Crafting a YouTuber Texture Pack!

Video Information

For okay hi guys and welcome to the stream oh no oh no the music has ads on it oh no hi guys and welcome to the stream how are you doing today how are you doing I’m waiting for the okay let’s go today we are we are back with the sweat code texture

Pack with this beautiful starting screen we made and yeah I think I have to edit this screen it’s a little bit too eye-catching I satisfaction those welcome to the stream how are you guys doing today how are you guys doing oh yeah we we tried making the transparent sword

Yesterday to see how it would look I think it’s a banger idea honestly Banger of an idea to be fully honest wait today we are focusing on the inventories so wa let me bring all the inventory so we can check the main game okay let’s go to a plane surface

There we go boom boom boom boom is not an inventory it was I always confus it for an inventory I just woke up really so I’m so tired like it’s actually crazy how you go to sleep to like to reload the batteries and then you are more tired like this actually

Insane I will never understand it honestly will never understand it Mysteries of the human brain like bro I go to sleep to to not be tired and I wake up even more tired how does that work okay the leor need thing here okay there we go how does that work bro that doesn’t

Make any Sense okay so uh time set day let me see if you can hear the music on stream okay you can perfect there we go okay so for inventories I talk to sweat God and this is actually a good design like he likes this design so we can pursue this this like

Um this path here so I think it looks nice so we need to shade those lines let me make something a bit different so I was looking at something along those lines so let’s make it this No where is the thing okay so like like so basically but just reversed so to have the opposite shading let’s see how it looks okay okay I think that looks better okay let’s see how this looks because I want to break like the design of the lines but I’m liking this linish design

For the inventure I think it looks nice I want to see see how it looks now okay honestly it looks nice like I also I really like the like plain red for some reason Al so wait there’s like a two pixel Gap there yes no noticed immediately hey you go there perfect okay

Now should I add one here I like the how clean this is like it’s clean because it’s simple yeah I think I’ll leave it like this maybe with some shading here and there I think it’s a good adventur very clean Okay let’s go like this h like this maybe bit more clear let’s apply one layer of red to it like so like so you can still see the shade but it’s bit more fading away yeah okay that’s better so like So oh no okay tell walk W block hi snit welcome to the stream how are you doing today my friend how are you doing how are you doing I just woke up so like I’m still trying to understand what I am already I’m already boy reference I’m still in that situation

Of I Al I’m really going to I’m really good I’m going to stream soon let’s go n you on the stream grind B from the so Network yo snitch is back how are you doing H how you doing bro can you like stop dying Ali

Like it’s been a minute bro I think we can cut out this old disease or or or something like such a cool collab coming up oo what’s the collab let’s try the inventory I don’t like this still I want to change this can’t say yet o it’s a it’s an

Insane I got a call today bro can you please like stop dying Al you’ve been on a crazy streak of like diseases bro cannot catch a break like honestly poor guy so like I got to run up here yeah poor guy the quing curse this guy

Is but this guy is like pinging in another dimension like but you cannot just like freeze and then come back 3 seconds later comboing me like it doesn’t work like that doesn’t really work like that okay honestly like I’m not the best to give feedback on a 1.20 server

Since I don’t really play it so like I cannot really give a judgment on it because I don’t like the PVP style you know what I mean let’s go a mon see make highs let’s go n on the content grind you love to see it yeah this screen is too saturated I I

Need to turn it down a little bit it’s it’s too vibrant which can be a bit annoying go minus 30 or everything whole L red yeah exactly I need to make it more I don’t have 30 92 fabric mod it’s like the it’s the hoplight instance that runs a lot of mods for

Some reason I honestly don’t know why but it does okay on lunar honestly I don’t know I don’t really know my friend like I don’t really pay attention to that so okay let’s refresh yeah I like this inventory this this will be the final inventory in the

End which I think looks very nice nice what do you think guys I think it looks very nice like I like the shading of the of red and since it’s all red I don’t want it to to make it like too eye destroying but I think this is a good

Compromise like it looks nice good compromise I like it let’s go Al Brazil support what what is it okay I have the dream SMP song stuck in my head wait what you mean the dream SMP song what’s the dream SMP song like this 2021 was rough I never really listen listen to it

Lick bait Arrow no it’s not clickbait tarrow now for the book for the book button since it looks like a bit out of context in this inventory let’s make it more like appropriate and it looks very out of context even though I’m pretty sure this won’t change the inventory like the right side

Button recipe button so um maybe like this would be a good design never really paid attention to this pattern honestly speaking I never really pay too much attention bro my voice is so sleepy like I I legit woke up 10 minutes before the stream which is crazy how do you take

Like an hour long nap and be more tired than if you didn’t sleep like to me that’s insane it’s one of the Mysteries of the human race like to me like how do I sleep which is the process of not being tired and I am more tired than when I

Don’t how does that happen someone needs to explain that to me genuinely don’t understand it explain please bro I I I don’t know why my nose bleeds right honestly the same I’m having the same issue like lately I think it might be allergies yeah it might be allergies honestly I

Like oh my nose breeds right I mean it I I like readed bleeds maybe I’m raing some weird like nose bleeds like um usually it’s allergies like which is crazy because we are like in February kind of allergies are there in February no no one like yeah it happens

Sometimes like to me it’s always allergies yeah of course I knew it was the right button GUI yeah recipe button let’s see how this looks pretty skeptical on this honestly am I 20 247 all allergic or my nose is messing up yeah exactly wait what there a pixel transparent pixels in 2024

Bro that’s Crazy hold on transparent pixels in 2024 is actually insane get the hell out of here okay is a common issue yeah it is like oh I’m also a victim of this problem okay I like the design I don’t like the holes here so I think I might just

Delete the button like make it look like this just just make it look like it’s a it’s a a book floating I think that might be the play CU I don’t like the button like being there like in the middle of nowhere Mario went a Buton exist to make it

Like Mario when a Buton exists only to to work as intended yeah but like I don’t like this PN like it’s all over the place bye make the B slightly darker on the second one Nah I think it looks like the outline itself sells it like it works with the outline yeah now yeah this looks nice this looks better this looks better yeah yeah yeah I think outline like this fire see now it looks more like a resource like an actual resource and not

Like a a button stuck in randomly in the inventory I think it looks nice okay so should I add like a like a background like let’s say this part here and where the items go is darker or should I leave it like this like making something like like

This wait let me show it let me show you N I think I’m going to leave it because of the holes in there yeah I think this looks better time set day okay we are good good so this is the base inventory design and this will be for every

Container now before making the container designs I want to change this I don’t I don’t like this don’t like this selector like this selected version so I think I’m just going to make this one darker maybe like this yeah what is this what do you mean what is this this is

Like the the slider yeah I like that it pops no you know maybe let’s do it a bit like more clear maybe let’s See like so yeah like this it looks way better okay looks better it looks better okay so we are done with this let’s head right back to the inventories which are going to be interesting so container oh God there’s so many of them I I forgot it was like 26 inventures

Damn pain and suffering okay so uh yeah let’s open them one by one andv so what are what are you guys doing today what’s the what’s today’s plan I think after the stream I’m going to go the gym I I’ve been missing from that place for like a week which is not good

Hi Barbie hi Daniel hi brother dreams welcome to the Stream also I I like that I I lowered like the the I I lowered the delay on Stream So I think we we should be way more connected hi Barbie hi sorry I to go I to go

Yesterday so bro it’s it’s super okay don’t worry thank you so much for being here I put the stream on 2x when I join though yeah to like to to fix the the delay like I think I fixed it like I put it on the like on the lowest possible

Latency like before it was on the second lowest so I think it’s fixed now High Barbie bro High Barbie is such an an underrated like greeting I think since the film kind of sucked like in my opinion like it didn’t really achieve its purpose it kind of went unnoticed but

It’s it’s it’s actually a fun way just subscribe and like too thank you so much my friend welcome to the family give up the gold let’s go thank you hi Barbie I was want to say that I really respect for doing what you love thank

You so much my friend I won’t lie it’s been difficult like you know as every route that’s not really standard like you know what I mean when you don’t pursue like a career when you go like the artistic way it’s always going to be difficult like in the start but when you

Start getting in the flow of of things if you if you can keep it up results will come so you know I’m I’m I’m happy that things are are working start routes th route suck too yeah I think like I mean it’s not like they suck in in the sense

That okay so I don’t like being told what to do so like I I despise it I hate it so much and so working on like a to five like would have would have been an issue for me just because of that single thing like I cannot stand it but not

Because like I I hate it because I I don’t like working with people like I genuinely cannot stand it like I I I cannot really function when someone gives me deadlines which I don’t really know why I’m broken in the brain but like genuinely I I I struggle with

Deadlines so bad so I I always knew that if I wanted to actually succeed I always like I needed to be on my own pace otherwise it would have been cooked so this one goes well with it in our friend group challenge me to ro battle and they lost badly call you P

God I might pull up I hate in class when a teacher tells me to take my hood off or my head like off that that should be not be legal I might pull up with the Apple Vision Pro in class one day bro the Apple Vision Pro is actually scary

Like it’s genuinely scary because like everyone thinks they are Tony Stark now like everyone thinks they are prime moments Tony Stark like walking up to the Avengers Tower and being all cool and everything but like it’s a good product don’t get me wrong like it works now every everyone is going to

Think they are Tony storic or something like it’s actually insane I like this reverse X it looks nice let’s keep it reverse X I like your effort thank you so much my friend I Stardust welcome to the stream uh yeah okay this is pretty normal more looking for the back let’s

Shade a little The Edge okay it sucks because this is like 32x but like with the texture a 13 of a 16x so I have to like shade like this which is very weird I sub thank you so much my friend welcome to the family I just realized the EnV ain’t even the

Normal Minecraft tools yeah exactly okay did I miss some pixels no I didn’t delete this and I hate the white pixels under this and I always cover them with this outline because it looks Simply Better honestly speaking let’s go okay it works let’s go next uh the beacon oh no

Uh is let’s close this one let’s close this other one let’s open that one that’s your lesson on English words for today so let’s go like this really out there making texture packs three people will use yeah but like if those three people enjoy their time with it it’s worth the the pain

It’s word the pain my friend and texture yeah exactly texture it’s good thank you so much friend I’m I’m missing pixels okay okay wait let’s go like this yeah so much effort more than people are going to use this m Masterpiece let’s go I mean I hope so since it’s like for a

Decently big YouTuber with with like decent recognition in the community I hope this pack will do well I need to find a nice name for it like back in the day people used the craziest names for texture packs and I want to bring the trend back since is it’s actually not a bad

Idea do give sweat go sweat code Vibes yeah see I love that you say that because that’s the whole point of why I make texture packs because I think that’s the the funny like the cool aspect of it like G giving the game the game your identity that’s what I love about it

Like you can literally make the game look like you your personality your mentality your brand which is something amazing that very few games actually have as a feature and Minecraft is one of those so why don’t we take advantage of it for who is it this pack is for sweat

C okay let’s go like this yeah let’s change this layout a bit this like freaking texture texture like for the beac has hasn’t been touched in decades let’s let’s make it better honestly like this going be available for everyone Yes oh no okay just like this wait maybe I should do the vertical ones too ypp e indeed my friend is a yepy Moment so how have you been doing guys how have you been doing what are you up to today for me I woke up for like from like an hour long nap and I’m more tired than when I went to sleep which is still one of the true Mysteries

Of the human brain like in my of the human race even like got I understand I say a name for Xbox sure uh I got new hoodies let’s Go thinking of buying things craftting Creator collection we could do like something like that for like a series of texture pack like the Creator collection like a p has a a base variant and then you know a Creator Edition tripped out right now let’s go this morning it was snowy midday and it

Was sunny and hot as [ __ ] on my way home it was cold again bro global warming be going honestly crazy like I don’t get how this stuff works like same same situation there like I you don’t understand how this like I should behave really someone up the tick

Speed like I don’t get it it’s actually true freaking T speed oh no like this morning it was so fun because I I went out with my girlfriend and we went like shopping and stuff and she was with this like heavy jacket on and because she is always cold and

I’m always hot so I always like bring try to bring like the lowest uh like the lightest clothes ever and I was just around with this hoodie and a t-shirt like it looked like we were from different seasons like it’s actually crazy like you don’t know how to dress

Anymore because one time is cold one time is hot and then like the an hour later is freezing two hours later is [ __ ] Sun surface temperature like you cannot understand anything these days and I just realized I’m talking like my parents oh God God bro today I actually had the

Realization of how old I’m getting like today I walked around looking for house prices like that’s crazy and and I’m like and I I found myself like complaining about how the hous is how much houses cost like I’m I’m actually aging I can feel it in my bones yes exactly ancient literally historic

Yeah exactly hisorical Landmark like I feel so old ooh yeah this looks nice very very nice I love this to be fair everyone feels old yeah as time moves on like a 12-year-old turning 13 tripping out bro I’m feeling like the age difference I feel it when like my

Girlfriend is a a volleyball trainer and she goes like yeah today a group of uh 12 year olds uh come in and I’m like oh okay and they were like yeah they were born in 2012 and I’m like wait what [ __ ] you mean 2012 like 20 like no one should be born after

206 like like 2006 like how does that happen like bro you never watched Italy win the World Cup you didn’t even see like the first iPhone like wait what like what’s going on like you know what I mean like [ __ ] is crazy my phone is ringing web a second guys for for

Guys don’t worry I’m on the phone I’m not dead don’t worry okay I’m back I’m going to despawn now because should exist exactly what’s up Mario hi welcome to the stream I’m fresh 2024 being born in 2024 is crazy genuinely crazy sorry for the phone call guys normal routine on my

Streams Mario Bingo stream take a shot if if if he gets a phone call uh um plus furnace what is the smoker okay from Lester now my girlfriend from Lady Mario he talking my son is gone yeah I’m talking now I’m talking now take a shot if goes to the

Bathroom overdoses bro I go once per stream like you know what I mean I drink a lot during streams you you should drink a too drink a lot of water back now let’s go yeah it was on the phone you should drink a lot of drink water guys stay hydrated that’s

Crazy I’m getting roasted for drinking water bro wh what’s going on your bones are getting getting dehydrated faster with age nah chill hi tyon welcome to the stream what’s up I’m doing good my friend I’m doing good how are you doing when I feel so old when I turn your age

Looking back Ali you’re like two years younger than me how old are you like that’s insane n is important what do you mean yeah exact yeah EXA exactly drink water guys I’m good fine let’s go oh hell no you you are 5 years younger than Me that’s insane imagine being so young n couldn’t be me I’m 12 I’m 14 guys lucky you honestly like I’m out there struggling to freaking exist and you’re like so free lucky you lucky you fck you to yeah got to move you got to move you got to move what bro what

What I’m richer yes uh Ali is two years older than me this you are 14 hey Mario what are you getting done today also Reser a commission pack for you just wondering um so wait my my brain froze too many questions uh hi my friend

Welcome to the stream um so today we are making the sweat C texture pack and if I if this inventory doesn’t stop moving I’m going to lose it and yeah we’re doing some we’re having some good progress on it I like where this pack is

Going and yes there usually is a way to commission texture pack I usually take uh take Commission missions but like lately I’ve been uh trying to trying to focus on uh the projects I have open you know at the moment so I can finish them quick quicker so you know what I

Mean that’s the the situation right now so much homework man I don’t like it man bro I’m going to give you like uh an old person’s perspective even though I’m like five years older than you guys we are like in the same generation funny enough um you will miss very dearly these

Times so enjoy them I mean I hated high school with every ounce of my body and I still do like if I could burn down my my high school with no consequences I would dearly do so but um yeah you’re going to miss those days I must say right now if you think

You got hella homework just wait a year then you got yeah exactly exactly like I wish like my sister now she’s in University like she wishes she still had homework like high school homework you know what I mean how do you do GUI honestly um this one is a pretty

Original one like I think like to my St standard since I I I used to do very flashy GUI very creative GUI but then I had like to basically adapt to the meta of texture packs which is the default looking but now but this one is a

Transparent GUI with a Twist I think it looks nice I think it looks nicer than normal GUI so I’m proud of it imagine being gen Alpha this is how the standard would be messing up turning you from happy to happy you got two hours of free time Lo your for you br

That’s the best YouTube Emoji by the way um yeah like once you get older you you’ll appreciate every ounce of free time you get not because you are happy you have free time sorry not because like you are getting free time but you are glad you

Are getting free time like you know what I mean because you have to work so much especially in this in in this time where like things are going downhill for like every country in the planet I the boss welcome to the stream is there a way to

Do chroma gradient yes there is a way and I do and I did it in one of my packs it’s called ether chroma um but it takes so much time um that the best ot not going to lie n this one like the the evil guy one is gives

A certain Aura but The Cat In The Box one is is nice I like it I like it too let’s do some bubbles face red droppy eyes like it looks I don’t know why it looks like one of those old Cartoon Network villains I don’t know which type of

Person like it’s reminding me of but looks like a Cartoon Network villain I don’t know why looks weird one of those robot boy villains you remember robot boy like the cartoon cold cartoon honestly cold program maybe you won’t remember it because like Cartoon Network uh pushed it to

Like like late in the in the evening like when I started getting older but it’s a cold cold cartoon you’ve got some Banger emotes like clock turquoise looking up Mr minut Miss minutes not Mr minutes bro Miss minutes scared the hell out of me like when I first saw it me

Personally only temporary cartoon no to me it was like on my home TV like it was one of the channels I got on my like satellite TV up I the ter therapist okay that’s an interesting name you got going on there my friend European privilege yeah exactly I’m thinking that’s therapist

You know what I mean pretty sus looking name how are you doing yeah ex bro this this this emote is like this Emoji is crazy I I actually like it maybe a bit graphic but you know not too bad doing good YouTube improving those emotes just looking name yes just a little

Bit I used to use this Discord bro what’s wrong with with emotes I know I feel like I’m used to the I’m used to the ones that are on Twitch which are Miles better Germany we have uh can Dogo are those look like like cat and dog’s name like for a

Program hi Mario hi Delta welcome to the stream how are you doing that one is hidden which one is this one cannot see the like like if I over it it doesn’t show it’s actually interesting why the bubbles blue I don’t know I like I like the blue

Bubbles yeah it actually looks like a twitch emote good what about you I’m doing good my friend I’m a bit tired because I took a nap before the Stream like an hour before and I’m more tired now for some odd reason but but I’m doing good Ali I would advise to seek medical

Attention exactly question mark I would advise you to to seek medical attention my friend you know what I mean I I think you’re you’re supposed to do that we have some issues we have to fix some issues okay being being getting them bubble blow right color nah Al Brazil Wilding what’s going

On oh no heavy brush now bro my life in critical condition Al is the Pokemon on low Health music on 247 now [ __ ] tragic tragic no pic F that’s actually insane up with these emojis uh blades powder where is the blazes powder blazes powder okay uh poon is the like awward

Potion go like glowstone dust let’s try it where’s the Brewing stain okay Brewing stain this emojis are fire yes okay okay I don’t know how to make Minecraft potions uh regen gen one I think this should work yeah the bubbles look nice I like this this brewing stand and there is one

Pixel pixel missing there okay why my seem going to be feeling like bro those YouTube emojis are going crazy crazy honestly cold emojis YouTube pretty sure they just hired a freelance artist for all the emotes though so it’s fine for one person oh really they did we the one burner Pokemon Bro is

Beof bro is beof at the Pokemon League no chance of actually succeeding you are cooked cooked for Life poor beo okay best emoji where is are these olives I think there are olives so fire I’m the one Pokemon you going as on that you got to use because

Your team is the missing bro you’re the one Pokemon on the Sone link you have to use because because because your teammate CAU a better one on the on the same route honestly like up your game bro you’re getting traded better learn Chinese buddy bro the Chinese buddy meme is fire

Like honestly the NBA Community is genuinely goated like such a funny thing you know how I’m feeling watching Mario’s stream bro the the freaking police is is going to go up knocking at my door watching those reactions what’s going on this stream be drugging people what’s happening is some

Like yeah I I fixed it they fixed it thank you for the reminder for the head up actually a good game head up is a good party game know if you played with heads up it’s a good party game good party game my mood was now before the stream is

Now I’m glad I I’m glad I I fixed your mood Al that’s what I do this is what he does this is what he does when Mario says oh no what do you think about the Suicide Squad game I love how if you have to talk about The Suicide Squad game you

Have to censor like 75 characters what what happened here okay it’s actually a a game I’m looking forward to like you usually I’m full on Marvel but I think it’s actually actually a nice game the crafting table look that PNG looks sick thank you Ben welcome to the stream how are you

Doing mod moment like I I think it’s actually a good game I I I I saw some bad reviews of it so my hype kind of you know died down a bit but I think it’s a cool game I mean DC always delivered with games like I love how DC always smashed everything

That was like related to their franchise which are not movies like they made Banger games Banger cartoons insanely good music super nice like super nice products comics and then the movie sucks like it’s actually pretty wild your two eyes are so pretty thanks so much my

Friend hi hi asan welcome to the stream love your forms man thank you it’s good like I watched a commentary video with someone playing it I would never play it so did guys did you know that my dad is white interesting my friend good to know are you doing aack

Yes where is the crafting table let’s go this tab here I have no idea how to change it actually where do you change it I think it’s like some somewhere there like in the folder but I don’t know I love that hot bar bro look at this then

Boom the GUI of the ages the flesh movie is so bad yeah exactly bro do you have Photoshop in Italy yes damn bro how are you asking you are asking us for you’re the P maker yeah uh fair fair cold yes cold I want to edit this but I don’t F I don’t

Find it in the files where it LO D detail border icon are so good thank you so much my friend let’s go you see that’s how shivering right now that’s how you recognize the pack maker because like he said good H bar and then went straight to the armor bars

You know what I mean like that’s the main point we improv so much ins life Twitter thank you so much my friend also we need you back Benja I’m I’m leading like the pack making Revolution let me show you I’m out there starting the pck maker

Renaissance we we need you we are 100% need you we need you my friend we need you back last week I finished at six next let’s go why the netherite look looking like diamond you me the netherite this is diamond armor want to see it

Yes how do you change this I’m I’m I’m confused very confused how to change this bro I almost like had a panic attack because like I switched tabs and usually where my view counter is like there’s also a view counter on other videos yeah update and it was like 1.1

Million I was like wait what I have 1.1 million viewers and then I realized it was like the the thing you know brusk and Bashi yes cold coldish honestly brusketa is so underrated like too many might look like a easy thing like it’s bread with tomato sauce on it but like it’s [ __ ]

Amazing when like tomatoes are fresh cold cold dish honestly and see why the dispensary is the only item that has the color scale it ruins my life on a daily basis like that’s what I don’t understand it’s the recipe book yeah I know but I don’t understand how to fix it to change

It the Brer Soul have been like there since 202 only blocking half the screen damn Al Brazil be going crazy with those with those like lunar client sensitive information leaks he’s selling our information to the black market guys telling you he’s a dangerous individual my mom always makes it so good with garlic

Yes bro shout out to your mom like your mom actually has some Banger recipes like from the past few streams and honestly shout out to your mom for bringing Italian culture to Germany shout out to to D mom honestly sh shout out to you you have a good you have a good

Mom Italian recipes just go like crazier than most of them most of other ones I’m sorry guys you just have to deal with it I think my mom’s cooking chicken and chicken and chips right now let’s go sorry bate can I have a bag of chips my my grandma’s lasagna is Unstoppable

Yeah like you just can’t beat it can you like when older people like start to cook like you just sit down and pay respect really like that’s the only thing you can do like it’s actually beyond crazy I think the recipe book texture is hiding in gii folder yes I think too

Like undercover somewhere where the f is this freaking texture I want to change it like scanning this freaking thing but I cannot find it pain and suffering British Cuisine absolute ass never found a a worst I mean I I I don’t really name one dish which is not shepher

Pie name one dish name 10 books name one dish you can do this anymore she she looks good that’s crazy we have the best meals what meals bro like have you seen like that uh that like podcast clip when in in London we have 10 of the the best

Restaurants in the world and what Cuisine did they bring French you know what I mean like not mean all right what’s your favorite food controver social take as a fellow Italian myself but like my favorite ones are pizza and Sushi tide like they are the same the first place both of

Them yeah Twitter there are the P that I mentioned if you like take a look at them sure my friend sure sure sure sure sure sure sure hey it’s me hi super welcome to the stream super max welcome to the stream wait where are where are DX on your

Twitter Sushi is crazy but Sushi makes me throw up no zero zero food etiquette my friend name 10 Italy cultures or you cannot okay wait let me let me see like this last one February 7th oh okay bro like we need this back we actually need this golded apples they look awesome

Honestly cold gapples honestly insane bow out of the planet really the sword design I don’t even have to speak on it crazy like this is looking amazing my friend keep it up cakes nice keep it up bro like this looks am like this is a pack we need to push for

The pack making Revolution we are back we are so back pack making industry is so back wait wait why can’t I see the oh yeah because it’s the seconds ago we are so back what’s the back it’s from uh Benja in the chat like it’s actually cold we need these types of pcks

Back let’s go go Benjamin keep it up my friend we need cold packs like this I should make a pack not going to lie I mean if if you like if you like it Ali maybe it could be an experience thank you so much man uh the pack I showed on stream is

From uh Benjamin in the chat which I don’t think it’s released yet and this one I make or like this one I’m making it’s another one I’m I’m entirely making for sweat code I’ve been thinking putting all of these bus you should my friend we need the we need more like new

Life to this community we are cooked we’re actually cooked like me the basics my pixel art is mid sure sure sure like I only don’t a few 2D games you need a pack full of creativity yes like I think the pack community is going to die die soon if we don’t revert

Like the trend of default edits going crazy and if it’s going to die anyway might as well die with some dignity and die on our terms know what I mean like if you’re going down at least we going down with style guys I hate false bro Hi l welcome to

The stream like if we do if we go down we are going down with style main packs like this let’s go we need also the audience to be like this I see the pack in the description um it’s it’s not there yet like the one I’m making now it’s not finished

Yet uh need for the CH challenge accepted but I will do it do wa no I Das in the first half not going to lie wait um oh yeah this is going to be difficult to make because this inventur here it’s always giving me headaches pain and suffering

So let’s let’s see if if it actually works because this inventory works in the worst way possible like this is also the inventory for the like the normal chest and it just cuts the texture in in half basically which is pain how long does it take for you to make

G um it usually depends like this is this this one I’m making right now is not taking like super long but like I would go faster if I wasn’t streaming because you know it’s a pretty automatic process like once you get the design down to make it consistent you know you just

Go bro do you ever get like a little thingies on your head that’s like if you were being BR I never I I didn’t understand anything honestly I I don’t understand what you said I I named it four okay I don’t know the

Word oh okay I I I go I got yeah see I hate this I got what you said yes it happens sometimes it happens sometimes I hate this so much pain and suffering um CR yeah that one when next upload Cal down when I me template sometimes right yes nearly

Raging I hate this I hate this so much because like it’s pain I have to come up with this like halfway solution CU like it’s the only texture that actually works in a dumb way in the whole game which to me makes no sense English is not

Real like why do I have to to have this ugly ass bar in the middle of the freaking chest because of poor coding like this genuinely what upsets me finally yes English is not real your dead isn’t ouch I Brazil getting destroyed Al this one down there wait let me go and fix

This y okay ger is a quest or something [ __ ] off I just I want earlier pack I like if it was a normal texture pack I I would I would do it no problem but like it’s a YouTuber texture pack so that’s why I

Would’t okay we got it in the end I hate that this last pixel looks like this but that’s just poor code bro it’s not released yet like it’s not out in the public I can I can give you the name Sweat Go 20,000 G the 20K texture pack like it’s not

There like you know what I mean how do you do skies 2000k is crazy 200,000k is actually insane not even not even Mr Beast Mario Mario someone should do like a mar no the other pack uh the other pack the OG one I think you mean this this one is not there

Too oh 2000k is 2 million okay also this one cold design Cal design honestly cold designs eight math even though I’m a Java Dev it’s 20 20 million I don’t know my friends honestly I don’t know and I I cannot make those calculations by like by mind wait uh here this 256 256

Okay tiis go 200,000k oh I mean I don’t know all just get off my ass bro what’s going on just let me leave in my ignorance okay like that’s the whole point of me of me being a Minecraft pack maker you know what I mean I don’t get to to study like

That’s the that’s the whole thing it’s basic math how is that basic like it’s not basic I mean yes it is like it’s a long number okay like know what I mean shut up is this a 1.8 pack no this is um 1.20 back maybe we will make a 1.8 version Though do you do the crystals pack uh yes even though it’s not out yet but I’m doing it like I I’m on good Pace I think it can it will be released I’m hoping before April it’s a long pack to make it it really depends on how much

Progress I can get in the texture pack also after I finish the pack like there is um a period of time where the pack needs to be like evaluated by the marketplace so it usually takes uh any that process usually takes four weeks so yeah it’s a bit painful but

Like that’s it is what it is really Vision quitting cringe why did so many why do so many people do if I do it for fun because sadly I mean doing it for fun and for money can you know live together as things like you have

To suddenly you cannot have fun all your life you know what I mean okay I messed up the Anvil let’s go lucky luckily I have I have it there when April my M my math sucks in like two months but I will try to make it as fast as possible my

Friend also because I need the money from it you know what I mean like the faster I do this pack the faster I can earn from it shulker box let’s take the generic thingy like for example I love doing texture packs and I I I would love to to

Do it for free my whole life but I have to you know I have to sell them in order to to save money and stuff like that I mean it’s it’s just like the curse of of getting older you know you have to kind of look at this stuff every

Every time when you like when you go on also like I I lowered the latency of the stream to make it more uh like fastpaced like so you don’t have delay between what I say and when the chat pops up on screen but now it’s too

Fast so I think I will slow it down a bit like in the next stream is the crystals spack uh also going to be available for Java yes in the future yes oh my God I need 1.20 P what’s your best PP either uplight or PP

Legacy you just got to move to First FL countries who gives you money for free exactly uh you can slow down stream on purpose I can slow down the uh the delay you have on me like on my chat like how fast your messages pop out

In my chat usually like you can put it as as long as 1 minute I think with the with the highest like last last stream for some reason went really like 30 seconds and I wanted to prevent that but now it’s way too fast it’s almost

Live yeah you can also get it like very high no updates on perfect pack um I I don’t remember the schedule for this week I think yeah perfect pack Returns on Saturday since um since yeah I want to get done I want to be done with this pack basically and

Since like when I stream is also so the time for me you know to actually work on things like I I don’t stream just to stream like this is actually my productive day hours so you know it just be this as zero stream delay yeah exactly I mean but speed

Doesn’t really interact with the chat because like it’s impossible there’s way too many messages all at once I’m going to be so productive with kany drops going to a minut my pasta Caron bro your mom goes crazy with those recipes honestly shout out to her shout

Out to your mom not in in a respectful way that’s why I like small amount of views yeah I mean it’s good you can interact with the chat you know Give opinions like in my field is important because I get to hear what you guys say about the things I’m making which I

Think is is very important shout out to your mom yes in a in a respectful way we’ll tell her let’s go let’s delete this by let’s bring this what’s this pixel here has this always been there no okay it’s weird shout out to your mom respectfully yes

Exactly also today I’m coming back to the gym for the first time in two weeks which is interesting it’ll be interesting getting back into the grind gym grind I not not two weeks I think one one week and a half because like I usually go with my

Girlfriend like in order to to go there you have to have like a valid medical exam that basically says you can do like this kind of activity without dying on the spot so so yeah and her visit was expired from last year so we just took two weeks

To do it so now I can go back yes I will tell her alil Mario give give a shout out to her re respectfully exactly out there being nice bro I I love that that that one guy on on like Tik Tok and Instagram that does like polite cat calling like

Basically has like this uh what it it what is it called Italian is megap let me see uh meone megaphone okay this megaphone that basically goes like and does very polite compliments on like people on the street he calls it like polite cat calling like that’s

Actually nice it’s a funny idea like to bring positivity using lion field no I don’t know what that is actually bro what is this pixel here is it is it still there [ __ ] off hold on M kid and calling no he goes on the street and basically

Goes like uh like damn dog I bet you know how to save 50% or more on car insurance like and stuff like that and people always laugh so badly like it’s actually so fun like shut out like it’s a banger idea for like content and stuff also to bring like to make people

Laugh yeah exactly and they still don’t know how like damn girl you look like you leave a clean house when you go out like stuff stupid stuff like that like got to go to eat now bye my friends you later like stupid stuff like that it’s so

Fun looks like you do the dishes the right way like you know what I mean looks like you you recycle you’re trash like stupid stuff like it’s it’s super fun no not L bro she he has the the the coldest mom ever I I would also go to

Eat very frequently if I had like that level of recipes damn girl you look like you watch the Mario park streams yes exactly call this mom respectfully yes always respectful we out there being nice which gen is this yeah is Scarlet and violet okay this song okay controversial take I

Usually like listen like play Pokemon games like I used to play them normally so like with music and stuff but since I got my switch and I started playing games on switch I started playing Pokemon games without audio which is such a loss honestly and should be

Illegal but I do it because I I I I don’t know I like to watch other things while I play like as a background so yeah yeah exactly so so like if I listen Pokemon music and freaking Italian rap song songs like it doesn’t really work does it but that’s the

Problem yeah exactly same like with Pokemon it’s kind of weird to do that because like the the music is actually dynamic in the games and actually works like let’s say I if I would play like a gen five game I would never do that because gen five is craziest games to ever be

Created what bro this Hammer is actually bugged wait what I didn’t know that I see it’s actually weird looking how did this happen you don’t feel but it goes out yeah it’s actually crazy wait let me fix this right it’s not my fault like this genuinely Minecraft being stupid wait let me fix

This wait what okay that was very weird Del those of OCD yeah now it works that was very weird was it I can do Del those of Internet impression oh there’s also Legacy spitting this one of course is a color scale bro I don’t care about color scales just work

Please okay so let me take this let’s copy this got this really put it there you see this works fine it’s the new one that doesn’t work okay uh and this is basically all envil really so this bye bye see you later alligator okay okay as you guys know t

Your B Mario Bingo stuff like that I have to go to the bathroom let’s go wait let me change this I actually messed up again the freaking thing okay Bingo bing bing bing I win taking a shot exactly BRB e I’m back guys hi uh almost 22k YouTuber with seven

Viewers you speak so like the problem with this stage m is first one first of all no one’s asked like no I can see the view counter I can’t see it know what I mean no one asked and the second is that um we don’t know the context Behind These

Numbers which is basically the fact that I’m a like this channel is basically text for criticis so people don’t care about about me they care about the texture packs and that’s why I’m streaming you get the opposite effect you know what I mean so yeah to try and see if people care about

The pack maker not the pack which I think is the main thing to me at least set times exactly but we are getting there guys yeah because you see pack release videos are pain to actually have on your channel because like people don’t care about the

Video like most of the times they saw the texture in another video and they come to your video to download it because you have the download button and they open the video pause it download your texture pack and then it’s gone and then they’re gone so basically

The whole video gets killed by this like the retention of video gets destroyed and it doesn’t get recommended so you know that’s the problem with texture pack releases but like this channel aims to be more than texture pack releases but all my Subs are from pack releases so

Yes like either I make like 10se second videos which would be an option or I don’t know I like to put out P releases like actual small montages think they looks nice they look nice yeah Mario politely replying we actually have two inventures left mean three if we count the Villager so let’s

Go uh Loom this this is very annoying to make uh smiting there we go let’s go let’s do the stone cutter first okay stone Cutter by by Saon old war Alid see you later and every other way to saying adios ever in the planet okay now this one maybe change the hammer on the envil um and uhi yeah I did it don’t worry my friend I did it I did it I finish my water pain and

Suffering have a banger you should play on stream check Discord oh no what no I will not play it hello everyone this is your this is your day of P making nah I I will play it for the for the memes class chat by the way hello

Everyone this is your daily dose of pack making this guy that’s pack making for a living you should like And subscribe exactly you should do that should like And subscribe this guy I am proud of being a pack maker by profession guys someone has to do it in the end so

Why why would it be me see I’m back from dinner I’m back from dinner I yet for he so funny yes exactly I don’t talk to people really like that’s the thing don’t really talk much to people I don’t do talking I do actions yeah that’s me I’m a Gangster let’s go anti

Social yes right reading what happened to Al Brazil’s Discord server died like Al Did okay so let’s delete this boom this two no I to like to the side N I like that’s life for real and back food was fire let’s Go I need this bro this inventory is taking way longer than I actually expected pain I it is what it is like yeah I expect it to be done by now and nope we’re still here making the loom inventory I still have to make the

Creative Tab and the V Viller tab my God pain and suffering honestly pain only pain new platform available of of Mario’s Channel I told Mom you guys sh she she didn’t know what I meant she said you should go sh you guys oh thank you so much I don’t seen someone stream their

Sub count 24/7 and getting like 3K a day but that’s that’s like actually insane YouTube short streams wa what do you mean YouTube short streams M have you seen this YouTube short stream no what did I is how do you how do you short stream what how how do you do

That like how does it work like actually I I cannot like picture it short streaming like Tik Tok sometimes it just goes to streams nah bro Tik Tok like shorts shorts streamings are crazy like I I I I cannot understand it like Tik Tok C without them weird ass

D thank you for the rose bro Tik Tok Tik Tok streamings are a different ecosystem like really they’re a different place on the planet I’ll take though stre should be 15 or 16 plus like to be in the audience I agree honestly I agree because like what honestly I agree my

Friend check the your short stre screenshots I had oh it’s really a short stream oh it’s basically Instagram live oh okay should not be 13 plus I don’t know my friend honestly I think social media is an insanely powerful tool like we use it in the worst way possible like I I have

No opinions on like age restriction because to me age restriction is like very useless not because it doesn’t like because it doesn’t work like people lie all the time about their age so it’s not really effective like unless you make it I play gud bro you’re you’re eating like in

Sanely good like who is your mom like like yeah exactly social media should be age regr with ID yeah because it it’s pointless without it like genuinely pointless like every type of age verification just gets bypassed by lying like you cannot rely on trust to age restrict something like that’s that’s beyond

Insane like to me like as a concept like it will never never work so you know like the only way to make it work is with actual ID but then I understand that platforms would lose an a massive amount of traffic just because no one actually cares about uploading you know their

ID that’s because of like information and stuff of solid information they just don’t bother so that’s the that’s the thing you don’t bother doing it so and if they cannot continue without doing it you know they won’t they will not use it rust on the yeah exactly there’s some

Site that really should be a please use them yeah exactly like the thing is people lie all the time so there isn’t really a point like it’s one of those those things where it’s like a lost battle to begin with like it’s a good cause like wanting

To like have some rules and to follow some rules but it’s one of those cases where the rule is too like the rule is impossible to follow because of the magnitude of the things you you are trying to to restrict you know what I mean like the internet is way too big to

Actually have some kind of working AE age restriction like in my opinion I gotta go by bye P thanks for being here yeah exactly like no no internet provider or like no social media actually like platform actually cares about the well-being of their of their

Like I was about to say players of their like audience like no no one cares they just care about you know the money bro the money and that’s what happens like they they don’t care about it so they just do whatever but they’re like obligated by law so you

Know yeah exactly you were on Discord when you were seven years old but like Discord doesn’t allow that but you wear on it anyway so you know what I mean like it’s pointless that cannot be healthy yeah yes snitchy that really cannot be healthy and also like let’s say back

When I was younger it was acceptable like to not be on social media Discord was making in 2017 2015 like it was acceptable to not be on social media like socially like until you were like in like past like in high school let’s say like that and now it’s almost

Like standard because you you get cut you get like exclud excluded from so much information if you are not there so you cannot really go to your kids and go nah you’re not going on there because you’re just killing them socially like you know what I mean or just doing like

Insanely huge damage you’re a bit silly see go only by to people when they ask then you became a Minecraft Youtuber crazy how things Go like if you go to your kid now and you you you go nah bro you’re not using like social media until you are 16 okay you are killing them socially because of the amount of people that use social media like it’s one of those things

Where there is no good way to to to to to to go about it it just sucks as a Whole have a few Minecraft guys I like uh I love SN Snapchat so much I don’t really like in Italy we don’t really use Snapchat at least I never seen someone use It You’re either a hater or Lover now why social media and this heal bro yeah I mean like most things like it can be healthy in like the right amounts like if you live on Discord like like your whole life of course that is not healthy like I mean

That that’s just common sense you know what I mean I think YouTube saves itself because it’s insanely good for education purposes like YouTube is an insanely good tool for like learning stuff like even better than Google in my opinion because because like having visual information like videos can like

Will always be better than reading in my opinion for learning something or at least for me like that that’s like that’s why YouTube will never fail in my in my opinion oh oh also because it’s too big to fail like it’s one of those sites that you really

Cannot leave without you know what I mean it’s got to that point where there is so much information on YouTube where where like you and it’s all free really so that’s where it takes really the the spot work like you know what I mean it’s one of those sites like you

Cannot like not use and also one thing I will say to my generation since like guys we are all in the same generation even though I’m 5 years older we technically are in the same generation so I would say bro we will not raise iPad

Kids there is no way my kid will be hanging around with a [ __ ] iPad 24/7 and have the I have brain rot like brain rotten like 12 years old like nah ain’t no way like [ __ ] that bro like like my kid will not be brain dead at 12 years old because he’s

Hanging around on freaking iPad in a restaurant loudly as [ __ ] like every day nah that’s not that ain’t happening like that’s not like to me at least that’s not happening bro like there is no way my kid will go goes around with a freaking iPad brain dead at 12 years old

Nah [ __ ] that [ __ ] bro no I’m I’m not playing with with this like iPad kids are honestly a different breed is is a u 1.8 pack no this will be a 1.21 the fact people uh call me when I mostly watch YouTube on TV that’s a weird phrase or ra SEC kid

Yes exactly like freaking hell like let kids should not be on like kids like let’s say like to me in my mind kids like 10 and under and under should not be on their like on iPads on YouTube all day like that’s the age where you can

Literally go there and have fun with life with no consequences just like let the guy play in a park or something let the guy hang out with his friends after school in in playing football on the street like there is no need to like to have brain damage at at 10 years 10

Years old from dumbass YouTube videos like in my opinion that’s just me though like I I I don’t understand why it is such a common thing to do I mean I guess people just don’t want to raise their kids like they they don’t care about them enough to to actually pay attention to

Them I still love the flip phone though like he makes me when was wake up also I just played Minecraft from my younger years I got was kick from M from dark 45 CPS damn like ain’t no way now this looks ugly as [ __ ] let’s let’s make it better honestly like put

Effort bro it’s last it’s the last inventory let’s make it look nice okay wait beb guys I I need to like fill this bottle with freaking water bro I’m dying water I am back already because I found an already filled one hi gamar refill this ble that’s going to bingo card

Nah let’s go we are back in business water shout outs to water honestly good how will your red outlines work on uh on black rectangle let’s see now bro drink water bro honestly just drink it it’s good I promise why why so many people have this problem with water bro just drink water

Like no no I don’t understand drink it like like worst cas scenario it has no taste like I don’t understand I don’t bro like you don’t get it what is important yeah exactly either either 20 two drops a day guy oh I see so you are lazy

Uh Al Brazil just eat eat water yes just go out there and eat the water bro eat it eat water is crazy drink water oh no Xbox app close hello hi AJ welcome to the stream oh lazy yeah eat water is insane oh no the inventory is dumb wait did I

Like okay there’s a there’s a pixel that’s bothering me this one these two pixels here they’re bothering me it were with fork yes exactly wait let me see this one should be three pixels less so like so basically Subs I have to drink like yeah exact exactly like I get de dehydrated like

Crazy too like right now I’m super dehydrated for some reason wait I think this won’t work on this tub to make it like for there goes the original inventory idea now I I preserve my warrior now in class fix the Le turn being one pixel over the hot bar what what do you

Mean like turn you mean one pixel over the OD bar don’t understand wait uh this this one here also has to be fixed okay sub item open this one okay so it’s not bugged yet anymore okay this works this works are you making uh this pack for

The same one yes this is still the sweat Cod texture pack I can’t even refill half of the time nah bro drink water guys water is good for you otherwise you get headache akes life life sucks want to destroy everyone and then you you end up in a mental hospital just drink

Water I’m a healthy water Drinker good Ali I’m proud of you know why I’m so thirsty today I’m drinking like crazy that’s insane losing my mind bro okay go like this okay yeah it looks nice it does it it does metal now hey I mean it’s it’s probably

Because I’ve been speaking since like two hours ago like nonstop so that’s why that might be why how that I think about it I’ve been speaking like crazy it’s the C of streaming guys you have to speak much oh no make it like this this this this Okay okay now this one which is going to be lighter yes like This bro Pokemon osts are the only thing good left in the franchise like if gen 10 sucks and if the next Pokemon game which is supposed to be the Gen 5 remakes sucks I’m not there anymore like I I’m I’m I’m done power are like three or four water

Refill things bro at my school there were none like it’s it’s insane it Italy for you guys how can I study and be productive if my brain doesn’t work because I have no water like what’s going on bro are you stupid I mean you have to buy water there there are like those

Machines where you can buy like snacks and stuff and you could Lo like those vending machines you could also like like buy water coffee and stuff like that like that was crazy Pokemon don’t cancel me now you should though no cancellation but you should I swear Nintendo was going to

Launch a new handle like 4 years ago uh I think this year they are they are launching switch 2 which is a like from the leaks I’ve seen it’s a like a a whole new console like it’s not an update for the switch is like actual other new

Console like this year is supposed to come out what if I do this if I take this part here just delete it think that could be a nice idea let’s see of course m delete what do you think of this guys N I don’t like it let’s go back to this

Okay so we are done with the GUI let’s go finally I like this is Better more transparent yeah I don’t really like it like with the holes in there hi my friend welcome to the stream how are you doing okay now let’s take a break from this pack bro I made 13 inventories damn let’s PVP let’s make some PVP make let’s PVP a

Bit One V one sure sure and I will win now let’s take a break those Z in DS bro no I never lost in a Minecraft duel ever other thing other like versions of this are fake news fake news fake news let’s do a couple of ones to warm

Up wait let me change pack loud incorrect buzzer nah the disrespect I don’t want to use my texture packs that’s the thing I don’t usually PvP with my texture packs why because I feel like using other others people’s texture packs actually uh it’s actually better even though I don’t have old

People SE packs wait actually I don’t N I think I don’t actually have the pain let CH H do you know anyone that could make uh they would make my 500 pack honestly my friend I don’t really know I’m still like it’s first game on Lo is so I I’m so bad right

Now what I don’t understand this got it wa what wait what what happened okay this is not fair bro honestly this is not fair it’s all ping all ping guys all ping BR why am I hiding like he knows where I am he watches the stream know that I think about it

Pain honestly pain n Fireball fight is ass don’t like f fight let me play one build UHC again BR why is no one build playing building UHC yeah why is no one playing build UHC One V one sure tell me your IGN my friend wait what what is this sensitivity crazy sensitivity

Actually getting rolled let’s go can you come up with some pack ideas for Me why don’t you follow the color scheme of your duck like the the duck that you have in in the name like in your profile picture that could be a nice idea like yellow and pink go well together if if done properly be a nice idea yeah I’m try Harding

No I was jumping okay pain I lost guys oh no I’m losing I’m going to lose what do we do in this situation no no No what do you do in this situation guys I I I have no idea I hate bed fight got two good hits in let’s go that’s such a good idea thanks let’s go no no no no no no no no no not not bad fight anymore I want to do other

Things yes bro the Hui FNS that was a crazy FNS but like I completely messed up the the placement like the sword hit almost clashed yeah what BR was standing still I thought he was moving what well this guy moves so weird gg gg my friend GG

Oh the pure Fear Factor of my raw power why do people pregap I really hate it okay bro can you chill please like you’re lagging wait what okay that was a crazy F fin is bro he’s lagging so bad oh you have no post in a year I mean not P releases

But I did some other things No okay bro chill like you know what I mean no okay I’m stupid hi bestie bye AJ thank you so much for being Here uh bro this guy is so annoying yeah just just lose please this guy is so annoying my God this knock back there we go bro I hate when people hit me from behind Walls bro can I please get okay bro what is my aim today got to go and see you tomorrow YouTube my friend have a wonderful day thanks you so much for being here okay I’m going to die bro let’s go Sumo there are some video ideas depends on the topic my friend like around what topic yo Bessie thanks so much for the sub welcome to the welcome to the family not welcome to the stream welcome to the family my friend Gooden tag my friend how are you doing hello hro bro

Actually like I know know this guy rolling my ass okay let’s let’s regroup for a second shall we okay yeah that was fun that was very fun yo Mr Yale thanks so much for the sub welcome to the the family why do I always say welcome to the stream every time no

Way okay you know what the ATT means it’s I think it means like good morning or high in general I’m pretty sure I think it’s a greeding of some way yeah okay good to Morgan I think it’s like uh good morning good morning is good morning okay yeah I remember I

Remember my dad used to tell me like good morning in German for some reason I don’t know why it was like funny funny sounding to him so he just said it to us I lost my lava we back I Al actually need to go

Soon like in 10 minutes I to go my make my bag for the gym why this guy jumping like that was a very weird fight very weird fight did you pregap yes you did nah that’s pain let’s do yes in a second let’s go duel

Can you show me how to make your gr sword please yeah sure after after I do Al I I will I will show you what are you saying Al they’re meditate haing hi Astro kid welcome to the stream how are you doing my friend how are you

Doing bro put water to start like I didn’t even Fess him okay Al with your High Ground low ground Shenanigans this is the texture pack no this is not the one I’m making right now this is a very old one actually this is a very OG pack in the Minecraft Community this

Is hwi’s texture pack he actually super old oh then I hate it oh no I’m good how are you my friend I’m doing good my friend wait let me show you how to make the the sword terrible pack nothing compared to yours thank you so much like this is

Actually a a pretty legendary SE okay so um let’s say you’re using your colors like orange and yellow so H that’s a lot of pixels yeah this one is pretty HD so this one so we are going yellow and orange yeah this is like a 16x grid that’s a sword fellas

Yes let’s do a like a quick design where are you from I’m from Italy the South specifically we can use the orange as like the the Shadows use it like in a clever way you know exactly let’s do something more creative try something different always do the same layout there something more original

So hello Hi Sam welcome to the stream big blade I mean that’s a a normal like sized blade really sword thanks so much my friend can you play bedwar I think after I I’m done with this sword I’m going I’m going to go offline since I need to um to make

My bag to go to the gym like next stream we surely should play my friend I mean I cheated a little a little bit because I switched to 20 as a resolution so like to have more space but I think this looks nice is it yeah it’s no it’s um it’s

Almost 8:00 p.m. now like I usually go to the gym like late like in the evening so it’s less crowded even though there is still a shitload of people really there’s so many people that go at that time for the same reason like it’s less crowded than in midday really so it

Works same time zone let’s go that just from nicely let’s go now let’s add some more detail here I think it’s he more bright than I expected okay yeah this will be an example of the the type of Sword I would do like to make to have an original sword and also

Have like your color scheme my friend you know what I mean I I think this would be a nice idea s Africa you know like I think this would be a nice a nice little design Mojang should hire you thank you my friend I actually tried like I actually

Applied for a job at Mojang and and I got a reply so we we will see we will see what the future brings R from everywhere yeah there it is the the one of the main things things of why I think 20x is a underrated like resolution is is because like I mean

It’s difficult for the game to handle it since you know it’s weird it’s a weird resolution but like when done properly it’s actually a very interesting one because you have the same feeling as HD texture packs when you’re like swinging the sword but the texture is low res which I

Think is a ah very interesting interesting life hack you know what I mean like I’ll show you I’ll show it to you in game if the game didn’t bug it let’s see because like 20x is not often loaded by the game let’s see okay no it’s

Loading like you see it it it looks more HD I mean of course it looks like this because I use an aot like like it looks like this like more HD but it’s a low res texture which I think looks very interesting boom Bunny die I’m using an

Arrow my God breaking things with swords look so cursed n no no no no no by also in the inventory it looks nice too it’s a nice it’s a nice little item wa let me save this think this this actually looks nice I will save it uh [ __ ] stuff sword made on

Stream I think it looks nice these swords were very popular like in 1.8 um times but then they kind of fell out of fashion for some way for some reason I think it’s a good it’s a good thing like it’s a really good resolution and a

Very good way of making packs way more much more original and I think I I should bring it back honestly I think I would make some items like this I will make them let let me send it like let me send the design the pack maker I’m making the

Pack for just in case you know you might like it okay make it like make it on like 3 2x but 3x but 3 16x no no no I make it on 20 20 x 20 like this the canvas is 20 like this which gives the feeling of 32 but is essentially

16 you know it’s kind of a midpoint you know what I mean like it’s big enough that you can add some more details but it’s not that big that you tell the difference I think it’s a good like way point like midpoint you know what I

Mean okay anyway guys I think this will be it for today for me because I have to go to the gym so yeah thanks so much for being here it was a super nice stream we had tons of fun we had tons of items I almost finished this P which is

Insane tomorrow let me see what we will do tomorrow we will continue making my crystals texture pack so yeah see you tomorrow thanks much for being here if you’re not subscribed yet subscribe or in German shes I think that’s shes so yeah see you in the next

One love you all bye see you tomorrow guys what is the heart emoji there it is

This video, titled ‘MAKING A YOUTUBER TEXTURE PACK! #texturepack #minecraft #texturepack’, was uploaded by MqryoPacks on 2024-02-07 19:13:17. It has garnered 275 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:57 or 8877 seconds.

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Survival Fixes

    Ultimate Minecraft Survival Fixes The Evolution of Minecraft: A Journey of Survival and Creativity Minecraft, a game beloved by millions, has undergone numerous changes and updates over the years. From survival challenges to creative building, players have explored the vast possibilities within this virtual world. Let’s delve into some of the recent developments and ideas that aim to enhance the Minecraft experience. Exploring New Horizons Survival mode in Minecraft has always been a test of wit and skill. However, recent discussions have highlighted the need for balancing the game’s mechanics to provide a more engaging and challenging experience. Ideas such as revamping the… Read More

  • Discover the Art of Minecraft on Minewind Server

    Discover the Art of Minecraft on Minewind Server Are you ready to dive into a world of creativity and endless possibilities? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a vibrant community and exciting gameplay features, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your imagination and build to your heart’s content. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and experience the thrill of exploring unique landscapes, collaborating with fellow players, and embarking on epic adventures. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, Minewind offers something for everyone. So why wait? Step into a world of sand art, amazing facts, and endless fun on Minewind Minecraft Server. See… Read More

  • Pumpkin Blasting: Minecraft’s Fun Gun Crafting Lore!

    Pumpkin Blasting: Minecraft's Fun Gun Crafting Lore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Our favorite news reporter spins rhymes with no chains. Crafting a pumpkin gun, a fun new delight, Facing off against mobs, in the dark of the night. Building a cozy home, with pumpkins in tow, Fighting off skeletons, with a fierce, fiery glow. Each update shared, with a playful spin, In the world of Minecraft, where the fun never ends. Read More

  • Homebound Duo: Minecraft SMP Adventure

    Homebound Duo: Minecraft SMP Adventure In the world of Minecraft, our hero roams, With Vexes in tow, finding their way home. Crafting and building, with friends by their side, Adventure awaits, in every stride. The journey is long, but the end is near, With laughter and fun, there’s nothing to fear. Exploring new lands, with stories to tell, In the world of Minecraft, where all is well. So join in the fun, with Kroberto and crew, As they conquer the game, with rhymes that ring true. Subscribe and like, to show your support, For the adventures in Minecraft, of a special sort. Read More

  • Quakes, Rains, and Blocks: Labrash’s Minecraft Outbreak 2 Adventure

    Quakes, Rains, and Blocks: Labrash's Minecraft Outbreak 2 Adventure In the world of Minecraft, Labloush roams, Navigating challenges, finding new homes. From virus outbreaks to earthquakes so grand, Labrash plays with skill, a master hand. Through dark caves and treacherous seas, Labloush explores with playful ease. With ladders and boats, he charts his course, In search of treasures, with no remorse. Parkour and puzzles, he faces with glee, No zombies today, just parkour spree. But fear not, for Labloush will return, With more Minecraft adventures, the crowd will yearn. So like and subscribe, show your support, For Labloush’s journey, a thrilling report. In the world of Minecraft, where… Read More

  • Experience Nostalgia on Minewind Minecraft Server

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  • Building a Village Capital in Minecraft

    Building a Village Capital in Minecraft The Rise of a Village Capital in Minecraft Hardcore Transforming a Village into a Capital In the vast world of Minecraft Hardcore, one player embarked on a journey to turn a humble village into a thriving capital. With a goal to make their gameplay as overpowered as possible, they set out to conquer challenges and build an empire like no other. Building a Strong Foundation The player meticulously planned and constructed various structures within the village, from houses to farms, to create a bustling community. They strategically placed defenses to protect their citizens from hostile mobs and ensure the… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic video titled “I BUILT THE ULTIMATE SLIME FARM IN MINECRAFT 1.20” by Epitome Gaming. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind server, it showcases the creativity and ingenuity of Minecraft players. If you’re a fan of Minecraft and enjoy watching epic builds and creations, then you’ll definitely want to check out Minewind server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for exploration and adventure, Minewind offers a unique and exciting Minecraft experience… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Build Your Mega Base in Style!

    Join Minewind: Build Your Mega Base in Style! Are you ready to take your Minecraft adventures to the next level? Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and immerse yourself in a world of endless possibilities. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gaming experience for players of all skill levels. With a dedicated community of gamers and a wide range of features, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and explore new horizons. From epic builds to thrilling PvP battles, there’s always something exciting happening on the server. So why wait? Join us at Minewind today and… Read More

  • Herobrine’s Minecraft Battle Rhyme

    Herobrine's Minecraft Battle Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, a battle unfolds, Between Herobrine and Steve, brave and bold. With sword in hand and armor gleaming bright, They clash in a fierce and epic fight. Herobrine, with glowing white eyes, Unleashes his power, to everyone’s surprise. But Steve stands strong, refusing to yield, Determined to win, to never be sealed. The battle rages on, with no end in sight, Each one fighting with all their might. In the end, only one will prevail, And the outcome of the battle, we eagerly hail. So watch as the story unfolds in rhyme, In the world… Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft’s Terrifying Mod – Midnight Lurker

    Surviving Minecraft's Terrifying Mod - Midnight LurkerVideo Information I know he’s in this cave somewhere oh is that this is the midnight lurker a man from the fog and caved while the hybrid who stalks you at night let’s see if I can survive the nights with him lurking in my world all right we’re here conveniently we spawned in the most ominous Forest out of all of them look how nice it sounds man damn this oh did not mean to do that okay well uh I guess the first thing a true Minecrafter would do is to collect some wood okay let’s do this… Read More

  • Tanmay goes viral with insane water bucket MLG in Minecraft!

    Tanmay goes viral with insane water bucket MLG in Minecraft!Video Information सी अगर हो गई तो बढ़िया है नहीं हो पाई तो देखते हैं क्योंकि यह मैंने लिटरली कभी अटेम्प्ट करी नहीं है ब्रो तो लेट्स डू दिस This video, titled ‘Gamerfleet epic water bucket mlg#minecraft #shorts #tanmay_creation @GamerFleet’, was uploaded by Tanmay Gaming Army on 2024-05-06 06:48:18. It has garnered 8238 views and 291 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • 😱 Unbelievable 1 Block Survival Challenge Live with Juned 😱

    😱 Unbelievable 1 Block Survival Challenge Live with Juned 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 😱1 block😱Challenge Survival Series Live’, was uploaded by GAME ON JUNED on 2024-02-15 02:57:28. It has garnered 192 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:00 or 6540 seconds. Minecraft 😱1 block😱Challenge Survival Series Live #minecraft #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #gaming #live #gameonjuned ……………Thanks For Watching……….. YOUR QUERIES :- MINECRAFT MINECRAFT SURVIVAL MINECRAFT LIVE LIVE LIVE GAME LIVE MINECRAFT MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SERIES MINECRAFT SURVIVAL LIVE MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SERIES minecraft 1 block minecraft sky block minecraft 1 block survival minecraft 1 block survival series GAME ON JUNED Read More

  • Unbelievable trick to join Astroid SMP/Lifesteal SMP

    Unbelievable trick to join Astroid SMP/Lifesteal SMPVideo Information तो स्पाइक आर्मी और आज की इस वीडियो में मैं आपके लिए ऐसी चीज लेकर आया हूं जिसे खेल के आपको मजा ही आ जाएगा एकदम मजा ही आ जाएगा तो वह है मेरी और मेरे एक दोस्त ने बनाई है अपनी खुद की एक एसएमपी जिस एसएमपी का नाम है एड एमपी अगर आपको भी व एमपी जवाइन करनी है तो आपको बनाने पड़ेंगे कुछ एप्लीकेशन य पर और उन एप्लीकेशन पर आपको पर फोकस करना होगा आई मन तीन चीजों पर फोकस करना पड़ेगा स्किल एडिटिंग स्टोरी टेलिंग और आपकी की क्वालिटी अच्छी होनी चाहिए बस… Read More

  • Insane 100 Day Minecraft Challenge with Zeyeo modpack

    Insane 100 Day Minecraft Challenge with Zeyeo modpackVideo Information [Music] [Music] little intro before this I’mma wait for it to load because I’m about to lose frames in my camera give it a second ah timate all the mods do I sound like the Squidward dude anyways voted on the poll this was the most Ro uh y’all wanted me to do another 100 day Series in Minecraft and I did all the mod six I mean there’s not really much for me to say we’re just going to we’re going to survive 100 days in all the mods I’m going to have the day count this… Read More

  • SEVER UPGRADED! New Update in Isora Feilianna Ch. ▶️🔥

    SEVER UPGRADED! New Update in Isora Feilianna Ch. ▶️🔥Video Information [âm nhạc] [âm nhạc] ello Hello mọi người ủ bà trở stream sớm trước 2 phút rồi kệ đi Chúc mọi người buổi tối vui vẻ giờ thì Face sẽ húp cháo nốt 2 phút còn lại Hello h cao [âm nhạc] Hello cháo th chưa hết bị nhiệt miệng Mọi người ơi phải vẫn còn HC [âm nhạc] chá [âm nhạc] vô [âm nhạc] cháo cũng ngon 5 nă a rồi miếng cháo dính lên mũi rồi Trời trời trời Ừ nh miếng cháo nó dính lên mũi Mọi người ơi Ok được [âm nhạc] rồi Hello… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Comeback LIVE with Hynoe!

    EPIC Minecraft Comeback LIVE with Hynoe!Video Information hey y’all we back with the craft y’all know what it de man we back with the c the cry playing m c all right let’s get up into it we on the latest release 1.2.4 oh dang I gotta click Realms dang it I clicked the wrong thing what’s good quible co [Music] quaa I can know I’m actually yeah I could join into to your chat you could join in in about two hours I got to make sure I give the fans an unadulterated pure gy for the first hour though at least and then… Read More

  • OMZ and ROXY Face HORRIFYING BLOOD MOON in Minecraft!

    OMZ and ROXY Face HORRIFYING BLOOD MOON in Minecraft!Video Information a touch it what the what wa that was freaky guys I think he now knows that we’re here what is that guys I don’t know where we are and today there is a Blood Moon that is a bad sign very bad sign Heather this is not a good idea of a play dat look at the nature it’s so beautiful we should just walk down this path oh no bro ly are we going down this path um I’m going just go first this ain’t even scary bro are you sure about that Crystal hold my… Read More

  • GameNight Network – Java/Bedrock – Bluemap – Survival – WorldGuard – mcMMO – QuickShop – Economy – New Server – 1.18-1.20+

    Welcome to the GameNight Family! Originally established for a weekly Game Night, our friendly semi-vanilla Minecraft community features fantastic builds by players of all ages. We also play games like 7days Palworld, Helldivers, & Pixelmon-MC. Server Features: Completely free server – No voting, no crates, no paid perks Land Claiming – WorldGuard protection mcMMO – RPG plugin with skills and abilities HorseRPG – Level up and customize your horse Economy – Player-based economy with various features LiveMap – BlueMap for 3D rendering of the map Play on Java or bedrock – Crossplay and Cross-progression supported Why GameNight? GameNight offers a… Read More

  • TraizelCraft

    TraizelCraftDiscover TraizelCraft: a massive RPG Survival Server. We offer Crossplay and CrossVersion so you can play from almost any device or version, even Bedrock! We are a MASSIVE LONG TERM project that started on the Xbox 360! You will find a ton to do here! Join us today! Discord- Use code qWssnBP or go to discord.TraizelCraft.netWelcome to TraizelCraft Network! We are a massive long term project that started on the Xbox 360! Our current server is CrossPlay and CrossVersion meaning you can play on both Bedrock and Java, and can play any version from 1.9 up to the current version!These… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Get ready to mine… in your browser!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Get ready to mine... in your browser!"It only took 60 tries to finally get Minecraft in a browser! Read More

  • Misunderstood Principal: Minecraft’s Funny Twist!

    Misunderstood Principal: Minecraft's Funny Twist! In the world of Minecraft, a principal misunderstood, With students who sleep and teachers who scold for good. But in the end, it’s all in good fun, With rhymes and laughter for everyone. The classroom antics, the leafy ground, The students’ fitness and the lunchtime sound. Each moment captured in playful delight, In the world of Minecraft, where everything’s bright. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that sing, In the world of Cube Xuan, where joy takes wing. With Minecraft facts and humor so fine, Let’s all join in and have a great time! Read More

  • Friday vibes: Minecraft, Sonic, and memes oh my!

    Friday vibes: Minecraft, Sonic, and memes oh my! I love how on Fridays I go from mining in Minecraft to running like Sonic in real life trying to avoid responsibilities! #TGIF #GottaGoFast #MinecraftMemes Read More


    GUMMIGOO Portal Prank - MINECRAFT The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players have the freedom to create and explore endless possibilities. One such creative endeavor involves bringing characters from The Amazing Digital Circus to life in the game. Gamigo, the leader of a group of bandits, is a central figure in this Minecraft adventure. Creating the Gamigo Portal To embark on this unique journey, players need to gather materials like obsidian, steel, slime blocks, and yellow terracotta glaze. By arranging these materials in a 4×5 structure, a portal to the world of Gamigo can be constructed. Lighting the… Read More

  • Unleash the Ultimate Challenge on Minewind Server!

    Unleash the Ultimate Challenge on Minewind Server! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new and exciting server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and embark on epic adventures. Imagine summoning a Wither Storm in Minecraft – the ultimate challenge for any player. While the process may seem daunting, the rewards are well worth it. Join Minewind server today and test your skills in a dynamic and thrilling environment. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone…. Read More

  • Destroying My House in Minecraft | MrJoha

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    ANIGOMI: EPIC MODDED MINECRAFT MULTIPLAYER MADNESS!Video Information now we’re gaming sorry what what did you ask me tot Resurrection tot oh I do not have a totem of Resurrection no someone else I think does Golden Apple no I could make probably make them okay let me pull my stream chat the good one the good one H the blocked ones you can only mm all right okay I go Hello friends oh verification stuff I think we need a I’m proving to oh my code on Gmail to prove it’s me is 69 how would you say that in English what this sa yeah… Read More

  • Roblox Sleepover Nightmares

    Roblox Sleepover NightmaresVideo Information [संगीत] नाले सांगे वाले तेरी जान कसम ले लंबा ले लंबा तेरी जान कले लंबा अे वाले This video, titled ‘DON’T SLEEPOVER in ROBLOX (Scary Story Game) 😱’, was uploaded by G.K GAMER 001 on 2024-04-14 05:06:19. It has garnered 4271 views and 65 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. ROBLOX SLEEPOVER STORY CHALLENGE 😱 Techno Gamerz Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Story Video Game House Challenge Proboiz 95 GamerFleet Anshu Bisht Yes Smarty Pie Roblox Game Video Ayush More Roblox Techno Gamerz Proboiz 95 Frosty Loggy Shivang Mini Brookhaven 🔲 My ROBLOX Profile:… Read More


    EPIC SURVIVAL - PART 2 MINECRAFT MADNESSVideo Information तो गाइस हमारा एपिसोड टू इ आ गया है प्लीज सब्सक्राइब कर दीजिएगा एपिसोड ू इज कमिंग गाइस एपिसोड को स्टार्ट करते सब्सक्राइब कर दीजिए और बेल आइकन दबा दीजिएगा जिससे मारना है उससे मार दीजिएगा और सब्सक्राइब कर दीजिएगा गा चलो शुरू करते चलो फ माइनिंग कर लेते हैं थोड़ा चलो माइनिंग माइनिंग अरे यार माइनिंग करना है पहले टच ले लेते हैं चलते हैं माइनिंग करते हुए नीचे डिग करते हैं डिग करते हुए हम जा रहे हैं डिग हो जा रहा है हमसे इसे बोलता है डिग चलो डिग हो जा हो जा हो जा… Read More

  • Ultimate Diamond Hack in Minecraft!! #gamechanger

    Ultimate Diamond Hack in Minecraft!! #gamechangerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cara membuat Diamond Realistis di minecraft #shorts #minecraft #buildhacks’, was uploaded by Falcon Channel on 2024-01-07 10:00:23. It has garnered 8243 views and 261 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Thank you guys for making my dreams come true. I pray for those who watch that you will always be successful and healthy, amen😉 Don’t forget to like and subscribe for other videos Don’t forget to like and subscribe for more #shorts #minecraft #buildhacks #minecraftindonesia #minecraftbuilds #diamond #realistic Read More

  • “Unbelievable: 24/7 Minecraft SMP in Hindi with Axminer 1M” #clickbait #epic

    "Unbelievable: 24/7 Minecraft SMP in Hindi with Axminer 1M" #clickbait #epicVideo Information हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम कैसे हो सभी लोग स्वागत है आपका आज की इस वन ब्लॉक वाली स्ट्रीम पर और आज आप सभी लोगों के लिए गा एक खुश खबर लेकर आया हूं मैं कमान वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम लुबना पटेल वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम स्वागत है लुबना पटेल हिमांशु गेमर मेरे भाई आपका भी स्वागत है भाई माइनर एसएमपी माइनर एसएमपी के लिए गुड न्यूज है गाइस मैंने कल रात देर तक उनसे बात की तो जीपी नोट्स वाले मान नहीं रहे था बट वो लोग मेरे को देने वाले हैं ओके होस्टिंग प्रोवाइड करने… Read More

  • Minecraft Hive With Viewers – I BECAME A FRIDGE?!

    Minecraft Hive With Viewers - I BECAME A FRIDGE?!Video Information [Music] hold I get up time belly on our side I don’t want to waste what’s left the storms we Chase leading us and love is all we ever trust yeah no I don’t want to waste what’s left we go through the wastelands through the highways till my shadow turns the sun ra and and on we’ll go through the wastelands the highways and on and on we [Music] go go oh finding Life along the way Melodies we haven’t played no I don’t want no rest echoing around these walls fighting to create a song I… Read More

  • Unraveling Secrets: Epic Minecraft Adventure with Duhkryptic

    Unraveling Secrets: Epic Minecraft Adventure with DuhkrypticVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] good evening everybody make sure my mic’s working yes we can hear awesome how’s everybody doing happy Monday night for me I’m assuming if it might even be Tuesday morning for you I know some of y’all are in the late night ahead times um let me get things situated real quick that’s not the right screen there we go all right we’re got to update our YouTube chat so we can see you guys on this screen there we go and then the other chat should be fine cool cool all right oh I… Read More

  • Mind-blowing horror in Minecraft (Teo)

    Mind-blowing horror in Minecraft (Teo)Video Information music am I not live on YouTube I should be is is this map really dark is it just me oh cuz it’s night oh now I am yeah it’s night time flash it’s night time it’s night time it’s just a little slow speed bridging I want to do um not yet not yet flash we have to do the YouTuber intro stop you’re actually pissing him off bro [Laughter] I’ll do an Instagram story to cry on my chair just uh I want to do the the the lava one wait Sammy and I are going… Read More

  • “Hoang Duy Ho – Epic Meme from 2027! Must See!!” #memes #minecraft #shorts

    "Hoang Duy Ho - Epic Meme from 2027! Must See!!" #memes #minecraft #shortsVideo Information [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] ا This video, titled ‘Это мем из 2027 года #memes #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Hoang Duy Ho on 2024-03-28 17:28:15. It has garnered 35 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. #HoangDuyHoPIXEL #minecraft #minecraft »Main channel- decided to go with a bird companion to the lake in the summer of 2027 minecraft,villager,ultimate minecraft recap,Minecraft,minecraft animation,villager ai cover,froppy craft,minecraft mods,funny minecraft,minecraft villager,minecraft memes,villager memes,spiral mc,grox ,cas van de pol minecraft,minecraft parody,dom studio,zmde,reffmc,minecraft prop hunt,minecraft villagers,cheap pickle,aphmau,minecraft mrbeast,mrbeast gaming,minecraft flash,flash villager,flash meme,fozo minecraft,ryguyrocky,100 days minecraft #compote #minecraft… Read More

  • NightshadeSMP

    NightshadeSMPNightshade SMP is a private whitelist-only server focused on community and playing Minecraft in the way it was intended. We offer anyone seeking to join our community a friendly, welcoming, and mature place to start your vanilla survival experience. WHITELIST REQUEST STEPS: Fill out our application form at then Join our discord linked in form. after the application is filled out you can join our server (IP in discord in #introduction channel) when you join you will be locked into a separate world where you can still play and collect items but you will not be able to interact… Read More

  • AussieSMP SMP Australian Whitelist 1.20.4 Java Bedrock Discord Livestreams

    AussieSMP Server IP: Server Location: Sydney, Australia Discord invite link: Apply here: AussieSMP The AussieSMP is an Australian hosted Survival server with a small community of players from around the world. The server is whitelist application-based. The gameplay is mostly vanilla with some extra quality of life features like teleports and player trading. The server is hosted in Sydney, Australia. Features: The server is running the latest version of Minecraft. Minimal modification to Vanilla game mechanics. Player created shops for trading with diamonds as currency. Easy teleport commands and land-claiming system. Multiple worlds with no plans for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting With That Good Good Sound

    “I guess you could say this meme has fallen on deaf ears!” Read More

  • Villager’s Revenge: When Minecraft NPCs Fight Back

    Villager's Revenge: When Minecraft NPCs Fight Back When the evil villager gets mad at you for killing him in Minecraft, just remember – it’s not personal, it’s just pixelated revenge! #minecraftjustice #sorrynotsorry 😂🎮 Read More