Crazy Minecraft Mayhem: Caramel Chocoz

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What literally everything’s Chang well from the last event or before then okay interesting wait what oh we g into the chamber ah okay interesting okay interesting I trying to remember what the other games are you got multile oh apparently my thing is Broken what slime SLE you can punt thank you for telling me that oh my God wait can you guys speak one it’s just it’s just slime blocks so obviously just like instant M them and then you can just punch people and then French French LEF is back yeah

Oh thank God and then everything the biggest change it goes for that yeah and they got an eagles’s chance now so you might see French B there’s a watch CH each type us leave there’s like an equal chance it’s yeah they have like didove is it still in cuz

It never appeared like ever I have no clue I think they Shadow removed it I swear like cuz like the first time we played it appeared like twice and then the next season it just it was gone like it it didn’t show I don’t think I’ve

Seen it on a single event I think they only made it so it appears like early in the game oh okay they didn’t late on it’ll be too chaotic okay yeah yeah if we didn’t remove it it should appear like early in rounds at least okay okay

Oh we’re going to we’re going to pop off is there any Lobby music cuz I can’t hear any no no no I know there used to be but it was like note blocky and I always turned it off but now there’s none now I’m now I feel a void if you go

To disco fever uh I just have I just have the rapid races music wait is the music on Spotify for this event or yeah there’s Spotify okay wait hold on I have to restart my game I’ll be right back wait wait you tell me if I search Minecraft I’m on Spotify it’s

Going to come up yeah it should up here I think yeah they got a new rapid RAC song made by tox crazy I don’t see it U maybe just search tox yeah SE like rase music and then I think applicate for like any other to tox oh I see it rapid

Races wait this this oh this kind of goes hard I know it’s crazy I’ve been listening to it on Loop for like half an Hour yeah I think that’s about it to change this okay also you don’t need craft stuff in surprised surely doesn’t have sleep again Where is I’m trying to find stream setting stuff oh I’m stupid there we go we got one minute is already on no way event starting on time hold on an event on time nah there’s no way surely not completed the Tower of Health that’s good that’s good I like to hear

That so that means that you’re going to win checkpoint Champion yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m beating everyone now also I can’t believe we like the teams ended up with Sonic skins I didn’t like I didn’t ask don’t get me wrong I love Sonic and the Skins are awesome but I I

I swear I didn’t I didn’t put them up to this they just were like I’m make skins and then that’s what they did and I was like don’t get me wrong I’m thrilled about it but you guys were kind of roped into wearing Sonic themed skins so

That’s fine oh most important thing what are we doing for like team announcement I no like I said I’m going let all of you guys call the shots you know your thing can do your thing up St I mean it’s kind of boring kind of hoping someone C

Something what’s your thing uh just walk down with our heads down so they can see their faes I already know what else to do so they can see what the little B is on the top oh IDE wait let me get rid of my cosmetic oh no

Can you just oh yeah I need to get rid of mine to sh click it off wait you do what off just like sh click it off into your invent oh okay oh I should turn off the Sound okay there we go music oh oh music hold on no way me let me pause rapid races o exciting it’s starting holy [ __ ] this is actually too long good job I watched the update video honestly it was many just rapid races okay to be fair the rapid races

Stuff you told me does sound really cool I’m really excited for that there’s not a lot of point of though there’s only one point between each placement in each section so be interesting there’s seven of those so a doing the parkour oh oh I can’t oh

Okay o oh oh oh I can’t believe seven games is so funny by the way I don’t know why it’s something about is really funny is the finale game the same oh God okay so let’s just all look down and walk forward I guess last so follow app I don’t know

Why that’s not working but oh true yeah wait where why is our VC so high up if we last uh because it’s order in Discord and announcements and then here on the they just kind of jumbled just like you know what we just kind of they want to I

Think yeah yeah of course of course they got like Batman wait no they don’t have Batman skins do they have Batman I know sandwich looks Robin but did they all I no CL what suits are they they also something okay what they are they have suits is that Alumina so just look down and walk forward wait even the text with th okay just look down and walk forward yeah I really want to know what this looks like to the other people it’s so time still have like our baguettes and everything here we doing bingoing bingo bingo whereing every oh my

God I got a frog he’s so big in my hand how he’s just yellow and Greninja fle crazy yell does on Bingo fast couldn’t think why oh keing this D as well hpg and shambles first I think people just get random abilities right yeah sometimes yeah I

Think so oh oh Shane is name Shane’s dad okay Shane’s what I thought you had Shane’s dad oh I was like what no it’s actually subing in why is it it’s taking a while I introduc as well a while announcing the games way okay well you know what I

Think it’s Bingo it’s kind of close though I’m pretty sure it is but it’s it’s kind of close maybe probably like five or six votes also I keep getting caught off guard by seeing Sonic the Hedgehog skins and I know that’s us but like when I first see them I’m like what

The hell why head skins 19 okay okay we W buy a lot yeah so what’s the Strat for this um just find an easy item and rush it I guess I think there’s a Bastion right by spawn so somebody should R Bas I think’s doing that

Right yeah I can do that do you get points for Rose and stuff or is it just fill the Bingo C I think it’s just it’s just item I think this is a small I don’t know how to L B I’m just going to go in this direction but my eyes are downloading

Resource pack okay I got I thought I got like SE or something there’s a forest there’s like an end forest and a anybody else got really weird F and then you could just see the pigs in the Bas oh yeah I can go to do SL bingo card

Do SL bingo card oh can you bingo card can do that block I’m going some glow St someone get glow St all right I’m the end wait so keep your eye out for quartz Soul I’m rushing Soul soil I’m rushing Soul soil for quartz for bone

Blocks oh bone block I can get bone blocks and tables gravel right respawn somebody get glow stone I can go for glow stone I guess and Bone block what do I need glowstone for just the glowstone and the right which also block one obsidian right how do I get

Obsidian from Bastion oh light off I’m dumb oh my God I cannot see anything I found bones straight away so nice I do not know how to Lo BS okay I got White die how do you claim it oh I already claimed okay just pick it up

Wait I I got I’m lagging wait yeah I’m lagging what the hell wait oh I’m not picking it up I can’t pick up my item yeah same oh wait it’s back I think it’s also I’m dead I things wait we need a gas there there’s a gas by me uh my ping

Is way too bad to fight this I can’t find any uh I can’t hit the five back at my Ping’s too bad end I see a not enough wait do we need string from a Strider maybe anybody got wood cuz I’m getting gravel for the flushing table I do I do

I do who who wait who who is it sorry I don’t know everybody’s voices uh how do I TP how do you get how do you TP I don’t know you can TP I don’t know I don’t know I thought you could maybe I’m wrong uh you cannot be okay I’m

Wrong uh P Forten flesh anyone how to know how to get smooth ohing again uhoh sare yeah try that I I don’t know I don’t know going to get qu do we have War stuff yet or not get the smoke do you need do anybody got I haven’t got wed

Okay oh no I meant wait did I mean I’ll just make any I meant Crimson but oh the is it just m the dying a bit got table okay I’m getting the quartz stuff so nobody go for that I got glow uh what else we need uh ender pearl gold block

If you see any gold grab it uh mushroom stew how do you make that oh you need both mushrooms I the lag is do you need normal mushrooms or can you use the Warped ones I normal normal normal okay yeah that’s going to be really hard to get um I can barely look

At the map unfortunately look for b 2 shroom light oh my the is ter how do you make a shroom light chat I need leather for I see a gas oh I found got a sh okay I’ll again got sh yeah I do we have a gas yet we

Don’t no you see gas come back here I got quartz bricks I need more quarts I got G I got G so oh wait you already got G I’m going to die we need bricks bricks anyone should my bad red biome trees you can you can smell nether rock you can smell

Nether rock for I found another basion see if there’s like any I found end and yeah kill for the endar uh Arrow okay nice I’m going to die is the issue nether brick I’m just you can just find smooth assault by the way just find my can you yeah I’m pretty sure you

Can oh that was really late uh wait what else is on a card uh getting campire wait that’s easy wait I’ll get that I don’t know how to I found a oh no I no I’m going to get block of gold or try to yeah I’ve I got little bit gold

But I I have like a six gold if you go to Southwest and have like Forest found a big boy Pig no I swi to Lava what am I doing have of iron I got all campfire uh I’m about to die yeah we need NE bricks

Though I can SM for that maybe God damn it I I I can look for that I’ll look for it did I get the leather I’m never mind wait we need that painting anyone I’m making wait oh string is Strider I knew there was going to be something with

Strider I need more blockone what the hell I made frame wait maybe do you need do you need to spell some BT I’m not sure actually is somebody working on nether brick maybe yeah try I’m going to get ne brick yeah okay we got gold mushroom um string and B Sal gold

Mushroom I’m going to go for a mushroom okay just just try and get any of it if you see it mushroom minutes that should be fine gold mushroom gold mushroom string BT I’m going to cover up my furnace yeah that’s that’s right that’s right oh I lost my crafting table uh oh

I found a gold block oh someone wait does anyone see a Strider you can kill Striders for strength yeah yeah I just can’t see one I saw one ages ago but I don’t see one right now dude this hog need to get away from me hello going to fly past the things we

Need oh I need to make sticks because I cannot smell the the W oh my God yeah yeah yeah uh I’m about to get Nether Bricks okay okay you just yeah I must try smelting the you can just get B right no you need smooth and I’m not

Sure how to get it I swear you can just find it I got another bricks it’s lit just mushroom stew smooth ble and pain oh that’s what I’ve not been looking out for wait oh I’m going to the um Google here I come chat does anybody know how to find smooth BT

Do you craft it or do you just find it I’m smelting it I’m smelting it there’s B at the basan it’s it’s B Bal in four and then you get polished Bal and then you smel the polished Bal oh you polished okay much effort I’m just looking for mushrooms I’m looking

For mushrooms are you getting it right now I’m I I just got bu us mushrooms Bing we need leather no we need did you say you were lying about cooking salt yeah yeah it was just B it was just B I got it I got it don’t worry oh just

Oh my God it just stra B We need oh my God there’s so many things on so we just need mushroom and shrider yeah I found a red mushroom we need just need if you find a big if you find lava try and stay

Near it like if you find a big pool of lava cuz that’s where stles will spawn yeah I’m just I’m on the I saw it earlier but I didn’t kill it cuz I was like oh we don’t do string oh no no worries we go dude we still have four minutes we’re doing

Really well though I’m I’m proud oh that that’s um oh [ __ ] what the hell I was like not I was hly not looking how we doing yeah we’re basically like first right now we’re basically come on try to I’m just flying around I think oh nice I found a mush musroom

Where are you where are you I I no I you just both die you can just both die and respawn at the center you keep your items oh yeah just just no don’t I I got it oh you got it oh you got you just R to

Search are they even lava pools yeah I I’ve seeners I have seeners oh okay they’re very hard to kill so yeah well not hard to kill but like I see I Str oh okay nice I need to make sure I got it I got it we need four string nice yeah

Oh we got six I don’t have sticks though uh I I’m killing myself oh somebody come to spawn who has wood I don’t have any wood on me somebody go spawn yeah I’m spawn I’m spawn wait um I’m just dropping on you yeah got it Go got it I drop the w h

Drop go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go yes we did the bigger Card wait we finished we finished minutes left G Shane you who wants to build a house uh yeah let’s do that wait uh wait what the hell the

Bingo what oh we beat a yellow team okay we we we out bingoed the speed rers I don’t feel like I did that much I’m Hest who was carrying who was carrying Bingo though I actually don’t know I think we just literally like all did a

Quarter like I I think we just had crazy like five things actually we did yeah actually we did that’s crazy I just rushed like two bastions and just got like four items from the mining chest oh you do the goat for that wait anyone want to blow themselves

Up oh wait wait is a respawn anchor I can do that wait I can build who got a respawn anchor you can build another boy where are you where are you wait wait I’m going to spawn I’m going to Let’s there’s no way that’s a like there’s no way it’s not disabled right

Yo anyone want to PayPal me and I’ll drop items oh you spawn wait like on the glass I’m I’m missing one I’m missing I see you oh no I don’t have [Laughter] any no way you the go no you know what you tried house house right the house right

The house for that you can take nuke take this you take this yeah giving away points I’m giving away points oh I’m making a really hype house oh my God this is incredible oh a house this is the worst thing wait can I take it off I can just take it

Off this is so bad hold on this is so bad I’m sure your house is is beautiful ter don’t say that it’s beautiful it is beautiful bad only two teams have got the respa anchor apparently oh wait yeah you dropping that respawn actor was anchor was

Literally the second team to get it yeah so we basically got first and second is what you’re saying yeah quick we need no they’re griefing they’re gri what the freak wait where you wait you’re building a house up there J’s griefing my house H golden got aead but that’s

Fine what the [ __ ] I got guys I got the roof I got the roof covered oh thank thank you oh we got overtaken oh okay that’s fine it doesn’t matter I mean look at the score that’s that’s huge dude the difference between third and fourth is insane maybe we should have

Played that L 200 points I yeah I didn’t think we’ do that one I’m going to be honest I didn’t either just went crazy crazy dude yeah we should maybe we should have played that seven got the strats man crazy we popped off yeah we did

Great also I assume before the EV that we on PVP team is that a correct assumption or I no clue no clue I literally only play PVP wait I wait are the points just split oh yeah they are yeah the points just split so we will we will never know

Who did what we’ll never know unless someone does calculations I think I think justron actually does I I want to live in a world where we all did a quar I want to live in a world where we all did five things no not five things let

Me think about it how do you divide 25 by four we did six each yep let’s go I think we won parkour next but yeah yeah definitely checkpoint Champion you get that that’ be hype did anybody V check my champion no it’ll be SP probably people hate gimmicky games Society hates

GS who doesn’t love a bit of R I honestly don’t mind what comes after this though yeah I feel like we’re a good like all around team yeah genuinely have no clue but I agree yeah hey I appreciate the positive any skin Refreshers wait look at fineberg skin on

The uh on the thing wait he not got Halloween skin on well no no he does oh we’re probably all top 10 aren’t we y have fth six seven and eight totally not cuz it’s a team game you know totally not totally not wait we got last [ __ ] oh [ __ ] and AA

The points aren’t that different for I mean for first game first first game they’re quite different actually but let’s go checkpoint Champion surely checkpoint Champion oh red team coring goats am I right yeah it’s definitely between checkpoint and and sploof yeah yeah oh band oh wait this wa you can you can

Still move around if you jump I can just move I don’t see how this is wait hopefully that killed everybody the thing we hope we hope super come back come back we might win this we might win this we might win this I got scared I got scared really I think oh no

There was a last minute swap there was a last minute swap oh no he died wait maybe maybe it’s close it’s close more I think it’s very close whatever is come on come on come on okay okay hopefully hopefully what what now holy [ __ ] oh wait it’s CU Shane died just

Stopped we broke the event did we break oh they’re flpp the coinin L coin flip L coin flip we fli the coin it was rigged can I have video evidence I I need to check if the coin was weighted or not I’m not going to lie I need you guys a

Carry it’s F literally this game is just it’s just fun you know like even if you do bad none of us have played this game except you wait really it’s it’s it’s my favorite event games like if I did if I did a t through event games this is in

Like top tier okay this game is just fun I’m ready for fun yeah it’s just it’s just a bit of good old fun you know like it’s it’s chaotic you will die and you you won’t be able to do anything about it but that’s just how it goes

You know that’s how goes I’m about to abuse my terrible ping and that oh wait if you got bad ping run at people like 250 ping if you got really bad ping like that run at people because you’ll be able to be on blocks that to them have

Disappeared this is genuinely one of the best do we want to stay group do you want to stay you multi multi multi oh here we go what a good to start with give us Some the stream I was like oh we’ve not TNT run in a while guys did they remove it did they remove TNT run what so where did they go this is H I love the let’s run oh it’s like slowed the te anything as well it’s not like yeah it’s pretty

It’s pretty safe T oh it’s like part it’ll um change it a second oh wait no 10 seconds still that’s also this in this game you just want to do anything in your power to not drop layers cuz the layers reset so often and speaking of

Not dropping layers oh my god oh I almost went I almost I was about to run out of space Oh it struggle oh hello oh wo wo wo wo wo wo w upow me up below me oh you have a whole team on you I’m

Going try get wol I’m going to try get wol he’s going he’s going be careful by the way from getting SLE below oh my God who’s that lime guy we over lime haters lime are haters Li haters I’m going to hate on red I’m going to hate on red sh

Hate on on Alex Oh I tried that not so short what the hell yeah wait they remove the music though no just froze that was awful French music yeah I missed the French got mustache I got a mustache i f on a lay this tragic Behavior I got

All sand sandwich let’s chill let’s chill let’s chill be careful oh the music is copyrighted that’s why that’s fair that’s fair I’ll let him off I’ll let off okay kind BL might oh wait what thing honestly I might just run around and try survive this wo wo w w w w w w

Heyo K awesome heyo know your place who K think he is yeah Max kind of wants you oh this instead oh oh w w oh God right I should have probably ask yeah you’re all good you’re all good okay okay good wait you’re still on the

Top pop off yeah I’m just I haven’t done anything I just beening around punch punch wolf me what problem he’s going for me oh my God is so goofy he just bounc everywhere this is the bouncing is so weird oh God spotted guard please guard guard please wait maybe 2 one people in

In type oh my God okay okay flee good old trusty trusty old get away from me honestly at the point now where Play Passive cuz a lot of people have dropped you just want to make sure you don’t get SLE From Below honestly yeah dude I feel like I’m

Public Enemy Number One right now and if you’re going to do anything if you feel safe enough to sple you want to SP above not H not like on your layer oh I got SPL I got SPL all good it’s all good I’m Don’t Go Near me dude I got sple again what

Oh that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine it’s fine oh no this one’s so much chaos no God oh God oh my God I’m by I really did not mean that honestly if you get a hook in this as well you just want to hold it for a while what is

That message on my chat I just got like the biggest error code I’ve ever seen sandwich wo wo wo wo hey yo heyo you guys like 50 kill yeah we just got a bunch okay okay strange be Qui both B you play Passive you play Passive you

Play Passive away from me don’t make enemies don’t make enemies don’t apart from maybe shoot the above layers that might be a sh oh I just sto myself oh my God I almost killed myself as well R Friend R friend on the second layer R friend oh my God wait get away from

Me [ __ ] W oh my God this top L about go this to about to go I’m just goat though I’m just goat oh my God I hate this one wait what when you play no w w w w be careful be careful be careful just sandwich walk

Off that is actually a wild play by him I swear interesting play I Almost I almost team I almost team that would been catastrophic oh my God CH change his play I beg I’m rhy oh my bad wo wo wo wo it’s going to go down it’s about to

Go down oh this is the last oh my God there’s so many people wait you guys got this no on oh my God that was so much chaos oh oh my God oh my God he got so many got like a qu I think he just Spam like shot

People which makes sense that was smart we are F by so much oh my god let’s go let’s go w w what we love both keep up keep it up wait I kind of love this game mode hello oh this this FL is so scary so many of these are so scary that’s

What makes so good I dropped two layers on Spag wait why is so many people here I’m going to call with like everybody kay kay the [ __ ] away I’m I’m down already it’s all good it’s all good okay I’m just going to chill I’m going to chill oh TR some people maybe a little Gremlin boy oh my God I already

Fell oh no that’s fine that’s f for the caramel chos if you do fall oh my I’m at the bottom layer already what the hell it’s crazy hating not die first please I would know do okay whatever second L is not terrible oh it size wait is anyone in the very

Top could you try and fishing rod me up ooh that’s a risky I’m on the very bottom right I’m going to make a hole above me get away from me right I made a hole above me should I get Rod oh wait no come on come on

Let’s go yeah I’m back in it I’m back in it my heart go then my heart goes out to that chat whoever in my chat dropped the yeah biggest forehead thank you for the such a w w CH W CH oh my God W chatter actually pulled that off

Before that insane oh my God I would never be on the bottom layer I would never you would be on the bottom layer right now that’ be kind of embarrassing ly nice SP oh God not SP oh my God I almost instantly died that was actually [ __ ]

Terrifying dude I feel like people are going for me hello yeah I feel that wait to be fair I can kind of imagine we we’ve got first in the first playround and we got like second be almost first in Binger so I can kind of see it yeah

Yeah yellow’s I think yellow and like oh God hates me though I just I just sped Oar and Ogar is a man on a mission oh my god oh almost just fell okay I’m still cooking no wait now so many people are going to drop to to bottom now from this

There’s not enough space Oh my god oh that’s fine though that’s fine we so oh my God how am I alive what the hell I’m de I’m I’m not I’m everybody’s dropped though that’s like everybody in the runs is De way oh my God wait you’re still the top

You’re the goat oh my goat oh French BL what the hell oh find Bo oh my who is going for me oh everyone I’m just going to run I’m not going for anyone getting targeted this is I’m I’m just a friendly guy IA get away from me oh my God I’m actually getting Dog that was scary that was so Scary this is Chill you guys got chill bro please we like VC that one time surely wait why is Wolf on top wait there’s one on top oh my there’s two on top top on top to try and play safe though like if you’re on middle

Layer oh my God you’re about to go then but got Sav by the reset you oh no not spag I hate spag yeah you can spag the top you can spag the top during this one you’re pretty safe yeah I’m just trying toay atten just try play safe now T oh

Yeah chill it’s only you four on this middle layer right now if you can stay on this layer you are so good right now people are hating I did nothing to you you got this you got this my goat my goat what so scary I’m I’m scared for you right

Now dude I was definitely running on air for some wait wait be friendly be friendly be friendly but don’t don’t be near the edges cuz they could punch you once they could punch you once and knock you off wait fight out kill Soul yes yes you’re the goat you’re the goat

You’re the goat you’re the goat you could you could shift a little bit you could shift a little bit yo just hide up there hide hide the Betrayal the Betrayal wait there’s two of Aqua left you go fight them fight him take them out drop on him and fight it’s it’s just

Twoo Aqua you win these you win these they’ll swi each other oh wait you got you’re the goat you’re the goat you’re the goat this is why you’re the goat right here this right here is why you’re the goat never mind never mind you still pop up try oh

My god dude th is still good th is still good though yeah no we we we still doing crazy we don’t talk about how I died we don’t talk about how I died yeah yeah of course I started panicking cuz I felt bad and then I got

Rushed oh my this is such a bad wait just r a random person Rod a random person why I already why am I run it already I got awesome awesome please come on come on what the Hell I’m just I’m attached to oh my God attach to me I’m just playing safe I’m playing for survival oh no I’ve been running wo wo wo no I’m G again again this guy actually has it out me I’m going to get Greninja lead like you should be you need to be

Yes oh my God okay Jesus okay one one one yeah look the last round probably should have jump sand yeah it’s it’s all good it’s you still got third which is crazy you don’t know the way you did was outrageous but it was so funny oh oh [ __ ] I’m dumb I’m on

The second it’s all it’s all second L is the one if you drop from second that’s when you’re in a little bit of trouble yeah yeah people have first get Target pretty Easily oh I don’t like that I oh my frames oh go I’m chilling this is my little corner get away from me no no no Orit Orit oh that’s you where that I think I spigg oh my God I almost cook it was me it was

Me I tried sleeping you for like a second n it’s fine it’s fine wait if is anybody in the B oh no okay if there’s every in ice and somebody’s on the very top and somebody’s on the very bottom you can try and it’s risky I must have frenchic

This is so stressful to be fair copyright I can’t BL yeah that’s fair enough green green everybody wants me right now bro everybody’s after Me I’m actually I’m playing F5 right now cuz I’m getting crazy sleep From Below that’s That’s Heavy okay mostly people in The Edge try and bow off yeah you don’t get knock back though it doesn’t back is a little bit but not a lot yeah that that’s not we can sit

Together actually both Le oh honestly I’m just going to play sa I don’t know why I’m shooting shooting in TNT s especially this early on is like the point oh I just fell okay dead oh my God this person seems to want pretty bad I so bad it’s all good it’s

All good don’t you worry don’t you worry yeah yeah we ring ring reving reving orbits you go away you’re like the guy will not run in my life ever oh my god oh I killed somebody oh you killed someone yeah they just walked in a hole getting a little scared now it’s

Getting a little tense little okay nice nice nice oh this one is scary this one’s so scary honestly don’t Sprint jump unless you have to because it okay outrageous behavior that person want be bad I don’t even know who that is but they hate it on me man hunt man hunt Um dude out oh you’re good you could stick together maybe but it’s a little risky depends on the round Orit oh my god freak oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God but maybe got away from the edge that’s a bit scary over no

No oh somebody just s trying to kill you nice oh oh dude W is a is actually a you guys are chilling you guys are so chilling right now 5 Seconds to reset 5 Seconds of nice nice nice just play safe just play do whatever you can survive I believe oh

God this one scary don’t bother anybody they hopefully won’t bother you is it just me but can you not fly as the spect I can oh can you not I can’t I’m just got good space there you got good space there I just defeat me or something you

Can just run with me guess oh you’re the you guys are the goats you guys are so the goats oh my God how do they do it how do they do it no one’s fighing oh my right everybody’s dropping now so get ready to fight for your life try and get kill

Credit oh never mind oh it’s spag no you got that you got that is still alive oh never mind it’s all good it’s all good good try really well really really well oh you got a kill you got a kill oh my God okay third we got guaranteed third that’s CH huge we’re

Probably I kind of threw but we don’t worry about it we take those wait yellow got eight yellow got eight that’s big that’s big we might should be in first no joke yeah we are I think wait we are in first I think we’re in first yeah

That mean we’ll get targeted if there’s a PVP game next woo I feel like we’re good at PVP though yeah but like it’s still scary you know it is scary yeah Big W big Big W not much of a point gap there that was so

Scary let’s go let’s go my go man you love to say holy [ __ ] the person is incoming we don’t talk we don’t talk about what indiv I got that game cuz it won’t be great so fast let’s go w w I like I like as well okay honestly I

Think we should get checkpoint this round yeah once we get checkpoint I think we’re actually like I think we’re not bad at any other game really I don’t think we’re even bad at checkpoint honestly I don’t know I shaking so much right now we got this and some

Medium I’m doing I’m only doing Med I going anywhere near hard BR I am you might as well try it hard last time was really easy it was like only like momentum and like NEOS yeah but you see you don’t you I don’t know jeez in first thir in third first my

Go second wait where am I I’m probably like e or yeah wait I guessed that oh my god oh s for real dude you’ve almost got 1K already holy [ __ ] hey guys this is me uh your friendly neighborhood fourth frag um how is it going

Guys it’s fine wa where are you pig 14 bro I’m so down to Fourth I’m so I’m so down to genuinely not even you don’t understand how down I am to be to be the bottom frag of the whole team like I’m so just started man no no

But like no but like like it be really funny down as like sad no no no no no no no no I like I’m I’m happy with it bro I if I need to be the fourth look look look I’m used to being the first Frank

So if I could be the fourth Frank you best believe I’m taking changing up a little I guess it’s nice to be able to just you know just just chill you know yeah yeah yeah they didn’t load what end of pun being toad in load because he

Left did not get point oh god oh yeah oh yikes oh god what the no I’m kidding the team score then St or are they going to overtake us wait who was on Blue for first game then I guess they were a team of three wait what wait wait

A AA was on the team originally the game one and and then and then red jumped back in I didn’t even know oh my okay I was going to say Red’s 170 points yeah R logged on like after the first game and he was on spectate I was like R’s coming

To spectate I mean I respect the but I didn’t expect it this is hype this is this is this is good times Runner get the if we get the parkour out the wayth sailing yeah I think we can get Parkour W maybe rapid races I’m just a little nervous about

Rapid races there five games there parkour rapid races guard of the chamber combat Cube what’s the fifth one sky Skirmish oh so high we don’t have like a building game to worry about no yeah they got oh that’s so hype that’s oh I’m actually gassed this is just this just

Oh let’s go we’re just having a great time it’s just going to be a great time I’m going to Fourth frag and we’re still popping off oh this is fantastic dude fourth frag 14th is not even bad though I no but like I I I don’t have to worry

About like I I just played the game and like I don’t have to be sad about my performance so I came in here with zero expectations which was quite nice wait wait wait wait who’s going to be the F frag I am yeah I got 23rd in my first

Event I thought you like were like a broken sub when you played with Sam everyone did but I just Mega threw the whole event cuz I was like I was like shaking cuz I was like [ __ ] panicking I don’t know why it’s fine this time Tak it yeah we Tak it chill we

Having a good time doing a bit of SPL bit of Bing we popping off in Bingo did I expect it no bingo I love playing bingo I I had CL about anything going in but we’re having great time that’s yellow okay I’m back yellow yeah and we basically scored the same as

Them not really a strap but some things people did in combat cube is there’s like a bubble elevator near the mid where people just camp and waited for a team to come up like crouched which you could do that so you just like get an unexpected like attack on a

Team everyone’s going everyone is going checkpoint so much that I want to play it right now am I right parkour I can’t wait any longer for parkour I might have to sub out if parkour doesn’t get lat right now yeah for Real I’m so excited about is it going to tie again I think it’s going to tie again no I don’t I feel like we have more no no way it ties again if it’s a tie I’ll cry if it ties and it and it gives us

Comeback Wait no gun is a champion I’m going to be [ __ ] pissed it’s rigged man no again I beg how how two times in a row please parkour please please no way come on come on come on come on Yes W go flip you big coin flip

Fan okay I’m probably not going to mute up cuz that’s boring yeah if you want to meet up you can but I’m just going to Vibe I’m just going to play some music yeah that’s all I’m going to play some music in the form of checkpoint Champion OST

W you can look at the H see the heart’s not even that difficult I feel like you should try hard at least just try something try something I don’t know I don’t know I try at least one it’s me the team’s fourth FR here um I don’t

Think I should do hard as the team’s fourth FR guys I don’t know I’m going to dable I’m going to dable in some hards going to dabble in it just a little bit yeah just a little well if you guys are going to do it then I’m going to go for

Medium I’m going to try and get the consistent mediums to cover in case you guys slip up on the hard that makes sense you know that’s tactical my toes into the hard see what happens are you are all three of you doing hard hey man pretty easy I gen think I

Could do some I’m doing at least a bit of you know you know I’ll try the first one as well you know right together di together you know they aren’t ready for the caramel chers all hard completion yeah no I’m telling you I’m going to play hard I’m

Going to get to one hard jump and I’m like off to Med my pop bro no but like honestly if we do that that’s worth 80 kills in a PVP game would be kind of wild if we did how okay how long do we have I think

It’s 10 minutes right probably about 10 although know this event it might be like 11 minutes they like they like the odd numbers they do like the odd numbers they do like the odd numbers guys don’t mess the Slime jump up surprised they don’t have n teams I can’t lie hard gang hard

Gang yeah oh the fireworks are so loud oh I I’ve walked off instantly I failed immediately Jee okay I failed again hold on one more try one more try now we we’re going to I’m going to medium I’m going to medium GG okay I suck um I’m kind of throwing I’m

Actually throwing the first stage wait what oh okay that is actually a hard jump though lowy okay yeah know we we off we’re off to medium we’re off to we’re off to medium I you know I’m I’m a modest guy I’m a modest guy yeah yeah yeah

Okay wa right away oh okay wait somebody’s popping off in hard right now you go thank you I’m trying my best NE in medium that’s wild oh I walked off where’s a Neo is how far ahead oh I see it now yeah know I’m right behind [Applause]

You I thought they that I was going to cry I failed the L jump I’m actually guys I’m doing miserably don’t worry about it it’s game three The Vibes are too high you know what am I doing what [Applause] Okay how do I do this jump the St glass jumps are making me sad okay okay guys I’m learning I’m abysmal apoc chat I’m not going to hard did you see what happened at the start you should die again you should probably no no I’m struggling enough with

Medium like I feel like I’m just about doing this you know okay well I’m going to cry I’m cry I’m going to I’m going to do it it’s only parkour no no it’s that that’s why I’m going to C oh my God you know what if the hard section

Level is easier than this medium level though low ke you you probably should try then now we do a little colling you see dude guys I am I’m throwing don’t worry about it it’s fine fine it’s fine cuz the thing is if we if we have a dominating Le the

Whole event nobody’s going to we’re going to get picked on in E game if anything it be tactical to not be first after this game that’s why if we don’t get first real wait where am I oh my God I made the jump I’m actually proud of

Myself hold on what what why is this glass paint section 10 years long it just every section like that what the this level’s really confusing there’s a lot of random NEOS yeah I think they might have like you said there was a lot of Neos in hard

Last time I think they might have made the hard stages the medium [Applause] ones yeah that was interesting uh where we going from here we’re going over here please oh thank God you know that was crazy they have three want an easy and yes I’m doing

Easy cuz I am throwing it’s all good it’s all good it’s all good no worries I don’t want to get zero points so I respect the grind I respect the grind if you’re not feeling the parkour you know you you play it safe I you know I could be going for hard I’m

Not I might have to move the medium I feel like I’m you can always like do like one medium and then swap back if you’re not uh by the way uh finishing doesn’t matter it doesn’t give your points oh yeah okay so like it doesn’t matter how quickly you finish or anything no

There’s no points for finishing okay this ISD obviously you want to try to do as many still um this is still 119 so honey and stuff is Like a weird level this a weird s level dud I hate this I’m going hard so slow that is crazy that you giving up at like medium and going to hard just it’s just neoc Central this level is just all NEOS and I first tried it cuz I’m the

Goat oh let’s go I’m going to hard I’m feeling it wait oh I’m an idiot oh my guys I am really weighing down the team I’m I failed the first hard job I’m living up to the PVP and it oh no I can make this I can make this these

Are just full blocks you know what I’m saying oh God guys guys oh there was blck okay oh what is this honey Stage yes uh 4 minutes 40 left by the way who am I I’ve done a hard level Who Am I who have I become I fell how do you jump on this what the honey why do I do I found it I found it it was just a weir ladder jump oh what dude I’m just like more confused on where to go than struggling with the jumps oh you on the like the made that I

Was on like a pirate ship I’m like super Far Behind by the way it’s actually like that it’s all good it’s all good oh I understand now okay we this jump one more time and then we’re going to just speed medium okay I failed that so we get [Applause] medium okay

Okay this’s kind of easy wait there’s still another jump are you kidding me oh wait that’s the same level I thought finished a level yeah the levels are a bit too long for me like oh my God that was stressful like failing at the very end of a level is so bad yeah

Is this stage oh there’s a ladder there I’m the this hard easier okay hard voice easier that’s why I like to Hear oh what the hell what is this that was a way jump okay that was a really way jump oh I forgot that was a TR oh my God I am the anti- goat right now am dude my God a question where are from here who whoa whoa whoa

Whoa I could not tell where I was going but I saw I might have just grind easy at the end I think I’m too far behind you can do whatever you feel comfortable doing I believe in you where do I oh I go There she’s so confused yeah these coures are like just more confusing than anything yeah yeah yeah a lot of them are a little confused now I’ll be honest why just the end a lot of them are also really repetitive guys we’re running out of time so you might want to just like

Go easy and grind points think actually I don’t even know is easy worth grinding if you just do like more Med I don’t know it is I’m pretty sure it’s not uh easys just um two mediums one medium I mean two e’s are one medium yeah yeah all I’m going to do

Easy cuz that’s little difficult for now dude I’m so Anno I think I did any parkour practice today I would have been fine cuz like I’m cruising right now just have like warm up yeah I literally haven’t played at all today oh not I fail the last jum I failed I’m

Going easy I’m going on the easy grind we not got too much time for the easy grind but we’ll try you know we’ll try grind a little bit oh my God I’m actually not going to do in our game okay we need this in our game that’s

Fine cuz like I say now we’re not going to be in the top for the PVP games which is good because it means people will leave us alone yeah yeah yeah a minute left he’s are wild jump so easy hello [ __ ] P blocks in there yeah because that that’s the

Hardest jump in Minecraft I know like that’s crazy hating that’s crazy ha okay okay okay come on just saying it’s an easy parkour should be like simple that’s true the poor like low skill players in this event oh redun my Goat I wonder what uh he did 30 seconds might try doing this oh there’s a lot of easy speed levels you can really quickly speedrun that’s what I’m doing right [Applause] now Sur I go what what is this okay yeah nice that’s fine no let’s go Big W big

That’s fine it wasn’t it’s only 1.5 multiplier so we got it at a really good point you know what we get lost yeah the SC gold got lost again gold got lost the overall scores will be pretty even now so this is really good honestly yeah lime dominated that MH Lime Pink and

Aqua to nobody’s surprise and Sayan and then every other team there’s a big gap that’s so funny the four big movement and that’s the they’re the four teams that voted for the other game guys I think I might be out of top 10 nah I believe in

You no way oh who surprised surprised guys I did not expect those top five that’s crazy oh we chilling honestly not terrible we’re basically we’re basically second so we’re chilling only 300 behind that’s literally not awful yeah we got a little bit of a lead on third that’s a

Good that’s a really good spot to be in right now honestly cuz people logically going to be like lime and the are the big big dogs at the moment oh why am I back in the parkour wa let me finish this course surely mind I’m scared to see my

Individual we don’t worry about I think I’ve dropped to like 15th or something probably I’m Still Holding Out 14th 18th oh my no I wanted to be the fourth FR I dropped 10 spots wow YP Andy wow I’m seven so I’m kind of find uh guys my 26th prediction is looking a

Bit more how many hard levels did you do I’m pretty sure you got further than me and you just did hard like you went crazy who oh okay okay I did nine I think crazy I did one and that gassed me up [Laughter] break time oh it’s break time now six

Minutes well we basically have like no power over the vot so are we have no I feel like we I mean does that mean we want the race game next it probably does right we just want to Triple PVP it the I mean it’ll be interesting that’s for sure but

I think that’s probably the best thing for us right oh what we thinking hello oh yeah what we what we thinking like uh we want to vote raise next and then get a triple PVP finish what what game is it oh it’s food game it’s audience oh wait is there a

Break oh there is a break yeah it’s a breakdown I am stupid what do want to wait I feel like we should do now I want the pp game I mean three out of four the games left are PVP sorry yeah just PP after PVP it’s basically when do you

Want rapid races that’s yeah we probably W that next um probably like yeah probably par performance yes the third most vot get BL I’ll vote and then see what it’s going to be rapid now it’s going to be rapid now I me I don’t think we have much we don’t really

Have okay as of right now don’t vote if you’re in our ch right now do not vote as of right now don’t vote we play the late game here minutes is it stilling a lot of influence so is it still looking like rapid racer on your guys own because

Obviously it’s different like Twitter is yeah it is it is it’s still okay um if anything oh maybe vote combat ke you think just to make no we’re chilling right now we’re chilling we don’t want to mess with it we don’t mess with the votes we would never I would mindish

Honestly winning oh skyish yeah maybe that game is like kind of scary okay uh it’s looking like maybe we want to guardians of a chamber right now Guardians is second box kind like SG loot let’s vote G is a chamber right now let’s vote G is a chamber chat

Everybody in chat vote Guardians of the chamber you’re in the chat vote Guardians of the chamber please you would be the ghost I think it’s yeah I think oh yeah neck and neck between Guardians and ra RAC so hopefully if our vote is coming if you’re watching right

Now on the poll in the chat for guardi Guardians of the chamber if you are a real one I’m I mean you’re are real one for being in here but like if you got Twitter if you can vote we would appreciate it uh cuz this the Tactical

Voting can can save it for us let’s go let’s go our tactical voting coming clutcher I think we may be having a triple PVP for come on come on come on bit more Guardians the chamber if you can’t get on your alts get on your dad’s account vote go into the chamber think

The chamber’s winning now wait is it yeah it’s fast on my side anyway are you sure you refreshed Let me refresh no no it’s still it’s second for me it says 0o minutes left in it’s second H yeah and second races is third right now for me it says zero minutes

And RAC thir we are getting the trouble bvp for maybe maybe not why so close wait 26% and 27% oh my God is it done is it done why is my sister invite me to a game on vote Guardians no no V vote I’m pretty sure the vote’s done but if if

You haven’t vote Guardians right now thank you CH for coming through I think I actually think we rigged the vote I think we did it I we I I did we I think we did it yeah yeah we did it 1.5% yeah mine’s now saying 40% Guardians 33% combat Cube and 17% rapid

Races I think we rigged the pole chat I think we did it and I’m proud of us let’s go okay so we we really need a pop PVP did we did we manage to rig the pole did we do it I think we did it’s looking the PO say minus one

Minutes left and it says rapidus one minutes thank you T i Prett I think we did it I think we rigged the pole did we I think I think we might have done it yeah I think yeah it’s rapid races I’m pretty sure yeah it’s rapid it’s rapid

Surely yeah it’s like 26 and 29 26 for rapid and yeah it say it’s done it say it’s done say it’s done on my end wait why can’t I say rapid races okay what do you mean it says that message may include offensive speech I said it’s rapid races right and I can’t

Say that I can’t say their game name rapid I can’t SP the game name what you can just not see them wait you can see them separately but not together F Well I’m ready to bop out to the soundtrack so oh yeah Break Hands in 20 seconds

Okay I think this is the only game I’m like scared off so I’m glad it’s all yeah it’s TR okay along with parkour obviously cuz that was my worst game by far apparently we riged the pole we red the PO 10 places from that that was actually

Insane somebody in my chat said well than me later for my four alts oh my God we rigged the pole how did we do it for that 100 53 VES show me 100 um what’ you say I said the name I said the name chat see no no there’s a full

Stop don’t hit me with these Shenanigans breaking the system let’s go chat let’s go you the goats for that we had like seven minutes to that enough it’s time time for Rapid races is there anything I need to know about like it’s just seven different sections right

It’s four yeah it’s seven sections the scoring is time base so like g m yeah it’s like G so it’s like I’m actually really excited even though I’m probably to Su more running boats that Collision oh no wait there boat Collision no Collision they said in the Discord there wasn’t that’s hype

Well if they out no boat play like the best builds like one of these builds crazy they are so sick yo the Dr is crazy oh my God I’m missing all wa is that is that a shortcut is that like little arrow the floating islands a shortcut no I think I think

That’s no there is there is a shortcut there there was like a left no I think that’s just DEC creation that’s a SL a shortcut that’s a Finish Line oh this is finish no this is not a Finish Line oh is that just like a

Lap line that must be a the start no maybe that’s just a laigles no no a lap is in like after each like checkpoint you go into a new lap essentally that one’s just climbing park they’re all all the little parkour ns are going to slab boost and

Stuff man no they might they might still bottle it you hope you hope just going to spam my space bar pray oh yeah yeah is the section split the Finish Line this is the last game I’m worried about so I literally have no clue how this is going to work oh

There’s no speed pads on wait where’s the best path look for the look for the parkour all right everybody’s there I think Center and then to the left yeah I I was going to say Cent then to the right I’m going to Cent to the right music is fire where theic where the

Music it’s Mak down yeah all the P chorus are going this way so I follow the I I am a sheep I a sheep I assum it’s Sprint jump right you don’t have speed yeah I’m I’m I just ped no minor movement mistake it’s over wait where do I go what oh I’m like way Behind what is this wait what the oh it’s a dropper sudden dropper Sun dropper then you go front Okay okay okay yeah see back to the left I don’t think it’s worth it oh I still B it that was still not worth it that’s not not worth it oh you go

Down but where am I I didn’t have speed great what is this wait the soul sign didn’t work so we take those it’s oh probably oh why don’t don’t bounce on the slime blocks do not bounce on the Slime box it makes it longer just hold space

Yeah what we doing now what section swimming yeah swimming right side okay I went left side but uh right side’s probably faster yeah now it’s left okay well don’t go up to the when there’s green stuff do not go up I thought you had to go up you do

Not y go down go down go down I mean wait there’s no other laps there’s no point me coming now mind those thingies oh I got caught wait is that from Mario is that from Mario 64 that’s don’t know I always shift when I do what’s happening to the music wait there’s a

Death section it’s playing double for me the music’s playing double for me I don’t hear that is it I think the death section is definitely up wait where am I going wait it’s like a a a par coin section W wall Bing no no no oh no oh there’s a bigger jump than

You expect you should just Bridge it naturally yeah yeah oh my God you have to do this one as well oh my God I can follow yours I think it’s only our team here yeah yeah more wall running yeah oh oh oh no what that’s stupid why is there a thing

On the top oh I’m so bad oh I messed up no why do my blocks ghost like that oh no blue I is faster yeah yeah uh go left yeah good I miss the thing on the left I’m like in underground tunnel the hell slime blocks to to the right oh

That is such a big mess up I made I’m so yeah got slim blocks W comes W comes then turn right after the war I yeah yeah oh nice that was clean and then left oh oh he on oh I went on this crazy shun bro this is so hyp dude I’m I’m

Playing horribly in this but I expected myself too so it’s all good it’s all good there’s a wall on the left side on some like oh I didn’t go that I didn’t know the skip there’s a left side there’s a skip that’s a skip yeah all the water elevator

Oh I don’t think many people did De so that’s fine yeah I just saw that oh this section is so cool go on the blue eyes it’s cool but I’m sucking at it yeah I know oh my I threw that so bad Oh wait what am I do elytra after you get sh into elytra so be prepared for that yeah there’s like a bit of lag for M section that’s probably my P oh shoot I messed that up you have to go down multiple times and the elytra there’s arrows though yeah oh my God this is so Sick this is a holy [ __ ] I normal head you have a light on yeah we have to we try to use uh subes here I see look down for like more momentum no what oh no I bought that what the that water thing is weird there’s like a water bubble you go

Through and then you try it that was section it’s been really cool so far though other than that oh wait what oh I didn’t realize oh I’m Dumb and then you just have to Trent quite a bit Yeah know I’m messing up the Trident so bad dude oh my God I think this is the end I think this is last chest I actually need some movement training man that was awful Jesus oh okay oh that’s what my TR just

Doesn’t work sometimes scaffolding 3+ one 3+ one again is this just running yeah run I miss have jump I miss have jump oh good again the arrows are where the um speed pads are okay good sh good CH I could see his the teammate no wait people finished seven what how am I

Still behind oh I’m ridiculously behind as well this is not great goles go go go I’m actually throwing oh no oh no I don’t know what happened how do we get so that was really cool but how do we we get so far behind we still getting like

Probably stages bonuses so it should be Fine mus that was really cool that was really cool was good you didn’t do that like we we’re very average it is section points over overall finish hopefully hopefully it’s balanced way more than section points and we pop up in that but like they’re try it’s 32 for for each section and 204

Overall oh so oh okay never mind because it’s closer than you think you’ll See that was really cool though okay yeah that was such a cool I love this oh I supposed to go there that a really cool game though I love that that was very awesome even if I had a terribly it was a w map that was Cool wait oh got 26 who’s left oh gaty BL and AA finished and Poli is just climbing up have enough time I messed up the uh like in the tried an elytra section you dove into that cave I thought the section was done so I just like got rid of all my momentum yeah there was there a weird

The the moment where you got Trident in the elra section was really weird yeah and like caught me off guard I don’t know if that was like a new section kind of or something but it was really yeah I don’t think they had anything like that before that was pretty

New well first time playing a game like this so I’ll take Up wait is everybody finished oh no on the last section this map is amazing though Shot Let’s go let’s see the scoring I’m a little scared but we’ll see we’ll see wait can you okay my’s like fully broken by the way running ranking what does that mean oh oh this is got 11 in that God 23rd in apparently I’m great at blocks 10th in ice boo wait oh

We got first my goat yo fourth I got fourth in elytra let’s go I did Awful oh my God oh God final stretch seven eight okay seven and eight seventh and eth got 12th okay we’ll take those we 20 second you know what we got very exctly where I finished actually worked out it was being very average worked out oh we average we got four okay I thought

We we take that we take that no it’s fine I’ll take this now it’s all PVP time dude there’s like 200 points between us and first we chilling yeah well this the multiplier you know changes 400 points 400 points not bad what I get four in elytra that makes

Sense I really like I didn’t mess up the elytra bit once okay well I kind of expected that I’m so happy got first ice Bo that’s like yeah you popped off that’s crazy I’m terrible at ice boats but like that section was like a really cool section I think it just show how

Inconsistent I’m I got like top 10 twice and I got 29th I would say it should probably be more weighted towards individual sections in the overall race though yeah kind of like grid Runners is like grid wa is G I’m not sure exactly what the I think it’s more individual rooms

Yeah cuz they realized that that’s better I think that would that would help for sure but it was it was really really fun uh a Christmas champ uh Championship because only finished and they were like yeah we’re still second still second close though it’s super close oh

I dropped to 15 this is so sad oh I don’t I’m probably like I’m I’m going to be 23rd it’s all good it’s all good we keep we keep the ball roll wait our go be the most average team right now that’s what that’s the Vibes we’re

Getting in the beginning when I was top 10 and I’ve thrown it all away wait where is SK oh is seven oh s it’s we have a triple been more miscellaneous games that’s why yeah yeah triple PVP also the thing about Kell is the reason why he ends up so terrible the reason

Why Kell ends up so UND disputing PVP is cuz everybody’s afraid of fighting him they see him and they just immediately lose the mental game and that’s when you lose the fight if if that’s why might not do that well in the pp games here

Because I feel like a lot of people here know that if you just fight him he’ll die like yeah yeah that happened to with Moran had like a diamond pickax rush them and died yeah uh what game we want I mean it’s all PVP so which one is the most volatile do we

Think hell is happening what oh um over wait what do we want let’s go Guardians now Guardians what just happened I have no clue what just happened I mean I don’t mind cuz all the stuff we wanted happen got a gun and’s got a gun

Yo wait I have a gun you have a gun shoot shoot it didn’t kill them it’s going to be Guardians I think right I didn’t miss I was right on them yeah it’s through it’s Guardians so what are we thinking for Guardians guys okay you guys know game

There’s no natural region okay that’s the most important thing interesting so B bow spam a lot mhm mhm uh otherwise I don’t really know what are the kits saying what’s everybody strengths is like there’s no no there no kits anymore dou we just have the same stuff it’s

Just I think it’s like so they just simplify thator yeah yeah there’s CR crossbows sword oh it so they kind of they made more like B box I guess yeah quicker time to kill everybody has the same stuff oh it’s crossbow yeah expl the map a bit see how

It feels yeah I know a strat ping team did last time was they had um one person go to the other side just to like scare people away but then the other like the rest of team’s at the other side so then they get like traps in the middle kind

Of thing it’s kind of weird I yeah if they Rush that one then wait oh you spawn here you get like like if they Rush that one then you just get like one Arrow damage like run away and cuz they can’t heal that’s like do you have to

Put the guardian on that pillar or can you put it anywhere in the any there’s like a red theill either okay I think it’s yes you want to hide in like a corner or something opposite side right we’re not going to like run towards the last time

I played that was a Str actually but okay well I don’t know no no we can scary instant instant in the back then just hide so we should put in the front cuz if you put in the back they just hide oh that’s true oh so like if we if

They’re like brok we round oh wait what okay so we’re going B right does our crossbow stay charg what does our crossay char No but does it stay charged let’s see yeah go High Ground apparently flank is op okay L lar who’s placing the bo just I don’t

Know who’s placing the Box you don’t know somebody plac the box I can all right so they went way that’s blue blue blue I’m going to round it I’m going around to the spawn uh one’s above one’s above Miss shot shot one there’s one Center one Center one Center nuk sh nuk

Oh yeah I’m likeo meit nuk lit threee shots there fre shots I’m on three hearts so there’s no regen so I’m going to go around wait I’m going to go back up high yeah yeah yeah yeah go go around if you want to I only have two arrows but I’m one yeah

Stay oh what the hell I’m backing out running to our nice she 11 she 11 the last two in their spot side I got sh nice wait this distractor on me oh I see them I see them wait on me on me yeah I need help I need help oh

Red P me I’m going to die IED behind you behind you guys right right immediately you win that you Inn that one break one break break nice nice break break break let’s go nice work nice work guys good round my God okay I don’t not know what I was doing

That I did not know what I was doing wait strange 3K in nice work nice work let’s do the same thing again what do we do I don’t know but let’s just do it again okay R it again go go go stay I might honestly I

Might go up the ladder on the left just get inant like m control maybe well the only no they’re going right they’re going right so get ready for a fight oh wait go go go left someone go left I plac I placed I’m it I’m going to place I’m going to above W

One oh wait did you guys place it oh you did yeah we need help we need help I’m flanking I’m fling 10 10 I need help guys wo w w Is Dead nice nice nice nice nice wait they Place theirs yeah yeah nice got wol wolf

Lit somebody else jumped in got him nice are they all dead They’re All Dead nice work guys nice work pinched them really hard there yeah that was good that was good that was good who’s going to break it who’s going to get it yeah yeah nice work guys nice work that’s

Huge okay same thing mhm exact same thing bro it says like kills like out of whatever but that’s really like it makes me sad seeing that like one out of eight makes me feel so bad like oh I kind of suck my Discord crash I was like hyping

Up like how great we doing and everyone was just Sil was like what the hell dude that I did not think we killed the whole team though was crazy wait finman wait finnman what’s finman doing wait what’s happening did he like one4 oh CH he win wi

This I think we should have broken the the box I feel like I just missed all the action I don’t know what happened I if me like one one killed and then oh okay died oh I think K was like six hard so I’m not sure how let run we going AIT a

I guess cuz it’s we’re going to just gravitate we flipped but just do okay I like though I think we should just commit to the right I mean I don’t know I’m going go up I’m going go up on the ladders you just do something uh one

Guy coming right one guy coming right we just 4 One him place it down and then just hard Rush him got him oh I missed a shot I am hit oh I got hit I got hit I got hit we p hard hard nice nice nice Sandage s s s on our case

Yeah nice nice nice right now now we start our events yeah just play defensive play defensive me I need help I need help I’m with you I’m with you I’m with you there’s two here nice nice nice now we pushed left I hit one I hit one one’s on the site I hit

Them a shot just get get and we we got it be careful my mouse I can lie I’m nice nice nice nice work let’s go thank you for the assist I can’t remember but whoever came I think it was ooie came to save me thank you so much I was going to

Die big save big teamwork let’s go guys I’m not going to lie I still don’t even know what I’m doing I’m kind of just running around and like shooting you’re just hitting people that’s fine yeah yeah I’m just left doing the damage we’re all just for some reason our

Mindset to just working in tangem so well right now so we just keep let’s just keep having this crazy mental syy the telepathic comes yeah exactly the telepathic comes that’s what I’m saying oh S is doing good watching their name tags at the start like I saw sandwich split

Immediately was like okay well let just roll them yeah just do the same just keep gravitating right I guess just play the same play the same from behind and then you can try got this we got this be careful splitting cuz they might do what I

Did can place that why like well not oh one split one split right I’m going to go through left right yeah get ready to just 4 one place the Box wait they’re rushing they’re rushing they’re flanking they’re flanking they’re flanking I’m guys come back to back left side left side there’s two up

High up high left side I dropped on you who went mid oh what oh my God there’s a m there’s like both them in the M pit nice I’m dead I’m dead H seven ham seven h on our box y never mind ham six going up go wait oh right above you right

Above you yeah going push him push both push him push him up just on both balconies just just double team dou got him you got you got you got nice that’s my go that’s my go let’s go let’s go oh my God that was so close let’s

Go let’s go things you love to see oh my God good they were Flawless by the way apparently they hadn’t lost a single teammate the whole the whole time my God that’s insane literally we we were so smart they dropped on one and we just both spam we both did the same

Thing let’s go yeah i r a bit too far that was my bad that’s fine honestly it it baited them out we literally baited you but it worked really well bait let’s go let’s not we’re not going to repeat that on purpose but you know if it works for once

Again more rounds let keep it down let’s keep it down we don’t worry about they’re right they’re coming right they’re coming right we’re doing a 44 right right right I’m going to get height I’m on I’m I’m place the thing if you can guys I’ve been shot twice what the hell okay I’m

Going to play far back okay motor bike my bad I’m switching side spig yeah I need help yeah I’m here I’m here I’m with you yep I’m I’m going to go around a little bit just try and pull him back one I think fber on top fber in the balconies

I’m about to low I’m super super low where fber on yeah one of them got him got fber oh [ __ ] my bad hit one no I died he’s two sil’s two oh nice try nice try that was close good try good try good try I B that my

Bad I could have killed silver there dude dude I dropped in thinking one of us was there but it was just three yellow I might be slightly color blind we we’re still doing really well guys we’re doing so well right now and honestly you know seven out of seven

People would have called us cringe and un balance for that you know you can’t you can’t get seven out of seven you know real real real yeah that was like the one of the strong teams yeah yeah that was really good though we’re still popping off I’m SC

Fly just run we don’t need to worry about just play you know we just play wait we going B now I guess yeah sure we just gravitate toward right cuz I feel like that just I feel like most people gravitate towards their right so usually you split

SES yeah we got this we got this like the least skills I think all right they’re going right as well so we getting 4 going on here shot one one they’re lit shot one shot one they’re all super again okay just I’m dead I’m dead I got one

Nice hold this nice nice nice nice oh my God huge I was closer than it should have been oh my God I kind of threw that one I’m not going to lie you guys carried that I died so quick nice work guys let’s go holy [ __ ] okay 6 for seven let’s

Let’s go that five five left yeah we got one more now now we got this we got this nah n it doesn’t matter who the team is it doesn’t matter who they are we beat them anyway doesn’t matter who they are wait s lose oh s lost good yeah s

Lost that’s good that’s good come on we we keep we keep the ball rolling we keep the ball rolling we keep doing whatever the hell we’re doing keep on cooking last team last team we’re the goats we are the goats dude I landed so many shots around oh my

God yeah I landed so many at the start as well I I got two confident though cuz I landed so many shots that I went in to fight the one guy who didn’t get shot like no I respect that though they went left they went left no split so we

Just we play this one slow we we work out how it’s going uh one’s gone High one’s high top right they’re wrapping around left I think one’s going through mud on oh I got shot twice I’m go right one of them I’m going right I shot one

Twice top left coming towards site I’m wrapping round onto them we’ve got their sight control right now there’s two of them top left there’s two of them top left right by our site I’m we’re coming back we’re coming back to converge on them we’re com back to converge yeah

Yeah back PCH nice see me nice yeah that’s that’s you’re kind of yeah yeah oh I once but I Cann above he Dro droing he’s low I got one two kill two two in front of you nice nice you C you C there you cook there oh let’s go other the side other

The side other the side other the side other side that’s us that’s us that’s us the go the go let’s go you you you were saying you were upset about your performance earlier you bring it back back you bring it back let’s go [ __ ] ain’t no way you just pulled that up let’s

Go oh my God things you love to see things you love to see oh I’m dying I think I’m dying you said you you said you weren’t nervous this time it pulled through any anybody else would have failed that I I know I would have lost that you popped

Off let’s go guys I got a third of our team score you have to be first you have to be first definitely must be must I got 11 kills I got seven oh I got three kills I don’t know I feel like maybe like K someone was

We’ll probably all be pretty top cuz our team top that’s one one let’s go let’s go let’s [ __ ] let’s go now everybody is going to be on us for these next games by the way everyone’s going to be on us we are getting targeted oh I’m getting so many pings

Jesus we want Sky next we want sky that was crazy bro you poped off let’s go guys we’re all from 10th to 15th Place we just all stack on each other thing is if people do agers that could be our advantage because we it could just feed us more kills as well

Yeah we’re all next to each other we want Sky Skirmish next cuz it’s the it’s the more volatile one of the two I would say probably aen still B fagging but good job hello hello sorry dude every time IED we’re next to each other in top 10

We’re 10th 11th 12th and 14 no not in top 10 we’re 10th 11th 12th and 13th and you’re bottom fragging aen I don’t know how but I was to be fair I would have that’s such a funny screenshot wait we are so we’re such an average Team

Bro let’s go of the top 10 I know I but yeah two that’s so good that’s so funny we keep cooking we keep cooking oh sandwich drops so much makes sense cuz they rough game oh the K first I think I want skyish yeah we want Sky Skirmish I think

It’s more volatile for sure and then we and then comat Cube yeah com Cube scary as well though I don’t both of them are scary someone in my chat just said okay he me out you pop up these last two and get first second third third and fourth surely yeah surely surely right

We’re probably going to get bully bad powerups by the way yes gun s good s good s a good oh no no he’s after me I think he’s after Me pig come here Pig come here I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I just had to run away from oh well [ __ ] we got this tactical tactical I think it might wait I think it might be another tie no there’s no way there’s SC is sing you who’s

Banging wait is it P wait how many people died oh not it has to Bear Garage wait how many people died dude there so many too many like 10 people no 20 20 oh my God wait six to seven oh no okay okay oh okay crazy somehow 18 people died

Cooper do I swear to God do not speed Bridge so I’m holding a no no I speed Bridge no no you are not who who hold up hold up what am I hearing in my ears right now what am I hearing I’m speed I was trying to convince him yesterday he just he

Refuses he just keeps saying he will speed Bridge oh my God you I I’ve believed in the team so far we we we keep going I believe if you you guys cook however you want to cook it’s been working so far we keep cooking we keep it going liation

Like at the beginning but I heard it doesn’t last very long so don’t like try go for any islands off to the side oh someone’s so going to do that just just play sa for right down I I don’t want to test how long yeah know we’re going to

Put we’re going to play they would have they test this event so they people will have tested that there’s no way good Stu yeah who wants to call shot you go ahead sandwiches up yall are going to get targeted surely not sandwich so surely

You won’t do me like that we go way back am I spinning in a circle are we no you can just spin the around surely sandwich wouldn’t be an OP like that surely right we’re not even ahead by that many we’re only ahead by 300 points they would never do that they

Would never be honest they would never surely yeah that’ be crazy hating if they were would be whoa what the what is what was that border what the I think it’s like an entity so it’s not that’s a goofy border oh it is not loading for me I do not have

Noxium go where we going where we going guys uh straight I think straight up like yeah seconds oh okay is there any loot in this building of the start uh is check check I guess we can split left and straight at the start yeah just be careful okay we have full Le pears

I’m a little behind I’m a little behind I’m coming yeah I have like no better armor right now but it’s fine we we cannot go straight yellow there’s yellow okay yeah we probably don’t want to M that I have another axe one wants it no we got any bow no we don’t have

Any bows uh let’s just go to the big house yeah I can make a diamond sword to fre of sticks I don’t think anybody else go to this house so we chilling I would keep oh sa Els nice nice wait what did you just break a structure

Oh oh my God this chest is got crazy stuff yell what the hell is this I got gamer sense and Decay grenade gamer sense makes everyone glow okay including our team we have do we have sticks do we have sticks we’re already going did it make everybody goow for us

Like what yeah like all the enemy teams GL okay I have two game wait be careful going too far guys we want to make I’m too far I’m I’m I’m I have some I have some SP gear we need to go we need go okay okay okay here I’m

Coming I’m coming I’d like a better weapon cuz I only T come back come back come back s does anybody have a good sword I’m like a sword man H wa wait Blue’s to our back left here bl’s back left F Aqua yellow could dropping us they have really good Gear

Watch Out creepers boost boost guys do not fight blue do not fight blue cuz yellow will drop on us do not fight blue yow I I don’t like this position I don’t like is there we need to get away from yellow we need to get away from yellow is where we need to

Go H there’s people to our right as well this is really awkward now we pull back I guess God I just really don’t of all people to be buers I don’t want the stack team I have plates guys we’re split guys we split guys we split guys we

Split pull back to the safe area the pull back to the safe area pull back to the safe area here I don’t like how yellow is the one us I have spare anybody need good pants or boots no we basically got that no no no uh I can’t M I don’t even have a bow either yeah I don’t have any projectile has no gear by the way that’s so many free kills oh the if wait they drop if they drop they drop they drop if they drop yeah yeah if they drop if they drop they don’t

Stop oh [ __ ] wait wait wait Get Ready Get Ready oh where that th that TNT just threw okay oh my God oh my God stuff’s about to kick off guys stuff about to kick off get ready oh R about to fight Aqua as well wait guy dropped Aqua dropped a

Little bit Dro blue blue yeah aqu dropped to our left wait red behind you p p kill kill kill K she I’m I’m oh I need help oh my god dude oh I just like in such a bad position the whole time okay yeah yeah oh dude that makes sense that

Makesense okay wait I think the big we need to get to earlier yeah we need to rush harder rush we definitely need to rush mode we need to get the in ground we need to get The High Ground yeah 100% cuz we you just get sandwich otherwise

So there was there wasn’t do there P rushed us like pink committed to that fight they killed both of our teams really although actually somehow they survived that’s kind of crazy yeah got like 7 to S then men are rushing us oh lime is cooking though

J we don’t want lme to be popping off though that’s bad oh my God the tin here wait what is going on like no but no but it’s bad for us who’s that little Goblin hiding who is that andin oh was two oh Greninja you can you can afford to have

One bad round wait who’s this Greninja oh my God no way wait if he had a if he had a creeper though wait oh my God wait why is this working no way no shot no shot the Greninja one before a that’s so funny well play that was well

That was so good right so we need to we need to rush mid harder we need to just all we need to all be on the page whoever’s the theast yeah bring straight to the castle and then from the castle we go straight

To Mid and we have to we have to own at least part of that that um Castle bit cuz we can knock people off and it’s much safer that way yeah yeah forget 6 seconds I don’t know wa that was risky for me that was risking

Me I almost just K myself go go go go go I’m just going too far yeah just keep going keep going we can get the earli chest okay I’ll get be careful they might be people with you are you good team there’s a team close there’s a team

Close just try and start working on the bridge I have better ass for somebody oh yeah I need a Assa St on the ground anyone need up top to CH hel the ground gold chest on the ground all right let’s keep going mid keep going mid keep going m don’t want

To stop too much for loot yeah I’m right behind you I got full gear got SP uh thing on the floor SP ch ch on the floor oh I need both those go go go go get get up going going watch out yellow yellow God that’s annoying okay just rotate rotate rotate

Around he’s just going to spy on us but if we all push him up this water right now we we kill him oh there’s multiple people there he’s going to pull back he’s going to pull back now he’s going to pull back come with the wall wait go here go yeah

Oh wait we can just own this wait oh we’re chilling never mind they can be below us who cares I have TNT so it giv us more potential uh let me I have a golden chest plate uh there you go uh chain chest uh chain helmet there uh I got a

Bow which is nice any we got any arrows I’d appreciate them I don’t don’t I do not have all right we just own we just own a lot of land now oh lime lime lime lime on the left yeah that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine fine a little

Disconnected I’m still not a fan but we have a decent amount of uh terrain here H Aqua could come in from the right here we could try and gapek keep them do you want to uh we should try to claim the aqua is one of the weaker PVP teams we

Can definitely try get them yeah wait wait where’s my we can do yeah AR’s dropping down AR’s dropping down righted red Straight Ahead watch out for there dropped might try and expand okay just keep yeah keep this keep this keep this yeah just keep this TNT cannon I have one TNT brother what’s

Let’s go can Canon wait wait think wait a bit wait AIT yeah yeah wait a bit wait a bit wa somebody should stop bring in like like late game TNT is huge stoping in get like a safe little thing going maybe try and get a lower

Layer may maybe like go a bit lower cuz then then the cuz the the Border comes in um watch out you might get pushed oh okay we’re dropping down cuz cuz the Border comes in from the top right yeah watch watch out you’re not safe with

That bridge right now with a Bridge Run we don’t really want a roof because people could drop onto US oh somebody dropped a grenade oh my I’m down just you should be fine you should be fine red red could be pushing us here yeah red might be pushing here I’m

Blocking up I’m blocking up we we want to keep this bridge we want to keep a good Bridge here we don’t really want a roof guys we do not want a roof yeah TT L thing if you can they might drop on us oh wait

Wait it’s going to DEC wait try him wait blue one of Blue’s pushing wait oh one hit one hit wait wait wait we could be risky to push lme but we do kind of want kills here there’s a blue guy like right guy running around two guys running around us we can’t go

For it we can’t go for it it’s not safe guys it’s not safe yeah who’s that wait oh oh God wait try and come back up if you can oh no no no I can’t help you no I’m sorry right get ready to expand our little thing out a little bit okay you

Guys should be fine I have TNT can wait wait I’m going to TNT canon build a little forward and then back up go go pull back a little bit pull back a little bit oh my God oh my God I got one I got two wait hit R off off of you

In Fr of you of you I’m in B I’m in Border you guys have to you’re fine you’re fine all right okay we got I got I got a few I got a few more you got strange come on below below you nice nice cob if you can in

The cob in the cobs in the middle in the middle you’re going to die B I’m so low I’m so low you going to die you got to go in the cob you got to go in the cob no nice try you did so well you did

So that was big that was huge for us we’re backing it from that we repeat that again that’d be crazy yeah same thing same thing yep exact same thing we got this we got this that was a big round guys that was huge bro the TNT can my chat

Has been so clutch this event going wild I think we’re playing for second yeah yeah probably they have double seconds place I mean points that’s that’s good for us though cuz we’re basically in with everybody else as long as we have a like as long as we can basically repeat

That round which is kind of hard but you know if we can that’s huge for us it’s not that hard bridg my chat has called so many crazy plays and I’ve just done it and it’s worked I got three kills off that TNT cannon like what [Laughter]

There’s going to be like a bunch of top 10 plays from like cicles and you strange and you I did nothing though I don’t think I already done anything that impressive I’m going to be H is to our right strange I think you you one one

Killed and then oh Harry yeah bro that was crazy we we so many plays and thing is we’re not even top plays either we just we just got the Synergy we’re just popping off the team time we are average we are average oh play yes is your team ready May that’s

Unfortun our first went so bad though it is what it is but now that we know especially about that safe area up top we just go in the water and you get the safe area you just claim an eror you’re actually chilling yeah lime might

Rush wait who’s a no purple next to us not purple what that box is purple right no oh all the Box are purple it changed changed it changed that was sick it changed nice oh I just got [ __ ] crazy loot hello oh my God try

And get to the that area as quick as possible so you just Scar the other swords off uh they might they’re not ping yet they’re not bringing yet but they might start in a sec we need we need to back them up quick wait wait where you going where

You going you went left we need to wait watch out s’s coming s’s coming s’s coming s’s coming on this island guys yeah I’m here I’m here here we have all the loot we can fight we have all the loot we can fight if we need you want to

Fight this you just want be careful the void that that’s the killer the Killer is the void right now guys so we don’t want to mess with that get a bridge going if you can cuz we still want to get some some area mid

I have an axe I have an axxe okay it’s unlikely they have a bow so should be good here if it’s a gold one sure I dropped here I got uh chain pants on the ground oh nobody needs them never mind pretend I didn’t put them there no bow though oh shoot oh

No it’s all good it’s all good it’s all good we go up we go up oh theall with me guys with me just in case there’s people hiding a little bit behind but I’m coming I’m coming nice nice we go here we go straight to your right that’s all

We just own this we have to play a little bit more passive this time um we just own this for a bit I don’t really have much youtil all I have is the damage part M anyone have like a bow nope uh no I have a gamer sent so if

We hear breaking let’s try and get a little bit of a bridge starting going we want a little bit of a lower layer maybe a second floor anybody uh I don’t know I want to is anybody can we wait I’m going down for I’m kind of scared of being fo wait come

Back up come back up come back up yeah I’ll who’s that that’s s behind us us there people beneath us like way on the bottom ground that’s fine that’s fine want to get a nice expensive ground here brid is massive yeah we want to get

It the more ground we have the safer we are you know yeah just be careful to oh yellow yellow and lime are fighting right that’s good that’s good trying to do something trying to do something I’m just go wait wait wait I’m going to cook I’m going to

Cook directly below you guys is right below your Bridge oh lme’s coming guys lime is bridging to us lime is bridging to us lime is bridging to us yeah yeah oh my God imagine the vision did you see the vision Li Tower right Li Tower right just be careful lcky anybody got an

Extra T front of the cannon one that’s that’s my bad I should was that this here wait is there wait does this hole just drop onto them no no wait there’s a bunch of people right below us yeah I know that’s what I tried to I tried to drop a t on

Him wait wait I’m going no how’s on the other side of the map got ISU the vision the vision I respected I respect wait keep bridging in get get a bit more expanded so we have more space be careful be careful from Red from red and yellow

Yeah they should not be able to I’m getting arrows yeah I know where getting them from okay somebody can use this W TNT Us by the way so be aware of that we need a lower layer we need a lower layer yeah oh yeah 100% 100% need

Low some us there’s somebody like below us right inside the wall and and you got it you got it no [ __ ] I’m holding out the here I’m stuck in Border I’m stuck in Border Wait watch out it’s not fully bridged you need to expand that bridge right yourself above us above us above

Us going I’m dead I gotu oh yes think y you’re highest you’re highest you’re highest you’re highest bigle seat bigle seat jump on dude I just got stuck in the B I couldn’t do anything too yellow it’s to Yellow yeah 2 I think you just have to try knock

Them off somehow yeah make them build to make them bu to a I tried I tried good try good try good try oh those points are rough oh those points are really rough it’s fine I had no gimmicks I had no gimmicks combat Cube how how do they have diamond stuff

I want diamond stuff think there still one more game guys there’s still one more game so we don’t need to worry about there’s one more game yeah don’t wor that’s that was an unfor that is rough that’s really rough yeah that was a rough not bad bad that’s

Pretty it’s pretty it’s pretty bad bad it’s not that bad it’s pretty bad bad it’s a it’s a decent amount of bad bad oh God where do we drop oh okay okay we we can hold this as long as we hold this gold gold Red cion Gold red cion

They’re the big boys they’re the big dogs does anyone mind if I take like a strong sword cut I just like sword go for if you guys are whatever you guys confident I believe in you guys take it right okay we got the gold I’ll whatever okay if I throw a sword someone

Else can take it but please tell me we’re all still in the same indiv I doubt it I I’m sure I dropped we all Pig took my place I’m 10 the same it’s fine it’s fine we all you know what I’ll take wait why am I first

Now what happened to the I want to be F I want to be frag frag no I’m on top of the inds what the hell I want to be bottom frag guys guys I’m second I’m second you got to believe wait how what that’s thir place

How’ you get up there I ran up the stairs and just jumped on top of the 10 Place Podium oh sh I jumped off no wait how this walls oh wait never mind yeah you can just wait wait how did wait no how did you do

That jump here jum the jump on the drop door oh wait I thought he meant up the stairs and like oh no no no like up the stairs yeah we just all here wait how did you get on there wait wait this is important here guys wonder what game it’s going to

Be bingo I I’m voting question mark we’re going bingo I’m voting question mark question mark okay any question mark voters we got this guys we got this far I actually don’t know how new combat key works though by the way um the same as the old one but the

Capture points wait question marks actually available by the way wait guys no it’s not it’s not an actual game it’s not an actual game no no yeah we’re going to die no we’re going to die no but it it’s got text there’s textt there like I think it’s

Actually going to be a game yeah no okay no they just died they just died okay thank God thank God I was so worried oh my God I was cuz the text had a says build bizarre yeah bro whenever a game is picked it doesn’t like it loses

The color but the question mark start the color that’s why I was worried I was like wait wait that’s that’s not there okay three times we need knows works I’ve watched a lot of ODS okay you get kids you get key shards you trade two key shards for a key with a cilly

NPC and then use the key to open capture key shards spawn in the key rooms it’s like the key MPC okay if you look down you can see the key um thingy like yeah that’s the middle one I think that’s worth double points but it’s not really

Worth it no I think it’s the same also by the way one capture point is only worth two kills so I mean they’re not rarely worth it but like it’s still good points to go if you’re not you can get it you can yeah you want to get it you

Know yeah but you should like Focus captures got go for some yeah yeah okay I believe the key like reset in a team fight we should all prioritize like some somebody should call a name we should all go for them yeah yeah get we should probably try like

Pick people off it separated yeah yeah yeah yeah cuz in a big team fight chances are you’re going to lose a teammate so you want to get the the end of massive pit I’m going to be honestly haven’t changed it ear a what the ending

Still the same yeah well it’s not as bad it’s not like a 30% MH but it’s it’s like a 20 yeah pretty much what are the kits saying cuz I’m down to go something with like range if if you want to go like s yeah I think that’s a bow kit the

First round there’s like the certain set of kits second round there’s different kits and third round you have all the kits oh okay okay so I want there’s like a sword that I want you have a minute to go around wait how do I look I found the it’s

Called gun oh I okay I want this IR sword wait which one’s the wait how do do you just right click to have a look what yeah right yeah this is the B it’s crossbow only 10 arrows got Arrow crossb can rejuvenate but only after 15 seconds

Of the arrow being shot my chat saying the Wither one’s good is anybody the Wither one okay I’m going to go healing okay what’s the what Scrapper no somebody already Scrapper what’s the magician okay no that’s cringe n is it just me or the NPC’s broken they all Steve’s for me

No one of them’s Dialga f for me yeah okay so interesting and I think you can right click it and it just turns direction oh yeah like uh you can have it constantly updating or you can right click it to stay okay so if you look at

The map they little like silver shape that’s the room that’s like where the MPC is on the key shot spawn also I start off instantly with a key so we can just get a point instantly okay all right I’m just going to let wants to call the shot guys who wants

To yeah there’s one just there’s one in this room right in front of us who knows the most who wants to call the distractor I have think go left and get that key I really don’t think I’m good at it yeah let’s let’s go left let’s go

Left are we going half left it’s the next room okay it’s ke key should we not get this point in front of us yeah oh we can get the yeah okay guess let’s get this point instantly no one us just in the middle here okay mdle M go pull back pull back pull

Back yeah you can just gra okay we got it I’m going gra okay where we going another let’s go up where’s another key room we should find another key sh room in front in front are we going in front Okay yeah front and then go on this room

Go left like left I see the key shot still don’t see a name Tag’s on gra it no that’s NPC no no but our name Tag’s on uh yes uh are you want try do you have wait what oh wait no I can’t I need I need another I need

Another where a drop a key sh I didn’t see okay then traed with the guy just like there’s a team in front of us in front of us there’s a team back okay back back get this they might push us there y then we go front yeah I think we go

Front yeah yeah I’m going to go up okay there’s a keyi there’s no one I heard footsteps oh no that’s strange that’s just probably do okay 30 seconds the key’s respawn so we could just Camp here and wait for another key Shard yeah I’m down I’m down oh we can get both

Us I shot one yeah I have zero range so I kind of just yeah I think I’m the only one it’s only two it’s only two I think no no I’m the whole team yeah let’s pull back and get this keyot over here guys over here respawned whoever got the first one

Gra that one nice okay let’s go the point can we get this one there’s there’s still a team in front of us to the East are we open this one I think if we just wait till the L game if we just have a full team that’s already

Enough we could start we should try we might really good at late game honestly you want want to see if any more we want to like claim a better M yeah let like you could try check Corners team to the right oh they fighting they’re fighting they’re

Fighting do you want do you want to go up we got it we got it we got commit watch it for pink for pink Pink’s a threat Pink’s a threat do we want to bail this is like a let’s go let’s go left let’s yeah I’m running left I’ll a

Lot I’ll a lot back up back back up yeah we’re back we’re back crash around here it seem like might yeah CR okay if they come the water we get them L to our left there’s people in the oh they caugh the middle one we can jump down back

Here so if you want to bail you can just jump behind us oh that’s a good idea someone’s coming someone’s coming this could be huge this could be huge I’m going to wrap around front just in case they go yeah on our left there’s Z and

There’s yellow below us as well wait I think is that a Sol there so many fights going on over there there’s so many fights going on over there people are going to surely run over to us in a sec they have to right wait wait they might yellow

Might come up oh no they’re going around they’re going around they might come that one yeah wait Get Ready Get Ready they’re going to come up 100% yeah come here come here come here come here if they come up we just you’re not surely they’re going right they’re going right

Yeah yeah yeah they went right oh they come up they come up they come up they come up yeah we’re here here one watch out F behind he dropped play safe we’re good we’re good we’re good here why you taking damage why you taking damage

Again sh by this water Just sh by the water again yeah blue blue here blue blue they’re running they’re running how many blue are there there’s only three there’s only three up I we give it up we no no there there’s only three if they run us into a team we back

Out yeah yeah nice oh T nice hits nice hits he what green could come up here so be aware of that oh wait wait Blue’s jumping Blue’s jumping oh unlucky te is one hit for sure below us below us below us it’s uh Li team lime team lime team

That’s a scary team below us wa sign fora AKA below me yeah he’s getting chased I think now I come up they might come up wait lime could come up as well oh I know right on right yeah get ready for lime get ready for lime on the

Right b b b b guys ready for the right going have to drop soon do we do we drop on lime and fight him or do we play Passive what are we thinking oh I don’t know I think we want to try survive for the mosh P there’s one blue there oh

Drop on them drop left if we drop go left drop on them they’re lit they’re lit I fell I fell nice I got one cl low poison one’s going up the stairs he’s behind you behind behind I need help I need help behind where are you are you R away CH chill chill

Chill no he’s he’s n he’s not that low they don’t know get low nice me on me I’m oh no they were low nice we got second huge huge huge let’s just do that two more times nice work guys place and just sit by the water it’s such a good

Like fre third round people are going to play really aggressive by the way cuz everybody’s going to realize that they’re not going to win unless they play really aggressive so brawler is an A K I don’t want brawler apparently with’s really good life steal sword I

Don’t want that I don’t want that I can goler is there any range one I don’t want saying no wait is a TR one I might I might play I don’t like any these K Wait no that’s not the kid I had like any of these

Kitsan where’s the kid I had uh oh I have like a terrible kid and I want to change I guess maybe I play ax I’m going to go Necromancer I guess Necromancer I go ax I can go go go whereever you’re confident with go

Uh you want oh wait yeah no okay we got range is the only range kit the trident I think that a good Round Guys shifting above the water is such a good Strat especially cuz L didn’t know we were there we dropped on we basically took

Them out of that round that was huge I mean actually lime is the one team we really don’t need to worry about taking out of the round but that’s not the point it was red sign and somebody else at the threats sign had a bad round

Which is huge but had a decent round um I’m not sure if okay no no okay I let’s go left again let’s go left okay yeah yeah same sure sounds good I’m pretty sure you do get it back yeah oh F because it right again guys I think F guys are trying to

Get so we’re going left immediately right you he crashed oh uhoh let’s go left that’s fine that’s fine oh shoot just stick uhoh where the key has the key not me I have the key I have the key okay just how people immediately oh weit get this one quick get this one quick

Yep is there one in here yeah yeah there is oh okay I got it I got it open it and capture okay and then let’s go let’s go straight let’s go straight straight and then left right that’s what we did last time yeah straight and then left yeah

Yeah let’s go left oh we going to go and then left right y left and then straight again after that to get the other key fragment fact no and then back in now take now take this down here now take this room take this room I might run forward

To just get this fragment just real quick yeah don’t need I can just capture solo yeah I got the fragment and then we wait for a respawn right oh another one we can get po it’s in we could try go right and wrap around and get one but it’s risky what you thinking

Oh I think we just go yellow I think yeah I think it was yellow oh there people in front of us blue blue in front of us yeah there’s uh there a lot people wolf steam red right to our right Red’s a one we want to be careful of chat could

Somebody go back through and and repeat who I said to look out for S two of them dead can and red were two that we need to look out for I can’t remember what the four team was gold was it gold gold yeah they were the top four they’re all

Dying right now wait there’s there guy there what team that’s red okay that’s kind of scary wait is he on his own he is he’s backing up he’s backing up he backed off he backed off uh the key room’s going to regenerate in now so let

Me grab that real quick yeah yeah get that get that two stay here stay here all right uh let’s drop this room it’s already Tak oh wait this is go to the right maybe is the one to the right to taken oh no oh he back God I have a to

The right straight ahead let’s go straight ahead let’s go straight ahead see if we can get the key in this one that’s a Rel I have one key shot by the way wait watch out Blue’s in this room Blue’s in this room oh yeah taken it’s taken it’s taken it’s

Taken I think we just go mid come back come back a no no we’ve got nothing to do with the keys nowed there Red’s pushing away Red’s pushing away that’s good go go mid yeah yeah go mid from that yeah go go right go right and go up water and just be

Careful of teams y go the wall get ready to come up all together yellow yellow yellow’s going for us yellow’s going for us no no pull left up here all together all together now no no nice and then we got W round left a little bit so we lose that their

Presence cuz they’re going to be aware of us and then we shift on the opposite side of map shift now stop shifting now St shifting now okay don’t stand next to is is lime is that lime under us yeah it’s lime under us yeah left pink sees us oh pink

Sees us yeah pink sees us I’m just staring K some down wait who’s this red red red red might come up red might come up wait stay shift sh come up rightow us rightow us they do are they wait come on come on come on you

Want to come up so bad red team you want to come up so bad has a TR kid just hide behind the thing right they might they might they could they could they could oh go coming up they coming up they’re coming up for oh [ __ ] they’re running they’re running on I’m dead

I’m I got I got dropped all the way down oh no I’m going back up I think just maybe bail go back go back go back I’m going back up to your W I’m I’m coming to you now that was not bad that was not

Bad how many we get oh you only got one never mind okay could better could have been better we shift again we shift again yep yep yep I a necromancer’s charm and it gives youand four Hearts as well oh pink pink darkness no it’s not

Worth it it’s not worth it oh that’s red that’s red they probably want to rematch you do not want toat we don’t want we don’t to rematch though cuz if we lose that that can take us out of the whole thing well I might pop up wait we

Could do the same thing as last time and drop online but ah no they’re really good they’re really good really good go here go here right there’s no one on the right y you Short Red’s kind of we’re not going to drop yet though we’re going

To we we’ll wait for a while left left left no they’re coming back coming back kind of they didn’t see me don’t no don’t don’t sneak too far wait Li lime oh might come up might come up might come up wait wait I’m justes not one this in

[ __ ] I think lime see you I think they’re fing and to see you above you I doubt it there’s no way we need to get safe space though guys we are in trouble oh yeah there’s no way to go we just you’re right in between we’

Be good here we’ be good here we Dro where Y and here and here go left go left go left go left go left go left don’t go don’t go don’t go pull down pull down I can’t just you got bad it’s bad oh just play for yourself I

Guess oh my God yeah it’s just a mar so so low dude everyone go on my goat you got one a you got one you got one we’re not we’re not that bad on points though this okay this okay line wins that’s good that’s good for us okay I

These are really okay scores these are really okay scores that’s so that’s so good that’s come on come on here we go here we go if we just if we just like if we get S to line we’re chilling wait Blue’s in last wait apparently Blue’s in

Last and they’re in second right now yeah yeah that’s fine that’s fine they have only 10K they only have again where the I’m going to get the Healer I’m going to get the Healer I want the brawler the wait where’s the iron sword how good was the Trident how good was

The Trident what does the Trident give you or are you red sign and yellow with the teams you wor about sign yellow at the bottom Red’s our competition right now we don’t want to fight them though we don’t want to One V one fight them is anybody going Trident or not is that

Good oh no we have a pickaxe no no you have a pick with the trid I’ll go TR I’ll go TR like fully I was just like constantly getting yeah I I saw it I tried to get them off you and I killed one but I couldn’t I

Couldn’t save you unfortunate what is this let got Lu it I definitely think Arch is the best right now for sure oh yeah definitely appar the wether good with life steel but I just I think it’s risky say was like good I don’t know oh really my chat was saying wither Kit’s

Really good but it used to be good they might have changed it oh okay you got so let’s optimize what we’re doing yes so we go straight ahead grab this room and then we instantly yeah anybody have a capture I will go to yeah it’s um

Has a facture has the fragment the St I have the key I have the key s Yes I Believe same thing same thing same thing we just need an average round and we’re just chilling I’m going grab theard yeah just make sure you don’t get push I should be fine oh my God this scoreboard anyone or come to St ahead stra ahead quick quick quick optimize

Cuz we want to get mid control fast as well wa in front of us hold on crou crouch crou crouch crouch yeah it’s blue it’s blue it’s risky to fight this guys it’s risky to fight this one SE me one seen me come saw you yeah let’s one

Let’s yeah heavy left heavy left just run just run oh I’m I got ripded through that it’s crazy they might they might hard push us here by the way this going to be bad yeah just watch push yeah okay mid is to North this way we go this way M

They not Chas we can’t go that way oh the do are Clos close close door wait go left to get the key yeah get the anybody else this way cuz we could continue to get another key Shard I don’t see anyone oh there’s a there’s a point there’s a point there’s

A point let’s got the point any have key we need no we need a there’s another key shot right ahead stra Ahad you grab it you grab it grab it grab it and then pull back grab this and then yeah come back come back it’s huge cuz we just gained the safe

Points here which is I don’t have the other key frog I don’t have the other key frog Man Who was the oh it’s right here it’s right here take okay that wasn’t optimized but it’s not optimized but we optimized the rest of the Run we optimized the rest of the

Run we’re not the speedrunner team so you know right two friend out that is huge news that is huge news for us yeah that’s massive yeah yeah we have we should be very happy that only one a blue left this is good this is good they all play too aggressive they played into

Exactly what I predicted wait it’s the last round so they’re all going like super super aggressive we just clean up another ke what color what color oh big fight big fight we this we don’t we don’t we don’t want this we want to play life we want to play Life run right run

Right into mid run right into mid right right just stra right into mid pull back pull back right into mid we do not want these fights the other teams the competition are are struggling right now so we do the exact same thing as last time guys line might push no lime

Logically wouldn’t push us there’s no way yeah I think if Li push up we don’t want to fight it if if we’re in unless lime are hard on us we don’t really want to fight properly we don’t want to commit in bridges we like do G team we we’re both OG

Teams I am terrible at Bridge so that’s fine all the out that’s H that’se who the other team chat red s and yellow’s right now yellow yellow’s kind of scary water lime Li lime really don’t want to fight lime if they come up but yeah scary scary

Te we don’t have to worry about it’s just yellow I’m pretty sure she yellow we have to worry about so if we can third party yellow hard we don’t want to commit too much to it but if we can if we can be the reason why they suffer we

We want to do that yeah tell me if you guys need healing mhm yeah I have a region but I should be fine oh lime lime is getting cooked I think no yeah they might be about to come up here they might but this could

Be a big M if too many people come up we want to back out guys if I if I if I call back out back outs you can drop down okay it Max lit pull back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back

Back huge huge that’s massive let’s count this water instead count this water on the right instead cuz people might not this guy might blow up I’m not sure you might blow up like there’s a kid you set a timer you run to people you blow up what no

Way yeah I think it’s a 20 second timer that’s so funny like czy people sign’s out that’s huge well they’re not out but we just need yellow to suff here we need yellow in in the final MH pit yellow salty me salty me salty me Sal in the final M pit if you

Can get yellow you go for Yellow is cling we drop soon drop soon good we got we got good space here maybe make ourselves know maybe make our presents known a little bit just so that people don’t uh sit underneath te’s kind of dominating but it doesn’t really matter I don’t think fine who cares

A when we get to the big Mosh Pit yellow is the one we want to take out although the thing is we don’t feed to them p pink below us below us of yellow how pink they might come up they might come up oh no they didn’t no

The B shrinking we have to drop soon have to drop have to drop the bridge come come come once the Border gets close we jump down to the bridge yep I watch for yellow where are we going off to the bridge uh we F out there jump jump jump

Don’t don’t mess with pink don’t mess with pink we don’t want pink do we want to drop off the bridge we’re right tar here that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine come if you can heal heal come left come left come come come come I feel yeah

Nice nice nice oh wait he’s going to get TI go go go for yellow go for yellow if you can f lit FL Pop I died I died we just got y we just got yellow come on come on come on there’s only one yellow left there’s only one yellow left he’s hiding

He’s hiding he’s hiding good we need L to win this we need come on come on yes we’re fine we’re fine surely we’re in we got it it’s 41 we’re in we’re in come on surely surely third third in the game right pink kind of be yeah we got it

Let’s go let’s go we got it we’re in we’re in let’s go we got it holy [ __ ] [ __ ] we got it let’s go let’s go we’ve come so far we’ve come so that must be it there’s no way messed it up right yeah we’re in we have to we one I

Got three and I was all in the first round we played literally every played aggressive we played smart we thought about our decisions it worked out let’s go yeah we already ahead so we don’t need to play our gr yeah exactly we we oh my God lime

Jesus that team was broken to be fair let’s go yeah that team is busy we got this guys I think we’re in I think I didn’t I I dropped behind you did you did it we have to be in it yes let’s go let’s go oh my God 3K death that is

Insane oh my God actually insane let’s go let’s go let’s go we got this I believe okay I am dog [ __ ] a bridge the with Bridges as far as I’m aware is you split one person on each bridge and the moment somebody and you contest immediately right you don’t let

That person like if somebody’s on your Bridge you don’t let them through unless you’re outnumbered if you’re outnumber and one out and then if there’s a gap that can be filled somebody else like somebody’s somebody fill that Gap if it’s safe my problem was I was left to

Defend and then like they would just run past me I get like one hit and’s most confident with with quick reacting for defense cuz I would I would like to run oh my God we l team average no not one of us top 10 wait no you got top 10 you got oh

Wait no that’s 11 guys that’s actually crazy not one of us is top 10 top 10 dude look at wait top three is just L Alan’s team balance team come on we got this we got this come on so we split one in each thing who wants to who wants to play

Back I did terribly sitting back last time but I can try again it’s fine if if you’re not confident don’t do it I can do whatever I can do whatever okay you want to play back try maybe like my [ __ ] ping i w take knock back you never know

See the thing is when we’re each on our own Bridge we can test so if somebody if somebody’s running the other way you fight them even if there’s two because if you can stop one of them that means when you respawn you’re going to have two guys on defense against that one guy

Yeah it’s instant respawn by the way I’m pretty sure so anybody no that’s for just if you if somebody’s rushing just all like void and get if you want to keep pressure is the thing you want to keep a lot of pressure because the moment you stop pressuring them they’ll just keep

Respawning keep running and then you’re constantly on the back foot that’s why we split on each one so there so we’re constantly hitting them with pressure like if there’s a gap like if I fall off but line falls off whoever’s defending take my spot on my line you know what I

Mean okay wait who’s defending who’s defending me me me okay build like a wall build a wall don’t make a two thick don’t let them hide in it just like make a one block or something we got this guys we got this we’ve come so far team

Average team average are we just like straight running straight run it but if somebody’s on your line you fight them so like you two I have a clean stretch so as long as you stop those too put him in M put him in m i i c him twice I’m voiding

Ohss I got him I died on the left on the left on the left all right one coming mid uh the left guys’s alive left left he’s dead one one be defending right now one’s coming to contest coming we got this we got this oh we got massive pressure we got a lot

Pressure oh I W off nobody saw that nobody saw that thank you for the R I really appreciate them but nobody saw what I just did okay oh left left left left left left left yeah one on left you guys got so much pressure I’m voiding I’m

Voiding yeah I’m in nice let’s go nice let’s go let’s go let’s go thank you for the race but nobody saw me just whiffed that hard guys it it was it was bait it was bait for the other team for for for the teammates cuz they

Slipped through come on come on we got this same thing we just keep the pressure they couldn’t they play too defensive there and the moment they started playing defensive overwhelmed keep with the Press come on guys we got this just keep coming like who makes a I appreciate me a lot thank

You thank you thank you yeah we keep we keep all the all the um all the coms going they might try and just mirror what we do but we’ll see let’s go yeah I’m running M right uh two mid two mid so you need to stop one the I need help

Yeah you need stop one of the mid and then reset oh he’s oh I just fall off instantly that’s bad okay I don’t know what Bros bro having a good time B me I one there’s still one M there’s still one M I’m in I’m in nice I’m let’s go let’s

Go let’s go he slips through like a snake what you can’t stop it you can’t stop it overwhelmed again let’s go let’s go we keep it going we slipped through where are they looking where no the right way where they where they looking to the

Void let’s go let’s go let’s go 3 0 let’s finish it off let’s go same Strat keep the pressure they they they have so much pressure on them right now not not just in the game right now they’re going to lose the event so they they’re even more scared than they

Already were let’s let’s get this let’s get this right uh one mid one left one left one left one hiding right oh one what’s off right interesting right one’s fighting me on right nobody saw that nobody saw that I one right one mid I’m voiding I’m

Voiding vo yeah one left one left I just saved the guy right there’s one right I got we need to keep the pressure though that’s the thing I’m going to I’m going to pressure there’s two right I’m pretty sure off I’ve thrown you guys got that you guys got

That oh somebody you got that guy right one one’s passing me my bad okay hello he’s got one to play one two mid I think okay right right dead right dead right dead we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine keep the pressure keep the pressure on guys put the pressure on I’m I’m dead

One m one one guy mid’s down uh one right one left one right one left right left left I’m going left going to go through mid one’s over left you got it though I got him I got him I got him I got him down one right one

Center one right one Center one left one coming left one’s coming left one’s coming right one yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] uh I’m going to the I’m go left right did I get him no I didn’t sh no I was right there yeah right side good I th I th I right side still

Right side one’s coming left on the right dude I don’t know what I’m doing okay he’s down he’s down he’s down he’s he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead good left left left left and then yeah left and Center keep the pressure keep the pressure try get some pressure we got

Two Center two Center two Center two Center two Center two mid two mid three Center three Center three three three one one’s three one’s through three three got one off one through one through mid one through mid he’s low he’s low like one I th I

Got it let’s go let’s go let’s go I didn’t even S I didn’t I didn’t use my sword I punched him off I punched him off I didn’t use my sword let’s go we had him we had him in our hands we in the heads they still no chance let’s

Go bro I S I live in the heads I live I have bro I have a mansion in their heads it’s crazy I’m I’m so rich in their head I oh my I got a pool in the head I got like 15 bedrooms in the head I got like a um

I I don’t know what else you have the house oh my God I got a I got a pool table in I I’m running out of things you have in house let’s go [ __ ] on top 10 I didn’t get a screenshot I’m sure they did not one of

Us top 10 not one of us top 10 let’s [ __ ] let’s go oh my God that was so much fun dude holy [ __ ] well everything they were going to do was written down I already knew it we already knew it we they couldn’t handle the pressure my

Voice is so gone same same holy [ __ ] let’s go things you love to see and also also little side note when I subed into this event our team’s prediction went down when I sub into this event our team was predicted lower but we pulled through we pulled

Let’s go who needs top 10 when you can get the W who needs top 10 I we to top 10 and we won that is insane well [ __ ] played dude let’s go everybody pulled the amount of clutches the huge play oh my God crazy oh my god let’s

Awesome okay yeah anybody else loses that any bro I did I did one section of hard on park on the chpo CH Champions that’s why we won honestly okay we do not talk about my parkour I think I came like dead last I did like eight sections that was awful the Sonic Team

Yeah all of you thank you it was a pleasure te I think the only do want to here yeah oh yeah yeah so you can you can get an all stars two now thank you so much for the gifted I appreciate it means a lot thank you

Thank you thank you N I really really appreciate it means a ton thank you so much thank you thank you thank you my voice is dead was the starting who who need top 10 yeah two two well let’s pretend that that’s not there cuz they

Have to put 11 there cuz they like the top three but like who needs top 10 we don’t need top 10 don’t remember we don’t need top 10 no I made finales like let’s go fin but I lost things you love to see but that was like things you love

To see thank you so much for the gift I really really appreciate mean so much thank you thank you thank you thank the people who came out I really appreciate it if you haven’t already seen um you check my YouTube YouTube I released a um upd video of like my life and how

Content going to happen um so i’ really appreciate each other out for the lack of streams and stuff I really appreciate it thank you guys so much for coming out supporting this stream I need to it really does mean a lot especially after everything guys you seen that video

Thank you thank you thank you and yeah thank for the gift a lot thank you we popped off we popped off popped off baby the average sh beat me by two points we were so average well it’s not an average I guess cuz it’s like how many plays in this 4 8 12

32 how about half of 32 I’m trolling I’m trolling I’m trolling I’m trolling I’m trolling I can do Ms I can do M I promise I was worried for a second oh my God GG’s G oh my god well [ __ ] played this is so much fun there was so many

Insane plays bro I even forgot in multile the fishing rod the fishing rod play multile oh that was crazy oh my god dude I first TR to sple we went [ __ ] crazy oh yeah man now Bingo what the Yeah we we T we basically tied the speed runners in

Bingo yeah almost beat the speed runners let’s go none of you guys have played in a while before this actually no I I didn’t I hadn’t watched the update so I joined the call and I was like all right so guys today I want to take a back seat

You know I’m no longer going to be the first frag so I’m going to take a back seat you guys you can explain everything all that good old stuff I trust in you guys to call the shots and everything and then everybody in the call was like

You played the most recent I was like what what I was like what what do you mean I’ve not watched up video recent and I played six months ago I was like well I don’t know any of the changes bro that comat Cube at the end what was

Going on I don’t know I I just was running they just said pick up the keys we picked up the keys we shifted above the water elevators and that was the game oh yeah dude and I got dude I almost forgot I got [ __ ] first and Guardians that was insane oh my god

There was so many genuinely so many I swear everybody literally everybody B me uh did a clutch in in Guardians it was crazy to no I didn’t want to be the top frag game like halfway through I was bottom frag and I was loving life I was

I was I was full frag and then you guys flipped a switch on me that you know I that’s how it’s done let’s go guys let’s go did you guys enjoy the New Rapid map yes it was so cool it was so cool I I genuinely don’t understand how

Your build team is so good like I I don’t get it are amazing I love the builds so much dude congrats guys that was that was huge thank you thank you thank you thank you oh my God I’m not gonna lie I didn’t know that it was possible for four people to beat

Kell got oh my god underperformer dude czy is [ __ ] crazy yeah no one in the world that couldi first second third from one team yeah it’s so funny our team was predicted lower when I got added oh was it I higher I think I know apparently people I saw people messaging

That were like um oh pickles is lower than your friendly Doug uh and then people tell me that the the predictions for our team went from like well all our predictions are crazy but like people’s predictions that had Al team in first dropped to second when I got subbed on

Which is so funny and to be fair in then we did get second we did get second it’s not like I popped off I didn’t even pop off we we we did insane it was a team it a team we went crazy we went crazy it just consistency yeah yeah yeah literally

None of us got top 10 that’s so oh my God oh my God watch everything thank you thank you so much for team thank you for organizing it dude [ __ ] love this so [ __ ] good see you guys next year I [Laughter] guess oh my God I thank guys so your

Teaming it was it was a a big big pleasure um know it was so much fun dude and uh I guess we will I’ll see you guys again sometime yeah next season what what new season what I I’m not leaking I swear I know nothing I know nothing I know Le leaks

Anyway goodbye guys goodbye goodbye thank you guys so much for coming out I really do appreciate uh we’re going to go ahead and raid purple because I lit don’t know who else to raid um so thank you so so much for coming out I really really do appreciate

It if you are new around there wait I was going to do my regular stick but I actually can’t cuz I don’t anyway thank you guys so much for watching I really really do appreciate it it does help it on after the stuff has been going recent

Weeks and all that good old stuff check out the video on my YouTube channel if you don’t know already YouTube thank you guys so much and see you guys next time goodbye for

This video, titled ‘ItzIgglesPiggles Minecraft Mayhem 24 Caramel Chocoz’, was uploaded by Matt Griffin on 2023-11-26 07:19:25. It has garnered 64 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:40:54 or 9654 seconds.

Piggles’s POV of MHM24 on Caramel Chocoz

Teamed with Tupajus, OogeyWoogey, and oStrange

  • Back in the Scary German Underground

    Back in the Scary German Underground Exploring the Depths of Minecraft in German Learning German Through Minecraft Adventures Embark on a linguistic journey with Monday Morning as they delve into the world of Minecraft to teach German through comprehensible input. By merging language learning with gaming, Monday Morning creates an engaging and immersive experience for learners. Through observation and interaction, players can absorb new vocabulary and phrases while having fun. Join the Discord Community for Practice For additional practice and support, Monday Morning offers a Discord server where learners can interact with fellow German enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced learner, the community provides… Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft Pranks

    Real Life Minecraft Pranks Minecraft in Real Life: Exploring the Trend Many content creators have been exploring the concept of bringing Minecraft into the real world, blurring the lines between the virtual and physical realms. Let’s delve into some of the most popular videos and trends that have emerged from this unique fusion. Real-Life Minecraft Adventures Creators like Musa Belir, Enes Batur, Burak Kuloğlu, and Oğuz Aslan have been at the forefront of this trend, showcasing their adventures in real-life Minecraft scenarios. From crafting tools to building structures, these videos offer a fresh perspective on the beloved game. Testing Minecraft Legends in Real… Read More

  • Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival

    Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival Exploring Diamonds and Enchanting in Minecraft Hardcore Season 2 Episode 5 Finding Diamonds and Crafting an Enchanting Table In this episode of Minecraft Hardcore Season 2, annihlillyate embarks on a quest to mine his very first diamonds. After a successful live stream mining session, he uncovers the precious gems and sets his sights on crafting a diamond pickaxe and an enchanting table. Discovering Diamonds Venturing into the depths of his mineshaft, annihlillyate stumbles upon a vein of diamonds. With careful precision, he mines the diamonds, earning the coveted advancement and securing enough gems to craft an enchanting table. Crafting… Read More

  • Killing the Ender Dragon in Minecraft – Survival World Ep. 10

    Killing the Ender Dragon in Minecraft - Survival World Ep. 10 Conquering the Ender Dragon in Minecraft: A Survival Adventure Welcome back to another thrilling episode of our Minecraft survival series! Today, our intrepid player sets out on a daring quest to defeat the formidable Ender Dragon. Armed with determination and a trusty weapon, they venture into the dangerous realm of the End. Let’s join them on this epic journey! Preparing for the Battle As our player gears up for the ultimate showdown, they make sure to pack all the essential supplies and weapons. With nerves of steel, they enter the End portal, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead…. Read More

  • Breeze Farm: Bedrock’s 1.21 Rhyme Time

    Breeze Farm: Bedrock's 1.21 Rhyme Time In Minecraft Bedrock 1.21, a Breeze Farm we’ll build, To gather Breeze Rods, our chests will be filled. With hoppers and lanterns, the setup is grand, Thanks to RaysWorks, we’ve got it all planned. Place glass and solid blocks, in a strategic way, To trap the Breezes and make them pay. With a redstone torch and fence gates in line, We’ll keep them at bay, our loot will be fine. Looting three enchantment, for maximum gain, Ominous Trial Keys, we’ll surely obtain. Multiple farms to switch, during cooldown time, Gathering Breeze Rods, a profitable climb. So join the Discord,… Read More

  • Crafting a Minecraft Prison!

    Crafting a Minecraft Prison! Expanding the World of Minecraft: Building a Prison Exploring the vast possibilities of Minecraft, players often delve into creating intricate structures that showcase their creativity and imagination. In this Minecraft Build, the focus is on constructing and expanding a prison within the game. Creating a Secure Environment Building a prison in Minecraft involves designing a secure environment to confine virtual characters within the game. The player’s creativity comes into play as they construct walls, cells, and other necessary facilities to mimic a real-life prison setting. Attention to Detail Attention to detail is crucial when building a prison in Minecraft…. Read More

  • Baby Minecrafter: Stupid Day, Girlfriend Play

    Baby Minecrafter: Stupid Day, Girlfriend Play In Minecraft world, a tale unfolds, Girlfriend turned baby, chaos unfolds. One day to protect, from dangers untold, Stupid things done, the story is bold. Superngao, the hero of the hour, Facing challenges with gaming power. Defending his love, with all his might, In Minecraft realm, a thrilling sight. Emojis and rhymes, in every line, Engaging the audience, feeling fine. Minecraft news, with a twist so grand, Superngao’s adventures, across the land. Stay tuned for more, in the gaming zone, Superngao’s journey, brightly shown. In rhymes we trust, the story sings, Minecraft magic, in all its wings. Read More

  • Redemption Quest: Minecraft’s Patriotic Jest

    Redemption Quest: Minecraft's Patriotic Jest In the world of Minecraft, heroes unite, Facing battles, shining bright. Hennessy, Jude, and Vernan, a trio so bold, Fighting for their country, stories untold. Atomic bombs, war’s deadly call, Hennessy’s mission, to save them all. With one arm strong, he stands tall, Defeating evil, breaking the wall. Professor Markus, a villain so vile, Threatening lives, with a wicked smile. But Hennessy won’t let him win, With courage and strength, he’ll do him in. In the end, victory is sweet, The country saved, enemies defeat. Hennessy, the hero, true and brave, In Minecraft’s world, his legacy engraved. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures and Illegal Ender Dragon Eggs!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures and Illegal Ender Dragon Eggs! Welcome to! Are you a fan of exciting Minecraft gameplay like the one featured in the video “I Obtained illegal Ender Dragon Egg in This Minecraft In Lifesteal SMP”? If so, you won’t want to miss out on the action-packed adventures waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind offers a unique and thrilling Minecraft experience. Whether you’re looking to test your skills in PvP combat, build awe-inspiring structures, or simply make new friends, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and… Read More

  • Escape Reality: Minecraft Survival Day 1

    Escape Reality: Minecraft Survival Day 1 Minecraft Daily Survival Let’s Play: A Journey Through Minecraft Welcome to a brand new Survival Let’s Play series in Minecraft with Solomon, also known as PCG on YouTube. This vanilla survival let’s play is a daily escape from reality where you can join Solomon in exploring, building, and collecting all 145 trophies available for the game on PS4/PS5. Get ready for a relaxed and engaging gameplay experience as you dive deep into the world of Minecraft. A Daily Journey Through Minecraft Solomon’s series is a daily upload, providing a consistent and comforting experience for viewers. Each episode is around… Read More

  • DrunkenHyena’s CRAZY Drunk Minecraft Stream!

    DrunkenHyena's CRAZY Drunk Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘DRUNK STREAM IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by TheDrunkenHyena on 2024-01-13 14:31:12. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:16 or 3076 seconds. #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Bed Wars Clutch in Tacpac! #Minecraft #FYP

    Insane Bed Wars Clutch in Tacpac! #Minecraft #FYPVideo Information This video, titled ‘My epic clutch in bedfight! #bedwars #minecraft #montage #fyp’, was uploaded by Tacpac on 2024-05-28 07:16:31. It has garnered 417 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Instagram: Twitter: Tags: Im a Minecraft PVPer and use Lunar Client cause you can Boost your FPS with Lunar Client. i know how to butterfly click and how to dragclick and how to jitterclick in minecraft pvp, my butterfly can easy go up to 20 CPS. Sometimes i do make texture packs for minecraft pvp that packs fps boost… Read More

  • Insane SKYBLOCK adventure in MCPE! #rajuartgaming

    Insane SKYBLOCK adventure in MCPE! #rajuartgamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing skyblock in mcpe in cubecraft server part 1 #minecraft #rajuartgaming’, was uploaded by Raju art gaming on 2024-02-18 08:18:00. It has garnered 81 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:20 or 560 seconds. playing skyblock in mcpe in cubecraft server part 2 #minecraft #minecraftpe #rajuartgaming server name- Cubecraft port-19132 hashtag #clonearmies #shortvideo #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing… Read More

  • Minecraft EPIC Chill Stream – Join Now!

    Minecraft EPIC Chill Stream - Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Chill Stream Come Join’, was uploaded by B1onicJay on 2024-01-14 14:59:45. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:42 or 282 seconds. Read More

  • Mughal Gamerz Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Hack! 😱

    Mughal Gamerz Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Hack! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hack You Didn’t Know! 😱”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-13 02:00:13. It has garnered 173 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel 🎮 Welcome to another exciting Minecraft Shorts episode! 🎮 In today’s video, we dive deep into the world of Minecraft with [specific content – e.g., “an epic build,” “a crazy Redstone contraption,” “a survival challenge,” etc.]. Watch as we [brief description of the action – e.g., “create a hidden base,” “showcase the top 5 builds,” “battle it out… Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Love Triangle: Who Will She Choose? 💔” #minecraft #shizo #drama

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  • BiblioCraft

    BiblioCraftRegular Vanilla Minecraft server, griefing is allowed, hacking is not. This server was created over 4 years ago, and has a long history of different players, civilizations, and more! Read More

  • Fractus Politica SMP – Roleplay

    Fractus Politica SMP The Fractus Politica SMP is a geopolitical Minecraft server on an earth map. Players can create realistic nations with complex governments, conduct diplomacy, trade, and go to war. Build nations from any period in history, conquer land, and create colonies. This server focuses on realism and international relations. We are looking for developers to help with server maintenance and mods. Apply for staff if interested. Discord Link: Join our Discord Read More

  • The best city in Minecraft

    The nas🌟 Version 1.20.4 🌟📅 Edition start: July 1 📅🔹 Tryb FreeBuild 🔹Build your dream building on our plots! Create amazing structures, acquire resources and compete with other players in a world of unlimited possibilities⚔️KitPvP Mode ⚔️Ready for the challenge? Jump into the KitPvP arena, choose your favorite kits and prove that you are the best warrior! Fight with other players, earn points and move up in the rankings.🏆 Minigra MobArena 🏆Experience an amazing adventure in MobArena! Fight hordes of monsters, earn rewards and see how long you can survive. Do you have what it takes to survive?🌌 Tryb SkyWars… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Diamond Sword”

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  • Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem!

    Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, A motor gang movie, a tale to be told. With Kare Kafa leading the way, Entertaining us all, every single day. Subscribe and turn on notifications, don’t be late, For Minecraft adventures, we can’t wait. Support is key, so don’t hesitate, Join the fun, let’s celebrate. Kare Kafa, the master of Minecraft lore, Bringing us joy, always wanting more. In Turkish, he shines bright, Entertaining us all, day and night. Let the game begin, the fun never ends, With Minecraft facts, and rhymes that blend. Kare Kafa, our favorite guide, In… Read More

  • Setting my toaster on fire with a beatbox PT:9

    Setting my toaster on fire with a beatbox PT:9 I turned my toaster into a robot and now it won’t stop singing “Toastbusters” on repeat. #robotproblems Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work!

    Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work! Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks with Unspeakable Unspeakable Minecraft Build Hacks have been taking the gaming world by storm, offering players innovative ways to create and customize their virtual worlds. From intricate structures to hidden passages, these hacks provide endless possibilities for Minecraft enthusiasts. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Build Hacks Unspeakable’s latest video showcases some of the most creative and mind-boggling build hacks in Minecraft. Players can now push the boundaries of their imagination and construct awe-inspiring creations that defy the limits of the game. Breaking New Ground with Minecraft 1.20 Build Hacks With the release of Minecraft 1.20, players… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Challenge: Poor vs Rich in SirenHead Build!

    Shocking Minecraft Challenge: Poor vs Rich in SirenHead Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Poor Mikey vs Rich JJ Diamond SirenHead BUILD CHALLENGE in Minecraft !’, was uploaded by Joobek on 2024-06-15 07:37:01. It has garnered 1581 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Party with Viewers

    Ultimate Minecraft Party with ViewersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hive With Viewers! (PARTIES + CS’S Minecraft LIVE)’, was uploaded by Seanst3r on 2024-05-08 08:14:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I hope you enjoy this video, like and subscribe for more… Join My Discord Server Here: Become a … Read More

  • “🔥LIVE 24/7 Minecraft Hindi Gameplay JAVA & PE🔥” #shorts #minecraft

    "🔥LIVE 24/7 Minecraft Hindi Gameplay JAVA & PE🔥" #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live || 24/7 MR KHATRTI GAMING || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr Khatri Gaming on 2024-06-06 14:16:32. It has garnered 579 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 05:23:27 or 19407 seconds. Minecraft Live || 24/7 MR KHATRTI GAMING || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe #minecraft #shorts Title: Minecraft Server SMP | Come play with us ! 🔥 livestream , youtube member , youtube algorithm , Breaking Youtube Live , youtube experiment , youtube live , youtube livestream , membership ,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sackpic Challenge – Meet the Grim-Reaper

    Insane Minecraft Sackpic Challenge - Meet the Grim-ReaperVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sackpic: The Chicago Grim-Reaper’, was uploaded by Jeybriski on 2024-02-16 21:00:09. It has garnered 45 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:28 or 2008 seconds. Join Jeybriski and Pauzol in their epic modded Minecraft 1.20 adventure! This modpack lets play series is full of exciting quests, magical mods, and thrilling exploration. In this modded Minecraft video, Jey and Tezel take on new challenges as they journey across an incredible world of inspiration and imagination. From technomagical builds to dimension-hopping adventures, each episode features the best mods 1.20 has to offer…. Read More

  • Zakazi’s Horrifying Minecraft Texture Pack! (Eyes Bleeding)

    Zakazi's Horrifying Minecraft Texture Pack! (Eyes Bleeding)Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai téléchargé le PIRE pack de texture sur Minecraft ! (ahh mes yeux)’, was uploaded by Zakazi on 2024-04-23 16:07:22. It has garnered 309 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:28 or 268 seconds. Hey! in this video I downloaded the worst texture pack on Minecraft (I should have never..) ___________________________________________________________________________ -Texture pack (the worst): -Texture pack that I recommend:×32/ #minecraft Read More

  • Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep – 1

    Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep - 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Haunted Carnival Minecraft Horror Story in Hindi | Uvx gamer | Ep – 1’, was uploaded by Uvx Gamerz on 2024-03-24 07:02:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. So guys in today’s video We found a strange box in minecraft. its a minecraft roleplay in hindi by Uvx Gamerz #minecraft #roleplay … Read More

  • Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6

    Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6Video Information This video, titled ‘Just Craft A Philosopher’s Stone | ATM9 Skyblock Ep. 6’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-06-06 00:00:28. It has garnered 57153 views and 1879 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:28 or 5188 seconds. Today we play a Minecraft modpack called All The Mods 9 To The Sky which is a lot of words I can’t put in every title but we must make the star. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: ATM9 To The Sky Playlist: My Links:… Read More

  • Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥

    Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream)’, was uploaded by Corredor-RH on 2024-04-08 18:30:50. It has garnered 186 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:19 or 3679 seconds. 🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream) First Time playing minecraft So please Help And dont Forget to Like And Subscribe. Minecraft Live Stream Minecraft Live Live Minecraft Minecraft Wither Fight Minecraft #minecraft​ #meme​ #memes #minecraftstream​​ #minecraftlive​​ #monsterschool​​ #minecraft​​ #animation​​ #школамонстров​​ #монстршкола​​ #майнкрафтстрим Tages:minecraft dungeons,minecraft dungeons gameplay,minecraft,minecraft dungeons review,minecraft dungeons walkthrough,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!

    Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!Video Information This video, titled ‘Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending’, was uploaded by Omkar on 2024-04-08 01:30:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending Ненужные теги: xxxtentacion, empire, … Read More

  • SpiralGN

    SpiralGNWelcome to SpiralGN, the ultimate destination for players seeking the thrill of Minecraft’s Op Gens experience! In the vast and ever-evolving world of Minecraft, SpiralGN stands out as a server dedicated to taking resource generation to a whole new level. At SpiralGN, we’ve crafted a unique and engaging Minecraft experience that centers around the art of overpowered generators (Op Gens). Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the blocky realm, our server offers something for everyone. Read More

  • Modern Anarchy – Anarchy 1.20.4 Java

    Welcome to Modern Anarchy – A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts! Server IP: Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community: Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos. No bans ever – only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam. Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World: Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins. Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever. World Exploration Extravaganza: Discover a vast 3×3 million block world border. Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not Today, Block!

    That meme must be too busy racking up points to deal with your shenanigans! Read More

  • Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer’s Epic Minecraft Adventure

    Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer's Epic Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:56:08. It has garnered 314 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. @GlidingtheoW Read More

  • Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked!

    Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, We dive into servers, where adventures thrive. From phone to bedrock, the best ones we seek, With Ali Mpe as our guide, we’re never meek. Join the channel, for gifts and for fun, With updates and news, we’re never done. From Java to Bedrock, the comparison is clear, With Bedwars and Hardcore, we have no fear. 100 days of Minecraft, a challenge so grand, But with Ali Mpe, we’ll make a stand. Minecraft but… the possibilities are vast, With tutorials and SMP, the fun will last. So come along, to… Read More

  • 🔥 Herobrank’s Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes

    🔥 Herobrank's Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes When you accidentally unleash Herobrank in your Minecraft world and suddenly your peaceful village turns into chaos… #oops #shouldhavereadthemanual Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Hardcore: Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island Embark on an epic journey in Minecraft Hardcore as Orhan attempts to survive 100 days on a deserted VOLCANO island. Will he conquer the challenges that lie ahead? Let’s dive into the thrilling adventure! Exploring the Volcano Island Orhan finds himself stranded on a volcanic island, surrounded by molten lava and treacherous terrain. As he navigates the rugged landscape, he must gather resources, build shelter, and fend off hostile mobs to survive. Challenges and Obstacles Surviving on a volcano island presents unique challenges. Orhan must brave the scorching heat,… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you heard about the exciting new show premiering on June 30th called Last Month in the Worlds of Minecraft? It’s a fantastic opportunity to dive into the diverse and creative Minecraft communities around the world. While you’re eagerly awaiting the premiere, why not join the vibrant and dynamic Minewind Minecraft Server? Immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds and the possibilities are endless. Join us at Minewind and connect with fellow Minecraft fans from all walks of life. Explore unique builds, engage in thrilling gameplay, and unleash your imagination like never before…. Read More