Corklops – Insane Ironman Adventures?! 😱 (Profile Delete Risk)

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How’s it going polar odd to see you on a Minecraft stream in the middle of the bloody night oh a little confused there for a sec let’s try that again so uh I guess I gotta start with this yeah well tell me about it you notice I’m streaming it so

Kind of in the same boat this is gonna get really annoying when I have like 20 of these bloody minions at a time like I might just refuse to put down any more of them until I get the compactor going what have you been playing lately

Okay that didn’t even uh wait what the hell is an Ender bow uh oh it shoots an ender pearl upon Landing you deal damage to all monsters for ten percent of their health with a 45 second cooldown goddamn that’d be kind of useless yeah somebody the other day asked me if

I’d be willing to play OverWatch because apparently it’s free now I don’t even want to play it even if it’s free OverWatch has too many brain dead players though well Tell Me Something I Don’t Know foreign yeah fair enough so get a little over a stack of Enchanted from that oh

Medium mining sack decent is it bad that I kind of want to just come on here stream for 10 minutes check my minions empty out the Redstone minions and then go back to bed I’ll never understand why they made it so damn difficult to get the personal compactor

Like I get it it’s a super useful item and as a result of that you know maybe it should be kind of difficult to get so you can appreciate it but just ugh to rain anything interesting in that game and what OverWatch we’re in this yeah I’ll give you that

Something to do though I mean what else am I gonna play I mean you saw what uh what happened on the Discord today right people want me to play bloody Fortnight still even after that just situation so it could be worse I will do no such thing gt101 and you can’t make me

Enjoy the inside of this person’s skin oh wait is it season of the Jerry right now it is well isn’t that interesting still gonna go to the Dwarven mine though so is it like a meme or do you just have brain damage gg101 because I’ve told you

That the yeti pet is from ice fishing like 60 times so far and I’ve also told you that I won’t ice fish until I’ve got a Saving Grace and we are like a month of playing this daily away from getting a Saving Grace basically so I’m just not really sure why you keep

Bringing it up it’s not even a good pet used to be a good pet but then the strength Nerf happened and now it’s just kind of mediocre well that would explain a lot but uh what do you do I guess welcome back Logan so so today I think at some point like

12 plus hours from now they’re going to be announcing the uh do I have an emissary here I do they’re going to be announcing the um the next Fall Guys stuff and supposedly they’re going to be announcing like officially announcing this time the level editor so

There’s a chance that I play some fall guys soon there’s a much higher likelihood that I play at once realize they’ve managed to screw something up with the level editor and then just go back to not playing it ever again either way it’s something so let’s see if we get screwed on this

One 2X mithril powder collector so that’s not great but it technically could be worse and the other commission that I’ve got is just general all-purpose mithril Miner so as well just mine the gray yeah I’ve um I’ve thought about playing shooter games on stream a little bit polar but

I just don’t find them that interesting the only one I don’t really mind is paladins and it’s mostly just because of the just got awful imbalance of the different characters like if you play this guy he had the option to go invisible your right click attack shoots out three bolts and if you

Hit all three of them you do I think it’s like a third of the enemy’s HP maybe it’s 25 I can’t remember as guaranteed damage so like if you sneak up on a tank you just go invisible sneak up on a tank right click and they’re gonna lose a quarter of their

Health no matter what but then on top of that you can take cards so that if you hit anything with your right click ability you can get up to like three seconds or so of being able to shoot without consuming ammo so you essentially can right click start shooting continue shooting go through

The full like three second buff get through like half of your ammo and then by that time you probably have the right click cool on like ready to go again you can right click again and then just start blasting like it’s it’s kind of goofy and then if you need

To get away you’ve got not only a hit F to go invisible and gain movement speed you can also hit q and throw a smoke grenade down at the ground that makes you invisible as long as you’re in it for a few seconds

Like as soon as you dip a toe in it you stay invisible for I think two seconds and that just feels super broken because the only way to see sky is if you take the illuminate card and most people don’t take illuminate so it ends up just being free kills

And as fun as that is it gets a little bit Goofy another another good example of a kind of broken character if you’re using them right as drogos you can like spit this big Fireball at people and if you hit them with the fireball then I think they take like increased

Damage for a little while or something it doesn’t it’s not really important but what you can do is if you can manage to shoot the fireball then that explodes in an AOE but then if you can use the uh the rocket Salvo thing then you load all six

Of your Rockets into your rocket launcher at once so the meta is to basically spit the giant Fireball on people shoot the Salvo have one of the six hits blow up the fireball to do like 900 damage and then take the card that makes it so

That direct hits do 25 more damage and if you hit with even like four of the other five rockets it’s pretty much a guaranteed kill sounds like the devs gave up on paladins I mean they still release a new Champion now and then occasionally a new map comes out I

Wouldn’t say that they’ve given up on it but they’ve they haven’t put a whole lot of of Dev time into it let’s put it that way in the last like year and a half and a lot of the things they have done I kind of disagree with like cauterize for example

It’s a game where you take four cards or up to four cards while you’re playing and one of them was called cauterize and what cauterize would do as you would take it it would do I think it was uh it was either I think it was 30 per

Level up to level three so up to ninety percent if you hit an enemy with any of your attacks and dealt damage to them while you had the cauterize card then their healing would be mitigated by the percent of the level your cauterized cards so level three would be ninety percent

So if you have a character with 2500 HP and saris goes to heal them for like 2 000 Health but you’re shooting them and you have cauterize then yeah that’s not going to really help them too much they’re going to heal for like 200 while you’re doing like 1100 DPS

And it’s not going to really do anything so before if you just didn’t take cauterize then if the enemy team had good healing it kind of was a problem goddamn no one’s in this game um but now the way that it works is everyone gets caught a rise and it

Scales up very quickly over time so you start out with I think like 20 or 30 percent at the start of the round or something like that and uh maybe five minutes in it ends up being like 85 90 percent it’s just kind of dumb because if you’re

Playing a Healer it’s just you’re okay at healing for the first five minutes of the match and then you just garbage so if you can’t convert yourself into a DPS then you’re just he was done I mean he’s he’s a nun rank he’s wearing glazeight I think he’s a bingo profile maybe I

Don’t even know there’s a ton of bingo profiles he’s not even he’s not even a an Iron Man so there’s literally no excuse for him to be chasing around all the titanium that I spawn there’s not really a lot of good DPS builds for healers like some of them are okay

The problem is a lot of the cards are set up for healers to be able to be a sustained healer for the whole match but now you can’t do that I used to really like playing a Healer called Sarris and the way that Sarah’s healing works you would right click on

Somebody that you had line of sight please don’t give me a crappy commission I promise titanium that’s okay you would right click on somebody that you had line of sight on and it would like tether a heel onto them and then that heel would heal them over time

For about two and a half seconds and give a really powerful heal to them you could take a card that would like there were sort of like ultimate cards that you could take at the very start there were three per champion and you could take a card that would make saris

Heal from like three times as far away and have their healing tick rate go faster used to be really fun because I would take that card I would take as much movement speed as I could possibly get my hands on and you had this character that was really kighty really flighty

Really good at like pocket healing you could heal from a large distance away and then you just kind of couldn’t anymore it just kind of sucked I don’t really know why they had to do that to saris uh damage Saras is interesting at best it’s not great but because your attack is these

Giant like orbs that you love but people they’re pretty easily avoided from a distance and the only really viable damage Sarah’s build is one where when you hit an enemy with an Orab you stack a debuff on them up to four I think as the maximum

That stays for a few seconds and if you hit Q well you’ve got some stacks on somebody then you blow up the stacks you heal a little bit they take a little bit of extra damage it’s okay but the main point of it is if you can

Do that 15 times then like the first each of the first 15 that you blow up give you a I think a health and a damage boost which basically makes it so that you end up way tankier you’re dealing decent damage the problem is that build kind of still

Sucks you still don’t do anywhere near as much damage as just taking a normal damage champion okay and the other build for saris allows you to get a stun on people if you can get four stacks and detonate you get a stun which is usually way better for utility

Because if your healing utility sucks you might as well be able to paralyze people for a second or two now and then but if you don’t have people to capitalize on it when you actually manage it then you just die a second or two later when they stand back up so

I don’t really like playing most of the other healers I think Ying might be okay for damage now uh there’s one where you are like this weird little fox girl thing and have like a summonable dog thing that like does stuff I don’t know it’s just dumb

It basically made it so that you’re better off taking a team that has two tanks than a team that has one tank and one Healer which just seems weird it’s not a meta that I enjoy so I kind of stopped playing paladins for the most part

I mean I thought it was pretty good for a long time to a point where it kept me playing for a long time and I enjoyed it a lot but the whole cauterize over time I think was just a mistake a lot of people say oh well you know

Some matches would go on basically forever if you didn’t if you know neither team took cauterize and blah blah blah and it’s like then you should have taken cauterize that’s why it’s an optional card if you’re playing two teams that are so bad that neither one of them realizes

That there’s two healers on both sides yeah it’s gonna be a long match if you don’t take cauterize or if you don’t work together and actually burn down the healers before they couldn’t you know be effective but it just kind of took all that choice and skill and

Diversity and just slapped cauterize on everyone and made healers crap but I don’t know maybe maybe some people like it two more titanium and we’re done with this Commission it’s funny I was thinking about six hours ago hey there’s this thing that I can do on this character while I’m trying to

Wait out my Redstone minions and for the life of me I cannot remember what the hell it was really bugging me too there was something I guess it doesn’t matter I can go to the season of the Jerry and just do a whole bunch of gifts mining

Hey polar have you seen the uh the just wonderful content that they added at the season of the Jerry or whatever they’re calling it The you know Christmas event you might remember that there was that like under the mountain area that they had locked off ever since the game had started

And one of the devs actually came out and saying yeah we just kind of forgot to put that into the game whoops yeah they did you did you see what they did with that and have you seen that content I’ll be going there once I finish the commission after this one

Anyway so if you’re still around you’ll see it oh you’ll love this it’s very rewarding very enjoyable piece of content that everyone should love to do [Applause] see you later Gigi yeah it sounds about right I’m gonna be honest I thought more would be different when I came back to the

Game and they just really haven’t really done a lot you know the only big update since I left was the farming update and I mean the Crimson aisle update just seemed like it was a nothing update like I I feel like it shouldn’t have been a nothing update I feel like it

Should have added a lot but it just kind of seemed like a nothing update to me one of the big things that it added was um more equipment slots but those equipment slots uh oh I just realized that I’m listening to the audio of this music and you can’t even

Hear it well I’ll force it upon you there you go oops anyway what the hell was I talking about the uh the Crimson oil update added equipment slots four more of them and you would think okay let me put it this way assuming that you don’t know how to get to them right

Where the hell are the equipment slots because if I just hit e they’re not here they got this useless crafting window that breaks items when you craft things with it it’s not there you wanna you wanna see where they hid this BS I’ll show you where they hit

This BS and nine seconds when I’m done with this titanium if I can even remember so you go to the Sky Block menu and then you Mouse over your profile and then you click and then there’s four more sockets here that you can put items in

Why is there even an equipment list here I don’t even know what else is here I’ve got miscellaneous stats I can see my speed which I can also show on Tab uh Magic find petlock literally doesn’t matter sea creature chance not sure why that would be here remember how all of these used to be in one Mouse over

That you could then click on and have them in a great big list yeah not anymore they broke them up so now you got like mining speed Fortune farming Fortune foraging fortune and braking power for some reason here you got your combat stats here I don’t

Even know what the hell mending is to be perfectly honest I can click for details though let’s see oh my outgoing healing I don’t even know if I can modify that all right it’s like they added like four layers to a menu that worked perfectly fine with one baffling

While I’m waiting around uh do you know what is you heard of that streaming site never heard of it uh do you ever use Twitch TV I’ll give you the I’ll give you the basic rundown of it so twitch kinda got in some [ __ ] because train wrecks and a couple other

People were streaming a lot of gambling now it wasn’t so much that they were streaming gambling it’s that a lot of the websites that were being advertised on Twitch or through twitch streamers were websites that you either could sign up for gamble on and would

Never actually be able to cash out of or they were websites that weren’t being hosted through the us or through like a reputable country or whatever and there was a lot of like put in money gamble win never get your money back out or a lot of people that were pulling a Hell

In Lovejoy and saying just think of the children because a lot of huge streamers were maybe not advocating gambling but inadvertently advertising gambling to Children which I don’t really get what the issue is as someone who’s played video games for most of my life I’ve just been around

Lots of different types of gambling like this loot boxes and all that kind of crap are obviously gambling but everyone freaked out and started saying what you think of the children and and uh and kind of lost their minds about it a little bit so I don’t really know the details as to

Why but train wrecks decided that he was going to make a twitch competitor out of the blue after saying something about how a stake had paid him like literally hundreds of millions of dollars to advertise steak on Twitch they just decided hey we’re just going to create a Twitch competitor called Kik So it is extremely strange I spent about three hours tonight in a in a Discord call is this same guy just walking around mining titanium does he not even know that there’s no purpose to unwinding this he’s literally just running around like a fool mining titanium instead of mining mithril to spawn it

There’s no helping some people anyway There’s some very strange content on there um adamant wolf and I were able to see everything from a woman rubbing lotion on her on her ass cheeks for the low low price of 35 from the chat uh to just a full-on foursome with three girls and a guy uh

Don’t think that was supposed to be on there someone was restreaming um some sort of Monday night wrestling event it’s basically just really wacky like anything you can imagine pretty much gets streamed on there it seems like how you doing water so the other night I decided you know it’d be fun

Let’s see how far we can push the envelope with some real weird stuff on that site so I decided to stream on there and um just banned within 45 minutes oh I shouldn’t have done that I’m in the goblin area aren’t I um I was banned within 45 minutes no I didn’t ping

Discord it’s the middle of the goddamn night what are you crazy All right why is there a goblin here whoa whoa lag okay leaving As you should water anyway the strangest thing of the whole thing is that I wasn’t banned for the content I was creating I was banned supposedly by an automated system for being in the wrong section which I wasn’t at all so here’s the greatest thing of all

Right I’ve never seen a website with worse support than this one of the big reasons that they wanted to create a Twitch competitor was that twitch is notorious for Banning people but not telling them why or you know just general just not being communicative at all about what the hell

Is going on on their platform and whatever else right I think I need 20 of these to for this to count right I don’t remember what the exact situation is I don’t want to accidentally get killed by this so I’m just gonna anyway so I got banned off of kick within less

Than an hour of streaming on there supposedly for being in the wrong section and it says that it’s a two-day ban now this is where things go a little bit strange the email that I got said that I’d been banned for two days okay fine and it said from two days starting now

But the time stamp Was for 100 hours after the ban which is four days and four hours 96 hours and four days plus four this is already really strange right there’s already a little bit a little bit odd to me because it clearly says it’s a two-day ban so I’m like okay I

Don’t care about this website I just want to see what happens when I appeal this so of course I feel it I get a response within 15 minutes The response that I get tells me that I’ve been banned for 72 hours and that they can’t do anything about it now I asked for clarification as to why I was banned because I was clearly not in the wrong section and it seemed very strange to me that I

Got Ben but they then accused me of hate speech they said that the reason in my like to be clear I got an email it said that I was in the wrong section I challenged it I got a response back saying that it was now a 72-hour ban not a 48 hour ban even though the original email also cited 100 hours for hate speech and being in the wrong section But I didn’t do any of that and it was apparently an automated band so I’m sitting here like what the hell does any of this mean like it can’t be this bad the site it’s a joke of a sight anyway but like it literally can’t be this bad right

So I go back and forth I had nothing to do the other night so I go back and forth for three hours and keep sending message after message in replies like 10 15 20 minutes apart so three messages in the guy tries to tell me that my band has always been 72 hours

So I sent him a screenshot of the original email how you doing Mr Neptune or maybe I copy pasted it I can’t remember but I send them the direct text of the original email and tell him this email says that it’s two days it cites a timestamp that would be four

Days and four hours and you’re telling me it’s three days so I’m here in three different numbers from you guys you’ve clearly made an error because I haven’t even done the stuff that I’ve been banned for so he keeps trying to say that he can’t

Undo it no it’s a temporary blah blah so I give him the like the full-on Karen like let me speak to your manager and tell him this needs to be escalated to somebody above you because clearly there’s been an issue I didn’t do anything wrong there are three distinct

Different amounts of time that you’re telling me I’ll be banned for and all of them should be zero because WTF so an hour later I get another message now it shows the name of the person that’s responding to me on each of these messages and I’ve gone through two different

Support agents at this point and when I tell them like now you you should escalate this to your your boss your manager your upper management whatever you got because you guys messed this up the final message I get from a third different person says hey you’ve been

Unbanned we’re sorry it was a mistake on our part no goddamn duh I’m not dumb enough to go on Kick and start like saying a bunch of racist [ __ ] or whatever hate speech would be considered now granted I streamed some very questionable content I did read their Community guidelines

And I don’t believe I violated any of it but man what a just disaster of a website I’d say probably about 20 of the buttons on the website either don’t work are implemented wrong or take you to a place that you wouldn’t expect them to a lot

Of menus are nested or hidden behind other stuff and it is very very very clearly just a rip of twitch’s website from maybe about three years ago with all the purple elements turn green and that’s it that’s the whole site most of the streams that I saw on that

On that website were miscategorized as well which is very strange that I was in the right category for my content and got banned for being in the wrong category apparently by an automated system no less which I don’t know how it would know what category people are in very strange

But like they have a they have a just sleeping section same as twitch does I didn’t see a single person I I went through all the streams just out of curiosity there wasn’t a single person in there sleeping Um the hot tubs pools and bikinis section most people were not in a hot tub most people were not in a pool maybe one in ten people were actually in bikinis seemed very strange to me Most of it though was just like people just genuinely in the wrong section they’d be in like the fortnite section with like fall guys on their screen or something or a very odd one old school RuneScape actually has a somewhat thriving kick Community which very strange very strange to me

There’s a streamer named Oda block who I don’t understand why he streams on Kick but was getting like 3 300 viewers well he was live on there oh don’t you do this to me it’s gonna reboot in one minute if I can finish my commission and turn it in wouldn’t that be nice

94 I might be able to do it Water I I don’t mean this as like a like a personal attack on you or anything like that but I hope that they delete the stock of stonks doesn’t that say right on it that that’s like something that might happen they might just suddenly delete it one day without any warning All right we’re done that’s my four commissions today teleport me out game Also uh water just um on the note of that person that you initialized shall we say have you heard the most recent drama to do with uh false copyright strikes that’s going to cause him to probably be sued into poverty Oh a lot more than some and a lot of the creators that he sent them to are people that are going to be fighting back against it but more than that there’s a Creator named Hassan who Ed I might be wrong about this I’m out of misheard but from

The best of my understanding which is limited I think he said that he was going to um pay all legal fees to anyone that wants to sue him that was wrongfully copyright striked by him which is a lot of people right now like class action lawsuit kind of tier Trouble here where the hell is my compass did I put this on my Island why would I put this on my Island I’m actually fairly sure I did there’s enough of it going around right now that there’s a reasonable chance that as I say he’ll be literally sued into poverty at this stage

And I don’t think anyone would be upset about that [Applause] yeah I know literally nothing about Hassan I don’t watch his content I thought I you know I mistook him for I got confused because there was like a twitch Hassan for a while that was like part of their management or their their

Company and I I guess that’s not who hasanabi or Hassan Hassan ABI whatever his name is I guess they’re different people I mean sometimes I’ll do the same thing look there you go enjoy the video while I walk away I mean you know just being just being technical here And I I kind of more over blame twitch meta for that and a lot of that specifically is people like um xqc reacting to the entirety of MasterChef from episode one to the end of this last season I I’m gonna bite my tongue a little bit on that one actually I was gonna say I don’t think that fair use should Encompass react content the way that it does I think the majority of react content is just theft and is mostly perpetrated by people that are either too stupid or too

Lazy to be able to come up with their own content and I honestly kind of wish companies would start cracking down on it more than what they already have like let me put it like this right I’ll use x as an example he’s a literal tens

Of millions there I don’t know what his actual net worth is but it’s it’s got to be in the tens of millions at this point the man does not need to be watching somebody else’s content without paying for it and granted Gordon Ramsay’s got money too or whoever owns the rights to that

Definitely would have a lot of money as well but like you know it just it just hits me kind of wrong what a literal millionaire has to steal content from someone else because he’s too lazy to make up his own something about that rubs me the wrong way can’t imagine what

Crap uh can I go around this way maybe okay is this in the building or on the building I honestly can’t tell Yeah cgp has um has lost a lot of Traction as a result of that are you familiar with the legal eagle and Illuminati uh drama that’s also ongoing See the funny thing is internet anarchists the person that um was in that video of uh what’s his name there like wheezing and making all kinds of gross noises and celebrating having illegally copyright strike somebody and I’ve actually talked to him in a Discord that I that I’m in for like

Video editing and stuff before he seems like a nice guy it’s a bit funny to me that that was who he chose because he has nothing to do with the sun uh so the Illuminati situation is an interesting one I’m gonna probably get some of this wrong I might paraphrase a little bit

But uh from what I understand one of Illuminati’s editors because she doesn’t make the content herself most people don’t make all of their content themselves but one of her editors asked um or no sorry one of CG uh one of one of Legal Eagles editors sorry I got that

All wrong asked one of her editors how they did a particular effect and if they wouldn’t mind sort of sharing resources or or communicating with oh it was right there communicating with them how they did that which is a common thing like video editing it’s you know people share resources they share

Plugins they make plugins for each other it’s it’s a communal type of uh type of activity in a lot of ways so I guess Legal Eagles editor asked how they had done an effect and had gotten basically shot on by their uh their The Illuminati’s Discord so he just went ahead and made the effect himself she then went on some kind of a Twitter tirade trying to accuse Legal Eagles

Team of stealing her ideas and her work and her editing style and stuff Of all the people that you don’t accuse of theft it’s generally the biggest lawyer on the platform you know what I mean but that aside she absolutely was in the wrong because what she was saying was like stolen artistic whatever I don’t really know how to explain this

Without you like seeing it right but if you’ve watched legal eagle before you might have seen that he has an effect where it’s like we use this to demonstrate together paper towel here so it’s an effect where there’s like a piece of paper up and like

The piece of paper is at the top and there’s like ripped paper like this and then like a solid color in behind it you know what I mean to like add artificial depth and she tried she tried to pretend like she came up with that or her editors made that or something

He’s been using that for two years longer than her channel has existed you know why it’s a stock plug-in from Adobe that does it the other one that she was going after him about was okay so imagine you’ve got a yellow highlighter and you just take that highlighter and

Run it along some text on a page now imagine that effect but your hand and the highlighter itself are invisible but it like highlights the text that’s the sort of effect that she had in one of her videos that he also had in one of his videos that she tried to say was

Like hers or something like that like tried to imply was stolen from her editing Style It’s like neither one of them came up with that that shit’s been around forever and it was just almost insulting to actually read that she was even concerned about it so yeah there’s there’s a whole bunch of drama there she deleted a bunch of tweets and

Legal eagle had to like respond to it and you know there’s a whole there’s a whole world of drama there if you want to go after it good fun read what I find the most entertaining is the Discord server that I’m in that also has internet anarchist also was talking about that situation

Like about 36 to 48 hours before I saw any like react YouTubers making videos on it so it’s been kind of weird to be early I guess to some of this stuff Anyway two more gifts and then I’m going to show you the best content that Skyblocks ever made puller oh it was right there on the ground okay no right there all right there’s all 20. it’s just mind-blowing to me how much drama YouTubers create for themselves sometimes and for no reason to So Paul are you still here you got nothing else to do with this hour I know you don’t so you must be so you see how I got 20 white gifts one green gift and presumably that’s it that’s all that I would be able to get as an Iron Man at this stage

Because I mean I can’t really do the you know the snow enemy fighting event whatever the hell it is that won’t be for like several hours anyway so they opened up the underside of uh of this mountain here where it used to have like operation something I can’t remember what it said

There was like penguins that you could see yeah so you can go inside of here now and you notice that there’s a lot of uh of ice and in some of the areas of the ice there’s some crap stuck in the ice well this whole piece of content is basically

Just running around and finding crap stuck in the ice and mine again Yeah I really don’t know the details of the cgp gray one so I’m not honestly sure if he was in the right or not about copyright striking people I don’t know if people are just mad because he did it or what I think this is one of the items that I’m

Specifically looking for yeah it is so you see how I get a glacial fragment oh and also sometimes you just have to stand there doing this for a while to be able to get the item because it just doesn’t work right um anyway glacial fragment you can use it to upgrade a glacial

Talisman which comes from you guessed it mining the goddamn walls which I’ve already got which becomes a glacial ring which I think maybe can be upgraded again they also changed it so that instead of it being intuitive and making sense now percent XP boosts are wisdom even though wisdom is already a

Step that gives the amount up so 10 mining wisdom is just plus 10 mining XP but it only works on the Jerry’s workshop and this is the only thing you can mine here and uh these are half an XP a piece so it literally is nothing

And as you saw there I found two in a row because one respawned where I was mining now the other thing that you can use this to make oh apparently it does go up to an artifact for 15 percent um you know how there’s a frozen Scythe well now there’s a glacial scythe

Which also creates an explosion of three blocks dealing the same damage as the normal attack well that’s the thing water if somebody steals from you they have warned them that you might do something you know negative against them or do you just do it they could have asked him if they could

Have reacted to his content and essentially stolen it one could make that argument I really don’t know the whole totality of the situation though oh yeah this is what I meant about sometimes it just doesn’t work there we go we got the ice bait don’t know why Um also sometimes things just stop respawning so either have to go into another Lobby or you just have to run around smashing all of the ice until it like resets the spawn points so yeah this is this is good good fun time happy day great content here huh good stuff

Oh did I mention that uh for these glacial fragments whoops let’s see what do you need 5 10 15 20 for the glacial ring and then another 40 for the glacial artifact and then another 40 for the glacial Scythe so you’re doing this until you have 80 of these things Thank you well Dax you say that but that has not been my experience I’ll try to replicate it you can see that this is okay that didn’t cause it I’ll wait until it actually happens and then commentate on it but I’ve had it happen where I’m just standing there like doing this

For a while and it just doesn’t want to give me the item I don’t know if it’s because I’m on 1.8.9 or what but I also the last time I did this found out that if you don’t break some of the extra ice that doesn’t have stuff in it then eventually you’re going to end up in a situation where there just aren’t any items spawned

You’re not supposed to mind the packed ice well you’re not supposed to make content that bores the crap out of me but Skyblocks it’s doing it I don’t know what to tell you But yeah I’m not a huge fan that this content exists in the first place but because I know I’m going to need 80 of these glacial fragments which so far we’ve gotten one of uh why is my hunter’s knife way the hell over here what what is happening I can’t

Even move it back to my inventory that was weird Uh I should have a bunch of these somewhere yeah so I’ve got 30 so far we’ll call it 31. which means I need another 49 of these before I can just not have to do this content again And they’re not really rare but they’re kind of rare so we’re gonna be here a while I would estimate maybe 10 per hour on a positive note as an Iron Man they do give me white Gifts Green gifts and rarely red gifts and it does give me an

Opportunity to get a whole bunch of ice um because it can drop Enchanted ice the first one that I broke gave me level seven I think in ice collection which is a little bit nuts uh might have been level six I don’t know I’m level seven right now and almost level eight

See you later puller thanks for stopping by see I’m not uh not not seeing anything spawned at the moment oh foreign Given that okay I just saw that spawn given that we’re just kind of here now I guess we’re just gonna stay here until I’ve got all of the uh all the fragments that I need eh But I’m not seeing anything anywhere at this point so I’m a little confused I think this might actually be one of those situations where I have to just do this oh saw one hey glacial fragment we are technically getting there Seeing a lot of bingo profiles is it the uh I guess it’s technically about the first of the month isn’t it foreign I think the best bet here is just to find a new instance because the last time I did this people told me that if you just keep running around smashing all the ice everywhere then eventually it’ll sort of like start to reset the spawn points but I don’t see that happening right now

So I’m just going to warp it back in Most of the time water That confused me I just say that in the chat and thought that it was about to uh initiate the event that isn’t going to happen until like way down here we’re only on the seventh of the in-game day end game month right now so that confused me I wonder if efficient liner works here probably doesn’t I just be a little bit too useful speaking of got to be getting real close right oof 534 X pay away Okay I can see the item come on why are you gonna do me like that I feel like there’s still something there no okay Well [Applause] gonna be a long long rhymes you know what I’ve never actually bothered to do was craft an ice minion now that I think about it Probably level it up pretty far But I’m reasonably sure I don’t have any wood do I uh technically I have Enchanted wood but I don’t know if that’ll let me craft sticks and stuff out of it And to be honest I don’t really want to waste it Time for fine glace light pants I did not okay I’ll add that to my list of things that I still need to do See I kind of wonder if there’s just an area that I’m skipping by accident where all of the stuff has now spawned because it just feels like there’s less and less that spawns over time Maybe it’s my fault you know maybe maybe I’m just dumb maybe I’m just missing it Thank you So at this point it really just feels like I’m supposed to leave the instance and come back foreign other glacial Talisman red GIF not bad be nice to get a million coins out of that actually be really nice to the Snowman pack comes from Red gifts doesn’t it

Right yeah I don’t think there’s a slash command for this I’m not even sure Pretty sure the Snowman pack comes from this from Red gifts I mean God I only have two glacial fragments after that oh I have three never mind still terrible but I guess one better I can get at least 40 of them then at least that way if I were to get the glacial Scythe or the ice Scythe or whatever it is frozen scythe But I could go for the glacial scythe oh Maybe a pretty good weapon to go for Oh it actually UPS the Mana cost and realize that kind of sucks Hmm I guess it doesn’t really matter because I’m still gonna need 64. hunks of blue ice before I’m gonna have any actual ability to craft that Oh come on I wonder what Minecraft would be like in VR Hahaha Now we’re up to 35 so far foreign that I’ll need oh 36 hey there we go just needed to get a little bit pessimistic 37 . and I saw something in there I guess not I’ve already forgotten what Chum does What’s up Red Gods Oh not much still didn’t realize it was going to be the season of the Jerry or whatever this place is called I always call It season of the Gerry and I never remember that it’s called Jerry’s Workshop but uh just trying to collect a few glacial fragments while I can

What game is it this is technically Minecraft it is my character for the sake of it it is probably one of the biggest public Minecraft servers that I’m playing on right now it’s the Hypixel server cluster and if you’re unfamiliar with Hypixel they have a game mode called Skyblock

That I’m playing right now and it kind of acts like an MMORPG in Minecraft you’ve got uh different levels and Collections and stuff I’ve got farming mining combat foraging fishing enchanting Alchemy and a couple other things each of the things have their own sets of collection like for example under mining

Cobblestone has 10 levels of collection that you can get that each give you different items or at least give you the ability to craft different things like uh hyper furnace lets you smelt or do whatever you’re gonna do with the furnace a full stack of items

And one game tick instead of waiting for them to go through one by one or you know lots of lots of neat stuff for right now I’m just having the annoying experience of trying to get a very particular item and because it only is accessible during

The season of the Jerry event which is happening right now a few It’s not going to hurt my feelings to be able to use a few of these gifts as well there’s another one glacial fragment so yeah admittedly this is probably some of the more boring content this server has to offer just gotta find these holes in the walls and

Defeated what the hell does that mean chat what is a rain Drake where is it and where is its loot what in the good God damn just happened I’ll follow this guys if he knows where he’s going foreign it’s literally a fishing Ender Dragon I think I’ll go back in the cave now How you doing What’s cool as that sounds that sounds like something that would probably kill me so Ike will just avoid that eh thank you wouldn’t want that death count to turn into a one how is he so fast I’m using a rogue sword that gives me a hundred

Speed for 30 seconds and a lot of the time that I’m moving around I’m holding on to a hunter’s knife that gives me another 40 speed on top of that three quarters of my armor is glaceight and it’s all reforged to Pure so each of these is another 11.

So I can get up to 295 speed currently so I can uh you know kind of Zoom around pretty good oh another glacial fragment nice Technically the highest speed you can get to on the server is actually I don’t know if it’s 500 or 600. the highest base speed you can get to is 400 but there’s a in-game pet called the black cat that increases your maximum speed cap by 100 and on top of that there’s also

There’s also an armor set called young dragon which does the same thing but I don’t know if you can stack the two of them can you get to 600 okay so you can get to to 600 but it is more of a display thing at 600 it really

Only affects it up to 500 that makes sense if you think that’s fast wait until I get an aspect to the end I can literally teleport once I get one of those if we get that far how many of these have we got now Okay we’re up to 39 that’s you know we’re getting there you can’t give Iron Man or Bingo’s get what you can’t give Iron Man’s or Bingo’s gifts anymore what the hell are you talking about water you could give Iron Man gifts I didn’t know you could give Iron Man gifts or Bingo accounts gifts as long as I can give mine to other people then we’re all set you were able to for four months why did they enable that if they were just going to disable it or did they

Enable it by accident like they do with most things on this server hey there we go we’re up to 40 of these now nice I mean I need 80 but being halfway is always good But no like legitimate question was that enabled by accident or did they just decide that it was a bad choice and take it away Happened with the December update weird you’re the second person to ask me in the last five minutes what I’m playing and I’m very confused about that because unless I tagged My Stream wrong it should list that this is Minecraft yeah it says game Minecraft If you’re curious about what server I’m playing on this is the Hypixel server on the SkyBlock game mode Or if you’re more curious about just what in the good God damn I’m doing right now the way that Skyblock works is it um it kind of works off at like 20 minutes as a Minecraft day that’s just normal Minecraft things but this one has a calendar

And that calendar has years and days and all this kind of stuff so way the hell back here on day one of of this year year 275 in the game would have been all the way back there so there’s stuff like traveling Zoo events um when it gets into October there’s a

Halloween event for three in-game days and then another traveling Zoo there and right now it is the last month of the calendar year so this is the Jerry’s Workshop area so it’s pretty much the um like the winter slash Christmas event I love playing Skyblock so if you’re if

You’re more familiar with like Skyblock the mod pack that’s kind of what this server started out as but I would say that this functions a lot more like an MMORPG in Minecraft there’s an economy there’s there’s skills there’s collections there’s all kinds of stuff see you later Koi Koi

45 million collection melons nice play stranded you want to talk about a waste of time holy crap but yeah that is probably closer to Skyblock and it’s um intended purpose intended form anyway did they ever fix lava fishing on standard on standard unstranded I think that was actually what made me decide not to come back to it was the fact that the um the Crimson update completely bricked lava fishing on stranded foreign they added it a month ago so it was broken for what like 8 to 12 months Typical Skyblock I wonder if it’s worth it to go to My Island and grab a little bit of wood and craft an ice minion probably should eh like I will it wasn’t broken it wasn’t a feature [ __ ] it was absolutely a feature so before the Crimson came out you could

Fish in lava with a normal fishing rod because when the Crimson came out that was what added lava fishing rods I’ve even got a guide up on lava fishing from before then and lava fishing on stranded worked perfectly fine but then the Crimson update made it so that you

Couldn’t have a fish anymore because your normal fishing rod just didn’t work in lava anymore but it did for like four to six months before then so it’s uh it 100 was a a feature it it worked and then they broke it there was also a way to kind of like

Cast into water and lava at the same time and have it sort of float into one side and then still catch lava creatures but I mean that was just kind of Jank so this no this is packed Ice uh oh do I actually have ice like normal ice

Or do I only have packed ice Hmm this is a problem can I turn packed ice into normal ice don’t think I can uh okay so it looks like I’m probably going to have to silk touch kind of glad I noticed this also going to throw away all of my ice

Bait because I can a buy it back very easily and be just not going to use it for a really long time so all right back to the season of the jury what in the good goddamn is that totem of corruption yeah I think we’ll walk away from this area

I don’t want to find out All right there we go ice minions which now that I think about it I’m probably going to have to level up a couple more times Okay so I do need a little bit more uh Crimson aisle fishing thing fair enough Sunken Jerry pond uh-huh I don’t remember this place existing that’s interesting Very interesting indeed Oh Thank you sunken Plateau slowly falling into the void very weird There’s enemies down there isn’t there I feel like somebody told me about this area yeah I’m not gonna go down there the fish who evolves amongst the Heat to not require sunlight fishing feels just as fast as on the surface enjoy the soothing Hot Springs I’m pretty sure that’s death right down there

Don’t go there yeah yeah I don’t think I will okay we’re up to level six on that minion not too shabby considering I almost didn’t have to mine any ice at all you know I bet this community is uh is is probably thirsty enough that if I

Were to do like a a presence giveaway that people would actually flock to the stream to get free [ __ ] even though it’s really not a lot of free [ __ ] thank you Well we got three red gifts hmm Foreign you’re not wrong The problem with that is that people are dumb and I’m sure someone would come up to me trade me and think that because they had initiated a trade with me that I would actually be obliged to or obligated rather to um To pay them out Wouldn’t you be that surprised this is boring content I’m glad that you see why I’m doing this in the middle of the goddamn night I mean if I’m going to stream doing this I might as well do it on the off hours right Foreign I will say I am never ever coming back here once I got to 80 glacial fragments unless they had items that you need them for and like I don’t even really need them now I’ve got the 40 that I would need to be able to upgrade the Talisman as far as I can

But it just feels like something that I should get done because it’s like once I have the uh the Saving Grace obviously this is not going to be worthwhile content to me I might as well do this while I can well it’s oh Enchanted fact dice goddamn I might as

Well do this right now because when I’ve got the Saving Grace if I’m coming into the season of the Jerry anyway I’m just gonna go fishing I will say fishing streams were probably one of my preferred things that I ever did for SkyBlock and this character is going to have a

Lot of things to fish for so I’m I’m kind of looking forward to that like we already know exactly what’s gonna happen when I’m trying to do things like kill my Yeti without people attacking it though so I’m just gonna preemptively try not to be a dick about that Nope I wonder if there’s anything that makes us faster it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with level doesn’t seem to matter whether or not I break a bunch of extra ice It seems like it takes for bloody well ever Foreign The next one I get to go a glacial fragment thing of beauty right there oh because I oh I didn’t even think of that so because I have silk touch It’s actually mining ice I forgot how ice works I think I need Enchanted ice eventually to upgrade this minion but for right now I technically just need packed ice I don’t know I don’t remember how this stuff goddamn works I think it needs packed ice for now and then uh uh ice minion this one yeah so it needs up to 64 pack Dice and then it needs Enchanted ice yeah thought so okay in that case I am actually gonna have to craft Enchanted ice so I might

As well leave silk touch on it which means that it’s gonna become an even bigger pain in the ass to do this fantastic I also have no use for glacial talismans now so those can go and since we’re here might as well hit level 20 on this right 6K XP bottles nothing Wow this one this is this is not good okay well 6K Oh we’ve got the instant nothing that sucked oh well you want me level 20 that gives me the ultimate wise enchantment availability not terrible oh I can’t even do a slash command to get back there Kenny uh we’ll keep the glowy chum since that does seem kind of hard to get glacial

Fragments Enchanted packed ice all right let’s get back to it what are you doing up so late anyway water shouldn’t you be in bed you live in a country where it’s night time fair enough Oof I need a full stack of those I thought for some reason it was going to be less than that ah nice Toy I love working from home well it’s one of the 150 reasons I like working from home but Being able to pick my own hours is very convenient All right so that kind of confirms to me at least that I don’t remember if it was you or somebody else that said it now if I’m trying to mine something and somebody else has already broken the ice and it’s uh you know the gray opaque ice I have to

Wait for it to respawn to be able to get the item out of it which is really weird mechanically given that I can get multiple items back to back to back like that but Skyblock things right You might graduate high school this next school year shouldn’t that be something you’re certain about shouldn’t that be a little more calculated than a maybe Or are you working on like a high school equivalency kind of thing God damn Oh gotcha oh nothing with getting an early start nothing wrong with getting an early start I’m pretty sure there was supposed to be an extra word in that sentence Uh well we’ll never know Thank you so it’s a plan if you do that you’re gonna take a year off and uh dick around are you gonna go immediately into like some secondary education get an early start Laughs Foreign Thank you we’re talking about and being involved in game design fairly recently so I’m guessing something computer science related Laughs So and I asked this set of a point of curiosity but I find usually when I ask questions like this it sounds like I’m trying to be negative or trying to lead you away from something So I’ll just be blunt about it why would you want to take law Just like a genuine interest in it would you would you want to be something like a lawyer or is it more of like a like a police officer kind of thing or A little bit of a side note how foolish is it that the laws and in most countries they’re so goddamn convoluted and complicated that you need to take college courses to be able to fully understand them If we’re all supposed to follow them we should all be able to understand them plain and basic right I always kind of thought that but it’s there wouldn’t be room for the legal system to screw people over with their I see you facial fragment nice Yeah I I will admit they do offer a lot of money um I do know a couple different people or have known a couple different people that are either lawyers or accountants or in that General field and they make good money but my god I’ve never met anyone more stressed out in my

Entire life than those people I’ll also point out that a lot of um maybe not a lot I shouldn’t say a lot some lawyers end up in positions where they’ve got to really deal with stressful people like I I don’t like people I don’t like dealing with people

I like being around them if I don’t have to and I wouldn’t want to have to deal with like let’s be honest most people that need a lawyer are not in a good way you know what I mean Uh uh why do you want the coffee come in do you have a Dono link How much for you to purposely die I’ll tell you what you throw a number out there and I’ll tell you how far off you are and just for the sake of it uh death count is in fact zero just to confirm for what Four Cents for dollars for rubles what

Are we talking here four dollars oh Jesus orders of magnitude I probably made four dollars just from the advertisements this stream I don’t think he knows what orders of magnitude means do you water let me put it this way you’re going to want to add two zeros to the end of that and then we can start talking Because you’re asking me to throw away what is this the 13th stream 12th or 13th stream so about 40 hours worth of uh worth a gameplay to get to this point not throwing 40 hours away for four bucks [Laughter] Foreign just be aware if you’re going to get into a legal position or a legal job like a lawyer you’re going to be dealing with a lot of shitty people in a lot of shitty situations and a lot of them are going to be blaming you for the problems they’ve gotten themselves into

That seems to be the case with most of the ones that I’ve talked to Foreign Yeah I’ll give you that and I actually would disagree right I would consider a lawyer to be the messenger the message is where the shitty people come from now the message is whatever the laws are I mean a lawyer doesn’t decide what the laws are they just try to help people not get

Completely screwed by them or try to screw the other person with them one or the other A similar way police aren’t even really shitty people It’s usually the laws that are enacted that are shitty or the people at the top that want to do something like have a quota for how many parking tickets or or violations that a police officer has to write that’s where the shitty people are Fair Uh did I get this far enough that I don’t need packed ice anymore I don’t need a little bit more and I think I put some in the under chest didn’t I yeah all right there we go we’re up to level seven on this guy can I turn packed ice into Enchanted ice

I can decent can I upgrade this minion with 18 Enchanted ice I don’t think I can no I can’t all right uh uh I guess for right now I’m gonna dump presents into here these are starting to stack up kind of a lot okay So we’re just looking for a second so we got ice minion level seven finally making some progress that way Yep I do kind of Wonder actually so how familiar are you with AI and like chat GPT and that sort of world right now Because I honestly Wonder Is there job security in getting into law I use it for school well but I meant like have you um have you followed any of like the news articles about it or any of the interesting stuff that people have like actually used it for Um somebody tried to use it to defend them in a court of law at one point which was hilarious I think it ended up getting thrown out but There was an AI lawyer that got sued I thought the AI lawyer just got like they tried it out and it just made up some fake [ __ ] basically and it just I want to say it got disbarred but that would just not make sense because it wasn’t a part of the bar association

Anyway it didn’t work anyway let’s put it that way So here’s my concern with that If you get into Financial law it might take you I don’t know five six years to really like get heavy into that you know how good chat GPT is gonna be in that long that short of a period of time Oh some Law Firm actually did see I thought they sued the uh the AI that was slandering somebody there was an AI that I might have this wrong but it like made up fake allegations of like sexual assault or something against somebody which gave them grounds to sue somebody

Anyways I don’t even know who would get sued in that situation for like slander or maybe libel Okay I can’t find anything what’s going on there we go that’s the only one that I was aware of yeah honestly if I was going to court that’d be what I would want as an AI lawyer you know it’s not just gonna screw you because it doesn’t like you I know they were messing around with um like an AI doctor diagnosing or a medical diagnosis as well there was uh I forget who I was even talking to that said this there was somebody who was talking about two months ago now and they had said that everyone that they’ve ever known

That’s gone to school for like liberal arts or anything like psychology related or law or just like science related or something like that pretty much all of them at some point or another have regretted their decisions the ones that he talks to that are making like ridiculous money still that

Haven’t regretted their decisions and pretty consistently across the board are a lot happier the people that got into trade skills And I kind of wish I had of myself there was um there was somebody who I knew while I was a lot younger and he was actually going to school for underwater welding and we all kind of laughed at him because that sounds goofy honestly

And to be fair did you see the AI that was putting boxes off of a conveyor belt onto another conveyor belt that committed Sudoku after 11 minutes I mean we almost tricked AI into passing the butter so to speak but anyway we kind of joked with him and

Like laughed at him a little bit because underwater welding would be like oh yeah it’s your backup underwater basket weaving like the hell was underwater welding well He worked for four months a year now and makes two hundred thousand dollars a year plus He goes out and lives on an oil rig for like four months out of the year and I don’t know if he lives on the same one all that time but like he basically just goes out into the ocean welds underwater somehow I think that involves like

Creating a little air pocket that you then weld in or something it’s it’s weird and makes like 200 000 plus a year for four months of work Spends the other eight months of the year on vacation blows the 200 Grand and then goes back to work In fairness though you wouldn’t get me a welding underwater in the first place let alone out in the goddamned ocean on an oil rig no thank you you may or may not have recalled the subnautica streams that’s not a job I could do let’s just put it that way Where are all of the things there’s one oh Thank you How many frags yet now uh well we’re getting there I am at a total of 56 out of the total of 80 that’ll eventually need So you know we’re getting there only another 24 to go like the last time I was complaining about it that number was 39 so on another positive note I finally remember to craft myself an ice minion so I’ve got another Minion now and it’s all the way up to level seven

I’ve got uh I think three stacks of white presents a stack and a half of green and like three or four red presents as well so those could potentially give me some good stuff Uh I guess the Krampus Helm would be about the best thing I could get from the red chest so I’m just trying to think I think that’s where the Snowman fat comes from as well as red red presents but I I honestly don’t remember right The only problem is I don’t really need the snowman pet the ball pet kind of is just a better version of it and that’s rough water that’s real real rough maybe I should loot the um the melons from my main profile at some point because the last time we did the math on

It it’s a little over 500 million coins worth melons that are sitting in those minions Yeah you say that like I can actually get the Frozen sight though so you know what I maybe maybe I’ll just maybe I’ll let you just live in uh in ignorant Bliss shall we say Nah I can’t do that too so let me let me show you why the Frozen Scythe is not going to be an option for me for a long time okay so this is the glacial Scythe recipe and the glacial Scythe requires 40 of those glacial fragments which I technically have now anyway

But the Frozen scythes requires 64 Enchanted packed ice One Enchanted packed ice is two and a half stacks of Enchanted ice which is a lot of God damn ice worse than that if I wanted to use the 40 of these to upgrade it I actually need 64 hunks of blue ice and another

Three goddamn stacks of Enchanted packed ice so uh yeah it’s that’s um it’s gonna be a while Although to be honest maybe I should do that maybe I should just is that crazy maybe I should go for that weapon pretty early on I don’t know if that’s one of those I should just never bother with it because by the time that I could have it I’ll have something better or whether that’s more along the lines of yeah I could probably just put like 20 ice minions down and get that what do you think

What’s uh what’s the right answer on that it was like frozen Scythe as a solid weapon really really good especially considering this is my best weapon right now I mean this is a joke oh I’ve I’ve long since Banks level 60 farming through those minions the problem is

That character only has I think up to like level 54 farming unlocked because I never bothered to get a gold medal in all the crops so I can’t actually do that a little bit curious about something though so hypothetically if my main profile only has up to level 54 farming

Unlocked with the like maximum level unlocks and I were to loot my 500 million coins plus worth of minions okay you already answered me then I guess so if I were to get all that overflow XP then whenever I love I get gold medals on that character you’re telling me that

It’ll keep that overflow XP and like just instantly level me up to 55 6 7 8 9 and 60. because that would be good okay in that case I probably should go loot my melons I’m not gonna do it right now obviously but I probably should

I want you to loot the minions and buy recombs or what you meant to say as stonks why do you want me to do that see the problem is recombs could easily go back down to five mil so like you understand why they’re 10 mil right okay

So for the sake of just having the conversation about it dungeon content and I maybe I’m wrong about this oh but like I feel like there’s way less people doing dungeons now then there were like a year ago or especially two years ago so back then ricom’s were just

You know people people needed them people were doing a lot of dungeons the supply and demand was was fairly even so they were considered like a 500K profit maybe if you did dungeons or if you did them during coal then you could get them for like what 4.5 million I think from chests

And then sell them later on for 5.5 so they’re like a mill profit but now a mill is quite literally nothing like it is I I wouldn’t bend over to pick up a mill if I dropped it kind of tear Because why would I care about a mill when farming went from being like 4.6 mil with Hyper Max gear doing netherwort to 18 now Or even better yet mining’s double that so like a mill really doesn’t matter here and there and as you pointed out the people that are doing combat run kudra now and before kudra it was um Enderman Slayer foreign so unless Hypixel gives a legitimate reason to do dungeons or unless

I don’t know unless like necron blades become 10 plus billion coins no one’s doing that content I’m getting I’m just getting Diva tools until my stonks are worth 10 Bill what do you mean even tools are you maxing out a diva drill and like demon armor Oh You’re going for number one nucleus runs I’m afraid to even ask but wait does it even show that Like where is that stat even Obviously I’ve done zero on this profile so I can’t check but TS track crystals placed I’m going to take that to mean that it’s like an API only situation Or what do you mean Bots track crystals placed for the um I forget what they called it but they basically made it so the drop chance for Divan alloy or whatever the hell it is for the Devon drill is tied to how long it’s been since someone’s actually done a nucleus run

Which is kind of goofy Yeah I mean I just I kind of don’t care about any stats that are not directly displayable in game you know like if I go to this character about Collections and click on this I’m apparently in the top 6.6 for Redstone wow that can’t be right I don’t have a lot of redstone yet like I’m at nine out of like you’re telling me like one percent of people in the game ever get to the max accessory bag that’s that can’t be right Golden want another Diamond one actually random question how much is a diamond one Jesus Yeah I’m just gonna go with enjoy the journey when it gets to that point for this character if I’m being wait actually here legitimate question have you gotten a demon alloy yet probably not I 333 mil damn there’s so there’s an item that’s going to go up in price

Because basically no one is running dungeons there’s going to be a lot less Diamond necron Helms coming into the game unless they release something that’s better than that I’m assuming Diamond necron Helm is like bis helmet for dungeons right actually we don’t even know for floor seven at least Well I no claw in that much either hmm That’s got to be a bit frustrating Yeah I’m mainly thinking for water here because I know he was looking at um items to invest in to appreciate and value and like make money over time So I mean it’s a little late I guess but at some point a diamond necron hell might have been a good move Oh well 50 mil with how much invested and did you account for the fact that you’re gonna get hit with bizarre tax when you go to sell them All right we’re up to 65 of them so far that’s not bad 15 to go 450 mil not counting bizarre attacks fair enough I don’t know you know what I might even be able to level this minion up yep decent three more until I got my 14th slot that’s actually not terrible I mean you have a hundred of them from like a little over 200 runs what the hell okay that seems ridiculous

What are they even worth like two 300K I guess if you got 100 of them it matters 117 from 200 runs goddamn You have kind of given me an idea actually Whenever I do decide to get into the hollows content I guess I should probably start by trying to do a nucleus from like right off the bat and see if I can get a pick an imbus although is there much of a point like the pick and imbus is only

Real real good usage Is like heart of the mountain one through three In my opinion at least that’s the only time that it’s actually a valuable item to use which for an Iron Man is the time I can’t goddamn get one so Hmm I’m having a bit of a brain fog on this one but if I remember correctly the Ruby drill upgrades into the gemstone drill lt522 correct how you doing Corin welcome back yeah okay so I probably should Oh and uh you actually can do all gemstone commissions with the uh jungle X jungle pickaxe it’s just going to take a really goddamn long time do you know how I don’t even I won’t even tell you you tell me do you know how Powder grinding exactly opening those chests and killing scaffas and worms gets enough gemstones that’s how I used to do my topaz gemstones collections an uncatch later then corn thanks for stopping by and uh I’m doing pretty good I’m at 65 out of 80 of the glacial fragments that

I need and once I’ve got those I never ever have to do this content right here again if I don’t want to and I think you know that I don’t want to The song always makes me want to play Terraria for some reason So try a new instance don’t seem to be finding as much actually well I’m here for anyone just dropping by here’s how many gifts I’ve got so far from doing this feels a little bit ridiculous but I mean keeps giving it to them giving it that’s

Not what I meant to say giving it to me Thank you and we’re back Let’s see if we can get some more stuff hopefully I’m not in the same instance as I was just in but it’s kind of looking plausible seriously where is all the stuff It’s gonna be one of those grinds and I’m gonna be happy to be done with friends will be happy to be done with I feel like the next time I log in I’m actually going to have enough Redstone for the personal compactor I’m really excited about that I think we’re about halfway there right now but because I’ve got a super compactor and one of the Redstone minions and I should be able to loot them before I go offline today then hopefully that’ll be enough as to where the next time that I come on it just

Won’t be a problem anymore wouldn’t it be nice so once I get honestly once I get the personal compactor I probably am just going to do a shitload of farming like everyone kept saying hey you should try the garden update you should try the garden update now I can actually do the

Garden update once I get that like I don’t know about you guys but farming without a personal compactor isn’t farming it’s tedious to say the least oh come on Um So does anyone actually tried the glacial scythe okay I want it regardless but I just I kind of can’t help but feel like it’s probably gonna be crap Actually better yet Are these These are tradable right they must be so how much is a glacial Scythe on the auction house So it’s a frozen Scythe with a much bigger AOE sure but it also uses one and a half times the amount of Mana So it makes me kind of Wonder is it actually worth getting because like I guess you can just throw ultimate wise five on it and I think you could use a sapphire power scroll as well but like it goes from requiring 50 meta to 75. and it actually it does actually have a

Sapphire slot I don’t remember if the sapphire power scroll takes up a sapphire slot though I don’t think it does So you could get it down to whatever half of 75 is which would be what like 32 and a half call it 33. and I honestly can’t remember what the hell the sapphire power scroll does I I think it’s just another 10 percent or is it a flat F5

I’m gonna be honest I’ve only ever used the sapphire power scroll on the aspect of the end and I know it knocks it down from 25 to 20 meta but I don’t know if it’s a percentage thing or a flat amount thing I’m going to kind of guess that it’s a flat five that it knocks it down by and not a percentage so theoretically that would knock up from 75 to 70. and then half of that would be 35 so At that point it would only be a difference of 10 Mana right 35 versus 25 and that it doesn’t really sound too bad I guess the Counterpoint to that though is if you were using the glacial Scythe without ultimate wise then it would kind of matter more not sure

Not sure when I do go to get to dungeons on this character though it is it’s going to be an experience let’s put it that way not sure if you’ve heard what my plan is for this character Dex when it comes to dungeons that is

I almost don’t know if I should spoil it No no they do not so I can die in dungeons as much as it takes but here’s the thing I don’t like the idea of anyone being able to help my character I’m just going to tell you because I can’t I can’t keep that much of a secret I don’t like the idea of someone being able to help my character and I really don’t like the idea of mods

Being able to assist my characters so I can’t really trust someone not to use mods if I’m partying with them right that just kind of that’s that’s just kind of how it is and I can accept that but do you know what that means that means when I get to dungeons when I

Decide that it’s time for me to start doing them I am going to solo all dungeon content on this character I’ll require a second person to start dungeons because for some ungodly reason Hypixel doesn’t let you just start a dungeon without being in a party but I’m never going to actually

Participate in dungeons with another person because I want anything I earn from dungeons to be something that I earned from dungeons it gets so much goddamn worse than that Dex so remember no mods and I haven’t done dungeons in like over a year and even when I did them I was

Being probably carried pretty hard just from being a streamer right so I don’t know where a lot of the secrets are there’s a whole bunch of like when they added a whole bunch of rooms that have extra secrets in them like the ones that have like 8 or 10 or

12 secrets or whatever I never learned any of that stuff I didn’t even know the secrets in the rooms going into that kind of content so I’m gonna have to learn all the secrets by doing the dungeons alone would you believe me if I were to say it actually gets worse

Better yet I’ll tell you what see if you can guess there’s only one more sort of added difficulty that I’m adding to dungeons see if you can guess what it is if you have any idea Okay I can craft Frozen Blaze now interesting The time alert it’s fine with me foreign What the hell is it called the thing where like it builds up and then you eventually just get a rare drop that you can attune it to for dungeons so like I technically don’t have to get an S Plus run to to get a necron handle for example

I actually have no idea Dex how would you feel have I told you that to add on to all of this I’m not going to let myself progress from one dungeon floor to the next until I have the Diamond Head from that floor so that means to get from floor one to

Floor two I need a thousand floor one clears solo See the idea of the hardcore Iron Man isn’t just the fact that I can’t die it’s make everything as difficult as is reasonably arguably at least possible no mods no help and you have to get a thousand dungeon clears to get to the next floor now believe it or not I actually I

Actually had a worse iteration of this character at one point that I was considering doing major waste of time in a sense but think about it like this to do Master mode floor one I will have to complete floor seven one thousand times Okay I know there’s an item here I just saw it Yeah once I get to master mode we’re fine we’re we’re cruising I don’t have to do Master mode one a thousand times to get to master mode too but if I want to farm Master mode for XP I have to complete floor 7 a thousand

Times if I do floor 6 more than a thousand times that’s fine if I want to farm floor 6 for XP or something like that I’m also kind of considering whether or not I should also have the rule of I have to get every single droppable and

Lootable item from a floor to be able to progress to the next one so like let’s say I do a thousand floor six but I still don’t have the the giant sword tough gotta keep doing floor six I don’t even know what a precursor eye is but same thing yep

Like that comes from floor six doesn’t it why will precursor I be my issue guys you don’t understand RNG doesn’t apply to me you’re talking to the guy that got a scaffa and two kills on the group Iron Man you’re talking to a guy that got a giant

Sword on floor six run 21 or was it 24 it was within the first 25 runs okay RNG doesn’t apply to me it’s not going to be a problem 0.07 percent That’s a pretty high drop rate I think it’ll be okay here’s the question though water and can I attune the RNG meter to it because from what I understand and I probably understand this wrong but from what I understand they made it so that you can attune the RNG meter in dungeons

To a specific item and then just keep going until you get it so there you go it’s a hundred percent drop rate with enough time which means RNG doesn’t affect me we’re all set it’ll be a good time So the biggest reason that I’m not really worrying about Dungeons right yet is I just don’t have the money I’m currently holding all of my coins because frankly the bank interest is great but if I die I lose all my money anyway because I delete the profile

So you know what do you do why not just hang on to it so having 300K is kind of a problem um my plan for dungeons basically is going to be get the Redstone that I need for the personal compactor before I do a goddamn thing once I’ve got that I’m probably

Immediately going to just spend a whole day grinding um cobblestone And then once I’ve got like a full chest of Enchanted Cobblestone then I can use my remaining Redstone minions to get compactor super compactors sorry foreign and then once I’ve done that I can use those on my Enderman minions to get my Saving Grace a lot more easily reasonably

And then just the whole thing just kind of goes from there right time equals a hundred percent is dumb to think I feel Did you try that one again because I think I’ve got a terminal case of the dumbs and it counteracted your dumbs and I just dumbed it up I can’t tell if you’re telling me that it’s a stupid way to think about it because you know time equals 100 or if you’re telling me that it’s stupid that they implemented time equals a hundred percent I’m guessing it’s the second one but I mean you’re telling me to never mind but

You’ve piqued my curiosity and can’t just do that I mean if I get the drop otherwise then fantastic but wouldn’t it make more sense to attune it to whatever the rarest thing is I should go for the enrager I am the enrager what are you talking about you talking about those like sleigh bells that you can get from this place Thank you otherwise I don’t I don’t know what the enrager is God damn it There we go By the way we’re at 72 out of 80 so we only need eight more of these fragments and then we’ll never have to do this again oh Enchanted packed ice how actually viable is it to solo kudra like I’ve never even looked at that boss fight like is this one of those situations

Where I’m going to be like I’ll solo it but it won’t let me because other people will just run up and fight it or is it instance like is is it possible for me to end up in like a solo versus kudra situation because like if it’s if it’s just

Unviable to actually attempt then it is what it is I’ll fight it with whoever is it timed like why won’t I win Like I’m I just I need to know you know Yeah but this community is full of a bunch of losers that can’t do anything with it a whole bunch of mods holding their hands so that’s not really a surprise to me Oh yeah I guess I’ll just have to be the first solo deathless Iron Man that solos out without mods Why not eh Kind of gives me a nice uh really really long-term goal actually Well water you may not know this Mike comes a shock but all of us will die someday Should practice on your main first why is it hard to start the fight does it like take a lot of prep work does it consume items I literally know nothing about it Which is why I’m confident that I can do it Thank you I stand by what I said but I’ll I’ll put it like this water given that it’s pretty much and correct me if I’m wrong about this given that it’s the hardest pvm content in the game Even if I were to do it with other people it’s not realistically viable that they could carry me based on what you’re saying so would it be more viable to do kudra with a party but then make an attempt later on once I’ve learned the mechanics by fighting it with multiple people

To make an attempt at soloing it Party finder there’s a party finder for kudra what the hell is this boss like is it instanced I can’t tell if you’re being serious about the party finder thing like it is instanced okay so it’s like going into a dungeon like you get a party together you go into a thing you fight the guy so does it how do I phrase this does it cost me

Anything to try like let’s say I’ve got a hundred saving Graces can I just like go in try ah [ __ ] I died and then just like go try again or is it gonna cost me some sort of like hard to farm items to do that how’s that work Thank you I have less of these than I thought crap foreign Key okay how do I get a kudra key okay so if I only consume the key to open the loot chest at the end then based on what you’re telling me I should be able to just keep trying over and over and over again

As long as I have the key to be able to loot the chest should I get that far then it’s not really an issue right Oh if I loot share items then I I avoid them so far no exceptions but we’ll go on a Case by case I guess Well water you’ve been watching me long enough I won’t say that I’ll be number nine but I will say that I’ll be the one that really earned his the most what does an enrager do is it like a special weapon or is it like a just like a flex item what are we talking here Excuse me we gotta be getting close here we’re up to 74 so far it’s Jingle Bells but a little bit better so it’s totally goddamn useless to me you have a little bit soloing dungeons I’m also gonna have to figure out how to solo necron without a um

A necron blade in the first place honestly I see that as the bigger challenge out of the two things like if you were to tell me I don’t think you can beat floor 7 solo that would be the thing that I’m gonna be like yeah you you’re probably right

Well I’ll be doing them without mods so it’s going to be a bad time is what it’s going to be I gotta tell you that right now I’m not looking forward to it It might get to a point where I have to use a second person for floor 7. if I do that then I will insist that they stream their their gameplay into the Discord and I’ll screen capture it into the Stream so that we can verify that there those

Are just something purple there so we can verify they are in fact not using any mods I’ve got a couple hundred floor seven clearas on my main profile I mean it’s it’s not like I’ve never done it I can I can push the levers you know water knows what I’m talking about Thank you honestly floor 7 is going to be the biggest problem um I I don’t really know how the dungeon RNG meter works but theoretically I might be able to just lose floor 7 enough times that it just gives me a free necron handle

If I just get like d runs or F runs or whatever enough times then maybe that’ll give me enough RNG meter to just love me a free one I don’t know I really I really don’t know how that content Works um they added that after I did my last dungeon run so How will you fail though bye I don’t know by not completing the So if everyone dies in a dungeon wait a minute I just had a thought oh God this is so much worse than I realized if everyone dies in a dungeon the dungeon has failed so if I die once in the dungeon at any time oh sweet merciful Christ what have I done [Laughter]

Well this is gonna be an experience I didn’t uh didn’t clue into that until just now Also gonna jump back to the island because I can’t seem to find any damned items in this instance now and every once in a while doing this seems to help foreign What do you mean if you die in the dungeon the profile fails no I can die in dungeons that’s fine as long as this number right here is zero I can have the profile if that ever gets above zero I delete the profile that’s the that’s the rule for deaths As far as I know dungeon deaths don’t actually count If they do then I’m just going to need a lot of saving graces I’ll be testing that one on a different profile before I try dungeons on this guy though yeah I’m not just sitting here going I’m never going to die in dungeons no to

Hell with that I am going to die a lot in dungeons fully understand that’s gonna happen no question about it It’s just I didn’t realize that as soon as I die in a dungeon the dungeon has failed we had somebody in the Stream yesterday or the day before that said they had over 34 000 deaths because the AFK age at uh like they said the afk’s slimes

Not true hardcore hey man I made up the rules that’s the death count as long as that death count says zero L if I care besides that if I bring a Saving Grace into Dungeons and I die in a dungeon I’m pretty sure it’ll Warp Me Out of the

Dungeon and send me to My Island I have no idea if those items actually work in dungeons I have not done any testing with the Saving Grace yet so I mean if they work in a dungeon I’ll probably bring them into the dungeon just for shits and giggles I think it used to but it doesn’t anymore well with my luck it’ll just wipe my goddamn profile somehow oh I should joke about that it might actually Laughs I really want to be done with this piece of content but I can’t stop now that I’ve got less than 10 to go did I get this one I I’m actually not sure no I did so we got 64 and 11 so we got 75

I only need five more and then I never have to do this again that’s actually kind of exciting why should I do that water I don’t have mushroom soup so I probably can’t get to those coordinates in the first place I also don’t have any backpacks yet so I mean I can do this or like do you just mean go to the storage page I mean I’m sure that there’s nothing that happens when you do that but I’m not sure enough to test it 282 87 109 I mean they just seem like random numbers to me Given that I can’t fly and don’t have the mushrooms to even make a mushroom minion I don’t think honestly not sure uh I can’t test that so you can just feel free to tell me if that’s a real thing or if you just [ __ ] with me or what’s going on Thank you Come on I just need five of them do I ever need five of them have I got any in my inventory I don’t yeah I still need five of them oh yeah that’s a good looking health bar All right then foreign Yeah I have this this uh the sneaking suspicion that you just made up random numbers but at the same time knowing Hypixel there’s a greater than zero percent chance that something bad would actually happen if I did what you just said to do Reinstated backpacks and gave everyone a full-size third page of the under chest that day you remember that I remember that I remember doing magic tricks hey guys you wanna you wanna see some items disappear it was not a good trick especially considering I put some good [ __ ] in there the first time There we go glacial fragmented foreign so I could see when I get them We only need four more Then I can see just how many presents I’ve actually got you know I think what I’ll do is actually give my presents to people during this stream just so that I can use my North Stars and maybe buy a reindeer pet or something Oh Well done you weren’t kidding it’s it’s actually just a dragon Give them the noobs and the gold mine Maybe I’m not gonna give them to anyone here because like they probably know what’s up they probably got a lot of them they don’t need them for this instance doesn’t seem to be giving me any more stuff what if I like leave here maybe not while there’s a

Dragon out there and come back no it doesn’t seem to have helped I don’t know why it does this but maybe it’s just me maybe I’m just dumb and I can’t find any of the items but it seems to me like after a little while they just don’t spawn right By the way something that a lot of people hadn’t seemed to have realized you know okay a lot of people hadn’t realized with regards to this character doing dungeons I’m gonna get a lot of dragon fragments like a lot of dragon fragments like more than I’m probably going to be able to use

To a point where I may actually want to try and craft the um foreign Because like think about it like this I’m the only one that’s going to be looting them I’m gonna be fighting lost adventures all the time right also Skyblock level 25. nice I think you can get young dragon from dungeons King there’s Holy Dragon um I intend on getting full Superior from there it’s just going to take a long goddamn time I don’t even know what I should start dungeons with weapon wise Young unstable Superior and I think maybe wise I couldn’t get wise that sounds right I’m gonna go with you probably can I’m gonna grab a new instance because I think this is this one’s a little messed up foreign But at the same time I feel like I’ve gotten wise Dragon fragments from dungeons before I don’t know I I guess we’ll find out here’s a here’s a question for you Walter or really anyone else that wants to answer if I’m going to do a thousand

Runs of every floor of the dungeon does that mean I have to do the entrance a thousand times before I’m allowed to do floor one because uh that that that might be a little painful Or is that 1000 runs things start at floor one Okay well out of all of that I only really want young dragon for the movement speed so I’m fine with that What do you think 1000 entrance or just start that at floor one because I don’t even know if it tracks entrance runs I don’t think there’s a collection for it Now I’m not so sure Do a thousand or all floor specific drops whichever happens first Well I would have to do a thousand of every single numerical floor anyway because of the collection items because like diamond helmet that’s that’s a floor-specific drop essentially When it comes to floor specifics from for uh the entrance I guess that means all armor all weapons how are you counting floor specific drops like um what’s the there’s a there’s an item that the Frozen Adventurer can drop that for the life of me I can’t think of the damn name of that you can use to freeze enemies Wait you’re doing a thousand entrances I mean that’s what I’m asking you should I have to do a thousand entrances Because if I don’t do a thousand entrances then it still means then theoretically I would need to get all the armor sets and all the weapon drops from the entrance but if there are uh adventurers in the entrance which I don’t think there are then that would mean I’d have to get all

The dragon armor too all floor chest drops that are on that floor so not enemy drops like hypothetically if I was ignoring the collection items Then for like floor six would I need the flower of Truth foreign if I got all the items from floor six I’d have like the first five runs from chests by some just ungodly miraculous luck and I still didn’t have all the flowers for the flower of Truth would I

Still have to grind floor 6. yeah so I mean like let me put it like this right if I if I get like skeleton Soldier armor from one floor that’s done that’s we’re done with that that’s that’s over I’m not gonna get skeleton soldier from every single floor that drops it

But like the way I see it if we’re gonna do every drop from a floor that means whatever armor sets there are on the entrance I need at least one of every single item for those armor sets to be able to move on from the entrance same with weapons Fairy Souls I feel like don’t really matter but I mean we can discuss that lost Adventures don’t count as they are on every floor so the thing about that is I feel like lost Adventures would have to count because they’re not on there are specific types that are on different floors

I might have these numbers wrong but I think it’s either floor three or maybe floor four that the frozen adventure starts to spawn and to be able to get the extremely rare drop from them I think you need to fight it on at least floor four I honestly can’t remember what the hell

It is it’s like the Frozen wand or something something like that If it’s on multiple floors it doesn’t count Okay so hypothetically basically what you’re saying is that dragon armor doesn’t count because there’s multiple floors where those like I wouldn’t have to get full young dragon to be able to move on from whatever the first floor that has young dragon wearing adventurous is Foreign are you just afraid that I’m gonna do the entrance until I’m wearing full Superior dragon or whatever floor they start spawning on That’s valid I guess God damn it I only need three more of these come on game just be nice or once in your existence just be nice Okay there’s one more we only need two more and then we’re done Foreign s the stream will have been up for three hours so this actually worked out pretty good time wise Assuming I actually find two more but yeah just out of morbid curiosity I think what I’ll do is I’ll wait until I’ve got a Saving Grace to do dungeons and then see if dying in dungeons while holding a Saving Grace eats me out of it um oh here’s here’s a question If I find the fairy room in dungeons and I’m doing them solo and I kill the fairies and I’m holding those items that revive me on death and then I die in a dungeon because I’m the only one in there and technically I died do I fail the dungeon or do I respawn

Questions like these that I just I have no goddamn clue how that’s gonna work I wouldn’t be that surprised because dungeons are garbage content water you fail the dungeon are you sure because you just told me that you haven’t completed Floor 2 and I no longer trust your your judgment when it comes to to dungeons Is that like your best guess or is that like you’re sure that that’s what happens I played Iron Man dungeon okay fair enough full again I have so much goddamn useless fishing bait of all the things that this could give me I really wish they hadn’t have added ice fishing bait it was like that 500 days ago okay well you never know maybe skyblock’s broken something as you pointed out for four months Iron

Man could use gifts on each other and then abruptly that got removed so you just never know So this is going to be contingent on me actually getting there in the first place but um what are your thoughts on floor 7 like how should I approach that because trying to do terminals or even trying to do Towers solo is kind of gonna be a nightmare Like do you think that I legitimately should just accept having a second person help me on that one or cause I’m pretty sure Grizzly irons offered to do that on his Iron Man account And I I know it’s theoretically possible to do floor 7 solo but wearing subpar gear without being able to farm levels off of Master mode without a necron handle or a necron sword sorry if it’s actually possible Mind you because of the RNG meter I don’t need to get an S Plus run I just need to get points theoretically If I were to take on help I would only take it on for floor 7 because that boss fight is kind of Stupid and I would only accept one extra person in the party I would require that they stream their game to Discord and then screen capture that into my stream so that I’ve at least got like video proof that they weren’t using mods either because I’m not going to Sully the

Character by partying up with somebody that’s using mods Thank you I mean I would prefer to only play with Iron Man that I know hasn’t used mods the whole time which is going to be grisly and he’s also offered but if you’re implying that uh I could potentially call on you for help then I’m not saying an outright no

I mean let’s be honest if I can solo the content I would rather solo the content but I genuinely don’t know if that’s going to be possible to do with the gear that I’m going to have call me and I have cata 9 what does this look like 2021

Can’t get into dungeons floor seven with cata 9 anymore Come on I just need two of these God damned items and then I can stop this just garbage piece of content you know I’m I’m warping out in backhand I’m finding like literally nothing here I’m actually getting tilted Uh that’s fantastic I know that there was at least one profile that managed to get floor 7 completion with cattle one or a cat at zero whatever the lowest level possible is because they they basically just didn’t get like what’s the they didn’t get any milestones on any of the floors Foreign I can’t believe I don’t have either of the last two items yet I feel like 10 goddamn stacks of gifts at this point I haven’t got the last two of these come on you’re killing me here Skyblock I wonder when they were putting this content in the game what they were thinking If they were thinking I bet the person that coded this was like yeah they’re gonna love this you’re gonna be so happy hey there it is we’re gonna be they’re gonna be so happy that they get like all these gifts and presents and it’s sort of like a way to mine presence And you know it would be even better than being able to mine presents is getting a 15 XP bonus on something that has a base value of half of an experience every time you mine it wouldn’t that be nice all right I’m done complaining for now

We only need one more so I can’t even be that you know salty about it I mean I could but not much of a point foreign There it is 64 and 16. Oh I need this out of my accessory bag and there it is glacial talisman you know what I’ve already forgotten how to craft this oh I need two stacks of Enchanted ice how convenient foreign did I do this right I did there’s the glacial ring now I need four Enchanted packed ice

Which I might actually have Oh yeah I can’t do math I have four and I need eight God damn it oh well we got 60 here so that’s good um what am I doing here so bags accessory bag glacial ring probably put a few of these in here thank you Oh that’s not going to be enough uh I’ll be fine All right level nine nice minions it’s not bad how’s it going no tricky I finally finished an annoying ass grind on this character I realize there’s only 60 here but I already used 20 of them to upgrade the accessory one of the two times and I will never have to do this again Let’s see how the Redstone minions did while we were doing all of that grind Foreign want to guess how many individual units of enchanted Redstone we’re going to have I’m thinking like 35 I’m feeling hopeful All right 43 actually even better so shriki here’s where we’re at with redstone by the way we are making some progress when that second row is completely full and this the well almost full when the last one has 32 out of 64. then we can make our personal compactor Now did they ever fix this with coal or is this actually going to be the big giant pain in the ass I think it’s going to be because you saw how I could craft Redstone like five of the of the blocks at a time right okay beautiful you didn’t used to be

Able to do that with coal you used to have to like turn the blocks of coal into individual coal and then you know go from there 43 he needs 24 decent Hmm nah I really should loot these guys but they’re just such a goddamn hassle with their super compactors oh It’s a weird metric to use but I can remember seeing this being at like a much higher number than 11 000. That’s indicative that there’s less people playing anyway I’m having some drain brand here I was gonna do something and I’ve forgotten entirely what it was welcome back freaky oh of course I know what it was All right So well remember how you said hey you should use it on people the gold mines I think there’s legitimately only like seven people at the gold mines maybe it was just that instance but I I don’t think anyone’s at the oh God there’s three at this one and two of them are on

Yet no one is here oh shrika you got them last time there’s there’s literally nobody here um This guy’s gonna be real confused well he’s Skyblock level 34 so maybe I don’t really need to worry too much about him I’ll use a full stack on him if he’s gonna stand here doing it though fair is fair right Oh Well this is going to get exciting hey wait you said I couldn’t use this on an Iron Man character right oh wait never mind I was trying to trade because I was holding shift I see it now I have anti-dirt For a second I thought I was using them on an Iron Man but I just simply was not this guy could you know oh he just disappeared I used so many gifts out of BTC [Laughter] hey dude dude stop stop There’s literally like four other people here three other people here that can accept them and I just I can’t okay I’m going to the Dwarven mines then if nobody wants them here maybe the Deep Caverns Maybe there’s more people here it’s a bigger map Thank you I didn’t even get through the first stack for Christ’s sakes like what is wrong with people do they don’t want free money but it’s free money oh I see a Target Ew no no you you uh damn it we’re too close to an NPC this is painful why is this so painful why does nobody want free [ __ ] I’m gonna try going to the Dwarven mines I guess oh you you’re level one I’ll confuse the hell out of you I don’t think he knows what’s going on [ __ ] So here’s an interesting thing this Bingo character is able to use presents on me foreign So uh so Walter I think you can actually still use them from Iron Man to Iron Man given that Bingo characters were able to use them on me I mean I just didn’t accept them but you know a little odd This guy is being really goddamn slow though oh hey we got the snow suit chest decent what this is no it’s my chicken head How you doing golden I have kind of a problem here my problem is that I have way too many goddamn presents and this guy is not right clicking anywhere near as fast as I’d like him to be I’ll try adding this guy to it maybe I’m up to fishing level six having never

Fished that’s that’s a good time Uh you can’t give gifts on a private island so that’s just not gonna work She says we’re level 7 El Camino I guess So um I’m almost through the first stack of green ones I am so goddamn anymore like way too many more Okay there’s one stack done Money isn’t going to be a problem for a while that’s what I’m thinking Oh inventory is getting a little full uh let’s see looting I just whatever we’ll just store all these for now and deal with them later but Somebody’s stolen my noob hi can you give me some money yeah sure if you come trade me I’ll give you 100 Mil if you if you can successfully open a trade with me that seems fair right Foreign I like that we’ve gotten this guy a Skyblock level so far like he started at Skyblock level one and he’s now Skyblock level two from getting like fishing XP and Alchemy XP from these Thank you Now I won’t come to you that’s part of the deal if you can find me on trade me and successfully open a trade window with me I’ll give you 100 Mil foreign I won’t help you in any way shape or form and finding me I’ll tell you I’m in the Deep Caverns God I have so many more goddamn presents same as YouTube C-o-r-k-l-o-p-s core clubs good Morning Hey man all he’s got to do is manage to open a trade window with me Bears Fair he can do that I’ll give him 100 Mil Foreign Presents I really wish it was easier to give like a stack of presents to somebody Uh golden because I spent three goddamned hours mining in the season of the jury event you remember that thing that they like forgot to add into the game for a good long time where there was like penguins and stuff underneath of the the mountain where you could like

Do the uh the frozen chicken event they added an area in there where you can mine ice and try and get presents and stuff and it’s the only area in the game that you can get I forget what the items are called and I can’t check right now

But it’s uh it’s an item that you use to upgrade the Frozen Scythe glacial fragments I think they’re called it’s the only item or the only place in the game that you can get glacial fragments and you need a total of 80 of them for all the different upgrades that they can

Be used for and it took me like three hours today to go from 35 to 80. and well I got a lot of presents while I was doing it because frankly they just it it gives you a lot of presence I don’t really know why they made it do that but It’s to a point where I’m basically filling my Ender Chest right now with just literal garbage um just to keep this this moving and but I can access you well if you can access my area then what’s the problem perhaps he meant that he hasn’t got a

Mining level high enough to enter the Deep Caverns which I believe is a requirement of five Which honestly shouldn’t take you more than about 10 minutes at most this guy DC or something what’s going on We’re over a million coins from giving out gifts for God’s sakes like it was at like 300K before we started right click spamming the [ __ ] out of this guy I bet they’re very confused like they’re probably just like why is this guy just have infinite presence like what is even happening right now by the way ashriki um if you want I’ll save the red ones for you they have potentially the best loot and I’ve only got like four of them If my arm doesn’t fall off from spamming right click for crisis foreign Just hold it down now okay that doesn’t work either inventory is looking a little full What’s your user I already told you corklops c-o-r-k-l-o-p-s Same as the username is on YouTube seems we’ve created a good sizable little party of folks here this is killing me You can’t hold down click to this is this is the sound of me giving presents right now you can’t hold down click to to continually give them to people unfortunately I think you can let me see no you can’t and because it’s kind of Jank you have

To get like the right angle which basically means right clicking on their shoulder I am right clicking that’s you that doesn’t work Unless I’m just doing it wrong that’s that’s not a that doesn’t work oh Jesus I’m actually at a room um [ __ ] what did I just drop uh I actually kind of want those snow ruins that’s the problem be careful there we go oh okay you son of a [ __ ] I could have been holding it this whole time they actually added that oh I hate you so much right now water

Anyway when I run out of presents I’ll come to the hub but until I’m done gifting this fellow then uh I’m just gonna hang out here and water of course but I hate you I mean I should have realized that [ __ ] sooner and it’s my own fault so thank you Joshua you’re not very good at listening are you I told you I’m in the Deep Caverns man And if you can open a trade window with me I will give you 100 million coins When I finish giving these presents out which I’m almost done I’ve got 24 left out of like seven goddamn Stacks then I’ll come to the hub Hey water see people can find me there’s water [Laughter] anyway I did say I would go to the hub so here I am in the hub maybe that’ll make me easier to find I don’t know sure what’s going on there but uh what I am gonna do though is I’m

Going to do I have an ender pearl actually gonna go to My Island because I need to throw away a bunch of this crap I know what you’re thinking oh shriki but give me just a sec I’m going to throw away anything that’s a level one potion because frankly just don’t really want them I throw away level two [ __ ] I’ll hang on to the level twos because they’re at least you know something oh and I have gift to fish nice we’ve attained gift the fish I can’t throw that away for some reason My okay I can’t throw these away from here I’ve got a dragon toss them that’s fine level one level two uh compost I’m gonna have a lot of inventory sorting to do later oof when chanting XP oh level three that’s good I didn’t realize I could get level threes from this Uh two level two level two level three level one level two don’t bother sorting right now I’m just gonna throw away the uh the garbage ones Okay so I can just dump all the excess crap into here right now and I even ended up with some extra green gifts for you shriki so uh lucky you Okay there we go By the way you can’t give gifts over here so come over by the wheat for some reason it doesn’t let you um do it like near the uh the entrance of the Hub Okay so we’ve got eight green six red What in the name of God are you wearing why can’t I right click on you Oh shriki can you please do me a favor and buy yourself can you please buy yourself some glazeight when we’re done because my God Ben uh why what Joshua I’ll move my rock okay you managed to somehow miss two of them and your inventory might be full so whoops No minion nice that’s like 600k all right you ready for the good ones For some reason somebody in the local chat is asking where you are we got 500 mining XP 20K ice Rune let’s see if we get anything good come on Krampus Helm come on snowman pet come on anything good Okay missed one also sometimes they’re invisible just right click it anyway there you go and we missed a green one it’s uh There we go all right that is all my presents so it looks like you did get a Snowman and you can usually sell those to people for like 600k and maybe a luck Sex book which is honestly a pretty solid engine depending on what you’re gonna put it on

Let’s see I don’t care about alchemy and I guess I don’t really care about fishing either farming is good all right there we go anyway um oshriki so if you go ahead and follow me and go to the auction house here So I’m going to leave it up on the screen here but ignore the pure part but oh shriki buy yourself a set of glazeight glasight helmet glasight chest plate glaceight pants glazeight boots from the auction house when you open the auction house in the bottom right corner

You’ll have an option that says bin only auction only or both make sure you’re on bin only sort it to lowest price and look up glacite it’s gonna be like way God damn better than that diamond arm you have on right now should I just level with Joshua or

Should he have to find out the hard way but yeah shriki when they added in the Dwarven mines content they added in an enemy called ice Walkers that drops these pieces of armor at I think a 1 in 400 rate something like that or maybe it’s one in 100 I can’t remember either

Wayside armor ended up being like ridiculously good right the reason for it is that it has a base speed bonus of 15 per armor piece so it’s going to give you like 60 movement speed just to wear the glacier and you also might notice that the very

Bottom there it says the defense of this item is doubled when on a mining Island it’s already got 170 defense base just for this chest plate on a mining Island it doubles that so it is extremely good beginner armor like newer player armor Got mine reforged pure because I need as much crit chance as I can get let’s be honest um well he doesn’t seem to be Lobby hopping to try and find me to tell you what Joshua you you let me know what area of the game you want me to come to

And I’ll come to there but I’m still gonna make you find me yourself While you’re figuring that out I’m going to try to put all of my potions into one chest because holy [ __ ] I have way too many of these I’m probably never going to end up doing that at least again for present so this shouldn’t be an issue after now

So if I can just sort of shove these all in a chest now that probably is going to save me a fair bit of hassle later on Helmet two all four pieces helmet chest pants and boots the glacite set bonus isn’t amazing but it’s not bad it’s a little bit of extra mining speed but moreover than anything like if I if you look at my defense right now it’s at 614. but if I run over here for example Takes me a minute if I run over here and I go to this mining Island which is the gold mine Then instead of 614 you notice that I’ve now got 982. and if I look at the defense on this it says it gives 352 instead of 176. so it’s incredibly good Well as I said if you can find me and you can trade me you can if you if you can succeed in opening a trade window with me you can have 100 Mil fair is fair I think I have ice rooms in here somewhere maybe I don’t oh I have snow runes okay um Jesus I don’t really want to waste these luck books because I think I’m I think I might only have the two of them the rest of them are all looting

Uh 91 XP levels to put that on oof so the problem with the Hub is that there’s 28 instances of the Hub so might want to pick a different place than the Hub if you’re trying to find me you’d probably check this by the way oh shriki a bit of a quick

PSA if you’re in the hub go into this building right here that has like the weird creepy dog man outside of it for Bingo turn left as soon as you get in and talk to the community shop and once you’ve done that click on the second icon here the little up Arrow or

Whatever it is that says account and profile upgrades you can have one of each of these running at any given time so like you can upgrade either your Island size the number of Minion slots you have the guest limit size your Island your Co-op slots or your coin

Allowance you get some free coins every day and you can also upgrade your Ender Chest your accessory bag your sack of sacks slots your magic find or your a bit of bizarre stuff you probably want to make sure that you’ve got some of these running I’ve already maxed out this bottom row which

Is your account upgrades but your profile upgrades which are specific to each of your profiles yeah I haven’t done that yet so I’m working on Minion slot 2. there are a total of five million slots that you can get from that and the last one I think takes 30 days so

Might want to get started on that which Lobby of mine couldn’t tell you I’ve told you four times that you want to probably try something other than the Hub but uh given that you’re just not listening to that I’m just I’m not too worried about it

Uh there was something I was gonna do here and I’ve forgotten what it was damn now I’m fast as hell nice uh oh shriki do you have this yet the Rogues sword this will make you way faster as well if you don’t have this then come over here

To where this um this Fountain is and talk to the NPC right here Jamie he should give you one for free and what this does is when you hold it in your hand and right click it gives you a 30 second long buff that gives you another 100 movement speed so you just

Went from 100 movement speed to 160 this will put you up to 260. and I’ve also got a weapon here that gives me another 40 speed but it’s a little more convoluted to try and get you gotta run a race in the forest and it’s it’s a whole thing

But yeah when you talk to him he’ll tell you that you can right click with the Rogue sword blah blah that’s why like without the Rogue sword or any of the Buffs from it this is how fast I move with the Rogue sword I hit right click and now I’m moving this fast

And if I hold this I move this fast and then if I Sprint I move this fast so I mean it’s it makes a pretty big difference I did the race in the forest but I’m bad at it well now that you’ve got armor that’ll increase your movement speed a fair bit

And the Rogue sword it’ll be a lot easier Anyway um oh I know what I was gonna do I know exactly what it was going to do I’m gonna waste a million coins chat Since I’m now 99 sure that Joshua is just not gonna find me I’m gonna go to the Dwarven mines real quick and buy something Hey water would you believe me if I said this isn’t fun anymore Is there any money making method in the Dwarven wines not really um see here’s the problem with the Dwarven mines Maximus you basically don’t make money from mining until way later on so for the Dwarven mines you’re basically going to want to run four commissions and then

Stop and then the next day that you play run four commissions and stop because to level up the heart of the Mountain Tree takes kind of a shitload of heart of the mountain experience and the first four commissions that you do each day give you an additional 900 on

Top of whatever their base value is the commissions in the Dwarven mines give a base value of 100 oh I forgot to go get my Bejeweled handle and the commissions in the dwarf and the Crystal Hollows give a base value of 400. which means the first four a day you do

Here worth a thousand XP or if you were to do four of them in the crystal Hollows they’d be worth thirteen hundred if you want to grind commissions to try and grind out harder the mountain levels then you definitely should do them in the in the crystal Hollows which you

Unlock at Heart of the mountain level three and those will give you 400 each but here’s the thing to make good money from mining you basically need really good mining speed really good fortune screw you you beat me here and if you’re mining gemstones you want to have really high pristine the problem

Is this goes up to level seven and at level seven there’s another mining speed boost here this is really good for grinding powder out and then this is another Fortune boost if you want to mine gemstones you kind of have to have pristine which requires you to

Be a little further on than the Dwarven mines and pristine it’s kind of weird it acts multiplicatively with um with Fortune why is this not sent what okay there we go it acts multiplicatively with Fortune as far as the Dwarven mines goes if you get to Heart of the mountain level 4

Which unlocks the efficient minor perk you can make about a half mil an hour here which isn’t nothing but it’s close to nothing when you compare it to the ridiculous amount that you can make from farming now so if you want early game money don’t do mining do farming

If you want the best Money Maker in the game grind out mining but it’s uh it’s not exactly quick 100 titanium as well whoops I have a tunnel John you could sell it if you have a ton of jungle wood but to be honest it’s not going to be worth very much if you take your jungle wood and you put five stacks of it into the crafting menu then you’ll be able to get I think it’s

Two uh Enchanted jungle wood and you could send a [ __ ] load of Enchanted jungle wood into the bazaar but I mean for foraging is a weird situation foraging has been a dead skill since I started playing the game there’s basically nothing to be done with forging is the money method with jungle

Pickaxe it’s still good I don’t know what you mean by the money method with jungle pickaxe the jungle pickaxe itself is just a really solid choice for a really cheap good option for a for a pickaxe early on Joshua I’ve told you how to find me I’ve

Told you where I am I’ve given you lots of opportunities this is up to you now uh what do I want even here mining speeds Prospectors I guess it’d give me one percent of that whatever we’ll go with unyielding And uh [Applause] I’ll go to My Island and deal with some enchanting oh maybe that’s what he’s talking about water sludge mining yeah Sledge mining still makes some amount of money but give me uh just one second to enchant my pickaxe here and let me let me put it this way Maximus have you have you

Looked up have you looked into the the farming update at all because it’s ridiculous like day one character you start at three mil an hour I don’t visit Islands Uh which one of these takes level 50 I can never remember is it Fortune or is it experience experience is 45 Fortune is 45 okay fair enough That’s disappointing but all right waste a couple of these why not All right there we’ve got a slightly better pickaxe now instead of 200 speed this one has 310 with a little bit of extra mining fortune on them did this one just have 30 mining Fortune to start with or am I just hallucinating because I know Fortune gives you 30

Mining Fortune but this one also has Fortune I’ve been mining this whole time and I never put fortune on my God oh God I’m one commission from heart of the mountain four and I never put fortune on my goddamn pickaxe that that really just happened oh that’s embarrassing that’s that’s not good all right I gotta know what is my mining Fortune if I jump into a mining Island real quick

By the way it’s technically a bannable offense to have YT or TTV in your username Hypixel does not allow you to advertise that you’re a streamer or content creator unless you’re a YouTube rank so heads up on that why have I only got 143 is this really

Not work here oh because it’s not in my hand I’m an idiot 176 no that’s not bad come to portal I find you you give me coins and good gear yeah as I said water this this stop being fun matter of fact I’ll tell you what Joshua I’ll do I’ll

Do you a favor here I will go into a hub that has nobody in it and the servers didn’t accept me doing that apparently what the hell that’s weird not like I’ve ever seen it say that uh because I’ve got rank I can just cycle hubs like this

Till I find one that doesn’t have anyone in it might not be the best time of day to do this though there we go So Josh you really sucked the fun out of all this okay there now now you’ve been able to find me now you shouldn’t have any issues finding me and as I said if you can oh sorry oh shriki I didn’t mean to teleport you if you can successfully uh trade me

If you can open a trade window with me then I will give you a hundred bill the concerning thing is I just warped you into my instance and you left so I mean I don’t even know what to tell you I’m trying here Chad giving up in five four

Three where did he even go two one yeah I’m I’m I mean I gave it a shot right I did everything I could just gonna P kick oh there we go by the way oh shriki when you can you probably are going to want to put growth five on all your uh all your armor because it’s like 75 hp per enchant well he has been twice I mean I’ve

Warped him into it several times I’m currently just staring at him from afar I’m honestly not sure what’s happening here he’s looking at my rock now uh let’s see if he’s figured it out yet foreign Iron Man game mode as the title says and the thumbnail indicates and the text on the screen right there says Congratulations you figured it out if you can open a trade window with me successfully and I’ll give you 100 Mil which is your punishment for coming into a stream and begging you getting it now you figure it out I think he’s still trying to trade me by the fact that he’s swinging a sword at me By the way golden um somebody mentioned to me that uh if I do go onto my other profile here and I loot the 500 million coins Plus in melons apparently the Overflow XP does get stored so I mean it should be okay So I’m gonna loot my Mill and minions why do I have Glacier in my inventory sure Why the hell do I have glacight man just unenchanted just sitting here it’s not my original glazeight set because that’s still sitting there first one in February 2021. You know what I don’t know I’m just I’m gonna put it into a random chest and pretend that never happened along with these Goblin eggs and we’ll hang on to the melon seeds and throw them off the island so um yeah I guess I guess it’s time to loot

The minions now before I do that I was gonna that’s exactly it yes before I do that let me find my rabbit pet and golden I do still have your uh your your elephant with the skin on it um so there’s a rabbit pet level 100. I don’t have a cookie so I’m trying not to die I am currently level 51 farming and 57.7 and after looting one I miss I’m at 51 and 79 holy [ __ ] oh okay um there’s 52 farming I I think I’ve got 60 farming banked here at least I thought I did I’m less sure of it now uh What the hell have I put into these chests I think I just left the chests from whatever my minions were before doing this So I guess I’ll leave the 43 polished pumpkins behind And what’s in here a rabbit Minion Okay so I’m gonna store everything in this chest for now as we go through this so that we can actually see what I’ve got at the end oh better yet better yet better yet this should be interesting so melons are at where are they

Melons I have 178 about a half million collection and melons right now I loot one it didn’t update okay [ __ ] never mind then uh oh I got a mining level from the um okay that makes sense I got a mining level from the um the diamond blocks that confused the hell out of me for a second there there’s farming 53. Yes but not all the way to 60. and from what the chats indicated to me it should keep the Overflow XP swap lobbyists to see it update okay perfect so I’ll swap Lobby is when I’m like fully done and then that way We’ll be able to see how much I actually looted across all minions like that’ll be more interesting A little awkward to navigate through here and um not entirely sure why I had the enchanted clay minion going but I mean fishing XPS fishing XP wow that one didn’t have that much did he got about four stats what does this one go that’s about the same I guess So I have more than a double chest can I use this on my Island yeah I have more than a double chest of these melons Oh I should have been holding a a hoe that had God damn it I messed this up Uh so here we go yeah this would have given me um a fair bit more farming XP if I hadn’t been holding it oh not the end of the world mainly because I don’t care about this profile but you know well water sort of I mean three hours on the other character

It was farming 54. I don’t even know what minions I need to loot anymore it’s a little laggy Uh might have to use the Ender Chest here in a second yeah Um page two yeah page two Farming 55 Jesus Christ uh I was 51 when we started right Okay so if you’re a big fan what popular Minecraft streamer is my nephew nobody help him he should be able to answer this one on his own if he’s even a remotely big fan he should know the answer to that I’ll call your bluff Happy birthday indeed okay I think that’s all the melon minions but God damn it’s hard to tell because it’s a little laggy also that it’s gonna kind of double check a few of them here also I have a rabbit minion in here if I remember correctly and I those aren’t rabbits okay well

Uh uh huh Oh I’m farming 55 but that’s as far up as I can put it but yeah Joshua if you’re even a remotely big fan you should be able to answer that one why do I have a level three chicken minion chat what the hell is wrong with me I’m so confused right now

I’m just gonna eat some of these Enchanted eggs because I don’t even think you can sell them and because I’ve run out of space Really sure what that’s about or what the [ __ ] is this okay yeah that’s kind of what I thought Joshua you’re just looking for a handout and well I can appreciate that it doesn’t really do you any favors Yeah the uh the Omega Enchanted egg I can apparently right click to view the recipes you can throw away these two Yogi’s and yeah apparently it’s only for one thing golden It’s for the droplet Wisp Gaba ghoul pet feed to gain XP drop Hammer lets you break fire pillars I’ve never seen this before kill blazes to gain defense okay this is neat um it requires eight derelict ashes I don’t know what those are um so the problem is I actually don’t

Have an active cookie on this character so I can’t just like slash bizarre or something um so yeah I guess we gotta go to the hub so remember I had 178 million melons so after doing that I’m now at 178 million it didn’t change Why didn’t it change and can I holy [ __ ] I forgot that was gonna happen can these be sold on the bazaar Yeah these are like 500k these are these are worthless All right this can just Takes a bit to update fair enough I am gonna be honest with you water I’m not patient enough to try and figure out how to do that right now the super Enchanted eggs are 500k apiece on the bazaar can you just tell me how much the Pet cost to craft instead of trying to make

Me do things that I’m not likely gonna do Chicken collection I know it’s like a literal [ __ ] ton of super Enchanted eggs to make the Omega enchants I don’t know what you want me to look at here you’re losing me also just what’s in my inventory here is 80 million oh no you’ve you’ve lost the uh You’ve Lost That opportunity Joshua you get nothing for me you’ve completely misunderstood The joke and I’ve I’ve just kind of just kind of passed at this point uh what have I got here hunks of blue ice and chain of diamonds I guess we can get rid of that Hell have I got forty thousand oh God yeah no so I’ve got 40 000 glowstone dust and I forgot about that now look at the super price I’m not looking at anything if you want me to know something water you need to tell me because I’m not putting in any more work

Than necessary at this point um because I gotta deal with this [ __ ] you know what I’m I’m buying a cookie to be able to sell this stuff more easily that’s literally where we’re at I’m spending seven million coins in order to be able to not have to deal with this [ __ ] uh

Uh cookie Wait I just bought a booster cookie but where is it [ __ ] Uh uh did I just throw money away okay no it stacked it okay that panicked me a little bit oh god I’ve got nowhere I can put anything holy [ __ ] there’s so much just stuff everywhere Yeah do you do you really think I care that I lost money on them though Like let me let me put it this way ballpark how much did I lose is it under 100 million Okay there we go so let’s see how much we can sell this for now if I look at the price on these uh uh 50 000 versus 51 yeah I I don’t care about that much I will sell all of it now For it’s less than the NPC price I hate that I’m gonna do this but where’s the trade where did they put the trades menu seriously where the hell did they put the trades menu it used to be right there I’m gonna lose my temper on this game in about three seconds

They put the trades menu in the recipe book are you [ __ ] me no oh okay This game sometimes man Can I do trades oh I can beautiful Okay this seems like a lot of melons that I’ve sold right with my 171 mil and then you remember there’s all this garbage You have reached the daily limit of coins you may earn from NPC shops are you actually [ __ ] my nuts right now that’s a thing where’s that a thing Handle fixing duping so they made a maximum you could sell a day you think that’s gonna stop me it isn’t I think I care about losing a couple of coins boom gone Let’s keep this party going how much are these worth out of curiosity they vendor for 13 million a piece they bizarre for I can’t do that math I don’t care that’s probably fine there we go 439 million so uh chat while we’re here let’s see if Hypixel managed to break this

I don’t remember what side it’s on I think it’s the other one let’s see how many things they broke so this was that time that I got drunk and tried to convince polar bear to give me his Hyperion I’m not right clicking on a goddamn thing because

I I’m afraid that it’s gonna rip it out of here and destroy it like I did my original Hyperion uh there’s the first cork Labs cake soul there’s that time that a stone appeared in my inventory when there’s literally no way that this could have happened

Bro I recently joined and I want money on Skyblock then you can [ __ ] well work for it like every other person that’s ever played Skyblock and quit begging like a piece of [ __ ] have you not figured it out yet you begged from me and I told you if you

Could trade me I would give you coins while I was playing on a character that couldn’t be traded Figure it out use your [ __ ] brain I wouldn’t give you money if it would I wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire we don’t deal with Beggars around here at this point you’ve just annoyed me anyway this is that time boom was gonna quit and gave me a laser eye uh

Somebody gave me a barrier block one time and it just is gone now I guess um e you should know what this was that time that you spent 20 mil on an item that was worth 500k within five seconds and then nothing right afterwards uh that time that Dingo lingo gave me some

Stuff uh uh mod Grizzly irons cake soul that was uh somebody’s Uh Melody’s hair when Gila quit he gave me sick uh thick super heavy boots uh well 50 meter Midas gave me uh something but it’s gone now as well and just for proof that 50 meter Midas really was on my Island I believe this might be a year one cake

I can’t remember it might be my first year cake doesn’t matter boom Super Boom uh golden had a hacked Co-op member named scalese what the [ __ ] are you doing up there Uh okay we’re just not gonna talk about that this is my God potion it’s a legacy God potion it’s one of the like original versions of them that they changed Not really sure why I have a go back icon is that time that uh reply bet me that I couldn’t get gold with a T1 ho without enchants and I told them that farming is broken enough that I genuinely could and did uh then there was that time that we just

Don’t talk about didn’t know that interesting water uh this is that time that Aiken soft gave me a [ __ ] block that if you hold it in your hands your game crashes really appreciated that and that was the end of the uh the tour Anyway um yeah I’ve I’ve put too much time into this game I still don’t know why I have a level three chicken minion though I could swear I left a rabbit minion here 870 hours I wouldn’t sell it for anything it’s not for sale I would void it before I would sell it to anyone let’s put it that way Oh here’s a question where’s all my water Long time viewers will know what I’m asking about Something missing down here I don’t believe I did I’m fairly certain I did not clear it Also what Is happening here Maybe I cleared it to make this waterfall but there’s problems with it I don’t remember clearing it though It’d bomb your Farms I mean don’t make me go into the green screen room Anyway that’s how you make 439 million coins and then quit the game uh even sure what the hell any of these items are like what have I even got in here I have a wise hardened diamonds like why an aspect of the Jerry a bunch of mugma pelts what the [ __ ] is

A moogmapel so confused okay In fairness that was my dungeon chest that makes sense I have a bunch of emerald blades and a okay I have a one for all Emerald Play Jesus Christ wishing compasses Thank you Walter I’ll do you one better buy something that I know for sure will go up in value how do you feel about that matter of fact Who the hell they put wood is it still under fishing I’ll never understand this game Did not mean to make or buy that much of it but For God damn it I did it twice Oh God I can’t even shift click them Foreign I’ve invested How many even is that one two three four five six times one two three four five six seven eight nine eighteen twenty seven thirty six forty five six seven eight so that’s 48 cookies so that’s 200 days almost uh be 200 minus eight so 196 days worth of cookie buff seems all right Anyway I’m about done with this [ __ ] catching

This video, titled ‘🔴Hypixel Skyblock HARDCORE Ironman Adventures! (If I Die, I Delete The Profile!) [Day 12]’, was uploaded by Corklops on 2023-05-02 11:46:23. It has garnered 161 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:20:41 or 15641 seconds.

Live streaming Minecraft’s biggest server, Hypixel Skyblock.

This profile is a Hardcore Ironman – All the fun of a normal Ironman, but If my death count ever gets higher than 0, I delete the profile!

How far will I get before I fall off my island, or get smooshed by a Tribe Member in the Crystal Hollows? Come along and find out!

~~ Join My Discord: ~~

#live #livestream #gaming #gamingstream #minecraft #minecraftserver #hypixel #hypixelskyblock

  • Crafty Queries: Minecraft Q&A Part 2 Encore

    Crafty Queries: Minecraft Q&A Part 2 Encore Welcome back to the world of Minecraft, where the blocks are stacked and the adventures never lack. Last month was a whirlwind, with updates galore, New mobs, new blocks, and so much more. You asked, we answered, in Part 2 of our Q&A, So sit back, relax, and let’s dive into the fray. From Discord to Patreon, we’ve got links to share, Join the community, show us you care. Shoutout to Gnocchi for the awesome skins, And to Planetgirl for the voiceovers that always win. So keep those questions coming, don’t be shy, We’ll keep spinning rhymes, reaching for… Read More

  • Crafted Rejects: Minecraft’s Suggestions Deflect

    Crafted Rejects: Minecraft's Suggestions Deflect In this video, I coded with all my might, Suggestions rejected by Mojang, out of sight. Creating a mod with features new, Join my discord server, the link is true. On Twitter and Instagram, I share my game, Bringing Minecraft mods, never the same. All my links in one place, easy to find, Intro music by Holfix, a melody so kind. So come along, join the fun, In the world of Minecraft, we’ve only just begun. Coding and crafting, a creative spree, With rejected suggestions, come and see. Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 38

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 38 Minecraft Exploration: Uncovering the World Seed -2034128519473573144 Discovering a Unique Landscape Exploring the Minecraft world seed -2034128519473573144 has led our intrepid gamer to a fascinating discovery. A vast prairie dotted with sparse trees, each one standing alone in the vast expanse. This unique landscape presents both challenges and opportunities for our player as they navigate through the terrain. Survival Challenges Ahead With so few trees scattered across the prairie, our gamer anticipates the need to pay closer attention to their food supplies in the coming days. Survival in this environment will require strategic planning and resource management to ensure… Read More

  • Roofing Woes in Minecraft

    Roofing Woes in Minecraft Tetőfedő Problémák (Solo Minecraft Ep.3): Exploring the World of Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the latest episode of Tetőfedő Problémák. Join the protagonist as they navigate through challenges, build magnificent structures, and explore the vast landscapes of this popular sandbox game. Unleashing Creativity In Minecraft, players have the freedom to unleash their creativity and build anything their imagination desires. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the possibilities are endless. The protagonist of Tetőfedő Problémák showcases their building skills and takes on exciting construction projects that will leave you in awe. Surviving… Read More

  • Guill Rumble 2 Qualifications Party!

    Guill Rumble 2 Qualifications Party! Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft at Guill Rumble 2 At the recent Guill Rumble 2 event, Minecraft enthusiasts were treated to a thrilling display of skills and creativity. The competition, which took place alongside Trackmania and Microworks, showcased the best players in the Minecraft community. Let’s dive into the highlights of the Minecraft segment of the event! Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft Participants at Guill Rumble 2 engaged in intense battles and challenges within the Minecraft universe. From building intricate structures to surviving in the harsh environment of Hunger Games, players demonstrated their mastery of the game’s mechanics and… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Fail

    Ultimate Minecraft Fail The Wild Update: Exploring Minecraft’s Bad Ending Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, recently introduced an exciting new update known as “The Wild Update.” Among the many features and events included in this update, one particular aspect has caught the attention of players – the Bad Ending. Unveiling the Bad Ending In the world of Minecraft, players are accustomed to embarking on epic adventures, building magnificent structures, and overcoming challenges. However, the Bad Ending introduces a new twist to the game’s narrative. Players must navigate through a series of obstacles and make crucial decisions that will ultimately lead… Read More

  • Boss Battle Bonanza: Minecraft’s Wither War

    Boss Battle Bonanza: Minecraft's Wither War In this Minecraft tale, we face the Wither Boss, Crafting our gear, no room for loss. Strategizing our moves, ready to fight, With every swing and arrow, we aim for the light. Building the Wither, the tension grows, Our hearts beating fast, as the battle shows. Fighting with all we’ve got, no time to rest, Dodging its attacks, putting our skills to the test. But oh, a hole in the ground, a surprise indeed, The Wither’s power, making us plead. With lagging issues, the fight gets tough, But we push through, showing we’re rough. Finally, the Wither falls, our… Read More

  • Renaming My Minecraft Character!

    Renaming My Minecraft Character! Welcome to the World of Minecraft with 方块轩 方块轩, a prominent creator in the Minecraft community, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that prioritizes the well-being and safety of young viewers. As a domain expert in the realm of Minecraft, 方块轩 crafts original and humorous Minecraft animations that aim to spread joy and laughter among audiences. Unique Content Offerings With a focus on originality and creativity, 方块轩’s channel is the go-to destination for engaging Minecraft content. From daily original videos to hilarious animations, 方块轩’s channel promises a steady stream of entertainment for Minecraft enthusiasts. By subscribing to 方块轩’s channel,… Read More

  • Underwater Farming Madness!

    Underwater Farming Madness! Minecraft Submerged: Exploring the Mystical Agriculture Infusion Altar Welcome to Seaopolis Submerged, an ocean-based survival questing modpack that takes players on a unique underwater adventure. In this immersive world, players are submerged from the overworld into the depths of the ocean, the nether, and beyond. Starting in a small room under the sea, players must navigate the challenges of this oceanic world to survive and thrive. Customized World and Unique Features Seaopolis Submerged features a completely customized world filled with various mobs and structures that add depth and excitement to the gameplay experience. From the thermal series to opolis… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Soda Machine

    Sneaky Minecraft Soda Machine Minecraft Museum Build Hacks: Unleashing Creativity in the Virtual World Exploring the vast possibilities of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity. One such fascinating endeavor is the creation of a museum within the game. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft Museum Build Hacks and discover the innovative ways players are bringing history and art to life in this virtual realm. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Building Ideas When it comes to building in Minecraft, the only limit is one’s imagination. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, players have crafted a myriad of awe-inspiring creations. The… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft World Tour on MTR Server!!

    Insane Minecraft World Tour on MTR Server!!Video Information [Music] everything all right we should be good to go I need to play me big operators you’re already big operators oh what’s good everybody welcome back to the stream we are back again we’re not doing a short stream this time for this series I believe I’ll stick to the normal format how’s everyone doing though it has been a while got some uh new stuff going on here I need to change this skin I’m sorry I I can’t do this I can’t do this bro we found the perfect place to start though big man… Read More


    SHOCKING SERVER CRASH HACK! LIQUIDBOUNCE NEXTGENVideo Information [Music] go [Music] n raining on the floor with my favorite slot if you touch your sh your neck gets SC they someka they some crack I don’t give a this is how we party in the Russian Club This video, titled ‘SIGN SERVER CRASH EXPLOIT | LIQUIDBOUNCE NEXTGEN’, was uploaded by xyz1337 on 2024-03-25 21:00:37. It has garnered 1200 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:16 or 76 seconds. hypixel skywars,skywars,hypixel,minecraft skywars,hacking,hacking in skywars,hacking on hypixel,ranked skywars,minecraft skywars hypixel,hypixel hacking,shmeado hypixel skywars,skywars hacker,hypixel hacker,hypixel sky wars,hypixel hacks,how to be good in skywars,hacker compilation… Read More

  • Insane DC2 Skibidi Pobre 9! Crazy Wind Landscapes

    Insane DC2 Skibidi Pobre 9! Crazy Wind LandscapesVideo Information This video, titled ‘(dc2) skibidi pobre 9 FULL’, was uploaded by WIND FROM THE LANDSCAPE on 2024-05-10 21:51:33. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. new threat found #skibiditoiletmeme #skibditoilet #minecraft #skibidibopyesyesyes #animation Read More

  • ChabCraft-Civilizations

    ChabCraft-CivilizationsWelcome to ChabCraft, a realm where strategy, politics, and faction warfare converge to create an unparalleled gaming experience. Immerse yourself into a world where every move you make shapes the course of history. Immerse yourself in the complex web of alliances and rivalries, where diplomacy and cunning are your most potent weapons. Non-Whitelisted, Join Our Discord! Read More

  • Fabulous Miners SMP Whitelisted Java Bedrock 1.20.X

    Welcome to our Minecraft Server! If you’re looking for a fun and non-toxic gaming experience, you’ve come to the right place. Our server has been up for a month and we’re welcoming new players to join our community. Server Features: Enhanced vanilla gameplay – sethome, tpa Leveling system – unlock perks/commands Unique fishing system – new fish without custom resource pack Auto-replanting harvester hoe Player-driven economy – server shop and chest shops Collect mob heads – a fun challenge Join us on Discord to start your application: Read More

  • Dragonia Gaming

    Immerse yourself in a unique and personalized survival experience at Dragonia Gaming! Our server offers a perfect combination of classic Minecraft elements with advanced and custom features to provide an unmatched gaming experience.🔨 Custom CraftsDiscover a world full of new possibilities with our personalized crafts. From powerful weapons to useful tools, there will always be something new to create.🛠️ Advanced and Complex SystemsAt Dragonia Gaming, we have implemented advanced systems that will challenge even the most experienced players. Are you ready to master all our systems?👾 Custom EnemiesFace unique and challenging enemies you won’t find anywhere else. Each battle is… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My game is straight-up busted

    Minecraft Memes - My game is straight-up busted“I keep trying to dig straight down in Minecraft but I just end up falling into my own grave. Maybe I need a new strategy.” Read More

  • Creepy Craft: 3AM Sleep Turns Strange

    Creepy Craft: 3AM Sleep Turns Strange In Minecraft’s world, strange things occur, At 3am, the game takes a dark turn. Ngao’s sleep disrupted by eerie sights, A tale of fear in the dead of night. The video captures the spooky scene, With Ngao’s reactions, both real and keen. The audience watches, hearts aflutter, As Minecraft’s mysteries start to stutter. Ngao’s channel, a hub of fun and fright, Where gaming and storytelling unite. With each new video, a fresh delight, In Minecraft’s realm, where day turns to night. So hit like, share, and subscribe with glee, To join Ngao’s world, where all can see. The magic… Read More

  • Minecraft block battle: The Hottest Showdown! 🔥😂 #shorts #trending

    Minecraft block battle: The Hottest Showdown! 🔥😂 #shorts #trending When you’re in a Minecraft block battle and you accidentally hit your friend instead of the enemy, and suddenly it’s a battle of who can say sorry the fastest 😂 #friendlyfire #minecraftproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Free 24/7 Minecraft Server Creation 2024!

    Ultimate Guide: Free 24/7 Minecraft Server Creation 2024! Creating a Free and 24/7 Open Minecraft Server – Complete Tutorial 2024! Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft with your very own server that’s accessible 24/7? In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to set up your own Minecraft server for free, ensuring endless gaming fun with your friends! Why Choose Mega Hosting? When it comes to hosting your Minecraft server, Mega Hosting offers some fantastic benefits: 100% Free with No Hidden Fees: Enjoy hosting your server without any costs. 24/7 Guaranteed Uptime: Your server will always be available for you and your friends to play… Read More

  • Ultimate Mod Elevator Build Challenge

    Ultimate Mod Elevator Build Challenge Building an Elevator with Create Mod in Minecraft Embark on a creative journey as you witness the construction of a magnificent elevator using the Create mod in Minecraft. This project is part of a 30-day challenge that showcases the endless possibilities of this innovative mod. Unleashing Creativity with Create Mod The Create mod revolutionizes the way players interact with Minecraft by introducing a plethora of mechanical elements. From conveyor belts to gearboxes, this mod empowers users to engineer complex systems limited only by their imagination. Constructing the Elevator In this video, the skilled builder demonstrates the step-by-step process of… Read More

  • Mikey and JJ discover secret chocolate factory in Minecraft!

    Mikey and JJ discover secret chocolate factory in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey and JJ open a CHOCOLATE FACTORY in Minecraft ! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mikey World on 2024-05-23 20:00:29. It has garnered 7153 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:52 or 1012 seconds. Mikey and JJ open a CHOCOLATE FACTORY in Minecraft ! – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4: See All Crafts with JEI

    Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4: See All Crafts with JEIVideo Information This video, titled ‘COMO ver TODOS los CRAFTEOS en Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4 – JUST ENOUGH ITEMS (JEI)’, was uploaded by Canal Héroes on 2024-03-08 18:30:46. It has garnered 747 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. Hello everyone and welcome to a new video on this channel, in today’s video we bring you a quick review of a Minecraft mod, this mod allows you to see all the crafting available in Minecraft, anyway, I hope you like it and bye. INSTAGRAM LINK 😎: OTROS LINKS: ✅comic Building😎: ☑️comic The Forgotten… Read More


    SECRET MINECRAFT COLLAB: YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Майнкрфат Сейчас покажу #viral #майнкрафт #minecraft #gaming #memes #videogames #video #gamer’, was uploaded by ILYA x ISMA on 2024-03-06 13:15:00. It has garnered 6805 views and 175 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Subpishis ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO… Read More

  • BaconBoy’s Insane Minecraft PS4 Gameplay 🔥

    BaconBoy's Insane Minecraft PS4 Gameplay 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Bedrock Edition – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (PlayStation)’, was uploaded by BaconBoyYT on 2024-04-19 15:24:00. It has garnered 79 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:53 or 293 seconds. Minecraft: Bedrock Edition – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (PlayStation) Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18, 2011, with Notch… Read More

  • Insane RLcraft Gameplay! First time players? #minecraft

    Insane RLcraft Gameplay! First time players? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Is this everyone’s FIRST RLcraft experience? #minecraft #rlcraft #shorts’, was uploaded by RCgames on 2024-03-19 19:00:12. It has garnered 423 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Hey, how are you? —————————————————————————————————- Check this out : Twitch – Discord – TikTok – Become a member – Business inquiries – [email protected] —————————————————————————————————- #minecraft #rlcraft Read More

  • Lost in Minecraft: Where’s the End Update?

    Lost in Minecraft: Where's the End Update?Video Information This video, titled ‘Mojang, Where is the End Update?’, was uploaded by Minecraft Detective on 2024-04-03 18:27:25. It has garnered 34714 views and 1200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:05 or 545 seconds. This video shows how Minecraft hasn’t released an update for the end in over 9 years, and if the end update could come after the recent 1.21 update #minecraft #minecraftend #minecrafthardcoremode Music Used : Infraction: Storyteller – Life Goes On - Story – “Cold Cinema” by Cold Cinema “Wings Of Inspiration” by Cold Cinema Read More

  • Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft Strategies

    Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft StrategiesVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Worst Ways To Play Minecraft | Bearman3600’, was uploaded by Bearman3600 on 2024-02-23 18:00:06. It has garnered 540288 views and 30787 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:41 or 2081 seconds. Today I take a look at some of the best reasons to fucking end it all featuring a variety of different computers, consoles, and other devices. Thank you for your patience with my uploads if you actually watch them. I often have little time to record or edit videos, so I try to spend as much time as I can working on… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with Maizen

    Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-05-31 13:00:03. It has garnered 3574 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:09 or 2469 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • EPIC Mother’s Day Minecraft Surprise!!

    EPIC Mother's Day Minecraft Surprise!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mothers’ Day Minecraft Showcase!!!’, was uploaded by ChaChaYourVmom on 2024-05-13 09:59:46. It has garnered 681 views and 99 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:45 or 7065 seconds. Explore your own unique worlds, survive the night, and create anything you can imagine! Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Come home to my Discord! You, too, can be an elite for only $0.99/month! Join my channel: If you’re struck by the… Read More

  • Alinea SMP | Whitelisted | Proximity Voice Chat | 1.21 | Vanilla Compatible | Extra Enchantments | Launched Today | New World

    Alinea Minecraft Server Alinea Come join Alinea, a 1.21 SMP Minecraft server offering a Vanilla-like experience with added features. Whitelisted for protection, custom enchantments, food skewers, proximity voice chat, and more. Join our Discord server to apply and start playing today! VANILLA+ SMP – Join with a Vanilla client and enjoy all features except proximity voice chat. To join, apply for our whitelist in the #whitelist-application channel on our Discord server. Application includes an interview and rule review. Feature Spotlight Proximity Voice Chat – Use Plasmo Voice to talk in-game. Food Skewers – Try new foods like veggie skewers. Extra… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Community Overload!

    Well, I guess the meme is scoring pretty high despite its humble beginnings as just a joke title. Minecraft memes are definitely a force to be reckoned with! Read More

  • Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style!

    Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with every dive. Animations that are funny and bright, Bringing happiness, day and night. No pirated content, only originals here, With humor and fun, there’s nothing to fear. So follow along, subscribe with glee, For Minecraft adventures, come join me! From classroom series to song adaptation too, Fangkuaixuan’s channel has something for you. So dive into the world of blocks and fun, With MC Funny, the journey’s just begun. So let’s do some calculations today, In Minecraft world, where we laugh and play. Join Fangkuaixuan, the master of… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipdrama Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft related! Today, we have an exciting recommendation for all you Minecraft enthusiasts out there. Have you ever come across a leaked version of Minecraft that promises an ultra deluxe experience? Well, we have just the server for you to explore that and more – Minewind. While watching a video about a leaked version of Minecraft, you may have come across the quote “The cake. It was indeed real, you see. Sometimes, just sometimes, it’s worth believing everything you come across. After all, ignorance, as they say, is bliss.” This… Read More

  • Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft

    Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft The Easiest Mob XP Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20 Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to improve their gameplay and gather valuable resources. One essential aspect of the game is creating efficient mob farms to collect experience points (XP) and rare drops. In a recent video, a Minecraft player known as BlackPlayzOP showcased the easiest mob XP farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20, suitable for all Bedrock Edition platforms. Features of the Mob XP Farm The highlighted mob XP farm is designed to provide players with a simple yet effective method of farming XP…. Read More


    MASTER MINECRAFT BUILDING TIPS! 👷🏗️Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Unleash Your Inner Architect! Building Guide for BEGINNERS to PROS 🏗️’, was uploaded by GAMING GURU on 2024-06-21 07:33:27. It has garnered 431 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Ready to transform your Minecraft world into a masterpiece? 🎨 Whether you’re a newbie just starting out or a seasoned builder looking for fresh inspiration, this comprehensive guide will take your Minecraft architecture skills to the next level! What You’ll Discover: Foundation Fundamentals: Learn the essential building blocks, tips for terrain manipulation, and how to choose the… Read More

  • JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!

    JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-02-09 20:00:00. It has garnered 5823 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:03 or 3723 seconds. How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing mc lol #minecraft #memes #shorts’, was uploaded by NatPlaying on 2024-04-20 07:13:03. It has garnered 10264 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!

    Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: BLOCK HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mongo on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 293884 views and 4156 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:14 or 2114 seconds. Mongo and Wudo have to build secure block houses! Who builds the safest block house? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! #Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More