CRAZY Minecraft Anniversary Surprise! 🎉 | Viewer Realms #shorts

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello how’s it going everybody Welcome how’s it going Brian Elijah Charles uh one player G Michael towels Orville beatcraft we got bacon in the house zichi Ethan wper how are you guys doing today also Christopher Carter welcome manand drut like gazer and milk Domino’s nice to see you again and papa little tiger yo Eevee fanatic and Supersonic and also happy birthday suic I saw that you said it’s your birthday in the Discord I hope your birthday is going awesome and hello on Twitch uh it’s nice to see you again uh rank on Sarge man San again how’s it going how’s it going yeah sorry about that I was a little bit late run a little bit late I I winded up taking a nap and yeah well I woke up before the stream started just uh I had to wake up a little bit more than I needed to or more than I thought I needed to I guess so it took me a little bit longer so apologies on a little delay there and yep I’m visiting worlds today yeah so like I I woke up kind of early for myself like I think it was like 2:00 p.m. which is early and I felt like yo I’m ready to go and then like 1 hour before the stream starts I’m like oh no I’m getting sleepy all of a sudden so so I was like okay let me try to take a 30 minute nap yeah 2 p.m. is early hey Monica thank you for subscribing welcome to the channel and yo one player G thank you for subscribing you’re awesome I appreciate you and yes you can have the pizza it’s magical Pizza never dis like it never disappears it’s always there magical and dream fouser going Q is open so you should be able to get to it and leader gator thank you so much for the raid I I keep forgetting to check out your stop motion cuz like literator um was it this stop motion this time CU you mentioned that you did stop motion before and you had a pizza party today let’s go Zen and nari how’s it going thank you for the raid be sure to check out later gor I do not have Snapchat that’s like something I’ve never used actually and welcome as well EST Stella nice to see you and Gio awesome to see you as well and yep uh rankon Everyone is always 22 when they arrive uh in my channel so it’s like Tiger Tiger how are you Moi is doing awesome she’s next to me on my bed cuz I stream on my bed she’s giving me a funny look though now she wants me to pet her tummy and Saks it’s nice to see you and can you put the Google search document uh let’s see it is in the description so you can find it there but if you guys want to submit to the queue if you have any worlds or Realms that you want visited add yourself to the queue and we will visit and uh you guys can also join along with me as long as the owner of the world is fine with visitors oh it was your Spider-Man stop motion being that Spider-Man was in my RAID nice later gator I have to remember to check your stop motion out that sounds cool and Koto welcome magical Pizza that never disappears diabetes in my future oh that’s another thing that’s IAL about it it’s healthy for you so yeah no diabetes not from not from this pizza anyway and hug for you Charles thank you for stopping by and mo maybe Mochi wants a kiss Mochi do you want a kiss she wants her tummy rub that’s what she wants and little tiger says how is your super busy like always definitely busy yeah I I don’t know like where does the time go I don’t know what happened it’s it’s like yeah the time the days go by too fast yeah super amazing taste Pizza that too and how’s it going Sebastian and how about you little tiger how was your week and Super Sonic I hope you’re having a super awesome birthday guys if you haven’t done so already can we get some happy birthdays in the chat for Super Sonic AKA Antonio and what are you doing for the summer live stream basically yeah just the same old thing doing live streams and also I’m I’m super excited for June because we are going to get more you know conferences game announcements I cannot wait and Nintendo Direct that’s going to be so awesome and opinion on let’s see where did the comment go there we go Dragon night’s asking opinion on bacon on Pizza it is a big thumbs up super big thumbs up bacon is super delicious as long as it’s not cheap bacon cuz there’s like some bacon I’ve had that’s icky as like stringy cheap bacon like that’s that’s icky stuff but regular good bacon good stuff L says I was working on the stop motions in advance since I have exams this week almost summer for me good luck on your exams also and Elijah donated $2 superat repost you want to do the thing in DM mess today wait do the what thing wait what also thank you for the Super Chat light gazer I’m just trying to figure out what you mean let’s see in the DMS would it be spinal craft that you’re referring to cuz I know I mentioned that in DMS and Francisco Junior welcome and what you doing we’re doing Minecraft so everyone is welcome to join I’m visiting viewer worlds today viewer Realms if you guys have any worlds you want me to visit of yours just add yourself to the queue I use Google forms is in the description and you guys can also visit the worlds alongside me as long as the owner is fine with visitors but yeah um that’s what we’re doing and Junior says bacon is amazing on Pizza woohoo yes I I I do think that the Nintendo Direct is going to be next month and also like Microsoft conference Sony conference so I’m looking forward to that that’s going to be awesome wait bacon says don’t say that uhoh what did I say and Stephen nice to see you Steven Francisco welcome also Junior it’s nice to meet you welcome to the channel how do I DM you someone zish is asking so Discord is really the best uh way of for DMS for me anyway and I am doing well Elijah how about you and Galaxy nice to see you doing well how’s your day going also is it bad to have coffee and then an energy drink right after cuz I’m kind of doing that today I think it’s actually the first time ever in my life when I had coffee right before having an energy drink so I have no idea what happens probably craziness right e says have you ever SE or shown yourself at a gaming or streamer conon and if so which one well I wasn’t a streamer or a content creator at that point Ed but I have gone to a GameStop convention one time and also Anime conventions I really want to go to ComiCon I’ve never been to ComicCon and suic says thank you guys for the wishes I’m about to go out and eat and have a fun night sounds awesome supersonic enjoy the rest of your day and enjoy your birthday oh I don’t have I’m not going to have voice chat today but we might have it tomorrow for the Splatoon splatfest and how’s it going Astro for thousands of years I lay dormant who has awoken me from my Slumber and welcome Brenda how’s it going Brenda and Gojo I wish I met you at Pax little tiger says I’ve never been to Pax either and yes it belongs on Pizza definitely Ethan says ailia does pepperoni belong on the pizza absolutely it’s like definitely and yes little tiger and light gazer were you know they’ve been super super awesome gifting a lot of memberships uh I believe last weekend Oh the thing and let’s see um I’m not sure what you’re referring to like iser cuz there’s a lot of things up oh my gosh also we got readed on Twitch T Crossing thank you for the raid be sure to check out T by Crossing what were you streaming oh hot coffee plus energy drink meaning an acidic reaction so stop drinking hot coffee or tea it is okay if you do it once in a while okay just one time then I’m going to live right and Rich B nice to see you and you’re having pizza with chips nice Sonnie welcome Sonnie says bananas do not belong on Pizza I I must agree with you at least in my opinion and the splatfest team I’m going to choose is save the day and frosted welcome how do you get girls be yourself be kind and respectful and I’d say it’s start out as friendship you know start start with a friendship start as friends all right let me go ahead and switch on over to Minecraft time for some Minecraft and RSU welcome to the stream I only know English unfortunately and Joe how’s it going Joe wooo nice to see you Joe thanks for stopping by all right I’m going to go ahead and and check um the DMs like gy because I’m I’m just not sure what you’re referring to at the moment so let me let me just [Music] look T says love the REM love the relaxing music on this yeah Minecraft has some good ones in my opinion all right DM time secret [Music] messages oh let’s see well I’m still thinking on it actually I’m like I’m thinking between a thing and another thing here I’ll I’ll respond really [Music] quick I’m like still thinking but I need to I do need to make a decision huh but you know what I’m I’m leaning towards saying a yes right now what do you think like I I really want it to happen I do honestly I I really am I’m feeling like a yes right now yeah happy 15 Minecraft and go for it it’s a celebration all right then all right I have some news then well I actually I was going to do this through DMs I was going to do it through DMs but we can go ahead and do it uh-oh aelia 22 is the greatest Minecraft player in the history of the United States I am I don’t know if I can agree on that Donald Trump but hey thank you that’s probably like the most kind thing I’ll ever get from Donald Trump all right so um let’s see a thank you Chris you’re awesome how are you doing today and Aiden nice to see you I had tomato soup and grilled cheese yes guys that’s that’s it that’s right Minecraft is 50% off if anyone is interested in purchasing it now is the time 50% off all Minecraft and Brony how’s it going and doing good crust says happy to be here happy to have you Crest all right guys so I have an announcement I did mod applications uh I’ve been in the process of making decisions on that and I have [Music] decided a thank you for the hug little tiger I have decided that little [Music] tiger congratulations you are now a mod Also let’s see here tiger says yes little tiger with the wrench the blue wrench of power and let’s [Music] see and how was ComiCon Joe that does sound super super awesome and yes axi is here with Axel this time since we’re doing Minecraft yeah big tiger woo and little tiger says that means the world to me and I’m going to give you a hug little tiger you are awesome and I I do have to suck at what like gazer says like says I want to be clear though please please no staying up till 1:00 a.m. little tiger please no doing that yes so now you know I’ve been so nervous so little tiger I do su at that I do want you to make sure that you put yourself first um you know before moderating put your health first your life first and this goes with all Mods as well you know don’t want you to go Overkill or anything on moderating but congrats to you you’re awesome go nuts on the weekends okay well maybe I just don’t go too crazy you know you you still got to watch your health even on the weekends and let’s see let’s see here and yes we’re going to play also Terence and Jordan hello on Twitch how are you guys doing you’re back you to catch some air no no worries little tiger wait tell us says a safe that LOL I don’t have a job right now Azie I love you all right cuz ay and I love you LT like ad says we car we care much and don’t want to see LT push himself so much he gets super sleepy at work [Music] definitely and hugs for you t crossing a you’re awesome sard says zil is also for the nintend games why do your streams look like shorts cuz I’m experimenting with shorts cuz it’s a thing that YouTube has available now and let’s see [Music] here along with that and hugs for you also Charles [Music] also oh Joe Joe says I heard you say something about Comic-Con and yeah you definitely should go would love to see you there that would be a blast um also if you um want to comment again Joe shiver me timbers Asos say yay there you go Joe you are now moderator wo also the powerful wrench of the blue congratulations Joe and yes I definitely will do Mario Maker 2 sometime soon for sure [Music] eating and watching you rock Carter what are you eating is it pizza and eie says azy if someone click on their YouTube notification that you’re live their video will be normal and if they use your Bots link and Discord it will be a normal stream oh so you’re like telling us like a way to work around the system so if someone clicks on the YouTube notification the live stream will be normal for them oh no jo says I could scream but I got a headache and I hope you feel better from the headache Joe and Marshy how’s it going marshy and yes Roblox is on Monday and just had fun in Team Fortress 2 Mary nice I still never play that one also how’s it going Carlos like gator says now Joe I need to make very clear with you we love you as well please don’t think the entire world sucks some things do suck that’s yeah I can second that definitely uh some things do not suck that’s true too uh we care about you here we do we always care about you Joe and it’s always appreciated all your support and um you know as I mentioned to little tiger like G and myself like don’t put moderating first above your health and all that either you know always put yourself first like G says so if things get upsetting come to a your myself we don’t want you to get too depressed yes not no depression no stress I mean it happens but you know you know we’re human but just nothing too crazy and Joe says I appreciate that I’ll try my best a Jordan says I’m so happy to have y’all as friends as friends hugs for all and hugs for all of you guys as well and we should start Minecraft shouldn’t we zaro says I’d say come to me but you’ll probably accuse me of being sus and throw me out the airlock and now back to this oh you’re doing the level now like iser H and Hikes for everyone and guys um you know it’s very likely I’ll have mod applications again in the future um everyone who applied you guys are all awesome um and I see potential in every single person so you know don’t don’t take it to heart if you were not chosen cuz you are off all the same so I don’t want you to feel down about that but you guys are awesome all the same as you make a poll ask them who wants you to get real good at Mario Maker 2 and get back into it however you want to word it like eer is trying to get me back into Mario Maker 2 more again like if you guys saw my recent short like that’s that’s when I was like you know more into it oh no papa don’t feel down you are super awesome yeah like it’s it’s not something I take lightly you know like I I didn’t decide you know I kind of took a while to decide this but you guys are all awesome also let’s see Press Start that’s a good [Laughter] idea welcome back little tiger also Joe is uh another mod Compadre that we just um announced as well and yeah little tiger got it too like says now to all applicants do not feel bad if you were not selected I personally EV valued each and every single person some were better than others well you guys are all awesome of course you know I I like truly I do see potential in every single person um I I you know some for some people I feel like maybe you know over time it it would be more of a thing so you know please don’t take it to heart cuz you guys are super awesome and I appreciate all of you and how do you wait do you know who shadow lady is I don’t think so but how’s it going lumpy Bop that’s kind of a cool name actually lumpy Bop oh be craft made a new level themed around Mario 64 in Mario Maker 2 sweet sweet said if you watch ail you’re awesome a you are truly awesome your friends are Japanese that’s tool Carter oh Dylan also um sorry I think I missed your previous comment and sorry if I missed anyone’s comments um do a repost if I ever miss your comments just do a repost even do it at as Lea 22 um because you know sometimes things get a little bit crazy and I might miss something but I appreciate all of you guys uh Dylan says apologies I have not been relevant lately I have not realized your noticea noticeably High sub count congrats thank you and but now I’m here and ready to spread cheer and deny fear that is my job around here hey you rock Dylan and also never feel bad if you guys do miss streams you know life happens no worries uh St Tire Jo says Hey to coming up to my two-year anniversary as Z M let’s go and hello creature ailia I love that Corey creature ailia I’m a creature how’s it going creature Corey and MVP nice to see you oh hosting a roll right now check it out if you can I’ll take a look at the queue and see who is first so we can follow it in order for you guys and bcft says the problem for me is I have no prior moderator experience but maybe I can work on that for next time and later gator says I apply but congratulations to all chosen mods and and also bro creeper how’s it going you’re online on my Xbox yep that that sounds right cuz I uh well I’m not on Xbox but I’m on Minecraft I’m live on Minecraft how’s it going bro creeper and squigs and little tiger says thank you so much I really really appreciate it absolutely little tiger I will no longer pull your leg by saying I’m a flipper I know where is little tiger G say I’m doing great and does can’t wait to play some crazy Minecraft yeah crazy Minecraft let’s do it oh skinwalkers wait are skinwalkers zombies actually oh yes Terrence everyone is welcome to join the Q so feel free um Let Me Go a and copy and paste it it’s in the description on YouTube I would let let me try this again for you guys we’re on Twitch let’s see yes it’s actually letting me pin cuz it wasn’t letting me pin comments on Twitch and then now it’s now it’s working so that’s awesome so you should see it Pinn now and if you have enough points for a q pass uh you’re welcome to use that as well oh more espresso more depresso wait depresso is a pal on pal World actually you guys want to meet and you meet an old man rankon says wait meet not meat can we all play a survival world it will be fun one day I’m up for suggestions definitely I love a lot of different games and Q is in the description if you’re on the phone there should be three dots and what’s your favorite candy I like Starburst Skittles almond Snickers Carmelo Milk Duds and you’re good little tiger but don’t don’t put too much pressure on yourself either cuz you’re awesome and I I don’t want you to like you know just like feel stressed or anything like that you know cuz you’re awesome um oh redeem qass that’s [Music] it yep exactly like that all right let’s go ahead and start visiting some worlds gar Supreme uh and glitched out you guys don’t have any Microsoft gamertags I can’t really visit you if you don’t have um a name for me to visit so I’m going to have to remove those unless you actually got something for me let me see in the chat gar Supreme glitched out do you exist oh yeah taste rainbow I like The Skittle commercial with that Ranon says I don’t think I can join cuz I got my PC donated are do you mean like your PC is kind of a flipper PC cuz my PC is a flipper PC for sure and Dylan says that is a lot of people in the queue I think I’d rather just watch you play and possibly play with you yeah oh yes oh no communication erir come on Minecraft is a flipper on Nintendo switch oh MVP says I don’t need a Microsoft gamer tag I have Ail on my friend list so she can join my world all right all right and Diego hello I used to live in San Antonio Texas it is nice to meet you and I think I did try Skittles gummies once like a long time ago how’s it going NYL welcome welcome and Hassen nice to see you Hassen says hi there did enjoy my niece’s birthday and it was good last Thursday night nice and I think is you aelia wait me what about me um let’s see so gar suprem you say you exist do you exist in the Minecraft world cuz uh you didn’t have any name to give me did you want us to visit your world do you have a name that I can go by so I know who I’m joining oh you do maybe I’ll have to keep it then Dylan says AIA I love this little guy cuz like that was just a filler emote but maybe maybe I’ll have to keep it oh the internet wait what what about the internet oh I’ve seen some of you you Haka show uh Bron uh I honestly couldn’t get into it fully and Eevee says ay the most expensive and or fancy dessert you’ve ever eaten and why my cousin once ate a $10,000 you’re you’re joking $10,000 slice of cake Eevee is this serious did you actually mean $10,000 that was not like a a typo that’s crazy holy flippers holy flippers oh my God that’s crazy holy flippers well um I definitely didn’t have anything that expensive you um so the most expensive dessert I’ve ever eaten huh was Pro I don’t know actually I mean I huh I’m mean I’m thinking maybe it was possible it could have been like at um like Disneyland I really don’t remember the prices though cuz like when I went to Tokyo Japan you know there’s there’s some places that get expensive um I don’t remember purchasing a dessert by itself though but I did go to a dessert Buffet place I don’t think that really counts though oh so eie was asking me a question what was the most expensive of dessert I’ve ever eaten and Evie said that their cousin once had a $10,000 slice of cake and said it was super delicious what kind of cake or yeah what kind of cake was it they just finished a $4 million contract for building a mansion that’s crazy Eevee who that like s that’s that’s a wow right there super wow and how was your day well it was good and then I got sleepy and then I had coffee and energy drink right now renon says 10,000 my most expensive dessert wait ew sorry rankon but I must say you was it really $122,000 for caviar though rankon I said you cuz caviar I don’t like cavar I I know I haven’t tried it but it’s it’s still you I’m just really picky with food so yeah it was made by a very fancy Japanese chef wow oh uh if you guys need me to add you just let me know your Microsoft gamertag oh you thought it was you too rankon you tried it and it was you yeah like that’s crazy that it costs that much for something that’s gross that’s how I feel about it anyway like I don’t even know if I’d eat it if you paid me 12 if you paid paid me 12,000 instead of me paying you know for it I don’t even know if I could eat that that’s like my kryptonite is eating things that I find icky and again if anyone needs me to add you just let me know your Gamertag and I’ll try to add you and squish Squad welcome back also Tranquility it’s nice to see you Tranquility it’s been a little bit how are you Tranquility says Minecraft is all fun and games until you accidentally wake up the warden because it would be a full 180 flight or fight type feeling and of course you’d be run for your life that sounds like it’d be fun though imagine if we have a whole bunch of us against a warden like oh a regular legit battle not like creative mode anything that would be [Music] epic oh bcft bcft okay bcft redeemed Q pass so that means bcft will go next and let’s see so gar Supreme and glitched out if you don’t have anything for me to go on to be able to join you I’m just going to have to you but beatcraft did use the qass oh wait you think spinal craft is fixed I know I asked light gazer today and and light gazer was thinking that it wasn’t but we can try we can try oh you think your Gamertag is healthy blocky I could go ahead and search for that and qass is so if you’re on my streams you get points they magically add thems to your account and then you can redeem uh and I have a point store where you can redeem like animated gifts that show up on the screen with some sounds and also Q pass is another thing you can redeem and mod for a day is a thing you can redeem this will bring up the link for the The Point store and it just points it goes on that’s it and then yeah you can like redeem things oh it is fixed updated to the latest versions working for mecraft says I like your say let me check but yeah qass you G Q pass and you’ll go automatically next in the queue and tranqu says all right hi azy I’ve been sick for a week no but I’m feeling better today yay um though I hope to feel all better very soon I hope so too Tranquility I’m sorry that you’ve been sick for a whole week that’ definitely be tiring but I hope you feel 100% soon how’s it going dalon Luke welcome my day’s been going pretty good how about you and Forest do go for fiori it’s okay fiori I believe it or not I’m actually kind of just starting we haven’t visited I just been chilling talking and um we have two more new mods little tiger and Joe so yeah finally going to get to the game now and sorry I really need to be careful not to hit the mic with my headset I do that too often and Forest says hello everybody the fact I show up after she mentioned uh almost oh mod for a day I think is what you mean because yeah forest was redeeming a lot of that before he became an official mod little tiger says one time I saw this one girl going around shops selling Hershey bars for 10 bucks she was with a fundraiser but no one was buying them cuz while their ripoffs yeah a you decided to buy one cuz of your kindness that’s nice of you little tiger yeah 10 bucks for a candy bar you know that we’re in trouble um also how’s it going historian yeah that is crazy Minecraft 15 years old super crazy um Tranquility says also who in the right mind would actually like being sick like you would have to be insane yeah mhm that’s a good point and thank you for subscribing Z Keith sorry if I mispronounce your name it is nice to meet you welcome to the channel Andor says my friend wants you to say like’s voice um my favorite once uh my favorite dis Venture camp character is theori and I’m a panda there you go uh for those of you who aren’t familiar I do voice acting for two characters Le uh names Lake and Tess and it’s a uh animated show on YouTube called dispener Camp it’s a free show you can check out PG-13 also cuz I’m family friendly here and how’s it going Ansley n see all right oh my gamertag is ailia 22 8458 cuz ailia 22 was taken so I couldn’t do that one but you can find it in the description also Lord and Savior I have I have heard of MOT Sun I have and how’s it going cozy cozy the Sleepy one and can you say something as test let’s see azy can you say something as Tess that one I need to I need to I need to get my voice more prepared for that one I could do better still but yeah I’m like I’m like too hyped up too hyper cuz I I had coffee and I had energy drink so yeah oh welcome to the stream uh I write Russian through a translator I want to say that you are very cute thank you thank you thank you um yes let’s play we need to play welcome back Ethan okay let’s do it so beatcraft wants us to visit spinal Craft um we kind of have a problem with that look at that it doesn’t have any servers showing up Minecraft what is wrong with you okay let’s see if I can fix this problem this is partly why you don’t want to get Nintendo switch version of Minecraft andc says all are allowed to join but you want us to try to go to spinal craft first right and how’s it going uh geoconda welcome to the stream B says if you could become a main character in any anime which would you choose ooh what would your name and or Powers if any be well we’ve mentioned something about this before like having like an ailia anime would be cool on itself like that’d be so cool and then um I could have like my clones or doppelgangers we would actually get into the story of what happened to the other aelas cuz you know ailia 22 is me so you know where are the other ones and we would get into area 22 instead of Area 51 or Area 52 oh no I don’t even remember what the area was I blame it on my energy drink and coffee combination I can’t remember um also pdb yes why the angry face pdb how’s it going and definitely Angley just add yourself to the queue so I’m going to exit and come back hoping that it will let me actually go places cuz that one option is like empty oh no what pdb how could you say such a thing pdb says I honestly hate my little sister’s puppy how could you hate a puppy older sister’s puppy but but how could you hate a puppy no toxic no that’s evil that’s like the most that is like the super most evil right there and cenar how’s it going nice to see you how can you hate a puppy guys and how’s it going Salam welcome I I do agree uh be craft I I know that there are some dogs out there that are super flipperhead meanies but puppies puppies and how’s it going n hugs for you okay please connect Minecraft please Minecraft Gods please be good to me please and Roblox will be on Monday and rankon says oh let me catch up with you renon I see I am behind the rare kind of cake high quality ingredients for the slice of cake yeah you too and when I tasted it it felt like it’s popping in my mouth e that SS nasty r g is talking about caviar by the way e it was like gooey and popping in your mouth and oh how do I skip Q so I think it works over on Twitch but I’m not sure let me see the Q pass command is this though and oh okay vanon you got wasted last night by drinking a lot of soda okay and you drank warm milk to sleep and I mean if dog’s bite you’ll hate it and you still didn’t play I’m trying I I’m trying to play but Minecraft is being a flipper head and Carter says I like puppies and axel lottes and cats me too so how come it’s being a flipper like I should be connected it’s just being mean I am already signed in girl all right I’m going to put puppies on for a moment I don’t know if it’s going to like show anything like account information I don’t think it will but just in case to sign in Minecraft I know I I’m actually trying though renon it’s just Minecraft is being a flipperhead ooh I think we no no no no no come on we might have to skip the server part because it’s not for some reason it is not registering that I’m signed in for Nintendo even though I am also Gojo how’s it going Gojo what the stream crashed on Twitch did it no I I don’t think I’ll be doing the sponsorship with Shadow Legends but how’s it going go go Gaga and ab Ina welcome abalina if you can’t connect you can’t do be levels either well it was showing me the friend worlds but it was just the um the servers that it wasn’t flippers man let’s see maybe I should actually try switching over and playing this on Xbox maybe I’ll have better luck with it leave Minecraft and come back again like it’s crushing petb says cuz he’s been making me miss a lot of fun stuff just cuz he needs stuff and I feel as if I’m the only one raising her puppy he bites me every time he steals stuff from me and whenever I leave him in a cage someone lets him out well puppies can be a big responsibility well I’m trying again guys it is being super flippery and Jasmine plays I remember you welcome back yeah Minecraft switch is being super meany head and um it was showing up oh good good good it’s showing things here now so let’s see if we can maybe do something through this but this is not working so maybe we’ll have to like do it backwards just um try to get in and then maybe the other thing will load later what the puppy has thumbs that’d be weird B says wait if it’s her pup then why are you taking care of it more pdb it should be her responsibility with others helping her if she has plans but that’s just me for says G Supreme says I have Minecraft but I don’t have a Minecraft account account but I have worlds so you do need the Microsoft um account in order to go online and like connect with everyone in the worlds pdb says I can think of a million reasons to hate my older sisters that’s just sounds so sad saying that out loud PDP and one of them that’s not my responsibility but it bothers me of all people every single day and I have to yell and scream at him every single day pdb I mean you don’t want to yell and scream at puppy like I I get that you’re frustrated with it but there’s like certain you know certain ways that like puppies respond um you know differently well different breeds can also be different too but you know puppies will respond to how you treat them you rather have that puppy ooh 10 more subs thank you guys welcome to the channel everybody yeah puppy is it’s like well I mean I it’s kind of like maybe having a baby possibly I don’t know I you know I don’t have a baby but uh Mochi is my puppy she’s my baby rankon says oh this is a flipper I’ll be evil I will save 8,000 pedals and do only emote 54 minute Mark I know it’s not my fault at this point though rankon it’s Minecraft uh switch’s fault okay B crafts how come I don’t see you anywhere or maybe you don’t have your world up how about we try to do your worlds and see if we can successfully figure that out since those are actually showing oh papa probably under maintenance azy switch right now hey azy what did I do that’s the problem you’re not doing anything you’re not actually doing what I need you to do a well I don’t I can’t remember if I have Minecraft installed on the Xbox but I think I might actually go for the Xbox in the next Minecraft stream and Angley yep um just make sure you add yourself to the queue and if you did we’ll definitely get to your turn uh once we you know follow it in order and get to you and yes I do want to I’m I’m wondering the same thing hoping the same thing Gojo can we play Minecraft that’s what I’m [Music] hoping no it’s not the Internet it’s the it’s the Minecraft switch that’s the problem every every other game is completely fine except for this how’s it going Ethan as seen this creepy monster in Roblox when I ran that sounds awesome I like the spooky things in Roblox we’re doing Roblox on Monday by the way and you can go in the description to join the Q Angley if you’re on a mobile device you can click on the three dots and Brian it is why why are you trying to argue with me Brian if it was the internet then I would have issues with more than just Minecraft on switch Brian but that is not the case so you think Minecraft is under maintenance hey Dylan thank you for your support Dylan member for one month you are awesome Dylan super happy to have be part of the community and Dylan says thank you for the Times hey thank you so you join the queue by clicking on the three dots if you’re on mobile devices let’s see I’ll go ahead here’s what I will do I’m going to reset the Nintendo switch for you guys and thank you for the posture check reminder yeah dream F just says try to restart the Nintendo switch I’ll go ahead and do that hopefully it works I’ll be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right I am back um sorry about the delay on that guys I’ve just been trying to make this work and unfortunately I cannot figure out how to get to uh connected to spinal craft so uh we’ll just have to go ahead and do spinal craft another time sorry about that I just can’t get it figured out next box right now and thank you for the welcome back guys sorry about all the waiting and the delaying um I’ve been just trying to figure out figuring out I can’t talk I’ve been trying to figure out how to get Minecraft to work since we were having issues on Nintendo switch so I had to install it for Xbox so unfortunately having some issues hopefully this works otherwise I’ll have to go back to Nintendo switch again we’ll see if this works though pink a dooodle yay and how’s it going Splatoon 3 MF and welcome back all of you guys as well very silly person nice to see you and uh Ronan says uh uh infinite flashlight with unlimited battery wait what batteries uh the other game yesterday please play it oh which game the um those who remain I was having fun with that and how’s it going other welcome just watch your video on how to get wheat and Adam Crossing I just wanted to thank you a no problem at at all other and thank you for stopping by and I’m glad the video can help you as well other it’s nice to meet you also thank you for the raid tomby what were you streaming tomby Angley says do you want to do my zoo or Lucky Block race they both sound super fun where am I what is going on dude why am I like I’m stuck in outer space with doggos and I can’t move oh boy how’s it going tavers thank you for that R again Tomy what are you streaming oh Cory’s also stuck okay I’m glad I’m not the only person stuck I died okay is this going to work on Xbox is everyone else having problems or is it just [Music] me and Gio you are number five in the queue o cyber Punk nice I hope you had a fun time playing cyber Punk [Music] there’s been so so many Tech problems with Minecraft [Music] today and V nice to see you vza and Stephen might be fine considering I’m playing on series X yeah I might I’m really thinking I might need to get an Xbox series x i I never thought that this would be a console I would be going for really but I think I need to get one for streaming yeah I’m on Xbox one so yeah I I think I need to get an Xbox series X guys just you know for streaming alone and also for pal world so is this working for everyone else do I have to go back to Nintendo switch so crazy yeah Axel and axi are both here I’m playing on Xbox One Brian and I [Music] am I’m having a lot of tech issues with Minecraft today also so it’s been a flipper so your guys’ screens are fine it’s just mine that’s a flipper a thank you Ethan I appreciate you all of this to get Xbox One Minecraft working and this is what we get oh boy oh my gosh change my display [Music] settings if I [Music] can why can you play Minecraft all by yourself huh hope you get an Xbox 5 is Xbox 5 actually the Xbox series X is it the fifth installment or is it the fourth no there’s Xbox One 360 well not in that order there’s Xbox the regular 360 Xbox One Xbox series so I think it’s the fourth yeah yeah fourth Minecraft death music uh let’s see here so like user says to change the display it’s so dark if only that were the only problem let’s see this it doesn’t even let me it doesn’t let me change the brightness I don’t know if that’s because of the controller oh boy maybe I should go back to Nintendo switch this is a flipper guys I’m so sorry and welcome back Sarge when you first heard the cave noise what did you do I quite literally closed the game so fast it oh someone was attacking axy but you struck them with lightning good job good job all right guys are you okay if I go back to Nintendo switch I I am sorry about all these Tech problems but for some reason Xbox is being a flipper like I am just currently like just in outer spacing everybody right now switch Supremacy even though it’s kind of sad for the fact that it’s Supreme so does this mean that Nintendo switch is a better console than the OG Xbox one oh I did actually stream unpacking before person yeah that I I wouldn’t mind getting back to that one and sck it’s nice to see you and Kelsey so unfortunately we’re still getting started because um having a lot of tech problems going on I’m going to go ahead and switch back to switch and fingers cross that I can get switched to work please switch work for me please I beg you and also uh local therapist it’s nice to see you again no not the doggies who did it bcft can can you lightning bolt to anyone who harms the doggies that’s that’s not cool or the axle bottles all right guys I’m going to go back to switch and we’re just going to go with the switch and try to make things work and I am going to have to get an Xbox series X honestly yeah I think that would be a good idea for streaming have like the Nintendo Nintendo console and then Xbox series X alongside it and then if you know kind of as a a second thing plus I do like to stream Game Pass games sometimes on there too so yeah all right guys sorry and thank you for being awesome and understanding um let me try to get Minecraft to work for you guys all right I’ll be right back this time it won’t be as long as last time because I don’t have to install uh but I will step away really quick as well though but I’ll be right back thank you guys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right finally in Minecraft is evil and whoever killed me is evil oh gosh guys I think hopefully we’re solid now hopefully we are solid cuz yeah at at this point the stream is going to be mostly just puppies oh my gosh oh my gosh yeah sorry about that guys oh thank you Ethan I appreciate your patience and your kindness everybody drite says is L Minecraft e aniversary well why is it being such a flipper today like I tried on Nintendo switch tried on Xbox One and was like it gave me like a lot of Errors before I finally got in BR cross world and now all of a sudden where’re wait what I don’t know what’s going on okay okay be craft we’re in your world we can finally play let’s do some Minecraft action it’s only been two hours in the Stream right and Alis there how’s it going birthday curse towel says yes it’s bad yeah that’s what it is it is because of Minecraft’s anniversary that everything’s going crazy in Minecraft and R rankon says azy and Manan is left they left they all left because it’s puppy screen only drite says a puppy stream actually does not sound bad hey how are you doing today aliser and I’m a join wearing my favorite skin nice anley oh uh squix says do you like my avatar user I’m pretty sure I did friend you squix that sounds familiar but um are you in this game right now oh you think maybe because there’s a huge influx of people maybe a lot of people joining Minecraft because of the anniversary Twilight nice to see you Twilight thank you for being here recraft should be banned from Minecraft itself from making a cheap attack on everyone what be craft is this true that you’ve been causing Chaos on everybody oh so Angley can you let me know your Microsoft gamertag I can add you to the queue if if you’re having too much difficulty adding yourself oh squix let’s see you said glass key so oh this is you what are you actually you look very different I just don’t know what you are look cool though yeah your Microsoft gamertag it’s required in order to actually play online is bcft actually wait where’s bcft anyway is bcft just like causing Havoc to everybody all right so be crap whenever you’re ready to start the fun cuz I know like we’ve only had two hours into the stream and we technically haven’t started that’s probably a record honestly I don’t know um yeah we were and a lot of death happens in be cross world so it’s kind of spooky oh he’s the storm that’s approaching be craft is a storm and Squig says I’m a queen of crafting and villagers that sounds cool scks all right let me go ahead and try to add you anley oh we’re already friends so that solid there so I’ll just uh add you to the queue then with that okay so rainbow candy and Ansley all right you are now in the queue there are a lot of people in the queue though uh but if you have enough points for a qass you’re more than welcome to use a qass and did I see the new wolf updates last time we did Minecraft I saw that there was like um the the thing with the salamander and you could use their their um sh’s armor on the doggos is that what it’s um the update is supposed to be or is there like another one still and Teran says I’m just going to resend this I made you a chest of stuff in my world that has your name on this l in front of it says and I’ll be L the stream but we’ll talk first time join my sounds good and how’s it going Brenda be crab what are you doing are you ready for us to start cuz um I highly highly suggest we actually start playing how’s it going Brenda and Cobra nice an ancient one welcome welcome and armadillos that was the last time when aie played Minecraft yes that was super cool and then be craft killed by my wolf but he apologized uh I accidentally smacked his but yeah oh yep I did read terrence’s comment rankon and hug for Ethan and also thank you so much for 50 likes you guys are amazing like you know lots of tech problems been going on stream has been mostly puppies and yet still 50 likes I really appreciate the support thank you guys and Brony thanks for stopping by have a wonderful rest of your day your internet’s going insane for no reason did you try resetting it be craft are you here are you in the Stream be crafts are you ready for us to start Angy you’re the black demon with red horns that’s spooky so this is you you’re super spooky oh I’m here be crafts hold on okay awesome and someone has like fire wings oh g g perks has the fire Wings H sure Charles I’ll just give a hug to everyone also space how’s it going space and what team are you choosing for the splatfest this time I’d be here supporting even if you were gone for hours you are awesome towels thank you oh barely can watch the stream oh because of your internet I’m sorry Brenda and did I see the Dark Wolf um I did see like a different shade of wolf I really love that you can have that now it’s so cool oh you chose bucket list cuz fry I’m going to choose save the day cuz if I save the day then I can do everything so yeah and oh getting close to the very final Splat Fest really Brian says let me guess Ry so I’m going to be on big man’s team this time oh Talis is saml because it’s going to win you’re probably correct on that TS and my usern name on Minecraft is zilia 22 8458 also we made it to 20,500 thank you so much guys you are awesome 500 away from 21,000 get close to that 22,000 which is insanely amazing thank you so much everybody woohoo yeah and because we’ve been it to 20,500 party streamers I still got to get a better sound for it though at least I got better imagery it’s not it’s not the lagy oh it’s in it’s in Brian’s face you have Blue’s in your face Brian because I’m pretty sure this is you yeah it’s you I’ll get better I I just got to remember to get better audio for it is the only thing but thank you guys for 20,500 it means everything space says but the sizzle season music is dope the song is called Amal Mania and it’s so good it sounds like an anime opening song that than a Splatoon music that’s cool oh you’re a blue demon now anley who killing ailia it’s not you beatcraft so we are just waiting for beatcraft to start uh uh I think racing is probably what we’re doing wait I think was it detector it looked like it was detector that time how’s it going Obama welcome to the stream Obama oh squigs you were the one how could you that’s so mean space says azy I’ll soon be a T5 member but I need to wait till my T1 membership ends and no worries space and I appreciate you oh for says I had a question for you zilia anime to be exact sure what’s your question got bad news for you you’re glitching I am are you sure I mean it looks fine to me I was surprised when I tried booting up Minecraft on Xbox one because Tech problems so I went to Xbox One to see if I could run Minecraft better and that was a big no super big nope Xbox One does not run Minecraft well at least like online that was crazy so I guess I’m just going to have to get an Xbox series X whoa is this supposed to be an Elmo like what is this what is yeah what are you banana Mania what are you it’s like you have an like two heads oh have you seen or heard of the anime Toradora that sounds familiar let me look it up to see if I have cuz sometimes I don’t always remember the names oh yeah I did watch that one that was a while ago that one was a cute one so he’s Elmo with two heads cuz when you saw my blue demon I wasn’t in the water on my screen Ang Lis say first Trump compliments you and now Obama oh my screen is not the same as yours H Elmo destroyer of [Music] world whoa someone killed Elmo how could you or maybe they were trying to protect the worlds if Elmo is truly the destroyer of the world okay be craft says stand by for teleport teleport thank you for being here little tiger and yeah if you are getting tired definitely feel free to get some good sleep don’t want you pushing yourself what someone kicking axie how could you do that where’s my Porky is this Porky I don’t know where Porky is where’s the entrance oh the entrance is right here Porky it’s been a while [Music] yay it’s Porky again I have missed you pork SE my favorite Minecraft pig next to the one in the um the Minecraft Telltale Game welcome back zichi hey hugs for you little tiger wait I’m not ready I’m not ready yeah Porky wait this isn’t fair I’m starting behind everybody I can’t get in there’s no spot wait are you okay can you get in now is there a way that all of us can fit in or is just not enough spot for everybody wait wait wait I can’t get in I can’t get in how’s it going Alexander oh it’s me Brenda I had to get on another device because my internet was a flipper not sorry about that again and zero how’s it going so zenichi we are actually still on the first turn because I had a lot of tech issues I was going back and forth work between Xbox One and Nintendo switch seeing if I could get Minecraft to work because it was getting errors and ultimately I went back to Nintendo switch cuz Xbox one was even worse so unfortunately that took a little long but we’re finally on track hopefully so therefore we haven’t passed any of your turns I didn’t know b craft I wasn’t ready come on Porky no matter what you are the best Pig whether you get first place or last place I can’t help you cheat I’ll no worries I’ll just cheat without help every time there’s a countdown I know but but it’s not in like it’s not like it’s in the YouTube chat I can’t there’s people I have to say hi to people thank you Terrence teren says I believe believe in you and I I believe in in uh Porky also Porky will lead us to Victory Porky is an awesome Pig thank you Alexander and I’ll have to look in a moment here zenichi you should be able to check it out yourself as well cuz I have um a link in the description that lets you view the whole queue oh Dylan oh stepen Universe are you like rewatching the whole thing again be crap you look funny why were you like why was your pig in the dirt you in the land come on pory we can beat be crafts wait wh why you get off of your piggy uh-oh I’m feeling I’m feeling the muscle burn in my fingers right now oh no Porky don’t get stuck don’t get stuck how’s it going Jason I’ll have to check for you as well later gator uh I can’t right now cuz I’m I’m trying to erase with Porky but the link is in the description where you can view the whole queue as well oh you don’t know what Steven Universe is towels it is a an animated show also I should put a timer as well especially since you know it’s already late because of the tech problems got done with the original five seasons but I still have to see the movie in future as well Dylan says I can’t remember everything I watched on it I I know I for sure watched the first season of it going to the hospital because your chests I hope you feel better Jason come on [Music] pory no pory what happened oh team sa the day keeps losing hopefully they win at the end does this hurt anyone else’s fingers besides just me it’s like I am doing the bird have a good night little tiger and tiger says I’m going to sleep now thank you so much for mod that means a lot to me and have a wonderful night ay and everyone and thank you and you too little tiger ah be craft my my hand is dead oh the new Garfield movie when it releases on a streaming service that I have I’ll I’ll watch it then oh Dylan’s telling you what Steven Universe is um towels yeah my fingers are just dying porxy and I just want to go party and eat some pizza oh no I’m not in joycons I’m on Nintendo switch Pro Controller but my hand is still dead oh excited for its imagination movie um what is that actually I’m not sure that I know what that is I’m excited for like the Marvel movies coming out though the Wolverine Deadpool one and Fantastic 4 I’m looking forward to those oh no Angley lost the pig oh wait what it’s a horror movie I heard of a movie called if I’m not sure what that’s about really though oh Brian Reynolds is in the if movie this is such a Long Lap GG oh GI won good job and here whoa how’s it going so if the movie isn’t a horror movie it’s a fantasy movie yay I like the extra speed oh gosh no I can’t stop pork going crazy and MVP I’ll have to take a look cuz I was just too focused on trying to fix the tech problems I was having oh it’s either going great or complete rubbish well hopefully it’s going great oh towels got a got an ad for the if movie oh enter Alexander um in this in the description you can find my username as well it’s ailia 22 8458 and let me go ahead and get a timer going um 20 minute timer sounds good I should have started that before for would you like me to see if uh I can get spinal craft working I was trying it earlier but it did error but then it also errored trying to join this world and then it worked so I could still try it tiger Yoshi welcome tiger Yoshi uh tiger Yoshi says I was in the hospital yesterday is everything okay oh Jason says my brother doesn’t like going to the hospital that we are going yeah I I don’t know if anyone does anyone actually like going to the hospital but sometimes it is necessary so you’re okay tiger little little bit dehydrated yeah make sure you guys all drink enough water especially like as it gets hotter very important but I’m glad you’re all R it okay I’m going to go ahead and see if spinal craft will work fingers crossed cuz this is a part of beat Craft’s turn I know he’s been wanting to um have me go to spam craft and like show off his base so let’s see if it works tell says I can’t exactly think of anyone enjoying going to the hospital yeah or the dentist which I really need to visit the dentist uh Jason says when I got sick last year I was losing my voice did you have strep throat by chance cuz like that happened to me in January I had strep throat and I could barely whisper it was super flipper and let’s see in the description you guys can check the cube so you can see where you’re at there so anley you are well you’re currently the last one in the queue right now so you are the 19th person and then later gator you are the second person or actually you might be the next person cuz I don’t think gar Supreme I don’t know if gar Supreme is still here but gar Supreme didn’t have a Microsoft gamertag so there’s no way we can actually join unless you have that and I know someone else was asking but again you can view the queue if you go in the description there’s a link that leads you there all right oh go ahead and let me know what your Microsoft gamertag is and I’m more than happy to friend you all right we’re going to see well that’s not a good sign okay there we go it’s working Minecraft has been giving so many issues but maybe it’s um what Manan mentioned about you know just being really busy with the servers because of the anniversary possibly ran says LOL I saw one viewer me and now it’s instantly five and how’s it going Mandy welcome to the stream and Angy says do you still want to play with me tomorrow so tomorrow I am streaming Splatoon 3 and everyone ISC welcome to join for that and Monday is going to be Roblox so all of you guys are welcome to join for the games if you got one $1,000 what you get oh what will you get well there’s some things I I need to improve on for my streaming like an a PC that’s good cuz this PC gets blue screens of death if I stream like any PC game so I’m working towards a better PC and now I also think I probably should go for an Xbox series X as well so definitely some things like that also Mandy thank you for that Super Chat Mandy hash Mandy and how’s it going Christopher and have a good night Mandy thank you for stopping by thank you for the Super Chat you are awesome okay so I was waiting for it to load at first it wasn’t looking good but now maybe we have a chance so let’s see if it works ailia 22 8458 is my name I’ll go ahead and paste it in the chat for you guys it’s in the description as [Music] well ooh what movie you’re going to watch Dylan okay thank you Alexander I will try to friend you how’s it going is it gito welcome gito yep fingers crossed seeing if this works so I’ve been having a lot of issues with Minecraft today I am very happy we’re able to actually join your world though unable to connect to world so are you sure that it is working are you sure that Man donated two Canadian dollars through Super Chat I’ll try one more time thank you again for that Super Chat appreciate you rankon says what mochi mochi you can call Mochi blue eyes black fur hiding in your desktop asking questions so I think that’s just uh like random words and then Reon says search on YouTube Miku hatsun or Miku Miku because you’ll find the Rhythm for this song about Mochi oh so you’re like doing it based off of uh hatsun and Miku song so that’s what it’s supposed to be okay one more attempt or maybe two more attempts we can see but it could be that uh spinal craft just still hasn’t gotten the plugin going oh and you have a question Ethan what’s your question oh later gater you are next in the queue how’s it going Christian pink cheese green ghost that’s a very interesting combination makes me think of Luigi’s Mansion actually which is supposed to be coming out soon fire blaze how’s it going also is there actually a pink cheese that exists cuz uh I love cheese and you like from Brazil I’m not sure what you mean exactly gido but everyone is welcome you guys are all awesome awesome no matter where you’re from you are super amazing what it does Dylan okay I had no idea okay yeah I I still I still have no idea what it’s supposed to mean well my apologies then I I’ve never heard anything with that and Brian how many people will you joining Minecraft world so the Q shows 18 people right now and if you have enough points for a q pass you’re more than welcome to use that I’ll give it one more try Manson says oh I see Dylan kind of hard to tell if you don’t speak Spanish beft says people taking advantage of things she doesn’t know is shameful yeah unfortunately sometimes you have those moments and welcome to the stream Brent how’s it going oh I only know English unfortunately yeah that’s all I know what movie are you watch if or inside out to oh you’re asking if I’m going to watch the if movie or the inside out too I’m well I’m down to watch both I won’t be watching them in the theaters though I’ll be watching more than likely Wolverine Deadpool that one will be in the theaters more than likely and also Fantastic 4 those might be in the theater anyway but if and inside out too I I’m definitely up for watching those it’s just um I’ll be waiting for when that it’s available on some kind of a streaming service I have and how’s it going is it ER carsh oh sure absolutely and I am visiting Minecraft worlds today so if you have a world you want me to see you’re more than welcome to add yourself into the queue otherwise you are welcome to join the worlds alongside me as long as the owner’s fine with that the owner of the worlds and if you guys are interested we do have a Discord so feel free to join azy I bet you have ey packs that seems kind of random I mean when I don’t get enough sleep that happens how’s it going light blue Yoshi fan oh I’m so sorry ghetto I could definitely not speak I don’t think I know any Portuguese that’s that’s really bad see I I I only know English and Discord here is a Discord for you R uh rankon the magical Bots will give you the links there you go nightbot doing a good job mubot also there and would you go to Korea if it’s all paid trip totally South Korea though that’s actually one place that’d be cool to visit in my opinion and I wouldn’t mind or I shouldn’t say I wouldn’t mind I I should say I would love to go to Japan again thank you Alexander Alexander says congrats on 20,000 thank you so much I’m trying to join spinal craft but I don’t know if they have the most recent uh plugin that they need because it’s still erroring yes speedcraft I am 100% bazillion percent sure because I’ve done it the same exact way before and it’s worked oh really for says that phrase is bad as it insults a certain country’s citizens oh a yeah I I have no idea I I really don’t know what it is about it that I yeah I’ve never heard of it Mana says no worries is like thank you man Stan and no actually I’m from New Jersey and a Colombian friend wrote it to me he told me what it meant Christian said well don’t want anything inappropriate in here guys you know nothing inappropriate offensive you know stay nice keep it family friendly okay one last attempt and then what would you like to do beatcraft I don’t think that it’s going to work honestly I’m thinking that they still got to get the newest plugins Angy says never trust me with coffee well I just had coffee and then guess what after I had coffee I had an energy drink right after and I still have some left hey Stacy likes Pizza nice to see you again how is your day going and Jordan welcome Jordan doing amazing thanks and how are you doing ailia my friend I am doing all right Jordan unfortunately we did have a lot of tech problems with Minecraft so it was like 2 hours in when we started actually playing so that was a flipper but it’s working better now thankfully and aie if you want to know what it means search it up on your own time all right I might forget actually the only thing I I just remember there was a cheese and then you know the color I don’t even remember all of it but I’ll try to remember that that part of it is bad so then I’ll be able to remember if someone says the whole thing again and also how’s it going Brandy okay this is my last attempt be craft I’ve given in I think four attempts after this but again I think that they just need to update their plugin probably cuz I did ask like gazer today about it and he did say that it was not good yet and you want me to play pixels well if all of you guys want me to do pixels I don’t mind I do have a queue though and we’re following the queue in order so if you guys wanted me to visit your worlds and Realms you can add yourself to the queue and then we’re visiting your worlds and you guys are welcome to join alongside as long as the owner is fine with the visitors and Samantha welcome to the stream it’s nice to meet you so I’m ailia 22 I’m a familyfriendly Indie vtuber I stream every week on YouTube around the weekend I do Nintendo I do variety I like to do a lot of streams where I play games with viewers uh I love all kinds of games also like I’ve Loved gaming since I was born so I love like all genres today we’re doing Minecraft and I’m visiting your guys’s worlds so I have a Q system and you can add yourself to the queue I use Google forms for that and if you want your world visited in Minecraft you can just add yourself in that queue so it’s not going to unfortunately be craft it it would work on computer I know cuz you know I do have Java but the problem with that is there’s a high chance I’ll get a blue screen of death so we’ll have to you know here’s what I’ll do um hopefully next time when I stream Minecraft it will be working fine and spinal craft will have the the plugin that they need and then what we can do is no matter what the first thing I do in Minecraft for the stream will be be going to spinal craft how does that sound and I am from the US and how’s it going is it elav oh I don’t have real Minecraft oh that reminds me so everybody in the chat it is Minecraft 15th anniversary well technically yesterday but they’re they’re celebrating it for 15 days and in those 15 days you can buy Minecraft for 50% off so if you guys are interested in Minecraft now is the best time to purchase it you you still have some days left you know to decide if you want to go for it but it really is the best time 50% off on all Minecraft oh I did not see that yet Stacey and I’ve been doing all right Taurus how about you and agree Gio you are all super awesome and how’s it going Isaac but yes 50% off if you guys are interested Minecraft bye it now if you’re interested nope it’s not 15 it is the Big 5 50% off and who’s next so I think b craft would like to do one more part uh one more pig race is that right be craft since spinal craft didn’t work man says 50% off is insane LOL and Reon says if you were given a choice would you give up pizza or you’ll be abandoned by your family wait what they’re both horrible neither neither okay one more beft says and then we’ll move on later gator will be next so wait I don’t see your world anymore hey appreciate that Samantha it is nice to meet you welcome to the channel thank you for subscribing yep later gator is going to be after be uh be craft unless someone uses a q pass no no B dead okay there we go beatcraft so we’re going to do one more pig race and then we’re moving on to later Gator’s world and then will be continuing in the queue and Dylan says good that we are all now in that we are now all informed about the mean moldy pink cheese yes pink cheese is bad for some reason just remember that and anley says I’mma keep working on my Zoo well wait for my turn that sounds super cool anley rankon says aie this is unethical but I’ll buy 1,000 copies of Minecraft and when the sale dies then I’ll sell it 25% off the normal price a genius well you know there there are things like that you can do I’m not sure if they just give you an individual code maybe I mean people do stuff like that to make a profit Jason says I can play Minecraft but it got uninstalled it actually didn’t take me long at all to install it cuz when I switched over to Xbox one I had to install it and it did not take too long so doesn’t too bad there and how’s it going nearu welcome to the channel neru and Brian says a he got to go no worries Brian thanks for stopping by and so cool and last time I saw a blue ax lottle and a pink sheep I’ve never seen a blue aelott in Minecraft yet that’d be cool all right see later Brian um oh rankon that word is actually offensive I there was a point when I didn’t realize or like I I wasn’t knowledgeable on that but it is actually offensive word and also no to that ER car says I want to download Minecraft on my Xbox but but I don’t have money well the Minecraft sale is going on for more days and it again it’s 50% off oh I actually do not know I I heard that there’s the Inside Out 2 movie coming but I’m not sure what the new emotions are and welcome back squigs Steph says believe it or not I actually have a BL slot waiting for us ooh cool oh Among Us that’s a another game I stream here on the channel I stream a variety of different games along with Nintendo uh I like to I like to do a lot of games playing with your so you know Minecraft Among Us Fall Guys Roblox will be on Monday and then Mario a deluxe Smash Bros Animal Crossing Mario Maker 2 Splatoon 3 is going to be tomorrow but I I love all kinds of games and I do all kinds of games here re does anyone know the BLS actually exist and it’s really really hard to find it like in real life uh that that’s fine to say rankon yeah it’s just that specific word is an offensive word ooh you act SL in real life that sounds cool but super rare and later gater says one of the new emotions in inside out to is anxiety which isn’t a spoiler CU it’s in the trailer okay Steven says I’ll spare you the boring stuff about the new Inside Out 2 Emotion so you’re going to have to watch the trailer yourself to know what they are and Samantha says I have among us because it’s Free Fall Guys is also free as well and guys I just might have to stream fortnite again I really enjoyed fortnite Festival so I really might have to do that again it was so fun but yeah Fall Guys is 100% free as well and let’s [Music] see of course Roblox is also free so whenever you’re ready beat crafts Axel are ring down from the [Music] heavens and guys if you want to join feel free everyone’s welcome we are in beat cross world right now we’re going to do pig racing again a thank you Samantha and how’s it going lcer welcome or yeah ler is that how you say that oh Jason you know uh some more emotions for inside out too pdb says zilia no wait what what is that what is the no for pdb Terrence says I got my food and tea nice also azy 20,000 and a half thousand yeah we’re getting to like closer to that 21,000 and 2 22,000 like 22,000 is going to be crazy big too like like wow and how’s it going Garrett welcome to the stream also nice to see you not blue shade I added you my name is Warden ah what’s going on okay I don’t think we can look go turn turn around this sounds scary I don’t want to see a bunch of Axel death I love Axel and and animals and I don’t like to see the death of it it’s it’s not cool I don’t know if that’s happening but I’m I’m just playing it safe let me go ahead and see if you are friends with me blue shade and if not I will add you oh it’s a blue Axel lle I don’t know if I want to look though cuz all those sounds scare me I don’t know if I’m hearing like death I don’t want to see death I’m currently adding Warden right now oh beft is it safe wait can I trust you beatcraft oh gosh it’s laggy it’s a world of axelos they’re going to die if they don’t get water though they need water just a bit of lag get them all wait there’s so many they can’t all fit in the water we need a bigger pool they’re going to die if they don’t get the water water they need the water wait they can survive but not without water right renon says that they can survive be crosses I don’t know if there’s a blue one yeah not right now all right I’m seeing if it’s working uh for Warden MC I clicked on the ad friend but it’s just like being weird hey nice to see you Hugo and lovely and also how’s it going programmer thank you for subscribing welcome to the channel sometimes they need water and sometimes they go on land uh Samantha says and what’s it like to be a YouTuber well there’s a lot of awesome people I’ve met on the journey like truly it feels like another family um so you know that part is really really awesome and it can be a lot of work you know like that the work aspect of it can take a lot of work and you also have to be strong minded as well cuz like sometimes you do come across funky things but there’s a lot of awesome in it too oh see you rankon thank you for stopping by on Twitch and what did I miss when I haven’t watched the live so honestly like the first two hours was like a lot of troubleshooting Tech problems cuz Minecraft was erroring a lot but um we basically started not too long ago honestly unfortunately because of all the tech problems but we just did some pig racing we’re going to do one more pig race in beat cross world then we’re moving on to later gor world after this a that’s very kind of you Samantha thank you oh also ruin um sorry if I mispronounced that but thank you and it’s nice to meet you welcome to the channel as well and cute voice hi I’m new to your channel change of plans we are finding blue Axel lottle what okay but do remember we do have other people in the cute be uh be crafts so we can’t go for too long we’ve already you know been spending over 20 minutes Roblox is going to be on Monday and Garrett says do you know how to do redstone I only know like a little bit about Redstone um like there’s a lot I need to learn with it still no pdb what pdb says we will all force you to suffer through country music if you go back to that forbid in fortnite do not test us well maybe it’ll be worth it cuz like it was so much fun doing fortnite festival and I do know a song I need to be careful with but other than that I might be safe cuz that was so fun doing fortnite Festival I I streamed fortnite festival for my first time last weekend and it was awesome it was so awesome yeah I really might have to do it again it was so cool and how’s it going Hassan welcome oh tomorrow’s Monday at school on Monday lovely says and Camila Nam carer edits the Batmobile and Galaxy okay no worries Galaxy I’ll go ahead and take you off the queue thank you for being here though and frenzy welcome just be careful not to get spammy oh Manan I played for the first time as well that stream that was yeah it wasn’t your first time playing fortnite though cuz I know you had like skins and stuff but it was your first time playing the fortnite festival that was awesome I’m I’m happy you joined us for that and how’s it going Legend and Orlando welcome oh thank you uh Camila appreciate you wait Axel are illegal in California why is that and do you use Redstone I have before but there’s still a lot I need to learn about it like um I have a video a very short video on my channel where uh pinka dooodle helped me out with that like pinka dooodle is super awesome uh he helped me do um Never Going To Give You Up you know bck Ashley I I had like the music going with that so I had to use Redstone that was cool though pickle W it’s pickle please how have you been doing this week pickle please and pickle says everything in California is illegal oh really no C error wait I’m still in here Minecraft on switch is so weird this is like seriously so bcft wants to search for Axel I’m going to set the timer to 15 minutes bcft cuz I know we’ve already surpassed that by a lot and we really need to you know let others have that chance to get their turns in as well because it’s you know already late and frenzy says I want to play hey you’re more than welcome to play all of you guys are welcome to play I am visiting viewer worlds and Realms I have a que system where you guys can submit yourself in the queue if you want your world visited but you can join alongside me and visit the worlds too without having to do anything as long as the owner of the world is fine with that so everyone’s welcome and also guys reminder it is Minecraft’s 15th anniversary uh they are having 15 days where Minecraft is 50% off so if you guys want to purchase Minecraft this is the absolute best time oh yep Bedrock is just perfect frenzy Bedrock is compatible with bedrock if you’re on Console you are bedrock and that’s what I’m on right now oh Dragonite says I know a bit of redstone too I can make like piston doors and stuff that’s cool I know like some people have like really crazy extravagant builds with redstone I I’m not like I I haven’t like gotten that far but I have made um a little song with it with the help of pink doodle and it’s awesome to see you again pickle please I hope that J has been going awesome too and why does it say I’m offline because it’s a flipper and it’s glitchy yeah because it’s Minecraft also ber toast nice to see you ber toast says I’m doing a project for my history class making a medieval Europe castle that sounds super cool yeah I would love to see that super awesome Bedrock armor stand has arms but Java don’t have arms only shoulder uh Samantha says Steven says the main reason why these Little Cuties are so endangered is due to habitat loss water pollution and over harvesting for the pet trade and human consumption oh help you oh okay so bcft decided that he wants to try to get a blue Axel lottle so we need to how how do we do this I honestly wait what’s this is this a oh okay okay I see so just okay you feed the axolotes and then this is what they need in order to breed right okay and then eventually you might get a blue ax lle yeah it might get laggy but M or um beatcraft wants to see if we can get the rare blue ax lle to come out of all this craziness Samantha says I always get trash um my trash Canon I see so many box or some boxes so I make them dollhouse pdb says beatcraft and others that doesn’t like fortnite if you a he plays that forbidden Gabe grab the torches on pitchforks I mean you could maybe use those as weapons in fortnite oh pickle says I got another promotion y congratulations that awesome pickle and thank you for the lurk Dragonite uh I finally found my phone super awesome as well and it was in the freezer at work under a box of Hot Pockets well I’m glad you found it and mochi and pumpkin are doing awesome Carlos and Carter how’s it going and how do you add yourself in the queue I have the link in the description I use Google forms for it but I can also get the link in the chat for you too it’s like right here for you and welcome back Forest frie says I’m playing Minecraft right now and welcome back I don’t know what to post hey how’s your already going today my cousin has a PS5 and I’m in Philippines so he’s in Santa Cruz and that’s a place in Philippines hey that’s awesome Samantha oh lovely says I didn’t go to church just to watch a live well I appreciate you being here lovely oh no I don’t know what to posst say they’re doing bad here’s a hug for you I hope things get better [Music] ah okay got to continue feeding the Axel so will a blue one actually happen eventually wait where’s beatcraft beatcraft has come over here oh I’m sorry sorry to hear that been here but no longer AFK I appreciate you Forest yes exactly I agree pickle police says you should feed them Pizza that’ll probably get a blue ax lottle immediately and Nate is a boss welcome to the stream how’s it going and today we’re going to go to the church says oh yes there is a stream tomorrow rankon sorry that I was late to say uh uh yeah sorry I was late to respond I’m not sure if you’re still here but yep stream tomorrow and every single week I do post a weekly live stream schedule so you can see that on the YouTube Community post on Twitter and also on Discord I stream every single week usually around the weekends and I do a variety of different games here on the channel I am family friendly and I love love all kinds of games so if you guys have suggestions I’m always up for you hearing them oh wait where did you craft go I kind of I was going to you and then I like just went into my own like autopilot world oh Samantha says a rare black lottle and dark colors is not actually real and welcome amazed how’s it going yep I do multi stream on Twitch and YouTube YouTube is my main platform though one show off well you want to know something ancient one uh who is my mod here has been with the channel since before my very first live stream so he’s been here for quite some time and I appreciate you being here also amazed and how’s it going monkey do you want to see my pet a l I promise you he’s cute that does sound very cute and absolutely let’s see Ancient One were you my very first I think you were my first mod you’re one of the first for sure I do know that I think you were the first though oo and how’s it going Jose uh let’s see so we are still trying to get a blue Axel lottle yeah then he went to be a a mod for 40 plus channels but my channel was the first channel that Ancient One modded for as well the stry found you now I always watch your live now yay you’re awesome lovely glad to have you and frenzy I would say TMI oh did I forget to ban beatcraft from Minecraft itself oh beatcraft Twilight says I need to ban you from Minecraft oh thank you Jose and Derek nice to see you and Amanda you’re awesome welcome to the channel thank you for subscribing also hello on Twitch Nate oh man replied to him hopefully saw thank you Manan Teran says it’s starting to get laggy on my end if you’re wondering who I am on This Server just look for a purple skinn person in a corner band girl is that you this is a purple skinned person do you have a face I don’t see it yeah I I think I see like one eye I’m not sure I guess you have a oh yeah there we go you have a face I guess your hair is just covering your face and how long do you do you spend on each World sometimes an hour but I’m trying like I’m not going I’m I’m going to try to to actually have a time limit because you know that’s crazy but we have actually done an hour before but I am going to try to have it be like around 20 minutes per person at least I’m going to have a timer set for that so we can you know manage things a little bit there and I did do a face reveal in my 1,000 subscriber video and yeah 20,000 516 thank you guys so much that is absolutely awesome and it really means everything and how’s it going Mario Mario the Real Madrid fan welcome pickle please says that’s how I found azy I was just floating through live and stumbled across her and never left and I’m super happy to have you too pickle please you guys are super amazing and frenzy yes you got spotted by a streamer oh Carter you’re the aelott so it says there’s 4 minutes and 40 seconds left on the timer later gator uhoh why did I die what happened and thank you for stopping by Carter have a great rest of your day and honestly I am really thinking about streaming fortnite next weekend all because of fortnite Festival I really wait what happened why did you clear the Axel I thought we were trying to get a blue ax lle thank you so much um I don’t know what a post I appreciate you and I hope that things get better as well so Angley we do have a lot of people to go through so just letting you know so it will definitely take some time cuz when I do Minecraft visiting worlds it can take a lot of time to get through everybody Berto says my world is uh work in progress so it’s not filled up completely also it’s all hand me nice fortnite Hy don’t listen to the haters Manan says thank you Manan so pdb Manan says don’t listen to the haters pdb pdb says azy we will make it all country music we aren’t kidding I doubt that I’m not the only one who doesn’t like country music I’m sure C4 says don’t speak for all of us pdb I don’t like country music that’s why pdb says that and pdb does not like fortnite that’s also why pdb says that friendy says I hope I could see you someday yeeha yes exactly pickle please exactly oh what do you think of Da Punk there’s definitely some da punk songs I like I have some of them on my playlist oh yes speedcraft whoa now now we’re in an axel world again laggy axels and yo my Axel scared Grandma why why do you do a backflip wait who did the backflip the Axel or your grandma or someone else and Gio thank you for being here you are amazing and I hope you have a good night oh you know all their songs from da punk I don’t think I do know all of their songs actually but I definitely know a handful BB says crap we’re outnumbered here happy Dancing Yeah one more time we’re going to celebrate oh yeah oh your grandma your grandma’s doing backflips is that is that what’s going on cuz like I I don’t think I can do any black flips I I’d be breaking my neck probably if I did that Forest says I’m a country lover and I never picked the country song although ailia was accusing I was suspecting you hey welcome back again SS they look like colorful pancakes the axolotes I guess I’m not I guess I don’t see pancakes out of them but they definitely look colorful and yes am I I’m actually streaming Roblox on Monday and the way I do my Roblox streams is similar well kind of similar to Minecraft I guess but not exactly so basically when I do my Roblox streams you guys can add yourself to the queue uh and by doing so you can choose whatever Roblox game you want us to play and you add that to the queue and then we go through the queue system and play all the games that you guys want oh you’re banned in Roblox what happened I feel like I I am seeing enough of you guys mention being banned in Roblox is it like Amaze don’t ask for personal information that could actually potentially maybe turn into a ban eventually but I don’t want you to get banned so be careful on that I’m going to be back because I’m going to install Minecraft if I can sounds good Samantha Mario says I didn’t want to be the one to forget I thought of everything I never regret a little time oh wait is that lyrics again oh no light gazer is here Hide no just kidding ah the timer’s up be C okay I I I know I’ve been talking to chat too so I’ll let it go for a few more minutes yes a is we don’t want it to I don’t want it to happen either like truly I really don’t want you to get paned oh Ang you’re stuck in the lobby okay I got to feed the Axel maybe we’ll get lucky and a blue one will happen how’s it going Bobby this game is Minecraft and what I’m doing in the Stream right now I am visiting viewer worlds in Minecraft so if you have any worlds or Realms that you want me to visit for you know any reason you’re welcome to add yourself in the queue and you can also join alongside me as well so like visit the worlds as long as the owner is fine with that and I play many different games here on the channel as well I’ve Loved gaming since I was born I love all kinds of genres I am family friendly so that’s you know something I need to keep but otherwise I do like to do a lot of different games and especially multiplayer with viewers as well you have a lot of fish for some reason how’s it going Kevin welcome to the stream Kevin and can I set up my world sure cuz yeah we’ll be going to your world next lator but yeah we’ll have to move on sometime soon here at beatcraft and then we’ll have to continue trying to get a blue ax lottle this actually might be super crazy like if you’re trying to get a blue Axel lottle in survival like the the regular legit way that seems like it’d be crazy and you play fortnite yes and no I don’t play like the regular fortnite although I will cuz you know I’m pretty much up for playing anything like even if it’s a game I’m not like super crazy on I can still have a fun time playing with with you guys uh so the Battle Royale part I’m not like super big on but still do it if you guys want to but I just tried out fortnite festival for my first time that was so fun so I loved that it was like Guitar Hero and I love Guitar Hero that was a blast playing with you guys though how’s it going Emily welcome and there’s some skeletons hanging upside down is that still fine wait where I’ll just say w up since I forgot what I was going to say that’s okay oh yeah yeah it can get kind of crazy if you guys were using like funky fonts it does look kind of cool though I mean in a crazy way but yeah best to keep to the normal things oh on your world oh yeah that’s fine yeah that’s completely fine be crab it’s so laggy all right beft I’m going to give you 2 minutes okay cuz I know I’ve um you know we definitely gone for a while with your turn and then next time like I said we can do spinal craft immediately and hopefully it will work but I’m thinking the plugin isn’t updated yet oh if you want to add me oh in fortnite I will definitely be sure to do that when I stream fortnite again and Mario says my five favorite D punk songs there one more time Instant Crush Robot Rock Digital Love and get lucky ooh yes I love get lucky and um One More Time those ones I know I’m not sure on the other ones though G luuck is a really good song though I like that one a lot oh gosh it’s so laggy like just feeding the Axel is getting kind of crazy yeah man says Get Lucky goated song and oh gosh who was the what’s the name of the singer who joins da punk in that one is it like Fel or am I like off I’m not always good with names so and in Roblox my name is ailia 22 gamer I will stream Roblox on Monday and I can take care of everything on Monday for like adding friends and everything Oh yay forel Williams I was thinking in the correct direction let’s go okay so be crafts we’ll have to move on but it was still cool seeing all the axelos and someday we will see the legendary rare blue ax lle someday we’ll have to go ahead and litigator also says I have to head out soon so it is now your turn later gator oh yeah Monday I know I know but even so I I know your turn far exceeded 20 minutes in fact I think it lasted for an hour and I know I was reading chat too but it definitely was 20 minutes of game time foring you to but like I said bcft um immediately at the start of the next Minecraft stream we can do spinal craft for you like no matter what placement you are in the queue you hear it right now oh da Punk isn’t anymore they stopped in 2021 Mario says I love da punk I’m a use da Punk Fanboy oh they broke up in 2021 a how come and Manuel how’s it going Manuel ay it feels like you gone insane and brought I probably did go insane brought 1 million axotal oh I haven’t tried out CF thieves yet I’ll have to try that one teren says I tried to fix lag but didn’t work and Kip spending most of our Lives oh I see what you’re doing the gang the gang is Paradise keep spending most of life living in ex Paradise like that that song I like that song okay read and full while I um set it up sounds good and how’s it going Kevin nice to see you Kevin Mario says one more time is my favorite D Punk song of every time I listen to it um and you become super happy nice oh I I remembered another one from d Mario the like Stronger Faster harder yeah I mean I guess I don’t really remember it since I don’t know the whole title but you know it went like that like stronger Harder Faster like something like that I know that was another song oh no I’m not saying I like the Ripoff I I like I like the OG Gangsters Paradise is what I’m saying harder better faster stronger yes and how’s it going to Letha welcome so still have some turns before he gets here’s anley and sounds good fire blaze oh read the information where oh on on the Queue right and cloudy cloudy kby how’s it going pdb says be craft we’re too late to save everyone from the Forbidden game I’m sorry pdb they had to have fortnite festival and that was like Guitar Hero and I love Guitar Hero and that was a lot of fun with you guys like so fun I loved it so much on honestly it was awesome all right so it says for later gator four player Minecraft board game and if you can’t join after three or four tries you can move on and only select friends can join this one how’s it going Sunny mm2 welcome and original hello oh you don’t like fortnite Festival monkey do you like the regular fortnite cuz like personally I not really into fortnite but I tried fortnite festival for my first time last weekend and I had a blast with it I really love it and there’s also some fun mini games that you can do in fortnite also so it’s been evolving in a different way don’t forget to ban beatcraft okay Twilight things I really need to ban you beatcraft oh you play Battle Royale so you like Battle Royale but you’re not into the the the music scene of it a thank you Samantha and what’s your favorite ice cream flavor Sunny’s asking I like a lot of ice cream flavors I really like cheesecake flavor and cookie dough is really good there’s also an ice cream I recently tried called a caramel crunch that was super super good like super good so those are some I like and bacon boy wow a game that’s made out out of at least 3.8 pixels yet look at how well Minecraft has done sometimes simple is the way to go and this is like isn’t Minecraft like the biggest selling game of all time oh cloudy Comey is asking Applebees or Cheesecake Factory I have never tried a Cheesecake Factory I really want to like there’s no Cheesecake Factory next to me that’s that’s like one of my life goals is a try Cheesecake Factory and welcome back not blue shade no it’s not monkey so Minecraft is not one of the most selling games like the highest selling games no okay it’s kind of you make your own timel but if as you can join probably 10 to 15 minutes all right so do you have your world up also this yeah it’s still kind of possibly being a flipper with the like connecting on on Minecraft and welcome back frenzy Sarah Le cheesecake I’m pretty sure I did try Sarah Le cheesecake and I have liked all the cheesecakes that I’ve tried that are store bought but I don’t think anything has beaten the Cheesecake Factory flavor cuz I have tried Cheesecake Factory Brands but not the actual restaurant I haven’t gone there oh you thought was actual a factory so dis supporting going to swipe now hope you have a good time you too frzy thank you for stopping by Bon boy says this has got to be made in the late 99s believe it or not this is 15 years old and that means it was made in 2014 no no no that’s 10 years wait when was it actually I can’t math somebody help me I had coffee and energy drink so that’s why I my brain can’t bre just saying 2009 thank you there we go I knew it all along just wanted to see if you guys could you know figure it out nah appreciate you and Minecraft has sold 300 million copies compared to GTA BS years so close so it is the best selling game yeah that’s that’s crazy also I clip what you said about spinal craft a no worries be craft I will remember and I will definitely do that for you so hopefully we’ll be able to get on the spinal craft for you and I appreciate your understanding with everything Sunny says I’ll show you the best cheesecake ice cream ever Blue Bunny one I actually have been trying some Blue Bunny Ice Creams for my first time and there’s some really good flavors oh beatcraft also says going to head out got to get ready for the night good night and thanks for the races and axel Auto hunt absolutely bcra thank you for being here and I hope you have a great rest of your night how’s it going Leon neon oh as as far as like any topics with like religion or any like maybe heavy discussion topics politics or you know anything like that um we have a serious discussion channel in Discord where we can like discuss that kind of thing cuz you know it could get it could get like too heavy if we like get into that like in the streams and stuff like that but serious discussion Channel and Discord is where we discuss all that good stuff and thank you Sunny you are awesome welcome to the channel and monkey you’re awesome as well monkey welcome to the channel guys thank you for subscribing can you play teror at oakheart tomorrow what is that is that in Roblox or is that like its own thing thank you so much again Sunny you guys are awesome I appreciate you oh Minecraft was called cave game back when it was first first created and looked nothing like it does today Steven says I think I actually heard about the cave game thing oh so later gater reconnect your online [Music] well gosh why does it have to have problems again I might have to like boot out and boot [Music] in yeah okay I I’m going to just close out of Minecraft and Hope that it will load cuz it has been giving a lot of difficulty and how’s it going Dominic welcome back pry says now what I swipe down all of them are trash I’m going to go back wait what what well have a great rest of your day frenzy oh it’s its own game ter at Oak is its own game what is that exactly okay I’m going to just see if anything loads and if like give it a second since I had an but I don’t know Minecraft’s been weird see it’s like gloating now it’s so weird oh what all of them are trash well welcome back frenzy it looks like the deformed salamander has made a mate bacon says I need to eat enjoy it enjoy your food blue shade and how’s it going laughing Jester shiny hunting Axel listening to the live while playing Roblox multitasking hey you rock sunny and I again I am going to be live with Roblox on Monday okay yes okay progress now we just have to see if it works and loads but I’m glad it actually loaded hey plunk Dave welcome and uh thanks cute ax L plunk dayve says and actually uh axie is the pink one and Axel is the whitish blue one cuz it’s technically not blue it just kind of looks blue in the you know the lighting and they’re they’re just friends so Axel only shows up during the Minecraft streams though and axi shows up every stream and welcome back from the look Dragonite and Leon I do remember your name it’s nice to see you again Leon and Savage welcome yep everyone is welcome to join guys so what I’m doing today is Minecraft visiting viewer worlds if you want your world visited you can add yourself to the Google forms in the queue for that but otherwise you’re welcome to join me along alongside the visits as long as the owner is fine with everyone joining and most of the visits are usually welcome to everyone joining but later gator says for theirs only four people can join but first we have to make sure it will actually let me into the world all zero friends well everyone can could be friends here with you have frenzy oh go ahead and let me know your Microsoft gamertags if you guys would like to join and I can add you more silver than bluish color okay that sounds cool actually I’ll take that and my Minecraft name is ailia 22 8458 I do have it in the description can you or can’t you imagine the day you become an axel lottle owner that would be cool I just don’t know how much like how difficult it is to take care of axelos hey n and Raymond welcome back and sunny welcome back so we are visiting leader Gator world right now if it works so we’ll have to see and you guys should be able to join through me if you’re friends with me and let me go ahead and see if I’m friends with you burnt toast honestly this is not looking good right now cuz it’s been loading for a while let me see if I can add Ice Wizard and then might have to cancel the loading and try again oh terance hydration got redeemed okay also do remember to drink enough water everybody especially as the season gets hot it’s really important to stay hydrated all right I’m to cancel it just doesn’t want to work we’ll try again though and how’s it going Cheryl welcome I did do a face reveal in my 1,00 subscriber video and ttha says that Terror at oart is on PC I think but I’m not sure it’s an apit horror game it’s a little gory ooh maybe that could be something for like the Halloween season I like to do like um spooky games during the Halloween season I have so much fun in the Halloween season and my vtuber also is different I have like black hair for the whole month of October but we have to keep it family friendly still cuz I’m family friendly but it’s still lots of fun and I agree Sunny especially the Minecraft Axel super super cute all right plunk Dave absolutely I just need to see if I can actually join myself Minecraft has been giving me enough Tech problems today I actually didn’t start joining the worlds until 2 hours into the stream although some of that I was you know talking to you guys and greeting you you know at the start of the stream but then if you look back on the stream you’re going to see puppies on the screen a lot because I was trying to fix the tech problems and anley thank you so much for hanging with us I hope you have a great rest of your day and again just let me know your Microsoft gamertag if you want to join join and I will try to friend you how’s it going Barry Delight nice to see you pickle says you know what you should do or you know what you should play next Goose goose duck I’ve heard of that one before actually was that supposed to be similar to Among Us or was that something else and how’s it going Bren welcome Bren oh you’re happy at summer now well technically I’m not sure like if you’re in a different part of uh like the hemisphere from like my location but like over in the US summer is officially here in the middle of June so not here yet but it’s still getting hot already and I see flies already I’m not looking forward to seeing more bugs though and NBL fever Jeff welcome to the stream oh yes it’s a knockoff version of Among Us I think the last time I streamed Among Us um the the people in the voice chat were talking about that game I believe the one that you mentioned so I might have to check it out cuz I think it’s supposed to be free as well and let’s see here and no worries Angley I will definitely do Minecraft again and one day will you do a FaceCam live stream when I get to 1 million subscribers it was actually I said 220,000 subscribers but yesterday some viewers were saying 1 million subscribers so it’s was like okay we can change it how’s it going Kio K Juro rang Goku maybe I should just say rang Goku because I I think I’m probably pronouncing that correctly and I’m not sure about the other part but welcome to the channel rang Goku and here’s an interesting one stepen says axt will appear blue on pictures of videos but there’s no such thing as blue axtle in real life I know 200k pickle says Roku is fine no it’s not working JC thank you for subscribing welcome to the channel and MV fever you are awesome I appreciate you thank you guys and for those of you who don’t know me I’m a zilia 22 I’m a familyfriendly Indie vtuber I stream every week here on YouTube usually around the weekends I do multi stream on Twitch as well but YouTube is my main platform I do Nintendo variety games I like to do multiplayer games with viewers and I I do like you know solo games too sometimes but I really like to prioritize having the multiplayer because I like to be able to have you guys join in and I have loved gaming ever since I was born basically so I love all kinds of games like all genres and I also do voicing for a YouTube show called dispatcher camp I voice characters L tests on there that one is a PG-13 but it’s free on YouTube if you guys are interested it’s like a the is it called Total Drama Island I believe Total Drama Island it’s similar to that one and Tano how’s it going tanero well Pizza doesn’t mean you will get diabetes you know there’s a lot of factors in that especially my magical Pizza that that one doesn’t cause Di that one’s magical cuz like when I start my stream I have a pizza you’ll see that one is a magical Pizza how’s it going Amy welcome Amy oh you have to go yeah unfortunately Minecraft has been I don’t know kind of like weird today it’s been like doing a lot of Errors so hopefully we can get you a turn in in like the next stream hopefully it will work better but thank you for being here gor and thank you tandro tandro says I love your avatar I actually worked on it myself uh fire blaz says I’m at gy Sushi’s newest restaurant at Pearl Ridge Center doing good glad to hear Amy and do you like Hypixel is that one of the server games I honestly don’t really do the server games too often but I don’t mind I don’t know if we’ll have time for it today though because um what I’m doing now is visiting viewer worlds oh it was a joke I see and yes save the day is what I’m joining for the splatfest we’ll be doing Splatoon 3 tomorrow also thank you for subscribing Zach welcome to the channel and thank you for the raid Acme Studio it’s a hasht covert Anvil raid all right we’re going to move on to the next person in the [Music] queue thank you so much for the raid how’s it going everybody and AC or a Champlain thank you so much for subscribing on Twitch much appreciated thank you guys for the read and appy Studios a Champlain how’s it going Tara Andy acne Studios on YouTube and twitch what were you guys streaming and how was your stream and how’s it going Zach welcome to the channel [Music] wait what bacon boy says ailia remember not to get brutally and Bloated by a green bean looking a monster with no eyes and no mouth what what are you talking about was created by accident but was still made into the game so there’s a game that has a bloated Green Bean or something that sounds funny I actually I’m not a fan of vegetables but green beans are like one of the few vegetables I like oh yes music is a Vibe Super Mario World I grew up with Super Mario World that was like you know one of the the great games on the Super Nintendo there’s a lot of great games on the Super Nintendo and I am doing well Z how about you and also James how’s it going thank you Tandra you are awesome welcome to the channel thank you for subscribing and what were you guys streaming Abby says all Andy tonight now I did for pfl games earlier today well I hope you had a wonderful stream thank you so much for the raid and be sure to check out the AC Studios Channel everybody I’m glad you’re doing good [Music] Zach yeah Mario World in my opinion is definitely one of the top Mario games like there’s a lot of great Mario games though and well my opinion of course and like the music is also super great and thank you man Stan thank you for getting that link be sure to click the link and check out acme Studios everybody and on to some more Minecrafts the next person in in the queue also since it is pretty late and we have a lot of people to go through I’m going to go ahead and close the queue and let’s see lockhead is next in the queue are you still with us in the chat lockhead please let me know if you’re still here we have lockhead Mr Man and Gio the let me know if you guys are here lockhead Mr Man Gio the hero and eie you are number nine oh burn toast um you are 17 I’m just going through the the ones that are next so I can you know figure out what we’ll be doing as our next world so I’m trying to see if anyone’s here so one more time lockhead Mr Man Gio the hero can you please let me know if you guys are here yeah I’m not seeing any of them right now so I’m going to go ahead and remove them from the queue that means Stephen you are the next one stepen and I know that you are here so step are you ready for us to visit your world so everyone’s welcome to join Steven’s world if you guys want to join just let me know your Microsoft gamertag and I will try to add you and hopefully the page will load properly cuz sometimes I have trouble with that so cuz I’m adding you on the Microsoft the actual like Microsoft browser page usually that is quicker if it loads but sometimes it doesn’t want to load ah you’re awesome Sarge and Terrence where are you in the queue you are number nine let me go ahead and refresh see if that worked oh eie if will depend on who is present in the chats um oh let me go ahead be craft hather turn so I can remove that so you’re number five now Eevee CU I removed beatcraft Steven is the one who is next right [Music] now oh do you know what time I’m going to be joining okay so fire blaze you’re wondering what time will join your world cuz you have to go outside uh let’s see well well I have a timer going for 20 minutes per turn but it will depend on who is actually still here it’s like I just got you know I think it was three people I deleted cuz they weren’t here so that’s going to be a big factor into it but let me see here I’m going to guess definitely 2 hours I’m going to say for sure 2 hours I think it’s safe to say that oh how did you get the animation to match how you’re moving so there’s um different programs out there it’s a vtuber program and basically you can just like um YouTube search free vber programs there’s like different ones out there and that’s how I was able to do it also Cabo how’s it going cubble Cubo says it’s my birthday tomorrow happy early birthday and hello to you well that’s just a rough estimate fire blaze it might be a lot more than that I’m I’m just going to say that’s a safe number to say that it will for sure be 2 hours it may be more than that but I’m saying that’s the safe and welcome back Jason oh Stephen let’s see did you say if you were ready oh and uh plunk Dave let me go ahead and see if I can add you and how’s it going going uh Carlo welcome Carlo okay so Steven says let me get my Xbox ready and how’s it going Gohan I got a random question what is your title my title like uh what do you mean and I hope things go well with you at the at the hospital Jason okay Steven is ready and let me go ahead and see if I can add more people on the friends list [Music] here and Steven’s world so again everyone is welcome to join and I’m pretty sure that’s you Stephen right oh a I was like barely late so I like pressed [Music] it so I’m also trying to add you guys as friends it’s just taking a while to load some of the pages oh H says with my laptop and my brother’s laptop oh I sound like a theater probably kind of echoey Teran says at least this time around I’m farther up at the queue than the last time I first in my word in the que since the round I’m not tired like last time all right I am still trying to add you guys I don’t know why the Xbox page has issues loading it’s really weird oh matcha Amy I’ll see if I can add you as well oh Mr Man welcome back I just did a roll call oh glitched out welcome back also I did a roll call but since you weren’t here I did delete your turn but I can still do your turn after Stevens oh epic title like hero of time that sounds cool I’ll take hero of time I I honestly would have to think about that H hero of time does sound really cool though hero of the light and have a good night Zach thank you so much for being here so we’ve [Music] done I think it was just one world actually hey welcome back pdb cuz we were trying to do another world but it didn’t work unfortunately oh you acally drank pool water all right I’m going to check again and see if I can add you guys I might have to do it through Minecraft if it doesn’t let me on their website a I love that Gohan the one who healed the soul that sounds super cool hey you too Zach thank you so much for stopping by it was awesome meeting you [Music] yeah I hope that you’ll be okay very Delight CU I I don’t know much about like if you’re drinking like Pool Water by accident and Andy says with the number of people accessing the site I’m not surprised there isn’t congestion on the site healer of souls yeah Jason says there’s one Five Nights at Freddy’s VHS tape there was a guy running to the exit then mangle and Five Nights at Freddy’s 2 killed him spooky and how many subscribers I have a subscriber count on the screen it is like real time so we are currently at 20, 527 woo thank you guys again for that I like kaser is Reaper of Souls that was actually a Diablo 3 title wasn’t it like a DLC title Reaper of Souls Gohan says very Delight I got a question for you wait do Devils cry it was Andy says as far as accidentally drinking pool water the chlorine is watered down enough that it should not hurt him okay that’s good to know Teran says I can’t spell even if I’m my phone and I think you’ll like most uh most of what my undergrad house looks like when you join me no I’m getting errors on the Xbox page I’m trying to add you guys in errors I’ll try to add you on Minecraft then if it doesn’t work here and I don’t see the blue blue Juck I’m not seeing that in the list of people to add yeah I don’t see it it could just be messing up though cuz it’s it’s doing that a lot and Lim thank you for subscribing welcome to the channel Lim it’s nice to meet you hey I love dispenser Camp how’s it going for those of you who do not know dispenser Camp is an animated show on YouTube I voice characters L Tess on there does the word fortnite remind you on your YouTube channel um what do you mean exactly like are are you say are you asking does does the word fortnite remind me of my YouTube channel like is that what you mean I mean it’s not a game that I really do it was the first video I did though my first video was playing fortnite for my first time and I did enjoy the fortnite festival last weekend we did that for my uh for my first time it was fun oh I’m really sorry to hear that Lim and here is a hug for you as well and plunk Dave thank you for stopping by I hope you have a great rest of your day I am doing Roblox on Monday and I yep do play Roblox dispener camp and in the description I have my username I’ll go ahead and copy and paste it for you it’s ailia 22 8458 oh may not be able to join your server just because you’re getting tired and no worries MVP I will definitely be doing more Minecraft and plunk Dave yep Roblox is happening on Monday and here at the hospital Jason says I do hope that your visit goes well for you hey wome welcome back what transpired when you were gone so honestly it’s still been a slow pacing cuz yeah Minecraft is a flipper but uh we did the pig racing for a be crafts turn and then we also tried breeding Axel to see if we could get a blue Axel lottle unfortunately we did not get a blue Axel and uh now we are moving on to Steven’s turn so yep that’s where we’re at oh no come on oh I think I think Minecraft has given me a headache I feel like I have a slight headache and I think it’s because of Minecraft if they just fixed their error problems it would be so awesome and how’s it going TOA cat Welcome oh no worries CLE and no nari says I’m playing on my switch right now yeah that’s what I’m playing on I switched over to Xbox one earlier to see if it if Minecraft would work better but it was even worse like it would even load the world at all I was like stuck in outer space I could see like the wolves in outer space with me it was really weird so I guess Nintendo switch is more powerful than the Xbox One o or OG Xbox One and let’s try this again so snug wizard I think this is you snug uh stevenh right snug wizard yeah Gohan says mine’s just stopped for no reason what what is it that stopped Gohan okay that is you awesome uh rankon says azy you do know breeding a blue AEL is a one in a trillion chance are you serious one in a trillion that’s I’m assuming that’s like a lot less of a chance than any shiny hunting you can do in any of the Pokemon games is that is that true cuz that that sounds crazy and when do you when do you usually stream live I am live every single week usually around the weekends and usually around 600 p.m. Central Standard time I do post a weekly live stream schedule you can find the schedule on YouTube Community post Twitter and Discord and if you guys are interested to join the Discord do feel free but uh yeah I am in the US so Central Standard Time 600 p.m. and how’s it going OT let’s see what was Herobrine that sounds familiar what is that and no problem TOA cat and I stream a lot of different games here on the channel as well I am family friendly uh I love pretty much all types of games I’ve Loved gaming since I was born I do like to do a lot of games where I I’m doing multiplayer with viewers I do Nintendo variety Minecraft Fall Guys Roblox is on Monday Among Us fortnite festival I really like that so probably do more of that too and Mario Kart Smash Bros Mario Maker 2 Animal Crossing which is going to be tomorrow with the splatfest and Pokemon and a lot of games a I’m I’m happy you enjoy your time here TOA thank you for being here Oho says Minecraft pasta oh Herobrine a oh welcome back also Brian her awesome I I feel I could probably and I’m sorry sorry to do that again azy there’s a chance but very slim 2.3% chance of that’s crazy wait the weather is it too loud oh Barry says loud my ears do I need to decrease the sound Li Gator says sounds are dumb Li Gator says yes okay all right let me know if I ever need to adjust the volume guys and I will do so pdb says no make it louder is it better oh for Splatoon I’m choosing save the day everyone is welcome to join this world and just let me know your Microsoft gamertag if you want to join and I will try to add you we should be able to join through me okay no worries MVP we’ll definitely have to get to your server another stream for sure and hasht collaborate hey welcome would this be I wonder who let’s see enough yeah and snap click C perhaps I see a rainbow yeah frogging enough and snap click cat wo welcome Raiders thank you for the raid how are you guys doing today welcome everyone Nathan fber Casey pdb and also Nick the enlightened Carter welcome uh joltz light Giza and Elizabeth welcome I am on Bedrock andri chaos nice to see you and lightning how’s it going lightning yes the blue Axel a is extremely rare renon says that it’s a one in trillion chance but then a 2.3% chance but I don’t think that that’s not the same though right 2 2.3% and then 1 trillion or one in a trillion I don’t think that equals each other but basically it it’s you know a slim chance and King nice to see you kink how’s it going and we also [Music] have St click frog enough thank you for the raid what were you streaming and how is your stream you guys are awesome thank you so much guys and how’s it going Zach and hello again dispenser camp and Robert weeks I’m doing good dispenser Camp how about you and Loud housee nice to see you loudhouse and Donkey Kong hello uh Donkey Kong hey to cat you’re awesome welcome to the channel thank you for subscribing and favorite color is dark pink [Music] Lim oh yeah sure all of us can be friends here just adventure camp absolutely ooh Mario Party Superstars woohoo and I’m doing good snap click cat how are you guys thank you so much for loging up and snap click cat be sure to check out these two amazing individuals they are awesome they do um a variety of different games they do you know Nintendo and variety they live stream be sure to check them out frog enough and snap click cat everyone click on the links or copy paste if you can’t click on them are amazing streamers so be sure to check them out subscribe and I yeah I’ve been doing pretty good today although I think I have a headache from Minecraft cuz like Minecraft’s been having a lot of tech issues like a lot of errors and things like that so it’s been like but finally getting into it but it was like 2 hours in when we finally started joining worlds but some of that was my fault because you know I like to talk to chat stuff but some of it was also Minecraft fault so yeah and I do play Roblox sometimes um I will be doing Roblox on Monday and how’s it going uh is it entra welcome to the stream entra and fortnite welcome Shannon I don’t really play fortnite but I might be playing it more often cuz I loved the fortnite festival that was a lot of fun and aside from like the tech problems uh Minecraft has been fun but yeah it’s just the darn like errors and everything and like loading but I hope you guys are doing awesome I hope you had a blast in the Mario Party Superstars thank you again for the raid really appreciate that and uh jol says I’m all streamed out for now so I’m going drop a like and head out for now enjoy the rest people change the world iy see you jol you’re awesome and I hope you have a great night Nathan says had so much fun with uh Mario Party Superstar problem is I got enough energy for one more good game but I need someone to play with me so as far as Roblox we can uh do all of that when I stream Roblox on Monday and yep Minecraft is happening right now so let’s go ahead and head back to that we are currently visiting Steven’s world and everyone is welcome to join just let me know your Microsoft gamertag if we are not friends and I can add you and access denied what is this about how’s it going Sara welcome oh gosh what the heck oh also Nathan um yeah if you’re wanting to play Mario Party Superstars and if there’s anyone here who wants to play with you like do feel free um put your friend codes in chat all that good stuff you’re always welcome to do that just don’t get spammy and who’s on the list now what in the world are we hearing oh my gosh there’s some weird sounds going on and I have no idea what I’m looking at what in the world I okay so there’s like a lot of mobs and there’s pigs and there’s those weird cows I don’t remember what they’re called though oh wait what rankon I rankon on Twitch says I wonder if it’s actually that bad getting crushed by a steel cable wait what um who’s glitchy azy wait Discord oh yes I can uh if you want the Discord link you can also do this command as well it’ll show up for you acclamation mark Discord and absolutely Li mushrooms that’s right mushrooms oh so Brian the amount of people we have in the queue is currently at at uh 15 but some people I think oh also you are next in the queue after this turn Brian oh en lightning I’m uh glad to hear you’re doing well thank you for stopping in with the read as well Nathan says I just don’t want to end the night without playing my favorite bored well like I said you’re absolutely welcome um to you know share friend codes in the chat if anyone wants to join with you so feel free and nightbot is uh not exact no nightbot not an AI cuz an AI would be more advanced but nightbot is you know a bot um oh I will see you at May 20 Sarah says oh for Roblox sounds good Sarah and I do stream every single week I am family friendly I stream a lot of different games and sounds good Nathan appreciate you yes you are next Brian after this one okay Stephen so what are we doing this is Steven’s world that we’re visiting because I’m doing Minecraft uh visiting viewer worlds today noises sound uncomfortable do I need to turn the volume down anymore for you guys by the way there definitely were some interesting noises honestly what how did you get in the door just closed on my face I was about to enter into the house how did you guys get in wait no let me in let me in I don’t know how you got in exact wait oh I guess you could have just destroyed the door wait this is a person right or is this actually the mob thingy oh no it is a person it has a name but it’s also a mob thingy too right hey Skittles how’s it going Skittles and uh o sure and O you get to have pizza nice lightning I I need to have some pizza this week too actually I haven’t had pizza the last couple I’m slacking on my pizza and how’s it going killer bunny and uh is it uh Dean welcome to the stream Dean how’s it going oh Andy says check for a switch I couldn’t spot one but I was probably missing it somehow and frenzy says please say hi to me please please pleas hi frenzy how are you thank you for stopping by again you are awesome and I do like chicken nuggets yes chicken nuggets are yummy but who has the best chicken nuggets like over in the US here we got McDonald’s Wendy’s Burger King they all have chicken nuggets but who’s is the best like honestly McDonald’s like they all have their own unique taste and when I was really young oh like gazer has the best nuggets ah okay okay like since I made some earlier cuz like gazer you use your air fryer I know like eer um you often say how you just use your air fryer to make everything and it’s much better than going to the fast food places so all of us we get a party at like gazer house eat some chicken nuggets I do have to say McDonald’s is what I’m leaning towards though um as far as fast food places for chicken nuggets and Chick-fil-A they’re really expensive but I do like their chicken I haven’t tried it in that though and United Kingdom nice to see you how’s it going also Ann welcome to the stream and Brazil oh what happened so not too much uh yet we got rated by the super awesome snap click cat and Frogg enough enough so again do be sure to check them out they are wonderful people wonderful streamers uh I do do have to say they are not family friendly but other than you know you know they’re awesome that’s just the only thing I I want to let you know because I’m family friendly here but they are super amazing and uh Dean says this is kind of new for your stream it being a short yeah I’ve been experimenting with the shorts since it is a new thing So currently sticking with that right now you saw an axel all turn into a camel that sounds different and hey Brandon I am doing all right how about you oh KFC nuggets I haven’t tried those I missed my chance to try the KFC um was it the Cheesa that it was called I missed my chance cuz like I went to their site I didn’t see it anymore it was so sad I really wanted to try it but I have to go to Little Caesars and try the um the crazy Puffs I really hope that they don’t get rid of it before I can try it I really want to try that cuz like Little Caesars is like one of my favorite places because I love pizza and well I love Little Caesar’s pizza and everything they have basically I love their crazy bread too and their Italian cheese bread I just love Little Caesars it’s so good oh most hated mob in Minecraft the skeleton my Nemesis it’s like I I feel like the skeleton is the most scary one like at least my personal experience with it it always kills me it’s like I’m I’m I’m like trying to evade its arrows and for some reason the arrows always hit me it’s just they’re meanie heads oh Brazil says I don’t think you’re missing out it looks nasty oh the Cheesa hey Axel girl how are you and United Kingdom you go with the Burger King nuggets and knowing them they probably won’t get rid of the Puffs I hope not but you know Little Caesars did have the limited time uh like the pretzel crust why don’t they keep it like it’s so good and so many people have mentioned that they like it like have you guys all tried the pretzel crust pizza at Little Caesars right now uh I don’t think they have it but it was so good and then like the kelone that was yummy it’s like a talking about it makes you want Little Caesars it’s so yummy oh creeper I’m surprised that creeper isn’t up there for me but with my experience the skeletons have gotten on my list of flipper heads I tried the pretzel press Pizza did you like it killer bunny oh light gazer is lucky light gazer you still have the pretzel crust what why can’t my Little Caesars be cool like yours although I know you’ve made complaints about your Little Caesars about them like giving you like I think undercooked food but man why can’t they have pretzel crust it’s it’s just I want it it was good killer bunny says Hey Mew how are you doing today Mew thank you for stopping by and Dron night says yes have any of y’all tried Little Caesar Chicago style I have not I would love to though and sherim what’s your question and how’s it going Kobe nice to see you Kobe so does anybody want to play Mario Party superstars with Nathan Nathan really wants to play Mario Party superstars with somebody before he ends his night so if you guys want to play Mario Party superstars with him feel free you can you know exchange friend codes all that good stuff so just let Nathan know in the chat here and he says funnily enough or not fnally I don’t even think funnily is a word uh funny enough my local LC reopened and it has a why does everyone have the pretzel crust how come how come my Little Caesar is a flipper they they don’t got the pretzel crust unless they just got it now but they didn’t oh welcome back uh glitched the location near me always gets rid of the good ones I never get to try them Brennan says and Brazil says if something is popular in restaurants they take it off the menu then put it back on so you come back well I’m always going back to little seizur if it’s you know available too cuz there’s also there’s a Little Caesars that’s also a flipper because they’re closed on Sundays like it’s it’s a really flipper one like I don’t know like they’re just not open a lot it’s super flippery and tan says Burger King in my opinion is better for chicken nuggets I will say Burger King was selling chicken nuggets for a super cheap price so that was really nice oh burn toast no worries uh you are number 13 also I should probably start the counter I got to remember that I have a 20-minute timer but I didn’t start it okay says I tried the buffalo chicken nuggets from Burger King and yeah they are hot I tried a spicy chicken nugget from Burger King but I don’t remember it being called buffalo chicken oh no Stephen you’re trapped in your own world how wait you have balloons I’ve never seen balloons in Minecraft how’s that possible but you do have like I know you do have mods cuz you’ve like showed us Sheba enu and dinosaurs before so maybe it’s a mod thing clear bunny you tried Burger King once did you like Burger King chicken McNuggets are good loud housee says what about you loud housee which fast food place has the best chicken nuggets do you know how a beatbox no I’m I’m a horrible beatboxer but I haven’t really tried it too much and how’s it going Zen Prince nice to see aine prins oh wait rankon says I have your stream on a speaker azy it’s an ally azy plus wait Al do you mean Ali or Ally don’t really like Burger King killer bunny says and oh lot house also going with McDonald honestly I I think I might have to choose McDonald’s there’s just something unique about the taste of their chicken nuggets or maybe it’s you know the fact that when I was a kid I would have Happy Meals from there often enough dance battle hey welcome to silly goose uh you’ll well I don’t really dance honestly I think dancing is cool it’s just I don’t know how to dance uh I think it looks awesome though I just you know have to learn all right Nathan says last call anyone does would anyone like to play Mario Party superstars with Nathan byberg in the chats okay so Stephen oh Stephen you’re a frog how did this happen detector is a wolf how did you guys wait like okay I’m still me yeah oh you’re an A L how’s that possible oh now you’re yourself again see this is me and we are doing Minecraft today Brandon says I think that people that can beat box are extremely talented like how do they move their mouth like that yeah um unlike America’s Got Talent I know I’ve seen like some people beatboxing and they sounded like crazy crazy good it sounded like it was actually instruments even all right Stephen I have the timer going it’s 17 minutes right now and what what are we currently doing are we like trying to uh yeah what are we doing we’re in some kind of a building are we trying to locate something oh I have been to SeaWorld yeah it was it was a fun time I’ve also been to Six Flags one time or actually two times seaw world two times as well thank you for stopping by United Kingdom have a great rest of your day oh get a notification for when it’s your [Music] turn uh not really a good way to do that let’s see you are currently okay so burnt toast yeah you’re at number 13 so it’s definitely going to be longer than an hour before I get to your turn so it will be a little while give you water let’s see can I give you water well I can give you this kind of water hey TOA thanks for stopping by it’s awesome meeting you I’ve never been to Nintendo World but that is one of my lifelong goals visit Nintendo World visit the Nintendo store in New York so you know visit New York those are some goals brenon says I remember someone or seeing someone on AGT Beatboxing with a flute and it sounded like something you would hear in an anime series yeah there’s like some really crazy talented people that W that show going to try to get to the Florida Nintendo World on day one wait I haven’t been keeping up with that actually so they’re they’re still in the process of building Nintendo World in the US here so I know it’s already available in Japan and did you see mochi’s brother chewy I did oh oh so so what are we doing Steven let’s see Steven are you oh you’re over here okay all right so follow stepen everybody we’re infiltrating some kind of a building for some reason the California one has been opened for a while but the Florida version opens next year hey oh there we go drite says I went to California for my Nintendo World experience that is awesome guys all right Nathan has one final call if you want to join him in Mario Party Superstars just let him know he’s looking for someone to to play with him also thank you for the follows on Twitch guys um I’m not actually getting the notifications as well on Twitch so apologies on that but I appreciate all the follows thank you oh loud house read my chats okay loud house where’s your chats okay loud house says on April I went to Florida and at the beach and at at the hotel and two days on I tried W Burger it’s good and I saw Tesla cyber truck pretty cool nice I did try W Burger a long time ago but there’s not one right by me now and says my plan was to wait for the Florida one to open I have no plans to visit Kelly anytime soon Amy says I want to play some with somebody do you have Mario Party Superstars Amy Nathan byberg is trying to find someone who would be interested to play Mario Party Superstars and TI says they’re adding to Nintendo World that’d be cool oh BR says sorry have to go to bed but we’ll see you on the next stream good night good night Brennan thank you for stopping by and drite you’re also going to go to the Florida one I don’t know what in the world why is there so many mobs oh this happened earlier I’m not sure which one go to like Japan us Florida California I want to go to one uh while from Escape Artist but I I don’t know if I could say that cuz I don’t know if it sounds like something that’s not good oh skibby toilet I’ve heard about that I haven’t looked into it yet you says although part of my travel agency gig involves Disney at some point the problem is that California is stupid expensive really is it more expensive than California than in New York oh it’s okay Andy oh says I live in California and just to say it rain I can barely do anything it’s so laggy I just let you know we are at 11 minutes a you’re awesome for those I’m not really sure what we’re doing now laggy and crazy oh Cambodia nice slim all right so we have a pool here and L house says have you watched oh Casio it’s a twitch stream and walk house I don’t believe so what is that supposed to sound like escape artist I’m curious but I don’t I don’t think I should say it cuz I don’t know if it’s going to sound like something B excuse me wait eat oh what there’s like all these options ooh at a guard doggy you must first build a security room a I don’t how of bu this and please stay nice in the chat escap and any ask oh wow and well moi’s eyes are open now but yeah she’s just rting and let me double check also um if I added you Amy not sure if I did [Applause] okay we St [Applause] here how did I see it no how did I bring that thing up so it says you need to add we already have a bunker would you like to add another no how can we get a guard dog it says that we need to have a security room so how do we have a security room uh I only know English Escape Artist also I found your name matcha Amy so I’ll go ahead and add you if you do want to join you’re welcome to join in this world and uh and some of the other worlds as well it just depends if the owner wants visitors all right I’m just trying to get it to work no I I cannot speak Spanish Escape I only know English my only language also welcome to the stream Ryden how’s it going number 15 Burger King foot lettuce huh I have no idea what the different numbers are for foring or any of the fast foods honestly but foot lettuce sounds gross I think that’s a meme isn’t it it sounds like a meme I’ve heard about I don’t really know the memes too well but foot lettuce sounds familiar so what is this supposed to be exactly Stephen it said it was like a bunker hey welcome back lovely I’m trying to add you as well Amy it’s just like having some loading problems I’m refreshing and trying to get it to work though eventually it’ll it’ll work so we’re visiting Ste Even’s world right now it’s some kind of a bunker I’m not really sure what we’re doing exactly in here though but there’s been a lot of mobs that have been spawning and there’s like a giant pool right here and like see it says you can like do different things with the bunker like you can add a guard dog which I think would be cool but it says you need to have a security room first so I’m not sure how to make that happen I’m going to try to add Amy though cuz it’s being weird on the browser so let’s see if it’ll work here oh they changed it it looks different still not alphabetical well I wonder if it it’s better than what it was then search please okay so we are friends you should be able to join this world through me if you’re interested in joining snug wizard is the owner of this world so do feel free to join if you want to yep everyone can join so feel free and lovely says it’s morning in my country what about you it’s 10:46 p.m. for me so it is very late but I usually stay up late although my sleeping has been really weird sometimes like I’ll sleep at midnight and then wake up in 2 hours and then I’m up for a while I don’t even know when I’m sleeping honestly oh Escape says I need someone to spend time with them Lon well you’re welcome to be here if you want to escape artist you know you’re absolutely welcome just as long as you follow rules and all that you know we don’t really ask for too much with the rules just basic things and family friendly and all that but we’re more than happy to have you also we have two minutes left in this world wait is this a blue Axel right here can you can you have blue Axel spawn with creative mode tet says you can get dot qule oh so right now an event in Pokemon Pokemon Violet has Dot qule and that’s the was that the starter Pokemon hey welcome back uh Alex and this is a blue ax aot so in creative mode you can spawn the blue aelott go to sleep you want me to end the stream and go to sleep ooh Evie says dang azy guess what I just won the mega jackpot so in the game you’re playing you won 50,000 coins what is the game and congrats playing a casino game nice Alex says no please okay so you don’t want me to end the stream now okay oh it disconnected you I know Minecraft has been giving me a lot of Errors today so it’s been like I think I actually have a headache because because of Minecraft because of all the errors hey frenzy it was nice meeting you thank you for hanging with us and have a great rest of your day you’re awesome and we got blue axes and glitchiness lagginess actually it would be [Music] more thank you frenzy oh yeah baby axel wait I’ve been teleported there’s a piggy and the world is on fire holy what the heck dude the world is ending I’ve never seen that before in Minecraft the world is ending fire is shooting from the sky and the world is on fire the pigs are running for their lives and the timer’s going off Ah that’s that’s the end of the world timer in Minecraft and storming oh my God it’s crazy fire is uh running down from the sky we got crazy rainstorm going on Thunder everything yes I need to save the world this is a part of Splatoon 3 cuz in Splatoon 3 they have a a splatfest going on it’s like what would you do at the end of the world Save the World Bucket List or same old those are the options and I’m I was choosing save the world it’s crazy tornadoes Thunder [Music] storm it’s all connected with Splatoon 3 in Minecraft what we get tornadoes dust storm snowstorm all in one the craziest storm we’ve ever had I don’t even know what this green stuff is and just wanted welcome how’s it going and cabelle welcome to the stream but you got to stay nice in the chat please we don’t really ask for much here just kindness and family friendly oh yeah Samantha acid rain that sounds right yeah that’d be crazy a is acid rain a real thing that can happen oh Escape says I admit that I at first wanted you to say something in Spanish I know a couple words hola and no no is the same kindness gets in the way of the old days no kindness is never bad kindness is only good there’s too much negativity in the world you need more positivity we need more hugs positivity Pizza puppies acid rain is real yes and it’s best that you don’t go in acid rain do we have any oh pdb is a mod I was like do we have any mods and right there pdb and it’s best that you do not go in acid rain that’s crazy so we are at the end of the world in Minecraft right now and as you can see there’s absolutely no visibility going on we’re getting hit by acid rain sandstorms tornadoes lightning fire was running down from the sky we have it all yeah I haven’t seen an acid rain either like that’ be that would be like pretty spooky in my opinion if he saw a real acid rain and let me see just one second here Ice Wizard says please help azy all right I have flying powers right yes I can fly I’m going to try to save the world and one moment oh it cleared up woo let’s go it looks like we have made it the slimes have survived the axotal have survived everything well maybe every oh there’s a lot of ax in a wolf also rivon it’s nice to see you again rivon and Sarge welcome back to you on twit uh tra says Japan technically had one when one of their nuclear power plants went down during the Earth B that would be super spooky Riven says acidic rain is extremely uncommon on Earth but regularly documented on I believe it’s Mars really not entirely sure if it’s on mars or Venus one of their atmospheres are largely made up of hydrochloric acid that’s crazy yeah that’d be so crazy to see that and horrible if you’re in it like I don’t even want to know what that would be like how’s it going Benjamin welcome Benjamin next time we’ll be heading to inspiration island sounds good all right oh trickster thank you for the raid tricko what were you streaming how is your [Music] stream we just got rided on Twitch by the awesome tricker also welcome back Samantha what are you I am an alien no I’m ailia 22 that’s nice to meet you Benjamin I’m a human but I’m a vtuber and uh I am an indie YouTuber family friendly I live stream every week here on YouTube multistream on Twitch I do lots of different games I do like to do a lot of multiplayer with viewers I do Nintendo righty I loved gaming since I was born and love all kinds of games and trickster was playing rotwood and Spirit Fall I don’t know if I know either one of those huh I hope you had a fun stream though trickster thank you so much for the raid and everyone be sure to check out the awesome trickster trickster has a YouTube channel as well as twitch be sure to follow on Twitch subscribe on YouTube oh they’re both really fun Roes I’ll have to check them out sometime yeah I don’t think I know of [Music] them oh trap yay how’s it going also trap welcome and Sebastian on YouTube Oscar how’s it going and can you join my server after you’re done Amy’s asking so Amy for my Minecraft streams I do have a c system going on and uh what that does is it helps organize uh like everybody who wants their world visited so I can take turns and follow it in order I use Google forms for the queue I have it closed right now because it’s pretty late we have a lot of people in there but if a lot of people are not here I might be able to fit in some more but we are following the queue in order at the moment though and Evan how’s it going Evan Evan says what’s invisible and smell smells like carrots oh well okay and I did do a face reveal in my 1,000 subscriber video and yes I am anime girl that works how’s it going Oscar you wanted to be a pizza chef in Minecraft I did a pepperoni pizza nice Twilights and welcome to the stream uh uh sash or shush shush emote face dude person or dudette welcome I’m not sure how to uh address you but welcome Hey STI how’s it going STI and Panda welcome good night taures thanks for stopping by oh it’s raining in my country I can’t hear you because of the rain Lely says well I hope you are able to stay safe in that rain lovely I do like rain but you know sometimes it comes with the the storms and sometimes you know other things but I hope it all hope it is a safe you know safe weather for you hey whoa thank you um again I don’t know how to address you but I appreciate the Super Chat appreciate you stopping by I really have no idea like what are those characters for your name actually I wonder can Google tell me Google what are these oh it’s the anime well wait is it from the anime okay so it says it’s from the I forgot what the anime was called actually that doesn’t help what was the name of the anime well it’s from an anime I forgot the name of the anime it was like oh spy family spy family anime is that what it’s from but thank you thank you so much um spy family maybe thank you for the Super Chat thank you for stopping by and trap hello on YouTube thank you for 80 likes also you guys are awesome and that’s Indian rupes apparently well thank you so much for that and haw kid welcome back to you and how did your family gathering go and oh let me look back on Twitch again um trctor says but I’ve got a raid and run for dinner enjoy your dinner trickster thank you again and uh trap says hope your stream has been going great well the start of it was a flipper honestly I had a lot of error problems with Minecraft and uh I like it wouldn’t like load for the Nintendo switch so I went to Xbox One Xbox One winded up being worse than Nintendo switch so I went back to Nintendo switch but we’re finally we’re finally getting you know visiting worlds and things now Gohan says I feel like you are an undead on luck character Undead on luck what is that mean I’m not sure what that means exactly uh let’s see here yeah try to try to say nice in the chat for sure oh Anya likes peanuts I like cashews peanuts are good too though but cashews are super good and dark pink yes dark pink is my favorite color and how have you been doing today trap thanks for stopping by and oh STI STI says you have good stream oh so yeah like I mentioned it was a little bit of a flipper at at the start like errors with Minecraft and then I think a headache formed because of the errors in Minecraft but it’s not too bad so and at least we’re finally getting going now and also thank you again Ana likes penis thank you for the super chat again to you spy family I hope that’s okay if I call you spy family cuz I’m not sure how to address you but I’ll just go spy family for now and how can I join a game that’s SAR so just let me know your Microsoft gamertag if we’re not already friends on Microsoft and then you should be able to join the worlds Through Me trap says oh wow sorry you’ve had so many technical problems azy hope the rest of the Stream goes well thank you yeah it was a flipper like Minecraft was a super flipper but yeah yeah like STI says sometimes it happens and Amy so by joining your server uh are you implying Minecraft server uh like I mentioned to you Amy I am having a q system so we’re going in order and and you know taking turns according to like who submitted first in the que if you have a Q pass you’re welcome to use Q pass to go next but um I don’t believe you’re in the queue but like I mentioned if there’s a lot of people who are not here I can see if I can fit in other worlds but we are taking turns in there and yes definitely listen to music I I love music there’s a lot of great music oh so Brian you are next in the queue and are you ready for your turn Brian so for Brian’s turn it says that only I’m allowed to join but then there’s other ones where everyone’s welcome to join again so it just depends on what the owner is fine with and so we fought hard against crazy wild forest creatures nice oh before that trap says I was hanging out with trickster we played a game called rotwood and it’s a lot like Castle Crashers but it takes place oh there we go it takes place in a fantasy setting with anthropo or anthropomorphic creatures sounds interesting oh uh also in the last World the the world ended in the last Minecraft world in Steven’s world the world was ending fire rained down from the sky tornadoes were going we had sandstorms we had acid rain it was all at once the world ended but then you know everything got good again so that was kind of cool and C C yep Splatoon 3 is tomorrow Hassen and fun fact in Bedrock Samantha says Bedrock is more laggy sometimes Oh you mean compared to like Java I’ll just watch the rain it’s nice sometimes to just like listen to the Rain watch the rain it can be soothing and Eevee let’s see where you’re at Eevee so also make sure you’re fresh well if you’re seeing you might be seeing a different Q system from me if youd never refreshed the the channel page for a while I had to reset the spreadsheet because Google like messed up again but uh to let you know where you’re at we got Brian right now zenichi Sarge and then it’s you Eevee so it will depend if they are here or not on if you’re going next or not but we have two people after Brian before you so yeah yeah if you see something different that’s probably cuz the Google forms messed up it’s the end of the world as we know it oh Lana Del re I know that there’s definitely some music from her that I did like I can’t remember now how’s it going why please welcome and ailia do you oh no enconto yeah yeah that I liked that uh movie that was cute we don’t talk about Brun no no no yeah that was a catchy I had some catchy songs for sure going to head downstairs and make a midnight snack sounds good Eevee this movie is from Columbia Escape says and Mary how’s it going Mary and I am doing all right Mary although I have a Teensy slight head it’s not too bad though it’s just barely there I think it was because Minecraft was erroring today there like a lot of crazy stuff going on oh you’re here oh that’s right do I have more more practicing to do is when I joined Brian’s world I was practicing my flying skills also is this a dirty wolf or is this really the color of the wolf cuz I don’t know I don’t remember seeing a wolf like this doing good awesome and Terrence welcome back to you oh back from a small nap but we’re still listening I appreciate you and not a headache I will cure it tropes give Azie Jed head PS yeah dog armor is now in the game Samantha you get it from the armadillos 12:00 for you it’s 11:06 here so you must be in Eastern Time Riven says my midnight snack is a Big Slice of pepperoni pizza let’s go Riven you know what’s good and how’s it going is it Sheri you welcome to the stream and hugs for you also Charles oh okay Brian don’t want to sleep that’s how well I mean sometimes I kind of feel that way too it’s like late and then it’s like I don’t feel like I can sleep don’t feel like I want to sleep but don’t feel like doing any work but don’t feel like playing any games or don’t feel like doing anything you’re just kind of stuck in like a weird feeling where you know you don’t want to do anything Stephen says remember that bunker we visited earlier azy I was making it bigger as we were going on through it oh I would love to see the guard dog that’d be really cool but it said it needed like a security room or something all right okay so equip do you want me to equip everything and like okay I need that I guess that would be good I don’t oh this might be good too actually this the undying I recently learned about that I didn’t know that was a thing before like this this uh totem of undying does it go here okay and then oh I need to start the timer okay timer is started 20 minute timer for each turn and uh shiru says snow wolf is the rarest type of wolf only in Grove biome snow wolf I wonder what the snow wolf looks like is it just like a pure white too lazy to exist basically bared says and also Zeon how’s it going Zeon oh can you use x to move fast X to move fast let’s see X X brings up the menu it’s the last stick that like is supposed to Sprint Oh wrong thing got to put my wings on the elitra and I think that is right there okay Amy’s asking does anybody want to play with me and Samantha’s asking do you like de deer like this one I do like deer actually I I I like animals in general especially doggos and cats and hello mm2 lover welcome to the stream how’s it going also Zeon how are you doing today all right so Brian says no and Terence redeemed hydrate water time actually wait do I have any more energy drink oh no I only have a drop okay and water cuz that wasn’t really much of a drink okay and there he says Minecraft giving you headache hauh here’s medicine the dancing mice oh almost graduating so I can finally watch your videos hey good job Samantha and any what oh I think burnos is asking yeah Amy what do you want to play burn toast is asking oh it’s me Eden by the way remember me because I changed my name welcome back to you and how’s it going Cindy okay so Brian do you want me to practice my flying again and I’m going to put the bed right here close to the Wolfie uh in case I die I guess I don’t have a lot of fireworks though okay and Shu says happy happy summer break by the way guys all right woo I forget how to do this I I don’t do it often enough he I really don’t do this often enough how do you use it again let’s see go up here I can’t I could mine it though or maybe here we go oh there’s mobs scary mobs are [Music] around let me let me live how do you do it I don’t yeah I forgot exactly how you do it I don’t remember oh no it’s probably a skeleton evil scum I told you these are horrible dudes the skeletons are the worst ones get out of here homie oh no I’m surrounded okay I have a weapon die oh that was way too easy it’s so hard flying hey Thunder p r welcome uhoh uhoh is there a safe place I can go to welcome Raiders so I don’t die from the evil skeleton flipper heads okay oh I need food really quick here here eat food heal and okay I’m just going to chill here so I can greet the [Music] Raiders welcome readers thank you for the ra Thunder bells and what were you streaming tonight how was your stream oh this is your first time in a live stream hey awesome Samantha thank you for being here and we got ice iberg Mike Thunder PS we got spinza how’s it going spinza Iceberg Mike uh Ean also Joshua David welcome and pleasant lemon how’s it going thank you for the raid hey J media games hello oh play some Pokemon nice one of the viewers said that there was some kind of event going on I think it was Twilights Twilight said there was uh quackle I forget the name is like some kind of a a water type I think quackley quackley quackley May thank you so much for the r Thunder pels much appreciated be sure to check out the Thunder pels everybody click on the link and if you can’t click on it copy paste and thank thank you for subscribing Cy LV welcome or maybe I should say sh uh Chanel maybe welcome to the channel yeah I need to practice I do oh doing BBQ’s so eating a lot of BBQ’s nice I needed to get lunala awesome thank you so much again for the read guys how’s it going Virgil would you all One V one a horse or giraffe neither I love animals so I’m not going to harm it uh I’ll give it a hug though but that might be a bad idea I don’t really know how they would react to that yeah especially giraffes I really don’t know their [Music] behaviors what you would take on both bar Delight what why but that would mean you’d have to like battle the horse and giraffe and harm it though right because I wouldn’t want to cause any harm giraffes are PES what do they do I really don’t know much about their behavior at all I just know that they have long necks and you know what they look like that’s it oh you’d win Barry does that mean you would hurt them that’d be so sad though okay I’m going for it what button was it okay it’s this button woo y yeah I’m flying I’m flying I’m flying okay I am practicing my ectra flying right now I am currently visiting Brian’s world and that is what I’m doing in Brian’s world is is practicing because I I keep forgetting how to do it wait how come it’s not working I don’t know idea why wasn’t it working hey how’s it going Shannon and swix says as use the world so this world that we’re on right now is just for me but uh depending on who’s next uh there’s a lot of Worlds where others are welcome again also spy family thank you so much again for the Super Chat donated 100 rupees through Super Chat even T girl that I have a crush on and her best friend girl ofc has a crush on me help me please also keep up the good work that sounds oh so it’s kind of like a a triangle ah oh good job Brian good [Music] job well it does sound like a tricky one there in my opinion if you don’t have an interest in somebody well honestly I’m definitely not a love expert um but you know friendship is always good right to be friends and you know be honest and kind I would say honest and open and kind with your feelings but thank you again for that Super Chat and thank you for the kind words also and I hope that everything gets sorted there for you cuz yeah it sounds like that could be a bit of a tricky situation but I really think honesty is definitely very important for sure you know be transparent be honest but in a kind way that’s my opinion about it okay I’m practicing some more go go go get away from the skeleton ha okay more okay I’m going to go to outer space I it would be so cool if Minecraft would add that as an option though you can fly up high and go to the Moon am I going still no hey I got saved but I absolutely don’t remember where the box was I’m just like going crazy oh go back to Twitch since I’m drying Mary says Brian says no wait isn’t that okay Brian I’m not dead is that not okay was that bad wait wait what’s wrong I I mean I didn’t die exactly I mean kind of but I I survived I wouldn’t don’t have done that I was you wait what I’m still practicing I’m sorry I’m I’m just I’m just practicing I didn’t mean to uh use it hey how’s it going kilo channel did you get diamonds oh this is Brian’s World Brian got the diamonds sorry Brian I I won’t use any of the other ones I won’t equip them so what the ectra gave out no ectra is still here but why or did it actually give out does it give out by itself or can you stay up in the sky as long as you have the uh the Rockets I’ll leave the other totem I won’t equip it I’ll only equip it if you tell me to oh Dron KN says Mary I just checked the Discord Art Channel and your digital art is amazing I absolutely suck at that if you guys are in Discord go to the art Channel Mary has posted a lot of amazing artwork and I have to check it again too but you do a wonderful job absolutely and oh Mary said as you look at Slender Man was there a slender man I know I saw a creeper and of course the the evil skeletons oh just not into outer space you fall and die but I want to go to outer space that’s the fun that would be super fun so if I go too high gives out is that it okay I’m going to land in water so I won’t die dude I’m landing in water land me in water okay there I’m landing in water is that like the best way to do it so you don’t die like when you want to try to do your Landing just go into the water have you ever tried Cinnabon flavored Ser I have not that does sound yummy I have tried adult J Dee syrup and it was super good it’s a a caramel is yummy also kilo how’s it going welcome to the channel so I can’t go into outer space where it gives out but that’d be so fun to go in outer space I really really want that like I keep wanting to be able to fly way high up in the sky and then like there’s something you know that you can Venture into up there you need a stick a land stick a land how do I do that oh I wasn’t even flying I don’t know how that happened and just to let you know we are at 6 minutes and 36 seconds and then we’ll be going to the next turn ow wait I should oh no I already do have my hunger bar full so I don’t need to eat hey sge hello again on Twitch and dreamer how’s it going dreamer Evee says if you could choose any one other dog breed that you could change Moji into a will and back into her current form I feel like that would be more toy for Mochi though I don’t think I could do that to Mochi like Mochi probably would be like so mortified if she turned into another breed and then turned back she wouldn’t know what’s going on and then she’d be traumatized for Life maybe I don’t know I don’t think I should risk it though so but I do like uh some breeds that I’ve been finding super cute you know dogs are awesome all breeds are cute I think you know um I do like Sheba enu I will say that like there’s a lot of cute Sheba enu videos I’ve been seeing on Instagram like super cute so not if it’s instant like magic e says oh you want to see my house yeah I didn’t know you had a house here definitely all right see I’m skilled enough to uh oh yay wait Brian I don’t okay I see you I see you okay I’m skilled enough to follow Brian I think hopefully wait it’s not loading Brian it’s not my fault if I die it’s not loading and see look it’s just it’s nothing it’s just blue look at that see if I die it’s not my fault wait I landed did I land ah dude I told you it’s not my fault it’s not my fault Brian it wasn’t loaded I’m innocent right guys right I am innocent it was the game’s fault not me I didn’t do it bad Minecraft bad Nintendo switch bad Nintendo switch Minecraft also welcome back trap trap says had to step away for a moment we talking doggies yeah eeve is asking if I could could magically change Mochi cuz my I have a puppy her name is mochi well she’s you know older than a puppy but to me she’s a puppy um her name is mochi she’s a cocker spaniel Springer Spaniel mixture and Eve is asking if I could change her to any other breed and change her back what would it be and I said that it would probably be uh traumatizing toochi if I could do that but then Evee said well not if it’s instant like magic and then I said well I think she butos are cool and cute so yeah Mochi will always be your puppy right mochi yeah trop says you’re always my puppy she’s looking at me yes I am sherbine it was not my fault trop says guilty no P be guilty no you kind of stck the landing see Buried buried thank you buried hey Britney how’s it going and Amy it was nice meeting you I hope you have a great rest of your day and if you guys are interested in joining the Discord do feel free do have a Discord and we are doing Minecraft visiting new worlds we have 3 minutes left in this world and then we’ll be moving on and everyone is welcome to join as long as the owner is fine with visitors but have a good night Amy appreciate you oh what happened I still need to get wait I don’t have to give you back your things right Brian cuz I died oh poster check reminder from Mary thank you Mary don’t look like Master ugu oh what is ugu skilled enough to fall I was right Mary says it was Minecraft’s fault it didn’t load such a deep debate J it says um aelia the 22nd gamer you stand before this court and chat guilty of being an awesome live streamer woo and a great friend yay with that Tactical difficulties no it’s not is you no it isn’t Brian it’s Minecraft’s fault it’s not my fault Brian it’s Minecraft Minecraft is a flipper yeah what is ugue and who is ugu I yeah I did for real say what is ugu I don’t I’m sorry I don’t know what ugu is oh Kung Fu Panda master I need to watch that uh movie again yeah sorry and also milch BR welcome to the stream how’s it going lots of crazy is happening but welcome I’m a zilia 22 I’m a familyfriendly indv tuber I stream every week usually around the weekends I do Nintendo I do variety I like to do multiplayer streams playing with viewers and I do other ones too I love all kinds of gaming gaming has been a big part of my life since I was born so I love you know pretty much all genres enjoy lots of different games right now we’re doing Minecraft I’m visiting viewer worlds I have a Q system uh for you know I do these streams you know on occasion because I also do different games but um for my Minecraft streams I do a thing where I visit viewer worlds I have a Q system where you guys can enter if you want your world visited and you’re welcome to join and visit alongside me as long as the owner find so that’s what I’m doing right now is Minecraft and I was visiting Brian’s world and for Brian’s world I was practicing my elyra flying and I wind up I winded up dying but it was because of Minecraft even though Brian will say it’s me Brian’s wrong it’s because of Minecraft cuz I I even I even said it before my death happened cuz it wasn’t loading like I was just seeing all blue because it was not loading the map so that that’s what happens so [Music] yeah uhoh Brian got in trouble with leg gazer oh got the timer and trap says I’ve only seen the first Kung Fu pianda and not all the way through either and how’s it going Universal and theano welcome guys try beating Terraria without going insane but what if you’re already insane honestly I had a fun time playing Terraria a long time ago I was interested in potentially streaming it but uh I just just never got around to it actually I feel like it could be fun though like eer says Brian get accusatory wait how do you say this word like gazer is that is that an actual word by the way a accusatory accusatory get accusatory like that again and close the server on Azie cuz she said it’s Minecraft ALB you for now you’re timed out for 10 minutes cuz I’m quite upset with you and your ailia get good cuz your bad attitude oh accusatory is it like that accusatory I’m just not sure if I’m emphasizing correctly and I don’t have overcook 2 on switch now I know I have one of the overcooks on Epic Games cuz like every week you get free games from epic games which is awesome and uh Havoc welcome but please stay nice in the chat uh we did don’t ask for much here just you know got to stay nice keep it family friendly things like that and you just have a have to say it a little faster accusatory so I I did pronounce it correctly then mpb says you say that sometimes like gazer yeah cuz that’s that’s actually really mean thing to say Havoc so yeah got to stay nice you shouldn’t yeah cuz there’s enough negativity in the world you know got to keep it positive be kind to one another and have positivity how’s it going Q2 oh yes bread is really good fresh bread is good and like EAS oh no no no I definitely know what it means yeah it’s from the you know it’s off of the word accusation accusing I just haven’t seen it used in that form before accusatory and Universal says been listening to Temptation not because I’m depressed because I need motivation hey well it’s still fine you know listen to music for whatever um music helps so much like in so many ways like it absolutely can um you know lighten up your mood if you are feeling down to and that motivation so yeah just enjoy and Beast are you going to play yes also welcome to the channel um like your sub whether Minecraft or Mario Kart or Among Us or Mario Party whatever he’s getting on you about it all the time and not being joking about it I’m very very tired about it so no more so yeah you he like Yer Brian just try to try to be kinder with your words um but yeah all right onward so I’m not sure if I needed to join your world again I did die so I’m thinking I lost everything so hopefully you have all your items and Sarge let’s see are you next sge well we have to see if zenichi is here or not first and then uh if not then your next sge so please let me know if you’re here zenichi worship the burnt toast for he is bread well burnt toast is kind of gross in my opinion uh I I must say no Gohan I like doggos but demon doggos sound spooky and oh never mind I take it back burn toast I take it back I I take it back burn toast is awesome burn toast is like some of the most awesome here here’s a hug for you burnt toast I take it back you are super awesome burnt toast I was wrong oh rate Filipino app Pata out of its looks can I make the longest comments well it depends on the comments all right I don’t think zenichi is here right no zenichi zenichi are you in the chat please let me know and I’m not sure what afata is actually okay zenichi if there’s no zenichi then Sarge we can go ahead and go to your turn and oh okay sge and let me go oh did it not work okay sweet it worked but everyone is welcome to join for sares it says anyone can join and this map is based on a familiar red man is what it says and let’s open Al see here let me go back in the chat oh Mr Saturn welcome Mr Saturn I did not see you hope you’re doing well Mr Saturn oh and just got to get something here get something there there you go how’s it going J jelly welcome if you could have dinner with any famous YouTuber celebrity and have a Q and oh a Q and A with them who would it be and why that’s a a really good question so sharo mioto would be super awesome to meet in my opinion although I need to learn more Japanese I don’t know too much Japanese but suar sharu mamoto is awesome and uh kanano Reeves is awesome and ped Pascal is awesome so potentially those ones oh yeah I probably wouldn’t do that one Beast cuz that’s kind of spam yeah well it spam me there so yeah oh Universal is Mr Beast so I can uh eat and all you can eat without paying oh pancakes or waffles I’m going to choose waffles just because I have hardly had waffles and I’ve had pancakes a lot more often but pancakes are super yummy too okay so Sarge it didn’t work let me try again and everyone’s welcome to join as well so feel free like here says she’s have dinner with me and ask me like gazer why are you such a flipper head oh no no burnt toast you’re not the worst toast it was a it was a different a different toast I was talking about but I was still wrong it was a different type of burnt toast it was absolutely nothing to do with you you are amazing but all burnt toast is awesome C says I’d love to meet George Lucas the creator of Star Wars and just ask him about his creative process that sounds cool but yeah for me Su mioto Kiana reefs P Pascal would definitely be some of them possibly [Music] um Benedict cumber batch that could possibly be one oh no it’s still doing errors sacrifice the oranges to appease the toast God the toast God well I’ll go ahead and sacrifice oranges anyway that way you can be hungry wait no Q2 says not the oranges okay how about pizza I’ll give you all Pizza how’s that sound and this is also for burnt toast as well pizza for burnt toast and for everyone who wants some pizza there you go the best pizza in the world yeah Minecraft is definitely being a flipper on its birthday hey Temptation fan how’s it going and oh sounds good Ancient One uhoh sorry Charles nightbot just has issues still yeah I wonder if I should adjust it though cuz it I mean iot’s kind of on the right track but maybe could loosen up a little bit I think yes bread is good it’s been such a long time since I’ve had homemade bread I would really love to have oh oh I’m also thinking cornbread like I I smelled cornbread the other day when there was there was no cornbread but I smelled cornbread so it was like you know I I don’t know why something smelled like cornbread it was weird but it’s was like cornbread I want cornbread I need to make cornbread now and how’s it going Germany oh Universal is asking uh xan what’s your favorite song made by X [Music] oh traps say as far as YouTubers go I’d want to meet ailia and ask her to one you on me and Dragon Ball fires you again I demand a rematch I wonder when I’ll find the time to actually practice that oh Mary time yourself out okay Mary Mary redeemed time yourself out over on Twitch all right 22 second timeout enjoy 22 seconds in the abyss crush the orange Empire oh Beast can you not do the um the crazy yeah it’s that one’s a bit too long it’s a bit too spammy there and how’s it going L welcome and says I mean I met P Las winet in Texas so I’m all good at meeting people and he was fun to hang out with that’s awesome me and trap says alol it’s okay azy it was a great time just glad we were finally able to arrange after talking for about year it was fun for sure and how’s it going habit do you know what every man hybrid is I have no idea I have no idea uh hopefully it’s something appropriate and we can live in harmony with the oranges it’s fine burnt toast test uh burnt toast says yes harmony with the oranges the burnt toasts and the pizzas also how’s it going Ash why because it can be disruptive and because it’s a rule yeah not to get to spamy and E says I hope you have a good fashion sense cuz you’re going to be decorating a house uh-oh okay I’m going to be tested on my house decorating skills I’m not really sure if I am good at decorating houses honestly I really don’t know but um um we’ll see burn to says Pizza is my child he is based on me and I’m okay it’s still clearing out my head tempation says name an axel after me Ash says oh you want an axel well the Axel on screen already have names the pink one is axie and the white one is Axel so axie is a lady and axel is a guy and show your real face you can see my real face and my 10,000 subscriber video trap says you got to play more Sims azy you can practice oh yeah practice decorating there and help he go missing I’m worried oh orange orange is missing oh burnt toast has orange he just wanted a hug all right so we resolved the orange missing situation oh make orange marmalade and spread on toast honestly I don’t like jelly and J so I don’t know if I’d like the marmalade spread on toast either oh me m says I want to go back to San Antonio it’s the best place in Texas in my opinion M says I used to live in San Antonio Texas uh for a little bit there but it gets so hot it did have some cool places some cool areas hey also uh toen uh sorry if I mispronounced your name thank you for subscribing welcome to the channel also uh w n King welcome to the stream it is nice to meet you trap says no jelly or Jam why must her friendship be tested as see why there was one time I had an appointment where I was supposed to eat um scrambled eggs and and toast with just like a a jelly it was really gross in my opinion it was really hard for me to eat both of them it was like super tough oh you just bought an axel lle yesterday and he’s black that sounds super [Music] cute yeah I’d love to see pictures and I am yep I am PL uh I can’t talk I don’t know what saying I was like I was thinking like um between like saying play and stream and then somehow my words just got weird um so I am going to be streaming Roblox on Monday and as far as playing Roblox it’s something I don’t really play but I do stream it and how’s it going Ashley uh please stay nice in the chat uh Ashley don’t really ask for too much here just you know some kindness and all that thank you like gazer it’s streamer tongue it happens to the best of us yes streamer tongue has happened and so you haven’t named your Axel yet that’s really cool though but yeah uh if you happen to be on the Discord it would be awesome to see pictures if uh you’d be up for showing any pictures of your oxel so we have um a picture channel on the Discord and we also have like self promotion channel art Channel other cool things as well and feel free to join just you know if you’re interested do feel free also how’s it going Jackson please welcome QT says orange will be back from vacation soon in meantime meet bluebery this is taking a while I hope that it actually loads cuz uh it’s sad when you spend a lot of time loading and just at that last 1% it decides to [Music] error chap says join the Discord you will have a great time yes how’s it going uh is it Sicily welcome and hey when you play Roblox can you play Blox Roots I absolutely can the way I do my Roblox live streams is I have a queue system so if there’s any game you want me to play on Roblox you just add yourself to the queue and put in whatever game you want and then we go through it take turns that’s exactly how I do so I can do whatever games you guys want also welcome to the stream amberite how’s it going I I like how this went from Minecraft stuff to talking about a toast coted fruit well I’m currently waiting for this pack to download it’s almost full but I think it’s stopped it’s kind of spooky I don’t know if it’s going anymore it might error soon and how’s it going Taekwondo soccer boy I was really close to taking taond do it didn’t happen but I was close and do you have a quest h a quest my quest right now is to stream and make everyone happy as best I can and I’m doing all right Amber how about you and how’s it going Wyatt oh voting for it in the 2024 yeah that’s politics stuff um you’re welcome to talk about that in the series discussion channel in the Discord but yeah there’s some topics that are like too heavy here too heavy for like live streams do you have any recom any recommendations for sports for nerds well I’m not a sports person I would say you know just if something sounds interesting give it a try I guess ooh Starburst flavors strawberry and Cherry and I also like the um different flavors that are not the regular ones a thank you Jackson Oh you mean like VR oh I don’t have like any VR headset stuff I would love love that though I’ve never experienced a true VR um my personal favorite sport is actually badminton so yeah but I’m not really into sports though and my next stream is going to be at 6 p.m. Central Standard time tomorrow is going to be Splatoon 3 splatfest and yeah I think this is completely stuck unfortunately it’s not moving a single bit here so I’m going to have to cancel oh it’s such a flipper mcraft just likes to be a flipper sometimes yeah switch Minecraft ain’t strong I’m going to have to go for like I really do have my mindset on getting an Xbox uh series X uh I think that would be good for streaming you know it’d be like a backup for some games as well and um also oh let’s try this again cuz I tried doing uh Minecraft on the Xbox One it ran even worse which I I was surprised didn’t know what to expect exactly though but yeah hey Xavier thank you for subscribing welcome to the channel and how’s it going screaming go screaming go says Xbox is better I like all platforms uh I usually stream a lot of games on Nintendo switch though like that’s been the majority but I do enjoy games on every platform oh I actually did do that I just did that trap trap says put Xbox series X on your throne wish list and will help fund it I did do that I just did that I think maybe last night or something like that how do you make live streams well there’s um you know some programs you want to use for it it’s not really too difficult honestly um depending on what your platform is I know like Xbox or at least I think Xbox has a way you can stream without needing a capture card but really the best thing is to have a capture card that’s like one of the biggest things and also a good quality mic well of course you know a PC yes I definitely play with subscribers that’s something I I like to do on the channel of course I I do have some streams where I do solo you know solo type games but mostly multiplayer with viewers is what I like to do and I do a lot of different games here I I like to do you know Nintendo and variety also I don’t think this is working again what’s going on but yeah I I’ve Loved gaming since I was born so I love a lot of different games a lot of a lot of different genres uh here on the channel I’m up for suggestions also but uh some games I have streamed of course Minecraft Among Us Roblox is going to be on Monday fall guys um let’s see here there’s so many games and fortnite Festival I just started and um I just tried it out for my first time I really like the fortnite festival the Battle Royale part of fortnite I’m not really into but I would still go for it if you guys really want me too and I do Mario Kart Smash Bros Mario Maker 2 Splatoon 3 is going to be tomorrow uh also have Animal Crossing Pokemon I’m I’m really up for a lot of different games fortnite you’re very lucky to play it uh King says also welcome doloo and Flame and Remy nice to meet you guys and uh is it monen apologies if I mispronounced it but welcome and cause is it Cy or cozy so I have well it should be the most current version and it is bedrock and Remy says try mobile Legends is that is it related to League of Legends by chance and Donkey Kong says I’m out for bed cuz my mom for plan have barbecue party ooh barbecue party that sounds fun thank you for being here Donkey Kong have a good night and enjoy your party so we are current L having problems Sarge Minecraft has way too many problems honestly like it’s so fun I I I enjoy playing with you guys with Minecraft but we’ve been having a lot of errors with it today I just it’s a shame that it just can’t go smoothly all the time hey it’s the Blan how have you been Star Car nice to see you oh trap says all right I’ve got your throne page bookmark dazy keep an eye out for things in the not to just future a you’re awesome trap appreciate you star car says woo have not said that in a while and you’re doing good glad to hear it star car it is awesome to see you and have a good night also tentation thank you for stopping by but yeah what is mobile Legends Remy is that like a legend uh League of Legends type thing is it related at all and Jackson says I love Minecraft Minecraft has been with me my whole life and coming through tough times as well oh Sarge again yeah gaming can definitely have a big impact on your life and Minecraft is 15 years now so that’s that’s crazy it’s been that long now oh opinion on Hatten time also how’s it Lord of dur so haton time is awesome I did stream a time a few times I still need to continue it and I think it’s definitely a very solid game if you like Platformers uh oh I clicked on that I hope I’m okay scaming go says I only like Xbox because my Nintendo switch broke oh broke your leg one time how did that happen I’m sorry to hear that yeah Minecraft is being a flipper oh garlic bread I’m also going back in chat a little bit um I love garlic bread very Delight very Delight is asking what what are my thoughts on garlic bread I think garlic bread is super yummy and even more so if it’s garlic cheese bread it’s really yummy and also t uh taekwon do soccer boy I don’t know if I said this but thank you for subscribing welcome to the channel and how’s it going Axel gaming want to be a YouTuber just like you when I grow up Ash says hey go for it Ash and I know that there’s um you know there’s definitely Youtubers of varying ages so absolutely go for what your dreams are shake your head if you see this comment oh my btub is going crazy I’m shaking my head oh wait no I should make it like like um try okay can I do it come on it’s not it’s not like I’m trying to like make it you know like where I’m saying like yes with my head instead of no like shaking no and shaking yes I don’t know it’s kind of it’s easier for it to follow me when I’m doing this the horizontal but anyway I’m shaking my head how it going code welcome and thank you code speaking [Music] banana oh Dr night you see bread yeah be careful not to get spamy guys oh uh-oh night bot’s getting mad at somebody yeah be careful nightbot I think times you out for 5 seconds on the first time but after that it’s a 5 minute but we can override it so no worries if it happens cuz nightbot might need some adjusting still and what’s up ax little gaming going to play Minecraft sounds good Jackson please if you guys want to join you are more than welcome to I’m currently visiting Sarge’s world or trying to this is evil right now look how full it is it just needs one like one megabyte and it’s stopped Minecraft is being so mean today on its [Music] anniversary oh so sarge is the next person that we’re visiting yeah we’re visiting uh for the stream I am visiting viewer worlds today that’s usually how I do my Minecraft streams and I have a Q system where you add yourself into Google forms that’s what I use for the que and then you know we go in order visit your guys’s worlds and everyone’s welcome to join as long as the owner of the world is fine with that and sarge is the next person that we’re visiting but we’re having problems the downloading is just not working very well so I’ll have to try again h yes Axel are awesome Axel gaming as you can see I have two ax lles right next to me the p uh yeah the pink one is named axie the white one is Axel axi is a girl and uh Axel is a boy who’s your favorite music artist a lot of the music I like is not familyfriendly honestly and I’m a familyfriendly channel but I like a lot of hard rock that’s like some of my favorite but I do enjoy songs in other genres as long as it’s not country what do you think about snakes they scare me honestly I find them spooky oh star car I don’t know if anybody here watches my show but there are two reasons why it’s taking a long time it’s longer than normal and two I’m making a la kind of thing for the blood sounds super cool Star Car e says maybe Skip and come back later yeah it’s it’s not working again we probably should move on if it doesn’t want to work oh Q2 I love bread but be careful not to get spamy buried think snakes are dope well I personally find him spooky I was living in an apartment one time and uh when I opened the door there was a snake like right in front of the door I was I spooked oh favorite video game character oo well I’m big on the Legend of Zelda series and the final fantasy series and well there’s a lot of other games too uh I love Zelda I love link and let’s see uh Zeno Saga also spack Austra is also a big game I’m into or that that game was not a game it was an experience there’s characters in that one I like too just because I’m just you know crazy about that game um oh uh from Final Fantasy 7 I I have to say aith and Zach Fair like after playing crisis score they are awesome characters I love them wait I accidentally went to the wrong thing sge where are you I don’t see your [Music] world oh trap says my favorite video game character is the shop owner in Resident Evil no it’s Sonic wait what about Samus yeah two hours maybe play with you next stream Roblox I am live with Roblox on Monday and I have not played poppy playtime I’m interested in trying it out though and do you know the game kenito Pet it sounds familiar was that a Roblox thing how’s it going Micky welcome and light of alpha nice to see you light of alpha what’s your opinion on rap specifically X or juice World well I’m not sure I don’t I’m not very familiar with a lot of the artists but I do like some rap I do like some of Eminem songs uh but I don’t know a lot of artists in you know in the rap genre so I’m trying TR to visit Sarge’s world now but we might have to try a different one cuz it’s it’s being a flipper head oh subnotica I did stream the first subnotica I honestly wanted it to PE I wanted a lot more spookiness in it I was I just I don’t know I just love it if it would be like really scary but it was you know it was still cool though play an indie horror game t oh sing as play an indie horror game welcome back pdb no Minecraft why why can’t you just work perfectly I don’t know if there’s ever been a Minecraft stream where Minecraft has just worked perfectly it’s just always got problems of some kind and today it was crazy lots of problems how’s it going Joshua welcome and I like your avatar Minecraft hey thank you king oh what’s what is depressing oh subnotica oh you’re scared because of subnotica well for me personally I I just wanted it to be more scary I know you know I can definitely see how it can be spooky for some people but I just wanted it more scary I am so sick this this error code I so sick of seeing this I have seen this message way too many times today way too many times trap says it worked fine when I showed up as your lawyer prosecutor sge left no sge okay well that means next person hopefully we can get the next one to to work oh be careful not to say spoilers though I do want to suggest a game to you guys um but it’s it’s a matture game so not familyfriendly game but I do want to suggest it if you’re interested in something that is like a psychological very deep game I have let’s see I just want to make sure I get the title correct let’s see what was it this one I think this is the name yes yes is that the name I thought that was the name let me see here yes this should be the name it’s called s yeah it’s it’s a it’s a dark game it’s like a horish dark but it’s very you know it’s psychological and very indepth so it’s just it it really makes you think a lot that’s you know um I suggest it if you’re interested in that kind of thing but again it’s not at all family friendly chap says not s oh do you know that one have you played it also Paul thank you for subscribing welcome to the channel oh not that one Eevee now s and Dragonite says I remember you telling us about that yeah uh and welcome back Bron Mary says I think I know the game oh different game it’s a different game okay so Sarge guess we’ll have to move on oh Dr Stone I started watching it but I guess there’s some episodes I had a hard time keeping like keeping my attention with but I wonder if I should get back to it again oh I just know it’s not that game Eevee I’m not sure what that game is uh Ela uh I’m not sure what you mean there but you know make sure to stay nice please stay nice in the chat guys also a gaming thank you for subscribing welcome to the channel and Jesse how’s it going Jesse did not even know there was a new version of Minecraft I still have old one king says well they they do update it pretty often do you suggest any anime rated 14 on Netflix let’s see I know that there are definitely animes on there flippers flippers it’s been a bit since I checked on Netflix cuz I I currently don’t have access to watching on Netflix um oh gosh like I can say animes that I would suggest that I’m not sure if they’re on Netflix though like your line in April that’s a really good one of course Attack on Titan you know that’s definitely top one there um first season of Demon Slayer lik promis Neverland I think that’s on Netflix promise Neverland was good but first season oh uh Sicily says One Piece One Piece is well it’s one to definitely check out um I didn’t quite get into it but I do want to give it another shot I want to suggest something else to you guys that is not an anime it’s an animated show and I highly recommend you check it out out it’s called Arcane really good show animated show not anime but really good so Arcane just like that and that is actually based on the League of Legends world you don’t have to be familiar with League of Legends at all you don’t have to be into the games to you know enjoy the show to see the show really good show though and yeah Dragon night says Arcane is so good highly highly recommend doing that imagine being a YouTuber I don’t have to imagine it cuz I am one how’s it going Ultra welcome and Noob welcome to the stream how’s it going oh azy on Minecraft I have a world called Oak toown and my cousin ruins the village kind of vibe my building a mansion out of netherite I think I read that wrong star car oh I did not I know the the movie called wish but I haven’t seen it yet definitely want to see it sometime oh you hate ads and let’s see trap says check out the way of the house husband on Netflix azy I think it I brought it up before I loved it great anime I I hopefully can I can remember that though so the way of the husband or house husband I was in the middle of watching Vinland Saga but that [Music] one I don’t know is that rated 14 or is that higher than that that was a good one too though I haven’t seen it all yet oh wild me says when I’m in when I’m in a be a flipper and not work competition my opponent is Minecraft or switch oh trap says I know it I’m not going to say anything I would say play through it to see what you think of it sorry guys I’m like going backwards now let’s see oh Evee where was your comment actually I know you wanted me wait I see it now I don’t know how I kept passing it Eevee says it’s super interesting it follows a viking lady who has psychosis oh senua um I forget the whole title senua is a game that’s um I think it just came out or it’s coming out soon that’s like about that kind of topic and psychosis it’s a condition where your mind is abnormal and you experience delusions and hallucinations and let’s see well I think I’m caught up with chat mostly oh black co uh Black Clover I’m pretty sure I saw that one and Noob says do you remember [Music] me was your name the exact same when you were here before I do appreciate just stopping by again though and Nova thank you how’s it going Nova all right yes we should get back to Minecraft oh Big Hero 6 yes that was a good movie we went from anime to or no we went from Minecraft to anime to psychosis going all over the place oh Black Clover is an anime oh um oh flippers there’s another one what’s it called I can’t remember there’s another anime that um Black Clover made me think of but I just I I well I think of it wait wait wait I think I’m almost there what was it called um Blue Exorcist yeah Blue Exorcist um first season of Blue Exorcist I did like that one second season m oh Dragon Ball super I love dragon ball super that was awesome I love that one a lot uh I have not actually Ash also welcome um and oh death note I do like death note oh R uh rankon says azy has eye bags why I don’t know why you say that again I don’t think my vtuber has eye bags oh silent voice super good yeah and no name another good one and also oh God gosh there was wolf children I highly recommend you watch all of those movies silent voice no name and wolf children wonderful movies I bet you look like a zombie when you have high packs oh gosh just be careful not to say any spoilers though guys we need a hashtag ailia get some sleep do I sound tired I mean I had coffee and I had an energy drink but it was a little while ago now okay back to Minecraft everybody and welcome back terance oh I tried um blue oh Blue Exorcist is that what you mean uh Sicily my mom walked in it on an inappropriate scene I don’t really remember things being really inappropriate in that one honestly CU like yeah I’m not I’m not big on um you know that some of the content in anime that you know depending on what it is though oh you really want wanted to watch Wolf Children one year ago oh another good anime movie is Summer Wars I wonder I can’t remember if I watched that one or not it sounds familiar rankon oh rankon over on Twitch says sleep so rankon wants me to sleep so should I end the stream and sleep oh hi G sh you quick question who inspired you to become a vtuber well I honestly didn’t really know any YouTubers at all uh I do remember watching Code Miku um but not not at all family friendly but I thought like it was like really cool like you know how the vtuber was and you know like how advanced it looked and everything I’m pretty sure that was the only vtuber that I saw before becoming a YouTuber but you know that definitely brought my interest into it so you know eventually I went that direction and tried it out oh most people say no rankone what rankone well um I mean what I don’t branon says I swear if you don’t sleep you can actually get cancer uh well I don’t think you have to worry about that in this way I mean like that’s probably only if it gets like really serious you know like I I don’t know there’s a lot of things that can contribute to that but you know just got to be healthy and all that um that’s wait cyanide Mary’s going to destroy YouTube what are you choosing twitch over YouTube Mary veryy Delight says maybe try and do the Minecraft thing real real quick to see if it works and if not you can end it early and start another day Ron says I don’t know what are you talking about okay so you said like don’t not sleeping can get you cancer then you said Cyanide and then cocoa beans I have no idea what’s happening anyway we got to get back also black boy welcome and speed how’s it going oo wait um huh that sounds kind of crazy Spade but I like the sour patch kids that are um like the watermelon flavored ones are really good those are the good ones I like those okay e says no I waited for this long okay good night Jackson thank you so much for being here star car says You must sleep all right guys back to the queue we got what do we got okay so oh eie Evee is next but Eevee says only on am to join this one but um the next ones are anyone to join okay so eie this is you hopefully it works cuz Minecraft is a flipper oh nerds clusters that sounds good star car says You must sleep okay like this like this let me do this for you star car wait wrong one there we go you must sleep you are getting sleep Oh wrong thing brain brain went away sorry wait 21,00 what 21,000 Subs starting again hey we are getting close to 21,000 not there yet but we are getting super close oh it worked on Sicily sisily oh HW kid also okay King says I almost slept so we got a few people a few people have fallen asleep oh Eevee says I changed my mind people can join yay everyone join everyone’s welcome to join in uh the world we’re in now Eevee said it’s fine Eevee is the owner AKA oval emu welcome back Jackson all right guys ah oh hello hello and if you need to uh be friends with me just let me know your Microsoft gamertag and I will add you as a friend oh we’re going sleding yay so pick a sled color I’m going to pick uh this one that one did I do it I don’t think I did it oh I pressed the wrong button I think yay again everyone is welcome to join uhoh oh there we go can I go on it why is it working oh it’s just being kind of laggy or something whoa where am I what happened I’m like stuck inside of something oh boy minecraft is being I’m not ready okay I’m ready oh no I’m not ready it’s not letting me help it won’t let me am I even in it I cannot tell what’s going on right now am I I can’t tell I’m not even in it am I where I oh what in the world this is super flippery a can I make another one up here I’m having technical difficulties guys okay new boat okay yay there we go much better how’s it going also uh F gr welcome Truth or Dare truth and how’s it going JB oh how to join just let me know your Microsoft gamertag and I can add you as a friend you should be able to join through me and welcome back star car oh got to go in five minutes no worries uhoh now I’m stuck I was looking at chat and I I ran into the side how’s it going is it Pulu uhoh yeah okay [Music] no well kind of making progress but I feel like I’m going like all over the place there we go let’s get a little bit better getting on track a [Music] little hey how’s it going space I have no idea what this music is called this is E’s World though hey see you Ash thank you so much for stopping by and I am doing a live stream tomorrow you guys can uh see my live stream schedule I do post a weekly live stream schedule and I have the um the newest one available right now you can see it on the YouTube Community post Twitter and also on Discord and usually around Fridays is when I usually post a live stream schedule so somewhere around then he see you sis uh Sicily thank you so much for being here and Ash again you guys are awesome but I am going to be live tomorrow and the day after hey Taekwondo welcome back oh okay thank you King I will try to add you as a friend let me see if I can do it copy and paste all right there uhoh I think I’m turned around uh where am I supposed to go uh eie I don’t know where I’m supposed to go it looks like it’s it’s a dead end I am now confused let’s see if I can find um WN King though is it going to show maybe I’ll go here instead I’ve been trying to do it through the browser but it’s been giving me loading problems I’m surprised that they changed the interface of the like friend invite thing yay all right but I still don’t really know what I’m doing here cuz you can’t yeah you can’t jump with your sled right and no worries Mary I’m not sure what I should do from this point oh yes I saw you’re a burger and I’m playing on Bedrock I do have um there is a Java server that we also go on sometimes what get ready oh follow me oh you’re at school at lunch Tao says but yeah this is bedrock so if you’re on any platform that is also Rock wait oh hop in oh wait what oh Ice Wizard I can two people can be in a sled is that is that is that possible right yeah yeah let’s go [Music] woohoo laggy sleding wow you’re really good at the sleding how’s it going uh stanie or Estephanie Splurge renon uh Ron says how’s it going n listen to a song called party girl or part girl Who’s the artist says hope you like the world so far well this is nice now I’m not getting not getting like stuck hey how’s it going Lucifer the wise welcome and star car says got to go May the Stars be with you thank you for stopping by star car it was awesome to see you have a wonderful night take the train to get back up eeve says this looks crazy ow eie how could you you hurt me all right hop on the train to go back to the top of the course all right again everyone is welcome to join so feel free guys and guess what Leela I am streaming Roblox on Monday and everyone’s welcome to join for that the way I do my Roblox live streams is I have a queue you guys add whatever game you want and we go through that in order and do the games you want so yeah sounds good h a what’s what’s hurting me sounds good Lord of dur thank you for being here and where’s the train ah uh-oh uh-oh I fell I fell up here okay up here oh no Patrick is lost I honestly would get lost to I had help oh you’re at school on Monday what time zone are you in Le oh my Uber is here I’ve actually never seen an Uber or maybe not I think I saw somebody who like came from an Uber but I never actually seen one or used one so it’s party girl party girl and see you estany thank you for stopping by oh so Patrick is wondering if someone can uh teleport them because they are lost right now oh yay cuz I will be live at 6:30 p.m. Central Standard Time on Monday I’m not sure what time zone you guys are on though and Dron night says no school here on Monday yeah School season is ending for you guys I know for some of you it’s already ending oh sure um so I did add you as a friend and my name is ailia 22 8458 I’ll copy and paste it for you as well you can find it in the description too hey Prince gaming welcome how’s it going so Axel says I am in school on Monday but it’s a short Dan Monday here is the time oh 8 to 2 so ultimately it will depend uh on the time zone that you’re in but 6:30 p.m. Central Standard time is when the stream will start on Monday so yep Lea 6:30 Central Standard Time and how’s it going Lee welcome right now we are in E’s world uhoh oh no no what happens okay you’re still alive that’s good I think you are starting to suffocate into the uh whatever that is so right now we’re going sledding and I am hitching a ride with uh Ice Wizard cuz uh it was kind of confusing otherwise welcome back Mary oh put something in the suggestion Channel nice I’ll have to take a look if you guys ever have suggestions uh do feel free to put them in the suggestions channel in the Discord we also have a games to stream channel as well and other other fun things in the Discord too so do feel free to join the Discord if you guys are interested here it is again and Mary redeemed [Music] hydrate uhoh I just realized something I forgot to start the [Music] timer okay I think we’re at 10 minutes in probably so I’m going to start a 10-minute timer cuz I’m trying to go for 20 minutes total for each turn uhoh I’m getting smacked all right ow okay 10-minute timer is going ow no what’s going on I have no idea what was hurting me right there hey fireworks and as far as Roblox we can do all of that when I’m actually streaming Roblox on Monday so no worries and trap says going to sign off for the night hope you can sleep after the stream is over take care and good night everybody trap says thank you so much trap appreciate you and I hope you have a good night and have you heard of s ml what does that stand for I’m not not sure all right are we just having a a PVP battle oh yes we want to go this way guys back to the train then we can go sliding again wait what is Eevee doing and by the way Eevee is oval emu the Steven Universe character which is garnet oh Super Mario Logan yeah I don’t know what that is is it like some kind of uh Mario mod or hack also welcome to the stream dreamy chipmunk how’s it going ah Patrick why are you smacking me Patrick We’re supposed to be on the same side do YouTuber name all the cool kids heard of it taono says uh Leela says don’t have Minecraft so I can’t join I’m sorry but I’m going to leave and bye have the best day and no worries at all Leela thank you so much for stopping by and I do stream a lot of different games here on the channel Minecraft Among Us Fall Guys Roblox fortnite Festival I’m also thinking about doing again and also Nintendo Mario Kart Smash Bros Mario Maker 2 Animal Crossing platoon will be tomorrow Pokémon I do a lot of games and how’s it going Alex welcome and W King says so I have you as a friend but I got it real quick download new version and thank you for the lurk on Twitch drite welcome back Terrence oh 13 minutes not 10 thank you rankon well it’s still kind of around there so I suppose it’s okay and if you guys want to join just let me know your Microsoft gamertag and then I can add you as a friend and you should be able to join through me and QT if that is true I am very very sorry to hear that oh get on the train this is the train right uhoh and thank you for subscribing Chris welcome to the channel oh they do shows are my favorite character is Jeffy oh so it’s not a it’s not like a game it’s a a [Music] channel Ah that’s cool how you have that so you press the lover and then it brings you over here and it’s you know kind of like how a train would be out of all the worlds I’ve shown you you which have you liked the most so far e is asking let’s see also thank you for subscribing is it Maro welcome to the channel and how’s it going Shadow uhoh I’m getting smacked so right now I’m visiting E’s world and we are sleding and to answer your question easy that’s a good question actually feel like I need to see all them I forgot some of them what was the last one that we did of yours cuz I I remember that was a fun one too was it like something where we were like hide and seek was it was that was that the one cuz uh that one was fun that one might be my favorite and what food yes Pizza absolutely Pizza Axel that is the top food Evie says we did the mini games one then also the amusic park in hide and seek so hide-and seek was a lot of fun I think hide-and seek actually oh added me as a friend hot kid what is your Microsoft gamertag if you guys want to join just let me know your Microsoft gamertag and I’ll try to add you ah also four minutes left on the timer everyone is welcome to join for this uh let’s see oval emu is the owner but I’m getting smacked I have no idea Alpha maybe they’re angry and and they’re trying to take out their anger on something oh thank you hot kid and yeah cheese pizza I agree axle cheese pizza is super good I really love um I really love cheese so like extra cheese pizza stuffed crusted cheese pizza I do like pepperoni pizza too like that’s like like cheese pizza pepperoni pizza that’s like the best ah no no Eevee this is a nightmare everyone’s smacking me I can’t escape even something invisible is smacking me this is too spooky how do how do I ah no no eie where did you go I need safety I can’t escape it’s spooky too spooky everyone’s angry they they forgot to eat their pizza now they’re hungry and they’re they’re angry they’re super hangry no my boat left without me okay boat thank you boat okay come on boat let’s go get away from the smacky too many smacking have a good night Lee thank you for stopping by and how’s it going RQ and the Wolf welcome oh so yeah Pizza um yeah stuffed Crush cheese pizza is like my absolute favorite and macaroni and cheese pizza super good got to try it if you haven’t so what I’m doing right now is Minecraft Bedrock visiting viewer Worlds the queue is currently closed though since um oh since there’s a lot of people still in the queue and it’s really late but you guys are welcome to visit the worlds alongside me as long as the owner is fine with that but the way I do my Minecraft live streams is I visit viewer worlds I have a Q system using Google forms so if you want your your world or your realm visited you can add yourself to the queue and we can visit your world e says if you want to get dizzy get to the bottom and spin around real fast wo and not at the bottom but I can still spin around there you go and chicken says you know what I like I absolutely do know what you like chicken you like pizza chicken pizza stop smacking her or I kick eie says is making you dizzy is it really it doesn’t make me dizzy I want it to make me dizzy though it’s it’s it’s like fun doing that like if you have um a chair that like spins around it’s fun to do that on the chairs just make yourself super [Music] dizzy uh do you like coke coke is okay I don’t drink soda too much though I usually have water what you like smelly sock Pizza that sounds horrid that sounds like something that uh my puppy’s mom would like as my puppy’s name is mochi her mom’s name is pickles um Mochi is my perer though but I say that because mochi’s Mom she absolutely like socks like she will eat a sock so you have to be careful with her she’s crazy her mom is crazy I say eie says sometimes my friend gets dizzy on purpose just to throw up well I find it fun but I don’t want to you know throw up that doesn’t sound fun I don’t like pineapple and pizza but I do like it separate oh any chance for more emotes on Twitch I’ll have to look into it for sure Mary I’m definitely definitely up for it I just have to look into twitch again because I haven’t done too much with that lately somebody’s playing realistic Minecraft tag on says oh like eer says to Q I take things like that very seriously I’m very tempted to ban you for trying to joke around yes please don’t joke around about sensitive things like that about like you know dying from cancer yeah please don’t do that it is a very serious thing all right eie the timer is up is there anything you wanted to do before we move on and I do like pickles yes but I don’t like pickles on anything I just like like um you know just playing hey how’s it going uh tfna player welcome like either says to apologize or be banned how long do you stay on the worlds I’m doing a 20 minute timer so I’ve been trying to do that and how’s it going uh beams welcome beams sleding is all this world is good for eeve says apparently it’s also good for pvping Taekwondo says but if your grandma doesn’t backflip a dog stands on two legs wait Project going to what what I have no idea what you’re talking about Tao and how’s it going jiia welcome to the stream Jeremiah All right we are going to go ahead and move on to the next person in the queue so let’s go ahead and do a roll call to see who’s here for their turn because I know it’s like you know getting super late so eie says I will say that you’re quite the dedicated streamer yeah I appreciate you Eevee and do I like Toco Bell H I do like Taco Bell yes but I am super super picky beam says the first time I heard that word I had a dream that was about to be a reality show about a woman in the hospital who was in a bad place in her early thought of it as a thought wait of I what thought of you I was thinking H I’m not sure what that completely mean s beames sounds like a very um indepth dream though hey no worries Taekwondo thank you so much for stopping by and um I’m playing on Nintendo switch right now actually King I do like all platforms as far as PC though my laptop is a flipper so if I stream PC games I get a lot of blue screens of death so I I stick to the consoles mostly because of that but I do genuinely prefer playing on Console I suppose cuz I’m like more you know more used to it more comfortable with it like using a controller white screens of death uh no blue screens of death they’re blue yeah I could show you pictures definitely blue and how’s it going G Army welcome and absolutely definitely welcome to join and fortnite kid welcome and also purple how’s it going oh I have to um what’s your question and let’s see here okay back to the queue let’s see who we have next I’m not sure who all is here but we’re going to go ahead and do a roll call so we can update the queue so please let me know if you guys are here we have squix Galaxy plays Terren Jordan Papa Nico pdb burnt toast Fireblaze Ansley so again please let me know if you guys are here squix Galaxy also oh Mr Man Mr Man are you here I totally I totally forgot about that I Know M Mr Man was gone so I um deleted his name but then he showed up again but I haven’t seen him again so yeah please let me know if you’re here squ Mr Man Galaxy and uh Terrence Jordan Papa Nico pdb burnt toast Fireblaze Ansley okay squix is here pdb is here burnt toast is here and fortnite kid you are awesome thank you for subscribing fortnite kid welcome to the channel okay also welcome back uh K jro and how’s it going Elsa okay let me make sure I get everyone who’s here then and I see Terrence is here and how’s it going Jeremiah Okay so right now I’m just figuring out who is here so we know who we’re going to be visiting next so we got pdb burnt toast and squaks and Terrance so I’m going to delete everybody else okay so Galaxy place I don’t uh don’t believe I saw them okay update and I don’t think I saw Jordan so hopefully I’m correct on that Papa Nico and anley so it looks like we have five people left in the queue squix is the next one then Terrance pdb burnt toast and Fireblaze so that is the order and Taekwondo thank you again for being here taond do it was awesome to meet you I hope you have a great rest of your great rest of your day great night also how’s it going Bonito welcome Bonito so purple says I sent a VIP server link of my mm2 server and it keeps sending people to random people um I’m not quite sure um I don’t exactly understand what’s going on fully are you able to DM me and I can try to get back to you on Discord sometime because yeah I’m not quite sure I’m understanding the whole situation there it’s a random servers and how’s it going NAA and Jamie welcome to the stream guys so send a VIP server link of my mm2 server let’s see I wonder if like Geer would uh have any idea what you’re referring to like gazer would you happen to um understand what Earth purple is talking about cuz I I don’t know as a yeah or purple says ailia I’m going to cry so I wonder if like iser might be able to help you out with that and trainer Mystic you are here how’s it going trainer Mystic does gazer have twin named dark gazer so I was playing a game yesterday called those who remain and uh there were dark gazers there they were evil and spooky oh welcome back Lee bet you can’t get past this joke what do clouds like to wear I have no idea what do they like to wear like eer says you send a link to a server it should send people to that server all right so hopefully hopefully you’re able to you know figure things out there and uh thank you for stopping by Trader Mystic have a good night oh thunderwear I see okay all right uh let’s see the next person was squix right okay so squix are you ready for your world to get visited oh also Prince Carl welcome to the stream how’s it going okay so squigs says hello last thing I see and when will you play hopefully very very soon I’m visiting your world so just got to make sure that they are ready for their world visited and glass key let’s see glass key is your name okay I don’t see it so squix is the next person are you ready for us to visit your world squix so anyone is welcome to join this one and um so the way I do my Minecraft live streams is I do visiting viewer worlds if you guys want your world visited you can add yourself to the queue and we’ll visit your world I do have the queue closed since it’s late now though and you guys are also welcome to visit alongside me if the owner is fine with other visitors and squix is fine with everyone to join so we just have to see when squix is ready for us and how’s it going Terry and also if you guys are interested we do have a Discord do feel free to join how’s it going Sandra welcome oh Squig says come back to me later okay no worries scks I’ll leave you in there we’ll go ahead and move on and come back to yours then how are you doing Terry and yeah I’m joining different viewers wolf so I have a queue where we’re we’re following it and you know taking turns in order so Terren that means you’re next are you ready for your turn uh Terrance so Teran says only I am allowed to join for this one and a fun Survival Creative World is what it says okay terance is ready so oh I don’t know if I’m friends with you let me go ahead oh wait no I am friends with you I see you there you go okay I think we should be good then sounds good Axel gaming thank you so much for hanging with us and I hope you have a great night and join with your iPad I do know if you have the Minecraft Pocket Edition you should be able to join that is a Bedrock version and Bedrock is all compatible with each other oh gayos let’s see uh did you have your Microsoft gamertag listed in the chat here gaos and eie says fun fact azy is a witch and loves country music no just no big no Yeah country music I do not like and I am not a witch okay what games do you enjoy Alex is asking I enjoy a lot of games I love a whole bunch of different kinds of games different genres uh I stream a lot of games here on the channel too uh it has to be family friendly for YouTube but I’m pretty much up for playing absolutely anything honestly uh you know of course there’s some games I might not be as much into as others but I really do like a lot of games um some of my favorites are Legend of Zelda series final fantasy series Call of Duty zombies hell world when it’s not crashing slime Rancher and you know lots of thanks also how’s it going skibby kid welcome and uh Lucifer thank you for hanging with us have a wonderful day as well and let me see if I can friend you gaos hey Cheney what you beans up to well been doing Minecraft today visiting viewer worlds and having a lot of tech problems with Minecraft error problems so that part was a flipper but it’s letting me join the worlds now so that’s awesome I li I lie like a Rog how’s it going skib welcome okay gaos I’m G to see if I can add you as a friend if it doesn’t work on the browser page I’m going to try really quick on Minecraft also I forgot how to do the emote thingies oh wait it says right there I just don’t really do them wait I want to see let’s see here yeah sweet all right so let me see if I can oh I’ll try to add you as a friend but for this one they don’t want anyone else joining but I’ll still see if I can just add you as a friend at least it’s not working on the browser so let’s see if it will work over here okay okay currently friends but like I mentioned uh band girl didn’t want anyone else to join for this one so if you could respect their wishes would appreciate that um but there are some worlds where everyone is welcome to join and Jamie says what time is it for you it’s uh for you it’s 6:49 is it P p.m or a.m. Jamie for me it’s 12:50 a.m. so you know late and I’m going to use an IP can as long as it’s Bedrock you’re totally fine and sounds mostly fun a back flipper back flipper maybe some kind of flipper anyway and welcome back King yep I am doing bedrock and how’s it going Sage okay so I have to start the timer oh so gaos um let’s see it is getting pretty late I do have the C clothes as well so I don’t know about squeezing in any more worlds because we do still have five people including this one but I definitely will do uh will do Minecraft on the channel again so definitely we’ll have a chance to visit your world then you know I love seeing your worlds and hey how’s it going Studio nice to see you thank you for stopping by appreciate you okay and oh the the chest is your stuff oh thank you oh I haven’t I’m not looking at the sign oh there you go oh that’s a lot of stuff thanks well I guess I don’t need to put all of it in my inventory and welcome back to you Ash how’s it going Cody are you saving up for a PC and bed I am actually so my laptop that I used to stream is a flipper um it was super expensive at the start but I I got it because I wanted something that would be really good for streaming unfortunately it had issues from the start but it was past the the 30 days and I don’t know how I could have actually not gone past the 30 days of the return policy because I was like going through um like the whole year I was like talking to support team off and on trying to you know figure out if I just needed to adjust something because I had problems with it getting to 100% CPU usage and a big problem I have is blue screens of death if I stream pretty much anything PC any PC game I usually get a blue screen of death so I’m trying to save up for a good PC for streaming and then also with the bed my bed is insanely old so definitely need a good bed well nothing like you know fancy just a decent bed that’s it just a bed that you know isn’t super old uh Sage says sorry I was not here for the last I don’t know how much streams Oh no you’re completely fine Sage you guys never have to apologize for not being here you know we all have our own things going on with life it is completely fine I’m always happy to see you when you can make it but you know never never feel the need to apologize it’s all good and doing well Studio says uh you I’m doing all right as well uh just had some issues with Minecraft today um but it’s been working good for the most part now but yeah it’s been a flipper sometimes so yeah um how’s it going Pedro we are familyfriendly though but welcome oh Sarge uh Sarge says do apologize for not being being able to do my world today I’ll fix it for next time hey no worries at all Sarge Minecraft has just been kind of flippery today so it’s all good and drite says still save in up for specs for a new pc oh gave you a flower thank you Terrence and super camberg nice to see you how’s it going okay sorry I I need to pay attention to the game um let’s see maybe some tools and weapons all right is there anything specific that you wanted to do did you like just want to like do some building or um exploring or like a tour or anything oh it’s okay Sage I actually do have a gamble command but it’s just points so just points no worries and it is nice to see you again Camp org I hope that you’ve been doing well and uh WN King says I must go so bye see you King it was awesome meeting you thank you so much for joining us and how’s it going Shadow the Cat welcome oh you can do whatever you want Azie T says all right let’s do it okay let’s see here and it is in survival completely okay how’s it going uh DJ welcome oh what else can you do with points so you can do this command store exclamation mark store it will bring up a link and when you go to the link you’ll see all of the things you can redeem I have a whole bunch of different uh animated gifts that you can choose from and there’s also Q pass so like you know for today’s stream I have a queue if you were in the queue you could do a que pass and go immediately next and not have to wait for everybody there’s also mod for a day and other things as well so I’ll go ahead and show you an example one of my favorite redemptions cuz yeah you can either click on it through that link or if you know the command you can do redeem so yeah you like that one I hope that’s not true Al I hope your cat did not actually eat an axel lottle oh DJ uh says I’m here randomly but seeing and hearing Minecraft sure brings my childhood memories back such a bliss and wonderful moments they were and it’s actually Minecraft 15th anniversary um well technically it was May 17th for that but Minecraft is still in you know still in celebration of it like 15 days of Minecraft is going on right now so yeah but it’s nice to meet you DJ thank thank you for stopping by and how’s it going uh Sensei h i not sure what you’re talking about there and thank you for stopping by Studio have a great night excuse me I need to drink some water just have something in my throat okay I think it’s good Gail says remember how Minecraft was made in only 6 days that isn’t true is it I have no idea how many days it actually took honestly and what are the points for and yes don’t gamble do not gamble anybody only if you’re of age and if you are of age gamble responsibly but um points like I mentioned uh you can go click on that link the um after you exclamation mark store commands and you’ll see everything you can redeem there’s animated gifts and Q pass mod for a day different things like that and you automatically get points by showing up on the live streams I’ll go ahead and show you one more time here this is one of the things you can redeem oh sure Teran says if you want I can show you the house underground that sounds awesome let’s see uh uh oh I don’t know where you went though and also I better I need to pay more attention to the turn we can go longer than 20 minutes as well so no worries because I know I am reading chat a lot um oh I know who yeah I know who Notch is I never said I did not also Cody yo thank you so much for the Super Chat Cody and uh welcome to the stream thank you Cody says keep up the amazing work I hope this helps a little towards oh thank you so much for that Cody definitely I really appreciate you and uh hope this helps a little towards you getting your PC in bed I have been a little stressed and coming across your stream made my day a little b a bit better thank you hey absolutely Cody I hope that you feel much better Cody Darlington donated Australian dollar through Super Chat keep up the amazing work I hope this helps a little towards you getting your PC and bed I have been a little stressed and coming across your stream made my day a bit better thank you yes much appreciated and I don’t and to clarify I’m not sure why Sensei is saying this but I do have familiar have familiarity with Notch the only thing I don’t have well not the only thing but one of the things I don’t know about is I don’t know how many days it actually took to make Minecraft that I don’t know but I’m not sure why you said that cuz I never did say that so please don’t say things that aren’t true but anyway we are also being raided # raid thank you so much for the raid and again I’m going to go ahead and pause the timer for you thank you for your patience also I really appreciate you guys um I’m pausing the timer because I know A lot’s going on and I’ll get back to the turn here in Minecraft but thank you so much for the raid her purple thank you so much and I hope that uh you were able to get everything figured out thank you like eer as well for uh helping her purple out and uh how was your stream what were you streaming and how’s it going blast box welcome and have a good night Lee thank you for stopping by [Music] also welcome Ricky is it possible to make a dog with blocks yes you can do a lot of things in Minecraft you can make pretty much anything like an um like pixel arts kind of thing and welcome back Sam Samantha welcome and after this world you’re ready sounds good sxs and nail welcome to the stream and see you Cheney have a wonderful rest of your day have a good night and you again Lee thank you so much oh not not really Zia but still worked out and Mario Maker 2 is that that what you streams thank you so much for the Raider I appreciate you and guys be sure to check out Earth purple oh it’s a fan fact what Sensei said or whoever s say and a it’s all good purple regardless of you know popularity or any any of that you are awesome and I really appreciate you thank you for that and be sure to check out her purple everybody oh it’s very crazy that you say this okay I have to I have to say something so Andy guess what guess what origin PC is what my PC currently is and it’s this gaming laptop is origin PC and it’s the same one that I have a lot of problems with like I was super stoked to get this like I was really like okay I want something that’s going to be you know topnotch for my YouTube Journey for streaming content Crea cretion that’s what that’s what was in my mind so I’m like okay origin PC I I can’t wait to have that it’s going to be like the most amazing you know PC ever was my thoughts and I got their laptop and I’ve had so many problems but I know some people have had better experiences but my experience unfortunately was not that cuz I have so many blue screens of deaths and I’ve had problems with 100% CPU usage so unfortunately that is my experience yeah also how’s it going Mohammed welcome Ash please don’t spam jum um gibberish I guess you’d say hey see you see you purple thank you again for the raid and Andy says oh I have one now yeah the one I’m I’m using that I’m been having problems with is an origin PC so that’s why like AER says that cuz yeah I’ve talked to ler about it so much too like you know um talked about the different problems and also support from origin it’s just it’s been a flipper I also s my laptop in for you know like trying to get repairs like two different times for sure but yeah okay back to Minecraft thank you so much for your patience um Terrence I appreciate you thank you you’re awesome cuz I I know like there’s a lot been going on and I I you know been talking to chat addressing the raid so thank you for being understanding with that all right timer’s going again there we go okay so you you mentioned about showing me your underground house I believe okay I am ready oh it was right here I hear a doggo woo this can make you kind of dizzy are you in a cherry blossom biome cuz more mobs spawn I have no idea idea um it is terrance’s world uh AKA band Girl’s World so I’m not sure oh Samantha thinks that we’re in a tiaga biome oh Sage says like Geer forgot to talk to you what [Music] up oh and Teran says don’t worry about losing your stuff if you die your stuff will stay in your inventory so you have have a little garden and you got some pretty flowers very nice and lots of storage [Music] oh the little library and another room nice like user says the biome has little to do with the mob spawning unless it’s a mushroom island or deep dark biome yeah likeo uh leazer knows a lot more about like the technical Minecraft things and it’s why elevation that influences mob spawning oh you’re completely fine Terren no that was fun actually teren says sorry for the stairs azy and we are next to cherry trees I just grabbed a few the stairs was fun to be honest like it can be it does feel like a little dizzy but like in a fun way and nope the live is still going Samantha and how’s it going Lords Ash says I think you might be in just a wood biome just the normal biome and Mary says azy I’ve got a question is the mod selection [Music] done there is a tiny tiny part left to it just a tiny part so like the main the main part is done it it’ll make it’ll probably make more sense uh after I finalize the rest of it also how’s it going kitsun and Golden Hat welcome hey you’re good Mary no worries Teran says I have it on Peaceful because I don’t like the non Hostile Mobs much and that’s completely fine it is your world so you know however you want to do things hey squix is still here you’re awesome squaks thank you [Music] you have oh that’s an iron sword but it looks like that because you I forget what the word is for it you like did the magical thingy enchantment yeah it looks really cool after you enchant them I think you should add a yellow Axel so you want me to have three Axel next to me oh so do you mean uh Sage says I forgot azy now can I become a mob do you mean mod or do you actually mean mob how’s it going is it nnest welcome you look ins slay today thank you this is how I look every time I stream and Welcome Matt so I am currently in band girls base right now so for my Minecraft live streams I visit viewer worlds and currently visiting band girls world oh Enchanted Enchanted oh no worries Sage I did just do mod applications and just have a teeny you know a teeny bit more left to it but almost you know almost fully done what my clothes must be stinky I haven’t changed in a while or I just have a million different pairs of the same hoodie see actually the hoodie that you see me wearing has um my merch design on it and I do have um a merch store if you guys want to check it out I design my own merch and you can wear like the same thing I’m wearing and Matt says Minecraft is one of my favorite games nice oh what’s your favorite mob it’s hard for me to decide between uh the Wolves and the Axel there’s other cute ones too though shaneless plug right there um and what’s your most favorite game that is a tough question there’s so many great games out there [Music] um just a quick drink of water there so Legend of Zelda series is definitely some of my favorites Final Fantasy series Legend of Zelda acarina of time specifically uh you know def definitely a very big one there with Nostalgia and everything uh Final Fantasy 8 was my first Final Fantasy so that one holds a special place for me Super Mario Maker 2 was the first game I ever live streamed and I do really like the game a lot so you know that’s definitely One Call of Duty zombies I super super enjoy Call of Duty zombies that’s a super fun time depending on the map too though that definitely influences how it goes and pal world I really do like pal world but it’s been crashing for me on the Xbox one so yeah yeah can’t really play it because of that I also like slame Rancher and many other games there’s a lot of fun games out there so there’s are just some things I I really like yeah uh thank you Ernest yeah my um my hoodie has it’s it’s like based off of the Mario Bros 3 but it has my character so yeah have you ever watched Barney the dinosaur honestly I never got into that when I was young just never did oh do whatever you want uh if you want azy tan says let’s see okay let me go ahead and head back up then my favorite game is Storm 4 or Shinobi Striker oh like Naruto I need to play some of those games I haven’t been playing them and I love Naruto Alpha says I barely remember Barney I never got into Barney that was not something I watched when I was a kid I know I watch Like Looney Tunes I do remember that and what you have a flamethrower and a minigun and Barney the dinosaur yo you might see it like they do have a Winnie the Poo movie that’s horror so maybe they’ll have a horror movie with Barney you never know D night says Naruto Ninja Storm I love those games also Ernest um uh please don’t say your age in the chat for your own safety and also YouTube terms of service so yeah just be careful with that don’t want to mention your age I can remember Barney looking good and when do you stream so I stream every single week usually around the weekends I do put a weekly live stream schedule out usually around Fridays um so on a weekly basis I have the schedules you can find the schedule on my YouTube Community posts on Twitter and also in Discord so I posted all all those spots every single week and again usually around Fridays when I post the schedules but yeah every week around the weekend have you watch Dora I actually have um my niece I have one niece who got really into toora so I watched you a little bit because of her Ernest says that there’s a movie with Barney being evil I’ll cry because it ruined my childhood how do you feel about Winnie the Pooh you know like having the horror movies and they’re continuing them oh Mew just realized it’s 2:15 a.m. it’s early still Mew right oh yeah SpongeBob I used to watch that a little bit too oh okay let me see here I’m going to stop the timer because it’s going to stop soon but I I know I’ve been talking to chat a lot so we’ll do some more and welcome back Brian Brian says Hey and seriously what’s up Brian oh I I personally must say don’t watch wiy the Pooh don’t watch it not the the the horror movie like I skimmed through it but it was like the worst movie I’ve ever seen that’s my opinion anyway oh Sage is asking do you like watching horror movies in the middle of the night I like it personally it depends on my mood I’d have to say I do enjoy it a lot during like the Halloween season I can have fun time you know just watching some spooky things with my loved one but it does depend on my mood I think I can enjoy pretty much every type of movie but some are not as good as others oh Brian I see you what do you mean ignoring you though I I haven’t seen any other comments from you so maybe it could be YouTube yeah I don’t really see much uh many comments yeah I know YouTube sometimes has issues with things though so maybe they’re hiding something and uh Ash says oh also welcome back Axel gaming change my thing into Barney Ash says in P World how’s it going Christopher oh you have nightmares of Barney but scary quick says oh no I said Hey to you Brian yep I did say hey and omz videos I’m not sure what that is actually but yes welcome back Brian welcome back to you oh no Terrence did you die Terren says I fell and can you click live YouTube shorts uh I don’t think so like um I don’t think they actually have a way you can truly do it unless you like have like a work around and welcome back dreamer oh what about Mickey Mouse I did watch some of that I know I did watch like um there was like the Aladdin cartoon show on Disney The Little Mermaid also on Nickelodeon Rugrats and Doug and cartoon CAD Courage the Cowardly Dog oh try a horror seat on Minecraft I do enjoy watching like some of the spooky Minecraft mods I I’ve visited some viewer worlds like that oh Mickey Mouse used to be your favorite show ER says um I’ve never seen Thomas the Tank Engine my favorite cartoon which is also an anime was Sailor Moon and I I still like Sailor Moon a lot I was obsessed with that oh my God no no well that was unexpected and do you know the Sonic.exe shows I do not but I know that there’s a Sonic.exe thing from the Friday night funkin also Brian I do want to remind you uh like AER did time you out earlier you know try to be careful with having good sportsmanship and all that it’s okay Terrence hey C how’s it going and Kon Max welcome all right going back going to venture in I will move on soon here though but um the timer actually did go out but some of that I was you know reading chat so I will still be in the world a little bit longer longer do you know the scps like shy guy I think it was stage says so I forgot some of the scps I know that there were viewers before like in previous streams like we talked about that a little bit I know I I knew a little bit about it but I don’t don’t really remember um what everything they said cuz there was like it was like different stories right like different scps have different different stories to it and some could be kind of spooky hey welcome back king and pdb you are awesome I appreciate you how’s it going Emerald I only know English unfortunately though do you think smiling Critter Plushies are cute it depends what they look like cuz I’m not sure what they look like right now I do remember these plushies where you’re supposed to like um press a button or something and then it makes their mouth move and you know they’re kind of spooky looking I guess all right so don’t go forward or this would be a good time to practice AIT it’ be fun flying through the nether portal Brian says no also how’s it going is it Kum welcome and my day has been going all right how about you and have you ever been to Disney World no but I have been to Disneyland not world but land and it was actually in Tokyo Japan I visited Tokyo Japan one time uh I forgot how long I was there cuz it was definitely uh a handful of weeks anyway a couple weeks uh it was the best experience ever super awesome super magical and glad to hear it’s uh going good Carrie I’m doing I’m doing all right thank you if that happened to me I would just laugh yes sometimes that’s that’s just the best way to do it you know you don’t want to be too serious although you know sometimes you know I feel like maybe I’m too serious with some things I don’t know but um you know it’s good to laugh and just have fun Brian says see a this is why you shouldn’t watch your live chats no it’s okay Brian it was funny it was funny that I fell in the lava it’s okay and I like I like watching my my chat you guys are awesome it’s fun talking to you also skibbidy be careful not to get spamy and I’m good been fishing for 2 days with 7 hour sleep oh so like in real life uh fishing I like fishing in games I have a fun time doing that I don’t like fish uh you know like to eat I’m just really picky first thing I do when I get to work so I can get paid for it SK says uh spamming or what uh car says what my dream is to go to Tokyo yes Tokyo is awesome Carrie definitely wonderful experience highly recommend and do you like to watch any Yasha I watched some of it but it was a long time ago I wouldn’t mind seeing it again oh some SC please have sad stories stage says and do you know there’s a Secret side of Disney World the company doesn’t want you to know uh I guess it doesn’t surprise me there’s probably you know there’s probably a lot of parts to especially like big companies you know there’s a lot of people involved and a lot of different things going on byon says what means like this and and yeah really fish do you know Pokemon I know some Pokémon and Emerald how are you doing Emerald uh like I said though I only know English unfortunately and you got many Pokémon sweet I like Pokemon Legends archus that’s my favorite Pokemon and uh favorite Pokemon would be or favorite Pokemon game but favorite Pokemon would be like Pikachu Espeon Umbreon tyan so those are some of my favorites oh Jurassic World the game that’d be interesting to try and I did watch One Piece or I tried to I could not get into it though but I I do want to try it out again and see if I can you know get into it I was watching the dubbed episode and also [ __ ] wolf thank you for subscribing welcome to the Channel fire blaz says if you look at the map of Disney World there’s a secret Island on the top right and hey how’s it going best edits thought I would drop by before I go to bed I appreciate that hope you are um or hope your day was good best edits and I hope you have a good night oh favorite Demon Slayer character I forget the name of the dude uh I can’t remember the name of the dude it was like one of the first dudes you come across like one of the first cool strong dudes you come across I I don’t know if that helps and I also like uh tandro and um oh no I can’t think of the name oh no how could I forget the name tandro and a sister I can’t think of her name that’s so bad how could I forget her name oh flippers I can’t remember her name right now well it’s late it’s okay yes Nazo yeah oh yes guu yeah let’s go Mary let’s go Mary got them both thank you Mary you’re awesome and also I see you guys on on U on YouTube also guessed it thank you guys also I just want to uh say be careful not to spoil anything as well please uh best Ed says my friend is coming to my house tomorrow I’m excited hey nice oh Naro character all of them I love Naruto so Naruto is also my favorite character although that might be an unpopular opinion but I do like Naruto uh Sasuke Sakura Itachi Shikamaru Kakashi those are definitely some what is your fears well that gets kind of spooky though when you think about your fears you know I I’d say it’d be like you know a lot of the things that you know people dread and you know the sad things in life but we we want to stay positive okay I’ll explore this a little bit and then we’ll move on oh you know what I really should put on my armor actually oh what’s that you have a a pitcher plants oh was this supposed to be like a really rare thing oh favorite movie Avengers Infinity War Avengers endgame and Spider-Man no way home are some of my favorites all of those names I don’t know Alpha says can you focus on the game because you’re chatting like five minutes well as you know Brian I do like to chat or do you guys want me to stop looking at chat as much should I should I just like um ignore chat a bit I mean not really trying to ignore but you know just like focus on the game more I do like to talk to chat though uh no skippity Brian says stop looking at chat and hello uh kimori welcome see if I didn’t look at chat I would have missed uh kori’s message and favorite food pizza oh yichi is your favorite character games SL oh so I’m visiting viewer worlds and this is uh Bedrock that we’re doing but I’ll be moving on to the next World very soon it’s how I do my Minecraft live streams is I visit viewer worlds and Realms you guys can add yourself to the queue if you want me to visit your worlds I do have the queue closed for the stream now though because it’s really late but you are still welcome to join me on the visits if the owner is fine with visitors yeah Alex Pizza Alpha says Brian you sound angry favorite dessert that one’s a hard question that is so hard like there’s so many good desserts out there I like cheesecake what Brian’s angry don’t be angry cheesecake is good ice cream is delicious so it’s like really hard but cakes are good cookies are good cupcakes are good chocolate muffins are good see it’s so hard like how do you pick a favorite dessert it’s hard and dark pink Brian says no seriously I’m not joking Brian is angry Brian don’t be angry and Charles also next Pizza why because uh uh it’s not good to be angry that’s why it’s not good to be mad or stressed out it’s not healthy uh oh likea says a hey welcome back bued what happened since I was gone I’ve been talking to chat a lot Brian’s been getting mad because of that I’m trying trying to tell Brian it’s okay please don’t get mad but uh I’ve been exploring terrence’s world and just like going uh going around in the Nether world here but I should move on but uh it was funny though when I when I first uh entered this I I fell into the lava so it was funny favorite animal wolves foxes owls dogs cats favorite snack of all time Pizza can I just use Pizza as that one all right I am going to go ahead and move on to the next world thank you for letting me visit your world parents and this area looks crazy it would be fun to fly with the elyra for sure also welcome back Forest favorite candy there’s a lot of good candies too oh you can’t find the Cobblestone Teran says yeah better be careful Brian like user is you know starting to you know get unhappy with your behavior yeah Pizza Lover yes I could live off of pizza if it was required Brian says so so am I Brian let’s see in the nether it looks like ashes from the sky Erna says me angry like Brian guys don’t be angry it’s not good be happy happy oh yes favorite candy that’s right uh almond sckers is super good Milk Duds Carmelos Skittles Starburst all of that Mary says oh my God it’s raining favorite breakfast pizza SP two and three how’s it going and fed bear welcome always wanted to be a vtuber but I don’t know uh don’t have the best computer God bless you and your channel oh thank you fed bear and honestly I do not have the best computer it’s a flipper and um you know if that’s something you want to pursue definitely go for it there is uh you know I I don’t pay anything for the programs I use so you can definitely be a YouTuber by just doing some research and you know there’s different programs like you says Brian do you not understand I will ban you if you don’t chill with this we giv you like 100 chances yeah try to be careful yeah pizza for breakf honestly I honestly I don’t really do breakfast to be honest okay squiger oh you meant to say gaze into the lava and everyone here is always 22 skib also how’s it going Jenny welcome to the stream oh Teran says I fell in love again and I’m heading to bed so just let me know if you ever wanted to just hang out in the world just let me know azy sounds good Terren thank you so much for being here and letting me visit your world I hope you have a good night and King says hello the two exles Brian says then why ailia doesn’t want me to get banned huh well I don’t want you to get banned Brian you know I don’t want anyone to get banned honestly but you know you also want to stay nice in the chat as well you don’t want to be arguing against the mods and things like that and you want to have you know good sportsmanship buried says Brain ain’t braining I totally feel you there buried totally okay so Squig is next and let’s see Squig says everyone can join all right guys everyone’s welcome party at sxes so that’s also glass key that we’re joining party at glass Keys glass key says uh just wanted to show my progress because you inspired me to play Minecraft hey awesome oh after four months of no rain it’s finally raining Mary says so are you happy it’s raining or are you like not liking it Brian says but it makes you happy right um um well if you guys are not banned I’m definitely happy you know but the thing is I you know it’s not good to be rude and like you know things like that and yes gaos everyone’s welcome to join although let’s see I added you as a friend I think right gaos I’m pretty sure I did so I think we’re good oh thank you skib I appreciate that and I am I am streaming Splatoon 3 for the splatfest um well it’s today now for me because it’s a new day but that’s the next stream I’m doing and then roblocks will be on Monday and everyone’s welcome to join in both streams so feel free and like eer says is the point of a live stream to play a game or connect with an audience I would say it’s both and this world is sck’s world oh burto says I can’t join you brain cells losing from the skib tri says so let’s see uh squix are you is uh are the settings uh let’s see yeah you did say that everyone’s welcome to join so are the settings letting others join through me and how’s it going uh tap trap nice to meet you welcome to the channel squ says I’m on tablets let’s see so can I invite uh invite you guys my English is going by the way and like G says what makes ailia happy is hanging out with chat for says A New Day Has Come sorry I wanted to say it like that I want to play this song oh yeah the song by SEL Deion I know what you’re talking about and there says super happy oh you’re super happy it’s raining and how’s it going Oscar okay that means 1 hour and 20 minutes until my world fireplace says don’t know why I’m so tired Ernest says you know what I feel like that a lot honestly but I I do speculate some of reason is you know getting enough sleep is important but also good quality sleep is important and that can be hard oh welcome breeders yo hashtag uh shafty raid [Music] welcome how’s it going Cosmo crazy and SCC Addy plays and sebie Howard welcome uh just be careful not to get uh spammy but welcome how’s it going guys oh squix says wait on try something okay no worries hey colorful Ranger how’s it going and Titan hello and welcome Howard it is nice to meet you guys how’s it going and uh how’s it going NADA and M shaft welcome and I am assuming M shaft is ahead of the raid thank you so much for the raid and what were you streaming how is your stream oh thank you colorful Ranger you’re awesome and neon red crew mate welcome to the Stream and SpongeBob how’s it going SpongeBob is this Mario Bros this is Mario yep Super Mario World music you’re hearing right here what no Ernest you you you uh you beat up the villagers of Minecraft that is sad me says holy moly this is awesome and how’s it going Taco those villagers are scammers feel no empathy for them not a well I personally feel like it’s sad but you know and M sh says stream was fun just finished Minecraft Hive nice thank you so much again for the raid M shaft it’s it’s also I don’t think I met you before so it’s nice to meet you and how’s it going Roblox welcome to the stream everyone and do be sure to check out M shaft as well let me see if I can get that shout out for you and yeah I grew up with you know like Mario Nintendo and Super Mario World is like you know one of the top games in my opinion there’s a lot of great games but you know that’s also one of them all right so that should get the link for you yay be sure to check out M shaft everybody click on the link or copy paste if you can’t click on it and also let me make sure I’m subscribed to you as well all right I am now subscribed thank you so much again for the read and again welcome to everyone uh I am ailia 22 I’m a familyfriendly Indie vtuber I stream every week here on YouTube also multi stream on Twitch and I do a variety of different games here as well I love all kinds of games uh I’ve been into gaming ever since I was born basically always been captivated by it and love many genres of gaming here on the channel I do lots of Nintendo I do variety um I do like to do a lot of streams where I’m playing with yours and I do Smash Bros yes I do Taco yep I do Smash Bros uh do a lot of different games and I’m also up for suggestions you know the main thing is you know if it’s as long as it’s like familyfriendly so some games I’ve done are Minecraft of course and Among Us Fall guys we’ll be doing Roblox here on Monday and I’m getting into fortnite a a little bit more actually because uh I played fortnite Festival recently which is kind of like Guitar Hero and I really loved that so I might do fortnite again because of that it’s so awesome I also do Mario Kart and Smash Bros Super Mario Maker 2 and Pokemon Animal Crossings Splatoon is actually going to be the next stream because of the Splat fest going on and just many many games yeah lots of games and also welcome back Samantha if you were a princess would you take Mario away from Peach no I I like Mario and Peach to be together they they are meant to be together in my opinion so they have to stay together and I M Pikachu young Link and when I’m not not Rusty Mega Man oh you’ve been missing your airpods I hope you’re able to find them colorful and M shaft Peach Waluigi no I must disagree I I like Peach with Mario so yeah and also cashier how’s it going and you made Mega Man Nice SpongeBob how’s it going is it basty welcome so the way I do my Minecraft live streams is I do visiting viewer worlds so I have a queue using Google forms if you want your world or realm visited you can add yourself to the queue and then we will go in order and visit everyone’s worlds I have the queue closed right now though because it’s really late but that’s you know how I do my Minecraft streams um often times anyway and then you guys can also join along beside me and visit the world as long as the owner fine with visitors and Yep this is Minecraft bedrock and so yep playing Minecraft Bedrock cashier also thank you for subscribing feros welcome to the channel what’s your favorite character H like gaming wise cuz like there’s like I do like anime as well so there’s a lot of characters I like especially if you include like every [Music] hey thank you so much car for subscribing welcome to the channel and it’s actually sck’s turn right now pdb but uh let me see where we’re at in the queue yeah cuz uh squix wasn’t ready but after squix then it’s your turn so we’re almost there and yep you’re absolutely welcome to join us everyone is welcome in sck’s world world if you want to join just let me know your Microsoft gamertag and I will friend you and you can join and also welcome back Alex M says it’s 1200 a.m. my time l so I’m going to bed have a good rest of your night and have a good stream thank you again for the raid M shaft it was awesome meeting you and I hope you have a good night and again be sure to check out the M shaft everybody subscribe Oh I thought I accidentally fell asleep again PB say also uh welcome to the channel big dum nice to meet you and hey how’s it going um baldas I I’m like I’m not I it’s hard for me to like know how to pronounce your name so but thank you for stopping by again Baldo welcome back to you and how’s it going n nice to meet you nin and cashier thank you so much for subscribing and big dum yo thank you also welcome to the channel guys glad to have you and enjoy enjoy your time here and also Zia welcome and everyone always starts from you know nothing you know it is a journey but if it’s something you want to go for you know keep giving it your best I highly suggest doing lots of research you know just hours of research but you know just never give up keep trying your best and you can do it thank you so much diaa and Ernest welcome to the channel guys and how’s it going doblin and bacon welcome Hey 20,600 guys thank you so much for thank you so much for 20 uh 20,600 subscribers guys it really means everything so thank you so much my My ultimate goal my My ultimate hope is to do this full-time so I I really appreciate you thank you guys and welcome to the channel and I hope that you enjoy your time here and thank you thank you so much for the congrats Mary J good night you guys are so awesome thank you so much hugs for everybody also this calls for party streamers I just need to get better audio better you know eventually thank you everyone you guys are super amazing and I hope you guys are all doing awesome really appreciate you yeah we’re getting close to 21,000 and 22,000 and hey frenzy welcome welcome back keep bumping into you welcome back frenzy and dolin thank you so much dolin and Taco’s asking which one will win in a fight I’m going to well honestly they’re all awesome but I think I have to go with Princess Peach honestly oh Gupta thank you for that Gupta and welcome and also Ariel welcome to the stream as well hey it sounds good Taurus thank you for stopping by and like I said Z everyone always starts from nothing you know like there was a time when I had absolutely nothing you know but if it’s something you really want to pursue just keep trying your best never give up you can absolutely absolutely grow and absolutely can do this thank you Charles and King thank you so much for be in here King have a wonderful rest of your day oh favorite YouTuber when you were young I don’t know if I really had a favorite exactly there there’s you know there’s different ones I did watch sometimes um niggaa was one and PewDie but uh yeah PewDiePie sometimes would also watch that one thank you Samantha that’s a lot of fruit and veggies lots of healthy food there and belda says you say when you have a 20,000 sub oh no I I did not say that I said when I have a 200 220,000 I said I’d do a face cam but I already did a face reveal on my 10,000 subscriber video but a couple streams ago or actually last stream it’s just a couple days ago couple days ago uh some viewers were saying to do a face cam stream at 1 million subscribers so I was thinking okay we can do that instead and when I bump into you I’m playing Minecraft I wonder why frenzy says is the universe speaking oh your favorite is Ry guy Rocky I’ve never heard of that one actually he Samantha I appreciate you thank you so much for subscribing and Forest says hard work does go long way as say having good times while doing it because if you’re having fun then so will your audience absolutely definitely do something you enjoy for sure probably Universe makes us go together frenzy says and balus thank you so much for stopping by have a great rest of your day all right oh squigs yes squigs we got to visit saks’s world so face reveal let’s see I wonder if you just type ailia 22 face reveal or 1,000 subscriber special face reveal I would think it would pop up for you or I can do it this way I’m pretty sure this is a command right maybe yeah there we go oh do name review oh what’s name review like you just like have a bunch of names and you say the ones you like and doblin says he’s a big Minecraft daycare Academy and daycare okay so squigs wait uhoh okay there we go glass key everyone is welcome to join and it says connection is lost let’s try this again oh wait where are you you like review your name oh like your wait your real name review well I haven’t actually you know gotten into like you know personal things like along those lines videos unavailable that doesn’t make sense no I clicked on it it works uh perhaps if you’re trying to access it through a mobile device maybe you have to like copy and paste or something of course is I mean and look at ailia she has worked hard to get where she is now and she’s usually having fun unless the game annoys her like when we had a lot of errors and then I got a headache from it I am on Nintendo switch I actually tried Xbox one and it it um it didn’t run Minecraft very well it did a worse job so it is also my goal to eventually get an Xbox series X so I can stream on the Xbox series X also because Xbox One is kind of failing me unfortunately oh favorite biome I like the ones with the cherry blossoms so maybe that okay let’s try this again I see no glass key are you are you ready for your turn squix also Tom Squad somehow I almost missed your name I don’t know how that happened but I’m glad I saw it it is nice to meet you Tom Squad welcome to the channel I really don’t know how I missed that like it was right there and I read the comment below but it’s like I didn’t see it it’s weird I’m glad I saw it [Music] though a I appreciate you frenzy yeah I I do like all platforms you know I can enjoy all platforms a lot of the games that I stream on the channel here are on Nintendo switch but I also sometimes do things on the Xbox although Xbox One hasn’t been running things as well yeah don’t always want to get personal with things and for some some reason it’s not letting me join your world now it’s weird oh Dron says Markiplier and smos I would watch for hours I know Markiplier oh wait I I do know Markiplier I’ve I’ve seen some Markiplier for some reason in my head I don’t know why Dragonite but in my head when I when I read Markiplier I was thinking Philip DeFranco I have no idea how my brain was thinking that and fandy says I feel so excited when a streamer calls my name and big taco or no not big taco big big taco thank you for stopping by Taco I hope you have a good night oh who even is that do you mean Philip der Franco or do you mean Markiplier I’m assuming you guys probably know Markiplier that’s weird that the video is unavailable when I click on it it is complet complely available so I’m wondering if it’s because of the fact that you’re probably watching on a mobile device oh the Phillip dude Philip DeFranco is a YouTuber as well he right now he’s been like uh he like talks about like news related things favorite game in Roblox I like the spooky games those are fun um squid game I I had a lot of fun when we first did squid game on Roblox that was cool cool and Mary says yeah Markiplier the Five Nights at Freddy’s King okay let’s try this again but yeah when it comes to Roblox the spooky games are the ones I find the most fun and the way I do my Roblox streams is you guys choose the games for it we’ll be doing that on Monday so if you want a spooky game or you know whatever game you want you just add yourself to the queue and we will do it and here who welcome back yep still going colorful s’s favorite game mode on The Hive in Minecraft bedwar SkyWars just build Etc I haven’t really done too much with um like The Hive or like any of the like the server games like that and on Minecraft is zilia 22 but my Microsoft gamertag is ailia 22 8458 it’s in the description as well but I can copy and paste it for you and just came for a check-in got to sleep now nighty night hereo says good night to you H thank you for stopping by I appreciate you if I play mimic I scream oh yeah wasn’t mimic the one oh no no doors I think it was doors called doors that’s the one that um played a few times now I never really make it far though and I’m not sure if we played mimic but I think we did and tap trap welcome back again hello it is nice to meet you oh NADA says I love mimic but I’m usually the sacrifice Dr night says how did I forget who Philip DeFranco was oh you you forgot but you remembered now and squix says hello hello squix oh you’re you’re in the uh cool skin thingy so are you guys able to join now hey AER alert one to hey padoodle thank you for being here you’re awesome and Junior we welcome oh what will you pick for this Fox’s house that is a good question I am thinking wait is the first one supposed to be a broken house cuz I thought the first one looked cool but if it’s a broken house I say it no it’s not good I mean f is like a giant castle but I feel like it’s unnecessary to have a giant castle there like lots of space so I think something you know simple and cozy could be good so like C might be good in my opinion NADA thinks that uh he shall be a wealthy Fox NADA says what time are you going to sleep I’m going to sleep at 10: a.m. Brian just kidding well hopefully not hopefully I don’t sleep at 10: a.m. um I do have just a little bit I have to take care of after the stream but yeah we’ll have to see okay so Squig says what are y’all’s username that’s trying to join so go ahead and put your Microsoft gamertag in the chat so we can try to get you into the world if you want to join oh P says I sleep at 10: a.m. I have before of course drite says hi a that reminds me of what was it I think it was a was it considered a mum like the the gers gers burps do you guys remember anything like that like the the gers instead of Goosebumps like there’s a mum where it’s like gers burps or something okay Samantha says nice okay walks to his house Brian says You must sleep like 5:00 a.m. how’s it go in the car 500 a.m. well we still got 3 hours Howard says I don’t know what sleep is sleep can be so hard sometimes it is a flipper honestly like just getting good quality sleep Dron says L what colorful says sleep is for the week just kidding so would anyone else like to join the world I know um squaks this is sck’s world and S squix wanted to know what your names were if you wanted to join because everyone is welcome to join this world colorful says Fox deserve all the space and should B royalty oh Howard has the user in there in the chat for you squix oh Pik says I mean if I can I’ll join I guess and Squig says added recent players sounds good oh frzy also wants to join just put your Microsoft gamertag in the chat and then squix will try to get you guys in hey how’s it going Kai welcome okay so frenzy and pink a dooodle and Howard so Howard already has the user in there but go ahead and put your Microsoft gamertags so okay pink Doodle’s name is their actual name that you see Samantha says I always do redstone and my favorite Redstone build is is a gate to a castle that’d be cool to see that I I wonder what that would look like so do you just have the gate um are you using Redstone for decoration itself or are you actually using it for its its actual purpose Howard says that explains why game characters don’t sleep because it’s for the week but game characters do sleep in some games like in RPGs especially you know usually when you’re on your journey you have in and you sleep occasionally so some games just depends thank you frenzy you saw a black thing over your head why is that Ernest and how’s it going husk and Joey welcome Boris says ailia I damned you something that involves my asking you about oh Tor Dora check it out when you can all right sounds good Samantha says azy I wish you have 30,000 subscribers ah you’re awesome I appreciate you I will keep trying my best for you guys keep trying the best but I am super happy and thankful for where we are I really appreciate you guys and Mary says alert for a second I forgot to eat today and it’s already 2 p.m. and it’s been night for Dragonite it’s 2 a.m. for me so Mary you are 12 hours difference from my time zone ity Mario how’s it going super jig welcome and everyone is welcome to join husk just put your Microsoft gamertag and squix will add you because I am visiting viewer worlds and this is sck’s world so oh frenzy has their name right there as well so frenzy wanted to join colorful says I’m ahead of almost everyone here yeah you’re in Australia aren’t you colorful and Howard also wants to join oh it’s only five Max people so only one more person can join all right looks like we have it full now and how’s it going meme um that is not familyfriendly meme yeah please don’t do that but thank you for giving me another word to add I thought I had all the words but I didn’t thank you though I have another word to add to my Blacklist okay going to jot it down so I can remember and how’s it going Jenkins welcome and thank you like user appreciate you and have a good night sleep Brian I appreciate you appreciate you being here thank you and yes I’m going to drink water too Jenkins says stay hydrated so water time oh Mary says that’s why your schedule is perfect for me you always start at 7 a.m. well I’m I’m glad to hear that Mary because like there’s no way I’d wake up at 7 a.m. in my time like that’s early I’m a night owl all right and sorry s to those who didn’t get in uh you know it will have to be up to uh squix if they want to do any more adjustments oh you wake up at 9:00 a.m. that’s that’s really early like I said I am a night owl for me 200: p.m. is considered early right now oh yes I have to wave woohoo oh 10:30 a.m. probably 4:30 a.m. I probably go to sleep around 4:30 a.m. frenzy although sometimes I sleep at midnight and then I’ll wake up and then I’m up for a while and Isaac this is a real stream y welcome to the channel how’s it going I am ailia 22 I am a familyfriendly Indie YouTuber I stream every single week on YouTube also multistream on Twitch YouTube is my main platform though and I usually stream around the weekends I do Nintendo variety I love all kinds of games I like to do multiplayer games with viewers and I have loved gaming since I was born basically so all kinds of games I like all kinds of genres and um I also do voice acting uh for um an animated show on YouTube called adventure camp so yeah and also a little tired so but yeah I’m doing good Isaac I’m glad you’re doing good and I don’t eat sushi I am super picky when it comes to food I actually don’t like sushi but I love pizza also Wolfie thank you for subscribing welcome to the CH welcome to the channel I got bonked okay okay back to the game and you rock frenzy I appreciate you yeah pinka dooodle in the game woohoo pinka dooodle how’s it going Mayo welcome I like having bad grammar friendy says well when my brain can’t brain you know I think my grammar is usually not too bad but I guess I can’t uh trust myself if my brain isn’t raining like zombie brain and pdb thank you I appreciate you Forest says I might be a fan of white chocolate a little bit yes Forest white chocolate is good I like milk chocolate the most though oh Squak wants okay okay follow squs everybody okay so glassy key is squaks colorful says my brain never brain I had coffee earlier like right when I started the stream which is a while ago now I had coffee and then I had an energy drink right after that it’s my first time ever having them like side by side yeah milk chocolate is the best in my opinion oh Isaac thank you for stopping by Isaac it was nice to meet you what’s a brain again how it says oh yeah I don’t think I finished saying what did I finish what I was saying I don’t know if I did but in case I didn’t uh I do voice acting for an animated show on YouTube called dis Venture Camp it’s like Total Drama Island it’s uh it’s more of a PG-13 since I’m family friendly oh wait oh no now I went autopilot and I uh okay over here favorite snack pizza if that can count and eggs and toast how’s it going welcome colorful says I got three out of 17 or something like that on the inclass part of math Rosa task oh birds are cool yeah um I don’t know all the types of birds but I did have a really cool experience with owls when I went to Tokyo Japan there was a place that I went to where you could actually like have an owl on your hand and pet it it was so cool oh I don’t think let’s see it is currently full right now so unable to add anymore but yeah I think owls are really cool especially after that experience in in Japan visiting the place and like petting big owls it like really made me love owls even more and how’s it going jasse welcome jasse Howard says sleep uh oh okay okay where everyone go okay there we go okay glass key following glass key glass key is the head of the world okay oh wait what’s going on are we going to go splunking uh-oh this doesn’t seem good I have nothing I don’t have any armor or weapons or was there a spot where we supposed to to get that we have to see oh you don’t like it when it rains in Minecraft oh it’s nice to meet you Jacob well I’ve got raw beef oh we’re going mining also I need to put the timer okay timer starts now and happy birthday if it’s your birthday Jesse spunking party flashback oh yes we we went spelunking for one of my Minecraft streams and what that is in case you might not know that is exploring in the caves and like gazer which is you know my head mod here he helps set things up for this spunking by adding a bunch of mobs so at the start of our spelunking Adventure there are a whole bunch of mobs and they were like all super hard and there was a lot of death but it was a lot of fun and favorite snack is pizza don’t let any zombies or skeleton creepers spiders or anything get you excess oh thank you thank you thank you thank you yeah we don’t have yeah we don’t really have anything though like is that the same for like everybody hey Cosmic flare how’s it going and my Minecraft version should be the newest version I don’t know what it is right now though and how is Minecraft anniversary well it’s been a mixture it’s been flippers because of like errors and Tech problems but then it’s been awesome so yeah mostly awesome though and how have you been Cosmic flare oo 10 million pizzas I totally would give Pizza to everyone in the world if I had like the ability to do it that’d be awesome Forest says what if I said I had pizza the day before yesterday I would say forest you are awesome and how’s it going Mr a using pickaxe to mine using fists to mine oh so you’re saying it’s better to use your fist instead of the the pickaxe and how’s it going Barton so unfortunately we do have a full house visiting the world right now but uh let me see we might have yeah we do still have some people in the queue who do allow everyone to join so you guys are definitely welcome to join for those I need to have pizza I I it’s been too long since I had pizza it was like too many days ago now it’s probably like 5 days ago so I got to have pizza again oh I like your background and character thank you Jesse frenzy orders everyone’s favorites yeah wait ew Mr a I disagree so Mr a says rotten flesh is the best honestly I don’t like to eat the rotten flesh in Minecraft I think I’m weird though so yeah going to order some pizza yeah what’s your favorite drink water is the main thing I usually drink but I do like pink lemonade like that’s pretty good as far as sodas I do like Sprites Mountain do sometimes has like good flavors and stuff too and Tristan welcome to the channel thank you for subscribing fry says I like orange juice and grape juice orange juice I do like having orange juice but it’s like you know if I’m in a certain mood or like just I don’t know if I’m feeling like maybe kind of sickly or something orange juice seems like a good choice oh I’m not going behind oh wait what uhoh okay I’m following you right I’m good aren’t I okay oh Coke vanilla I’m must have tried Coke vanilla at some point but it’s been a long time I think oh wait what pizza for everybody and rotten flesh is almost as good as alcohol what um rotten rotten flesh is the best food in all of Minecraft Mr ases I would I must disagree I I would have to say I would much prefer the cake over the rotten flesh apple juice is good yeah and I am in the US and your ailia 22 evolved into a flipper oh going to get some diamonds all right let’s go find the diamonds although I need a better pickaxe if I’m going to get diamonds and Tristan thank you for subscribing Tristan welcome to the channel oh 7h hour Mark rankon says bro I already slept even though it’s the afternoon welcome back rankon I am still up y oh Mary says guess what I’m eating right now pizza and a hey again jasse oh from is it pal oh gosh I’m sorry I might mispronounce this Palestine Palestine I’m so sorry but it’s nice to meet you Tristan and what does the 22 next to ailia mean that is my birthday November 22 that is my birthday uhoh Barton ate all the pizza why Von uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh where’s my compadre I thought I saw a Compadre or was it just a bat that smacked me oh no Powerhouse there we go okay Powerhouse I have no idea where everyone else’s oh Powerhouse says shh oh are you trying to be sneaky are you trying to sneak up on the mobs be stealthy more pizza and donuts donuts are good yay glass key oh my birthday’s in November though so it’s a long ways away but yeah that’s the 22 a I appreciate that Tristan and and no worries you guys are uh able to donate there should be a dollar sign you can click on also there’s the option to be a sponsor but uh it is completely optional always appreciated but uh never feel pressured a I’m happy Jesse I’m glad you enjoy your time here is it peaceful mode I don’t think so although we’re not really seeing that many mobs so it is kind of sus oh Howard says it is oh it is oh pink dooodle confirms that it is oh it is peaceful okay I mean why do we need the swords [Laughter] then wait I passed diamonds there’s a problem though oh wait no no more problem I don’t know how I I had the uh iron pickaxe but thank you to uh whoever gave it to me oh padoodle I took so much damage didn’t know when I give it to you Howe well thank you for the pickaxe I really don’t know when that happened still good to have a sword yes in case I don’t know what but it makes me feel secure oh Cosmic asking whose birthdays are in July many people’s birthday are in the middle of summer and plunk Dave has Coke which do you prefer Pepsi or Coke drite says very Susy oh stand still okay I’m standing still oh thank you squix thank you for that I have no idea where the diamonds are actually Rango says I passed a bunch of diamonds Mr a sword fight mobs no sword to mine yes oh are you able to change your name uh to reflect what you want to be addressed by Jesse oh see you trist thank you for stopping by it was nice to meet you oh egg says mine’s not in the middle of summer it’s at like at the end of December azy tilt your screen to the right oh this feels like um last night rankon when you were trying to help me in the game called those who remain because R Ron was trying to help me like figure out where to go cuz that game was kind of tricky okay tilt my screen to the right towards the lava okay there we got it go straight but not into the lava hey Jose how’s it going also please be careful about uh not yeah please don’t mention your age in the chat for your own safety and also YouTube terms of service a why Powerhouse now I know I have my sword with me get back here Powerhouse wait sword one smack one smack oh happy birthday to your big sister Dave how’s it going Jose and Cosmic says I can evaluate Pepsi or Coke to be completely honest Coke has a slightly better taste ah I don’t know if I can really say one has a better taste over the other in my opinion so I don’t know I just kind of like both the same to be honest oh wait I moved around LOL they’re just guiding you through the mess okay so okay straight not that the dark long lava pool not this oh Marice has never tried Pepsi before so go for Coke ah and jasse again please don’t put your age in the chat for your own safety and YouTube terms of service and see you eggs and toast thank you for stopping by it’s awesome having you and also how’s it going Aiden and my next live stream is 6:00 pm. Central Standard Time and we will be doing Splatoon 3 splatfest and also other things in Splatoon 3 as well everyone’s welcome to join for it and Monday is Roblox 6:30 p.m. central stand time for that you guys can see my live stream schedule as well if you you know want to see the games again and the times I do post a live stream schedule weekly usually around Fridays is when I post it you can find it on the live stream or find it in the YouTube Community post sorry my brain’s going YouTube Community post Twitter and on Discord welcome back anent one cocoa beans wait cocoa beans wait what about cocoa beans oh yeah rank uh rankon was trying to tell me where the uh diamonds were I don’t see any Diamonds though how can you see the diamonds it’s just super dark oh no Aiden didn’t get any sleep and have a good night n how how y’all can stay up this long I’m not sure actually NADA it just happens you you um actually I did a 32-hour live stream one time it was a year and a half ago well closer to two years maybe now but yeah oh yes I haven’t seen all of it though frenzy I did see some of it whoa when did we get to 110 likes thank you guys hash 110 like hype thank you oh uhoh oh uh sorry rankon I autopilot and I moved somewhere where I wasn’t looking and you’re definitely welcome to join jasse everyone is welcome to join in Roblox and I have a queue well how I do my Roblox streams is I do have a queue and whatever game you guys want me to play in Roblox we can all do it and everyone’s welcome to play along as well welcome back tap trap before I go to bed anyone have any drawing requests I’ll be bored in the morning let’s see how about a Minecraft character or I can’t oh my gosh I can’t talk Minecraft character with ailia flowers so everybody is welcome to join for Roblox guys you’re welcome to join along in the games and play in the games and also choose the games have a good night NADA thank you again for being here colorful you’re awesome colorful says draw a Zill character because the zilia is cool oh no I don’t know what I’m doing guys I’m autopilot does anyone ever do that I mean I guess if you’re well maybe more so if you’re stream cuz yeah I’m like just like moving around not paying attention to what I’m doing a that means a lot colorful oh glass key is My Bodyguard thank you glass key although we are in peaceful so I guess you’re protecting me from the other players then oh Dragonite says no I autopilot all the time sorry Ron i a i autopilot it away from the diamond doors I don’t know where they were and yes jasse when I stream Roblox I will get all of you guys added so no worries we’ll do it all in the Roblox stream uhoh I was following glass key wait where did glass key go now oh over here glass key do you know where the diamonds are brenon was trying to help me find the diamonds but I don’t see any diamonds uh-oh Mary says azy Focus or else I’ll take away mooji what how could you oh welcome back eggs and toast Mr a says whoever played Minecraft before with Mobs The Nostalgia of losing your way in the caves and having having to mine to the surface sounds good jasse like I said I will add you guys in the Roblox stream so I’ll be sure to Oh Mr bees how’s it going Mr bees welcome oh you wait you found a fortress dude I want to see The Fortress where’s the Fortress that sounds cool okay so the lava pool where do I go the lava pool for diamonds or the Fortress The Fortress sounds super cool Ron I really want to go there are there any diamonds around here I want to see I really really really want to see The Fortress that sounds so cool is a fortress supposed to have the waren but since it’s un peaceful there’s no mobs honestly it these caves look really cool I’m not sure if they were altered at all but they look cool Monday is going to be the Roblox stream my next live stream is going to be Splatoon 3 and then Monday is Roblox feel like I want to donate 10,000 yeah Mr Mr Beast probably would do things like that but it’s very very awesome and kind of him to do things like that and what time on Monday 6:30 p.m. Central Standard Time and you guys can also see on the live stream schedules as well again I have those on the YouTube cuz Community post Twitter and Discord Mr a says Mr Beast I need the money yeah I think we all could use a lot of you know everyone could use some help in that way I’m sure Raven how’s it going Raven oh the place where Warden spawn is in the ancient city that’s where Ancient One wait ancient one you were born in the ancient city in Minecraft is this true it is nice to see you too Ren Cosmic says time for me to start the hilarity of Sunday Siesta and keep up them smashing shorts thank you Cosmic flare appreciate you stopping by and I hope you have a great day have you ever seen Tristan in the Stream uh I’m not sure who Tristan is oh I would love to Raven but I do have the C clothes and we still have people in it and it’s pretty late so I would have to say it would be best to fit it in in the next Minecraft stream so uh jasse I’m not sure what time zone you’re in but the Roblox stream is on Monday 6:30 p.m. Central Standard Time oh stand still okay I’m standing still oh just to let you know there’s about two minutes left we can extend it though so no worries oh you’re in the Philippines Jesse nice uh-oh what’s going on we have a battle glass key is the Victor Sunday here in California Mr B says I am at 22 7: a.m. where I’m at here dig up the gravel the gravel is this gravel is this gravel no that’s not gravel I don’t see any gravel I just all looks like uh wait was this gravel no oh here the gravel’s right here you so you said there’s diamonds here but how can you know like right here so that was deep slate I had no diamonds yet an hour ahead of your time egg says and Mr a says to anybody who played Minecraft as a child we all know that making a house with gold and diamonds is common knowledge oh a hunch that always works for me oh so rencon has a hunch okay so just keep digging the gravel is that right Ron oh my gosh that spooked me okay I’m awake again okay timer woke me up uh I’m not sure who Tristan is actually a hunch AKA x-ray vision Mary says yeah I can extend it for a little bit longer that’s fine Brazil hey Brazil how’s it going and also locks fishing welcome to the stream uh well I’m doing Minecraft right now lock fish you’re welcome come to join us um during the next worlds cuz this one’s full and yes everyone is welcome to join in Roblox I will also have a Q system where you guys can add whatever game you want played and we’ll do that as well my Roblox live stream is on Monday at 6:30 p.m. Central Standard Time [Music] okay so far no diamonds but rencon has a hunch and it sounds like your hunch is always correct Alpha says you people are such night ows what time is it for you Alpha I won’t make it to that stream but if I’m able to I might swing by sounds good colorful uhoh like eer is going crazy what happened light gazer is erroring light gazer are you secretly a robot you choked on the door wait what choked on the door how’s that possible oh oh I know what you mean yo likees are you’re doing the yeah you’re doing the Precision platforming course right if you guys are unfamiliar um that light gazer light gazer is going crazy light gazer needs some bacon cuz like G likes bacon but that’s the course that I just made a short of if you guys are wanting to know what it is and I’m pretty sure that’s what light gazer is playing right now in Super Mario Maker 2 light gazer is working on a specific course and he choked at the door right before the end of the level if you want to see the level you can see it on my channel it’s the most recent shorts also if you want to know something like gazer guess what that happened to me too I legit almost had it one time before I actually beat it I was at the door and I just messed up right there at that spot so I feel your PIN oh wait oh someone’s building a house I didn’t see any gold yet so what do you think gron where should I look for the gold now there wasn’t any right here and pdb you are awesome pdb appreciate your patience and welcome back Tristan the door yes if you guys want to see you can just uh go on the channel and watch my most recent short I did a Super Mario Maker 2 course on there that I beat and light gazer is working on that one and that’s why light gazer is going crazy uhoh music to my ears cover your ears everybody that is really long okay it’s safe now everyone that was like G are going crazy uh oh R gon is getting brain damage no rankon so yeah if you want to see the course that light gazer is going crazy about it’s the one that I did in my shorts I’ll go ahead and give you the link for it if you want to check it out light gazer made it to the last door uhoh I can’t get this window to go away no there you go a it’s okay like gazer you got this like I said the exact same thing happened to me too and then I soon beat it and you will too what kind of sound effect so Forest that was from the tangia bot the tangia bot usually says things instead of making you know crazy sounds but that can happen too uh so if you guys are interested you can redeem tabot over on Twitch I multistream on you know twitch and YouTube and what that is it allows you to choose like a different character or person’s voice and like choose what they they say but in this this instance like gazer used it and made it do that and uh you use bits as well bits is the twitch currency so you use bits to activate the 10 G aot but yeah this music is fire dring itess oh yeah we should move on somewhat soon though and the 20 minutes is up we can go for a little bit but it would be good to move on soon but wait you guys said that you found a a fortress or something right what happens when Earth ends well it happened in the Minecraft world I was an earlier Ash the world ended and then the world was good like um um so what happened is I was visiting Steven’s World along with um other viewers of course and fire rained down from the sky and then there were tornadoes and sandstorms and acid rain and that really happened in the world and how’s it going random I’ll make you say how proud you are of me so stay awake just long enough to see me oh I don’t think it’s possible for me to um fall asleep during stream honestly and yeah everyone’s here uh everyone here is Friends Jesse oh do you think I’m going to make it till 5 like staying [Music] awake rankon you like getting PR damage oh well I guess it it depends on various factors like how your sleeping pattern has been will impact it how much sleep you got last night your sleeping quality how tired you are now Ash says if you don’t stop uting the Earth every single animal that we know including us won’t be here so we should stay there oh yes like Captain Planet are you guys familiar with Captain Planet it’s it’s all about like protecting the planet Earth I’m actually surprised that there hasn’t been a reboot of Captain Planet I feel like that you know a lot of things have been rebooted so I could totally see that getting a reboot Captain America oh no Captain Planet actually Mary different from Captain America Captain America is like from the Marvel Comics Captain America uh or Captain Planet I don’t know what I’m saying now like Captain Planet he’s a hero going to take pollution down to a zero that’s the song If the word get destroyed there’d be no more puppies that’s true you did Mary it’s easy to confuse me like at this time though yeah but America’s on the planet oh when is the next Minecraft stream I don’t have it scheduled at the moment but but definitely we’ll have more Minecraft for sure moi please don’t pull my hair mochi’s walking around on my bed I stream on my bed and I have my perer with me but she pulled my hair and it hurts oh wait I thought that was a part of the song Forest you added an A Down wait what I don’t even know I’ll just take your word for it Forest my brain doesn’t know posture check I needed that I had a really bad post Mary thank you for reminding me it was really bad and I will colorful I’ll give Mochi lots of hugs and kisses and also after the stream I have to give her food oh Ash says be like trying to go to the zoo noticing half the animals when you are a kid wait what oh got a let’s see burnt toast so you have to go to bed all right I can make a note of it burnt toast but I did tell beat cra that spinal craft would be the absolute first thing we do so after spinal craft so after beat Craft’s turn you can go after that burnt toast how does that sound cuz I already told beat uh beatcraft I’m almost butchering beat Craft’s name yeah me too colorful doggles and perers are awesome love them oh follow Howie okay wait they’re making a Captain Planet movie they are that’s fine all right sounds good burnt toast thank you so much for hanging with us it was super awesome having you have a good night so that’s what I’ll do then burnt toast will be after beatcraft I’ll JW a little note as well okay there you go oh 8 hour mark already and dragon night’s been here for the whole eight hours what you get a hug for that Dragonite you’re awesome appreciate you okay I’m supposed to follow somebody oh Howie I’m supposed to follow you right but we should move on soon though okay and are you going to play dress to impress when on Roblox so the way that I do my Roblox streams is you guys decide the games so all you have to do is add yourself to the queue well basically add the game you want to the queue so you know I had a queue for Minecraft taking turns with visiting view worlds I’ll be using the same type of thing in Roblox it’ll be a Quee for Roblox using Google forms you guys will simply you know just go to Google forms and add whatever game you want so yeah we can go to dress dur impress or whatever games you guys want you can add the games you want and we will do all the games well try to do all the games also I feel like I’m going to butcher this name but thank you so much for subscribing being J jayun I’m so sorry if I butchered the name but thank you so much welcome to the channel and how’s it going I’m also potentially going to butcher this name uh is it mova welcome to the stream madova oh if you’re on phone well if you’re not able to add to the queue yourself I can do it on your behalf so we can definitely figure something out oh uh oh I just realized I stopped following them okay oh madova that sounds right sweet and welcome back again tap trap hey there’s Redstone am I in water I can’t really tell what I’m doing it’s so dark and how’s it going Ricardo gaming welcome and elide welcome back to you haven’t seen you since the not uh that’s not my neighbor live stream I might have to do another live stream for that again too especially if whenever they decide to have an update but I’m not sure how soon that’ll be uhoh okay Powerhouse is here yeah please please stay nice guys I’m I’m not really sure what’s going on but yeah please please please be nice everybody please don’t steal people’s things someone call me weird that’s okay I I’m you know I’ve got some weird too it’s all right oh so owlite I actually did stream Roblox and I did the um that’s not my neighbor version there were like two different games but if you guys want to do that again on Monday cuz I’m streaming Roblox we can absolutely do that so I have a queue where you guys add whatever games you want in Roblox that is so we’ll play whatever games you guys want for Roblox but yeah definitely I’m definitely up for doing that somewhere near lava is diamonds uh madova says being weird is a good thing potentially I mean you don’t want to be like too you know too overboard but but you know it’s okay to have a little bit for sure I’d say hey how’s it going pixie Hobie welcome and good night I’m getting tired bro not making it till 5: it’s okay egg it’s you know it’s good to listen to your body and when it’s tired it’s good to get some sleep you know definitely no worries there thank you so much for being here Egg and I hope you’re able to get a good night’s sleep oh yeah Geometry Dash I do have Geometry Dash but I haven’t really played it too much there’s just a lot of games and my PC doesn’t like to play or doesn’t like to do PC games because it gets blue screen to death also I just remembered we should move on okay uh I’m going to give it two minutes cuz we’ve been going for a while or okay following who well that happened I wonder if that is a sign that we should move on oh Forest no Forest I saw it but then my brain my brain went somewhere else for some reason I don’t know okay Forest says I’m heading out for the night got to be at work in a few hours no Forest I hope you can get some good sleep Forest ah good night Forest thank you so much for being here you are awesome I hope your workday goes awesome for you too and hope you can get good sleep good night all right yeah we’re going to move on now got to move on okay what do you hear azy night phone knife wait what night phone knif phone iPhone iPhone wait what snip phone I’m poor huh Carlo says I dare you laugh well I mean I have been laughing off and on sometimes but it feels weird if you try to force a laugh although I do voice acting for an animated show on YouTube called Adventure Cam and uh sometimes you do have to do a little bit of that and how’s it going one ju welcome ailia 22 is the name you know me by oh you played Minecraft yesterday yeah it’s Minecraft’s 15th anniversary um well technically on May 17 but they’re they Minecraft is celebrating it for 15 days and if you guys don’t have guys please stay good in the Minecraft please stay please stay good guys um if you guys do not have Minecraft it is 50 % off right now so for a limited time 50% off it is the best time to purchase it if you want to and Pika dooodle nice I Saw The Capes yeah cool cool yeah the special capes you get from Tik Tok is that right because of the the Minecraft special oh going to America nice we no money to buy well it is still going on for more days if you’re able to and you’re interested cuz you know 50% off very cool pink dooodle oh Tik Tok twitch and 15 special I’ll have to see if I’m able to get it somehow cuz that’d be cool all right ah didn’t really know there was a cliff there oh well all right guys jasse says I need to sleep have a good night’s sleep jasse thank you so much for being here and Owl sight says I have Minecraft on my PS4 from a friend but I want to have it for myself to be honest 50% off owl 50 oh you want me to One V one you pink dooodle you know you’re going to win right yes next one after uh PVP where pink dooodle wins fist fights to the death ah pink dooodle is so going to win wait maybe this is like not going very fast a drip you’re awesome welcome to the stream also drip oh wait for me it’s not fairly Squig says also how’s it going Shiloh yeah probably pink dooodle pink doodle is good at Minecraft and and plays a lot wait what I I I I cannot hit you if you’re not fighting that that doesn’t seem right maybe we’ll just say it’s a stalemate how does that sound cuz we’re just getting like full health guys Powerhouse no what is going on in the Minecraft chats I think it’s time to move on yeah it’s not going to end all right stalemate Pikachu stalemate but please stay family friendly on the Minecraft and you know in chat family friendly okay onward and good night again Jesse yeah got to stay family friendly oh wait rankon rankon on Twitch says listen very carefully Tik Tok Cape twitch cape and last is a YouTube Cape yeah that would be cool to have the capes yeah oh Carlo low battery get to leave no worries Carlo thanks for stopping by though appreciate you never see a still M Minecraft there’s a first time for everything Mr a the One V one was a stalemate we both win yay tdb is next yay how’s it going Mark welcome to the stream Mark all right so we have two people left pdb and Fireblaze so for pdbs pdb only wants me to join fire blaze did I press it in time what how did I not press it in time for fire blaze everyone is welcome to join though so two more left in the queue everyone oh Mary says I received the Minecraft heart Cape also but I’ll never use it oh do you not really play Minecraft so rankon says to get a twitch Cape you need to watch any YouTuber for 5 minutes and they’ll send you a code well how does that work like I’m a YouTuber like is there something I have to sign up for so that if like people watch my stream for 5 minutes that they can get the code or like how does it work with the streamers who have it there’s only like select people got hit like once or twice in that pink doodle says how many times did I get hit ow says I love how your chat shows members from all the apps you’re live streaming on oh well it doesn’t actually show from twitch right now is um let’s see it was restream restream wasn’t really working when I tried to do that unfortunately oh you have to watch the short again sadly only for May 30 so be quick wait what okay no worries rank gone I’m not sure what that’s about but no worries and how’s it going regular dude welcome to the stream and thank you oh yeah pinka dooodle you need to talk about it so you go in the Minecraft category you pick a stream that has drops and watch for 15 minutes for me is a bit more cuz twitch but then twitch gives you I’m curious is there a way that I can have it enabled so that if you guys watch me on Twitch or on YouTube that you’re able to get it from watching my streams or how does that work I’m just curious on that I was like reading a little bit about it I do have my drops enabled I know that much on Twitch I was reading a little bit about it and I did find the part where it says it is enabled I just don’t know if the Minecraft part is like connected I’m just not sure ailia 22 Ash that is the name that you can address Me by and playing Minecraft still playing some Minecraft oh Mary says I received it just by watching you so it did work when you watched my streams Mary her real name is John Cena that’d be different so the next one you’re allowed to join Howard not this one but the next one going to play some bow blocks what is bow blocks he no worries though Mr a thank you so much for hanging with us and enjoy your B blocks and you can just join whenever you want all right sounds good squix so Ash um I already answered you so please stop spamming please stop the spammy oh see regular dude thanks for stopping by oh we do have a mod ancient one is still here okay cuz I know it is getting late um Pik says Tik Tok is watching a Minecraft stream for 3 minutes I don’t know if it’s anyone or only some creators then type Minecraft in the chat and eventually a Tik Tok icon will come up on a phone in the top left I wonder if you can do it for your own stream [Music] hey appreciate you stopping by regular dude you’re awesome oh and jasse I hope you’re able to get some good sleep Jesse says I’m so tired oh you had a teacher named Mr a oh drip says I joined but can’t talk at the moment just got my tongue split oh gosh I’m sorry to hear that and this is helping me mentally right now thank you hey no problem drip I I hope everything gets better for you and husk uh I hear you but um We are family friendly and also Sergio how’s it going on oh Ashley fan Ashley fan nice to see you on Twitch Sergio AKA Ashley fan how how are you doing I I’m doing pretty well um just continuing visiting some more worlds we have two left in the Stream here yeah the Mushroom Kingdom woohoo and not only that but I am Mario oh husk I don’t like to ban people I think that’s going to have to call for the hammer though I really don’t like Banning people but I think I’m going to have to do it oh okay like iser thank you I don’t like batting people and also GK how’s it going uh wait what right God where’s that from but like gor says I like Bing people I added that part and nari you’re awesome I appreciate you being here nari P doodle says bad me then no that would be so sad oh uhoh all right it is time to face Bowser oh the plane just lands jasse says you do more talking yeah I do I like to talk to chat I really do no like like G how could you like G are the flipper head oh like gazer just banned pink a dooodle let’s see here wait what oh you unbanned pink doodle right away okay I see so I was like why why doesn’t it let me in okay you know what you know what that means everyone is welcome to karate chop light gazer karate karate chops are welcome karate chop the light gazer everybody that is how you do it what Pika dooodle you got banned from light gazer yet you choose to give light gazer a hug you know you’re definitely welcome to do the karate chop don’t be scared Ash it’s okay no matter what I hold the ultimate [Music] power so yes chop like eer good job oh uh rankon says help like eer comes to me with the bad Hammer it’s okay I hold the ultimate power guys I do Ito says don’t ban paa I volunteer tribute no says yeah Geto I was scrolling down oh you saw a creepy live ooh that would be spooky if you’re like in the dark all alone at night time and then you see something spooky I I’ve seen some spooky things on YouTube like if you’re on the homepage you know how it might like show you like just random things it show you know just random things um it showed me some icky things before like super weird icky things like um gosh I know I posted some of the images in Discord before but like I don’t even know why it shows it like icky things I just don’t know how it’s to say it oh renon wants me to sleep yes you can give hugs absolutely and yes please don’t um yeah nothing personal guys don’t want to get into any personal information whether you know it’s asking me or you know yourselves and B says this world is cool I agree it is cool and frenzy wants hugs okay hugs for everyone there you [Music] go a nari I’m not supportive I’m willing to be up at 4:00 in the morning just to watch you finish a I appreciate you nari but if you are tired you know definitely get some good sleep don’t want you to you know put your day you know mess up your day or you’re sleeping or anything [Music] oh no I mean I hugged a hug 10K times you hugged a hug how is that possible wait what Reon says sleep please or I’ll steal Emoji what why is everyone stealing my [Music] emoji you sleep with the stream on or something then it auto [Music] plays okay colorful I’ll take mooji all right it’s time to face Bowser I didn’t know there was a thing there that was kind of bad guys I I didn’t know there was a a spot right there I was like being careless okay let’s try this again time to face [Music] Bowser you’ll take good care of Mochi just oh I read that one oh Pik what pikul says I’ll keep MO safe I’m lying you’re not going to keep Mochi safe oh yeah the Mochi snap yeah oh you’re on your bed in the [Music] dark fun fact about me I don’t like sleeping with pure Darkness honestly like when I was uh when I was super little I always had a night light on and I still have I like to have like some form of light so just like a little bit of light I just prefer it Mary of course Moi a snack she’s very peaceful a good a you gu thank you Jassie just keep my laptop on because of Spotify or YouTube says honestly I could go for the Mochi snack I like the red Bei and there was another another Mochi um I tried it was like potato milk or something it was actually good oh thank you for the chocolate JY ah there’s a b bomb is it going to kill us I also forgot to set the timer okay timer we have one world left after this one and how is the uh Precision platforming going like user oh welcome back Nate let’s see okay following pdb AKA [Music] owie oh we got is that a wamp is that what they’re called a wamp [Music] thingy I would have fail this parkour so much nor says oh Ren go Ren rank gone says a he doesn’t like getting dragged by Night [Music] gazes oh it’s a swamp cuz there’s one that’s called a swamp and there’s one that’s called a wamp hey welcome back and I am currently visiting C view World we’re doing this Mario World oh like say said it’s getting sad oh I just smack it smack smack a ah I thought I fell I was scared I didn’t trust it cuz I had experience you know the last time I I fell into the whole thingy poster check thank you going to go to twitch all right I’ll see you over on Twitch anime guy says as he always brings me joy in my heart I’m super happy that makes me super happy oh yeah I am taken but I don’t think help me help me no no no fire fire come on thank you thank you I don’t think they they meant like that okay no hi Mr K I only know English unfortunately but I know a little French not really much though just like a couple words uh like Bona so not really much oh free kittens kittens are cute I like it and also in Serio how’s it going and yes your world is the last one fire please and how’s it going oh joah hello on Twitch Jo says sorry I’ve been missing the streams and can’t stay on this one either but uh has been a lot of work on the farm B Farm hope you have a great sta no worries at all joah and um absolutely do not need to apologize as well you know we all have our own lives and things going on it’s all good always happy to see you though Jo and I hope you have a great night great day and also hello on Twitch [Music] Nate um well I need a feed Emoji fire blaze so I shouldn’t be on it for extremely long I can go a little bit longer but it is really late actually but we can go for a little while you know and nari said say can’t wait for your Splatoon scam and I’ll learn more about the game a cup of water well I actually don’t have hardly any water anymore I drink all the things yeah I know but it is pretty late and I do have some things that I have to do still and then I have to stream again if I didn’t have a stream again today maybe I would be more up for it but I need to you know try to make sure I’m good for that too so probably don’t want to go like too crazy with it fire blaze but we can extend it a little bit for you and welcome back Lyn I am doing well how about you Mary says azy don’t extend it you need sleep yeah 3:00 a.m. it is okay fire no hey plus canvas how’s it going what is bro cooking hopefully some pizza uh-oh this is bad I just realized on heart I I barely survived but welcome to the stream plush canvas how’s it going a cup of tea depends on the tea sleep is important so yeah don’t push it too much please than I appreciate you it’s day in Cambodia says it’s currently 3:00 a.m. I’m in the [Music] US oh you need to do a 5,000 essay like a 5,000 word essay [Music] is this supposed to be like a heart or is it a flower yeah Pizza canvas love the pizza also welcome I’m okay can you sing technically yes I do like to sing but um not professionally I don’t do it I actually have a video where I’m singing though on the channel it’s a parody of the Peaches song from the Mario movie instead of peaches it’s pizza so yeah if you want to hear me sing a little bit but that was like you know a funny type thing it was my first time doing that so I was proud of it CU you know a fun little thing I did is Bowser the nether dragon that would make sense go down here now or are we supposed to jump over there how do we do it pdb it looks [Music] spooky oh wait am I seeing this [Music] wrong I’m thinking we jump down here is that right oh I I’m not sure what that song is okay so I can’t do it cuz I don’t know what it is it it also has to be family friendly though I think I saw the cover pop up on my homepage before I met you nari says oh for the the pizza song Pink dooodle oh pink dooodle says ancient one I’m still a firm believer that you are a robot jasse says I’m British but I speak English cuz I went to America cool oh is that another song thingy rankon and Nate says I I want to hear you sing well just go ahead and check out the pizza song on YouTube I do some singing there I sometimes sting on the stream too though like you know it happens sometimes also I’m excited to play fortnite again I can’t believe I’ve just uttered those words but I am fortnite Festival was so fun it was like Guitar Hero so that’s why I’m excited cuz I love fortnite Festival [Music] oh let’s see ah so the song is called like pizza pizza it’s a parody of the peaches peaches Mario Bros movie song If you just like click on videos and scroll down you’ll see like pizza on the cover but I can try to get you the link for it too uh you don’t mind waiting just a moment here I actually should make a command for it honestly oh your grandpa is a World War II veteran a that is awesome jassy thank you to your grandma for their service and sure then as long as it’s appropriate let’s see if I can find the pizza song for [Music] you Ron why oh you know what renon I really love that emote I think it’s like the cutest crying emote ever it’s just so cute all right I’m going to find the pizza song I’ll give you guys the link on Twitch and YouTube if you want to check it out it was my first time doing something like that so you know I thought it was was fun maybe I’ll do more of that another time all right pizza song and although oh oh yeah it doesn’t actually work um I guess only yeah only mods can actually send this but thank you Mary I appreciate [Music] you oh is it too loud Pika dooodle maybe I should lower the volume [Music] more oh wait that’s the wrong volume wrong volume ah okay where’s the okay this is the correct one there we go lower lower lower there you go is that good oh that’s the link to the pizza song that’s the link um on YouTube and on Twitch the link there leads you to the pizza song that I was talking about is it better with the volume or should I lower it more for you guys just let me know it gets crazy sometimes volume oh yeah please be careful about like you know some of the the discussion with that topic there please put Super Mario Bros over it it’s still loud better music now so it’s good or wait just because of music’s better yeah parody of the Peaches song by Jack Black I saying it but in Pizza version yep hey see you anime guy thank you for stopping bye again and good night to you too or good day or both all right azy you kind of look like energetic but when you become a zombie you won’t know Moi how do you know I could still no moochi has a zombie maybe and hey Naruto VR welcome okay pdb sorry pdb I kind of lost where did pdb go I don’t know where was it in here or was it out there ah ah it’s shaking pdb where did you go flippers does anyone know where pdb went oh no PP got slain oh thank you Howard I hope this is correct right yes yay py oh if you’re talking about the vtuber I did work on the design for it but there there are programs who use as well with it oh eat the golden apples okay golden apples woohoo okay now I’m ready for the boss fight and wish I can play with you you are welcome to join in the next World so just for this world pdb only wanted me to join the way I do my Minecraft live streams is I visit viewer worlds I have a queue using Google forms and if you want your world visited you can add yourself to the queue and you guys are welcome to join alongside me if the owner is fine with visitors we have one last World to visit after this and everyone is welcome to join it yeah it’s 3:15 a.m. for me right now why don’t you do a normal video rankon says you keep doing live well there’s reasons but you know I do videos as well sometimes um as well as shorts yep I ate an enchanted golden apple and how’s it going uh Jen ma Jer ma welcome to the stream oh wait I got follow pdb okay pdb I’m here yeah Howard does have a point there I mean it can be different for you know different channels and all that but my live streams have been doing really good so and uh yeah how’s it going Kuro wait you changed your profile what was your wait your name was still the same right or did you change your name also okay we’re getting ready for the boss battle just to let you know PDD the timer’s at 6 minutes oh you were Coco and I’m okay says I will s woo thank you I’m Kitty thank you and welcome uhoh is that like user again like are going crazy because of the the the level that’s Tangi a bot yeah cover your ears take cover that’s the 10 G bot you can redeem it on Twitch you can redeem it on Twitch uh with your your YouTube bits uh you can like choose the oh sleep sorry sorry sorry you can choose the character Voice or or someone’s you know a real person’s voice and then like decide what they say or what they talk about so that’s what that was that was T bot I think like iser’s going crazy and kalean nice to see you kalean how are you oh you can’t find is it the pizza song this is the link to it right here I do not play VR but I would love to I don’t own but I really want to experience the VR headset cuz I think it’d be super fun just don’t have it and yo Nar thank you so much welcome to the channel uh-oh wait was there something I needed to do actually I don’t think there was cuz I I was thinking that I needed to do something in the Stream or change something but I think I’m just losing my brain all right back to the game hey Mas welcome I’m glad you’re doing good cman I am doing well although my brain is starting to zombify because of you know how late it is but we have one world left and everyone is welcome to join the world also so do feel free to join and can you say minion okay I just said it all right P me where’ you go okay this way a I appreciate your mama well everyone on the channel is always 22 also posture check thank you thank you Mary okay we are going to uh battle Bowser right Bowser what in the world how do we do this oh wait no PB I forgot to equip this I forget I forget okay I’m good I’m all solid now wait I need to eat another Apple but we don’t have any weapons yeah I could smack them with my Apple I guess I don’t know [Music] attack you actually look like you are you in your face emotion you should get it it’s really cool Nara says I’ll put it in chat again get away from for be Homie we got Goombas coming I only have a fist to smack them with it’d be nice if I could just jump on their head that’d be cool uh-oh uh-oh this is bad I’m going to be dead how are we supposed to go against all this that’s crazy there’s way too many mobs [Music] uhoh uhoh [Music] no PDP where did you go okay wait how did you get the sword PP has a sword where oh wait wait wait wait wait is this going to give me a sword ow dude I can’t I can’t even get it ooh elyra okay not cool dude oh that was so not cool why am I alive am I in water is that why I thought I was in lava well I guess I’m alive in lava and this is a curious streamer ever I would like to play with her in AR says oh I have fire resistance but how do I it’s Kool-Aid that sounds good there you go that’s better okay put it on your head sounds like a good a good plan is it going to change my look well that’s kind of weird I guess it should go on the head but you know ailia too op I’m too op for The Fire And as far as trivia uh if that’s what you mean Kuro there will be more trivia questions and if you guys have Minecraft you are all more than welcome to join in the next World we visit so we’ll be doing that right after this one Mr a says chat did you know the moon is made out of cheese oh no okay P Tob I’m here I’m here do I have everything I need okay should I have the elixer equip though I don’t know if that’s a good idea it’d be nice if I had a firework then I could fly wait let’s see oh no the timer this is crazy no not this again my brain is zombes ifying oh gosh this is what my brain feels like like what you’re seeing in Minecraft right now that’s like what my brain is doing oh there we go right over here oh are you able to copy and paste it Nate if you’re on a mobile device I think you’ll have to do that a come on I wanted to give me something ow what is that thing right there oh is that an actual uh-oh yay no no let me [Music] out that’s a Vex think the doodle says I don’t know if I’ve ever seen those before actually yeah fly fly no I wanted to fly oh no worries at all C you can check your points by doing exclamation mark points Moi yeah Moi just wants her belly rubbed Moi a she’s so cute doggies are cute uh oh mochi’s coming to me she wants more attention and for those of you who don’t know Mochi is my puppy why did you call mochi mochi because mochi’s her name why why do I call you mochi mochi hey how’s it going MX welcome oh do we win pdb yes Mochi is mochi that’s right Mochi is mochi what inspired you to call mochi mochi well there is the Japanese snack Mochi and I thought it was a cute well I thought it would be a cute name for a doggo so I knew that I wanted to name my next doggo Mochi and therefore Mochi is mochi and what are points chat so when you stop by my live streams you automatically get points added to your accounts and then you can go to the store which you just use points to get things off of the store so there’s like a lot of animated gifts Q pass mod for a day you can use the points for any of that also welcome to the stream kicking chicken cool name by the way if you’re Mochi and I’m Mochi then who’s the moochi if Mochi will be what no um well yeah the Moji snack be eaten yes that does sound confusing though Ron did we win pdb gracias woohoo I’m not sure how we won but I think it was probably all you good job though good job teammate oh I actually do have merch already mama and I do the designs myself on there if you want to check it out it will pop up with that command I also have it in the description and my hoodie if you look at my hoodie it has you know a design on there that is one of the merch designs that I worked on and welcome to the stream Aon but we are family friendly please stay appropriate and I am streaming Roblox on Monday oh I’m not playing Minecraft the Axel are playing it the whole time how did you know the secret oh wait Mochi like the green soft snack well it comes in different colors though like um the basic one is red bean Mochi it’s super for yummmy I like that one a you rock mama I appreciate you and Roblox us your name is zilia 22 gamer but we can you know go over everything when I stream Roblox so I can add everybody how’s it going DMS and GMS welcome oh stand on the panel okay stand on the panel this thank you so much for playing my game a that’s cool thank you so much for playing my game thank you for showing me all this pdb it is super cool the B the Bowser battle was kind of crazy in my opinion there’s like a lot of mobs it’s like you know crazy but it was awesome so thank you for that all right I’m going to go ahead and move on to our final world oh not yet Emoji almost Moi thinks I’m ending the stream well she’s really smart though she she does know what I’m doing it and we got some music and thank you for stopping by I’m okay and sure kick in chicken as long as it is appropriate I’ll keep the dog in the screen rank on us curo says I did it oh what did you do is she wagging her tail wait is mochi mochi is a girl so she’s just looking at me super cute right now she wants me to pet her and she I know she’s like you know giving me that look like she can’t wait to eat and can’t wait till I’m done kind of thing yeah thank you pdb that was super awesome thank you for sharing that uh kick and chicken says ax aot Emoji he’s going to ask you if you’re going to play Roblox and I’m going to say yes I am going to play Roblox I’m streaming it on Monday everyone is welcome to join and play Roblox on Monday when I stream it and the way I do my Roblox streams is I have a queue you guys decide what games you want and we play all the games and we are being raided welcome Raiders and Autumn Arius how’s it [Music] going no I accidentally clicked out of the Stream okay come back in thank you so much welcome donkey Bon and how are you guys all doing welcome Raiders oh hash Don and planty raid welcome to the stream everybody how’s it going and Mom’s God gaming welcome also Savage King Chris Shadow Fox and Autumn arus all hail B Rob gamer welcome oh DM says have’t I’ve been here for a while but haven’t been using chat well appreciate you being here DM and planty gamer welcome planty gamer oh well we do have one more world to visit before we end but we just got raided yes News live reporting we’ve just been raided bye donkey Bon and planty gamer welcome thank you so much for the raid what were you streaming and how was your stream and which one is mochi mochi [Music] is this one this one’s moi [Music] she’s going to look at the camera there we go that’s the kind of look she was giving me right now and this is also there’s also a moi here somewhere too this is when she was a puffer her and her siblings and pumpkin is also my puppy too Mochi is just more mine than pumpkin pump still mine so yep doing good Rob gamer glad to hear it and I’m doing pretty good too thank you mjis assemble everyone’s Mochi and I did do a face reveal in my 1,000 subscriber video also um ice welcome thank you so much for the read uh I hope you guys had a wonderful stream and you did Splat Fest nice what team are you guys on by the way and be sure to check out planty gamer and Donkey Bond everybody thank you Ancient One and let me make sure I’m subscribed to both of you as well okay I am now subscribed to you donkey Bond and I don’t know if I’ve met you before I don’t think I have so it is nice to meet you donkey Bon I’m platy gamer I am already subscribed to you so we are all good there but thank you so much again for the raid really appreciate it be sure to check out planty and Donkey everybody oh bucket list I am actually going for a save the day I’m going to be save the day team I have to choose it still but that’s what I’m going with but thank you again for that guys appreciate you yeah and Mary says OMG flat Fest forgot about that I will be streaming the splatfest today and um it’ll be at 600 p.m. Central Standard time I’ll be doing it a appreciate you kicking chicken I’m super happy that you enjoy your time here you are awesome Mr a says this live news we see as V YouTuber aelia um exited Minecraft and uh how’s now gone into loading and showing a video of a dog playing with a plushy yes Moi loves her toys and as that switched over to a cat video no that wasn’t a cat video that’s when they were puppies did you really think they were cats though yeah I I know $6 hour left I hear you thank you though Chris I appreciate you Chris says H haha only about 60 hours left to S you but good luck thank you also Rob gamer and how’s it going Muna welcome oh were you trying to Spook me pinky doodle trying to redeem the the knock knock one I did someone um I believe it was vano uh they got me yesterday I believe it was like was it when I was playing those who remain you know those who remain is like like a you know kind of a a deep focus game and like kind of a spooky well is spooky game and then it like did like all of a sudden like one of the things got me and welcome back Ricardo [Music] gaming oh oh just watch the face reveal I yes I do have a face reveal in my 1,000 subscriber video it was super spookier when that videos was coming out honestly kick and chicken says today’s news is when as is talking to Mochi hi Mochi no mochi’s like what uh and her other pet uh pumpkin and assemble mojis oh mojis assemble so Emoji all your siblings are now called Mochi okay that’s going to get very confusing oh y thank you Muna welcome to the channel and Otter how’s it going otter welcome and cloudy Comey nice to see you if you had to choose a fictional world to live in for a week which one you would you choose I probably have to choose something from one of my favorite games or animes or shows that’s a really good question though hey black boy I did not sleep yet no and Dimitri nice to see you Dimitri how have you been wait aie didn’t get out if I didn’t help her oh yeah renon was helping me with uh the game I I was streaming last night well the night before now called those who remain thank you for the help again rankon and how’s it going ducky I am well although I do need sleep my my brain is um starting the zombification process and there was something else I was going to say oh wait pink says azy if you ever get VR and play a horror game I’ll get you that sounds so fun I’ve never experienced a VR headset but I’m like excited for it oh DM says for your 50k special you should do a face reveal and house tour believe me you guys do not want to see my room it’s messy like super messy yeah you don’t want to see it just trust me on this I am tired maymuna that’s why the zombie the zombification process has started uh Ki and chicken says if you had oh that’s right that’s what it was I was like I was like what was it I was like I thought it was forgetting something and I was I was forgetting your question about like what world I’d be in that’s what it was so let’s see that’s that’s a hard question though cuz like I love Legend of Zelda I love Final Fantasy series but do you want to live in the worlds H very tough question oh what’s a splat Fest so a splatfest is a thing in the game Splatoon 3 and it’s like sort of like an event they do once per month and they they ask you a question like this one is if my brain can think properly like the world is ending what do you do when the world’s ending and then the options are bucket list uh same old or save the day so you choose which option and that’s the team you’re on on and then the splatfest you know you’re going against teams and you’re trying to you know you’re doing matches and you know wanting to win with your team yeah it’s um it’s like a familyfriendly shooter type game oh hydration right oh no I’m almost out of water I have a um I do have a few drops but I’m getting low and the next live is going to be today at 6:00 p.m. Central Standard time I do have a live stream schedule posted as well I do it weekly so you are welcome to check the schedules on YouTube Community post Twitter and Discord I have one usually out around Friday and the new one is currently available also uh sheay Head Strong thank you for subscribing welcome to the channel DM says I often stay up all night planning and playing campaigns so I get like five hours of sleep a week oh a week oh my gosh DM I my zombification process would be complete if I only got 5 hours like yeah that’d be crazy I could not live on that uh Naruto V says going to leave the stream up I have to go to bed it’s really late stay up to watch your stream oh my parents don’t know oh no thank you for being here in Naruto I do appreciate you and I hope you can get some good sleep and also fire blaze are you here fire blaze cuz you are the final world that we have to visit and do you play only Minecraft that is a big no I play a lot of games Minecraft awesome of course but oh the N9 hour Mark has been reached how did that already happen that’s crazy but yeah I love a lot of different games I loved games ever since I was born basically I love all genres and I play a lot of different games here as long as it’s family friendly I’m family friendly here I do Nintendo I do variety so I do like to do streams where I play multiplayer with viewers so I definitely like to have that as a thing uh Minecraft Among Us Fall Guys Roblox fortnite Festival was super fun so fortnite might be soon again and also Mario Kart Mario Maker 2 Smash Bros Animal Crossing Splatoon Pokemon pretty much everything honestly oh you play COD I love cod zombies that is one of my favorite games is cod zombies Zelda Final Fantasy but those ones are off stream for me you know not familyfriendly with the COD zombies but I do love it a lot and DM says yeah it’s also bad cuz I have to plan for all the different ways my my players will find loopholes I hope you’re able to get some decent sleep though DM cuz you know sleep is definitely important for one’s health and uh I hope you can get some good sleep all right so oh fire blaze was fire blaze did fire blaze respond guys if fire blaze doesn’t respond we might have to end the stream um sooner than uh what I was thinking we’ll just have to see if fire blazes here um do you have call War oh do you mean like cold war hey alist how’s it going alistor um I believe should have every Call of Duty game I believe please quick game of those who remain oh you want me to stream those who remain again well maybe I can do like another variety game stream again sometime I will think about it and I do see you Muna yes and Zeon welcome back wow it’s 3 for me and you’re still streaming and I hope you have a good day too kick and chicken thank you for stopping by so we’ll have to see if fire blaze uh shows up if they don’t I’ll have to wrap up the stream and you know we’ll just have to have fire blaze go another time I am going to step away really quick and if fire blaze is not here when I get back I’m just going to you know start pre in for end of the stream so I will be right back everybody for now enjoy some puppies they’re not kittens they’re puppies by the way I’m not sure if you guys really think they’re kittens but they are puppies [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right I am back and is fire blaze here does anybody play COD I do I like to play the zombies in it though how’s it going blue Walky worm thank you for the welcome back everybody also pickle Rick how’s it going pickle Rick well it’s actually supposed to be a white Axel but the white Axel is named Axel and the pink one is axie uhoh uhoh uhoh guys the number look at the number ah It’s a Spooky number thank you for all the support and all the subscribers guys so I really appreciate it yeah but it is a spooky number I see it spooky yes spooky um it’s okay no worries so it does look like they’re not here and if I go to chat fire blaze do you show up you do not so that means we are going to go ahead and uh wrap up the stream then why did the spoopy number have to be always stop oh thank you pyb and thank you for 120 likes everyone super appreciate you and here’s a hug for all of you guys I hope you feel feel better Jesse and I hope you guys all have a wonderful day wonderful night uh R gon says a flip it’s 3:00 a.m. the devil’s hour and you’re still awake what thank you Chris and also foxy how’s it going welcome to the channel and thank you oh wait yay it’s 667 yay thank you so much for subscribing welcome to the channel guys uh blue Wacky Worm fire ducky uh foxy thank you guys you’re awesome welcome to the channel appreciate you so I’m going to go ahead find us a raid Target we going to go for a raid and um let’s see I can look back in the chats uh Pink doodle was there something yeah don’t think there’s a point of waiting around yeah he’s not here and yeah Mochi needs some food I do need some sleep cuz I have a stream again well we did give fire blaze another opportunity like we gave them some time you know and unfortunately they’re not here but we’ll just have to you know visit their world next stream so yeah oh that’s all right so I am live again today with Splatoon 3 um splatfest results playing with viewers that is at 6:00 p.m. Central Standard time I do have a live stream schedule available so you can look at it right now and Roblox is on Monday yay and renon wants me to play those who remain again I will definitely think on it renon I do like it I’m I’m very curious to know what happens okay so let me go ahead and search for the raid Target so I’m going to find a r Target on YouTube and twitch and I’ll provide you guys with a link and no worries if it doesn’t work um we will have a redirect as well so no [Music] worries and welcome back also Alistair fire blaze what the flipper I was like asking where gosh okay well fire blaz is back everybody let’s see okay okay okay did you still want to do your world yeah I was going to end it cuz I was like uh I took a break and there was no fire Bliss I was like fire blaze fire blaze no fire blaz okay okay we’ll go ahead and visit your world fire blaze um okay well that was quite a change of events I was getting like all raid mood that’s okay okay Fireblaze we are going to visit your world everyone is welcome to join fire blazes world and then we are ending the stream okay so fire blaze um do you have your world ready for us Ron says haha continues the stream will a he push through the 10 hours Mark LOL Mary says a man unlucky okay get the timer ready okay so fire blaze just waiting whenever you’re ready for us to visit your world oh fire blaze bro and fire blaze hey okay he’s on let’s see it’s not showing it though uhoh is it messing up again okay Minecraft has been so weird so hopefully it will come back now it’s been doing that it has like an error message and then after the error message then it loads okay man Blaze bro is celebrating ridiculously lot at 10:53 p.m. fire ducky says can you join my world well it’s really late for this stream but I will have more Minecraft streams and I’m more than happy to visit your world in the next one and no worries luy worm thank you for stopping by and AR says yeah I’m going to stay up more to watch your stream if you do need sleep though definitely feel free to get some sleep oh he was signed out of his account earlier fire blace says another error is it going to work anytime uhoh what if Minecraft decides to be a flipper oh appreciate you blue Wy Worm but it’s all good if you’re not able to um you know stop by the streams um you know life happens no worries but always happy to see you guys no it’s not working well you guys are having issues it sounds like well I’m also having issues Mary says Y what is going on it’s like Cal error calm error calm error endless Cal errors hey Andy thank you so much for hanging with us Andy I appreciate you have a wonderful night wait re renon says my world Azie before I go it’s all good fire blaze I’m having issues anyway so yeah Mary your prayers have been answered okay I’m going to reset the game cuz it is being a flipper again we’ll see if this works if it takes too long or we can’t get in I’ll let you know sounds good and how’s it going Max Max Max did I say that right Max Max Max yeah I think I did Welcome to the stream uh do have Discord fire ducky feel free to join if you guys are interested everyone is welcome and what am I trying to do I am trying to join fire blazes world but it’s not loading very well Minecraft is messing up it’s like having errors and things like that pinka dooodle on Twitch yay chippy chippy choa choa duby duby daba daba wait what is that some kind of M um magical chanting yeah and Minecraft was a flipper a lot actually in this stream Max um I I didn’t actually start visiting worlds until 2 hours in although you know some of that I was like reading chat and you know greeting everyone but uh a good majority was also from Minecraft just having errors Naruto says my eyes are starting to Flinch should go to sleep so yes or no if yes I say yes if you’re tired definitely oh wait it was supposed to be pronounced doobie not dubby oh doobie doobie chippy chippy choa choa doy do da da okay yep Discord link is in the chat so go ahead and click on it or copy paste if you can’t also I do have the Discord links um posted you know on the channel pretty much everywhere too so you are more than welcome to join you can join through any of those links um uh uh welcome mixer but please no funky advertising oh you sound like a really happy girl uh well honestly I’m a little bit of a zombie right now cuz I’m tired but I did have a coffee and an energy drink afterwards but that was a long time ago but you know it could still be having an effect you never know sleep levels dangerously low what time it is almost 4:00 a.m. for me yeah have to get to sleep sometime it’s lost somewhere in a mess known as Blaze Bros photo roll fireplace says all right wait r rankon on Twitch says azy Mar is giving this stream thumbs up for adrenaline oh 10:58 a.m. for you not too bad there yeah yep fire um again if you want the Discord you can use use this command click on the link copy paste the link if it doesn’t work also you can find the Discord Link in the description and also throughout my channel I have it posted pretty much everywhere it could possibly be posted so you can definitely find it and feel free to join the Discord if you guys are interested also have other social media links I have a merch and you know many other things so all right you think it should work hopefully I can get it to work on my side look at that Minecraft has been so wonderful today oh no welcome back Muna and how’s it going Muhammad welcome to the stream Muhammad oh boy oh pdb says the last time we made it to 4:00 a.m. it was Hatten time cuz no one wanted her to sleep oh come on come on please work Minecraft please okay it’s loading maybe still [Music] loading is the sun rising yet I’ll have to check uh DM says sleep bad caffeine patches good wait caffeine patches there’re like actual patches oh fire bles lag is it just my internet are you guys having any lagging problems rank gon says Yahoo it’s 400 a.m. come on Minecraft work for me oh my gosh we might not even be able to continue if Minecraft doesn’t want to load goodness server like seriously I’ve seen that calm error message like 22 times the stream please oh no DM I actually have experienced sleep paralysis the first time I experienced it it was crazy like I didn’t even know that was a thing that existed it was insane it was really spooky the first time it isn’t working again won’t let you invite [Music] maybe maybe Minecraft is just having some weird issues going on I don’t know if we’ll be able to you know oh you’ve had it like three times DM I had it two times for sure the second time wasn’t as bad the first time was really spooky though oh well I’m thinking how does this sound to you guys yeah what if we save it for next time and I’ll put you in uh the third in the queue CU I already have beatcraft is first burnt toast to Second and I could put you guys as the next one after but it does seem like we’re having a lot of issues with Minecraft hopefully next Minecraft stream it’ll run better how does that sound to you guys since we’re having like we’re both having issues sure fine with that all right sounds like a deal then pink a dooodle says I say and stream and sleep the longer you’re up the more tired you’re going to be later that’s true oh Splatoon is actually the stream that I’m doing next Roblox is on Monday so that’s kind of good actually cuz Splatoon won’t be as long as Roblox oh no worries pink dooodle yeah you know still streaming though but yeah Roblox will probably be the longer one Roblox is going to be the Monday one and welcome back blue Wy worm I think the universe is telling you didn’t need to get to sleep all right and chrisa sounds good azy should get some sleep okay and no worries pinka dooodle it’s okay fire blaze we will get you guys in for next time and yeah I’m having errors anyway so the world is telling yeah just like Max says the universe is telling us to end the stream it’s okay fire blaze no worries okay back to ra Target again okay all right guys fre time just got to find the r Target okay I’ll get you the links and redirect if you can’t click on link so no [Music] worries # ailia 22 ra let me go ahead and find three Target for us [Music] yeah I will feed Mochi she’s definitely going to be happy for that all right let me see if they have a redirect and yep # ailia 22 read everybody next stream is Splatoon 3 that’s going to be 6:00 p.m. Central Standard uh yeah 6 p.m. Central Standard time today and on Monday Roblox is going to happen on uh at 6:30 p.m. sorry my brain’s going uh yeah on Twitch um you get money from the bits and also from subscribers on Twitch all right I’m getting things all set up now are you sleeping not yet unless I was like sleep talking sleep streaming I’m not sleeping that I know [Music] of all right getting this set yay they have redirect all right I’m getting the links all ready for you guys and then now on Twitch as well we’re going to do a ra over there and okay make sure I get the name [Music] here I’m I am surprised we left for so long in a way I mean I know Minecraft streams can go for a long time but maybe like a little shorter than this was more expected but it’s all good all right let’s see [Music] maybe I’ll go with this one this time actually here first here first mute mute there we go all right guys here are the links for the raid Targets on YouTube and twitch and if the links don’t work no worries uh redirects will also take us there so we are going to be reading Ari lunami over on YouTube it says it’s their birthday stream part two and on Twitch we are reading quick Sonic they are doing Mario Maker [Music] 2 and I’m not really seeing any games being played on the YouTube One so maybe they’re just uh chatting with viewers possibly we’ll have to see but uh those are the links guys # isia 22 [Music] read and thank you so much everybody thank you all for being here thank you uh AIA for subscribing welcome to the channel and everyone thank you guys all for for stopping by I appreciate you I’m going to be live with Splatoon 3 again today doing the Splat fest with viewers Roblox is going to be on Monday I stream every week family friendly and I do lots of different games I love all kinds of games so appreciate you guys thank you so much for the support everybody I hope you all have a great day and a great night bye everyone

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT’S 15th ANNIVERSARY LIVE | Visiting Viewer Worlds #shorts’, was uploaded by Azalea22 on 2024-05-19 09:36:12. It has garnered 16459 views and 130 likes. The duration of the video is 09:33:24 or 34404 seconds.

It’s Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary, so I’m live streaming for the occasion. I’m LIVE with Minecraft Bedrock playing and checking out viewer worlds/realms. Whether you have your own minigames you would like us to play or some cool creative builds to show off, it’s all game in today’s Live Stream!

(In honor of Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary, Minecraft is currently on Sale for 50%)

Minecraft Bedrock is cross-platform compatible, so we can all join across different platforms. Nintendo Switch, Xbox One/Series S/X, PlayStation 4/5 and Mobile Minecraft Pocket Edition are all Bedrock.

————————————————————————————————————————- Azalea228458 is my #minecraft Microsoft Gamer Tag NOTE: You do need to be friends with me through the Microsoft Gamer Tag, otherwise the Nintendo Switch friends list may work. ————————————————————————————————————————-

Click and Submit here:

View Queue here:

You can use a queue pass and be next in the queue if you have enough points.


This is a special #familyfriendly live stream with my VTuber where I’m experimenting with the shorts vertical live stream. 🙂



Keep it PG-ish Be nice, have fun Don’t spam a lot No advertising/self-promotion Respect the owner and all mods No Trolling No harassing remarks, hateful comments, etc. Please do not ask for mod

(These are some base guidelines, but also please use common sense as these are not necessarily the limitations to the rules.)


Loyalty Store is up! (Also shows more COMMANDS)

• You automatically earn points while watching the live streams, and can also try your luck with a few games! • Redeem items during live stream to use and see them displayed on screen. (Redeem by going to the above loyalty store link or typing !redeem (item name) in the chat.

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—————————————————————————————- For some fun you can use this command: !8ball (ask yes or no question) —————————————————————————————-

Video Game: Minecraft Bedrock Platform: Nintendo Switch Video: Let’s Play/Gameplay Live Stream

—————————————————————————————– —————————————————————————————–

Special Donation/Super Chat Alerts for these amounts:

2.22 – Azalea 3.10 – Mario 3.33 – Jumpscare 6.67 – Spooky 7.77 – Lucky 7’s 13.33 – Super Jumpscare 22.00 – Azalea 22.22 – Azalea 100.00 – Cat OMG 220.00 – Super Mario World Special —————————————————————————————–


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Thank you! ————————————————————————————–

Let me know if you guys have any Super Mario Maker 2 courses you would like to see me play on the channel!


  • Sneaking into Her House in Minecraft SMP

    Sneaking into Her House in Minecraft SMP Minecraft Anokhi SMP: Survival Adventures Unfold Embark on a thrilling journey through the virtual world of Minecraft Anokhi SMP as survival instincts kick in and players navigate through challenges and surprises. In the latest installment, our adventurers find themselves in a sticky situation as they attempt to stealthily visit a fellow player’s house, only to be caught in the act! Caught in the Act As the players sneak around the virtual landscape, trying to maintain a low profile, tension mounts as they approach their target. However, their plans are foiled as they are discovered by the homeowner, leading to… Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: The Server That’s Dumber Than Dumb

    Minecraft Mayhem: The Server That's Dumber Than Dumb In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I stumbled upon a server, like a wild dream. The players were quirky, the builds were absurd, But I dove right in, ready to be stirred. From pixelated cows to towering castles, Every corner held surprises, like hidden tassels. I laughed and I gasped at the chaos around, But in this wacky world, I found solid ground. With each new adventure, my heart skipped a beat, As I navigated through challenges, both bitter and sweet. But in the end, it was all in good fun, In this silly server, where… Read More

  • Jazzy Campfire: Minecraft’s Smooth Jazz Radio 🎷

    Jazzy Campfire: Minecraft's Smooth Jazz Radio 🎷 Welcome to Smooth Jazz Radio, where Minecraft vibes flow, With camping jazz ambiance, let your worries go. The crackling campfire, the evening sounds so serene, In this peaceful world, let your mind be clean. Immerse yourself in jazz, as you explore Minecraft’s land, Let the music guide you, with a gentle hand. Relax, unwind, let the rhythms take control, In this tranquil setting, let your spirit unfold. Subscribe for more vibes, share your favorite moments too, Let the music soothe you, in all that you do. Camping jazz and Minecraft, a perfect blend, In this world of relaxation, let… Read More

  • Purple Star Portal Prank in Minecraft

    Purple Star Portal Prank in Minecraft Minecraft’s Purple Star Portal: A Colorful Adventure Awaits! Are you ready to embark on a vibrant and enchanting journey in Minecraft? The Purple Star Portal, also known as the Rainbow Bubblegem, offers players a unique and colorful experience like no other. Let’s dive into the magical world of Minecraft and discover the wonders that await beyond the Purple Star Portal! Exploring the Purple Star Portal As you step through the Purple Star Portal, you will be greeted by a mesmerizing landscape filled with hues of purple, blue, and pink. The vibrant colors and sparkling gems that adorn this portal… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Racetrack Race!

    EPIC Minecraft Racetrack Race! Minecraft Racetrack: Pig Circuit Embark on an exhilarating journey through the Pig Circuit, a thrilling racetrack created by a talented Minecraft player. This track is just a glimpse of the vast possibilities that Minecraft offers for creativity and adventure. Let’s dive into the details of this exciting creation! Map Creation and Minigame The Pig Circuit is a part of a larger map designed for a minigame known as Minecraft Raceways. This minigame promises endless fun and excitement as players navigate through various tracks and challenges. The attention to detail in creating these maps showcases the dedication and passion of… Read More

  • Froggy Fire Frenzy: Alex’s Magma Quest

    Froggy Fire Frenzy: Alex's Magma Quest In the world of Minecraft, Alex takes the stage, Crafting potions with froglights and blaze rods, all the rage. Building a farm for magma cream, a fiery delight, To face the nether fortress, with all his might. Gathering nether wart, with a careful hand, Mixing ingredients, following the plan. Creating potions of fire resistance, strong and true, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always something new. Join Alex on his adventures, full of fun and glee, In a world of creativity, where you can be free. So grab your pickaxe, and join the fight, In the world of Minecraft,… Read More

  • Glitchy Goodness

    Glitchy Goodness Minecraft Chunk Error in LEGO Fortnite? While exploring the Lost Isles in LEGO Fortnite, players have reported encountering what appears to be a Minecraft chunk error. One of the islands on the map seems to be divided between Shore and Grasslands, with solid water separating the two biomes. Interestingly, despite being solid, the water is still recognized as the Water biome within the game. Unexpected Glitches in LEGO Fortnite This unusual phenomenon has sparked curiosity among players, who have noticed similar chunk errors on neighboring islands as well. The presence of these glitches adds a unique twist to the… Read More

  • Unveiling the Origins of Demons and Magicians

    Unveiling the Origins of Demons and Magicians The Origin of Demons and Magicians in Minecraft Unveiling the Mysteries of Minecraft In the captivating world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, the latest episode titled "Origin of Demons and Magicians" takes players on a thrilling adventure. This Minecraft animation, accompanied by an enchanting soundtrack, delves into the origins of two powerful entities – demons and magicians. Exploring the Depths of Minecraft Lore The episode introduces viewers to a rich tapestry of lore, shedding light on the origins of demons and magicians within the Minecraft universe. As players navigate through this immersive storyline, they uncover the secrets… Read More

  • Top Secret Minecraft Bases | unspeakable

    Top Secret Minecraft Bases | unspeakable The Best Hidden Bases in Minecraft 1.21 In this exciting Minecraft video, we take you on a journey to uncover the mysteries hidden inside a secret Minecraft base! 🏰✨ Ever wondered what makes a perfect secret base? Join us as we reveal the intricate designs, clever traps, and hidden treasures that make this base truly unique. From sneaky entrances to elaborate redstone contraptions, you won’t believe what has been managed to hide away! Discover: The best locations for secret bases Tips for building an impenetrable fortress Creative uses of Minecraft blocks and items Hidden treasures and surprises waiting to… Read More

  • EPIC Cave Base Build in Minecraft

    EPIC Cave Base Build in Minecraft The Ultimate Cave Base in Minecraft Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, offers players endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the most exciting aspects of the game is building unique bases, and creating an underground cave base is a popular choice among players. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft and explore the ultimate cave base. Exploring the Depths Building a cave base in Minecraft allows players to immerse themselves in the underground world, away from the hustle and bustle of the surface. The dark, mysterious caves offer a perfect setting for a hidden sanctuary, filled with secrets… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Battle Royale

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Battle Royale In Minecraft’s intense battle royale, Friends compete, hearts set to prevail. KZA_, averalls, obvlogan too, Spricc, osomad, cactixz in the crew. Figfen joins the epic fight, In this virtual world, under the night. With swords and shields, they clash and spar, Crafting strategies, near and far. Each move calculated, each step precise, In this pixelated paradise. Watch ’til the end, the battle unfolds, As friendships tested, and stories told. Subscribe for more, join the fun, In Minecraft’s world, under the sun. Join the Discord, stay in the loop, For more adventures, more Minecraft scoop. Thanks for watching, thanks for… Read More

  • Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning

    Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning "Me: sees a popular trap in Minecraft Also me: avoids it by running straight into a different trap It’s all about that element of surprise, right?" Read More

  • Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage

    Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage A Beautiful Minecraft Cottage – Easy Step-By-Step Tutorial Embark on a creative journey with this simple 15-minute Minecraft build tutorial! Whether you’re a seasoned player or a beginner, this step-by-step guide will help you construct a charming cottage in no time. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft building and unleash your creativity! Materials Before you start building, gather the necessary materials such as wood, stone, glass, and other resources. These materials will form the foundation of your cottage and add character to your creation. The Base Begin by laying down the base of your cottage. Create a sturdy… Read More

  • 100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken Over

    100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken OverVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days On An MMORPG Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by BeenTaken on 2024-09-22 14:55:21. It has garnered 32595 views and 949 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:16 or 2296 seconds. I spent 100 days on a Minecraft’s BEST MMORPG Server. At first, I barley survived by killing low level bosses. Slowly but surely, however, I worked my way up the TavernMC food chain. I didn’t have the luxury of using my main account, BeenTaken. I had to completely start from scratch. And in the end, I accomplished wonders, obtaining some of… Read More

  • Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21

    Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘First Time Playing The NEW Update! | Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 | S9 E9 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr. Unprofessional on 2024-09-23 12:30:21. It has garnered 860 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:10 or 1630 seconds. First Time Playing The NEW Update! it went well… all the way up till I went back for the thumbnail and died!!! Ugh what a disappointment! but! We got one under our belts. Trial Chamber #1! Complete! #minecraft #trialchambers #update Join Us on Twitch! Temporarily Taking a break from streaming, Taking Care of a newborn… Read More


    INSANE MUSIC SYSTEM in MINECRAFT! 🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST MUSIC SYSTEM IN MINECRAFT/MUSIC SYSTEM OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #op’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-04-30 07:25:35. It has garnered 4178 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

    Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Breaking every rule of notice smp ]#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by AllMC_Gaming on 2024-03-07 01:11:38. It has garnered 204 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Description: 🌟 Welcome to Crafted Ventures, where the enchanting world of Minecraft comes to life in pixels and polygons! 🌈 Immerse yourself in a realm of endless creativity, daring adventures, and captivating builds as we embark on an epic journey through the vast landscapes of this iconic sandbox game. 🔨 **Masterful Creations:** Join us as we delve into the art of… Read More

  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

    Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers?’, was uploaded by Λsk Λbout Solutions on 2024-05-24 06:27:53. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Unveiling the Unique Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Discover what sets HermitCraft apart from the rest – a tight-knit community, high-quality content, and a focus on creativity and collaboration. Join in on the magic today! Laura S. Harris (2024, May 14.) What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers? 🌐 ✋ Disclaimer: This video, titled ‘What… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel ​⁠​⁠ #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE ❤️ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang ——————————— —————————— 🚀 | Subs Discord | 🚀 My Texture Pack | 🚀 | Twitter | 🚀 | Twitch | 🚀 |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts *Server Discord*: *Java & Bedrock IP*: *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

    Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser Welcome to the World of Minecraft Get ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming live-action adaptation, “A Minecraft Movie.” Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures have teamed up to bring this beloved video game to the big screen, starring Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and a talented ensemble cast. A Magical Adventure Awaits Follow the journey of four misfits – Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison, Henry, Natalie, and Dawn – as they find themselves transported into the Overworld, a strange and imaginative land filled with challenges and wonders. To return home, they… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

    Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE! The Adventure Continues: Nether Fortress in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey as our Minecraft player delves into the mysterious Nether Fortress in the latest episode of the Minecraft PE Survival Series. From encountering the formidable blaze spawner to facing the challenges of the treacherous Nether, this episode is packed with thrilling moments and unexpected twists. Lost in the Nether As our player explores the Nether Fortress, they face the daunting task of navigating through its winding corridors and dark passageways. The loss of diamond armor and tools adds an extra layer of difficulty, leading to… Read More

  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

    Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Hidden Alchemy Lab’, was uploaded by Gunsmoke1084 on 2024-09-25 15:20:11. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:28 or 388 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

    Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 4 | LANJUT BIKIN MODERN HOUSE | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-27 02:05:16. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:49 or 1249 seconds. DAY 4 | CONTINUING TO MAKE A MODERN HOUSE | Minecraft Hello, Welcome to the Bang RA Channel. On this channel we will play the Minecraft game, brothers and sisters. I’M TRYING TO BUILD MY FIRST UNDERGROUND HOUSE | CREATIVE MODE MINECRAFT Donation Link: Link Server : Jangan Lupa Dukung Channel ini terus ya Subscribe ✓ Like ✓… Read More

  • GRGAMERZ000’s Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮

    GRGAMERZ000's Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Hindi Minecraft : 😄 Happy stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by GRGAMERZ000 on 2024-06-05 19:36:44. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:05 or 305 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Talib: Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my… Read More

  • Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Challenge

    Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Bau Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Semlaki on 2024-05-02 13:39:56. It has garnered 168856 views and 5455 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:28 or 2128 seconds. Semlaki and his friend Billy are doing a Billy Arm vs Semlaki Empire TUNNEL building challenge in Minecraft. The safe house in a tunnel – includes traps, parkour and many other things that the other player has to do. Who will build the safest and largest Minecraft house in a tunnel at the end? Will Semlakis Pro Family win? Will… Read More

  • Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX – Shizo TechFixIT

    Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX - Shizo TechFixITVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Launcher Not Launching Error Code 0x80072efe On Windows 11/10 PC FIX’, was uploaded by TechFixIT on 2024-07-07 15:41:16. It has garnered 118 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. The Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe typically indicates a network-related issue, often related to connectivity problems between your computer and the Minecraft servers. Here are the main causes and their explanations: 1. Network Connectivity Issues Unstable Internet Connection: An unstable or weak internet connection can prevent the Minecraft Launcher from connecting to the servers, resulting in this error…. Read More

  • JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!

    JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Jester Craft on 2024-09-22 21:00:19. It has garnered 2413 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:21 or 3801 seconds. JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #Sponsored

    EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #SponsoredVideo Information This video, titled ‘PROGRESS CREATE MODDED MINECRAFT@Mithzan | Sponsored Stream! #Sponsored’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-05-12 04:53:53. It has garnered 1271 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:29:09 or 23349 seconds. Other Live streams: Read More

  • Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!

    Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live de Roblox / Minecraft server voltou’, was uploaded by ITZ´s on 2024-07-28 06:56:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱

    Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘ĐÂY LÀ MỘT STREAM MINECRAFT TRONG SÁNG VÀ TÍCH CỰC #vtuber #vtubervn’, was uploaded by Kronus【Vietuber】 on 2024-09-25 15:54:37. It has garnered 12681 views and 767 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:03 or 8103 seconds. — Donate to Kro here: + Playerduo: + Streamlabs: — Social Media: + Facebook: + Tik Tok: — Hashtags: #vtubervietnam #kronusgenovius #vietuberproject #vtuber #vtubervn #minecraft #superhardmode Read More

  • BakSoo MC

    BakSoo MCServer Minecraft Indonesia dikhususkan untuk player indonesia sadjah. Dapat bermain lewat JAVA dan juga BEDROCK Untuk sekarang kami baru memiliki Hard Survival Server. Rencananya akan kami tambah jadi PIXELMON Read More