CRAZY Bald F7 Monke Finder Hack – Hypixel Skyblock

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Oh that’s okay there we go yay I just had why is why was it not set to okay that’s that that’s that’s fine it it wasn’t set to my blue yeti as an input source it was set to like some random numbers that does it doesn’t even exist it’s not even

A microphone it’s just like there we go oh no no no no hold on okay mute that mute that all right we’re we’re we’re Prof professional streamer it only took two minutes to figure everything out and actually get started um yeah we’re doing F7 today because I was doing m6 and then

Um people left and there’s not really any M6 parties so we’re switching back to F7 I thought it’d be cool to do Master mode because I haven’t really done Master mode much I mostly just do like F7 and say like F7 but again cuz cuz that’s like all my titles it’s just

Like F7 or Paul or getting a nekron sandal or something which hopefully we can do but unlikely see that’s the thing about like Master mode Master mode has crazy profits like not only do you profit from all the normal drops but you also profit from the like Master stars and master

Skulls and it’s like actually insane how much money you can make like I dropped a I dropped a master star and made 70 million well it when it sells I’ll have made 70 million coins but that is absolutely insane to make that much money from a single drop which is isn’t

Like too rare I mean it’s still pretty uncommon but like it’s actually insane how much money Master mode makes and even like on top of that like all the other stuff I dropped and also F7 runs are so slow just cuz the boss takes like three years

To complete like I really wish that the F7 boss was like I mean I get it but I feel like it should be shortened for F7 and then make like the whole thing like the M7 boss but um cuz like I mean I guess it’s see I just think that the original boss

Fight was cooler because of like you could like cheese stuff like I I know that like most cheeses are like bad but I think that being able to cheese the um phase three it’s just so necessary because otherwise people are just like waiting around because there’s nothing

To do which is just like not good content if you ask me like like if everyone had their own like terminals that they could go and do like that’s I think it’s much better to have it so that people can like skip ahead because then you then you have it so that people

Are always constantly doing stuff and more like interactive with the game play if that makes sense why is my S Wave just didn’t break the okay and that dude’s got infinite boom so um what are we waiting on is there a room that’s not cleared I mean I guess trap isn’t fully

Cleared but still we’ve got plenty of score also we’re playing with uh party finder which this party seems to be kind of cringe honestly okay my G drag is out hello there we go and they don’t even have the crystals yet I love party finder F7 it’s it’s it’s an experience I

Also love Max we’re not doing what he’s supposed to it’s fun it oh dang they like insta got crystals that time though they were ready how long it freaking took us to get a Max order the thing though oh my gosh the music I’m so bald hold on

Give me a sec I’ve got to get bam that is really quiet this song’s all right oh shoot I am what the heck happened there this is not good movement what the heck and my bonso mask already proed I have done nothing yet this is

Fun I I I blame there there’s got to be something I can blame it’s it’s okay it’s a warm-up round even though I’ve already been doing okay that that dude’s going to take that let’s get levers I guess see that’s definitely laggy what the heck ridiculous did they actually skip the

Device I saw someone going to it I saw someone go to it what the heck how did they not do it whack this is this is definitely a a rough run I’ll say that much it’s going to be like 9 Minutes geez and I’m also throwing it’s all right though we’re

We’re chilling we’re chilling should change the stream title to trash F7 runs Archer didn’t even go to freaking oh my gosh what is this this dude also sucks at the bottom at shooting these things this dude can’t get the freaking lever yeah he got it congratulations this is yikes this is

This is almost a 10minute F7 run God and the Archer’s about to run run out of arrows this this is what we love to see from party finder this is a classic party finder experience I feel like the music’s really quiet today maybe I’m just getting quiet songs I don’t know I’ll

See after how it sounds oh God the problem is I don’t even know if I could find a different like better oh wait actually I should probably also Switch probably also switch my um yeah I don’t think I don’t care if there’s no other parties I’m definitely not staying in that party that party was Trash all right let’s switch to our uh veteran set Is that the same party I was in oh God it was get me out of there this party doesn’t have any Mages no why is the entirety of party finder just okay I should I should have expected this I should have expected this I don’t I don’t know what I thought

Thinking I’d have good teammates oh God we’re seriously going in without any Mages oh that’s th this is what we we love to see from party finder just just God awful runs with trash parties and he’s yep stacking that’s you know that’s fine that’s fine we’re chilling deep

Breaths okay come on guys what what is going on here who is blood rushing we don’t have a mage this room is buggy AF all right I’m I’m stepping up tank blood rush activate tank blood rush Powers bro I should do what doggo does and just carry carry viewers cuz

Honestly that’s going to give me better runs than people that actually know what they’re doing cuz honestly it is it is Rough okay I you know I might actually after this if this run is bad I’m going to change the stream title to Bald F or F7 with actually that’ be that’d be that’d be a genius sponsorship uh you play with a bunch of bald people and then you get a um a

Sponsorship with like keepsakes and say like with keepsakes I got like 30% faster dungeon runs because none of my teammates are balding anymore and then you get infinite money and you drop 20 handles and it’s a glorious day I’m a genius I know at least I was about to say at

Least is a decent clear but I honestly have no clue how this clear is Going yeah this might just be a bald F7 why why are you in this room I swear if you come to blood with me I’m going to If he if he dies here I’m going to I’m going to cry this is just okay now um waiting for the clear was not bad

Give I’ll give him that much it wasn’t a bad it wasn’t really a good clear at least it’s not going to be a bad clear I’ll take that you know I’m going to give him a second to get a little more score just cuz it is party finder guys come

On man you guys need that like secret secret Compass thing or whatever that’s in the okay we’re going I can’t wait for them to get any more secrets it’s going to take take another 3 years so decent clear nothing nothing spectacular okay I’ve used my ult and my

Jingle Bells just to get neon to Target me cuz or Max or technically but this is what we love For and no Mages so these crystals are going to be popping Mr mik ni G getting all the crystals okay I delt a little too much damage there oh it’s cuz I have duplex 5 Now isn’t it I got duplex 5 on my Terminator and now my damage is just too

Crack Michael G oh my gosh four crystals bro this is party finder classic at least nobody should be stealing my combat XP right now cuz there is nobody that is good enough to kill all these things like me gosh oh my gosh all the combat XP honestly it’s not worth staying in

The party but this combat XP another death just just just cuz it it wouldn’t be party finder without a couple couple just pointless like deaths see I I should probably get the the soul whip out what the who what okay at Le how can the party be this bad and someone is pred

Deit I will never understand party finder this I’m I’m just in shock I’m just in shock that it the runs can be this bad and someone is still pre-dvd and just went to to Simon Says then um yeah that that that’s Classic Party finder okay why why did my seismic wave not do

Anything come on game is that done yeah I think it’s done but why why did I not okay that’s whatever okay I’m in combat for some reason that’s that’s okay where’s the last okay he’s got that why am I in combat Why okay this this is a fun it’s fun 8 minute like8 and a half probably by the end of it and he didn’t go to this so we’re going to okay lag yeah 8 and a half Minutes see I wonder I I just don’t understand I just don’t get it there are no words that was loud jesz D do we have oh I guess it’s just one death but it didn’t really register why you not doing M7 see here’s the thing I am like

I could probably do M7 like I’m probably like just like just qualified enough at like like with like the bare minimum the problem is that I can’t join a party because no one would accept me cuz I’m only like cata of 42 almost 43 though I think I’m actually very close to getting

C of 43 but the problem is that I just I’m just not high enough like cat up because most people and everyone’s leaving okay this is fun um o a party that might actually be decent yay um but yeah so most people normally only accept at least like cata of 47

Players to do um M7 even then like a lot of parties are like C 50 exclusive so like to consistently get parties I’d have to get like at least like C of 47 or like 48 or something before people like actually consider me a gamer even

Though I I I’ve got all the gear I’ve got a Diamond Head I’ve got I could get my Max or back out or my not my Max or my um nekron back out you should probably do M7 see I was doing M6 earlier but there’s not any M6 parties right now

Uh yeah there’s not any M6 parties so unfortunately can’t do really do Master mode yeah I I was doing M6 earlier today but C of 46 is fine as long as you that’s fair I mean I play tank so I mean I’d be chilling I mean my one friend

That does M7 says the lowest players that he usually accepts are like C of 45 but like even in then that’s like more rare cuz he’s like cat of 50 so it’s like a last Last Resort like no one’s joining so he like lowers the reck

But yeah it’s rough see that’s the thing I I kind of get annoyed by cuz it’s like if you’re not if you weren’t playing like along with the all the top Gamers and you weren’t getting invited to all the top parties you really like struggled with Master mode so if you

Weren’t like cuz I took a break from dungeons to like a bunch of other stuff oh oh God why are we calling what what terms are we calling we don’t call ter as tank it’s fine as C 46 yeah I I mean I’m just not quite there yet I can

Do M6 just fine but M7 not quite I I don’t know there’s no T there’s no you can’t call terms in I’m just you know I am going to change stream title hold on uh settings wait hold on edit uh bald F7 with with monkey finder there we go update the title real

Quick there we go there we go we fixed it we’re we’re playing bald F7 with monkey finder the goal a sub eight minute run I know very high bar but we’re going to be trying let’s see if you need M6 Archer you would always be free we could try to

Start an M6 party the only problem is that like when I was doing it early it was it was difficult cuz there’s only really one party and if people like didn’t like it then they would leave and just like play something else I guess hold on where okay I’m going down

Here I forgot a second where the last secret was but yeah I mean I’m chilling with I think F7 is just more consistent for finding parties so I’m probably going to chill to F7 on stream but if you want to drop your IGN and like I can

Maybe friend request you and maybe later like after stream or something we could do some M6 give it a shot or maybe even try if this party falls apart we can try some uh M6 see oh someone got to love it when someone’s um oh God what’s it called I I I

Streamer brain I can’t remember what it’s called stacking that’s what it is room stacking this is a good clear though we might actually see as soon as I change the stream as soon as I start complaining the game’s like oh okay we’ll give you a good party now that’s just how it works

That’s that’s why you should always complain you’ll get better stuff out of life that’s just that’s just how it works did I not get one of the um okay here’s the question do I do I check these images on stream Jo gate gaming all right cool

Good good to see we’ve got a gamer okay come on come on nekron there we go okay I accidentally did too much damage the duplex is too strong duplex I see I got duplex 5 for cudra and stuff but now I just deal too much because I normally do two shots of

Terminator but I think I deal too much damage now so I might have to switch it up something else maybe I have to do like one term and a couple Hypes or Something oh dang people are starting to take my combat XP no how am I supposed to level my G drag this is actually a really great party though I’m glad that we’re getting we’re we’re finally going to start getting some good runs cuz what was it my first like three

Runs were all just like cringe actually two runs I don’t even think I got in three this stream that’s how slow they Were so hopefully we’ll be able to chill with this party for a bit see is someone preev okay someone is preing that’s nice this how you know we’re in the per okay never mind they didn’t they didn’t go to the device I could have sworn I saw someone going

To the device but maybe they’re just going past it I get it I get it Simon Says is very Hard okay that was I blame I blame the okay why is it so buggy Je let’s go down oh they they did That I mean I not necessarily the cleanest okay and that dude just walked straight past the device I was about I was about to compliment this party but no they they had to what the heck they had to ruin it I’m all devs this is not you know what fine fine

That that that’s not how it works but okay okay so so this party does have weaknesses but it’s still still going to be a pretty solid run like what we’re going to be looking at I’ll what the oh my gosh this is actually going to be a sub seven

Jeez this is crazy I was not expecting this I went I went from what 9 minutes to to sub seven okay also also we’ve got to okay nope nope nope nope nope nope nope I’m no longer going to look at images most people think that if you

Take one you have them all no they specifically in the beginning said tank do all devs cuz cuz they they called terms which doesn’t make sense cuz they called 1 2 3 and four which just I I don’t I don’t get it maybe like the first four terms I guess but that’s

Not I don’t know what they were doing and then cuz normally one of the Mages does the second device and the Archer does last device and usually third device is Whoever has the brain to like go forward and like go do it but yeah it’s not it’s not tank do all that which

Is just absurd but yeah it is it is party finder you know some of them struggle in the the IQ department so getting a as fast a run as that is impressive I must say especially for party finder with like my guild that’s like easy but with

A bunch of random players it’s pretty rough it looks like there’s getting some more parties on so that’s nice more options in case okay someone’s not not online oh boy it it wouldn’t be party th this is just the party finder experience you know it it’s it’s it’s like always

It’s always it’s not good but it’s it’s always interesting okay that’s not not the right forgot to switch back my wither cloak sword okay don’t know what’s going on here but definitely interesting blood rush and he already got the the mob down there so

That you know he can do he can do blood rush when you play with party finder and you say take Dev 2 means you’re going for the all yeah that’s that’s um I don’t know that’s just strange what the heck someone’s in this room I guess okay must taken like three years cuz

They’ve been in there forever jeez yeah I don’t know what is Up Inside the Mind of party finder but it is something’s up something’s up I think that phase three is especially one where like a lot of people just like goof up like a lot a lot of mistakes

Happen I don’t know I think it’s just it just shows how like little thinking capacity the players actually have okay why is there oh I forgot yeah it’s at the top top level there and this room which I’m going to show I definitely know how to do because

I am a gamer who knows Dungeons and I’m not going to embarrass myself okay this secret bam okay it’s not there okay this secret bam now we go here we’ll get this Secret profession professional gaming skills professional gaming skills and then I’ll go down here and the last

Secret is right over here oh my gosh I actually did it I’m so proud of myself you need start doing M3 and get master Stars instead of F7 yeah I think going to master like M3 is M3 is better than M F7 I just think F7 is more

And like like that’s the thing cuz I think F7 is probably better for money and fun but M3 is better for XP which is the real really critical in order to getting higher levels and then doing better level better floors of Master mode where you actually make a

Bunch of money also it has been half an hour we are going to be telling everyone in the Stream to subscribe because I am a sellout yes that is right if you’re watching right now make sure to smash that subscribe button so you don’t miss future streams and epic videos and content yes

Content anyways back back to what I was talking about yeah I think that cuz originally when Master mode released I was like this is pointless all you do is you get master stars to do higher tiers of Master mode and then actually wait no I think it was before Master Stars even

I was like I was like Master mode is just pointless and then they dropped M7 and then they had like dark Claymore and like you know just bunch of money from Master stars and Claymores and all sorts of stuff so it’s like way more profitable and overall better to do

Master mode but I was already at a point where I I was not at like the cattle level to be invited to master mode so everyone was like ew go back to F7 you bald man so that’s what I did I played I actually I just in general Joy enjoy

F7 it’s it’s a fun floor and and it’s it’s nice because I can actually kill everything like when I was doing Master mode like everything had a billion HP and playing tank in master mode is just it’s it’s you you don’t deal enough I can’t even kill the mimics that’s how

Bad it is the mimics have 150 million HP it is absurd yeah you don’t need money in dungeons you’re going oh you’re an Iron Man yeah if you’re an Iron Man just definitely go to M3 and play Master mode see for from M3 all you need is you need

Your Archer to have a term and that’s it like that’s L the only requirement for M3 Archer has turn and just live and do secrets and stuff and you’ll be chilling someone’s skip or is it just okay this probably dude’s probably going to finish up before me cuz he got here

First but I’ll still give it a shot just in case he’s bald and now since this party has uh three IQ cells collectively I’m doing all the devices because well well just because are you going to send me e quest oh yeah that uh give me a second I’ve

Just got to get to a point where I Can cuz I’ve got to do these um arrows because why not cuz cuz tank always does the the arrows yes that that that that’s that’s just just okay F joore gaming all right we’ll either play on stream if these parties are like if there’s not really any parties for F7 or

Off stream Maybe not today but maybe someday I’ll hit you up be like yo M6 cuz the thing is Marina is May but it’s like it’s like a mid Marina you know she’s only got her she doesn’t have the plus 15% sea creature chance which is

Really like a huge part of it like the fishing events are cool and all but I think you really need the additional sea creature chance cuz I mean I get 99 n SE creature CH I probably should get like Legion or something to get that like a little bit extra

But you have hype and don’t really need more F7 yeah I don’t really need to be playing F7 but it’s just consistent parties which I like you know M Master mode you can find parties but it’s not always that common so I usually just default on F7 why I I’m in combat why

Stupid wither and then I think the emerald chest yeah shiny glacon they are the Archer I think I got a Soul Leader book yeah go Salvage a bunch of stuff cuz apparently we’re not going so I mean I don’t know what’s taking them so long oh something good ooh 50% take

That no let me Salvage okay I salvaged some Stuff oh boy that is a long chat message hold on I’ve just got to get to a point where I can right now uh oh wait no never mind they immediately I’m like I can read it now get key Um this is a great tandem blood rush though you’re gaming so hard right now also I think this dude has a um full inventory cuz he’s not picking up any of his uh armor drops hey maybe I’ll have to wait for Boss to read that message cuz I am I’m

Going to be uh tied up for a while trying to get gamer Seekers professional secret Roots um know I might just blood Camp there’s not really any rooms nearby and I do kind of want to read your chat message so I’m just going to go to blood And okay we’ll just sit here that is fair like for me you got a hypee and you tried to do them three if you’ll kick me for being RCM then you got a term but you haven’t done Master mode since you got it plus you’re going for Sky Block Level I

Mean I don’t think leveling Kata is the best way to get Sky Block Level what the heck oh we killed the blaze this is party finder this this is what you love to see at least oh my gosh I have a lot of pots um that that backpack’s full that backpack’s almost

Full yeah I just think that um I don’t know I think Master mud is better overall I mean I don’t really care about Sky actually I’m getting close to Sky Block Level 360 though that’s pretty hype I think that’s really cool that I’m getting that but might make a like

Actually I should probably just make a shorts out of it not a video but yeah that’s the thing cuz the master mode it’s just much better for Sky Block XP not Sky Block XP cata XP and you just get to higher and higher levels of levels of it so as long as you

Can find like actual parties that want to do Master mode I think it’s a better option than F7 like nine times out of 10 unless unless you just really need a h perod if you really need a h period and then I guess you can go play F7

But also I think it’s crazy how like getting the Scrolls is like significantly harder than just getting that like nekron handle especially for like Iron Man players like I know Iron Man players that have dropped like multiple handles but are still looking for like one last scroll which is pretty

Rough I mean I think it’d be interesting if Iron Man had like an item transfer system like Bingo like every month you can transfer one item to a different profile I think that would be really interesting to implement like it’s not OP cuz it’s only like once a month and

It’s like cuz like sometimes you get dupe items that are like you like I I I’m curious to see how many Iron Man’s just have like multiple necron handles or like multiple judgment cores that are just like worthless to them cuz they have no use for them I mean if I was an

Iron Man and I got multiple handles I’d craft every nekron’s plate but that’s just me cuz it also like requires like you to spend 100 Mil per which is quite a lot for Iron Man players so I guess it just depends depends on if you think it’s worth the

Flex at least two like maybe a Sila and a Hyperion Valkyrie if you’re getting fancy but like yes I sorry I just can’t read the chat messages cuz I’m trying to do secrets and I don’t want to like throw and be Bald uh let’s see wasn’t really the best but it gives you scal 327 so you’re happy I mean that’s pretty cool I did not deal I I swear someone else hit that there’s there’s no way be hard to get them in like 650 runs get what cattle

Level or like um necron sandal and Scrolls you’re only missing cell oh you’re saying dang you are incredibly lucky cuz that is that is absolutely insane to be getting them that fast even for like most people getting like like dropping what three Scrolls and a handle in that many runs is just

Absolutely absurd like that is some pretty cracked RNG right there I wish I had that RNG on my main profile I don’t know why I just have crazy Bingo RNG and that’s it like the stuff I’ve dropped on Bingo is absolutely insane come on let me there we

Go just had to get rid of some items alloy and your 7 second bro that is actually insane also mad respects for getting that on Iron Man too cuz getting stuff on like getting a Devon’s Alloy on Iron Man and getting a dantro must actually be insane three handles and six Scrolls oh

My gosh four handles and five Shadow Wars bro in under 500 runs you guys saw I don’t know if you guys actually did see my short but my YouTube short that I posted I had what 6 00 I I’ll have to check how many runs I’m at right now but 1,600

1,600 F7 runs for three handles that’s what I did that that that’s my luck which is like I guess technically kind of average but still like what compared to what other people have got I I I don’t understand what these terms mean I’m sorry I I it it’s it’s

Voodoo language to me I I I I don’t get It Phoenix but it’s epic I think I’ve dropped a legendary phoenix I’m fairly certain I’ve got a legendary phoenix that I dropped myself maybe I I I think I’ve dropped a couple epics and a legendary two of your handles weren’t five runs Jesus I don’t know if that was a voice

Crack or just me going high but that is is insane two handles within the span of like five runs any shiny handles though that’s that’s what really matters honestly I don’t think shiny handles even matter cuz this this isn’t a shiny Hyperion it’s just I

Shiny I guess I don’t know I don’t know how it works also my boots aren’t shiny but they’re still glowing shiny only drops an M7 oh I didn’t know that probably makes sense why I haven’t dropped any but like what happened you got Sky level 320 creators Club what’s creators Club are

Are you a professional streamer Maas you uh or is it just like a guild called creators Club I’ve why was I kicked oh is that the dude that wh why would they kick the highest level player that that’s just absurd I I do not understand the mindset Just a guild but is the 130 virus and Toad stars in uh that’s probably why it’s called creators Club also no dup F7 this is interesting quite the experience he why is who is getting okay there there they go they got it okay I’m not going to I’m not

Going to bother with blood rush cuz I think they’ve got it under control also got to switch keep forgetting to switch to The Conjuring want to join um I mean it depends on if this part’s if this part’s bad I might start my own party and then you can join but I might

I’ll probably chill with this party cuz they seem to be decent start quiz real quick I mean I haven’t had I mean after the first couple parties I think party finder finally like started to get good players on so I think we’re actually doing pretty okay where the heck is okay he got

It I guess I’ll just chill here there’s like 12 people with YouTube rank in the guild yeah that makes sense keep forgetting I know I only remember two of the secrets in this room I can never remember the third I think it’s a super boom

Yes uh just got a giant sword like you just dropped a giant sword cuz if you just dropped a giant sword then that is is Absol what the heck that is actually crazy GG’s man or did you just buy one cuz if you bought one that’d be less cool but if

You just dropped one then that’s hype yo slug pet oh it is epic GG’s man epic slug pet that’s what we love to we love to see uh small Creator doing a challenge we work your way to a hype for a vid if you could donate in game it would make

Me happy like donate or do like one of those like dirt to Hyperion things like just don’t are you going for donate to Hyperion yes just dropped that is insane man GG’s daily m6s yeah M daily M well I was getting like 300K XP P I don’t know why

Did they make it like triple XP for your first five runs or something like why is why am I getting 300 XP from a sing from my daily M6 runs does it just do that is that just a thing okay why why am I getting stuck on all these

Carpets yeah basically donate to Hyperion sorry man I don’t really do donations but if you were to subscribe no I’m kidding I think I think begging for subscribers and paying people to subscribe is like fireal trading so uh I do not want to get banned yeah sorry bro

But I am not interested in uh giving a donation oh I I thought I had my uh bonso St out forgot I was playing tank cuz most times I play like Mage in F7 but like depends on Lower cater parties because lower cater parties usually require a tank so people don’t die

You already subbed okay thanks yeah sorry I just don’t I mean I just don’t like donating or like doing giveaways and stuff it’s just not my thing but I I I am interested to see how that goes so please keep me up to date on that I think that’s an interesting

Challenge that you’re trying there see I know someone who tried to do a dirt to Hyperion and I get it but I feel like some of it falls under like people just want to donate for the sake of the challenge I feel like or like do

The trades for the sake of the challenge I don’t think it’s all like legit trades you know what I mean I don’t know that’s just my opinion on it I’m just I just think it’s it’s it’s interesting to see but I feel like some of that is like possibly scripted

Or like people do it because it’s dirt to Hyperion you know what I mean cuz that’s the thing they always advertise it as doing a dirt to Hyperion currently on this so people like want to trade up you know like I saw someone do that in real

Life it was like trading a pen to like a house or something and or like and then they got to the house and then they traded it for like I don’t remember actually I think they ended up getting it but I think it was funny because one of the things that

They ended up getting like for trading was like a dinner with Elon Musk or something which I thought was pretty funny dang that was a clean clean one of those see it’s it’s so satisfying when they’re they’re nice and quick the problem is when they’re

Not they take like 3 years and it’s just obnoxious yeah this is a pretty decent party not quite sub seven but pretty decent okay I just it’s so I opened up YouTube Studio to check some stuff and it’s saying that there is new timeout lengths where you can time out wait is

My is my quiver empty okay yeah I mean I have extra arrows that I can get but this Run’s almost over so you can timeout anywhere from 10 seconds to 24 hours and I’m curious what does a 10c timeout even do like what is the purpose of having a 10-second

Timeout like what are you going to it’s like oh I’m GL you can’t type for 10 seconds that’s really going to show you like what what is that you know what I mean like I I just don’t get it is that 900k profit or is that just oh no it actually is

Nice money and we’re going to use our key to get this gold chest it’s pretty good oh I forgot to switch to my nekron head though so I did lose a little bit of XP but it’s whatever it’s only F7 you do F7 on your Iron Man uh maybe

If this party breaks up I’ll do like F7 with viewers but right now I’m just chilling with this party so in wait a little bit and maybe we’ll we’ll just see how this party goes no it is it is party finder parties sometimes just dissipate after like one

Death and everyone just like dis like everyone disconnects and leaves and never comes back which it it it’s strange but you know these parties are very uh fragile to say the least there’s no real cohesiveness camaraderie or bondage that sticks everyone together let’s see can we get both of these I’m a

Professional my inventory is already full what the oh did I not put all the Salvage stuff in my backpack I messed that up but we’re chilling oh my gosh it’s so nice being able to kill mil milic kill mimics again my gosh that’s that’s the one thing I

Hate about master mode being a tank and dealing zero damage it’s it’s the worst what is going on with this room they just didn’t kill the mini okay so I’ve got like 12 revive stones on me did I kill oh I’m missing a fell I knew it’d be a

Fou okay what are we missing is that I thought I saw a start mob down here it’s always the fs did this dude go yeah he did go under this is on a good cycle so we’ll get this real Quick dang this is a great stream thank you guys so much for coming out I was not expecting this good of a turnout why are we not going guys we’ve had 3002 for like a minute oh I forgot to get arrows okay we’re going to have

To okay I’m going to have to wait till after this but I’m going to have to get okay that’s enough okay who who did more damage who did it I want names okay let me get no let me get come on let me okay okay we’re just we’re just going to have to

Hyperion people were dying to freaking wither dudes oh no I just I just and I’m out of mana and I can’t wither cloak not even close we’re chill how did some okay and I don’t have arrows she going to have to kill these guys with like that why am I even bothering with

The Jingle Bells I can’t even use them I’ve got no Mana going to get these guys real quick necron isn’t even targeting me hey necron get over here oh shoot I didn’t I didn’t swap my thing back from getting food what’ you get what’s what’s the

Scoop I hate being a tank I can never open my storage and someone’s doing that already he’s got first term right yeah that’s why we got all that score cuz we had two deaths Yep this is party finder they they made me forget for a second I was getting good runs but they

They they had to remind me that I was not not playing with good players and that dude definitely just skipped that terminal roast pork nice roast pork is delicious two FPS what is bro playing on his like Samsung Smart fridge or something why does he have two

FPS so why do I not have my wither cloak Out third death did that bump us down okay no we still got the s+ but God guys it’s phas why is everyone dying in phase three this is supposed to be free really juicy cool no arrows still could just switch to the um explosive arrows I have

But friendly reminder that this is party finder okay who wanted uh drop your IGN at the chat if you want to be part of my brand new party for F7 I think he’s AFK yeah he’s AF oh nope he’s he’s alive just God what what is going on inside their

Head okay I think they’re just lagging the Australian players no they’re not Australian they’re fre they’re freaking like Australian players are asleep right now someone they’re they’re no I don’t want to I don’t want to make fun of anyone let’s just say that they were lagging all right bb1

EZ partying joore gaming anyone else want F7 epic F7 runs with professional streamer man who definitely got to finish this M6 all right let me know when you’re done it’s probably going to take a sec for a party finder let’s see uh that’s not worth can you rate my Island sure drop

Your IGN and I’ll visit give you my professional rating this I don’t care about the xp4 we just my professional remember you can also drop your IGN for uh profile and like uh like tips and advice on like your stage in the game all that kind of stuff what

What items you should get next what you should be Focus prioritizing grinding and stuff because I do that as well okay all right visit tips to please all right sure thing sure thing see nice cak sole from The Flash let’s see what you’ve got here oo

I like what you’ve got going here a nice little like mushroom Village you know I just rewatched the Mario movie recently and I’m really getting Mushroom Kingdom Vibes I like the trees around cute little bees what does it say this is a bee not a fish flying fish be like

Oh let’s see oh wait uh BB one EES and then we’ll actually hold on I’ll be right back I’m just going to go queue up for the party finder for f seven that’s good enough oh shoot I already uh visit all right let’s check out I like

The village I respect where are the minions at is there like a warp to the minions or something the Beacon’s kind of just sitting there that’s very interesting oh God you have quite a few cak Souls sitting around I’m assuming these are like your friends or something people in The Guild

Maybe nice nice trees scattered around let’s check the Farms out even though even though farming is not you got a very goofy farming setup I must say this is more this is more iconic farming you know very strange with the clay but I like what you were going For there a TP let me just die so I can respawn what the heck I don’t know what this is it’s like tree grinder back when that was a viable method let’s see we’re four out of five if anyone else from the the stream wants

To join the F7 party hurry up and drop your IGN before the um the thing of magig that’s the dungeon room is it the dungeon oh wa minions yo what’s up Frosty how’s it going o melon minions nice check the dungeon warp what do you have like a dungeon

Hub ooh I really like this this will make a cute dungeon room it reminds me of like a fairy like like a fairy room inspired kind of like a design that that’ actually be really interesting if there were like different designs for the fairy room but I feel

Like it’s just not worth the effort for the admins to put in I really like the island though it’s very cute got some really nice Builds on it is a party full or it’s on party Finder right that is so strange yeah that’s really odd did it like kick

Me out of party finder or something cuz someone someone did join it was in party finder that’s odd all right all right we’re going what okay that was very strange I don’t know what was going on there but all right let’s let’s see is my stream chat better than party finder

The the dude named I know Secrets is very very promising I must say defin definitely shows skill and Talent with his um IGN right there that dude’s got yeah actually going pretty pretty cracked on this blood rush went to the wrong side oops it’s okay gave me just enough time for getting To wow that was a fast blood rush 38 seconds pretty pretty pretty nice pretty nice we’re gaming right now see if we can keep it up that remind me of I had a video idea that kind of got like lost in pergatory it was the um the concept was I’d be

Doing dungeons with party Finders and basically I’d be like hey guys if you do fast runs you get money you know and then I’d be doing the same thing with my guild to see which was better my guild or party finder now the thing was I did a couple runs with party finder

But I never did it with my guild so I just like completely forgot about it what the heck oh livid I completely forgot about the video idea and just never bothered like actually doing it which I should probably try that again cuzz it’s a it

Was a really good idea and I I don’t think I’ve ever really gotten this room I might have to look up the secrets unless I just like Mosey around and just like happen to find them I actually don’t think I’ve really ever got in this room hold on let me pull

Up pull up dungeon secret guy cuz I’m actually throwing the the one the one run that I think is like decent I fumble no that’s not not lava tomb um where is that chest up there up here that is so strange that is such an odd place to

Just like leave a chest just like sitting but hey who am I to judge the heck how do I get out of this room how do I get am I like what am I up a floor oh yeah I am up a floor I’m I’m a

Little bald all right I guess I’ll go back to um blood Room get this Crypt real quick pretty good clear pretty good clear when you have time you’d like to hear what you see about my profile ah yes I forgot about that hold on let me let me pull up Sky Crypt real quick actually Sky Crypt might still not be working I don’t

Know it wasn’t working the other day and if it’s still not working the night oh nope it’s up all right let me just get your IGN again uh FL l3c FL l3c let’s see what we’ve got going here uh yeah let’s go I trust you guys to not die don’t make me regret

That I I keep forgetting to get arrows I mean it’s fine cuz I’m just tank but like okay let’s see you’ve got most of your skills very very high leveled um you could work on your fishing I mean fishing isn’t too bad especially like just like cuz trophy fishing is something that

Like quite a like you’re going to have to do eventually for Diamond Trophy Hunter so I suggest you could start trophy fishing maybe and get your fishing level up also it’s Marina so you do have the um what’s it called plus 50% skill boost for that so that’s a it’s a

Really great time to start fishing uh you could level work on leveling your foraging a little bit but I do know how many people despise foraging wait do you have I think you have the same skin as one of my guild members sopia Chan I think you might

Have fishing with some friends right now yeah it’s a great time to do fishing well later Val right now priorities priorities you got you got to get the valerant see I played I used to play valerant but I kind of like quit it just cuz it wasn’t too much fun cuz there was

A lot of toxic people and I I just liked vibing like I I just see my favorite thing to do was to just go in like and do the goofiest stuff as raay I just love to just like use double satchel and just like get the craziest

Like either get the craziest Clips or die immediately there’s there’s not really anything else that you that would happen you know but it it was a lot of fun csgo is better um yeah I think CS:GO is better I just think valerant I like valerant more because of just the

Character abilities that’s what I I think really sets valer apart from many other games just like all the cool character abilities and how just like easy the game is to pick up like a lot of other games have all sorts I mean valer does have a lot of tech to it but

There’s a lot of Basics like there it’s so easy to just get into like there’s not like too many like strats that are like hard to figure out you know what I mean it also looks much nicer than csgo CS2 is not very good though I don’t know I haven’t played CS2 I watched someone play it and by watch someone play it I mean I watched alphar Ride Gold’s uh loot box opening um which doesn’t really I don’t know if it really counts as watching it but do you not VC with other people while streaming uh usually

Not usually cuz um well none of my real life Friends Play Sky Block anymore and my guild members most of them are not like most of the cool ones don’t want to always want a VC you know what I mean concept of talking to just stream

Is sort of weird to you I I think it’s pretty chill I mean it’d be nice to be talking with other people but like it is what it is all right guys sub eight for our f for our first run it’s not bad not bad I’ll take

It oh yeah back to back to the profile review uh nice armor very very good set 10 star storm nice yeah I’m probably not going to get that think I’ll just get the free chest see it says it’s technically profit but it’s like barely so I don’t think it’s

Worth yeah you’ve got a very great profile recommend foundations uh I don’t know you’re missing quite a few accessories like a bunch of easy accessories you know what I mean like cudra cor even the Anita Talisman Anita ring actually Anita artifact has been going down recently in

Price so you can get the Anita artifact pretty easily um Jake you don’t have a jake plushy yet BR get to farm in I think the test Bucket please ignore isn’t that from the rift uh going I think that’s from the rift yeah always wondered if family members

Of streamers think they’re going insane just talking to nobody um my family knows well my siblings know I stream I feel like I probably might have told my parents at one point but they just don’t remember or don’t care uh also like that’s a thing cuz like I

Can be talking to like friends right now like that’s another like thing cuz it’s not necessary I’m talking to myself but like it was funny one time I was playing this was back when the computer was like in like the family room you know it

Wasn’t like in my like I didn’t have my own computer in my own room and my mom was like I was talking to a friend and my mom was like do you ever let your friend talk like it’s just you yapping the whole time and I was like like I

Could make this a YouTube channel and so I did you can’t do the jump you Tiny Dancer but you can’t do the lava jumps on hard see that’s the thing cuz if you get if you get the um if you’ve done it on like easy mode and you get like the

Pattern down and like you know the the route it’s not too bad like I think it took me probably like 15 minutes to do I think Tiny Dancer was annoying just cuz sometimes you get lag and it’s just like time gting you know you just have to be

So slow although I do I did find out some like tricks to it like one was like you can go at like before the noise or something it was I don’t know I don’t know what it was there was something you could do to like slightly get it

Slightly faster okay I actually do want that Health pot though so I’m going to do some minor throwing to get that it’s just you yapping that is that is basically what YouTube is Ju Just just one person yapping in to a camera I think streaming is more fun cuz

It’s more interactive you know I get to talk and not not talk with but like kind of talk to you guys if that makes sense actually no it is talking more talking with I guess your profile next all right there’s a point in this run where

I can do that or after the run we check it out yo thank you bat for subscribing I appreciate it I love YouTube’s notifications cuz they only show you people subscribing if they if they let like like you have to enable a setting on YouTube to show like people

Subs to show that you want the people to see you subscribe to them so I barely get notifications even though people subscribe just because it’s something you have to enable on your end which is okay I mean I get it it’s just a little Annoying I think it should automatically

Be enabled and then like you if you want to be Mr secret then you can disable it you know what I mean I don’t know there’s probably a reason they’ve got it set up the way they do Um go down I guess see what’s going on probably actually put some of this a bouncy armor oh this is zero out of eight jeez this room is I probably should switch up the route just so I can optimize getting more Secret it’s faster but we’ll be

Chilling you might have crashed um I think you’re still Chilling uh are you guys cheesing it and you guys got the cheese right Really HTE that someone took your name on Minecraft so you need the extra zero in the name what your name is maias 29p or or is your name just Mathias and then you just I don’t I feel like first names are very common in Minecraft and according

To cyber security you should never set your real name as your profile just cuz it’s stupid Um I mean you could think of a cooler IG though you know like okay I was about to say something but I think I should just not say that um it’s a cool IGN for someone named Maas okay we’re just going to go okay let’s see if we

Can okay I think someone else is damaging It okay might not be able to sneak in like the full profile of you but I should should at least be able to get your IGN In okay bit of lag that’s fun getting crazy amount of kills though my G drag is eating up right now 125 kills dang actually insane H hey bro can you uh yeah thank you okay come on there we go making sure I have my empty Thunder bottle out oh it’s meas 290 meas

Okay Maus Z I don’t even think I’m pronouncing your name right 0 290p think I got a very cool like split down the middle W streamer I know I am a professional streamer just I’m glad none of you were here for the first 2 minutes of stream where I my microphone was not

Working and I was trying to figure out what settings I needed to fix that that just didn’t happen you know no one watches the vods anyway we’re chilling okay I missed that I’m W streamer not a w F7 gamer actually I’m I am a wf7 gamer what am I talking about

Got like probably getting close to 2,000 F7 runs at this point wonder how close I am to that see I think that every thousand runs after you get the Diamond Head you should just get another Diamond Head I think that’s just should be a thing admins please where where are we

On this okay I definitely hit that okay you got it first time you said my name is how you say it in English I’m not even going to try in whatever other language but good thing I have arrows cuz this would have been rough come on hard read okay okay no

Better luck next time speaking of w streamer this is actually a w stream and speaking of w stream make sure to W the Subscribe button oh my gosh that that that that that worked W the Subscribe button that that that that’s definitely if you press W on your keyboard you automatically

Subscribe that’s that’s how YouTube works all right let’s see okay another another person that has okay youve actually got every skill Max except for forging and fishing forging I get start fishing cuz it is Marina and Marina’s with the 50% skill XP boost is actually insane for fishing so get some fishing

In Trophy fishing is great cuz you have to do it eventually later and you don’t really need to worry about uh sea creature chance which is okay because the um this Mage you don’t not this Mage the this Marina you don’t have uh the sea creature chance boost so trophy fishing

Is great cuz it’s basically the same as three perk Marina uh great armor set um it doesn’t your armor set doesn’t have fuming I do suggest getting fuming it’s not that expensive so purchase fuming for your armor set um again you’ve got got a bunch of pretty easy accessories that you can

Probably go for like Master skull you don’t need a t like a Max one just like a tier three handy blood chalice another cheap one the Anita one pulse ring even if you can’t level it up just get a basic pulse ring bait ring that’s kind of expensive

But vampire dentist Relic that one’s actually pretty tough oh wait aren’t you an Iron Man player I think you’re actually an Iron Man player so actually might be kind of rough to get some of these I’m not going to try in Danish I’m not even going to bother I I I speak English and only English and a bit of Latin but no one speaks Latin so all right we’re going to be going going again oh that is not what I meant to

Click yeah I have mad respect for all and okay someone left so we’re actually going to are you going to stay uh for the the run or are you are you dipping yeah I think he dipped all right we’re gonna we’re going to go get a new person if you want to join

Hurry up because someone’s probably going to join pretty pretty fast yeah never scratch that you’ve got to you could probably try to get like the UN needed talismans you can do some farming to get those um yeah it’s pretty hard to get the rest of these if you’re not actually like doing the

Thing I think pulse ring you get from Thunders if I’m not mistaken you got to kill get that nether artifact and some other stuff it’s just a bunch of money why is why does that never work why is that even an option yeah Reaper orb isn’t that m not

M what isn’t that just getting um High Revenant layer is that like I think it’s just High Revenant Slayer I probably like rev eight or something that seems like a seems like like a what Kata um well I my requirements are Kata 32

To uh 50 so as long as you’re C at 32 then you should be good enough but uh we did get someone to fill already so if you want to drop your IGN and if someone leaves I’ll invite you you have the need artifact oh it’s

Just not oh oh I forgot it’s just buggy and doesn’t show the Anita ring and talisman as like oh I forgot cuz it’s like a newer thing so it’s still like glitching out a bit what’s your PB and Kata uh I’m Kata 42 really close to Kata 43 probably not

Going to hit it today if I was doing d a master mode I’d hit it today and my PB I mean I don’t think PBS really matter cuz my PB was set before the new F7 changes so it’s going to be like much faster than normal probably my fastest

Like I’ve got I think I’ve got a couple sub sixes with the new F7 I know I’ve definitely got a couple sub sixes I don’t know what my fastest one is though I do not recall but some pretty fast runs especially if I’m with like a bunch of

Good players then we’re going to get like cracked cracked runs like I don’t know what it is I’ve said this a lot it’s the European players the European dungeon players are just insane or it’s just the European no lifes that don’t have jobs or school go or go to school but

Like halfway have four sight oh yeah that’s right it’s the one where you need eight Scythe plates to craft it that’s such a funny item it’s just like a you need eight Scythe blades cuz like they were just like so Dirt Cheap it was just like the

Only way to make it like actually worth something is to just make it like freaking a billion Scythe blades such a funny item oh we had dropped the Ping for waterboard I think I mean I don’t know why you pinged waterboard but okay can help me get a PB I don’t think

I mean maybe maybe a PB with the the new F7 but I think my old F7 PB is like four something minutes 4 minutes something so probably like a high 4 minutes something but like still still pretty pretty good that is me I don’t work and don’t go to

School dang I’m telling you it’s just it’s just all the cracked players that just just about to sell my revives to him but I don’t think I necessarily should dang bro is going for the preev please tell me he got he didn’t get sucked up into that how many F7 comps probably

Somewhere around 17 1800 I think I’m probably getting close the 2000 if I can check right now I would but yeah 1782 it’s pretty nice is this S I don’t know if this song is in my I don’t know it is must be a banger then I don’t think I included many rap

Songs on my uh stream playlist Maybe This was one I just like went like 5 Seconds like just like beginning middle end and just so happened to pick it you need to learn Roots I do need to learn ston Roots but I haven’t RNG and f7s it’s probably only

Like 10% cuz I got like a handle like a month ago or something and I haven’t really done too much F7 uh yeah 6% I dropped a handle like a month ago but before that my my RNG meter was like 80 some per. it was it was a lot Like here it’s all right we’re chilling we still got the s+ ‘s AFK don’t revive y guys I’ve got great news we are at 404 subscribers which means my channel is not found because there’s an error let’s go POG that’s not an emote um what are YouTube emotes important

Question are there any like actual like YouTube emotes I I I don’t I don’t I don’t think that hold em otes cat Jam I don’t think it exists okay drop your cats because there’s no cat Jam my Ig is kiddo 2DS 4 O’s all right we’re going To this is the only start a new Cube let’s go love to see those emotes uh part of your profile with fishing you’re doing like the last three days and you want to fish up thunder right good luck with the Thunder you want to do M6 we could try

M6 hold on who wasn’t there someone else that wanted to do M6 we could try some M6 I don’t know how well it’s going to go but I mean we do have a full party right now so I’m think I might just continue with some M

F7 but if this party falls apart then we might go to M6 you can do one more run and you got to oh I think you were the other person that wanted to do M6 too so we might have to guessing your money came from mining

Actually no I barely mined I have have like what I’ve got 33 mil gemstone collection most of my money came from farming um probably some other stuff ah flipping bizarre flipping A lot of it was farming and probably quite a bit from some like miscellaneous methods

Throughout I actually had an idea for a video cuz I just recently hit 20 bill I mean we’re still technically in Monkey finder so the 20 bill came from me just being a gamer you know these these 696 oh my gosh that is actually perfect 6969

Hours yeah I I spent a lot of time just grinding skills and a bunch of random stuff in the game all right everybody’s ready we’re going to go and Talisman I do have a lot of talismans that is that is also it’s actually so clean I got I got I got the 6969

Hours that is that is the funny number it is the haha D already at fairy room okay that was I’m just going to wait they definitely made to definitely wanted to just Camp blood that was that was the goal and then we’ll chill fall back and get all these secrets yeah I’ve never

Really I don’t know I feel like if I did go into mining I would have made a lot of money I just couldn’t be bothered cuz I was I already like cuz it was just so expensive to get a mining setup and then you’d always have to like get the SE get

The roots down and always make new lobbies and like too too much work you know farming you just go there you you hold two buttons and you watch like movies and TV shows and stuff farming is so much easier okay someone missed one secret and it’s kind of

Cringe what did they did they did they not get this one feel like this is one people skip sometimes yep Blaze let’s not throw okay that’s a precarious all right we’re chilling all eight bill of your coins came from revs emen and dungeons I feel like a lot

Of quite a bit of my money probably came from dungeons too I don’t know what like the maths breakdown like proportions are but I feel like a lot of dungeons okay where the fs at oh it wasn’t a f Soul a soul stealer I think the heck

Where’s the where’s the mod there we go can’t be bothered to actually think through the puzzle what is this I mean I feel like I made some money off Slayer I don’t think I made I probably made like a bill maybe two bill off Slayer

Not that maybe like one and a half bills probably a closer like not a crazy amount but you know a fair bit cuz I have dropped like six over fluxes and two hearts and what else I mean it’s not really anything worth ins spider except for a bunch of toxic arrow Poison 6% reords from Slayers 50% of that is revs 30% dungeons 10% random stuff yeah that’s that’s a fair breakdown I don’t know what I proportion my break down his as but nine Hearts jeez you must have done a lot of revs or got carried like RNG carried one of the two or both

Honestly you’re not under okay I was about to say he was not under something that could uh with 10 mil yeah RNG carried I don’t think I have 10 I used to be in the top 1,000 for revs and then they dropped like the like people found

Out like the Rev trading and stuff and then I fell way out of the top 1,000 yo okay there we go we got a pad 1 mil XP per heart jeez never able to rev trade yeah rev trade is where where all the profits are At six Scrolls eight eight giant swords jeez that’s only eight giant swords you know nothing crazy like like yeah I’ve only dropped 12,000 handles it’s not that much like oh I did not have my uh Bonzo staff out okay you can do that have fun not a single

Eye a precursor eye I mean they’re worth a fair bit now right or is it just like the chest cost is so high that like they’re expensive too I feel like they’re still pretty profitable precursor eyes a no profit I mean that’s just how it be sometimes the 30 mil oh

Jeez I thought I feel like I bought mine for more oh no I bought mine for 30 mil too I thought they were more profit than that seems like that party’s about to die possibly it’s a decent party though nothing crazy but it’s all right I’ll take a consistent good party

Over a party that gets like one or two like really good runs and then just like disc like disbands dang these people are itching to just game part me a snake axe oh sorry uh a after next person disconnects I’ll invite you snake axe it’s a cool name

Should have said sooner it’s all right you’ll you’ll get in when the next person disconnects or if someone’s just really throwing I’ll ban them well I can’t like ban them I’ll just like kick them from the party but if they’re in the Stream I’ll give them a 10-second

Timeout cuz cuz that’s that’s that’ll do something really show them you preev yo actually we might have to ban someone real quick all right who who’s willing to be sacrificed how did that not get that one that is cringe all right who who wants to get banned so that we can have a

Preev who skips ice fill okay that was actually I definitely thought that was just going to break it for a sec oh I messed up too fast I even went the wrong way what the heck that was a very I don’t want to say risky definitely uh

Scary path to take like like I it was a little bit Reckless I guess that’s the word little too close for comfort okay did someone skip Tic Tac what is up with people skipping puzzles in this party you guys not have solvers so Tic Tac Toes like Easy two out of three this is now someone’s getting it What the heck get down here okay he’s hello Tom how’s it going oh dang two people mine enderland and Tom welcome to the Stream Just doing some F7 with the some monkey finder and viewers kind of a mix originally it was just with monkey finder and then some people wanted to join so it’s like a 50/50 split never mind everyone from from stream has left it is just just party

Finder and if you want to join that and uh drop your IGN and if a slot opens up you’ll be added to the queue you doing M7 no just F7 uh not quite high enough cata level for F7 for M7 I’m only like cata 42

Almost 43 you need be you need to be at least cat of 47 46 to get like consistent like parties and like be invited to a lot can you join too just drop your IGN there is someone waiting so if two people leave then you’ll be able to make it

In C of 48 dang impressive I mean it’s not very impressive nowadays but like I don’t do too much Dungeons and even when I do dungeons I do mostly F7 I’ve recently been getting into Master mode though and I’ve had a lot of fun and made lot of money too which is I

Guess what’s really important but even though I value fun which is why I’ve done gosh stop giving me so many so many Clicks IG unlucky blow all right I’ll make sure to add you if someone disconnects actually wait no I’ll add the other guy if someone disconnects and then if another person disconnects I’ll add you this is looking like a pretty good run though I definitely flub that term but I

Also didn’t have many filled in so you’re grinding Kata for M7 but you need like 1,000 m6 and you’re one half the way there yeah I mean oh I just hit my microphone hopefully that didn’t sound too bad um I don’t think that m i mean I get why a

Lot of M7 parties have like high C requirements see the thing is m6 runs they give about 100 like 120 K XP I think and if you want to get into M7 parties you probably got to be like at least C of 45 and if we take might like 24 mil and

Let’s say the next level is like even just like another 24 mil that’s like 240 runs right there so even if they were only like like I probably need like at least like 700 800 m6s before I get into um M7 parties you know so it’s it’s it’s quite the

Grind but it is definitely worth it cuz M7 makes so much money and a bunch of XP close to cata 45 I mean that’s like completions overall though I don’t know oh I accidentally hit my keybind for the Hub probably should disable my Diana keybinds uh I’ll keep actually no I don’t want to keep the Hub problems you’re close to 45 but you can’t cuz you’re muted uh that’s

Unfortunate like what do you just go how like do you just like ask people I mean there’s probably discords that can you can look for people to play with I mean I don’t know how good those discords are and how good the players are but it is an Option Discord she’s dead oh that sucks and we’re going to have a 5050 so let’s hope bam let’s go gaming get M6 with friends that’s nice what the heck seismic wave actually bald let’s see do I just go to I might just go to Blood I think everyone’s got their rooms situated and

I’m Lone Wolf oo and money or potential money and money let’s go you love to see it imagine tank in F7 well imagine um not being tank in F7 got him absolutely destroyed now tank is chill cuz now I get um I get uh Target priority I get no

KB and I am sexy and handsome and cool so checkmate see I don’t see even like then like if I wasn’t tanking what would I play there’s already an Archer Mage is just like Mage we already have Mages anyways it’s like there’s not really a need to play anything you

Know also tank is cool for um aggro cuz I can Jingle Bell I can all I don’t have a soul whip because I can’t be bothered to pull it out of my Backpack I’ll access when I walk in the but only if I’ve been gued walk in the that was a weird lag back bro can you not see two people already here why would you try to jump in and that dude fumbled one quick question before you go

To sleep what do you think about profile uh drop oh wait actually I was about to say drop your IGN but I already have your IGN let’s check it out I got to get in real quick why did it not show up hold on uh joore

Gaming that is weird your IGN is not showing up if I did joa space gaming is it like K sensitive okay I think okay it’s just I think the skyc servers are down for a sec so yeah I can’t check out your profile so unfortunate and I forgot to switch rest

In peace that like smid of cata XP it’s like 10% or something yes I’m waiting because that guy said so not because I I’m being bald turn off auto rep party oh no my profile viewer doesn’t work by the way why turn off auto rep party is there something wrong with auto

Rep party all right we’re going cuz I I mean I just have it on cuz it’s easier and much more convenient is 1.9 build enchanting XP good I mean I don’t know what answer you want like like yeah it’s it’s cool to have enchanting XP

But I mean yeah it’s pretty good I don’t I don’t know what considers a good amount of it’s considered a good amount of enchanting XP I guess just enchanting 60 but like a part is useless why is there like a setting in Sky Block or like a new

Change they made to make it so that like it auto does it anyway was that something I missed where they made it so it’s like irrelevant cuz you just you just keep the party I have two Bill XP by the way nice no I don’t don’t need to rep party

Okay I’ll turn it off after this let me just what mod is it under is it Skyles party Auto rep party there we go where’s the um where is this mob I bet it’s a fell somewhere Where the heck is joah has to be nice pretty cool did it go in another room or something did it go down here no oh it fell down here such an odd spot why is just ska not working for quiz and three weirdos do you have it

Disabled I don’t know why it wouldn’t be working and scap scap trap Skippers are fun yeah I don’t know why Skittles maybe go I don’t know if you can check out on the Discord maybe they have some sort of thing or reason why it’s not working mine is working

Fine yeah just make sure it’s enabled and make sure that yeah I don’t know why that’s strange yeah I’d say check the mberry bush Discord and see see if someone has a solution for you also we have reached another 30 minute mark on the stream so we are going to

Be uh begging for subscribers again so make sure you smash that subscribe button if you haven’t already please learn Pearl trap immediately uh I will have to learn that cuz I have no clue what you’re talking about so yeah I’ll figure out what that is after stream probably I can’t be bothered right

Now I mean normally you can’t use pearls and traps but I’m assuming there’s there’s something people have figured out D people are getting the kills my combat XP you can show me it’s easy all right well I might just kick someone from the party pearls work in trap like they just straight up

Work like there’s no cheese like oh shoot I was not no I don’t really read updates uh I also don’t watch too many Sky Block YouTubers just like refraction CU I get to the furthest person away like what is it do I just straight up use pearls in trap room and it works

And I’m assuming there’s probably a route cuz you do have to get the levers you’ll show me the Strat cuz I’ve got to see that if you can just straight up use pearls why would they do that so strange just get some pearls out and if I get trap

Again oh God that’s a lot of stuff you don’t need lovers what do you just like ston cheese or what pearls and spirit leaps I’ll just look up after stream I’ll look up a Guide of War eat plastic play of7 no I have not I was go to check my quiver that’s what let’s go a slot opened up who was the person that was Waiting snake axe that’s right let’s see no profit jeez no profit okay there we go there’s the money my mind would have been blown snake ax you ready I’m just got to check some stuff in one of these backpacks Always ready oh that’s right you’re muted all right let’s go after this run I might salvage some stuff are you in Terror armor is that a strat or something or are you just like in Terror armor or am I blind and you’re actually in okay no I’m blind and you’re actually just in

Aurora I think that’s Aurora at least that means if you’re muted you can only talk in my stream and I’ll Farm interactions let’s go I should get all my viewers muted say the thing one time I there was a viewer that would like talk to me

Through like like I added him as a friend he just messag all the stuff to me be like no my my uh interactions what am I going to do you’re in maxor oh it just looked a funky color that’s why the heck a little bit of glitchy glitchy on the Stairs uh missing a secret um let me think I got that I didn’t get the no I did get that what am I missing Got that’s what it is like probably looking at it when I said I’m missing a secret oh you want to sh all right well you can at least show me trap cheese right all right let’s see okay so do you just straight up Pearl what the heck wait how did you get up

There you Pearl like at the edge oh and then you do one of these okay yeah I’m just going to look it up afterwards this is a bit much I’ll figure it out oh God I just put everything into the sacks uh I need dungeon sack Spirit leaps super Wom

Yeah I should be able to find it now that I know what I’m looking for and that apparently you can just destroy trap room in like a fraction of the Time Meow agreed speaking of meow the meow Rune and the bark Rune pretty Sick oh that’s right we already have a full party and if we need uh I’ll just get people from the stream cuz I think that uh there were two people that were waiting to uh get invited I mean I don’t see where that message is cuz I am

I mean I got that on the server I was in I didn’t get it on Barker n the dogs sound so angry I I haven’t actually seen them but uh I mean I kind of want to just buy them just to have them hello welcome to the

Stream why do you have view bobbing on I don’t know I don’t I don’t think I don’t care too much I think it looks pretty cool all the professional sweats are like I have to have view bobbing off item size down to minimum like the get cracked uh runs super mega

Sweat and I’m just chilling view bobin Bob into this epic Jam of a music there is no cat Jam unfortunate how how will I ever express my emotions if I don’t have cat Jam for this sweet music got a couple of rooms this is yellow room okay but that’s okay that’s

Bomb time to show my my expert bomb skip that I can definitely get first try uh yes okay I can’t even get the ghost pick great Start oh no not one of these oh god oh no how am I going to cheese it am I going to have to like just cheese multiple times like this someone wants to leave to me and help with um okay never mind we someone did it I

Guess while I was being bald someone went and just did it ender pearl up oh can you ender pearl everything now what the heck are pearls just the Strat I really got to check some like updated dungeon stuff cuz I am missing out on some epic time

Saves I wouldn’t say it sweaty thing but item shaking is just skull ah I’m chilling vibing bobbing one could say yeah I think you can jeez that’s just ender pearls are just op now in dungeons I usually just use them for cudra but guess I’m going to have to get

Some out for bust them out for dungeons as well just like how you get in a p chop yeah that’s crazy I did not know he’s a runner he’s a bob star what the heck okay there we go I mean I do have skyle item protect on my necron head but

Like you know it’s still scary just L you love to see it oh I forgot yeah you’re doing um oh wait why am I switching I’m being bald yeah I’m going to have a very cringe um cringe completion for this uh but okay that dude give me something guys it’s all

Right don’t worry I’m going to pop off on these terms okay I get the slowest terminal you know that that’s fine that’s that’s that’s that’s okay cuz I’m going to pop off on phase four or stage four I don’t know what it’s called I think it’s just called Four solid run we’re looking at a sub seven pretty good pretty good oh I got too much bouncy armor why did I just lose 4,000 Mana instantly leap to you after you kill goldor wait what okay leap after Gold War that’s interesting o profit ooh mad

Profit Prof it oh my Lord I made so much money this run that is Money so leap after storm and leap after Gold War gotcha uh wait that’s so leader books toss those in here so after phase two and three we leap Gotcha this sounds so much like a t I’ve been over this before but this sounds like a Taylor Swift song I don’t know I don’t remember how it goes but it’s definitely that one Taylor Swift song it’s like back in time it out you know you guys know what I’m

Talking about all the swifties in chat they get it what the heck where’s the um where where at the star Ms where where was he okay I guess I’ll I’ll take it but let’s see creeper beams imagine dying to a frozen adventure that is kind of

Cringe now I’m going to run over there and yoink the ice spray cuz I am selfish let’s Go give me I spray wait where give me an nice spray be so funny if I got an nice spray from that oh this is not the right way do I be do I go for a double greed and just go straight to blood well I don’t think this time is

Greedy cuz this time it’s actually what I should be doing but Like We’ve only got two Crips I should probably say something is there one in this Room okay I guess he’s going for that oh I forgot that uh my tracker is is okay that’s that’s why I was waiting you Getting lagged back unfortunate and you got nuked a that sucks all right War to you oh wait you didn’t oh it’s cuz you died so you could not dang and bro did my ter faster because I was itching my nose and he didn’t even do Simon Says bro and I’m lagging Need You’re bad thought it’s all Good clean movement into a clean terminal oh my gosh I was Smo smoing on that one I got the high Jump honestly just solid run in general oh why what now I’m throwing yeah I think this is going to be my last run though I could probably go a little longer but I have been streaming two and a half hours got some good runs in had lots of

Fun even know someone with 110,000 subscribers just popped by said High lingered for a bit and dipped that that was pretty cool um I wonder if he subscribed that’s that’s the real question we got like 1 point2 half the secrets I mean I think I did quite a few puzzles though

So GG’s can we get a quick handle before we uh before we end the stream cheeky handle no wait you know what just cuz it’s the last run we we’ll pop a kiz it that’s not what I meant to do RIP rip rip one Mil oh my gosh oh that’s funny that’s not what I meant to do that’s that’s hilarious oh well thank you guys for stopping by hope you enjoyed the stream and uh make sure to subscribe so you’ll get more content and see more streams I’ll see you guys

This video, titled ‘Bald F7 With Monke Finder – Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by RandomRants on 2023-12-18 10:56:53. It has garnered 66 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:37:01 or 9421 seconds.

#minecraft #hypixel #skyblock #diana Music:

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  • Becoming Police Officers in Minecraft Challenge

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  • Shocking! Alмaz reveals secret bedwars strategy

    Shocking! Alмaz reveals secret bedwars strategyVideo Information This video, titled ‘ПОДСКАЖИТЕ ЧТО СНИМАТЬ? #shorts #shortsanity #shortsadoptme #minecraft #almaz #бедварс #fyp #op’, was uploaded by Alмaz on 2024-01-29 09:35:38. It has garnered 497 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #shortsclip #shortscraft #youtube #youtuber#subscribe #shortsadoptme#shortsroblox #shortsanity #shortsbeta #shortsfunny #shortsasmr #shortsart #shortscooking #shortscrochet #shortsbyamritamam #shortschallenge #shortscomplitition #shortsblackpink #instagramyoutube #youtuberlikes #youtubevide #shortscomedy #shortstiktok#shortsfortnite#shortsbts #shortsbhaiveersinghji #shortsbgmi #shortsassa #shortsads #youtubegrowt #almaz #youtubeusers #instavideo #shorts #бедварс #fypシ #op #minecraft ►БЕСПЛАТНЫЕ ПРЕВЬЮШКИ – ►My accounts: »VKontakte – » Discord server – Tags (do not read) bedwars, hypixel, fireball fight, bed wars, minecraft… Read More


    MIND-BLOWING DIAMOND HOUSE SECRET - MUST WATCH! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘JAMAS ENTRES A ESTA CASA DE DIAMANTE SI TE DICE QUE LO HAGAS 😱 BEBE MILO MINECRAFT ROLEPLAY’, was uploaded by Bebe Milo YT on 2024-01-09 20:00:02. It has garnered 2796 views and 188 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:34 or 814 seconds. NEVER ENTER THIS DIAMOND HOUSE IF I TELL YOU TO DO SO 😱 BEBE MILO MINECRAFT ROLEPLAY 🟣 Milo’s social networks 🟣 💛 TikTok: ❤️ Instagram: 💙 Twitter: 🔔 Contact: [email protected] (Business) 💖 Fans Mail: [email protected] (Send me your drawings here) 🔻MUSIC: ● Music from Epidemic Sounds… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft IQ Test! Polar Bear Gone Wild! 🤯” #gaming #viral

    "Insane Minecraft IQ Test! Polar Bear Gone Wild! 🤯" #gaming #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Polar Bear IQ Test 😂 #minecraft #viral #gaming #fyp #famousshorts #shorts #ytshorts’, was uploaded by Gleytz on 2024-04-23 02:25:39. It has garnered 11894 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. IP: / Subscribe! IGN: Gleytz Ayudame a traer mas videos al canal dandole like y suscribiendote! 😉 PC: – I5-3330 – 8gb 1333mhz ram – RTX 2060 – 550w (Ya la voy a mejorar) Perifericos: ⌨️ – Teclado: Redragon Kumara K552 🖱️ – Mouse: Redragon Griffin 🎧 – Auriculares: HyperX Cloud Stinger S #cr7… Read More

  • INSANE ending on KSRTC bus ride 😱 #shortfeed

    INSANE ending on KSRTC bus ride 😱 #shortfeedVideo Information This video, titled ‘KSRTC bus omg💀wait for end 😱#shortfeed #shorts#trend #shortindia #youtubeshorts#indianbikesdriving3d’, was uploaded by Ak star gaming on 2024-05-07 06:39:51. It has garnered 55 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. KSRTC bus omg💀 wait for end 😱#shortfeed #shorts #trending #shortindia #youtubeshorts@MrBeast games minecraft gta 5 gta5 poki game pokemon online games car games gta v gaming pubg chess subway surfers free games video game solitaire steam rummy valorant rummy circle the last of us ninja pokemon cards gta ludo king dinosaur game chess online ludo game rummy glee ps5… Read More

  • SHOCKING: My Internet is Possessed While Playing Minecraft! #Clickbait

    SHOCKING: My Internet is Possessed While Playing Minecraft! #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Internet is Holding? | #minecraft #streamer’, was uploaded by OddManMC on 2024-03-18 12:00:12. It has garnered 90 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Join us Tuesday and Thursday for Minecraft Livestreams! Support the channel on Patreon: For Questions Business Inquiries: [email protected] Follow on Socials: Twitter: Insta: Twitch: Tiktok: The Odd One’s Discord: Interested in what I use for Gear?: Affiliate Links (Purchases Made from my Links provide a small Commission back to me): Amazon Storefront: Microphone: Headset: Mouse:… Read More

  • Ultimate PVP Watermelon Drawback Challenge with SonPlayer Titanium

    Ultimate PVP Watermelon Drawback Challenge with SonPlayer TitaniumVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum BOL AMA BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ GÖK ÇEKME PVP KARPUZ’, was uploaded by Kuibrid on 2024-03-31 06:27:25. It has garnered 362 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:21 or 5361 seconds. rozzy pvp rozzy titanium rozzy titanium pvp rozzy duel rozzy open space rozzy titanium duel minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat how to do 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with a friend in minecraft endgame, minecraft endgame does not… Read More

  • Insane Parrot Swing Cage Madness – Diamond Gamerz #shorts

    Insane Parrot Swing Cage Madness - Diamond Gamerz #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 🙋 Parrot 🐦 Swing Cage #shorts’, was uploaded by DiamonD GamerZ on 2024-01-09 13:00:49. It has garnered 12 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. How to build a parrot swing in Minecraft! #redstonebuilds #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts Read More

  • Blockers LifeSteal SMP

    Blockers LifeSteal SMPA Lifesteal SMP for fun. we are a new smp trying to gain more popularity i hope you enjoy the lifesteal SMP Read More