Corklops – 🔴Hypixel Skyblock HARDCORE Ironman – WHY Did It Have To Be Golden Goblin Slayer?! [Day 4]

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Thank you Foreign Well Mr Neptune why would you come to me with that request that just doesn’t seem appropriate at all but I’m interested so what’s up don’t mind me I’m just fixing my windows here there we go all right we are back well as I say what’s uh what’s going on I’m all yours I’m gonna move this chest over to where the chickens are [Applause] hmm I really do need to spend some time building a minion area first thing we’re going to do is go to the hub actually did I forget I did I forgot to store this stuff

I really should hang on to this leather but I just don’t really care right now so we’re gonna do that and I’m gonna put excess Tools in page two I think right now because I’m not going to use those for a long time I’m only going to use that if I’m wood cutting

This is sort of my main weapon but at the same time this is a better weapon for most things so that can stay there um that looks pretty good actually I guess I don’t really need the iron hoe as well and probably not the shovel um yeah that looks a bit better

Anyway how you doing Dirk and FF conquers welcome to the stream took me way longer to be able to read that than it should have anyway Mr Neptune’s still waiting for the strange question that you’re probably gonna ask me then dark I figure I’ll give this uh I’ll give it a week

You know see how the viewers are if you guys are as tired of Skyblock as I feel like I probably am at this point then maybe we’ll move on to some more variety or not we’ll see anyway let’s go ahead and start our day with attempting some Dwarven mines commissions

Had a bit of a situation the last time that I got one and we’re gonna see if we can remedy that today so the problem that I have is that my Dwarven mines commissions are golden goblin Slayer and Goblin Slayer which is worst case scenario that’s pretty good apple how about you

I guess I might as well check what this guy wants well Neptune as someone who’s been in similar relationships before and ended up finding somebody that I’ve now been with for well over a decade My advice to you is to find somebody who treats you the way that you want to be treated and treat them the same way if you’re treating them well and they’re lying about how you’re treating them they’re maybe a little mentally unstable they’re as you put it going to the cops

And telling them that you’ve been violent if you haven’t been ghost them break off all contact never talk to them again would be what I would do but I mean you’re not me so you have to make that decision for yourself uh this guy is looking for something circular and it moves

I have no idea what that would be Chet anyone have a guess as to what the the fetcher wants that’s circular and moves foreign moves and he needs one a compass well that’s just smart um that’s just like a base Minecraft item right like I just need some golden

Redstone for that don’t I Whatever I don’t care that much about it well Mr Neptune all I can tell you is you’ll allow you are gonna end up being treated in life exactly how you allow people to treat you and if you’re okay with that then you’re okay with that there’s nothing super

Wrong with that you know some people are into to that whole thing being being treated crappy but personally I’m not so I can only tell you what I would do and right now I’m waiting for my speed to move down there we go so at 100 speed

Just running uh okay so I actually do have to this really feels like I’m up more than 100 movement speed right now but all right so the first thing that I’m going to try to do today is get that golden goblin which I think the sensible thing is to get the

Speed boost and then shift mine that seems to be about the right speed unfortunately I don’t have very much mining speed uh oh we finally got a rock pet nice unfortunately I don’t have a whole lot of mining speed so this is still probably going to be the best option for me

But uh I expect this might take a little while but I absolutely cannot do the other commission that I’ve got so this is where we’re at and it seems like our movement speed is back down to being fairly slow but not slow enough because from what I can tell I need to

I think I should use speed and money yeah so I need to mine the second oh there it is don’t you do it don’t oh you son of a wait did that count Well now we know for sure they do Spawn from cobblestones God damn it that sucks that sucks so much I just needed to hit him once he jumped off the damn Bridge oh well Uh should I try out Skyblock so if you decide to it’s completely up to you in my honest opinion probably it’s gonna be no but at the same time that sounds hypocritical because I’m playing it right now so the reason I would say no is because I don’t think the server is

In a very good State at this point the economy is is so messed up that probably half of the players that I see are Iron Man like there’s one two three four there’s four in this Lobby right now out of 24 people so it maybe is a little less than half

Um when I was wood cutting though it was like 50 percent um if you’re not sure what the server is like it’s it’s sort of like they tried to make an MMORPG on Minecraft but they tried to go with if you’re familiar with the sort of different

Kinds of MMOs that exist I would say this one’s closest to what most people would call like a Korean grinder MMO where you might have to do one activity for hundreds of hours theoretically to to max out the games from that activity now obviously right now this looks

Especially bad but I’ve limited myself in a couple of stupid ways that have resulted in what’s happening now so this is kind of my own fault I’m playing on an Iron Man character that cannot trade with any other players which is a huge limitation in and of

Itself so anything that I have anything that I get and anything that I earn I have to do on my own instead of being able to just get a bunch of money and then buying it from other players but the um the extra interesting caveat to that

Is that I’ve decided that I’m going to play it as a hardcore Iron Man where if I do slash death count you can see that I’ve got zero and if I ever die the character is done that’s it I’m not allowed to have that death count ever reach one

Now there are some circumstances where you can have a safe death like dungeon content I think is a safe depth we’ll have to check that out and there is a um there is a piece of content in the game from Enderman that you can get that are um it’s it’s an item that

When you dive if it’s in your inventory don’t die basically but it consumes the item the server is built on like a hilariously old version of Minecraft so if you’re playing on it I would advise using 1.8.9 that’s what I’m using right now however if you’re farming using 1.12

Gives you better hit boxes so I’ve got two different profiles set up one for if I decide to do a lot of farming I’ll move over to 1.12 and otherwise I play on 1.8.9 you can play on I think up to 1.16 or 18 maybe I don’t know if 1.19 is

Supported but certain things start bugging out and most of the texture packs that other people have made are made for 1.8.9 there are mods that you can use for it I personally choose not to because I don’t like the idea of something completing parts of the game for me or

Making it easier as I’m playing an Iron Man character already to make it harder why would I make it easier with mods but the general consensus is there are some player made mods that you probably want to use I don’t know what the meta is now though

Not enough updates is the only one that I ever really tried out using and it has some useful features I’ll give it that there’s there’s things like Skyblock add-ons or SBA uh there’s there’s tons and tons of stuff that you can try but if you have some trouble figuring

Out just what in the hell to do feel free to ask I I have put an unfortunate amount of hours into this game since January of 2021. when I started on YouTube when I moved from twitch to YouTube I didn’t really know what to do and I thought you know on on Twitch

The one thing that you can’t realistically do is go into a really big saturated section like fortnite or Minecraft or Call of Duty or Counter-Strike or something like that and just stream and hope people show up because twitch doesn’t have any of YouTube’s search ability like you you just can’t realistically search for

Somebody based on their keywords or their tags or something like that on Twitch the same way that you can on YouTube so when I moved to YouTube my original thought was I wonder if it would work if I just played the most played most saturated highest viewership game that

There is and it’s well it’s Minecraft thank you and in doing that how you doing golden in doing that I ended up looking for a Minecraft server and I think Hypixel is either the biggest or one of the biggest servers that uh that still exist they’re currently celebrating their 10-year anniversary

But if you decide you want some other server-related content other than like an MMORPG Style game they also have like a a bunch of other stuff like the pit and Bed Wars and like some mini games and stuff they have like build modes that you can have build battles with people

So there’s there’s a lot here it’s it’s a lot of it’s pretty poorly managed but at the same time there aren’t a whole lot of other options don’t you dare run away from me again I just need at least one hit before you fall to your death okay

I like that this guy thought that he could steal my golden goblin what a noob anyway that’s my commission done um that was a giant pain in the ass to get done because just ugh oh and that even counted for one percent for Goblin Slayer oh okay I just had a horrible

Idea I’m not gonna do this okay full stop it ain’t happening but I could kill 100 golden goblins that would get me Goblin Slayer right okay there’s star sentries over there and this fall might kill me so this is still the better option we’ll just have to ease our way down a bit

Good now can I get to this Emissary without getting star centered at someone’s Rock uh is there a ladder on this side why is there not a ladder on this side damn it all right I’m going to the other Emissary because I just don’t want to risk that

So there’s a lot to unpack with a server to be honest and I I don’t really blame you for getting a little overwhelmed I’m I’m going to continue to do four commissions at the start of every day just for efficiency say golden but I’m not really committed to just

Doing one skill and maxing it out at a time or anything like that if that’s what you mean there should be an MSO I’m too high up just gonna say should be an emissary over here somewhere so pray that this isn’t something to do with raffles okay two times mithril powder collector

Might actually be worse because uh okay so that’s that’s kind of a kick in the teeth so I don’t know what to do here because okay what I’ll do I’m thinking about it what I’ll do is I will mine here for a little while and when it gets to be two times powder event then I’ll go and do The Puzzler that should immediately complete my commission

And if the next event isn’t that then well I’ll probably just go and do something else for a little bit But I’m getting really close to Heart of the mountain three which how far off am I even like I only need one more Commission yeah I’m like a thousand XP away from heart of the mountain three which will give me the right clickability which will speed this part

Up a lot so we’re we’re making progress still on zero deaths still a hardcore Iron Man just a little slow to start that’s all now golden part of the problem that I’m having right now something I’m just not braining so good is what the hell am I

Supposed to do as an Iron Man when it comes to the Garden because right now I have one plot unlocked and in that plot I have wheat but I don’t have replenish and that’s a bit of a problem so without replenish I if I have enough seeds can I just hit

The button and have it auto replant the farm it’s not gonna be good but I mean it’s gonna be something um Apple if you just started then my advice would be probably to talk to a few of the NPCs that have some green sparkly crap above their head if you can

Find the area where the bank is if I said basket of seeds I actually met Agronomy sack but if you’re talking about getting enough for a basket of seeds that’s Way Beyond the scope of my abilities right now and would take me probably a week to be able to get With the limited play time that I’ve got anyway so um if you can find the bank in the hub there’s a sort of a fountain right behind it like a weird Sandy Fountain situation there’s an NPC with green Sparkles above his head near that fountain that if you talk to him we’ll

Give you an item called The rogue’s Sword it’s actually on my Hotbar right here and it has this fantastic ability where when you right click he’ll get 100 movement speed for 30 seconds he have base 100 movement speed so it’s double speed it’s pretty useful right at

The start of the game just to be able to move around a little bit easier how do you get them again a basket of seeds if I remember correctly is a gold medal isn’t it I will not Lobby hop for for that just no um it’s either a gold medal or maybe

It’s a silver medal I can’t remember but either way with my stats I would be lucky if I could get bronze Which would mean I would have to do that four times which not ideal doable but not ideal speaking of I should really double check that I’m not missing like anything useful here okay in five minutes I could do a wheat farming contest and I hate all of you

Because of the chat I’m probably gonna end up having to do that so uh you know don’t forget to like the stream for making me hate myself we’ll see what happens though um if whatever the next mining event happens before then and it becomes that

Air it turns out that it’s the double a powder event then we’ll go with that first But yeah the basket of seeds maybe would be an option I guess um I’m kind of thinking realistically though that it’s gonna be just put down a whole bunch of cocoa bean minions and wait like three weeks before I’m able to actually do farming the same way that it used to be

Because I’m not manually farming replenish on yet another character it’s just not gonna happen Okay it’s better together which means this is a waste of my time you found the Rogue sword nice um I’m going to the hub anyway Apple so I’ll show you around really quick just for the sake of it so from The Hub if you go this way you

Can go mining if you go this way there’s some wheat that you can Farm I would probably Farm some wheat just for a bit of money but if you go in the direction of the road sword this way then you get to like the wood cutting area

So assuming that you’re gonna go farming first you don’t need a scythe or anything like that and this wheat and the Hub will all automatically regrow itself but just walk up and start slapping and uh every farming level you get will give you a little bit of Base HP and a little bit

Of Fortune which will make you able to farm more stuff per crop that you break there’s going to be a contest soon but you won’t actually have level 10 farming yet so that doesn’t really matter basically just pick a skill start start training it up make a little bit of money and uh

See what you enjoy doing if you want a reasonably decent weapon if you go towards the farming area then there’s an area where you can run a race which will allow you to get this item right here the Hunter’s knife which gives you another 40 speed

While you’re holding it in your hand who do you sell wheat to pretty much any NPC in the hub you can sell items to and you can do slash hub for the Hub slash is for your Island any NPC that has this icon down here you can sell

Stuff to by just clicking on it and if you’ve sold stuff you can buy back I think the last five items if I remember correctly foreign cobblestone but yeah very very recently farming got an update where it is now a lot a lot more profitable do I have other profiles of course

That give you a better idea of about where I’m at in the game or my other Iron Man profile that I used to play on level 58 mining I’m told that the net worth of my main profile is somewhere just under 5 billion not really sure

I also just realized I made a horrible mistake in doing that because I actually needed a whole bunch of cobblestone oops I’m rich nah I just played a lot so Dash I’m kind of doing that just to annoy some of the people in the chat to be perfectly honest

And I’m just gonna mine a quick inventory of cobblestone so I can sit into that chest so I can do a bit of building after the upcoming week contest so the way I look at it is on this character if I haven’t earned it I’m not allowed to use it

And technically speaking because quick crafting is something that you can only do if you have VIP rank or above I haven’t earned that because I didn’t buy any of my ranks over the two years that I used to play This Server people just happened to buy me ranks sometimes

And I’m Vim MVP Plus as a result of it and I’ve never spent a cent on the server so technically speaking I didn’t earn that so I shouldn’t have access to that on this Iron Man character which is the mentality that’s been pissing off my chat

And as you as you continue to watch this series you’ll find there are many many other things that are going to be a lot worse than that and thinking about this without going to the Dwarven mines I don’t have enough mining speed to be able to mine this fast enough for this

To be worth my time so I’m not gonna do it instead I’ll just loot this guy and hope that it okay I didn’t have very much um I’m trying to think of how I want to do this I will ask no tickets yeah go nuts ask whatever you want to ask

Um I’m gonna build a little bit of a bridge out here I think there’s pet bees there’s all kinds of pets um I will admit that I’ve almost never used the bee pet I don’t think I’ve ever actually like used it but I don’t think I’ve ever purchased the

B-pad on an Iron Man character you might notice that I’ve got a rock following me around if you mine I think it’s 2500 ore then it gives you a free rock pet which as you can see gives me a whole bunch of Defense at level 36 by the time it’s

Level 100 it’s actually not a terrible pet for an early game character go ahead and type in exclamation mark rules in my chat for me FF and see about the one that’s talking about begging and asking for free stuff but uh the interesting thing is the rock

Pet as it mentions is writable so I can I can sit on my rock pet if I want to and like attack things from here it prevents knockback it does stuff yeah so Dash basically inflation has become kind of a hilarious disgusting problem on This Server as I completely called that it would

Um the crystal Hollows when they released they that that particular piece of content was able to make you 80 million coins an hour on release and the only change that they’ve made to it is they’ve nerfed the NPC value of crystals from 10 to 3. or from eight to three maybe I can’t

Remember doesn’t matter point being you can mine I think it was eight actually that sounds right um You Can Mine around 10 to 11 million gemstones per hour with a fairly maxed setup with mining and because you can vendor the gemstones for three coins each that means that you can just print

About 30 million coins out of thin air per hour and because that’s been out for quite a while now as well there’s a lot of people in the game that have tens of billions of coins because of it so money in this game coins in this game have lost a lot of their

Buying power through inflation and to fix this instead of doing anything sensible Hypixel instead put out the garden update which meant that instead of farming maxing out around five million six million an hour with netherwort somewhere in that area it’s now around 18. So because mining had a long barrier to entry of get heart of the Mountain Seven and then powder grind for a long time people were kind of complaining about how long it takes to get into mining so Hypixel gave everyone the ability to make hysterical amounts of money with

The farming update completely unearned with very little time investment so yeah runaway inflation has pretty much ruined the economy of the server and because of that you’ll notice that a lot more players are playing Iron Man characters which is a character that acts completely independent of the economy God damn it so

Um yeah that’s that’s pretty much what’s happened when I bought my necron handle it was a little over 350 million coins last I heard they are well over a billion now to put that into some other context or perspective cookies which you know only come into the game from people paying

Money when I started they were barely a million coins a piece uh chat what’s the what’s the current price on cookies I don’t even know anyone know I can’t really check right now because I don’t have one active on this Iron Man so I can’t do slash BZ I want a way to eat I need my hoe Oh this isn’t even grown well I guess I am gonna have to HUB hop that’s disappointing I think there’s a farming contest going on right now by the way if you’re uh someone inclined I mean it’s growing pretty quick I guess I could just Farm it and not care right it’s probably fine

See if I can get a good angle for two good enough yep yep there’s 200 mil tuxedos if I remember correctly the full tuxedo sets here HP at like 50 or 100 or something like that but gives you extra damage I can’t remember exactly totally useful side of them how you doing

Yeah Dodge the unfortunate thing is I knew that this was coming and that the writing was on the wall for inflation like a long goddamn time ago they um they originally had some issues with inflation to do with netherwort and the issues with netherwort was that

It was just printing money into the game and there was no there was no way to really stop it well the problem is instead of fixing that they just kept adding more and more and more ways to create inflation so now here we are what do you do you know

I’m also realizing something I have no chance of getting bronze and I’m not even gonna try because I’ve collected 700 and bronze has 9 000 above me so when people are like oh yeah you could just just Farm weed in the hub the problem is people have weed in their Gardens now

Like even if I farm wheat in the hub I’m not I’m just simply not gonna be able to keep up with that you know what I mean like I’ll give it a shot just to show but without decent movement speed uh without being on 1.12 without having a

Goddamn Wheat Farm planted and without having a personal compactor without having any of the stuff that I need this just isn’t going to happen So I’ll give it a bit of a shot like I’ll make an effort I guess but the garden update is totally useless to me as a as a brand new Iron Man because there’s nothing that I can reasonably do there but that matters right now um so I’m actually yeah I’m actually

Going to stop at this point sell whatever’s in my inventory for a little bit of money and I’m gonna go back to placing a whole bunch of blocks because I’ve kind of come to a realization that what I really need right now what I really really need is a cow

Minion because I need Enchanted leather to be able to make the Agronomy sack so that I have more inventory space so that when I farm what just happened doesn’t continue to happen because I technically participated in a farming contest at least I’ll be able to

Get the wand of dirt if I should happen to want it for one Jacob’s ticket but for right now I’m going back to the Dwarven mines I’m filling up some inventories of um cobblestone matter of fact do I have enough mithril collection to turn this into Enchanted mithril yet I should right

Yes okay so if I open my under chest I can turn all this into Enchanted mithril and that’ll save a whole bunch of space But yeah for anyone that’s like me taking a fairly long break from the game one major change that you might have noticed is that you get Skyblock XP for basically everything that you do and what they went and did was they removed the permanent stat upgrades from Fairy Souls

And instead have replaced all of those stat upgrades from Fairy Souls with stat upgrades from Skyblock levels so you can no longer just get like seven or eight hundred base HP from doing the fairy Souls you now have to just do everything and slowly grind your way up which is probably better But my God is it ever a pain in the ass to have 180 HP right now when I could have like 400 otherwise oh well maybe we’ll get a double powder event we can continue on here where’s the lumberjack uh if you walk past that fountain that

You found near the bank and continue on you’ll find a cabin and some like big piles of logs on the ground and an NPC called The Lumberjack right beside them So I need a couple inventories worth of cobblestone Just gonna verify my rock pet is still yep So how’s everyone doing today and Dosh thank you I just now realized that that 6.4 million was how much cookies are up to so if you look at cookies as an example of inflation the buying power of your coins right now is six times less than it was two years ago

Which should be pretty goddamn alarming for anyone imagine that you go to the store two years ago and you know maybe a maybe five dollars bought a bag of chips and a bottle of Pop yeah if you get a server reboot it’s fine it’s just the way that they update

Stuff you can either ignore it and wait until it Force kicks you out like I’m probably going to because I’m still mining or you can click the icon there it’s they when they update something or hot fix something instead of taking the whole server offline they just do kind

Of a rolling reboot anyway imagine that five dollars buys you like a bag of chips and a bottle of coke at the store and then two years later that exact same bag of of chips and bottle of Pop it costs thirty dollars that’s the level of inflation that

Hypixel Skyblock has undergone in two years just to try and put it into context for you and because the garden update is still reasonably new I think it’s probably gonna get exponentially worse as more people get into it but it is what it is you can just play

An Iron Man and ignore the economy so for another thing that I’m doing that I realize I don’t have to do but we’ll probably annoy some of the viewership is I refuse to use warps that I have not already unlocked so you notice that I didn’t just do

Slash visit space prtl By the way Apple if you ever want to um teleport pretty much goddamned anywhere in the game that has a teleporter for it go into your chat type in slash visit prtl like portal but without any of the you know O’s or any of the any of the vowels

That’s what I meant to say there’s a character that’s basically built like a little Hub where you can just use whatever portal you need from there You can also visit portal Hub but I mean it’s more to type anywho I’m going to set up minions today because I’ve been kind of putting it off and really really need to foreign s that are just going to be a bit too much of a pain to uh to farm out

Manually without using minions things like an oak minion for Minion storages I realize I could just spend like three days chopping Oak but who really wants to do that you know A little bit strange that the Goblin Raid event is now starting given that there was just a Goblin Raid in the last Lobby that I was in that was ongoing and now this one’s server rebooting okay um kind of annoyed by that kind of a lot annoyed by that Whenever it kicks me out of this one I’ll just go to My Island and build with what I’ve got I’ll be fine I hope that guy didn’t want the golden goblin that he just spawned because it’s gone Uh what is a pet collector um if it’s talking about cat k-a-t there’s an NPC that you can have your pets basically you put them into like a pet sitter and you pay her some money and she upgrades the tier of them from like one Rarity tier to the next

If you’re talking about the NPC that buys your pets then if you have extra pets then there’s an NPC that’ll buy them for you if you’re talking about the NPC that if I go into the SkyBlock menu here click on the calendar and then click on the calendar again and scroll through until

We get to here then there’s also a traveling zoo that comes by every few days where you can buy some pets that are only available at the traveling Zoo uh George yeah so George is just an NPC that will buy excess pets from you and is considered a massive ripoff

Because if a pet is worth anything you can sell it on the auction house anyway what is better for Yeti sword the better question is why are you using a Yeti sword no one uses Yeti swords what legitimate reason would you ever have to use a Yeti sword Now having said that that’s going to come down to personal preference and how you use it ultimate wise5 will allow you to cast a lot more but if you’re finding that you don’t run out of Mana while you’re using it and you don’t need ultimate wise5 then

Obviously you should be using one for all but that’s just goofy why would you use one for all on the yeti sword Thank you Like completely 100 disagree with what Dosh just said but it’s up to you all right how wide is this one two three four five six is that six or seven one two three four five six okay so I do need one more the reason that I disagree with what

Doss just said is that if you use the cobblestone generator you can generate a reasonable amount of cobblestone but you’re just going to be standing holding two two buttons down and doing nothing for the entire time the Cobblestone mind on your Island does count towards getting a rock pet

The problem is so does the Cobblestone mind and somewhere like the Dwarven mines where you can actually utilize things like your mining speed bonus from the the heart of the Mountain Tree I think it might work with Fortune there I’m not really sure um for what it’s worth though if you’re

Mining in the Dwarven mines when you mine the first block it’s Stone and then it turns into Cobblestone and when you mine the Cobblestone block that block is what actually counts towards uh towards the rock pet what should I be doing on my Islands there’s a few things you could do on

Your Island you notice that I’m building a giant ass long strip here and the reason for that is I’m going to set up a big area for all the Minions that I’m eventually going to need it used to be that you would build these giant sprawling Farms on your Island

But the farming update now just kind of made that totally pointless so whatever uh okay so how am I gonna do this so I guess there Or Sorry I’m just sort of trying to remember how the hell to set up minions so starting here we want them to have one two and then that’ll be the center so they need one two and then a minion will go there one two and then a wall will go there

And then one two and a minion get out of the way Rock pet come on seriously I gotta wait 30 sec anyway uh and then one two minion one two wall one two minion one two wall and I’m holding shift because I don’t want to fall off the end of my Island

And die that would be unfortunate this will make more sense once I’ve actually placed them so bear with me if that was in the wrong place no okay uh you know this is this is enough how you doing corn welcome back so as far as your Island goes reasonably

Probably not a lot free to do right now my advice for for the start of the game is to go and Shop maybe one stack of oak wood he can use slash EC to get under your under chest if you want to should have some storage space in there

And use that oak wood to basically craft all the Minions that you’re gonna need to craft so if you go into collections you’ve got like all these different types of collections if you farm some wheat for example then you should have wheat collection unlocked and each collection has different things

That you can gradually unlock by farming more Wheats or breaking more of a kind of oil or whatever but the very first thing that you unlock from each collection generally is a minion and you’ll want to eventually craft one of every single Minion and upgrade each of

Those minions to level 11 or 12 depending on the minion and every time you upgrade a minion you work towards more minion slots so I’ve currently got uh eight minion slots and if I continue to upgrade my minions then I’ll eventually have more than that obviously and I don’t know what the

Current maximum is I think it’s probably in the ballpark of 30 I don’t really know exactly I’m actually just gonna really quickly do this So a minion requires a two by two area in which to do whatever it’s going to do so that’s why I’m building a whole bunch of 2×2 areas oh it’s 31 now okay I haven’t played in a while so I don’t know better yet we should be going from this

End what am I doing I’m gonna end up doing oh one off okay so that’s a minion platform that’s a wall that’s a minion platform that’s a wall that’s basically why I spaced these out like this So what is that one two Three four five six seven eight so I’ve got room for eight minions now which I guess technically is all the minion space that I’ve got are you doing Evie uh where’s the wood mining Place thingy so if you can find that Big Sandy kind of waterfall in the hub just keep going

Past it matter of fact it’ll be easier to show you than it is to explain it for the two seconds it takes so when you spawn in the hub you’re gonna go past the bank turn right go past the waterfall and go straight If you go to the right you can fight some fairly weak zombies if you go to the left where the Lumberjack is this is the wood chopping area these are oak trees you can chop them down if you continue along this dirt path then it

Will take you to an island where you can shop other kinds of trees but it doesn’t have Oak so start with Oak you make ramen and then put it on the grilled cheese sandwich of course what kind of question is that what’s better at the moment for mage

Yeti sword or Midas staff 100 ml so to the best of my knowledge I don’t think they ever fixed it where both the Midas staff and the yeti sword will block arrows from archers that are also trying to participate in dungeons with you and the last time that I played was

A while ago so maybe this is different but you would universally get kicked out of any party that you were in when I was last doing dungeons for using either of those weapons they were both considered just absolute garbage tier because of that the progression from age

Is terrible but it literally goes like this maybe flower of Truth or something to start with but that no longer is the case because you need floor 6 completion for it so whatever into Spirit scepter into Hyperion with nothing in between it’s why most people go with a JuJu

Short bow and play Archer instead of mage so I’m probably gonna unbuild that anyway so that’ll be fine I think we’re actually going to do that and I don’t have a decent ax with me that right now that isn’t a jungle ax so we’re just gonna break these like this Yeah I guess you could use dreadlord sword and Bonzo staff into the scepter but like I’m not even just being an on this one it really is scepter into Hyperion If You’re Gonna Play mage and there isn’t another good option I don’t know if they ever fixed it as

Well where if you’re using either of those weapons on a floor that has carpets like for example floor six then carpets would stop you from being able to use your attacks but I’m fairly sure that they never fixed it so that your attacks will block the arrows from archers which reasonably

If you’re using either one of those weapons and you’ve got a Terminator archer in your party they’re going to be pissed because they’re going to be doing more than double the damage that you will and you’re blocking their attacks so yeah I I would advise against using either of those weapons

And maybe reconsidering and going with like a mage or something or the Archer or something sorry yeah dreadlord’s pretty good for early game from what I remember but at the same time it’s also pretty frustrating if you don’t have enough Mana nice Apple oh uh apple one thing if you want my

Advice on this one use a golden ax um the whole like tools degrade thing doesn’t happen here and a golden ax is the fastest base chopping speed of uh of the tools eventually you’ll want to have a golden ax with efficiency five and then past that you can use actually your uh chat

What does a jungle ax cost on the auction house you can probably just buy a jungle ax right now matter of fact jungle ax does this goofy where every about one to two seconds you can use its special ability where if you chop wood then like

I think it’s around 10 pieces of wood that are attached to it will also get chopped and it’s way God damn faster than anything else you’ll have access to right now I think the last time I played you could only put bids on them you couldn’t buy them instantly though so

That was a bit of an annoyance but I don’t know if they fixed that All right there we go we got another road done uh what is the best soul to have at a necromancer sword never used one honestly I I had one for a while I tried the whole using souls for stuff thing and it just seemed like a giant pain in

The ass to me so I just stopped doing it it also is going to heavily depend on what you’re using it for because if you’re trying to use it for something like say I don’t know Enderman Slayer then the answer is going to be different

Than if you’re trying to use it for like damage in dungeons or something for Enderman Slayer uh chat you can probably help him out on that one better than I can right yeah that sounds right just before I end up forgetting to do this there we go

Uh oh I need one more layer don’t I oops so to be honest a jungle ax has such a cheap crafting recipe that if someone here is willing to craft you a jungle ax it’s not gonna cost you anything let’s be honest like the crafting recipe for it is two

Enchanted jungle three Enchanted jungle wood story and um two sticks so I mean you’re looking at maybe five thousand coins worth of items the problem is you can’t graft it yourself until you get the crafting recipe unlocked so it looks like corn is going to help you out on that

And for what it’s worth the crafting recipe takes a while I had to unlock it on this character and it took me probably I don’t know two to three hours of just chopping jungle trees with an efficiency five golden ax whoops I will be right back I just have to use the bathroom Foreign Where was I just gonna make sure that that in fact did unmute my microphone when I hit that button it did it’s giving me grief about that before all right yeah that should be a good little minion enclosure for right now I think so what minions do I need oh I forgot to

Build the walls what minions do I actually need right now I’m thinking maybe of putting down more than one chicken Minion or maybe more than one cow minion I’m not entirely sure what the right play is going to be here I’m just trying to think of the stuff

That I don’t want to actually have to manually Farm myself foreign I’m gonna need higher walls so let’s just go ahead and build this one right here up I think too high is probably enough for cows right looks like it was enough for chickens now let’s see if I can remember this

From yesterday I don’t really play a whole lot of vanilla Minecraft so recipes for stuff kind of go a little above my head sometimes uh was it the sides are the middle I think it was this uh it gives me an offense that’s wrong there is what I need but I actually need

Two and I probably shouldn’t have put this in here but that’s fine okay there we go so we’ve got our fences and I think I’ve got a cow minion in my under chest still yes I do okay that guy is gonna just hang out there and make cows and kill them over

And over again so here’s the power of minions right I don’t want to have to stand around killing chickens all day so this guy here has oh this one escaped this guy here has uh since I last looted him killed 51 chickens for me and as a result of that I just unlocked

The chicken head recipe which I guess I could do that now that I think about it um okay so I need a couple of seeds any amount of seeds so I mean you play the game however you find fun but just my two cents on it

Flipping is a giant waste of time think about it like this for a second if you invest an hour into flipping and you make a bunch of coins great you made some coins but you didn’t get any skill XP you didn’t get any any powder or heart of the mountain levels for mining

You didn’t get any milestones for farming thank you Didn’t work towards getting better in any way shape or form in the game you just made a little bit of money so instead of flipping if you spent that time mining farming doing combat doing Slayers doing literally any other piece of content then in the long term

You would have more stuff done you’d have more essentially more long-term gains does that make sense the other side of it too is if you are going to do a lot of flipping most people will agree that doing buy and sell orders on the bazaar

Is kind of the way to go with that because you can just spend a couple of seconds queue up a buy order and then while it fills go back to doing whatever you’re doing actively and if it fills you just turn it back into a sell order

It only takes a few seconds here there didn’t expect you to be this consistent no offense some taken What do you mean Logan I didn’t take a year break from streaming you took a year break from streaming come over here come out of the out of the danger zone chicken come on there we go so this is creepy um anyway people that have played the

Server for a while should know exactly what I’m trying to do right now just need one more little creepy bastards there he is all right close that all right now as long as these chickens are around me while I’m doing stuff they have the potential to lay an egg

On my Island which I should probably wall this off now that I look at this this is a little dangerous they have the potential to lay eggs well they’re just sort of hanging out and why aren’t you following me any more chickens okay well I broke those chickens and might need to

Respawn more of them oops and I need five eggs and I need five eggs for a very specific item that will allow me to get about a hundred and 60 eggs a lot easier than in any alternative way oh are you working now are we good how did you get in there

Get out get out of there goddamn magic chickens so anyway the item that I that I desperately want is actually one that I just unlocked which is the chicken head lay eggs whenever you hit uh shift whenever you have the sneak key it has a 20 second cooldown reduces fall

Damage a little bit that doesn’t really matter but with that item I can get enough eggs let me go into the section here to be able to craft an enchanted egg this item can be used as a minion upgrade for chicken minions guarantees that each chicken will drop an egg after

They spawn incredibly useful the reason it’s incredibly useful is eggs are used in crafting pets there’s a lot of different pets that you have to craft and uh can I feed you guys I guess I can if I feed them will they breed oh I can breed more chickens no they just

That one just what this one’s not in a good way um we’re just gonna maybe respawn that okay so that was a mistake and I now have to start over because uh oops I didn’t realize that would oops um well we’re thinking about that I’m actually gonna go to the hub and chop

Down some oak trees just so that I can get the next thing going while I’m waiting for the chickens to spawn me some eggs so that I’ve got some stuff to do on my Island so I don’t need wheat uh I don’t really need those oak planks that should be fun Sorry I’m I’m kind of all over the place today I’m not really sure what I should be working on so I just keep going over different things so the reason that I told you to get some wood apple is that when you uh when you do basically

Anything in the game as I explained you have the ability to craft minions so you’ll probably want to make an effort to craft a minion of like any time that you go and find a new thing that you can collect make that minion even if you just dump them in a chest on

Your island or into your ender chest or something like that get in the habit of any time that you find a minion or an item that can make a minion make the minion it’ll save you a lot of hassle later on hey nice I got the small storage item um upgrade So since I actually just unlocked that I’m gonna go for like a full inventory of wood get a few small storages now minions can be incredibly helpful because there’s certain things that are just a giant pain in the nuts to uh to actually do without minions

So depending on how much oak wood you’ve you’ve harvested so far if you hit e to open your inventory click on the Sky Block menu on the right side and then go to collections the second one from the left you can go into foraging Collections and you’ll be able

To see that under oak wood you’ve got the oak minion unlocked so if you click on that and then you click on the oak minion and it’ll show you all the recipes for the different ones click on level one and it’ll show you how to make them base level one minions will

Generally require a wooden tool of the type that the minion is relative to so in the case of uh wood cutting minions you’re gonna be using like a like a wooden ax in the case of um something like a chicken minion for example or a wheat minion you would use

A wooden hoe see you later Sam thanks for stopping by so that’s the reason that I told you to get a bit of wood so that you don’t have to keep coming back to here to get more of it so anytime that you unlock a minion

Recipe take a look at what it costs and craft it basically you can also anytime that you unlock something and it says recipe here you can just click it out of the chat and it’ll show you what the recipe for it is instead of having to go into the

Collections go into the specific skill go into the specific level and you know do all that BS Gives you a good bit of time so I think it’s one stack per small storage and I’ve technically got eight minion slots so I should make a few small storages ideally at least eight of them now when it comes to what I’m doing right this second small storages are super useful

Because as you can see over here it gives your minions three more Slots of storage space if you place a storage beside them and you can only place one storage beside each minion so you can’t stack them but you can upgrade them later on through the oak collection so that’s why

I’m going to put down an oak minion because I just don’t feel like wood cutting all the goddamn time because I consider this probably the worst skill of the game it hasn’t been updated in the entire time that I’ve played the game uh to the best of my knowledge at least

Every tree is the same amount of uh foraging XP there’s no armor that gives you foraging Fortune there’s only two foraging pets that are relevant which are the monkey and the ocelot it’s kind of an overlooked skill it’s it’s kind of an uh we we forgot to

Update this kind of a tear skill I did I did get into the garden yesterday Logan and then realized it’s totally goddamn pointless to me at this stage and everyone trying to push me into it was just trying to push me into it way too early

Pain in the garden is when I don’t have replenish I don’t have an Agronomy sack I don’t have uh Enchanted leather to be able to make the Agronomy sack so I also don’t have a personal compactor yet so when I go to farm wheat my inventory is full and like less than

10 seconds and the only thing I can Farm in the garden right now is wheat so I appreciate that people thought that it would be helpful but it’s super unhelpful to try and do anything on the in the garden right now for me it’ll be good eventually that’s kind of

What I’m banking on but just not yet so I’m setting up minions what happens if you fall off your Island uh jump off and find out if you want I should note by the way that any time you die you will lose half of the coins that you’re holding so Try not to do that probably want to put some things in the bank which is in the hub eventually you can get an item that allows you to uh to put uh to put your coins into your bank from your Skyblock menu and that’s how you use minion storage by the way

I think it’s from the emerald collection so if you farm or if you mine enough emeralds then eventually you can just access your bank from this menu here now when you fall off your Island if you just like eat yourself off on your own and you’re not

In combat it will not count as a death or at least it shouldn’t however if an enemy hits you and then you fall off your Island because they knocked you off or if you take a little bit of fall damage and then jump off your Island it’ll count as a death If you want to see if it counted you do have a slash death count command you will by the way at night time have enemies spawning on your Island unless you place an acacia candle someone could craft it for you or you’ll have to do a fair amount of wood cutting

Because it comes from the final unlock of the acacia wood collection which means you have to chop 25 000 goddamn wood now you’re already up to three nice hey Chad if you’re uh if you’re playing Skyblock right now what’s your current death count how many times have you died

What does this guy I need 128 raw beef okay all right why can you not access any chickens something under this just so the chickens can’t oh you son of a you get out of the way Okay these chickens seem to be broken so I’m just gonna go ahead and kill all of them and yeah you’re not getting away from me there we go so now as he spawns in chickens they should work So this is a super annoying part of the game where as an Iron Man there isn’t really a good way to get 160 eggs to be able to craft the enchanted egg to be able to start crafting pets I can do it this way I could I could

Fill the floor with Hoppers over here and hope that maybe a chicken lays an egg now and then there’s a couple other options you could go into like the um the farming Island and just hang out in the farming Island until maybe a chicken lays an egg if no

One kills them too quickly I know you only need five but it’s still friggin annoying because it takes some what feels like forever when you need eggs it takes forever to get eggs Matter of fact I think I can upgrade this minion can’t I yeah 128 chicken so yeah as you can tell from what I’m doing right now minions are upgraded via the items that they create so chicken minions are upgraded with raw chicken Cobblestone minions are upgraded with Cobblestone etc etc I think that’s

Four in this horrendous little mutant chicken farm that I’ve gotten following me around but yeah it looks like four so there should be one more that this guy can spawn how you doing water uh I mean I think I even posted it into the Discord under notification Squad so

Don’t know what to tell you yep new skin on the thumbnail new skin on the character What do you think you like my new skin I spent a fair amount of time on it I didn’t really mean to give myself a handlebar mustache but I mean it is what it is I also have a stomach face didn’t notice that until now I don’t know what I’m doing when it comes to making Minecraft skins so like I’m not an artistic person so this is the best that I could possibly have done I think oh chicken ass let me put it this way I could have made this look much much more horrifying

Looks like I imagine the average Canadian I mean I got a long sleeve shirt on I got facial hair yeah Yes I did Apple I think I need my cow pen to be one one block higher I still have the pig mask of course not gonna do it but of course Anyway we’ve got zero eggs so far so uh looking at the stream time we’ve been live an hour and 13 minutes and 20 seconds chat how long do you think it’ll take me to get five five eggs Does it have a monocle no I was trying to make the eye kind of blue but it just kind of ended up being kind of an eyebrow thing I don’t know it looked okay from a distance I thought Look it’s hard to put a lot of detail in when you’re dealing with one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen six when you’re dealing with 17 pixels or however many that is that that math doesn’t check out it’s probably 18.

Maybe it’s 16 16 would probably make more sense four and then yeah when you’re dealing with less than 20 pixels okay you get what you get just be glad it’s not just like plan a was to oops say that screenshot keep plan a was to just have it be like

Pure white with a black dot in the center but that just that just looked really bad Look I spent a while on this all right I even like the thumbnail that I made for these streams was actually gonna be the episode one thumbnail for a series I was gonna make and then I recorded a week’s worth of gameplay of it and

The garden update came out so I was just kind of like oh they’re actually updating the game for the first time in like a year okay well I guess I’ll start the series over but I just didn’t feel like doing that I mean I could starries but like then he wouldn’t get this uh this this beautiful image of that whatever that is good luck sleeping tonight how do I get dirt um Okay so you remember where that Fountain is in the hub if you go just past the fountain there’s a building on the left side that is like hot air balloon or something kind of above it

That building houses an NPC called the Builder and I realize that it’s kind of ridiculous Apple you should be able to just get dirt it’s weird that it’s hard to get dirt but if you talk to the Builder he’ll sell you practically any items any like block based items that

You could possibly need for building but there’s actually one slightly more convenient way to get dirt and it’s getting something called an infinite dirt wand now the infinitert wand will every time that you right click with it in your hand it’ll place a block of dirt and consume one coin from your purse

Way easier than trying to build a whole bunch of stuff out of dirt the Catch-22 here is It suffers from the same problem that the jungle ax does there’s a few items like that that for some reason don’t have the ability to be posted to the auction house for instant

Sales so you would have to either bid on one or have somebody in the chat trade you an insta dirt one or an infinite dirt one the way that you actually get one in terms of like normal gameplay or in my case you’re an Iron Man character

Is you have to get to level 10 farming to start with to unlock the ability to participate in a farming contest and then if you look under the calendar and events and then click on the calendar at the bottom of the new menu that opens up once you have level 10

Farming you’ll see that there’s all these wheat icons that exist oh yeah I guess you could just do that water I don’t know why I didn’t think do what water said buy a Jacob’s ticket from a Bazaar they’ll be like pretty pretty inexpensive but the way that you would get it

Is that every one hour there’s a farming contest and they last for 20 minutes and for 20 minutes if you’re farming Cactus melon or carrot during this one or during this one it’s cocoa beans netherwort and pumpkin during this one it’s Cactus melon potato you know

There’s probably going to be a wheat one in here somewhere maybe not when you participate in a farming contest if you don’t get at least bronze like if you don’t get any place in it you’ll get one Jacob’s ticket um if you do place and you get bronze

You get like 10 or something and then silver is more and gold is more I can’t really remember but as long as you participate in a farming contest yikes it’ll give you a Jacob’s ticket but uh I think you I I don’t know if they changed this but the last time that I

Played it was you needed level 7 farming Mining and wood cutting to be able to access the bazaar chat have they changed that is that still the case also it’s been five minutes now and they haven’t laid an egg what what am I doing wrong here like is it actually this slow

It’s it’s been five minutes and 12 seconds is there like a certain amount of time like oh God don’t tell me they actually made it Skyblock level seven that sucks oh hey Nick um chat if someone could maybe provide apple with an infinite dirt wand I’m sure we would appreciate that And they don’t stack they don’t automatically stack weird all right well we got two out of five uh golden for what it’s worth my melon minions currently have half a billion coins worth of melons in them And I’m pretty sure I’ve banked Max farming at this point as far as the XP goes we did the math on the first stream and it was like 522 million coins worth of melons plus probably about a hundred mil in uh IGN is in-game name uh probably 100 Mil worth of diamond blocks I guess I’ll clean things up a little while I’m waiting Nice water those work right yet because last I heard they don’t They Don’t Really Work right like if you put a hyper Catalyst on a minion and then you leave your Island it consumes it but it just doesn’t give you the bonus I don’t know if they ever fix that Excuse me what do you think you two are doing with the oh God that’s a face I can’t unsee foreign that’s the button I was looking for oh I didn’t get the screenshot of it oh well that is just upsetting Speaking of upsetting it took Nine minutes to get the first two eggs so uh you might have might have been a little hopeful on that six minute guess there water We just need five all right we just need three more eggs there’s five chickens in front of me eventually we’ll have eggs I guess be glad I’m not doing this for the full 160. I could but where’s the fun in that what’s up Golden I already tried that pixie and when I did that one of them jumped off the island to its death and the other two stopped following me because they weren’t hungry for seeds anymore and none of them bred

They had like the little animation with the hearts and they they chicken kissed and then they just effed off and did their own thing so I mean why are they all in the same block because I’m holding seeds and they’re trying their damnedest to follow me The infiniter one okay well you could have just given him the ticket though because he can’t use the bizarre you could maybe just trade him a ticket but that’s really weird that they made it so you can’t trade the infinitive one they’ve really made it so that you

Really can’t help a new player get into the game without jumping through way too many hoops There you go golden is that better they’re kind of not oh Jesus now they are oh there we go now you’re happy golden see what you’ve done This looks like something mid-journey would make converge become one all right what if I stand on them oh that’s somehow worse okay Oh okay uh Uh okay we’re up to four I only need one more how many eggs do you need for a chicken minion none um what I need the eggs for so it’s a long and annoying oh I have five now okay there we go we’re good just want to

Make sure I really do have five and the game isn’t lying to me somehow okay now we’re good so the way it works is you place down a chicken minion and just get it going because you need 2500 raw chicken collection anyway to be able to make the item that I’m talking about

But the enchanted egg which is the item that makes chickens produce eggs when the minion kills them and allows you to farm eggs for like uh you know pets and stuff that requires 160 eggs so the way that I’m going to be doing it is I’m now

Going to craft the chicken head which takes five eggs which I now have and I can just do this real quick and now I don’t need chickens anymore because I can just do this but it will take a little while so now like while I’m doing other stuff is it

144 whatever amount of goddamn eggs it is it’s a lot more than I want to do manually let’s put it that way I guess I’m just gonna combine these two for right now because I don’t feel like making a new chest let’s do beef across the bottom leather across the top

Anyway I can just kind of do that whenever I think to hit shift with a 20 second cooldown and what other minions should I place um you know it’s really funny you know how you were just trying to figure out how you would get dirt um I need dirt oops

So the funniest thing about this is I actually do have one um one Jacob’s ticket that I can claim from the NPC in here so I can claim my one Jacobs ticket go upstairs to the laggiest NPC I’ve ever seen my God and by the infiniter

One and then go back to my Island so failing that wheat contest earlier on was actually a lot more helpful than I thought it would have been that why didn’t that lay an egg okay also noteworthy the infiniter one can place like 10 blocks away so I can do this which is amazing

Super useful for building things like Farms or whatever you’re going to build out of dirt Thank you yep I’m not stupid I was having a moment there was like did I just forget to build the oak minion but no it’s it’s right there and it wants 160 Oak for an upgrade I think I used all of my Oak to make except for that to make storages so

That’s fine let’s go ahead and put that right there uh okay so I’ve got five out of my eight active minions what should I be putting down what do I not want to have to deal with I might put down another cow minion and another chicken minion to be perfectly honest

I don’t think there’s anything really wrong with that decision making I need a lot of leather to be able to upgrade backpacks so two cow minions doesn’t seem unreasonable and I mean chicken minions need to say more I don’t have anywhere near enough meat to make another cow minion but if I loot

This guy I might have enough for a chicken minion yes I do I guess I’ll put the eggs in here for the sake of it uh what is that why did I just do that what does a chicken minion take I think it’s uh wooden hoe right I don’t have access to obsidian

Sort of also there’s nothing from the obsidian collection that I’m going to want for months so that’s not really a big deal I might put down a net it’s a sword isn’t it God damn it I forgot chickens because you have to kill them they sort of count as a combat

Minion even though they’re definitely not a combat minion totally forgot okay chicken minion number two that gives us two slots hmm it takes months for an item that I don’t need ever though water that’s the problem it takes months for something useless foreign advertising rule was basically just don’t start advertising other YouTubers

In my stream gold and so go nuts Uh I could put down more Cobblestone minions because I really need to okay what I need to do is I need to actually craft a couple of Minions that I skipped because I was trying to get into the Dwarven mine so I think at this point we’re gonna go to the hub we’ll go to the Dwarven mines Sell off anything that I don’t need like seeds a little bit of Cobble whatever this garbage is this stuff sure okay I’ll keep my minion storages in storage right now just for storage purposes brain broke a little bit there saying that also don’t need any of these lapis boots

Can I sell these yeah a thousand coins each nice foreign 50K 43 whatever and on we go actually matter of fact I should uh this will be fine Oh I should summon my rock pet I knew there was something I was missing okay so now I need to make a few minions I don’t think I ever made a coal minion either so I should probably maybe put one of those down so that I can start working towards um lava buckets

Crap I need to go back to the hub pick the whole bouquet of whoopsie daisies on that one I forgot to put smelting touch on my pick uh fishing minions if you can afford to get them to the max level clay minions if you can’t level 11 clay minion is better than a

Level 10 fishing minion but a level 11 fishing minion costs a crap ton having said that you should still have one fishing minion down of any level just to be able to get some of the collections for that because it really helps a lot But if you’ve already like maxed out the fishing sack and whatever else then go nuts but I think it’s a puffer fish collection that you need for fishing I think that’s oh I can’t even look at it because I haven’t done it yet huh uh I don’t remember how much better it

Is I think it was around 10 percent better for something like 20 times the cost It’s also got a bit of a nuanced issue whereas the clay minion will only produce clay the fishing minion produces like six different items so it fills up kind of fast and if you’re going to use a fishing menu you really want to be using at least like the second last tier of

Minion storage from the oak collection Okay is there an event running right now I don’t think there is just going to verify that there’s no two times powder events running nope definitely not okay um where can I actually where can I even get to have I made a coal minion let’s start there it doesn’t look like it

Looks like we’re gonna have to start with a bit of coal and if I remember correctly there was some over here somewhere it was a better spot right near here but I don’t know was it yeah there it is nice we got gold as well here

Oh wait I can mine the giant wall of gold what am I doing all right so we can knock out a couple minions real quick that’ll be useful probably end up getting our ninth minion slot pretty soon foreign minions so at least that’s being worked on because getting craftable pets is

Kind of huge uh yeah the fishing minion makes a fair bit more money thanks for stopping by Apple not really sure how much coal I need for a minute I’d like to get level two little let’s see yeah I’ll just make like a bunch all right so I’m gonna need a coal minion

The gold minion a redstone minion uh an emerald minion I guess what am I forgetting here an iron minion I don’t have that many of these so we’ll just make four that’s fine we’ll deal with the iron one later And for the hell of it so yeah you can see oh wait why am I about to explain something to Apple we just left I was gonna say you can see in the chat that it says that I need to craft 14 more minions or level up 14

Minions to be able to get my ninth slot shouldn’t be too long I actually should have enough right now then shouldn’t I Foreign All right we got our cool minion upgraded I’m just gonna throw this away and work on the next two oh didn’t quite make it I thought I had my movement speed up and I didn’t Nice all right we got a bit of gold here thank you So yeah I just kind of booked it through the Deep Caverns I didn’t even I never even mine diamonds until right now that’s pretty bad so what should I do next chat once I’ve got a couple of a couple of metal minions here anyone got any particular suggestions

Anything you want to see me try Brock’s up to level 39 so far that’s going pretty good yeah Slayers are off the table for probably months keep in mind if I die once I delete the profile so are we not going to be doing that

I don’t even know that I’d be able to fight a level one Revenant right now I don’t really want to try the problem is if I’m not sure if I can do something I can’t do it that’s pretty much the state of the character yeah let’s see how we’re doing here

I should have enough for a gold minion but I don’t know if I’ll have enough for an upgrade to one let’s see oh so close I think it’s 16s that I need and I had 15s oh well you have a really good Talisman that I can get from the emerald collection I

Know there’s the Talisman of coins but isn’t that where the magnetic one comes from maybe yeah that’s the one I think we might need that and it’s super easy to craft too but triple the pickup range come on and it’s only 250 okay yeah done just completely done doing it a hundred percent Should be good to upgrade the Gold minion now now oh just barely yep I’ve I’ve committed to the hardcore now the reason I hadn’t fully committed to it originally is because I completely forgot that the um Saving Grace item existed so because that exists I should be

Pretty able to uh to make this work right now In fairness I’ve never tried using the Saving Grace so I don’t know what happens when you die with it like does it teleport you out like as if you died or or what because if it just leaves you in danger

And then the next hit kills you anyway then it’s not very useful is it foreign Mining emeralds like a weirdo anyway I don’t know does that sound like a ridiculous idea corn the zero death Iron Man because I mean we’re still at zero we’re doing this so far Kinda All right well I was expecting yes you’re insane don’t do that so kind of sounds like almost like a like a glowing review or recommendation So I’ll take it all right Emerald Minion Time All right so now I need two stacks of emeralds because I probably shouldn’t have upgraded it that many times but oh well let’s keep mining emeralds and diamonds while I’m waiting here Well it’ll be an interesting challenge to see how far I get see what Skyblock level I get to what skill average I get to etc etc And with the garden update there’s at least a little bit more content to do but I will admit there’s a few annoying problems like for example I’ve got two times mithril powder event and Goblin Slayer as my commissions right now and I flat out can’t do goblin Slayer there’s

There’s nothing that would allow me to do that right now even if I cheesed it from like shooting them with arrows from a distance a single Goblin knife thrower and I’m dead Just straight up done But yeah it will be very dependent on how the Saving Grace actually works in practice because I don’t actually know never thought to try one because why would I I’m gonna mine another half stack of diamonds real quick foreign we got the portal of the deep Caverns

Unlocked what does that take to craft The rest is okay All right level two Diamond minion foreign here somewhere but I don’t know if there’s Redstone here that I can actually access with a movement skills and movement items and stuff you know so I’m not entirely sure how I’m going to do this didn’t realize there was a Lapis here I

Haven’t even crafted a Lapis minion have I Reflections minions I haven’t all right um okay I can just oh I wonder if there’s anything up here that I can access a little bit stupid to go this high up but I’m just a little bit stupid is there anything up here that I can mine doesn’t look too good oh I can get to the mine carts this could be good if I could get in them because crap I forgot that I can’t get up get that high up um maybe in here

Not like I’ve ever been in here in my entire life all right this was a mistake unless I can drop down onto some doesn’t look real promising there’s some gold over there yeah I don’t think so Okay so if anyone happens to know where there’s a bit of redstone that I don’t need a movement skill or a movement item to get to in the Dwarven mines feel free to let me know But otherwise I am just going to drop down onto some lapis That was scarier than it should have been all right here we are And because I’m in the Dwarven mines I get to have a hundred percent my farm mining Fortune so that’s decent I feel like there might be some Redstone kind of now every time that I think of it I’ve realized that it’s in a cart somewhere

That I’m not going to be able to get to Oh well this is still a lot faster than trying to do it in the Deep Caverns Hey taming is all the way up to level 10. decent Wait inventoryful that was quick holy crap okay have I got eggs somewhere Okay eggs are going in here then no wrong item How you doing mark Oh I already have oops uh okay So I need one for this one for gold and one for Redstone still and why not we’ll probably need one for iron good morning All right there we go we got three level two Minions that we didn’t have before Foreign we still need Redstone and I did I make a gold minion I actually my brain don’t work so good no more we did make a gold minion so I crafted way more of these than I need but that’s fine let’s see if we can’t find some redstone It’s not looking real promising yeah oh there goes that egg it’s not down there a little bit of coal over there not really sure oh I could actually I’m careful I could probably jump into one of these carts oh no not even close I haven’t even gone

To where there’s mushrooms yet let alone unlock that okay a lot of that isn’t even gold it’s just yellow wool so that’s kind of funny uh this was a mistake and I’m just gonna sneak my way back over this way now You know I might actually have to go to the Deep Caverns just to get 32 Redstone to be able to get the magnetic talisman because I can’t seem to find that oh there’s iron here score um I have never gotten an iron ingot until now that’s disappointing um yeah I just I don’t

Know where there might be a bit of redstone more iron up here nice Might come back to that okay we got coal I’m just thinking the pigment in that area are gonna kind of ruin my day I know that you know a place but keep in mind I cannot jump more than one block High foreign place Why does everyone keep stopping to look at me it’s very strange It’s so weird to see this okay it’s pretty weird I don’t think that’s the reason mark when I come back to being a nobody in the SkyBlock Community to be honest thank you All right we’re getting a decent amount of them That’s probably enough iron to be honest but I think I’ll go for one more collection upgrade collection unlocks I think I still need that for enchanted iron okay it does teleport you out of danger that was the important part because if it didn’t teleport you out of danger that would just

I would just not be a very functionally useful item for what I’m trying to do Also void deaths on Private Island do count as far as I know they only count if you’ve taken fall damage or like been hit by a monster recently like if you’re in combat I could be wrong about that though You just tested it okay well good to know I’ll do my best not to fall off of my island ever in that case Shake Foreign Actually a little bit surprised we haven’t unlocked the next collection yet I thought I would have by now Okay how far are we really so if it’s uh if it’s pretty close yeah I’m just gonna leave that anyway let’s craft ourselves an iron minion oh okay feeling a little bit better about our minion situation now but I still need Redstone which I’m not really sure what the best way is gonna

[Applause] uh they don’t count but they’re registered in the API well if this number ever changes to a number that’s above zero I delete the profile that’s that’s where we’re at or I maybe just never play it again and just leave it as like an example of how far it got

Wonder if there’s anything like up here maybe no it doesn’t look too promising all right I’m gonna have to mine 32 redstone the hard way I guess Let’s do it the original plan Mark was that I was if I ever died I would keep playing and just not you’re hardcore anymore but then we remembered that there’s the Saving Grace item and if that exists then well this game mode exists it’s a fair is fair Oops The whole row of what what are you asking me also I feel like I have pants somewhere that have at least some kind of Defense on them right um we’ll go with the farmer one good enough Um I’m gonna sort out my inventory real quick here first Good enough yeah well as I said if I get a if my death count goes up to one my character gets deleted that’s that’s the situation and as far as I recall these guys are peaceful until I start mining Redstone so let me just go and find the way down

Because I would rather have an Escape Route is it this this is it I mean with the rock pet I’ve got almost 300 defense it’s you know it could be worse and I’ve that’s that’s better that’s faster than I thought that was going to be we’ve got enough for the magnetic Talisman now because I don’t have any Redstone collection just

Yet and I still need the Redstone minion obviously I’m Gonna Keep mining here until I’ve got the minion because you know you guys you guys being cool okay but um yeah maybe maybe getting some mushrooms next might not be a bad idea Yeah Julie that’s why or Mark rather that’s why I’m trying to stay in this area here okay well they’re aggressive now okay that’s doing way more damage than I hoped it would uh they’re still coming um uh not good yeah I’m I might die I actually might

Die because I can’t slash Hub until I’m out of combat foreign best upgrades for a fishing minion um I think the fishing minion might be the only minion that actually benefits from that thing that makes it have like more space that it takes up Instead of diamond spreading because like it’s already got too many items that it creates Probably the fly catcher though yeah and plasma bucket and all that nonsense But I remember hearing like a while ago that the fishing minion benefits from that thing that makes it take up like three by three instead of two by two or whatever could be wrong The minion expander that’s what it is yeah I’ve heard that that’s actually like one of the only minions that it’s beneficial on no oh God oh God help not cool leaving leaving right now Is that enough for a minion please tell me that’s enough from I just need level one that’s all I care about Holy okay so you know I’m getting out of there Okay I did not like that at all Get up damn it Foreign we got space for one last minion um I’m gonna need a gold minion for basically forever so I’m gonna oh but I don’t have the smelter yet um cool minion coal minions sounds like the plan and I will be back in just one sec Thank you Thank you sorry about that Yeah again I don’t know if the math checks out on this or not but I’ve heard that minion expanders are actually better than fly swatters when it comes to fishing minions and fishing Minions only but you’d have to I guess set up two different minions try them for a while

And see what happens What part of I don’t know why would make you believe that I could answer a question like why Anyway let’s see how much this guy’s got 61 Beauty All right so I need some chests for minions so that I can put stuff from the minions in the chests uh I guess I’ll just drop this one down here for wood this one can be for all the cowl related stuff which now has to come out of here And I guess I need one for Redstone and coal so we’ll go here and here because why not all right this is uh this is working we got two Cobblestone minions a coal minion chicken cow Oak Redstone and chicken almost got enough that I can upgrade the other chicken minion

What are we doing next actually I’d like to wall this off so I don’t jump off of here in the dark by accident that’d be good Foreign I actually don’t know what I’m doing next yeah no corn we kind of talked about that the other day no one Builds on their Island anymore like back when farming existed basically and there was this oh right mushrooms thank you there was any point in doing that then

People kind of built stuff but just about no one does now so I don’t know I want to tell you okay you do I shouldn’t say literally no one but like almost no one to a point that I don’t really see that stream working out so well I guess we’ll put this here

Anyway to the hub 2 mil compared to 600 mL what are we talking about expanders compared to fly catchers For 30 of both right makes sense foreign let’s keep on making minions do I have any wood in my storage chest or did I just put it all on my Island Why did I do that Take two And away we go foreign It’s in my inventory oops all right let’s do cacti does this work on them it does good Yeah or do you just get everything from a cactus when you break the bottom one getting a sneaking suspicion that it has nothing to do with this being a jungle ax Now I deleted my um efficiency five golden ax I think Threw it into the void forgot about certain things that it’s still required for but oh well things like melons and pumpkins and whatever so this is what I got this is my ax See what the cactus that’s like That’s not bad it’s not good but it’s not bad Now given that this is probably faster and has a whole bunch of Fortune on it I’m just going to use the hoe but it’s probably the same speed I mean this has got another 62 farming fortune on it so you know oh a little too far forward Will be a bit of a slow plotting situation to get the uh the mushrooms but yeah if I remember correctly I need nothing but red mushrooms for a minion so we’ll try and harvest nothing but Reds and while I know I can shop these it’s fastest to chop those with an ax

And uh my ax isn’t that best so you get what you get we’re up to 31. I wonder okay I can one shot that was nice Nothing up here Oh I should probably take a look and see what the cactus minion requires it is a wooden hoe okay good I don’t know why I have an extra wooden pickaxe but foreign So I assume I’m going to need one for the Mushroom menu as well That’s frustrating Oh I unlocked slot nine nice I thought I had more cacti than that oops oh well easy enough I mean it’s pretty easy to get one more upgrade on this guy I might as well for all the bonuses that I get from crafting minions shouldn’t be too long I thought it was going to use full stacks of 64 and I only used half so we’ll get one more upgrade

I seem to remember the cactus minion being a horse’s ass to actually upgrade because you have to use like Enchanted cactus green I might be wrong about this but I don’t think you can put a smelter on a minion and have it create cactus green I think you actually have to like manually smelt the cactus green and then turn that into Enchanted cactus green or maybe I’ve got that wrong and

You can’t use the super compactor or the personal compactor rather I know there’s some step of it that turns into a giant horse’s ass to deal with for an Iron Man character just don’t remember what step it is You cannot apply smelting touch to a hole but good try plus they’ve changed it it’s pickaxes only who also cannot apply it to the um Cactus knife unless they’ve changed that oh wait no never mind I know what it is now so you can apply smelting touch to a hoe

But it doesn’t instant break Cactus like the cactus knife does so it ends up taking you way more time to do it that way than it would to just put them in like a hyper furnace or something after oh fantastic I can’t wait for the coming soon to come

Why even put that in your game [Laughter] uh cracks me up every time that I see it and it’s in multiple different uh multiple different recipes too foreign there’s the mushroom minion done what else is there from here I think that’s pretty much it from this aisle oh

No it’s not it’s not even close to all there’s the rabbit minion that I still need the Sheep minion the cocoa bean minion sugar cane I’m lost now so I don’t even know if this is the right way it’s not looking real promising I really need the feather telesman because mistakes are about to get made here okay that could have been a lot worse I think we’re back to the start Foreign Okay that was quick to regrow All right then good enough for me So one of the biggest hurdles for an Iron Man character is always trying to get a replenished book so I think I’m gonna just put down a cocoa bean minion once I have super compactors for all my minions I’m gonna wait until I’ve got that because I’ve

Got other things that I can use the minions for in the in the interim but I think that’s gonna be realistically the way that I go about it it’s just sort of ignoring the garden itself until I’ve got at the very least the ability to upgrade the farming sack the Agronomy sack sorry But I don’t know that I’m going to do much there until we have replenish how you doing Roman Yeah it’s not though because to be able to do that I have to farm me in the garden and level up my garden which I won’t have let me put it this way Mark go make an Iron Man go try it out and then come back and tell me it’s easy

Because yeah everything’s easy for a non-iron man that can just buy a bunch of stuff and then not have to worry about it but no you go ahead and try leveling up the garden without an Agronomy sack with a replenish without the ability to carry more than your inventory worth of

Seeds at a time you see how it goes for you That should be enough for some kind of Minion situation here [Applause] Thank you What the lay 50 eggs with the chicken head and Skyblock as an achievement all right and yeah starting with the basket of seeds great not only do I not have the basket of seeds I can’t place in bronze in any contest including wheat because even wheat now requires about ten thousand

Collection and without the personal compactor without the Agronomy sack without a ability to do any of that stuff I’m sorry but you’re wrong it’s not easy in any capacity it’s not convenient in any way you started with stuff that you already had before the garden update or

You started with an advantage over a new character so you’re talking out your ass and I’m not going to continue the conversation thank you So that being said we’ve got a couple new minions Don’t need this anymore and now we’ve got to start murdering sheep at least it’s a one shot I guess I’m gonna need rabbits as well oh Christ and I need sugar cane still oh I can’t even one shot rabbits that’s not good Okay so once I’ve got a rabbit minion I’m thinking I might actually put one down because these are a bit of a hassle to kill I was good at level one and then get what the hell was that blue flying thing okay I’ll just get it level one and then

Deal with it from there That would be probably a good idea for the rabbit pet to be one of the first ones that I craft for farming XP gotta get that farming Fortune plus I expect that the mushroom cow is probably going to be like kind of ridiculous there’s something I’m missing here you

Guys told me that the mushroom cow was from the mushroom collection and it’s not okay Mark you’re getting timed out if you can’t understand that this conversation is over you are wrong we’re not talking about it anymore and the amount of wrong that you are and the

Lack of understanding that you have for that is pissing me off to a point that I’m going to remove your ability to type the next time that I see you talk about it okay well mycelium is the substrate in which mushrooms grow so I assumed that mycelium was mushrooms

How is there a mycelium collection where do I even collect mycelium I’m assuming that it’s going to be on this island given this is where mushrooms grow the Crimson Isles okay so it’s something that I just won’t have access to for an incredibly long time so that answers

That question I’m gonna go with the rabbit pet when it comes to farming we are at 13 and 23 good God that’s terrible this is gonna be a long one it’s running more over here maybe together This would be a lot easier if I was just a little bit stronger and could one shot them kind of considering going and reforging my armor and weapon for this wouldn’t be that long of a walk back here I mean I think the rabbit is gonna be one full

Stack it might even be more than that let’s see yeah I’m going to the hub and reforging Wow this is why would they even let 70 people into a hub when this is the uh the performance of it oh I need money There much better But shouldn’t count but okay yeah whatever that works I guess uh heroic is plus 20 strength perfect and I guess I was running around in a chicken head so why not where did it just okay I’m probably not gonna get more than two strength out of this so that’ll probably be fine uh I guess I’ll wear the chest plate in the pant and the shoes and the pants why not Toot fine pure whatever oops wrong Adam Yeah whatever it’s more strength that’s what I was hoping for was fierce so that’ll do okay with any luck and why not I might as well no okay oh right you can’t do that anymore with any luck I’ll be able to one shot them now let’s go find out Oh I thought you meant that you had to use the block zapper on it for it to count which is actually kind of likely the way that interaction would probably go but what do you do all right back to the desert settlement oh I could have gotten the grandma wolf

Pet by now probably too it’s another one that I’ve ignored I think I can get the spiders done all right moment of truth instead of 89 I’m doing 112 and it’s not enough do rabbits have 120 HP for all right fine I guess crit Chance is at 42 so it’s

Better than it was Thank you yeah that’s not happening not even not even gonna joke about trying to get that one come come here why did they have to give these 120 Health why couldn’t it have been 110 oh well we’ll get there Turning points to strength what does that even mean that was why I got heroic on this because it’s 20 strength so I’ve got about as much strength as I could reasonably get and that brought me from 89 to 112. oh I know what I could have done I’m dumb I’m completely dumb What the hell are you guys talking about you realize that I don’t even have the accessory bag right like the only accessory I’ve got is the magnetic Talisman so like you’re talking about maybe adding one strength if that much here’s a much better idea that nobody thought to suggest

Why not just enchant sharpness on my weapon why did why did nobody suggest that one to me while I was derping around doing this the wrong way let’s try this again I think this is gonna do it I think this will be 120 at the very least damage but we’ll see No I haven’t got enough enchanting levels for any chance Like enough um you know what I mean Cleaver has less damage than this this is 50 damage that one’s 40. so you want me to lose 20 of My overall damage oh choice Okay 196 on a crit 125 nice nice nice nice it’s not enough I’m a little bit upset by that how much health the rabbits have can someone just just Google it for me because if it’s like 126 I’m about to smash my head against the wall It’s not 150 because at one point I was doing like 130 crits and that was enough to kill them so it’s somewhere between 125 and 130 I think I’m just wondering if it’s actually 130 or if I’m like legitimately one damage off from being able to kill them in one hit Yeah 130 is not a surprise that’s a frustration but it’s not a surprise which basically means I should probably just go back to mining get some enchanting levels and put sharpness five on my uh on my weaponry but here we are Are there no rabbits over here I guess not And I think we actually have enough mutton anyway uh I’m not sure what this is going to count as Yeah it’s a sword that’s what I’ve kind of expected all right sheep’s done rabbit’s about halfway No I can’t how would I do Revenant Slayer when I can’t even kill the zombie pigman at the Redstone layer you’re the third person today to tell me to do Revenant Slayer and I’m getting really tired of telling you people no you realize that if this character dies I’m done with Skyblock right

Like that’s it so why are we suggesting Revenant Slayer to a character that can’t hit more than 125 damage It’s still a really dumb idea like why would I take that risk after several hours and streams of gameplay I don’t think you understand when I say hardcore Iron Man what that means that means when this character dies once it’s over that’s it zero more attempts so until I’ve got um

What the hell are they called uh Saving Grace not making any unnecessary risks whatsoever why did I just see a name above something here that was super weird I haven’t done fairy Souls because I have no movement items and to be honest if you start doing fairy souls and then you stop and then you come back to them you’re starting over let’s be honest because their idea of tracking this is to just tell you that there’s 70 some of

Them like 72 or 78 or whatever there is in the uh in the hub instead of actually tracking unique fairy Souls it’s just a giant pain in the nuts if you do half of them and then come back to them So while I realized that would get me a couple of Skyblock levels it wouldn’t even be that much Yeah starzy that’s why I put down a cow minion on my Island earlier today because to make the Agronomy sack I need Enchanted leather to make Enchanted leather I need a cow minion to be down for a while to be able to unlock the recipe so I’m I’m making progress towards that

But it’s very slow going welcome back Roman But right now I’m at 43 out of 64. rabbits killed to be able to make the rabbit minion which I just kind of want to have access to in case I decide that I’m going to go for the rabbit pet which would also probably be pretty beneficial to uh to have

By the time that I start the garden given that my only pet is the rock pet right now and as helpful as the defense bonuses from it it would not level it very fast to do farming with it I’ve stopped reading what you’ve said Mark When I tell you no and you just start explaining reasons that I shouldn’t have said no I stopped paying attention to what you’re saying All right Oh another one was hiding back here okay we’ve unlocked the collection well you say that but like it just sort of keeps happening like I’m taking zero unnecessary risks until I have a Saving Grace and I won’t have a Saving Grace for a very long time

Because I have no intention on trying to get 50 ender pearls or I guess 64 or maybe 80 however much it is to make the Enderman um minion for quite a while there’s a bunch of other stuff that I can get that will give me more HP give

Me more stats give me more defense etc etc before I try to make that mistake the other concern that I’ve got there is I’m going to need to build an area on my Island to fight them because the ones in the end will absolutely ruin my day And I don’t really want to spend yet another hour of a stream just building on my Island right now so we’re just gonna kind of go a little at a time One more there he is now do I need a hoe or do I need a sword sword All right all of the BS Minions that I need to deal with from here should be pretty much done I think I’m going to create a minion chest on my Island at this point I’m thinking right here Where I didn’t realize I had Oakwood that’s weird so we got sheep rabbits better go let’s clean out the inventory first Might as well even clean out the minions uh yeah I’ve only got one cow minion took me a second there Oh I didn’t put a crap I didn’t put a minion storage by my Redstone minion My cool minion Foreign Okay should be good on minion stuff now I’m gonna go ahead and throw away some of the garbage don’t need wool I forgot to get uh whatever I’ll deal with it later I don’t care about this stuff extra mutton all right should be good so we can now finally put all the Romanians into the minion chest And how are we doing on eggs gonna be getting close Foreign The way there Okay I mean it might not seem like it but we’ve actually made pretty good progress today We have minions set up we have a redstone minion over there trying his best And I’ve fallen into the chicken coop damn it so um I’m gonna take another quick run to the heart to the Dwarven mines and I’m gonna see if we can maybe just maybe get lucky and hit that double powder event because that’s what’s holding us up right now in our commissions Foreign I still need a few things from the deep Caverns as far as minions go I need slimes I guess gunpowder for a creeper minion but that’s something I can get elsewhere or wait no I can’t that’s a problem for later so we have mithril Gourmand and Cliffside veins the sad thing is I could probably get something out of that I don’t know two minutes oh

Right I’m gonna have to go this way so yeah because I don’t have a movement item I’m gonna have to go the Long Way each way so I’m not gonna have enough time to get there mine and then come back Oh well I might hang out and see what the next event’s gonna oh it’s gonna be quite a while from now isn’t it I don’t know I’m not really sure what to do The frustrating thing is basically everything that I need to do right now is gated behind either time or a lot of grinding or a little bit of luck there’s nothing that I can realistically just go and do right this second nothing beneficial at least because until I’ve got the enchanted

Leather to be able to start crafting the Agronomy sack that’s just going to be a horse’s ass I’ve got a redstone minion starting to work on Redstone collection for the personal compactor but that’s going to require One Enchanted Redstone Block the realistic way to get that is to mine

It manually in the in the mines like this but I don’t have any movement items or movements uh options to be able to get to Redstone in the first place if I could get heart of the mountain three I could probably get into the crystal Hollows

But I’m a little bit afraid to go into the hollows because if I go into the hollows and teleport in and go to the Jungle it’s unlikely but it’s possible that I immediately spawn in front of one of those tribes members and they’ll ruin my day

So I’m as gross as it is I basically can’t go into the crystal Hollows until I get uh Saving Grace that’s that’s gonna be a hard grind now the first personal compact or the like the very first tier of it is seven stacks of Enchanted Cobblestone and one enchanted Redstone Block

Which isn’t great either don’t get me wrong but it’s a little more doable if you do slash CN you spawn on the nucleus you have to unlock that from uh I think it’s commission milestones I think that’s the final commission Milestone reward if I’m not mistaken let me go have a quick peek

But I believe that’s either 500 or possibly a thousand commissions that you need to be able to do that oh yeah we’re not going that way that’s the super not the personal you may be right you’re probably right in which case I would put the super compactor in the Redstone minion and

Then just to hope for the best but regardless either way it puts me in a bit of a position where I don’t know what the right way to progress is right now I’m I’m going to continue to try and work towards the egg from the chicken

Minion so that I can at least work on pets because money shouldn’t really be too much of an issue so I don’t need to worry about getting the super enchant like the ultimate Enchanted egg whatever the hell it is to have the chance at legendary pets because I can just

Upgrade the pets at cat that’s really not too big of an issue it’s more of a Time gate than a money gate God damn it with the keep forgetting that they did that and put a wool in some of these places So if nothing else does get me rock pet levels which is getting me defense it’s getting me mining levels it’s getting me enchanting levels so that I can apply and chance to stuff um what do I even work on right now like I’m at such a loss Without being able to hit the double powder event it’s I mean this is basically bricked until that happens because there’s no way that I’m going to kill a hundred goblins farming is depended on minions still I could go foraging I guess but what would the point be

Fishing is also kind of off limits as well foreign I mean it’s not terrible I shouldn’t say it’s off limits fishing is okay right now but once I get to like level five it’s gonna be a bit of a problem because as soon as I can start spawning sea creatures I can’t fish anymore make a cocoa farm for your Island

I kind of don’t ever want to have to do that again if I’m being honest I’m thinking I’m just gonna wait until I’ve got some super compactors and then use those with Coco minions to just do it that way yeah that’s that’s honestly a possibility mark I’m considering it and just for the memes if I ever buy a Mida staff I’m

Gonna I’m gonna bid a billion coins on it Try and stop me But now I’ll I’ll have to do combat before that but really the only thing holding me back from combat is getting the the um Saving Grace and to get a saving grace that basically means getting enough ender pearls to be able to get an Enderman minion

And then once I’ve got that using that to make a whole bunch of Enderman minions and then having a super compactor on the ball So I wouldn’t have fishing three see I’ve actually got a little bit of a plan for fishing and it’s a stupid plan but it is a plan so here’s my fishing plan all right I’m gonna fish with like whatever whatever Rod I need whatever enchantments I can

Get doesn’t really matter and I’m going to use that until I’ve got a fishing minion and a clay minion and once I’ve got both the fishing and a clay minion I’m not gonna manually fish anymore Because at that point I can get all of my fishing XP from those minions safely and I can get all the collection from the fishing minion but fishing is definitely a ways down my list of things that I should do on this character foreign right now I’m just kind of hoping for a

Double powder event oh taming level 11 at least 10 Skyblock XP from that hmm that’s not bad what might a staff before divan probably keep in mind saving grace before Crystal Hollows so it really just depends how much I want to invest in this before I’m willing to

Try and farm out the ender pearls for an Enderman minion and then how long I really want to do that for Either get it or get basket of seeds when you start making custom plot so question that I’ve been kind of wondering about do I even need the basket of seeds because like using my current farm for for the uh for the example it’s it auto planted wheat

If I farm the whole thing and then come back with enough seeds and hit the button to plant wheat in that plot again won’t it just replant all my wheat one row at a time real slow I mean it’s not great it’s actually pretty terrible but I guess it’s an option it it isn’t an option until I have one Enchanted leather let’s be very clear about that because that way I can make the Agronomy sex if I look yeah so to make an Agronomy sack I need Enchanted leather

And the make Enchanted leather I need it’ll be a while it’ll be a long goddamn wild before I have that oof maybe I should have put down more than one cow at least I put down a small storage for them I’m kind of having a bad idea here would

It be a terrible idea to just go foraging and just chop nothing but oak wood until I’ve got medium storages except might actually not be all that awful as awful as that sounds I thought about doing no minions pouring and then I realized that that would just mean no progression

We talked about that though suggested it as a joke and then I took it a little too seriously for a second I realize that stories but I’m at a point where I didn’t even have like it I’m not at a point of making custom crops yet custom plots yet let’s put it

That way God damn it we got Gone with the Wind why did it have to be Gone With the Wind that’s basically useless to me In fairness I am actually a little curious what my mining speed changes to and from so right now we’ve got where is it 490.

And facing in the right direction I’ve got 1090. interesting well uh Guess I’m going over here I’m gonna aim this way okay so I’m going over here I mean it’s better I’ll give it that much Not today Direct if you’re in the Discord you already know what’s going on that’s all I can really tell you as far as what games will be playing in the near future I have a really really really stupid idea actually what I could do is I could get the mithril coat and I could use that to fight goblins and just if I get hit just run away until I heal because that way at least I wouldn’t be

Able to be one shot is that is that completely dumb I think that’s completely dumb I think if I go at it with three-quarter glacight in the mithril coat then maybe I have to assume that I look like a goddamn bot right now Did you go into the rolls section and read what it says about getting your own roles I.E reaction rules that thing that I had to put in so that people would stop auto joining the Discord to just immediately dump troll messages and Gore porn into my Discord thank you

Yeah I see no real major benefit to mining like this right now so what I’m going to try and do just for the hell of it is try and get at least one piece oh God what are you what the hell are you okay that’s just a golden goblin that’s not skinned right

That scared the hell out of me I’m gonna see if I can maybe cheese a little bit of glaze sight armor while I’m here because if I can get even one piece of it that’s going to be a pretty big increase in my defense I think

If you can only see rules and rules then you didn’t get your reaction rules you have to use the emote react functionality On that post under roles sorry trying to focus and make sure I don’t accidentally get snuck up on by one of these things damn it Strangely that just got me runecrafting one must have been a purple name yeah no problem I kind of don’t like that reaction rules are even in my Discord I don’t really like that there’s another layer of barrier to entry there but we ended up needing it so it is what it is

If I remember right these are a one percent drop rate whoops great to the armor pieces or maybe it was point two five percent for each of them I can’t remember it’s either one in one hundred or a one in four hundred Either way it’s it’s unlikely that I’ll end up with any Devon’s armor or any uh glazeight this way but it’s a lot more likely than if I run in there and get my ass killed so Thank you each piece is a 0.25 chance so based on the fact that you can’t get two drops in one kill I’m taking that to mean that there’s a one in 400 chance that you get a drop and then it is an equal weight between the four pieces as to what you get

Because I’ve heard a lot of people try and say because there’s four pieces that have each got a 0.25 drop chance that the chance of getting any armor per kill is one percent I don’t think that’s how that actually works Not entirely sure though Come on Not really sure why this dude’s on fire at the moment Laughs Foreign I have 15 arrows left let’s say we can get a drop it’s not looking promising All right well level three on Scott on uh ice Walker oh damn it ice Walker slayer at least Combat 10. that’s something about to be out of arrows though yeah we’re out of arrows all right I tried foreign fair enough well I’m uh I’m in a bit of a situation here I don’t entirely know how to progress efficiently so I’m kind of stuck in that sense

I think this guy still just needs normal couple no he needs eight Enchanted like sensibly I should probably upgrade these guys to level seven as soon as possible So let’s do that there we go level seven or no that’s level six well that one’s level seven at least foreign I guess we’ll just keep looting the minions and hoping that this cow minion can do some kind of magic oh this is the chest there we go we finally have enough to

Upgrade the cow menu at least there we go two extra slots so that should be useful and by the time that I have the collection for that I’ll probably have enough leather to make it so that’s good 28 more Redstone to upgrade you are you serious I will mine the Redstone myself if I have to there will you call minion not even close A little curious how that cow got out all right uh can I upgrade the chicken minion yes I can All right that’s as much as I can think to do for today it’s been a fairly productive three hours and seven minutes we’ve actually got minions now so that’s that’s that’s actually going to be huge Jokes Aside 15 more eggs for this so we’re getting there all right um why did I not put storage down for you or you what am I doing with my life made them for a reason you know and out of curiosity there’s like random guests that show up your farm right

So I should probably see if there is one and it looks like we’ve got Jerry and Felix needs hay bale 125 and 69 hay bales I think I got rid of all my hay bales yeah I think I turned them all into compost apparently only gave me one son of a

Okay it’s fine right I made an extra wooden pickaxe earlier didn’t I let’s do this the wrong way and do one row at a time then thank you oh my garden leveled up I didn’t realize that would happen while I was farming here okay cool I guess I’m getting both farming XP and

Garden XP this is going to be super annoying but I’m gonna have to just store the seeds in here I guess so I can probably get enough for both of those uh those NPCs pretty quick right shouldn’t be too terrible I guess oh that one

Okay so we have the recipe for the small Agronomy sack now we just need the items um wait a minute how many hay bales is it God damn it it’s like 16 Enchanted okay that’s gonna be a little while Foreign Full of seeds oh God all right Garden Milestone wheat five whatever that was worth There’s not enough to do anything with Foreign There we go So we’ve finished some things I guess so now if I do this and then configure plots this plot wheat yes then it should start consuming stuff from here right so yeah this is dumb but this is my way of replanting this now I guess hopefully we get enough seeds All right that actually didn’t go as horribly as I thought it would but not only allowed me to farm that much before it was a problem I I guess what I could do in that case I’m really not happy about it but at this point I’m going to pretty much have to

Do that oh but then there’s no fuel because I used up the fuel son of a man this is one of the most frustrating pieces of content I think I’ve ever seen thank you oh well how do I get the enchanted leather faster is really the only question

Because for enchanted leather I need like oh God I really have to go to My Island and put down a second cow minion like there’s no there’s just no way that this is gonna go okay any other way Um do I even I don’t even have enough cow flesh to uh you know what screw it we’ll call it good there that’ll collect a couple hundred over the time that I’m going anyways well I’m gonna call it a day there we’ve got some progress done I guess

I still only have one pet but it’s a level 48 Rock so I’m just doing something catch you next time

This video, titled ‘🔴Hypixel Skyblock HARDCORE Ironman – WHY Did It Have To Be Golden Goblin Slayer?! [Day 4]’, was uploaded by Corklops on 2023-04-19 04:51:24. It has garnered 96 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:21 or 11661 seconds.

I’m live streaming Minecraft’s biggest server, Hypixel Skyblock. I’m starting fresh on a brand new character, so come along and join the ride.

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#live #livestream #gaming #gamingstream #minecraft #minecraftserver #hypixel #hypixelskyblock

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  • PlongieCraft – SMP, Roleplay, PvP, PvE

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  • PlayD

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  • Minecraft Memes – Real Minecraft gamers be like:

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  • Monster Mash-Up: Zoonomaly vs Poppy Playtime in Minecraft Madness!

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  • Spicy Minecraft Shenanigans #youtubeshorts

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

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  • Minecraft Hardcore with Shizo – EPIC Steampunk Adventure!

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  • Mythical SMP: New Update Day | Episode 23

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  • Terrifying Encounter: Paw Patrol House Exe in Minecraft ft. JJ and Mikey – Maizen

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  • EPIC: Minecraft Icon Returns for Ultimate Comeback!

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  • Join SKULLempire for Season 1 SMP Mayhem | Minecraft SMP

    Join SKULLempire for Season 1 SMP Mayhem | Minecraft SMPVideo Information [Music] la oh This video, titled ‘APPLICATION FOR EVIL SMP SEASON 1 | MINECRAFT SMP’, was uploaded by SKULLempire on 2024-01-15 15:17:23. It has garnered 190 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. #loyalsmpapplication #lapatasmp #herobrinesmp I secretly Join Evil SMP smp owner @FireCraft108 Tags (Ignore) #minecraft #ytshorts #viral #funny #montage #lapatasmp #application #loyalsmpapplication #lapatasmps5application #lapataS3 #minecraft #1.19pvp #minecraftanimation #bestpvp #lifestealsmp Copyright Disclaimer 😐 I DON’T OWN THE SONG,ALL CREDITS GOES TO THEIR OWNERS,NO COPYRIGHT INTENDED,IF YOU WANT THE VIDEO REMOVED Read More

  • ULTIMATE CHALLENGE: Surviving 100 days in only Diamond world!!

    ULTIMATE CHALLENGE: Surviving 100 days in only Diamond world!!Video Information डायमंड जिसे पाने के बाद लोगों का सर्वाइवल इजी हो जाता है लेकिन यही डायमंड्स मेरे लिए मुसीबत खड़ी करने वाले हैं क्योंकि मेरा पूरा का पूरा वर्ल्ड ही कन्वर्ट हो चुका है डायमंड ओर में यहां पर हर जगह डायमंड्स तो है लेकिन उनको माइन करने के लिए पिकस नहीं है और हम उसे क्राफ्ट भी नहीं कर सकते क्योंकि ट्रीज भी कन्वर्ट हो चुके हैं डायमंड ओर में और अब आप लोग सोच रहे होंगे कि मैं यहां पर 100 डेज तक सरवाइव कैसे करूंगा खैर वो तो आपको वीडियो में आगे पता चल जाएगा लेकिन… Read More

  • EPIC EXPLOSIONS & TERRIFYING SCARES! MiuVtuber’s DeathLand Extreme EP2

    EPIC EXPLOSIONS & TERRIFYING SCARES! MiuVtuber's DeathLand Extreme EP2Video Information muy buenas A todos aquí en un nuevo episodio aquí en de l extremo digamos de que hemos hecho cositas no No me he puesto a picar porque Bueno si me he puesto a picar un poco lo que viene ser la piedra pero bueno Esto lo tengo puesto asíes por si acaso para que no se me metan bichos aquí tengo tres camas por decoración esto de aquí es lo que os iba a explicar ahora mismo tengo un pozo bien raro en esta aldea es decir el pozo empieza por aquí termina por acá Todo la… Read More

  • Shocking Myths That Will RUIN Minecraft Trust!

    Shocking Myths That Will RUIN Minecraft Trust!Video Information the newest version of Minecraft just released so we’re going to be busting a 100 myth starting with if you land on a breeze you won’t take any fall damage okay well first you got to land on the breeze now we can actually land on this Breeze please all right well that’s busted there are new variations of a wolf including the blood nether variation okay this is legit I’m excited to see this all right we got default wolf okay so now we got to change up the biomes oh look at this guy’s sick looking… Read More

  • Miki129 is ONE HIT away from DEATH in Minecraft Manhunt! #shorts

    Miki129 is ONE HIT away from DEATH in Minecraft Manhunt! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Manhunt, ale MAM PÓŁ SERCA! #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Miki129 on 2024-01-10 14:00:38. It has garnered 4610 views and 233 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Nice watch! 🔥 THE BEST manhunt IN POLAND! 👇 👉 👈 BEST Discord Server TEAM129 CORP. here 👇 👉 👈 ✘ If you would like to know any of the songs used in the film, ask in the comment with the minute and I will try to give you the name of the song 😀 ✘ You can send ARTA’S… Read More

  • ☀️ Shaded SMP, Survival, Lobster Pots, Custom Gear, Weekly Challenges, Skills, Community Events, NO Whitelist, NO Resets, 1.20+, Java+Bedrock.

    ☀️ Shaded SMP, Survival, Lobster Pots, Custom Gear, Weekly Challenges, Skills, Community Events, NO Whitelist, NO Resets, 1.20+, Java+Bedrock.Server IP: Discord: Join our Discord Hello, fellow Minecrafters! Looking for a new SMP survival server with a friendly community? Check out Shaded! Features include land claiming, custom gear, skills, economy, free ranks, quests, and much more! Join today: Follow us on: Discord: Shaded Discord Twitter: Shaded Twitter Vote: Vote for us We hope to see you soon on Shaded! <3 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: Had to do it!

    “Looks like that player really took ‘fall damage’ to a whole new level in Guild Wars 2!” Read More

  • Piglins Overrun: Cube Xuan’s Wild Adventure!

    Piglins Overrun: Cube Xuan's Wild Adventure! In the world of Minecraft, Piglins invade, The main world’s peace, now in peril, swayed. I, Fangkuaixuan, the creator of fun, Crafting animations, laughter for everyone. Join me in battles, in campaigns we’ll delve, Protecting villages, from Piglins, we’ll repel. Summoning golems, with flags held high, Marching together, to the Piglins’ cry. But the danger’s not over, a new signal’s sent, Darkness descends, a new challenge is meant. Building defenses, walls, and towers tall, To stop the Piglins’ invasion, once and for all. But wait, the Piglin leader calls for more, The world in darkness, danger at the core…. Read More

  • When will this end?! #minecraft #lol

    When will this end?! #minecraft #lol When you’ve been playing Minecraft for so long that even the Ender Dragon is asking when it’s going to end! #minecraftproblems #gamerlife 😂🎮 Read More

  • Join Minewind: Build Your Ultimate Base in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Build Your Ultimate Base in Minecraft! Looking for a new Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! Are you a fan of survival gameplay like Mommy-san in her Minecraft let’s play series? Do you enjoy building bases, exploring new worlds, and taking on challenges? Then Minewind is the perfect server for you! With a vibrant community of players, Minewind offers a unique and exciting Minecraft experience. From building houses and creating useful devices to taking on bosses and exploring new terrains, there is always something fun to do on Minewind. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your adventure in the world of… Read More

  • Boost FPS in Minecraft with These Settings!

    Boost FPS in Minecraft with These Settings! Minecraft FPS Boost: Optimizing Your Settings Are you looking to increase your FPS in Minecraft? Look no further! In this short guide, we will explore 6 methods to help you boost your FPS and enhance your gaming experience. 1. Graphics Settings Start by adjusting your graphics settings to improve performance. Turn off clouds, set graphics to fast, minimize particles, disable object shadows, lower object render distance, and consider adjusting shimmer settings for an extra boost. 2. View and Simulation Distance Reducing your view and simulation distance can have a significant impact on your FPS. If the default settings are… Read More

Corklops – 🔴Hypixel Skyblock HARDCORE Ironman – WHY Did It Have To Be Golden Goblin Slayer?! [Day 4]