Chum Kevin – I had my first reaction to Minecraft World when @ElestialHD was 11 YEARS OLD! … (SAD!)

Video Information

Kita mau reaction guys ya jadi di sini adalah video elestial guys Gua ketemu Minecraft buat paling pertama gua jadi di sini gua mau reaction sama elestine-nya langsung gimana file jadi kata lu ini sedih feel Iya Biasa aja man lu tau enggak gua juga punya World gue

Di PC sama gua di Madiun Fel gua kepo juga sih 10 tahun yang lalu ini serius kita nonton ya ini gimana nih Anjir Oh rumah lu Gading Iya rumah gua [Musik] kenapa ini yang di awal tadi well bukan laptop Gua sih tapi lebih tepatnya laptop Bapak gua 10 tahun yang

Lalu laptop Bapak lu itu MacBook lama gua itu karena dulu gua main Minecraft pakai laptop ini dan di dalam laptop ini ada Minecraft gua pertama cuk Oh my god saya pengen minta jadi gue pasti [Musik] Minecraft ini mending gua kasih tahu kalian sesuatu dulu Bagaimana ini semua dimulai bermain game Minecraft

Gila lagunya Fel Anjir inget ini sih 10 tahun yang lalu ya disaat gua tuh masih umur 11 tahun mungkin kebaikan dari kalian pertama kali main game Minecraft tuh karena ya kalian ketemu gamenya ketemu konten-kontennya di Youtube Tapi dulu disaat gua pertama kali main Minecraft Nih ya konten Minecraft di YouTube tuh belum beragam

Seperti sekarang jadi gua dulu pertama kali tahu game Minecraft itu tuh karena salah satu saudara sepupu gua yang udah main gamenya duluan dan saat gua dikenalin sama gamenya gua langsung jatuh cinta atau PC oh dan akhirnya gua bikin World Minecraft pertama gua sejak hari itu setiap kali gua pulang

Sekolah gua main-main Craft setiap kali pulang sekolah Gua mikirin Lord gua gimana dan sekarang gua akan kembali ke laut itu 10 tahun yang lalu Coba kalian komen deh kalian mulai main Minecraft tuh di versi berapa sih karena satu titik enam itu udah jadul-jadul banget sama gua 162 Fel [Musik] perlu apa kabar Bro

Anjing lu ini lumayan anjing Setia 10 tahun dia menunggu 10 tahun Man dia udah duduk di situ selama 10 tahun dia setia tahi di situ bayangkan 10 tahun lu lu berdebu di World ini dia duduk menjadi anjing yang setia menunggu Islam 10 tahun dan akhirnya majikanmu telah kembali ya di sini kamu ikut

Bareng kok ayo ayo ayo ayo [Musik] Kelihatan banget sih build-build bocah [Musik] tapi kalau kalian udah punya sesuatu selama 10 tahun maksud gue gini rumah ini gua bikin 10 tahun yang lalu di saat gua masih kecil di saat gua masih punya banyak mimpi disaat gua masih sekolah dan sekarang

Bayangin gua udah mulai masuk ke dunia kerja gua udah lulus kuliah bahkan gua udah ngadain sama sekolah gua udah harus pusing mikirin cari duit gua harus pusing mikirin masa depan gua sedangkan di saat gua membangun rumah ini beban hidup itu tidak ada gitu loh jadi kayak ngelihatnya tuh kayak

Gue dulu Seneng banget Mau bikin ini tempat mobil rumah ini eh Man itu kita review Dikit dulu ya guys ya Kok gak bisa coy Jadi ini anjing gua [Musik] Oke jadi gua tuh dulu tuh pas masih Bocil gue tuh kayak orang goblok juga ya karena kalian lihat lah gua ini Ini gua

Udah Nether Portal yang menuju ke Nether oke terus di sini ada kaktus Farm tapi kartu smart-nya juga bodoh Oke kalian Generation world-nya masih jelek-jelek-jelek banget kan masih yang kayak datar belum terlalu bentuk jadi apa-apa terus gua juga masang block juga random banget kalian tuh tiba-tiba benar-benar Bocil Bocil guys Gua di saat

Ini gua masih umur 11 tahun enggak sih ih 11 tahun guys Coba kalian komen ada enggak kalian yang masih yang umur 11 tahun atau mungkin bahkan lebih muda dari 11 tahun dan Mungkin kalian bilang kayak Bang gua 11 gua sekarang umur 11 tapi enggak se goblok ini ya karena

Sekarang Minecraft tuh sudah sangat berkembang Iya 10 tahun yang lalu Minecraft Vlog kayak gini tuh udah keren banget Minecraft sudah berkembang jadi komunitas yang menjadi komunitas yang sekarang di mana Gua harus lakukan itu sudah gila banget gitu loh dan ini aja dan gua aja enggak tahu kenapa gua bikin kayak gini tinggi-tinggi terus

Pasti Sumpah gue tahu iya iya kan gua dulu juga gitu Anjir dulu juga dulu kayak gitu cuk tempat latihan parkour tapi ini tempat latihan parkour ya gua dari dulu tuh dan suka ngeparkour Tuh tanpa ada World ini mungkin ls-nya sekarang enggak ada gitu loh tuh [Musik] sorry sorry sorry [Musik]

Kita ke situ paling akhir kita itu apa file anjir jadi kalau kita ke situ paling akhir tempat yang Air ini kita kita coba tempat lain dulu deh kita kalau ngeleluconnya lelucon dulu dah jadi dulu tuh gua juga sering lihat youtube-youtuber kayak bikin track Trap tapi ya gua masih Bocil gua goblok lah

Gitu ya jadi ini maksud gua tuh gua bikin lever Trap kayak gini ya ini pun harus manual sudah teratur ini jadi kalau ada zombie mau jalan goblok banget dulu Ini udah keren loh sudah Keren sumpah zaman dulu gim doang udah keren nih mati gitu loh kan gitu

Dong sumpah nah terus atau hal juga yang dulu gua suka itu tuh gua tuh suka nyambung-nyambung gini rupa jadi rumah ini nanti rumah ini bisa sampai rumah yang sebelah sana gitu loh gua suaranya guys Gua lagi mod creative dulu ya dulu gua bikin Valentine kayak gini masih goblok

Lah masih enggak ngerti cara nge-build gitu loh Oh ini nih dulu buat gua bertahan hidup Guys jadi itu kalau misalnya dulu gua kayak ada mobs yang kayak dulu pas kalau gua habis mati itu bareng gua hilang atau gimana gua kayak gini gua kayak gini Kayak gini jadi gua

Aman gitu loh YouTube banget coy tapi ini gila banget lu kayak gitu Fel rumah Iya simpel dulu simpel banget bikin ini gua tuh mau bikin ini kayak apa ya kayak Story crumb yang keren gitu loh pakai kayu tapi intinya tuh gua tuh mulai enggak main ini World lagi itu

Karena gua mulai ketemu yang namanya server gua baru ngerti apa Kalau ada namanya server ada multiplayer kan di mana Gua bisa masuk server buat main sama sama orang-orang lain Nah jadi karena itu gua mulai mainnya tuh sama orang-orang lain terus gua mainnya di server terus udah gua enggak pernah

Online lagi di sini padahal itu pengen gua keluarin dulu tapi kayak Ya udah terlanjur kecanduan main yang multiplayer gitu kan rumah yang sengaja gua bikin pakai Iron blok karena cari Iron itu susah buat gue yang masih Bocil eh karena diisinya bisa dibilang ada gua ingat banget gue nulis ini dulu Anjir

Ada mimpi-mimpi gua sembuh nah ini mimpi-mimpi aku tercapai ya lu anjir [Musik] gue cerita dulu deh buat nomor satu deh jadi di zaman gua main Minecraft ini gak ada namanya youtuber Minecraft Indonesia adanya youtuber Minecraft ya luar negeri dan semuanya pakai bahasa Inggris dan apalagi kalau kalian mau jadi youtuber

Minecraft Indonesia dulu tuh kayak mustahil gitu loh kayak apa-apa gunanya gitu loh jadi youtuber Minecraft Indonesia tuh kayak dulu tuh kagak jelas gitu dan sekarang ya zaman sudah berubah sekarang malah banyak bocah-bocah yang pengen jadi youtuber Minecraft kan tapi gua enggak apa-apa gua support kalau kalian ada beberapa

Dari kalian yang pengen jadi youtuber tapi intinya begini mungkin kalau sekarang menjadi youtuber itu sudah lebih diterima oleh masyarakat karena banyak hasil dan banyak buktinya kalau misalnya jadi youtuber tuh ya Banyak orang bisa jadi sukses lah bisa dibilang nomor dua bisa lulus sekolah dengan nilai yang bagus Amin elestial

Lulus sekolah dengan nilai yang lumayan Oke Kok nggak yang terbagus tapi Lumayan lumayan Oke Kok bisa bikin cerita kayak anime oh my god dulu dulu tuh gua tuh suka nonton Detektif Conan Naruto Dragon Ball Terus sekarang udah bikin cerita kok lu udah bikin Minecraft banyak Minecraft lu bikin Bapak kau SMP

Lo bikin Viva SMP Viva Fate sampeyan anjir [Musik] banyak cerita-cerita di sana banyak robek-rope banyak cerita sedihnya cerita Epic nya bisa punya komputer sendiri bisa beli lego yang banyak tuh gua dulu ya pas masih Bocil kalau kalian gak tau gua tuh suka banget sama namanya

Lego jadi itu dulu tuh gua tuh SD zaman SD gitu SD ke SMP lah gua tuh suka banget sama namanya Lego gua selalu ngerayangin minta ke orang tua gua please aku mau Lego Aku mau Lego Aku mau Lego dan Lego itu kan sebenarnya relatif lumayan mahal ya guys ya jujur lah gua

Itu jadi dulu pas kecil ya gua Lego gua enggak begitu banyak tapi ya gua dari dulu tuh selalu pengen punya Lego nah tapi kayak baru sebulan terakhir ini gua mulai akhir-akhir ini malah jadi hobi gua buat Lego balik guys nih gua kasih satu deh jadi bahkan gua juga punya ini

Lego guys ini Lego mobil Porsche yang ya gua gua udah mulai balikin guys emang bener gue rumah Lesti isi Lego semua guys sekarang guys lego-nya mahal-mahal lagi gila tercapai loh guys ya Ini bukti kalau bawa impian bisa kalian capai ya guys sumpah mimpi apapun bisa kalian capai gua sekarang

Lagi bikin Lego Disney terus gue juga udah punya Lego Titanic yang gua udah Kelarin jadi ya lu bisa beli lego yang banyak kok LS dan yang terakhir tuh pas zaman-zaman sekolah ya gua tuh Temen gua nggak banyak lah bisa dibilang gua ada teman gua nggak mau bikin cerita seakan-akan gue yang

Bener-bener paling di kayak gua di-bully banget gua ini enggak gua tuh dulu tuh murid normal pada umumnya saja cuman ya Temen gua nggak gitu banyak Gua kalau bisa bilang ke gua Yang dulu ya teman itu nggak perlu banyak Lebih baik teman sedikit tapi temen-temennya setia temannya baik-baik ketimbang punya temen banyak tapi teman

Banyaknya semua hanya teman bohongan tapi jujur aja ya komunitas Minecraft ini telah membawa gua banyak teman-teman yang baik [Musik] berarti mapnya udah ke review semua kan Tapi sebelum gue pengen keluar dari map ini ada satu hal yang pengen gua lakuin dulu anjing [Musik] [Musik] tapi masalahnya

Minta ini kan di rumah lu masih ada ini lu kan ada kayak keluarga lu kan udah kirimin lu minta kirimin JNE USB gitu dan oke oke oke adik lu kan ngerti lah pakai komputer-komentar disuruh Adek lu lah yang uppotin file world-nya gitu nanti lu enggak download tinggal mainin hah ya

Udah jadi Thank you feel Man Ini bukti bahwa kita bawa impian Seperti apa ya guys ya Kalian terus berjuang jangan menyerah guys tepat sekali [Musik]

This video, titled ‘Gw Reaction World Minecraft Pertama Pas @ElestialHD Umur 11 TAHUN! … (SEDIH!)’, was uploaded by Chum Kevin on 2023-09-02 09:23:24. It has garnered 259223 views and 13661 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:19 or 919 seconds.

YOI GAN~ FOLLOW MY INSTAGRAM QUICKLY! : @kevinlivestrongg JOIN YOUR DISCORD FAST! : Business / ETC : [email protected]

This Video Is Only Entertainment only, Nothing is serious in this video thank you youtube

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    EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage - SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘VIDEO RE VIVIDO | Minecraft PVP Montaje #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by Susro on 2024-06-13 21:00:35. It has garnered 452 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. This is a Minecraft PvP Montage, pot pvp, playing in skywars not bedwars without using any client like lunar client, making the best, best combos Comment how you liked the video! πŸ˜„ πŸ“’ My Social Networks βšͺ TWITTER: 🟣 TWITCH: 🟠 INSTAGRAM: ⚫ TIK TOK: πŸ”΅ DISCORD: πŸ“§ Contact: [email protected] βš”οΈ Join this channel to access… Read More

  • TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerX

    TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerXVideo Information This video, titled ‘Im a Good-Player ^^’, was uploaded by GoodPlayerX on 2024-06-23 12:27:34. It has garnered 48 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Im uploading again IGNORE #minecraft #boxing #pvp tags: tags:stimpypvp,stimpaypvp,stimpy,stimp,stimpy pvp tutorial,stimpy vlog,stimpay,1v1 with stimpy,pvp,pvplounge,painfulpvp,skywars tips,minecraft pvp,painfulpvp vlog,tips,alting,hypixel,faction,practice,cheating,java edition,hypixel tayber,tips and tricks,bedrock edition,hypixel network,hypixel skywars,faction battles,hypixel mega mode,minecraft (video game) painfulpvp minecraft,hcf factions server,hypixel mega skywars,minecraft hardcore factions,minecraft,soup,pot,arcane,tournament,1v1,alt,comb0s,stimpay,stimpy,stimpypvp,im pack,optic,kiting,alting,mushway,fighting,factions,practice,settings,parapots,cheating,paintrain,mutations,orilation,painfulpvp,fattiicazzituoi,minecraft,pvp,minehq,hcteams,hcsquads,itsjhalt,lolitsalex,cool,fights,kohi,badlion,uhc,zigy,forrestbone,invis,raid,invisible,vanillaraids,invisraid,viperhcf,meezoid,reframe,kraqqen,br0,evan_40,veltpvp,velt,velthcf,duohcf,minihcf,mediumhcf,sulium,how,to,hcf,howto,hardcore,server,video,soup,pot,1v1,arcane,combo,texture,jewdah,jewdah jerseys,jewdah 11 potted,disabledsenses vs jewdah,byrez vs. jewdah [11 potted],tewchaynz,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft mods,minecraft funny moments,minecraft funny,1v1,pvp,destruction,rape,,lunar client,bypass,cheating,hackusates,verzide,bcz,kyzuko,dreamer_420,italy,america,stimpy,lunar,kohi,zonix,badlion,zuiy,sythee,stimpypvp,painfulpvp,lolitsalex,potpvp,dreamer,latenci,marcel,comb0s,eum3 pack,eum3 edit,release,cheatbreaker,eddeh,cheaters,hypixel,minecraft survival,mineman,minemen,minemen club,survival games,minemen club ip,render settings,leomaster60,leomaster60mc,leomaster 60 mc,leomastersixty,lunar combotage,minecraft,minecraft pvp,kohi sg,pot… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!

    EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s fix the house on Minecraft. 🌫️😻🐨🐰🦁 #minecraft #songs #babyzoo #animation’, was uploaded by Zoo Zoo on 2024-01-11 19:18:06. It has garnered 1063 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. 🌟😻SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME🌟😻 #babyzoo #kidssongs #babysongs Hi kids! 😻 Our little animals have moved to the world of Minecraft! 😺 Merry adventures await them! They will have to collect resources, jump over the lava in the mine, fight the skeleton and build a house! πŸͺ΅πŸͺ¨πŸŒ‹πŸ‘ Will they be able to cope with everything… Read More

  • SteamCraft Modded SMP – Whitelisted – JAVA – 1.20.1 – 18+ – Economy – Create Focus

    Join SteamCraft Community Click here to join Welcome to SteamCraft We welcome all 18+ players to our community. At SteamCraft, we believe in the magic of Minecraft and the creativity it sparks. Our mods enhance the experience, offering new challenges and opportunities for innovation without overshadowing the core of what makes Minecraft great. Whether you’re an architect of grand designs, an adventurer in endless landscapes, or a master of Redstone, there’s a place for you here. Join Us Today Join us and be part of a community where every block placed, every adventure embarked upon, and every interaction matters. Here,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft players

    Minecraft Memes - Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft playersUpdating mods is like trying to assemble IKEA furniture – it’s always a pain, but you’ll feel accomplished once it’s done! Read More

  • Temple Discovery: Minecraft’s Newbie Adventure

    Temple Discovery: Minecraft's Newbie Adventure In Minecraft’s world, I take my first step, Exploring the temple, where secrets are kept. Crafting tools and battling foes, Unraveling puzzles, as my journey grows. Join me on this adventure, full of delight, As I navigate through day and night. Will I conquer the temple’s test, Or will I face a challenging quest? Follow me on Instagram, for more fun, Watch my video, see what I’ve done. Subscribe to my channel, don’t miss a beat, In the world of Minecraft, where victory is sweet. Read More

  • Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! πŸ˜‚πŸ”₯

    Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! πŸ˜‚πŸ”₯ Looks like the cat has a purr-fect plan to take down those creepers! Watch out, Minecraft world, this feline means business! πŸ±πŸ’£ Read More

  • Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share

    Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share Minecraft Texture Pack Share: Cute Fox Villagers, Polar Bears, and More! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to spice up your gameplay with some adorable additions? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore a fun and exciting texture pack shared by a talented Minecraft player. We Don’t Bite Texture Pack One of the highlights of this share is the “We Don’t Bite” texture pack. This pack brings a whole new level of cuteness to your Minecraft world with features like cute fox villagers and lovable polar bears. The attention to detail in this pack is truly impressive, making… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

    Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024 Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft. Today, we stumbled upon a breathtaking video titled “The best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly captures the essence of what makes Minecraft so special – creativity, community, and endless possibilities. As you watch the stunning visuals and immersive gameplay showcased in this cinematic masterpiece, you can’t help but feel inspired to join a Minecraft server where you can unleash your own creativity and connect with like-minded players. That’s where Minewind comes… Read More

  • Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion

    Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion The Adventure of Clearing the Woodland Mansion in Duo SMP Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey as our fearless Minecraft player, Kroberto, takes on the challenge of raiding the Woodland Mansion in the Duo SMP world. Join in as we explore the vast overworld and encounter thrilling adventures along the way! Exploring the Woodland Mansion As Kroberto delves into the depths of the Woodland Mansion, be prepared to witness epic battles with hostile mobs, intricate puzzles to solve, and hidden treasures to uncover. The mansion is filled with secret rooms, traps, and surprises at every turn, making it a… Read More

  • “OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!” – Maizen

    "OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!" - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-06-21 23:00:20. It has garnered 868 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:26 or 746 seconds. She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Fan. It is just a parody! Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #minecraft #maizen #jj #police #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj #skibiditoilet #cameraman #tvman #speakerman #tvwoman Read More

  • CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVE

    CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘πŸ”΄ LIVE | Better Minecraft Episode 2! #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer’, was uploaded by CoinDetectorKid on 2024-03-13 02:28:53. It has garnered 74 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:12 or 12492 seconds. Thank you for checking out the broadcast! Check out my other links below ↓ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ β¦Ώ πŸ’° Donate: β¦Ώ πŸ“· Instagram: #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer #youtubeshorts #youtube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Read More

  • “Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server – JOIN NOW!” #shorts

    "Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server - JOIN NOW!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Join a 3+ year old semi-vanilla survival server today! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftserver #roleplay’, was uploaded by OVClub on 2024-06-09 14:01:30. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Come join OVClub! A Semi-Vanilla, Semi-Anarchy minecraft server that hosts a 3 year old world that has NEVER reset! Discord: Join today! IP: Bedrock port: 25700 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth – Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9

    UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth - Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9’, was uploaded by TheKarmaMyth on 2024-06-23 17:00:00. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:49 or 10909 seconds. Streamed August 1, 2023 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE – Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!

    UNBELIEVABLE - Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘the best minecraft seed on realistic texture pack’, was uploaded by METULOG on 2024-01-31 20:03:14. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #txt #game #gaming #gameplay #gamingvideos #shortsvideo #game #shorts #short Read More

  • Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemes

    Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enjoy Minecraft funny Short #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by FunkeyBlast on 2024-05-15 09:46:09. It has garnered 1279 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, game Minecraft, Minecraft video, Games, funny, funny games, music, gaming, gaming short, gaming video, minecraft short, minecraft shorts, short, shorts, short video, trending, trending videos, viral videos, minecraft viral, minecraft game, #funkeyblast #game #minecraft #noob #steve Minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft trend, trending, new, memes, shorts, minecraft new content,… Read More

  • Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | June 17th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-06-22 16:00:28. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:47:42 or 20862 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitter: main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • πŸ”₯🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🀯

    πŸ”₯🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🀯Video Information This video, titled ‘Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts’, was uploaded by SpicySugar on 2024-05-10 15:15:52. It has garnered 10879 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts Watch this insane Bedwars gameplay in just 60 seconds! It’s a crazy bedfight match that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don’t miss out on this epic #shorts video. #bedwars #gaming Subscribe the channel to see more videos like this. #shorts #bedwars #bedfight #minecraft Tags(ignore) minecraft,minecraft asmr,asmr minecraft,minecraft longplay,minecraft sleep,minecraft funny,minecraft relaxing gameplay,minecraft relaxing,minecraft survival,minecraft chill,minecraft house,minecraft sounds,phoodu… Read More

Chum Kevin –  I had my first reaction to Minecraft World when @ElestialHD was 11 YEARS OLD!  … (SAD!)