Crazy Minecraft Madness with TeeJ: SHOCKING PART 11!

Video Information

For For For That E Oh Oh Hey guys it’s me I’m here don’t worry I’m here and it’s before 7 why is my camera not focused on like my face what are you doing camera this is ridiculous get over yourself config your video maybe wait wait wait hold on yo hey what’s up guys hey sadness hey

Arrine why is the freaking Zoom but um yo what’s up your lord dingo how’s it going uh oh look at that that’s sick okay there we go te add me on what onto the realm you want to get on the realm you want to get on the realm

You’re crazy dude uh yeah sure I can do that let me get everything up and running and stuff let me know if the if the music is too loud just uh let me know um I can turn it down for me and up for you so just let me know if the

Music’s too loud or what not uh is this Bedrock or Java this is bedrock um just cuz I felt like most people are going to have have like whatever oh my God wait wait hold on no other way right there there’s my uh slave one and it’s

Acting as a little bit of a green screen anyway you’re crazy dude yeah some of the spawn trunk is mined out be careful oh good good good continue um so we got to teach’s World um oh wait wait wait let me let me add you guys uh real quick uh Lord

Dingo uh play friends add friend gamertag and add friend there you go uh I’ll get on Bedrock on my PC nice my Bedrock username is different okay that’s fine um so Lord dingo you probably want to like take out your message you probably want to delete that message

Just so that I guess it’s already in the VOD it’s probably too late now just in case you don’t want random people friending you I would assume you wouldn’t want that um let me also this Lord dingo guy sounds pretty cool yeah man that’s M anyway uh Herobrine if you

Want to if you guys want to put your um I’ll DM you my yeah yeah there you go yeah put your gamertags in the uh the Discord that way um that way you know friends pending sure whatever I don’t care yeah all right put your gamertags in the

Discord that way nobody can see it yo it’s me sadness all righty all right all right all right so invite to Game okay so we got got a few people that’s not really what I meant to do though uh why is everyone telling you their gamertag um oh oh here here here here here invite to game how do I okay if you guys go on the Discord uh there’s a pinned message see

All pinned messages let me copy link and I will put it in chat for you guys sham oops send there you go um so that is the uh the realm invite link so you guys can join the server uh shro apparently already in it or something I don’t know so

Uh I have like 12 hours on it nice nice um so yeah we’re uh we’re going to go ahead and get started I suppose sup and also I’m going to hop in the gaming with fans voice channel uh just cuz uh so if anybody wants to hop in

With me we can hey Herobrine how’s it going we’re going to we can you know talk and whatnot I’m going to turn you up I’m GNA also turn the music down I’m dming you my username it’s different and my my dad made it so that’s why it’s different I see okay

There we go don’t say it out loud please okay uh all right all right all right let me okay I’m still on just my face um I need to add you as a friend probably so add friend wait okay I think you could add me the

Xbox app I think that’s how that works yeah I can I can honestly just add you you in in Minecraft add friend there you go I’ve been use default warchant ages uh K up the Xbox app this is you sub to sub to L ID is that you yep that’s

Me all right so we got it’s yeah we got a few people in here we got five people Jo yep all righty um yeah but there’s also I haven’t used default W in absolutely ages badine or curse Forge yeah I use a different one as well but can you can

You get on the realm with the link or do you need me to send you an invite I’ll prob for the link I’ll okay I think I have to link all Righty everyone go to Zer Zer when you join no thousands of blocks away Al righty there’s an ancient city like 500 blocks from Spawn heck yeah oh I should actually like put the game up probably there you go can I get teleported to spawn or not well I’m not at spawn so

Uh that’s not really going to help you I’ve just been playing on my friend server recently I got full nine on it oh nice I have no food I got a hog farm now and a Skelly spawner nice yeah get infinite Le and infinite pork chops very a

Dokey also I have a plugin like my friend put a plugin on there that basically has you put any images and gifts on on like Maps you know and like you can display them moving a gifts which work in Minecraft which is cool isn’t it very

Cool I I don’t have a bed so uh I’m going to have to get one uhoh I also don’t have any food I’m like so screwed it’s the middle of the night and I got nothing Minecraft’s kind of glitching hang I’ll try to rewatch It chill oh boy oh okay well I left apparently I’ll pop back in that’s fine minec was like it like crashed for some reason don’t know why Uh I have a plethora of wool if you’re interested uh yeah I would be definitely interested in uh wool I don’t have any wool or any food could you invite me please uh yeah uh I need to figure out how to do that invite to game oh I guess you

Would be one of my friends I think me I think add rum members there we go okay uh what was your this one I think there you go I sent you an invite there you go accept go it comes up on the Xbox app because it just does for me 87420

87420 should work this time hope what bit of a trick oh boy this is going to be such a long journey oh there’s a zombie riding a zombie that’s very cool damn I think it’s either my internet or hang on might do a connection test quick the what Minecraft isn’t

Loading dude I’m not in an any better position than you Lord duelingo I have nothing I have no food I’m in the middle of nowhere yeah I I know it’s terrifying out here I got nothing though yo Zeno Golem what’s up man uh we’re playing on a real with all the

Subs so if you want to join you’re welcome I’m a I’m a rick in the snow with 10 logs and two dirt I’m stuck yes yeah makes more sense yeah my my internet’s good there you go let’s try that oh I see I see somebody’s base I don’t know who that is

Though uh-oh Turtle Man y yep here we go I’m here what the heck um I don’t think I can TP you guys sorry I also don’t really know how to um oh God powdered Snow Yeah there’s powdered snow like right next to spawn oh God that was so much damage I’m so

Dead hey but there’s actually keep inventory and anyway so it doesn’t really matter if you die uhoh I’m at half a heart or W okay better than land help you guys are fine what are you crying about there’s literally keep inventory on so like if he dies whatever hardly even

Matters oh God dang it I’m just trying to kill myself now there we go whoa hello hello what is this you like do you like my skin are you the Steve wait what am I Steve to yes you oh no not anymore what is what this is the most random skin I’ve

Ever seen in my life look like it’s the creeper Cape I see the creeper Cape yeah all right guys are we just going to are we just going to I don’t think I’ll be able to join today but if you do this some other time I can yeah

We’re probably going to be playing Minecraft like weekly on a weekly basis sadness I don’t know where your base is we’re all at0 we’re mining oh my pickaxe broke on dang it we’ been um we’ been like i’ i’ I’ve just been trying to find Serv Le plan at mft you know on

Them that’s what I’ve doing recently just doing that very nice very nice oh my goodness people are dying left right and Center oh shoot I understand why coal jav with like axes you know whoa you already have freaking diamond armor and stuff what is this oh my gosh must L an ancient

City real ploer you guys got some weird names the reason of mine’s like this is cuz my dad’s name is Mr Chicken choker we got to like we all got to put our names that you are on YouTube so I know who the heck is who there too many random names

Yeah you know we got to actually like build some stairs I don’t think this is going to work out very much it’s on my Java account it’s the same on YouTube it’s the same IGN yeah if I any like um people when they see K Simpson join

The game they instantly think oh my God was Herobine I instantly ban because of my IGN people do that Herobrine that’s a bad name that’s a that’s a terrible name what Herobrine nobody’s going to want you to join if your name is Herobrine Herobrine Simpson ow ah does anybody have any

Food I have lots and flesh that’s not quite food I mean it is but not really I’ll show you to my got plenty of wool yeah bring up who is that real ploer real ploer bring all the wool to z00 with everybody that’s where everybody is right now skeletons be racist for

Real get out of here bro wait this like random Snow particles there was when I was blinding gravel no that was me I was throwing snowballs at you I’m going to die this stupid stray is going to yeah get oh God it’s it’s it that’s it I’m dead zo what

The this is a terrible spot to have a ginormous hole everybody’s going to spawn up here and then die yeah I did with like it was a terrible spot who who who did this who decided that this was the best idea oh god I didn’t even know I

Led in and I fell yeah this is a terrible idea oh fre TI arrows I don’t think you can it shot me when I was on the ground oh yeah he’s still over here Get Wrecked nerd got him uhoh how did he not notice that Turtle Master what are you doing

Cringe all right we need to like actually like oh my goodness who got M Moss already I’ll trade that anyway I’m going to I’m going head out I need to like teach Pro for iron or Pro projectile protection Diamond teach uh H diamond is better than iron

So uh wait how do you join um I have the link in chat I can put it in again if you want there’s there’s a link oops you can join um there you go you can join the uh the realm with that link um so that’s that’s how you join

And also I am uhoh I am also on on Discord right now so if you uh want to chill there with me and anybody else that’s also in Discord which isn’t many people it’s just her Bron Simpson for now what’s up W flyer how’s it going

I need to find like cows and start farming and whatnot I need to find carrots I could farm and get golden carrots oh yeah that’s a good idea golden carrots are uh like the best food source oh then cooked pork chops at the second best whoa cooked pork chops where are you getting

That steak pork chops steak is better than pork chops when it comes to like food like say like more food no that’s not true it’s false you’re fake cow two cows I have found the loc oh there’s no water around here how am I going to farm anything all right the search shall

Continue just baked potatoes ribs Jack potatoes my goodness I found a ginosa surus cave is Jack potatoes like one of the best food sources the best food source is like golden carrots and then steak and then nothing else I see the pit yeah the pit

Is very easy to see it’s uh it’s like right at spawn you spawn in and then you fall into the pit and die yeah it’s the pit of death like from Spar okay well there he yeah he’s dead that’s embarrassing imagine dying whoa whoa whoa no swearing this is a good Christian Minecraft

Server come here dude I’m so far away oh hello what’s up I didn’t know I didn’t know you were following me PVP is off so you can’t even hurt me if you wanted to I was going to man come here dream God those videos were cringe no swearing on my Christian Minecraft

Server absolutely none of that oh also just so everybody knows um there’s only like 10 slots in in this realm and uh what is it 1 2 3 4 5 six are already taken and that might include me so that might be seven total so there’s only like three more slots so if

You guys want to play you got to be got to be quick about it you want to do you want to explore the ocean out of a boat sure yeah yeah yeah I I’ll I’ll plop in with you let’s go get out of here Cobblestone I got too much crap

Yep I’m in let’s go I love how coordin is on screen you know Java doesn’t happen unless you have like a W and SM you know yeah it is pretty nice yeah that’s why I have a mini map usually on Java o there’s a there’s a shipwreck over there to the right a

Little bit it is yep over that way over oh yep kind of that way no a little to your left a little to your right there you go a little to the left there you go sometimes sometimes I can’t tell between left and right when it comes

To oh come on now left and right’s easy left is to you know to to the left and right is you know over to the right it’s easy we’re here we’re here oh we are here so much iron beautiful D would you get an enchanted Shield if you could like a to

Shield uh I mean maybe I mean I think I have mending and I’m breaking on my shield in my own personal World okay just cuz go for that or like a totem you know well o tide armor trim heck yeah I almost forgot that bedw just

Neite is like more open like you can survive lava much more longer than Java you know o uh there’s a uh over to the left there is a uh over this yep there you go uh buried treasure it is MHM is it on this island yeah it’s on this island like right in

Front of us how how can you tell him bed like on job we kind of tell like P CH but on bwalk it’s very hard you know to tell what have you heard of pie chart no it’s this feature like optify find like stru a bit more like

Easier no I’ve I’ve never used anything like that it’s it’s like um it’s like it’s like a whole pie it shows you the stats of like where ber treasure mob spawn is and all that interesting interesting well I’m usually pretty good about finding uh buried treasure usually

You have any food I don’t have any food now oh heck oh dang it there’s nothing good in here that sucks honestly poop ah I was really hoping there’d be some food in here but there’s nothing on when my server gets open up I’m going to get f c chat put into the

Server o proximity chat would be nice I should put me in spectate mode spectate mode I don’t even know how to do that um it’s SL game mode spectator yeah but I wouldn’t know how to oh okay I don’t really care just play the game like normal this

Is an S SMP come on now hey hey hey Chicken Man chicken here I have a present for you yeah there you go oh thank you you’re welcome oh this armor is actually pretty rare in the game it’s fairly rare one of the one of the rarest AR it’s like the rarest armor

In the game oh this island sucks where’s the boat oh I think we forgot hang on I’ll go get some more wood you can you couldn’t possibly see me froze to death oh Zeno Golem join look at that uh okay well I don’t I don’t I don’t

Really need this or that so you can get on out of here all righty let’s scaddle let’s go let’s go over here here we go all right I’m in I I I have my controls luckly set CU like I usually have half a Sprint because it makes sense it’s next to W

Key Plus off stands for running you Know I have control a Sprint control is uh that’s what I’ve always used for Sprint or shift depending on the game if it’s Minecraft it’s control I think that’s like the base the base thing I got to find somewhere with cows too so we can start murdering them

Yes after farming them of course oh sheep sheep there is a sheep I’ll go kill it I will go commit murder here got him all right only got one wool that’s fine genocide against sheep imine oh well I was going to get some diamond leggings hello Xeno Golem yep Hippa D yep yo

Okay I’ll just eat this raw mutton cuz I’m is just like it this helmet covers half of my clown but the other half like it’s Weir oh no it’s becoming night and I haven’t found another two sheepies whatever will I do wait wait where did you go oh I just

Ran off I’m I’m I’m gone get wrecked all right I got enough wool I can make myself a bed oh no I have been found okay what oh no I have been found okay it’s fine uh yeah that’s fine H were you the one that was going to give me no that’s just

Try uhoh spider dead I’m here hello I need to find uh some anything really maybe you could find a village or some yikes oh my God yeah a village would be fantastic yeah it’s time to go on a journey an adventure one might even say oh

Boy what games do you guys think we should play oh what games do you guys think we should play on uh on Friday you know I I don’t have any IDE you know I just I I need suggestions Uno Uno that youo Uno would be fun oh thanks for the

Food oh can I have some food please that would be he’s giving us food this is fantastic yes I was really hungering starving one might even say what the freak was that you can’t touch me dude I set the rules here thanks for that arrows why do you have three eyes

What the freak it’s disgusting he’s a cyclops but with three eyes I’m cooking oh you you are cooking in my furnace this is ridiculous here you can have there you go okay follow who said follow you said follow real ploer all right I’m following ploer take

Me where you want to go actually I I disagree I’m going where where did the coal go oh it’s mine I collected all the coal it’s mine you can use wood br oh God that’s a witch wait a second is this one hard mode or is this one like easy I

Don’t I’m not taking them anywhere is this on like normal mode or something I think so yeah okay I was hoping it was not on hard oh it’s on hard don’t you worry wait it is no I’m kidding it’s it’s normal people just be dying left right in center I love it

That’s that’s the way to go what he was right behind us he was they were ah he’s gone now he died rest in pepperonis my man yeah oh my goodness there’s a big old cave got a great Farm down south down like Florida me down walking fast faces P I’m Downtown God what I wouldn’t give to find a village right now that’d be fantastic slash give me a bed slash no oh my uhoh there’s a creeper behind me we’re good everything’s fine yep all right ready Y and I’m going to die no I’m not coming down somebody’s already been down

Here wait no there’s already torches there actually no way well this is fantastic I don’t have like any food or anything I do have a DA pack we can add to the server it’s a one dad you’re dead you you could out to the you know uh yeah man that’s great oh

I don’t I don’t know how I’m going to get out of here oh wait I have the perfect solution should drown oh yeah same here I should have just landed on the I mean I guess I could try and find like iron or something and if I die you know whatever

Okay if I die I die but you know I may as well get some iron while I’m here could you freaking stop wait I found diamonds excuse me can you shut stop it die you freaking son of a gun you’re annoying as hell wait I found diamonds

But I don’t have iron to mine it wait oh where are you I have d uh iron was that you over there I see you it’s it’s it’s back at the water I see it’s over there I’m on my way it’s it’s over there where the

Skeleton is oh boy oh oh oh boy I need to make me some like Diamond all right uh get out of here and I’ll need uh iron2 they they amplify the diamond generation so that’s why it’s easy to find Diamonds oh boy oh my goodness oh my God why is the

Water so loud in this game oh my goodness it’s not not this Java no it’s freaking so loud for me the diamonds are right here okay fantastic oh I see them God this water needs to shut up yes it does oh oh my God I’m so dead even

Though there’s diamonds right here I’m I’m just dead oh my God stop many diamonds did you get uh four you were right yeah nice very cool all right now I’m going to kill myself but it’s fine oh my God the water it’s so loud there we go God that was

Atrocious wait is that a mob spawn or did people place a cobblestone no that’s definitely placed there’s no way um where did everybody go everybody’s just gone yeah it’s just us oh my God how many people are on right now five all right fair enough fair enough yep yep y yep

H that mean four more people that could join where did everybody go oh man yeah with the server I’m going to get for like our partnership is going to have like maybe like a 100 player play limit you know all right oh wait what the sword

And if if if if the TPS is put of 100 plays on at once I’ll increase it to like 200 you know very snazzy okay should stop it because there like Pebble thing I can basically get infinite infinite play amounts you know yeah man where are we going why so much

Cake 188 29 well that’s 18 negative 188 or was it 18 I don’t know shut up it’s fine like I know I’m on like computer but I don’t know if the same key that they screenshots on bed is it nope there’s no screenshot key you can take screenshots probably oh hey a

House be it probably requires the Snipping Tool yeah which I do have but yeah that’s what I usually do I just snip snip snap snop you know obviously on job you can just use F2 oh yeah that’s true I forgot about that that’s what I’m used to

Right I wish we could do a realm on Java I don’t know but I think most people here don’t play on Java but I could be wrong oh the the server I can get for your server people from bedrock and Java can play on it it’ll be like

Multiplatform server that would be get a plug in that’s called guys to do it so yeah where where are you guys I don’t know where they are they just just there’s one person here but then the rest people is gone ploop okay 8 870 420 okay all right

Looks like we have 420 nice uh we have direction to go in I guess this way yeah I’m fine it’s so Del of damage isn’t it sorry are you lagging not really know you’re like for me it’s like you’re like glitching around no no just means you have bad internet I’m good that’s

Probably because I’m probably because I’m in Australia and this is hosted in America uh maybe maybe 870 820 oh wait a second yeah well I’m going the wrong direction I did an internet test and it says my internet don’t forget negatives yeah okay well oh God yeah you got to add those negatives

Pooer oh God I’m on fire never mindi all righty give me give me let me see here I don’t need really Flint though or feather I’ll take the raw chicken though thank you uh hey what’s up shod how’s it going my man glad to see you back in chat wait

Wait on bedw apparently apparently they they they added the new crafting recipe screen you know on Java that’s the thing that I added to the bed looks like it oh god um um I didn’t uh you mean like the crafting recipe book thing no yeah it

Says new recipe on walk yeah no that’s been a thing on Java forever well maybe not forever I guess I guess it must we came to bedlock uh what was it not on Bedrock I thought it was no it wasn’t until I recently it looks Lo very cool I didn’t I didn’t know

That all right sorry sheep but you’re going to have to die because I feel like it my apologies I was like Get Wrecked nerds Get Wrecked nerds okay give me that blue last night I was on Discord and like two like a YouTube of over 2 million subs and apparently a YouTube

Growth manager contacted nice but it was totally a scam you could tell cuz both of the accounts are made on the two days two days ago and they wanted money oh well if anybody wants money you just say no yes and even though they said a like

A YouTube W manager but you can tell it was a scam because their account was like two days old doggy you know yay doy yeah yeah I remember on one of my videos somebody contacted me and they were like hi I do editing for videos and

Whatnot and I was like no yeah my videos thank you bye actually I didn’t even respond I just let it except for I don’t even edit my own videos anymore I don’t edit I just I just don’t feel like it it’s I’m nearly 69 Subs I’m at

68 I’m at 533 what shro listen listen I’d rather just go in the Overworld I don’t need the nether highway I’m good it’s probably just as fast at this point to just keep going the way I’m going honestly the whole food thing kind of a pain in the butt I might just like

Put it on Peaceful because I’m uh lazy that’s what I used to do for myps when I had a bedw be my friends I used to always put it on Peaceful except like for the mob spawners used to run hard for that you know yeah used to do that

Goodness n eventually my mob spawner broke and it like became a blank spawner they changed the boat recipe you don’t need a wooden shovel anymore oh my God that’s so convenient oh my Lanta it was because when I Chang over pie the hard the turns you know zombie

SP a zombie in the middle it didn’t have that it disappeared where the freak did my boat go is that where did my oh there it is Imagine blank SP just nothing in it that’s weird yeah that’s a Bedrock glitch right there yeah when you switch from peaceful

To hard too many times apparently real ploer why would you try to swim in lava what are you doing you’re crazy dude Guys I set up this whole Discord Channel and nobody’s even in it I mean one person’s in it but there’s like six people in in the no dog I’m sorry I didn’t mean to if you want I canite my some my friends if you want no no no we don’t need

People I have Port go there you have a port oh sick dog get in the boat we’re going on an adventure did did you always did you only start the server like today or was it just no it was like Friday okay so pretty recently but your

Time be about set than my time I found it hey what’s up alab I don’t recognize you hey what’s up real ploer it’s curently Tuesday right now for me it’s Monday for me all right there go of wow oh my God how did you do all of this

I’m 14 hours ah of EST I think CST I’m like 12 hours ahead goodness gracious we got a whole freaking goodness when I talk to Americans I have to get it like 5:00 a.m. in the morning just to talk to but luckily right now it’s like 10:30 a.m.

So lucky don’t have to get up that early you know yeah I usually uh this ain’t no man’s Sky well obviously it ain’t no man’s sky is it advertised as no man’s Sky no it’s Minecraft this is a Minecraft stream get it together alab I play No Man’s sky like Wednesdays or

Fridays but not Mondays cuz Minecraft is for Mondays it’s Minecraft Monday which that was the server Minecraft Mondays it’s Minecraft Mondays baby remember the um YouTuber event server Minecraft Mondays I don’t no I just made that up want more food te that’s that’s an actual thing te o

Minecraft well I mean I kind of just came up with that randomly cuz you know whatever it’s like and there was a whole YouTuber server called Minecraft Mondays where YouTubers would always playing like sky and all the big ones would playing it oh so kind of like

Hermitcraft kind of it was more like mini game kind of server like Hunger Games oh okay uh keemstar started that server keemstar that name sounds familiar but I couldn’t place it to anybody drama what that’s what that’s connected to that channel called Drama what Tiara how

Could you do this to me and not watch the stream the stream is the best thing to happen to your entire day well if nobody’s going to hop well if nobody else is going to hop in the Discord Channel I might hop out of it and actually interact with chat a little

More if you don’t mind okay all righty well I’ll uh I’ll talk to you later oh God disconnect there we go fantastic are I can’t believe you got distracted and uh you know whoops please do uh please do what were you talking to me I don’t

Know I should interact with chat more oh goodness stop it I hate when yeah yeah you did it okay good good good good good uh Junior Chicken Man left the chat yeah um I think I’m probably going to a base over here with uh with uh Mr

Plener te map for you oh fantastic I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m I’m coming I’m coming where’s your door God dang it where’s your there it is I’m in I’m in hello oops I’m right here I’m I’m oh

Pants oh my God fantastic map fantastic sadness map really sadness map thank you for that my goodness this is really filled out this is enormous why is it so big sadness what were you thinking I have constructed a wall okay Mr Trump you’re crazy absolutely insane uh I’m probably going to build a

House over here somewhere I don’t know is that okay with you real ploer are you okay with me building a house yeah all right cool I’ll build a house over here somewhere maybe even a hobbit hole we’ll see I don’t know it’s going to be great

Trust me trust me you can trust me when have when have I ever been M trustworthy I’ve always been the most trustworthy person ever I’m going to base kind of close to you though I think I think being sort of close is probably for the best PVP PVP is not going to be

On I have decreed it as a rule there will be no PVP because I don’t want people fighting each other and being little dingleberries with one another yall need to be nice with each other okay you understand okay oh well that was fantastic nobody watch that please I’m a professional gamer and uh

That did not happen I’m just going to say that now and you guys are going to going to all right that okay real ploer what the freak is up with your uh melon farm what the freak is up with your melon farm what the hell

Dude go to my base for a quick cooking stop I don’t know where’s your base oh look at this very nice very nice uh Lord dingo oh wait wait Lord dingo are you are you is this Lord dingo is this it’s just sh that’s Lord dingo yeah

Nod Diamond pants Club nice shod no I’m shirro oh okay I can’t type in Minecraft chat Lord dingo I don’t know where where are you Lord dingo hope you don’t grief well yeah obviously I’m going to steal your horse though you can’t stop me how did you get villager

Sadness did you did you cure villager there’s no way you already went to the nether is there or did you uh did you just find him no no no no no no no no doggy no doggy oh God oh God no stop stop stop no no no oh God oh my head’s fallen

Asleep Lord dingo I don’t know where your base is you’re you’re either going to have to tell me the coordinates or come get me and have me follow you cuz I have no idea where you are uh does everybody have a bed because I have a bed now we could

Sleep uhga 177 okay all right oh God there we go 144 oh my God that’s so far away though yikes everybody have a bed that’d be nice if everybody had a bed and we could just go to sleep I can’t sleep dang it that sucks I found Bastion two Villages an

Ancient city wow sick nasty well guys it looks like Lord dingo can’t sleep so um that sucks uh boy cake room can I eat your cake no no can I eat your cake no oh come on but I’m hungry oo I’ve been told you have a nether highway is that correct I need

Another how do I get out of here there we go oh boy you can hardly call this a nether Highway this is very unsafe oh God this is so unsafe this is so extremely unsafe oh it’s this way I see the other way very cool very cool oh God I’m inside you that’s what she said wait no that’s not what she said that makes no sense ooh ice oh my goodness you guys

Are really crazy ahead this is incredible that was awesome where does this go to too oh God I’m dying how do I get out oh here we go shr’s chest white W no what stuff okay ooh look at you guys you already went to the thing oh here’s the thing wait no it’s

Not what is this how do I get out of here hey what’s up Xeno Golem you joined the room very cool very cool what’s down here not much anything cool anything interesting I need food hey sadness you still got any food oh it’s a spider farm lame never

Mind I’m out of here this sucks sucks cringe absolute cringe oh boy I’m back zombie one up here oh no I’m stuck wow that was so funny guys W okay um so Lord dingo you are attive 177 and uh 177 oh God I think that’s over this

Way yeah teach other cheats enabled um the only cheat is enabled is uh keep inventory that’s it uh just cuz I felt like people might rage quit if uh uh they lost all their stuff so I just wanted to have it disabled for now just for

Now uh what was itative 1 77 33 uh I think I maybe went a little too far this way I’m on my way back oh I think I found it Hello Lord dingo I uh I have found it give me one and I’ll make a food shop

Well that’s not really much of a shop then is it Turtleman joined the realm Turtleman is that oh God lord dingo are you turtl man I think yeah I think you are I’m coming in buddy uh is there an entrance to this wall or is this just a

Wall I don’t think there’s a gate I’m dingo okay gotcha I don’t think there’s an entrance to your uh to your base uh Um you got to build an entrance for me oh there you are okay I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I think I hear a thing oh God we can’t get back in oh God oh God oh God there we go you’re good you can replace it

Now wow love the uh love the pigs very cute Turtleman’s house sick dude oh here I got a present for you actually turtl man turtl man I left a present for you in your uh in your house you should check it out oh God oh God oh

God oh actually this is a good idea cook my uh one piece of food that I have left no I sell nothing you’re absolutely right really I can have it I don’t even know where anyone is either dude there’s uh some people over in like the ow sh stop

It stupid skeleton your wall is not nearly high enough make beds Hooligans I have a bed I will bunk here for the night there are monsters nearby who um no still monsters nearby oh there we go three of five players sleeping heck yeah go in the basement then uh nope it’s not night

Anymore food heck yeah you just got yed uh okay so I’m going to mine my way out of here I’ll uh I’ll put it back don’t worry oh no no no no no no no stupid creepers I didn’t do anything to your house you’re fine I’m sorry got to

Go yep all right that was terrible like I’m just running around hoping to find people yeah I know me too that’s literally what I’m doing as well I might just like find a spot in base but I would like to find like a village or something teach Sherry do you have name

Tag uh what’s up turtl man what do you need I got a name tag I also have a name tag so no worri is there I Got a Name a cat I have six I’ll sell it for 12 you guys are already coming up with like uh a whole thing

Ow the whole market system thing we should have an actual like market for everybody stons plus 200 oh God how am I still alive TR are you still uh you still in here you still watching I would be surprised if you were honestly this is so uninteresting yeah I’m just running

Around doing absolutely nothing oh you are still in here wow that’s surprising not going to lie I’m a little surprised by that but thank you for sticking around is there anyone else named Golem that that is true there is nobody else named Golem that’s you know

That you know he’s got you there oh boy oh God I’m fine I’m going to go through all this food and have nothing to show for it h we’ll go uh back to sadness Maxwell’s base you guys really surpass me I mean I guess I am the uh I am the king

Of this realm I could do whatever okay get out of here with that crap man okay hey guys I just want to say sorry for having the uh start ing soon screen being so freaking long it was very long and it was it was really only just cuz I was in the middle

Of eating and I was like well I got to get it started just to have it started and people can join and like get everything ready to go that was really the main thing so yeah sorry for it being so long I had a good reason though I had a

Very good reason oh God all right I’m just going for it got to Advil isn’t that a pill I think you mean Anvil I think he means Anvil guys don’t worry guys I’m coming I’m coming to set up a base I can I Hage iron sword please no

You cannot Hage iron sword there’s no more iron swords to go around for everybody we’re at an iron sword shortage right now so sorry I wonder if I could I wonder if I could have a blue screen instead of a green screen I wonder if the blue wall would work filters chroma

Key if I made it blue oh Jesus okay 300 nice now I’m just a floating head because I’m wearing a blue shirt sure we’ll leave we’ll leave it like that that’s fine that’s fine you guys uh you guys like the see-through torso all right it’s very

Schacky I feel like I’m going to get absolutely no new subscribers but like who gives a crap really uh okay I should build a house my dog hello dog hey everybody in chat let me know what are you guys voting for in the most recent mob Vote or like the one that’s

Upcoming mob vote because personally I joined the revolution I don’t know if you guys have been seeing it on Tik Tok there’s like a whole Revolution against Minecraft and the mob vote and people are sick of it there’s like a whole petition that people are signing like it’s ridiculous the amount

Of signatures that they have I’m going to show you guys it’s ridiculous this stop the mob vote petition look at this crap 242,000 signatures everybody uh you’re upstanding good Tiara um go ahead and vote or I guess sign this petition go and sign this like right now I already

Signed it like twice but I don’t know if it’s still counted but everybody go and sign it right now oh I accidentally left whoops it’s fine honestly I might I might go wow look at that that looks a little wonky I might go play on my own survival

World guys um as much as I love playing with you guys I don’t want to play the entire time with you guys I might scaddle and play on my own world also I think I’m maybe going to turn off the blue screen because it’s just it’s really distracting so yeah Tiara you’re

Abstaining from the vote did you want to go sign the petition cuz like every every every signature counts cuz like MOJ I I really can’t get behind the whole like mob vote thing just at all three I can’t imagine that it’s that hard because people have

Already made mods of of like all three animals I just I can’t imagine that it’s that hard cuz they have lots of employees they’re backed by Microsoft I just it just seems like it’s lazy you know I definitely feel like it should not be that hard to make a good update

And to have lots of mobs I mean the the Minecraft live is happening on October was it 13th I believe at like 1 Eastern I just I don’t know as much as I love Minecraft and it is a fantastic game uh that I think everybody loves it’s it’s

Just I don’t know I’ve seen really really good updates and I’ve seen a lot of really bad updates okay maybe not a lot of really bad updates but like the past couple updates have been not fantastic let’s say like if we take the the uh the nether update for

Example the another update was I think one of the best updates that we’ve had so far it added like a couple new Mobs it added um The Strider it added the piglin it added the hoglin and it updated the um you signed the petition I

Love to see it I love to see it um it added like it updated the the zombified piglin and then I guess it also added the zins the the zombie hoglins or whatever um so it added all that stuff and it they were all really cool features cuz they’re cool stuff and it

Added four whole biomes there was the red the Warped the Crimson the bassal Delta and uh the Sandstone Valley or whatever it was or not Sandstone Soul Sand Valley it added all four biomes and updated the like the progression of the game and I have seen arguments

About um the Minecraft game is so complicated already because they keep adding stuff to the beginning of the game and making it like harder early on because there’s so much things that you can do early in the game instead of updating like how far you can go in the

Game like stuff to do after you beat the Ender Dragon stuff to do after you have netherite armor and you have the elytra and you have all this stuff after you get netherite armor and it’s it’s fully Enchanted you have like your villager trading Hall you have your elytra it’s

Like there’s not really a whole lot to do and they need to add more stuff I think after the game like bosses to fight that are actually difficult and challenging and good good loot that’s hard to come by things like that is I don’t know I feel like they need to add

More stuff like that like like Terraria almost cuz Terraria has just an absolute butt time of bosses and it’s great for that but I also do feel like it’s obnoxious having to fight a boss and then fight a boss and then fight a boss and like grinding to fight that boss

Like Terraria is honestly such a grindy game and sorry I’m not actually streaming the game right now because I’m just downloading launcher update so it’s it’s just loading for right now but we’re going to get into it uh what’s up potato hash blazing whoa what the freak is

This blazing upsurge AKA Joshua Newman what is happening what the freak K Chill on the spams what is happening blazing up how are you teach I’m good what the heck was that blazing up surge raid oh it was a raid oh he ended stream gotcha don’t time them out I wasn’t

Timing them out I don’t know who that is it’s a raid I didn’t know I could even get raided thank you uh cool uh ra it’s to help other streamer wow thank you thank you uh slow mode send a message every 1 minute thank you guys um that was crazy I’ve never been

Raid before thank you blazing up upsurge big pre uh yeah I am a smaller streamer but Minecraft is loading right now because I’m switching from Bedrock to Java CU I got tired of Bedrock to be completely honest um but yeah I’m terrible at my job I’m sorry no you’re not terrible to

Be honest I thought it was one of those um I thought it was like some spam thing like I thought it was like a I I have no idea what that was but I thought it was something sus as well but um I mean I don’t think anybody here stuck

Around I don’t think a single person stuck around from The Raid but I guess they were timed out so you know uh Frozen down surge cubing cubing cubing draging blazing up surge very cool uh Moder turn off so chat away okay they’re poor souls a lot

Of them got timed out yeah that’s that’s my yep they got oh okay well thank you for raiding me uh we’re actually going to get back into streaming because I’m gonna play Minecraft I’m still fine L yeah because you didn’t spam nearly as much but thank you if you’re uh if

You’re new to the channel uh subscribe that’d be fantastic thank you blazing up surge uh subbed and liked thank you thank you very much everybody uh everybody hit that subscribe button and that like button does you absolutely no harm and does me a ton of good so that would be

Fantastic uh Tiara next time don’t do that El what am I doing right now um we’re actually going to work on the nether Highway uh just cuz um get on the realm nah I don’t want to I was playing on the realm and I was I was just running around not

Actually doing a single thing so I’m just going to play on my own world I have the realm for you guys God that’s loud chill the F out calm down that was so loud Jesus um no it’s okay diar don’t worry I thought that was something else too it’s

Not your fault at all uh oh I was going to was going to turn on some music real quick face uh no no no get some no I don’t like that that’s garbage get out of here other side um freak it we’ll just do this one it says copyright free

But I’ve been copyrighted the past couple streams but whatever it’s fine it’s whatever uh is this single player uh yes what I’m playing on right now is single player it’s actually outdated so you wouldn’t even be able to join unless you were Lan so that’s yeah I do have a

Um are you alive or is this a bot stream no I am alive I’m alive um oh took a while for me to find a place to read that ain’t a bot really is that a thing on YouTube is bot streams I’ve never even heard of that

I’m just a small streamer I uh have just f all right thanks thanks for rating blazing um but see you um I’m I’m so lost I’ve never had that happen before there was one time I was kind of rated where there was a what what class was it it was

Like statistics or something some teacher like linked My Stream as like tutoring for some reason it was really weird uh yeah I had to go past like 10 streams just to find a non bot stream YouTube really needs to fix that wow that sucks yeah I that’s crazy bot streams I

Don’t even know what a bot is that like somebody taking somebody else’s content and then streaming it like on a loop that’s I mean that’s smart I guess but that sucks cuz it’s not actually like 24/7 streams so kind of like the notable he has that 24/7 stream of just like all of

His videos on a loop at least it’s his videos though so like I can’t even I can’t complain about that one but uh okay El catch you how do I say that oh crap poop uh alal elaka elaka is that right elaka a recording of someone playing

Saying they’re going to do a giveaway giveaways giveaways are so freaking St elaka okay elaka I think that I think I got it dude giveaways are so stupid they’re just buying views and buying subscribers and likes and it’s so stupid get that garbage out of here dude it means the

Poop in Spanish elaka gotcha very cool very informative I love that for you and for me but elaka what I was trying to say before I struggled for a minute over your name if you’re new to the stream leave a like if you’re new to the channel hit that subscribe button it

Would do me a great favor I’m trying to trying to get to like 1,000 uh subs and like 4,000 watch I’m literally just trying to get into the YouTube partnership program cuz the ultimate goal ultimate goal probably not going to happen but what I’m trying to do I should have gotten fire resistance

Potions wait I did ah stop uh what I was trying to say My ultimate goal is uh to get like a full-time to be like a full-time streamer kind of and uh what elaka I’m supposed to guess something let me guess you subscribed that’d be fantastic that’s my

Ultimate goal is to become like a full-time streamer so that I just have this as like chicken butt okay well that’s you’re hilarious so that I can uh have my wife and I subscribe nice um so that my wife doesn’t need to have a job as well and I

Can just do this and my my full-time job and this could be just be like a side source of income so that my wife can be like a stay-at-home wife nether highways are so boring yeah but then we have the best conversations I have we have good conversations that’s the point really of

Playing Minecraft I feel like cuz like it gets me into a deeper head space I feel like and I can actually have conversations with either myself or chat so that’s that’s really the point of this and Minecraft in general personally I use Minecraft as like a not

A defense mechanism but you know it’s a it’s a way for me to unwind from the stress of the day and I don’t really want to stress about you know being all that necessarily entertaining sometimes I just want to chill out and teach I don’t think I can unhide users myself I think

You have to do it in YouTube Studio what do you mean unhide users Oh you mean like untimeout uh Minecraft either Makes Me Entertain for a while but then bored because I have no friends to play with yeah playing with friends is a lot more

Interesting uh but I I do have a real that I was playing on a little bit ago but I got bored of it and I wanted to play on my own um I don’t maybe I have to do it in YouTube Studio let me let me see if I can figure

Out how to untimeout people it might be in chat or something um participants yeah I don’t know uh they probably just left I mean we got we got hit with like a a 10 Peak concurrent viewer and then it kind of dropped down to six so like four people

Left which was probably the whole stream uh oh right right right right right Lord dingo you’re scared oh no what happened my my man are you you’re still on the real I’m assuming and you’re dying or something uh there’s a warden seven blocks away from me oh my goodness yeah

They’re on they’re on my oh I got to put the game back up what am I doing I’m crazy uh yeah he’s on the realm right now I I’m assuming I have a realm that I have a couple slots left not very many probably keep inventory is on yeah keep

Inventory is on just because it was requested and I really had no good reason to say no so I just allowed it cuz like if people die I don’t want people to rage quit or anything cuz that that could be really frustrating losing all your items I didn’t want people to

Be like Reckless about it but it’s whatever uh well there’s barely any delay that’s how impressive yeah I have low latency on right now because I uh wanted low latency on so that I could actually interact with people um just cuz I feel like that’s the whole

Point of the live stream is so that you can interact with fans and if you’re not actually interacting with fans then really what’s the point I mean that’s maybe just me but uh no no no I want fortune for this so yeah I just wanted to do that

And I have good enough internet now that I would actually be able to do low latency without losing a whole lot of frames fantastic it’s it’s it’s pretty nice not losing a ton of frames frames uh where I used to live I had terrible internet

Like it was it was awful and uh like I could out of it at like really really high latency and it was still just dropping frames so bad yeah I’m selling a loyalty 2 book and a golden apple for 35 iron McDonald’s Wi-Fi dude it was worse than

McDonald’s Wi-Fi like we would get like 05 down like that’s Terri 30 down is like good Wi-Fi but it was absolutely awful awful internet and uh yeah it was it was not a good time trying to stream on that was just impossible it that was kind of why

I didn’t do it but now that I’ve moved out of my parents basement I uh I have much better internet cuz I’m in town not in the middle of nowhere um cellular data in the middle of nowhere I mean I’m using cellular data but I’m not in the middle of nowhere

Uh cool cool I it was Dunkin Donuts Wi-Fi it was not Dunkin Don you guys don’t know anything about my Wi-Fi I mean Dunkin Donuts Wi-Fi would have been better because it would have been there my parents Wii just like cut in and out all the time it was

Impossible to stream but I did do a 12-hour stream I don’t know how I did it I think I was home alone I do know something about your Wi-Fi you don’t know trash you don’t know anything it was bad okay that’s true it was bad it

Was terrible it was pretty atrocious I I can’t I can’t lie it was pretty bad oh elaka El poop the poop did you go CH did you sign the petition did you sign the petition go sign the petition if you don’t know what petition I’m talking about I will let you know did

You sign the petition the petition did you sign it did you sign the petition you got to sign the petition my man look look uh stop the mob vote petition right here this this right here this petition stop the freaking mob vote the mob vote is

Garbage and we all know it they can add all three they can add all three they just choose not to and it’s garbage because all three are freaking great options that penguin looks cute as hell the crab fantastic feature The Crab Claw is incredible it’s amazing and they’re

Just going to be like no we’re going to throw one away the armadillo everybody has been asking for dog armor forever I will put copy paste whoops there you go there I think we we both put we both put the uh there are two links in chat go sign the petition

Now everybody in chat go sign the petition I already signed it twice I had my wife sign it I sent the link to my two friends hopefully they go sign it as well everybody go sign it because it’s absolute bull crap that they can’t just add all three they only add they’re only

Going to add one stupid and they need to bring back the mobs that they scrapped instead of doing because I mean I was in the middle of saying the nether update was one of the greatest updates of all time because it added four biomes it added like five mobs it added all

This stuff and it was fantastic it added stuff to do after end game you got like the netherite uh armor like that was a whole new feature all of those features were incredible they were fantastic and then they just stopped doing good updates because the freaking okay I

Don’t even know what was after that but let’s let’s look uh let’s see Minecraft updates in order okay uh well this isn’t really what I wanted uh scroll down down down down down down down much further much further much further so why is it so spread out so the game

Was bought by Microsoft fantastic that was fine so the combat update with n cities elytra wings and combat changes was a fantastic update the elytra wings was great polar bears and magma blocks really not that cool honestly exploration update the shulker boxes was a great addition it was fantastic and

The exploration blah blah blah cool cool cool World of Color was okay I mean it just added more like garbage update aquatic that was a pretty good one that was like an overhaul and it was the first one where they added the mob vote they did the phantom um village and pillage Village

And pillage was actually pretty great because it added like pillagers and the village was like really overhauled which was fantastic it really did need it which was great and bamboo forests apparently um the Buzzy Bees they did a bunch of bug fixes I can’t really blame

Them that much but it seemed like a pretty lazy update in comparison to the last couple ones uh magma blocks were a w it allowed elevators and the ability to breathe under water on Bedrock I mean true that’s that is true but the Buzzy Bees was kind of a lame update compared

Compared to the village and pillage update the Buzzy Bees was honestly pretty terrible it was just like just bees and like honey and honeycomb and hives which were like it cool features but it seemed like it was like part of a bigger update it didn’t seem like a full

Update by itself I mean there was bug fixes as well but like the average player isn’t going to know a lot of those bug fixes the nether update fantastic one of the best if not the best update by far just ever caves and cliffs caves and cliffs was a great

Update except for the fact that they split it up into like two and a half updates it was supposed to have a ton of stuff it was supposed to have the deep dark with it the caves and cliffs they split it up into part one

And part two and have the deep dark in the next update so really One update got turned into three updates and then they added like the mangrove swamps and whatnot but like that was it and the Wild update was supposed to have like the whole Birch forest and it was supposed to have

Fireflies which would have been really cool but then they just like backed out on it and just didn’t do it they were like oh my fireflies get eaten by frogs and it’s bad and it’s just stupid they should have done it and I yeah exactly I’ve like barely ever used the LA it’s

Really not even that helpful it’s really not that helpful um but now oh yeah the trails and tales update it was all right it added like the cherry trees and storytelling the sniffer the sniffer is so godamn useless it’s so useless the sniffer is so freaking lame the only reason that I

Even interacted with sniffers is so that I could breath them to get the 2 x two advancement and that’s it that’s it the flowers are next to useless like sure they look kind of cool I guess but if you’re not a flower Enthusiast who gives a crap it’s

Awful and the sniffer is just annoying in my opinion it’s just freaking obnoxious the camels were a cool thing but like I don’t know I just feel like they really need to like pick one thing and just overhaul it like they did with the nether where they overhauled it

Because the nether already existed but then they just made it better and that’s what they need to do with like I feel the end really needs an update in my opinion the low CH okay excuse me I just I feel like the end really needs an update I feel like we could have

Something like Ender right or something like that or just even having like biomes and other types of Endermen could be really cool like they do in um like Minecraft dungeons like the Minecraft dungeons end is so cool so interesting it has new types of Enderman it has new

Biomes it has all this stuff and yet the actual game itself Minecraft is just boring I thought this was a peaceful Minecraft stream this is a peaceful Minecraft stream don’t don’t stress but I just I have to rant about Mojang for just a quick second here because I think

We’re all pretty fed up with Mojang and it’s garbage I think we can all agree that the Minecraft mob vote is just stupid and shouldn’t exist in the first place and it’s got to go I hate the mob vote because it’s saying like oh but it’s allowing the community to like

Stupid it’s stupid why am I stuck get out of here I’m sorry I’m mad they could have made bone armor and added in fossils and other things like that with the sweet mechanic but no you get Flintstones and yes yes you get so much useless crap

You get so much useless crap it’s so annoying like I went and I went through that whole thing like I went through multiple of the whatever Trail heads or whatever the freak they’re called I don’t actually know because they’re so uninteresting and you get such garbage

You get like a couple good things sure but they need to add like A Book Like an enchanted book that you can get a new enchantment for something you know what would have been really cool is an enchantment for the brush like there’s enchantments for like all the other tools an enchantment for

The brush like luck or something like that where you brush and you actually get treasure instead of garbage would have been so nice bro could have actually met a use for bone block true bone block is just storage for all of your bone meal that’s the only thing

That bone block is right now and that’s it and it’s useful kind of just as a storage block but like it doesn’t really have much of a use at aside from that not that I’m saying B Block really needed a use but it could have been cool

Oh my God don’t even get me started about copper copper is such bull crap such oh such lazy oh my God copper just oh copper pisses me off so much because copper could have been so cool you could have had wiring you could have had some sort of thing where the electricity

Could have been used to like charge it or something like that it could have been really cool and you could have implemented that with like the copper Golem it would have been really really cool where like you have to like use the use the freaking what’s the thing called

The lightning rod that gets struck by lightning and that can charge your iron golem to like do whatever stuff for you or something like that that could have been really really cool or had some sort of like new enchant in system where you could like charge it with electricity

And make it do like stuff or something like like automation more automation or something like that instead of using just Redstone having like automatic robots or something to like Farm your Farms or something like that wouldn’t that have been really cool but no copper is just so freaking useless it’s so

Useless you can get so much of it in bulk and it’s just useless after you get like a spy glass and a and if you really wanted do a lightning rod but who’s using lightning rods lightning rods are so useless and stupid who needs them literally who needs freaking lightning

Rods people with me wooden roofs sure I guess but once you get one it’s that’s it there’s no use for it after that it’s so useless I hate how useless copper is oh exactly so many missed opportunities and like I feel like there could have been so much more

And and the same sort of thing with like the fireflies I had this idea is like you could have had bottles and you could have been able to like scoop up the fireflies or like catch them and then put them in a bottle and then have them

As like a light source block do you know how cool that would have been that would have been freaking amazing and they were just like no we’re not going to do that and I’m like why it would have been so cool and they just completely missed out

On that opportunity to make like a placeable block of like a jar of fireflies wouldn’t that have been a amazing really cool like they could have had like a blink mechanic wouldn’t that have been so cool or you could use that to like make like the glow effect or something as a potion

Or something like that instead of copper was the most useless thing ever it it really is and I it pisses me off so much cuz they have these big veins of it and it’s like why would you ever use that the only thing it’s useful

For and I do this occasionally is if I want XP I’ll get a ton of it and smelt it up and then just get XP from that and that’s the only thing I’ve ever like really gotten a use out of copper for because like who builds with copper it’s

Such an ugly Block in my opinion I think it’s disgusting like sure I guess you can use it and like the the waxed copper can look cool and the whole oxidizing feature is pretty neat like I’ll admit the oxidizing is kind of cool but like it’s not really that attractive of a

Block that I would want to use it for just that it’s a whole new ore you could have expect expanded on it so much more and had a really really cool system but it was just so lame a copper stuff that can attract lighting after certain

Amount of hits that would have been sick yeah there’s so many things that like they could have done and they were just like nah and it just seems so lazy cuz like there are so many fans that have come up with really really cool ideas and like modding is really really cool they’ve

Had tons of really cool ideas and I don’t know man it’s just I can’t I can’t get behind some of the decision making at Mojang it’s just ridiculous and the mob vote itself is just a testament to that that they have these really cool ideas the really really cool

Idea of having the the crab like The Crab is really cool and the whole crab claw mechanic very very neat and they’re just like no we’re going to scrap two of these they introduce three really cool things and they’re just going to scrap two of them

And I think this is what really made people start the whole Revolution is they got so mad about it because they had these really really cool things and they’re just like no we’re going to scrap two because like with the glow the glow squid the moooom and the iser I am

So freaking upset that the iser didn’t win that would have been such a cool mob like my vote honestly would have been the muum cuz I think that’s a really cute mob but the iser I can’t believe that one lost to the glow squid the glow squid was so

Freaking lame and whenever they announced it they were they were acting like it was going to do some really cool thing where it like mesmerized you and like that was going to be a cool feature but no it just glows and it doesn’t even glow like there’s no actual Dynamic

Lighting in the game unless you have mods for it or like resource packs for it it’s so stupid and lame uh copper to make drills or something yeah there’s so many things wait what’s the claw mechanic dude what the hell a bag thing where you can fill a bag with yes yes

Exactly oh my God that too they scrapped one of the best features the the pouch they were going to add the pouch where you could stack up to 64 items or like one stack of items basically so if a thing stacked up to 16 you could only

Have like 16 of that like it would count as like four blocks basically it was scrapped they were going to do the freaking pouch and they just got rid of it and I was like this was one of the most useful things ever but they couldn’t get it to work on Bedrock so

They just didn’t add it you know what else doesn’t work on Bedrock freaking F you see this that’s not on Bedrock why does that have to limit the Java playability it’s so annoying also why is that not even a thing on actually I guess I dream is a criminal for directing the

Community to vote for that squid exactly exactly it’s so broken and stupid it’s so so so annoying the whole mob vote thing is broken and stupid and I hate it I remember when I was just scrolling on Tik Tok and I saw oh right right right

The the crab mechanic let me show you the crab mechanic the crab mechanic was basically saying that it would allow you to reach further to place blocks I believe is what it said which is a pretty cool mechanic so like you can build up to five blocks instead of just

Four and it would have been really cool it would have been really cool but also like you could just walk closer it’s really not that big of a thing I think the armadillo should win because dog armor and I think that’s like I don’t I don’t understand why anybody wouldn’t vote for dog

Armor but no don’t vote for any of them just boycott the vote everybody has been re like revolting on Tik Tok like it’s insane I can’t even go like 5 minutes on Tik Tok without seeing like a whole like slideshow about like screw Mojang and I’m like yeah absolutely ABS freaking

Lutely yeah grapples would have been so cool that would have been amazing what the crap yes how come mods can do it but Mojang can’t yeah exactly and like so many things have been um uh let’s see here so many of the things that are in Minecraft were once mods like um Pistons

Were once mod horses were once a mod uh the end was based off of the Aether which is a mod and it’s just I I guess the biggest thing that really really annoys me about the mob vote is that it scraps the idea forever if we vote for the armadillo and

The crab and the Penguin lose you know that for a fact that you will never see the crab or penguin ever again and I think that’s what people are so upset about because these are all really cool features that they want to see in the game even if it takes longer

Even if it takes longer we don’t care at least in my opinion we don’t care we just want to we want to see them eventually excuse me what the freak was that uh the stream is called Minecraft with fans where’s the fans no dude uh just chill out okay I’m I’m playing

Minecraft and ranting let me rant okay let me rant and mine in the nether okay I got to get this done anyway I’m I was just it’s a Minecraft stream just I do what I want okay I’m the streamer here I’m in charge crab better win no I don’t think crab should

Win we as the players of the game we need fans no no no no stop stop we as the Minecraft players need to win not the crab not the armadillo not the penguin but we as a collective need to come together and say no we won all three and we’re not going

To be happy with just one we won all three now this the name of the stream is Minecraft with te and fans cuz I was going to play with fans but I’m just I’m over that now I want to play on my own world and do this okay I’m actually in

The mood to do it and when you’re in the mood to do nether Highway you got to take advantage of it because nether highway is awful and it sucks so if you’re in the mood to do it you got to do it now bro just make all three they

Probably already have the models done why not just make all three yeah exactly exactly and instead of like taking an entire year to do not a lot why don’t you just focus on one thing at a time like say hey right now we’re working on

This and then you just add it when it’s done and then once it’s done and it’s released you say all right and now we’ve had this idea for this and then you just add it when it’s done and I I understand that Mojang isn’t NE necessarily just being lazy

Like I understand it is hard to do all of this in Java and you also need to think about doing it basically twice cuz you need to add it into B Bedrock as well as Java and I understand that that can be difficult but at the same time it

Does feel like they’re getting lazy and people are starting to realize that I think um uh bro is going to throw away a whole concept and a model and someone’s art made on the concept and their ideas and just throw it away exactly that that’s what so frustrating about the mob vote

Is you know that you’re never going to see it again I I remember whenever they did the the biome vote I liked the biome vote because they didn’t say you’re never going to see the rest of them like they did like the mangrove swamp or something like they said swamps and like

Mountains and Savannah or something like that was the three uh biome vote thing and then they said which one do you want to see updated first and that is something that I I can 100% get behind which do you want to see first which one

Do you want to see first not ever that is what is so so annoying to me is the fact that they’re just saying that’s it this is all you’re getting you can’t get anymore and it’s like no just do all of them and I’m not

Saying you need to do all of them this update just do them all eventually just take your time do it right and do all because you introduce these really cool Concepts and it just leaves fans wanting more and then you leave them just completely annoyed that you didn’t add

It don’t tell us just make something and add it it’s so simple exactly but to be fair it’s a it’s a marketing tactic it is a marketing tactic and you have to think of it as it is a marketing tactic and they’re trying to get people to talk

About Minecraft and it is working it’s creating a lot of hype but I don’t think it’s creating quite the hype that they were hoping for because it’s reallying come back to bite them in the butt and everybody’s kind of mad at Mojang to be honest um so you know maybe it didn’t

Quite get it you know it didn’t work quite the way they wanted it to but people are talking about Minecraft I mean I’m talking about it I’m talking about it right now but it’s not really you know I don’t think it’s what they wanted but it is kind of what they

Wanted so uh Tigo bomes receive berry bushes and foxes and that’s it uh marketing tactics ruins games a example is pixel gun I have no idea what game that is but yes I feel like I just feel like the game should be the game and just leave

Marketing out of it I don’t know just have really cool ideas and then Implement them and that’s it that’s all that we want the update to be I feel like the whole Minecraft live thing is just like uh annoying it’s so annoying like I like Minecraft live and I liked watching it

To be like well this is really cool like oh my God that’s really really cool to see the new update like what it’s going to be and I think that is another thing that really really annoyed me is cuz I was really excited about the Birch Forest being updated and I was really

Really excited about fireflies and then they were just like eh actually we’re not going to do that don’t tease the fans with these really really cool ideas and then just say never mind that is so annoying if you’re if you promise to do something or like you just give out

False hope it’s so annoying don’t just just don’t say something if you’re not going to do it just do it or don’t say anything it’s so annoying pixel gun was so awesome even though I never played it pixel gun I have no idea what you guys are talking about pixel

Gun pixel gun is this like a Minecraft ripoff or something I’ve never heard of this game I’ve no no idea what you’re talking about yeah I’m sorry for going off and not playing Minecraft with the fans but yeah I just wanted wanted everybody to know about the whole uh thing

I needed everybody to go sign it so as long as everybody signed it we’re all good then there we go beautiful Mojang has developed a tendency to overpromise and underd deliver instead of good updates exactly exactly very well said it’s just empty promises and I think that is what

The mo uh the micros the Minecraft Community is so upset about is the empty promises and we’re just sick of it we’re very sick of it to have these really cool ideas teased and to say no we’re not going to add that just add it it’s so cool it’s such a cool

Feature why you even have these good ideas if it’s just going to be scrapped I mean the freaking Rascal was honestly a lame feature and nobody cared and nobody cared about God it’s so frustrating used to be amazing everyone used to play it it got full of full crash copied for with

Season P oh gross play to win get out of here or pay to win not play to win pay to win cash grabs all that garbage get out of here stupid I I never liked Battle Royale type games uh just because it’s just not my

Type of game my type of game is like a long thing that you can play where you get better gear and you can use that better gear to do really cool things basically Minecraft and like open world type of games uh breath of the wild TOS

The kingdom as aser aser is a big one I love astroneer it’s a great game uh I have a playthrough on my channel if you guys want to watch that just saying uh half the community left yeah I don’t know it’s just big corporations have gotten so so greedy

And that’s not even just Microsoft or Mojang or anything it’s like a lot of big companies are getting extremely greedy as well as the government but you know we don’t need to talk about politics necessarily but just H anyway I think I maybe got some new Subs so I’m going to check

Uh uh let’s see check YouTube Studio real quick 536 nice love it I may as well update my sub goal then 536 got three new sub Subs uh and I think that’s mostly due to the raid which I greatly appreciate I didn’t even know you could

Raid on YouTube I didn’t know that was a thing but I’m not going to not upset about it uh though pixel gun is actually slow lessening the cash grabs making things easier to get unless pay to win so that’s good well you know that’s good I think my favorite type of game is

Like indie games I love indie games a lot of indie games are really really fun and really cool uh and and one of the reasons I think that I like indie games so much is because I know it’s like an individual developer and it’s just one person that

This is their passion project and they just worked on it because they wanted to work on it and not because they wanted to make money necessarily like astroneer is such a fun game it’s fantastic and they update it like I don’t know regularly I don’t know indie games are

Great I I just wish Minecraft would do the same and just bring the old Minecraft back adding updates out of nowhere with original ideas that everyone loved exactly I agree um and I’m not saying Minecraft live is necessarily a bad thing and I’m not saying that doing one update every

Year and pacing yourself is a bad thing I think pacing yourself is a great thing you should have some sort of pace of we’re going to do one update a year and we’re just going to jam-pack it full instead of doing all these little tiny updates cuz like doing little tiny

Updates that can kind of get annoying because like having to constantly update your game every single time you want to go play it that can 100% get annoying if you don’t play it very frequently if you only play like once a month or something like that that can get pretty annoying

Where you just want to go play the game and it’s just like update update update so just kind of conserving it all for like one year and then just dumping the entire thing for everybody to play yeah that’s a good idea and it it re-releases the entire hype of M

Inecraft by doing an update like this and doing Minecraft live doing the mob vote all of this creates hype around the game but I think the mob vote needs to go 100% I think the the mob vote really just needs to go it’s it’s got to get out of here dude beforehand Minecraft

Was way more fun the second they added mine coins is when the game started its downfall yeah but Java doesn’t have that so just saying I play Java I I never really used that but I think it is kind of stupid that you need to like pay to

Have a skin that is a little ridiculous and I disagree with that entirely if you want to customize yourself you should be able to customize yourself just by downloading a skin and doing it that’s just my opinion now uh in the second Dream came around

Minecraft went a crap yeah I can I can yeah I feel like maybe not Minecraft necessarily but I think a lot of uh YouTube like Minecraft youtubers cuz there used to be like an old format there’s old format and new format of Minecraft in my opinion dream I think was maybe one of

Those people that kind of kicked off the new format uh and it’s not so much like let’s plays because I think let’s plays used to be like the golden idol of Minecraft you would do a let’s play You’ have episode one episode 2 you would do certain things in episode one and you

Would do certain things in episode 2 that was the format for years and sure there I guess there were like like popular MMOs where he would go through mods and stuff like that so it wasn’t always like just only Let’s Plays but I think let’s plays were something that

Everybody watched because it was like you could start and there was a season there was like you would progress there was progression to the season and the world and all of this stuff and it was really really cool like like Stampy Stampy lad things went the same well

Danant TDM didn’t I don’t think Dan TDM ever did uh a let’s play H maybe he did I don’t know I wasn’t really that into DanTDM I remember dant TDM doing a lot of mod reviews and stuff like that which is fair that’s another thing but

Um yeah anyway uh the fact that dream was the reason the stupid glow squid one because weirdo’s obsessed over him literally follow over yeah I don’t know I think the dream hype L died down finally I mean a couple months ago really it kind of stopped thankfully but

Just the old format of Minecraft is kind of what I miss and I personally tried to bring that back a little bit with my my own let’s play I did a let’s play of Minecraft and it was fun and now I’m doing streaming but it’s still sort of

Like a let’s play you know I’m progressing in the same sort of world and whatnot watched him for years I liked his Minecraft story mode series the best oh yeah there was the whole Minecraft story mode as well I kind of forgot about that I only play like a

Very little bit of it cuz I don’t know why but I just wasn’t really into it the story was okay like that it was an okay story it’s just I wasn’t really into story games nearly as much when it came out and I’m just I’m not going to get

Back into it cuz I don’t care I just I can’t care cannot be bothered to to care danant TDM Stampy were amazing yeah Stampy lad was like one of the pioneers of Minecraft YouTube I remember watching him like a ton um and there were other like like

Cubfan 135 I remember watching his like 100 things you didn’t know about Minecraft I don’t know if you guys have seen those videos but like boy howdy did I get recommended them a lot as a kid who liked watching Minecraft videos on YouTube oh man it really throws me back

Thinking about old YouTube but now I myself am a Minecraft Youtuber but I’m also a variety Channel I’m not purely Minecraft I I do other stuff as well Stampy came back a while ago he’s still his good old self I thought he was retiring I mean I did see that he was

Posting videos and he definitely was like doing the same exact format which was fantastic but I think he said he was retiring like he was going to stop the the let’s play which is honestly kind of painful as like an adult who watched that as a kid knowing that that’s over

With forever is it’s a little sad honestly but I don’t know stuff Life Changes life moves on the the the hand of time waits for nobody you know it’s crazy absolutely insane man I’m thinking about Stampy it’s got me in a weird mood thinking about that uh did you have

To blow up every creeper near my my base what are you what are you talking about I wasn’t even near your base I didn’t blow up any creepers near your base unless you’re talking to somebody else that was not me I have not even been on your world

For a while I don’t know who you’re talking to sadness yeah what game should I play on Wednesday oh also elaka uh you probably don’t know this um I stream Monday Wednesday Friday from 7:00 to 10: that’s my uh those are my hours trying to fill them in over here

Te wasn’t my fault uh so those are my hours that I just listed off and um I have been doing it pretty consistently yeah my subscribers can tell you I’ve been doing it fairly consistently I’ve actually been pretty good about streaming regularly um I mean it’s been like a week but

Uh yeah just saying those are my hours Monday Wednesday Friday 700 to 10: basically is what I’m scheduled for but I usually start the stream a little early just to like let people get in and you know let people know that I’m actually streaming and whatnot so you

Know there’s a little bit of that um Today’s starting soon screen was on for a long over time cuz I started it and then I had to go finish dinner and actually eat dinner so sorry about that guys but I uh I had to cook and eat you know

Be like a functioning adult and whatnot unfortunately as much as I would love to be playing Minecraft con constantly I have a job and I need to eat and you know not kill myself by not eating creeper holes dude creeper holes are the worst filling in creeper holes such a pain in the

Butt oh my God get out of here dude shut up jeez so obnoxious I need to make like a uh a gold Farm that’d be nice ha creeper go boom boom oh my God oh my God okay does anybody in chat know Element Animation please tell me at least one person knows Element

Animation please I can’t be the only one yeah okay you know Element Animation did you got yeah did you guys watch an eggs guide to Minecraft because oh my God who did you guys watch an eggs guide to Minecraft that was freaking the best I loved watching that

Yeah dude yes an egg guide to Minecraft slapped so freaking hard for no reason and then they did the whole like Villager News thing which I think is even like on Tik Tok now they do like the whole like villager news and it’s fantastic and I love that they do that and it’s

Fantasttic it’s hilarious but then they they had other videos that weren’t uh Minecraft too they did like a ton like they did one where Jason was like look at me look over there look back at me now look back over there there’s now cheese like there did so

Many videos that like weren’t even Minecraft related and they were all really freaking funny oh man I I love Element Animation oh my God I I want to go watch them right now with you guys but I feel like they’re 100% going to get copyrighted so I probably shouldn’t but

Seriously go I want to go watch the videos now uh hey hey herob Brian Simpson how’s it going hey everybody in chat if you haven’t left a like already please leave a like it’s just a click it’s just a quick click and it would help out the

Video and the Channel a lot that would be greatly appreciated um did you watch songs of War by Square Media I have never no I have not heard of that um songs of War by square red media songs of war songs of War Square Ed media there it is is that on

YouTube my God it’s a it’s 2 hours oh my God jeez yeah yeah no I have not I have not watched that uh am I the only one who gets really to something when talking and gets over whoa I was in the middle of reading that okay what

Okay I don’t know what that was about uh what yeah I was in the middle of reading that why did it just disappear I don’t know maybe say it again because I missed it and it’s just gone say it again I I don’t know what happened there my man it probably was

Just some sort of glitch I don’t know why you would have been why the message would have been deleted by anybody so just just reput it in man just reut it in unless it like you swore something in it and there’s some sort of block or something I don’t know why there would

Be any block I didn’t block any words that I know of unless you said like the NW and that’s just blocked on YouTube itself I have no clue oops oh guys guys guys guys guys guys I got to show you I know not everybody here is probably interested in Legos

But I need to show you something uh What uh I got to show you guys the new Legos I bought uh why is my internet being really really slow it says message retracted so it must have been on your end am I the only one who gets really

Into something while talking gets overly excited and my mouth starts watering for no reason it’s weird but I don’t know if I’m the only one I mean I sort of do the same sort of thing um I don’t know why that’s being really slow um maybe Google would be

Better yeah okay that seems to be better wait what why am I not signed in I’m not dropping frames so my internet’s mostly fine huh that’s weird anyway I got some new LEGOs I’m very excited okay I don’t know why Lego’s taking forever to load I don’t care it’s

Fine never mind we’ll just go back to the game it’s it’s fine I got um I got the new like 1961 Chevy Camaro and uh I’m very excited about it cuz it’s it’s a cool set I also haven’t even opened up the last order of Legos that I got I really need

To I think I did by accident I pop up appear here and I just randomly tapped on my screen ah okay I don’t know what happened there man man but uh yeah no I do get I do get pretty excited about stuff and I do get like talking and talking

And talking like me with the whole like Minecraft situation like Mojang Microsoft situation I uh got a little pretty I got a little heated there and uh yeah I don’t know if my mouth started watering or anything like that but I I definitely was I don’t know getting getting into it

And pretty excited about it I guess I guess you could say yeah oh man who all is having a good time in the Stream right now me for sure is he everybody’s having a good time right now this is really really really interesting riveting stuff right now I mean we’re

Talking we’re talking we’re having good conversations I think so really you know it’s a win-win I get this whole crap done and I get to hang out with you guys so it’s a it’s a win-win you’re enjoying the stream I’m glad to hear it hey I’m glad I’m glad uh I forget his

Name but the fire play or something updraft updraft that sounds kind of right I’m not sure 100% but hey glad that guy raided so that you were able to uh join and uh subscribe and become a new uh new viewer I’m really really grad that I really grad really glad that I

Got some new viewers because I was honestly just saying like earlier in the Stream that I was not going to get any more subscribers and I was just going to have the same like six people watching my stream all the time so I’m glad glad we got some new people in here finally

Feel like we’ve just had like sadness Tiara and sometimes fuks and Xeno golum uh sherro that’s about it occasionally eaten but not a whole lot um I think Wednesday we’re going to play some why are you making a 3×4 tunnel it’s making me agitated for some

Reason um okay so I’ll show you why um so okay I put ice here and then I have a 3X3 so it’s just so that I have a floor um it’s there’s going to be ice right here for a boat and I just I this that’s

The way I do it it’s yeah also for animal transportation cuz this whole this whole thing is going towards um a really really far desert uh Town Village a desert village where there’s some camels that I’m trying to get back to my base so that’s why why isn’t it a 4×4 um

Cuz I didn’t want to do two stripes of ice I just wanted one strip of ice and then one of Blackstone slabs and then a 3X3 area where mobs aren’t going to get suffocated it looks nice whenever it’s done this is just the mining process

That is going to take a minute a minute a while really yeah it’s there’s going to be ice for uh a boat Highway thing eventually I’m not quite there yet but I will be don’t worry we’ll get there goodness gracious the freaking lava oh boy what time is it it’s like 9:00 it

Feels so much later I don’t know why it’s it feels so late I’m such an old man now now that I’m like married and I live on my own I get so tired so quickly I’m like 9:00 rolls run and I’m like it’s bedtime I feel like an old

Man but you know there’s nothing wrong with that there’s nothing wrong with uh going to bed early yeah and uh you know I don’t actually go to bed early I still go to bed pretty late I just get tired early I suppose um uh same with me I thought I was the

Only one yeah well I’m just I get tired so easily I don’t know but I do work a full day although I only do have an office job so like I can’t I can’t really say that it’s exhausting or anything I really just sit in a chair all day and design trusses

But it is still a hard job it’s more mentally taxing just because like it takes a lot of focus and mental capacity to sit there and design trusses for 8 hours cuz like it takes a lot of thinking and whatnot which you know is fine I’m a thinker uh I’m in high school

So I don’t think it’s an older people thing I don’t know what it is well maybe just some people just don’t like staying up late and that’s me that’s us man and that’s okay not everybody needs to stay up late all night honestly I don’t know about you guys but whenever I

Was in high school I did not drink and party like everybody in like media seems to do where they just go out and go to parties and drink I’m like you’re in high school you should be worrying about your sociology test why are you drinking right now like stop I don’t know that

Always annoyed me cuz it seemed so inaccurate but like maybe it was accurate for some people but like there’s no way in hell that that would be me uh heck X I don’t know how’s it going my man are you Markiplier um but hey hex if you’re uh

If you’re new to the stream hit that like button for me that’d be greatly appreciated and if you’re new to the channel hit that subscribe button and you’ll be notified whenever I go live cuz I go live every uh Monday Wednesday Friday 700 to 10 be there be square you know what I

Mean uh I mean I do stay up late but some night I feel like going to bed early and I get tired so I go to sleep but I never actually sleep cuz I can’t end up staying up another 2 hours before sleeping yeah exactly same I’m like oh

Man I’m so sleepy and I shower at like 8:45 and I’m in bed at like 9:00 but then like I’m up in bed until like midnight and I’m like why did I even bother why did I even bother going to bed if I wasn’t actually going to go to

Sleep what was the point of all that um licked and subscribed thanks my man hold up hold up let me check let me check right here 537 thank you I greatly appreciate the uh the subscriber and I will boom update you are subscriber number 537 hex you the man you’re the

Man uh and I I I I stream three times a week Monday Wednesday Friday at 700 basically sometimes I start a little early uh but mostly it’s at 7 cuz so just so you guys know what time I go live you can be there and interact and

Chat and whatnot or or just watch and uh uh let’s see Minecraft Mondays and whatever Wednesdays I kind of just play whatever game I’m in the mood for and um we have fan Friday where I make a poll on Thursday and allow you guys to vote

On a game that you guys want to watch um and usually I put in the Discord like what games should I put as options so if you guys want to join the Discord um Tiara or sadness if you guys want to put the the Discord Link in in chat for me

And then hex and uh Elka can um join the Discord that’d be fire uh was the stream yummy the stream was yummy I can say that for a fact it was delicious it was absolutely delicious BRB where are you going instead of watching my amazing stream there is

Nothing in this world that you should be doing other than watching okay I’m being a being a little rude you can do other things but watch My Stream uh food yummers I love food I had a ham pot pie tonight for dinner it was delicious my uh my wife

And I made it together it was fantastic I mean she mostly cooked it but I kind of helped I kind of helped hey thank you Tara for putting that’s that’s our Discord link if you want to if you want to join the Discord you are more than welcome and uh

You will be also notified there whenever I go live if you didn’t already ring the bell and uh also you will have more Insider information about what games we play and uh other stuff like that uh and then other stuff also goes on in the Discord but we don’t need to talk about

That dude stop talking about interesting things I got to go eat I mean my day-to-day life is not interesting you can go eat okay go eat go eat you can it’s fine I’ll we can talk about other interesting things when you get back the the stream will be continuously interest what am I

Doing I don’t need to go wider I need to go up I don’t know what I’m doing I’m going out for no reason this was this was a mistake I’m a stupid idiot this is not what I’m trying to do okay guys so apparently we’re not allowed to talk about anything

Interesting anymore so um we’re just going to talk about um oh hex hex do you like Minecraft please answer please answer do you like Minecraft do you play Minecraft yeah you play Minecraft yeah that’s what I like to see you didn’t actually answer yet but if you do like

Minecraft you got to go uh sign this petition uh maybe maybe I’ll start out with a different question are you up to speed on the Minecraft mob vote because if you are up to speed on the Minecraft mob vote you know that there are are three options there’s the

Crab there’s the Penguin and there’s the armadillo and they all have really pretty cool features I mean the penguin is kind of just a dolphin ripoff to be completely honest with you but it is still a pretty cool feature nonetheless and I wish that they would add it but I

Also really want dog armor and that crop claw sounds pretty cool I’m pretty interested in that but if one of them wins then the other two are going to get scrapped forever and they will never be implemented in the game which is really really unfortunate because they’re all

Really cool things they’re all really really cool they’re all fantastic and they all should be added into the game in my and a lot of other people’s opinions how many people’s opinions you might ask well let’s take a quick look see 250,000 people think that that’s a lot

Of freaking people and if you personally haven’t signed this petition go sign it right now it’s at stop them mob vote. or whatever Tiara put the uh Link in there in chat for a while ago and if anybody wants it I mean you can go Google it it’s it’s pretty easy

To find but go do that right now if you haven’t already because I am honestly so so sick and tired of the mob vote I just want all three to be added Mojang needs to stop being lazy and scrapping really cool ideas and just add them and a lot of people

Agree and I think I think everybody agrees that Mojang just needs to add all three so do that please and thank you hex uh there you go TR uh put the uh put the link back in chat so anybody that’s in chat and hasn’t signed it go sign it right now

So we can change Mojang’s mind about the M vote I need to drink this before I die there we go beautiful I just needed to get that off my chest I need everybody to understand that the Minecraft mob vote is bull crap and it needs to come to a stop and every

Everybody here agrees right everybody in chat give a thumbs up if you agree that the mob vote needs to change because it’s bull crap and all three just need to be added what if I don’t want to Mr crazy PS4 listen you want to it’s really not

That hard you just click the link you put in your name and your email address and you just you sign a petition so that Mojang just adds all three because it’s redonkulous that they can’t just add all three why even announce all three if you didn’t want all three in the game just

Just announce the one you want to add to the game it’s stupid no I don’t you don’t want all three in the game why not give me one good reason why you don’t want all three Give Me One Good Reason come on I I dare you I double dog

Dare you to give me one good reason why we don’t want more features in the game I just I want to know I want to know give me a reason Mr crazy PS4 also if you’re new to the Stream please leave a like on the video helps out a lot it’s

Pretty easy for you to just go down and click so that’d be nice of you to do um and also if you’re new to the channel I don’t I don’t recognize you so if you’re new to the Channel please hit that subscribe button and get that that

Video uh that that number up there closer to 1,000 that’d be nice because I like the number three uh wasn’t number three the uh penguin you voting for penguin I got to be honest I think penguin is the worst one out of all three I think armadilla and then crab

And then penguin I think the penguin is really really cute and just the fact that it’s like kind of clumsy on land and like graceful in water I think that’s a pretty cool feature it’s cute I like that but armadillo is better because dog armor because dog armor dog

Armor dog armor I think we can all agree because really who goes boating after you get an elytra who the freak is going boating after you get an elytra and then sure the CRA the the claw crab The Crab Claw thing pretty helpful for like yeah I love the penguin I I like

The penguin too that’s what you need to understand penguin I think is the worst out of all three but I still want it in the game because it’s freaking adorable and being able to make boats go a little bit faster like when I would ever actually go boating sure and more Arctic

Mobs I’m absolutely all for that I think that would be really really fitting it’s cute it’s a cute mob and I think it should be in the game but I also think the armadillo and the crab should also be in the game I think all three just

Should be in the game and moyang needs to stop promising these things and giving false hope and giving cool ideas and then ripping them away from the community and the community also is just tired of it we’re just tired of it me personally I’m tired of it I just the

One that really really annoyed me was the fireflies I wanted fireflies in the game so bad I wanted to be able to put them in a jar and then place down the jar and have that that be a really cool like light source kind of like a lantern

But like it would like flicker like it was you know a jar of fireflies that would have been really really freaking cool and then they just scrapped the entire idea like they announced it at Minecraft live they were like we’re going to overhaul the Birch Forest we’re going to

Do this with Mangrove we’re going to do this with the there’s going to be frogs there’s going to be fireflies it’s going to be so cool and then they just were like no never mind and that is what annoys me is that they just had all these empty promises and it’s

Annoying so go sign a petition that’d be cool you should do it and that’s the end of it just go sign the petition even even if even if you just want the penguin you can still sign the petition cuz if you sign a petition you’ll still get the

Penguin if if all three get added you are 33 you are 66% more likely to get the penguin if you sign a petition and it wins or you know Minecraft actually sees it and they change it so that they just add all three you are 100% way more

Likely to get the penguin because as it stands penguin is probably the least popular I think everybody agrees that the cl uh the crab and the armadillo are way more useful than the penguin so if you actually do want the penguin just sign a petition sign a petition it’s not

That hard it takes like five minutes at at Max five minutes to go increase your chances to get the mob that you want I don’t understand why you wouldn’t do that oh and elaka I have a I have a Discord do you want in it I have a

Discord so uh you should join it or whatever you know you don’t have to it’s fine uh yeah oh you want to join my Discord hey Tiara I have a quick favor to ask you want to like give him the uh the Discord link and he can uh hop in

That’d be cool uh cuz usually on Discord I’ll ask um I’ll ask the subs uh if they like what what what games they want to see me play on Friday cuz Friday is like fan fan Friday oh you already did it you already in it cool you saw it you saw

What what did what did you saw oh man justop Bop okay there we go okay uh I have joined yeah nice okay never mind TR you don’t need to worry about it he’s already done it oh and tiara um I’m sorry about all the people that were like bullying you in the

Discord that was unfortunate but uh I think probably the best the best way to go about dealing with that is just ignore them you like if people are being obnoxious you just stop responding the only time you really need to moderate anything is just if people are like posting you know

NSM of you or you know I don’t know being mean to people I guess like yelling slurs and stuff like that cuz like at the end of the day it is just a Discord channel it’s not really that you were you I mean you were kind of being bullied I mean not really

Necessarily but you know it was they were being obnoxious 100% they were just being obnoxious and the best thing to do is just stop interacting with it and not say anything really that’s probably your best course of action um yeah instead of saying I’m going to

Go to bed just don’t respond and just go to bed that’s really the best thing you can do so just just saying not that we have a lot of bullying in the Discord don’t worry about it we just it was just at one time there was some troublemakers that were

In there and they have been dealt with and whatnot bullied not really bullied they were just kind of like I don’t know they were being obnoxious uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh good thing I saw that I was like how’s my uh how’s my fire resistance doing and then it was

Like I do the bullying I mean I’m fine with some light bullying but like I don’t know like fat shaming or like being homophobic or transphobic and all that garbage just I don’t need that in the anywhere just don’t be unnecessarily mean like you can joke around with people sure but just

Being overly mean I guess that’s that we don’t need that yeah just some general annoyance but yeah anyway it’s been dealt with it’s fine the Discord is fine please join uh yeah cuz yeah in the Discord I uh I’ll usually ask you guys what kind

Of uh what kind of games you want to see on Friday which I mean I could ask now what games what games do you guys want to see on Friday I could do uh you know whatever I could do Minecraft or phasmophobia or uh probably not Minecraft just because I do

It on on Monday so you know probably not Minecraft um but any other games if you guys have any suggestions or you know of a game that I have that I can play like Terraria or you know whatever that’s also an option uh but I will also probably

Present you with options on Thursday regardless but usually if you’re in the Discord you kind of have more uh more control over what games I play and if you’re the Discord you can also join in the voice chat whenever whenever I’m also in it which isn’t very frequently sometimes I will

Play phasmophobia with fans so if anybody here uh likes phasmophobia and they want to play absolutely we can we can 100% play phasmophobia together it is really really fun and I really enjoy playing with people I played with uh one of the one of the subs in I think it was

Last week on like Wednesday or maybe Friday or something like that yeah I think it was Friday actually we uh we played together and it was an absolute blast so if anybody’s into playing some games together maybe not Minecraft necessarily but probably phasmophobia something like that just

Let me know and we can uh we can work that out so it’s always open to anybody that wants to yep God I’m getting so sleepy it’s only 9:16 but uh yeah that’s fine I’ve been streaming for almost three hours uh yo look at the meme I sent in the Discord

Well I guess I can look in the sure I’ll look give me a second oh my goodness um stupid idiot why is your name stupid idiot meme dumps oh my God baby in the toilet yeah we also have that uh meme meme dump channel so if you have any

Random memes that you want to share you know that’s the place for it uh he has his own gaming chair I mean yeah absolutely if I was a baby I’d sit in the toilet too what can I say they’re comfy it’s a cool m yeah man yeah there’s a bunch of

Random memes and uh sadness puts a bunch of really weird stuff hey Donovan huler I’m new on your YouTube hey if you’re new to the channel hit that subscribe button and if you’re new to the stream hit that uh hit that like button every like And subscribe helps for every

Subscriber I get I get one more subscriber and we’re trying to get to a th000 right now that’s the that’s our current goal and right now we’re only at 537 how are I today I am good I actually doing pretty pretty good I feel like a lot of people Don’t Like Mondays for

Some reason and honestly I agree Monday suck but it’s not bad it’s uh it’s not it’s not bad I’m actually enjoying myself number number what’s up what do you what uh I post random memes none of them are going to be normal yeah that’s fair everybody’s memes are weird 538 Gamers

That’s what I like to see sub goal we can upgrade it now 538 whoops not that many okay 538th subscriber love it love it dude that’s fantastic I I really appreciate it guys you guys don’t you literally don’t even know how much it means to me that I’ve

Gotten this far on YouTube I never thought I would even make it to 100 subscribers let alone 500 let alone 538 and I just I want you all to know that I’ve very grateful that I’m even able to stream and you guys watch me uh I’m also doing good

Awesome that’s great I’m glad to hear that uh glad to hear you doing well um and by the way I I have a Discord if you want to join um somebody will probably link it and you can join it if you feel so declined declined inclined uh and I

Stream uh every Monday Wednesday Friday at 7 to around 9:00 to 10: um are you busy at this Mo movement I mean uh you know a little bit I am you know playing Minecraft making a nether highway so I’m a little busy at this movement oh oh yeah and El Kaka don’t

Don’t do any uh weird not safe for work stuff just uh I don’t think I have a fake spider being flung at someone uh yeah just don’t do anything like gross I you need to ask me something sure sure uh Donovan you you can always ask me questions my man I

Am fine with that what’s up my man I’m not going to give you money if that’s a question I’m poor are you ready now oh boy am I ready for what what am I ready for you got to let me know you got to you got to

Ask the full question if I am to know what I am ready for I need to know what it is I’m being ready just just tell me what am I ready for are you going to do something weird are you a sports fan uh not really

Why I mean I know the Phillies are doing pretty well right now so that’s exciting for Phillies fans but I’m not I’m not really much of a sports guy myself uh just cuz I don’t know I was never really brought up liking Sports my parents didn’t like sports that much other than like

Soccer uh I did get netherite I have uh 6 ancient debris right now it’s fantastic uh are you a college football fan not much why what’s up with college football dang college football fan no not really I mean I don’t think a lot of people in here are college football fans but I

Mean maybe somebody is and it’s not me though it surely is not me oh yeah I have a full set of netherite my my brother you don’t even know you literally don’t even know the half of it I might n no no we’ll keep going I will

Show you how much netherite I have by the end of the stream if you’re here for a while I will show you my entire netherite collection there is a lot of netherite we’re at5 87 this is take forever have I ever went to Kentucky football game in Kentucky

I’ve never even been to the state of Kentucky let alone to a football game I don’t think I’ve ever actually been to that’s not true I have been to a football game and it was a college football game it was uh West Point versus Navy I think it was like a army

Versus Navy like college army college versus Navy College Football I wasn’t really into it it was a thing I did for Boy Scouts cuz I was in Boy Scouts uh I should be going to bed at 9:30 but I’m not going to you’re going to stay up and watch my stream a

That’s so kind of you um cuz you have a ticket oh look at you uh Elka are you um are you uh are you on the east coast of uh are are you in Eastern Time Zone because I am also in the Eastern Time Zone it’s like 9:30 for me as well are

You are you in the same you in the same time zone I feel like this Donovan holler guy is like a bot or something H maybe not though I don’t know I can’t go you have a ticket in 3 Saturdays from now unfortunately I can’t go I mean that’s unfortunate if there

Are any sports fans in here they can uh they’re welcome to it that’s not I will not go game I just I don’t know the time zone names because I’m stupid but it’s 9:23 okay yeah we’re yeah we’re in the same time zone then so for you it’s 7 to 10 for

Other people cuz there are a lot of people in my uh in my chat sometimes that are not in uh Eastern Time Zone which is what we are in um so yeah uh I’m 1 hour and 30 minutes ahead of you 2:30 ahead of you 30 minutes of you

How is it 7 to 10 wait what I’m so confused am I stupid what time is it for you TR if you’re minus 2:30 it would be 7:00 I didn’t know they did minus two do you have any plan in three Saturdays uh probably not to go to Kentucky to be

Completely honest with you oh so it’s 11:00 for you okay it’s like 9:30 for me we’re like an hour and a half apart I think n 10 oh okay oh wait I’m so confused tiar you’re you’re going to have to go okay well thanks for the sub and the like appreciate

It uh 9:24 plus 7 minutes into that would be 9:31 I can’t do math I can’t do much well yeah so military time is just you add 12 to whatever time it is so if it’s 22 you take away 12 it would be 10 so it’ be 10:00 if it’s

22:00 10: p.m. I should say uh but yeah you’re good you’re good Tiara you’re fine everything’s fine I’m getting a little sleepy guys I’m not going to lie I might head back uh to the base y also look how easily we can just fly through this now instead of doing that

Like only two wide thing y it’s fantastic uh I’m failing my math class well don’t do that my man failing is not a good idea you got to do well in school do well in did I hear something thought I heard something one second I gotta go check

Something I thought I heard something give me a sec okay we’re fine I’m sorry I thought I heard something just had to go give it a check real quick H anyway I in your house oh no I’m so scared for my life nah I’m sure you’re probably not in my

House my door is usually locked you like my weird faces I do a lot of really weird faces and weird voices as well I can do Golem pretty well if you guys know golum from like Lord of the Rings I’m not going to do it right now

Cuz I’m too lazy to but I can if I what the freak was that whatever I don’t care actually I just realized I don’t care I’m just going back home oh my God just stay straight boat goodness gracious see if I had a penguin and it made this boat

Faster that’d be absolutely insane that’d be incredible Iron Golem hey that’s what iron golem sound like I need help with Calculus oh right calculus that was the that was the class so there was um apparently there was a teacher that linked my video as um a calculus tutor for some freaking reason

Don’t know what the heck happened but that was really really weird that that happened and I got like five viewers in here that was just like I need help with Calculus and it was so weird get out of here pork chop what the fart is a calculus calculus is

A class in uh you know high school and college and whatnot and it’s probably hard I don’t know I actually have never taken calculus in my life so I wouldn’t know really my God how far are we okay we’re getting there we’re only a couple hundred blocks away

Now okay I was going to say how freaking far did we go eh all right all right so we I guess we have that load stone that kind of counts as netherite I just don’t really feel like doing this anymore I’m kind of sick of it I’ve been doing it for so

Long what wait okay what the freak who turned on live commentary mode what was that only viewers select by the channel owner can send messages I don’t know what that was about uh probably somebody missed clicking something for some reason sorry about that sadness it’s okay I don’t

Care uh all right let’s get rid of this crap netherite don’t or netherite Netherrack don’t need it don’t freaking need it also don’t need that honestly clay H whatever put that up there uh gravel you can go up there gold uh we’ll put that up here BR fell asleep on his

Keyboard probably honestly sounds like something he’d do oh my god look how much freaking netherite look at the netherite oh oh oh oh we should also uh smelt up that uh all right all right um let’s see how much netherite we have now another block and yes I do mean another

Block how big is your base H it’s fairly big see look at that one two three that’s uh this is four we got four netherite blocks and then also four netherite ingots and another netherite scrap and then probably yeah there six here so that’s another two there we

Go so yeah we got we got quite a quite a bit of nether right uh how big is my base um here I can give you a pretty uh like a wide shot of it on the map so over here is something and then like over here

There’s a pathway this is my house uh the lighthouse there’s a ship there’s a big mansion over there that’s you know not much of anything really I can I can give you a I can give you guys a little bit of a tour I’m sure there’s new

People that uh haven’t seen the world before uh so here we got our mine this just goes down to like bedrock and whatnot um we got some Phantoms so I’m going to go sleep real quick actually get rid of this annoying rain and yeah this is a pretty impressive

World I got to I got to be honest it’s a pretty impressive World um we got all the music discs we got Relic Pig step what is that five I think and other side um so yeah uh that’s all that and we got an enchanted golden apple here an

Enchanted this is my first gapple that I’ve ever found uh the warden I killed a warden the first wooden pickaxe uh netherite block got a couple of those uh let’s see what else we got uh how old is the world I think it was around uh the

Music disc below the the bow is Relic it’s the newest One yeah that’s that’s it it’s it’s the newest one that you find in the old like Trails or whatever um there’s a lot of stuff this is Home and these are like really really zoomed out maps and there’s lots of stuff uh yeah there’s a new music disc

Uh how old is the world I think it it was made around the nether update I think so like from was that 2016 no it was the 1.16 update but I don’t think it was 2016 2020 I don’t know when was the nether update uh when was the nether

Update 2020 okay it was around there like a bit after so it’s a few few years old it’s it’s pretty old um Let me let me take you up here this is my lighthouse that I made forever ago yeah um and this is a good way to

Get a good view of everything uh over here I have some foxes uh whoops over here we’ve got some foxes we’ve even got arctic foxes cuz they’re pretty rare and I thought it’d be cool to have them uh over here we have kind of like an Little Island village type thing that I

Tried to model after lurin Village from breath of the wild it’s honestly kind of nice in here I kind of forgot about all this crap in here to be completely honest with you um I even tried to like uh do all the Interiors um I obviously didn’t do every

Single one but I did most of them they’re pretty cool uh it’s impossible to find new music discs in my world because it was made before the cave updates no it’s not impossible you just have to go far enough um so yeah that’s this whole area

Uh this is my friend’s base um he kind of like joined my world for a little bit and that was about it uh over here yeah we’ve got a uh quote unquote modern house it kind of sucks honestly this is probably one of my least favorite builds but I thought I’d try

Out doing the whole modern thing I just kind of wanted to um yeah you can load new chunks and you get newer update stuff uh over here we have a tree house that my wife made um we have all our parrots up here as well as some music discs and

Whatnot and then over here is one that I made uh Hey fast lane fixer I don’t know why this was on my recommended but I’m here for it hey awesome I’m glad to hear it if you’re if you’re new to the channel which I believe you you are hit

That subscribe button really helps out my channel and I’m really trying to get to a th000 and I’m creeping ever so slowly closer to it and if you’re new to the stream hit that like button so that the the video goes out further to other people I would really appreciate it

Right now we’re just going through a tour of my like three-year-old world and I’m sorry if this if this is if this is too loud let me know cuz this is really loud on my end I’m going to I’m going to turn it down this is it’s so

Loud as much as I do love this music it’s really loud sorry uh yeah new people it’s it’s crazy uh anyway continuing the tour we have we have uh this greenhouse which is one of my favorite things we can get uh honey honeycomb we can also get

Dripstone it’s it’s honestly just a nice little area I really like being in here cuz you can hear the dripping of the water and there’s like the Spore Blossom it’s very it’s it’s honestly a nice little area um over there we have a boat that I

Made it’s a it’s like a one for one replica of the stuff that you kind of see at the bottom of the ocean um Minecraft on school Chromebook Minecraft education education don’t knock education Edition some people play on it Tiara um we also have our enchanting

Table here just kind of outside cuz I felt like it uh Minecraft is on Chromebook really I didn’t know that cuz whenever I had a Chromebook I couldn’t play Minecraft and over here is where I bred my turtles and you know got my turtle helmets and whatnot dang bro

Called Tiara out listen Tiara’s okay with it she’s content maybe I don’t know oh this is another one of the things that I really really like about this world is I made like a shooting range and you can shoot oops I missed I missed again there we go and it

Shoots off a firework work whenever you hit the target and I missed there we go I think this is one of my favorite things just because it is like it’s such a simple thing but it’s it’s fun just to you know kind of do that sort of thing where you’re

Uh you shoot the target cuz that’s the whole point of the target block is to shoot it cuz it’s a Target I would think Minecraft education is free so I don’t blame them yeah that’s fair 100% um and we have my horse Bronco we’ve got some

Donkeys and mules we got some llamas and we have a fox that killed all my chickens got some pigs in here and we got a big Wheat Field which is uh where I do most of my you know not even most it’s just all of my wheat farming and we

Got some farmers in here uh they’re just chilling in boats because I don’t trust them not to kill themselves because I had one villager kill himself by going up these stairs and jumping off too many times that he killed himself so I don’t trust him

Anymore uh and then I just come in here trade all my pumpkins and melons and get some golden carrots and get golden carrots it’s really nice to get all these golden carrots for basically free uh so yeah that’s one thing uh uh I just started a world with a

Friend I think my PC just knows what is that supposed to oh Minecraft Minecraft’s the best game I’m not even going to lie uh still got the fuks fox uh yeah that should be that fox over here should be called fuks I think maybe let’s see uh yep that’s fuks that that’s that’s

Him I like that foxes can hold items in their uh their little mouth it’s pretty cute uh and over here we have a statue that I made I have made a bunch of these like copper statues cuz I’ve been trying to actually use copper since it’s freaking useless

My laptop is a working nunchuck now and the keyboard and screen are attached by a single wire oh my god get a new laptop dude um and then every day there’s a new firework that goes off so that’s pretty cool I like that um and then whenever the um

Whenever my uh statues get fully oxidized I move them all throughout my world uh I have one over here holding a sword uh and then I have one in here which is this right here is the Temple of Time from breath of the wild so if anybody plays breath of the wild they

Know what that is and there’s another one of my statues that I made and then moved over here uh then I have another one over here I have this guy he’s holding a staff with a uh what is that thing called lightning rod yeah got that guy uh and then I have

Another one that I made here over here and he’s holding holding a diamond beacon on his back this is one that I really really liked and the the beam is like copper colored which is kind of cool uh what even happened to it that that laptop got abused I use copper almost exclusively

For statues like what else are you going to use copper for there’s no other point uh the stupid hinges popped out of their own that sucks uh I use it for spy glasses I’ve never used spy glasses I have zoom so I don’t need that um so this right here is like another

Sort of Village area that I wanted to populate with actual villagers um but right now all I have is just like my villager trading hall right now and it’s really disorganized unfortunately I just have not gotten around to fixing it cuz I cannot be bothered to do that I don’t care

Um yep over here I have this this Tower which is actually and because the hinges popped out it broke and shattered the screen wow that sucks uh this is actually a mob farm which is nice having a mob farm you can okay awesome that was fastic I didn’t really think I was

Coming down that hard Jesus but that’s kind of nice that I can see where I died um I should be able to make it there in time probably thumbs up yeah that was an embarrassing death I don’t that was ridiculous if bro was on Hardcore no there’s no

Way I’ve died a couple times on this world probably not many can you see that in your stats uh can you see if you died in your stat statistics interactions with things mobs killed oh 13,000 jeeez uh water taken for yeah I don’t know if

You can see I should get my yeah well it’s not it pauses the game if I’m in my um my thing oh it has the exact time it’s 9:41 oh that’s kind of cool it has the time and date for some reason but yeah I need to

Go get my crap I just wanted to show off my thing and it killed me that’s actually really convenient now that I think about it cuz if you die then you know where it is I’m it is a mod actually I’m what the heck uh yeah I don’t know what mod this

Is this was a mod pack that was was created for me so I’m not really sure what mod that is so I’m not going to pretend like I know anything I’m a bit of an idiot clearly I killed myself by flying a little too hard into the ground uh I think that’s about

Everything I had around uh give me the fanny pack I need some more um I don’t have any I should have some in here I think firework Rockets there there we go just needed a few more firework Rockets cuz I was just about out uh how often do I stream I actually

Stream regularly uh Monday Wednesday Friday at 7 to around 10:00 depending on how I’m feeling sometimes I end it early sometimes I don’t it’s kind of up to me but I always start it around 7 maybe a little bit early uh Bros dedicated he

Even found an LA dude I have a ton of La uh but anyway this is my mob farm I obviously don’t have it going 24/7 because I don’t want to um I want it to only be going whenever I want it to be going is there a way to turn this off

Cuz it’s kind of annoying all right I don’t I don’t I don’t I don’t know how to turn that off but whatever point is how on Earth uh how on Earth what did I find so many La I’ll show you well I found a bunch um at like an abandoned mansion or

Whatever that thing is called the Woodland Mansion so here’s all my LA’s actually not all of them but a few of them I don’t know how to replicate them or duplicate them whatever breed them I guess whatever you want to call it um bada bing bada boom so yeah there

Was there was like six up there and then there was that one flying over there and then I have I have four sniffers there just doing whatever uh but let me show you the really cool stuff the really how did you survive in the Mansion uh with armor my dude

Duh uh in here this is my bulk storage um I obviously have like a lot of stone I do quite a bit of mining just for funsies uh and if you come down a little bit further I have uh a smelting room uh where I smelt uh kelp and I craft it

Into kelp blocks for all of my fuel oh Daddy’s back lord dingo happy to see you um down here I have this room where I have a bunch of axotal and they’re um they’re all trying to like get at Tropical Fish probably um and this is where I have a

Zombie spawner and some villagers down there to uh fight with the iron golem cuz I thought it was funny uh what does this do oh yeah I was going to put an lay down there to like collect stuff for me but I don’t care I also have a ton of uh

Ton of dogs and cats and whatnot I have all of the Cats because I needed to get it for the achievement but don’t worry there’s nothing interesting over that way those axelos are sacrificing the brown one yeah they’re uh okay is this still going right now yes it is I have a

Flying machine breaking kelp for me constantly so that’s nice uh but no that’s not even the cool stuff I got to show you the cool cool stuff uh that’s all up here um so this is obviously my chorus farm so I go through and I grab my

Bow and I go through and I shoot some chorus fruit down and I’m like H just get whatever I think I need and it’s also just fun target practice to shoot chorus you just go around and shoot it it’s fun but then whenever you’re like all right that’s enough you press this button

All the dispensers dispense their water and then all of it gets put right in the middle and then you can just go along and collect it all up it’s fantastic and then you just go and replant whatever you broke which hopefully 12 is enough I don’t know because I didn’t count anything

Uh there we go there we go and here okay it was not not enough but it’s okay I have I have extra cuz I’m smart big brain huge brain even there we go and there you go now we have more Chorus for you know end rods or whatever

We would want it for uh I’ve got to leave you folks take care all right see you later Tiara thanks for uh thanks for being on the stream and uh helping out and whatnot uh we also have this is my sugar cane Farm Very obviously and you

Press this button button and that sends a mine cart to go as well as a flying machine so this flying machine isn’t constantly going thankfully uh cuz that would really lag out my world but anytime I really want sugar cane I just send that off and it does its own thing

I also have these two Ls collecting sugar canane for me so whenever the flying machine is done what the hell was that why did it restart excuse me that’s not supposed to happen there we go uh and then I also have a second story up here but this is all

Just manual I don’t really care uh how do you have the concentration rate to do the Redstone I like doing Redstone uh and this right here is an enormous enormous room of cactus uh and it gets me a ton of green dye but mostly what I want is the green dye to be

Cooked so so that I can use that to get an absolute freck ton of XP really really quickly which is fantastic and I come down here and uh I just really like using this little elevator thing it’s fun uh and then you come over here we got pumpkins and melon well right here

Is just melons but if you uh excuse me you come up here we also got melons and that’s pretty nice but then there’s also secret exit right here in this little water stream you just get in and out pretty easily down into these Farms uh and then if you come down whoop here

We go we got a uh we got a mushroom farm that if I really wanted to I could make mushrooms I don’t really care right now and in here we got a big room for whenever the mangrove came out I uh just made this whole Mangrove area and you

Can uh you can actually dry out uh mud to make clay and I’ve been making clay for a while now it’s uh it’s pretty pretty easy you just do the thing and then the next room this is one of the coolest rooms that I have ever made and

I’m really really happy with it it took a really really long time to get all of the stuff that I needed for it but uh it’s a really really cool Contraption watch this click that and then it goes over and collects all the wool and it shoots up that water pillar comes down

And collects the wool and then bounces back collects the rest of the wool and then goes down down over collects more wool and then down over collects more wool and then down over and then drops off the wool all into these nice sorted boxes if I ever

Need if I ever need wool bada bing bada boom there’s wool it’s fantastic any color all the colors I also have them all named Jeb so they’re all rainbow colors all the time um and I haven’t done another room after that but I will do that eventually and make another cool

Farm but all of these Farms are manual which I really like so I can go through and actually do the Farms if I want the stuff instead of them constantly going all the time and making my frame rate suck I just have it going whenever I actually want the thing but they’re all

Pretty you know fast so if I ever need anything I can just grab it it’s fantastic uh Mangrove propag is all garbage I don’t really care I’m not going to kill him uh hey yo dude check out this island 20° 37 ft 30 what hey nice profile picture that’s

Spider-Man that’s pretty sick but Tio hypershock how’s it going my man if you’re uh if you’re new to the channel hit that subscribe button if you’re new to the stream hit that like button and help out the channel a lot that’d be greatly appreciated thank you very much

And also in here I have some pandas uh um we got a black Panda over here he doesn’t matter shut up yeah my two brown boys over here very cool those guys are pretty pretty hard to get I had to I had to breed pandas for a very long

Time to get all the the necessary uh Brown pandas I wanted which was one uh and then over here uh we got this really really gorgeous brid that uh bridge that my wife made it’s very pretty I absolutely love it uh there’s little some bees in there to

Do these flowers uh there’s this whole pathway up here that’s just covered in like plants and whatnot and uh lanterns you can just walk all the way up this mountain and once you get up to the tippity top you got this nice Alpine cabin over here and we even have some

Villagers in here we have two two cartographers and two librarians and I can trade glass and then trade glass so for example we have these glass panes so we come over here to this guy so we had a stack of glass panes to begin with and then we trade over here

With this guy and we trade the rest of them and we get 24 emeralds and then we can go and get 48 and stack and 32 of that which that gives us four Stacks so we just multiplied all of our um all of our Glass by four oh yes uh minty yeah they

All have kind of funky names uh this guy right here’s egg roll uh cuz I named my villagers the last thing that I ate whenever I needed to name them so we got egg roll over here we got um shish kebab over here we got mint tea and cool ranch

As in the Cool Ranch Doritos uh can I set Egg Roll On Fire no egg roll is very useful egg roll uh trades me glass for Emerald so no you cannot set Egg Roll On Fire love it yeah I’m glad you like it um potato sack I

Think you’ve maybe been in here before but uh if you’re not hit that like button and uh hit that subscribe button if you haven’t already uh but yeah hit that like button if anybody’s in chat right now and they didn’t hit the like button already please hit it uh bro who

The freak’s location is that oh um that over there that’s where I died I was uh I was flying a little too fast hit the ground and died so that’s cool unless you’re talking to uh to hypers shock who just randomly it randomly put in random

Locations uh but also I have this button where if you stand right in the middle of this Monument this opens up and you can go down but and then I have this little area which you know is cool I guess there’s nothing down here but you know it is

There uh no not that to you whose location is that whose location is what the the x that I was showing with the death is that what you’re talking about like the X um I don’t know where it is now but it oh that right there is that

What you’re looking at is a hard location to achieve I don’t what the heck nether quartz get out of here oh I forgot to put my bow back oh yeah no I uh I hit the ground too hard I was flying around trying to show off my world and I uh was not

Paying attention and I died so that’s that’s what that is it’s a it’s a mod that I have apparently I didn’t know I had it uh but it shows me where I last died I wish I could turn it off but I don’t necessarily know how let me one second let me try

Something uh wh okay there we go I think I fixed it there we go um bro how the heck do you have the concentration rate to do all of this Redstone um I don’t know I just have an idea in my head and I’m like I’m going

To do that and then I just figure out how to do it uh a lot of times I honestly don’t like to Google and do like uh YouTube tutorials on different Contraptions I like to figure it out myself like this right here it took a lot of different like methods but I

Finally figured out if you just do the okay well it’s kind of hard to do but I didn’t give it enough time but yeah there we go I made it out it’s a secret entrance actually it’s more of a secret exit doesn’t actually entrance at all but yeah that’s another thing that I

Made uh you will know when you Google the location all right all right all right fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine uh copy current address what can I don’t all right I’m Googling it that’s not not no that’s not what I meant to do wait hold on there we go

Copy [Laughter] paste nice nice it is a very beautiful island I must admit it is very beautiful island I love it uh instead of the staircase why not just make an elevator with Soul Sand that is a good idea I well actually that’s a good idea I should do

That that’s a that’s another idea for another time I will definitely be doing that um let’s see what else is there that I haven’t shown you guys uh well I guess I haven’t shown you this little cottage over here yep so I have this little cottage

Over here just for uh it’s where I store all my copper cuz I have a ton of it um I haven’t really done much of an interior but there’s a nice little fireplace it’s kind of cute um that’s where I smelt my copper if I really wanted to uh but then over

Here we have the start of the wait show the island on stream um all right fine it’s fine it’s not that bad I guess I can uh recently closed to tabs there it’s this island right here it’s uh you know it’s a pretty cool Island it just kind of has a very uh

Specific shape that I think we all understand what it is uh but then down here is where I’ve been working on uh changa put like important stuff inside your house I mean I have important stuff uh in my house so uh CH ta uh you’re new to the stream I

Believe leave if you’ve just been quiet this whole time thank you for watching and uh leave a like if you haven’t already thank you if you’re new to the channel hit that subscribe button if you haven’t already big pre uh and this guy right here we got ice tea too and ice

Tea we’ve just got two ice teas for some reason uh lots of paper lots of paper uh yeah this is kind of what my Mansion was going to be and I just never really got around to finishing it because I haven’t wanted to uh can I play Red Dead Redemption 2 one

Day on stream uh maybe I do own the game I guess I could maybe maybe it’ll be on the uh I can add it to the poll for Thursday and you can vote on it and I’ll play it on Friday if it gets the most votes so uh

You know it’s not not out of the reala possibility we got we got uh we got Minecraft Mondays so mon Mondays I stream from 7:00 to 10 which I should end the Stream pretty soon here uh but I stream Minecraft on Mondays Wednesday is just whatever game I feel like playing

So it’s probably going to be like phasmophobia cuz I’ve been really getting into that game and Friday um on Thursday I um I put a poll out on Thursday and I have an option of four games and then you guys can vote on it

For what game you want to see me play on Friday so that’s kind of up to you guys what game we play on Friday so if you guys want to see a Red Dead Redemption I can uh I can definitely do that that’s definitely an option uh that Island hits hard I know

Right hard uh but walk on that island is a pain in the uh but I mean I would imagine so I bald my eyes out for almost an hour on Red Dead Redemption 2 I’ve played like the first mission and that was it because I the sound was

Completely frecked up when I tried to record it for a uh for a let’s play and then I just hadn’t gotten back into it I don’t know why uh this right here is actually a pretty cool Contraption I have a skeleton spawner what the the water is like really weirdly

Glitched out but I have a I have a skeleton spawner they will eventually spawn um pain in the butt yeah I would imagine that’s a pain in the butt I don’t know why there’s no skeleton spawning there should be skeleton spawning and then they drop

Down and uh then they turn into oh there we go we got some Skeletron spawning and then they go and do their own thing and then you know you’ll see you’ll see it’s pretty cool actually usually I’ll just like sit here for a while and chill

Out so how many people are actually in my live right now it’s we’re doing pretty hot we’re doing pretty pretty good right now what are we at right now it says three concurrent viewers that doesn’t seem accurate I mean that could be accurate but I doesn’t seem right I don’t know

Maybe it is just too and a few other people but we’re at 10 likes that’s pretty good that’s more likes than I’ve ever had before I think that’s pretty pretty pretty pretty happy with that oh my goodness these skeletons what is going on with them oh there we go we

Got our first one and our second one so as you can see they’re not taking any damage but they are going into um this powdered snow which makes them shiver around a bit and then you’ll see what happens it’s pretty cool you’ll see what happens you’ll

See a my Lego order shipped very cool they turn into Strays which Strays have a very unique drop of arrows of slowness so if I ever want arrows of slowness I can just come here kill these guys and there we go we got four arrows of

Slowness if I would ever need them I don’t need them but if I ever did need them they’re there and if I ever need bones I they’re there and then get out of here the freak do you think you’re doing I don’t have any arrows now that I got rid of them

All I can’t believe you spawned how did you spawn why is there Cobblestone right here stupid freaking Enderman probably God dang it there’s supposed to be a torch there I don’t know what happened anyway it doesn’t really matter there’s a little secret exit that I can get out of

There um but then I also do have quite a bit of other stuff just kind of around oh and then for whoever that was that said that I should keep important stuff in my house I do have important stuff in my house I have all my storage

In here um which you know has a lot of stuff but my most important stuff is up here I got 1 two 3 four blocks at netherite that’s a lot of netherite and also my first wooden pickaxe te just gapple and the wardens only dropped because the warden definitely should

Drop something better and all of the music discs which took a while to collect all of those and uh a big map full of a ton of stuff uh oh I didn’t show off my uh pirate ship yet check this out sure so it even actually I’ve

Added a crow’s nest where you can come up here and kind of check out some stuff it’s pretty cool uh oh you you swear you saw the light flicker uh yeah that’s actually a feature yes um I also have a fisherman down here if I would want to trade with a fisherman for

Some reason um but then also a really cool feature is down here there’s actually a chain coming off and there’s an anchor down here isn’t that pretty neat yes it is thank you for noticing everybody I’m just showing off all the random stuff in my world um yes ah

Stop um yes let me show you actually you are you are not wrong that you did you did see that light flicker this one right here yeah it flickers same thing with this one over here but they’re not they’re independent from one another uh this is actually a redstone

Project that I did um I’ll show you it it’s up here in the Attic uh hopefully that didn’t break the Redstone no it did not okay so we have in here uh a comparator that is reading all these items in here that are constantly being shuffled out and if the

Right item gets taken out then the light will turn off uh and then the same thing over here it’s just constantly like rotating through these items and if it has a certain value it’ll turn it on or off and it’s pretty cool I really like it they just like kind of flicker a

Little bit and I think that’s a really cool feature that I really like um let’s see what else do we have I mean we have a whole nether Highway full of a bunch of other stuff that you know I don’t really feel like going into right now imagine if it’s actually mors code

And he’s crying out for help uh no no that wouldn’t happen that’s ridiculous uh this is like the uh Temple of Time from breath of the wild I will show it to you so Temple of Time breath of the wild uh so anybody that hasn’t played a

Breath of the wild uh oh Lego ideas oh my God that was would be sick as hell holy crap that’d be awesome uh but this is the Temple of Time uh that looks to be the back of it um this is kind of the front of it Um there’s the inside of it and I went in Minecraft and built the thing practically block for Block to scale of what it would be in game um took a very long time took a very very long time there’s even a just like there is in

Breath of the wild that you can use to get up uh all the way up here and uh it’s pretty slick it’s pretty slick you can climb up the roof get up into this uh into this room over here where you talk to the old man and I should put a chest

Where you can get the parag glider that’d be a good idea that’d be cool uh yeah that’s um that’s basically my base base um oh oh oh elaka you’re still in here good good good I wanted to show you this thing you left right as I was about

To show it I’m losing my voice a little bit but elaka before you leave before I end the stream I want to show you this really really cool thing that you missed hold on nope this way uh yeah we already saw all these rooms blah blah blah it doesn’t matter

Just shut up it’s fine I need to show you one of the coolest things that I have made in this world just hold on a second I’m we’re getting there it’s I got a long hallway hold on a second okay here we’re right here look at this this

Right here is my sheep farm so it’s an enormous room with a bunch of different sheep um they’re all named Jeb so they’re all rainbowy uh but then check this out it’s basically like a pinball machine this sends a redstone signal and it shears all the sheep and then it sends the mine

Cart up and it goes over and across bounces back and then goes back down and then goes to the next one collects all the wool and then it’ll eventually end up down here where it’s all sorted and it’s it’s really cool this is one of my f favorite

Projects and I have every single color black gray light gray white red orange yellow brown over here we got purple magenta pink light blue and blue cyan lime and green we have all of them oh I heard that through my headphones I had my Bluetooth headphones on still seeing it as cooler

Yeah it’s really freaking cool this is one of my favorite things and if I ever need wool I can just hit the buttons and just have it go collect wool and it’s it’s really really freaking cool this is like my favorite project that I’ve ever

Made and I’m super duper proud of it cuz I came up I came up with the concept myself tested it out in Creative built it in survival made this enormous room decorated the whole thing I like leaving this bear I think it looks cooler bear cuz you can actually see see the mine

Cart go and everything um but yeah this was one of my favorite projects that I’ve ever worked on and it took a very long time uh and I want to come up with other cool stuff like this like this is one of my favorite things to do in

Minecraft is just making Farms like this and not having it the same sort of automatic farm that every single person has that’s just constantly going because if it’s constantly going it a it slows down your world but also I have a bunch of goats in here I

Was trying to get horns but I hate goats and I don’t feel like with them uh I like having just like manual Farms but interesting manual Farms that I can you know sort of automate and make more convenient but not 100% automatic that you know I just said it and I have

Unlimited of whatever my devotion is insane thank you I appreciate that this this is a really really old world and it’s one of my favorite worlds that I think I’ve ever had and it’s just it’s been a really really fun ride and I can’t wait to get

Ideas from some of you guys to give me like cool ideas of what I should build next and what like projects I should work on and whatnot right now I’ve been just working on like the nether Highway um just cuz that’s one thing that needs done and you know takes forever so but

Yeah I want to do other projects as well make the island that would actually be kind of funny that’s not a bad idea I might do that next stream but it is past uh 10:00 so I do need to uh do need to end the stream there I’m kind of losing

My voice even a little bit but uh Wednesday we’ll probably play some phasmophobia I think I’m going to have a friend come on and play as well for a while but um yeah so thank you everybody so much for watching if you haven’t already please leave a like and uh

Subscribe if you haven’t already I don’t know if I doubt there’s anybody in here that isn’t already subscribed but um yeah I got to I got to end the stream there thank you everybody so much for watching the whole way through I mean not everybody watched the whole way

Through but thank you everybody for sticking around and watching and uh thank you everybody for all the the new Subs uh nice to find this I see you later yes thank you and thank you for coming back I will be playing I play Minecraft every Monday I think I maybe

Already said this to you guys but every Monday Wednesday and Friday from 7:00 to 10: uh that’s when I stream Mondays I do Minecraft Wednesdays I do whatever I am in the mood for and then Fridays I do whatever you guys vote for so on Thursday morning look out for a um a

Poll uh I will uh put a poll out on Thursday of four different games one might be Red Dead Redemption because somebody suggested it but it’ll probably just be games that people suggested or games that I’m in the mood to play and you guys can vote on it last week

Phasmophobia won and we played phasmophobia and it was a great time so I will see you all on Wednesday thank you so much for watching byebye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft with TeeJ Part 11’, was uploaded by TeeJ on 2023-10-10 04:44:47. It has garnered 107 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:28 or 13468 seconds.

Base Building

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    POV: Outsmarting Minecraft's traps #lol POV: Me trying to avoid responsibilities in real life like I avoid traps in Minecraft. Read More

  • Free Minecraft Server: Pixel Topic Fun!

    Free Minecraft Server: Pixel Topic Fun! Minecraft Server KOSTENLOS: A Gateway to Creative Gaming Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft Server KOSTENLOS, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Dive into a realm where players can build, explore, and survive in a vast sandbox environment filled with endless possibilities. Unleash Your Imagination With Minecraft Server KOSTENLOS, players have the freedom to create their own virtual worlds using blocks of various materials. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the only limit is your imagination. Collaborate with friends to build sprawling cities or go solo and craft your… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Conquer the Worst in Crystal PVP

    Join Minewind: Conquer the Worst in Crystal PVP Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community. Today, we want to talk about the thrilling world of Crystal PvP, as showcased in the YouTube video “CONQUISTÉ LO PEOR DE CRYSTAL PVP.” The intensity, the strategy, the adrenaline – it’s all there in Crystal PvP. If you’re a fan of challenging yourself and pushing your skills to the limit, then you need to join a server that offers the best Crystal PvP experience. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its intense gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind is the perfect place to… Read More

  • LEGO Minecraft: Ender Dragon & End Ship Build

    LEGO Minecraft: Ender Dragon & End Ship Build LEGO Minecraft 2024 Ender Dragon & End Ship 21264: A Complete Build and Review LEGO Minecraft enthusiasts are in for a treat with the upcoming release of the Ender Dragon And End Ship set, designated as LEGO Minecraft 21264. This set, containing 657 bricks of various colors, shapes, and sizes, offers a thrilling building experience for fans of both LEGO and Minecraft. What’s Inside the Box? The Ender Dragon And End Ship set includes iconic characters from the Minecraft universe such as Enderman, Ender Knight, Ender Dragon, Shulker, and Ender Explorer. Builders can construct an overworld portal and the… Read More

  • Dawnbringer vs. Crisper in EPIC Minecraft Battle Arena

    Dawnbringer vs. Crisper in EPIC Minecraft Battle ArenaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Epic Fight Arena Battles | S2: Dawnbringer ft. Crisper’, was uploaded by K.Overlegen on 2024-05-20 15:42:22. It has garnered 787 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:33 or 873 seconds. Join the Official Overlegen Discord Server: Join the Official EFM Discord Server: Support me on Patreon: Support My Friend: Get ready for the ultimate showdown in “Minecraft: Epic Fight Arena Battles | S2: Dawnbringer”! Dive into intense battles, where legendary warriors clash in an epic fight for glory. Witness the power of Dawnbringer as new challengers… Read More

  • Satisfying Sand Art in Minecraft (GHOST)

    Satisfying Sand Art in Minecraft (GHOST)Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft sand art (GHOST) | #shorts #minecraft #sandart #ghost’, was uploaded by Aveline Gaming on 2024-05-30 05:35:00. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Hello everyone, Aveline here welcome to my channel. Here You will find lots of entertainment, exciting matches, Funny contents and lot more. I’ll stream on daily basis. So #LIKE and #SUBSCRIBE to my channel. SEE you guys in my next stream. You Can Donate Through — UPI I’D : sanchitakundu97-1@okhdfcbank You Can Donate Through — Gpay : 6290382196 …. Read More

  • Insane Yoyo Tricks in Minecraft!!

    Insane Yoyo Tricks in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’, was uploaded by jeffkingyoyo on 2024-05-26 05:37:28. It has garnered 27 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:40 or 9820 seconds. Lets not die Read More

  • Defeat Fazo to Save the Villager! #Minecraft #Parkour 💥

    Defeat Fazo to Save the Villager! #Minecraft #Parkour 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Protect the Villager #minecraft #parkour #shorts’, was uploaded by Fazo on 2023-12-26 02:42:38. It has garnered 1356 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. tags & keywords: minecraft parkour protect villager, minecraft villager parkour, minecraft parkour egg socks, minecraft parkour building tips, pranking villagers in minecraft, i got kicked out of this minecraft village, minecraft villager running away, minecraft villagers april fools, minecraft parkour bajan canadian, block placing parkour minecraft servers, minecraft parkour very hard, minecraft block placing parkour, minecraft when you hit a villager, minecraft co op… Read More

  • 🔥Unbelievable Realistic Shaders for Minecraft PE 1.20+🔥

    🔥Unbelievable Realistic Shaders for Minecraft PE 1.20+🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Realistic Shaders Minecraft PE 1.20+ | Render Dragon Mcpe Shaders 1.20.71+’, was uploaded by Firekaro Gaming on 2024-03-13 02:33:05. It has garnered 22888 views and 269 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:33 or 93 seconds. Realistic Shaders Minecraft PE 1.20+ | Render Dragon Mcpe Shaders 1.20.72+ Best shaders Minecraft pe 1.20.80 new update this Shader For Promotion & Sponsorship Contact Me: [email protected] Please Don’t Copy Anything Without Our Consent  If You Use my Any Clips in your Video Then, Give me Credit in your discription and mention. Credits – All Credits goes to… Read More

  • EPIC! Taming CUTE DRAGONS in Minecraft!

    EPIC! Taming CUTE DRAGONS in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Dragon Pets 01: Taming CUTE DRAGONS in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Sylverkit on 2024-04-09 02:28:24. It has garnered 1241 views and 65 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:45 or 825 seconds. These dragons are super cute. Map: Dragon Pets Addons: The Naturalist addon Texture Pack: Vanilla HD Read More

  • Claim Your Free Hive Minigame with Wild Goat!

    Claim Your Free Hive Minigame with Wild Goat!Video Information This video, titled ‘[GIVEAWAY] Hive Minigame Play – Minecraft Live Stream’, was uploaded by Wild Goat on 2024-01-16 03:47:29. It has garnered 359 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 02:58:13 or 10693 seconds. It’s QUEST time! Let’s check out what games we can get in to. I will set up some custom servers too. I am going to Giveaway some Minecraft goodies tonight too! #Minecraft #hivemc Join this channel to get access to perks – ~-** SOCIALS **-~ 🐥Twitter: 📺 More Content on Tankee: 😎 Merch: ~-** ROBLOX **-~ 🎮… Read More

  • 🔥Ultimate Guide to FREE Minecraft Server in Any Version!🔥

    🔥Ultimate Guide to FREE Minecraft Server in Any Version!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘COMO CRIAR SERVIDOR DE MINECRAFT GRATIS DE QUALQUER VERSÃO (PC/PE) – McPlug’, was uploaded by uCaramuju on 2024-03-23 19:06:04. It has garnered 327 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:20 or 2540 seconds. At the moment mcplug is not hosting for PC, soon it will be, the version we most recommend is 0.14.3 to 1.70.x ———————— —————————————— McPlug: To download the plugins download the mcplug app: link = panel = McPlug Group – Zap: McPlug Group – Discord; McPlug – TikTok; McPlug – Instagram; McPlug… Read More

  • 🔥 ULTIMATE BEDWARS CHAOS! Late Night Shizo Madness 🔴

    🔥 ULTIMATE BEDWARS CHAOS! Late Night Shizo Madness 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Late night bedwars! 🙂 !commands’, was uploaded by Skeredy on 2024-05-25 16:17:32. It has garnered 47 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:52:16 or 6736 seconds. GET MY SAMPLE PACK! #hypixel #bedwars #minecraft #stream #bedwarswithviewers #pvp Read More

  • The Garden SMP: LGBTQ+ Friendly, Long Term, No Whitelist

    Welcome to The Garden Bedrock Edition Server Welcome to The Garden, a laid back experience that has been running for 2 years now. Our server is powered by the Forsaken Odyssey expansion made by Nico the Kid. No modding required, just join and download the resource packs. Key Features: No playtime obligations or paid packages Fresh and unique Forsaken Odyssey expansion Play your way, solo or with a community Survival challenges with PvP and modded creatures Convenience features like Homes, Warps, and TPA Join The Garden: Joining is easy, simply click this link and verify in our Discord server. The… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The Ultimate Minecraft Tierlist: All Others Are Wrong.

    Minecraft Memes - The Ultimate Minecraft Tierlist: All Others Are Wrong.Looks like the only thing more accurate than this tierlist is the score it was given! Read More

  • Cherry Grove Campfire: Minecraft’s Chill Aurora Encore

    Cherry Grove Campfire: Minecraft's Chill Aurora Encore In Cherry Grove, a campfire burns bright, A soothing sight, a calming light. With Cherry Blossoms playing in the air, Relax and unwind, without a care. Ten hours of peace, for gaming or study, Let the flames dance, feeling so buddy. Engage with the video, show some love, Support the creator, high above. So chill and enjoy, in this Minecraft scene, With Aurora’s glow, so serene. Have an amazing day, full of delight, In Cherry Grove, under the starry night. Read More


    DR. GARTEN'S BANBAN 7: MINECRAFT MEMES GONE WILD! “Doctor Garten of Banban 7 in Minecraft? Sounds like a prescription for a good time! Just don’t forget to take your daily dose of Mario memes for maximum laughs.” Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Creating Ultraman Geed Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide: Creating Ultraman Geed Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the New Ultraman Geed Portal For Minecraft enthusiasts looking to dive into a new adventure, the Ultraman Geed portal offers an exciting opportunity to explore a unique world within the game. Let’s delve into the details of this intriguing addition to the Minecraft universe. Discovering the Ultraman Geed Portal The Ultraman Geed portal introduces players to a realm filled with thrilling challenges and hidden treasures. By stepping through this portal, Minecraft adventurers can embark on a quest unlike any other, encountering new landscapes and obstacles along the way. Features of the Ultraman Geed Portal Within the Ultraman… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Unique Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Unique Gaming Experience Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the world of Minecraft. Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft Müslüman Köpek imana geldi valla #trend #shorts #minecraftshorts.” While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking about the diverse and inclusive community that Minecraft fosters. Just like the Muslim wolf in the video found a sense of belonging and community, players from all walks of life can come together on Minewind Minecraft Server. With its unique gameplay features and friendly atmosphere, Minewind offers… Read More