Cheating With 100% Invisible Camo In Minecraft Hide and Seek!

Video Information

This is Minecraft hide and seek but I use a secret camouflage to hide from my friend melon goats I can’t find Sonny anywhere can you please tell me where he is down in the comments below and could you guys see that in the water it’s kind of camouflaged it looks like a like

Button press it now yo Melody this is so cool we’ve got a brand new hide and seek world I’m so excited and you promised me you wouldn’t cheat this time sunny and I know you take your promises seriously so I appreciate that yeah no problem bro

Plus I never cheat in hide and seek so stop accusing me of things I don’t do yeah yeah yeah whatever you say you got two minutes to hide Sonny I’m putting on the blindfold do that and boom yeah until your face is covered I’m not hiding well my face is covered Sonny and

I started counting as of 15 seconds ago how does that make any sense you just put it on whatever take that dude stop where are you where are you ow what’s going on what what’s going on okay guys I’ve got two minutes to find my hiding spot and I’m totally not gonna

Cheat today by using camouflage skins to hide I want to hide on a Snowy Mountain where I could spy on melon just gotta jump up here let’s go over here yeah this is such a great spot I’m gonna drop in this little tiny hole and now I’ll be

Able to see melon when he takes the blindfold off I’ve just gotta put on my camouflage now and with this simple command I will transform into a snow sunny there we go and now melon won’t see me because I blend in so sneaky like into the mountain hey melon are you done

Counting yet I’m ready bruh well I was still counting but if you’re ready I’ll take the blindfold off put it back on now where are you hiding Sonny first question can you see me right now yeah I’m looking right at you all right that’s perfect so if I were to look this

Way or this way which which way are are you located that way that way this one this way that way no no that way this one no no that way this way that way wait this this one why don’t you identify the ways you nerd okay okay

Okay to my left or to my right uh which right is right dude this one is my right and the other one is my left right there but you keep punching with the same arm how can I be sure oh my god oh is it towards the melon side towards the gold

Side yeah yeah yeah it’s a better way of putting it melon or gold ah there you go see you just needed an intellectual genius to help you solve this problem yeah I’m closer to the melon side yes you hid on my territory which means I’m

Gonna find you in no time so you said you could see me which makes me think you’re looking through a window here or something where are you yeah I can’t see you anymore melon I don’t know where you went okay maybe you didn’t look at me through a window maybe I’m using ghost

Blocks maybe you got some high ground and looked up on these mountains where are you Sunny yo guys this isn’t good melon is scaling the other Snow Mountain if he comes to this one next I’m gonna get found out I gotta move I gotta move drop down drop down ow and I gotta

Change my camouflage quick right here should do the trick and then I gotta get a new skin new skin perfect I look just like the stone bricks Now where’s melon Sunny where are you you I’m hiding on the melon side I’m not cheating or lying or anything why are

You being sus bro that makes me think you’re cheating and lying and something I’m not what if I’m using that as reverse psychology to confuse you because I am truthfully on that melon side look even the viewers can comment that I’m being honest I am not cheating

I’m on the melon side I don’t understand where are you um oh guys he’s going in the cave right behind me did you dip into the cave after you answered my question no guys look at him okay guys Mela just went in this little winter cabin I want

I want let’s see if I’m really sneaky I should be able to see what he’s up to where is he where is he always looking at the music area okay this is fine if he goes in the main area of the house though he might be able to see me ah

Back to my hiding spot back to my hiding spot Sunny where are you lurking I know you’re close by how can you be so sure melon I just I can smell you supersonic speed where are you hiding maybe you should get your nose checked out because clearly you

Can’t smell me very well guys I don’t understand how is melon back over here he was just in the cabin and now he’s over here what is what is Holy Smokes I was close Sonny I’m so confused right now I can’t find you anywhere you’ve got 30 seconds left

To track me down bro okay um uh final question uh are you at a place of high or low elevation I’m at a place of normal elevation standard what I don’t know where you are okay guys you just walked straight past me oh now he’s over there what is going

On I gotta say hidden you must have moved to the Sunny Side it’s the only explanation yeah totally and you’ve got 10 seconds nine eight no where are you five four three two what dang it you win melon go to the middle I was right here

The whole time no you were not you did not break my ankles around this pole no way I might have I might have broken those ankles dude how you’re so yellow and vibrant and bright it would be so obvious if you’re trying to do that yeah

Not if I’m quick enough with it bro I would camouflage right in whatever man let’s just go to the next round it’s my turn to hide and I’ve got a goaded spot yeah let’s do that blindfold on melon it’s itchy and it stinks in here did you

Fart in it oh dude I didn’t toot in anything chill maybe I toot it a little bit I won’t lie see ya I knew it guys when I was inspecting these note blocks I found a secret area look at the boy Steve right there rest

In peace Steve but check it out in here there’s a secret underground passage wait this is the cave what the heck bro I didn’t even realize okay hold on give me a block and then what I can do is I can use this to escape and Juke sonny

Out if he ever gets close to me just need one piece of wood give me this wood please yes yes all right so honey I’m ready whenever that was pretty quick melon I could take this stinky mask off now yeah bro take that poopy mask off I

Actually pooped in there yo you are disgusting hold on guys let me get my revenge melon thinks he’s funny for tooting in this dragon head well I’m gonna fart in it and it’s gonna be wet that was good and now let me just hang that out here and let it marinate oh

That’s gonna be nasty okay melon it’s time for me to find you bro I got three questions to help track you down let’s see here question number one because there’s actually a lot of cool spots inside so are you inside or outside I would say that I’m inside yes that’s

Perfect I don’t have to check the mountain tops okay great second question are you using any cheats to hide from me like ghost blocks because I don’t trust you uh no I’m actually not using any ghost blocks okay then I’m gonna hold on to my third question a little bit longer

I want to just check a few more houses out whoa this house has some Parkour in it that’s cool what the heck melon this is weird why are there signs here my third question for you is are you hiding in a secret spot oh no one could argue

Dang it maybe behind this painting get me in get me in how about this painting nope nothing there dude I don’t know where you went oh wait I could just break it nope there’s nothing here what is going on oh guys I just made a secret spot on accident that’s pretty cool okay

Melon you say you’re in a secret spot and you’re inside yes there could be so many possibilities um for my third and final question guys I’m gonna see if melon’s dumb enough to give me another clue this is my fourth question LOL uh yeah so my third and

Final question would you say that you are on the melon side or the sunny gold block side uh I would say the melon side yes let’s go you just answered a fourth question you idiot no why did I do that I swear if I lose because of that okay

Melon I bet you’re in this Cave System let’s go oh come on come on come on wait guys he’s in the cave I’ve gotta get out of here you’ve got to be here somewhere whoa what is this why is there like a random brick fireplace in here dude this

Is sus this is so sus and there’s a hole over here where’s this lead oh nothing okay I wonder if there’s anything else in this cave yo it actually exit to the other side I didn’t know that whoa the back of the cave actually leads to this

Cabin I could sneak in here let’s go guys I got a dip I gotta dip he’s in the cabin get down get down there’s gotta be a secret spot in this place guys I think I avoided him that idiot Sonny could never find me yo there’s some Parkour here in the library

Oh wait no that’s it I thought this actually was gonna go somewhere it doesn’t do anything how about these note blocks over here I wonder if there’s something uh see you soon hey I’m out here out of where I’m right behind you bro no how did you get down well I’ll tell

You the truth when I came and saw the backside of this cabin and I walked inside I was hearing some suspicious movement of somebody climbing a ladder dang it bro I must have bumped my head on this on the way out as well yeah it’s best not to play music when someone’s

Trying to find you probably shouldn’t have hidden the drum set whatever let’s go to the next round I want to find you bro I can’t let you three Oh Me Oh but you can melon but you can also I left something extra special in the dragon head yeah whatever you say I already

Farted in it bro oh why is it wet what the heck I put a nice wet fart in there for you oh this is so disgusting I think I’m gonna throw up I think I’m gonna yo guys it’s time for me to hide again I

Gotta pick a good spot I think I want to actually go back to that Igloo it was pretty cool some might say ice cool yes I’ve transformed into an ice block and now I will hide right here and melon will not notice me this is perfect melon

I’m ready you can take that wet dragon mask off finally oh so gross sunny I will get my revenge for that disgusting mask and you seems you’ve left an Easter egg Trail and it leads right to this house with an Open Door very suspicious Sunny very suspicious what are you

Talking about an Easter egg Trail I didn’t do anything bro there was an egg that led to an open door and would you look at that this Redstone lever is activated I wonder what happens if I oh it’s actually not doing anything dang it I thought I was on to you yeah Sherlock

Holmes it wasn’t me big there there’s chicken is pooping them everywhere no it was you you definitely pooped the egg out don’t even cap don’t even try you know what fine you can put riddles where there aren’t any and give yourself all kinds of fake Clues and waste your five minutes

Shawnee where are you hiding I am hiding someplace cold in a Winter level some place cold in a Winter level thank you so much that is so helpful now I know you’re specifically not near the campfire and that’s it yeah no problem you asked the question I answered it now

Sonny first actual question where are you located inside or outside I’m located inside and I am very cool That wasn’t where are you hiding I already told you I’m really cool don’t understand why you keep saying I’m really cool I’m really cool oh you’re in an igloo here it is here where are you Sunny guys I blew my cover a little bit melon is right behind

Me but he won’t be able to see me because I’ve camouflaged it so perfectly Shawnee this isn’t even cold this would be warm you gotta fire in an igloo so what’s your point what’s your point what’s your point oh uh what did that button do nothing uh uh nothing suspicious that is really

Weird bro it makes these blocks disappear what what oh yeah it sure does make those blocks disappear huh guys I gotta change my camouflage quick okay come on Come on load oh no that’s not what I wanted but is this even suspicious maybe I could just walk around and melon won’t even

Suspect me and just be like just a villager just a normal person just to not a sunny just not Sunny that’s not me all right Sonny I know you’re in this Igloo let me at you I am gonna hurt you when I find you do where are you sonny I’m so confused

Yeah nowhere nowhere nowhere at all there must be a secret area in here where are you hiding where are the ghost blocks that’s it Moon creative give me the goggles of true Vision just a normal ice villager what there’s no ghost blocks in here did

You dip like what’s going on oh guys I just dodged him I’m gonna hit him with an egg I’m gonna hit him with an egg what the heck who is this why is there a random person in our game who is this oh did you find the weird Eskimo guy who

Just hangs out at the Village yeah bro this guy was not here before what are you talking about yes he was he was sleeping right inside of the tent before when I saw him really that’s interesting Sonny that’s very very interesting so if I kill this supposed villager is there

Gonna be any weird name in the chat I don’t think so why wouldn’t there be that would be weird you’re right and uh yes I knew it was you dang it melon how did you become a different skin dude you’re such a cheater no I’m not I just switched

Accounts this is my ALT this is my ALT leave him alone no it says Big Man sunny that’s literally not your old that’s your main account no I I changed my skin that’s all I did it’s not a big deal no you Bro you’ve been cheating this whole

Time haven’t you no I changed dude you are such a dirty cheat I know you’re lying but you want to cheat that’s fine Sonny because I’ll cheat this round you’re never gonna find me uh okay let me put the dragon head on and then I’ll count to two minutes Ready

Steady go where are you uh nowhere to be found now guys I’m gonna head into the cave one final time okay guys there’s already a secret bunker that I built here before because I knew Sonny would cheat I can never trust that guy so now I replace these blocks with ghost blocks

Yes it’s quite splendiferous when you really think about it and you’re gonna need to build another one here here and actually let’s go like this beautiful and now my evacuation bunker is complete this will be my escape room because I’m taking my Note Block Revenge time to get

Back up into the note block super secret chuking spot okay guys it’s time to troll melon I’m gonna go see if I can hide I did these note blocks and spy on him while he’s trying to hide just gotta sneak in here and I’m gonna activate a

Camouflage skin check this out and time to change my uh skin I don’t know what this is guys this is not my outfit I didn’t do this I swear uh uh one second one second okay there we go that’s better oh yeah that was that was weird okay

It’s definitely not my drip not my drip and then I just wait here and see if melon comes inside of this house again perfect this is great this is very good time to actually Juke sunny out with the Note Blocks this time and sunny what are you doing I thought I’d be camouflage

And I would just hide here and then see what you’re up to in case you came back in this cabin Sunny what is going on with your skin bro why are you wearing a Maids outfit wait wait what wait how did this happen no no isn’t mine this isn’t mine this isn’t it

Yeah yeah whatever you say you don’t even blend in properly I was supposed to look like this I don’t know why that keeps happening it’s like my wardrobe is malfunctioning I don’t know it wasn’t me it wasn’t me you dirty cheat you are cheating to change skins yeah but I

Would never wear that made out but that was weird that was cringe that wasn’t me that was us I don’t know how that happened I don’t know how that happened anyways uh yeah I’m blindfolded and uh yeah you count yeah I mean like I count

Uh how much time left do you need uh Sonny I I’m ready I’m hidden guys I’m just gonna go into my bunker and watch Sunny suffer okay just gotta take my blindfold how does this keep happening I don’t wanna be in a maid outfit bruh that’s it I’m back to Sunny I’m not

Using that camo stuff anymore it’s getting too weird now melon where are you hiding bro guys I changed the ghost block to one-way glass so I can just watch Sonny suffer as he tries to find me yeah I’m just gonna play it sunny now that was getting away [Applause]

No more messing around now no more camo skins just gotta track this wander melon down okay melon my first question is are you closer to the melon side or the sunny Gold Blocks I would shade them out inside again all right that’s good I’m just gonna go check out this cabin

Really fast just in case you’re bold enough to try and hide here again note blocks melon can you hear this uh Sunny what are you doing I’m playing the drums can you hear it that’s my question yes I can hear that dude it’s so loud wait why are you hiding near these again

Because sunny it’s the last place you’d ever expect me to be hidden yeah but now I know you’re hidden near them so that didn’t work very well for you well uh you know there’s a big you can hear those from very far uh I don’t think so

Note blocks don’t travel that far bro this idiot he has no idea where I am melon you weren’t muted why did you just call me an idiot uh no reason there’s no reason for that bro if you’re gonna be mean to me at least have the decency to

Mute your Discord I’m sorry so that means you’re somewhere here huh you could say so yes what the heck bro so I jumped from the Note Blocks did I go this way I don’t think so melon what the heck have you done maybe you’re using camo skins maybe you’re Blended in I

Gotta find the camel skin where is it he’s gotta be here somewhere yeah Sonny I’m totally using the camo skin look very long and hard at every block to make sure it’s not camouflage that’s what I’m doing stop trying to trip me up ha you’re in one of these blocks Blended

I don’t see any diorite melons wait wait the fireplace did you turn into a brick no back here no dude are you a snow guy a diorite guy what are you I can’t tell you anything Sonny uh melon what what’s going on nothing nothing’s going on uh

Uh see ya wait are you in creative mode no I’m not in creative mode I don’t know what you’re talking about where’d he go where’d he go he’s flying go fly off the whole map yeah I was trying to win the game by cheating in the best way possible by flying away

Forever and ever well remember we had a rule no cheating you literally cheated the whole game Sonny I don’t know what you’re talking about I didn’t cheat even once dude you have your maid outfit on again bro you look so silly why does that keep happening what the heck please

Guys like And subscribe to stop this curse I don’t know why I keep transforming into this bruh I didn’t do this this is not part of my wardrobe melon I’ve never seen this in my life seriously like no cat like for real bro yeah yeah sure comment down below if

Somebody’s capping right now I’m not capping this is Minecraft hide and seek but I secretly cheat by using the camouflage mod it CH my skin tons I can blend into love water bedrock and even the trees okay go Sonny’s pranks are starting to really get on my nerves Please Subscribe now and comment

Spam Melanie modes to support me Sonny are you ready for an epic hide and seek there’s no way you’re gonna find me bruh let’s do this melon I dibs hiding first no why would you hit me off then what’s wrong with you I actually don’t know you’re right punching you down there

Definitely doesn’t help whatever just close your eyes dude chill you need to cover your face so you can’t see things put this on Perfect all right 120 119 118. okay guys I’m out of here it’s time for sunny to hide and I’ve got the best plan for this video I’ve got a whole

Bunch of different skins that I can use to camo myself let me show you guys how it works all I’ve got to do is type this command skin set and then enter a username of someone with a custom camo skin look at me I blend into this desert it’s perfect camouflage melon doesn’t

Stand a chance now the question is where should I start this first round off where do I wanna hide I’m thinking right here’s not too bad it’ll be pretty tough for melon to see me and each time melon seeks in a biome and doesn’t find me I’m gonna switch hiding places by running

Over to it using Bedrock to blend into the border and once I arrive switch skins so that I can be perfectly camouflaged this is gonna be awesome now really quick before I tell melon to come find me comment your favorite camo skin in the comment section right now is it

Snow sand nether or the grasslands okay okay okay I got put my outfit back on perfect I’m ready melon I’m in my hiding spot dude I’m ready you okay sorry I was trying to talk but I forgot I had the dry I can head on I

Said I’m gonna find you now yeah good luck with that bro remember you can ask up to three questions and you’ve got five minutes to track me down all right Sonny for my first question uh where are you I can’t answer that other than saying I am within the borders of this

Bedrock wall and you’re so dumb that counts one of your questions is gone no bro what that’s cheating you literally did that to yourself okay okay um so which biome would you be in then yo that’s rude bruh that’s rude that’s rude I’m in the snow bio yo let’s go

This is gonna be easy now I just have to check near the snow biome to find you you in this house Sunny huh buddy boy no don’t check that house don’t check that house bro what are you down down this basement just checking okay I made it to the desert I made it

To the desert and now I need to change my skin I don’t see bro anywhere he’s not in that house oh wait there’s a ladder over here I bet you you’re in this secret area oh you’re not even in here either is there like a ghost block

Or something bro I don’t know what you’re talking about Sonny for my last question are you in some secret area like a secret room that you need like a ghost Vlog or something to get into like are you in a secret I’m not in a secret but there’s definitely a secret

Happening right now yes bruh what is you talking about Bruh Bruh what is you doing dog I’m looking for you sonny that’s what I’m doing I’ll give you a hint when you went inside of that little snow cabin I ran away from that biome dude what the heck you’re not allowed to

Do that that’s not true uh can you tell me what your other biome is no or uh okay fine okay fine I’ll give you a hint that’s how confident I am um in the desert biome dang let’s go yo was this Derpy waterfall always here yeah it’s

Just part of the map don’t you like it it’s nice what is going on wait I can leave did you leave Sonny no no I’m in the map I didn’t leave bro I swear I didn’t leave bruh you better not have left that would be broken and I would

Consider you cheating for that yo guys he’s so close to me but he doesn’t notice in the sand temple boy it’s time to make a crazy getaway switch to bed Raw just gotta slide along along the wall read really dang there’s no TNT room I thought there was a secret TNT room was

Like I bet you go in there yeah I’m probably in there you’re probably right oh God nope okay there’s definitely no secret room uh I know this sand place has wait wait this is sauce this is sauce is there a ghost block here I gotta keep moving there isn’t are you in

This sand area oh there’s a hole oh it doesn’t go anywhere yo wait what I heard I heard someone swimming this dirt block and build then run quickly in to the tree perfect I gotta disguise myself again I gotta disguise myself so fast this is such a

Weird cave dude yes I’m ready dog you’re not even here anymore I checked the entire sand Place yeah I left the desert when you went in there oh my God I bet you went to this stupid biome over here bro you’re gonna be so salty when you realize what I’ve done I’ve absolutely

Bamboozled you okay bucko uh we’ll see about that I still have some time left wait wait wait wait wait what were these blocks here these blocks look so out of place um are you inside Sonny huh yo he just checked the house right underneath me this camo skin is working wonders dude

Where are you I can’t find you anywhere you only have one minute left melon oh what no not a room of doors you better not be in this room of doors imagine I’m just gamble as the door that would have been smart Doggy Dog where are you guys I’m gonna do something

Super risky check this out check this out I’m gonna drop down skin set this guy and I look like a birch tree with some leaves this is not a great hiding spot but I’m gonna stand right here oh you might be in some weird little spot

Where you like go down in one block and then you’re like kneeling and crawling through the floors you know what I’m talking about yeah I know what you’re talking about I can answer that one honestly I don’t really mind telling you this because I’m not there bro you have

30 seconds left good luck dude what the heck where are you bro I can’t find you anywhere 20 seconds left I haven’t even seen a trace of you dude dude you have no idea what you just did what did I just do bro nothing uh

Nothing at all melon oh my God wait did I go near you what you want to be somewhere in this Forest 10 seconds 10 seconds where are you sonny nine where hey seven six five four three two one no no where are you where are you

Did you lose oh white roll where are you I’m so lost hey melon hey melon come back to the woods yo no way no way you were here there’s no way dude I was here the whole time no you weren’t dude I would have seen your stupid yellow body bruh nah dude you

Would never see Sonny he’s too goaded I’m the best in hide and seek in the business brother ew no way you weren’t hiding there you’re literally just capping on me Yo No Cap I beat you that first round and it’s your turn to hide so stop punching me and go find your

Place bro you have two minutes dude put on the blindfold put on the blindfold fine fine fine I’m gonna start the timer now you’ve got two minutes okay guys for my hiding spot I’m gonna make a little bit of a secret base so what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna fly

Around to check this out check this out I go to the sand temple there’s this one trap door right here which lets you crawl but I’m gonna make it even more super duper secret check this out check this out I’m gonna make this into a

Ghost box then I can phase into here oh wait wait I didn’t think this threw properly you know what this might look a little sauce but we’re doing it anyways you put one up here then you put the ghost block right about there so then when you jump into this trap door and

You go down and crawl you can phase through this ghost block and it’s gonna drop down into my secret lair now I just gotta add some decorations make it look nice and fancy in here yeah that looks pretty good that looks pretty good wait I gotta change the walls make them nice

Nice Oak walls nice and insulated yeah get myself a good Roof oh that that was a mistake uh I’m gonna have to fix that there we go and boom the inside of my house looks pretty Spazzy if I do say so myself alright Sonny I’m ready whatever

Oh you’re ready are you well let me just do a little something something in here melon Crusher and now I’m ready to find you just gotta take this blindfold off perfect bro what do you mean melon Crusher you don’t know what it smacks you across the Dome yo chill it’s gonna

Be golden you’ll know when it smacks you across the Dome oh I broke a bit of this house that’s fine so melon you’re hiding somewhere on this map and you asked me this question last round and it was actually really smart so I’m gonna try it on you which of

These four biomes are you hiding in the nether the snow the desert or the grassland Village uh uh I mean technically I’m not in any of them wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what you exited the map oh or does that mean you’re chilling in the water that’s

In the center of all this hold up bro hold up though let me just investigate this a little more thoroughly I don’t see you in this water so that’s not your hiding spot unless you’re back at the waterfall hold on hold on hold on melon

You can’t leave the map okay if you went out here into the ocean that’s cheating uh um uh is that your question no it’s not my question I’m making a statement if you exit the arena you’re a cheater okay well I mean I didn’t exit the arena so

I’m all good okay that’s good to know that’s good to know then my second question is gonna be are you inside or outside I’m inside okay so you’re inside of somewhere that’s not in any of these biomes is what you’re claiming bro technically no technically it’s not in

Any of the Bible okay well then let me ask you my specific question for you melon which biome did you use to get into your super secret hiding place I may have used the sand biome bruh you’re the desert I would desert right now let’s go Cactus

So you’re in here somewhere you probably went into the temple yo there’s holes in the ground here and there’s a dirt block what is this hold up did you go down here no then it’s bedrock and then it’s just normal Minecraft underneath dude did you dig into the normal Minecraft

Map and just run away no I didn’t bro why would I ever do that that would be Mega cringe wait is this one of those lever torches no it’s a normal torch okay dang it bro you’re somewhere out here in the desert but I don’t freaking

Know where uh yeah don’t yo I just heard something what melon you’re near me bro and what is this what is this trap door right here I’m not near anybody I’m not near anybody bro okay I heard another thump what are you doing yo it’s a ghost

Block yo what’s a ghost block I don’t know what you’re talking about melon I’ll drop it in wait what yo another drop no no why why get absolutely wrecked bro I win this hide and seek round bro you got lucky you got lucky and remember when you said you

Want to see what the melon Smasher is here it is oh no run away run away over here melon I’m out I’m gone no you think you’re out but you’re not even nearly out one more hit you’re so evasive stop dodging me whack whack yeah you got

Crushed whatever bro it’s my turn to seek you got two minutes High whoa chill let me at least get you this blindfold here you go one blindfold and you know what you can have the melon Crusher too wait I don’t want the melon Crush I want this sunny just oh there goes the

Blindfold dude you’re such a cheat what are you gonna not use a blindfold while you’re counting fine I will go hard bro go high and you got two minutes to hide I’m gonna hit you if I could just you you come on where are you look at no no

Okay I’m out of here I am that guy the goat greatest of all time Big Man sunny I’m gonna do something really awesome guys because melon didn’t notice last time I used the skin camos I’m gonna do it again now the question is where

Should I go this time I need to up the stakes a little bit so I think I’m gonna get myself a cactus skin and stand right next to this Cactus and then see if melon is so blind that he doesn’t even see me and I think I know just the skin

For it skin set Cactus that’s actually the dude’s username and he’s just a cactus this is awesome although I’m not exactly the correct color this is like an old Minecraft Cactus and actually oh no I kind of look like a watermelon I don’t want to be a watermelon I gotta

Choose a different strategy yo I have a new even crazier idea check this out skin set water yes and then I can hide in this wishing well oh wait a second thought I’m gonna drown if I do this uh I didn’t think this through wait maybe I

Can make an air pocket out of this trap door nice we’re goated we’re ready melon I’m in my hiding spot finally I can take my blindfold off and I can kill you with your own weapon dude it’s only for crushing melons chill we’ll see about that one Sunny just gotta figure out

Where you’re hiding now Sonny for my first question would you say you’re at a place of low elevation or high elevation actually just tell me your coordinate what’s your y coordinate my y coordinate is 54. some might say that I’m at sea level 54 huh yeah you know bro you can’t find

Me though I’m in such a good hiding spot are you in the lake maybe maybe not Brody Brody now for my second question which of the four biomes are you hiding in I’m in the sand biome for now let’s go you said 54 right yeah seeing you

Around the edges where the heck could you be hiding not over there wait there’s one other spot that’s at y level 54. are you back in this stupid hole Oh no you’re not what I really thought you’re gonna be both there okay guys this is getting dangerous I need to grab

A fake lava bucket and change my outfit and make some really quick moves before melon finds me we need to get out of here and jump in the water make the getaway and uh run to the nether before melon sees me we can make it we’re

Literally there come on yes yes yes and then check this out we go like that and we go like fake lava fake lava fake lava and then to finish this troll skin set this guy and jump in the lava literally invisible and I’m not even cheating

Because I’m in survival mode and you can still see a little tiny piece of my head sticking out so this is totally fair melon was taking you so long to find me dude bro I checked this entire desert you’re literally not here dang man that’s a shame if only you were more

Quick with it did you leave again Sonny yeah I ditched the desert oh my god oh dude you gotta stop doing that it’s literally cheating fine to make it up to you I’ll tell you what biome I’m in I’m in the Nether biome yo thanks for the

Freebs no problem the chances of you finding me are nearly zero yeah you want to bet yeah I see you right now how do you see me dude I see you I’m literally looking at you bro dude what am I doing then right now I don’t see you anymore

There’s Big Love in here oh no that’s real lava that is real lava get me to the water oh my god did you almost burn up yeah dude I was literally about to die I thought maybe that was fake lava right there but it definitely was not

Wait wait what yo wait a second gotta hide why do I get fire resistance when I’m near this lava I don’t know what you’re talking about bro I would be very careful it’s probably gonna burn you don’t ow is it this lava yo it is this

Love is making me immune is this fake lava bro it is where are you where are you where are you yo what are you doing no way how did you find me let’s go I’m the goat dude hey hey Sunny hey melon what is up with your

Skin what do you mean oh my skin uh uh yeah you saw nothing bro what the heck did you do and then I make the getaway I’m gonna kill you you think you can escape me Sonny huh yes I think I can you can escape you’re gonna die by your

Own weapon no bro were you doing this the whole time yeah even in the first round remember when you were looking in the woods I was this guy chilling at a birch tree dude are you kidding me I’m just too smart for you melon I got that

Sneaky camo skin oh my God you’re such a cheeser I’m gonna remember this sunny I got two minutes to hide good luck to myself I’m the best yeah okay tell yourself whatever you need I get it it’s motivating stop hitting me with that thing I your two minute countdown starts

Right now bro good luck finding a better hiding place than me one two okay guys three four five oh sorry was i counting out loud my bad yeah you were six seven melon is ugly eight nine not up Sunny oh I was still my sorry sorry sorry okay

I’ll count in my head okay guys I’m gonna spawn in a bunch of villagers all across the map well at least in this biome and then in the sand biome I’m gonna spawn in a bunch of cats why am I spawning cats in the desert I don’t know

It feels like a place they would be then in the snow area I’m gonna spawn in a bunch of snow golems spawn my Army and in the nether the final biome I’m gonna spawn in a bunch of zombie pigmen oh wait it won’t let me uh and I’m just

Gonna spawn in a bunch of turtles I know this makes absolutely no sense but it is what it is okay I make the rules I’m the god of my own world now I’ll come over to the snow biome and then I’m gonna morph myself into a snow golem Sunny is

Gonna be so confused all right Sonny I’m ready whatever and good thing I was born ready because nothing else in our entire solar system could exist without me the sun oh yeah yeah for sure yeah for sure come on bro come on bro yo wait why is

There a villager here is this you are you are you this guy am I what guy why is there red a villager at the start of the Hide and Seek map just beating him up bro yo what up put him up bro don’t beat him up bro don’t beat him up yo

Stay strapped where your boxing gloves at come on oh he’s dead that’s not you that’s my homie I absorbed his ghost that’s so crazy okay melon where the heck are you hiding bro dude there’s so many villagers in here what are you talking about what the heck is this

Place yo you spawned in villagers yo at the desert why are there cats in the desert uh why are you questioning things honey why are you questioning things hold on I need to investigate more closely yeah there’s little putty cats all over the day wait there’s just one

Action never mind I thought there was more than one there’s just literally one Straight Cat yeah what are you doing out here run that’s right jump in the water every one of those cats hate water get out of here oh there are more than one cat I thought I saw more than one

There’s a black cat back here there’s a white cat yo how many cats are on this I don’t know how many cats are there there’s at least two and the one that I chased away yo wait what did you just throw snowballs at me I just saw a bunch

Of hold on there’s Golems Golem snow biome die yo why are there so many in the floor what the heck that’s cringe bro you tried to spawn these guys but they’re in the ground nah bro they good they chilling they chilling big time they big chili if you’re spawning in

Monsters I kind of want to as well so let me grab some Chemical X and let me transform wait is that working I think it’s working I think it’s working come on yeah oh we got a snow golem mutant I need more of them more of them transform

Them all transform them all transform transform wait wait wait wait why is this one running why is this one running melon what are you doing bro what transform what what are you doing bro what are you what do you mean what do you want why isn’t this one transforming it’s

Clearly you bro what are you talking about what are you talking about yo put your hands up okay hands up hands up melon where did go go don’t you worry about it sunny I may have escaped Sonny I make then you don’t find me wait you’re

Giving me permission to kill you hold on let me make a really powerful weapon yo don’t explode a big TNT don’t do it the whole camera that looks pretty good oh explosive TNT that’s not a bad idea I said don’t do that specifically do not

Do that oh okay okay well I have another idea I’m just gonna take this because it’s one of the best items in the game and uh I know exactly how I’m gonna kill you melon it’s gonna be awesome so if you’re still in the snowball good luck

Surviving this yo what the heck are you doing Sonny no don’t play Centuries everywhere no you’re gonna find me I’m putting turrets down to track you the snow biome is officially off limits for melons okay if you’re not here let’s go to the Nether biome and put turrets you

Think you outsmarted me bruh I definitely did and you only have a minute left Sonny dude where are you and more importantly why is there a sea turtle in the nether what the heck is I make the rules you’re playing my game now Sonny and I make turrets come on

Come on oh Sonny yeah your turrets aren’t even shooting at me wait you could see a turret right next to you that means you’re one of these turtles or it could be one of the snowmen wait it’s not shooting at the mutant snowmans either bro these turrets are useless

What the heck they’re supposed to kill you now I just smack every Turtle until one of them freaks out no not this one maybe this one melon I know you’re one of these I don’t know am I I feel like I’m playing whack-a-mole right now wait

A second I know exactly how to find you it just takes a little one of these and like this and like that and then I get one of these melon do you see what’s about to happen to your turtles I don’t know what you’re talking about you’re about to no

No I thought I could maybe survive a cheater you were one of these Turtles and now I eat your soul numb what is wrong with you sonny you massacred the turtles we’re supposed to be saving them yeah but then you made yourself one of

Them and told me that I had to kill you it was the only way for me to win and everyone knows winning is far more important than preserving Wildlife that is a terrible message to spread actually you’re right save the turtles don’t blow them up with hundreds of TNT that’s the

Lesson of this video I think right something like that no I think the real lesson is to like And subscribe in this Minecraft hide and seek I could turn into anything I could transform into any block or mob just by clicking on it okay guys this mod is goaded and if you think

So too put goat emojis in the comments let’s go oh and please subscribe it would warm my little melon heart melon are you ready for hide and seek with the ultimate morph mod yo don’t you hit me I’m the boss I’m the boss I’ll punch you off fine you’re the boss bro

You’re the boss and you know why you’re the boss why because you’re gonna be climbing the corporate ladder bro what the heck you look so goofy as a ladder yeah this is crazy so with this mod we could transform into any block any object and any mob so this is gonna get

Crazy bro okay okay I’m hiding first though Sonny okay melon sounds good get out of here ah you look so weird you’ve never seen a grass carrying a golden ax no I haven’t it’s weird and I don’t like it and I don’t want to be killed by a grass because that would be

Embarrassing yeah dude that would be so troll okay you have two minutes melon starting now okay okay what do I morph into guys I don’t know I’m overwhelmed and I don’t know what to oh wait a second I kind of want to become this

Let’s go I’m a hay bale now if I can just blend in properly why am I so bad at this hey that’s actually kind of perfect and I think that’s pretty good honestly I’m gonna move around and Juke sunny out a lot so it’ll be really confused they’ll be like Oh I thought

You were hay bale and then I’ll be something else I’ll be all over the place all right Sonny I’m ready sounds good melon your time was almost up anyways now where the heck are you hiding dog nowhere you’ve got to be on this map dude it’s impossible for you to

Be nowhere I’m gonna destroy everything yo chill don’t break wheat weed’s pretty cool wait this sheep wasn’t here before are you sure oh it’s not you bro I was about to put you to sleep get it uh get it so very funny so very funny yeah because sheeps make a noise and I’m

Gonna kill you when I see you bro I’m done with you okay buddy you got three questions if you want to ask one fine for my first question did you transform it to a farm animal no I didn’t stop killing the poor animals I actually kill them hashtag eat meat not veggies and

Fruits wait you could see me you could see me kill that Sheep No I couldn’t see anything what are you talking about that was so smelling that was super sus bro where the heck are you hiding are you this Little Flower no this one this one

This one oh wait maybe you’re just hay bale This Grass this hay bale maybe disable bro you guys Sunny didn’t realize I literally picked up one of the hay bales that fell on the floor I gotta move he’s probably on to me go go go go go go okay

Melon for my second question which biome are you located in uh I’m located in the village wait where’d this hay bale go I never broke this one uh it just may have grown some legs and walked away boom Oh my God that was an accident that was an accident what are

You oh my god did I just kill you I literally morphed into a different block right in front of you what I didn’t see any was this you dang it bro which one is you this is so confused amazing I will find you and my ax will Feast well

I only have one question left you said you’re in the Village area so you have to still be here but the question is where not in that house you wanna ask what block I am right now yeah what kind of block are you right now because this

Is looking mad sus where I’m at I’m a grass block brother are you really okay this one no wait you’re a grass block you’ve got to be positioned somewhere that would look really sus wait when you say grass block like the block or like the blades of grass that grow no like

I’m a grass block I’m a dirt with the grass on top and a green top you got that green top and you only got 30 seconds left Sonny dude what is this place with all the doors how am I supposed to find you there’s a million grass blocks which one of these looks

Suss this one this one does no jail get over here yes I’m the goat and you’re going to be dead no no I wanted to troll you and there’s only 10 seconds left let’s go now look at you up there you’re melon inside of a grass

Look how stupid you look bro I’ll beat you up for killing me yeah yeah yeah bro I’m gonna bury you in the dirt get it wasn’t like that it wasn’t like that bro was it like that was it like that bro get off of that fence oh you’ll think

Bro what the heck are you doing I’m gonna fight back I’m fighting back ow ow you’re made of wood you’re too sharp all right Sonny it’s your turn to hide uh melon you’re kind of posted up right now you’re literally a fence bro wait I am

Wait a second go go hiding or I’m gonna put the end of my pole you don’t want to know where it goes you don’t want to know bruh chill that’s us and you know what dude I’m highly offended I did what it doesn’t really make sense because your fence post offended offense huh

Offense did that I mean it doesn’t even shut up melon I’m out of here now it’s time to activate morph mode I can also become a hey block Look at me now ooh look at me now melon will never suspect it this is totally normal right hey sits

Like this right right in the center like this is how blocks go in Minecraft this is how they attach nah I don’t want to be a hey wait can I be a wheat I’m a little seed wait what if I did this that’s that oh wait there’s a shadow

Though seeds don’t have shadows that is sus don’t want to do that what about this dang it every little object comes with shadows blowing my cover I need to find a better biome okay guys I have the perfect plan I’ve got rabbit spawn eggs and polar bears time to make this into a

Winter wonderland let’s go we need some babies oh yeah oh yeah I might be going a little Overkill we need some baby rabbits too up here yeah let’s go let’s go okay there is no chance melon finds me now literally no chance and then I must clear the chat and morph into a

Polar bear wait I want to be a baby one though I want to be a baby one where’d the baby at give me the baby let’s go dang it they’re hard to click I said make me the baby I’m skidding on the ice we have a snow block oh I can’t beat a

Baby I can only be the full grown mama bear that’s fine melon I’m ready oh no this looks us if I touch the ice my character freaks out oh wait what the heck is going on why are there so many polar bears I don’t know what you’re

Talking about dude now which weapon do I want to kill you with right here and now it’s time to slaughter some polar bears melon you need to chill wait they’re hitting back they’re hitting back yeah they’re strong and they’re an endangered species you’re better than this oh you’re right oh no

Guys my Bear’s about to freak out good thing he didn’t see let me kill your kids then just kill your kids you got a problem I’m gonna kill you all no leave them alone they can’t even hit me back because I’m a fence post oh God there’s

So many of them why do they give me Cod why did they give me Cod kill the melon kill the melon they’re swarming you bro I need something stronger there’s too many of them what about these bunny rabbits now I sneak up and I smack him

With a fish yo I’m smacking melon with a fish all right die yeah what the heck yo this is you why is there a fish yo get back here I was blended with my family I must blend in with my family no I haven’t lost track of you I still know

Which one you are come on get hit why can’t I hit you sonny I need to make the Great Escape why am I nice block why am I an ice block get back here wait which one are you which one are you die I don’t get it why can’t I hit you guys

I made the Great Escape and I’m Moon walking out of here this bunny rabbit’s free Become ice this is not very good camo but maybe he won’t see me anyways just die stop chasing me you need to move oh this is good he’ll never see me now I can’t believe I lost you no I went goat mode on you why is he coming

Closer is this you yeah the wood in the water no leave me alone no that wasn’t you wait what did I just see nothing yo why is this bunny running from me no way guys there’s no way I just did that oh what the heck I look totally legit and real

And this is exactly how Minecraft works oh wait I could go invisible yo melon good luck finding me now dog bro I can’t hit half these mobs I’ll give you a hint I am none of those mobs what the heck did you become a block

Yo you were so close to finding me I don’t understand yo melon yo melon melon let’s go I don’t even know where you were but there I saw something I saw your Shadow and I just started hitting that is so annoying I was disguised as a

Door but I still have the shadow at my feet let’s go get golden on bro you really closed the door on me oh yes I did yes melon melon chill melon chill I’m gonna slam the door on you Bruh Bruh nice truck ow ow I found your hitbox

Melon it’s your turn to hide bro get out of here you’ve got two minutes okay okay I know exactly what I’m gonna do this round okay guys I entered creative mode because I’ve got to spawn some mobs in he spawned mob’s last round so now I

Gotta get my revenge on it let’s go just spawn these boys in everywhere then I become one let me become one of you please let me become one of you no not an o’clock yes I’ve become come Ablaze then they spawn in even more all right Sonny I’m ready let’s do this where’s

This melon hiding oh let me grab a weapon so I can destroy him when I find him I’m gonna mix things up a little bit and now I’ve got my weapon of choice the melon dinky machine ah why is this Blaze shooting me I’m supposed to be doing the dinking

Let’s go I will kill all of these blazes you clearly spawned these they’re gonna burn the world melon what are you talking about what am I gonna burn what oh I made that one glow shoot him oh dude there’s so many I’m actually so dead there’s too many no they’re burning

The polar bears how am I missing yes that one’s gone that one’s gone yeah keep shooting them keep shooting them Sonny you’re doing great oh my gosh one heart what is this is that you that has to be you blazes don’t move like that what are you talking about blazes don’t

Move like that what do you mean oh my gosh and this whole Forest is burning I literally shot you the spectral Arrow bounced off don’t worry about it sunny of course I’m worried about it it’s my job to find and kill you why is there a fake ladder with barriers

To troll you sonny I mean I didn’t place that there but that’s pretty funny where are you hiding I will snipe you and send you into the next Dimension kill the zombie come on this is you in there this is you right in my face bro what do you

Mean die I’m so done with these come on finish these blazes I should have made a better weapon guys I need to switch up he’s killing all the Blazers just a few more shots oh my God the blazes are attacking me now why is this polar bear

After me bro I can I can I can I can do this I can make the getaway I’m dead I was betrayed by the polar bears now I look completely disguised melon is this you in the water are you this rabbit I’m gonna kill it that’s me that’s me boom

No that wasn’t you bro it’s dead where are you hiding melon oh my God guys that was way too close could you disguise and morph into fire that would be crazy that would be actually goaded I don’t know if I can do that though I’m outing all of

These Flames just in case I feel like you’re doing that now why would I try and do that Sonny bro there’s still blazes back here come on what am I stuck on what is happening melon where the heck are you hiding from me I need to

Get Higher Ground yeah you do need to get higher grounds honey now I should be able to see everything including these blazes up here bruh yo guys I can actually become fine fire this is actually sick where are you dude where am I what hiding where the heck are you

Hiding don’t worry about it’s funny dude the whole map’s gonna burn down I had to save this world bro I extinguished all the fire before it destroyed everything now I still see some fire or somewhere somewhere wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you still see some fire

Somewhere it’s really interesting melon that this fire is on two or three or four blocks no get over here about no please please spare me please spare me I’m just I’m just another wreck I’m just another wreck oh no oh no dude The Blaze it’s after me bro look check out that

Blaze I’m gonna kill this Blaze I’m gonna kill this place yo guys melon is so dumb I shot him with spectral so I can see him no matter what he transforms into so now I’m gonna pretend I lost him let’s go I escape and I wonder where

Melon went bruh dude are you one of these bone blocks no are you kidding me you became this fence post die you’re stupid son you stupid why don’t you put your money where your mouth is bro I’ll bet you a double chest of diamonds I’ll find you in the next 10 seconds okay

Bets on and no how did you know bro I shot you with a spectral Arrow earlier so no matter what you morphed into I could see you glowing that’s stupid I’m gonna take my Revenge come on let’s go no no soul sand one Sunny also won a good score keeper you

Did some math and Sonny is that two oh no is it creative is it he’s dead oh all right it’s the last round Sonny enough killing me with your melon what the heck it’s called a melon dink machine yeah bro you got dinky you’re gonna get dinky again chill chill chill chill

You got you got two minutes High all right I got two minutes to hide right yeah you got two minutes okay just stay right here and make sure ow you don’t move a muscle okay uh Sunny what are you doing just count all right this is a

Safe haven I wanted to make sure you had a safe place to do your counting look the other way so you don’t peek all right no cheating okay 199 98 97 guys now I’m gonna play some pressure plates before I leave and if he moves even one pixel he’s a dead man I’m

Out of here okay guys now it’s time for me to choose my morph what should I become today can I become water let me just click this real quick dang it I could be Bedrock though yo I could camp the edge of the map like this hold up

I’ll go into the doorway oh this is actually goaded oh this is goaded right here oh that’s awesome yeah uh that’s really good positioning I don’t think melon’s gonna see me and check out the view s float from a mile away and just in case melon is really smart

Let me just do something really quick I’m gonna go replace near water with lava hold on let’s do like 10 blocks oh yeah so now let me just take a quick look oh my God I’m burning that was not supposed to be the one oh no it’s coming

To me no I really messed up I really messed up I really messed up okay so I really messed that up let me just morph back into bed rock and uh I guess I gotta build my way back there somehow okay okay this is perfect I’m back in

Position and behind this lava check it out check it out if I come over here you can see the big ball of TNT so even if somehow melon Dodges my pressure plates he’s a dead man I’ll just shoot this okay melon I’m in my hottest spot dog all right so

Sunny what are you trying to do are you trying to make me step on these pressure plates you idiot yo be very careful wherever you walk just one pixel the wrong direction you’re dead it’s okay I’ll just dig out bro you stupid man you’re dumb yeah what was that sound

What was that sound what did you just do uh what’s happening how are you alive how is that possible hold on I can do this wait so I’m alive I’m good let’s go your trap failed Sonny that doesn’t make any sense uh good one good one look how

Much TNT you spawned in too you’re such an idiot how have you not exploded melon you should be dead Oh no you’re oh my God I did it the Dig machine strikes again yo it’s still going yeah you’re uh very dead very dead bro you killed me like three times and now we’ll

Go back to my hiding spot oh my God see if you had just stepped on the pressure plate yourself I wouldn’t have had to do that okay sonny you literally destroyed half the map not the half I’m on it’s okay I saw one thing I saw where your

Fire arrows were coming from so you kind of gave away your location you this are you this are you this are you this are you this are you this okay you’re none of those yeah dude I’m not even near that there’s a lot of lava on this map

Like check the nether bro I could be anywhere no you’re deaf ow guys somehow he didn’t see me we’re doing it we’re going in with the sauce oh he just ran fast again all right Sonny what area are you closest to or in sorry what area are you with what biome

Uh the Water oh my God you’re around here somewhere aren’t you yeah I answered honestly at least yo you wanna hear this block I thought you were the door no chill no chill what do you now we’re both dead yeah I morphed into Bedrock bro I became the strongest Block

In the game well literally there’s one thing that’s stronger than it yeah what’s that it acts no not if I swim come on Bedrock swim swim oh my God you’re actually getting away um too thick for you yeah yeah too thick oh well I I was slain by a juicy melon

Make sure you guys leave a like rating on the video and subscribe this is Minecraft hide and seek but we morph into mobs look at me I morphed into a gun hey I can do that too watch me wait I accidentally turned into a chicken [Laughter] nice one melon comment emojis of your

Favorite animal let’s go oh yo Sonny are you ready to play hide and seek morph Edition yes I am bro and I gotta ask you one quick question first why why are you holding uh Enchanted watermelon what are you doing with that wander have you ever seen a villager holding a wander

Mountain too bye no bro yo it’s the wander villager The Wander villager oh my God come over here come over here just stand on the top of these diamonds nothing bad’s gonna happen yo you’re sending me flying okay melon do you want to hide first or second I’ll hide second dude

I’m gonna count to two minutes which is 120 seconds I did the math okay then go in the counting area and I’ll give you the power of the wander melon let’s go I got the 100 million in the blindfold put it on you got two minutes Sonny see ya

Okay I got a demorph because I’m not gonna be a villager that would be for nerds see you dude say ya yo pause first round starts which just released our first ever merch drop it’s the sunny plushie he’s so beautiful Sonny I was gonna say you’re ugly but it’s actually

Really golden bro when do I get my own melon plushie if you all want to see a melon plushie next then please check out the sunny plushie right now on sunny it’s on pre-order from February 1st until the 15th and then the toy factory will get the maid and ship

To you they’ll arrive in April and we know that’s a long time away but if this sale goes really well in the future we’ll have much faster deliveries what are you waiting for go to Sunny and get your very own Sunny better yet order 10 of them let’s get

Golden okay guys I’ve got two minutes to hide while melon wears the blindfold and counts so I’ve gotta figure out the best possible animal to morph into and I also want to set up some decoys so check this out we’re gonna go into creative and I’m

Gonna full on this open area here with cute little rabbits cause this is gonna be so annoying imagine trying to find me if there’s like 200 of these little rabbits everywhere right here oh I’m gonna cover this whole thing in rabbit Mel is gonna be like what is going on I

Just hear these things jumping what the heck is that sound dude what is going on nothing melon you know the saying they’re making babies like rabbits uh no well you’ll know soon enough bro I don’t like the sound of that Sunny okay guys now I’ve got to decide if I want to hide

In the red and melon Village or the yellow golden block Sunny most Golden Village of all time yeah that wasn’t too hard of a question I think I’m gonna go over here and check out my actual game plan I’m gonna take some slammins just put a couple of these boys not too many

Let’s put one squid so it looks sus like maybe I’d be the squid and then I’m going to morph into a seven man look at me I’m beautiful and I could swim here safely I’ll never run out of oxygen this is perfect okay melon I’m ready oh why

Shiny it’s time for me to take my blindfold off and then we find you what is going on why are there so many rabbits in here you’re making a Yosemite Sam cartoon voice it makes sense because you’re going out hunting bruh there’s rabbits everywhere and maybe just maybe

I’m one of them bro I swear if you’re one of these rabbits this is gonna take forever yeah that’s why I did that I can’t be bothered to check every single one of these rabbits for my first question are you one of these rabbits Sonny like like those rabbits

Particularly or any rabbit any rabbit any rabbit okay I’m I’m no rabbit I just had to make sure and waste some more of your time oh you’re the worst Sunny you are the worst I think you mean I’m the goat wait you’re a goat no no no no no

I’m not a goat I’m not a goat where are the goats Sunny second question uh then normally Bridges across I’ve never seen that before maybe I’m going crazy I don’t know what are you doing are you okay melon I’m just never seen a villager bridge going across water I’ve

Just never seen that in my life well you’re gonna see a lot of it sunny second question are you on the inside whoa whoa whoa whoa slow down there partner second question are you in the red or yellow Village I’m in the sunny golden block Village dang it that’s so

Far I know that’s why I went there your time is running out melon only three minutes left to track me down I don’t have any chill I’m goat mode I’m gonna find you can you place an enchanted watermelon down no if you do it’s gonna lose its effects oh it just

Lost its enchantment but it’s still so beautiful I’m enchanted by it oh my God yo guys comment if melon is cringe now where is this sunny boy this sunny boy is having a slamming time let me tell you wait are you a salmon no no oh I

Said slamming like I’m having a great time like like boom boom that was so sauce right as I saw Salmons too final question are you morphed as a salmon yo oh you are I could have asked you what you’re morphed has that probably would have been a better question yo

That’s an overpowered question we’re Banning it you can’t use it uh too late too bad so sorry I actually wait yeah let’s ban it because I didn’t use it yeah but you asked me if I’m a salmon which was true so it was okay yeah so

Sweet now I’m just gonna have to whack some Savage I’m killing you people they’re all dying what is wrong with you you’re a murderer leave the Salmons alone I gotta go yo get back here blend in with the others wait which one are you I’ll kill them all I’m going

Upstream I gotta disappear where are you with my brothers yes I’m safe again you’re going Upstream huh are you this one he’s a maniac leave the Salmons hey Sonny that’s you isn’t it you know what that’s not you is it this one right here no I gotta go get back here it’s a

Flopping salmon no how did I miss my stick no he’s so quick why is he so fast I got those flippers on me bro dude you can only run for so long Brothers leave he’s coming he’s gonna kill all the slavins they’re not listening I’m slamming Salmons swim

Away no get back here you’ll never take me alive bro you just died by a bush you are so lame how could this happen I thought Salmons loved eating berries what a tragedy hey Sunny yeah my people how could you I slammed those Salmons bro that’s us oh cheers stop smacking

Just let me go to the counting and start the next game okay okay okay I’m almost melon I got two minutes I’m going to hide Sunny that’s fine now I can’t see what you’re doing because I’m not in the counting box no you can’t you’re not allowed that’s cheating I’m

Literally looking at you right now you’re running if you can see what I’m doing then that means you have to give me an extra five minutes to hide oh I didn’t see anything sorry you probably went to the red Village not the gold one you don’t know melon you still have the

Blindfold oh yeah sorry that’s in my inventory here let me let me bring it back to you I’m gonna be there in a second okay here’s the blindfold why did I know you were gonna do that oh it’s too good okay bro you have two minutes starting now for real even if I

See you too bad yeah go to the gold Village you nerd oh you don’t know what village I’m going to and I’m officially blindfolded melon I can’t see anything anymore where are you going which Village I’m just coming to whack you with my stick Sunny no no

I’m going inside I think don’t hit me please don’t hit okay guys I’ve got a genius plan for my next round so just gotta get some of these right here and some fences and now I’m gonna build my very own sheep farm oh this is gonna be

Great Villages get out of my farm why are you in the farm leave thank you farm oh it should probably be a little bit bigger than this I know just the trick to help this out a little bit of this hey melon you’ve got 92 seconds left oh

That was the wrong one uh let me go like this I’m not very skilled there we go look at that that’s beautiful right there and should probably also go bada bing oh I messed it up again what am I doing and now my form is just about

Complete one more block I need to fill up and now it’s time to spawn a ton of sheep yes spawn all of the sheep and I have a villager in here so it’s gonna completely throw Sunny off hey melon you only have 23 seconds left dude yo chill

I’m almost done I’m almost done bro this blindfold is getting so itchy good you deserve it sunny I need to scratch it I need to scratch my neck please please chill I still got at least 10 seconds left no all I gotta do is go morph into

One myself wait I forgot to do something I gotta dye them different colors pink dye magenta dye yellow dye Scion die red dye and brown dye let’s go start tying the Sheep make them all a bunch of different beautiful colorful colors there we go yo melon that’s it time’s up

I’m taking this thing off put the blood that no more yo chill chill I gotta morph quickly or else he’s gonna find me I’m coming out I’m coming out time to track you down bro oh guys I gotta blend in yes I’m like one of them

So melon I got my three handy dandy questions to ask and I think I’m gonna start with the most helpful one in this game what’s his question the question is are you at the Red Village or the yellow Village I may or may not be at the Red

Village yo let’s go maybe I should have just looked around first and saved a question whatever doesn’t matter I’m still gonna find you you probably should have done that bro I’m still gonna sniff you out like it’s nothing because you are actually today you might not stink because instead of a melon you’ve

Morphed into a cute little animal whatever animal would I ever be morphed into uh I have my suspicion melon what animal there’s uh quite a few animals in here what did you build bro you made the ultimate sheepen I just smell bait a little bit of a factory bro well let me

Just do this really fast before I even waste a question boom is he one of these villagers let’s slice them and dice them with these leaves it’s not good I feel like I don’t blend in enough I feel like I stick out as the white sheep dude this

Is taking forever finally that’s it I need a more powerful weapon sharpness 1000 shears that’ll do the trick just nice if you’re this villager you’re dead no that was my brother conroydicus how could it be your brother you’re saying you’re actually a villager fine fine then are you disguised as a villager and

The Sheep pen was just a distraction uh no what I’m killing this villager anyway no not sir long donkeyless bruh sir long dongulus is not cool the question now melon is because I only have one left are you one of these sheep yes I’m one of them good luck finding me though

Stop you’re killing my brothers this is gonna take way too long and I feel like it’s too much violence there’s gotta be a better way to track you down melon yeah think of one Mr genius what could you possibly do I win this round that’s what you think melon I’ve got a

Really good plan yeah what’s your plan you’ll see in just a second that’ll do just fine back to survival mode so we can’t say I’m cheating and it’s time to name tag every sheep until I find one that doesn’t work oh no he knows it have

You tried dinner bone yeah you want me to try dinner bone huh yeah hold on which one of these is you you’re just trying to buy time one of these sheep is for sure you melon one of these sheep is not like the others one of these Jeep is

Not just another jab you’re right but I need to find it what the heck there’s so many I’m out of name tags you ran out of name tags time to make dinner bone ones nope time to just Slaughter yo chill until yo I see you you’re leaving the

Pen what are you talking about no you weren’t supposed to see that you thought you could Escape melon back to the place where all the Sheep fine there’s mutton I’d rather do to kill you no sonny chill I’ve got you cornered you can’t my Jabs

Are protecting me oh I got a speed boost out of here no I’m gonna just use the shears on you now I wanted to use my special weapon guys I got it more quickly yeah ever suspect a thing oh melon I’ve got a new Pro bruh where’d you move that mutton I

Don’t know bro where did you put those mud and chops I’m coming for him chill don’t come for me bro you’re gonna regret it I promise you I found you melon boo what yo are you in the woods here one of these sheep does not like

The other one of these sheeps is not just another jab okay melon if you changed into another morph that is so cheating which means I got an extra question did you swap morphs I may or may not have swapped morps I’m just killing everything in town I’m killing

It all you did this Goodbye Mr rabbit well this rabbit be fast though I thought it was you for sure did you just open the door I didn’t do anything Sunny wait oh that’s not you dang it why are there trees you’ll know it when you you only get

Only got Sunny this is and good Bro you’ve disappeared where are you you don’t worry about it wait no you didn’t there’s no way you did this did you go in the counting area yeah make sure you check it make sure you check it out this

Is so you what that was a regular rabbit that looked like a player trying to run away the heck melon what are you doing don’t worry about a thing Sonny I’m pretty sure I killed all the villagers that was inside of the sheep pen there’s just this little guy right here like yo

What yo I gotta run I can’t hit you you’re too big let’s go oh got him no you like my weapon name leave me alone that’s so stupid Sonny and then I absorbed you I’m the big scary Ender Dragon I’m gonna hit you you think you’re tough bro you got nothing on me

Yo we’re both really extremely slow and I’m glitch yeah so big we can’t even hit each other where’s The Sweet Spot oh well the next round right I guess it’s a tie bro that was an awesome round I gotta give you props that sheep pen was glorious thank you sonny I thought it

Was quite splendiferous now it’s my turn to hide yeah so get in here you can have all of my goods and hold up hold up melon just give me put this egg in your face yo chill wait Sunday I want to show you something yeah no no no I don’t want

To see it get out of here get out of here okay guys I have two minutes to find the ultimate hiding spot now what do I want to do do I want to be in the red Village or do I want to be in the yellow Village I think I’m gonna be a

Nice check this out I’m gonna go right here grab some obsidian and a flint and steel and I’m making another portal put it like that and then I want to booby trap it actually so that I’m gonna take a bunch of pressure plates that are secret

And I’m gonna put them like this just watch and see what happens TNT and I’m gonna put the golden TNT here because I don’t want anything too destructive but just enough to scare melon perfect now I’m gonna go through the nether portal and work on my real

Hiding spot this is beautiful but you know would be even more beautiful if I put more TNT I’m gonna put some annoying TNT and knock back TNT that sounds epic and then some secret PR whoa not like that some secret pressure plates like this I gotta be really careful not to

Step on any that could end really badly for me perfect and now over here I’m gonna put an army of piglin and morph into one so now I just have to spawn on a bunch of piglets that way when melon tries to fight me they’re all gonna attack him and hopefully destroy him

Over and over and over and over and over again and now morph Sunny pigland perfect wait I can give myself some stuff I’m gonna have golden leggings and a golden sword yo that’s awesome and you know what let’s put a couple of brutes just in case there we go yo the brutes

Are after me that’s a really bad idea I thought they’d be friendly we barely escaped all the brutes fell down the hole so we’re safe melon I’m in my hiding spot bro I’m ready finally taking my blindfold off and now I’m gonna Shear you sonny bro why is

There a nether portal no reason no reason at all bro you’re so predictable I bet you you’re hiding in the nether somewhere no yeah well yeah bro that’s why I made the portal in plain sight because I want you to go there and waste your time why did I hear it pressure

Plate yo what did I just do today why the Hogan’s mad at me what’s going on why am I getting sucked into the portal bro what is going on I’m lagging so hard let’s freaking go melon what’s wrong bro what what are they saying yo what just

Happened when you had a bad day you sing a sad song just to turn it around oh boy the TNT is still doing stuff guys that was insane I’m so confused this guy is following me and speaking a different language you don’t like my traps you

Won’t leave me alone oh my days leave me alone whoa I just got sucked no best friends forever Sunny what is happening I don’t know what he’s saying Sonny are you that piglet what are you talking about I saw pigling go through the portal was that you I don’t know what

You’re talking about uh Sunny melon why am I not teleporting what is go what’s going on where is this piglet yo hey Sunny no I’m chill get over here I’m cool bro oh get over here never no no yes dude your own trap backfired on you I don’t

Even know how I thought you you activated all the TNT then out of nowhere it just sucked me in can I kill these people they’re so annoying they’re literally from the TNT called Annoying TNT they don’t die look at this guy oh I have a solution here you go you just

Killed me oh that yeah I didn’t even kill them they’re still alive uh let me try one more thing here you go they’re dead thank the days thank the Bell thank the Subscribe Bell make sure you press subscribe right now let’s go hit it harder you got this harder boom okay

Melon it’s your turn to hide bro okay I got two minutes wait you got that blindfold on you bro no it got exploded by your TNT why didn’t you put it back into the blindfold item frame it literally is there to hold it um picking my nose dude you disgusting

Now what do I wanna do for this round guys I know exactly what I’m gonna do for this round so I left these signs for sunny I’m going to search out for a mine shaft I’m going on a very far and large Adventure I’ll see you guys there guys I

Found myself a mine shaft this is stick now I just gotta make some booby traps for sunny and a little bit of creative mode and by making some booby traps I mean become the booby trap check this out slash more pigmentation oh well that could have been bad and then I make

Myself a CNC Minecart that’s crazy this TNT mod card packs a punch though check this out I’m gonna give myself a bunch of dynamites to mess with sunny Yo which Dynamite’s the strongest though all the way from normal dynamites to the most destructive Dynamite known to man the

Nuclear Dynamite let’s go I can’t wait to test these all out on sunny it’s gonna be so good all right Sonny I’m ready let’s do this now where is the stupid melon uh yo wait what is this dear Sonny AKA not the goat bruh who wrote this that doesn’t make any sense

Press this button to teleport to my new hiding Zone I am in the mine shaft that’s your first clue yeah what melon what did you do I wanted a change in scenery so I thought it was only fair that I told you a little bit about where

I’m hiding okay well I’m gonna teleport Over Now activate boom yo I made it welcome not to go good luck finding me bruh when are you gonna stop playing you know I’m the goat uh Sunny I’ve never been playing but we’re literally on Minecraft right now we’re playing a game

Dude stop ruining it okay come and find me I’m trying but there’s cobwebs and lava and there’s just stuff everywhere that’s dangerous bro there’s creepers in this mine shaft are you crazy uh no I’m melon oh nice to meet you melon my name is sunny and I am the goat uh sure for

Sure what the heck is this the mine shaft leads to uranium diamonds and Bedrock what a beautiful mine shaft it brings tears to my eyes guys look at how colorful it’s shiny and beautiful now where’s that melon you ain’t gonna I’m not playing games anymore I’m bringing out the melon Crusher oh

On me timbers I’m so scared yo what are you good bro even sure you’re a pirate now I’m just making fun of you sonny because you think I’m gonna be scared of you you should be dude if I spot you you’re dead yeah well you ain’t gonna

Spot me and even if you do I don’t think I’m gonna be the one that’s dying what does that mean do you have skeletons guarding you cause there’s skeletons out the skeleton just lit me on fire are you kidding he shot through the lava and burned me that’s my homie right there

Trained by the goat himself dude not cool where are you bro there’s creepers okay I sold three questions I gotta be smart about this melon how close to your sign are you my sign uh not very what the heck bro okay second question are you actually in

The mine shaft or just near it I’m in the mine shaft like I’m in in the mine shaft you in it I’m in it here like I’ll help you out a bit you got two minutes left yo what did you just blow some TNT up no I heard that bro I heard that

Gotta find my way to you where yo I heard that that’s a mob spawner I don’t want to go that way where did this dude go wait a second it sounded like it came from over here melon Sonny where are you dude what type of mob are you disguised

As can I ask that question because he just ran right over me dude this rail is exploded you’re blowing things up back here chill chill I’m not bro I’m not throwing anything wait dude are you a bat I hear bats dying in the walls and

Stuff no I’m not a bad ah what bro what the heck how would you blow up melon what guys I’m gonna try this dynamite on him next bro that’s cap what just killed me ow what is blowing up back here stop you’re stepping on my trap Sonny I laid

Them out perfectly what the heck how many booby traps did you put yo something just tossed Dynamite at my face what the heck how what though that’s so weird bro dude I know yo no what is that melon stop throwing I I don’t even know where you are you’re

Just throwing Dynamite it’s not cool I’m gonna do one of these melon it’s so laggy yo what the heck look out Sonny like where are you you’ve got to be here somewhere you have to be disguised as a mob though I don’t see any ow what I

Just got sent flying oh that was not good what the heck bro wait a second melon Sonny there’s something missing and something moving around that was on this rail you’re the mine cart I gotta go ow gotta get out of here before it gets me Ellen where did you go melon

Chill Sunny guys I’m gonna plant the nuclear hey Sunny yo melon chill I don’t want to see the bottom of your mine cart that’s nasty Sonny I’m gonna throw this and I’m gonna run I don’t know what did you killed yourself I didn’t think it would blow up instantly Melon now I have

The ow ow I’m dying I’m dying wait I’m dead melon I see you bro I don’t know what you’re talking about you haven’t killed me yet it doesn’t count there’s too much radiation in here we’re gonna die no oh I will get my revenge melon

Eat it I’m still alive Sonny and now I’m dead from radiation I hit you with a nuclear TNT I’m just coded like that dude I don’t like this place anymore I want to leave wait the radiation is done I can escape where’s my Dynamite I tagged you fine you win that troll was

So good anyways that’s it for this Minecraft hide and seek melon is still a stupid TNT Minecart this guy hey chill bro chill so make sure you guys leave a like And subscribe in the next two seconds yo melon whatever you’re doing stop it melon we’re in a brand new city

And we’re about to play the ultimate high and go see Yo relax honey stop punching me bro punching people is not cool under no circumstances should you punch somebody dude you are not cool all I wanted to say is I’m really excited for today’s video because it’s our

Longest video ever this is a movie yeah oh it’s gonna be so epic so without further Ado Sonny spin the wheel let’s go come on keep spinning stop stop I got red your favorite color melon dang it I want it to get red oh look at my character selection screen I could

Choose Mario I could choose Spider-Man and The Flash I’m gonna go with Spider-Man and dang it bro that’s such a cool character it worked check me out bro you got a whole spider suit more than that I got the web shooter yo relax stop Sonny stop stop all right

Give me my two minutes to hide ow you got two minutes to hide stop shaking me okay guys as Spider-Man where the heck should I hide in this city spider Sunny spider Sunny does whatever a spider Sunny dish yo I’m on the tallest building okay I’m in the forest now I

Made a slight mistake small miscalculation now as Spider-Man hiding on top of the tallest building in the map would be very smart and very obvious at the same time because it would take melon forever to get up there but it’d be kind of obvious that I went up high

So should I hide inside of this building yo would melon ever suspect Spider-Man to go to the lowest floor but that’s not really very fun I want to have fun so fun it is time to use my cobwebs and grab onto the sky literally guys I’m flying through the sky

There’s no way melon finds me look how big this city is whoa look over here ow let’s see what else can I find in this town this place looks goaded yeah I know where I’m gonna hide it the one place melon would never expect Spider-Man to be in the Farmland because Spider-Man is

A city superhero not a farming boy so now I go down into the grass into the mud and cover myself up this is actually not even fair I need a little bit more space so it’s a bit crap down here yeah that looks good this hiding spot is not

Fair there’s no way melon finds me you got 10 seconds left Sonny I don’t need 10 seconds I’m ready finally an oh lee guacamole dude this place is gigantic where did you hide uh sunny I guess my first question is did you hide inside or did you hide outside I’m hiding outside

But kind of inside but but it’s outside it’s part of the Great Outdoors bro what basically I have blocks above my head but I’m outside okay that’s a double hint bro oh my are you using ghost blocks right now I’m not using ghost blocks I promise dude what are you doing

Spider-Man is doing something he’s never done before he’s becoming Ant-Man and I mean uh The Incredible Hulk I turned into the Incredible Hulk that’s what I meant to say what he’s becoming Ant-Man what does that even mean I meant to say hulk because Brew is strong you know bro that’s cap

That’s literal cap what did you do Sonny bruh this City’s huge you’re not finding me anyways second question are you perhaps in the forest I’m not in the forest bruh dang it bro are you in the city I’m not in the city either you’re not in the city and you’re not in

The forest where else is there dude this world is Big you gotta look around bro I am looking around I’ve been looking around I’m so confused it’s okay I’m Gonna Leave a hint okay give me a second this guys I’m Gonna Leave Mel in a hint

Just gotta come up here into the crops and I’ll stomp on a few of them hopefully he doesn’t see this and then I’m gonna add some cobwebs like this and this and this and this let’s see if this stands out enough for melon to find me

Like he is pretty dumb so he might not notice this all right that is enough cobwebs my farm is really obvious now huh gotta go down yeah that’s good that’s good cover myself back up and uh melon I left you a little trail of cobwebs dude I’m not seeing any cobwebs

This place is huge it’s not very helpful I’ll even give you one extra question um I guess are you in this Farm area uh uh that’s oddly specific well I don’t know I’m just the only other thing I can see I’m in farms right now and like

That’s not the city and it’s also not the forest yes Spiderman farmer yo yes I can find you I’m on to you wait why are there cobwebs here why are there cobwebs he’s actually getting close he found my cobwebs where are you you said you’re in the great out wait

What the heck is this thing right here what’s a what a thing I’m gonna go down here no don’t go down anywhere melon chill out bro I just found a bunch of command blocks what the heck did I find I gotta get out you’re running out of

Time bro you have 45 seconds left don’t chill Sonny quick yo Sonny I got more time to I have to have more time right no you have 45 seconds now you have 41 seconds where are you where are you I mean if you’re at the crops that have

My cobwebs you’re pretty close oh there’s no crops here this was next to a house uh uh you sure there was no wheat no oh my are you telling me this is just part of the map there was cobwebs next to a farm and it wasn’t from me no

No that’s amazing get played get trolled bro I have no idea where you are and you only have 21 seconds left to anyone dude I’m so yo I found your cobwebs these are for sure you this time uh-oh um it’s too bad you’re running out of

Time you knew how he feels I know you’re in here somewhere we’re gonna find you let me in let me in 10. nine nine eight yo I heard you I heard you I heard you seven six five four you’re gonna be in here somewhere three two no one

Zero where are you Spiderman wins bro are you kidding me you cheater what do you mean I’m the goat you’re so annoying Spiderman Spider shunny he wins hide and seek cause he’s the goat look at the comments they will tell you that I’m the best and melon’s trash or whatever let’s

Go to the next round no bro I’m trying to embrace this moment there’s a lot of wander melons in the comments next to trash cans and poop emojis I don’t want to talk to you what I’m hydrated I’ve lost my Spider-Man powers and it’s your turn to spin the

Color wheel bro I’m spinning it right now come on give me something good give me something good boo I got blue wait that could actually be goaded come on come on what are my character choices what are my character choices bro I’ve got blue Sonic or Knob NAB hmm I’m gonna

Go with Sonic this way I’m super fast and can jump super high the other guys can’t really do much damn goes in the blue rainbow friend because he’s really really bro don’t talk to me whoa dude dude transform the Sonic yes and I’m Sonic fast I’m out of here Sonny yo

Check me out okay you have two minutes to hide melon Sonic that’s more than enough time I could run across the map back and forth eight times in two minutes there does a Sonic hide where does a Sanic hide wait a second I see the perfect spot for a Sanic to hide

It’s nice and blue perfect for me to blend in yes just gotta run over to this building yes jump up do some Parkour that Sonny could never do hold on I’m gonna need some grass blocks this this jump parkour dude let me place the block parkour okay we’re going to a different

Building we’re out of here this is Santa Clyde gotta find a nice little cave for myself oh I’ve actually got a genius idea with my jump boost I can parkour up this tree hey why am I so trash jump dude being Sonic is awesome yes oh the

Parkours get me to the top get me to the top yes yes it’s so beautiful all right Sonny I’m ready it’s about time now I’ve got it coming smell sniff you out yo chill son you can’t sniff me on even if you do I’ll just run away hey melon did you know

That fresh fish is only 99 Emerald blocks what does that even mean yeah in the market here where we were counting they got some nice fresh fish you got any emeralds for me bro 99 Emerald blocks that is not worth it yeah that’s a big rip-off now for my first question

To track you down what color block are you closest to I would say green green yes I was just hoping it wasn’t going to be gray or white because then it would have been really hard okay green blocks wait that could be grass couldn’t it oh

Man yes it could be okay next question are you inside or outside I am outside you’re outside touching grass and leaves dang it what is this uh this is not a real hiding spot melon this is not a question this is a statement if you’re hiding underground with command blocks and stuff that’s

Cheating I’m not hiding underground don’t worry I’m hiding quit the opposite of underground wait wait the opposite of underground and there’s green wait you’re on a rooftop exposed to the sunlight you’re outside something like that okay opposite of underground I gotta find a really tall building with a tree

On top I have no clue Sunny why does the building have to have the tree on it because you said all filmed meaning you’re really hot oh wait you could just be on a tree no yeah you’re just on a Tall Tree somewhere what the heck bruh no I would never do

That I would never you sure about that here’s my last question are you on a tree yes I got a dip parkour to the next trees oh no this is not good this is not good guys I just fell all the way down I gotta I got it

Get up another tree get up to safety wow that’s a lot of trees I’m going into the forest melon I hope you’re up here uh why why would I why would you hope that because I’m gonna find you and win even when you have supersonic Powers bro

You’re never gonna find me gonna walk right past me and if you’re even gonna know that I’m right above you watching the whole time dude that’s a bit creepy and yeah I’m looking up I can’t climb these trees so I have to catch a glimpse of your blue Sonic body somewhere where

Is the sunny where is the Sonic melon gotta be up here somewhere melon where the heck are you she’s like I said Sonny doesn’t know I’m right above him look at this idiot down there look at him bruh I’m Chris the problem is I can’t see the

Very tip tops of the trees very well yeah you’ve gotta be here somewhere I would never be hiding on the tip tops that’s silly bro I know you’re on the tip tops it’s just hard to get a good angle of it all like where are you

Drink at you that’s it creative mode I need a jet pack or something chill yeah that will do just fine what are you doing I’m in survival I’m not cheating and let’s investigate these trees oh no oh no oh guys I Gotta Get Low I Gotta

Get Low I gotta hello now where are you melon nowhere to be found I just slipped that could have been really bad you only have 60 seconds left Sonny okay I gotta keep scouting you’re here somewhere look at this idiot he can’t find me bro he’s trash Dodge the trees Bob and weave

Where is this melon at dude I can’t I can’t Sonic cause I’m hiding Wells honey wait a second did you move hiding spots no I’m pretty much in the same tree I’m literally on the tip tops right now and you still can’t find me you sure 15

Seconds left Sonny he’s on the tip TOPS oh I moved from the tip tops I gotta go higher I must Ascend 15 seconds ten nine eight seven six where are you five you’re trash four three two one let’s go I still don’t see you sonny I’m literally looking at you you’re all the

Way over there yeah you are trash I can’t believe this hey melon look at the market stall I told you it’s 99 Emerald blocks bro that is too expensive no one’s paying that for fresh fish but you know what people will pay for that like button after I spin

The best color ever let’s go bro it’s probably gonna get brown for poop slow down wheel slow down yes golden I got yellow thank you so much for liking the video it helped power me up to get the best color ever dang it why do you keep getting the good ones

Let me see my character select screen yeah what I can become the B from B movie The Yellow rainbow friend duck or sunny the goat let’s go pick Sunny hey melon I chose myself and it gave me Creative Mode no you’re cheating bro you’re cheating you should just be

Yourself normally what the heck man I am myself normally because Sunny always cheats against creative and now give me my timer you got two minutes you cater I don’t need two minutes where I’m sending you hey melon look at what I’m building it’s also yellow the best color ever no clear Dynamite

Not for long no no the radiation the RADS no stop it sunny this is Minecraft hide and seek but we’re in a giant City okay melon you’re like a tiny little ant down there so small I might be tiny but I have this TNT times ten thousand and if everyone

Comments melon emojis right now I’ll blow you up no Sonny it’s time for tidy versus giant hide and seek let’s go yo what you’re so big and fast chill Sonny I stomp on you no okay I guess I’m hiding first give me my two minutes melon you have two

Minutes until I Crush you I’m out of here wait does this mean I need a giant blindfold yeah wait it does wait I want to see this activate my giant blindfold yo that thing is massive okay sonny stay right there I’m gonna run okay melon I don’t know where you

Went bruh you got two minutes to hide and then I’m gonna oh it’s a shooting oh I put Dragon boo all over the city bro you’re nasty dude that’s disgusting it’s gonna melt everything and I’ll have nowhere to hide all right guys I’ve got

A little trick up my sleeve so if I type in this Command right here press enter I’ve become a modern skin there’s no way sonny can find me now where would that be uh guys I’ve got a little problem here I don’t know where any water is

Come on please he’s here good the water B no is that water please tell me that’s a fountain come on tell me it’s not glass it’s blue glass wait I see fountain in the distance I just gotta run towards that and hide there and hopefully Sonny doesn’t check the water

But it wouldn’t matter anyways because I’m perfectly hidden wait there’s also a pond here don’t want to hide in the pond or do I want to hide in this water fountain let’s check them both out yo I think I want to hide in the fountain how

Do I look I don’t look super duper hit in here this is probably not the best idea I’m gonna go run back to the pond and hide in there and hopefully Sunny doesn’t notice all right Sonny I’m ready it’s about time I’m taking my itchy blindfold off I could see again this is

Weird I have to breathe I’m gonna drown otherwise gotta pop my head up every once in a while I’m gonna find you Sunny chill okay but buddy boy for my first question I’m gonna ask if you’re at high or low elevation basically are you at the top

Of one of these buildings or down somewhere normal I would say I’m at low elevation bruh that’s actually kind of helpful because now I don’t have to check all these buildings yeah pretty low I would say for my second question you say you’re at low elevation what is

Your why level I should have just asked that the first time I’m such an idiot you are silly goose Sunny uh what button do I press f2 F3 you Noob F3 yes but of course I’m at y level 65. yo you’re literally on the surface

You are so sus I thought maybe you went underground oh guys I accidentally jumped that was not good he could have seen me now where is this melon at I still have one last question but I don’t even know what to ask this city is so big yeah

Yeah good time asking your question son you might want to look around to begin with dude I’ve Been Everywhere this is not good guys he doesn’t see me wait this is perfect I control him getting stuck on everything jump over this bridge building look at this big idiot

Oh you almost looked my way dude I’m too huge for my own good look at that idiot we’re on the wrong way such a stupid poopy head yo melon I can hear you yo chill you didn’t mute your mic and you called me a poopy [Applause]

Poopy with you yeah I called you a poopy head cause you’re a poopy head bro you are cringe you literally grew up in poop melon you got fertilized when you were a baby I don’t know what you’re talking about Sonny I am just trying to find this wander melon you’re around here

Somewhere you were just making fun of me fine my last question you’re making me ask it what color are you touching I’m touching blue wait a second are you in this flag no and you only got one minute left Sonny what the heck bro that’s it

I’m out of questions I can go normal size this is actually easier something blue the bus stops are all blue glass yo there’s water fountain come on yeah check that water fountain real close Sonny real close nope up close and personal why are you being so sus you’re

Being so Sonny come on there’s got to be more blue this Clay is kind of blue how do I get in oh guys that was so close 20 seconds left bro the inside’s blue you’ve gotta be in this bathroom come on 15 seconds what the heck bro you’re not

In here wait are these ghost blocks come on none of these are ghost blocks wait there’s more water oh ten nine eight seven six got you no eat it melon chill I was so close to running out of time let’s go bro I was right there I was gonna win no

And you know what else melon I’ve got a sharpness 1000 bucket time to scoop you you pressed the wrong button Sonny you’re supposed to right click oh sorry about that let me try again do it the right way I will now scoop you sonny you messed up again what are you talking

About it worked I have a water bucket right here bruh no way oh that’s such cap bro you know you just swapped your inventory I’m not Captain dude it’s got sharpness 1000 wait why’d I give that to you that’s crazy get back in no no no no no no no

Smell it just take this blindfold to go count okay I’m becoming melon again and now I’m putting the blindfold on and you’ve got two 10 seconds to hide and by 10 seconds I mean two minutes what the heck Melody you are huge I’m out of here okay guys I

Have the ultimate hiding spot for this round there is actually no chance melon’s gonna find me I’ve gotta trick up my sleeve he thought he was creative by using the camo skin but check this out I’ve got something crazier I am gonna transform into a puny little tree

Psych you thought bruh I’m gonna be a big tree and look at my little feet when I run yo this is crazy now I’ve just gotta find a good spot to park myself so that melon won’t notice I’ve got a blended perfectly with all the other foliage I’m

Thinking over here is probably a good spot like right there like this wait hold on I’m in the air still nope drop down perfect no ah get on the floor you stupid treat you there we go and now I have Blended in he’ll never know this is

Me okay melon I’m in my hiding spot finally taking off my dragon’s head and now I’m gonna find you sonny that’s what you think bro there’s no chance oh my did you hear that we’ll see about that Sonny that was disgusting disrespectful and not cool yeah yeah

Whatever you say big boy now where the heck are you hiding is that your first question because I’ll answer it no because you’re gonna give some vague answer and it won’t help me at all no melon I promise it’ll totally help just go back to where you were 10 seconds ago

I could see you wait actually whoa that’s a big hint go back I’m giving freebies today that’s how confident I am because I know there’s no chance you find me yeah I can see that melon head but you can just see my head yo go back

Go back go back go back no jump jump a little bit yeah look at that melon boy where the heck can you see my head from that makes no sense oh I told you it wouldn’t even help but it kind of helped it gave me a laugh all right Sonny first

Question are you at a place of high elevation or at a place of low elevation I’m at a place of low elevation oh yes they’re very so much low second question am I getting closer to you now well I don’t know where you went I can’t see

You that’s a no yes yeah you probably went far away am I getting closer to you now oh I see you you’re going the wrong way though what the heck wait are you over here then oh no he’s totally getting closer I’m so scared and Afraid

Yo look at that juicy melon top I see it bro am I getting closer now kind of you’re like asking a million questions yo you’re back here somewhere Shanny nah you’re going too far you vanished oh you’re back where are you bro what the heck yo I’m in the basement of that

Building you’re looking at low elevation Sonny are you inside or are you outside second question I’m outside guys this isn’t good he’s getting close to me I don’t see you bro I’m like looking at all this forestry and I don’t see no Sunny that’s right and you never will

What the heck what are you up wait bruh why does this tree look so sus I don’t know what you’re talking about let me through there’s so many leaves wait I used all my questions I can shrink down let’s go to one I’m out of here and I’m inspecting this

Tree wait why is it moving I’m out here why are you so quick yo look at these little legs look at him go this tree literally has legs bro get back here I found you fair and square no I’m stuck I got a jet I got a jet guys I made the

Getaway I’m perfectly camouflaged in with these palm trees now right totally I need speed guys and luckily I know just the command wait a second guys I need to get bigger twice the size wait a second I’m pancaked why am I pancaked get up stand up straight tree wait a

Second I need to still get bigger he’ll never see this tree now oh no I’m stuck I should be pretty quick now yo I’m so fast get back here Sonny why are you holding a stick yo one other command if I go reach ten I can snipe you get back

Here I don’t know what’s going on I’m in the fog I’m in the Mist give me all the reach I can snipe you sonny hey chill yes yo you draw the giant sapling that’s so goofy dang it I didn’t even see you let’s go I’m all powerful you sapped me

Bro dude I went like that hit me again and look at my body when I respawn ready ready look at this wait what you didn’t see it what am I looking at I was a thick Sunny look at this ball right yo you’re right you have the

Tiniest little legs for half a second that’s so goofy you look so good goofy okay stop killing me it’s your turn to hide okay okay I got two minutes Sunny give me my countdown okay hey chill your countdown starts now bro go away hey chew I’ll

Give you the stick I’m out of here where’s that stick at bruh yeah you better run chill you better not have reach on I’m putting the blindfold on now you have two minutes all right guys I got one more trick up my sleeve for sunny so with the power of a little bit

Of commands I can become a leaf skin and now it’s time to hide in a tree where is a good place to hide since Sunny became a tree it’s only right that I become Leafs this round hey Sonny can you turn your graphics down to low uh yeah you

Got it bro let me just go here video settings uh Graphics uh fabulous right that’s the one you wanted no I wanted you should put them on uh yeah fast fast that’s the graphics you should put them on nah bro I went for fabulous us and

When I get you bro I’m gonna destroy you chill okay guys this is not good if he’s got the wrong graphics on I’m gonna be exposed whatever I’ll have to do I’m gonna hide right in this tree right here hopefully Sonny doesn’t see me all right

Sonny I’m ready let’s do this take the blindfold off and it’s time to track this melon down I saw you run this way now the question is where’d you go I don’t even know where I went sunny I went far okay bro that’s some good free advice appreciate it you’re very welcome

Sonny okay Mr melon have you disguised yourself this round because you did it last time you turned into water bruh gee don’t worry about it don’t worry I would never disguise myself twice why would I ever do that yo that was so sus you definitely picked a disguise so second

Question what’s your disguise skin uh I may or may not be Leafs so just leave me alone no way there’s so so many leaves on this map how am I supposed to find you by looking oh thanks I was really quite helpful wow extraordinary oh very

Welcome sorry wait I know how I could find you I just need one item flint and steel and I’m gonna burn it all to the ground no sonny don’t do it the whole server’s gonna lag I’m gonna bring this Minecraft world to its knees yo suddy Doper down the trees they’re my friends

They’re my family they’re all I have left and they’re soon to be gone I’m out of flint and steel but there’s a lot of forests burning no what are you doing what are you doing bro I still haven’t found you and I’ve burned half the world

Down don’t worry about it I’m in the ultimate tree wait are you in these bushes sunny I still have one question could you see my forest fire yeah I can see your forest fire oh right now you can see it right now potentially yes you’re out here somewhere are you in this chest

No I know you’re here somewhere I’m not here anywhere Sunny you’ve got to be here you know what it’s time for me to get a better Vantage Point what are you up to Sonny I gotta get bigger yo chill chill Sonny don’t look too hard where the heck

Are you you could see this Forest burning means you’ve gotta be in one of these trees but I can’t see you anywhere guys I was so close he was at eye level with me like what the heck melon you’re here but I don’t see you are you sure

I’m there oh my God he was just inside of me you’ve got to be right here uh I don’t know what you’re hitting Sonny but I’m not there that’s it we need more flint and steals burn it down burn it all ow I burned myself chill I think you

Got my tree oh no my tree’s on fire no I’m on fire I gotta put this out or he’s gonna find me where are you I’m burning the house I don’t even care the fire is spreading so quickly what am I gonna do yo I saw something tick red you’re in

This tree what are you talking about there you are you’re burning I see you you’re on fire I don’t know what you’re talking about I need to get small again yes melon I just saw you you’re the tree that’s burning yo chill Sunny chill I

Just need some dirt and then I jump up and this melon get out of the tree you’re done chill just need to smack you with my stick you’re too slow Sonny I gotta go inside this is not my natural habitat don’t hit the top yeah get in a

Bookshelf become the knowledge boom nah oh don’t worry melon I’ll plant a new sapling in your place right here next to my fire no no I’ll even water the little guy oh that’s actually very kind of you no it’s not it destroys the sapling no melon it’s your turn to count and my

Turn turned minute warning you got two minutes starting right now no put this on put hey put this blindfold on dude what you doing no starting out starting now hey you can’t hit me with the blindfold fine uh put it on on it and fifth and 50 seconds left

Perfect okay guys if the tree morph wasn’t good enough I’ve got something way stupider now check this out if this doesn’t work I’m throwing in the towel this has gotta be the best hiding spot ever I just need to find a really good spot in the world this parking lot is

Perfect now I’ve gotta do this I’m turning myself into a building but not just any building I’m gonna become a skyscraper I have just gotta line this up perfectly like this yeah that looks pretty good wait no I need to be bigger this is too small skyscraper size 100.

Oh that might be too big uh I can’t see anything anymore guys this is awkward and I may have lagged the whole game maybe 100 was too much uh let’s do like 60 60 is probably better I can’t even type I’m like it’s so hard shrink me

Down can I come back to planet Earth please 60 is still too big oh my goodness I’m gonna go back to size 40. that’s better I can at least play the game now and then I need to make my building line up with this Stone a

Little bit better get the angle come on oh that’s good right there melon I’m ready finally Sunny taking this blindfold off and I’ll be coming huge for real bro you think getting huge is gonna help you track me down yeah I do think so now yo

Wait what the uh Sunny yeah your like character just glitched for a second and uh it’s a bit strange there’s like one building in here that doesn’t really look like the other buildings all around us I don’t know what you’re talking about bro if I was a building I think I

Would know it’s uh not even lined up properly it’s like on a diagonal I mean if I was a building there’s no way I’d be holding a giant sapling so that can’t be me so if you were a building and I had a stick hey chill chill I’m out of

Here oh no I’m stuck on the trees move my legs move my legs yo Sonny hold on I grabbed a new kind of stick where’d you where’d you go I’m good here this is totally normal everybody has seen a building move like this before buildings clearly have two legs that are thick and

A little skinny boy up top I need to find my natural habitat I’m going home foreign I’m good never mind Sunny where are you the whole map is lagging I’m famous bro you know like Hollywood I’m chilling with mine wood bro I look good I’m so

Famous bro look at me bro where did you go I looked away for one second to type in a command I don’t want to talk about it bro yo wait my building got that curvy top wait you said you’re near mine wood come here no don’t hurt me I’m an

Innocent building I’m just gonna hit you a little bit ow yo Choo hey yo you got a thick bosom now die oh me yeah bro one of those buildings is not like the others now where the heck are you you’re not a big building anymore yo you’re a little building yeah you were

Literally a demolition artist yo hit me again and look at my body yo you got a thick butt seat yo check out my body when I respawn I’m done getting beat up by you bro I’m becoming the goat there he is back to normal um now make sure you guys like it

Subscribe or I’ll hit Sunny into the actual Sun yeah that’d be kind of nice send me home go click the next video before melon sends me into the next Dimension yeah AKA

This video, titled ‘Cheating With 100% Invisible Camo In Minecraft Hide and Seek!’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2023-05-07 12:00:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

100% Invisible CHEATS In Minecraft Hide and Seek! Inspired by Maizen Wudo Omziscool Omz Cash Nico Aphmau Cobey Mongo …

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    Welcome to the Janitor’s Closet! We are a worldbuilding/roleplay based SMP, creating a fun atmosphere where you can build your own culture, nation, story, and impact without restrictions on era or genre. Join our unique community where you can create religions and cultures, or join existing ones! Experience lore-related and in-game events, or even host your own! Discord Info: Join our Discord here to get started. Fill out a quick app after reading the rules to join our community. Our plugins include Dynmap, SimpleVC, SetHome, Deadchest, CombatLog, Brewery, and more! Read More

  • Nexaris | Worldbuilding

    Nexaris | Worldbuilding================= Nexaris=================Nexaris is a diverse server under the Geopolitical, Nations, Towny, Roleplay, and Worldbuilding categories. Forge your Nation, make alliances, and conquer the world! Create your religion and worship your god(s). In Nexaris, politics, and territory control are crucial. Players compete to control regions, make deals with others, and join in big events that shake things up. Every decision YOU make can greatly impact the server’s history, shaping its future.We, the staff of Nexaris, try to provide the best experience for players. The server itself has not been launched yet. But it will be very soon! Join our Discord! We’ll… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Y’all really hate Keep Inventory?”

    “Why do y’all hate keep inventory? Because losing all your stuff builds character…and rage-induced tears.” Read More

  • Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango

    Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango Welcome, gamers, to a brand new day, Where Minecraft adventures come out to play. In this episode, we dive into the unknown, Exploring the Trials, with skills to be honed. First up, enchanting, a magical art, Adding power to weapons, straight from the heart. My village is thriving, with buildings so grand, And an enchanting library, where knowledge will stand. But the real fun begins, in the Trial Chambers, Where challenges await, testing our gamers. With my trusty dog army by my side, We’ll conquer each trial, with nothing to hide. So join me on this journey, filled with… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21

    Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch Introduction The Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch has been making waves across all platforms, including PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, MCPE, and PC. This glitch allows players to duplicate items in the game, providing them with an advantage in their gameplay. How It Works The Duplication Glitch is a fascinating exploit that players can use to their advantage. By following a specific set of steps, players can duplicate items in their inventory, giving them an edge in crafting and building within the game. Step-by-Step Tutorial The Hook: Players are drawn in by the allure of duplicating… Read More

  • Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft!

    Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft! Minecraft Adventures in Truly Bedrock In the world of Minecraft Truly Bedrock, the adventures never stop! PlodPlod, a dedicated player, recently embarked on some exciting new projects and challenges with the TB crew. Let’s dive into the action-packed episode! Automatic Sorting System PlodPlod showcased their engineering skills by creating an automatic sorting system for storage. This system not only streamlines the organization of items but also adds a touch of efficiency to the gameplay. With this setup, managing resources becomes a breeze, allowing for more time to focus on other exciting tasks. Triple Ender Dragon Battle One of the… Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Pokemon x Minecraft?! Mythical Cobblemon Day 1!🟢’, was uploaded by HalloweenMoonCrab on 2024-05-25 04:45:45. It has garnered 230 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 05:27:15 or 19635 seconds. Pokemon meets Minecraft?! This is wild! Welcome to Day 1 of the Mythical Cobblemon! Season 2 kicking off with a ton of fun. want to play? 📲 Discord – 🎮 Modpack - 🖥️ Installation Guide – Coming Soon it’d mean a lot to me if you’d like the video and comment if you liked the stream below! 😀 Twitter: Peep the… Read More

  • EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!

    EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Maizen – Minecraft on 2024-06-23 17:00:20. It has garnered 5280 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:12 or 972 seconds. JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥

    Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Логика Майнкрафта! #майнкрафт #minecraft #funtime #сервер #holyworld #anarchy #shorts’, was uploaded by ArianCraft on 2024-06-04 11:07:25. It has garnered 817 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY’s Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!

    Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY's Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Inside! – Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 15 (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-06-11 02:11:07. It has garnered 36025 views and 1448 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:35 or 6335 seconds. MERCH at Become a member of the channel: My Twitter – My Twitch – MERCH at Check out FocusFuel: Use Code “Speedy” for 10% Off! I am a co-founder of FocusFuel. Discord – Modpack - Installation Guide – Coming Soon #mythicalpartner Read More

  • “Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!” #minecraft #hypixel

    "Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!" #minecraft #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘free win (luckyblocks bedwars) #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by Dimensional Breachers on 2024-03-15 05:26:32. It has garnered 464 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Welcome to another Video on our group channel: Discord Server: Links to Breachers: Char: YouTube: Twitter: Cryptic: YouTube: Pug: YouTube: Twitch: Twitter: Muzz: YouTube: Twitch: Twitter: Ignore: #shorts #Minecraft #DimensionalBreachers #Halo #Phas #Deadbydaylight #gaming Tags: lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download,, vape download, vape v4, vapev4,… Read More

  • Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘Daz Man Reviews Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack In Minecraft Bedrock! Texture Pack Review’, was uploaded by Daz Man on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 616 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:34 or 2134 seconds. Throwback Thursday has officially hit MEME status with the Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack available in Minecraft Markplace, created by Heropixel Games! ⭐Join this channel as a MEMBER to get access to perks⭐: OTHER CHANNEL LINKS @DazManReacts – Bringing the Skibidi Toilet meme into you Minecraft World with polished textures and custom Skibidi… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥

    🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Making Clan Base In Minecraft SMP Java + BE #minecraftpesmpgameplayinhindi #publicsmpminecraft’, was uploaded by SFC Gaming World on 2024-01-14 08:20:00. It has garnered 89 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:14 or 2834 seconds. 🔴ABOUT THIS VIDEO SO Guys I M Playing In Golden Elytra Server And Making Our Clan Base If U Like And Enjoy This Stream Make Sure U Hit The Like Share And Subscribe Button And If U Wanna Play With Me The Ip Is Here Golden Elytra Server IP- Zigbeast Bro Server Ip- Zigbeast Bro… Read More

  • INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀

    INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE!! (you can name pokemon, also im on a bad back up mic lol)’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-13 17:16:27. It has garnered 153 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:46 or 7906 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… hive, hive cs, hive with viewers, hive party, minecraft, minecraft bedrock, minecraft the hive, hive bedrock, hive skywars, the hive, hive treasure wars, mcpe, the hive bedrock, treasure wars, hive arcade, Hive, Hive Minigames, Minecraft, PvP, Minecraft PvP, 1v1, Hive Custom Servers, Hive Quests,… Read More

  • savdude – Insane New Music Disc – OMG Reason 7 #minecraft

    savdude - Insane New Music Disc - OMG Reason 7 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Music Disc – For a Reason 7? #minecraft#shorts#cricket’, was uploaded by savdude on 2024-05-05 14:54:48. It has garnered 390 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Minecraft Holi Edition Mod FOLLOW ME : Instagram ► Discord ► #Minecraft #But#savdude#op #holi #happy holi #holi festival #holi holiday Read More

  • Aurous

    AurousWelcome to Aurous! We listen to community suggestions and always have a twist or special thing going on. Read More

  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 Survival Community Events

    TheCrib Server TheCrib is a Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy based server that focuses on quality of life features and values the player experience. The server supports both Java & Bedrock versions. Server IP: Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: Wiki: Read More

  • 🌊 Castaway Cove | 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Friendly Island Survival 🏝️ | 🍍Custom Fruit & Fishing 🍍 | 🦜 Jobs & Economy 🦜 | 🏝️ Furniture 🏝️|

    IP: castaway.smpmc.usArgh Matey, Welcome to Castaway Cove!! We’re a unique take on Skyblock/AcidIsland where you can carve out your own slice of paradise on a private island, cultivating a variety of exotic fruits such as coconuts, pineapples, and bananas. Watch your orchards flourish under the warm tropical sun, providing you with a bountiful harvest to enjoy and trade. But that’s not all – the crystal-clear waters around your island are teeming with vibrant aquatic life, just waiting for you to explore. Try your hand at fishing, and discover an array of new and exciting species. Whether you’re tending to your… Read More

Cheating With 100% Invisible Camo In Minecraft Hide and Seek!