CLUTCH: Challenging My Minecraft Reflexes

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Ibx toy cat and today I wanted to play something called clutch I like to check out every Minecraft map that comes out every week a lot of them aren’t worth checking out but this one sounds very interesting it’s a reflex testing mini game where you must save yourself from

Impending doom each challenge requires a clutch to complete you know I’m just I’ve bought it let’s skip all of that but the interesting thing is there’s a bunch of challenges and we have to do them one after another and see how well we can do a llama clutch or a bucket of

Water clutch and honestly I this this idea sounds so promising that I figured I would do store Sunday but it’s live and is that gonna work let’s find out I’m looking forward to it this is a chill all the way through live stream for clutch I have no idea how long it

Will take I have no idea what the map will be like but I figured you might want to come along for the journey and so I have precisely invited you for that reason also I would just like to point out every time I download a map I think

Myself you know it’s the Minecraft Marketplace sure sometimes it doesn’t work but like other times it does um but it feels as though at this point what do I have like a a five percent chance of Minecraft killing me the map that I’ve just bought like come on you

Can make the download happen you’re at 0.0 megabytes but we are connected to the internet I can tell because I’m streaming um but if we if we leave it and try to come back then now you can’t re-hit download so you have to you have to go

All the way out of the game you have to close it and then open it again if you want to be able to play that but it’s it’s fine I’m looking forward to playing clutch because honestly I love this idea of how well can this last minute save uh

Do something for you something I’ve done with this channel for a long time A lot of people are surprised to see uh you know things that are being used in modern videos that were like first found in like my Minecraft Xbox videos from 2013 but I’ve always loved this idea

That if you just do the right thing at the right time you can save uh yourself also um do you reckon we can get a special late Cat sticker to spamic chat when your latest Hunter Robinson I I feel as though people might like that okay so we’re gonna now go back to

It so you go to the marketplace you scroll down and it says downloading oh no now it’s just a circle there we go it’s downloading but it’s not it’s not going to so we go to the settings we go to storage I want to say and we go to clear Marketplace cash

And then we go back to the marketplace uh I don’t know why the cash has to be cleared every single time then we can hit download here yep we can and then we hit download and then oh my God I want to be sober okay there is a there

Is a Marketplace in Minecraft where they insist on telling you every time you open the game like here it is and I want to be positive about that like okay it’s optional they never actually force you to here’s the maps you get but it’s funny because it’s the least functional

Part of Minecraft it’s the part where you give them money and where they put they put a lot of their development resources behind it but it still doesn’t mean that it’s gonna work or so delete mushroom world yeah you know I’ll admit I’ve I’ve not got a good track record

For keeping things uh on on task anyway so um welcome to uh this I am ibx toy cat and I’m looking forward to clutching oh the download started if we did it it took two it’s complete now yeah I’m excited for this so now we go to him oh

Where’s it going to be featured monk my world templates I guess logically and we type in clutch and there we go I’m ready to do it I’m ready okay let’s go clutch create the world I am now okay so next time we do one of these

Um someone say in chat before the stream starts don’t try and start it on stream it won’t work I’ve got to remember that at this point but I just I I never do it’s a bad lesson so clutch by a song called TC which I think is a fun uh fun thing

Um and uh yeah I’m looking forward to playing today because um yeah I uh the one person with 400 worlds I used to have a thousand and I deleted them all or rather I respond to set my PC and didn’t back them up because I was

Like there’s never a time where I go back for those old ones but with that said I’ve gone back and I’ve I’ve lost a lot of important worlds from that so I’ve learned a valuable lesson that you keep keeping CL if you burning everything that you have is a good way

To get rid of clutter but also a good way to get rid of things that you care about so this is clutch and uh you can enjoy the map and rate it five stars and there’s a little reset button right here uh which removes all the scores from the

Death counter and turns off the level completion indicator so if you want to go to the bonus level you have to go through all 20 levels so that I think that’s a fair way of doing things this is a water cooler thirsty yes oh that’s nice

That’s fun it’s a little bit of a confusing thing maybe that comes in later but here is the game internet there are 20 challenges challenge One Challenge can we do them in any order let’s see if we can so we’ll start off challenge four can you catch a slime

Block and stick The Landing for the clutch let’s find out so the the aim of the game here is we’re going to I don’t know where we should keyboard or mouse or not we’re gonna jump we’re gonna grab the oh that’s the slime block there we

Need to grab that before we okay so I see how that’s not gonna work we have to jump into it right oh no we jumped first oh no okay so this is a funny okay that’s a second death the every time we die is a failed clutch so the area for

Clutch is can you do something at the last minute to save your life we see there’s a slime blocks we chase after it we grab the slime block in mid-air and then we use the slime block to save our life I guess this is going

To be a mouse and keyboard back into my mind uh so we’re gonna jump we’re going to grab the slime block Emmy that nice and simply and then we’re gonna go yes clutched I don’t know oh I guess you only clutch when you make it out alive

Look at me I did it challenge completed so now it can say that I’ve done challenge four so now we’re gonna go back to challenge one just because we want to do it that way what is the easiest clutch in Minecraft the water bucket clutch you get a bucket of water

Or grab nine just to be nice and easy and then you jump down and you see if you can do this so um yeah this is a very easy one uh you almost always remove the water bucket because of Minecraft uh Bedrock being weird but uh Challenge number two can you catch a

Water bucket and stick The Landing so uh yes this is the idea of the slime block clutch oh no okay we got it we got it we got it we got it and we saved ourselves and then uh yeah as you can see boom

Return to the lobby so uh we as you can see once now that we have the idea of it we’re gonna be pretty good what’s the next clutch slime block oh so every clutch is just two versions one is with catching it and one is without so for

This it’s real easy although actually if we have this many slime blocks Okay Internet let me show you something amazing I’m gonna cheese this one so hard you’ve already seen that I can place this on the ground just fine however oh you can’t place on the side oh dear God okay so

That interestingly didn’t work you can see the block tried to place but it didn’t play some time so we have to jump and then we just have to land perfectly and place the block there we go and it’s nice and simple it’s like out the clutch

Guard oh they place two there that’s fun and now we’re gonna just place these blocks up here and see if it changes anything it’s interesting that they managed to stop you placing blocks Anywhere But Here I wonder how they did that actually is there is there something running there anyway so this

Is the fourth clutch that I’ve done and the idea is you’ve got to do every single clutch with as few deaths as possible so what is the fifth clutch gonna be can I do a llama clutch and then the next one is can you spawn a

Llama no this is Catch and equip some never right armor for the cut so I’m guessing we’re gonna fall in lava baby so let’s see if we can do the Llama clutch there’s gonna be a llama at the bottom and we have to try and catch it

So uh want to try a different clutch try to return Okay so where do you see a llama and snap I don’t see a llama uh oh it’s okay so it’s moving around I missed him so the thing is not being able to see the Llama means you have to move towards him

And then you have to we’re gonna have to grab on him too so it’s interesting that didn’t work so we’ve got to try from a better angle Maybe I again we’re not getting I I’ve never done a llama clutch I’ve done a horse clutch before but I’m guessing

It’s interesting I I can’t do a llama clutch I’m I’m spamming as much as like humanly can maybe you can’t spam with the Llama we just got to try one time and the right opportunity nope that’s not working you okay so we’re gonna we’re really gonna get this this time

We’re gonna land on top of the llama and then okay let’s let’s read this this thing here so alarm was walking around you have to sit on it before you hit the ground survive um I might be missing something here in snap slightly buffer your click also check

Out uh today is my birthday I’m 19. happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday your name is KD but I I would guess KD would be initials but it’s caddy you know maybe you’re a person who really likes golfs I did it

Oh man that was weird it was a real Gap you have to use like you have to place you have to click on the Llama not win your soonest to him or nearest to the ground but like halfway in between which is not what I would guess is possible

But apparently we do the next clutch is can we equip some never right armor in the mid-air and then save that so let’s go out to Elite too early so yeah oops we cannot also how is this Gonna Save Me I want to know okay so we’re gonna grab

The armor oh I see how this is a challenge we have to move this okay so we have to oh we can’t drop the item we have to move it and then oh the armor has feather falling on although does this have protection okay so that was good

That was pretty good that was the second time and the idea is we do this with as few deaths as possible can I catch a Tubman dying a hundred percent this is gonna be the easiest clutch so far right we just catch the total uh

Oh yeah we can we can oh I didn’t realize I had it okay so I can catch the totem right oh no no no no no no so that time I didn’t catch the totem you know why would I why would I call something the easiest out of this let’s

We go we’re gonna really stagger it when you think you can can’t catch it you definitely still can’t and there we go save ourselves at the top of dying and that is challenge complete um so now we’re gonna unequip frostwalker boots for this clutch because we have Frost Walker boots will

Fall on ice and die does it work that way I don’t think it actually does but we’ll see how we do it so I’m gonna have Frost Walker boots on and oh I’ve got to equip them first I’m gonna have Frost Walker boots on these leather boots

Right here which is a nice idea I I like the idea of using leather for frost Walker you know it’s not related to The Challenge at all internet but I I kind of like that so so far the map is kind of basic in its you know implementation

It’s just big columns going all the way up but it’s a nice idea right so we just go down place that nice and simple um I like the idea uh of the map I I think this is a bit basic I think the challenges are a bit basic

Um but I I do like the the challenge idea itself I think this is something that works can I catch and drink a potion of slow falling yes I can oh actually no you have to catch this really early on uh because otherwise oh

Wow yes we can nice I don’t know if that would have saved me necessarily I I still feel like I would have died so this is uh the water bucket clutch but with powder snow can we do it I’ve never tried it is the way you’ve got to

Survive in the never oh you have to go from a higher up then you do a water bucket you can’t do at the last second you’ve got to really have that little bit of a delay right there um so we’re gonna wait like now oh so

It’s a last time powdered snow saved me this time that’s useful well you know that counts I clutched technically speaking although I clutched on my last uh egg time also um uh thank you so much guys I appreciate it says Katie I’m glad everyone’s saying happy birthday can I catch a powdered

Snow bucket and stick The Landing that actually seems much harder because again I can barely do it normally but we’ll see if we can we’re gonna see yeah I don’t know oh there’s carpet on the ground so I’m placing her to block higher up no that’s not carpet why did

It place up there if this is not carpet I’m not gonna question it I’m just gonna accept my powdered snow clutch good job me very proud of my ability um can I do a water bucket oh God so we’ve just gotta time this right we’ve gotta we’ve got to know the timing for

This okay so that’s that seems easily right so down oh God oh man okay so this is so much harder than it seems um so we’re gonna just we gotta work out the timing on this one two three four go yes um I’m surprised that takes four seconds

To fall down by the way but it doesn’t matter I am complete I am back to the lobby and I’m ready for challenge 13 I guess oh exciting um cobwebs though yeah cobwebs are definitely gonna come up I think can I catch a water bucket with darkness and

Stick the land okay this is getting ridiculous now so we have to catch the water bucket with the darkness on okay we caught it now can we oh we didn’t catch it well there goes that idea okay water bucket goes I catch it nice and simple

Now go oh it comes at you so quickly you just have no idea what’s happening and then it’s there okay so go oh it’s it’s so quick yeah we have to really get our timing great on this okay so it’s faster than I expect I’m just

Gonna spam I’m gonna spam I’m gonna spam spamming did not work weirdly enough you have to spam only the one time otherwise not no okay we got it we got we got it so now oh man okay this is a hard one so award bucket will fall from the dropper

And catch it and place it can we do this can you water bucket the wall yeah I figured um I tried that earlier of the uh slime blocks but you can’t I I missed the water bucket there’s nothing I can do here I could probably work out the

Timing and get it that way but this is a really hard clutch it’s never going to come up in regular Minecraft because you can’t get the darkness effect normally but you know besides modern pants but this is this is such a ridiculous one but I’m loving it I’m gonna love with

You I am loving it okay so go go go go go go yes oh that’s def number 25 admittedly not great giveaway only on challenge 13 but still we’re working out just fine I am but yeah the I bet it’s even worse of blindness yeah I think darkness is Blindness right

Oh no Darkness isn’t blindness you can get Darkness naturally I guess that’s why it’s doing it that way yeah mix that up so can you do a water bucket Crouch with an M oh so we’re gonna have to grab the water from somewhere else okay no wait How’s that gonna work

Internet I’ve got 16 buckets I think I actually want just one I’ve got 16 buckets I think I’m trapped okay so got 16 buckets there’s water over here that we’re gonna have to grab oh okay so that’s that’s a good challenge though I

Like that uh can we do this I bet we can it just it seems pretty fun honestly oh I missed it okay well there goes that okay so we can do it we can do it we just gotta we’re gonna go real close to this so we don’t miss it

And I went oh okay yeah that’s that’s a fun one I like that clutch a lot actually um so that was clutch number 14. um I um you are okay it’s okay you’re sharpening your reflexes remember yeah I really hope by the end of this my Minecraft reflexes are better

Um again Bedrock just works so differently that I’ve never really properly oh so we just scaffolding one more scaffolding on top of that one that’s really easy actually so just scaffolding up get ready to scap out and then spam up oh spam like maybe maybe

What we do is we we place one and then we’ve also got to climb up at the same time um so that’s not working weirdly enough um I’m gonna end up with a lot of scaffolding but it’s fine just can we do this yes we can right there we go yeah

So you have to land on the side kind of but that was great scaffolding clutch sounds like an insult yeah your mum has a scaffolding clutch is what she has um can you catch the scaffolding and stick The Landing so it’s the same idea just gotta so no okay we got it though

We got it can we can we do it can we stick The Landing so you can’t land on top when you land on top it’s a solid Block You’ve got to land from the side is how I understand this challenge so we’ve got to kind of like move in at the

Last second while also placing it right um a scaffolding block you must catch it and place it on top of the other scaffolding and crap oh you got a Crouch to survive uh oh I guess to fall for it correctly so place and Crouch place and

Crouch oh I I did it that time but from the wrong angle so crouching place you can Crouch your mid-air which is surprisingly handy um you’ll be pleased to note but oh we so it’s not just crouch in place or maybe it is but I place them in the

Wrong order there this is a pretty hard one okay I got this i got this i got this oh we’re so close I’m so sure you’ve got to do it from the side but maybe I’m wrong maybe we just go from the perfect center hold down the Crouch and go nope

This is this is me learning about Minecraft I didn’t know you could fall on scaffolding not from the side and still survive but I don’t think you can I I’m I’m feeling like there there is more to this also there’s a cloud up there okay so we have to place it and then

Crouch that is how this works right I’m sure we’ve got to come from the side a little bit right like no see I placed it and I was crouched there but it doesn’t count um imagine no having a touch screen yeah this would be terrible oh this would

This would be a real rough one yeah we’re just gonna go slightly from the side maybe maybe we don’t the game’s not saying we have to walk over the Press plate and drop a scaffolding block will fall from the dropper above you must catch it and place it on top of the

Other scaffolding and Crouch to survive so yeah we’re learning about scaffolding and we’re learning it’s it’s brutal but um what what are we doing wrong there we are placing it just great it’s got to be the uh if you donate on streamlabs we’ll show you his real text

Invoice I’m a real Texan fan okay so let’s let’s do this let’s do this oh Christ we need a toy cat Pocket Edition live stream yeah I would love to improve my Minecraft touch control so we can break the smart fist instantly now right oh you can’t because that’s after the

Update also look you can see me still breaking it oh but we can’t okay this is this is hard okay I I don’t actually know what we’re getting wrong here I I would love to tell you I do but I’m placing it I’m crouched and I’m just fine so maybe

Crouching is wrong you can’t Crouch and you must catch and place on top of the other scaffolding and Crouch the supply I’m just not gonna Crouch I’m gonna ignore that advice it’s telling me to do it but I didn’t do it last time and I was fine which kind of come out at

It from the side like that yeah if you just come at the scaffolding from the side you’ll be fine that’s my advice to myself will it work I don’t know okay so that was terrible um oh that’s too low so we just like we just have to make it in there at the

Last second right and we’ll be great no no I don’t get this one either two scaffolds or death yeah it has to be two scaffolds that much is but I’m placing the scaffolding and I’m still dying so we’re gonna place it before we die clearly I mean obviously so maybe

I’m just not placing early enough like see I’m placing that as early as I can so I’ve got to try that maybe with the Crouch um so hold the Crouch and then also see I’m getting closer I feel like I’m not placing this early now if you place

Too early no wait too early is good damn it what what’s going on here you have to Corner it I don’t understand yeah I think I feel like I have to Corner it but it’s not saying anything about that um yeah we’ll try it from the corner

Like right now so we’ll come out from this corner right here um so I just I what’s what’s happening incorrectly uh you have to place it once you’re inside of it oh maybe you place later no not later later does not work okay so get inside the first one then

Place or maybe place the second what okay so it is wrong here right it doesn’t you must catch and place on top of the other scaffolding and Crouch your survive I’ve done that and it hasn’t worked so the game is incorrect about how you survive this one which is fine

Um you need to jump to engage the climbing potion yeah I’m gonna I’m gonna hold jump this time instead of crouching I’ll hold jump I’m holding space down now which is my jump key and then we’re gonna that’s not saving me either um the momentum transfer should be real quick

Uh we’ll see if it works oh man by the way I am uh I have something fun I I’m gonna work I’m I’m gonna probably do on the next like survival and chill live stream but I had a real fun uh situation happen this weekend it’s not I think like I was like

At the time like I think this is like the worst day of my life and I think that’s like always a fun thing like I I also think it’s pretty cool when you go for something weird and terrible and it feels like it’s the you know like I

Don’t know like you’re like sure like oh man looking back this is gonna be life ruining but like afterwards you’re like ah yeah that was fun I think that’s always a a good thing well not fun I’m fine I know in a hurry to repeat the events of my weekend

Um no so come on into okay so we’re gonna Crouch and we’re gonna jump we gotta come on which what use you’re in a dream okay I’ll use mine in a dream real quick just quickly gotta okay go up up okay we’re just gonna try a different

Challenge for now I want to do this one don’t get me oh wow that’s interesting I want to do this one but I don’t think it’s great so I will try 17 next and come back for this later can I do an NPC clutch so an NPC clutch is talking to an

NPC and he gives you slow falling before you hit the ground okay I’m gonna be honest that’s not what NPCs do but I’ll do it anyway so we fall down and there’s a guy here right and we talk to him hopefully this saves you so that’s a fun idea I don’t

Think that’s a clutch though right can we all agree that that’s not a real Minecraft clutch that’s a artificial one can you catch a bucket and fill it with water okay so there’s a lot of steps to this one we catch the bucket making sure

We fill with water and then place it on the ground oh yeah we can do that big brains hat total dead center might work I don’t think it’s making a difference socialization saves people confirmed yeah talking about things is always a good idea also um so what whenever

You’re feeling like you might die talk to someone and they might give you the slow pulling effect you’re still full but much slower than you otherwise would also our first try says Nikki Michelle yeah right first try can I do a water bucket clutch at World height with Darkness that’s a lot of

Modifiers but sure I guess so so we can we can go way after the water bucket now and the only way we know we’re about to hit the bottom is when the darkness kind of Fades away and we’re just gonna spam go go go go okay we can’t spam that many times if

You over sample I think it stops working great so we’re gonna try again we’re gonna okay so one two three four five six seven eight nine ten go okay we we really can’t spam we’re gonna wait for the darkness to come in then wait a little bit longer because it’s

Not as big of a Darkness as before for some reason okay and now go yes okay that’s challenge 19. so this is the hardest one supposedly can you catch a bucket fill it with water at World height with Darkness to complete this clutch so catch the bucket fill it

With water and have Darkness Okay Internet this is the hardest one no idea how it’s gonna work let’s let’s go so we grabbed the water bucket uh we need to fill it somewhere oh I can okay well I’m not gonna not doing this on the first

Try and then the the world comes in real quick so we’ve got to watch out so catch it turn around uh get ourselves The Cauldron that’s gonna be over here somewhere I got it and then go up one off the world oh okay so we’re improving

We can do this this is the hardest clutch you can do in snap If You Were Somehow Darkness but at the top of the world but you needed to grab water but it was only in a cauldron and you needed to place it down this would come up

How long is this full I wonder 300 blocks um 376 is the tallest you can make a full in Minecraft um which is a pretty interesting one if you want okay well there we go whoopsie did this in hardcore one time okay let’s try that again

And we go grab the bucket grab the water okay this time we’re good we’re good go oh yeah we really can’t we gotta be like ready for the moment to happen which is hard you have no idea how far it’s gonna be so grab the water we have

To grab the water we got the water go I’m just gonna spam because spam oh this I don’t know why spamming doesn’t work there must be like a sample rate that Minecraft has for clicking for a world bucket or something um because it works just great on that

Like I can okay go oh it’s hard okay this is hard but I at least know how the challenge Works internet I know how the challenge works and I can do this one if I believe myself again I’m just gonna spam Just Gonna Keep spamming oh nope

Yeah I think when I’m spamming I’m moving the mouse around I can’t afford to be doing that so maybe maybe the the trigger would make more sense here actually um so we’re gonna get this oh I missed it no we’re not okay well GG exactly four seconds after The Cauldron okay

Four seconds from The Cauldron we go with that in mind I can like keep my mom my mind calm um one two three four go that was pretty good so that’s not four seconds if I can count that fast those aren’t seconds right okay so one and a

Two and a one and a one oh okay there goes the cauldron okay I can do this this is hard though this is this is a clutch if you ever had to do just just admit your stuff is gone you can’t do this on the on the go okay

There goes my go there goes my cauldron oh it’s okay you’re so close to two mil you can do it the funny thing is I can’t technically do it but what I can do is I can encourage you if you’re watching this video and you’re somehow not subscribed maybe consider subscribing to the

Channel um I think it’s the most egotistical thing to say subscribe to my channel so I can hit a milestone um and I can I could lie to you and say it’s all a fan Master but like it is mile Milestone but wouldn’t you like me

To have a nice thing if you like these videos wouldn’t it be cool if I could say to people when I meet them and you know when I meet strangers and I have to convince them I have a bit I’m doing something that’s a big deal be like yeah

Just a couple million like what is even one million subscribers anymore there there are channels of just someone’s someone someone looking at I don’t know slot machines in Vegas with a million subscribers but you know two million subscribers now that’s a real number am I right

Um I think uh there’s this weird thing about like your expectations of yourself a lot of people have I think uh like inflation but for your expectations go why okay I’m gonna I’m gonna use the control I think I can spam that more effectively about you involving my stick

So what we’re going to do is we’re going to try this on controller now where I would have guessed I would do worse but I might have not missed it entirely um I’m gonna grab okay so do you so can you hold the button sadly not also

Hexater on skill issue hey first tip hexa town I think if it’s not your first tip then clearly I forgot the last one but welcome how are you doing are you are you in the chat and I didn’t see it hope you’re doing wonderfully I um some

People like uh like to say like cynically speaking and you know I understand they’re the reason why they say like so cat looking at your incentives you don’t respond no where’d my bucket go okay I could have done that um countless seconds until you hit the

Ground yeah it’s gonna be a it’s gonna be a time-based issue right uh we gotta do timing just right so grab the water one two three four it’s just it comes at me so much faster like I don’t know why I’m not spam clicking it correctly but if I just okay

We grab this and then one and no every time I start doing my counting right I miss the The Cauldron okay so there are there’s multiple steps to this right there’s a lot of steps grab the bucket it’s hard get I mean it’s easy get The Cauldron is medium

And then uh nah he read the tip thank you so much Hector Taron um yeah yeah I think it’s so interesting when so hexatarum thank you for saying this like uh someone uh someone in chat said uh you missed the tip in response to me saying that and then the person

Who tipped is like no he responded to it and it blows my mind that this happens sometimes um I do Wonder like uh like it’s people being like offended on someone else’s behalf about something they’re wrong about this is like have you ever seen this happen at like a bar

Um there was a 40 tip uh there was a 40 I don’t know what that actually is but uh if it’s below a certain amount because of the way YouTube works it doesn’t have a message so it doesn’t show up um that’s that’s the reason for that but

It means that it was probably about 10 to 20 cents uh once you convert to Dollars which is a I I appreciate people tipping feel free to tip as much or as low as you want it’s just there are minimums for text-to-speech and there’s a minimum to obviously half the thing

That’s a YouTube thing not a means thing sorry about that uh if it was you know I’m sure if it was a me thing I would say what’s the point in allowing people to tip things that I’m sort of smaller than the credit card transactions anyway

Um yeah I can’t tell uh my first guess is Indian rupees it might be like Filipino pesos but I feel like rupees from the Icon but oh come on no how is okay I I am spamming it so hard okay we’re not gonna spam we’re gonna just do

One one block one placement we’re gonna get it right so off we get this one and a two and a three and a four and a goat okay um so yeah the the more we wait the better things go so it’s it’s like it’s false counting like five right oh no

Okay okay fast counting five often this is so hard internet but I’m gonna get it I’m gonna get it so cauldron we can get the cauldron by spamming for some reason one two three four five oh okay we can do this okay bucket Garden cauldron Garden one two three four five go

That time was real close to correct so one two three four five go up like start counting a little bit sooner um oh no missed it one two three four five go that was a little bit too soon um so we’re counting fastest we’ve got

To like do the one and the two yeah keep our count for somehow better um one and a two and a three and a four and a go I’m play I swear I’m placing this internet I know I’m not fast enough I I agree with the game when it says I’m not

Unlike the scaffolding one where I generally don’t understand the clutch damn it I feel like if I just Spam I’ll get it eventually but I’ve got to start spamming more productively like wait a few seconds then spam so I’m gonna grab the water from here one and a two and a

Three and a scam no maybe if we go back to the center afterwards right maybe that’s the secret we’re just gonna go back to the center or maybe never leave the center maybe okay we don’t leave the center we don’t get the bucket done yeah we just got to be precisely in a

Block somewhere so what if we went just in front of the cauldron here like barely in front of the cauldron right okay so now we can just play straight down straight down straight down no I’m right there I’m placing it on the Block try to relax you got this yeah I think

That’s what you gotta do when you when you stress yourself for more than like 0.25 seconds at a time things get bad go oh okay you gotta timing is a really interesting one here put a timer on so you can reference the speed in seconds the game one two three go damn that

Um yeah we just we when we see the screen go black we can use that as like uh or like because more of the screen goes black just before we hit the ground and then none of it goes black so we’re gonna use that to our advantage right

So grab the bucket you have to grab the bucket in time to fill up the cauldron that much I can do okay can we go damn I’m spamming it I really am but I know it’s not the solution um come on SO cat it’s me again usually in a dream once more

You know that’s a funny idea Jax my um try Minecraft dungeon says Chang Brian I actually haven’t tried it since all the DLC came out but I don’t want to buy a bunch of DLC to see if I like a game that’s the stressful idea about

Um the DLC model for a game as opposed to Minecraft’s model which is release everything for free and go damn I I got I I feel like I’m I’m able to anticipate the ground coming I’m just maybe going too fast to be able to get it or something

So when you get The Cauldron okay and then we’re gonna damn no okay I’ve just gotta I’m I’m doing this and snap I’m doing this so we feel The Cauldron we feel we just use spectator go okay so just imagine it’s now I feel like maybe you have to place it dead on

In the center maybe that is genuinely part of the challenge here um so right in the center now let’s go damn nope that’s not it I was in the center I hit the bullseye should have got the extra points uh I can feel the frustration in yourself no

I I do think I I love the idea of like a competitive scenario because it does force you to be like okay can I do it totally can um okay back to the center no no it’s um I think uh I think I always say this like the definition of a fun challenge

Is when you feel like you did something wrong and you can improve on it but in this case I feel like I’m just I’m learning about how to react to Minecraft quickly so slow things down in my brain when I can that’s what I’ve got

To do I’ve got to slow down I’ve got to speed up my reflexes by slowing down the world it’s doing the same thing effectively and so is I want to know like a magic spell to slow down time if you do I’d love to hear it

No okay maybe maybe I only have so many clicks maybe that’s the magic maybe you just can’t use the bucket if you’ve spam clicking too many times okay so then we’re gonna go back in no I just don’t okay I’m uh do 20 attempts and have a five minute break

Yeah let’s go back to the other one now we can’t do this one internet let’s go back to the other challenge so there are only two challenges I haven’t been able to do that is clutch number one this is clutch number two scaffolding and stick The Landing we’ll try this one again um

There we go this one is nice and simple by comparison maybe it’s one thing we have to do place the scaffolding and stick The Landing we can do that I feel like at the very least I can learn how the clutch Works um you can slow down Minecraft by opening

70 Chrome tabs in the background interestingly enough Minecraft Bedrock never slows down that way it’s an interesting Java Bedrock difference I believe Java slows down the game when things happen whereas Minecraft Bedrock just slows down the frame rate which means you can’t do the same thing that

Time felt like it was working huh do we have to crouch and then like also jump that that one felt good huh that one felt really good we had we we landed it from the side I think that is definitely the tip and then we’ll see from there

Okay hold shift when placing the scaffolding okay that that one felt good um I’m gonna just hold shift the whole time okay I think I got it I got it let’s go so we hold shift and then try and pull in like the outside edge off the block

That’s gonna go real well for me I feel like just there we go am I placing it too soon or too late internet I don’t know why too soon would be a problem but that’s my theory right now is that maybe just it’s telling me I’m I’ve got a Crouch later wait till

The ground hits and then go for it like okay place it and then immediately afterwards oh yeah I don’t know how that makes any sense did it have to be on the right maybe is that the secret I don’t know what I did differently there internet I I am feeling great okay

So now we have to do Challenge number 20. if I want to consider myself an ultimate clutcher and get the bonus level I’ve got to do number 20 here so can I catch a bucket and fill it with water at World type of Darkness the

Answer is no but it will be yes soon internet it will be if if my middle name isn’t Steve which it isn’t but that’s that I guess that would be the point of like what I’m saying so um yeah we’re just going to consider this as a big fool okay so right here

We’re good we’re gonna grab this we’re also good and then three four go we’re we’re gonna get there we’re gonna get there maybe it’s one of those things where if I move as I’m doing it I’ll give myself more time I feel like I actually give myself less

Time but if I like move as I’m pulling can you see how that might help me I don’t think it will actually stay in one place as we fall maybe Crouch as well I don’t know like would crouching help it would lower my camera angle actually see how crouching would really help

Okay if I’m crouching it’s gonna work great maybe you can’t play Sporto while you’re crouching or maybe we fall down faster when we’re crouching because we’ll hit the ground because my camera’s lower no it’s not your camera that has to hit the ground it’s your feet so we Crouch and we’ll do

This internet um tried counting how many attempts when you first time and do it set the timer to know how to do it the thing is is I’m not gonna okay one two three four five go okay we’re gonna we’re just gonna go we’re gonna grab the oh okay so we got it

Oh one and a two and a three and a four and uh okay and a four it’s it’s on the way to Ander for five so we put it in there and we go we start counting immediately one and the two and a three and a four

And again so it’s right after four we just got crazy crazy focusing um so let’s go why am I not getting it anymore okay so after four and uh crouching mix energy is more consistent and bedrock at least for me crouching it is so we’ll use uh the

Bedrock because it holds down when you do it that way and then we’ll uh we crouched which means we didn’t go as fast in mid-air which is a useful thing to know about I guess okay let’s go so we are gonna Crouch actually I’m not going to crouch it’s

One more thing for my brain to think about all right man is this because Minecraft cheated theirs okay so we’re just gonna keep our camera focused on one angle and then we’ll get the thing so just come on we can do it we can do it just we got the water

Bucket one and a two and a three and uh oh okay I’m not really believing that it’s gonna happen I just gotta really nail the water bucket from The Cauldron nail this and then one and a two and a three and a four and a go okay

Um so uh cricket for life if you can’t do it means dream sheets you know one and a two and a three and a four I’m putting all my brain power into this reflex internet um okay so now we got this and we got this yes we Have No we don’t well there

Goes that oh um I’ve been playing with Petro for a long time and I know that if you place the water just before you die jumping it next time yeah that’s the that’s the real Pro tip uh right there okay one and two and a three and a girl

I like it I I’m giving everything I’m I’m yelling I’m uh I’m I’m slowing down time as best a human can do one Nanda two and a three and uh see it’s intro I’m spamming can you land in a cauldron so you can’t hold down right click to uh make this work but

Let’s try it anyway let’s see if I can hold down right click on The Cauldron oh you can okay let’s hold it down the ground then you can’t unless you can okay let’s see if you can hold it down on the ground just let’s go back to the really simple

Water bucket thing I think just holding down doesn’t work if I’m on the air look down hold the button when I play the controller maybe I’m wrong about that then um if it doesn’t work then that means the challenge is broken on switch you just hold it down so weird

Maybe that’s true okay so let’s let’s test this okay I’m just gonna hold down the left trigger oh okay so yeah we just if you think it’s a controller versus keyboard mouse difference what are you drinking from I’m drinking some lemonade um thank you for asking

Uh it’s I’ve actually worked out a two ingredient lemonade recipe ingredient number one is Sprite ingredient number two is lemonade that joke doesn’t work in the US where lemonade apparently isn’t sparkling but that joke works very fondly everywhere else so if you’re if you’re a United States Ian just imagine that joke but

You don’t use the wrong definition of lemonade so it doesn’t work okay so we’ve confirmed it can work so why doesn’t it do we have to point down more maybe that’s the only thing I can think about it’s been not pointing down enough straight down let’s go yeah there’s no way there’s no

There’s it’s not sparkling my drink is sparkling excuse you um okay so this is this isn’t doable right if I’m I’m holding down my button and I’m not but it shouldn’t be undoable is there a good reason why place it on the target before you hit the ground to survive

Okay there’s maybe you need less time within the hold down time isn’t oh yeah maybe maybe we hold down after a certain number of blocks so hold down one two three now yeah so okay that’s interesting clutch on the wall Maybe yeah maybe the game is trying to tell me

I’ve got to do something else okay so um yeah there’s got to be something that’s stopping me there that I just don’t see um what do you reckon chat no in the USA it’s not sparkling I never knew yeah lemonade there is uh just lemon sugar water something like that

Um I don’t know I don’t know it it’s interesting because here you might call that like home style lemonade right but there it is the implied default everyone lives at home in the United States whereas here every people live people live on the street they live in cafes

They live in in homeless shelters they live everywhere out here prisons sometimes even you know not I guess really in the United States that’s where people live okay so yeah I’m trying a lot of things here in snap at what point we conclude the challenges inherently unbeatable okay I’m gonna I’m gonna jump

In The Cauldron now you can land in a cauldron but I don’t know that it breaks your fool that’s a challenge I want to find out actually but yeah at some point we just have to okay this is my new idea okay okay this is my new clutch idea okay so we died

But what we do right is we just I I all I need to know is uh okay so we go midterm uh Midway through the air we switch it okay there we go we survived and now we just have to I need to know for my own sanity

I need to know my own sanity you can place water there is nothing stopping you’re right so why didn’t it work I do wonder I could be I could even Place well I can’t place water there I can place water there no way guys he did it

Okay look at this internet oh wow we totally did it I did a dream LG clutch right there okay so now we’ve done the game it’s all good what is the bonus challenge an End Portal clutch oh that’s fun why is this a bonus this is great

Um so where is the end portal Hole uh over there oh that’s fun that’s probably why should we go to a different dimension you completed all 21 Challengers we did it in snap so honestly okay I wanted to like that a lot I wanted to

Um in actuality I felt like it was a little bit more uh uh I liked the idea of that map quite a bit I I think the reality it feels weird to be a paid thing it was cheaper uh but it feels like you do it

Once and now what do I do with this I now have a map that I paid for that I’m never going to come back to again is that okay now that is a question you get to ask however um instead of just playing clutch again

What we can do is we can play free so again this is Marketplace Sunday apparently let’s start off a random Realms plus template and let’s see what happens with it so that I I think um looking through these there’s some real weird ones like pet dogs what do I do of

Pet dogs you get 10 different breeds of dogs someone people have asked for this forever now you can finally live the dream apparently um is that what people want I’m not sure look at all the dogs internet um then there’s life as a vet or you

Know there’s a lot of weird things in here baby world that is a weird concept hacker Lucky Blocks actually that seems like pretty uh well liked but yeah there’s a lot of maps in here and we’re just going to find uh can you live inside an axeloto that’s that’s a weird

One lava Rises every minute it sounds like the same idea if like it’s a basic map can we do wait didn’t I already play a map like this so you start in the base of a volcano but the lava’s rising and also there are things made of okay sure let’s let’s do

It let’s give this oh I don’t have Rams plus oh I don’t have Realms Plus I thought I did do I not upgrade oh I think I don’t have it because I have wait if you don’t have 10 simultaneous players you don’t have it oh that’s that’s interesting to know

About my realm subscription is only two players right now so whoops I’ve got to spend six pounds 69 a month for the free map not sure I’m gonna do it internet okay so we’ll ignore all of that and we’ll say I do want to see what the uh the person

Who made this made because this this was a fun sounding idea it just felt missing something at the end so toe magic Creations is the first map if so that’s oh okay so it’s not so we got a lot of them in here some interesting parkours extreme snowball fight Skyblock parkour

Um but overall so they make a lot of maps which makes me therefore feel less favorable about it if it’s their first map and they’re just like let’s see if it works you know trying some stuff but if it’s like yeah we make a Minecraft map every four days without question was

That something that was worth spending real money on which is gone forever if you can’t access other Maps probably so if you can it feels as though there is no replayability to it you’ve just you do it and then you’re done so um did we ever download Timeless trials I feel

Like we did but apparently if it’s not downloaded uh maybe I didn’t and so um yeah I think uh let’s let’s go learn about tales and trails okay also look how the world downloaded just buying the first time if you as long as you don’t get Minecraft money Maps works great

But um yeah I uh spend money to get a free map sounds like a true Marketplace experience yeah it’s the problem with maps like that that just replicate things that are already out there for free is it makes everyone think the marketplace is a cash crap also oh that’s fun

Um whereas there are things out there that are like oh yeah this is actually one of those interesting rare finds oh yeah look at this like this map that I just downloaded for free is of a higher quality than the one that you can uh you

Know that you can pay money for and there’s a weird thing about that because yeah the uh this map did cost money just Mojang pays it not you they pay it’s somewhere in the five digit range to the people who make these Maps so they can

You know so that you can have a map that teaches you about the update um but there’s an inherent problem in that the you know like this is a tutorial world that you have to you know like know how to download to access but it’s a fun idea right that you have

These like things built into Minecraft uh there are some real good maps out there there are some real good things out there too uh is this one of them it’s a fun challenge I just wouldn’t say that I wouldn’t say spend the money on it unless you’re pricing flexible enough

Uh to do so so this was a little bit of live store Sunday let me know what you think of this very different concept uh for a uh for a challenge I I honestly assumed it would last longer too like I want to try I uh the next uh like next

Time I try a map I’m gonna try more of a survival based challenge one because I love the idea of these fun mini games but you do it and you’re done and then you say what do I do now I wouldn’t enjoy like there’s no challenge in doing

A water bucket clutch the second time or a llama clutch the second time is there maybe we try it again with as few deaths as possible but uh yeah it’s hard to find a justification for me so what we’re doing next time we do one of these is a fun

Challenge also look how cool this is this is what Minecraft 1.20 could look like huh all they got to do is uh add a few more effects would if people if Minecraft look like this do you think people would say it looks too mod like like there was like dust clouds in the

Deserts sometimes or do you think people would like that for the Ambiance real question real question please do some more stuff this stream says Ohio master I uh I am you’re not plea I I think that also do Rising lava parkour it’s free free parkour you say oh can’t can’t

Resist that one so uh yeah just as a reminder if you do want to play basic maps that last very little time and I kind of done with over even then there’s still some free great map options so I have Rising lava Challenge and Rising lava parkour

It’s it it’s weird that it’s free I don’t remember purchasing it but I guess that’s well it has 157 000 ratings wow that’s so interesting they made it free huh how did so many people even find this that is interesting so let’s let’s download it clearly 157 000 people can’t

Be wrong although some of those people are different free is also two against love language there is something weird that is embedded into the skull of every British person which is that if something is free you need to you need to take full advantage of it and even make people

Regret giving it away for free like the whole like all you can eat thing uh even it’s like yeah that is a challenge to make the restaurant feel bad for offering offering me as much as I would like also um let’s do mushroom Hills guess I guess we’re playing a Sonic map now

Internet but yeah look at this it’s free it’s got and it’s got the same idea of like okay so we’re gonna go fast and lava’s going to rise it’s probably gonna look real janky um I don’t even see lava Rising yet so that’s good news um oh that’s that door goes nowhere

We’re gonna go this way so as you can see the lava is rising because we’re in a volcano and we went back a step can we get out of this are we screwed uh we are screwed okay we’re gonna oh no lava’s Rising internet lava’s Rising um

British I say liking three things as a universal experience problem with uh I the the one the one exception I would put on that is that a lot of people are like I know like it’s a it’s a weird unreasonable one of like almost make people uh making people feel bad about

The experience as a key part for many people also ouch I died it is over it is time to panic is that why they charge for free bathrooms of for public bathrooms over there it’s only some public bathrooms in London that will charge you and uh I’ve always found it’s been an

Interesting thing that people are so offended at paying for public toilets and because I I agree with it on the surface that like yeah why would you pay to use a bathroom but the thing is if you say that par from bathrooms have to be free it’s not that the bathrooms that

Cost money now become free it’s that you just have fewer bathrooms right it’s the it’s the whole like I don’t know what’s uh oh no no don’t kill me uh lava rising in two seconds um I don’t know it’s it’s like if you wanted to it’s like if you said make

Healthcare free as opposed to make Healthcare free at the point of use if you try to make people do things without money then they say I would like I would not like to do that because I like being paid for what I do and you go oh it

Turns out turns out there’s a reason uh this is you know like it’s the um almost everything in life has this like yeah you you need people to be compensated so even you know you’ve got to say like how are they gonna do that because in in places like if you think

About New York City too like or if you’ve been to San Francisco try pooping in public there every bathroom it’s not even a money thing there it’s like a they’ve all been uh everyone is so scared of homeless people going in and ruining their bathrooms um that you’re just getting access to

One it requires so many steps okay damn it so the game becomes unwinnable if we do that so we’re just dying the lava now and we’ll try a different challenge oh no okay so it’s fine if we die the lava is two blocks behind me three blocks

Behind me okay so if we do it this way though we never get it done in time um although that could change that could change so uh the LA the lava is chasing the internet but will the lava be successful I sure hope not oh no how do

I fall in it anyway so I can’t do the mushroom parkour um do you know about the San Francisco Poop Map I haven’t heard about the San Francisco Poop Map but I really hope that I it is not what I believe it is I hope that it’s a list of places where

You can poop that sure would be nice so there’s a there’s a slime block here we’ve got to get onto at some point um so we jump onto lightning rod so we can jump onto this so we can jump on this oh this is fun okay that’s that’s

Nice a very tiny slime block jump um poop map yeah sometimes you need oh wow the magma kills you instantly oh that seems rude that seems very rude so um yeah the there’s a weird thing about trying to provide public utilities and saying you cannot make money on them

Um which makes sense when you think about I don’t know it’s uh it’s like how you okay so if you’re um if your friend calls you on the weekend says man I’m having a real nightmare can you come over here right now and help me out you’d say yeah of

Course and he goes oh do you want like 20 quid for helping me like oh you really can’t tell me how much how much you saved your day of that you go no yeah nothing whereas if your employer calls you and says yeah can you come in

On a day that you’re not meant to um I’m not gonna pay you I would could you just like fix this for me you don’t know you’re gonna pay me if you need this problem solved like I’m a you’re a stranger and I’m not gonna do this for you otherwise

We have different expectations of strangers than we do uh you know in terms of like what we have different expectations of why we do things for people we don’t know and the people we do um and it’s it’s odd because I don’t know I there’s you would expect

That people would be willing to do anything uh so I I don’t know let me give you a recent example in my life where I’m like oh man this feels like a basic human uh human level thing of like I I I had a Long Mountain day climb uh

Basically and then my phone died um while I was climbing this mountain which is which is fine like it’s it’s alive now we’re all good but uh it meant that I wanted to book a hotel but and you know usually who who would book like

The way you book a hotel is you go on a phone no one has ever tried any other system since the ad since the Advent of the internet no one books a hotel in person anymore unless you’re having an affair on your wife in which case keep

Going ahead and doing that but you know like um also we done the sparkle was that the whole thing I feel like I played this map before now wait how do we get out internet I I’m okay so there’s some steps um but so I was like desperate somewhere

To sleep I just climbed a mountain I was so sweaty and wet honestly I needed to dry off um and so I just need a hotel I need a place to sleep because it’s like 2 A.M and um oh there’s labor lasers we have to disable that’s a fun idea

Oh no no okay um but like yeah so I’m just like on a human level I just need a hotel so bad and uh every every place is like uh I I saw you mentioned like uh there’s a bunch of places that were available to book online they’re like yeah this is

This is the option go go book but um going in person they’re like uh you know you get to the hotel and even there’s no one there because they don’t rent it or so you get there and someone’s like oh yeah you have booking what’s the thing

And you’re like oh no well I I couldn’t finish my booking my my phone died and they’re like oh no we do not allow booking in person at this hour it’s like could you give me like power so I can charge my phone I’ve got like I’ve got

The the charger for and everything and they’re like no come back 7 30. and it’s like surely you know why I don’t want to come back at 7 30 at like an early flight the next day um and like in my mind at the time I’m like you should be these people should

Be obliged to like they are you know like in my mind a hotel for a traveler if you go to a country and no Hotel lets you in you can’t like exist as a person you you become homeless right like uh it’s it’s how you see it and I know like

Oh God I’ll be trapped in here I think we are um but like uh yeah I went to 20 hotels in person I call I I I managed to get a phone to call another 20. and like at somehow I don’t maybe I don’t understand hotels well enough maybe I don’t know

The words um but yeah every every hotel as soon as you’re like I need I need to make it right now they’re like oh but we are fully booked if there are no rooms that we could give you and then that and then like I asked one like oh is there a

Reason like everyone’s saying they’re so busy and he’s like could be graduation week or something but uh L.A it’s like so literally every single room is sold out it’s a possibility it’s a possibility that like lots of places had like availability online that was Phantom so if you showed up they

Wouldn’t give you the room it’s possible that they give the availability to those online sites and then they they’re booked but they’re not actually set in I don’t know the situation uh it could be on lines lying like you go you pay and then the the website steals your money

But it was saying that there were dozens of hotels availability when I when I was able to look but when I was trying to actually book them uh when I was trying to just go in and be like oh please yeah I could see this they’re like no no

Rooms literally zero no option and again like at the time your instinct is like you should be forced to provide this for me and and you know like um I think that’s how most people feel about something when you when you need something bad enough you almost feel like it’s okay to just

Take it you know this is a lot of countries have laws uh Switzerland is the most famous example in my mind um the crime for stealing bread when you’re hungry or when you know stealing bread is less than selling the rest of things because stealing bread is done

More out of desperation whereas stealing a car is not done for desperation it’s done for money like ambition or you know like a higher human need hey we did it wait is that the whole we hope you enjoyed playing it it’s a surprise this is this map is

Surprisingly short huh but I guess it’s free you know I guess also uh hardcore your way to the top but watch out lava Rises below you I’m so sure I played this exact map before but I paid for it so um but yeah I um I almost have been North Carolina have

Two kids in a cancer patient with a feast and she lost yeah fun times yeah and that’s that that is why I mean like I mean the valuable lesson here is like book a hotel before you go anywhere even if you have a refundable booking like book something refundable and then just

Refund it and then you can get out of that um but yeah there’s uh there’s a weird thing uh you know I I still don’t even know what like what’s what I do with the infinity book do I have to hit the the target what hitting the target what does

Hitting the target do there I’m so confused internet Okay so uh I’m going this way oh I have to go no no what is that I um the if there’s one thing that’s missing in this game though it could be checkpoints yeah this this it feels real

Rough to make you start again every time but I guess you’ll feel better when you get one complete run together um but yeah it’d be it’s been the same one I’ve been like desperate to use a bathroom and it’s like please why like I don’t want to have to pay for this need

That I have uh you know if in the case of the hotel thing just clarify I was willing to pay I was like seriously just just tell me a price you know like it it’s gonna suck for me but also what do we do here we bounce

Oh we couldn’t bounce before because the lava had risen oh okay yeah this this this this game need this level needs a uh uh checkpoint system it doesn’t work without them we weren’t supposed to be North Carolina and the reservations are not refundable you can get refundable reservations for

A lot more the non-refundable ones and then you can just refund them when you find like this is this is the thing this is this is the annoying thing about the idea of refundable anything if you ever look up refundable plane tickets it basically works this way

Um but if you want to get something refundable you pay like four times as much uh for the exact same product and so the best way to actually use refundable reservations is you make one until you buy something non-refundable unless you can’t buy something non-refundable in which case you’re already like locked in

Um obviously the other reason you’d use them is like uh businesses uh oh wow that’s this is a the other ones give you a lot of time but this one’s like yeah we’re screwed um also thank you Dr Wolf for saying uh you’re entertained by my cool stories I

Don’t know if that’s a cool story it’s just uh I I’m glad you think it is but um sometimes you go through something that makes you think you need something and you know that reminds you that like yeah like I think I mentioned this before that like Society is one meal

Away from writing at any point in time um as soon as you get hungry you start thinking real different about the way that we a lot you know you know like uh the moment you have no money you you might love a lot of people aren’t actually Pro or anti-capitalism on its

Merits or demerits right A lot of people don’t think that the economic system we live in is really great all the government’s really great uh because of anything in particular they feel as though oh okay a lot of people really are just like is this working for me yeah it’s pretty

Fine then uh a lot of people really change their mind um once things start failing them I I think the best example of this is um during covert in the UK uh do you remember that by the way um so in in if you are unemployed we don’t have an insurance-based system in

The UK you can buy your own unemployment insurance but we have a system where if you’re looking for a job you get paid a certain amount of money you also get paid money for other things that you might have so like uh you get money for

Having children you get money if you if you can’t afford a car physically and you need one um you get you get given a call there’s there’s systems like that that exist like uh we we do have a variety of systems on top of this but the base

Level if you are unemployed until you next have a job you get I think it’s 70 pounds a week I could be wrong about that it might be that it’s 58 pounds it’s somewhere in that ballpark but you don’t get enough to actually live on you get enough to support yourself to look

For jobs helps seek his allowance and so during covid a lot of people were unemployed kind of against their will right uh not not necessarily unemployed but underemployed uh furloughed whatever else you want to call it and so uh all of these people got instead of doing you

Know that 70 pounds a week while you’re looking for a job uh the system was raised massively up to it was eighty percent of your previous salary I believe it’s how it worked um some in in the US it went even crazy you’re like yeah no matter how much you

Earned before his 600 I think it was 600 a week in California then on top of that they’re like here’s a thousand dollars just spending money hope you enjoy it um multiple times right but like every government around the world is like there are a lot of people who are

Unemployed we need to look after them because there’s a lot of them um which is basically the rule for like any sister oh no don’t kill me okay we just about made it no no we didn’t um I uh it’s a oh so wow it’s it’s a buggy map by the

Way I think I think I enjoy clutch on this about equally uh would be my my rankings I made a lot more unemployed for a few months than I would have made employed I think there’s a lot of people in your same boat where the covered years were some of the

Best for them financially um which is that reminder that like people don’t care about the morals about a lot of systems and whatnot what people really care about is am I am I able to do what I need to do oh okay we got Infinity but we have to hit the center apparently

Um you know people don’t care about it is is using a public Bar from a human right or whatever isn’t actually a debate people are thinking about rationally they’re thinking like oh yeah it makes sense that you shouldn’t pay to pee uh and then when you really need to

Do it you’re like this is a human right excuse you um and you know like uh I’m not saying that’s a wrong opinion ah damn it um they were like uh hey just take this free money and we’re drowning in inflation it’s like was it worth it

I think okay so my my take um is yeah people the by by making money like obviously okay so I think a lot of people blame the idea of like you know the same thing in the UK like the government just made a bunch of money out of nowhere uh to give

People and people are like wow the reason that we’re having this terrible time okay we’re gonna die by the way if I think we do ah none of that matters um a lot of people blame the whole like oh it’s because the government gave people money when you give people money

It makes inflation it’s when you give money without creating it from somewhere right um using a bathroom is a human right why would anyone argue any otherwise but again like uh the point is is like it’s not actually a human right you in the same way that sleeping is a human

Right but a bed is not a human right right um you know like uh a toilet is a modern luxury it requires Plumbing it requires uh a fairly expensive piece of equipment like admittedly you can buy a cheap what’s it called a cistern like what’s

That oh no God damn all right okay we’re gonna get the parkour right um there’s no such thing as free money you always spend sacrifice something in order to get the free money I think okay so the thing is that it is possible to have uh posts oh God there’s a weird bug

On my desk oh I’m going to feel comfortable knowing that’s there um it’s it’s snuck behind my monitor but I’m I’m feeling feeling weird um there there are post scarcity Society is a possibility that I’m willing to entertain the idea of uh but I think a

Lot of people are just like but what if we what if we clearly money’s fictional man what if we just gave everyone infinite amounts of it it’s like but the things you buy with money aren’t infinite and so that’s that’s why we have money you have to limit the amount

That people can buy things and that’s again where you can have like an actually productive conversation where you say well wouldn’t it be better if we just said here is the amount of everything that a person should buy um like you know who needs more than a

Hundred Tomatoes a year no one needs more than 100 Tomatoes a year uh but the thing is we like knowing what people need is so hard that that’s why we usually delegate and try to let people decide themselves but let people decide what they themselves they need if

I say I want 200 Tomatoes a year that’d be impossible under a quota system so instead you say okay what if instead of if everyone gets one one brand new toilet a year and 100 new tomatoes and you give up your one brand new toilet and then you can get a hundred tomatoes

From someone uh or maybe you know like uh and then you you start inventing money basically right like money as it exists is obviously ridiculous why don’t you give people a bunch but money as what it represents is why you you can’t and it it’s a it’s a weird decoupling

Like sounds so basic it’s like we’re literally a child understands that but also we don’t explain money to children we don’t explain like inflation and the value what why money has value at all it’s just it’s just accepted as inherent like by everyone who tries to teach children anything they’re like

Yeah money is important go get some we don’t say how to get a bunch of money like we have an entire education system that doesn’t say here is here is the best way to get money at present you know like we should be giving people the infinite money hacks um

There’s a bunch of Parkour but down there but we’re we’re climbing up anyway um oh we got this far before I don’t think we have there’s a lot of choices on this this is by far the best one of the parkours right this is this is fun it’s

Basically got a checkpoint system in here too so we’re gonna go this way jump to the ladder and then we’re gonna hit the buttons and that’s gonna do nothing and we’re dead oh ah that was good money’s production and transferable form yeah I think if like if you teach people

About that then at least the you know the people who are like yeah give a bunch of this people can then have a more coherent worldview because I think that’s the more important thing about a lot of people just have strongly held um beliefs the backup like yeah I think

Things should be how they are right now sure but then a lot of people are like I don’t like how things are right now maybe the problem is we don’t we have all this money but we don’t just give it to people or whatever um

And so at least if you give people like that something better to cling to uh also with that you know I can’t I can’t do it internet I can’t do it I want to be able to do it but it’s real hard okay one more try this is the rally this is

The rally let’s see how infinite love apocal works um I uh I also uh yo yo yo idx toy cat yo yo yo how it going we don’t have all this money uh billionaires do that’s but that’s that’s the interesting thing about that right when at a certain level of money money

Changes what it means that’s the scary like everyone knows this on some level when you have not enough money to pay for basic necessities or you know use the bathroom or eat food or drink water money becomes about survival that’s that’s what money is to um you know even when you’re if you’re

If you’re addicted to something you can’t get um yeah or even if even if you’re not addicted if you need something if you need an operation that you cannot pay for money is about survival right um oh damn I so had it I’ve got this um I uh

I I think the um I think that but like you know money is about survival then money changes at some point closer towards you know like uh a a basic you know some somewhere just above minimum wage just below minimum wage I would say actually already depends on the person

But like um somewhere money changes to Oh Yeah the more of this you have the nicer versions of things you get to have you know like anyone can afford food if you have you know a baseline amount of money once you once you have enough money that you’re not food insecure it

Just becomes oh yeah if I add more money I would start eating at restaurants more often instead of cooking at home money becomes oh yeah I would go on a slightly nicer holiday um you know right now I take a week off and I play video games I would go on a

Private yacht uh in the Caribbean If I Had a Million uh you know stuff like that that’s that’s where money becomes then at some level above that money becomes how how soon can I be fine eventually free how long until I don’t have to work for someone anymore to earn

My money like I want to be able to have a nice yatched in the Caribbean or I want to be able to have food without having to do things for someone else first how what do I do up here I guess I climb down there yep that’s got to be it

And then we’re going to jump over to this next um okay I don’t know why these axes are swinging in such weird ways okay so they swing and then we no no okay we got so fast um but um yeah then money becomes a level above that once you get like deep into

The millions money is not a thing that helps you with any need or any freedom you’ve got plenty of that money is about how you allocate resources more broadly you know if you think about uh money as like production credits right you need some production credits to get your food

Rolling you need production credits so that you can have someone look after your your food security while you go and you hang out on a boat somewhere then at some point it’s like you have so much production credit you have to work out what’s the best way to make that

Production credit make more production credit um and uh you know this would be you know this this is a bit weird when you think about things as private individuals but actually because people are buying stocks in like publicly held companies it’s like how do people make the most money for other people with

Slightly large amounts of money um and you know like where should where should resources be allocated in economy should there be more people making um I know like is it just to list like 10 of the most valuable companies should people be making should we be making more high-tech products like Google

Search uh Google AdSense Etc should we be making more heavy retail like Amazon uh should we be making more cars with Tesla or should we be making more phones what or like you know working or making better phones like should we be working on improving the way that people get

Most things delivered that can give money to Amazon should we be improving the way that people get um you know interact with their cars and autonomous driving that means maybe Tesla should get money uh also what what is this parkour right here okay we’re gonna climb up there and then back over

Here back over here we’re good um should you know should should phones do things they can’t do that the most recent iPhone feature that I think is actually a big one is satellite cooling anywhere in the world anyway it might just be the US honestly I’m pretty sure

It’s in around the world even if you have no cellular sync signal you can now call if you have an emergency only for emergencies I don’t know who pays for it I think Apple might I’m not 100 sure oh no no no no I I had that I was so good

I say poop should be a quiet allowed to acquire more than one billion dollars any additional money should be uh given away but that’s that’s kind of my point it’s like you don’t actually get to use money well below a billion like I if you can find something that costs more than a

Billion there isn’t a company I’d be impressed I’ve seen some Maggie gatch costs like 300 mil and that seems excessive I think everyone agrees and looks at that and it’s less excessive but really you just start buying companies and buying a company doesn’t mean that you get to own a hundred

Thousand iPhones I mean you you can argue Tim Cook or whatever owns a hundred thousand iPhones but actually you’re just saying you’re making decisions about where that company should invest its money how it should get money to invest Etc um because businesses do very different things right and that’s that’s that’s

Why I don’t know like as an example like the richest person in the world if you add up all their assets they’ve got like 300 billion or something whereas you know if you add up all the assets for some of the biggest companies they enter the trillions when you and then you look

At countries it’d be like saying no no person should be allowed to earn more than a billion but obviously the the United States has several billions sitting in whatever accounts it uses I can’t imagine how accounts even work on levels that big does the US have a bank

Account does it have hundreds of bank accounts does it have thousands of bank accounts does it need bank accounts is it the bank account I don’t you know like I’m gonna be honest if you don’t know how the level works at that point but um yeah the the problem is is like

You gotta work about um my tech obsessed friends would love to earn 100 000 iPhones where would you store them all though you know like uh that’s that there becomes like practicality problems about even if you wanted to be the most glossless man on Earth the most exp oh magma always brutal

Okay one more time internet I I’m gonna stop myself um the USA is a PayPal account and it just paypals other countries some cash into the import stuff you know hexataron that’s a fun way to imagine the world working and so I’m gonna start believing that way okay we’re gonna we’re gonna go

Real fast early on so we can afford to go a little slower later and not feel the pressure as much that is my plan let’s see if it works um but yeah it’s um the the way money works and what money does for you changes a lot based on how much money

You have um and so yeah a certain point it’s like almost I don’t know what’s a weird way to think about it it’s like some people make these resource decisions okay I don’t mind taking two hearts of damage I probably should mind it because now I can’t get hit by the ax

Um which seems to just stop swinging occasionally yeah I have no idea how that ax decides when to swing it’s very confusing but very confusing describes a lot of things should we go up there no there’s nothing up there for me okay so I love this multi-choice section I think this is

Such a cool way to do parkour I think this is objectively a very cool but cool parkour map um okay so this way and then we’re going left so we got we climb onto the tree and the tree just allows me to climb back off over to here there’s no full damage

Thankfully and we jump up onto this this starts swinging we’re just going to jump past it and then this isn’t going to start swinging okay we go oh yeah up we go we need to get some real height for this section but look at that I’m going going so fast

Oh no I’m not going so far zooming through Okay so we’ve got plenty of time for this last section but it is the hardest one if I’m not mistaken we jump from this up to here okay no we don’t we jump from this up to here we go

Around the block before we go over to that so we’re gonna watch out for some of these challenges but simple enough we’re just gonna find the things to jump on the other things to jump on the other things okay so those spikes I’m gonna watch out

For don’t don’t kill me spikes no oh for all the things to kill me I I had the time okay we got it um a hundred thousand iPhones for the best crypto mining stream ever that’s like a bank um what do you think of the Midwest American accent dialect I

I’ve heard I’ve read this many times that the midwestern accent is the standard United States accent um so it’s what they would use if you want to just have a generic American accent have someone who’s from the Midwest they will have some fun and see that’s not Midwest accent um in the slightest

Um but I’ve heard that and then I say it to anyone from the United States they’re like no that’s ridiculous um you clearly just it’s clearly that you must just be you know you must just have feelings for a girl who lives in the midwest it’s the only way this makes

Any sense also I I’m kind of dead okay this is the last time for real internet um I um this is my last time we can do it I believe in we let’s go oh yeah so um yeah I uh I do think that um

There are lots of ways in which the you know the the things change as you get more and less of them uh but yeah it’s also weird the idea of like should you know like the ideal world allows decisions that are importantly made by people who are best of them one of the

Problems that I think a lot of people have with politics is you don’t become a politician by being really good at politics you become a politics by like which maybe you could argue being elected is you become a politician by being elected in a popularity contest

The more people who like you the more you get to do your thing oh so this is why is there a random dodo dancing over here foreign what a silly concept I like this map a lot okay so um if you don’t if you if you have no

Money Flex like if you are not money sensitive if the idea of spending money doesn’t matter to you then go to the store and buy all of the maps by RBX toy Maps um right now but um yeah then clutch I think might be more of an

Interesting like skill that you can pick up if you don’t then I liked lava parkour if you’ve already played lava parkour and every other free map then clutch is still cheaper than some of the Alternatives um that aren’t on Realms plus which you might not have access to and so I would say

Um yeah that’s my that’s my review of these two maps hope you enjoyed still Sunday live I have a seat Sunday that was going to go up today um but it’s a really really long one so I haven’t been able to um how many able to get it uploaded on time I uh

You know I here’s a here’s the thing I spoke about uh with RAF last time we spoke um how do you feel internet about giving uh you know the idea of like if someone’s always late to a party like give them a fake party start time like

If someone always shows up four hours after a party starts don’t tell them the party starts at eight because they won’t be there till midnight tell them the party starts at four and they’ll get there at eight um the problem is though if they start to realize you give them fake times you

Have to like add more and more to it right do you feel like that’s a fair thing to do if like okay you give you give you give someone a deadline and the deadline is always missed by a little bit just like if they always miss it by a similar

Amount move the deadline back how do you feel about that like it’s a little uh you know like that that’s that’s how people that’s why I say people gotta treat the uh the live streams we do here like I because of the risk of you know you can’t start a stream early without

Confusing a bunch of people it’s like if a stream is going to start at 8 15 I set it for eight it’s gonna start at 8 45 I set it for 8 30. uh and so people can like work backwards from that do you think it’s fair to do yes I do it

Myself sometimes too yeah that’s actually what I do with myself too yeah I um if I’ve got something really important like when I’m leaving for the airport I don’t say okay if I need to be there at 7 45 at the very latest I’ll plan to get there I’ll be like okay so

I’m gonna need to get there at like 7 30. so I’ve got 15 minutes of some terrible stuff happening without having to like think myself I’m gonna die I’m not gonna make it Etc I would say the concern is if you’re over an hour late you know that’s yeah I feel like there’s

A over an hour late is effectively something bad’s happened or you don’t care one of the two anyway thank you very much for watching that’s my review on the two maps we played today hope you enjoyed it was a bit of a different live stream I’ll be doing a uh survival and

Chill with toy cat uh on Tuesday but tomorrow will be a let’s play um usually I try to record them like a day or two before the day so they can be edited on time but I’ve been I need to give myself better deadlines for my Let’s Plays maybe I’ll try to convince

Myself that let’s play Monday always comes out on a on a Sunday so I get them done for that time um but yeah also my defense I had one of the I had one of the worst days of my life um yesterday and I’m kind of recovering

From it today so I’ll uh which we can talk about more on Tuesday maybe uh but oh maybe in the let’s play even that that seems like a good idea yeah I hope you all enjoyed this and I’ll see you in the next one unless I don’t goodbye

This video, titled ‘CLUTCH: Challenging My Minecraft Reflexes’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2023-09-03 20:37:07. It has garnered 8415 views and 437 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:26 or 5006 seconds.

Hello I’m ibxtoycat and you can tip to show up on screen at:

This map is available on the marketplace “Clutch”

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  • Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft

    Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft The Easiest Mob XP Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20 Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to improve their gameplay and gather valuable resources. One essential aspect of the game is creating efficient mob farms to collect experience points (XP) and rare drops. In a recent video, a Minecraft player known as BlackPlayzOP showcased the easiest mob XP farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20, suitable for all Bedrock Edition platforms. Features of the Mob XP Farm The highlighted mob XP farm is designed to provide players with a simple yet effective method of farming XP…. Read More


    MASTER MINECRAFT BUILDING TIPS! ๐Ÿ‘ท๐Ÿ—๏ธVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Unleash Your Inner Architect! Building Guide for BEGINNERS to PROS ๐Ÿ—๏ธ’, was uploaded by GAMING GURU on 2024-06-21 07:33:27. It has garnered 431 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Ready to transform your Minecraft world into a masterpiece? ๐ŸŽจ Whether you’re a newbie just starting out or a seasoned builder looking for fresh inspiration, this comprehensive guide will take your Minecraft architecture skills to the next level! What You’ll Discover: Foundation Fundamentals: Learn the essential building blocks, tips for terrain manipulation, and how to choose the… Read More

  • JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!

    JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-02-09 20:00:00. It has garnered 5823 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:03 or 3723 seconds. How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing mc lol #minecraft #memes #shorts’, was uploaded by NatPlaying on 2024-04-20 07:13:03. It has garnered 10264 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!

    Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: BLOCK HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mongo on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 293884 views and 4156 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:14 or 2114 seconds. Mongo and Wudo have to build secure block houses! Who builds the safest block house? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! #Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More

  • Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1

    Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Old Minecraft with friends | Episode 1’, was uploaded by Dragonfrvit on 2024-03-09 01:09:10. It has garnered 13 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:03 or 1983 seconds. Playing Minecraft smp with friends! Just some chill times with people screaming Read More

  • Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!

    Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!Video Information This video, titled ‘There’s a hole in my Minecraft world’, was uploaded by lowresbones on 2024-02-05 11:00:02. It has garnered 51280 views and 4604 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:46 or 646 seconds. Welcome back to the Minecraft Trailer Series! Today we dig down into the depths to collect a bounty of resources that will fuel the construction of my mega base! This is a Minecraft 1.20 Survival let’s play but using the Minecraft Trailer Recreation mod pack I showcased a little while ago! You all asked for it so here it is. I cannot express… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT CHALLENGE: Trapped Underground FOREVER?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but I can’t go above ground’, was uploaded by Call Me Kevin on 2024-06-01 18:00:07. It has garnered 499111 views and 33958 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:34 or 1114 seconds. Subscribe or else! (For legal reasons this is not a threat) ๐ŸŽฎ Second Channel: ๐ŸŽต Music Channel: ๐Ÿ“น Twitch Channel: ๐Ÿ“ท Instagram: ๐Ÿ’ฉ Twitter: Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios. In Minecraft, players explore a blocky, procedurally generated 3D world with virtually infinite terrain and may discover and extract raw materials, craft tools… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ 66th Leviathan Heart Hunt LIVE! Join Now! ๐ŸŽฎ

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ 66th Leviathan Heart Hunt LIVE! Join Now! ๐ŸŽฎVideo Information This video, titled ‘BloxFruit Leviathan Hunt Finally getting 66th Leviathan Heart Late stream |?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-05-17 19:33:57. It has garnered 1057 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 04:00:01 or 14401 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: Zainny Discord: check out: Roblox group :!/about TikTok : twitch : Discord: Mods: Itrealzainny: LJ :… Read More

  • Ep 35: CursedPugFilms Task in Minecraft Roleplay!

    Ep 35: CursedPugFilms Task in Minecraft Roleplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Slice of Life – Here’s a Task. – Ep 35 (Minecraft Roleplay) (MCTV)’, was uploaded by CursedPugFilms on 2024-03-08 22:00:28. It has garnered 135 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:22 or 1282 seconds. Levi goes over what he needs to do with some of friends before he goes to meet Randy. When asking to join Randy gives Levi a task… Is he up for it?… Time Stamps Advertisement – 0:00 – 0:51 Episode – 0:51 – 21:21 ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ What is Slice of Life? Slice of Life is the story of… Read More

  • Summit Realms

    Summit RealmsStep into the exciting world of Summit Realms, where gaming is elevated to a whole new level. Immerse yourself in a variety of fast-paced, competitive, and challenging games that promise hours of entertainment. We are thrilled to announce the release of our brand-new game, “Introduction to Gens Tycoon.” This is your chance to be among the first to experience this thrilling addition to our network. Summit Realms is more than just a server; it’s a community where like-minded gamers come together. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be a part of this vibrant gaming community and to be one… Read More

  • 50×50 factions pvp semi-vanilla – SEASON 5 – DIFFICULT

    Experience the Challenge of 5050 Factions Server! Join the server, 5050 factions! It’s one of the hardest factions servers in minecraft, set on hard mode with a 50 chunk radius map! Features: /home and /sethome removed for intense PVP encounters Safe zones for trading and interacting with players Challenging gameplay with Medieval Factions plugin Nether and End dimensions are 50×50 chunks Unique handmade spawn builds Explosion durability system for base protection Conquer a low-resources, claustrophobic world on the brink of server-wide war! Discord: Join our Discord community for more information Read More


    DIMCHICK-GAMES๐ŸŒ Server Location: Optimized for players in Asia! Enjoy a lag-free experience and seamless gameplay no matter where you are.๐Ÿฐ Server Safety: Our server is griefer-free! With our advanced anti-griefing plugins, your creations are always safe. Build, explore, and create without worrying about trolls.๐ŸŽ‰ Community Focused: Join a friendly and welcoming community of players. Participate in regular events, contests, and community projects. Our active staff team is always here to help and ensure a pleasant gaming environment.๐ŸŒŸ Features:Grief-Free: Your builds are protected at all times.Optimized for Asia: Enjoy minimal latency and a smooth experience.Daily Events: Engage in exciting daily events… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Well.. Creeper on a hotter night!

    Minecraft Memes - Well.. Creeper on a hotter night!That’s more points than I could ever earn in a Minecraft game! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Trailer Action Unleashed

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Trailer Action Unleashed In the world of Minecraft, action takes flight, With the best animation, it’s a pure delight. Craft your own stories, with moves so grand, Just like in the trailer, it’s all in your hand. Subscribe to AdamMeong, for more gaming fun, Follow on Instagram, see what he’s done. For the animation, check out ActionsNStuff, Watch it all through, can’t get enough. Like and share, spread the word around, Minecraft in action, hear the gaming sound. Thanks for tuning in, for the rhymes and the play, Stay tuned for more, have a fantastic day! Read More

  • Bro’s Dreamy Delusions #lit

    Bro's Dreamy Delusions #lit Bro really out here thinking he’s dreaming but in reality, he’s just stuck in another round of Minecraft. Welcome to the virtual reality, bro! #minecraftdreams #broproblems Read More

  • Crafting a Japanese Temple in Minecraft

    Crafting a Japanese Temple in Minecraft Building a Japanese Temple + Interior in Minecraft Welcome to a detailed tutorial on how to construct a magnificent Samurai Temple complete with an intricate interior in Minecraft! This step-by-step guide is designed to assist both seasoned builders and beginners in creating an authentic Japanese temple to elevate your Minecraft world. Materials and Layout Before diving into the construction process, ensure you have the necessary materials and a clear layout plan. You can access the materials list here. Additionally, download the map from here and use a custom seed with the Vanilla texture pack and BSL Shader version 1.20.1…. Read More

  • Exclusive Access to Chronos SMP! Join the Talent Show to Win ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘€

    Exclusive Access to Chronos SMP! Join the Talent Show to Win ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘€Video Information This video, titled ‘Chronos SMP Talent Show (Winner Gets In SMP)๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘€ [Live]’, was uploaded by JakeJxke on 2024-06-17 16:50:44. It has garnered 367 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:06 or 4626 seconds. Join My Discord Server: #jakejxke minecraft server to exist, and it was super intense. The Lifesteal SMP features creators such as ClownPierce, PrinceZam, Leowook, Parrot, Spoke, roshambo, and more. This server also contains people like Parrot (also known as ParrotX2 or zParrot) and Spoke (also known as SpokeIsHere). This is similar to Parrot or ParrotX2 on the school SMP series… Read More

  • 100 Days in Medieval Minecraft Hardcore

    100 Days in Medieval Minecraft HardcoreVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in MEDIEVAL Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by Suev on 2024-06-22 19:15:09. It has garnered 67495 views and 2931 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:44 or 9284 seconds. I Survived 100 Days in MEDIEVAL Minecraft Hardcore! MODPACK: ______________________ โ™“SHOP: ๐ŸŽฎ Discord Server: Music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial! ๐Ÿ’œ MY SOCIAL MEDIA! โ–ถ Twitter: โ–ถ Instagram: โ–ถ Twitch: Read More

  • Bockey Saves Herobrine in Minecraft ๐Ÿ‘€ #shorts

    Bockey Saves Herobrine in Minecraft ๐Ÿ‘€ #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: I Save Herobrine ๐Ÿ˜ณ #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by BOCKEY GAMER on 2024-05-30 13:30:00. It has garnered 206547 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Every Topics Related To Video:- All 250 Mods List 1. minecraft 2. j and mikey 3. maizen 4. mikey andj 5. ij and mikey minecraft 6. minecraftj and mikey 7. maizen minecraft 8. j and mikey roblox 9. siren head 10. shorts 11. minecraft ghost 12. roblox 13. mikey and j minecraft 14. sonic 15. choo choo charles 16. maizen roblox 17. sakura… Read More

  • INSANE Ultimate Survival Minecraft Base Tour!!!

    INSANE Ultimate Survival Minecraft Base Tour!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Built The ULTIMATE Storage Base In Survival Minecraft (P.U.B. II)’, was uploaded by ๐•ฟ๐–š๐–“๐–™๐–Š๐–’๐–†๐–™๐–”๐–“ on 2024-04-20 15:00:06. It has garnered 124056 views and 8323 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:01 or 3001 seconds. This is episode two of Project Unknown Builder, a Minecraft film project that I make for fun as a hobby. It is not monetized to stay authentic and true to it’s purpose; be a form of creative expression. Enjoy! This video has music from two of my favorite musicians Zayde Wolf and Thomas Bergersen (and some other cool ones)…. Read More

  • Insane PvP Texture Pack for Minecraft! ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿ’ฅ

    Insane PvP Texture Pack for Minecraft! ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿ’ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft World Best PvP texture Pack | Minecraft PvP texture pack Credit – BLOODYLIONYT,Davil_XD’, was uploaded by BLOODY LION YT on 2024-01-26 14:07:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Subscribe to Davil_XD File download link … Read More

  • Epic Battle: RedFox Takes on Ender Dragon in Skyblock! EP9

    Epic Battle: RedFox Takes on Ender Dragon in Skyblock! EP9Video Information This video, titled ‘Fighting the Ender Dragon In Minecraft Skyblock Survival – EP9’, was uploaded by Willing RedFox on 2024-04-03 13:00:49. It has garnered 53 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:55 or 1315 seconds. In this episode we fight the ender dragon, build a mob farm and start working towards villagers over in the new base area. #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #minecraftletsplay Read More

CLUTCH: Challenging My Minecraft Reflexes