Conquering Sea Temple in Minecraft – Arcade Allies

Video Information

[Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] hello hello string worms it’s time for funny block game let’s get on in whatever you do don’t turn around uh uh uh wait what there’s nothing there ow oh [ __ ] what the hell oh no this bones well you little [Laughter] shits got got string worms hey expected to be that effective snake down snake snake look we’re just getting it out of the way now so our performance is going to be so much better now Shenanigans yep they would never little buggers oh you silly string worms All Right leader what’s the plan for today I hear we’re taking a Ocean Temple yeah we’re going to [ __ ] that [ __ ] up all right sounds good well I’m uh got to get my [ __ ] re-equipped after being assaulted live on camera oh God my helmet durability is so low now did you go for a head shot T yep maybe all right well I might have to run back oh where the hell is my where’ my sword go it’s your inventory is on you I think uh is it I I got my iron sword where’s my diamond sword oh it’s probably on the ground still if you you only got the oh no where’s my sword where’s my blade oh it’s over here oh wow it went far yeah you did explode into a pile of loot yeah all right thank you let’s fix that real quick okay so anyway yeah someone besides me clip that I don’t know if there’s anybody in my chat usually everybody’s over in the main Channel yep we got Cleo and Ray over here thanks for joining us we’re going to go on uh quite the adventure today all right so where is said Ocean Temple come here oh the floating candles things have changed since I’ve last been in here hit that button that oh oh my yep just like how you should hit the like [Music] button Boop there you go see I did it on stream wow you did well all right interesting see go in here you press this button are these just command blocks or something yeah you bet cool I use my God Powers aha so um in the top chest is milk in the bottom chest is more potions of you okay milk ones give me that Dairy and in this chest over here we have doors and lanterns all right excellent let’s just make it around 10 right awesome awesome clipped and snacked down oh God I’m so proud of this community documenting my humiliation absolutely that’s the entire reason you’re a streamer oh all right I see that there in the distance we have another base on top of it yeah so that’s if uh Guardians are hounding you too much just okay all right well let’s uh got that I have plenty of potions at the moment so let’s just be on our way oh T T’s just swimming there no need for boats what a badass yeah I could prob him too but I was like your honor the water is full of cringe it is okay so what is the objective of taking this just kill all the Guardians kill the Guardians kill the Elder Guardians kill the Elder Guardians okay yeah there’s only two because I killed one already oh okay you’re putting in work it was right on top there a there’s so many of these bastards oh yeah those lasers hit when they hit okay oh that was weird and creepy yep why you drink milk you can’t mine anything okay time to uh Escape real quick oh my god oh they can shoot out of the water okay yeah you have to break find the site yeah regenerating real quick riveting gameplay ah Shields don’t seem to do much of anything yeah the magic will still hit you it’s less it will lessen the impact no Fu hi [ __ ] oh there’s a lot of you in this room ah ah I forgot to say we should probably click on the on the bed there oh we should have yeah oh we definitely should have out back out and do that it’s a good idea ah to the bed to the bed to the bed bed bed oh hi Elder you are a big boy on my way on my way that phom oh found one there’s one more man you’re doing progress okay I’m zooming fast Fox zies yeah I’m getting out of here all right on my way back and I’m here okay fuel on chimpin I should have grabbed more milk uh there’s one all right oh whatever going in significantly easier to survive once you’re in the temple actually I’m trying to get in right now I’m in you took the last one down CU there’s only three and I killed one I mean I just stabbed one in the face so so then we did it good stream everyone nicely done uh I was busy healing and Gathering milk and sleeping I missed all the action well uh the entirety of World War I and now we loot uh excellent cool at least there’s still some normal Guardians to uh murder down here yeah they will keep respawning but okay just not the big ones all right yeah are gone it’s fine all right what are we looking for down here then sponge spoe okay he where’s that room with a big brick in it I mean I found a bunch of Spong we got to get bricked up on stream oh my goodness oh yeah I mean we already assassinated a streamer so we can only go so far from here true true oh yeah and uh you can press control to activate fast swimming yeah um so do you have a uh do you have the Cobblestone for a furnace you bet I don’t uh let me double check here I have Cobblestone feel free to tear apart the uh the syptoms do you want me to set up a furnace up top gasp cat jump scare the action one second let me double check Discord to make sure I have Neco unmuted oh God oh God one second here string worms we need to hear the silly cat there we go test test Neco oh hey that just full crashed there she is let’s turn her up it’s good like I said I’m watching I pulled up the stream I’m just gonna be ghosting your ears okay that’s time we have a a ghostly yo-kai cat that that checks out okay back to funny block game I’m just like going to slowly dismantle this Temple I need all the prismarine coward get back here I may or may not have had P muted this whole time hi hello oh you’re so loud loud snack the only one to be on full volume is sui because sui too quiet I was like watching you on stream you’re very clearly talking P I was like cared you all right well I’m going break these sea lanterns or I mean we got my verion so it’s not like we need them yeah oh that’s right I need to go drink some milk before I can break anything so I’ll make a quick detour back get some milk I am lost in the temple though get me out of here and you dry out if you dry out all the sponges you could probably block off make your way through J if you uh if you hollow out this place uh we can put a guardian from in here but I got a I got a bunch of sponge on me right now I need to get a furnace and cook it all I’ve got two so there’s that t was just in a room full of them yeah I I found a room full of sponge but I need to uh get out of here and get some milk before I can do anything crary I require that Dairy there we go bye fellas ow ow ow yeah now I can finish I can continue with my builds excellent right I forgot a the heart of the SE makes actual like heartbeat noises that’s so much worse oh I didn’t even know that feel like I picked it up once I did something with it once and I was like nope and put it back down glug gug gugug gug me when fish my fish reaction live Arya reaction all right on my way back oh I’m watching I’m watching you guys also let me know how my sound is you’re straight up through my iPad so there’s no good like mic or anything going on you’re fine I adjusted you on Discord so you sound fine cool cuz uh yeah no I I forgot iPhones don’t have this thing called a headphone mic so I have to be through my iPad that’s fine cool we have string worm confirmation that the cat is audable so all is good all your prismarine are belong to me am I even picking this stuff up it floats up so you may have to go up may need to swim SL us this prismarine going toward Sumi or is it a secret um it’s part of my next build in the yo-kai village gotcha okay for the roof ah for the roof okay yeah I’m I’m happy with my little uh peer side Hut but I really do want to make an actual area of residence I kind of want make a big library in the desert or something you know for that lore we’ve got we’ve got the desert Jo my desert s you need a sand land to go live in cool yeah I was thinking desert biome next to the ocean get back here coward we’ll see oh oh Jo P join me PA join me I live in the desert it’s a in the Messa whatever but it’s right up against um uh tropical Coral wreath biome as well cool I live straight up on it it it’s it’s almost a problem but it’s tried me it’s hard it’s there’s a lot of project yep I’ll do I’ll do some Scouting Around and see what looks good I like having a good geography around where I’m building my favorite biome Mesopotamia Mesopotamia wow Zen I actually like putting that American public education to work I know my GE geby geby any we have some Hello gardan com for you my favorite biomes are actually know I have multiple jungle um like the deep forest and then a birch tree Forest cool currently I’m in a desert yeah Minecraft keeps um crashing and like shaking my whole screen weird oh oh oh loading again oh no this is Discord trying to load hey and we have this stuff I found the block spawn block all is gold ironically sponges would be worth more than gold it’s true o back here you B gu that is prismarine crystals do you need prismarine crystals as well sui I mean you can use it to make lanterns or pris so okay I’ll take them if you don’t want them don’t worry we’ll have an abundance once I make the guardian Farm too so that’s true you know I I really want to use it you can keep it for yourself to figure out what these blocks are here when I pick one up cuz they look like snake scales uh oh the dark yeah prismarine or prismarine bricks but the prismarine these ones here as well the uh yeah so dark prismarine and prismarine Bricks will probably make up a lot of I’m going so fast oh my God there’s a dolphin here dolphin buddy it’s so my speed yep there’s like a couple dolphins that hang out in the near where I live and every time I go in the ocean I’m just suddenly like just speed and like hold on wait what well we already haste because of the uh the the conduit we have here so we’re already going fast plus whatever enchantments are on my armor so there’s no stopping can’t stop won’t stop well I’m just going to deconstruct this room so I can get a bunch of scale blocks and then we’ll uh decide the build pretty much what we’re here for yeah decide to build at a later date my error code I just got from Minecraft was just deep ocean something went wrong hi dolphin how did you get inside is that do the [Music] outside there are just kind of holes everywhere yeah you’re oh my God going so fast I got the Zoomies hell little Dolphins there’s two of them in here double dolphin it’s a party aren’t Dolphins supposed to like lead you to treasure or something probably if you give them fish they will oh that’s what it is okay I couldn’t remember I knew that was a thing but I couldn’t remember have to see what this stuff looks like above ground water kind of changes the color is cons is thinks it’s already running on my computer because it keeps telling me the game’s already running but it’s not you might have to open task manager and hold it a little bit think I have that saved it’s not even open in TAS mag oh wait wait you can type in the search bar too it’s in the background process also why in the world do I have so many background processes going right now I just realized I’m underwater I should bring in my underwater buddy one second here my underwater buddy I should bring him on to stream friend Rich for f surrender all Mortal possessions to F there that’s shk sh on stream best shark funny shk there arms are locked good all right cool back to mining Movie Tube Studio back down shk boy indeed okay oh no dolphin’s stuck dolphin stuck i’ I’ve read about that experiment I don’t want to think about it what you doing [ __ ] you want to get back here so I can kill you oh [ __ ] heyo yo coward oh the prismarine belong to me oh come back here block yeah I just want AR Aria it’s our fish the other fish to raid the pris Marine second here make sure Arya is unmuted on Discord AR is a muted just not audible yeah very quiet there’s the fish I will Boop you up a bit though loud assassination it wasn’t even an assassination attempt just straight up murder it was a it was a jiujitsu kaison jumping it just kind of happened [ __ ] get back here T just domain expanded a hole into my head with an arrow you know I knew I was doing I was KN I knew I was enchanting this bow for a reason when I I went and did this earlier the black flash was my life being snuffed out anyway we the temple there’s a teleporter in the teleportation Hub on the second floor you can come and farm all the prismarine I’m pretty sure I have the screenshots of coordinates to another Temple but I don’t know how the access screenshots on my computer okay if we really want more violence we can also do the um the Mansion oh you found a mansion want to join in on that you go all Resident Evil up in here T and I have done a little bit of work we got we got the first floor cleared out but the second and third floor are not anywhere near done interesting I’ve never taken on or even seen a mansion in Minecraft second and third floor are where most of the unique enemies reside so a lot of first floor is just basic zombies skeletons gotcha those gobbley gucks yeah their ones are scarier yeah okay fine what if I just restart you again so we could teleport there or we could just go there the manual way I know how to get there yeah you’ve been mapping out the entire path you psycho not just the path most of the server too ah psycho parenthesis affectionate there we go going full Christopher Columbus on us have you seen the map Tower I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t kill in the pillage of the natives by oh [ __ ] okay it we’re kind to the villagers on This Server except I I you you missed that except that I put there except for the ones that we uh have um voluntarily working at our little house they’re being paid in experience okay my villagers live safely behind a walls actually I’ve taken the walls down cuz I’m trying to build new enclosure but I have them safe and happy I don’t have them in a prison it’s an enclosure it’s a summer camp it’s just an enclosure hey C and summer never ends you know the walls are only there because they were getting sniped at by skellies and now they just have a giant cat watching them it’s fine I’m even giving them decoration in their wall I didn’t make a prison so I did let some go only because they were actually useless I went through and checked the prices of sounds so awful but they are so um there’s room now at the trading hub for more okay cool for more uh forced employees yes don’t forget along the top of your room so you can collect your blocks yep yep I like how you think justifying that you set some free means it’s okay that the others are still C this works off of Rudolph the r no reindeer logic where because your unique capabilities and characteristics are monetarily profitable we tolerate you oh it’s too real oh oh yeah PA have you seen the map Tower yet I have not we should give you tour afterwards yeah absolutely I I’ve explored uh a part of sui’s tower when I booted the server back up just to make sure everything was functioning but I haven’t fully explored everything or even seen where uh U have settled I this is not under under anything that sui’s made yet um we’re all the way we’re all the way out we’re about 4,000 blocks away from Spawn oh damn okay yeah this is this is a te and Me original it’s mostly T just my name is just there as a participation on this gr project you’re getting participation trophy it’s good yeah I can put this on resume you put in the effort Z the the project the project would not be at the current state it is unless you put in the effort and you did you get to put your name on it and you get to say I did you get to say I did 70% of the work because you you basically dug out a lot of those dare you compliment me project code manager stop running why are you running blck I did however build a very large ring a lot of them in mhm circles suck ow especially in a block game yeah makes it a little tricky you come here bastard stuck in a corner like a Chum you get the Trident you [ __ ] I was going to pack all the maps that I needed to go and do this journey but I will put them back so it’s all visible when you get here Cleo Santa is the evil God of commercialism it’s it’s not wrong really not though St Nicholas has a quota to make is that a lethal company reference uh mayhaps I’m really really excited to eventually get back to lethal company I miss it lethal come I miss being disappointed in you from the ship and I miss your disappointment a it’s so much fun to disappoint you you do it very easily yeah it’s really not hard for me to disappoint most people it’s kind of a cat thing kind of poke something enough times okay we’ll finish up this room see my inventory looks like stop running left a lot of slots open for a reason there’s so many in this [ __ ] room come here get back here oh my God can you not I give up I don’t think I can access screenshots on my computer you should be able to I could guide you through to get through it oh I went through all my folders and I literally just Googled a thing and it was like you find it at the user whatever slash username SL picture SL screenshots and that pulled up nothing uh that would be your computer screenshots not your game screenshots so oh Minecraft screenshots would be elsewhere do you have the Minecraft folder yeah I was do you have to launcher pin to your desktop or something like that this like shortcut you can okay couple stacks I mean know how to click into the things I need to click into oh okay then you’re all set to F fig out another one I’m hunting this is the farthest I’ve made it into trying to actually log into Minecraft oh your helmet broke PA what was that your helmet broke oh damn it okay I’m going to have to go back up then uh you should be fine conduit power so yeah conduit is there and my bubbles aren’t going down so I guess I should be good so I’ll just mouu real quick let’s eat this soggy chicken it’s a close third place to wall chicken wall chicken is so good though Belmont approved that’s why it’s a third it’s not wall chicken but it’s you know yeah I really really want to continue the Castlevania anime and I hope that at some point wall chicken is included want to see alucar just tear into some wall chicken supposedly in the original NES manual it’s called a pork chop n that there’s wall chicken de honor I simply don’t care what the developers say especially if it’s Konami from the people that brought us Silent Hill the Pachinko machine oh oh oh oh am I I’m connecting maybe not back here yeah precisely Cleo it’s wall chicken and we will die on this hill and we will die a lot cuz it’s Castlevania um did Neco need to update server info I know youall are onw so okay yes just realized that yes oh hi there hi Bonk fish I see you fish come here W there’s more uh Jesus Christ why are there so [ __ ] many of these bastards let’s change the server address I like how T realized the problem I was I was having as I was having it he knew how that was going down got that mod foresight I I’ve had to run my own server before so I know exactly all the problems that other people will encounter will try to join how you looking on inventory space Zan uh full but I can give you some stuff just one slot left ah all right so I think that might be it I can just fill up on a bit more dark prismarine and a bit more prismarine block and then I am full I do have some random oh I have arrows cuz they were shot into my head get those out of there to be obliterated you good Sumi there were just so many targeting me just a second ago oh lordy I’m not going to lie it’s deeply entertaining just to listen to the chaos like I’ve gotten distracted I’m not even watching P anymore I’m just listening friend we yeah there’s like 30 of them out here good TR going to put my sword away now oh my God yeah there are ton out here that there so many laser beams NE is joined welcome to the [ __ ] show Neco let me put things away and then you teleport me but I got to put things away first you can go to the teleportation Hub on the second floor there’s a button cool does anybody want arrows not much use to us in the water I know but I have access to so many arrows ah U there’s a Skelly spawner right where I live so oh my God ha get baited have a did sweet I see you there you good buddy how you doing see little guy oh God no goofing off PA Focus On Combat oh that was a bad decision Mr Guardian oh you fool back to you your turn so happy for all this free getting that good [ __ ] all right so where was the area I was getting the dark pris there it is did you change the landing spot when you teleport to the teleportation Hub I did okay I was like that is not where I normally land I made it so that way um you can go to another floor if you need to it’s a little easier if you do it from the center so many milk more space no I didn’t assume I just looking hi but the cat craves milk so that you can recover from being deaded I would collect the boats uh once you’re done out there or spring boats for the uh the next trip thank okay got distracted okay I always forget how good the range on the ocean conduits actually is pretty big you know what else is Big the sun my [ __ ] oh no there’s so many Dophin I can’t so many Guardians because this is a guardian Temple oh yeah but I thought you killed them all no we killed the big ones the small infinitely spawn I know just break line of sight if you don’t want to get zapped we killed the elderly we’re sparing the children we’re a bit better than Anakin no the children still die it’s just respawning let’s walk over there’s we aren’t interrupting the breeding process how about that I apparently forgot to bring food I guess when I dump things food was not one of them where are you NE I’ll give you some chicken food I mean I can just swim back over I’m currently on the outside of the thing getting Zapped by Guardians gotcha you can head inside if you need a little breather oh that’s what I did w I’m scare he anyway uh have some pork chops all this Bree yes thank you oh I’ve realized a disadvantage I have I was wondering my Minecraft is so quiet it’s because I’m I’m on Discord via iPad which means I don’t have any sound from my computer NE out oh oh no silly silly cat this is the problem well I’m on my iPad because it wouldn’t load ladies gentlemen and those who know better professional streamer neon okay well I guess we’re going to plug in the mic and attempt to get Discord working on the computer all right did everyone already uh Port back uh I’m still here stuff off and came back I went all the prismarine okay what’s going on if you don’t want to M prismarine you can head over to Zen’s place okay yeah I I um yeah my inventory is full so I’m going to take a stop at my house and drop off the stuff that I mined and then I’ll either meet up with you guys or head back and mine a bit more here so Boop head back BLS I’ve got excess potions to put back in storage gotcha hit a bad butt oh there’s a dolphin okay I was like why do I suddenly have time to zoom there we go I’m just gonna sit here for a second let’s see if I can get Discord going on my computer cuz you know sound for Minecraft might be nice this is maybe different location I’m just worried my computer can’t handle Discord and my Minecraft it’s what my concern is we’ll find out now won’t we yeah all right Pao Where Art Thou I accidentally went to the uh yo-kai Village and I’m trying to figure out how to hit the button on the fox is under his belly look down jump you look under oh I see there okay I keep I made the mistake of looking up like under the belly it’s it’s down come on yeah the div why can’t I hit it there it goes anyway hello uh right over this way okay all right awesome so we got a little tunnel going on here I’m going to leave this Discord chat and try to join in on my computer okay sounds good this is a bridge in progress these are dogs poppers and um Welcome to our cave base cool if you would like a good uh good view get on therey there’s the C get a bit of a view from up here nice yeah yeah like these little gardens around the pillars very cool and these underground cherry blossoms that’s sick yeah the main thing that you’ll be interested in is that’s the way you’re not supposed to go so I’m going to go this way since when do you go the right way never that’s the boring way oh you got to look at from outside before you go into it too bad that’ll be the big reveal I suppose tasty tasty P marine and y’all got a whole tunnel system in here hey [ __ ] we also have a cask of a Monti a really not showing you where that is a skeleton in a wall so down here nothing too special oh you can look out the window if you’d like sweet good view of the cave um it’s the enchanting room nice cozy little enchanting room hi [ __ ] back up why are you running why are you running your [ __ ] death it’s used to be a SC but stairs are better mhm just a little bit faster come back [ __ ] [ __ ] this is the only one we’re actually using at the moment ooh yeah good storage system love that the organization and up next is my contribution I thrive on chaos o awesome we got like a glossery oh you very cool oh I been guys since you’ve updated more wow oh we can go up a little bit more and just see where we’re actually at and now it’s time for te’s proper contribution because good Lord okay oh we lost Arya welcome to the map room the map room oh I see okay going there myself I’m just watching excellent watcho so this is the local area um as much as I’ve run around in it yeah yeah um zooms out a little bit in this one yeah so this one over here the second one is a one to two scale I see no this one is a one to two scale I believe so this one’s one to two this one over here is one to four and it’ll just continue expanding and expanding yeah oh okay yeah you can even see the river systems on this one those those aren Rivers so P if you look at uh this bit right here right uh-huh that spawn oh my gosh oh okay that’s just the ocean we over here wow all right dang that is quite the distance this is entirely his idea and this over here is the Mana we’re going to be going to wow okay so we have a full expanse of the map dang all right so this this little kind of like two white dots there that’s the manor uh the brown ones up top gotcha who is calling me oh gosh second here Minecraft leave a message uh but yeah nice nice s of scale here uh if you look at this one right uh this to right here uhhuh uh you can see there’s a little Cove bit right there yeah yeah yeah that little Inlet that is this Inlet right here oh okay gotcha come here come here this is well thought out nicely done thank you it’s going to take me a little bit to do but I finally got a force a little bit ago I just need to actually go and map stuff yeah also maps are expensive yeah you got got got to put a lot into making cartography happen however I will say the best part about traveling with tea filling out these Maps is the fact that he will dual wield Maps while traveling just to scribbling like like a madman I mean it works what feel free to keep going up the tower if you bik there’s nothing up top I believe yeah I don’t see anything yet but just least get a view of the environment see what we’re looking at yeah oh wow big cherry blossom forest and it’s all in a massive Hill oh yeah this is a good opportunity I mean it is night time so not the best opportunity but to see the tower in its entirety yeah God you can see see the curvature of the land I can see the Sun going Beyond the Horizon back down I go it would it be funny if I was waiting for you B ready uh maybe I should just uh stay up here no I would never I would never commit the same joke multiple times but what if it was funny though oh she’s setting the joke up already so it will happen just witness assault I hit you with a I hit you with a bow you literally hit me with a bow a ranged melee attack yep all right well uh um I should probably get back home and store my stuff probably so let’s see here I just need to get back down okay going to go do the uh the Woodland mansion and we’re not going to teleport to it I will meet yall at spawn for the okay yep I’ll uh head back to my house store my stuff and then me it spawn do you want to walk I can teleport I mean if we walk should probably we can teleport first thing I’m in fav of teleporting yeah if you don’t mind teleporting me that’d be great okay switch I need to swing by my house make sure I have more food and stuff and then I’ll love a Teleport I just got to do a thing [Music] first oh you little [ __ ] you neck go s from the thone of my head blame that I’m chasing you sword is out what did I cause what did it cause what problems are directly my fault please tell Meco being a little [ __ ] she was inspired by violence at the exit place I I have never felt so seen oh you you little I am truly honored to inspire greatness at every turn oh my God that’s well that’s a crazy fall okay thank you Zen if it wasn’t for you I would have never okay all right well I am back so no worries on teleporting me Arya is back I got to run over to my house and stash things now that I’m done uh waiting for paa you were lying and wait that entire time oh standing there in the corner and I have the stream open so I was absolutely just watching and waiting for you to come around devious little scoundrel yeah every time I kept be like I was just like hold on I’ll go to the house in a second I just got to do something I had just had the arrow out the bow out waiting [ __ ] and ready I knew you’d come eventually that’s that’s full let’s use this empty chest all right so boop boop boop boop boop boop boop then organize oh that’s Cobblestone we’ll keep that now the question is do you guys want arrows and how many I I have an Infinity bow so I’m fine yeah I I’ll check how many arrows I have I’m pretty sure I have quite a few but we shall see since I live near a Skelly Farm I just opened my chest I haven’t even gone to the Skelly Farm chest and I already have five stacks of 64 [Music] dang so what else did I have so I have fish let’s just cook the fish oh right the prismarine shards okay let’s see here think I need anything else arrows weapons food torches let’s just put the rest of the prismarine stuff whoop whoop whoop oh Loy I’m being assaulted from all angles G to go over here they can come out at me kitty there’s literally a creeper standing next to you you’re supposed to do your job also I don’t I don’t there it is enjoy the fact that there is a spider on my cat statue excuse neco’s worst nightmare no oh you’re too tall no no war war has changed war war never changes okay so I hav been here have you been killing my villagers I’m sorry I took the wall down excuse me okay whoever’s ready let me know all right just hold on still doing some organization currently being invaded by a bunch of zombies do some house cleaning and then I’ll be there ready I am ready toet all right I indeed have an Infinity bow as well so I got my stack of arrows so I should be fine on that front uh let’s also my enchanted pickaxe is almost dead um I’ll just have to make more how’s my current armor set doing oh my boots are almost gone okay so H yeah let’s unequip the boots and then switch things up a bit there think oh yeah you put M on all my stuff I think I’m ready to go if you want to teleport me to me yes you are waiting that was so fast I was finger on the trigger oh it’s pretty out here I like it but then again I like giant mushrooms and birch trees it’s all I really need in life just stting here for now like just having a brick house over in the birch tree area is so cute how do you feel about the large quantity of spiders in this Forest yes burn hey what here hey I’m I’m sorry I I want to make it up to you it should be enough torches nope I know what you’re doing AR I saw it too and then I still walked over it but I literally just killed the spider so you know ooh there’s a lush cave over here where did I put all my sticks these Alia trees are insane do you see that one do we have any plans for this Manor once we take it aren’t it are you talking about the one that’s like right in the middle of the water tree tree in the Water Tree in the water it’s a lush it’s a lush cave tree yeah cuz I have to make sticks okay so many dolphins are there any plans for this Mansion once we clear it out I mean Zen and I used the first floor as a base for cutting down a ton of dark oak that’s about it okay oops kind of like it out here I might want to build another house out here are you set pa uh one second just made an iron pickaxe so go ahead and teleport me whoop go this way yeah like if you don’t for more violence big place all right yeah it is you should build you should make a teleporter here sui so I can come here more often okay kind of want to live in this area I did say I like forests and birch trees yeah simple cat all dark forest and Birch in this area so that’s that’s all I want and there’s a lush cave nearby I mean Perfection there’s Arya all right ready to go in violence let’s do it it’s all upstairs right y yeah that there we [Music] go open up okay immediately all just start throwing torches down stuff got to illuminate this [ __ ] dark oh yeah watch out for the fairies they evil oh yeah I forgot that’s an enemy I’ve never seen before yeah they’re not they’re notes oh well oh I I trust me oh I’ve already jumped back I have some hey sui you want a bunch of torches cuz I have a feeling I’m going to be slingshot a bunch here Bo I still have 30 so off [ __ ] spider Joy up there no longer a spider jockey just a spider oh [ __ ] AES hurt true they also disable your Shield if you have one they don’t I a St hey there’s a Vex armor Trim in here on the chest and a diamond ho I have that one yet oh oh since we’re kill we’re not we’re just killing things I left it in the chest right now but no it’s in the upstairs area oh yeah I don’t know if you checked or not but I put some ocean armor Trim in your um in your in the delivery chest at your place I had not seen it’s the armored trim is it just make it look pretty decoration so if you look at my armor with the where it’s got the colors on it that’s theor trim cool okay what was that [ __ ] the Vex the fairy things all all these new update things I’m not aware of I’m going to steal some bookshelves while I’m in here there’s more up how more up though I also o kind of want to make this my home possibly here’s more up where’s the next set of stairs I’m believe you’ve hit the yeah it looks like it I think just this room had a second layer to it I I are going around the second floor on the other half we didn’t go through oh okay it’s probably where be Christ okay ah found you [ __ ] I got a little tot [ __ ] off stupid oh dying yeah the cat is lost but that’s okay that’s enough for now statistically speaking if you break enough things you’ll find your way out that’s true but I’m contemplating I mean I don’t care exactly how things are broken but I kind of want to make this my home possibly so I don’t want to break everything FR keep the main structures with that being said I also need bookshelves so I may be breaking things yeah that’s why I was breaking shelves at the uh at the villager trading Hub yeah so y’all are down that way interesting back here you little bastard staircase staircase there we go that works ow is tight and I believe on the first floor there is an uh alley jail oh yeah a little gay baby jail a gay baby jail actually just torching up the rooms nothing in [Music] there skeleton I like how you can see where a creeper went off at got them creeper craters they don’t try too hard to hide their work no they really don’t they’re proud of their [Music] achievements you’re sky rling around yeah that is an important thing to know about Mansions is that the their roofs spawn so many monsters yeah yeah that [ __ ] with carpet if you’re going to live here n good know I don’t know if I’m going to live here but I definitely want to do something with it it just added on to my list including a project that I really shouldn’t do but I kind of want to do so keep coming down this way yeah I’m trying to find an additional way down uh you’re on the ground floor okay I mean I know a very fast way to get from the second floor to the first floor yeah I did that it just cost me my kneecaps those her back baby oh okay my goodness look at all these gay babies and they’re in jail oh there’s a skeleton hi [ __ ] heard you rattling around Rattle My Bones another one you stay in there stay in there that’s a hole yeah there’s a lot of those Z you fish little no I’m stuck in here with the gay baby and the gay baby is me what’s the did you not see that coming what’s the what now you killing them what was that why are you kill what’s the magic password I just bonked one uh 42069 I don’t know perfect so what do these things do uh if you give them items they’ll go grab you a a similar item oh okay okay the Allies oh did you make friends you keep that one I don’t need it there’s another map I found yeah I I accidentally right clicked twice with the uh maps in my hand so you could you got you can keep that those are just awesome have the inventory space we’re on the first floor you want a picture of the man yep I just grabbed it sorry that I initially misunderstood on those little guys I thought those were the uh evil ones we had put them in jail for farming resources no it’s fine you can uh you can breed them by playing music and then uh giving them amethyst shards oh God when when were these things added I don’t even know about these things couple updates ago wow say it’s been a little bit ago it’s been so long since I played Minecraft there’s some saing love the rooms with just a tree in them yeah I was just looking at those little friend because they don’t have enough trees outside the building they just need more inside too there’s so many little allies that’s cute was I supposed to pick up this map on the floor you can have it if you want your I don’t really care I just ran across it and ended up picking up it’s the map of Destiny there we’re out of the ocean so get rid of uh sh friend for now get a full snck back on screen put my sword away now okay we have any more exploring to do in here isn’t there usually like another small floor that was the third floor yeah oh there are also they’re like some hidden rooms that you can find that don’t have like an actual connection to the rest of the Mana that you have to dig into gotcha gotcha that’s wonder what I’m thinking of I know there are like hidden like rooms that are just like I guess Idols random things that they’ve made out of uh wool there was an entire room down here filled with all the different blue walls uh how do you make friends with the Allies you right click on them with an item okay just give us something cool do be it something that’s not your tools yeah no I mean I’ve ran away from them I just saw your thing and I was just curious and then if you toss something uh or if something like that lands on the ground they’ll bring it to yeah that’s that’s cool g to find me an emerald go child find me money you heard here first folks P supports child labor no hey snake’s got to make money [Music] so it’s okay PA I support you in your life to choices even if they can be questionable I was going somewhere but I don’t remember now so now I’m just wandering around we’re all gathered up at the front I see name tags yeah Zambos [Laughter] time I mean more of the same map hold on I’m tossing them all in the lava I gave up trying to find the screenshot that I had of a of a guardian Temple but I know there’s one nearby hey look guys it’s raining what is this weird phenomenon I don’t get this in the desert well that’s because someone hasn’t blessed the Rains Down in Africa but that’s not my fault now is it we need Toto for that desert I don’t want to do you ever like wonder why Africa doesn’t get a lot of vampire it’s just like in Europe and things that have vampire problems because Europe because they Bless The Rain Down in Africa got that holy water rain so do you have another of trid no I was going to say if you got another Trident you could uh give one the they just have it act as a bootleg for uh for turning enchantment I didn’t think of anything else for you little friend so I just gave you a bone actually how did I P did you lose your friend yeah I don’t know where my friend was I had an emerald but I don’t see it with me anymore I saw randomly have an emerald in my inventory now huh when yourd an emerald and it went up to the second floor and then flew off and I was just like okay that’s someone else’s problem goodbye now you take this hey you take this come here here hey can you be friend you like that potion yeah can you stay with me where are you at I was going to give you your Emerald back I’m inside the building trying to tame this little bugger come here here have an emerald thank you oh that’s unfortunate are you going to come with me come here what’s up um see y’all back at spawn I guess gonna teleport so if everybody wants to go back now I can just teport yeah sure do we have any other plans for stream outside of this in the temple bring our little allies though but I mean we could just spawn we have we have God Powers that’s true and by we I mean you me yeah I’ll take a Teleport it’s fine yeah I I screenshotted the coordinates right in the front door so I’ll set up a teleporter later y welcome toy apologize if I’m pronouncing your name incorrectly but welcome to the stream probably saying it better than I could I know say words right so why say word good when say word bad and get meaning wow cluster spawn in horny jail oh goodness did it all right well what’s the the plan for the rest of stream yes yes oh God I’m lagging I’m rubber banding oh bummer yep there we go that’s right I haven’t checked out what you did with your place Arya I haven’t made any updates to mine I can show you my place cool yeah I’ll check that wanting to live in the desert I didn’t see these little like scaffolding um things made here that’s cool oh you got the underwater Park complete awesome all right un momento I’ll meet up with you Neco you’re good I’ve been distracted the K9 is staring at me from across my bed whining at me anyway I was making my way towards the tation Hub yes I do have a home here in base too but honestly it’s not great it’s not where I have spent my time and effort these in here too have you rearranged your home sui I put a thing in the middle for easier access to the upstairs okay that’s what I was wondering I I left the other ladder there too if uh muscle memory kicks in it it almost did but then I like paused and was like wait all right show me the digs Neco well hold up hi snack re okay I’m good I was just behind me so we got to go to tation Hub maybe there it goes it only like us to go one at a time okay it is in the base the to raid okay I’ll head back down then it was fun yeah something something raid Shadow Legends we sponsored yeah one too low okay heading back up hello this the initial uh have now quite a bit cool whoa this is su’s place this is not mine I cannot take credit for this this is my so we have a couple different things going on C yeah yeah we Overlook and then I’m working on my wall cool eventually it’s going to kind of like square around so it can block off my villagers they’re currently they had a wall but you know the wall was having problems initially so this is my villagers I expanded the garden a little bit um these are like the only creatures I have we don’t we don’t question how why there are so many and what happened to their previous person and this is my pyramid cool so um yeah you can go either way I’m working on an entrance of both her yeah that is this is my main floor cool look at the working on stuff and then my organization yeah I was working on things and this is all my stuff along the edges and this is just kind of up cuz I figured I have room to try to do stuff with it segment things off cool yeah but the most important thing you cannot access from this floor because it is uh cut off cuz this I’m thinking I don’t really know what I want to do with this it’s either going to be like a like it’s kind of my home base type thing mhm but not not quite currently down here I got to get going got to eat food no worries then thanks for joining us you’re a great assist in the assault so I’m working on this this is my going to be my Axel like breeding home and my goal was to mimic a lush cave yeah it looks good so I built all of this there are no torches no torches in here at least I’ve tried to make it’s it’s all the glowberries glowberries and then some the the mushrooms awes there are two ax for some reason and I do not know why only two Axel AOS thrive in here at a time H like I had four with name tags and I’m down the two again where it was last time I checked let’s see if I can find them they can travel up and down all of these pools yeah cuz it’s not like it’s a space thing they have space here they are this is their favorite like Corner don’t ask me why friends but the thing is if you look only one of them has a name tag this one doesn’t even have a name tag just got spash here yeah I can’t spell but so it’s super weird because it’s like of the four name tags only one survived don’t know they’re just chilling with the Cucumber they’re good yeah they like the sea cucumbers um they get really excited over tropical fish which is how you also breed them which is over I have seven here if you want to feed them if you want on an axel lottle there are buckets of Axel in here there’s different colors buckets on buckets of Axel lottle I’ll take an axel lottle look at the little guy where’ the bird come from bird up we can never Escape it did he spawn in here better he snuck in when we open the door but considering the uh tropical environment he might have spawned did I really mimic this environment enough to create a spawn no idea oh what was that that was weird cuz they spawn in jungles no clue I befriended a burdo forever ago but I don’t think it’s mine wait see on my headli on it and see if he sits he’s mine I don’t know where he came from I friended a bird I befriended a bird forever ago I don’t know where he came from do you want to me see me feed the Axel yep I’ll come see feed the aelott and I’ll probably uh head to my house and start doing some organization and modification if you want to set up base here you can look at him they come towards the yeah he’s so cute I I didn’t mean to do it that way oh well they kill very quickly AEL kill hello bird going to breed them but I don’t know where the other one is so vient things that are so adorable I need to understand the LA when I befriended said bird it was uh the last time we played in this so like Christmas time I think it was so where has he been all this time found his way home he did yeah so and then if you want to live around here you like I said it’s all desert and and the desert goes forever yeah I’ll do some scouting and see if there’s somewhere I want to live I’m probably not going to stay on too long tonight considering I have work tomorrow and I’m still not 100% Health the uh antibiotics are helping but I’m still not entirely uh good to go so I’d like to get some good sleepies tonight yeah uh yeah see the thing goes on forever I’m currently being I’m currently making I’m debating but part of me wants to make a second pyramid over there like in the Messa area and make it a thre level H Cactus maze pyramid just for torture I mean maybe o Arya with the achievement get that armor trim fashion craft I forgot I have a sheep the Sheep randomly spawned near me I was so excited there’s a few other armor trims in horny jail if you guys want as well o thanks for for the offer oh I didn’t grab the one in the dark Forest oops I think I have one as well um but yeah you can like remake the or you can make them as long as you have one of them CU you can duplicate it with um diamonds in a particular block relating to it interesting okay yeah I’m so out of the loop on what is actually available in Minecraft yeah so always keep one on you if you want to like remake it or something um if it’s one that you like I have the rib armor the ocean armor um wild Co so so how does one go about modifying it uh you need a smithing table smithing table okay I have apparently two Coast armor trims yeah um that’s that’s yeah armor room oh cool fits for the fish rib armor wild armor and Coast armor what I have I also found netherite upgrade so if you find have the stuff for netherite I would I can get one cool yeah I I highest I have is Diamond currently and even at that I only have one diamond sword and like half a set of diamond armor yeah netherite upgrades your diamond just need a netherite Ingot which requires four ancient dur you need to turn that into netherite scrap and then you need to turn you have four netherite scrap and then four gold ingots you can turn I’m so excited that my bird just randomly spawned near me keep losing him I’m trying to get him in so I can set him down on the ground is that way okay so happy for all the prar pretty pretty prismarine well done on connecting the uh Nether Portals via rails how long did that take yeah I can barely hear you over the sound of the Rails unfortunately Tu Tua t Tua is my D there’s the checkerboard okay P’s pide Place let’s just store this here okay yeah main thing is I need to fill in my nether portal room it looks so stupid right now let’s make that the objective for the night I don’t know how much nether stuff I actually have in my inventory here deor quite you need some nether aesthetic things I have plenty yeah I have Netherrack I have some deep slate I was mainly just going for the dark and kind of reddish color scheme yeah I have black stone yes [Music] Netherrack I might take you up on some black stone I have a decent amount of Black Stone cuz I had the Harvest it for my kitty cat yeah is that in horny gel or in your um house sui it’s in the yo-kai village oh in the yoai village okay I’ll teleport over there yeah oh bye Arya okay I need to figure out what I want to do too many plans of things but no actual [Music] ideas did your connection drop R you just taken off for the night no I’m just going to log off okay we’ll catch you later then man here sleepy much longer yep I I understand the big sleepy I’m probably not going to stay on for too long just complete this little project and then call a night cuz I need big sleep yeah I should probably not be on here too long especially with my headphones on I’ve been all dizzy and motion sick all day there we go turn around turn around turn around by hi hi this way okay like I was like who are you talking to I don’t think it’s me wow so the box with the magma block indicates nether ooh damn okay thank you enjoy right side there’s not much going on at least the nether pter by my house but it’s just one giant thing for Blackstone it’s so [Music] much figure out where I can store some of this can I reach that height there we go yeah you got to be pretty close to the boxes get the TOs okay another 64 cool I know this is here now so I can come back puppy baby doggo right dog goes in different colors yeah cuz the dog update just happened recently right yeah oh my gosh the update to the actual oh wow Sumi I’ve been busy damn look at you go just blink and like area just expands every time Kappa I love it Kappa Kappa right he’s so cute this is the Kappa Hot Springs the best part about the Kappa is Sumi made that without any guides awesome did that all by her Lonesome you made an entire hot spring Sumi I I don’t understand the Minecraft stamina it’s something else come look at the actual hot spring yeah absolutely oh my goodness puts my little hot tub outside my my house to shame ah refreshing oh and the Top’s open to oh you’re too much well done you kind of got like the the tatami mats with the bamboo and everything yeah that’s so cool Ella I feel free to explore upstairs yeah I was going to take a a look at the building see how much is going on here so we got one two three wow like four or five stories I’m going to explore this and then head back my house it’s like is it actually like populated with stuff in here yeah she decorated the whole thing yeah you went crazy dude what in the world yeah is it is a hot spring in you got to gotta go there’s there’s showers what the [ __ ] yeah oh yeah yeah she did all it’s yeah a lot she went to town yep my goodness thing is you’re barely coming through you robot oh yeah my whole entire computer just like spazzed for a second there that would make sense wow this has become the stream just exploring all the crazy [ __ ] that Sumi has created oh you can I mean have you you haven’t seen the maze outside yet have you no I’m doing the full exploration right now so I’ll encounter it eventually I’m going to get to the top and Survey the area after looking through all the rooms here best spot to survey the area is going to be the um the fox shrine the fox Shrine okay I’ll keep an eye out for it I’m going to come join you on this exploration okay got him we got this big like Spirit Away bath up here yeah it’s big big that’s awesome let’s head back down this way [ __ ] end def facing property that’s what they do best God that’s so Co shine upstairs or downstairs the fox Shrine you’re in it just go up me yeah I’m in the teleporter oh in the teleporter you just it’s on the downstairs I found the book yeah I was just double checking that no now I know where I am I hadn’t seen finish nether portal oh oh yeah I did that on stream yeah I remember but I guess I just didn’t watch the end of it yeah it looks super cool see if I can do this oh yeah I was going to at some point Harvest all the flower leaves you wanted cuz why not oh if you want some aelas for that there’s a whole box of moss things all stuff I get from the Moss cuz I leveled a mountain with it yeah yeah I did at one point I just had a ton and I was just going to like take them and whatnot and do it for you cuz I actually really want to see what the maze looks like with them it’s flowers as well yeah all right well in the center trust me I need where to go yeah oh you have some already I have a lot May solved excellent into the cool nether portal time to head home ooh there’s a path to the deep dark yeah oh my why she’s got it she’s got all of it okay do you have this where we went to the deep dark at first any um on stream yeah that was the last time I played Minecraft was doing that yeah where I lost all my [ __ ] yep same think I had nether right then too is there bone Mill in here or do I have to go over to the other area um here want the flowers oh yes leads in so many directions you seen the blocks like I’ve almost got a full chest full of blocks why didn’t those they dropped you did you grab those weird okay okay there’s no need for me to go deeper I just need to get back home actually I know where I’m going to go I’m G to [Music] go I’m g go beat up more squids so I want to do dark pris instead of just regular prison are there a lot of squids near you cuz if not my area has they spawn like crazy they’re everywhere grey long w back up if you just made your entire base area uh guess Dragon Palace just Moss uh yeah that’s the area I leveled with moss oh I know I just thought it was funny that you just left it as it’s a lot of work to replace it with dirt you’re not wrong okay Mushroom Island Home uhoh inventory is full uh hm you just drop something for a second you’ll pick it back up once you the there we go I do that all the time when I’m like running around so I go to the the mushroom island has been my mind lately ah I can go for a long time there and uh I’ve uh I come back with full inventory every time oh you found the end portal as well okay cool oh yeah I did that so whenever we want to do the end another shell sweet I can make another conduit soon think I need one more right to home some reason I don’t know if it’s just cuz I’m pounding extra hard or what but or I can just hear my heart like beating really loud might be time to drink some water or go to bed and Echo yeah I’ve been chugging water all day like actual water or Sports water don’t like actual water Neo it’s water it’s not act water though it has water in it but that isn’t oh you silly cat you you you don’t seem to understand that that is the only water I drink I don’t drink normal water like when I say water I mean Sports water oh jeez oh you try to convince my I need to get flavor packets I got I got one and I didn’t like it but I have a giant water cup now I just need to find a flavor packet I like whitties respawn you bastards it has coconut water in it isn’t that good for you and vitamins and antioxidants you need actual H2O sweetie Oh you mean the thing that L that lady was uh there’s a Tik Tok of a lady who’s had an ad for the special uh water bottle you can get that U will add H will add um oh crap hydrogen into your water because Normal water doesn’t have enough hydrogen or something [ __ ] a legit it is a legit oh I need to show I need to find it now post it in the my mom tried to convince me to get some hydrated hydrogenated water your your mom my mom tried to convince me no jokingly or like legit no she legit wanted me to do try it but I was like I don’t know about that dude oh see I was joking cuz I know there’s literally an ad that I’ve seen people mocking mostly but um on Tik Tok of this chick who is like being like a spokesperson for a water bottle that will add um hydrogen to your water that is so silly oh my God the stuff the stuff that people try and sell thing is she has even tried it herself but she was just talking about how water doesn’t typically have hydrogen in it which is why she wants a special hydrogen water Bott H what does the H and H2O stand for hm I wonder I know it’s great uh and again like I’ve watched reacts and one was just normal but one was like a guy like over exaggerating his reaction and I was just like this fantastic the fact that this is a product that people have you know someone spent like people have spent money on that yeah my mom she wanted me to do it cuz supposedly it has inflammatory effects to it okay well at least she had like a caring reason behind it but nonetheless she she researched it but it was wasn’t just cuz but um and yes my mom does do things for just because but no lately she she’s been trying to help me with all my health issues and my diet stuff so yes I guess like that’s a legit reason this chick was just like yeah water doesn’t have hydrogen in it so you have to hydrate your water hydrate your water that’s the funniest sentence yeah yeah I’m going to need to figure out what I want to do with it I’m going to need to get a game plan for this [Music] room snck brain is starting to shut down for get ready for bedtime yeah you can always look at tutorials for ideas and such yeah you don’t have to follow them exactly just do a little brainstorm need a inspiration that’s what I did for my um my farm cool which I don’t know I don’t think you guys saw that it’s behind the storehouse gotcha in the village I I saw you building it at one point I’ve seen it from like the distance well it’s finished well that is very basic but at least having it surrounded by Blackstone makes it look a little bit more official and then we can fill all the rest of this in with cool nether stuff and lava and add some accents to this and make it look good eventually well sleep on my bed so my spawn point is back set about in the middle of the ocean I sleep on so many different like the different beds in different locations I don’t even know where my spaw point is go right click the next bed you see I mean that’s fair well I mean I know it’s somewhere near where I’ve been hanging out I just kind of go for the the most convenient bed why am I doing that all right I should feed my animals it’s been almost a year since I fed my farm animals they’re doing fine time was paused for them totally I mean some have been fed haven’t been in spawn some of them have been fed oh gosh I need to do some clearing of inventory real quick not sced die [ __ ] you have a nautilus shell give me that oh come on I want that thank you I want these in the stupid I’m so stupid well there goes my pickaxe oh my God just look down to watch that it’s okay if you go to the Village trading Hub you can trade sticks and and chicken feathers to get emeralds to turn around and buy a golden pickaxe not golden diamond cool yeah there’s diamond tools there gring Hub has all the diamond diamonds you can do that cool let’s find my actual diamond pickaxes in my large chest I need to mend it eventually that was just an iron pickaxe but still it was stupid get Ming on this uh let’s double check what’s on it currently just efficiency and mending oh yeah then just go to the XP Farms got be hooked up with all of the stuff sorry both talking at once what was that Sumi go to one of go to the XP Farms where are those um so in the teleportation Hub there’s a Skelly Farm on the second floor uhhuh um and then there’s also a zombie one in the trading Hub which is on the first floor oh KY doie then the Skelly one is right outside my house so if you and it’s a lot more efficient too yeah and I uh rearranged it a bit so there’s actually like chest and stuff so if you need any bone meal or stuff while you’re in there it’s all in there okay cool and it has a fancy sword that she that’s hey sui where’s your uh bone meal maker in this area in my area in your okay shine Village go to the farm okay that makes sense that logically that would be it’s behind behind The Farmhouse I go past it I’m not paying attention immediately got distracted and went the wrong way I got this she said by the trading Hub so yeah you can go to the trading tub and go to the bottom floor and there’s a Zombie Farm in there cool um but on the if you want a more efficient one then the Skelly Farm is the way to go okay yeah on the second floor of teleportation all right all right [Applause] here squidy murder Slaughter I’m already here I guess I’ll just do the zombie one I’m not going to be on much longer uh it’s one of the doors upstairs right Simi no um PA’s in the trading Hub to find the I found it okay never mind I was watching PA walk around I have the stream open so I just occasionally glance down and see what PA’s doing drop that drop that drop those spawn more Zambos said another Trident for somebody it didn’t drop not the worst when you see it but it doesn’t go it’s a very slim chance for dropping what’s down here fa I was considering making a drown farm so people could have Dr I like how your farm looks I like this whole staircase like curving around going up to the Farmhouse it’s pretty yeah I was trying to make it look kind of like um rice patties I like it a lot it’s really pretty I actually really like this design I almost want to do something similar up to my home and at home base I can send you the tutorial for the house if you want it’s not going to give you anything for the the field you have to ring that yeah I think the Field’s going to be what I have to Wing at though I’ll take the design for the house though I think I don’t know you’ve given me a lot of designs for different things start building I really I do I really need to so I really just need a diamond to repair my pickaxe then or do you need a whole another diamond pickaxe to repair an enchanted pickaxe um well if you have mending you just hold it in your off hand for uh when you’re killing things oh and that’s whats not repairs it okay see I am so out of the loop um I only recently learned this I’ll be honest sui told me and I experiment with it and it works you just have to you gather the XP yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you put it in the little Shield spot yep it’s in there I’m just waiting for the guys to drop down sambos come to me Zambos yeah King all of this will a lot oh I have no doubt it’s it’s a lot I have you I so far have two stacks of leaves for you nice thank you yeah I’m going to do more I think I was originally harvesting outside of the right outside the dragon area but I think I’m going to do it right here next to your composter so that way all the normal leaves I grab I can just stick in your composter Fair yeah be more efficient work smarter not harder tired I keep clicking with the wrong hand on the really want you could do all you need more bone meal bone meal’s not I’m just trying to be efficient I think I’m okay I know you’ll probably be fine by just doing the nonf flowered leaves and yeah whatnot I mean I happen to know the Skelly Farm has a ton of bone me if I’m really hurting for it no yeah I think I’m okay it’s the same equivalent of uh at my area I’ve occasionally walked through cuz uh my sugarcane game is bad if you need sugar cane come come to my area I’ve just literally lined the entire outline of the river base cuz I like the way it looks I actually started getting rid of some of it cuz I’m like I this is too bad this is almost too extreme but uh boy you not paper H you can make paper you know what’s weird I’ve noticed I did it the other place when you put the tree down the AOA tree down and then grow it that dirt becomes coarse dirt H there we go come on Zambos [Music] gosh sleepy snack yeah sleepy Neco as well I keep getting distracted cuz I’m just tired yeah I’m probably going to call at stream at 2 hours so I can have to time to take a shower and all that CU I got to prep for work tomorrow I’ve got another conduit now there’s a lot of drowned in my River so oh yeah drown is a problem wonder if I should there we [Music] go I moved you out my speaker let me know if you can hear yourself but if you can’t I’m just speaker because uh dizzy and headphones on make dizzy worse you’re good as long as we’re not loud be fine yeah I don’t think so the speaker’s nowhere near the mic so and I turned you down a little bit on Discord since everyone else is gone so equalize things a bit yeah and I can make a as well I know it hasn’t really been a problem beforehand but especially since we’re streaming I want to make sure it’s a extra okay yep you’re good you’re good I love my perer so cute every time I sleep on the bed they look at me a it’s adorable they’re watching over it’s so [Music] cute not that one that one I now have dogs cats and a bird cool still weird that the bird just randomly showed up we’ll do more of this later it’s almost time so let’s put the sword back yeah should probably wrap up probably at least we completed the main objective of getting a [ __ ] ton of Prisma right that’s true and I will be obliterating that sea Temple for all the bris the yo-kai construction crew coming in for demolition I mean I’ll make a guardian Farm off stream sometime soon and then um we’ll have an infinite Supply and far more XP to gain yeah figure out where I put this later is there a Teleport by the uh trading Hub or do I have to take the nether route so if you go if you’re in the top floor it’s in the bookshelf section um it’s like outside of the enchanting table on the right side okay so it’s like in that back corner um there’s a button it should be a sign that points to it gotcha gotcha she decided to make it friendly for everybody and put signs after I memorized it all oh no not not the right if you’re fac the left cool cool I’ll find it Jee C there it is button Tob there we go in that yeah behind the wall good think that’ll be it for for me today yep I’m just going to head to my house poping my bed and then going to call it there yeah I really should call it too I’m just kind of having fun uh destroying leaves like I’m not actually building anything I’m just destroying leaves yep I was just here for the uh Temple Run assist today yeah it’s fun it’s really the only difficult thing about Minecraft is I don’t really have the time with life and all the other side projects I have going on to actually just sit down and devote myself to a project I be like that I know cuz I haven’t been able to draw lately it’s kind of been yeah that this is your creative outlet and obviously you’re doing an incredibly good job yeah I’ve been choosing betweeness read this Village will expand and it will keep expanding okay refilled on moo excellent well at least I got a little bit of durability left or back in my pick ax thank you for that little cheesy doodle and information on how mending [Music] works all right well thank you to everyone that joined us today this was a short little Excursion in funny block game but it was good to meet up with some of the string worms and uh roam around yeah well um make sure to subscribe if you’re not yet subscribed so you so you know when the next stream is going to be coming up and leave a like if you enjoyed this stream oh goodness the yawns are creeping in on me it is definitely bedtime and uh y’all enjoy your bedtime tonight as well string worms make sure to stay hydrated lest you eventually diate and take care of yourselves everyone well this has been P Exon the yo-kai witch sui and neon and we will catch y’all next time bye-bye everyone bye bye [Music] yo [Music] a [Music] [Music] yo yeah yes [Music] yo

This video, titled ‘The Sea Temple Will Be Ours!!! | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Arcade Allies on 2024-05-21 03:40:41. It has garnered 22 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:03:50 or 7430 seconds.

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    Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Amazing decoration lighting ideas for survival. #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-02-17 04:10:00. It has garnered 2919 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. *Description:* Discover brilliant decoration lighting ideas for survival mode in this enlightening shorts video! Join me as I guide you through the step-by-step process of creating stunning lighting setups to elevate your Minecraft survival experience. From cozy interiors to enchanting outdoor spaces, learn how to craft and place various light sources to add warmth and ambiance to your world…. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ดLIVE๐Ÿ”ด Playing Minecraft Lifesteal (New Season 6!)’, was uploaded by Lonny on 2024-03-15 19:12:09. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Playing Gorilla Tag Live Ignore These Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft… Read More

  • NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM – DARKOMODE

    NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM - DARKOMODEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why You Should NEVER Play Minecraft at 3:00 AM…’, was uploaded by Darkomode on 2024-06-14 11:00:03. It has garnered 26638 views and 959 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:21 or 3381 seconds. We Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Seed at 3:00 AM… w/ @RageElixirMinecraft ๐Ÿ‘ FOLLOW ME! โ–บ TikTok – โ–บ Instagram – โ–บ Twitter – ๐Ÿ“บ MY OTHER CHANNELS โ–บ Dark Corners (Horror) – โ–บ DarkoBlox (Roblox) – Music by Kevin MacLeod (… Music: Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Read More

  • Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)

    Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)Video Information This video, titled ‘Analyzing The New CLASSIC Minecraft World Record By Zylenox (11:57)’, was uploaded by Classic on 2024-06-15 15:25:42. It has garnered 60 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:42 or 822 seconds. The analysis. Go follow Zylenox’s main and alt Twitch accounts: Join the Classic Discord Server: Read More

  • Gidthekid450’s CRAZY secret revealed – Why he hasn’t uploaded #minecraft

    Gidthekid450's CRAZY secret revealed - Why he hasn't uploaded #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sorry for not uploading… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Gidthekid450 on 2024-01-09 22:38:32. It has garnered 275 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. super sorry for not uploading im not really up to the work to upload i mean making videos the first week was one but doing it over and over again gets pretty hard (ignore tags) #gaming #sorry #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minemen #minemenclub #club #fireball #fighting #pvp #1v1 #sword #swordfight #apologize #upload #uploads #more #happy #sad #newyears #newyear #christmas #nothingood #lunarclient #client #badlionclient #badlion #lunar #gamingshorts Read More

  • “EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net’s Minecraft Adventure” #gaming

    "EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net's Minecraft Adventure" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming’, was uploaded by ADAM NET on 2024-05-30 12:29:00. It has garnered 39 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:51 or 411 seconds. Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming ———————————————————– guys this is my new Minecraft survival video and first series in Minecraft please support me and comment if you like my video and not _____________________________ Tags(ignore)- #minecraft #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraftpe #gamerfleet #anshubisht #technogamerz #ujjwal #minecraftsurvival f/minecraftinhindi #minecrafthardcore #minecraft100days #inhindi #minecraftfunnygameplay #trending #viral #Minecraftpocketeditionsurvivalseriesinhindi… Read More

  • DOMINION – Semi-vanilla 1.20, Whitelist, Hermit-Like, 18+, SMP

    Dominion Server Welcome to Dominion Server Dominion is a community of like-minded adult players who want to experience vanilla Minecraft without limitations like land claiming or RPG elements. With a focus on community and player interaction, we offer a true “hermitcraft-like” experience. Join our community of kind-hearted individuals for weekly events, monthly competitions, group projects, and more. Our whitelist process keeps the server safe from trolls and griefers. To apply, click HERE Learn more on our website: Our Founding Philosophies: The Vanilla Experience Dominion preserves the vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins like mcMMO or Jobs. Donators receive no in-game… Read More

  • Minevita Survival – CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!

    Minevita Survival - CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!Minevita is the go-to spot for a chill and community-driven Minecraft Survival server! ๐ŸŒŸ We listen to our community and update very often! ๐ŸŽ‰ Join us at, and let’s make some memories together! ๐Ÿ•น๏ธโœจIP: play.minevita.netโ†’ ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Survivalโ†’ ๐Ÿ“œ Claimsโ†’ ๐Ÿช‘ Furnitureโ†’ ๐Ÿ˜๏ธ Townsโ†’ ๐Ÿ˜Š Friendly communityโ†’ ๐ŸŽฉ CosmeticsJoin our Discord for frequent updates and exclusive rewards! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Failures

    Minecraft Memes - Epic Minecraft FailuresWell, I guess you could say it’s really “mining” for those upvotes! Read More

  • The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale

    The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Conspiracy theories, mysteries profound. Herobrine lurking, in the shadows he hides, Players beware, as the truth collides. Dark secrets unravel, in blocks and in code, Unsolved mysteries, on a treacherous road. Conspiracy theories, part of the game, Intriguing and thrilling, never the same. So dive into the lore, with a curious mind, Explore the unknown, what will you find? Minecraft’s depths, endless and vast, Conspiracy theories, a spell they cast. Stay tuned for more, in the world of blocks, Minecraft’s mysteries, like ticking clocks. Conspiracy theory in Hindi, a tale to tell,… Read More