Minecraft Pokémon Build Hack 01: Sprigatito
Welcome to another exciting Minecraft build hack! Today, we’re diving into the world of Pokémon to create the adorable Grass Cat starter from Paldea, Sprigatito. Let’s explore how you can easily bring this cute Pokémon to life in Minecraft.
Building Sprigatito in Minecraft
To start building your very own Sprigatito in Minecraft, you’ll need to use the following command to obtain the Sprigatito head:
/give @p minecraft:player_head[minecraft:custom_name='{“text”:”Sprigatito (#906)”,”color”:”gold”,”underlined”:true,”bold”:true,”italic”:false}’,minecraft:lore=[‘{“text”:”Custom Head ID: 86369″,”color”:”gray”,”italic”:false}’,'{“text”:”www.minecraft-heads.com”,”color”:”blue”,”italic”:false}’],profile={id:[I;1353641226,-2105717390,-1436160552,-498808737],properties:[{name:”textures”,value:”eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODY1MGI3YmJlN2Y2ODIxY2JkYjE5NjIyNjE5Nzg3MjcyMWVmOTI0YjdiZGMyNzIxM2VmNjFhYjJlNjFmNzRkNiJ9fX0=”}]}] 1
Special thanks to minecraft-heads.com for providing the cool Sprigatito head and to pokemon.com for the Sprigatito image used in the thumbnail of this video. Additionally, shoutout to remove.bg for making it easy to remove the background from the Sprigatito image.
Creating the Sprigatito Text
The Minecraft-styled Sprigatito text was crafted using Blockbench. This tool allows for the creation of custom text elements in Minecraft, adding a unique touch to your builds.
With these resources and tools at your disposal, you can bring Sprigatito to life in your Minecraft world. Get creative and have fun building this adorable Grass Cat Pokémon!