigger than my clockman now heck yeah it’s my lucky day oh my gosh this is absolutely ridiculous but wait she says she found a god potion so what if I sneak over there and get the sa potion of course I’m going to need my super

Cool cloak of invisibility so let me just go ahead and throw this on and now I can just walk over there man it is so scary how big Zoe’s mobs got but look now that she can’t see me I can just sneak inside of this portal and let’s go

Ahead and see what’s inside the chest hopefully I can also get a god potion and wait what the heck there’s literally nothing inside the chest oh my gosh there must have only been one potion this totally sucks what in the world am I going to do now and oh wait a second

Why in the world does this door look a little bit different that’s a little bit strange it’s almost like it’s meant to be it’s almost like there’s meant to be something behind it let me just go ahead and click on it and whoa wait it was a

Hidden door okay let’s go ahead and see what’s inside of here and oh look there’s another chest and wait inside of this chest there’s a potion come on please be a god potion and wait just a side eyes changer what the heck am I going to do with this well I mean I

Guess I can just flash this on my clock man and maybe it h it a lot bigger okay let’s go ah head back to my side before Zoe catches on that I was in there okay perfect now that I’m back over here let’s go ahead and splash this on a

Bunch of our mobs and oh wait a second why are my guys shrinking what in the world is this oh my gosh that potion must have done the opposite of like a size changer making them big it made them super small how am I supposed to

Win now oh no guys this isn’t good come on I have to think of something that can help them out and wait my mom and champ book isn’t even that strong it only makes them fast which I really don’t need now that they’re all small Dax are

You ready to drop the walls time’s up oh wait uh Zoe I’m having a little bit of an issue with my mob can I have like uh 30 more seconds please no we’re dropping the walls now no so you’re not allowed to drop the walls what are you even

Talking about too bad dags I’m dropping them now and what in the world doing you actually dropped the walls down of course I did and wao your mobs are so small uh yeah I don’t really know what happened I was just messing with them and then they got super super short out

Of nowhere but it looks like they’re still powerful they’re t down my clock women wait how in the world are they even so powerful come on guys you’re doing great what the heck my God potion didn’t even work wait what did you say Zoe you had a god Potion No I said thank

God my mobs are still alive uh okay whatever Zoe it looks like you’re going to completely smacked in this round honestly I didn’t even expect to win this one yeah I didn’t expect you to win either considering your mobs are tiny yeah I know but my guys pulled it off

They’re just like super strong they were super strong but uh Dax where are you gosh what is guys I still have my cloak of invisibility on uh Zoe what are you talking about I can literally see you right now how can you see me and I can’t

See you quick guys let me go ahead and take it off see so I’m literally right behind you I’ve been standing behind you this whole time oh Dex I didn’t see you there maybe I need to get my eyes checked yeah maybe you do but the score

Is now 1 to one so best of luck in the next round and perfect guys we completely crossed Zoe in that round I honestly can’t believe we won but honestly I’m not going to complain about it either well anyways let’s go ahead and see what Zoe’s going to try and do

For this third round we need to keep the winning streak up for this round I think I’m going to do the alarm clockman wait the alarm clockman who in the world is that and wao this guy actually looks kind of cool wo this guy has like a suit

And everything he looks so fancy yeah honestly he does look a little bit fancy and wait he even has like a gold clock and that’s totally awesome and wo it looks like Zoe’s also spotting in a whole bunch of them guys okay since I’ve been getting really good counters before

I didn’t think of a really good counter for this round and we did have the drillman before but he was a little bit weak of him being honest so what if I find the armored version Oh in perfect I think this is a spawn egg right here let

Me go ahead and see what this guy looks like and wao he looks so cool wait his arms are a little bit broken too which is a little bit weird but hey he has a bunch of different armor on he’s like an armored chest plate a think for his

Shoulders and a thing for his hands so I’m guessing if I spawn in a bunch of these guys I should be able to take out Zoe’s army with no problems at all and you guys you know what I thought about taking Zoe’s God potion but considering her people got super super weak I

Probably shouldn’t use it but I do have another really good idea of how I can make my mobs really big I do have this one device called the personal shrinking device but it doesn’t only make things small it can also make them super big so

If I go ahead and click on it I can make anything as big as I want it and I think I want to make my mobs two times the height that they are now so let me go ahead and click on this guy and wao he

Got so much bigger but he is a bit small so what if I make this three times the height oh this is going to be so crazy it’s always going to be super surprised when you see how big my Army is I mean we all know since they are getting

Bigger they have to be so much stronger so let’s go ahead and make a bunch of them as big as we can and perfect I think I went and made a bunch of my guys as big as I wanted to but since there’s still a bunch of time left and my arm is

Already done what if I prank Zoe real quick using this one mod I can transform to anything and actually for this I think I want to transform her into a little cute wolf Zoe is going to be so confused where this wolf came from it’s going to be totally hilarious and

Perfect guys we made it over to Zoe’s side and wo her clockman actually look really really cool wow I’m having so much fun in this mob battle I have fun in every mob battle decks and I get to hang out I get to win a few times I just

Wish one of these times I could be the mob battle Champion well maybe if Zoe was actually better at mob battle she’d be the mob battle Champion but let me go ahead and surprise her as a wolf all they have to do is walk up right behind

Her in perfect I’ll just sit right here what the heck is this a little dog oh my gosh guys look she noticed me let me see if I can get a bone so I can tame him uh wait a second is she going to try and

Tame me oh no guys those don’t even work on me come here Mr doggy I need to tame you uh no I don’t want to be tamed by your bone please don’t mess with me Zoe why is he not taking the bone what the heck maybe he’s someone else’s dog oh

Wait a second she thinks I’m someone else’s dog I guess that’s pretty perfect or maybe it’s just a glitch and he already is tamed I’m just going to walk away and see if he follows me wait a second guys I have to act like I’m tamed

Let me go ahead and follow Zoe real quick yeah it kind of looks like he’s tamed he keeps following me now I need to run away where are you yeah he’s following me oh my gosh guys Zoe actually thinks she tamed me this is so

Funny I’m so happy that I finally have a pet okay perfect and now that Zoe thinks I’m her pet that means I can do a bunch of stuff and she won’t even get mad at me so the first thing I want to do is attack one of these clock light maybe

Just go bite him real quick Mr doggy no oh wait I’m so sorry Zoe I just took out her clock man oh my gosh my first pet and he’s just a troublemaker this is not good oh man guys this is totally Perfect Since I’m like a cute little dog she

Won’t even get mad at me don’t do that again Mr doggy Okay let me just knot my head yes what the heck did he just knot his head wait a second maybe I shouldn’t have do that let me just act normal again wow I have like the smartest dog

Ever oh wait she actually thinks I’m a smart dog what if I go ahead and attack this clockman again no Mr doggy stop oh wait a second guys she she yelled at me this is the perfect chance to R away I’m just going to act like I’m super sad I

Go into this portal oh my gosh Mr doggy went into The Nether um Mr doggy what are you doing by the edge guys this is perfect I’m just going to jump off no Mr doggy oh my gosh guys so is going to be so sad no I can’t believe my dog just

Fell into the lava oh my gosh guys that was so funny and Zoe is totally sad because she thinks she hurt her own dog okay since she’s all distraught now let me go ahead and see if she’s ready for this round to start okay Zoe well are

You ready for this next round at the M battle to start yeah I guess I’m ready uh Zoe why does it sound like you’re crying because I had my first pet Mr doggy and then he went into The Nether and then he jumped off a cliff into lava

What the heck Zoe you sound like a horrible owner I’m not a horrible owner he just ran away whatever you say zo I’m just going to drop the walls at this round and here we goes zo it looks like the round has started and wo who did you

Spawn in the alarm clock man duh wo the alarm clock Man actually looks kind of cool but my armor people are way bigger so there’s no way you can win this armor people wao he looks like an armor drill yep he’s the armor drill man he’s super

Super strong he looks super cool and he’s really huge uh yeah he’s really huge because I spawned him in Dax do you think he’s better just cuz you spawned him in uh of course he’s better cuz I spawned him in cuz I’m the best mob battle player ever yeah I seriously

Doubt that I’ve won the first round yeah you won the first round but I won the second round and I’m going to win the third round I don’t think you are it looks like I still have a lot more mobs than you well I guess we’ll see about

That come on guys keep fighting keep fighting and oh wait what is happening to my drill men oh my gosh am I actually going to win this round wait this is super close we both still have a lot of people left and anyone can pull this off

Come on I can’t lose to Zoe oh my gosh Dax you only have a few people left what do you mean I only have a few I still have like at least seven people left seven yeah right come on guys we can win this and oh no my armored drillman are

Going down oh no your armored drillman are going down and that means the alarm clock men are doing that come on guys come on take them out take them out come on and oh no I think that was my last person oh yeah that means team Zoe wins

Whatever Zoe you literally just got lucky let’s just move on to the next round what in the world guys I can’t believe I actually lost I thought my armored drillman were going to be super strong well I’m going to need to think of something really good for this round

So let me spot through the glass to see what Zoe’s going to do so there’s only one more mob I can spawn in and it’s going to be my best one the Titan drill man wait did she say the Titan drillman and waa this guy is huge this guy is

Awesome I love him although the yellow color not my favorite yeah honestly I agree with Zoe yellow is a super ugly color but what the heck he’s so ginormous this is perfect and I can build an army of them okay guys I need to think of something good but what

Should I use is she spawn in a Titan maybe I should also spawn in a Titan let’s see I should have the Titan clockman somewhere and oh look at that guys there’s the Titan clock B let’s go ahead and see what he looks like and oh

My goodness he’s huge this guy is way bigger than the tight drillman and he actually looks normal except he is yellow and yellow’s a super ugly color but whatever it doesn’t even matter right now guys let me go ahead and spawn in a bunch of these Titan clockman so I

Can totally destroy Zoe come on come on quick quick and wow my Army looks so strong the Titan clock clockman has to be the strongest character but who do you guys think is going to win this round you can either call it Titan clockman or you can call it Titan

Drillman okay and I think I spotted enough of my Titan clock B there’s no way I should be able to lose this round and uh wait why does Zoe have a house on her side perfect my house is complete and it has a purple rug I’m going to put

A purple bed down and it’s going to be perfect what in the world why did Zoe build a house in the middle of a mob this literally makes no sense at all but you know what this G give me the perfect chance to her so let me go ahead throw

My cloak of invisibility real quick now that I’m invisible all I have to do is sneak over this wall just like this and wao wait her drumman are a lot bigger now that I’m here in person but what the heck I can’t believe Zoe’s actually in

Our house and wait did she put that on couch perfect my chair is so comfy I could take an afternoon nap what in the world is wrong with her you know what since she built a house I think I’m going to do a little something funny for

Her what I’m going to do is grab this thing called a diamond ore mine basically it looks like a normal diamond ore but as soon as you break it it’ll totally blow up and now let me go ahead and place down some signs outside of her house that way she’ll actually find the

Trail I’ll say go left for diamonds and then I’ll go ahead and put down a few more signs saying this way I’ll say this way right here and then on top of these diamonds I’ll put down another side that says break diamonds perfect this is

Going to be so funny when she comes out of our house she’s totally going to fall for it that was a good little nap now I think I need to go outside wait why is she going outside now you know it doesn’t even matter I think she sees the

Sign go left for diamonds huh which way is left what the heck does Zoe not know which way is left oh my gosh let me go head and like place down some blocks so she does to go this way what the heck I guess I didn’t see these blocks earlier

Hey look another sign this way oh perfect and oh wait a second did whatever mob blow up the ore what the heck where did this fire come from now there’s a huge gaping hole on my side what the heck guys I have no idea where

This fire came from oh my gosh let me go ahead and get another ore that she can blow up let me just grab another diamond ore and I guess I’ll just place it down right there what the heck what is this what the heck does she not know what

Diamonds are well look this one has to have diamonds in it so I just got to break it then there’ll be Diamonds oh my gosh he’s going to break it and wo what the heck I just fell oh my gosh guys Zoe actually fell for the diamond break that

Was so funny there was an explosion this is totally not good oh my gosh guys this is so funny but I think I prank Zoe enough let me head back to my side real quick okay Zoe well I think I’m pretty much ready for this round and let me

Just tell you you’re totally going to get smacked yeah right Dax there’s no way I’m going to get smacked we’ll see about that I’m dropping down the wall and here we go the walls have officially dropped and wo you spoted a Titan drill man obviously cuz he’s super powerful uh

It doesn’t look like he’s that strong my Titan clockman is completely working him Titan clockman that guy’s super weak why would you even use him uh Zoe is he weak he’s totally smacking all your drillman around are you serious oh my gosh where did they all go H you only have one guy

Left and I Zoe why is there a big hole on your side because there was an explosion first someone enticed me with some diamonds and then when I tried to dig him out I exploded oh that is totally weird Zoe I’ve never had that happen to me before but you should have

Been focused on your army since they are losing after all consider yourself lucky that you haven’t been through that but yeah my arm is kind of dwindling come on take out the last few of them come on come on and perfect I think we won what

The heck I lost hot Zoe and that makes a score two to two so now we have to move on to the tiebreaker round and I’m going to win it and let’s go guys I completely destroyed Zoe in that round which means we only have one round left that I have

To win in order to be the mob battle Champion so let’s go ahead and see what is Zoe going to try and pull off for this round I think I’m just going to use all of my old mobs considering I saved all of their spawn eggs wait is she

Going to spawn in all her old mobs honestly that’s not too bad of an idea and there’s no way that Dax could ever think of something as clever as this because I’m an ultra genius wait dides she really think I can’t come up with anything as simple as this literally Zoe

I’m just going to copy you wait what was that really annoying noise I just heard wait what the heck did Zoe hear me through the glass eh whatever must be something on dax’s side oh gosh guys that was a little a little bit close but since she is spawning all of her old

People let me go ahead and do the same thing and of course I’m going to spawn in a bunch of the Titan clockman since that was like the strongest mob I had let me just make a whole row out of these guys this is totally going to be

The craziest around the whole mob battle who do you guys think is going to end up winning this you can either comment team Dax or you can comment team Zoe okay Zoe well my Army is basically ready to go for this next round are you totally

Ready to lose I’m ready to win and be the mob battle Champion well we’ll see about that I’m dropping down the wall and here we go the final run has started and wo you spotted all of your old mobs yeah super powerful right yeah I mean

They are strong but zo way I literally did the same thing I think you copied my idea what you did the same thing how could you ever come up with something like that uh because I’m like a super ultra Mega genius how did you even come up with something like that because I’m

A super ultra Mega genius duh well obviously not cuz your arm is totally getting smacked around Zoe I don’t even think you said a chance this round seriously my Army went down that quickly yeah a bunch of are getting taken out it looks like you only have like a Drome on

The back over here and you’re last person got taken out over there and man Zoe I don’t even think you have anyone left what the heck it’s cuz you have so many Titan clock men yeah they are super op but either way that means I win the

Entire mob battle since that was my third win whatever Dax congratulations well anyway Zoe are you excited for the skiy mob battle I am so excited I definitely feel like I’m going to win this time there’s no shot you’re going to win zo but you’re going to have

5 minutes to spawn in your mob so best of luck good luck Dax well anyways guys now we’re on to the very first round of our mob battle it’s what Zoe doesn’t know I set up this huge one-way glass wall so I can see exactly when she’s

Going to spawn in so let’s go ahead and see what is Zoe going to try and do for this first round for this first round I think I’m going to spawn in something super crazy like the astronaut toilet and well wait a second did Zoe Spa in

The astronaut toilet this guy looks so cool wo this guy has like a laser and this spinny thing and this cool hat he looks super powerful oh man guys this is not good this mob looks super super powerful so I’m going have to think of a

Really good counter to this so let’s go ahead and see what skimy character should I use oh and wait a second I have the best idea ever what if I used the TV woman she’s like super super strong and I’m pretty sure she can take out these

Astronaut toilets let me go ahead and put the TV one down right here and oh my gosh she actually looks super super cool okay well now that I have the TV woman spawned in I guess I can go ahead and build a giant army of these I’m going to

Spawn in so many of these astronaut toilets that there’s no way that Dax can win wait a second is Zoe spawning in a bunch of these astronaut toilets too oh no this is going to be one crazy round and wait a second even though this is a

Skibby mob battle I actually have a super super good idea of one more thing I could spawn in what if I put down a bunch of mutant zombies these guys are like normal zombies but like a million times stronger let me just show you what

These guys look like and oh my gosh this mutant Zombie is huge and if you didn’t know these guys do not die the first time they go down so even if I hit him with this Ultra strong mob killer it’ll basically just get back like nothing happened this guy is like insanely

Insanely strong okay let me go ahead and spotted just like a few of these guys I got think four is enough to take out Zoe’s Army over there but I think I’m also going to spawn in some more TV one as well oh and wait a second I forgot I

Actually have one more thing to help me out this round if I come over to the back of my Arena and I start clicking there should be a hidden trap door somewhere come on and wao look at that it might look like a normal grass block

But as soon as you click on it it’ll start to open up and right below this is where I have a super super cool chest with an invisibility cloak inside now as soon as I put this thing on it’ll turn me completely invisible look watch this right here and boom now I’m completely

Invisible and all I have to do to get rid of the inv ability is just come inside of here and just take it off and perfect I’m Not Invisible anymore and I think I’m going to be using this to actually prank Zoe so let me go ahead

And throw it on real quick and now I can just sneak over to her side and wao guys I actually made it over to Zoe’s side but man she has a bunch of astronaut toilets this is going to be one crazy round wow these astronaut toilets are

Super crazy but I know that my Army is going to be super powerful yeah she isn’t like got all her Army is going to be super powerful so what if I go ahead and actually scare her real quick I think what I’m going to do is grab

Myself a nice little juke box and basically I’m going to play a super super scary disc inside let’s just go ahead and grab this one this is the broken one or like the herob Bri disc I don’t really know but it sounds super super creepy so let me go ahead and

Place this jukebox right down in the middle of Arena basically right in front of her wait what the heck is this is this a juke box oh my gosh it looks like zo we found it okay quick let me go ahead and put this disc inside and now

She should be able to hear it now playing what the heeg why did it start all on its own this is so creepy wow this is kind of giving me the heie GB I don’t like the sound of this oh my God this is such a creepy disc it’s like

Herobrine like walking around or something I don’t really know but this is one of the creepiest disc you can have in Minecraft I can’t take this anymore oh no wait a second did she just break the disc what in the world is wrong with her wow The Sound of Silence

Has never been so peaceful okay guys since she actually just broke the disc maybe I could do something else like use a super cool mob killer and just take out a few of her mobs and since I have this invisibility cloak on she won’t even be able to tell who’s taking out

Her mobs wait what the heck did I just see one of my mobs oh my gosh guys she’s actually seeing her mobs drop and she’s not able to tell who’s doing it what the heck there’s two more that fell right there three four what the heck is going on oh my goodness

This is literally so funny so it look so confused right now I don’t know what’s going on but I don’t like this oh my gosh guys this is way too funny but quick let me go ahead and get back to my side before the walls actually drop and

Now all I have to do is go into my inventory and take off this nice invisibility cloak and perfect now I’m back to normal okay guys and before the wall drop for this round who do you think is going to win you can either comment team TV woman or you can comment

Team UFO okay Zoe well my Army is basically ready to go for this first run are you totally ready to lose I’m ready to win Dax well we’ll see about that I’m dropping down the walls and here we go the walls have officially dropped wao what the heck is that a mutant zombie

Yes it is immune zombie and I also spawned in a bunch of TV woman there’s no way you’re going to win this round how the heck did you even get to spawn him in and the TV woman yikes she is so powerful uh because I’m like an ultra

Genius Zoe I knew that the zombie would be like the perfect counter everyone knows that the TV one is one of the strongest characters so your UFO toilets stand no chance yeah she is super strong but my UFO toilets are pretty strong too yeah it doesn’t really look like it look

I have this one t over here this is beating up all of your UFO they can’t even take her out themselves this is so not good for me come on there’s only a few of them left come on keep taking them out TV one even my whole Army isn’t

Even fighting and we’re literally still winning whatever Dax I still have some you have foes left uh yeah you have those few over there and now it looks like you only have like a couple on this side and wait I think this last guy over here come on mutant zombie take him out

Take him out oh no not the mutant zombie and wao he just like smacked them from the air and took him out which means I win this round that was crazy but don’t get too cocky because the next round I’m going to win well we’ll see about that

Zoe let’s move on to round two and perfect guys we completely destroyed Zoe in that first round that was way too easy I’m like the ultimate Bob battle genius but anyways we have to win the second round two so let’s go ahead and see what Zoe’s going to do and wait a

Second what in the world is that thing I have no no idea when I’m going to spawn in this round I have actually no idea is coming to my what the heck is this and wait a second did I actually find it and what she just went inside this is like a

Portal and what the heck there’s a chest wait there’s a chest in there I wonder what’s inside of that chest wao it’s a god potion this is so cool wait did she just say she found a god potion I wonder what that’s going to do perfect I can

Use this on my mob and then they’re going to get super strong and uh wait a second is the way like building out a fence over here perfect I just made the enclosure now I just need to spawn in the buzz toilet and I’m going to slap on

Some of that God potion wait what is this going to do and wait a second what in the world of this way what the heck this guy is so creepy but so awesome I have a spaic now I can build an entire Army what in the world is this supposed

To be the god version of the busz to this guy looks insane there’s no way I can take him out okay come on I really have to think of something and wait a second zo we found a god potion over in that portal so what if I just head over

There let me just go ahead and grab my nice little cloak of invisibility and now what I put it on I’ll be completely invisible and I can just walk over there and see what she’s doing and perfect guys I made it over and wo Zoe’s moms look even creepier in person I don’t

Like this at all wow these guys are awesome okay guys well she has a little portal over here and let me check this out and what the heck wait there’s nothing behind the portal but whenever I look over here there’s a bunch of planks okay let’s go inside the headed door and

Whoo wait there’s a chest in here let me just open up this chest and wao wait there’s another potion please be a god potion and oh wait a second this one says an upgrade potion what in the world I wanted a god potion not an upgrade potion whatever well let me just close

This up so Zoe can’t and find it and I guess I can figure out something to do with this okay now I can head back to my side and oh wait a second why are some of Zoe’s mobs so tall perfect I use the size changer to make my mob super big

What in the world she use a size changer and a god potion this is totally not fair okay guys quick let me get back to my side so I can do something with my Army and perfect I made it back but oh gosh wait I don’t even have an army to

Work with what should I even try to do okay wait I actually have a really good idea what if I spawn in the speaker man first let me go ahead and build out a fence just like zo agent so I can actually put the mob inside of there now

I can just spawn in the speaker man and wow this guy looks super super lame but hopefully after using this super cool upgrade ction he’ll become super big let’s go ahead and see what this guy ends up making and oh my goodness this guy got super big what in the world he

Actually upgraded be a huge size speaker man you know what I was thinking about spotting in a bunch of these guys but since he is the tied speaker be there’s like no way he can lose but just to help him out why do I actually build some

Traps on my side and I think in order to build out some traps I’m going to use something called a ghost block basically these look like any block that you place them at but as soon as you step on them you’ll just fall straight through and I

Actually wouldn’t be able to see where I put all this stuff so let me throw in this thing called super cool true vision glasses and look at that now I can see where all my ghost blocks are let me go ahead and place these all the way across

Our front line that whenever Zoe mobs trying to run at me they’re just going to fall straight through okay let me just add in a few more over here and perfect I think this is the first good trap for my side but I kind of want to

Add in something else so let’s see what’s something cool we could add in oh wait I have a super good idea what if I lose some lasers okay the first thing I need to do is place out a whole Redstone Contraption right here and perfect now

That I have that I can put down these super cool lasers and I even made them look great just because I think they look the best and wow this looks super super cool I have this huge laser wall there’s no way that anyone can get through okay guys and before the walls

Drop for this round who do you think is going to win you can either comment team titan or you comment team buzz but we all know that there’s no way I can lose I mean look how big my goty look how weak her people look well so I think my

Arm is basically ready to go for this round and let me just tell you you’re totally going to lose yeah I seriously doubt that well we’ll see about that I’m dropping down the walls and here we go the walls have officially dropped wao Dax did you build defenses yep I built

These super cool lasers and wait you guys are just walking through them what in the world yeah cuz they’re super powerful oh gosh wait some of them are super strong let me break my tide man out so we can totally jumped them and wait none of them are even falling in

The fake holes this is awesome wait what do you mean fake holes uh no Zoe there’s nothing to worry about yeah okay whatever you say oh no this isn’t good my gu is getting completely jumped over here come on TI speaker man this is awesome and I still have my whole Army

Left oh gosh Come on come on maybe I should have spawned more people probably should have wait Dax look at me uh yeah what’s up Zoe what are you wearing on your face uh these are nothing these are just like my uh vision glasses cuz I’m blind you’re not blind you have perfect

Vision uh no Zoe I have really bad Vision what are you talking about give me them uh wait you want them why do you want them they’re my glasses because I want to try them on fine okay I guess you can go ahead and try them on but

Just be careful with them okay and uh yeah Zoe how does it look with all that Vision what are all these things I can see oh uh these are basically nothing this is just normal grass blocks it just looks a little bit weird and wait zo

How’ you just go through the floor what the heck I just fell to the void what how in the world did you fall through the floor that’s totally weird and I definitely had nothing to do with that yeah I wonder how I fell through the

Floor Dax what I had nothing to do with this I don’t even know what you’re talking about Dax this is a ghost block they don’t just appear oh my gosh well I had nothing to do with that I literally just told you that that wasn’t my fault

I’m pretty sure it is your fault well either way my guy’s totally still going to win come on Titan speaker man and wait what he just got taken out yeah what were you saying about who’s winning oh my gosh your people are just too strong whatever Zoe give me back my

Glasses okay you can take your stupid glasses back well either way I’m totally still going to destroy you in this next round so don’t get too confident okay Dax let’s get this thing started oh man guys I can’t believe I actually lost that last round zo I spoted way too many

People even though I thought my tit speaker Mak could still take them out whatever I need to win this next round so let me go ahead and spy through the glasses see what Zoe’s going to try and pull off this round I’m going to spawn

In the Gman wait did Zoe just say she’s going to spawn in the Gman and wa this guy looks so cool this guy is awesome and he’s super big I need to spawn in like 20 of them wait is Zoe going to spawn in 20 gmen oh no this isn’t good

He’s already powerful enough why do she need more whatever okay I need to figure out something for this round and actually let me go ahead and get rid of all this stuff on the ground since obviously it didn’t work last round okay okay perfect now that all of that is

Away let’s see what can I try doing for this round oh wait a second I have a really good idea what have I spawn in the upgraded TV man and wa this guy actually looks pretty cool but wait a second didn’t Zoe have like a god potion

Last round maybe I can steal from her and use it on my guy all I have to do is type in this Command right here and waa guys look at that and wait a second is that the god potion okay let me go ahead and take this and perfect now I have it

Wait what the heck what happened to my God potion wait a second guys I forgot to make a copy and I literally just stole it from Zoe’s inventory oh no hopefully she doesn’t get mad this must be a glitch oh thank goodness okay Zoe thinks it was a glitch so I think I’m

All good to go but let me go ahead and splash this on my TV man and see what it ends up doing and oh my goodness it actually made the upgraded version of the upgraded TV man this is so cool okay last round I made the mistake of not

Spawning a bunch of them in and I’m definitely not going to do that this round so let me go ahead and grab this guy spawning and then I can start building up a giant army of them imp perfect these guys look super super good

But what can I do to help them out this round oh wait a second I have a great idea okay first thing I need to do is change out the floor right here we’re going to be making this all made out of dirt and basically you guys will see why

But mostly I’m going to making a giant pool okay and perfect now that all of that is built out actually let me go ahead and add a fence to make sure none of my bombs fall in there okay now that the fence is built in what I’m going to

Do is add it something called fake water and if you guys didn’t know fake water actually hurt you let me give you a quick example so if I grab this pig spawning and I put it inside he’ll instantly start digging damage look at that and now I need to fill this whole

Area with a bunch of fake water that way if a Zoe bobbs cover they’ll just fall into it and perfect just like that the entire floor is made out of fake water this is going to be perfect but I do want to add in one more thing real quick

Just in case my mobs do start to take damage maybe I should have like a little healing area so the first thing I’m going to do is use this super cool mob enchantment book that has Health boost five on it and if I click on any of

These guys their health mov is going to be super super crazy so let me start walking around and clicking a bunch of my Bobs just to make sure they’re as strong as possible for this round I’m pretty sure right now the score is just 1 to one so we’re pretty even but I

Definitely want to win this so I can be the mob battle champion it after okay perfect now that a bunch of them are selected with this health boost I want to build the next thing like I said it’s going to be a health station so what I’m

Going to do is get a bunch of dispensers and basically place them all facing up like this now inside of each one of these dispensers I’m going to place down a splash potion of healing along with a pressure plate on top that way once they step on it they’ll instantly get healed

And perfect now this whole road is basically filled and whenever the walls drop I’ll get rid of all of these fences that way everyone can actually fight and who do you think is going to win this round you can either comment team Dax or you can comment team Zoe but guys we

Know I’m definitely going to win this round especially with these super super cool advantages I built out okay zo well I think I’m basically ready to go for this next round are you ready to lose I’m ready to win Dax why do you always say I’m going to lose uh because I’m

Like the best mob batt ever but we’ll see what’s the walls drop and here we go the round has officially started wa what the heck my mobs fell into some water but it looks like it’s killing them what is this and now there’s potions flying around what’s going on yep these are

Healing potions basically anytime my mobs take damage they’re going to get healed by my healing potions instantly wow that is super super cool I wonder if I can snag some healing potions for my mobs uh no you can’t Zoe actually I also put some super cool water down yeah it

Doesn’t look super cool it looks like it’s killing both of our mobs yep it is actually fake water there anything that steps on it instantly takes damage yikes this is not good guys stay back come on TI T we have to keep winning this and oh

No a bunch of them just got taken out at once this is not good this looks like a pretty even fight though I think we have basically the same amount of people left yeah so they’re not really fighting though well I guess in order to fix that

All we have to do is TP them all in the middle and here we go now they’re all fighting and wao wait I think we took out all of your gmen what the heck how did they die so quickly oh man that was way too easy so a nice try don’t worry

Dax the score is only 2 to one that means I still have two more opportunities to win well you do but if I win this next round you’re going to lose the whole mob battle but I won’t well we’ll see about that let’s move on to round number four and perfect guys we

Completely destroyed Zoe in the fourth round which means I only need one more round left in order to win the whole mod battle so let’s go ahead and use our super secret oneway glass wall to see what Zoe’s going to try and pull off for this round I need to make the biggest

Army I’ve ever made in my entire life so I’m going to be using the parasite toilet wait did she say she’s going to build the biggest army in her entire life and wao wait she’s using the parasite toilet and I need to spawn in like 150 of them wait did she say she’s

Going to spawn in 150 oh no guys that’s a lot of mobs okay well don’t need a pinic I can definitely think of something that can counter that the first thing I want to do is actually cover up some of this floor since I do have another idea for it okay perfect

Now that that’s done I think I want to spawn in a combination for this round I’m going to be spawning in the speaker woman and the speaker man since they’re both basically a Duo there’s like no way they can lose together but man these guys look super super cool okay first

I’m going to start by pting in a bunch of the speaker man all over our Arena and then of course next I’m going to spawn in the speaker woman this is going to be one super crazy round but now it’s time to add in some defenses I think the

First thing I’m going to do is set all of this ground over here to be slime blocks that way there is Zoe parasite to try to run at it there going to get super slow okay it perfect that looks really good now my next tactic to distract them is by placing some

Fireworks inside of these dispensers all I have to do is grab these firework rockets and I can just place a bunch of them inside of Here and Now using one super easy command they should all be filled up in perfect now as soon as anyone step on them fireworks are going

To shoot up and totally distract everyone yeah perfect now basically everything is filled up and I think all my defenses look pretty good but wao Zoe has a bunch of people this is going to be a crazy round for sure who do you guys think is going to win you can

Either comment team Paris or you a common team speaker okay Zoe well I think my Army is basically ready to go for this fourth round are you ready to lose the mob battle once and for all Dax I’m winning this round and then I’m going to win the next round well we’ll

See about that I’m dropping down the wall and Here We Go ZO the round has officially started ooh what is this goo these are slime blocks and basically I want to slow down all your moms whenever they try to fight mine well that’s pretty cool but what’s coming out of the

Dispensers these are fireworks and basically I’m trying to make a smoke stream that way your mobs really struggle trying to fight wow what’s with you and putting up defenses ah because I’m like a super ultra genius and I want to add it into the mob battle but it

Looks like your mobs are still dying what in the world wait no my guys can still win this keep fighting guys you guys are supposed to be like the strongest and you didn’t even spawn in that many I mean it’s like you’ve never done a mob battle before what the heck I

Spawned in so many Zoe you just spawned in like 200 that’s not even fair actually I spawned in 150 150 that’s still more than me come on speaker man and speaker woman we have to win this and oh no I’m seeing a bunch of them start to draw whoop whoop I don’t see

Any par sight toilet’s dropping come on come on keep fighting guys we have to win this oh no maybe I have to help them out a little bit what do you mean help them out let me go ahead and throw down this side of my firework come on what

The heck I think you just took out your own mobs no they’re all still surviving oh gosh wait a second I did take out a bunch of them what the heck that thing is so destructive well if you’re going to help your mobs I’m going to help mine

No Zoe you can help them I’m the one losing well I need to win this round and what the heck you’re using a mob killer that’s totally cheating oh looks like you lost oh my gosh whatever I thought thought I had that round in the B but I

Guess you did spot in too many parasite toilets which makes the score 2 to2 now it’s time for the tiebreaker oh no guys I can’t believe I actually lost that last round Zoe’s Army was just way too strong and she had way too many parasites but since this is the final

Round I really need to think of something good so let me see what Zoe’s going to do so I can make the perfect counter it was super weird on the last mob battle I actually found this upgrade potion on Dax aside so I think I’m going

To use it wait a second did Zoe just say she found an upgrade potion wait I should still have mine wait where did upgrade potion go did zo just steal it so now I can spawn in the Gman splash some of the upgrade potion and make the

Ultimate Gman oh gosh what is this going to do and oh my goodness the Gman just got huge wao the Gman is huge I mean he was already pretty big but now he’s even bigger oh gosh guys this is horrible what in the world am I going to do to

Counter this and every Gman needs his minions so I’m going to spawn in a whole bunch of scientist toilets wait is she spotting in the scientist toilets too to back this guy up oh no guys this run is not looking good for me but wait a second I actually have a really good

Idea for something that I could create the first thing I to do is make a combining machine and all I have to do to make that is type out this Command right here and perfect guys look at that we actually have our combining machine basically all I have to do for this is

Put some mobs on one side put some on the other side and then flick this button it’ll combine them to be one mob so I think for this one what I’m going to do is combine all of my tis together first we’ll do the Titan speaker man and

Wo he looks super cool next I’m going to go ahead and put the cameraman and the tvan on one ins side and then finally we can just hit this button to see what they combin to be come on please super we cool wa wait a second did it even do

Anything and wao it made the tri Titan that must be the combination of all three Titans put together this is going to be perfect okay let me go ahead and grab this guy’s spawning and then I can start to build a giant army of them this is definitely going to be the craziest

Round in the mob battle so far so who do you guys think is going to win you can either comment team Dax or you can comment team Zoe but we all know I’m going to completely Crush Zoe okay Zoe well I think I’m pretty much ready to go

For this fin fin R and let me just tell you you’re totally going down I don’t think so Dax I’m going to be the mob battle Champion well we’ll see about that I’m dropping down the walls and here we go the round has officially started and wo we already took out your

Gman what the heck you took him out that easily this is not good yep I spot in the tri Titan who’s basically a combination of all three Titans there’s no way you can win you had time to make a combining machine this is so crazy yep

I had time to make a combining machine and man it totally looks like it’s paying off you’re getting crushed right now no my scientists don’t know what to do cuz they lost the Gman come on keep taking them out keep taking them out this is so easy come on scientist

Toilets you got this there’s only a few of them left zo I think there’s no way that you got this there only like three of them in this corner right here oh no come on guys band together and take down the tri Titans and here we go come on

Tri Titans jump these final people and win and you only have one scientist left come on come on come on take a out and perfect it looks like I won dang it well zo that was a super close mob battle so maybe you can win the next one that was

A super crazy video if you want to watch another one click the video on screen bye guys

This video, titled ‘I CHEATED in a SKIBIDI MOB BATTLE! (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Daxx’s World on 2024-01-05 16:51:23. It has garnered 1057 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 03:25:51 or 12351 seconds.


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  • Netherbound: My Own Steed! | Minecraft Ch. 6

    Netherbound: My Own Steed! | Minecraft Ch. 6 Exploring the Nether and Taming a Steed in Minecraft Chapter 6 On the latest Minecraft stream by TheLeemThatStreams, viewers were treated to an exciting adventure in the Nether and the unexpected joy of taming a steed. Let’s dive into the highlights of this thrilling chapter! Into the Nether The stream began with Theo bravely venturing into the Nether, a dangerous dimension filled with lava, hostile mobs, and treacherous terrain. Armed with determination and a trusty pickaxe, Theo navigated through the fiery landscape, uncovering hidden treasures and battling formidable foes along the way. Key Point: The Nether is a challenging… Read More


    STONE FARMING CHAOS | MINECRAFT SKYBLOCK Minecraft Skyblock: Building a Stone Farm Join Devil369 Gaming on their Minecraft Skyblock adventure as they tackle the challenge of creating a stone farm in the virtual world. In this gameplay video, viewers are taken through the process of setting up and optimizing a stone farm to gather resources efficiently. Starting the Gameplay The video kicks off with an introduction to the task at hand. Devil369 Gaming dives into the world of Minecraft Skyblock, a popular game mode that tests players’ creativity and survival skills. With limited resources and a floating island to work with, the challenge is set… Read More

  • Potion Commotion: Crafting an Infested Notion!

    Potion Commotion: Crafting an Infested Notion! In Minecraft’s world, a new potion is found, Infested with bugs, it’s sure to astound. Mix it up in a still, with a rock so rare, Watch as the effects, fill the air. PopcornRazer’s got the scoop, in rhyme and in jest, Bringing you updates, with a fun-filled zest. Subscribe to the channel, for more Minecraft delight, Join the community, in this gaming flight. Twitch and Twitter, Instagram too, Follow along, for the latest brew. Shorts and TikTok, for quick, fun clips, Don’t miss a beat, on those Minecraft trips. Support the channel, with a like and a share,… Read More

  • Defeating Ender Dragon in Minecraft Mods

    Defeating Ender Dragon in Minecraft Mods The Epic Battle: Defeating the Ender Dragon in Minecraft Mods Survival As the sun rose over the pixelated landscape, a group of brave Minecraft players geared up for the ultimate challenge – defeating the Ender Dragon. Led by the skilled player known as Wus, they embarked on a thrilling adventure filled with danger and excitement. The Journey Begins Armed with powerful weapons and enchanted armor, the team delved deep into the End, a mysterious dimension filled with perilous creatures and treacherous terrain. They navigated through the End cities, facing off against Endermen and shulkers along the way. Music to… Read More

  • Falling for Blocks: Minecraft Melody (S2 E1)

    Falling for Blocks: Minecraft Melody (S2 E1) In the world of Minecraft, where blocks collide, Our heroes embark on a thrilling ride. Casual and Catalina, lost and apart, Searching for elements with all their heart. In the Aether they roam, a dimension unknown, Seeking the four elements, their quest has grown. With Ariane by their side, they’ll face any test, To reunite and find peace, they’ll give their best. But obstacles loom, challenges arise, Will they succeed, or meet their demise? Stay tuned for the next episode, the story unfolds, In the world of Minecraft, where adventure molds. Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT HACKS EXPOSED Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks: A Creative Adventure 🏡✨ Embark on a journey through the world of Minecraft as we delve into some of the most viral and intriguing build hacks that promise to revolutionize your construction experience. From time-saving shortcuts to innovative techniques, we will test and evaluate the effectiveness of each hack, providing you with creative inspiration and practical tips along the way. Unveiling the Secrets of Minecraft Build Hacks 🛠️🔍 Join us as we uncover the hidden gems of Minecraft build hacks that truly work wonders. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a novice builder, these hacks… Read More

  • Unbelievable find: JJ and Mikey discover hidden treasures in village! – Minecraft

    Unbelievable find: JJ and Mikey discover hidden treasures in village! - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ Found TREASURES Under VILLAGE ? – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-06-21 17:00:27. It has garnered 10554 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:21 or 3981 seconds. How Mikey and JJ Found TREASURES Under VILLAGE ? – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We… Read More

  • Dungeon Time in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 – Insane Treasure Hunt

    Dungeon Time in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 - Insane Treasure HuntVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cool Looking Dungeon Time! | Minecraft Bedrock Guide 1.21’, was uploaded by Prowl8413 on 2024-07-26 02:31:55. It has garnered 3832 views and 248 likes. The duration of the video is 03:59:01 or 14341 seconds. Become a YouTube Member and join my community server! Our servers are sponsored by Sparked Host and are always very active, with events every month. Minecraft Bedrock Guide 1.21 is a Guide based Lets Play series. In this world I progress through the game, and will guide you on everything from the basics of gameplay, up through more difficult to understand… Read More

  • Unlock the Secrets to Trymacs’ Success NOW

    Unlock the Secrets to Trymacs' Success NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘HILFE FÜR TRYMACS ist DA! | Minecraft Elements 2 Deutsch Folge 33’, was uploaded by Varietytime on 2024-08-24 16:00:14. It has garnered 416 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:56 or 7196 seconds. Welcome to the Minecraft project Elements 2 in German. Help for Trymacs is here! Have fun with the video! Participant: ✘ The best streaming products: ✘ The best gaming boosters at LevlUp: ✘ Cheap servers: 👾: 📸: 🕊️: 🎬(Main): Discord: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★ Music ★ Here you can always find… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Tap Trick Goes Viral!

    Insane Minecraft Tap Trick Goes Viral!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft decorative tap#shortvideo#subscribe#like#minecraft#trending#song’, was uploaded by THARA GAMING on 2024-04-17 05:31:48. It has garnered 156 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Monarchia

    MonarchiaWelcome to Monarchia, a Towny Minecraft server with a closed gold economy and tons of awesome features! Whether you’re into epic land and sea battles with Siege and Movecraft, intense duels with cool kits, or riding into combat on your trusty horse, we’ve got you covered. You can also explore the world with BlueMap, brew some virtual drinks with our alcohol plugin, and dive into so much more. There’s always something exciting happening on Monarchia—come join the adventure! Read More

  • LeafXP-TerraFirmaGreg modded SMP

    Welcome to our Discord community! We are a small community running several game servers. Recently, we opened a TFG modpack server and are looking for active players! TerraFirmaGreg is a Forge modpack that adds realism and challenge to Minecraft gameplay by including TerraFirmaCraft and GregTech mods. Learn more about the modpack here. The server is online 24/7 and includes a mod for region protection (1 player can private 50 chunks). Join us at Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafty Crafting: 5 Sizzling Minecraft Hacks

    Minecraft Memes - Crafty Crafting: 5 Sizzling Minecraft HacksWhy did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Flight Fiasco: Dreamcraft #4 Takes Off, Chaos Unleashed!

    Flight Fiasco: Dreamcraft #4 Takes Off, Chaos Unleashed! In Dreamcraft #4, we finally take flight, But the topic’s gone wild, it’s out of sight! Minecraft news, with a twist of fun, Updates and changes, we’ve only just begun. Join the adventure, with Mustafa in tow, Crafting and building, with each new show. Stay tuned for more, as we soar and we dive, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams come alive. Read More

  • Minecraft World gets blown up by TNT! 🔥

    Minecraft World gets blown up by TNT! 🔥 When you accidentally set off the wrong TNT in Minecraft and suddenly your world looks like a fireworks show gone wrong. #oops #minecraftfail 🎆🔥 Read More

  • Minecraft: Back to Basics

    Minecraft: Back to Basics Exploring the Vanilla Minecraft Experience Today, Minecraft enthusiasts are embarking on a journey back to the roots of the game – the vanilla experience in a fresh, untouched world. The decision to start anew stems from the frustration and longing for the simplicity of the game without the added complexities of mods like Vein Miner. Embracing the Pure Essence of Minecraft Returning to the vanilla version of Minecraft allows players to rediscover the core elements that make the game so captivating. Without the crutch of mods, every block mined, every structure built, and every adventure embarked upon feels more… Read More

  • Unbelievable NEW Monuments in Modded Minecraft!!

    Unbelievable NEW Monuments in Modded Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft JAVA [Fabric Edition] – New Monuments – Episode 2’, was uploaded by MoltenmapG on 2024-09-23 06:27:09. It has garnered 142 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:02 or 5642 seconds. JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER: Read More

  • Minecraft’s Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks Edition

    Minecraft's Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks EditionVideo Information This video, titled ’35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better!’, was uploaded by Dr. Bonks on 2024-08-16 20:00:07. It has garnered 212932 views and 3122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:45 or 1365 seconds. Thank you for watching: 35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better! Make sure to like and subscribe! Resource Packs:… Read More

  • Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu Survival

    Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Over Smart Zombies: Survival Challenge in Minecraft Telugu | GMK GAMER’, was uploaded by GMK GAMER on 2024-05-11 03:30:07. It has garnered 18448 views and 1213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:13 or 973 seconds. ✔ Follow Me On Insta : ✔Join My discord : gmkgamer minecraft gmkgamer minecraft telugu Telugu Minecraft _______________________________________________________ My PC Specs : Monitor – Asus 27 inch 144hz 2k Processor – AMD Ryzen 7 5800x Graphic card – NVIDIA RTX 3080Ti Motherboard – Gigabyte B550 Aorus Pro Ac RAM – 32GB (16+16) Corsair Vengeance… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in Minecraft

    Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy)’, was uploaded by Quick Fix on 2024-03-15 13:00:33. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy) In this video I will show you how to make a working nuke in minecraft also how to make a nuke in minecraft pocket edition. Watch video till the end and learn how to make a nuke in minecraft no mods and how to make a nuke in minecraft. Create a Sensor Nuke… Read More

  • Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won’t believe it! #minecraft

    Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won't believe it! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, de van fizika #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #vicces #kovix’, was uploaded by kovix on 2024-07-22 11:43:07. It has garnered 106890 views and 4197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft but with physics #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #funny #kovix inspiration: The server was provided by Woodcraft 💙 this is a minecraft smp, which is an abbreviation of survival multiplayer, this is a server where there is no bedwars minecraft game in Hungarian, I am Hun Hungarian, so this is mc in Hungarian, mc Hun, Hungarian server woodcraft is… Read More

  • Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮

    Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXELMON SIÊU CẤP *TẬP CUỐI | LỘC CHINH PHỤC ARCEUS TỐI THƯỢNG VÀ CHIA TAY TẤT CẢ POKEMON❗’, was uploaded by Lộc Zutaki on 2024-08-19 02:00:13. It has garnered 447526 views and 10839 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:50 or 3230 seconds. ✔️MINECRAFT PIXELMON SUPERIOR *FINAL EPISODE | LOC CONQUERS THE SUPREME ARCEUS AND SAY GOODBYE TO ALL POKEMON❗ 📺Hello everyone, I’m Loc and I’m just a new Youtuber so I hope you can guide me and help me enthusiastically. 💒If you like the video, don’t hesitate to click the like button… Read More

  • Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!

    Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAYING GOD OF WAR FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! (and minecraft later) *LIVE*’, was uploaded by Josh Bad on 2024-05-23 08:15:58. It has garnered 95 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:08:34 or 18514 seconds. Read More

  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

    Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft - FULL MOVIEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 2.5 Days In Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-09-01 21:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Okay bro. It’s time to be serious na. Im back now- Like im really back i have said it before but i mean it now. Yall ready for this grind … Read More

  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

    Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #shorts #furiousfortune’, was uploaded by Furious Fortune on 2024-05-31 13:37:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #furiousfortune #shorts #battle *Disclaimer:* The … Read More

  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

    Join a Relaxed Long Term Community! About Us: The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by Antimony_Sb and a creative director. The server offers a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature environment without a planned end. What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla? We offer unique features such as Dynmap, Bolt, mcMMO, GSit, FlareDeathMessages, Pets, Cosmetics, Decorations, and more. We are an international community with English as the primary language. We have a summer event starting soon and are developing a second server named “Flare Adventures” inspired by MMORPG games. Feel free to drop by… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIE

    Minecraft Memes - MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIELooks like someone needs to pass Minecraft spelling class before they start making movies. Read More

  • Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mischief

    Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan's Minecraft Mischief In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every surprise. Funny animations, jokes that ignite, Bringing joy to all, day and night. From classroom tales to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, hit that subscribe, For a daily dose of humor that will revive. In the realm of gaming, where stories unfold, Cube Xuan’s channel is pure gold. So dive right in, let the laughter ring, With Cube Xuan, happiness is king. Read More

  • Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks!

    Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftshorts Read More

  • German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority!

    German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority! Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft Servers! 🔥 Embark on a thrilling journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft servers, where endless possibilities await! 🌍 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone in this dynamic virtual realm. Let’s dive into the exciting features and experiences that make Minecraft servers a top priority for gamers worldwide. 🎮 Creating a Gaming Community One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft servers is the sense of community they foster. Players from all walks of life come together to collaborate, compete, and build lasting friendships… Read More

  • Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock! Minecraft Bedrock: Build Battle B13 – A Unique Aircraft Resembling a Bus! Greetings, gamers! Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Bedrock with the latest Build Battle B13 event, featuring an aircraft that resembles a bus. Let’s explore the creative and competitive aspects of this unique Minecraft experience. Channel Overview The channel hosting this event primarily focuses on gaming videos, with a special emphasis on Minecraft and Brawl Stars content. However, viewers can expect a variety of other games to be featured in the future, promising a diverse and engaging experience for all gaming enthusiasts. Community Guidelines Respect is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

    Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 11)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-16 19:46:48. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:58 or 9538 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More

  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

    Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2’, was uploaded by Neoblade on 2024-07-10 13:29:37. It has garnered 143 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds. I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2 In this video I will made a xp mob farm in hard difficulty after 2 Years, will I be able to do this successfully ? find out by watching full video. ➽Devices➽ Mobile :- Redmi K20 Laptop :- Dell Inspiron 5577 Microphone :- Vivo Mobile Earphone (Rs-250) Mouse… Read More