Cozy Long Term Minecraft Base Decorating!

Video Information

For oh hello oh there we go hello hello hello hello everybody how you all doing today happy New Year wow happy New Year everyone how are you all doing it’s it’s been a hot minute it has been a hot minute since we have all seen each other

It’s been at least I would say a week 10 days 10 days is since we’ve uh streamed and boy oh boy does it feel good to be back how are you all doing so nice to see you all I hope you all had a happy holiday a great New Year all of that

What did you all get up too what did you all get up to in the um during the holidays and how was your New Year’s so happy to be back we have uh a lot to do today we are in the uh in the long-term World we’re not in the uh chill survival

World we’re going to be doing some work here that is because I do actually have a video for chill survival uh planned and ready to go for you all so I don’t want any spoilers that’s why I decided to stream in here today we’ll probably be back in chill survival sometime

Uh next week I would say uh we have a lot of like cool projects we can do there but we do have some projects to work on here today um I was kind of thinking of finishing up some of our stuff in our winter area very quickly

And then moving back over to our main uh area over here and we can just kind of vibe and stuff we’ve got a couple hours today for stream so we have lots and lots of time oh my gosh welcome on in everybody so nice to see you all thank you so much

For uh popping in I appreciate it I hope you all had a lovely holiday first drift drift stream of the New Year hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year I did thank you so much and same to you Jody and everyone else I hope you all

Had a wonderful time um over the holidays so we took some me and Big Tiny duck had about 10 days off how’s the music by the way is the music a little bit too loud I can turn it down if so um but we had about 10 days off and it was

Awesome we spent some time with family um we honestly just like we rested a lot a lot a lot like I was I was sleeping like 8 or n hours which is not I I think we usually sleep around 6 or 7 hours so we got a lot of sleep over the break

Which was really nice I think we both really needed it um we hung out we did some Legos we did lots of coloring uh we saw some friends which was really fun too just like a overall just a very like restful holiday it was really nice moving during the holidays almost

Done oh my gosh good luck with your move honestly moving during the holidays I feel like is both like a blessing and a curse because in some ways like it’s a little bit less busy in terms of like like people are at home a lot so you’re

Not really like you don’t run into as much traffic on the roads but still like you don’t want to move during the holidays at the same time so a mitch how’s it going how’s it going man we I I was playing some fortnite last night uh

With Mitch and let me tell you we got wrecked we got wrecked absolutely wrecked do you not hear music oh no is there no music hold on a second I may have turned it off oh no no it should be good should be good but if

You don’t hear it here let me turn it up a little bit let me know if you hear this a little bit more my levels might be a little bit uh all over the place cuz I was uh that’s always the pain of uh recording different types of content through

OBS you got five new Lego sets for Christmas yo let’s go what did you get what did you get Ruth loved all the Lego yo Ruth was a menace she tried stealing so many um so many pieces to the Lego it was so funny it’s funny until it’s not though

Cuz you’re like where’s this piece yeah Ruth like took it off the table and now she has it all right so basically all we have to do today to finish up is just like this area up here I want to get this done and then I think we should fly

Back I I’m seeking some warmth you know after the holidays I’m seeking a little bit of warmth this area is pretty much done it looks pretty cool I would love to come like revisit this and maybe build some more into the mountains eventually but like what we have I would

Call pretty much done we’ve got our cabin in here this is done we’ve got our two cabins that connect these are all pretty much done so music’s just very quiet okay it’s a little bit better all right good good good all right so we just have to finish

Up this I don’t know what to do with it though I’m trying to think so what do we have for our chimney over here I’m so bad at making like little chimney areas okay we have something like this that’s kind of cute I mean it’s pretty much the same thing I

Just need to add a little bit more to the sides and them we’re pretty much good you know I would like to add maybe some like granite and stuff to the sides let’s see oh my gosh Cobble City Cobble City Cobble City all right let’s get some granite and then boom man it feels so weird to be back because in some ways just because I’m like I haven’t played Minecraft in 10 days chat 10 days I think that’s like the longest I’ve gone without playing Minecraft isn’t that

Wild absolutely wild so like I’m I’m a little bit Rusty today I’m not going to lie I might be a little bit Rusty playing some Minecraft cuz I’m like why isn’t anything in third person cuz I’ve been playing so much fortnite you got a new bike

Nice awesome very nice what kind of uh bike did you get like mountain bike street bike I would love to get a new bike someday someday though chat right right now not the time cuz I live in the city and biking in the city really

Scares me but if I ever move out of the city I think I will get myself a a new bike I used to love biking uh growing up I used to bike everywhere all the time and now not so much not so much I need some

Clay cuz I’m going to need a couple more um couple more pots and stuff to decorate the area I do need some more wool too we might have to go back to our base really quickly there’s a couple things that I’m missing I think or we could use like glowberries or something

Too uh but not for the wool the wool is something else that we need uh what do we got in here all right clay perfect let’s burn this really quickly you even played smash uh Smash Bros ultimate ooh nice that sounds fun you’re a new subscriber and so far

You’re the best at build building oh Willow thank you so much I appreciate that also happy New Year hope you’re having a good one your mom also got you a Minecraft B plushy oh my gosh okay wait we might have the same be plushy we might have the same be plushy because I

Too got a Minecraft be plushy for Christmas my sister got it for me she surprised me with it and literally it is the coolest thing ever I love it I’m so happy with it she was like she just surprised me with it it was so cute and

We like it so much like that big tiny duck ended up getting a squish mellow because she was like you know what having stuffies around it’s nice so big tiny duck got a squish mellow I got a Minecraft B his wings are like a little bit like starchy though like it’s kind

Of like awkward to like sleep with at night and like cuddle with because it’s just like he’s got it’s got like starchy wings moving took up so much time I haven’t played Minecraft either oh I bet I bet once you get settled get your setup all uh set up again you’ll be

Ready to roll be plushy twins exactly exactly yeah I love the plushy that I got I’m so happy with it so like big GG’s to my sister for getting me that uh for Christmas that was like a very sweet gift she always gets me like all of

These it’s so funny my sister’s like I’m so bad at like getting gifts for people and she always gets me the most like random like thoughtful things I’m like you’re not bad at all what did I even what else did we get oh yeah we got um some Lego sets I got a

Minecraft set I still have to build it’s like the giant panda or something I think it’s like you can live in the panda I don’t remember but uh Big Tiny Duck’s mom got me that for Christmas she always gets me really thoughtful gifts too and then Ruth got some toys for

Christmas of course you can’t is it like you’ve got to spoil your pets for Christmas you know like Ruth has no concept that it’s like that it’s Christmas at all she has no idea but all she knows is that she gets toys the St the stuff be is very starch

What’s up with him I know so starchy what’s going on like a giant potato you know a giant potato you got fake Vines from Amazon yo to like hang up in your room I love little accent pieces like that so nice Moon we’ll see you later I hope you

Have a good uh rest thank you so much for popping in though I appreciate it I’m just running back to the base quickly to get ourselves a little bit more wool I probably have some but hey you know we have a huge stash of wool so

We might as well use it you know well you face reveal so if you look up in my uh on my twitch I stream with a face cam and also if you look up face reveal for infin in a drift I do have a video as

Well it’s a little bit older though so go to my twitch if you want to see what I look like squish Mellows are addictive you might lose BTD to the squish mellow addiction I have a feeling because she is literally obsessed with this thing I’m not even kidding she’s literally

Like oh it’s it’s I think it’s called bu Bula it’s like a little octopus and literally she is actually obsessed with it I think I’ve already lost her to the addiction my little sister has an army of Squish Mellows I get it though they’re so like they’re so comfy they’re super comfy they’re

Squishy like what what more could you possibly need you know you wanted the Panda one I have the fox the Pig and the Axel there’s so many great Minecraft sets honestly so many good ones I’m going to go get a little bit more green wool too Azie thank you so

Much for linking linking that you got to decorate your dorm oh yeah you got to you got to give the dorm the personality you know the personality my cousin loves Minecraft and he has a Lego set of Minecraft let’s go let’s go yeah the Lego sets are

Really fun I have a couple my sister’s gotten me a couple over Christmas and stuff and they I’ve built them over time but again I have to be careful where I put them because Ruth loves to go after Lego sets Pluto welcome on in how you doing

Aspen nice to see you and rubal welcome welcome got to get myself a Minecraft plush okay highly recommend there’s also like a really cute Enderman plushy that I’ve seen before and I’m like I want that love your long plays I watched a whole 5 hours a night it was so good yo

Nice thank you so much for popping in I appreciate it so happy you’re enjoying the long plays yeah I was really um thank you all so much for watching the last long play that I did the uh the teralith one I don’t know if some of you

Have uh have or haven’t seen it yet but basically I did like a long play with commentary uh with the terth mod and it was super fun I would love to do another one so if you all are uh digging it which it seems like you all enjoyed that

Mod quite a bit so I think I might try another one that one what I really love about that mod is that it literally just takes vanilla blocks and like rearranges them to make the terrain look different like it’s super simple but it’s just like stunning got my little brother the fox

Lego Set uh and some kids stepped on it oh no I hope it didn’t like completely break I hope it was was repairable also stepping on Lego worst pain in the world let’s be real actually the worst pain oh wait we’ve already got carpet here we

Just need to put down a little bit more to cover up this granite and then we’re pretty much good so let’s pop down some of this here we’ll just do a little little patch job you know just a cheeky little patch job there we go and then I think for the

These walls all I want to do is maybe add some uh paintings and then we’re pretty much good to go I’ve been in the mood for Legos and I’m a freaking adult uh so it’s good to hear you have Legos oh absolutely we have the our one like thing with Legos though is

Because our apartment’s so small we’re like What do we do with these after we have a like I I could build Legos all day every day but my thing is I’m like where do I display some of these after cuz there’s only so much space you know

There’s only so much space but we are we are big Lego peeps for sure it’s just like a really fun relaxing activity that in coloring books we’ve been um doing a lot of coloring again I always find that I kind of get into that and then like fall out of it

But um our friend brought over some coloring sheets the other day for us and we have been loving it it’s so fun that’s too big let’s block this off so we can get like a big boy right here and Then big boy right here put one above put one above I rewatch your fall long plays on the plane when I was traveling it was very nice and pass time well oh my God that makes me so happy I’m so glad honestly I’m I’m not a great um a great

Flyer so do hear that somebody used used my long plays to help pass the time on an airplane that makes me very very happy I’m trying to get better with that chat though trying to get better at flying because boy oh boy I am definitely what you would call a nervous flyer for

Sure I think I was going to say I think I’ve gotten better but big tiny duck would probably disagree she’s the one that has to has to deal with my fear of flying when we’re on the plane together and I think she would say no I I in fact have not gotten better

But to be fair I think if I had to fly all the time I’d eventually get used to it but because I don’t fly too often I think it just like scares me a lot Woodman welcome on in how you doing nice to see you just put that there put that

There wonder what we could do right here something like that is kind of cool it kind of just helps like divide up the room a little bit more so I think I think that’s nice for like a little division of space I have an Enderman plush and the

Whole shelf of Minecraft plushies I love that that’s awesome that is honestly honestly a dream I could do I could do with a few more Minecraft plushies honestly this is my first time watching your videos and loving hope you have a great day oh thank you so much well

Welcome on in I hope you’re having a great day and happy New Year as well thanks for popping in I appreciate it so we’re basically just finishing up this little area right now and I think we’re going to dip and probably work on some other stuff Oh I thought the

Painting wouldn’t get affected by the by the light or not the light sorry the um fence post so let me just oh no I need to get that too I’m a little bit Rusty chat I’m a little bit Rusty today cuz I uh haven’t played Minecraft in a hot minute

It’s been a whole whole 10 days that is that’s wild for me feel like glowberries would look good there though can we do Gates there would it would it have the same effect would it pop the um would it pop the painting out I’ve now traveled so many times by

Plane uh living abroad that it’s almost routine now see that’s a thing I think if it became routine for me I’d be like oh like this isn’t so bad I think one of my biggest fears about flying is like just not knowing what’s going on you know like not understanding how planes

Function so like any bump I’m like well what was that what was that I need to get used to like I don’t know being on a plane and understanding that like you know a little bit of turbulence it’s not so bad it’s okay yeah I’m going to put some gates

Here though let’s put some gates here oops like that and then I need a few more glowberries I think welcome back David love your channel I can’t stop watching a well thank you so much for watching I appreciate it really appreciate the support guys I know isn’t it crazy that we

Haven’t streamed since last year look at that look at that also chat if you’re enjoying the stream so far I know we’ve only been live a short time but smash that like button cuz it really really helps out the streams I would very much appreciate it

All right I need a little bit more um bone meal or I need to get some glowberries one way or another my classmate printed me a 3D Minecraft snow fox it’s so cute oh my gosh that would be so cute one of my friends um they have a 3D printer and I

Think he made a creeper once and it was really cool the first day back I work uh from uh anytime off has confused me I don’t even know my own name no for real like why is that a thing I think like I feel like the first day you’re back at

Anything you’re always just like kind of stumbling around being like how did I like how did I manage to do this before like I don’t I don’t understand my routine now what am I doing it’s so true you just kind of like fumble around until you eventually figure it

Out and then once you it’s all about the routine honestly it’s just getting back into routine can sometimes be really tricky but once once you’re back it’s not so bad okay let’s remove these honestly we don’t really need anything down this hallway I think if anything I’ll just

Like light it a little bit this is looking pretty cute though I think I’m pretty satisfied with this maybe a painting on this wall just to fill up some space and then we’re good cuz I if we do a shelf here this is only too wide it’s just going to

Everything’s just going to get get in the way of one another you know I ran out of uh cool spots you found on stream to build new bases so I need you to find another cool spot for me to build on this seed oh my gosh you

Got it I love that you’ve been following along with this seed I think that’s so cool seeing the progress that we’ve made has been like spectacular honestly you’ve killed it there’s some weirdly this seed has so many good spots chat I think if we do ex exclamation point seed

I’m not exactly sure you know what I can just type it in there there’s the seed if anybody uh wants it this seed honestly I don’t know what it is this this seed has it all honestly has it all it might be a little bit different because I think we started

This in 1 was it 118 or 119 it was 118 so some things might be a little bit different uh where we are like depending on where you are but for the most part like like H it is so good there we go let’s do that you’re working on Mega Castle while

Watching uh stream Chill Vibes oh let’s go let’s go I hope your mega Castle’s going well I am working on a castle currently as well I’ve been struggling though cuz I I don’t really too often do castles so this is like my first kind of like bigger Castle Project I think we’re

Doing good though I I do like how like the direction it’s going in but it’s like very overwhelming trying to like fit all of the uh pieces together and like figure out a general shape for the castle you know I was going to add item frames here but actually something like that could

Work and then we could add like a fern to it I think we have a diamond we could put in there as well oh yeah azy the that’s that’s what I thought would happen I was like I wonder if I have the seed for this world

On YouTube but I think it is the chill survival one eh I I had an inkl I was like oh I don’t know you can do an assortment item frames oh yeah we are on the same page we are on the same page let’s go yeah I feel like something like

This couple of item frames like this yeah that looks good we just need to fill in one more piece maybe just like this that looks like a little like I don’t know it looks like a museum piece like agriculture I think that looks pretty cool I think this like is

Pretty much done though honestly I’m pretty satisfied with this I think this area looks super cute and super cozy I think the one like all this means is that we need to like come back and build more here because this area just like I feel like there’s more that

We could def definitely build at this Outpost so basically we started with this little cabin um it’s like a little cute winter cabin and then I don’t know how we even got into doing this I really don’t know but there there’s two little houses here I I kind of envisioned like

A walkway going through here like a lush cave walkway and like more houses eventually there’s pillagers right there bro get of here get out of here anyway I feel like there’s like potential for so like a really cool like cave Village you know So eventually I think we’ll come

Back to this but I think what we did here for our little winter event uh on this channel was really cool I think I really love this area this little storage area super cute I’m going to bring back I guess like I don’t know just like a couple things whatever

I can fit I think I have a shulker box outside we don’t really need a lot of these materials I don’t think so I’m just like I don’t I don’t know I feel like like if anything I should clean up this mess and then um just bring whatever we can back do I

Just let some of this despawn I don’t know some of this stuff looks like valuable though maybe take the valuable stuff out and then let this stuff despawn see I don’t think I need any of this really red don’t know honestly obsidian we probably Need I thought I heard like oh my gosh I thought I heard like stomping and I was like what is that my headphones were making that noise like against my glasses I don’t know why they were like shifting around on my ear that scared me I was like what is that

Huh I built four or five new worlds in different spots around the seed based solely on places drift is found found I love that it’s so cool so cool and all honestly all of them have looked so cool so happy to catch a stream today love watching you uh play Minecraft I

Appreciate uh you do so much for Community enjoying dinner right now cinnamon roll and salad oh Alexandra thank you so much for the kind words I really appreciate it and thank you so so much I hope you’re enjoying your cinnamon rolls and salads that’s so funny I had cinnamon rolls the other day

Big Tiny duck makes literally the best cinnamon rolls on Earth they are I think they’re my favorite dessert that she makes they are actually so delicious it is ridiculous chat so we had uh we had some over the course of a few days and it has been delightful all right I’m

Going to let this stuff just despawn I guess goodbye I hate doing this usually I don’t know why I’m like kind of weird about it I don’t know if everyone else just tries to like keep all of their items cuz you never know when you’re going to need them you know so letting

This kind of float here it pains me a bit I’m not going to lie the castle in a city I’m building at the moment added villagers uh G giving the city so much life can’t wait to do more work oh yeah oh yeah see that’s like the

That’s the key to building like cities and stuff is filling it with stuff where you have no choice but to like go back and visit it so villagers are like a great thing to have oh fer welcome on in so nice to see you I hope you had a good

Holiday and say hi to Selma for me yeah we took um so New Year’s Day me and Big Tiny duck um we hung out a bunch yesterday we were just like doing some like I don’t I don’t even know what we did we went for a walk we uh had

Leftover Thai food from New Year’s that was delicious we were just vibing yesterday honestly I know I said I was going to let this despawn by the way but I can’t I cannot in good conscious let it despawn how do you get your ideas for building honestly a really great place

To start if you’re looking for um inspiration for anything like shape or like theme Pinterest so if you look up things like honestly like real architecture um there’s a lot of like really good reference photos uh even like illustrations there’s amazing like illustrations on Pinterest for uh like

Fantasy builds and stuff like that a lot of creators uh I know kind of use that method and it it really does help it really helps it gives you basically just like a really good jumping off point even if you don’t end up actually doing something similar to like the shape

You’re kind of referencing it’s it’s always a great place to kind of get like the ideas flowing yeah we have a we do have a library in this world yo I forgot we didn’t even finish that though we need to finish that still all right I would say that this

Area is pretty much complete until until next time so I’m I’m pretty happy with what we did here I think it’s looking super cute I would love to revisit it though honestly this area I feel like this area we could do some cool stuff with

But but it is time to go back to the main part of our world and just like just do some some building and stuff you know you’ve never had cinnamon rolls yo cinnamon rolls are delicious if made right honestly homemade incredible so good Big Tiny duck like

She has perfected it it’s funny each time she makes a different recipe just to like see if there’s like something she could do differently but she Nails it every single time we’re looking after our friend’s cat and he’s so heavy footed I can hear him through my headphones and music that

Sounds exactly like Ruth sometimes if she’s upstairs walking around she is so loud it like if she’s like playing with something upstairs it sounds like she’s moving furniture she’s a cat huh Paulina you know what’s up cinnamon rolls delicious there we go see 10 out

Of 10 I I feel like they’re probably one of my favorite baked goods my kiddos love watching your content happy holidays oh Wendy thank you so much I hope your fam had a great holiday as well and thank you for popping in I appreciate it there should be a Pinterest for Dad joke

Inspiration wait a pest okay as that was a dad joke you literally just made a dad joke I think if anything maybe maybe you should you and toots should uh get together and start that I feel like it would be great had a great holiday with my

Partner and our kids Selma has been so spoiled with treats and Cuddles as well hope you had a great holiday too a that sounds lovely I’m so happy you had a great holiday and yeah ours was very very restful it was nice we got to see

All like all of our family and stuff it was just very very nice it’s funny I it’s I think it’s like a good sign of a holiday when you’re kind of ready to get back to like work and stuff too although like both me and Big Tiny duck were like

A we just like want to watch some more movies and like play fortnite and stuff it’s it’s also like I don’t know both of us were like I need a routine again you know that’s that’s one of the big things that we were kind of missing this week

Was a little bit of a routine cuz we just ended up like sleeping in very late and stuff but at the same time we were like if we’re if we’re sleeping in this much it just means we needed it we needed it but it was super restful and super

Fun also finished my futuristic city uh on my Village world where I build villagers uh very sad ended World though it’s amazing looking with uh finished product project or project sorry project yo if you want to share that progress you can head on over into the Discord and uh showcase your build

If you ever want to show it cuz that sounds awesome long-term projects are great this is this is our long long-term project uh this is probably the longest term project I’ve worked on is this whole world I mean you could see there’s still a lot of work to be done but it

Has been so rewarding I love it so much so so much wanted to donate 1 but my credit card declined cuz I forgot to put some money on it I said I wanted to donate no worries no worries whatsoever just you honestly you being here and supporting

The stream I really really appreciate it do not worry about that whatsoever I appreciate the con gesture though really really appreciate it but no worries cinnamon rolls aren’t really a thing in ger Germany I know you can buy frozen ones at Ikea oh my gosh yes I

Don’t know if I’ve ever had the frozen ones at Ikea though I see them all the time and I’m like I wonder if those are good honestly they probably are I like their fro I like the frozen meatballs there I don’t know if anybody else else does but I think they’re

Good all right chat so we have some stuff to work on today we’ve got this area over here we have to uh decorate some of the houses still we’ve got like a little library in here that we are working on which is looking pretty cute actually I

Like it um we’ve got that we’ve also did I decorate the Interiors of these yet no we didn’t so we got decorational stuff to do I am going to run out of rockets very soon this is a bit of a problem because I fly everywhere I think I have paper

Somewhere though hold on a second if not we can make some but this might be a a little bit of a problem I thought I had more Rockets somewhere I probably have them back at that snowy base I’m not going to lie it’s okay new year new me

And new me is organized except I’m not this is literally the opposite of being organized oh my gosh oh my gosh chat what am I doing what am I doing tootes it’s so nice to see you how you doing so so nice to see you happy New Year

Another year of drift streams and crazy chilled streams listen listen I am so excited for 2024 I feel like we accomplished a lot in 2023 and like I’m just like it just made me even more excited uh for this year and what we’re going to be doing I feel like content

This year is just going to be super fun super Chill Vibes we’ve gotten like back into the flow of um one thing I really wanted to like kind of strive for towards the end of uh 2023 was like being more consistent with my videos and

I think I got back on track with that and then streams as well I was like if I can stay on top of the the um the videos that means I can stream more for you guys so I think I’ve gotten to a good

Spot I mean as good as it can be I would always love to add more streams cuz I love hanging out with you all so I think that’s kind of my goal for this year is try to try to get even a couple more sneaky streams in here and

There all right I need to make a little bit more paper cuz I need I need more Rockets we got to fly we’ve got to fly some I need to take my place in front of the screen for a second my toddler just uh told me he needed a

Diaper change every everybody’s just everybody’s just getting demanding your attention demanding your attention Selma she’s in front of the screen she’s like you know what no pets pets babies like diaper change right now it really do be like that though Frozen cinnamon rolls is giving me uh Vietnam flashbacks the whole

Frozen blue cheese atrocity oh my gosh not the blue cheese atrocity chat I don’t know how that even started who said that they eat frozen blue cheese again I don’t remember that was I just don’t I just can’t I can’t all right so we’ve got our Interiors to work on today we’ve also

Got this Castle Project that we’ve been working on forever so we can build up some of this stuff I was kind of thinking so we have like in this area this is basically for some of you who um don’t know what’s going on with this area it’s basically a creeper farm that

We’ve had forever that we never did anything with and it was pretty much this giant structure right here that we had left for so long and now we’re so slowly turning it into like a castle area so we’ve got that um we’ve got like a lot of terraforming to do this would

Be more of like a terraforming and maybe like a project to start like laying out some like builds around here as well we could do like little castle builds or we can work on the Interiors over here so that would pretty much involve us kind of just like figuring out what would go

In these spaces we could also start planning out some areas like some builds over here I just I still don’t know exactly what I want to do with this yet so I think I might leave it I’m unsure what would what would you guys kind of be be interested in doing we

Could do that we could also even just like try to toss up a different style of build today somewhere I’m honestly very very open we’re just getting back into the swing swing of things today so I’m open to do pretty much anything please make a cyberpunk city world listen I

Would love to that’s on the list that’s on the list cuz that is something that I think would be a really good challenge for me what was that about dad jokes I literally tuned in and heard you uh azy and toots could do something regarding dad jokes azy suggested making a website

Of dad jokes and it was amazing Al welcome on in how you Doing if you work at that farm you at least get some Gunpowder that’s true that’s true if we work at that farm we get some Gunpowder also I was thinking if we work in this area we get some paper so this is another area that kind

Of needs some love as well so over here basically we have like our giant Pond right and then we have a little village in here which eventually we’re going to have to build some storage into this wall this is going to be a huge storage project don’t know if we could tackle

That today cuz that’s that’s going to be a long-term project but we could also start throwing up some houses along here too just some like cute little stuff to fill in some gaps I don’t know I’m pretty much like down for anything anything do you ever have an issue where

Your animals despawn my dog disappeared my mushroom cow and all my sheep I haven’t had that personally I don’t know what would cause that though if anybody in chat knows throw out some suggestions cuz that’s really strange I went on uh the website for my local

Eye hospital the other day it was a Site for Sore Eyes I’m dead that’s great that’s great hello from Kansas finally caught alive oh welcome on in wheat I hope you’re having a great day thank you so much for popping in I hope uh you had a happy New

Year as well okay chat I’m kind of vibing with like maybe the IDE the idea of like doing something here you know kind of vibing with the idea of working on this area cuz we haven’t touched this in a while we’ve been doing a lot of

Like um winter themed stuff I’m kind of ready to get back into like the nitty-gritty of our base and start like building up maybe what we can do today is lay out a couple of builds here cuz basically what we have right now is like a cool looking moat oh my

Gosh there’s an Enderman that scared me I was like what is that walking I’m the only person in this world this is terrifying so we have like a little bit of a moat which we’re going to have to add stuff around it as well but I feel

Like right here could be like a really cool spot for like a little castle is Village like a little medieval village you know so I think that’s kind of the vibe today so let’s check out what we’ve got for all of our I was going to call this

Stuff ingredients this is not food this is this is not food do not consume deep slate so you guys switching fortnite for now no worries Cherry I hope you have a fun time playing some Fortnite can you do more winter long plays with commentary honestly the winter ones probably if I um I will do more winter ones probably sometime within next year now just cuz the winter thing I find that like when I even when I watch like winter stuff as soon as

Like Christmas is done I I for for some reason I’m like I don’t want to even see snow I need like a break from it but I definitely will do more I really like doing the the winter type stuff and same with fall fall I love it’s my favorite

Season I’ll probably do another one of those again as well all right let me get some wool so we can lay out a couple spots probably need a bit more than that honestly two stacks should be good found your channel like 6 months ago and was uh very impressed with your builds

And how you go about doing them I would love to learn more I wish I had your eye for where to build oh we thank you so much I appreciate it thank you for the kind words honestly a lot of it I would say it always just comes down to like

Practice and and honestly pushing uh pushing out of your comfort zone as well comfort zone is like a huge thing for me like I find that even with this I’ve pushed out of my comfort zone Z and like I feel like I said this before where

Like in a year I’m going to look at this and be like oh I could do it way differently or better but the whole point it like of this project is me kind of learning how to do Castle builds and I’ve been having so much fun with it and

Honestly I always say like trust the process cuz there’s so many times even on stream where I’m building something and I’m like I don’t know chat like is this going to work and you’re everybody’s always like just keep going trust the process and you know what in the end it always works out

Always Cass thank you so much for the five oh my gosh thank you thank you chat you know what to do big big swag thank you so much I really really appreciate the kindness they’re taking the Hobbits to Eisen guard what a classic movie I haven’t

Watched that in a hot minute I feel like Lord of the Rings is one of those movies I like that’s like a yearly watch for me you know at least once a year thank you so much Cass I really uh I really appreciate appreciate it oh my

Gosh losing my words already chat losing my words already Aisha welcome on in how you doing love watching your videos oh thank you so much I appreciate it I appreciate it all right let’s like just start laying out random like Shapes uh let’s let’s go like five this is usually kind of what I do for little areas like this just lay out a couple shapes see what works see what doesn’t we can always modify them if we need To and then we’ll kind of like build from there you know another thing that I would really love to do I don’t think I’ll get I don’t think I’ll build this today but another thing that I would love to learn is how to build like a diagonal building

I’ve never that before and I see people build them all the time and I’m like that looks super cool I just don’t know how to do it you know so I think like something here will probably probably have to change the shape of it I’d imagine something around here would be

Kind of cool with like a small little Alleyway there and then maybe this one can have like Like a tower here on the side can you make a tutorial cuz I try to build something and I mess up I don’t know how to build uh can you make some tutorials I actually do want to try doing some tutorials in the new year I

Might try it out it’s actually one um type of video that I’ve done maybe once or twice and it didn’t really click with me but I feel like I want to give it another shot feel like I’d like to give it another shot have you ever played a Pon switch I

Have not but I’ve heard very good things about that game I’ve heard very very good things about It let’s go like maybe down like this 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 8 nine something like this as well and then we could go 1 2 3 4 5 there we go there we go so we got a couple builds like this I want them kind of like

Really close together I think with like very narrow paths in between this diagonal is definitely that looks like a bean right now like a little kidney bean I don’t think it’s supposed to look like that Sophia welcome on in how you doing diagonal and something uh that also tees

Down the landscape that is so funny that’s so funny literally I built that and then you I read your message we’re all on the same page yeah something going down the mountain as well would be kind of cool I still don’t know what to do with this

Whether I patch it up or not I feel like a waterfall flowing down would be kind of neat and then maybe we could build a bridge across or something so we’ve got like three ideas so far for builds I feel like one needs to go here that’s more liver shaped okay we

We’ve got we’ve got our liver you know what that needs to be like a liver shop whenever we build it a liver shop do you think you can make a purple world listen I might not be able to make like the nicest looking world but I think there’s some like really

Cool things you could do with like ends is it end bricks I forget what they’re called I could I could give that a shot I could give that an honest shot okay this is going to have to just be made out of something like that then 1 two 3 4

Five actually let’s go three 1 two three 2 three four get rid of this one there we go the shapes are very odd but I think they might work I think they might work all right so we’ve got like our evil little deep slate Castle little this calling this

Build small is kind of hilarious I think what we have to do with these builds is kind of keep them within a similar fashion so keep with like kind of like the um the mangrove the dark oak and the Deep slate you know what I mean I think that’s kind of the key

Key I think that is the key so what I’m going to do is I going to start by do we have a stone cutter yes we do it’s right in front of me you know what Gravity Falls is you can maybe build a mystery shack that has

Kind of been on the list I haven’t actually fully watched Gravity Falls but I’m very very uh aware of what the Mystery Shack is and it is a cool looking build yeah we need like a food stand or something for sure all right let’s start with this one

I feel like this is the easiest shape to kind of like comprehend we’re going to go with like just like deep slate maybe like a deep slate trim I feel like we’ll mix in some like kind of castle looking builds and then we’ll do some like

Medieval style so I think this one will kind of like fall under like more of a medieval style build if that makes sense so for this one I want to do a little bit of a trim here with deep slate and then I think we’ll do like dark oak dark

Oak and Mangrove roof I think would be kind of cool let’s see we’re going to need some dark oak Selma abandoned her post literally Selma and Ruth I swear are probably probably sisters that sounds exactly like something Ruth would do we are working on um we’re working on

Our Castle area I’m going to start uh today off by kind of like building up a little bit of a village around here just to add some more builds and kind of fill out this area a little bit more um so we’ve got our moat and stuff here which

Obviously we need to expand to but I was like I I kind of just like I’m in the mood to start building stuff again so I’m going to I’m going to try it out I’m a little bit Rusty cuz it’s been a it’s been a couple days chat

But I think we’ll figure it out yeah we need like a medieval food cart that s that sells just liver and beans liver and beans I’m going to wait to sleep and while I wait I’m going to take a moment to hydrate and you should too chat if uh if you need to

Oh where did that come from I honestly thought that was the wandering Trader what where’ that even come from chat what happened what was that why also I’m laughing at me being like I don’t need any of those materials that are left back at the base like the

Winter base I need all of that dark oak all of that dark oak I need it your brother dropped a switch in the toilet that is terrible I hope it was okay I imagine actually you know what I feel like switches are those even waterproof waterproof at all do you think they

Waterproof them in any capacity I was thinking about it I was going to say maybe but then I was like n that thing has like the vents on those things are pretty big I feel like feel like it’d be toast how’s that welcome on in how you

Doing totally saw a shadow behind you that was uh insane creeper guess that’s why they’re called creepers literally okay when we were doing our um winter world with froggy I don’t know we had like a creeper problem they just kept showing up it was [Applause] wild okay I’m just going to collect as

Much as I can here honestly I really I would just fly back to that snowy area but the problem is honestly like I don’t have enough Rockets we’re we’re just going to we’re going to keep it local today we’re going to keep it local I know it’s like it’s funny

Creepers it’s in the name it’s literally in the name but every time I’m like where did that guy come from where did he even come from that’s the whole point drift Mossy welcome on in how you doing nice to see you we got some dark oak what is this

Doing here I could not have possibly done that couldn’t be me I would never half chop a tree never okay maybe it was me I mean I’m also the only one here but I’m going to blame the way that it spawned it was not me I thought it was a sound uh

Forgetting it was YouTube same that’s like literally a common thing that happens to me now when I stream on YouTube because we have sound alerts on Twitch I always think it’s just somebody playing a a good old classic prank on me so I never move good thing this is not a hardcore

World because I think I’d be in trouble a switch will will brick if you look at it wrong no literally literally Big Tiny duck used to play fortnite on the switch and I am surprised that thing still turns on honestly I am very very surprised that

It even turns on anymore because like I think it just put that game put it through so much stress it’s so funny Freya welcome on in Happy New Year to you too uh we are working on a Castle Project today so we’re going to be working on the creeper castle that we’ve

Had uh hanging around the base for quite some time I’m going to be building just like a couple builds around the front of it to kind of like frame it up a bit Yeah creepers just want to be involved I feel kind of bad cuz they

Like when they walk up to you and approach you they just have that look where they’re like hey like what’s going on like what are you doing over here you know but then they just after that they just blow up so I don’t know I just I

Just think creepers are kind of cute though you know he’s taking revenge for the burnt creeper toes exactly he he he escaped and he was like I will avenge them have you played World of Warcraft I have not my sister has played world of World of Warcraft though she used to

Play a lot of it um a lot of it back then not so much anymore though I don’t think she’s touched it in yours actually cuz she’s like I don’t have time now which I understand I heard that game is like a huge grind but really

Fun I always kind of wanted to get into it I just didn’t know where to start Boop oop you named your last world after a picture picturesque planet from Stargate I love that I I feel like naming things after like shows and stuff that you enjoy it’s

Like one a nice homage and also it’s like some of the names are just so fire it’s like you got to you got to like pay tribute to some of like your fave shows and stuff you know it’s a massive grind and very addicting I I could totally get you started but

You won’t stop and make sure you’re ready for that see that’s the problem I’m like I’m already hooked on fortnite I’m like I think if I got into Warcraft it’d be game over for me you know absolutely game over hey we can do a smallish Tower

Here maybe we could go a little bit higher on the tower though just a little bit higher cuz I feel like this uh house is going to probably rest a little bit higher as well I’m going to go up one two 3 four with the Deep slay I was just going

To do a trim but now I’m like I think all deep slate on this would be kind of cool I name worlds after the month it is but what okay wait what if you okay so what if you have like two two januaries then I don’t name my worlds I feel like

I’m like I feel like I’m missing out chat I don’t even have a name for this world yet I literally just call it cozy stream world I don’t think that’s a good enough name for this world I need to start thinking about like what we could potentially name

This why why haven’t I named it yet honestly it’s cuz I’m really bad at naming and stuff that’s the reason I’m bad at naming like I don’t like naming things is cuz I’m bad at it but like we’ve had this world for over a year now

I think I need to like actually do something with it you know have I tried Lego fortnite I have actually and I really enjoyed it I would I would love to actually make a video on Lego fortnite um I’d probably put it on the second Channel I haven’t had a lot of

Time to play it lately cuz we usually do um we usually do Battle Royale but I really like that game mode it’s fun it has like a lot of potential for it um I’m going to need more Rockets soon and I also need more deep

Slate get BTD to name it oh my gosh I’m scared for what she would name it you know what the funny part is she’d probably like start off with like some silly names and then she’d actually name it something really nice you know Moon what’s going on so nice to see

You how you doing whoops one of my favorite names uh to use for my world is malor it’s a druid thing and wow yeah like I feel like wow always has like really Banger names especially for like medieval stuff you know they just got that naming convention down pretty much perfect

It’s ever happened but then uh you’ll name the new world something else often a mood or feeling new newest is called year zero I like that year zero is really cool I really like that all right there we go so that’s good we can just uh let’s do like door here window

Here and then oh my gosh losing my voice already Moon oh my gosh I’m losing my voice thank you so much for the $4.99 can I get some big swages in chat Moon thank you so much Happy New Year drift here’s to another year of chaos and nonsense and lovely cozy builds you

Know what you summed it up perfectly you summed it up perfectly in that sentence thank you so much for the Super Chat I really really appreciate it big big swags and happy New Year to you too I hope you had a wonderful wonderful New Year honestly super like totally excited

For uh this year really excited for this year for all the fun stuff that we’re going to do my world name consist of oh boy oh girl and let’s go girls oh Shia honestly I should name I should just use Shia Twain as my inspiration I feel like that kind of like

Her vibe kind of encapsulates encapsulates the vibe of this world in some ways do you know do you know what I mean just like this world’s got Shia vibes okay we’re going to need some scaffolding I don’t think I have any oh wait I do I do Yes put some of this away let’s get some of this put away too to actually torches will leave out another year of inventory management you know what I’ve gotten better I’ve gotten better I’m proud of myself for that cuz Inventory management has been a huge ongoing struggle in Minecraft for me but

Now I think I’ve got it I’ve got it more figured out this year you Know Oh no I just place a full block there we go there we Go all right let’s go up plans for the year like resolutions and stuff or like content wise honestly cont content wise I would say like I would I I’m like really vibing kind of like with just everything we’re doing I would love to try some other

Stuff like I want to do more 100 days this year um I want to try to be able to fit in a couple more streams uh than we normally have cuz we really had to cut back on them later in 2023 so I’d like to be able to kind of like bring back

Some of those as well and in terms of like everything else I don’t know I’m I’m really vibing with just like what we’ve been doing lately I think like we’re in a good Groove so I want to I want to just like kind of keep consistent with

That lost own two contracts I was counting on so watching the stream and playing in my own world to make myself feel better thanks for the Cozy guys much needed uh today oh AER than or not thank you I’m so sorry to hear that I’m

So so sorry to hear that I hope I hope everything works out in the end and I’m glad I’m glad the Cozy streams are here for you to kind of take your mind off of it I’m sorry to hear that though I hope everything works itself out in the

End L Grill oh my gosh classic Simpsons reference honestly that is like one of the that’s one of my favorite episodes and then you see him like running into like running into that pile of just like cement with the umbrella and he hits it and the umbrella

Like pops open gosh that’s show I’ll tell you what what are you going to do with the under part of this current build it looks like it could be a very cool Oh Black Market kind of area oh that’s a good idea oh honestly okay wouldn’t it be cool if

This was a little bit of a waterfall that kind of hid like an underground Market there that would be really cool that would be awesome oh welcome on in how you doing love a 100 day series the first Minecraft YouTube video I ever watched was L Shadow ladies 100 days uh video it

Gave me such a good Community uh to know yo That’s a classic that is a classic video honestly I really enjoyed the 100 days format as well I really like the long form videos like that you’re just like pretty much just following like a really long journey in

Story and I find them like I’ve always been super inspired by them and when me and blown tried the better Minecraft one I was like no this is super fun I really really enjoyed it um where should I put let’s do beams here Egypt welome welcome on in how you doing

So nice to see you hope you had a good holiday uh let’s go here just going to do beams all the way throughout are these in line with each other I don’t think they are technically I don’t know if it really matters to be honest Queen sound would be a really

Cool name too since drift is the queen of this world a I love that I love that me no you know what I think I think Ruth is the true queen of this world though I don’t know Ruth seems to be running stuff here you know she really seems seems to be running

Things so I’ve got dark oak beams I’m like what would look good in between maybe some Spruce actually I think Spruce would be good like strip Spruce an underground pirate ship that would be pretty cool too honestly I’m not really good at making like ships and stuff

But you got to start somewhere you know you got to start somewhere I would always like I would love to try Like a Pirate Cove at some point I have one measly rocket left by the way chat this is atrocious what am I to do I’m packing after my uh move and by

That I mean snuggling with my cat on the bed hey that is the most important part of any move is making sure after all of that chaos you just get that rest and comfort I hope the move went well though GG’s on it GG’s moving is

Tough is what do they say about moving again they say it’s like one of the like more stressful like life events I mean it makes sense you’re moving all of your stuff from one place to another getting used to like an unfamiliar Place once you figure it out though you’re all

Good time to get in ship shape hear me out giant Ruth statue to watch over the world oh my gosh yes right maybe maybe we can have like Mike wasowski and then Ruth like on the other side you know Mike and Ruth are like watching over the place I feel like that

Would be appropriate we need some lore for this world absolutely we do we have like a little bit but I think we need more in my city there’s a couple big ships buried underneath buildings wait moon like like real ships or like are we talking IRL

What cuz if so if we’re talking IRL that’s wild ow I Fell All right let’s do That moving stress is real no absolutely it’s like once you get settled it’s all good but I found that like the last time we moved I was I was very stressed very very stressed it was just like in the winter it wasn’t fun it was like we had

To obviously pack up all of our stuff but like moving in the winter is a whole different Beast with like the snow I remember like that week I had also managed to somehow get like a flat tire on my car like really random stuff had happened and like it just like caused

Like delays and just like unnecessary stress it all worked out in the end but it’s just that like it it’s just like you’re already moving into like an unfamiliar place to begin with and then like added stresses like that just completely send you over the edge it all worked out though the day

That we got moved in um me and Big Tiny duck like and we lived in a very very uh tiny apartment before this one this one’s still pretty small but like our first one was like our our kitchen and our bathroom had a skylight and it there

Was literally a like a hole at the top of the wall between the kitchen and bathroom so literally like you could you could literally throw a piece of paper towel or something over the kitchen wall and it would land into the tub of the bathroom like it was the most bizarre

Layout of an apartment ever our kitchen was literally like it was I think it’s called a galley kitchen it was the tiniest thing in the world and our fridge our refrigerator was apartment sized um same with our stove cuz the doors like there were we lived in a

Really old building so everything was more narrow so they usually had to do was like take apart like the appliances and reassemble them in the apartments cuz everything was just too narrow to get like up and down the stairs it was a it was a very interesting um old building but it was

So small I remember like every like when we moved into our new place we’re like we both clocked the fact that neither of us had to walk sideways anymore cuz like that to fit into certain areas like even walking into the kitchen like you had to like basically be sideways all the time

It was so funny and it’s funny cuz this apartment like I would say is the one we’re in now is small but it wasn’t it’s not like that so we’re just like this is huge real ships over 70 of them DM me that’s wild that is wild I’m sure some

Of them were not even found is Ruth the mayor of this world you know she is you know she is Ruth Haven has a world name I love that I feel yeah I feel like this is Ruth’s world and we’re all just living in it you know that’s the lore of this

World Fair Haven would be a good world name I love that I love that name I don’t know why it just sounds like very like welcoming you know kind of bugs me that unstripped Spruce is more vibrant than unstripped uh dark oak me too I know it I don’t I

Don’t know why I just like you don’t really notice until they’re both like next to each other and you’re like this just doesn’t seem right doesn’t seem right the week we closed our house the uh starter in my car died so I feel your pain why is it something always

Something always has to happen when you move I swear it’s always something hope you uh hope you got that all fixed up it’s one of those things where like it happens you’re like oh my God and then you just have to deal with it axo welcome on in how you doing you

Had your first Christmas in your new house oh my gosh congratulations that sounds awesome how was it I hope you enjoyed it there was a big old creeper there I’m hiding behind this block don’t oh my gosh if that blew up all of my chests I would have been so sad okay

I need to sleep I need to sleep we’re sleeping my friend who is helping me um helpfully reminded me that moving is only second to child birth in terms of stress no literally yeah that’s what I’ve I’ve heard as well where it’s just like one of the biggest stresses it kind of makes

You feel a little bit a little bit better cuz you’re like why am I so stressed about this and you’re like oh yeah cuz it actually is a stressful life moment even if it’s like something where it’s like you’re moving into a new house or like a bigger place

It’ll always be a little bit unnerving you know hey I’m the one with the bow oh he did not like the sun honestly I relate I relate to that okay I think that’s looking pretty cool how is your New Year’s did you do something fun yeah we got together um

With some friends and we just hung out uh played some games and stuff it was really relaxing honestly usually I don’t even remember what we did for like the past couple of New Year’s um I don’t think I’ve ever really gone out much on New Year’s though cuz I in the city it

Get super busy so usually I just like stay home we ordered some food it was it was awesome it was very enjoyable yeah the the dark oak next to the spruce looks it does not look right we will get rid of that creepers be creeping exactly

Ow need to put kids to bed and so on maybe I’ll pop in later if you’re still streaming no worries AER I hope it all goes well and we’ll we’ll catch you later and also happy New Year again okay let’s get rid of this wall right

Here there we go probably get rid of this too oh my gosh it’s already been an hour yo should probably take a break soon as well um I’ll throw up some trim along here and then maybe we’ll take a quick little break too oh Al don’t go out I just watch the

Fireworks and play games uh with your uh with your steam deck oh my gosh how is the steam deck I really want one I’ve heard very very good things about it I think like pretty much everybody I know who has one doesn’t really have anything bad to say about

It for the first time I did nothing on New Year’s I worked for the first part of the day went grocery shopping and then snuggled in bed with my wife till midnight you know what that sounds super super relaxing did you enjoy like kind of like the stress free

Of like not doing much cuz that was kind of like me cuz even though for the most part I don’t really do much on New Year’s it’s like you still sometimes like get together with like family and stuff but I’ve had a couple years now I think where we’ve just kind of done

Nothing and it is nice it is very nice I think it was like 2019 we had a house party and it was that was like super super fun but I was like man I don’t know if I could do that again I do not know you haven’t regretted uh the steam deck

No I look I’ve heard like really fantastic things about it I would love to get one eventually bushes and Burrows welcome on in how you doing Works flawlessly in about a 6- hour battery life uh and four on very demanding Tri very demanding AAA titles no that’s a really good battery life really

Good okay I need to build up a roof on this guy but it has been uh what was I going to say it has been about an hour yeah we’ve been live for about an hour now so maybe we should take a quick little break if that’s good

With you chat I’ll be gone for like maybe a couple minutes uh just going to refresh my water maybe grab a snack all of that stuff so everybody stretch your legs um go grab a snack if you need to and we will be back in a couple of

Minutes maybe I will leave it hold on a second I will hide I’ll hide and we’ll AFK somewhere just so I don’t have to have the BRB screen on I kind of like doing that lately it’s fun you haven’t had a real day off since before Thanksgiving so it was nice to

Have an evening just to chill she played one of the Batman games I was playing Animal Crossing New Horizon isn’t that the best like playing playing video games like next to one another you don’t even have to be playing the same game that’s like the best it’s just so chill

Sounds like such a great New Year’s for New Year you got together with friends you ate yummy food and played jackbox that sounds like such a fun time jackbox is amazing I love that the TKO game that one always that one gets me howling so funny all right chat I’m

Going to AFK right here in this little room and I’ll be back soon down n No hi I’m back I’m just eating quickly you probably know what I’m eating anyway Chances of a BTD drive by today she’s deep into coloring right now her markers just came from Amazon there’s a chance maybe she might hear me right now I’m scared to awaken the Beast pepperoni stick no try again try again you know what that’s a that’s a very

Good guess though cuz usually it is pepperoni sticks but there’s one obvious one there’s one obvious uh snack that I usually eat other than the pepperoni stick I’m sure you all I’m sure you all know which one it is uh I need some dark oak stairs

Going to put away some of this Spruce actually some of this deep slate too bayonnaise sandwich azy you got it you’re the winner you’re the winner no it’s an uncrustable why do I have two crafting tables here what goes on in my brain you know what what goes on in this silly

Little brain of mine I’m like two crafting tables yes yeah we need the we need the spider clip a and moon we need to figure that out it’s a classic I should just leave I should leave you guys at the spider spawner again M I’m so nice to see you how you

Doing hope you had a good holiday I started a cozy winter let’s play with mizuno’s pack so cute and cozy oh my gosh mizunos look so so cool honestly I need to give it a shot sometime it is like the perfect like Cottage core pack oh my gosh ree with the five thank

You so much thank you so so much for the kindness I really really appreciate it Happy New Year drift any chance for a cozy nether trip to help start my shrouds uh you’re off right okay here you know what you kindly asked I can’t say no I

Can’t say no reys thank you so much for the five I really appreciate it forgot about your obsession yeah they’re so good though they’re so good they’re the perfect like handheld snack what can I say leave us at the spider spawner next break okay we’ll do we’ll Do all right just a quick little nether trip oh who cool this look at this it’s so cool over here what is that I love it this place is amazing it’s marvelous okay I’m done Bye Swag 2024 oh you wrote 2023 on the date instead of 2024 I feel like that always happens to me it’s like a solid like week and a half you know what I mean until you get used to it ah takes me a solid week only shroud would get with

Withdrawal from the nether like what I avoid I’m like oh today this month was a great month cuz I didn’t have to go there meanwhile shroud’s like I miss it every single day huh are we going to upgrade the portal soon honestly I actually would like to

It’s kind it is on the list it’s just kind of far down on the list it’s far down on the list but we do need to upgrade that one we still use it quite often and it’s been that way since like the OG days big old swags for Reese big big

Swags yeah I forgot to say that I apologize big big swags for Reese all right there we go there we go the last day of 2023 made for a very good walz one D 2 3 1 2 3 2023 2023 what am I doing here oh yeah you

Know what I don’t want I just realized I don’t want that I’m going to make all of this like Mangrove so the trim on the bottom will be Mangrove as well one two three one two three that was the perfect trip oh my gosh I’m glad it was short and sweet you

Know just just a little we just wanted to say hello that’s it nothing nothing too fancy I’m going to make the top trim of this Mangrove too actually one two 3 there we go I don’t know if anybody okay when do you all take down your Christmas trees when do you all take them down I growing up it’s always been January um January 1st for my family Big Tiny duck did it the day after Christmas but I was

In full support of it because our apartment is just so small that having the Christmas tree up is like actually kind of difficult it kind of felt good to take it down right after Christmas though we put it up pretty early though like I think we put ours up maybe end of November

Into into uh December I don’t remember so we have it up for a long time so by the time like Christmas is done we’re both kind of just like you know what let’s let’s get rid of It on New Year’s yeah New Year’s makes sense too I feel like anytime after January it just like kind of gives me gives me like the ick you know I’m like I need to get this out of the living room got to get it out of

Here I I think it’s not so much the ick it’s just kind of like yeah like that little bit of like like sadness that like the holidays are all done so I’m like like I got to get it get it out of here I’ve been searching for Mangrove in

My world last World wood type toine might uh might cave and look up my seed soon honestly at that point if you need it for building no harm in just looking up the seed really no harm at all I get that though it’s frustrating it’s funny

I think like it’s like I find the same thing with seeds like sometimes it’s like I’ll come across like the biggest Mangrove swamp you’ll ever see and then other seeds it’s like I don’t see it for like thousands and thousands of blocks it’s Bizarre let’s do this think we can just pretty much full block this like that and then we can do That shroud is foaming at the mouth when whenever the nether is mentioned honestly honestly cannot relate with that cannot relate that place is terrifying to me it scares me every single day I have nightmares about it I actually do legitimately get nervous anytime we have to go in there

Though yeah I feel like if we made like a base around our portal I’d be a little bit it’d be a bit nicer uh let’s do some laabs let me make sure I do I have any in here yes I do okay perfect I have to be careful with

The way I use the mangrove cuz I do not want to go get anymore it is such a pain to gather you have a small vintage ceramic uh tree you put away within a week or so oh my gosh a vintage ceramic one I love those my My grandmother used to have one

Um like a ceramic one and I loved it we uh have a couple of Big Tiny Ducks Grandma’s like vintage uh ornaments from the set 7s they are so cool we’re we’re a little bit too afraid to put them up though right now especially because you know having having a

Cat who sometimes likes to try to climb up on stuff we don’t want to wreck them because they’re really nice like classic ornaments so we didn’t put them up this year but maybe eventually we will I just don’t want them to break because they’re like really beautiful and also

Sentimental you know that’s kind of how we decorate our Christmas tree though we have like very like ours is a messy tree which I like I like messy um trees with like just a lot of memories on them each year we try to get like new ornaments to put up as

Well which it’s always fun kind of like shopping for them but then like you get like Memories associated with it too so 31st of January and it’s up uh first Sunday in December yeah I I’m all for putting up the tree early and then taking it down as soon as like Christmas

Is pretty much over you have a small place so you might take yours down earlier yeah that’s kind of how we felt we were just like everything just feels a little bit too cluttered in our apartment at the moment so we were just like you know what we

Should probably just just take it down and I definitely did not regret that if drift do a Sunday stream on my birthday I would cry my birthday is less than two weeks away oh my gosh wait what what day are we on right now what day

Are we on moon that’s so soon so soon I mean if I can if I do not get to a Sunday stream which I might not Sundays are usually big chore days but that Friday Moon we’ve got to that Friday on Twitch we’ve got to be sure to celebrate

Be sure to celebrate your birthday that is so exciting let’s go I don’t have a tree but I got rid of my uog on New Year’s Eve what is what is a uog I don’t think I’ve like hold on let me look it up cuz I’ve seen like the the pastry U log

Before Oh but you can like make a decorative one too or is it’s not the pastry right cuz I’ve seen those before winter solstice oh these are so pretty a I love that I want a ulog that’s so cool oh it’s ni time I was looking at U

Logs they make clips that hold oraments tighter to the branches literally to stop cats from knocking them off what they do okay I need to look into that cuz there’s a couple of uh ornaments that we want up on our tree but I’m just like I ain’t risking it we do put them

High up if we need to but it’s the shaking of the tree that we’re worried about too I need to look into that for next year I like getting unique ornaments for my friends to add to their trees each year it’s such a nice sentiment honestly got to light up the inside of

The house oh no you’re so right you’re so right oh no oh no okay we’re good we’re good we are good desan welcome on in hope you’re doing well I was thinking just put a huge chocolate chocolate log on the floor see I was yeah youle log the only point of

Reference I have is one year my mom tried to make this was like back in like the early 2000 2000s when Martha Stewart obviously was all the rage my mom tried to make like a u log like the dessert and she was like it looked nice

But and she was so proud of it my mom like she’s notoriously really bad at baking and cooking like my dad is the cook of the family and she like made it and we cut into it we tried to slice and it was literally the worst thing we’ve

All ever tasted like immediately my mom spat it out it was like this is terrible and I’ll never forget it I just remember the incident of the uog like us being so excited we were like Mom you did it you baked something that’s amazing and we tried it and it was absolutely like

Horrendous it was so bad oops oh no my elytra oh no okay I need to uh go into the spider spawner really quickly that’s okay cuz I need to finish my uh my snack so while I do that we’ll wait for our our our elytra to mend up a bit

Freya happy elma’s birthday as well very exciting all right I’m going to going to AFK here while I finish my uh finish my Sammy that also a tutor house that you built oh nice heck yeah the sweet sweet sounds of spiders Just finishing up my Sammy trap I know why a lot of people say Minecraft is creepy cuz you yes the uh caves but it’s really is chill and that’s why I like watching infinite drifts videos and listening to some of the music a thank you so much Jack I appreciate that now I

Totally get the sentiment of people being like a little bit creeped out by it I think it’s also like the open vastness of a Minecraft world is a little bit like unsettling at times like I love hanging out in in this world with like on stream but sometimes when I’m

Doing stuff like alone I’m like there’s nobody here I’m scared I don’t know why it is like a little bit unsettling sometimes it’s funny that a game could make me feel that way though I was trying to find where all the spiders were in my game Sorry it’s

Me we’ve got about like half health I’m hydrating I’m finishing my Sammy how does the spider spawner setup work it’s pretty simple actually so you set up the spawner like how you normally would the block height difference might be a little bit different for a spider spawner and essentially all it does is

It feeds them into a a tunnel with water and I think like this makes the water stop and then flow a bit differently I don’t remember but essentially you just create a space that they like rest above but they can’t hit you so they don’t have to take fall

Damage or anything you just have to like somehow funnel the spiders into a spot where you can hit them it’s super handy though the old buses in my County used to make a sound that sounded exactly like Minecraft spiders was it like when the wheels were turning or something

What how is it making a noise like that that’s concerning huh Moon that that’s giving me big huh Vibes oh that one’s like whoa that one’s doing a dance doing a dance doing a little dance There we go almost done oh oh nope we’re done we are done oh the air breaks oh my God no I know exactly what noise you’re talking about I know exactly what you’re talking about I think that’s like a universal thing honestly it had to have been old air

Brakes for sure air brakes make like a really weird noise some of the ones in Toronto they’re so like they’re like like that they they get loud too very Loud all right we just have to finish up the tower on this guy and that’s good they had these boxes up in the windows that would scroll between the bus route number and the direction it was going and final stop when it scrolled it sounded like the spiders oh

Cool that’s old school we used to have like some really old school stuff on our um like street cars and stuff they’ve since then upgraded I think all of the street cars are modernized now I don’t think I think all the old ones have been decommissioned they were like really interesting

Looking Charlie welcome on in Happy New Year I hope you had a good one so good to see you spider bus oh like the cat bus from um what was that movie again which one’s the cat bus from oh I forget I haven’t seen that my

Neighbor todoro is that it I think I haven’t seen that movie in forever oh my gosh it’s been a hot minute that’s a a good one Though how’s this looking maybe a little bit higher just a couple more blocks that should be good yeah that’s good I really like the um this build actually it’s like simple but cute you know just felt like building out a couple of like cute little things to

This area today I feel like that’s kind of like the key to this spot is like building a little bit of like I guess like a town or city around it just to kind of make it look a little bit more full I’m going to have to

Change the height of these though those are too short I realized had to move stuff into my new place yesterday very unwell but I managed to get most of it done I’m tired today oh I bet we were talking about moving earlier cuz a couple people have

Moved as well and moving is just one of those things that is so so tiring I hope it went well though I really hope it went well and that you’re all settled into your new place and it’s all Good you have uh uh plushies oh my gosh I want some I want a plushy of what’s the Fire’s name from how’s Moving Castle love that guy what a Viber honestly my bday plans are go to the zoo with wifey and then come home and watch

Some gii movies oh my gosh that sounds like the perfect perfect day honestly I don’t know if Big Tiny duck has seen any of those movies I feel like she has but it’s probably been a hot minute I would like to rewatch some we did like a huge movie watch over the break

And caught up on like a bunch of stuff that we hadn’t seen yet and boy oh boy it was fun we still have yet to see the new Hunger Games I really want to um but we watched oh man what did we even watch we watched saltburn that was fantastic

Loved that movie uh we watched the menu I hadn’t seen that one yet and that was on my list like forever that one was really funny actually I was not anticipating it to be so like just like cheeky it was was a good movie it was

Really funny it had me laughing quite a bit um what else did we watch we watched like a really random one last night with Jodie Foster it was like an old school like thriller movie it was it called flight plan or something it was ridiculous but also like very

Good okay that’s perfect we got the shape down for this I just need to fix it up now keler that’s it that’s the guy from uh the little fire dude from how’s Moving Castle I love that one have you seen the new one the new uh

Gibli movie no I haven’t I’ve heard it’s like very heavy but like very good I really want to though I really want to see it I’ve heard like very very very good things about it but also to like be forewarned about it that it’s just like a

Lot oh I should probably get some dark oak fence too before we move on you bought your boyfriend a huge 5 foot uh tooro plush he loves it so much but it was so expensive oh I can imagine stuff like that is kind of like collector’s items territory you know so it gets

Really really pricey a very awesome thing to have though that’s a very nice gift haven’t seen how’s Moving Castle I very much uh recommend it it’s very good it’s a beautiful film volly welcome on in how you doing Discord movie night when I I know honestly okay there’s so many Discord

Movie Nights I want to have like School of Rock yes we need to I need to figure it out I need to uh message some peeps about it to figure out the best way to do it wee how’s this too much too little feel like that’s not the vibe

Probably going to need more fencing actually feel like fencing is the vibe instead okay I just realized I cannot I’m like I feel like I’m squinting this whole time you know why let’s change let’s go to Shader pack settings let’s go to Sky and change the rotation to 45

Maybe oh my gosh that changed everything chat oh my gosh I couldn’t see before I was like why can’t I see anything I was literally squinting as if I was staring into the sun IRL oh that is so much better well that just fixed everything didn’t

It did anybody else feel that way where you’re like I can’t see I literally just cannot see what drift is doing fear not we can see now oh my gosh that was such a simple solution honestly oh my gosh Phantom Mickey with the 70 holy cow Phantom Mickey thank you

So so much oh my gosh too too kind thank you so so much Happy New Year may 2020 be the best one yet oh happy New Year to you too as well Phantom Mickey thank you so so much again for that super chat chat you know what to do big big swags

Biggest of swages thank you so so much I really appreciate the kindness and I hope you had a wonderful uh holiday week and New Year’s as well Fantom Mickey I hope it was restful and that you just had a wonderful time thank you so much again hope everyone had a great holiday you

Too as well Phantom Mickey I hope you had a good one and thank you so much again I appreciate it I appreciate it okay this tower now looks like too too small I need to just like I think I just need to get more fencing in it was nice

The way it was before I didn’t commit though that’s the problem what mods do you use I use uh just complimentary shaders and germs better leaves for this world and uh well free cam as well and world map never mind I use a couple of mods in this world blowing up tiny balloons

Today tiny balloons why tiny balloons tiny Balloons tiny balloons I don’t know why I felt inclined to make up a song about small balloons but here we are here we are chat okay I did this all wrong I am here we go we get rid of these ones we just need more height on this thing so

Basically what I need to do is this maybe some stairs or no I think the fences should be enough it’s uh feeling a little rusty with building today but we’re getting back in the swing of it the only way to literally get back into the swing of it is guess

What is to build might take a little bit longer to figure some stuff out today but I think we got I think we got it then on top I will do this and then this maybe I’m new I hope your uh New Year becomes amazing uh maybe even blow up

You seem super kind especially uh youy harlee and K when I joined the stream you seemed just like me oh len thank you so much for the kind words I really appreciate and happy New Year to you as well I hope you’re having a good one

Thank you so much for popping in okay this Tower is fine this is a this is a good this is a sturdy Tower we just need to add some like leaves and stuff to it after has stream elements left the chat maybe it has let’s see let’s see if it works for

Me I’ll do seed even though this is not the right seed chat okay I think it was just having a moment I think it was just having a moment all right that build is looking pretty good I I am laughing at how much better we can see things now I don’t

Know if anybody else felt like they were constantly squinting while we were building that earlier but it literally felt like that yeah stream elements was on a a coffee break you know it was just it was just having just having a quick little break just checking their phone for a

Bit it was like deciding what it was going to have for dinner tonight but it’s back now it’s chilling you know it is chilling all right that’s looking good what seed is this so the seed is right here let me copy it actually I think I can paste it

Boom I don’t think I have the seed on this uh cuz we usually stream this from twitch so I was not prepared today sorry chat but we got it it’s all good all right I think I think that’s looking good I like that so I think for

H maybe this one will’ll do like more of a classic Castle type build like similar to this one here uh let’s get the shears do I have enough deep slate I totally do we’re all good to go that I accidentally did eight so we’re going to to change that three four five

6 7 8 nine I think that should be fine one two three four five should we do five or three no three is like really small there we go that should be fine really messed up the uh the size of this build but that’s okay we got to put torches in between

Here as well before I forget cuz otherwise we might run into some problems a creeper investigation we do not want that let me go to sleep really quickly though you’re also streaming on Twitch right now wait am I but no there’s no way there’s no way I’m like double checking I’m like I

Don’t think you can like set up you have to like set up Duo stream I was like did I accidentally go live in two places no I’m not I’m not we’re good we are good I think that I don’t I think you have to have like a certain program for

That did you build all of this yourself if so you have so much talent that it looks like uh you downloaded an app add on no this has all been built um throughout the course of a uh throughout the course of like a year and a bit I appreciate it

Though this has all been done on uh stream too this is a stream only world that we’ve been working on for since like the beginning of like August of 2020 was it 20122 chat around there I would say pretty wild pretty wild think something like that is good

Then we’ll just go up like this is that too short I don’t think so might have to we’re going to have to rip that out though so maybe it is I might go up one more this there we go there we go do there we go all right

Cool so we got like a little castle guy right here probably switch this shape up a little bit probably do Mangrove in between I would say yeah then we can do like this on this side this side I’m not sure what we’ll have I think Mangrove in the middle we

Have enough blocks for that so let’s go ahead and pop those up oh you were just asking I see I see yeah yeah on WE stream on Twitch on uh Fridays at 12: pm. EST uh if you do exclamation point twitch you can uh check out that link if any of you aren’t

Following there yet we do stream on Twitch as well every week Yo Bushes that sounds awesome heck yeah streaming is very very fun and I hope you enjoy it it is it is a really fun time all right right I think that’s good oh I still have more Mangrove here

Oh wait no that’s not what we needed we needed uh the slabs that’s it all right it’s so interesting I don’t usually like with even like the little Villages I’ve built I don’t typically keep in line with like a pallet like this like usually with the villages I

Build I kind of like really mix up the houses and match up like really different block pallets and stuff so this is like kind of new territory for me in a way I’m enjoying it though just making everything out of like variant of deep slate and Mangrove and dark

Oak got to run have a great stream no worries Phantom Mickey thank you again so much for that Super Chat and I hope you have a wonderful day and happy New Year happy New Year we’ll definitely catch you later the website uh seems overwhelming yeah twitch takes some time uh getting

Used to for sure it’s like I find it’s like a very different interface there’s kind of like a lot going on but once you’ve got kind of got like the hang of it it’s uh it’s a fun time all right we got like a little castle here it does need something

Though not sure what but we’re going to have to make like an attachment there especially cuz like this is so tall I’m almost wondering if it it should go taller to match like the height of this I’m not sure actually having like a small little little build next to it probably isn’t too

Bad it’s kind of hard to like figure out sometimes like um the scale of things like how how far off you can be like if one build is significantly smaller than the other you’re like do I change it do I not I think I’m going to

Leave it for now leave this one here as like a basic little template and then we’ll kind of go for there this one however what are we going to do here uh where did I put my shears there they

Are this is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine okay definitely do I want to do more of like a deep slate trim kind of like originally what we were going to do with this guy so

Do just a row of deep slate here and then the rest will be like made of dark oak or something or Mangrove I need more of the bricks Jen welcome on in how you doing all righty still cannot believe what a difference it’s made to have the sun pointing this way I think it originally does in this world I just kind of switched around the path rotation sometimes depending on like if I’m

Taking a photo for like Instagram or whatever or thumbnail let’s go like this oh my God gosh I need more shears I need to actually get some Shears of like mending and Unbreaking on them I always forget that you can actually enchant them forget that’s an option quite

Often there I would say that looks good for footprint and then for this one maybe we’ll just go ooh how we going to do this how we going to do this maybe we’ll go dark oak again I’m not going to do the same theme as this one with like the stripped Oak

In or the stripped uh Spruce in between uh h trying to think of what would look good with it these towers definitely need to go higher though the more that I look at them I’m like these should be towering up like really high I think especially now that these are in

Place like this build this Tower is significantly bigger than this one I think once you start putting other things in place you’re like oh that makes sense uh what kind of pallet should we go for here whoops let’s go dark oak of course am I going to need more no no no we’re

Good any advice for first time uh streaming I would say kind of like going it doesn’t have to be like a big plan but like let’s say you’re doing something with Minecraft um kind of going with a plan of like what to work on especially I

Find I like to go in with like ideas of what to do just to keep on on target with things just to have like a little sense of like accomplishing something I think accomp like having something to accomplish something on stream all the time is like it’s what keeps me

Motivated in some ways cuz if I win not knowing what to do I think I’d be a bit overwhelmed and then it it just kind of naturally flows from there with like people popping in and out um so you can keep conversation going well knowing what you’re doing otherwise if you have

No idea what you’re doing you’re I I find that personally for me I start I’m like what am I going to do I’m floundering if I didn’t have like a clear goal in mind you know so I think that’s good to have and then also like

Kind of keeping track of time cuz even though like I find that with streaming I lose lose track of time very easily and I could probably stream for like 8 hours and then afterwards I’m like why am I so tired so setting setting a clear time

For yourself too so you don’t stream too much especially in the beginning I find that like even when I got back I streamed for a bit before um before I started this channel just for fun and I found that even with like what was I going to say even uh after doing

It for a couple of years getting back into it like last year or whatever I was exhausted I was like oh my God it’s actually exhausting but now I’m more used to it so definitely just like take your time with it for sure just going over to my builds for

Some like inso on like what I could place it’s been a couple hours oh my gosh has it oh my gosh it’s been two I feel good cuz I had that uncrustable while we were hanging out with the spidies I am going to take a sip of water though hold on a

Second going to go over here yes yeso grab some steak also chat if you are enjoying the stream oh my gosh I got to take another sip of water but if you’re enjoying the stream hit that like button cuz it really helps out uh the streams on YouTube I would very much appreciate

It all right all right all right preferred to do crafts all I know is I want to make a mask and limit it to maybe less than 2 hours yeah I think I think having a time limit totally helps I think that’s like one of like a really

Big underrated piece of advice is having a little bit of a time limit cuz I don’t know if you’re like me where you could probably stream for hours and then you’re like oh no I’m so tired now it’s good it’s good to take breaks you know it’s very

Important builds are amazing I can’t believe you don’t have at least a million subscribers a thank you I appreciate it I’m glad you enjoy my builds we Leo welcome on in how you doing it’s nice to see you got to run have a great rest of your

Stream and happy New Year all all AER thank you so much I hope you have a great rest of your day I hope it uh all works out for you thank you so much for hanging out I appreciate it all right stream I got to stream why’ I

Call you stream all right stream all right chat I just got to take a quick little sip of water quick little sippy and then we’re good to go all right still here just crying in the club crying in the club I feel that I feel that all right let’s build up this one

Four one 2 three 4 we’ll go like four high I think 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 and one two one maybe got a beam Here then a beam here I think we’ll go dark or not dark oak we’ll go Mangrove in between I think that should be good you’ve been on my TV but I wanted to pop in uh to chat to say Happy New Year to you all I feel like I haven’t

Chatted with you all since last year but um Alicia I hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday thank you so much for popping in I appreciate it hope you guys are doing well it’s so nice to see you break was very nice I feel like I’m

Still like today still feels like break cuz Big Tiny duck is home so it’s just like I definitely still feel like I’m in vacation mode a little bit chat I don’t know about you all but I definitely feel a little bit a little bit chill today well I’m

Always chill but like very relaxed you know we always chilling around here I mean this with love but have you ever been to a place that could be reasonably described as the club listen listen yes I say this with love oh gosh listen Listen I’ve gone dancing before trust me I’ve I’ve I’ve been dancing I’ve I’ve I’ve been out crying into Club recently no though absolutely not AB absolutely not so your read was in fact correct all righty now I think yeah I should probably build out something right here and

Then let’s get some torches in here so we don’t accidentally spawn some mobs I think this is looking good I’m almost wondering if maybe I should knock this off by like so it’s one two three I might go one lower for this build and then maybe do

Like a really low roof Len thank you so so much for the 199 Super Chat I really really appreciate it can I get some big big swages in chat thank you so so much I may have just become a fan but here you go thank you so much I really really

Appreciate it really appreciate the kindness okay we’re going to go down by one here I think I just want to do like a really tall roof or something like that for this one oh you know what maybe if we did like hear me out one 2 three 4 or three here so we’ll

Make this like a second level Here haven’t been clubbing in a long time but when I did I had a club name Alicia I feel like you have some very if you had a club name I feel like you have some incredible stories that is awesome that is so cool I am obsessed Honestly though I feel that I’m

Like I have like it is it is very rare for me to like go out anymore I go out for like dinners and stuff with friends but and and I guess concerts would constitute as that as well but haven’t really uh I I can’t remember the last last time I had a

Night out like dancing and stuff it’s been a very long time I think that’s Good yeah I’ve definitely been to the club looks at the floor and avoids icon I’m weeing literally though same same yeah totally totally cries just cries oh chat I don’t know why it’s so funny I feel like if I like my bed time now is like actually to be fair we’ve

Been going to bed at like midnight now but if I’m out like past 10:30 11:00 p.m. like outside of my house I’m definitely I’m crying I am crying you know like there tears are definitely being shed because I just want to be home in bed and that’s it I just want to

Sleep does anybody else feel that way or is it just me it’s probably just me isn’t it never been to the the club I’m a dive bar person honestly dive bars are we’re kind of more My Scene too or like we have like a lot of like barcades and stuff around stuff like

That I do I did like dancing if you if you have like a good like really fun group of friends I did love going out dancing and stuffff but the ISS she is actually remembering the name understood understood if the that that just means you had just like the best time the best

Memories the clubs will play ABA The Beatles David Boe i’ be out every night but this techno music drives me out screeching like a demon caught in a church honestly there’s some places around here that had some pretty great like dance halls with like Abba and

Stuff it was always a fun time always a fun Time you ruined it as soon as as you as soon as you said um my bedtime no literally literally it’s past my bedtime why is that such like an old thing to say it’s past it’s my Bedtime my will to exist uh outside of my bed past 9:00 p.m. is -10 no I totally totally relate to that so Much for New Year we went to Top Golf and I hate loud noises in the cold at the end I was crying no I feel that I feel that sometimes it’s just like a little bit much honestly hope you still like had a little bit of

A good time but I I totally get that it’s just like it’s also like the amount of people sometimes it’s just like if there’s too many people around I’m just like get me home Honestly Reaper Kitty welcome on in how you doing it’s so nice to see you hope you’re having a good good new year should I go Spruce roof for this One I think I might also change the roof shape it looks a little bit just like too it doesn’t fit this area it needs to be like less Barn like I’m just going to do classic um just a classic like triangle roof hold on a second let just get some dirt

What are we doing we are working on a an area in front of the castle I just wanted to start getting some builds in here just kind of like laid out and stuff just to start filling in some of the spaces around it I feel like this

Castle because it’s like it’s so big we’re going to have to have like a lot of stuff kind of like surrounding it got my plate of tortillini let’s go welcome back Cherry I hope that t calini is good we’re having some sausage pasta for dinner tonight and I’m very excited very very

Excited see a good night for me now obviously I love going to like concerts and stuff like music live music is always super fun always down for that I’ll stay up late for that any night but I just love going to like a really nice like a good restaurant with

Friends catching some like Ramen and like just like kind of catching up with your friends that way you know and then you’re in you’re at home you’re in bed by like 1:00 p.m. you’re good to go you know I think that’s a little bit better yes I like that so much better

Okay I’m going to do deep slate in between there and then for this one going to keep it simple again I think so we’re going to go like this build a nightclub so we can relive The Glory Days let’s do it you know that reminds me of uh waxy’s like aelott club

That he built I’ll just I’ll just pay him a visit there good time for sure safety and numbers and I was the mama staying over and watching out for my girls and the stories I could retell a that’s so sweet sounds like you had so so much fun

And it’s just like so many good times to remember with friends totally you’re glad you got good earplugs I want to get some nice earplugs too I at shows I’ve started wearing um just like regular earplugs that you could buy at a store I regret not getting them sooner to be honest cuz

I had I’ve gone to so many shows especially like growing up I would go to a ton of shows uh and I definitely have done damage to my ears peeps if you’re going if you’re going to concerts earplugs are the way to go when I before I first

Started wearing them I honestly thought like I was like oh no but like what if I can’t hear the show better or at all but you can actually hear it better and you got to protect your ears because you know what they are very important go to Ramen flavor okay there used to

Be well well not used to be the place still exists but there’s this uh Ramen it’s like a white Sesame Ramen that was always my favorite at this spot in Toronto but now I’m kind of like a classic I think it’s like the sh you is

It the so the uh soy based Ramen I’ve been getting that a lot lately and it’s super good BTD is all about the spice she usually gets um spicy Ramen but me I’m a baby and I just get like class uh just like the classic sometimes if

I’m if I’m feeling it I’ll get an extra egg but the place that I uh have gone to in Toronto they do this like really good white Sesame Ramen it it’s just something so good about it it’s just like the super rich flavor so delicious the wax aot club that is such

A good name such a good name I just had box uh mac and cheese and hot dogs because I’m an adult Egypt are you literally me we were literally talking last night about how we’re like we need to get some hot dogs so we can make that that’s so

Funny that’s one of our go-to meals when we’re like we really don’t want to cook box mac and cheese and either chicken fingers or hot dogs so good so good Cosmos in prison locked in the bathroom for feline crimes he did not eat for 2

Days and he’s very up wait what is Cosmo okay is Cosmo okay what has happened major fan of miso M yes BTD is all about the spice all about the spice you heard it here first folks Bean welcome on in how you doing we are building up a little area by our Castle

Today just kind of uh freestyling some builds kind of getting back into the swing of building honestly it’s been a couple days since I’ve uh not a couple days it’s been like 10 days since I’ve been building and I’m just building up this little area to try and kind of like

Start framing around the castle thing that we’re building we’re getting there I got some hot sauces in my Christmas stocking and I’m obsessed with them what did you get what did you get I’m always on the hunt for more hot sauce there’s just so many different

Types you know and they all have like different like they’re all good on different types of things you got to have a collection can’t eat at most raming places oh no is it like um an allergy Thing he’s e uh he’s eaten uh but there’s been Construction in the unit next TOs and he was too scared a poor little guy poor little guy as long as he’s all good construction oh my gosh such a such a terror especially with pets that happened at our old place they when the

Person underneath us moved out they were like let’s renovate that entire unit so they did and and it was the noisiest thing in the world because they were like plaster walls and they were changing them to drywall oh my God it was like months of just so much dust too just dust everywhere

Awful Olive pork prominent dishes yeah it’s hard to find um it’s hard to find Ramen like veggie Ramen especially veggie Ramen that does it well it can be really tricky to to find I found that more and more places have been getting them but it is definitely a

Struggle Andre welcome on in how you doing Happy New Year chat we’re getting there we are getting there There we go and we just need to fill in this side too and then also chat don’t forget to uh hydrate uh once the sun sets I’m going to sleep and then I got to take a big old sip of water trying to be good with keeping

Hydrated I’m usually pretty good with it but I found over Christmas break especially cuz it’s like all the food has been so salty I feel like I just did not have enough water you know not vegetarian or anything just very intolerant to Pork G yeah that definitely eliminates like a lot of the

Dishes there for sure forgot how much torini uh fills you no for real pasta is like very filling we’re having some sausage pasta tonight and I’m very excited for it what was our path here again so it’s a bunch of like Mangrove and mud oops there’s an amazing rolling place in

Boston called you may wo katar you get huge bowls but you have to eat it in store no doggy bags and your choices are minimal two or five pieces of pork and extra garlic you got to get the extra garlic boosted garlic always always that sounds so good though oh my

Gosh actually you know what I might not do like mud for this path I might go like more coarse dirt muddy Mangrove roots and maybe rooted dirt I want to keep it a little bit more simple do we ask about everyone’s New Year’s resolutions yet no if anybody has

Any throw them out there throw them out there I’ve got to be honest I don’t typically do the New Year’s resolutions um I guess like for me though if I’m if I’m thinking about it if I’m thinking about it my New Year’s resolution would be H I definitely want to like just get

Better at cooking cuz Big Tiny duck is like the cook and she’s very good at it but I would like to like learn more I think I’m just kind of like a little bit nervous to like ner it’s it’s the timing of dishes and stuff that really throws

Me off which is why I’m hesitant to do it but I’m also like I don’t know I feel like I just need to learn how to cook better so that’s like one of them um I think another thing is like I think I learned a lot about like consistency

Last year I would say especially cuz um Big Tiny duck got like a different job last year so um it allowed us for like to have weekends and stuff stuff which has been like very important like the year before that my schedule was all over the place and I felt like each week

Was so different that I had no idea what was going on so this year I I was a little bit more scheduled and consistent I’d like to stay that way for sure I think it really helped out with uh kind of being able to stream and be on time

And be there for you guys and also like put out videos and like have energy to do it for sure like this year definitely felt very very uh very consistent and like very good for me so I think it’s like keeping up with like some of the good habits that I

Developed last year I just want to keep going with them I really really want to I don’t want to like lose track of that cuz I think I was doing well with that those are mine extra garlic isn’t an option at the ramen place it’s mandatory oh that

Sounds like my my kind of garlic garlic Place Ramen place do you prefer the cheap garlic bread or fancy listen both have their positives cheap garlic bread honestly sometimes I do prefer it though I’ll get like there’s this one at the grocery store it’s in tin foil it’s

In the freezer and literally on the package it I don’t even know who makes it cuz it the package just says garlic bread like that’s all it says and it is literally the best garlic bread ever and is the cheapest oops I’m going to I’m going to fall to my death here

I’m just trying to get more rooted dirt if anybody’s wondering why I just like randomly ran down this hole a okay this is going to be a little bit tricky I need to get out of here I may have gotten myself into a pickle sub to some cooking YouTube You’ll pick

Up uh all kinds of tips honestly I used to watch so much like cooking YouTube I feel like I fell out of it too I feel like it’s something that I’ve really fallen out of and I need to like kind of get that interest back azy you know you

Know where to toss links to me cuz I know you follow a lot of those so I might need your help my best advice with cooking is focusing on a few dishes and mastering them help create confidence that you can do more complicated stuff I think that’s

Really good advice I think that’s like where I struggle cuz I’m like oh I’m going to try to like do this new dish then this new dish but I think I need to like learn how to properly cook like chicken a couple of ways and then like

Learn how to cook pork and then like apply that to dishes I think you’re right where it’s like I’m I over complicate it and do too many like try too many things all the time yours to go to more deaf events I want to be an ASL interpreter and be uh being involved

With the community will keep my ASL skills up that’s a really great goal I love that and absolutely like keeping yourself like within that Community I think you’ll your um your skills will develop so fast that’s awesome love your content and build style happy New Year and I hope you have

A great day a JC thank you so much I appreciate it hope you’re having a wonderful day as well I see to find an aelia tree for some more rooted dirt just going to free cam around Here there there was one around here somewhere I don’t remember where though Let’s See might have to fly around somewhere else for one my New Year’s resolution is to build my online business and become successful with it I’ve been building this online business for a while now and that’s why I’ve been a little bit absent oh Reaper Kitty I hope it’s gone well for you that’s

Awesome big GG’s to that that’s a huge step and I have all the faith all the faith that you’ll you’ll be successful you know what we need some more coar dirt too let’s just grab this over here how do you make rooted dirt again is there a recipe for

It maybe not I think I have to like seek it get out my immediate head Cannon now is that the shop doesn’t sell that garlic bread but someone makes it at home and sneaks it into the freezer’s best garlic uh bread in the world could you imagine that would be

Incredible trying new things uh is excellent means you have uh The Thirst to learn more but yeah break dishes down into component things different ingredients uh and different techniques and skill sets yeah exactly I think you’re so right where it’s like learning different techniques and just taking it

One step at a time it’s literally like it’s so funny I’m like so lost in the world of cooking but then it’s like I mean if I people ask me how I build stuff in Minecraft and I always tell basically give the same advice to like break things down into like components

And learn one thing at a time and it’s basically the same thing with cooking in some ways I need to follow that advice oh my gosh Katie thank you so much for the 10 thank you thank you thank you I really appreciate the kindness hope you’re doing well and happy New Year and

Thank you so much again I really appreciate that chat you know what to do you’re already doing it I see you I see you Katie I hope you’re doing well hope you had a good holiday it’s so nice to see you this is in water though no it’s breaking pretty quickly [Applause]

Though how much we got here 39 it’s not a lot might have to do though I’m going to have to find some like new spots with the xelia trees I feel like oh gets me every time this is the way you there she goes bye I know there’s like some really big

Lush caves around I’m going to have to like keep an eye out definitely going to have to keep an eye out oh my gosh it’s so funny every time it does that like never gets old love this community drift so lucky I saw your uh channel oh thank you so much no

This community is everybody is just so kind so great y all are the best so so thankful for you all honestly been having a blast coming back today too with you all all right I’m going to sleep quickly and then we’re going to just like path out some stuff and then we’ll pretty

Much pretty much be done for the day we’ve gotten we got you know it’s wild we got three builds done I’m like we didn’t do anything we got obviously they need to be decorated but we just we just built three things huh Wild uh let’s go here let’s grab these that

Is a water bucket I meant to grab the rooted dirt we can’t use too much rooted dirt unfortunately cuz I don’t have that much so we got to be kind of sparing with it that’s okay though that is okay built uh in my world so much now I

Don’t know what to do uh you got any idea what I could build something will appreciate if you can help me oo it depends on like if you are missing out on some Farms maybe you can challenge yourself with some like Redstone stuff like if you need a gold Farm or like

Upgrade your like storage or even just like honestly sometimes doing aesthetic builds like this like building out a little village and a theme to challenge yourself that way is fun too I find that like if I think like a good thing to do if you’re like especially in a long-term world is

Seeking out like a new spot within the long-term world to build in as well so it’s kind of like a fresh slate that’s always good too all right cool so path will run along here probably I think we’re going to need like a bridge or something here not sure

What if you can do like a cat house oh cat houses are super fun we built a cat cafe in this world and it has no purpose other than to entertain us honestly Wizard Tower with an enchanting set up a floor with a brewing room yeah those are always I want to build

Something like that in this world I really do I always see people do that and I’m like that looks so awesome yeah we’ve got our Cat Cafe we do need to eventually it’s over here we need to eventually add more to this area but we

Do have a cat cafe over there that we built one day randomly I don’t even know how that started I really don’t know how that started o amusement park that would be cool I’ve always wanted to try building like a functional roller coaster here that would be so Fun just filling in all this stuff Uh going to go down a little bit with these roots might add some coarse dirt along here I don’t know yet though maybe the leaves might be enough for this area I’m not sure I’m not sure what to do with this I think it all depends on what we

End up doing with this area I don’t know how to like kind of terraform this but then again at the same time what we’re also really missing is like grass and stuff cuz we haven’t really bone meal anything back into this landscape yet so it’s a little bit like

Crusty looking or actually not crusty crusty is the opposite it is a little bit just like bar looking I think if we literally just bone meal it’ll look so much better monoral a mon raal here’s those things are awful oh what a classic what a Classic ooh tropical would be nice Too all right so I need some bone meal do we have any I’m not sure might have to go to to the good old bone meal machine a good old bone meal machine can you put flower in a aelia in a bone meal machine is that possible will it produce

Anything I mean if not we have like hundreds of poppies that we could use as well each cat needs a house around the Cat Cafe oh absolutely Cat Cafe listen this this world we have so much left to do but that’s the beauty of it it’s like never ending at this

Point we we’re just bouncing between a bunch of projects and I I’m kind of here for it that’s what I love about this world though there’s always something for us to do something for us to work on I can like feel the leg in this area it is

Brutal I think it’s all the villagers and stuff that we have have around Here yeah the problem with with collecting cats is what do you do with them afterwards like you end up with like we have so many cats in the Cat Cafe let me show you for anybody who hasn’t seen this yet there’s a lot of them there’s some hanging out

Outside the cat Cafe itself is very cute um the area around it leaves much to be desired there’s just a bunch of cats in here we’ve got Avid lurker jorg the chat Rory Toby Maguire Peter Parker Eva Longoria we’ve got our little area with the cat tree that they can run all the

Way around to the Bookshelf we’ve got the bathroom the litter box down here with with a little poop in it air freshener this place rocks I wish the dogs had like there were different types of dogs in this game I would love to see that as an

Update I’m not even like to be honest like I’m not even like the I’m more of a cat person but I just feel bad for all of the dog people who don’t get the option of seeing different types of dogs in this game I would love to see someone do a

Build and make use of the stone Sandstone walls as an actual as actual walls instead of using them as fences ooh ooh I should try that the next build that we have that would fit the Sandstone like walls for like a pallet I would love to try that out I haven’t

Used um sandstone in like a hot minute that used to be like my go-to like wall block but it’s been it’s been a little bit of a uh it’s been a minute since I’ve used that palette that and or like the orange sandstone and orange terra cotta combo

Oh my gosh I used that a ton a while back it’s such a winning combo though it’s so good especially for like more medieval looking builds oh yeah that one was Lauren’s cat good times good times got an idea of what you’re going to build next thanks for the help no

Worries good luck with the build I mean the grass just made it look like way Messier we’re going to need like other stuff in there too like trees probably should probably just plant some trees as well you know what maybe not plant trees but have some like dark oak

Spruce we just need to like build a couple of trees I need some Spruce though Spruce leaves I am like literally struggling with the with the Rockets today I’m going to have to AFK in both like my sugar can Farm after this and also my gunpowder f farm and rebuild my

Supply cat person but also want other dogs yeah I would love to see different types of dogs cuz yeah really all they are right now are wolves that’s it I’m surprised it hasn’t happened yet to be honest leaves leaves leaves I don’t think I have any in here I I should have

Some at the old base who inspired you to become a Minecraft content creator if nobody really inspired you how did how did you think of becoming one oh that’s a good question um I would say that like my inspiration was pulled from like a bunch of content creators like I watched um a

Lot of like Gem and sausage and stuff before I started um and like a bunch of like random streams and honestly I was just like inspired also playing with like friends and like building up like really really like basic worlds with my friends um I’ve always like really liked

Minecraft but I was like really I never knew what to do and I was like very like I guess not uninspired but I would find I would have trouble finding what to do in Minecraft I’d build a house and then just like ditch the world and then once

I started watching content creators like the Hermits and stuff and like um and all those Peeps and all the empires crew and stuff I was like oh my gosh like the possibilities are endless absolutely endless and then I was like I don’t know I was like I want

To give it a shot and I had so much fun with it and a big thing that’s like really just like been awesome about it is like meeting new people through Minecraft it has just been super fun oh Enderman block I guess so how else would that be there oh

Classic classic I have fallen into a cave and I cannot get Out what is that oh my gosh it’s a spider architect welcome on in how you doing so nice to see you thank you so much for popping on into the stream I appreciate it I hope you’re doing well Uh-oh All righty now don’t make me wee don’t make me wee I’m weak I’m weak honestly honestly it’s so true so true one thing okay you know what you know what’s on my resolution this year but we’re going to have to like go into creative for this is learn to build

Better like custom trees even if they’re like small ones you know that’s on the list this year chat we should do a creative day on Twitch sometime soon where I just like really try to learn how to do custom trees cuz right now they are not looking so hot they’re not great

I have seen better oh got it I I’ve fallen and I cannot get out me and me and Minecraft all the time the amount of times thank God I have wings now to be honest cuz the amount of times I’ve had to like pillar out of like a cave

Awkwardly happens far too often it’s too much it is far too much there we Go I totally meant to do that by the way Stephen welcome on in how you doing thank you so much for popping into into the stream you’re doing awesome I’ve been watching uh yours and Lil Red’s content probably for like 6 months or more your videos keep me calm uh when the going gets rough with my personality

Disorder architect uh thank you so much by the way for for saying that I appreciate it I’m very very happy that my uh my vids are there for you through all of that thank you so much for popping in I really appreciate it really really appreciate it and I hope

You had a happy New Year hope things are good whoops actually you know what this is kind of working out this is kind of working out this shape waxy homie how’s it going how you doing Happy New Year how was uh how was your holidays how have you

Been we are uh building on a little bit of a castle today getting back in to the swing of uh streams I hope you’re doing well it’s so nice to see you I’m trying my luck at uh custom trees right now you know what these are not the worst that I’ve ever

Seen I’ve done worse I have done worse I’ve absolutely done worse I think we need some like sprues and stuff along the back here though I think that’s why it looks so like sparse right now I think the trick is to fill stuff back

In and then kind of take it away when we need to expand on like this area because right now it’s like so flat looking do you know what I mean we’ve got like the general base of this little town we got three builds we could put some more stuff probably along

Here eventually but I think for now what we need to do is just like bring life back into the area until we’re ready to like build over there just got back from snowboarding this weekend ready to get back into recording a nice that sounds super fun dude hope

You had a wonderful wonderful holiday sounds like you had a nice uh restful one I was off for about 10 days over the holidays uh got lots of rest definitely ready to get back into like recording and streaming and stuff after that break but um it was super fun I had such like

A a lovely time over the holidays I’m so glad it sounds like you did too I would really love to try snowboarding again I haven’t in like I don’t even know it’s been years now I honestly I feel I I feel like I could I could probably manage it big tiny duck

Asked me the other day she was like would you be able to do it again cuz I think it’s been like 6 years and I was like I feel like maybe seems like one of those Sports where it’s like riding a bike but also I think it would literally destroy my legs

Like the next day I would be in so much pain I’m willing to admit that for Sure I want you to do a build with no Spruce Wood okay have I done one before I must have hey that one doesn’t have Spruce look at that there that one oh wait no that has Spruce okay okay no Spruce Wood wait a second that one has no spruce

This one doesn’t this one’s all dark oak and Mangrove and I don’t think actually I don’t think I’m going to add any Spruce to It it is hard though honestly like even sometimes like adding um even little details I Rely still heavily on Spruce so many Fantastic places in Canada to Ski and Snowboard oh yeah we are very very lucky in Canada in Ontario it’s like very um very flat however the

Little Hills that we have here it kind of makes up for up for it in the fact that we have very good Parks um for snowboarding and skiing of course so like a lot of the uh lot of the hills around the GTA they really specialize in

Like having really good trick parks and stuff like that but if you go even like it’s kind of crazy you don’t even really have to go to like the west coast to get I mean the West Coast has like the unbeatable mountains but at least like Quebec actually is very mountainous so there

Are some really really good uh really good hills around there as well Canadian buddies let’s go let’s go Canadian swag Jillian welcome on in how you doing water break for you you know what I need to take a water break too no Spruce build video would be drift

Rocking and sobbing in a corner for a bit that you know what doing doing a video would be fun though kind of like maybe like a 1H hour challenge type thing but the the premise is no Spruce that would be really fun cuz even though I do have a couple

Builds where I don’t fully like I don’t add Spruce to them for the most part I would say 95% of my builds have Spruce you know that’s a lot I’m from Iowa don’t even talk to me about flat oh my gosh how far do you

Have to go to get to like hills and stuff that is brutal absolutely brutal yeah we’ve had like I have some friends from like the West Coast who came over to Ontario and like they think our uh our hills around here are just so laughable but I’m like at least we have

Something at least we have something wax lives in survival super flat that literally like actually that is so funny West Coast is best listen I love the West Coast I want to go back so bad I wanted to move there for a long time it’s just one of those things where

Moving is like very very hard because of family but if given the chance I think I would move there doing well hope you had a good Christmas all my holiday was wonderful and I hope you had a good Christmas as well night welcome on in how you

Doing all right just collecting a few more saplings I would like to grab a little bit more bone meal um and just put a couple more trees back into the area drive at least 7 hours in any direction oh that is a trek so I’m guessing like it’s kind of more

Beneficial if you can to kind of go for like weekend trips into the mountains yeah I’m thankful that I still had the opportunity to like Drive 20ish minutes for a ski hill that had a couple decent fun slopes that you could rip down in 30 seconds but mostly that’s why

I became like a park rat at that point 95% is below par for most YouTube Builders he Spruce is the foundation the foundation of every build sorry sipping some water I’m new here can I have a tour of your nether builds please uh shroud welcome in I don’t think I’ve ever welcome new

Chatter I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before um and to answer your question um no shroud how’s it going it’s so nice to see you I hope you had a good holiday hope you had a good one I need some bone meal wax’s uh neighbors are just slimes

Slimes everywhere corn farming slimes why is it it sounds like slime Rancher why does that sound like cool Liam welcome on in how you doing so nice to see you yeah also Willow we’ll catch you later thank you so much for hanging out you’re back with chalk and excited to see the

Progress let’s go we are just going to our um iron farm to get some more bone meal and then actually I should probably there’s got to be some like bones around somewhere I just need more bone meal oh paper we needed that we needed that

Chat I’m like a parent when it rains we really needed this all right so we got quite a bit done today I keep thinking oh wow it’s been so chill we literally did three builds today mind you they’re not decorated yet but still like that’s pretty good progress we

Still need to build this uh this liver or kidney bean or whatever it is I’m going to have to change a shape of that I need to learn how to do diagonal builds before I do that though I got a little bit ahead of myself but for now

The shape of the uh the kidney bean will stay Spruce is clearly the superior wood listen it is it is the foundation to building in this game definitely yeah make sure you’re all hydrated and good to go chat if you need to uh go grab a snack or anything

Thank you for that reminder azy I appreciate it okay let’s see how that looks now whoa those are some big trees Honestly though that’s kind of just like the general idea of getting just stuff back in around here I kind of need to just start doing that around this tree line

Too I think everything just needs to start getting more enclosed we going to need lots of sa wee just came back are we wrapping up soon we’re just adding some uh trees to the back end of the area just to kind of close off the space a little bit until

We’re ready to work on other parts of the base and then we’ll probably be uh wrapping up we have been live for yeah over 3 hours now is it where is my time yeah 3 hours wow time has flown by today chat totally flown by going to have to

Get uh dinner ready soon I got to go to the G still hey get over here um let’s get a couple more saplings we’ll just tear down a bunch of trees I’m going to have to replant them here eventually but listen that is tomorrow’s problem tomorrow’s problem G what’s a game oh a

G classic classic Simpsons reference God it’s so funny that show is just endlessly quotable oh the game I’m sorry chat I’m always throwing out really random Simpsons references I’m very very sorry it is just ingrained in me to do that just had to pop in to cause my

Usual chaos me causing chaos no but dipping hope you all had a great New Year and great 2024 so nice to see you shroud I hope uh you’re new year was great as well and I hope you had a good holiday thank you so much for popping in we’ll catch you later for

Sure for sure for sure all right just a couple more saplings I would Say grab some of these and some of these and hello my llama friend okay I think five and 14 should be enough should be good enough covering up some of like our old little like stunt course things that we had too that’s okay though they’re not really in commission right

Now this is not enough but I tried I tried chat all right I’m going to um grab a little bit more bone meal I just want to get some of these trees done and then we’ll we’ll be ready to go we got to head out soon chat not you decimating find another

One I okay listen I’m just moving it over it’s like moving a piece of furniture over okay it’s just it’s like it’s like nudging a couch over a bit being like this should probably go here instead it’s the same thing okay oh God I’ve got to have like a here’s oh just

One one measly bone that’s it we got to have more around here though I mean if not there’s skeletons in the cave underneath us we can go say hi to them think I’ll go I feel like playing myself uh but having someone else play Minecraft in the background confuses me

It was a lovely stream have the a rest of uh have fun for the rest of the stream and a wonderful day a Cass thank you so much for hanging out and no worries I hope you have fun playing some of the craft and we’ll catch you later any tips for deciding block

Pallets on Minecraft Builds I’ve been struggling with it recently honestly um where’s the entrance to this cave over here my tip is uh looking at like game art and stuff for like on Pinterest that can kind of like help with block pallets um and I usually just just I

Usually start by like picking one block and like basing a build around it and just seeing what works with it sometimes it like you do have to switch things up but uh that’s kind of what I do where I’m like I really want to try to incorporate like mud and then

I kind of build everything around it and see what works we love your videos a spike thank thank you so much I appreciate it you said that I should have a time limit but maybe you need one yeah you know what I was too excited

Today I was too excited to get back into streaming with you all we’re we’re still on time we still got a little bit of time left but you can see here this is a lesson and the importance of time limits all right let me get my bow

Quickly where are all the skellies at well I guess probably not here because I lit this cave up all the creepers that have gone underground to escape my uh my creeper Farm they’re all just hanging out down here they’re like nah we’re not going up there oops I keep pressing shift by

Accident cuz I just been playing too much fortnite lately classic oh jeez there we go no skellies yet if you’re ever mad at someone move all furniture 2 Ines to the left listen that would actually drive me bonkers if I came home one day and all my furniture was slightly moved over I

Don’t even I don’t know I don’t know what I’d do with myself it’s like it’s like you walk in it I was going to say uncanny valley but not that’s not really it it’s just everything seems slightly off and you and you wouldn’t be able to picture or

Figure it out immediately and it would drive you nuts and then you’d realize you’re like everything’s just slightly out of place slightly out of place how is there nothing down here where all the skellies at they’re just so afraid of me uh don’t really see any down here it’s

All just creepers and zombies what is this where are they flip their monitor feed and reverse their Mouse input okay that is that is just maniacal that is just evil or honestly a big one for me would be if somebody mess with like my audio settings I think I would just simply

Cry actually just cry all right how much Mo bone meal do we have now 31 not bad honestly you know what the the best solution would have been for this go into The Nether and go find a bone block then we’d have like hundreds of bone meal next time can’t do

That if shroud’s not here it’s just not fair you know it’s just not fair you know that was like impeccable flight I feel really proud PR about that one oh my gosh my voice just cracked so I’d like to do like a couple centimeters over oh no oh no it’s like

Um when BT’s mom was staying here uh just to like watch over our place while we were on vacation she dusted our Shelf and everything was slightly moved over it was so funny it was so nice that she did that but like you can immediately tell cuz like things if you’re so used

To something being in one spot what you’re like huh what’s wrong and it took us so long to figure it out and we were like oh my gosh everything’s just moved over slightly it was so funny please please just a couple more trees I beg I think that should be

Enough the stream element um messages are awesome yeah shout out to aie for those those they’re so funny they always get me I don’t even know half the time I don’t even know that she’s done it until like a new one pops up and I’m like what so

Good okay well the sun’s setting but this is already starting to look a little bit more full towards the back we’re going to have to decorate this uh probably on Friday but I think we’ve got like a good start here I think what we’re going to do is continue

Working on creeper town this this place is now called creeper town you know I’ve kind of conceded to the fact that we were talking about names earlier and I’m just not good at naming things so I think creeper town is great you know got

A one way to get to creeper town so I think next uh stream we’re going to work on probably decorating these guys um get them looking all nice get lots of lighting around here maybe put in a couple more builds around here if we can

And another thing I want to do uh we got to put this on the list is make these towers definitely a lot bigger um and just keep working on this area it’s starting to come together though I mean there’s a lot of work to be done

It’s still very much in its shell stage I would say but I think we I think we made a lot of progress today I’m happy with uh with having like a little area around here to kind of start like flushing this out a bit more so it’s just not one like lonely

Castle just kind of hanging out here starting to look like something although I think this thing’s going to have to be a little bit taller or something cuz I was looking at this versus the scale it’s just very short unless this could be like a stable or something maybe

We’ll turn that into like a stable you know what I should Mark that just in case Harvest a bunch of crops and compost them I think potatoes and sugar can make more bone meal for Less input I didn’t realize that I did not know that okay I’m going to try that too next

Time cuz we’re we’re going to need lots of bone meal uh lots of paper and lots of gunpowder I need to AFK here before next stream on Friday and we’ll definitely um get that done as well cuz that was one big struggle that we had today was

Not enough materials just for like basic life stuff here creeper Town won’t W you take me to creeper Town creeper town and this will be a stable there we go and also one last note for drift don’t forget bone meal gunpowder sugar cane there we go lots of notes left for

Us lots and lots of notes inp with my old roommate we’ve been working on upgrading a village and took all the uh the blocks down and then laid all the beds out in the blueprint for our Hospital uh we call it bedfield my gosh the poor villagers the

Poor poor villagers why are we so why are we so mean to these villagers honestly if you’re redoing a village though you’re going to make it look swag you’re going to make it look swag not the tiny sign yeah just just a tiny sign we’re not even going to do

Like a grand entrance it’s just going to say welcome to creeper Town welcome to creeper Town my giant horse in breath of the wild is name Haans I love that that has become like a meme that has has transcended one shot I’m obsessed so good all right I think this is a good

Place to end it today chat thank you so much for our first stream of 2024 I had such a wonderful time I hope you all did too uh we got we got some builds done today that’s wild so we actually did uh get quite a bit done today uh I’m going

To be live on Twitch do exclamation point twitch I’m going to be live there on Friday at 12:00 p.m. EST um there’s going to be a video out tomorrow for you all in the chill survival world so uh look forward to that I will post it in the Discord exclamation point Discord if

You want to join where you can showcase all of your builds and all that stuff uh thank you so much everybody for just hanging out with me today thank you so much for all of the super chats as well for all the kindness and generosity I really really appreciate it and just

Thank you so much for such a good time I had such a blast today and I had so much fun catching up with you all on what you all did on the holidays and I’m so excited to see you all again I will see you on Friday see you everybody goodbye goodbye bye

This video, titled ‘Chill Base Decorating in Our Long Term Survival World! – Minecraft Cozy Stream’, was uploaded by InfiniteDrift on 2024-01-03 09:25:47. It has garnered 4880 views and 240 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:56 or 12176 seconds.

Today in our 1.20 Minecraft stream world we are going to work on some decorating and building in our survival world. Thank you all so much for watching the stream and I hope you enjoy!

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Minecraft version 1.20 Shaders: Complementary Shaders Resource Pack: Jerm’s Better Leaves Add-On

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  • Pranking in Minecraft ONE BLOCK #2

    Pranking in Minecraft ONE BLOCK #2 Minecraft One Block #2: A Timepass Adventure Embark on a whimsical journey in Minecraft One Block #2, where the possibilities are endless and the fun never stops. Join our protagonist as they navigate through this unique world filled with surprises and challenges. Exploring the Unknown As our character delves deeper into the one block world, they encounter a myriad of fascinating elements. From mysterious structures to hidden treasures, every corner holds a new adventure waiting to be discovered. Unleashing Creativity With the ability to craft and build, our protagonist lets their imagination run wild. Using the resources at hand,… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server

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  • Leashable Boats in Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release!

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  • 365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 25

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  • DOMINION Semi-vanilla 1.20 Whitelist Hermit-Like 18+ SMP No Resets LGBTQ+ Welcome

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme Madness #17

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  • Crafty Tips 1.20.6: Minecraft Mastery Unleashed!

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  • Hot diggity Minecraft memes!

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  • Villager Assassination 6: Minecraft Mayhem

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  • Gracie Jamesy’s Minecraft Meltdown

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  • Zachcraftone – Gay Furry Goes Wild in Minecraft!

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  • The Grumpy Goose’s INSANE secret in Minecraft! 😱

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  • Minecraft Pro Guesses Blocks in 60 Secs??!!

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  • Mind-Blowing Piano Skills in the Rain – MUST SEE!

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    THE SMPThis is a SMP which you survive and gather armours, the server will be open at saturday and sunday. So have fun! The server is 1.18.2. Read More

  • Potatoland SMP factions vanilla

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

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  • Minecraft Pro Johnny Racing with Lucky Blocks!

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  • Wild Monday Stream with Alaydriem – Birthday Bash!

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  • X6 Ultimate Minecraft Hack 2024 – Unbelievable Features!

    X6 Ultimate Minecraft Hack 2024 - Unbelievable Features!Video Information This video, titled ‘New minecraft Hack client 2024’, was uploaded by X6 on 2024-03-27 21:20:57. It has garnered 75 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:15 or 75 seconds. Download : link in the comment #tag minecraft hacked client minecraft hacked client bedrock minecraft hacked client 1.20.1 minecraft hacked client 1.20 minecraft hacked client 1.20.4 minecraft hacked client free minecraft hacked client 1.8.9 minecraft hacked client 1.20.2 minecraft hacked client java minecraft hacked client tutorial minecraft hacked client 1.20.60 minecraft hacked client auto build minecraft hacked client android minecraft hacked client auto mine minecraft… Read More

  • MIND-BLOWING Minecraft Build Review 🀯 | MUST SEE! #minecraft

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  • Unbelievable NEW Shader for MCPE 1.20! REALISTIC BSL Shaders

    Unbelievable NEW Shader for MCPE 1.20! REALISTIC BSL ShadersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Finally πŸ”₯ Realistic Bsl Shaders for Minecraft Pe 1.20 || Render Dragon Shaders 1.20’, was uploaded by DILKHUSH YT 2.0 on 2024-02-01 01:12:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. DOWNLOAD LINK :- CHECK PINNED COMMENT βœ“ ✨ Join for Direct Link … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Spotify Speedrun πŸ‰ YT ban percent? 😱

    Insane Minecraft Spotify Speedrun πŸ‰ YT ban percent? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but we’re listening to my Spotify 🎢 YT ban percent speedrun? πŸ€” A vampire yoinked me too 😡’, was uploaded by Melonhead60 on 2024-04-16 02:01:27. It has garnered 80 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 05:24:42 or 19482 seconds. I coded all weekend oopieeee ❀️ 🍈!!!COMMANDS!!!🍈 Exclamation points (!) do lots of things on stream πŸ™‚ 🍈!tts, !speak, or !say🍈 pushes your chat to speak and be displayed for all! Everyone gets 1 free TTS message per stream. Members get 3 πŸ˜‰ ALL donations/superchats are TTS so plz give me… Read More


    INSANE SHIZO FARMING! XDRAY Survival Ep. 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Bikin Farm Minecraft Survival S3E9’, was uploaded by XDRAY on 2024-04-17 03:23:27. It has garnered 4238 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:21 or 6921 seconds. Hello Cuyy, if you like the video, you can press the like button and subscribe, guys. Karen 1 like is a good thing for those of you who watch it! Subscribe: Follow Tiktok: Join Discord : For those who want to challenge, the link is below πŸ‘‡ Donate link: Yg mau kirim map = [email protected] #minecraft #100hari #mcpe #minecraftsurvivalindonesia #horor #streamertierm… Read More