Crazy Cave Factory in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ LIVE with Friends!

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Yeah whatever start streaming what do you mean no broadcast oh my bad ain’t nobody F to see this wait I should actually probably be careful about this n who going who going to do anything yeah but if they do do something I’d rather not risk it you know I’m makeing M unlisted

So why cuz you’re making your stream unlisted start my live stream uh you just click Start streaming it’s above start recording it said so I you need to set up you I did what’s it say wait show me like bring it to your first monitor am

I no I’m on my second monitor oh oops okay okay so you need to set up oh settings stream okay and then X out of that then go to manage broadcast paste your title paste your description whatever you have I have okay just put something then

Like neop ebop I don’t know um Minecraft okay uh thumbnail I don’t have one uh is this video made for kids no that’s required oh and then bro whoa there you go there we go we’re streaming now let me in bro o choppy did you oh yeah we got a TP I forgot

About that I can’t join bro let me is it the right one right yes it is just keep just keep keep going just like keep trying it your DFW blank right in the game yes it is just keep keep keep going just like keep trying it you’re DFW

Blind right in the game there we go talk real quick yo good Rashad’s got to go up I can just put my mic closer is that good is that good bro go back go back all right is that better is that better that’s fine wait okay I need you guys to just

Talk you know just like have a conversation talk you know have a conversation let me let me let me start put some lyrics on hold on what would you like to converse about swingers no I don’t I don’t care about you bro look man I didn’t want to talk to you anyway

You know have a conversation let me let me let me start put some lyrics on hold on no I don’t I don’t care about you bro look manine I don’t want to talk to you any there we go my game is so smooth that I had this

Upgrade bro holy why do you see through dude he’s not he’s not seethrough he’s like he’s Alex what he’s see you have a problem my game like froze it wasn’t no it’s Gavin’s issue I could see your skin you’re like breish you’re he was you were Alex for him oh oh

Uh you remember that like skin setting for Bedrock check if it’s on here I don’t think it is no why is my game freeing again oh there we go mind anyway it’s time to paste this everywhere for no reason welcome dig out Pebbles first Cobblestone combine four

Pebbles and crafting grid to create one Cobblestone what’s your YouTube what yeah DFW site yeah you see me now yes s do you notice me do you notice me but now you’re see your quality is really bad Gavin but it might just be me because I’m watching you while

Streaming I don’t know oh you’re see through as well you’re not though oh well that’s whatever let me get my brightness and all that up I think that’s your skin that’s meant to be see3 but you do whatever BR no you’re a seethrough bro you’re like fully black I’m like

See-through that’s what you look like brightness whoa yeah that’s getting CL I got a reward for that for what for hitting a black person is wild that’s not what that was meant I’m streaming you can’t say that the Cobblestone I already opened it oh the Cobblestone yo I got Graves

Dust Rashad give me the cob that wasn’t me give me the Cobble oh you want the Cobble yeah okay never mind leave it on the ground don’t go over to It no it’s in the script that I Win no it’s in the script that I went and scream no I told don’t don’t care don’t care easy easy I can’t hit you okay oh oh my I I got w i grav dust I got to change my like key bind bro it’s like weird BR where’ the Cobble go give

Me the Cobble I’m sorry stop sh pick up your grave I don’t yeah one there we go but why is this like oops can I just like make a key by nothing man I Tech you a got no techniques yeah I do you want to you want to see my

Techniques watch this watch this do it do it do do it do it y yeah that’s what I thought oh my he’s a magician magic he’s a witch hang him he’s a witch that’s crazy just cuz I’m a witch you think you can hang me crazy that was

Crazy once I that’s a form of racism brats you got a point with yeah but that’s still why are you so racist bro chill bro we can’t be saying I’m racist on stream my go man hold on why is z are you not streaming why why am I okay hold

On all there we go welcome oh shot quit being racist I’m fed up with it man man do do the quest in your quest book you’re right all right welcome B PE kitten hey can I borrow that wood if you have extra pretty sure you do because I

Put a bunch of extra I needed the wood itself why’d you turn it off uhoh you got it I reckon what you want Rashad huh what what did that even Auto jump on hold On ask um getting wood how’ you get wood the [ __ ] game that should be everything like I think he’s stupid you throw throw on the ground for wood bro for what have you done I don’t play this game bro uh it it literally tells you to get wood cobblestone on the ground and

Wait around 30 seconds sh you absolute Dingus I’m going to make a few different stacks for a few different kinds of wood okay so careful where you walk guys Rashad I did it on purpose that’s the difference I did it on purpose yeah damn stop the couple yeah that was the point sh like man my

Bad and if I do not saying I do but what if I do they’re all I can’t say anything oh I think it’s different kinds of Cobble I think that’s what it is oh well how do you make a pickaxe again yeah it is I need the take

That I just hold it or yeah and then get back Quest did I not get this Quest what no I didn’t did I there we go buddy I did yeah why didn’t you make a better crafting table the crafting station that I forgot it’s fine you still got a

Pattern yeah I got a few give me one wait can you open your quest Thing me oh I have to check it myself autism I don’t play this game but I don’t know how to like do any of that what you think it’s did you everything wased no okay I’ll make it wait how do I check different ones yo five people watching what’s up go no I’m

Lying oh I got to I just need a regular drawer right need to refresh mine one by one Rashad you can pick that up and then do the quest if you want wait no no how do I how do I like do the quest how do I like complete it like how

Do I it’s okay we know you’re stupid I don’t play this bro I right click and do what what do you mean how do I like say how do I make it complete cuz like I don’t I don’t get you click the reward you click welcome then you click

The check mark then you click XP the reward then you go to next you get four Pebbles you click the reward it’s X if you don’t get bottles you get XP yeah I know I didn’t I didn’t get any furnace ladies ladies myre it’s okay I

Am okay open your book open your book Mr I got to play on 60 FPS I’m clicking click welcome click welcome you know that first part that I said the left click the check mark I clicked it now okay that’s what I was asking now you got to claim your reward from the

Okay I give up bro I oh my you got oh yeah there there okay there there boom you happy you happy yeah I am I am very oh my jeez Louise man dude it’s not my fault you’re stupid bro you play this game too much bro yeah what youen we haven’t played I

Haven’t played this in like two years what do you want to I never play this I never play this that’s the difference you edited a video about it you should have seen it I no I didn’t yeah you did unless you no I didn’t mhm yeah sure

Yeah you have nothing to say cuz you know I’m right you know I’m right no I know you’re not why you why are you making a wood one whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa yeah I’m about to I’m I’m going place all these blocks you have to delete destroy all of them

Just you wait you kill me I’m placeing 10 blocks you kill me placeing 10 blocks all bet don’t let him get to his grave yo why are you doing that why are you griefing our house y griefing is insane man I’m just join the spawner bro I’m destroying

It we need that yeah I I would not recommend doing that we need that for blood magic heyy don’t kill me we need that thing bro anyway start going through your book idiot you know I would but someone’s trying to kill me like every two seconds you’re just stupid it’s not my

Fault oh you know I won’t even you going to take that okay I need to make yes I will yes I will I will in fact I do you okay I need to make I think it was this now what was the other one that binding boom and then the quest gives me

That and so then the quest tells me I need this and then the quest tells me I must make this do that and do that and one oh why does it do this man come on now okay wait I should probably make sure I claim this before I make That now with three diamonds there’s something specific I think we need to make later so we’ll leave that Rashad press Z you’re kind of Frozen right now so what cuz I was going to like check something and I like put me through this so yeah okay oh so I just need any ore

Thank you oh that didn’t work thank you you’re welcome and then iron chest upgrade I remember we couldn’t figure out how that worked oh no no no no no no this is where it starts robot starts what have tiny and aight alloy oh yeah we’ll let Rashad do that and the

Danks where the road to suffering starts hey do me a favor and make a door I don’t want to Gavin we may have a problem Kevin we got a problem we don’t help me with what my pickaxe you’re going to do enough damage to kill him I think well no cuz I missed

Every single shot on the man I did we did we add like the diamond and stuff to the stone pickaxe or did we make an iron pick uh we added diamond and stuff to the iron pick are you sure yeah I’m pretty sure we like saved it because we didn’t want

To put it on a like you know classic Stone one it it doesn’t take long to get iron shouldn’t we just be getting it right now yeah I know I just don’t remember because you can’t make like iron tools with Tinkers oh then maybe we did just put it on this okay well

Here take this take this this this Gavin Take these and then just throw them Back I’ll get back to you for the other two whenever I get them okay swingers are you joining back yes I in fact joining back where did you go swingers swingers yeah that’s you know I say easy hurry up for easy I trying you’re not trying hard enough Though You you already claim the diamond Right so I need that what else do I need Golder you Good hello hello what’s going on hello is anyone here yeah I am but Ender just walk away I guess yeah oh sick sweet oh awesome sauce awesome sauce oh I got my food oh I want to say so many things that’s crazy this is going on stream this man tial is fat

Phobic well I did not say anything I did not say anything I wanted to say some things but I did not yeah I respect all people who are within a h you weit and outside of that people who wish you had to switch up that they wish but you don’t respect those that

Want to be fat and happy obviously not no obviously Not What happened to swingers Bro I don’t man I don’t know I don’t know what happened to swingers I say easy bro swingers why did I get added again bro in announcements oh my gosh what happened oh oh but you’re not going to share mine either you’re not going to share mine you’re unlisted I thought you didn’t

Want that you’re right I was like I should do Rashad’s oh wait he’s unlisted never mind wow so you just didn’t want to do mes that’s pretty much what you’re saying you didn’t want to do m I’m saying I thought about you crazy which is more than [ __ ] enough for somebody like

You yeah yeah that’s definitely going in my my AR can you tell us that back MH second you know he’s probably like munching heavily on what food when do you Wendy’s wy’s nut in your mouth yum okay but like Wendy’s or McDonald’s Wendy’s McDonald’s are so bad I’m be honest with you thank

God all right but let me let me let me ask the question Chick-fil-A or KFC we don’t have a KFC around here so Chick-fil-A what chickfila or popey popey popey does my my family like really wrong all the time such sh I mean the popey here isn’t really

Good but I’m from New Orleans so like mhm it’s basically like the original Papa so thank you I have five Foxs Rashad would you like to would you like to sacrifice blood to the blood God uh no well that’s too bad CU you have to you I mean Zan’s at one half a heart so I think he should he he’s he’s eating right now oh since he’s here he back up right

Give me that knife I forgot how you do it oh wait no it’s the wrong one we don’t have that one yet I forgot idiot shut up go go work on getting seeds Rashad hurry up I don’t even know what’s happening dog like I was just running fine and whatnot and now it’s just like just dying three more Stu what did your dumb ass do nothing I pressed my Windows button that’s it that’s it and you Al that forward and tried restarting multiple times

Yes oh now I’m in okay now I’m in we good job buddy all righty take two let’s go take five oh it’s going to it’s going to restart again actually it’s going to freeze my bad freeze yeah you got to give it a minute all right there we go welcome back buddy

Yay okay but for real though what did you do I pressed the Windows button that’s what I did I I went to Google I went to Chrome that’s what I did one more piece of gold and the froze again yes Sir what is this swinger problem I don’t know man I think he’s just likei there we go I’m in a all right listen this is what you’re doing Rashad open up your book okay so you’re going to go all the way up then you’re going to go down like to the

Right mhm like one row and then you see where that like little ing is that you’re following that line you’re going through all of that I get this need get so many I got six that’s so good so you’re doing what gave me brain damage last

Time how did sander how did we get white dye last time oh never mind bones isn’t there a certain die we got stuck on in a mod pack pickax black I coal is that is that not it what end and I need red and dust no shaders no he made a regular Stone

Magic that’s what it said it said to make a stone pickaxe I mean you’re supposed to use all the stuff you were supposed to make before so you got to make parts and then make a tinker’s construct pick huh all right sacrifice blood so we got a or I could just do

That white Dy gunpowder and coal okay got how the stupid table works why you looking at me like that that I need a ooh Some ender pearls hold on give me that real quick two I don’t like that disrespect you giving me oh red oh gunpowder G okay we did there we go

No stop quit go go do your quest that’s what I’m doing okay boy thank you and deight Xander you died yeah you hit me Oh talking about oh have fun with that I didn’t realize you gave him that so how I get andesite mining oh there’s a spawn in here or like what that’s a good question when Cobble you get anything brother why is your fov so zoomed in yeah that’s that’s what I’m saying bro pvpers

Bro they’re all stupid n bro it’s just nice and comfortable Pierce is the only like one with the brain cell Rashad only speaks click click well you only speak munch munch I don’t know what you talking about what in the fat phobic what in the fat phobic on stream that’s crazy yeah that’s

Insane bro you’re cancelled oh no bro I forgot we don’t even know each other like that for you to be doing that either we’re not even what do you mean we don’t R each other like that we’re not even close bro like that’s crazy there’s no excuse for you

To be talking to me that way a complete [Laughter] stranger rot calm down it’s not that serious is no put it back put it back good Kitten Xander start your mission save me bro save me bro I can hear you go go go thank you come here ow I couldn’t leave I couldn’t leave give it him give it back yeah oh I never even got CT give me those Sig huh oh wait you’re

Not that far never mind Zer are you that far did you get the sigil what happened oh hold on here come here wait Rashad here Zer coming how do you make coal I need coal I can’t I’m not getting the achievements for these cuz I don’t have coal I see I see hold

On my that some of that some of that some of that some of that some of that well it’ll be fine blood here give me all those sigils Hey where’s that orb at all of what Sig the sigils you’re going to get I’m need those sigils and

Slates because you remember how long it took me to get that tier five alter oh you guys [ __ ] out now the max was four okay oh yours was mine mine was completely different my Max was where is it well that’s all I got like ashes that was the other thing oh

Yeah can I get that table back yeah Rashad mhm you’re going to need all this give me a what uh this this this This got you I’ll save that did he really just pocket your [ __ ] gav give me my [ __ ] back what okay hold on is that you were supposed to hold him and claim your quest idiot oh I mean I got it so all what this Blood guy no

Stop come here I need you get a piece of iron bro bro there’s iron in the chest oh is there yes okay that work over here R did you did you get a slates and ail I got the alloy hold on here take that you get that Divinization oh My appreciate It okay idiot I just want to say I’m sorry and I wish you good luck hey you told me to go down to add and toite alloy so I’m done with my part no I said go down that line yeah I’m doing all the blood magic

Stuff all right here we go R you got to like you got to get the getting power Quest gear hog wheel then you got to get the crushing one which you need to make a windmill working windmill then you need to do the 2 which takes forever all right if that’s the case

Ander I need you to start mining like just just make these all even and go out this far CU I’m going to I’m going to put the blood magic stuff you know right below the zombie spawner yeah do like the teleport thing we did again yeah all right so I three I

Need seven where’s all the C I’m putting everything in here oh those are the same size by the way oh those are the same size the iron chest and then the double chest oh it is yeah you’re right Thater how long do you think it’ll take him to realize how to make that uh one thing the like wheel where you had to like craft you know what I’m talking about yeah I know what you’re talking about um I had how you think it’ll take for him

To figure out how to you have to wrench it to make it go in the certain dude I had to like do the thing where you put them connected like higher and bigger ones that way it speeds up dude it’s a pain oh my God I magic br br you don’t even understand

Yet I really don’t do I no cuz you never got that far into the video I need four more of those it’s okay Rashad you can’t run anywhere now though all right R look here’s the thing right you see this over here follow me follow me come over here should we make

This blocky and then make this Rashad’s Testing Lab who are you talking to me or that no behind you this one the deeper yeah make it make it like big enough for him because there’s a lot to do I think we should make the storage I think we should make the

Storage area like up come here um do you remember what I did last time for storage uh we did that whole we made that whole storage system you don’t remember do you you’re not that far here Zer 6 seven8 9 10 11 12 just give me a

Sec it has to be odd for it to even out right I need that back hold on let me hold the the the orb real quick I need the blank slate that you get back from it I got all four you can possibly thank you I again uh

Yeah app there we go all right no I’m going to need those I’m going to need those slates you get thank you all right should make my life easier all right Rashad I need you to help me Out we kind of doing something right now but no you’re not because cuz this is going to be for you we need to clear this entire thing out good luck man good luck come on help me I got to craft stuff bro what the heck my audio just busted

Okay about to make the hammer BR I mean no one’s stopping you Oh man This oh yeah wasn’t it Redstone tip that made it faster yeah Diamond make it diamond and emerald make it stronger what you do that hold on I got to I’m stupid whatever here I’m goingon to I’m going to borrow these for a second we need to make like a better furn

I forgot how to do those there’s like diamond furnaces and stuff yeah it was which furnace upgrades the right one stone to iron um yeah that’s a lot of iron and that is pretty easy to get Though also oh right There Granite how do we get Granite Granite Cobone what you doing chat I’m doing very amazing today thank you gr of course of course it’s going to be a long and grueling process For you think your process is a long and grueling one I wish luck to rot cuz I look at your process and I go huh I look at R I think back to Rashad’s progress and I go I’m going to kill myself actively right this second I think I think it’ll be fine

I don’t think he knows what he’s get into well no this first part isn’t bad it’s just whenever we get later into it yeah where’s can I get my an back cuz like you just stole it but never mind no you didn’t I don’t have I was like Cobblestone

Jeez wait till he finds out I pocketed the an Set raining Ze struck down what the [ __ ] when something’s Diamond tipped we can mine anything with it right like even Emerald yeah we should be able to at least not risking it honestly I mean I have an iron pick if you don’t let mine it no I have one

There I was just decking out my stone pick W Oh What It gave that much oh okay whatever M here uh I kind of forgot Zander the blood Magic’s like the most powerful thing in this game Kevin H oops I kind of forget what my inventory is Xander what do you Want well you know what oh guys dirt that wrench will come in handy keep it on you wink wink you do realize I could have got my own but you’re fine no I really don’t think I’m fine I need that dirt bag oh hey who’s doing the seared

Stuff Xander I wish you L Xander that’s not bad I’ve done that so many times already I know it’s just so long especially in this it’s really not compared to the process Rad’s going to go through well I mean that that’s whenever he gets to attack honestly I think me

And Rashad work on the section that took me forever together because two mines will probably be helpful I think that’s Tech right or is that factory that’s Factory it’s considered yeah it’s factory I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I no no no no no no no no no no no

No I’m sorry I’m sorry no no no no no no I’m not I’m not taking that bro I’m not taking that there are mean things I could would say to you that I rather not say no Sam him Sam him Sam him Sam him I can’t exactly also Rashad you could literally

Kill him through this and then go in there yeah but it’s I can’t crit that’s Rashad Rashad noad after you kill them come here I’m just going to I’m just going to make your life a lot easier hit me hit me let me show him Rashad Rashad Rashad you

Want to see how much easier this can be just watch just watch let’s wait for one spawn you see this Dandy tool I have it’s the it’s the best weapon in this game it one shots everything watch I’m watching I’m all right it’s taking too long Bro okay watch watch watch watch okay hey buddy hey come on come on ready ready ready whoa here you go so why don’t you just break a block right here and there it gets um going to make it we’re going to we’re going to make these white elevators right and with these elevators

Were shot you press shift and you go down okay and then on a lower this this is going to be connected to a like mop farm system so they drop when they spawn I’m not listening just so you know and then once they go down there it’s going

To be an automatic farm anyways get to work for such a nice system so how do I use this weapon first of all smack why would you break that you didn’t have to break break it but okay just smack them smack the zombie okay just stand right here on the

Corner got you little closer there you go now whack the zombie closer you now whack them there’s a range like a block range around uhhuh or two blocks so I’mma just break these two real quick hold on okay and then a baby zombie jackses up but you’re you’re

Not yeah also you they can’t spawn because of the Torches leaking through it’s easier whatever he he can do him he’s got it where Z shot whoa okay do that all right R stop killing mobs we got to do our thing who has that who has that dirt

Block I need that dirt Block B I need the dirt block achievement I gave it nobody ever gave it to Me I was I was expecting Rashad to give it to you but he just I don’t think he knows what’s happening whenever you we give them stuff here’s this by the way I really don’t okay Rashad now you need to make the gearbox you need to make the Cog wheel

And you need to make the mechanical pieces yes just give that to your shot so make them what if what if I want you to make them oh in my chat talk hey guys if you guys are even still here I don’t know how long ago that was that’s probably bad oh well Here two and along and above okay my thing is so far behind like I just made the first Rune oh here all right there we go I don’t know if any of this is important to you but it may be give me yeah oh I’m not getting all those oh

Okay Rashad what have you made have you made the Cog wheel or anything I made the thing that g just gave to you but I kind of need it back so if you would give that back that’d be very very nice what was that even

For yeah what was that oh wait no no no you need oh wait no no I was I was doing a different thing bro my brain just like just stopped working there hold on that wasn’t four anything sh gave that to me where hold on Cog wheel one out of

Okay that’s easy hold on yeah you need to make some Cog Wheels we need four Cog Wheels to make the gear box and then we got two quests done and then we need to dude I forgot why is one plank one butts in it doesn’t make

Sense go it’s because we just take so many attempts to make that button all right here take this need take 12 more what hand me a hand me a casing real quick Now can you give me the thing back in one second D you did the job for me now you should take like the things back and do the the everything pretty much and then here now you need this too okay now this is where the hard part goes let’s make a

Windmill I got to get seven fasting T what we need to make a windmill yeah I got to craft something though last bit how do we get food again mechanical crafter how do we get food again I think we killed ourselves oh yeah like I’m going to be

Honest I think we just died didn’t we just keep using the sacrificial knife so that we always have the blood alter full yeah okay we need to make how do you get wood in this we need to make a wood milk how do you get wood bro Cobblestone oh yeah you’re right you’re

Right don’t take that Cobblestone Out of the Furnace please hey Xander yeah you have the you have the fast finger so I’m going need you to like all right do your magic oh M beautiful that’s good enough man that’s good enough that’s good enough that’s good enough R my inventory is full bro okay I think that’s good Perhaps Perhaps my fault man my fault okay so you got that window windmill bearing Right gear shift no I don’t have the other thing what are you talking about I’m not really that’s the name no I don’t have that it’s it’s the green one oh yeah I do I do yeah you’re right okay do you also have the

Frames I have three no I have 40 40 my bads give me the gear box I think I think I need that for crafting hold on no I don’t I don’t your box that come with me come hold on I got to craft some more things I got to teach you

Come give me a second one Mississippi all right there you go now I’m good Mississippi oh oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] back okay uh yeah I already got it okay let’s make your thing so this is how it works right you want this right where’s a wrench I

Need a wrench snap out of it oh wake up wrench look come over here so you need to rotate this thing to where it’s pointing at me so there now you’re kind of moving a lot so there so you see how it’s pointing this way now we take these frames I don’t

Know why you made so many but you do you man now the frame I I thought you got one that one that is not how the frame is supposed to be uh the frame has to Go what the [ __ ] are you doing oh I see I see I see I see I see I’m trying to make sure I do it right I forgot this is the very very small version right yeah but I kind of forgot how it worked bar how do you there oh what the

Heck is that oh actually that’s kind of easy never mind yeah that’s easy where’s the picture to make this thing At C how do we get glow stone again Mino Mino Remember me also know remember how to make this all right get to searching that’s what I’m doing cuz I’m smarter than it work smarter not harder I’m what am I doing I need 21 of these oh we got are you guys making the crusher yet I I’m on

That part but I don’t I don’t know how to like craft with a mechanical crafter I figured it out he’s he’s going to help you all right come here rad now let’s get to the work okay so Rashad here’s the thing man this is a very complicated process first you start off

With a block then you start off with a windmill Baron right so now what you want to do is you want to grab a piece of Wood I have Vlog or yeah yeah give me that piece of plank so now you take this piece of Plank and you stick it right right here right you see that you see that right let me do it for myself so I I remember let me do it for myself so I remember

Yeah yeah now what you want to do is you want to take these cell frames now here’s the problem right you see how it’s facing like that it can’t face like that or that so here’s the problem you got to go from the side right you got to hit it like

That now in the middle I see what you’re talking about now you see how it’s like that you simply right click with the wrench here and I see what you’re talking about now over here you see this this doesn’t work we can’t have it like that so we need to have it

Like like Dam there we are you see that now you see that down there we can’t have it like that so we got to have Lo Dam I see but I don’t know where my dam wrench hold on let me find that is there we go now here’s the problem we built it right yeah but it should have started spinning but it D so we did something wrong oh I know why you right click the

Back now here’s where things get complicated and difficult do you have any of the things that’s like no Cog wheel like the regular version of whe like the nonog Wheel bar and I don’t know what you talking about bro it’s like the thing that you need to craft the Cog

Wheel I don’t know what the metal be I don’t know what the metal bar is called oh the anide alloy I don’t got none of that oh never mind it’s called uh what’s the name the alloy it’s the bar I don’t know what you talking about it make you craft any of the

Bars Zer Zer this guy craft win what’s the name of it shaft give me a shaft give me your shaft what do you need for me I need Cobble you know what to do anyways you got some shafts mister I got one sha down here if you want that oh my God but no I don’t got no sh oh wait yeah I do know what to do thank you all that’s good thank you okay made a wind now listen Mister do you have any antide alloy no Sirah I do not have no an side alloy I done use that for the windmill

You didn’t have any other anide alloy know that a got used up I going to make something though real quick hold on how do we need a lot a lot dang I don’t got a lot we ain’t got much Cobblestone for side I make some though why you done destroyed

It oh my Discord broke oh [ __ ] didn’t break I just wasn’t talking wait till he realizes that I wasn’t talking nothing broke you still hear Gavin’s background noise brick brick brick is wild brick freck what the freck frecker yo that herb was a little close to something else yeah I’m saying

Bro I’m just saying bro I don’t mean nothing by it but it was a little out there like I feel like that emphasis was crazy hurry up I need the crusher hurry up I need the crusher Z is doing his thing I don’t know nothing about that you shut up

So I’m just rebuilding the windmill I probably should have had you build it this time right click the back right the no wrench no wrench there you go oh and now I stop it now I move it keep going now I stop it okay now I need to

Teach you this technique okay did you make that alloy a listen I ain’t made no alloy bro that takes some time is this some time bro I every time I like stopped looking yeah he said is this live and then immediately said bye yeah like yes it is

Live goodbye yeah like bro you can you can literally see well it could be a playback oh that’s true yeah wait come here yeah where’s that and aide out look that ain’t cooking it cooking you got to cook it yeah oh hold I need more of that though I’m

Going just dig down this I I just need to Crusher so I can get my GL done I got to add like some text on my screen real quick saying like if I might take a second to respond oh give me one of those though hold on here we go Yo why y pickaxe like cool and [ __ ] bro is that an iron one that’s just an iron pickaxe damn bro you Bouie like that huh oh yeah TR to SP spread some charity give me some iron I there’s iron in the chest I have any on

Me oh well I guess not anymore oh my we’re broke I no there’s something right here I can smell some your andite what the [ __ ] yo yo on kill kill the baby kill the zombie kill the zombie kill the zombie don’t kill the chicken use your axxe use your

Axe don’t use your sword don’t use your sword you want to like there you go all right yo it’s cuz we’re sh this stupid thing oh you talking in chat broke my game yeah it broke mine too hey y we got a see what I mean get back to work

It didn’t break that time oh anyways okay we need to yeah we need to get to work where’s that Alloy at it’s cooking hold on let me make let me make some right now actually hold on hold on hold on I put I put some iron in

I get the an aite which is in the chest which is not in the chest where’s where’s the yite which is is in the chest hold on I put put it right here I put some right there I put some the iron nuggets there and I put some right there and I make

Six all we have right now shouldn’t we like Place some like dirt and like some seeds uh it’s going to take me a minute to make dirt if you want me to make dirt and we have none right now yeah cuz you have to use the blood

Alter here come here come here come here right hold that have no no no come here come here have an have an empty hand ready empty head all right oh give me that give me that there go give me that Granite back mhm here grab it there we go

That’s a whole lot of granite that I’m getting no that’s a whole lot of dirt I’m getting dang okay here take half that I’m about to like hold on hold on hold on I’m cooking I’m cooking I’m cooking Rashad let’s go do our thing come here wait wait wait wait wait with no

Water look we we can get some water later that that’s not that’s not the concern right now okay all right all right come look Rashad here’s the here’s what you got to doit uh-huh wait one more boom all right there we go I’m looking so you got to make this thing faster but

In order to do that you have to do this right here I see add Cog Wheels I see I see yes and no you got to speed up that’s how you reverse right that’s how you make it go the opposite direction but you got to speed it up by constantly doing this

It’s still going the same speed right now just saying chill look at the small one at the front is that at all going the same speed it’s smaller so it should go faster this is going the same speed though he doesn’t get the point no I’m I’m lying I see this is

Going faster but like the wheel the windmill is not going faster so the same speed 512 yeah that’s the whole point the windmill is supposed to stay the same speed the Cog wheels are supposed to get faster what’s the point okay it has more power Crusher yeah it has more power output so because this is so slow the power Deuce is sped up over time okay

No okay there we go hold on can’t kill the the Chicken N man can’t kill it sh take your work I don’t even I don’t have enough inventory space just saying so that’s what I’m doing what do you think I’m doing right now in the chest

Nothing a whole lot of nothing why is this like blow on the right side screen it doesn’t though oh yo I think y I think y dang bugging bro all right Rashad go go into your inventory and look up S sentient sword dude what I just want you to read no no I

Just want you to read the description okay see I can’t I can’t wait to get to that I didn’t I didn’t even get to get to that last time no you know what sort I’m looking forward to what this one right here bro we can’t make that one

You’re not you’re not even screen sharing oh I’m not you’re right no you’re not you talking about it I don’t know now I I I had to rejoin this one right here this one what is it oh my God Rashad hurry up with the crusher all right so basically what you want me

To do right mm push that out okay look let me think about how this work okay so since that goes there big small big small more neat like way you could do it but yeah it’s just reverse so basically look you see how this is a big and then a

Small yes that’s what that’s what I was saying yeah then you want to do a small than a big or a big than a small I’m doing it over here though cuz hold on that’s a little too close I’m going to do it upward so we have more Space well look you’re going to want to probably destroy this and then try to compact everything into like a dark room back there like the windmill and then the speeding up process and then and then you want all like the main stuff we’re going to use out here connected to that

Process uhhuh uhhuh do you understand what I’m saying at all no not really okay good luck that’s okay it’ll be fine it’s whatever man need that I just I just need that Crusher it’s like watching my kid go to work what are you doing he has to has to

Use the mechanical crafter speed up take the mechanical crafter wait why how do why is it okay wait that Mak zero physics how does how why is this where is this connected to it’s fine it’s connected to the other wheel on the other side come here look you can’t see it from this

Side but like you can see it right right through there it’s connected like that do I know how do I know how physics physics oh I see okay I did not see that but still it’s like extended outwards what what it’s okay like this right here

What are you doing okay I see I see I see I see is connected is this what are you building over here you made this part dude I made this right here I made these two that’s it you made everything I did these two dude what you I’m just

Extending off of what you did everything besides these two you made just so you know here let me put this in a simpler process for you oh Xander me okay look so you see how this is the most compact way you can do this okay or here then you put a small

One now you want to do the reverse a small then a big one and you want me to just continue out until it reaches this the end up here no no no no no that’s not even speeding up never mind show Xander show them how to connect it

To the mechanical press can I can I borrow your wrench guys I named the chicken Phillip stop it you did you have a name tag no no how do you make a name tag hold on can you make one in here you can’t oh yeah you can with the Mana infuser with

The Mana infusion I see I bet I bet that’s that’s the boat and me stuff that’s later on just teach teach him teach him the one thing that we need right now oh look at this bro look at this look at this look at this look at

This I’m Bouie like that no KY I’m I’m bie like that mhm mhm make it rain diamonds Come on man grow oh it is growing oh shoot it just takes a while Rashad come pick all this up I can’t I I need to you know somebody pick all that up I can’t I have OCD I need that Cobble okay there we go know what I swear AI would do a better job at reading chat than me did someone say something did someone did someone say something not again but still like dude somebody said hi didn’t respond hello didn’t respond is this is this live didn’t respond

Bye I’m just curious how long that message was there I even changed my whole monitor setup so I’m more likely to look over it did did you no I lied we’re shot yet I’m saying did you rehat more though that’s the thing no actually probably I wouldn’t even looked at it oh that’s

True yeah I would have forgot probably you going to help me mine or you just going to stand there and look pretty pretty much help me out get over here Gavin should I help him out yes cuz I need my glow stone here actually here just stop mine this last mine this last

Layer mine this last layer you told me to stop though and then I immediately said mine this last layer and here take all this yeah I’m I’m going to run to the bathroom real quick here you know I’ll stand right here keep the I’m entertained keep them entertained still here

[ __ ] keep them entertained let’s just be real he’s not about to talk to them bro there’s nobody to talk to let’s be H it shoot Am I Wrong yo why is the chicken such low HP bro no bro we got make let them live I need these seeds to grow

Bro all right so basically you you’re going to extend this right and I’m extend it to about over here right is that the plan Xander what all right know what just don’t answer my question all okay oh what am I doing yes what are you doing can you

Shut up you’re not Sherlock Holmes bro I’m not that’s the thing now you place some here and then you place some there and then oh you extend it and then you place another here some over here oh I’m actually genius did you make the crusher thing no I did not obviously not we

Don’t have enough iron bro how do you even get iron oh wait I remember now you got any more small Cog Wheels I I have zero me dos out here we need alloy for that which is also for the crusher so I mean I have two right now I can make

Some but get some buttons look I’mma do this hold on do that do that do that do that do that take those okay now all this looks ugly so we should get stone and fill it in anyways we’ll do that later okay now we need to make The

Crushers do you have them made extended more though what come on now no we’re saving this area for all the stuff we got to do man you have an axe all right did you make the crusher we need a lot of alloy for that bro I’m just being

Honest you’re not even alloy yes I am I I’m getting the iron and I’m making the nuggets for it hold on you have a second furnace you can use yeah but I need andesite for that do we have any andesite uh Cobble most likely how much we do okay 34 that’s good enough

How do you spell andesite you already took it out I guess yeah I did whatever okay Crusher and it’s like pillar hold on let me make that real quick I’m lying chill out bro chill out what do you want more and theight Please put you in there I do that I do that I do that I do that I do that do that boom prusher how much is that that’s not what CR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 wait 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 okay 16 Alloy I forgot we got to make this thing first 21 whoa alloy whoa my dog is barking hold on is that what that noise was okay all right my dog’s on my lap now I’mma ask him to do this for me parking sounds so weird what that very nice I clipped it don’t

Worry hey get out [ __ ] no get out there we go 16 alloy enough for the crusher we need two Crushers you know that right what put those back oh oh so we need 32 yeah you right oh well 32 stop I need a stack of and aide bro we do not have all That how do you get cold again oh I see I got have cold or that works good job Xander you’re doing great job m is it 650 how big does this thing need to be I forgot how big is the pattern that we need build for the crusher you’re asking me

Three at the bottom one two three One I’m probably going to go like 7:30 maybe yeah I’d say like what about you though one two three yeah probably around the same for me one two three one two three if I break the thing at the start is it just going to like die so everything gos down down down down

Right right right okay you have all the alloy right I have 16 I need 32 that’s the problem for well let’s just see if it makes let’s just see if it makes two yeah it produces two we’re good okay hold on all right then let me make it real quick NOP

Come over here and aite okay hold on I gota make sure I have everything yeah D that’s not what I oh my come on bro I’ll put the Cobblestone don’t worry no it can’t Cobblestone it has to be anite what do you mean all right boys how’s it

Going Limestone place it can be you have the last alloy add that all right add it shut up what it’s cuz this is wrong this is the output so then I need I need it to be powered why don’t you have them facing towards the middle one leave me alone

Mis cuz they’re going to try and go out this way they’re not going to be able to what yeah like why do you like this one right here it’s facing out that way it’s not going to be able to Output the thing over here it has to be made on

This yes I know that but do they don’t what do you mean I thought they all had to like it can’t do that see it can’t go that way it has to all go to one right yeah why don’t you do the middle because what do I do with

That it’ll go to the middle and then just sit there did you guys mess up the formula no this formula is right unless it is Cobblestone and not what Rashad saying I saw an the I saw anite and diorite you’re trying to make a Crusher right Yeah what do you know I it’s planks and then it’s just there is andite in the middle check the CRA check the CRA it says Cobble is it andesite Cobble andesite in the middle there there is andesite no coble’s working and andesite didn’t you must have done something

Wrong then it was it was you the game it’s the same yo what’s up oh who you actually responded to someone’s I know that’s crazy dude that’s the first no way oh yes see it has to Output Somewhere I’m going crzy Rashad what the freak bro I like was good is he still in chat um I don’t know yo say what’s good bro yo yo chat yo chat yo chat chat hey spam W in the chat real quick yo if you you ain’t already followed

Make sure to follow bro someone says Dam am still on chapter one what stream does the doggy killing the friends go of War enemy start what in the no sense did that make What that sentence made like no sense Barrel I already have one you have a barrel yeah I have one okay place it over here what whatever place it over here my plants though right there facing anywhere or what yeah just place it okay hey I’m going start racism whoa no

No no no no no no no no hey chill out chill listen it’s not our fault your thing didn’t make sense bro let’s be for real wa that’s what he said in his chat in your chat yeah you just made fun of my nonsense hey man that’s on you though

Hey you could have made sense you know instead of not making sense you feel yeah makes sense not racism okay let’s let’s keep it like that hold I got to open y chat real quick no one’s talking to mine yeah of course I’m not going to open yours bro okay well kill yourself

Damn I was joking but you know you know what I’m just getting poo keeper shot oh put it on the wall that’s what we did last time why is this not working bro getting elaborate how why is it not working ataku I don’t think he know come on man now he

Know he knows he knows come on man yeah he knows he knows I’m on all I’m I’m on my knees please give me Theing yo you going take that bro me personally slow uh crafting just to fail I know bro I’m losing my mind okay what this is stupid uhuh hey that’s not very nice you’re stupid according to my nonsense it’s supposed to have a leverage see I told you what does that Mean I don’t know what that means but that’s what Google said hey I think it’s supposed to be go like put it up what would putting it up do like one like one more up that’s what he said Google set okay at least I think why is my game running like this

Bro drop an egg please bro this YouTuber got it exactly like me bro it’s connected it’s moving it’s GRE proven they all touch each other in a symmetrical pattern we go who who pause on that bro it’s okay don’t cry it’s too late for all that I think

He’s it’s not enough oh not enough room yeah make it bit taller you got to reach bro how tall are you IRL I’m like 2 one on a good day two 2 foot one W mhm I’m like 56 I remember you used to tell us you

Were 6 foot and then Gavin the other day told me that you were 5’8 I did not say I was six foot bro awesome my game just froze all right now I’m good just Mine the wall on the side a little or make it taller also

Ity look oh Tako do you think I’m six foot be honest be honest be on it he just goes Dam he tall as hell I know man 5 six tall as hell I’m eight bro I’m Short see now see now blank though he’s like 3 fo1 yeah I am hey me though that’s kind of T King mhm let me do my thing probably it probably you think you think you think he’s maybe 6 foot okay I don’t think he believes in

You this a little bit of little bit of delay so not crazy Though okay I’m thinking maybe guys there wasn’t enough power this entire time BL just forgot the GP days no he just he he just grew up GPO man that game was all right while it lasted I need big Cog wheel Cog mind it was fun until it wasn’t no

More planks and aite I need more alloy BBC you cannot should we name it that should we name it that I think so we need to get a name tag hey come here should we name should we name the black [ __ ] BBC guys we’re streaming Bro [ __ ] means chicken gosh bro

Like we was thinker like we was thinking like from changing the the chicken’s name from Xander to BBC so what you think about that link yeah big black chicken yeah why is it slowing down I think he wants to kill himself yeah big black chicken yes sir he see he gets it he

Gets it yeah yeah he gets it it okay it’s okay Pooky bear there’s problems happening and I don’t understand oh why is this health only half bro feed him seeds this isn’t fast enough why cuz it there not air flow back there air flow bro like rad go blow on it real quick

Go see the fact that it cut out so bad okay now listen if this isn’t enough power to make it bro there isn’t enough power in the world it’s been super duper fast now oh God black chicken what’s popping gang okay I think I’ll Taco left bro I’m

Heartbroken no he’s probably still here there’s something called a delay he ain’t say nothing I’m kind of Harden man has four people watching including me come on outaku you got to you got to you got to reply you got you are engaged in this conversation now you

Can’t you are required to yeah I mean give me that it’s a requirement that how are you bored this is entertainment watching watching watching him struggle it’s entertaining not see you have to join our streams cuz like we’re having like a lot of fun over here man

Honestly viewership up if you guys want to leave bro and go watch their stream and stuff I would not blame this is not fun at all well I’m waiting to progress because I need the crusher if you keep complaining bro you’re not getting anything okay I’m I’m going to bend you over my

Knee just you wait that’s wild watching Xander suffer is not that entertaining what why not I think it’s very entertaining especially that one night that was the most entertaining ever bro no way I know man we all know we all know come on I got to take a screenshot of that come on

Zer I think he gave up Z this is not as bad as the seeds don’t even this is nowhere near as bad as the seeds [Laughter] Xander I believe in you this is this is this is a mess what have you done it’s overstressed man there you go good job buddy why you

Breaking it all bro I think just gave up man you just gave upie it’s okay take a deep breath it’ll be okay yeah there you go what you doing to this Barrel bro current stress impact zero Su it’s not stressed anymore good job like break these cuz

You yo it’s not supposed to go into anything you just building it [Laughter] wrong the arrows are supposed to be aiming in certain direction he’s telling you Zander you you going to take that also you might want to fix this Arrow hey I’m helping I’m giving you pointers is Xander talking or no he’s he’s a bit upset spaghetti hey look let me give you a hold on oh it’s going you got any Red Zone hold on bro this is the most OC OCD inducing thing I’ve ever

Seen look V I’ll make I’ll make it all better bottom one facing up in Corners I forgot read your chat Zander he’s giving you Pointers spooky Xander it’s okay man if I see the stream is Now offline I’m going to lose it bro I’m losing it as wrench wrench this to the side it doesn’t need to it it doesn’t need he said top left is wrong no how would top left be he’s giving you

Pointers read your chat read your chat been I’ve heard every word you said there is nothing wrong there’s not a single thing wrong sure I could flip this right here around but it doesn’t matter it makes the same this needs to flip into this this needs to flip that

Way so this right here this it’s not output right there flip it flip it to that way flip this Arrow so it’s pointing that flip this Arrow so it’s pointing that in what world does that make sense the [ __ ] arrows are supposed to be pointing now what so the the sides are

All wrong it’s like the end portal nothing is wrong here you know what Sherlock Holmes here why don’t you take a look at the pattern here take a look take a look man take a look this is the pattern you see this you see this layout right here what what are you

Doing here you go here you go pyer he wants he honestly wants to join just to fix this dog you realize how bad it’s not buil in the direction it won’t work what do you mean it’s not built into directions this thing is perfectly built there is no not a single flaw but

Is it working is it working are you working yes but you don’t seem to be the only difference I see on this video make the sides make the sides left point right and right Point left make the sides on the left point right okay here we’ll go about you know

How dumb you’re going to seem if it works now you know how D it’s not just going to magically work now but we’ll try it the bottom one point up the bottoms point up the bottoms point up so you want everything to just combine into the center oh my God he’s right he’s

Actually right dude Xander actually right Xander he’s actually right he’s actually right Xander Xander sound real dumb in a second it’s fun like that yo to the center yes not like that oh my God you you are brain dead bro like what then you were

Bra dead like what to he wants these all to point to this he wants he wants them all to point to this just crafted what what just what was formed inside of this machine oh dude all right well what is that oh there they go all

Right he wants them to go he wants them to all go right into this Center okay that’s what he’s asking all of what to go in what Center he wants all the sides to go into the center he just said don’t sides don’t combine just one points up what do you

Mean just one points up get him in the G so you can elaborate is so cooked I’m losing it bro okay sure here take it take it what I’m not doing anything take it that’s how you I’m doing blood magic doing it okay I don’t want them all into

Center okay I got that I got that where do you want them I got about 15 minutes of this left in me bro I’m crying dude oh this is so funny oh my yo yo yo okay we’re listening yep I’m waiting Zander’s a 15-second delay Though what’ you just do bro how are you doing that how are you doing it middle one bottom Point middle one bottom point up okay middle one bottom points up that’s up right that one left bottom points to Middle bottom okay yep yep you want right bottom to also Point into middle

Bottom oh wait I think I get it okay this goes into that that goes into that that goes to that that goes to that goes to oh I get it I think all others point out I get it okay so like this so there’s no issue happening right Here all right I say we ball thoughts do you see this right Here then I got one thing to say one two yeah that’s pointing down but the problem is this one’s pointing up if I point it down then this one’s also being blocked so then this would have to point down for everything to Combine who my game just froze middle one two what is that whoa my that’s it bro we’re doing a Let’s Play video [Laughter] all right we’re watching this the whole like five minutes of this video whoa volume’s going up knock out the comp in League of

Legends M let’s skip the I’m now AFK away from keyboard craft now leave it like that he wants to leave it like that few items in here to one final location all item into the mechan CFS I got to see if it works I’m not in the game

But oh you can check while I sent you on Discord you sent me something [Laughter] when oh my God it’s almost like it doesn’t matter you know what I’ll bite I’ll bite I’ll bite I’ll bite please I’ll B here we’ll we’ll remove this we’ll remove this here are you

Watching my screen share shut up Gavin oh know you’re watching Zander stream okay shut up Zander you’re [ __ ] I’ll buite you cannot say that like actually yeah shoot my bad like you actually can’t say that one okay I’ll buy man that that one slipped out dude I swear if this works

Xander if this works you didn’t fill in the middle parts with the wood you this this video I also watched It’s using Stone so I’m going to take a piece of Gavin Stone real quick I don’t think it matters I listen I’m just I’m doing everything I can to

Make sure this will work I don’t know man that’s I think it’s going to work like actually yeah I think it’s going to work Broski I think you just the mo I you just wrong I’m going be honest I mean you are so Adam about being right too it be itd be pretty wild if this works you’re

So I mean all these opinions you didn’t even see that’s crazy now that’s crazy yeah that’s really wild that’s wild huh that’s wild that’s crazy what okay the only thing we did different okay listen listen listen you talk shut the [ __ ] up listen listen I had everything going in one spot the entire

Everything was going in the one spot the entire time all it has to do is go into one spot it doesn’t have to be this exact pattern why was it not working in was not working the only explanation I have is this down here I changed that I made

It more room which was what he said the first time or Gavin said get the [ __ ] out of here oh I don’t dude I’m killing myself Tonight I can’t wait to I can’t wait to see that I Told You So in chat I’m waiting for it I’m waiting for it now it’s not even going to be that bro it’s just going to be kill like dumbass or something he’s not even going to say I told you

So now we got to make a second one yeah but this isn’t going to be as bad I’m I’m sitting here staring at you I’m waiting come from did you waste all of our diamonds on these it it’s called Redstone bro chill out bro it’s Redstone oh yeah Juke boxes cost

Diamonds he said it over stress man okay listen you had extra can you make another one of these no you you need the no blocks what wait no I’m not going to oh wait no no I was going to your uh your stream one of like the um windmill bearing

Things like yeah once I load in I like Xander why is it overstressed man I’m making another windmill because we don’t get enough power output you mess it up again when are we getting when are we going to get the um what is it called water wheel y are so ESS that later

On bro I I I’m waiting for my blood magic bro going be in like five years okay no it’s not I think we can make the water wheel dude I’m taking the fortnite item shop cuz just dude I am I’m going to too you guys are nerds I’m checking the forite item shop

Okay um is it good I mean it depends on the person actually I kind of like it not going to lie has some decent stuff forite going to launch oh I just went to on a website bro oh I’m just going to launch fortnite all right I hope you

Crash I’ll would be a shame really watch streaming fornite now yeah I’ve been crashed I like try putting like like an uh Emoji in chat like like like a Discord emoji and it didn’t really work so cuz they hav’t like built in oh man loging fail just send me send me the

Website oh yeah hold on let me do it water wheel oh my God it is so easy to make Xander just make the [ __ ] water wheel I’m not making the water wheel right now we don’t need it right now yes we do do we have the infinite water

Source not yet because I’ve been waiting my D I make the water Wheel no way holiday favorites are back why the Amelia air heart oh oh sun spots finally in item shop uh that’s okay Rashad did you make the things I need yes I’m trying to load back in do that quick it’s okay I don’t water wheel is easier yeah but you

Know he’s got like 10 tumors in his head he could have all avoided if you know you actually look at chat for like 2 seconds but where are you Rashad I need You um I’m joining just give me a little bit cuz joining the server kind of screws me over I don’t know why I’m coming home trying to find my way back home to you yeah I’ve been I’ve been waiting for him to U finish these Crushers so that I

Can get Glowstone so I can continue my blood magic but you see Xander decided that he wouldn’t look at chat and take advice but and it took a lot longer than it should have but I had time to go eat a four four course meal I’m saying

Dog Z we love you you know that right it’s just yeah it’s okay it’s okay Pooky it’s happening it’s okay [Applause] pyer okay what happened to like the vilon of the like things that you need to like do the windmill wi that you made do you have all of those on

You it probably does ran uh not like anything else could distract him if he looked at Chat I’m just ignoring you [Laughter] bro not like I’m the only one here listen bro w oh get like your money oh yo who’s wrong pie who’s wrong pie I’m here for you hku I love you pie what oh what oh I did not see that coming bro I’m is

This I’m losing my mind what when did you show up come on Tander get your money up not your funny up let’s go dude leave me alone BR Chop Chop faster yeah yeah 4 minutes left this mentally dude Rashad where’s the do you have the like things I don’t know the name of

Them this that yeah this that yeah the windmill Parts the Wind Parts I don’t have any of oh these I don’t have any those yes those those are exactly what I talking about all right now don’t disturb me I got to I’m I’m bait hoping in this ho bro Dude I’m losing it Bro I’ve been hiding ever since this just hiding jeez well how here for you blank damn that’s tough wowow person that’s tough my Heart I’m dead he needs all the love you can get right hey Zander you good I got I got at most 30 more minutes of this bro you just said four minutes bro like make up your mind but I got a lot to do man oh my gosh there’s so much stuff go

Pick that up Gavin or Rashad whoever’s close no I I I can’t my inventory is not my inventory is full yeah really you think yours is full it’s it’s pretty full I really don’t get what’s wrong yeah I’ll see what the issue is Ed can you elaborate it

More the reason you need some uh need some me Z this is even the worst part and you know it I I do I know it I know it deep down and this is already if oh dude I can’t not for much longer I dude this is the worst for God make good

Use of your resources and make a [ __ ] Hammer stupid alone man what did I do to deserve this why is my own chat turning against me I thought you guys were supposed to be on my [Laughter] side oh this is golden Rashad please oh my God just flipped oh my gosh wait thank

You oh man you know what’s crazy the video were shot edits is going to be wild Bro I need to get a I got get like a picture of all like the cat hold on it’s going to be hilarious we were oh shoot [Laughter] whoops they were they were against you the whole time Zander I’m telling my mom about this truck what’s mommy going to

Do you know what no more cookies for you Gavin that’s okay what I’m on a Diet this is Okay I need some eggs bro drop some eggs why is he not dropped any actually What I’m making some fences no stop it dude I love rotten flesh it’s so delicious tell your mom I love her too how do you make fences bro I forgot God what’s this mess you’re making Xander are you going to leave me alone like ever in your

Lot well you know I’m I’m waiting for this Crusher to work so I can get my glowstone so I can finally like progression no we have zero you want you want the iron you want the AR there you go you the I known you for years now I’d

Always be there for you but please just make a hammer I don’t need a hammer right now at this moment I do not need a hammer why would I need a hammer at this very second dude your chat is begging you to make a hammer dog you realize how B like

Like listen listen to them where’s the you need to need to listen to them I’m just I’m just happy that no one is talking in my chat Rashad so I don’t have to be on Lookout you know well that’s what I thought until people randomly started talking do well here I’ll check let’s

See um no not a single person what’s it called what was like the vein Miner called You Are here it’s on what was it called okay okay does anybody know for the what the VIN Miner Mod’s called like the name it wasn’t called Vin Miner

Hey that’s crazy no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I forgot you could just type I forgot forg you could just type I muted desktop audio I forgot you could just text it bro what’s it

Called dude mine is so much more behind I don’t think he wants to come to mine it’s not legit called Vin Miner it it isn’t legit V crazy everybody against me bro I’m going to start doxing people bro who IPS are Dropping it’s okay Pooky Xander okay okay man where I forgot the name man it’s going to take more work to find it than just mining this Onestly okay here Xander I’m going to drop your IP in the Chat what mod pack you using uh Cave Factory I thought you would have known that but oh HHO oh good job what the hell how’d you unlock oh quite from mining so much it didn’t even do anything Xander can you get The Crushers working already

Like gosh man come on man come on come on come on Chen get I’ve been Wai I’ve been waiting man hour now for my glow stone where’s the chicken going I’m trying to get him over here in the fence this ooh bro what in the Captivity fence is

This this is brutal you know he can just go through this right oh he ran away from you get over here oh my yo I need this BBC to get over here man why are they feeding the chicken because Rashad wants to hold it in captivity yes I want it’s babies it’s

Eggs bro it hasn’t dropped a single one ever since since it’s ENT this world I know man I don’t even know why you better get him out of that Crusher before Xander turns it on yeah actually though yeah he like like actually come on man come on he started panicking

Me come here you better watch out okay no my torches give me those torches back Crush Crushers should be able to crush you are wasting seeds yeah why are you feeding it just lure it it’s not coming towards me that’s the thing is it not getting workinger I forgot one’s supposed to go

The opposite Direction no we’ve had this chicken for like an hour and a my bad two hours now basically and it still hasn’t laid a single EG whoops oh new method new method new method bro this is actually way too much it won’t lay an egg solo with seeds it does that

Random he did it he did it be free little one I need I get a fence I get a fence hold on you fix it here here by all means you want to take all the stuff that I have to use for doing this here

Sorry man I I sorry man I’m just Lu stick I can’t understand you Rashad you do it man I want to do I never played this P you have the most experience you I’m figuring it out along the way no that is so rot I’m going to kill you for that

Bro I didn’t even realize bro you have any other wood hold on give me give me this chill chill chill chill Zander look at what he did look at the fence chill bro chill h z hurry Z hurry no he’s going to fix it I think Xander’s too like his mental is

Draining man his mental is just dying it’s okay Xander I have faith in you poooky I’mma pick it up cuz I’m afraid it’s going to despawn so dude my my stream is so B oh my God it’s it despawned did it it’s still decently behind but it’s not as bad come on Xander

Oh yeah why you right clicking bro left click it and it stays the same yeah man somebody pick all the stone Up pick that up too ran okay you have a gift yet mining okay somebody ban this kit I mod right yeah you should time out don’t time that don’t time actually actually no actually give him give him an admin for [ __ ] on Xander 2 actually I’ve known him for

A while you can if you want I don’t think you’re actually able to okay chat find his IP and ban him mods Nukem yes I get that okay so then a space another one connected by mhm mhm a bigger C wheel how does that make sense at all it

It just does man don’t don’t question it man just don’t question it really close together aren’t they supposed to be have my IP bro what why can’t I turn this you have his IP I can turn this around s you have his IP you were docks

In my old Discord server no I don’t think so what yo should I be concerned he probably concerned now bro I need that’s probably back when like he was talking to Alex and her goons about use That I would who did you think I thought you were talking To you’re so kind I need Cobblestone to work with it’s quicker to break wait oh yes perfect what no try to make it yeah I lost my count too with it damn that’s rough yeah bro I had no idea about all that who docks you since my four accounts being made

Randomly on same day yeah I remember all that compressed zombie okay that compress Z here I don’t know small I told zyx oh who’s zyx some other guy did you make that extra stuff I asked you to make ran the alloy yeah how much and aide Cobblestone do

You have on you right now here take this right here 48 andite all right make uh make a bunch of big and small Cog Wheels like at least eight of each all right I don’t even know I thought ZX did cuz they joined with him he might have honestly but I don’t Know it makes sense like if they kept doing it to every single new account you made it it could have just been him snitching the entire time d That’s likes some betrayer type [ __ ] bro I don’t know bro I’m just there some arcs we haven’t been informed about rad

Mhm clay already had his game refunded oh really though yeah the one that I was talking about huh his was already refunded my request isn’t even sent so he didn’t tell you that he was refunding no he did oh it got refunded same day Oh all right here take these boom okay help Steam support game softwares core keeper um it’s not what I expected like to cross the Refund Fun okay I request it again okay thank you why can’t I like spin this image around look Xander I’ll give you a gift for all your hard work I’ll give you this gift okay okay all right never mind then you should stream on Twitch Xander M bom keep

Crying that’s what he said I know it’s not like you’re reading something why you EA in fresh bro it be some be Bouie bro you know what I’m saying yummy thank you pooky then you can also have one I really don’t want it all right then I mean give it back

Then give it back chippy chippy choer Cho chippy choer Choer chipp Cho Cho’s oh I took put in the the furnace I just need a block oh here is there’s enough in the furnace right now Actually I don’t think I have A yeah I need a tier two blood alter and I’m assuming I need a tier yeah okay comess the zombie yeah I don’t know what they are Oh oh it’s a lot more has be I’m pretty sure you change you can change the Cog wheel movement with the wrench but I forgot which way you need to do it you can’t change it with the wrench that’s the problem I’m having you said you’re smart why is that

Not I’m going go get a snack I’ll be back okay I if you enjoy it I’m sure he will I’m sure I hope you don’t enjoy your life for shot that’s not very nice how do I change direction okay we make this one change direction then what if we just do

It’s already 7:50 bro does that mean it’s working it’s going the wrong Way have a gift okay what are you crushing this like gold I I think I saw that somewhere not my gold I need the gold you can have one no take it like or oh yeah I overshot it by a lot yo yo just going to come back and [Laughter] just was so funny bro nothing think you’re going insane nothing about this mod pack tho scon is crazy okay so I need a big and a big right I need a big right here which means I need a small one right here right and so which means this goes over

Here big one goes here and then to connect everything Cobblestone large Cog wheel no I’m a genius I’m a genius I’m a genius broken heart oh plus 4 HP oh where’s that gold at I gave it to you yes yes I did it I did

It and then now you get two gold per gold or you crush Rashad oh really Yep all you know what I’m going to be the first T of this actually you should be the first tester I’ll be so generous and give you that opportunity now I never look over there again Zer you did it Zander what do you want from me

Zer hey Xander what do you want from me okay I can hear you now oh I just I I have your shower head I don’t want it that’s too damn bad listen man okay it is it’s ultra quiet it has multicolored LEDs and it’s Hydro powered yeah you enjoy that you enjoy that

Bro oh man oh all right is it working now no I actually messed up again so yes it’s working I can’t reach it I’m working on it okay what okay what hold on here throw it there we go you throw it in I did yep Rashad was trying to place

Stuff I I accidentally pressed right click do you have to have this like open block like in the middle no it does look like a silly face that’s how that’s how Xander looks at me okay there you go Gavin where’s the rest of it I can’t reach in there com oh my

Why there does that make you happy it does Shoots and Ladders Xander have you ever played Shoots and Ladders no is it why not yes I played shoot some ladders before okay good do you like it do you think it’s a good game what do you mean

A who is SM who why are why are you trying to jump I don’t know when I was jumping but I might have fixed it it goes into the thing right yeah okay yeah making sure so if I put these three emeralds in I’m going to get

Sick uh no maybe not emeralds since you get it when you break the block you could try though throw one in not three I’ll throw one in I can delete this now Rush uranium oh no two might put another in oh you gave it a nose oh three that time

You gave it a nose okay and I gave it a little mouth whenever somebody has it open Chi chippy choa Choa finally all right Comeer here take this yeah hold on what was the other thing I got I don’t remember oh the clocks D I’m not Rashad now do you want to know the fun part you’re supposed to see your toes alone what oh by the way why is that mob farmer you have

Windows uh um it’s just how it was made um also we need them to look at us that way they come over here so we can get blood for the altar that’s blood magic you could go watch Gavin’s stream for that headache all right not Heche it’s actually really

Easy but yeah that’s blood magic I don’t specialize in that we’re going to change it it’s going to look better later but for now that’s what we have now tomorrow Rashad our headache we’re going to work on are these and if you don’t know what this is

It’s seared and we’re going to have to make a big old furnace like a big furnace to store all of it oh that thing and we’re going to need clay and we’re going to need silk and we’re going to need a lot of it oh Clay’s joining us no he would never oh

Man Dam they still aggro after one tap so XP BL well what anyways the the other headache we got to work on I’ve done so many times it doesn’t matter we’re good like I should be able to get that done for easy so please study the schematic for

The f I know the furnace schematic okay like kind of I mostly know it gosh I mean I say we just we uh get off here yeah I think I’m Me all thanks for joining Mr priz yipp so I won’t have to yell alone like a weirdo in chat man you’re chilling although I don’t this thing should have worked just from what I had before I don’t know but we got everything working tomorrow it’s going to be an all

New headache though but that’s okay I’ll do some research tonight all righty guys um tune in tomorrow you know for the Stream you have fun to PR peace out bye guys yeah hopefully it’s going to be fun man all right see you it’s not d

This video, titled ‘🔴Cave Factory (Minecraft Modded) [ W/ Friends ] |LIVE|🔴’, was uploaded by Blank on 2024-01-08 14:03:16. It has garnered 39 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:45:56 or 9956 seconds.


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    Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-05-31 13:00:03. It has garnered 3574 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:09 or 2469 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • EPIC Mother’s Day Minecraft Surprise!!

    EPIC Mother's Day Minecraft Surprise!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mothers’ Day Minecraft Showcase!!!’, was uploaded by ChaChaYourVmom on 2024-05-13 09:59:46. It has garnered 681 views and 99 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:45 or 7065 seconds. Explore your own unique worlds, survive the night, and create anything you can imagine! Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Come home to my Discord! You, too, can be an elite for only $0.99/month! Join my channel: If you’re struck by the… Read More

  • Alinea SMP | Whitelisted | Proximity Voice Chat | 1.21 | Vanilla Compatible | Extra Enchantments | Launched Today | New World

    Alinea Minecraft Server Alinea Come join Alinea, a 1.21 SMP Minecraft server offering a Vanilla-like experience with added features. Whitelisted for protection, custom enchantments, food skewers, proximity voice chat, and more. Join our Discord server to apply and start playing today! VANILLA+ SMP – Join with a Vanilla client and enjoy all features except proximity voice chat. To join, apply for our whitelist in the #whitelist-application channel on our Discord server. Application includes an interview and rule review. Feature Spotlight Proximity Voice Chat – Use Plasmo Voice to talk in-game. Food Skewers – Try new foods like veggie skewers. Extra… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Community Overload!

    Well, I guess the meme is scoring pretty high despite its humble beginnings as just a joke title. Minecraft memes are definitely a force to be reckoned with! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipdrama Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft related! Today, we have an exciting recommendation for all you Minecraft enthusiasts out there. Have you ever come across a leaked version of Minecraft that promises an ultra deluxe experience? Well, we have just the server for you to explore that and more – Minewind. While watching a video about a leaked version of Minecraft, you may have come across the quote “The cake. It was indeed real, you see. Sometimes, just sometimes, itโ€™s worth believing everything you come across. After all, ignorance, as they say, is bliss.” This… Read More

  • Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft

    Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft The Easiest Mob XP Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20 Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to improve their gameplay and gather valuable resources. One essential aspect of the game is creating efficient mob farms to collect experience points (XP) and rare drops. In a recent video, a Minecraft player known as BlackPlayzOP showcased the easiest mob XP farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20, suitable for all Bedrock Edition platforms. Features of the Mob XP Farm The highlighted mob XP farm is designed to provide players with a simple yet effective method of farming XP…. Read More


    MASTER MINECRAFT BUILDING TIPS! ๐Ÿ‘ท๐Ÿ—๏ธVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Unleash Your Inner Architect! Building Guide for BEGINNERS to PROS ๐Ÿ—๏ธ’, was uploaded by GAMING GURU on 2024-06-21 07:33:27. It has garnered 431 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Ready to transform your Minecraft world into a masterpiece? ๐ŸŽจ Whether you’re a newbie just starting out or a seasoned builder looking for fresh inspiration, this comprehensive guide will take your Minecraft architecture skills to the next level! What You’ll Discover: Foundation Fundamentals: Learn the essential building blocks, tips for terrain manipulation, and how to choose the… Read More

  • JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!

    JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-02-09 20:00:00. It has garnered 5823 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:03 or 3723 seconds. How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing mc lol #minecraft #memes #shorts’, was uploaded by NatPlaying on 2024-04-20 07:13:03. It has garnered 10264 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!

    Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: BLOCK HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mongo on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 293884 views and 4156 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:14 or 2114 seconds. Mongo and Wudo have to build secure block houses! Who builds the safest block house? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! #Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More

  • Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1

    Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Old Minecraft with friends | Episode 1’, was uploaded by Dragonfrvit on 2024-03-09 01:09:10. It has garnered 13 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:03 or 1983 seconds. Playing Minecraft smp with friends! Just some chill times with people screaming Read More

  • Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!

    Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!Video Information This video, titled ‘There’s a hole in my Minecraft world’, was uploaded by lowresbones on 2024-02-05 11:00:02. It has garnered 51280 views and 4604 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:46 or 646 seconds. Welcome back to the Minecraft Trailer Series! Today we dig down into the depths to collect a bounty of resources that will fuel the construction of my mega base! This is a Minecraft 1.20 Survival let’s play but using the Minecraft Trailer Recreation mod pack I showcased a little while ago! You all asked for it so here it is. I cannot express… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT CHALLENGE: Trapped Underground FOREVER?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but I can’t go above ground’, was uploaded by Call Me Kevin on 2024-06-01 18:00:07. It has garnered 499111 views and 33958 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:34 or 1114 seconds. Subscribe or else! (For legal reasons this is not a threat) ๐ŸŽฎ Second Channel: ๐ŸŽต Music Channel: ๐Ÿ“น Twitch Channel: ๐Ÿ“ท Instagram: ๐Ÿ’ฉ Twitter: Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios. In Minecraft, players explore a blocky, procedurally generated 3D world with virtually infinite terrain and may discover and extract raw materials, craft tools… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ 66th Leviathan Heart Hunt LIVE! Join Now! ๐ŸŽฎ

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ 66th Leviathan Heart Hunt LIVE! Join Now! ๐ŸŽฎVideo Information This video, titled ‘BloxFruit Leviathan Hunt Finally getting 66th Leviathan Heart Late stream |?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-05-17 19:33:57. It has garnered 1057 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 04:00:01 or 14401 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: Zainny Discord: check out: Roblox group :!/about TikTok : twitch : Discord: Mods: Itrealzainny: LJ :… Read More

  • Ep 35: CursedPugFilms Task in Minecraft Roleplay!

    Ep 35: CursedPugFilms Task in Minecraft Roleplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Slice of Life – Here’s a Task. – Ep 35 (Minecraft Roleplay) (MCTV)’, was uploaded by CursedPugFilms on 2024-03-08 22:00:28. It has garnered 135 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:22 or 1282 seconds. Levi goes over what he needs to do with some of friends before he goes to meet Randy. When asking to join Randy gives Levi a task… Is he up for it?… Time Stamps Advertisement – 0:00 – 0:51 Episode – 0:51 – 21:21 ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ What is Slice of Life? Slice of Life is the story of… Read More